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Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

Diary Writing has stood the test of time and remains valuable for students or individuals, appearing at the Exams, or seeking a personal and reflective outlet. 

In this article, we will explore the profound benefits of diary writing along with the art of diary writing, exploring its format, and various topics, and providing real-life examples.

What is Diary Writing?

Definition and purpose.

At its core, Diary writing  is a  short essay  that regularly records a writer’s own thoughts, experiences, emotions, observations, feelings, and attitudes of his or her daily activities on a book or pad containing pages.

The purpose of this practice varies from person to person, but common motivations include self-expression, emotional release, and self-discovery. 

Benefits of Diary Writing

Diary writing offers a multitude of benefits for the mind, heart, and soul. It provides a therapeutic outlet, enhances self-awareness, and fosters personal growth.

By putting emotions into words, individuals can gain clarity on their thoughts and feelings, leading to a greater understanding of themselves and their experiences.

Writing Techniques and Styles

Expressive writing.

Expressive writing involves pouring raw emotions onto the page without inhibition. It’s an opportunity to let go of pent-up feelings, which can be highly cathartic and healing.

Reflective Writing

Reflective writing encourages introspection and analysis. Writers can explore their experiences and reactions to gain deeper insights into their lives.

Creative Writing

For those with a flair for imagination, creative writing within the context of diary entries adds an artistic touch to

the process. Fictional diaries and storytelling can be a fascinating approach to diary writing.

Keeping Consistency in Diary Writing

Commitment and dedication.

Maintaining a diary requires commitment. Even on days when motivation is low, sticking to the routine can lead to long-term benefits.

Finding Motivation

To stay motivated, writers can remind themselves of the positive impact diary writing has on their well-being and personal growth.

General Guidelines for Diary Writing

Certainly! When it comes to diary writing, there are no strict rules as it is a personal form of expression. However, there are some general guidelines that you may find helpful to make your diary writing experience more enjoyable and meaningful:

Be Honest and Authentic: Your diary is a private space where you can be yourself without any judgment. Write honestly about your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Write Regularly: Try to write in your diary regularly, whether it’s daily, weekly, or at whatever frequency suits you best. Consistency will help you develop a habit and make it easier to express yourself.

Choose Your Style: Your diary is for your eyes only, so you can write in any style that feels comfortable to you. You can use complete sentences, bullet points, or even doodles and sketches if that helps convey your feelings.

Include Date and Time: Start each entry with the date and, optionally, the time. This helps you keep track of your thoughts chronologically.

Reflect on the Day: Reflect on your experiences, interactions, and feelings about the day. This helps you gain insights into yourself and your life.

Explore Emotions: Express both positive and negative emotions. Writing about your feelings can be therapeutic.

Describe Events: Include details about events, people, and places to create a vivid picture of your experiences.

Set Goals and Aspirations: Use your diary to jot down your goals, aspirations, and plans for the future.

Celebrate Achievements: It boosts your confidence and reminds you of your progress.

Use Prompts: If you’re unsure where to start, use writing prompts or topics to inspire your diary entries.

Be Patient with Yourself: It’s okay if you miss a day or two of writing. Be kind to yourself and pick up where you left off when you’re ready.

Read Old Entries: Occasionally, go back and read your past diary entries. It can be insightful to see how you’ve grown and changed over time.

Enjoy the Process: Most importantly, enjoy the process of diary writing. It’s a wonderful way to connect with yourself and your emotions.

Remember, there are no hard and fast rules in diary writing . The purpose is to create a personal space where you can freely express yourself and reflect on your experiences. Happy diary writing!

Diary Writing Format

Here’s a standard format for writing a diary entry in English:

Date: [ Today’s Date ]

Dear Diary,

[ Start your entry here. ]

[ Write about your thoughts , feelings, and experiences from the day. You can include the events that happened, the people you met, your reactions to certain situations, and anything else that made an impact on you.]

[ Share your emotions honestly , whether it’s happiness, sadness, excitement, frustration, or any other feelings you experienced during the day.]

[ Reflect on any significant moments or lessons you learned today.]

[ You can also write about your plans for the future or your goals and aspirations.]

[ Close your entry with a summary of your overall feelings about the day.]

Goodnight, Diary. See you tomorrow!

[ Your Name ]

Remember, a diary is a personal space for you to express yourself freely, so feel free to write as much or as little as you want. There’s no right or wrong way to keep a diary – it’s all about recording your thoughts and feelings honestly and authentically. Happy writing!

Look at the Sample Diary Writing:

Monday, 7th January 2022 (1) Day & Date

8:00 p.m. (2 ) Time

Dear Diary, (3) Greetings

It is the start of the week. I am so excited. I am going to spend the entire week with my cousin Alok. Today we went to the Flower Exhibition. It was very interesting, Alok had suggested the idea of going to the exhibition It was an annual exhibition for professionals in floriculture and landscape design. It was a comprehensive business platform covering all sectors of floriculture and flower business. The exhibition displayed a wide variety of exotic flowers. It also exhibited various flower species including hybrids. It was one of the country’s greatest flower shows including events like the Summer Garden Competition, Foliage Plants Show, Home Growing Competition, etc. The vibrant colors were totally out of this world. I look forward to attending more of such exhibitions ]—(4) Body

Soumi—– (5) Name of the Writer

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Diary Writing Topics

The topics for your diary entries are limitless. They can be based on your experiences, aspirations, emotions, and thoughts. Feel free to modify or combine these topics to suit your personal preferences and writing style. Here are some diary-writing topics that you can explore:

A Memorable Day: Write about a day that stood out to you, whether it was due to a special event, an unexpected encounter, or an achievement.

My Goals and Aspirations: Reflect on your short-term and long-term goals, and how you plan to achieve them.

Dear Future Me: Write a letter to your future self, discussing your hopes, dreams, and expectations.

A Place I Love: Describe a place that holds sentimental value to you, and explain why it’s significant in your life.

My Favorite Hobby: Share your passion for a hobby or activity that brings you joy and fulfillment.

A Book/Movie That Inspired Me: Write about a book or movie that had a profound impact on your thoughts or emotions.

My Proudest Moment: Describe a moment in your life when you felt exceptionally proud of yourself or someone else.

Overcoming Challenges: Discuss a difficult situation or challenge you faced and how you managed to overcome it.

Random Acts of Kindness: Write about an act of kindness you either received or witnessed and how it made you feel.

Things I’m Grateful For: List the things, people, or experiences you feel grateful for in your life.

Dreams and Fantasies: Share any dreams or fantasies you’ve had lately, no matter how extravagant or simple they may be.

A Letter to a Friend/Family Member: Write a letter to someone close to you, expressing your thoughts and emotions.

Favorite Quotes: Share some of your favorite quotes and explain why they resonate with you.

Life Lessons: Reflect on valuable lessons you’ve learned throughout your life.

An Adventure I Want to Experience: Describe an adventure or journey you wish to embark on in the future.

The Best Day with Friends: Write about a day spent with your closest friends and the fun and memorable moments you shared.

My Dream Vacation: Describe your dream vacation destination and everything you would like to do and see there.

A Time I Overcame Fear: Reflect on a time when you faced a fear or phobia and how you managed to conquer it.

My Role Model: Write about someone you look up to and admire, explaining what makes them your role model.

A New Skill I Want to Learn: Discuss a skill or talent you’ve been eager to develop and why it interests you.

The Power of Music: Share how music impacts your emotions and recount a song or piece that has significant meaning to you.

A Lesson from Nature: Write about a valuable lesson you learned from observing nature or spending time outdoors.

An Act of Generosity: Describe an act of generosity you carried out for someone else and how it made you feel.

Challenges of Growing Up: Reflect on the challenges and changes you’ve faced as you’ve grown older.

A Delicious Recipe: Share a recipe that you recently discovered or tried, and describe how it turned out.

The Most Unforgettable Dream: Write about a particularly vivid or memorable dream you had and its impact on you.

If I Could Time Travel: Imagine if you could travel to any period in history or the future; where would you go and why?

To Your Younger Self: Write a letter of advice and encouragement to your younger self.

The Joy of Giving: Describe the happiness you felt when giving a thoughtful gift to someone special.

A Day Without Technology: Imagine spending a day without any technology and write about how it affected your day.

Workout Diary Writing Examples for Practice:

(1) write a diary entry about how you helped an old woman who was traveling by herself on the bus..

Tuesday,8 th  January 2022

Since my cousin was hospitalized, I decided to visit him. I took a bus at 8 o’clock which was very crowded because of the office hours. People were standing close to each other, and some were also hanging from the exit door as there was no space inside the bus. Even the senior citizens were standing as their seats were occupied by youngsters. There was an old lady who seemed to be sick, because of the heat and suffocation. I asked a young boy to stand up to provide her the seat. After sitting she drank some water and felt comfortable. Then, I helped her to get down from the bus. She thanked me and blessed me. I felt very happy that I had done some good deed.

(2)Today, you witnessed some students littering the corridors and fields of your school. You were very disappointed at that sight. Make a diary entry about how you felt.

Tuesday, 31st March 2021

I am very sad today. During the recess time, I saw a group of students littering in the school premises. They littered the corridors with plastic bags, foils, wrappers, etc. It was a very disappointing sight. I told them repeatedly not to litter and use the dustbin, but they did not listen to me. Not just this, even the playing field behind the classrooms was not spared by them. It looked no less than a garbage dump. I fail to understand how anyone can be so ignorant about his actions and its consequences. Sometimes, I feel disgusted that our environment has to suffer because of our bad habits.

I wish I could do something about it but my plan is to drop a letter in the suggestion box for the appointment of prefects to keep a check and ensure a clean environment at school. I hope things will get better due to my suggestions.

(3)  Y ou recently participated in the ‘All India CBSE National Quiz Competition and reached the finals. The final round was telecast over the national channel where you and your team won the quiz Describe your feelings in 100-150 words through a diary entry.

Saturday, January 23 rd , 2022

Today was such an exciting day. You know what, my team won the first prize the in ‘All India CBSE National Quiz Competition’. Not only this, but the cherry on the cake was also  that the final round was telecast over the national channel. My parents were very happy and so were my teachers and friends. The quiz was on biodiversity. The preliminary rounds were not so easy. But I had very wise team members. We were the leading team in oral round as well. It was so much fun – with applause and praises. We had a cutthroat competition with two of the other schools but we came first which was unexpected, I was very elated. We received a trophy and a certificate. It was a very proud moment of my life.

(4)   Suppose recently you had to change your place of residence. Write a page in your diary about the experience of shifting from a familiar neighborhood to a new place.

Saturday, 10 th  September 2021

My father has bought a new flat in Jamshedpur. He sold the village house at Murshidabad for his job transfer. It was really disappointing when I heard that we would go to a new residence. I had to leave my village school, my teachers, my friends, my neighbours, and the happy moments spent in the nature’s lap. The sight of vast green fields and catching fishes in the pond kept flickering in my mind. I was then admitted to a new school in Jamshedpur. All the memories I left there made me sad all the time. Here the children are not so friendly with me as I have come from a rural area. I go to the rooftop to enjoy the cloudlets floating in the sky. Hence every time I recall my good old days and I sob silently.

(5)   Today while coming back from school, you saw a small child begging at the signal. You were heartbroken to see the future of the country in such a dismal state. Make a diary entry in not more than 150-200 words expressing your feelings.

Saturday, 16th February 2021

I am feeling heartbroken today. While I was coming back from school, our bus stopped at a traffic signal. There I saw a young boy who was hardly eight years old begging for food and money. He knocked at every car and pleaded for money but was chased away most of the times I felt very sad on seeing that the child who should have been going to school to study had to struggle every day to fill his empty stomach. Al the same time I realised the value of all the comforts that my parents have provided to me. I realised that some steps should be taken to improve the conditions of these child beggars. When ! grow up. I will definitely do something for them.

(6)   Make an entry in your diary in 100-150 words on your hesitation to speak in English and you wish to improve your English-speaking skills.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

A person is known by his company, what type of friends he has and how he reacts before them. I am fortunate enough to have a good circle of friends. They are extremely helpful and good-natured people but sometimes I feel quite embarrassed because they all have a good command over English while I do not, I have done my schooling from a Telugu medium school. Therefore, I hesitate to speak in English before them. It is my heartfelt desire to improve my English-speaking skills but there is no good institute in my vicinity where I can improve my speaking skills. Therefore, my desire has not yet been fulfilled. Dear Diary! I promise you that I will improve my English-speaking skills very soon.

(7)   You feel that speaking in English is the need of the hour. As your parents are unable to do so, you feel a keen desire to teach them. Write in about 100-150 words a page in your diary expressing how you will execute it.

