
4 KPI Presentation Examples To Consider For Your Next Meeting

4 KPI Presentation Examples To Consider For Your Next Meeting

Wish you could get more mileage from your KPIs?

Table of Contents

Leaders need to know how well the organization is progressing toward its goals if there’s to be any hope of achieving them. That means they need a clear, accurate, and timely view of KPI data that helps them make decisions.

If you’ve chosen the right KPIs and are tracking them over time, you are close to providing the right information for your leadership team. The last piece–presenting and explaining measure performance–is the critical bit that will help you meet your goals.

‍ So how can you present KPIs in a way that promotes good decision-making? Below are four KPI presentation examples to consider, depending on the type of data you’re presenting and the context in which it should be analyzed. And if you’re looking for a tool that supports all these visuals— and helps you make better use of your KPIs—keep reading to learn about ClearPoint. Our goal is to help you achieve yours , and we’ve got the strategy execution process (including KPI reporting ) down to a science.

Want to conduct more effective strategy meetings? Learning how to present KPIs is just the first step.

4 KPI Presentation Examples That Support Decision-Making

1. charts/graphs.

Charts and graphs are the crème de la crème of visual KPI presentation. They allow you to accurately present any type of quantitative data in a way that enables the relevant audience to draw a quick yet insightful conclusion. Charts make it easy to spot trends and compare data sets, which helps audiences understand the meaning and story behind the numbers.

Most people see and work with charts every day; they are the most powerful way of communicating KPI information. Some people even go so far as to say that if a KPI can’t be charted, it should not be measured. Why? Because if a KPI can’t be charted, then it isn’t looking at quantitative data, which means that the assessment of its performance will depend upon the subjective interpretation of the person viewing it.

kpi presentation videos

There are various types of charts ( which you can read about and see examples of here ), including:

  • Column charts
  • Area and area spline charts
  • Line and spline charts
  • Combination charts
  • Gauge and half circle gauge charts
  • Radar and radar with markers charts
  • Waterfall charts

When to use a chart/graph: Any good KPI can be charted; simply choose the right chart above for the use case. For example, to show the revenue contributions of multiple business divisions, use a pie chart (or a series of pie charts to show the changes in division contributions over time).

ClearPoint has more than 25 standard charts that build automatically based on the data you have available.

2. Heat Maps

Heat maps are another great visualization option. They use color to help represent data points, making large sets of data substantially more digestible. So rather than a viewer looking at a large data set and attempting to remember the many (potentially large) numbers in front of them, they can quickly see the representative color and draw conclusions based on that information.

Heat maps are commonly used to compare values across different geographic locations. Let’s say, for instance, you want to understand how your company’s profit varies by state or region. Using a heat map, you can assign different colors to a value range—i.e., dark green for regions generating more than $2 million; light green spanning the $1–$2 million range; yellow for $500,000–$1 million; orange signifying $0–$500,000; and red for below $0.

All it would take is a quick look to see that the northeast region, which is dark green, is tremendously profitable, while the southwest, which is red, is losing money. You can also see which individual states are most and least profitable. And if the digital version of this heat map has accompanying data (which most do if you hover your cursor over a specific area of the map), you’ll still be able to see specific data points should you need them.

You can also color-code any data set to make it understandable at a glance. For instance, rather than having to examine the individual numbers associated with revenue over time, you can see performance at a glance—profitable periods would be green; on-target and below-target profit periods would be shown as amber and red, respectively (known as RAG statuses).

‍ When to use a heat map: Use a heat map when you want to identify clusters of data or direct viewers’ attention toward areas that matter most.

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3. Tables/Summary Reports

Summary reports are another good method for displaying quantitative and qualitative information associated with numerous different KPIs in one view. This allows the audience to quickly see the relevant information for all of their KPIs without having to navigate around to many different pages to find the information.

An example where this may come in handy: Let’s say a human resources department is reporting on five important metrics— Employee Satisfaction, Employee Turnover Rate, HR-to-FTE Ratio, Cost per Hire, and Demographic Distribution. They could set up a table with the following columns:

  • KPI Status (RAG)
  • KPI Analysis (qualitative)
  • KPI data (previous quarter)
  • KPI data (current quarter)

The HR department will likely be tracking a lot more information associated with each of these five key metrics. But armed with this report, decision-makers can easily see the most important information as well as where the department is trending, and then take informed action to improve.

Here’s an example of a summary report for a fictional company, Upward Airlines:

kpi presentation videos

When to use a summary report: Use a summary report when you want to display data (numerical or non-numerical) associated with numerous different KPIs in one view.

4. Dashboards

While we’re giving dashboards their own entry, they are actually a mashup of the above. A KPI dashboard simply consolidates all your key metric visualizations in one place. When they are displayed together, your KPIs tell a powerful story about performance.

For instance, let’s say you have a few graphs, a heat map, and a summary report. You might wonder how best to present these KPIs at a strategy meeting to show a complete picture of the progress your organization is making toward its goals. Rather than displaying these visuals individually and jumping from one to the next, you can capture all this data on a single dashboard. This is easier for your audience to follow, and provides helpful context for analysis.

‍ When to use a dashboard: Use a dashboard when you want to provide decision-makers with a holistic view of performance data.

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Elevate Your KPI Presentations With ClearPoint Strategy Software

Lots of organizations struggle with KPIs, both in terms of reporting on them and deriving meaning from them. ClearPoint is helping to change all that. Our strategy software supports good decision-making with customizable data visualizations; simplifies the creation of meaningful KPI presentations; and removes the most burdensome tracking and reporting tasks from your plate.

See ClearPoint Strategy in action! Click here to watch a quick DEMO on the software

Create meaningful kpi presentations with customizable visuals.

Do your strategy meetings tend to be unfocused and not decision-oriented? Are you presenting KPI reports using a series of spreadsheets or jumping from tool to tool? Using ClearPoint, you can avoid these strategy obstacles by creating focused, easy-to-understand KPI visuals that clearly connect to your strategy.

The Raphah Institute is a great example of an organization that used ClearPoint to elevate its KPI presentations. They had previously used Word documents to create basic reports, and, rather than using strategy meetings to make decisions about their future, they focused the meetings mainly on putting out fires.

After implementing ClearPoint, they created a new report—one that had attractive graphs and illustrations highlighting where they were, greater goals they wanted to meet, and KPIs showcasing how they would meet those goals. Raphah Institute’s first strategy meeting with a ClearPoint KPI report was a huge success. CEO Travis Claybrooks said,

"The board was impressed… there was a call for ‘more of that.’ We are presenting information to them in a new way. It’s easier to digest and easier to see.”

In ClearPoint you can:

  • Create all the data visualizations named above, or a new, custom chart using our JSON library.
  • Present data in different ways by creating multiple visualizations associated with a single KPI.
  • Apply custom branding elements to visuals, and match the colors to your organization’s identity standards and guidelines.
  • Create pre-built reports—as many as you need for different audiences.
  • Set visuals to automatically update as new information is added.
  • Set filters on summary reports to show, for instance, only those metrics that are falling below plan.
  • Create charts that automatically calculate trends or feature plot bands to quickly visualize when data is on- or off-track.

Add Context To Your KPI Presentations

Another benefit of using ClearPoint is its ability to link your KPIs to your organizational objectives. For companies that are serious about strategy execution, this makes it easier to evaluate whether you’re using the right KPIs.

When you can easily see how all the pieces of your strategy—objectives, initiatives, and KPIs—fit together, you have a clearer view of what activities are actually moving the needle in the right direction.

Track & Report On KPIs Simply

ClearPoint makes the creation of visuals tremendously easy. We’ve automated 70% of the reporting process so you aren’t wasting time on low-level tasks that bog down your efforts.

Here’s how easy it is to create visuals in ClearPoint:

  • You decide which data visualizations you want for your KPIs and create them once in ClearPoint.
  • End users use ClearPoint to update the data points they are accountable for. There’s no need to hunt people down (our software handles that for you!), pass spreadsheets back and forth, or wonder if you’re working with the most recent version of a file—ClearPoint is always up to date.
  • Updated data is automatically pulled into your visuals at the reporting intervals you’ve determined. Set it and forget it.
  • You present your KPI report to an audience. You can choose one of three presentation options: use the software to present data during a meeting; generate a link for participants that includes selected pages of the software; or schedule the export of a PDF report that will be sent to participants.

