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Free Year 4 Maths Worksheets And Homework – Download, Print, Or View Online

Anantha Anilkumar

Here you’ll find all our free Year 4 maths worksheets and Year 4 maths tests, many of which are suitable for homework as well as classroom teaching.

You can use these resources and workbooks as you like; most of the KS2 maths worksheets come in pdf format and all of them are printable if you want to give children something physical to work with. But they can also be downloaded and kept, or viewed online, if you prefer to keep things electronic. 

To supplement these we also have a range of maths activities , lesson plans and powerpoints for classroom teaching which are available from our White Rose maths  page.

Many of these worksheets and maths tests are aimed at helping children improve their number work – we have mental maths practice work, place value worksheets , addition and subtraction worksheets , multiplication & division worksheets etc.

All our maths worksheets and tests come with answer sheets too, including advice from the National Curriculum (about the range of answers that are acceptable, for example), where needed.

If you’re a  parent  looking for more advice, try our  home learning  hub full of  home learning packs , tips and teaching ideas for  Year 4 Maths  at home and  maths homework .

If you’re a  teacher or school leader  who is interested in improving maths attainment in your school or classroom, then this whole website is for you. Third Space Learning is dedicated to improving outcomes in maths with our  online tutoring  programme of  maths interventions , together with  maths resources  and CPD. You’re welcome to link to these free resources from your own website like thousands of other schools do.

Free Year 4 Maths Worksheets and Tests

Free Year 4 Maths Worksheets and Tests

A collection of free Year 4 maths activities from the Third Space Maths Hub. You need to register to download (but it's free). Use Google Chrome.

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fluency, reasoning, and problem solving

Year 4 times tables worksheets, year 4 place value worksheets, year 4 addition and subtraction worksheets , year 4 multiplication and division worksheets , year 4 decimals worksheets , year 4 measurement worksheets, year 4 fractions worksheets, year 4 statistics worksheets, year 4 maths tests: all topics, year 4 maths worksheets to improve fluency, mental maths and arithmetic skills: fluent in five.

Fluent in Five worksheets provide a series of questions designed to take no more than 5-10 minutes and to help children develop their written and mental maths skills. Developing maths fluency in a key skill for children, especially in Year 4 with the newly-introduced times tables check to work towards. 

Download  Fluent in Five Arithmetic Pack (Year 4) Weeks 1-6

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for improving reasoning and problem solving skills: Rapid Reasoning

The Rapid Reasoning resource was created to fulfil the greater emphasis that a maths mastery approach gives to children’s ability to reason well. ‘Explaining your reasoning’ is a key part of maths lessons in Key Stage 2, and these free worksheets (six weeks’ worth in total) help children improve their reasoning skills. Each worksheet comes with around three questions based on Year 4 maths topics, example answers, and even step-by-step explanations to help pupils break down how to get to an answer. 

Download  Rapid Reasoning (Year 4) Weeks 1-6

Year 4 Maths Test: Times Tables

Knowing their multiplication tables is one of the key maths skills every child should have by the time they leave primary school, and Year 4 children will have this skill tested through the new multiplication tables check . 

These times tables practice tests provide a quick and clear way to help children practise, and spot any gaps in their knowledge. No more worries about getting caught out on the 7x table!

year 4 times tables tests

Download the Times Tables Packs

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for times tables: Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack

These times tables worksheets are a fun way to practise times tables facts and related division facts independently and develop mental arithmetic skills.  

Download the Tarsia Puzzles Mixed Times Tables Pack

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for place value: All Kinds of Word Problems

This worksheet contains ten increasingly difficult questions about number and place value. A great choice whether you want to help a child revise this topic, or give a high achiever something more challenging to do as homework!

Download  All Kinds of Word Problems on Number and Place Value (Year 4)

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model

These worksheets focus on word problems involving addition and subtraction of up to 4-digit numbers. It is important for children to experience a range of question types, especially in a topic where they may feel more confident. 

Download Year 4 addition and subtraction worksheets: Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Worked Examples

While children will have looked at formal column addition and subtraction, there are many common mistakes that even the most experienced amongst them can make. This worksheet highlights the common errors when using formal written methods, estimating and identifying related facts for addition and subtraction calculations. 

Download Year 4 Worked Examples Addition and Subtraction

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: Maths Code Crackers

Sometimes a simple set of fluency questions can be engaging. This worksheet focuses on calculations including up to 4-digit numbers add 4-digit numbers and up to 4-digit numbers subtract 4-digit numbers, all with the aim of finding answers and the punchline to a halloween themed joke. 

Download Year 4 Code Crackers: Addition and Subtraction

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for addition and subtraction: All Kinds of Word Problems 

These worksheets provide children with an opportunity to solve a wide range of addition and subtraction word problems. The problems range from missing digits to adding money and measures.

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for multiplication: All Kinds of Word Problems 

In Year 4, children are not only expected to know their times tables facts up to 12 x 12, they also need to know how to multiply 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. This workbook covers problems involving factors, missing numbers, multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers as well as times table facts. 

Download All Kinds of Word Problems: Multiplication 

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for multiplication: Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model

These worksheets include a range of word problems that can be solved using bar models. The questions cover times tables up to 12 x 12 as well as 2-digit numbers multiplied by 1-digit numbers. 

Download Year 4 Let’s Practise Using the Bar Model Multiplication Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for division: Short and Long Division Worksheets

Long division is one of the most difficult parts of the primary maths curriculum, and learning long division requires a good understanding of short division to start with. While a Year 4 child won’t have learnt long division yet, these worksheets include short division questions at the beginning, helping children sharpen their division skills in preparation for the next step.

Download our Free Year 4 Division Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for multiplication and division: Code Crackers

A fun way for children to get some more practise in: every question’s answer is part of the punchline of a joke. Solve them all and you solve the joke! The questions themselves cover all of the new things pupils have learned about the topic, so it’s easy to identify where any gaps are. 

Download  Maths Code Crackers Year 4: Multiplication and Division

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for multiplication and division: Worked Examples 

Children love to be the teacher. This worksheet gives children an opportunity to check work that has already been completed, explain any errors and develop reasoning skills. The worksheet covers a range of multiplication and division topics, including multiplying three 1-digit numbers together and dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.

Download Year 4 Worked Examples Multiplication and Division 

Third Space Learning online intervention slide for Year 4 division

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Independent Recap

This small collection of four worksheets covers tenths, hundredths, and dividing 1- and 2-digit numbers by 10 and 100 – all topics covered in Year 4 maths.

As independent working activities, they are specifically designed to be completed by children even if they can’t get access to online tools, or parent support.

Download the Year 4 Decimals Independent Recap Worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Worked Examples 

Decimals are first formally introduced to children in Year 4. This worksheet focuses on a range of topics including understanding the value of the digits in a decimal number, dividing by 10 and converting between fractions and decimals. As decimals is a new topic to Year 4, there are several common errors pupils could make and this worksheet aims to address these misconceptions. 

Download Year 4 Worked Examples Decimals

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on decimals: Maths Code Crackers Year 4 Decimals

This worksheet focuses on the value decimals, ordering decimals and adding decimals to make a whole in a fun way. Children need to answer the questions to solve the answer to a topical joke. 

Download Maths Code Crackers Year 4 Decimals

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on area: Code Crackers

Area is a new and more complicated Year 4 topic, moving away from the number facts and arithmetic-based work children will have been used to from previous years. Our Code Crackers worksheet on area gives them the chance to test their understanding of this more complex topic, and have fun at the same time. Answers for all questions are included with the pack. 

Download  Maths Code Crackers Year 4: Area

Year 4 Maths Worksheets on area: Year 4 Worked Examples Area

When covering the topic of area, it is important that children understand not only what area is but what a 2-D shape is. This worksheet covers the required content for this year group while also addressing common misconceptions that can form when the new topic of area is introduced. Children will focus on counting the squares to calculate areas as well as compare areas while they check and explain incorrect answers. 

Download Year 4 Worked Examples Area

Year 4 Geometry worksheets

Year 4 maths worksheets for properties of shape: independent recap.

Children have been learning about shapes since Year 1, but that does not mean the content is easy to understand. These worksheets cover identifying angles (including the names of angles and measurements in degrees), comparing and ordering angles as well as properties of 2d shapes, classifying triangles and quadrilaterals and identifying lines of symmetry  and completing symmetrical figures. 

Download Year 4 properties of shapes worksheets: Independent Recap  

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for properties of shape: Code Crackers

This properties of shape worksheet focuses on recapping all the learning from this block of work. With a range of retrieval questions to answer, children need to answer the questions correctly to find the answer to a Wimbledon related joke. 

Download Year 4 properties of shape worksheets: Code Crackers

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for properties of shape: Worked Examples

There are several different aspects of properties of shape that children need to know in Year 4. This worksheet recaps some of the key language in the topic (for example, obtuse angle, rhombus) as well as some key concepts (for example, classification of triangles, lines of symmetry), while including opportunities to develop reasoning skills. 

Download Year 4 Properties of Shapes Worksheets: Worked Examples

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fractions: Code Crackers

Finding fractions of numbers is a maths skill that becomes more and more important the later a child gets in their maths learning, but the basics are covered in Key Stage 2. This fractions for kids worksheet helps children become better at solving these types of problems without making it seem (too much) like work. 

year 4 maths worksheets fractions

Download  Maths Code Crackers Year 4: Fractions

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fractions: Independent recap 

These worksheets recap adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and calculating fractions of quantities. Children will have been introduced to both of these topics in Year 3, however it is important that they have a strong understanding of the concepts before moving on to more complex fraction work. These worksheets encourage completely independent work. 

Download Year 4 Fractions Independent Recap

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for fractions: Year 4 Worked Examples

The topic of ‘fractions’ is very broad. In this worksheet, the focus is on 5 different areas of the fractions block that children in Year 4 often find confusing (adding three or more fractions, finding a fraction of an amount, subtracting from a whole, equivalent fractions and counting in fractions). 