Monday, Dec 15, 2021

These days, speaking in English has become the need of the hour. Nobody can deny this fact. Even my parents also agree with it. But they are unable to do so. Though it is not their fault or any weakness for which they should feel shy in the modern world, yet I have a keen desire to teach them to speak in English. This language is a link with the outer world as it is an international language-a handy means of communication with the people around the world. I shall help them in this so that they will feel more confident. First, I’ll give them lessons in Grammar, then shall proceed to introductory dialogue speaking and will gradually move to small speeches on the topics of their interest. I am sure my parents will be at the earliest, able to talk and express in English independently.

(8)    Suppose You participated in a play at the National School of Drama. It was recorded and will be telecast next week. Make a diary entry using the following clues in 150-200 words sharing your experience.

 Wednesday, 12th April 2020

I am very happy to share this wonderful experience with you. I had been practising day in and day out for the play participated in. Today was the final show. By the grace of God, everything went on well, I felt content when everyone praised our acting. I felt very lucky to have learnt controlled acting from such great and senior actors. Although I was quite nervous working with such experienced artists, they made me feel comfortable. The rehearsals were of sheer fun as well as a great learning experience. My happiness knew no bounds when we came to know that it will be telecast on the National channel.

I feel so proud about it and I am short of words that would justify my joy. But in short, it was an amazing journey. I am very excited about the telecast and eagerly waiting for it to be shown on TV. Basically, I already feel like a superstar. I hope everyone likes it.

(9)    Suppose you are a member of the Eco Club of your school. A few weeks back, your school celebrated Earth Day, Various informative programs were showcased in the morning assembly. Write a diary entry in 150-200 words expressing what you learnt through those activities based on your own ideas.

Friday. Ist May, 2021

A few days ago, my school celebrated the Earth Day on 22nd April, 20XX. Being a member of the Eco Club of my school, I helped in organising the event and making learning experience for all the students at my school on this occasion a special morning assembly was held, and various informative programmes were showcased. We invited eminent speakers from all over the city to sensitise us towards environmental protection Important environmental issues such as global warming pollution, deforestation etc were discussed in detail. All the students pledged to save the environment and spread awareness amongst people about protecting Mother Earth. We also decided to adopt environment friendly activities in our day-to-day life and thus work towards saving the environment. Overall, it was an enriching experience and I hope that my school continues to celebrate more such events.

(10)    You have kept a pet at home. Your father brought the pet for you. Write a diary entry describing how you take care of your pet in about 100-120 words. Read the given clues to plan your diary entry:

Wednesday,15 May 2021

My joy knew no bounds when a few days ago I saw my father coming home from office with a white puppy in his hands. I immediately ran towards him and took hold of the puppy. He is a German Spitz, all covered with white and golden coat. I named him Piya. I had never known till now that a pet can be so warm and affectionate. He is very playful and likes to spend his time playing with a ball. I give him milk, curd, chapati and dog food to eat. I take him for a walk twice a day. That is the time which he loves the most the moment I say, ‘Let’s go for a walk’, he starts showing his excitement. These words seem to be magic words.

I sometimes carry him to my friend’s house as they also love to play with him. My father takes him regularly to a vet for his vaccination and routine check-up. I really love my pet. You should watch him dancing when I come back from school. Never have I received such a warm welcome from anyone, the way he welcomes me. I am so happy that I have him as a friend and good company.

Q. 1: Can Diary Writing Help Improve My Mental Health?

Ans: Yes, diary writing can have significant mental health benefits. It provides an outlet for self-expression, reduces stress, and promotes emotional well-being.

Q. 2: How Do I Start a Diary Writing Habit?

Ans: To start a diary writing habit, choose the right diary format, create a consistent writing routine, and write with honesty and authenticity.

Q. 3: What Should I Write About in My Diary?

Ans: You can write about daily activities, emotions, goals, challenges, dreams, and adventures. There are no strict rules – let your diary be a reflection of your life.

Q. 4: Can Diary Writing Spark Creativity?

Ans: Absolutely! Diary writing allows you to explore your creativity through art, sketches, and expressive writing techniques.

Q. 5: Are Digital Diary Writing Apps Secure?

Ans: Most reputable digital diary writing apps offer robust security features to protect your private entries.

Q. 6: How Can Diary Writing Facilitate Personal Development?

Ans: Diary writing helps with personal development by promoting self-reflection, goal setting, and tracking progress over time.

Q. 7. Is diary writing only for young people?

Ans: Diary writing is for everyone, regardless of age. People of all ages can benefit from the therapeutic and self-reflective aspects of journaling.

Q. 8. What if I miss a day of writing in my diary?

Ans: It’s normal to miss a day occasionally. The key is to get back on track and not let a single missed day derail your commitment to diary writing.

Q. 9. Can I include negative emotions in my diary entries?

Ans: Absolutely! Diary writing is a safe space for all emotions, including negative ones. Expressing these emotions can be cathartic and lead to emotional healing.

Q. 10. Should I use a physical diary or a digital one?

Ans: The choice between a physical diary and a digital one depends on personal preference. Both have their merits, so go with the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Q. 11. Can I use diary writing as a form of therapy?

Ans: Yes, diary writing can be therapeutic. It can help individuals cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges by providing an outlet for emotional expression and self-reflection.

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My Personal Diary (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents

Every one of us at some time in life has thought about keeping a diary to write about daily events and happenings.  Writing your personal diary is considered by most as one of the most healthy activities that result in physical and mental well-being. Writing a diary every day not only sharpens your mind but also helps you reflect upon all your daily activities. In this essay, I will explain why I love to write my personal diary and what it has taught me.

My Personal Diary Essay – 700 Word Long Essay

At some point in life, we all have thought about keeping a personal diary to record daily events. Many people believe that writing in your diary every day is a very good habit with many benefits. It’s a way to pen down our thoughts, memories, beliefs, worries, and dreams on paper. A diary is usually something very personal as it captures the highlights and lowlights of one’s existence. I also have a personal diary and since young, I have had a habit of writing down the highlights of my day. In this essay, I will discuss why keeping a personal diary is important and what benefits it provides.

I made the first entry in my dear diary when I was 8 years old. Since I started writing my personal diary it has changed my life for the better. It helps me become organized by knowing myself better. Recording thought, emotions, and feeling by writing them down in my diary help me have better control of myself. Writing a diary every day has improved my writing style, vocabulary, and creativity. The more I think of different worlds and ideas the more I learn. Writing everything in my diary has also taught me perseverance. Writing about my goals and ambitions every day and making effort to achieve them despite failures has helped build a winning attitude that never lets me give up. I keep moving from one milestone because I am able to record my steady progress towards my goal.

Writing a diary also relieves all my stress because it’s a silent companion who never gives an opinion about my life. My diary silently listens to all my problems and I also write down all my deep innermost thoughts in my diary. I don’t have to keep all the things to myself because I can brain-dump all my stress, frustrations, pains, and problems in my diary. Many people will not believe me but writing a diary has enabled me to remember more by boosting my memory. Research has shown that you are more likely to remember anything you record by writing it down with your own hands. I have also felt that my dear diary has helped me have a better memory function as I am able to remember more.

Here are two instances of what I write in my diary:

My Diary: 22nd May 2017

I have now entered college, it’s like starting a new life for me. I gave all my vacation time at our own store but now it’s time to focus on my studies again. I will strive to get the same success that I had in my school. America yesterday horizon welcomed a new space mission and I am very excited about the outcome. In my girlhood journey when I begin school and now at college I have been paying a lot of attention to studies but now I will also try to shine in extracurriculars and sports. The college has good quality furniture that was absent at school and also a great football ground. I made some new friends today and went to the mall with one of them. The mall had different clothing styles and I also got new clothes from that mall. My new friend David also helped me save much money with his bargaining skills. Among many friends, I think I will make him my best friend to spend my college days.

My Diary: 23rd May 2017

After returning from college I went to the shoe factory today with two children. I realized that buying things directly from factories saves money but there is limited variety there. I bought shoes for myself and the two children. I had a problem catching the first bus, therefore, I waited long hours for the next bus to arrive. I saw some children on the street asking for money and hoped everyone could receive free education. I also spent a good time in college, as I planned I joined our college football team and played as a defender. Teachers and fellow students are all very good but we all are still shy of each other. I am spending most of my time with David and hope to become best friends with him.

In conclusion , everyone needs to write a diary every day. I think the diary is a silent companion that listens to all your troubles, dreams, and ambitions and never argues with you. It is also very beneficial for multiple purposes as I mentioned above and should be a part of everyone’s life.

Short Quarantine Diary Essay – 200 Word Short Essay

We all have thought about keeping a personal diary to note down everyday events and happenings. Writing down a diary is very beneficial for both physical and mental health along with many other benefits. Most people believe that writing in your personal diary is a very healthy and productive habit. A diary is a silent companion that knows about all your feeling, troubles, emotions, and ambitions but still never argues with us. I have also been writing a diary since I was 8 years old. My diary has been my companion in these quarantine days. In this essay, I will explain why and how and why it’s beneficial to write your personal diary every day.

Writing my diary in this quarantine has helped me keep track of time. As a person, my diary has helped me self-reflect upon my actions, thoughts, and emotions. It has helped me stay on track by identifying and then describing negative thoughts in my diary. Other than that writing a diary every day has sparked creativity in me. I have been able to note down my wild thought and then take action to achieve the actionable ones. It has helped me stay focused in this long quarantine.

Here is a sample of what I usually wrote in my diary before sleeping

My Diary: November 2019

Our house has only two rooms and I live with my parents in a place called Ellis Island. My parents have their own bedroom and I share a room with my siblings. It was like a pure adventure when we moved to this Island but now I am bored because of this long pandemic forced quarantine. My parents decided to move into this small apartment. I have found American education system to be very good. I start school online and connect with all my school teachers and get as much education as I can from home. I am also eating more unusual foods than ever before because eating them keeps me busy. Despite all this, I am hating this quarantine and want it to end as soon as possible.

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FAQ About My Personal Diary Essay

How to write a diary entry.

To write a diary entry recall everything you did in your day and start writing them down one by one. Remember to list everything one at a time so that you don’t mix all your thoughts.

What Is The Format Of A Diary Entry?

The formate mostly depends upon the writer. However, a good format of a diary entry is to address every thought from your day one at a time. Not mixing your ideas and mining a good flow is also considered good.


essay diary example


Diary Writing

Ai generator.

essay diary example

Diary Writing is a personal endeavor where individuals record their thoughts, experiences, and observation . This practice serves as a reflective activity, allowing one to document daily events, explore emotions, and articulate goals. Diaries can be structured or free-form , providing a private space for self-expression and self-discovery. Popular among people of all ages, diary writing enhances mindfulness, improves writing skills, and can be a therapeutic tool for managing stress.

What is Dairy Writing?

Diary writing is a private method of documenting personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It serves as a reflective practice for individuals to express themselves freely, track daily events, and navigate emotions. This form of writing not only aids in stress management but also helps in enhancing one’s mindfulness and writing skills.

Purpose of Diary Writing

Diary writing serves multiple purposes, each contributing to the personal and emotional development of the writer. Here are the key reasons why people maintain diaries:

  • Emotional Expression : Diaries provide a safe, private space for individuals to express their feelings and thoughts, helping them process emotions and experiences in a healthy way.
  • Record Keeping : By documenting daily activities and significant events, diaries serve as a historical record of one’s life, capturing memories and moments that might otherwise be forgotten.
  • Stress Relief : Writing about one’s day and its challenges can be a therapeutic activity, helping to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Self-Reflection : Regular diary entries encourage reflection on personal growth, decisions, and life changes. This introspection can lead to greater self-awareness and a better understanding of one’s needs and desires.
  • Goal Setting : Diaries can be used to track goals and progress, providing a platform for setting objectives , planning future actions, and evaluating one’s development towards personal achievements.
  • Creativity Boost : Engaging regularly in diary writing can enhance creativity by allowing the writer to explore ideas and thoughts without restrictions.
  • Problem Solving : Writing about problems can help articulate them more clearly and sometimes lead to solutions, as the act of writing organizes thoughts and makes issues easier to understand.

How to start a Diary Writing?

Starting a diary can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to capture your thoughts and life events. Here’s a simple guide to help you begin your diary writing journey:

1. Choose Your Medium

Decide whether you prefer a traditional paper diary or a digital version. Paper diaries offer a tactile experience and privacy, while digital diaries are convenient and often come with features like password protection and easy organization.

2. Select a Comfortable Writing Space

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can write without interruptions. This could be a cozy corner of your room, a favorite coffee shop, or a serene spot outdoors.

3. Set a Routine

Decide on a time that works best for you to write regularly. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, during lunch, or before bed, consistency is key to diary writing.

