English Aspirants

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most: Everyone has a person in his /her life whom he/she likes the most. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most/the person I admire the most. We’ve provided here 4 paragraphs or essays on this topic (100, 150, 200, and 250 Words). So, let’s begin

Table of Contents

My Favourite Person: 100 Words

My most favourite person is Rajiv sir. He teaches us English. He has such a charming and friendly personality. He teaches us with love and care.  I respect him a lot for his excellent command over the subject. To me, he is a friend, philosopher and guide.

He inspires us to speak in English and to take part in sports, cultural activities and social work. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. Due to his teaching my marks in English improved a lot. I like him as a human being and aspire to become like her in future. Our country needs mode ideal teacher like him.

my favourite person

Also Read: My Favourite Teacher Essay

The Person I Like Most: 150 Words

I have come across many good persons in my life of fifteen years. I like some of them and dislike many others. But one person I like in particular. He is my neighbour and my father’s friend. He is Biswanath Chattopadhyaya. He is a school teacher and also a priest. He is a person of amiable disposition. He is also charitable and helpful to the needy. Such qualities definitely impress me.

He is also different from most material-minded people. He is not rich and has to maintain his family with hardship. Yet, he never takes any undue advantage from anyone. He is a selfless man of an honest bearing. I adore him and look upon him as an ideal in the style of living. In fact, I take him as my friend, philosopher and guide.

The Person I Admire the Most: 200 Words

The person I like and admire most in my life is my father. He is a highly educated person. He works as an engineer in a private company. He works so hard to run our family. My father is a very religious person. He reminds me that life is a great gift of God. He leads a healthy lifestyle. He is very punctual and disciplined. He is the backbone of our family.

My father believes in me and shows a sense of confidence in me. Whenever I feel sad or depressed he is the person who motivates me. His love for me and our family members is unconditional. He teaches me to make good use of time. He is not only my father, he is also my friend, teacher and guide. He has always been a source of inspiration for me.

My father is a keen helper of poor kids and people. He donates some of his income to charity. He is an honest and truthful person. He loves to travel a lot. In this free time, he takes us to many beautiful places. I want to be like him when I grow up.

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most/the person I admire the most

Also Read: My Mother Essay in English 10 Lines

My Favourite Personality My Mother: 250 Words

My mother is God’s best gift to me. My mother is a housewife. She is adorable and caring. She takes care of the likes and dislikes of all the family members. She is my home tutor. She helps me in my study in the morning and evening. When I feel depressed she motivates me. She always inspires me to do better in life. She plays with me whenever she gets time. She is a devotee of God.

She is very hard working. She usually gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning. She prepares delicious dishes for us. She struggles a lot to run our house but never loses her patience. I wonder how she manages everything perfectly. She is diligent and devoted in her duties. She is an inspiration to me.

She is my first teacher, guide, friend and above all my world. She helps the needy and poor people. She provides me the valuable lessons of life. She teaches me the values of discipline and punctuality. She has taught me to help others and respect elders.

Everyone in the family loves her so much. If anyone in the family is ill, she forgets her own hunger and thrust. Such care and love no one in the world can give to me. I never want to lose her.

My Favourite Person My Mother

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Aim in Life 2. Paragraph on My Daily Routine 3. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

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famous person essay 250 words

My favorite person

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Famous person essay sample

Famous person essay sample 14 models

Famous person essay sample , contains many information about one of the counseling personalities who made a big leap in the technology world ,he is Steve Jobs. We will learn all his achievements here in a famous person essay sample.

Famous person essay sample

There are many people who have greatly influenced the world of technology, most notably is Steve Jobs ,and we will learn more about this person and his achievements in the world of technology in a famous person essay sample.

Steve Paul Jobs, one of the inventors and businessmen of the United States of America, was known for his great achievements and served humanity and left a great impact on life.

Steve has held many positions in his life. He was a founder, partner and former CEO of Apple, Steve also served as the former CEO of Pixar and was a member of Walt Disney’s board of directors.

Steve grew up at his parents’ home in an area known as the Silicon Valley, an area known as the US Technology Center.

Steve joined the school in the winter and used his summer vacation at work, he  was passionate about electronics, and in the way the machines worked, he invented an electronic chip in the secondary stage.

The most important inventions Steve Jobs

The Apple II device in 1977: This computer has become a major turning point in the world of computers, which formed the first point of the transfer of computers from the scope of companies to homes, was characterized by a plastic cover.

Macintosh (1984): Add additions to the use of computers It was based on the principle (computers are not exclusive to one),introduce the mouse , as well as custom graphic interface.

(Pixar) 1986: A company specializing in the animation industry, founded by Steve after being expelled from his company founded, and had a capital of $ 5 million.

(Mac OS) in 2001: the operating system on which Apple depends on its various products.

(IPhone) in 2007: It is the latest mobile handset in the world of communications.

IPAD in 2010.

Essay about famous person

I would like to talk about a person famous to many in recent years, he is the author of the book (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus). The author is John Gray.

Many people know that he is from the United States. And a few personal details about him. I would very much like to talk about his personal vision and how much the differences between men and women are simplified in this book.

Many writers, scholars, and artists have spoken that it is difficult for women to understand their requirements, and no one has previously been able to discuss this issue in a simple and informative way like this writer.

This is the third time I read this book and I didn’t feel boring of it. I always find myself smiling as I read how he describes a woman and how each time he really could know her way of thinking. I find the description of the man is very wonderful as well.

I liked this book because in the end I came out with a lot of useful information and it was not just a book to waste time.

I advise many others to read this book. I would like to discuss it with them and how the writer analyzes the character. I hope to own this talent and present it in the future to readers and to those who like reading as me.

Famous person essay

There is a famous person who I see as a good role model for me and he is a football player named Zine AL-dine Zidane. He may not be popular with many.

This player has very high morals and a great skill level, he is very humble, friendly with everyone. He has a wonderful smile and is not arrogant to any of the players or workers around him,

He also possesses many other qualities such as fair play and reliance on real skill and does not tend to exaggerate to get the penalty for deception.

I followed some of his famous matches on YouTube and watched him play for France. I also followed up when he participated in the training of Real Madrid, my favorite team.

What a wonderful addition to the team. I found it nice to implement his vision on the ground with such a great team. I really enjoyed watching him build those great moments and tight plans that helped the team so much to win.

I would very much like to be of such performance and skill not only in football but in life as well.

Paragraph about famous person

There are a large number of famous people around us, but not all celebrities benefit society or provide it with what allows it to progress and advance, and this is the biggest flaw in celebrities, that if they are bad personalities, they drag society to the bottom and ruin the lives of entire generations, because young people are the most group She imitates celebrities and considers them role models for her looks and style. There is a bad example in our society of celebrities such as those who sing festival songs and actors of bullying and nudity roles.

A famous person essay

Fame is not an easy thing because it has consequences and problems that a person must know how to deal with, as we see celebrities around us such as a football player or a famous singer, they suffer from spreading rumors or false allegations all the time.

When you are famous you cannot live like a normal human being, because every word and every step is watched by those around you. If you talk to a friend, they will say that he is a lover, and if you go anywhere you will find pictures on all communication sites.

One of the celebrities who were chased by news and rumors, the Egyptian singer distinguished for his beautiful singing and who is still loved until now, is Abdel Halim Hafez. Rumors pursued him because he was not married, and they said that he married the artist, Soad Hosni, but in secret.

Essay about a famous person

I like people who have suffered in their lives and gone through some failed experiences, and despite their failure, they continued to rise again and try to succeed.

I also like people with strange difficulties. When I read about their experiences, I feel that I am more energetic and ready to work hard and move forward no matter what the circumstances are.

