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Essay on Disadvantages of Internet | Disadvantages of Internet Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Disadvantages of Internet: There was a revolution in the field of communication and the computerized world with the advent of the internet.  Who knew that communication through multiple computers on a single network by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1960 would one day be the most vital thing in the world?  Vinton G. Cerf gave the word ‘internet’ in 1973. On 6th August 1991, Tim Berners-Lee gave a gift to the public in the form of the World Wide Web, which we know commonly as www. The year 1998 was the birth year of Google search engine. The contribution and improvisations of several scientists and researchers paved the way to the current day’s internet.

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Long and Short Essays on Disadvantages of Internet in English for Children and Kids

There are two types of essays for children and students of different a ge groups. The long essay on disadvantages of Internet of 400 to 500 words is ideal for senior classes. On the other hand, the short essay on disadvantages of internet is the most suitable for children in elementary school.

Long Essay on Disadvantages of Internet 500 Words in English

The below long Essay on Disadvantages of Internet is helpful for students in class 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The Essay below encompasses the disadvantages of the internet, primarily written for students and children from class six to class ten.  Nonetheless, other students who are preparing for competitive examinations or entrance tests can also find it useful.

The internet is a massive computer network that provides a wide range of information and facilitates communication alternatives. The functioning of the internet is possible through a standard interface that connects several computers simultaneously. Access to the internet was available to the public in August 1991.  Ever since then, the usage of the internet became unstoppable.

We cannot deny the fact that the internet is our unceasing requirement. We rely on the internet for everything from playing a game of cards to getting the weather update. It is transforming our lifestyle to a great extent.  Life is undoubtedly becoming more relaxed and faster with the invasion of the internet because everything is only a click away.  Despite the innumerable benefits of the internet, we cannot escape from its ugly side.

The use of the internet is a significant source of distraction to youngsters. Surfing the web causes addition to people of all ages. It consumes our valuable time of study and work. We are unable to concentrate on essential things.  Children spend their time frivolously playing games, connecting with friends on social media, exchanging pictures, etc.

Furthermore, continuously sitting on the internet causes several illnesses, such as obesity, backaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, eye defect, poor posture, etc.  It gives rise to an unhealthy lifestyle, which lacks the movement of the muscles – sitting on the computer for a long duration results in adverse health issues.

Since the invasion of the internet, there is an upsurge in cybercrime  It is a crime that people may commit through the internet network.  It threatens the security of an individual, national security, or banking.  Cybercriminals commit online frauds and steal critical data of a person.  Several internet crimes include hacking, scamming, infecting the computer through viruses, stealing identity, stealing personal data,  etc.  A cybercriminal is called a hacker.  A hacker attacks the most vulnerable computer network and takes personal data of that person.  We experience many banking frauds where the hacker wipes out all the money from the bank account due to cybercrime.

The children who are in their molding years can get easily swayed by the inappropriate content on the internet.  The internet is an ocean of information containing all kinds of data.  If children are using the internet without adult supervision, they may land on a website that may misguide them.  They are too young to understand what is right or wrong information.

Violent thought-provoking issues and rumors are escalating through the internet.  Communal hatred and misleading information create national disharmony.  Doctored videos and pictures begin to pollute the minds of the public.  It is difficult to safeguard yourself against the adverse effects of the internet.

Pornography is another issue of concern on the internet.  Accidently, children may also come across undesirable images that may adversely affect their tender minds.  Sometimes, revengeful thoughts may lead to defaming girls on social networking sites.  Thus, it can cause a catastrophe in our lives.

Keeping in view the harmful effects of the internet, we should refrain to young children from surfing the web.  As a parent, we should be vigilant and aware of our children’s activities on the internet.  We should encourage our children to play outdoors instead of idling their time on the internet.

Short Essay on Disadvantages of Internet 200 Words

The brief essay on the topic ‘Disadvantages of the Internet’ is in English. Essay on Disadvantages of Internet is helpful for children and kids of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Furthermore, students who are preparing for speeches, debates, or any extra-curricular activities can take advantage of this essay.

The internet is the network of computers, which we use for communication, education, office work, and other computer-related tasks.  We need the internet for our day to day activities.  Although the internet has several advantages, we cannot turn a blind eye to its disadvantages.

The internet has a negative influence on minors.  Children waste their valuable time by playing games and chatting with friends on the internet.  Continuous usage of the internet leads to a lazy attitude.  We may suffer from illnesses, such as obesity, incorrect posture, defect in eyes, etc.

The internet is also giving rise to cybercrimes, such as hacking, scamming, identity theft, computer virus, fraud, pornography, violence, etc.  Trolling, stalking, and cyberbullying is becoming a rage on the internet.

Thus, we should use the internet in moderation.  We should not let the internet dominate our lives.  We should spend quality time with family, and indulge in playing outdoor games.  Too much of anything is never good for a healthy mind and soul.

10 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet Essay

  • The internet came into existence in 1991 for the public.
  • The internet is a process of networking with several computers.
  • People should be careful while using the internet for its drawbacks.
  • The internet gives rise to trolling, cyberbullying, stalking, etc.
  • Some people are involved in cybercrimes.
  • Online fraud, identity theft, scamming, hacking, stealing data, etc. are examples of cybercrime.
  • Children waste their valuable time on the internet by playing games, chatting, etc.
  • Pornography is another vice of the internet.
  • Children should restrict their time on the internet.
  • Parents need to supervise their children’s activities on the internet.

Conclusion on Disadvantages of Internet Essay

  • Students who want to deliver speech can refer to this essay for help.
  • It is useful for students who are going to appear for competitive examinations.
  • Furthermore, it is highly beneficial for students who are giving an entrance examination.
  • Children will learn how to express themselves with the help of this article.
  • Moreover, children will expand their vocabulary.
  • Writing essays help in refining English language.
  • You can enhance your creative thinking skills with essay writing.
  • You can improve children’s cognitive skills with the help of essays.
  • This article will help children to prepare for debates and other literary projects.
  • Children can practice their writing skills with essay writing.

FAQ’s On Essay on Disadvantages of Internet

Question 1. How did the internet come into being?

Answer: The internet came into being in August 1991.

Question 2. Who invented the word ‘internet’?

Answer: In 1973, Vinton G. Cerf introduced the word ‘internet.’

Question 3. What do you mean by cybercrime?

Answer: Cybercrime is a crime where the criminal uses the computer and the internet network to commit illegal activities, such as hacking, identity theft, phishing, privacy intrusion, etc.

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Essay on Disadvantages of Internet

Students are often asked to write an essay on Disadvantages of Internet in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Internet


The internet is a powerful tool, but it has certain drawbacks. While it offers information and connectivity, it also has disadvantages that we need to consider.

Privacy Concerns

With the internet, privacy is at risk. Personal information can be accessed by hackers, leading to identity theft and financial loss.

Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is another problem. Students may spend too much time online, neglecting their studies and physical health.

Spread of False Information

The internet can spread false information rapidly. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

250 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Internet

The paradox of connectivity.

The internet, despite its numerous benefits, does have significant drawbacks. Its most notable disadvantage is the paradox of connectivity. While it brings people closer virtually, it creates a chasm in real-world interactions. The internet has transformed human communication into a predominantly digital affair, leading to a decline in face-to-face interactions and a corresponding increase in feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Information Overload

Another disadvantage of the internet is information overload. The internet is a vast repository of data, and while this can be beneficial, it can also be overwhelming. The sheer volume of information available can lead to confusion and misinformation. Furthermore, the internet has become a breeding ground for fake news, which can have serious societal implications if not properly addressed.

Privacy and Security Concerns

The internet has also raised serious privacy and security concerns. Personal information is often collected and used without consent, leading to privacy breaches. Cybercrime, including hacking and identity theft, is another major concern. These issues highlight the need for robust cybersecurity measures and stricter regulations around data collection and use.

Health Implications

Lastly, the internet’s impact on health cannot be overlooked. Excessive internet use can lead to sedentary behavior, affecting physical health. It can also lead to internet addiction, affecting mental health. The internet, in essence, can be a double-edged sword, providing benefits while also posing significant risks.

In conclusion, while the internet has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, it is not without its drawbacks. Recognizing these disadvantages is the first step towards mitigating them and leveraging the internet more responsibly.

500 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Internet

The internet has become a platform where privacy is often compromised. With the rise of social networking sites and apps, personal information is often shared, sometimes unknowingly, making users vulnerable. Data breaches and identity theft are common, with cybercriminals exploiting this information for nefarious purposes. Furthermore, companies collect user data to create targeted advertisements, leading to an invasion of privacy.

The internet has also given rise to cybercrime, a new form of criminal activity. Phishing, hacking, and online scams are rampant, with individuals and organizations falling victim daily. Cybercrime has serious implications, including financial loss, damage to reputation, and even national security threats. The anonymous nature of the internet makes it difficult to track and prosecute these criminals, further exacerbating the problem.


Negative impact on mental health.

The internet, particularly social media, has a profound impact on mental health. The constant need for validation, comparison with others, and the fear of missing out can lead to anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the addictive nature of the internet can lead to internet addiction disorder, which affects productivity, relationships, and overall well-being.

While the internet has been a boon in many ways, it is important to recognize and address its disadvantages. Privacy concerns, cybercrime, misinformation, and negative impacts on mental health are serious issues that need collective efforts to mitigate. Awareness, education, and stringent cyber laws are some of the measures that can be taken to safeguard against these disadvantages. As we continue to rely on the internet, it is crucial to navigate its landscape wisely, ensuring it remains a tool for progress and not a weapon of destruction.

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Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. I will write three sets of sample essays here in very simple words for a better understanding of all kinds of students. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on advantages and disadvantages of the internet in 100 words, short essay on advantages and disadvantages of the internet in 200 words, short essay on advantages and disadvantages of the internet in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Today any mode of communication happens through the use of the internet. The internet is a gigantic network that connects the entire world and brings the world into our grip. We are aware of everything because of the internet. It has its own merits and demerits. If we think of the advantages of the internet then there are many.

It helps us to connect, learn, contact, and also send messages to the farthest places. Without it, we are simply blind. Again excessive use of the internet is dangerous. It creates an addiction in users and pulls them towards harmful circles. Their lives are destroyed. Too much internet can create mental disorders. So we must be careful in using this useful product and maintain our own safety.

Today modern systems are controlled by the Internet. Without it, we can’t even lead our basic needs. The Internet is a huge global network system that has the following advantages and disadvantages.

The Internet provides us with faster communication to connect with anyone using different calling modes. Businesses are getting benefited because of the communication facility provided by the internet. The internet is now helping in online education as well. Students can now access many books online without spending a penny. Trade and commerce are easier now. Also, we are receiving information every day through online news. Online banking, ordering foods, clothes, medicines, and groceries, all have become easier due to the internet facility.

However, every boon has its own disadvantages as well. Due to excess use of the internet people are becoming lazy and homebound. The greatest problem with the internet is the lack of privacy. At any moment private information can be leaked and exploited to harm others. Youngsters are getting into unnecessary addiction to online games and dangers. Frauds and online looting are daily incidents. Bank details are often getting destroyed and misused. 

Hence we must remember science is supposed to be a boon and not a curse. Humans are given the power to control the world of the Internet and save others from its exploitation. The internet must be used for overall well-being without any harm

The Internet is one of the most useful and important communication setups in our lives. By the internet, we mean a huge global connecting system or a network that joins everyone together in one string. The Internet has lots of facilities as well as disadvantages. Like any scientific invention, it helps in several ways and also destroys our lives. The following advantages and disadvantages are described. 

The greatest gift that the internet has given us is the facility to communicate easily with anyone around the world. Earlier it was impossible to even think about this. But now with the help of the internet, we can chat, make video calls, send voice messages, and also entertain ourselves with different sorts of communication applications. Huge business organisations and other setups are getting lots of facilities due to the internet.

The internet again is used for education. Today online education is a way of learning. Due to the internet, one can surf through Wikipedia and different documents available online and get knowledge of several things in the world. Lots of expensive books can be accessed online through the internet. So it enables many poor children to learn better.

Banking is one of the significant aspects of the internet. Earlier people has to stand in long queues and wait for banking work to be done. But now just sitting at home, one can do any bank work through the internet. Receiving groceries and medicine of any kind online is more accessible due to internet availability. 

However, the internet has several disadvantages and dangerous consequences. The world is extremely open through the internet and so anything can happen at any time. Youngsters get addicted to online games which harms them mentally and physically. They forget their studies and get involved completely in the world of the internet and suffer from severe depression and their future is destroyed. 

Online theft and fraud cases are quite common on the internet. Nowadays all official documents are available online and hence due to online fraud, many people lose their hard-earned money. Banking frauds can also create dangerous results. 

The Internet is also a place with no privacy. So people are criticized often and as a result many commit suicide for trolling. People become extremely harsh on the Internet and this lack of care for the other person pulls them away from nature. 

So it is always advisable to use the internet with caution. Anything that is good can create a disaster at any moment. So a humble use of the internet is the best choice.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of this topic. If you still have any doubts regarding this context, kindly keep me posted through some quick comments below.

Thank you. 

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Some of the advantages, the disadvantages and drawbacks.

Since the advent of humans on this planet, a long way has been passed during the journey that has progressed from the Iron Age until the present era of information technology. During this passage of time, more facilities and amenities have been developed by man, which has revolutionized and benefited the human race around the world. The invention of computers has been considered one of the major twists during the twentieth century. Approximately two decades back, most of the populace was practically unknown with the term of internet. However, nowadays, this term has been enveloped in almost all the homes, offices, malls, and several places around the world. Man has been benefiting from the abovementioned term that has powerfully provided an informative as well as an interactive platform throughout the globe. (Gattiker, pp. 55-61, 2001).

Briefly, various services and resources have been collected and provided by the internet for the improvement and promotion of humankind. In the history of humankind, the field of communication has developed a lot, and one of the most outstanding innovations is conceivable the Internet. However, everything has its advantages, as well as, disadvantages, and it depends upon the person to either benefit from it or allows the matter to harm the surroundings. Thus, the internet has also advantages, as well as, drawbacks; however, disadvantages have been outweighed by the superior enormity of its advantages.

