IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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Education Vocabulary: Word Lists and Pronunciation

This is the essential vocabulary for education about schools, subjects, studying and university. There is an audio to listen to the pronunciation of the words. These are the most common words and collocations which you will need to learn in order to talk or write about school or university successfully. After each section of vocabulary, there are exercises for you to practice using the words.

Click here to download the PDF version of this page:  Education Vocabulary PDF . Please note that the PDF does not contain the answers – you must check your answers on this page.

Educational Institutions

  • kindergarten = pre-school education
  • primary school
  • secondary school
  • college = further education
  • higher education = university education = tertiary education
  • post-graduate school = university for students studying beyond degree level

School Subjects

  • natural science
  • religious studies
  • information technology (IT)
  • physical education (PE)
  • cookery = domestic / food science
  • handicrafts

Vocabulary Exercises: School Subjects

  • One of the reasons that I didn’t like ……………… was because of the lab work which sometimes involved dissection.
  • I’ve always enjoyed learning about how chemicals react with one another so I decided to choose …………. as one of my main subjects.
  • When I was a child, we practiced ………………… three times a week which was fine in summer but was freezing during the winter when you have to football or hockey outside.
  • My teacher encouraged us to take part in ……………………… in order to develop skills beyond what is taught in scheduled lessons.
  • I used to find complicated calculations difficult as well as algebra but when we got a new ………… teacher, it all become much easier to understand.
  • One of my favourite subjects was …………………… because you had a chance to get out of the classroom and learn more about the environment.
  • Teachers were really strict on ……………… in exams. The exam invigilators won’t even let you have your bag in the exam room.
  • Poetry should be taught more in ………………. lessons in order to help students develop a deeper understanding of their language and culture.
  • I always loved studying maps. We spent a lot of time in our ……………. lessons tracing the borders of countries and learn the capital cities of different countries.
  • My worst subject at school was …………… because I was completely tone deaf.
  • physical education
  • extra curricular activities
  • math’s

Useful Language & Collocations

  • lab work = laboratory experiments
  • dissection = cutting up animals for scientific research
  • scheduled lessons = lessons which are planned and written into a school curriculum
  • algebra = formulas and equations in mathematics
  • to give out or assign homework / to do or complete homework
  • to complete high school / to graduate high school
  • to do, to participate or to take part in school activities or sport
  • tracing = copying, outlining in pencil
  • tone deaf = without an ear for music = unable to appreciate or hear different music and notes

Types of Schools – Same-Sex & Co-Ed Schools

Watch this video to learn the advantages or single-sex schools and the plus points of mixed schools. This video contains ideas and vocabulary to help you express your ideas clearly.

University Vocabulary

University Courses

  • BA / BSc = Bachelor of Arts Degree / Bachelor of Science Degree
  • MA / MSc = Masters of Arts / Masters of Science
  • PhD = Doctorate

Other Courses

  • Certificate = a lower level qualification often offered at colleges rather than universites. This is also the word used the for documentation received for completing any type of course or degree (she received her certificate for her BA degree).
  • Online Course
  • Distance Learning Course
  • Vocational course = a course which teaches you skills for a specific job, for example engineering.
  • Non-vocational course = a course which is not related to a job but to a general subject instead, such as Biology.

Useful Verbs & Nouns for University

  • to graduate from a university = complete a degree course / to finish university
  • to enroll on a degree course = put your name down for a degree course
  • to major in physics = to choose physics as your main subject at university
  • to attend a lecture = to go to listen to a speaker at university often with a large audience in a lecture theatre
  • to attend a tutorial = to go to a meeting with a professor usually in small group held in his/her office
  • deliver a lecture = to give a talk or presentation
  • to lecture in media studies = to talk about media studies or to teach media studies at university
  • the faculty of business = a department specialising in business at university
  • to read history = to study history
  • to do or complete coursework = doing project work or assignments as part of your course
  • undergraduate (n) = someone currently doing their first degree
  • graduate (n)  = someone who has completed a degree course
  • note-taking = being able to take notes in a lecture while the lecturer is talking
  • keeping up with the work load = being able to maintain the level of studying required
  • fall behind with studies = fail to keep pace with the school / university work

University Work

  • presentations
  • dissertation
  • project work

Vocabulary Exercises: Universities

Complete the following sentences are university education using no more than one word.

  • People who have ……….. from university stand a better chance of finding a good job.
  • I hope to enroll ………. a degree in law next year in the UK.
  • There is a lot of competition to get a ……………….. but without it I won’t be able to afford the universities fees.
  • One of the keys to successful  ……………. is knowing where to look for information and how to judge which information is most current and relevant. Knowing the best sources of materials is essential.
  • scholarship

Other Useful Vocabulary for Education

  • literate = to be able to read and write
  • illiterate = unable to read and write
  • the literacy rate = the percentage of people in a country or region able to read and write
  • comprehensive education = a well-rounded, broad education covering a variety of subjects
  • scholarship = an award of either free or supported education for high achievers
  • student loan = money taken by a student to pay for their education which they must pay back after graduating
  • pay off a student loan = to repay money borrowed for university education
  • intensive course = a course which runs over a short period of time but contains a lot of information and training
  • play truant / truancy = not attending school / being absent from school without permission
  • gap year = to take a year out between high school and university

Vocabulary Exercises: Useful Education Vocabulary

Complete the sentences using no more than two words.

  • The rate of …………… is higher in developed countries than in under developed countries.
  • Schools should offer a ………………… which includes subjects relating to all minority groups.
  • The rise in university fees has led to a large proportion of students taking out ………………… which can often be difficult to pay back.
  • Students who take a …………… often find it difficult to get back into their studies again.
  • Rather than the government offering free university education for all people, they should, instead, ensure that a certain number of gifted individuals receive a ……………….
  • comprehensive education
  • student loans

Useful Pages for IELTS

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Exceptionally well-structured lesson! I greatly value the integration of audio pronunciations, which significantly enhances the English learning experience. Not only do you encounter the word visually, but you also have the opportunity to hear it, thereby reinforcing both aspects of language acquisition. Furthermore, I deeply appreciate the exercises that effectively evaluate my comprehension and proficiency. Many thanks for providing these resources free of charge!

Jakob from Slovenia

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Thank you for your comment. It’s great when someone really enjoys the work I do. I try to put as much into my lessons as possible 🙂

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Hi Liz. I am Andre Fatur from Indonesia. i would say thank you cause i have a lot of knowledge about vocabulary in Education.

I’m glad it was helpful 🙂

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Hi Liz , i’m really glad that i found your website and actually one of my teachers showed me you . your vocabs and the voices you have for them is the best specially for the ones who aren’t local englishman and are learning english as a second one just like me . me and my friends see your videos every session in our class . I wish you all the best

So glad you enjoy my lessons 🙂 Best wishes to you and your classmates 🙂

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Great. Thank you so much, it help me a lot. Stay blessed

You’re welcome 🙂

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Its a great help. Thank you so much Liz. May god bless you with all happiness…

I’m glad it’s helpful 🙂

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Hi I am currently enrolled in school for nursing and I feel very uncomfortable when it comes to my vocabulary, I had brain surgery twice & suffered with seizures for 3years, I am happy to say I am better now and the Tumor is gone completely ,however I am depressed when it comes to my vocabulary because I don’t remember much at all and I often get my words mixed up when speaking so this is a big deal for me to learn and expand my vocabulary, thank you but I have no clue of where to begin at this point. I love to read so I have been reading a lot on your website, I must say I have learned some information just reading the comments. what do you suggest? thanks (my name is MINDY)

Hi Mindy, I do sympathise. I know what it is like to have language impairment due to neurological problems. The key is to take it slow and start incorporating the new words in your daily language until they become part of your natural English. Try my ideas e-book – it includes useful vocabulary and ideas for over 150 essay topics (which are also speaking topics). It’s on 55% discount this week: . There’s also a grammar e-book which might help a lot as it also contains great vocab. But don’t rush through it. Aim to absorb 70% of the vocab for each topic. Use those words daily by a) speaking to yourself about the topic – express your thoughts, have debates with yourself b) write an essay about it c) read further on google about the topic. Continue to repeat this until some words stick in your mind. Then repeat the process over and over again. The other thing I want to you do is not push yourself and do NOT give yourself any pressure or fixed goals. The learning must be natural and come from the pleasure of learning. Learn for enjoyment, not because you have a goal. This will make a huge difference. The harder you push yourself, the further away your goal often gets. Do small amounts each day and no more. Take breaks as often as you need. To learn IELTS exam techniques, see my Advanced Lessons in my store and also review all my free lessons and tips. I hope this helps. Good luck 🙂

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Thank you very much Liz. I always follow your IELTS lesson to use not only for myself but also for my students. All your materials are helpful to improve my English for an IELTS exam. All the best.

Glad my site is useful. Wishing you all well 🙂

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Thanks a million for the strenuous efforts you exerted.

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I admire you how Being a good teacher. You are the best, no need to follow others for IELTS . love Zeliha

Thanks for your kind comment 🙂 I hope your IELTS preparation is going well 🙂

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Lovely ! Thanks a lot Liz.

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What does it mean “I can’t stress enough” ?

It means I am stressing the importance of something. It is an expression in English 🙂

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Many thanks!

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That’s an awsome work! I really admire ur job here 🙂

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You are so important to us that I can` just thank you enough.


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Hi Liz! I have a plan to do the academic IELTS test , I live in the UK , in the speeking test if I used contraction or words like ,wanna ,gonna would that be acceptable or I have to say Iam going ,Cannot etc…

See this page for your answer: . All main pages are accessed through the RED BAR at the top of the website.

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Hello Liz, Please I am a stay-at-home mom so I’d like to know how to construct my answer when I’m asked to talk about my work. please note that i have worked as a consultant in an agricultural firm, but i was made redundant.

IELTS speaking is not a trick test. It is an informal chat with the examiner. Just be open, honest and chatty: “I used to work as a consultant in an agricultural firm, but now I’m a stay-at-home Mom.”. When you give this answer, the examiner will note your use of two grammar tenses and good vocabulary. The examiner will then decide whether to continue to talk about your work in the past, or change it and talk about your home. This will be the examiner’s choice – the examiner makes the decisions of topics. So, be open, friendly and chatty at all times.

You are really touching lives. Thank you sooo much.

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Indeed she is!

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Thank you so much Liz , I find this lesson really helpful .

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It is the first time I access there. It involves a wide range of vocabulary. Thanka to all the leaders

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In my point of view, there is no subject name MATHS. It is Mathematics and we call it as math.

The word “math” is US English. The word “maths” is UK English.

Thank you for clarifying me 🙂

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Hi Liz, You talked about math’s teacher. If it would Science or English then also we will use ” ‘s “?

In British English we say “maths”, in US English it is “math”.

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There’s this slight confusion I’ve got. There are some words which can be used with an S as well as a Z, for e.g Realized, Exercize. Which one is correct?

“z” is american spelling and “s” is British English spelling. Don’t mix them. Choose which spelling you will use and stick with it.

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What is the difference between agree or disagree and to what extent do you agree or disagree types question?

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Hello… Take my cordial thanks Liz. I purchased your writing videos and I find it very useful. I’m looking for at least 6.5 band before I thought that it was too difficult to get 6.5 in writing segment but after watching these videos my confident level is increased. And your all tips and lessons are wonderful, to be honest. That is why, again thanks s lot 😘😘😊😊❤️❤️

Make sure you aim for accuracy in your writing – all errors reduce marks. Also spend time analysing the question, you must address all issues directly. Avoid using learned phrases – all sentences must be your own. So, you can learn vocab and linking words but not phrases. Good luck !! 🙂

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The work that you do for us, learners of English from all over the world, cannot be valued. Thank you for putting your heart and soul in making us more literate in English! I wish you luck and success!

