Capstone Project | Digital Photography | Department Head: Felicia Kieselhorst


Capstone Project: Digital Photography

Think, then point and shoot! In your Digital Photography program, you began to develop the technical and creative skills that are essential for professional photography work. This capstone project tests your skills in an extended portfolio project. This is a three-stage project. First, you will present three project ideas and concepts for peer and instructor feedback. Then, you will choose a project and begin shooting. In week five, you will present 3-5 examples of your project work along with a rough draft of your written concept. Finally, you will proceed to your final deliverables: a portfolio of 15 images, professionally edited and presented along with a bio and artist statement. It will be up to you to research and select a topic for this project. Be sure to choose a topic that interests you and that you will enjoy shooting and working on week after week for the duration of this class. An exterior shoot at a rural ranch. A photo crew on the set of a fashion shoot. This project is broken into three stages that you will work on throughout the seven weeks of the course. We recommend that you begin by thoroughly reading this entire document. Then as you work on each stage of the project, you can easily jump to a specific section using these links: STAGE ONE Developing a Project Researching the Project Assessing Your Goals Showcasing Your Skills Developing a Written Concept Project Do's and Don'ts

Shooting the Project

Samples of Project Work Rough Draft of Written Assignment

Finalizing and Presenting the Project

Guidelines for Visual Work Guidelines for Written Work

The project is designed to test your expertise in specific areas of proficiency you have been developing during your program. Your instructor will provide constructive feedback at each stage of the project. After your final presentation, your instructor will comment on your success in meeting program standards.


Researching a Project

When you are researching your project, I want you to generate three possible ideas for your Capstone Project and present them for feedback.

Keep in mind that you are aiming to create professional level work that exhibits strong technical skills and allows creative exploration of your concept. You can choose any topic and genre that interests you, allowing for individualization as you demonstrate your strengths and talents.

Your creative work will be accompanied by an artist statement, so make sure you choose a topic that involves creating an aesthetic and a concept that supports that aesthetic. Ideally, you'll have a heart-to-heart with yourself and create a concept that generates a strong portfolio piece to support your career goals. For example, if you want to break into photojournalism, creating a highly stylized fashion portfolio may not advance your goals.

I have provided a list of genres that may inspire you. While not a complete list, it does cover the main areas of photography you may decide on.

From airplane, parachute, or drone.

From the oceans to the mountains.

E-Commerce and Lifestyle.

Buildings interiors and exteriors.

Small subjects appear life size.

Action up close and personal.

Vehicles of all makes and models.

Musical, theatrical, and dance.

Candid photos of people of the city.

Private parties and corporate events.

The cutest animals of the house.

Either stateside or abroad.

Models wearing apparel.

Capturing newsworthy events.

Brides, grooms, and their families.

Restaurant menus or dining reviews.

For families or the corporate world.

Survey the fauna in your county.

Now that you have reviewed the various genres of photography you need to select the topic of your project. For instance, if you were choose the cars genre you'll want to come up with a topic for that genre. Such as the following options:



I will ask you to inform your project by researching and commenting on three examples of photography projects with a similar or related theme. This will be a good chance to connect your work to other works you admire. You can also research other kinds of inspirational works (poetry, philosophy, painting, and so on), but make sure you include at least one photography project.

Assessing Your Goals

To help you choose the right concept, you'll start this class by creating a write-up of your professional goals after graduation. This essay will be included in the written materials you'll turn in at the end of the semester, so treat this essay as a formal assignment and you will be able to check one thing off the requirements list for your final.

Think about where you see yourself in six months after graduation and in five years.

Do you intend to send your Capstone Project out for publication, win a gallery exhibition to show it, or shop it around as a strong portfolio to magazine editors? Your goals for the project will in some ways direct your topic. Lastly, are there any concepts, subjects, aesthetic styles that you feel a strong connection to? Do you feel that you could flesh out any of these into a large project?

Showcasing Your Skills

Another factor in your project selection is the question of what skills you want to show off.

This Capstone Project is the culmination of your studies at Sessions College. You might think of it as a formal presentation of the knowledge and skills you gained in the Digital Photography program.

You'll want to develop a project that provides the best showcase for your talents. The project is your chance to showcase the range of photography and digital imaging skills you've acquired, from planning for an advanced shoot, to capturing purposeful, polished images, to editing and workflow.

It's your job to highlight your conceptual, lighting, and compositional talents while creating a portfolio piece that will shine and help launch you into your professional career.

Developing a Written Concept

As your project unfolds, you will begin developing a written presentation of your project. The ability to convey an artistic concept and technical approach is essential for any artist. Even if your main goal as a photographer is doing commercial work, you will need the ability to develop and communicate exciting project ideas to your clients.

Do's and Don'ts

Please review all final deliverables today. The items are "due" at the end of the class, but you should be chipping away at the different aspects of the project week-by-week.

It is especially important to start shooting images early on in the class. This project should be your strongest work! If you've created an image in week two that could be improved, you'll have time to reshoot it in order to finesse it before your project is due. If you leave this portion until the last minute, you won't benefit from the revisions that would take your work up a notch.

For this reason, the images created for this class MUST be photographed on different days during different photo sessions. If all 15 photographs in your final project are taken during the same two-hour period on the last week of the semester, you will not pass. It is fine for you to use the same location, same model, same style throughout your project, but I'd like to see your work changing and improving over time based on our critiques.

Begin by thinking of at least three possible ideas for your Capstone concept and present them in order of preference in the discussion section. Reply to at least two of your classmates with thoughts on their topics. Often, an idea will grow organically from the simplest of thoughts, especially with input from colleagues and advisors, so this is your chance!

The sooner you settle on a concept, the more time you'll have to shoot—and the stronger your project will be.

NOTE: Under project guidelines, you are not required to submit images until week 4 and 5. However, I would highly recommend shooting every week in this course so that you have a large body of work to pick from, so that you can winnow or cull to include only the strongest images.

  • A summary of your three initial project ideas and a polished short summary of your chosen project.
  • A one-page summary of your professional goals as a photographer after graduation. (If your goals are artistic or avocational, tell me your creative goals.)
  • Links to three inspirational projects along with brief comments on why you found each project inspiring or interesting.

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Now that you've had time to develop a concept, seek peer and instructor input, refine your ideas, and relate the project to your goals, as well as research some inspirational projects by other photographers, you are ready to shoot your project.

In actual fact, I hope you have been shooting all along! Shooting every week in this course will give you the chance to explore techniques and rethink or refine your approach if the results don't match your expectations.

For the discussion and exercise in this stage, I want you to submit 3-5 samples of your project work AND a rough draft of the written portion of the exercise.

Getting feedback at this stage will give you a sense of how your written project concept is matching up with the kind of photography work you are generating.

Samples of Project Work

As noted above, submit 3-5 samples of your project work. What I am looking for is:


(NOTE: The 3-5 photos do not need to be part of the final grouping of 15 if they ultimately don't make the cut).

Rough Draft of Written Assignment

At the end of the course, your final project will be accompanied by a written assignment that includes:

creative or technical aspects of your approach.

With your Stage Two assignment submission, I would like you to present a rough draft of that written document.

How to Post In Dropbox 2 (Week 5), submit the following:

  • 3-5 project images.
  • Brief comment on your experiences. What creative or technical challenges did you encounter and how you will overcome them.
  • Rough draft of your written presentation as a PDF please.

By now you are sorting through your images and getting ready to present your final project work. It's an exciting, exhausting time, and your client (me) can't wait to see what you've developed.

Guidelines for Visual Work

Your final project should contain 15 final images that create a cohesive body of work. Your images must be formatted and finished appropriately. Each image should be edited and retouched to perfection.

The project must fit together stylistically as well as conceptually. For example, unless it's necessary for your concept, your project should have a consistent aspect ratio. (No 2x3 crops mixed with 4x5 crops).


NOTE: If your project includes diptychs or triptychs, each pair is counted as one image—so a project containing diptychs would have 30 photos but only 15 files. If you create diptychs, they should be laid out as a single image (for example, with two side by side images in a single JPEG document with an appropriate amount of white space or lack of white space around the images, as fits your concept.)

An example of a triptych.

Guidelines for Written Work

Your final written work should contain a project name, bio, and artist statement, together with any references and attributions. It should be saved as a .pdf with the title: 00_Initials_ProjectTitle.pdf.

The assignment should be formal in grammar and style and include the following items on separate pages in this order:


If you have any questions, please contact me! Here are some further notes:

Your bio . This should be at least half a page in length. Make sure you focus on your photographic experience/background.

Artist Statement. Again, no more than half a page in length. This should be about your project. Include briefly the what, why, and how of your project. You will want to address some of the following topics in distilled form:

  : Description of the concept and its subject. Talk about the style, aesthetics, and formal elements. What is your genre? What is your project about? Include your personal interest in the subject and background info that the viewer might need. Talk about your intended message and how your project is significant to the audience.

Description of important photography methods. This section is more technical and should be written as though the person reading has a basic understanding of photography (there is no need to define common terms like Aperture or HDR). Include your method of capture, process (lighting, staging), post-processing (compositing, and so on). Also explain how the "how" of the project progresses your concept. Talk about light, color, tone, and composition. Include any pre-planning documents like sketches, checklists, and so on.

Include 2-3 influences or inspirations for your work. Photography can be a very solitary exercise. Great work is rarely created within a vacuum. This is the section to look outward, rather than inward. At least one of the three influences should be another photographer. The other influences could be philosophers or poets! Include visual or written examples from each that are relevant to your concept. Be sure to cite your sources here and in your references section! (MLA or any other standard citation format is fine, just use it correctly and consistently).

