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What is a Production System in AI?

Every automatic system with a specific algorithm must have rules for its proper functioning and functioning differently. The production systems in artificial intelligence are rules applied to different behaviors and environments.

In this article, we will learn about production systems, their components, and production system rules.

Table of Content

Production System in AI

Key components of a production system in ai, types of production systems, 1. rule-based systems, 2. procedural systems, 3. declarative systems, how production systems function, applications of production systems in ai.

In artificial intelligence (AI) , a production system refers to a type of rule-based system that is designed to provide a structured approach to problem solving and decision-making. This framework is particularly influential in the realm of expert systems, where it simulates human decision-making processes using a set of predefined rules and facts.

Let’s consider an example of Expert System for Medical Diagnosis .

Scenario: A patient comes to a healthcare facility with the following symptoms: fever, severe headache, sensitivity to light, and stiff neck.

Mediacal diagnosis operates in the following manner:

  • Input : A healthcare professional inputs the symptoms into MediDiagnose.
  • MediDiagnose reviews its knowledge base for rules that match the given symptoms.
  • It identifies several potential conditions but recognizes a strong match for meningitis based on the combination of symptoms.
  • The system suggests that meningitis could be a possible diagnosis and recommends further tests to confirm, such as a lumbar puncture.
  • It also provides a list of other less likely conditions based on the symptoms for comprehensive differential diagnosis.

MediDiagnose uses its rule-based system to quickly filter through vast amounts of medical data to provide preliminary diagnoses. This assists doctors in focusing their investigative efforts more efficiently and potentially speeds up the process of reaching an accurate diagnosis.

The key components of production system includes:

  • Knowledge Base : This is the core repository where all the rules and facts are stored. In AI, the knowledge base is critical as it contains the domain-specific information and the if-then rules that dictate how decisions are made or actions are taken.
  • Forward Chaining (Data-driven) : This method starts with the available data and uses the inference rules to extract more data until a goal is reached.
  • Backward Chaining (Goal-driven) : This approach starts with a list of goals and works backwards to determine what data is required to achieve those goals.
  • Working Memory : Sometimes referred to as the fact list, working memory holds the dynamic information that changes as the system operates. It represents the current state of knowledge, including facts that are initially known and those that are deduced throughout the operation of the system.
  • Control Mechanism : This governs the order in which rules are applied by the inference engine and manages the flow of the process. It ensures that the system responds appropriately to changes in the working memory and applies rules effectively to reach conclusions or solutions.

Production systems in AI can be categorized based on how they handle and process knowledge. This categorization includes Rule-Based Systems, Procedural Systems, and Declarative Systems, each possessing unique characteristics and applications.

  • Rule-based systems operate by applying a set of pre-defined rules to the given data to deduce new information or make decisions. These rules are generally in the form of conditional statements (if-then statements) that link conditions with actions or outcomes.
  • Diagnostic Systems : Like medical diagnosis systems that infer diseases from symptoms.
  • Fraud Detection Systems : Used in banking and insurance, these systems analyze transaction patterns to identify potentially fraudulent activities.
  • Procedural systems utilize knowledge that describes how to perform specific tasks. This knowledge is procedural in nature, meaning it focuses on the steps or procedures required to achieve certain goals or results.
  • Manufacturing Control Systems : Automate production processes by detailing step-by-step procedures to assemble parts or manage supply chains.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems : Guide users through a series of steps to resolve issues or provide information, commonly used in customer service.
  • Declarative systems are based on facts and information about what something is, rather than how to do something. These systems store knowledge that can be queried to make decisions or solve problems.
  • Knowledge Bases in AI Assistants : Power virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa, which retrieve information based on user queries.
  • Configuration Systems : Used in product customization, where the system decides on product specifications based on user preferences and declarative rules about product options.

Each type of production system offers different strengths and is suitable for various applications, from straightforward rule-based decision-making to complex systems requiring intricate procedural or declarative reasoning.

The operation of a production system in AI follows a cyclic pattern:

  • Match : The inference engine checks which rules are triggered based on the current facts in the working memory.
  • Select : From the triggered rules, the system (often through the control mechanism) selects one based on a set of criteria, such as specificity, recency, or priority.
  • Execute : The selected rule is executed, which typically modifies the facts in the working memory, either by adding new facts, changing existing ones, or removing some.

Production systems are used across various domains where decision-making can be encapsulated into clear, logical rules:

  • Expert Systems : For diagnosing medical conditions, offering financial advice, or making environmental assessments.
  • Automated Planning : Used in logistics to optimize routes and schedules based on current data and objectives.
  • Game AI : Manages non-player character behavior and decision-making in complex game environments.

Production systems represent a structured approach in AI that emphasizes clear rules and systematic processes. While they are powerful for scenarios where problems can be clearly defined through rules, they may not be suitable for tasks requiring nuanced understanding or adaptation beyond the pre-defined rules. In modern AI, production systems often work alongside other AI techniques, such as machine learning, to leverage the strengths of both rule-based and data-driven approaches.

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What is a Production System?

Dave Andre

  • August 22, 2024 Updated

What is a production system? A production system in artificial intelligence (AI) is a framework that combines rules and data to make logical decisions. It’s akin to a factory production line, where pieces (data) are processed and assembled (analyzed) to create a final product (decision or action).

Looking to learn more about production systems? Continue reading this article written by the AI savants at All About AI .

What Constitutes a Production System?

A production system is a sophisticated framework consisting of several integral components, each contributing to its functionality and efficiency:

What-Constitutes-a-Production -System_

Rules are the cornerstone of a production system. Each rule comprises a condition (the ‘if’ part) and an action (the ‘then’ part). The system continuously scans its rules and executes actions when their corresponding conditions are met, driving the decision-making process.

Working Memory:

The working memory acts as a dynamic data repository, holding the information that the system is currently processing. It includes facts, data, and the current state of affairs that the rules operate upon. The continual update of this memory is crucial for the system’s responsiveness to changing scenarios.

Control Strategy:

This crucial component dictates the sequence and priority in which rules are applied. The control strategy can significantly influence the system’s performance and output quality, determining how efficiently and accurately decisions are made.


The interpreter is the operational core of the production system. It enforces the control strategy, applies rules to the data in the working memory, and updates the system’s state based on the outcomes of these rule applications. The efficiency of the interpreter directly impacts the overall system performance.

What Are the Distinctive Characteristics of Production Systems in AI?

Production systems in AI are distinguished by their rule-based structure, allowing for clear and logical decision-making processes. They are dynamic, scalable, and can be modified or expanded as new information becomes available.

Production systems in AI exhibit diverse operational characteristics, making them suitable for various applications:

Deterministic Systems:

These systems operate with a high level of certainty. The rules are clear-cut, ensuring that a given input consistently yields the same output. This predictability is crucial in applications where consistency and reliability are paramount.

Probabilistic Systems:

In contrast to deterministic systems, probabilistic systems incorporate uncertainty into their decision-making. Rules in these systems are associated with probabilities, allowing the system to make informed decisions even when complete information is not available.

Heuristic Systems:

These systems excel in solving complex problems where direct solutions may not be apparent. They rely on heuristic methods — practical but not necessarily perfect approaches — to navigate through intricate problem spaces.

Adaptive Systems:

Adaptive systems are designed to evolve. They learn from new data and outcomes, adjusting their rule set over time. This adaptability makes them particularly useful in dynamic environments where conditions and requirements frequently change.

What Types of Production Systems Exist in AI?

There are various types of production systems in AI, including expert systems, real-time monitoring systems, and automated decision-making frameworks. Each type is tailored to specific applications and requirements.


Monotonic Systems:

Monotonic systems maintain consistency in their knowledge base. Once a conclusion is reached, it cannot be reversed; new information only extends the existing knowledge without contradicting it. This property ensures stability in decision-making.

Partially Commutative Systems:

These systems offer a degree of flexibility in rule application. Some rules can be rearranged or reordered without affecting the overall outcome, allowing for more efficient processing paths in certain scenarios.

Non-Monotonic Systems:

Non-monotonic systems are capable of revising their conclusions in light of new information. This ability to retract or modify decisions makes them adept at handling complex, evolving datasets where new data might contradict previous knowledge.

Commutative Systems:

In commutative systems, the order of rule application does not impact the final result. This property allows for parallel processing and optimization, making these systems efficient in handling large sets of rules and data .

Why Opt for Production Systems in AI Applications?

Production systems bring several benefits to artificial intelligence applications, enhancing their effectiveness and usability:


The rule-based structure of production systems allows for easy modifications and updates. Individual rules can be changed, added, or removed without disrupting the entire system, facilitating ongoing maintenance and adaptation.


Production systems are inherently adaptable, capable of being tailored to a wide range of problems and requirements. This flexibility makes them suitable for diverse applications, from simple decision-making tasks to complex problem-solving scenarios.

Heuristic Control:

These systems excel in environments where heuristic approaches are necessary. They can efficiently navigate through complex tasks where algorithms might not provide straightforward solutions, offering practical and often innovative outcomes.

Real-Time Application Utility:

Production systems are particularly well-suited for real-time applications. Their structured and predictable nature allows for quick and reliable responses, essential in scenarios where timely decision-making is critical.

Where Are Production Systems Applied?