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what is best way of writing process chart

See all my tips for writing task 1 on this page:

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Hi Liz, I am so grateful to you that I can know everything about IELTS from your website. It is a very useful and perfect one for me.You are a great teacher.

Best Regards, Mai

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I achieved 6.5 with the help of you because I watched your all video. It’s very beneficial thanku so much u are great teacher

Well done !

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your lessons are amazing and very useful, thank you

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Hello Liz , You are the great teacher in the world..I spentmy whole day on this site.there many things which help me in many situations..m so happy that I have great great teacher..May God bless youuu😊☺️..thnx a lot Liz

Thanks so much for telling me you find my site useful 🙂

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My exam will be held on 13 october nd m weak in listening nd reading . pls mam u send me some listening Mp3 in my email

You can find online listening on this page:

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HI liz my name is nyom nyom i am from Indonesia could you help me how the way to improve my writing skill? please send in my email thanks before

See my advanced lessons if you need help with writing task 2:

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Thanks to my best teacher!

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hi i am going to appear for my ilets exam next week but i am not sure about my reading skills. can you give me some good tips to improve my skills in reading

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Dear Liza, Hello Liz, I am Totok Eko Suwito, I am an English teacher in Indonesia, I want to practice my listening especially because I ‘m going to have the IELTS test, if you don’t mind, Would you send me the script and audio MP3 of the listening above to my email. thank a lot your sincerely Totok Eko Suwito

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Hello Liz, Please liz l wonder when I want to get 7 score I found different types of vocabulary for examle the 8or 9 band’s vocabulary in some video more different than band7??

There is no such thing as band 7 vocab and band 9 vocab. Your vocab score is not marked in that way. It is based on range, accuracy, collocations and also the number of errors – and spelling.

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I am so weak in listening vocabulary. Give me some tips.

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That is really superlative vocabulary and it can play an indispensable role in IELTS test. Thanks Liza and i would like to say one thing more, your expressions are really appreciated. All the best. Mazhar Ishfaq

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Thanks Liz. I accidentally came upon your site and found my essay shared by someone on your blog. I liked your feedback. I have rewritten this essay for the next edition of my book – A Wealth of Academic IELTS Essays.

Great. Good to know my feedback is useful 🙂 Liz

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Word Lists

50 Words Associated With Education

50 Words Associated With Education

Education is the foundation of personal and societal growth and development. From primary school to higher education, learning new things and gaining knowledge is an essential parts of life. There are many words associated with education that help us describe and understand the process of learning and teaching.

From terms for different types of educational institutions and methods to words that describe the process of gaining knowledge, this list of 50 words will give you a greater appreciation for the importance of education.

50 Words Associated With Education

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50 Words Associated With Education Meanings

Education : The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, typically at a school or university. It’s an enlightening experience that aims to develop knowledge, skill, and character.

Instructor : A person who teaches something. Instructors might teach in a school, in a program outside of school, or as part of a company’s training program.

Lesson : An amount of instruction or learning on a particular subject given by a teacher or instructor, often as part of a planned curriculum.

Classroom : A room in which teaching or learning activities can take place. It usually refers to a room in schools, colleges, or universities where groups of students learn together.

Curriculum : The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college. It’s a planned set of lessons or courses that covers particular subjects or skills.

School : An institution for educating children or a place where people go to learn a particular subject or skill.

Student : A person who is studying at a school, college, or university. A student can also be someone studying in order to enter a particular profession.

Knowledge : The understanding and awareness of facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning.

Learning : The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. It’s an ongoing process that continues throughout a person’s life.

Teach : To impart knowledge, or to instruct someone as to how to do something. It involves conveying information or skills to others.

Teacher : A person who imparts knowledge or skills to students in a learning environment. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of the next generation.

Tutor : A private teacher who gives additional, special, or remedial instruction to an individual or small group of students.

Mentor : A person who guides a less experienced person by building trust and modeling positive behaviors. In an educational context, mentors often provide emotional support and act as role models.

Academic : Pertaining to education and scholarship, or the scholarly activities of a school or university, as classroom studies or research projects.

Discipline : A branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education. It also refers to the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior.

Assignment : A task or piece of work assigned to a student as part of a course of study. Assignments are designed to aid in the learning process.

Test : An examination of a student’s knowledge or proficiency. Tests are often written but can be of any form and are used to measure competency in a subject area.

Exam : An official test of a person’s knowledge or ability in a particular subject. An exam is more formal and usually longer than a test.

Homework : Schoolwork that a student is required to do at home, typically assigned by a teacher to reinforce the day’s lessons.

Grades : Marks or points, typically letters (A, B, C, etc.) or percentages, assigned to students to indicate their level of performance in a course, exam, or assignment.

Evaluation : A systematic determination of a subject’s merit, worth and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. In education, evaluations are often used to measure students’ understanding and skills.

Feedback : Information about reactions or responses to a product, a person’s performance of a task, or academic work, which is used as a basis for improvement.

Knowledge transfer : The process of transferring knowledge from one part of an organization or group to another, or between individuals. In education, this is the process of teaching, where a teacher transfers their knowledge to students.

Skill acquisition : The process of learning and acquiring new skills. This often involves hands-on practice and learning from mistakes.

Lesson plan : A detailed guide for teaching a lesson. A lesson plan sets out what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be assessed.

Curriculum design : The planning and organization of how content will be delivered in an educational program. Curriculum design involves selecting and organizing themes, topics, and materials for a particular course or subject.

Instructional strategies : Methods that teachers use to help students become independent, strategic learners. These can be anything from direct instruction to cooperative learning and inquiry-based learning.

Classroom management : The process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behavior by students. It involves creating a positive classroom culture and minimizing behaviors that impede learning.

Assessment : The process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs. It’s used in education to track student progress, understand learning needs, and inform instruction.

Grading : The process of evaluating a student’s performance in a course or on an assignment, often expressed in letters (A, B, C, etc.) or as a percentage.

Tutoring : The act of teaching or instructing one-on-one or in a small group setting. Tutoring often involves providing individualized instruction to help students improve their understanding or skills in a specific subject area.

Mentorship : A relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. In an educational context, mentorship often involves providing emotional and academic support to students.

Professional development : Learning opportunities that help educators improve their knowledge and skills, so they can maintain their professional competence and continue to teach effectively.

In-service training : Training that is given to employees during the course of employment. For teachers, this might include training on new teaching strategies or technologies, curriculum changes, or new educational research.

Workshop : An educational program or seminar where participants carry out a number of practical activities, rather than just listening to lectures. Workshops are often hands-on and interactive.

Conference : A formal meeting where participants exchange views on various topics. In education, conferences might focus on teaching strategies, research findings, or trends in education.

Seminar : A type of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject.

Lecture : An educational talk to an audience, especially one given by a teacher in a classroom. A lecture often includes opportunities for audience members to ask questions or discuss the topic.

Presentation : An act of showing and explaining content to an audience or learner. In education, students or teachers might give presentations to demonstrate understanding or share information.

Demonstration : The act of showing by reason or proof, explaining, or making clear by the use of examples or experiments. Teachers often use demonstrations to show a new skill or concept.

Discussion : An interactive conversation or debate about a specific topic. Discussions are often used in the classroom to encourage critical thinking and to check for understanding.

Inquiry : The act of asking for information. Inquiry-based learning involves students forming questions and investigating to find answers.

Debate : A formal discussion on a particular topic, in which opposing arguments are put forward. Debates can be an engaging way for students to learn about different perspectives.

Case study : A research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular case. In education, case studies might be used to study educational phenomena in real-world contexts.

Role play : An instructional method where students act out roles in a particular scenario. Role-playing can be a powerful way to explore complex concepts or situations.

Simulation : An imitation of a situation or process. In education, simulations are often used to create a life-like experience under controlled conditions.

Project-based learning : A teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.

Experiential learning : A learning theory that emphasizes the importance of creating an environment that simulates real experiences for learners.

Collaborative learning : An educational approach that involves groups of learners working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product.

Differentiated instruction : A teaching philosophy based on the premise that instructors should adapt instruction to student differences. It involves modifying the content, teaching process, and product according to student readiness level, interest, and learning profile.

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Synonyms of education

  • as in schooling
  • as in literacy
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Thesaurus Definition of education

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • instruction
  • development
  • preparation
  • cultivation
  • conditioning
  • improvement
  • higher education
  • higher learning
  • enlightenment
  • edification
  • scholarship
  • learnedness
  • bookishness

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • illiterateness
  • functional illiteracy

Examples of education in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'education.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Phrases Containing education

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“Education.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 31 Aug. 2024.

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Education Words

Words related to education.

Below is a massive list of education words - that is, words related to education. The top 4 are: school , teaching , experience and knowledge . You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with education, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common education terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get education words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter "school" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to education and school.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to education, then there's probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related , or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of education in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with education - you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it's the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a education vocabulary list, or just a general education word list for whatever purpose, but it's not necessarily going to be useful if you're looking for words that mean the same thing as education (though it still might be handy for that).

If you're looking for names related to education (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with education, then it's obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with education.

If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying education related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site - I hope it is useful to you! 💐

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  • instruction
  • kindergarten
  • educational activity
  • department of education
  • educational
  • scholarship
  • secondary school
  • intelligence
  • special education
  • information
  • secondary education
  • qualifications
  • education department
  • vocational education
  • academic achievement
  • certifications
  • junior school
  • undergraduate
  • coeducation
  • high school
  • common knowledge
  • autodidacticism
  • primary school
  • opportunities
  • experiences
  • opportunity
  • bus student
  • educationally
  • academic rigor
  • vocational training
  • establishing
  • universities
  • homeschooling
  • professional
  • curriculums
  • development
  • vocational courses
  • public school
  • rule school
  • higher education
  • middle school
  • enlightenment
  • entrepreneurship
  • pre kindergarten
  • credentials
  • dropout prevention
  • college preparatory
  • etymologically
  • assimilation
  • self-cultivation
  • neoplatonism
  • afterschool
  • elementary education
  • normal school
  • educationist
  • apprenticeship
  • educational attainment
  • communication
  • entertainment
  • instructional materials
  • agriculture
  • rehabilitation
  • adult education
  • open university
  • liberal arts
  • acculturation
  • conservatory
  • ancient athens
  • skilled worker
  • school student
  • community college
  • educational institution
  • school system
  • postsecondary
  • postsecondary education
  • understanding
  • parental involvement
  • dropout rates
  • indoctrination
  • qualification
  • academic excellence
  • educational institutions
  • graduate school
  • elementary school
  • juvenile justice
  • adult learners
  • mathematics
  • academic degree
  • apprenticeships
  • academically
  • economically disadvantaged
  • acquisition
  • classroom instruction
  • montessori method
  • storytelling
  • established
  • preparation
  • self-education
  • eruditeness
  • encyclopaedism
  • instructional
  • institution
  • educational technology
  • adolescence
  • institutions
  • departments
  • agricultural
  • comprehensive
  • advancement
  • scholasticism
  • academician
  • platonic academy
  • deconstructivism
  • academic program
  • physical education
  • course of instruction
  • continuing education
  • tuition fee
  • extracurricular activity
  • point system
  • engineering
  • library of alexandria
  • medieval universities
  • foundationer
  • high education
  • the renaissance
  • switzerland
  • learning environment
  • transcendentalism
  • home school
  • teach person
  • grammar school
  • matriculation
  • librarianship
  • summer school
  • teach student
  • white-collar worker
  • special school
  • public education
  • prep school
  • listen to teacher
  • feeder school
  • board school
  • school uniform
  • postgraduate education
  • certification
  • tertiary education
  • dropout rate
  • remedial classes
  • criminal justice
  • socialization
  • language learners
  • employability
  • primary education
  • education for all
  • pell grants
  • enrollments
  • pedagogical
  • supervision
  • united states
  • learnedness
  • alternative school
  • schoolteacher
  • rudolf steiner
  • establishment
  • initiatives
  • schoolfellow
  • schoolteaching
  • scholarships
  • right to education
  • united nations
  • compulsory education
  • international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights
  • university extension
  • extension service
  • course of study
  • mental object
  • cognitive content
  • work-study program
  • team teaching
  • classroom project
  • interschool
  • ancient greece
  • schooliosis
  • architecture
  • upperclassman
  • fall of rome
  • cathedral schools
  • chartres cathedral
  • school of chartres
  • university of naples
  • mathematics in medieval islam
  • iberian peninsula
  • indoctrinate
  • multiversity
  • johannes gutenberg
  • baccalaureate
  • humanitarianism
  • the enlightenment
  • infant school
  • lecture theatre
  • fee-paying school
  • infrastructure
  • encyclopedism
  • informal education
  • paraeducator
  • cyberschool
  • state of lu
  • catholic church
  • thomas aquinas
  • schoolgoing
  • university of oxford
  • robert grosseteste
  • albertus magnus
  • university of bologne
  • islamic science
  • superschool
  • scientific revolution
  • jesuit china missions
  • euclid's elements
  • vocational school
  • school organizational models
  • learning space
  • self educate
  • unschooling
  • student teacher ratio
  • postgraduate
  • inculcation
  • polytechnics
  • private school
  • dance school
  • technical school
  • learn place
  • extra curricular activities
  • middle kingdom of egypt
  • executive department
  • almoravid dynasty
  • mali empire
  • national council of educational research and training
  • religious school
  • blue-collar worker
  • nursery schools