Though it's not part of the project, I would also like you to comment with your submission on your post-graduation goals. Will you continue work on your Capstone Project? Do you hope to get your project published, exhibited, printed, and so on? What are your career goals? What steps have you already taken or will you take to achieve your goals? How can you use the portfolio created in your Capstone Project to advance your career?

How to Post In Dropbox 3 (Week 7), submit the following: Your final 15 project images, approriately sized, sequenced, and labeled. Your final written project with the required components in PDF form. A brief comment on your experience and next steps as a photographer.   Back to top

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149 Capstone Project Ideas & Examples – 2024

June 6, 2024

The word “capstone” originally referred to the decorative, final piece of masonry that would be affixed to the top of a new building. But in terms of schooling, what is a capstone project? Academically, “capstone” is a fitting metaphor, as a capstone project serves as a culminating, crowning illustration of your scholarly work. The capstone project synthesizes the learning you have done in various fields, demonstrates your level of expertise in your specific area of study, and often marks the end or milestone moment of a current study path. In short, it’s a big achievement! In this article, we’ve outlined a few tips for cultivating your perfect capstone thesis and have included a list of capstone project ideas to get you started.

General Capstone Writing Tips

As you select a topic for your capstone project, be sure to consider the following criteria:

Personal Interest . A capstone project is meant to be the culmination of or milestone representing your specific path of study; as such, it should be a project that actually interests you! Perhaps you’ve already been working on a passion project or long-term scholarly paper on a topic that excites you. Or maybe you’ve heard about a specific branch of inquiry within your field that you find compelling and want to explore further. Whether you’re new to a specific capstone subject or have been working on it for a while, it’s important to know that your actual interest in a subject can increase your productivity and learning. [i]

Existing Research . For any new piece of scholarship, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand and acknowledge the current knowledge and findings that exist around your thesis. As an advancing practitioner in your field of study or profession, you should already have a sense of what other scholars and experts have said about your capstone project idea, but this is a moment to fully explore: Who are the major players in this professional or scholarly conversation? What are the most important pieces of research that ground this field of study? What recent innovations have been made in this topic?

Stakes . If you’ve ever been involved in a debate or had to write a persuasive speech , you know that an important question to answer is: “So what?” Why is this capstone project idea important? What will be affected if the ideas in your capstone do or do not come to pass? What exactly is at stake here?

Examples Continued

Stakeholders . The stakeholders of a capstone are those who will be affected by the information in your project. Perhaps you’ve already engaged in community service and have seen a gap that can be filled by your particular area of expertise. Maybe you are one of the stakeholders in your research. In every capstone project, your readers should know who will be most important to your work.

Identify a gap or problem . If you’ve done your research properly, then you now know what current holes or gaps exist in your field. Make sure you frame your capstone so that your audience is aware of the work that needs to be done.

Fill the gap . This is your moment to shine! What is your specific hypothesis? What kind of research will you conduct to prove it? Specifically, how is your work contributing to this field of study? To this profession?

Feasibility and Scope . The last question you need to ask yourself is: Can I actually do this project? Do you have the time and resources to complete the work you’re proposing? Is your capstone actually doable? If you find that your project seems too big, don’t despair! Many capstone project ideas can be narrowed down for specificity and feasibility. Take a look at the example below:

Very broad:

“What are some recent developments in women’s health research?”

More specific and feasible:

“What are the most current findings on early diagnostic testing and maternal health outcomes amongst American women?”

Capstone Project Examples

Below, we’ve listed 150 capstone project examples in various fields. Think of all of these focus questions and ideas as jumping-off points. Some are very broad, while others are much more specific. Your capstone project will most likely fall under the “specific” category (see “feasibility and scope” above), but broader topics and focus questions can get you started down the path of your own particular branch of research.

Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

1) In what ways does social media influence current developments in information systems and marketing?

2) What recent developments have we seen in natural language processing? What innovations do we hope to see?

3) How is cybersecurity an essential consideration in political and public policy?

4) What is the potential for virtual reality within the fields of mental healthcare and / or physical rehabilitation?

5) How can cybersecurity better function in the healthcare industry?

6) What are current and developing applications for machine learning algorithms?

7) How can we develop more secure data encryption?

8) What are the current needs for development in image processing and design?

9) How does artificial intelligence promise to elevate, innovate, revolutionize, or render obsolete various fields and / or methodologies inside and outside of computer science?

10) What current developments exist in the field of neural networks?

11) In what ways can we develop more efficient data encryption algorithms?

12) What specific roles does computer science play in national defense?

13) Exploring automated testing systems.

14) In what ways have smartphone interfaces changed human behavior? Can we predict future changes?

15) What recent innovations have we seen in cloud computing and what changes can we expect to see in this field?

16) How can we improve specific algorithms that conduct market-based analysis?

17) What are the current most important ethical questions surrounding big data and information systems?

18) What are the current expectations around the development and use of cryptocurrency?

19) What specific relationships exist between national policy and internet censorship?

20) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of computer science that specifically interests you !)

Nursing and Medical Capstone Project Ideas

21) What roles might nurses have in administering pain management and anesthesia?

22) In what ways can we address the country’s nursing shortage?

23) In what ways is the field of nursing expected to change in the near future?

24) What innovations can be made in continuing education for nurses?

25) In what ways can nurse practitioners and PAs function more effectively in primary care and specialty settings?

26) Going forward, what roles can nurses play in mobile health and telemedicine?

27) How can clinical settings improve their mental and emotional health outreach for employees?

28) In what ways do nurses and PAs function in specific research roles (e.g. cancer research)?

29) Development of cultural sensitivity training and eliminating health equity disparities in the nursing field.

30) Recent developments in women’s health initiatives and research.

31) In what ways can communication efficacy be addressed in clinical settings?

32) What is the relationship between medical care and specific public policies?

33) Nursing, management, and leadership roles.

34) In what ways can technology improve nursing and healthcare initiatives?

35) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of medicine or scientific inquiry that specifically interests you !)

Humanities and Arts Capstone Project Ideas

36) How does art function in the political and public spheres?

37) What specific developments have we seen in the field of graphic design in the past decade?

38) Analyzing the relationships between marketing, commercial viability and contemporary literature.

39) In what ways do the humanities function in ecocriticism and the Anthropocene?

40) Social media and communication.

41) What are some recent examples of the relationship between popular culture and political propaganda?

42) Current distinctions between pop culture, avant-garde, and highbrow literature and art.

43) What is the role of philosophy in current public debate?

44) In what ways do / have the humanities function(ed) within and / or outside of the public sphere?

45) What is the role of the digital humanities in ancient / early modern / modern history?

46) What recent developments have we seen in the fields of women’s and gender studies?

47) How has a globalized media culture impacted our views on cultural exchange / postcolonialism / hegemonic power structures?

48) In what ways have sustainability initiatives become an essential part of art, theatre, fashion, film, and literary production?

49) Race, class, gender and / or sexuality, and recent developments in the construction of personal identity.

50) How does appropriation function in the realm of cultural production?

51) What is the current role of cinema in public and political culture?

52) Creativity and new genres in the wake of social media, artificial intelligence and monoculture.

53) How can / do museums and public spaces function as sites of cultural production?

54) In what ways has artificial intelligence begun to shape the arts and humanities?

55) Recent innovations and gaps in ____________. (Have you already done some research on a particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of humanities research that specifically interests you!)

Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

56) What is the role of engineering in specific manufacturing practices?

57) In what ways are environmental and sustainable efforts transforming various industries (transportation, manufacturing, public use, energy, etc.)?

58) How does artificial intelligence promise to function in various engineering fields?

59) What are the functions of drones in supply chains?

60) How does engineering specifically function in the production and management of public health (water purification and distribution, waste management, etc.)?

61) What recent innovations have we seen in the fields of engineering and defense?

62) Assessing the feasibility of solar power, wind power, etc.

63) In what ways can engineering facilitate specific infrastructure innovations in public spaces?

64) What does the privatization of the aerospace industry demonstrate about the relationship between public and commercial scientific research?

65) In what ways does current engineering promise to disrupt fields like the automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, etc. industries?

66) Examining various uses of 3D printing.

67) What are some recent innovations in electric, geothermal and/ or nuclear energy?

68) What is the current relationship between extraction engineering and the public sphere?

69) How does the field of robotics function in medicine and public health?

70) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of engineering or scientific inquiry that specifically interests you !)

Education Capstone Project Ideas

71) How do charter schools currently function in the education system?

72) What current pathways exist for continuing education in the teaching field?

73) What roles does artificial intelligence play in the future of education?

74) Disciplinary practices and education for early childhood, middle school, high school, etc.

75) Addressing income and resource disparities between public school districts.

76) In what ways does gender currently function in STEM education?

77) In what ways can mental health initiatives more thoroughly benefit students, staff, and educators?

78) In what ways is parental involvement a factor in current curriculum models?

79) What are the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of virtual learning, technology in the classroom, asynchronous learning, e-learning, etc.?

80) How can we address the current teacher shortage?

81) What are the current relationships between politics, public policy, school funding and curriculum development?

82) What recent innovations have we seen in outdoor learning, Montessori schooling, forest schools, eco-education, etc.?

82) How can schools facilitate better curricula and funding for special needs programs?

83) What is the current role of the arts in public education? In private education?

84) What is the relationship between public policy and homeschooling?

85) In what ways do race and class currently function in specific conversations around education?

86) What are current concerns and developments in the practices of school safety?

87) What developments are currently underway in curricula involving interdisciplinary and project-based learning?

88) What benefits and drawbacks currently exist in extracurricular programs and initiatives for students of various age groups?

89) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of education or curriculum planning that specifically interests you !)

Biology Capstone Project Ideas

90) What are some recent developments in the ethics of stem cell research and cloning?

91) How has public disease testing changed since the pandemic?

92) What is the role of the biologist in mining, extraction, and geoengineering?

93) What recent innovations have been made in pesticide production, distribution, and wider use?

94) How can biology serve manufacturing industries to prevent contamination and supply chain stalling?

95) How do specific ecosystems currently function in regard to climate change? What changes are predicted to these ecosystems in the next decade and why?

96) In what ways are biologists’ roles evolving in the development of biomechanical medical devices?

97) What roles do biologists play in understandings of human reproduction and DNA?

98) How are pharmaceutical and recreational drugs currently understood and classified?

99) What recent biological innovations have been made in the production of food? What developments do we foresee in this branch of biology?

100) In what ways are biological systems affected by various forms of energy extraction and consumption (electrical power, gas, wind and solar power, etc.)?

101) How does A.I. promise to affect the roles of biologists in various fields?

102) What current biological threats do we face in terms of biological warfare? How are biologists crucial players in national defense?

103) Explore a relationship between the biochemical signatures of the body and mental wellness / illness.

104) In what specific ways is the organic movement both a biological consideration and a marketing strategy?

105) How do biologists play significant roles in the prevention of spreading infectious diseases?

106) What are the relationships between human population growth or decline and natural ecosystems?

107) How is marine life affected by human activity (recent understandings and developments)?

108) How do biologists function in public and political conversations around sustainability?

109) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of biology that specifically interests you !)

Psychology Capstone Project Ideas

110) What recent developments have been made in research around specific social media platforms and mental health?

111) What roles did the pandemic play in social and mental health amongst particular age groups?

112) How are recent developments in digital communication (“ghosting,” “swiping,” “liking”) indicative of disordered psychological behaviors?

113) Considering particular contexts like time and place, explore the relationships between psychological wellness and gender.

114) Investigate stress reduction efficacy amongst particular populations.

115) What is the role of mental health awareness in policies and conversations around public health?

116) What role does psychology play in pain management?

117) In what ways are clinical psychologists and therapists uniquely poised to conduct empirical research?

118) What recent developments exist in research around various types of trauma?

119) What daily interventions need to be explored in the reduction of anxiety and sleep disorders?

120) What is the developing role of telemedicine and online mental healthcare?

121) In what ways are particular prescription drugs more or less effective when paired with traditional types of psychotherapy?

122) In what ways do companies utilize psychology in marketing and branding?

123) What is the role of the child psychologist in public schools?

124) In what ways can HR departments benefit from on-staff mental health workers?

125) Explore distinctions between child psychologists and early childhood educators.

126) What interventions can be made in the realm of public policy to lessen the social stigma of mental health disorders?

127) How can psychology be used to create more efficient workplaces?

128) In what ways can new technology like apps and AI be implemented in the ongoing care of mental health patients?

129) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of psychology that specifically interests you !)

Business and Accounting Capstone Project Ideas

130) What are the current impacts of globalization on business strategy?

131) How can organizations change communication practices?

132) What are the relationships between sales, brand perception, and social justice movements?

133) In what ways are women perceived and compensated in the finance field? How has this developed over the past decade? What developments remain to be seen?

134) What leadership training programs and strategies best serve managers?

135) Exploring sustainable business practices.

136) In what ways can company structure influence business innovation?

137) What are the current trends and best practices for inter-departmental conflict resolution within businesses?

138) Exploring effects of mergers and acquisitions for specific companies.

139) What is the specific role of HR in performance management amongst employees?

140) Recent explorations of forensic accounting in cases of embezzlement.

141) Perform a case study analysis of a particular taxation policy.

142) What are some important features of the ethics of non-profit accounting?

143) In what ways can we measure international accounting standards?

144) Due to the pandemic, how have budgeting and financial planning methods evolved in recent years?

145) What specific impacts can we predict in the accounting field as a result of AI and other advancing technologies?

146) Perform an analysis of marketing strategies that utilize social media.

147) How can companies maximize consumer engagement in saturated markets?

148 Which technologies and designs are most effective in brand management and dispersion?

149) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of business or accounting that specifically interests you !)

Capstone Project Examples – Works Cited

[i] Kahu, Ella., Karen Nelson, Catherine Picton. “Student Interest as a Key Driver of Engagement for First Year Students.” Student Success. Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 55-66. July 2017.

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  • The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful set of 10 photographs in a final project . Of course, you may well expose hundreds of photographs to get to that final number! This course is where you will combine your passion for a particular content with the skills and knowledge you have developed as a photographer through this Specialization. This is also where you will share your insights with a community of equally passionate photographers through peer review, as they learn from you and you learn from them. Perhaps the project is based in your passion for artistic expression, or for a documentary subject in your community that you feel is worthy of exploration. Maybe you feel moved to create a series of insightful portraits centered on people who are part of a group or of a certain type, or create photographs that are important for your non-photography career (beautiful photos of houses and their details if you are a realtor for example). Whatever the content or subjects, whatever the lighting, exposure, or other techniques used, it begins with an outline, what we call a Project Plan. It goes without saying that all the photographs for this project must be new pictures, created on or after the date of the start of this course. This is not the place for photographs you have created previously, although your new photographs may be related to an area of interest you had before you began this final course. In this first Module you will point your creative compass in a general direction, and with the help of your fellow photographers' feedback gradually create a more narrow, straight, and true path of photography as the weeks of effort go forward. You'll learn from Peter and Mark's mistakes and review a valuable lesson, "Responding to Photographs," from the past. Of course, you will also begin making photographs in that general direction too! Let's get started!!!
  • Learning from others
  • In this Module, Peter and Mark will comment on projects created by two MSU students and alumni, discussing the strengths they see in form and content to help you begin to form your own judgments as you either agree or disagree with their responses. The process of analyzing one's own preferences, and then actively agreeing and disagreeing about effective camerawork, composition, and content approaches, are key elements in the growth of any photographer. When we convey our honestly held responses in ways that are helpful, we not only give the photographer whose work we are commenting on greater insight into how their work is perceived, but also help open ourselves to new levels of understanding too. The Photographer's Statements by those students are also posted for you to consider, as you prepare to form your own in the future. Our Lesson Review of "Making not Taking Photographs," relates to the purposeful nature of the Capstone Project. In Peer Review, you will help each other gain insights into Project Plans, help each other by making comments and offering suggestions related to the Plans, and share first photographs with each other as well. Remember, the Capstone experience is a Journey, not a Race! If you missed the Reading in Week One, a Fable by Aesop awaits your attention! Take each week for what it is, an opportunity to grow in knowledge, creativity, and photographic technique.
  • Learning more about critically analyzing
  • Peter and Mark will review two more MSU student projects to help you understand what they see as markers of success in a body of related photographs. Once again, the students' Photographer's Statements are presented as examples of the diversity with which such things may be written. Peter will also discuss the purposes of "critique," also known as constructive criticism, and strategies for analyzing the works of others. Our Lesson Review in this Module is again from Course Three, entitled "Composition is a "Map," Balance is Bike Riding." Finally, you will practice your "critique skills" in a Peer Review exercise. Of course, during this week you will keep photographing to develop your project further.
  • Mid-Term review time!
  • At the midway point in this Capstone Course, you will "get over the hump" and continue your progress toward the completion of your photography projects! Peter and Mark will each discuss a project that had "humps" to get over. This is also the week where you will upload a large set of new photographs, ten to be exact, using the Discussion Forum as our "gallery," and the Peer Review process as a way to share and receive feedback from as many of your fellow photographers as you like. You will not only gain from the perspectives of others, but grow in your abilities to engage the processes of critical thinking and dialogue so necessary to developing your own sense of what makes a photograph a "success."
  • Questions and Answers
  • In your fifth week of the Capstone, you are just beyond the half-way mark but quickly closing in on the time when you will have to upload your final portfolio project. There is still time to make adjustments, to fine tune the course you charted in your original Project Plan. With the feedback you received in the Midterm Review, and the experience of reviewing your peers' projects, the full meaning of a "project" should be much more clear to you now. This is a perfect time to switch from project planning statements to writing a "Photographer's Statement" that conveys in words the significance in your pictures, and we will concentrate on that this week.
  • Inspiration and Perspiration!
  • As Thomas Edison, the great 20th Century American inventor said, "Creativity is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration," and you can surely appreciate the meaning of that at this point in the development of your projects! In the last two weeks, you have had the opportunity to share and receive comments on your project's progress. There are no doubt questions that have been raised in your own mind about the project. There are also answers that you have found valid in regard to your goals. Use this week to create more photographs and to revise your Photographer's Statement in response to the feedback you have received from Peers. Your Capstone project pictures will be due by the end of next week, the 7th week of this Course 5. You should be making final photographs, fine tuning your Photographer's Statement, and making final decisions about which 10 pictures will comprise your final project. Be inspired!
  • Reveal the Capstone Projects!
  • You have done it! It's time to share your photographs and statements. Following the process described by Prof. Glendinning in his Lecture, you will use the Week 7 Discussion Forum to post your pictures for others to see and reflect on. After we take this week to post pictures and view those of classmates, you'll have the opportunity to share comments in Peer Review in Module 8. You'll also have the opportunity at that later time to make comments directly within this Discussion Forum... but please follow the lecture instructions, and don't post comments too early here!
  • Review, Reflect, and Go Beyond!
  • Well, here we are at the end of one journey together but at the beginning of another! In this final week, you will continue the process of learning by sharing and receiving comments through the Peer Review process. It will not only give you the chance to formally review 9 of your fellow Learners' projects, but also to make a direct comment to all participants in the Discussion Forum about how your photography will be improved by what you learned from their projects. Going "beyond" is something that you have embraced throughout this Specialization, and in reviewing the works of peers you have learned about your own tastes, your own standards of excellence. Your efforts are rewarded not only by the growth in creative and critique abilities however. In addition, you will be receiving an email giving you instructions on how to access the substantial discounts that our Industry Partners have provided. Finally, look for an invitation to the secret Facebook group where you can continue to interact with your peers if you like. In the future, as new groups of Learners complete the Capstone and join the "Alumni" Facebook Group, you will be joined there by other enthusiastic photographers who have also journeyed through Photography Basics and Beyond, to continue sharing together. Peter and Mark are active members of that Facebook group, and we look forward to our future interactions with you there as well. THANKS for all you have done to make this a positive learning experience throughout all 5 courses. We look forward to continuing the journey in photography with you in the future too!

