Machine Learning (Ph.D.)

The curriculum for the PhD in Machine Learning is truly multidisciplinary, containing courses taught in eight schools across three colleges at Georgia Tech: the Schools of Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Science, and Interactive Computing in the College of Computing; the Schools of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering; and the School of Mathematics in the College of Science.

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GW Online Engineering Programs

Online Doctor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

We are now accepting applications for the cohort beginning in January 2025.

The application deadline is November 1, 2024

Program Description

The online Doctor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning is a research-based doctoral program. The program is designed to provide graduates with a solid understanding of the latest AI&ML techniques, as well as hands-on experience in applying these techniques to real-world problems. Graduates of this program are equipped to lead AI&ML projects and teams in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Having developed advanced research skills, graduates are also well-prepared for academic research and teaching roles.

The degree requires completion of eight graduate-level courses (listed below) and a minimum of 24 credit hours of Praxis Research (SEAS 8588). During the research phase, the student writes and defends a research praxis on a topic related to AI&ML. The topic is selected by the student and approved by the research advising committee.

SEAS 6414 Python Application for Data Analytics:  Introduction to Python programming tailored for Data Analytics. This course covers Python’s applications in automating data cleaning, feature engineering, outlier detection, implementing machine learning algorithms, conducting text mining, and performing time series analysis. (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8500 Fundamentals of AI-Enabled Systems:  Operational decomposition for AI solutions, engineering data for algorithm development, and deployment strategies. Systems perspective in designing AI systems. Full-lifecycle of creating AI-enabled systems. Ethics and biases in AI systems (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8505 Applied Machine Intelligence and Reinforcement Learning:  Theory and practice of machine learning leveraging open-source tools, algorithms and techniques. Topics include intelligent model training, support vector machines, deep learning, transformer methods, GANs, and reinforcement learning (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8510 Analytical Methods for Machine Learning:  Mathematical tools for building machine learning algorithms: linear algebra, analytical geometry, matrix decompositions, optimization, probability and statistics (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8515 Data Engineering for AI:  Developing Python scripts to automate data pipelines, data ingestion, data processing, and data warehousing. Machine learning applications with Python including text mining and time series analysis (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8520 Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing:  Fundamentals of deep learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Techniques for designing modern deep learning networks using Keras and TensorFlow. NLP topics include sentiment analysis, bag of words, TFIDF, and Large Language Models (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8525 Computer Vision and Generative AI: Explore AI's visual realm. Learn image processing object detection, and models in generative adversarial networks and neural networks. Master tools for creating AI applications in art, design, ethical considerations, and societal impacts of generative AI technology (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8599 Praxis Development for AI & Machine Learning:  Overview of research methods. Aims and purpose of the praxis. Development of praxis research strategies, formulation, and defense of a praxis proposal (3 credit hours)

SEAS 8588 Praxis Research for D.Eng. in AI & Machine Learning:  Research leading to the degree of Doctor of Engineering in AI and Machine Learning (24 Credit Hours)  

Classroom courses last 10 weeks each and meet on Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM—12:10 PM and afternoons from 1:00—4:10 PM (all times Eastern). All classes meet live online through synchronous distance learning technologies (Zoom). All classes are recorded and available for viewing within two hours of the lecture. This program is taught in a cohort format in which students take all courses in lockstep. Courses cannot be taken out of sequence, live attendance at all class meetings is expected, and students must remain continuously enrolled. Leaves of absence are permitted only in the case of a medical or family emergency, or deployment to active military duty.  Please see below for the dates of our upcoming cohort.

SemesterSession#Credit HoursTentative Dates
Spring 202516January 4 — March 8, 2025
Spring 202526March 22 — May 31, 2025
Summer 2025-6June 14 — August 23, 2025
Fall 202516September 6 — November 8, 2025

No classes on  Memorial Day and Fourth of July weekends 

To proceed to the research phase, students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.2 in the eight classroom courses, and no grade below B-. Students are then registered for a minimum of 24 credit hours of SEAS 8588 Praxis Research: 3 ch in Fall 2025 (Session 2), 9 ch in Spring 2026, 3 ch in Summer 2026, and 9 ch in Fall 2026. Throughout the research phase, students develop the praxis under the guidance of a designated faculty advisor. Faculty research advisors are assigned by the program office and meet individually with students every two weeks.

Sample research areas are listed below:

•    Developing algorithms and methods that can explain how AI systems reach their decisions or predictions, making them more transparent and trustworthy •    Investigating how reinforcement learning can improve robotic performance and control, particularly in complex environments •    Examining how to ensure that AI systems are fair and unbiased in their decision-making, particularly in areas such as hiring, lending, and criminal justice •    Developing more advanced natural language processing models and algorithms that can understand and interpret human language more accurately and effectively •    Investigating how to apply transfer learning techniques to improve the performance of AI systems in new and different domains, with less data and less training time 

Tuition is $1,750 per credit hour for the 2024-2025 year and is billed at the beginning of each semester for the courses registered during that semester. A non-refundable tuition deposit of $995, which is applied to tuition due the first semester, is required when the applicant accepts the offer of admission.

Admissions Process

  • Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, applied science, business, computer science, or a related field from accredited institutions.
  • A minimum graduate-level GPA of 3.2
  • Capacity for original scholarship.
  • TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, or PTE scores are required of all applicants who are not citizens of countries where English is the official language.  Check our  International Students Page  to learn about the SEAS English language requirements and exemption policy. Test scores may not be more than two years old.

Note: GRE and GMAT scores are not required

Please note that our doctoral programs are highly selective; meeting minimum admissions requirements does not guarantee admission.  

  • Attach up-to-date Resume 
  • Attach Statement of Purpose – In an essay of 250 words or less, state your purpose in undertaking graduate study at The George Washington University. Describe your academic objectives, research interests, and career plans. Discuss your qualifications including collegiate, professional, and community activities, and any other substantial accomplishments not mentioned.
  • Online Engineering Programs The George Washington University 170 Newport Center Drive Suite 260 Newport Beach, CA 92660

Normally, all transcripts must be received before an admission decision is rendered for the Doctor of Engineering program. 

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The dome of the Radcliffe Camera against a blue sky

Statistics and Machine Learning (EPSRC CDT)

  • Entry requirements
  • Funding and costs

College preference

  • How to Apply

About the course

The Statistics and Machine Learning (StatML) Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) is a four-year DPhil research programme (or eight years if studying part-time). It will train the next generation of researchers in statistics and machine learning, who will develop widely-applicable novel methodology and theory and create application-specific methods, leading to breakthroughs in real-world problems in government, medicine, industry and science. 

This is the Oxford component of StatML, a CDT in Statistics and Machine Learning, co-hosted by Imperial College London and the University of Oxford. The programme will provide you with training in both cutting-edge research methodologies and the development of business and transferable skills – essential elements required by employers in industry and business.

You will undertake a significant, challenging and original research project, leading to the award of a DPhil. Given the breadth and depth of the research teams at Imperial College and at the University of Oxford, the proposed projects will range from theoretical to computational and applied aspects of statistics and machine learning, with a large number of projects involving strong methodological/theoretical developments together with a challenging real problem. A significant number of projects will be co-supervised with industry.

You will pursue two mini-projects during your first year (specific timings may vary for part-time students), with the expectation that one of them will lead to your main research project. At the admissions stage you will choose a mini-project. These mini-projects are proposed by the department's supervisory pool and industrial partners. You will be based at the home institution of your main supervisor of the first mini-project.

If your studentship is funded or co-funded by an external partner, the second mini-project will be with the same external partner but will explore a different question.

Alongside your research projects you will engage with taught courses each lasting for two weeks. Core topics will be taught during at the beginning of your first year (specific timings may vary for part-time students) and are:

  • Modern Statistical Theory
  • Statistical Machine Learning;
  • Causality; and
  • Bayesian methods and computation.

You will then begin your main DPhil project at the beginning of the third term (at the beginning of the fourth term for part-time students), which can be based on one of the two mini-projects. Where appropriate for the research, your project will be run jointly with the CDT's leading industrial partners, and you will have the chance to undertake a placement in data-intensive statistics with some of the strongest statistics groups in the USA, Europe and Asia.

If you are studying full-time, starting in the second year, you will teach approximately twelve contact hours per year in undergraduate and graduate courses in your host department. If you are studying part-time, teaching will begin in the third year and you will teach approximately six hours per year. This is mentored teaching, beginning with simple marking, to reach a point where individual students are leading whole classes of ten or twelve undergraduate students. Students will have the support of a mentor and get written feedback at the end of each block of teaching.

You will also be required to take a number of optional courses throughout the four years of the course, which could be made up of choices from the following list: Bayesian nonparametrics; high-dimensional statistics; advanced optimisation; networks; reinforcement learning; large language models; conformal inference, variational Bayes and advance Bayesian computations, dynamical and graphical modelling of multivariate time series, modelling events; and deep learning. Optional modules last two weeks and are delivered in a similar format to the core modules.

Many events bring StatML students and staff together across different peer groups and research groups, ranging from full cohort days and group research skills sessions to summer schools. These events support research and involve staff and students from both Oxford and Imperial coming together at both locations.

The Department of Statistics runs a seminar series in statistics and probability, and a graduate lecture series involving snapshots of the research interests of the department. Several journal-clubs run each term, reading and discussing new research papers as they emerge. These events bring research students together with academic and other research staff in the department to hear about on-going research, and provide an opportunity for networking and socialising.

Further information about part-time study

As a part-time student you will be required to attend modules and other cohort activities in Oxford (or sometimes London) for a minimum of 30 days each year. There will be no flexibility in the dates of modules or cohort events, though it is possible to spread your attendance at modules over the course of the four year programme (with agreement of your supervisor and the programme Directors). Attendance will be required during term-time (on a pro-rata basis) for cohort activities. These often take place on Mondays and Thursdays. Attendance will occasionally be required outside of term-time for cohort activities. 

You will have the opportunity to tailor your part-time study and skills training in liaison with your supervisor and programme Directors, and agree your pattern of attendance.


The allocation of graduate supervision for this course is the responsibility of the Department of Statistics (Oxford) and/or the Department of Mathematics (Imperial). It is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. A supervisor may be found outside these departments.

You are matched to your supervisor for the first mini-project at the start of the course. Within the first year of the course, the student will have the opportunity to work with an alternative supervisor for a second mini-project. It is normal for one of these mini-projects to lead to the full DPhil project with the same supervisory team as was in place for the mini-project chosen. 

Typically, as a research student, you should expect to have meetings with your supervisor or a member of the supervisory team with a frequency of at least once every two weeks averaged across the year. The regularity of these meetings may be subject to variations according to the time of the year, and the stage that you are at in your research programme.

Each mini-project will be assessed on the basis of a report written by the student, by researchers from Imperial and Oxford.

Modules are assessed by a presentation in small groups on some material studied during the two-week module (known as micro-projects within the programme).

All students will be initially admitted to the status of Probationer Research Student (PRS). Within a maximum of six terms as a full-time PRS student or twelve terms as a part-time PRS student, you will be expected to apply for transfer of status from Probationer Research Student to DPhil status. This application is normally made by the fourth term for full-time students and by the eighth term for part-time students.

A successful transfer of status from PRS to DPhil status will require the submission of a thesis outline. Students who are successful at transfer will also be expected to apply for and gain confirmation of DPhil status to show that your work continues to be on track. This will need to done within nine terms of admission for full-time students and eighteen terms of admission for part-time students.

Both milestones normally involve an interview with two assessors (other than your supervisor) and therefore provide important experience for the final oral examination.

Full-time students will be expected to submit a thesis at four years from the date of admission. If you are studying part-time, you be required to submit your thesis after six or, at most, eight years from the date of admission. To be successfully awarded a DPhil in Statistics you will need to defend your thesis orally (viva voce) in front of two appointed examiners.

The final thesis is normally submitted for examination during the fourth year (or eighth year if studying part-time) and is followed by the viva examination. The final award for Oxford based students will be a DPhil awarded by the University of Oxford.

Graduate destinations

This is a new course and there are no alumni yet. StatML is dedicated to providing the organisation, environment and personnel needed to develop the future industrial and academic individuals doing world-leading research in statistics for modern day science, engineering and commerce, all exemplified by ‘big data’.

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made if a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency occurs. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.

Entry requirements for entry in 2024-25

Proven and potential academic excellence.

The requirements described below are specific to this course and apply only in the year of entry that is shown. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

Please be aware that any studentships that are linked to this course may have different or additional requirements and you should read any studentship information carefully before applying. 

Degree-level qualifications

As a minimum, applicants should hold or be predicted to achieve the following UK qualifications or their equivalent:

  • a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, engineering or a closely related subject. 

However, entrance is very competitive and most successful applicants have a first-class degree or the equivalent.

For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA sought is 3.6 out of 4.0.

If your degree is not from the UK or another country specified above, visit our International Qualifications page for guidance on the qualifications and grades that would usually be considered to meet the University’s minimum entry requirements.

GRE General Test scores

No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought.

Other qualifications, evidence of excellence and relevant experience 

Publications are not expected but details of any publications may be included with the application.

