Subtraction Worksheets

Welcome to the Subtraction Worksheets page at where you will get less of an experience than our other pages! This page includes Subtraction worksheets on topics such as five minute frenzies, one-, two-, three- and multi-digit subtraction and subtracting across zeros.

Subtraction has been around for several years now... well maybe more than a few, so it's probably a good thing for students to learn. People experience subtraction every minute of their lives from banks and the government taking away your money to the cookies in the jar mysteriously disappearing. With a good knowledge of subtraction, you can understand why your bank account reaches zero and do something to prevent it from happening.

Some students do have difficulty with subtraction, so take it easy on them. Help them to learn their addition facts first. Once they know those, they will need a few more strategies to successfully subtract. Teaching with manipulatives like base ten blocks or cereal or insects in the park can help students gain a deeper understanding of subtraction. The subtracting worksheets on this page are meant to support good teaching practices, so only use them for independent learning if students are practising skills they already know.

We use the words, minuend, subtrahend and difference on this page. Please refer to the following, so you know which word means which part of a subtraction question.

Minuend - Subtrahend = Difference

Most Popular Subtraction Worksheets this Week

Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers With Some Regrouping (49 Questions)

Subtraction Facts Tables

subtraction math homework

Five minute subtraction frenzies are timed practice charts that help students develop subtraction fact recall speed. These charts are similar to the addition and multiplication frenzy charts, but due to the nature of how subtraction works, we could not focus solely on the single digit fact families. For example, you might get questions like 18 - 4 = 14. You also have to be aware that you must subtract the row number from the column number to get a positive number (or zero). Other than that, they should be a nice way to practice some mental subtraction. As with most of these pages, please only use them as a timed activity with students who will experience success. If a student does not have the necessary skills to complete a frenzy in under five minutes, you may need to take a different approach to how you deliver this page. For all others, students should be able to complete this page in under five minutes with a 98% or greater accuracy and improve their time as they get more practice.

  • Five Minute Subtraction Frenzies Five Minute Subtraction Frenzy (Minuends 9 to 18; Subtrahends 0 to 9) Five Minute Subtraction Frenzy (Minuends 29 to 38; Subtrahends 10 to 19) Five Minute Subtraction Frenzy (Minuends 41 to 50; Subtrahends 16 to 25)

Most of the subtraction tables in this section are meant to be used as a reference for students learning their subtraction facts. After a while, most students will remember the facts and recall them easily when completing math problems.

  • Subtraction Facts Tables 0 to 11 Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Grey Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Color Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 with Facts Highlighted Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Montessori Colors Subtraction Facts 0 to 11 in Montessori Colors with Facts Highlighted
  • Subtraction Facts Tables 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts Tables in Gray 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts Tables in Color 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts Tables in Montessori Colors 1 to 12 Subtraction Facts 1 to 12 with Facts Highlighted Subtraction Facts 1 to 12 in Montessori Colors with Facts Highlighted
  • Compact Subtraction Facts Tables Compact Subtraction Table (Filled) Compact Subtraction Table (Blank)

Single-Digit Subtraction Facts

subtraction math homework

Subtracting single-digit facts is a skill that students generally learn after or while they are learning single-digit addition facts. The subtraction worksheets in this section are meant to be used for practice, testing or with teacher guidance. They will not teach students how to subtract or what the connection is between addition and subtraction; for that, students require a teacher or parent.

Some students might find it easier to start with subtraction facts with minuends (the first number) limited to 9 or lower. This way, they don't need to count across 10 eliminating that extra pesky digit... for now.

  • Subtracting Single-Digit from Single-Digit Numbers 100 Subtraction Questions with Minuends up to 9 64 Subtraction Questions with Minuends up to 9 25 Subtraction Questions with Minuends up to 9

In relation to addition facts, the following worksheets cover the facts from 0 to 9, and the worksheets after that cover the addition facts from 1 to 9. The minuends are the amounts to be subtracted from, so a minuend of 18 means that both the subtrahend (the amount being subtracted) and the difference will be 9. The worksheets marked with an asterisk (*) include all possible questions in a random order on each version of the worksheet.

  • Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (100* Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (81 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (64 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (50 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (0 − 0) to (18 − 9) (12 Very Large Print Questions) ✎
  • Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (No Zeros) Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (100 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (81* Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (64 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (50 Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtraction Facts from (2 − 1) to (18 − 9) (12 Very Large Print Questions) ✎
  • Subtraction Facts with Minuends from 10 to 18 100 Subtraction Questions with Minuends from 10 to 18 and All Regrouping (100 Questions) 64 Subtraction Questions with Minuends from 10 to 18 and All Regrouping (64 Questions) 25 Subtraction Questions with Minuends from 10 to 18 and All Regrouping (25 Large Print Questions)

Sometimes students just need to reinforce a single number at a time which is where these worksheets come in. There are three sets of worksheets in this section, each with a different number of questions. The last set is the most interesting as there are no questions repeated. Eleven and Twelve have been included as they are essentially subtracting by 10 and 1 or 2 more.

  • Subtracting Individual Focus or Target Facts (50 Questions per Page) Subtracting 0 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 1 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 2 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 3 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 4 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 5 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 6 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 7 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 8 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 9 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 10 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 11 (50 Questions) ✎ Subtracting 12 (50 Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Individual Focus or Target Facts (25 Questions per Page) Subtracting Zero (0) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting One (1) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Two (2) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Three (3) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Four (4) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Five (5) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Six (6) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Seven (7) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Eight (8) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎ Subtracting Nine (9) (25 Large Print Questions) ✎
  • Subtracting Individual Focus or Target Facts with Differences of 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions per Page) Subtracting One (1) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Two (2) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Three (3) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Four (4) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Five (5) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Six (6) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Seven (7) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Eight (8) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Nine (9) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Ten (10) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Eleven (11) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎ Subtracting Twelve (12) with Differences 0 to 99 (100 Unique Questions) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 Horizontal Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 (100 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 (50 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtraction Facts with Minuends to 18 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 Horizontal Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 (100 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 (50 Questions) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 1 to 5 from 1 to 10 (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting 1s and 2s from Single-Digit Minuends Horizontal Subtracting Ones from Single-Digit Minuends (25 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting Twos from Single-Digit Minuends (25 per page) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting Individual Focus Facts Horizontal Subtracting 0s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 1s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 2s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 3s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 4s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 5s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 6s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 7s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 8s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 9s (100 per page) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Subtracting Pairs of Individual Focus Facts Horizontal Subtracting 0s and 1s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 2s and 3s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 4s and 5s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 6s and 7s (100 per page) ✎ Horizontal Subtracting 8s and 9s (100 per page) ✎
  • Subtracting a Number from Itself Subtracting a Number from Itself (Range 1 to 20)

The make ten subtraction strategy involves "spliting" the subtrahend (amount being subtracted) into two parts. The first part should be the exact amount that will reduce the minuend (the first number) to ten (or multiple of ten as the case may be) and the second part is the leftover amount. The strategy helps students internalize a mental strategy for subtracting across tens. For example, with the question 15 - 9, students first recognize that they need to subtract 5 to get 10, so they split the 9 into 5 and 4. Subtracting 5 from 15 results in 10 and subtracting 4 more results in 6, so 15 - 9 = 6. This strategy can be used any time students need to subtract "over" a multiple of ten and there are many worksheets in this section to practice it. For example, subtracting 84 - 8, students recognize that they must subtract 4 from 84 to get 80 which leaves 4 more to subtract from 80 to get 76.

  • Make Ten Strategy Worksheets with 10 and Multiples of 10 Make 10 Subtraction Strategy Make 20 Subtraction Strategy Make 30 Subtraction Strategy Make 40 Subtraction Strategy Make 50 Subtraction Strategy Make 60 Subtraction Strategy Make 70 Subtraction Strategy Make 80 Subtraction Strategy Make 90 Subtraction Strategy Make Multiples of 10 Subtraction Strategy

Long Subtraction Worksheets

subtraction math homework

Try teaching a mental math strategy for subtraction called counting up. Here is how it is done:

Start with the second number (the subtrahend) and count up by tens until you find the closest value to the first number (the minuend). Keep track of how many tens you counted. Add or subtract a single digit number to get the minuend exactly then adjust the tens by that amount. For the question, 84 - 35, start at 35, and count, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 (five tens) and one down to get 84. Five tens minus one is 49. For the question 65 - 22, start at 22 and count, 32, 42, 52, 62 (four tens) and three up to get 65. Four tens and three is 43. The previous examples used two-digit numbers, but the strategy can swiftly be modified for larger numbers. How far can your students go with it? Here is an example with three-digit numbers:

Let's use the question 927 - 648. First, count up by hundreds to 948 (that's 300). Then count down by tens to 928 (that's -20). Finally count down by ones to 927 (that's one). 300 - 20 - 1 = 279. That's almost easier than adding!

The multi-digit or long subtraction worksheets in the first part of this section are classic long subtraction worksheets with randomly generated numbers. Regrouping should be necessary about half of the time. Versions with ALL regrouping and NO regrouping follow. If you would like to see numbers with thousands separators, look a little further down and choose the appropriate version for your location.

  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ 3-Digit Expanded Form Subtraction Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 1-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 1-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 1- to 3-Digit from 1- to 3-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 9-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with Some Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎

For students who need a little extra help with lining things up, these long subtraction worksheets have the digits spaced farther apart on a grid. The answer keys also show the carrying values to help diagnose where things went wrong (but hopefully they won't).

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Grid Support 2-Digit Minus 2-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 3-Digit Minus 2-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 4-Digit Minus 3-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 4-Digit Minus 4-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 5-Digit Minus 4-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 5-Digit Minus 5-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 6-Digit Minus 5-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 6-Digit Minus 6-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 2- to 4-Digit Minus 2- to 4-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support 3- to 6-Digit Minus 3- to 6-Digit Subtraction With Grid Support

The next long subtraction worksheets include questions that require regrouping at every step. They can be frustrating and difficult for students who are not familiar with the concept of subtraction. Try showing them with base ten blocks how regrouping works.