I love Albert Einstein very much, he is famous for his strong intellect and his influence on the world. He became famous in various sciences, however, upon returning to his upbringing, we find that he faced problems in education at a young age. But he was able to succeed in that to become the smartest person on earth in the world to excel in physics, and get the Nobel Prize.

We can see his story as one of the stories that give a strong impetus to work on ourselves and strive and not let any obstacles stand in our way.

Write about a famous person essay

One of the influential people in my life and I liked him very much is Gustave Eiffel, the engineer who designed the Eiffel Tower, and built the structure that supports the Statue of Liberty, and many of the luxurious structures and bridges that have a modern character.

I can only describe him a genius person who preceded his era in many stages to create several mythical historical landmarks characterized by tradition and modernity.

And no matter how time evolves and the passage of its establishment, it remains in line with life and society and a strong tourist attraction that is not affected or less important over the ages.

I can only say that I am very impressed with his achievements and would very much like to do something similar in the future.

Description of a famous person essay

I would very much like to talk about the famous Alexander Graham Bell. I see that Alexander is one of the great and influential figures of recent centuries, where he took mankind to a continuous and permanent development through his invention of the telephone.

There is no doubt that the work done by Alexander Graham Bell in transmitting the tone of the human voice on the phonograph, and converting it into a signal for the wireless device, contributed greatly to the development of means of communication to eliminate all the old means of communication that required a very long time to deliver.

And it became the cornerstone that changed the world so that we can now communicate through phones easily and conveniently at the same time.

I cannot deny my astonishment with this character and I see that he is one of the most influential people in my life. I would very much like to achieve something similar that will benefit humanity.

Describe a famous person essay example

There is no doubt that I am very impressed by a famous person who helped change the world. He is Yuri Gagarin, the first human to fly into outer space and orbit the Earth.

I can’t imagine how much responsibility, pressure and fear this person felt. Many scientists in different fields can invent something that does not need experiment, but when I am part of the experiment I find it interesting.

Did he feel afraid and lost?, did he just enjoy watching the sights that no one else had seen?, many questions arise in my mind about this amazing and wonderful experience that Yuri was able to experience.

Of course, I hope to get a similar opportunity, with experience and adventure, as well as a benefit to the world. It would be wonderful if my name was written in history like him and continued to be studied in schools and universities.

There is no doubt that there are a lot of celebrities around us, whether artists or famous players, there are scientists and inventors.

But I always tend to search and admire influential figures in history, people with useful inventions that have developed into necessary and important in human life, or people who participated in the success of a useful experience.

So I would very much like to talk about the Wright brothers, who are the owners of the first and longest flight, who clocked 75 minutes.

Which makes them highly influential figures in the 21st century. Air transportation has developed since 1903. Flying is now more smooth and safe.

It becomes one of the most important means of rapid transportation, whether for individuals or goods, and reduces the days and hours of difficult land and sea travel.

Famous person paragraph

Undoubtedly, there are many influential people who played a major role in changing history, the progress of mankind, and helping it to develop and prosper.

Among these great personalities, I would like to talk about Ibn Sina, where he achieved the most famous and longest scientific work and research in the field of medicine. Where he was known as the prince of doctors and the father of medicine. Ibn Sina is the first person to write a book on medicine, becoming the most important medical reference for seven centuries. He has authored 200 books on several different topics. All are based on  an important and correct details, which makes it the first beacon for many doctors, and the spiritual father of this specialty, to which we admits progress and modernity.

He was the owner of the greatest progress in the world, and a great credit for treating many diseases because of the books he published, making him one of the most influential people around the world. Where he worked to spread medical awareness and benefit mankind from the experiences he collected throughout his life. Such personalities I find amazing, great and priceless.

Describe a famous person essay

Undoubtedly, the innovative and developed personalities are the most influential, whether on the contemporaries of their eras, or on those who benefit from the tools they invented.

So I would like very much to appreciate Dr. Rene Linick, who invented the stethoscope that was able to listen to the heartbeat.

A great invention like this came to light as a result of chance, as the doctor encountered a sick case of a girl suffering from heart problems, and when he tried to put his head on her chest, as was usual at that time to listen to her heart, the girl refused to do so, to find newspaper papers next to him and he wrapped them in a cylindrical shape and placed them on her chest. He actually listened well to the heartbeat, to come out of this experience with a new idea through which he can listen to the heartbeat.

Later it developed from the cylindrical shape wrapped in papers, to the modern stethoscope that is placed in the ear and has a rubber wire and a base for increasing the heart rate and other organs. To become the most widespread invention for ages and the most useful and accurate.

Therefore, I find Renee Linick an influential and wonderful person for his ability to develop and find quick solutions that help his patient, as well as the extent of his vision for such a useful invention.

Short essay about famous person

It is amazing to see a young man like Mohamed Salah, a small player with great abilities and high skill. I am very happy to watch him run and dribble the players with ease, it makes me very happy, especially if he scores a goal after dribbling, I like very much his modest celebration.

I also like what he does for his people and his country. I hear a lot of wonderful news that he is doing from donations and medical aid. He is a very good example, an honorable person. I hope to become like him and achieve victories like him.

I also like to own the human side that I have and to become a role model in helping others, and to be of good character and reputation. These things I like a lot about him and I hope to see many other players like him.

Write a paragraph about a famous person

When I think of a famous and influential person of our time, I think about the great inventor Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the printer, which is contemporary to our time, no matter how advanced the technology around us.

He is of German descent, born in 1395, in Mainz, Germany. He faced many obstacles, debts, lawsuits, and entered into many disputes, whether during his life or death, because of money and the greed of others from his projects.

Everyone around him aspired to get money quickly, and he had another vision, which is accuracy and deliberation to make something great that will live for generations, and this is what resulted after that.

But after many difficulties, many debts, and huge financing, he went through everything in order to fulfill his dream. That is why I see him as a great and influential figure, and no matter what difficulties and problems he faced, he never gave up on the dream that he once dreamed.

In this way we have given you a famous person essay sample  in English , and you can read more topics through the following link:

  • English essay

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Essay on my Favourite Personality: Sample in 200, 250 & 300 words

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  • Oct 27, 2023

famous person essay 250 words

We all have those special individuals in our lives who leave an indelible mark on our hearts. These are the people whose influence extends far beyond their physical presence. They’ve instilled the values of love, perseverance, and the pursuit of knowledge. These personalities have shaped our worldview and continue to inspire us. In this blog, we shall delve into the sample essays on my favourite personality that might be helpful for your essay writing assignments.

famous person essay 250 words

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay on my Favourite personality in 200 words 
  • 2 Sample Essay on my Favourite Personality in 250 words 
  • 3 Sample Essay on my Favourite personality in 300 words 

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Sample Essay on my Favourite personality in 200 words 

My favorite personality is a combination of my teachers and the great people I have met in my life. They have all taught me something valuable, and they have all inspired me to be a better person.

My teachers have taught me the importance of hard work. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve been blessed to have exceptional teachers who not only have imparted knowledge but also has nurtured my character. Their dedication to shaping young minds goes beyond the classroom.

In addition to my teachers, I’ve had the privilege of encountering great individuals who’ve left an indelible impact on society. Nelson Mandela, in the face of adversity showed me the power of forgiveness. His fight against apartheid was a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Mahatma Gandhi , with his philosophy of non-violence, inspired me to seek peaceful solutions to conflicts. His dedication to social justice and civil rights movements continues to influence my perspective on activism.

The story of Malala Yousafzai , the youngest Nobel laureate, embodies courage in its purest form. Her unwavering commitment to girls’ education, even in the face of danger, teaches us the importance of standing up for what we believe in.

Sample Essay on my Favourite Personality in 250 words 

My grandmother is my favorite personality because she is the kindest, most loving person I know. She is always there for me, no matter what. She is my biggest supporter and my role model.

