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  • Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal


Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal in English

Welcome Speech on Sports Day is an eventful address that is generally given by the Principal. To promote sports among children, every school celebrates Sports Day. Sports Day is looked forward to by students all year round, as on this day, many sports events and competitions are held. Students get to showcase their talents in extracurricular activities on this day. Here, we will see the various ways to prepare a speech for this day. It can be a Long Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal or a Short Speech For Sports Day By the Principal, we have provided a sample speech for both.

Sample Welcome Speech for Sports Day 2024

Long welcome speech for sports day by principal.

This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal is given to address the dignitaries, parents, teaching, and non-teaching staff, and the participants of this event from all grades.

Good morning everyone, I am very happy to see everyone blooming in the spirit of the sports day. It is an absolute honour to introduce to you all the Chief guests/guests (mention their names) today, we feel privileged to host you today. I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation and gracing us with your presence. Your achievements in the field of sports are excellent and your contribution to raising the bar for future generations by bringing laurels to our country is truly noteworthy.

A very warm welcome to the parents and families who are here to support their children. It is difficult to navigate these past few weeks for children who are working hard and preparing for the main day. It is because of your affection and encouragement that we see our children in high spirits, even after such tiring days.

The annual sports day is a tradition that started ever since the school was established. My heart is overjoyed to see such enthusiastic participation by all our students who are carrying forward the torch of march pasts, and sports drills. Every year the level of anticipation only increases. It makes us more excited to see what’s coming ahead.

The primary focus in many cases is academics, which certainly is an important aspect in building a student’s career and life but many fail to recognize the importance of sports.

Extracurricular activities and sports teach students many important life lessons. It teaches discipline, focus, dedication, hard work, commitment, teamwork. And it is our responsibility as adults to value sportsmanship and award the courage of students to take action rather than focusing on winning or losing.

Sports instil plenty of values that help students cruise through life with honesty and responsibility for themselves and others. It also allows students to be agile and fit that only increases the concentration in academics and the willingness to perform better in any field. 

Sport is an amazing concept that improves the lives of people. Students especially need to take part in sports that they find fun because participating in sports will not only help them to improve their physical health but will also give them the mental energy to cope and study well. By playing sports, students release serotonin and other chemicals in the brain and because of this exertion, they will feel more rejuvenated every day. It will help them to stay fit and to have a healthy and positive life. Sports also play a very important role in having stable and healthy mental health.

Mental health should not be taken lightly. In order to have a holistic and healthy life, students should also take care of their mental health. It plays a great role in keeping them happy and focused. By physically playing various kinds of sports, people will also realize that they can focus and concentrate better in class.

I would like to take this opportunity to the heroes who always work behind the scenes and make every event a successful one. The non-teaching staff, peons, guards, and cleaners, it is because of your hard work that we can give undivided attention to the event and not worry about anything else.

Last but not least, I am a witness to the effort put in by our teachers, at every stage and guiding the students through it all. Motivating the students is quite a task after such long days during the practice sessions and the teachers have done a commendable job.

I request everyone to applaud all the work that you have done and make this a memorable day for everyone in the years to come. And lastly, I would like to request all our students to maintain discipline throughout and cooperate with us, and understand that any unruly actions will not be entertained. Without any further ado, let us begin the competitions.

Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day By Principal

This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal is given to address everyone in a simple and understandable manner.

Good morning everyone, I am honoured to be here and extend a warm welcome to the chief guest/guests for the day who have graciously accepted our invitation and are here to celebrate our traditional annual sports day event. We are all spellbound by your achievements and contributions to the field of sports.

A hearty welcome to the parents and families that never fail to impress us with the constant support and zeal they exhibit in allowing the children to take part in competitions and balance their academics as well.

We are so grateful to the teachers who have worked tirelessly to carry forward the tradition of this day every year with so much concern and attention to detail. Your dedication to making this a success is infectious and students' motivation has only risen. The non-teaching staff, who are the real heroes who work diligently behind the scenes without demanding any recognition during every event are truly deserving of appreciation.

The participants and all the students have shown so much enthusiasm for the event this year, it is your efforts and commitment that is evident in the march pasts and drills, to begin with. I am sure you will do exceedingly well in the competitions as well. It is also important to remember that winning and losing are only part of the game. Enjoy the game and play well, then you will be the real winner. Do not engage in any interdisciplinary acts, that will hamper the flow of the sports spirit. Let’s start the competitions.

10-Line Welcome Speech for Sports Day By Principal

This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal is useful when the speech needs to be short and simple.

Sports help us in leading life the right way.

It helps us keep fit, and remain active and when playing in teams, sports inculcate discipline, self-esteem, confidence, and teamwork.

Sports give one an opportunity to have a broader view of the world and life.

These qualities are the reason we encourage our students to take part in sports and not just focus on academics.

Sports Day is an annual tradition of our school and we are overjoyed to see so much enthusiasm from you, students, at such a young age.

This is a great opportunity to showcase your other talents and skills.

I am grateful to all the students who volunteered to help the cleaning staff every day after the practice sessions, such philanthropy values are very important.

The faculty and staff especially the sports teacher plan this event all around the year and do it better every year and raise the bar.

The faculty and students work closely together and encourage each other to perform well.

We can see all your drive and passion to do your best, remember to enjoy and not be disheartened by failures.

10 Essential Steps for Preparing a Sports Day Speech

When preparing a speech about Sports Day, consider these steps:

Research the Theme : Understand the theme for the year and its relevance. This will help you tailor your speech accordingly.

Know Your Audience : Determine whether you're addressing students, athletes, or a general audience. This will guide the tone and content of your speech.

Outline Key Points : Structure your speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Highlight the importance of sports, the benefits of physical activity, and the achievements of athletes.

Incorporate Examples : Use real-life examples or stories of athletes to make your speech engaging and relatable.

Highlight Achievements : Acknowledge notable athletes or teams, and discuss their contributions to sports and society.

Practice Delivery : Rehearse your speech multiple times to improve fluency and confidence. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language.

Include a Call to Action : Encourage your audience to participate in sports and embrace an active lifestyle.

Prepare Visuals : If possible, use visuals like slides or videos to enhance your presentation and keep the audience engaged.

Keep It Simple : Use clear and concise language. Avoid jargon to ensure your message is easily understood by everyone.

Stay Positive : Focus on the positive impacts of sports and the spirit of competition and unity.


FAQs on Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal

1. Are sports important?

Sports are very important because it helps in improving physical and mental health. There are many kinds of sports activities that are present in modern society. All sports activities have national and international competitions and people who are really dedicated can take part in them. There are many types of sports. The main categories are individual sport, group sports and dual sports. In individual sports, only one individual will participate; however, in dual sports, two people will play against each other. In team sports, one team of participants will compete against another team. 

2. What are games that are included in team sports?

Team sports is when one team of participants competes against another team. They each fight for points and have a few rounds in every game. People of all ages and backgrounds can play any kind of sport they are interested in. Each sport has different rules and equipment that are needed in order to play. The list of team sports are:

3. What kind of sports do you play to stay fit?

All sports help with physical fitness. Team sports like kabaddi and cricket also help a lot because every member of the team has to put their full effort into running and trying to win a point for the team. Whenever there is a lot of physical activity like running, jumping around and skipping, one can sweat and thus it will help in staying fit. The idea with sports is that as you move your body, you will stretch your muscles and strain them, this will keep the blood flowing actively and will also help in building muscles. 

4. How to play well in sports?

Just like academic activities, one can play sports really well by practicing as much as possible and working really hard. It is extremely beneficial if people start playing sports right from a young age, this will help them practice more than anybody and they will also keep learning new tricks and techniques. By playing from an early age, the body will also get used to the routine and they can play any sport of their choice.

5. What are some of the individual sports?

Individual sports is when a person plays the sport individually with only the equipment that is required to play. The person does not compete with anyone else but rather aim to score individual points. Some of the individual sports are: 


6. When is the National Sports Day of India?

National Sports Day 2024 India is celebrated on August 29th. This date marks the birth anniversary of hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand.

7. What is the importance of delivering a well-prepared Sports Day speech?

Delivering a well-prepared National Sports Day speech is important because it effectively communicates the value of sports in promoting health, unity, and discipline. A well-crafted speech can inspire and motivate the audience, celebrate athletes' achievements, and encourage community involvement in sports. It also helps raise awareness about the benefits of physical activity and fosters a greater appreciation for the role of sports in building a healthier, more inclusive society.

8. What is the National Sports Day Theme 2024?

The theme for National Sports Day 2024 in India is "Sport for the Promotion of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies." This theme focuses on how sports can foster unity, inclusivity, and peaceful communities.

9. How is National Sports Day In India Celebrated?

National Sports Day in India, celebrated on August 29th, honours Major Dhyan Chand. The day features award ceremonies where top athletes and coaches receive recognition. Schools and colleges host sports events and activities, promoting fitness and teamwork. Special speeches and community events highlight the importance of sports in leading a healthy and active life.

10. How to start a welcome speech for Sports Day 2024?

“Good [morning/afternoon/evening] everyone,

It’s a great honour to welcome you all to our Sports Day celebration. Today, we come together to honour the spirit of sports and the incredible achievements of our athletes. As we celebrate this special day, let us reflect on the importance of physical fitness, teamwork, and the dedication that drives us to excel. Thank you for joining us in this celebration of excellence and inspiration!”

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Best Welcome Speech in English For Sports Day at School or College

Sports Day is indeed a special and memorable event of school or college life in which students, teachers, and all non-teaching staff, take part. Many days practice and contests are done prior to the event among students and eventually, they celebrate and receive the award of their achievement on the Sports Day program usually held by the school head, teaching staff, and coaches. On this students are motivated and appreciated by the school head or principal. A sample of the best welcome speech in English for Sports Day by a teacher to students is written below. Jump into the article find the best lines for your speech.

Best Welcome Speech in English For Sports Day

Good morning honorable guests, ladies, and gentlemen, boys, and girls. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the 10th Annual sports day at (Location name here). I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our chief guest Mr./Ms…………. guest of honor Mr./Ms……………..chairman and CEO Mr./Ms……….consulting director……………principal Mr./Ms…………..students, faculty parents, and grandparents.

School sports day is an important day on the calendar for a (Name of the school). It’s the day when students are freed from their classrooms, freed from the fetters of learning. It is a day for a mother to put her children on their toes and for fathers to cheer for the little ones. It is a day for red faces and perspiration wet t-shirts and shorter shots are the order of the day. It’s a day for starter guns for teachers with swizzles.

School sports day is for cameras and videos and smiling faces. It’s a day for triumphs and disasters. Speeches are given and medals are presented and overall It’s a day for sportsmanship and making memories.

This day at (Name of School/College) speaks for the commitment that all in the school hold for sports and what a great thing sport is on so many levels. Beyond the obvious health and activity benefits, sports can teach us much about life.

It teaches us about teamwork, it teaches us how to get along with others, it teaches us how to work together to achieve a common goal. It’s also about trust and responsibility and about dealing with success and failure.

This year we are pleased with the achievements of our students in various disciplines of sports state national and international levels. This has indeed raised the school’s sporting profile. I would like to take this opportunity to mention a few of our students’ achievements this year.

In the field of cricket, the following student of our school represented our school in the big tournament held among all schools in the country. In the under 16 category (Name of Players here) in the under 14 category (Name of players here)

The school under 12 cricket team won the triangular cricket tournament which was held from (Date here) organized by (organizer name here) and the players were (Player names here). I am sure many of our cricketers will play for our country in the future. Please give them all a big round of applause.

I would like to talk about the swimmers of our school who have made us proud too. The following students of our school represented the state national and international meets and brought laurels to the school. They were (Names here)

The swimming association has felicitated our swimmers in recognition of their efforts and valuable contribution to the success of our swimming team in the national championship of the year. Please a big round of applause for our swimmers too.

Next in the field of lawn tennis. The following students of our school represented the state in (Name of location) and laurels to the skill. Thank you children you began made us proud.

