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Everyday is a Gift

  • Categories: Gratitude Philosophy of Life

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Published: Sep 16, 2023

Words: 698 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The gift of life, embracing the present moment, cherishing relationships, pursuing passion and purpose.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Every day is a gift essay Speech for Grade 12 learners

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On this page, we provide a quick guide and a structure of “Every day is a gift” essay for Grade 12 learners. This kind of essay is typically a short essay of those where you are required to write at least: 200 words, 250 words, or 300 words.

3 Things that will make your Grade 12 Essay outstanding

  • Great introduction: An introduction, which gets the reader’s attention, leads to a purpose statement (e.g., “This essay talks about the importance of every new day that we are gifted with”), in which you explain the purpose and scope of the essay.
  • The main body of the essay : this is where you develop your argument in detail and make reference to other related matters to make your arguments solid.
  • The ending: The conclusion or the ending is where you summarise the main points of your argument and consolidate them into one narrative.

Example: some arguments you might add on your essay for “Every day is a gift “

Perhaps we should commence by a contrary question, why is every day not a gift? As I crack my head and ponder upon this question, I find it rather impossible to “not find” every day as a perfect gift to humanity. This essay talks about the importance of every new day that we are gifted with.

Like every new moon, every season, every year, and indeed every day, we are given as a gift. What is a gift? I would say a gift is something that I cherish, something I did not give to myself. There are plenty of gifts that sustain my being and my presence on mother earth such as a new fresh breath I did not buy, a new heart beat I did not force, a new perfect sleep which is followed by waking up afresh in the perfect morning. All these are gifts to me. All these are the new beginnings and possibilities for me. Just for me. For me and you.

Every day is a gift. “Life is a gift, make good memories out of each moment.”―  Martin Ugwu

If we perceive every day as a new gift to us, we will definitely not miss any opportunity that comes with a new day.

Watch: Every day is a Gift Essay Video Guide

Another Example of Every day is a Gift Essay

Everyday is a gift, a precious opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of life. Each day is a new beginning, a chance to make the most of our time and to leave a positive impact on the world around us.

One of the most important things to remember about everyday being a gift is that it is not a guarantee. Life is fragile and uncertain, and we should never take it for granted. Every day is a chance to live fully and to appreciate the beauty of the world around us. It is important to make the most of every day, to live in the present, and to be grateful for the simple things.

One of the ways we can make the most of everyday is by setting goals and working towards them. Whether it’s a big dream or a small step, having something to strive for gives us purpose and direction. It helps us to focus on what is truly important, and to make the most of the time we have. Setting goals also helps us to measure our progress and to see how far we’ve come. It is a way to keep track of what we have accomplished and what we still need to do.

Another way to make the most of everyday is by being grateful for what we have. We often take things for granted and fail to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. By taking the time to be thankful for the simple things, we can cultivate a sense of contentment and happiness that will carry us through the ups and downs of life. Gratitude also helps us to appreciate the present and to live in the moment.

Another important aspect of making the most of everyday is to be kind and compassionate to others. By treating others with kindness and understanding, we can make a positive impact on the world around us. We can help to create a better today and tomorrow for ourselves and for those around us. Being kind and compassionate also helps us to connect with others and to build positive relationships.

Lastly, everyday is a chance to learn, grow and improve. We should take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. Whether it’s through education, travel, or simply by living our lives, we can always strive to be better and make a positive impact on the world around us. Learning and growing is a lifelong process that helps us to gain new knowledge and skills, to become more self-aware, and to improve our quality of life.

In conclusion, everyday is a gift, a precious opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of life. Each day is a new beginning, a chance to make the most of our time and to leave a positive impact on the world around us. It is important to remember that every day is a chance to live fully and to appreciate the beauty of the world around us. By setting goals, being grateful, being kind and compassionate to others, and taking advantage of opportunities to learn and grow, we can make the most of everyday and create a better today and tomorrow for ourselves and for those around us.

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Each Day Is a Gift

Livia Chan April 30, 2021 Blog , Connect Better , Manage Better , Reflect Better , Self Care Better

everyday is a gift essay mind map

  • Stop to notice priceless gifts all around us. It leads to greater positivity, joy, and respect for our place in this world.
  • Each day is a gift. Embrace it. Even though you may be struggling, life is still worth living.
  • Reach out for help when you are struggling. We are stronger together. Reach in to others to offer support and make a difference through every opportunity for interaction.
  • Chase your dreams. Take one small step every day.
  • See the challenges for the month below!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a GIFT. That is why it’s called the PRESENT.

– Master Oogway, Kungfu Panda

Priceless Gifts

Gifts are all around us. They are waiting for us to discover like a diamond in the rough. The more I expand my horizons to not just see but truly embrace these intangible yet priceless things as gifts, the more I appreciate what is right in front of me. Thank you for joining me on this journey as we extend our view of the gifts that were always there…waiting.

Stop and notice…with intention. 

What are things you can see as GIFTS that offer an opportunity for deep

G ratitude,

I nspiration to live your life with greater meaning,

F oundational to our inner being, and something you can 

T reasure once you find it, for the rest of your life? 

In my first post for this Gift Better blog series last month, I wrote about the gift of words. (If you want to dive into a deeper conversation about this, join Martin Silverman and me on his podcast episode where we talk further about the gift of words.) Such priceless value in the words we intentionally choose for others and the ones we receive as gifts. In future months, I will dive into topics such as the gift of opportunity, the gift of connection, and the gift of believing in others.

The practice of seeing such things as gifts shifts my mindset so I am able to be more present, mindful, and aware of my daily surroundings. The result? Greater positivity, joy, and respect for my humble place in this world. My hope in sharing is that you will discover and embrace the same.

Each day is a gift. Embrace all of the joys a day has to bring. It's right there...waiting for you to notice, see, accept, and receive with gratitude. Click To Tweet

Personal Struggles

Do you ever go through times in your life when you are not feeling quite like yourself? A couple of weeks ago, I felt this way. Gratefully, this is not common but it definitely made me hyperaware of how I was feeling. I couldn’t pinpoint any one event but a number of accumulated things weighed on my heart and mind.

All throughout the year, my class has been very cohesive, kind and empathetic, and inclusive.  But last week, there were a number of incidents that really challenged our caring community which sat heavily on my heart. You see, I am a person that values harmony. I feel much happier when people in my life get along. And it affects me deeply when people don’t.

Life Can Be a Struggle

Last Tuesday, I woke up with feelings of unease and a bit of anxiety. On my drive to work, I listened to a voice message, thinking it was my sweet mom because I thought I saw her name. It wasn’t her. To my shock and utter disbelief, it was a man from Arizona who accidentally left a message. He expressed his love for his brother and informed him that he was really struggling. He wasn’t sure how much more he can handle life and intimated he will harm himself so he was reaching out to say I love and appreciate you. 

I cried all the way to work. Good thing my commute is only a four minute drive. As I entered the school, barely holding it together coupled with how I was already feeling from the past couple of weeks, I went straight into my principal’s office thankful to have someone to lean on. As I am writing this, I feel emotional all over again even though it turned out to be a favorable outcome. 

Every interaction is an OPPORTUNITY. I know not everyone believes this, but I believe things happen for a reason. I spoke from my heart and left a message for the caller. The Phoenix Police Department informed me that they got a hold of him a day later and he was still alive. A great sense of relief instantly came over me. This was the spark that I needed to return to feeling my usual self. I have no idea if he listened to my message or whether it made any difference but I did what I could to support a stranger in need.

A Reminder That Each Day Is a Gift

I shared these stories because they reminded me that each day is a gift. Even though we may be going through struggles, life is so worth living especially when we choose to see the day as a precious gift that is valued deeply.

