Google Recruiters Recommend the XYZ Method Resume. Here’s How It Works.

Melanie Lockert

3 key takeaways

  • Google recruiters recommend the XYZ method resume for applicants. 
  • The XYZ format on your resume emphasizes achievements, data, and results. 
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder can help you create a Google XYZ resume.

You know you should “show, not tell” on your resume.

Google made that cliche advice more actionable for job seekers by turning it into a resume writing formula.

Instead of listing your job responsibilities, the XYZ method helps you take a results-first approach that shows your accomplishments with key metrics.

Having a well-structured, results-heavy resume makes you stand out and puts your achievements into context. Using the XYZ resume format can help you do that.

In this article you’ll learn the Google XYZ formula and how to properly use it on your resume.

Want to create a resume that stands out using Google's XYZ format? Make a resume with achievement-focused bullet points using Teal's free AI Resume Builder.

What is the XYZ resume format?

The XYZ resume format is a specific resume writing formula recommended by Google to highlight accomplishments. The formula is “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z],” as outlined by Laszlo Bock , a former Google Senior Vice President of People Operations. 

Use this specific XYZ formula in bullet points to list your achievements. Doing so shows your skills with conviction and context. 

For example, instead of saying you “increased sales,” use the XYZ structure:

  • Increased sales (X) by 25% (Y) by launching a new line of business in Q1 (Z). 

This example uses numbers to highlight how much you increased sales and also includes the “how.”

Who should use the Google XYZ resume format?

Because it provides a clear and concise way of sharing what you’ve done, the XYZ resume format is an effective resume method for anyone on the job search. But those looking for roles in tech, startups, or sales, may find it easiest to communicate their experience and expertise with this formula. 

Stephanie Alston, president at BGG Enterprises , a recruitment agency shared who should use this formula and how it can help:

“Use this format when you have specific results to show from your past jobs, like increasing sales, improving efficiency, or completing projects. It’s great for roles where your accomplishments can be measured.” 

Google recruiters recommended the XYZ method on resumes as a way to stand out and bring your resume to the top. Google sometimes receives 50 thousand resumes in a single week , many from highly qualified tech workers. So this advice carries a lot of weight and can help job applicants in a variety of fields quantify their achievements and communicate them succinctly.

Benefits of using the XYZ resume format

There are many benefits to using the XYZ format on your resume:

  • Quantifies your accomplishments with tangible metrics
  • Provides additional context  
  • Includes how you accomplished a task
  • Reads better
  • Demonstrates impact

“This approach is helpful because it clearly shows employers what you’ve achieved and how you did it, making your resume more impactful and you more marketable as a job applicant,” says Alston of the XYZ resume format.

When to use the XYZ resume format

The XYZ resume method is good for job seekers in fields where accomplishments are easily quantifiable. So if you’re in healthcare, marketing, sales, business, engineering, consulting, or customer service, you likely have metrics to draw on that would make the XYZ resume format a good option. 

In these job types, hitting certain targets is how you show your success in the role. So think about which outcomes are the most impactful to share based on the job description. 

Some common metrics to use on a resume:

  • Revenue increases
  • Reducing expenses 
  • Sales increases
  • User acquisition 
  • Profit increases
  • Conversions 
  • Return on investment
  • Total output

You can also use the XYZ method on your resume if you’re a recent graduate or pivoting into a new career.

If you don’t have much job experience to list, you can use the formula with your educational achievements. If you’re looking for a career change, the XYZ structure can help you highlight your transferable skills. 

Though you may want to use the Google XYZ resume format on every resume, each one should be customized to the role using keywords from the job description. Luckily, you can do that with little time and effort using the Matching Mode feature in Teal’s Resume Builder , which helps you create a resume that’s aligned with the job description by recommending relevant keywords for your resume and grading your resume’s relevance to the open role.

For more insights on resume formats, check out this guide on the best resume format .

How to write an XYZ resume

Similar to the CAR method resume format , the XYZ resume writing method is a way to level up your accomplishments and quickly and clearly show results and impact. When you have a matter of seconds to grab the attention of a hiring manager, resume writing matters. Here is how you can take advantage of this compelling, Google-recommended format and write an XYZ resume.

1. Start with the formula 

The Google XYZ formula is: Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]

Use this structure when writing bullet points under the jobs listed in the Experience section of your resume.

2. Take an inventory

The XYZ structure focuses on your achievements, metrics, and how you did it. To help you write each bullet point, take an inventory of the accomplishments you can quantify.

Do this for each job. You’ll likely want to revise these points based on the job you’re applying for so they’re relevant. Write down the achievement (X) and the metric (Y). Start each sentence with an action verb and make sure to use a number for every metric. 

3. Write bullet points for each job 

The next part is putting the XYZ format into action. You want to connect the X and Y from step two and add Z to paint a complete picture.

Here are some examples of the XYZ resume format:

Marketing manager 

  • Increased page views (X) by 23% (Y) in six months by implementing social media distribution strategies (Z). 
  • Reduced ad spend (X) by 30% (Y) by improving customer targeting (Z).

Sales specialist

  • Increased conversions (X) by 28% (Y) after training five new team members (Z). 
  • Launched a new product (X) that led to a 15% profit increase in Q1 (Y) by engaging newsletter subscribers (Z). 

Customer service 

  • Reduced errors (X) by 40% (Y) after creating a new Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) document (Z). 
  • Increased customer satisfaction (X) by 18% (Y) by implementing survey feedback (Z). 

Go through this exercise for each position listed on your resume. This will enable you to highlight your successes while sharing your experience. Once you have the sentences ready for each job, include them as bullet points under each job title in the experience section of your resume. 

To easily list your results-driven achievements, use Teal’s AI Resume Builder. You can simply provide your LinkedIn URL and create a resume you can revise from there.

How to format an XYZ Resume

There are many ways to craft a resume. The XYZ format on a resume is different from standard resumes as it focuses on your accomplishments with metrics and processes using a specific formula. In addition to providing the XYZ formula, Google provided several formatting recommendations in their YouTube video on how to create a resume for Google. 

If you want to use this method, here’s how to format an XYZ resume:

1. Create the right order of sections 

Google recruiters recommend you include the following sections:

  • Leadership and Awards
  • Optional section 

This is the go-to format if you’re a professional with several years of experience under your belt. If you’re a recent graduate, Google recommends putting the Education section up top. So the order would be:

Include your GPA, graduation date, or expected graduation date if you’re still a student. If you don’t have much experience to list, consider using the XYZ resume structure in the education section to highlight some of your accomplishments in school. 

For the optional section, you can choose something relevant to your experience or a good match for the role you want. Some options can include projects, publications, or even extracurricular activities.

2. Include XYZ formula bullet points under Experience 

The Google XYZ resume formula should be primarily applied to the Experience section. Include bullet points using the specific formula under your job title, employer, and employment dates. 

Use relevant keywords from the job posting in the formula. Make sure to begin with action words, then a numeral, and how you accomplished your achievement. If you’re stuck, review these 250 action verbs for inspiration. Each bullet point should follow the XYZ resume format and span one line. 

Social Media Marketer, Agency | October 2021 - present

  • Increased social media impressions by 35% by creating and posting to IG Reels and TikTok. 
  • Reduced planning time by 5 hours per week by implementing a content calendar and scheduling posts.

3. List experience in reverse-chronological order 

Use reverse-chronological order when listing your experience and job history on your resume. That means listing your current, or most recent, position first, then going further as you go down the page. Formatting your resume in reverse-chronological order shows potential employers what you’re doing now, while also sharing your job history and skills you’ve achieved in the past.

