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19 Skills a Teacher Should List on a Resume (A to Z List)

19 Skills a Teacher Should List on a Resume (A to Z List)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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teaching skills examples and definition, explained below

Examples of teaching skills needed to be successful in today’s classrooms include: leadership, communication, multitasking, patience, and reflectiveness.

When adding these skills to a teacher resume, you can list these in two categories: ‘soft skills’ and ‘hard skills’. We’ve listed which type of skill each is below.

Be sure your teaching resume highlights some of the skills listed below, and discuss how they will benefit the students in your classroom.

For content specifically about soft skills, see soft skills for teachers .

A to Z List of Skills for a Teacher Resume

1. communication.

Type: Soft Skill

Teachers need to be able to communicate in the classroom as well as with colleagues, parents, and administration.

Show prospective employers that you are able to effectively communicate with parents in-person.  Examples of communication skills include your ability to speak professionally and articulately, as well as your ability to be an empathetic listener. 

Teachers will also be required to communicate through different media formats such as Google Classroom, Canvas, Edutopia, or any other required website by your district.

Be sure you are informing prospective employers that you are savvy in communicating your class objectives, standards, and assignments in an easy-to-use media format for parents and administrators.

A teacher who has dynamic communication skills will stand out as a candidate that school districts can trust to effectively reach all members of a learning community.

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2. Computer Skills

Type: Hard Skill

Technology is here to stay in education. Feature how you use technology in your classroom to make yourself stand out on a resume.

If you use a smart board, projector, online classrooms, or technology in general to drive your instruction, make this stand out on your resume.  In the real world your students will be using computer skills in any or all future job opportunities. 

For example, a student might have to access google classroom in order to access a text and assignment for the day. In math, a group might be working on a shared online document to create a graphing presentation. In Science, students could be using project-based learning to demonstrate their understanding of skills or concepts taught in your class.

A resume that doesn’t highlight a teacher’s ability to incorporate and promote computer skills in their classroom will simply be overlooked.  It is no longer a skill you can go without in the classroom.

3. Creativity

Administrators love hearing new ideas for successful lesson planning and teaching. Demonstrating how you provide a creative spin to older teaching practices is a fantastic way to stand out on your resume.

Creativity can be highlighted in many different parts of your teaching style : how you develop unique lessons, how you informally assess students during class to drive your instruction, innovative solutions you have to common behavioral problems in your classroom, how you support students in sharing ideas and communicating, etc. 

Any way you can offer new insights for common practices in the classroom that lead to student success will highlight your ability to be creative.

For example, a teacher who uses a peer learning strategy that allows their students to read multiple examples of their classmates would showcase that you understand that exposure to multiple examples increases student understanding of writing skills. 

Provide specific examples of how your teaching practices go beyond normal expectations in a classroom setting and highlight the benefits of those examples for your students. This will prove your ability to be creative on your resume.

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4. Cultural Competence

Diversity in education cannot be overlooked.  Your resume needs to prove you can connect with and include to a multitude of cultural backgrounds in your classroom.

An English teacher might discuss the multicultural literature they use during their lesson plans to allow their students to see themselves within the stories and topics they are discussing, for example.

Any teacher can include cultural competence by promoting and respecting dynamic cultural differences of their students in the classroom.

Your resume should highlight how you allow your students to share their personal stories and how you, as their teacher, both formally and informally recognize those differences.

One tip would be to outline how you reach out to students at the beginning of the year and allow them to share their cultures and experiences before diving into any given curriculum.

Cultural competence cannot be overlooked on your resume.  You need to prove your ability to be culturally aware, and how you encourage students to be aware and accepting of their peers’ cultural differences. 

5. Goal Setting

Goal setting for teachers involves making sure you have short-term and long-term plans, as well as knowledge of the steps required to get there.

This is required because teachers need to be able to create a coherent unit of work to get students from their prior knowledge to mastery of a topic.

Your resume should outline how you set goals for yourself and your students, the tasks you need to accomplish, how you minimize distractions, and your overall plan for accomplishing your daily activities successfully.

6. Leadership

Teachers are leaders inside the classroom and in the school community. 

In the classroom, teachers lead groups all day long . They need a leader’s negotiating skills with students while also being able to assert their authority in the classroom.

They might also train and mentor younger and less experienced teachers and help parents with child development information that can help them raise their children.

In the school community, teachers participate in school committees where they develop educational programs and school policies. will usually be more sought after than a candidate focused solely on their classroom instruction.

School districts also have many leadership positions that need to be filled outside of the classroom, including:

  • school improvement plans,
  • curriculum planning,
  • policy and procedure development,
  • behavioral programs, etc. 

Market your leadership skills on your resume by showing times when you have been a leader in and outside of the school context. Showcasing these leadership skills are sure to get you closer to securing an interview spot.   

7. Lesson Planning

Lesson planning is a skill specific to our profession. It involves the ability to lay out not just what you will teach but how you will teach it.

Many employers now ask to see samples of lesson plans appended to resumes. If this is required, make sure you list your teaching strategies and be aware of the layout of the classroom. Your lesson plan should answer questions like:

  • Where is the teacher standing?
  • Are the students in groups or working independently?
  • What will be the pacing of the lesson?
  • How will you transition into and out of phases of the lesson?
  • What education theories are you relying on while executing this lesson?

8. Math Skills

Even if you are not a math teacher you can still easily highlight your math skills on a teaching resume.

Data-driven instruction is a major theme in successful classrooms.  Be sure to demonstrate how you collect data from your students in regards to skills they are working on in class. Questions you might get in an interview may include:

  • How do you organize student data?
  • How do you interpret data to drive your instruction for your next lesson plan or unit? 

Outlining these components on your day-to-day data collection and assessment will showcase your math skills, even if you are an English teacher.

You can even provide an example of your data collection on an anonymous student and describe how you might interpret that data to a parent or guardian so they can better understand their child’s progress in your class. 

Even if you aren’t a math or science teacher, math and data collection should still be a driving force in your teaching.  Prove this on your resume and you’ll easily showcase your math skills!

9. Multitasking

Your resume should lay out your ability to facilitate the many roles teachers play in their classroom.

In a single class, a teacher will take attendance, engage students, provide materials, introduce assignments, give directions, document behaviors, informally assess student understanding, reteach, and the list goes on!

There is no end to the amount of tasks a teacher may or may not perform in a single class period, let alone an entire day. 

Your resume needs to display your ability to handle the ever-changing needs of your students on a daily basis.  This includes both instruction and social emotional needs of your students. 

Be sure your employer knows that you understand the complexity of what happens in a classroom on a daily basis by giving examples of your ability to handle and adapt to the ever-changing environment of your classroom.

See More: 25 Examples of Multitasking

10. Patience

Teaching is the most patient of professions. Often times, you need to sit patiently with a student for a long time before they finally have the ‘light bulb’ moment they need.

A patient educator needs to be able to change up their pedagogy to match the needs of the student. For example, they should identify when a student is struggling with your teaching modalities and switch them up to a modality that is more beneficial for the student.

If you can, provide examples of past experiences where you’ve demonstrated patience and the positive outcomes that came from those experiences.  Real examples of how you can be patient in an academic setting will set you apart from other candidates.

11. Problem Solving

Being able to identify a problem, determine the cause of the problem, and initiate possible solutions to a problem are a prominent skills for any teacher and should be showcased on your resume.

Problems will appear throughout a teacher’s day. Problems with technology, problems with parents, problems with student behaviors, and student learning difficulties are all examples of issues teachers will need to face. 

‘Putting out fires’ and finding solutions for both your own problems and the problems of your students are therefore central skills. 

Showcases this to employers as a way to enhance your resume. Make sure you demonstrate you are capable of finding solutions for a variety of situations that could occur in any teacher’s day-to-day encounters.

Be sure your resume discusses your problem-solving skills with simple examples and solutions to ensure your prospective employer understands you fully acknowledge that all competent teachers can problem solve.

12. Punctuality

A classroom full of unsupervised students can lead to catastrophe. So be sure your employer is aware of your ability to be on time.

Being punctual to your classes at the start of the school day is necessary for the wellbeing of the students within the school. Teacher presence is often seen as one of the most important aspects of keeping students’ good behavior.

Beyond student supervision, you should be demonstrating to your employer that you are a candidate that they can count on to show up. Nothing is worse for administration than scrambling to find a last-minute substitute for a teacher who doesn’t show up on time to work.

Furthermore, nothing is worse for one of your colleagues than being called out of their planned period to substitute because you were a no-show! No one wants a colleague like that.

Your resume should prove you are accountable and that you will be present every day for your colleagues and your students. 

13. Reflectiveness

A reflective teacher is one who pauses at the end of the lesson and reflects on how it went. By being reflective, they can continually learn from their experiences and improve.

One way teachers show reflectiveness is to discuss how the use students’ formative assessments to plan future assessments.

Once learning is assessed teachers then need to plan their next lessons based on student mastery and determine whether they require interventions for greater understanding or enrichment opportunities for continued growth within a skill. 

One way you can accomplish this is discussing how you might incorporate reteaching strategies when students are not yet reaching mastery for a task that you previously planned to move on from.

14. Resilience

Teachers need to be able to quickly recover from difficulties in their day-to-day jobs. 

Things aren’t going to go right for you. There will always be issues that you could have solved better, and prickly parents who you need to deal with regularly.

Much like a teacher’s ability to problem solve and find solutions, teachers need to quickly bounce back after handling problems.

For instance, a teacher may receive an email in the middle of day outlining a parent complaint where their practice or skills are put down or diminished. Oftentimes, teachers must quickly adapt and continue meeting the needs of their students after facing such scrutiny.

Your resume could include a glimpse into how you might recover from such situations and your plan for growth and improvement. If you have specific examples of your previous resilience in your teaching experience, be sure to highlight these on your resume.

15. Social and Emotional Intelligence

Demonstrating your ability to be are aware of your own feelings, including your strengths and weaknesses, will prove your social and emotional intelligence.

Incorporating social emotional intelligence on your resume is simple. It can be outlined in your ability to communicate, problem solve, and self-assess your work.  

Be sure that you offer examples of both what you excel at in the classroom and what you need to work on.  When discussing what you need to improve on, be sure to include how you will make those improvements and the benefits they will have in your classroom and for your students.

Another way to include social emotional intelligence is your ability to be responsive to your students’ social emotional status within your classroom.

Provide examples for when you understood a student was struggling and provided them with resources needed to support them.

A student who may have struggled to pay attention might be struggling with hunger.  As a teacher, you were able to find them resources for free breakfast and lunch at school is a dynamite way to highlight your social emotional intelligence.

Highlighting your own social emotional intelligence and your ability to recognize social emotional cues in your students will give you an edge on your resume.

See More: Examples of High Emotional Intelligence

16. Subject-Specific Knowledge

Subject-specific knowledge is the hard skill of knowing not how to teach, but what you’re teaching .

A math teacher needs to have excellent math skills, a physics teacher must be excellent at physics, and a woodworking teacher needs excellent skills with a lathe!

One way to demonstrate excellent subject-specific knowledge is to show how you’ve used your subject-specific knowledge in your work prior to becoming a teacher.

17. Teamwork

Being a skilled team member is one of the most crucial parts of being a stellar educator. 

In order to efficiently meet the needs of diverse learners, teamwork is crucial.

Current trends in teamwork for schools include just that: teams of teachers who teach the same group of students.

One example is a school who has all core teachers (Math, Social Studies, Science, and English) overseeing the education of the same group of students.

These teachers will communicate on a daily or weekly basis on the needs of individual students including:  their success in classes, behavioral issues, social emotional needs, special education needs, etc. 

Teams of teachers should be able to observe and provide interventions for students struggling when they work together to meet student needs.  A greater impact can be made on a students’ success in the classroom when there’s a team of teachers in that student’s corner.

Exemplifying your ability to work on a team in an educational setting is a great way to increase merit on your teaching resume.

18. Time Management

In teaching you will not be seen as a viable potential employee if you cannot demonstrate your ability to organize and plan your time.

We live in a time where the crowded curriculum means we need to leverage every moment of the day. If we don’t, we’ll never get through all the teaching we need to get done by the end of the school year.

19. Writing Skills

There’s nothing worse than a teacher who sends home a newsletter with spelling mistakes all over it. It undermines your credibility as an educator!

Your resume is the first look your potential employer has of your writing skills. Make sure it’s impeccable.

You could also explicitly discuss your writing skills. For example, you could provide examples of how you model writing in your classroom, regardless of your discipline. Writing is, after all, a general academic skill that all students need. 

Remember, your resume itself will showcase your writing skills.  Be sure you have proofread your resume and that your writing is grammatically correct, formatted efficiently, and is easy to navigate for potential employers.

Go Deeper: Writing Skills Examples

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

Soft skills are generalizable skills that are difficult to measure whereas hard skills are specific skills required in a profession, which are generally quantifiably measurable.

1. Soft skills are skills that are general in nature and can be transferrable across different professions. They are usually not quantitatively measurable. Examples include communication and leadership skills.

Soft skills also often require use of emotional intelligence to get them done. In other words, they often involve navigating complex social situations (although not always).

2. Hard skills are skills that are specific for tasks rather than generalist. They’re usually quantifiable and relate directly to your profession. For example, creating lesson plans is a measurable skill (you produce something at the end) and one that is specifically for the teaching profession.

Common Interview Questions for Teachers

  • How would you handle a disruptive student? I would answer this by highlighting the important to stay calm and patient, show concern for the student’s needs, and work together with the student, parents, and support staff to ensure the student is comfortable in the learning environment to minimize disruptive behavior going forward.
  • What is your teaching style? Most teachers would answer this with reference to active learning , placing an emphasis on situated learning , or achieving differentiation (see: examples of differentiated instruction ).
  • How do you plan to contribute to the learning culture at our school? Emphasize your ability to support other teachers, demonstrating high-standards to be a good role model to all students, and your enthusiasm to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

While the skills included in this article can seem overwhelming, remember that many of these skills are layered within each other and can be incorporated together in different aspects of your resume. 

Time management, patience, resilience, and problem solving are all skills that piggyback off of one another.  You likely won’t have one without touching on some of the others.

Work to group or highlight skills included in this article together.

Most importantly, remember to always make the forefront of your resume about the students.  Highlight how your skills enhance their learning.

The focus should always be on how you can increase student success in your classroom both academically and as citizens.  Teaching is really about the skills you have that make your students thrive!


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Excellent Article! Thank you for sharing. Fred

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15+ Teacher Skills You Need On Your Resume in 2024

August 28, 2024

Teaching is a dynamic profession that requires a unique blend of skills to inspire young minds and create effective learning environments. 

As a teacher, you’re responsible for various tasks within a school, ensuring that your class’s learning runs smoothly. This includes lesson planning, curriculum instruction, learner assessment, record keeping, and giving feedback on learner performance and progress.

To stand out in a competitive job market, you must showcase your abilities clearly and concisely on your resume. 

This article highlights 15 essential skills that every teacher should emphasize to capture the attention of potential employers and demonstrate their qualifications for success in the classroom.

A group of teacher

Crucial Teacher Skills

Teacher skills are specific competencies and abilities that help you carry out your educator roles effectively and efficiently. They are necessary when creating lesson plans, carrying out learner instruction, and interacting with colleagues, parents, and administrators. 

Some of these will be learned during your teacher education degree program, while others you will acquire as a certified educator. 

Teacher skills will enhance your efficiency in working with children and help you develop their knowledge and critical thinking skills. 

Highlighting your teacher skills on your resume sets you apart from other candidates and can earn you a teaching position. 

Let’s look at the top 15 teacher skills that will make your resume stand out: 

1. Communication

Communication is the art of effectively conveying ideas, building relationships, and creating a shared understanding in your classroom and beyond.

Communication is a critical teacher skill that underpins all aspects of your work as an educator. Whether written or verbal, your employers need to know that you can effectively communicate with all the stakeholders within the institution. 

Practical communication skills will help you to connect with:

  • Students: They help you present information, instructions, and concepts. Clear communication also ensures that students understand the lesson’s subject matter. 
  • Colleagues: Effective communication enables educator collaboration, where you can share ideas, resources, and best practices. This contributes to professional growth and enhances the teaching approaches of the entire teaching fraternity. 
  • Parents: You’re expected to regularly update parents on students’ progress, discuss challenges, and seek parental involvement to support student learning.
  • Stakeholders in the education community: Communication with the educational community enables you to access resources,  participate in professional development programs, and engage in collaborative projects.

As an effective educator, you are expected to listen, empathize, and seek to understand the different viewpoints presented by your learners, parents, and other stakeholders. Here are some ways to help develop your communication skills:

  • Embrace telephone jobs like calling alums for donations or volunteering for a peer support line. 
  • Join a debating society and learn to articulate your opinions thoughtfully while attentively listening to others. 
  • Participate in the school magazine or website and engage your creative writing skills or just get ideas on writing professionally.

2. Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills involve applying reasoning, analyzing information, and making sound decisions based on logic and evidence. These skills empower you to analyze situations carefully and make informed decisions that enhance the best interests of your learners while considering the institutional goals and standards. 

They also help you balance achieving academic standards and addressing parental expectations for their children.

In class, critical thinking skills will help you in:

  • Curriculum design: Teachers critically analyze curriculum guidelines, educational standards, and student needs to design effective and engaging lessons. They consider different teaching strategies and select the most appropriate approaches to support learning among their students.
  • Problem-solving: In the classroom, teachers encounter various challenges, such as addressing individual student needs, managing disruptive behavior, or adapting to unexpected situations. Critical thinking enables them to develop creative solutions that balance the students’ needs and learning environment.
  • Assessment: Teachers use critical thinking to develop meaningful assessments that measure student learning and progress. They analyze assessment data to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement to help students understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some ways in which to develop your critical thinking skills:

  • Assess your thinking : Use tools like self-reflection, journaling, and feedback to examine your strengths, weaknesses, biases, and assumptions. This will help you identify areas of improvement. 
  • Seek diverse perspectives : Expose yourself to various viewpoints through reading, listening, and engaging with people from different backgrounds.
  • Reflect and act : Document your progress, reflect on outcomes, and apply your learning to demonstrate and improve your critical thinking skills. 

3. Patience

Patience is the ability to remain calm and understanding while guiding students through challenges, fostering perseverance and resilience.

Your learners learn at different rates, have different learning styles, and come from diverse backgrounds. Patience is critical in helping you recognize and respect these differences. It will also help you remain calm when faced with challenging behavior. 

In addition, patience helps you foster an inclusive and safe learning environment that nurtures growth and learning for all students. 

For instance, when dealing with a learner who requires additional explanation, you should patiently offer that extra guidance and practice to enhance understanding. 

When your learners deal with personal challenges that may impact their performance and behavior, patience will empower you to be empathetic and respond calmly. 

Although patience is inherent mainly, here are ways you can develop your patience:

  • Practice thinking before speaking: Learners are more open when they know you are listening. Make an effort to listen attentively when they talk and value their perspectives. This will allow you to create a nurturing and engaging learning environment. 
  • Take time to understand learners’ underlying issues: This will help you offer suitable guidance and support and determine the kind of environment your learners require to optimize learning. 

4. Leadership

Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide students toward their full potential, fostering a collaborative and empowering learning environment.

As an educator, you need to be able to lead a classroom and inspire confidence in your learners. You also need to be able to deal with students with diverse needs inside and outside the school. 

You serve as a leader in the classroom, guiding and inspiring the learners toward academic success and self-actualization.

Beyond the classroom, you also demonstrate leadership when interacting with colleagues, parents, and school administrators, contributing to a collaborative educational environment. You can also demonstrate leadership skills by serving as a mentor and providing guidance to less experienced teachers or student teachers. 

Here are ways to develop leadership skills: 

  • Practice makes perfect : Try putting yourself in situations that require you to take leadership roles. For instance, I could volunteer to head a group project or be more involved in societies at and after university. As you head this group, we encourage your teammates to offer you constructive criticism and give feedback to teammates as well. 
  • Improve your organizational skills . Leadership roles will demand great organization from you. You can practice organizing your classroom and planning lessons, assessments, and evaluations. Also, learn to prioritize and delegate tasks to avoid being overwhelmed.  

5. Organization

Organization includes the systematic arrangement of resources and time to create a focused, efficient, and productive learning environment.

To perform your duties effectively as a teacher, you must possess excellent organizational skills. 

Organizational skills are also vital to creating and maintaining a productive learning environment. For instance, if your class has around 30 learners, it can be challenging to remain organized, optimize instructional time, and ensure each learner gets personalized attention.

Educators with excellent organizational skills prepare their instructional content beforehand and inform learners of their expectations. This makes it easier for them to manage their assignments and materials. 

Here are a few tips to help you improve your organizational skills:

  • To save time, organize your teaching materials and prepare lesson notes and plans for the previous day. This will allow you to focus on delivering the lesson content and ensure you do not miss important information. 
  • Determine the lesson objective before the beginning of the lesson. Ensure the learning goals are clearly defined, as this will enhance your focus and help you organize your teaching materials and resources better. 
  • Keep a calendar or a planner, schedule lessons, mark essential deadlines, and track assignments. A planner lets you prioritize tasks, allocate time for each learning activity, and avoid last-minute rushes.
  • Utilize technology to enhance your organizational skills in the classroom. Learn how to use software applications and online tools, such as Moodle, Google Classroom, and Evernote, to assist you in managing your materials, grading assignments, and tracking student progress.
  • Establish consistent routines and tasks to help you create a sense of structure and order in your classroom. This could range from deadlines for assignment submission to access to learning resources. 

6. Time Management

Time management is the skill of efficiently allocating and prioritizing tasks to maximize productivity and create a balanced classroom environment.

Time management skills are critical for educators to remain organized and complete tasks efficiently. A day in the classroom involves:

  • Balancing various responsibilities, such as planning lessons.
  • Meeting with students and parents.
  • Marking and grading assessments. 

This demands a great deal of time management skills, so you must be able to complete your tasks promptly and prioritize them based on their urgency and importance. 

