Essay on Women Empowerment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on women empowerment.

Women empowerment refers to making women powerful to make them capable of deciding for themselves. Women have suffered a lot through the years at the hands of men. In earlier centuries, they were treated as almost non-existent. As if all the rights belonged to men even something as basic as voting. As the times evolved, women realized their power. There on began the revolution for women empowerment.

Essay on Women Empowerment

As women were not allowed to make decisions for them, women empowerment came in like a breath of fresh air. It made them aware of their rights and how they must make their own place in society rather than depending on a man. It recognized the fact that things cannot simply work in someone’s favor because of their gender. However, we still have a long way to go when we talk about the reasons why we need it.

Need for Women Empowerment

Almost every country, no matter how progressive has a history of ill-treating women. In other words, women from all over the world have been rebellious to reach the status they have today. While the western countries are still making progress, third world countries like India still lack behind in Women Empowerment.

essay on girl empowerment

Moreover, the education and freedom scenario is very regressive here. Women are not allowed to pursue higher education, they are married off early. The men are still dominating women in some regions like it’s the woman’s duty to work for him endlessly. They do not let them go out or have freedom of any kind.

In addition, domestic violence is a major problem in India. The men beat up their wife and abuse them as they think women are their property. More so, because women are afraid to speak up. Similarly, the women who do actually work get paid less than their male counterparts. It is downright unfair and sexist to pay someone less for the same work because of their gender. Thus, we see how women empowerment is the need of the hour. We need to empower these women to speak up for themselves and never be a victim of injustice .

How to Empower Women?

There are various ways in how one can empower women. The individuals and government must both come together to make it happen. Education for girls must be made compulsory so that women can become illiterate to make a life for themselves.

Women must be given equal opportunities in every field, irrespective of gender. Moreover, they must also be given equal pay. We can empower women by abolishing child marriage. Various programs must be held where they can be taught skills to fend for themselves in case they face financial crisis .

Most importantly, the shame of divorce and abuse must be thrown out of the window. Many women stay in abusive relationships because of the fear of society. Parents must teach their daughters it is okay to come home divorced rather than in a coffin.

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essay on girl empowerment

Girl Power: Empowered Women Making a Change - World Pulse

Read stories about the issues that girls face today and their rights and roles in society. contribute to empowering girls and create a better future for them., what does it mean to empower a girl.

Girls’ empowerment refers to the process of equipping girls with the tools, knowledge, and resources they need to realize their full potential, make informed decisions, and take control of their lives. This involves providing girls with access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, as well as promoting gender equality and breaking down stereotypes.

How Girl Power Can Change the World

Today, girls’ issues range from gender discrimination to body image to societal and parental pressure and more. Unfortunately, girls face myriad challenges, but World Pulse is contributing to gender empowerment and women’s rights through stories for women, by women. These stories cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Girls and Technology
  • Education for Girls
  • Girls’ Health
  • Leadership Opportunities for Girls
  • Girls’ Rights

Why Is Empowering Girls Important?

Girls’ empowerment is important because it helps to promote gender equality, reduce poverty and promote economic growth, improve health outcomes, and create a more inclusive and just society. When empowered, girls are more likely to become leaders, entrepreneurs, and agents of change, helping to create a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

How Can You Contribute to Girls’ Empowerment?

The conversation and involvement with the following girls’ empowerment topics are critical to giving girls the tools they need to become empowered women:

  • Providing access to education: Education is a powerful tool for girls and can help them gain skills, knowledge, and confidence. By providing access to education, girls can develop the skills they need to succeed in their personal and professional lives.
  • Promoting gender equality: This means creating a society where all children have equal rights and opportunities. Empowering girls means working toward eliminating gender-based discrimination and violence.
  • Encouraging girls to speak up: Girls need to be encouraged to speak up and express their thoughts and opinions. Girls can become more confident and assertive when we listen to their ideas, concerns, and perspectives..
  • Providing mentorship and role models: Girls need role models to inspire and motivate them. By providing mentorship and positive role models, girls can learn from those before them and gain the confidence they need to succeed.
  • Encouraging girls to pursue their interests: Girls need to be encouraged to pursue their interests and passions, regardless of societal expectations or stereotypes. Girls can discover their strengths and build their self-esteem by following their passions.

Empower Girls By Sharing Your Stories

When you join the World Pulse platform, you will read stories from women who are leading efforts to ensure that the voices of our future are poised to lead and thrive. Their stories cover topics like the importance of women and their role in society to empowering women through technology. Many would say that women are the backbone of society and that expanding the women’s movement through stories, writing, and articles can bring many benefits and change to our world. We hope these women in the movement empower you to make some changes.

Nuria Gracia gives girls a path to self-sufficiency by teaching teen moms how to heal trauma and create their own businesses.

Through years of research, Nuria Gracia of Mexico and Spain discovered that providing at-risk teenage girls with a tangible way to make a living reduced poverty and created a chain of wealth in their families and communities. This, in turn, helped to mitigate abuse and injustice. Her initiative, Craft Atelier & Boots, trains teen moms in rural and rainforest environments to start their first businesses and become self-sufficient. “I believe it’s time for us to create and build new systems to change the cycles of domination and submission we face we face as women and girls,” Nuria says.

Join World Pulse to connect with Nuria and other women working on girls rights.

After narrowly escaping sexual violence as a teenager, Ruth Okoirhon of Nigeria launched a community safety campaign for girls.

Ruth Okoirhon’s initiative, Filles-Couvrant (Girls Covering), helps to prevent sexual and gender-based violence by equipping participants with the resources to identify it, call it out, and prevent it from happening to other girls. The participants become ambassadors in their community, receiving a club membership badge and impacting other girls. “We need to raise girls to understand their agency and not be afraid to exercise it – girls who go above and beyond to lift other girls to flourish into confident women,” Ruth says.

Join World Pulse to connect with Ruth and other women working on girls rights.

As a young woman refugee in Myanmar, Hkawn Nan is creating safe spaces for girls to access education.

After fleeing her home because of a civil war, Hkwan Nan learned how hard it was to access education and opportunities while living in a refugee camp. As a facilitator for Colorful Girls, she ensures that refugee girls have access to information about their reproductive health, stress management, leadership, and digital safety through workshops. “The seminars have boosted [girls’] confidence and enlightened them on how to deal with various difficulties,” HKawn says.

Join World Pulse to connect with Hkwan Nan and other women working on girls rights.

Get Involved in The Discussion of Girl Power

The greatest force for change in women’s rights and place in society is closer than you think. At World Pulse, we encourage you to speak out in support of girls everywhere. You can do that by writing a letter to your younger self. While giving advice to your younger self, maybe you will inspire someone else. Tell us about your advocacy of women’s issues or share a story about the challenges girls in your community face and your recommendations for ways to overcome these challenges. We want to hear your ideas for solutions and encouraging words for gender empowerment.

Building Networks and Communities

World Pulse is a global social network that connects women and girls from around the world. By providing a platform for girls to share their stories and connect, World Pulse can help amplify girls' voices and promote their empowerment. World Pulse builds networks and communities of girls and women who can support and empower each other and share resources. This can include connecting girls with mentors, providing training and skills development, and promoting peer-to-peer support.

Types of Girls’ Empowerment

Several types of girls’ empowerment initiatives aim to support girls and promote gender equality. These types of girls’ empowerment initiatives can work together to support girls and promote gender equality, ensuring that girls have the opportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

  • Education: One of the most important types of girls’ empowerment is education. Providing girls with access to quality education helps them develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. This can include initiatives such as building schools, providing scholarships, and supporting girls' enrollment and attendance.
  • Health and Wellness: Another important area of girls’ empowerment is health and wellness. Ensuring girls have access to healthcare services, including reproductive health services, can help them stay healthy and make informed decisions about their bodies.
  • Leadership and Mentorship: Girls benefit from role models and mentorship. Providing girls with opportunities to learn from successful women leaders can help them build confidence and develop the skills they need to become leaders.
  • Economic Empowerment: Economic empowerment initiatives focus on helping girls and young women build financial independence and economic security. This can include providing vocational training, supporting entrepreneurship, and promoting access to financial services.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Advocacy and awareness initiatives focus on changing cultural norms and attitudes that limit girls' opportunities. This can include raising awareness about the importance of girls' education, promoting gender equality, and addressing issues such as child marriage and gender-based violence.


Whether you are a grandmother reflecting on your childhood, a mom raising a daughter, or a young woman navigating the world today, we want to hear your story!

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5 Women Empowerment Essays Everybody Should Read

What does “women’s empowerment” mean? It refers to the process of giving women control over their choices and access to the opportunities and resources that allow them to thrive. While there’s been progress, gender inequality remains a persistent issue in the world. Empowering women politically, socially, economically, educationally, and psychologically helps narrow the gap. Here are five essays about women’s empowerment that everyone should read:

Women’s Movements and Feminist Activism (2019)

Amanda Gouws & Azille Coetzee

This editorial from the “Empowering women for gender equity” issue of the journal Agenda explores the issue’s themes. It gives a big picture view of the topics within. The issue is dedicated to women’s movements and activism primarily in South Africa, but also other African countries. New women’s movements focus on engaging with institutional policies and running campaigns for more female representation in government. Some barriers make activism work harder, such as resistance from men and funding, If you’re interested in the whole issue, this editorial provides a great summary of the main points, so you can decide if you want to read further.

Agenda is an African peer-viewed academic journal focusing on feminism. It was established in 1987. It publishes articles and other entries, and tutors young writers.

5 Powerful Ways Women Can Empower Other Women (2020)

Pavitra Raja

Originally published during Women’s History Month, this piece explores five initiatives spearheaded by women in the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship community. Created by women for women, these innovations demonstrate what’s possible when women harness their skills and empower each other. The initiatives featured in this article embrace technology, education, training programs, and more.

Pavitra Raja is the Community Manager for social entrepreneurs in Europe, North America, and Latin America. She’s consulted with the UN Economic Commission for Europe and also has experience in legal affairs and policy in the private and public sectors.

The Key to Improving Women’s Health in Developing Countries (2019)

Because of gender inequality, women’s health is affected around the world. Factors like a lower income than men, more responsibilities at home, and less education impact health. This is most clear in developing countries. How can this be addressed? This essay states that empowerment is the key. When giving authority and control over their own lives, women thrive and contribute more to the world. It’s important that programs seeking to end gender inequality focus on empowerment, and not “rescue.” Treating women like victims is not the answer.

Axa is a leading global insurer, covering more than 100 million customers in 57 countries. On their website, they say they strive for the collective good by working on prevention issues, fighting climate change, and prioritizing protection. The company has existed for over 200 years.

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics (2012)

Ana Revenga and Sudhir Shetty

What are the benefits of women’s empowerment? This article presents the argument that closing gender gaps doesn’t only serve women, it’s good for countries as a whole. Gender equality boosts economic productivity, makes institutions more representative, and makes life better for future generations. This piece gives a good overview of the state of the world (the data is a bit old, but things have not changed significantly) and explores policy implications. It’s based on the World Bank’s World Development Report in 2012 on gender equality and development.

Ana Revenga and Sudhir Shetty both worked at the World Bank at the time this article was originally published. Revenga was the Sector Director of Human Development, Europe and Central Asia. Shetty (who still works at the World Bank in a different role) was the Sector Director, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, East Asia and Pacific.

The Side Of Female Empowerment We Aren’t Talking About Enough (2017)

Tamara Schwarting

In this era of female empowerment, women are being told they can do anything, but can they? It isn’t because women aren’t capable. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. As this article says, women have “more to do but no more time to do it.” The pressure is overwhelming. Is the image of a woman who can “do it all” unrealistic? What can a modern woman do to manage a high-stakes life? This essay digs into some solutions, which include examining expectations and doing self-checks.

Tamara Schwarting is the CEO of 1628 LTD, a co-working community space of independent professionals in Ohio. She’s also an executive-level consultant in supply chain purchasing and business processes. She describes herself as an “urbanist” and has a passion for creative, empowering work environments.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

essay on girl empowerment

5 Reasons Why Empowering Girls Matters

essay on girl empowerment

By Jenni Lee on October 7, 2015

On October 11, the United Nations and partners including the UN Foundation celebrate International Day of the Girl and the extraordinary power of girls in our world.

This year’s theme, “The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030,” highlights the importance of girls to achieving the global goals for sustainable development. Simply put: To reach our global goals, we have to reach girls.

Here are five reasons why empowering adolescent girls matters to all of us.

1. It’s her right.

Fundamentally, this is a human rights issue. Discrimination has no place in the 21 st century, and every girl has the right to go to school, stay safe from violence, access health services, and fully participate in her community.

2. Empowered girls mean healthier families.

When girls are educated, healthy, and empowered, families are healthier. According to UNESCO, 2.1 million children under age 5 were saved between 1990 and 2009 because of improvements in girls’ education. And closing the gap in the unmet need for family planning for the 225 million girls and women who want to delay or avoid pregnancy but aren’t using modern contraception would reduce maternal deaths by 67% and newborn deaths by 77%.

3. Empowered girls are key to breaking the cycle of poverty for families around the world.

Research from the Brookings Institution has found that every additional year of school increases a girls’ eventual wages by an average of 12% – earnings she invests back into her family. Empowered, educated girls have healthier, better educated children and higher wages – helping to break the cycle of poverty.

4. Empowered girls strengthen economies.

According to a new Brookings report, “Increasing the number of women completing secondary education by just 1 percent could increase a country’s economic growth by 0.3 percent.” Additionally, a report just released by the McKinsey Global Institute found that if women’s level of participation in the labor market was the same as men’s it would add up to $28 trillion to annual global GDP in 2025.

5. Did we mention it’s the right thing to do?

Investing in girls is one of the smartest things we can do to promote a healthier, more prosperous world. More importantly, it’s the right thing to do. Every girl has the right to be in charge of her future and her fate, and we have the collective obligation to protect her rights and promote her wellbeing.

This is a key priority for the UN. To join our movement to support UN programs that empower adolescent girls, visit , and sign the pledge to stand with girls as we work to achieve the global goals.

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essay on girl empowerment

Essay on Women Empowerment in English


  • Updated on  
  • May 3, 2024

essay on women empowerment

Women empowerment is one of the most debated social topics. It means recognising the importance of gender equality, and women’s participation in decision-making and offering them equal opportunities in education, employment, others. Women empowerment talks about making women strong so that they can lead a healthy and prosperous life and contribute to the development of society. Today we will be discussing some sample essay on women empowerment, which will cover details like how can eliminate discrimination against women, challenge traditional gender roles, and promote equal opportunities for women in various aspects of life.