That’s it! KPI reporting is simple, clear, and easy with ClearPoint Strategy.

Book your FREE 1-on-1 DEMO with ClearPoint Strategy

How can you make kpis more actionable.

To make KPIs more actionable:

- Set Clear Targets: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets for each KPI. - Provide Context: Offer context around each KPI to explain what the metric represents and why it matters. - Assign Ownership: Assign responsibility for each KPI to specific team members or departments. - Develop Action Plans: Create action plans outlining steps to improve performance against each KPI. - Regular Review: Frequently review KPIs to ensure they remain relevant and adjust strategies based on performance data.

How can you link KPIs to organizational objectives?

To link KPIs to organizational objectives:

- Align with Strategy: Ensure KPIs are directly aligned with the organization’s strategic goals and priorities. - Map Objectives to KPIs: Create a clear mapping of each organizational objective to specific KPIs that measure progress towards those objectives. - Cascade Goals: Break down high-level objectives into smaller, measurable goals that can be tracked with KPIs. - Communicate Alignment: Clearly communicate how each KPI supports the overall objectives to all stakeholders. - Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the KPIs and adjust them as needed to stay aligned with evolving organizational objectives.

How can you ensure that KPIs are measuring the right things?

To ensure that KPIs are measuring the right things:

- Define Relevance: Choose KPIs that are directly relevant to your strategic goals and objectives. - Consult Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders in the selection process to ensure the KPIs reflect their needs and priorities. - Use Valid Data: Ensure the data used for KPIs is accurate, reliable, and timely. - Regular Validation: Periodically review KPIs to confirm they are still aligned with organizational goals and adjust them if necessary. - Benchmarking: Compare your KPIs with industry standards or competitors to ensure they are meaningful and relevant.

How can you better visualize KPI data?

To better visualize KPI data:

- Use Dashboards: Create interactive dashboards that provide a real-time view of KPI performance. - Charts and Graphs: Use appropriate charts and graphs (e.g., bar charts, line graphs, pie charts) to represent data visually. - Color Coding: Apply color coding (e.g., red, yellow, green) to highlight performance levels and trends. - Simplify: Keep visualizations simple and focused to avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information. - Highlight Key Insights: Emphasize key insights and trends in the data to make the visualization more informative.

How can you tell a story with your KPIs?

To tell a story with your KPIs:

-Start with Objectives: Begin by outlining the strategic objectives and why they are important. - Contextualize KPIs: Provide context for each KPI, explaining what it measures and why it matters. - Show Trends: Highlight trends and patterns in the KPI data to illustrate progress over time. - Use Real Examples: Incorporate real-life examples or case studies to bring the data to life. - Actionable Insights: Conclude with actionable insights and recommendations based on the KPI data to guide future actions.

4 KPI Presentation Examples To Consider For Your Next Meeting

RJ Messineo

RJ drives new business for ClearPoint, guiding prospective clients through the sales process.

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PowerPoint presentation to show Key Performance Indicators

Mar 2, 2023 | Data Dashboards , DataPoint , Financial , Reporting

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a great way to measure the performance of your business. They show how you’re doing against your goals and help you keep track of changes over time. KPI templates for a PowerPoint presentation can be used for many different types of businesses, from large corporations to small startups. Let’s dive into KPI presentations and dashboards.

What is a PowerPoint presentation?

A PowerPoint presentation is a visual way of communicating information. It can be used to communicate with your boss, colleagues, clients and customers.

How to use a KPI template as a PowerPoint presentation?

To use a KPI template for your PowerPoint presentation, follow these steps:

  • Create a new PowerPoint presentation or get your professional PowerPoint templates from a professional site, and add your company’s data and performance metrics. You can import the KPI template from our database or create it yourself.
  • Use the DataPoint plugin to automate the content updating (just add some connections into your presentation).

KPI dashboard PowerPoint template slide 4

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are used to measure the performance of a business.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used to measure the performance of a business. They can show your company’s overall performance or the performance of individual departments.

There are different types of KPIs, including financial KPIs and operational KPIs. Financial KPIs include:

  • Net profit margin
  • Gross profit margin
  • Operating cash flow

Common KPIs for any business.

  • Profitability
  • Cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • Sales per employee or sales per customer visit. This is a key indicator for companies that sell services. If you have a high-cost business such as consulting, this number can be used to measure how efficiently your team is working and whether you need more staff members or more projects for each employee.

KPI dashboard PowerPoint template slide 3

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How to make a KPI presentation to the executive board in an objective way

kpi presentation videos

8-Item Creative Agenda Slide Revealing PowerPoint Template

5-Legged Stool Diagram Slide Template

5-Legged Stool PowerPoint Diagram

6-Item Text Block Slide Presentation Template

6-Item Text Block Slide Template for PowerPoint

PPT Slide Template for Key Focus Area Presentation

4-Item Key Focus Area PowerPoint Template

Executive Dashboard Template for PowerPoint

Executive Dashboard PowerPoint Template

Editable Financial Cash Flow KPI Template

Financial Cash Flow KPI PowerPoint Template

Kite Diagrams Slide PPT Template

Kite Diagrams Presentation Template

Editable 6-Item Agenda Slide PPT Template

6-Item Agenda Slide Template with Core Element

Title Slide for Operations Metrics Recognition Program PowerPoint Template

Operations Metrics Recognition Program Template

Editable SOAR Analysis Infographic Slide

SOAR Analysis PowerPoint Template

Editable 4-Item Slide Design for Presentation

4-Item KPI Slide Template for PowerPoint

PowerPoint Template Slide for Low Medium High Diagram

Low Medium High Gauge PowerPoint Template

Tracking your KPIs and making adjustments along the way is key to staying efficient when running a business.

Make your life easy by downloading our KPI templates and using them to create a visual representation of your business goals and objectives.

Our KPI templates make it easy to showcase milestones you are looking to achieve within a particular period of time. These milestones could be the volume of sales you want to make, the number of followers you want to get on your social media handles, or the number of leads you want your marketing team to generate.

The cool part is that our KPI PowerPoint templates and slides are highly editable. You can even use them together with our 4-Metric Canvas PowerPoint templates to create a powerful marketing tool to boost your marketing performance.

What does KPI mean?

KPI is an acronym for Key Performance Index. It is an index that measures a set of objectives an individual or a business entity is looking to achieve.

What are examples of KPI?

KPIs can either be long or short-term. A business’s long-term KPIs can be growing sales, reducing product returns, reducing customer complaints, boosting brand awareness, etc.

On the other hand, a short-term KPI can be publishing 5 blog posts a week, replying to customer comments, etc.

What is the main KPI for a business?

The major goal of every business is to make sales and increase profit. If that is not the main KPI, we don’t know what else is.

What should I include in a KPI slide?

In general, stick to just 5 lines of text per slide. The text is important, but the critical item of each slide is the graph data. Quality images guarantee your presentation’s success, as any interested party can easily understand the KPI in discussion with carefully crafted graphs.

Common mistakes in KPI Presentations

These issues refer to common errors in graphic design composition rules. Since we talk about visual presentations for your KPIs, hierarchy matters. Don’t make objects too similar in size, font, and color, as otherwise, the relevant points won’t stand out. Avoid placing elements too close to each other, or you end up with a crowded instead of a neat presentation.

Be sure to add context to the metrics you are sharing, else it’s just data being thrown into a slide.

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Our annual unlimited plan let you download unlimited content from slidemodel. save hours of manual work and use awesome slide designs in your next presentation..

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The same functionality makes business presentations in Prezi sleek and impressive, and makes for a lasting impression on coworkers and clients. Start with a clean overview and zoom in to the details at the perfect moment as you showcase your products and services with engaging presentation templates.

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7 ways to present KPIs that your management team will love

Danielle Poleski

Published 2016-07-18 , updated 2023-09-27

klipfolio image

Summary - Everyone procrastinates on KPI reporting-why? Because it’s time consuming, tedious and the final product is often uninspiring. Putting together a good KPI report that your management team will not only love, but actually look at, doesn’t have to take as long as you think.