My grandmother, a true embodiment of love and wisdom, holds a special place in my heart. Her warmth and gentle spirit have been a constant source of comfort. Her stories have transported me to a world where imagination knew no bounds.

My grandmother was a reservoir of life lessons. She taught me the art of patience, the beauty of simplicity, and the strength of resilience. Her homemade food was the best source of nourishment. Her wrinkled hands carried a lifetime of experiences. I remember when I was little, I was scared of the dark. My grandmother would always come into my room and sit with me until I fell asleep. She would tell me stories and sing me songs until I felt safe and loved.

My grandmother is also a very wise woman. She has always been there to give me advice, even when I didn’t want to hear it. She has taught me so much about life, and I am so grateful for her guidance. I am so lucky to have my grandmother in my life. She is my favorite person in the world.

Also Read – Essay on My Aim in Life 

Sample Essay on my Favourite personality in 300 words 

APJ Abdul Kalam was my favorite personality because he was a brilliant scientist, a great leader, and a humble human being. He was the 11th President of India, and he is considered to be one of the greatest scientists in the country. Kalam was born in a poor family in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. He studied hard and earned a doctorate in aerospace engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He then went on to work as a scientist at the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, India’s beloved missile man, remains a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals, including myself. His journey from humble beginnings to becoming the President of India is a testament to the power of determination and hard work.

Kalam’s dedication to science and education was awe-inspiring. His vision for a technologically advanced India ignited a fire within me. His words, “Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action,” have been my guiding light during moments of self-doubt. He was also a strong advocate for education and social justice. He believed that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and to reach their full potential.

Kalam was a humble and down-to-earth person. He was always willing to help others, and he was always willing to learn new things. He was a true inspiration to millions of people around the world. He’s legacy is one of innovation, inspiration, and hope. He was a true rags-to-riches story, and he showed the world that anything is possible if you work hard and never give up on your dreams.

 Also Read –  Essay on Subhash Chandra Bose

The meaning of my favourite personality is someone who has taught and inspired and moved a person to become a better self.

The answer would depend upon the nature and character a person beholds. One can describe as “ I am an extrovert and ambitious person”.

One word that can describe a person could be “Inspiration”, “Loved”,etc.

We hope this blog gives you an idea about how to write and present an essay on my favourite personality. For more amazing daily reads and to improve your reading and writing skills, study tuned with Leverage Edu . 

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Rajshree Lahoty

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250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts

Have you ever heard the saying, “Less is more”? Nowhere is this truer than in the realm of writing. So, mastering the skill of writing a 250-word essay can set you apart in any academic or professional endeavor. A 250-word essay takes only 1 double-spaced page or 0.5 single-spaced pages. So, it requires you to write as clearly and concisely as possible.

This word count is typical for abstracts, annotated bibliography entries, discussion board posts, position papers, and book reports. For an essay of this length, it is crucial to choose the right topic: it should be narrow enough to be easily covered in 250 words.

Do you want to learn how to write such an essay? Read on to find the writing guide below and discover the most exciting topics and samples for your inspiration! And if you need more ideas for your papers, you can always check out our free essay examples .

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🔝 Best 250 Words Essay Topics

  • Vaping should be banned in the US.
  • The impact of fast-food restaurants on human health.
  • The differences between monarchy and democracy.
  • Who is the funniest person you know?
  • The use of renewable energy and its environmental benefits.
  • The impact of social media on people’s self-esteem.
  • Describe a healthy diet for a teenager.
  • Paper books or e-books: which is better?
  • The best vacation I have ever taken.
  • Physical education should be a part of the high school curriculum.
  • My favorite family tradition.
  • What were the key causes of World War II?
  • The efficiency of music in reducing stress.
  • The qualities a good leader should have.
  • What is your favorite holiday?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of remote work.
  • The effects of social media on young adults.
  • Why is it crucial to be financially responsible?
  • Everyone should be vegetarian or vegan.
  • Dogs vs. cats as pets.

📝 College Personal Statement Examples: 250 Words

Looking for a personal statement for a scholarship sample (250 words)? Check out the 250-word personal statement examples below:

  • Personal Leadership Philosophy in Nursing My ultimate goal as a nursing leader is to improve the quality of care and the lives of those I lead.
  • Statement of Qualification: Wells Fargo Personal Banker In general, duties require me to use a computer throughout the day and have good knowledge of various software needed to input and process information.
  • Personal Views on Nanoengineering Nanoengineering is considered to be the practical application of nanoscience and involves the application of its theoretical principles to develop structures and materials that are small, powerful, and efficient.

📕 Prompts for a Narrative Essay 250 Words

Check out five narrative prompts you can use for your 200-250-word essay:

  • Life-changing experience essay 250 words. You can write about an event, a book, or a film that has changed your worldview. Describe your experience and the lessons you have learned from it.
  • Why I am learning English: essay 250 words. Provide the main reasons why you are motivated to learn English. Examples include career opportunities , communication with foreign people, access to English-language tutorials and courses, etc.
  • My dream house essay: 250 words. You can describe the interior and exterior of your dream house, its location, and the design of each room. In addition, you can explain why it is so important to you to have your own home.
  • Essay on an embarrassing situation I faced in 250 words. Share a story about a funny or awkward situation you faced and how you handled it. Explain how that incident has affected your self-esteem.
  • My lucky color essay: 250 words. Write a text (250 words) about your happy color and what associations and memories it evokes. Add a real-life story when this color has helped you to win the lottery or pass an important exam.

🤰 Essay about Teenage Pregnancy 250 Words: Topics & Examples

  • Teen Pregnancy Due to the Impact of Entertainment Media It can be concluded that entertainment does have a strong impact on teenagers, as their cognitive development is still in progress, and they are easily susceptible to the information they receive from the media.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy and School Dropout After COVID-19 in Kenya The article of Zulaika presents the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on adolescent pregnancy and school dropout among secondary school girls in Kenya.
  • The National Campaign End Teenage Pregnancy in Ohio The dream of most parents is to ensure their children lead to a successful future which may be affected by the occurrence of unplanned teenage birth.
  • Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Education The focus will be on Hispanics as they are the most vulnerable to the problem of teen pregnancy according to the available statistics.
  • Rate of Pregnancy Among Youths in Australia In most cases, the high rate of teenage pregnancy is a result of poor parenting and lack of sex education in the country.
  • The impact of teenage pregnancy on educational attainment.
  • Factors contributing to rising teen pregnancy rates.
  • Addressing stigma surrounding teenage pregnancy.
  • The influence of pop culture on adolescent pregnancy rates.
  • The link between teen pregnancy and substance abuse.
  • The unique needs of pregnant teens in foster care.

✍️ How to Write a 250 Word Essay

Writing 250 words is a task you can handle in an hour or even less. The difficulty is that this word count may end before you fully cover the topic. Therefore, it is essential to carefully choose the information you want to present in your essay and structure your writing appropriately. In the following paragraph, we will talk about it in more detail.

This image shows the 250-word essay structure.

What Does a 250 Word Essay Look Like?

For some 250-word texts (for example, a discussion board post), an introduction and a conclusion are unnecessary — you can immediately go to the point. But for an essay, the structure is standard:

  • Introduction (1 paragraph)
  • Main body (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion (1 paragraph)

We recommend you try our outline generator to create a 250-words essay example structure.

250-Word Essay Introduction

In a 250-word essay, the introduction should be about 50 words or a maximum of 3 sentences. It must indicate the paper’s topic and present a strong thesis statement. Also, it would be a good idea to start your introductory paragraph with an engaging hook to pique readers’ attention.

Try our hook generator , thesis generator , and research introduction maker to write a compelling introduction for your essay!

250-Word Essay Conclusion

In an essay of 250 words, the conclusion, like the introduction, should take about 50 words or 2-3 sentences. To finish your paper on a high note, paraphrase the thesis statement and add some sense of closure with the help of a closing sentence.