This Blog Includes:

What is women’s empowerment, essay on women empowerment in 300 words, most popular women in the world, need for women empowerment, how to empower women, essay on women empowerment in 150 words, useful tips to ace essay writing, essay on gender equality and women empowerment, role of education in women’s empowerment essay, women empowerment essays pdf, article on women empowerment in 100 words (bonus), article on women empowerment in 200 words (bonus).

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Long Essay on Women’s Empowerment

“A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Women empowerment refers to the practice of making women independent so that they can make their own decisions and take decisions without any familial or societal restrictions. In simple terms, it entitles women to take charge of their personal development. The patriarchal society has always deprived women of their rights.

The main motive of women’s empowerment is to help them stand equally with men. It is a foundational step to ensure the prosperous growth of a family as well as the country. By empowering women, the world would witness gender equality and help women from every stratum of society stand on their own and steer their lives as per their wishes.

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Women empowerment is the process of giving women the ability to live a happy and respected life in society. Women are empowered when they have unrestricted access to chances in a range of domains, such as education, profession, and lifestyle, among others. It involves things like education, awareness, literacy, and training to help them improve their position. It also involves decision-making authority. A woman feels powerful when she makes a significant decision. Empowering women is the most important factor in a country’s overall growth. If a household has just one earning member, while another family has both men and women earning, who will have a better standard of living? The solution is straightforward: a household in which both men and women work. As a result, a country where men and women work together grows more quickly.

‘Feminism does not aim to make women powerful. Women are already powerful. It is about influencing the way the rest of the world views your strength.” Women have always had fewer opportunities and possibilities to develop their talents and knowledge since ancient times. Although the world is made up of both men and women. But men were regarded as the family’s most powerful members. They were the family’s decision-makers and were in charge of making a living. Women, on the other hand, were believed to be responsible person for all home chores and child-rearing, and they were not engaged in making any important family decisions. The roles were assigned depending on gender. If we look at the whole picture, research shows that women’s subjects are either centred on their reproductive role and their body, or their economic position as workers. However, none of them is aimed at empowering women. Women’s Empowerment is a progressive technique of putting power in the hands of women for them to have a happy and respectable existence in society. Women are empowered when they have access to opportunities in several sectors, such as the right to an education, gender equality, a professional (equal wage) lifestyle, and others. However, there are no constraints or limitations. It involves training, awareness, and increasing their position via education, literacy, and decision-making authority. For the total growth of each country, women’s empowerment is the most essential sector. Previously, the men were the sole breadwinners in the household. Assume the household has one earning person; on the other side, suppose the family has both male and women earning members. Who will have a better way of life? The answer is simple: a household in which both the man and the woman work. As a result, when gender equality is prioritized, a country’s growth rate accelerates. Standing up for equality, women have empowered and spoken up for other women.’

Essay on Women Empowerment in 200 Words

‘Women’s empowerment encompasses more than just ensuring that women get their basic rights. In its truest form, women’s empowerment comprises the aspects of independence, equality as well as freedom of expression. Through this, the real strive lies in ensuring that we bring gender equality.

When given the right support, women have shone brilliantly in every field. Even in India, we have seen women handle diverse roles, be it a Prime Minister, Astronaut , Entrepreneur, Banker and much more. Further, women are also considered the backbone of a family. From domestic chores to nurturing children, they handle multiple responsibilities. This is why they are great at multitasking and often many working women efficiently juggle between professional and personal responsibilities. While the urban cities have working women, the rural areas have still restrained them to household chores. How can we aspire to prosper as a nation where every girl does not get access to education or make their own choices? India is a country where we worship goddesses while we don’t bother thinking about gender equality. 

Hence, for all our mothers, sisters and daughters we must aim at creating an environment of integrity. We must boost their confidence to make them capable enough to make their decisions in every phase of life and this is how we can strive towards bringing women empowerment.’

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Popular women can play an important role when it comes to empowering other women. These influential women are aware of the difficulties faced by women in our society and can see their problems from their perspectives, as they have experienced similar situations. Nadia Murad Basee, a German human rights activist once said, “I want to be the last girl in the world with a story like mine.” Some other popular and influential women in the world are:

  • Gloria Marie Steinem
  • Malala Yousafzai
  • Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Jane Seymour Fonda
  • Betty Friedan
  • Halima Aden

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Almost all countries, regardless of how progressive, have a history of mistreating women. To put it another way, women from all over the world have been defiant to achieve their current standing. While Western nations continue to make progress, third-world countries such as India continue to lag in terms of women’s empowerment. Women’s empowerment is more important than ever in India. India is one of the countries where women are not safe. This is due to a variety of factors.

Not only that, but horrific crimes against women such as rape, acid attacks, the dowry system, honour killings, domestic violence, and other forms of violence against women continue to occur throughout India. Women should account for 50% of the entire population. However, due to female foeticide practises, which are still prevailing in the rural and underprivileged sections of Indian societies, the girl-child population is rapidly declining, affecting the country’s sex ratio. Furthermore, the education and freedom scenario is extremely regressive in this situation.

Women are not permitted to continue their education and are married off at a young age. In certain areas, men continue to dominate women, as though it is the woman’s responsibility to labour for him indefinitely. They don’t let them go out or have any form of freedom and personal life. As a result, we can see how women’s empowerment is a pressing issue. We must equip these women with the tools they need to stand up for themselves and never be victims of injustice.

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There is a wide range of approaches and methods to empower women. Individuals and the government must work together to achieve this. Girls’ education should be made obligatory so that they do not become illiterate and unable to support themselves.

Women, regardless of gender, must be given equal chances in all fields. Women empowerment may also be achieved through government-sponsored programmes as well as on an individual level.

On a personal level, we should begin to appreciate women and provide them with chances equal to males. We should promote and encourage them to pursue jobs, further education, and entrepreneurial endeavours, among other things.

To empower women, the government has implemented programmes such as the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana, Mahila Shakti Kendra, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana , and others. Apart from these programmes, we can all help women by eradicating societal problems such as the dowry system and child marriage. These simple actions will improve women’s status in society and help them feel more powerful.

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“To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.” Hillary Clinton

Writing an essay on women empowerment? Check Out Top Women Entrepreneurs !

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” Madeleine Albright

Before we begin with the essay samples on Women’s Empowerment, take a look at the following tips you must keep in mind while drafting an essay: 

  • Analyse the different topics carefully and pick according to your knowledge and familiarisation with the topic.  
  • Plan your time wisely and bifurcate it for outlining, writing and revision. 
  • Highlight/underline your key sentences for each paragraph.
  • Emphasise your introduction and conclusion while also keeping the main body of the content as concise as possible. 
  • Thoroughly revise it after completion.

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“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” G.D. Anderson

Women are taught to mould themselves based on others’ preferences and men are taught to lead because, at the end of the day, women have to manage household chores whereas men are the heroes saving their families and providing them financial support. This is the stereotype that has existed for centuries in India and one of the reasons women are denied basic human rights in society. A woman is denied the right to raise her opinions even in her household matters, political or financial viewpoints are far behind.  Women are born leaders and if given the opportunity can excel in every field. We live in a male-dominated society where a male has every right to do whatever he desires however thought in women’s minds is sacred. For centuries, women were not allowed to eat before men or sit in front of other men. Gender equality and women empowerment is a major concern globally. Gender equality starts with providing the same and equal resources of education to both genders. Education of girl child should also be a priority and not just an option. An educated woman will be able to build a better life for herself and the ones surrounding her. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential for the growth of women in society. Women empowerment ensures that every female gets an opportunity to get an education, seek professional training, and spread awareness. However, gender quality will ensure that access to resources is provided equally to both genders and ensure equal participation. Even at the professional level women face gender inequality because a male candidate is promoted way before a female candidate. The mindset should be changed and only deserving candidates should be promoted. Gender quality is a key step towards sustainable development and ensures basic human rights for everyone.

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“A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” Melinda Gates

‘Education is the biggest tool in women’s empowerment and also a factor that helps in the overall development of the country. Education can bring a change in women’s life. As the first prime minister of India once said “If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family.

Women empowered means mother India empowered” An educated woman will promote the education of other females around her, mentor them and also be a better guide to her children. Education helps women gain self-confidence, esteem, ability to provide financial support. Education will also help to reduce the infant mortality rate because an educated woman is aware of health care, laws, and her rights.

Educating a woman will benefit her and also the development of society. With proper education, women can achieve more socially, and economically and build their careers. Women are still being denied their right to education in rural parts of India. Education will also reduce child marriage which is still practised in some parts of India also help in controlling overpopulation.

The government has launched various schemes over the years to create awareness around women’s education such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Operation Black-Board , Beti Padhaoo Beti Bachao , and many more. Education helps women to identify the good and bad and change their outlook, way of thinking, and way of handling things. Education helps women to become independent. Indian women have the lowest literacy rate as compared to other countries.

Education is a fundamental right of all and no one should be denied the right to education. Education helps to meet the necessities of life, and confidence to raise a voice against domestic violence or sexual harassment. Be a part of a change and empower a woman with the help of education.’

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“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” Michelle Obama

Women have been facing issues since the day they were born. Fighting for their rights, society’s stereotypes, and their freedom. Women’s Empowerment means encouraging women through education, at a professional level, accepting their opinions, and providing them with the right they desire. Women should not stay behind someone’s shadow and not be able to express themselves. The main motive of women’s empowerment is to give women a chance to outshine others and get equal rights in society. The first step of women’s empowerment is literacy. A well-educated woman is confident, outspoken, and able to make decisions. Especially in a country like India, If women get a chance to study they can be a prime minister like Indira Gandhi, IPS like Kiran Bedi , or become a famous CEO like Indira Nooyi .

The need for women’s empowerment has existed for a long time but only in the last few years, it has become popular. Women’s empowerment is not just a fight for equal rights. Women empowerment is the upliftment of women from a society constantly pulling them down. In a country like India where female goddesses are worshipped at the same time a woman faces sexual harassment, is denied the right to education, her voice is suppressed and becomes the next case of domestic violence. Indian society will only be able to evolve when they stop putting constant pressure on women and allow them to share their thoughts with others. A woman in India is restricted to household chores and taking care of family members. Women’s Empowerment is the need of the hour in India because awareness among women is important for them to understand their rights. If they are aware of their basic rights only then women will be able to fight for it. The first step towards women’s empowerment starts with supporting their opinions. Don’t mock them or bury their opinions. Boost their confidence and build their self-esteem. Encourage them to pursue their dreams, provide resources for help and be their mentor. Women have the ability not only to shape their lives but also to shape the world. Equal opportunities and the right to make their own decisions are the basics to start with women’s empowerment.

Women’s empowerment is desperately required in today’s cultures. It is critical for women’s self-esteem as well as for society. Women have the right to participate equally in education, society, the economy, and politics. Women may participate in society because they have the freedom to select their religion, language, employment, and other activities.

Women’s Empowerment is the process of providing women with all of the rights and amenities available in society so that they can live freely and without fear or limitation. Women should be granted the same rights as men in society, with no gender discrimination.

Female or women empowerment, according to Keshab Chandra Mandal, may be classified into five categories: social, educational, economic, political, and psychological.

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a collection of Principles that provide businesses with direction on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.

Improved female education leads to higher levels of economic growth because women spend 90%of their earnings back on their families, whereas males only invest 30-40% of their earnings. This is only one example of how women’s empowerment has a beneficial impact. Like this, there are several other benefits and positive sides of women’s empowerment

Gender Discrimination, Sexual Abuse and Harassment, Education, Child Marriage, etc.

Great social reformers in the past like  Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Acharya Vinobha Bhave and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar  etc abolished ghastly practices like sati and child marriage and worked relentlessly in the past for the upliftment of women in India.

Equal pay, financial independence etc are some examples of women empowerment.

In the Indian constitution, many provisions include women empowerment such as Article 15 which enables the state to make special provisions for women.

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United Nations Sustainable Development Logo

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. There has been progress over the last decades, but the world is not on track to achieve gender equality by 2030.

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. But gender inequality persists everywhere and stagnates social progress. On average, women in the labor market still earn 23 percent less than men globally and women spend about three times as many hours in unpaid domestic and care work as men.

Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal division of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimination in public office, all remain huge barriers. All these areas of inequality have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic: there has been a surge in reports of sexual violence, women have taken on more care work due to school closures, and 70% of health and social workers globally are women.

At the current rate, it will take an estimated 300 years to end child marriage, 286 years to close gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws, 140 years for women to be represented equally in positions of power and leadership in the workplace, and 47 years to achieve equal representation in national parliaments.

Political leadership, investments and comprehensive policy reforms are needed to dismantle systemic barriers to achieving Goal 5 Gender equality is a cross-cutting objective and must be a key focus of national policies, budgets and institutions.

How much progress have we made?

International commitments to advance gender equality have brought about improvements in some areas: child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) have declined in recent years, and women’s representation in the political arena is higher than ever before. But the promise of a world in which every woman and girl enjoys full gender equality, and where all legal, social and economic barriers to their empowerment have been removed, remains unfulfilled. In fact, that goal is probably even more distant than before, since women and girls are being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Are they any other gender-related challenges?

Yes. Worldwide, nearly half of married women lack decision-making power over their sexual and reproductive health and rights. 35 per cent of women between 15-49 years of age have experienced physical and/ or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.1 in 3 girls aged 15-19 have experienced some form of female genital mutilation/cutting in the 30 countries in Africa and the Middle East, where the harmful practice is most common with a high risk of prolonged bleeding, infection (including HIV), childbirth complications, infertility and death.

This type of violence doesn’t just harm individual women and girls; it also undermines their overall quality of life and hinders their active involvement in society.

Why should gender equality matter to me?

Regardless of where you live in, gender equality is a fundamental human right. Advancing gender equality is critical to all areas of a healthy society, from reducing poverty to promoting the health, education, protection and the well-being of girls and boys.

What can we do?

If you are a girl, you can stay in school, help empower your female classmates to do the same and fight for your right to access sexual and reproductive health services. If you are a woman, you can address unconscious biases and implicit associations that form an unintended and often an invisible barrier to equal opportunity.