Production systems in AI find applications in diverse fields like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more.


Expert Systems:

Expert systems are one of the most prominent applications of production systems. In domains like medical diagnosis, these systems use a comprehensive set of rules to emulate human expertise, providing recommendations or decisions based on available data.

For instance, a medical expert system might analyze symptoms, medical history, and test results to suggest potential diagnoses or treatments.

Natural Language Processing:

In the field of natural language processing (NLP), production systems play a vital role in understanding and generating human language.

They assist in parsing language structures, interpreting semantics, and even generating human-like responses, thereby enhancing the AI’s ability to communicate effectively.

Decision Support Systems:

Production systems are integral to decision support systems (DSS), where they assist in evaluating various scenarios and outcomes based on a set of predefined rules.

These systems are used in fields ranging from business forecasting to environmental planning, providing valuable insights and aiding in complex decision-making processes.

How Do Production Systems Function?

At the heart of production systems lies their rule-based nature. These systems apply a series of rules to the data in the working memory, leading to logical conclusions or actions.

For example, in a weather forecasting system, rules might analyze atmospheric data to predict weather conditions. The system might have a rule stating, “If the humidity is above 80% and the temperature is dropping, then forecast rain.”

This rule-based approach enables the system to process information logically and consistently.

How Do Production Systems Differ From Other AI Frameworks?

Unlike other AI frameworks that rely on statistical models or machine learning algorithms, production systems are rule-based. This makes them more transparent and easier to audit, but potentially less flexible in dealing with unstructured data.

Future of Production Systems in AI: What Lies Ahead?

The future of production systems in AI looks promising with advancements in rule-based machine learning, integration with other AI technologies, and applications in complex, dynamic environments.


Integration with Machine Learning:

Looking ahead, production systems are likely to increasingly integrate with machine learning techniques. This synergy would enable dynamic rule generation and adaptation, enhancing the system’s ability to learn from new data and experiences.

Advanced Natural Language Processing:

Future advancements in NLP will likely see production systems offering more sophisticated and nuanced language understanding and generation capabilities. This progression will further bridge the communication gap between AI systems and humans.

Greater Scalability:

Upcoming developments are expected to significantly enhance the scalability of production systems. They will be able to handle larger datasets and more complex rule sets more efficiently, broadening their applicability in various domains.

Enhanced Real-Time Processing:

Future production systems will offer improved real-time processing capabilities. Faster and more efficient real-time responses will be crucial in applications like autonomous vehicles, where immediate decision-making is essential.

Collaborative AI Integration:

We can anticipate a trend towards collaborative integration, where production systems work in tandem with other AI technologies. This collaboration will lead to more comprehensive and multifaceted AI solutions, capable of tackling a broader range of challenges.

Want to Read More? Explore These AI Glossaries!

Embark on a journey into the world of artificial intelligence with our thoughtfully designed glossaries. Perfect for both novices and seasoned professionals, a world of fresh discoveries and learning awaits you!

  • What is Eager Learning? : In artificial intelligence, eager learning refers to a learning paradigm where a model is trained on the entire dataset at once.
  • What is Ebert Test? : The Ebert Test, in the context of artificial intelligence (AI), refers to a set of criteria or benchmarks used to evaluate the capability, efficiency, or performance of AI systems and algorithms.
  • What is Echo State Network? : An Echo State Network (ESN) is a type of recurrent neural network known for its reservoir computing approach. It’s primarily used for processing time-series data.
  • What is Edge Model? : It refers to a computational framework where AI processing is performed at the edge of the network, closer to the source of data.
  • What is Embedding? : In artificial intelligence, embedding is a technique for converting high-dimensional data, like text or images, into a lower-dimensional space.

What are the classifications of production systems?

What is a production system model, why is a production system important, what are the inputs of the production system, what is output in a production system.

Production systems in AI are vital for structured, rule-based decision-making. As AI continues to evolve, these systems will become more integrated and sophisticated, offering robust solutions across various industries.

Now that this article has answered the question of “what is a production system,” why stop there? Read through the rest of the articles we have in our AI Language Guide to really enhance your AI knowledge and understanding.

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Digital marketing enthusiast by day, nature wanderer by dusk. Dave Andre blends two decades of AI and SaaS expertise into impactful strategies for SMEs. His weekends? Lost in books on tech trends and rejuvenating on scenic trails.

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Table of Contents

What is a production system in ai, components of a production system in ai, features of production system, production system rules, advantages and disadvantages of a production system, classes of a production system, choose the right program, the role of production systems in ai evolution.

Production System in AI

Artificial intelligence and automation have become an integral part of our daily lives. Every automation machinery equipped with certain algorithms needs some set of rules for their proper functioning and execution of different tasks. The production system in AI is the collection of those rules which work on different behaviors and settings. These production systems help set up the AI algorithms and look into the proper functioning of the AI software. 

A production system in AI, also known as a production rule system, is a framework that can be implemented to create various software programs for executing different tasks. It is a unique and advanced kind of intellectual design that may be used to simulate human problem-solving abilities and build search algorithms for different programs. The AI production system retains tiny quanta referred to as productions, which help in understanding the process of problem-solving abilities

The rule and action are two fundamental elements in each production system. Declarative statements are used to encode the data in production systems. Knowledge representation is used to develop a production system that executes AI applications.

Production of different AI-based systems, such as computer software, mobile applications, and production tools, includes an effective production system. A production system in artificial intelligence provides automation based on a particular set of rules to exhibit particular traits while participating in different situations.

A production system in AI is composed of three components:

Global Database

The global database consists of the architectural design of the production system. It is the primary data framework of the system. This database equips all of the skills and data necessary for completing a particular task. 

Temporary and permanent global databases are two different kinds of global databases. The temporary global database is made up of short-term, situation-based actions. Whereas the permanent global database includes specific actions that cannot be modified or changed.

Production Rules

Production rules in AI are a group of rules that apply to information collected from a global database. Each rule has a precondition and a postcondition that the global database must either fulfill or not, depending on the rule. A production rule works effectively if a condition gets processed through it and meets the criteria specified by the global database.

Control System

A control system carries out the decision-making process. The control system determines which suitable rule is to be used and stops computations when a database termination condition is met. The control system settles issues when numerous rules are supposed to be executed simultaneously. The control system approach defines the set of rules that assesses the data from the global database before arriving at the right conclusion.

The features of the production system in AI are as follows: 

The production system uses an 'If-Then' framework to operate, which makes it visible and user-friendly for everyone. Additionally, this structure makes production systems easier to use by streamlining knowledge representation, improving the understanding of production rules, etc.

Production systems are designed to be completely modular, which implies that they can be broken into pieces that could be revised or customized without impacting the system overall. Data can be regarded as a collection of distinct factors that may be introduced or excluded from the system effectively without causing adverse consequences.


The flexibility to modify rules enables them to be changed to meet objectives. In the beginning, the production system is only given its basic structure. After compiling the specifications, we modify the production system's fundamental framework. This contributes to the gradual enhancement of the production system.

Production systems are reactive, adapting to alterations in their surroundings or problem area. They can recognize changes in the system's condition and act according to the knowledge and guidelines at hand.


The production system's knowledge base contains only pure information. Knowledge is contained in production systems in the format of a human being's conversational language, notably English. There are no programming languages used in its development. 

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The production system rules are designed to direct a machine on how to behave or react to a specific setting. It includes a knowledge database, a set of rules and control systems. The production rules are elements of knowledge generally represented in the form of 

  • IF conditions 
  • ELSE actions

The condition component of the statement is also known as the if part, antecedent, premise, or the left side of the rule. The action component is also called the else part, succedent, conclusion, consequent or the right side of the rule. 

The actions are completed when the condition stands true, and the rule is fired.

A production system has both pros and cons to it. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of a production system in AI are discussed below. 

The advantages of the production system in AI are as follows: 

  • Rather than using algorithms, the system employs pattern-directed control, which is more adaptable.
  • An exceptional and effective model that mimics human beings problem-solving abilities.
  • Advantageous in real-time applications and surroundings.
  • They have effective approaches for troubleshooting. It takes minimal time to identify and fix issues in the system.
  • The system can be changed without hurting the production rules.


Some of the disadvantages of a production system in AI are as follows: 

  • Unlike specialized AI systems, a basic production system built around predefined rules is inadequate for learning from experience. 
  • The control system determines the optimal production rule to be used when several competing rules are in use. This may result in a decrease in system efficiency.
  • The lack of output results in archived data in the production system might hinder training.
  • It is highly challenging to evaluate the control flow inside a production system.

The classes of a production system are: 

Monotonic Production System

A monotonic production system allows a system to run multiple rules simultaneously. In this kind of production system, when two rules have been chosen simultaneously, the execution of one rule will never block the execution of the other rule.

Partially Commutative Production System

It is a production system wherein the execution of a series of rules converts one condition into another. Then any permissible permutation of those rules likewise converts one state into another.

Non-Monotonic Production System

This kind of production method increases the efficiency of problem-solving. These systems can be used without having to go back and fix previous errors in execution. These production systems are required to find a productive approach in terms of implementation.

Commutative Production System

Commutative systems are useful when the order of operations is irrelevant. A communicative production system serves as a tool for problems where minor changes can have a significant effect on the final result. 

