
Essay on My Grandfather

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Grandfather in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Grandfather

My grandfather’s kindness.

My grandfather is the kindest person I know. He always has a warm smile for everyone. When I visit him, he greets me with a big hug and asks about my day. He loves to share stories and treats from his garden.

His Love for Gardening

He spends hours in his garden, growing vegetables and flowers. His hands are rough from work, but he handles plants gently. He teaches me names of flowers and how to plant seeds. His garden is a place of magic for me.

Tales of the Past

Grandfather tells tales of his youth, making history come alive. His stories are full of adventure and lessons. He makes me feel connected to the past and teaches me the value of experience.

Grandfather’s Wisdom

He gives great advice. When I’m upset, he listens and helps me see things clearly. His words are simple yet deep, and he always knows how to make things better. He is my role model.

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250 Words Essay on My Grandfather

My loving grandfather.

My grandfather is a kind and gentle man. He has white hair and always wears a warm smile. When I think of him, I picture his cozy living room and the stories he tells. He loves to share tales from his youth, and his eyes light up when he talks about the past.

Teaching Me Life Lessons

One of the best things about my grandfather is the wisdom he shares. He teaches me right from wrong and shows me how to be patient and fair. His life stories are like lessons that help me understand the world. He believes in hard work and always tells me to do my best in school.

His Hobbies and Interests

My grandfather has many hobbies. He enjoys gardening and has a beautiful garden full of flowers and vegetables. He also likes to read books and newspapers every day. Sometimes, he reads stories to me, and I learn new things from them.

Spending Time Together

I love spending time with my grandfather. We often go for walks or play board games. He listens to me when I talk about school or my friends. He gives me advice and makes me feel important. My grandfather’s house is a place where I feel happy and safe.

In conclusion, my grandfather is a special person in my life. His kindness, wisdom, and love make my world a better place. I am thankful for every moment I spend with him, and I hope to make him proud as I grow up.

500 Words Essay on My Grandfather

Who my grandfather is, his daily life.

Every day, my grandfather wakes up early. He likes to start his day with a cup of tea and the newspaper. He reads about what’s happening in the world and then goes for a walk. He says that walking keeps him healthy. After his walk, he spends time in the garden. He loves plants and knows how to make flowers grow big and bright.

My grandfather knows a lot. He tells me stories of when he was young. He has lived through times when there were no computers or smartphones. He has seen the world change. When I need advice, I go to him. He listens carefully and then gives me ideas that are simple but smart. He teaches me right from wrong and helps me understand difficult things in a simple way.

His Hobbies

He has many hobbies. He likes to paint, and his pictures are beautiful. He also likes to make things out of wood. He made me a small chair when I was little. He enjoys music and sometimes sings old songs. These songs tell stories of the past. I love to sit and listen to him because it feels like I’m traveling back in time.

Time With Family

Family is very important to my grandfather. He makes sure that we all eat at least one meal together. During dinner, he asks about our day and shares his own stories. On weekends, he takes us to the park or the museum. He says that spending time with family is the best thing in life.

His Love for Food

My grandfather loves to eat and he has a big sweet tooth. He enjoys cakes and cookies, but he also loves healthy food. He often eats fruits and vegetables from our garden. He says that good food can make you happy and healthy.

Lessons from Him

In conclusion, my grandfather is a special person. He’s wise, kind, and full of stories. He loves his family and takes care of his health. He enjoys his hobbies and teaches me important lessons. I love him very much and I feel lucky to have him in my life. He’s not just my grandfather; he’s my friend and my teacher too.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Essay on Grandfather 200+ Words

Grandfathers hold a special place in our hearts. They are more than just family; they are a source of wisdom, love, and lifelong lessons. In this essay, we will explore the incredible role that grandfathers play in our lives, touching upon their importance, the cherished memories they create, and the lasting impact they leave on us.

A Bond Like No Other

The bond between a grandchild and a grandfather is a unique and precious one. It’s a connection that transcends generations, filled with mutual respect and admiration. According to recent studies, 85% of people report having a close relationship with their grandparents.

Lessons in Wisdom

Grandfathers are often reservoirs of wisdom. They have a wealth of life experience and knowledge to share. Their stories and advice help us navigate challenges and make better choices as we grow. In a survey of adults, 70% cited their grandfather as a significant source of life wisdom.

Quality Time Together

Spending time with a grandfather is like stepping into a treasure trove of stories and adventures. Whether it’s fishing by the lake, woodworking in the garage, or simply sitting on the porch, these shared moments create lasting memories. Research shows that spending quality time with grandparents has a positive impact on a child’s emotional development.

The Joy of Storytelling

Grandfathers are often the best storytellers. Their tales, filled with humor and life lessons, captivate our imagination. These stories not only entertain but also pass down family history and values. Studies suggest that storytelling fosters a stronger sense of identity in children.

A Source of Comfort

During difficult times, grandfathers are a source of comfort and reassurance. Their calm presence and words of encouragement help us overcome challenges. Research indicates that the emotional support provided by grandparents can enhance a child’s resilience.

Passing Down Traditions

Grandfathers play a vital role in passing down family traditions. Whether it’s a secret recipe, a holiday tradition, or a special skill, they ensure that family customs are preserved for generations to come. A sense of continuity and belonging is vital for a child’s emotional well-being.

Grandfathers as Role Models

Grandfathers often serve as role models, demonstrating qualities such as patience, kindness, and perseverance. They teach us not only through their words but also by their actions. A study found that children who have positive role models in their grandparents exhibit greater empathy and compassion.

Support in Education

Many grandfathers take an active interest in their grandchildren’s education. They provide guidance with homework, share their knowledge, and encourage a love for learning. This involvement positively correlates with a child’s academic success.

The Joy of Play

Grandfathers bring an element of fun into our lives. They are often ready for a game of catch, a puzzle, or an adventure in the park. Playtime with grandfathers fosters creativity and strengthens the grandchild’s physical and social skills.

A Lasting Legacy

As we grow, the lessons, values, and memories shared by our grandfathers stay with us. Their legacy lives on in the way we live our lives and the impact we have on others. Grandfathers leave an indelible mark on the world through the generations they influence.

Conclusion of Essay on Grandfather

In conclusion, grandfathers are true treasures in our lives. Their wisdom, love, and guidance shape us into better individuals. The bond we share with them is a gift that keeps on giving, creating lasting memories and instilling values that guide us throughout our lives. As we honor and celebrate the incredible role of grandfathers, let us remember the profound impact they have on our hearts and the world around us. Grandfathers are not just family; they are our teachers, mentors, and forever friends.

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Study Paragraphs

My Grandfather Essay In 150 words

In this essay, a student describes his grandfather, who is a wise, kind, and loving human being. He shares his experiences and knowledge with the student and has been an essential part of his life. The student admires his grandfather for his selflessness and love and hopes to be like him someday.

My Grand Father Essay In 150 words

1. Introduction Paragraph

As a student, I have been fortunate enough to have a grandfather who is the epitome of a wise, kind, and loving human being. My grandfather has been an essential part of my life, and I feel blessed to have him as my role model. He is a person who has lived through challenging times and has come out victorious.

2. Body Paragraphs

My grandfather is a man of integrity and honesty. He always taught me to be true to myself and others, and to always work hard for what I want in life. He shares his experiences and knowledge with me, which has helped me grow as a person.

He is a great listener and a fantastic storyteller. Whenever I feel down, he is always there to listen to me and offer me guidance. His stories about his life always inspire me to be a better person.

My grandfather has always been there for me, and I admire him for his selflessness and love. He is a person who believes in the power of family and has taught me the importance of staying connected with my loved ones.

Conclusion paragraph

In conclusion, my grandfather is a person who has made a significant impact on my life. I hope to be like him someday, wise, kind, and loving. I will always cherish the memories I have shared with him, and I am grateful for his presence in my life.

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Essay on My Grandfather – Short Essay & Long Essay upto 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Grandfather

Essay on My Grandfather: My grandfather holds a special place in my heart, and his influence on my life is immeasurable. In this essay, I will delve into the memories and lessons I have learned from him over the years. From his wisdom and guidance to his unwavering love and support, my grandfather has been a pillar of strength in my life. Join me as I reflect on the impact he has had on shaping the person I am today.

Table of Contents

My Grandfather Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing your grandfather and explaining why he is important to you. You can mention his name, age, and any other relevant details.

2. Describe his personality: Write about your grandfather’s personality traits, such as his kindness, wisdom, sense of humor, or any other qualities that make him special to you.

3. Share memories: Share some of your favorite memories with your grandfather, such as family gatherings, holidays, or special moments you have shared together.

4. Talk about his influence: Discuss how your grandfather has influenced your life and shaped your values and beliefs. You can mention any lessons he has taught you or ways in which he has inspired you.

5. Highlight his accomplishments: Write about your grandfather’s accomplishments, whether they are professional, personal, or related to his community involvement. This can help paint a fuller picture of who he is.

6. Discuss his impact on your family: Explain how your grandfather has impacted your family as a whole. You can talk about how he has brought your family together, provided support during difficult times, or served as a role model for others.

7. Express gratitude: Take the time to express your gratitude for your grandfather and all that he has done for you and your family. Let him know how much he means to you and how grateful you are to have him in your life.

8. Conclusion: Wrap up your essay by summarizing the key points you have made about your grandfather and reiterating why he is so important to you. You can also include any final thoughts or reflections on your relationship with him.

By following these writing tips and including personal anecdotes and details, you can create a heartfelt and meaningful essay about your grandfather that will showcase your love and appreciation for him.

Essay on My Grandfather in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My grandfather was a hardworking man who dedicated his life to providing for his family. 2. He was a loving and caring individual who always put the needs of others before his own. 3. Despite facing many challenges in his life, he always remained positive and optimistic. 4. He had a great sense of humor and loved to make people laugh with his jokes and stories. 5. My grandfather was a talented craftsman and could build or fix just about anything. 6. He had a passion for gardening and spent countless hours tending to his beautiful flowers and vegetables. 7. He was a man of strong faith and attended church regularly, finding comfort and solace in his beliefs. 8. My grandfather was a great storyteller and loved to share his experiences and wisdom with others. 9. He had a strong sense of integrity and always did what he believed was right, even when it was difficult. 10. My grandfather was a role model and inspiration to me, teaching me the importance of hard work, kindness, and perseverance.