Embrace all of the joys a day has to bring. It’s right there…waiting for you to notice, see, accept, and receive with gratitude. We can control how our day unfolds starting with how we choose to think and live as our authentic selves and how we interact with those around us.

Each day is a new day—a gift for you to notice and receive with graciousness. It starts from within.

So when we are struggling, it is so important to reach out to other people to seek help. It is through our connections that we are stronger together. I cannot imagine how I could have dealt with these situations without sharing with others. We do not have to go through life or any part of life alone. The sooner you reach out for help, the sooner you can get support. If you find yourself in a place where you don’t feel comfortable speaking to someone you know, then there are helplines that offer anonymity. 

Each day is a gift for us to make a difference in the lives of those we touch. In every interaction, it is truly an opportunity. Choose to see it as an opportunity. When somebody says how are you and they respond, “I’m fine,” ask for more. That was an opportunity to find out how they are really doing and uplift them. Please allow me to encourage you to make the most of every day. It is a gift for you to spread your love, passion, purpose, and sunshine in others’ worlds.

Start embracing. The day has been given to you as a gift. Take it. Treasure it. The day is yours to make an impact. 


We’ve been encouraged by people like Eckhart Tolle to be fully present and to embrace the power of now. We have 24 hours in a day. What we do between the 12 o’clocks counts. I found that becoming more aware and practicing mindfulness helped me to see each day as a gift. 

Mindful practice: Last month, I guided you through mindful practice to fully absorb intentionally chosen words as a gift of words from others. Today and every day, find at least one moment where you stop, perhaps close your eyes, and be still. As you breathe deeply, take in how your day was a gift given to you. Feel gratitude. Then breathe and deepen that gratitude even more. Reflect on the positive things that a new day offers—love, connection, opportunities, and so much more.

Each Day Is a Gift: Chase Your Dreams

everyday is a gift essay mind map

What is your purpose or passion? What is your WHY? Align your day to it. 

What are your dreams, hopes, and wishes? Take small steps every day to make it happen. One step every day leads to 365 steps in a year!

Is what you’re doing serving you and those in your care or loved ones? If not, change it. Reflect and make it better.

everyday is a gift essay mind map

Gift Better Challenge

Each day is a gift—a present. When I began to view more things as gifts, it changed me for the better. There are days I struggle too. The “each day is a gift” is not a mindset I can uphold every second of every day but I am able to be more aware every day. This led me to greater overall happiness, positivity, and gratefulness in my heart. 

Next month, I am excited to share the gift of gratitude. Until then, here are some ideas for this month’s challenge. Begin to see each day as a gift. Pick one or pick all:

  • Build this daily habit: W ake up and before you think of all the things you need to accomplish today in the first minute of being awake, think, “Wow, I have been given the gift of a new day! I have been blessed to go and make a difference in people’s lives today! I feel grateful.” Create your own challenge to try it for ___ days or weeks. Then make a commitment to reach out to the first three people you thought of. They were placed on your mind for a reason.
  • Make a difference in one person’s life every day.
  • Make one small step toward your dreams to embrace each day.

Seize the day! Life is too short. Make the most of it! We’ve all heard these sayings from time to time. They’re great reminders but the reality is that it’s hard to live by every single day, especially with how very busy we are. But, we can aim to remember these messages more often by seeing each day as a gift.

I’d love to learn what resonated with you. I would love to connect. Please feel free to fill out this form so we can!

With a heart full of gratitude, Livia

everyday is a gift essay mind map


Livia Chan is an educator passionate about community, teaching, leading, and lifelong learning. She truly believes in the power of connection and thoroughly enjoys building relationships by reaching out with kindness and gratitude. Livia lives by the belief that it is through every interaction that we have the opportunity to appreciate and uplift others to help make their day a brighter one. Her other passions include family, friends, and ringette, which she is heavily involved in as a volunteer coach, Executive member, referee, and player.

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Every Day is a Gift: A Memoir

Sheryn Morris

It is one woman’s story of growth and achievement, comprised of innumerable personal and professional extremes, of opposing and contradictory experiences that took her to places, jobs and professions that she never ever could have imagined. Her life is like a complex Venn diagram or a mandala, with multiple overlapping layers. On the book jacket, beneath her name, she lists soldier, senator, mother. The life of a soldier propelled her on the road to becoming a senator and a mother.

She is biracial, multiethnic and multilingual. In 1989, from the University of Hawaii she graduated with a B.A. in political science. In 1992, from George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, she received an M.A. in international affairs. She started a PhD program at Northern Illinois University and in 2015 completed a PhD in human services at Capella University. Her doctoral program was interrupted by war service in Iraq in 2004.

Yes, she is a war veteran and a highly decorated one, receiving a Purple Heart, and the Air Medal and Army Commendation Medal for having flown a Black Hawk helicopter in Iraq in 2004. On November 12, 2004, co-piloting a Black Hawk, a rocket-propelled grenade hit her, and she sustained life-threatening injuries, which necessitated double-amputation of her legs, severe damage to tissue and bone in her right arm and fragment damage to her face. There are many miraculous details that she relates about this incident and her arduous road to recovery and healing. She does not remember the moment of impact, but one of her troops stated that throughout her evacuation from the war scene to a military hospital in Baghdad, and to The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center run by the United States Army, she never forgot her troops, and repeatedly asked, “Are you taking care of my men?"

Some other facts about Senator Tammy Duckworth and her family. Her mother is of Chinese descent but her family immigrated to Thailand during Mao’s ascent to power in China. Her mother’s first language is Teochew, the dialect spoken in Chaozhou, but is fluent in Thai. Her father is American, and as a biracial child growing up in Thailand, Duckworth suffered governmentally instituted discrimination, as well as cultural discrimination by Thai people and her mother’s family. She reminds us that in her father’s home state of Virginia, it was not until “ … June 1967, when the Supreme Court decided Loving v. Virginia, that people of different races were allowed to marry there--and even then, prejudice and racism against such relationships lingered.” She knows first-hand about prejudice.

Her family’s life veered from one of great privilege and economic security to extreme poverty and hunger.  In 1974 her father’s communication job for a United Nations Development Programme project took them to Phnom Penh, Cambodia where they lived in a house gated from the outside world, and from which they narrowly escaped the onslaught of the Khmer Rouge. Later her father was in charge of a gated community, Country Woods Estates, in Indonesia, but good luck ran out and she, her brother and father immigrated to Hawaii, leaving her mother behind because of insufficient money for her one-way ticket. Having grown  up in a patriarchal family her father's word was not to be challenged. In Hawaii, he was too proud to take menial jobs, but Tammy was not. When her mother finally was able to rejoin the family in Hawaii, Tammy also understood that it was her mother who had an unerring sense for survival and had the sustained determination to do what was necessary to earn money for her family's well-being. Duckworth is candid and clear about what it is like to be the working poor:

"If you have no money, you can’t get an apartment.  If you don’t have an apartment, you can’t get a job.  You fall into a cycle that, once it starts, is nearly impossible to climb out of ...  My family never worked as hard as when we were living at the poverty line. The notion that the working poor don’t need a living wage, or that they just need to work harder if they want to get ahead, is abhorrent. I can tell you from personal experience [She details that life.], that’s not how life works--even though a whole lot of politicians who’ve never lived in poverty themselves seem to think it is.”

Senator Tammy Duckworth does not spare us details about her life in all its joy and challenges: poverty, racism, sexism, meeting her soul-mate under the most unlikely circumstances, her life as a warrior, her love of flying combat helicopters, her arduous pain-filled recovery from injuries, her determination to walk, her determination to have children, who are beaming lights in her and her husband's lives.  There is humor and raw language that comes from the life of a soldier; there is appreciation for the women who created the pathways to advancement in the military, in medicine, in government, in her family. She also intends to, " ... keep going back, to work with the Iraqi people in hopes of rebuilding their country from the devastation of war. There's a piece of me there, both literally and figuratively, a tie that will bind me to that country forvever." She is a great human being, a leader to whom we can look for solutions to what may seem to be unchangeable conditions and problems.