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Artificial intelligence is growing rapidly, understanding human behavior and is progressing to mimic human-thinking abilities. The production system in AI plays a significant role in directing the automation systems with a certain set of rules to adapt to a specific setting. Artificial intelligence is a broad discipline, and the production system is a part of this broad spectrum. Enroll in Caltech Post Graduate Program In AI and Machine Learning and learn about AI and its various components. 

1. What is meant by the production system?

A production system can be considered a cognitive framework that illustrates multiple rules. It helps make the best choice and generalizes a behavioral pattern that serves as a framework for evaluating different situations. The production system in AI implements pre-set behavior to observe a situation and recommend a course of action.

2. What are the elements of the production system?

The elements of the production system are the global database, production rules and control.

3. What is the role of the production system?

A production system uses a set of rules and methods for performing them that reinforce artificial intelligence. They facilitate the development of artificial intelligence-based software and machine automation. They also improve the speed and accuracy of solving conflicts in automated systems using IF-THEN conditions.

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Production System Models of Learning and Development

Production System Models of Learning and Development

Edited by David Klahr , Patrick W. Langley and Robert T. Neches

ISBN: 9780262111140

Pub date: January 26, 1987

  • Publisher: The MIT Press

478 pp. , 6 x 9 in ,

  • 9780262111140
  • Published: January 1987
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  • Description

There have been many scattered studies on production systems since they were first proposed as computational models of human problem-solving behavior by Allen Newell some twenty years ago, but this is the first book to focus exclusively on these important models of human cognition, collecting and giving many of the best examples of current research.

Cognitive psychologists have found the production systems class of computer simulation models to be one of the most direct ways to cast complex theories of human intelligence. There have been many scattered studies on production systems since they were first proposed as computational models of human problem-solving behavior by Allen Newell some twenty years ago, but this is the first book to focus exclusively on these important models of human cognition, collecting and giving many of the best examples of current research.

In the first chapter, Robert Neches, Pat Langley, and David Klahr provide an overview of the fundamental issues involved in using production systems as a medium for theorizing about cognitive processes, emphasizing their theoretical power.

The remaining chapters take up learning by doing and learning by understanding, discrimination learning, learning through incremental refinement, learning by chunking, procedural earning, and learning by composition. A model of cognitive development called BAIRN is described, and a final chapter reviews John Anderson's ACT theory and discusses how it can be used in intelligent tutoring systems, including one that teaches LISP programming skills.

Contributors Yuichiro Anzai (Hokkaido University, Japan), Paul Rosenbloom (Stanford) and Allen Newell (Carnegie-Mellon), Stellan Ohlsson (University of Pittsburgh), Clayton Lewis (University of Colorado, Boulder), Iain Wallace and Kevin Bluff (Deakon University, Australia), and John Anderson (Carnegie-Mellon).

Bradford Books imprint

David Klahr is Professor of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University.

Pat Langley is Associate Professor, Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine.

Robert Neches is Research Computer Scientist at University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute.

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What is a production system?

by Stephen M. Walker II , Co-Founder / CEO

Overview of Production Systems in AI

Production systems in artificial intelligence (AI) consist of rules that guide the creation of programs capable of problem-solving. These systems are structured around production rules, each with a condition and corresponding action. When a condition is met, the action is executed, allowing the system to progress towards a solution.

These systems are integral to various AI applications, including expert systems, natural language processing, and machine learning. By utilizing a knowledge base, an inference engine, working memory, and a control strategy, production systems can autonomously make decisions and perform complex tasks.

For instance, in robotics, a production system might direct a robot to turn left at a junction if there's an obstacle ahead. This flexibility and adaptability make production systems suitable for dynamic environments and complex decision-making processes.

The use of production systems in AI offers several advantages. They enable the creation of intelligent agents that can independently reason and make decisions. They are foundational in developing expert systems that provide solutions in specialized fields such as medicine, engineering, and finance. Additionally, they support decision-making in decision support systems, which aid humans in various sectors, including marketing and operations.

Expert systems and natural language processing are prominent examples of production systems' applications. Expert systems leverage a database of rules and facts to make informed decisions within a specific area, while natural language processing allows computers to interpret and respond to human language.

What is neuro-fuzzy?

Neuro-fuzzy refers to the combination of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic in the field of artificial intelligence. This hybridization results in a system that incorporates human-like reasoning, and is often referred to as a fuzzy neural network (FNN) or neuro-fuzzy system (NFS).

What is a heuristic?

A heuristic is a rule of thumb that helps us make decisions quickly and efficiently. In artificial intelligence, heuristics are used to help computers find solutions to problems faster than they could using traditional methods.

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  • Last updated October 10, 2020
  • In AI Origins & Evolution

What’s An Artificial Intelligence Production System? Here Are The Basics

problem solving production systems

  • Published on January 14, 2019
  • by Martin F.R.

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Production systems can be defined as a kind of cognitive architecture, in which knowledge is represented in the form of rules. So, a  system that uses this form of knowledge representation is called a production system. To simply put, production systems consists of rules and factors. Knowledge is usually encoded in a declarative from which comprises of a set of rules of the form.

The Major Components Of An AI Production System

  • A global database
  • A set of production rules
  • A control system

The global database is the central data structure which used by an AI production system. The production system. The production rules operate on the global database. Each rule usually has a precondition that is either satisfied or not by the global database. If the precondition is satisfied, the rule is usually be applied. Application of the rule changes the database. The control system then chooses which applicable rule should be applied and ceases computation when a termination condition on the database is satisfied. If multiple rules are to fire at the same time, the control system resolves the conflicts.

4 Major Features Of Production System

  • Modifiability
  • Knowledge Intensive

Advantages Of Production Systems In AI

  • Provides excellent tools for structuring AI programs
  • The system is highly modular because individual rules can be added, removed or modified independently
  • Expressed in natural form.
  • Separation of knowledge and Control – Recognises Act Cycle
  • A natural mapping onto state space research – data or goal-driven
  • Modularity of production rules
  • The system uses pattern directed control which is more flexible than algorithmic control
  • Provides opportunities for heuristic control of search
  • Tracing and Explanation – Simple Control, Informative rules
  • Language Independence
  • A plausible model of human problem solving -SOAR, ACT
  • A good way to model the state-driven nature of intelligent machines
  • Quite helpful in real time in environment and applications.

Disadvantages Of Production Systems In AI

  • It’s very difficult to analyse the flow of control within a production system
  • It describes the operations that can be performed in a search for a solution to the problem. They can be classified as follows.
  • There is an absence of learning due to a rule-based production system which does not store the result of the problem for future use.
  • The rules in the production system should not have any type of conflict resolution as when a new rule is added to the database it should ensure that it does not have any conflict with any existing rules.

4 Major Classifications Of Production Systems

Production system describes the operations that can be performed in a search for a solution to the problem. These are 4 classifications 

  • A monotonic production system
  • A non-monotonic production system
  • A partially commutative production system
  • A commutative production system.
  • Monotonic Production System : It’s a production system in which the application of a rule never prevents the later application of another rule, that could have also been applied at the time the first rule was selected.
  • Partially Commutative Production System : It’s a type of production system in which the application of a sequence of rules transforms state X into state Y, then any permutation of those rules that is allowable also transforms state x into state Y. Theorem proving falls under the monotonic partially communicative system.
  • Blocks world and 8 puzzle problems like chemical analysis and synthesis come under monotonic, not partially commutative systems.
  • Although, playing the game of bridge comes under non-monotonic, not partially commutative system. For any problem, several production systems do exist. Some will be efficient than others.
  • Non-Monotonic Production Systems are useful for solving ignorable problems. These systems are important for man implementation standpoint because they can be implemented without the ability to backtrack to previous states when it is discovered that an incorrect path was followed. This production system increases the efficiency since it is not necessary to keep track of the changes made in the search process.
  • Commutative Systems are usually useful for problems in which changes occur but can be reversed and in which the order of operation is not critical for example the, 8 puzzle problem. Production systems that are not usually not partially commutative are useful for many problems in which irreversible changes occur, such as chemical analysis. When dealing with such systems, the order in which operations are performed is very important and hence correct decisions must be made at the first time itself.

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Artificial Intelligence

What is production system in artificial intelligence.

problem solving production systems

A production system is based on a set of rules about behavior. These rules are a basic representation found helpful in expert systems, automated planning, and action selection. It also provides some form of artificial intelligence . In this article, we will talk about the production system in artificial intelligence in the following sequence:

What is Production System?

  • Features of Production System

Control/Search Strategies

Production system rules.

  • Classes of Production System

Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Production System in AI: Example

Production system or production rule system is a computer program typically used to provide some form of artificial intelligence, which consists primarily of a set of rules about behavior but it also includes the mechanism necessary to follow those rules as the system responds to states of the world.

Components of Production System

The major components of Production System in Artificial Intelligence are:

Global Database: The global database is the central data structure used by the production system in Artificial Intelligence.

Set of Production Rules: The production rules operate on the global database. Each rule usually has a precondition that is either satisfied or not by the global database. If the precondition is satisfied, the rule is usually be applied. The application of the rule changes the database.

A Control System: The control system then chooses which applicable rule should be applied and ceases computation when a termination condition on the database is satisfied. If multiple rules are to fire at the same time, the control system resolves the conflicts.

