Essay on Hard Work

500 words essay on  hard work.

Hard work is an essential thing we all need in life. It is impossible to achieve greatness without working hard. In other words, an idle person cannot gain anything if they wish to sit and wait for something else. On the other hand, one who keeps working hard constantly will definitely gain success in life and this is exactly what essay on hard work will elaborate upon.

essay on hard work

Importance of Hard Work

Hard work is important and history has proved it time and again. The great Edison used to work for many hours a day and he dozed off on his laboratory table only with his books as his pillow.

Similarly, the prime minister of India, late Pt. Nehru used to work for 17 hours a day and seven days a week. He did not enjoy any holidays. Our great leader, Mahatma Gandhi worked round the clock to win freedom for our country.

Thus, we see that hard work paid off for all these people. One must be constantly vigil to work hard as it can help you achieve your dreams. As we say, man is born to work. Just like steel, he shines in use and rusts in rest.

When we work hard in life, we can achieve anything and overcome any obstacle. Moreover, we can also lead a better life knowing that we have put in our all and given our best to whatever work we are doing.

Key to Success

Hard work is definitely the key to success. What we earn by sweating our brow gives us greater happiness than something we get by a stroke of luck. As humans, we wish to achieve many things in life.

These things need hard work to be able to come true. Poverty is not the curse but idealness is. When we waste our time, time will also waste us. Hard work can help anyone achieve success. Great people were born in cottages but died in palaces.

Thus, it shows how through great work one can get the key to success. When you start working hard, you will notice changes in your life. You will become more disciplined and focused on your work.

Moreover, you will start seeing results within a short time. It is nothing but proof that when you work hard, things like determination, focus, concentration, come automatically to you. As a result, nothing will stop you from achieving success .

Success is not just someone being famous and rich in life. When you work hard and lead a comfortable life filled with love that is also a success. Hard work must not limit to work but also your personal life. When you put in hard work in work and relationships, life will prosper.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Hard Work

If we get the determination and focus, we can all work hard for a better future. It is important to concentrate as it ensures our work is finishing on time and in a better manner. Therefore, by working hard, we can increase our concentration power and open doors to new opportunities.

FAQ of Essay on Hard Work

Question 1: What is the importance of hard work?

Answer 1: Hard work teaches us discipline , dedication and determination. It is certainly important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Thus, we all must work hard.

Question 2: Does hard work lead to success?

Answer 2: Yes, hard work, together with the time will definitely lead to success. It is what can help you achieve a better life. Moreover, the harder you work, the more confident you will become in life.

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Hard Work as the Key of Success

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Essay on Hardwork for Students

Hard Work | Essays & Speeches on Value & Importance of Hard work

The work is the essence of human life. Over the course of time, man kind has been working and struggling hard since the ancient times. The world as we see today, is the result of hard work, dedication and determination of many people. The following Essay & Speeches put emphasis on hard-work its value and importance in our life.

Essay on Hard work | Meaning & Importance of Hard work | Qualities of Hardworking People | Hard work is the Key to Success

Hard work is the pride of successful life. Without hard-work the life stands next to nothing. The world we witness today speaks about the value and importance of hard work for the success and progress of humanity on this planet.

1. Hard work is the Key to Success | Hard work Essay & Paragraph for Students

The hard work is the gateway to success. It has no parallel in human life. It is a common misconception that when you are lucky you don’t need work hard. Whereas, the things are otherwise. The hard work beats the talent. It always pays and never goes unrewarded or in vain.

With consistency, determination, and hard work the success is certain. However, the hard work is always a piece of smart work. They both are same in purpose and meaning. Therefore, working hard smartly is always valued and is important for everyone in life.

The work is the part and parcel of human life. It is the most important reason of human growth, success and development today. The hard work is when we become serious, committed, and dedicated for the achievement of our set goals and tasks. Thereby, it is only with the hard work, we can accomplish our goals, get success and live happily.

Essay on Hardwork for Students

The struggles of hard work never go unrewarded. The success of many famous people and nations around the world, is a living testimony to the fact that the hard work never goes in vain.

Hard work vs Luck

It is a wrong to say that to achieve success and fame one should be lucky enough and the smart work is stronger than hard work. It is always not the fact.

With consistent hard work and commitment, one can beat the talent and become successful. The luck is always on the side of hard working. It is very old saying that God helps those who help themselves. The hard working people are always favored by God. The luck is always with the people who struggle day and night for the achievement of their goals.