In the field of football, our student from the 6th class was represented to present the city Football Club for the state football tournament in the under 13 category. Under 12, 14 and 16 years football team won the runners-up in the all USA school five-a-side football tournament which was held at (Name of ground here). Please let’s hear it for footballers.

Students you have made us proud, I would like to give small praise and congratulations to our entire sports department headed by Mr./Ms……………and all the other coaches for their efforts and contribution in raising the overall standard of our school sports.

I would also like to thank the other members of the teaching and non-teaching staff for their efforts and hard work in the planning and execution of this event. please let’s hear it for them too.

In closing I wish our students every success and good luck. Thank you very much.

I have the great pleasure of introducing you to the chief guest of this event Mr./Ms………. (Write his/her achievement here) ex: she is a double Olympian American track and field silver medalist and American Games bronze medalist. Her performance in Sydney and Beijing is to be noted. Please give her a big hand.

Ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for your presence we are honored to have you here. Our special guest Mr./Ms………….. I would like you to accept a small token of appreciation from us.

Now I would like to introduce you to our guest of honor Mr./Ms…………… (Write the achievements here). Thank you for accepting our invitation today, and we would also like you to a token of our appreciation.

Thank you all let’s continue with our celebration.

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Welcome Speech for Sports Day

Ai generator.


“Good [morning/afternoon], everyone. Honored guests, respected faculty, proud parents, and dear students, welcome to the [Year] Sports Day of [School/Institution’s Name]. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], [your position, e.g., the Principal, the Head of Physical Education]. It is a great pleasure to stand before you today as we celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship and athletic excellence.”

Acknowledgment of Guests: “First, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our esteemed guests and dignitaries who have graced us with their presence today. Your support and encouragement mean a lot to us and inspire our students to perform their best.”

Recognition of Parents and Faculty: “To the parents and families of our students, thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement. Your involvement plays a crucial role in the development of our students’ athletic and academic skills. To our dedicated faculty and staff, especially the Physical Education department, your hard work and commitment have made this day possible. We appreciate all that you do.”

Importance of Sports: “Sports Day is more than just a day of competition. It is a celebration of teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence. Sports teach us valuable life lessons such as resilience, leadership, and the importance of working together towards a common goal.”

Encouraging Participation: “To our dear students, today is your day. It is a day to showcase your talents, challenge yourselves, and most importantly, have fun. Whether you win or lose, what matters most is the spirit of participation and giving your best effort. Remember, every athlete here is a champion in their own right.”

Highlighting the Program: “We have an exciting lineup of events today, ranging from track and field events to team sports and fun activities. Each event is designed to test your skills, endurance, and teamwork. We are confident that you will all give your best and make this Sports Day a memorable one.”

Sportsmanship: “I would like to remind everyone of the importance of sportsmanship. Cheer for your friends, respect your opponents, and play fair. Sports are a great way to build character and camaraderie, and we want today to be a positive and enriching experience for everyone.”


Final Words of Inspiration: “As we celebrate Sports Day, let us remember that sports are not just about winning, but about learning, growing, and pushing our limits. Let us celebrate the dedication, effort, and spirit of all our athletes today.”

Welcome Once Again: “Once again, welcome to the [Year] Sports Day of [School/Institution’s Name]. Let’s make this day an unforgettable celebration of athleticism, sportsmanship, and fun.”

Closing: “Thank you all for being here and supporting our students. Let’s enjoy the competitions and cheer for our athletes. Good luck to everyone, and let the games begin!”


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Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal:  Sports Day is a meaningful and memorable event of school life in which students, as well as teaching and non-teaching staff, take part. Many days of practice are done prior to the event to achieve perfection in the performances as well as the final list of participants for the competitions.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Welcome Speeches for Sports Day by Principal for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal of 500 words and a short speech of 150 words on the same topic along with ten lines about the issue to help readers.

These speeches will be useful for principals or people in authority who will be giving an inauguration or welcome speech on the occasion of sports day.

Long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal 500 Words in English

Long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

I heartily welcome everyone to our school’s annual sports day event.

I hope everyone present here is in good health, and I also presume everyone else like me is excited about today’s event. Today we take a break from our daily academic school schedule and have gathered on this ground in an integrated manner to participate in games and have fun.

Sports is an important aspect of every being’s life that helps in improving our health as well as teaching us some good qualities like discipline, hard work, patience, respect, team-work, etc.

And a school should also make sure that their students attain these mentioned skills by participating in extra-curricular activities throughout the year. And as elders, we should not dwell in the winning and losing aspect of sports, instead initiate students to participate more in gaining experience and attaining a better sense of sportsman spirit.

The annual sports day event just provides us with one such golden opportunity to learn and teach these qualities while practicing and taking part. And as I was present throughout those sessions of practice, I can ensure that our students have indeed put in a lot of effort to make this day successful.

I am honored to welcome our prestigious dignitary/dignitaries, and I extend a warm welcome to him/her/them. We are graced by his/her/their presence on this event that makes this day even more memorable and golden. I will fall short of words if I try and attempt to address his/her/their contributions to their field(s) of work. I ask my students to clap for their presence.

I also thank parents for the generous cooperation and hard-work behind every child. Without a doubt, the growth of children would be incomplete without the affection and inspiration that parents provide. I am extremely grateful to the parents who have joined us today to support and cheer the students.

Last but not least, this day wouldn’t have been possible without the tremendous efforts of the teachers. The constant guidance that teachers provided students during the drill practices is commendable. It is indeed the teachers who shape our society by shaping young minds with their wisdom.

I am overwhelmed to notice the excitement of our students, even in this heat. It makes my day to look at the happy fresh faces of my beloved children of the school every morning, and today is indifferent to that. I present my best wishes to students participating in march-pasts, drills, races, and other games that are soon to commence.

Another announcement that as the principal, I would like to make before ending the speech is that no unruly behavior and conflicts will be entertained today. The teachers will help me look after the event today. One generous request I have to my students is to maintain the discipline as I would be grateful for the generous cooperation.

I am honored to announce that the Sports Day will begin now, so let us stand up for paying respect to our national anthem that will be played now.

Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal 150 Words in English

Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Good morning to everyone present here.

I welcome everyone to the celebration of our school’s annual sports day, which is an event that many of us eagerly wait for all around the year. Extra-curricular activities are essential tools that contribute to shaping our health and character. We must realize the importance of sports in our life that not only is responsible for maintaining a healthy body but also helps in shaping our mind and character.

I appreciate the presence of everyone and your contribution to this event, which is evident to make it successful. All forms of sport teach us that every game of life should be played with the sole motive of having fun while participating rather than stressing on the aspect of winning or losing.

I won’t delay any further as I excitedly announce the commencement of this year’s sports day. Let us all enjoy together and make this year’s annual sports event an absolute success.

10 Lines on Welcome Speech for Sports Day By Principal in English

  • To build greater confidence, self-esteem, and obtain a healthy body, one should participate in sports.
  • A school’s sports day helps everyone involved realize the importance of physical fitness and strength.
  • All students of the school are encouraged to participate in the sports day event.
  • For those who are not present today even after the 100% attendance request might have to face the consequences.
  • I am sure everyone is fired up, focused and ready for the game they are going to participate in today.
  • I cannot express enough gratitude towards the faculty who put their effort behind today’s sports day event.
  • I request my team of students who volunteered to help with the cleaning of the ground after the event to gather near the front gate.
  • I welcome the participants to showcase their skills, strength, and talent with the positive sense of sportsman spirit.
  • School’s sports day can be an excellent opportunity to pit one’s talent against the opponent team in the competition with the true spirit of comradeship.
  • On this Sports Day, I would like to thank our sports staff who helped build the students’ stamina by exposing them to rigorous practice and motivating them to reach their utmost potential.

FAQ’s on Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal

Question 1. Why is 12th January a special day?

Answer: The National Youth day is celebrated on 12th January to commemorate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda.

Question 2. What does Sports Day of a school signify?

Answer: Sports Day is an event that signifies the commitment of a school and its members towards sports and extra-curricular activities.

Question 3. How does the competition in sports or games benefit us?

Answer: The competition concept is not only to find the best among the participants but also to increase the eagerness of participation, among others. The real competition is not against or in measure to others’ level of strength or potential, but a constant improvement of oneself from their previous level.

Question 4. Name a few international sports events.

Answer: Olympic Games, World Cups for individual sports, NBA, etc. are international sporting events.

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English Compositions

Anchoring Script for Sports Day [With PDF]

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write an anchoring script for a sports day. 

Table of Contents

  • Welcome Speech (For Schools / Educational Institutions) 
  • Welcome Speech (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions) 

Inviting the Principal to Say a Few Words (For Schools / Educational Institutions) 

  • After the speech: 

Inviting the Chief Guest to Say a Few Words (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions) 

After the speech:, sports day events (for educational as well as non-educational institutions) , after the main event (for educational as well as non-educational institutions).

  • Prize Distribution (For Schools / Educational Institutions) 
  • Prize Distribution (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions) 
  • Ending Speech (For Schools / Educational Institutions) 
  • Ending Speech (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions) 

welcome speech sample for sports day

Welcome Speech (For Schools / Educational Institutions)

Hello and warm good morning to all! Today, the sun is bright, the sky is clear and the breeze is blowing gently. I believe we truly hit the jackpot by selecting this date and venue to host our sports day. On this pleasant day, I, [name], your host for the event, warmly welcome you all to the sports day of [school/institute name].

I would request our respected guardians to kindly take the seats on the left of the activity area. I would also request the students to take the seats on the right of the activity area. Dear volunteers, kindly assist everyone in finding their seats and getting settled. Thank you. 

Now, I would like to invite our respected principal sir/ma’am and our dear teachers to come to the front and take their seats. We will soon commence the event. Thank you. 

Welcome Speech (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions)

People often tend to overlook the importance of sports and games in daily life. Taking part in sports not only keeps one healthy and fit, but it also helps one learn several lessons of life such as discipline, responsibility and teamwork.

Today, we are here to witness the 25th annual sports day of [club name]. 25 years ago, the founder of our club, Mr [name], started this yearly tradition to motivate young and old to take a break from their busy lifestyles and spend some time playing sports. Today, we don’t have our beloved founder among us, but his blessings are always with us. And with the belief that he is still here watching over us and this event, I, [name], welcome you all to [club name]’s 25th sports day event.

I would like to especially welcome our chief guest, the honourable Mr / Ms [name], M.L.A., who graciously accepted our invitation despite having a packed schedule. Thank you so much, sir/ma’am. It is an honour to have you here with us today. And thank you to all the participants, guardians and audience members who have joined us today. Thank you. 

Sports are an important part of one’s life. Taking part in sports keeps a person fit in every sense. For students, it is even more important as it helps us release stress, stay healthy and focus well. Now, I would like to invite our respected principal, Mr / Ms [name], to please come up on the stage and address the amazing audience. Thank you, sir/ma’am. 

Indeed, it is very important for young people to learn the meaning and importance of sportsmanship and what better way to do that than by participating in sports. Thank you for such an amazing and uplifting speech, sir/ma’am. You may now take your seat. 

I would now request everyone to please stand up and stand in attention. Before the event starts, we will be singing our national anthem. Thank you. 

Now, I would like to request our honourable chief guest to kindly come up on the stage and say a few uplifting words to encourage our participants. Thank you, sir/ma’am. 

That is true, sir/ma’am. I absolutely agree with you. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us. Thank you. You may now take your seat. Everyone, please give our chief guest a huge round of applause. Thank you. 

Now, I would request everyone to please stand up and stand in attention. Before the event starts, we will be singing our national anthem. Thank you. 

Running is an excellent activity. It not only keeps us fit but also strengthens our bones, builds muscles and improves the functioning of our cardiovascular system. Our first event is a 200 m flat race (boys) for [classes x and y OR age group x to y]. I would request the participants to kindly take their positions at the starting point and cooperate with the staff on the ground. Thank you. 