  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping Subtracting 1-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 1-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 8-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 6-Digit Numbers with All Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎

Some students require a little extra help when learning to subtract large numbers. These subtraction worksheets include questions where the regrouping step has been eliminated. This might help students learn a subtraction algorithm before learning about regrouping.

  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting up to 3-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 2-Digit from 2-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 3-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 9-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ✎
  • Subtracting 4- to 6-Digit Numbers with No Regrouping (Large Print) Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping ( Large Print ) ✎

Why horizontal subtraction worksheets? Students can show their understanding of place value and number sense if they do not already have the numbers lined up. Vertical subtraction is often learned based on a student's understanding of single-digit subtraction, but looking at the whole number is lost in the algorithm.

  • Horizontally Arranged 2-Digit Minus 1-Digit Questions 2-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (100 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged 2-Digit Minus 2-Digit Questions 2-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (100 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 2-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged 3-Digit Minus 1-Digit Questions 3-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (100 Questions) ✎ 3-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 3-digit Minus 1-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged 3-Digit Minus 2-Digit Questions 3-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 3-digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎ 3-Digit Minus 2-Digit Horizontal Subtraction ( All Regrouping ; 100 Questions)
  • Horizontally Arranged 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Questions 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ 3-Digit Minus 3-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎
  • Horizontally Arranged Various-Digit Minus Various-Digit Questions Various-Digit Minus Various-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (50 Questions) ✎ Various-Digit Minus Various-Digit Horizontal Subtraction (25 Questions; Large Print) ✎

Many students in English-speaking countries are used to seeing numbers with comma-separated thousands.

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Comma Separated Thousands Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Comma Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 4 digits (Comma Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 5 digits (Comma Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Comma Separated Thousands and All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Comma Separated Thousands and No Regrouping Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Comma Separated) ✎

Space-separated thousands are becoming more widely used, including in the United States. Canadian students have used both comma separated and space separated thousands for many years.

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Space Separated Thousands Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Space Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 4 digits (Space Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 5 digits (Space Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Space Separated Thousands and All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Space Separated Thousands and No Regrouping Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Space Separated) ✎

Even though period separated thousands are not common in the English-speaking world, we provide these for our friends in other countries who may find them useful.

  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Period Separated Thousands Subtracting 2-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 4-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 2-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 3-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 4-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers (Period Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 4 digits (Period Separated) ✎ Mixture of Multi-Digit Subtraction from 2 to 5 digits (Period Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Period Separated Thousands and All Regrouping Subtracting 4-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 5-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit Numbers with ALL Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎
  • Long Subtraction Worksheets with Period Separated Thousands and No Regrouping Subtracting 5-Digit from 5-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 6-Digit from 6-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 7-Digit from 7-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 8-Digit from 8-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎ Subtracting 9-Digit from 9-Digit Numbers with NO Regrouping (Period Separated) ✎

Various Other Long Subtraction Worksheets

subtraction math homework

Generally, a student would not regroup to determine the complements of 10, 100, 1000, etc. One strategy that could be used is as follows: working from left to right, a student would take each digit in the subtrahend and figure out its nines complement. If the digit was 3, for example, the nines complement of 3 is 6. For the last digit (ones), the student would use the tens complement. For example, a typical question is 1000 - 456. The nines complement of 4 is 5, the nines complement of 5 is 4 and the tens complement of 6 is 4. Putting it all together, the student would get 5 4 4 or 544 = 1000 - 456.

  • Calculating Complements of Powers of Ten (Subtracting Across Zeros) Complements of 10 Complements of 100 Complements of 1000 Complements of 10000 Complements of 100 and 1000 Complements of 1000 and 10000 Complements of 100, 1000 and 10000

A similar strategy is employed with the next worksheets except students must adapt to calculating the largest place value number.

  • Calculating Complements of Multiples of Powers of Ten (Subtracting Across Zeros) Subtracting from multiples of 10 Subtracting from multiples of 100 Subtracting from multiples of 1000 Subtracting from multiples of 10000 Subtracting from a mixture of multiples of 100 and 1000 Subtracting from a mixture of multiples of 1000 and 10000 Subtracting from a mixture of multiples of 100, 1000 and 10000

These worksheets are meant to give students practice dealing with 0's in the middles of subtraction questions. Whether using pencil and paper or mental arithmetic, it is always a good idea to make sure students know what to do when they encounter zeros.

  • Subtracting Across Zeros in the Middle (Ones Always Need Regrouping) 3-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones always need regrouping ) 4-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones always need regrouping ) 5-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones always need regrouping )
  • Subtracting Across Zeros in the Middle (Ones Sometimes Need Regrouping) 3-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones sometimes need regrouping ) 4-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones sometimes need regrouping ) 5-Digit Subtraction across zeros in the middle ( Ones sometimes need regrouping )

Subtracting numbers in number systems other than decimal numbers including binary, quaternary, octal, duodecimal and hexadecimal numbers.

  • Subtracting in Other Base Number Systems Subtracting Binary Numbers (Base 2) Subtracting Ternary Numbers (Base 3) Subtracting Quaternary Numbers (Base 4) Subtracting Quinary Numbers (Base 5) Subtracting Senary Numbers (Base 6) Subtracting Octal Numbers (Base 8) Subtracting Duodecimal Numbers (Base 12) Subtracting Hexadecimal Numbers (Base 16) Subtracting Vigesimal Numbers (Base 20) Subtracting Hexatrigesimal Numbers (Base 36) Subtracting Various Numbers (Various Bases)

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Subtraction Worksheets and Printables

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Subtraction Worksheets Hub Page

Welcome our Subtraction Worksheets hub page.

Here you will find a wide range of free printable subtraction sheets, games and other activities which will help your child improve their subtracting skills.

We also have a range of subtraction word problem sheets, subtraction puzzles and games to play!

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Subtraction Learning

Subtraction is a process which most children learn quite naturally as soon as they learn to start counting. During kindergarten and first grade, it is really important for kids to have the chance to work practically with their math.

An example might be that a child has 10 sweets. They give 3 to their teddy. How many do they have left? What if they gave another to their teddy? What if their teddy had 8 sweets, how many would be left for them?

Later on, when children are confident Subtracting practically, they can progress on to number lines or counting back in their heads. When children have understood this, they can begin to learn their Subtraction facts and progress on to column Subtraction. At 4th and 5th grade level, they start Subtracting decimals.

Knowing your Subtraction facts is still a key skill that children need to be able to use in real life math - you may not always have a pencil and paper to hand to do your column Subtraction, but you will always have your Subtraction facts!

Subtraction Worksheets

On this page you will find link to our range of subtraction math worksheets.

Quicklinks to subtraction sheets ...

Subtraction Worksheets by Grade

Subtraction facts worksheets.

  • Column Subtraction Sheets
  • Subtracting Positive & Negative Numbers

Subtraction Word Problems

  • Subtraction Games

Supporting Subtraction Resources

Kindergarten subtraction worksheets.

  • Kindergarten Subtraction Worksheets (easier)
  • Subtraction to 10 Worksheets (harder)

Top of Page

First Grade Subtraction Worksheets

  • Subtracting on a Number Line Worksheets
  • Number Line Addition and Subtraction
  • Subtraction Facts to 12
  • Add and Subtract 10 Worksheets
  • Subtracting tens
  • Two Digit Subtraction Worksheets Without Regrouping
  • 2 Digit Subtraction Worksheets With Regrouping
  • 2 Digit Addition & Subtraction Worksheets
  • 1st Grade Subtraction Word Problems

Second Grade Subtraction Worksheets

  • Subtraction Facts to 20 Worksheets

This link will open our 2nd-grade-math-salamanders site in a new window.

  • Subtract 1, 10 or 100 Worksheets
  • Add and Subtract Within 20 Worksheets
  • 3 Digit Subtraction Worksheets
  • 3 Digit Addition and Subtraction Worksheets
  • Subtraction Word Problems 2nd grade

3rd Grade Subtraction Worksheets

  • Third Grade Subtraction Worksheets to 100
  • 4 Digit Subtraction Worksheets
  • 4 Digit Addition and Subtraction

These sheets involve solving 3-digit and 4-digit subtraction problems.

  • Subtraction Word Problems 3rd Grade

4th Grade Subtraction Worksheets

  • 5 Digit Subtraction Worksheets
  • Money Subtraction Worksheets ($)

5th Grade Subtraction Worksheets

  • Subtracting Decimals Worksheets (mental)
  • 5th Grade Subtraction Worksheets up to Billions
  • Decimal Subtraction Worksheets (columns)

Here you will find a selection of Mental Subtraction sheets designed to help your child improve their recall of Subtraction Facts.

The math sheets start off with learning Subtracting facts to 10, progress on to Subtracting to 20 then up to 100 at third grade level.

When children reach 4th grade, they start learning to subtract decimals and money amounts using column Subtraction.

The printable sheets below will support your child with their Subtraction learning.

Subtraction Fact Worksheet Generator

Here is our free generator for subtraction sheets.

This easy-to-use generator will create randomly generated subtraction sheets for you to use.

Each sheet comes complete with answers if required.

The areas the generator covers includes:

  • subtraction with numbers up to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100 and 1000;
  • subtraction by 10s from 2 digit numbers;
  • subtraction by 100s from 3 digit numbers;
  • subtraction with numbers to 10 with one decimal place;
  • subtraction with numbers to 1 with 2 decimal places;
  • subtraction involving negative numbers.

These generated sheets can be used in a number of ways to help your child with their subtraction fact learning.

  • Free Subtraction Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Addition Subtraction Worksheets (randomly generated)

Subtracting to 10 Sheets (Kindergarten & 1st Grade)

Here you will find a selection of Subtraction sheets designed to help your child learn their Subtraction facts up to 10.

The sheets are graded so that kids are supported for the first few sheets with objects to count, then a number line and finally the support is withdrawn in the final sheets.

Using these sheets will help your child learn to:

  • subtract numbers up to a total of 10.

Subtraction Facts to 12 (1st Grade)

Here you will find a range of Free Printable First Grade Subtraction sheets designed to help you child to learn their Subtraction facts to 12.