That's about all the education related words we've got! I hope this list of education terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with education, but perhaps tenuously (if you've currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here , but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 👽

Education Vocabulary

Education Vocabulary

Table of Contents

Introduction, list of education vocabulary, general education vocabulary.

Educational System

School Year

University Degree

Adult Illiteracy

Non-Formal Education

Names of Schools and Institutions

Early childhood education, primary and secondary education, special education, higher education, other educational institutions, more useful education vocabulary, school facilities, school personnel, academic terms, university students and personnel, university facilities, academic terms and processes.

Speak Languages

Page 46 of 65

Here are some English terms related to education.

Types of educational establishment

(abbreviation of )
(often abbreviated to )
(abbreviation of )

Other related words

(abbreviation of )

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Education Vocabulary for English Learners

  • Basic Conversations for English Language Learners
  • Pronunciation & Conversation
  • Writing Skills
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Business English
  • Resources for Teachers
  • TESOL Diploma, Trinity College London
  • M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music
  • B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music

Learn English vocabulary related to education to use when discussing various subjects at university. Words are categorized into different sections. You'll find example sentences for each word to help provide context for learning. 

Archaeology - Archaeology explores humanities past civilizations. Art - Art can refer to painting or to to arts in general such as music, dancing, etc. Business studies - Many students choose business studies in these times of globalization. Dance - Dance is an elegant art form which uses the body as a brush. Drama - Good drama can move you to tears, as well as hold you in suspense. Economics - The study of economics might be useful for a business degree. Geography - If you study geography, you'll know which country is located on any continent. Geology - I'd love to know more about geology. I've always wondered about rocks. history - Some believe that history is much older than we are led to believe. home economics - Home economics will teach you how to run an efficient home on a budget. Foreign (modern) languages - It's important to learn at least one foreign language in your life. Math - I've always found simple math easy. Mathematics - The study of higher mathematics is required for a computer programming degree. Music - Understanding the biography of great composers is an important part of studying music. Physical education - Children up to the age 16 should be encouraged to participate in physical education classes. Psychology - The study of psychology will help you understand how the mind words. Religious education - Religious education will teach you about the wide variety of religious experiences. Science - Science is an important part of a well-rounded education. Biology - Biology will help you learn how human beings are put together. Chemistry - Chemistry will help you understand how earth's elements affect each other. Botany - The study of botany leads to an understanding of different types of plants. Physics - Physics explains how the "real world" functions. Sociology - If you are interested in understanding different cultures, take a sociology class. Technology - Technology is found in almost every classroom of a typical school.

Cheat- Don't ever cheat on a test. It's not worth it! Examine - It's important to examine all the evidence when drawing a conclusion. Examiner - The examiner makes sure nobody at the test cheats. Examination - The examination should last three hours. Fail - I'm afraid I might fail the test! Get through - Peter got through to the fourth grade. Pass - Don't worry. I'm sure you'll pass the test . Take / sit an exam - I had to sit a long exam last week. Retake - Some professors allow students to retake tests if they've done poorly. Revise for - It's a good idea to revise for any test you take by reviewing your notes. Study for - I need to study for a quiz tomorrow morning. Test - What time is your mathematics test today?


Certificate - He earned a certificate in computer maintenance. Degree - I have a degree from the Eastman School of Music. BA - (Bachelor of Arts) She earned her BA from Reed College in Portland, Oregon. MA - (Master of Arts) Peter wants to take an MA in business . B.Sc. - (Bachelor of Science) Jennifer is working on a B.Sc. with a major in biology. M.Sc. - (Bachelor of Science) If you earn a M.Sc. from Stanford, you won't need to worry about getting a job. Ph.D. - (Doctorate Degree) Some people take years to finish a Ph.D. Diploma - You can earn a diploma to add to your qualifications. 

Dean - Alan is the dean of faculty at that school. Graduate - He's a graduate of the local university. Head-teacher - You should speak to the head teacher. Infant - Some parents put their infants in day-care. Lecturer - The lecturer in law was very boring today. Pupil - Good pupils don't cheat on tests. Student - A good student takes notes during a lecture. Teacher - The teacher will answer any questions you have. Instructor - He's an instructor of computer science at the high school. Undergraduate - The undergraduate had a great time at college. 

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Vocabulary words for 1st through 12th graders

by: Jessica Kelmon | Updated: November 21, 2022

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Vocabulary words

We suggest printing out these word lists, posting them on your fridge (or somewhere you and your child will see them easily and often), and making a point of using one or two at a time in everyday conversation with your child. Feeling creative? Make learning these new words into a game! The more fun you and your child have learning what these vocabulary words mean and practicing using them in conversation (even silly conversation), the better.

Academic vocabulary lists by grade level

word list for education

1st grade word list Here are the age-appropriate “big” words your first graders should learn this year.  

word list for education

2nd grade word list These vocabulary words for second graders will help your child better understand what they’re reading in class.  

word list for education

3rd grade word list Knowing words such as additional , example , and typical will boost your child reading and writing skills.  

word list for education

4th grade word list Knowing words such as avoid , confirm , and obvious will enhance your child’s ability to read, learn, and communicate.  

word list for education

5th grade word list These “hard” words are essential to your fifth grader’s reading comprehension, understanding of new concepts, and writing skills.  

word list for education

6th grade word list These are the “hard” words your sixth grader should tackle this year.    

word list for education

7th grade word list These high-value vocabulary words for seventh graders are important for your child’s deeper understanding of meaning and context.  

word list for education

8th grade word list These words are important for your child’s reading comprehension and overall understanding of new concepts across many subjects.  

word list for education

9th grade word list Help your ninth grader learn these academic vocabulary words — it’ll help your teen with reading assignments, writing projects, and oral presentations.  

word list for education

10th grade word list Help your teen learn these vocabulary words for tenth graders. It’ll help with assignments in every subject now — and with the SAT or ACT later.  

word list for education

11th grade word list Knowing (and using!) these words will help your teen in school — and with college admissions tests and essays.  

word list for education

12th grade word list Knowing (and using!) these vocabulary words will help your high school senior with schoolwork, college admissions tests, and college apps.  

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  • Education Vocabulary

It’s very common for candidates to be asked about their school, college or university experience, so a good range of education vocabulary is something you definitely need to develop.

This page should make that easy for you as it contains over 150 everyday words and phrases related to study, education and teaching. For each, I’ve included an explanation and added a sample sentence to show it in context. This will help you to learn how to use it correctly.

Don’t try to learn them all. Look at my suggestions below as to the best way to use this extensive list of education vocabulary.

Here are some of the categories covered:

  • Educational institutions
  • Course types & levels
  • Qualifications
  • People in education
  • Subjects & facilities
  • Academic work

As well as your own experience of education, you could be asked your opinion on wider issues such as the quality of teaching or education system in your country, equal opportunities, technology in schools and many other related topics. The list of education vocabulary will equip you to create answers for these types of subjects as well.

word list for education

Also on this page are three other things that will help you prepare for questions about education:

  • IELTS-style questions on the topic of education
  • Sample answers
  • Links to online reading & listening resources

You’ll find PDF downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the education vocabulary list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions relate to the Speaking test because this part of the exam offers the broadest range of possible questions on the topic of education. They give the best opportunity for me to demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using it.

I’ve included IELTS-style questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I've highlighted key words and phrases in  bold .

You'll find these words and phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. There’s an audio to listen to their pronunciation.

The education vocabulary list contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of the page I've added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that will help you to improve both your education vocabulary and your reading and listening skills.

Let’s begin with the sample questions.

IELTS-Style Speaking Test Questions and Answers

Common education vocabulary is highlighted in  bold .

1) At what age do children begin school in your country?

Formal education starts at five years of age but most children go to preschool when they are around three. This isn’t compulsory but really helps them to develop socially.

2) What kind of school did you go to as a child?

My family moved around a lot when I was growing up so I went to many different schools including three primary schools , a grammar school and a co-educational comprehensive school . I even attended a private school for a year.

3) Did you enjoy your time at school?

I can’t say that I particularly enjoyed my early education . With changing schools so often, I was always the new kid which I found hard.

4) Would you say you were a good student?

Yes, I was definitely a good pupil . I was a quiet, shy child who never caused my teachers any trouble or played truant . I worked hard on my coursework and got on well with my peers .

5) Did you do any extra-curricular activities?

Back in my day, there weren’t many opportunities to do extra-curricular activities . However, I was in the school choir at my secondary school . We use to put on concerts and one year we did a tour of Germany.

word list for education

Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school.

You should say:

  • when and where you started studying it
  • what lessons were like
  • what made it different from other subjects

and explain why you enjoyed the subject.

There There were three subjects I particularly enjoyed at school, English , geography and P.E. but if I had to choose a favourite, I guess it would be geography .

I suppose you start learning about the natural features around you and other countries in primary school but geography first appeared on the curriculum as a specific subject in secondary school . I’d been fascinated with other places and cultures for as long as I could remember. My dad had travelled a lot and had a large map on the wall with pins in all the countries he’d been to. I loved looking at it so perhaps that’s where my interest in geography first started.

The geography classroom was great; full of globes, atlases and books about places that were very different to where I lived. We had a nice teacher called Mrs Rose who used lots of pictures and maps in her lessons . This was perfect for me as I’m a visual learner. If Mrs Rose had just talked all the time, as some of our teachers did, I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed the subject so much or learnt so easily.

I even liked doing geography homework . I can remember sitting at my desk at home spending hours carefully drawing maps and adding all the features. When my mum took me to the library on a Saturday morning, I’d look for adventure stories set around the world or books on how people live in other countries.

When I reached the sixth form and had to choose just three subjects to study, geography was one of them, although I actually failed my final exam. My family moved house yet again just before I took it and I was very unsettled. I had a private tutor for a few months then retook the exam and got a good grade.