4. Start with Today

Begin your first entry by writing about your day . You don’t need to write a novel; just start with what happened today, how you felt about it, and any thoughts or reflections you had.

5. Be Honest and Open

Your diary is a private space. Be honest with your feelings and thoughts. The more open you are, the more beneficial your diary will be as a tool for personal reflection and growth.

6. Keep It Simple

Don’t worry about grammar , spelling, or style. The important thing is to get your thoughts down. Over time, you’ll develop your own diary-writing voice.

7. Include Details

Add details that will remind you of your daily experiences. This could include people you met, things you observed, or how specific experiences made you feel.

8. Personalize Your Entries

Feel free to make your diary your own. Include drawings, photos, or clippings if you feel like they add to your entries.

9. Reflect on Your Progress

Occasionally, look back on your past entries. This can help you see how you’ve changed over time, recognize patterns in your life, and reflect on your personal growth.

Diary Writing Ideas

Keeping a diary can sometimes feel repetitive or uninspiring if you’re unsure what to write about. Here are some engaging and varied diary writing ideas to keep your entries fresh and interesting:

1. Daily Reflections

Write about your day’s events, your reactions to them, and any thoughts or feelings they provoked. This can include simple descriptions of what you did, how you felt, and the people you interacted with.

2. Gratitude Journaling

Focus on the positive by writing about things you’re grateful for. This can range from significant life events to the simplest pleasures, helping foster a sense of appreciation and positivity.

3. Dream Diary

Keep a record of your dreams immediately after waking up. Not only can this help you interpret and understand your dreams better, but it also improves your ability to recall them.

4. Mood Tracker

Use your diary to track your mood and the factors influencing it. This can be useful for understanding patterns in your emotional well-being and triggers that affect your mood.

5. Creative Writing

Experiment with fiction, poetry, or any other form of creative writing in your diary. Use it as a space to explore new ideas or develop your writing style without judgment.

6. Inspirational Quotes

Collect quotes that inspire you and reflect on what they mean to you personally. This can also include reflections on books you are reading or movies you have watched.

7. Art Journal

Combine drawings, paintings, or other forms of art with your written entries. This is particularly effective if you’re visually inclined or want to express yourself beyond words.

8. Goal Setting and Review

Write down your goals, both long-term and short-term, and regularly review your progress towards them. This can help keep you accountable and motivated.

9. Letters to Yourself

Write letters to your future or past self, offering advice, wisdom, or encouragement. This can be a powerful way to reflect on your personal growth and aspirations.

10. Problem Solving

Whenever you face a challenge, use your diary to work through possible solutions. Writing down problems and brainstorming solutions can clarify your thoughts and make challenges more manageable.

11. Health and Fitness Journal

Keep track of your exercise routines, dietary habits, or any health-related goals. This helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep track of progress or setbacks.

12. Travel Diary

Document your travels, from day trips to long vacations. Describe the places you visit, the people you meet, and your experiences along the way.

13. Event Planner

Use your diary to plan and reflect on special events like birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. It can serve as a place to brainstorm ideas and later, remember how those events unfolded.

14. Learning Journal

Whenever you learn something new, whether it’s a skill, a hobby, or academic knowledge, write about your learning process and progress.

Diary Writing Format

Diary Writing Format

Diary writing is a personal and flexible activity, but following a basic format can help streamline your thoughts and make the practice more engaging. Here is a simple format to consider when you’re writing in your diary:

1. Date and Location

Start each entry with the date and, if relevant, the location. This helps to contextualize your entries and can be interesting when you look back at them later.

May 8, 2024 New York, NY

2. Salutation

Though not necessary, you can begin with a salutation to set a conversational tone. People often address their diary as if it were a friend.

Dear Diary,

The body of your diary entry is where you detail your thoughts, feelings, and the day’s events. Here’s how you can structure it:

Main Events

Start by writing about the key events of your day. You don’t need to include every detail, just the parts that were significant to you.

Today was the first day of my pottery class, and I felt both excited and nervous. It’s been a while since I tried something new like this.

Reflect on your experiences, what you learned, and how you felt about the events of the day.

I realized how much I’ve missed connecting with new people and learning a new skill. It was challenging but rewarding.

Emotional State

Discuss any strong emotions you experienced and why. This helps in understanding your emotional responses.

I was anxious about meeting new people but felt proud and happy after molding my first pot. It’s satisfying to create something with your own hands.

You might want to end your entry with a summary of your current thoughts or plans for the next day.

I’m looking forward to the next class. I plan to practice a bit more at home so I can improve my technique.

5. Signature

Some people like to sign off their entries with a signature or a simple closing remark.

Until tomorrow, Jane

Diary Writing Topics

If you’re looking for inspiration on what to write about in your diary, here are several topics that can stimulate your thoughts and help you maintain a diverse and engaging journal:

1. A Day to Remember

Write about a day that was especially memorable for you. It could be due to a significant event, an emotional breakthrough, or a simple moment of joy.

2. Overcoming Challenges

Discuss a challenge you recently faced and how you dealt with it. Reflect on what you learned from the experience and how it has impacted you.

3. Future Goals

Outline your aspirations and goals for the future. Describe what steps you need to take to achieve them and how you feel about the journey ahead.

4. Lessons Learned

Reflect on recent lessons you’ve learned, whether from personal experiences, advice from others, or books and articles.

5. Gratitude List

Create a list of things you are grateful for. This can be a regular entry that helps you maintain a positive mindset.

6. Book or Movie Review

Write a review of a book you’ve read or a movie you’ve watched recently. Discuss your thoughts on the storyline, characters, and any moments that stood out.

7. Travel Experiences

Document your experiences from a recent trip or an interesting place you visited in your hometown. Include your sensory experiences and any cultural insights you gained.

8. A Letter to a Friend

Compose a letter to a friend or family member that you haven’t sent. Express your thoughts and feelings that you might hesitate to share in person.

9. Dreams and Their Meanings

Keep a record of your dreams and your interpretations of them. Over time, you might find patterns or recurring themes that could be insightful.

10. Personal Growth

Reflect on your personal growth over the past year. Consider changes in your beliefs, behaviors, and relationships.

11. Creative Writing

Use your diary for creative expression through short stories, poems, or sketches. This can be a refreshing break from traditional diary entries.

12. Health and Wellness

Track your physical and mental health, including exercise routines, diet changes, and mood fluctuations. This can be useful for identifying what influences your well-being.

13. Quotes and Inspirations

Write about quotes that inspire you and explore why they resonate with you. Reflect on how you can apply their wisdom in your daily life.

14. An Unsent Letter

Compose an unsent letter to someone who has impacted your life—positively or negatively. This exercise can be cathartic and help you process your feelings.

15. A Day in the Life

Detail a typical day in your life from morning to night. Include mundane moments as well as highlights, giving a snapshot of your daily routine.

Benefits of Writing Diary

Diary writing is a deeply personal practice that offers a range of benefits for both mental and emotional health. Here are some of the key advantages of maintaining a diary:

1. Enhanced Self-Expression

Writing regularly in a diary provides a safe, private space to express your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This freedom can improve your ability to communicate and articulate your emotions more clearly.

2. Stress Reduction

Journaling about your day’s challenges can serve as an effective stress relief tool. It helps you to process emotions and events, reducing the impact of stressors on your mental health.

3. Improved Mental Health

Diary writing can be therapeutic, aiding in managing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It provides an outlet for coping with everyday struggles and complex feelings.

4. Boosts Memory and Comprehension

Regularly recalling and recording daily events can enhance your memory and comprehension. Writing reinforces memory retention and detail recall.

5. Promotes Problem-Solving Skills

By writing about challenges and potential solutions, you engage the brain’s problem-solving capacities. Diaries often serve as a platform to clarify thoughts and come up with effective solutions.

6. Facilitates Personal Growth

A diary can document your personal growth and development over time. Reflecting on past entries allows you to see how much you have changed and grown, helping to identify patterns, progress, and areas needing attention.

7. Helps Achieve Goals

Writing down goals makes them more concrete and achievable. A diary can be used to track progress, maintain focus, and reflect on what strategies are effective or need adjustment.

8. Enhances Creativity

The unstructured nature of diary writing encourages creativity. It can be a breeding ground for new ideas, artistic expressions, and innovative thinking.

9. Improves Writing Skills

Regular writing helps improve your writing style, grammar, vocabulary, and overall communication skills. The more you write, the better you become at articulating your thoughts.

10. Acts as a Historical Record

Your diary entries serve as a personal history, capturing the details of your life events, experiences, and journeys. This can be valuable for future reflection or for sharing with loved ones.

11. Increases Mindfulness

Focusing on your thoughts and feelings daily increases mindfulness, which is the ability to be present and fully engaged with the moment without distraction or judgment.

Examples of Diary Writing for Students

Here are some diverse diary entry examples that students might write. These examples span different topics and emotional tones, demonstrating how diaries can capture a wide range of experiences and thoughts:

1. First Day at School

September 5, 2024 Dear Diary, Today was my first day of high school, and honestly, it was overwhelming but exciting. I met my new teachers and made a couple of friends during lunch. The school is huge, but I think I’ll get used to it soon. I’m looking forward to joining the soccer team!

2. Exam Preparation

October 10, 2024 Dear Diary, Exams start next week, and I’m feeling stressed. I spent three hours today revising math. It’s a lot to remember, but I’m determined to do well. Planning to study science tomorrow. Wish me luck!

3. Family Trip

July 15, 2024 Dear Diary, We went to Yellowstone National Park today! It was so beautiful. We saw geysers and lots of wildlife. My favorite was watching the bison roam freely. Can’t wait to show the photos to my friends.

4. A Disappointing Day

November 21, 2024 Dear Diary, I didn’t make the basketball team, and I’m really bummed out. I thought I played well during tryouts, but it wasn’t enough. Feeling pretty low, but maybe it’s a sign to try something different. Maybe track?

5. A Moment of Pride

March 3, 2024 Dear Diary, Today, I won the science fair with my project on renewable energy! I worked so hard on it, and seeing that hard work pay off is the best feeling ever. My parents are so proud, and so am I.

6. Overcoming a Fear

May 12, 2024 Dear Diary, I finally faced my fear of public speaking. I presented in front of the whole class today. I was nervous, but it went really well! I’m proud of myself for not letting my fear control me.

7. Holiday Celebrations

December 25, 2024 Dear Diary, Christmas was magical this year. We had a big family gathering, and I felt so happy seeing everyone after such a long time. The best part was Grandma’s stories and the delicious food. Such a perfect day!

8. Dreams for the Future

January 1, 2025 Dear Diary, It’s the new year, and I’ve been thinking about what I want my future to look like. I hope to travel the world and maybe study abroad in college. I’m excited about the possibilities that await!

9. Learning Something New

April 22, 2024 Dear Diary, I started learning guitar today. It’s harder than I thought, but I love it. My fingers hurt a bit, but I’m excited to learn more songs. It’s cool to create music.

10. Reflecting on a Friendship

June 10, 2024 Dear Diary, I had a long talk with my best friend today about how much we’ve grown together. It’s amazing to have someone who understands you so completely. I’m grateful for our friendship.

Children’s Diary Writing Examples

Children’s diary entries often capture their innocent perspectives, vivid imaginations, and daily adventures. Here are some examples of what diary entries from children might look like:

1. Exciting School Day

March 2, 2024 Dear Diary, Today at school we learned about dinosaurs! My favorite is the T-Rex because it’s so big and strong. I drew a picture of it in art class. I can’t wait to show Mom and Dad when I get home!

2. Birthday Party Fun

June 15, 2024 Dear Diary, Today was my birthday party! We had a clown and he made funny balloon animals. My friends and I ate lots of cake and played games. I got a superhero toy from my best friend. It was the best birthday ever!

3. A Visit to the Zoo

April 18, 2024 Dear Diary, We went to the zoo today! I saw lions, elephants, and monkeys. The monkeys were funny because they kept jumping around. I got a toy monkey from the gift shop. I’m going to name him George.

4. First Time Swimming

July 8, 2024 Dear Diary, I went swimming for the first time today. The water was cold at first, but then it was fun! I learned how to float. Dad says I did a great job. I want to go swimming again soon.

5. A Lost Tooth

September 21, 2024 Dear Diary, Today my tooth fell out! It was a little scary, but now there’s a gap when I smile. I put the tooth under my pillow. I hope the tooth fairy comes tonight and gives me a coin.

6. Making a New Friend

October 4, 2024 Dear Diary, I made a new friend at the park today. His name is Sammy. We played on the swings and had a race. He’s really fast! I hope I see him again next time I go to the park.