We have our first winner for the day! For the 200 m flat race (boys) for [classes x and y OR age group x to y], the winner is [name]. Congratulations to you, [name]. Now we will move on to the next race – a 200 m flat race (girls) for [classes x and y OR age group x to y] – 

It is now time for the young ones to shine. The next event is a chocolate race for kids (in nursery and kindergarten OR up to 5 years). I request the volunteers to kindly guide the kids to the starting point. Thank you. 

Wow! That was fun, wasn’t it? Did you get a chocolate, little one? Yay, everyone got chocolates! We will be awarding all the kids who took part in this race. So, please stay with us until the end. Thank you. Dear volunteers, kindly guide the children back to their seats. 

The next event is the sack race. I request the participants to take their sacks from the counter beside the starting point and take their positions. Thank you. 

What a fun race! I hope you all enjoyed taking part in it. The winner of the sack race is [name]. Congratulations to you. 

Now, we will move on to the 150 m hurdle race. — [The anchor can similarly make announcements for different activities and carry on with the event.] 

And with that, the sports part of the event today has finally reached its conclusion. I want to thank each and every one of you for participating in the games and giving your best. You all did well and I wish you all the best. As is the rule, we could only choose one winner per game. But irrespective of whether your name is on this list or not, I want you to know that you are a winner in your own right. You must always remember that. Okay? 

Now, we will move on to the prize distribution ceremony. 

Prize Distribution (For Schools / Educational Institutions)

I would like to request our respected principal sir/ma’am to please take a seat in front of the stage. Thank you. I would now be announcing the name of the winners. As I announce your name, I request you to please come up on the stage and receive your prize from the principal sir/ma’am. Thank you. 

Announcing the names of the winners:

[Name] from class [x], winner of the [name of the race/game]. 

Prize Distribution (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions)

I would now like to request our honourable chief guest, Mr / Ms [name], to please take a seat in front of the stage. Thank you, sir/ma’am. I would now be announcing the name of the winners. As I announce your name, I request you to please come up on the stage and receive your prize from our honourable sir/ma’am. Thank you. 

[Name], winner of the [name of the race/game]. 

Ending Speech (For Schools / Educational Institutions)

What an amazing, fun-filled day it has been! I hope you all enjoyed the sports day event today to the fullest. Thank you so much for attending the event and making it successful. A huge thank you to all the guardians who came today to cheer for the kids. Your presence means a lot to all of us. I would also like to thank our dear students, teachers as well as staff members without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you all. 

I also have a small announcement for the students – the school will be closed tomorrow. Take care and see you on Thursday [or the day after tomorrow]. 

Thank you and good night. 

Ending Speech (For Local Clubs / Non-Educational Institutions)

It has been an exciting and fun-filled day. I am sure everyone here enjoyed the event to the fullest. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this event and make it successful. Your presence and encouragement mean a lot to us. I would like to especially thank our honourable chief guest, Mr / Ms [name], for being here with us today.

We truly appreciate your kindness, sir/ma’am. I would also like to thank all the participants, guardians, audience members as well as our staff members without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you for your time and support. We appreciate you. 

Thank you, good night and take care. 

Note: This is a sample script meant to provide you with a basic idea of how to write an anchoring script for a sports day event. Feel free to use this script and edit it as per your needs. 

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Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal in English

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Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for Sports Day: Like annual days, sports day speech is also important for schools and colleges. Isn’t it? Sports are given due importance in all educational institutions! As it is said that a sound mind lies in a healthy body, so the better your health is, the more swiftly your brain will work. Therefore, there is a separate day dedicated to the sports day, so we have an annual sports day in our schools and colleges. Now there will also be a welcome speech ceremony. Considering this day’s importance, the most relevant topic is the welcome Speech for Sports Day by the Principal.

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Long and Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal in English

Here are short welcome speeches for a sports day by the principal and long welcome speech for a sports day by the principal. These Sports Day welcome speeches are comprehensively written and easy to understand. You can go through these and create your impressive addresses as and when the occasion comes.

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 1

Warm Greetings, Everyone and especially to my dear students! It’s our school’s 10 th annual sports meet, and I – Mrs …….. – the school’s principal, feel excited, like ever before, to see our students perform in their specialized sports.

I have always believed that extra-curricular activities should be an indispensable part of every student’s life, especially during their early academic years. As it is said that a sound mind lies in a sound body, I want all my school’s students to be good at both studies and sports. So far, I am extremely proud of what my students have achieved in the sports field, and I am sure you all will agree that it helps you stay healthy and fit.

I want to congratulate all those students who achieved victory in the zonal competition and those who lost, even because they showed great perseverance on the field and gave tough competition to other teams. Of course, a big congratulation to all the faculty members, as without your hard work and support, nothing would have been possible, and our students wouldn’t have been able to excel in their respective areas of sports. I wish everyone all the very best for other future sports competitions, and I sincerely hope that you continue to bring glory to our school. We, as a school, continue to keep up with the tradition of celebrating Annual Sports Day.

Besides, I want to shift my attention to those students who do not come to the forefront and remain confined to merely studies. A humble request to all the teachers, i.e. helps these students identify their hidden talent and help them in shaping their talent to the best of their capacity.

Now that our guest of honor, Mr.………, the famous swimmer, is amongst us, I would like to welcome him with a huge applause and honor him with a bouquet. I am sure he needs no introduction after his recent spectacular performance in the Olympiad. We feel extremely honored to have you here as our chief guest, and we promise you an amazing time here with our students. You are truly an inspirational personality for all of us as at such a young age of 29, you have been able to bring silver medals to our country.

On this auspicious day, I would request you to take a few minutes with our students and share your knowledge with them. This would be very encouraging for them.

But before all this, let’s start with today’s events, in which our students will display their sports skill sets, both in a team and individually. I hope those sitting in the audience will have a great time watching our students perform.

Now on this note, I would also like to take my seat and let our students take over the stage.

Thank You All!

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Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 2

Warm Greetings of the Day, Everyone! I – Sormishtha Chattopadhyay – the principal of this school, feel extremely glad to have welcomed you all to the 18 th annual sports day meet in the auditorium.

I have been the principal of this school for the past seven years, and I have seen it progress in front of my eyes, so my happiness knows no bounds when I see our students performing well in academics and sports. And today being the sports day, I would like to celebrate the victory of our students in the given field of sports.

In the present time, we have our students excelling in varied sports, such as cricket, football, basketball, hockey and kabaddi. The dream that seemed so difficult yesterday is being fulfilled now, and the credit goes to our teachers and students, who put their best foot forward during the practice sessions.

Year after year, our students are making us proud, and this fills me with enough gusto to provide you all with the best of facilities so you can flourish up to your maximum capacity. However, all this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our teachers and parents. Hence, on behalf of the entire school, I express gratitude and a note of thank you to all the teachers and dear parents for constantly working for the betterment of their wards and inculcating in them the right values and skills.

Very soon, our guest of honor, Mrs. ………, the famous basketball player, will be us; she is not only a popular sports personality and a social activist who has opened a sports academy for underprivileged children in the city of Chandigarh. She is an inspiration for our youth, and there is a lot to learn from her.

Meanwhile, I would request our audience to remain seated and keep patience. To engage your attention, we have the performances of our students lined up, who would be showcasing their skill set on the stage. Secondly, there would be the award-giving ceremony wherein we would be honoring our teachers and students for showing impeccable dedication in their respective areas. These awards are a great source of motivation and inspire us to work even harder and make everyone proud.

Today whatever height our school has reached, it is owing to the relentless efforts of each of us. From the admin department to the teachers to our students – everyone has an important role to play towards paving the path of success for our school.

Now, with this, I would like to conclude my speech and invite the host of today’s events to take over and kick-start the events. Thank you all for being such a wonderful audience and patiently listening to me.

I hope you all have a wonderful time here with all of us.

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 3

Greetings, Dear Students – A warm welcome to all of you. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our physical education teachers as it is owing to their dedicated efforts in training our students while ensuring their physical and mental health that they truly deserve words of appreciation as well as recognition.

So as you know, why we all have gathered here and what is so special about today Today is Sports Day – I am sure one of the favorite days for all the students is what gives me even greater pleasure to host a gathering on Sports Day and organize some activities suited to the interest of the students and teachers.

Clearly, the sports day celebration shows the commitment that all of us have towards sports. The testimony of this is our students, who perform with great exuberance in all the given sports, whether cricket, basketball, volleyball and kabaddi, to name a few. Their performances have always been spectacular in all the zonal, state and national competitions. All that we inculcate in our students is the spirit of sportsmanship and never give up spirit.

On this note, I would like to share a quote from Jesse Owens – the great American athlete who bagged four gold medals in the Summer Olympics of 1936 held in Berlin, Germany He made a great statement, which says, “Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition Awards become corroded, but friends gather no dust.”

This is very much understood that each of you tries to showcase or exhibit your talent on the field, especially against your opponent from the competitor’s team. However, I will still encourage you, as always, to make the most of such opportunities to display the best of your aesthetic talent and the spirit of camaraderie.

On this auspicious occasion, I would like to shower praise and congratulate the entire sports team of our school and their trainers for having worked rigorously on the fields. The efforts of both our students and teachers are so evident, and it has raised the overall standard of our performances and our students’ stamina. I am sure we all will agree that sports make us healthy and strong and teach us to embrace both victories and defeats gracefully. Such lessons, I sternly believe, should be continuously taught to our students as they later lead to the building blocks of achievement in life.

I want to end my speech and kick-start the ceremony. I wish all the best to our participants, and we look forward to your performances. Thank you for patiently listening to me and being such a wonderful audience. I hope you have a wonderful experience here!

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 4

Good morning, our respected Vice Principal, Teachers, and Dear Students – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!

I, Dr. ………. – the principal of this school, welcome you all to the 16 th sports day meet in our school. It gives me immense pleasure to have seen you all together and celebrate this yet another auspicious meet as well as the achievements of our students in various competitions.

A famous proverb says, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” This is a very true saying, as we all realize the importance of playful activities in our lives, right? Without any activity or sports, our body becomes lethargic and laid back. Our body starts harbouring various illnesses and starts ageing fast. Therefore, it becomes very important to remain engaged in some sports; with the help of sports, we gain mental and physical strength. Also, our body remains healthy and fit.

This is the reason why my school administration and I lay special emphasis on sports activities and on organizing sports days every year. All our students and teaching staff look forward to such activities, including hurdle races, flat races, long jumps, high jumps, etc. Through activities such as these, we get to see the talent of our students and realize different strengths of our students as one student may be good at one particular sport, the other would be in something else, and a few would be all-rounders.

We are proud that our school emphasizes the overall growth of the students – their physical as well as intellectual development. I hope we can lay a strong foundation for our students and see them perform well in all spheres of life. It is very important to identify our students’ hidden talents and help them hone those skills they naturally possess. In the past decade, our school has achieved significantly in this regard, so much so that the name of the school is widely known today and is counted amongst the best schools.

With this, I conclude my speech and would like to invite stage two of our students, Akanksha Chaturvedi and Abhishek Avasthi, to host today’s show. Before taking my seat, I want to make a small announcement that towards the end of the sports activities, there will be an award ceremony to felicitate our winning students and, of course, the teachers who have worked very hard for our students.

In the end, lunch will be served; therefore, I would request all the guests and students to collect your coupon on time. I hope you all have the best time here.

Thank you for being such a lovely audience!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you write a welcome speech for sports day.

To write a welcome speech for Sports Day, begin with a warm greeting, express excitement for the event, acknowledge the participants, and highlight the significance of sports in school life.

How do you welcome speech for Sports Day in school?

Welcome speech for Sports Day in school should start with a cheerful greeting, introduce the purpose of the day, and recognize the efforts of students, teachers, and organizers.

How do you introduce sports day?

To introduce Sports Day, you can begin by stating its importance in promoting physical fitness and teamwork, and then provide details about the event schedule and activities.