At university ,  I trained as a  teacher myself. I chose primary education so taught geography along with many other subjects. However, during one of my training placements, the headteacher asked me to spend three weeks teaching the subject to every class in the small village school, from 5 year olds up to 11 year olds. It was one of the happiest times in the whole of my career even though I hadn’t even got my teaching qualification yet.

word list for education

1) What impact do universities have on the places where they’re located?

I believe that the presence of a university in a town or city has a significant positive impact on the area. For a start, it's often the largest employer, offering jobs at all levels from cleaners and maintenance staff to lecturers and top academics .

Large educational institutions like this bring in lots of investment from around the world from foreign students and for important research projects. The presence of thousands of students during term times is also a massive boost to the local economy.

In addition to the financial benefits, there several ways in which universities contribute socially. For example, university towns and cities tend to be vibrant, with a great social life due to the large numbers of young adults living there. What’s more, the campus itself usually has a number of facilities that can be used by local people. A university city I used to live in had an excellent theatre that attracted top plays, shows and performers from around the country.

2) What is it more important for academics to do, research or teaching?

It was only recently, after reading an article about a local university , that I realised just how much research goes on in them. It was about a new facility in the medical faculty and outlined the important research they will now be able to carry out on stem cells and brain tumours. This type of work is vital if we are to combat illness and disease in the future.

For most people though, universities are places of learning where you go to get your degree and prepare for your future career, so teaching must have a high priority. As teachers , academics have the role of passing on knowledge to the next generation.

Weighing it up, I think that the teaching side of their work is the most important because unless they instruct and inspire their students , there will be no-one to fill the most important jobs in society or to carry on the research work the academics do.

3) What are the advantages of studying a distance learning course?

For many people, especially mature students who work, distance learning is the ideal way to study. There are several benefits that immediately come to mind. Firstly, the cost is far less than it would be to attend a college or university with their high tuition fees .

Secondly, you can study anywhere and in your own time and at your own pace. Some students , myself included, find that this method of learning suits them better than sitting in lectures or going to tutorials . You do have to be self-motivated to keep up with the coursework though, and you still get assignments to write and sometimes a dissertation , but you can fit these around your daily life.

Thirdly, there’s a huge range of correspondence courses and online courses available these days so you can take almost any subject you want to and even study for a degree qualification this way. So all in all, distance learning courses have many advantages over other methods of study.

word list for education

Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

Download PDF Now

*  Important

  • Do  not  try and learn this list of education vocabulary.
  • Identify the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about this topic.
  • Record it in your vocabulary notebook and practise using it regularly.

I recommend that you create your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how to learn vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 6 Types of IELTS Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Education Vocabulary  –  Common Words & Phrases

Education Vocabulary Set 1: Key Definitions

education – the process of teaching or learning, especially in a school, college or university, or the knowledge that you get from this

- Education is a low priority for the governments of some developing countries.

- Most children receive their education in schools but some are taught at home.

to educate – to give someone intellectual, moral or social instruction, typically at a school, college or university

- At the school I visited in Kenya the children are educated in classes of over 60 pupils.

educational – relating to the provision of education

- When I was at school we had an educational visit to the British Museum in London to see Tutankhamun’s treasures.

educational institution – a place where people gain an education, such as a school

- We are fortunate to have many excellent educational institutions in our area.

formal education – education  normally delivered by trained teachers in a systematic way in a school, college or university.

- In Norway, formal education starts when children reach the age of six.

compulsory education – the legally-required period of time that children are expected to attend school. In the western world, these laws generally require that children attend school from the ages of 5 to 16 or 18.

- One day, a formal education will hopefully be compulsory for all children.

Education Vocabulary Pronunciation

Education Vocabulary Set 2: Educational institutions

preschool – a school for children who are too young to begin their formal education

- Most children in the UK go to a preschool but it isn’t compulsory.

nursery school (UK)/ kindergarten (US) – preschool education

- In the UK, most children begin nursery school at the age of four.

primary school (UK)/ elementary school (US) – the type of school for children ages 5-11

- Bindi was so excited about starting primary school when the new term started in September.

primary education – the education of 5-11 year olds

- In an ideal world, primary education would be compulsory in every country.

secondary school (UK)/ high school (US)  – the type of school for children age 11 to 16, sometimes 18

- I want to teach in a secondary school when I finish my teacher training as I really enjoy working with older pupils.

co-educational/mixed – a school where girls and boys are taught together.

- These days, most schools in the UK are co-educational .

single-sex school – a school for either male or female students but not both

- Both my parents went to single-sex schools but it’s more normal these days to go to a mixed school.

state school – a school that is funded and controlled by the government and for which no fees are charged

- The government is facing growing criticism for the underfunding of state schools .

comprehensive school – a state school that accepts pupils regardless of their level of academic ability or achievement

- There is an ongoing debate as to whether all young people should attend comprehensive schools or if schools that select pupils on academic ability are still relevant.

grammar school (UK) – state secondary  school  that selects their pupils by means of an examination taken by children at age 11

- Although many people are against selective education where some school places go to the most academically able pupils, grammar schools are still popular.

private school – a school that is not supported by government money, where education must be paid for by the children’s parents

- Jonah’s parents decided to pay for him to go to a private school because most classes only had 20 pupils in.

private education – education parents have to pay for

- Only a small percentage of parents can afford to give their children a private education .

public school (UK) – an exclusive, expensive school, run independently

public school (US) – a school which is free and paid for by the government

higher education (also called tertiary education ) – education beyond the age at which it is compulsory, usually in a college or university

- Most of Vijay’s friends wanted to leave school and get a job as soon as possible but he was determined to go on to higher education to improve his career prospects.

boarding school – a school where students live and study during the school term.

- Yu Yang hated boarding school as she missed her family and felt very homesick.

college – a place of higher education where people study specialized subjects or undertake vocational training for a skilled job

- Hugo applied for a place at the local college to train to be a chef.

university – a high-level educational institution where students study for degrees and academic research is done.

- Fuyuko wanted to study nursing at university in Australia but had to get a band 7 in her IELTS exam to be accepted.

Education  Vocabulary Pronunciation

Education Vocabulary Set 3: Course types & levels

course – a series of lessons in a particular subject

undergraduate – studying for a degree but having not yet achieved it.

postgraduate – having achieved a degree and now studying for a higher qualification, possibly a professions qualification

vocational – education or training directed at a particular occupation and its skills, often requiring practical skills

intensive – fast-paced courses which give a lot of information quickly and in a short time

Education Vocabulary Set 4:  Qualifications

qualification – an official record showing that you have achieved a certain level of education or skill in a particular subject or skill area

- Riya was determined to leave school with good qualifications so she could get a well-paid job to support her family.

certificate – an official record of achievement, generally issued for a short course

- Shona was delighted to be presented her TEFL certificate on passing her course to become an English teacher.

diploma – issued for a higher education course that is shorter than a degree

- Greg did so well in his two-year engineering diploma that his tutor persuaded him to study for another year to qualify for a degree.

bachelor’s degree / or just degree ( BA/BSc etc) – qualification issued by a university or college at the end of three or four years of study

- I’m studying for a bachelor’s degree in marine biology.

- I’m studying for a BA in history.

master’s degree /or just master’s ( MA/MSc etc) – qualification issued by a university when the student has completed further study beyond a degree, often in a more specialisn'ted field than a bachelor’s degree

- Alonso wanted to stay on at university an extra year to study for his master’s but his parents couldn't afford the fees.

doctorate ( PhD ) – the highest level of degree qualification issued by a university

- I’m so proud of my sister for achieving a PhD in biochemistry.

fellowship – a teaching or research post given to a person studying for an advanced degree.

- Being awarded a research fellowship at my university is a dream come true as it enables me to stay on and study for my doctorate.

Education vocabulary Pronunciation

Education Vocabulary Set 5:  People in education

headteacher/ principal  – the person in charge of a school

- Our headteacher had been principal for 12 years when he retired.

teacher – a person who teaches, especially in a school

- My favourite teacher at school was Mr Webber because he made lessons so interesting.

tutor – a teacher who works privately with one student or a small group

- Our son struggles with maths so we’ve got him a private tutor to help him with his work.

lecturer – a person who teaches at a college or university.

- My cousin is a lecturer in physics at the University of London.

professor – a teacher of the highest rank in a department of a British university, or a teacher of high rank in an American university or college

-  Professor Stephen Hawking  was one of the most influential figures in modern science.

an academic – a person who teaches in a college or university and continues to research and increase knowledge about their specialist subject

- She was such a bookworm at school and always in the library researching some topic or other, so it’s no surprise that she became an academic .

pupil – a person, usually a child at school, who is being taught

- The pupils loved Miss Lefebvre’s French lessons as she gave them fun learning games to play.

student – a person, usually a college or university, who is being taught

- The beginning of the academic year was so busy with all the new students starting their college courses.

mature student – an adult student who attends college or university some years after leaving school

- Jose was so grateful for the chance to study for a degree as a mature student having left school with very few qualifications.

a graduate – a person who has finished their college or university education

- University graduates can usually get higher paid jobs than people with vocational skills.

peer – a person who is in the same class, age group or social group as someone else

Pupils these days are under a lot of pressure to dress and behave like their peers .

Education Vocabulary Set 6: School subjects

curriculum – the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

- Her parents chose the school because it offered a broad curriculum including drama and dance which were her favourite subjects.

syllabus – an outline or summary of the subjects to be covered in a course

- The new syllabus included environmental science which was becoming more popular as a school subject.

maths/math/mathematics – the study of numbers, shapes and space

literature – the study of written works (such as poems, plays, and novels) that are considered to be very good and to have lasting importance

the three R's – the basic educational skills of r eading, w r iting and a r ithmetic (maths)

- Most schools put a high priority on teaching the three R's .

language – a system of communication used by a particular country or community often studied as a subject by non-native speakers

- To her surprise, Jenna found that she was quite good at languages at school.

humanities – studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history.

- Tuma couldn’t decide whether to study history or philosophy at university so opted for a degree in humanities .

science – the study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, divided into subjects such as physics, biology and chemistry

  • physics – the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy
  • biology – the study of living organisms
  • chemistry – the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed

geography  – the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these

religious studies  – the study of religion and belief systems

history  – the study of past events, particularly in human affairs

information technology  (IT or ICT)  –   the study of the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data

physical education  (PE)  – instruction in physical exercise and games, especially in schools

art  – the study of artistic techniques such as drawing, painting, sculpture, etc. or the appreciation of works of art

music  – the study of how to play a musical instrument or sing, how to read music, how to compose music, etc

drama   – the study of acting and theatrical performance

home economics  –   cooking and other aspects of household management, especially as taught at school

Education Vocabulary Set 7: School vocabulary

to play truant – to be absent without permission from parents or teachers

- Helios was always playing truant from school which he regretted when he failed his exams and struggled to find a good job.

to skip classes – to be absent from lessons you are supposed to attend

- I was never brave enough to skip classes as my parents would have been furious if they’d found out.

bookworm – a person who loves reading and/or studying

- My best friend is a real bookworm but is a great person to have on your quiz team because his general knowledge is excellent.

rote learning – a teaching style based on learning by memorisation through repetition

- My parents’ education was based on rote learning but there was more emphasis on learning by investigation by the time I went to school.

literacy – the ability to read and write, sometimes use as a subject title for reading and writing

- Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world with just 28% of people able to read and write.

literate – to be able to read and write

- In the past 20 years, the proportion of adults in the world who are literate has increased from 75% to 84 % which is a great improvement.

illiterate –  to be unable to read and write

- There are many children in the poorest countries of the world who have little or no access to education and are  illiterate .

remedial – involving pupils who need extra help with a particular area of study or subject

- Pupils who got poor grades use to be put in a remedial class but now they are given extra support from a learning assistant.

additional needs/ special needs  – related to students who need special help due to a learning or physical difficulty

- Shona spend the later part of her teaching career working in a school for students with additional needs .

extra-curricular activities – activities or subjects offered in addition to the normal curriculum usually offered outside normal class hours, such as art, cooking or computer clubs and extra sporting activities

- The most popular extra-curricular activities at Westcroft School were pottery, badminton and computer programming.

school uniform – a particular set of clothes that has to be worn by pupils

- Do Hyan looked so smarting setting off for school on his first day wearing his new school uniform .

discipline – a set of rules governing conduct or behaviour

- Schools where a high level of discipline is maintained, generally have above average exam results

  • impose discipline
  • maintain discipline
  • lack of discipline

timetable – a chart showing times of particular events, such as lesson times in the school day

- Ruby wasn’t very happy with her new timetable as she had double maths followed by double science on a Monday, both subjects she found hard.