7. Holiday Anticipation

December 1, 2024 Dear Diary, It’s almost Christmas and I’m so excited! We put up our tree today and it’s so pretty with all the lights. I wrote my letter to Santa Claus. I hope he brings me a bike.

8. A Scary Dream

February 10, 2024 Dear Diary, Last night I had a dream that there was a monster under my bed. It was really scary. But when I woke up, Mom showed me that there was nothing there. I felt better after that.

9. Helping in the Garden

May 12, 2024 Dear Diary, Today I helped Dad in the garden. We planted flowers and tomatoes. I got to dig the holes and water the plants. Dad says I’m a great helper. I like watching the plants grow.

10. Learning to Ride a Bike

August 20, 2024 Dear Diary, Today I tried to ride a bike without training wheels. I fell a couple of times and it hurt, but I kept trying. By the end of the day, I could ride by myself! I felt so happy and proud.

Examples of Dairy Writing About Life

Diary entries about life can vary widely, reflecting the deep personal nature and diverse experiences of each individual. Here are some examples that show how people might write about their life in their diaries:

1. Contemplating Career Changes

April 14, 2024 Dear Diary, Today, I spent a lot of time thinking about whether I should change my job. I’m not as passionate about it as I used to be. I’m considering going back to school to pursue my interest in graphic design. It’s a big decision, but I think it might make me happier in the long run.

2. Relationship Reflections

June 22, 2024 Dear Diary, Lately, I’ve been reflecting on my relationship with Alex. We’ve had our ups and downs, but today was a good day. We talked openly about our future and it feels like we’re finally on the same page. It’s comforting to feel secure and understood.

3. Overcoming Personal Struggles

September 5, 2024 Dear Diary, Today marks one year since I started my journey to overcome anxiety. I’ve learned so much about myself and how to manage my fears. Attending therapy and reading self-help books have really made a difference. I feel proud of the progress I’ve made.

4. Mourning a Loss

November 11, 2024 Dear Diary, It’s been three months since Grandma passed away, and not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. Today, I visited her grave and brought her favorite flowers. It was tough, but I felt a sense of peace being there, reminiscing about our times together.

5. Experiencing Parenthood

January 15, 2024 Dear Diary, Watching our little Sarah take her first steps today was breathtaking. Parenthood is exhausting, exhilarating, and everything in between. Each new milestone feels like a celebration of her growth as well as our growth as parents.

6. Rediscovering Old Passions

March 20, 2024 Dear Diary, I dug out my old guitar from the attic and spent the afternoon strumming and singing. I hadn’t realized how much I missed making music. It used to be such a big part of who I was. I’m determined to make it part of my life again.

7. Financial Worries

May 2, 2024 Dear Diary, Today was tough. I had to really stretch to make ends meet after some unexpected bills. It’s stressful not knowing if there will be enough for the month. I’m looking into some freelance work to help cover the gaps.

8. Spiritual Awakening

August 30, 2024 Dear Diary, I attended a meditation retreat this weekend, and it was a profound experience. I felt a sense of clarity and peace that I hadn’t felt in years. It’s opened up a new path for me spiritually, and I’m curious to explore this further.

9. A Moment of Joy

October 10, 2024 Dear Diary, Today was simply perfect. I spent the day at the beach, watching the waves and reading my book. There was a moment when I felt completely at peace with everything. It’s these little moments of joy that I cherish the most.

10. Reflecting on Aging

December 16, 2024 Dear Diary, As another birthday approaches, I find myself reflecting on aging. There’s a beauty in growing older, even though it’s also a bit scary. I see lines on my face that weren’t there before, but I also see a wiser person looking back at me in the mirror.

How Do You Write a Diary?

To write a diary, choose a comfortable format and location. Regularly record your thoughts, feelings, and daily events. Be honest and reflective. Personalize your entries with drawings or photos, and maintain consistency to capture the essence of your experiences.

What to Write in a Diary Everyday?

In your daily diary, jot down reflections, emotions, and events. Include goals, gratitude, and lessons learned. Capture moments of joy and challenges faced. Write freely, without judgment. Over time, your diary becomes a cherished record of growth and memories.

How to Write a School Diary?

To craft a school diary, start with a daily entry format. Record classes attended, assignments due, and important deadlines. Reflect on lessons learned, academic achievements, and challenges faced. Include extracurricular activities, social interactions, and personal growth experiences. Aim for consistency and honesty in your entries to track your academic journey effectively.


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How to Write a Diary

Last Updated: July 11, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Hyungbum Kang, MA, MSW, LCSW, MAC and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain . Hyungbum Kang is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker based in Honolulu, Hawaii. With over a decade of experience, Hyungbum specializes in using an integrated therapeutic approach to treat ADHD, anger management, depression, and other mental health and social work struggles. He received a Bachelor’s degree in English and Master’s degrees in Sociology and Social Work. Hyungbum earned an MBA from Hawaii Pacific University (HPU) and is working on his Doctor of Psychology from HPU. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, the International Honor Society in Psychology, the National Association of Social Workers, and the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,917,237 times.

Diaries are wonderful objects that allow you to discuss your emotions, record dreams or ideas, and reflect on daily life in a safe, private space. While there's no single, definitive way to write a diary, there are some basic tricks you can use to get the most out of your writing. If you aren't sure what to write about, using prompts like inspirational quotes can help get started on new entries.

Sample Diary Entries

essay diary example

Brainstorming Topics

Step 1 Write about the events of your day.

  • Feel free to veer off into any topic you want as you're writing about the day's events.
  • For example, you could write about the English exam you took at school that day. Are you feeling good about the exam? Do you wish you had studied more? Are you nervous to receive your grade?

Step 2 Contemplate your goals...

  • For example, you could write about short-term goals like studying for your algebra exam or hitting the gym for a cardio session.
  • Long-term goals would be stuff like choosing and applying to colleges or saving up money to buy a car.

Step 3 Jot down your...

  • For example, if you're feeling sad, you can write a diary entry about why you feel that way and any events that may have contributed.
  • You can add a line from the lyrics of a song you are often listening to in your entry to preserve the current mood.

Step 4 Write down inspirational quotes and what they mean to you.

  • For example, you might write down a quote like, "The secret of getting ahead is getting started," which came from Mark Twain. Write a diary entry about what this means to you and what things you need to get started on to achieve certain goals.

Step 5 Explore your favorite...

  • For example, if you love sports, write about why you love a certain sport, your favorite teams, and personal goals you have if you play any sports yourself.
  • If you love painting, you could write about your favorite painters, the painting styles that speak to you the most, recent paintings you've made, and ideas for future paintings.

Creating Personal Entries

Step 1 Write the date in the corner or on the first line.

  • If you like, you can also put the time, day of the week, and your location alongside the date.

Step 2 Begin each entry with a topic in mind.

  • Once you start writing, you're free to veer off into any subject you like! But having something in mind when you start the entry can help kickstart the writing process.

Step 3 Open with

  • For example, you might write something like, "I'm worried about volleyball tryouts this week. I've practiced a lot and I feel ready, but I'm so nervous I can hardly eat."

Step 5 Be honest...

  • For example, you might write, "I feel jealous of Shaun's new car. I'm happy for him, but it seems really unfair that his parents bought him a brand new car. I'm working every day after school just to save up for a used car."
  • If you're afraid someone will find and read your diary, there are things you can do to prevent this. Physical diaries with locks and password-protected digital diaries are two of the most popular ways to control privacy.
  • Many people have epiphanies about themselves and their relationships through honest diary writing. Be open to learning about yourself as you write.

Step 6 Don't worry too much about grammar and spelling.

  • For some people, it helps to take a few minutes at the beginning of each entry to simply free write.

Step 7 Use lots of details to preserve moments in time.

  • Detailed writing isn't for everyone, so don't feel like you have to write long, wordy sentences. If you find it easier to express your emotions in short bursts or even bullet points, feel free to do that.

Getting into a Routine

Step 1 Choose a specific time each day to write in your diary.

  • For example, you might choose to write in your diary every night right before bed.
  • Don't set an unrealistic schedule for yourself. If writing every day seems out of reach, plan on writing entry 3 times a week instead.

Step 2 Keep your writing sessions short in the beginning.

  • For example, you could write a few key bullet points in your diary when you're pressed for time.
  • Setting an intimidating schedule for yourself could be counterproductive. You want journaling to be an outlet, not a chore, so go easy on yourself.
  • Pick a time to write when you don't have other obligations or time constraints.

Step 3 Use illustrations if you prefer drawing to writing.

  • Quick drawings may also help you get down something that you want to remember but don't have time to write about.

Community Q&A

wikiHow Staff Editor

  • Writing a diary should be a cathartic experience and not a chore. Allow yourself to enjoy your writing! Thanks Helpful 15 Not Helpful 1
  • To camouflage your diary, write "Algebra Notes" or "School Notebook" on the cover. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 9

Tips from our Readers

  • Remember that your diary can be a fascinating time capsule of who you are and what you were thinking when you read through it in the future, so be yourself and don't try to tailor it to someone else.
  • For the most privacy, avoid writing your name in the diary. That said, writing your name can help someone return it to you if you ever lose it. Think carefully!
  • Feel free to give your diary a name other than "Diary," if it helps you approach it in a more friendly or intimate way.
  • Try writing in your diary in a secondary language to help you build up fluency in a low-stakes activity.

essay diary example

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About This Article

Hyungbum Kang, MA, MSW, LCSW, MAC

If you're not sure what to write about in your diary, try to take the pressure off by reminding yourself that your diary is for your eyes only. Start each entry with the date and remember to write in the first person using "I" statements. You can write about stuff that happened that day, a problem you're having, a recent dream, or anything else you want. Be honest, use plenty of detail, and don't worry too much about grammar and spelling. For tips on choosing the best diary for you, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a Diary Guide

  • How To Start and Write a Diary

A diary is a private place where you can keep your thoughts, feelings and opinions on everything from work to school and everywhere in between. There are all different types of diaries, like food diaries , health diaries or academic diaries . But your diary doesn’t have to be specific if you don’t want it to be, it can also just be a place where you write about whatever you want. If you’re just getting started, maybe you haven’t decided what you want to write about, and that’s fine. That is what we are here for – to help you with all those moments of writer’s block you may be having. Our tips can help guide you and inspire you. Let’s begin!

How to Start a Diary

To start a diary, all you need is a willingness to write. Start by figuring out what you want to write in your journal. If you aren’t sure, simply start writing and see where that leads. It can also be useful to set a time limit in your early writing sessions. Set an alarm for 10 to 20 minutes and start writing.

Keeping a diary is a great way to record your growth and personal development. More entries will allow you to look back and see what has changed over time. The earlier you start, the more grateful you will be later on.

8 Tips When Starting a Diary

Writing can be hard and getting started is usually the hardest part. If you feel like you don’t know how to write a diary entry, don’t stress over it. You can start writing about anything. You can even write about how you can’t think of anything to write. Once you start getting words out, they will start to flow naturally.

1. Decide to write

First, you need to decide you want to start a diary. Once you have decided you want to dedicate time to creating a diary, starting one will be easy.

2. Decide what to write

This is definitely the hardest part when writing a diary, but it is probably the most important. If you want your diary to be specific, decide what topic you would like to discuss during your entries. You can create multiple diaries for different topics, or just have one diary that has everything. Generally, diaries are personal and private thoughts, but they can also be a great way to keep track of personal musings on anything you would like:

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but if you would rather keep your diary more general, it is totally up to you!

3. Create a schedule

Starting a diary requires that you write in it frequently, but it is up to you to decide how frequently you want to write in it. Whether it be once a day or once a week, create a schedule that you can adhere to. The more you can make writing in your diary a part of your routine, the more comprehensive and helpful a practice it will become.

When you have decided what you want write in your diary, decide on a writing schedule that is appropriate for the topic. For example, if you want your diary to be general, maybe you want to decide to write in it at a certain time everyday, like right before you go to bed. If you want your writings to be more specific, like about food, maybe you will write in it every time you cook or find a new recipe. Make your schedule work for you and your topic.

4. Set a time limit

It is easy to get carried away and write too much when diary writing. A way to stay concise and on track is to set a time limit for your writing. Depending on how much you want to write, set a time limit that reflects that. Somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour is ideal. If you feel like you want to spend more time than that, feel free.

5. Date your entries

The great thing about a diary is that you are able to look back through it and see how you have progressed over time. It is important to date every entry you write. Luckily, Penzu dates your entries automatically.

6. Create an introductory entry

For your first diary entry, try to write an introduction to what your diary will be about. Introduce yourself, what things interest you, what you think it important and what you want this dairy to be about. Open up and be yourself.