Peter Glendinning

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PHO 260: Digital Photography Capstone and Portfolio Review

A portfolio project and portfolio review for digital photography majors.

The Digital Photography Capstone and Portfolio Review class offers an opportunity to develop a multifaceted portfolio piece and hone your creative work into a polished presentation for future clients and employers.

The Digital Photography Capstone Project provides a simulation of an extended photography project. Students will take a photography project from concept to final presentation. Students work closely with the department head, developing a client brief for a project that provides a deep exploration of an area of photography.

Students participate in Portfolio Review in weeks 9-15 of the semester. This provides students the opportunity to gather and develop a portfolio of work and present it to faculty and classmates for feedback.

Sharla Fossen photography

About This Course

Project-based learning.

This portfolio project affords the opportunity for a professional photoshoot that results in a set of high quality, accomplished images that meets client and project goals and show your skills as a photographer. Students will also assemble a high quality final portfolio of work for instructor review and peer feedback. Student work will be evaluated to assess the achievement of program outcomes defined for the Associate Degree in Digital Photography program.

What Skills Will I Develop?

Students in this course can expect to learn to:

  • Research a local client/customer for your project, showing an understanding of both your client and photography genres and stylistic trends relevant to your project.
  • Develop a photo shoot plan that addresses all essential factors for success: client goals, lighting, location, technology, and more.
  • Conduct a photoshoot that results in a set of high quality, accomplished images that meet client and project goals and show your skills as a photographer.
  • Select and digitally edit your project images into a set of professional standard final images.
  • Present your work to the instructor and client in a compelling, professional manner.
  • Assemble a portfolio of work, identifying and describe strengths and weaknesses in your work.
  • Develop a plan for portfolio development and identify a desired career direction.
  • Develop a professional summary of your design capabilities.
  • Present a finalized portfolio of creative work.

What Software and Supplies Do I Need?

  • Computer with Internet connection.
  • Access to a standalone digital camera with manual control over ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, and White Balance, that allows for shooting in RAW format.
  • Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom or equivalent programs.
  • Experience in the above software.

Course Instructor(s)

The course is taught by the following instructor(s):

Felicia Kieselhorst

Felicia Kieselhorst is freelance photographer with her own business based in Oakland, CA. Felicia specializes in wedding and product photography, and works in digital and film photography, using primarily Nikon, Hasselblad, and an array of toy cameras.

Course Outline

Researching the project.

Students will research client options, scout a project, and create a project plan that encompasses client goals, lighting, location, technology, and more.

Conducting the Photo Shoot

The big day is here. Working from their plan, students execute their project photo shoot.

Selecting, Editing, and Presenting Images

It's time to curate your images. Students will select and edit their best images and develop a polished client presentation that can be delivered over the Web.

Portfolio Guidelines

Students are expected to create a portfolio that is useful to their future creative development, and to do so with attention to quality and detail. The final student portfolio will demonstrate professional presentation techniques and a written summary of the student's design capabilities.

Final Review

Student portfolios will be evaluated to assess the achievement of program outcomes defined for the Associate Degree in Digital Photography program.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do the courses work.

Our courses are project-based and instructor-led. In each course you’ll complete a series of lectures, projects, discussions, and critiques designed to stretch your creative skills. Weekly assignment deadlines keep you on track, and with no set-logins or Zoom meetings, you can build your studies around your schedule.

Who Are The Instructors?

Our courses are developed and taught by our industry-leading faculty of creative professionals . This means that you’ll learn in-demand skills, get feedback on your work, and build a portfolio of creative work. View our Student Gallery for featured student projects.

When Can I Start?

Classes start January, April, and August, and this course is completed in a 15-week term. This course is not available for individual enrollment; it can only be taken as part of a program.

Explore our Programs: Bachelor's Degree | Associate Degree | Undergraduate Certificate

How Do I Register?

This course is not available for individual enrollment; it can only be taken as part of a program. To register for a program, complete our program application .

Is Sessions College Accredited?

Yes. Since 2001, Sessions College has been accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency and is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).


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photography capstone project

Photography Capstone

photography capstone project

The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 8-10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography. We are confident that it will be a project that you will be excited to share with fellow Learners! You and your fellow learners will be supporting each other as you work independently, by sharing your work-in-progress at a mid-point Peer Review. At the mid-point you will share comments and suggestions with each other, helping your fellow Learners gauge their own progress. By expressing your own ideas and expectations about quality in response to their work, you will be forming your own criteria of excellence as well. When the Capstone Projects are ready to be finalized and shared, you will have another opportunity for Peer Review. This final opportunity for sharing your photographs and comments with peers, and reflecting on their comments about your photos, will be an exciting learning experience. Your contribution of comments to fellow Learners will not only help them understand their photographs better, but it will give you an opportunity to use the vocabulary of terms that are related to techniques, design principles, and content approaches that you have learned through your success in each of the previous Modules. A unique aspect of this Specialization is that everyone who completes the requirements will receive, in addition to their Certificate of Specialization from Michigan State University, substantial discounts on equipment, accessories, and membership benefits through Industry Partners from among the premier manufacturers of photography equipment: LensPen, Lume Cube lighting, Photo District News, Schneider Optics, Think Tank Cases/Bags, and a 1-year membership in providing special student discounts from 16 more major manufacturers. The ‘top-10’ peer-reviewed Capstone projects each year will be awarded the opportunity for individual reviews, with personal responses, by world renowned photographers who have been honored with the title of Canson-Infinity® Ambassadors.

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Michigan State University has been advancing the common good with uncommon will for more than 165 years.

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Photography Capstone Project

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Peter Glendinning Professor Art, Art History, & Design

Mark Valentine Sullivan Associate Professor Music / Innovation Hub

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Photography Capstone Project

The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography. We are confident that it will be a project that you will be excited to share with fellow Learners. You should plan on spending more time on this Course per week than any other in this Specialization, and much of it will be in making photographs.

During the entire period of development, you and your fellow learners will be supporting each other as you work independently, by sharing your work-in-progress from the initial Project Plan to the final Portfolio. At each stage, all Learners will share comments and suggestions with each other, helping each other to gauge progress and to learn about different approaches to photography and content. By expressing your own ideas and expectations about quality in response to the work of others, you will be forming your own criteria of excellence as well.

Along the way there will be multiple opportunities for sharing pictures and ideas through carefully designed Peer Review. This sharing of photographs and comments with peers, and reflecting on their comments about your photos, will be an exciting learning experience that will help you grow in understanding your own photography and that of others. Your contribution of comments to fellow Learners will not only help them understand their photographs better, but it will give you an opportunity to use the vocabulary of terms that are related to techniques, design principles, and content approaches that you have learned through your success in each of the previous Modules.

A unique aspect of this Specialization is that everyone who completes the requirements will receive, in addition to their Certificate of Specialization from Michigan State University, access to substantial discounts on equipment, accessories, and membership benefits through Industry Partners from among the premier manufacturers of photography equipment and related items: Fracture, Gary Fong, Gyst, Lensbaby, LensPen, Lume Cube Lighting, Photo District News, PhotoVideoEdu, Think Tank Cases/Bags.

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photography capstone project


Welcome to the virtual gallery presenting the professional work of northern arizona university's graduating photography students, professors' note.

Each year, Northern Arizona University celebrates students who completed work toward a Bachelor of Science in Photography under the direction of Professors Sam Minkler, Amy Horn, Beth Staub, and Russ Gilbert. The capstone experience reflects a broad range of styles taught within this degree at Northern Arizona University. We are proud to present these annual capstone projects to the graduating classes since 2020.

photography capstone project

Photography Capstone Project


The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography. We are confident that it will be a project that you will be excited to share with fellow Learners, and with Professors Peter Glendinning and Mark Sullivan too! A unique feature of this Course is the individual review and responsive input you will receive directly from Peter or Mark, who will be viewing your pictures and making evaluations of all projects at the end of the Capstone. You should plan on spending more time on this Course per week than any other in this Specialization, and much of it will be in making photographs.

During the entire period of development, you and your fellow learners will be supporting each other as you work independently, by sharing your work-in-progress from the initial Project Plan to the final Portfolio. At each stage, all Learners will share comments and suggestions with each other, helping each other to gauge progress and to learn about different approaches to photography and content. By expressing your own ideas and expectations about quality in response to the work of others, you will be forming your own criteria of excellence as well.

Along the way there will be multiple opportunities for sharing pictures and ideas through carefully designed Peer Review. This sharing of photographs and comments with peers, and reflecting on their comments about your photos, will be an exciting learning experience that will help you grow in understanding your own photography and that of others. Your contribution of comments to fellow Learners will not only help them understand their photographs better, but it will give you an opportunity to use the vocabulary of terms that are related to techniques, design principles, and content approaches that you have learned through your success in each of the previous Modules.