Education Vocabulary Set  8:  Facilities

classroom – where lessons take place in a school

- The noisy classroom fell silent when the headteacher walked through the door.

lecture  theatre/ hall  – a room or hall for lectures with seats in tiers

- There was excitement in the lecture theatre as the famous actor stood up to give the drama students a lecture on method acting.

studio – a room where students studying art, photography, media studies, etc. create work

- The studio was set up with recording equipment for the students to practice editing techniques.

library – a building or room containing collections of books, professional journals and other academic literature and material relevant to student's studies

- Sabiha spent all day in the university library doing research for her essay on globalisation.

laboratory – a room or building with scientific equipment for doing scientific tests or for teaching science

- Kate’s favourite part of her degree course in molecular biology was the laboratory work.

campus – the buildings and grounds of a university or college

- It took me a long time to find my way around the campus when I first started at university.

halls of residence – a college or university building where students live

- In his first year at college, Somchai lived in a hall of residence , but in his second year, he rented a house with some other students.

student accommodation – living accommodation for college or university students

- The university offered a range of student accommodation including studio apartments, flats, halls of residence and shared houses.

Education Vocabulary Set 9: Academic work 

assignment – a piece of work given to someone as part of their studies

- I have three more written assignments to complete this term.

coursework – written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, often assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade

- Helga was really bad at exams so she chose a course where 50 per cent of the overall marks came from assessed coursework .

dissertation – is a long formal piece of writing on a particular subject, especially for a university degree.

- It was hard getting my dissertation finished by the deadline and I handed it in on the very last day.

thesis – a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done for a higher degree

- Adao wrote his PhD thesis on the effect of organic fertilizers on soil fertility in tropical climates.

presentation – a speech or talk given in front of an audience

- As part of their end of year assessment, the students had to give a presentation on the theories of learning for children under 3 years of age.

lecture – a formal talk on a subject given to a large group of students who would normally take notes

- She was so pleased that the lecture was cancelled as it gave her time to catch up on some coursework.

tuition – teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups

- Dana was unable to get to lectures after breaking her leg but the college provided individual tuition for her until she recovered.

tutorial – a small group study session with a tutor often following a lecture

- He always found tutorials helpful as it was a chance to ask questions about what they’d heard in the lecture.

seminar – a class at university in which a specific topic is discussed by a teacher and a small group of students

- At university, I found seminars far more useful than lectures as I learn best in a small group.

lesson – a period of learning or teaching, usually in a school

- Walter was late for the history lesson and got into trouble with the teacher.

homework – additional coursework work given to pupils to complete in their own time outside school hours

- Most pupils hate homework as they’d rather be out with their friends or playing computer games than studying.

correspondence course – a course of study in which student and tutors communicate by post

- Juan’s local college didn’t offer a course in accountancy but he found a good correspondence course to give him the qualification he needed.

distance learning – a way of studying in which lectures are broadcast or lessons are conducted by post or via the internet without the student needing to attend a school or college or have in-person teacher interaction

- I prefer to study by distance learning as I can work when I want and at the pace I want.

online learning – Similar to distance learning but done 100% via the internet and often involving in-person interaction with a teacher online

- I find online learning ideal for preparing for my IELTS exam and enjoy connecting with my teacher via Skype.

to sit an exam – to take an exam.

- I want to carry on learning for the rest of my life but after I finish my training I hope I never have to sit an exam again.

Education Vocabulary Set 10: The cost of education

tuition fees – the money paid for a course of study, especially at a private school or a college or university

- High tuition fees mean that many young people can’t afford to go to university.

a grant – money given by the government to support a student while studying

- Bernice was successful in her application for a grant which meant that she could attend her local university.

a student loan – money which a student can borrow while they are studying, but which has to be repaid

- Geraint took out student loans of £9000 a year to pay for his tuition of fees and left university heavily in debt.

a scholarship – money given to someone, often by the institution they are studying at, to help pay for their tuition

- He was overjoyed to receive a scholarship to Oxford University as his parents couldn’t afford to pay the fees.

internship – a period of work experience (often unpaid) offered by an employer to give students and graduates experience of working in an industry related to their field of study

- All students on the course were expected to secure an internship during the long vacation between the second and third years of their degree course.

Education Vocabulary  Set 11: Common terms related to college or university

unconditional offer – the offer of a place at an educational institution for which you already meet the entry requirements

- Mustafa was delighted to receive an unconditional offer from his first choice university and accepted immediately.

conditional offer – the offer of a place at an educational institution which requires you to meet certain entry requirements, usually specific exam grades

- She was fairly confident that she would get the exam grades she needed to take up the conditional offer at Bristol University.

to major in – to choose as your main subject

- I want to major in primary education with a specialism in science.

to read (a subject) – to study a specific subject

- Hans read geology at university and is now working for an oil company in the States.

faculty – department in a university that specialises in a specific subject

- It was a proud day for the university when the faculty of science move into the new, state-of-the-art building.

research – a detailed study of a particular subject

- I’m really enjoying this research project on the migratory behaviour of the golden eagle.

  • conduct research
  • carry out research

Education Vocabulary Set 12:  More common words, phrases & expressions

to work your way through university – to have a paid job while studying to support yourself financially

- With the steep increase in tuition fees, many students are forced to work their way through university .

to keep up with your studies – to not fall behind with your work

- Giang would have to limit his time socializing with his friends if he was going to keep up with his studies .

to fall behind with your studies – to not get your coursework and assignments done in the time allowed

- She was a hard-working student but fell behind with her studies after catching pneumonia and having to spend time in hospital.

to learn something by heart – to memorise it

- By the end of his first week learning English, Elisha had learnt all the days of the weeks and months of the year by heart .

gap year – a period, typically an academic year, taken by a student as a break between school and university or college education

- Many students spend their gap year travelling to get more experience of life before they settle down to studying for a degree.

to take a year out – to take a gap year

- Before going to the university, I took a year out to travel and also earn some money.

to enrol – to officially register on a course at a college or university

- She didn’t know an old friend had enrolled on the same course until they met up on the first day.

sign up for – to commit to something for a specific period such as the duration of a course

- Having signed up for the photography course, she now had to ask her brother if she could borrow his camera.

to drop out –  to leave a course before completing it

- Hiran was forced to drop out of university when his father became ill and he had to take over the family business to support his family.

a dropout – a student who fails to complete a course of study and leaves the educational institution with no qualifications

- Many famous and very wealthy entrepreneurs are college dropouts , which proves that you don’t need a degree to succeed in life.

well-educated  – someone who has received a high level or good standard of education

- You could tell that he was  well-educated  by the way he spoke.

to meet a deadline  – to complete a piece of work by the required date

- I didn’t think I’d get my essay written in time but I just  met the deadline .

note-taking  – to take notes in a lesson or lecture when the teacher is talking

- I find  note-taking  in a lecture really difficult as I miss much of what is being said while I’m writing.

to revise  – study or read something again in order to remember it better, often before exams

- No matter how hard I  revise , my mind goes blank as soon as I get into the exam room.

to review  – to read over something again. Similar to revise, but generally done just after a lesson or lecture rather than in preparation for an exam

- Bella found that  reviewing  her notes just before going to sleep helped her to remember the key points.

workload  – the amount of work that has to be done

- The course  workload  felt overwhelming at first but became more manageable once the students had covered the theory and moved on to the more practical part of the course.

to pass with flying colours   –  to pass an exam or test easily and with excellent result

- He was sure he was going to fail his maths exam but  passed with flying colours .

scrape through  – to just pass an exam

- She ran out of time in the exam and left many questions unanswered but just  scraped through  with a pass mark.

to resit/retake an exam   – to take an exam again in order to get a better result

- Madee needed band 7 in her IELTS Speaking test but only got 6.5, so she had to  retake the exam .

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of education vocabulary.

Other Useful Education Vocabulary

It’s also a good idea to create your own list of education vocabulary related to any courses you are currently taking so that you are ready to talk about them if asked.

Ways to Improve Your Education Vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube videos and listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some online resources I recommend.

Education Articles

BBC News – Education

The Independent

New York Times

The Conversation

I love TED Talks. They are short videos with a powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

Search  YouTube TED Talks - Education  to help you improve your education vocabulary.

All Topic Vocabulary

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vocabulary words with meaning

Education Vocabulary Words with Meaning: Improve Your English Vocabulary

Being an English Language proficiency test, all components of IELTS are heavily focussed on vocabulary. In fact, without understanding the concept of contextual vocabulary, your preparation will be incomplete. To help you improve your vocabulary we have created a detailed article about vocabulary for IELTS . This, on the other hand, will focus only on the vocabulary from the Education genre.

Vocabulary Skills Tested in the IELTS Exam

Your vocabulary skills are tested in IELTS under the marking criteria “lexical resource”. It assesses your ability to use a range of vocabulary that is relevant to the topic and how appropriate and accurate they are in terms of the specific task.

  • “Less number of people does crime these days.”
  • “Less number of people commits crime these days.”

Sentence 1, although is grammatically and structurally correct, does not use the right word. 

Sentence 2, is the exact same sentence but uses the right word “commit”. You do not “do” crime, you “commit” it. 

Understanding when to use which word is an important skill that you need to develop if you want to crack IELTS with a good score.

Education Vocabulary Words with Meanings

Education is a very popular genre in IELTS. Both speaking and writing section saw a myriad of topics that are related to education. Here is a comprehensive list of common words and their meanings, related to education:

Related to Institutions:

  • Kindergarten– A class for young children, usually four and five years old, which is often the first year of formal education.
  • Primary school– In the U.K. and other countries, a school for children between five and eleven years old.
  • Secondary School– A school for children between the ages of 11 and 18, approximately.
  • College– a place where you can study for an undergraduate (= first) degree.
  • Higher education– Education at a college or university where subjects are studied at an advanced level.
  • Postgraduate school– A place where students study beyond degree level.
  • Law school– A University where people study law.
  • Medical school– A university where people study medicine.

Related to Course

  • Certificate– The documentation you receive when you are successful in an exam.
  • Diploma– A document issued by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies.
  • Online course– An online course is a course that is focused on the use of information and communications technology for learning.
  • Distance learning course– A course in a university that is far away from your location, for which you receive study materials by mail and take the exams in allotted centres.
  • Vocational course– A course which teaches you the skills required for a specific job. For example: welding, tailoring etc.
  • Non-vocational course– A course, that is not related to any particular job, but to a general subject like Geography or Biology.
  • Integrated Course– An integrated course means a combined course. For example A 4year B.Tech combined with 2year M.Tech, which can be done in a span of 5 years. 
  • B.A/ B.Sc– Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science
  • M.A/ M.Sc– Master of Arts/ Master of Science
  • PhD– Doctor of Philosophy

Also Read : IELTS Exam Pattern: A Complete Guidance for Better IELTS Preparation

Related to University Work

  • Presentations– A talk to a group in which information about a new idea is presented.
  • Lectures– A formal talk on a serious subject given to a group of people, especially students.
  • Tutorials– A period of study with a tutor involving one student or a small group
  • Thesis– A piece of writing that involves an original idea on the study of a subject for a college or university degree.
  • Dissertation– A long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree
  • Hypothesis– An idea or explanation of something that is based on a few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct
  • Assignment– A task or piece of work that somebody is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies
  • Project work- A planned work that is designed to find information about a particular thing, to produce something new, or to improve something.
  • Research- A careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it.