Our closing sentence generator is already waiting for you to assist with your last paragraph!

How Many Citations Should I Use in a 250 Word Passage?

In general, you should use 8-12 citations for 1000 words. According to this rule, a 250-word essay should include 2-3 references. However, it’s better to check your professors’ instructions to know for sure how many sources you should cite.

We recommend you try our citation generator to create a list of references quickly and correctly.

🤑 Essay on Corruption 250 Words: Examples

  • Determinants of Corruption in Nigeria Therefore, in this research, I am planning to focus on the empirical part of the topic and attempt to make a positive change in society.
  • Corruption in Education: Opposition and Refutation Therefore, corruption in the educational sector is not the absolute cause of poor education and increased social problems in the DRC.
  • Noble-Cause Corruption Prevention In conclusion, it is difficult to restrict noble-cause corruption, and the only way to affect its outcomes is to promote the right values among police officers.
  • Elite Squad 1&2: The Theme of Corruption The media sugarcoats the drug lords and extorts their reporting of the events in the Rio’s crime and corruption as seen in the film “Elite Squad 2” instead of exposing the truth.

🖊️ Sample 250-Word Essay Prompts

Here are some excellent prompts that can come in handy while writing a 250-word essay:

  • Essay on electrical safety in 250 words. In your 250-word essay example, focus on the importance of observing safety measures when working with electricity. List the main rules and explain how they can prevent accidents.
  • Intellectual property rights essay 250 words. Discuss what intellectual property means and what it includes, for instance, copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Then, analyze the value of its protection.
  • Write an essay of 250 words on communication and personality. Write an essay (250-300 words) examining how personal traits can impact the quality of communication with your friends and family. Include some valuable tips on how to improve your communication behavior.
  • Natural disasters essay 250 words. Describe the most devastating natural disasters and their consequences for people and the environment. You can also describe measures people can take to protect themselves against floods, hurricanes, and other catastrophes.
  • Discuss Mead’s theory of the development of self in 250 words. Explain Mead’s framework and say whether you agree with it or not. Discuss the efficiency of personality development through interaction with other people.

📰 Role of Media in Society Essay 250 Words: Examples

  • The Impact of Social Media on the Rise in Crime For example, Jones cites revenge porn, or the practice of publishing a partner’s intimate contact on social media, as one of the results of social media use.
  • Social Media Damages Teenagers’ Mental Health Thus, the selected social group that could help improve teenagers’ mental health is sports coaches and organizers of sports activities in schools.
  • Traditional vs. Social Media Celebrity Endorsements In traditional media, there is a fine print or disclaimer that makes it clear to the viewers that the celebrity was paid for the advertisement.
  • Is It Effective to Censor Parts of the Media? However, censoring parts of the media is not an effective way to ensure the accuracy of the information available and the protection of people from misinformation.
  • Media Role in Black Music The black civil and political rights phase of the struggle came in the difficult postwar period, making it impossible for most citizens to find a way to assert their freedoms. It reflects the social unrest […]
  • The Negative Effects of Screen Media on Young Children It is imperative for parents to moderate their children’s screen media type and time. Screen media in the classroom provide exposure to children and supplement their academic mastery.
  • How Does the Media Affect Politics? The framers of the Constitution did not believe that citizens would take an active part in the political life of the country.
  • 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine in Global Media Coverage Gunshots and artillery fires have been raining down on residential areas in Ukraine, with several media houses and newspapers reporting the events and sharing the news with the rest of the world. The two newspapers […]
  • Multimedia and Sports Journalism The amount and variety of multimedia tools that sports journalists can benefit from has increased significantly compared to several decades ago and is continuing to rise.
  • Social Media and Its Effects on Adolescents Orben, Tomova, and Blakemore have found that social deprivation might cause severe psychological complications to adolescents, particularly in the period of the pandemic.
  • Social Media in a Crisis The main advantage social media provides is that the affected people and victims can use it to make providing support and understanding the details of a situation easier.

📱 Prompts for 250 Words Paragraph on the Impact of Technology

Writing a 250-word essay on the impact of technology? Here are some prompts to guide your work:

  • Life without social media: essay 250 words. Analyze the benefits of disconnecting from social media for a couple of weeks. Share your experience living without social networks and how it affected you.
  • Advancement of technology: essay 250 words. You can discuss crucial events in the development of technologies and their impact on our lives. Try to include both the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.
  • Life without mobile phones: essay 250 words. Describe how you would spend a day without a mobile phone and what challenges you would face. Provide the benefits you will receive from such an experience.
  • Are we too dependent on computers: essay 250 words. Analyze how addicted we are to computers in our daily lives and the potential problems this can cause. Also, you can propose some solutions to address the issue.
  • Impact of social media on youth: essay 250 words. You can focus on the effects of social media on young people. For example, explain how social networks influence teens’ mental health and self-esteem. Explain why limiting social media time is crucial.

🏢 Gender Inequality at Workplace Essay 250 Words: Samples

  • Gender Inequality in the Field of Working Wright and Yaeger state that it is the deep intersection of the life and work fields in the current working paradigm that creates daily and long-term problems, limits the available time for male and female […]
  • Gender Inequality: The Role of Media The media plays a major role in gender socialization because of the ways it chooses to portray women. Shows such as Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and Snow White are famous because they usher children […]
  • Gender and Sexuality in Community Youth Work The primary duty of a youth worker enshrines competently rendering services to the public regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • The Issue of Gender Inequality After Covid-19 To date, the role of women in society has increased many times over, both in the economic, social, and political spheres of public life.
  • Incorporating a Gender Approach in the Hospitality Industry There is a significant lack of women in top management positions and on boards of directors in the hospitality industry. The conceptual framework of this research is “Gender as a Social Structure in the Hospitality […]
  • Gender Inequalities in the Healthcare Sector Inequalities in various aspects of social and economic life, and the question of overcoming them, are increasingly the subject of political decisions and the subject of academic research and papers.
  • Gender in Peace Corps Volunteers’ Work People from the local culture can be a valuable source of knowledge about gender norms and traditions that affect their society.
  • Gender, Race and Political Empowerment: Canning Workers This is why it is natural for men to allow the women to speak; many of them have wives working in the same factory as they are. In this part of the world, women were […]

✡️ Topics for an Essay about Judaism 250 Words

  • Judaism as one of the world’s oldest religions.
  • The central Judaism beliefs and their value.
  • What are the Jewish holy books?
  • The impact of Jewish migration and diaspora.
  • Jewish contributions to modern science.
  • The fundamental teachings of Jewish ethics and morality.
  • The key symbols in Judaism.
  • Jewish views on alcohol and drug addiction.
  • How does the Jewish calendar differ from the Gregorian calendar?
  • Jewish religious philosophy.
  • How do Jews observe the Sabbath (Shabbat)?
  • Jewish historical events and conflicts.
  • What is the significance of the Star of David in Judaism?
  • The differences between Christianity and Judaism.
  • How did the Holocaust influence the modern Jewish identity?
  • The role of the synagogue in Jewish worship.
  • Who are the major figures in Jewish history and religion?
  • Jewish holidays and their significance.
  • How have Jewish traditions and customs evolved over time?
  • The origins of the Jewish faith.

📌 250 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 250 words essay.

How long is a 250-word essay? It will typically be one page double-spaced or half a page single-spaced. The exact number of pages a 250 words essay takes will depend on the citation style you use, the number of your footnotes (if you have any), and the length of your bibliography section.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Are in a 250 Word Essay?

How many paragraphs is a 250-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 250 words will consist of 3 to 5 paragraphs.

📌 250 Words Is How Many Sentences?

How many sentences is a 250-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 250 words are not less than 13-16 sentences.