Features of Production System in Artificial Intelligence

The main features of the production system include:

1. Simplicity: The structure of each sentence in a production system is unique and uniform as they use the “IF-THEN” structure. This structure provides simplicity in knowledge representation . This feature of the production system improves the readability of production rules.

2. Modularity: This means the production rule code the knowledge available in discrete pieces. Information can be treated as a collection of independent facts which may be added or deleted from the system with essentially no deleterious side effects.

3. Modifiability: This means the facility for modifying rules. It allows the development of production rules in a skeletal form first and then it is accurate to suit a specific application.

4. Knowledge-intensive: The knowledge base of the production system stores pure knowledge. This part does not contain any type of control or programming information. Each production rule is normally written as an English sentence; the problem of semantics is solved by the very structure of the representation.

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How would you decide which rule to apply while searching for a solution for any problem? There are certain requirements for a good control strategy that you need to keep in mind, such as:

The first requirement for a good control strategy is that it should cause motion .

The second requirement for a good control strategy is that it should be systematic .

Finally, it must be efficient in order to find a good answer.

Production System rules can be classified as:

Deductive Inference Rules

Abductive Inference Rules

You can represent the knowledge in a production system as a set of rules along with a control system and database. It can be written as:

If(Condition) Then (Condition)

The production rules are also known as condition-action, antecedent-consequent, pattern-action, situation-response, feedback-result pairs.

Classes of Production System in Artificial Intelligence

There are four major classes of Production System in Artificial Intelligence:

Monotonic Production System : It’s a production system in which the application of a rule never prevents the later application of another rule, that could have also been applied at the time the first rule was selected.

Partially Commutative Production System : It’s a type of production system in which the application of a sequence of rules transforms state X into state Y, then any permutation of those rules that is allowable also transforms state x into state Y. Theorem proving falls under the monotonic partially communicative system.

Non-Monotonic Production Systems : These are useful for solving ignorable problems. These systems are important from an implementation standpoint because they can be implemented without the ability to backtrack to previous states when it is discovered that an incorrect path was followed. This production system increases efficiency since it is not necessary to keep track of the changes made in the search process.

Commutative Systems : These are usually useful for problems in which changes occur but can be reversed and in which the order of operation is not critical. Production systems that are not usually not partially commutative are useful for many problems in which irreversible changes occur, such as chemical analysis. When dealing with such systems, the order in which operations are performed is very important and hence correct decisions must be made at the first attempt itself.

Some of the advantages of Production system in artificial intelligence are:

The system is highly modular because individual rules can be added, removed or modified independently

Separation of knowledge and Control-Recognises Act Cycle

  • A natural mapping onto state-space research data or goal-driven

The system uses pattern directed control which is more flexible than algorithmic control

Provides opportunities for heuristic control of the search

A good way to model the state-driven nature of intelligent machines

Quite helpful in a real-time  environment and applications.

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Now, let’s have a look at some of the disadvantages :

It describes the operations that can be performed in a search for a solution to the problem.

There is an absence of learning due to a rule-based production system that does not store the result of the problem for future use.

The rules in the production system should not have any type of conflict resolution as when a new rule is added to the database it should ensure that it does not have any conflict with any existing rule.

Production System in Artificial Intelligence: Example

Problem Statement:

We have two jugs of capacity 5l and 3l (liter), and a tap with an endless supply of water. The objective is to obtain 4 liters exactly in the 5-liter jug with the minimum steps possible.

Production System:

  • Fill the 5 liter jug from tap
  • Empty the 5 liter jug
  • Fill the 3 liter jug from tap
  • Empty the 3 liter jug
  • Then, empty the 3 liter jug to 5 liter
  • Empty the 5 liter jug to 3 liter
  • Pour water from 3 liters to 5 liter
  • Pour water from 5 liters to 3 liters but do not empty

1,8,4,6,1,8 or 3,5,3,7,2,5,3,5;

It is possible to have other solutions as well but these are the shortest and the 1st sequence should be chosen as it has the minimum number of steps.

With this, we have come to the end of our article on Production System in Artificial Intelligence. I hope you understood what is the production system and how it is used for controlling a global database easily.

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Modeling Human Problem-Solving Behavior in Complex Production Systems

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  • First Online: 14 September 2023
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  • Susanne Franke   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3144-6905 20 &
  • Ralph Riedel   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3704-8230 20  

Part of the book series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology ((IFIPAICT,volume 689))

Included in the following conference series:

  • IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems

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Smart Manufacturing aims to digitize and automate manufacturing and decision-making processes by implementing technological systems ranging from assistance systems to complete enterprise resource planning solutions. The next step, Industry 5.0, emphasizes the importance of including employees and their knowledge in decision-making and problem-solving processes. This paper contributes to increase employees’ acceptance of and trust in technological systems and investigates correlations between the characteristics of the task to be solved, the environmental situation, the human and the technological support system. Thereby, the focus is set on production planning as a complex task with various influencing factors, which relies on human expert knowledge and can be supported using technological systems. A model is developed and validated using a case study. The proposed approach enables companies to maximize the usefulness and positive effects of technological systems while ensuring that employees voluntarily participate.

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Franke, S., Riedel, R. (2023). Modeling Human Problem-Solving Behavior in Complex Production Systems. In: Alfnes, E., Romsdal, A., Strandhagen, J.O., von Cieminski, G., Romero, D. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures. APMS 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 689. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43662-8_43

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43662-8_43

Published : 14 September 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-43661-1

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-43662-8

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Toyota’s Secret: The A3 Report

How toyota solves problems, creates plans, and gets new things done while developing an organization of thinking problem-solvers..

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While much has been written about Toyota Motor Corp.’s production system, little has captured the way the company manages people to achieve operational learning. At Toyota, there exists a way to solve problems that generates knowledge and helps people doing the work learn how to learn. Company managers use a tool called the A3 (named after the international paper size on which it fits) as a key tactic in sharing a deeper method of thinking that lies at the heart of Toyota’s sustained success.

A3s are deceptively simple. An A3 is composed of a sequence of boxes (seven in the example) arrayed in a template. Inside the boxes the A3’s “author” attempts, in the following order, to: (1) establish the business context and importance of a specific problem or issue; (2) describe the current conditions of the problem; (3) identify the desired outcome; (4) analyze the situation to establish causality; (5) propose countermeasures; (6) prescribe an action plan for getting it done; and (7) map out the follow-up process.

The leading question

Toyota has designed a two-page mechanism for attacking problems. What can we learn from it?

  • The A3’s constraints (just 2 pages) and its structure (specific categories, ordered in steps, adding up to a “story”) are the keys to the A3’s power.
  • Though the A3 process can be used effectively both to solve problems and to plan initiatives, its greatest payoff may be how it fosters learning. It presents ideal opportunities for mentoring.
  • It becomes a basis for collaboration.

However, A3 reports — and more importantly the underlying thinking — play more than a purely practical role; they also embody a more critical core strength of a lean company. A3s serve as mechanisms for managers to mentor others in root-cause analysis and scientific thinking, while also aligning the interests of individuals and departments throughout the organization by encouraging productive dialogue and helping people learn from one another. A3 management is a system based on building structured opportunities for people to learn in the manner that comes most naturally to them: through experience, by learning from mistakes and through plan-based trial and error.

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The A3s reproduced in this article represent just some of the stages in a typical development sequence — a process that may involve numerous iterations of the A3 before it is final. To illustrate how the A3 process works, we’ve imagined a young manager — call him Porter — who’s trying to solve a problem. The problem is that his Japan-based company is building a manufacturing plant in the United States, requiring many technical documents to be translated into English, and the translation project has been going badly. Porter uses the A3 process to attack the problem, which means that he gets coached through it by his boss and mentor — call him Sanderson. The A3s shown on these pages will give an idea of how one learning cycle might go, as Porter works on the problem under Sanderson’s tutelage. Porter’s first attempt at the A3 reveals, as early-stage A3s often do, his eagerness to get to a solution as quickly as possible.

(Editor’s note: The example is drawn from Managing to Learn , by John Shook, The Lean Enterprise Institute, 2008.)

Seeing this first version, Sanderson uses the A3 process as a mechanism to mentor Porter in root-cause analysis and scientific thinking. Through coaching Porter and others in this manner, Sanderson seeks to embed organizational habits and mind-sets that enable, encourage and teach people to think and take initiative.

The iterative process of producing progressive A3s generates practical problem-solving skills for the learner, while providing the manager with a practical mechanism to mentor others while achieving desired business results.

The last pages of this article show the final A3 in this iterative sequence. Author Porter uses the A3 process not only to figure out the best solutions to his problem, but to manufacture the authority he needs to proceed with his plan. Sanderson uses it to mentor his protégé, while getting the required results for the company (in this instance, the solution to a problem). Organizations use A3s to get decisions made, distribute authority to the level needed for good decisions, align people and teams on common goals and learn for constant improvement. The ultimate goal of A3s is not just to solve the problem at hand, but to make the process of problem solving transparent and teachable in a manner that creates an organization full of thinking, learning problem solvers. In this way, the A3 management process powerfully embodies the essence of operational learning.