Download Year 4 Worked Examples Fractions

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Worked Examples

In Year 4, children are expected to be able to read and interpret a range of graphs and tables. This worksheet focuses on reading a table, bar chart and line graph. Children should be familiar with tables and bar charts but will have been introduced to line graphs for the first time in Year 4.  

Download Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Worked Examples

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Independent Recap

These worksheets focus on answering questions about bar charts, tables and line graphs. As line graphs are new to Year 4, one of the worksheets in this pack encourages children to use data to draw their own line graphs. 

Download Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Independent Recap

Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Code Crackers

This worksheet encourages children to read and interpret a range of graphs to answer retrieval, comparison and sum questions about a range of different graphs and tables. 

Download Year 4 Maths Worksheets for statistics: Code Crackers

A great way to get an overall idea of a Year 4 child’s maths learning – two tests (one arithmetic, one reasoning) of about an hour each, with answer sheets included. Please remember that children may not have covered every topic on this test, so they may not be able to answer some questions.

Download our free Year 4 Assessment Pack

Also in this series…

  • Year 2 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 6 & 7 Year Olds
  • Year 2 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 3 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 7 & 8 Year Olds
  • Year 3 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 5 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 9 & 10 Year Olds
  • Year 5 Maths Worksheets
  • Year 6 Maths Curriculum Toolkit for 10 & 11 Year Olds
  • Year 6 Maths Worksheets


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly primary school tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 150,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn about the Year 3-5 programme or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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Free Year 4 Worksheets

When it comes to good grades, practice is the only thing that makes children perfect. Our free year 4 worksheets will do the trick. Just one sheet a day will cover all the key skills your child need to rock their Year 4 class. Download a sheet and start practising now.

In line with the national curriculum, each sheet covers arithmetic, reasoning, vocabulary building and, spelling punctuation and grammar skills. These handy printable are perfect to use at home or in school. From fractions to angles,  addition to subtraction, multiplication to the division, rounding numbers to fraction we have covered all the topics your children will do in school.

Also Read: Picture Writing Prompts with Vocabulary

To download free year 4 worksheet, click on the image or the link given below.

Also check: Year 4 targets Bundle

Free Year 4 Worksheets (Maths and English) ​

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Year 4 Maths Worksheets UK Hub Page

Welcome to our Year 4 Maths Worksheets Hub page.

Here you will find our selection of printable maths worksheets for Year 4 children, for your child will enjoy.

Take a look at our times table colouring pages, or maybe some of our fraction of shapes worksheets. Perhaps you would prefer our time worksheets, or learning about line or block symmetry?

For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript.

Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser .

  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Year 4 Maths Learning

Here are some of the key learning objectives for the end of Year 4:

  • know and use Place value up to 4 digits
  • Compare and order numbers up to 10,000
  • Counting on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s from different starting points
  • Position numbers on a number line up to 10,000
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
  • Count backwards through zero and use negative numbers.
  • add and subtract with up to 4 digits in columns
  • add or subtract 1s, 10s, 100s or 1000s from a 4-digit number
  • solve 2-step problems using addition and subtraction
  • recall and use multiplication and division facts up to 12x12
  • recognise and use factor pairs
  • multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number
  • solve problems using multiplication and division
  • count up and down in hundredths
  • recognise and use equivalent fractions
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
  • solve fraction problems including with non-unit fractions
  • write common fractions such halves and quarters as decimals;
  • understand tenths and hundredths as decimals
  • round decimals with 1dp to the nearest whole
  • compare numbers with up to 2dp
  • solve simple money and measure problems
  • measure, compare and calculate using different measures
  • find the area and perimeter of squares and rectangles
  • convert between 12- and 24-hour clock
  • convert between different units of measure
  • identify and order acute and obtuse angles
  • compare and classify 2D and 3D shapes according to their properties
  • identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes
  • use coordinates in the first quadrant
  • translate shapes up, down, left and right
  • interpret and present data in bar graphs, pictograms and tabels
  • solve 1-step and 2-step problems using data in tables, pictograms and graphs

Please note:

Our site is mainly based around the US Elementary school math standards.

Though the links on this page are all designed primarily for students in the US, but they are also at the correct level and standard for UK students.

The main issue is that some of the spelling is different and this site uses US spelling.

Year 4 is generally equivalent to 3rd Grade in the US.

On this page you will find link to our range of math worksheets for Year 4 pupils.

Quicklinks to Year 4 ...

  • Online 3rd Grade Practice
  • Place Value Zone
  • Mental Math Zone

Word Problems Zone

Fractions zone.

  • Measurement Zone

Geometry Zone

Data analysis zone.

  • Fun Zone: games and puzzles

Coronavirus Stay At Home Support

For those parents who have found themselves unexpectedly at home with the kids and need some emergency activities for them to do, we have started to develop some Maths Grab Packs for kids in the UK.

Each pack consists of at least 10 mixed math worksheets on a variety of topics to help you keep you child occupied and learning.

The idea behind them is that they can be used out-of-the-box for some quick maths activities for your child.

They are completely FREE - take a look!

  • Free Maths Grabs Packs

Place Value & Number Sense Zone

Year 4 numbers & place value worksheets.

Using these Year 4 maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • learn their place value with 4 digit numbers;
  • use place value models to understand how to combine thousands, hundreds, tens and ones;
  • understand the value of each digit in a 4 digit number;
  • learn to use standard and expanded form with 4 digit numbers.
  • learn to read and write Roman numerals
  • Place Value Models 4 Digits
  • Place Value 4 Digit Numbers Worksheets (conversion)
  • Ordering 4-Digit Numbers
  • Ordering Negative Numbers -10 to 10
  • Roman Numerals worksheets

Year 4 Counting & Sequences Worksheets

Each worksheets consists of a sequence which has been partially filled in. The rest of each sequence must be completed.

At this grade, the focus is on counting on and back in constant steps of a digit.

  • Counting on and back by digits

Rounding, Inequalities, Multiples and Balancing Equations

Using these Year 4 Maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • round a number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000;
  • use the > and < symbols correctly for inequalities;
  • use multiples and apply them to solve problems.
  • learn to balance math equations
  • Rounding to the nearest 10 Worksheets
  • Rounding to the nearest 100 worksheets
  • Rounding to the nearest 1000 worksheets
  • Rounding Inequalities Multiples Worksheets
  • Balancing Math Equations

Year 4 Mental Math Zone

Here you will find a range of printable Year 4 mental maths quizzes for your child to enjoy.

Each quiz tests the children on a range of math topics from number facts and mental arithmetic to geometry, fraction and measures questions.

A great way to revise topics, or use as a weekly math quiz!

  • Year 4 Mental Maths Test sheets

Number Bonds Worksheets

The worksheets on this page will help to develop children's knowledge of numbers bonds to 20, 50 and 100.

There are a range of matching and wordsearches for children to enjoy whilst developing their number bond knowledge.

  • Number Bonds to 50 and 100

Top of Page

Year 4 Addition Worksheets

  • learn to add numbers mentally to 100;
  • add on 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to different numbers;
  • learn to add 4 digit numbers in columns;
  • Addition Facts Worksheets to 100+100
  • 4-Digit Addition Worksheets
  • Money Addition Worksheets (£ )

Year 4 Subtraction Worksheets (3rd Grade)

Using these subtraction worksheets will help your child to:

  • learn to subtract numbers mentally to 100;
  • learn to do 4 Digit column subtraction.
  • Third Grade Subtraction Worksheets to 100
  • 4 Digit Subtraction Worksheets
  • Money Subtraction Worksheets UK (£ )

Year 4 Multiplication Worksheets

  • learn their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12;
  • understand and use different models of multiplication;
  • solve a range of Year 4 Multiplication problems.

Online Times Table Practice

  • Times Tables Practice Zone

Understanding Multiplication

  • Understanding Multiplication Facts Worksheets to 10x10

Multiplication Table Worksheets

  • Multiplication Table Worksheets - 2 3 4 5 10
  • Multiplication Drill Sheets 6 7 8 9
  • Fun Multiplication Worksheets to 10x10
  • Times Table Worksheets Circles 1 to 12 tables
  • Multiplying (integers) by 10 and 100 Worksheets
  • Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100

2-Digit Multiplication

  • 2 Digit Multiplication Worksheets

Multiplication Word Problems

  • Year 4 Multiplication Word Problem Worksheets (3rd Grade)

Randomly Generated Multiplication Worksheets

Using our random worksheet generator, you can:

  • Choose the tables you want to test;
  • Choose how big you want the numbers to go - up to 5 times, 10 times or bigger!
  • Choose how many questions per page.
  • Times Tables Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Free Multiplication Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Single Digit Multiplication Worksheets Generator
  • Multiplication & Division Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 4 Division Worksheets

Using these Year 4 Maths worksheets will help your child learn to:

  • understand how division and multiplication relate to one another;
  • know their division facts to 10x10;
  • begin to learn 2-digit by 1-digit long division.
  • Division Facts to 10x10 Worksheets
  • Divding by Multiples of 10 and 100 Worksheets
  • Year 4 Long Division Worksheets (3rd grade)
  • Division Facts Worksheets (randomly generated)

Using the 3rd Grade Math worksheets will help your child to:

  • apply their addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills;
  • develop their knowledge of fractions;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of 'real life' problems.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems.

  • Year 4 Math Problems (3rd Grade)

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • Year 4 Math Word Problems for kids (3rd Grade)

These sheets involve solving 3-digit and 4-digit addition word problems.

  • Addition Word Problems 3rd Grade (3- and 4-digits)

These sheets involve solving 3-digit and 4-digit subtraction problems.

  • Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade

These sheets involve solving a range of multiplciation problems.