How do you start a welcome speech?

To start a welcome speech, begin with a friendly greeting, thank the audience for their presence, and set the tone for the event by conveying enthusiasm and gratitude.

What is a good sentence for welcome?

A good sentence for welcome can be: A warm welcome to all our guests and participants who have joined us today.

What is a good opening speech?

A good opening speech should captivate the audience's attention, convey the event's purpose, and set a positive tone, inspiring anticipation and engagement.

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Welcome Address by Principal on Sports Day

Sample welcome address by principal of school, college on annual sports day for students, and parents.

Welcome Speech by Principal on Sports Day

Hello Children,

I believe that you all are doing good right now, and are also excited about the Sports Day arranged by the school. Sports should be made a part of life as we are all meant to have good physical strength, and health too. It’s good to see you all fresh, and happy, and excited about the performances which are about to start by all those students who have participated in different sports. I wish them all best of luck for their performances, and I pray that they are able to do their best. And also, those students who have not participated this year should be encouraged today to participate the next year so that they should also use their abilities to see the best of them. I wish you all, best of luck. Thank You.

Welcome Address by School Principal

Respected members of faculty, and my dear students,

I welcome you all at the Annual sports day being held in this school. Extra-curricular activities are an essential ingredient of the overall education process. As they say, sound bodies possess sound minds, and I am happy, and proud on what my students have achieved both in studies, and in sports. I urge you all to take an active part in sports because it is necessary to keep you healthy, and fit. I congratulate those of you who have won, and to those who could not make it this time, I hope you will do better next time. I also want to congratulate the faculty members because without your support, and hard work it wouldn’t be possible to conduct such an amazing event. I wish you all best of luck, and I hope we will continue this tradition of celebrating Annual sports day.

Thank you very much.

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Author: david beckham.

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Need welcome speech on Annual sports day of school from kg to 12 std English medium

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Welcome Speech for Event for Students and Children

Welcome speech for event.

It is my pleasure to present a welcome speech for  event of the Annual Sports Day. I believe that everyone present here is doing good and are super excited about today’s Sports day. For good physical fitness and strength, sport is an integral part of life. Sports make our life interesting, teach us to work hard and push our limits to reach a new high. Sports teach discipline, respect, friendship, leadership, resilience, teamwork and overcoming adversity. It is a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. The good school not only aims to improve a student’s physical abilities but also help them learn a sense of good sportsmanship.

Welcome Speech for Event


Welcome to the Dignitaries

I take this golden opportunity to stand before you all on behalf of our school management and students to thank our special guest _______________. A person who hardly needs an introduction. He/she has made all of us proud of his/ her distinguished work in numerous capacities and is the most celebrated dignitaries.

He/ she is the sculptor of human character, a seasoned scholar and a navigator of the flagship of knowledge. On behalf of our school management, teachers, parents, and students I extend a warm welcome to you sir/ madam.

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Welcome to the Principal

I feel grateful to have the presence of our beloved principal. A person who is an inspiration to all. He has given us the path to follow to make our dreams reality and given the firm foundation for all young minds. He is a role model for all the teachers and students for the discipline and incomparable hard work which he practices in daily life.

May I now invite our principal Mr. / Mrs. _____________________ to honour our chief guest ___________________.

I take great honor to welcome our dear teachers. They work endlessly to shape young lives and makes them good citizens for society. They inspire hopes, enlighten the wisdom and install a passion for learning.

Their tremendous efforts in teaching the drill, different forms of races for different age group and making a large group of students ready for this day is commendable.

No one on earth can love us more than our parents. Behind the hard work and success of any person, there is an inspiration and vision of parents. I extend a hearty welcome to all the parents who have taken time out of their busy schedule to cheer up the students and appraise the efforts of the school.

Your goodwill and appreciation bring positive energy in molding students for future growth and growth of this school.

I would like to appreciate all the students for their presence all fresh, happy and excited about the performances which are about to start. I wish good luck to all the students participating in drill, races, marchpasts and other performances. Also, I pray that you all may do your best.

For all those students who have not participated this year, I would like to encourage that next year you should participate so that you can use your abilities in the best way.

I would like to make an announcement that the judgment giving by coaches and judges would be final. No arguments or conflicts would be entertained.

I am delighted to declare the Annual Sports Day open. Now, I request all to stand up for the National Anthem.

Thank you so much!

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Welcome Speech sample format by Principal on Sports Day

Welcome Speech sample format by Principal on Sports Day

[It is a Welcome Speech sample format by Principal on Sports Day. You can follow this sample welcome address by a principal of the school, college on annual sports day for students and parents. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Hello Teachers and Students,

I believe that you all are doing good right now and are also excited about the Sports Day arranged by the school. Sports should be made a part of life as we are all meant to have good physical strength and health too. (Describe in your words). It’s good to see you all fresh and happy and excited about the performances which are about to start with all those students who have participated in different sports. (Describe all about the situation and environment regarding sports event). I wish them all best of luck for their performances and I pray that they are able to do their best. (Explain your expectation).

And also, those students who have not participated this year should be encouraged today to participate the next year so that they should also use their abilities to see the best of them. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings). I wish you all, best of luck. Thank You.

Another format, (Welcome Address by School Principal)

Respected members of the faculty and my dear students,

I welcome you all at the Annual sports day being held in this school/college. Extra-curricular activities are an essential ingredient of the overall education process. (Describe in your words). As they say, sound bodies possess sound minds and I am happy and proud of what my students have achieved both in studies and in sports. I urge you all to take an active part in sports because it is necessary to keep you healthy and fit. (Describe all about the situation and environment regarding sports event). I congratulate those of you who have won and to those who could not make it this time, I hope you will do better next time. (Explain your expectation).

I also want to congratulate the faculty members because without your support and hard work it wouldn’t be possible to conduct such an amazing event. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings). I wish you all the best of luck and I hope we will continue this tradition of celebrating Annual sports day.

Thank you very much.

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Speech on Chief Guest On Sports Day

Sports Day is a thrilling event, full of energy, excitement, and competition. It becomes even more special with the presence of a Chief Guest. The Chief Guest on Sports Day, often a person of high stature or an accomplished sportsperson, adds a layer of inspiration and grandeur to the event. Their words of encouragement and their own stories of success can motivate the young athletes to aim high and work hard.

1-minute Speech on Chief Guest On Sports Day

Good day to you all! It’s a joy to be here as the Chief Guest on Sports Day.

Sports Day is a day of fun, games and spirit. It’s a day when we put on our sports shoes and get ready to run, jump, throw and cheer. It’s a day to show that we are not just good at studies, but we are also strong, fast and sporty.

It’s also a day to learn about health and fitness. Playing sports makes us fit and strong. It also makes us happy and energetic. So, let’s play sports not just today, but every day.

Lastly, let’s remember the people who make this day possible. Our teachers and coaches who train us, our parents who support us, and our friends who cheer for us. Let’s give them a big round of applause.

So, let’s start this Sports Day with a big cheer. Let’s show everyone that we are the best, not just in studies, but also in sports. Let’s run, jump, throw and cheer with all our might. And most importantly, let’s have fun!

Thank you all for being here today. Let the games begin!

2-minute Speech on Chief Guest On Sports Day

Good day to everyone present here. I am truly honored to be the chief guest at this sports day event. It is always a joy to see the spirit of sportsmanship in the air, and today, I see it everywhere.

Firstly, let’s talk about the importance of sports in our lives. Sports is not just about running fast or throwing a ball far. It’s about discipline, teamwork, and perseverance. It’s about setting goals and working hard to achieve them. It’s about learning to win with humility and lose with grace. These are not just lessons for the playground, but for life.

Let’s also remember that every sportsperson starts with a dream. A dream to run faster, jump higher, to be the best. You, young athletes, are no different. You have dreams in your eyes and fire in your hearts. You are the future champions, not just in sports, but in every field you choose to step into. Remember, the will to win, the desire to succeed, these are the keys to unlock your potential.

Now, let’s talk about the role of our teachers and parents. They are the ones who nurture your dreams, who guide you, who cheer for you whether you win or lose. They are your biggest supporters and your most honest critics. They teach you that success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. So, let’s take a moment to thank them for their unwavering support.

Finally, I want to say that sports is not just about winning medals. It’s about having fun. It’s about making friends. It’s about learning to respect your opponents. It’s about understanding that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and that’s okay. So, while you compete, remember to enjoy the game. Remember to cheer for your friends. Remember to respect your opponents.

In conclusion, I wish you all the best for today’s events. Give your best, play fair, and most importantly, have fun. Remember, you are not just athletes. You are dreamers, champions, and leaders of tomorrow. So, go out there and make us proud.

We also have speeches on more interesting topics that you may want to explore.

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Welcome Speech in English: Best Samples, Examples & Tips

microphone for speech

Why are Welcome Speeches Necessary?

Most of the gatherings and ceremonies are held with a purpose. They are either planned events or spontaneous gatherings. In both cases, it is important to know how to organize such events. We must prepare ourselves to conduct the event properly.

Let us imagine that you are hosting a gathering. You have prepared everything, including food, drinks, decorations, etc., and even set up the stage. However, you forgot one thing – a welcome speech. What happens next? Do you start talking immediately without waiting for everyone to arrive? Of course not!

The same goes for a meeting. How many times did you attend meetings where people didn’t introduce themselves? Or worse, they talked about themselves too much during the meeting. In addition, some speakers talk directly to the audience without introducing themselves. This makes it difficult for the attendees to comprehend the event’s process and connect with its objectives.

So why is a welcome speech in English needed? To begin with, it is necessary to give a brief overview of the topic. Secondly, it helps to provide information about the organization and its history. Thirdly, it allows us to highlight our achievements. And finally, it creates a good impression on guests. Otherwise, they might ask questions like “Where is this event going?”.

Significance of welcome speech

The significance of the welcome speech won’t be apparent without understanding what makes up the history of an event. An event can be defined as a sequence of activities carried out over a period of time. These activities are usually organized into stages, each with a specific purpose. For example, an event may start with opening remarks, followed by a keynote address, and finally concluded with closing remarks. Each stage of an event has a different set of responsibilities.

In the case of a welcoming ceremony, the welcome speech is considered to be one of the most important parts of the whole gathering. In fact, it is the most crucial aspect of the entire event. This is because the welcome speech serves several purposes.

First, it introduces the guests to the host. Second, it provides information regarding the upcoming program. Third, it creates a positive impression among the attendees. Fourth, it helps in creating a sense of unity among the participants. Fifth, it helps in establishing good relations between the hosts and the guests. And finally, it ensures that the guest feels comfortable during the occasion.

Objectives of a Welcome Speech in English

The objective of a welcome speech in English is to introduce yourself and the rest of the attendees at the event. This is done through a short introduction about who you are, what you do, why you’re attending, etc. The following are the objectives of a welcome speech:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Provide Information regarding the event
  • Create a positive impression among attendees
  • Establish good relations between hosts and guests
  • Ensure guests feel comfortable during the event
  • Help build unity among participants
  • Explain the purpose of the meeting/event
  • Set up the agenda for the meeting/event
  • Make introductions
  • Give background info about the organization
  • Highlight achievements (if any)

a speaker talking to an audience

Welcome Speech Samples in the Education Field

There is a number of school gatherings that require welcome speeches, be it an official school gathering or an informal event. In this segment, we’ve sorted samples according to the typical events organized in schools. Take note of each paragraph and determine its purpose. You’ll be able to create a workable framework or basis for your current and future speech requirements.

Welcome Address in English For Students

It’s natural for attendees of any event to expect an introductory speech, which sets the tone for the occasion. A host can easily command attention with an effective welcome. Even the longest speeches have the capacity to hold an audience’s interest when delivered in a catchy and impressive manner.