7. Act like you’re writing to a trusted friend

Wondering how to write a diary entry? The best way to write is as if you’re talking to your best friend. This is your personal diary, for your eyes only, so you should feel comfortable writing as if you’re talking to a trusted companion. As cliché as “Dear Diary” may sound, it can really lead you in the write direction in terms of the tone you should be writing in. The goal of a diary is to discuss things honestly and candidly, as if you were talking through them with a best friend or family member.

8. Have fun!

Writing in your diary should never be a chore or a burden, so remember to have fun with it. It can be a place of solace, a place of creativity, a place of reflection, a place where your thoughts can roam free. When starting a diary, make sure you are writing about things you care about and are passionate about because. As long as you enjoy what you’re writing and the process of it, you will never miss an entry!

Writing Diary Entries

Diary entries can be long. They can be short. They can be specific. They can be broad. Whatever type of diary you decide to write should relate to the entries within it.

Your diary entries should be shorter narratives, and here are 8 tips to consider when writing entries:

1. Brainstorm what you’re going to write about

Take a few minutes before you begin writing to decide what you’re entry is going to be about. Hopefully you have already decided what your diary is about, so dig a bit deeper into the topic or topics you have decided to focus on and get specific.

2. Ask yourself questions

To get yourself writing, ask yourself questions:

  • What did you learn today?
  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • What do you want to fix?
  • How are you feeling?

These can relate to your general life, or specific parts of it, but turn inward and ask yourself things.

3. Write down your answers

Your diary entry can be your answers to the questions you have asked yourself. This is a great way to get writing when you don’t know what to write about.

4. Pick a format

Your entries can be in all different types of formats, depending on what you’re writing about. Maybe you are making a list of things you want to accomplish in your future. Maybe you’re writing about a conversation you had, or wish you had. Maybe your entry is just bullet points of thought you have had that day. Some people prefer writing in short notes, others like writing in detailed paragraphs. Decide what you enjoy most and go for it.

5. Make them different

Try and have a variety of different entries, so you don’t get bored. You may be writing about a certain type of topic, but you never want to write the same entry. Differentiating your entries will also highlight progresses you’ve made and things you have learned.

6. Don’t be hard on yourself while you’re writing

Your diary is a judgement-free zone, so don’t feel like they need to be perfect. Let the words flow.

7. Keep your thoughts in order

Your entries date themselves, so you know when you write what, but also try and keep your thoughts in order. Your diary will become a journey as you add more entries, try to keep the narrative something you can follow. For example, try to write about events in the sequence they happened. Avoid jumping around.

8. Get your creative juices flowing

Your entries don’t just have to be words, Penzu also let’s you add pictures. Adding some visuals to your entries will add some colourful and vibrant reminders.

To Write a Diary Entry with Penzu

Penzu offers easy-to-use diary software , so you can create a digital diary that can be accessed anywhere.

  • Go to to create a free account.
  • Create a login and password you will easily remember.
  • Design your online diary to reflect your personality and your diary’s topic.
  • Give your journal a meaningful name.
  • Adjust your privacy setting to suit your preferences.
  • Choose ‘New Entry’ and begin writing!

Tips for New Journal Writers

Is this your first time keeping a diary? Don’t worry. There is a first time for everything. Here are some things to help you get the ball rolling:

Get excited

Look forward to starting a diary. It is both a fun and productive habit.

Reflect on yourself, the people around you and what you believe is most important. Once you look back, then you can move forward.

Unstructured writing is probably the best way to start writing. Once you get into the habit of keeping a diary, you will then feel more comfortable with structure.

Keys To Successfully Writing a Diary

A diary is a personal journey and should not be compared to any other writings, but here are a few way you can get the most out of your experience.

Your diary is for your eyes only, so be honest with yourself. Don’t hide anything or hold back.

Be frequent

The more often you write, the better.

Don’t try to write a certain way, just be yourself.

Like we said in the beginning, the earlier you start keeping a diary, the more grateful you will be later on, so sign-up with Penzu today!

There's no time like the present - start your free online journal today!

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Diary Basics

What is a Diary?

What are Diary Entries?

Diary Types

Diary Software

Diary Template

Digital Diary Guide

Ideas for Diaries

Food diaries are an excellent way to track what you're eating.

Secret Diaries

Everybody has certain things they don't wish to share with others. That's why a secret diary is so important to many people.

Write about your work experiences to reflect on your professional life to track your day-to-day work, consider career opportunities, set milestones, and achieve your goals.

Academic Diary

An academic diary can take some the stress and hassle out of your life by making sure you manage your responsibilities for school better.

  • Wedding Diary

There are so many moving parts involved in your big day that it's easy to lose sleep. The good news? There is a way to organize your wedding.

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Examples of Reflective Writing

Types of reflective writing assignments.

A journal  requires you to write weekly entries throughout a semester. May require you to base your reflection on course content.

A learning diary is similar to a journal, but may require group participation. The diary then becomes a place for you to communicate in writing with other group members.

A logbook is often used in disciplines based on experimental work, such as science. You note down or 'log' what you have done. A log gives you an accurate record of a process and helps you reflect on past actions and make better decisions for future actions.

A reflective note is often used in law. A reflective note encourages you to think about your personal reaction to a legal issue raised in a course.

An essay diary  can take the form of an annotated bibliography (where you examine sources of evidence you might include in your essay) and a critique (where you reflect on your own writing and research processes).

a peer review  usually involves students showing their work to their peers for feedback.

A self-assessment task  requires you to comment on your own work.

Some examples of reflective writing

Social science fieldwork report (methods section).

The field notes were written by hand on lined paper. They consisted of jotted notes and mental triggers (personal notes that would remind me of specific things when it came to writing the notes up). I took some direct observational notes recording what I saw where this was relevant to the research questions and, as I was aiming to get a sense of the culture and working environment, I also made researcher inference notes .

I found the note-taking process itself helpful, as it ensured that I listened carefully and decoded information. Not all the information I recorded was relevant but noting what I found informative contributed to my ability to form an overview on re-reading. However, the reliability of jotted notes alone can be questionable. For example, the notes were not a direct transcription of what the subjects said but consisted of pertinent or interesting information.

Rarely did I have time to transcribe a direct quotation, so relied on my own fairly rapid paraphrasing, which risks changing the meaning. Some technical information was difficult to note down accurately . A tape recorder would have been a better, more accurate method. However, one student brought a tape recorder and was asked to switch it off by a participant who was uneasy about her comments being directly recorded. It seems that subjects feel differently about being recorded or photographed (as opposed to observers taking notes), so specific consent should be sought before using these technologies .

Description/ explanation of method.


Includes discipline-specific language


Critical evaluation of method


Conclusion and recommendation based on the writer's experience

Engineering Design Report

Question: Discuss at least two things you learnt or discovered – for example about design or working in groups or the physical world – through participating in the Impromptu Design activities.

Firstly, the most obvious thing that I discovered was the advantage of working as part of a group . I learned that good teamwork is the key to success in design activities when time and resources are limited. As everyone had their own point of view, many different ideas could be produced, and I found the energy of group participation made me feel more energetic about contributing something .

Secondly I discovered that even the simplest things on earth could be turned into something amazing if we put enough creativity and effort into working on them . With the Impromptu Design activities we used some simple materials such as straws, string, and balloons, but were still able to create some 'cool stuff' . I learned that every design has its weaknesses and strengths and working with a group can help discover what they are. We challenged each other's preconceptions about what would and would not work. We could also see the reality of the way changing a design actually affected its performance.

Addresses the assignment question

Reflects on direct experiences

Direct reference to the course activity

The style is relatively informal, yet still uses full sentences.

Relating what was learnt.

Learning Journal (weekly reflection)

Last week's lecture presented the idea that science is the most powerful form of evidence . My position as a student studying both physics and law makes this an important issue for me and one I was thinking about while watching the 'The New Inventors' television program last Tuesday . The two 'inventors' (an odd name considering that, as Smith (2002) says, nobody thinks of things in a vacuum) were accompanied by their marketing people. The conversations were quite contrived, but also funny and enlightening. I realised that the marketing people used a certain form of evidence to persuade the viewers (us?) of the value of the inventions . To them, this value was determined solely by whether something could be bought or sold—in other words, whether something was 'marketable'. In contrast, the inventors seemed quite shy and reluctant to use anything more than technical language, almost as if this was the only evidence required – as if no further explanation was needed.


This difference forced me to reflect on the aims of this course—how communication skills are not generic but differ according to time and place. Like in the 'Research Methodology' textbook discussed in the first lecture, these communication skills are the result of a form of triangulation, which I have made into the following diagram:


Description of topic encountered in the course

The author's voice is clear

Introduces 'everyday' life experience

The style is relatively informal, yet still uses full sentences

Makes an explicit link between 'everyday' life and the topic

Brookfield, S 1987, Developing critical thinkers: challenging adults to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting , Open University Press, Milton Keynes.

Mezirow, J 1990, Fostering critical reflection in adulthood: a guide to transformative and emancipatory learning , Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Schön, DA 1987, Educating the reflective practitioner , Jossey-Bass. San Francisco.

We thank the students who permitted us to feature examples of their writing.

Prepared by Academic Skills, UNSW. This guide may be distributed or adapted for educational purposes. Full and proper acknowledgement is required. 

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  • Annotated bibliography
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Diary Writing: Different Steps, Format, and Examples

Diary writing.

  • It is a personal form of writing in a diary.
  • Here, you express your thoughts, feelings, and observations of the day.
  • These could be on people, places, and daily experiences.
  • You use an informal tone as if you are writing to a friend.
  • You use first person narrative (I, we, us, my, our).
  • It must be written in the past tense since we are writing about incidents that have already happened.
  • We can also use the future tense when exploring how we feel about something that will happen in the future.

(E.g., ‘I think tomorrow I’ll get my new bike!)

  • We can also use the present tense to quote any dialogue.

(E.g., Jason screamed with excitement! “We are going to the beach!” I was happy for him.)

  • There will be a chronological order of events.
  • And these could be on:
  • Your private thoughts (your ambitions, frustrations, sadness, happiness, etc.)
  • A record of events (What happened on a particular day from one point of time to another.
  • An amusing/shocking incident occurred.
  • Make sure to set the scene with the introductory sentence.
  • So, make sure to keep these questions in mind.

“Today was a bizarre day! I woke up to absolute silence (which is weird since I live in Brooklyn ). I couldn’t find my brother in the next bed, and he is a late sleeper.” 

These Types Could Be:

  • Travel diary – Pen down your experiences in travel
  • Food diary – About food
  • Reflective diary – Contemplate the happenings of the day. This is the most popular kind

Dream diary – Pour out your dreams (the ones you see at night and your ambitions and goals.)


  • School diary – Write about all the things that happen at school
  • Mention the time and date to refer to your entry.
  • The diary should be taken as alive and a platform for our thoughts and feelings.
  • Make your entries honestly and truthfully; don’t lie to yourself.
  • We must close the diary with our name or signature.

Salutation (Dear Dairy/ Hello Dairy)


Signature / Name of the writer

Diary Writing

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  • Diary Writing


What is Diary Writing?

Have a bad day and you want to record something eventful happened to you? Well, a diary entry is one effective way of expression or just a mere recording of events of your life. Diary writing has been a way of recording, recollecting and expressing events or emotions. Maintaining a diary is cathartic and it renders the mind some freshness from the busy life. 

Diary Writing Format


Meghna’s birthday party at Leela

It was Meghna’s birthday and we went to Leela together. It was a beautiful place to have a birthday party and she threw a lavish party. I got to meet many of her friends and one of them became a little close to me.

Her name is Rucha and we connected based on Harry Potter. We both are Potterheads and I loved it, although she comes across as talkative, I like her. I am looking forward to seeing her at a cafe we decided to meet this upcoming Friday.

I gave Meghna a beautiful dress which she liked and wore to the party. It felt nice getting out after a long week. I think I should get out more often to refresh my head.

I will write again soon.


Getting Started with Diary Writing 

Getting started with diary writing can be difficult, especially when you are not habitual of writing. Before you start writing, you should know what is the right format for diary writing. Here are some steps for how you can start writing in your diary: 

Decide What You Want to Write

You can use a diary to write several things, be it an experience or your feelings. But if you want your diary entries to be specific, you should decide what you want to write in them. Usually, diaries are for personal thoughts and experiences but they can be an excellent way to keep a track of your daily events.   

Design a Schedule

When you start a diary, you will have to write more frequently in it, although it is entirely up to you to decide how often you will write in your diary. Making a schedule will help you get used to writing in your journal. You can pick up a specific day or time to write in your diary. Moreover, you should also set a time limit for your diary. You can decide how much you want to write and the time you want to spend while writing. 

The date is an important part of every diary entry. If you keep a track of the date of every diary entry, you can look back at your progress and see how much you have written. 