English language proficiency

This course requires proficiency in English at the University's  standard level . If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement. The minimum scores required to meet the University's standard level are detailed in the table below.

Minimum scores required to meet the University's standard level requirement
TestMinimum overall scoreMinimum score per component
IELTS Academic (Institution code: 0713) 7.06.5

TOEFL iBT, including the 'Home Edition'

(Institution code: 0490)

100Listening: 22
Reading: 24
Speaking: 25
Writing: 24
C1 Advanced*185176
C2 Proficiency 185176

*Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) † Previously known as the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

Your test must have been taken no more than two years before the start date of your course. Our Application Guide provides further information about the English language test requirement .

Declaring extenuating circumstances

If your ability to meet the entry requirements has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (eg you were awarded an unclassified/ungraded degree) or any other exceptional personal circumstance (eg other illness or bereavement), please refer to the guidance on extenuating circumstances in the Application Guide for information about how to declare this so that your application can be considered appropriately.

You will need to register three referees who can give an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for the course. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the types of reference that are required in support of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Supporting documents

You will be required to supply supporting documents with your application. The  How to apply  section of this page provides details of the supporting documents that are required as part of your application for this course and how these will be assessed.

Performance at interview

Interviews are held as part of the admissions process for applicants who, on the basis of their written application, best meet the selection criteria.

Interviews may be held in person or over video link such as Zoom, normally with at least two interviewers. Interviews will include some technical questions on statistical topics relating to the StatML CDT. These questions will be adapted as far as possible to the applicant's own background training in statistics or machine learning.

How your application is assessed

Your application will be assessed purely on your proven and potential academic excellence and other entry requirements described under that heading.

References  and  supporting documents  submitted as part of your application, and your performance at interview (if interviews are held) will be considered as part of the assessment process. Whether or not you have secured funding will not be taken into consideration when your application is assessed.

An overview of the shortlisting and selection process is provided below. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide  more information about how applications are assessed . 

Shortlisting and selection

Students are considered for shortlisting and selected for admission without regard to age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex, sexual orientation, as well as other relevant circumstances including parental or caring responsibilities or social background. However, please note the following:

  • socio-economic information may be taken into account in the selection of applicants and award of scholarships for courses that are part of  the University’s pilot selection procedure  and for  scholarships aimed at under-represented groups ;
  • country of ordinary residence may be taken into account in the awarding of certain scholarships; and
  • protected characteristics may be taken into account during shortlisting for interview or the award of scholarships where the University has approved a positive action case under the Equality Act 2010.

Processing your data for shortlisting and selection

Information about  processing special category data for the purposes of positive action  and  using your data to assess your eligibility for funding , can be found in our Postgraduate Applicant Privacy Policy.

Admissions panels and assessors

All recommendations to admit a student involve the judgement of at least two members of the academic staff with relevant experience and expertise, and must also be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies or Admissions Committee (or equivalent within the department).

Admissions panels or committees will always include at least one member of academic staff who has undertaken appropriate training.

Other factors governing whether places can be offered

The following factors will also govern whether candidates can be offered places:

  • the ability of the University to provide the appropriate supervision for your studies, as outlined under the 'Supervision' heading in the  About  section of this page;
  • the ability of the University to provide appropriate support for your studies (eg through the provision of facilities, resources, teaching and/or research opportunities); and
  • minimum and maximum limits to the numbers of students who may be admitted to the University's taught and research programmes.

Offer conditions for successful applications

If you receive an offer of a place at Oxford, your offer will outline any conditions that you need to satisfy and any actions you need to take, together with any associated deadlines. These may include academic conditions, such as achieving a specific final grade in your current degree course. These conditions will usually depend on your individual academic circumstances and may vary between applicants. Our ' After you apply ' pages provide more information about offers and conditions . 

In addition to any academic conditions which are set, you will also be required to meet the following requirements:

Financial Declaration

If you are offered a place, you will be required to complete a  Financial Declaration  in order to meet your financial condition of admission.

Disclosure of criminal convictions

In accordance with the University’s obligations towards students and staff, we will ask you to declare any  relevant, unspent criminal convictions  before you can take up a place at Oxford.

In January 2016 the Department of Statistics moved to occupy a newly-refurbished building in St Giles, near the centre of Oxford. The building has spaces for study and collaborative learning, including the library and large interaction and social area on the ground floor, as well as an open research zone on the second floor.

You will be provided with a computer and desk space in a shared office. You will have access to the Department of Statistics computing facilities and support, the department’s library, the Radcliffe Science Library and other University libraries, centrally-provided electronic resources and other facilities appropriate to your research topic. The provision of other resources specific to your DPhil project should be agreed with your supervisor as a part of the planning stages of the agreed project.

Tea and coffee facilities are provided in the Department. There are also opportunities for sporting interaction such as football and cricket.

The University's Department of Statistics is a world leader in research in probability, bioinformatics, mathematical genetics and statistical methodology, including computational statistics, machine learning and data science. 

You will be actively involved in a vibrant academic community by means of seminars, lectures, journal clubs, and social events. Research students are offered training in modern probability, stochastic processes, statistical methodology, computational methods and transferable skills, in addition to specialised topics relevant to specific application areas.

Much of the research in the Department of Statistics is either explicitly interdisciplinary or draws motivation from application areas, ranging from genetics, immunoinformatics, bioinformatics and cheminformatics, to finance and the social sciences.

The department is located on St Giles, in a building providing excellent teaching facilities and creating a highly visible centre for statistics in Oxford. Oxford’s Mathematical Sciences submission came first in the UK on all criteria in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF).

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We expect that the majority of applicants who are offered a place on this course will also be offered a fully-funded scholarship specific to this course, covering course fees for the duration of their course and a living stipend.

For further details about searching for funding as a graduate student visit our dedicated Funding pages, which contain information about how to apply for Oxford scholarships requiring an additional application, details of external funding, loan schemes and other funding sources.

Please ensure that you visit individual college websites for details of any college-specific funding opportunities using the links provided on our college pages or below:

Please note that not all the colleges listed above may accept students on this course. For details of those which do, please refer to the College preference section of this page.

Annual fees for entry in 2024-25

Full-time study.


IMPORTANT : Please note that while most of the content of these pages relates to the course starting in 2024-25, this information about course fees and the additional information section on this page relate to entry in 2025-26 . The remaining content will be updated for 2025-26 entry later in September.

Part-time study


Information about course fees

Course fees are payable each year, for the duration of your fee liability (your fee liability is the length of time for which you are required to pay course fees). For courses lasting longer than one year, please be aware that fees will usually increase annually. For details, please see our guidance on changes to fees and charges .

Course fees cover your teaching as well as other academic services and facilities provided to support your studies. Unless specified in the additional information section below, course fees do not cover your accommodation, residential costs or other living costs. They also don’t cover any additional costs and charges that are outlined in the additional information below.

Continuation charges

Following the period of fee liability , you may also be required to pay a University continuation charge and a college continuation charge. The University and college continuation charges are shown on the Continuation charges page.

Where can I find further information about fees?

The Fees and Funding  section of this website provides further information about course fees , including information about fee status and eligibility  and your length of fee liability .

Additional information

There are no compulsory elements of this course that entail additional costs beyond fees (or, after fee liability ends, continuation charges) and living costs. However, please note that, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Please note that you are required to attend in Oxford for a minimum of 30 days each year, and you may incur additional travel and accommodation expenses for this. Also, depending on your choice of research topic and the research required to complete it, you may incur further additional expenses, such as travel expenses, research expenses, and field trips. You will need to meet these additional costs, although you may be able to apply for small grants from your department and/or college to help you cover some of these expenses.

Living costs

In addition to your course fees, you will need to ensure that you have adequate funds to support your living costs for the duration of your course.

For the 2024-25 academic year, the range of likely living costs for full-time study is between c. £1,345 and £1,955 for each month spent in Oxford. Full information, including a breakdown of likely living costs in Oxford for items such as food, accommodation and study costs, is available on our living costs page. The current economic climate and high national rate of inflation make it very hard to estimate potential changes to the cost of living over the next few years. When planning your finances for any future years of study in Oxford beyond 2024-25, it is suggested that you allow for potential increases in living expenses of around 5% each year – although this rate may vary depending on the national economic situation. UK inflationary increases will be kept under review and this page updated.

If you are studying part-time your living costs may vary depending on your personal circumstances but you must still ensure that you will have sufficient funding to meet these costs for the duration of your course.

Students enrolled on this course will belong to both a department/faculty and a college. Please note that ‘college’ and ‘colleges’ refers to all 43 of the University’s colleges, including those designated as societies and permanent private halls (PPHs). 

If you apply for a place on this course you will have the option to express a preference for one of the colleges listed below, or you can ask us to find a college for you. Before deciding, we suggest that you read our brief  introduction to the college system at Oxford  and our  advice about expressing a college preference . 

If you are a current Oxford student and you would like to remain at your current Oxford college, you should check whether it is listed below. If it is, you should indicate this preference when you apply. If not, you should contact your college office to ask whether they would be willing to make an exception. Further information about staying at your current college can be found in our Application Guide. 

The following colleges accept students for full-time study on this course:

  • Balliol College
  • Corpus Christi College
  • Exeter College
  • Hertford College
  • Jesus College
  • Keble College
  • Kellogg College
  • Lady Margaret Hall
  • Linacre College
  • Mansfield College
  • New College
  • Reuben College
  • St Cross College
  • St Edmund Hall
  • Worcester College

The following colleges accept students for part-time study on this course:

Before you apply

Our  guide to getting started  provides general advice on how to prepare for and start your application. You can use our interactive tool to help you  evaluate whether your application is likely to be competitive .

If it's important for you to have your application considered under a particular deadline – eg under a December or January deadline in order to be considered for Oxford scholarships – we recommend that you aim to complete and submit your application at least two weeks in advance . Check the deadlines on this page and the  information about deadlines and when to apply  in our Application Guide.

Application fee waivers

An application fee of £75 is payable for each application to this course. Application fee waivers are available for the following applicants who meet the eligibility criteria:

  • applicants from low-income countries;
  • refugees and displaced persons; 
  • UK applicants from low-income backgrounds; and 
  • applicants who applied for our Graduate Access Programmes in the past two years and met the eligibility criteria.

You are encouraged to  check whether you're eligible for an application fee waiver  before you apply.

Readmission for current Oxford graduate taught students

If you're currently studying for an Oxford graduate taught course and apply to this course with no break in your studies, you may be eligible to apply to this course as a readmission applicant. The application fee will be waived for an eligible application of this type. Check whether you're eligible to apply for readmission .

Application fee waivers for eligible associated courses

If you apply to this course and up to two eligible associated courses from our predefined list during the same cycle, you can request an application fee waiver so that you only need to pay one application fee.

The list of eligible associated courses may be updated as new courses are opened. Please check the list regularly, especially if you are applying to a course that has recently opened to accept applications.

Do I need to contact anyone before I apply?

Before submitting an application, you may find it helpful to contact a potential supervisor or supervisors from among the online profile of StatML academics based in Oxford. This will allow you to discuss the matching of your interests with those of the centre, although there is no guarantee that this specific individual will become your supervisor if you are accepted. Please ensure that you have researched the specialisms of the department and those of your potential supervisor(s) before making contact. More information can be found on the  StatML website .

You can either contact the academic staff member directly or route your enquiry via the Admissions Administrator using the contact details provided on this page.

Completing your application

You should refer to the information below when completing the application form, paying attention to the specific requirements for the supporting documents .

For this course, the application form will include questions that collect information that would usually be included in a CV/résumé. You should not upload a separate document. If a separate CV/résumé is uploaded, it will be removed from your application .

If any document does not meet the specification, including the stipulated word count, your application may be considered incomplete and not assessed by the academic department. Expand each section to show further details.

You will also need to  complete the declaration form  once you have applied for this course.  

Proposed field and title of research project

Proposed supervisor.

Under 'Proposed supervisor name' enter the name of the academic(s) whom you would like to supervise your research. 

Referees: Three overall, academic preferred

Whilst you must register three referees, the department may start the assessment of your application if two of the three references are submitted by the course deadline and your application is otherwise complete. Please note that you may still be required to ensure your third referee supplies a reference for consideration.

Your references should generally be academic, though up to one professional reference will be accepted.

Your references will support intellectual ability, academic achievement, motivation and your ability to work in a group.

Official transcript(s)

Your transcripts should give detailed information of the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications to date. You should only upload official documents issued by your institution and any transcript not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation.

More information about the transcript requirement is available in the Application Guide.

Statement of purpose/personal statement: A maximum of 1,100 words

Your statement should be written in English and should specify the broad areas in which your research interests lie -- what motivates your interest in these fields, and why do you think you will succeed in the programme?

The personal statement should describe your academic and career plans, as well your motivation and your scientific interests. When writing your personal statement, please make sure it answers the following questions:

  • What are your machine learning/statistical interests?
  • Why do you think the Statistics and  Machine Learning CDT is the right choice for you?

If possible, please ensure that the word count is clearly displayed on the document.