If you are a man or a boy, you can work alongside women and girls to achieve gender equality and embrace healthy, respectful relationships.

You can fund education campaigns to curb cultural practices like female genital mutilation and change harmful laws that limit the rights of women and girls and prevent them from achieving their full potential.

The Spotlight Initiative is an EU/UN partnership, and a global, multi-year initiative focused on eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls – the world’s largest targeted effort to end all forms of violence against women and girls.

essay on girl empowerment

Facts and figures

Goal 5 targets.

  • With only seven years remaining, a mere 15.4 per cent of Goal 5 indicators with data are “on track”, 61.5 per cent are at a moderate distance and 23.1 per cent are far or very far off track from 2030 targets.
  • In many areas, progress has been too slow. At the current rate, it will take an estimated 300 years to end child marriage, 286 years to close gaps in legal protection and remove discriminatory laws, 140 years for women to be represented equally in positions of power and leadership in the workplace, and 47 years to achieve equal representation in national parliaments.
  • Political leadership, investments and comprehensive policy reforms are needed to dismantle systemic barriers to achieving Goal 5. Gender equality is a cross-cutting objective and must be a key focus of national policies, budgets and institutions.
  • Around 2.4 billion women of working age are not afforded equal economic opportunity. Nearly 2.4 Billion Women Globally Don’t Have Same Economic Rights as Men  
  • 178 countries maintain legal barriers that prevent women’s full economic participation. Nearly 2.4 Billion Women Globally Don’t Have Same Economic Rights as Men
  • In 2019, one in five women, aged 20-24 years, were married before the age of 18. Girls | UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children

Source: The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023

5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere

5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation

5.3 Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation

5.4 Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decisionmaking in political, economic and public life

5.6 Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences

5.A  Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws

5.B Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women

5.C Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels

He for She campaign

United Secretary-General Campaign UNiTE to End Violence Against Women

Every Woman Every Child Initiative

Spotlight Initiative

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UN Population Fund: Gender equality

UN Population Fund: Female genital mutilation

UN Population Fund: Child marriage

UN Population Fund: Engaging men & boys

UN Population Fund: Gender-based violence

World Health Organization (WHO)

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Gender Statistics

Fast Facts: Gender Equality

essay on girl empowerment

Infographic: Gender Equality

essay on girl empowerment

The Initiative is so named as it brings focused attention to this issue, moving it into the spotlight and placing it at the centre of efforts to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

An initial investment in the order of EUR 500 million will be made, with the EU as the main contributor. Other donors and partners will be invited to join the Initiative to broaden its reach and scope. The modality for the delivery will be a UN multi- stakeholder trust fund, administered by the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office, with the support of core agencies UNDP, UNFPA and UN Women, and overseen by the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General.

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Essay on Gender Equality And Women’s Empowerment

Students are often asked to write an essay on Gender Equality And Women’s Empowerment in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Gender Equality And Women’s Empowerment

Understanding gender equality.

Gender equality means that men and women have the same rights and opportunities. It’s like having two different types of fruits, say an apple and an orange, and giving them the same amount of care, sunlight, and water to grow. No one is better than the other; they are just different but equally important.

What is Women’s Empowerment?

Women’s empowerment is about making sure women can make their own choices in life. It’s like teaching someone to ride a bike. Once they learn, they can go anywhere they want, do things on their own, and feel strong.

Education and Jobs

For true gender equality, both boys and girls should go to school and learn. When they grow up, women should have the same chances to get good jobs as men. Think of it as a game where everyone gets a fair turn to play and show their skills.

Leadership Roles

Women should also be leaders, like being the captain of a team or the president of a club. This shows everyone that girls can lead and make important decisions just as well as boys can.

Equality at Home

250 words essay on gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Gender equality means that men and women have the same rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. It’s like a game where everyone gets a fair chance to play, no matter if they are a boy or a girl. Everyone should be able to go to school, work, and take part in making decisions.

Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment is about giving girls and women the power to make their own choices. It’s like letting them be the captain of their own ship. They can decide what they want to study, where they want to work, and stand up for what they believe is right.

Why It’s Important

When women and men are equal, it’s good for everyone. Women can bring new ideas and skills to the table, which can help solve problems better and make the world a nicer place to live. It’s also fair that everyone gets to chase their dreams and be happy.

Challenges to Overcome

Sadly, not all places have gender equality. Some girls are kept from going to school, and some women are not allowed to work or have to work harder for less money. It’s important to change this so that everyone has the same chances in life.

How to Support Equality

To help, we can make sure that both boys and girls know that they are equal. We can also stand up for our friends if they are being treated unfairly. By working together, we can build a world where everyone is respected and can live the life they choose.

500 Words Essay on Gender Equality And Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment is about giving girls and women the power to make choices for themselves. It’s like letting them decide what clothes to wear or what games to play, instead of someone else telling them what to do. Empowerment helps women to speak up, get a good education, and find jobs that they want to do.

Why Gender Equality is Important

When girls and boys, or women and men, are treated equally, it’s good for everyone. It’s like a team game where every player gets a fair chance to play, making the team stronger. Countries with gender equality are usually happier and wealthier because everyone can work, create new things, and help make decisions.

Challenges in Achieving Gender Equality

Education and gender equality.

Education is a powerful tool for gender equality. When girls go to school and learn just like boys, they can get better jobs and make better choices for their lives. It’s like giving them a key to a big door that leads to a world of opportunities.

Women in Leadership

Having more women in leadership roles is also important for gender equality. Leaders make big decisions that affect everyone. When women are leaders, they can make sure that the needs and ideas of both women and men are included. It’s like making sure that both sides of a story are heard before deciding what to do.

How to Support Gender Equality

In the end, gender equality and women’s empowerment are about making sure that everyone, no matter if they are a boy or a girl, has the same chances in life. It’s like a game where the rules are fair for all players, and everyone can win. When we work together to treat everyone equally, we make the world a better place for everyone.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Essay on Women’s Empowerment

Madhuri Thakur

Updated June 28, 2023

Concept of Women’s Empowerment

Women’s empowerment refers to increasing women’s social, economic, and political power through various means. It is about giving women the freedom and opportunity to make decisions that impact their lives, communities, and the world. Women’s empowerment is critical to gender equality and is necessary to achieve a more equal and just society. This Essay on Women’s Empowerment will explore the concept of empowerment and its importance, challenges, and strategies for success.

Essay on Women's Empowerment

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History of Women’s Empowerment

The history of women’s empowerment can trace back to the women’s suffrage movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which aimed to secure women’s right to vote. This movement resulted from decades of activism by women who sought to challenge traditional gender roles and gain more excellent societal representation.

Women made significant gains in politics and public life in the following decades. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, the women’s liberation movement emerged, which aimed to challenge patriarchal structures and advocate for greater rights for women. This movement helped to spark a broader social and cultural shift in attitudes towards women, leading to more significant opportunities for women in the workplace and increased representation in politics and decision-making.

Awareness of Women’s Challenges

The United Nations has also played a significant role in promoting women’s empowerment. In 1975, the UN held the first International Women’s Year conference, which helped raise awareness of women’s challenges and set the stage for further action. In 1985 the UN passed the Convention on Eliminating Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). It is an international treaty seeking to eliminate discrimination and promote their rights and empowerment.

Women’s empowerment has received increased attention in recent years, with growing recognition of its positive impact on society. For example, the UN  has prioritized women’s empowerment through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with Goal 5 specifically dedicated to achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

The Importance of Women’s Empowerment

So far, in this article, Essay on Women’s Empowerment, we have seen the importance and history. Now let’s see why women’s empowerment is essential for many reasons. Firstly, it is a matter of human rights. Like men, women deserve control over their lives and bodies. This means having the right to decide about their health, education, and career and access the resources and support they need to pursue these goals.

Secondly, empowering women has a positive impact on communities and societies. When women become empowered, they are more likely to participate in the workforce, which can lead to increased economic growth and stability. Additionally, empowered women are more likely to invest in their families and communities, leading to improved health and education outcomes for their children.

Finally, women’s empowerment is essential for achieving gender equality. When women become empowered, they can better challenge gender-based discrimination and inequality. This can lead to more equal opportunities and outcomes for both women and men, which is necessary for a more just and equal society.

Challenges to Women’s Empowerment

Despite its importance, women’s empowerment faces many challenges. One of the biggest challenges is cultural attitudes and beliefs perpetuating gender-based discrimination and inequality. These attitudes and beliefs are often deeply rooted in societies and can be challenging to change.

Another challenge is the lack of access to resources and opportunities. This can include access to education, healthcare, and financial resources. In many parts of the world, women face significant barriers to accessing these resources, which can prevent them from pursuing their goals and dreams.

Additionally, women’s empowerment is often hindered by violence and insecurity. This can include physical, sexual, and psychological violence and threats to their safety and security. Women who experience violence and insecurity are less likely to be able to pursue their goals and participate in their communities, which can prevent them from achieving empowerment.

Strategies for Success

Adopting a multi-faceted approach that addresses the challenges mentioned above is necessary to achieve women’s empowerment. This includes:

  • Education and Awareness Raising: Education is critical to empowering women. By providing women with access to education, they can acquire the knowledge and skills they need to pursue their goals and participate in their communities. Additionally, education can help challenge cultural attitudes and beliefs perpetuating gender-based discrimination and inequality.
  • Access to Resources and Opportunities: To empower women, it is necessary to provide them with access to the resources and opportunities they need to pursue their goals. This can include access to education, healthcare, and financial resources.
  • Addressing Violence and Insecurity: Addressing violence and insecurity is essential to women’s empowerment. This can involve implementing laws and policies to protect women, raising awareness, and supporting survivors.
  • Empowering Women Politically: Women’s political empowerment is critical for achieving gender equality. This can involve increasing women’s participation in politics and ensuring their voices are heard, and their perspectives are represented in policymaking.
  • Building Partnerships and Alliances: Achieving women’s empowerment requires the involvement of governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and international organizations. Building partnerships and alliances between these actors can help to leverage their collective resources and expertise to achieve shared goals.

In this article, Essay on Women’s Empowerment, we have learned women’s empowerment is a critical aspect of gender equality. It is necessary to achieve a more equal and just society. Despite the challenges, it faces many strategies to achieve success. By working together and adopting a multi-faceted approach, we can empower women and create a better future for all.

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Women’s & Girls’ Empowerment

Womens girls empowerment

What does Empowerment mean in the context of development projects?

Empowerment is a process of change by which those who have been denied the ability to make strategic life choices acquire this ability. Women’s empowerment is enshrined in Sustainable Development Goal 5 and is a critical component of the  World Bank Gender Strategy 2024 – 2030 .

Empowerment happens by removing constraints that impede women’s and girls’ ability to determine and realize their goals. These constraints can be classified into three pillars:

  • Agency  – the capacity for goal-setting and follow-through, indicative of their level of self-efficacy and self-esteem.
  • Resources  – the inputs (such as capital, assets, tools, and information) that individuals have at their disposal to enable decision-making and actions to achieve their goals.
  • Context  – an enabling environment for equitable decision-making, including  institutions and social arrangements.

Addressing constraints across these pillars can empower women to realize specific achievements, leading to gender equality.

Empowerment process

Using an Empowerment Approach to Design Development Projects

The  Operational Approach to Women's and Girls’ Empowerment  (WGE) offers a three step process  to design a project that empowers women or girls to reach a particular objective:

First - define a specific achievement the  project hopes to empower women and/or girls to realize, such as reducing a specific gender gap or improving a specific outcome;

Second - identify the constraints within each pillar that prevent women and/or girls from realizing that achievement; and

Third - select the most critical constraints and design project activities to help women overcome them, accordingly.

Practitioners can build out interventions under the agency and context pillars by drawing on  global evidence . For example, context interventions in Uganda, Malawi, Kenya, and Rwanda have successfully engaged men and community leaders to abandon harmful or restrictive social norms.  Agency  interventions in Liberia, Kenya, and Uganda offering agency-based empowerment training or organizing women into self-help groups have increased beneficiaries’ confidence and determination in reaching their goals.

Lessons from the Field

A recent  in-depth review  of the World Bank’s Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) portfolio in Africa provides insights on adopting the operational approach to WGE in practice:

  • Transformational change requires interventions from multiple pillars.  Successful projects layer interventions to provide women with resources, strengthen their agency and voice, and, in the context pillar, facilitate positive social norms change.
  • Projects can promote WGE alongside core sectoral objectives.  While projects may, for instance, primarily aim to reduce poverty or improve employment outcomes, they will better reach these goals if WGE interventions are incorporated. Such pairing will be more effective than a women’s empowerment project that is not tethered to a sector-specific outcome.
  • Projects can incorporate WGE interventions gradually during implementation.  While several projects include WGE interventions as part of initial project design, many incorporate transformative interventions after client buy-in and delivery capacity are established.  In Ghana , for example, the safety nets project gradually phased in WGE adaptations such as the provision of childcare and temporary latrines at work sites.

Measuring Women & Girls Empowerment Across the Three Pillars

Measurement is critical to understanding what interventions drive progress towards WGE. Yet standardized measurement is challenging since WGE encompasses many dimensions of women’s economic and social lives.

This  WGE measurement guide  simplifies the process by identifying four proxy measures of the three empowerment pillars:

  • Input into decisions  (agency):   The extent to which respondents have input into key household decisions and whether they can make personal decisions.
  • Self-efficacy  (agency):  The belief in one’s ability to act effectively towards a goal.
  • Asset ownership  (resources):  Whether the respondent has the ability to sell, rent out, or give away durable assets possessed by the household.
  • Sharing of housework  (context):  The extent to which the respondent and her spouse/partner share responsibility for the home and childcare.

The guide provides accessible guidance on data collection and analysis.

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Speech: “Together we will unleash girls’ power in all its dimensions”

Date: Thursday, 12 October 2017

Dear colleagues, distinguished participants and dear friends,

Good morning and happy International Day of the Girl.

Thank you for all of your commitment, enthusiasm and determination to make a difference for girls and thank you to all the girls who are here and beyond listening to us and working with us.

Thank you especially to UNICEF for once again hosting today’s event to commemorate the International Day of the Girl, which UN Women is pleased to co-sponsor.