  • learn their Subtraction facts up to 12;
  • First Grade Addition and Subtraction to 12

Subtracting tens (1st Grade)

The following sheets will help your child learn and practice subtracting multiples of 10 up to 100.

The sheets are carefully graded and supported.

Subtraction Facts to 20 (2nd Grade)

Here you will find a range of Free Printable 2nd Grade Subtraction Sheets designed to help you child to learn their Subtraction facts to 20.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • learn their Subtraction facts up to 20;
  • Free Subtraction Facts to 20

Subtraction Facts to 100 (3rd Grade)

Here you will find a range of 3rd Grade free printable Subtraction sheets.

The following sheets develop children's knowledge of their Subtraction facts up to 100.

  • learn to subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s to different numbers
  • learn their Subtraction facts to 100

Decimal Subtraction Facts (5th Grade)

Here you will find a range of 5th Grade free printable Decimal Subtraction sheets.

The following sheets develop children's understanding of place value and decimals as well as applying their Subtraction fact knowledge to work out their decimal Subtraction facts.

  • subtract numbers mentally involving tenths and hundredths.

Column Subtraction Worksheets

Column Subtraction starts properly once children reach 1st grade, and after they have a good understanding of counting and place value. At first grade, children learn to subtract with numbers up to 100.

Once they have mastered this, they can progress on to Subtracting a range of 3 digit, then 4 and 5 digit numbers together in columns.

Once they reach 4th and 5th grade, they learn to subtract together columns of numbers which include decimals up to 2 decimal places.

  • Subtraction With Regrouping Worksheet Generator

Take a look at our Subtraction Worksheet Generators.

You can create your own subtraction worksheets with your own range of numbers.

You can use numbers up to 7 digits, and also include decimals and money.

This generator will create money subtraction worksheets set out in columns.

  • Subtracting Money Worksheets (random)

Column Subtraction to 100 (1st & 2nd Grade)

Here you will find a range of 1st Grade Column Subtraction sheets which are designed to help your child master their column Subtraction.

The following sheets will help your child to:

  • subtract with numbers up to 100 in columns;
  • understand how to do column Subtraction.

3 Digit Column Subtraction (2nd Grade)

Here you will find a range of 2nd Grade Column Subtraction sheets which are designed to help your child master their column Subtraction.

  • subtract with numbers up to 1000 in columns.

Column Subtraction 4 Digits (3rd Grade)

Here you will find a range of 3rd Grade Column Subtraction sheets which are designed to help your child master their column Subtraction.

  • subtract with numbers up to 10,000 in columns.

Column Subtraction with Larger Numbers (4th & 5th Grade)

Here you will find a range of 4th Grade Column Subtraction sheets which are designed to help your child master their column Subtraction.

  • subtract with numbers up to 100,000 in columns.

Decimal Column Subtraction (4th & 5th Grade)

Here you will find a range of 4th Grade Column Subtraction sheets which are designed to help your child master their column Subtraction with money using decimals.

  • subtract money in columns involving decimals.

Subtracting Positive & Negative Numbers (6th Grade)

We also have a generator for creating your own subtraction worksheets involving signed integers.

You can choose the values you want and tailor the worksheets to your needs.

  • Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers (randomly generated)

Here are some of our subtraction word problem worksheets.

The worksheets have been sorted by grade.

  • 2nd Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
  • 3rd Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (3- and 4-digits)

Here you will find a range of Free Printable Subtraction Games to help kids learn their subtraction facts.

Using these games will help your child to learn their subtraction facts, and also to develop their memory and strategic thinking skills.

Here you will find our selection of free resources such as flashcards and 100 squares to help your child to count on and back, and learn their subtraction facts.

Printable Subtraction Flashcards

Here you will find a selection of printable Subtraction Flashcards designed to help your child learn their subtraction facts.

Using flashcards is a great way to learn your math facts. They can be taken on a journey, played with in a game, or used in a spare five minutes daily until your child knows their facts off by heart.

  • learn their subtraction facts.
  • Free Math Flashcards Subtraction

Basic Math Facts 0-99 (and 1-100) Charts

On this webpage you will find our range of basic math fact charts.

There is a wide range of printable charts, including larger charts and mini charts, blank charts and partially filled charts.

Using these charts will help your child to:

  • learn their numbers up to 100;
  • understand how to count on and back in ones and tens.
  • Printable Number Charts 0-99
  • Hundred Number Charts (100 Squares)

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

  • How to Print support

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Subtraction Worksheets

Whether you're teaching basic single-digit or advanced multi-digit subtraction, we have a wide selection of printable worksheets and resources for you to choose from. Most worksheets are Common Core aligned, and some are even available in both English and Spanish.

Subtraction Worksheets

Basic Subtraction

These worksheets and activities contain very basic subtraction facts. Each problem has a minuend, subtrahend, and difference that is 10 or less. (examples: 5-3=2 and 6-5=1) Approx Level: Kindergarten and 1st Grades

Here you'll find dozens of printable math activities for teaching single-digit subtraction. The collection includes some free subtraction worksheets, math games, mystery pictures, task cards, and learning center activities. This set has minuends up to 20 and differences to 10. (examples: 11-6=5 and 18-9=9) Approx. Level: 1st and 2nd grades

Multi-Digit Subtraction

Download and print task cards, games, and worksheets for teaching 2-digit addition. These very basic problems do not require students to regroup, rename, or borrow. Enjoy some subtraction worksheet for free or signup today to use thousands of useful printables! Approximately 1st and 2nd grades.

These subtraction problems require students to borrow or regroup. This page has worksheets, scoot games, magic digit activities, and graph paper math.

Printable drill worksheets, a scoot game, a magic digits game, task cards, graph paper math, and word problems.

These activities can be used when teaching students to subtract 4-digit numbers. Includes several PDFs for subtracting across zero.

These printable activities can be used to teach and review subtraction with 5-digit numbers. Worksheets include task cards, a puzzle picture, a subtraction crossword, and more

Use these resources to practice subtracting money and making change. Includes task cards, graph paper math, and worksheets.

Use models, hundreds charts, and mental math to subtract 10 and multiples of 10 from 2-digit numbers. (examples: 56-10=46 and 68-40=28)

Make Your Own Subtraction Worksheets

Everyone can create your own basic subtraction worksheets for free with this generator tool. The sheets you create with this tool can be used for timed tests or extra practice.

Create your own subtraction worksheets with 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6-digit numbers. You can select vertical or horizontal problems.

Fraction and Decimal Subtraction

This page has a series of worksheets for addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers.

Learn to add and subtract decimals with tenths, hundredths, and thousandths place values.

Addition and Subtraction Mixed

These worksheets have a mixture of addition and subtraction facts on them.

Face families are groups of numbers that work together to form addition and subtraction facts.

This page of integer worksheets includes a few worksheets on subtracting positive and negative numbers.

These multi-step word problems require students to use multiple operations.

You'll find many mystery picture worksheets with basic addition and subtraction on this page.

Practice adding and subtracting on number lines.

On these math word problems, students will use a variety of skills, including add, subtract, tell time, count money, and geometry.

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Math online / Math Worksheets / Subtraction Worksheets FREE

Math Subtraction Worksheets PDF | free download

Here are free subtraction worksheets for kids that you can use to practice subtraction skills. Download math subtraction worksheets in PDF for use at home or in the classroom.

Try also our online subtraction games here →

subtraction math homework

Free subtraction worksheets PDF

Single digit subtraction.

Free subtraction worksheets PDF free download.

Subtraction puzzles

math subtraction worksheets printable

Subtraction up to 30

Free subtraction worksheets PDF free download.

Click here to download 2 pages for free.

100 Matchstick Puzzles in PDF

Printable math matchstick puzzles with answers. Move 1 stick to fix the equation.


Digital download: 102 pages

Basic subtraction worksheets FREE

Most of these free printable subtraction worksheets for kids are generated automatically, so every time you get a new subtraction sheet. So, if there is written ´Generate a new PDF´ under the worksheet, you can download as many different math subtraction problems as you want.

subtraction math homework

Subtraction within 10

Free printable subtraction worksheets for kids

Subtraction up to 20

free subtraction worksheets PDF


Solve online subtraction games and puzzles.

Free math worksheets subtraction

Subtraction BINGO

free subtraction worksheets PDF. printable subtraction practice worksheets.

Subtraction pyramid

Free subtraction worksheets PDF

Subtraction pyramids

basic subtraction worksheets printable

2 digit subtraction

Free subtraction worksheets PDF.

3 digit subtraction

subtraction math homework

Subtraction cards

DIVISION sums with answers.

School timetable

subtraction math homework

Addition and subtraction worksheets

I prepared also printable addition and subtraction worksheets as PDF packet, which contains 100 crossword puzzles. These addition and subtraction worksheets are developed with the aim to help children to correct their own mistakes. Check it below.

Math Workbook

subtraction math homework

Math subtraction sheets

Here are some mixed addition and subtraction worksheets for kids.

Number bonds to 10

Free math worksheets for subtraction PDF

Number bonds to 20

mixed addition and subtraction worksheets for kids.

Number bonds to 50

subtraction sums.

Number bonds to 100

subtraction problems free.

Magic squares puzzles

mixed addition and subtraction worksheets for kids.

Add and subtract to 100

mixed addition and subtraction worksheets printable

Picture math puzzles

subtraction worksheets

Math picture puzzles

Math worksheets for subtraction.

Math worksheets subtraction PDF download

Our math subtraction worksheets are PDF documents which you can easily download. Just click on the image of the subtraction worksheet and download the printable PDF.

Each of these printable subtraction worksheets contains also the link to the online game where kids can practice a given subtraction problem online.

Subtraction sheets for higher grades contain also the answer key.

Free subtraction worksheets PRINTABLE

Free Math Worksheets

Download the collection of our best math worksheets for Grade 1-5.