A short opening speech for a commencement ceremony

To everyone present, good morning. A very warm welcome to our respected faculty, our remarkable parents, and our dear students. Special recognition is due for our Chief Guest (name of chief guest). It’s a true honor to have such a successful alumnus (or state the chief guest’s job title). We express our biggest gratitude for accepting our invitation to deliver today’s keynote speech.

I’m standing here as a lucky witness to our dear students’ academic journey. Our school is very proud of everything you have accomplished and your small but not minor contributions to society. You’ve brought prestige to our name and deserve the title of one of our school’s most successful and dedicated batch of students.

With your teachers’ guidance and parents’ support, you’ve reached remarkable heights. I’d like to take this time to extend my gratitude to our faculty and our parents, for understanding, encouraging, and nurturing our students.

Graduates, you are about to start another chapter in your life. An exciting yet scary period. From now on, you will face more challenges, but I am confident that you’re adequately equipped to face any tribulation that comes your way. Remember that with conviction and self-belief, no mountain is too high to climb. The laurels you’ve brought back to our school are only the beginning. I am genuinely excited to see the astonishing feats that your futures hold.

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A long opening speech for a commencement ceremony

Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our esteemed faculty, astounding parents, and our dear students. I’m honored to open our commencement ceremony and stand here where many of our accomplished alumni who I look up to once stood.

I extend a particularly warm welcome to our Chief Guest (name of chief guest), who as one of our outstanding alumni, has really set the standard for exemplary accomplishments.

(enumerate key achievements of chief guest)

Her/his professional and philanthropic endeavors attest to their upbringing and the values she/he lives by. We want to thank you for responding positively to our invitation to be the keynote speaker on today’s auspicious occasion.

As another academic year reaches its end, I’m sure that our dear students are anxious and also filled with hope and excitement. This is their final school event in our renowned school/college/university (name of school). But hopefully, it won’t be their last awarding ceremony.

We are extremely fortunate to have such a talented and passionate group of graduates who have earned laurels in honor of our school, adding to its distinction and great reputation. The amazing encouragement and unconditional support of our parents throughout the school year have been extraordinary. They have stood by their children in every school event. Our teachers and staff are truly thankful for the trust you’ve given us. Your children’s journey wouldn’t have been a huge success without your guidance and nurture.

It’s been a remarkable experience to witness the passion and commitment our students have exhibited in all their undertakings. I am filled with certitude that you will achieve whatever goal you’ve set your mind on. Adulthood is going to be jammed with more trials you’ve never imagined before. I am kidding. Maybe. Joking aside, you will win as long as you work hard and believe in yourself.

Remember that you are valuable and take every challenge you face as an opportunity to prove your worth and get better. Also, surround yourselves with people who are good for your well-being and treat them the way you’d like to be treated.

Maintain your sense of humor because not much else will get you through when the going gets rough. Life can be very special and you can truly make a mark, which doesn’t always need to have global proportions. Be accountable for your mistakes and learn from them. Keep nurturing your passions and remain as driven, bright, and astonishing as you are today. You are all wonderful and I can’t wait to see your future accomplishments, because they will be great.

Thank you and do us proud!

Welcome Speech for a College Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening) to all (the audience attending the event, e.g. the parents, teachers, students, etc.) and our respected Principal (name of principal). It’s with great pleasure that I welcome everyone to (name of school)’s (name of event or ceremony).

Our college nurtures the ideologies of discipline and pride in one’s work and aims to hone our students as responsible and productive members of society. It is in this spirit that we celebrate today.

To commence our festivities, allow me to introduce one of our most esteemed alumni. Our Chief Guest (title and name of chief guest) has embodied the values fostered by our prominent and respected college. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). We honor you for your contributions to society and our city, most especially, which future generations will surely benefit from. With your hard work, dedication, and charitable spirit, you have set the goalposts we aspire to reach in order to make the world a much better place than we’ve found it.

(Initiate a round of applause)

Welcome Speech for a Yearly Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening to all)

Honorable Chief Guest (name of guest), our beloved Principal (name of principal), our amazing faculty and staff members, our dearest parents and fellow students, and to everyone present, I welcome you all to (name of school/college/university)’s annual function.

My name is Lakshmi Gupta, a student of the Information Technology Department, and also the president of our school’s Cultural Exchange Organization and founder of the Languages Club.

It is with tremendous pride that I announce our prestigious school’s Silver Jubilee anniversary. We’re gathered today to celebrate 25 years of estimable service and success. The remarkable accomplishments of our elite school since its foundation won’t be possible without its long history of dedicated and respected teachers and passionate students, its tireless staff, and the unconditional support from our parents.

It’s also a great honor to introduce our Chief guest and keynote speaker. Any introduction won’t do justice to the extraordinary achievements she/he has attained throughout her/his career. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). She/he is truly one of the most treasured and incredible alumni our school has produced. Without further ado, let’s give a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Woman preparing for a speech

Welcome Speech for the School Principal

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!

I’m truly pleased and honored to welcome our new principal (title and name of principal). He has previously worked for 5 years at Lumos International as principal and has succeeded in revitalizing their academic standing and programs, especially in English and Cultural Studies.

I have gotten to know her/him over the last few days during the transition phase and found her/him to be a brave and progressive intellectual, with a great ideology and vision for the future of (name of school), our beloved school.

On behalf of the current administration, our board of trustees, the faculty, the staff, and our student body, we wholeheartedly extend a great welcome to you (title and name of principal).

We hope that with your leadership, energy, and enthusiasm, we shall start a new era of learning and reach greater excellence.

Congratulations and welcome!

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Good morning! We welcome everyone today who is here to celebrate this annual event for their beloved teachers. We don’t always get to thank our teachers, but on this day, we pay tribute to our second parents.

They have provided guidance and given their light to educate and lead us to a journey of wonder, discovery, and knowledge. For their efforts, they deserve the greatest of honors and our utmost respect.

Our steadfast yet affectionate teachers should be our role models. They inspire us daily and motivate us to reach our greatest potential. They impart wisdom so that we don’t only excel academically, but as good people and responsible members of our society.

So on Teacher’s Day, it’s all about them and giving them the honor that many take for granted. Thank you, dear teachers!

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good morning everybody!

Today we extend our appreciation and the warmest embrace to our beloved students to celebrate Children’s Day!

It’s been a blessing to be a part of nurturing children’s sense of wonder and imagination. These are qualities we often lose as we grow up, and it’s awesome to witness them happen every day.

Children’s innocence and love are incomparable and difficult to resist. Their smile is the closest thing to heaven that we can glimpse in the world.

School is your children’s second home, and we teachers are their second parents. We thank you for the opportunity to take care of and guide your little angels.

Join us to celebrate our students and make this day as eventful and fun as it can be!

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Welcome everyone to our Fresher’s party!

We’ve all gathered here today to celebrate the gift of possibilities and commence the experience of a new beginning.

It’s of utmost pleasure to welcome everyone, especially all my freshers to today’s festivities. I extend my deepest gratitude to all my teachers and everyone who helped make this event a reality. Look at this place, it’s amazing!

University or school life isn’t just about getting a higher education – brace yourself for the adventure of a lifetime! This is the period to create good memories and meet people who can be a permanent part of your academic and later professional lives. May you develop the relationships and acquire the necessary skills to succeed in life.

But for now, let’s leave our worries and cares out in the hall. Let’s celebrate your wise decision to matriculate in our institution. Our college has prepared special events and an entertainment program highlighting some of our talented students.

The next few hours will be memorable and exciting! Thank you for listening and let’s get on with it!

Have a good time!

Business books

Welcome Speech Samples for Business

Much like in academic settings, there are more formal events that happen in professional contexts. Some may need a welcome address to introduce special guests or welcome the attendees of a conference. Some are informal events that welcome those who are invited to special occasions at the office and the people they’re honoring. Note down the key phrases and objectives of the samples below and use the same structure in your own welcome or introduction speech in English.

Sample of Welcome Speech for a Goodbye Get-together

Good evening everyone!

Welcome to my farewell party. I know, I know. You all said you’re sorry to see me go, but that you all would need food and entertainment first to deal with your sadness. So here we are. I shall deliver.

As the Semisonic song goes “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” And so it is with great gratitude that the VP in Japan decided to retire early, so the end of his role can mark the beginning of mine. To Toni Takitani, thanks for deciding you’ve had enough!

Kidding aside, I’d like to thank my friends who made this very corporate event a huge success. Look at this, my goodness!

Most importantly, I want to impart my profound gratitude to my boss (name of the boss). Without you, this party won’t have a band. I couldn’t ask for a better mentor. Or I could, but none of them would have changed my life as positively as you have. It saddens me to leave you the most, but it comforts me that you were my biggest source of encouragement to go. Or it may have been your plan all along. Genius!

So to everyone who came, thank you. I’ll have time to thank you properly later, but for now, let’s eat!

Welcome Speech Sample for a Business Conference

Good morning to everyone who came out to join us here today. My name is Julius Kaizer and I’ll be hosting today’s events.

Before anything else, I’d like to take this moment to thank Merville & Posque Inc., their CEO Mr. Hyori Asano and his team for putting this event together in record time. It won’t be possible without your tireless dedication and contributions. I also want to thank everyone who came, our remarkable associates from Osaka, Chiang Rai, and Quezon, our wonderful clients who have stuck with us through thick and thin, and our amazing consultants in various fields of energy conservation. Your interest and patronage are very much appreciated.

A great welcome to all our extraordinary employees and staff members, some of whom have worked and grown along our company’s 23-year history. A big welcome, too, to our interns who have recently joined and brightened our corporate offices.

Today marks the 15th annual MPBC and it’s an honor to be a host in this glorious congress. I myself will be staying for the conference’s entirety to learn what I can about sustainable energy systems and their various implications and impact on the future of our planet.

The activities today will include an overview of all the forums, seminars, and exhibits around the MPBC complex. Second, we will have the inauguration of the new bio-dome on the grounds where we will also honor this year’s retirees. The afternoon’s seminars will kick off after lunch, and I encourage you to attend the discussions and learn about our future plans and projects. Finally, I’d like to encourage everyone to help yourselves to the snack stations in the hallway. Refreshments and sandwiches are on us for the duration of the conference.

I won’t keep you long and let’s begin the day. I wish all of you a valuable and wonderful time! Thank you.

Welcome Speech for a Business Workshop

Good afternoon everyone!

I am so pleased to see you all here. Welcome to my workshop, or should I say “our” workshop. I am truly overjoyed and excited about learning together and helping you reach a breakthrough in industry-scale coding practices.

This workshop aims to cover new software and the importance of earning certificates in several computer applications such as VM Suite, Landscape 5.0, and NF Tech.

I hope you’ll learn a lot in the next few hours and I promise to try to make our activities as engaging and hands-on as possible. Good luck and thanks again for participating in our workshop.

Welcome Speech for Office Events

My name is (your name), the (position in the company), and your host for this meeting. To our CEO (title and name of the CEO), (next are the dignitaries for the company hierarchy if any), all the staff members and their loved ones, and our beloved employees. I welcome you all to the (name of the event) of (name of company).

We are here today to honor our employees’ achievements in their respective fields and departments. Your efforts to attain and sustain the standards we keep aren’t unnoticed. This awarding ceremony seeks to remind us about the value and pride we should have in our accomplishments, and the significance of collaboration and teamwork. It is our spirit of community and faith in our abilities that represent the vision of (name of company). May we continue to grow through hard work, accountability, and cooperation.

To start off with our first award, let’s call up (title and position of the presenter), (name of the presenter).

meeting people

Welcome Speech Samples for Family Functions

Huge family events often have speeches: weddings, birthdays, farewell parties, funerals, anniversaries, and so on. Some of these events normally have hosts and esteemed guests. Here are some tips and samples to inspire you.

Tips on Welcoming the Chief Guest?