Sample Essay on My Grandfather in 100-180 Words

My grandfather is the most influential person in my life. He is a man of wisdom, kindness, and strength. Growing up, he always had a story to tell or a lesson to teach. He taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and treating others with respect.

My grandfather has faced many challenges in his life, but he has always remained positive and determined. He has shown me that no matter what obstacles come my way, I can overcome them with hard work and determination.

I admire my grandfather for his strong work ethic and his ability to always see the good in people. He has taught me to be grateful for what I have and to always strive to be the best version of myself.

I am grateful to have such a wonderful role model in my life. My grandfather’s love and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today, and I will always cherish the memories and lessons he has shared with me.

Short Essay on My Grandfather in 200-500 Words

My grandfather is a remarkable man who has had a significant impact on my life. He is a kind, loving, and wise individual who has always been there for me through thick and thin. From a young age, I have looked up to him as a role model and have learned valuable life lessons from his experiences and wisdom.

One of the things that I admire most about my grandfather is his work ethic. He has always been a hardworking man who has dedicated himself to providing for his family. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles throughout his life, he has never given up and has always persevered through difficult times. His determination and resilience have inspired me to work hard and never give up on my dreams.

In addition to his work ethic, my grandfather is also a very caring and compassionate person. He always puts others before himself and goes out of his way to help those in need. Whether it’s lending a listening ear, offering words of encouragement, or providing practical assistance, he is always there to support his family and friends. His selflessness and generosity have taught me the importance of being kind and compassionate towards others.

Furthermore, my grandfather is a very wise individual who has a wealth of knowledge and life experience. He has lived through many historical events and has witnessed firsthand the ups and downs of life. His stories and insights have provided me with valuable lessons and perspectives that have helped shape my own worldview. I often seek his advice and guidance when faced with difficult decisions or challenges, and he always offers me valuable wisdom and guidance.

Despite his age, my grandfather remains active and engaged in life. He enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, and pursuing his hobbies. He has a zest for life and a positive outlook that is infectious to those around him. His enthusiasm and passion for life have taught me the importance of staying active and engaged in life, no matter what age.

In conclusion, my grandfather is a truly remarkable individual who has had a profound impact on my life. His work ethic, compassion, wisdom, and zest for life have inspired me to be a better person and strive for greatness. I am grateful for all the lessons and memories that he has shared with me, and I will always cherish the special bond that we share. My grandfather is not just a role model to me, but he is also my hero and my best friend.

Essay on My Grandfather in 1000-1500 Words

My Grandfather: A Role Model, Mentor, and Friend

My grandfather holds a special place in my heart. He is not just a family member but also a role model, mentor, and friend to me. His wisdom, kindness, and strength have shaped me into the person I am today. In this essay, I will share with you the story of my grandfather and the impact he has had on my life.

My grandfather, John Smith, was born in a small town in the Midwest in 1935. He grew up during the Great Depression and experienced firsthand the hardships that came with it. Despite the challenges he faced, he always remained optimistic and determined to make a better life for himself and his family.

As a young man, my grandfather served in the military during the Korean War. He was stationed overseas for several years, far away from his loved ones. The experiences he had during his time in the military shaped his character and instilled in him a sense of duty, honor, and sacrifice.

After returning from the war, my grandfather settled down in his hometown and started a family. He worked hard to provide for his wife and children, taking on multiple jobs to make ends meet. Despite the long hours and physical labor, he never complained or showed any signs of weakness. He was a pillar of strength for his family, always putting their needs above his own.

One of the things that I admire most about my grandfather is his work ethic. He believed in the value of hard work and never shied away from a challenge. Whether it was working long hours at his job or taking on home improvement projects, he always gave it his all. He taught me the importance of perseverance and dedication, and those lessons have stayed with me throughout my life.

In addition to his work ethic, my grandfather also had a strong sense of integrity and honesty. He believed in doing the right thing, even when it was difficult or unpopular. He never compromised his values or principles, and he always stood up for what he believed in. His moral compass was unwavering, and he passed on those values to me and the rest of our family.

My grandfather was also a man of great wisdom and knowledge. He had a wealth of life experience and always had a story or piece of advice to share. Whether it was about finances, relationships, or just navigating the ups and downs of life, he was always there to offer guidance and support. I learned so much from him over the years, and I am grateful for the lessons he imparted to me.

As I grew older, my relationship with my grandfather evolved from that of a grandparent-grandchild to that of a mentor and friend. We would spend hours talking about life, sharing stories, and discussing our hopes and dreams. He was always there to listen, to offer advice, and to provide a shoulder to lean on when times got tough. I cherished those moments with him and treasured the bond we shared.

Sadly, my grandfather passed away a few years ago. His loss was a devastating blow to our family, and we all felt a deep sense of grief and sadness. But even in death, his legacy lives on. The lessons he taught me, the memories we shared, and the love he gave will always be a part of me.

In conclusion, my grandfather was more than just a family member to me. He was a role model, mentor, and friend who had a profound impact on my life. His work ethic, integrity, wisdom, and kindness have shaped me into the person I am today. I will always be grateful for the time I had with him and the lessons he taught me. My grandfather will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I will carry his memory with me always.

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  • Loss Of Grandparent

How to Write a Beautiful Eulogy for a Grandfather + Examples

Updated 04/19/2024

Published 10/28/2019

Erin Coriell, BA in Mass Communication/Media Studies

Erin Coriell, BA in Mass Communication/Media Studies

End-of-life care educator and grief worker

Writing a eulogy for a beloved grandfather may be overwhelming. Here are tips to help write a heartfelt eulogy, alongside 10 examples.

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Your grandfather may have been part of your life since you were born. Perhaps his wisdom and life lessons helped you grow into the person you are today. For this reason, you might be more than willing to write the eulogy for your grandfather.

Grandfathers are an important part of family life; losing them can be extremely difficult. If you agreed to write a eulogy, you might feel nervous or unsure about how to start. That’s OK.

You might also feel added pressure to write the perfect eulogy. But instead of focusing on perfection, focus on writing from the heart. 

Here are some practical tips to help you write a eulogy that will make your grandfather proud.

Tip: If you're responsible for writing a eulogy for your grandfather, you might have other complicated tasks to take care of, too. Our post-loss checklist can guide you through all of the post-loss responsibilities you might have on your plate. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

Should you give a eulogy for a grandfather, tips for writing a eulogy for a grandfather, bible verses for a grandfather’s eulogy, poems for a grandfather’s eulogy.

  • Example Eulogies for a Grandfather

It’s common for a grandchild to give a eulogy for a grandparent. Consider volunteering if you feel inclined and prepared to complete such a task.

However, if you don’t feel inclined or prepared to give the eulogy, it is common for children, friends, associates, or extended family members to complete the task. Of course, some families rely on the officiant or minister to speak about their loved one at a funeral.

Ask yourself these questions as you decide whether to write and present the eulogy.

Do you have something positive to say?  Are you reasonably sure you could get through the presentation?  It's common for people to cry while reading a eulogy, but could you manage the presentation in the presence of tears or excess emotion? 

Don’t worry that you aren’t a “good enough” writer or speaker. As long as people can hear you, and you speak positively about the deceased – and from the heart – you are equipped for the job.

Before you agree to the task, consider these tips for writing a eulogy for a grandfather. We’ll give you ideas on the writing and delivery process to help you decide if you are up for the job. 

Reflect on memories 

Writing a eulogy for a grandfather reflect on memories image

Take time to brainstorm the memories you have of your grandfather. Write down as much as you can. Let your memories lead the way. You might find yourself thinking about the first time you went fishing together.

Or you might remember the weekly visits to his house. Even if something you used to do together seems small or silly, write it down. Some of the best memories are the simple ones.

If he had a favorite chair he sat in or a certain hat that he used to wear, mention that. Through the lens of your memories, his legacy will shine. If you need more guidance on where to begin, check out our guide on how to start a eulogy .

Recall the stories 

Grandfathers are some of the best storytellers. They have lived through a lot and have a lifetime of experiences. If your grandfather was a storyteller, be sure to include some of his stories in the eulogy.

Think of the stories he would tell on repeat or to the new people he met. If he told a story a lot, it was likely one of his favorites.

Even if your grandfather told the same story a thousand times, tell it again. Your family will appreciate hearing it one last time. And it might help them remember something special they loved about your grandfather.

By sharing his stories, you honor his life. Grandfathers have a lot of wisdom and it's a part of their legacy to leave some behind. Through the art of storytelling, you unravel the wisdom a little at a time. 

Paint a picture 

Everyone had a different relationship with your grandfather. To some, he was a brother. Others may have cherished him as a life-long friend. This is an opportunity to share what it was like to have him as a grandfather. Were you close? Was there something special you did together? Did he let you do things your parents didn't?

In your eulogy, you get to paint a picture of what it was like to grow up with your grandfather. Your relationship was unique and you are free to express that. By sharing about life with your grandfather, you are honoring him in the best way.

Express emotions 

Writing a eulogy for a grandfather express emotions image

It's OK if writing the eulogy makes you emotional. Don't be afraid to express those emotions in your speech. It might even make sense to write a few lines about how losing your grandpa affects you. Grief is a form of praise. Even though sometimes it’s hard, expressing emotions in words is cathartic. 

Writing a eulogy is a way to celebrate and grieve for your grandfather. It might feel overwhelming at times, but remember that there's no right or wrong way to grieve. If your heart is aching, let it ache.

The emotions, both happy and sad, are a testament to how much you loved your grandfather. 

Trust the process 

If you are feeling nervous about reading your eulogy out loud, don’t worry. You are not alone. It's normal to feel nervous before sharing something vulnerable and heartfelt. It takes courage to stand in front of people and express yourself.

If uncomfortable feelings creep in, think of your grandfather. Honor his memory with your courage. Your vulnerability after his death proves how much he meant to you.  

Don’t overthink it 

As humans, we tend to overthink things. Be gentle with yourself in this time of grief. Let yourself be free from the burden of overthinking. Don't focus too much on your mind.

Instead, let the words flow from your heart. The heart will remember the impactful ways your grandfather touched your life.

Public speaking is a special type of skill. Very few people are naturally comfortable in front of a crowd. If you are shy or nervous to read the eulogy out loud, practice it with a family member or friend. Even if you’re feeling confident, you should run through the speech a few times. Rehearsing your words will help you when it’s time to share them. 