A unique aspect of this Specialization is that everyone who completes the requirements will receive, in addition to their Certificate of Specialization from Michigan State University, access to substantial discounts on equipment, accessories, and membership benefits through Industry Partners from among the premier manufacturers of photography equipment and related items: Fracture, Gary Fong, Gyst, Lensbaby, LensPen, Lume Cube Lighting, Photo District News, PhotoVideoEdu, Think Tank Cases/Bags. In addition, The ‘top-10’ peer-reviewed Capstone projects each year will be awarded the opportunity for individual reviews, with personal responses, by world renowned photographers who have been honored with the title of Canson-Infinity® Paper Ambassadors.

Price: Enroll For Free!

Language: English

Subtitles : English

Photography Capstone Project – Michigan State University

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Photography Capstone Project

Whether your camera is a smartphone or dslr, a compact or mirrorless model, you will learn to gain control of exposure and understand fundamentals of composition, while exploring documentary and creative concepts to make the kinds of photographs you have always wanted.this specialization covers a broad range of fundamental principles in photography, from camera control to principles of composition and creativity, providing you with a foundation for growth in making photographs you'll be proud to the capstone you will develop a final project of photographs related to your individual ne.

Created by: Peter Glendinning

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Instructor Details

Peter Glendinning

Peter Glendinning

photography capstone project

Peter Glendinning has been a member of the faculty of Michigan State University's Department of Art, Art History, & Design, in the College of Arts & Letters, since 1978. His work in photography has ranged from making the official portrait of Michigan Governor John Engler, to exhibits of Polaroid-IMPOSSIBLE photographs in fine art galleries and museum settings in the USA and Europe. His photographs are found in major public and private collections, and his project "My Paris" was named among the "Best of 2015" by the American Society of Media Photographers. He has served as President of the Photo Imaging Education Association International, and of the Society for Photographic Education's Midwest Region, and created the first online art course at Michigan State University.

107 total reviews


By Kate S on 30-Dec-18

This course has been great and I have learnt a lot, especially in the earlier 4 courses leading up to the capstone project. BUT considering that I was paying to access this course and then had to pay AGAIN before submitting my final project, I would expect to get feedback from the lecturers running the course. I completed this 3 months ago and the only feedback I've had on my final project has been the peer review from people assumably at the same level that I am at. One of the things I was looking forwards to with completion was getting some feedback from professionals on my photography. This hasn't happened yet. If I was on campus completing a degree this would be unacceptable. I understand that the lecturers would be busy, but if they are too busy to provide feedback perhaps less people should be able to enroll. Or it should be clear in the course description that the final grade and feedback is from your peers. In this case, we shouldn't have to pay for our final project to be submitted.

By Roberta L on 29-Dec-16

I learned a lot about how to use my camera from the lectures. The only downside was the feedback which was very limited from other students. The only feedback from the instructors was at the end of the 5 course series and even it was limited.

By Debora B on 13-Nov-17

It was a really great course, specially the exchange among colleagues with the peer review system. It is amazing how much hit chances the way you think photography. It also may ruin the way you see some of your photos from before, since you get much more of a critic eye. If I can make a suggestion, I just believe since it is a very fast pace course, suddenly 10 pictures, it is too much. I could see it was too much form most of my colleagues, since you could notice amazing pictures and some not so great, which is what you have to do in such a short notice. It would be good to know we will be posting 10 pictures in advance, so we can prepare for it since the beginning. Or... maybe give a few more days on the tasks with 10 pictures to post.The reason it is not a five star course is because our two professors never get to comment our work. I can understand it is too many students and a lot of courses happening at the same time, but at least at the Capstone Project we should get a review from the opinion of the two professionals we have been learning from.

By Idilia C on 4-May-18

Perfect capstone for a great specialization! Depending on your project and how seriously you are taking it prepare yourself for a ton of work... but it's totally worth it! :)

By Robert d B on 10-May-17

This course has been extremely challenging in more ways than one. Even though the actual photos were the focal point, but all the other elements were very thought provoking. Sometimes I reflected that taking the actual photos and post adjustments were the easy part. It has been a privilege to review some of my fellow photographers and see so many more photos of other photographers during the course. The diversity of subjects and techniques have shown me that anything is possible and that we are limited only by our imagination. I like to thank Prof. Glendinning and Prof. Sullivan for such a great and entertaining and thought provoking course. I like to thank my fellow students who have been with me on this nearly 6 month journey for your kind and helpful comments and I hope that some of my comments have been helpful to you as well and any comments I have made, I made with great consideration and respect.Wishing all my fellow Spartans every success and lets hope we will meet again on some other great photography course put on by Michigan State University 0 Reply

By joy o on 23-Jun-19

This is a great way to focus on photography skills you want to take to the next level. Fellow classmates are from all over the world and exhibit wonderful art. You will learn from each other and really get to know each other's projects. I was sad when it was over.

By Andrejus S on 23-Jun-19

Photography Capstone Project course is a great opportunity to master your photography skills by active participation. It also helps you understand about photo critique which is very helpful in evaluating your own work. I find it very useful when my fellow course learners were giving me feedback on my creations as well as photographers statement. By doing this course i have learned framework of delivering a one theme photography collection.

By Adler J on 26-Nov-17

This is a great course, it teaches the fundamentals and all the little nuances which allow students to understand Photography. Now it is the time to execute and expand one

By Rainer H on 22-Aug-17

Awesome course/specialization. The outstanding content and extreme helpful and constructive critics/reviews help to become a better photographer and broaden your horizon.

By Abdurrahman S on 21-Feb-19

old but good

By Eiko S on 1-Apr-19

Thank you for letting me have the very important opportunity to lean the photography. I learnt a lot about the photography and how to take and make photos.

By Shamily K on 19-Feb-19

Really liked ur teaching.. Is there any upgrading course in the same medium i want study..

photography capstone project

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Best Capstone Project Ideas for Students across subjects

Updated 02 Sep 2024

best capstone project ideas

The most challenging aspect of crafting a top-tier capstone project is often getting started. The initial hurdle involves selecting a strong, impactful topic that aligns with your strengths and academic goals. A well-chosen topic not only highlights your potential but also sets the foundation for a successful project. Conversely, a weak topic can lead to a less effective outcome. To assist you in this crucial step, we’ve compiled a list of innovative high school senior capstone ideas and capstone project examples to guide you toward the right choice.

Understanding Capstone Projects: Purpose and Application

A capstone project is a culminating academic experience typically undertaken during the final phase of a degree program. Capstone project topics span various fields, such as economics, public health, and information technology, emphasizing the importance of selecting relevant and innovative themes for academic projects. It allows students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired throughout their coursework by tackling a real-world problem or challenge within their field of study. Capstone projects are expected in undergraduate and graduate programs, especially in disciplines like engineering, business, nursing, and information technology.

These projects are often required in educational settings, including universities and professional schools, as a means to integrate and apply theoretical knowledge in a practical context. Students usually work independently or in groups under the guidance of a faculty advisor, with the project often serving as a bridge between academic learning and professional practice. The results of a capstone project can take various forms, such as a research paper, a presentation, or a physical product, and are typically presented to a panel of faculty members or industry professionals.

How to Choose the Perfect Capstone Project Topic

Selecting a topic for your capstone project is a critical step in setting the foundation for your academic endeavor. The right topic will allow you to showcase the knowledge and skills you’ve developed throughout your studies while addressing a real-world problem. To start, brainstorm ideas that are relevant to your field and spark your interest. This personal connection can be key to maintaining motivation throughout the project.

Consider exploring innovative capstone project ideas, especially those that tackle urgent ecological issues and encourage sustainable practices.

Next, narrowing down your ideas by reviewing the existing literature is essential. This step will help you identify gaps in current research or practice, allowing you to contribute something new and valuable to your field. A topic that is too broad can become overwhelming, so aim for a specific issue that is manageable within the scope of your project.

Finally, seek feedback from your advisor or peers to refine your topic choice. Their insights can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that your topic is both challenging and achievable. By carefully selecting a well-defined, relevant, and interesting topic, you’ll set yourself up for a successful capstone project that truly reflects your academic achievements.

Capstone Project Ideas for Students

Exploring our curated list of top high school senior capstone ideas can provide valuable inspiration if you're about to embark on your capstone project. These examples from the  capstone project writing service EduBirdie offer a solid starting point for selecting a topic that aligns with your interests and academic goals. For students interested in cybersecurity, delving into specialized cybersecurity capstone project ideas within this field can be particularly rewarding, as they provide opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios in a rapidly growing industry.