About the Author

John Shook is an industrial anthropologist and senior advisor to the Lean Enterprise Institute, where he works with companies and individuals to help them understand and implement lean production. He is author of Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor, and Lead (Lean Enterprise Institute), and coauthor of Learning to See (Lean Enterprise Institute). He worked with Toyota for 10 years, helping it transfer its production, engineering and management systems from Japan to its overseas affiliates and suppliers.

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problem solving production systems

“Just-in-time” only works as part of a comprehensive suite of strategies.

Toyota has fared better than many of its competitors in riding out the supply chain disruptions of recent years. But focusing on how Toyota had stockpiled semiconductors and the problems of other manufacturers, some observers jumped to the conclusion that the era of the vaunted Toyota Production System was over. Not the case, say Toyota executives. TPS is alive and well and is a key reason Toyota has outperformed rivals.

The supply chain disruptions triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic caused major headaches for manufacturers around the world. Nowhere was this felt more acutely than in the auto industry, which faced severe shortages of semiconductor chips and other components. This led many people to argue that just-in-time and lean production methods were dead and being superseded by “just-in-case” stocking of more inventory.

  • Willy C. Shih is a Baker Foundation Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School.

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14 Principles of the Toyota Production System: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you ready to transform the way you think about manufacturing? Welcome to our deep dive into the 14 Principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS) . This groundbreaking framework has revolutionized manufacturing practices worldwide, evolving from Toyota’s humble beginnings as a small loom-making company to its current status as a global automotive leader.

Historical Background

Brief history of toyota as a company.

Toyota’s journey is a remarkable tale of transformation and resilience. Founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda, the company initially branched out from Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, a successful loom manufacturing business started by Kiichiro’s father, Sakichi Toyoda. The transition from textile machinery to automobiles was challenging, but it was a risk that paid dividends. Within a decade, Toyota had produced its first car, the Model AA, and embarked on an endeavor that would eventually redefine automotive manufacturing.

Evolution of the Toyota Production System

The post-World War II era was a turbulent time for Japan. Resources were scarce, and the nation was rebuilding. It was during this period that the seeds of the Toyota Production System were sown. Initially, the system was an effort to eliminate waste (‘ Muda ‘ in Japanese) and optimize processes. However, it soon evolved into a comprehensive set of guidelines that integrated various aspects like ‘ Just-in-Time ‘ production, ‘ Kaizen ‘ (continuous improvement), and ‘ Jidoka ‘ (automation with a human touch).

What started as a necessity due to resource constraints became a well-oiled machine, fine-tuned to achieve operational excellence. By the 1970s, the system had matured, and other industries began to take notice. It wasn’t long before the principles of TPS were being applied beyond automotive manufacturing, giving birth to what we now know as Lean Manufacturing.

Introduction to Taiichi Ohno, the Man Behind TPS

His work laid the foundation for the 14 principles that would later be documented and popularized, encapsulating the essence of the Toyota Production System. Taiichi Ohno’s legacy is not just a set of operational guidelines but a transformative approach to management and manufacturing that has stood the test of time.

The Core Philosophy of TPS

Foundational ideas that drive tps.

These ideas come together to create a system that is both efficient and humane, focused not just on the end product but also on the process and the people involved.

How TPS Differs from Traditional Manufacturing Systems

Traditional manufacturing systems often operate on a ‘push’ model, where products are made based on forecasted demand and then pushed into the market. This leads to high inventory levels, increased carrying costs, and a greater risk of waste due to obsolescence. Quality control in such systems is often a separate stage, meaning defects may not be discovered until after a product is manufactured, leading to costly recalls or rework.

The 14 Principles: An Overview

The Toyota Production System is built on 14 foundational principles that serve as the pillars of its philosophy. These principles range from long-term thinking and continuous improvement to respecting your extended network of partners and suppliers. They are not standalone ideas but interconnected facets of a cohesive system designed to maximize efficiency and human potential.

These principles interrelate in a way that reinforces one another; for instance, the focus on long-term philosophy (Principle 1) naturally complements the idea of continuous improvement (Principle 2). Together, they form a symbiotic relationship that makes the sum greater than the individual parts, offering a transformative blueprint for operational excellence and human-centered management.

Principle 1: Base Management Decisions on Long-Term Philosophy

Principle 2: create continuous process flows.

The second principle focuses on creating a continuous flow in the production process to bring issues to the surface. This means designing operations in such a way that each component moves smoothly from one stage to the next without delays or bottlenecks. Continuous flows help in quickly identifying problems and ensuring that they are addressed before they escalate.

Principle 3: Use Pull Systems

In the realm of software development, the pull system is often manifested through Agile methodologies. Teams work on tasks that are pulled from a backlog based on current needs and priorities, allowing for more flexibility and responsiveness to changes in requirements or market conditions.

Principle 4: Level Out the Workload (Heijunka)

Principle 5: build a culture of quality.

This principle emphasizes the importance of quality in every aspect of the business. From the initial stages of product development to the final customer interaction, a culture of quality ensures that high standards are maintained. Employees are empowered and trained to identify and solve quality issues, thus making quality assurance a collective responsibility.

Principle 6: Standardized Tasks

In the food industry, franchises like McDonald’s employ standardized tasks to ensure that every Big Mac is the same, whether you’re buying it in New York or Tokyo. This standardization is vital for brand consistency and customer satisfaction, and it provides a base for continuous improvement initiatives.

Principle 7: Use Visual Controls

Principle 8: use reliable technology.

This principle advocates for the use of proven, reliable technology that serves your people and processes. While the allure of new, cutting-edge technology can be tempting, TPS emphasizes that technology should assist, not complicate, the work process. The focus is on reliability and long-term utility rather than short-term gains.

Principle 9: Grow Leaders from Within

General Electric (GE) is well-known for its leadership development programs. By investing in comprehensive training and rotational assignments, GE has successfully developed a cadre of leaders who understand the multifaceted aspects of the business, ensuring continuity and adherence to the company’s core values.

Principle 10: Develop Exceptional People

Principle 11: respect partners and suppliers.

This principle underscores the importance of having a respectful, mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers and partners. Rather than just viewing them as external entities, TPS encourages treating them as extensions of the company. This collaborative approach not only improves the quality and efficiency of the supply chain but also fosters long-term relationships built on trust and shared objectives.

Principle 12: Go and See for Yourself (Genchi Genbutsu)

In the hospitality industry, Marriott International employs this principle by encouraging managers to spend time in various roles within the hotel—from housekeeping to customer service—to better understand the operations and challenges at the ground level.

Principle 13: Make Decisions by Consensus (Nemawashi)

Principle 14: continuously solve root problems (hansei).

The last principle, often termed “Hansei” or reflection, emphasizes the importance of getting to the root cause of problems and solving them. This is not about quick fixes or superficial solutions but involves deep analysis to understand what is fundamentally causing the issue. Once the root cause is identified, measures are taken to prevent the problem from reoccurring, thus contributing to continuous improvement.

These principles aren’t just a checklist to be ticked off; they are interwoven into the very fabric of an organization’s culture. They offer a holistic approach to business management, emphasizing quality, efficiency, and most importantly, respect for people. Whether you’re in manufacturing, healthcare, or any other sector, these principles can be adapted to improve your operations, foster innovation, and create a workplace where everyone is a stakeholder in success.

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An A3 Report is a Toyota-pioneered practice of getting the problem, the analysis, the corrective actions, and the action plan down on a single sheet of large (A3) paper, often with the use of graphics. At Toyota, A3 reports have evolved into a standard method for summarizing problem-solving exercises, status reports, and planning exercises like value-stream mapping.

But it is much more than a sheet a paper with facts and figures. It is a management process  learned through dialogue about concrete problems. It does this by means of a dialogue between a lean manager and a subordinate who learns lean management and leadership as she solves an important problem.

This process of solving problems while creating better employees—A3 analysis—is core to the Toyota management system. An A3 report guides the dialogue and analysis. It identifies the current situation, the nature of the issue, the range of possible counter- measures, the best countermeasure, the means (who will do what when) to put it into practice, and the evidence that the issue has actually been addressed.

The lean leader’s job is to develop people. If the worker hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught. Training Within Industry Report (Washington, DC: War Manpower Commission, Bureau of Training, 1945).

Effective use of the A3 process can facilitate the shift from a  debate  about who owns what (an authority-focused debate) to a  dialogue  around  what is the right thing to do  (a responsibility-focused conversation). This shift has a radical impact on the way decisions are made. Individuals earn the authority to take action through the manner in which they frame the issue. They form consensus and get decisions made by focusing relentlessly on indisputable facts that they and their peers derive from the gemba.

As a result, A3 management can best be understood as neither “top-down” nor “bottom-up.” The process clarifies responsibility by placing ownership squarely on the shoulders of the author-owner of the A3, the individual whose initials appear in the upper right-hand corner of the paper. This person may not have direct authority over every aspect of the proposal. Yet this owner is clearly identified as the person who has taken or accepted responsibility  to get decisions made and implemented .

Example A3s

Complete A3 about solving an administrative problem in translation.