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How to Create a Mind Map for Essay Writing

Last Updated: December 1, 2023 Fact Checked

Generating Your Map

Organizing your map for writing, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 289,599 times.

If you’re a visual learner or just looking to switch up how you outline your essays, mind maps can be a game-changer. They make coming up with ideas for your essay and organizing them super easy. If you’ve never used a mind map for essay writing before, don’t worry—we break down everything you need to know to get started in the steps below.

Things You Should Know

  • Get out a piece of paper and write your topic in the center. This can be a single word or sentence.
  • Then, write down any words and ideas that relate to your topic. Circle them and then draw lines or arrows to connect them to the topic.
  • Label each bubble idea according to where it fits into your paper. This can be a specific paragraph or a general section, like the introduction.

Step 1 Set up your supplies.

  • Lay out the colored markers or pencils to which you have assigned meaning.
  • Orient your paper so that it is in landscape position.
  • If you don't have colored pencils or markers, don't worry. You can still make a mind map with just a pen or pencil!

Step 2 Write your topic in the center of the page.

  • Circle your topic.

Step 3 Write down your associations.

  • Each thing you write down may give you another association. Write that down as well. For instance, writing "Impairment vs. disability" might remind you of "wheelchair ramps."
  • Try to cluster related thoughts together ("wheelchair ramps"—"access to public life"), but don't worry if it doesn't always happen—you can draw a line between things you wish to connect.
  • Look for connections between your unrelated thoughts and jot them into the picture.

Step 4 Draw empty bubbles if you're stuck.

  • You might also label them "supporting argument," "evidence," "counterargument" etc.

Step 5 Sketch, don't draw.

  • Include doodles if they occur to you, but again, don't get caught up in making them perfect.
  • Depending on your age and essay topic, you might want to focus more on drawing pictures than writing out words.

Step 6 Use an online template instead.

  • While there are plenty of programs available for purpose, you can also use free online mapping tools like Bubble.us, Mind42, or Coggle.

Step 1 Label your map.

  • Add details as you go. For instance, you may write some of the sources you are planning to use to the sections of your essay to which they apply.

Step 2 Redraw the map if it gets messy.

  • If you do this, you can start by drawing bubbles for the sections and continue by filling in the thoughts and associations.
  • You can also organize your revised mind map into bubble for topic sentences that branch into smaller bubbles for supporting arguments and evidence.
  • Once you've done this, you practically have a rough draft of your paper.

Step 3 Keep your map by your side as you write.

  • Start each paragraph with a sentence that introduces the ideas of that paragraph, and write until you have incorporated all the information for that section.
  • If you end up adding things that weren't on your map, look at your map to check that they fit, and consider penciling them in. One of the virtues of the map is that it keeps you on topic.
  • Make sure you're not cramming too many points from your mind map into a single paragraph.

Alexander Peterman, MA

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Make a Mind Map

  • ↑ https://www.adelaide.edu.au/writingcentre/sites/default/files/docs/learningguide-mindmapping.pdf
  • ↑ https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/content/how-create-mind-map
  • ↑ https://learningcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/using-concept-maps/
  • ↑ Jake Adams. Academic Tutor & Test Prep Specialist. Expert Interview. 20 May 2020.

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Mind Map for Essay: Complete Guide With Useful Tips

Edraw content team, planning to create mind map for essays.

EdrawMind is a powerful tool that lets you create mind maps for essays. Learn from this essay writing tips guide to know everything about different essay writing. Try this mind-mapping tool today!

Essay writing is one of the most crucial parts of any academic curriculum. Most students consider writing an essay a dreadful task, but with the correct essay writing tips, one can easily master the techniques. In this article, we will show you the importance of mind maps for essay writing. Creating a mind map for essay writing helps academic students visualize the idea before they start writing it. Here, we will discuss different essays and illustrate how just by creating a mind map in EdrawMind, one can easily write long essays for their academic purpose.

basic essay mind map

1. What is mind mapping?

Before we begin understanding the benefits of making a mind map for essay writing, we should first understand mind mapping in detail.

In general, mind mapping is a diagramming technique that helps display information visually. Let us suppose you have to write about yourself, including your hobbies, details about your parents, the video games you love to play, and more. In this case, mind mapping would be the technique you will use to visualize the content going along in your 'about me' essay. Since most students prefer to outline their essays before actually converting them into long paragraphs, it is always considered good practice to make a mind map in and around the essay's primary topic.

There are a couple of ways that mind mapping benefits the students who intend to write a good essay.

  • A student can visualize the entire essay even before starting to write it.
  • A student can prioritize the segments based on their subtopics.s
  • A student can go back to the mind map and understand if they have missed out on any important topic.

Once students have created a mind map, they can seemingly convert it into long paragraphs for an essay. In most cases, if a student can add the mind map to the essay, it will help the reader understand the important topics covered in the submitted long piece.

2. Mind Map Helps with All Types of Essays

In academic writing, there are six different types of essay writing. As a student, you can create a mind map for different essays and later use these steps to write the essay itself. Here, we have covered all the six different types of essays and helped you understand how mind maps benefit someone who intends to write astonishing essays.

1. Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay is a form of essay writing that requires a student to go analytical by investigating a topic, collecting the data, generating the points, evaluating all the gathered evidence, and establishing a position on the topic. As you see, an argumentative essay requires the student to go in-depth about their research. If the student works on a mind map for an argumentative essay, they will be able to properly create different segments while outlining their investigative and evaluative stages.


When a student creates a mind map, it facilitates a visual sketch of the entire material the student has gathered to write the argumentative essay. In addition, by creating a mind map, the student ensures that they have all the relevant information before proceeding to write the essay.

2. Admissions Essay

Admission essays are essays that one writes to get themselves enrolled at any particular college or university. Admission essays mostly consist of a statement of purpose (SOP), a student's academic record, a student's record of extra-curricular activities, references, and personal details. An admission essay is considered a very important piece of writing because it allows the college or university to know the student better and learn more about any specific situation.


When a student is writing an admission essay, creating a mind map is extremely handy because it allows the students to jot down the details of all of their achievements in a manner that resonates with the admission process. In a mind map, the student can dedicate a specific portion to their SOP, add their academic record in other subtopics, and then work ahead to showcase their achievements. Once the mind map for the admission essay is created, the student can follow the basic steps to writing an essay.

3. Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is a type of essay where a researcher or a student supports their content with facts and logical reasons to sway readers to a particular standpoint. In general, while writing a persuasive essay, the primary intention of the writer is to persuade the reader and convince them on a specific issue.


As you see, a persuasive essay requires a detailed logical argument and an emotional appeal. Most students tend to create a mind map before writing their persuasive essay to find the loopholes in the early stages of essay writing. A persuasive essay consists of three important parts: issue, side, and argument. By creating a mind map for an essay, a student can create these subtopics and work on them individually.

4. Compare-and-Contrast Essay

When students need to point out the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, they create a compare-and-contrast essay around it. Writing a compare-and-contrast essay is great for illustrating what separates and unites related topics, particularly those topics or concepts that are often misinterpreted by each other. In a compare-and-contrast essay, a student does not choose two specific topics to provide a contrast. Rather, they compare and contrast two types of similar topics to highlight subtle differences. For instance, when someone has to compare and contrast between watermelon and muskmelon, they will choose two different breeds of dogs and cats to convey the exact difference.