Hard Work is Rewarding

The history has told us with many examples that it is the hard work that brings success. The world we live in today is the result of hard work and struggles of many talented people.

The wonders of science today, the development in medicine, health, growth of technology and the current period of Internet is also the result of years of hard work behind. Had there been no struggles and hard working people, we would not be enjoying our lives today.

The hard work has so many benefits in our lives. It makes us goal oriented, successful and straightforward. The hard working people are not lazy and lethargic. They are always in the search of doing something unique and beneficial. They are eager to solve the problems and make lives easier.

Qualities of Hard working People

They are very disciplined, dedicated, caring and kind. Therefore, it is very mandatory that the habit of hard working should be inculcated into the minds of students from the very beginning. They are hard working students who earn rewards, respect and dignity in life.

If we look around the lives of many successful people from every field, we shall find that they worked hard. Our great leaders, scientists, statesmen and successful people, have always spoke in favor of working hard. It is the nature of life that, sometimes, even with hard work, one is unable to get success. In that situation, it is always recommended not to lose heart.

One should keep struggling and keep trying. The success lies in working hard till the achievement of your goals. That’s why the successful people should always be bold, courageous and strong. The mankind is born genius. He should have the confidence and courage in his heart. With the hard work and the smart use of his talent he can do wonders in this world.

The smart work, in essence, is the part of hard work. It is wrong to say that one should do smart work instead of hard work. One can’t be able to do smart work, if he had not done any hard work. There are a few exception, where you can achieve success with little efforts and smart work.

But it is possible only when you have the guidance and mentor ship of your teacher who himself has worked hard. That’s to say, one should work hard and dream big in this life. The success is certain with it.

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2. Speech on Hard Work: Work Hard Dream Big Speech

There no denying the fact that with efficiency, hard work and dedication the success is certain. One can’t claim success on basis of talent and luck alone. The success is the result of years of hard work, consistency, time management, and planning.

These all factors add to the success and development happen in our life. Therefore, by having the talent and luck alone, one can never be successful always. The work is worship. It is the virtue of mankind. A true man can never stay lazy all the time. He finds the goal, makes the planning and prioritizes the goals to make sure the success happen in his life. It is the honor of a dedicated person to work hard.

He finds the true satisfaction of heart and mind while working hard. Surely, the world with all its modern fact, is the result of efforts of hard working people among us. It is wrong to say that with talent you can beat the hard work. The hard and calculated work is the primary ingredient of success. The talent and luck are secondary things.

That’s to say with hard work, time management and smart strategy you can beat the talent. Ultimately, the one who works hard and hustles all the time, stands the winner. It is quite right to state that God helps those who help themselves. The hard working people are therefore, helped by God to make their visions happen.

They work while other sleep. The modern face of world with a lot of facilities that we enjoy, is the result of hard work and struggles made by many successful people. The history is a living chapter. It tells us how the hardworking people like Einstein, Addison, Newton, Stephan Hawking, Alexander and other worked hard and became successful.

They planned their goals, made their priorities and became successful in their visions and goals. No too far, we can find many successful and hardworking people around us even today. The hard working people are always courageous, kind and of good character. They always aspire to solve the problems to make life easier. They are helpful, cooperative and caring. They understand the problem and work hard to bring a solution.

The hardworking nations are the most successful nations of today. Therefore, the hard work should be prioritized from the very beginning. The students need to understand the importance of hard work for their lives, career choice and future goals. It should be our collective concern that we must think out the ways to stay motivated and hard working.

Therefore, it is extremely important for us to work hard, to struggle day and night to achieve our goals and commitment. Because, the hard work has honor, dignity and national pride

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3. 10 Lines & More Sentences Essay Hard Work For Children

  • The hard work is the first condition of getting success and achieve our life goals.
  • The hard work has many benefits including success, growth and earn respect in our life.
  • The student who work really hard, become successful in their life goals.
  • The hard working students are punctual, dedicated, committed and careful.
  • They follow the discipline, have time management and are sincere with their goals.
  • The modern world that we see today with a lot of development is because of hard work and dedication of people.
  • History tells us the successes of hardworking nation who overpowered the lazy and insincere nations.
  • The success has a single door that is unlocked only with the key of hard work only.
  • Therefore, the hard work should be made a habit of students in early life.
  • It is important that the students should be dedicated, sincere, punctual and hard working to their goals.

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Hard Work Essay Examples

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