📌 How to Write a 250-Word Paper Outline?

A 250-word essay outline usually follows a standard five-paragraph structure. Start your paper with a short introduction that includes an attention-grabber, some background information, and a thesis. Then add three body paragraphs that focus on your arguments. Finish your 250-word paper with a conclusion that contains a restated thesis and a summary of your ideas.

📌 How Fast Can You Write a 250 Word Essay?

How long does it take to write a 250-word essay? It will take you 5-10 minutes to type 250 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 50 minutes for a 250-word paper.

📌 How Many Body Paragraphs Are in a 250 Word Essay?

A typical 250 words essay consists of 2 to 4 paragraphs. Each of the paragraphs should contain 75-150 words.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 26). 250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/250-words-essay-examples/

"250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/words/250-words-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts." November 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/250-words-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts." November 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/250-words-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "250 Words Essay Examples + Topics & Prompts." November 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/words/250-words-essay-examples/.

EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on My Favorite Personality

Everyone in this world has one or more ideal personalities whom they admire the most. They impact our lives in many ways. However, it is good to set a role model in life. This will not only help you to reach your goals but will also help you to stay motivated. Different people choose different personalities as their ideal. Therefore, today we will discuss My Favorite Personality in detail to highlight their importance in our life.

Short and Long My Favorite Personality Essay in English

Here, we are presenting Short and Long essays on My Favorite Personality in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on My Favorite Personality will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My Favorite Personality Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Many people inspire me but my favorite personality is Nelson Mandela.

2) His leadership quality made him popular in the entire world.

3) In South Africa, Nelson Mandela was the first black president.

4) His struggles and achievements are the true inspiration.

5) He spent 27 years in prison fighting against inequality.

6) I admire Mandela because he rose from poverty to global leadership.

7) He was a remarkable person with mental toughness.

8) Nelson Mandela was a strong supporter of democracy, equality, and education.

9) His honesty, hard effort, love, compassion, and kindness inspire everyone.

10) Although, today he is not with us, his work will always be remembered.

Short Essay on My Favorite Personality (250 – 300 Words)


Every person has some unique qualities that make them stand out from the crowd. Due to their work and efforts, they become popular. As a result, people start following them. But the person I follow is not any famous personality. She is a normal housewife and my mother. My mother is my favorite personality. My mom and I have a special bond that makes me admire her more.

What Makes her My Favorite?

My mother is my ideal and favorite person. She is honest and kind, which makes her the best kind of person in today’s world. She manages to smile even when things are hard or boring because she knows that if she doesn’t think positively, things will never get better. My mother’s willingness to help everyone has always impressed me.

My Ideal: My Mother

My mother is my ideal because she has a loving, caring, and helping nature. She has taught me more than any book ever could have. I’m always thankful for what my mom has taught me. She is not like other women. I’m a confident person now because she believed in me and trusted me. At every moment of life, she guides me on the correct path and encourages me to work hard.

There are a lot of important people in my life, but my mom is the most important one. I want to be a little bit like her, if not exactly the same. She is the best example of what a good person should be like.

Long Essay on My Favorite Personality (500 Words)

Life is a journey where we meet a lot of people in different stages of our life. People who teach us good things are often the ones who stay in our hearts. But there are also people whom we never met but still have a great influence on our life. We hear about them, we read about them, and we try to discover more about them. Their success and work motivate us and help us to do big in life. We call these people our favorite personalities. They can come from different castes, religions, sex, or background but their work stand above all.

My favorite Personality: Bill Gates

Everyone has a favorite personality, and I have one too. William Henry Bill Gates III is my favorite person. Most people call him Bill Gates, born on 28 th of October 1955 in Seattle, Washington (United States). He is an American business tycoon, software developer, entrepreneur, author, and charitable person. He began to be interested in computer programming when he was young.

Currently, he works for Microsoft Corporation as a Technology Advisor. He is also Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group named after him and his sister. He is the CEO of Cascade Investment and the Chairman of Corbis, which is the top job there.

His Contributions

Bill Gates contributed a lot to the technology industry. He has helped not only with technology but also with helping people in poor and underdeveloped countries. Because of his contribution, offices, schools, factories, hospitals, and other places are much more efficient and productive than they used to be. Gates has won a lot of awards and made a lot of progress in the world because of his great software ideas and work. He was also named one of America’s 400 richest people and one of the century’s 100 most influential people.

Why do I Admire him the most?

Bill Gates is my favorite entrepreneur as he is always trying to make something new and change the world. Even though he was born with a lot of money, he still wants to work hard to reach his goals. He didn’t give up, he became famous and the world’s hero. Many people look up to and are inspired by Bill Gates because of how successful he is in life and business. I am determined to change my life by becoming an entrepreneur and living out my dream. Following him can make me more determined to reach my goal.

A favorite personality is someone you look up to and want to be like. There are certain things that make a person a good role model and a great man. “If you were born poor, it wasn’t your fault. If you die poor, it was your fault”. This is one of the most well-known things that Bill Gates has said. It reminds us that we have to take charge of our own lives to reach our goals.

I hope the above provided essay on My Favorite Personality will be helpful in understanding the role of our favorite personality in our life.

FAQS: Frequently Asked Questions on My Favorite Personality

Ans. A person whose acts and views have a significant impact on our life can be considered the most influential person. It can be our mother, father, or any personality.

Ans.   Of course, you can have more than one favorite personality or ideal person.

Ans. Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Nelson Mandela, Jeff Bezos, etc are some famous personalities in the world.

Ans. The environment, culture, experiences, etc can influence personality.

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Allen Lau – an Entrepreneur I Admire

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Home Essay Samples Life

Essay Samples on Someone Who Inspires Me

At its core, inspiration is a powerful force that ignites passion, propels dreams, and molds individuals into extraordinary beings. It is the vibrant pulse that surges through our veins, pushing us to achieve greatness even in the face of adversity. Crafting an essay about someone who inspires you allows you to shine a spotlight on the transformative power of such individuals.

How to Write an Essay on Someone Who Inspires Me

Here are some useful example you shpuld consider when writing a college essay about someone who inspires you:

  • Consider beginning with a heartfelt introduction that captivates the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the awe-inspiring journey to come.
  • Share a personal anecdote or a defining moment that sparked the connection between you and your inspirational figure, allowing the reader to empathize with your experience.
  • Delve into the qualities and actions that make this individual so inspiring. Explore their accomplishments, perseverance, and unwavering determination. Showcase how their words and deeds have impacted your life, shaping your values and aspirations. Be vivid and descriptive, illustrating the profound influence they have had on your personal growth and development.
  • Weave in personal reflections throughout your essay. Share introspective thoughts and revelations, highlighting the lessons you have learned and the ways in which your perspective has evolved. By doing so, you invite the reader to embark on a transformative journey alongside you, creating a powerful emotional connection.

To aid you in your writing process, we provide a sample essay about someone who inspires you. It serves as a guiding light, illustrating the structure, tone, and depth needed to craft an outstanding piece. Drawing inspiration from this sample, embrace your unique voice, infuse your essay with passion, and let your words leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the readers.