Your statement will be assessed for:

  • your reasons for applying
  • evidence of understanding of the proposed area of study
  • your ability to present a coherent case in proficient English
  • your commitment to the subject, beyond the requirements of the degree course
  • your preliminary knowledge of the subject area and research techniques
  • your capacity for sustained and intense work
  • your reasoning ability
  • your ability to absorb new ideas, often presented abstractly, at a rapid pace.

Start or continue your application

You can start or return to an application using the relevant link below. As you complete the form, please  refer to the requirements above  and  consult our Application Guide for advice .

As the admissions process for StatML will be run in parallel with Imperial College London, we ask that you please  complete the declaration form once you have applied to one or both of the institutions.

Application Guide   Apply - FT   Apply - PT   Declaration Form


Closed to applications for entry in 2024-25

Register to be notified via email when the next application cycle opens (for entry in 2025-26)

12:00 midday UK time on:

Wednesday 8 January 2025

Latest deadline for most Oxford scholarships

Tuesday 4 March 2025

Applications may remain open after this deadline if places are still available - see below

A later deadline under 'Admission status'

If places are still available,  applications may be accepted after 4 March . The Admission status (above) will provide notice of any later deadline.

Key facts
 Full TimePart Time
Course codeR19_2R19_9P2
Expected length4 years8 years
Places in 2024-25c. 8c. 8
Expected start
English language

*Three-year average (applications for entry in 2021-22 to 2023-24)

This course was previously known as Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning 

Further information and enquiries

This course is offered by the University's Department of Statistics , in partnership with Imperial College London

  • Course page on the centre's website
  • Funding information from the centre
  • Academic and research staff  (incl. Imperial)
  • Departmental research in Oxford
  • Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
  • Residence requirements for full-time courses
  • Postgraduate applicant privacy policy

Course-related enquiries

Advice about contacting the department can be found in the How to apply section of this page

✉ [email protected] ☎ +44 (0)1865 272876  (Oxford)

Application-process enquiries

See the application guide

Visa eligibility for part-time study

We are unable to sponsor student visas for part-time study on this course. Part-time students may be able to attend on a visitor visa for short blocks of time only (and leave after each visit) and will need to remain based outside the UK.

Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Machine Learning

The Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Machine Learning program has the following principal objectives, each of which supports an aspect of the Institute’s mission:

  • Create students that are able to advance the state of knowledge and practice in machine learning through innovative research contributions.
  • Create students who are able to integrate and apply principles from computing, statistics, optimization, engineering, mathematics and science to innovate, and create machine learning models and apply them to solve important real-world data intensive problems.
  • Create students who are able to participate in multidisciplinary teams that include individuals whose primary background is in statistics, optimization, engineering, mathematics and science.
  • Provide a high quality education that prepares individuals for careers in industry, government (e.g., national laboratories), and academia, both in terms of knowledge, computational (e.g., software development) skills, and mathematical modeling skills.
  • Foster multidisciplinary collaboration among researchers and educators in areas such as computer science, statistics, optimization, engineering, social science, and computational biology.
  • Foster economic development in the state of Georgia.
  • Advance Georgia Tech’s position of academic leadership by attracting high quality students who would not otherwise apply to Tech for graduate study.

All PhD programs must incorporate a standard set of Requirements for the Doctoral Degree .

The central goal of the PhD program is to train students to perform original, independent research.  The most important part of the curriculum is the successful defense of a PhD Dissertation, which demonstrates this research ability.  The academic requirements are designed in service of this goal.

The curriculum for the PhD in Machine Learning is truly multidisciplinary, containing courses taught in nine schools across three colleges at Georgia Tech: the Schools of Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Science, and Interactive Computing in the College of Computing; the Schools of Aerospace Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering; and the School of Mathematics in the College of Science.

Summary of General Requirements for a PhD in Machine Learning

  • Core curriculum (4 courses, 12 hours). Machine Learning PhD students will be required to complete courses in four different areas: Mathematical Foundations, Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning, ML Theory and Methods, and Optimization.   
  • Area electives (5 courses, 15 hours).
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) (1 course, 1 hour, pass/fail).  Georgia Tech requires that all PhD students complete an RCR requirement that consists of an online component and in-person training. The online component is completed during the student’s first semester enrolled at Georgia Tech.  The in-person training is satisfied by taking PHIL 6000 or their associated academic program’s in-house RCR course.
  • Qualifying examination (1 course, 3 hours). This consists of a one-semester independent literature review followed by an oral examination.
  • Doctoral minor (2 courses, 6 hours).
  • Research Proposal.  The purpose of the proposal is to give the faculty an opportunity to give feedback on the student’s research direction, and to make sure they are developing into able communicators.
  • PhD Dissertation.

Almost all of the courses in both the core and elective categories are already taught regularly at Georgia Tech.  However, two core courses (designated in the next section) are being developed specifically for this program.  The proposed outlines for these courses can be found in the Appendix. Students who complete these required courses as part of a master’s program will not need to repeat the courses if they are admitted to the ML PhD program.

Core Courses

Machine Learning PhD students will be required to complete courses in four different areas. With the exception of the Foundations course, each of these area requirements can be satisfied using existing courses from the College of Computing or Schools of ECE, ISyE, and Mathematics.

Machine Learning core:

Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning. This required course is the gateway into the program, and covers the key subjects from applied mathematics needed for a rigorous graduate program in ML. Particular emphasis will be put on advanced concepts in linear algebra and probabilistic modeling. This course is cross-listed between CS, CSE, ECE, and ISyE.

ECE 7750 / ISYE 7750 / CS 7750 / CSE 7750 Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

Probabilistic and Statistical Methods in Machine Learning

  • ISYE 6412 , Theoretical Statistics
  • ECE 7751 / ISYE 7751 / CS 7751 / CSE 7751 Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • MATH 7251 High Dimension Probability
  • MATH 7252 High Dimension Statistics

Machine Learning: Theory and Methods.   This course serves as an introduction to the foundational problems, algorithms, and modeling techniques in machine learning.  Each of the courses listed below treats roughly the same material using a mix of applied mathematics and computer science, and each has a different balance between the two. 

  • CS 7545 Machine Learning Theory and Methods
  • CS 7616 , Pattern Recognition
  • CSE 6740 / ISYE 6740 , Computational Data Analysis
  • ECE 6254 , Statistical Machine Learning
  • ECE 6273 , Methods of Pattern Recognition with Applications to Voice

Optimization.   Optimization plays a crucial role in both developing new machine learning algorithms and analyzing their performance.  The three courses below all provide a rigorous introduction to this topic; each emphasizes different material and provides a unique balance of mathematics and algorithms.

  • ECE 8823 , Convex Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
  • ISYE 6661 , Linear Optimization
  • ISYE 6663 , Nonlinear Optimization
  • ISYE 7683 , Advanced Nonlinear Programming

After core requirements are satisfied, all courses listed in the core not already taken can be used as (appropriately classified) electives.

In addition to meeting the core area requirements, each student is required to complete five elective courses. These courses are required for getting a complete breadth in ML. These courses must be chosen from at least two of the five subject areas listed below. In addition, students can use up to six special problems research hours to satisfy this requirement. 

i. Statistics and Applied Probability : To build breadth and depth in the areas of statistics and probability as applied to ML.

  • AE 6505 , Kalman Filtering
  • AE 8803 Gaussian Processes
  • BMED 6700 , Biostatistics
  • ECE 6558 , Stochastic Systems
  • ECE 6601 , Random Processes
  • ECE 6605 , Information Theory
  • ISYE 6402 , Time Series Analysis
  • ISYE 6404 , Nonparametric Data Analysis
  • ISYE 6413 , Design and Analysis of Experiments
  • ISYE 6414 , Regression Analysis
  • ISYE 6416 , Computational Statistics
  • ISYE 6420 , Bayesian Statistics
  • ISYE 6761 , Stochastic Processes I
  • ISYE 6762 , Stochastic Processes II
  • ISYE 7400 , Adv Design-Experiments
  • ISYE 7401 , Adv Statistical Modeling
  • ISYE 7405 , Multivariate Data Analysis
  • ISYE 8803 , Statistical and Probabilistic Methods for Data Science
  • ISYE 8813 , Special Topics in Data Science
  • MATH 6221 , Probability Theory for Scientists and Engineers
  • MATH 6266 , Statistical Linear Modeling
  • MATH 6267 , Multivariate Statistical Analysis
  • MATH 7244 , Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus I
  • MATH 7245 , Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus II

ii. Advanced Theory: To build a deeper understanding of foundations of ML.

  • AE 8803 , Optimal Transport Theory and Applications
  • CS 7280 , Network Science
  • CS 7510 , Graph Algorithms
  • CS 7520 , Approximation Algorithms
  • CS 7530 , Randomized Algorithms
  • CS 7535 , Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms
  • CS 7540 , Spectral Algorithms
  • CS 8803 , Continuous Algorithms
  • ECE 6283 , Harmonic Analysis and Signal Processing
  • ECE 6555 , Linear Estimation
  • ISYE 7682 , Convexity
  • MATH 6112 , Advanced Linear Algebra
  • MATH 6241 , Probability I
  • MATH 6262 , Advanced Statistical Inference
  • MATH 6263 , Testing Statistical Hypotheses
  • MATH 6580 , Introduction to Hilbert Space
  • MATH 7338 , Functional Analysis
  • MATH 7586 , Tensor Analysis
  • MATH 88XX, Special Topics: High Dimensional Probability and Statistics

iii. Applications: To develop a breadth and depth in variety of applications domains impacted by/with ML.

  • AE 6373 , Advanced Design Methods
  • AE 8803 , Machine Learning for Control Systems
  • AE 8803 , Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control
  • BMED 6780 , Medical Image Processing
  • BMED 6790 / ECE 6790 , Information Processing Models in Neural Systems
  • BMED 7610 , Quantitative Neuroscience
  • BMED 8813 BHI, Biomedical and Health Informatics
  • BMED 8813 MHI, mHealth Informatics
  • BMED 8813 MLB, Machine Learning in Biomedicine
  • BMED 8823 ALG, OMICS Data and Bioinformatics Algorithms
  • CHBE 6745 , Data Analytics for Chemical Engineers
  • CHBE 6746 , Data-Driven Process Engineering
  • CS 6440 , Introduction to Health Informatics
  • CS 6465 , Computational Journalism
  • CS 6471 , Computational Social Science
  • CS 6474 , Social Computing
  • CS 6475 , Computational Photography
  • CS 6476 , Computer Vision
  • CS 6601 , Artificial Intelligence
  • CS 7450 , Information Visualization
  • CS 7476 , Advanced Computer Vision
  • CS 7630 , Autonomous Robots
  • CS 7632 , Game AI
  • CS 7636 , Computational Perception
  • CS 7643 , Deep Learning
  • CS 7646 , Machine Learning for Trading
  • CS 7647 , Machine Learning with Limited Supervision
  • CS 7650 , Natural Language Processing
  • CSE 6141 , Massive Graph Analysis
  • CSE 6240 , Web Search and Text Mining
  • CSE 6242 , Data and Visual Analytics
  • CSE 6301 , Algorithms in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • ECE 4580 , Computational Computer Vision
  • ECE 6255 , Digital Processing of Speech Signals
  • ECE 6258 , Digital Image Processing
  • ECE 6260 , Data Compression and Modeling
  • ECE 6273 , Methods of Pattern Recognition with Application to Voice
  • ECE 6550 , Linear Systems and Controls
  • ECE 8813 , Network Security
  • ISYE 6421 , Biostatistics
  • ISYE 6810 , Systems Monitoring and Prognosis
  • ISYE 7201 , Production Systems
  • ISYE 7204 , Info Prod & Ser Sys
  • ISYE 7203 , Logistics Systems
  • ISYE 8813 , Supply Chain Inventory Theory
  • HS 6000 , Healthcare Delivery
  • MATH 6759 , Stochastic Processes in Finance
  • MATH 6783 , Financial Data Analysis

iv. Computing and Optimization: To provide more breadth and foundation in areas of math, optimization and computation for ML.

  • AE 6513 , Mathematical Planning and Decision-Making for Autonomy
  • AE 8803 , Optimization-Based Learning Control and Games
  • CS 6515 , Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
  • CS 6550 , Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSE 6140 , Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
  • CSE 6643 , Numerical Linear Algebra
  • CSE 6644 , Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations
  • CSE 6710 , Numerical Methods I
  • CSE 6711 , Numerical Methods II
  • ECE 6553 , Optimal Control and Optimization
  • ISYE 6644 , Simulation
  • ISYE 6645 , Monte Carlo Methods
  • ISYE 6662 , Discrete Optimization
  • ISYE 6664 , Stochastic Optimization
  • ISYE 6679 , Computational methods for optimization
  • ISYE 7686 , Advanced Combinatorial Optimization
  • ISYE 7687 , Advanced Integer Programming

v. Platforms : To provide breadth and depth in computing platforms that support ML and Computation.