Reverse-chronological order resume template:

[Current position] [Current employer] [Month/year start date - present]

[Position before that] ][Previous employer] [Month/year - Month/year]

4. Keep the style consistent

To follow the XYZ resume guidelines, choose a consistent style for your resume. That means using the same font and size throughout your resume. 

Using an 11-point or 12-point size font is ideal. Additionally, these font styles are widely used on resumes:

  • Times New Roman 

Additionally, it’s best to use black or dark text. The main thing is to keep the font, size, and color uniform. The text should look clean and organized with enough white space. Most importantly, it should be easy to read.

5. Review for resume red flags 

When all the information is in place, review your resume carefully. You want to avoid resume red flags that can immediately take you out of the running. These can include:

  • Grammatical errors 
  • Not including contact information
  • Including confidential information about a company 

Also, double-check for accuracy. You want to present yourself in the best light for potential hiring managers and employers. But fibbing about certain parts of your experience is a big no-no.

6. Finalize resume 

There are a lot of thoughts on what file type your resume should be or how many pages it should be. 

In Google’s YouTube video on resume tips for applying for a job at the multibillion-dollar company, a clear preference is stated: A one-page PDF.

If you have a lot of technical skills and an extensive job history, you may get away with a two-page resume. But if you can make it into a succinct one-page PDF, even better. 

To help you write your achievements using the XYZ format, use Teal’s AI Achievement Assistant.

Teal's AI Achievement feature in the Resume Builder

For example, here’s an example of achievements written by AI. Then you can edit and customize to fit your resume and use the XYZ formula. 

Teal's AI Achievement Generator suggests three achievements at a time

You can also add keywords, input the job description, or use a custom prompt to help. 

Use keywords to prompt Teal's AI

If you're new to resume creation, read this guide on how to make a resume .

XYZ resume example

Here’s an XYZ resume example using the formula. You see accomplishments up front, the quantifiable measurement, and finally how it was done. This example is full of various metrics and real data, illustrating impact and outcomes. 

An example of a Google XYZ resume format

XYZ resume template

If you want to use the XYZ resume format recommended by Google recruiters, here’s a template of which sections to include and where to put the XYZ formula: 

Name Github profile (if applicable)

Email address Programming languages (if applicable)

Job title 1/Employer 1 Month Year - Present

  • XYZ formula

Job title 2/Employer 2 Month Year - Month Year 

Job title 3/Employer 3 Month Year - Month Year 

  • XYZ formula 

Leadership and awards


Optional final section

Tips and best practices for an XYZ resume

  • Customize bullet points. Every job is different. Be sure to customize your bullet points using the XYZ method on your resume based on the job description. Some achievements may be relevant for one position but not another. It may also need a little tweaking to make sure it fits. Keep each bullet to one line. 
  • Check for keywords. Match the language in the job description. The posting is like a dating profile sharing who and what they’re looking for. Using relevant keywords mirrors back to them you’re the right fit for the role. Doing so can also help your resume make it past applicant tracking systems (ATS). In Teal’s Resume Builder, use Matching Mode to make this step easy.
  • Review spelling and grammar. Do a simple spell check. You want to get rid of any misspellings, omitted words, and double words and check for context as homonyms can sneak through. Additionally, look at your grammar. You can use Teal’s Resume Checker to find typos, fix structure, and optimize your resume’s score. You can also highlight your text and have it read aloud. If you have a Mac, highlight your text and then press “Option” + “Esc.” You’ll hear the text read aloud for you, which can help you hear errors your tired eyes might not see. 
  • Check format. Google recommends candidates use a one-page PDF when submitting resumes for a job at the company. If you go beyond one page, make sure it’s worth it.  

If you're considering a longer resume, read this post on two-page resumes can provide valuable insights.

Write a Google-approved XYZ resume 

If you want to work for Google—or appeal to other FAANG tech enterprises—it makes sense to follow the Google XYZ resume format. Think of it this way, the company is telling you how to succeed with your resume and have the best shot of advancing. 

In the YouTube video about resume tips, it’s stated that Google makes cover letters optional and your resume is the main focus. In other words, your resume needs to do the heavy lifting to showcase your skills. So follow their XYZ resume format exactly to increase your chances of landing a job interview. 

Even if you’re not applying for a job at Google, the XYZ resume format can provide a compelling and easy-to-use formula that may give you an edge. Having a well-structured and achievement-oriented resume can make the most of the little space you have.

If you want to utilize one of the best tools out there to help write your resume, use Teal’s AI Resume Builder. It gives an analysis score, so you can see that you have the right keywords related to the job description. Plus, you can use AI Achievements to write effective bullet points perfect for the XYZ resume format.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the google xyz resume.

The Google XYZ resume is recommended by the company for job applicants looking to get a job at Google. The resume uses the XYZ formula to highlight achievements in the experience section of your resume. The X refers to what was accomplished, Y refers to how it was measured, and Z refers to how it was accomplished. For example, increasing sales by 33% by implementing new email marketing strategies.

What are the three resume format types?

The top three resume formats are chronological, functional, and combination. The chronological format lists your work history and experience in reverse order so your most recent job is toward the top. The functional resume format is skills-based and focuses on strengths and capabilities. The combination format integrates a bit of both styles. 

What is the most successful resume format?

The most successful and frequently used resume format is the chronological format. It outlines your work history in reverse chronological order. Using this format, you emphasize your most recent work experience and then your previous experience.

xyz resume format examples

Melanie Lockert

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How to Create an Effective Resume: XYZ Resume Format

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Have you ever heard of the google XYZ resume format? As the leading trend in the recruitment industry, it is a tool that contributes to your job search. Your resume is a controllable element in your job application. If you can tailor it well to include this format while making it ATS-friendly, you’re one step closer into an organization.

Remember, your resume should be able to get you past those scanning bots, to the recruiter’s table and onto a proper interview. In this article, I’ll explain what the XYZ resume format is, why it’s important and how to use it to secure a job interview. 

Table of Contents

What is The XYZ Resume Format?

This resume format is sophisticated yet straightforward. In one sentence, it includes what you’ve accomplished (X) + the qualitative results (Y) + the skills or experience you utilized to achieve the outcome (Z). Essentially, it’s an easy-to-read, concise, and practical way to provide context and flow.

Why is The XYZ Resume Format Important?