UN Women Deputy Executive Director Lakshmi Puri speaks at the official commemoration of International Day of the Girl Child. Photo: UN Women/Jodie Mann

Let me say that too often adolescent girls face intersecting disadvantages because of their age, gender, ethnic background, sexual identity, religion affiliation, income, disability among other compounded factors. We have seen pictures, evoked images of girls in different situations that live with disadvantage, even without crisis. The perception and reality of vulnerability arising out of these multiple intersectionalities really creates that context of discrimination and differentiated impact of crisis.

During conflict or humanitarian situations, natural disasters or climate change, these factors exacerbate and disproportionately and differentially affect young women and girls due to neglect of their human rights and the intersecting forms gender-inequality and discrimination that they endure. So this is how we shine the light on this particular situation of girls in emergencies. As was mentioned, it is often forgotten that women and girls are not only helpless victims, they are sources of power, power to cope, power to prevent, power to reduce risk, power for resilience and transformation and to build back better after crisis. That is the power that we want to invoke and tap into.

We must be outraged about the disadvantages that girls still experience. But here has been some progress. Humanitarian actors and governments are much more aware today about addressing crises and resilience building with a gender lens and with a girls lens. But, we still have miles to go.

  • Imagine that to date, women and children account for more than 75 per cent of the refugees and displaced persons at risk from war, famine, persecution and natural disasters.
  • Every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies because of violence.
  • Up to one-third of adolescent girls report their first sexual experience as being forced and they are victims of sexual violence. Currently at least 133 million girls and women have experienced female genital mutilation.
  • Imagine, that more than 700 million women alive today were married below the age of 18 – and more than one in three (some 250 million) were married before 15. And we saw that in crisis, all of this is worse.
  • Child marriage is four times higher among Syrian refugees than before the crisis. Evidence shows that 2,400 interviewed married refugee Syrian women in Lebanon, aged 20 to 24 years old, 47 per cent were child brides.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provided us with 17 development goals, but also SDG 5, which is about “Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls”, in all circumstances, including in crisis and humanitarian situations. This is a big win and a commitment of the international community and we must all work to see that it is realized, most of all in crisis situations. 

The 2030 Agenda has pledged to leave no one behind. This means that in our development efforts, girls must be a priority. The world should ensure girls are granted all the opportunities they deserve as they mature into adulthood. I would also like to mention something that has not been touched upon, which also plays out in crisis. The whole culture of ‘boy preference’ and ‘girl aversion’ has to be changed, where an equal valuing of girls is something that we must inculcate in all contexts.

Enabling girls to avoid child marriage and unwanted pregnancy, protect them against HIV transmission, and acquiring the education and skills they need to realize their potential, is a key priority toward 2030 and also a priority in crisis. Sometimes we forget that these are essential elements to be taken forward in crisis situations. 

Gender equality and empowering all women and girls is something that we seek to advance and if we fail to address girls’ differentiated needs and aspirations too, a generation will be lost and with it, our hope for sustainable development, prosperity, peace and security.

It is therefore critical to EmPOWER Girls: Before, during and after emergencies

One thing all emergencies have in common is that they create a new set of circumstances, which girls have to learn to navigate, but we, as adults around them, have to be in the forefront of prioritizing their needs and helping them navigate:

From one day to the next they may face the loss of their homes, friends and family members. They may suddenly be living in a shelter or have no shelter at all. They may not have access to basic services and amenities or be sure where their next meal is coming from. They may be fleeing the only place they have ever called home.

Furthermore, from the 1991 cyclone in Bangladesh in which 90 per cent of the 140,000 people who lost their lives were women; to the 276 Chibok schoolgirls were abducted by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria in 2014, to the women representing the single-highest adversely affected group by the earthquake in Nepal, we know that resilience building and recovery have a girl’s face. Not only they because they are the most in need of urgent help and in higher risk of violence in the aftermath of the crisis situations, but also because of the critical role young women and girls play in preventing, preparing for, and recovering from natural and human made hazards.

So how do we reach these girls? How can we protect them? How can we inspire them? And how can we ensure they are not left behind?

From today’s presentations we learned that resilience building and planning cannot be sustainable if we do not involve girls’ voices in the planning itself. We cannot be successful unless girls are empowered to actively participate in the solutions; girl-driven solutions. Let them decide how best to address their most urgent and future needs. Let their voices be heard.

Not only can girls inspire innovative and creative solutions, but they can guide and contribute to future policies, research, programming and media campaigns.

During this year’s 16 Days of Activism, we will be working with UNICEF and we will be launching U-Report’s Ending Violence Against Girls Information Centre, which will connect young users directly to the information and tools they want, to be advocates for change in their own communities.

We also need to create safe spaces in which these girls can feel empowered . UN Women has the Safe Cities Programme. UN Women’s Safe Haven centres, for example, provide a space to women and girls to express themselves without fear of judgment and harm.

Empowering girls must also form the core of any protection and humanitarian service provision and resilience building . That is why UN Women is combining what we call the LEAP that is Leadership, Empowerment, Access and Protection, which is about gender-responsive humanitarian response. And our LEAPS strategy, which is about empowering young women–their leadership and economic empowerment. So, we have three flagship programmes to support women and girls in the context of humanitarian crisis.

While education is key to the future of adolescent girls, in conflict and humanitarian zones girls are 90 per cent more likely to be out of school when compared to girls in other, conflict-humanitarian free, countries.

We know that an extra year of primary school for girls increases their eventual wages by 10 to 20 per cent, and that an extra year of secondary school increases them by 15 to 25 per cent.

Universal secondary education would cut child mortality in half. In Sub-Saharan Africa, maternal mortality could fall by 70 per cent.

We know also that when a girl sees herself as a leader or a mentor, it creates a positive force for change in her life.

As we end this morning’s commemoration, I have the pleasure of introducing the #FreedomForGirls film, which is currently available on Google’s homepage in over 50 countries. I invite everyone to share this powerful and inspiring film far and wide, to use the #FreedomForGirls hashtag to tell us what freedom really means to you, and to think about creative solutions for empowering girls in crisis settings, so that we can create a better future for us all.

Dear young people, leaders and champions,

In good times and in crisis—but specially in crisis and emergencies, all stakeholders and actors have a duty to care to make humanitarian response and resilience building work for, include and empower girls and young women.

On this International day of the Girl which zooms in on their rights before, during and after emergencies and crisis, let us take the following pledge:

Together we will protect girls' human rights in all circumstances;

Together we will foster girls’ capabilities in every field at all times;

Together we will make girl's voices heard in decision making;

Together we will promote and harness girl's leadership;

Together we will unleash girls’ power in all its dimensions;

Together we will ensure that girls’ full potential is realized, generation after generation.

Planet 5050 by 2030, there is where we all want to go. The SDGs are our today but it is also about our collective tomorrow and gender equality is our destination.

I thank you!

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Women Empowerment in Modern Society Essay

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Reasons for choosing women empowerment, supporting evidence.

For many centuries, the society has discriminated against women because men’s supremacy overwhelms women in every aspect of life. Cultures and traditions that men have made and maintained across centuries have hindered women from participating equally with men in the modern world. It took centuries of struggles for women to achieve the contemporary status because men did not pave way for them to achieve their rights easily.

Cultures and traditions perceive women as weaker beings when compared to men, and thus they do not deserve to have equal privileges and rights with men.

According to Fuller (1845), as women struggle to gain their denied rights, a man reasons, “Now you must be trying to break family union, to take my wife away from the cradle and the kitchen-hearth to vote at polls, and preach from a pulpit” (p. 125).

Women movements that occurred in the 19 th and 20 th centuries made significant steps that led to women empowerment the modern world. In view of the process that led to women empowerment, it is evident that people have the ability to shape their culture and traditions through social, religious, political, and economic changes in their environment.

The topic of women empowerment is a dominant theme in the study article entitled “Women in the Nineteenth Century” by Margaret Fuller Ossoli. The author fought for the emancipation of women from cultures and traditions, which restricted them from performing certain roles in society.

Moreover, some cultures and traditions denied women their rights by making them appear less human since they were not equal with their male counterparts. Fuller (1845) contends that supremacy of a man in the society has given him powers to trample upon women because “he has so framed the laws of divorce, as to what cases, going upon false supposition of the supremacy of the man, and giving all power into his hands” (p. 127).

Hence, supremacy of men in the society shaped cultures and traditions that discriminate and undermine women. By viewing the modern world, it is evident that women have made significant strides in their struggles to overcome men’s supremacy in the society. The achievements that women have made are attributed to their struggles; hence, their influence has shaped the modern society by overcoming male dominance.

Therefore, the topic integrates with the research question: how does our environment shape us and how do we shape our environment? This research paper uses three academic disciplines viz. socio-economic, religious and political disciplines to answer the research question

Social Changes

Social factors in the ancient society shaped the way people perceived gender. As men and women grew up, they adopted social norms that differentiated them as different entities in the society, which have different roles. The social norms dictate that the responsibility of women is to take care of their children while men go out to fend for their families.

Hence, the responsibilities of women revolved around their homes and could not perform activities beyond their homes. In the aspect of power, women did not have the ability to make decisions because chauvinism overpowered them. Under such society, women were submissive for they could not overcome societal social demands.

Friedmann (2008) asserts that social structures of society compelled women to accept societal dictates under the dominance of men. Thus, social norms, under the influence of men, shaped society to perceive women as lesser beings in comparison to men, thus with unique responsibilities.

However, as the society advanced into the modern world, emancipation movements started to empower women. When women realized that they had the capacity to shape social norms and advance their quest for freedom and social rights, activists created various movements. In this view, leading feminists have been agitating for women empowerment while demanding drastic readjustments of social structures in the society so that women can exercise their freedom and gain their rights as men.

Friedmann (2008) observes, women liberation “requires radical reassessment of established social norms and a progressive restructuring of society based on choice, autonomy, and ‘de-genderization” (p. 1). Through their movements, women have managed to transform social norms and restructure society.

Native American women have managed to empower themselves nationally, tribally, and academically through their movements (Mihesuah, 2003). In the modern world, women have achieved their freedom for they can now exercise all responsibilities without necessarily consulting their men counterparts. Additionally, in families, husbands and wives have equal responsibilities in taking care of their children and providing for them.

Economic Changes

Women have endured poverty for centuries because society could not provide them with the opportunity to participate in meaningful economic activities, which would enhance their economic wellbeing. While women remained at home taking care of children, men went out to perform various economic activities to provide for the family.

In this view, women were unable to empower themselves economically because they could not access job opportunities as men did. Additionally, since men made and interpreted laws without involving women, they ensured that they favored themselves despite the fact that they oppressed women.

The laws gave husbands economic powers to own family property and dispose it, as they wanted without consulting their wives. The laws also allowed widowers to own larger share of family property than they allowed widows when death occurred in a family (Fuller, 1845). Hence, women in the past centuries did not have access to economic activities or property that could empower them economically as men.

As women realized that their weakness emanated from economic disempowerment, they started advocating for their rights to access job opportunities and wealth. Education is one of the factors that have helped women in modern society to access job opportunities as their male counterparts. Employers in modern society no longer consider gender as part of job qualification because educational qualification is the major criterion.

Furthermore, current laws protect all people equally, thus enhancing women’s access to jobs and property. Chaudhry and Nosheen (2009) state, “Women empowerment seeks change in the sexual division of labor, equal access to food, health care, education credit and employment, ownership of assets, and now access to media” (p. 217). Hence, modern women have transformed economic aspects in the society, thus ensuring economic empowerment..

Religious Changes

Religious beliefs and teachings also contributed to disempowerment of women in past centuries because they supported men’s supremacy in society. Feminists perceive that traditional religion is the main hindrance to social restructuring in the course of their movements.

Friedmann (2008) posits, “Seemingly preoccupied with order, structure, and boundaries, traditional religious systems view social divisions and hierarchies as predetermined realities” (p. 2). In the aspects of gendered roles, traditional religions believed that these roles were rigid, natural, and divine.

Moreover, religions asserted that men had absolute power to rule society, and thus women had to submit to their demands. Any attempts to restructure gendered roles in the society were against divine principles. Hence, religious beliefs and teachings that men and women subscribed to influenced roles and positions of women in society.

Through religion, feminists pushed their agenda of liberating modern women from bondage of religious beliefs that demeaned women. Several feminism movements decried about traditional religious beliefs that degraded women and denied them opportunity to attain their dreams.

In the Seneca Fall Convention, women declared “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among them these are life, liberty, and the pursuit for happiness” (Fuller, 1845, p. 126). The convention set the pace, which led to transformation of traditional religious beliefs to recognize women as having equal capacity as men with inalienable rights of freedom to perform their responsibilities without undue restriction.

Political Changes

In the past centuries, women did not have a stake in the political arena because they did not have the capacity to vie for leadership positions. Their responsibilities just revolved around homes where they could only take care of their children and husbands. Moreover, women did not have right to vote.

Before recognition of women by the 19 th Amendment to the US constitution, women did not have right to participate in politics by voting (Fuller, 1845). The supremacy of men in politics prevented women from venturing into the political arena and making their contribution. Hence, the political society had accepted that women had no responsibility in politics because they did not have the capacity to compete equally with men through their leadership or vote.

Dramatic changes in the political arena in the modern society have empowered women to venture into politics. Women movements during the 19 th century fought for their rights and the 19 th Amendment to the US constitution set the precedent, which led to recognition of voting powers of women.

Voting rights enabled both black and white women to participate equally in politics (Collins, 2000). As women participated in voting, they got the privilege of transforming political leadership and entrenching their interests in politics. In the modern society, many women have entered the political arena and become successful leaders contrary to earlier beliefs that they lack the capacity to become leaders.

Women leaders in political circles have made a significant contribution in transforming perception towards women. Women empowerment is attributed to courageous women who managed to venture into political fields and made a difference in political leadership.

Chaudhry and Nosheen (2009) state that women empowerment in politics has led to positive changes in literacy levels, societal participation, wellbeing status, and position of women. Therefore, politics enhanced the power through which women used to transform the world.

Women empowerment, which is evident in the modern world, is attributed to series of struggles that women have made over the centuries. Women activists have been advocating for recognition of women in the aspect of life such as social, religious, political, and economic arenas, which men had dominated.

Owing to supremacy of men, women remained passive as society shaped them to accept oppressive and discriminative social norms. However, as feminism movements emerged, women started shaping their destiny by influencing social norms to recognize the role of women in all aspects of life. Hence, the significant findings is that, as society shapes the way of life, people also have the capacity to shape their society and define their destiny as women have done.