These sheets involve solving a range of division problems.

  • Division Worksheets Grade 3 Word Problems

Year 4 Fraction Worksheets

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • understand what fractions are;
  • relate fractions to everyday objects and quantities;
  • place different fractions on a number line;
  • shade in different fractions of a shapes;
  • work out unit fractions of numbers.

what is a mixed number image

  • What is a Mixed Number Support page
  • Finding Fractions - Fraction Spotting
  • Fractions of Shapes Worksheets
  • Unit Fraction of Numbers
  • Halves and Quarters (up to 100)
  • Fraction Number Line Sheets
  • Adding Fractions with Like Denominators
  • Subtracting Fractions with like denominators
  • Fraction Riddles for kids (easier)

Year 4 Geometry Worksheets

The following worksheets will help your child to:

  • Identify and name a range of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • Draw 2d shapes;
  • Use reflective symmetry to reflect shapes in a mirror line.
  • recognise and identify right angles and lines of symmetry;
  • recognise and identify parallel lines;
  • identify the faces, edges, vertices and nets of 3d shapes;
  • Year 4 Free Printable Geometry Worksheets
  • Block Symmetry Worksheet
  • Line Symmetry Worksheets
  • Symmetry Activities
  • Geometry Nets Information and Worksheets

Measurement Zone, including Time & Money

Year 4 measurement worksheets.

  • Year 4 Measurement Worksheets - reading scales
  • Metric Conversion Worksheets

Year 4 Money Worksheets

Using challenges is a great way to get kids to use their thinking skills and extend learning by applying the knowledge they have.

  • count a range of coins up to £10
  • compare money amounts
  • apply their existing skills to puzzle out clues;
  • understand money terminology;
  • develop their thinking skills.
  • Year 4 Money Challenges
  • Column Addition Money Worksheets (UK)
  • Column Subtraction Money Worksheets (UK)

Area and Perimeter Worksheets

  • understand area and perimeter;
  • learn how to find the area and perimeter of rectangles.
  • Area Worksheets
  • Perimeter Worksheets

Time Worksheets

Using the sheets in this section will help your child to:

  • tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes;
  • become familiar with both digital and analogue times;
  • use the words 'past' and 'to' to describe the time correctly.
  • add and subtract time intervals from times and work out time intervals.
  • Add and Subtract Time Worksheets
  • Elapsed Time Worksheets
  • Printable Time Worksheets - Time Puzzles (easier)
  • 24 Hour Clock Conversion Worksheets

On this page there are a selection of bar and picture graphs, including bar graphs with real-life data such as tree heights.

  • Year 4 Bar Graph Worksheets (3rd grade)
  • Year 4 Venn Diagram Worksheets

Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles

Year 4 maths games.

The following games involve different Year 4 Maths activities which you and your child can enjoy together.

  • Year 4 / Third Grade Math Games

Year 4 Math Puzzles

The puzzles will help your child practice and apply their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts as well as developing their thinking and reasoning skills in a fun and engaging way.

  • Year 4 Math Puzzle Worksheets (3rd Grade)

Math Salamanders Year 4 Maths Games Ebook

Our Year 4 Maths Games Ebook contains all of our fun maths games, complete with instructions and resources.

This ebooklet is available in our store - use the link below to find out more!

  • Year 4 Maths Games Ebook

Other UK Maths Worksheet pages

See below for our other maths worksheets hub pages designed for children in the UK.

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

  • How to Print support

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Year 4 Maths Worksheets

Download free Year 4 Maths worksheets to help children master Maths.

Year 4 Maths Worksheets Downloads

Below you can download free worksheets for Year 4 maths. All the worksheets are printable PDFs that are fully compliant with the national curriculum . Full answers are included within the marking schemes.

YearPaper 1 Paper 2 Marking Scheme (Answers)
2022 Autumn Spring Autumn Spring Autumn (Paper 1) Autumn (Paper 2) Spring (Paper 1) Spring (Paper 2)
2019 Spring Summer Spring Summer Spring (Paper 1) Spring (Paper 2) Summer (Paper 1) Summer (Paper 2)
2018 Autumn Autumn Autumn (Paper 1) Autumn (Paper 2)

We encourage parents to use these free Year 4 Maths worksheets with their children at home. With a little extra homework practising mental arithmetic and problem solving, children will feel much more confident about their Maths.

These worksheets aim to tackle all the relevant Year 4 maths topics and include a wide variety of challenging Year 4 Maths questions.

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Free Printable Year 4 worksheets

Year 4 worksheets to help students discover and reinforce key concepts in math, science, language arts, and social studies. Download and print these free resources for teachers and parents.


  • Data and Graphing
  • Subtraction
  • Number Sense
  • Percents, Ratios, and Rates
  • Math Word Problems
  • Multiplication
  • Math Puzzles
  • Mixed Operations
  • Measurement

enrichment decimals - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

  • Earth & Space Science
  • Physical Science
  • Life Science
  • Engineering & Science Practices

Physical Science Review - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

  • Social studies
  • Social Skills
  • U.S. History
  • Civics & Government
  • Community & Cultures
  • World History

Native American Influences in U.S. History and Culture - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

  • Social emotional
  • Mindfulness

Room 11 Plan Quiz Monday Week 1 - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

  • Art History
  • Drawing & Painting

Music notes & Music theory - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

  • Foreign language
  • American Sign Language

Chinese - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

  • Reading & Writing

Writing (Paragraph) - Printable Year 4 Worksheets - Quizizz

Explore Worksheets by Grade

  • kindergarten

Explore Year 4 Worksheets by Subjects

Year 4 worksheets are an essential tool for teachers looking to engage their students in a variety of subjects, such as math, science, social studies, and language arts. These worksheets provide an opportunity for students to practice and hone their skills, while also allowing teachers to assess their progress and understanding of key concepts. With a wide range of topics and difficulty levels, Year 4 worksheets cater to the diverse needs of students, ensuring that they are challenged and motivated to learn. Teachers can easily incorporate these worksheets into their lesson plans, using them as in-class activities, homework assignments, or even as a basis for group projects. By utilizing Year 4 worksheets, teachers can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills in their students.

Quizizz is an innovative platform that offers a variety of resources, including Year 4 worksheets, to help teachers create engaging and interactive learning experiences for their students. With Quizizz, teachers can access a vast library of pre-made quizzes and worksheets, or create their own custom content tailored to their students' needs. In addition to Year 4 worksheets, Quizizz also offers features such as live quizzes, flashcards, and interactive presentations, allowing teachers to diversify their teaching methods and keep students engaged. The platform also provides valuable insights and analytics, enabling teachers to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. By incorporating Quizizz into their teaching strategies, educators can enhance their students' learning experience and ensure they are well-prepared for success in Year 4 and beyond.

year 4 homework pdf

Visual maths worksheets, each maths worksheet is differentiated and visual.

Year 4 Maths Worksheets

Our Cazoom Maths Year 4 maths Worksheets are an essential learning resource for fourth-grade students (aged 8-9). They provide a structured approach to mathematical concepts such as fractions, percentages, negative numbers, area and perimeter, and quadrilaterals, enabling students to improve their knowledge further. Moreover, they promote logical thinking and help students build the self-confidence necessary to tackle complex problems. Worksheets can be used as part of the classroom curriculum or as homework assignments that can be completed independently at home. As such, our Year 4 Maths PDF Worksheets are integral elements in providing a sound mathematical education and should be used regularly by teachers and students to optimize learning outcomes. Our printable maths worksheets are used by over 50,000 teachers, parents and schools worldwide!


Chloe flipped 159x300 1 1 1

Try some free sample year 4 maths worksheets

Year 4 Maths Worksheets

Outstanding Year 4 Maths Worksheets

  • Separate answers are included to make marking easy and quick.
  • Over 100 pages of the highest quality year 4 maths worksheets. Each worksheet is differentiated, including a progressive level of difficulty as the worksheet continues.
  • Single user licence for parents or teachers. Separate school licences are also available.
  • Single digital pdf download, with worksheets organised into high level chapters of Number, Measurement and Geometry, and further by subtopics. See below for the extensive range of sheets included.


List of Topics

See below the list of topics covered. All KS1 and KS2 worksheets can be accessed here.

  • Adding to a Single Digit
  • Adding to a Two Digit Number
  • Adding to a Three Digit Number
  • Adding Three Numbers
  • Number Bonds up to 20
  • Number Bonds over 20


  • Single Digit Subtraction
  • Two Digit Subtraction
  • Three Digit Subtraction
  • Working with the Difference
  • Multiplication and Division worksheets
  • Number and Place Value Worksheets
  • Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


  • Metric Measures
  • Area and Perimeter
  • Properties of Shapes
  • Position and Direction
  • Transformations



Reading & Math for K-5

  • Kindergarten
  • Learning numbers
  • Comparing numbers
  • Place Value
  • Roman numerals


  • Multiplication
  • Order of operations
  • Drills & practice


  • Factoring & prime factors
  • Proportions
  • Shape & geometry
  • Data & graphing
  • Word problems
  • Children's stories
  • Leveled Stories
  • Sentences & passages
  • Context clues
  • Cause & effect
  • Compare & contrast
  • Fact vs. fiction
  • Fact vs. opinion
  • Main idea & details
  • Story elements
  • Conclusions & inferences
  • Sounds & phonics
  • Words & vocabulary
  • Reading comprehension
  • Early writing
  • Numbers & counting
  • Simple math
  • Social skills
  • Other activities
  • Dolch sight words
  • Fry sight words
  • Multiple meaning words
  • Prefixes & suffixes
  • Vocabulary cards
  • Other parts of speech
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalization
  • Narrative writing
  • Opinion writing
  • Informative writing
  • Cursive alphabet
  • Cursive letters
  • Cursive letter joins
  • Cursive words
  • Cursive sentences
  • Cursive passages
  • Grammar & Writing


Math Workbooks for Grade 4

Download & Print From only $2.00

Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

Grade 4 math worksheets.