A Bond Beyond Words: Reflecting on My Relationship with Someone Special

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A Beacon of Inspiration: A Descriptive Peace about the Person I Admire

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Joan of Arc One of the Most Heroic Women in French History

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Who Inspired Me to Become a Nurse

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Mary Kom, The Person Who Inspired Me to Pursue My Dreams

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Best topics on Someone Who Inspires Me

1. A Bond Beyond Words: Reflecting on My Relationship with Someone Special

2. A Beacon of Inspiration: A Descriptive Peace about the Person I Admire

3. A Person I Will Always Remember: My English Teacher

4. My Grandmother as My Role Model: Her Role in Shaping My Identity

5. My Role Model and My Heroes: Mother and Father

6. Audrey Hepburn: Life Of A Timeless Inspiration Of Mine

7. Oprah Winfrey and Ariana Grande: Women That Inspire Me

8. St. Bernadette: The Woman That Inspires Me

9. Simone De Beauvoir One of the Greatest Woman

10. Ned Kelly: American Hero Or Villain

11. Joan of Arc One of the Most Heroic Women in French History

12. Who Inspired Me to Become a Nurse

13. Mary Kom, The Person Who Inspired Me to Pursue My Dreams

14. The People Who Shaped Me

15. Three People Who Influenced Me Throughout My Life

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  • Cleanliness

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Essay On My Favourite Personality

All of us have a favourite personality, someone we look up to, somebody whom we consider a role model. A child's favourite personality could be their parents, grandparents, or even a singer, actor, or soldier. Our favourite personality is usually somebody by whom we feel inspired. Here are a few sample essays on “My Favourite Personality” .

Essay On My Favourite Personality

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Personality

There are thousands of people in this world who have become famous for their work and contribution, but to me, my favourite personality is my father. My father is the greatest inspiration for me. He is the one who helps me to tackle every difficult situation. With his guidance, impossible things seem possible to me. With him around, I always feel protected. He helps me with my studies. My father is also a great teacher because I never seem to forget whatever he teaches me for my school homework and exams. Whenever I do something wrong, he never scolds me but explains to me where I went wrong. My father is my role model.

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Personality

If I had to choose my favourite personality, it would be my father. Let me explain why I consider my father my role model:-

He is one and all for me. He is jovial, that is, he always makes me laugh. He helps me in fulfilling my goals. I consider him my role model.

I can talk to him freely without any fear of being scolded. He is always kind, polite and friendly with me.

My father always tells me about the positive and negative aspects of situations and encourages me to make my own decisions.

He is helpful by nature and never refuses any needy people to help. He always appreciates my success.

My father always makes me feel protected.

My dad always encourages me to work on my career goals. He helps me a lot in my studies. He is very good at teaching. He makes me learn in such a way that I retain that information for a long period.

He is also an animal lover and devotes his free time to taking care of stray animals which inspires me to do the same.

He is disciplined by nature and never wants to be late which also inspires me to be disciplined and always on time.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Personality

My father is my favourite personality. He has been a constant source of inspiration and guidance in my life. He is a man of great integrity and a hard worker who has always led by example. He is the one who taught me the importance of honesty, responsibility and the value of hard work.

I remember a real-life incident from my childhood that perfectly illustrates the kind of person my father is. When I was around 10 years old, my family and I were on a trip to a nearby city. We were shopping in a mall when I saw a toy that I really wanted. I begged my father to buy it for me, but he refused, saying that we had already spent enough money on the trip. I was disappointed, but I didn't understand why he was being so strict.

After we left the mall, my father took me aside and explained that we didn't have a lot of money, and that every purchase we made needed to be carefully considered. He said that he didn't want me to grow up thinking that I could always have whatever I wanted, and that I needed to learn the value of money. I didn't fully understand at the time, but I knew that my father was trying to teach me an important lesson.

Years later, as I grew older and started to understand more about the world and about money, I realized how wise my father's decision had been. He had taught me the importance of being responsible with money, and had helped me to develop a sense of financial literacy that has served me well throughout my life.

My father has always been there for me, providing guidance and support whenever I needed it. He has taught me the importance of being a good person, of treating others with respect, and of always doing the right thing, even when it's difficult. He is a true role model, and I am so grateful to have him as my father.

In addition to being an amazing father, my dad is also an incredible husband and provider for our family. He always puts his family first and works hard to make sure that we have everything we need. He is a great listener and always has wise advice to offer when I am struggling with something. He is a great cook and loves to spend time in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes. He is also a fitness enthusiast and encourages us to stay active and healthy. He is always the first one up in the morning, ready to start his day and the last one to go to bed. He is truly a selfless and dedicated person who always puts the needs of his family before his own.

One of the things that I admire most about my father is his work ethic. He is a businessman and runs his own company. He works incredibly hard to ensure the success of his business and to provide for our family. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that his clients are satisfied, and he is highly respected in the business community. He taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance and that nothing comes easy.

My father is also an incredibly compassionate and caring person. He has always been involved in various social causes and volunteer work. He has always been passionate about helping those in need and making a positive difference in the world. He taught me that with privilege comes responsibility and that we have a duty to use our resources and abilities to help others.

In conclusion, my father is my favourite personality because he is a true role model and an inspiration to me. He has taught me so many valuable lessons throughout my life, and I am forever grateful to him for his guidance, support and love. He is the reason why I am who I am today, and I am so proud to call him my father.

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How to Write an Essay About a Famous Person in History

Last Updated: December 13, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a Private Tutor and Life Coach in Santa Cruz, California. In 2018, she founded Mindful & Well, a natural healing and wellness coaching service. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. Emily also received her Wellness Coach Certificate from Cornell University and completed the Mindfulness Training by Mindful Schools. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 92,380 times.

There are lots of things to think about when writing a paper about a famous person from history. Your teacher may have given you this assignment with exact instructions on who to write about and what information to include, or they may have just asked you to write about someone from history that you admire without telling you exactly what information to include. When writing the essay, take your time and rely on good information that you have collected from books and respected internet resources. Don’t underestimate the time you will need to edit your essay in order to have a final product that you can feel proud of.

Preparing to Write Your Essay

Step 1 Read the assignment carefully.

  • Should you choose your person or has one been assigned?
  • Does your teacher want you to use a citation style? For example, they may want you to use the MLA format or maybe they want you to use Chicago Style. [1] X Research source If your teacher says they don't care, then there's nothing to worry about, but make sure that you include a “References” page at the end of your essay. On this page, you should include all of the different websites, books, and/or magazines that you used to write the essay.
  • Is there a word limit? Does your teacher require a specific font or font size? Should you double-space the essay? If you're not sure, ask you teacher.

Step 2 Choose a person that did a lot in their life.

  • Try to think about the things you know the person has done. Did they live a pretty normal life, but did one really cool thing? A person who was more or less “normal” could be harder to write about if your teacher wants a ten page essay. For example, although Adolf Hitler was not in any way an admirable human being, writing a historical essay about his life would be pretty easy because he did a lot of different things.
  • On the other hand, if there is a historical figure you are really interested in, you will have a good time researching and writing about your person whether they led very busy lives or not. The most important thing is to choose someone you find fascinating. Try making a list of your hobbies and interests and then run a Google search to find famous people who also had one of these hobbies or interests.
  • 3 Brainstorm a list of questions. Write down all of the questions you want to answer about your person. If your teacher told you what questions to answer, then use those. If your teacher did not, then this is up to you. Make sure you talk about when and where they were born, whether they had a good childhood or not, what makes them special and interesting, what they accomplished (whether good or bad), and why you find them interesting. [2] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source

Step 4 Research the questions you want to answer in your essay.

  • Write down anything you find interesting and want to include. At the same time that you do this, write down the source of that information. For example, the name and author of the book or the address of the website.
  • If you are having a hard time finding information about your person in the library, ask the librarian to help you search. They’re there to help you, and may have ways of finding information that you hadn’t thought of. Plus, if you find the information through the library, there is a better chance that you will find high quality information.
  • Make sure that you understand what is considered an acceptable source of information by your teacher. For example, some teachers may consider it OK to use websites such as Wikipedia, while other teachers may not. If you’re not sure, just ask them.
  • Try to include at least one primary source that was written by the person you are researching, such as a letter, journal entry, or speech. This will help you get to know the person better than you would by only using secondary sources, such as articles and textbooks.

Step 5 Outline your essay.