Everyone procrastinates on KPI reporting —why? Because it’s time-consuming and tedious, and the final product is often uninspiring. But KPIs are important ! While reporting is absolutely necessary for data-driven businesses , there’s a huge difference between raw data and insights. Putting together a good business KPI report that your management team will not only love but actually look at doesn’t take as long as you think.

What should be included in a KPI report?

How you present information, reports, and opinions determines how it is received. A good KPI report should be accessible, interactive, and transformable in under 10 minutes. A great report has these qualities in addition to a clear objective. Your objective is supported by your key insights that show how you are performing. Your KPI report should effectively communicate your objective and insights to everyone in your organization. This is why knowing how to define your organization's KPIs is so important.

How do I create a KPI report? 

When you track your KPIs on a business dashboard in PowerMetrics , reporting becomes a quick, everyday task that will improve your team’s results and internal communication.

How do I present a KPI report?

Common ways to present KPIs to managers and executives:

  • Share an email report with KPIs
  • Distribute a PDF that shows KPIs
  • Present KPIs using a slide presentation
  • Display KPIs on a TV dashboard
  • Visualize KPIs using a KPI dashboard
  • Share KPIs using mobile reports or dashboards
  • Build your own KPIs using dashboard software

Presenting Kpis in An Email Report

1. Presenting KPIs in an email report

Email reporting makes a KPI report widely accessible across devices such as a smartphone, tablets, and desktops.

Email your KPI report in mobile-friendly formats such as PDFs or embedded images. A key benefit of email reporting is that users don’t need to download an external application to access KPI data, and visualizations appear in email reporting the exact same as on a business dashboard .

Automatically email a KPI presentation

S et up scheduled email reporting, and your team and management will automatically have your KPI report in their inboxes. Email is the most common KPI report communication channel. Connecting your business dashboard to email is easily accessible. An email KPI presentation decreases the amount of time spent creating a KPI report while increasing the amount of time management spends reading the update. 

Email a KPI report in an instant

Email KPI reporting is great for one-time use and on-demand KPI reporting. When your manager or CMO asks you, “How’s our current marketing campaign performance?” or “What are our lead numbers this month compared to last?” Now you have a KPI report at your fingertips to share with your leadership team. Performance insights are extremely valuable and, when asked for an update, often require immediate attention. Pausing your day to gather data and create a KPI report distracts you from the time that should be spent improving your performance. Email KPI reporting quickly shares these insights quickly and efficiently. Learn more about the digital marketing KPIs that your business should be tracking.

Email Kpi Report

2. Turn your KPI presentation into a PDF report

PDFs are a great way to present KPI reports because they maintain a clean and organized format for web, email, and print. PDFs are arguably the best reporting tool for print because it presents your KPIs based on how they appear on your dashboard .

Users have the ability to adjust the layout, size, height, annotations, quality, and style for each KPI report. Formatting can be time-consuming when you create a KPI presentation because, when done manually, you have to extract the data from its source and create visualizations to communicate your key insights. Also, consider adding custom branding options to capture your attention and provide additional context.

Web Metrics Dashboard Kpi PDF Report

3. Create a KPI report slide presentation

A KPI presentation or slide deck encourages conversation . Turn your PowerPoint or Google Slides into a KPI presentation. A KPI presentation in PowerPoint is a visual representation of your KPI story. A KPI presentation should include minimal text and be about showing your progress with visualizations and data.  

A common rule of thumb for a KPI presentation in PowerPoint or Google Slides is five words per line and five lines per slide. For this reason, images are important to include for a good KPI presentation. Visualizations make it easy for management to quickly understand KPI data while you present insights and everyone plans responsive action.

Harness the power of data-driven decision making.

How do you show KPIs in a presentation? 

When you present KPIs to a group where time is limited, strong visuals keep everyone engaged and on topic. KPIs work together and should be discussed in relation to one another. Best practice suggests no more than two images per slide if you are including text. And no more than four images if there is no text. If your KPI presentation has a slide for each KPI, I’d recommend noting the KPIs relation to others and the overall business objectives.

Discuss KPIs with managers with a business dashboard slide presentation

Incorporating data from KPIs and metrics into presentations adds an important layer of context when discussing your business. Executives always get inspired when seeing a concise version of their data and discover that they can use it in key decision-making. An executive dashboard slide presentation can effectively convey this information to your management team.

After your dashboard-driven KPI presentation, execs will request that you create more data visualizations on topics of interest to them. By sharing the interactive executive dashboard , you can keep the conversation going and prevent your KPI presentation from withering away in PowerPoint purgatory.

4. Present your KPIs on a KPI dashboard

What is a KPI dashboard? A KPI dashboard displays your KPIs in dynamic, interactive visualizations like charts and graphs. When you measure your KPIs on a dashboard, it ensures your data is up to date, and you’re always using the latest insights to evaluate your progress towards achieving your KPIs. 

There is no set time of week, month, or year to make a KPI report. The best reporting is done every day . KPI dashboards make reporting an easy, daily habit so that you and your team can be transparent and data-driven. 

Direct Kpi Dashboard Access

5. Combine live links and wallboards for an easy everyday KPI report

Live links are ideal for users who: use wallboards to display one dashboard, to share a dashboard with a broader group within their organization, or to share with external users. Klipfolio users can publish a dashboard (with or without a password) as a shareable link.

Live links for your KPI presentation

Live links (published links) give everyone access to the data in an easy way, anytime. Live links allow multiple people to view your KPI dashboard. For organizations that track KPIs for clients , this is especially useful as it streamlines the line of communication.

Foster teamwork with your KPI presentation on a wallboard

Live links mirror KPIs from your business dashboard, so they are continuously updated. Allocating time to create dashboards with the KPIs your executives request in their end-of-month KPI report will simplify the reporting process and create the habit of monitoring these metrics at all times, not just at month-end. Another great benefit of wallboards is that they foster teamwork in the workplace. Get everyone in the organization to talk about performance and prompt questions from other departments.

Using wallboard to display a dashboard is a great way to keep performance metrics at the forefront of your team's mind. Displaying your dashboards on a wallboard demonstrates the significance of these KPIs to your entire team and others within the organization so everyone’s in the know. For example, Salesforce dashboards are popular to display on TVs.

Direct Dashboard Access Kpi Presentation

6. Grant direct KPI dashboard access

Make your KPI dashboards accessible to everyone on your team. Users can be added to your Klipfolio account as an admin, editor, or view-only. All of these roles are capable of viewing the dashboard, however, each has specific permissions. The benefit of direct access is that you can set up role-specific dashboards.

Granting your team members, especially management, with access to your dashboards is an accessible way to present KPIs. Individuals can access KPI report data at all times without going through the long line of communication to reach the administrator. Direct dashboard access improves communication and demonstrates the value of your team’s efforts to management, as well as key areas for improvement.

Create A Kpi Presentation with A Business Dashboard

7. Take your data everywhere with a mobile KPI presentation

C-suite executives are often on the road and require quick access to the status of their company’s performance. Presenting KPIs for management to access on their smartphone makes it simple for them to quickly access and understand data from anywhere. When everyone in an organization is given access to dashboards, data can be integrated into day-to-day activities.

Mobile KPI reporting becomes especially important as work-from-home and remote offices become increasingly common. You may not always be on your laptop, but the vast majority of people never forget their smartphone before leaving the house.

Add real data to every conversation with your mobile KPI report

With mobile reporting, KPI data becomes a natural and essential element of any business discussion. How many times have you been in a casual conversation with a colleague about work where you say, “I can show you when I get to my computer”? A mobile KPI report brings context by incorporating KPIs into the conversation, leading to a follow-up conversation or even immediate action.

This article was originally published in July 2016 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy. 

  • How to present a KPI report
  • The basics of KPI management
  • Starter guide to dashboard design
  • What is a key performance indicator
  • KPI Examples

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40 Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates: A Complete Guide

40 Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates: A Complete Guide

The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that shows how effective a company is in achieving key business objectives. Organizations and companies use KPIs at multiple levels to assess its success in reaching its set goals.