Nowadays, most recruiters don’t enjoy going through only “what you have done” in the past; they most often want to see “how you did it” and “the results”. With the XYZ resume format, you hone in on specific achievements and impress your hiring manager with past results. It also helps work well with applicant tracking systems (ATS) as you’ll be able to include specific keywords. Since most recruiters are always looking for the ‘X-Y-Z formula’ in resumes, you should definitely use it. Sounds interesting? We have more valuable tips to give you to land a job! Visit us at our services page to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the XYZ resume format effective?  This resume format often starts with an active verb that helps provide clarity to the reader while demonstrating your confidence and active participation in your previous work. Following the active verb is your achievement – what you did and how you did it, which helps you focus on the most relevant experience and results for the position while providing a baseline for comparison and details of what you did to achieve your goal. The use of facts, numbers or figures, which the XYZ resume format allows, helps to add credibility and gives insight into your strengths. This resume format provides the reader with a concise context and a smooth flow while reading your resume. Simultaneously, they get the gist of your achievement and how you are the best candidate for that position with your proven results.  What should a sentence structure in the X-Y-Z format look like? A sentence structure in the X-Y-Z format should look like this: action verb, achievement, measurement, detail of what you did to achieve your goal. Here’s an example of correct XYZ resume formatting: 20 minute stairmaster hiit workout – eating bird food buy s drol boys and ballet: dance develops strength, balance, discipline – active for life Formular: Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]. X is in red Y is in green Z is in blue  Negotiated reduction in costs to perform post-delivery support by 40% ($900k) with XYZ by designing and using results from an online auction of multiple vendors. Grew revenue for 15 small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ by mapping new software features as solutions to their business goals. What are some components of an effective resume? An effective resume should include at least seven sections. The first three shows your name, contact information and your executive summary or objective. The following two include your relevant work experiences that show what you’ve done in the past and the results that came from it, with appropriate and applicable skills that match the job descriptions. An effective resume should also contain relevant links, traceable educational background, and additional information to give you extra points and standings with the recruiter. What are some of the biggest resume mistakes to watch out for? Spelling and grammar typos – Although they can seem obvious, as a result of tweaking resumes back and forth to fit the job descriptions, you can be vulnerable to this kind of error. Read your resume from bottom to top to help you focus on each line in isolation or have someone proofread it. Your resume length – Ideally, a one-page resume is good and if you have a lot of relevant work experience in line with the job offer, opt for a 2-page resume. If you have qualified working experience that goes back 20 years, delete it once they’re irrelevant to the job descriptions. Other mistakes include poor formatting, not including your contact information, adding confidential information and using a generic resume for all your job positions you’re applying to. 

8 Tips For Important Resume tips

These days, some organizations rarely ask for a cover letter, so there is a lot of emphasis on resumes. And whether you are looking for part-time or full-time work, an internship, or considering changing your career path, it’s essential to make yourself well suited for the job position. Here are eight crucial resume tips that should be noted while constructing your resume.

In-Body Image of How to Create an Effective Resume XYZ Resume Format

1. Do the basic formatting.

The fundamental rule is to keep things simple when formatting and ensure that your resume is readable. Make your resume simple and give it a professional look by using black text with consistent font size, style, and design elements to avoid distracting the recruiters. Format your resume as a pdf, and before hitting the submit button, check for typos, use bullet points and make sure your contact info is up-to-date. 

2. Incorporate keyword phrases.

Include the exact keywords and key phrases from the job description in your resume summary, skills, and professional work experience. You could copy them from the job description, paste them into your resume, and write words around them to make sure it fits together. Applicant tracking systems calculate the number of years you’ve practiced a particular skill, so adding and repeating industry-specific keywords in each job description will serve you well. 

3. Customize your resume to fit the job description.

Make sure to adapt your resume and tailor it to the job requirement by avoiding irrelevant work experience and unnecessary information. If you have tons of relevant experience, you’ll want to describe it while still getting your message across briefly. As much as possible, keep your resume under a single page except when you’re applying for a technical position requiring multiple project experiences, which might take you onto a second page.

4. Use the XYZ resume format.

You should articulate your work experience to fit the one-page rule by using the popular google XYZ resume format, which is the crux of this article. Google describes this as “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].” 

Start with your accomplishment (don’t forget to include an action verb before your achievement), add the qualitative evidence of your result (numbers and facts), and don’t forget to add the skills you used to achieve. This resume format shows a lot of credibilities, and efficiency, while maintaining the flow of communication to the reader. 

5. Reduce industry shorthands.

A point about industry shorthands is that they come off as you being aware of the trends in the industry, but the disadvantage to using them is that you may never know who is reading your resume. Industry-specific terminologies may consist of complex industry words that might not be easy to understand by people not active in that industry and may not be in the ATS. For example, a person from the software team who is part of the hiring team may not quickly grasp the meaning of shorthands like “QoQ” (for the quarter over quarter ). So, only use relevant and straightforward industry shorthands if you’re 100% sure that the resume reviewer will know what you mean.

6. Include numbers, metrics, or data. 

Drop the old-fashioned resume that contains only text, and use numbers, metrics, and data. For example: Grew revenue for 15 small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ by mapping new software features as solutions to their business goals. 

It’s even more impressive if you can add a comparison, for example, “…compared to an average of 8 small and medium business clients by 5% QoQ from my peers.” Providing meaningful comparison and factual data helps.

7. Add your name and contact info to page 2.

If you’re going to use a 2-page resume format, make sure your up-to-date contact information is on both pages. Your first page might not be convincing enough to the hiring manager, but seeing a skill relevant to the job description may prompt them to tag your name down for the interview. So your name and contact info on the second page would provide the recruiter with your ID. 

8. Add relevant links and contact info.

How annoyed do you get when you try to reach someone over the phone a couple of times, and all you get is a voice message saying: this number doesn’t exist or is not reachable? Now imagine your interviewer going through the same thing. Make sure your resume has clickable links and contact info that can help your recruiters reach you or see proof of the recent projects you’ve done. 

Additionally, for technical applicants, if you’re going to be adding your GitHub links to projects you’ve worked on, make sure the programming languages you used for each are listed prominently alongside each project.

To wrap up,

There are many formulas for successful resume writing, but the google XYZ resume format is one of the most coveted for employers. This formula makes your resume easy to read without compromising the credibility of your achievements. 

Although it may be hard to quantify your hard work, there is almost always something you can point to that differentiates you from others. You can’t control the biases and attention span of whoever reviews your resume, but you can control what’s on the page in front of them. Use the formula, and recruiters will take notice.

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Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

Alternative: reverse engineer their advice and improve recruitment at your business..


More than two million people apply to work for Google each year , which is more than 20 times the number of employees at the company at any given time.

With that kind of volume, it makes sense that Google proactively tries to tell applicants what they should do to improve their odds of getting noticed  within the herd.

Among its tools are a series of YouTube videos and articles detailing best practices for resumes (embedded below, along with two articles by Google's former senior vice president of personnel operations).

Here are some of the most important resume tips the company offers, including the simple, three-part formula that Google says applicants should always use. Even if you're not eager to work at Google, reverse engineering their expectations could give you some smart ideas regarding how to ask candidates to apply for opportunities with your business.

1. Basic formatting

Google rarely requests or even looks at a cover letter, so there is a lot riding on resumes. At the outset, the key rule is to keep things simple when it comes to format, and ensure that your resume is highly readable. That includes things like:

  • Formatting your resume as a pdf. This seems like a no-brainer in 2019, but Google's guides repeat this advice several times, so we have to assume not everyone does this automatically.
  • Skipping the objective. (They know what your objective is: to land this particular job.)
  • Using black text, and keep the font and size clean, simple, and consistent. 
  • Checking for typos. This is so important, we'll say it again: Check for typos. 
  • Using bullet points. (How's this for meta advice, since you're reading it in a bullet point?) Don't include long lines of descriptive text. Put yourself in the place of a human resume-reviewer, who is likely reading dozens of resumes at a time. 
  • Making sure you include your contact info. Yes, this seems obvious -- but make sure your name and email address are prominent. If you're applying for technical positions, include your Github link (more on that below).

2. Customization

You should write a new, tailored resume for every position you apply for. Also, the Google recruiters advise keeping it under a single page.

The exception to this is that if you are applying for a technical or engineering position, you can legitimately have a large number of relevant projects to list, and that might take you to a second page.

But for almost any other type of position, one page is the rule.

This also means that you have to be a ruthless editor. If you have tons of relative experience, you'll want to describe it all as succinctly as possible, while still getting your message across.