General Educational Vocabulary Word with Meaning:

  • Literacy Rate- The percentage of people in a country or region, who can read and write.
  • Comprehensive Education- A well-rounded, broad education that covers a variety of subjects.
  • Scholarship- An award of either fee or supported education for high achievers.
  • Student loan- An amount of money loaned by students, that they must pay back after graduating.
  • Intensive course- A course that runs for a short duration of time, but contains a lot of information and training.
  • Truancy- Being absent from school without permission.
  • Gap year- To take a year out between high school and university.

Preparing for vocabulary is not as difficult as it sounds. The best way is to read a lot of articles, blogs and books on the topics that are fairly common, and note down the key words. Education is one of the popular topics and there are of course, more words than the ones we discussed. You can go through university brochures and blogs that are dedicated to student life and education and find vocabulary related to education all by yourself!

Also Read : Powerful Habits To Develop A Band 8 Vocabulary In IELTS Speaking

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These are some of the words that pop up frequently in the IELTS exam. This is an excellent list prepared by you guys.

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Thank you for poviding these vocabulary words with meanings, these were very helpful and what are the other tips for boosting vocabulary?

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Indulekha prabha.

My name is Indulekha Prabha. I am an English teacher and a content writer by profession. When I'm not working you can find me writing fiction, reading poetry and painting.

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50+ Education Vocabulary Words in English

In this competitive world, we all know the value of education. Education is the process of gaining knowledge. It is an ornament that leads us to success. In order to move ahead with the society, education is very essential. It is said that life without education is a boat without rudder. It makes us both financially and socially independent.

At early stage parents start imagining their children as doctors, lawyers, teachers etc. this can be achieved through gaining education. The educated people are sophisticated.  The people who lack education are called illiterate.

Education helps in employment by providing the required skills. Without education we cannot operate new machines. A person that is highly educated will get a better job than a person who is less educated because qualification matters. Ways of communication is also improved by gaining education.

Let’s learn some of the common education related words for teachers and parents should know to help give students a better future.

Education Vocabulary Words List

Higher educationSecondary educationLiteracyCo-educationQualification
PaceHighly educatedKnowledgePrivate schoolingDiverse field of Education
Informal educationFinancialSocially independentInstitutionNon-profit
ScholarshipSchoolingUndergraduateFormal educationPremise
PreschoolGraduateValuableOnline EducationElementary Education

Education is needed to raise one’s standard of living; it teaches us how to live in a society. Government has opened free, non-profit schools for poor people so they can get education and become successful in life and raise the standard of living.

A gift of knowledge can help us reach our dreams. Education is imperative in today’s world and it is the foundation stone of our future life.

Keep Learning with EnglishBix!

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Wordlists for Grades K - 8

What vocabulary words do you teach.

The Word Up Project teaches students words that they are likely to encounter on high-stakes tests. Flocabulary's research team created these word lists by first compiling words from grade-appropriate novels and basal readers (with an emphasis on Tier 2 words). The researchers then analyzed how often these vocabulary words appeared on state tests. The words that appeared most often are the ones taught in The Word Up Project .

For each reading level, our researchers looked at state tests at that level and two grade levels above. So the words taught in Level Indigo (grade 5) are those words that are both found in 5th grade reading material and are most likely to appear on state tests in 5th, 6th and 7th grades. You can view a pdf of the compiled word lists here or choose your grade level below.

Additionally, we have a series of songs that teach SAT vocabulary words. The 500 challenging words were chosen based on a study of the vocabulary that appeared on the SAT most frequently over the course of five years. You can see the pdf of the SAT vocabulary here .

The Word Up Project Word Lists

Word Up Level Peach - Kindergarten Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Grape - 1st Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Turquoise - 2nd Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Red - 3rd Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Orange - 4th Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Indigo - 5th Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Green - 6th Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Yellow - 7th Grade Vocabulary Word List Word Up Level Blue - 8th Grade Vocabulary Word List

High School Vocabulary: Word Lists For Grades 9-12

  • Ninth Grade
  • Tenth Grade
  • Eleventh Grade
  • Twelfth Grade

By Ashley Austrew

Whether you’re a teacher, a parent, or a high school student yourself, you’re probably aware that having a strong vocabulary is important for reading, writing, and speaking. In ninth through twelfth grades, students are not only tackling high-level coursework, but also preparing for their adult lives beyond school. The words they learn now will carry through into their later educational and career endeavors, and that makes it especially important to put in the effort to grow their vocabulary, literacy, and spelling skills.

To help get high schoolers back in the swing of things, we’ve put together 12 word lists with hundreds of essential vocabulary words for every stage of high school, along with flash cards, quizzes, and more. These words will not only help students in English class or while taking the SAT. They’ll also help students studying advanced science, history, art, political science, and more. Keep scrolling to learn them all!

When you’re preparing for the big tests in your life, turn to these word lists and quizzes build right for the SAT, ACT, and more.

Ninth-grade vocabulary words and tips

In ninth grade, students are making the transition into advanced learning that will prepare them for college, careers, and beyond. These students are exploring history, science, writing, and literature, and being able to spell and comprehend a great many multisyllabic words with multiple meanings is an important skill.

Ninth graders aren’t only studying words for their spelling or meaning, though. Rather, they’re studying vocabulary to gain a deeper understanding of language and the ability to analyze the impact of words in context. This is a requirement for much of the higher level learning and analysis done by students in high school. Reading remains important at this stage, as does studying new words to learn and use throughout their school work. Here are 75 vocabulary words ninth graders need to know.

  • characteristic
  • accomodation
  • satisfactory
  • civilization … full list
  • remembrance
  • interpretation
  • accompaniment
  • administration
  • monotony … full list
  • indispensable
  • commissioner
  • hindrance … full list

Now take those ninth grade skills up a notch with this quiz!

Tenth-grade vocabulary words and tips

Students in tenth grade are building on many of the literacy skills they acquired in ninth grade. They’re able to not only decode complex words, but also to understand the figurative , connotative , and technical meanings within a text, analyze word choice, and determine the best words to use to convey their ideas.

Students at this stage are likely also preparing to take practice SAT and ACT tests within the coming year or so, making it all the more important for them to have a rich and robust vocabulary. Reviewing these word lists, practicing with flash cards, and taking advantage of our spelling and definition quizzes will help kids slowly and steadily make progress on this goal. Here are three word lists to help tenth graders feel ahead of the curve.

  • belligerent
  • connotation … full list
  • perfunctory
  • disseminate … full list
  • subordinate
  • jurisdiction
  • precipitate
  • alternative
  • bureaucratic
  • validate … full list  

Once you’ve reviewed these words, consider testing your expertise of tenth grade vocabulary with a quiz.

Eleventh-grade vocabulary words and tips

By eleventh grade, much of the focus for students is on college and career readiness. By the end of their eleventh-grade year, many students will have taken their ACT or SAT. They’re likely also looking at colleges they’d like to apply to during their senior year, and probably practicing those admissions essays as well. All of this makes a strong vocabulary an especially important thing to have.

Rather than cramming for a specific test or assignment, it will be helpful for eleventh graders to focus on study and enrichment all year long. They can use these three lists to get started by reviewing the words daily with digital flashcards and taking our accompanying word quizzes to see how much they’ve retained. With a little practice each day, these terms will be second nature to eleventh graders in no time.

  • indoctrinate
  • contradiction
  • effervescent … full list
  • conciliatory
  • altercation
  • delineate … full list
  • ameliorate … full list

Think you can pass this eleventh grade vocab quiz? Only one way to find out!

Twelfth-grade vocabulary words and tips

In their final year of high school, students are able to interpret, use, and understand some of the most complex words in the English language. They’ve built up their vocabularies through their regular coursework and by studying for the SAT or ACT, if they’ve taken the tests or plan to. Students at this level are working with the real world in mind, and they need to be able to interpret language in a variety of settings.

So, what’s left to do? Plenty! It’s time to deepen their understanding of language and create a lifelong practice of learning and thinking about the way we use words. For twelfth graders, this may mean reading more complicated books and poetry, being adventurous in their writing, and seeking new opportunities for learning, which is a lifelong skill that will benefit them once they leave the four walls of the school building. They can start by getting familiar with these word lists. These words are ones they may need for test prep, college, their careers, and beyond. Start by reviewing the words, and then dig in to our spelling tests and quizzes to build a functional and seriously impressive vocabulary in no time.

  • anachronism
  • camaraderie
  • incompatible
  • digression … full list
  • rancorous … full list
  • ostentatious
  • superfluous
  • collaborative … full list

Once you’ve reviewed these words, test yourself with this quiz built straight for twelfth grade vocabulary.

Ashley Austrew is a freelance journalist and writer from Omaha, Nebraska. Her work has been published at  Cosmopolitan ,  Scary Mommy ,  Scholastic , and other outlets.  For more by Ashley, read:  “Teacher” vs. “Tutor”: Why Most Kids Need Both  | Your Student Can Take Middle School By Storm With The Right Vocabulary  |  Make Your Writing The Star Of National Grammar Day With These Tips | How To Plan Out And Plan Ahead For Your Final Project

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If you have a child still in the midst of middle school, this word list resource might be just what they need.

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Your Guide to Education Lingo

Educational terminology can be overwhelming with so many acronyms and buzzwords to remember. So we’ve created a must-know list of education lingo for your reference.

1:1: One laptop or device for each student in a class or school. For more on this, check out 8 Strategies to Manage the 21st Century Classroom .

21st-Century Skills: A blanket term for skills of the future. “The term ‘21st-century skills’ is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today’s world,” according to Education Week .

504 Plan: A plan for services, accommodations, and access for a student with a disability. A 504 plan is different from an IEP, which qualifies a student for special education services (see IEP below). Students with a 504 cannot also have an IEP, and a 504 plan transfers to college.

ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Check out Psychology Today’s article , which explains both of them in detail.


  • Formative: Evaluates student learning at the beginning or during a unit. Provides information for the teacher and learner about what needs to be covered/adjusted. There are many helpful formative assessment tools to check for understanding and alter your teaching to better guide students in their learning.
  • Summative: Evaluates student learning at the end of a unit. This could be a final exam or essay, but there are also many benefits to providing alternative summative assessments .

Backward Design: Designing curriculum backward by starting with the outcomes, assessments, and goals first. For more on this, check out How to Make Student Assessments Useful and Productive.

BYOD: Bring your own device, which comes with pros and cons .

CCLS: Common Core Learning Standards , used in over 41 states.

Charter School: A school that is privately run, operates independently of the state school system, and receives public school funding. For more information, learn about the charter school debate  and read this interview with three charter experts.

Classroom Management: How an educator runs their classroom with regard to behavior and routines. Check out our 5 tips for better classroom management.

Co-Teaching/Collaborative Teaching/Team Teaching: When teams work together either in content teams or as co-teachers in the same classroom.

Design Thinking: The Design Thinking process, from Stanford University, involves five steps: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test. In classrooms, students can learn to solve problems, invent, and create solutions by using the same process as the world’s inventors and thinkers.

ELL: English Language Learner. There are many strategies and best practices to utilize when teaching ELLs.