Practical time management skills also allow you to create a healthy work-life balance, which is essential if you want to stay in the field for a long time. Teaching can be a stressful job at times, so you’ll need to prioritize time for self-care.

To effectively manage your time, you need to plan and structure your time to maximize productivity, minimize distractions, and allow for flexibility in case of unexpected events. 

Here’s how you’ll benefit from time management on your teacher resume:

  • Efficient scheduling: Demonstrates your ability to plan and prioritize daily tasks, ensuring all educational responsibilities are met.
  • Distraction management: This shows you have the capacity to create focused work environments, enhancing productivity in lesson planning and grading.
  • Strategic timetabling: Illustrates skill in optimizing teaching schedules to maximize instructional impact and maintain work-life balance.

7. Teamwork

“Teamwork makes the dream work”. John Maxwell. 

Strong teamwork means communicating effectively with others, building positive relationships, and contributing to a collaborative environment.  

When you work well with a team, you can share ideas, develop new approaches to instruction, improve student outcomes, and create a positive school culture. 

Understanding teamwork will also help you teach your students the importance of working well in teams and fostering positive interactions with other school personnel. 

In a classroom, you can grow learners’ collaborative skills by creating group work opportunities and encouraging them to communicate, cooperate, and contribute to shared goals.

8. Listening

Listening is the cornerstone of effective teaching, enabling you to understand students’ needs, build rapport, and provide tailored support.

Listening keenly helps you gather valuable feedback from your learners, colleagues, and parents, which enhances your instructional strategies. 

Excellent listening skills will help you:

  • Understand individual student needs and concerns
  • Create an inclusive learning environment where students feel seen and heard
  • Gather feedback on your teaching styles from students and fellow educators.

Here are ways to showcase your listening skills in your resume and during your teacher interview:

  • Maintain appropriate eye contact: Show engagement by making consistent eye contact with the interviewer, demonstrating attentiveness and interest in the conversation.
  • Display relaxed attentiveness:   Have a calm and focused demeanor, indicating your ability to create a comfortable learning environment and fully concentrate on students’ needs.
  • Respond to nonverbal cues: Demonstrate awareness of the interviewer’s body language and tone, showcasing your ability to pick up on subtle communication cues in the classroom.

9. Adaptability

Adaptability is your capacity to flexibly adjust teaching methods, materials, and environment to meet the diverse needs of students and respond to unexpected challenges.

Although exciting, being an educator can present different challenges that you need to adapt to.

The teaching field is dynamic and continually changing from the approaches to the technologies we utilize in the classroom. 

You also have learners from different backgrounds, learning abilities, interests, and learning styles. 

Your ability to adapt to these changes is vital to providing relevant and meaningful learning experiences. You should also be flexible in adjusting your teaching methods to suit the diverse learners in your classroom. 

Here are a few examples of how you can be adaptable in teaching:

  • Adjust your lesson plans and instructional materials based on learner’s feedback, learning abilities, and styles. 
  • Consider learners who require more time to understand or have learning challenges and review your pace of instruction.
  • Embrace alternative testing methods to provide multiple means of evaluating different learners. For instance, allow learners to choose between projects and class presentations. 
  • Switch up the seating arrangements and learning environments to accommodate different learner preferences and needs.
  • Integrate new technologies and digital resources to enhance learning experiences and engage learners in new ways. 

Being adaptable will enable you to respond to learners’ evolving needs in a manner that prepares them for success in a dynamic world. 

10. Empathy

Empathy is a fundamental trait that allows you to understand better and connect with your learners. When you are empathetic, you create a place where your learners feel comfortable, confident, and supported in their learning. It is, therefore, an essential component of a positive learning environment. 

Modelling empathy for your learners can help them understand their classmates and others around them. This allows them to build friendships in the classroom and engage in teamwork. 

In addition, empathy helps you build trust and rapport with your learners, which can increase engagement and motivation and improve learning outcomes. 

Investing in your students’ well-being and success can create a sense of belonging and community in your classrooms. 

Teachers can show empathy by:

  • Acknowledge and validate your students’ emotions and experiences.
  • Embracing patience and understanding when students face difficulties or make mistakes.
  • Celebrating and appreciating students’ diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.
  • Providing individualized support and guidance to students based on their unique needs and goals.
  • Incorporating diverse and inclusive learning materials and perspectives in the curriculum.

Here are several ways you can enhance your empathy:

  • Avoid assumptions: Ask questions and allow students to explain their situations before drawing conclusions about their behavior.
  • Practice active listening: Give learners the opportunity to open up about their struggles or admit mistakes, modeling respect and understanding.
  • Choose empathy over sympathy: Maintain high expectations for students while showing understanding. Demonstrate belief in their ability to excel despite challenges.

11. Self-Evaluation

Self-evaluation is a process by which you can judge the adequacy and effectiveness of your knowledge, beliefs, and performance. It empowers you to exercise autonomy in setting goals and creating action plans for improvement. 

Self-evaluations allow you to be more authentic and connect with your students personally. Bringing your interests, passions, and experiences to the classroom makes learning more relatable and relevant. 

In addition, self-evaluation will allow you to reflect on your teaching practice, identify areas for improvement, and, therefore, take proactive measures to improve your effectiveness in class. 

Here are some ways to practice effective self-evaluation:

  • Review your lesson plans and assess whether the desired learning outcomes were achieved and if students were actively engaged in the learning process.
  • Identify areas where students may struggle or excel, and reflect on your instructional strategies to meet their needs better.
  • Keep a teaching journal to record your reflections, observations, and ideas about your teaching style. 
  • Utilize self-assessment tools or checklists to evaluate your teaching methods against established standards or best practices.

Here are some tools you can use for self-evaluation:

  • Rubrics : At the beginning of the school year, develop checklists that outline teaching criteria. Use these to measure lesson content, classroom organization, planning, instruction delivery, and learner engagement. Rate yourself throughout the year and identify fifty areas of improvement. 
  • Self-assessment tools with structured frameworks : These tools pose questions covering aspects of teaching, such as subject matter knowledge, effectiveness in instruction delivery, and planning skills. By assessing yourself, you obtain personalized feedback. 
  • Collaborate with others : Do this by asking your students their perceptions about the lesson, the classroom environment, their level of satisfaction, and engagement. The learners will share feedback through a survey or questionnaire you provide.

Self-evaluation will help you take an active role in your professional development by identifying areas for improvement and setting meaningful goals.

12. Commitment  

Commitment is a teacher’s unwavering dedication to your student’s success by always creating meaningful learning experiences.

Teaching can be challenging at times. However, if you are dedicated to helping your learners succeed, you will learn to keep your energies up to avoid getting discouraged. A good teacher demands a deep sense of dedication and concern for your job and learners. 

Your commitment to your career will require you to invest time and effort to ensure your student’s success. In addition, being committed will help you overcome challenges and engage in professional development activities to enhance your teaching style.

Choosing a field of teaching that aligns with your genuine interests and passions is an excellent way to ensure long-term commitment. This ensures that you always have the expertise, enthusiasm, and ability to inspire learners throughout your teaching career. 

13. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to guide students through disagreements, encouraging empathy, communication, and problem-solving to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Conflicts are inevitable in any classroom setting, making conflict resolution skills essential for teachers.  

Effective conflict management will set the tone for a positive learning environment and help avoid disruptions that may hinder learning.

For instance, if two learners are conflicting, you should listen to both sides, identify the underlying issues causing the conflict, and facilitate a calm conversation between them. 

You should then guide the students to brainstorm possible solutions and encourage them to find common ground and compromise. It is essential to guide them in reflecting upon the experience and discussing the lessons learned. 

Learners are always watching; effective conflict resolution will ensure a harmonious environment and empower them to resolve conflicts independently. 

Here are a few tips on how to develop conflict-resolution skills:

  • Learn behavior management skills : You can attend a workshop or read tips online and apply them in your interactions. 
  • Volunteer in institutions serving children and teenagers : Most offer conflict resolution training. 

14. Classroom Management

Classroom management is the art of creating a structured, supportive, and engaging learning environment where students feel safe to learn and grow.

Classroom management skills help you create a high-performing learning environment. Effective classroom management ensures that learning runs smoothly and that teaching materials and activities enhance understanding. 

When you effectively manage your class, it reduces your chances of suffering from work-related stress and anxiety, enhancing your career satisfaction. 

Here are some of the outcomes of effective classroom management:

  • Creates an organized, highly functional learning environment
  • Establishes opportunities for academic learning and personal development
  • Minimizes undesirable classroom behavior and other disruptions
  • Creates focused, motivated, and productive learners
  • Promotes an inclusive learning environment accommodating all ability levels
  • Enhances time efficiency and ensures that learning time is prioritized

Establishing appropriate classroom management skills is critical in realizing these outcomes and ensuring you reap the benefits of a highly effective learning and working environment.

Here are some strategies you can use to manage your class effectively:

  • Use proximity: When you stay at the front of the class the whole time, your learners tend to drift to other activities without you noticing. Moving around the class while you teach, standing next to the distracted ones, tends to draw learners back to the learning process. 
  • Create a solid lesson plan: Your lesson plan is the foundation of effective classroom management. Ensure it explicitly captures the expectations to establish a safe and productive learning environment. 
  • Build positive relationships with your learners: Good classroom management begins with knowing your learners’ strengths and weaknesses and working out their interests and ambitions. Your interest in your learners will help you build trust and positively influence their personal development. 
  • Avoid sarcasm: Although many teachers view sarcasm as a way of projecting confidence, it presents you as weak and, in most cases, may cause learners to lose respect for you. Instead of being sarcastic to a disruptive learner, talk to them privately and let them know your expectations. 

15. Creativity

Creativity is a teacher’s ability to spark imagination, foster innovation, and inspire unique learning experiences.

Creativity is the heart of every classroom. It motivates the teachers and learners to express their views and perspectives uniquely. 

Creative teaching results in active learning, leading to engaged and interactive learning. Adding creativity as a skill in your teacher resume shows the learning environment you create is highly effective and productive.

Here are some ways to implement creativity in your classroom:

  • Rise above limitations: Creativity is eternal with limitless potential— you can be unlimitedly creative. Work to step outside your creative limits while encouraging your learners to do the same. This will help you create motivated and engaged learners, enhancing the effectiveness of your learning environment. 
  • Challenge the assumptions: Teach yourself to ask “how” or “why not?” Question the assumptions about the concepts you teach and guide your learners towards similar introspective learning that seeks understanding rather than recall. 
  • Define the problem : This will help you broaden your creative potential and understanding. Defining the problem gets you thinking from different perspectives, enhancing your versatility in solutions. 

Creativity establishes a significantly vibrant learning environment, enhancing the realization of various learning outcomes. These include:

  • Motivating students: Research has often linked creativity to intrinsic learning motivation. When learners are focused on a creative goal, they become engaged in their learning and more excited to acquire the skills they need to enhance understanding. 
  • Creativity lights up the brain: When you frequently engage your learners in creative learning activities, they are more likely to develop high-order cognitive skills. These include critical thinking, connecting concepts between subjects, and problem-solving. Combining creativity with transformative technology further improves learning outcomes. 
  • Creativity awakens hard-to-reach learners: When allowed to unleash their creative juices, hard-to-learn students excel in their interests. This can be transformative in their learning journey as you can guide them into working towards their passions. 

Reasons to Choose a Teaching Career

The teaching career is diverse and dynamic— breaking the monotony of other professions.

For instance, you’ll have sports days, celebrations, holidays, and school trips, which greatly excite your school days. Unexpected events and surprises,such as guests coming to speak with the learners add an element of surprise.

For many teachers, the profession is more of a calling. The fulfillment comes from witnessing these young minds grow into responsible members of society. 

There has been an increasing demand for teachers in the U.S., which means job security for aspiring educators. You can dedicate yourself to building your skillset without the fear of loosing your lob.

You can teach in public, private, or specialized schools without the possibility of replacement. 

The average salary for teachers varies depending on factors such as experience, location, and level of education. 

A table showing the median annual wage for teachers at different educational levels according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) as of May 2024.

Even though salary is not the primary motivation for most teachers, the competitive pay and benefits of the profession are worth considering.

What is a Teacher’s Skill?

A teacher skill refers to a set of abilities you need as an educator to carry out your roles in the classroom effectively. 

While formal education and qualifications are essential for becoming a teacher, it’s also critical that you focus on developing specific skills vital for working in the education industry.

In today’s competitive job market, schools often receive numerous applications for each teaching position they post. As a result, standing out from the competition can be challenging. 

Acquiring and refining relevant teaching skills sets you apart and demonstrates your readiness to excel as an educator. 

Our alternative certification programs incorporate the development of all these skills, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the modern learner. 

Skills are required for us to evolve and adapt as society and technology advance. For instance, technology plays a significant role in education in the modern era. Therefore, you must be proficient in using digital resources, tools, and platforms to enhance student learning. 

For example, we are using educational apps, online research tools, interactive whiteboards, or incorporating multimedia elements into lessons. 

Embracing technology will help create a learning environment that resonates with today’s digitally connected students.

Final Thoughts

Teacher skills are crucial for effective and impactful teaching. Skilled teachers possess a wide range of competencies that enable them to create engaging learning experiences and cultivate a positive classroom environment.

We offer professional development opportunities that give you skills essential for professional development and ensure that you meet your students’ diverse needs.

In addition, a teacher’s skills significantly impact their job prospects. A robust skill set sets you apart from other candidates when applying for teaching positions. Let’s help improve your skills and keep you relevant in this competitive job market.

How to Become a Substitute Teacher in Florida in 2024

August 28, 2024 by bryan

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Texas Teachers Certification Areas

Texas teachers currently offers 50+ certification areas:.

  • Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6–12 (272)
  • American Sign Language (ASL) (184)
  • Art EC–12 (178)
  • Bilingual Education Supplemental (164)
  • Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) Spanish (190)
  • Business and Finance 6–12 (276)
  • Chemistry 7–12 (240)
  • Computer Science 8–12 (241)
  • Core Subjects EC-6 (291)
  • Core Subjects 4–8 (211)
  • Dance 6–12 (279)
  • English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 4–8 (117)
  • English Language Arts and Reading 7–12 (231)
  • English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies 4–8 (113)
  • Family and Consumer Sciences EC-12 (200)
  • Health EC–12 (157)
  • Health Science 6–12 (273)
  • History 7–12 (233)
  • Journalism 7–12 (256)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Arabic EC–12 (600 & 605)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) French EC–12 (610)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) German EC–12 (611)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Latin EC–12 (612)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Japanese EC–12 (602 & 607)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Mandarin Chinese EC–12 (601 & 606)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Russian EC–12 (603 & 608)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish EC–12 (613)
  • Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Vietnamese EC–12 (604 & 609)
  • Life Science 7–12 (238)
  • Marketing 6–12 (275)
  • Mathematics 4–8 (115)
  • Mathematics 7–12 (235)
  • Mathematics/Physical Science/Engineering 6–12 (274)
  • Mathematics/Science 4–8 (114)
  • Music EC–12 (177)
  • Physical Education EC–12 (158)
  • Physical Science 6–12 (237)
  • Physics/Mathematics 7–12 (243)
  • Science 4–8 (116)
  • Science 7–12 (236)
  • Social Studies 4–8 (118)
  • Social Studies 7–12 (232)
  • Special Education EC–12 (161)
  • Speech 7–12 (129)
  • Technology Applications EC–12 (242)
  • Technology Education 6–12 (171)
  • Texas Assessment of Sign Communication–American Sign Language™ (TASC–ASL™) (073)
  • Theatre EC–12 (180)
  • Trade and Industrial (T&I)

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Teacher Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Looking to land more job offers as a teacher?

A solid resume is going to be your starting point. This comprehensive guide provides proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples for writing a job-winning Teacher resume based on data from coaching thousands of successful job seekers.

From top to bottom, this guide will give you the tools you need to create an excellent Teacher resume and increase the chances of you landing your dream job.

Here's what we're going to cover:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Teacher Resume
  • The Best Skills To Include On An Teacher Resume

How To Write A Job-Winning Teacher Resume Summary

How to write offer-winning teacher resume bullets.

  • 3 Teacher Resume Examples

The 8 Best Teacher Resume Templates

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Teacher Resume Overview: What To Know To Write A Resume That Wins More Job Offers

Wondering what school districts are looking for when they're hiring a teacher?

Districts want knowledgeable, skilled, and dedicated teachers that are highly qualified. That means they have the proper education, certifications, and experience along with mastery of their subject, strong classroom management, communication, flexibility, and commitment to student learning.  Professionalism, reliability, and punctuality are also key qualities.

Your resume should show the district that the your experience and personality combined encompass all of these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Teacher resume:

  • Highlight your education and certifications:  emphasizing any relevant coursework or specialized training.
  • Emphasize your teaching experience:  providing specific examples of your accomplishments and contributions to student learning.
  • Include keywords from the job description: ensure your resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Showcase your skills and achievements: including examples of your ability to manage a classroom, communicate effectively, and use technology.
  • Quantify your work: Use numbers to showcase the results of your teaching efforts. Some examples include increases in student assessment results, increasing student engagement and decreasing classroom management issues.
  • Proofread: Carefully proofread your resume for errors and typos, as these can give a negative impression to potential employers (I recommend using the Hemingway App ).

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Teacher Skills To Include On Your Resume

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your resume. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan resumes for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for the employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized resume. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Teacher Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for an Teacher resume.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of real Teacher job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Collaborative
  • Development
  • Flexibility
  • Performance
  • Instruction
  • Regulations

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Resume And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific resume and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your resume is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for

Teacher Resume Examples for 2023

  • Open a copy of your updated teacher resume
  • Open a copy of your target teacher job description
  • In the widget below, paste your resume on the left, paste the job description on the right, and hit scan!

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Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Paste the job post's details here:

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.


And if you're a visual learner, here's a video walking through the entire process so you can follow along:

You have a very short window of time to capture an employer's attention–an average of six seconds, to be exact.

To land more interviews an offers, you have to make each one of those seconds count. Start by putting the exact information the reader is looking for at the very top of your resume.

A quick Google search will tell you that a Summary or an Objective should hold this top spot but, unfortunately, that traditional advice simply won't capture your reader's attention. Winning in today's job market means using a more modern approach, what I like to call a “Highlight Reel.”

Here's how it works:

Highlight Reels: A Proven Way To Start Your Resume And Win More Jobs

The Highlight Reel is exactly what it sounds like.

It's a section at the top of your resume that allows you to pick and choose the best and most relevant experience to feature right at the top of your resume.

It's essentially a highlight reel of your career as it relates to this specific role! I like to think about it as the SportsCenter Top 10 of your resume.

The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts:

  • A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role
  • An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high level value
  • A few supporting “Case Study” bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience
  • A closing “Extracurricular” bullet to round out your candidacy

For example, if we were writing a Highlight Reel for a Teacher role, it might look like this:

Teacher Resume Summary Example

You can see how the first bullet includes the Teacher job title, the years of experience this candidate has, and it wraps up with a value-driven pitch for how they've helped students in the past.

The next two bullets are “Case Studies” of specific results they drove at their district. Finally, their last bullet focuses on their proficiency with classroom technology.

This candidate has provided all of the info any employer would want to see right at the very top of their resume! The best part is, they can customize this section for each and every role they apply for to maximize the relevance of their experience.

Here's one more example of a Teacher Highlight Reel:

Teacher Resume Summary Example

While the content in this example is focused on this candidate's previous industry experience, you can see all of the elements of a great Highlight Reel (especially the emphasis on measurable outcomes and results!).

If you want more details on writing a killer Highlight Reel, check out my full guide on Highlight Reels here.

Bullets make up the majority of the content in your resume. If you want to win, you need to know how to write bullets that are compelling and value-driven.

Unfortunately, way too many job seekers aren't good at this. They use fluffy, buzzword-fill language and they only talk about the actions that they took rather than the results and outcomes those actions created.

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

If you apply this framework to each of the bullets on your resume, you're going to make them more compelling and your value is going to be crystal clear to the reader. For example, take a look at these resume bullets:

❌ Responsible for creating a safe learning environment.  

✅ Fostered an encouraging learning environment through communication, collaboration, and compassion that increased student participation by 30% over one academic year.

The second bullet makes the candidate's value  so much more clear, and it's a lot more fun to read! That's what we're going for here.

That said, it's one thing to look at the graphic above and try to apply the abstract concept of “35% hard skills” to your bullet. We wanted to make things easy, so we created a tool called that will actually give your resume bullet a score and show you how to improve it.

Using ResyBullet To Write Crazy Effective, Job-Winning Teacher Resume Bullets

ResyBullet takes our proprietary “resume bullet formula” and layers it into a tool that's super simple to use. Here's how it works:

  • Head over to
  • Copy a bullet from your teacher resume and paste it into the tool, then hit “Analyze”
  • ResyBullet will score your teacher resume bullet and show you exactly what you need to improve
  • You edit your bullet with the recommended changes and scan it again
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 60+
  • Move on to the next bullet in your teacher resume

Let's take a look at how this works for the two resume bullet examples I shared above:

First, we had, “Responsible for creating a safe learning environment.” 

ResyBullet gave that a score of 25/100.  While it includes an action word, it's too short and is missing relevant skills, compelling language, and measurable outcomes:

Example of a bad teacher resume bullet.

Now, let's take a look at our second bullet,  “Fostered an encouraging learning environment through communication, collaboration, and compassion that increased student participation by 30% over one academic year.” 

ResyBullet gave that a 75 / 100. Much better! This bullet had more content focused on the specific criteria the hiring team is looking for. We can see by exactly how much they increased student participation, the skill and method they applied, and that it all resulted in an overall increase in student success.

Example of a good teacher resume bullet

Now all you have to do is run each of your bullets through ResyBullet, make the suggested updates, and your resume is going to be jam packed with eye-popping, value-driven content!

And if you want to learn more about the underlying strategies behind writing great resume bullets, check out this guide.

If you're ready, grab a bullet from your resume, paste it into the widget below, and hit scan to get your first resume bullet score and analysis:

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results., copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:, 3 teacher resume examples for 2023.