If you’re searching for tips on how to make a welcome speech for guest, here are some things you can do:

  • When drafting your speech, do the research.
  • Highlight the key qualities that are worth mentioning in an opening welcome speech for event.
  • Take note of the welcome address speech sample in this article and create a framework from them.
  • Look up welcome speech quotes and choose the best one to use somewhere in your speech.
  • Greet the chief guest at the event personally and introduce yourself if you don’t know each other.
  • Extend your hard for a handshake and smile to express that they are honored and welcome to the event.
  • Smile and suggest they are being welcomed.
  • Address them formally with the usual Miss or Mr.
  • Escort the chief guest before you assume host duties.

Welcoming the Chief Guest with a Short Speech

It’s a great honor to welcome our Chief guest and tonight’s keynote speaker. I was worried at first about how to introduce (title and name of Chief guest) because any introduction would pale in comparison to the reality and immensity of her/his accomplishments.

(Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest).

She/he is the ultimate inspiration for young professionals everywhere who want to succeed in the field of international trade. Here to inspire us with her career journey and all the experiences she accumulated along the day, join me in giving a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Welcoming the Chief Guest (Longer Version of the Speech)

Introducing our next attendee is a great pleasure of mine. When she/he accepted our invitation to be tonight’s Chief guest and keynote speaker, I almost jumped for joy. Then I realized I would naturally receive the task of introducing her/him. At first, this gave me great anxiety. How would I be able to pull it off and deliver an introduction that would give her background justice? Then I thought, no introduction would ever compare, so it was foolish to aim for success when failure is guaranteed. So I decided to just do it. Our chief guest has accomplished the following, to name a few:

As I looked at her/his professional and personal successes, I realized here is a woman/man who was faced many times with the certainty of failure but had given her circumstances a grad twist by attaining success against all odds. Then I thought, perhaps I should aim for success in this speech, after all.

She/he is an inspiration to many, not only for all the fields of expertise she has earned and the extreme success that went with the process, but she/he has also set the benchmark for philanthropy and good deeds. She/he has done this quietly, too, and she/he might strangle me for revealing it to the public. I didn’t even know half of the wonderful things she/he has done for our community before my research.

Without further ado, and here to inspire us with her wisdom and grand skill, join me in welcoming our Chief guest (title and name of chief guest).

Welcome Speech for Parents

Hi everyone!

As host and brother of the groom, I’d like to take this time to introduce the parents of the bride. Without them, my brother wouldn’t be the lucky and happy man he is today. More than that, I have witnessed how they accepted my brother and treated him as a son long before the engagement. I often tag along on family trips and have spent hours of wonderful conversations with them. Apart from my own parents, they are two of the most affectionate and hospitable people I’ve ever met. If I could meet a woman whose parents are just like them, I’d consider myself half as lucky as my brother.

Let’s give a round of applause for (names of the bride’s parents). Thank you for embracing my brother into the fold.

Person talking

Welcome Speech Samples for National Holidays

Below is a sample of a welcome speech typically delivered during Annual Day. Substitute the appropriate details to match your information and use the framework in other speeches reserved for national holidays.

Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am overjoyed to have this chance to welcome all of you to our elite institution’s 25th Annual Day. Today’s children are the hope of the next generation. All these graduates we see today, receiving awards for their achievements will go on to lead successful lives. Let them live up to the expectations set before them.

I am very happy to be a member of such an elite school where we learned from such great professors who teach us beyond the boundaries of the ordinary classroom. They’re also the minds and hands behind such a big event every year. I’d like to use this chance to organize such a wonderful event this year. It’s also a great pleasure of mine to introduce our Chief Guest.

Welcome speeches are necessary at events. They usually set the tone or expectations of the people who attended or participated in the occasion. There are many ways in going about delivering a welcome address speech. Review the samples in this article and do your due diligence to craft an outline, framework, or skeleton from the contents that you can use in welcome speeches of your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

A good welcome speech has the following qualities: * It is sincere. * It can hold the attention of the audience. * The ideas don’t ramble. * Welcome address quotes are used. One for a short welcome speech, and 2 for a longer one. Never 3, unless the speaker is trying to be funny. * The contents are relevant to the event. * It has an impressive anecdote. * The length doesn’t exceed 5 minutes.

The last segment of this article contains tips on welcoming chief guests, esteemed guests, or guests of honor. The tips contained here can be divided into things to consider while drafting the welcome speech, and things to do at the event itself when meeting the chief guest.

A simple thank you would suffice. Make sure you reiterate your gratitude. Some welcome speeches can end with a line that welcomes the guest of honor.

Depending on the context, a welcome speech doesn’t always need to be impressive. In some situations, a straightforward introduction is all you need. However, in some circumstances like commencement ceremonies, farewell parties, dinners, and some others, the audience is prepared to listen to long speeches. In this case, the speech needs to catch the attention of the attendees and maintain their interest. An impressive welcome speech often has an emotional element. Not just parroting big words to describe a person’s achievements or flatter them. Try to use humor if you’re funny by nature or if you can deliver the punchline well. Use popular quotes in your speech. Tell anecdotes relevant to the attendees. Or reveal an epiphany. These are how you should draft a welcome speech set to impress.

Make sure that it is relevant to the content of your welcome speech or the point you’re making. You can use phrases such as the following: * According to… * As the old saying goes… * There’s a quote that has always stuck with me… * Events like this always remind me of one of my favorite quotes… Try to find quotes that are unique and not cliche. You can find some in the lyrics of contemporary music, or lines and dialogues from books and movies, and so on.

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William Landry

William is a professional English and ESL teacher with over 15 years of experience. He has taught students of all ages, from children to business executives, and has worked with ESL learners from all over the globe. With a degree in English Education, William has developed curriculum for learners of all levels and interests. He is passionate about helping people learn English effectively and shares his knowledge with the LillyPad community. When he’s not teaching or writing, William enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

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welcome speech sample for sports day

Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal

Just like annual days, sports day is also an important day for schools and colleges. Isn’t it? Sports is given due importance in all the educational institutions!  As it is said that a sound mind lies in a healthy body, so the better your health is; the more swiftly will your brain work. Therefore, there is a separate day dedicated to the sports day and hence we have annual sports day in our schools and colleges. Now there will also be a welcome speech ceremony. Considering the importance of this day, the topic that is most relevant is welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal.

Long and Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal in English

Here are both short welcome speeches for sports day by principal as well as long welcome speeches for sports day by principal. These Sports Day welcome speeches are comprehensively written and easy to understand. You can go through these speeches and create your impressive speeches as and when the occasion comes.

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 1

Warm Greetings Everyone and especially to my dear students! It’s the 10 th annual sports meet of our school and me – Mrs …….. – the principal of this school feel excited, like ever before to see our students perform in their specialized sports.

I have always believed that extra-curricular activities should be an indispensable part of every student’s life, especially during his/her early academic years. As it is said that a sound mind lies in a sound body and so I want all the students of my school to be good at both studies and sports. So far I am extremely proud of what my students have achieved in the field of sports and I am sure you all will agree to the fact that it helps you in staying healthy and fit.

I would like to congratulate all those students who achieved victory in the zonal competition and also those who lost, even because they showed a great perseverance on the field and gave a really tough competition to other teams. Of course, a big congratulation to all the faculty members, as without your hard work and support, nothing would have been possible and our students wouldn’t have been able to excel in their respective area of sports. I wish everyone all the very best for other future sports competitions and I sincerely hope that you continue to bring glory to our school, and we as a school, also continue to keep up with the tradition of celebrating Annual Sports Day.

Besides, I want to shift my attention to those students who do not come to the forefront and remain confined to merely studies. A humble request to all the teachers, i.e. help these students identify their hidden talent and help them in shaping their talent to the best of their capacity.

Now that our guest of honor, Mr.………, the famous swimmer is amongst us, I would like to welcome him with a huge round of applause and honor with a bouquet. I am sure he needs no introduction after his recent spectacular performance in the Olympiad. We feel extremely honored to have you here as our chief guest and we promise you an amazing time here with our students. You are truly an inspirational personality for all of us as at such a young age of 29, you have been able to bring silver medals to our country.

On this auspicious day, I would request you to take a few minutes session of our students and share your wealth of knowledge with them. This would be very encouraging for them.

But before all this, let’s get started with our today’s events, in which our students would be displaying their sports skills sets, both in a team and individually as well. I hope those sitting in the audience will have a great time watching our students perform.

Now on this note, I would also like to take my seat and let our students take over the stage.

Thank You All!

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 2

Warm Greetings of the Day Everyone! I – Sormishtha Chattopadhyay – the principal of this school feel extremely glad to have been welcoming you all to the 18 th annual sports day meet in the auditorium.

I have been the principal of this school from past 7 years and I have literally seen it progress in front of my eyes, so my happiness knows no bounds when I see our students performing well in both academics and sports. And today being the sports day, I would like to celebrate the victory of our students in the given field of sports.

In the present time, we have our students excelling in varied sports, such as cricket, football, basket ball, hockey and kabbadi. The dream which seemed so difficult yesterday is being fulfilled now and the credit of course goes to our teachers and students, who put their best foot forward during the practice sessions.

Year after year, our students are making us feel proud and this fills me with enough gusto to provide you all with the best of facilities so that you can flourish up to your maximum capacity. However, all this wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our teachers and parents. Hence, I on behalf of the entire school express gratitude and a note of thank you to all the teachers and dear parents for constantly working for the betterment of their wards and inculcating in them the right values and skills.

Very soon our guest of honor, Mrs. ………, the famous basketball player will be amongst us who is not only a popular sports personality, but is also a social activist who has opened a sports academy for the underprivileged children, in the city of Chandigarh. She is an inspiration for our youth and there is a lot to learn from her.

Meanwhile, I would request our audience to remain seated and keep patience. In order to engage your attention, we have the performances of our students lined up, who would be showcasing their skill set on the stage. Secondly, there would be the award giving ceremony wherein we would be honoring our teachers and students for showing impeccable dedication in their respective areas. These awards are a great source of motivation and inspire us to work even harder and make everyone proud.

Today whatever height our school has reached, it is owing to the relentless efforts of each one of us. Right from the admin department to the teachers to our students – everyone has an important role to play towards paving the path of success for our school.

Now, with this I would like to conclude my speech and invite the host of today’s events to take over and kick start the events. Thank you all for being such a wonderful audience and for listening to me so patiently.

I hope you all have a wonderful time here with all of us.

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 3

Greetings Dear Students – A warm welcome to all of you! I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our teachers of physical education as it is owing to their dedicated efforts in the training of our students, while ensuring their physical as well as mental health, that they truly deserve words of appreciation as well as recognition.

So as you know why we all have gathered here and what is so special about today. Today being the Sports Day – I am sure one of the favorite days for all the students is what gives me an even greater pleasure to host a gathering on the Sports Day and organize some activities suited to the interest of the students as well as teachers.

Clearly, the sports day celebration shows our commitment that all of us have towards sports. The testimony of which is our students, who perform with great exuberance in all the given sports whether it’s cricket, basketball, volleyball and kabbadi, to name a few. Their performances have always been spectacular in all the zonal, state and national level competitions. All that we inculcate in our students is the spirit of sportsmanship and never give up spirit.

On this note, I would like to share with you all, a quote of Jesse Owens – the great American athlete who bagged four gold medals in the Summer Olympics of 1936 held in Berlin, Germany. He made a great statement, which says “Friendships born on the field of athletic strife are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, but friends gather no dust.”

This is very much understood that each one of you tries to showcase or exhibit your talent on the field, especially against your opponent from the competitor’s team. But I will still encourage you, as always, to make the most of such opportunities in order to display the best of your aesthetic talent as well as the spirit of camaraderie.

On this auspicious occasion, I would like to shower praise and congratulate the entire sports team of our school along with their trainers to have worked rigorously on the fields. The efforts of both our students and teachers are so evident and it has raised the overall standard of our performances and stamina of our students. I am sure we all will agree to the fact that sports make us healthy and strong and also teach us to embrace both victory as well as defeat gracefully. Such lessons, I sternly believe, should be continuously taught to our students as they at a later stage lead to the building blocks of achievement in life.