Capstone Engineering Project Ideas

  • Renewable Energy from Ocean Waves
  • Automated Irrigation System
  • 3D Printed Prosthetics
  • Smart Traffic Management System
  • Earthquake-Resistant Building Design
  • Solar-Powered Water Purification
  • Wind Turbine Optimization
  • Autonomous Drone Delivery
  • Green Building Design
  • Smart Home Automation
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station
  • Waste-to-Energy Conversion
  • Hydroelectric Power Model
  • Intelligent Transportation System
  • Noise Pollution Control
  • Self-Healing Concrete
  • Low-Cost Ventilator Design
  • Advanced Water Desalination
  • Bridge Structural Analysis
  • Smart Grid Implementation

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas

  • Improving Patient Safety Protocols
  • Telehealth Solutions for Rural Areas
  • Pain Management in Post-Operative Care
  • Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections
  • Enhancing Communication in Critical Care
  • Mental Health Support for Nurses
  • Fall Prevention Programs
  • Improving Medication Administration Accuracy
  • Promoting Healthy Lifestyles for the Elderly
  • Palliative Care for Cancer Patients
  • Nutritional Support for Diabetic Patients
  • Stress Management for Nursing Staff
  • Increasing Vaccination Rates in Pediatrics
  • Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies
  • Wound Care Management at Home
  • Heart Disease Patient Education Programs
  • Reducing Nurse Burnout with Mindfulness
  • End-of-Life Care Improvement in Nursing Homes
  • Postpartum Depression Screening and Support
  • Developing Pain Assessment Tools for Non-Verbal Patients

Information Technology Capstone Project Ideas

  • Cybersecurity Threat Detection System
  • Blockchain-Based Voting System
  • AI-Powered Customer Support Chatbot
  • Cloud Data Backup and Recovery System
  • Smart Inventory Management System
  • IoT-Based Home Security System
  • E-Commerce Website Development
  • Mobile App for Smart Cities
  • Online Learning Management System
  • Virtual Reality Training Simulator
  • AI-Based Image Recognition System
  • Business Intelligence Data Analytics Dashboard
  • Social Media Sentiment Analysis Tool
  • Augmented Reality Shopping Experience
  • IoT Environmental Monitoring System
  • Machine Learning Recommendation System
  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training Platform
  • Healthcare Data Management System
  • Online Exam System with Anti-Cheating
  • Voice-Activated Personal Assistant App

Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

  • AI-Based Text Summarization Tool
  • Real-Time Language Translation App
  • Blockchain Secure Document Sharing
  • Face Recognition Attendance System
  • AI Predictive Maintenance System
  • Virtual Reality Game Development
  • Smart Personal Assistant with Voice Commands
  • Real-Time Traffic Analysis Using Computer Vision
  • Automated Code Review Tool
  • Cloud-Based Online IDE for Coding
  • AI-Based Video Editing Software
  • Deep Learning Image Classification
  • Interactive Virtual Tour System
  • Smart Contract Development on Ethereum
  • AI Health Diagnosis System
  • Chatbot for Online Customer Service
  • Machine Learning Stock Market Prediction
  • Secure Mobile Payment System
  • NLP for Sentiment Analysis
  • AI Content Recommendation Engine

MBA Capstone Project Ideas<

  • Digital Marketing Strategy for Startups
  • Financial Analysis of Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Business Process Optimization in Manufacturing
  • Customer Retention Strategies for E-Commerce
  • Sustainable Business Practices in Retail
  • Impact of CSR on Brand Loyalty
  • Market Entry Strategy for New Products
  • Analysis of Supply Chain Management
  • Franchise Business Model Development
  • Globalization Impact on Small Businesses
  • Financial Risk Management in Banking
  • HR Strategies for Remote Work
  • Brand Positioning and Competitive Analysis
  • Business Plan for a Social Enterprise
  • Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age
  • Innovation Management in Tech Companies
  • Corporate Governance and Ethical Practices
  • Digital Transformation in Traditional Businesses
  • CRM System Development
  • Strategic Planning for Business Expansion

Accounting Capstone Project Ideas

  • Impact of IFRS Adoption on Financial Reporting
  • Forensic Accounting Techniques for Fraud Detection
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Tax Planning Strategies for Small Businesses
  • Financial Analysis of Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Role of Auditing in Corporate Governance
  • Effectiveness of Internal Controls in Fraud Prevention
  • Technological Advancements in Accounting
  • Valuation Methods for Startups
  • Sustainability Reporting Impact on Investor Decisions
  • Financial Risk Management in Multinational Corporations
  • Comparative Analysis of Financial Ratios Across Industries
  • Economic Recession Impact on Corporate Financial Performance
  • Big Data’s Role in Modern Accounting
  • Ethical Issues in Financial Reporting
  • Cash Flow Management in Non-Profits
  • Budgeting and Forecasting in the Public Sector
  • Digital Currencies Impact on Financial Reporting
  • Cost Accounting in Manufacturing
  • Impact of AI and Automation on the Future of Accounting

Management Capstone Project Ideas

  • Leadership Styles and Their Impact on Employee Performance
  • Change Management in Large Organizations
  • Employee Engagement Strategies for Remote Work
  • Crisis Management Planning in the Hospitality Industry
  • Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Development
  • Strategic Planning for Business Growth
  • The Role of Corporate Culture in Business Success
  • Risk Management in Project Management
  • Effective Succession Planning Process
  • Technology's Impact on Modern Management Practices
  • Improving Decision-Making with Data Analytics
  • Sustainable Management Practices in Retail
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workplace
  • HR Management in Multinational Corporations
  • Communication Strategies in Management
  • Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Employee Morale
  • Supply Chain Management Effectiveness
  • Developing Strategic Management Frameworks for SMEs
  • Implementing Work-Life Balance Programs
  • The Role of Innovation in Competitive Advantage

Education Capstone Project Ideas

  • Impact of Technology on Student Engagement
  • Teacher Training for Inclusive Education
  • Developing Effective Special Education Programs
  • Analyzing Online Learning Platform Effectiveness
  • Strategies for Reducing the Achievement Gap
  • The Role of Parental Involvement in Student Success
  • Curriculum Development for Multicultural Classrooms
  • Addressing Mental Health Issues in Schools
  • Class Size Impact on Learning Outcomes
  • Implementing STEM Education in Early Childhood
  • Strategies for Bullying Prevention in Schools
  • Impact of Standardized Testing on Education
  • Teacher Retention Strategies in Urban Schools
  • Project-Based Learning Implementation in High Schools
  • The Role of Arts Education in Holistic Development
  • Improving Literacy Rates Through Community Programs
  • Supporting English Language Learners in Schools
  • Socioeconomic Status Impact on Educational Outcomes
  • Developing School Safety Plans
  • Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Systems

Marketing Capstone Project Ideas

  • Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty
  • Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy for E-Commerce
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis in the Fashion Industry
  • The Role of Influencer Marketing in Brand Promotion
  • Market Segmentation for New Product Launches
  • Content Marketing’s Effect on Customer Engagement
  • Brand Positioning Strategies for Startups
  • Effectiveness of Email Marketing Campaigns
  • Role of Big Data in Personalized Marketing
  • Cultural Differences Impact on Global Marketing
  • Customer Retention in Subscription Services
  • Ethical Considerations in Advertising
  • Impact of Pricing Strategies on Consumer Perception
  • Sustainable Marketing Strategy Development
  • Effectiveness of Guerrilla Marketing Tactics
  • Mobile Marketing’s Influence on Consumer Behavior
  • Role of Public Relations in Crisis Management
  • Social Media Content Strategy for B2B Companies
  • Video Marketing’s Impact on Consumer Engagement
  • Virtual Reality in Experiential Marketing

High School Capstone Project Ideas

  • Exploring Renewable Energy Solutions for Schools
  • Designing an Anti-Bullying Campaign
  • The Impact of Social Media on Teen Mental Health
  • Developing a Community Garden for Sustainable Living
  • Creating a High School Recycling Program
  • The Role of Music in Cognitive Development
  • Exploring the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Students
  • Developing a Peer Tutoring Program
  • Analyzing the Impact of Technology on Study Habits
  • Creating a School Safety Plan
  • Investigating Local Water Quality
  • Designing a Mobile App for School Events
  • The Impact of School Uniforms on Student Behavior
  • Exploring Historical Events Through Virtual Reality
  • Analyzing the Effects of Nutrition on Academic Performance
  • Developing a Mental Health Awareness Campaign
  • Studying the Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Student Success
  • Designing an Eco-Friendly Transportation Plan for Students
  • Exploring the Effects of Video Games on Cognitive Skills
  • Creating a Financial Literacy Program for Teens

Capstone projects provide students with a valuable opportunity to apply their academic knowledge to real-world problems, effectively bridging the gap between theory and practice. Whether in fields like engineering, nursing, information technology, or business management, these projects demand creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students demonstrate their expertise by addressing complex challenges—such as renewable energy, telehealth implementation, or digital marketing strategies—and contribute innovative solutions to their industries.

Capstone projects culminate students' academic journeys, enabling them to integrate and apply their knowledge in practical ways. Whether focused on technology development, educational improvement, or business optimization, these projects empower students to significantly contribute to their fields, preparing them for professional success and advancing industry practices.

However, tackling a capstone project is a complex task that not everyone can manage alone. If you're struggling, law essay writing service EduBirdie is here to help you succeed, ensuring that your hard work results in the highest grades possible.

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Data Science Capstone Project Examines COVID's Impact on Alcohol-Related Health Incidents at UVA

Affiliated faculty.

Image of a beer being poured

It is no secret that alcohol consumption, including underage drinking, has long been closely associated with the collegiate experience.

When taken to excess, alcohol use can lead to serious consequences for students, from academic difficulties to health emergencies. 

Developing a better understanding of the issue could prove critical to crafting effective interventions, according to health officials.

That’s why the University of Virginia’s Department of Student Health & Wellness teamed up with the School of Data Science, working with two of its master’s students on a capstone project that aimed to shed light on drinking-related student health incidents at UVA in the years shortly before, during, and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Capstone projects are a critical component of the data science master’s degree curriculum. In them, students work with a faculty mentor and an external sponsor to tackle a real-world data science challenge. 

For this project, master’s students Nicholas Cagliuso and Samy Kebaish worked with Dr. Christopher Holstege , senior associate vice president for student health and wellness at UVA; Dr. Rita Farah , lead epidemiologist with UVA Student Health & Wellness; and Rebecca Ferrara, a public health data specialist with Student Health & Wellness. Adam Tashman , an associate professor of data science and director of the capstone program, served as the students’ faculty mentor.