Download now

Other math worksheets

  • Kindergarten Math Worksheets
  • 1st Grade Math Worksheets
  • 2nd Grade Math Worksheets
  • 3rd Grade Math Worksheets
  • 4th Grade Math Worksheets
  • 5th Grade Math Worksheets

Free printable subtraction worksheets for kids

These free printable subtraction worksheets cover the following topics: subtracting with and without pictures, subtracting single digit numbers, subtracting double digit numbers, subtracting three digit numbers, subtracting with regrouping/borrowing, subtraction facts and fact families, subtraction strategies such as counting back, using a number line or using a subtraction chart etc.

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Printable Subtraction Worksheets

Need to make subtraction practice fun for your child? Our printable subtraction worksheets can help! This collection features engaging subtraction exercises aligned perfectly with classroom learning, covering subtraction facts, strategies (such as making 10), column subtraction with and without regrouping, su ... Read more btraction involving large numbers (up to 6 digits), word problems, and more! Incorporate our subtraction worksheets into your child's study routine for maximum benefits! Start now for free!

subtraction math homework


  • Lesson Plans
  • Math (6,368)
  • Number Sense (935)
  • Number Recognition (20)
  • Number Recognition Within 5 (5)
  • Number Recognition Within 10 (5)
  • Number Recognition Within 20 (10)
  • Number Tracing (450)
  • Number Tracing Within 5 (130)
  • Number Tracing Within 10 (120)
  • Number Tracing Within 20 (200)
  • Number Sequence (27)
  • Counting (132)
  • Counting Objects Within 5 (58)
  • Counting Objects Within 10 (63)
  • Counting Objects Within 20 (11)
  • Compare Numbers (100)
  • Compare Objects (10)
  • Compare Numbers Using Place Value (24)
  • Compare 3-Digit Numbers (19)
  • Order Numbers (22)
  • Order 3-Digit Numbers (10)
  • Skip Counting (43)
  • Skip Count By 2 (12)
  • Skip Count By 5 (11)
  • Skip Count By 10 (11)
  • Skip Count By 100 (11)
  • Even And Odd Numbers (24)
  • Place Value (65)
  • Teen Numbers (11)
  • Round Numbers (31)
  • Round Numbers To The Nearest 10 (10)
  • Round Numbers To The Nearest 100 (10)
  • Addition (862)
  • Add With Pictures (142)
  • Addition Properties (31)
  • Commutative Property Of Addition (10)
  • Addition Strategies (185)
  • Compose And Decompose Numbers (72)
  • Number Bonds (10)
  • Count All To Add (12)
  • Add Using A Number Line (12)
  • Count On To Add (12)
  • Add With 10 (22)
  • Doubles And Near Doubles Addition Strategy (16)
  • Make 10 Strategy (14)
  • Add Using Multiples Of 10 (18)
  • Add Three Whole Numbers (53)
  • 2-Digit Addition (79)
  • 2-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (37)
  • 2-Digit Addition With Regrouping (10)
  • 3-Digit Addition (105)
  • 3-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (34)
  • 3-Digit Addition With Regrouping (42)
  • 4-Digit Addition (30)
  • 4-Digit Addition Without Regrouping (12)
  • 4-Digit Addition With Regrouping (12)
  • Large Numbers Addition (53)
  • 5-Digit Addition (24)
  • 6-Digit Addition (25)
  • Subtraction (747)
  • Subtract With Pictures (75)
  • Subtraction Strategies (89)
  • Subtract Using A Number Line (14)
  • Subtract From 10 Strategy (10)
  • Subtract Using Multiples Of 10 (17)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction (144)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (77)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (22)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction (116)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (52)
  • 3-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (25)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction (52)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction Without Regrouping (24)
  • 4-Digit Subtraction With Regrouping (24)
  • Large Numbers Subtraction (106)
  • 5-Digit Subtraction (49)
  • 6-Digit Subtraction (49)
  • Multiplication (611)
  • Multiplication Strategies (99)
  • Multiplication With Equal Groups (25)
  • Multiplication With Arrays (24)
  • Multiplication Sentences (54)
  • Repeated Addition To Multiply (15)
  • Times Tables (177)
  • Multiplication By 2 (15)
  • Multiplication By 3 (16)
  • Multiplication By 4 (15)
  • Multiplication By 5 (18)
  • Multiplication By 6 (15)
  • Multiplication By 7 (14)
  • Multiplication By 8 (15)
  • Multiplication By 9 (14)
  • Multiplication By 10 (15)
  • Multiplication By 11 (17)
  • Multiplication By 12 (17)
  • Multiplication Properties (148)
  • Commutative Property Of Multiplication (10)
  • Distributive Property Of Multiplication (71)
  • Multiply By Multiples Of 10 (52)
  • Estimate Products (18)
  • Multi-Digit Multiplication (152)
  • Multiply 2-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (33)
  • Multiply 2-Digit By 2-Digit Numbers (47)
  • Multiply 3-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (13)
  • Multiply 3-Digit By 2-Digit Numbers (26)
  • Multiply 4-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (11)
  • Division (323)
  • Divide On A Number Line (10)
  • Division Facts (98)
  • Division By 2 (10)
  • Division By 3 (10)
  • Division By 4 (10)
  • Division By 5 (10)
  • Division By 6 (10)
  • Division By 7 (10)
  • Division By 8 (10)
  • Division By 9 (10)
  • Division By 10 (14)
  • Estimate Quotients (15)
  • Long Division (89)
  • Divide 2-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (13)
  • Divide 3-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (16)
  • Divide 4-Digit By 1-Digit Numbers (14)
  • Fractions (449)
  • Fractions Using Models (51)
  • Fractions On A Number Line (16)
  • Compare Fractions (42)
  • Compare Fractions Using Models (10)
  • Compare Fractions Using A Number Line (10)
  • Order Fractions (20)
  • Order Fractions Using Models (10)
  • Equivalent Fractions (45)
  • Equivalent Fractions Using Models (19)
  • Equivalent Fractions Using A Number Line (10)
  • Improper Fractions As Mixed Numbers (12)
  • Fractions Operations (257)
  • Add Fractions (36)
  • Add Fractions Using Models (16)
  • Add Like Fractions (11)
  • Add Unlike Fractions (12)
  • Estimate Fraction Sums (4)
  • Subtract Fractions (34)
  • Subtract Fractions Using Models (15)
  • Subtract Like Fractions (11)
  • Subtract Unlike Fractions (11)
  • Add Mixed Numbers (41)
  • Add Mixed Numbers Using Models (12)
  • Add A Mixed Number To A Fraction (14)
  • Subtract Mixed Numbers (42)
  • Subtract Mixed Numbers Using Models (11)
  • Subtract A Fraction From A Mixed Number (14)
  • Multiply Fractions (43)
  • Multiply Fractions Using Models (8)
  • Multiply Fractions By Whole Numbers (24)
  • Multiply Mixed Numbers (32)
  • Multiply Mixed Numbers By Whole Numbers (10)
  • Multiply Mixed Numbers By Fractions (10)
  • Divide Fractions (12)
  • Scaling Fractions (10)
  • Decimals (1,707)
  • Read And Write Decimals (73)
  • Decimals Using Models (14)
  • Decimals On A Number Line (12)
  • Decimal Place Value (45)
  • Word Form Of Decimals (10)
  • Compare Decimals (31)
  • Compare Decimals Using Models (10)
  • Compare Decimals Using A Number Line (11)
  • Order Decimals (12)
  • Round Decimals (40)
  • Round Decimals To The Nearest Whole (18)
  • Round Decimals To The Nearest Tenths (10)
  • Round Decimals To The Nearest Hundredths (10)
  • Decimal Operations (1,547)
  • Add Decimals (376)
  • Subtract Decimals (382)
  • Multiply Decimals (250)
  • Multiply Decimals By Powers Of 10 (27)
  • Multiply Decimals By Whole Numbers (75)
  • Divide Decimals (156)
  • Divide Decimals By Powers Of 10 (18)
  • Divide Decimals By Whole Numbers (47)
  • Divide Whole Numbers By Decimals (45)
  • Geometry (165)
  • Positional Words (10)
  • Angles (17)
  • Shapes (98)
  • 2D Shapes (75)
  • Attributes Of 2D Shapes (22)
  • Polygons (11)
  • Triangles (11)
  • Quadrilaterals (13)
  • 3D Shapes (20)
  • 3D Shapes In Real Life (10)
  • Partition Into Equal Parts (16)
  • Partition In Halves, Thirds, And Fourths (12)
  • Coordinate Plane (20)
  • Read Points On The Coordinate Plane (10)
  • Plot Points On The Coordinate Plane (10)
  • Data Handling (39)
  • Sorting Objects (11)
  • Measurement (123)
  • Length (37)
  • Measure Lengths Using The Ruler (22)
  • Estimate Lengths (4)
  • Comparing Lengths (12)
  • Height (10)
  • Comparing Heights (10)
  • Weight (11)
  • Comparing Weights (10)
  • Capacity (10)
  • Conversion Of Measurement Units (12)
  • Perimeter (16)
  • Volume (13)
  • Am And Pm (19)
  • Time In Hours (20)
  • Time In Half Hours (16)
  • Time In Quarter Hours (14)
  • Time To The Nearest 5 Minutes (16)
  • Time To The Nearest Minute (11)
  • Digital Clock (19)
  • Elapsed Time (2)
  • Identify Coins (24)
  • Counting Money (26)
  • Compare Money (13)
  • Add And Subtract Money (14)
  • Multiply And Divide Money (12)
  • Algebra (109)
  • Number Patterns (20)
  • Expressions And Equations (35)
  • Evaluate Exponents (11)
  • Order Of Operations (13)
  • Factors And Multiples (44)
  • Prime And Composite Numbers (10)
  • Word Problems (676)
  • Addition Word Problems (149)
  • Addition Word Problems Within 20 (63)
  • 2-Digit Addition Word Problems (28)
  • 3-Digit Addition Word Problems (18)
  • Decimal Addition Word Problems (25)
  • Subtraction Word Problems (106)
  • Subtraction Word Problems Within 20 (43)
  • 2-Digit Subtraction Word Problems (12)
  • Decimal Subtraction Word Problems (25)
  • Multiplication Word Problems (115)
  • Decimal Multiplication Word Problems (28)
  • Division Word Problems (74)
  • Decimal Division Word Problems (11)
  • Multi-Step Word Problems (81)
  • Fraction Word Problems (38)
  • ELA (6,320)
  • Reading (3,569)
  • Phonics (3,080)
  • Bossy R (19)
  • Words With Ar (9)
  • Words With Er (5)
  • Words With Ir (5)
  • Words With Or (4)
  • Words With Ur (5)
  • Diphthongs (28)
  • Words With Oi (14)
  • Words With Ou (13)
  • Words With Ow (11)
  • Words With Oy (11)
  • Consonant Blends (120)
  • Ending Blends (51)
  • Beginning Blends (70)
  • L Blend Words (30)
  • R Blend Words (27)
  • Alphabet (745)
  • Letter Recognition (745)
  • Letter A (14)
  • Letter B (18)
  • Letter C (13)
  • Letter D (19)
  • Letter E (13)
  • Letter F (14)
  • Letter G (19)
  • Letter H (15)
  • Letter I (17)
  • Letter J (17)
  • Letter K (13)
  • Letter L (13)
  • Letter M (14)
  • Letter N (16)
  • Letter O (13)
  • Letter P (20)
  • Letter Q (18)
  • Letter R (13)
  • Letter S (13)
  • Letter T (14)
  • Letter U (13)
  • Letter V (13)
  • Letter W (13)
  • Letter X (13)
  • Letter Y (13)
  • Letter Z (13)
  • Lowercase Letters (109)
  • Uppercase Letters (129)
  • Matching Lowercase And Uppercase Letters (150)
  • Alphabetical Order (11)
  • Letter Sounds (341)
  • Beginning Sounds (162)
  • Ending Sounds (18)
  • Vowels (296)
  • Long Vowel Sounds (80)
  • Long Vowel A Sound (19)
  • Long Vowel E Sound (16)
  • Long Vowel I Sound (17)
  • Long Vowel O Sound (15)
  • Long Vowel U Sound (22)
  • Silent E (32)
  • Short Vowel Sounds (175)
  • Short Vowel A Sound (49)
  • Short Vowel E Sound (27)
  • Short Vowel I Sound (42)
  • Short Vowel O Sound (26)
  • Short Vowel U Sound (30)
  • Vowel Teams (47)
  • Words With Ai And Ay (5)
  • Words With Ea And Ee (8)
  • Words With Ie And Y (5)
  • Words With Oa And Ow (6)
  • Words With Oo (8)
  • Words With Ue And Ui (8)
  • Blending (379)
  • Ccvc Words (43)
  • Ccvcc Words (36)
  • Cvc Words (189)
  • Cvcc Words (119)
  • Consonant Digraphs (35)
  • Digraph Ch (12)
  • Digraph Ck (3)
  • Digraph Ng (3)
  • Digraph Ph (7)
  • Digraph Sh (13)
  • Digraph Th (13)
  • Digraph Wh (13)
  • Double Consonants (44)
  • Rhyming Words (128)
  • Trigraphs (16)
  • Trigraph Dge (9)
  • Trigraph Igh (9)
  • Trigraph Tch (9)
  • Three Letter Blends (34)
  • Sight Words (990)
  • Syllables (15)
  • Hard And Soft Sounds Of C And G (5)
  • Segmenting Phonemes (5)
  • Adding Deleting And Substituting Phonemes (12)
  • Silent Letter Words (6)
  • Reading Comprehension (462)
  • Cause And Effect (26)
  • Inference (30)
  • Identify The Main Idea And Key Details (36)
  • Prediction (26)
  • Sequencing (33)
  • Story Elements (28)
  • Authors Purpose (23)
  • Compare And Contrast (32)
  • Ask And Answer Questions (27)
  • Central Message (13)
  • Point Of View (19)
  • Sensory Words (5)
  • Character Traits (22)
  • Text Structure (15)
  • Fact Or Opinion (6)
  • Reality And Fantasy (8)
  • Using Illustrations (38)
  • Using Text Features (25)
  • Context Clues (24)
  • Communication Skills (29)
  • Listening Skills (5)
  • Speaking Skills (13)
  • Writing (2,324)
  • Handwriting (2,121)
  • Letter Tracing (278)
  • Letter Tracing A (12)
  • Letter Tracing B (13)
  • Letter Tracing C (12)
  • Letter Tracing D (13)
  • Letter Tracing E (12)
  • Letter Tracing F (14)
  • Letter Tracing G (12)
  • Letter Tracing H (13)
  • Letter Tracing I (12)
  • Letter Tracing J (12)
  • Letter Tracing K (12)
  • Letter Tracing L (12)
  • Letter Tracing M (13)
  • Letter Tracing N (12)
  • Letter Tracing O (12)
  • Letter Tracing P (12)
  • Letter Tracing Q (12)
  • Letter Tracing R (12)
  • Letter Tracing S (12)
  • Letter Tracing T (12)
  • Letter Tracing U (12)
  • Letter Tracing V (12)
  • Letter Tracing W (12)
  • Letter Tracing X (12)
  • Letter Tracing Y (12)
  • Letter Tracing Z (12)
  • Word Tracing (673)
  • Sentence Tracing (254)
  • Cursive Writing (915)
  • Cursive Alphabet (407)
  • Cursive Letter A (20)
  • Cursive Letter B (20)
  • Cursive Letter C (20)
  • Cursive Letter D (20)
  • Cursive Letter E (20)
  • Cursive Letter F (20)
  • Cursive Letter G (20)
  • Cursive Letter H (20)
  • Cursive Letter I (20)
  • Cursive Letter J (20)
  • Cursive Letter K (20)
  • Cursive Letter L (20)
  • Cursive Letter M (20)
  • Cursive Letter N (20)
  • Cursive Letter O (20)
  • Cursive Letter P (20)
  • Cursive Letter Q (20)
  • Cursive Letter R (20)
  • Cursive Letter S (20)
  • Cursive Letter T (20)
  • Cursive Letter U (20)
  • Cursive Letter V (20)
  • Cursive Letter W (20)
  • Cursive Letter X (20)
  • Cursive Letter Y (20)
  • Cursive Letter Z (20)
  • Cursive Words (276)
  • Cursive Sentences (258)
  • Creative Writing (166)
  • Opinion Writing (17)
  • Descriptive Writing (63)
  • Narrative Writing (15)
  • Writing Paragraphs (109)
  • Writing Sentences (32)
  • Grammar (588)
  • Adverbs (41)
  • Adjectives (67)
  • Nouns (133)
  • Singular And Plural Nouns (33)
  • Irregular Plural Nouns (16)
  • Common And Proper Nouns (13)
  • Collective Nouns (17)
  • Pronouns (46)
  • Parts Of Speech (22)
  • Conjunctions (29)
  • Prepositions (25)
  • Punctuation (50)
  • Types Of Sentences (19)
  • Sentence Structure (31)
  • Verbs (137)
  • Tenses (86)
  • Irregular Verbs (14)
  • Determiners (2)
  • Article A An The (5)
  • Spelling (40)
  • Common Misspellings (10)
  • Unscramble (19)
  • Vocabulary (605)
  • Contractions (13)
  • Affixes (30)
  • Suffixes And Prefixes (21)
  • Inflectional Endings (4)
  • Commonly Confused Words (24)
  • Homophones (24)
  • Compound Words (12)
  • Figures Of Speech (34)
  • Alliteration (8)
  • Synonyms And Antonyms (30)
  • Word Puzzles (273)
  • Word Search (234)
  • Anagrams (13)
  • Shades Of Meaning (9)
  • Sorting Words Into Categories (25)
  • Flashcards (45)
  • Vocabulary Flashcards (1)
  • Phonics Flashcards (42)
  • Grammar Flashcards (2)