One specific piece of advice is that if any bullet point on your resume spills over by a word or two into a second line, figure out a way to write it shorter, so it stays on one line. Space is at a premium with a suggested one-page maximum.

3. Use the X by Y by Z formula

This is the crux of the advice by Laszlo Bock, a former Google senior vice president of personnel operations. You want to adhere to the bullet-point format as we've discussed, and articulate your experience in this specific way.

Google describes this as: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]." But just to make it easier to remember, let's shorten it to X-Y-Z.  

This means that you want to focus on accomplishments -- quantitative results and the impact that you had as a result. It's probably easiest to explain this by using a few examples from the Google recruiters' YouTube videos themselves.

For example, imagine an applicant who wants to make clear that he or she is a member of a prestigious group. Here's the OK way, the better way, and the best way to describe this on a resume, according to Google:

  • OK: "Member of Leadership for Tomorrow Society"
  • Better: "Selected as one of 275 for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent."
  • Best: "Selected as one of 275 participants nationwide for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent based on leadership potential and academic success."

Here's another example, this one for a technical position in which the applicant wants to point out that he or she placed second in a hackathon.

  • OK: "Won second place in hackathon."
  • Better: "Won second place out of 50 teams in hackathon."
  • Best: "Won second place out of 50 teams in hackathon at NJ Tech by working with two colleagues to develop an app that synchronizes mobile calendars.

(In this case, the last, "best" is my own interpretation; Google doesn't actually provide the third suggestion. But I hope the point is clear.)

Here's a final example, intended for a business applicant who wants to show how much he or she contributed in a client support role: 

  • OK: "Grew revenue for small and medium business clients."
  • Better: "Grew revenue for small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ"
  • Best: "Grew revenue for 15 small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ by mapping new software features as solutions to their business goals."

One point about jargon: Use shorthand like "QoQ" (for quarter over quarter) only if you're 100 percent sure that the resume reviewer will know exactly what you mean.

4. Advanced formatting

Beyond the basic formatting issues, like keeping it to one page and using bullet points, there are some slightly more advanced formatting issues to consider.

You want to be sure to organize things in the same way that recruiters and reviewers are used to seeing them. The rules include:

  • education before experience if you're a student or a relatively recent graduate, or 
  • experience before education (in reverse chronological order), if you've been in the workforce for more than a position or two. 

For recent graduates, Google insists on school, degree, major, GPA, and month and year of graduation. But the further away you are from college, the less college and university information you're expected to include. 

"Generally the more recently you attended university, the more detail you should include here," Google technical recruiter Jeremy Ong says in one of the videos.

The one caveat here, and frankly it's not something that Google addresses, is how to handle year of graduation if you're an older applicant.

There's a point at which Google probably doesn't want to know your age, so as to reduce the odds of ever having to defend against an age discrimination claim. Obviously putting on your resume that you graduated from college in 1990 suggests you're well over 40.

Beyond that, however, focus on things that are most relevant for the position, and don't be afraid to cut older positions and achievements, especially if they're not relevant. 

If you have a lengthy work history that would push you beyond the one-page suggested maximum length, you might add a short, additional section mentioning that you have other, less relevant experience, without going into great detail.

5. For technical applicants

If you're applying for technical or engineering jobs, there are a couple of additional pieces of advice.

The first is to include your Github link, or equivalent, at the top with your contact information. (Ironic, since Microsoft has owned Github since last year.)

Additionally, the recruiters want to see your programming languages listed prominently. And as you list projects and experience -- either in a separate section or as part of your employment history -- include programming languages you used for each project.

Obviously, this is all for step one in the recruiting process -- the resume and application -- and Google has other videos on later-stage items like how to prepare for specific types of interviews.

But even as someone who isn't likely to apply for a job with Google or any other company anytime soon, I found it helpful in terms of the information to ask for when recruiting and interviewing.

Here are the links I promised, including two articles by Bock ( here and here ), and the two key YouTube videos, How to: Work at Google -- Resume Tips and Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice .

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How to craft an effective XYZ resume to land your dream job

Do you want to get hired by the world’s top companies? According to a former Google SVP, using the XYZ resume formula to focus on achievements and measurable outcomes is the way to go. Discover how to make a strong impression on recruiters and hiring managers with this unique method.

What is an XYZ resume?  

An XYZ resume format is a formula introduced by Laszlo Bock, former senior vice president of personnel operations at Google, to help those applying for jobs at Google (and other top companies) increase their chances of landing their dream job (1). The acronym stands for the following: “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].”

The purpose of creating a Google XYZ resume is to help you stand out as an accomplished professional who understands how your work connects to overall business outcomes. 

The format gives you an easy way to quantify your achievements, enabling you to go beyond simply describing your professional responsibilities and helping you show the true, measurable impact of your work. 

Benefits of the XYZ resume format  

The XYZ resume format is far from just another trend or gimmick put forth to try to tip the scales in your favor. Similar to the CAR method , it’s a tried and true formula that has many practical benefits in the job search process.

First, it helps you provide clear and concise details about your achievements. When you use the XYZ formula, recruiters and hiring managers won’t be confused about your professional background and what you bring to the table. Instead, you can get straight to the point using highly impactful language.

Additionally, the XYZ resume format helps you highlight your measurable outcomes, which is much more impressive to recruiters than using generic language. This is especially true at highly sought-after companies that receive thousands of resumes. Hiring managers want to know they’re hiring someone who can get the job done, and the XYZ format helps you demonstrate this.

Finally, the XYZ resume formula helps you keep everything relevant to the job role. If you have experience in the role and have read the job description thoroughly, you know what recruiters and hiring managers want to see on your resume. The XYZ formula helps you trim irrelevant details and stick to only what the readers need to know.

How to create an XYZ resume  

The Google XYZ resume method is a fairly easy way to create an impactful job application. You can use a standard reverse chronological format for most of your resume. The bullet points you use to explain your professional history are where you’ll apply the XYZ formula. 

Once you have collected details of your past accomplishments, start your first bullet point describing what you accomplished. For example, you may have:

  • Grown sales revenue
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores
  • Increased employee productivity

In the next part of the sentence, you’ll explain how your accomplishment was measured using quantifiable results. For example, you may have:

  • Grown sales revenue by 15%
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores by 46%
  • Increased employee productivity by 32% 

In the last part of your bullet point, you will talk about the task that led you to that impactful outcome. For example, you may have:

  • Grown sales revenue by 15% by pivoting to account-based marketing
  • Increased customer satisfaction scores by 46% by prioritizing first-call resolution 
  • Increased employee productivity by 32% by launching generative AI training

As much as possible, limit your XYZ statements to one line. Note that you may have to tweak any resume examples you’re using to achieve this goal.

Key components of an XYZ resume  

It’s important to understand how a good XYZ resume is structured. If you’re crafting your application using a resume and cover letter template , you’ll want to ensure the following key components are included in your document.

Contact information 

Your contact information, including your name, location (city, state, and zip code), phone number, and email address, should go at the very top of the document. This helps recruiters and hiring managers easily contact you for an interview or inquire further about your qualifications.

Objective statement

Many expert resume articles agree that this section of your resume should only be one line. Use it to tell the recruiter or the hiring manager what role you’re applying for and what you hope to accomplish in that role.

Summary of qualifications

Use this section to describe your professional background and why you’re a great fit for the job. Include details such as how many years of experience you have, what achievements you have made, and how your past colleagues and managers have described your impact.