ESL/ESOL: English as a Second Language/English for Speakers of Other Languages. ESOL instructional strategies can be utilized to effectively teach this student group.

FERPA: The  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

Flipped Classroom: Vanderbilt University explains the flipped classroom as learning where “students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture videos, and then use class time to do the harder work of assimilating that knowledge, perhaps through problem-solving, discussion, or debates.”

Growth Mindset: Dr. Carol Dweck invented the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” to explain the beliefs people have about their ability to learn and grow. Students with a growth mindset believe that they can improve through hard work, thrive on challenge, and see failure as an opportunity to do better. For teachers, there are many ways you can build a growth mindset .

GT/G&T: Gifted and Talented. Here’s a brief history of Gifted and Talented education .

IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act , 1975

IEP: Individualized Education Plan — a personalized document that is developed for an individual student who needs access to special education services.

ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education

IT: Instructional Technology. Technology is often used to address different issues and needs in education.

LMS: Learning Management System — software used by schools to track grades, deliver curriculum, offer or evaluate courses, etc.

LOTE: Languages Other Than English. You can learn more by reading about inclusion in the LOTE classroom .

Makerspaces: Makerspaces encourage students to try, fail, and try again — just as the world’s most amazing innovators do in their labs and studios every day. Makerspaces range from elaborate fabrication shops to small carts full of craft supplies. Read more about Makerspaces here.

Metacognition: Thinking about thinking, or reflecting upon one’s learning experience. This method of self-awareness helps students learn how to reflect upon their learning process. Metacognition can be done through writing, reflection exercises, vlogging, or even through meditation.

MOOC: Massive Open Online Courses are online courses open to anyone.

NAEP: The National Assessment of Educational Progress  is an assessment measuring American students’ progress in different subjects. Also known as The Nation’s Report Card, the NAEP has been around since 1969.

NCLB: The  No Child Left Behind Act passed in 2001 and was signed by President George W. Bush in 2002. It bolstered the federal government’s role in ensuring that schools are demonstrating academic progress. It demanded that schools boost performance for underrepresented groups like ELLs, special education students, and minorities, and states/schools could lose their Title 1 funding if they did not participate.

NEA: National Education Association

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards , essentially the science arm of the Common Core Learning Standards.

Open Source: A movement to provide education materials online for free. Check out this resource roundup .

PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers is a group of states and other groups that utilize a set of K-12 standards and CCLS-aligned standardized exams (owned by Pearson) in math and English.

PBL: Project-Based Learning , where students learn through a long-term project; or Problem-Based Learning, where students learn through solving a problem or question.

PD/PL: Professional Development or Professional Learning

PISA: Programme for International Student Assessment . Tests are given to 15-year-old students in a number of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries on mathematics, science, reading, financial literacy, and collaborative problem-solving. First done in 2000 and repeated every 3 years, the PISA tests serve as an evaluative comparison of education by country.

PLN/PLC: A Personal Learning Network or Professional Learning Community commonly refers to your work colleagues or education connections made on social media or through organizations.

Race to the Top/RTTT/R2T: A “$4.35 billion Race to the Top Fund is the largest-ever federal competitive investment in school reform. It will reward states for past accomplishments, create incentives for future improvements, and challenge states to create comprehensive strategies for addressing the four central areas of reform that will drive school improvement,” according to the U.S. Department of Education .

Scaffolding: An instruction method where a teacher models or offers supports and then steps back to allow students to try it on their own. “For example, in teaching a child to ride a bike, the training wheels serve as one scaffold. The adult running alongside the bike serves as another. In other words, the adult handles the harder parts temporarily, while allowing the child to try out the easier parts,” according to Guided Instruction by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey.

SEL: Social-Emotional Learning — According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) , “social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” Read more about SEL here .

Standards-Based Grading: A grading system where a subject is broken down into smaller goals and learning is assessed through each smaller target. Example: “I can find the central idea in a work of fiction.”

STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Read more about the importance of art and humanities in STEAM .

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Learn about the history of STEM .

TESOL/TESL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Teaching English as a Second Language.

Title 1: Federal funding provided to schools with high percentages of low-income students to help learners meet educational standards.

UDL: Universal Design for Learning is a method for learning and teaching that incorporates brain science to provide flexibility and the removal of obstacles so that all learners can succeed.

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ESL Vocabulary Word Lists and Teaching Ideas (Free Printables)

Help your multi-language learners build their vocabulary.

ESL Vocabulary Word Printables

Building a strong vocabulary from an early stage sets the groundwork for lifelong learning and academic success for all learners, and it’s especially important for multi-language learners (MLLs). Incorporating vocabulary into your ESL instruction is important because vocabulary knowledge directly impacts reading comprehension. MLLs with limited vocabulary often struggle to understand texts, which hinders their academic progress across all subjects. On the other hand, having a robust vocabulary helps these students understand idiomatic expressions and cultural nuances, which gives them a deeper understanding of the English language.

Grab our free printable ESL word lists and cards, then try some of the activities below!

Why ESL Vocabulary Word Lists Work

Word lists are a great way to support your students in their development of the English language. They provide a reference for students to help them understand new vocabulary (both academic and social vocabulary), use new vocabulary, and write words independently. Word lists can be used whole-group through visual aids and posters or individually through personalized dictionaries and more.

Here are some of the benefits of using ESL vocabulary word lists and cards in the classroom:

  • Word lists provide a structured way for ESL students to grasp new vocabulary.
  • Repetition and visual reinforcement through word cards aid in long-term retention.
  • Regular practice with word lists ensures ongoing vocabulary development.
  • Grouping words by themes allows students to understand and use them in real-world contexts.
  • Students systematically build their vocabulary, which is foundational for language proficiency.
  • Familiarity with key vocabulary increases students’ confidence in using the language.
  • A strong vocabulary supports overall academic success across subjects.
  • Word lists and cards can make learning interactive and enjoyable.

ESL Vocabulary Word Lists

Academic Words

The word lists below can be used with your ESL/MLL students and are broken out by category.

Winter Words

blizzard, boots, cold, fireplace, frost, hat, ice, jacket, precipitation, scarf, sled, snow, snowflake, winter

Summer Words

beach, hat, pool, sandcastle, shorts, sun, sunscreen, swim, temperature, T-shirt, vacation

Spring Words

bloom, butterfly, flowers, garden, grass, puddle, rain, rainbow, seed, sprout, sunshine

acorn, apple, autumn, harvest, leaves, pumpkin, scarecrow, sunflower, sweater, Thanksgiving

Academic Words

art, computers, dismissal, English Language Arts, geography, health, history, language, library, lunch, math, music, reading, recess, science, social studies, specials, writing ADVERTISEMENT

Daily Routine Words

bedtime, breakfast, brush teeth, chores, dinner, fill water bottle, get dressed, go to school, homework, lunch, outdoor play, pack a snack, pack backpack, pack lunch, reading time, snack time, study time, wake up

Clothing Words

belt, boots, coat, dress, gloves, hat, jacket, mittens, pajamas, pants, raincoat, sandals, scarf, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, sneakers, socks, sweater, swimsuit, T-shirt, underwear

Family Words

Family Words

aunt, brother, cousin, father, grandfather, grandmother, mother, nephew, niece, sister, uncle

Emergency Words

alarm, earthquake, emergency exit, evacuation, fire, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, lockdown, shelter, smoke detector, tornado

Body Parts Words

ankle, arm, back, belly button, calf, chest, elbow, fingers, foot, hand, head, knee, knuckle, leg, neck, ribs, shoulder, stomach, toes, wrist

Playground Words

basketball, climbing, monkey bars, play structure, slide, soccer, swings, tag, track

carry, crawl, hold, hug, jump, kick, lift, listen, pull, push, run, sit, skip, stand, stretch, swim, talk, throw, walk


animal, apartment, car, drink, food, gym, house, lake, library, ocean, park, person, river, school, store, water

How To Use ESL Vocabulary Word Lists

Your ESL vocabulary word lists shouldn’t become a poster on the wall that is long forgotten and collecting dust. When thinking of ways to implement word lists, you want to consider practical strategies—something that will be referenced regularly throughout instruction, a useful tool for students, and that they’re easy to navigate and understand. 

Here are some effective methods for integrating word lists into your teaching.

Create a word wall in your classroom where new vocabulary is displayed. Encourage students to reference this wall during writing activities.

Interactive Games

Incorporate word list games such as matching words to pictures, image association games like Pictionary, “Guess My Word,” memory games, or bingo.

Writing Exercises

Assign writing tasks that require students to use words from their lists in sentences or short paragraphs. Have students challenge one another in pairs to check the spelling of words from the word list in each other’s writing.

Group Activities

Organize group activities where students can practice speaking and using newly learned words. Students can practice through interactive quizzes, challenging one another to spell words, playing a version of “headbands” with vocabulary, and more.

Word Association

Have students look through word lists and identify the words that are similar to words in their native language. Have a discussion about cognates and false cognates based on their responses.

Categorize Words

Use the word cards to create categories (e.g., things you can touch, things you can see, solid things, things that are used in the summer, etc.).

Get Your Free ESL Vocabulary Word Printables

ESL Vocabulary Word Printables

Print copies of the word list and cards to keep on hand for spelling lists and instructional examples, as well as games and activities like the ones described above.

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A Comprehensive Glossary of Education Terms for Students and Educators

word list for education

  • Publish on March 2, 2023

Picture of Dan Wallace

Dan Wallace

Education is a constantly evolving field, with new approaches, technologies, and concepts emerging all the time. For students and educators alike, keeping up with the latest terminology and jargon can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve compiled this glossary of education terms, complete with definitions from a variety of sources. Whether you’re a teacher, a student, or simply interested in the world of education, this glossary can help you stay informed and up-to-date. From flipped classrooms to gamification, and from formative assessment to personalized learning, this glossary covers a wide range of topics and concepts. So read on to expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of the world of education.