By creating a contrast-and-compare essay mind map, one can easily note the differences and similarities between two subjects. A mind map will help brainstorm the topic, collect the sources, and outline the essay structure.

5. Personal Essay

As the name suggests, a student writes about their experiences without having to prove any particular point in a personal essay. In personal essays, the author only intends to introduce the topic to the reader and make them aware of the subject and the theme. In most cases, a personal essay is based on feelings, emotions, personal experiences, and personal opinions.


While creating a mind map for a personal essay, the author can work on some important elements, like creating a compelling hook, presenting an engaging story, introducing interesting characters, having an immersive setting, and presenting meaningful conversations. With the help of a mind map, one can easily separate all these elements into subtopics and work on them individually. This way, they can present a more compelling story without missing out on important details.

6. Expository Essay

An expository essay is a long-form essay where the author's primary intent is to explain or describe a particular topic by providing factual information. When an author starts preparing for an expository essay, they start by investigating an idea, evaluating the gathered evidence, expounding on the idea, and concisely presenting an argument. Often, students get confused between expository and argumentative essay writing. The core difference between the two genres is that an expository essay will contain the information and explain the topic in brief. At the same time, an argumentative essay will contain the writer's personal ideas, facts, and other statistics.


Since expository essays contain information based on investigation and evaluation, creating a mind map for such essay writing is recommended. Using a mind map, the author can easily visualize all the evidence related to the information and brainstorm the topic before starting the writing process.

3. Mind Map for Essay: Step by Step

Now that you have understood how students can easily visualize their ideas by creating mind maps for essays, let us give you a detailed step-by-step description of how you can use mind maps for essay writing. It should be noted here that these are generic steps and can easily be applied to all the different types of essay writing.

1 Find Essay's Topic:

The first step in essay writing is coming up with a unique idea or a topic less explored. If you work on an essay topic that is already covered several times by different authors, your research might be hard-pressed to develop a unique standpoint. Instead, it is recommended to come up with the essay topic you are personally interested in, or at least something you can talk about without major complications. Choosing your essay's topic that is close to you will make the entire task of essay writing less monotonous.

  • Create a mind map in a tool like EdrawMind and name the primary topic, 'Essay Topic.' Now start adding different ideas as its subtopics. These subtopics can be anything that you are closely associated with. For instance, you can add different ideas that your professors might have suggested or some ideas that were previously discussed in the classroom.
  • Add your own areas of interest to the mind map and try to connect the dots with the ideas that you must have added in the previous step. Once you have a few good ideas that intersect with your interest and the ideas that were previously discussed, you can start weighing them against one another by noting down their respective pros and cons. Remove the ideas that have several cons and start working on that essay topic with maximum pros.

2 Commence Research Process:

Research is one of the most important processes in essay writing. At the same time, students often get confused between different arguments and counterarguments presented to them from different research papers. Students often waste an enormous amount of time just trying to figure out how to put all the different information into one piece. What all these students need is to make a mind map for essay writing where they can easily collect and structure their data and information.

  • Create a mind map for different sources and make additional notes in these mind maps as you go on through the text. EdrawMind provides you with a comment option that helps in taking additional notes as and when they are required.
  • Sometimes, students create one single mind map where they list all of their resources and branch them out for every quote and information, they want to use in the essay paper.

3 Outlining Essay Paper in a Mind Map:

Before you start writing your essay, you first create an outline of your paper that will help create a coherent structure of your arguments, counter arguments, examples, and sources. By using a mind map, one can easily review the outline and access the information they require in their essay.

Creating a mind map to outline your essay ensures that one will walk through sources and information more efficiently. It also enables the author to find and review information whenever they are stuck at any point.


4. Useful Tips for Your Essay

Essay writing can be a fun exercise if you follow some of the general steps to writing an essay. A couple of important essay writing tips ensure that your final submission has no plagiarism, no errors, has a proper citation, and does not divert from the primary topic. Some of the most useful essay writing tips are:

  • Plan & Schedule: After coming up with the right topic for the essay, a student must allocate proper time and schedule their research hours. Most of the time, students underestimate the amount of work required to conduct proper research to write a professional essay and end up submitting an essay that will fetch them poor grades. It is always advisable to plan and schedule the essay writing in such a way that they get proper time for researching, and a good amount of time in writing, followed by sufficient time to conduct the second round of editing.
  • Structure, Flow, & Focus: If you have not decided on the right flow of your essay, chances are your reader might not be able to relate to it. So, whenever you start writing the essay, ensure that you have properly summarized the core introduction and main body and presented your case that leads towards a proper conclusion. By structuring and focusing on the flow, each section of your essay will add a definitive value to the argument that you are presenting. At the same time, you should also perform multiple revisions just to confirm that the different parts of your essay fit together as a logical whole.
  • Proper Style and Formatting: A good essay is about the argument and the narrative structure, but at the same time, the style tends to influence your readers, as that is the very first thing the reader will see when they look at your essay submission. Before writing down the essay, understand the formatting and styling criteria from your professor. You can even consult them about the language guide and the style that you have to follow while submitting the essay. It might look like a very simple or a basic step, but when an author submits an essay that has a proper table of content, introduction pages, bibliography, indexes, annexures, and references, the reader will get an idea that the author has done their proper research before writing the essay.
  • Visualize the idea: In most cases, authors start writing the essay as soon as they get an idea. However, if the content is large and the project demands multiple rounds of revisions, it is highly recommended to go ahead and create a mind map. A mind map for essays will help the author visualize the content in a concrete manner. At the same time, by creating a mind map, you will be able to follow the timeline and have sufficient time to make revisions.

5. Key Takeaways

Regardless of the course of study and institution, essay writing is one of the most important curriculum activities for all grades. Even the graduates and postgraduate students need to submit their research paper that somehow starts by writing long-form essays. In this elaborate guide, we walked you through different types of essay writing and helped you understand how making a mind map for an essay is not only a logical activity but also saves you time and other important resources. Instead of wasting your time and money on complicated tools, you should start using EdrawMind, which has hundreds of templates for educational, business, and personal use.

Unlike other tools, EdrawMind has an amazing user interface that provides easy drag-and-drop features. From changing the theme of your mind map to adding different comments in subtopics, you can modify your mind map in any way you desire. So, what are you waiting for? Download EdrawMind today and make a mind map for the essay. You can also try using EdrawMind Online, which comes with a personal cloud.

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Mind Maps For Essay Writing (Guide + Examples)

In this article we’ll show you how to use mind maps for essay writing. Mind maps can not only make this often dreadful task a whole lot easier, but also save you a huge amount of time. If you want to learn how this simple yet effective technique works, just follow the steps as outlined below. What Is a Mind Map? A mind map is a diagram that displays information visually. You can create mind maps using pen and paper, or you can use an online mind mapping tool such as MindMeister. Write the subject in the center of your paper / canvas. Draw branches that point away from the center. Each branch symbolizes one thought or idea related to the subject. Use meaningful keywords to write these ideas onto the branches. From each branch more ideas can branch off. Use colors, icons and images whenever possible. These function as mental triggers and can help spark new ideas in you, which is important during brainstorming sessions. Now that you know how to create a basic mind map, let’s go over how you can use mind maps for essay writing.

If you have the opportunity to choose the topic for your paper yourself, try to find one that’s been covered by other researchers before, but still gives you a chance to come up with new findings and conclusions. If you choose a topic that has already been explored in depth by a gazillion other researchers, you might be hard pressed to develop a unique perspective. Ideally, the topic should be something you are also personally interested in, or at least something you can relate to in some way. This will make the whole task of writing your essay a little less dreadful. The best way to find such a topic is a brainstorming session. Create a new mind map and simply write “My Essay” or “My Paper” in the center of the map. Now, start adding ideas around the center. These can be things your professor suggested, related subjects you discussed in class, or anything else relevant to get you started.