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three resume examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds:

Teacher Resume Example #1: A Traditional Background

Teacher Resume Example #1

Teacher Resume Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

For our second Teacher Resume Example, we have a candidate who has a non-traditional background. In this case, they are coming from the financial services industry but have experience helping customers learn more about financial literacy. Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for Teacher roles:

Teacher Resume Example #2

Teacher Resume Example #3: Experienced Teacher With Masters Degree

For our third Teacher Resume Example, we have a candidate who has 14+ years of experience and a Masters degree. Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for Teacher roles:

Teacher Resume Example #3

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Teacher resume that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with our ResyBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your resume using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

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Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time .

Choose a resume template below to get started:.

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Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Teacher Resume

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Teacher resume:

  • Start with a proven resume template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your resume for each Teacher role you apply to
  • Start your resume with a Highlight Reel to immediately grab your target school district's attention
  • Use to craft compelling, value-driven bullets that pop off the page
  • Compare the draft of your Teacher resume to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like HemingwayApp to proofread your resume before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Teacher interviews and job offers.

Now that your resume is all set, check out my guide on writing a job-winning Teacher cover letter (with examples!)

Laura Headshot

Laura Lorta

Laura is an Editor at Cultivated Culture. She transitioned from teaching into the world of content so she's no stranger to career pivots. She also has a bachelors in Entrepreneurship and a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction / Bilingual Education. She currently shares job search advice to help people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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24 Teacher Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Teacher Resume
  • Teacher Resumes by Grade Level
  • Teacher Resumes by Subject
  • Teacher Resumes by Type

Formatting Your Teacher Resume

Teachers are the backbone of society. You spend more time with the children you educate than their parents do! And effective teachers like you are compassionate, intelligent, and organized, among hundreds of other things.

It can be difficult to highlight all your experience and skills on your teacher resume, and you’ll want to save some for your  teacher cover letter .

These 24 teacher resume examples are helping teachers with varying levels and types of expertise land jobs in 2024 . They’re a great place for you to get started building or  updating your resume .

Please note that this guide is geared toward educators in the K-12 space. If you’re applying to teach at the college level, you’ll likely need to  write a CV . 

Teacher Resume Example

or download as PDF

Teacher resume example with 7 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • When listing your student teaching experience, focus on what you contributed instead of your responsibilities. 
  • Since you want to make the resume reviewer’s job as pleasant as possible, clearly state the subject and grades you taught in a resume bullet.
  • When you go to make a cover letter , this is your ticket to dive deeper into how you helped your students achieve greater success in the classroom.

Daycare Teacher Resume Example

Daycare teacher resume example with 4 years of experience

  • If you’re a pro at integrating play-based learning like building blocks or water play into your daycare environment, do more than list it in your skills section. Use your work experience to show your skills in action.

First Grade Teacher Resume Example

First grade teacher resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Rather, fill your first grade teacher resume with software like ABCmouse, ClassDojo, and Kahoot! Show potential employers that you’re an expert at dealing with little ones and know exactly what technology to use to develop their test scores and talents.

Elementary Teacher Resume Example

Elementary teacher resume example with 13 years of experience

  • Include licenses or certifications in a dedicated “Certifications” section on your elementary teacher resume. Our  user-friendly resume templates  and  Google docs resume templates  let you add a section just for certificates and licenses.
  • For example, “Improved students’ passing rates on the statewide annual exam by 13%” effectively shows competency through an estimate.

Middle School Teacher Resume Example

Middle school history teacher with 1+ years of experience

  • Including a  career objective  can help explain why you’re a strong candidate if you have limited work experience or if you’re undergoing a career change.
  • Certifications are typically required qualifications for teachers, so it’s best to list any relevant certificates you’ve acquired. 
  • Projects can be a great place to highlight experiences not technically work-related but still highly relevant to your passion for teaching. 
  • An activities section is the spot for interesting, quirky experiences or  hobbies on your resume ; just be sure you can explain  why  they’re relevant when you get an interview! 

First Year Teacher Resume Example

First year teacher resume example with internship experience

  • Succinct, to-the-point, and intriguing are everything your career objective should be-it should be two to three sentences summarizing your teaching career goals and demonstrating your readiness to help the hiring institution attain its objectives. Weaving in mentions of past relevant experiences like a teaching internship can leave a solid impression that gets you hired.

High School Teacher Resume Example

High school teacher resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • The “Education” section of your  high school teacher resume  should list the degree you’ve earned. No need to list high school since that’s a given.
  • For example, instead of saying, “Prepared students for standardized exams,” say, “Helped improve standardized testing performance by 3%.”
  • If you list “collaboration” as a skill, then somewhere in your resume’s work experience bullet points, it should be clear that collaboration is part of your repertoire.

PE Teacher Resume Example

PE teacher resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Save a small section on your resume’s side column for role-relevant tertiary educational background, much like how Amanda flaunts her bachelor’s degree (Physical Education) from the University of Central Florida. It’s about showing you’ve put a great deal of work into amassing the necessary knowledge and skills.

Spanish Teacher Resume Example

Spanish teacher resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Having a degree like a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Portuguese or a certificate like “Single Subject Teaching Credential in Spanish” in your Spanish teacher resume are great ways to prove your professionalism in teaching foreign languages. ¡Feliz búsqueda de empleo!

Science Teacher Resume Example

Science teacher resume example with nearly 6 years of experience

  • You see, few other things piss off hiring managers as much as a resume littered with grammatical mistakes, from typos, punctuation errors to awkward phrases. And that brings us to the essence of staking the time to meticulously proofreading yours before hitting the send button. Better yet, involve a second pair of eyes, be it a friend, family member or career coach.

Math Teacher Resume Example

Math teacher resume example with nearly 8 years of experience

  • Such unique achievements make your math teacher resume shine and grab the attention of your dream employer. Identify such feats in your career and let them take center stage in your application.

Art Teacher Resume Example

Art teacher resume example with nearly 3 years of experience

  • Your also have to prove that you go beyond the curriculum to offer students more opportunities such as through showcasing their work to the world.

Social Science Teacher Resume Example

Social science teacher resume with 8+ years of experience

  • Ask a friend, colleague, or even a co-worker to proofread your resume. If you’re low on time, invest in a spell-check system like Grammarly or run your resume through our  resume checker  to catch any typos or comma errors. 
  • All our example resumes include the essential sections, and you can add your own sections to customize your template to your specific needs.

English Teacher Resume Example

English teacher resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Summaries are two to three-sentence paragraphs that can be thought of as a recap of your best self on your resume. 
  • Purely optional, you can include one if you have years (10+) of experience in your field.
  • Summaries work best to showcase your tried and tested years in the education field and any specializations you’ve honed, such as teaching AP-level courses.

Foreign Language Teacher Resume Example

Foreign language teacher resume example with nearly 20 years of experience

  • Why?  Hard skills are more specific to your profession and easier to demonstrate throughout your resume. Plus, they show school admin that you’ve already got some technical know-how for the job. 
  • Aim to include six to eight specific skills, emphasizing hard skills (like “bilingual” and “lesson planning”) over soft skills (like “organization” and “caring”).
  • If you’re hoping to switch from teaching German to teaching history, you don’t need to include many details on your strategies for teaching verb conjugation, for example.

Experienced Teacher Resume Example

Experienced teacher resume example with 8 years of experience

  • It’s perfect time to turn to your technology skills and how you’ve tapped them to solve everyday teaching challenges. Show how you’ve leveraged Zoom and Google Classroom for virtual teaching, Quizizz for tailored tests that improved average students score, and so on.

New Teacher Resume Example

New teacher resume example with 4 years of tutoring experience

  • Also, show how it has been a lifelong process for you, and how you are ready to bring in your set of pedagogical skills in the learning environment.

Student Teacher Resume Example

Student teacher resume example with 3 years of sales associate experience

  • Schools know you have to start somewhere, so what they’re really looking for is that you show the promise and potential to step inside their classrooms and successfully manage and teach a class.
  • If you’ve volunteered as a teacher after school, provided tutoring or homework help, or even assisted in a teacher’s grading load, you have valuable experience to add to your resume.

Teacher Assistant Resume Example

Teacher assistant resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • Instead of vaguely stating, “Worked with assistants and teachers,” give concrete details, like “Worked with 2 assistants and teacher to provide instruction to 60+ 2nd graders with IEPs.”
  • An objective is valuable if you’re light on experience and need to fill some white space, but it loses its value if it’s not customized.
  • Tailor your objective by mentioning the target school by name and sprinkling in some keywords from the  teacher job description , so long as they honestly describe you!

Substitute Teacher Resume Example

Substitute teacher resume example with  3+ years of experience

  • If you’re a certified substitute teacher (or teacher) in your state, include that in a dedicated “Certifications” section on your substitute teacher resume. This will help you stand out from other applicants, as this is not required in every state.
  • Any prior subbing experience should highlight maintaining a disciplined classroom. One of the toughest aspects of being a sub is commanding a classroom, so demonstrating your strength will increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • Another way to impress is by  formatting your resume’s  work history in reverse-chronological order; it lists your most current and relevant experience first, so the admin can glimpse your best stuff first.

Collaborative Teacher Resume Example

Collaborative teacher resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Choose one or two key areas, such as section titles or your header, to include a pop of conservative color.
  • Use two contrasting fonts on your resume template . Just don’t pick anything hard to read—remember, recruiters scan resumes within seconds, so it has to be understood at a glance.
  • Even if your projects aren’t teaching-related, highlight skills you used or developed, like working with kids, collaborating with co-workers, or taking a leadership position.

Special Education Teacher Resume Example

Special education teacher resume example with 15+ years of experience

  • Does your resume take up the entire page?
  • Does it have half to one-inch margins? (Either half an inch or one inch is fine.)
  • Does your resume include separate sections for contact information, education, skills, and work experience?
  • Start each bullet point with action words, like “spearheaded” or “brainstormed.” 
  • Either end all bullet points with a period or none at all. Be consistent with punctuation.
  • Write your work experience in the past tense.
  • Avoid using personal pronouns like “me” or “I” on your resume. We’re pretty sure the employer already knows you’re writing about yourself!

Assistant Teacher Resume Example

Assistant teacher resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Consider a certifications section in which you proudly spotlight credential like Child Development Associate (CDA), just as Matthew does. Of course, a proven understanding of early childhood education best practices is sure to get a nod from the hiring manager reading your piece.

Teacher Aide Resume Example

Teacher Aide resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Begin by spotlighting your most recent, senior position (paired with key quantified achievements and relevant tool applications) and backtrack through your junior roles. This technique is golden for illustrating your career progression in a resume and should show an increment of responsibilities and wins as you go up.

Related resume guides

  • Teacher Assistant
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Substitute Teacher

Recruiter points with yellow chalk to job skills and qualifications list on blackboard

Formatting ensures your teacher resume is readable, logical, and complete. Imagine understanding a book without chapter headings or margins and no discernable organization. It would be a nightmare to parse out any information when nothing follows a clear structure and doesn’t lend itself to being read correctly. It’s an extreme example, but it proves the necessity of formatting. 

Just as you create lesson plans to help your class learn best, format your resume so your qualifications are conveyed and understood. We’ll cover three important formatting elements in the following sections: resume formats, your contact header, and resume readability for ATS.

resume for life skills teacher

Three resume formats

The most popular  resume formats  for 2024 are reverse-chronological, functional, and combination/hybrid. Here are some of the pros and cons of each:

  • Reverse-chronological : This format highlights your career progression in an easy-to-scan list, making it ideal for recruiters and ATS. However, this format exposes time gaps and can be repetitive if you’ve held the same position at multiple schools.
  • Functional : This format focuses on your skills, ideal for limited teaching experience or gaps. However, it’s commonly known to confuse potential employers and ATS.
  • Combination/hybrid : This leverages an in-depth skills section and a small experience section to accurately summarize why you’re the best candidate for the job. However, it’s easy to structure this poorly, and it can look like you’re hiding a lack of work experience.

We advise the reverse-chronological format for your teacher resume because it proves you have practical knowledge and a steady career. This format tells the story of your teaching career in under  six seconds , which is how long recruiters will take to read your resume.

resume for life skills teacher

Include the right details in your contact header

Your contact header should be easy to locate and read. Some suggest not adding contact information in the header, but that’s why formatting your contact header properly is so important. With good formatting, none of your information gets buried, and it can distinguish you from other applicants. You should include:

  • Job title you’re seeking
  • Phone number
  • City, State (optional)
  • Professional links (optional)

Per industry standards, place the header in either the top left-hand corner or centered beneath your name. Not enough space? Remove the optional elements or go down a font size. Choose a sans-serif font that’s no smaller than your resume’s body text. 

Like the example below, you can put your header in a color block to grab attention quickly and add personality. It’s best not to use obnoxious colors (neon green would be a hard no), and always double-check that the color works well with black body text or white font. 

High school mathematics teacher blue contact header on resume example

Sometimes, the ATS won’t read your resume properly despite having a beautiful header. That’s why we recommend submitting it as a .docx (friendly for ATS) and as a PDF (friendly for employers). 

We have plenty of  excellent resume samples  you can check out for inspiration on your header, and if you’re rushed, choose one of our  free resume templates  to start and finish your teacher resume in record time. 

Ensure the ATS and employers can read your resume

To ensure your resume reaches principals and department heads, you’ll need to pass muster with the ATS. The good news is formatting for the ATS also results in a resume easy to read by employers. 

Resume tips to steer you on the right path:

  • Not only is a one-page resume faster for recruiters and ATS to scan, but it forces you to be concise and include only what’s relevant. 
  • Most ATS don’t recognize documents in Open Office, Adobe Pages, HTML, or PDF (on occasion). The wisest option is to submit your resume as a .docx and  as a PDF to give employers options if one doesn’t work.
  • The standard 10–12-point font is the best readability range for employers and ATS.
  • Even at a reasonable size, some fonts are hard to read, unprofessional-appearing, and ATS-unfriendly. Stick to standard sans-serif fonts like Helvetica or Arial.
  • One-inch margins are standard, but you can be flexible. Avoid going smaller than a half-inch or larger than one inch to keep your teacher resume professional and tidy.
  • You may confuse the ATS and the school if you have odd header titles. Use standardized headers, as you see in our resume samples , to make each section easy to find (and comprehend). 
  • ATS uses keywords to determine your eligibility, including skills (Google Classroom, modifying lessons, parent communication, etc.) matching what’s in the job ad. 
  • If your resume sections aren’t in the recommended order, they may confuse ATS. Yet again, it’s best to stick to the standard by using an AI resume generator .

Writing Your Teacher Resume

Coworkers discuss career documents on BeamJobs' platform behind them

Writing an effective resume  may feel daunting, but it’s far more manageable if you take it section by section. You may even want to use one of our  fresh Word resume templates  designed just for teachers. Let’s dive into each resume section you’ll want to consider:

Does an objective/summary on your teacher resume matter?

Teaching history, top skills for educators.

  • Listing education, certification, and optional sections

Customize your teacher resume for the job

Revise and edit your teacher resume.

resume for life skills teacher

Principals and their hiring teams may see hundreds of resumes across a wide array of teaching roles, so it’s crucial to showcase your talents and personality quickly. Objectives and summaries can work as excellent introductory tools, but many end up being generic, boring, or vague. 

First, consider whether you’ll use an  objective or summary statement (or neither). An objective highlights your interest and qualifications for the role, while a  resume career summary  distills your specialized skills and experience in a few lines. Use an objective if you’re seeking your first teaching position or switching from teaching one subject to another. On the other hand, veteran teachers may opt for a summary (or no statement at all).

Regardless of your circumstances, if you use either of these introductory statements, you should always tailor your message to the position. Let’s look at specific examples to contrast a D+ resume objective with one worthy of an A. 

A generic, vague objective tells recruiters nothing about you beyond the bare minimum:

New high school teacher seeking employment at a local high school closer to family. Talented at communicating with teenagers and teaching. Received many compliments and letters at last place of employment.

The above objective lacks personality and neglects to mention anything specific. This next objective, however, is focused and tells the principal about the applicant’s skills:

Compassionate algebra tutor with 4+ years of experience. Excellent at coaching students in formulas and helping them develop analytical thinking skills and mathematical competency at all levels of ability. Seeking to use my communication and interpersonal skills to build meaningful student relationships and improve their mathematical abilities at Joaquin High School.

Like the visual example below, the above objective works because it details the applicant’s experience and how it’s relevant to their new goals within the classroom. 

Elementary teacher career objective on resume example

With summaries, it’s difficult to narrow down years of experience into one paragraph, so they often end up looking like this:

Skilled and experienced teacher who loves working with littles. Adept at communication and care. Excited to use my skills for Sunnyside Elementary. 

For starters, repeating “skilled” and “experienced” won’t tell employers anything. A good summary should sell your experience and qualifications, making principals wish they’d had the chance to hire you years ago:

Elementary education teacher with 12+ years of experience managing 25-30 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders’ classrooms. I am a patient, personable, and compassionate professional eager to bring my expertise to Sunnyside Elementary. Awarded Teacher of the Year in 2020 and 2021 for creating online individualized lesson plans for over 65 students during the height of the pandemic.

This summary works because it tells the recruiter their specific qualifications, namely personalized lesson plans and classroom management, and their skills (in this case, two awards). 

resume for life skills teacher

It’s tempting to list every job you’ve ever had to prove you’re qualified, but this becomes either overwhelming or redundant. It also means you can’t include much about each position, which won’t inspire principals to hire you. 

Instead, pick two to four of your most relevant teaching positions. Quantify your responsibilities and incorporate skill keywords to improve your ATS score with each. 

No teaching experience yet? Add internships, student teaching, volunteering, or other special projects like the example below that can highlight your soft skills like leadership. Certifications and awards are helpful additions, too. 

Teacher resume example projects section for JV baseball coach

How to write your job description bullet points

Whether you’re describing a past job, an internship, or a college project, you’ll need to craft your bullet points with care. Every word counts, so use active verbs, definitive language, third-person pronouns, and consistent verb tenses. Pay careful attention to consistency with punctuation—using periods at the end of some bullets while none for others is sloppy.

Based on these resume writing tips , here are some examples of well-crafted bullet points suited for a teacher resume:

  • Taught mathematics, English, general science, art, geography, and history to 60+ 3rd grade students
  • Collaborated with parents to discuss student performance and options for an improved learning experience, such as individualized instruction for students with learning disabilities
  • Hosted annual fundraiser to raise $6,500 for 10+ teachers to attend the RAISE conference and led yearly trips to RAISE meetings, resulting in overall more effective teaching strategies and a renewed passion for academia

These bullet points work because they’re descriptive and results-oriented. Strive for conciseness and specificity with your job description bullet points.

Maximize your classroom impact with numbers

From an employer’s mindset, metrics cement your abilities by proving that your actions resulted in a desirable outcome. If possible, include metrics on 50 percent of your job description bullet points to showcase the results of your effective teaching. 

When talking about past teaching roles, it’s a good idea to discuss the following metrics:

  • Increase in test scores, passing rates, or grade point averages
  • Number of students/classes taught
  • Increase in student participation/improved behavior

The following examples use the metric types listed above to describe a teacher’s impact further: 

  • Co-founded a S.T.E.M. club with the aid of 4 fellow teachers, increasing student passing rates in science and mathematics by 13%
  • Established weekly one-on-one student conversation sessions to intentionally build student-teacher relationships, resulting in a 15% overall increase in classroom participation and attendance
  • Hosted monthly Write-Til-You-Drop sessions for high school students struggling in English and offered expertise for outlining thesis development and argument structure, which resulted in 31% higher essay scores for participating students

resume for life skills teacher

The  skills section of your resume  is a quick guide to what you bring to the table as a teacher. That means choosing the right skills for each job is crucial. You might be organized and great at time management, but if employers want to see that you’re compassionate and great at lesson planning instead, your resume may be set aside. 

Since teachers fulfill many roles, employers will want to see a host of varied skills, including soft, hard, and technical capabilities, such as these:

Common teacher skills

  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • 1:1 communication
  • Organization
  • Class management
  • Active listening
  • Lesson planning
  • Google Classroom
  • Parent communication
  • Gradebook software

These skills demonstrate aptitude and support the responsibilities a teacher must complete on the job. Remember that while the above list outlines common and popular teacher skills for your resume, defer to what the job description is explicitly seeking. 

resume for life skills teacher

Education, certifications, and optional sections

You’ll need to include different elements on your resume depending on your education level, years in the workforce, and any specializations or concentrations you possess. All teaching positions require a bachelor’s degree, and an increasing number of teachers hold a master’s. Also, ensure you’re up-to-date on your state certifications, like the California candidate below.

Certification section on California teacher resume example

If you hold many certifications, you don’t necessarily need to include them all if you’re applying for one specific role. For example, suppose you’re an ESL-certified teacher with a graduate ESL certificate seeking an ESL role. In that case, you’ll need to include  that  certification either in a summary/objective, in your work experience, or in your education. 

This candidate’s education speaks volumes with a classic bold font and color.

Education section on teacher resume example

While including education and certifications is required, a projects section is optional. If you’re a drama teacher, for example, new to directing but experienced with leading drama camps, including a projects section to describe the drama camps you’ve led or assisted with can add a relevant impact. List and discuss projects on your resume, just like a paid position.

Additionally, consider adding  interests and hobbies to your resume . Most teacher resumes should save room for other information, but it’s a good idea to add these sections when the job you’re applying for stresses the importance of school spirit and culture.

Choose your interests that reflect the school’s values. However, be picky about what you include. Finding every Easter Egg in the entire timeline of Zelda games might be your favorite pastime, but that doesn’t mean you should list it on a resume (unless you’re applying for Nintendo, in which case this might be appropriate, and you’re reading the wrong resume guide). 

It’s up to you whether you include any optional sections on your resume, but always be sure to be as specific as possible. Your interests should also be specific. “Reading” doesn’t say much about you, but “leading classic book clubs” is far more likely to get you a job as an English instructor.

resume for life skills teacher

Generic resumes are easy to spot and will likely get tossed. To avoid the trash, tailor your resume to every position you apply for. This tells principals you’ve researched the school and the role, and you genuinely care about the position.