High-level KPIs may focus on overall business performance while lower level KPIs may focus on operations in departments such as Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, Support and more.

In short, KPIs are individual units of measurement that provide a preview on the performance of various departments and initiatives in the company. It also effectively shows where companies are in relation to their goals and how this can be improved.

What are the types of KPI?

There are several types of KPIs:

Strategic Indicator: This indicator monitors the strategic goals of organizations. Usually, one or two strategic KPIs are used to measure the performance of an organization in a specific area at any given time. This includes returns on investments, market share, etc.

Operational Indicator: This indicator measures performance within a shorter time frame and focuses on organizations' operations and efficiency. It is designed to help make better decisions about providing products, services or other operational functions on a daily basis.

Projects Indicator: This indicator focuses on measuring progress and efficiency in completing projects.

Risk Indicator: This indicator focuses on measuring the risk factors that may threaten the success of organizations.

Personnel indicator: This indicator focuses on human behavior, skills and performance needed to implement strategies.

What makes key performance indicators (KPIs) effective?

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of KPIs is that they are a form of communication and coordination between parts of the company, as they are bound and subject to the same rules and best practices as any other form of communication and coordination between team members or department heads.

In terms of developing a strategy for formulating performance indicators, your team should start with the basics and understand what your organizational goals are, how you plan to achieve the goals, and who can act on this information.

This should be an iterative process that includes feedback from analysts, department heads, and managers. When you gather the opinions of the said team, you will gain a better and deeper understanding of the business processes and KPIs that should be measured using the KPI dashboard, and with whom this information should be shared.

What is the intended benefit of KPI's?

Key Performance Indicators are important because they highlight the business performance of companies, and individuals, thus organizations use them to assess their success in reaching critical goals. High-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the organization, while low-level KPIs may focus on operations within departments.

It is also important to performance indicators to evaluate and measure the performance of employees within companies, improving and developing all internal and external operations of the organization.

How to create KPIs?

Let's say your goal is to increase book sales for the year. You will call these KPIs, the book sales KPI. Here's how to define it:

What: Book sales increase 15% this year.

Why: Achieving this goal will allow you to hire another agent.

Measurement: Progress will be measured as an increase in the number of books sold and revenue generated.

How: You can increase your site traffic with a blog focused on topics related to the publishing industry.

Who: The Content Marketing Manager will be responsible for the KPIs.

The result: book sales will increase by 15% this year.

When: The progress of the KPIs will be reviewed on a monthly basis.

Develop your KPI to fit the changing needs of the business

Suppose, for example, that your organization has recently started a new production line or is expanding abroad. If you do not update your KPIs, your team will continue to track goals that do not necessarily reflect a change in tactical or strategic direction.

You may think, based on your results, that you continue to perform at a high level. In reality, though, you may be tracking KPIs that fail to capture the impact your efforts are having on core strategic goals. KPIs that are not updated at all become obsolete.

Reviewing your KPIs monthly (or, at best, weekly) will give you a chance to improve or change course entirely.  

What is a KPI Dashboard?           

The easy to access data will make you less overwhelmed and can quickly understand the whole picture of the performance of your company, know what and where the problems are and give you full control on all the details and matters.

Therefore, a KPI dashboard is an all-in-one tool that provide the monitoring and analysis you need. It allows you to follow the performance of individuals, departments, teams, or the entire company. KPI dashboards lets you to easily check what is happening and be alerted to the KPIs that have exceeded the set limits.

KPI dashboards are most likely to be displayed using specific color patterns like red, yellow, and green. Red indicates a problem, yellow is a warning or a risk, and green means everything is fine. It is very important to get everything clear and direct at first glance, so next we will introduce you to one of the best options you may have for PowerPoint KPI dashboard template.

KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Template

Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates

A well designed and thought KPI dashboard gives business owners quick access to the crucial indicators or tools of the business, and helps them decide whether they are going well or not. But recently a lot of KPI dashboards are more fabricated and decorated than useful, or are so filled with details that it’s impossible to read the important information right away. Designing a KPI dashboard needs a lot of experience and skill, that why you should choose the right template if you have a presentation on the subject, and we here give you the Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Template you can find out there which covers all the needed indicators and required slides, such as:

Sales KPI Dashboard: An essential slide that shows the sales you have been making, on a daily or monthly basis too, as well as sales risk and sales process that are taking place currently.

Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates

Traffic Acquisition Report Dashboard: It’s an important visual to know where users came from, including organic search, social media, paid campaigns, etc. and it’s used to make decisions about future marketing campaigns and determine the effectiveness of your website and current marketing efforts.

Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates

Social Media KPI Dashboard: This PowerPoint slide is very relevant when you count heavily on social media networking then you will be such slide to show all the numbers and growth and interaction that’s happening to your channels.

Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates

CRM system KPI Dashboard: Customer relationship management (CRM) is a slide for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates

Target Vs Actual Sales Commissions: It is the slide where you compare your intended sales goal and the ones you have really made, detailed and clear KPI PowerPoint slide, and one among many other useful and essential ones.

Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates


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Do you want to assess the success or failure of your company? Use these KPI (Key Performance Indicators). It is a great tool to determine if you are achieving a goal or not. Represent your information about actions, strategies or productivity with bar or pie charts, pyramids, tables, percentages, maps... They include plenty of blocks, and their style is mainly flat, although you’ll find some 3D elements

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KPI Presentation Templates

Looking to showcase your business performance in a compelling manner? Dive into our collection of KPI presentation templates. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or project management, our templates cater to all.

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KPI Project Management for PowerPoint, Google Slides and Keynote

Our KPI slides are designed to make your data stand out. With a blend of PowerPoint PPT, Keynote, and Google Slides formats, you’re equipped for any platform. From kpi dashboards to detailed key performance indicator charts, we’ve got you covered.

Why Choose Our KPI Presentation Templates?

  • Editable KPI: Every ppt template and presentation slides are customizable. Add your logo, adjust the design, or switch the format to make it uniquely yours.
  • Diverse Range: From kpi powerpoint templates to Google Slides, our offerings span a vast spectrum. Whether you need a scorecard, infographic, or matrix, we have it.
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  • Performance-Centric: Our templates are not just visually appealing. They’re built to highlight kpi metrics, sales data, and other quantifiable measures.
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For professionals in sales and marketing or planning, our kpi dashboard powerpoint templates are indispensable. They come with clear metrics, illustrative charts, and dynamic graphics to effectively present and evaluate your kpis data.

If you’re venturing into HR or healthcare, we’ve got you covered too. Our templates are designed to cater to specific sectors, ensuring your data is presented in the most impactful way. Whether you’re looking to present a profit report, an individual performance framework, or a health metric, our templates are tailored to meet your needs.

Bonus Features:

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Elevate your presentations. Make them more than just slides; make them a narrative of your success.

Download KPI templates now and elevate your next presentation. Remember, a good presentation template not only showcases data but tells a compelling story. Let our templates be the power behind your data-driven narrative.

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KPI Presentation Templates

Is your business on track is it progress toward your intended result try our free kpi powerpoint templates and google slides themes to present kpi dashboards professionally. these 100% editable slides with unique designs are the best choice to assess your business performance..


Experience the power of visualization with our Free KPI PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes!

We're here to help you, what is a kpi.

A Key Performance Indicator is a quantitative performance measurement over time for a specific goal. KPIs offer goals for teams to strive towards, benchmarks to evaluate progress, and insights that aid individuals throughout the organization in making better decisions.

What are KPI PowerPoint templates?

KPI templates show how well a business performs or develops over time to accomplish a particular goal. These analytics support decision-making and advancement, which contribute to business success.

Where can we use these KPI slides?

You can utilize KPI & Metrics slide designs to create laser-focused presentations on the metrics that matter. Key performance indicators support the strategic advancement of every department within the company, from marketing and sales to finance and human resources.

How can I make KPI PPT Slides in a presentation?

You can create KPI slides using the tools available on the insert option. You can also go with the choice of readymade templates to shorten your time and make your work look so professional.

Who can use KPI PPT Templates?

KPI enables managers and business owners to understand how their company, or specific divisions, is operating at any given time.