Education background

List the important details of your educational experiences, such as the names and locations of any colleges or universities you attended, the degrees you obtained, and the year you graduated from the institution. 

Relevant experience 

Provide the details of your past roles in reverse chronological format (starting with your current or most recent position). List the title of the position, the company name and location, and the dates you worked there. Then, create succinct bullet points covering your major achievements using the Google XYZ resume formula.

Skills and competencies 

Provide a short list of your skills to grab the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. If you prefer, you can split this list into separate sections for soft skills and technical skills. To keep things relevant, try to include skills that are also listed in the job description (if you actually do possess them). 

Achievements and qualifications 

If you choose, you can include a separate section on your resume to list your major achievements and qualifications directly so a hiring manager or recruiter doesn’t have to go fishing for them. Make sure to use the XYZ format in this section and include only accomplishments that are relevant to the role.

Expert Tip:

To identify relevant accomplishments that you can use to execute the XYZ formula, try looking back at past performance review notes or considering your past project outcomes. Then, determine exactly how your job responsibilities and actions contributed to those positive outcomes.

Common XYZ resume mistakes to avoid  

Despite the simplicity of the Google XYZ resume format, there are a few mistakes you may be tempted to make if it’s your first time using the formula. Here are some common pitfalls you should avoid as you craft your XYZ resume.

Using vague language

Be specific about your achievements. For example, don’t just tell the hiring manager you improved customer service. Tell them what specific aspects of the customer service experience you improved and how much of an improvement you made.

Forgetting measurable outcomes

To correctly use the XYZ format, resumes must include quantifiable achievements that connect actions to business outcomes. Ensure your bullet point statements include numbers, as this helps showcase the impact you’ve made in past roles.

Overloading statements with details

Though details are important, it’s also crucial not to include too many. When possible, try to keep your statements to one or two lines at most and your entire resume to one page. If you feel that your achievements need more context, include that information in your cover letter .

Including irrelevant information

Each statement should be tailored to the role and company you’re applying for, so leave out anything that doesn’t directly relate to the industry or job description. The criteria for relevance is that there should be a clear connection between the jobs, skills, and achievements you have written about and what is listed in the job description.

"The XYZ resume format helps you highlight your measurable outcomes, which is much more impressive to recruiters than using generic language."

Let the XYZ resume format lead you to job-hunting success

Much like using the STAR method to answer interview questions, following the XYZ resume format is an excellent way to include measurable outcomes that wow recruiters and hiring managers and highlight you as an accomplished professional. It also helps you present your achievements in a clear and concise way, making it obvious that you’re the best candidate for the job.

If you need help building your XYZ resume, one of the best ways to get started is with a template. Using resume and cover letter examples that incorporate the XYZ format can help enhance your job applications and improve your chances of landing interviews. With a few robust resources and the right resume format, this approach can help you get the job you’ve been dreaming about.

(1) Inc. Magazine: Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

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Resumes To Impress

The XYZ Formula for Writing Resumes – A Recipe for Success Backed by Psychology

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

image of letters XYZ on top of a table of documents

by Nicole Wren | Oct 18, 2021 | Writing Advice

One of the simplest, but most effective methods for resume writing is one favoured by one of the world’s largest and most renowned companies, Google, It also aligns well with Australian resume writing standards. 

In fact, Google recruiters say that without employing this method, your resume is almost guaranteed to go into the ‘reject’ pile.  It’s the ‘XYZ’ formula, and it’s a formula you can start using in your own resume.

The XYZ formula is a way to frame your career achievements, and once you see it in action, you’ll be surprised at what a difference it can make. 

It’s a bit similar to the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) formula used in many selection criteria responses.

It goes like this:

  • Describe what you achieved (X)
  • Describe how the achievement was measured (Y)
  • Describe what you did (Z)

infographic about XYZ formula for writing resumes

For example, we recently helped a hospitality manager, who told us she ‘ordered supplies and maintained costs’. We asked a series of questions to gather more information, and she told she had actually managed to find a cheaper supplier and saved the business she had been working for a considerable sum.

Through using the XYZ formula, we were able to develop this outstanding achievement:

  • Significantly reduced business costs and increased business profit (X), as measured by a 15% reduction in food costs (Y), by reviewing purchased items and negotiating with suppliers (Z).

Much better, hey?

Why does this process work? Social psychologists recognise that we judge others on their behaviour, rather than their words (i.e., “actions speak louder than words”).   

Simply stating that you do a task is not enough in today’s competitive job market, you need to give specific examples.

So, spend some time reviewing your resume and consider ways to turn your duties into strategic accomplishments using the XYZ formula (or  ask us for help) . Our resume writers are skilled in writing resumes for those just starting out , mid-level professionals and executives .

Trust us, it will dramatically improve your chances of avoiding the dreaded ‘reject’ pile.  ​

Nicole Wren

Nicole Wren

Senior Writer

Nicole is the principal resume writer at Resumes to Impress. Nicole loves writing and sharing her knowledge about all things job hunting and career guidance.

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xyz resume format examples

Mastering the XYZ Resume Formula: Should You Trust Google?

Learn how to optimize your resume using the xyz resume formula. find out if google can be trusted in this process..

xyz resume format examples

Let's face it, crafting the perfect resume can feel like trying to solve a puzzle with a million pieces. You're often left wondering, "How can I make my resume stand out? What's the secret sauce?" Well, what if I told you there's a formula that could transform your resume from just 'okay' to 'oh wow!'?

This XYZ formula is credited to Laszlo Bock, who worked at Google as the SVP of People Operations. However, I was unable to verify if he is the brain behind it.

Now, you might be thinking, "What's this XYZ thing all about?"

In the simplest terms, it's about framing your achievements in a way that catches an employer's eye: Accomplished [ X ] as measured by [ Y ], by doing [ Z ]. Why is this so important? The XYZ Resume Formula helps you do just that by highlighting your achievements in a clear, quantifiable, and impactful way.

Throughout this article, I'll break it down for you, give you some examples, and share tips on how to apply it to your own resume. Whether you're a fresh graduate stepping into the job market or a seasoned professional looking to make a career leap, this formula could be your key to crafting a resume that represents the value you bring to the table.

XYZ Resume Formula

What is the XYZ Resume Formula?

Even though it sounds like a secret code from a spy movie, in reality, it's a simple yet powerful framework to showcase your achievements in the most effective way on your resume .

Here's the breakdown: Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].

X stands for the achievement or task you accomplished.

Y represents the measurable outcome or the impact of your action.

Z details how you achieved it, the method or approach you used.

Imagine you're a chef. Instead of saying "Cooked meals," which is pretty vague, you'd say, "Designed innovative Italian dishes (X), increasing customer satisfaction ratings by 30% (Y), by incorporating authentic, regional ingredients and unique cooking techniques (Z)."

But as you can see, it doesn't sound right for some roles. That's why let me share three other examples with you.

Example for an Accountant:

Original Statement: Managed company budgets and expenses.

XYZ Formula Applied: Streamlined budget management (X), reducing overall expenses by 20% (Y), through the implementation of an advanced analytical approach and cost-saving strategies (Z).

Example for a Marketing Specialist:

Original Statement: Led digital marketing campaigns.

XYZ Formula Applied: Orchestrated innovative digital marketing campaigns (X), increasing online engagement by 40% and generating a 15% rise in sales (Y), by leveraging targeted social media advertising and SEO optimization techniques (Z).

Customer Service Representative

Before : Handled customer service inquiries.