  • Write your outline so that the information is in the same order that it will be in in the paper. For example, don't put questions about how the person died before the questions about where they were born and who their parents were.

Step 6 Review other essays.

  • Don’t plagiarize though! If you copy someone else's work without giving them credit for their work, this is called plagiarism. If you do find something interesting that you want to include, be sure to give credit to that person. Plagiarism is a big deal, so it’s best to learn early that it isn’t worth the risk.

Writing the Essay

Step 1 Start with the body of the essay.

  • In the body, you will write about all of the information that you found when you were researching. It is the part of the paper where you answer any and all questions you have come up with.
  • Your essay will be more clear if you separate different parts of this person’s life into paragraphs. For example, the first paragraph might start out by explaining when, where, and to whom this person was born. In this paragraph you might talk about what kind of childhood this person had, and whether they had any big experiences that made them into the person they were.
  • In later paragraphs, you can talk about what the person did that made them famous. You might also want to include interesting things that you found about this person’s personal life. For example, whether or not they got married or whether or not they suffered from any mental disorders.

Step 2 Write the conclusion.

  • Don't write more than one or two paragraphs for your conclusion. It should simply go over what you have written in the body about who this person was and why they were interesting and important.
  • For example, you might write, “In summary, Martin Luther King Jr. was a driven man who, although his life was tragically cut short, accomplished amazing things in his life. Though his upbringing presented many challenges, he went on to become a great man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what he believed in.”
  • In the next paragraph, you can summarize what you wrote about why you find him so interesting. For example, “This great man inspires me every time I read about him. I hope that I too can stand up for the right thing if I am ever in a position to do so, even if it is difficult or scary to do so.”

Step 3 Finish your first draft by writing the introduction.

  • For example, you can say, “In this essay, I will be discussing a man that nearly everyone has heard of. He was a minister who became famous during the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s for standing up for the rights of not only African Americans, but for all human beings.”
  • After you introduce your person, you will state what you will be telling your reader about this person. For example, “In this essay, Martin Luther King Jr.’s life will be discussed beginning with his birth in Georgia, to his travels to Germany where he officially began to be known as ‘Martin,’ to his untimely death in 1968.”
  • Don’t give everything away in the introduction. Think of the introduction like a movie preview. You want to give enough information to get the reader interested, but not so much information that they will already know everything else written in the essay before they read it.

Step 4 Write a second draft.

  • Don’t expect the second draft to come out perfectly either. The purpose of the second draft is to fix up any major spelling mistakes or grammar errors, and to see how you feel about the information you’ve written now that it’s all out there.
  • A second draft is what you will give to anyone who has offered to proof read your essay, so make sure that it is easy to read. It is best to have this version typed and double-spaced so it will be easy for whoever is helping you to make notes on things you can improve in your final draft.

Editing Your Essay

Step 1 Ask someone to proofread your essay.

  • For example, a good proofreader might point out to you that your paragraph about the death of your person might be better if you put it before your paragraph which talks about the legacy this person left behind.
  • Try asking a classmate to read your essay. It's a win-win for both of you because you can offer to read their essay in return. Meet up a few days after reading to talk about errors and ways to make each of your papers better.
  • If the person has done a good job, they may have a lot of things to say about your paper. Try not to take anything bad they say about your paper personally. They're not trying to make you feel bad, they just want to help you get a good grade.
  • Give them a physical copy of the paper that is double-spaced. This will make it easy for them to make corrections and write notes on your paper.

Step 2 Proofread the essay on your own.

  • Make notes as you read in a bright colored pen on a physical copy of your paper.
  • Read your paper twice. The first time, focus on what you've written, and don't look for spelling mistakes or other grammar errors. While you're reading think about whether it is easy to follow and whether or not it makes sense. This will be the time to consider rearranging any information, adding anything extra, or removing anything that doesn't seem important.
  • Read through the article a second time to check for grammar and spelling issues. Mark any misspelled words or typos, and make a note of any awkward sentences that you want to go back and change.

Step 3 Read the essay backwards.

  • You should also read the essay out loud. Reading the essay out loud will help you find sentences that sound strange.

Step 4 Type your final draft.

  • Make sure to follow any instructions your teacher has given you about how to format the document. For example, with regard to font, font size, and line spacing.
  • By now, you should feel confident that you have a well-written paper. If you still feel unsure, you can ask a different person to read your essay to reassure yourself that you have caught any mistakes.
  • If your teacher said they don’t care about the formatting, then stick to the defaults of your word processing program. Generally, it is a good idea to stick to font size 12 and a standard font such as Times New Roman. To make your paper easier to read, consider changing the line spacing to 1.5 or 2, unless your teacher has said not to do this.
  • Your teacher probably expects you to turn in a typed copy of your essay. Unless your teacher has specifically asked for handwritten papers make sure you turn in a neat, typed copy.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Don’t put off writing your essay. As soon as you receive the assignment you can start thinking about who you want to write about and begin writing your essay outline. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep in mind the due date. Write down the due date in your calendar, and make sure that you hand your paper in on time. Your teacher may not accept it if is late, which means you’ve wasted a lot of time and energy for nothing. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • For some people, it can be helpful to hand write the first draft. If you are having a hard time getting started at the computer, then try switching to paper and pen to get past your initial writer’s block. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

famous person essay 250 words

  • Never ever plagiarize or copy someone else’s work without giving them credit for what they have written. Plagiarizing someone else’s work can get you into big trouble at school. If you do find something that someone else wrote and want to include it in your essay, then you can do this, but be sure to cite your sources in the format required by your teacher. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't pay someone to write your paper for you. There are many websites online where you can supposedly pay someone to write your essay for money. Don’t try it. There is a good chance you will get caught and the website may or may not be a scam. If it is a scam you will have wasted your money and still have to write the essay yourself. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

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Emily Listmann, MA

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Person You Admire The Most Essay Examples

Person You Admire The Most - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

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Students are often asked to write an essay on A Person Who Inspires Me in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on A Person Who Inspires Me


The person who inspires me most is my science teacher, Mrs. Smith. Her passion for teaching and love for science is infectious.

Passion for Teaching

Love for science.

Her deep love for science is evident. She encourages us to explore, ask questions, and discover the wonders of the world.

Mrs. Smith’s passion for teaching and love for science inspires me to learn more every day, making her an incredible role model.

250 Words Essay on A Person Who Inspires Me

Inspiration is a profound emotional experience that can significantly influence our actions, thoughts, and decisions. For me, this source of inspiration is Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. His innovative mindset and relentless pursuit of his goals inspire me.

Elon Musk: The Visionary

Musk’s vision of a sustainable future and interplanetary human civilization is not just a dream; it’s a roadmap he’s actively pursuing. His companies, SpaceX and Tesla, are testament to this. He has revolutionized the electric car industry and is pioneering space travel, making what seemed impossible, possible.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Musk’s journey has been fraught with challenges. He has faced numerous setbacks, including almost losing both SpaceX and Tesla to bankruptcy. However, his resilience in the face of adversity is admirable. He held fast to his vision and continued to innovate, eventually leading his companies to success.

Impact on Society

Musk’s work has had a profound impact on society. Tesla has pushed the auto industry towards sustainable energy, while SpaceX has rekindled our fascination with space exploration. His initiatives have not only advanced technology but have also sparked a global conversation on the importance of sustainability and exploration.

Elon Musk’s visionary mindset, resilience, and societal impact make him an inspiring figure. His journey serves as a reminder that with passion, perseverance, and a clear vision, we can overcome challenges and make a significant impact on the world.

500 Words Essay on A Person Who Inspires Me

Inspiration can spring from a myriad of sources, but often, it is the people in our lives who leave the deepest impact. One person who has significantly influenced my life is my mentor, Dr. Jane Goodall. Her life’s work in primatology, ethology, and anthropology has not only revolutionized our understanding of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom but has also underscored the importance of compassion, respect, and responsibility towards all living beings.