Although, it is a common thought that the principal ingredients of the internet are e-mail, chat rooms, search engines, and the World Wide Web. However, the internet constitutes more than the abovementioned tools and resources, which will be discussed in this paper. Nowadays, the contemporary state of affairs has been benefiting from this tool, which has proved itself as one of the best among the rest of the world. Today, a single room has been presented as a new and innovative appearance of the whole globe. Currently, a student can acquire his education on the internet without even standing up from his chair. On the other hand, a businessperson can make a deal on the internet with the best suppliers around the world without any visa application, as well as, without any traveling expenses, which was not possible some decades ago.

Moreover, a South African can catch the latest news of an event occurring in an American part of the world, which has only become possible due to the availability of the internet in almost every corner of the world. In addition, thousands of books can be read and studied within mouse clicks, and without collecting these books in bookshelves that require lots of space. Interestingly, shopping can also be done within minutes with the help of credit cards without roaming in the rush of shopping malls, which has been greatly appreciated by the female populace of the globe. Thus, the internet has become a matter of just fingertips and has promoted, as well as, assisted humans in achieving a better and improved place in their lives.

In other words, a small global village has been formed by the creation and introduction of the internet into human lives. Communication has become a matter of seconds from one corner of the world to another. Reliability and speed are being innovated and improved day by day, which has changed the perceptions of humans at all. It is now just a fraction of a second to greet loved ones or study the African culture while residing in the United States. One of the biggest advantages of the internet is the plenty of information that has been provided by this platform. (Gattiker, pp. 23-29, 2001) A virtual library of millions of books has been an innovative wardrobe of the internet, which is one of the major reasons for its popularity and demand around the world. As the result, internet surfing has become one of the common and popular habits of students and children around the world. Today, research work is carried out by the utilization of internet libraries and virtual tours that are provided to internet users. One of the advantages of the internet is its reliability, as the data and information on the internet are updated within seconds. Businesspersons can be informed of trade fairs and exhibitions that would be organized shortly. Thus, the internet has become a necessity, rather than a luxury in almost every part of the world.

Until now, we have described and discussed some of the advantages of the internet, such as communication, information, entertainment, services, e-commerce, etc. Now, the disadvantages and drawbacks of the internet will be discussed in the following pages. As the internet has masses of advantages that have benefited almost every sector of the planet, it has become an addiction and a compulsion for several people. As the result, the internet has become one of the places for theft of personal information that is available on the internet. Nowadays, schools and colleges do not observe fights in their classrooms or grounds, which was a common habit in previous years. One of the reasons is that nowadays, hacking has become an alternative way for many students, and even professionals to take revenge on other persons by stealing their personal information, which can result in emotional trauma or psychological disorder.

Secondly, spamming is another disadvantage of the internet. Several experts have evaluated and noted that frustration and anxiety have been the outcomes of spamming, as the entire system of internet users is obstructed by the illegal act of spamming. Thirdly, one of the basic requirements of the internet is the utilization of computers, which is made difficult by the viruses that threaten and harm computer systems. It has been observed that several internet systems and businesses attached to the internet have been destroyed and deteriorated due to these virus programs. (Gattiker, pp. 100-107, 2001).

Moreover, pornography is another gigantic weakness and annoyance of the internet. It has been observed by several medical experts that the healthy mental lives of children are being threatened by the abovementioned drawback of the internet. One of the main downsides is that pornographic sites can be found with several easy mouse clicks and can easily endanger the lives of children, which has become a serious issue and concern of most parents around the world.

Several disadvantages have been studied in this paper, which can deteriorate human lives. Havoc and destruction can be created by the internet, and fatal outcomes can be observed by the misuse of this informative and interactive world. Moreover, it has been observed that the attractive world of the internet has resulted in the avoidance of family members by internet-addicted persons, which has worsened the emotional lives of thousands of families around the world. The time of exercise is now given to the chat rooms with unknown internet chatters, who can be nerds, professionals, and sometimes, even criminals.

It has been observed by most professionals that chatting is one of the main factors that have deteriorated and addicted masses of students, children, and internet users around the world. In this regard, different programs and activities are being introduced by the schools, colleges, and universities, to avoid any obsession related to the internet from these students. Thus, the advantages of the internet have outweighed the disadvantages, and humankind has benefited a lot from this informative and resourceful platform, which is still being innovated and improved every day.

Urs E. Gattiker. (2001). The Internet as a Diverse Community. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 19). The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet/

"The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." IvyPanda , 19 Sept. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet'. 19 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." September 19, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." September 19, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet/.


IvyPanda . "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." September 19, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet/.

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Essay on Internet


  • Updated on  
  • Oct 1, 2021

Essay on Internet

With throat-cutting competition, the difficulty level of various competitive exams has increased. Apart from domain-specific knowledge, questions framed in various exams evaluate critical thinking and decision-making ability, reading and writing skills, and  Logical and Analytical Reasoning . It thus has become important to focus on all the components equally. Just like the aforementioned topics, Essay writing is another crucial element of a wide range of entrance tests like IELTS , TOEFL , UPSC exams , etc. The topics for essays can range from Digital India and Economic issues to the role of Education and Women Empowerment . In this blog, we will share some samples of essays on the internet with you!

Uses of Internet Essay

By the term internet, we can decipher that it is a global wide-area network where innumerable computer systems are connected to a single network. From running a business to making financial transactions, the internet, which is one of the most powerful tools has made modern lives absolutely easier and simpler. 

It is because of easy accessibility and global reach, we are able to communicate with people across the world through various platforms in a cost-effective and time-saving way. Not only restricted to news, one can easily send important updates, pursue online courses, watch live broadcasts, attend business meetings, and purchase and sell goods online with a simple click. 

However, with good, comes bad. Despite revolutionizing industries, the internet also has risks associated with it. Cyber frauds, malware attacks, disorganised and unverified materials, identity thefts, unscrupulous businesses, etc are some of the major issues concerned with the internet. Furthermore, excessive use of the internet can affect both mental and physical health. 

Taking precautions like not saving your bank details, installing antivirus software, regularly updating passwords, purchasing goods from verified websites, etc while using the internet can help you stay safe. Hence, despite being a double-edged sword, the internet is like a vast ocean, the pros of which outweigh the cons!

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

In the late 1960s, a global wide-area network was created which is now referred to as the Internet. With its roots spread across industries, it has become a quintessential necessity for mankind to live with. Not restricted to only establishing communication, but one can perform financial transactions, watch movies, listen to music, pursue courses, and go shopping with the help of the internet. 

There are more advantages to the internet rather than disadvantages. From online shopping to online learning, the internet has helped mankind thick and thin. Similarly, from business units to schools, healthcare, and government departments, the internet has become a need of the hour. Connectivity, communication, and information dissemination from satellites and space stations have also become possible due to the emergence of the internet. Furthermore, the entertainment industry has gained a massive impetus with the help of the internet. Now people can skip the long queues for the movie ticket and watch any movie in the comfort of their homes. 

Though there are numerous advantages, the Internet is also a double-edged sword which has disadvantages too. The emergence and popularity of the internet have given space for bullying and online stalking and trolling. Furthermore, easy access to violent and vulgar images on the internet has also given rise to crimes. Seen as a major addiction and cause of distraction, especially among teenagers, it not only causes mental distress but also leads to physical illnesses as well. Apart from this, the Internet has given major room for hackers to steal valuable information and intrude into other’s privacy. Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating are also the main disadvantages of the internet. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to every new invention, however, with proper precautions like practicing safe browsing, staying vigilant with the data you share, changing passwords frequently, updating privacy settings, and not sharing your credentials with others can help you use the internet with utmost ease and without any worry!

Tips to Write an Essay on the Internet 

Here are some of the tips which you can follow in order to write an impressive essay on the internet. 

  • Your essay on the internet should be clear and concise with appropriate information. 
  • Research meticulously before you start writing an essay on the internet.
  • Add both, advantages and disadvantages of using it.  
  • Write the content in paragraphs. 
  • Avoid the use of jargons and slangs. 
  • Keep the tone formal. 
  • You can also add statistical data.

The internet is a worldwide network of computer networks that connects millions of people in over 150 countries. Using the internet, you can send emails, chat with people, and obtain information on different variety of subjects. 

Internet can be used for multiple purposes including finding information, communicate with people, shop online, manage your finances, etc.

The first workable prototype of internet came in the late 1960s with creation of ARPANET or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network.

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23 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

The Internet is one of the few technologies that doesn’t have a single inventor. It is a series of processes that evolved over time through the efforts of many people. The United States first started using an early version of this connectivity during the Cold War, using it to keep scientists and researchers collaborating with each other.

Now, much of the developed world is fully connected to the Internet, with home usage rates exceeding 90% in some areas. We use this technology for almost anything, and an entire generation can’t imagine life without it because they’ve been using it for all of their lives. Altogether, about one-third of the population uses this resource regularly.

The Internet really began to take off in 1992 when a group of researchers and students at the University of Illinois developed a usable browser. That was the same year that Congress passed laws allowing for this technology to be used for commercial purposes. Now we stay connected with each other through social networking websites, email, direct messaging, and more.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet are numerous and individualized. These are some of the critical ideas to review.

List of the Advantages of the Internet

1. The Internet gives us access to knowledge, information, and learning opportunities. The Internet provides us with an endless supply of information that continuously updates. This resource allows us to access knowledge in ways that were never possible in the past. That means we have more learning opportunities that can help us to grow as individuals, professionals, and families than ever before.

When you use a search engine, such as Google or Bing, you can ask almost any question. Then you can be instantly taken to a webpage with relevant answers and data about your query. We can watch millions of videos on a site like YouTube to learn something new, or even take college classes with this resource.

2. It connects us to other people in ways that weren’t possible in the past. If you wanted to communicate with someone without a landline before the Internet, your only option was to write that personal letter. It could take days, and sometimes even months, to receive mail from someone else. Items could get lost during this process, which means your words might never reach the person you were trying to encourage or inform. Because of the technology that is available on the Internet, you can send an email to anyone in the world with delivery in under 60 seconds.

Other forms of communication are also possible because of the Internet, including VoIP services, chat rooms, and direct messaging so that you can have an instant conversation with anyone else who has a connection.

3. Supportive communities develop online because of the Internet. Online forums are one of the best innovations that the Internet provides us to use. These places are a spot where people who share common interests can connect with one another. They can talk about what they enjoy doing, ask questions or offer advice, and take advantage of learning opportunities from experts in their chosen field.

It isn’t a task-orientated benefit either. Forums exist that provide support for health issues, childhood trauma, and domestic violence so that we can all work together to make the world a better place.

4. The Internet helps us to find where we need to go. The Internet works with GPS technology to help map and direct us to almost every destination in the world today. You can go online to quickly route the best path to follow when finding a business in your area that provides the goods or services you require. The search engines that we use are smart enough to understand where you are, even if you are not at home when making a query.

That means the Internet provides you with the most relevant information for each search based on your needs and geographic location. If you have the need to hire a landscaper, then requesting that service will give you a list of local providers and their websites.

5. We can manage our finances more effectively because of the Internet. Instead of receiving a paper statement in the mail, the Internet allows us to access our bank account information at any time. That means you can view your available balance, transfer money between accounts, or pay your bills electronically. It prevents payments from getting lost when you send them with a postal carrier while offering immediate compensation for those who receive the funding. This benefit allows us to save money on stamps, late fees, and other potential penalties.

6. The Internet allows us to shop for what we need online. Online shopping is another significant advantage to consider when evaluating the pros and cons of the Internet. E-commerce platforms let us find goods and services of interest, giving us the option to purchase them online instead of visiting a physical store. It also provides us with an efficient way to compare prices between manufacturers, companies, or platforms to make sure that we get the best price possible.

Public reviews about companies, products, or services give us a way to be confident when making an online purchase. This structure provides us with the advantage of having a better understanding of all of the purchasing decisions we make each day.

7. We can create employment opportunities because of the Internet. The Internet provides us with several ways to find employment. You can decide to be a freelancer and offer services directly to others through a website you own or platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. If you own a business, then a domain allows you to create an e-commerce platform that you can use to buy and sell goods or services. Since the Internet is almost everywhere in the world today, you have more access to potential customers than any local store.

The Internet is always on, even if some websites experience downtime. That means you have the potential to make money at all times because there is always a place in the world experiencing normal business hours. You can advertise what you offer to everyone within the specific demographics you want to reach with very little effort.

8. The Internet provides telecommuting options for employers. Having an Internet connection available makes it possible for people to work from home or to operate a virtual office. Many businesses today allow their workers to use telecommuting as an option if their equipment meets or exceeds required specifications. When employees have an opportunity to avoid a daily commute, then it can help them to save money by avoiding childcare costs while reducing the wear-and-tear on their vehicles.

That means every small business has an opportunity to tap into a global workforce of experts. Even though competition levels are higher than ever because everyone can access the Internet, you also have more scalability options because of the greater access to expertise.

9. Charitable donations are easier to manage because of the Internet. The Internet provides charitable organizations with access to a much wider and more diverse audience. Anyone with a connection can quickly donate to a favorite cause. It is also possible to fund projects or ideas that are interesting or benefit the public in some way with only a couple of clicks. The rise of crowdfunding platforms makes it possible for us to help each other at the same time, with memorial funds and hospital bill campaigns giving us ways to manage the high costs of care – especially in the United States.

The Internet also helps charitable organizations find the online services they need to make their efforts more efficient. These connections can also help them to secure more volunteers to do good things locally.

10. The Internet provides us with plenty of entertainment options. The number of streaming services that are available on the Internet today allows us to have a never-ending amount of content to consume. Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, CBS All Access, Crackle, and many others let us watch our favorite shows and movies for a low price.

The Internet also lets us play games on social networking sites, through platforms like Xbox or PlayStation, and on independent websites. We can listen to music while we are working online. We can even stream our favorite songs or sounds around the house with Bluetooth technology. That’s why not having access to this technology can make life feel boring in many ways.

11. Cloud computing and storage expand our abilities to keep data. The Internet connects your computers and enabled devices to cloud services that include computing and storage. That means you have access to more powerful platforms to complete complex tasks while you or your business continues to work on other tasks. The rise of quantum computing technology is expanding the influence of this advantage, making it possible to create entirely new resources because of how fast the calculations occur.

Cloud storage provides us with the opportunity to synchronize data across your devices. That means you have access to your files from almost anywhere. It is easier than ever before to backup information, making your data secure on professionally-maintained servers. If something happens to your home or business equipment, then you can restore your functionality almost immediately.