After : Resolved an average of 50 customer inquiries per day (X), achieving a 95% customer satisfaction rate (Y), by utilizing advanced conflict resolution techniques and personalizing customer interactions (Z).

See the difference? It turns a simple task into a narrative of success and skill.

This formula helps you improve your resume ! It's not just about listing your job duties; it's about showcasing your achievements in a way that's quantifiable and, frankly, impressive.

Even though this formula is great, it might not be the perfect fit for every resume or profession, and it won't magically guarantee you an interview or job offer. But trust me, it'll definitely give you a solid helping hand.

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Breaking Down the XYZ Resume Formula

Let's dive into the nuts and bolts of the XYZ Resume Formula. Knowing each part is like having a secret trick up your sleeve during the job hunt.

X - The Achievement : This is your starting point. Think about what you've accomplished in your role. It's not just about your daily tasks; it's about the moments you shined. Were you recognized for something? Did you complete a major project? That's your X.

Y - The Measurement : Numbers are your friends here. By how much did you increase sales or efficiency? By what percentage did customer satisfaction improve? This is about proving your impact with real, tangible results. If exact numbers aren't available, reasonable estimates work too. Just make sure they're grounded in reality.

Z - The Method : How did you achieve X and get those Y results? This could be a new system you implemented, a team you led, or a strategy you devised. Z is all about showing your approach and your unique way of solving problems.

XYZ Formula

Benefits of Using the XYZ Resume Formula

Now, why should you start rearranging your resume with the XYZ formula?

Here are some compelling reasons:

Stand Out in the Crowd : In a sea of standard resumes, the XYZ formula makes yours pop. It's about selling not just your skills, but the success stories that make you unique. Trust me, most resumes out there don't really "sell" the amazing people behind them.

Quantifiable Achievements : Numbers talk!!! By quantifying your achievements, you're giving potential employers concrete evidence of your capabilities. It's the difference between saying you improved sales and stating you boosted sales by 25%.

Clarity and Precision : This formula helps you cut the fluff. It encourages you to be clear and precise, which is exactly what hiring managers appreciate when they have stacks of resumes to go through.

Tells Your Professional Story : The XYZ formula allows you to weave a narrative in your resume. It's not just about what you did, but how and why it mattered. This storytelling aspect can be incredibly engaging for recruiters.

Flexibility Across Industries : Whether you're in tech, healthcare, education, or any other field, the XYZ formula is universal. It adapts to your experiences and showcases them in the best light.

XYZ Resume Formula

And there you have it, XYZ Resume Formula, unpacking how this simple yet powerful approach can transform your resume from a mere document to a standout story of your professional achievements.

Remember, the job market can be a tough nut to crack, but with the XYZ Resume Formula, you're not just another candidate in the pile. You're a story, a collection of impressive achievements, each quantified and clarified for maximum impact. This formula isn't just about getting you noticed; it's about getting you the job.

As you go back to your resume, think of it as your personal billboard. Each bullet point is an advertisement of your skills, achievements, and potential. Use the XYZ formula to make these bullet points as compelling as possible.

Stay confident, be proud of your accomplishments, and let the XYZ Resume Formula showcase the best version of your professional self.

Best of luck, and happy job hunting!

Share this article with others who are seeking remote work so they can benefit from this guidance as well!

People always ask me about the secret of how to adapt the XYZ formula for different career levels and how the XYZ resume formula impacts ATS systems. Well, let me tell you, you're in for a surprise because I'm about to spill the beans!

Adapting the XYZ Formula for Different Career Levels

Your career journey is unique, and whether you're just starting out, mid-way through, or at the top of your game, this formula can be tailored to highlight your specific achievements.

Let's break it down for different career levels:

This post is for paid subscribers

The XYZ Formula for Resume Writing: Transform Your Application

  • November 26, 2023

Crafting an effective resume is crucial for job hunting success. The XYZ formula can significantly improve how you present your experiences. This formula structures your achievements as “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].”

Understanding the XYZ Formula

  • X : The action you took.
  • Y : The measurable impact of your action.
  • Z : How you achieved it.

Bad Resume Examples

  • Vague Descriptions : “Managed a team.”
  • Lacking Impact : “Participated in team meetings and discussions.”

Applying the XYZ Formula: Good Examples

  • From Vague to Specific : “Managed a team of 10, increasing overall productivity by 20% by implementing agile methodologies.”
  • Highlighting Impact : “Contributed to team meetings by proposing a new project management tool, leading to a 30% reduction in project completion time.”

Tips for Using the XYZ Formula

  • Be Specific : Avoid general statements. Be precise about what you did.
  • Quantify Your Impact : Use numbers to highlight the impact of your actions.
  • Explain Your Methods : Show how you achieved your results.

Crafting Your Resume

Start by listing your experiences. Apply the XYZ formula to transform each point into a compelling narrative that demonstrates your value.

The XYZ formula can revolutionize your resume, turning it from a list of tasks to a compelling story of your professional achievements. By focusing on specific actions, measurable impacts, and the methods used, you’ll stand out to potential employers.

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A Guide to the X by Y by Z Resume Framework

We’re always looking at the most effective ways to write a resume  and the best examples for creating a resume . Google hiring managers recently explained how they assess resumes from candidates. Candidates that land job interviews tend to use the x by y by z framework.

So what is it, and how can you use it in your job search?

Table of Contents

The framework is a structured way to present achievements in your resume, making it easily understandable for recruiters looking to fill a role. In each bullet point on your resume, you should focus on an accomplishment, how it was measured and what you did to accomplish it. Broken down, each bullet point should have these three points:

  • Accomplished [x]
  • Measured by [y]
  • By doing [z]

How to outline an accomplishment on your resume

Many people worry that they lack significant accomplishments or measurement frameworks, and therefore can’t use this model. But we guarantee, most of the time, if you outline these three points, you’ll be able to find a few things to outline for each role you’ve held.

For example, did you lead a successful project launch? Save money or time for your company? Reorganize or redevelop a protocol or framework? Start with what you accomplished and work backward from there.

How to measure your achievements in past job roles

Once you are clear on your accomplishments, you can think back to how you knew you were successful. Most likely, it wasn’t just because you got praise from your boss. Maybe you had a key performance indicator that you exceeded, or a financial target you had to hit. This is how your achievement was measured.

Now the easy part – describe what you did in your previous job on your resume

Now comes the easy part – describing what you did to meet your goal! This is the day to day work that you did, which is what most people outline on their resume without thinking about including the measurement framework or goal achieved.

An example of the xyz resume framework

Let’s look at bullet points on a logistics coordinator resume and review how they could be rewritten for the xyz framework.

Without xyz:

Logistics Coordinator – Logistics Company                                                 Jan 2020-Present

  • Coordinated logistics for international shipping company – this is part of every logistics coordinator position so implied, and not necessary to include
  • Liaised with agency and delivery partners in five countries – what impact did this have on your organization?
  • Created shipping schedules and delivery frameworks – what impact did this have on your organization?

These bullet points outline what was done on the job, but give no indication of how impactful these tasks were to the overall organization or how significantly this person improved or exceeded their targets.

  • Improved delivery time by 15%, increasing customer retention by 55%, by creating an automated shipping schedule and delivery framework
  • Created and managed CRM system to streamline and organize communications with agency and delivery partners in five countries

Not every relevant task that you have done can be quantified, and that’s okay – it’s about drawing in data and metrics when you can, and demonstrating how your other contributions were impactful even if you can’t quantify it.