The Many Facets of A3

  • A standard paper size:  At its most fundamental, “A3” is the international term for a sheet of paper 297 millimeters wide and 420 millimeters long. The closest U.S. paper size is the 11-by-17-inch tabloid sheet. 
  • A template:  Many companies and individuals use an A3-sized document pre-printed with the steps needed to conduct lean problem-solving or improvement efforts, with generous white space for “A3 owners” to record their progress. While they refer to this document as a template, an “A3” is not a template.
  • A storyboard:  As users record their problem-solving or improvement project’s progress, the A3 becomes a storyboard used to facilitate communication, collaboration, and coordination with other stakeholders affected by the goal the A3 owner is working toward (e.g., solving a problem or improving a  process ). By having all the facts about the effort in one place, logically presented and summarized, the A3 owner is better able to gain buy-in from other stakeholders for recommended process changes. 
  • A report:  Once the A3 problem-solving effort concludes, the A3 storyboard serves as a report of the problem-solving or improvement initiative, including the facts and data gathered, hypotheses considered, countermeasures tried, experiment results, corrective actions taken, and the overall thinking of the A3 owner and stakeholders. At Toyota and elsewhere, A3 reports have evolved into a standard method for summarizing problem-solving exercises, status reports, and planning exercises like value-stream mapping.  
  • A problem-solving methodology (or process):  Most lean practitioners know “the A3” as a problem-solving process guided by specific steps or questions. The left side of the A3 focuses on various elements of the problem or current condition, and the right on the countermeasures considered, tested, and chosen that resolves the issue or creates a higher standard.
  • A management discipline (or process):  At a higher level, lean leaders, managers, and supervisors use “the A3” as a means by which they oversee and guide subordinates while simultaneously helping them develop their  lean thinking and practice  — particularly lean leadership and problem-solving — capabilities. With A3 management, leaders challenge their direct reports to solve a problem. Then, with the A3 report guiding the dialogue and analysis, leaders coach them through the problem-solving process. Importantly, leaders coach by asking questions versus providing answers, ensuring responsibility remains with the subordinate to solve the problem by pursuing facts and building consensus. Through this interaction, subordinates address the issue, allowing them to make progress toward the objective and, in so doing, learn the lean approach to leadership and management and gain problem-solving capability.
  • A3 thinking (or analysis):  Most A3 coaches and advanced lean practitioners refer to “the A3” as a thinking process. In this case, the term refers to a systematic approach to resolving problems or improving  work  processes. Someone can follow this systematic approach, regardless of whether they are guided by or record their findings on an A3 document.
  • An alignment tool:  Advanced lean organizations that have incorporated lean thinking and practices throughout their operations use “A3s” as part of their  strategy deployment  and execution efforts. In this case, the A3 process ensures a standard approach to managing and  coaching  people, all directed toward solving problems that help achieve corporate objectives.

A large yellow block inviting you to download an eBook about A3.

Additional Resources

Generic image

How Do I Start My A3?

When asked “where do I start to write my A3,” David Verble responds “don’t start by writing.” His piece, the first in a series about getting started, offers lessons he has learned about the nature of thinking, and a productive way to start the A3 by recognzing it as a thinking process. 

Zoomed-in A3 with red circles and arrows.

Don’t Present Your A3: Share Your A3

When asked “where do I start to write my A3,” David Verble responds “don’t start by writing.” His piece, the first in a series about getting started, offers lessons he has learned about the nature of thinking, and a productive way to start by recognizing it as a thinking process. 

Related Books

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 management process

Related Online Courses

The 5 Why Funnel

Intro to Problem Solving

Problem-solving is critical to every position in every industry. In this course, you will learn to grasp the situation at the gemba (where the work is done) and use all of your senses to understand what is truly happening.

See: Value Stream Mapping

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by Sarah Jane Johnston, HBS Working Knowledge

When HBS professor Steven Spear recently released an abstract on problem solving at Toyota, HBS Working Knowledge staffer Sarah Jane Johnston e-mailed off some questions. Spear not only answered the questions, but also asked some of his own—and answered those as well.

Sarah Jane Johnston: Why study Toyota? With all the books and articles on Toyota, lean manufacturing, just-in-time, kanban systems, quality systems, etc. that came out in the 1980s and 90s, hasn't the topic been exhausted?

Steven Spear: Well, this has been a much-researched area. When Kent Bowen and I first did a literature search, we found nearly 3,000 articles and books had been published on some of the topics you just mentioned.

However, there was an apparent discrepancy. There had been this wide, long-standing recognition of Toyota as the premier automobile manufacturer in terms of the unmatched combination of high quality, low cost, short lead-time and flexible production. And Toyota's operating system—the Toyota Production System—had been widely credited for Toyota's sustained leadership in manufacturing performance. Furthermore, Toyota had been remarkably open in letting outsiders study its operations. The American Big Three and many other auto companies had done major benchmarking studies, and they and other companies had tried to implement their own forms of the Toyota Production System. There is the Ford Production System, the Chrysler Operating System, and General Motors went so far as to establish a joint venture with Toyota called NUMMI, approximately fifteen years ago.

However, despite Toyota's openness and the genuinely honest efforts by other companies over many years to emulate Toyota, no one had yet matched Toyota in terms of having simultaneously high-quality, low-cost, short lead-time, flexible production over time and broadly based across the system.

It was from observations such as these that Kent and I started to form the impression that despite all the attention that had already been paid to Toyota, something critical was being missed. Therefore, we approached people at Toyota to ask what they did that others might have missed.

What did they say?

To paraphrase one of our contacts, he said, "It's not that we don't want to tell you what TPS is, it's that we can't. We don't have adequate words for it. But, we can show you what TPS is."

Over about a four-year period, they showed us how work was actually done in practice in dozens of plants. Kent and I went to Toyota plants and those of suppliers here in the U.S. and in Japan and directly watched literally hundreds of people in a wide variety of roles, functional specialties, and hierarchical levels. I personally was in the field for at least 180 working days during that time and even spent one week at a non-Toyota plant doing assembly work and spent another five months as part of a Toyota team that was trying to teach TPS at a first-tier supplier in Kentucky.

What did you discover?

We concluded that Toyota has come up with a powerful, broadly applicable answer to a fundamental managerial problem. The products we consume and the services we use are typically not the result of a single person's effort. Rather, they come to us through the collective effort of many people each doing a small part of the larger whole. To a certain extent, this is because of the advantages of specialization that Adam Smith identified in pin manufacturing as long ago as 1776 in The Wealth of Nations . However, it goes beyond the economies of scale that accrue to the specialist, such as skill and equipment focus, setup minimization, etc.

The products and services characteristic of our modern economy are far too complex for any one person to understand how they work. It is cognitively overwhelming. Therefore, organizations must have some mechanism for decomposing the whole system into sub-system and component parts, each "cognitively" small or simple enough for individual people to do meaningful work. However, decomposing the complex whole into simpler parts is only part of the challenge. The decomposition must occur in concert with complimentary mechanisms that reintegrate the parts into a meaningful, harmonious whole.

This common yet nevertheless challenging problem is obviously evident when we talk about the design of complex technical devices. Automobiles have tens of thousands of mechanical and electronic parts. Software has millions and millions of lines of code. Each system can require scores if not hundreds of person-work-years to be designed. No one person can be responsible for the design of a whole system. No one is either smart enough or long-lived enough to do the design work single handedly.

Furthermore, we observe that technical systems are tested repeatedly in prototype forms before being released. Why? Because designers know that no matter how good their initial efforts, they will miss the mark on the first try. There will be something about the design of the overall system structure or architecture, the interfaces that connect components, or the individual components themselves that need redesign. In other words, to some extent the first try will be wrong, and the organization designing a complex system needs to design, test, and improve the system in a way that allows iterative congruence to an acceptable outcome.

The same set of conditions that affect groups of people engaged in collaborative product design affect groups of people engaged in the collaborative production and delivery of goods and services. As with complex technical systems, there would be cognitive overload for one person to design, test-in-use, and improve the work systems of factories, hotels, hospitals, or agencies as reflected in (a) the structure of who gets what good, service, or information from whom, (b) the coordinative connections among people so that they can express reliably what they need to do their work and learn what others need from them, and (c) the individual work activities that create intermediate products, services, and information. In essence then, the people who work in an organization that produces something are simultaneously engaged in collaborative production and delivery and are also engaged in a collaborative process of self-reflective design, "prototype testing," and improvement of their own work systems amidst changes in market needs, products, technical processes, and so forth.

It is our conclusion that Toyota has developed a set of principles, Rules-in-Use we've called them, that allow organizations to engage in this (self-reflective) design, testing, and improvement so that (nearly) everyone can contribute at or near his or her potential, and when the parts come together the whole is much, much greater than the sum of the parts.

What are these rules?

We've seen that consistently—across functional roles, products, processes (assembly, equipment maintenance and repair, materials logistics, training, system redesign, administration, etc.), and hierarchical levels (from shop floor to plant manager and above) that in TPS managed organizations the design of nearly all work activities, connections among people, and pathways of connected activities over which products, services, and information take form are specified-in-their-design, tested-with-their-every-use, and improved close in time, place, and person to the occurrence of every problem.

That sounds pretty rigorous.

It is, but consider what the Toyota people are attempting to accomplish. They are saying before you (or you all) do work, make clear what you expect to happen (by specifying the design), each time you do work, see that what you expected has actually occurred (by testing with each use), and when there is a difference between what had actually happened and what was predicted, solve problems while the information is still fresh.