To customize your resume, scan the  job ad  to know what responsibilities, accomplishments, and keywords to include in your skills section and your bullet points. You should also tailor your objective/summary (if used) to have the school’s name and speak to anything unique about the school that particularly interests you. Check your resume against the job description to ensure you’re addressing their concerns. 

resume for life skills teacher

As a teacher, you already know the pitfalls of submitting drafts before they’re revised, so don’t let minor mistakes slip through the cracks. Instead, take a break and hand your resume off for peer review. You can also use our free resume checker  to get tips from our AI software. 

After a day, return to your resume and consider the constructive criticism you received. Edit and check for errors, inconsistencies, or gaps. Read through your resume at least twice more, one for content and one for proofreading. Once you’re sure it’s error-free, you can submit it proudly. 

Start Setting up Your Classroom (Almost)

Job seeker and dog celebrate job hunt success with smiles and move boxes into new office

Go ahead and celebrate because if you’ve made it this far, you’re well on your way to that A+ resume! By spending more time throughout each phase of the writing process, you’re vaulting yourself closer to your next teaching job. It’ll be time to turn in a simple resignation letter at your current job and start setting up your new classroom before you know it!

If you’re not quite satisfied with your current resume, upload it to our  resume checker  for our AI-powered tips. If it’s time to start from scratch, use our  free resume maker  to work with our AI from the ground up. We can’t wait to see you land your next teaching role!

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10 Best Skills for Teacher Resume + Examples

Top 10 skills for teacher resume.


Teaching is a good career that lets you share subject matter knowledge with others and make a difference in the students' lives. It also offers job stability and opportunities for lifelong learning. However, just like with any other job, you need a persuasive resume to land interviews for your dream teaching position.

In particular, you need to focus on teacher resume skills relevant to the position you're after. Without these skills, the hiring manager can overlook your application. Whether you are an entry-level instructor or a seasoned teacher, in this article you will find the most important teaching skills to add to your resume.

Keep reading to find out:

  • teacher skills that are absolute must-haves for your resume;
  • recommendations and examples of how to use them on your teaching resume;
  • tips to elevate the quality of your resume.

Are you too busy with lesson plans?  Hire an expert to write a resume for you. At ResumePerk, we have 100+ resume writers in every industry, including education. We will match you with a dedicated writer who will highlight your relevant teaching skills, competencies, and achievements for your target role. It is affordable, and revisions are free until you are satisfied.

What makes teaching a good career?

A teaching career has its challenges, but it offers numerous benefits for talented educators. Here's what makes teaching a good career option:

  • According to one poll,  80% of teachers admitted that they are satisfied  with their current position.
  • The  Bureau of Labor Statistics  revealed that in 2022, elementary school teachers earned $60,490 a year (median wage).
  • Teachers enjoy a healthy work-life balance, and job stability, and shape the future of their community by contributing to the development of children.

10 Essential teacher skills to include on your resume

The skills listed below are essential for any teaching job. Your resume should emphasize a combination of hard and soft skills. Hard skills stand for specific abilities that can be measured, whereas soft ones describe your personality and how you work with others.

Education and teaching

Communication skills


Technology skills

Differentiated instruction

Curriculum development


Positive learning environment

Assessment and feedback

Classroom management 

You can gain these skills through experience as a teacher, training and certifications, formal education, and volunteering projects.

The must-have competencies for high school teachers include:

Education and teaching

Education skills are the core of your resume. It refers to your knowledge of pedagogical techniques, classroom management abilities, assessment strategies, and other skills related to teaching and grading students. You can also show your competencies in teaching by listing formal education, training, and additional courses/workshops.

  • Communication skills

Communication is another essential skill for teachers. It means you can effectively convey complex ideas and concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. It also includes active listening, giving constructive feedback and the ability to resolve conflicts. Communication skills also help teachers build productive relations with students and parents and use a collaborative approach to everyone's advantage.

Using a creative approach, teachers can develop instructional materials that capture the students' interest and motivate them to think out of the box. This is why you should add it to your teacher resume. To show creativity, describe how you developed creative lesson plans, used interactive teaching strategies, and used imagination to explain a particularly tough topic. Creative teachers enhance the learning experiences of students, so this skill is highly valuable.

Technology skills

In the era of blended learning, technology plays a pivotal role in education. If you've integrated technology into learning, mention it. If you leveraged software applications, learning management systems, and online tools for instruction and grading students, it will make you a sought-after candidate for many teaching positions. For today's students who are digital natives, using technology in teaching can also improve engagement, enhance learning experiences, and set students for future success.

  • Differentiated instruction

When writing a resume for teaching jobs, highlight instruction skills. It means using various teaching methods and adjusting the teaching materials to the needs of students with diverse learning styles. Differentiated instruction skill shows your commitment to meeting the individual needs of each student, including those for whom English is not the first language. The skill also involves using multimedia and various approaches to explain complex topics comprehensively and giving feedback.

  • Curriculum development

Developing engaging lesson plans is a fundamental aspect of teaching. Your resume should reflect the ability to design a curriculum that meets students' needs and aligns with educational standards. This skill shows your ability to analyze educational standards and design effective lessons, promoting meaningful learning experiences. You can also mention how you used inclusive learning strategies and supported students with different learning abilities through lesson planning.


In any school district, the best teachers work with others to achieve common goals and foster student success. Collaboration skills on your teaching resume mean that you can communicate with coworkers, parents, and other teachers to enhance student outcomes. It also means encouraging teamwork and collaboration between students on group projects to teach them soft skills in a comfortable learning environment.

Creating a positive learning environment

In addition to teaching and devising lesson plans, show your skills in creating a positive classroom environment. Such an environment helps students build emotional connections with teachers and feel valued and heard. Relevant resume skills include setting clear expectations from students, creating a sense of community, encouraging student contribution, and giving them detailed, positive feedback. Such an approach to teaching students leads to better academic results.

Classroom management

Strong classroom management skills mean that you can maintain order, foster a sense of community among students, and make the most of the instructional time. It also assumes showing patience and empathy to any student concerns and building productive student-teacher relationships. By showing these skills, you will prove the ability to enhance student learning and influence their outcomes.

Assessment and feedback

Positive feedback is the essential component of the learning process. Using assessments to monitor student progress and providing constructive feedback drives student growth and achievement. Highlight your expertise in developing meaningful assessments and identifying areas of growth and improvement, as well as using alternative methods of assessment.

4 Strategies to list your skills

Now that you know the most important skills to highlight on your teaching resume, you need to find ways to communicate them to employers effectively. There are four main strategies to do it:

Create a dedicated Skills section

The easiest way to list skills on your teacher resume is to create a separate section for them. Include skills as a bulleted list for the ease of reading, focusing on the skills relevant to your target teacher jobs.

Here's how your Skills section for education jobs can look like:

  • Lesson planning
  • Organizational skills
  • Student development
  • Educational technology
  • MS Office Suite
  • Elementary education
  • Student evaluation
  • Time management skills
  • Performance metrics

Not sure what specific skills to add?  Send us your target job posting, and our experts will adapt your resume for a target job posting. We will optimize it with keywords, use a recruiter-friendly format, and emphasize your biggest accomplishments to help you get shortlisted. Try our services today with a 20% discount!

Emphasize skills in your resume objective

A resume summary or objective is the first thing the recruiter sees in your teacher resume. Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to feature your skills here as well. Note that this section should be 3-4 sentences only, so focus on the most relevant skills and competencies. But don't focus on skills only in this section - mention years of experience, accomplishments, and strengths.

Here's how you can use teaching skills naturally in your resume summary:

Passionate High School Teacher with 3+ years of experience in classroom management, lesson plan development, and creating engaging learning environment. Recognized for improving student SAT scores by 12% by providing guidance and counseling to students. Experienced in developing lesson plans that cater to the needs of students with diverse learning styles. Accomplished in nurturing productive relations with parents, educators, administrators, and students.

Speak through examples

The best teacher resume examples show how candidates used specific skills in practice. Simply put, you need not only to show that you have communication and classroom management skills, but also indicate how and when you applied those skills at work.

When possible, illustrate your teacher resume skills with figures, percentages, and other details that help communicate your impact as an educator.

Here is how you can show specific examples of  communication skills:

  • Regularly communicated with parents by email and phone, resulting in improved parent involvement and a 90% satisfaction rate.
  • Resolved an average of 4 student conflicts monthly in a calm and professional manner, fostering a respectful classroom environment.

Here's how to demonstrate your  technology skills:

  • Utilized Google Classroom and Moodle learning management systems to add and grade assignments online.
  • Incorporated multimedia such as videos, interactive quizzes, and presentations, which led to a 30% increase in student comprehension.

Add them to your teacher cover letter

60% of today's employers demand cover letters, so you should always send them with your resume. Use a cover letter to show the most important skills, such as creating a supportive learning environment, the ability to engage students, and experience with LMS. Adapt your letter content to your target teaching job description so that it aligns perfectly with what the school or other educational institution is looking for.

Keep your teaching cover letter to 3-4 sentences. Such length is sufficient to show the most important skills, experiences, and certifications without overloading the reader. Do not just repeat your resume - expand on the most important experience. For example, if your resume states that you integrated technology in the classroom, your letter should briefly explain how you did it and what results you achieved.

Professional tips to elevate your resume

Including skills on your teaching resume can prove your qualifications and help you pass the ATS. Yet, you need to take care of other sections in your resume. Here are some proven strategies to improve your resume and make it appealing to recruiters:

Adapt it to the job description

In 2024, generic resumes don't work. If you don't adapt your resume to a job posting, the recruiter can consider it irrelevant. Plus, it may be tossed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) before a human hiring manager sees it.

Tailor your resume content to the needs of each particular job opening. Add teaching skills that the employer primarily looks for and highlight relevant achievements. Sure, it takes time, but this approach will eventually land you more interviews than sending dozens of generic applications.

Keep it to 1-2 pages

According to many surveys, employers prefer one- and two-page resumes. If you have under 10 years of teaching experience, opt for a one-page document. Educators with 10+ years of experience can submit a two-page document.

If your resume takes 3 pages or more, consider removing outdated and irrelevant details. Cut off the jobs you had over 10 years ago, irrelevant and part-time positions, and activities irrelevant to teaching. Shorten the job descriptions focusing on achievements and measurable results in the first place.

Choose the appropriate format

There are three formats for teacher resumes. Which one to use depends on your work history:

  • A chronological format  focuses on your experience primarily. It lists your jobs starting with the current one and going backward, with detailed work responsibilities and employment dates. Such a format is perfect for an experienced teacher with a stable work history.
  • Functional resume format  focuses on competencies over work history. It emphasizes education and describes your skills in detail without explaining where you acquired these skills. Such a format is suitable for entry-level teachers and professionals changing careers.
  • A combination resume  features a detailed work history plus a career summary and a list of skills. This format works well in most career situations, but it is important to avoid repeating information in different sections.

Showcase accomplishments

Accomplishments differentiate you from other candidates for a position. Plus, they prove your ability to deliver results and commitment to student success. A resume with visible achievements has more chances to land you an interview.

Add at least one measurable accomplishment for each teaching job you had. "Enhanced lesson content using multimedia tools, which resulted in a 30% improvement in students' retention of material" is a good example of achievement.

Add certifications

As a teacher, you should keep your knowledge up to date and learn new teaching strategies that can contribute to students' success. Adding reputable certifications can considerably increase your employability and help you negotiate a higher salary. If you don't have certifications yet, here are a few ones that can boost your resume:

  • Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE)
  • Child Development Associate (CDA)
  • Educational Certificate: K-12
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  • Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)

59% of recruiters are ready to reject a resume if it has typos or poor grammar. This is particularly true for teachers, as your resume should display perfect written communication skills and attention to detail.

Before you submit your resume, take the time to edit and proof it. Read it aloud to ensure that each sentence makes sense and doesn't sound vague. Check it line by line to detect missed commas, misspelled words, and other minor issues. Remember to write your current job in the present tense, and use the past tense for old positions.

Many candidates list their skills briefly or forget to add important teaching skills they have. As a result, the hiring manager overlooks their resume even though they qualify for the role. By listing teacher skills comprehensively, you'll boost your chance to get shortlisted for interview.

Use expert help to enhance your teaching resume

With the above tips and strategies, you will list your skills more effectively than 9 out of 10 candidates. Yet, it always helps to have a professional review your resume before sending it. If you already have a resume and only need a professional update, our Resume Editing service is right for you.

Our resume writer will correct any mistakes, improve the word choice, and apply an effective format and structure to make your resume more effective. Thus, you will feel confident when applying for the best teaching jobs out there. Order today with a 20% discount - get your code in chat!

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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Teacher Resume Example for 2024 [w/ Free Template]

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You’re a teacher. You teach and inspire the next generation.

You help children to learn.

But when it comes to writing your own resume , you need advice from someone else.

What does a good teacher resume look like, anyway?

In such a competitive industry, you can’t leave any questions answered. 

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

  • A job-winning teacher resume example
  • How to create a teaching resume that hiring managers love
  • Specific tips and tricks for the teaching job industry

Here’s a teacher resume example, built with our own resume builder :

teacher resume example

Follow the steps below to create a teacher resume of your own.

How to Format a Teacher Resume

Before you can educate the recruiter on your skills and experiences, you need to choose the most suitable resume format for teaching.

You see, even the best applicant needs a resume format that is easy to read and follow. 

With “ reverse-chronological ” being the most common resume format , we recommend this format for teachers. It highlights your most recent work experience first, and then works back through your history and skills.

teacher resume reverse chronological

You could also try the two following formats:

  • Functional Resume - This format focuses on your skills, which makes it the best format for teachers that are highly-skilled, but have little in the way of classroom experience. 
  • Combination Resume - This format mixes both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats, which means it focuses on both your teaching skills AND teaching experience. 

Stick to a one-page teacher resume. This shows that you’re able to information brief and precise. Feel free to check out our one-page resume templates for inspiration.

Use a Teacher Resume Template

As a teacher, you will likely work with Microsoft Word on a daily basis. 

However, this is not one of those times.

The program is best avoided if you want to avoid formatting issues. 

Use a teacher resume template for a resume that stays structurally strong. Any of the following templates can be easily tailored for a teacher application.

What to Include in a Teacher Resume

The main sections in a teacher resume are:

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience/Teaching Experience

For a teacher resume that stands out from other applications, add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification
  • Volunteer Experience

Interests & Hobbies

Keep reading to find out how to ace each of the above sections.

For an in-depth rundown on which sections to use, check out our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Write Your Contact Information Section

When grading papers, you know that every word or digit matters. This is also true with your contact information section. Any mistakes made in your phone number or email can render your whole application useless. 

For your contact information section, include:

  • Title – Align this to the job title , which is “Teacher”
  • Phone Number – Ensure there are zero errors
  • Email Address – Make sure to use a professional email address ([email protected]), and not your 6th grade email address ([email protected])
  • Location – Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location
  • Optional - relevant social media profiles.
  • Rose Hunt - English Teacher. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Rose Hunt - English Language Guru. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Teacher Resume Summary or Objective

Here’s a question for the class:

How long do you think recruiters spend reading through the average resume?

If you said less than a minute, you would be correct.

This means your resume needs to really impress within this short timeframe. 

The nest question is, what can you do to make the most important easy to see and consume?

Simple: use a resume summary or objective .

These are punchy paragraphs that go on top of your resume, just under the contact section. 

The main difference between the two sections is that:

A resume summary is a short summary of your teaching experiences and achievements. It is the best option for teachers who have taught for multiple years.

  • Passionate English Teacher with a focus on American literature seeks a permanent position at XYZ School. Highlights from five years of teaching experience include improving college admission success rate by 40% at ABC High School. Excited about leveraging 5000 hours of teaching experience to give an inspiring classroom experience for your students.

On the other hand, the resume objective focuses on your professional goals and aspirations. It is ideal for entry-level teaching candidates or individuals who are seeking a change in their professional career. 

  • Motivated English Literature graduate seeking the role of English teacher at ABC High School. Experience includes supervising classes at XYZ Middle School for 60 days over a 3 month period. Skills include classroom management, grading to strict time restraints, and utilizing whiteboard technology. 

So, which one is best for you? 

Well, a summary is suited for teachers who have a lot of classroom experience, whereas an objective is suited for those who are new to the world of teaching (student, graduate, or switching careers).

How to Make Your Teaching Work Experience Stand Out

The best way to prove your worth as a teacher is with your previous work experience .

Sure, the recruiter will want to see that you have lots of subject knowledge, but nothing builds confidence more than your professional experience.

Follow this layout in your experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Elementary School Teacher

Hinchley Wood School

04/2017 - 01/2021

  • Kept pass rates above 80% from 2017-2020
  • Improved attendance by 12% in the first school year
  • Graded classroom papers for 12 classes of 30+ pupils

As you may notice, the above example focuses on the candidate’s best achievements.

So, instead of saying:

“Taught children for three years”

“Kept pass rates above 80% from 2017-2020”

The second statement goes into specific details that show you’re a great teacher.

Use the job description to help you. Look to see if there is anything in the job description that matches your work history. If there is, include it in this section.

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a graduate who hasn’t worked before?

Or maybe you want a career change?

Whatever your situation, there are options. 

The main option is to use a portfolio. 

Here are several ways to build a teaching portfolio (and get paid for it):

  • Use a freelance platform (e.g.: UpWork ) to pick up some private tutoring gigs
  • Use social media to offer your teaching services to friends & acquaintances 

For the students reading this, you’ll enjoy our guide on how to make a student resume !

Use Action Words to Make Your Teaching Resume POP!

Look through a pile of teacher resumes, and you will see these words repeated again and again. 

Do you want your resume to look like all the rest?

Of course not! 

This is why we recommend using some of these power words instead:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to List Your Education Correctly

The next section in any good teacher resume is the education section.

Now, there’s a few different paths you can follow to become a professional teacher. 

All you need to do in this section is describe your educational path to date. 

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and other relevant achievements 

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Boston State University

2015 - 2018

Relevant Courses: Foundations of Education, Early Childhood Development, Physical Sciences, Computer Literacy, Classroom Engagement & Development

Right, let’s answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

What if I’m still studying?

  • Whether or not you’ve passed all of your teaching exams, you should always mention every year that you have studied to date.

Should I include my high school qualifications?

  • Only include your highest form of qualification. If that’s a qualification from high school , then go for it.

What comes first, education or experience?

  • If you’re an experienced teacher, your work experience should come before your education.

If you still have questions, you can check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Teacher Resume

Every great teacher has a certain set of skills.

It’s these skills that the recruiter wants to see when short-listing applicants.

You may be the best teacher in the world, but it’s vital to make your skills clear to see on your resume. 

It will depend on the specialist subject, but a teacher should have some of the following skills:

Hard Skills for Teachers:

  • Computer Skills
  • Literacy skills
  • Disciplinary action

Soft Skills for Teachers:

  • Classroom management
  • Time management
  • Organization

Want the most comprehensive list? Here’s a mega-list of 100+ must-have skills .

Other Resume Sections You Can Include

If graded, your resume should now be able to pass the test…

But what if the other applicants have scored top marks?

Add additional sections for an A+ resume that can’t be beaten.

When competing against an experienced field, the following sections may be the deciding factor… 

Awards & Certifications

Do you hold Coursera certifications?

Were you awarded during your studies?

Whatever the recognition, awards and certifications make the difference.

Awards & Certificates Examples

  • Learning How to Learn – Coursera Certificate
  • Motivating Gen Z Learners – Coursera Certificate
  • Educating Deaf Children – Teaching Lab

Now, you may not be teaching Spanish, but it can be good to know another language.

Whether or not the teaching job requires you to speak a second language or not, it is still an impressive skill that you may want to include on your resume. 

Order the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you may be wondering, “why is my weekly book club worth mentioning when applying for teaching jobs?”

Well, because it says more about who you as a person.

It shows that you have a life outside of teaching. 

You’re someone who the other teachers could relate to.

If you want some ideas of hobbies & interests to put on your resume, we have a guide for that!

Match Your Cover Letter with Your Resume

Oh no, more writing!?

We feel your pain, but it’s for great reason.

Cover letters still play a vital role in the application process.

This guide has taught you how to build the best teacher resume possible, but even that may not be enough to secure your dream position.

By not writing a cover letter, you are simply missing out on an opportunity to communicate with more depth and personality. 

Even better, the recruiter will know that you want this position at this school .

Just like with the resume, the cover letter needs to be structured correctly. Here’s how to do that:

teacher cover letter structure

And here’s what goes in each section:

Contact Details

Your personal contact information, including full name, profession, email, phone number, and location

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

It’s important to hook the recruiter with a powerful introduction. With this in mind, mention:

  • The specific teaching position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and top achievements

With the recruiter wanting to know more, you can go through the rest of your work history and personal background. You may want to delve into:

  • Why you want to work at this specific school
  • Anything you know about the school’s culture
  • What are your top skills and how are they relevant for the job
  • If you’ve worked in similar industries or positions before

Closing Paragraph

This is where you:

  • Wrap up any points you missed in the body paragraph
  • Thank the recruiter for their time
  • End with a call to action. Something like, “I’d love to further discuss how my experience as an X can help the school with Y”

Formal Salutations

To keep everything professional, use formal closing, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely.”

Creating a cover letter is a craft. But don’t worry, you can call on our how to write a cover letter for guidance.

Key Takeaways


There goes the bell to end today’s lesson.

We hope that the advice in this guide was taken onboard. If so, you’re now in the perfect position to create a job-winning teacher resume. 