Why do we need to use KPI PowerPoint Slides?

The KPI PowerPoint Template is a conceptual graphic that goes well with presentations of corporate performance dashboards. As a result, it might be applied to various sales, marketing, development, and quality performance reports to show your elegance.

Where can I find KPI PPT Templates for free?

You can use free PowerPoint templates from various sources to create outstanding presentations. Slide Egg has the most options. Check it right away.

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More Like this

Kpi meaning + 27 examples of key performance indicators.

As your organization begins to sketch out what your strategic plan might look like, it’s likely to come to your attention that you’ll need to gain consensus around what your key performance indicators will be and how they will impact your organization. If you haven’t thought much about your KPIs yet, that’s okay. We can help!

We’ve compiled a complete guide that includes an overview of what makes a good KPI, the benefits of good key performance indicators, and a list of KPI examples [organized by department and industry] for your reference as you run your strategic planning process to build your organization’s strategic plan and goals.

KPIs video

What is a Key Performance Indicator KPI — KPI Definition

Key performance indicators, or KPIs, are the elements of your organization’s plan that express the quantitative outcomes you seek and how you will measure success. In other words, they tell you what you want to achieve and by when.

They are the qualitative, quantifiable, outcome-based statements you’ll use to measure progress and determine if you’re on track to meet your goals or objectives. Good plans use 5-7 KPIs to manage and track their progress against goals. A good key performance indicator is one that measures strategic goals.

What is a KPI?


KPI Meaning, and Why Do You Need Them?

Key performance indicators are intended to create a holistic picture of how your organization is performing against its intended targets, organizational goals, business goals, or objectives. A great key performance indicator should accomplish all the following:

  • Outline and measure your organization’s most important set of outputs.
  • Work as the heartbeat of your performance management process and confirm whether progress is being made against your strategy.
  • Represent the key elements of your strategic plan that express what you want to achieve by when.
  • Measure the quantifiable components of your strategic goals and objectives.
  • Measure the most important leading indicators and lagging measures in your organization..

The Five Elements of a KPI

These are the heartbeat of your performance management process and must work well! Your plan’s strategic KPIs tell you whether you’re making progress or how far you are from reaching your goals. Ultimately, you want to make progress against your strategy. You’ll live with these KPIs for at least the quarter (preferably the year), so make sure they’re valuable!

Great strategies track the progress of core elements of the plan. Each key performance indicator needs to include the following elements:

  • A Measure: Every KPI must have a measure. The best ones have more specific or expressive measures.
  • A Target: Every KPI needs to have a target that matches your measure and the period of your goal. These are generally a numeric values you’re seeking to achieve.
  • A Data Source: Each of these needs to have a clearly defined data source so there is no gray area in measuring and tracking each.
  • Reporting Frequency: Different measures may have different reporting needs, but a good rule to follow is to report on them at least monthly.
  • Owner: While this isn’t a mandatory aspect of your KPI statement, setting expectations of who will take care of tracking, reporting, and refining specific KPIs is helpful to your overall organizational plan.

Elements of a KPI

Indicators vs. Key Performance Indicators

An indicator is a general term that describes a business’s performance metrics.

There can be several types of indicators a company may track, but not all indicators are KPIs, especially if they don’t tie into an organization’s overall strategic plan or objectives, which is a MUST!

Key Performance Indicators

On the other hand, a key performance indicator is a very specific indicator that measures an organization’s progress toward a specific company-wide goal or objective. We typically recommend you narrow down the KPIs your organization tracks to no more than 7. When you track too many goals, it can get daunting and confusing.

Pro Tip : You should only track the best and most valuable indicators that tie to your organization’s long-term strategic goals and direction.

Benefits of Good Key Performance Indicators

What benefits do key performance indicators have on your strategic plan, and on your organization as a whole? A lot of benefits, actually! They are extremely important to the success of your strategic plan as they help you track progress of your goals. Implementing them correctly is critical to success.

  • Benefit #1: They provide clarity and focus to your strategic plan by measuring progress and aligning your team’s efforts to the organization’s objectives. They also show your measurable progress over time and create ways to track your organization’s continued improvement.
  • Benefit #2: Key performance indicators create a way to communicate a shared understanding of success. They give your team a shared understanding of what’s important to achieve your long-term vision and create a shared language to express your progress.
  • Benefit #3: They provide signposts and triggers to help you identify when to act. A good balance of leading and lagging key performance indicators allow you to see the early warning signs when things are going well, or when it’s time to act.

How to Develop KPIs

How to Develop KPIs

We’ve covered this extensively in our How to Identify Key Performance Indicators post. But, here’s a really quick recap:

Step 1: Identify Measures that Contribute Directly to Your Annual Organization-wide Objectives

Ensure you select measures that can be directly used to quantify your most important annual objectives.

PRO TIP: It doesn’t matter what plan structure you’re using – balanced scorecard, OKRs, or any other framework – the right KPIs for every objective will help you measure if you’re moving in the right direction.

Step 2: Evaluate the Quality of Your KPI

Select a balance of leading and lagging indicators (which we define later in the article) that are quantifiable and move your organization forward. Always ensure you have relevant KPIs. Having the right key performance indicators makes a world of difference!

Step 3: Assign Ownership

Every key performance indicator needs ownership! It’s just that simple.

Step 4: Monitor and Report with Consistency

Whatever you do, don’t just set and forget your goals. We see it occasionally that people will select measures and not track them, but what’s the point of that? Be consistent. We recommend selecting measures that can be reported upon at least monthly.

The 3 Types of KPIs to Reference as You Build Your Metrics

Key performance indicators answer the quantifiable piece of your goals and objectives . here are three types of KPIs. Now that you know the components of great key performance indicators, here are some different ones that you might think about as you’re putting your plan together:

Broad Number Measures

The first type of KPI is what we like to call broad number measures. These are the ones that essentially count something. An example is counting the number of products sold or the number of visits to a webpage.

PRO TIP: There is nothing wrong with these, but they don’t tell a story. Great measures help you create a clear picture of what is going on in your organization. So, using only broad ones won’t help create a narrative.

KPI Type #2: Progress Measures

Progress key performance indicators are used to help measure the progress of outcomes . This is most commonly known as the “percent complete” KPI, which is helpful in measuring the progress of completing a goal or project. These are best when quantifiable outcomes are difficult to track, or you can’t get specific data.

PRO TIP: Progress KPIs are great, but your KPI stack needs to include some easily quantifiable measures. We recommend using a mixture of progress KPIs and other types that have clear targets and data sources.

KPI Type #3: Change Measures

The final type of KPI is a change indicator. These are used to measure the quantifiable change in a metric or measure. An example would be, “X% increase in sales.” It adds a change measure to a quantifiable target and is usually measured as a percentage increase in a given period of time.

The more specific change measures are, the easier they are to understand. A better iteration of the example above would be “22% increase in sales over last year, which represents an xyz lift in net-new business.” More expressive measures are better.

PRO TIP: Change measures are good for helping create a clear narrative . It helps explain where you’re going instead of just a simple target.

Leading KPIs vs Lagging KPIs

Part of creating a holistic picture of your organization’s progress is looking at different types of measures, like a combination of leading and lagging indicators. Using a mixture of both allows you to monitor progress and early warning signs closely when your plan is under or over-performing (leading indicator) and you have a good hold on how that performance will impact your business down the road (lagging indicator). Here’s a deep dive and best practices on using leading versus lagging indicators:

Leading Indicator

We often refer to these metrics as the measures that tell you how your business might/will perform in the future. They are the warning buoys you put out in the water to let you know when something is going well and when something isn’t.

For example, a leading KPI for an organization might be the cost to deliver a good/service. If the cost of labor increases, it will give you a leading indicator that you will see an impact on net profit or inventory cost.

Another example of a leading indicator might be how well your website is ranking or how well your advertising is performing. If your website is performing well, it might be a leading indicator that your sales team will have an increase in qualified leads and contracts signed.

Lagging Indicator

A lagging indicator refers to past developments and effects. This reflects the past outcomes of your measure. So, it lags behind the performance of your leading indicators.

An example of a lagging indicator is EBITA. It reflects your earnings for a past date. That lagging indicator may have been influenced by leading indicators like the cost of labor/materials.