Our grade 4 math worksheets help students  build mastery in computations with the 4 basic operations , delve deeper into the use of fractions and decimals and introduce concept related to factors.  

4 Operations

Place Value & Rounding

Mental Multiplication

Multiply in Columns

Mental Division

Long Division

Order of Operations

Fractions & decimals

Fractions to/from Decimals

Roman Numerals

Data & Graphing

Word Problems

year 4 homework pdf

Sample Grade 4 Math Worksheet

What is K5?

K5 Learning offers free worksheets , flashcards  and inexpensive  workbooks  for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member  to access additional content and skip ads.

year 4 homework pdf

Our members helped us give away millions of worksheets last year.

We provide free educational materials to parents and teachers in over 100 countries. If you can, please consider purchasing a membership ($24/year) to support our efforts.

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Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’

Extra Homework Documents Maths

  • Addition and subtraction column method.pdf
  • Addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers.pdf
  • Addition and subtraction word problems.pdf
  • Addition of money - differnt challenge level sheets.pdf
  • Bar charts different.pdf
  • Finding the missing number addition and subtraction.pdf
  • Fractions].pdf
  • mental multipication and division.doc
  • missing_numbers_inverse_add_sub.pdf
  • Multiplication and division - ULTIMATE challenge!.pdf
  • Multiplication and division wod problems.pdf
  • Multiplication word problems - 2 by 1.pdf
  • Multiplication word problems - 3 by 1.pdf
  • negative numberlines.doc
  • negative numbers.pdf
  • numberbonds_to_1000 (1).doc
  • Perimeter.pdf
  • Place value in large numbers.pdf
  • Roman numerals.pdf
  • smudged-calculations.docx
  • Time work sheets.pdf
  • Times tables - ultimate challenge.pdf
  • Two step addition and subtraction word problems.pdf
  • Word problem - addition.pdf

Extra Homework - SPaG

  • Year-4-SPAG-mastery-term-1.docx
  • Year-4-SPAG-mastery-term-2.docx
  • Year-4-SPAG-mastery-term-3.docx

Extra Homework Reading

  • A Postcard from Mo Farah Activity Card.pdf
  • A Storm is Brewing....pdf
  • A Very Unusual Winter.pdf
  • Advice from a Dentist Activity Card.pdf
  • Amazing Facts About the Human Body.pdf
  • An Egg-cellent Competition.pdf
  • An Elizabethan Makeover.pdf
  • An Extract from Howard Carters Diary.pdf
  • Breaking News Unbelievable Usain Retires.pdf
  • Caesar's Calendar Conundrum.pdf
  • Cave Paintings.pdf
  • Cruel King John and the Magna Carta.pdf
  • Dazzling Diwali.pdf
  • Defeat or Retreat.pdf
  • Doctor's Orders Activity Card.pdf
  • Emma's Puppy Problem.pdf
  • Friendly Felines.pdf
  • Get Ready With Cleopatra.pdf
  • Great Galapagos.pdf
  • Hasims First Hajj.pdf
  • How Thunor Got His Hammer.pdf
  • Incredible Invertebrates!.pdf
  • Live Like an Emperor!.pdf
  • Lord Ganesh.pdf
  • Premium Property For Sale!.pdf
  • Queen Victorias Journal.pdf
  • Really Rare Runes.pdf
  • Recipe for a Healthy Fruit Salad Activity Card.pdf
  • Spotting a Tsunami.pdf
  • Stone Age Stew.pdf
  • Stone Age Time Periods.pdf
  • The Captivating Colosseum.pdf
  • The Hunter With a Heart.pdf
  • The Kings Cook - Robert Smithe.pdf
  • The Miracle at Knock.pdf
  • The Official Safe-Tea Shelter.pdf
  • The Rosetta Stone.pdf
  • Two for One.pdf
  • Unusual Olympic Sports.pdf
  • Woden Allfather.pdf
  • Times Table Rockstars

Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.

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Ninja Maths

Weekly Maths Worksheets

year 4 homework pdf

Year 4 Free Maths Worksheets

Year 4 Free Maths Worksheets Ninja Maths

They’re not very difficult and are aimed at instilling the ethos of repeated practice.

Summary of Year 4 Maths Content

New & updated free sample worksheets coming soon, based on the UK curriculum;

Year 4 Free Maths Worksheets Ninja Maths

Click to open each PDF – all of which are one page and contain questions and answers:

In the mean time you can subscribe here for free worksheets as they’re written:

International Equivalence

English Year 4 for school ages 8-9 equates to :

USA Grade 3
Australia Year 3
Republic of Ireland Third Class
South Korea Grade 3
India Grade 3
Japan Grade 3
China Grade 3
Germany Grade 3
New Zealand Year 4
Wales Year 4
Netherlands Group 5
Scotland P5

English Year 5 for school ages 9-10 equates to:

USA Grade 4
Australia Year 4
Republic of Ireland Fourth Class
South Korea Grade 4
India Grade 4
Japan Grade 4
China Grade 4
Germany Grade 4
New Zealand Year 5
Wales Year 5
Netherlands Group 6
Scotland P6

English Year 6 for school ages 10-11 equates to:

USA Grade 5
Australia Year 5
Republic of Ireland Fifth Class
South Korea Grade 5
India Grade 5
Japan Grade 5
China Grade 5
Germany Grade 5
New Zealand Year 6
Wales Year 6
Netherlands Group 7
Scotland P7

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November Year 4 - Sample Pages

November Year 4 Work Packs - Sample Pages

year 4 homework pdf

November Year 5 - Sample Pages

November Year 5 Work Packs - Sample Pages

year 4 homework pdf

November Year 6 - Sample Pages

November Year 6 Work Packs - Sample Pages

The smart way to improve grades

Comprehensive & curriculum aligned, try an activity or get started for free, year 4 english worksheets.

Get started for free to track and monitor progress.

Your child can learn, practice and test their year 4 English skills (age 8 - 9) with these automatically marked interactive year 4 English worksheets. Our resources are available online or in pdf and printable format, perfect if you’re homeschooling your child. Throughout our year 4 English worksheets, your child will be working towards consolidating the Lower Key Stage 2 (years 3 and 4) topics to prepare your child for year 4 English tests and other challenges. Our punctuation worksheets , grammar worksheets  and other resources are ideal to develop your child's knowledge on core topics.

Year 4 English tests & assessments

  • Assessment: Back-to-school (Y4) Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 1 Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Year Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 2 Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 3 Start Test

Revise popular English topics

  • Reading Comprehension View Worksheets
  • Spelling View Worksheets
  • Writing View Worksheets
  • Grammar View Worksheets
  • Nouns View Worksheets

This terms popular year 4 English worksheets

Our year 4 English worksheets are the perfect learning resource to help your child outside of the classroom, allowing them to learn more knowledge in a fun, approachable manner. Choose from our selection of sample year 4 English worksheets to start helping your child today!

Change the Gender of Word...

year 4 homework pdf

Practise Using Powerful V...

year 4 homework pdf

Recognise Phrases and Cla...

year 4 homework pdf

Good news! Our content is mapped to the Curriculum - giving you confidence that EdPlace matches everything your child will learn at school. Use our parent-friendly Topic filter or filter by Curriculum.

year 4 homework pdf

Try an activity or get started for free.


Assessment: Back-to-school (Y4) PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Combined Assessment

Assessment: English, Maths and Science Combined (Y4) PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Comprehension: Fiction

Explore Word Meaning in a Story TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Features of a Newspaper Report TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Clues From a Text to Make Inferences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Analyse Techniques Used to Write Newspaper Headlines TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Comprehension: Non-Fiction

Identify Synonyms in an Explanation Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Summarise a Non-Fiction Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore Explanation Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Explanation Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Comprehension: Poetry



Answer Questions on the Text of 'Macavity: The Mystery Cat' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Poems on a Similar Theme: 'The Months of the Year' and 'Months' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

End of Term 1

Assessment: End of Term 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Term 2

Assessment: End of Term 2 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Term 3

Assessment: End of Term 3 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Year

Assessment: End of Year PREVIEW WORKSHEET

National Curriculum Objectives

Assessment: Reading - Word Reading PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Reading Comprehension PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Writing - Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Writing Composition PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Reading Words

Practise Using the Suffix -ly to Make Adverbs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add Prefixes to Root Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add Prefixes to Root Words to Create Antonyms TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add Suffixes and Change the Root Word to Make Verbs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add Suffixes Beginning with Vowels TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add the Suffix -sion TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add the Suffix -sure TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Add the Suffix -ture TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose the Correct Homophone to Complete a Sentence TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose the Correct Homophone: there, their or they're TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose the Correct Homophone: to, too or two TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose the Correct Homophone: where, were or we're TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: Grammar

Identify Conjunctions in Larger Pieces of Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate the Use of Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Classify Adjectives by Type TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Form the Past Tense of Irregular Verbs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: How to Write

Answer Questions about the Structure of a Poem TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose Alternatives To Said TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify and Use Different Types of Pronoun TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: Punctuation

Add Apostrophes to Show Possession TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Using Apostrophes for Possession with Tricky Plural Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Using Apostrophes for Possession with Irregular Plural Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Apostrophes for Possession with Plural Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: What to Write

Correct Errors in Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Develop Characters Through Dialogue and Action PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Identify Sentences That Make Sense TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Writing Headlines for Newspaper Reports PREVIEW WORKSHEET


Understand structure and purpose.