That reminds me of what my high school lab science teacher required.

Exactly! This is a system designed for broad based, frequent, rapid, low-cost learning. The "Rules" imply a belief that we may not get the right solution (to work system design) on the first try, but that if we design everything we do as a bona fide experiment, we can more rapidly converge, iteratively, and at lower cost, on the right answer, and, in the process, learn a heck of lot more about the system we are operating.

You say in your article that the Toyota system involves a rigorous and methodical problem-solving approach that is made part of everyone's work and is done under the guidance of a teacher. How difficult would it be for companies to develop their own program based on the Toyota model?

Your question cuts right to a critical issue. We discussed earlier the basic problem that for complex systems, responsibility for design, testing, and improvement must be distributed broadly. We've observed that Toyota, its best suppliers, and other companies that have learned well from Toyota can confidently distribute a tremendous amount of responsibility to the people who actually do the work, from the most senior, expeirenced member of the organization to the most junior. This is accomplished because of the tremendous emphasis on teaching everyone how to be a skillful problem solver.

How do they do this?

They do this by teaching people to solve problems by solving problems. For instance, in our paper we describe a team at a Toyota supplier, Aisin. The team members, when they were first hired, were inexperienced with at best an average high school education. In the first phase of their employment, the hurdle was merely learning how to do the routine work for which they were responsible. Soon thereafter though, they learned how to immediately identify problems that occurred as they did their work. Then they learned how to do sophisticated root-cause analysis to find the underlying conditions that created the symptoms that they had experienced. Then they regularly practiced developing counter-measures—changes in work, tool, product, or process design—that would remove the underlying root causes.

Sounds impressive.

Yes, but frustrating. They complained that when they started, they were "blissful in their ignorance." But after this sustained development, they could now see problems, root down to their probable cause, design solutions, but the team members couldn't actually implement these solutions. Therefore, as a final round, the team members received training in various technical crafts—one became a licensed electrician, another a machinist, another learned some carpentry skills.

Was this unique?

Absolutely not. We saw the similar approach repeated elsewhere. At Taiheiyo, another supplier, team members made sophisticated improvements in robotic welding equipment that reduced cost, increased quality, and won recognition with an award from the Ministry of Environment. At NHK (Nippon Spring) another team conducted a series of experiments that increased quality, productivity, and efficiency in a seat production line.

What is the role of the manager in this process?

Your question about the role of the manager gets right to the heart of the difficulty of managing this way. For many people, it requires a profound shift in mind-set in terms of how the manager envisions his or her role. For the team at Aisin to become so skilled as problem solvers, they had to be led through their training by a capable team leader and group leader. The team leader and group leader were capable of teaching these skills in a directed, learn-by-doing fashion, because they too were consistently trained in a similar fashion by their immediate senior. We found that in the best TPS-managed plants, there was a pathway of learning and teaching that cascaded from the most senior levels to the most junior. In effect, the needs of people directly touching the work determined the assistance, problem solving, and training activities of those more senior. This is a sharp contrast, in fact a near inversion, in terms of who works for whom when compared with the more traditional, centralized command and control system characterized by a downward diffusion of work orders and an upward reporting of work status.

And if you are hiring a manager to help run this system, what are the attributes of the ideal candidate?

We observed that the best managers in these TPS managed organizations, and the managers in organizations that seem to adopt the Rules-in-Use approach most rapidly are humble but also self-confident enough to be great learners and terrific teachers. Furthermore, they are willing to subscribe to a consistent set of values.

How do you mean?

Again, it is what is implied in the guideline of specifying every design, testing with every use, and improving close in time, place, and person to the occurrence of every problem. If we do this consistently, we are saying through our action that when people come to work, they are entitled to expect that they will succeed in doing something of value for another person. If they don't succeed, they are entitled to know immediately that they have not. And when they have not succeeded, they have the right to expect that they will be involved in creating a solution that makes success more likely on the next try. People who cannot subscribe to these ideas—neither in their words nor in their actions—are not likely to manage effectively in this system.

That sounds somewhat high-minded and esoteric.

I agree with you that it strikes the ear as sounding high principled but perhaps not practical. However, I'm fundamentally an empiricist, so I have to go back to what we have observed. In organizations in which managers really live by these Rules, either in the Toyota system or at sites that have successfully transformed themselves, there is a palpable, positive difference in the attitude of people that is coupled with exceptional performance along critical business measures such as quality, cost, safety, and cycle time.

Have any other research projects evolved from your findings?

We titled the results of our initial research "Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System." Kent and I are reasonably confident that the Rules-in-Use about which we have written are a successful decoding. Now, we are trying to "replicate the DNA" at a variety of sites. We want to know where and when these Rules create great value, and where they do, how they can be implemented most effectively.

Since we are empiricists, we are conducting experiments through our field research. We are part of a fairly ambitious effort at Alcoa to develop and deploy the Alcoa Business System, ABS. This is a fusion of Alcoa's long standing value system, which has helped make Alcoa the safest employer in the country, with the Rules in Use. That effort has been going on for a number of years, first with the enthusiastic support of Alcoa's former CEO, Paul O'Neill, now Secretary of the Treasury (not your typical retirement, eh?) and now with the backing of Alain Belda, the company's current head. There have been some really inspirational early results in places as disparate as Hernando, Mississippi and Poces de Caldas, Brazil and with processes as disparate as smelting, extrusion, die design, and finance.

We also started creating pilot sites in the health care industry. We started our work with a "learning unit" at Deaconess-Glover Hospital in Needham, not far from campus. We've got a series of case studies that captures some of the learnings from that effort. More recently, we've established pilot sites at Presbyterian and South Side Hospitals, both part of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. This work is part of a larger, comprehensive effort being made under the auspices of the Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative, with broad community support, with cooperation from the Centers for Disease Control, and with backing from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Also, we've been testing these ideas with our students: Kent in the first year Technology and Operations Management class for which he is course head, me in a second year elective called Running and Growing the Small Company, and both of us in an Executive Education course in which we participate called Building Competitive Advantage Through Operations.

· · · ·

Steven Spear is an Assistant Professor in the Technology and Operations Management Unit at the Harvard Business School.

Other HBS Working Knowledge stories featuring Steven J. Spear: Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System Why Your Organization Isn't Learning All It Should

Developing Skillful Problem Solvers: Introduction

Within TPS-managed organizations, people are trained to improve the work that they perform, they learn to do this with the guidance of a capable supplier of assistance and training, and training occurs by solving production and delivery-related problems as bona fide, hypothesis-testing experiments. Examples of this approach follow.

  • A quality improvement team at a Toyota supplier, Taiheiyo, conducted a series of experiments to eliminate the spatter and fumes emitted by robotic welders. The quality circle members, all line workers, conducted a series of complex experiments that resulted in a cleaner, safer work environment, equipment that operated with less cost and higher reliability, and relief for more technically-skilled maintenance and engineering specialists from basic equipment maintenance and repair.
  • A work team at NHK (Nippon Spring) Toyota, were taught to conduct a series of experiments over many months to improve the process by which arm rest inserts were "cold molded." The team reduced the cost, shortened the cycle time, and improved the quality while simultaneously developing the capability to take a similar experimental approach to process improvement in the future.
  • At Aisin, a team of production line workers progressed from having the skills to do only routine production work to having the skills to identify problems, investigate root causes, develop counter-measures, and reconfigure equipment as skilled electricians and machinists. This transformation occurred primarily through the mechanism of problem solving-based training.
  • Another example from Aisin illustrates how improvement efforts—in this case of the entire production system by senior managers—were conducted as a bona fide hypothesis-refuting experiment.
  • The Acme and Ohba examples contrast the behavior of managers deeply acculturated in Toyota with that of their less experienced colleagues. The Acme example shows the relative emphasis one TPS acculturated manager placed on problem solving as a training opportunity in comparison to his colleagues who used the problem-solving opportunity as a chance to first make process improvements. An additional example from a Toyota supplier reinforces the notion of using problem solving as a vehicle to teach.
  • The data section concludes with an example given by a former employee of two companies, both of which have been recognized for their efforts to be a "lean manufacturer" but neither of which has been trained in Toyota's own methods. The approach evident at Toyota and its suppliers was not evident in this person's narrative.

Defining conditions as problematic

We concluded that within Toyota Production System-managed organizations three sets of conditions are considered problematic and prompt problem-solving efforts. These are summarized here and are discussed more fully in a separate paper titled "Pursuing the IDEAL: Conditions that Prompt Problem Solving in Toyota Production System-Managed Organizations."

Failure to meet a customer need

It was typically recognized as a problem if someone was unable to provide the good, service, or information needed by an immediate or external customer.

Failure to do work as designed

Even if someone was able to meet the need of his or her customers without fail (agreed upon mix, volume, and timing of goods and services), it was typically recognized as a problem if a person was unable to do his or her own individual work or convey requests (i.e., "Please send me this good or service that I need to do my work.") and responses (i.e., "Here is the good or service that you requested, in the quantity you requested.").