Their objective was to analyze whether the pandemic had a noticeable impact on the rate of drinking-related incidents and further examine whether certain student attributes or activities are linked with these cases. The project was a continuation of work UVA Student Health & Wellness had done in the previous decade.

A picture of the UVA Student Health & Wellness Center

By focusing on data to better understand this critical area of student health, Holstege and Farah are hopeful they can learn vital information that can be used to help address this challenge. 

“It’s all about data. If we’re data driven, we can actually be more efficient,” said Holstege.

Added Farah, on the importance of the study: “We are able to understand better before COVID, after COVID, during COVID, or any event that is occurring that is impacting the student’s life, how this is impacting their well-being, their patterns, their habits, in order to have a targeted intervention.”

Cagliuso and Kebaish divided up the work, with the two looking at seven different data sets that spanned from 2018 — two years before COVID swept the globe — through the end of 2023, when pandemic-related restrictions had largely been lifted. 

Cagliuso focused on a time-series analysis to see if there were any noticeable patterns in terms of alcohol-related student health incidents before, during, and after the pandemic. He found a clear takeaway in terms of high-acuity alcohol incidents. 

“There seems to have been a spike since the pandemic ended and things returned to normal on Grounds,” he said. “The rate of alcohol incidents as a share of all medical incidents, to the point that they require emergency room visits, that seems to have increased.”

For less-severe alcohol-related cases, though, Cagliuso said the results were less clear whether COVID had any impact.  Not surprisingly, he added, the rate of alcohol-linked health incidents declined during COVID-era shutdowns.

“You obviously think of something like alcohol as largely a social behavior. So, for there to be fewer people with each other in lockdown, it makes sense that it could become much less of a share of what’s happening medically,” Cagliuso said.

During a summer virtual presentation by student in the online master’s program, Cagliuso and Kebaish laid out their findings, methodological approach, and data, including how they were able to view not just the date a patient was admitted to the emergency department but also the hour, which helped in classifying an event as connected to alcohol.

Kebaish also explained how he was able to combine data sets, using a serial number that was unique to each student, to help sharpen the analysis. 

Among the results Kebaish highlighted were that patients who engaged in alcohol abuse tended to be younger in each of the pre-COVID, COVID, and post-COVID eras. 

Another finding: Patients admitted for alcohol-related incidents are more than 40 times more likely than those who do not abuse alcohol to use cocaine, he said.

Kebaish noted that their analysis showed that many patients who went to the emergency department because of an alcohol incident would in a short time return to the emergency department — in most cases, he said, the same month or the month after.

Circle crop of casual photo of Nicholas Cagliuso

Throughout it all, Cagliuso and Kebaish checked in with Tashman, who, in addition to consulting on the data analysis, counseled the students on how to effectively work with their sponsors at UVA Student Health & Wellness. They, in turn, would offer suggestions about other angles the students could explore and helped guide them along to ensure the project was meeting its objectives.

“Their collaboration and communication and insight were always great,” Cagliuso said. 

Farah and Holstege are both hopeful the work the group produced will reach a wider audience through publications.

“We are trying to dissect their findings into thinking, how many abstracts and how many papers?” Farah said, adding that there was a “Iot of potential” for follow-up works.

“I see a bigger manuscript just building on what we have published in the past and where we’re at right now,” added Holstege, noting that he also anticipated that there could be numerous other abstracts focused on specific areas of the group’s work.

At the presentation event, Tashman commended the collaboration and the possibilities it might lead to in the future. 

“This was really exciting and an interesting data set and an opportunity for our students to help other students at UVA and to start up an exciting partnership,” Tashman said. 

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The 2024 Lindner MBA class poses together in four rows of people with the front row seated

Lindner’s full-time, cohort MBA program includes impactful experiential learning opportunities

Study abroad, capstone projects and localized support create a 360-degree experience.

headshot of Haley Fite

The Carl H. Lindner College of Business’ full-time, cohort MBA degree program is an immersive program that elevates students to new heights, from forging connections with classmates, faculty and advisers and receiving support and guidance from Lindner’s dedicated Career Services Center, to experiential learning via course and capstone projects partnered with real companies.

Lindner’s full-time MBA Class of 2024 featured students from a diverse array of backgrounds — with an average of three years of work experience in varying fields, including computer science, engineering, medicine and music — coming together to tackle learning inside and outside of the classroom.

Johnny Rungtusanatham, PhD, academic director, MBA programs, addresses students at an end-of-the-year celebration.

“ The Lindner MBA cohort program is highly selective and intensive. Our aim is to transform these individuals, whatever their personal, professional and educational backgrounds may be, into Lindner MBA graduates,” said Johnny Rungtusanatham , academic director, MBA programs, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Operations Management and Quantitative Analysis, and professor of operations, business analytics, and information systems . “Our Lindner MBA graduates apply their MBA knowledge and skills, whether leading or following, to enact change for positive economic, social and environmental benefits to organizations and society.”

Each year brings new experiences for Lindner’s MBA students, but the journey remains equally transformative for all students. 

Experiential learning locally and globally

Throughout their year-long journey, students engage with companies, communities and one another both locally in the classroom and globally through study abroad .

A requirement of the full-time MBA program, students travel to Chile during the spring semester to deepen their studies in organizational resilience and crisis management on a global stage. To do this, students participate in workshops and simulations at the Universidad del Desarrollo and visit businesses in the surrounding region. But it isn’t all work and no play, as students also experience Chilean history and culture with day trips to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar.  

“The MBA global experience is a key integrative component of our full-time program. This is the juncture where students dig deep and start synthesizing the knowledge they’re gaining with high-impact experiential learning applied to Chilean businesses,” said Michelle Johns , PhD, assistant professor-educator of management and faculty leader of the Chile experience. “We’re tackling intricate business challenges on-the-ground, swiftly broadening our cultural competency and sharpening our global business acumen. This curated study abroad is packed with powerful insights, VIP access and cultural discovery. It’s an exciting time!”

In addition to being a crash course in international business, the experience also works to strengthen students' bonds.

“I built relationships with my classmates in a week that will last forever. Being part of the cohort program allowed us to become very, very close over the year,” said Jack Hussey, MBA ’24. “That's something I won't forget.”

The full-time, cohort MBA degree program includes a required study abroad experience in Chile. Photo provided.

Back stateside, the whirlwind of experiential learning continues as students visit top Cincinnati companies and complete their capstone . Capstone projects act as a culmination of students’ educational experiences, partnering them with leading companies to solve a real-world business problem facing the organizations. 

“I think this project allowed my team to gain experience working with global companies and actually contributing to a meaningful project,” said Abigail Martin, MBA ’24. “The recommendations that we developed, they are able to be leveraged and implemented within their company.”

The MBA capstone helps students apply classroom learnings, connect with alumni and employer partners, and grow in their professional careers.

“We were able to gain experiences in industries that we might not have thought about pursuing. Our partner was a consulting company, and it really opened my eyes to potentially consulting later as a career opportunity,” added Martin. 

Final exams and capstone projects complete, students graduate from the program taking the MBA oath. Established by the Harvard Business School, the MBA oath calls for students to abide by ethical and moral business practices.

Bright futures ahead

With oaths taken and diplomas in hand, students take the next steps in their journeys: entering the job market and the workforce. And the 360-degree support students receive ensures they are on a path to success.

Students capped off the year celebrating their upcoming graduation.

“One of the best experiences was having a career coach at your disposal,” said Lucas Biondi, MBA ’24. “I took the first half of the year to figure out what else I was interested in and then I met with Weston (Atchison), my career adviser . I sat down with him and showed him what I wanted, and then we could map out a plan.”

With this support, many students receive high-level placements post-graduation, pursuing management programs, opportunities in consulting and more.

“I'm going to work for Wells Fargo in Charlotte and I'm hoping to leverage my MBA in my career long term,” said Hussey. “It's [getting an MBA] something I decided to do early on, and I'm hoping it will allow me to achieve higher managerial positions after I start my career.”  

Hear more about the MBA student journey

Featured image at top: Students took the MBA oath, dedicating themselves to conducting business ethically. Photos by Suzanne Buzek unless otherwise noted.

Earn your MBA at Lindner

Want to build your professional skills and develop your talents in a way that will open the right doors for you? Lindner's MBA program is small, personalized, customized and immersive. Our full-time, part-time working professionals and online programs have all gained national acclaim.  Request more information  or join us at a future event .

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A Dairy Farmer Turned Tech Practitioner Shares His Fullstack Academy Experience

Considering a career in ai & machine learning.

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RIT offers new master’s degrees in chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, and project management

Courses designed to give credit for prior related education and allows remote learning.

a student in a white lab coat uses a microscope to look at cells in a lab.

Scott Hamilton/RIT Photography

RIT has added three new master’s degrees to its portfolio: chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, and project management. Students pursuing graduate degrees are able to combine advanced coursework with hands-on opportunities in laboratories alongside faculty-researchers.

RIT is offering three new master’s degrees designed to meet industry needs.

Chemical engineering and biomedical engineering programs in the Kate Gleason College of Engineering will include new master’s degrees as part of the engineering portfolio this year to meet demands in increasing renewable energies, personalized healthcare technologies, and diagnostic system improvements.

National trends indicate a growing need for graduates with the combined skills in engineering and in the chemical and biological sciences, engineering processes, and ‘smart’ technologies.