  • CS 6421 , Temporal, Spatial, and Active Databases
  • CS 6430 , Parallel and Distributed Databases
  • CS 6290 , High-Performance Computer Architecture
  • CSE 6220 , High Performance Computing
  • CSE 6230 , High Performance Parallel Computing

Qualifying Examination

The purpose of the Qualifying Examination is to judge the candidate’s potential as an independent researcher.

The Ph.D. qualifying exam consists of a focused literature review that will take place over the course of one semester.  At the beginning of the second semester of their second year, a qualifying committee consisting of three members of the ML faculty will assign, in consultation with the student and the student’s advisor, a course of study consisting of influential papers, books, or other intellectual artifacts relevant to the student’s research interests.  The student’s focus area and current research efforts (and related portfolio) will be considered in defining the course of study.

At the end of the semester, the student will submit a written summary of each artifact which highlights their understanding of the importance (and weaknesses) of the work in question and the relationship of this work to their current research.  Subsequently, the student will have a closed oral exam with the three members of the committee.  The exam will be interactive, with the student and the committee discussing and criticizing each work and posing questions related the students current research to determine the breadth of student’s knowledge in that specific area.  

The success of the examination will be determined by the committee’s qualitative assessment of the student’s understanding of the theory, methods, and ultimate impact of the assigned syllabus.

The student will be given a passing grade for meeting the requirements of the committee in both the written and the oral part. Unsatisfactory performance on either part will require the student to redo the entire qualifying exam in the following semester year. Each student will be allowed only two attempts at the exam.

Students are expected to perform the review by the end of their second year in the program.

Doctoral Dissertation

The primary requirement of the PhD student is to do original and substantial research.  This research is reported for review in the PhD dissertation, and presented at the final defense.  As the first step towards completing a dissertation, the student must prepare and defend a Research Proposal.  The proposal is a document of no more than 20 pages in length that carefully describes the topic of the dissertation, including references to prior work, and any preliminary results to date.  The written proposal is submitted to a committee of three faculty members from the ML PhD program, and is presented in a public seminar shortly thereafter.  The committee members provide feedback on the proposed research directions, comments on the strength of writing and oral presentation skills, and might suggest further courses to solidify the student’s background.  Approval of the Research Proposal by the committee is required at least six months prior to the scheduling of the PhD defense. It is expected that the student complete this proposal requirement no later than their fourth year in the program. The PhD thesis committee consists of five faculty members: the student’s advisor, three additional members from the ML PhD program, and one faculty member external to the ML program.  The committee is charged with approving the written dissertation and administering the final defense.  The defense consists of a public seminar followed by oral examination from the thesis committee.

Doctoral minor (2 courses, 6 hours): 

The minor follows the standard Georgia Tech requirement: 6 hours, preferably outside the student’s home unit, with a GPA in those graduate-level courses of at least 3.0.  The courses for the minor should form a cohesive program of study outside the area of Machine Learning; no ML core or elective courses may be used to fulfill this requirement and must be approved by your thesis advisor and ML Academic Advisor.  Typical programs will consist of three courses two courses from the same school (any school at the Institute) or two courses from the same area of study. 

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Machine Learning - CMU

Machine learning academics.

The Machine Learning Department is made up of a multi-disciplinary team of faculty and students across several academic departments. Machine learning is dedicated to furthering the scientific understanding of automated learning and to producing the next generation of tools for data analysis and decision making based on that understanding.

Today's demand for expertise in machine learning far exceeds the supply, and this imbalance will become more severe over the coming decade.

Students can pursue one of four Ph.D. programs, a Master's program, and an undergraduate Minor, Concentration, or Major. Students can also take classes in the Machine Learning Department without being part of one of its academic programs. For questions and concerns, please contact us .

We do NOT offer any online or part-time degrees, all of our programs are a full-time commitment at the Pittsburgh Campus.

PhD Programs

Phd in machine learning.

The Ph.D. Program in Machine Learning is for students who are interested in research in Machine Learning and Computational Statistics. The program is operated jointly by faculty in the School of Computer Science and Department of Statistics.

We also offer Joint PhD Programs in Statistics & Machine Learning, Machine Learning & Public Policy, Neural Computation & Machine Learning, Autonomous & Human Decision Making

MS Curriculum and Program Requirements

The MS in Machine Learning is ideal for students considering a career in industry or as preparation for a PhD. Regardless of the application used, the curriculum and program requirements are the same.

Primary Application Information: MS in Machine Learning

The primary application is open to those who are not currently earning a degree from or working at CMU, as well as CMU members who prefer it over the Fifth-Year and Secondary MS.

Primary Application Information: MS in Machine Learning - Applied Study

The primary application is open to those who are not currently earning a degree from or working at CMU, as well as CMU members who prefer it over the Fifth-Year and Secondary MS. Unlike the other links in this list, the MS in Machine Learning - Applied Study is a unique degree for students planning a career in industry.

Fifth-Year MS in Machine Learning Application Information

Current CMU undergraduates may be eligible to apply early and earn the MS in their fifth year.

Secondary MS in ML Discontinued

Discontinued, secondary ms in machine learning application information, undergraduate programs, machine learning minor.

Machine learning and statistical methods are increasingly used in many application areas including natural language processing, speech, vision, robotics, and computational biology. The Minor in Machine Learning allows undergraduates to learn about the core principles of machine learning.

The curriculum varies based on when students began their undergraduate program at CMU:

Curriculum for 2018 and earlier Curriculum for 2019 and later

Machine Learning Concentration

Students within the School of Computer Science can add the Machine Learning Concentration to their major to enhance their computer science education.

Statistics & Machine Learning Major

Bachelor's of science in artificial intelligence, comparing ml intro courses, course comparison information, self assessment to determine if you should take 10601 or 10701., teaching assistantships, verification of skills.

Effective July 31, 2023

The university will no longer produce a letter that states actual skills, enumerated skills or anything not listed in the description. Additionally, a cademic departments and faculty may not produce skill verification letters.  The official course syllabus verifies the skills taught in the course and your official transcript verifies the successful completion of the course/skills.

Please see instructions from Enrollment Services:

machine learning phd part time

EPSRC CDT in Statistics and Machine Learning at Imperial College London and the University of Oxford

Welcome to statml – an epsrc funded center for doctoral training in statistics and machine learning.

StatML is a cohort-based doctoral programme based at  Imperial and  Oxford .

The Statistics and Machine Learning programme is a four-year PhD/DPhil research programme (or longer if studying part-time). It trains the next generation of researchers in statistics and statistical machine learning, who will develop widely-applicable novel methodology and theory and create application-specific methods, leading to breakthroughs in real-world problems in government, medicine, industry and science.

The programme provides students with training in both cutting-edge research methodologies and the development of business and transferable skills – essential elements required by employers in industry and business.

Each student undertakes a significant, challenging and original research project, leading to the award of a PhD/DPhil.

The studentships are fully funded for the four years and come with a generous allowance for travel, equipment and research costs.   

Studentships are open to all nationalities and we are particularly keen to receive applications from women, minority groups and members of other groups that are underrepresented in technology. Applicants in possession of other funding scholarships or industry funding are also welcome to apply – please provide details of your funding source on your application.

We would like to receive applications from individuals who hold (or expect to receive) a masters level degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, engineering, or in a closely related subject.

Discover our students’ research

machine learning phd part time

Hear from our students

Find out more about the programme in the videos below.

Queen's Tower Imperial College

College of Computing

Ph.d. in machine learning, about the curriculum.

The central goal of the Ph.D. program is to train students to perform original, independent research. The most important part of the curriculum is the successful defense of a Ph.D. dissertation, which demonstrates this research ability.

The curriculum is designed with the following principal educational goals:

•    Students will develop a solid understanding of fundamental principles across a range of core areas in the machine learning discipline. •    Students will develop a deep understanding and set of skills and expertise in a specific theoretical aspect or application area of the machine learning discipline. •    The students will be able to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills they have developed and demonstrate their expertise and proficiency in an application area of practical importance. •    Students will be able to engage in multidisciplinary activities by being able to communicate complex ideas in their area of expertise to individuals in other fields, be able to understand complex ideas and concepts from other disciplines, and be able to incorporate these concepts into their own work. The curriculum for the Ph.D. in Machine Learning is truly multidisciplinary, containing courses taught in eight schools across three colleges at Georgia Tech:  •    Computer Science (Computing) •    Computational Science and Engineering (Computing) •    Interactive Computing (Computing) – see Computer Science •     Aerospace Engineering (Engineering) •     Biomedical Engineering (Engineering) •     Electrical and Computer Engineering (Engineering) •     Industrial Systems Engineering (Engineering) •     Mathematics (Sciences) Students must complete four core courses, five electives, a qualifying exam, and a doctoral dissertation defense. All doctorate students are advised by ML Ph.D. Program Faculty . All coursework must be completed before the Ph.D. proposal. An overall GPA of 3.0 is required for the Ph.D. coursework.

Research Opportunities

Our faculty comes from all six colleges across Georgia Tech’s campus, creating many interdisciplinary research opportunities for our students. Our labs focus on research areas such as artificial intelligence, data science, computer vision, natural language processing, optimization, machine learning theory, forecasting, robotics, computational biology, fintech, and more.

External applications are only accepted for the Fall semester each year. The application deadline varies by home school. 

The Machine Learning Ph.D. admissions process works bottom-up through the home schools. Admissions decisions are made by the home school, and then submitted to the Machine Learning Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) for final approval. Support for incoming students (including guarantees of teaching assistantships and/or fellowships) is determined by the home schools. 

After the admissions have been approved by the FAC, the home school will communicate the acceptance to the prospective student. The home school will also communicate all rejections.

Get to Know Current ML@GT Students

Learn more about our current students, their interests inside and outside of the lab, favorite study spots, and more.

Career Outlook

The machine learning doctorate degree prepares students for a variety of positions in industry, government, and academia. These positions include research, development, product managers, and entrepreneurs. 

Graduates are well prepared for position in industry in areas such as internet companies, robotic and manufacturing companies and financial engineering, to mention a few. Positions in government and with government contractors in software and systems are also possible career paths for program graduates. Graduates are also well-suited for positions in academia involving research and education in departments concerned with the development and application of data-driven models in engineering, the sciences, and computing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional questions regarding the ML Ph.D. program, please take a look at our frequently asked questions.

You can also view the ML Handbook which has detailed information on the program and requirements.

From the Catalog:

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Program FAQ

Frequently asked questions.

The ML Ph.D. Handbook provides a detailed overview of the program and how it operates.  Please see below for answers to our most commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered below or in the handbook, please contact [email protected]

General Program and Application Questions

When can I apply to the ML Ph.D. program?

External applications are only accepted for the Fall semester each year. The application deadline varies by home school with the earliest deadline of December 1. Most home schools have a final deadline of December 15. Check with home schools for more specific details.

Where can I apply for the ML Ph.D. program?

All application forms for graduate work at Georgia Tech are accepted through the admissions process which can be found here.

Is it possible to enroll in the program part-time?

No,  doctoral students are required to spend at least two full-time semesters in residence at Georgia Tech and should complete research for their dissertation while in residence and be registered for a full course load of dissertation hours each semester. Additionally, Ph.D. students are generally funded with graduate teaching or research assistantships and include tuition waivers and stipends, which require full-time enrollment. Note international students on an F1 visa are required to be full-time status to maintain lawful status in the US. 

Do you have to be on campus to enroll in the program? Can Distance Learning students enroll in the program?

The Ph.D. program is only offered on-campus. You must apply to the Ph.D. program through one of our home units

Can any of the courses be done online?

Currently, none of the courses for the ML Ph.D. are offered online. 

Do you have to have a master's degree to enroll in the program?

No master's degree is required.  Most of our applicants are applying straight from their undergrad programs.

Can I get any prerequisite classes waived as my previous degrees were in?

There are no pre-requisite courses to apply to the program.  Credit for individual classes towards the Ph.D. program is handled on a case-by-case basis by the ML academic advisor after a student has matriculated in the program.

What does it mean that the Machine Learning Ph.D. Program is a multidisciplinary program?

The Machine Learning Ph.D. Program is a collaboration of nine participating schools at Georgia Tech.  Incoming Ph.D. students are admitted to the ML Ph.D. program through one of these home schools. 

How is my application processed for the Machine Learning Ph.D. Program?

Your application is first processed in the home school.  Application deadlines, minimum GRE/TOEFL scores, and other requirements are all determined by the home school.  Applications that satisfy all of the requirements are then forwarded to the Machine Learning Faculty Advisory Committee (ML FAC) for review.  Decisions for admissions are made jointly between the home unit and the ML faculty.

Does the ML Ph.D. program offer support in the form of teaching assistantships, research assistantship, or fellowships?

Not directly. Teaching assistantships and fellowships are determined through the home schools. Research assistantships are typically funded through your thesis advisor but are subject to the rules imposed by the student's home school.

In addition, a student's home school may have extracurricular requirements (including a minimum number of semesters grading or serving as a TA).  ML Ph.D. students are also subject to the extra-curricular requirements of their home schools.

Home Unit Questions

What home schools participate in the ML Ph.D. program?