Though eulogies are a type of speech, no one in the audience is expecting you to hold it together. You are grieving and strong emotions are part of that process. Take a deep breath and commit to doing the best you can given the circumstances. 

Create a free, interactive Cake end-of-life planning profile.

Share your health, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions with your loved ones.

If your grandpa was a person of faith, you might consider using Bible verses in his eulogy. Of course, it’s always best to share passages that were important to the deceased. Look for baptismal or confirmation records that may list a verse – or check the deceased’s Bible to find underlined passages.

Here are some Bible verses that speak about salvation, peace, and comfort. 

Proverbs 3:3-4 

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Psalm 27 begins:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”

John 14:1-3

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

Matthew 5:3-12

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Do you know of a poem that reminds you of your grandfather? Maybe he had a favorite that he often quoted, or perhaps you know of one that reminds you of this great man. 

Here are some poem ideas for a grandpa’s funeral .

Gone From My Sight by Henry Van Dyke

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side says, “There, she is gone.” Gone where? Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me -- not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, “There, she is gone,” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, “Here she comes!” And that is dying...

Weep Not For Me by Unknown Author

Weep not for me though I have gone Into that gentle night Grieve if you will, but not for long Upon my soul’s sweet flight I am at peace, my soul’s at rest There is no need for tears For with your love I was so blessed For all those many years There is no pain, I suffer not The fear is now all gone Put now these things out of your thoughts In your memory I live on Remember not my fight for breath Remember not the strife Please do not dwell upon my death But celebrate my life

God Saw You Getting Tired by Frances and Kathleen Coelho

God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be so he put his arms around you and whispered, Come to Me  With tearful eyes we watched you and saw you pass away and although we love you dearly we could not make you stay.   A Golden heart stopped beating hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.

Miss Me, But Let Me Go by Edward Albert Guest

When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom filled room Why cry for a soul set free! Miss me a little, but not for long, And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love we once shared, Miss me, but let me go! For this journey we all must take, And each must go alone; It’s all a part of the master’s plan A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick of heart Go to the friends we know, And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds, Miss me, but let me go. 

Example Eulogies for a Grandfather 

Eulogy example from a grandson or granddaughter

You might be feeling flooded with memories and stories and unsure of where to start. Sometimes writing the first few sentences is the hardest part. You can also start, add in, or close with popular funeral quotes if you need more help getting started.

Here are some examples of how you can begin a eulogy for your Grandfather: 

From a grandson

  • For those of you who don't know me, I am [name], the grandson of [name]. We are here today to celebrate the life of this wonderful man. My grandpa watched me take my first steps, he taught me my first words, and he was there when I caught my first fish. In fact, he was there for most of my firsts growing up. He taught me so much. It feels like I learned most of what I know from him. I'd like to share a few stories that help illustrate what kind of grandpa he was [insert stories].
  • Grandpa [name] was my best friend. I loved spending the weekends at his house and watching baseball together. He was one-of-a-kind. He always made me feel like I was the most important person in the room. He was my greatest supporter and he told me I could achieve anything I put my mind to. He was a courageous man who taught me the importance of discipline and hard work.  
  • Grandpa was a man of few words, so when he did speak, everyone listened. He was the glue that kept our family together. He worked hard to provide for his family. He never complained about how much he worked or how tired he was. I always knew if I needed something, I could count on my grandfather. He was an incredible role model. If I turn out to be half the man he was I’ll consider myself a success.  
  • Pa was an incredible dude. If he was here now, he'd have a good chuckle at me using the word 'dude.' He always laughed at the lingo us kids used. We would show him our newest toys and invite him to play video games. When he was growing up the radio was his method of entertainment. He grew up in a simpler time, but he embraced our love for technology and new gadgets.  
  • Grandpa had the best stories. Even if I'd heard them on more than one occasion, I'd listen close for a new detail. He had an incredible heart and spirit. He was enthusiastic when it came to storytelling. As his grandson, I can only hope to tell the stories half as well as he did. I have two children now and it's important to me that they remember their great-grandfather. I'd like to share one of my favorite stories. 

From a granddaughter

  • Grandpa was one of the kindest men I have ever met. He would give you the shirt off his back. His generosity was limitless. He was a smart man and he worked hard for everything he had. He didn't judge others or criticize different ways of life. He would nod his head and say something like "To each their own." He meant it. He was a role model to me. I am sad that we won't get to have our front porch talks anymore. 
  • I will miss Grandpa [name] greatly. Aside from my parents, he is the only person that has known me my whole life. It's surreal to think he will no longer be here. It makes me very emotional to think about my children growing up without him. I have been very blessed to have him as a grandpa for 35 years. I will treasure the memories I have of him. I’d like to share one of my favorites with you now. 
  • Gramps was an incredible person. He raised 5 children and helped care for 16 grandchildren!  On Sunday we'd gather at his house. He shared memories of his time in the war and talk about how it shaped his life. As a child, I didn't understand the impact of his service. But as an adult, it makes me so proud. Gramps served his country and he served his family. I was lucky to call him my grandpa.
  • What a blessing it has been to call [name] my grandfather. While prepping for this eulogy, I recounted lots of memories and went through old photos. When I told my friends a few stories about my grandfather, they expressed how lucky I was. We had a special bond and he taught me so much about life. I'd like to share a couple of my favorite stories with you today. 
  • Gramps lived his life with gusto. He grew up in a poor family. He worked hard to help his family get out of poverty. At the age of 18, he left home and started his own business. When he met my grandmother, he stole her heart immediately. She said she fell in love with a man who she knew would never give up. Gramps was relentless. Even on his deathbed, he didn't give up. He smiled and participated in life until the very end. 

A Grandfather’s Legacy

Your grandfather might have played a key role in your life . Perhaps he helped shape who you are. Or was the person you turned to when you needed advice.

Regardless, remember your eulogy isn't a final goodbye. His legacy will live on in the stories and memories you pass on to your children and grandchildren.


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Essay on My Grandfather for Class 1, 2, and 3


Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on Grandfather

  • 10 Lines on My Grandfather
  • Paragraph of My Grandfather

Short Essay on My Grandfather

What will your child learn from ‘my grandfather’ essay.

The bond between grandparents and children is very special. Grandfathers are often role models for children and, sometimes, their first friends! Do you remember your grandfather and how he was the man who got everything you asked for and pampered you? Grandpas never say no, whether it is a toy you point at or even a late-night craving for chocolates!   

‘My Grandfather’ is a fun and warm subject for all children to write about as an essay topic. Essay writing holds an essential place in academics as it builds the foundation of writing skills in children. In this essay on ‘My grandfather’ in English for classes 1, 2 and 3, we will give you tips about writing a good essay in short and long paragraphs.   

When writing an essay, there are some essential points to remember to make it more impactful and concise. Here’s a look at some of them:  

  • Start with the essay outline. Gather the important ideas and concepts for the write-up.   
  • The essay should have an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion, where you introduce your subject and then write about it.   
  • Short essays need to provide a manageable amount of detail. Instead, they should mention the general points about the subject.   
  • Long essays need more detail and can emphasise any aspect of the person.   

10 Lines on My Grandfather 

Short one-line essays are best to start building writing skills in children. These are often asked in the lower grades as they are simpler. Here is how to write an essay on My Grandfather for classes 1 and 2:

  • My grandfather’s name is Rakesh Sharma.
  • He is the most loved and respected member of our family.
  • My grandfather is 70 years old, and he is the head of the family.
  • He cares for our family and everyone in the neighbourhood, which earns him a lot of respect.
  • He is a kind-hearted person who is soft-spoken and treats everyone gently.
  • He wears spectacles and reads the newspaper early in the morning.
  • My grandfather sometimes takes me to school in his car.
  • He enjoys reading books to me.
  • I love to spend time with my grandad because it is always fun, and he says interesting things.
  • My grandfather is a role model to me and many of my friends. I wish to become like him someday.

10 lines on Grandfather

Paragraph of My Grandfather   

Sometimes, all you need is a few lines to express how meaningful someone is to you and their impact on your life. Here is an example of how you can write a short paragraph on ‘my grandfather’:   

My grandfather was a remarkable man who left an unforgettable mark on my life. Born in a small rural town, he overcame humble beginnings to become a successful scientist and a respected community leader. With a keen intellect, unwavering work ethic, and deep compassion, he inspired all who knew him. Moreover, he was a pillar to my family and someone you could always turn to in a time of need. Though he is no longer with us, his legacy of kindness, integrity, love, and dedication guides and motivates me daily.   

A short essay on the topic requires you to add more information in the form of a story. Here is how to write a paragraph on ‘My Grandfather’ for a school essay:   

My grandfather’s name is Rakesh Sharma. He is 70 years old and a retired military serviceman. Being in the military all his life made him disciplined and strict. He is a strong and stern person but very gentle with everyone. Everybody in my family and community respects him for his bravery and service. He wakes up very early every morning and goes for his morning walks. After the walks, he drinks his tea and reads the newspaper. My grandfather always emphasises the importance of reading and education.   

He comes to pick me up at school and walks back home most days. My grandfather has many amazing stories about his time in the military and life there. He is a source of motivation for our family and always cheers us up during times of difficulty. My grandfather is the bravest and the most intelligent person I know. We are lucky to have him, and I wish to work hard and become like him someday.   

Long Essay on My Grandfather 

For class 3, a long ‘My Grandfather, My Hero’ essay can go deeper into more advanced details about his life and personality. Students must ensure the flow is coherent to keep the essay interesting. Here is a long-form essay on the topic:   

My grandfather’s name is Rakesh Sharma. He is a brilliant man and a retired scientist who worked at the Indian Space Research Organisation. He is a highly respected scientist in his field and contributed a lot of valuable research to the organisation during his time. After his retirement, he became a college professor because of his love for teaching. He always guides students in their career choices.   

As his grandson, I always had the opportunity to learn much from my grandfather. He always taught me that science has answers to all the world’s questions. Many unknowns are yet to be discovered, but we will find those someday. My grandfather inspired me to learn science practically through experiments and exploration. He gifted me a telescope for my last birthday, the best gift I have ever received. We enjoy long evenings observing the moon and the planets through my telescope.   

He is also very jovial and always makes funny jokes about everyday things. He loves gardening and has applied his knowledge of science to develop a lush green garden in our house to grow fruits and vegetables. He believes healthy eating and exercise are key to a sharp and productive mind. You will often find him in the garden, caring for his plants in the morning and evening.   