Before you go, let’s quickly summarize what we have learnt:

  • Select the correct format for your teacher resume. Use a reverse-chronological format, and follow the best layout practices to keep everything clear and concise.
  • Use a summary or objective to capture attention to your resume
  • Focus on your achievements, rather than your responsibilities.
  • Match your teacher resume with a cover letter that follows the best practises 

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength” [4 Samples]
  • CV vs Resume - What is the Difference? [+Examples]
  • How to Write a Cover Letter - Full Guide

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Life Skills Teacher Resume Samples

A Life Skills Teacher works in various settings, including therapy facilities, schools, or correctional institutions, and undertake the core job of teaching clients how to manage the day-to-day tasks and how to become independent and move forward in life. Essential duties and responsibilities are listed on the Life Skills Teacher Resume as – helping students and clients who face unique challenges; developing life skills among clients in areas such as cooking, money skills, and hygiene; preparing evaluations and progress reports, and guiding students who need special education or skills.

Those seeking this job role should have several skills in various fields that are needed or useful in day-to-day life, they should be friendly, sociable, and have strong listening and communication skills. Requirements vary by state, and place of employment, however, a teaching credential is mandatory. Apart from a bachelor’s degree, hands-on experience working with a specific population is also desired.

Life Skills Teacher Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Life Skills Teacher

Life Skills Teacher Resume

Objective : Goal-oriented education management Life Skills Teacher professional with excellent organizational and interpersonal skills seeks opportunities to contribute expertise while working for a reputable organization.

Skills : Mircosoft Office, Writing IEPS.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Sample

Description :

  • Helped patients with movement, such as walking, sitting, and rolling over.
  • Recorded data related to achievement.
  • Conferred with parents or guardians, teachers, other counselors, and administrators to resolve students' behavioral, academic, and other problems.
  • Maintained accurate and complete student records as required by laws, district policies, and administrative regulations.
  • Helped patients with bathing, grooming, and using the toilet.
  • Worked harmoniously with others and communicated effectively (both orally and in writing) with students and staff.
  • Understood and follow oral and written instructions.

Objective : Obtain a position in which experience and proficiency will allow the opportunity for the advocacy and support of clients within your Social Service organization. Services provided Program Coordinator for 88 clients and 4 Case Managers within a state-licensed Facility. Complete administrative paperwork, monthly and quarterly reports.

Skills : Public Speaking, Teaching Skills.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Example

  • Provided basic patient care under the direct supervision of nursing staff.
  • Checked patients' vital signs.
  • Reported patient condition to nursing staff.
  • Collected patient specimens, urine samples, and stool samples.
  • Administered medications as directed.
  • Checked blood glucose levels.
  • Maintained careful, accurate medical records.

Headline : A dedicated person who wants to use skills and education to help students achieve their greatest potential using both traditional and modern approaches.

Skills : Credible Mobile Software, Value Options Software, Customer Care, Communications, Knowledge Joint Commission Standard, Knowledge Of COMAR Standard, And HIPAA And Confidentiality Standards. DLA-20 Rating Scale.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Sample

  • Provided students with information on such topics as college degree programs and admission requirements, financial aid opportunities, trade, and technical schools, and apprenticeship programs.
  • Collaborated with teachers and administrators in the development, evaluation, and revision of school programs.
  • Attended professional meetings, educational conferences, and teacher training workshops to maintain and improve professional competence.
  • Counseled individuals to help them understand and overcome personal, social, or behavioral problems affecting their educational or vocational situations.
  • Prepared students for later educational experiences by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks.
  • Evaluated individuals' abilities, interests, and personality characteristics using tests, records, interviews, and professional sources.
  • Taught classes and present self-help or information sessions on subjects related to education and career planning.

Summary : Seeks to obtain a challenging Life Skills Teacher position that utilizes experience, knowledge, managerial, and exceptional interpersonal skills. Proficient in evaluating individuals and developing effective solutions for challenging behaviors.

Skills : Good Organizer, Conscientious, Inventory Management.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Format

  • Worked directly with youth age 16-21 to teach independent living skills.
  • Assisted the youth in obtaining housing, employment, education, and learn basic life skills.
  • Responsible for program management including coordinating data collection and analysis for program outcomes.
  • Input data required to monitor and manage program goal achievement for each program participant.
  • Assisted coworkers with understanding and utilizing the KID system.
  • Managed the collection and review of reporting requirements, case plans, and progress reports.
  • Facilitated and managed the implementation and achievement of goals for youth.

Headline : Seeking to obtain a Life Skills Teacher position within an organization that will provide additional learning opportunities, utilizing education and strong interpersonal and organization skills.

Skills : Data entry, Problem-solving, Customer Service, Typing, Microsoft Windows, Eclipsys, Xactimed, MedAssets, Midas, Powerchart, Kepro, Epic, Merge Financials, Sentinel, AMICAS Claims Manager, InstaMed Payment, VSDM Client.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Template

  • Taught special curriculum for early childhood, 1st to 12th graders with an average of fifteen students per class.
  • Provided engaging, interactive lessons that ensure life skills for students.
  • Increased student's scores in standard tests by 100%.
  • Constantly communicated with parents turned around the class that had serious management issues.
  • Utilized specialized materials, equipment, and assistive technology for individuals with disabilities, allowing students to be better self-learners while gaining ultimate approvals from parents and school.
  • Created and disseminated materials and knowledge.
  • Developed comprehensive programs and curricula.

Objective : Seeks to pertain a Life Skills Teacher position teaching students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and/or the educable mentally handicapped.

Skills : MS Word, WordPerfect, Communication Skills.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Template

  • Motivated students to stay positive.
  • Provided case management services to at-risk teen mothers.
  • Prepared intake paperwork, safety assessments, yearly individual goal plans, and monthly progress reports.
  • Conducted weekly teaching sessions in independent living skills, parenting, money management, interpersonal skills, conflict resolution skills, safety skills, leadership skills, and self-advocacy skills.
  • Prepared students for independent living, supported students through training for competitive employment.
  • Assisted individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Developed and implemented lesson plans meeting individual education plans.

Objective : Life Skills Teacher is responsible for providing the learning environment for students to acquire the knowledge, skills and values that they need to grow and succeed. They are responsible for developing curriculum, teaching techniques and materials and making classroom assignments consistent with their curriculum.

Skills : MS Office, Google Docs, Calendar Management, Assessment, Risk Assessment, Supervisor.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Example

  • Implemented life skills teaching of MR /DD persons in a residential setting.
  • Provided transportation to and from employment, education, healthcare, and personal needs destinations.
  • Documented daily activities of consumers/clients per plan.
  • Provided instruction, assistance with daily living/hygiene needs.
  • Implemented medication and behavioral plan support.
  • Worked with self-contained students of different intellectual levels on daily living skills including hygiene, travel training, market math.
  • Assisted young adults that have been diagnosed with mental, physical, and emotional challenges.

Headline : An educator with a wide range of experiences. Prior to teaching was employed in a challenging job as a counselor, a maximum secure juvenile facility.

Skills : Writing, Editing, Teaching, Public Relations, Research, Marketing, Program Development, Advertising, Journalism, Community Outreach, Public Speaking, Press Releases, Event Planning, And Management.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Example

  • Maintained a curriculum for students to learn skills needed for them to be independent and successful.
  • Followed goals and manage data approved through the IEP Team, hold yearly IEP meetings.
  • Maintained and monitored IEP progress create lesson plans and adapt/modify the curriculum to meet student abilities maintain grade book and attendance development.
  • Used of online curriculum uses smartboard to enhance instruction Use power-point, Microsoft word.
  • Assisted clients/residents with activities of daily living with the intention of preparing them for the transition back into their home or work.
  • Provided individual instruction and behavioral plans for multi-disabled students and low-cognitive students, ages eight to thirteen.
  • Communicated with therapists (O.T., P.T., and speech) weekly to create an integrated curriculum.

Headline : An energetic, motivating leader with proven ability to work as a team member and effectively manage personnel. Self- starter and strong independent worker, highly adaptable to ever-changing circumstances.

Skills : Leader Classroom Management, Adaptable Efficient Record.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Model

  • Team-taught students ages thirteen to eighteen with challenging behaviors in a life-skills classroom.
  • Understood that characteristics of children with age range, including levels of severity, multiple disabilities with their influence on.
  • Collaborated with LDTC, parents, paraprofessionals, other key team members of the school and state agencies to successfully integrate the students.
  • Created and implemented curriculum with an even balance of academics and everyday home/community skills.
  • Assisted people with different developmental disabilities to carry out a range of activities.
  • Assisted with bathing and oral care assisted with getting up and ready for work, as well as transporting them to work and picking them up assisted.
  • Taught life skills to kindergarten through fourth-grade students.

Objective : Responsible for Working effectively in an environment that can be both physically and emotionally fatiguing; performing physically demanding requirements of the job, and also working with students who may exhibit aggressive behavior, as required by specific job assignments.

Skills : Team Building Through Training, Inventory Management, Administrative Support.

Life Skills Teacher Resume Model

  • Taught various life skills and academic skills to deinstitutionalized adults in a variety of locations.
  • Assisted with household chores and pass out medications with proper documentation.
  • Taught vocational skills at school and then taken into the community and trained to work.
  • Taught Exploring Life Skills to 7th and 8th-grade students to help students navigate from adolescence through adulthood.
  • Taught Exploring Career Decisions to 6th-grade students to help students identify high school class schedules, develop knowledge, skills.
  • Taught differentiated instruction to meet various learning levels.
  • Assisted with their daily living skills, hygiene, meal.

Table of Contents

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Free Teacher Resume Template and Tips, Plus 21 Teacher Resume Examples

Make a great first impression!

Free teacher resume template lying on a desk

Whether you’re searching for your first teaching job or you’re ready for a change, you’ll need a solid resume. There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there on how to write a resume that will land you an interview, so it’s worth taking some time to review teacher resume examples first. We’ve rounded up examples for pretty much any kind of educator and assembled tips for how to write a strong modern teacher resume.

Best of all, we’ve got a free, fully customizable teacher resume template to get you started quickly and easily. Fill out the form on this page to grab your template, then use our tips to start building your resume today.

Teacher Resume Tips

Teacher resume examples.

Resumes have changed a lot in recent years, so do your research to find out what the latest trends are. For instance, while an “objectives” section used to be a resume standard, people often drop this section today in favor of more space to highlight their accomplishments. Start with these general resume tips, then get more advice for completing our free teacher resume template, section by section.

General Tips

  • Keep it to one or two pages. Hiring managers don’t have time to read overly long resumes. Put the most important information up front, and remove anything that doesn’t truly strengthen your application.
  • Be honest. While you want to highlight your strengths and achievements, don’t go overboard. If you exaggerate your experience but are unable to perform certain tasks, you may put your future job at risk before you even get started.
  • Skip the gimmicks. Some people will tell you the way to make your resume stand out is to use fun fonts or a “creative” design. The fact is, people who are hiring want an easy-to-read, clear presentation that highlights your achievements and credentials. That’s what will land you an interview.
  • Tailor your resume. Keep a standard resume document that you can customize for the specific job you’re applying for. That might mean moving sections around, highlighting specific skills or experiences, or deciding which parts of your career deserve to be placed up front. Take a close look at the job description, and tailor your resume accordingly.
  • Don’t try to circumvent the system. Years ago, people would tell you to ignore requests to send your resume and instead show up in person. Our advice: Don’t do it! Application systems are nearly all online these days, and for good reason. This helps hiring committees by organizing information efficiently and ensuring they meet all anti-discrimination laws. So just send your resume and application using the method requested.
  • Don’t forget a cover letter. A great cover letter really can help your resume stand out. Learn how to make your teacher cover letter special here.

Contact Information

On today’s resumes, your mailing address is optional. In fact, if you’re looking for a job outside of your current geographical area, it can sometimes be helpful to leave it off. This way, employers won’t worry about whether you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Email addresses are not optional. This is the way most schools will contact you today, so be sure to provide yours. You might want to take a look at your address to make sure it sounds relatively professional too. Ideally, it simply contains a version of your name (e.g., “[email protected]”); don’t forget you can grab a free email address from sites like Gmail if you need to. But other addresses are fine too, as long as there’s nothing questionable. “[email protected]” is fine. “[email protected]” is not.

Professional Objective/Summary

As mentioned earlier, resume objectives are used less and less today. Recent college grads or those transitioning to teaching careers might still decide to include a professional objective statement. Those with more experience have replaced objectives with a summary statement that provides an overview of their career. It’s also OK to delete this section altogether if you’d like more space in the Relevant Work Experience section.

Education and Certifications

Include your undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as any certifications or licensures you hold. Note: It’s up to you whether you include your graduation date. Some people worry it can open them up to age discrimination. You’ll likely be asked for this information if you continue in the hiring process, so they can verify your degrees.

Related Experience

This is the real meat of your teacher resume. You can list jobs chronologically starting with the most recent, or choose to place your most relevant experience first. Either way, include your employer’s name, dates of employment, and the position/s you held. Then, highlight your experience and achievements. Strive to make your statements measurable and quantifiable rather than just a listing of your job duties.

Weak statements: ADVERTISEMENT

  • Taught fifth grade science and math
  • Prepared students for standardized math tests
  • Oversaw annual school science fair

Strong statements:

  • Instructed 100+ students each year in fifth grade science fundamentals, including human anatomy, electricity and magnetism, and earth and space science
  • Improved standardized testing math scores by an average of 8% over a period of five years
  • Organized seven annual school science fairs by coordinating 200+ participants, finding qualified judges, and arranging for prizes donated by the community

New college grad? You should definitely include your student teaching or internship experience in this section!

Additional Experience

You can use this section to include jobs you’ve held that aren’t quite as relevant to the one you’re applying for. If you’re new to the working world, it’s OK to include non-teaching jobs here. For those with longer careers, it’s probably not necessary to list every job you’ve ever had. Just highlight any experience that helps support your application or fills any employment gaps.

Professional Honors and Leadership

If you’ve received awards or honors related to teaching, share them here. The same goes for any leadership roles you’ve held in educational professional orgs.

Professional Affiliations

If space allows, you might want to include a short list of respected professional organizations you belong to. You should definitely include them if you play a very active role, have been invited to speak as an education expert at a conference, etc. Otherwise, this section is optional.

Other Teacher Resume Sections

Here are some sections you might consider adding if you have space, and a few to skip altogether.

  • Professional skills: Don’t include this section if your skills are simply those expected of any teacher. But if you’ve built up any unusual and relevant teaching skills through experience or professional development, you could include them here. (Fluency in multiple languages, for example.)
  • Community involvement or volunteer work: If you’ve been heavily involved in community organizations that work with children or education, consider highlighting those achievements on your resume.
  • Publications: Have you published articles in an educational or professional journal, or had your work featured on a trusted, well-known website? Include any relevant articles and links.

Here’s what you don’t need on your resume:

  • Hobbies or “unique” unrelated skills (like “juggling” or “Cordon Bleu chef”).
  • Any information about religious or political affiliations, or your marital status, gender, race, or age. These could lead to potential bias or discrimination in the hiring process.
  • References: Most people leave this section off their resume these days, as job applications or hiring committees will ask you for them separately. Line up your references and gather their contact information, but hang onto them until you’re asked to provide the info. You don’t even need to put “References available upon request,” since hiring managers already assume that.

As you complete your teacher resume template, use these examples for ideas about what to include and how to word it.

1. First-time teacher

This is a great resume for teachers with little to no experience.

2. Another first-time teacher example

Here’s one more example of a great teacher resume for those with limited experience.

3. Experienced elementary teacher

This one allows you to showcase your skills in a compact, visually appealing design.

4. Another experienced elementary teacher

This is one of those teacher resume examples that work best for those with some experience but who are still early in their career. (Note: Click the link above and scroll down to find it.)

5. Summer school teacher

Use this resume to highlight the unique skills of summer school teachers who work with students who are either repeating a course or trying to get ahead for the following school year.

6. Assistant teacher

Applying for an assistant teacher job will be much easier using one of the five fantastic teacher resume examples through this resource.

7. Special education teacher

As a special educator, your responsibilities may change from minute to minute and your skills need to adapt. This template helps you simplify your experience in a one-page resume.

8. School counselor

This resume will help you showcase your excellent mentoring, counseling, and leadership skills.

9. School guidance counselor

As a guidance counselor, your role is to guide students through academic development as well as personal growth. Use this template to show you how to highlight your unique talents.

10. Library media specialist

Showcase your ability to collect and maintain the valuable resources needed to foster a strong learning environment for students.

11. High school English teacher

Use this guide to create a great English teacher resume that will highlight your communication, interpersonal, and planning skills to edge out the competition.

12. Technology teacher

Emphasize your commitment to the ongoing professional development necessary to continue integrating the latest technology into the existing curriculum, and coming up with new lesson plans for today’s classrooms.

13. Music teacher

Share and showcase your love of introducing music to students with this straightforward teacher resume.

14. Drama teacher

This resume example is simple but perfect for drama teachers who want to emphasize their experience as well as their knowledge of acting techniques and production.

15. World language teacher

Establish yourself as the ideal candidate by demonstrating teaching skills, language proficiency, communication, and organizational skills.

16. Sports coach

As a coach, this template will help you demonstrate your ability to manage teams and sports programs as well as encourage academic performance.

17. ESL teacher

This teacher resume example allows you to highlight your classroom management skills, as well as your commitment to empathy, patience, and cultural awareness. (Note: Click the link above and scroll down to find it.)

18. Math teacher

This clean resume template showcases a math teacher’s ability to break down complex math concepts through patient, meaningful engagement with students.

19. Pre-K teacher

It takes a special person to be a great pre-K teacher. Working with young children while creating lesson and activity plans, monitoring progress, and providing quality supervision takes patience and kindness.

20. Business teacher

Put your best foot forward with this business teacher resume that emphasizes teaching methods and a commitment to ongoing professional development.

21. International school teacher

Use this resume to let hiring managers know that you’re not only motivated to help students learn but uniquely qualified. Be sure to highlight any experience living or traveling abroad as well as foreign language skills.

Get Your Free Teacher Resume Template

Just fill out the form on this landing page for instant access to a free Google Doc featuring a fully customizable teacher resume template.

Plus, check out tips for teacher job fairs and the most common teacher interview questions.

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Make the most out of your job search! Continue Reading

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19 Teacher Resume Examples & Writing Guide

Boost your chances of landing a teaching job with a well-written resume. This guide offers 19 real-life resume samples and expert tips for highlighting your skills, experience, and credentials. Learn how to structure your resume, showcase your accomplishments, and avoid common mistakes. Follow our advice to create a polished resume that impresses school administrators and hiring managers.


Creating a teacher resume can be hard, especially if you don't know where to start. Many teachers struggle to showcase their skills and experience in a way that grabs the attention of school principals and hiring managers. A poorly made resume can mean missing out on your dream teaching job.

That's where this guide comes in. We'll walk you through the process of putting together a teacher resume step-by-step. You'll learn what information to include, how to highlight your strengths, and how to format your resume for maximum impact. We've also gathered 19 real-life examples of successful teacher resumes to give you inspiration and ideas.

By the time you finish reading, you'll have all the tools and knowledge you need to create a teacher resume that sets you apart from other candidates and helps you land the teaching position you want. Let's get started!

Common Responsibilities Listed on Teacher Resumes

  • Preparing lesson plans and instructional materials
  • Delivering engaging and effective lectures and presentations
  • Facilitating classroom discussions and activities
  • Assigning and grading homework, assignments, and tests
  • Maintaining accurate student records and progress reports
  • Communicating with parents or guardians regarding student performance
  • Supervising and mentoring students as needed
  • Participating in curriculum development and staff meetings

Resume ATS Scanner

Drop your resume file here to scan for ATS compatibility.

How to write a Resume Summary

Consider your summary or objective section as a mini elevator pitch of your professional life. Why? Because it's typically placed at the very top of your resume, offering recruiters the first peek into who you are.

Hence, writing this section with utmost clarity while ensuring it's engaging is of utmost importance. It could become the deciding factor for a recruiter to read the rest of your resume or move on to the next.

Notably, as a teacher, this is the section where you put across your passion for inducing knowledge acquisition, your teaching methods, philosophies, and how you have enacted them successfully in past roles. It's where you highlight your significant achievements, experiences, and skills, without, of course, sounding salesy.

Speaking of achievements, remember that they do not have to be undeniably grand all the time. As long as they had reasonable, measurable effects, they can tell a story of how dependable a teacher you have been. For instance, improved student performance, successful design and implementation of a curriculum, or program, can be positioned as wins.

In terms of expertise and versatility, you'd want to talk about the levels and subjects you've taught. Have you exclusively coached pre-schoolers, or did you also juggle high school advanced math classes? Or, have you only trained on the English language, or did you also tutor science subjects?

Another backbone of your summary can be your method of teaching. Are you an advocate of student-led learning, or are you more aligned with structured, teacher-focused teaching? Whichever it is, fortunately, there isn't really much right or wrong here – schools have diverse philosophies. The key lies in laying it down clearly, so you match with institutions whose philosophies align with yours.

Lastly, a teacher's role revolves a lot around interpersonal skills. Highlight qualities like excellent communication skills, creativity, empathy, patience, and adaptability. Further, convey your comfort around tools like Google Classroom, Zoom, or other remote learning platforms if applicable.

Just remember, keep it truthful, purposeful, yet humble. With this approach, you should be able to produce a summary or objective section that echoes your genuine passion for teaching and everything it encapsulates.

Strong Summaries

  • Experienced and passionate educator with 7 years of teaching mathematics at a high-school level. Proven ability to improve student learning through tailored reading, writing, and study skills. MIT Graduated with a Master's Degree in Mathematics.
  • Devoted Elementary School Teacher with over 10 years of experience developing creative lesson plans and implementing instructional best practices. Strong team player familiar with IEPs and common core standards.
  • Enthusiastic English Teacher with a decade of experience helping students appreciate literature while refining their own research and writing skills. High success rate with multicultural and disadvantaged students.
  • Dynamic Special Education Teacher with 5 years of experience instructing students with a wide range of disabilities. Committed to creating motivational and collaborative learning environments where students thrive.
  • Dedicated Science Teacher with a concentration in biology and over 9 years' experience in middle school education. Passionate about the integration of technology in classrooms to make science accessible to all students.

Why these are strong ?