Give It a Name

Some people like to give names to their diaries, which makes them feel as if they are talking to a friend. Since it is your diary, you can give it any name you like. If you don’t want to give it a name you can start with “Dear Diary” and move in the right direction. Moreover, the primary aim of the diary is to share your thoughts and feelings honestly and open up as if it is your friend. 

Be Comfortable While Writing

It is normal if you do not feel like writing in your diary every day. You will only be able to focus on writing when you are comfortable. As long as you are enjoying the writing process, it will be much easier for you to write in your diary every day.  

Why Write a Diary?

Effective Catharsis 

Sometimes we can’t find a friend or anyone to confide our deepest feelings. Diary serves as a friend in need where we can express anything and in any way without any fear of any judgment or miscommunication because it is you who has access to it. 

Recapture Memories

Diary lets you recall the good or bad memories you had and lets you realize how much you have grown or what mistakes you did in the past. Sometimes reading a diary just makes you laugh or live memories which you had nearly forgotten.

Recording Events

Some people write a diary as maintaining a journal where they record all the events chronologically to revisit them for any purpose. This helps in not missing out on important details in daily life. 


We tend to overthink everything and make our problems bigger than they seem to be. By writing them down we realize that it is not as big a problem as we cooked it in our head. Sometimes while writing a diary we tend to find a solution as we reflect upon ourselves while writing the problem down.

Tips on Diary Entry

Include a Date

Writing a diary with a date helps one remember the event and the time of the event. It also helps to keep a track of events and when they happened. In our busy lives, we hardly remember how the time slips. Dating the entries will give you a clear picture of the time during that event. Including a date just on the corner of the page is enough. The format of the date should be similar to avoid confusion.

Mention a Subject

Sometimes diary entries can be very descriptive, just mentioning a dominant emotion or any particular event in a few words can help in knowing what is a whole entry is about. For example, If you were unhappy about the way your brother talked to you and you were sad. You can just mention- feeling sad.

Express Yourself Freely

The whole idea of writing a diary is to exhibit your emotions, where it is private and no one can access them. Diary entry has to be made with an open heart without any fear of anyone reading it. It is one place where you can be yourself as it stays with you. 

Write More Often

Writing regularly is not a task which just happens automatically. In starting you might have to set a reminder to write and then eventually you start gravitating towards your diary to write anything you feel. Diary becomes your friend and it’s very therapeutic to express oneself now and then. 

       5. Be Honest

If you are writing the diary under an umbrella of fear of getting public, then it is pointless. You should be honest to yourself as it is your diary and your safe place to express anything you wish to. Being honest is the only key to catharsis while writing a diary. You should not manipulate your writing, thinking of someone else reading it. The honest expression will always make you reflect on the situation with a bigger outlook.

       6.  Aligning Your Thoughts is Important

Brainstorming before writing will help you align your thoughts to record everything as you want to write. Sometimes our emotions make our brain foggier and a little thought before writing would help us express ourselves clearly.

Benefits of Diary Writing- How to Write, Format, Tips and Examples 

Diary writing come with a lot of benefits for you. Before you start your diary, you should go through these tips and examples to understand how to begin your journal entries. Here are some advantages of diary writing - how to write, format, tips and examples: 

By using diary writing - how to write, format, tips and examples, you can understand the various elements of a diary. 

It will help you get started with your journal and take you in the right direction. 

You can learn the format and rules of diary writing through this.

With diary writing - how to write, format, tips and examples, you will get an idea of what you can write in your diary. 


FAQs on Diary Writing

1. Is it Beneficial to Write Every Day and Diary Writing Well For Mental Health?

Yes, it is! Because you can reflect on your thoughts without any bias and most importantly it becomes a medium where you can write without any fears! Thus, it is beneficial to your mental health. Also, writing your thoughts and feeling every day in your diary will relieve you from the stress and help you control your emotions. Although writing frequently is beneficial, but it is not compulsory to do so. It depends on you whether you want to write daily, weekly or even monthly but writing daily has its benefits.

2. Does Writing a Diary have Any Other Benefits?

Yes, writing continuously over time will improve the clarity of your writing as well as the clarity of your speech, and you will learn how to express your thoughts more freely with time. Writing a diary will help you keep your thoughts organized and make them apprehensible. You can record your thoughts, feelings, daily events, past experiences, or anything you want in a diary. Moreover, diary writing will improve your writing skills and make you more fluent in the language.

3. Can I Write Anything in a Diary and is it Better to Write in Any Specific Format?

Yes! Although it is beneficial to keep separate diaries for separate things. For example, a personal diary is best for writing your thoughts and feelings, and a bedside diary or a notebook for writing ideas which you get at night. This is highly personalized and depends on person to person.

Although it is not mandatory in writing in an ordered and coherent manner, connecting dots becomes easier, which in turn make introspection easier.  So, you can start writing in your diary any way you feel comfortable.

4. How will the Diary Writing - How to Write, Format, Tips and Examples help me?

Diary Writing - how to write, format, tips and examples will help you in so many ways. It gives you a clear understanding of how to start writing in your diary. You can learn the format of diary writing and start your journal in an organized manner.

With Diary Writing - how to write, format, tips and examples, you can understand the different ways of starting your journal. Moreover, it will help you work on your writing skills and improve yourself.

  • Diary Entry

Have you all heard of the famous book by a little Jewish girl called Anne Frank ? The book was an adaptation made out of a teenage deceased girl’s diary that was later published by her only surviving family member: her father. But why did she write a diary entry in the first place? In fact, why does anyone write a diary at all? Well, the answer is simple – to express oneself. Let us learn more about diary entry.

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essay diary example

Maintaining a diary is generally a very good habit. Moreover, one can always check facts looking back, remember events, find an outlet and effectively document one’s life this way. Also, some people even name their diaries and address them like an imaginary friend.

A personal journal is a private possession. In other words, this diary usually is just for you and it’s not for public reading, so one can write liberally. But for the benefit of the readers, we’d like to show you all how is a diary entry generally written. What we are laying down here are good practices that one can inculcate while writing their diary entry.

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Diary Entry: What to Expect?

A Diary is a journal organized by date where you express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and plans. So, be as candid as you can. Because this journal is your safe place. If you don’t know where to start, then start by writing about your day, about yourself, and so on…

Diary Entry

Tips on How to Write a Diary Entry

Always mention the date.

Pick a corner and keep it for mentioning the dates of your diary entry. You may not write every day. Some people are also specific about time and place as well. Again, it’s about personal preferences . Since one usually keeps a diary for a long period of time, it’s wiser to think out a general format for your diary entries and stick to it. You may iterate and change a few things depending on how you feel like, no one’s watching it. I personally choose the top left for mentioning the date.

Choose a subject

Just like a chapter, usually, there’s a reason why you reached out to make a diary entry. For example, sometimes it’s what happened that day or sometimes it is to write about something you want to do in the future or maybe to just mark an event that triggered a strong emotion in you like happiness, anger, excitement, etc. But whatever it is that you picked your journal for, your diary entry will have a topic that way.

Learn more about Story Writing here in detail.

Now, we always address our entries in the first person. If you want, you can give it a name. Usually, people address their diary entries as – “Dear Diary”

Be honest, it’s you who are talking to

The key thing about a diary entry is that it is always kept truthful, natural and free-flowing. So, trust your thought train and don’t stop or mince words for the fear of being watched or judged. As it is your space to let out all your feelings, so don’t hold back.

Make it a habit

Well, this one, I personally think, you only have to remind yourself as you begin to write. Eventually, it sort of becomes this friend you reach out to automatically. Most of the times you will find it very therapeutic to maintain a diary. It’s wonderful how when you let out all the emotions, sometimes the endings get quite conclusive and lead in a positive direction. Like you already knew the answer to your questions yourself. You just had to get all the foggy clouds of emotions out of your way to see it.

Diary Entry: A Sample

April 29, 2020

Becky’s basement

Dear Diary,

Today, Becky and I went to the pond and lay our heads on the green grass for hours until sundown. It was a mesmerizing experience. I hope my friends from my hometown Sri Nagar can one day share that experience with us here.

Oh and we were also very close to getting punished for bringing puppies inside the class today. Shaanu warned us in time and we could manage to sneak the puppies out in time.

I am preparing a song for the choir singing this Sunday. Hope I don’t stutter like last time.

Will be writing soon again.



So what are you waiting for? Go get your favorite book or online diary and scribble away to glory. Have fun with English!

Solved Question for You

Q. In which format would you write about the following: Driving a car for the first time

  • Dairy Entry
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Solution : C.

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Diary Entry Format: Examples and Questions

Diary Entry Format: Diary writing format includes a well-organised type of writing skill that covers a schedule and section on the pages. It is essential for students to learn the skill of how to write a diary entry. The entries that are made to the diary mainly consist of personal information but writers can write anything that they probably want to.

Furthermore, from a scholastic standpoint, diary writing necessitates several essential components to receive passing grades. Read this article or bookmark this page to get more details about diary writing such as diary writing format, how to write entries, and diary entry topics along with the latest examples.

Diary Writing Format

The diary format in English follows a date with the respective writing alongside. Since diary entry is personal writing, there are no strict rules that need to be followed. The following format of diary entry is applicable for CBSE , ICSE Board , and other state education boards in India.

Diary Entry Format in English

The standard diary format in English is given below:

  • Date, Day, and Time : Diary writing is a memory. Before writing an entry, mention the date, day, and time so that you know when that particular incident/event took place if you read it later in the future. Usually, the date, day, and time should be mentioned in the top left corner.
  • Heading/Title : Giving a title to an entry is completely optional. Your heading indicates what your piece of writing consists of. If you want, give a suitable heading; else, ignore this.
  • Content : Make an entry about your experience, event, or feelings. The style and tone can be informal. Express anything and everything which you would like to tell to your diary.
  • Signature : Diary entry is already a personal thing. So, it is optional. If you would like to give a signature after an entry, you can; else, you can ignore this section.
  • Tone and Format : Because a diary entry is frequently written to oneself and contains personal information, it is always preferable to be accurate when writing. And the writing format should be the same as if you were writing to a friend or a close one.

This diary writing format is applicable for Class 6 to Class 12 students. So, students who are in search of a diary entry format for Class 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 can rely on the above format.

Diary Entry Marking Scheme In CBSE

Usually, in CBSE, students will be tested via diary writing in 100 to 200 words. Diary Entry Questions will come under Section – B. The diary writing question will be asked for 4 marks The diary entry format CBSE Class 9 marking scheme is given below:

  • Objective: To use a style and format appropriate for a report
  • Content: 2 marks
  • Expression: 2 marks
  • Suitable format
  • Suitable content

Diary Entry Format in English and Examples

Personal diary writing samples will help students to understand how they can approach a question that will be asked in the examination. Students can find the different sets of diary entry format questions with answers below:

Diary Entry Format in English Question 1

Write a diary entry on one of the luxurious weddings that you have attended. Write your opinions on the wastage of resources at the wedding.

15th February 2022, Monday 10:00 PM Dear Diary , Last night, I attended a luxurious wedding of Rohan. Right from the wedding invitations to decorations, catering, return gifts, everything was very expensive. What bothered me was the wastage of resources over there. The light arrangements at the wedding consumed so much electricity which was releasing undesirable pollutants into the air. Apart from that, people were wasting so much food. The disposal of food was improper because of which flies and insects were seen everywhere. So much water was consumed by the people over there. The wastage of resources might lead to water starvation, global warming, pollution, etc. I wish people would understand the effects of this expensive wedding. {Signature}

Diary Entry Format in English Question 2

You recently visited an ‘Old Age Home’ in Bangalore with your friends. Using the hints given below together with your own ideas, make a diary writing entry of what you saw and experienced there. Hints: • Old home • Mostly senior citizens above 60 • Peaceful surroundings • Spacious • Clean rooms and baths • Regular medical check-ups • A good library • Means of recreation • A home away from home.

18th February 2022, Thursday 9:30 PM Dear Diary, Today I visited an old home in Bangalore with my friends to celebrate my birthday. Nearly 90 people stayed in that old-aged home. Most senior citizens above 60 years stay there. The old age home is settled in peaceful surroundings and is enriched with magnificent paintings, trees, a good library, yoga, meditation auditorium, etc. The home was very big and spacious. All the rooms and bathrooms were clean and hygienic. The authorities of old age homes collect funds to organise regular medical checkups for the senior citizens. We contributed some money for the same. The people there seemed to be very happy and comfortable. Overall I felt that people were in a home away from home. {Signature}

Diary Entry Format in English Question 3

It was the first day of your new school. Make a diary entry describing your first-day experience in your new school.