Use action words when you present your accomplishments

Action verbs such as led, developed or achieved call out your accomplishment clearly and succinctly. Use an action verb when you can and make sure it aligns with keywords from the job description to get your resume past the ATS[KJ3]  and into the hands of a hiring manager.

The xyz framework is a great way to organize your thinking when you’re working on your resume, and a wonderful way to showcase the impact you’ve had in your previous roles to your next employer. Good luck!

xyz resume format examples


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Google Recruiters Say Using the ‘X-Y-Z Formula’ on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

Posted September 19th, 2019

By Bill Murphy Jr. – Inc.

More than two million people  apply to work for Google each year , which is more than 20 times the number of employees at the company at any given time.

With that kind of volume, it makes sense that  Google  proactively tries to tell applicants what they should do to improve their odds of  getting noticed  within the herd.

Among its tools are a series of YouTube videos and articles detailing best practices for resumes (embedded below, along with two articles by Google’s former senior vice president of personnel operations).

1. Basic formatting

Google very rarely requests or will even look at a cover letter, so there is a lot riding on resumes. At the outset, the key rule is to keep things simple when it comes to format, and ensure that your resume is highly readable. That includes things like:

  • Formatting your resume as a pdf. This seems like a no-brainer in 2019, but Google’s guides repeat this advice several times, so we have to assume not everyone does this automatically.
  • Skipping the objective. (They know what your objective is: to land this particular job.)
  • Using black text, and keep the font and size clean, simple, and consistent.
  • Checking for typos. This is so important, we’ll say it again: Check for typos.
  • Using bullet points. (How’s this for meta advice, since you’re reading it in a bullet point?) Don’t include long lines of descriptive text. Put yourself in the place of a human resume-reviewer, who is likely reading dozens of resumes at a time.
  • Making sure you include your contact info. Yes, this seems obvious — but make sure your name and email address are prominent. If you’re applying for technical positions, include your Github link (more on that below).

2. Customization

You should write a new, tailored resume for every position you apply for. Also, the Google recruiters advise keeping it under a single page.

But for almost any other type of position, one page is the rule.

This also means that you have to be a ruthless editor. If you have tons of relative experience, you’ll want to describe it all as succinctly as possible, while still getting your message across.

One specific piece of advice is that if any bullet point on your resume spills over by a word or two into a second line, figure out a way to write shorter, so it stays on one line. Space is at a premium with a suggested one-page maximum.

3. Use the X by Y by Z formula

This is the crux of the advice by Laszlo Bock, a former Google senior vice president of personnel operations. You want to adhere to the bullet-points format as we’ve discussed, and articulate your experience in this very specific way.

Google describes this as: “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].” But just to make it easier to remember, let’s shorten it to X-Y-Z.

This means that you want to focus on accomplishments — quantitative results and the impact that you had as a result. It’s probably easiest to explain this by using a few examples from the Google recruiters’ YouTube videos themselves.

  • OK: “Member of Leadership for Tomorrow Society”
  • Better: “Selected as one of 275 for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent.”
  • Best: “Selected as one of 275 participants nationwide for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent based on leadership potential and academic success.”

Here’s another example, this one for a technical position in which the applicant wants to point out that he or she placed second in a hackathon.

  • OK: “Won second place in hackathon.”
  • Better: “Won second place out of 50 teams in hackathon.”
  • Best: “Won second place out of 50 teams in hackathon at NJ Tech by working with two colleagues to develop an app that synchronizes mobile calendars.

(In this case, the last, “best” is my own interpretation; Google doesn’t actually provide the third suggestion. But I hope the point is clear.)

Here’s a final example, intended for a business applicant who wants to show how much he or she contributed in a client support role:

  • OK: “Grew revenue for small and medium business clients.”
  • Better: “Grew revenue for small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ”
  • Best: “Grew revenue for 15 small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ by mapping new software features as solutions to their business goals.”

One point about jargon: Use shorthand like “QoQ” (for quarter over quarter) only if you’re 100 percent sure that the resume reviewer will know exactly what you mean.

4. Advanced formatting

Beyond the basic formatting issues, like keeping it to one page and using bullet points, there are some slightly more advanced formatting issues to consider.

You want to be sure to organize things in the same way that recruiters and reviewers are used to seeing them. The rules include:

  • education before experience if you’re a student or a relatively recent graduate, or
  • experience before education (in reverse chronological order), if you’ve been in the workforce for more than a position or two.

For recent graduates, Google insists on school, degree, major, GPA, and month and year of graduation. But the further away you are from college, the less college and university information you’re expected to include.

“Generally the more recently you attended university, the more detail you should include here,” Google technical recruiter Jeremy Ong says in one of the videos.

The one caveat here, and frankly it’s not something that Google addresses, is how to handle year of graduation if you’re an older applicant.

There’s a point at which Google probably doesn’t want to know your age, so as to reduce the odds of ever having to defend against an age discrimination claim. Obviously putting on your resume that you graduated from college in 1990 suggests you’re well over 40.

Beyond that however, focus on things that are most relevant for the position, and don’t be afraid to cut older positions and achievements, especially if they’re not relevant.

If you have a lengthy work history that would push you beyond the one-page suggested maximum length, you might add a short, additional section mentioning that you have other, less relevant experience, without going into great detail.

5. For technical applicants

If you’re applying for technical or engineering jobs, there are a couple of additional pieces of advice.

The first is to include your Github link, or equivalent, at the top with your contact information. (Ironic, since Microsoft has owned Github since last year.)

Additionally, they want to see your programming languages listed prominently. And as you list projects and experience — either in a separate section or as part of your employment history — include programming languages you used for each project.

Obviously, this is all for step one in the recruiting process — the resume and application — and Google has other videos on later-stage items like how to prepare for specific types of interviews.

But even as someone who isn’t likely to apply for a job with Google or any other company anytime soon, I found it helpful in terms of the information to ask for when recruiting and interviewing.

Here are the links I promised, including two articles by Bock ( here  and  here ), and the two key YouTube videos,  How to: Work at Google — Resume Tips  and  Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice .

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10+ Resume Examples by People Who Got Hired at Google, Adidas & Others

  • Kaja Jurcisinova , 
  • Updated January 12, 2024 5 min read

Over the past couple of years, we've asked hundreds of our users for permission to share their successful resumes with us. Some of them said yes. And now, we can show these resume examples to other job seekers. 

Because in the end, there's theory and there's practice. There's book smart and street smart. And then, there are resume guides and resume examples . 

Although the two best work together, you don't always need the theory to come up with good practical results.

Sure, you can spend hours reading theory on how to write a resume . Or you can take a shortcut and see how other people actually write their resumes.

A single example is often worth a thousand words!

So, let's draw inspiration from people who managed to land a job in some of the most competitive companies in the world. 

Oh, and once you finish your resume, you can try to compare it to other successful resumes from our database and see what you can improve. Our resume analytics tool can do this for you.

Disclaimer: These resume examples were made using Kickresume's templates. The resumes were anonymized, that is unless their author specified that they wanted their real name and information made public.

1. Google: Manufacturing Supervisor Resume Example

Google receives over one million resumes per year. No wonder they've become famous for their demanding interview process. But John has managed to get the job nonetheless.

First, notice how he used the profile section to emphasize four relevant keywords for the position. They're all in caps and bold. 

Second, the bullet points make the CV easy to read by structuring its contents. Third, John quantified most of his accomplishments. When he improves customer satisfaction, it's by 18%, not just by "a lot" . Do the same, be like John.