The above examples are great because they efficiently highlight the teacher's area of expertise and experience in the education sector. They provide specific information on the teacher's skills and achievements. Also, each example is different and catered specifically to the role, meaning the teacher is not a one-size-fits-all educator but rather brings unique value. Furthermore, references to their ability to work in diverse environments or handle special cases (such as IEPs or disadvantaged students) show their ability to adapt and cater to various student needs, which is crucial in providing a quality education for all students. Such summaries would likely attract the attention of potential employers as they quickly showcase the teacher's qualifications and skills.

Weak Summaries

  • Experienced teacher. Good with students.
  • Teacher. Have skills. Love to educate kids.
  • I've been a teacher for years, I basically know everything there is to know.
  • Am teacher. Not bad. Cute children nice to me.
  • I have managed to not get fired from my last teaching job.

Why these are weak ?

These examples, despite being representative of actual mistakes that people might make, are bad examples for a professional summary for a teacher's resume because they lack the necessary depth and detail. They do not adequately highlight the teacher's skills, experiences, or accomplishments. Instead, they are vague and generic. In addition, some display an unprofessional attitude, which can leave a negative impression. Good summaries should provide an overview of one's professional background, show passion for the field, and provide specific evidence of skills or experience. They should also be grammatically correct and professionally presented.

Showcase your Work Experience

The Work Experience section on your resume is more than just a list of jobs you've held; it's an opportunity to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and how you've directly contributed to the success of your schools. As a teacher, it's specifically significant as it allows potential employers to gauge your ability to deliver a quality education, facilitate a conducive learning environment and generate measurable improvements in your students' performance.

1. Use Reverse-Chronological Order

Firstly, the standard layout for a resume is reverse-chronological order, meaning your most recent job should be listed first. This type of organization allows employers to quickly see your current or most recent role, which is usually the most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

2. Be detailed but Concise

Being a teacher encompasses a myriad of responsibilities. To best portray these, each job listing should include a brief (2-3 sentence) job description followed by a few bullet points highlighting your accomplishments or responsibilities. Focus on major achievements, unique initiatives you spearheaded, or curriculum you've developed. But, remember, while it's important to be detailed, maintaining conciseness is also key. Aim to provide enough detail to give the potential employer a clear picture of your role, but remain succinct to ensure readability.

Quantify your achievements and impact using concrete numbers, metrics, and percentages to demonstrate the value you brought to your previous roles.

3. Use Action Verbs

Begin each of your job description points with a strong action verb. This helps clearly indicate your skills and responsibilities, illustrating your teaching capabilities and the actions you've taken in your previous roles. Action verbs like mentored, educated, guided, or instructed, sound stronger and more proactive than simply saying you were responsible for specific duties.

4. Highlight your Accomplishments; not just Responsibilities

While listing your daily activities is helpful, it does not fully demonstrate your capabilities. Highlighting your accomplishes, such as improvements in students' grades or implementing a successful new curriculum, reflects your capabilities more powerfully.

5. Cater to the Job you're Applying for

While writing your work experience, remember to cater it according to the job you're applying for. Different educational institutions may have varying expectations or emphasis. Mention your experience related to the particular grade level or area of expertise the institution specializes in.

The work experience section is a window into your professional past. By clearly outlining your responsibilities, accomplishments, and relevant skills, you can give potential employers a good sense of your abilities as a teacher, and why you would make a valuable addition to their learning institution. Just remember – keep it succinct, relevant, and use strong action verbs to effectively illustrate your qualifications and achievements.

Strong Experiences

  • Designed and implemented lesson plans aligning with school's curriculum and state standards, achieving 20% improved student performance on standardized tests
  • Mentored students on an individual basis regarding academic and personal obstacles to improve their academic achievement by 15%
  • Implemented diverse teaching methodologies for enhancing student engagement such as integrating technology and introducing hands-on activities in classroom
  • Organized after-school tutoring for students requiring extra help, leading to a 10% improvement in their grades
  • Participated in regular parent-teacher meetings and communicated students' progress effectively to parents

These bullet points encapsulate key achievements and responsibilities, providing quantifiable results wherever possible. Each point begins with a strong action verb to highlight the candidate's role. They demonstrate successful teaching strategies, personal efforts to improve student performance and effective communication skills. The use of metrics provides concrete evidence of the impact of their work. Therefore, these examples are good practices for a teacher's resume.

Weak Experiences

  • Taught students.
  • Managed classes.
  • Lecture giver to students.
  • Talked to parents.
  • Graded tests.
  • Prepped for lectures.

The mentioned bullet points are considered bad practice for a resume due to their lack of specificity. Just stating 'Taught students' or 'Managed classes' doesn't give any insight into the kind of subjects/levels you handled, the kind of class environment you were responsible for or, importantly, the achievements in those roles. Always remember, your potential employer will be interested in understanding not just what you did, but how well you did it, what impact you made, and what skills you demonstrated. A bullet point like 'Lecture giver to students' is a poor choice because it is not only vague, but also improperly phrased. 'Talked to parents' also lacks important specifics such as the purpose of the communication. 'Graded tests' and 'Prepped for lectures' are too focused on routine tasks, failing to highlight any special skills or accomplishments.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

When crafting a Teacher's resume, the skills section plays a pivotal role. This is where you highlight both hard and soft skills that you acquired throughout your career. Additionally, this section can be instrumental in helping your resume get past an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and attract the attention of hiring managers. Here's why these elements are so important.

###Hard and Soft Skills

Hard skills refer to the objective abilities or knowledge an individual has gained through education or experience. For teachers, these skills might include curriculum planning, classroom management, or subject-specific knowledge.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are a bit more abstract. They revolve around personal attributes and capabilities that enable individuals to interact effectively with others. In teaching, vital soft skills include communication, patience, and empathy.

When populating your resume, it's crucial to capture a balance of both hard and soft skills. This showcases your technical aptitude and interpersonal traits, painting a holistic picture of your teaching capabilities.

###Keywords and ATS

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a type of software used by employers to sort and sift through large volumes of resumes. The ATS scans your resume for specific keywords that match the job description.

Thus, strategically infusing your Skills section with relevant keywords enhances your chances of passing ATS screening. These keywords could be either hard or soft skills, as long as they're highly pertinent to the job you're applying for.

###Matching Skills

The matchmaking process is essential in crafting an effective resume. Your aim is to match your skills with the skills needed in the job description. Pinpointing these skills increases the likelihood of your resume making the cut.

If, for example, the job description emphasizes a need for strong adaptability and Mathematics expertise, you'll want to feature these as core skills in your resume.

By carefully tweaking your resume to align with job requirements, you increase the chances of your profile resonating with the hiring team. Your skills should not just be displayed but carefully crafted to match the needs of your prospective employer.

In essence, hard and soft skills should complement each other on your resume, striking a balance between your technical proficiency and interpersonal capabilities. Using the right keywords relevant to the teaching role will enhance visibility and ensure you match the profile of the role you're applying for.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Curriculum Development
  • Classroom Management
  • Lesson Planning
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Educational Technology
  • Data Analysis
  • Content Knowledge
  • Instructional Design
  • Student Engagement
  • Literacy Development
  • Numeracy Skills
  • Special Education
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Problem-Solving Skills

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Critical Thinking
  • Time Management
  • Cultural Competence
  • Flexibility
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Active Listening

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Inspired students
  • Facilitated discussions
  • Assessed performance
  • Adapted lessons
  • Collaborated with colleagues
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Utilized technology
  • Analyzed data
  • Provided feedback
  • Engaged students
  • Implemented strategies
  • Supported individual needs
  • Evaluated progress
  • Encouraged participation
  • Managed classroom behavior
  • Designed lesson plans
  • Promoted literacy skills
  • Integrated numeracy concepts
  • Developed assessments
  • Demonstrated content knowledge
  • Fostered inclusive environment
  • Resolved conflicts peacefully
  • Motivated students
  • Listened actively
  • Advised on academic paths
  • Evaluated learning outcomes
  • Guided student projects
  • Coached for success
  • Demonstrated cultural awareness
  • Adapted to student needs
  • Led group activities
  • Organized learning materials
  • Encouraged critical thinking
  • Managed time effectively
  • Supported team efforts
  • Promoted student engagement

Education & Certifications

To add your education and certificates to your resume, first, create a specific section titled 'Education' or 'Certifications'. Listing them chronologically, state the name of the degree or certificate first, followed by the institution where you received it, and the year of completion. For teachers, it's important to highlight any specialized training or certifications relevant to the specific teaching role you are applying for, to solidify your expertise and authoritativeness in your field.

Some of the most important certifications for Teachers

Recognized as the gold standard in teacher certification, demonstrating accomplished teaching practices.

Validates educators' ability to integrate technology into their teaching practice.

Showcases proficiency in using Apple products for teaching and learning.

Resume FAQs for Teachers

What is the ideal length for a teacher resume.

The ideal length for a teacher resume is typically one page. However, if you have extensive experience or additional relevant qualifications, it can be up to two pages.

What is the best format for a teacher resume?

The reverse-chronological format is generally recommended for teacher resumes. This format lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first.

How should I organize the sections on my teacher resume?

A typical teacher resume should include sections for contact information, a summary or objective statement, teaching experience, education, certifications, and relevant skills or accomplishments.

Should I include references on my teacher resume?

It's not necessary to include references on your teacher resume. Instead, you can simply state 'References available upon request' at the bottom of your resume.

How can I make my teacher resume stand out?

To make your teacher resume stand out, highlight your relevant teaching experience, quantify your accomplishments, showcase your classroom management skills, and tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for.

Should I include volunteer work or extracurricular activities on my teacher resume?

Yes, if the volunteer work or extracurricular activities are relevant to teaching or working with children, you can include them on your teacher resume to demonstrate your passion and commitment to education.

Teachers play a vital role in shaping young minds and imparting knowledge. Their responsibilities include developing lesson plans, delivering engaging instruction, assessing student progress, and maintaining a conducive classroom environment. When crafting a Teacher resume, emphasize your teaching experience and credentials prominently. Highlight your skills in classroom management, lesson planning, and utilizing diverse instructional methods. Showcase your proficiency with educational technologies and software. Most importantly, tailor your resume to the specific requirements of each teaching position you apply for.

Passionate and dedicated educator with a proven track record of creating engaging learning environments that foster student growth and achievement. Adept at developing innovative curricula and employing diverse teaching strategies to accommodate individual learning styles. Committed to cultivating strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues to promote a positive and supportive school community.

  • Developed and implemented engaging lesson plans for English Literature and Composition classes, resulting in a 20% increase in student performance on standardized tests.
  • Initiated and led an after-school creative writing club, providing students with a platform to explore their writing skills and showcase their work through school-wide publications and events.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to develop cross-curricular projects, enhancing student understanding of interdisciplinary connections and real-world applications.
  • Served as a mentor for new teachers, offering guidance and support to help them navigate their first year in the classroom.
  • Actively participated in professional development workshops and conferences to stay current with best practices in education and integrate new strategies into classroom instruction.
  • Designed and delivered interactive lessons that engaged students in the learning process, resulting in consistently high levels of student participation and achievement.
  • Implemented differentiated instruction techniques to meet the diverse needs of learners, ensuring that all students had the opportunity to succeed.
  • Developed and maintained a classroom library with a wide variety of diverse and inclusive literature to promote a love of reading and broaden student perspectives.
  • Collaborated with the special education team to create and implement Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with special needs.
  • Established and maintained open lines of communication with parents through regular updates, conferences, and online platforms to support student progress and address concerns.
  • Created a nurturing and stimulating classroom environment that promoted social-emotional learning and academic growth for diverse learners.
  • Developed and implemented project-based learning units that engaged students in hands-on, real-world problem-solving experiences.
  • Utilized formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress, inform instruction, and provide targeted support for individual learners.
  • Collaborated with grade-level teams to develop and implement consistent classroom management strategies and curriculum standards.
  • Organized and led engaging field trips and guest speaker events to enhance student learning and expose them to new ideas and experiences.
  • Curriculum development
  • Project-based learning
  • Classroom management
  • Formative and summative assessment
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Inclusive education
  • Technology integration
  • Cross-curricular collaboration
  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Professional development
  • Creative writing instruction
  • Literacy instruction
  • Multicultural education

Special education teachers work with students who have disabilities or special needs, developing individualized education plans and using specialized techniques to aid learning. Their role involves monitoring progress, adapting lessons, and collaborating with parents and other professionals. When writing a resume, highlight relevant experience, education focused on special education, certifications, and key skills like patience, empathy, and the ability to motivate students.

Dedicated and passionate Special Education Teacher with over 8 years of experience in creating inclusive learning environments. Skilled in developing individualized education plans (IEPs) and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to ensure student success. Committed to empowering students with diverse needs and fostering their academic, social, and emotional growth.

  • Developed and implemented individualized education plans (IEPs) for students with a wide range of disabilities, resulting in an average 20% improvement in academic performance.
  • Collaborated with general education teachers to create inclusive learning environments and ensure appropriate accommodations and modifications for students with special needs.
  • Conducted regular assessments and progress monitoring to track student growth and adjust instructional strategies accordingly.
  • Provided training and support to paraprofessionals and teaching assistants, ensuring consistent implementation of IEPs and behavior intervention plans.
  • Established strong partnerships with parents and families through regular communication and collaborative problem-solving, leading to increased parental involvement and student success.
  • Provided professional development and coaching to general education teachers on inclusive practices, differentiated instruction, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
  • Collaborated with special education teachers to develop and implement co-teaching models and ensure seamless integration of services for students with disabilities.
  • Facilitated the development of school-wide policies and procedures to promote inclusive practices and ensure compliance with state and federal regulations.
  • Organized and led parent workshops on topics such as advocating for their child's needs, understanding the IEP process, and supporting learning at home.
  • Developed and maintained partnerships with community organizations to provide additional resources and support for students with disabilities and their families.
  • Taught students with mild to moderate disabilities in a resource room setting, focusing on individualized instruction in reading, writing, and math.
  • Implemented evidence-based interventions and progress monitoring tools to support student growth and achievement.
  • Collaborated with general education teachers to ensure appropriate accommodations and modifications were provided in the general education classroom.
  • Developed and maintained positive relationships with students, families, and colleagues, fostering a supportive and inclusive school culture.
  • Served as a mentor teacher for new special education teachers, providing guidance and support in developing and implementing effective instructional practices.
  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
  • Behavior Management
  • Progress Monitoring
  • Assistive Technology
  • Co-Teaching
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Collaboration
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
  • Special Education Law and Regulations
  • Parent and Family Engagement
  • Professional Development
  • Inclusive Practices

Kindergarten teachers nurture young minds through interactive lessons, read-alouds, and guided playtime. They assess students' progress, address learning needs, and encourage positive social behaviors. When crafting your resume, emphasize experience leading classroom activities, behavior management strategies, and knowledge of childhood development. Highlight relevant teaching credentials, creativity in lesson planning, patience and a nurturing demeanor.

Passionate and nurturing educator with over 8 years of experience in early childhood education. Skilled in creating engaging and developmentally appropriate lesson plans that foster a love for learning. Adept at building strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive curriculum aligned with state standards and tailored to individual student needs.
  • Utilized a variety of teaching strategies, including play-based learning, to engage students and promote their cognitive, social, and emotional development.
  • Collaborated with a team of 5 teachers to plan and execute school-wide events, such as the annual Spring Carnival and Family Literacy Night.
  • Maintained detailed records of student progress and regularly communicated with parents through conferences, newsletters, and daily reports.
  • Trained and mentored 2 new teachers, providing guidance on classroom management and instructional best practices.
  • Designed and delivered engaging, hands-on lessons in all subject areas, incorporating technology and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of a diverse student population.
  • Implemented positive behavior management strategies, resulting in a 20% decrease in classroom disruptions and a more positive learning environment.
  • Served as the grade level lead, coordinating weekly team meetings and facilitating the sharing of resources and instructional strategies.
  • Organized and led a school-wide Reading Buddies program, pairing kindergarten students with 4th-grade mentors to improve literacy skills.
  • Actively participated in professional development opportunities, including workshops on social-emotional learning and culturally responsive teaching.
  • Created and implemented a play-based curriculum that encouraged exploration, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
  • Conducted daily circle time activities, including songs, stories, and games, to promote language development and social interaction.
  • Maintained a safe and nurturing classroom environment, ensuring compliance with all licensing regulations and health and safety standards.
  • Collaborated with a team of 8 educators to plan and execute a variety of learning centers, including art, sensory play, and dramatic play.
  • Communicated regularly with parents through daily verbal updates, written reports, and bi-annual conferences to discuss student progress and development.
  • Lesson planning
  • Play-based learning
  • Positive behavior support
  • Parent communication
  • Team collaboration
  • Record keeping
  • Child development knowledge

An ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher instructs non-native speakers in reading, writing, listening, and speaking English. They design interactive lessons, assess students' progress, and adapt teaching methods to cater to diverse learning styles and proficiency levels. When crafting a resume for an ESL role, emphasize relevant teaching experience, language certifications, curriculum development skills, cross-cultural competency, and the ability to create an engaging, supportive learning environment. Tailor your resume objective to each prospective employer, highlighting your qualifications and passion for helping students achieve language fluency.

Passionate and dedicated ESL teacher with over 8 years of experience in creating engaging lesson plans and fostering a supportive learning environment for students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Adept at leveraging innovative teaching methodologies to enhance language acquisition and promote cross-cultural understanding.

  • Developed and implemented interactive lesson plans for adult learners, resulting in a 95% student satisfaction rate and an average improvement of 1.5 CEFR levels per student.
  • Collaborated with a team of 10 ESL teachers to create a standardized curriculum, ensuring consistency and quality across all classes.
  • Utilized technology-based learning tools, such as interactive whiteboards and language learning apps, to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
  • Conducted weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions to address individual student needs and provide personalized feedback.
  • Organized and led conversation clubs and cultural events to promote language practice and cultural exchange among students.
  • Taught ESL classes to a diverse group of adult learners, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills.
  • Developed and implemented a successful online learning program during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring uninterrupted learning for students.
  • Created and maintained a supportive classroom environment that encouraged active participation and fostered a sense of community among students.
  • Provided regular feedback and progress reports to students and administrators, ensuring clear communication and accountability.
  • Participated in professional development workshops and conferences to stay current with the latest ESL teaching methodologies and best practices.
  • Provided one-on-one and small group ESL tutoring sessions for students of various ages and proficiency levels.
  • Developed personalized lesson plans based on individual student needs and learning styles, resulting in accelerated language acquisition.
  • Collaborated with students to set achievable language learning goals and tracked progress through regular assessments and feedback sessions.
  • Utilized a variety of teaching materials, including textbooks, digital resources, and authentic materials, to create engaging and effective lessons.
  • Maintained detailed records of student progress and communicated regularly with parents and school administrators.
  • Language assessment
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Student motivation
  • Grammar instruction
  • Vocabulary development
  • Pronunciation coaching
  • Reading comprehension
  • Writing skills
  • Listening and speaking skills

As a new teacher, your role is inspiring young minds through creative lesson planning and fostering an enriching classroom environment. When crafting your resume, lead with your passion for educating by highlighting experiences that demonstrate your ability to connect with students. Quantify accomplishments like improved test scores or extracurricular projects you spearheaded. Include specific examples that showcase skills like classroom management, communication with parents, and leveraging technology. Most importantly, make your teaching philosophy and commitment to student growth shine through clearly.

Enthusiastic and dedicated aspiring educator seeking a position as a New Teacher. Passionate about creating engaging and inclusive learning environments that foster student growth and achievement. Committed to collaborating with colleagues, parents, and the community to support student success.

  • Developed and implemented lesson plans for a diverse group of 4th-grade students, focusing on differentiated instruction to meet individual learning needs.
  • Collaborated with mentor teacher to create engaging, hands-on learning activities that promoted critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Utilized technology, including interactive whiteboards and educational apps, to enhance student learning and engagement.
  • Established positive relationships with students, promoting a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.
  • Participated in parent-teacher conferences, communicating student progress and addressing concerns.
  • Provided one-on-one tutoring services to elementary school students in various subjects, including math and reading.
  • Developed individualized learning plans to address each student's unique needs and learning styles.
  • Collaborated with parents and community center staff to monitor student progress and adjust tutoring strategies as needed.
  • Created a welcoming and supportive learning environment, building trust and rapport with students.
  • Assisted in organizing and leading educational enrichment activities and workshops for students and their families.
  • Supervised and guided a group of 12 campers aged 8-10, ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the summer.
  • Planned and facilitated daily activities, including sports, arts and crafts, and nature exploration.
  • Collaborated with fellow counselors to develop and implement engaging educational programs and themed events.
  • Served as a positive role model, promoting teamwork, respect, and personal growth among campers.
  • Communicated regularly with parents, providing updates on their child's progress and addressing any concerns.
  • Student engagement
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Collaborative teaching
  • Culturally responsive teaching

Role: Teachers plan and deliver engaging lessons to foster student learning and growth. They assess student progress, communicate with parents, and create an inclusive, supportive classroom environment that nurtures curiosity and critical thinking. For a career change to teaching, highlight transferable skills like public speaking, organization, and ability to explain complex concepts clearly. Emphasize any experience mentoring, training others, or leading group activities. Describe your passion for educating and making a positive impact on young minds.

Dynamic and innovative educator with a passion for igniting a love of learning in students. Proven ability to engage and inspire diverse learners through creative and student-centered approaches. Committed to fostering a positive, inclusive classroom environment that encourages critical thinking, collaboration, and personal growth.