Currently, there are 9 participating schools across 3 colleges:

College of Engineering

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering

College of Computing

  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Interactive Computing

College of Sciences

  • Mathematics

Does it matter which home school I choose?

Yes. Home school may have different admissions requirements and deadlines. Additionally, for enrolled students, some home units may have GTA requirements, annual reviews, additional courses or seminars, and there may be differences in financial support.  Please check with home schools for further details. The ML curriculum, qualifying exam, and thesis proposal, and defense requirements are the same for all ML students and can be found in the ML Handbook . Students are responsible for understanding and following both the ML program and their home schools’ policies.

How is a home unit selected on the application?

You will be asked to indicate a Program of Study on your application.  Among the options are:

Ph.D. in Machine Learning (Aerospace Engineering), Ph.D. in Machine Learning (Biomedical Engineering), Ph.D. in Machine Learning (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), Ph.D. in Machine Learning (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Ph.D. in Machine Learning (Industrial and Systems Engineering) Ph.D. in Machine Learning (Mathematics),  Ph.D. in Machine Learning (School of Interactive Computing) Ph.D. in Machine Learning (School of Computational Science and Engineering) Ph.D. in Machine Learning (School of Computer Science) 

Can an advisor from outside my home school serve as my thesis advisor?

Yes.  Any faculty member on  this list  can serve as your thesis advisor. 

Are the curricular requirements different for the ML Ph.D. than for the Ph.D. program in the home school?

Yes. ML Ph.D. students have different course requirements and a different qualifying exam than the home school.

Detailed information about the ML Ph.D. curriculum can be found here.

Transfer Student Questions

I am currently a graduate student at Georgia Tech enrolled in a different degree program.  Can I transfer into the ML PhD program?

Yes. Transfer applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Potential transfer students will need to have found a thesis advisor who is willing to support them on a research assistantship. For more information, please email [email protected]

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Best Online Doctorates in Machine Learning: Top PhD Programs, Career Paths, and Salary

Machine learning is a rapidly growing, fascinating field dealing with algorithm development that can be used to make predictions from data. The best online PhD in Machine Learning prepares students for a career in this promising field.

The best online doctorates in machine learning offer students a comprehensive education in all aspects of the field. Students are also provided with the opportunity to choose a specialization such as deep learning, natural language processing , or computer vision. Find out in this article what machine learning PhD online degree program best fits you and the machine learning jobs for graduates.

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Can you get a phd in machine learning online.

Yes, you can get a PhD in Machine Learning online. The online learning system has seen rapid growth in many academic fields and has given students the opportunity to virtually access the academic curriculum remotely.

Many online PhD programs in the United States are accredited and designed with working professionals in mind. Online learning is a great way to earn a doctorate without sacrificing your day job, and in most cases, online students can complete their entire academic journey without stepping foot on campus.

Is an Online PhD Respected?

Yes, an online PhD is respected when it is obtained from an accredited institution in the US. A PhD from an unaccredited school is regarded as just an expensive piece of paper by many other academic institutions.

In regard to employment, many companies and organizations respect an online PhD, holding it to the same standard as an in-person PhD. However, some employers prefer in-person degrees and will disregard online degrees. Ensure your potential future employer accepts online degrees as credible education.

What Is the Best Online PhD Program in Machine Learning?

The best online PhD program in machine learning is at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. It is regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and has an excellent reputation within the academic community, a student-to-faculty ratio of 12 to one, and one in five of its 44,000 alumni is a CEO or executive.

Why Clarkson University Has the Best Online PhD Program in Machine Learning

Clarkson University has the best machine learning PhD program not only because it is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) but also because of its US News & World Report ranking. MSCHE is a regionally recognized accreditation association that uses a rigorous and comprehensive system for the purpose of accreditation.

Referring to US News & World Report, Clarkson University is ranked 127 for best national universities out of 4000 degree-granting academic institutions in the United States and 49 for best value schools.

Best Online Master’s Degrees

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Online PhD in Machine Learning Admission Requirements

The admission requirements for an online PhD in Machine Learning typically include a master’s degree or Bachelor’s in Machine Learning or a related subject like the field of engineering. Moreover, prepare to submit official transcripts from previously attended postsecondary institutions and GRE test scores.

Additionally, you may be asked to submit three letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, a CV or resume, and prove your knowledge of calculus and your fluency in computer programming languages like Python and Java. Below is a list of the typical admission requirements needed by distinct schools that offer a machine learning PhD program.

  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
  • Official transcripts and GRE test scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Statement of purpose
  • CV or resume
  • Knowledge of programming and calculus

Best Online PhDs in Machine Learning: Top Degree Program Details

School Program Estimated Length
Aspen University DSc in Computer Science 5 years and 7 months
Capitol Technology University PhD in Artificial Intelligence 2 to 3 years
City University of Seattle PhD in Information Technology Self-paced
Clarkson University PhD in Computer Science 3 years
Northcentral University PhD in Computer Science 3 years and 4 months
Nova Southeastern University PhD in Computer Science Not specified
University of North Dakota PhD in Computer Science 4 – 5 years
University of Rhode Island PhD in Computer Science 4 years
University of the Cumberlands PhD in Information Technology Not specified
Wright State University PhD in Computer Science and Engineering 10-year limit

Best Online PhDs in Machine Learning: Top University Programs to Get a PhD in Machine Learning Online

The top university programs to get a PhD in Machine Learning are at Clarkson University, Aspen University, Capitol Technology University, The University of Rhode Island, and The University of the Cumberlands, among other distinct schools.

This section discusses the properties, requirements, and descriptions of the best universities offering online PhD in Machine Learning programs. We have created this list below to narrow down your school search for these graduate-level in-depth study programs.

Aspen University is a Distance Education Accrediting Commission accredited university. It was established in 1987 as a private for-profit online university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science, business information systems, and project management.

Aspen University in Phoenix, Arizona is a known member of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning and is dedicated to supporting adult learners in achieving a professional career in whatever field they desire.

DSc in Computer Science

This doctoral degree teaches students the theory and practical application of computer science in data science, application design, and computer architecture. It contains 20 courses, including artificial intelligence, risk analysis, and system metrics. 

These courses are offered online and aim to impart students with the necessary skills for improving existing technology, as well as evaluating and applying them. It also contains courses that aid doctoral students in carrying out their research dissertations.

DSc in Computer Science Overview

  • Accreditation: Distance Education Accrediting Commission
  • Program Length: 5 years and 7 months
  • Acceptance Rate: N/A
  • Tuition and Fees: $375/month

DSc in Computer Science Admission Requirements

  • Master’s degree
  • Statement of goals
  • Minimum of 3.0 GPA
  • Must know about object-oriented development

Capitol Technology University was founded in 1927 and offers online programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. The areas of study in which these online programs are offered include business, technology, and the field of engineering.

PhD in Artificial Intelligence

This is a research-based PhD program that offers students the opportunity to conduct research in any field of their choice. Throughout the program, student work must be approved by the academic supervisor. Students are to submit a thesis and give an oral presentation which will be supervised by an expert in the field.

PhD in Artificial Intelligence Overview

  • Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education
  • Program Length: 2 to 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $933/credit

PhD in Artificial Intelligence Admission Requirements

  • Application fee of $100
  • Master’s degree in a relevant field
  • Minimum of five years of related work experience
  • Two recommendation letters

Founded in 1973, City University of Seattle is recognized as a top 10 educator of adults nationwide, as ranked by the US News & World Report for school rankings. It offers online undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs designed for working professionals

PhD in Information Technology

The program’s curriculum consists of courses in machine and deep learning. Candidates are given the option to propose their depth of study, which requires approval from the academic director. The program consists of core courses, concentration courses, a comprehensive examination, a research core, and a dissertation. 

PhD in Information Technology Overview

  • Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
  • Program Length: Flexible
  • Acceptance Rate: 100% due to open admission policy
  • Tuition and Fees: $765/credit

PhD in Information Technology Admission Requirements

  • A master’s degree from an accredited or recognized institution
  • CV and resume, and three references letters 
  • Proof of English proficiency
  • Interview with admissions advisor
  • State goals related to your academic work

Founded in 1896 to honor Thomas S. Clarkson, Clarkson University offers flexible online degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It is a research university that leads in technology education. 

PhD in Computer Science

This doctoral program places emphasis on areas such as artificial intelligence , software, security, and networking. Current students are required to complete 36 credits of computer science foundation and research-oriented courses, elective courses, achieve candidacy within the first two years of the program, and propose and defend a thesis.

PhD in Computer Science Overview

  • Program Length: 3 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,533/credit

PhD in Computer Science Admission Requirements

  • Complete the online application form
  • Resume, statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation
  • English proficiency test for international applicants (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, and Duolingo English Test)

Northcentral University is a private university established in 1996 and is designed for flexibility by offering programs of distance learning for working professionals. It practices a distinctive one-to-one learning system and has a dedicated doctoral faculty.

In this doctorate program, besides writing papers about past research, students are allowed to propose their research. Its curriculum consists of subjects such as software engineering , artificial intelligence, data mining, and cyber security. Through the course, students conduct research and examine real-world issues in the field of computer science.

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  • Accreditation: WASC Senior College and University Commission
  • Program Length: 3 years and 4 months
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,094/credit
  • Master’s degree from an accredited institution
  • Official transcripts
  • English proficiency exam score for international students

Nova Southeastern University was founded in 1964 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It offers online graduate and undergraduate courses and conducts a wide variety of interdisciplinary healthcare research. It is home to national athletics champions and Olympians.

This program provides research in computer science. Its format of learning combines both traditional and online instruction designed with consideration for working professionals . Its coursework consists of research in computer science areas, including cyber security, software engineering, and artificial intelligence.

  • Accreditation: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges
  • Program Length: Not specified
  • Tuition and Fees: $1,282/credit
  • Online application and $50 application fee
  • A bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field from a regionally accredited institution
  • GPA of at least 3.20 
  • Official transcripts from all institutions attended 
  • A resume  
  • Essay, and three letters of recommendation

The University of North Dakota was founded in 1883, six years before North Dakota was made a state. Today, it offers several academic programs in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral fields and is known for conducting research in areas that include medicine, aerospace, and engineering.

This PhD in Computer Science curriculum consists of courses in machine learning, software engineering, applications of AI, computer forensics, and computer networks which benefit students by granting them proficiencies in areas such as artificial intelligence, compiler design, operating systems, simulation, databases, and networks.

  • Accreditation: Higher Learning Commission
  • Program Length: 4 to 5 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $545.16/credit (in state); $817.73/ credit (out of state)
  • Application fee of $35
  • Master’s or bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related science field
  • GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and GRE test score
  • Official copy of all college and university academic transcripts
  • Statement of academic goals and three letters of recommendation
  • Expertise in a high-level programming language and basic knowledge of data structures, formal languages, computer architecture and OS, calculus, statistics, and linear algebra 
  • English language proficiency

The University of Rhode Island is a public research institution founded in 1892. It conducts extensive research in the field of science. It offers online, on-site, and hybrid programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels, as well as certificate programs.

In this PhD in Computer Science program, students are involved in research geared toward producing new intellectual and innovative contributions to the field of computer science. It offers a combination of on-campus, online, and day and evening classes. It consists of courses in machine learning, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and systems simulation.

  • Accreditation: New England Commission of Higher Education
  • Program Length: 4 years
  • Tuition and Fees: $14,454/year (in-state); $27,906/ year (out of state)
  • An undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution in the US
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0
  • All official college transcripts
  • Personal statement
  • An application fee of $65

Founded in 1888 by Baptist ministers in Williamsburg KY, today the University of the Cumberlands offers online master's and doctoral degree programs in the fields of education, information technology, and business.

The program requires 18 credit hours of core courses which include information technology geared toward creating machine learning engineers . Its curriculum focuses on predictive analytics and other skills students need to become experts in cyber crime security, big data, and smart technologies.

Students have the option to specialize in information systems security, information technology, digital forensics, or blockchain technologies. Students will complete 21 credit hours of professional research while working toward a dissertation.

  • Tuition and Fees: $500/credit
  • A master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • TOEFL for non-native English speakers
  • Application fee of $30

Wright State University was first seen in 1964 as a branch campus for Ohio State University and Miami University. It is a Carnegie classified research university and offers research at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels.

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering

This degree is awarded to students who show excellence in study and research that significantly contributes to the field of computer science and engineering. The degree requirements include an A grade completion of the core coursework in two areas and at least a B in the third. 

Students are to complete a minimum of 18 hours of residency research before taking the candidacy exam, which must be completed with a satisfactory grade. Also, a minimum of 12 hours of dissertation research is needed before the dissertation defense, which has to be approved.

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering Overview

  • Program Length: 10 years time limit
  • Tuition and Fees: $660/credit (in state); $1,125/ credit (out of state)
  • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related discipline (computer science or engineering)
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 if admitted with a bachelor’s degree or 3.3 with a master’s degree
  • GRE general test portion
  • TOEFL score for non-native English speakers
  • Knowledge of high-level programming languages, computer organization, operating systems, data structures, and computer systems design
  • A record that indicates potential for a career in research

Online Machine Learning PhD Graduation Rates: How Hard Is It to Complete an Online PhD Program in Machine Learning?