Distinguish Between Explanations, Instructions and Non-Chronological Reports TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Key Features of an Explanatory Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Text Meaning

Distinguish Between Facts and Opinions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Read and Understand Poetry: 'From a Railway Carriage' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Importance of Settings: 'The Secret Garden' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Forms of Poetry

Identify Different Patterns of Rhyme in Poetry TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Rhythm to Perform Poetry TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Discuss Words and Phrases

Examine How Authors Develop Characters in their Stories TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Listen to and Discuss Texts

Explore the Text of 'Macavity: The Mystery Cat' PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Use Dictionaries

Learn How to Use a Dictionary TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Using a Dictionary TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Increase Range of Texts

Read and Understand the Myth of 'Baucis and Philemon' PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Draw Inferences About Texts

Infer Emotions From a Photo TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Inferences from Photos and Short Pieces of Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Simple Inferences from a Photo TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Predict Story Development

Answer Questions on 'The Legend of Paul Bunyan' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Predictions About a Photo or a Piece of Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Predictions About a Story TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Predictions About Events in a Story TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify and Summarise Main Ideas

Practise Summarising Explanation Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Using Summarising Techniques TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Summarise and Order Events in a Story TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Retrieve and Record Information

Retrieve and Record Information from a Text on The Ancient Egyptians PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Retrieve and Record Information on The Ancient Egyptians TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Retrieve Information from a Text on The Ancient Egyptians PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Root Word Awareness

Use exception words.

Change the Gender of Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore Exception Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Explore How to Spell Exception Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate Pronunciation of Different Letter Strings TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Vocabulary Awareness

Identify Powerful Verbs in Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Identifying Powerful Verbs in Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Using Powerful Verbs TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Create Fiction

Respond to a Description of a Setting - The Secret Garden PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Use Powerful Vocabulary and Figurative Language to Describe a Setting PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Write Contrasting Descriptions of a Similar Setting PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Write Non-Fiction

Write a Newspaper Report Based on a Nursery Rhyme PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Write Headlines for Newspaper Reports PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Plan What to Write

Write a Poem Based on the Structure of Familiar Poetry PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Write Alternative Versions of Nursery Rhymes PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Sentence Awareness

Assess and improve structure, assess grammar and vocabulary.

Improve Writing with Noun Phrases TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn How to Use Inverted Commas for Direct Speech TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Extend Sentence Composition

Recognise Phrases and Clauses TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Conditional Sentences Using the Word 'If' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Structure of a Conditional Sentence Using 'If' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Grammar Awareness

Develop Vocabulary with Exciting Adjectives TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Adjectives in Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Investigate the Use of Adjectives in Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Tense Awareness

Identify the Past and Present Tense TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Past, Present and Future Tenses TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn About the Present Perfect Tense TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Conjunctions, Adverbs and Prepositions

Identify Adverbs in a Sentence TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Possessive Apostrophes with Plurals

Use fronted adverbials.

Identify Different Types of Fronted Adverbials TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Fronted Adverbials of Frequency and Degree TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Fronted Adverbials of Place and Manner TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Fronted Adverbials of Time TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use and Punctuate Speech

Learn How to Punctuate Conversation Between Two Characters TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn to Punctuate Direct Speech TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Punctuating Split Speech TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Use Prefixes and Suffixes

Add the Suffix -ation TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Homophone Awareness

Spelling awareness.

Choose ch or sh to Spell Different Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose i or y to Spell Different Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose u or ou to Spell Different Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Develop Skills in Spelling Tricky Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Core Subjects

Above, you'll find a list of interactive and printable year 4 English worksheets, assessments and revision materials by topic which have been designed by teachers to help your child improve their understanding and comprehension of the topics taught in schools - we offer fun tasks in our English worksheets and other important subjects, including year 4 science and year 4 maths .

We think it’s important that learning is a fun experience for children, so we’ve made sure to create engaging English exercises for year 4 to make sure they enjoy the learning process. The year 4 English curriculum is all about building on the knowledge your child learnt in year 3 English , whilst learning about new ways to use the English language. We made our year 4 English worksheets with answers to easily show you where your child went wrong, and how to help them understand for next time they take a year 4 English test or assessment. Our year 4 English worksheets and other resources are 100% aligned to the National Curriculum and can provide you visibility to your child's progress throughout the year. Try one of the above sample free year 4 English worksheets to test your child's attainment levels - we're here to help your child succeed!

Get started for free. Get started

What is EdPlace?

We're your National Curriculum aligned online education content provider helping each child succeed in English, maths and science from year 1 to GCSE. With an EdPlace account you'll be able to track and measure progress, helping each child achieve their best. We build confidence and attainment by personalising each child's learning at a level that suits them.


Popular English topics

year 4 homework pdf

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National Tutoring Awards 2023 Shortlisted / Parents

Exercises and Materials for Teaching Math

Year 4 maths worksheets pdf free | Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets

Year 4 maths worksheets pdf free | year 4 worksheets | year 4 fractions worksheet | maths sheets for year 4 | Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets

 Add 2 4 digit numbers

Add 4 digit numbers worksheet year 4

Print here >

 Additio of 5 plus 5 digit numbers

Addition of 5 digit numbers worksheet year 4

 Addition 2 to 3 digit numbers

Addition 2 to 3 digit numbers worksheet pdf

 Addition 3 to 1 digit numbers

Addition of 3 to 1 digit numbers worksheet

 Addition and balancing equations

Addition and balancing equations worksheet

 Addition balance equations

Addition balance equations worksheet pdf

 Addition circle drill

Addition circle drill puzzle worksheet

 Addition daily facts

Addition word problems worksheet pdf

 Addition horizontally arranged numbers

Addition horizontally arranged worksheet

 Addition magic square exercise

Addition magic square puzzle worksheet

 Addition matchup exercises1

Addition matchup puzzle worksheet free

 Addition matchup exercises2

Addition matchup worksheet for children.

 Addition of 2 3 digit numbers

Addition of three digit worksheet year 4

 Addition of 2 3digit numbers

Addition of 3 digit numbers year 4 sheet.

 Addition of 2 digit numbers

Addition of 2 digit numbers worksheet pdf.

 Addition of 2 digit numbers sheet2

Addition of 2 digit numbers sheet for review.

 Addition of 2 digit numbers

Addition of 2 digit numbers worksheet online

 Addition of 2 numbers

Addition of 2 digit numbers test worksheet pdf

 Addition of 3 and one digit numbers

Addition of 3 and one digit numbers worksheet

 Addition of 5 and 4 digit numbers

Addition of 5 and 4 digit numbers test paper pdf

 Addition of 5 and 4 digit numbers sheet2

Addition of 5 and 4 digit numbers sheet download.

 Addition of thousands

Addition of thousands worksheet for year 4 pdf

Addition word problems worksheet printable.

Addition table drill

 Addition table drill

Addition table drill puzzle worksheet for class 4.

 Addition two to three digit numbers

Addition of two to three digit numbers quiz sheet.

 Addition with brackets

Addition with brackets worksheet for year 4 free.

 Addition word problem equations

Addition word problem equations test worksheet.

 Addition of 2 3digit numbers

Addition of 3 digit numbers worksheet for practice.

Addition puzzles lower

 Addition puzzles lower

Addition puzzles lower level printable worksheet

Comparisons of numbers

 Comparisons of numbers 1

Comparisons of numbers printable math worksheet

 Comparisons of numbers 2

Comparisons of numbers printable math test sheet.

 Comparisons of numbers 3

Comparisons of numbers greater than, less than sheet.

 Comparisons of numbers 5

Comparisons of numbers math worksheet for year 4.

Counting pattern in twos

 Counting pattern by twos

Year 4 counting in twos worksheet free for practice.

Counting puzzle sheet

 Counting puzzle

Counting puzzle worksheet for spelling numbers.

Even odd numbers

 Even odd numbers

Even odd numbers printable math worksheet

Number lines

 Number lines up to 1000

Number lines up to 1000 worksheet year 4.