Balancing Leading and Lagging Indicators

If you want to ensure that you’re on track, you might have a KPI in place telling you whether you will hit that increase, such as your lead pipeline. We don’t want to over-rotate on this, but as part of a holistic, agile plan, we recommend outlining 5-7 key performance metrics or indicators in your plan that show a mix of leading and lagging indicators. .

Having a mixture of both gives you both a look-back and a look-forward as you measure the success of your plan and business health. A balanced set of KPIs also gives you the data and business intelligence you need for making decision making and strategic focus.

We also recommend identifying and committing to tracking and managing the same KPIs for about a year, with regular monthly or quarterly reporting cadence, to create consistency in data and reporting.

Any shorter tracking time frame won’t give you a complete picture of your performance. Always moving your KPI targets is also a sure way to miss how you’re actually performing.

KPI Examples

27 KPI Examples

Sales key performance indicators.

  • Number of contracts signed per quarter
  • Dollar value for new contracts signed per period
  • Number of qualified leads per month
  • Number of engaged qualified leads in the sales funnel
  • Hours of resources spent on sales follow up
  • Average time for conversion
  • Net sales – dollar or percentage growth
  • New sales revenue
  • Growth rate
  • Customer acquisition count
  • Lead conversion rate
  • Average sales cycle

Increase the number of contracts signed by 10% each quarter.

  • Measure: Number of contracts signed per quarter
  • Target: Increase number of new contracts signed by 10% each quarter
  • Data Source: CRM system
  • Reporting Frequency: Weekly
  • *Owner: Sales Team
  • Due Date: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

Increase the value of new contracts by $300,000 per quarter this year.

  • Measure: Dollar value for new contracts signed per period
  • Data Source: Hubspot Sales Funnel
  • Reporting Frequency: Monthly
  • *Owner: VP of Sales

Increase the close rate to 30% from 20% by the end of the year.

  • Measure: Close rate – number of closed contracts/sales qualified leads
  • Target: Increase close rate from 20% to 30%
  • *Owner: Director of Sales
  • Due Date: December 31, 2023

Increase the number of weekly engaged qualified leads in the sales from 50 to 75 by the end of FY23.

  • Measure: Number of engaged qualified leads in sales funnel
  • Target: 50 to 75 by end of FY2023
  • Data Source: Marketing and Sales CRM
  • *Owner: Head of Sales

Decrease time to conversion from 60 to 45 days by Q3 2023.

  • Measure: Average time for conversion
  • Target: 60 days to 45 days
  • Due Date: Q3 2023

Increase number of closed contracts by 2 contracts/week in 2023.

  • Measure: Number of closed contracts
  • Target: Increase closed contracts a week from 4 to 6
  • Data Source: Sales Pipeline
  • *Owner: Sales and Marketing Team

Examples of KPIs for Financial

  • Growth in revenue
  • Net profit margin
  • Gross profit margin
  • Operational cash flow
  • Current accounts receivables
  • Operating expenses
  • Average cost of goods or services
  • Average account lifetime total value

Financial KPIs as SMART Annual Goals

Grow top-line revenue by 10% by the end of 2023.

  • Measure: Revenue growth
  • Target: 10% growt
  • Data Source: Quickbooks
  • *Owner: Finance and Operations Team
  • Due Date: By the end 2023

Increase gross profit margin by 12% by the end of 2023.

  • Measure: Percentage growth of net profit margin
  • Target: 12% net profit margin increase
  • Data Source: Financial statements
  • *Owner: Accounting Department

Increase net profit margin from 32% to 40% by the end of 2023.

  • Measure: Gross profit margin in percentage
  • Target: Increase gross profit margin from 32% to 40% by the end of 2023
  • Data Source: CRM and Quickbooks
  • *Owner: CFO

Maintain $5M operating cash flow for FY2023.

  • Measure: Dollar amount of operational cash flow
  • Target: $5M average
  • Data Source: P&L
  • Due Date: By the end FY2023

Collect 95% of account receivables within 60 days in 2023.

  • Measure: Accounts collected within 60 days
  • Target: 95% in 2023
  • Data Source: Finance
  • Due Date: End of 2023

Examples of Customer Service KPIs

  • Number of customers retained/customer retention

Customer KPIs in a SMART Framework for Annual Goals

90% of current customer monthly subscriptions during FY2023.

  • Measure: Number of customers retained
  • Target: Retain 90% percent of monthly subscription customers in FY2023
  • Data Source: CRM software
  • *Owner: Director of Client Operations

Increase market share by 5% by the end of 2023.

  • Measure: Percentage of market share
  • Target: Increase market share from 25%-30% by the end of 2023
  • Data Source: Market research reports
  • Reporting Frequency: Quarterly
  • *Owner: Head of Marketing

Increase NPS score by 9 points in 2023.

  • Measure: Net Promoter Score
  • Target: Achieve a 9-point NPS increase over FY2023
  • Data Source: Customer surveys
  • *Owner: COO

Achieve a weekly ticket close rate of 85% by the end of FY2023.

  • Measure: Average ticket/support resolution time
  • Target: Achieve a weekly ticket close rate of 85%
  • Data Source: Customer support data
  • *Owner: Customer Support Team

Examples of KPIs for Operations

  • Order fulfillment time
  • Time to market
  • Employee satisfaction rating
  • Employee churn rate
  • Inventory turnover
  • Total number of units produced or on-hand
  • Resource utilization

Operational KPIs as SMART Annual Goals

Average 3 days maximum order fill time by the end of Q3 2023.

  • Measure: Order fulfilment time
  • Target: Average maximum of 3 days
  • Data Source: Order management software
  • *Owner: Shipping Manager

Achieve an average SaaS project time-to-market of 4 weeks per feature in 2023.

  • Measure: Average time to market
  • Target: 4 weeks per feature
  • Data Source: Product development and launch data
  • *Owner: Product Development Team

Earn a minimum score of 80% employee satisfaction survey over the next year.

  • Measure: Employee satisfaction rating
  • Target: Earn a minimum score of 80% employee
  • Data Source: Employee satisfaction survey and feedback

Maintain a maximum of 10% employee churn rate over the next year.

  • Measure: Employee churn rate
  • Target: Maintain a maximum of 10% employee churn rate over the next year
  • Data Source: Human resources and payroll data
  • *Owner: Human Resources

Achieve a minimum ratio of 5-6 inventory turnover in 2023.

  • Measure: Inventory turnover ratio
  • Target: Minimum ratio of 5-6
  • Data Source: Inventory management software
  • *Owner: perations Department

Marketing KPIs

  • Monthly website traffic
  • Number of marketing qualified leads
  • Conversion rate for call-to-action content
  • Keywords in top 10 search engine results/organic search
  • Blog articles published this month
  • E-Books published this month
  • Marketing campaign performance
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Landing page conversion rate

Marketing KPIs as SMART Annual Goals

Achieve a minimum of 10% increase in monthly website traffic over the next year.

  • Measure: Monthly website traffic
  • Target: 10% increase in monthly website
  • Data Source: Google analytics
  • *Owner: Marketing Manager

Generate a minimum of 200 qualified leads per month in 2023.

  • Measure: Number of marketing qualified leads
  • Target: 200 qualified leads per month
  • Data Source: Hubspot

Achieve a minimum of 10% conversion rate for on-page CTAs by end of Q3 2023.

  • Measure: Conversion rate on service pages
  • Target: 10%
  • Due Date: End of Q3, 2023

Achieve a minimum of 20 high-intent keywords in the top 10 search engine results over the next year.

  • Measure: Keywords in top 10 search engine results
  • Target: 20 keywords
  • Data Source: SEM Rush data
  • *Owner: SEO Manager

Publish a minimum of 4 blog articles per month to earn new leads in 2023.

  • Measure: Blog articles
  • Target: 4 per month
  • Data Source: CMS
  • *Owner: Content Marketing Manager
  • Due Date: December 2023

Publish at least 2 e-books per quarter in 2023 to create new marketing-qualified leads.

  • Measure: E-Books published
  • Target: 2 per quarter
  • Data Source: Content management system

Bonus: +40 Extra KPI Examples

Supply chain example key performance indicators.