12. The Internet of Things helps us to create a smarter world. The Internet makes many of our devices become connected and smarter because of their online design. You can connect a thermostat to control the heating and cooling of your home remotely or automatically. Your locks, lights, and outlets can receive the same upgrade. These improvements lead to a world where we are more efficient with our resources, helping us to save time, energy, and money.

List of the Disadvantages of the Internet

1. What can be used for good can also be used for evil. Anyone who has ever spent some time on the Internet has encountered abusive people. There are trolls, stalkers, and cyberbullying that happens regularly on a variety of platforms. Because it feels like someone can be anonymous when they sit behind a screen or mobile device, the filters that we use when speaking with each other go away. That means a lot of people treat each other unkindly when they are online.

Hidden places on the Internet, such as the deep web, can even make it a place for criminals to conduct business. There isn’t as much of a risk of getting caught, especially when cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can facilitate transactions.

2. Pornography and violence are prevalent on the Internet. Although not everyone would consider this issue a disadvantage, exposing children to violence or pornographic images before they are mature enough to process them can be detrimental to their development. Teens who watch movies or listen to music that glorify specific behaviors are more likely to pursue them in real-life situations. It is an issue that can lead to drug use, drinking, violence, and risky sexualized behaviors.

Children who have sexual intercourse by the age of 13 are more likely to have multiple sexual partners, engage in risky behaviors frequently, and use drugs or alcohol before sex.

3. It creates an addiction to technological devices. Using the Internet can quickly become addictive for many people. You can find a massive amount of information to review, spend time connecting with friends on social networking sites, or play games while at work. Instead of doing something productive, this technology off and promotes something that is frivolous.

21% of employees in the United States say that they spend up to five hours each week on the Internet during working hours doing something that isn’t related to their career. Even when a company has policies in place that block personal websites during working hours, employees can use their personal devices to access the information they want.

4. People struggle to disconnect from work because of the Internet. The average employee, even if they are in an entry-level position, will spend between 3 to 7 hours working outside of their usual shift because of the Internet. Managers and executives put in up to 20 extra hours per week. Being available for work at any time of day due to this technology can make it challenging to transition from professional responsibilities to personal ones.

Even if you are not on the clock, a notification that an important work email is in your inbox creates a temptation to check it. That means workers are often being productive without getting paid for their work.

5. The Internet can provide people with your private information. With billions of computers operating around the world, hackers or malicious users can access accounts through the Internet to locate and steal personal information. These connections allow for a quick scan of millions of computers simultaneously to quickly identify vulnerabilities that are open for exploitation. When someone has your identity information, they can use it in unauthorized ways to gain access to new financial resources.

6. Students can use the Internet to cheat. The Internet allows students of any age to cheat on their tests or find ways to get around assignment requirements. One of the fastest-growing areas of e-commerce that you can find online involves professional writers who get paid to produce essays for high schoolers, college students, and even doctoral candidates.

Even if a student tries to be above board with their work, the prevalence of mobile devices today allows for Internet access while seated in a classroom.

7. The Internet exposes all of us to more advertising. The Internet provides businesses with an opportunity to reach a wider audience than television, radio, or traditional print media. It occurs on such a massive scale that many people tune it out because it is present on every website today. Many find that the amount of spam that goes into their junk mail is much more likely to get sent their way than a meaningful message from someone they know.

That means the amount of information that we receive each day is primarily useless. We delete it from our accounts in the same way that we throw away junk mail when it arrives in our mailbox.

8. Going online can adversely impact a person’s focus and patience. When we use the Internet, then this technology gives us an instant gratification effect. We can find what we want, when we want it, at any time of day. When we receive information through this structure, then it rewards our ability to search for data instead of trying to recall it. This process impacts our interactions in general, making you more impatient and less focused on meaningful activities.

The best way to balance this natural disadvantage of the Internet is to spend time away from it. Focus on having productive, real-life activities that include exercise, time with your family, and other fun events.

9. Frequent Internet use can lead to social isolation. The networking websites that billions of people use regularly can lead to issues of social isolation. It can also create feelings of loneliness or begin the process of forming clinical depression. Although the Internet and online gaming facilitate communication with other people, this structure causes individuals to disconnect themselves from their real-life relationships as they make new connections with people they’ve never met online.

10. Using the Internet often requires a sedentary lifestyle. If you spend too much time sitting, then you are at a higher risk of obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. Most people use the Internet while on a couch or sitting behind a computer. Unless conscious decisions are made to become more physically active, a host of health problems can start to develop over time.

Using a computer also means that your body must go through repetitive movements frequently. A common injury for those who use the Internet often is called carpal tunnel syndrome. It occurs when you move your hand from your keyboard to a mouse repetitively, followed by similar typing actions. Keeping a correct posture, taking breaks, and understanding the ergonomics of computing can help with these issues, but it may not prevent them from happening.

11. You might decide to purchase things that you don’t really need. The Internet does an excellent job of reducing the barriers that people have when connecting to information or other individuals in real-life situations. That also means the entire online world becomes a place where impulsive purchases become a possibility. Many users find themselves buying things without putting much thought into whether or not they need the products or services in question.

Working with e-commerce platforms can become such an addictive process that it can lead to severe debt in some situations. Since a debit or credit card facilitates these transactions, it can be challenging to some trying to avoid places on the Internet where this issue could occur.

What will the Internet be like in 50 years? In 100 years? We may not know what it can do today, but it will be a life-changing experience.

Some experts say that keyboards, screens, and the mouse will disappear entirely as we use voice-activated systems. Artificial intelligence and machine learning may be technologies that manage multiple facets of our lives. The world may very well become a mix of virtual and reality, and it might be challenging at times to decipher between the two.

We might have real-time access to information about everything. There could be more ways to communicate. It might even be possible to connect humans to the Internet of Things.

The Internet has come a long way since it crashed when trying to send the word “Login” on its first attempt at communication. When we look at its full potential, it is clear to see that we still have a long way to go.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

The Internet is the most popular and innovative creation within the world of technology is the Internet. The web is the place where all types of data are present and even the communication process is feasible using the web. The planet has now become internet-dependent due to its vast advantages. There may be a check both its advantages and drawbacks.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the web as an outsized system of connected computers around the world that permits people to share information and communicate with one another. The web is run and governed by various companies, businesses, governments, and academic institutions for his or her purpose. It carries a number of data about almost every subject and has very quickly become an important part of everyone’s lives. Over 4.5 billion people everywhere on the planet are internet users currently. Now let us look at the advantages and the disadvantages of the Internet.


What is Internet?

Internet is an advanced web technology in a global space with the interconnected computer networks. With the help of multiple protocols such as TCP/IP , it enables the communication among devices and networks. With the help of it, any user can get quality information for particular queries.

Features of Internet

There are multiple features of accessing Internet, such as:

  • Access to any information easily: Any user can have access to all types of information available on Internet just with a single query result. In other terms, it’s referred as “encyclopedia of the world”.
  • Easy Communication and Research: As a communication network, Internet enables the establishment of easy communication among devices and networks. Even for writing or searching any information for particular keywords, researched queries helps us to get adequate information.
  • Effective Networking Opportunities: With the help of Internet, most of the companies and users are accessing it establish effective networking with the other leaders or businesses. This helps in more revenue increase and professional portfolio development.

Applications of Internet

Here are some of the applications of Internet:

1. Quality Communication and Information Access

The Internet has revolutionized how people communicate. Email and instant messaging allow for fast communication through Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram enable users to share updates, photos, and ideas, with their family or friends. Multiple news websites and blogs update proper information to the users with verified sources.

2. Social Interaction

There are multiple online forums and platforms where we can discuss and mention our points over particular issues on Reddit, Quora, etc. Social networking sites like LinkedIn and Pinterest help people connect professionally and personally, share interests, and discover new ideas.

3. Productivity and Work

The Internet has greatly influenced everyone to improve their work productivity through automation and integration of AI. Project management tools such as Asana and Jira help teams organize tasks and track progress.

Advantages of the Internet

The internet is perhaps one of the best inventions thus far. As anyone can access the computer this made people by stripping away geographical barriers and sharing information instantaneously.

  • Communication Forum: The speed of communication becomes faster which is obtained through the web. Families and friends can use the internet easily. The platform for products like SKYPE, ZOOM, Teams, etc. allows for holding a video conference with anyone in the world who also has access. It helps in connecting two people present anywhere very easily. 
  • Abundant Information: Anyone can find information on almost any imaginable subject. Plenty of resources are often found through the program in minutes. The Internet helps in providing information on all topics.
  • Inexhaustible Education: For instance, students can gain readily available help for their homework online. Not only homework but there are also so many platforms that provide online education that helps students to gain knowledge in various domains. It helps in increasing the knowledge of the learner.
  • Entertainment for Everybody: Most folks love using our laptops, smartphones, and, tablets. The web is the big reason behind us spending such a lot of time on these gadgets. With the ease of the Internet, the entertainment industry has also scaled and it helps in expanding in many ways like OTT platforms and many other platforms, etc.
  • Online Services and E-commerce: Many services of email, online banking, online shopping, etc are there. Free mail to anyone is definitely accessible all around the world. E-commerce enables one in America to shop for things in Asia, Africa, or other areas of the world through some simple clicks of the mouse.
  • Social Network: Social networking is the sharing of data with people across the planet. Aside from being an entertainment website, it’s many uses. The Internet has given a massive gain in these social networking sites as it connects people who are far away in just a few seconds. 
  • Learning: The web has now become a neighborhood of education. Education like homeschooling is definitely administered using the web. Teachers can upload their teaching videos on the web and nowadays many more platforms have come to teach students because of the accessibility of the Internet.
  • Internet Banking: Internet Banking is one of the main advantages of the Internet as it helps people nowadays in using banks in a digital way which helps in people not going to banks, not standing in queues in banks, etc. People can use banking services at their fingertips with the help of the Internet .

Disadvantages of the Internet

The Internet’s drawbacks can’t be overlooked any longer as numerous teenagers are affected by Internet Addiction Disorder, then many ladies became online shopaholics.

  • Internet Addiction Disorder: Internet addiction is detrimental to not only fitness but also psychological state. Many people suffer from this problem as they are addicted to the Internet and use their devices without thinking about the time they wasted on the device.
  • Cyber Crime: Cyber Crime can lead by Hacker programs a virus that gets into the pc and ruins valuable data. Users’ personal information like name, address, master card, bank details, and other information are often accessed by culprits when used on the web, leading to significant economic loss.
  • Social Alienation: Time spent online flies fast without consciousness. After getting attracted the user is trapped into the trap, users are trapped by a “net”, spending less time with people in the real world. Less interaction and face-to-face communication, actually, may end in a decrease in social abilities.
  • Spam: Unnecessary emails, advertisements, etc. are sometimes said to be spam because they need the power to hamper the system and make the users face many problems. Heavy use of the Internet leads to so many issues like bank account fraud, internet fraud, etc.
  • Health issues: Playing games and spending too much time on monitors leads to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. It also impacts the eyesight of the person using the device for a long time. It has very serious health issues.
  • Wastage of Time: The Internet is one of the ways which can lead to the wastage of your time. It happens to almost all of us nowadays, as we start surfing and we continuously start surfing and do not realize how much time wasted. This results in increasing screen time, and this leads to loss of memory power.
  • Virus/Malware: Use of the Internet can lead to the invitation of viruses to the system and make the system unproductive, it is one of the big disadvantages of using the Internet as your system can hang because of viruses.
  • Affect Focus and Patience: The Internet can lead to affects individual focus and patience which can lead to distract someone from achieving his/her goals in life and this is one of the disadvantages of the Internet.

The Internet can be an advantage and can also be a disadvantage to anyone. It totally depends on the person and how he/she uses it. If the user uses it for growing their knowledge or learning or some meaningful work, it is an advantage for him/her, but if the user uses it for something unproductive, uses it for threatening, or hacking somebody, it works as a disadvantage for the Internet. Its proper use can improve somebody’s life and its improper use can be a disaster to someone. Overall, it totally depends on the person and how he/she uses it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet – FAQs

What are sectors getting benefitted by the internet.

There are more than lakhs of domains which are using Internet to simplify their processes in less time. So, all the sectors like Ed-tech, retail, education, sports, entertainment, etc. are getting benefitted from it.

How many people in the whole world are using Internet?

As per latest statistics by Forbes, there are around 5.35 billion users who are accessing Internet globally.

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Computer Hope

What are the disadvantages of the Internet?

Although the Internet is one of man's greatest creations, it has many disadvantages, which we've listed below.

Trolls, bullying, and stalkers

Face of a troll figurine.

Anyone who has spent time on the Internet has encountered trolls or abusive people. The Internet's anonymity makes it easier for people to be mean because they feel they won't face the repercussions.


Another growing issue, especially with kids in school, is cyberbullying . Because it's easier to be anonymous on the Internet, a person may bully others online.

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With people sharing more information about themselves and their families on the Internet, stalkers can find personal information more easily.

  • How to be anonymous on the Internet.

Adult rating

Pornographic and violent images

In our digital age, there's a nearly an infinite amount of content on the Internet. While there are amazing resources, such as Wikipedia , less desirable content also exists. Consequently, users can accidentally find violent, pornographic, or bad images that they may not want to view.

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Addiction, time-waster, and causes distractions

Surfing and playing games on the Internet can quickly become very addictive. Doing so can lead to spending a lot of frivolous time on the Internet instead of doing something productive. On this same note, the Internet can also be bad for school and workplace productivity as well.

See our computer addiction page for further information about and help with computer addiction.

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log off

Never being able to disconnect from work

The Internet is great for allowing its users to work from anywhere. However, you may be expected to be available to work at any time of the day, even if you had not previously agreed to be available.

For example, you may be at home and receive a notification of an important work-related e-mail and end up working without getting paid.

  • How to work from home.

Crime, identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating

Anonymous individual using a laptop.

With access to billions of computers, computer hackers and malicious users can hack accounts and steal personal information that could be used for identity theft . The Internet also connects all computers, so hackers can scan millions of computers and quickly identify what computers are vulnerable to attack.

Hidden places also exist on the Internet and the deep web for criminals to conduct business without as much fear of being caught. A global audience also gives criminals more ways to solicit their goods.

The Internet also enables students to cheat on their studies or find others on the Internet to do their homework.

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  • How to protect yourself while on the Internet.