With this I would like to end my speech and kick start with the ceremony. I would like to wish all the best to our participants and we all look forward to your performances. Thank you for patiently listening to me and being such a wonderful audience. Hope you have a wonderful experience here!

Sports Day Welcome Speech by Principal 4

Good Morning our respected Vice Principal, Teachers as well as Dear Students – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirit!

I, Dr. ………. – the principal, of this school welcome you all to the 16 th sports day meet in our school. It gives me immense pleasure to have seeing you all together and celebrating this yet another auspicious meet as well as the achievements of our students in various competitions.

There is a famous proverb, which says, “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” This is indeed a very true saying as we all realize the importance of playful activities in our lives, right! Without any activity or sports, our body becomes lethargic and laid back. In fact, our body starts harboring various illnesses and start ageing fast. It therefore becomes very important to remain engaged in some sport or the other. Clearly, with the help of sports we gain both mental and physical strength. Also, our body remains healthy and fit.

This is the reason why I and my school administration lay special emphasis on sport activities and on organizing sports day every year. All our students and in fact our teaching staff look forward to such activities including hurdle race, flat race, long jump, high jump, etc. Through activities such as these we get to see the talent of our students and realize different strengths of our students as one students may be good at one particular sport, the other would be in something else, and a few would be the all-rounders.

We are proud that our school lays emphasis on the overall growth of the students – their physical as well as intellectual development. I hope we could lay a strong foundation of our students and seen them perform well in all the spheres of life. It is very important to identify the hidden talent of our students and help them in honing those skills that they naturally possess. Our school, in the past decade has achieved significantly in this regard, so much so that the name of school is widely known today and is counted amongst the best schools.

With this I conclude my speech and would like to invite on stage two of our students, Akanksha Chaturvedi and Abhishek Avasthi, to host today’s show. Before taking my seat, I would like to make a small announcement that towards the end of the sports activities, there will be an award ceremony in order to felicitate our winner students and of course the teachers who have worked really very hard for our students.

In the end, lunch will be served; therefore, I would request all the guests as well as students to collect your coupon on time. I hope you all have the best of time here.

Thank you for being such a lovely audience!

Related Information:

Welcome Speech for Award Ceremony

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Welcome Speech for Basketball Tournament

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Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal for Students and Children in English

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Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal:  Sports Day is a meaningful and memorable event of school life in which students, as well as teaching and non-teaching staff, take part. Many days of practice are done prior to the event to achieve perfection in the performances as well as the final list of participants for the competitions.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Welcome Speeches for Sports Day by Principal for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal of 500 words and a short speech of 150 words on the same topic along with ten lines about the issue to help readers.

These speeches will be useful for principals or people in authority who will be giving an inauguration or welcome speech on the occasion of sports day.

Long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal 500 Words in English

Long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

I heartily welcome everyone to our school’s annual sports day event.

I hope everyone present here is in good health, and I also presume everyone else like me is excited about today’s event. Today we take a break from our daily academic school schedule and have gathered on this ground in an integrated manner to participate in games and have fun.

Sports is an important aspect of every being’s life that helps in improving our health as well as teaching us some good qualities like discipline, hard work, patience, respect, team-work, etc.

And a school should also make sure that their students attain these mentioned skills by participating in extra-curricular activities throughout the year. And as elders, we should not dwell in the winning and losing aspect of sports, instead initiate students to participate more in gaining experience and attaining a better sense of sportsman spirit.

The annual sports day event just provides us with one such golden opportunity to learn and teach these qualities while practicing and taking part. And as I was present throughout those sessions of practice, I can ensure that our students have indeed put in a lot of effort to make this day successful.

I am honored to welcome our prestigious dignitary/dignitaries, and I extend a warm welcome to him/her/them. We are graced by his/her/their presence on this event that makes this day even more memorable and golden. I will fall short of words if I try and attempt to address his/her/their contributions to their field(s) of work. I ask my students to clap for their presence.

I also thank parents for the generous cooperation and hard-work behind every child. Without a doubt, the growth of children would be incomplete without the affection and inspiration that parents provide. I am extremely grateful to the parents who have joined us today to support and cheer the students.

Last but not least, this day wouldn’t have been possible without the tremendous efforts of the teachers. The constant guidance that teachers provided students during the drill practices is commendable. It is indeed the teachers who shape our society by shaping young minds with their wisdom.

I am overwhelmed to notice the excitement of our students, even in this heat. It makes my day to look at the happy fresh faces of my beloved children of the school every morning, and today is indifferent to that. I present my best wishes to students participating in march-pasts, drills, races, and other games that are soon to commence.

Another announcement that as the principal, I would like to make before ending the speech is that no unruly behavior and conflicts will be entertained today. The teachers will help me look after the event today. One generous request I have to my students is to maintain the discipline as I would be grateful for the generous cooperation.

I am honored to announce that the Sports Day will begin now, so let us stand up for paying respect to our national anthem that will be played now.

Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal 150 Words in English

Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Good morning to everyone present here.

I welcome everyone to the celebration of our school’s annual sports day, which is an event that many of us eagerly wait for all around the year. Extra-curricular activities are essential tools that contribute to shaping our health and character. We must realize the importance of sports in our life that not only is responsible for maintaining a healthy body but also helps in shaping our mind and character.

I appreciate the presence of everyone and your contribution to this event, which is evident to make it successful. All forms of sport teach us that every game of life should be played with the sole motive of having fun while participating rather than stressing on the aspect of winning or losing.

I won’t delay any further as I excitedly announce the commencement of this year’s sports day. Let us all enjoy together and make this year’s annual sports event an absolute success.

10 Lines on Welcome Speech for Sports Day By Principal in English

  • To build greater confidence, self-esteem, and obtain a healthy body, one should participate in sports.
  • A school’s sports day helps everyone involved realize the importance of physical fitness and strength.
  • All students of the school are encouraged to participate in the sports day event.
  • For those who are not present today even after the 100% attendance request might have to face the consequences.
  • I am sure everyone is fired up, focused and ready for the game they are going to participate in today.
  • I cannot express enough gratitude towards the faculty who put their effort behind today’s sports day event.
  • I request my team of students who volunteered to help with the cleaning of the ground after the event to gather near the front gate.
  • I welcome the participants to showcase their skills, strength, and talent with the positive sense of sportsman spirit.
  • School’s sports day can be an excellent opportunity to pit one’s talent against the opponent team in the competition with the true spirit of comradeship.
  • On this Sports Day, I would like to thank our sports staff who helped build the students’ stamina by exposing them to rigorous practice and motivating them to reach their utmost potential.

FAQ’s on Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal

Question 1. Why is 12th January a special day?

Answer: The National Youth day is celebrated on 12th January to commemorate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda.

Question 2. What does Sports Day of a school signify?

Answer: Sports Day is an event that signifies the commitment of a school and its members towards sports and extra-curricular activities.

Question 3. How does the competition in sports or games benefit us?

Answer: The competition concept is not only to find the best among the participants but also to increase the eagerness of participation, among others. The real competition is not against or in measure to others’ level of strength or potential, but a constant improvement of oneself from their previous level.

Question 4. Name a few international sports events.

Answer: Olympic Games, World Cups for individual sports, NBA, etc. are international sporting events.

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70 Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

May 1, 2024

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A big hello to my chivalrous crowd. How about that for a mind-altering beginning to Short Welcome Speech Samples ? Welcome – the most paramount gesture to make your guest feel attended and addressed and respected! Yes, the host is loaded with uncountable responsibilities to make their guests feel special and counted on. And all of it starts with a nice, heart-warming “#Velkommen” that you mark the event and tell what that day is all about. If you are preparing for an event and need someone to tell you that you are doing great, let it be you. Check on this list of Powerful Quotes to Boost Your Self Confidence , It helped me a lot, see if it could do a little magic for you as well.

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

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Feeling stuck and not being able to find just the right words to introduce events is so irritating that it could make you smash your own head (by personal experiences; wink). A welcome could either cheer them up or make them leave the event and rather have cozy sleep at home . Martin Luther King, in 1943, delivered a speech “I have a dream” and that still doesn’t fail to inspire people.

Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

Welcome speech for annual day.

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am extremely overwhelmed to get this opportunity to address you all on this auspicious occasion of 50th Annual day of our elite institution. Children are the future of tomorrow. All these students we witness today, receiving honours for their talents will grow up to be the responsible citizens of tomorrow. May they grow up to make us proud and achieve the highest human values.

I feel proud to be a part of such an elite institution where we are taught by such great teachers, whose teaching goes beyond the classroom. Also, they are the ones to be thanked for organizing such a huge function. We all have assembled here today, today to motivate and cherish the young minds present among us. Apart from it, this is a great occasion to welcome our Chief Guest of today.

Welcome of the Chief Guest

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome of the Chief Guest

On behalf of the school, I welcome our chief guest Mr. James, who is a dean of the most renowned institution functioning under the government of India. She is working towards connecting young minds to strive toward success and achievement. We are grateful to him for accepting our invitation and becoming a chief guest of today’s event.

Our chief guest doesn’t require an introduction as he is a well-recognised figure in our city. She is known for his wonderful administration and high achievements of the Institution she is in charge of. Apart from this, she is a Philanthropist and renders selfless services to society. She has moulded the life of students and served people with her kindness.

We are so honoured to have her as the Chief guest for the evening. I am certain that all the parents present here are also moved and assuredly want their children to be like him.

Welcoming Parents

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcoming Parents

Parents are the world for children. Not to overlook that we are here, joined by the wonderful parents who have raised the best students this school possesses. With immense admiration and affection, we welcome all the parents who made the efforts to join this ceremony.

At last, I would like to thank all the teachers, other staff members and all the students present here to make this ceremony worthwhile.

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Good Morning to everyone present here!

We all have gathered here today on the occasion of a Fresher’s party. Welcoming people is part of Indian culture, followed for centuries. We maintain this custom and welcome today the fresh faces in the college with a fresher’s party.

I thank all my teachers and everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my fresher’s today. It’s a moment of great pleasure for me to welcome you all.

My dear friends, studying in our institution is pure joy, the professors, students, and other staff members are an epitome of compassion and we are quite sure you will be perplexed by their sagacity.

All in all, I would like to say that you have made an absolutely secure decision to be a part of this institution. Our college welcomes all the students joining us today. I hope all of you will operate along with the values of the college and magnify its reputation at every go of life.

Now, I will halt my words and start with the programmes for the day which includes some astounding performances by the students of our college.

I guarantee, your next few hours will be delightful and memorable. Thank you for being a patient audience and hearing my thoughts.

Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

I welcome you all on this occasion of the farewell party, for which we have assembled here today.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my seniors and teachers on this memorable occasion.

School life is undoubtedly the best phase of life for everyone. Our parents, teachers and friends all have made this phase of life so memorable for us. We learned so many things, from our inspiring teachers. Made mistakes, made memories with friends, and whatnot. It was a long journey in itself.

Today marks the end of this school life of sweet and bitter moments to cherish all our lives. We do feel a touch of sadness but it is the nature of life, to move forward. So, today we will celebrate this moment with our beloved teachers and friends to bid a good farewell to all who have to leave now, with a smiling face.

Welcome Speech for College Function

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for College Function

Good Morning to all!

Honourable Chief Guest Mr. Swamy, Principal Sir Dr. Reddy, Staff Members, and all the students present here. I welcome you all to the annual function of our esteemed college.

My name is Lakshita Kumar, a student of B.Sc. and also a secretary of cultural programs organized under our college authority.

I feel extremely proud to announce that our elite college has completed 25 years and we all have gathered today to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the same. Behind huge success over the years are the dedicated teachers, motivated students, and helpful staff who give their best to make the college achieve great heights of success.

Also, It is a great honour for me to pronounce that today we are joined by a lady who hardly needs an introduction. She is well known for her work in educating poor children. Besides, he is a published and extensively read author of the contemporary world. (the title of his book) is one of her treasures that have gained a huge international acknowledgment.