3rd June 2019, Thursday 8:30 AM Dear Diary, Today was my first day of school. I was very excited, but at the same time, a bit nervous to go to school. The school was very big and my classroom was very spacious. Since it was the first day of my school, I wanted to create a good impression on teachers. So, I sat on the first bench. I was asked to give a self-introduction to my classmates in the classroom. I was embarrassed, but somehow gave a short introduction about myself. Then one girl named Tina approached me and asked me a few things like where I stayed, and from which place I was. The conversation with Tina seemed to be interrogative but comfortable. Tina gave me a tour of the school and I enjoyed it. For now, I consider Tina as my best friend in school. Overall, the first-day experience in my new school was interesting. Anyway, a new day tomorrow. Wishing myself good luck! Good Night my dear diary 🙂 {Signature}

FAQs on Diary Entry Format

Q1. What is the ideal diary writing format in English? Ans. The diary writing format in English is very simple. Just write the date, day, and time and start off with the content. Since diary writing is a personal thing, you can use formal or informal language. Finally, you can enclose it with a signature which is optional too.

Q2. In CBSE, what is the diary format in English? Ans. The diary format in English for CBSE is the same as the format that is provided on this page.

Q3. How do you start writing a diary entry? Ans. Diary entry writing is nothing but sharing an experience or feeling in your diary. Just write what you want to express to yourself or your friend regarding the activity in your diary.

Q4. Is a diary entry written in a box? Ans. A few schools ask students to write Diary Entry in box format. But according to the CBSE marking scheme, there are no marks awarded for writing an entry in a box form. So, it completely depends on you how you want to make your entry.

Q5. How do you end a diary entry? Ans. Depending upon the content, you can end the diary writing. You can say bye, good night, all the best will share more of my experiences tomorrow, etc. Overall you can end your writing like how you end your conversation with a person.

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Diary Writing | Diary Writing Format, Samples, Examples, Topics and How To Write a Diary?

February 15, 2023 by Prasanna

Diary Writing: Diary writing is a personal form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal life or a situation. Writing a diary is quite possibly the closest to home and casual classes of composing. It can be written in any language as per the comfort of the writer, whether English or Hindi. A journal composing can be founded on an encounter, a scene, a portrayal or portrayal of a certain occasion, or some other thing or movement that the author thinks about worth writing in his own journal.

Diary Writing is a decent action both, for the individuals who have abstract abilities and in any event, for the individuals who need to simply vent out their feelings while they are feeling alone or discouraged. It is additionally a decent movement to glance back at life and dissect yourself based on your past. The nature of Diary composing relies upon the innovativeness, creative mind, and articulation of the person. Journal composing abilities can be upgraded by envisioning a circumstance.

Despite the fact that there are no set standards or guidelines for composing a journal there are a few highlights of Diary Writing that should have been followed to make Diary Writing more coordinated, imaginative, complete and intriguing. Moreover, Diary Writing from the scholastic perspective likewise requires some fundamental components to get passing marks. These very highlights become should in the event that we are hoping to distribute our Diary later on as they make the work fascinating and adequate to the bigger crowd.

Diary Writing Format

Definition of Diary Writing: To write a diary, all you require is an eagerness to compose. Start by sorting out what you need to write in your diary. In the event that you don’t know, essentially begin composing and see where that leads. It can likewise be valuable to set a period limit in your initial composing meetings. Set an alert for 10 to 20 minutes and begin composing.

Keeping a journal is an incredible method to record your development and self-improvement. More passages will permit you to think back and see what has changed over the long run. The previous you start, the more thankful you will be later on.

  • 16th July 2020
  • Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
  • A diary needn’t bother with any conventional heading. Notwithstanding, it is discretionary. In the event that you need it, you can give an appropriate heading.
  • The style and tone are for the most part casual and individual. Nonetheless, it relies upon the subject. Now and then the tone can be philosophical and intelligent as well. You can uninhibitedly communicate your perspectives and sentiments.
  • As the diary is the author’s very own archive, the journal passage needn’t bother with any signature. It is absolutely discretionary.
  • You can advance your own appropriate style contingent upon the subject of your composition.

Diary Writing Examples/Topics

Here is an example of writing a diary based on some situation. The writing is done in the English language here. You can also try to write in your own language referring to this example.

Personal Diary Writing Sample: You went to receive your uncle and aunts from the Bangalore railway station. Write a diary where you share your experience of the journey from home to the railway station.

19th Jan 2021


9 PM

Dear Diary,

Today I went to Bangalore railway station, Yeshwantpura, to receive my uncle and aunt who were coming from Mumbai. It was a bright sunny day. Sun was shining like a star. While I and my father were crossing the Orion mall, we saw three elephants that made me reminded of my Kerala trip.

Last year I went on a Kerala trip, where we visited around 5 cities like Cochin, Wayanad, Munnar, Kovalam, and Alappuzha. All the places were really awesome and beautiful. Then we went to Elephant junction Thekkady, Kumily, where people go for elephant rides. I rode sitting above the elephant around for 2 and half hours. Then we have also done elephant bath and feeding. We took a lot of pictures with elephants. It was a nice trip and I still can’t get over it.


Diary Writing for Class 8

Class 8 students can try to write small notes or paragraphs in the diary. They can express their feelings and plans for the future over there.

19th Jan, 2021


9 PM

Dear Diary,

My wish is to become a tennis player in the future. I am very much inspired by Sania Mirza and I believe that she is the best tennis player in the whole world. I hope I can become a good player like her and make my country proud.


Diary Writing for Class 9

A way of writing a diary is given with examples for Class 8 and Class 9 students.

19th Jan, 2021


9 PM

Dear Diary,

Today while I was cleaning my cupboard, I want some old pictures of me and my sisters. We all were laughing a lot in this picture. I believe that it should be some really funny moment. Another moment was captured, when I was hiding and eating chocolates from my Father’s pocket so that I don’t have to share with anyone.

A picture of us where we are wearing lehengas was also there. It was one of our cousin’s sister’s marriages and we decided to wear lehengas as our dress code. Some pictures made me laugh and some made me cry. Of course, it’s the memories that are all left, later.


Diary Writing for Class 9

Diary Writing for Kids Topics

A person can write a diary based on many topics:

Write about your favourite sports, favourite day.

  • Favourite time of day
  • First day in school/college
  • A visit to a friend’s place or grandma’s place
  • Seeing a fight of people on your way home
  • The happiest day of my life
  • Visit Old age home or Orphanage
  • Attended a marriage

FAQ’s on Diary Writing

Question 1. What is diary writing?

Answer: Diary writing is a personal form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal life or a situation. It is a way to express your feelings and emotions in writing to yourself.

Question 2. What is the proper format of writing a diary?

Answer: One should always mention the place, date and time before starting to write the diary. Then you can address the diary as “Dear Diary” or “Hi Dear” or “Hello my Diary”, etc. Write everything you want to express to the diary. At the end mention your name.

Question 3. What are the benefits of writing a diary?

Answer: Diary writing will improve your vocabulary, your language, your way of expressing things in the right tone.  You become more expressive and feel good. You get the habit of sharing your feelings with diary. It makes you more confident.

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  • Diary Writing as Hobby
  • Reasons to Write a Diary
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5 Useful Diary Writing Examples for Students

Quick overview, student diary example #1, student diary example #2, student diary example #3, student diary example #4, student diary example #5, explore more.

image showing students writing and listening in their class

Let’s see some of the major advantages for students in writing diary regularly:

  • Diary writing can help students reflect on their experiences and develop self-awareness . By recording their thoughts and feelings, they can gain insights into their own behavior and thought processes over a period of time.
  • Keeping a diary can help students stay organized and manage their time more effectively in a day . They can use it to make to-do lists, set goals , and plan their day well ahead of time.
  • Writing in a diary can be a way for students to explore their creativity and practice self-expression in the early stages of their life. They can experiment with different writing formats and techniques, and use their diary as a space for artistic expression too.
  • Regular diary writing can also help students improve their writing skills , such as grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure right from childhood. This can be especially helpful for students who struggle with writing assignments in school as well as in college.
Today was a long day, but also a pretty good one. We had a math test in the morning, and I was really nervous about it. I studied a lot over the weekend, but I still felt like there were some concepts that I didn’t quite understand. When I got to school, I talked to my friend Jake about it, and he helped me go over some of the harder problems. I felt a lot better after that. The test itself was actually not as bad as I thought it would be. There were a few questions that were tricky, but overall, I think I did okay. I’ll just have to wait and see what my grade is when we get the tests back next week. After the test, we had a science lab where we got to experiment with different types of magnets. It was really cool to see how they worked, and I even got to make a little electromagnet by wrapping wire around a nail and connecting it to a battery. I’m definitely going to try that again at home. The rest of the day was pretty standard – English class, lunch, social studies, and then PE. We played basketball today, which is one of my favorite sports. I’m not the best player on the team, but I always have fun. Overall, today was a good day. I’m glad that the math test is over, and I’m looking forward to seeing what we’ll be doing in science tomorrow.
Today was a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, I was really excited for our field trip to the museum. I’ve always loved learning about history, and the museum has some amazing exhibits. We got to see all kinds of artifacts from ancient civilizations, and we even got to try on some replica clothing. I felt like I was really stepping back in time. On the other hand, I got some bad news when I got home. My dog, Max, has been sick for a while, and the vet called to say that he needs to have surgery. I’m really worried about him. He’s been part of our family for so long, and I hate the thought of him being in pain. I know I won’t be able to focus on anything else until I know he’s okay.
Dear Diary, Today was a bit of a blur. We had a lot of classes in a row, and I felt like I was barely able to keep up. I’m really struggling with algebra right now – I just can’t seem to wrap my head around some of the concepts. I tried to ask the teacher for help after class, but he was busy with another student, so I didn’t get the chance. On the bright side, we’re starting a new unit in English, and it sounds really interesting. We’re going to be reading a book about a girl who becomes a detective, and I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. Until tomorrow, Your Name
Today was a great day. We had a guest speaker come in to talk to us about different career options, and it was really eye-opening. I’ve been feeling a bit lost lately, like I don’t really know what I want to do with my life. But hearing about all the different paths people can take was really inspiring. I’m still not sure what I want to do, but I feel like I have a better sense of what’s out there. After school, I hung out with some friends and we went to the park. It was nice to just relax and enjoy the sunshine. We played frisbee and talked about all kinds of things. I’m really lucky to have such great friends.
Today was a bit of a downer. I got my math test back, and I did worse than I thought I would. I was really hoping for a better grade, and now I feel like I let myself down. I studied so hard, but I guess it wasn’t enough. I know I need to keep working on it, but right now, I just feel really discouraged. On a brighter note, I tried a new hobby today – painting. I’ve never been much of an artist, but I decided to give it a try. I watched some tutorials online and bought some cheap supplies, and I have to say, it was really fun. I’m not very good yet, but I’m excited to keep practicing and see where it takes me.

image showing a person writing a diary

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Daily Diary Writing Examples

Writing a daily diary can be a helpful and therapeutic activity for many reasons.

Writing a daily diary improves communication skills, boosts creativity, and helps to create the document in your life.