Subtract with Pictures Worksheets

Subtraction Word Problems with Pictures Worksheet

  • Subtraction Word Problems with Pictures Worksheet

Print this worksheet to practice subtraction word problems with pictures like a math legend!

Represent Subtraction Sentences Worksheet

  • Represent Subtraction Sentences Worksheet

Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to represent subtraction sentences.

Complete Subtraction Sentence Using Pictures Worksheet

Complete Subtraction Sentence Using Pictures Worksheet

Help your child revise subtraction by completing subtraction sentences using pictures.

Subtraction Sentence Worksheet

Subtraction Sentence Worksheet

Pack your math practice time with fun by revising subtraction sentences.

Subtraction Strategies Worksheets

Subtract Using Near Doubles Strategy - Worksheet

Subtract Using Near Doubles Strategy Worksheet

In this worksheet, practice subtraction using the effective and efficient near doubles strategy.

Use Number Line to Complete the Number Sentences Worksheet

Use Number Line to Complete the Number Sentences Worksheet

Help your child revise subtraction by using the number line to complete the number sentences.

Subtraction Sentences Using Number Line Worksheet

Subtraction Sentences Using Number Line Worksheet

Use this printable worksheet to have fun while practicing subtraction sentences using a number line.

Subtract Using the Model Worksheet

Subtract Using the Model Worksheet

Focus on core math skills with this fun worksheet by solving to subtract using models.

2-Digit Subtraction Worksheets

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

This worksheet will help kids add and subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers with regrouping.

Find 10 More or 10 Less Worksheet

Find 10 More or 10 Less Worksheet

Make math practice a joyride by solving problems to find 10 more or 10 less.

Find 1 More or 1 Less Worksheet

Find 1 More or 1 Less Worksheet

Put your skills to the test by practicing to find 1 more or 1 less.

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Solve this worksheet to add and subtract 2-digit and 1-digit numbers with regrouping.

3-Digit Subtraction Worksheets

Use Place Value Chart to Subtract Worksheet

Use Place Value Chart to Subtract Worksheet

Reinforce math concepts by practicing to use a place value chart to subtract.

Add and Subtract 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Kids must add and subtract 3-digit and 2-digit numbers with regrouping to enhance their math skills.

Add and Subtract 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 3-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Solidify your math skills by adding and subtracting 3-digit and 2-digit numbers with regrouping.