Spam and advertising

Stick figure being crushed by Spam.

It's great that the Internet allows access to a much wider audience than traditional advertising methods (e.g., newspaper, TV, and radio). However, because digital advertising can be sent on a massive scale, you might see more spam in your inbox than junk mail in real life.

  • How to stop spam.

Affects focus and patience

The sites we use daily on the Internet have an "instant gratification" effect. They also present an endless menu of things to think about and experience at any moment. Getting information this way rewards fast-paced thinking that shifts focus quickly, which affects your interactions in general, making you more impatient and less focused on your activities. Try to balance this natural effect with time away from social media and focus on more productive real-life activities like exercise or cleaning.

Depression, loneliness, and social isolation

Social networking sites (e.g., Facebook ) can also be an escape from the real world by enabling virtual socializing with friends and family. However, many studies show that social network sites can be depressing because they only show all the good, fun, and interesting things friends and family are doing. Viewing this type of content can make people believe that other people's lives and experiences are better than theirs. In reality, most people only share good events and not bad events.

The Internet and online games can be very addictive and time-consuming, and spending too much time with virtual friends may take away from real-life friends.

Health issues and obesity

Carpal Tunnel wrist brace

As with watching TV, spending too much time on the computer, surfing the Internet, or playing games can also lead to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle.

A computer also requires a lot of repetitive movement, which can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. For example, moving your hand from your keyboard to a mouse and typing are repetitive actions that cause injuries. Taking breaks, maintaining proper posture , and understanding computer ergonomics can all help delay or prevent these injuries.

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Echo chambers, filter bubbles, and personalized content

The Internet has new information added every second, and it would be impossible for anyone to keep up-to-date with the latest news and information. So, companies have developed algorithms that help sort and give you information they feel you'd find most helpful or interesting. Unfortunately, because these algorithms show you personalized information, they create an artificial bubble that can be hard to escape.

People and their social networks in different bubbles.

These bubbles can also be amplified when participating in social networks. If your social circles of family and friends all share similar content from their bubbles, your social circle can become an echo chamber of everyone sharing the same thoughts.

While it's easier to find interesting information and news by existing in an online bubble, you're also not introduced to opposing views and new concepts. Many experts also believe that these bubbles make people more polarized because they only see news tailored to them that's often more sensationalized to help get more visitors.

In the past, a person would need to create a website to post information online. Because of the difficulty and cost involved, not many people posted information online. Today, with blogs and social network sites, it's possible for anyone with an Internet connection to post their thoughts online with little or no cost. Some people, governments, and organizations take advantage of how easy it is to create sites that spread lies or other fake news.

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Buying things you don't need

The Internet reduces the barriers for consumers to make purchases, so users may find themselves purchasing products without considering whether they should. Also, for some people, buying items on the Internet can become so addictive that it causes serious debt.

Finally, companies may use dark patterns to trick users into signing up for subscriptions that charge them monthly for services they may not even use. In addition, many subscription services may auto-renew without warning, even if the user is not using the service.

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Study Paragraphs

Essay on Advantages & Disadvantages of Internet

The internet is an essential part of our lives. Along with its many advantages in our life, the internet has a few disadvantages as well. The following essay discusses the role, importance, advantages and disadvantages of Internet in our life with quotes, points and images.

Table of Contents

Essay On Internet | Advantages & Disadvantages of Internet in Points/Lines For Children & Students

Internet is the most important component of today’s world, it has made whole world a global village and has changed our lifestyle entirely.

Nowadays the most effective medium of communication is internet. It is a fact that each coin has two sides. Likewise the internet has both advantages and disadvantages. Along with the merits and excessive beneficial usage it carries demerits and some adverse effects on our lives.

Essay on Advantages of Internet

There are many advantages of internet, it has made our lives comfortable. Some of its advantages are enlisted as under,

1. Internet has mad our connectivity faster and stronger than the old ages.

2. It benefits us to have communication throughout the world in seconds.

3. The internet is helpful for career counseling.

4. It provides us online distance based education effectively.

5. Internet helps in research based works, we can collect ideas and facts using different sites and directly from a person who is out of reach.

6. The globalization has brought people closer to one another.

7. It helps in promoting culture.

8. Internet helps to have travels and tours throughout the world.

9. We are connected with all parts of the world. It has decreased the distances and helps to have fast accessibility.

10. Internet helps in online banking, E commerce and industrial growth.

11. It provides job facilities and help young generation to find jobs in different sectors of the world.

12. The fast internet connectivity facilitates health industry, it also leads to have affordable health care, and treatment of several fatal diseases.

13. It has enhanced social media, it spreads the power of public opinions to improve governance.

14. Internet helps to provide justice to the oppressed through social media.

15. Accountability of the leaders and officers is improved with the arrival of social media.

16. People freely raise voice against the oppressor to provide justice and to eliminate the injustice and tyranny and oppression.

17. The propagation of equality, justice and humanity helps to improve our society.

18. The users of social media are united to stop the violation of human rights, in has created unity among masses.

19. Internet benefits students a lot, students sitting at their homes easily have group study using net.

20. It has enhanced and improved Monitoring and Evolution for better educational standards.

21. Internet helps spreading awareness among people to help control the issues that world is facing.

22. The artificial intelligence has benefited humans exceedingly.

23. As there were communication barriers but internet provides audio and video communication to connect the hearts and minds.

24. This technology helps improve the trade and industry of all poor countries.It helps to create law and order in the country, it helps law enforcement agencies to implement laws and to control violation of law.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay

1. It has adversely affected the psyche and mental capabilities of humans. The youth ignores society and is highly interested in the virtual world of internet. Thus a social isolation is increasing.

2. The internet addiction has destroyed social values and respect of elders.

3. It has destroyed our health because we need to have contact with the nature to have good health but unfortunately we are confined to beds and homes only due to internet. It has made us suffer stress and several diseases and we find no mental peace.

4. The young generation is indulging in online gaming zone. They waste their precious time in playing dangerous games.

5. Arrival of internet has given new forms of crimes, like Cyber bullying and frauds. The misuse of Internet hits our society to paralyze.

6. Internet has increased the rate of E commerce and frauds in business sectors. With the increase in technology specially internet the world is facing a serous issue of online harassment of women.

7. We are global connected, the artificial intelligence and different services of internet has made our privacy very hard to protect. Our privacy is no more with us, our every move is tracked and we are publicly open.

8. Internet has brought rampant loss of moral values, our new generation is morally corrupted due to internet.

9. It has snatched our peace of mind, comfort and has increased uncertainty.

10. Internet is a big threat to cultures, all small cultures are vanishing in the force of dominant cultures.

11. The rate of inferiority complex is increasing due to internet because it portrays things beyond reality.

12. It has also increased the generation gap.

13. The studies of students are affected due to social media and online gaming.

14. Pornography is on the rise, it effects on our physical and mental health.

15. Nations stand vulnerable, because internet has made it difficult to safeguard national security and sovereignty.

16. Terrorism is increasing due to internet because terrorists plan their attacks using internet.

17. On the whole internet is a blessing in disguise and has made our lives comfortable. It is a powerful medium of progress and prosperity.

Short Essay on Internet For Students

The Internet is one of the most highly advanced invention of technology. It is  the most used thing in this modern period. It is defined as the global network of computers, mobiles and laptops which provide information and provide best communication platform.

It has made whole world a global village and has connected people from far and wide. There are no distances now. It has conquered time and has proved as the fastest means of communication throughout the world.

The works that used to take place in months and years are done in days and the works that were done in days and weeks are done in minutes and seconds. The Internet is somewhat environment friendly because it has saved

paper, The much of the work is saved in soft copy format.

The internet has not only made our communication faster and easier. It is used for several purposes like you can use it to learn, share, write and explore.

It offers variety of uses. It depends upon the user how do they use it. Mainly it has improved our communication.  Regardless of where you are, you can chat, mail and talk to your lived ones using internet.

The vast usage of internet has swept the world off its feet and brought a huge change in the lives of people. There are innumerable productive uses of internet.

It has benefited humanity in many ways like sharing of files and documents, knowledge, information and  communicating with friends and family members.

Apart from it, chatting through social media via messages and texts, playing online games, listening music, watching news channels and much more is available on internet.

Where it has tremendously benefited and helped humans, there it has also caused some problems. There are some disadvantages of this modern technology . There is a security risk in it. Our identity is lost and misused through internet.

Intellectual theft has become common with the advent of this technology. Our new generation waste precious time in playing online games which also affect their psychology.

The continuous use of internet for long hours affects our health. It affects our eyes and cause many disorders in our body. Depression and many other psychological problems are caused by internet.

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

★ Here are 5 advantages of internet ★ Give us knowledge what we want. ★ Connectivity, communication and sharing. ★ Give us access to address, contact and mapping etc. ★ Connect us each other with Social media. ★ Donation and funds.

★ Few Disadvantages of Internet ★ Communication Gap between us. ★ Increasing dependency on internet. ★ Effect on Children. ★ Can waste your time.

In this world we use internet for entertainment, Job search, get any type of information in any sector on internet. But on other hand it is also used for criminal activities.

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of The internet

The most obvious advantages of the internet are that it has removed the need for manual processing. For example, you can pay your bills online, you can order food online, you may apply for jobs online, and you may even buy a house online. Yet, people forget that the internet has changed society as a whole. My essay explores the advantages and disadvantages of the internet while also considering how the internet has positively or negatively affected society.

The internet allows us to conduct all our financial affairs online, which also includes investments in everything from the stock market to Bitcoin. One disadvantage is that there are now many new ways to steal from a person, be it by hosting an online investment scam, or methods more insidious such as identity theft. On the plus side, the internet has made checking personal finances a lot easier, which also means a person may detect fraud more quickly and conveniently. (Rice, 2000)

The internet is a great tool for learning, and people are not restricted to just college courses and paid learning programs. Forums allow people to offer gifts of teaching, and so do things such as websites and YouTube. One does not need to take a degree in electrical engineering in order to install their power shower in their bathroom when there are many websites and YouTube videos that will walk such people through it. The downside is obviously that such information is not regulated, which means the same people may watch a video on shower installation that offers poor advice and that may lead to dangerous situations. (Fricker, 2002)

Labeling is a very big thing thanks to the internet since progressively-left groups have taught people how to label the things they are unable to argue with. Instead of listening to another person’s opinion, progressively-left groups have taught their mindless followers to label such people. For example, instead of listening to a person expound his or her feelings on immigration, progressive lefts label them as racists to justify ignoring the argument. If a man doesn’t wish to vote for a female president, then he is labeled a sexist or chauvinist so that his argument may be ignored. Sadly, the internet and social media has provided a perfect tool for spreading damaging ideals. (Birnbaum, 2000)

The way that people think about personal space has changed thanks to the internet. People now communicate in a wide variety of ways, but fewer and fewer ways involve being physically close to a person in order to talk to them. As a result, people who have had more exposure to the benefits of the internet are finding it harder and harder to be around other people. Even a crowded bus is enough to ruin a person’s day. Attitudes towards other people has also changed since the internet allows people to be as self-righteous or rude to others without any consequences, and these attitudes seem to spill over into real life. (Bremer, 2005)

Attitudes towards sex have also changed because of the internet, and not just in terms of how it is viewed, but also in technical detail. Young people are learning about sexual technique from online pornography without realizing that pornography demonstrates no affection, love, romance, chemistry or connection. Pornography is a staged and mechanical act where passion is often absent, or where passion is portrayed as sexual aggression, and young people believe that this is how the physical act of making love is supposed to work. (Lang, 2000)

Probably one of the greatest things about the internet is how it has affected entertainment. It may be true that a small minority of people steal movies and games, but most people enjoy access to games, movies, TV shows and music with just the click of a link. Mainstream entertainment has never been so accessible, and in some cases the use of the internet has improved the entertainment value of certain pleasurable platforms. The most obvious is gaming since people are now able to play games with hundreds of people from around the world and it is as easy as peeling an orange. It is true that not all forms of entertainment have been improved because even though most people love streaming movies, there are limits as to how high the quality of the visual images are. This often leads to big-budget movies looking grainy or blocky in places, and it means that streamers cannot watch movies in full HD (aka Blu-Ray) quality. However, these seem like small prices to pay for instant access to a world of entertainment.

There is no doubt that the internet is an amazing invention and has no doubt made the world a far better place, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the dangers that it offers. This includes things such as the dark web where animal and human violations are encouraged and monetized, and where radical thinking and even bomb making is exposed without consequence. The internet has solved a great many problems, but it has also generated a whole new set of problems for our society and for our community to tackle. Such problems may exist for a long time until the thing that replaces the internet is invented.


Birnbaum, M. H. (Ed.). (2000). Psychological experiments on the internet. Elsevier.

Bremer, J. (2005). The internet and children: advantages and disadvantages. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 14(3), 405-428.

Fricker, R. D., &Schonlau, M. (2002). Advantages and disadvantages of internet research surveys: Evidence from the literature. Field methods, 14(4), 347-367.

Lang, T. C. (2000). The effect of the internet on travel consumer purchasing behaviour and implications for travel agencies. Journal of vacation marketing, 6(4), 368-385.

Rice, R. E., & Katz, J. E. (2000). The internet and health communication: Experiences and expectations. Sage Publications.

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Essay on Internet Advantages and Disadvantages

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Essay on internet Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 3 Conclusion
  • 4.1 What are the advantages of the internet?
  • 4.2 What are the disadvantages of the internet?
  • 4.3 How has the internet changed the way we communicate?
  • 4.4 How has the internet changed the way we access information?
  • 4.5 How has the internet affected education?

Essay on Internet Advantages and Disadvantages


The internet has revolutionized the way we live and work, providing us with an unprecedented level of access to information and opportunities. However, as with any technological advancement, the internet also comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, we will examine the positive and negative impacts of the internet on our society, and explore how it has changed the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. From the convenience of online shopping and social media, to the potential dangers of cyberbullying and online addiction, we will delve into the complex relationship between the internet and our daily lives.

Essay on internet Advantages and Disadvantages

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to a vast network of information and resources. With the click of a button, we have access to an endless stream of knowledge, entertainment, and communication. However, like any technology, the internet also has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, we will examine the positive and negative impacts of the internet on our society, and explore how it has changed the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business.