It is very hard to complete an online PhD in Machine Learning. According to a paper published in the International Journal of Doctoral Studies, there is a PhD attrition rate of 50 percent in the US within the past 50 years. Therefore, the graduation rate for doctorate students is approximately 50 percent.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Machine Learning Online?

It takes about four years to get a PhD in Machine Learning online, which is fast when compared to a traditional in-person PhD program which may take over seven years to complete. Online PhD programs are accelerated by default, so the curriculum focuses on the major needs of a PhD graduate in the areas of research, thesis, and dissertation.

Students may be able to reduce the time spent pursuing a PhD in Machine Learning by first acquiring a master’s degree in the field. If you choose to pursue a PhD on a part-time schedule as opposed to full-time study, it will significantly increase the time it takes to acquire the degree.

How Hard Is an Online Doctorate in Machine Learning?

Getting an online doctorate in machine learning is very hard, as are most graduate programs. Besides the rigorous research, strict requirements, deadlines, qualification examinations, and dissertations, other challenges may exist, such as limited student connection with the faculty members, isolation, financial issues, and lack of an adequate work-life balance .

Getting a doctorate in any field is not easy. In fact, there is research to suggest that online doctorate students face challenges regarding culture and academia. As a result of these challenges, many students drop out from their PhD programs.

Best PhD Programs

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What Courses Are in an Online Machine Learning PhD Program?

The courses in an online machine learning PhD program include an introduction to machine learning and deep learning, artificial intelligence, statistical theories, data mining , system simulation, computer programming, and software development.

Main Areas of Study in a Machine Learning PhD Program

  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Databases and data mining
  • Statistical theory
  • Software engineering
  • Systems simulation

How Much Does Getting an Online Machine Learning PhD Cost?

On average, it costs $19,314 per year to get a PhD in Machine Learning, according to the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES). However, this figure is not fixed, as the total tuition for a PhD program varies from school to school.

Private institutions generally cost more than public institutions, but there are funding opportunities for PhD students. Some PhD programs may guarantee financial aid for all their students regardless of merit.

How to Pay for an Online PhD Program in Machine Learning

You can pay for an online PhD in Machine Learning by taking advantage of student loans, scholarships, grants, teaching and research assistantships, graduate assistantships, and fellowship assistantships. As a result, most PhD students spend less than the tuition fee displayed on a school’s website.

How to Get an Online PhD for Free

You cannot get an online PhD in Machine Learning for free. However, there are ways to reduce the cost, or get partial tuition discounts and stipends through graduate assistantships, fellowships, scholarships, or grants.

What Is the Most Affordable Online PhD in Machine Learning Degree Program?

The most affordable online PhD in Machine Learning based on cost per credit is at Aspen University in Phoenix, Arizona. It charges $375 per month, which, when multiplied by the 67 months it takes to complete the program, results in a total of $25,125 for the entire program. This is more affordable compared to a school like Clarkson University, which charges $1,533 per credit hour.

Most Affordable Online PhD Programs in Machine Learning: In Brief

School Program Tuition
Aspen University DSc in Computer Science $375/month
University of the Cumberlands PhD in Information Technology $500/credit
University of North Dakota PhD in Computer Science $545.16/credit
Wright University PhD in Computer Science and Engineering $660/credit
City University of Seattle PhD in Information Technology $765/credit

Why You Should Get an Online PhD in Machine Learning

You should get an online PhD in Machine Learning because having a PhD offers you a stronger advantage in terms of employability, salary, and in your career in general that would otherwise be unavailable with just a bachelor’s and master’s degree.

Top Reasons for Getting a PhD in Machine Learning

  • Research opportunities. PhD students get the opportunity to be involved in rigorous and innovative research that may positively impact humanity, add to the world’s knowledge, and improve the lives of others.
  • Expertise development. A PhD is the highest level of academic degree, and as a result, PhD holders have expert-level knowledge in whichever field they acquire a PhD in. However, it is advised to only get a PhD if you are very interested in the field and willing to explore your interest and expand your understanding through cutting-edge research.
  • Access to better jobs. There are lots of bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates in the job market, and earning a PhD will help you stick out from the crowd. A PhD reveals career opportunities that may not be available to bachelor’s and master’s degree grads.
  • Networking opportunities . During a PhD program, students are in contact with top lecturers and academic experts by attending guest lectures, conferences, seminars, and workshops. Students can network with colleagues and classmates, which helps put them in a good position after their academic journey.

Best Master’s Degree Programs

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What Is the Difference Between an On-Campus Machine Learning PhD and an Online PhD in Machine Learning?

The difference between an on-campus machine learning PhD and an online PhD in Machine Learning is primarily the mode of learning. Online PhDs are as rigorous and effective as their on-campus counterparts.

However, there may be some slight differences between the two in terms of cost, schedule, quality, and funding. Some of the differences that may exist are discussed below.

Online PhD vs On-Campus PhD: Key Differences

  • Affordability. An online PhD is more affordable compared to the traditional on-campus alternative. An on-campus PhD can cost as much as $30,000 per year, while an online PhD may be as low as $20,000 per year.
  • Flexibility. Online PhD students have the liberty to conduct in-depth study and research at their own time as opposed to the schedule of an in-person PhD program. Moreover, most online PhD programs don’t have an enrollment date, and some online PhD work is asynchronous, meaning students can take classes from anywhere at their convenience.
  • Quality. Traditionally acquired PhDs are thought to be superior to their online counterparts by some employers and academics, probably due to sentiment. However, the quality of an online PhD is dependent on the research subject, the school’s reputation, and accreditation.
  • Availability of funding. Funding available for online PhD programs may be limited due to some geographical constraints. For example, online PhD students cannot take up teaching assistantship positions unless they are willing to be physically present.

How to Get a PhD in Machine Learning Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

An online machine learning PhD student sitting at a coffee shop table, working on a computer.

To get a PhD in Machine Learning, you need to first apply online to a PhD program. If accepted, you must enroll in the required classes and complete the academic coursework, research, and a series of academic milestones, which include attaining candidacy, passing the qualification examinations, proposing, writing, and defending your dissertation.

To begin your journey to acquiring a PhD in Machine Learning, you first need to apply online to the school of your choice. You also need to fulfill the admission requirements, including possessing a master's or bachelor's degree–depending on the school–in a relevant field, a minimum grade point average, letters of recommendation, and GRE test scores . 

Many online PhD programs require students to take and pass a minimum number of credit hours in core and elective courses. A typical online PhD in Machine Learning program consists of about 70 to 90 credit hours that involve intensive research in a provided or chosen area of concentration. 

Obtaining a PhD in Machine Learning allows an individual to become a world-renowned expert in the field. After completing a rigorous course of study and passing a series of exams, the doctoral candidate would then undertake an original research project that contributes new knowledge to the field. Upon successful completion of the degree, the graduate would be able to pursue a career in academia or industry. 

Examinations are an essential part of any education. They test a student's understanding of the material and help them to learn and remember the information. If you want to earn a machine learning PhD, you must pass the examinations for various core and required courses. Then, you will need to complete and defend your dissertation.

A dissertation is a research paper that is submitted to and defended by a graduate student to earn a graduate degree. To graduate with a PhD in Machine Learning, you are required to write a dissertation on a topic related to machine learning. Your doctoral dissertation must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the field of machine learning, as well as your ability to conduct original research in the field.

Online PhD in Machine Learning Salary and Job Outlook

The job outlook for machine learning jobs is 22 percent between 2020 and 2030 , with the number of new jobs expected in this time frame being 7,200, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average salary for computer and information research scientists, which is a category that machine learning professionals belong to, is $131,490 per year .

What Can You Do With an Online Doctorate in Machine Learning?

With an online doctorate in machine learning, you can qualify for specialization roles and lead machine learning positions, including senior machine learning engineer and computer research scientist.

Depending on your preferences, you may also opt for a research and academic career path to become a university professor. The list below is a list of the best jobs for PhD in Machine Learning graduates.

Best Jobs with a PhD in Machine Learning

  • Senior Machine Learning Engineer
  • Computer and Information Research Scientist
  • Data Scientist
  • Software Engineer
  • Postsecondary Teacher

Potential Careers With a Machine Learning Degree

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What Is the Average Salary for an Online PhD Holder in Machine Learning? 

The average salary for a PhD in Machine Learning holder is $108,000 per year , according to PayScale’s salary for skills in machine learning. The average salary a PhD holder receives depends on the location and position you apply for.

Highest-Paying Machine Learning Jobs for PhD Grads

Online Machine Learning PhD Jobs Average Salary
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Computer and Information Research Scientist
Senior Data Scientist
Senior Software Engineer
Postsecondary Teacher

Best Machine Learning Jobs for Online PhD Holders

The best machine learning jobs for online PhD holders are typically high-paying jobs that require advanced-level skills that coincide with the nature of the position they undertake. Below are some typical job titles that online machine learning PhD degree holders assume.

A senior machine learning engineer oversees a team of machine engineers charged with designing and developing effective machine learning and deep learning solutions implemented in machine learning systems.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $153,255
  • Job Outlook: 22% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 33,000
  • Highest-Paying States: Oregon, Arizona, Texas

Computer and information research scientists research and develop new ways of solving complex computing problems and apply existing technology. They work to significantly increase the knowledge in the field of computer science, which will aid in the production of more efficient software and hardware technologies.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $131,490

A senior data scientist is responsible for developing data mining and machine learning techniques to solve complex business problems. They identify patterns and trends in large data sets, develop models to improve forecasting and decision making, and effectively communicate data-driven insights to non-technical stakeholders and lead a team of data analysts.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $127,455

A software engineer is a professional that develops and maintains software. They work on a variety of software, from operating systems to video games, and may be involved in the development of websites. They must also have an excellent understanding of computer programming languages and be able to solve complex problems.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $121,115
  • Number of Jobs: 1,847,900
  • Highest-Paying States: Washington, California, New York

Postsecondary teachers are in charge of lecturing students in colleges and universities. They are also responsible for instructing adults in several academic and non-academic subjects including career, work, and research.

  • Salary with a Machine Learning PhD: $79,640
  • Job Outlook: 12% job growth from 2020 to 2030
  • Number of Jobs: 1,276,900
  • Highest-Paying States: California, Oregon, District of Columbia

Is It Worth It to Do a PhD in Machine Learning Online?

Yes, it is worth it to do a PhD in Machine Learning online. Getting a PhD is not for everyone, as the process will require tremendous effort and discipline, but it can be rewarding. A PhD in Machine Learning online allows you to learn from some of the best minds in the field.

You can also specialize in an area of your choice, such as big data, natural language processing, or deep learning. Specializing in one area for your PhD in Machine Learning allows you to deep-dive into that subject and build doctorate-level expertise.

An online PhD in Machine Learning provides students with the same high-quality education as a traditional PhD but with more flexibility and affordability. You’ll have access to top-notch instructors, state-of-the-art technology, and a thriving online community of experts.

Additional Reading About Machine Learning


Online PhD in Machine Learning FAQ

Yes, you should get an online PhD in Machine Learning if it is critical for your career prospects. An online PhD in Machine Learning allows you to learn at your own pace and keep your day job while you pursue your degree. In the end, it sets you up for the highest-earning jobs in the machine learning industry , with better pay and a larger professional network.

The type of research you will carry out as a machine learning student includes research in deep learning, neural networks , machine learning algorithms, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, predictive learning, and computer vision. Students will make use of quantitative and experimental methods of research as well as the use of optimal feature selection.

You can choose a concentration for an online machine learning PhD by factoring in your interests, strengths, and career goals. You may also consider recent trends, the average salary of machine learning professionals , or the career options the machine learning industry has to offer when choosing a machine learning concentration.

Examples of online machine learning PhD dissertations include experimental quantum speed-up in reinforcement learning agents, improving automated medical diagnosis systems with machine learning technologies, regulating deep learning and robotics, and the use of machines and robotics in medical procedures.

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PhD Programme in Advanced Machine Learning

The Cambridge Machine Learning Group (MLG) runs a PhD programme in Advanced Machine Learning. The supervisors are Jose Miguel Hernandez-Lobato , Carl Rasmussen , Richard E. Turner , Adrian Weller , Hong Ge and David Krueger . Zoubin Ghahramani is currently on academic leave and not accepting new students at this time.

We encourage applications from outstanding candidates with academic backgrounds in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering and related fields, and a keen interest in doing basic research in machine learning and its scientific applications. There are no additional restrictions on the topic of the PhD, but for further information on our current research areas, please consult our webpages at .

The typical duration of the PhD will be four years.

Applicants must formally apply through the Applicant Portal at the University of Cambridge by the deadline, indicating “PhD in Engineering” as the course (supervisor Hernandez-Lobato, Rasmussen, Turner, Weller, Ge and/or Krueger). Applicants who want to apply for University funding need to reply ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Apply for Cambridge Scholarships’. See for details. Note that applications will not be complete until all the required material has been uploaded (including reference letters), and we will not be able to see any applications until that happens.