Finding Difference Using Place Value Chart Worksheet

Finding Difference Using Place Value Chart Worksheet

Solidify your math skills by finding the difference using a place value chart.

4-Digit Subtraction Worksheets

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Kids must add and subtract 4-digit and 2-digit numbers without regrouping in this worksheet.

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Become a young mathematician by adding and subtracting 4-digit and 3-digit numbers with regrouping.

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Assess your math skills by adding and subtracting 4-digit and 2-digit numbers with regrouping.

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Kids must add and subtract 4-digit and 3-digit numbers without regrouping to practice math skills.

Large Numbers Subtraction Worksheets

Add and Subtract 5-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 5-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Use this printable worksheet to add and subtract 5-digit and 3-digit numbers without regrouping.

Subtract the Numbers using the Column Method Worksheet

Subtract the Numbers using the Column Method Worksheet

Help your child revise number sense by solving to subtract the numbers using the column method.

Estimate the Sum or the Difference Worksheet

Estimate the Sum or the Difference Worksheet

Solidify your math skills by practicing to estimate the sum or the difference.

Add and Subtract 6-Digit and 4-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 6-Digit and 4-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Solidify your math skills by adding and subtracting 6-digit and 4-digit numbers without regrouping.

All Subtraction Worksheets

Create Number Sentences Worksheet

Create Number Sentences Worksheet

Boost your ability to create number sentences by printing this playful worksheet.

Complete the Sentences Using the Bar Model Worksheet

Complete the Sentences Using the Bar Model Worksheet

Dive into this fun-filled printable worksheet by completing the given sentences using bar models.

Subtracting 1-Digit Numbers from 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Subtracting 1-Digit Numbers from 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Be on your way to become a mathematician by subtracting 1-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers.

Subtract within 10000: Christmas Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 10000: Christmas Word Problems Worksheet

Solve festive word problems involving subtraction within 10,000 in this Christmas-themed worksheet.

Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

Quick-fire worksheet to sharpen your skills in subtracting large numbers without regrouping in just 3 minutes!

Subtract to Find the Difference Worksheet

Subtract to Find the Difference Worksheet

This downloadable worksheet is designed to practice subtraction to find the difference.

Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

This worksheet tests your speed in subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers in a 1-minute challenge.

Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers from 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers from 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Print this worksheet to practice subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers.

Subtract within 10000: Travel Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 10000: Travel Word Problems Worksheet

Exciting travel-themed worksheet, challenging students to solve subtraction problems within 10,000.

Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced worksheet to practice subtracting large numbers without regrouping under time!

Subtract Using Number Bonds of 10 Worksheet

Subtract Using Number Bonds of 10 Worksheet

In this worksheet, learners will get to subtract using number bonds of 10.

Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

Timed worksheet to boost proficiency in subtracting 1-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers swiftly.

Subtraction in 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Subtraction in 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Combine math learning with adventure by solving to subtract 3-digit numbers.

Subtract within 10000: Cooking Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 10000: Cooking Word Problems Worksheet

Engage in this fun cooking-themed worksheet, where students solve subtraction problems within 10,000!

Subtract Large Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract Large Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

Test your speed and accuracy in subtracting large numbers vertically with this 5-minute timed practice worksheet.

Subtract Numbers within 100: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract Numbers within 100: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced subtraction worksheet challenging students to solve problems within 100 in a minute!

Subtraction Worksheet

Subtraction Worksheet

Reinforce math concepts by practicing this subtraction worksheet.

Subtract within 10000: Thanksgiving Word Problems - Worksheet

Subtract within 10000: Thanksgiving Word Problems Worksheet

Engage with this festive worksheet to solve subtraction problems within 10,000 with a Thanksgiving theme!

Subtract Large Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract Large Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced, timed worksheet focused on honing skills in subtracting large numbers horizontally.

Complete the Subtraction Equation Worksheet

Complete the Subtraction Equation Worksheet

Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to complete the subtraction equation.

Use Fingers to Count Back Worksheet

Use Fingers to Count Back Worksheet

Reveal the secrets of math wizardry by practicing to use fingers to count back.

Subtract Numbers within 100: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Subtract Numbers within 100: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

A quick-paced, timed worksheet focused on enhancing students' skills in subtracting numbers within 100.

Subtract a 1-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number Worksheet

Subtract a 1-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number Worksheet

Learners must subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number to enhance their math skills.

Add and Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced worksheet to practice adding and subtracting large numbers without regrouping in 5 minutes!

Solve Subtraction Sentences Using Pictures Worksheet

Solve Subtraction Sentences Using Pictures Worksheet

Pack your math practice time with fun by solving subtraction sentences using pictures.

Count Back Using Stairs

Count Back Using Stairs

Use the "climbing downstairs" analogy to count backward and subtract the numbers in this worksheet.

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

A fast-paced worksheet to sharpen your 2-digit and 1-digit addition and subtraction skills under time pressure.

Subtract a 2-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number Worksheet

Subtract a 2-Digit Number from a 3-Digit Number Worksheet

Use this printable worksheet to subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number.

Add and Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract Large Numbers without Regrouping: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

Quick-paced 5-minute worksheet to practice addition and subtraction of large numbers without regrouping.

Subtraction Problems on Take Away Worksheet

Subtraction Problems on Take Away Worksheet

In this worksheet, learners will get to practice subtraction problems on 'Take Away'.

Count Back Strategies to Subtract

Count Back Strategies to Subtract

Join Oolzoo and Blu in this worksheet to explore the reasoning behind the count back and subtract strategy.

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced worksheet to practice adding and subtracting 2-digit and 1-digit numbers in 2 minutes!

Find the Difference of Two 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Find the Difference of Two 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

In this worksheet, learners will get to find the difference of two 3-digit numbers.

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Boost your ability to add and subtract 4-digit and 2-digit numbers without regrouping.

Add and Subtract Large Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract Large Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced worksheet to test your speed in adding and subtracting large numbers within 5 minutes!

Solve Subtraction Problems using Apples Worksheet

Solve Subtraction Problems using Apples Worksheet

Pack your math practice time with fun by solving subtraction problems using apples.

Bull’s Eye Count Back to Subtract

Bull’s Eye Count Back to Subtract

Solve this engaging worksheet on subtraction by counting back using darts on the dartboard.

Add and Subtract Two 2-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract Two 2-Digit Numbers: Vertical Timed Practice Worksheet

Fast-paced worksheet to master addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers in 3 minutes!

Subtract Upto Two 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Subtract Upto Two 3-Digit Numbers Worksheet

Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing to subtract upto two 3-digit numbers.

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Add and Subtract 4-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping: Vertical Addition and Subtraction Worksheet

Mix math learning with fun by adding and subtracting 4-digit and 3-digit numbers without regrouping.

Add and Subtract Large Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice - Worksheet

Add and Subtract Large Numbers: Horizontal Timed Practice Worksheet

A rapid-fire worksheet challenging students to add and subtract large numbers within a 5-minute time limit.

Browse Our Comprehensive Collection of Printable Subtraction Worksheets!

We are delighted to introduce a comprehensive library of subtraction worksheets, which align with the Common Core Standards and provide a valuable resource for teachers and parents. 

Subtraction is a fundamental arithmetic operation, crucial in daily life, and forms a core part of math learning. Children often perceive subtraction as more challenging than addition because it involves counting backward. Consistent and smart practice is key to overcoming these challenges and easily mastering subtraction skills. 

In this fun collection, you can find everything from basic subtraction worksheets to advanced worksheets featuring multi-digit subtraction and regrouping, ensuring kids practice each skill through various exercises.

SplashLearn’s subtraction practice worksheets are designed by learning experts to boost confidence and sharpen essential skills. With our subtraction worksheets, kids learn through fun activities like using pictures for subtraction, creating and solving subtraction sentences, applying various modeling techniques, and employing strategies such as counting back.

Topics Covered in Math Subtraction Worksheets across Different Grades

Embark on a subtraction adventure with our comprehensive and easy subtraction worksheets! Here’s a grade-wise overview of concepts covered:  

• Subtraction sentences within 5

• Subtraction with pictures within 5

• Model subtraction

• Subtraction sentences within 10

• Subtraction with pictures within 10

• Model subtraction

• Subtraction using models

• Subtraction strategies within 20 (count back strategy)

• Subtraction facts within 20

• Subtraction sentences within 10

• Subtraction with pictures within 10

• Model subtraction

• Subtraction using models

• Subtraction strategies within 100 (count back strategy, subtracting multiples of 10, relating addition and subtraction)

• Subtraction facts within 20

• Subtraction without regrouping (within 100)

• Subtraction with regrouping (within 100)

• Subtraction sentences within 10

• Model subtraction

• Subtraction using models

• Subtraction strategies within 1000 (count back strategy, subtracting multiples of 10, subtracting multiples of 100, relate addition and subtraction)

• Subtraction facts within 20

• Subtraction without regrouping (within 1000)

• Subtraction with regrouping (within 1000)

• Model subtraction

• Subtraction using models

• Subtraction strategies within 1000 (count back strategy, subtracting multiples of 10, subtracting multiples of 100, relate addition and subtraction)

• Subtraction facts within 20

• Subtraction without regrouping (within 1000)

• Subtraction with regrouping (within 1000)

• Subtraction without regrouping (within 10,000)

• Subtraction with regrouping (within 10,000)

• Multi-digit subtraction (within 1,000,000)

Benefits of Subtraction Worksheets for Kids

  • Mastering Subtraction Skills: Our subtraction math worksheets help children master everything from basic subtraction facts to vertical or column subtraction with borrowing.
  • Improves Confidence: Regular practice with these simple subtraction worksheets increases speed and accuracy, reduces silly mistakes, and builds confidence and mastery.
  • Foundation for Advanced Math: Every worksheet is designed to build a strong base for higher-grade concepts and operations, such as subtracting decimals.

What Are the Best 5 Subtraction Worksheets for Kids?