Advantages of Internet:

  • Convenience: The internet provides a high level of convenience, allowing individuals to access information, purchase goods and services, and communicate with others from the comfort of their own homes.
  • Access to Information: The internet is a vast network of information, providing access to a wide range of knowledge and resources. It makes it easy for people to find and research information on any topic.
  • Improved Communication: The internet has made it easier for people to communicate with each other, regardless of location. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made it possible for people to connect and stay in touch with friends and family from all over the world.
  • Increased Productivity: The internet has made it easier for people to work remotely, collaborate with team members, and access the resources they need to be productive.
  • Educational Opportunities: The internet has made education more accessible by providing online educational resources such as Khan Academy and Coursera. It has made it possible for anyone with an internet connection to access a wealth of educational material, regardless of their location or financial situation.
  • Entertainment: The internet provides an endless stream of entertainment options, from streaming music and videos, to online gaming and social media.
  • Business Opportunities: The internet has opened up new business opportunities by providing a global marketplace for companies to sell their goods and services. It has also made it easier for small businesses to reach a wider customer base.
  • Increased Competition: The internet has increased competition among businesses, resulting in better prices and a wider variety of products for consumers.
  • Political and Social Activism: The internet has made it possible for people to organize and mobilize for political and social causes. It has also made it easier for individuals to access information about political and social issues.
  • Emergency Services: The internet has made it easier for people to access emergency services and information during times of crisis.

Disadvantages of Internet:

  • Misinformation: The internet is a vast network of information, making it difficult to distinguish between credible sources and unreliable ones. Misinformation can have serious consequences, particularly in the fields of medicine and science.
  • Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: The internet provides anonymity and a lack of accountability, which has led to an increase in cyberbullying and online harassment, particularly among young people. This can have a serious impact on mental health and well-being.
  • Privacy and Security: The internet has made it easier for hackers and cybercriminals to access personal information, leading to an increase in identity theft and online fraud.
  • Social Isolation: The internet has led to an increase in addiction and a decrease in face-to-face interactions, which can have a negative impact on social skills and relationships.
  • Dependence on Technology: The internet has made many aspects of life more convenient, but it has also created a dependence on technology that can be difficult to break.
  • Loss of Jobs: The internet has made it possible for companies to outsource jobs to other countries, leading to a loss of jobs in certain industries.
  • Economic Disparities: Not everyone has access to the internet, leading to a digital divide between those who have access to the benefits of the internet and those who do not.
  • Distraction: The internet is full of distractions, from social media notifications to online videos, which can make it difficult for people to focus on their work or studies.
  • Lack of Physical Activity: The internet has made it easier for people to stay indoors and spend time in front of screens, leading to a decrease in physical activity and an increase in obesity and other health problems.
  • Political Manipulation: The internet has also been used to spread false information and propaganda, particularly during election times, which can lead to political manipulation.

In conclusion, the internet has brought about many positive changes to our society, providing us with a wealth of information and resources at our fingertips. However, it is important to be aware of the potential disadvantages, such as misinformation, cyberbullying, and addiction. By being mindful of the potential negative impacts, we can use the internet in a way that benefits us rather than harms us. It is important for individuals and society as a whole to strike a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of the internet, and use it responsibly.

What are the advantages of the internet?

The advantages of the internet include convenience, access to information, improved communication, increased productivity, educational opportunities, entertainment, business opportunities, increased competition, political and social activism, and emergency services.

What are the disadvantages of the internet?

The disadvantages of the internet include misinformation, cyberbullying and online harassment, privacy and security concerns, social isolation, dependence on technology, loss of jobs, economic disparities, distraction, lack of physical activity, and political manipulation.

How has the internet changed the way we communicate?

The internet has made it easier for people to communicate with each other, regardless of location. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made it possible for people to connect and stay in touch with friends and family from all over the world.

How has the internet changed the way we access information?

The internet is a vast network of information, providing access to a wide range of knowledge and resources. It makes it easy for people to find and research information on any topic.

How has the internet affected education?

The internet has made education more accessible by providing online educational resources such as Byjus and Physics Wallah. It has made it possible for anyone with an internet connection to access a wealth of educational material, regardless of their location or financial situation.

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A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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  • revolutionized
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  • cyberbullying
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Essay on Disadvantages of Internet

Essay on disadvantages of internet for children and students.

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Internet has changed our lives in numerous ways. It has raised our standard of living and made several tasks extremely smooth and easy. However, it also offers several disadvantages.

Just as is the case with everything else, excess usage of internet can also be harmful. There are many disadvantages associated with internet. Some of these include wastage of time, stalking, spamming and hacking. Here are essays of varying lengths on Disadvantages of Internet to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Disadvantages of Internet Essay given below as per your need:

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 1 (200 words)

Internet has become a necessity these days. Gone are the days when internet was only used at work places. These days it is being used everywhere – at homes, offices, cafes and anywhere and everywhere we go. While internet has made life easier and more interesting it also has a lot of disadvantages attached to it.

One of the main disadvantages of internet is that it serves as a major distraction at work place. Whether it is a student or a working professional everyone these days is addicted to internet. While internet is a great way to enhance your knowledge and grow professionally it can also distract you from work. As it is said people tend to adopt the bad habits faster so, instead of making the most of the information available on the internet to improve their knowledge and skills, people usually fall prey to the numerous sources of entertainment the internet offers. From gaming to watching videos, from listening to music to overspending while shopping online, from stalking their relatives and friends online to copying their lifestyle – people, these days, indulge in such useless activities and their work/studies take a back seat. Apart from this, hacking, spamming and other such notorious activities on the internet have also become quite common.

The number of disadvantages of internet certainly outweighs its advantages in the current times.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 2 (300 words)


Internet offers numerous advantages but the number of disadvantages it offers are no less. One of the main disadvantages of internet is that it is a big distraction especially for the students.

Internet: A Distraction for Students

Internet is known to be a vast source of information and in this way it proves to be a boon for the students. This is because any information related to any topic or subject is available on internet. So, if a student misses a class or is not able to match up to the pace of the teacher he can refer to the internet to get help with those topics.

While parents provide internet access to their kids so that they can seek help from it to prepare better for their exams many students misuse it. Since internet offers abundant sources of entertainment, it is hard to resist the temptation. Many students begin watching different sorts of videos or playing online games for recreational purpose however they soon get addicted to them and spend most of their times watching/ playing them. This is a huge wastage of time.

Social media has further led to enormous wastage of time. Children in their teens are attracted towards glitz and glamour. They have the urge to show off and thus post pictures and posts with their friends and family. They then keep revisiting their posts to check the likes and comments. This again wastes a lot of time. Dating and chatting apps also prove to be a hindrance in their studies.

Parents must ensure that while they provide internet access to their children they must keep a check on their usage. There are ways to block the sites that are not suitable for the kids. However, parents usually take this aspect lightly or simply procrastinate when it comes to barring such sites. This is wrong. Parents must make it a priority to bar such sites and monitor their children’s internet activities to ensure they use this platform only for good.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 3 (400 words)

Internet is known to offer numerous sources of entertainment. While these are a good way to spend your leisure time, these can also be disadvantageous. Many people grow so addicted to these sources of entertainment that they cannot concentrate on their tasks.

Internet Lowers Productivity at Work

While earlier offices had intranet connections that only connected the employees to share emails and discuss business plans, these days internet access is provided in most offices. Even if people do not have access to the internet on their official laptops they have it on their mobiles and can use it whenever they want.

Internet offers so many different sources of entertainment that it is difficult to control the temptation. People these days have the urge to check their messenger and social media profiles every few minutes to see if someone has messaged them. This divides their attention. They are not able to concentrate completely on their work and it thus lowers their productivity.

Those who are addicted to gaming, try to take some time off every hour or so to continue with their game. This is again a major hindrance in work. There are so many web series and videos being sprint almost every day and if you begin watching them once you cannot give up on them.

A recent research shows that people spend most part of their time on the internet while they are at their work place. The work productivity is thus bound to drop.

Work Life Imbalance

There is a lot of competition in the market these days. If the service is not provided instantly the customers tend to leave. Internet has made it easier to access office emails and software from anywhere. So, many times people are even required to work after they have left for home. This is an advantage for the businesses but not for the employees as it creates work life imbalance.

Secondly, since the productivity of work has decreased during the working hours due to distraction caused by internet, people mostly work when they return from the office to meet their deadlines. The time they should spend with their families is spent on the laptop. They are unable to strike a balance between their personal and professional life which is becoming a cause of conflict among families.

Internet is such a great platform to enhance and promote one’s business and grow professionally. We must use it for that purpose only rather than letting it distract us from work.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 4 (500 words)

Internet has become an integral part of our lives these days. From paying the electricity bills to planning family get together, everything these days is being done with the use of internet. While it offers so many advantages it also comes with its own set of disadvantages.

Internet Leading to Health Concerns

Here are the various health problems one can incur because of excess internet usage:

Being on the mobile or laptop for hours using the internet can cause migraine. Many internet users complain of this problem and are advised to reduce their screen time but it is hard to get rid of this addiction. Thus, constant headache and migraine is common among them.

Effect on the Eye Sight

It goes without saying that viewing the screen for hours as you surf the internet can cause a negative impact on your eyes. This is especially common among those who surf the internet on their mobile during the bed time.

Sitting on a chair watching movies or playing online games can be addictive. Once you indulge in these habits, it is hard to stop. Many people keep sitting for hours to enjoy the experience and incur back ache owing to this.

Weight Gain

Children these days prefer sitting at home playing games online or watching videos rather than going out and playing with friends. Same is the case with the adults. Instead of socialising and indulging in outdoor activities they prefer spending time on the internet. Lack of physical activity has led to weight gain among people. Such a lifestyle has also led to obesity in many.

Sleeping Disorder

People these days sleep with their phones under their pillow or at bed side. They have the urge to check their messages every now and then and wake up at the ring of every message. Using mobile at the bed time can hamper the natural process of falling asleep and can cause sleeping disorders.

Viewing the pictures and posts of others having fun can create a sense of inferiority. People these days are putting on a false image of themselves on the internet to attract attention. Those who are leading a rather simple life often feel low and isolated as they see others partying and having fun. Internet has also created distance among the family members. All this leads to depression among many.

Negative Impact on Relationships

Internet has brought those living in far off lands closer while at the same time created distance among those living together. People are so engrossed in messaging and connecting with their distant friends and relatives that they have turned blind towards their own kids and family members.

Social media sites, messengers and dating apps have given rise to infidelity. It is leading to conflicts among couples which in turn have a negative impact on their kids and the family as a whole.

Excess of everything is bad and internet is no exception to it. Over-usage of internet can have negative impact on both mental and physical health of a person. It can also ruin ones relationships and family life. One must thus, keep a check on it.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 5 (600 words)

Internet offers numerous benefits. It has made our life comfortable and raised our standard of living. Every task these days can be done via internet. Whether it is booking a ticket or transferring money to a loved one or maintaining long distance relationships. However, it also has a downside to it. Internet can be a cause of stress, depression, decreased productivity and many more problems. Here is a brief look at the various disadvantages of internet.

  • Hindrance in Work

Each one of you will agree that internet causes hindrance in work. It is addictive and is a major distraction at work. Whether you are a student preparing for your exams, an office employee, a business owner or a house wife, you cannot deny the fact that internet eats up a good amount of your time – the time that can be utilized in productive tasks. The advent of social media has augmented this addiction. Those who play online games are all the more glued to the internet.

Hacking email accounts, bank accounts and mobiles of people to extract their private information is quite common these days. This has become a cause of great concern. People suffer business losses and tension in their personal relationships because of hacking.

Everyone these days has a profile on the internet. It has become a trend to post just about everything and anything a person does on the social media. While people do this for show off this can actually create trouble for them. There are people who stalk your profiles to know what you are up to and can intrude in your personal space. This has given rise to crimes such as kidnapping and blackmailing.

  • Negative Impact on Children

Children get access to almost anything and everything by way of internet. Parents mostly provide internet connection to their kids to enhance their knowledge so they can prepare better for their exams however the later are often tempted towards gaming, social media and other sources of entertainment. Many a times, children also begin watching porn and other stuff that is not good for them.

Internet is used for the promotion of businesses. While it is a good medium to promote and expand businesses at times it can be a pain in the neck for the consumers. Many businesses over indulge in marketing of their products and services thereby spamming our inboxes with numerous emails. Often times, the important emails get missed because of spamming.

  • Over Spending

Online shopping has eased the way we shop. We no longer require wasting time going from shop to shop in search of different things. Everything we require is available on the internet. You can surf through a wide variety of things and order them in fraction of seconds. However, this way we often over spend by buying more than our requirement. Many online retailers also levy convenience charges and other hidden charges that are revealed later. All these lead to over spending.

  • Loss of Physical Activity

People these days are so engrossed in watching online videos, playing online games and connecting to people online that they overlook the importance of going out and indulging in outdoor activities. This has led to several physical ailments such as obesity, migraine and sleeping disorders. Playing outdoor is essential for the proper growth and development of kids but they prefer online games these days.

Internet has several disadvantages. However, the biggest among these is that it has distanced people from one another. We are all constantly engrossed in our mobiles that we overlook the needs of those around us. Kids and elderly people who require the most attention are being ignored because of internet. It is time we must limit our internet usage and lead a healthy life.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet on Students

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet on Students

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its impact on education is undeniable.

Table of Contents

With the vast amount of information available at our fingertips, students have access to a wealth of knowledge that was once unimaginable.

However, with the advantages come the disadvantages. From its role as a comprehensive information source to its potential for distraction and misinformation.

In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the internet on students.

Advantages of Internet on Students

The internet has become an integral part of our lives, and its impact on education cannot be overstated.

With the advent of online learning, students can now access a wealth of information and resources from the comfort of their homes.

The advantages of the internet for students are numerous, ranging from improved communication skills to access to quality content.

We will explore the various advantages of the internet for students.

Advantages of Internet on Students Infographic

1. Improved Access to Information

Improved access to information is one of the biggest advantages of the internet for students. With just a few clicks, students can access a wealth of information on any topic they are studying.

This can help them to deepen their understanding of a subject and to develop their critical thinking skills.

However, it is important to note that not all information on the internet is reliable or accurate.

Students need to be careful when using the internet for research and should always verify the information they find with other sources.

Despite this, the internet remains an invaluable tool for students, providing them with access to a vast array of information that was previously unavailable to them.