Moreover, she is extremely loved and respected by her readers which include the youth population of the country, whom she has influenced the most with her writing. With that being said, let us call upon none other than Miss/ Mrs. (name of the chief guest).”

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and dear students!

We welcome you all today, to celebrate this auspicious occasion of teacher’s day. We celebrate teacher’s day every year on 5th September, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Teachers are our ideals. They inspire us each day and make us strive towards the route of success. They equip us with the power of knowledge and propel us with endless wisdom to become better citizens of the future.

On that note, I would now like to invite our Principal mam on the stage and to deliver her thoughts on the day.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!

We welcome all the students as we celebrate Children’s day today.

It is true, the imagination of a child is incomparable. Children are a creation of God and their smile is irresistible to not make us smile alone. Their innocence is overwhelming.

For children, school is a second home and teachers are equivalent to the parents in times when students need them the most. This day is celebrated with many events which cannot be possible without the contribution of our lovely teachers.

Thanking you all, I would like to start the events for the day without any further delay. 

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use-19

It is simply not possible for everyone to come up with the right kind of words to use in a welcome speech. It is something that one has to plan and think about so that the right tone is set for the person you are welcoming to make his or her speech. Plus care has to be taken to ensure that none of the vital details are missed but at the same time, the speech cannot be too long. It is not as simple as writing a heart melting long distance relationship quote and requires a lot more consideration.

Focus on the TONE While Delivering the Introductory Speech For an Event

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

Understanding the basic idea and being able to think about the feel is really important in order to make the listener feel connected. Make sure they don’t yawn or even doesn’t end up rolling on the floor laughing too! Your speech should be making them feel eager to know what going to come up next. If at all it is the professional conference that you are conducting, you can’t pour in too much fun in your speech but a family function demands the same. Choosing tone and focus on how you talk to the audience will vary with the different types of event. Decide if its “Howz it going peepz?” event or “Blesses morning, ladies and gentlemen.” event. A few Maid of Honor Speeches if at all you are thinking to make the #Bigday special for your BFF.

Important Points to Consider while Giving Welcome Speech For an Event

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

  • What is the purpose of the event and what it aims to achieve out of it? The objective, unless made clear to the audience, leaves the speech incomplete. Be specific as you introduce the event and its significance ’cause being brief helps people register it seriously. Tempting them is all you have to do and then stop – make them feel excited about the event.
  • Welcome speech must address all the guests and the chief guests of the event (if any) thanking them for being present and giving the auspicious event their valuable attention.
  • Make proper introductions of the Chief guests and hosts along with the motive of the function to achieve more attention and appreciation. Make sure you have all the names beforehand and you know how to pronounce them correctly.

SSS Mantra for Appreciable Hosting

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

Short-Simple-Sincere, it should be! The speech better not exceed a minute or two. Use simple and understandable language along with a sincere tone and vocab as to make sure your audience gets impressed by your way of expression.

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Wonderful, very Nice, super…..

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awesome content. really worth!

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It’s really wonderful and meaningful it will help for others who is really In need……

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dear sir/madam greetings.very useful tips.thank u… regs veerabadran guna

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Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal

welcome speech sample for sports day

Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal in English

Introduction Speech on Sports Day is an eventful one that is generally given by the Principal. Sports day is looked forward to by students and children all year round, as on this day, many sports events and competitions are held. Students get to showcase their talents in extracurricular activities on this day. Here, we will see the various ways to prepare a speech for this day. It can be a Long Welcome Speech For Sports Day By Principal or a Short Speech For Sports Day By Principal, we have provided a sample speech for both.

Sample Welcome Speech for Sports Day

Long welcome speech for sports day by principal.

This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal is given to address the dignitaries, parents, teaching, non-teaching staff, and the participants of this event from all grades.

Good morning everyone, I am very happy to see everyone blooming in the spirit of the sports day. It is an absolute honor to introduce to you all the Chief guests/guests (mention their names) today, we feel privileged to host you today. I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation and gracing us with your presence. Your achievements in the field of sports are excellent and your contribution to raising the bar for future generations by bringing laurels to our country is truly noteworthy.

welcome speech sample for sports day

A very warm welcome to the parents and families who are here to support their children. It is difficult to navigate these past few weeks for children who are working hard and preparing for the main day. It is because of your affection and encouragement that we see our children in high spirits, even after such tiring days.

The annual sports day is a tradition that started ever since the school was established. My heart is overjoyed to see such enthusiastic participation by all our students who are carrying forward the torch of march pasts, and sports drills. Every year the level of anticipation only increases. It makes us more excited to see what’s coming ahead.

The primary focus in many cases is academics, which certainly is an important aspect in building a student’s career and life but many fail to recognize the importance of sports.

Extracurricular activities and sports teach students many important life lessons. It teaches discipline, focus, dedication, hard work, commitment, teamwork. And it is our responsibility as adults to value sportsmanship and award the courage of students to take action rather than focusing on winning or losing.

Sports instill plenty of values that help students to cruise through life with honesty and responsibility for themselves and others. It also allows students to be agile and fit that only increases the concentration in academics and the willingness to perform better in any field. 

Sport is an amazing concept that improves the lives of people. Students especially need to take part in sports that they find fun because participating in sports will not only help them to improve their physical health but will also give them the mental energy to cope and study well. By playing sports, students release serotonin and other chemicals in the brain and because of this exertion, they will feel more rejuvenated every day. It will help them to stay fit and to have a healthy and positive life. Sports also play a very important role in having stable and healthy mental health. 

Mental health should not be taken lightly. In order to have a holistic and healthy life, students should also take care of their mental health. It plays a great role in keeping them happy and focused. By physically playing various kinds of sports, people will also realize that they can focus and concentrate better in class. 

I would like to take this opportunity to the heroes who always work behind the scenes and make every event a successful one. The non-teaching staff, peons, guards, cleaners, it is because of your hard work that we can give undivided attention to the event and not worry about anything else.

Last but not least, I am a witness to the effort put in by our teachers, at every stage and guiding the students through it all. Motivating the students is quite a task after such long days during the practice sessions and the teachers have done a commendable job.

I request everyone to applaud all the work that you have done and make this a memorable day for everyone in the years to come. And lastly, I would like to request all our students to maintain discipline throughout and cooperate with us, and understand that any unruly actions will not be entertained. Without any further ado, let us begin the competitions.

Short Welcome Speech for Sports Day By Principal

This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal is given to address everyone in a simple and understandable manner.

Good morning everyone, I am honored to be here and extend a warm welcome to the chief guest/guests for the day who has graciously accepted our invitation and are here to celebrate our traditional annual sports day event. We are all spellbound by your achievements and contributions to the field of sports.

A hearty welcome to the parents and families that never fails to impress us with the constant support and zeal they exhibit in allowing the children to take part in competitions and balance the academics as well.

We are so grateful to the teachers who have worked tirelessly to carry forward the tradition of this day every year with so much concern and attention to detail. Your dedication to making this a success is infectious and students’ motivation has only risen. The non-teaching staff, who are the real heroes that work diligently behind the scenes without demanding any recognition during every event are truly deserving of appreciation.

The participants and all the students have shown so much enthusiasm for the event this year, it is your efforts and commitment that is evident in the march pasts and drills, to begin with. I am sure you will do exceedingly well in the competitions as well. It is also important to remember that winning and losing are only part of the game. Enjoy the game and play well, then you will be the real winners. Do not engage in any interdisciplinary acts, that will hamper the flow of the sports spirit. Let’s start the competitions.

10 Line Welcome Speech for Sports Day By Principal

This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By Principal is useful when the speech needs to be short and simple.

  • Sports help us in leading life the right way.
  • It helps us keep fit, remain active and when playing in teams, sports inculcates discipline, self-esteem, confidence, and teamwork.
  • Sports give one an opportunity to have a broader view of the world and life.
  • These qualities are the reason we encourage our students to take part in sports and not just focus on academics.
  • Sports Day is an annual tradition of our school and we are overjoyed to see so much enthusiasm from you, students, at such a young age.
  • This is a great opportunity to showcase your other talents and skills.
  • I am grateful to all the students who volunteered to help the cleaning staff every day after the practice sessions, such philanthropy values are very important.
  • The faculty and staff especially the sports teacher who plan this event all around the year and do it better every year and raise the bar.
  • The faculty and students work closely together and encourage each other by performing well.
  • We can see all your drive and passion to do your best, remember to enjoy and not be disheartened by failures.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are sports important?

Sports are very important because it helps in improving physical and mental health. There are many kinds of sports activities that are present in modern society. All sports activities have national and international competitions and people who are really dedicated can take part in them. There are many types of sports. The main categories are individual sport, group sports and dual sports. In individual sports, only one individual will participate; however, in dual sports, two people will play against each other. In team sports, one team of participants will compete against another team. 

2. What are games that are included in team sports?

Team sports is when one team of participants competes against another team. They each fight for points and have a few rounds in every game. People of all ages and backgrounds can play any kind of sport they are interested in. Each sport has different rules and equipment that are needed in order to play. The list of team sports are:

3. What kind of sports do you play to stay fit?

All sports help with physical fitness. Team sports like kabaddi and cricket also help a lot because every member of the team has to put their full effort into running and trying to win a point for the team. Whenever there is a lot of physical activity like running, jumping around and skipping, one can sweat and thus it will help in staying fit. The idea with sports is that as you move your body, you will stretch your muscles and strain them, this will keep the blood flowing actively and will also help in building muscles. 

4. How to play well in sports?

Just like academic activities, one can play sports really well by practicing as much as possible and working really hard. It is extremely beneficial if people start playing sports right from a young age, this will help them practice more than anybody and they will also keep learning new tricks and techniques. By playing from an early age, the body will also get used to the routine and they can play any sport of their choice.

5. What are some of the individual sports?

Individual sports is when a person plays the sport individually with only the equipment that is required to play. The person does not compete with anyone else but rather aim to score individual points. Some of the individual sports are: 

  • Weightlifting.

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welcome speech sample for sports day


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    This document provides sample anchoring scripts for sports day events at both educational institutions and local clubs. It includes welcoming speeches, inviting guests to speak, announcing sports events and winners, and closing remarks. Suggested scripts are provided for different parts of the event from the opening to the prize distribution. The goal is to give anchors an idea of how to ...

  18. Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal for Students and Children in

    Long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal 500 Words in English. Long Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. I heartily welcome everyone to our school's annual sports day event. I hope everyone present here is in good health, and I also presume everyone else like me is excited about today ...

  19. 70 Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

    A welcome could either cheer them up or make them leave the event and rather have cozy sleep at home. Martin Luther King, in 1943, delivered a speech "I have a dream" and that still doesn't fail to inspire people. Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event Welcome Speech for Annual Day

  20. Welcome Speech by Principal On Sports Day

    Welcome Speech by Principal on Sports Day.docx - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The principal welcomed the students to the school's annual sports day. He emphasized the importance of physical health and participation in sports. He wished luck to the students who would be performing and encouraged those who did not ...

  21. Welcome Speech for Sports Day by Principal

    This type of Welcome Speech For Sports Day By the Principal is given to address the dignitaries, parents, teaching, non-teaching staff, and the participants of this event from all grades. Good morning everyone, I am very happy to see everyone blooming in the spirit of the sports day. It is an absolute honor to introduce to you all the Chief ...

  22. Anchoring Script For Sports Day

    Anchoring Script for Sports Day - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides the sequence of programs for the Annual Sports Meet 2018-19 at Bharat Jyoti Vidyalaya in Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh. It will include introductory speeches, prayer dances, the welcoming of chief guests, the lighting of the Olympic torch, a ...

  23. Welcome Speech For Annual Sports Meet

    Welcome speech for Annual Sports Meet (1) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains the welcome speech for the annual sports meet at R.E.D School in Jhajjar. It begins by welcoming the chief guest, guests of honor, principal, faculty, parents, and students. It then specifically welcomes the founder director ...