  • Number of on-time deliveries
  • Inventory carry rate
  • Months of supply on hand
  • Inventory-to-sales Ratio (ISR)
  • Carrying cost of inventory
  • Inventory turnover rate
  • Perfect order rate
  • Inventory accuracy

Healthcare Example Key Performance Indicators

  • Bed or room turnover
  • Average patient wait time
  • Average treatment charge
  • Average insurance claim cost
  • Medical error rate
  • Patient-to-staff ratio
  • Medication errors
  • Average emergency room wait times
  • Average insurance processing time
  • Billing code error rates
  • Average hospital stay
  • Patient satisfaction rate

Human Resource Example Key Performance Indicators

  • Organization headcount
  • Average number of job vacancies
  • Applications received per job vacancy
  • Job offer acceptance rate
  • Cost per new hire
  • Average salary
  • Average employee satisfaction
  • Employee turnover rate
  • New hire training Effectiveness
  • Employee engagement score

Social Media Example Key Performance Indicators

  • Average engagement
  • % Growth in following
  • Traffic conversions
  • Social interactions
  • Website traffic from social media
  • Number of post shares
  • Social visitor conversion rates
  • Issues resolved using social channel
  • Social media engagement

Conclusion: Keeping a Pulse on Your Plan

With the foundational knowledge of the KPI anatomy and a few example starting points, it’s important you build out these metrics with detailed and specific data sources so you can truly evaluate if you’re achieving your goals. Remember, these will be the 5-7 core metrics you’ll live by for the next 12 months, so it’s crucial to develop effective KPIs that follow the SMART formula. They should support your business strategy, measure the performance of your strategic objectives, and help you make better decisions.

A combination of leading and lagging KPIs will paint a clear picture of your organization’s strategic performance and empower you to make agile decisions to impact your team’s success.

Need a Dedicated App to Track Your Strategic Plan with KPI Dashboards? We’ve got you covered.

The StrategyHub by OnStrategy is a purpose built tool to help you build and manage a strategic plan with KPIs. Run your strategy reviews with zero prep – get access to our full suite of KPI reports, dynamic dashboards for data visualization, access to your historical data, and reporting tools to stay connected to the performance of your plan. Get 14-day free access today!

Our Other KPI Resources

We have several other great resources to consider as you build your organization’s Key Performance Indicators! Check out these other helpful posts and guides:

  • OKRs vs. KPIs: A Downloadable Guide to Explain the Difference
  • How to Identify KPIs in 4 Steps
  • KPIs vs Metrics: Tips and Tricks to Performance Measures
  • Guide to Establishing Weekly Health Metrics

FAQs on Key Performance Indicators

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. KPIs are the elements of your organization’s business or strategic plan that express what outcomes you are seeking and how you will measure their success. They express what you need to achieve by when. KPIs are always quantifiable, outcome-based statements to measure if you’re on track to meet your goals and objectives.

The 4 elements of key performance indicators are:

  • A Measure – The best KPIs have more expressive measures.
  • A Target – Every KPI needs to have a target that matches your measure and the time period of your goal.
  • A Data Source – Every KPI needs to have a clearly defined data source.
  • Reporting Frequency – A defined reporting frequency.

No, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are different from metrics. Metrics are quantitative measurements used to track and analyze various aspects of business performance, while KPIs are specific metrics chosen as indicators of success in achieving strategic goals.


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HI Erica hope your are doing well, Sometime Strategy doesn’t cover all the activities through the company, like maintenance for example may be quality control …. sure they have a contribution in the overall goals achievement but there is no specific new requirement for them unless doing their job, do u think its better to develop a specific KPIs for these department? waiting your recommendation

' src=

Thanks for your strategic KPIs

' src=

Hello Erica, Could you please clarify how to set KPIs for the Strategic Planning team?

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Hi Diana, check out the whitepaper above for more insight!

Hello Erica, Could you please clarify, how to set the KPIs for the Strategic PLanning team?

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I found great information in this article. In any case, the characteristics that KPIs must have are: measurability, effectiveness, relevance, utility and feasibility

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How to write methodology guidelines for strategy implementation / a company’s review and tracking (process and workflow) for all a company’s divisions

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support on strategizing Learning & Development for Automobile dealership

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Could you please to clarify how to write the KPIs for the Secretary.

Check out our guide to creating KPIs for more help here:

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That’s an amazing article.

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Could you please to clarify how to write the KPIs for the office boy supervisor

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Could you please clarify how to write KPIs for the editorial assistant in a start up publishing company.

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Kindly advice how I would set a kpi for a mattress factory

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kpi presentation videos

  • Presentations

KPI Presentation Template

Share detailed end-of-year kpi reports with your managers using this professional presentation template..

The use of icons and charts in this KPI presentation template alongside illustrative imagery helps you communicate your topics clearly and efficiently.

Use this template to present key performance indicators in any industry or field, be it marketing, customer service or others.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
  • Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own
  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
  • Add animation, interactivity, audio, video and links
  • Download in PDF, PPTX, MP4 and HTML5 format
  • Share online with a link or embed on your website

Measure your progress toward a goal with this informative presentation template, or look through hundreds of other pre-designed presentation templates to find your perfect fit.

Edit this template with our  Presentation Software

KPI Presentation Template - Slide 1

Template Specifications

17 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


This template can be fully customized. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more.

Download as a PDF to share with your recipient or generate a shareable link for online sharing.


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Home Templates KPI Presentation Slides & Templates

KPI Presentation Slides & Templates

KPI Presentation Template

The KPI presentation is a professional google slides theme with two charts (a bar graph and a donut chart) in a data-driven template. It is useful for simple presentations related to low-density data. You can use these slides for the graphical presentation of annual sales, productivity, and profit. Viewers can easily understand quantitative data and performance statistics with the two-slide presentation template. The google slides will automatically adjust the design as per the change in numerical values. The four sets of bar charts and donut charts will delineate different values of the variable. The KPI presentation template lets users see succinct data sets in one slide view. Use attractive KPI dashboard templates now!

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  • August 13, 2024 Issue
  • Surgeons Describe Why They...

Surgeons Describe Why They Love Their Discipline

August 13, 2024

Residents and medical students who are considering careers in surgery have many incredible career options. See why surgeons from three different disciplines love their areas of practice. This video features:

  • Nikolaus Sneshkoff, MD, FACS, otolaryngologist
  • Gaby Iskander, MD, MS, acute care surgeon
  • Vineet Choudhry, MD, FACS, general surgeon

See how the ACS is the true House of Surgery and how it supports all specialties.

In This Issue

Submit Nominations for the RAS-ACS Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award

Submit Nominations for the RAS-ACS Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award

Resident Members and Associate Fellows can nominate an inspiring mentor Monday, August 19.

Submit Abstracts for 2025 ACS Surgical Simulation Summit before August 21 Deadline

Submit Abstracts for 2025 ACS Surgical Simulation Summit before August 21 Deadline

Original research representing all surgical specialties, and all disciplines that utilize simulation, is encouraged—apply today.

International Surgeons Are Invited to Apply for Community Surgeons Travel Awards

International Surgeons Are Invited to Apply for Community Surgeons Travel Awards

The travel awards provide $4,000 each to support surgeons in attending Clinical Congress. Applications are due September 13.

Don’t Miss Immersive Courses at Clinical Congress 2024

Don’t Miss Immersive Courses at Clinical Congress 2024

Check out the didactic and skills courses being offered at this year's Clinical Congress.

Access Free Guide for Managing Breast Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Access Free Guide for Managing Breast Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

The downloadable guide covers epidemiology and risk factors, management of benign disease, and more.

Download Free 2025 Trauma Data Dictionary

Download Free 2025 Trauma Data Dictionary

An updated version of the NTDS Data Dictionary has been released for free download, applicable to patients in 2025.

Energized Florida Chapter Meeting Creates Fellowship among Surgeons

Energized Florida Chapter Meeting Creates Fellowship among Surgeons

Read Dr. Tyler Hughes's highlights of the May meeting in Florida.

