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Undirected Tunnel Error With Stacked Sequence Structure
Reported in.
- LabVIEW Base
- LabVIEW Full
- LabVIEW Professional
Issue Details
- If a source is connected on both sides of the structure or no source is connected, the tunnel cannot decide the direction of dataflow. Verify that every case in your stacked sequence structure is fully wired, and that a source is never connected on both side of the structure. The LabVIEW Help has more detailed information on this case.
- Remove any broken wires in your VI by selecting Edit»Remove Broken Wires or by pressing <Ctrl-B>
- If you have tried both of the previous steps and are still seeing this error, try replacing your stacked sequence structure with a flat sequence structure. Right-click the stacked sequence structure and select Replace»Replace with Flat Sequence to resolve the error.
Additional Information
Related links.
LabVIEW Help: Wire connected to an undirected tunnel
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