  • Developed and implemented engaging, differentiated lesson plans for a diverse class of 25 students
  • Utilized technology and hands-on learning experiences to enhance student comprehension and engagement
  • Collaborated with colleagues to develop cross-curricular projects and initiatives
  • Established positive relationships with students, parents, and staff, fostering a supportive learning environment
  • Consistently received high ratings on performance evaluations and parent satisfaction surveys
  • Designed and delivered interactive, theme-based lessons for students in grades K-5
  • Facilitated small group activities and individualized instruction to meet diverse learning needs
  • Managed student behavior and maintained a positive, engaging learning environment
  • Collaborated with team members to plan and execute engaging summer learning experiences
  • Received consistently positive feedback from students, parents, and program directors
  • Adapted quickly to diverse classroom settings and grade levels, delivering effective instruction
  • Maintained continuity of learning by following lesson plans and collaborating with full-time teachers
  • Managed classroom behavior and fostered a positive, respectful learning environment
  • Demonstrated flexibility and strong interpersonal skills in working with students, staff, and parents
  • Consistently invited back by schools and received positive feedback from administrators
  • Data-driven instruction
  • Collaborative problem-solving
  • Effective communication

A Spanish teacher's role is to impart knowledge of the Spanish language, its grammar, literature, and culture to students. When writing a resume for this position, highlight your teaching experience, native or near-native Spanish proficiency, and creativity in developing engaging lesson plans. Emphasize your ability to connect with students through interactive methods and multimedia resources. Include relevant teaching certifications and any volunteer work demonstrating your passion for education. Craft a concise yet well-organized resume that showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for nurturing students' language skills.

Dedicated and passionate Spanish teacher with over 8 years of experience in creating engaging lesson plans and fostering a love for language learning. Proven track record of improving student performance and cultivating cultural awareness through immersive teaching methods.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive Spanish curriculum for grades 9-12, tailored to meet individual student needs and learning styles.
  • Incorporated innovative teaching methods, including project-based learning and technology integration, resulting in a 25% increase in student engagement and achievement.
  • Organized and led annual cultural immersion trips to Spain and Mexico, providing students with authentic language learning experiences.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to create interdisciplinary lessons, integrating Spanish language and culture across various subjects.
  • Mentored and coached students participating in Spanish language competitions, with several students placing in the top 10% at state-level events.
  • Taught Spanish to students in grades 6-8, focusing on building a strong foundation in vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills.
  • Developed and implemented differentiated lesson plans to accommodate diverse learning needs and promote inclusivity in the classroom.
  • Created and managed an after-school Spanish club, providing additional language practice and cultural enrichment opportunities for students.
  • Collaborated with the school's ESL department to support Spanish-speaking students in their language acquisition and academic success.
  • Organized and facilitated a school-wide Cinco de Mayo celebration, showcasing student performances and promoting cultural understanding.
  • Provided one-on-one online Spanish tutoring sessions for students of all ages and proficiency levels.
  • Assessed individual student needs and created personalized lesson plans to address specific areas of improvement.
  • Utilized various online tools and resources to enhance the tutoring experience and promote student engagement.
  • Maintained detailed records of student progress and communicated regularly with parents and guardians to provide feedback and support.
  • Received consistent positive feedback from students and parents, with an average rating of 4.8/5 stars.
  • Fluent in Spanish
  • Cultural awareness
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Online tutoring
  • Interpersonal communication

As a music teacher, you'll inspire students to unleash their creative talents through the magic of music. You'll design dynamic lessons, conduct lively rehearsals, and nurture young musicians' growth. In your resume, highlight your infectious passion for music education, degrees or certifications that demonstrate expertise, and proud accomplishments like coaching award-winning bands or choirs. Showcase the skills that make you a virtuoso instructor.

Passionate and dedicated music educator with over 8 years of experience in fostering musical creativity and technical proficiency in students of all ages. Proven track record of developing engaging lesson plans, organizing successful performances, and cultivating a supportive learning environment that encourages personal growth and artistic expression.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive music curriculum for students in grades K-12, focusing on instrumental performance, music theory, and ear training.
  • Conducted individual and group lessons for piano, guitar, and voice, adapting teaching methods to suit each student's learning style and musical interests.
  • Organized and directed annual student recitals, showcasing the progress and achievements of over 100 students.
  • Collaborated with faculty members to integrate music education into cross-disciplinary projects, enhancing student engagement and understanding.
  • Established a mentorship program pairing advanced students with beginners, fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment.
  • Directed middle and high school choirs, preparing students for competitions, festivals, and community performances.
  • Selected appropriate repertoire, considering factors such as student ability, vocal range, and thematic content.
  • Conducted rigorous rehearsals, focusing on proper vocal technique, intonation, and expressive interpretation.
  • Collaborated with the drama department to produce annual musical productions, overseeing vocal performances and providing musical direction.
  • Organized fundraising events and community outreach initiatives to support the choral program and promote music education.
  • Provided one-on-one piano instruction to students of all ages and skill levels, developing personalized lesson plans to meet individual goals and interests.
  • Taught fundamental piano techniques, music theory, and sight-reading skills, incorporating a variety of musical styles and genres.
  • Prepared students for recitals, competitions, and auditions, offering guidance on performance etiquette and strategies for managing performance anxiety.
  • Maintained detailed records of student progress, communicating regularly with parents to discuss goals, challenges, and achievements.
  • Built a strong reputation for providing high-quality instruction, resulting in a steady stream of referrals and a growing student base.
  • Piano performance
  • Guitar instruction
  • Vocal coaching
  • Music theory
  • Ear training
  • Sight-reading
  • Performance preparation
  • Ensemble direction
  • Musical theatre production
  • Community outreach
  • Fundraising

Daycare teachers nurture and educate young children through engaging activities, enforcing rules, and providing a safe environment. Responsibilities include planning age-appropriate curricula, preparing snacks/meals, and ensuring classroom safety and cleanliness. To craft an effective resume, highlight education like an Early Childhood Education degree or relevant certifications. Detail experience caring for and teaching children at daycares, preschools, or summer camps. Emphasize valuable skills like patience, creativity, organization, and understanding childhood development.

Passionate and dedicated daycare teacher with over 8 years of experience in creating nurturing and stimulating environments for young children. Adept at designing age-appropriate activities that promote social, emotional, and cognitive development. Committed to fostering strong partnerships with parents and creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming atmosphere for all children.

  • Develop and implement engaging, age-appropriate lesson plans for children aged 2-5
  • Maintain a safe, clean, and organized classroom environment conducive to learning and play
  • Collaborate with a team of 5 teachers to ensure a consistent, high-quality educational experience
  • Communicate regularly with parents regarding their child's progress, milestones, and any concerns
  • Trained 3 new teachers on classroom management techniques and curriculum implementation
  • Planned and led daily activities for a class of 12 toddlers, promoting gross and fine motor skill development
  • Maintained detailed records of each child's progress, sharing insights with parents during quarterly conferences
  • Implemented a successful potty-training program, resulting in 90% of the class being fully trained within 3 months
  • Created a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment, celebrating diverse cultural backgrounds
  • Collaborated with the center director to develop and implement a new outdoor play area
  • Assisted lead teacher in planning and implementing daily activities for a class of 8 infants
  • Provided nurturing care to infants, including feeding, diapering, and promoting developmental milestones
  • Maintained a clean, sanitized, and organized classroom, ensuring a safe environment for the children
  • Communicated daily with parents about their child's routines, meals, and any notable events
  • Participated in regular professional development workshops to stay current with best practices in early childhood education
  • Positive discipline techniques
  • First Aid & CPR certified
  • Multilingual (English, Spanish)
  • Creativity and resourcefulness
  • Patience and empathy
  • Conflict resolution
  • Potty training
  • Infant care
  • Observation and assessment
  • Teamwork and collaboration

An Art Teacher nurtures creativity and self-expression in students by imparting the skills, techniques, and appreciation for various artistic mediums. Their role is to inspire passion for the arts through engaging, hands-on lessons that challenge students to explore their artistic potential. When crafting your resume for an Art Teacher position, let your enthusiasm for the subject shine through. Highlight specific examples of how you've encouraged artistic growth, from guiding students in mastering new mediums to instilling an appreciation for art history. Demonstrate your ability to create an engaging, inclusive classroom environment where students feel empowered to take creative risks and express themselves freely through their artwork.

Passionate and creative art educator with a proven track record of fostering student creativity and technical skill development. Adept at designing engaging curriculum and cultivating a supportive learning environment that encourages self-expression and artistic growth.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive art curriculum for grades 9-12, incorporating a variety of mediums and techniques
  • Collaborated with faculty to integrate art projects into cross-disciplinary lessons, enhancing student engagement and understanding
  • Organized and curated student art exhibitions, showcasing their work to the community and boosting their confidence
  • Mentored students in preparing portfolios for college applications and art scholarships
  • Established an after-school art club, providing additional opportunities for students to explore their creativity
  • Taught a diverse range of art classes for students aged 6-18, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and mixed media
  • Adapted teaching methods to accommodate students with varying skill levels and learning styles
  • Developed and led summer art camps, creating engaging themes and projects to keep students inspired
  • Collaborated with local artists to bring guest workshops and demonstrations to the center
  • Assisted in the planning and execution of community art events and fundraisers
  • Designed and delivered art lessons for elementary school students as part of an arts integration program
  • Worked closely with classroom teachers to create art projects that reinforced core subject material
  • Introduced students to a variety of art forms, including drawing, painting, collage, and printmaking
  • Encouraged student creativity and self-expression through open-ended projects and explorative activities
  • Participated in professional development workshops to enhance teaching skills and stay current with best practices
  • Portfolio preparation
  • Mixed media
  • Printmaking
  • Digital art
  • Art history
  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration
  • Event planning

An English teacher develops lesson plans, instructs students in grammar and literature, assigns work, and evaluates assignments. When crafting a resume, emphasize teaching experience, credentials like certifications, strong communication abilities, and classroom management skills. Integrate relevant job history, education, and a concise teaching philosophy statement. Maintain a polished, error-free format to exemplify strong writing proficiency.

Passionate and dedicated English teacher with over 8 years of experience in creating engaging lessons and fostering a love for language and literature in students. Adept at differentiating instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners and cultivating a supportive classroom environment that encourages growth and academic success.

  • Developed and implemented innovative lesson plans for grades 9-12, incorporating technology and project-based learning.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to align curriculum across grade levels and ensure seamless progression of skills.
  • Established and maintained positive relationships with students, parents, and staff, promoting open communication and a strong school community.
  • Served as faculty advisor for the student newspaper and creative writing club, guiding students in developing their writing and leadership skills.
  • Consistently received high ratings on student and parent satisfaction surveys, reflecting strong rapport and effective teaching strategies.
  • Taught English Language Arts to 6th-8th grade students, focusing on reading comprehension, writing skills, and critical thinking.
  • Implemented differentiated instruction techniques to support students with diverse learning needs and styles.
  • Developed and led professional development workshops on integrating technology in the classroom for district staff.
  • Initiated and coordinated an after-school tutoring program, resulting in improved academic performance for participating students.
  • Recognized as "Teacher of the Year" in 2017 for outstanding dedication and innovation in the classroom.
  • Taught English as a Second Language to adult learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  • Designed and delivered lessons focused on practical language skills for daily life, work, and community engagement.
  • Assessed student progress using various evaluation tools and provided individualized feedback and support.
  • Collaborated with community partners to connect students with resources and opportunities for continued learning and integration.
  • Contributed to grant writing efforts, securing funding for expanded programming and resources.
  • Student-centered learning
  • ESL instruction
  • Writing instruction
  • Literary analysis
  • Parental engagement

A math teacher's role goes beyond imparting knowledge - it's about inspiring young minds to appreciate the beauty and practicality of numbers. It demands creativity in making complex concepts accessible, patience in addressing individual learning needs, and a genuine passion for the subject. When crafting your resume, let your enthusiasm for math education shine through. Quantify your impact, like "raised average test scores by 20%." Highlight innovative teaching methods you've employed. Above all, convey your ability to build lasting connections and make math relevant to students' lives. A standout resume showcases both expertise and a dedication to transforming "I can't" into "I can!"

Dedicated and innovative Math Teacher with a passion for fostering a love for mathematics in students. Adept at creating engaging lesson plans and employing diverse teaching strategies to cater to individual learning needs. Committed to promoting a positive and inclusive learning environment that encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Developed and implemented engaging lesson plans for Algebra, Geometry, and Precalculus classes, resulting in a 15% increase in student performance.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to create a comprehensive mathematics curriculum aligned with state standards.
  • Utilized various teaching methods, including project-based learning and technology integration, to enhance student understanding and engagement.
  • Provided individualized support and guidance to students, ensuring their success in mastering mathematical concepts.
  • Organized and coached the school's Math Olympiad team, leading them to win first place in the regional competition.
  • Taught Pre-Algebra and Algebra classes, adapting teaching methods to suit diverse learning styles and abilities.
  • Developed and implemented interactive lesson plans, incorporating hands-on activities and real-world applications.
  • Collaborated with the Special Education department to create Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with learning disabilities.
  • Established an after-school math tutoring program, which helped improve student performance by an average of 20%.
  • Served as a mentor for new teachers, providing guidance and support in curriculum development and classroom management.
  • Provided one-on-one and small group tutoring sessions for students in grades K-12.
  • Assessed students' mathematical abilities and created personalized learning plans to address their specific needs.
  • Communicated regularly with parents and guardians, providing updates on student progress and offering strategies for continued learning at home.
  • Developed and led engaging math workshops and summer camps, focusing on problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  • Received consistently positive feedback from students and parents, with 95% of students showing significant improvement in their math skills.
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking

An experienced teacher is tasked with creating engaging lesson plans, employing effective instructional methods, and fostering a positive learning environment. When writing a resume, emphasize your years of classroom experience, subject matter mastery, and proven ability to improve student achievement. Highlight specific teaching strategies, classroom management techniques, and professional development that demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning. Quantify your accomplishments, such as increased test scores or recognition for excellence in teaching. Ultimately, your resume should convey your passion for education and deep understanding of how to inspire and support student success.

Passionate and dedicated educator with over 12 years of experience in creating engaging learning environments that foster academic growth and personal development. Adept at designing innovative curricula, implementing effective teaching strategies, and collaborating with colleagues to ensure student success. Committed to empowering students to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.

  • Developed and implemented engaging lesson plans for English Language Arts courses, resulting in a 20% increase in student performance on standardized tests.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to create cross-curricular projects, enhancing student engagement and critical thinking skills.
  • Served as the faculty advisor for the school's award-winning literary magazine, mentoring student writers and editors.
  • Initiated and led professional development workshops on differentiated instruction techniques, benefiting over 50 teachers across the district.
  • Established partnerships with local universities to provide students with opportunities for college-level coursework and research projects.
  • Designed and taught engaging lessons aligned with Common Core State Standards, resulting in a 15% increase in student reading comprehension scores.
  • Implemented a successful after-school tutoring program, providing individualized support to struggling students and improving their academic performance.
  • Collaborated with the school's drama department to integrate theatrical elements into language arts curriculum, enhancing student creativity and public speaking skills.
  • Served as a mentor teacher for new faculty members, providing guidance and support to ensure their success in the classroom.
  • Organized and led the school's annual literacy night, engaging families in interactive reading activities and promoting a love for learning.
  • Taught all core subjects to diverse learners in a 4th-grade classroom, adapting instruction to meet individual student needs.
  • Developed and implemented a successful classroom management system, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Created and led engaging, hands-on science experiments, sparking student interest in STEM fields and improving science test scores by 25%.
  • Collaborated with the school's technology specialist to integrate digital tools and resources into daily lessons, enhancing student engagement and 21st-century skills.
  • Organized and coordinated the school's annual science fair, showcasing student projects and promoting community involvement in education.
  • Inquiry-based instruction
  • Socio-emotional learning

As a student teacher, you'll apply academic knowledge in a real classroom setting, assisting the lead teacher with daily instruction and activities. Key responsibilities include delivering engaging lessons, managing classroom behavior, and assessing student learning. Qualifications: strong command of subject matter, passion for education, and ability to motivate young minds. For your resume, emphasize prior experiences working with children, such as tutoring, mentoring, or camp counseling. Highlight relevant coursework in education theory, lesson planning, and classroom management. Discuss specific examples demonstrating your creativity in teaching methods and ability to build positive student relationships.

Enthusiastic and dedicated aspiring student teacher with a passion for fostering student growth and creating engaging learning environments. Adept at developing innovative lesson plans and utilizing diverse teaching methodologies to accommodate various learning styles. Committed to promoting a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere that encourages active participation and critical thinking.

  • Collaborated with experienced teachers to develop and implement engaging lesson plans for a class of 25 students
  • Utilized technology-based learning tools to enhance student engagement and comprehension
  • Conducted small group sessions to provide individualized support for students struggling with specific concepts
  • Assisted in creating and maintaining a positive classroom environment that promoted respect and inclusivity
  • Participated in parent-teacher conferences to discuss student progress and address concerns
  • Provided one-on-one tutoring sessions for students in grades 3-5, focusing on math and reading comprehension
  • Developed personalized learning plans based on each student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning style
  • Communicated regularly with parents to provide updates on student progress and discuss strategies for improvement
  • Assisted in creating engaging and interactive learning materials to supplement tutoring sessions
  • Received consistent positive feedback from parents and students for dedication and effectiveness in improving academic performance
  • Supervised and guided a group of 12 children aged 8-10 through daily activities and educational programs
  • Developed and led engaging activities that promoted teamwork, problem-solving, and personal growth
  • Ensured the safety and well-being of campers by enforcing camp rules and addressing any concerns or conflicts
  • Collaborated with fellow counselors to plan and execute camp-wide events and themed days
  • Received recognition from camp leadership for exceptional dedication and positive impact on campers' experiences
  • Multicultural awareness
  • Special education

As a first year teacher, you'll inspire young minds, fostering academic growth through creative lesson plans and engaging instruction. To craft an impressive resume, showcase teaching experiences like student teaching placements or tutoring roles. Highlight your education credentials and classroom management abilities. Use action verbs to convey your passion for shaping future generations, quantifying achievements where possible.

Enthusiastic and dedicated First Year Teacher with a passion for fostering student growth and creating engaging learning environments. Adept at developing innovative lesson plans and implementing effective classroom management strategies to promote a positive and inclusive learning atmosphere.

  • Collaborated with experienced teachers to develop and implement engaging lesson plans for a diverse group of students in grades 3-5.
  • Utilized technology and interactive learning tools to enhance student participation and understanding of complex concepts.
  • Conducted small group instruction and one-on-one tutoring sessions to address individual student needs and promote academic success.
  • Established positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues, fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.
  • Assisted in organizing and leading extracurricular activities, such as the school's science fair and book club, to encourage student exploration and growth beyond the classroom.
  • Provided personalized tutoring sessions for students in grades K-8, focusing on math, reading, and writing skills.
  • Assessed student strengths and weaknesses to develop targeted lesson plans and learning strategies.
  • Communicated regularly with parents to discuss student progress and provide recommendations for continued growth.
  • Maintained accurate records of student attendance, progress, and achievements.
  • Received consistent praise from parents and students for patience, enthusiasm, and ability to break down complex concepts into easily understandable components.
  • Supervised and guided a group of 12 campers aged 8-10 through daily activities, ensuring their safety and well-being.
  • Planned and led engaging educational and recreational activities, such as nature walks, art projects, and team-building exercises.
  • Collaborated with fellow counselors to create a fun and inclusive camp experience for all participants.
  • Managed and resolved conflicts among campers, promoting a positive and respectful camp community.
  • Received recognition from camp leadership for exceptional dedication, creativity, and ability to connect with campers.
  • Student assessment
  • Collaborative teamwork

A Physical Education Teacher develops age-appropriate fitness programs, instructs students in various sports and exercises, and promotes healthy lifestyle choices. They ensure student safety, administer skills tests, and maintain equipment. A bachelor's degree in physical education or a related field, along with a teaching certification, is typically required. When writing a resume for this role, highlight any relevant teaching experience, athletic background, and proven classroom management abilities. Use action verbs to describe accomplishments, quantify achievements such as improving student fitness levels, and showcase your passion for encouraging physical activity and wellness.

Passionate and dedicated Physical Education Teacher with over 10 years of experience in developing and implementing engaging fitness programs for students of all ages. Proven track record of fostering a love for physical activity and promoting healthy lifestyles. Committed to creating inclusive and supportive learning environments that encourage personal growth and teamwork.

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive physical education curriculum for grades 9-12, focusing on fitness, team sports, and individual skill development.
  • Collaborated with school administrators and faculty to integrate physical education with other subjects, promoting a holistic approach to student well-being.
  • Coached varsity soccer and track teams, leading both to regional championships and fostering a strong sense of teamwork and sportsmanship among student-athletes.
  • Organized and supervised annual fitness assessments, using data to inform program improvements and individual student goal-setting.
  • Served as a mentor for new physical education teachers, providing guidance on best practices and classroom management techniques.
  • Designed and taught engaging physical education lessons for students in grades K-5, emphasizing fundamental movement skills, cooperation, and healthy habits.
  • Created and managed a popular after-school intramural sports program, offering students additional opportunities to stay active and build friendships.
  • Collaborated with classroom teachers to incorporate physical activity breaks and movement-based learning activities throughout the school day.
  • Secured grant funding to purchase new physical education equipment and resources, enhancing the quality of the school's PE program.
  • Organized and led professional development workshops for district PE teachers, sharing innovative teaching strategies and best practices.
  • Developed and led daily physical education activities for campers aged 7-15, promoting skill development, teamwork, and self-confidence.
  • Adapted activities to accommodate campers with diverse abilities and backgrounds, ensuring that all participants felt included and supported.
  • Collaborated with camp counselors to integrate physical activity throughout the camp experience, including hikes, swimming, and outdoor adventures.
  • Taught specialized sports clinics in soccer, basketball, and volleyball, helping campers refine their skills and discover new interests.
  • Mentored junior camp counselors in physical education instruction, providing feedback and support to help them grow as leaders and educators.
  • Team sports coaching
  • Individual skill development
  • Fitness assessment
  • Adaptive physical education
  • Health promotion
  • Grant writing

A Transitioning Teacher shifts from classroom instruction to roles like corporate training or instructional design. To craft an effective resume, emphasize transferable skills like curriculum development, engaging learners, and assessing progress. Highlight relevant certifications and professional development. Tailor the resume to target job descriptions, using keywords that demonstrate your ability to design impactful learning experiences.