Updated Guidelines Are Release for Management of Intra-Abdominal Infections

Updated Guidelines Are Release for Management of Intra-Abdominal Infections

This latest update provided clear recommendations for antimicrobial management of this condition based on patient risk assessment, potential for infection caused by multidrug resistant organisms, and more.

Antiplatelets Can Continue Prior to Ventral Hernia Repair

Antiplatelets Can Continue Prior to Ventral Hernia Repair

This study used data to compare rates of bleeding complications in patients undergoing ventral hernia repair who were taking either oral anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents.

Opioids Are Prescribed to Only Small Proportion of Pediatric Surgery Patients

Opioids Are Prescribed to Only Small Proportion of Pediatric Surgery Patients

In this study, opioid prescriptions were provided to patients who had been hospitalized for care of burns, traumatic injuries, and pectus excavatum repairs.

Abdominoperineal Resection and Low Anterior Resection in Very-Low Rectal Cancer Are Both Acceptable Approaches

Abdominoperineal Resection and Low Anterior Resection in Very-Low Rectal Cancer Are Both Acceptable Approaches

Authors of this study queried a national rectal cancer database to determine long-term disease-free survival in patients with low rectal cancers.


  1. PowerPoint presentation to show Key Performance Indicators

    kpi presentation videos

  2. Key Performance Indicators

    kpi presentation videos

  3. Kpi Powerpoint Template

    kpi presentation videos

  4. KPI Slide Templates

    kpi presentation videos

  5. KPI Metrics Improvement PowerPoint Template

    kpi presentation videos

  6. Kpi Powerpoint Template

    kpi presentation videos


  1. How To develop great KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your

    In this video I explain how to develop good KPIs, going through a template companies can use.Article: How to develop effective KPIs: https://www.bernardmarr....

  2. KPI Presentation Template: Well-structured, striking, and ...

    A key performance indicator (KPI) presentation doesn't have to be mundane. Use this presentation template to show your KPIs in a structured, yet interesting ...

  3. How to Drastically Improve Your KPI Presentations (in ...

    How to Drastically Improve Your KPI Presentations (in PowerPoint or Keynote) Aaron Lympany Design 6.33K subscribers Subscribed 112 9.3K views 2 years ago

  4. KPI Presentation Examples To Consider For Your Next Meeting

    The last piece-presenting and explaining measure performance-is the critical bit that will help you meet your goals. ‍ So how can you present KPIs in a way that promotes good decision-making? Below are four KPI presentation examples to consider, depending on the type of data you're presenting and the context in which it should be analyzed.

  5. Create a KPI Dashboard Using PowerPoint

    KPI dashboards are becoming increasing important to companies and organizations because they let management see key performance indicators as to the health and processes at a glance. In this video/article, we will show you how to set up a KPI dashboard using PowerPoint.

  6. PowerPoint presentation to show Key Performance Indicators

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are a great way to measure the performance of your business. They show how you're doing against your goals and help you keep track of changes over time. KPI templates for a PowerPoint presentation can be used for many different types of businesses, from large corporations to small startups. Let's dive into KPI presentations and dashboards.

  7. KPI Presentation Video Templates

    KPI Presentation Looking for stunning KPI presentation and business dashboard video templates? Create a great first impression with VEED. Present KPI reports with graphs and more. Fully customizable.

  8. How to make a WOW KPIs presentation in 4 steps

    See how easy it is to understand what a company's results presentation is: It is a formal meeting during which performance indicators (KPIs) and other relevant business data are disclosed to the executive board (or other people, depending on the case), generally using a slide presentation in a meeting room or even in an auditorium.

  9. KPI PowerPoint Templates & KPI Slides for Presentations

    Craft professional presentations for your company's KPI metrics with these KPI PowerPoint Templates. Fully editable; compatible with Google Slides.

  10. Presentation templates for professionals

    This football-inspired sales plan presentation template conveys a sense of team unity and thoughtful strategy, using a clear metaphor that anyone can connect with. Like all Prezi business presentation templates, this one is completely customizable with your brand colors and content. W W This football-inspired sales plan presentation template ...

  11. 7 ways to present KPIs that your management team will love

    Everyone procrastinates on KPI reporting-why? Because it's time consuming, tedious and the final product is often uninspiring. Putting together a good KPI report that your management team will not only love, but actually look at, doesn't have to take as long as you think.

  12. 40 Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates: A Complete Guide

    40 Best KPI Dashboards PowerPoint PPT Templates: A Complete Guide. The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that shows how effective a company is in achieving key business objectives. Organizations and companies use KPIs at multiple levels to assess its success in reaching its set goals. High-level KPIs may focus on overall ...

  13. KPI Infographics for Google Slides & PowerPoint

    KPI Infographics Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Do you want to assess the success or failure of your company? Use these KPI (Key Performance Indicators). It is a great tool to determine if you are achieving a goal or not.

  14. KPI Presentation Templates

    KPI for sales and marketing templates for PowerPoint and Keynote. Our KPI slides are designed to make your data stand out. With a blend of PowerPoint PPT, Keynote, and Google Slides formats, you're equipped for any platform. From kpi dashboards to detailed key performance indicator charts, we've got you covered.

  15. Free KPI Presentation Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Free KPI Slide Templates for an Effective Slideshow Make sure your KPI presentations stay on track with this KPI presentation template. Perfect for business professionals, this template will help you clearly and concisely present your key performance indicators. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily manage your data and focus on the key points of your presentation.

  16. Introduction to Key Performance Indicators

    Do you want to learn how to measure and improve your business performance? Watch this video to get an overview of Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, and how they can help you achieve your goals ...

  17. Free KPI Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Templates

    We offer a great collection of KPI Google Slides Themes and PowerPoint Templates with well-crafted dashboards to help you create accurate presentations.

  18. KPI Meaning + 27 Examples of Key Performance Indicators

    See the our ultimate KPI guide that outlines KPI meaning and includes an overview on the benefits of good indicators, and 27 key performance indicator examples .

  19. KPI Presentation Template

    Browse our collection of templates and choose the KPI-specific template, or upload your existing PowerPoint presentation slides to create your own template. Choose an AI avatar to present your key business metrics and strategy. Create a script using data from your KPI dashboard and paste it into the presentation template.

  20. KPI Presentation Template

    The use of icons and charts in this KPI presentation template alongside illustrative imagery helps you communicate your topics clearly and efficiently. Use this template to present key performance indicators in any industry or field, be it marketing, customer service or others. Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding.

  21. KPI Presentation Slides & Templates

    The KPI presentation is a professional google slides theme with two charts (a bar graph and a donut chart) in a data-driven template. It is useful for simple presentations related to low-density data. You can use these slides for the graphical presentation of annual sales, productivity, and profit. Viewers can easily understand quantitative ...

  22. WVIA Special Presentations

    Go behind the scenes of California District 68 Little League, competing in the 2024 Challenger Game

  23. WVIA Special Presentations

    Go behind the scenes of Manalapan Twp. Little League, competing in the 2024 Challenger Game

  24. See how Biles and Chiles celebrated an all-Black podium at the ...

    US women's gymnastics phenoms Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles honored Rebeca Andrade after she bested both stars at the Olympics and took home a floor gold medal for Brazil.

  25. How to Develop Key Performance Indicators

    Now that you understand how to develop key performance indicators take your organization to the next level by achieving answers and tracking your goals and objectives.

  26. Surgeons Describe Why They Love Their Discipline

    Trying to choose a path for your medical career? See why surgeons from three different disciplines love their areas of practice.

  27. Photos: The closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics

    After an exciting two and a half weeks of competition, it's time to say "au revoir" to the Paris Olympics.

  28. Trump attacks Harris and Walz during first news conference since ...

    Former President Donald Trump on Thursday repeatedly demeaned opponent Vice President Kamala Harris, calling her "barely competent," and made a string of false and often confusing claims about ...

  29. Trump embraces Elon Musk and X

    A new turn in a love-hate relationship: Trump is now returning, with posts and a live interview, to Elon Musk and his controversial platform X.

  30. USA men's basketball, USWNT gold medal games at 2024 Paris ...

    USA men's and women's basketball and the USWNT all brought home gold from the Olympics, with some gold medal games recording massive viewership.