Chaudhry, I., & Nosheen, F. (2009). The determinants of women empowerment in

Southern Punjab (Pakistan): An empirical analysis. European Journal of Social Sciences, 10 (2), 216-229.

Collins, P. (2000). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. New York, NY: Routledge.

Friedmann, J. (2008). Liberating Domesticity: Women and the home in Orthodox Judaism and Latin American Pentecostalism. Journal of Religion & Society, 10, 1-16.

Fuller, M. (1845). Woman in the Nineteenth Century. In H. Zinn & A. Arnove (Eds.), Voices of a People’s History of the United States (pp. 124-132). New York, NY: Seven Stories Press.

Mihesuah, D. (2003 ). Indigenous American women: Decolonization, empowerment, activism . London, UK: University of Nebraska Press.

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"Women Empowerment in Modern Society." IvyPanda , 13 Apr. 2019,

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IvyPanda . 2019. "Women Empowerment in Modern Society." April 13, 2019.

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Essay on Women Empowerment

essay on women empowerment

Here we have shared the Essay on Women Empowerment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Women Empowerment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Women Empowerment in 150 words

Essay on women empowerment in 250-350 words, essay on women empowerment in 500-1000 words.

Women empowerment is the process of granting women equal rights, opportunities, and resources to participate fully in all aspects of life. It involves challenging societal norms and practices that perpetuate gender inequality. Empowered women contribute to economic development, social progress, and the overall well-being of communities. When women are empowered, they have access to education, pursue careers, and become financially independent. They can participate in decision-making processes, challenge discriminatory practices, and advocate for their rights. Women empowerment benefits society by promoting social justice, reducing gender-based violence, and improving health outcomes. It contributes to poverty reduction, economic growth, and sustainable development. To achieve women empowerment, it is essential to address systemic barriers, promote gender equality, and implement policies that support women’s rights and opportunities. By empowering women, we create a more equitable and inclusive society where all individuals have the chance to thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.

Women empowerment refers to the process of granting women equal rights, opportunities, and access to resources to enable them to participate fully in all aspects of life. It involves challenging and dismantling the societal norms, beliefs, and practices that perpetuate gender inequality. This essay briefly explores the importance of women empowerment and the benefits it brings to individuals and society.

Women empowerment is crucial for achieving gender equality and building a just and inclusive society. It recognizes the inherent worth and potential of women, allowing them to exercise their rights, make choices, and participate in decision-making processes. When women are empowered, they can contribute to economic development, social progress, and the overall well-being of communities.

Empowered women are more likely to access education, pursue careers, and become financially independent. They have the opportunity to break free from traditional gender roles and challenge discriminatory practices. Empowerment enables women to participate in politics, governance, and leadership roles, amplifying their voices and advocating for their rights and interests.

Women empowerment has multiple benefits for society. It promotes social justice, reduces gender-based violence, and improves health outcomes. It contributes to poverty reduction, economic growth, and sustainable development. Empowered women can contribute to decision-making processes, bringing diverse perspectives and priorities to the table.

To achieve women empowerment, it is essential to address systemic barriers and promote gender equality at all levels. This includes implementing policies and legislation that promote women’s rights, ensuring equal access to education and healthcare, promoting women’s economic empowerment, and challenging societal norms and stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality.

In conclusion, women empowerment is vital for building a more equitable and inclusive society. It recognizes the value and potential of women and aims to provide them with equal rights, opportunities, and resources. By empowering women, we can create a more just and prosperous world where all individuals have the chance to thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.

Title: Women Empowerment – Paving the Way for Equality and Progress

Introduction :

Women empowerment is a crucial aspect of achieving gender equality and fostering social progress. It entails providing women with equal rights, opportunities, and resources to participate fully in all spheres of life. This essay delves into the significance of women empowerment, explores the challenges women face, discusses the benefits of empowering women, and highlights the measures needed to achieve gender equality.

Understanding Women Empowerment

Women empowerment refers to the process of enabling women to realize their full potential, make choices, and exercise their rights. It involves challenging and dismantling the deep-rooted societal norms, practices, and stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality. Empowered women have the freedom to access education, pursue careers, and become economically self-reliant. They actively participate in decision-making processes, challenge discriminatory practices, and advocate for their rights and interests.

Challenges and Barriers

Women face numerous challenges and barriers to empowerment. Gender-based discrimination, unequal access to education and healthcare, limited economic opportunities, and gender-based violence are some of the hurdles that impede women’s progress. Harmful social norms and stereotypes reinforce gender inequality, restricting women’s choices and perpetuating a culture of oppression. Additionally, the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions and decision-making roles hinders their ability to influence policy-making and shape society.

Benefits of Women Empowerment

Empowering women yields numerous benefits for individuals and society as a whole. Economically empowered women contribute to poverty reduction, enhance productivity, and foster economic growth. They become agents of change within their families and communities, lifting others out of poverty and creating a ripple effect of progress. Empowered women are better able to access healthcare services, leading to improved maternal and child health outcomes. Education and empowerment of women also contribute to lower fertility rates and better family planning practices.

Moreover, women empowerment promotes social justice, reduces gender-based violence, and enhances overall societal well-being. Women’s participation in decision-making processes brings diverse perspectives and priorities, leading to more inclusive and effective policies. Gender equality fosters peaceful and stable societies, as studies have shown that countries with greater gender equality experience lower levels of conflict and violence.

Measures for Women Empowerment

To achieve women empowerment, concerted efforts are required at all levels. Governments, civil society organizations, and individuals must work together to address the barriers and create an enabling environment for women to thrive.

Some essential measures include:

a. Gender-responsive laws and policies

B. access to education and healthcare, c. economic empowerment, d. elimination of gender-based violence, e. changing societal attitudes.

Governments should enact and enforce laws that promote gender equality, protect women’s rights, and eliminate discriminatory practices. Implementation of measures such as gender quotas in leadership positions can help overcome systemic barriers.

Equal access to quality education and healthcare is essential for women’s empowerment. Investments should be made to eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure women have access to reproductive healthcare services.

Providing women with access to financial resources, credit facilities, and entrepreneurship training can enable them to become economically independent and participate fully in the economy.

Strong measures are needed to address gender-based violence, including legal frameworks, support services, and public awareness campaigns. It is crucial to challenge societal norms that perpetuate violence and ensure survivors have access to justice and support.

Challenging gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality should be a priority in schools, workplaces, and communities. Awareness campaigns and education can help shift societal attitudes toward gender equality and women’s rights.

Conclusion :

Women empowerment is essential for achieving gender equality and creating a more just and inclusive society. Empowered women contribute to economic growth, social progress, and overall well-being. By addressing the challenges and implementing measures such as gender-responsive policies, access to education and healthcare, economic empowerment, and the elimination of gender-based violence, we can create an environment that enables women to reach their full potential. It is imperative that governments, organizations, and individuals join forces to ensure women’s empowerment, fostering a future where gender equality is not just a goal but a reality.

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  • Women Empowerment Essay


Be the Heroine of Your Life, Not the Victim.- Nora Ephron

The word ‘Women Empowerment’ itself implies that women are not powerful enough - they need to be empowered. This painful truth has been in existence for a long long time. It is in recent years that noticeable work started beginning to lift women out of the abyss of insignificance and powerlessness. The patriarchal society suppressed women’s freedom across the world. Women were not allowed to vote or even put forward any opinion. Women were confined to their homes. As time progressed, they realised that their life meant much more than just serving in the household. As more and more women started crossing the man-made barriers, the world began to witness the rise of women. Unlike men, women never try to stifle the voice of their opposite gender. They hold the hands of all the downtrodden people - men and women both - and they pull them out of misfortune as they try to improve their lives.

The History of Women Empowerment 

The history of women empowerment does not start from an exact date, It is a cumulative process. However, there are certain movements, protests, revolutions that furthered the cause of women empowerment much more speedily.

In the ancient days and even in the recent past, women, in hundreds of countries, were not allowed to vote. As time passed, more and more women came together and made their voices heard. Gaining voting rights significantly lifted the position of women in society. Many suffrage movements campaigned daily in support of women's voting rights. In the US, individuals like Elizabeth Stanton and organisations like National American Woman Suffrage Association, National Woman’s Party played a key role in securing the voting rights for women. In the UK, the Women's Social and Political Union aggressively campaigned for women’s suffrage. It is a shame for society at large when we consider that many countries granted women the right to vote after a very long time. Kuwait, Qatar, Zaire, Bahrain, Andorra, Central African Republic etc granted women the right to vote after the second half of the 20th century.

No woman can be empowered if she is not financially independent. Gone are the days when women had to depend on their fathers or husbands to get things that they wanted. From the 20th century onwards women got more opportunities to join the workforce. However, at the same time, many women in England were forced to work both in the workplace and in the household to support the family. After the Second World War women, on their own, chose to join the workforce. Today more and more jobs are opening up for women. Women are proving to be worthy of the designations assigned to them.

In the household, too, women have gained significant decision-making powers. The decision to have a baby or not is now decided by both men and women. The use of contraceptive pills empowered women further. Women can now enjoy unhindered work life and education.

Women empowerment cannot be successful if the women in the lower rung of the society are not empowered. After the onset of the 21st century, women belonging to the grassroots level have found many vocational works, labours that were only reserved for men. Today there are many female masons, bus drivers, petrol pump attendants, farmers etc. And all these women are doing their job extremely well.

Women Empowerment in India

Women empowerment in India cannot be compared with that in other countries. Women were highly respected in the Vedic ages. The focus on women’s education was never absent. The word ‘sahadharmini’ was known from the Vedic days. Sahadharmini means - equal partner. It is thus very clear that women in India in ancient days enjoyed respect, education and reverence.

As time passed the Indian culture was contaminated with the conservative Middle Eastern and British culture. As a result, the power and respect that women enjoyed were lost.

Gradually after independence, women started regaining the lost power. Today women are everywhere. The country saw its female Prime Minister and President, the country has many eminent female sportspeople like Saina Nehwal or P.T Usha, the country has been blessed with talented women scientists like A. Chatterjee or B Vijayalakshmi. Women are joining the combat forces in India without any hesitation. 

However, many women in India are still finding it hard to come out of the clutches of patriarchy - particularly in the rural sector. The empowered women must urge these women to raise voices, protest and seek help from the authorities.

Inequality and the Way Forward

Today, more than ever, women are enjoying freedom. They can decide on their own. However, there is a long way to go. Women must protest against the use of religion to suppress them. Not all military positions are open to females. There is a wage gap in the film industry, in sports and normal jobs. The women need to use their hard-earned power to banish all the injustices that they have been facing for time immemorial.

The term women empowerment refers to gender equality. It especially favours women rights. 

Women empowerment all refer to the empowerment of women to take all decisions from their choice. So that she can take all of the decisions for her social and economic development. Empowerment of women will surely encourage all of the women to stand for their education and the life of their own choice. The women empowerment mission encourages women to be self-reliant. So that she can have positive self-esteem and generate potential in herself to compete with the world and to make the position of her choice. This is only possible if equal opportunities in society will also be available for women. Empowering women would mean encouraging them for their socio-economic development. From ancient times women have suffered a lot in society. They were not given the equal right to education and to be self-reliant. They were only restricted to household works. They were kept away from education and development. Women constitute half of the population however her contribution to the economy of India is very low. This depicts that there are not equal opportunities available for women in society and the responsibilities which are given to them do not have any contribution to the GDP of the country.

To develop India as a superpower the development of women is equally important and it should be a priority to give her a chance to develop herself. To achieve it we should focus mainly on the education of girls. Moreover, they also get equal pay to the men for equal work.  To empower the women our goals also should be to remove child marriage and the dowry system from the whole nation. The Indian government is also working to make India more suitable for women so they can also get equal opportunities and can grow themselves. In this regard, the supreme court of India also made it mandatory to provide admission to the National defence academy for women. The Indian government also declared that Military schools also will be available for women from now onwards.  A common approach to handle this problem can be a remarkable solution for it.


FAQs on Women Empowerment Essay

1. How can we empower Women?

Boost their self-esteem: Encourage them to achieve something that they want. 

Do not spread negativity: from hundreds of years ago, women empowerment has been a challenge in society due to the negative perception of the public about women empowerment.

Support her independence: It is seen that in society women want to become self-dependent while society does not give its permission to them

 Your support may change the scenario.

2. What is Women Empowerment and what are its methods?

Women empowerment is an ideology on behalf of which we are talking about empowering women.

It can include various methods. We can achieve this goal by:

Economic Empowerment: Economic empowerment involves the empowerment of women using enough resources.

Social Empowerment: Social empowerment involves the empowerment of women providing certain freedom in society.

Political empowerment: Political empowerment involves the empowerment of women by providing them with certain reservations in politics. It will help to speak to them for themselves.

3. What are barriers to Women Empowerment? 

1) cultural norms: As many women consider women empowerment essential. Meanwhile, some of them have also considered discrimination as a cultural norm. Sometimes men also feel hesitant to speak against their culture for her.

2) Dowry:   Dowry is also one of the biggest barriers in the society of women empowerment. Dowry custom had made women a weight on the family. It is also one of the main factors of violence against women.

3) Sexual Harassment: Harassment is a big obstacle in achieving the goal of women empowerment. As it affects the women mentally and physically.

4. Why is Women Empowerment necessary in India?

In India, women constitute 48.5% of the total population of India According to the 2011 census. However, its contribution to the national GDP is very low.  The percentage of women labour in rural areas has decreased from 26% to 25%. The literacy rate of women in 2011 became 65% which was 57% in 2001. Indian govt. Is also working for it continuously. The distribution of bicycles for girls and reservations to them in various fields is making them more self-dependent.

Recently, India has also accepted girls in the defence forces.

5. Name some of the Government schemes for women empowerment in India?

The women empowerment Schemes in India are :

Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao

One-stop centre scheme

Women Helpline scheme

Working women hostel

Swadhar Greh

Nari Shakti Puraskar

Mahila Shakti kendras( MSKk)

Mahila Police Volunteers

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Empower the girl child. Empower the nation

Photo of Santanu Mishra

Thursday October 11, 2018 , 3 min Read

To ensure empowerment in the true sense, we have to build the scope and outreach for girls to make choices through better skills, capabilities, and self-esteem; help them develop equitable relations within the family, the community and other stakeholders in the society.

essay on girl empowerment

Girls or women mean half the humanity. Needless to say, no society can be considered truly developed if its women are not active participants and contributors. They are the key catalysts for socio-economic change. However, it is sad to see that despite advancements in other sectors, women still face numerous challenges in not being able to access rightful entitlements or gainful employment.