Number positions

 Number positions

Number positions printable math worksheet

Number system

 Number system

Number system printable math worksheet

Numbers to 200

 Numbers 101 200

Numbers 101 to 200 printable math worksheet

Numbers to 410

 Numbers 401 410

Numbers 401 to 410 printable math worksheet

Prime numbers

 Prime numbers

Prime numbers printable math worksheet

Roman numerals

 Roman numerals

Roman numerals printable math worksheet

Roman numerals puzzle

 Roman numerals puzzle

Roman numerals puzzle printable math worksheet

  • Roman to arabic numerals

 Roman to arabic numerals

Roman to arabic numerals printable math worksheet

Skip counting by 2 5 3

 Skip counting by 2 5 3

Skip counting by 2 5 3 printable math worksheet

Skip counting in hundreds

 Skip counting in hundreds

Skip counting in hundreds printable math worksheet

 Bar graphs

Bar graphs printable math worksheet

Data on graphs

 Data on graphs

Data on graphs printable math worksheet

 Graph 2

Graph 2 printable math worksheet

Graph of daily attendance

 Graph of daily attendance

Graph of daily attendance printable math worksheet

Graph of tickets sold

 Graph of tickets sold

Graph of tickets sold printable math worksheet

Graph tally marks

 Graph tally marks

Graph tally marks printable math worksheet

Graphs linear curve

 Graphs linear curve

Graphs linear curve printable math worksheet

Graphs locate in x y

 Graphs locate in x y

Graphs locate in x y printable math worksheet

Graphs of food items

 Graphs of food items

Graphs of food items printable math worksheet

Graphs of fruits picked at a farm

 Graphs of fruits picked at a farm

Graphs of fruits picked at a farm printable math worksheet

Ploting graphs

 Ploting graphs

Ploting graphs printable math worksheet

Represent animals on graph

 Represent animals on graph

Represent animals on graph printable math worksheet

Tally marks representation

 Tally marks representation

Tally marks representation printable math worksheet

Venn diagram

 Venn diagram

Venn diagram printable math worksheet

Venn diagrams

 Venn diagrams

Venn diagrams printable math worksheet

Venn diagrams 2

 Venn diagrams 2

Venn diagrams 2 printable math worksheet

Decimals sentence problems

 Decimals sentence problems

Decimals sentence problems printable math worksheet

Fractions converted to decimals

 Fractions converted to decimals

Fractions converted to decimals printable math worksheet

Illustrated decimal exercise

 Illustrated decimal exercise

Illustrated decimal exercise printable math worksheet

Mixed decimal number patterns

 Mixed decimal number patterns

Mixed decimal number patterns printable math worksheet

Division basic

 Division basic

Division basic printable math worksheet

Division basic 2

 Division basic 2

Division basic 2 printable math worksheet

Division circle drill

 Division circle drill

Division circle drill printable math worksheet

Division long division

 Division long division

Division long division printable math worksheet

Division match ups

 Division match ups

Division match ups printable math worksheet

Division of toys

 Division of toys

Division of toys printable math worksheet

Division with dots

 Division with dots

Division with dots printable math worksheet

Division with pictures

 Division with pictures

Division with pictures printable math worksheet

Addition estimation

 Addition estimation

Addition estimation printable math worksheet

Estimation nearest thousand

 Estimation nearest thousand

Estimation nearest thousand printable math worksheet

Rounding to nearest 10

 Rounding  to nearest 10

Rounding to nearest 10 printable math worksheet

 Rounding to nearest 10

Rounding to the nearest thousand

 Rounding to the nearest thousand

Rounding to the nearest thousand printable math worksheet

Addition of fractions

 Addition of fractions

Addition of fractions printable math worksheet

Comparison of fractions

 Comparison of fractions

Comparison of fractions printable math worksheet

Equivalent fractions

 Equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions printable math worksheet

Fractions addition 1

 Fractions addition 1

Fractions addition 1 printable math worksheet

Fractions addition 2

 Fractions addition 2

Fractions addition 2 printable math worksheet

Fractions comaparisons

 Fractions comaparisons

Fractions comaparisons printable math worksheet

Fractions comparisons

 Fractions comparisons

Fractions comparisons printable math worksheet

Fractions half quater third

 Fractions half quater third

Fractions half quater third printable math worksheet

Fractions of circles

 Fractions of circles

Fractions of circles printable math worksheet

Fractions shown with circles squares

 Fractions shown with circles squares

Fractions shown with circles squares printable math worksheet

Fractions shown with pictures

 Fractions shown with pictures

Fractions shown with pictures printable math worksheet


Angles printable math worksheet

Areas and perimeter of rectangles

 Areas and perimeter of rectangles

Areas and perimeter of rectangles printable math worksheet

Areas of shapes and formulars

 Areas of shapes and formulars

Areas of shapes and formulars printable math worksheet

Congruent shapes

 Congruent shapes

Congruent shapes printable math worksheet

Find the perimeter area

 Find the perimeter area

Find the perimeter area printable math worksheet

Geometry identifying segments

 Geometry identifying segments

Geometry identifying segments printable math worksheet

Geometry open and close curves

 Geometry open and close curves

Geometry open and close curves printable math worksheet

Measure rectangles and squares

 Measure rectangles and squares

Measure rectangles and squares printable math worksheet

Mix shapes perimeter area

 Mix shapes perimeter area

Mix shapes perimeter area printable math worksheet


Perimeter printable math worksheet

Symmetry of shapes

 Symmetry of shapes

Symmetry of shapes printable math worksheet

Logic word problems1

 Logic word problems1

Logic word problems1 printable math worksheet

Logic word problems2

 Logic word problems2

Logic word problems2 printable math worksheet

Converting mm to cm

 Converting mm to cm

Converting mm to cm printable math worksheet

Measure rectangles

 Measure rectangles

Measure rectangles printable math worksheet

Measurements with a ruler

 Measurements with a ruler

Measurements with a ruler printable math worksheet

Measuring lines

 Measuring lines

Measuring lines printable math worksheet

Readings on thermometer

 Readings on thermometer

Readings on thermometer printable math worksheet

Additions and subtraction matchups

 Additions and subtraction matchups

Additions and subtraction matchups printable math worksheet

Addition brackets multiplcation

 Addition brackets multiplcation

Addition brackets multiplcation printable math worksheet

Mixed exercises

 Mixed exercises

Mixed exercises printable math worksheet

Mixed operations1

 Mixed operations1

Mixed operations1 printable math worksheet

Mixed operations2

 Mixed operations2

Mixed operations2 printable math worksheet

Money Canada3 addition of coins

 Money Canada3 addition of coins

Money Canada3 addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money Canada4 addition of coins

 Money Canada4 addition of coins

Money Canada4 addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money coins usd addition of coins

 Money coins usd addition of coins

Money coins usd addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money dime usd addition of coins

 Money dime usd addition of coins

Money dime usd addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money euro word problem

 Money euro word problem

Money euro word problem printable math worksheet

Money euro1 addition of coins

 Money euro1 addition of coins

Money euro1 addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money euro2 addition of coins

 Money euro2 addition of coins

Money euro2 addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money names usd addition of coins

 Money names usd addition of coins

Money names usd addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money nickel and dime us dollars

 Money nickel and  dime us dollars

Money nickel and dime us dollars printable math worksheet

Money nickel penny us dollars

 Money nickel penny us dollars

Money nickel penny us dollars printable math worksheet

Money nickel quarter addition of coins

 Money nickel quarter addition of coins

Money nickel quarter addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money nickel usd addition of coins

 Money nickel usd addition of coins

Money nickel usd addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money penny addition of coins

 Money penny addition of coins

Money penny addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money penny dime addition of coins

 Money penny dime addition of coins

Money penny dime addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money penny dime nickle usd

 Money penny dime nickle usd

Money penny dime nickle usd printable math worksheet

Money penny nickel addition of coins

 Money penny nickel addition of coins

Money penny nickel addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money penny quarter usd addition of coins

 Money penny quarter usd addition of coins

Money penny quarter usd addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money pounds british addition of coins

 Money pounds british addition of coins

Money pounds british addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money pounds uk sheet 2

 Money pounds uk sheet 2

Money pounds uk sheet 2 printable math worksheet

Money quarter addition usd

 Money quarter addition usd

Money quarter addition usd printable math worksheet

Money quarter dime nickel penny

 Money quarter dime nickel penny

Money quarter dime nickel penny printable math worksheet

Money quarter dime usd

 Money quarter dime usd

Money quarter dime usd printable math worksheet

Money usd addition of coins

 Money usd addition of coins

Money usd addition of coins printable math worksheet

Money usd addition of coins sheet 1

 Money usd addition of coins sheet 1

Money usd addition of coins sheet 1 printable math worksheet

Money shopping

 Money shopping

Money shopping printable math worksheet

Multiplication by 1

 Multiplication by 1

Multiplication by 1 printable math worksheet

Multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers

 Multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers

Multiplication of 1 and 2 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Multiplication of 1 by 1 digit numbers

 Multiplication of 1 by 1 digit numbers

Multiplication of 1 by 1 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Multiplication of 2 by 1 digit numbers

 Multiplication of 2 by 1 digit numbers

Multiplication of 2 by 1 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Multiplication of numbers

 Multiplication of numbers

Multiplication of numbers printable math worksheet

Multiplication of numbers 2

 Multiplication of numbers 2

Multiplication of numbers 2 printable math worksheet

Multiplication of single digit numbers

 Multiplication of single digit numbers

Multiplication of single digit numbers printable math worksheet

Multiplication sheet 1

 Multiplication sheet 1

Multiplication sheet 1 printable math worksheet

Multiplication sheet 2

 Multiplication sheet 2

Multiplication sheet 2 printable math worksheet

Arabic to roman numerals

 Arabic to roman numerals

Arabic to roman numerals printable math worksheet

 Roman to arabic numerals

Ordering numbers

 Ordering numbers

Ordering numbers printable math worksheet

Place value illustrated

 Place value  illustrated

Place value illustrated printable math worksheet

Place value boards

 Place value boards

Place value boards printable math worksheet

  • Place value exercise 2

 Place value exercise 2

Place value exercise 2 printable math worksheet

Place value tens illustrated

 Place value tens illustrated

Place value tens illustrated printable math worksheet

Place value with underlined digits

 Place value with underlined digits

Place value with underlined digits printable math worksheet

Mode median mean

 Mode median mean

Mode median mean printable math worksheet

Probability balls in a box

 Probability balls in a box

Probability balls in a box printable math worksheet

Probability certain unlikely

 Probability certain unlikely

Probability certain unlikely printable math worksheet

Probability illustrated

 Probability illustrated

Probability illustrated printable math worksheet

Subtraction 2 2 digit numbers

 Subtraction 2 2 digit numbers

Subtraction 2 2 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Subtraction 2 from 3 digit numbers

 Subtraction 2 from 3 digit numbers

Subtraction 2 from 3 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Subtraction 3 from 3 digit numbers

 Subtraction 3 from 3 digit numbers

Subtraction 3 from 3 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Subtraction 4 digit numbers

 Subtraction 4 digit numbers

Subtraction 4 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Subtraction 4 from 4 digit numbers