Failure to do work in an IDEAL fashion

Even if someone could meet customer needs and do his or her work as designed, it was typically recognized as a problem if that person's work was not IDEAL. IDEAL production and delivery is that which is defect-free, done on demand, in batches of one, immediate, without waste, and in an environment that is physically, emotionally, and professionally safe. The improvement activities detailed in the cases that follow, the reader will see, were motivated not so much by a failure to meet customer needs or do work as designed. Rather, they were motivated by costs that were too high (i.e., Taiheiyo robotic welding operation), batch sizes that were too great (i.e., the TSSC improvement activity evaluated by Mr. Ohba), lead-times that were too long, processes that were defect-causing (i.e., NHK cold-forming process), and by compromises to safety (i.e., Taiheiyo).

Our field research suggests that Toyota and those of its suppliers that are especially adroit at the Toyota Production System make a deliberate effort to develop the problem-solving skills of workers—even those engaged in the most routine production and delivery. We saw evidence of this in the Taiheiyo, NHK, and Aisin quality circle examples.

Forums are created in which problem solving can be learned in a learn-by-doing fashion. This point was evident in the quality circle examples. It was also evident to us in the role played by Aisin's Operations Management Consulting Division (OMCD), Toyota's OMCD unit in Japan, and Toyota's Toyota Supplier Support Center (TSSC) in North America. All of these organizations support the improvement efforts of the companies' factories and those of the companies' suppliers. In doing so, these organizations give operating managers opportunities to hone their problem-solving and teaching skills, relieved temporarily of day to day responsibility for managing, production and delivery of goods and services to external customers.

Learning occurs with the guidance of a capable teacher. This was evident in that each of the quality circles had a specific group leader who acted as coach for the quality circle's team leader. We also saw how Mr. Seto at NHK defined his role as, in part, as developing the problem-solving and teaching skills of the team leader whom he supervised.

Problem solving occurs as bona fide experiments. We saw this evident in the experience of the quality circles who learned to organize their efforts as bona fide experiments rather than as ad hoc attempts to find a feasible, sufficient solution. The documentation prepared by the senior team at Aisin is organized precisely to capture improvement ideas as refutable hypotheses.

Broadly dispersed scientific problem solving as a dynamic capability

Problem solving, as illustrated in this paper, is a classic example of a dynamic capability highlighted in the "resource-based" view of the firm literature.

Scientific problem solving—as a broadly dispersed skill—is time consuming to develop and difficult to imitate. Emulation would require a similar investment in time, and, more importantly, in managerial resources available to teach, coach, assist, and direct. For organizations currently operating with a more traditional command and control approach, allocating such managerial resources would require more than a reallocation of time across a differing set of priorities. It would also require an adjustment of values and the processes through which those processes are expressed. Christensen would argue that existing organizations are particularly handicapped in making such adjustments.

Excerpted with permission from "Developing Skillful Problem Solvers in Toyota Production System-Managed Organizations: Learning to Problem Solve by Solving Problems," HBS Working Paper , 2001.


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Problem Solving 2 5eb9be2028225

The Patois of the Toyota Production System

Toyota has a unique cultural language. It’s called 8-Step Problem Solving. It’s the “patois” of the Toyota Production System (TPS). The patois is the dialect of the common people of a region, differing in various respects from the standard language of the rest of the country.

8-Step Problem Solving is the dialect of the TPS, it and differs from that of other corporate cultures. It is the standard way problems are addressed and discussed in work groups and between departments. This problem-solving is expressed in writing using Toyota’s A3 reporting system.

I remember taking the problem-solving class at the training center well before the first car rolled off the assembly line. Toyota instilled this thinking in all of us.

Shared attitudes, values, goals and practices make up the culture of an organization. There’s a lot of talk online about how to form a lean culture and how important culture is to a lean implementation. We’re told that leaders should exhibit certain behaviors in order to be lean leaders, and, absent these behaviors, the lean effort is likely to fail.

My friend Dr. Bob Emiliani cites many of these desirable behaviors in a 2014 article , (as well as a list of behavioral wastes—Dr. Bob calls them “fat” behaviors). The patois of the Toyota Production System directly addresses many of the behaviors on both lists. Desirable behaviors like honesty, consistency, objectivity and others are demonstrated in the patois, as well as addressing behavioral waste like autocratic tendencies, disrespectfulness, and bullying.

Looking back, teaching and requiring everyone to address problems with the common language of 8-Step Problem Solving was a major key to the forming of the Toyota culture. One of the major benefits of having this standard method was that opinions and rank fade away. When a well-done, logical, fact-based A3 is developed, the results speak for themselves, no matter company rank. It speaks to a team leader in the same way it speaks to a general manager.

Many of you have heard of Toyota’s famed Quality Circles. This is the template that these Quality Circles use to work on problems, and the A3 is the reporting method.

The 8-Step Problem Solving is also the method used for kaizen (continuous improvement). Not that I did an A3 for every kaizen. It would be impossible in the fast-paced environment of a Toyota plant. (At Toyota, the A3 is typically used for big problems or repeat problems.) But the thinking pattern became front-and-center for all leaders at Toyota. It’s the way problems are viewed and communicated.

So, what is this 8-Step Problem Solving patois? Below is a typical Toyota-style A3. Let’s run through it step by step. First, let’s give the problem a theme. This is what it’s about.

Patois 1

1. Deviation from a standard.

2. The standard is met, but a higher standard is now required/desired.

3. Achievement of the standard is inconsistent.

4. No standard exists.

Once you realize you have a problem, you form the problem statement. A good problem statement answers the following questions:

1. Who is affected? Customers

2. What’s affected? Revenue

3. Where is it a problem? Shipping

4. When is it a problem? Daily

5. How/How much is the effect? OTD is 68% over the 2 nd quarter

Step 2 In practice, I write these questions down and then answer them. I form the problem statement from the answers. “Daily OTD at shipping is 68% over last 3 months, negatively affecting customers and revenue.” This simple method helps me narrow the scope of my problem-solving efforts.

Step 3 Next, we must understand the current condition. This requires observation at the “gemba” or the “actual place where the work happens.” We gather as much information as possible by asking questions of operators, examining/collecting data, examining information accuracy/flow, and we move upstream, if needed. Spend the necessary time and take plenty of notes. These observations paint a picture of what’s really happening. Taiichi Ohno said, “When a problem arises, if our search for the cause is not thorough, the actions taken can be out of focus.” Gather as much information as possible. In my view, the No. 1 reason for failure is the lack of a deep understanding of the current condition.

Step 4 is to set a S.M.A.R.T. goal. A S.M.A.R.T. goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-targeted. I’ve found that an easy way for me to make a goal statement is to think this way: Do what, to what, by when. Something like this: Increase OTD to 85% by 12/1.

Step 5 is called Root Cause Analysis. This is where the well-known 5 Whys are asked. Toyota believes if you ask “why” at least five times, you will arrive at the root cause. If you struggle with the 5 Why,  you’re in good company. About asking why 5 times, Ohno said, “It is difficult to do even though it sounds easy. ” I think most people who’ve done it would agree. But how do you know when you’ve gotten to the root cause? We use the “Therefore Test” to check our 5-Why accuracy. You simply start at your last answer followed by therefore, then the next answer going backwards. If it makes sense, you have a well-reasoned 5-Why.

Patois 2

Step 6 Countermeasures that address the root cause are the next step. When you’ve done a good job identifying the root cause, countermeasures tend to become obvious. Sometimes, instead of having a single root cause, there can be several contributing factors to a problem. When this is the case, each contributing factor must have a countermeasure. Ohno said, “For every problem, we must have a specific countermeasure.”

Step 7 After settling on our countermeasures, we make an Implementation Plan. Simply copy/paste the countermeasures into the Implementation Plan. Then fill in the “Where,” “By Who,” “By When,” and “When Completed” portions on the plan. Keep in mind that the order of implementation may matter.

Step 8 is the Follow-Up. Simply copy/paste the Goal Statement putting the due date in the “By When” box. On that date, we check to see if our result is acceptable. If acceptable, we standardize our results. If not, we repeat the problem-solving process until we have an acceptable result.

This is the iterative, logical, rational, and scientific method used by Toyota to countermeasure problems in all aspects of their business. Ohno said, “The TPS has been built on the practice and evolution of this scientific approach.” 8-Step Problem Solving is the patois of the Toyota Production System, and it will work for your business, too.

Phil Ledbetter worked in production leadership at Toyota Motor Manufacturing – Kentucky for 16 years. He’s the author of The Toyota Template, The Plan for Just-In-Time and Culture Change Beyond Lean Tools. Phil is the principal consultant at The Toyota Template .  .

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A self-adaptive neighborhood search differential evolution algorithm for planning sustainable sequential cyber–physical production systems.

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Hsieh, F.-S. A Self-Adaptive Neighborhood Search Differential Evolution Algorithm for Planning Sustainable Sequential Cyber–Physical Production Systems. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 8044. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14178044

Hsieh F-S. A Self-Adaptive Neighborhood Search Differential Evolution Algorithm for Planning Sustainable Sequential Cyber–Physical Production Systems. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(17):8044. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14178044

Hsieh, Fu-Shiung. 2024. "A Self-Adaptive Neighborhood Search Differential Evolution Algorithm for Planning Sustainable Sequential Cyber–Physical Production Systems" Applied Sciences 14, no. 17: 8044. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14178044

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