The graduate programs will have a mix of students from the established undergraduate programs, as well as new-to-RIT students from regional, national, and international chemical engineering programs seeking advanced degrees. With the flexibility of the degree program, the department also is seeing interest and enrollments from students from other science disciplines such as physics , said Patricia Taboada-Serrano , Graduate Programs Director.

“This will be achieved through a bridge program designed to provide the appropriate engineering background required for successful completion of an advanced degree in chemical engineering,” she said.

A dozen students have been accepted for the new program and will begin chemical engineering courses this fall. There are also eight BS/MS students enrolled in the program who are completing undergraduate work.

There will be several emphasis areas: chemical and mechanical engineering applications; microelectronic focus on semiconductors, photovoltaics, microfabrication; microsystems and quantum level systems; materials science; and advanced mathematics and simulation.

“The strength of our program is the design of its curriculum, as we are able to provide depth in content and advanced skills in one year of studies in the case of full-time students,” said Taboada-Serrano, associate professor of chemical engineering. “The timeline of the completion of the graduate degree enables our MS graduates to rejoin the workforce quickly if they delayed or interrupted careers to obtain a graduate degree. The compactness of our curriculum also enables working professionals to pursue our MS degree and complete it in two to three years.”

Similar to chemical engineering, the biomedical engineering program has grown substantially since it began 10 years ago. Today, 15 students in biomedical engineering (BME) are being integrated into graduate study through the BS/MS options. There are five new students in the stand alone master's program . It is a one-year, course-based program that features a Capstone design sequence.

Biomedical engineers combine knowledge of engineering with biology, anatomy, and physiology to create devices and systems to address the need for sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and solutions.

In addition to the advanced engineering degrees, 10 RIT students this semester are the first to enroll in classes for a project management master’s degree .

The 30-credit degree is approved for both in-person and online delivery.

Project management is a process for managing the successful execution of new initiatives within an organization for the sake of expanding the breadth of capabilities, services, and products offered.

“You can use this discipline in almost any field,” said Peter Boyd , senior lecturer and graduate programs director for RIT’s School of Individualized Study , which is overseeing the program. “It’s akin to software engineering in that you could work in numerous industries, from IT to construction to aviation or health care.”

“Project management is a growing discipline. There’s a growing demand in a wide range of industries,” Boyd said.

A  RITx MicroMasters in Project Management, offered by SOIS on the platform, is an additional pathway into the program that allows students to earn RIT course credit at a reduced cost, that can be applied toward the requirements for the MS in project management. 

RIT’s master’s degree in project management differs from others across the country because he said RIT developed a curriculum “that is responsive to a wide range of student academic and professional needs, employs non-traditional teaching models that place a greater emphasis on project-based learning, and similar active learning experiences.” RIT’s degree also promotes strong student/faculty mentor-mentee relationships and brings project management to industries that would benefit from it but have otherwise not traditionally embraced the discipline.

The degree program allows students to customize their courses for their degrees, providing a natural path of interdisciplinary study. This allows students the ability to better specialize to their specific interests, giving them a competitive edge in their field of interest and making them more valuable to an employer.

Of the 10 courses required to earn the MS degree, four are elective, so students may use advanced certificates or other courses already offered at RIT. The remaining six classes focus on the core topics of the project management discipline and align with the standards set by the Project Management Institute, the governing body for the field.  

One of those students is Dana Harp, who is taking the classes online from her home in Lewes, Del. She does clinical research remotely for Pfizer.

She received her edX project management MicroMasters in 2020 and transferred those credits toward a project management advanced certificate with RIT in 2021. She took a couple of years off from education and was pleasantly surprised when she learned RIT now offers a master’s in project management.

“I was always interested in getting my master’s degree,” Harp said. “My company has a great program to reimburse for education, so I have the opportunity to continue learning without having to pay for it all myself. And it will definitely open up more opportunities for promotion by having that degree. It will give me a leg up for the trajectory I want to be on. This is going to help me moving forward.”

Harp hopes to receive her master’s degree in the spring or next fall, and she’s excited to be one of the first students receiving the RIT degree.

“I’m lucky all of my earlier classes transferred over, and it’s really cool to see that some of the professors I’ve had in previous classes are teaching in this program as well,” she said. “I think it’s going to be really fun.”

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  6. The Capstone Project


  1. Capstone Project: Digital Photography

    Capstone Project: Digital Photography. Think, then point and shoot! In your Digital Photography program, you began to develop the technical and creative skills that are essential for professional photography work. This capstone project tests your skills in an extended portfolio project. This is a three-stage project.

  2. Photography Capstone Project

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography.

  3. 149 Capstone Project Ideas & Examples

    A capstone project is a culminating, crowning illustration of your scholarly work that synthesizes your learning and demonstrates your expertise in your field. Learn how to choose a topic, conduct research, and write a capstone thesis with tips and 150 examples in various fields.

  4. Photography Capstone Project

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography.

  5. Digital Photography Capstone and Portfolio Review

    The Digital Photography Capstone Project provides a simulation of an extended photography project. Students will take a photography project from concept to final presentation. Students work closely with the department head, developing a client brief for a project that provides a deep exploration of an area of photography.

  6. Photography Capstone

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 8-10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography.

  7. Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR

    Learn digital photography skills from camera control to composition, and explore documentary and creative concepts. Earn a career certificate from Michigan State University and get discounts on photography equipment and accessories.

  8. Photography Capstone Project

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed ...

  9. Learner Reviews & Feedback for Photography Capstone Project ...

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography.

  10. Photography Capstone Project

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary...

  11. Photography Capstone Project from Coursera

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography.

  12. NAU Photography Capstone

    Explore the professional work of Northern Arizona University's photography students who completed their Bachelor of Science degree under the guidance of four professors. The virtual gallery showcases the capstone projects of the classes of 2020 to 2024.

  13. Photography Capstone Project

    Description. The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of ...

  14. Graphic Design Capstone Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    Kwan Park. 2 34. A Graphic Novel (capstone project) Janvi Pujara. 70 1.6k. Beautiful Mindfulness. Nourah Alabdallah. 3 37. Rewire the Future — Integrated Capstone Projects 2022.

  15. Photography Capstone Project

    Photography Capstone Project Whether your camera is a Smartphone or DSLR, a Compact or Mirrorless model, you will learn to gain control of exposure and understand fundamentals of composition, while exploring documentary and creative concepts to make the kinds of photographs you have always wanted.This Specialization covers a broad range of fundamental principles in photography, from camera ...

  16. Innovative Capstone Project Ideas for Students Across Disciplines

    A capstone project is a culminating academic experience typically undertaken during the final phase of a degree program. Capstone project topics span various fields, such as economics, public health, and information technology, emphasizing the importance of selecting relevant and innovative themes for academic projects.

  17. Photography Capstone Project

    The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related subjects, or some other aspect of photography.

  18. Data Science Capstone Project Examines COVID's Impact on Alcohol

    (Photo by Gonzalo Remy on Unsplash) It is no secret that alcohol consumption, including underage drinking, has long been closely associated with the collegiate experience. ... working with two of its master's students on a capstone project that aimed to shed light on drinking-related student health incidents at UVA in the years shortly before ...

  19. Category : en:Cities in Omsk Oblast

    English names of cities in Omsk Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific cities in Omsk Oblast, not merely terms related to cities in Omsk Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of cities in Omsk Oblast.

  20. 261st Reserve Motorised Rifle Division

    261st Reserve Motorised Rifle Division. 261-я запасная мотострелковая дивизия. Activated 1980 in Omsk, Omsk Oblast, as a mobilisation division. Disbanded 1987. The division was maintained as a Mobilisation Division (US terms: Mobilisation Division) - manning was 0%. Equipment set present, older types, substantial ...

  21. Omsk Oblast, federal subject of Russia

    Omsk Oblast (Russian: О́мская о́бласть, romanized: Omskaya oblast) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast), located in southwestern Siberia. The oblast has an area of 139,700 square kilometers (53,900 sq mi). Its population is 1,977,665 (2010 Census) [9] with the majority, 1.12 million, living in Omsk, the administrative center.

  22. Lindner's full-time, cohort MBA program includes impactful experiential

    The Carl H. Lindner College of Business' full-time, cohort MBA degree program is an immersive program that elevates students to new heights, from forging connections with classmates, faculty and advisers and receiving support and guidance from Lindner's dedicated Career Services Center, to experiential learning via course and capstone projects partnered with real companies.

  23. PDF Fall 2024 Courses (Information Subject to Change) Last Updated: 9/6/2024

    ART 4920 07 90060 CAPSTONE I: PREPARATION F 8:00 AM 1:25 PM FA 315 ACT Aziz,Allison Leigh 3 Open ART 4920 08 94894 CAPSTONE I: PREPARATION F 8:00 AM 1:25 PM FA 311 ACT Harris-Fuentes,Ricardo Leon 3 Closed ART 4929 01 90061 CAPSTONE II: PRODUCTION F 8:00 AM 1:25 PM FA 320 ACT Vernon,Zachary Daniel 3 Open

  24. Omsk

    Omsk - Wikipedia

  25. AI & Machine Learning Capstone Project Overview

    The AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp includes a capstone project where students can apply the skills they've learned in the program to solve real-world problems. In the following video, AI & machine learning instructor, Janet Flores, discusses a capstone project example that involves creating a recommender system. This recommender system ...

  26. RIT offers new master's degrees in chemical engineering, biomedical

    Similar to chemical engineering, the biomedical engineering program has grown substantially since it began 10 years ago. Today, 15 students in biomedical engineering (BME) are being integrated into graduate study through the BS/MS options. There are five new students in the stand alone master's program.It is a one-year, course-based program that features a Capstone design sequence.