  • Academic Performance Index (API): A ranking of schools statewide based on student test scores. Most schools have an API, a state ranking, and growth targets for the following year.
  • Assistive Technology: Any device or software that helps students with disabilities access the curriculum or perform tasks more easily.
  • Blended Learning: A combination of online and face-to-face instruction that allows students to have some control over the time, place, pace, and path of their learning.
  • Charter School: A public school that operates independently from the local school district under a contract or charter with an authorizer such as a state agency, university, or nonprofit organization.
  • Common Core State Standards (CCSS): A set of academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy that outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level from kindergarten through 12th grade.
  • Competency-Based Education (CBE): An approach to education that focuses on measuring student mastery of specific skills or competencies rather than seat time or credit hours.
  • Credit Hour: A unit of measurement that represents the amount of time a student spends in class or engaged in academic work for a course. Typically, one credit hour equals one hour of instruction per week for a semester.
  • Curriculum: The content and skills that students are expected to learn in a specific course or subject area.
  • Differentiated Instruction: A teaching strategy that adapts instruction to meet the diverse needs and preferences of individual students or groups of students within the same classroom.
  • Distance Education: Any form of education that takes place when the instructor and the learner are physically separated by time or space. Distance education can use various technologies such as correspondence courses, videoconferencing, online courses, etc.
  • Early College High School: A type of high school that allows students to earn college credits or an associate degree while completing their high school diploma.
  • Education Specialist (Ed.S.): A post-master’s degree that prepares educators for advanced roles such as school psychologists, counselors, administrators, etc.
  • English Language Learner (ELL): A student who is learning English as a second or additional language and may need extra support to develop language proficiency and academic skills.
  • Flipped Classroom: A teaching model that reverses the traditional order of instruction by having students watch recorded lectures or videos at home and do homework or practice activities in class with the teacher’s guidance.
  • Formative Assessment: An ongoing process of gathering and analyzing evidence of student learning to provide feedback and adjust instruction accordingly. Examples of formative assessments include quizzes, exit tickets, observations, etc.
  • Gamification: The use of game elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, etc. to motivate and engage students in learning activities or tasks.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA): A numerical measure of a student’s academic performance based on the grades earned in courses. GPA is usually calculated on a 4.0 scale where A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0, and F = 0.0.
  • High-Stakes Testing: Any standardized test that has significant consequences for students, teachers, schools, or districts based on the results. Examples of high-stakes tests include state assessments, college entrance exams, etc.
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP): A legal document that outlines the special education services and accommodations that a student with a disability is entitled to receive under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
  • Inquiry-Based Learning: A student-centered approach to learning that involves posing questions, exploring problems, investigating phenomena, or creating products that demonstrate understanding.
  • Instructional Design: The process of creating learning experiences and materials in a systematic and efficient manner based on educational theory and research.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Learning that involves integrating knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines or subject areas to address complex problems or issues.
  • Learning Management System (LMS): A software platform that facilitates the administration, delivery, and tracking of online or blended learning courses and programs.
  • Mastery Learning: An approach to learning that emphasizes student mastery of specific knowledge and skills before moving on to new content or concepts.
  • Microlearning: Learning that is delivered in small, bite-sized units, often through digital or mobile platforms, to promote retention and application of knowledge and skills.
  • Montessori Education: A child-centered approach to education that emphasizes self-directed learning, hands-on activities, and individualized instruction.
  • Multiple Intelligences: The theory that intelligence is not a single, fixed trait but rather a collection of different abilities or intelligences, such as verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB): A federal law enacted in 2002 that mandated annual testing and accountability measures for all public schools receiving federal funding.
  • Open Educational Resources (OER): Educational materials that are openly licensed and freely available for use, modification, and sharing.
  • Personalized Learning: Learning that is tailored to the individual needs, interests, and abilities of each student, often through the use of technology or adaptive learning systems.
  • Portfolio Assessment: An assessment approach that involves collecting and evaluating a student’s work samples over time to demonstrate growth and achievement in specific areas.
  • Problem-Based Learning: A student-centered approach to learning that involves solving real-world

In conclusion, the field of education is rich with terminology and concepts that can be challenging to navigate. However, by understanding the key terms and ideas that shape the world of education, we can better engage with the learning process and support students in achieving their full potential. This glossary of education terms provides a comprehensive overview of some of the most important concepts in education today, from blended learning to problem-based learning and beyond. Whether you’re a student, an educator, or simply curious about the field of education, we hope this glossary has been informative and helpful. By staying up-to-date with the latest terminology and approaches in education, we can all work towards creating a brighter future for learners everywhere.


Learn words with Flashcards and other activities

Other learning activities, teaching tools, full list of words from this list:.

  • university an institution of higher learning that grants degrees
  • college an institution of higher education
  • secondary being of second rank or importance or value
  • primary of first rank or importance or value
  • tuition a fee paid for instruction, especially for higher education
  • graduate receive an academic degree upon completion of one's studies
  • literacy the ability to read and write
  • degree a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series
  • course a connected series of events or actions or developments
  • subject some situation or event that is thought about
  • skill an ability that has been acquired by training
  • pass go across or through
  • fail be unable
  • academic associated with an educational institution
  • assignment an undertaking that you have been told to perform
  • thesis an unproved statement advanced as a premise in an argument
  • professor a member of the faculty at a college or university
  • educational relating to the process of instruction

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Education Vocabulary for IELTS

 This is a list of useful Education vocabulary for IELTS.

Education is common topic in IELTS. This vocabulary will help you with all parts of the test if the topic arises.

As with the other vocabulary on these pages, although common word forms are given, not all word forms are here, so remember that once you understand the word you should study it further to make sure you understand exactly how it is used in different contexts.

You will see here:

  • The word/phrase

At the bottom of the page you will find links to essays connected to education topics. 

Education Voabulary

List of IELTS Education Vocabulary

The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.

  • Attendance is mandatory for all students during the school term.
  • Regular attendance is important for academic success.

To behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want.

  • He did really well in his exams but he cheated. He copied from a friend.
  • Cheating on exams is not recommended.


When male and female students are taught together in the same school or college rather than separately

  • I believe that co-educational schools prepare students for their future better than single-sex schools.
  • Co-educational schools provide an inclusive environment where boys and girls learn together, fostering mutual respect and understanding.


To direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem.

  • It is difficult to concentrate on my college work if there is a lot of noise.
  • I keep losing concentration due to the noise.

Regular work done by students as part of a course, but assessed independently of formal exams.

  • The coursework on my degree was really difficult.
  • The coursework for my biology class includes conducting experiments, writing lab reports, and completing research assignments.

The group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc.

  • Schools must ensure they have an excellent curriculum.
  • The school's curriculum includes a diverse range of subjects such as mathematics, science, literature, and physical education to provide students with a well-rounded education.

Distance Learning

Education that takes place remotely, often utilizing online resources and communication technologies.

  • Many universities offer distance learning programs for students who are unable to attend classes on campus.
  • The pandemic led to a surge in popularity for distance learning platforms.


Activities pursued by students outside the regular curriculum.

  • I participate in several extracurricular activities like debate club and chess team.
  • Extracurricular activities help students develop a well-rounded skill set.

To complete a first university degree successfully.

  • I graduated from the University of Salford in 2009.
  • My graduation ceremony was in 2009.

Higher (tertiary) Education

Non-compulsory education after finishing school, such as university, as well as vocational education and training at colleges.

  • 60% of children now go into higher education after they finish school.
  • After completing secondary school, many students choose to pursue tertiary education at universities or colleges to further their academic and career goals.

Tasks assigned by teachers to be completed outside of class.

  • I have a lot of homework to do tonight, including a math worksheet and a history essay.
  • Homework reinforces what we learn in class.

Unable to read and write.

  • Many children in the poorest countries are illiterate.
  • Due to the lack of access to education, many adults in the rural village remained illiterate, unable to read or write even basic texts.

The ability to read and write.

  • Literacy rates have declined considerably in Western countries over the last decade.
  • However, most children are literate.

The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

  • Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic settings and can result in disciplinary action.
  • The student was expelled for plagiarizing an entire research paper.

Primary Education/School (Elementary School)

First years of formal education from around age 5 to 11.

  • A good primary education is crucial for a child's development.
  • Elementary school teachers focus on building foundational skills in reading, writing, and mathematics to prepare young students for future academic success.


An official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.

  • Good qualifications are really important if you want to get a well-paid job.
  • I am qualified to teach English.

Secondary Education/School (High School: USA)

Education during the time as a teenager.

  • I loved it at my secondary school as I had so many friends.
  • In secondary school, students typically study a broader range of subjects in preparation for higher education or vocational training.

A division of the academic year, typically lasting several months, during which classes are held.

  • We have finals at the end of each semester.
  • The fall semester begins in September and ends in December.

A sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university.

  • The university increased tuition fees by 10% this year.
  • Many students rely on scholarships to help cover their tuition costs.


A student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor's degree.

  • I'm an undergraduate majoring in biology.
  • Undergraduate students often take a variety of general education courses.

Virtual Classroom

An online learning environment where students and teachers interact in real-time.

  • Due to the pandemic, we shifted to a virtual classroom for the remainder of the semester.
  • The virtual classroom allows students to participate in discussions from anywhere with an internet connection.

A seminar or series of meetings for intensive study or training in a particular subject.

  • I attended a writing workshop to improve my essay skills.
  • The workshop on time management was very informative.

View model essays that include IELTS education vocabulary:

University Education Essay

Free University Education Essay

Paying Attention in Class Essay

Examinations or Formal Assessment Essay

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Health Vocabulary

This health vocabulary includes useful words to talk and write about health, ftiness and food

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Surrealism Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring | Art History

Surrealism Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring | Art History

Subject: Art and design

Age range: Age not applicable

Resource type: Game/puzzle/quiz

Puzzles and Pencils

Last updated

28 August 2024

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word list for education

Art History - Surrealism word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults.

Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch puzzle. Also great for games nights and class parties. The perfect solution when you need an engaging and fun activity to support class activities.

  • 1 page combining a Surrealism word search puzzle with a mindfulness colouring page border.
  • Puzzle solution page.

Word list contains 32 words/phrases, including: surrealism, art, artist, artwork, painting, painter, canvas, dream, unconscious, subconscious, imagination, expression, unexpected, surprise, juxtaposition, fantasy, imagery, surrealist, revolutionary, perception, disorienting, illusion, Paris, France, exhibition, Salvador Dali , and more.

Add some learning and fun to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers.

This resource is useful for:

  • Vocabulary and terminology
  • Reinforcing knowledge and memory
  • Literacy activity
  • Classification and comprehension
  • Mindfulness and relaxation
  • Brain break activity

© PuzzlesandPencils

Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness colouring page for kids and adults.

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Art History Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring BUNDLE

**Art History - Periods of Art** word search puzzles / colouring page activity worksheets BUNDLE. Combines challenging word find activities with mindfulness colouring borders to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains **20 Art** themed puzzles for older kids, teens and adults. No prep, ready to print wordsearch puzzles. Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with challenging printable wordsearch puzzles. The perfect solution when you need an engaging activity to support studies about **art**. Includes the following **20** word search puzzles: * Ancient Art * Medieval Art * Byzantine Art * Gothic Art * Renaissance * Baroque * Rococo * Neoclassicism * Romanticism * Realism * Modern Art * Impressionism * Post-Impressionism * Art Nouveau * Expressionism * Fauvism * Cubism * Surrealism * Abstract Expressionism * Contemporary Art Puzzle solution pages included. Add some learning and engagement to your projects with a printable word puzzle. Great for reinforcing vocabulary and also works great for sub plan activities, bell ringers and early finishers. This resource is useful for: * Vocabulary and terminology * Reinforcing knowledge and memory * Memory aid * Spelling * Literacy Activity * Classification and comprehension * Mindfulness and relaxation * Brain break activity © PuzzlesandPencils *** Printable puzzle activities for substitute teachers, fun puzzles for early finishers, fast finisher activity, morning work, literacy center activities, printable games word searches, super word find vocabulary bell ringers, mindfulness coloring page for kids and adults.

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    a high standing achieved through success or influence. profession. an occupation requiring special education. professional. of or relating to or suitable as an occupation. qualified. meeting the proper standards and requirements for a task. report. to give an account or representation of in words.

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    abstract separation of something into its various parts. approach. move towards. area. the extent of a two-dimensional surface within a boundary. assessment. the act of judging a person or situation or event. assume. take to be the case or to be true.

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    a collection of things sharing a common attribute. course. a connected series of events or actions or developments. teaching. the activities of educating or instructing. adult education. a course (via lectures or correspondence) for adults who are not otherwise engaged in formal study. art class.

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    Grade Point Average (GPA): A numerical measure of a student's academic performance based on the grades earned in courses. GPA is usually calculated on a 4.0 scale where A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0, and F = 0.0. High-Stakes Testing: Any standardized test that has significant consequences for students, teachers, schools, or districts ...

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    associated with an educational institution. assignment. an undertaking that you have been told to perform. thesis. an unproved statement advanced as a premise in an argument. professor. a member of the faculty at a college or university. educational. relating to the process of instruction.

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  24. Surrealism Word Search Puzzle Activity with Colouring

    Art History - Surrealism word search puzzle / colouring page activity worksheet. Combines a challenging word find activity with mindfulness colouring to provide an engaging and relaxing learning activity. Contains 32 words in a puzzle for older kids, teens and adults. Reinforce vocabulary, spelling and learning with a fun printable wordsearch ...