A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report found that more women have enrolled in higher education, from 7.5 percent in 2002-03 to 20 percent in 2012-13. According to an ILO paper on employment trends for women in India, about 85 per cent of rural and 59 per cent of urban women workers are illiterate or literate only up to primary level. It further states that just a small percentage of women have benefited from higher education.

A majority of women in India who are regularly employed are with the informal sector, undertaking domestic, household work, with no fixed, fair wages or facilities, limited social security benefits, no rights or entitlements and most importantly, no safety. This is perhaps the reason why many girls today are not being receptive to the idea of “working” or “being employed”.

According to a World Bank Report, India is ranked 121st out of 131 countries in Female Labour Force Participation (FLFP). It also has the lowest workforce participation rate of women among the BRICS nations at 29 percent. But if we look at agriculture, construction, manufacturing or other home-based occupations such as cottage industries making papads, baskets, pickles, bidi rolling, handloom and crafts, they provide employment to a large percentage of women and girls.

Their occupational share compared to men has increased due to the latter migrating to cities and taking up other forms of employment but these are low-paying and do not ensure growth. The economic boom of liberalisation in India has significantly bypassed many women as only some have made it to white collar jobs, while many drops out of school at early ages are unable to learn skills to earn dignified, economically viable livelihoods.

Providing quality education with skill development in a safe environment is still an unreached goal. Limitations on women’s mobility, lack of property ownership and enforcement of laws related to girls and women, unrecognised and unpaid work, unequal wages, multiple forms of violence against women, lack of many safe and secure options to work, all of these are key socio-cultural constraints preventing women from working.

There have to be enabling conditions with progressive policies and ensure these are implemented effectively. It is essential to adopt a lifecycle approach for girls, as the needs vary in each phase of their lives – right nutrition at birth and very young ages, quality early childhood education and care, capacity to address discrimination and help them recognise their rights.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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  • #WomenEmpowerment
  • empowerment


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Girl Empowerment : Girl Empowerment

Empowerment of girls is a crucial aspect of societal development and progress. It involves enabling girls to have control over their lives and the ability to make decisions that affect them. This empowerment is essential for several reasons, including the promotion of gender equality, the improvement of economic outcomes, and the enhancement of overall well-being within communities.

In many parts of the world, girls face significant barriers that limit their access to education and opportunities. Empowering girls involves creating an environment where they can access education, participate in decision-making processes, and have equal opportunities for personal and professional growth. By providing girls with the tools and resources they need to thrive, societies can benefit from the diverse perspectives and talents that girls bring to the table.

One of the key aspects of girl empowerment is education. When girls have access to quality education, they are better equipped to pursue their goals and contribute meaningfully to their communities. Education provides girls with the knowledge and skills they need to become leaders, innovators, and change-makers. It also plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty and improving health outcomes for girls and their families.

Furthermore, empowering girls has a positive impact on economic development. When girls are given the opportunity to participate in the workforce and contribute to the economy, it leads to increased productivity and innovation. By empowering girls to pursue careers and entrepreneurial endeavors, societies can tap into a valuable source of talent and creativity, leading to greater economic growth and prosperity.

In conclusion, girl empowerment is a fundamental component of building a more inclusive and equitable society. By providing girls with the necessary support and opportunities, we can create a world where every girl has the chance to fulfill her potential and contribute meaningfully to her community and beyond. It is essential to continue investing in the empowerment of girls to create a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

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Project Summary

The Seashore Girls Empowerment project, focuses on empowering adolescent girls in Cox’s Bazar through sports and life skills development. By equipping girls with vital skills such as swimming, surfing, and lifeguard training, the project helps mitigate the risks posed by gender-based violence and environmental hazards, such as drowning. In collaboration with local schools and community leaders, the project establishes a safe learning environment where girls can build confidence, leadership, and essential survival skills.

The project reaches around 2,400 adolescents and young people by raising awareness of available youth-friendly services, particularly focused on the prevention of gender-based violence. The project also extends its reach to the wider community through campaigns addressing gender-based violence and providing information on available services, referral, and reporting mechanisms, indirectly benefiting 100,000 people. These targeted campaigns ensure that community members are informed and equipped to support adolescents in creating safer, more supportive environments.

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Details for the Commemoration of Jackie Robinson Day in 2024

The annual recognition of the trailblazing american icon will highlight his impact on the sport and contributions to society through the mlb together pillars.

Major League Baseball, in coordination with the Robinson Family, MLB Clubs and various partners, has announced Baseball’s efforts to celebrate the legacy of Jackie Robinson through the MLB Together platform ( ) on Jackie Robinson Day – Monday, April 15 th .


NUMBER ‘42’ IN DODGER BLUE – As is tradition, players, managers and coaches will once again wear Robinson’s iconic number on April 15 th , with all teams using Dodger blue “42” jersey numbers (regardless of their primary team colors).

  • Additionally, Players, coaches, managers, and umpires will have New Era caps with a “42” side patch. Nike Breaking Barriers t-shirts also will be worn during batting practice.
  • Commemorative base jewels and lineup cards will be used for each game.
  • Stance socks with commemorative “42” logo, as well as Jackie Robinson products available for purchase at retail.

“PASADENA FIELDS” TRIBUTE VIDEO – A special tribute video, titled “ Pasadena Fields,” will be shown in all ballparks on Jackie Robinson Day. The video also will be played extensively on, MLB Social Platforms, and more. The video can be viewed HERE .

In the spirit of the pillars of MLB Together, below are different ways Jackie Robinson Day will be commemorated throughout Major League Baseball:


  • On April 15 th , MLB will host a volunteer event at the Jackie Robinson Museum in collaboration with Foster Love . Volunteers, comprised of MLB Central Office employees, will assemble superhero gift boxes and sweet cases that will be donated that afternoon to children at a local foster care agency. By building awareness and volunteer opportunities, Foster Love hopes to better the lives of children in foster care and provide them with a sense of normalcy and comfort through a turbulent time in their lives.


  • JRF SCHOLARS – MLB and the Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) have continued their longstanding partnership, primarily to provide students from under-represented communities with college scholarships. Many of the current JRF Scholars, as well as JRF Scholars alumni, will be recognized by Clubs. MLB and JRF have partnered on MLB and Club internships, full-time job opportunities, and exposure to MLB careers. MLB has also set aside summer internship slots specifically for JRF Scholars. Historically, MLB and its Clubs have contributed approximately $20 million to the Jackie Robinson Foundation, including supporting college scholarships for more than 150 JRF scholars.
  • TRAILBLAZER SERIES – This weekend at the Jackie Robinson Training Complex in Vero Beach, Fla., MLB and USA Baseball will host the 2024 Trailblazer Series . This annual youth baseball experience for young women, ages 13 and under from across the country, is a three-day event serving as both instructional and developmental. The event has been held in conjunction with Jackie Robinson Day since it launched in 2017. Sonya Pankey , the first grandchild of Jackie and Rachel Robinson, once again will attend to observe and speak to the young athletes.
  • A special PLAY BALL event will be held at the JRTC on Saturday, April 13 th in celebration of Jackie Robinson Day, featuring hundreds of children from throughout Indian River County, Florida.
  • MLB ID TOUR – MLB is continuing its 18-city MLB ID Tour with the goal of discovering the best athletes within diverse and under-served communities across the country to invite them to future baseball development programs, such as the Breakthrough Series , DREAM Series or Hank Aaron Invitational , many of which will be held at the Jackie Robinson Training Complex. The MLB ID Tour event during Jackie Robinson Day weekend will take place Saturday, April 13 th in Charlotte, NC and Sunday, April 14 th in Anderson, SC.
  • For The Kids – Printable education activities aimed at providing kids information on Jackie’s life and legacy will be found at . This includes fun activities such as word scramble, word search and coloring pages.
  • Nike RBI Day at Jackie Robinson Museum – Participants of local Nike Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) programs and their families will have an opportunity to visit the Jackie Robinson Museum in NYC on Saturday, April 13 th and learn about Robinson’s legacy in fun ways with JRF and MLB staff.


MLB CLUBS – See separate attachment for Club Activations (with more to be announced leading up to April 15 th )

CAPITAL ONE – Since becoming the Official Bank and Credit Card Partner of Major League Baseball in 2022, and establishing the Capital One Walk-Off program, Capital One has committed over a million dollars to the Jackie Robinson Foundation in support of its programs. Once again, Capital One is supporting JRF and donating $1,000 for each “Capital One Walk-Off” (game-winning play) this year, committing to a total donation of $250,000 for the season.

GAMING – Major League Baseball’s award-winning video game franchise MLB The Show will continue to support the legacy of Jackie Robinson through its "Storylines: Negro Leagues Season 2" storytelling content. Sony Interactive Entertainment and San Diego Studio will once again sell a Jackie Robinson Foundation Pack that will support the JRF/MLB The Show Scholars program, supported by PlayStation Career Pathways Program, to help reduce the achievement gap in higher education.


MLB NETWORK & – MLB Network and will highlight Jackie Robinson related programming and content throughout Jackie Robinson Day. and all 30 Club sites will have extensive editorial content and coverage highlighting each team's special connection with Jackie, as well as special features that explore his impact as a baseball pioneer and his influence over today's players.

SOCIAL MEDIA – MLB Social Media platforms in both English and Spanish will demonstrate the many ways Jackie inspired baseball and society – not just as a member of the Brooklyn Dodgers, but most importantly, his character and what he represented before, during and after his career. Highlights include custom illustrations, collages, classic Jackie Robinson highlights and infographics.

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Robinson played his first Major League game at Ebbets Field on April 15, 1947 as a first baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Major League Baseball has celebrated Jackie Robinson’s legacy in an extensive and unified League-wide show of support over the years, including retiring his number throughout the Majors in 1997, dedicating April 15 th as Jackie Robinson Day each year since 2004, and requesting that every player and all on-field personnel wear his Number 42 during games scheduled on Jackie Robinson Day since 2009. Major League Baseball aims to educate all fans about Jackie Robinson, his life’s accomplishments and legacy, while spearheading initiatives that support communities and meaningfully address diversity and inclusion at all levels of our sport. For more information, please visit .

Contact: Steve Arocho or Aby Goodman, Major League Baseball, (212) 931-7800, , @MLB_PR .


Atlanta Braves

  • The Atlanta Braves will commemorate Jackie Robinson Day at Truist Park on April 19 as the team takes on the Texas Rangers. In honor of the day, the Braves will host 55 children and chaperones from the Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club in Cairo, Georgia, the birthplace of Robinson, for a special day of celebration and activities at Truist Park. Before the game, the kids of the Jackie Robinson Boys and Girls Club will enjoy carnival games, a rock wall and zip line inside Truist Park at the Hope and Will’s Sandlot. As part of the Braves’ Jackie Robinson Day pregame ceremony, Ella Elbeck, the Atlanta Braves and MLB Jackie Robinson Scholar, will throw out the ceremonial first pitch, and the club members will stand in line with Braves players during the National Anthem. Additionally, the Atlanta Braves Foundation will make a charitable contribution to the Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club, bolstering their ongoing mission to offer a secure after-school environment where children can connect, develop essential skills, and cultivate the confidence necessary for successful futures.

Arizona Diamondbacks

  • Jackie Robinson Day will be celebrated league-wide and the Diamondbacks special pregame ceremony will salute those in the community who are making a positive impact and carrying on the legacy of Jackie Robinson. Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church Choir will perform the National Anthem as well as the Black National Anthem. The ceremonial first pitch will be thrown by Valley-native Raven Gibson, the founder of Legendary Rootz, a Phoenix business that sells apparel and gift items celebrating the Black community and was one of Target’s featured businesses for Black History Month. The team will recognize the Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year as well as the East Valley United Black Firefighters, who focus on involvement and development in African-American communities, fostering promotion and advancement and promoting overall well-being. Fans with the special event ticket package will receive an exclusive hat featuring Robinson’s number “42.” Tickets:

Baltimore Orioles

  • In honor of Jackie Robinson Day, the Orioles and Nike will host 150 youth baseball and softball players from the Jackie Robinson Baseball League at Monday’s game. Allison Alston, a senior at the University of Virginia and Baltimore’s Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholar, will throw out the ceremonial first pitch in a custom No. 42 jersey, provided by Nike. The Orioles and Nike will also donate 12 copies of “Testing the Ice: A True Story about Jackie Robinson” to students at Harlem Park Elementary Middle School. The book, which was written by Robinson’s daughter, Sharon, talks about what it was like growing up with Robinson as her father and his career in Major League Baseball.
  • The Orioles and Harlem Park Elementary Middle School recently announced a long-term partnership, in which the Orioles will use their platform to provide Harlem Park with various resources and opportunities, standing as a committed partner to positively impact West Baltimore students for years to come.

Boston Red Sox

  • The Boston Red Sox will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day in pregame ceremonies preceding their traditional Patriots’ Day game at 11:10 a.m. on Monday, April 15. During the ceremonies, Jackie Robinson Scholars will be recognized on field, and Red Sox players will wear their home jerseys featuring “Boston” on the front, with ‘42’ in blue on the back to mark the 77 th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier.
  • Earlier this year, the club paid tribute to Jackie Robinson with a “Celebration of Life” on January 31, what would have been the 105 th birthday for the Hall of Famer. Now in its 21 st year, the event included a visit from Red Sox Hall of Famer Tommy Harper and 2007 World Series Champion Manny Delcarmen with students at Tech Boston Academy to speak about Robinson’s impact on Major League Baseball and his connection to the Boston Red Sox. The event was also attended by Jackie Robinson Foundation Vice President of Community Engagements and Partnerships Ivo Philbert, Red Sox Vice President/Club Counsel and Red Sox Hall of Fame Inductee Elaine Steward, and Red Sox Foundation Executive Director Bekah Salwasser; both Steward and Salwasser are Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholars.