Here are 5 engaging and fun subtraction worksheets for kids:

  • Use Pictures to Subtract Worksheet
  • Subtract Using Part-Part-Whole Model Worksheet
  • Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Vertical Subtraction Worksheet

Your one stop solution for all grade learning needs.


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  • Subtraction
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  • Printing Worksheets
  • Story Starters
  • Sudoku Puzzles
  • Word Decoder Puzzles
  • Word Scrambles
  • Word Search Puzzles
  • Horizontal Subtraction
  • Vertical Subtraction

Horizontal Subtraction - Math Worksheets

These basic Subtraction worksheets are made up of Horizontal Subtractions questions, where the math questions are written left to right. The worksheets are printable and the questions on the math worksheets change each time you visit.

With our math sheet generator, you can easily create Subtraction worksheets that are never the same and always different, providing you with an unlimited supply of math sheets to use in the classroom or at home.

Each math sheet also has an optional answer key checkbox that you can select, if you wish to print an answer key to go along with your math worksheet.

Click on one of the links below to see the printable worksheet.


The following are math worksheets for subtraction, with questions written horizontally (ie: left to right).

Subtracting numbers - One Option

  • Subtracting by 1
  • Subtracting by 2
  • Subtracting by 3
  • Subtracting by 4
  • Subtracting by 5
  • Subtracting by 6
  • Subtracting by 7
  • Subtracting by 8
  • Subtracting by 9
  • Subtracting by 10
  • Subtracting by 11
  • Subtracting by 12
  • Subtracting by 13
  • Subtracting by 14
  • Subtracting by 15
  • Subtracting by 16
  • Subtracting by 17
  • Subtracting by 18
  • Subtracting by 19
  • Subtracting by 20

Horizontal Subtraction Example

math worksheet

Subtracting numbers - Multiple Options

  • Subtracting by 1, 2
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 2, 3
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4, 5
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 3, 4
  • Subtracting by 3, 4, 5
  • Subtracting by 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Subtracting by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Subtracting by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 4, 5
  • Subtracting by 4, 5, 6
  • Subtracting by 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Subtracting by 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 5, 6
  • Subtracting by 5, 6, 7
  • Subtracting by 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 6, 7
  • Subtracting by 6, 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 6, 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 7, 8
  • Subtracting by 7, 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 8, 9
  • Subtracting by 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Subtracting by 9, 10, 11, 12

Subtracting Basic Facts

  • Subtracting Basic Facts 1 to 9
  • Subtracting Basic Facts 0 to 12

Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number

  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 20)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 30)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 40)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 50)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 60)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 70)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 80)
  • Subtracting one-digit number from two-digit number (up to 90)

Subtracting two-digit numbers

  • Subtracting two-digit numbers (10 to 20)
  • Subtracting two-digit numbers (10 to 30)
  • Subtracting two-digit numbers (10 to 40)
  • Subtracting two-digit numbers (10 to 50)
  • Subtracting two-digit numbers (10 to 60)
  • Subtracting two-digit numbers (10 to 70)

Subtracting two-digit number from three-digit number

  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 20) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 30) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 40) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 50) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 60) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 70) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 80) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 90) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (10 to 99) from three-digit number
  • Subtracting two-digit number (50 to 99) from three-digit number

Subtracting three-digit numbers

  • Subtracting three-digit numbers (100 to 200)
  • Subtracting three-digit numbers (100 to 300)
  • Subtracting three-digit numbers (100 to 400)
  • Subtracting three-digit numbers (100 to 500)
  • Subtracting three-digit numbers (100 to 600)
  • Subtracting three-digit numbers (100 to 700)

Missing Minuends/Subtrahends

  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (0 to 5)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (0 to 6)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (0 to 7)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (0 to 8)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (0 to 9)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (0 to 10)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (10 to 30)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (10 to 50)
  • Missing Minuend/Subtrahend (10 to 90)

Horizontal Missing Minuends/Subtrahends Example

math worksheet

Other Subtraction Activities

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Subtraction is ....

... taking one number away from another.

  Start with 5 apples,

then ,

we are left with 3 apples.

This can be written:

5 − 2 = 3

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Train yourself.

You get good at subtraction with practice...

... so use Math Trainer - Subtraction to train yourself!

Subtraction Table

You can also "look up" answers for simple subtraction using this table:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0 0

1 1 0

2 2 1 0

3 3 2 1 0

4 4 3 2 1 0

5 5 4 3 2 1 0

6 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
12 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Example: Find 8 − 5

  • find the row starting with "8"
  • move along till you are under the column "5"
  • and there is the number "3", so 8 − 5 = 3

Other names used in subtraction are Minus, Less, Difference, Decrease, Take Away, Deduct.

The names of the numbers in a subtraction fact are:

Minuend − Subtrahend = Difference

Minuend : The number that is to be subtracted from.

Subtrahend : The number that is to be subtracted.

Difference : The result of subtracting one number from another.

Subtracting Larger Numbers

To subtract numbers with more than one digit (such as "42−25") use any of these methods, choose the one you prefer :

(also called "Borrowing")
(more complicated, but can be faster)
(also called the Complements Method)

For practice try these Subtraction Worksheets

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Free Math Worksheets

Printable math worksheets from k5 learning.

Our  free math worksheets  cover the full range of elementary school math skills from numbers and counting through fractions, decimals, word problems and more. All worksheets are printable files with answers on the 2nd page.

Math worksheets by grade:


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subtraction math homework

Sample Math Worksheet

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subtraction math homework

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Subtraction Practice Questions

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GCSE Revision Cards

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Primary Study Cards

subtraction math homework

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How Subtraction Works


triangles away...

  • Number Charts
  • Multiplication
  • Long division
  • Basic operations
  • Telling time
  • Place value
  • Roman numerals
  • Fractions & related
  • Add, subtract, multiply,   and divide fractions
  • Mixed numbers vs. fractions
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Prime factorization & factors
  • Fraction Calculator
  • Decimals & Percent
  • Add, subtract, multiply,   and divide decimals
  • Fractions to decimals
  • Percents to decimals
  • Percentage of a number
  • Percent word problems
  • Classify triangles
  • Classify quadrilaterals
  • Circle worksheets
  • Area & perimeter of rectangles
  • Area of triangles & polygons
  • Coordinate grid, including   moves & reflections
  • Volume & surface area
  • Pre-algebra
  • Square Roots
  • Order of operations
  • Scientific notation
  • Proportions
  • Ratio word problems
  • Write expressions
  • Evaluate expressions
  • Simplify expressions
  • Linear equations
  • Linear inequalities
  • Graphing & slope
  • Equation calculator
  • Equation editor
  • Elementary Math Games
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Math facts practice
  • The four operations
  • Factoring and number theory
  • Geometry topics
  • Middle/High School
  • Statistics & Graphs
  • Probability
  • Trigonometry
  • Logic and proof
  • For all levels
  • Favorite math puzzles
  • Favorite challenging puzzles
  • Math in real world
  • Problem solving & projects
  • For gifted children
  • Math history
  • Math games and fun websites
  • Interactive math tutorials
  • Math help & online tutoring
  • Assessment, review & test prep
  • Online math curricula

→ → Grade 4

This is a comprehensive collection of free printable math worksheets for grade 4, organized by topics such as addition, subtraction, mental math, place value, multiplication, division, long division, factors, measurement, fractions, and decimals. They are randomly generated, printable from your browser, and include the answer key. The worksheets support any fourth grade math program, but go especially well with , and their brand new lessons at the bottom of the page.

The worksheets are randomly generated each time you click on the links below. You can also get a new, different one just by refreshing the page in your browser (press F5).

All worksheets come with an answer key placed on the 2nd page of the file.

(print in landscape) (print in landscape) (print in landscape) (print in landscape) (print in landscape)

(solve using subtraction) (print in landscape) (print in landscape) (print in landscape)

- round to the nearest 10 or 100 - round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000 - as above but rounding to the underlined digit - round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 within 1,000,000 - round to any place value within 1,000,000

(from 1 to 399) (from 1 to 399)

the same

— three operations
— four operations

— three operations — four operations — five operations
(using the long division symbol)

(for example, 34 mm = ___ cm ____ mm) (for example, 2 m 65 cm = _____ cm)
(for example, 2,584 m = ____ km _____ m)

(for example, 2,584 ml = ____ L _____ ml) (for example, 5 kg 600 g = ________ g)

(e.g. 35 in. = ___ ft ___ in.)
(e.g. 62 oz = ___ lb ___ oz)

(optional; beyond the CCS)

(such as 2/10 + 6/100)

(optional; beyond the CCS)
(such as 2/10 + 6/100)

- includes empty pie images for student to color - proper fractions - improper fractions allowed

—easy —medium —missing addend
(add in columns)

—easy —medium —missing minuend/subtrahend
- challenge
(subtract in columns)

Please ensure that your password is at least 8 characters and contains each of the following:

  • a special character: @$#!%*?&

Sebastian Casalaina

Homework and syllabus, introduction to discrete mathematics.

MATH 2001 Fall 2024

Homework must be submitted via   Canvas , and is due at the   start of class , with your   name   and   homework number   on it to receive credit.  You will be graded on the clarity of your exposition.  Messy, disorganized, or poorly written assignments will not receive credit.   

Please   read the suggested texts before class , and then after class make sure to attempt the homework for the sections we covered that day.

You may find the Math Academic Resource Center ("MARC") to be useful as a meeting point for discussing homework, and a place to get some further help understanding the material.

Course logistics. 

Introduction to sets, and cartesian products
Hammack Chapter 1 


Section 1.1 Exercises: 8, 18, 40.

Section 1.2 Exercises: 2, 4, 12.

Read over Chapters 1--2 of 

Bring a laptop with LaTeX installed (see the bottom of the page).

We will use the following   and   files (which generated this  ).  You will also want to download the following  , which is included as a graphic.

You can also find these files in this .

 Subsets and power sets. Hammack Chapter 1  Homework must be submitted via 


Section 1.3 Exercises: 2, 6, 12.

Section 1.4 Exercises: 2, 10, 14.

Read over Chapter 3 of 

Bring a laptop to class with LaTeX installed (see the bottom of the page).