2. Increased Career Opportunities and Job Preparation

The internet has revolutionized the way students prepare for their future careers.

With access to a wealth of information and resources, students can now explore a diverse array of career fields and gain exposure to the workforce like never before.

The internet has also provided opportunities for online learning and skill-building, allowing students to develop the necessary skills for their desired careers.

By setting career goals and utilizing online resources, students can increase their chances of success and prepare themselves for the workforce of the future.

With the internet, students have access to a vast network of professionals and job opportunities, making it easier than ever to find and apply for jobs that align with their career aspirations.

Overall, the advantages of the internet for students are clear: increased career opportunities and job preparation, leading to a brighter future for all.

3. Increased Flexibility and Convenience

The internet has brought about increased flexibility and convenience for students. With online learning, students can access education from anywhere in the world, at any time that suits them.

This flexibility allows students to balance their studies with other commitments, such as work or family responsibilities.

Additionally, the internet has made it easier for students to communicate with their teachers and classmates, improving their overall learning experience.

Working from home has also become more prevalent, allowing researchers and professionals to have a better work-life balance.

The future of work is becoming more flexible, with companies recognizing the benefits of allowing employees to work from home or have flexible schedules.

Overall, the internet has brought about a new era of flexibility and convenience, allowing students and professionals to achieve their goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

4. Exposure to a Wide Range of Learning Resources

One of the biggest advantages of the internet for students is the exposure to a wide range of learning resources.

With the vast amount of information available online, students can access a variety of materials that cater to their interests and learning styles.

This makes learning more relevant and relatable, as students can find resources that are engaging and meaningful to them.

Additionally, the internet provides opportunities for project-based learning and authentic tasks that make what is being taught come to life.

When students feel that what they are learning is relevant to their lives, they become more emotionally invested in the lesson and are more motivated to engage.

Using media and online resources also aids in student retention of knowledge and illustrates the relevance of many concepts.

Overall, the internet provides students with a wealth of resources that can enhance their learning experiences and make education more meaningful and engaging.

5. Ability to Stay Connected with Peers and Teachers

One of the advantages of the internet for students is the ability to stay connected with peers and teachers.

With online platforms and tools, students can maintain positive peer relationships and continue to learn from their teachers even when they are not physically present in the classroom.

Teachers can use various methods to maintain relationships with their students, such as saying hello frequently, checking in on them, and fostering positive peer relationships.

Additionally, peer teaching can also improve student learning and help students feel more connected to their peers.

The internet also provides opportunities for students to connect with classrooms and experts outside of their school building, making lessons more relevant to their lives.

Overall, the internet has made it easier for students to stay connected with their peers and teachers, fostering a sense of community and improving their learning experience.

Disadvantages of Internet on Students

The internet has become an integral part of our lives, providing us with a wealth of information and resources at our fingertips.

However, with its many advantages come several disadvantages, particularly for students.

While the internet can be a valuable tool for research and learning, it can also be a major distraction and hindrance to academic success.

We will explore some of the major disadvantages of the internet on students.

Disadvantages of Internet on Students Infographic

1. Addiction and Distraction

Addiction and distraction are two major issues that students face due to the internet. Internet addiction can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

It can also cause low self-esteem and increased isolation.

Students who are addicted to the internet struggle to control their behavior, leading to a sense of despair.

Moreover, the internet can be a major source of distraction for students, especially during online learning.

With the abundance of social media and other entertainment websites, students can easily lose focus and become disengaged from their studies.

Therefore, it is important for students to be aware of the negative effects of the internet and to practice self-discipline to avoid addiction and distraction.

2. Cyberbullying and Online Harassment

Cyberbullying and online harassment are some of the negative effects of the internet on students.

Students who are bullied repeatedly are at higher risks for low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression as compared to those who are not.

Pew Research Center reports that roughly seven in ten have encountered any harassment online and fully 51% have been targeted for more severe forms of online abuse.

Cyberbullying can involve name-calling, threats, sharing private or embarrassing photos, or excluding others.

It is important for students to be aware of the negative effects of cyberbullying and online harassment and to take steps to prevent it.

Parents and educators should also play a role in educating students about the dangers of cyberbullying and online harassment and how to stop it.

3. Decreased Physical Activity and Increased Sedentary Lifestyle

One of the disadvantages of the internet for students is decreased physical activity and an increased sedentary lifestyle that comes with spending long hours in front of a screen.

Studies have shown that an inactive lifestyle, with too much sitting and not enough exercise, is bad for health.

This decline in physical activity is a key contributor to the global obesity epidemic.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, children and youth have shown lowered physical activity levels and higher sedentary behavior that included leisure screen time.

It is important for students to take breaks from their screens and engage in physical activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

4. Poor Time Management and Procrastination

The internet has revolutionized the way students learn and access information, but it has also brought about some negative effects.

One of the most significant drawbacks is poor time management and procrastination.

With endless distractions at their fingertips, students often find themselves spending hours on social media or browsing the web instead of studying or completing assignments.

This can lead to a lack of productivity, missed deadlines, and poor academic performance.

To overcome this, students must learn to manage their time effectively and avoid procrastination.

They can do this by setting realistic goals, creating a study schedule, and eliminating distractions.

By taking control of their time and staying focused, students can make the most of the internet’s benefits while avoiding its pitfalls.

5. Increased Financial Burden

One of the major drawbacks is the increased financial burden on students. With the shift to online learning due to the pandemic, many students have had to invest in expensive technology and high-speed internet to keep up with their studies.

This has added to the already existing financial struggles that students face, such as student debt.

The financial burden has been particularly hard on those from low-income families, who may not have the resources to afford the necessary technology and internet connection.

As we continue to rely on the internet for education, it is important to address these financial challenges and ensure that all students have equal access to the tools they need to succeed.

Conclusion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet on Students

In conclusion, the internet has become an integral part of students’ lives, providing them with a wealth of information and resources at their fingertips.

However, it also poses certain risks and challenges that need to be addressed.

While the internet can enhance learning and communication, it can also lead to distractions, cyberbullying, and addiction.

Therefore, it is important for students to use the internet responsibly and with caution, and for parents and educators to provide guidance and support in navigating the digital world.

Ultimately, the advantages and disadvantages of the internet depend on how it is used, and it is up to us to harness its potential for good while minimizing its negative impact.

Relevant Resources:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Meet for Students
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Marketing (Digital Advertising)
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Organizations
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Human Life

Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali (Author)

Ahmad Ali has been a technology enthusiast and writer for the past 5 years having vast knowledge of technology.

Rehmat Ullah

Rehmat Ullah (Content Reviewer)

Rehmat Ullah is a software engineer and CEO of Softhat IT Solutions. He is an expert technologist, entrepreneur, and educationist.

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Essay on Disadvantages of Internet for Children and Studentsfor Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Disadvantages of Internet: Internet has changed our lives in numerous ways. It has raised our standard of living and made several tasks extremely smooth and easy. However, it also offers several disadvantages.

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Just as is the case with everything else, excess usage of internet can also be harmful. There are many disadvantages associated with internet. Some of these include wastage of time, stalking, spamming and hacking. Here are essays of varying lengths on Disadvantages of Internet to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Disadvantages of Internet Essay given below as per your need:

Essay on Disadvantages of Internet

Disadvantages of internet essay 1 (200 words).

Internet has become a necessity these days. Gone are the days when internet was only used at work places. These days it is being used everywhere – at homes, offices, cafes and anywhere and everywhere we go. While internet has made life easier and more interesting it also has a lot of disadvantages attached to it.

One of the main disadvantages of internet is that it serves as a major distraction at work place. Whether it is a student or a working professional everyone these days is addicted to internet. While internet is a great way to enhance your knowledge and grow professionally it can also distract you from work. As it is said people tend to adopt the bad habits faster so, instead of making the most of the information available on the internet to improve their knowledge and skills, people usually fall prey to the numerous sources of entertainment the internet offers. From gaming to watching videos, from listening to music to overspending while shopping online, from stalking their relatives and friends online to copying their lifestyle – people, these days, indulge in such useless activities and their work/studies take a back seat. Apart from this, hacking, spamming and other such notorious activities on the internet have also become quite common.

The number of disadvantages of internet certainly outweighs its advantages in the current times.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 2 (300 words)


Internet offers numerous advantages but the number of disadvantages it offers are no less. One of the main disadvantages of internet is that it is a big distraction especially for the students.

Internet: A Distraction for Students

Internet is known to be a vast source of information and in this way it proves to be a boon for the students. This is because any information related to any topic or subject is available on internet. So, if a student misses a class or is not able to match up to the pace of the teacher he can refer to the internet to get help with those topics.

While parents provide internet access to their kids so that they can seek help from it to prepare better for their exams many students misuse it. Since internet offers abundant sources of entertainment, it is hard to resist the temptation. Many students begin watching different sorts of videos or playing online games for recreational purpose however they soon get addicted to them and spend most of their times watching/ playing them. This is a huge wastage of time.

Social media has further led to enormous wastage of time. Children in their teens are attracted towards glitz and glamour. They have the urge to show off and thus post pictures and posts with their friends and family. They then keep revisiting their posts to check the likes and comments. This again wastes a lot of time. Dating and chatting apps also prove to be a hindrance in their studies.

Parents must ensure that while they provide internet access to their children they must keep a check on their usage. There are ways to block the sites that are not suitable for the kids. However, parents usually take this aspect lightly or simply procrastinate when it comes to barring such sites. This is wrong. Parents must make it a priority to bar such sites and monitor their children’s internet activities to ensure they use this platform only for good.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 3 (400 words)

Internet is known to offer numerous sources of entertainment. While these are a good way to spend your leisure time, these can also be disadvantageous. Many people grow so addicted to these sources of entertainment that they cannot concentrate on their tasks.

Internet Lowers Productivity at Work

While earlier offices had intranet connections that only connected the employees to share emails and discuss business plans, these days internet access is provided in most offices. Even if people do not have access to the internet on their official laptops they have it on their mobiles and can use it whenever they want.

Internet offers so many different sources of entertainment that it is difficult to control the temptation. People these days have the urge to check their messenger and social media profiles every few minutes to see if someone has messaged them. This divides their attention. They are not able to concentrate completely on their work and it thus lowers their productivity.

Those who are addicted to gaming, try to take some time off every hour or so to continue with their game. This is again a major hindrance in work. There are so many web series and videos being sprint almost every day and if you begin watching them once you cannot give up on them.

A recent research shows that people spend most part of their time on the internet while they are at their work place. The work productivity is thus bound to drop.

Work Life Imbalance

There is a lot of competition in the market these days. If the service is not provided instantly the customers tend to leave. Internet has made it easier to access office emails and software from anywhere. So, many times people are even required to work after they have left for home. This is an advantage for the businesses but not for the employees as it creates work life imbalance.

Secondly, since the productivity of work has decreased during the working hours due to distraction caused by internet, people mostly work when they return from the office to meet their deadlines. The time they should spend with their families is spent on the laptop. They are unable to strike a balance between their personal and professional life which is becoming a cause of conflict among families.

Internet is such a great platform to enhance and promote one’s business and grow professionally. We must use it for that purpose only rather than letting it distract us from work.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 4 (500 words)

Internet has become an integral part of our lives these days. From paying the electricity bills to planning family get together, everything these days is being done with the use of internet. While it offers so many advantages it also comes with its own set of disadvantages.

Internet Leading to Health Concerns

Here are the various health problems one can incur because of excess internet usage:

Being on the mobile or laptop for hours using the internet can cause migraine. Many internet users complain of this problem and are advised to reduce their screen time but it is hard to get rid of this addiction. Thus, constant headache and migraine is common among them.

Effect on the Eye Sight

It goes without saying that viewing the screen for hours as you surf the internet can cause a negative impact on your eyes. This is especially common among those who surf the internet on their mobile during the bed time.

Sitting on a chair watching movies or playing online games can be addictive. Once you indulge in these habits, it is hard to stop. Many people keep sitting for hours to enjoy the experience and incur back ache owing to this.

Weight Gain

Children these days prefer sitting at home playing games online or watching videos rather than going out and playing with friends. Same is the case with the adults. Instead of socialising and indulging in outdoor activities they prefer spending time on the internet. Lack of physical activity has led to weight gain among people. Such a lifestyle has also led to obesity in many.

Sleeping Disorder

People these days sleep with their phones under their pillow or at bed side. They have the urge to check their messages every now and then and wake up at the ring of every message. Using mobile at the bed time can hamper the natural process of falling asleep and can cause sleeping disorders.

Viewing the pictures and posts of others having fun can create a sense of inferiority. People these days are putting on a false image of themselves on the internet to attract attention. Those who are leading a rather simple life often feel low and isolated as they see others partying and having fun. Internet has also created distance among the family members. All this leads to depression among many.

Negative Impact on Relationships

Internet has brought those living in far off lands closer while at the same time created distance among those living together. People are so engrossed in messaging and connecting with their distant friends and relatives that they have turned blind towards their own kids and family members.

Social media sites, messengers and dating apps have given rise to infidelity. It is leading to conflicts among couples which in turn have a negative impact on their kids and the family as a whole.

Excess of everything is bad and internet is no exception to it. Over-usage of internet can have negative impact on both mental and physical health of a person. It can also ruin ones relationships and family life. One must thus, keep a check on it.

Disadvantages of Internet Essay 5 (600 words)

Internet offers numerous benefits. It has made our life comfortable and raised our standard of living. Every task these days can be done via internet. Whether it is booking a ticket or transferring money to a loved one or maintaining long distance relationships. However, it also has a downside to it. Internet can be a cause of stress, depression, decreased productivity and many more problems. Here is a brief look at the various disadvantages of internet.

  • Hindrance in Work

Each one of you will agree that internet causes hindrance in work. It is addictive and is a major distraction at work. Whether you are a student preparing for your exams, an office employee, a business owner or a house wife, you cannot deny the fact that internet eats up a good amount of your time – the time that can be utilized in productive tasks. The advent of social media has augmented this addiction. Those who play online games are all the more glued to the internet.

Hacking email accounts, bank accounts and mobiles of people to extract their private information is quite common these days. This has become a cause of great concern. People suffer business losses and tension in their personal relationships because of hacking.

Everyone these days has a profile on the internet. It has become a trend to post just about everything and anything a person does on the social media. While people do this for show off this can actually create trouble for them. There are people who stalk your profiles to know what you are up to and can intrude in your personal space. This has given rise to crimes such as kidnapping and blackmailing.