Gates funding applicants (US or other overseas) need to fill out the dedicated Gates Cambridge Scholarships section later on the form which is sent on to the administrators of Gates funding.

Deadline for PhD Application: noon 5 December, 2023

Applications from outstanding individuals may be considered after this time, but applying later may adversely impact your chances for both admission and funding.


The Machine Learning Group is based in the Department of Engineering, not Computer Science.

We will assess your application on three criteria:

1 Academic performance (ensure evidence for strong academic achievement, e.g. position in year, awards, etc.) 2 references (clearly your references will need to be strong; they should also mention evidence of excellence as quotes will be drawn from them) 3 research (detail your research experience, especially that which relates to machine learning)

You will also need to put together a research proposal. We do not offer individual support for this. It is part of the application assessment, i.e. ascertaining whether you can write about a research area in a sensible way and pose interesting questions. It is not a commitment to what you will work on during your PhD. Most often PhD topics crystallise over the first year. The research proposal should be about 2 pages long and can be attached to your application (you can indicate that your proposal is attached in the 1500 character count Research Summary box). This aspect of the application does not carry a huge amount of weight so do not spend a large amount of time on it. Please also attach a recent CV to your application too.


We also offer a small number of PhDs on the Cambridge-Tuebingen programme. This stream is for specific candidates whose research interests are well-matched to both the machine learning group in Cambridge and the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tuebingen. For more information about the Cambridge-Tuebingen programme and how to apply see here . IMPORTANT: remember to download your application form before you submit so that you can send a copy to the administrators in Tuebingen directly . Note that the application deadline for the Cambridge-Tuebingen programme is noon, 5th December, 2023, CET.

What background do I need?

An ideal background is a top undergraduate or Masters degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering. You should be both very strong mathematically and have an intuitive and practical grasp of computation. Successful applicants often have research experience in statistical machine learning. Shortlisted applicants are interviewed.

Do you have funding?

There are a number of funding sources at Cambridge University for PhD students, including for international students. All our students receive partial or full funding for the full three years of the PhD. We do not give preference to “self-funded” students. To be eligible for funding it is important to apply early (see – current deadlines are 10 October for US students, and 1 December for others). Also make sure you tick the box on the application saying you wish to be considered for funding!

If you are applying to the Cambridge-Tuebingen programme, note that this source of funding will not be listed as one of the official funding sources, but if you apply to this programme, please tick the other possible sources of funding if you want to maximise your chances of getting funding from Cambridge.

What is my likelihood of being admitted?

Because we receive so many applications, unfortunately we can’t admit many excellent candidates, even some who have funding. Successful applicants tend to be among the very top students at their institution, have very strong mathematics backgrounds, and references, and have some research experience in statistical machine learning.

Do I have to contact one of the faculty members first or can I apply formally directly?

It is not necessary, but if you have doubts about whether your background is suitable for the programme, or if you have questions about the group, you are welcome to contact one of the faculty members directly. Due to their high email volume you may not receive an immediate response but they will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible. It is important to make your official application to Graduate Admissions at Cambridge before the funding deadlines, even if you don’t hear back from us; otherwise we may not be able to consider you.

Do you take Masters students, or part-time PhD students?

We generally don’t admit students for a part-time PhD. We also don’t usually admit students just for a pure-research Masters in machine learning , except for specific programs such as the Churchill and Marshall scholarships. However, please do note that we run a one-year taught Master’s Programme: The MPhil in Machine Learning, and Machine Intelligence . You are welcome to apply directly to this.

What Department / course should I indicate on my application form?

This machine learning group is in the Department of Engineering. The degree you would be applying for is a PhD in Engineering (not Computer Science or Statistics).

How long does a PhD take?

A typical PhD from our group takes 3-4 years. The first year requires students to pass some courses and submit a first-year research report. Students must submit their PhD before the 4th year.

What research topics do you have projects on?

We don’t generally pre-specify projects for students. We prefer to find a research area that suits the student. For a sample of our research, you can check group members’ personal pages or our research publications page.

What are the career prospects for PhD students from your group?

Students and postdocs from the group have moved on to excellent positions both in academia and industry. Have a look at our list of recent alumni on the Machine Learning group webpage . Research expertise in machine learning is in very high demand these days.

Email forwarding for is changing. Updates and details here .

PhD Admissions

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The Computer Science Department PhD program is a top-ranked research-oriented program, typically completed in 5-6 years. There are very few course requirements and the emphasis is on preparation for a career in Computer Science research. 


To be eligible for admission in a Stanford graduate program, applicants must meet:

  • Applicants from institutions outside of the United States must hold the equivalent of a United States Bachelor's degree from a college or University of recognized good standing. See detailed information by region on  Stanford Graduate Admissions website. 
  • Area of undergraduate study . While we do not require a specific undergraduate coursework, it is important that applicants have strong quantitative and analytical skills; a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science is not required.

Any questions about the admissions eligibility should be directed to  [email protected] .

Application Checklist

An completed online application must be submitted by the CS Department application deadline and can be found  here .

Application Deadlines

The online application can be found here . You may submit one application for a PhD program per respective academic term.

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The Department of Computer Science and Technology will offer a part-time route to the PhD Degree with effect from October 2022. 

Part-time structure

The Department of Computer Science and Technology could offer a part-time route to the PhD. At present, the University allows a part-time route which is 60% or 75% of a fulltime PhD route for which the minimum number of terms:

 60% route -15 terms minimum; maximum number of terms for a part-time student is 21 terms.

 75% route - 12 terms minimum; maximum number of terms for a part-time student is 16 terms.

The requirements for the probationary CPGS in Computer Science will be spread across two years with the first-year report due near the end of the fifth term (i.e. end of March for a Michaelmas admittee), and the registration viva occurring in the sixth term (Easter term). The Department expects the completion of the required 12 units from the Researcher Skills Programme across two years. Part-time students are also encouraged to spend one term full-time in the first year of the programme and that students will be in residence in Cambridge during that time.

After successful registration for the PhD Degree, part-time Ph.D. students are expected to have between 2 and 4 meetings with their supervisor per term for at least a further ten terms. They are expected to spend an average of three weeks each term in the Department with a minimum of 45 nights p.a. in residence.

Requirements for a part-time PhD applicants in Computer Science and Technology

  • The proposed topic needs to be suitable for study over a minimum of 12 or 15 terms (75% or 60% route respectively) and a maximum of 16 or 21 terms (75% or 60% route respectively) . Applicants will need to provide a schedule of the research over the first few years. 
  • If a supervisor identifies a potential student and a topic as being possibly suitable for part-time study, an initial interview report form must be sent to the PhD Applications Panel for consideration.
  • Potential supervisors should invite the Chair of the PhD Applications Panel or a deputy to attend the formal interview.
  • As well as consideration by the PhD Applications Panel, the interview report will be considered by, and a decision approved by, the Degree Committee. The approved form will also be loaded to the applicant portal for consideration by the Postgraduate Admissions Office.
  • The proposed supervisor must be able to supervise a part-time Ph.D. for at least the minimum 15 terms. This means that supervisors on short-term contracts, or those due to retire within seven years of a part-time student being admitted, will not be eligible to supervise. Those who are due to take sabbatical leave should consider alternative supervision arrangements.
  • Applicants should be aware that there is no obligation on supervisors to accept applicants who wish to be admitted as part-time students.
  • The student must live close enough to Cambridge, or be able to spend enough time in Cambridge during the first two years, to be able to participate, as much as possible, in research group seminars, reading groups and other activities.
  • The student and supervisor will sign an agreement about how often the student will be in the department. This might be, for example : 2 x 8-hour days per working week per term, or 3 x 1-week per term, plus 40% of time in the research term (1 July to 30 September).
  • Most CST Research Skills courses are available remotely. For research themes’ group meetings and seminars, physical presence in the department is preferred.
  • The student will be required to provide a letter from the employer (if the student is employed) confirming that they may have time off to attend the University as required for the duration of the course. Applicants are required to upload a part-time attendance Declaration to their application once approved for admission.

Updated May 2024

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PhD in Artificial Intelligence Programs

machine learning phd part time

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Universities offer a variety of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs related to Artificial Intelligence (AI.) Some of these are titled as Ph.D.s in AI, whereas most are Ph.D.s in Computer Science or related engineering disciplines with a specialization or focus in AI. Admissions requirements usually include a related bachelor’s degree and, sometimes, a master’s degree. Moreover, most Ph.D. programs expect academic excellence and strong recommendations. The AI Ph.D. programs take three to five or more years, depending on if you have a master’s and the complexity of your dissertation. People with Ph.D.s in AI usually go on to tenure track professorships, postdoctoral research positions, or high-level software engineering positions.

What Are Artificial Intelligence Ph.D. Programs?

Ph.D. programs in AI focus on mastering advanced theoretical subjects, such as decision theory, algorithms, optimization, and stochastic processes. Artificial intelligence covers anything where a computer behaves, rationalizes, or learns like a human. Ph.D.s are usually the endpoint to a long educational career. By the time scholars earn Ph.D.s, they have probably been in school for well over 20 years.

People with an AI Ph.D. degree are capable of formulating and executing novel research into the subtopics of AI. Some of the subtopics include:

  • Environment adaptation in self-driving vehicles
  • Natural language processing in robotics
  • Cheating detection in higher education
  • Diagnosing and treating diseased in healthcare

AI Ph.D. programs require candidates to focus most of their coursework and research on AI topics. Most culminate in a dissertation of published research. Many AI Ph.D. recipients’ dissertations are published in peer-reviewed journals or presented at industry-leading conferences. They go on to lead careers as experts in AI technology.

Types of Artificial Intelligence Ph.D. Programs

Most AI Ph.D. programs are a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a concentration in AI. These degrees involve general, advanced level computer science courses for the first year or two and then specialize in AI courses and research for the remainder of the curriculum.

AI Ph.D.s offered in other colleges like Computer Engineering, Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Electrical Engineering are similar to Ph.D.s in Computer Science. They often involve similar coursework and research. For instance, colleges like Indiana University Bloomington’s Computing and Engineering have departments specializing in AI or Intelligent Engineering. Some colleges, however, may focus more on a specific discipline. For example, a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with an AI focus is more likely to involve electric vehicles than targeted online advertising.

Some AI programs fall under a Computational Linguistics specialization, like CUNY . These programs emphasize the natural language processing aspect of AI. Computational Linguistics programs still involve significant computer science and engineering but also require advanced knowledge in language and speech.

Other unique programs offer a joint Ph.D. with non-engineering disciplines, such as Carnegie Mellon’s Joint Ph.D. in Machine Learning and Public Policy, Statistics, or Neural Computation .

How Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence Programs Work

Ph.D. programs usually take three to six years to complete. For example, Harvard lays out a three+ year track where the last year(s) is spent completing your research and defending your dissertation. Many Ph.D. programs have a residency requirement where you must take classes on-campus for one to three years. Moreover, most universities, such as Brandeis , require Ph.D. students to grade and/or teach for one to four semesters. Despite these requirements, several Ph.D. programs allow for part-time or full-time students, like Drexel .

Admissions Requirements

Ph.D. programs in AI admit the strongest students. Most applications require a resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a statement of interest. Many programs require a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher, although some allow for statements of explanation if you have a lower GPA due to illness or other excusable causes for a low GPA.

Many universities, like Cornell , recently made the GRE either optional or not required because the GRE provides little prediction into the success of research and represents a COVID-19 risk. These programs may require the GRE again in the future. However, many schools still require the IELTS/TOEFL for international applicants.

Curriculum and Coursework

The curriculum for AI Ph.D.s varies based on the applicants’ prior education for many universities. Some programs allow applicants to receive credit for relevant master’s programs completed prior to admission. The programs require about 30 hours of advanced research and classes. Other programs do not give credit for master’s programs completed elsewhere. These require over 60 hours of electives, in addition to the 30-hours of fundamental and core classes in addition to the advanced courses.

For programs with more specific specialties, the courses are usually narrowly focused. For example, Duke’s Dynamics, Robotics, and Controls track requires ten classes, at least three of which are focused on AI as it relates to robotics. Others allow for non-AI-specific courses such as computer networks.

Many Ph.D. programs have strict GPA requirements to remain in the program. For example, Northeastern requires PhD candidates to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA. Other programs automatically dismiss students with too many Cs in courses.

Common specializations include:

  • Computational Linguistics
  • Automotive Systems
  • Data Science

Artificial Intelligence Dissertations

Most Ph.D. programs require a dissertation. The dissertation takes at least two years to research and write, usually starting in the second or third year of the Ph.D. curriculum. Moreover, many programs require an oral presentation or defense of the dissertation. Some universities give an award for the best dissertation of the year. For example, Boston University gave a best dissertation award to Hao Chen for the dissertation entitled “ Improving Data Center Efficiency Through Smart Grid Integration and Intelligent Analytics .”