Next, note down your own areas of interest and see where they intersect with the former. Once you have a few good ideas for the subject of your paper, you can start weighing them against each other, noting down pros and cons. Eliminate topics until you’re left with only one. This will be the topic of your paper. In the example below, the only requirement that had been given was to write a paper about literature from the English Renaissance. You’ll see various famous writers of this time mentioned in the map, as well as various aspects of their work that could be examined in a paper, such as the symbolism, dramatic conflicts or themes. While working through both primary and secondary sources, it’s quite easy to get confused about the numerous arguments and counterarguments. Many students get frustrated and waste a lot of time just trying to figure out how to make all the different pieces of information fit together into a coherent text. What you need, therefore, is a system to collect and structure all this information in one central place, so you can easily review the materials while you write.

Create a new mind map for each source (book, article, essay) you read and take notes in this mind map while you work through the text. Alternatively, you can use one single map where you list all your sources and create child topics for every page/paragraph/quote you want to use in your paper. In the map below, you’ll see that – based on our initial brainstorming session – we chose ‘Love in Romeo and Juliet’ as the topic of our paper. For our research map, we wrote this topic in the center and created individual branches for each source we read. Next to the book title, we noted down the topics covered in the source, its central question as well as important passages that we thought we might want to quote in our essay. Use colors, arrows and icons to indicate connections between the arguments and quotes. Be sure to add the page numbers to the topics in your map so you can quickly go back to do some more fact checking if necessary. If you’re working with online sources you can also attach their links directly to the topics in your map.

As you go along, you can restructure the sources according to topics, which usually provides a better overview of the material you have available for each section of your paper. Here’s another example of a research map. This is the map we used to take notes while reading Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the subject of our paper. As you can see, we created branches for each of the text passages we wanted to analyze in the essay. Before you start with the actual writing, it’s very important that you first create an outline of your paper. This will help you create a coherent structure of your arguments, counterarguments, examples, quotes, and the sources you want to reference in each argument. You can quickly review this outline whenever you get sidetracked in your writing process, or when you’re unsure about how to continue. A mind map is a great format for such an outline because it provides you with a visual overview of your thesis statement and the entire text structure. Link the individual topics in your map with the respective research maps you’ve created. Add notes and deadlines to each step to make sure your writing stays on schedule. Export your finished outline as a Word document and use it as the basis for your paper. Using mind maps to plan and outline your essay will not only make the writing process a lot easier, it will also enable you to work through sources more efficiently and help you find information more quickly. Of course, you can use mind mapping for all types of writing assignments – from essays to short stories and from book reports to blog posts.

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Whether you’re writing an essay, creating a presentation, or brainstorming strategies with your team, it’s a challenge to sort ideas effectively. There’s a simple solution to this, used by students and established writers alike: mind maps! A mind map helps you organize your ideas in a systematic manner and reveals clues for you to arrange your material better.

In this article, we’ll explore what mind mapping is and learn how to make a creative map for your ideas. We’ll also take a look at some mind map examples to show you unique and innovative ways to create a mind map. But before we begin, let’s establish a mind mapping definition.

What is a mind map?

A mind map is a visual tool used for brainstorming, problem-solving, and organizing ideas. It is a diagram that starts with a central idea and branches out to related subtopics and details.

As you lay out different topics and subtopics visually, you can clearly see the connections between them. In this way, mind mapping helps you see the relationships between different ideas and understand complex topics easily. It’s time to throw away those hefty notes and make note-taking a fun activity!

Let’s see how you can use a mind map in different ways.

Why use mind maps?

Is there any advantage to mind mapping beyond the obvious joy of drawing out your thought process? It’s all very well that you avoid working like a grumpy professor, but what beyond this? 

Here are some benefits of using a mind map:

  • Learning becomes a stimulating process.
  • Difficult topics can be simplified and easy to understand.
  • You can visualize complex points to easily remember and recall dense pieces of information.
  • The freedom to connect ideas without a specific order leads to creative and innovative solutions.
  • You can come up with a hierarchy of points by easily differentiating between primary and secondary topics.
  • The engaging act of making a mind map speeds up brainstorming and improves productivity.
  • Easy collaboration allows an entire team or group to work together on a presentation or project.

Mind mapping allows you to see connections and relationships between different ideas. The process makes it easier to understand complex topics and make the right decisions. In this way, a mind map enhances your memory, comprehension, and productivity.

How to make a mind map

It’s quite easy to create a mind map. All you need is a pen and paper! If you prefer working on a laptop, there are several tools you can use, our mind map template being one of them. Scroll down and you’ll find our template.

Follow these steps to make a mind map:

1.  Start with a central idea

Write down the central idea or topic in the center of a blank page. This can be your essay title, an area of research, or a problem you need to solve. Make sure you leave enough space on all sides to create a spreading map.

We’ll add a step-by-step mind map example to help you understand the process. Let’s say you had to brainstorm an essay on types of democracy. Your first step will begin at the central point.

2. Add related ideas

Think of the most important subtopics or areas of interest and arrange them around the central idea. Connect these to the main topic with lines or arrows to indicate the relationship between the two.

So for an essay mind map, the first relevant bubble will be the essay introduction, which will further lead to your thesis statement . For now, we’ll show you the second stage of mind mapping in this example:

3. Create a hierarchy of ideas

Keep adding more layers until you get a spreading map that starts with your central idea and ends with specific facts, evidence, and examples. As you break down your information into smaller and smaller points, you’ll also need to denote the connections between them.

If any facts from separate subtopics are connected, draw a dotted line or arrow between them to indicate this. When you open your mind map later, all hierarchies and connections should be instantly clear to you. Come up with a system of arrows and lines to denote various types of connections between points and subpoints.

Our mind map example will outline this for you:

4. Review and refine the map

If you don’t have a rough essay outline in your mind, you can just focus on getting everything out on the page. After seeing the rough layout, you can decide on the final set of points and remove everything else.

So, the last step is to review your mind map and refine it until you are satisfied with the outcome. In this stage, you’ll add all the smallest details to your mind map and establish important connections through lines.

In a mind map for essay writing, the last few points will be the evidence you use to support your arguments. It’s a good idea to mark the page numbers or other citation indicators so you don’t have to go looking for them later.

Your mind map should look something like the example below:

5. Add symbols and images to help you remember

While making mind maps for writing essays, it’s essential to use any techniques that can help you remember information better. A great way to ensure this is to use symbols and images to signify specific things.

You could develop a system of meanings for different signs. A star can represent important data figures, while a vertical arrow can highlight ascending or descending order. While you can utilize mind mapping tools and software to achieve this, it helps to use symbols that are personal to you. This way, it’s much easier to memorize things!

Let’s add some symbols to our mind map example and breathe life into it.

If you’d like us to add more mind mapping examples, let us know in the comments below!

Note: Keep your mind maps clean! Add only the most central points in one or two words rather than writing entire phrases or sentences. Making a cluttered and chaotic mind map serves no purpose. Keep your focus on the bigger picture and what you want to achieve through the mind map.

If you’re using the mind map for essay writing, you should know how to transfer ideas and information from your map to your essay. Knowing how to write a MEAL paragraph can help! 

Done brainstorming and writing your essay? Let’s make it perfect Get started

Free mind map templates

If you need innovative mind map ideas and templates, we have no shortage of them! Mind mapping for writing differs from mind mapping for a presentation or brainstorming session. Accordingly, mind mapping methods also differ from one another.

So, we’ve created four blank mind map templates to help you find the format that works best for you. Based on your requirements, you can choose from the mind map templates available below. 