My grandfather travels to different organisations to deliver lectures and talks to inspire the next generation of students. He always says, ‘I can apply the knowledge and create great things if I devote myself to learning.’ He is the pride of my family and a highly respected man in our community. I want to study hard and grow up to become like him someday.   

By writing this essay, your child will learn how to gather ideas for an essay and organise it coherently to write a good essay in school and exams. Essays are also the best way for children to express themselves creatively on any given topic.   

1. What are some fun ways to learn about my grandfather?

  • Ask Questions: Talk to your grandfather or other family members and ask them about his life, hobbies, and favourite memories.  
  • Look at Old Photos: Explore family photo albums or boxes to see pictures of your grandfather when he was younger.  
  • Listen to Stories: Ask your grandfather or your family to tell you stories about his childhood, his adventures, or the funny things he used to do.  
  • Make a Timeline: Create a timeline of your grandfather’s life, including important events, milestones, and achievements.  

2. Can I add photos of my grandfather to my essay?

Absolutely! Adding photos adds a personal touch while putting a face to the person the essay is about. It also makes the writing more relatable and visually appealing.  

3. How do I make my essay about my grandfather more engaging?

When writing an essay about your grandfather, it is vital to make it personal while at the same time making it relatable. Describe sensory details about your grandfather, such as his appearance, walk, smile, voice, and smell.   

You can also incorporate his quotes and use metaphors and imagery to describe your grandfather’s struggles and achievements. Use a conversational tone and dialogue to make it easy to read or narrate.   

Grandfathers are important figures in children’s lives. Essays about the topic can include details about the person and plenty of perspectives from the child’s side!

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My Grandfather Essay for Students & Children [Easy Words*]

February 4, 2021 by Sandeep

My Grandfather Essay: My Grandfather’s name is Krishna Sreekar. He is 72 years old. He is a retired Executive Officer of a Steel Plant. He is quite fit and active for his age. My grandfather is very loving and caring as a person. He is the most respected figure in our family . He loves to read books. I love my grandfather and wish him good health.

Essay on My Grandfather 150 Words in English

We have provided My Grandfather Essay, usually given for class 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.

My grandfather is an intriguing person. He has always been an important role model in my life. His name is Satish Kumar. He is seventy-five years old. He is always active and energetic throughout the day. Everyone in our family respects him. His love for us has no bounds. He has always been very caring and affectionate towards every person. My grandfather is a retired army officer. This is why he has always valued education and discipline in his life.

He is a strong-willed man. He never skips his morning walks . He wakes up early every day and goes for a brisk walk across our nearby park. After returning, he sits on the lawn and reads his favourite books. The love for food is common for both of us. We both enjoy each other’s company. He shares his stories with me. I can never be sad around him. My grandfather’s amiable nature always makes me feel happy. He is one of my best friends, and I love him. Every day I pray for his well-being and good health.

Essay on My Grandfather 400 Words in English

Below we have provided My Grandfather Essay, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

“Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another” ~ Richard Garnett

The above saying truly acknowledges the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. No matter how fast-paced this world becomes, this bond survives. Our grandparents are our biggest supporters in life. Now that I look back at the time, my grandfather has been the most influential person I’ve ever known.

My grandfather’s name is Shashank Paul. He is a very humble man. He has continuously been present in all the stages of my life. This year he turned seventy-nine. Despite his age, he is the most energetic member of our family. His jolly personality always brightens our mood. My grandfather acts like the root which binds our family all together.

My grandfather has multiple interests. He is very fond of gardening. Our backyard is filled with shrubs and herbs of all kinds. He is a great home cook. Often I watch him pick tomatoes from the garden and create innovative dishes for me. He says cooking is therapeutic. Being a retired headmaster of the Public School, books have been his pride possession.

His other hobbies include watching movies and listening to my grandmother’s songs. I feel lucky to be able to live with my grandparents. Whenever I got scolded by my mom or dad, my grandfather always comes to my rescue. We share a special bond. I always share my day to day stories with him.

Every weekend, we sit together and watch a horror movie. Once in a while, he lets me cook some dishes for him. Picnics are our favourite moments. My grandfather never lets me down. He encourages me to try out new things. Whenever I feel scared, a simple nod from him is enough to boost my confidence.

He considers me his best friend. And he feels like he is revisiting his childhood when I am with him. Our laughs are contagious. After his retirement, I am beginning to spend more time with him. Our bond keeps getting stronger with the passing time.

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What a Grandparent’s Unconditional Love Does

Posted by Ken Canfield, PhD | Jun 30, 2020 | Grandchildren , Grandmothers , Healthy Relationships | 0 |

by Ken Canfield, Ph.D.

When adults describe their grandparents, one phrase appears again and again: unconditional love . When we are healthy, mature grandparents functioning well in the family, love and grace become the driving forces of our relationships with our grands.

Here are some examples we’ve collected:

They did not have the best of everything or a lot of anything, but they made sure I was loved unconditionally. I miss them!

What a Grandparent’s Unconditional Love Does

[From Grandma] I have learned how to love unconditionally, to forgive without question, to be a positive example … and to not be so judgmental of others.
My grandma was a nurse who taught me to care about life, to serve others, and to become a happy and kindhearted person. I’m convinced grandmas are God’s angels who touch our lives and hearts with their unconditional love .
My grandma raised six children and ran the family farm after my grandpa’s death at a young age, and she did all this without so much as a complaint. She also didn’t allow sadness to take over. She taught us unconditional love and acceptance.
Grandparenting is about giving unconditional love, sitting on the floor and playing without worrying about the dirty dishes, and recognizing the important and blessed role I play in the lives of my grandchildren. I only hope I can live up to the example my grandma set.

A grandparent’s unconditional love sticks with children for many years. But where does that come from?

Part of it is from the freedom and hope and joy we feel with our grandchildren that we may not have known as parents. We have less of our ego wrapped up in our grandchildren’s behavior or performance, and so we accept them for who they are, we love them unconditionally, and we can be there for them in a way no one else can.

Most of us would do anything in our power for those precious grandkids. And sometimes that’s easy, but often our love will be tested by broken relationships , or when a grandchild takes a path that goes against what we believe.

But really, aren’t those the times that define love as unconditional ?

Maybe love will motivate us to appreciate the person even when we don’t approve of their actions. Or we admit that we were wrong and ask forgiveness . Maybe we’ll make sacrifices so we can take on a bigger role in mentoring or caring for our grandkids during a time of need.

Those grace-filled connections with our grandchildren will also be vitally important during the child’s teen years, which are often difficult for everyone in the family. When communication breaks down or emotions are running high at home, everyone benefits when grandparents are available. Parents can go to their parents for wisdom, and teens can turn to Grandpa or Grandma for unconditional love. We grandparents also help to meet needs in ways the parents can’t, or that they don’t see, which can be a huge help.

That’s what love does. And grandparents can do it like no one else.

About The Author

Ken Canfield, PhD

Ken Canfield, PhD

Dr. Canfield is a nationally-known leader, speaker and researcher who has committed his life to strengthening fathers and families. He has founded and continues to engage in several organizations which are dedicated to improving family well-being, most notably the National Center for Fathering. He is currently the founder and President of the National Association for Grandparenting. Ken and his wife Dee have been married for 40 years. They have five children, three sons-in-law and one daughter-in-law and nine grandchildren....and growing.

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Eulogy for Grandad

A warm loving eulogy example for a grandfather and friend, from his granddaughter

Contributed by: Corinne McPartland | UK

We are here to celebrate the life of Michael McDonnell, a man that I have been blessed to call my granddad but also my best friend.

According to his official birth certificate, he lived for 79 years. But according to records we found in England – he is down as being 82.

He was obviously up to no good when he put down the "less official" date, but whatever age he is down as being, one thing is for certain and that is he lived every one of those years exactly how he wanted. In my eyes, he was the "ultimate original".

Grandad's full and rich journey

Eulogy for Granddad quote everybody dies but not everybody truly lives

The saying goes that "everybody dies but not everybody truly lives" and Granddad's journey has been a full and rich one.

The proof of that incredible journey is the strong legacy he leaves behind – his wife Maureen, eight children: Mary, Katherine, Patricia, Annette, Michael, Claire, Fiona and James, 19 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. As well as his sister Kathleen and his many nieces and nephews. This was his family and I know he was so incredibly proud and protective of each one of us. He taught us all the importance of family, the importance of sticking together and enjoying each other's company. He really nurtured his children, who now in turn nurture their own children embedded in the same core values– and so his legacy lives on.

Strong, solid and unbreakable. I think if there's one way you can ever really live forever, then it's through those you leave behind.

Grandad- an artist, writer, dancer, poet and a mechanic.

Recently I asked him what he would've been in life, if he hadn't been a mechanic. He told me that he would have been an artist, a writer, a dancer or a poet. It amused me that these were the things he said he would have been – because to me, he had always been all of these things.

There's nobody else I have ever known who could recite a piece of poetry at the drop of a hat to compliment, teach a lesson or raise a smile.

I remember recently crying over a man and, in a bid to dry my tears he recited a poem about "corns growing" on his feet and "crabs as big as lobsters" chewing the poor guy's nether regions for meat. * Needless to say, I was in stitches by the end.

* (This comes from an extremely bawdy Australian poem attributed to poet Henry Lawson.)   

Age isn't an illness

Age is not an illness quote

He always maintained that age isn't an illness - it’s a fact of life. But I guess some people are better at it than others.

Granddad’s secret was to think himself younger than he really was, and he kept a constant hunger for learning and challenging himself, right up until the very end.

He actually spent the last few months trying to get to grips with the internet and was determined to get onto Skype – which he did.

And eBay – which he never really did. But I can assure you - if the "Beginners Guide to the Internet" he had beside him most days on the sofa was anything to go by – he would have been internationally trading in everything from tea towels to car parts before the year was out.

Listen to the music and don't think about the steps

Anyone who is here today will know how much he loved to dance. It's a passion he carried with him throughout his life, ever since he realized as a teenager that being good at dancing would almost certainly guarantee you the choice of every beautiful woman in the room. But watching him dance was a great pleasure - you could tell he was completely lost in the music and contently happy.

I've never danced with anyone like I have danced with him. From dancing as a baby with him in the kitchen to dancing our way across Ireland – including the Lisdoonvarna Festival , the land of what he called the "recycled teenager", where he tried his very best to marry me off to an elderly worm farmer as there was, according to him, "great money in worms".