A couple of programs require publications, like Capitol Technology , or additional course electives, like LIU . For example, The Ohio State University requires 27 hours of graded coursework and three hours with an advisor for non-thesis path candidates. Thesis-path candidates only have to take 18 hours of graded coursework but must spend 12 hours with their advisors.

Are There Online Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence Programs?

Officially, the majority of AI Ph.D. programs are in-person. Only one university, Capitol Technology University , allows for a fully online program. This is one of the most expensive Ph.D.s in the field, costing about $60,000. However, it is also one of the most flexible programs. It allows you to complete your coursework on your own schedule, perhaps even while working. Moreover, it allows for either a dissertation path or a publication path. The coursework is fully focused on AI research and writing, thus eliminating requirements for more general courses like algorithms or networks.

One detail you should consider is that the Capitol Technology Ph.D. program is heavily driven by a faculty mentor. This is someone you will need consistent contact with and open communication. The website only lists the director, so there is a significant element of uncertainty on how the program will work for you. But doctoral candidates who are self-driven and have a solid idea of their research path have a higher likelihood of succeeding.

If you need flexibility in your Ph.D. program, you may find some professors at traditional universities will work with you on how you meet and conduct the research, or you may find an alternative degree program that is online. Although a Ph.D. program may not be officially online, you may be able to spend just a semester or two on campus and then perform the rest of the Ph.D. requirements remotely. This is most likely possible if the university has an online master’s program where you can take classes. For example, the Georgia Institute of Technology does not have a residency requirement, has an online master’s of computer science program , and some professors will work flexibly with doctoral candidates with whom they have a close relationship.

What Jobs Can You Get with a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence?

Many Ph.D. graduates work as tenure track professors at universities with AI classes. Others work as postdoc research scientists at universities. Both of these roles are expected to conduct research and publish, but professors have more of an expectation to teach, as well. Universities usually have a small number of these positions available. Moreover, postdoc research positions tend to only last for a limited amount of time.

Other engineers with AI-focused-Ph.D.s conduct research and do software development in the private sector at AI-intensive companies. For example, Google uses AI in many departments. Its assistant uses natural language processing to interface with users through voice. Moreover, Google uses AI to generate news feeds for users. Google, and other industry leaders, have a strong preference for engineers with Ph.D.s. This career path is often highly sought by new Ph.D. recipients.

Another private sector industry shifting to AI is vehicle manufacturing. For example, self-driving cars use significant AI to make ethical and legal decisions while operating. Another example is that electric vehicles use AI techniques to optimize performance and power usage.

Some AI Ph.D. recipients become c-suite executives, such as Chief Technology Officers (CTO). For example, Dr. Ted Gaubert has a Ph.D. in engineering and works as a CTO for an AI-intensive company. Another CTO, Dr. David Talby , revolutionized AI with a new natural language processing library, Spark. CTO positions in AI-focused companies often have decades of experience in the AI field.

How Much Do Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence Programs Cost?

The tuition for many Ph.D. programs is paid through fellowships, graduate research assistantships, and teaching assistantships. For example, Harvard provides full support for Ph.D. candidates. Some programs mandate teaching or research to attend based on the assumption that Ph.D. candidates need financial assistance.

Fellowships are often reserved for applicants with an exceptional academic and research background. These are usually named for eminent alumni, professors, or other scholars associated with the university. Receiving such a fellowship is a highly respected honor.

For programs that do not provide full assistance, the usual cost is about $500 to $1,000 per credit hour, plus university fees. On the low end, Northern Illinois University charges about $557 per credit hour . With 30 to 60 hours required, this means the programs cost about $30,000 to over $60,000 out of pocket. Typically, Ph.D. programs that do not provide funding for any Ph.D. candidates are less reputable or provide other benefits, such as flexibility, online programs, or fewer requirements.

How Much Does a Ph.D. in AI Make?

Engineers with AI Ph.D.s earn well into the six-figure range in the private sector. For example, OpenAI , a non-profit, pays its top researchers over $400,000 per year. Amazon pays its data scientists with Ph.D.s over $200,000 in salary. Directors and executives with Ph.D.s often earn over $1,000,000 in private industry.

When considering working in the private industry, professionals usually compare offers based on total compensation, not just salary. Many companies offer large stock and bonus packages to Ph.D.-level engineers and scientists.

Startups sometimes pay less in salary, but much more in stock options. For example, the salary may be $50,000 to $100,000, but when the startup goes public, you may end up with hundreds of thousands in stock options. This creates a sense of ownership and investment in the success of the startup.

Computer science professors and postdoctoral researchers earn about $90,000 to $160,000 from universities. However, they increase their competition by writing books, speaking at conferences, and advising companies. Startups often employ professors for advice on the feasibility and design of their technology.

Schools with PhD in Artificial Intelligence Programs

Arizona state university.

School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence

Tempe, Arizona

Ph.D. in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence Research)

Ph.d. in computing and information sciences (artificial intelligence research), university of california-riverside.

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Riverside, California

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering - Intelligent Systems Research Area

University of california-san diego.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

La Jolla, California

Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Control

Colorado state university-fort collins.

The Graduate School

Fort Collins, Colorado

Ph.D. in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence Research Area

University of colorado boulder.

Paul M. Rady Mechanical Engineering

Boulder, Colorado

PhD in Robotics and Systems Design

District of columbia, georgetown university.

Department of Linguistics

Washington, District of Columbia

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Linguistics - Computational Linguistics

The university of west florida.

Department of Intelligent Systems and Robotics

Pensacola, Florida

Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems and Robotics

University of central florida.

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Orlando, Florida

Doctorate in Computer Engineering - Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning

Georgia institute of technology.

Colleges of Computing, Engineering, and Sciences

Atlanta, Georgia

Ph.D. in Machine Learning

Northern illinois university.

Dekalb, Illinois

Ph.D. in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence Area of Emphasis

Ph.d. in computer science - machine learning area of emphasis, northwestern university.

McCormick School of Engineering

Evanston, Illinois

PhD in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Group

Indiana university bloomington.

Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering

Bloomington, Indiana

Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems Engineering

Ph.d. in linguistics - computational linguistics concentration, capitol technology university.

Doctoral Programs Department

Laurel, Maryland

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Artificial Intelligence

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Johns Hopkins University

Whiting School of Engineering

Baltimore, Maryland

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering - Robotics

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College of Engineering

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PhD in Computer Engineering - Data Science and Intelligent Systems Research Area

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Department of Computer Science

Waltham, Massachusetts

Ph.D. in Computer Science - Computational Linguistics

Harvard university.

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics

Northeastern university.

Khoury College of Computer Science

Ph.D. in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence Area

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PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering - Robotics

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College of Information Science & Technology

Omaha, Nebraska

PhD in Information Technology - Artificial Intelligence Concentration

University of nevada-reno.

Computer Science and Engineering Department

Reno, Nevada

Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering - Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Research

Rutgers university.

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Ph.D. in Linguistics with Computational Linguistics Certificate

Stevens institute of technology.

Schaefer School Of Engineering & Science

Hoboken, New Jersey

Ph.D. in Computer Engineering

Ph.d. in electrical engineering - applied artificial intelligence, ph.d. in electrical engineering - robotics and smart systems research, cornell university.

Ithaca, New York

Linguistics Ph.D. - Computational Linguistics computer science, cuny graduate school and university center.

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Ph.D. in Linguistics - Computational Linguistics

Long island university-brooklyn campus.

Graduate Department

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Dual PharmD/M.S. in Artificial Intelligence

Rochester institute of technology.

Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences

Rochester, New York

North Carolina

Duke university.

Duke Robotics

Durham, North Carolina

Ph.D in ECE - Robotics Track

Ph.d. in mems - robotics track, ohio state university-main campus.

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Columbus, Ohio

PhD in Mechanical Engineering - Automotive Systems and Mobility (Connected and Automated Vehicles)

University of cincinnati.

College of Engineering and Applied Science

Cincinnati, Ohio

PhD in Computer Science and Engineering - Intelligent Systems Group

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Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence

Pennsylvania, carnegie mellon university.

Machine Learning Department

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PhD in Machine Learning & Public Policy

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Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering - Robotics and Autonomy

Temple university.

Computer & Information Sciences Department

PhD in Computer and Information Science - Artificial Intelligence

University of pittsburgh-pittsburgh campus.

School of Computing and Information

Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems

The university of texas at austin.

Austin, Texas

Ph.D. with Graduate Portfolio Program in Robotics

The university of texas at dallas.

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science

Richardson, Texas

University of Utah

Mechanical Engineering Department

Salt Lake City, Utah

Doctor of Philosophy - Robotics Track

University of washington-seattle campus.

Seattle, Washington

Ph.D. in Machine Learning and Big Data

Using Machine Learning to predict analysis solve times from local data: Part 1

Data parsing.

Finite Element (FE) engineers are data engineers. Every FE solve involves organizing data into certain formats, sending it to a solver, and then post processing the outputs. It literally is all data and working with and manipulating data. And that takes time.

Naturally any engineer would like to know, in advance, how long it will take to run their model. By using some basic AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) tools available from scikit-learn, a freely available python package, we can determine the relationships between the model's dimensions (nodes, elements, DOFs, cores, steps...) and the time it takes to solve the model. ( Better said, we use python and scikit to automatically determine the relationships and optimize the prediction. ) We can do this using our own local data (or any data one has available) to create a scikit-learn ML estimator for the time to solve a model. What the ML part does is determine the weighting of the inputs and their effect on the output (time).

This short example will show you 1. how to gather your local data using a parser and, in part, 2. how to use scikit-learn to create a ML system to create a method to estimate times to solve for your FE models.

I will use VS Code here to demo how to run this code. If you use a different IDE (good for you) it will be easier and more straightforward.

Step 0: Python venv setup

Create a virtual environment to store the required modules. Here I create a directory called 'bob' because I call everything bob when I start a project.

Activate that venv:

And update pip in that directory:

Most of the packages required are default python packages, but there is a short list of other required packages for the data grab. Create a requirements.txt file in the C:\bob file and with these lines:

These will be imported with the updated pip command:

It will take a few seconds to import the packages.

Step 1: Get Data

Getting the data itself is a bit of a procedure. Parsing can be done very efficiently if the source(s) are uniform and the search well organized.

Get Data: Steps

  • Determine a few key parameters that are likely to be key to estimating solve times
  • Locate the solve.out files in the local directory
  • Then parse the individual solve.out files
  • And naturally, get the time to solve out of the .out file.
  • Write these data points to a file for later use

Key parameters that are likely to be key to estimating solve times

These are my best quess as to what is required to estimate the solve time. Note the solve time is also included in the last python dictionary key at 'Time'. Each dictionary item has the name of the parameter (Version, Nodes'), the text that needs to be searched in the solve. out files, and the type of data that it should find. Some of this makes more sense when we see the parsing function.

Note I made some duplicate dictionary keys since the format has changed slightly over the years. The parser needs an exact match to pull out the data. So the lower/upper case is important (if you don't use python to correct it later).

How do we get locate the solve.out files?

We use the os module to walk through the directory or directories and look for a file named solve.out since they are consistently named across Ansys versions.

Parse the individual solve.out files

The parsimonious package parses text files: parsimonious package . We will use parsimonious to find in our .out files the data points I decided were relevant to the time to solve. Since we can get the path to the files (path2file) we can import and parse the file. The solve.out are not so massive that it can't be done quickly.

Here I just grabbed the method from some online example ( what'd you expect? ) but what we end up with is all_text containing all the text from the imported file.

Then we can use the required_data to build a loop to search through all_text.

At the end of this loop, we want to write what we find, if it exists (try/except) to a pandas dataframe.

This will create the dataframe with the column headers and values in the order of the keys in the required_data dictionary. An example data set from a single solve.out is shown below.

That is basically it for parsing, the rest is putting this all together in a loop to do all the steps. Here I have changed a few parameters and added some functions and moved things around a bit. And I added a counter to check how long it takes to search.

Click here to see the full code on GitHub

My local example shows the program can search my D:/ drive, find 900+ solve.out files and get the data in 9 seconds. If you got this far, congratulations. There is still some non interesting data clean up (always part of data projects) that I am not going to document, I will simply place it here. Mostly just removing rows that had no data and consolidating the elements and nodes from the various versions into one dictionary.

We could use this data directly in part 2 (the interesting part) but to be sure, let's save it to file as a json file. Pandas has the ability to write .json files. The tempfile package is used to write the data to that always inconvenient but available directory.

The parser built here in part 1 can be used to rapidly pick out the required data points from the solve.out files. Once we have our data saved to a json file or available locally as a pandas dataframe, we can go onto Part 2 and start building our tool to estimate the time to solve using scikit-learn. Note this script can easily be adapted and run on larger archives of data if you happen to have access to a cluster where your colleagues might neglect to delete their solve information.

Part 2 will deal with how to use scikit and our data to predict the time to solve.

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  24. Using Machine Learning to predict analysis solve times from local data

    What the ML part does is determine the weighting of the inputs and their effect on the output (time). This short example will show you 1. how to gather your local data using a parser and, in part, 2. how to use scikit-learn to create a ML system to create a method to estimate times to solve for your FE models.