Early Life and Career

Pioneering research and advocacy.

Goodall’s groundbreaking observations, such as chimpanzees using tools for foraging, challenged existing beliefs and revolutionized primatology. Her findings blurred the line between humans and animals, compelling us to rethink our place in the animal kingdom. However, her influence extends beyond academia. Goodall has been a tireless advocate for animal rights and environmental conservation. Her work has inspired countless individuals to respect and protect the natural world.

Legacy and Influence

Goodall’s legacy is profound. Through the Jane Goodall Institute, she has promoted sustainable development, environmental education, and conservation research worldwide. Her Roots & Shoots program, which encourages young people to initiate projects for their communities, environment, and animals, has been implemented in over 100 countries.

Personal Impact

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The Person Who I Admire Essay

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An Olympics Scene Draws Scorn. Did It Really Parody ‘The Last Supper’?

Some church leaders and politicians have condemned the performance from the opening ceremony for mocking Christianity. Art historians are divided.

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A screen depicting a person painted in blue near fruit. Behind is a rainy Paris street with part of the Eiffel Tower and Olympic rings visible.

By Yan Zhuang

A performance during the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony on Friday has drawn criticism from church leaders and conservative politicians for a perceived likeness to Leonardo da Vinci’s depiction of a biblical scene in “The Last Supper,” with some calling it a “mockery” of Christianity.

The event’s planners and organizers have denied that the sequence was inspired by “The Last Supper,” or that it intended to mock or offend.

In the performance broadcast during the ceremony, a woman wearing a silver, halo-like headdress stood at the center of a long table, with drag queens posing on either side of her. Later, at the same table, a giant cloche lifted, revealing a man, nearly naked and painted blue, on a dinner plate surrounded by fruit. He broke into a song as, behind him, the drag queens danced.

The tableaux drew condemnation among people who saw the images as a parody of “The Last Supper,” the New Testament scene depicted in da Vinci’s painting by the same name. The French Bishops’ Conference, which represents the country’s Catholic bishops, said in a statement that the opening ceremony included “scenes of mockery and derision of Christianity,” and an influential American Catholic, Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota, called it a “gross mockery.”

The performance at the opening ceremony, which took place on and along the Seine on Friday, also prompted a Mississippi-based telecommunications provider, C Spire, to announce that it would pull its advertisements from Olympics broadcasts. Speaker Mike Johnson described the scene as “shocking and insulting to Christian people.”

The opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, said at the Games’ daily news conference on Saturday that the event was not meant to “be subversive, or shock people, or mock people.” On Sunday, Anne Descamps, the Paris 2024 spokeswoman, said at the daily news conference, “If people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really, really sorry.”

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The Brat-ification of Kamala Harris

What’s with all the lime-green memes of the vice president?

Photo-illustration of black-and-white cut-outs of the singer Charli XCX and Vice President Kamala Harris against a beige background decorated with lime-green circles

Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (NOA) using AI narration.

Charli XCX’s Brat is technically a collection of nightclub bangers celebrating female hedonism, but since the album’s release last month , it’s also become something of a lifestyle, at least for the chronically online. To be a brat, in XCX’s view, is to be aggressive and cheeky and wholly unexpected, like the lime-green color of her album’s cover. A brat should exude the je ne sais quoi of the famous-but-not-A-list women—Julia Fox, Rachel Sennott, Chloë Sevigny—she features in the music video for her song “360.” It is, as XCX explained in a TikTok :

That girl who is a little messy and likes to party, and maybe says dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown but parties through it. It’s very honest; it’s very blunt—a little bit volatile, does dumb things, but, like, it’s brat. You’re brat. That’s brat.

None of that may sound like an appropriate description of Kamala Harris, but on Sunday, XCX posted on X that the vice president “IS brat.” And of all the endorsements Harris has received so far for her presidential campaign since Joe Biden announced that he’s dropping out of the race, this one, courtesy of a British pop star, seems to have ignited Harris’s supporters online the most. The candidate’s campaign has adopted the Brat aesthetic on social-media profile pages , and the internet is practically overrun with Brat -soundtracked edited videos of Harris . It’s not unusual for a White House hopeful’s team to try to tap into the parlance of younger voters, but as my colleague Charlie Warzel observed , the deluge of memes, many of them awash in Brat ’s chartreuse shade, has fueled a remarkable grassroots-like enthusiasm for Harris. I’ve encountered what feels like an endless parade of Brat -Harris remixes on X, Instagram, and TikTok; I’ve seen the video of her talking about falling out of a coconut tree more times than I can count.

Still: Is Harris “brat”? As a person and politician, not really. The potential Democratic Party nominee is not a “3-6-5 party girl” with a “city sewer slut’s” vibe, which means the sudden rise in Brat -related Harris memes is in part just the internet doing what the internet always does: combining what’s trending for maximum impact. But in some ways, the answer to that question doesn’t matter. The essence of “brat” is not defining people as such; it’s being simultaneously provocative and vulnerable—a quality that XCX perhaps sees in Harris and her campaign.

Take the most surprising part of Brat , the album: Despite its club-ready beats and confrontational attitude, many of the songs perform a sleight of hand, their lyrics earnestly delving into XCX’s worries even as her voice conveys total confidence. She sings about how she can’t help but compare herself with another artist in “ Girl, So Confusing .” She contemplates whether she can ever start a family, given her career, in “ I Think About It All the Time .” She’s jealous of and paranoid about other people’s success in “ Sympathy Is a Knife .” Female swagger, to XCX, comes with insecurity, because no matter how much bravado she displays, she must navigate overwhelming societal standards and expectations for her behavior. Brat , then, is about how hard it is to be a brat—to project untouchability and ambition in a world that relentlessly questions successful women.

Harris certainly fits that mold; female politicians in particular are scrutinized not only for their ability to lead but also for their so-called likability and family values . In 2020, my colleague Megan Garber predicted that Harris would have to “contend with media that still doesn’t know what to make of a woman who aspires to power and refuses to apologize for the aspiration.” Though it’s not a political record, XCX’s Brat captures that conundrum perfectly.

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But what’s been particularly fascinating to watch is the rapid embrace of Harris as Brat -coded. Rather than reject a political campaign’s transparent attempt to connect with younger voters—the typical response when corporations or government officials attempt to jump on a meme bandwagon—the target demographic appears to be happily creating more memes, helping maintain Harris’s online visibility while the candidate works to establish her platform ahead of next month’s Democratic National Convention. Crucially, XCX herself sparked the connection, while Harris has not acknowledged the memes directly, publicly interacted with XCX, or tried to incorporate Brat language into her talking points. Instead, Harris’s campaign has leaned into Brat for her, a move that would be considered cringeworthy if dorkiness weren’t seen as an asset these days . Harris is the punch line and appears to be in on the joke. She can be seen as trying too hard and being too casual about the social-media chatter. The effect is a strategy that feels just uncool enough to be cool, obviously calculated but also creative—and genuinely funny. (See also: the “Hello Senator Bennet” video .)

In other words, this is not another instance of “ Pokémon Go to the polls ” or a scripted skit with a Hollywood actor . That pundits on CNN are having trouble explaining the phenomenon , that the brat-ification of Harris is confusing anyone not suffering from online brain rot, that the resurfacing of Harris’s own gaffes is involved in the meme-making process—all of it is injecting a youthful energy into an election cycle that, until last weekend, was dramatically lacking in youthfulness . Of course, virality is no guarantee of victory, and no meme can capture the stakes of this presidential race or deliver the nuance needed to explain policy—yet Harris’s team has made the risky choice to indulge a niche pop-culture obsession anyway. Doing so reflects the chaotic nature of this election and, for better or worse, simply could not be more brat.

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