Chicago Cubs

  • The Chicago Cubs will celebrate the life and legacy of baseball legend Jackie Robinson at Wrigley Field Thursday, April 18. For Jackie Robinson Night, the Cubs will recognize The Support Group , a Chicago-based organization that inspires and educates underserved youth in Chicago with after-school programs, on the field pregame, as well as include both the Black national anthem and national anthem in the pregame festivities. JRF Scholars will sing the seventh-inning stretch.
  • Cubs fans interested in attending the April 18 game are encouraged to purchase a ticket through the Jackie Robinson Night Special Ticket Offer which comes with a special-edition Jackie Robinson “42” hat. A portion of the proceeds from the Special Ticket Offer will be donated to The Support Group.

Chicago White Sox

  • The White Sox will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day by honoring baseball’s trailblazers and empowering local youth as leaders in the classroom, on the field and beyond. The organization launched its eighth annual Jackie Robinson Student Contest, inviting students to submit a creative work that celebrates former Negro Leagues greats or Black baseball pioneers. Dozens of young artists found unique ways to spotlight unsung heroes who greatly contributed to the history and legacy of the sport. All contest participants received tickets for the game and an opportunity to participate in a pregame parade, while three grand prize winners will receive a VIP experience, including tickets to a suite and recognition during a special pregame ceremony. The White Sox also will welcome more than 250 players and family members from the organization’s Amateur City Elite (ACE) program, created to reverse the declining interest and participation in baseball among Black youth, and ten Little League teams served by the club’s RBI Jersey program to enjoy a pregame parade on the ballpark’s warning track. The ACE invitees, four of whom the Sox welcomed to a Negro Leagues Baseball Museum tour in Kansas City in early April, and the youth teams, including notable clubs like Jackie Robinson West and Rosemoor Little League, received a total of 1,300 game tickets for the evening. Chicago Bears offensive assistant coach Jennifer King will throw the game’s ceremonial first pitch. She is the first female coach in Bears history and the first full-time Black female coach in the NFL. Several 12U ACE players will take the field alongside the 2024 Sox lineup, as well as announce “play ball” to start the game. Additional resources and content surrounding Black baseball pioneers and the White Sox connection to the Negro Leagues is available at .

Cincinnati Reds

  • The Reds will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on April 19 at Great American Ball Park (Reds vs. Angels) with pregame ceremonies and events in the Cincinnati community.
  • Throwing out a ceremonial first pitch will be Cincinnati Cyclones hockey team head coach Jason Payne, one of the two Black head coaches of the ECHL. The Cyclones made history on March 30 th when Black players Landon Cato, Elijah Gonsalves, Jalen Smereck, Kyle Bollers, and Josh Burnside took the ice as the starting lineup.
  • Members of the AACE LLC ownership group, Reds shareholders since 2005, will be recognized during pregame ceremonies. The AACE group was one of the first Black ownership groups in American sports history.
  • Fans in attendance will receive a Jackie Robinson Baseball Card, presented by LifeCenter.
  • In the community, the Reds have the following events planned:
  • Reds players Hunter Greene, Will Benson and Bubba Thompson are scheduled to visit Cincinnati Public School’s Woodward High School on April 19 to speak to the baseball and softball teams about their journey to the major leagues.
  • HBCU schools Wilberforce University and Kentucky State University are playing in the annual Joe Morgan Classic on April 17 at the P&G MLB Cincinnati Reds Youth Academy. Players from both teams will be wearing authentic replica Negro Leagues jerseys and will receive custom baseball cleats from Nike.
  • The Skyline Chili Reds Futures High School Showcase presented by Cincinnati Children’s Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on April 13 & 14 by hosting Cincinnati Public Schools baseball and softball teams. In honor of Robinson, all baseball and softball players will wear “42” jerseys provided by Nike.
  • In conjunction with Jackie Robinson Day, the Reds Country Cares initiative for April focuses on the message that “Reds Baseball Welcomes All” to highlight the Reds commitment to diversity, inclusion and disability awareness. More information on Jackie Robinson Day activities and how the Reds promote positive change and inclusiveness through Reds Country Cares and other initiatives is available at .

Cleveland Guardians

  • The Guardians will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on April 19 at Progressive Field with pregame ceremonies and community events. Ahead of JRD, Germaine Harvey, who is a Jackie Robinson Scholar currently enrolled at Case Western Reserve University, will be throwing out a first pitch. National anthem will be performed by Michael Williams on Sax, an inspirational saxophonist who began playing as a church musician for the Family Baptist Church in Ohio. Jackie Robinson information and education will be incorporated into inning break scoreboard features like our jersey number challenge.

Detroit Tigers

  • On Jackie Robinson Day, the Detroit Tigers will host 42 local baseball and softball players from two local high schools at Comerica Park for a “Breaking Barriers” educational panel. The panel will feature Tigers front office staff providing background on their careers and the path they took to become successful, focusing on Robinson’s nine core values (courage, determination, commitment, persistence, integrity, justice, teamwork, citizenship and excellence). Tigers Nike RBI baseball player Jordan Spencer will throw out a ceremonial first pitch. Prior to the panel, attendees will also be invited to watch batting practice and are scheduled to meet with Tigers players, coaches and broadcasters.

Houston Astros

  • The Astros Foundation distributed 100 copies of the book “I Never Had It Made” an autobiography written by Jackie Robinson to high school students from the Mickey Leland College Prep and students from the Astros Youth Academy. Those students wrote an essay on Jackie Robinson and are invited to the game on April 15 and a special pregame reception in his honor.
  • During the Jackie Robinson Day pregame reception, held in the 42 Room at Minute Maid Park (a meeting space that celebrates the legacy of Jackie Robinson), the students will get a chance to hear from J.C. Hartman, Houston’s first Black major leaguer, who played for the Colt .45s from 1962-63. The students will also hear from Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholars during this pregame reception and assistant GM Gavin Dickey. There will also be a celebration of J.C. Hartman’s 90 th birthday during the reception, which is April 15, 1934.
  • In an on-field pregame ceremony in honor of Jackie Robinson Day, Hartman will throw out a ceremonial first pitch. A portion of the proceeds from LDI Homes Share2Care 50/50 raffle on Monday will go to the Jackie Robinson Foundation.

Kansas City Royals

  • In honor of Jackie Robinson Day, the Kansas City Royals hosted close to 80 high school students on Thursday, April 11 th as part of Club 42. The students listened to a panel made up of front office staff before enjoying lunch and watching as the team took on the Houston Astros.
  • For the remainder of the month the public can stop by the Kansas City Urban Youth Academy (KCUYA) to view a Jackie Robinson exhibit. The exhibit includes replicas of three jerseys Robinson wore during the early days of his baseball career - before he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 breaking the color barrier in the then-established Major Leagues. Jerseys include the 1945 Kansas City Monarchs, the 1945 Kansas City Royals, and the 1946 Montreal Royals.
  • On Monday, April 15 th , the media is invited to sit and talk to Emmanuella Alawode, the Royals’ Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholar who hopes to break barriers in the medical field. The now senior attends the University of Missouri- Kansas City (UMKC) and is set to throw out the first pitch on Friday, April 19 th .

Los Angeles Dodgers

  • The Los Angeles Dodgers and the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation (LADF) will host multiple events throughout Los Angeles to celebrate the 77 th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball.
  • On Thursday, April 11 th , students from Alma Fuerte Public School, located on the campus of Jackie Robinson’s elementary school, learned about the legacy of Jackie Robinson from Dodger historian Mark Langill. The 190 students grades TK-8 helped prepare care packages for troops in honor of Jackie’s military service.
  • On Sunday, April 14 th , in partnership with Nike and the Los Angeles Dodgers, LADF will release a Dodgers Dreamteam Coaches Playbook, the first of its kind in the program’s history. This playbook will incorporate Jackie Robinson’s nine values and is a direct investment from the 2022 MLB All-Star Game Legacy. The playbook will expand the curriculum Dodgers Dreamteam coaches currently use, which focuses on providing the highest level of sport skill while also focusing on social and emotional development. Dodgers manager Dave Roberts will join the group to unveil the new playbook and provide guidance on coaching skills.
  • On Monday, April 15 th , the Dodgers and Dodgers Foundation will host a youth baseball and softball clinic at UCLA in Jackie Robinson Stadium.  Youth participants are coming from Dodgers Dreamteam, Orville Wright Middle School and Westchester High School. Attendees will participate in a baseball and softball clinic, in addition to a College & Career Panel that will include members of the Los Angeles Dodgers leadership team. 
  • Also on the 15 th , the Dodgers will be joined by the Washington Nationals as they host their annual team meeting at the Jackie Robinson statue in the Center Field Plaza as the teams reflect on Robinson’s continued impact on today’s game.
  • On Tuesday, April 16 th , in partnership with Mookie and Brianna Betts’ 5050 Foundation, LADF will host a ceremony to celebrate renovations and upgrades for John Muir’s baseball field. These renovations continue Jackie Robinson’s legacy at his alma mater in Pasadena and include a rebuilt pitcher’s mound and batter boxes, updated infield mix, updated fence signage, and updated scoreboard signage. Additionally, the dugouts are being updated, along with backstop padding, installation of a home plate halo, and an updated windscreen.

Los Angeles Angels

  • The Angels Baseball Foundation is hosting their 4th annual “Angels JR42 Clinic, Presented by Nike” on Monday, April 15 th . Taking place on Jackie Robinson Day at the Anaheim Family YMCA Community Complex, the clinic will provide an outlet for children in Anaheim and the surrounding community to participate in a youth baseball and softball event to learn more about Jackie Robinson’s impact on the game and society. Approximately 75-100 pre-registered children, aged 6-12, will participate in a station-rotation event, learning skills such as: hitting, throwing, fielding, baserunning and the mental focus necessary to be an athlete and successful in life. Orange County Health Care Agency, an Angels partner, will provide games and activities at one of the stations to teach the kids teamwork, leadership and confidence, all skills shared by the clinic’s namesake, Jackie Robinson. Each child participant will receive an Angels hat and t-shirt.
  • In addition, the Los Angeles Angels and the Anaheim Ducks hosted a screening of the documentary film “Beyond Their Years” on April 4 th for their staff members. The film depicts the lives of two Black athletes, Herb Carnegie playing hockey, and Buck O’Neil playing baseball. Although these two icons were excluded from playing at the highest professional level of their sport because of their race, the positive attitude they carried throughout their lives allowed them to overcome the hardships they faced. Through their involvement in the Future Aces (Carnegie) and Negro Leagues Baseball Museum (O’Neil), they continued to inspire others long after their playing careers were over. The screening was followed by a panel discussion with Angels Manager Ron Washington, Bernice Carnegie (Herb’s daughter), and the film’s producer Bryant McBride, as they discussed their own experiences and the importance of educating others by continuing to tell the story of these pioneers.
  • On Saturday, April 6 th , the Angels welcomed former NHL player Willie O’Ree to Angel Stadium. O’Ree, the first Black player in the National Hockey League, is regarded as the “Jackie Robinson of hockey.” He was greeted by Angels Manager Ron Washington, Special Assistant to General Manager Torii Hunter, Outfielders Mike Trout and Jo Adell, as well as other players and staff members during batting practice. He shared his compelling story of breaking the NHL color line as a Boston Bruin on January 18, 1958.

Miami Marlins

  • For the third consecutive year, the Marlins and loanDepot park hosted the Jackie Robinson Classic presented by Nike on Tuesday, April 9 th . The game, organized by the Miami Marlins Foundation, featured two predominantly black local high schools, Booker T. Washington & Boyd Anderson, providing them with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play a game at a Major League ballpark. On Wednesday, April 10 th , a member from the Jackie Robinson Museum in NYC hosted a Kahoot! trivia game on Zoom about the life and legacy of Jackie Robinson for Marlins employees.
  • On Jackie Robinson Day, April 15 th , mentors and mentees from the Miami-based 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project will learn about the life and legacy of Jackie Robinson, as part of a pregame event at the ballpark. 5000 Role Models is a dropout prevention, mentoring program committed to closing the minority male achievement (access) gap by guiding minority male students along a carefully charted path through grades K-12 and college or ensuring the attainment of other post-secondary credentials, and increasing their employability in higher wage, high skills jobs within high demand industries. The mentors and mentees will greet fans at the gates with signs featuring Jackie Robinson’s Nine Values. The mentees will line up between Marlins players during the National Anthem.
  • Additionally, the Marlins will honor the organization’s 2023 Jackie Robinson Award winners with a special pre-game on-field ceremony. The honorees include one from Baseball Operations (Joe Caro, Special Assignment Scout) and one from Business Operations (Daniel Hernandez, Director of Facilities). They were selected by their colleagues for best demonstrating Jackie Robinson’s Nine Values not only as professionals, but as people too.A Jackie Robinson Foundation Legacy Scholar from the University of Miami (Nasir Grant) will throw out the first pitch.

Milwaukee Brewers

  • The Milwaukee Brewers partnered with Sharp Literacy to launch the Jackie Robinson Art Contest encouraging Milwaukee Public School students to use their creativity and imagination to submit an original artistic expression that captures the spirit of one or more of Jackie Robinson’s values of citizenship, commitment, courage, determination, excellence, integrity, justice, persistence, and teamwork. On April 15, the top three artists will receive a fan pack filled with Brewers memorabilia, the book “Who Was Jackie Robinson” and on-field pre-game recognition with their artwork displayed on the scoreboard during the presentation. The 1 st place artist will throw out the ceremonial first pitch.

Minnesota Twins

  • The Minnesota Twins will honor and celebrate Jackie Robinson’s enduring impact on our game and society across the club’s digital platforms, along with activations in the Twin Cities. Twins social platforms will share a video sponsored by Nike that features personal comments from centerfielder Byron Buxton, who reflects on Jackie’s legacy and how it has influenced his own journey. On Tuesday, April 16, Twins mascot T.C. and front office staff will visit a local elementary school as part of the club’s “Reading is Powerful” program – which promotes the fun of reading and shares life lessons through the telling of baseball-themed stories – to entertain and educate students on Jackie’s Nine Values. Additionally, Chelsey Falzone, the Twins’ Manager of Youth Engagement, will be assisting MLB and USA Baseball at the 2024 Trailblazer Series.