  • Negative Impact on Children

Children get access to almost anything and everything by way of internet. Parents mostly provide internet connection to their kids to enhance their knowledge so they can prepare better for their exams however the later are often tempted towards gaming, social media and other sources of entertainment. Many a times, children also begin watching porn and other stuff that is not good for them.

Internet is used for the promotion of businesses. While it is a good medium to promote and expand businesses at times it can be a pain in the neck for the consumers. Many businesses over indulge in marketing of their products and services thereby spamming our inboxes with numerous emails. Often times, the important emails get missed because of spamming.

  • Over Spending

Online shopping has eased the way we shop. We no longer require wasting time going from shop to shop in search of different things. Everything we require is available on the internet. You can surf through a wide variety of things and order them in fraction of seconds. However, this way we often over spend by buying more than our requirement. Many online retailers also levy convenience charges and other hidden charges that are revealed later. All these lead to over spending.

  • Loss of Physical Activity

People these days are so engrossed in watching online videos, playing online games and connecting to people online that they overlook the importance of going out and indulging in outdoor activities. This has led to several physical ailments such as obesity, migraine and sleeping disorders. Playing outdoor is essential for the proper growth and development of kids but they prefer online games these days.

Internet has several disadvantages. However, the biggest among these is that it has distanced people from one another. We are all constantly engrossed in our mobiles that we overlook the needs of those around us. Kids and elderly people who require the most attention are being ignored because of internet. It is time we must limit our internet usage and lead a healthy life.

Related Information:

  • Essay on Internet

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10 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet

Every rose has thorns too, and the same is true for the internet. Though the internet has lots of advantages, it also comes with many disadvantages with a long list. In the sets of 10 lines below, we have discussed the disadvantages of the Internet. You can read them to make you aware and be ready for any competition.

Ten Lines on Disadvantages of Internet in English

Below are given 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Disadvantages of Internet for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Also, people who want to know some facts on Disadvantages of Internet in short as well as in less time can read these lines. So, let’s start:

1) Hacking is the most common disadvantage of the internet.

2) Personal information in social media is very much vulnerable to hackers.

3) Virus threats on the internet can damage your data and information.

4) Too much addiction to internet leads to time wastage, affecting our productivity and health.

5) Children should use the internet only under parental guidance.

6) Addiction to online games affects health leading to obesity and serious health issues.

7) Phishing is the activity to obtain personal and sensitive information disguising as some trustworthy source.

8) Internet acts as a distraction for the students who spend too much time surfing and playing games.

9) There are many audio and video contents which are not suitable for certain age groups.

10) The pictures and videos posted on social media are always vulnerable.

10 Lines and Sentences on Disadvantages of Internet

1) Spending too much of time on the internet affects your eyes.

2) People using too much internet get disconnected from the real world.

3) Internet is a medium for spreading fake news and rumours.

4) There have been many cyber attacks on banks and corporate sectors through the internet.

5) The loss of server or connectivity brings a huge loss of money and productivity.

6) Every sensitive data on the internet are available for easily hacking and decrypting.

7) People can easily fall prey to phishing activities revealing their credit card number to the fraudster.

8) Ransom ware is the new threat of the internet in which the victim’s data is inaccessible.

9) Increasing virus threats not only steal your sensitive data but also damages your computer.

10) Children are prone to the internet later dealing with stalking, trolling, violence, sensitive audio and video contents.

10 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet

5 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet

1) Using internet for a long time is unhealthy.

2) Viruses can affect your system.

3) People can be victims of cybercrimes.

4) On internet, private data can be at risk.

5) Many contents are not suitable for children.

20 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet

1) Internet comes with plenty of information but using it for a long time kills precious time.

2) Internet is a great source for stealing the personal information of the people.

3) Hacking of Bank account of people using the Internet has grown rapidly in the past few years.

4) Social Networking Websites connect us from the world but separate us from our family.

5) A virus may enter your computer through the internet and can damage your important data.

6) Internet is a big source for spreading fake news and pictures worldwide.

7) Internet is quite addictive and may damage your personal and professional life.

8) Your privacy is no more privacy over the Internet.

9) Sometimes, the Internet shows the contents not appropriate for our children or us.

10) The constant use of the Internet may leave us with many disease and pains.

11) Online Shopping is sometimes a waste of money when we tend to buy something that we don’t need.

12) The hackers and Traitors get information about us easily with the use of the Internet.

13) The constant use of the Internet may cause loneliness and depression.

14) The Internet constantly shows sexual contents that are not good for children.

15) We get more spam e-mails than useful emails on the internet.

16) The students, nowadays, don’t want to think over a project and just look over the internet for help.

17) The addiction of internet has made us restless.

18) We have now become completely dependent on the internet and don’t want to work ourselves.

19) Online Gaming is trending among students, and it wastes their study time.

20) Cyber Bullying has become one of the major and most frequent problems for us.

We should never avoid the disadvantages of the internet. Meeting the people in reality and interacting with them is more enjoyable than over the internet. Safeguarding ourselves with the latest antivirus and not opening any unsolicited emails and attachments are the things that everyone should do.

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Essay on Internet Uses For Students

500 + words internet essay.

The internet is described as a global network of computer systems interconnected and following the internet security protocol. However, have you ever considered why the internet is important? This 500+ Words Essay on internet advantages and disadvantages will help students ace essay writing during exams.

A combination of high-end science and advanced technology, the internet is a viral invention. Here, in an essay on the internet, students can learn about the uses and impact of the internet.

Why the Internet Is Important

The internet has undergone significant development from the time of its birth to the present. Over a period of time, the internet has become more interactive and user-friendly. It has also helped man in day-to-day transactions and interactions. The Internet is widely used for numerous functions such as learning, teaching, research, writing, sharing content or data, e-mails, job hunting, playing games, listening to music, watching videos, exploring and finally surfing the internet. Meanwhile, though it makes life easy for people, the internet also comes with a lot of pros and cons. Find the advantages and disadvantages of the internet from this essay.

Also read: History of Internet

Essay on Advantages of Internet

Read this essay on internet advantages to know the effects of using the internet. Look for the points mentioned below.

  • The internet has helped reduce the usage of paper and paperwork to a large extent by computerising offices, schools, NGOs, industries and much more.
  • Internet helps to provide updated information and news from all over the world
  • Education, business and travel have been thriving with the growth of the Internet
  • The internet is of high educational and entertainment value
  • The internet makes access to public resources, libraries and textbooks much easier
  • The internet makes it easy by reducing the time and energy taken to do work
  • Work has become more efficient, quick and accurate
  • Meetings and conferences are made easier with video calls and other brilliant tools

Apart from all these, as mentioned in the above paragraph on Internet uses, it helps carry out banking activities, exchange information, shop for various goods and more.

Essay on Internet Disadvantages

Despite the use of the internet and its positives, there are also some internet disadvantages. Continuous use of the internet can affect our lifestyle and health. Let us check out the disadvantages of the internet from this paragraph.

  • Over-dependence on the internet can lead to many health problems
  • People tend to spend more of their productive time doing nothing but browsing
  • Even if the internet is now used extensively at work, overuse of the internet could lead to depression
  • Quality time with friends and relatives is primarily reduced due to the use of the internet
  • Cybercrime has also increased as internet security and privacy are compromised

Thus, we have seen the uses of the internet and its impact on students and working professionals. While we know that overuse of the internet should be avoided, we also have to acknowledge that the internet has still not been exploited to its full potential, despite its massive growth. In conclusion, we can state that to make internet use more comfortable and pleasurable, school students should be taught about the pros and cons of using the internet, thus ensuring that they can stand up against cybercrime and ensure safety.

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Frequently asked Questions on Internet Essay

What is the internet.

The internet is a global system of interconnected computers and this system uses a standardised Internet Protocol suite for communication and sharing information.

What are the top 5 uses of the Internet?

The Internet is mostly used by people to send emails and to search on any topic. It can be used to download large files. People depend on the internet for electronic news and magazines these days. A lot of people, especially the young generation use it to play interactive games and for entertainment.

What is WiFi?

WiFi is the latest wireless technology used to connect computers, tablets, smartphones and other electronic devices to the internet.

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  • Security operations and management

How to use Tor -- and whether you should -- in your enterprise

The tor browser has sparked discussion and dissension since its debut. does the software, which promises anonymous and secure web access, have a role to play in the enterprise.

Damon Garn

  • Damon Garn, Cogspinner Coaction

In the two decades since the Tor web browser was publicly introduced, it has been a subject of praise and notoriety. Proponents tout the free and open source software for its ease in accessing web content securely and anonymously. But Tor has attracted equal attention for its use as a tool to access potentially illegal content on the dark web .

For enterprises considering whether to allow employees to use Tor as part of their everyday responsibilities, it's important to understand both the browser's pros and cons. Let's examine how to use Tor and discuss where it might work in enterprise situations.

What is the Tor browser?

Short for The Onion Router, the Tor web browser is based on Firefox. It offers users additional layers of security and anonymity when browsing websites. It accomplishes this in two ways: first, by using a Tor-specific network of relays to transmit information and, second, through locked-down security settings.

People use Tor when they don't want their IP addresses to be identified or when they don't want their web activities to be traced -- often in situations where they fear persecution from government or other tracking sources.

Users range from political activists and journalists to those conducting illicit transactions, as well as residents in countries where free speech or other activities are restricted .

If your organization operates in these arenas -- absent the illicit activities, of course -- or if you care strongly about privacy online, then Tor might be for you.

Screenshot of the Tor homepage

How Tor works

Tor uses a combination of encryption and routing to hide web activity. A worldwide network of Tor relays, run by volunteers, routes web traffic. These relays help make each connection look the same, preventing unique identifiers in specific traffic from indicating where that traffic originated.

Tor includes only one plugin -- NoScript -- and discourages the use of any others. Plugins might reduce anonymity or expose information based on their functionality. They can also introduce browser vulnerabilities. Many organizations already restrict the installation of plugins for Flash, QuickTime and other services, so this constraint probably isn't an issue for your company.

NoScript lets users select trusted sites that are allowed to run JavaScript or other code, a much more restrictive and secure setting. It's installed and enabled by default in Tor and available for other browsers to help reduce script-oriented security problems, such as cross-site scripting .

When it closes, Tor deletes browsing history, cookies and other elements involved in tracking a user's activities. Many users already implement these additional security settings on their browser of choice, including Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Tor strongly urges users to refrain from altering these settings; however, be aware they limit users' ability to view some web content.

Screenshot of Tor's default privacy settings

Tor in the enterprise

For all its strengths in anonymity and security, Tor is an unlikely browser choice in many enterprise environments. Most businesses will likely stick with popular browsers for various reasons, even beyond those of Tor's enterprise privacy and security concerns. For one thing, due to the physical design of the Tor network -- connections must be made between each relay -- Tor browsing is noticeably slower. Plugin and script limitations might frustrate users for tasks without privacy requirements.

Under the right circumstances, however, Tor might be a viable option.

Business Tor use cases

Tor might be suitable for uses that include restricted speech, controversial topics or legal/criminal activities, including investigation. Among them are the following:

  • Journalism. Journalists and other information providers who operate from countries that forbid the transmission of particular information could benefit from Tor's anonymity and relay network.
  • Activism. Tor's increased security and ability to hide users' identities make it a practical choice for political activists or whistleblowers who want to shed light on shady business activities. Such communication must often be camouflaged to prevent threats to the individuals involved.
  • Security application development. Developers working on security-specific projects might wish to hide their identity while doing research. They could also need to test applications in the context of Tor relays and encryption. If your organization delves deep into secure communications, Tor could be a useful utility.
  • Law enforcement investigations. Investigators who pursue criminal activities on the internet or the dark web might find that Tor aids in retaining anonymity and maintaining cover.

These roles are only a subset of common internet users, but they represent industries where above-and-beyond web security is essential.

Legal issues are more likely to arise from how employees use Tor rather than the fact they use it. This topic gets murky fast.

Legal concerns

The installation and use of the Tor browser in itself is not typically against the law, although the browser may violate acceptable use policies within a business. Legal issues are more likely to arise from how employees use Tor rather than the fact they use it. This topic gets murky fast. Sometimes, you're dealing with international law and dark web access.

Should employees use Tor?

Deciding whether to let employees use the Tor browser is an exercise in managing expectations. The experience of using the Tor browser differs from using a less-secure Chrome or Firefox browser stuffed with add-ons.

Discuss the following key issues with end users:

  • Slower browsing speeds. Because of Tor's more roundabout routing, sites don't respond or load as quickly.
  • Blocked multimedia. Scripts, media clips and other "flashy" site designs probably don't load or run correctly in Tor.
  • Acceptable use. Tor makes it difficult for security teams to track employee web use, increasing the risk your business resources could be used in unsavory activities online. Discuss this with users to educate them.
  • Blocked sites. Users' exit points from Tor's relay structure causes their origination point to appear to be from a different part of the world. Banking and other sites could restrict access from these parts of the world to secure resources. Users could be forced to update credentials or profile information when using Tor.

Screenshot of using Google in Tor

It's unlikely people will use Tor for every browsing need. Instead, they will probably use it for specific tasks related to particular security requirements.

If your organization decides to allow Tor use, ensure its help desk is prepared to support users through any growing pains when starting with Tor. The Tor Project provides many online resources for learning the browser's ins and outs.

If your organization decides to prohibit Tor, clearly communicate this to staff, and include it in security and acceptable use policies.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tor in the enterprise

Your organization's circumstances dictate if Tor is a viable option. Here are some potential advantages and disadvantages in allowing Tor in your business environment.

Potential advantages include the following:

  • Increased privacy while browsing and researching questionable topics online.
  • Increased privacy after browsing by deleting cookies and other settings.
  • Browsing anonymity.
  • Solid cross-platform support for Linux, macOS, Windows and Android.
  • Relatively secure default configuration.

Potential disadvantages include the following:

  • Slower browsing experience.
  • Fewer browsing enhancements, such as multimedia and scripts.
  • Exit points from the Tor relay network could still expose information.
  • Tor is built on Firefox and might include its security vulnerabilities.
  • Tech support resources might be greater.
  • ISPs know when Tor is used, and they might report you to law enforcement for additional scrutiny.
  • Some sites might block Tor, especially if exit points are from remote locations.
  • Increased risk of business resources being used in illicit dealings.
  • Potential increased exposure to malware .
  • Difficult to enforce your organization's acceptable use policy.