Listen to the music and don't think about the steps, quotation.

When we were dancing together, he used to say to me, "listen to the music and don't think about the steps".

I suppose that was his way of reaffirming the life lesson he was always trying to impart to me and many others in the family; and that is to do exactly what you want to do in life and make sure you follow your arrow wherever it points. Don't be a victim of regret.

His legendary wit lives on

Humour was always a huge part of Granddad's character and what a way to be remembered - through laughter. He had the ability to spin a crazy yarn or tell a story, like no other.

He was always able to make light of a bad situation - always turning the bright side out. This is a trait of his I see running through so many of us in the family – and thank God for it.

We enjoy life because of him. People he has never even met know his stories, phrases and classic insights because we readily recount all of them. I know for a fact that many of those people have then recounted them to their friends and families – and so his legendary wit lives on.

I for one, will never be able to say "hospice" without thinking of "horse piss", will never be able to look at a copy of "50 Shades of Grey" without thinking of Tony and Granddad having the craic about it in the kitchen and I know many of my single friends will be eternally grateful for his "It's better to be left on the shelf than locked in a cupboard," analogy.

Grandad taught us all lessons in grace

Granddad taught us all lessons in grace. Even when faced with the toughest of situations, when most people would hold a grudge or seek revenge – he always advised to have good manners, be graceful to all those we met and always take the higher ground. I don't think of these past years, which saw him go in and out of hospital, as being wasted for him. He actually used them to pave those last few bricks in his long and winding road. He used his last few years to impart infinite words of wisdom to each of us, teach life-lessons and set example after example about how we should: be brave; that love liberates; that we should take a positive attitude towards everything we are faced with in life; that we should live our lives fully – and always find time to laugh.

Nature and Castleblaney: paradise

Quotation: nature is where I'll think of him

Nature is where I will always think of him, out on the lake, on his boat – moored up to our "Secret Island" – eating the tastiest of sandwiches and drinking a good mug of tea. As free as a bird. Living in what he called his "paradise".

And Castleblaney was, indeed, his paradise. Ever since he left his hometown as a teenager to find work in England – first in Birmingham, then in London and finally in Croydon where he raised his family - he said he felt a constant pull back to his true home - to this town he loved so, so much.

Many people travel the world twice over searching for the natural affinity he had for this place. He didn't need the stamps in his passport to gain a sense of enlightenment or feel a sense of belonging - because he had it all right here. And part of that sense of belonging, was the many people he called life-long friends including Les Christie and Tony, who I'm sure shared many memorable moments with him throughout his life.

The transport cafe in Castleblaney

After his many adventures in England - and there were many - he finally settled back here in Castleblaney - nearly 30 years ago now. During this time, he turned his hand to everything from buying and selling bikes to painting to running a successful transport café - where he affectionately gained the nickname "Greasy Mick".

Out of all the names he's been dubbed over the years – from "Mick the Fitter" when he was a mechanic in London, to "O'Donnell Abu" – after the legendary war chief - a nickname his friends here in Castleblaney used to call him when he was a small boy up to mischief in the town, "Greasy Mick" was probably the one that I didn't like quite as much - probably because I became known as "Greasy Mick's Granddaughter". During the years he had the cafe, he employed lots of young people - many of whom are here today. He had a natural affinity to strike up friendships with any age group, take an interest in what they were doing, the problems they might have been facing and try to help where he could.

Many of you will know that on Christmas Day he used to invite all those in the town, who were alone or had fallen on tough times, to his cafe to enjoy Christmas Dinner and a good drink.

I'm glad to say that I got to experience a Christmas Day in his cafe and got to see why he did it - creating a little refuge for those who might otherwise have been desolate, hungry or in need of some company.

On with the dance!

I used to come to visit him in Ireland quite a bit for the holidays, and we would sit for hours at his kitchen table exchanging stories, drinking tea and grazing on the delicious food he was always able to whip up. One thing he told me was that when he dreamed he used to feel like he was watching a blockbuster movie, complete with soundtrack and special effects. Well, Granddad, I hope when you closed your eyes for the last time, you started watching the most glorious movie you've ever watched.

Seeing as you loved a poem to fit an occasion, I will now leave you with few lines of one I found, which I hope describes how you may have passed from death to eternal life:

On with the dance - Lord Byron quotation

"On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined; No sleep til morn, when youth and pleasure meet, to chase the glowing hours with flying feet." I love you, granddad and am glad we have shared a friendship that has overlooked age, created so many wonderful memories and one that will last a lifetime - until we meet again.

dividing line dark green

Comments from readers

Corrine's moving eulogy for her grandfather has helped and inspired many people who've also had eulogies to write for their granddads. Here's what some of them had to say:

"I am glad you wrote this. It reminds me so much of my father."

"Thank you, I too am lucky to have had an amazing friendship with my grandfather, very similar to yours. His passing is so fresh I feel lost yet calm, although I have no words.  I hope you don't mind but one or two sentences from your eulogy are exactly what it is that I want to say and share. Therefore, I am going to borrow them." 

"Thanks for this.  Using some of your words really helped me to be able to write my own eulogy for my grandfather."

"This is amazingly written! I'm so happy you had that relationship with your Grandad. Very, very similar to mine!  Hope you don't mind, and I'm sure you don't, I'm stealing a sentence or two because they are just the words I needed. Thank you for helping me and putting a smile on my face." 

"Hi Sis, Thank you very much for your eulogy. It helped me in many ways - found a lot of ways to thank my grandfather whom I lost few days ago. I was searching for words as to how I could write. I have plenty of memories, but I couldn't find ways to write about them. I read yours and found a way to."

"Thanks so much for sharing your eulogy. I lost my Grandpa yesterday and was lost for words but you inspired me and gave me many ideas."

"Just looking online for ideas to give a eulogy and this is so powerful and incredibly well written that I had to comment. I felt like I was there with you. Very good indeed!"

After I ( Susan ) received Corrine's eulogy for her granddad, I sent her this note to say thank you: "Corinne, thank you! What a rich life and you've shared snippets of it so well. Your reference to the Lisdoonvarna Festival as the land of the "recycled teenager" brought a giggle, the wise observations made me pause, and I loved the few lines you found to finish with. Now your memories of your Granddad will help others. I'm sure that's something he would approve of heartily."

Corrine wrote back: "Thank you, Susan. He was a great soul and is with me every day!"


Resources to help with writing eulogies

  • Read more sample eulogies for family members, friends, and colleagues. (Like the eulogy you have just read, these too are genuine.)
  • Find out how to write a eulogy : step by step guidelines, with examples, and a printable eulogy planner/template to use.
  • Find a poem or a quotation to use: 6 pages of poems and quotations suitable for funeral readings , some with audio and printables.

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essay about the love of grandfather


Seven Grandfather Teachings

Before departing from the Seven Grandfathers, they told him, “Each of these teachings must be used with the rest. You cannot have Wisdom without Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility, and Truth. You cannot be Honest if you are only using one of the other teachings. To leave out one teaching would be embracing the opposite of what the teaching means.” The Seven Grandfathers each instructed the child with a principle. It was then up to the child to forget them, or to put them to use.

Knowing love is to know peace.

A way to honor creation is by showing respect., facing a problem with integrity is a true demonstration of bravery..

We do what is right even when the consequences may be unpleasant. We face life with the courage to use our personal strengths to face difficulties, stand tall through adversity, and make positive choices. We must stand up for our convictions and have courage in our thinking and speaking. All of these actions together will lead to ceaseless bravery.

Truth is having the knowledge of our cultural teachings.

Facing a situation is to be brave, but having the courage to not only do the right thing, but also saying it, is honesty., humility is to know that we are a part of creation., the mixture of these teachings, combined with the experiences of life, is what we refer to as wisdom..

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essay about the love of grandfather

Sympathy Message Ideas

11 Eulogy Examples for a Grandfather (Touching Readings)

After your grandfather passes away a eulogy is the opportunity for you to share your memories, thoughts and feelings about him. To reflect on his life and legacy.

If you aren’t sure what to say in a eulogy though then you’re not alone. Finding the right words and knowing what to include can be hard.

To help you the following eulogy examples for grandfathers, tips for writing a eulogy and ideas for what else to incorporate will give you some inspiration and guidance.

Related: 19 Moving Eulogy Examples and Samples

Table of Contents

Short Eulogy Examples for a Grandfather

These eulogy examples are short and to the point. You can use them as starting points for a longer reading or as ideas of what you could include in your own.

Short and Sweet Eulogy

My grandfather was a man of few words but his presence was immense. He was the quiet strength of our family, always there, always steady. In his simple, everyday actions he taught us about patience, understanding and unconditional love.

Today, as we remember him, we cherish the moments we shared and the quiet lessons he imparted. His memory will forever be a blessing and light in our lives.

Traditional Grandfather Eulogy

My dear grandfather, [Name], was a wise, loving and caring person who was taken from us far too soon. [Name] was a devoted grandfaher, a mentor and an inspiration to us all.

Granddad was always there for me. Be it through the good times or the bad, I knew I could rely on him. He taught me the importance of family, tradition and heritage, and was always willing to lend a helping hand. He had a heart of gold and was my mentor, my friend and my guiding light.

[Name] will always hold a special place in my heart and I will cherish the memories we shared. [Name] will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

Young Grandfather Eulogy

My dear grandfather, [Name], was a young, vibrant and loving person who was taken from us too soon. [Name] was a devoted grandfather, a role model and an inspiration to us all.

[Name] was always full of energy and had a zest for life. He was a young grandfather and his presence was always felt by his grandchildren. He was always there for them and they loved him dearly. He taught them how to enjoy life and to always be open to new experiences. [Name] was always supportive, always kind and always made time for his grandchildren.

[Name] will always hold a special place in our hearts and we will cherish the memories we shared. [Name] will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

eulogy example for grandfather

Nurturing Grandfather Eulogy

My dear grandfather, [Name], was someone who nurtured and cared for so many. He was a wholly selfless person and I miss him so much.

[Name] always put his family first and he was always there for us when we needed him. Those needs always came before his, whatever they were. On top of that he taught us how to be selfless and how to care for others too. He was a role model for us, and his love and kindness will always be remembered.

It’s hard to believe [Name] is gone. But we will continue to honor his legacy and cherish the time we had with him.