1. Basic map that radiates outward

2. template to brainstorm a topic, 3. mind map for writing an essay, 4. mind map that uses arrows for cause-and-effect.

If you’ve created a mind map for your assignment and need an editing and proofreading service , we’re here to help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is mind mapping software, what are the compulsory elements of a mind map, how do students create a mind map, what are some other names for a mind map, what is the best mind mapping method.

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Every Day Is a Gift

Every Day Is a Gift


By Tammy Duckworth

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  • Biography & Autobiography
  • "Raw, unfiltered, powerful, a compelling story of courage and determination against overwhelming odds. Tammy Duckworth is a true warrior who overcame a difficult upbringing, a glass ceiling, and a horrific helicopter shootdown to become one of the most respected senators on Capitol Hill. Nothing can stop her." Adm. William H. McRaven (US Navy, Ret.), New York Times bestselling author of MAKE YOUR BED
  • "EVERY DAY IS A GIFT isn’t your usual political memoir, but it is a quintessentially American story. Tammy Duckworth’s life journey—from a difficult, peripatetic childhood in Southeast Asia though serving in the U.S. Army, House, and now the Senate—is a story of amazing grit and determination, colored throughout by a love of this country and what it stands for." Mitt Romney
  • “'Soldier, Senator, Mother'—Tammy Duckworth is all these and more. She’s a woman who overcame childhood poverty, learned to fly, fought for our country—and then created a whole new life for herself when her old one was shattered by enemy fire. The word I would use for Tammy is 'inspiration,' which is what I felt upon reading this remarkable memoir." Amy Klobuchar
  • “Tammy Duckworth’s inspiring life story reads like a novel, defined by moments of exceptional grace and resilience. As a fellow veteran, I was moved by the gripping account of her service in uniform, including the shoot-down that nearly took her life, the dramatic rescue and her harrowing 13-month recovery. She is an extraordinary leader and an exemplary American, and this book reminds us why.” Pete Buttigieg
  • “Senator Duckworth’s memoir is a compelling and engrossing narrative that invites readers into her fascinating life… Excellent work that will allow readers to get to know one of today’s most unique political voices. Readers from a wide range of backgrounds will find something to relate to in Duckworth’s story.” Library Journal (starred review)
  • “With a breezy candor that is, by turns, intimate and assertive, Duckworth offers an affecting account of a life of sacrifice, patriotism, valor, integrity, and grace.” Booklist (starred review)
  • “Heartfelt memoir from the senator and Iraq War veteran. Despite the scars of discrimination, poverty, and war, [Duckworth’s] commitment to the service of others has never wavered… An inspiring example of the power of determination.” Kirkus

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everyday is a gift essay mind map

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Every day is a gift essay Speech for Grade 12 learners

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Every day is a gift essay Speech for Grade 12 learners For Grade 12 students, we offer a brief overview and an essay format on this page titled “Every day is a gift.” This form of essay is often one that is brief and for which you must write at least 200, 250, or 300 words.

3 Things that will make your Grade 12 Essay outstanding

  • Great introduction: An introduction, which gets the reader’s attention, leads to a purpose statement (e.g., “This essay talks about the importance of every new day that we are gifted with”), in which you explain the purpose and scope of the essay.
  • The main body of the essay : this is where you develop your argument in detail and make reference to other related matters to make your arguments solid.
  • The ending: The conclusion or the ending is where you summarise the main points of your argument and consolidate them into one narrative.

Example: some arguments you might add on your essay for “Every day is a gift “

Perhaps we should commence by a contrary question, why is every day not a gift? As I crack my head and ponder upon this question, I find it rather impossible to “not find” every day as a perfect gift to humanity. This essay talks about the importance of every new day that we are gifted with.

Like every new moon, every season, every year, and indeed every day, we are given as a gift. What is a gift? I would say a gift is something that I cherish, something I did not give to myself. There are plenty of gifts that sustain my being and my presence on mother earth such as a new fresh breath I did not buy, a new heart beat I did not force, a new perfect sleep which is followed by waking up afresh in the perfect morning. All these are gifts to me. All these are the new beginnings and possibilities for me. Just for me. For me and you.

Every day is a gift. “Life is a gift, make good memories out of each moment.”―  Martin Ugwu (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})

If we perceive every day as a new gift to us, we will definitely not miss any opportunity that comes with a new day.

Watch: Every day is a Gift Essay Video Guide

Another Example of Every day is a Gift Essay

Everyday is a gift, a precious opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of life. Each day is a new beginning, a chance to make the most of our time and to leave a positive impact on the world around us.

One of the most important things to remember about everyday being a gift is that it is not a guarantee. Life is fragile and uncertain, and we should never take it for granted. Every day is a chance to live fully and to appreciate the beauty of the world around us. It is important to make the most of every day, to live in the present, and to be grateful for the simple things.

One of the ways we can make the most of everyday is by setting goals and working towards them. Whether it’s a big dream or a small step, having something to strive for gives us purpose and direction. It helps us to focus on what is truly important, and to make the most of the time we have. Setting goals also helps us to measure our progress and to see how far we’ve come. It is a way to keep track of what we have accomplished and what we still need to do.

Another way to make the most of everyday is by being grateful for what we have. We often take things for granted and fail to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. By taking the time to be thankful for the simple things, we can cultivate a sense of contentment and happiness that will carry us through the ups and downs of life. Gratitude also helps us to appreciate the present and to live in the moment.

Another important aspect of making the most of everyday is to be kind and compassionate to others. By treating others with kindness and understanding, we can make a positive impact on the world around us. We can help to create a better today and tomorrow for ourselves and for those around us. Being kind and compassionate also helps us to connect with others and to build positive relationships.

Lastly, everyday is a chance to learn, grow and improve. We should take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. Whether it’s through education, travel, or simply by living our lives, we can always strive to be better and make a positive impact on the world around us. Learning and growing is a lifelong process that helps us to gain new knowledge and skills, to become more self-aware, and to improve our quality of life.

In conclusion, everyday is a gift, a precious opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of life. Each day is a new beginning, a chance to make the most of our time and to leave a positive impact on the world around us. It is important to remember that every day is a chance to live fully and to appreciate the beauty of the world around us. By setting goals, being grateful, being kind and compassionate to others, and taking advantage of opportunities to learn and grow, we can make the most of everyday and create a better today and tomorrow for ourselves and for those around us.

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Mind Maps for Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples and Tips

5 minutes read

Mastering essay writing is an essential skill for academic success. One valuable tool to enhance this skill is mind mapping, a dynamic and visual approach to organize thoughts. This article will guide you through the benefits, creation process, practical examples, and expert tips for effective mind mapping.

Mind Maps for Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples and Tips


Understanding Mind Maps: Definition and Benefits

A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique that provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical skills – word, image, number, logic, rhythm, color, and spatial awareness – in a single, uniquely powerful manner.

Utilizing mind maps in essay writing offers several benefits. Not only does it provide a visually engaging way to organize ideas, but it also enhances understanding and memory recall. The science behind this phenomenon lies in the way our brain works. By representing information spatially and with images and color, mind mapping stimulates the brain in a much richer and more varied way than traditional note-taking.

How to Create a Mind Map for an Essay

Mind mapping is an easy process that can be mastered with practice. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start in the center : Write your main idea or essay prompt in the center of the page and draw a circle around it.

2. Branch out : From your central idea, draw lines out towards the edges of your page representing the main thoughts or ideas related to your topic. At the end of each line, write a single word or phrase that summarizes the point, then draw a circle around that word or phrase.

3. Add details : Draw smaller lines branching off from each main idea line that represent supporting details. At the end of these lines, write a brief detail or example and circle it.

4. Color your thoughts : Add colors to your different ideas to highlight them. Use pictures or symbols wherever applicable.