 Subtraction 4 from 4 digit numbers

Subtraction 4 from 4 digit numbers printable math worksheet

Subtraction circle drill

 Subtraction circle drill

Subtraction circle drill printable math worksheet

Subtraction facts

 Subtraction facts

Subtraction facts printable math worksheet

Subtraction match ups

 Subtraction match ups

Subtraction match ups printable math worksheet

Subtraction mix skills

 Subtraction mix skills

Subtraction mix skills printable math worksheet

Subtraction number family review

 Subtraction number family review

Subtraction number family review printable math worksheet

Subtraction quick facks

 Subtraction quick facks

Subtraction quick facks printable math worksheet

Subtraction table drill

 Subtraction table drill

Subtraction table drill printable math worksheet

Subtraction find missing number

 Subtraction find missing number

Subtraction find missing number printable math worksheet

Time 15 minutes

 Time 15 minutes

Time 15 minutes printable math worksheet

Time 5 minutes

 Time 5 minutes

Time 5 minutes printable math worksheet

Time digital to analogue clocks 30 minutes

 Time digital to analogue clocks 30 minutes

Time digital to analogue clocks 30 minutes printable math worksheet

Time elapsed

 Time elapsed

Time elapsed printable math worksheet

Time electronic clocks 15 mins

 Time electronic clocks 15 mins

Time electronic clocks 15 mins printable math worksheet

Time electronic clocks

 Time electronic clocks

Time electronic clocks printable math worksheet

Time exact hours roman nunerals

 Time exact hours roman nunerals

Time exact hours roman nunerals printable math worksheet

Time half hour

 Time half hour

Time half hour printable math worksheet

 Time hours

Time hours printable math worksheet

Time minutes past

 Time minutes past

Time minutes past printable math worksheet

year 4 homework pdf

Addition & Subtraction Worksheets

  • Making subject formula. Find the value of "X"
  • Addition of three digits
  • Addition of 4 and 5 digits
  • Addition with carrying
  • Addition without carrying
  • Mixed addition problems
  • Addition of Missing numbers
  • Subtraction - missing numbers - Find the value of "X"

Decimals Worksheets

  • Adding decimal numbers worksheet
  • Complete the sequence worksheet
  • Writing words in decimals handout
  • Fractions to decimals worksheet
  • illustrated decimals worksheet

Geometry Worksheets

  • Geometry segments exercise
  • Geometry segment exercise - draw a picture
  • Identifying segment figures
  • Symmetrical objects - identify and draw the symmetry
  • Kinds of triangles
  • Closed and open curves


  • Comparing numbers first exercise
  • Comparing numbers 2nd exercise
  • Comparing numbers - Greater than , less than or equal to 1
  • Comparing numbers - Greater than , less than or equal to 2
  • Comparing numbers - Greater than , less than or equal to 3
  • Comparing numbers - Greater than , less than or equal to 4
  • Plot the graphs Worksheet

Mixed Operations

  • Mixed operations exercise - multiplication, division, addition and subtraction
  • Canadian Money - Math worksheets
  • Canadian coins - CAD 1
  • Canadian coins - CAD 2
  • Canadian coins - CAD 3
  • Canadian coins - CAD 4
  • Canadian coins - CAD 5
  • Euro - Money - Math worksheets on identifying coins
  • Euros - adding coins 1
  • Euros - adding coins 2
  • Euros - adding coins 3
  • Euros - adding coins 4
  • Euro - Money word problems worksheet
  • British Pounds - Money worksheets
  • I dentifying and adding coins 1
  • dentifying and adding coins 2
  • dentifying and adding coins 3
  • dentifying and adding coins 4
  • USA Money - Dollars, cents etc
  • USD word problem worksheet 1
  • USD word problem worksheet 2
  • USD word problem worksheet 3
  • USD word problem worksheet 4
  • Sum up coins worksheets 1
  • Sum up coins worksheets 2
  • Sum up coins worksheets 3
  • Sum up coins worksheets 4
  • Sum up coins worksheets 5
  • Sum up coins worksheets 6
  • Sum up coins worksheets 7
  • Money and buying things
  • Money - Coins - Dime
  • Money - Coins - Nickel & Dime
  • Money - Coins - Nickel & Penny
  • Money - Coins - Nickel & Quarter
  • Money - Coins - Nickel
  • Money - Coins -Penny & Dime
  • Money - Coins - Peny & Nickel
  • Money - Coins - Penny & Quarter
  • Money - Coins - Penny, Dime & Nickel
  • Money - Coins - Penny
  • Money - Coins - Quarter & Dime
  • Money - Coins - Quarter,Dime, Nickel & penny
  • Money - Coins - Quarter

Numbers and Comparison

  • Counting crossword puzzle - factors of ten
  • Number system - prime numbers , odd numbers
  • Roman Numerals writing exercise
  • Roman numerals Crossword Puzzle
  • Even, Odd, Prime and Natural Numbers


Place Value

  • Place value - hundred, tens, units
  • Place Value - worksheet 2
  • Place Value - worksheet 3
  • Place Value - worksheet 4
  • Place value worksheet 5
  • Place value worksheet 6
  • Place value exercise 1

Probability Statistics

  • Likely/ unlikely - What is the likelihood.
  • Mode, Median, Mean

Spatial Sense

  • positions - top, bottom, middle
  • Positions 2 - left, right and centre
  • Positions - middle, bottom, top

Subtraction Worksheets

  • Single digit numbers subtractions
  • Double digit numbers subtractions
  • Subtraction arrangements
  • Subtraction - How many balls are left?
  • Subtraction 1 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 2 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 3 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 4 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 5 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 6 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 7 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 8 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 9 - math worksheets
  • Subtraction 10 - math worksheets

Telling Time Worksheets

  • days_and_months time
  • electronic_clock
  • Time exact_hours Time
  • Time hours_minutes Time
  • Time hours_Suggested_answers

year 4 homework pdf

  • Venn Diagrams worksheet 1
  • Venn Diagrams worksheet 2
  • Locate objects in (x y) coordinates on graphs
  • Read data on coordinates
  • Graphs representing information on a graph quiz.
  • Reading data on graphs
  • Illustrated decimals exercise
  • Vertical addition of decimal numbers
  • Addition of decimal numbers quiz
  • Decimals - completing the sequence quiz
  • Fractions to Decimals quiz
  • Illustrated decimals exercise test

year 4 homework pdf

  • Roman Numerals Quiz
  • Roman numerals to Arabic numerals quiz
  • Numbers sets - prime, odd and even numbers quiz
  • Elements, intersections, unions and complememt
  • Addition quiz with illustrations
  • Additions Logic Exercise Quiz
  • Adding three digits quiz exercise
  • Addition with brackets exercise quiz
  • Addition word and sentence exercise - logic

We offer PDF printables in the highest quality.

  • Preschool/kindergarten
  • Grade 1 worksheets.
  • Grade 2 - 6 Worksheets

Fun Games for Teaching Maths

  • Penalty shooting game
  • En Garde Duel Game
  • Fling the teacher fun game
  • More More Games.

Parents, teachers and educators can now present the knowledge using these vividly presented short videos. Simply let the kids watch and learn.

Quizzes are designed around the topics of addition, subtraction, geometry, shapes, position, fractions, multiplication, division, arithmetic, algebra etc.

Access the materials by looking at topics - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Geometry, Trigonometry, algebra, Decimals, Division and more.

Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets: A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of education, mathematics plays a pivotal role in shaping young minds and building essential problem-solving skills. Year 4 is a crucial stage in a child's mathematical journey, and homework sheets are an excellent way to reinforce classroom learning. In this article, we'll explore the significance of year 4 maths homework sheets and provide valuable insights into their benefits, types, and usage.

Understanding Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets

Year 4 maths homework sheets are educational tools designed to enhance a student's understanding of mathematical concepts taught in the classroom. These sheets cover a wide range of topics, from basic arithmetic to more advanced concepts like fractions, geometry, and measurement. They serve as practice exercises that allow students to apply what they've learned independently.

Benefits of Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets

Homework sheets for year 4 maths offer several advantages for both students and educators:

Reinforcement of Learning : Homework sheets reinforce classroom lessons, ensuring that students grasp and retain mathematical concepts.

Independent Learning : They encourage self-study and problem-solving skills, as students tackle assignments on their own.

Parental Involvement : Homework sheets provide an opportunity for parents to get involved in their child's education by assisting with assignments.

Assessment Tool : Educators can use completed homework sheets to assess a student's understanding of a particular topic.

Customization : Year 4 maths homework sheets can be tailored to the specific needs of individual students or classes.

Types of Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets

Year 4 maths homework sheets come in various types, each serving a unique purpose:

1. Practice Sheets

Practice sheets focus on repetitive exercises, helping students build fluency in fundamental mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

2. Word Problems

Word problems introduce real-life scenarios, requiring students to apply mathematical concepts to solve everyday challenges.

3. Critical Thinking

These sheets challenge students to think critically and apply problem-solving strategies to more complex mathematical puzzles.

4. Review and Revision

Review and revision sheets help consolidate learning by revisiting previously taught topics, ensuring long-term retention.

How to Make the Most of Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets

To ensure the effectiveness of year 4 maths homework sheets, both students and educators can follow these guidelines:

Consistency : Assign and complete homework sheets regularly to reinforce learning.

Timely Feedback : Provide timely feedback on completed sheets to address any misconceptions or difficulties.

Variety : Use a variety of homework sheet types to keep students engaged and motivated.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration : Encourage open communication between parents and teachers to support students' progress.

Tracking Progress : Maintain a record of completed homework sheets and monitor improvements over time.

Year 4 maths homework sheets are invaluable tools that contribute significantly to a child's mathematical development. They offer a structured and engaging way for students to practice and apply their mathematical knowledge independently. By incorporating various types of homework sheets and maintaining consistency, educators and parents can ensure that year 4 students excel in their mathematical journey.

1. Are year 4 maths homework sheets essential for students?

Yes, year 4 maths homework sheets play a crucial role in reinforcing classroom learning and building problem-solving skills.

2. How can parents assist their children with year 4 maths homework sheets?

Parents can provide guidance, offer explanations when needed, and create a conducive study environment for their children.

3. Is it necessary to complete all types of year 4 maths homework sheets?

While variety is beneficial, the focus should be on the areas where the student requires more practice and understanding.

4. What is the ideal frequency for assigning year 4 maths homework sheets?

Assigning homework sheets regularly, such as a few times a week, is an effective approach to reinforce learning.

5. How can educators track students' progress with homework sheets?

Educators can maintain records of completed homework sheets and use them as a basis for assessing a student's understanding and improvement.