Manufacturing Supervisor at Google

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

2. NYU: Associate Director Resume Sample

Notice the length of this resume. Although a resume should rarely exceed two pages (or one page in length if you're at the start of your career), “Boby Eduram” was right to make his resume three pages long. 

That's because when applying for a job in academia, especially a career at NYU , you're expected to provide an exhaustive account of your previous professional experiences. Second, he was applying for a senior role. It's easy to justify a three-page resume when you have over 30 years of experience in the field.

Associate Director at NYU

3. ikea: e-commerce operations manager resume example.

This resume is an excellent all-rounder. It could benefit from minor tweaks here and there, but in general, it serves its purpose well. 

It's packed with keywords, clearly structured, and contains little to no irrelevant fluff. In combination with a sleek design , it easily passes the recruiters' seven seconds test . As it turns out, recruiters spend no longer than 8 seconds looking at each resume thanks to lack of time. So by making your resume airy and easy to read, you make their job easier. As a result, your CV will be more likable.

E-commerce Operations Manager at IKEA

4. pepsico: intelligence manager resume example.

We keep saying it again and again—never underestimate the power of past tense! And finally, this is a resume example that does it consistently.

“Hanie” understood that hiring managers don't really care about details of your past responsibilities. Instead, they want to know if you've managed to successfully tackle them. 

Telling someone about that thing you did is infinitely more impressive than telling them about that thing you were supposed to do.

Intelligence Manager at Pepsico

5. accenture: software engineering team lead resume example.

This resume struggled to fill a single page. And it still managed to score an interview with some of the best global consulting companies in the world. How? 

We believe it was the personality it exudes. Notice how it uses the "I". Once you begin your resume with it, it's almost impossible not to tell your story. 

And ultimately, that's at least as important as your hard skills.

In your resume, be a storyteller as well.

Software Engineering Team Lead at Accenture

6. amazon: system administrator resume sample.

This resume example is exceptional in the way it integrates content and design as it makes great use of visual elements to emphasize important keywords. 

Moreover, notice the Awards section . Adding an extra category like this one to your resume can really elevate your chances of being noticed.

Finally, all of its elements work great in unison, providing the hiring manager with an enjoyable reading experience.

System Administrator at Amazon

7. dell: program manager resume sample.

This is one of those resume examples that embodies what a resume really should stand for. But what makes it such? 

Well, first of all, it offers a brief and targeted account of your past experiences. 

Compared to other resume examples that often get too wordy or overly elaborate, Mr. Ghostly's resume remains uncompromisingly efficient. 

A great example of how much can be achieved with a resume that deliberately does only the necessary minimum.

Program Manager at Dell

8. t-mobile: junior product manager resume example.

This resume example has one of the best resume objectives we've ever seen (and we hate resume objectives 90% of the time). It's personable, straight to the point, yet passionate. 

The rest of the resume is equally impressive. So make sure you see the rest of it by clicking on the image below. This will take you to our resume example section . Then, all you'll have to do is to scroll down to see the rest of the text of this resume example. Over there, you'll find an excellent example of how you should list your achievements on a resume .

Junior Product Manager at T-Mobile

9. vodafone: release manager & customer specialist resume example.

“Pedro” has shown us that sometimes it's okay to ditch bullet points in favor of a full-blown narrative. 

Sure, this resume example would look a little bit cleaner if it used bullets, but he did score the job, right? 

Pedro's secret is that via his resume, he manages to absorb you into his story. By doing so he tells you everything you need to know to hire him within only one page. 

What also helps is that the rest of the page is clearly structured, not overcrowded, and offers a fairly well-rounded idea about the person behind the resume.

Release Manager & Customer Support Specialist at Vodafone

10. adidas: sales representative resume sample.

This resume example ties together most of the points we've made about the previous resumes.

It has a great resume summary, clear structure, numerous bullet points , usage of past tense, and makes the most out of a captivating design. 

All of these elements make this resume an excellent example of how a simple career document can get your foot in the door. Even at Adidas.

Sales Representative at Adidas

11. deloitte: finance manager resume sample.

Shalane Flanagan made sure that his resume will be noticed by the ATS. He has done so by using plenty of ATS-friendly keywords throughout his whole resume. 

He also wasn't scared of a little bit of color, so we're sure his resume stood out in the sea of black and white documents once it got into the hands of a recruiter. 

Finally, the number of detailed bullet points used in this resume may be a little overwhelming. But at the same time, it shows that the candidate is skilled and highly experienced.

Finance Manager at Deloitte

12. air france: team manager resume sample.

This final resume is proof that a nice design can indeed get you far. Especially if a creative template is complemented by a clear structure and enough free space between the sections. 

In the end, it creates an orderly, yet original impression. 

Finally, notice the Skills section. This is a great one to include in your resume —especially if you work in IT. It paints a clear picture of your abilities and experience.

Team Manager Resume Sample at Air France

13. amazon: data analyst.

Amazon's workforce has more than doubled in the past five years. As of 2023, Amazon had 1.5 million  full- and part-time employees according to Statista.

To match its rapid expansion, Amazon developed a recruitment process designed to swiftly and efficiently onboard numerous candidates, ensuring they consistently hired top-notch talent.

To do so, Amazon is using advanced tools to help hiring teams sift through many applications quickly without missing out on great candidates.

These programs check the skills and experience of the applicants, as well as references automatically. What does this mean?

It means that you should pay extra attention to these resume sections. Just like the following person:

Data Analyst at Amazon Resume Sample

This article was recently updated. The original article was written by Martin Poduska in 2018.

Kaja Jurcisinova is a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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Revised my resume using XYZ format.

Questions for this:

2 or 3 projects? I can only fit 2 at the moment as this is a single page. Does this pass on an ATS? I have heard some formats are anti-ATS. Positions I am aiming for are web development, Cybersecurity, and software engineering. Is the formatting correct?

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  16. 3. Use the X by Y by Z formula

    Here are the links I promised, including two articles by Bock (here and here), and the two key YouTube videos, How to: Work at Google — Resume Tips and Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and ...

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    Google very rarely requests or will even look at a cover letter, so there is a lot riding on resumes. At the outset, the key rule is to keep things simple when it comes to format, and ensure that your resume is highly readable. That includes things like:

  18. 10+ Resume Examples by People Who Got Hired at Google, Adidas & Others

    Use this sample as your first draft. 10. Adidas: Sales Representative Resume Sample. This resume example ties together most of the points we've made about the previous resumes. It has a great resume summary, clear structure, numerous bullet points, usage of past tense, and makes the most out of a captivating design.

  19. Google's XYZ Resume Formula

    Google's XYZ Resume Formula. A Ladders article offers good advice from Google for writing resumes. Some information is basic, such as tailoring resumes for each job and skipping the objective. The company also suggests the XYZ format for bullets to focus on accomplishments: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].".

  20. How do you do the XYZ formula? : r/Resume

    X - increased customer satisfaction scores by 56% Y - monthly customer satisfaction survey Z - singing them a song at the end of each session. = Increased monthly customer satisfaction survey scored by 56% by singing clients a song after each session. I think the reason you don't see Y explained very mush is because it can be coupled with the X.

  21. Revised my resume using XYZ format. : r/resumes

    Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and. Indicate the types of roles and industries you're interested in. Don't forget to check out the wiki as well as the quick links below for tips: Resume Writing Guide. Try Resumatic, a GPT-Powered Resume Builder.