Essential tools for mind mapping range from simple pen and paper to advanced mind mapping software like Boardmix or EdrawMind.

How to Use Mind Maps for Effective Essay Writing

Mastering the use of mind maps for essay writing entails three primary steps – identifying an apt essay topic, kickstarting the research process, and finally, outlining your essay within a mind map. Here's a detailed exploration of these stages:

Step 1: Using a Mind Map to Find a Good Topic for Your Essay

Selecting an engaging and manageable topic forms the bedrock of an impactful essay. Mind mapping can be instrumental in this process by helping to generate and connect ideas creatively and logically.

Brainstorming Topic Ideas with a Mind Map

To brainstorm topics, start by jotting down a general area of interest at the center of your mind map. Let's say, "Climate Change." Now, let your mind flow freely and create branches from this central node, each representing a different aspect or question related to Climate Change - "Causes," "Effects," "Solutions," "Controversies," etc. From these primary branches, draw secondary branches for further thoughts, arguments, or subtopics. After creating this mind map, assess the feasibility and interest level of each potential essay topic, and choose the one that resonates the most with you.

Step 2: Start the Research Process

Once you've chosen your topic, it's time to delve into research. A well-researched essay strengthens your arguments and adds credibility to your work.

Collecting Research in a Mind Map

Begin by creating a new mind map with your chosen topic at the center. As you start reading relevant resources - books, articles, or websites - extract key points and note them as branches on your mind map. For instance, under the "Causes" branch for Climate Change, you could add sub-branches like "Industrialization," "Deforestation," or "Carbon Emissions." Under each of these, note relevant data or quotations from your sources. This approach helps to visualize how various bits of information relate to each other and makes it easier to structure your essay later.

Step 3: Outlining Essay Paper in a Mind Map

Having gathered adequate research material, it's time to structure it coherently through an essay outline. Creating this outline within a mind map ensures that no crucial point is overlooked and allows you to visualize the logical flow of your essay.

From your research mind map, create another one specifically for your essay outline. The central node should be your essay title or thesis statement. Create major branches for each key argument or point you plan to discuss. Attach supporting evidence, examples, or sub-arguments as sub-branches. Under each major branch, ensure that there is a claim or unique viewpoint that you will defend or explain in your essay.

In essence, this mind map will act as the skeleton of your essay, providing a clear roadmap for your writing process.

5 Examples of Mind Maps for Essay Writing

Analyzing examples of mind maps for essay writing can provide a better understanding of how this powerful brainstorming tool works. Here are five detailed examples that demonstrate different ways to utilize mind mapping in academic writing.

Example 1: Argumentative Essay Mind Map

Let's consider a mind map developed for an argumentative essay about "Climate Change". The central node, in this case, states "Climate Change". From this central idea, branches emerge that represent the main arguments for the essay. One branch could say "Evidence of Climate Change," with sub-branches exploring different scientific studies that support climate change. Another branch might state "Effects of Climate Change," delving into the impact on polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and wildlife extinction. A third branch may argue "Solutions to Climate Change," examining renewable energy sources, deforestation reduction, and government policies. Each branch further divides into smaller branches providing details, examples, or counterarguments.

 Argumentative Essay Mind Map

Example 2: Descriptive Essay Mind Map

Now, imagine a descriptive essay about "A Winter Morning". The central node would depict the essay's main theme. Major branches could represent sensory details, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. For instance, the sight branch might have sub-branches like "white snow," "gray skies," or "bare trees." Each of these would break down into more detailed descriptions.

Descriptive Essay Mind Map

Example 3: Compare and Contrast Essay Mind Map

In a compare and contrast essay on "Traditional Classrooms vs. Online Learning," each of these educational modes could form a major branch from the central node. Sub-branches would then depict aspects for comparison, such as learning flexibility, student-teacher interaction, technology usage, assessment methods, etc. Each of these sub-branches would further branch out into specific points for both traditional classrooms and online learning environments.

Compare and Contrast Essay Mind Map

Example 4: Cause and Effect Essay Mind Map

For a cause and effect essay on "Smoking", one major branch might represent "Causes of Smoking" such as peer pressure, stress, and advertising influence. Another major branch could depict the "Effects of Smoking," branching out into health impacts (lung cancer, heart disease), financial costs, and societal effects. Each point could be further elaborated through additional branches.

Cause and Effect Essay Mind Map

Example 5: Narrative Essay Mind Map

A narrative essay on "My First Camping Trip" would involve major branches for each key event in the story's progression - setting up camp, exploring the forest, facing a wildlife encounter, and handling a campfire accident. Sub-branches of these main events would provide specific details and dialogue to enrich the narrative.

Narrative Essay Mind Map

Some Tips and Tricks for Effective Mind Mapping

For effective mind mapping, follow these tips:

  • Be creative and make your map vibrant.
  • Use single words or simple phrases for information brevity.
  • Keep your mind map clear by using radial hierarchy or outlines to embrace your branches.
  • Review regularly to reinforce memory.

While creating a mind map, avoid cluttering information on one branch. Use balance across your mind map while distributing information.

Reinventing Essay Writing with Mind Maps

Mind mapping , when mastered, can be a game-changer in your academic writing. It helps organize thoughts, enhances memory and understanding, and can make the essay writing process smoother and more efficient.

Through this guide, you've learned the benefits of mind mapping, how to create a mind map, seen some examples, got expert tips, and learned how to incorporate it into your essay writing process. Now it's time to put this knowledge into practice and start revolutionizing your essay writing with mind maps!

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Every Day is a Gift Essay

Every Day is a Gift Essay

In the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, it is easy to overlook the profound truth that each day is a unique and irreplaceable gift. The gift of a new day is not a guarantee but a blessing that graces us with the opportunity to make a difference, to learn, to love, and to contribute to the world in our own meaningful way.

Life is a series of moments, and each day is a collection of these fleeting instances that shape our narrative. It’s in the seemingly ordinary moments – the smile exchanged with a stranger, the warmth of a loved one’s embrace, the quiet contemplation during a sunrise – that the true beauty of life resides. These moments are the threads that weave together the fabric of our existence.

Every day offers a blank canvas on which we can paint the strokes of our aspirations and dreams. It is a chance to set new goals, to challenge ourselves, and to strive for personal growth. The gift of a new day invites us to cast aside the burdens of yesterday and embrace the limitless possibilities of today. As the saying goes, “The future starts today, not tomorrow.”

Moreover, every day provides an opportunity for gratitude. Gratitude for the breath we take, for the senses that allow us to perceive the world, and for the relationships that enrich our lives. Taking a moment to appreciate the simple pleasures, from the aroma of fresh coffee to the sound of birdsong, enhances our awareness of the richness inherent in every day.

The concept of each day being a gift also underscores the importance of mindfulness. Living in the present moment allows us to savor the experiences, to be fully engaged in the here and now. It encourages us to let go of worries about the future or regrets from the past, focusing instead on the unique blessings of the present day.

However, the acknowledgment that every day is a gift also comes with a sense of responsibility. It prompts us to use our time wisely, to make meaningful choices, and to cultivate a positive impact on the world around us. The gift of today is not just for our own enjoyment but an opportunity to contribute to the well-being of others and to leave a positive mark on the world.

In conclusion, recognizing that every day is a gift transforms our perspective on life. It instills in us a sense of gratitude, mindfulness, and purpose. Embracing each day with a heart full of appreciation and a spirit ready for the possibilities ensures that we make the most of this beautiful gift called life.

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English Compositions

Essay on Life is a Gift [200, 500 Words] With PDF

Life is precious. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in two different sets on life as a gift. It will help you in articulating your thoughts in the upcoming exams.