Daily Diary Writing Examples

Daily Diary Writing Examples #1

Monday, January 1st

Dear Diary,

Today was a beautiful day. I had a good night’s sleep and was ready to start the day. I went to work and had a productive morning. I even managed to finish a project I’d been working on for weeks. After work, I ran to clear my head. It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect for it. I came home and cooked dinner with my partner. We had a nice conversation over dinner and then spent the evening watching a movie. Overall, it was a pretty relaxing and enjoyable day.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #2

Tuesday, January 2nd

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Today was a hard day. I woke up feeling anxious and stressed about a meeting I had at work. The meeting did not go as I had hoped and I left disappointed. I tried to focus on other things and stay positive, but it was hard. I spent most of the evening starving and eating junk food. Not the best way to deal with my emotions, but it’s something I’m working on. Hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #3

Wednesday, January 3rd

Today was a mix of highs and lows. I had a great time at lunch with my friends, but then I had a disagreement with my boss at work. It was frustrating and made me feel insecure about my job. On the bright side, I was able to fix the problem and we got through it. After work, I met some friends for a yoga class and it was my way to relax and de-stress from earlier. Overall, it was an up-and-down day, but I’m thankful for the good moments and look forward to a fresh start tomorrow.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #4

Thursday, January 4th

Today was a really exciting day! I felt energized and ready to take on the day when I got up. This morning I had a job interview, and it went pretty well. I felt like I connected with the interviewer and I really hope I get the job. After the interview, I went for a walk to clear my head. The weather was perfect for it and it was so nice to just relax and enjoy the scenery. Later, I met some friends at happy hour and had a great time catching up with them. Overall, it was a really good day and I feel optimistic about the future.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #5

Friday, January 5th

Today was a little rough. I had a hard time waking up and going feeling really tired. My mood wasn’t good either and I had a hard time shutting it down. I had a lot of work and didn’t really want to deal with it. I was procrastinating and then feeling overwhelmed with everything I had to do. I finally managed to complete everything, but it was not easy. On the bright side, I have the weekend to look forward to and hope to relax and recharge a bit.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #6

Saturday, January 6th

Today was a really great day. I had a good night’s sleep and was ready to start the day. I spent the morning doing some work and then met some friends for an afternoon trip. The weather was perfect and the trip was a lot of fun. We stopped for lunch at a nice outdoor cafe and had a great time. After the hike, I came home and relaxed on the couch for a restful evening. It was a really beautiful day and I feel grateful for the good moments.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #7

Sunday, January 7th

Today was a bit of a mixed bag. I woke up feeling really rested and had a great start to the day. I spent the morning reading and relaxing, which was nice. However, in the afternoon, I had a bit of a disagreement with my partner and that put a damper on the day. We ended up working through it and it wasn’t a huge deal, but it was still a bit annoying. On the bright side, I spent the evening cooking a nice dinner and watching a movie, which was enjoyable. Overall, it was an up-and-down day, but I’m trying to focus on the positive.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #8

Monday, January 8th

Today was a really hard day. I woke up feeling really depressed and had a hard time getting out of bed. I had a lot of work and felt really overwhelmed by everything. I finished work late and was feeling really stressed. By the time I got home and collapsed on the couch I had no energy to do anything else. I’m hoping tomorrow will be a good day.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #9

Tuesday, January 9th

Today was much better than yesterday. I wake up feeling more rested and ready to tackle the day. I had a productive day at work and even managed to finish a project I was struggling with. After work, I met some friends for a yoga class and it was just what I needed to relax and unwind. We went out for dinner afterwards and had a really nice time. Overall, it was a much better day than yesterday and I feel more positive about things.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #10

Wednesday, January 10th

Today was a really busy day. I woke up in a bit of a hurry and had to get out the door for an early meeting. I had repeated meetings all day and had no chance to catch my breath. I managed to squeeze in a quick lunch with a friend, which was nice. After work, I had plans to meet some other friends but cancelled at the last minute because I was too tired. I came home and crashed on the couch instead. It’s been a long and tiring day, but I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #11

Thursday, January 11th

Today was a very relaxed day. I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day when I got up. I had a productive day at work and even managed a quick workout at lunch. After work, I met a friend for dinner and had a great time. We went to see a movie afterwards and it was the perfect way to wind down after a busy week. Overall, it was a really enjoyable day and I feel grateful for the good moments.

Daily Diary Writing Examples #12

Friday, January 12th

Today was a bit of a mixed bag. I had a hard time waking up and going feeling really tired. However, I managed to get to work and have a productive day. I even managed to finish a project I was struggling with. On the negative side, I had a bit of a disagreement with a friend the other day and it left me a little disappointed. However, I’m trying to focus on the positive and look forward to a relaxing weekend.

Personal Diary Writing Samples

Personal Diary Writing Samples

Diary Writing Samples

Diary Writing Samples

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Diary Writing Topics

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Jekyll and Hyde: A* Grade / L9 Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)

Jekyll and Hyde: A* Grade / L9 Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Unit of work

Scrbbly - A* Grade Literature + Language Resources

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8 September 2024

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This is a student essay that was written outside of timed conditions. It received an A* grade at GCSE, for the AQA English Literature syllabus. Typos and grammatical errors have been left in, to show that even a top grade is achievable with minor errors.

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A MEGA REVISION 'JEKYLL AND HYDE' BUNDLE! (Digital + Printable PDFs, PPTs and worksheets!)

This bundle contains everything you need to teach or study Stevenson's novella 'The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' in the form of digital and printable PDF documents. It’s perfect for students aged 14+. **This bundle is currently available at a 50% discount! ** Preview this document for free, to check whether the whole bundle is right for you [Jekyll and Hyde: Character Breakdown / Analysis]( With this bundle, students will be able to: * Understand the structural elements and key moments of the plot * Deepen their knowledge of characters, including understanding the deeper messages behind each one * Integrate the significance of the setting into their analyses and interpretations of the play as a whole * Memorise a range of carefully chosen key quotations for use in essays and analysis * Develop their language, structure and form analysis skills, with guided support and examples * Identify and analyse the thematic and contextual details * Learn approaches to a range of essay question types: discursive, argumentative, close reading * Become confident with extract interpretation and analysis * Develop their knowledge of tragic conventions and apply them to the novella * Expand their critical aptitude via exposure to key critical frameworks and critics’ quotations (for higher-level students) * Write their essays on Jekyll and Hyde, after support with planning help and example A* / top grade model answers Reasons to love this bundle: * Downloadable PDF documents, graphically designed to a high level, PowerPoints (ppts) and worksheets * Visual aids (photographs and drawings) to support learning * Organised categories that simplify the text for students * Print and digital versions - perfect for any learning environment * The unit has everything you need to start teaching or learning - starting with the basic story summary, going right up to deep contextual and critical wider readings * Lots of tasks and opportunities to practice literary analysis skills - students will be guided through writing a literary analysis response to the novella -This is what you’ll get with this bundle: (each document includes digital + printable revision guide + PowerPoint + worksheet)- THE COMPLETE JEKYLL AND HYDE COURSE: 1. [Character Analysis / Breakdown]( 2. [Plot Summary / Breakdown]( 3. [Context Analysis]( 4. [Genre]( 5. [Key Quotations]( 6. [Narrative Voice]( 7. [Setting]( 8. [Themes]( 9. [Critical Interpretation / Critics' Quotations]( 10. [Essay Help]( 11. [Essay Planning]( 12. [PEE Paragraph Practise]( 13. [Essay Practise (Gothic Atmosphere)]( 14. [L9 / A* Grade vs L7 / A Grade Example Essays + Feedback (Frightening Outsider)]( 15. [L9 / A* Grade Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)]( 16. [L8 / A Grade Essay Example + Feedback (Unnatural and Threatening)]( 17. [L6 / B Grade Essay Example + Feedback (Suspicious Atmosphere)]( 18. [L4 / C Grade Essay Example (Secrecy and Reputation)]( 19. [Study Questions / Exercises]( 20. [Essay Questions + Passage-based Questions]( Please review our content! We always value feedback and are looking for ways to improve our resources, so all reviews are more than welcome. Check out our [shop]( here.

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  1. Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

    At its core, Diary writing is a short essay that regularly records a writer's own thoughts, experiences, emotions, observations, ... Look at the Sample Diary Writing: Monday, 7th January 2022 (1) Day & Date. 8:00 p.m. (2)Time. Dear Diary, (3) Greetings. It is the start of the week. I am so excited.

  2. My Personal Diary (Essay Sample)

    In this essay, I will explain why and how and why it's beneficial to write your personal diary every day. Writing my diary in this quarantine has helped me keep track of time. As a person, my diary has helped me self-reflect upon my actions, thoughts, and emotions. It has helped me stay on track by identifying and then describing negative ...

  3. Diary Writing

    Diary Writing is a personal endeavor where individuals record their thoughts, experiences, and observation.This practice serves as a reflective activity, allowing one to document daily events, explore emotions, and articulate goals. Diaries can be structured or free-form, providing a private space for self-expression and self-discovery.Popular among people of all ages, diary writing enhances ...

  4. 38 Excellent Diary Entry Topics and Writing Ideas

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  5. How to Write a Diary: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    If writing every day seems out of reach, plan on writing entry 3 times a week instead. 2. Keep your writing sessions short in the beginning. You don't have to set aside a huge chunk of time every day for writing in your diary! 10-15 minutes per session is a great goal when you're just starting out.

  6. Diary Writing Guide: How to Start a Diary and Write Entries

    7. Keep your thoughts in order. Your entries date themselves, so you know when you write what, but also try and keep your thoughts in order. Your diary will become a journey as you add more entries, try to keep the narrative something you can follow. For example, try to write about events in the sequence they happened.

  7. Examples of Reflective Writing

    We thank the students who permitted us to feature examples of their writing. Prepared by Academic Skills, UNSW. This guide may be distributed or adapted for educational purposes. Full and proper acknowledgement is required. Learn more about the different types & examples of reflective writing including journal, learning diary, peer review and more.

  8. The Ultimate Guide to Diary Writing Formats with Examples

    Diary Example Format #2. Date: (Insert date here) Title: (Optional, but you can use a title to summarize the main theme or event of your entry) Body: (Begin your entry with a brief introduction. This can be a sentence or two about your overall mood or state of mind.) (Next, write about the events of your day in chronological order.

  9. How to Write a Diary Entry: Format, Examples & Ideas

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  10. Diary Writing: Different Steps, Format, and Examples

    School diary - Write about all the things that happen at school. Steps. Mention the time and date to refer to your entry. The diary should be taken as alive and a platform for our thoughts and feelings. Make your entries honestly and truthfully; don't lie to yourself. We must close the diary with our name or signature. Format.

  11. Diary Writing

    5. Be Honest. If you are writing the diary under an umbrella of fear of getting public, then it is pointless. You should be honest to yourself as it is your diary and your safe place to express anything you wish to. Being honest is the only key to catharsis while writing a diary.

  12. Diary Entry: How to Write? Expectations, Format, Tips, Videos ...

    Tips on How to Write a Diary Entry. Always mention the date. Pick a corner and keep it for mentioning the dates of your diary entry. You may not write every day. Some people are also specific about time and place as well. Again, it's about personal preferences. Since one usually keeps a diary for a long period of time, it's wiser to think ...

  13. 10 Writing Ideas for Diary with Examples

    That's where diary writing ideas can be helpful for anyone - personal, professional, students (class of 9, class of 8, in college etc.). In this collection of diary-writing ideas, we'll explore a range of topics and themes to help you start writing a diary journey. Let's begin, get the happiom app & start writing from the web browser! 1.

  14. Best 10 Diary Writing Samples with Tips

    Diary Writing Sample #10. Thursday, 13th August 2021. 9.00 PM. Worst Day of my Life. Dear Diary, Today was the worst day of my life. It was as if I had woken up from the wrong side of the bed. To begin with, I was late for school since there was no water supply in the morning.

  15. Diary Writing Samples, Format, Topics, Examples & Ideas- Embibe

    The diary writing format in English is very simple. Just write the date, day, and time and start off with the content. Since diary writing is a personal thing, you can use formal or informal language. Finally, you can enclose it with a signature which is optional too. Q2.

  16. Diary Writing

    Diary Writing: Diary writing is a personal form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal life or a situation. Writing a diary is quite possibly the closest to home and casual classes of composing. It can be written in any language as per the comfort of the writer, whether English or Hindi.

  17. 5 Useful Diary Writing Examples for Students

    Student Diary Example #1. Student Diary Example #2. Student Diary Example #3. Student Diary Example #4. Student Diary Example #5. EXPLORE MORE. Writing in a diary can be a way for students to express their emotions and feelings in a safe and private space. This can help them process their emotions and cope with difficult situations in their ...

  18. Personal diary

    A personal diary is a personal journal in which a person writes about their thoughts, feelings and experiences on a daily basis. It can be a way for a person to reflect on their life and process their emotions. Personal diaries are often kept private and not intended to be shared with others. Some people use personal diaries as a way to ...

  19. Personal Diary Essay Examples

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  20. Daily Diary Writing Examples for Students

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  21. 30+ Spectacular Personal Diary Writing Samples

    Personal Diary Writing Samples. Samples. A personal diary is a personal journal in which a person writes about their thoughts, feelings and experiences on a daily basis. It can be a way for a person to reflect on their life and process their emotions. Personal diaries are usually kept secret and are not meant to be shared with others.

  22. Best 12+ Daily Diary Writing Examples

    Daily Diary Writing Examples #1. Monday, January 1st. Dear Diary, Today was a beautiful day. I had a good night's sleep and was ready to start the day. I went to work and had a productive morning. I even managed to finish a project I'd been working on for weeks. After work, I ran to clear my head. It was a beautiful day and the weather was ...

  23. Jekyll and Hyde: A* Grade / L9 vs A Grade / L7 Example Essays

    A MEGA REVISION 'JEKYLL AND HYDE' BUNDLE! (Digital + Printable PDFs, PPTs and worksheets!) This bundle contains everything you need to teach or study Stevenson's novella 'The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' in the form of digital and printable PDF documents.

  24. Jekyll and Hyde: A* Grade / L9 Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)

    A MEGA REVISION 'JEKYLL AND HYDE' BUNDLE! (Digital + Printable PDFs, PPTs and worksheets!) This bundle contains everything you need to teach or study Stevenson's novella 'The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' in the form of digital and printable PDF documents.