We will use the following   and  files (which generated this  ).

You can also find these files in this .

Union, intersection, difference, complement, Venn diagrams. Hammack Chapter 1 

5 points extra credit for typing in LaTeX.  You must submit both the .pdf and .tex file to recieve extra credit.

Section 1.5 Exercises: 2, 4, 6.

Section 1.6 Exercise: 2.

Section 1.7 Exercises: 5, 6.

Indexed sets, sets of numbers, Russell's paradox.


Section 1.8 Exercises: 2, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14.

 Overview, statements, and or not. Hammack Chapter 2 


Section 2.1 Exercises: 2, 4, 6.

Section 2.2 Exercises: 2, 6, 9.

conditional statements, biconditional statements. Hammack Chapter 2 Sections 2.3-4
5 points extra credit for typing in LaTeX.  You must submit both the .pdf and .tex file to recieve extra credit.


Section 2.3 Exercises: 1, 8, 10.

Section 2.4 Exercise: 2, 3, 4.

Truth tables, logical equivalence. Hammack Chapter 2  Hammack

Section 2.5 Exercises: 4, 6, 8.

Section 2.6 Exercises: 4, 6, 9.

Quantifiers, translating English into symbolic statements, negating statements, logical inference. Hammack Chapter 2 


Section 2.7 Exercises: 2, 8.

Section 2.9 Exercises: 2, 5.

Section 2.10 Exercises: 4, 10.

Homework review

General review

Review practice exam Practice exam and solutions to be posted.

Lists, the multiplication principle.
Hammack Chapter 3

Section 3.2
Exercises: 1-6.

The addition and subtraction principles, factorials and permutations.
Hammack Chapter 3

Hammack Section 3.3
Exercises: 1-3.

Section 3.4
Exercises: 7, 10, 12.

Counting subsets, Pascal's triangle and the binomial theorem. Hammack Chapter 3

Section 3.5

Section 3.6.
Exercises: 3, 5, 7.
The inclusion-exclusion principle, counting multisets
Hammack Chapter 3

Section 3.7
Exercises: 1-3.

Section 3.8
Exercises: 7, 9, 11.
The division and pigeonhole principles, combinatorial proof.
Hammack Chapter 3

Hammack Section 3.9
Exercises: 2-4.

Section 3.10
Exercises: 1-3.

Direct proof. Hammack 

Chapter 4 Exercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10.

contrapositive proof. Hammack 


Chapter 5 Exercises: 1, 3, 5, 16, 18, 20.

Proof by contradiction. Hammack 

Chapter 6 Exercises: 2-7.

Proving non-conditional statements. Hammack 


Chapter 7 Exercises: 16-21.
Proofs involving sets, disproof. Hammack   and 

Chapter 8 Exercises: 2, 6, 10.

Chapter 9 Exercises: 2, 4, 6.

Homework review

General review

Review practice exam
Practice exam and solutions to be posted.

Proof by induction. Hammack


Chapter 10 Exercises: 1-6.


Chapter 10 Exercises: 7-12.

Proof by induction continued.


Chapter 10 Exercises: 19-24.

Reflexive, symmetric, transitive.

Hammack Chapter 11 


Section 11.1 Exercises: 2, 6, 10.

Section 11.2 Exercises: 2, 5, 12.

Equivalence relations, equivalence classes and partitions. Hammack Chapter 11 

Section 11.3 Exercises: 2, 4, 11.

Section 11.4 Exercises: 3, 4, 6.

Equivalence relations, equivalence classes and partitions. Hammack Chapter 11 


Section 11.3 Exercises: 2, 4, 11.

Section 11.4 Exercises: 3, 4, 6.

Integers modulo n, relations between sets. Hammack Chapter 11 


Section 11.5 Exercises: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Introduction Hammack Chapter 12 

Section 12.1 Exercises: 4, 6.

Section 12.2 Exercises: 5, 10.

Section 12.3 Exercises: 1, 2.

Composition, image, pre-image, injective, surjecive, bijective, inverse. Hammack Chapter 12 


Section 12.4 Exercises: 2, 6, 10.

Section 12.5 Exercises: 2, 8, 9.

Composition, inverse, image, pre-image, injective, surjecive, and bijective. Hammack Chapter 12  Hammack

Section 12.6 Exercises: 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10.
Further topics.

Homework review

General review

Review practice exam
Practice exam and solutions to be posted.

Department of Mathematics University of Colorado


  1. 4 Digit Subtraction Worksheets

    subtraction math homework

  2. Subtraction Worksheet Set 10 to 0 and Doubles

    subtraction math homework

  3. Subtraction Worksheets 2nd grade Free

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  4. Free Subtraction Worksheets For First Grade

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  5. 2 Digit Subtraction Worksheets

    subtraction math homework

  6. Subtraction Worksheets (Free Printable Math Drills)

    subtraction math homework


  1. Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

  2. Addition and subtraction math class 5 STBB

  3. Subtraction for 2nd Grade Math

  4. Mental math strategy: subtract in parts

  5. Subtraction

  6. The Maths Prof: Subtracting Fractions


  1. Subtraction Worksheets

    Welcome to the Subtraction Worksheets page at where you will get less of an experience than our other pages! This page includes Subtraction worksheets on topics such as five minute frenzies, one-, two-, three- and multi-digit subtraction and subtracting across zeros.

  2. Subtraction Math Worksheets

    Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, videos and worksheets. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents.

  3. Dynamically Created Subtraction Worksheets

    Dynamically Created Subtraction Worksheets Here is a graphic preview for all of the subtraction worksheets. You can select different variables to customize these subtraction worksheets for your needs. The subtraction worksheets are randomly created and will never repeat so you have an endless supply of quality subtraction worksheets to use in the classroom or at home. Our subtraction ...

  4. Subtraction worksheets for K-5

    Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten through grade 5. Our free subtraction worksheets start with subtracting small numbers by counting objects and progresses to subtracting large numbers in columns. An emphasis is placed on practicing mental subtraction so as to improve numeracy.

  5. Subtraction Worksheets

    Explore our collection of printable subtraction worksheets featuring adequate practice for kids in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4.

  6. Subtraction Worksheets & Free Printables

    Our subtraction worksheets are a great resource for students who need extra subtraction practice with this math skill. Practice with subtraction worksheets.

  7. Subtraction Worksheets

    These free subtraction worksheets are great for students in kindergarten and up. Students work on basic subtraction skills with simple equations and work their way up to double-digit subtraction with regrouping and more. Increase your students' subtraction fluency when you pair these worksheets with our free Subtraction Flashcards.

  8. Subtraction Worksheets

    Here you will find our selection of Subtraction Worksheets including subtraction fact worksheets, column subtraction and subtraction games to help your child improve their subtraction skills.

  9. Subtraction Worksheets

    Here you'll find dozens of printable math activities for teaching single-digit subtraction. The collection includes some free subtraction worksheets, math games, mystery pictures, task cards, and learning center activities.

  10. 100+ Math Subtraction Worksheets PDF

    Free printable subtraction worksheets for classroom or homeschooling. Download free subtraction worksheets for kids in kindergarten and grades 1-5.

  11. Free Printable Subtraction Worksheets for Kids

    Browse printable subtraction worksheets! Master subtraction strategies, regrouping, column method, subtraction of large numbers, and more. Download for free!

  12. Horizontal Subtraction

    These basic Subtraction worksheets are made up of Horizontal Subtractions questions, where the math questions are written left to right. The worksheets are printable and the questions on the math worksheets change each time you visit.

  13. Subtraction Worksheets / FREE Printable Worksheets

    Regrouping - Addition and Subtraction. Subtraction - Within 20. Subtraction - 2 Digit. Subtraction - 1 Digit. Subtraction - 3 Digit. Picture Subtraction. Subtraction - Within 20. Subtraction - Within 20.

  14. Subtraction

    Learn about subtraction, the different ways to do subtraction, and how to master them.

  15. Subtraction Games, Videos and Worksheets

    Practice subtraction with fun subtraction games online on! We also offer free math worksheets, homework help and videos for multiple grade levels.

  16. Free Math Worksheets

    Looking for free math worksheets? You've found something even better! That's because Khan Academy has over 100,000 free practice questions. And they're even better than traditional math worksheets - more instantaneous, more interactive, and more fun! Just choose your grade level or topic to get access to 100% free practice questions: Early math Kindergarten 1st […]

  17. Learning To Subtract Well

    Homework Help for Elementary School Math Children often struggle to master concepts such as addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, and math involving time and money.

  18. Free Math Worksheets

    Free kindergarten to grade 6 math worksheets, organized by grade and topic. Skip counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rounding, fractions and much more.

  19. Subtraction Practice Questions

    Click here for Answers . Practice Questions Previous: Surface Area of Cubes and Cuboids Practice Questions Next: Non-linear Simultaneous Equations Practice Questions The Corbettmaths Practice Questions on Subtraction

  20. How Subtraction Works

    Page 1 of 3. This is the very beginning of understanding how subtraction works. Let's look at this set: Count how many triangles. are in this set... There are 5! Now, take two triangles away... Count how many triangles are left.

  21. Free Printable Math Worksheets for Grade 4

    This is a comprehensive collection of free printable math worksheets for grade 4, organized by topics such as addition, subtraction, mental math, place value, multiplication, division, long division, factors, measurement, fractions, and decimals. They are randomly generated, printable from your browser, and include the answer key.

  22. Addition and Subtraction Worksheets

    Addition and Subtraction Worksheets builds math concepts, problem-solving, and fluency in elementary-aged students. These free, printable PDF worksheets feature a variety of double and single-digit problems with and without regrouping.

  23. Mathway

    Free math problem solver answers your algebra homework questions with step-by-step explanations.

  24. Sebastian Casalaina

    MATH 2001 Fall 2024. ... Homework review: HW 4 DUE ... The addition and subtraction principles, factorials and permutations. Hammack Chapter 3 Sections 3.3-4: HW 5 DUE 2 points extra credit for typing in LaTeX. You must submit both the .pdf and .tex file to recieve extra credit.