Table of Contents

Essay on life is a gift in 200 words, essay on life is a gift in 500 words.

Feature image of Essay on Life is a Gift

A gift is viewed as something unique, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most priceless and precious gift our parents have bestowed upon us. It’s a fascinating journey full of adventures with unknown and unexpected elements. It can fill us with love, happiness, and a feeling of purpose.

Life is an art for some, which they wish to paint in vibrant colours, while it is a science for others, which must be mastered with discipline and punctuality. While some people squander their life on worthless pursuits, others find meaning in the most insignificant objects and circumstances. We are gifted with the five senses to experience life sensuously.

We must recognise its significance and strive to develop ourselves daily. Our activities, as is commonly stated, purify our souls. Some of us devote our lives to doing good things, while others squander them in the hope of greater results. While some have good intentions, others are out to harm. Life is full of both good and painful experiences. We must not give up if we have had an unpleasant or unpalatable experience in life. It’s important to remember that it’s just transitory and that with perseverance, it can be conquered.

A gift is regarded as special, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most precious gift that our parents have given us. It is a delightful journey packed with adventures containing unknown and unanticipated elements. It has the tremendous potential to provide us with love, happiness, and a sense of meaning. For some, life is an art they want to paint in wonderful colours, while for others, life is a science that must be mastered with discipline and punctuality.

While there are people who waste their lives in meaningless endeavours, there are others who fetch meaning from the most futile objects and situations. We are gifted with the five senses to experience life sensuously. We must understand its importance and work hard to improve ourselves every day. It is often said that our actions purify our souls. Some of us dedicate our lives to performing good deeds, whereas others spoil it in the hope of getting better results. While some have ethical intentions, others have evil objectives. Every day is a gift to learn new things and enjoy the new experience. 

We must embed our lives with the people we love. We must preach kindness. If we are kind to one another and respect humanity, life will be kind to us and appreciate our existence. We all should have a motto that shall help us make this earth a better place. We must work on the legacy we wish to leave behind us. It must be something that would be cherished by the ones who know the ones who are strangers to us and us. 

Living life is not easy. Some days are tough and demanding, and it takes courage to sail through them. On such days, remembering the struggles of people who had come before us and did not give up in the face of hardships will encourage us. Life almost always offers us a wide range of options. However, we must make our choices wisely.

We must be guided by reason, and we should be passionate about all the activities we indulge in. Our sheer determination can make the impossible possible. We must have faith and promise to give our best in all situations. We should also allow ourselves leisure to take vacations, practice sport, work on our hobbies, read and write. As William Henry Davies puts it in the poem Leisure, 

“What is this life, full of care? We have no time to stand and stare.” We must never limit ourselves in our scope of doing something. 

After all, life is not a bed full of roses, but it gives occasional prickly thorns in our pathway, which we must tread carefully. We can take the flower lily as an inspiration. Although it lasts for a brief period, its aroma creates a freshening and beautiful environment. Living life honourably is the duty of every human being. We must spend our life inspiring others with thoughts that stir ecstasy. We must apprehend that life is a gift and not a burden.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of the value of life and the ideal way of living it. I have tried to cover every aspect of the topic briefly and in an expanded form. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Join us on Telegram to get the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you, see you again soon.

everyday is a gift essay mind map

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  10. Every Day Is a Gift by Tammy Duckworth

    In Every Day Is a Gift, Tammy Duckworth takes readers through the amazing—and amazingly true—stories from her incomparable life. In November of 2004, an Iraqi RPG blew through the cockpit of Tammy Duckworth's U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter. The explosion, which destroyed her legs and mangled her right arm, was a turning point in her life.

  11. Every day is a gift essay Speech for Grade 12 learners

    Everyday is a gift, a precious opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of life. Each day is a new beginning, a chance to make the most of our time and to leave a positive impact on the world around us. One of the most important things to remember about everyday being a gift is that it is not a guarantee.

  12. Mind Maps for Essay Writing

    Here's a step-by-step guide: 1. Start in the center: Write your main idea or essay prompt in the center of the page and draw a circle around it. 2. Branch out: From your central idea, draw lines out towards the edges of your page representing the main thoughts or ideas related to your topic.

  13. Every Day Is a Gift: A Memoir by Tammy Duckworth

    In Every Day Is a Gift , Tammy Duckworth takes readers through the amazing—and amazingly true—stories from her incomparable life. In November of 2004, an Iraqi RPG blew through the cockpit of Tammy Duckworth's U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter. The explosion, which destroyed her legs and mangled her right arm, was a turning point in her life.

  14. Every Day is a Gift Essay

    The gift of today is not just for our own enjoyment but an opportunity to contribute to the well-being of others and to leave a positive mark on the world. In conclusion, recognizing that every day is a gift transforms our perspective on life. It instills in us a sense of gratitude, mindfulness, and purpose. Embracing each day with a heart full ...

  15. Every Day Is A Gift

    Women are to worship their husband and are held to the highest standards. As written in an excerpt by Elizabeth W. and Robert A. Fernea entitled A Look Behind the Veil, it states, "Many women have told us that they felt self-conscious, vulnerable, and even naked when they first walked on a public street without the veil and abaya--as if they ...

  16. Essay on Life is a Gift [200, 500 Words] With PDF

    Essay on Life is a Gift in 500 words. A gift is regarded as special, valuable, and mysterious. Life is the most precious gift that our parents have given us. It is a delightful journey packed with adventures containing unknown and unanticipated elements. It has the tremendous potential to provide us with love, happiness, and a sense of meaning.

  17. Download free English mind map templates and examples

    Free mind map templates and examples for English students: Essay planning, grammar and punctuation, writing styles and more! ... Mind map on seven methods you can use everyday to improve your grammar, including hyperlink to resources. ... Essay planning, grammar and punctuation, writing styles and more!

  18. Every Day Is a Gift: A Memoir

    In this New York Times bestselling book, learn the incredible story of Illinois senator and Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth and see what inspired her to follow the path that made her who she is today. In Every Day Is a Gift, Tammy Duckworth takes readers through the amazing—and amazingly true—stories from her incomparable life. In November of 2004, an Iraqi RPG blew through the cockpit of ...

  19. English essay on every day is a gift

    An English essay on 'every day is a gift' could reflect on the value of each day, the finite nature of time, and the beauty in everyday moments, possibly linking to the sentiment behind Poem in Your Pocket Day. Explanation: The phrase 'every day is a gift' implies that each day of our lives is valuable and should be cherished.

  20. Everyday is a gift essay with 250 and 300 words

    Here is a sample introduction for an essay about everyday being a gift: "Everyday is a gift. It is a new day, a new chance to start over, a new opportunity to make a difference. It is a day to be grateful for the blessings in our lives, and to make the most of every moment. I know that not everyone feels this way about everyday life.

  21. Write an essay about Every day is a gift

    Find an answer to your question write an essay about Every day is a gift ... "Every day is a gift" encapsulates the profound idea of cherishing the present moment and recognizing the inherent value in each passing day. It serves as a reminder to cultivate gratitude, embrace personal growth, and contribute positively to the lives of others. ...

  22. Everyday is a gift 300 words essay

    Essay on 'Everyday is a gift' is given below: Our life is most precious and is a very valuable gift given by God to us. We must not take it for granted rather we must live each and every day happily and with joy. Everyday given by God to us is a gift to live our life to the fullest. We must show appreciation, love and care to others and make ...

  23. Essay 250-300 words "Everyday is a gift"

    5) He did not make breakfast. 6) You aren't going to learn the poem. 7) She hasn't played the trumpet. 8) It will not be windy tonight. 9) He's wearing an old shirt. 10) We don't like fish. verified. Verified answer. Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ Essay 250-300 words "Everyday is a gift" .