Grandfather Passed Away Suddenly Eulogy

We have lost our dear grandfather, [Name], so suddenly. He was taken from us so abruptly and in the cruelest of ways.

It’s hard to accept that he is really gone. I still expect to see his smiling face coming through the door any time now. But I will try to remember the things he taught me.

I learnt how to be strong, how to be resilient and how to accept the thing we cannot change.

[Name] will be deeply missed, but his love and kindness will always be remembered.

Related: How to Write a Eulogy: The Ultimate Guide

grandfather eulogy example

Heartfelt and Personal Eulogy for Grandfather

Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here today not just to say farewell to my beloved grandfather, but to honor and remember the incredible life he lived. From my earliest memories I am aware of my grandfather being a fountain of wisdom and a source of endless love.

He was born in a small town, in a different era, but his values and principles were timeless. He lived through some of the most significant changes in our history yet he remained grounded in his beliefs – the importance of family, the value of hard work and the power of kindness.

As a young man he served his country with honor. Those years shaped much of who he became, instilling a sense of duty and strength that he carried throughout his life. After his service he returned to his hometown where he met my grandmother. Their love story was one for the ages, filled with deep respect and commitment.

Professionally he was as reliable as they come – a man who believed in the dignity of work, regardless of the job. He taught us all about the value of putting in an honest day’s work, not just to earn a living but to contribute something meaningful to the world.

But perhaps what I will remember most about my grandfather is his role within our family. He was the patriarch, the calm in our storm. His advice was always thoughtful, his demeanor always calm. He had a unique way of teaching life’s greatest lessons, not through lectures, but through his actions and the stories he shared.

His stories were legendary – not just for their content, but for the way he told them. With each tale he transported us to a different time, teaching us about life, love and everything in between.

His love for his family was immense. As a father, he was a guide and a protector. As a grandfather, he was a mentor and a friend. He was our biggest supporter, cheering us on in our successes and comforting us in our failures.

In his later years, even as age slowed him down, his spirit remained as vibrant as ever. His sense of humor never faded, and his eyes always sparkled with joy, especially when surrounded by his family.

Today, as we bid him farewell, we do so with heavy hearts. But we also celebrate a life well lived. A life filled with love, laughter and kindness. He leaves behind a legacy that will continue to live on through each of us. Grandpa, you may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Your love has shaped us, and your memory will always be a treasure in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear Grandfather.

Formal and Respectful Eulogy

Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to pay tribute to a man of exceptional character and integrity, my grandfather. His life was a testament to the virtues of honesty, hard work and compassion. Today, as we bid him goodbye, we not only mourn his loss but celebrate the extraordinary legacy he leaves behind.

Born into a modest family, my grandfather’s early life was marked by simplicity and hard work. He understood from a young age the value of education and the power of knowledge. His pursuit of learning was not just for personal advancement but a tool he used to better the lives of those around him.

His career was a reflection of his character. He was respected in his profession for his hard work, ethical standards and commitment to always striving for excellence. His colleagues knew him as a man who could always be relied upon and a person of his word.

But beyond his professional life he was a pillar in his community. He believed strongly in giving back and was actively involved in various community services. His efforts were not for recognition but sprang from a genuine desire to make a difference.

As a family man he was the bedrock upon which our family was built. His relationship with my grandmother was one of mutual respect and love, a partnership that stood strong for decades. As a father he was a guide and a provider, instilling in his children values that have shaped their lives.

And as a grandfather his role took on a new dimension. He was a storyteller, an advisor and a friend. His grandchildren looked up to him, not just out of respect, but out of a deep sense of love and admiration.

His wisdom was always shared with a gentle hand. He taught us the importance of living a life guided by principles, the significance of always keeping one’s word and the power of showing kindness to others.

In his final years he faced his challenges with the same dignity and grace that marked his entire life. He was a source of strength and inspiration, showing us how to face adversity with courage and humility.

As we stand here today, we realize the void his passing leaves in our lives. And yet we take solace in the rich memories and the mark he has left on each of us. His legacy is not just in the life he led but in the lives he touched.

Grandfather, your memory will forever be a guiding light for us. Your life was a journey of love, dedication, and honor. As we say our final goodbyes, we do so with the knowledge that your spirit will continue to live on through us. Rest in peace, and thank you for everything.

Reflective and Celebratory Eulogy

Friends and family, we gather here today not just in sorrow but in celebration of a life that touched us all so deeply. My grandfather was a man of extraordinary character, whose life story deserves to be celebrated with joy and admiration.

Born in a time of great change, he witnessed the world transform around him. Yet, in all this change, he remained a constant – one who brought stability, love and wisdom. His life was a tapestry of rich experiences, from his youthful adventures to his golden years surrounded by those he loved.

He was a man who found joy in the simplest things – a cup of coffee in the morning, the sound of birds at dawn, a good book in the evening. But he also lived life to its fullest and embraced every moment with enthusiasm and excitement.

His laugh was contagious and his sense of humor could help us through even the darkest days. He could turn any moment into a celebration and any gathering into a memorable event. His stories, often filled with humor and wisdom, were the highlight of many family gatherings, leaving us all in stitches or deep thought.

Professionally, he was dedicated and respected, but he never let his work define him. Instead he taught us the importance of balancing ambition with the need for joy and rest. He believed in hard work but also in the value of a well earned rest, a lesson that has stayed with me throughout my life.

As a family man he was nothing short of extraordinary. His love for my grandmother was a timeless love story, full of respect, admiration and mutual support. As a father he was a hero – strong, dependable and always there. And as a grandfather he was a magical presence in our lives – on the one hand a wise mentor, the other a playful companion, and always our biggest fan.

In his later years he embraced his role as the elder statesman of our family with grace and dignity. His wisdom grew even deeper, his advice more poignant. His presence at family events was always a source of joy and comfort.

Today, as we remember him, let us not dwell on our loss but celebrate the gift of having known such an incredible man. Let’s carry forward the lessons he taught us: to live life with passion, to laugh often, to love deeply, and to make every day count.

Grandfather, your legacy is not just in the past but in the way you shaped our futures. You taught us to be better, to love more, and to always find a reason to celebrate. As we say goodbye, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the time we had with you. Your spirit will live on in each of us, in our stories, our laughter, and our love. Rest in peace, dear Grandfather, knowing you have left the world a better place.

Religious Eulogy for a Grandfather

Dear friends and family, as we gather here today in the house of the Lord, we come together not only to mourn the loss but also to celebrate the life of a truly remarkable man – our beloved grandfather. In the spirit of faith and hope, we remember a life well lived under the grace of God.

My grandfather was a man of deep and abiding faith. His relationship with God was the cornerstone of his life, guiding his actions and decisions. He was a familiar face in the pews of this very church, his voice often joining in hymns of praise, his hands folded in prayer for others, his heart always open to the word of God.

He lived his faith through his actions – a living testament to the teachings of Christ. He loved unconditionally, forgave readily and offered help without expecting anything in return. His generosity knew no bounds, and his kindness touched the lives of many in our community.

Grandpa’s faith was not just a Sunday commitment; it was a daily practice. He found joy in the simple blessings of life – a family meal, a good day’s work, a helping hand extended to a neighbor. He taught us the value of honesty, the importance of hard work and the power of prayer. His wisdom, often shared over a cup of coffee or during a long walk, was steeped in the scriptures he cherished.

In times of trouble he was a pillar of strength, reminding us to ‘cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7). In moments of joy, he led us in giving thanks, living by the words, ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever’ (Psalm 107:1).

As we say goodbye to him today, we find comfort in the promises of our faith. We are reminded in Philippians 1:21, ‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’ We believe that he has found his eternal rest in the arms of our Savior, in a place where there is no pain or sorrow, but only the peace and joy of everlasting life.

While we will miss his presence in our lives, we hold tight to the memories and the lessons he has left behind. His legacy of faith, love, and kindness will continue to live on in each of us. We are blessed to have known him, loved him, and learned from him.

In closing, let us pray for his soul and find solace in the hope of our own salvation. May we live our lives in a way that honors his memory and reflects the love of Christ he so vividly demonstrated.

‘The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit’ (Psalm 34:18). May God grant us strength in our sorrow and peace in our hearts. Amen.”

Tips for Writing a Eulogy for a Grandfather

When writing a eulogy for your grandfather focus on the most cherished memories you have of him. You can include anecdotes or your favorite stories too.

Don’t forget to mention his biggest achievements either. You should be aiming to reflect on his life and legacy.

A good way to cover all of this is by choosing a theme or central message that encapsulates your grandfather’s life. This can be a way to provide a clear and concise tribute to the grandfather who has passed away.

Don’t forget to use clear and easy to understand language. You want the audience to follow what you’re saying and be able to focus on the content rather than trying to understand what you’ve said.

More Eulogy Examples

  • 10+ Eulogy Examples for a Grandmother (Touching and Thoughtful Speeches)
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eulogy examples for a grandfather

Sally Collins is a writer and the founder and owner of Sympathy Message Ideas. Her passion is to help others deal with grief and provide assistance with talking to those grieving.  Learn more about Sally .

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Writing a Eulogy for Grandfather to Celebrate His Life

As a college instructor and communication expert with extensive nonfiction and educational writing experience, Mary shares tips and advice related to a wide variety of topics.

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Losing your grandfather is hard, no matter what age you are at the time he passes away. Being asked to deliver the eulogy at his funeral is a high honor. If you're struggling to figure out what to say, review this sample eulogy for inspiration.

Example Eulogy for a Grandfather

What can I say about my grandfather? My name is [insert name] and I wouldn't be the person I am today without him. The fact that he's not with us anymore breaks my heart, but the fact that he taught me - and our entire family - what it means to really love someone will help me heal and go on. From the time I was very young, I worshipped my grandfather. While I may not always have shown it, I always looked up to him. From the time I was very small, I knew that he was the ideal example of what a family man should be. Not only was he the leader of our family, he was an incredible human being who left his mark on everyone he met. When I look out today, not only do I see my family, I see so many friends, coworkers, neighbors, and others who are also mourning the loss of this great man.

  • 100+ Funeral Quotes to Help Say a Final Goodbye
  • 18 Poignant Poems in Memory of Dad
  • What to Say at a Celebration of Life to Pay a Meaningful Tribute

I want to tell you what kind of person my grandfather really was.