Year 4 maths free worksheets

Nothing is remotely easier than having a worksheet on a particular subject you want kids to learn and appreciate, especially young learners. It is even more critical when learning math. You cannot expect kids to understand math notions immediately without practice. Having worksheets in hand is an excellent opportunity to get that practice. A good example is the year 4 maths worksheets pdf collection offered herein. With these worksheets, you can make printable versions for basic operations, clocks, currency, counting, fractions, decimals, percent, proportions, ratios, factoring, equations, expressions, geometry, square roots, and more. These can be given to kids so that they can practice these skills. The worksheets are accessible in PDF and HTML formats. These worksheets are also easy to use and incorporate in daily teachings in the classroom or at home. Featuring on this page is the year 4 fractions worksheet collection. Here, students will find equivalent fractions worksheet year 4 questions in which they have to reduce fractions to the lowest terms and balance equations in which the denominators or numerators are missing. We also have year 4 division worksheets in which students solve varied problems. There are division word problems year 4 questions in which students will first isolate the math problem out of a division story. Year 4 division questions require students to first understand how to solve division problems involving small or large numbers. After that students can apply such skills in word problems. Also featuring are year 4 multiplication worksheets in which students learn how to find the product of large numbers with and without carrying.  Furthermore, multiplication and division word problems year 4 require students to master their order of operation skills and find the relationship between the two operations. More on multiplications requires students to check out the year 4 times table worksheets where children will improve their mental math skills. Talking of word exercises, maths word problems year 4 problems will require students to acquire the latter skills. We also roll back to earlier learned skills with addition and subtraction word problems year 4 where students combine both skills and apply notions of PEMDAS. The skills learned in year 4 addition and subtraction worksheets also lay a foundation for pre-algebra skills that will be needed later on. If you are in search of activities that you can use to teach kids how to tell time, check out the time word problems year 4 collection. Students will not only learn how to read time on analogue clocks, but how to apply such skills in solving events that occur in our daily lives. For teaching children how to recognize money and how to spend it on shopping activities, the money word problems year 4 collection comes in handy. We have a perfect collection of activities which teachers can use to teach students in the classroom or parents to homeschool their 9 to 10 year olds. For learning numbers, there are a variety of activities available under this category. For example the year 4 place value worksheets pack contains activities in which students have to find the value of numbers in the units, tenths, hundreds, thousandths, ten thousandths and millions place. Students will also learn to write numbers in standard and expanded forms. Still on numbers, students will learn about with the negative numbers worksheet year 4 collection. This section will teach students integers in a fun way and test several skills involving positive and negative numbers. Under the number section check out the year 4 decimals worksheet pack through which students learn to add, subtract, divide, multiply and round up decimal values. There more skills covered in this section like:  Roman numerals, addition and subtraction of fractions, prime numbers, even and odd numbers etc. Having gained these skills, check out the mental maths year 4 worksheets section. It features applicable exercises in the form of word problems, math puzzles, logic exercises and more. In the U.K. and England, year 4 corresponds to the ages 8 years to 9 years old. It falls under the key stage 2 level. Teachers of children in this range will find these test sheets suitable for their classroom. The fact that each sheet has an answer key attached to the second page is a good reason why even parents will find it easy to use. Each sheet is a pdf printable download with two pages, the first page contains the questions while the second page contains the answer key. When administering these sheets in the classroom, remember to keep out the answer sheet to not give out the answers beforehand.

Math Printables by levels

Fun games for math practice.

  • Games to practice Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication and more>>

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Interactive Math

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  1. Year 4 Homework Sheets

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  2. Year 4 Homework Sheets

    year 4 homework pdf

  3. Year 4 Homework Start Right Workbook

    year 4 homework pdf

  4. Maths Topics Homework Sheets for Year 4 PDF Booklet

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  5. Maths Workbook PDF

    year 4 homework pdf

  6. Year 4 Homework Sheets

    year 4 homework pdf


  1. FREE Year 4 Maths Worksheets, Tests & Homework (PDFs)

    Here you'll find all our free Year 4 maths worksheets and Year 4 maths tests, many of which are suitable for homework as well as classroom teaching. You can use these resources and workbooks as you like; most of the KS2 maths worksheets come in pdf format and all of them are printable if you want to give children something physical to work ...

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  3. Year 4 Maths Worksheets

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    Below you can download free worksheets for Year 4 maths. All the worksheets are printable PDFs that are fully compliant with the national curriculum. Full answers are included within the marking schemes. Year. Paper 1. Paper 2. Marking Scheme (Answers) 2022. Download.

  5. Printable Year 4 Maths Worksheets incl. FREE Resources

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  6. Printable Year 4 Maths Worksheets incl. FREE Resources

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    Worksheets can be used as part of the classroom curriculum or as homework assignments that can be completed independently at home. As such, our Year 4 Maths PDF Worksheets are integral elements in providing a sound mathematical education and should be used regularly by teachers and students to optimize learning outcomes.

  9. Printable Year 4 Maths Worksheets incl. FREE Resources

    A collection of printable year 4 maths worksheets ready to roll out. ... Interactive PDF: White Rose Maths Supporting Year 4: Spring Block 3 Fractions: Fractions Greater Than 1 ... maths year 4 english maths maths worksheets homework year 4 word problems multiplication worksheet maths year 4 maths worksheets year 4 year 6 maths year 4 ...

  10. Year 4 Maths Worksheets

    Download free year 4 maths PDF worksheets. Brand new for 2024, we've created a range of 100% free year 4 maths PDF worksheets for you to work through with your child. Download the printable worksheet PDF, and your child can both learn and answer questions. Count Backwards To Include Negative Numbers Worksheet Download PDF Worksheet.

  11. PDF Year 4 Homework Booklet

    Extra activities to keep your brain busy: Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Become confident in counting in groups of 25. Practise representing numbers in many ways, using visual representations, writing them as words (with the correct. spelling) and as different calculations.

  12. Year 4 Maths Worksheets

    Get started for free. Your child can learn, practice and test their year 4 (age 8 - 9) maths skills with these automatically marked, interactive year 4 maths worksheets. We've created these math worksheets for year 4 as close to the National Curriculum as possible to help your child learn and develop their understanding of key topics.

  13. Fourth grade math worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. 4th grade math worksheets: Multiplication, division, rounding, fractions, decimals , telling time, counting money, order of operations, factoring, roman numerals, geometry ...

  14. Year 4

    Homework; Year 4; Extra Homework Documents Maths. Addition and subtraction column method.pdf ... Multiplication word problems - 2 by 1.pdf Multiplication word problems - 3 by 1.pdf negative numberlines.doc negative numbers.pdf numberbonds_to_1000 (1).doc Perimeter.pdf Place value in large numbers.pdf ...

  15. Year 4 Free Maths Worksheets

    Click to open each PDF - all of which are one page and contain questions and answers: Year 4 Number & Place Value - Free Sheet 1 - e.g. write the number three hundred and forty five in digits. Year 4 Number & Place Value - Free Sheet 2 - e.g. write the number 9,031 in digits.

  16. PDF Year 4 Maths Activity Revision Booklet.pdf

    Complete the table, showing the numbers in numerals and words. One thousand, two hundred and ninety-three. Seventy-five thousand and ninety-eight. 3. Use the information in the table to work out the value of these Roman numerals. 4. a) What is the largest number that can be made from.

  17. Year 4 English Worksheets

    Get started for free. Your child can learn, practice and test their year 4 English skills (age 8 - 9) with these automatically marked interactive year 4 English worksheets. Our resources are available online or in pdf and printable format, perfect if you're homeschooling your child. Throughout our year 4 English worksheets, your child will be ...

  18. FREE!

    Simple Easter Origami Paper Craft. Sound Survey. Year 4 Reading 3 Revision Activity Mat Pack English. Year 4 Spring-Themed Maths Activity Booklet. Year 4 States Of Matter Unit Home Learning Tasks. Year 4 The Mystery Of The Missing Horse St George's Day Maths Mystery. Sight And Sound Writing Prompts Activity Sheets.

  19. Year 4 maths worksheets pdf free

    Year 4 maths homework sheets come in various types, each serving a unique purpose: 1. Practice Sheets. Practice sheets focus on repetitive exercises, helping students build fluency in fundamental mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 2.

  20. Year 4 Independent Maths and English Work Booklet

    This home learning pack for year 4 is an ideal way to revise children's prior learning, and encourage independent working during remote learning due to lockdown. It includes year 4 independent activities and resources on essential English and maths skills, such as multiplication, division, comprehension and SPaG. This comprehensive home learning pack for year 4 includes a maths and English ...

  21. PDF Y4 Name A1Sheet 1 NUMBERS NUMBERS Sheet XXX 1

    XXX 1A1 Sheet Sheet NUMBERS 1. 11. Write these numbers in figures. three hundred and ninety-five. four thousand one hundred and forty-two. nine hundred and thirty-seven. two thousand five hundred and ten. one thousand and sixty-eight. six thousand seven hundred and four.

  22. Year 4 Maths Homework Sheets PDF

    Year-4-Maths-Homework-Sheets.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Here are the missing numbers in the boxes: 1 3154 1 70 5 230 19 5139 2 800 4200 2 5827 1 600 4200 20 7570 2 2000 4000 3 2403 1 3000 3000 21 1625 2 90 81 4 1 50 5 1882 22 2 700 5 3241 5 1 900 5 6780 23 2 5000 5 1518 6 1 4000 5 3818 24 2 60 5 4772 7 1646 1 150 5 1496

  23. Year 4 Reading Comprehension PDF Pack

    The vast array of reading comprehension for Year 4 students in this pack is based on various topics that are linked to the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Some of the topics in this pack include things like Ancient Egypt, the human body, and poetry. The variety of topics in this pack are extremely informative and will provide your children with hours ...

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