How to install Tor

Installing Tor is straightforward . The browser supports multiple languages -- a crucial consideration for people using the software in countries where web access is restricted. Its cross-platform support -- Linux downloads as a .tar extract, Mac users receive a .dmg disk image and Windows relies on a traditional .exe application -- makes Tor easy to deploy to end-user workstations and usable in nearly every enterprise environment.

Screenshot of Tor's download page

An official Android version is available for mobile users. An official iOS version is not available, but iPhone and iPad users can download the Onion Browser app from Apple App Store. ChromeOS users, meanwhile, can download the Android Tor app. It displays the mobile version of websites, but it shouldn't be a problem for most users.

The Tor site provides documentation, including an extensive FAQ and user manual. The FAQ covers a wide array of questions, from Tor installation to relay support to add-ons. The user manual provides more detailed procedures for configuring options, such as bridges and identity management. Plenty of information is available for your help desk to support Tor browser users.

Screenshot of the Tor connection page

Bridging the connection could be required in some network environments. Select from several built-in bridges, or configure your own.

Screenshot of Tor's built-in bridge configurations

Tor defaults to DuckDuckGo rather than Google, whose search engine tracks user information extensively.

Screenshot of DuckDuckGo search page with Tor

Users should check their organization's security and acceptable use policies to determine whether they are permitted to use Tor before following these download instructions.

Tor's features appeal to security-conscious users. While it's not for every business environment or user, Tor's commitment to anonymous and private web access can make it an effective tool in the right situation.

Damon Garn owns Cogspinner Coaction and provides freelance IT writing and editing services. He has written multiple CompTIA study guides, including the Linux+, Cloud Essentials+ and Server+ guides, and contributes extensively to TechTarget Editorial and CompTIA Blogs.

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The poisonous global politics of water

Polarisation makes it harder to adapt to climate change.

20 litre water cans are filled from pools dug in a dry river-bed in Androy Province, Madagascar

T HE WATER thieves come at night. They arrive in trucks, suck water out of irrigation canals and drive off. This infuriates Alejandro Meneses, who owns a big vegetable farm in Coquimbo, a parched province of Chile. In theory, his landholding comes with the right to pour 40 litres of river-water a second on his fields. But thanks to drought, exacerbated by theft, he can get just a tenth of that, which he must negotiate with his neighbours. If the price of food goes up because farmers like him cannot grow enough, “there will be a big social problem,” he says.

The world’s water troubles can be summed up in six words: “too little, too much, too dirty”, says Charlie Iceland of the World Resources Institute ( WRI ), a think-tank. Climate change will only aggravate the troubles. Already, roughly half of humanity lives under what the WRI calls “highly water-stressed conditions” for at least one month a year.

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Adapting will require not only new technology but a new politics. Villages, regions and countries will need to collaborate to share scarce water and build flood defences. The needs of farmers, who use 70% of the world’s freshwater, must be balanced with those of the urbanites they feed, as well as industry. In short, a politics of trust, give-and-take and long-term planning is needed. Yet the spread of “them-and-us” demagoguery makes this harder. A global study by Jens Marquardt and Markus Lederer of the University of Darmstadt notes that populists stir up anger, sow distrust of science and dismiss climate policies as the agenda of liberal elites.

Around 97% of the water on Earth sits in the salty ocean; land-, lake- and river-bound life depends on the remaining 3%. Although the amount of water on the planet is immutable, the daedal workings that move it around are not. The water cycle is made up of a dizzying number of processes, many of them non-linear, which operate across various timescales and areas. All are, ultimately, driven by the energy of the sun, which makes seawater evaporate, plants transpire and, by disproportionally heating the tropics, powers ocean currents and weather systems.

Global warming alters the ways water behaves. It intensifies the water cycle, increasing the severity of both very wet events and very dry ones . Warmer air can hold more moisture, which also evaporates more readily up out of warmer oceans. More moisture in the atmosphere means more can fall back out as rain or snow. This increases the likelihood of heavier deluges in wet regions . That, in turn, means less potential precipitation is left for drier spots. “Thirsty” air there is more likely to suck moisture out of the soil, prolonging and worsening droughts.

essay about disadvantages of internet

The UN reckons that, between 2002 and 2021, flooding affected around 1.6bn people, killed nearly 100,000 and caused economic losses of over $830bn. Droughts, in the same period, affected 1.4bn, killed over 20,000 and cost $170bn. The World Bank estimates that by 2099, the global supply of freshwater per head will fall by 29% from what it was in 2000; and by a massive 67% in Africa, while rising 28% in Europe (see chart).

In Chile, “too little” is becoming a crisis, for which politics is nowhere close to finding a solution. It is the most water-stressed country in South America. “Santiago [the capital] is OK now but in ten years it might not be,” warns Jessica López, the public-works minister.

For centuries, Chileans who wanted water simply took it from streams and rivers, or sank wells to pump groundwater. But as parts of the country dry up, rules written in wetter times are increasingly out of date. Intense distrust between left and right—in a country that has seen massive protests in recent years—makes them hard to revise.

Conservative governments granted many landowners “water rights”, allowing them to pump a generous amount each day, for free and for ever. Today, the total volume of granted water rights far exceeds what can sustainably be extracted. So farmers like Mr Meneses have had to sit down with their local water association and agree on how much everyone can pump. Yet some people cheat, sinking illicit boreholes. Tension between big farmers, small farmers and villagers is high. “We’re surrounded by farms with illegal wells, and that’s why we have no water,” says Erica Díaz, a hard-up villager who relies on water trucks and recycles her washing-up water onto her vegetable patch.

Conservative Chilean landowners think of “water rights” as a natural part of property rights. But water is not like land. A house need not encroach upon a neighbour; but a well depletes groundwater for everyone. Granting a fixed volume of water rights in perpetuity is nuts.

Meanwhile, the Chilean left push the notion that water is a human right. A draft constitution , backed by the current government but rejected by voters in 2022, mentioned “water” 71 times, affirming everyone’s right to it, especially if they were poor or indigenous, but giving little clue as to how that right might be delivered.

The trickiness of water politics is on display at a meeting of small farmers in Punitaqui, a town in northern Chile. Everyone agrees water is too scarce. Some farmers complain big companies have taken an unfair share. Others complain of widespread criminality—including a water inspector getting death threats. An expert shows how to use ultrasound to detect leaks, which are common. Yet many farmers in the room admit they don’t even know where their local pipes are buried.

In one sense Chile has plenty of water: to the west is the Pacific Ocean. But getting a permit to build a desalination plant can take more than a decade. The problems are political more than technical. Just for permission to use a bit of shoreline for a plant, a firm must apply to the ministry of defence—taking three or four years. The archaeological-monuments council needs to be assured nothing of cultural interest is being damaged. That can take another three or four years. And then transporting water is a bureaucratic maelstrom.

Chile needs to think about water logically, says Ulrike Broschek of Fundación Chile, a think-tank. Desalination is useful, but unless powered by renewables it is bad for the climate. By one estimate, global emissions from desalination could match all of those from Britain by 2025.

In Chile, bigger, cheaper gains are to be made. Farms, which account for four-fifths of water use, could use drip irrigation and hydroponics more. If farmers paid directly for water, they would use it more efficiently. Cities, instead of having impermeable pavement everywhere, could use “rain gardens” to capture rain and recharge the groundwater below. And the rules need to be simpler: 56 public bodies regulate water, with no overall co-ordinator, Ms Broschek complains.

Ms López, at least, offers an encouragingly pragmatic view. A pending bill will speed up permits for desalination, she promises, and more water infrastructure will be built. More broadly, she argues that water “needs to have an appropriate price”.

Elsewhere, sensible water pricing is as rare as it is necessary. Even in places where it has been shown to work, it can be politically fraught. Take Australia, another dry country where farmers use more water than everyone else combined. Federal and state governments thrashed out an agreement in 2012 to conserve water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’s biggest system of interconnecting rivers. It relied on an existing scheme allowing farmers to buy or sell water entitlements. The goal was to save 3,200 gigalitres (gl) by 2024, either by “buying back” entitlements from farmers or by investing in projects that could save equivalent amounts, such as more efficient irrigation systems.

Australia has conserved about 2,130gl of water, equivalent to over 20% of what was previously consumed. Meanwhile, farm output has risen. It helps greatly that the country is rich. The government has pumped A$13bn ($8.8bn) into water-saving. Systems for measuring water use are sophisticated. When Malcolm Holm, a dairy farmer, needs to irrigate his pastures, he orders water online. Sensors measure out the volumes. Locks are raised, and it trickles into his fields. The system sustains his 1,200 cattle.

Yet nearly everyone is unhappy. Environmentalists say the targets should be more ambitious. Farmers say they are too strict. No one is forced to sell their water to the government, but because many do, the system reduces the total amount available to trade for irrigation. This is one reason why water prices have risen in the past decade. That is the point: higher prices spur conservation. But they also threaten rural livelihoods. Protests have erupted in rural New South Wales. “Preschools are struggling to get children in. Footy clubs haven’t got enough players,” says Linda Fawns, a councillor in Deniliquin, a small town. Jamie Tasker, a local agricultural mechanic, claims the government is “scaremongering” about the environment and squeezing irrigation to shore up city votes.

Almost nine out of ten Australians live in cities, and politicians, certainly, do not want their taps to run dry. But priorities change as parties alternate in power. The (conservative) Liberal Party, which is more pro-farmer and reluctant to do much about climate change, stopped doing water buybacks. The Labor Party, in federal power since 2022, resumed them.

Allegations of water theft abound. Last year a farmer was fined a mere A$150,000 for illegally taking over A$1.1m-worth of groundwater. “Theft is a business model, because fines don’t fit the crime,” grumbles Robert McBride, who runs an outback sheep station.

The Murray-Darling plan comes up for review in 2026. As droughts grow worse, the government ought to buy back more water, thus raising water prices and driving the least water-efficient farms out of business. They won’t go quietly.

From conflict to compromise

If the politics of water is touchy in well-off, stable places like Australia and Chile, it is explosive in poorer countries. Climate change seems to be making the weather more erratic in many of them, for example, by magnifying the variability inherent in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation , a global driver of monsoons and their rains.

In April and May floods in Kenya were the worst in memory. Bridges, schools and railways were destroyed. Perhaps 300 people died. Following years of drought, the government was caught off-guard, says Kennedy Odede of SHOFCO , an NGO serving Kenya’s slums. “When it started raining, people were happy. Nobody was expecting there to be too much.”

The government should have been better informed. Persistent drought paves the way for flooding, since the soil hardens and the water has nowhere to go but sideways. Kenya’s populist president, William Ruto, ignored warnings last year of impending floods.

A child collects water from a station pipe which supplies water used for cleaning trains at Mymensingh train station in Bangladesh

Benninah Nazau, a vegetable hawker in Mathare, a Nairobi slum, recalls rain pounding on her tin roof at 5pm on April 23rd. When she peered out, she saw tables and chairs swept along by the nearby river. By 1am the water was surging through her home. She grabbed her five children and took them to higher ground, unable to salvage any possessions. “It was life or death.” Neighbours were carried off in the deluge.

Political dysfunction makes cities less resilient. Rules barring the construction of homes dangerously close to the river—such as Ms Nazau’s, which was only six metres—are ignored. Landowners bribe officials to look the other way when they flout planning codes. Builders pave over wetlands.

Whereas scarcity has an obvious solution—higher prices—the problem of too much water does not. Flood defences must be built and people discouraged from living in the riskiest places. But where, and how? Kenya’s government is sponsoring tree-planting along Nairobi’s river banks, to help hold back future floods. A moratorium has been placed on new building permits in the city. Officials are evicting people from homes built 30 metres or less from the riverbanks and destroying the buildings. In the worst-affected part of Mathare, all that remains is rubble and a stench of sewage. Each household was offered 10,000 shillings ($77.60) compensation.

Many residents, however, are resisting. Some are still in shacks by the river, refusing to leave. Others want more compensation. Many distrust the government, widely seen as corrupt. Some Kenyans think politicians deliberately caused the flooding, to pave the way for the slum clearances that followed. Belief in such far-fetched conspiracy theories makes co-operation between state and citizens less likely.

Squabbles over water can turn violent. The Water, Peace and Security partnership, a global body, crunches data to predict water-related conflicts. Its latest update, in June, notes that herders and farmers across the Sahel are fighting over scarce water. Drought-related skirmishes are expected in South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique, and floods in Iran and Afghanistan have displaced populations into areas where they may not be welcome.

Tensions between states are common, too. As rivers grow more erratic, negotiations between downstream countries and upstream ones may grow more fraught. Dry countries (such as China and the Gulf states) are buying up farmland in Africa and the Americas to secure future supplies of food. In effect, they are importing vast quantities of water in the form of wheat and soyabeans. This could become a political flashpoint.

Water wars between states are fortunately rare. But Egypt is furious about an Ethiopian dam that could disrupt its access to the Nile river, from which it gets nine-tenths of its water. Talks over how to share the water keep failing. Egyptian officials hint they might go to war. They may be bluffing, but no one can be sure.

To avoid water wars, countries need to use water more efficiently (Egypt wastes it copiously) and negotiate more amicably. Much work needs to be done in both areas. The world spends roughly 0.5% of GDP on water, the World Bank estimates, but 28% of allocated public funds go unspent, and a typical water utility has “efficiency losses” (leaks and theft) of around 16%. As for amicable haggling, three-fifths of the world’s 310 international river basins lack frameworks to govern disputes.

Another thing that makes water policy hard is that many people—such as those whose homes are too costly to defend from floods, or whose crops wither—will eventually have to move. Chilean vineyards are already shifting south. Outback towns will shrink. Inundated Africans and Asians will keep migrating to cities or abroad.

Rich countries may be able to help compensate those whose homes and fields are rendered worthless, but the process will be disruptive everywhere. Nonetheless, it should be manageable. The WRI estimates that solving the world’s water crises would cost 1% of GDP per year until 2030, and that every $1 invested in sensible ways to do so would yield $6.80 in benefits. However, getting the politics right will require calm, collaborative leadership, disproving the epigram attributed, perhaps erroneously, to Mark Twain: “Whisky’s for drinking; water’s for fighting.” ■

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