New York Mets

  • The Mets will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on April 15 with their second-annual Black Legacy Game, honoring former Black players and Jackie Robinson throughout the day. Beginning at 5:45 p.m., the team will host a Black Legacy panel featuring world renown rappers and recording artists, DJ Webstar & Mims to discuss the impact of Jackie Robinson’s legacy on the world of rap – the panel will be attended by Queensboro College students. Pregame ceremonies begin at 6:45 p.m., with the Canaan Baptist Youth Choir singing the Black National Anthem and Renee Neufville from the R&B Group Zhane performing the National Anthem. Jackie Robinson Scholar’s, fourth-year Harvard university student, Olusola Babalola will throw out the Honorary first pitch. Pregame festivities also include special appearances by the Robinson Family . David Robinson, Jackie’s son , will throw out the ceremonial first pitch, caught by Butch Huskey . Rachel Robinson, Jackie’s 101 year-old wife, will also be in attendance for the game and will be presented with flowers from Mookie Wilson and Manager Carlos Mendoza as well as a special video tribute. Additional recognition of former Mets and MLB Black players will continue throughout the game and the Amazin’ Mets Foundation will be supporting the Jackie Robinson Foundation with their 50/50 raffle for the game.

Oakland Athletics

  • The A's will commemorate Jackie Robinson Day at the Coliseum on April 15 as the team hosts the St. Louis Cardinals. In honor of the day, early arriving fans will receive a special Jackie Robinson T-shirt giveaway. Additionally, partial proceeds from all special event tickets purchased will benefit the Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship and leadership development programs.

Philadelphia Phillies

  • The Phillies have several special happenings surrounding Jackie Robinson Day on Monday, April 15. Before that night's game against the Rockies, the club will officially unveil Pioneers in Pinstripes, a new area in the Hall of Fame Club at Citizens Bank Park created to honor the trailblazers of Phillies integration and racial/ethnic diversity, focusing mostly on the time from when Jackie Robinson broke baseball’s color barrier to when Dick Allen became the Phillies’ first Black superstar. Pioneers in Pinstripes pays tribute to both the well- and lesser-known figures who helped pave the way for future generations of Black and other minority athletes on the Phillies and in the city, while also educating the public and serving as a home base for collections and research on the subject of Phillies integration. Taking part in the unveil will be Tazena Kennedy (daughter of John Kennedy, the first Black Phillies player), Terry Washington (son of pioneer Ted Washington - the first Black player signed by the Phillies), Ruben Amaro Jr. (whose dad, Ruben Amaro Sr., was part of the first wave of players of color in the 1960s), Willa Allen (widow of Phillies great Dick Allen), and alumni Gary Matthews and Milt Thompson. Family members of pioneers featured in the new area will also be recognized at the event. As part of the team's on-field tribute to Jackie Robinson, there will be a ceremonial first pitch by Gail Quarles, daughter of pioneer Hank Mason (who in 1955 was one of the first Black players to appear in games in the Phillies minor league system), who will be accompanied by Phillies Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer John Middleton. In addition, the on-field tribute will include the Phillies honoring their 2024 Jackie Robinson Foundation scholar Julian Fields-Jackson from the University of Pennsylvania, as well as their Phillies Charities grant recipient Rukudzo Taruwinga, also a Nike RBI softball player. A portion of that night’s 50/50 Phillies Charities Raffle will benefit the Jackie Robinson Foundation. Earlier in the day, the Phillies will also be participating in a Jackie Robinson Day Celebration at the Philadelphia Stars Negro League Memorial Park, a free outdoor event honoring the legacy of Jackie Robinson and the Philadelphia Stars.

San Diego Padres

  • The Padres continue to honor the legacy of Johnny Ritchey for his role as the “Jackie Robinson of the West Coast” for breaking the Pacific Coast League’s color barrier in 1948 while playing for the San Diego Padres. His debut came just one year after Jackie Robinson broke the major league color barrier, with Ritchey playing the position of catcher for the Padres in 1948 and 1949. On Monday, April 8, the Padres presented 10 high school seniors with the Johnny Ritchey Scholarship award worth $10,000 each during the pregame ceremony. The Johnny Ritchey Scholarship is designed for students that have encountered and, more importantly, have overcome significant personal adversities in his or her life and have used these challenges to strengthen themselves in their pursuit of higher education. Follow the ceremony, the students took the field with Padres starters prior to the game. The next day on April 9, the Padres hosted the Breaking Barriers Forum on the Sycuan Stage in Gallagher Square at Petco Park prior to Tuesday’s game. Three hundred students attended the panel that featured three prominent females who have “broken barriers” in the world of professional sports.

Seattle Mariners

  • The Mariners will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on April 15 with their game beginning at 6: 42 pm. Pregame festivities include a Ceremonial First Pitch thrown by Cassius Culpepper , Rainier Beach High School and Baseball Beyond Borders Nike RBI student-athlete and descendant of Jackie Robinson, and national anthem performance by Dr. Richard Hodges , Western Washington University Assistant Professor of Music. The club will also celebrate Hometown All-Star, Omari Salisbury (founder of Converge Media) for his work to create culturally relevant content across the Pacific Northwest for urban audiences, as well as recognize the Hometown Nine Fellow Class of 2028 as Honorary Mariners for the evening. The first 10,000 fans at T-Mobile Park that evening will receive a Ken Griffey Jr. “Home Run Robbery” bobblehead.

St. Louis Cardinals

  • The St. Louis Cardinals will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day at Busch Stadium on Wednesday, April 24. The festivities will include an honorary pitch ceremony featuring a local Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholar. The team will also recognize CommunityAmerica for their support of both the Jackie Robinson Foundation and Cardinals Care, with a pregame check presentation ceremony. In partnership with Nike, Cardinals Care will recognize nonprofits who represent at least one of Jackie Robinson’s 9 Values. And the team will provide educational activities about Jackie Robinson for kids in Ford Plaza.

Tampa Bay Rays

  • The Tampa Bay Rays will celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on Monday, April 15 when they host the Los Angeles Angels. A special pregame presentation will highlight the five recipients of the Rays Baseball Foundation and Rowdies Soccer Fund’s fifth annual Racial Equity Grants. The program was launched in 2020 to build power in communities that have been historically overlooked because of systemic racism. The grants support organizations making an impact in the areas of housing, workforce development, health equity, criminal justice reform, education and youth development. This year’s recipients will each be given $20,000 and will be recognized on the field before the game and hosted in a suite with local community leaders: AMIKids, The Helen Gordon Davis Centre for Women, James B. Sanderlin Neighborhood Family Center, Sing Out and Read and Where Love Grows Inc.
  • In addition, the Rays will host students from The Write Field Program, a Poynter Institute writing and mentoring program for African American and Hispanic students from middle and high schools in Pinellas County. The students will have the opportunity to interview local community leaders including State Champion Boys Basketball Coach Larry Murphy of Gibbs High School and Roosevelt ‘Bubba’ Swinton who was recognized by the City of St. Petersburg in January for his more than 50 years of service to youth baseball as a coach, mentor, scorekeeper, umpire and commissioner of the Wildwood Dodgers youth baseball club. The students’ stories written from the interviews will be published in the Tampa Bay Times . Dr. Alex Harris, CEO and Co-Founder of the Arts Conservatory for Teens, will sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” National Football League wide receiver Marquez Valdes-Scantling, a graduate of St. Petersburg’s Lakewood High School, will get the game started with the ceremonial first pitch.

Texas Rangers

  • While the Rangers will be in Detroit on April 15, the club plans to have related programing at its Rangers MLB Youth Academy in Dallas next week. The Rangers Baseball Foundation will also make its annual contribution to the Jackie Robinson Foundation.

Toronto Blue Jays

  • The Blue Jays will honor the legacy of Jackie Robinson and his impact on sport and society with a Blue Jays “42” hat giveaway to fans, spoken word tribute produced by a local Toronto artist and musician that will run in-stadium and on social, and various activations throughout the ballpark including a memorabilia display from the Canadian Negro League and Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame. All of the team’s in-game “42” items (player jerseys/hats/socks, commemorative bases, lineup card) will be authenticated and auctioned with proceeds going to Jays Care Foundation educational programs for kids across Canada.

Washington Nationals

  • While in Los Angeles on the 15 th , the Nationals will join the LA Dodgers in their annual team meeting at the Jackie Robinson statue in the Dodger Stadium’s Center Field Plaza to reflect on Robinson’s continued impact on today’s game.
  • Closer to home in Washington D.C., Washington Nationals Philanthropies, the official charitable arm of the Washington Nationals, are hosting a week of programming at the Nationals Youth Baseball Academy to educate and inspire scholar athletes through Jackie Robinson’s legacy. The programming includes Jackie Robinson “character trait” jersey creation, viewing and discussion of the movie “42”, and baseball/softball activities themed around overcoming adversity.
  • Additionally, the Nationals will be donating signed, game-worn apparel from the day, which will be auctioned off to fans by the team’s charitable arm. Proceeds will benefit the Jackie Robinson Foundation and the Nationals Youth Baseball Academy, supporting its mission is to help children, families, and communities thrive through sports-based youth development and access to healthy food.


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  5. Write an Essay on Girl Education

  6. woman empowerment essay


  1. Essay on Women Empowerment for Students and Children

    Essay on Women Empowerment for Students and Children

  2. Women Empowerment Essay in English

    Women Empowerment Essay in English - 100, 200, 500 Words

  3. Girl Power: Empowered Women Making a Change

    Girls' empowerment is important because it helps to promote gender equality, reduce poverty and promote economic growth, improve health outcomes, and create a more inclusive and just society. When empowered, girls are more likely to become leaders, entrepreneurs, and agents of change, helping to create a brighter future for themselves and ...

  4. 5 Women Empowerment Essays Everybody Should Read

    This essay states that empowerment is the key. When giving authority and control over their own lives, women thrive and contribute more to the world. It's important that programs seeking to end gender inequality focus on empowerment, and not "rescue.". Treating women like victims is not the answer. Axa is a leading global insurer ...

  5. 5 Reasons Why Empowering Girls Matters

    Empowered, educated girls have healthier, better educated children and higher wages - helping to break the cycle of poverty. 4. Empowered girls strengthen economies. According to a new Brookings report, "Increasing the number of women completing secondary education by just 1 percent could increase a country's economic growth by 0.3 ...

  6. Essay on Women Empowerment in English

    Essay on Women Empowerment in English

  7. United Nations: Gender equality and women's empowerment

    United Nations: Gender equality and women's empowerment

  8. PDF Girls' Learning and Empowerment

    these types of programmes on girls' empowerment. For example, Oxfam's My Rights, My Voice programme in Tan-zania found that girls taking leadership positions in student councils and youth advisory boards was associated with increased confidence and self-esteem (see Highlight box 2). Studies of the TEGINT programme (Unterhalter and Heslop,

  9. Essay on Gender Equality And Women's Empowerment

    Conclusion. In the end, gender equality and women's empowerment are about making sure that everyone, no matter if they are a boy or a girl, has the same chances in life. It's like a game where the rules are fair for all players, and everyone can win. When we work together to treat everyone equally, we make the world a better place for everyone.

  10. Essay on Women's Empowerment

    For example, the UN has prioritized women's empowerment through its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with Goal 5 specifically dedicated to achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. The Importance of Women's Empowerment. So far, in this article, Essay on Women's Empowerment, we have seen the importance and history.

  11. Women's & Girls' Empowerment

    Women's & Girls' Empowerment

  12. Speech: "Together we will unleash girls' power in all its dimensions

    Together we will unleash girls' power in all its dimensions; Together we will ensure that girls' full potential is realized, generation after generation. Planet 5050 by 2030, there is where we all want to go. The SDGs are our today but it is also about our collective tomorrow and gender equality is our destination.

  13. Women Empowerment in Modern Society

    Chaudhry and Nosheen (2009) state, "Women empowerment seeks change in the sexual division of labor, equal access to food, health care, education credit and employment, ownership of assets, and now access to media" (p. 217). Hence, modern women have transformed economic aspects in the society, thus ensuring economic empowerment..

  14. Essay on Women Empowerment

    Essay on Women Empowerment. You can use this Essay on Women Empowerment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Women Empowerment in 150 words; Essay on Women Empowerment in 250-350 words; Essay on Women ...

  15. (PDF) Education's Role in Empowering Women and Promoting Gender

    Education's Role in Empowering Women and Promoting ...

  16. Women Empowerment Essay

    The word 'Women Empowerment' itself implies that women are not powerful enough - they need to be empowered. This painful truth has been in existence for a long long time. It is in recent years that noticeable work started beginning to lift women out of the abyss of insignificance and powerlessness. The patriarchal society suppressed women ...

  17. White Paper: a Conceptual Model on Women and Girls' Empowerment

    Abstract and Figures. This White Paper defines empowerment of women and girls as 'the expansion of choice and strengthening of voice through the transformation of power relations, so women and ...

  18. Empower the girl child. Empower the nation

    Thursday October 11, 2018 , 3 min Read. To ensure empowerment in the true sense, we have to build the scope and outreach for girls to make choices through better skills, capabilities, and self ...

  19. Women's empowerment

    Women's empowerment

  20. Girl Empowerment Essay Examples

    Girl Empowerment Essays. Reduction in HIV Incidence Through Women and Girl Empowerment From Preventative Health Education. Introduction People's perspectives on risk and sexual conduct are heavily influenced by the social environments in which they are raised, introduced to sexuality as children, and live. Numerous social, cultural, and ...

  21. Essay on Women Empowerment for Students

    Essay on Women Empowerment for Students

  22. Girl Empowerment : Girl Empowerment (320 words)

    In conclusion, girl empowerment is a fundamental component of building a more inclusive and equitable society. By providing girls with the necessary support and opportunities, we can create a world where every girl has the chance to fulfill her potential and contribute meaningfully to her community and beyond. ... Related Essays. Little Match ...

  23. Shopner Sharothi (SeaShore Girls)

    The Seashore Girls Empowerment project, focuses on empowering adolescent girls in Cox's Bazar through sports and life skills development. By equipping girls with vital skills such as swimming, surfing, and lifeguard training, the project helps mitigate the risks posed by gender-based violence and environmental hazards, such as drowning. ...

  24. Kenya school fires: Children injured in Isiolo Girls High School blaze

    In 2017, 10 students died in an arson attack at Moi Girls High School in the capital Nairobi. At least 67 students died in Machakos County, south-east of Nairobi, in the deadliest Kenyan school ...

  25. Details for the Commemoration of Jackie Robinson Day in 2024

    The Atlanta Braves will commemorate Jackie Robinson Day at Truist Park on April 19 as the team takes on the Texas Rangers. In honor of the day, the Braves will host 55 children and chaperones from the Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club in Cairo, Georgia, the birthplace of Robinson, for a special day of celebration and activities at Truist Park.