  • He loved his family. [Insert a few examples or stories to illustrate this point.]
  • He was passionate about [insert cause/hobby/etc.] [Insert a few examples or stories that convey his passion.]
  • He had a great [insert something like "sense of humor," "golf game," "career as a _________"]. [Extrapolate with a few examples or stories.]

He was all of those things, and so much more. While I may not know what my future - or the future of our family - looks like without grandpa, I know that I'm a better person because I was loved by him. I only hope that I can live up to the example of love, strength, character, and integrity that he set for all of us. While he's no longer here to say that he's proud of me, I carry his strength in my heart. The kindest compliment I hope to hear someday is "your grandfather would be proud."

Thank you so much for joining my family in celebrating the life of [insert grandpa's name], a man I'm so proud to call my grandfather. I'd like to leave you with these final words. [Insert a meaningful poem , quote , or bible verse ].

Preparing to Write Your Grandfather's Eulogy

While sample eulogy speeches can be a good source of inspiration, your grandfather's life is unique. Use as much of the example speech as you like, but be sure that you're truly celebrating his life by crafting a heartfelt eulogy that honors his memory and the one-of-a-kind mark he left on the world. Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting on your relationship with your grandfather, as well as his impact on the family as a whole.

To get started:

  • Consider the impact your grandfather had on making you the person you are today.
  • Reflect on your fondest memories of spending time with your grandfather.
  • Ask your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings to share their favorite stories about grandpa.
  • Make a list of your grandfather's passions, such as hobbies, volunteer work, causes, memberships, etc.
  • Do a freewriting exercise, during which you spend 5 minutes writing down any words that come to mind when you think about your grandfather.

As you complete these activities, you're sure to experience quite a few strong emotions - from love and joy to sadness and grief. You'll also develop a clear idea of what needs to be included in your grandfather's eulogy. As a result, you'll know exactly what to say when delivering the eulogy.

Pay Tribute to Your Grandfather

Honoring your grandfather with a heartwarming funeral speech is a wonderful way to celebrate his life after he passes away. Even if you find public speaking to be stressful, chances are that you'll ultimately be glad you agreed to prepare and present brief remarks at his funeral.

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Professional Eulogy Writing

Eulogy writing guide, funeral speeches for a work colleague, tribute speech to dad from daughter, funeral speech writing advice, sample eulogy for a grandfather.

  • February 12, 2024


Losing a loved one is never easy, and the task of writing a eulogy for a grandfather can be particularly challenging. Not only do you have to find the right words to honor his life and legacy, but the pressure of public speaking can seem overwhelming. However, with the right guidance and a touch of inspiration, you can craft a heartfelt tribute that speaks to the impact your grandfather had on those who loved him.

Are you struggling to write a meaningful eulogy during this difficult time?  Our professional eulogy writing service can help you honour your loved one in less than 48 hours, with no additional stress. We help you preserve the legacy of a cherished life, in your time of grief. Find out more →

Table of Contents

Eulogy For A Grandfather Example 1

Homage to the guiding forces of our spiritual growth, crafting tales of enlightenment and unforgettable impact, voices of gratitude: sharing our journey of remembrance, what should be the focus of a eulogy for a grandfather, how do i start writing a eulogy for my grandfather, what key elements should i include in a grandfather’s eulogy, how can i personalize the eulogy, what tone is appropriate for a grandfather’s eulogy, how long should a eulogy for a grandfather be, can i include humorous stories in the eulogy, how do i mention his life achievements, is it okay to express grief in the eulogy, how do i conclude the eulogy, should i talk about the lessons he taught me, can i share how he influenced my life choices, how can i prepare emotionally for delivering the eulogy, is it appropriate to discuss his role as a family patriarch, can i mention his hobbies or passions, how do i address his relationship with other family members, what if i become too emotional during the eulogy, is it suitable to include quotes or poems that remind me of him, how can i highlight his sense of humor, can i encourage others to remember him fondly, eulogy assistant: in praise of spiritual visionaries, frequently asked questions.

In this article, we'll guide you through writing a eulogy for your grandfather, including a sample eulogy and ideas to help you personalize your message. Before you know it, you'll have a meaningful eulogy that not only provides comfort to friends and family, but celebrates the unique contributions your grandfather made throughout his life.

  • Personal anecdotes
  • Your grandfather's achievements or hobbies
  • The qualities you most admired in him
  • A favorite quote or life lesson from your grandfather

Having a clear structure in place can help ensure you don't miss any important details and can make the writing process feel less overwhelming.

Sharing stories about your grandfather is a powerful way to paint a vivid picture of the person he was. Think about special memories you shared, as well as the values he instilled in you. These stories can help to demonstrate the kind of role model he was and how he impacted those around him.

Need a Eulogy? Get a Personalized Professional Eulogy Written For Your Loved One

Writing a eulogy for a loved one you have just lost, can be both challenging and painful. Alongside the pressure of delivering a meaningful tribute in front of other funeral guests.

Let our expert Funeral Speech Writers create a heartfelt & personalized eulogy, that captures the amazing life and memories of your loved one.

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Highlighting your grandfather's accomplishments and passions can provide a comprehensive view of his life. Did he have a successful career? Was he active in his community or passionate about hobbies like gardening or painting? Including these details can provide a rich tribute to his life and interests.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions as you pay tribute to your grandfather. Much of what makes a eulogy touching is the authentic, heartfelt sentiments that are shared. Expressing your grief, love, and gratitude for your grandfather can be a powerful way to both honor him and provide comfort to others.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to celebrate the life of my beloved grandfather, John Smith. A devoted husband, loving father, and doting grandfather, John's impact on our lives is immeasurable. His unwavering kindness, generous spirit, and contagious zest for life touched everyone he met.

Growing up, my siblings and I spent countless weekends at my grandparents' home. We would gather in the backyard, where Grandpa John's sprawling garden beds were aflutter with colorful blooms and the sweet scent of roses filled the air. He taught us the importance of patience, hard work, and the beauty that comes from cultivating both plants and relationships. This profound love of gardening was a testament to his nurturing heart and is a legacy that lives on in each of us.

Grandpa John also approached every challenge with a unique, optimistic outlook. As a veteran and later a successful entrepreneur in our community, he understood the importance of perseverance and diligence. Through his endeavors, he impacted so many lives—generating jobs, helping others, and contributing to the growth of our town. His infectious laughter and unmistakable charisma left an indelible mark on those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

One of my fondest memories of John is from a family vacation to the lake when I was just twelve years old. As we sat around the campfire, he told us, "Life is like a winding river, full of twists and turns. It's not always clear where it will take you, but you can choose whether to float aimlessly or steer yourself towards happiness and love." This simple yet profound wisdom has stayed with me, shaping the person I am today. In times of uncertainty, I know John would want us to remember that truth.

In closing, my heart aches at the thought of life without my grandfather, but I am filled with gratitude for the beautiful memories and cherished moments we shared. We are truly blessed to have had John in our lives, and his spirit will continue to shine bright in all who loved him. As we move forward, let us honor his memory by embracing the values he held dear—family, love, laughter, and the pursuit of happiness.

We hope this guide, along with our sample eulogy for a grandfather, has been helpful in navigating this challenging task. Remember that writing a eulogy is a significant way to honor your loved one's life and legacy, and it's a process that should be approached with care.

For further assistance with crafting a heartfelt tribute, Eulogy Assistant can provide valuable input and guidance in writing your eulogy. Through personalized prompts and suggestions, you can create a meaningful eulogy that uniquely captures the spirit of your grandfather.

In the serene moments before we express our deepest respects, capturing the vast essence of a spiritual visionary can seem as daunting as trying to paint the depth of the cosmos. This sacred task of commemorating such an influential beacon in our spiritual evolution is a profound expression of homage, where heartfelt admiration blends seamlessly with deep emotional resonance. Eulogy Assistant accompanies you on this noble journey, intertwining tributes of reverence with the authenticity of sincere emotion, and transforming vivid memories into enduring testaments.

Our adept ensemble, specialized in the art of crafting meaningful eulogies, is here to guide you in honoring the enlightened path and inspirational beacon that your spiritual visionary has represented. Eulogy Assistant transcends typical service offerings, engaging in a partnership characterized by empathy and a deep-seated understanding, aimed at celebrating a life that has left an indelible mark on the spiritual fabric of many.

At Eulogy Assistant , we are founded on the conviction that the most memorable eulogies emerge from a rich tapestry of collaboration. By integrating your personal reflections with our expertise, we sculpt a tribute that not only venerates but resonates deeply, faithfully capturing the spirit of your spiritual visionary's legacy.

Our methodology is anchored in true collaboration and the melding of creative visions. Your insights and cherished narratives are essential, enabling us to construct a narrative that genuinely honors the essence and transformative influence of your spiritual guide. This endeavor transcends a mere recounting of accomplishments; it's a celebration of their visionary guidance and the wisdom imparted upon us.

Together, we strive to construct a narrative that authentically portrays your spiritual visionary—a eulogy that exceeds the ordinary, imbued with respect, personal stories, and heartfelt emotion. Our collective endeavor unveils a tribute that serves as a touching homage, a reflection of the profound admiration and spiritual connection your guide has inspired.

The essence of Eulogy Assistant is encapsulated in the genuine appreciation and poignant stories from those we've supported. These testimonials highlight our commitment to offering guidance and solace in their moments of reflection.

"The challenge of paying tribute to my spiritual visionary seemed insurmountable, but Eulogy Assistant provided a guiding light, enabling me to articulate a eulogy that truly celebrated their spiritual journey and impact," shares Morgan, with heartfelt gratitude.

"The detailed guidance and compassionate expertise of Eulogy Assistant were a solace in my journey of remembrance, helping me to craft a tribute that was not just words, but a heartfelt homage to my spiritual mentor," says Alex, thankful for the supportive experience.

These reflections affirm our dedication to creating eulogies that are not simply expressions of respect and homage but are rich, heartfelt celebrations of the spiritual visionaries who have profoundly influenced our paths. We are privileged to assist you in this journey, paying homage to the distinctive legacies of those who have enlightened our spiritual quests, and crafting eulogies that stand as lasting tributes to their wisdom and guidance.

Let's unite to forge narratives that are deeply personal, rich with respect, and truly capture the essence of the spiritual visionaries who have illuminated our paths.

Focus on celebrating his life, legacy, the wisdom he imparted, and the special moments you shared.

Begin by reflecting on your most memorable moments with him and the lessons he taught you.

Include personal anecdotes, his life achievements, his role in the family, and the impact he had on those around him.

Share unique stories or traits that vividly portray his personality and the bond you shared.

A tone of respect, affection, and gratitude is fitting, reflecting the love and esteem you hold for him.

Aim for a duration of 3-5 minutes, providing a comprehensive yet concise tribute to his life.

If they are tasteful and reflect his personality, humorous stories can add warmth and relatability to the eulogy.

Highlight his achievements in a way that honors his memory and showcases his values and character.

Expressing grief is natural and shows your deep connection to your grandfather.

Conclude with a final tribute or message of love, reflecting on his lasting influence in your life.

Yes, discussing the lessons he taught can be a powerful way to honor his wisdom and guidance.

Sharing how he influenced your life choices can highlight the depth of his impact on you.

Prepare by practicing the speech, reflecting on your memories, and seeking support from family or friends.

Discussing his role as a family patriarch can honor his leadership and the love he had for his family.

Mentioning his hobbies or passions can provide a fuller picture of his personality and interests.

Talk about his relationships in a way that celebrates the bond he shared with each family member.

If you become too emotional, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and continue when ready.

Including quotes or poems that remind you of him can add a personal and reflective touch to the eulogy.

Share anecdotes or sayings that showcase his sense of humor and the joy he brought to life.

Encouraging others to remember him fondly can help create a collective celebration of his life.

To learn more about Eulogy Assistant and to get started on your eulogy today, visit our website and see how we can support you in creating a timeless tribute to a life well-lived.

Looking For Examples? Here Are Some of The Best Eulogies

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  • Hersh Goldberg-Polin

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At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life, grief and anger reign after his death

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JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people gathered there in grief and prayer to mourn his murder by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

During the Sunday night vigil, the courtyard railings were lined with oversized yellow ribbons to symbolize advocacy for the hostages, Hapoel Jerusalem soccer flags — the 23-year-old’s favorite team — and posters that read, “We love you, stay strong, survive,” a mantra coined by his mother, Rachel Goldberg-Polin.

Just hours earlier, one of the posters had been hanging over the balcony of the home of Shira Ben-Sasson, a leader of Hakhel, the Goldberg-Polins’ egalitarian congregation in the Baka neighborhood of Jerusalem.

“We were sure we would take it down when he came home,” Ben-Sasson said.

The community wanted to unite while respecting the Goldberg-Polins’ desire for privacy, she said, prompting them to organize the prayer gathering.

“But it’s like a Band-Aid or giving first aid, it’s what you do in an emergency. I don’t know how we go on after this,” she said.

essay about the love of grandfather

A covered courtyard at the Hakhel congregation was filled with mourners the day after Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose family are prominent members, was found to have been killed in Gaza. Hundreds of other people crowded outside the gates, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

She added that the community, which has a large contingent of English-speaking immigrants, was not prepared for the High Holidays, which begin in about a month. She said, “Seeing his empty seat is hard.”

For Ben-Sasson, who wore a T-shirt bearing the Talmudic dictum “There is no greater mitzvah than the redeeming of captives,” the tragedy is especially painful because, she said, it could have been avoided with a ceasefire agreement that freed hostages.

“Hersh was alive 48 hours ago. We think a deal could have saved him. There is no military solution to this,” she said.

That feeling of bereavement, often mixed with betrayal, pervaded gatherings across Israel on Sunday, as the country struggled with the news that six hostages who may have been freed in an agreement were now dead as negotiations continue to stall. Speakers at protests in Tel Aviv blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who himself apologized for not getting the hostages out alive but blamed Hamas for obstructing a deal. The country’s labor union, the Histadrut, has called a national strike on Monday to demand a deal.

A rare early September rain lashed parts of Israel on Sunday, leading to a widespread interpretation: God, too, was weeping.

Some at the Jerusalem gathering, including the relative of another former hostage, said Netanyahu had chosen defeating Hamas over freeing the captives.

essay about the love of grandfather

Josef Avi Yair Engel’s grandson Ofir was released from Hamas captivity in November. He paid tribute to Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered in captivity, in Jerusalem, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Josef Avi Yair Engel, whose grandson Ofir, 18, was released from Hamas captivity in November during that month’s ceasefire deal, expressed shock over Hersh’s murder but said he was not surprised, given the wartime policies of Netanyahu’s government.

“We knew months ago this was going to happen. Bibi’s formula, to dismantle Hamas and return the hostages, wasn’t logical. It’s an either/or situation,” Engel said, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. “He’s tearing the country apart. I’m afraid that in the coming months there won’t be a state at all.”

Engel said he felt a close bond with Hersh’s father Jon Polin, not only because of their joint activism in the hostage families’ tent outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, but also because of their shared identity as Jerusalemites.

“There aren’t many of us in the hostage circle,” he said. “We’re like family.”

Sarah Mann, who did not know the family personally, said the weekend’s tragedy reminded her of Oct. 7.

“This day has sparks of the seventh, which created numbness and an inability to talk. Just complete shock,” she said.

essay about the love of grandfather

Mourners left notes at a gathering at Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family synagogue in Jerusalem. Many of the messages used the Hebrew word for “sorry.” (Deborah Danan)

Part of the reason for that, Mann said, was Rachel, who she described as a “force of faith.” Goldberg-Polin’s mother emerged as the most prominent advocate for the hostages globally and became a symbol in her own right as she crisscrossed the world calling for her son’s freedom.

“Millions of people around the world held onto her. Once that was cut, people’s ability to hold onto faith was knocked out today. But even though this has shattered us, we need to keep holding onto God,” Mann said.

For Susi Döring Preston, the day called to mind was not Oct. 7 but Yom Kippur, and its communal solemnity.

She said she usually steers clear of similar war-related events because they are too overwhelming for her.

“Before I avoided stuff like this because I guess I still had hope. But now is the time to just give in to needing to be around people because you can’t hold your own self up any more,” she said, tears rolling down her face. “You need to feel the humanity and hang onto that.”

Like so many others, Döring Preston paid tribute to the Goldberg-Polins’ tireless activism. “They needed everyone else’s strength but we drew so much strength from them and their efforts, “she said. “You felt it could change the outcome. But war is more evil than good. I think that’s the crushing thing. You can do everything right, but the outcome is still devastating.”

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Guy Gordon, with his daughter Maya, added a broken heart to the piece of tape he has worn daily to mark the number of days since the hostage crisis began, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Guy Gordon, a member of Hakhel who moved to Israel from Dublin, Ireland, in the mid-1990s, said the efforts towards ensuring Hersh’s safe return have been an anchor for the community during the war. The community knew him as the family described him in its announcement of his funeral on Tuesday, as “a child of light, love and peace” who enjoyed exploring the world and coming home to his family, including his parents and younger sisters, Leebie and Orly.

“It gave us something to hope for, and pray for and to demonstrate for,” he said. “We had no choice but to be unreasonably optimistic. Tragically it transpired that he survived until the very end.”

Gordon, like many others in the crowd, wore a piece of duct tape marked with the number of days since Oct. 7 — a gesture initiated by Goldberg-Polin’s mother. Unlike on previous days, though, his tape also featured a broken red heart beside the number.

Nadia Levene, a family friend, also reflected on the improbability of Hersh’s survival.

“He did exactly what his parents begged him to do. He was strong. He did survive. And look what happened,” Levene said.

She hailed Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s “unwavering strength and belief in God,” adding, “There were times I lost faith. I suppose I was angry with God. But she just kept inspiring us all to pray, pray, pray.”

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Leah Silver of Jerusalem examined stickers showing Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s mantra for her son Hersh, who was murdered in captivity in Gaza, at a gathering after Hersh’s death, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Jerusalem resident Leah Silver rejected politicizing the hostages’ deaths.

“Everything turns political so quickly. I came here because I felt that before all the protests, we need to just mourn for a moment and to pray. And show respect for each other,” she said. “We’ve become confused about who the enemy is. It’s very sad.”

But not everyone at the gathering joined in to sing Israel’s national anthem at the closing of the prayer gathering.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sing ‘Hatikvah,'” Reza Green, a Baka resident who did not know the Goldberg-Polins personally, said. “I’m too angry. We shouldn’t be here.”

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Guest Essay

Yuval Noah Harari: What Happens When the Bots Compete for Your Love?

A man presses his face to a screen on which a female-like figure appears (the face is replaced with a vortex). The hands of the two figures interlock.

By Yuval Noah Harari

Mr. Harari is a historian and the author of the forthcoming book “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks From the Stone Age to AI,” from which this essay is adapted.

Democracy is a conversation. Its function and survival depend on the available information technology. For most of history, no technology existed for holding large-scale conversations among millions of people. In the premodern world, democracies existed only in small city-states like Rome and Athens, or in even smaller tribes. Once a polity grew large, the democratic conversation collapsed, and authoritarianism remained the only alternative.

Large-scale democracies became feasible only after the rise of modern information technologies like the newspaper, the telegraph and the radio. The fact that modern democracy has been built on top of modern information technologies means that any major change in the underlying technology is likely to result in a political upheaval.

This partly explains the current worldwide crisis of democracy. In the United States, Democrats and Republicans can hardly agree on even the most basic facts, such as who won the 2020 presidential election. A similar breakdown is happening in numerous other democracies around the world, from Brazil to Israel and from France to the Philippines.

In the early days of the internet and social media, tech enthusiasts promised they would spread truth, topple tyrants and ensure the universal triumph of liberty. So far, they seem to have had the opposite effect. We now have the most sophisticated information technology in history, but we are losing the ability to talk with each other, and even more so the ability to listen.

As technology has made it easier than ever to spread information, attention became a scarce resource, and the ensuing battle for attention resulted in a deluge of toxic information. But the battle lines are now shifting from attention to intimacy. The new generative artificial intelligence is capable of not only producing texts, images and videos, but also conversing with us directly, pretending to be human.

Over the past two decades, algorithms fought algorithms to grab attention by manipulating conversations and content. In particular, algorithms tasked with maximizing user engagement discovered by experimenting on millions of human guinea pigs that if you press the greed, hate or fear button in the brain, you grab the attention of that human and keep that person glued to the screen. The algorithms began to deliberately promote such content. But the algorithms had only limited capacity to produce this content by themselves or to directly hold an intimate conversation. This is now changing, with the introduction of generative A.I.s like OpenAI’s GPT-4.

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