Innovative and dedicated educator transitioning from classroom teaching to curriculum development and instructional design. Passionate about creating engaging learning experiences that empower students to reach their full potential. Proven track record of designing and implementing effective lesson plans, fostering a positive classroom environment, and collaborating with colleagues to drive student success.

  • Developed and implemented engaging lesson plans for a diverse group of students, resulting in a 15% increase in overall class performance.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to create cross-curricular projects, enhancing student engagement and fostering a love for learning.
  • Utilized technology to create interactive learning experiences, increasing student participation and comprehension.
  • Provided individualized support and guidance to students, ensuring their academic and personal growth.
  • Actively participated in professional development workshops to stay current with best practices in education.
  • Collaborated with a team of educators to develop a comprehensive online curriculum for K-5 students.
  • Designed interactive learning modules and assessments, focusing on STEM subjects.
  • Conducted research on emerging educational technologies and incorporated them into the curriculum.
  • Presented the developed curriculum at a national education conference, garnering positive feedback from attendees.
  • Mentored junior curriculum developers, providing guidance and support to ensure the success of the project.
  • Assisted in the development of e-learning courses for corporate clients, focusing on soft skills training.
  • Conducted research on adult learning theories and incorporated findings into course design.
  • Collaborated with subject matter experts to ensure the accuracy and relevance of course content.
  • Created engaging multimedia elements, such as videos and interactive simulations, to enhance the learning experience.
  • Received positive feedback from clients and supervisors for the quality of work and attention to detail.
  • Educational Technology Integration
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Assessment Design
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Multimedia Design
  • Adult Learning Theory

High school teachers plan lessons, instruct students, evaluate assignments, and manage classrooms. A bachelor's degree in their subject area and teaching certification are required. For resumes, highlight relevant teaching experience, subject expertise, classroom management capabilities, and involvement in extracurricular activities like coaching or clubs. Emphasize skills in engaging students and expertise in your subject matter.

Dynamic and inspiring high school educator with a passion for fostering student growth and creating engaging learning environments. Committed to empowering students to reach their full potential through innovative teaching strategies and strong interpersonal skills.

  • Developed and implemented engaging lesson plans aligned with state standards, resulting in a 15% increase in student performance on standardized tests.
  • Utilized technology-based learning tools to enhance student engagement and comprehension, leading to increased class participation and improved academic outcomes.
  • Mentored and coached students through individualized support, resulting in a 95% graduation rate and successful college admissions for top-performing students.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to develop cross-curricular projects, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.
  • Established and maintained positive relationships with students, parents, and faculty, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
  • Designed and delivered accelerated learning programs for high school students, focusing on English Language Arts and test preparation.
  • Implemented differentiated instruction techniques to accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities, resulting in significant improvement in student performance.
  • Provided individualized support and guidance to struggling students, helping them overcome academic challenges and build confidence.
  • Collaborated with fellow teachers to create engaging and interactive learning experiences, including field trips and guest speaker sessions.
  • Received positive feedback from students and parents for creating a fun and effective learning environment.
  • Demonstrated adaptability and flexibility by effectively managing classrooms across various subjects and grade levels.
  • Implemented lesson plans and maintained continuity of instruction in the absence of regular teachers.
  • Utilized classroom management techniques to create a positive and productive learning environment.
  • Collaborated with regular teachers to ensure smooth transitions and provide feedback on student performance.
  • Gained valuable experience in working with diverse student populations and adapting to different school cultures.
  • Technology Integration
  • Formative and Summative Assessment
  • Data-Driven Instruction
  • Social-Emotional Learning
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Effective Communication
  • Mentoring and Coaching

A Professional Teacher is responsible for creating engaging lesson plans, delivering effective instruction to students, evaluating assignments, and fostering a positive learning environment through classroom management strategies. They require a bachelor's degree in education or their subject area, a teaching certification, strong communication abilities, creativity, and patience. When crafting a resume for a teaching role, highlight relevant classroom experience, degrees and certifications, expertise in curriculum development, proficiency with educational technology tools, and any specializations like special education or ESL. Quantify achievements such as improved test scores or reduced disciplinary incidents. Use action verbs to describe responsibilities like "facilitated", "motivated", and "assessed". Emphasize skills like classroom management, differentiated instruction, and parent communication.

Passionate and dedicated educator with over 8 years of experience in fostering student growth and creating engaging learning environments. Adept at developing innovative curriculum and utilizing diverse teaching methodologies to cater to individual learning needs. Committed to empowering students to reach their full potential and become lifelong learners.

  • Designed and implemented engaging lesson plans for English Literature and Composition classes, resulting in a 20% improvement in student performance.
  • Collaborated with colleagues to develop cross-curricular projects, enhancing student understanding and engagement.
  • Established and maintained positive relationships with students, parents, and staff, promoting a supportive learning environment.
  • Utilized technology to create interactive learning experiences and improve student participation.
  • Provided individualized support and guidance to struggling students, resulting in improved academic performance and confidence.
  • Developed and delivered dynamic lessons in English Language Arts and Drama, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills.
  • Directed school plays and musicals, providing students with opportunities to explore their artistic talents and build self-confidence.
  • Implemented differentiated instruction techniques to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs.
  • Served as a mentor for new teachers, providing guidance and support to ensure their success.
  • Organized and led extracurricular activities, including book clubs and writing workshops, to further enrich student learning experiences.
  • Taught multiple subjects to diverse learners in grades 3-5, adapting instruction to meet individual needs.
  • Developed and implemented engaging, hands-on learning activities to promote student understanding and retention.
  • Collaborated with special education teachers to create and implement Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with special needs.
  • Established a positive and inclusive classroom environment, promoting respect, empathy, and teamwork among students.
  • Communicated regularly with parents to discuss student progress and provide strategies for supporting learning at home.
  • Cross-curricular Collaboration
  • Public Speaking
  • Event Planning
  • Creative Writing
  • Interpersonal Communication

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Teacher Skills Resume: Our Best Tips for Crafting a Skills-Based Resume for Teachers (2024)

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Looking for help crafting your teacher skills resume? Y ou’re in the right place!

In today’s education landscape, standing out as a teacher goes beyond qualifications and experience. A skills-based teacher resume is the key to showcasing your unique abilities and making a lasting impact.

By emphasizing your capabilities and achievements, you highlight what sets you apart in the competitive job market. I should know because I’ve been seeing, using, and recommending these tricks since I started working in HR in the early 2000s.

Education institutions seek teachers with a diverse skill set including critical thinking, communication, and organization, making a skills-based approach essential for success.

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting a teacher skills resume that doesn’t just pass the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) screening but grabs the attention of recruiters and hiring managers alike.

With careful thought and strategic planning, your resume can open doors to opportunities that align not just with your experience, but with your passion for teaching and imparting knowledge. So let’s jump in!

Understanding the Teacher Skills Resume

To land a teaching job, crafting a skills-based resume highlighting abilities like critical thinking, patience, communication, and organization, tailored for both classroom and online settings can set you apart!

Whether it’s for a teaching job or a new career outside of education in which you want to showcase your transferable skills for teachers , a skills-based resume is a great choice!

Teacher Skills Resume Definition and Importance

Imagine your resume as a personal brochure, one that’s designed to sell your most invaluable asset: your skills.

A teacher skills resume moves beyond mere job titles to highlight how you can contribute to a school’s success. It’s about shining a light on the unique toolkit you’ve compiled through both experience and passion for teaching.

Why is this shift important? In today’s competitive job market, schools are inundated with applications from qualified individuals.

However, those who can effectively communicate not just what they’ve done but how their particular mix of skills can add value to an institution stand out.

It’s not just about having experience; it’s about having the right kind of experience and the ability to apply it in diverse educational settings.

Man with glasses in a white lab coat, collared shirt, and tie in a classroom

Skills-Based vs. Chronological Resume

A chronological resume is like a timeline, detailing your job history in reverse order and focusing mainly on your positions and where you’ve worked. It’s straightforward but doesn’t always give you the chance to highlight what makes you unique.

On the flip side, a skills-based resume , also known as a functional resume, flips the script. Instead of a timeline, it categorizes your skills and achievements, tailored to the teaching position you’re eyeing.

Skills-Based Resume for a Teacher

Consider Mrs. Smith, a high school English teacher looking to transition into educational technology. A chronological resume would list her teaching positions, with perhaps a bullet point or two about integrating technology into her lessons.

But a skills-based resume? It would include a section highlighting her expertise in educational technology, specific success stories, and measurable outcomes of her projects, presenting her as an ideal candidate for the role.

This approach not only highlights your strengths but also allows you to tailor your application to each specific job, showcasing the skills most relevant to that position.

In doing so, you’re not just a candidate; you’re the solution to a school’s needs, a bridge to their future success. And that’s a powerful position to be in.

Smiling young woman with her hands in the air

Crafting Your Teacher Skills Resume

Now that you know why a teacher skills resume is important, let’s discuss how to actually write one.

Identifying Your Key Skills

The cornerstone of a remarkable teacher skills resume starts with a deep dive into your professional self. Begin by drafting a comprehensive inventory of your skills.

But here’s the kicker: don’t just list them, weave them into the narrative of your teaching career . Think beyond the standard fare of patience and communication.

Have you spearheaded a digital literacy program, or maybe championed a school-wide initiative on inclusive education?

Remember, this is about spotlighting skills that connect directly to the needs and goals of potential employers.

Visualize the job description as a secret map, where the skills highlighted are treasure troves waiting to be claimed by the right candidate—you.

Match your skills to their needs, and suddenly, you’re not just a teacher; you’re a solution provider they’ve been searching for.

Organizing Your Teacher Skills Resume

With your skills inventory ready, the next step is to organize them in a manner that captures the attention of hiring managers within seconds. Think of your resume as a webpage that needs to be both user-friendly and informative.

Start with a brief introduction or summary at the top, highlighting your most impressive skills and accomplishments. Follow this up with sections dedicated to your teaching philosophy, key skills, experiences, and educational background.

To really stand out, consider categorizing your skills into themes such as Classroom Management, Digital Literacy, or Curriculum Development .

This thematic approach not only makes your resume easier to digest but also illustrates your multifaceted capabilities. Remember, organization and structure are your allies in making a compelling case for your candidacy.

Smiling man in a collared shirt and red sweater vest standing in front of a chalkboard in a classroom

Writing Compelling Descriptions in a Teacher Skills Resume

Now that your resume is taking shape, it’s time to breathe life into it. Instead of merely listing skills, elaborate on them with tangible examples. Let’s say you’re highlighting your proficiency in classroom management.

Don’t stop there. As your profile forms, bring it to life. Rather than just listing skills, expand on them with real examples. For instance, if you’re showcasing your classroom management skills use specific examples.

A rule of thumb is to tailor your descriptions to the specific teaching position you’re applying for. Align your examples with the institution’s values, goals, and the role’s requirements.

This bespoke approach not only demonstrates your relevant experience but also your commitment and potential as a perfect fit for their team.

By identifying your key skills, organizing them effectively, and writing compelling descriptions, you transform your resume from a simple document into a testament to your professional journey and potential.

It’s not just about landing a job—it’s about opening doors to opportunities where you can thrive and make a difference.

Asian woman in a wheelchair wearing a teal business suit while working on a laptop, perhaps updating her teacher skills resume.

Essential Skills for Teachers’ Resumes

Now that you know what to write, let’s talk about the teaching skills you can include on your resume! Whether this is an online teaching gig or a classroom role, you probably have developed a lot of of these in your work already.

Classroom Management, Organization, and Curriculum Planning

  • Delegation : Efficiently assigning tasks to ensure smooth classroom operations.
  • Meeting Deadlines : Consistently submitting grades, assessments, and reports in a timely manner.
  • Grading : Fair and accurate assessment of student work.
  • Maintaining Attendance Records : Keeping accurate track of student attendance.
  • Planning and Preparing Lessons : Developing engaging and educational lesson plans .
  • Prioritization : Focusing on tasks that significantly impact student learning.
  • Report Card Writing : Communicating student progress effectively to parents and guardians.
  • Scheduling : Managing classroom and school-wide schedules efficiently.
  • Establishing Trusting Relationships with Students : Creating a safe and supportive learning environment.
  • Engaging Students in Lessons : Utilizing various teaching methods to maintain student interest.
  • Recognizing and Applauding Students’ Efforts : Motivating students through positive reinforcement.

Latina teacher in a blue business suit.

Communication, Leadership, and Teamwork

  • Collaboration : Working effectively with colleagues and administration.
  • Giving Feedback : Providing constructive criticism to foster student growth.
  • Language Skills : Communicating clearly and effectively in both written and verbal form.
  • Public Speaking : Confidently addressing students, parents, and colleagues.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Understanding and appreciating diverse student backgrounds.
  • Leadership Skills : Inspiring and guiding students towards achieving their potential.
  • Listening Skills : Paying attention to and valuing others’ viewpoints.
  • Report Writing Skills : Creating detailed and informative reports on student progress.

Time Management, Computer Skills, and Online Teaching

  • Coordination : Effectively juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities.
  • Decision Making : Choosing the best course of action for educational outcomes.
  • Delegating and Outsourcing Tasks : Utilizing resources to enhance teaching efficiency.
  • Goal-Setting : Establishing clear, achievable objectives for students and classes.
  • Managing Appointments : Organizing meetings with parents, colleagues, and students.
  • Multitasking Skills : Handling various tasks without compromising quality.
  • Planning : Structuring lessons and activities to maximize learning .
  • Prioritizing : Focusing on the most important tasks to enhance learning outcomes.
  • Administrative Skills : Managing classroom and student information digitally.
  • Database Handling : Keeping track of student data and educational resources.
  • Google Suite : Utilizing Google applications for teaching and administration.
  • Microsoft Office : Creating documents, presentations, and spreadsheets for class use.
  • Virtual Meeting Coordination : Organizing and conducting effective online lessons .

Attention to Detail, Enthusiasm, and Imaginative Thinking

  • Adaptability : Flexibly adjusting to new teaching methods and classroom environments.
  • Analytical Skills : Evaluating student performance to improve teaching strategies .
  • Critical Thinking Skills : Developing and encouraging logical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Expertise with Numbers : Utilizing mathematical concepts to teach and assess students.
  • Editing and Proofreading : Ensuring teaching materials and communications are error-free.
  • Observation : Recognizing changes in student behavior and performance for early intervention.
  • Interpersonal Skills : Building strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues.
  • Motivational Skills : Encouraging and inspiring students to achieve their best.
  • Honesty : Fostering a culture of integrity and trust within the classroom.
  • Patience : Managing classroom challenges with understanding and perseverance.
  • Strong Work Ethic : Demonstrating commitment and dedication to teaching and student success.

Middle aged man in a green polo shirt standing in a classroom

Showcasing Your Skills Effectively

Showcasing your skills is very important because it allows potential employers or clients to get a better understanding of what you have to offer.

In today’s competitive job market, having a strong personal brand and showcasing your skills is essential for standing out among other candidates.

Including Tangible Results and Achievements

When painting the picture of your professional journey, the magic lies in the details. It’s one thing to state that you’re adept at classroom management, but it’s another to illustrate this skill with tangible results and achievements .

Imagine saying, “Implemented a new classroom management strategy that reduced disciplinary issues by 30% within the first semester.”

Suddenly, your skills are no longer abstract concepts but proven successes that have positively impacted your teaching environment.

Quantifying your achievements does wonders. These details add credibility and substance to your resume, whether it’s through percentages, numbers of students impacted, or specific milestones reached.

They tell a story of growth, impact, and dedication—that you’re not just going through the motions, but actively contributing to and enhancing the learning experience.

Cartoon graphic of a resume laying on a wooden surface

The Role of Referrals and Recommendations

In the world of education, where relationships and community-building are paramount, referrals and recommendations can serve as powerful endorsements of your skills and character.

They are the professional world’s version of “word of mouth” advertising, carrying significant weight.

A glowing recommendation from a principal, colleague, or parent can often highlight your skills and achievements in ways that your own writing cannot.

Incorporating these into your resume or application can be a game-changer. Whether it’s a brief quote on your resume or detailed letters along with your application, these referrals are a testament to your abilities and impact as an teacher.

They provide a multi-dimensional view of you as a teacher that underscores your skills, achievements, and the positive influence you have on others.

Remember, showcasing your skills effectively is not just about listing what you’re capable of; it’s about weaving a narrative that highlights the real-world impact of these abilities.

Through tangible achievements and the backing of your community, your resume becomes more than a document—it becomes a compelling story of your teaching journey.

Outside of a school building

Common Teacher Skills Resume Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them

You know what to do to create your teacher skills resume, but there are also some things you shouldn’t do. Avoiding these will help strengthen your application, too.

Overcrowding with Too Many Skills

A resume bursting at the seams with skills might seem like a good idea, but it often leads to the exact opposite of the intended effect. Think of your resume as a highlight reel, not a comprehensive documentary of your career.

The key is to focus on quality over quantity .

Concentrate on the skills most relevant to the job you’re applying for and those that you excel in. Opt for a selective resume approach to highlight your top talents effectively. Emphasizing everything may diminish the impact of key strengths.

Lack of Specific Examples

Stating that you’re a “good communicator” or an “effective leader” is alright, but without concrete examples, these claims fall flat.

The true power of your resume lies in your ability to showcase instances where your skills made a tangible difference.

Did your communication strategy increase parent involvement? Did your leadership facilitate a turnaround in student performance?

Specific examples lend weight to your claims, transforming them from generic boasts to credible testimonials of your abilities.

Neglecting the Format and Design

A well-organized resume is not just about aesthetics; it’s about respect for the reader’s time and attention. A cluttered, hard-to-read resume might quickly find its way to the “no” pile, no matter how impressive the content.

Pay attention to format and design . Use clear headings, bullet points for readability, and ensure there’s ample white space. The goal is to create a document that invites the reader in, not one that overwhelms at first glance.

An elegant, clean design speaks volumes about your professionalism and attention to detail—qualities every educator needs.

Avoiding these pitfalls isn’t just about crafting a better resume; it’s about crafting a more compelling narrative of your career.

It’s about ensuring that your story, told through the prism of your skills and achievements, resonates with those who have the power to open new doors for you in your teaching career.

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Final Thoughts on Writing a Teacher Skills Resume

At its core, a teacher skills resume is more than a document outlining your experience and qualifications. It’s your personal manifesto—a statement of who you are as an educator, what you believe in, and how you make a difference in your students’ lives.

Crafting such a resume requires introspection, creativity, and a strategic mindset. It’s about choosing the right skills , organizing them effectively , and showcasing tangible results that speak volumes about your impact as a teacher.

Remember, every resume section, from critical thinking to teaching passion, reveals a piece of your story. Avoid overcrowding with excessive skills, focus on specific effective examples, and ensure the format enhances your content.

A well-crafted teacher skills resume helps you shine and attracts opportunities aligned with your values.

In the end, whether you’re applying for a position in a traditional classroom setting or venturing into the world of online teaching , the goal remains the same: to demonstrate your unique blend of skills and passions in a way that captivates and convinces.

So, take a deep breath, channel your inner storytelling prowess, and craft a resume that does justice to your dedication and impact as an educator. The journey to your next great teaching opportunity begins with this document—make it count.

Teacher Skills Resume FAQs

Do you still have questions about teacher skills resumes? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

How can I tailor my skills resume for different teaching positions?

Customizing your resume for different teaching roles is like selecting the right key for a lock—it’s essential for a perfect fit. Start by thoroughly reading the job description . Tailor your resume to match the employer’s priorities. For tech-focused schools, emphasize digital literacy. For inclusive education roles, highlight creating diverse learning environments. Show you’re attentive and fully invested by customizing your resume.

Is it necessary to update my skills resume regularly?

Absolutely, yes. Think of your resume as a living document that grows and evolves with your professional experiences. Consistent updates ensure that your latest achievements and skills are accurately represented, keeping you ready for any opportunity that comes your way. Regularly updating your resume ensures you always present the best version of your professional self, highlighting achievements like certifications, successful projects, and innovative teaching methods.

How can I ensure my skills stand out to recruiters?

To make your skills pop off the page, focus on specificity and relevance . Avoid generic phrases that could apply to anyone. Instead, detail the unique contributions you’ve made in your roles. Quantify achievements with numbers, e.g., “Boosted student engagement in science classes by 40% through interactive experiments.” Utilize endorsements from peers, supervisors, or mentees to enhance credibility and personalize your skills and accomplishments. Remember, in a sea of sameness, specificity, relevance, and authenticity are your best allies to stand out.

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Brodi is a full-time digital nomad who travels the world with her family. They've visited over 20 countries together (and counting) in the last ten years!

Prior to becoming an online teacher, SEO expert, and freelance writer, she was an HR Manager and Director in Chicago for over 16 years. Brodi has a Master's Degree in Human Resources Management from Loyola University Chicago.

She now uses her professional and technical expertise to help others succeed with remote work.

In addition, Brodi is a freelance writer and also has a family travel blog called Our Offbeat Life.

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10 Essential Teacher Resume Skills to Include for 2024

Written by Victoria Hegwood

  • Teacher Resources

A teacher smiles at her class as they eagerly raise their hands to answer a question of the day.

As the demand for quality education continues to rise, so does the competition among teachers on the job search. Finding the right position is one thing but landing your ideal job can be another task entirely. 

So having a well-crafted resume can set you apart from the competition and help you secure your dream teaching position.

As you put together your resume, you may be asking yourself 'What skills should I highlight to make sure my resume catches the eye of potential employers? ' 

Never fear; we've got the answers for you! 

In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential teacher resume skills to include in your resume. And we have some great suggestions for high-quality resume templates to bolster your teacher job application in 2024. 

Whether you're an experienced teacher looking for a new opportunity or a fresh graduate ready to tackle your first classroom, you'll find tips and tricks for landing your dream job. Let's dive in! 

What are teacher skills?

So, what exactly are 'teacher skills'? This is the first place to start when deciding what to list on your resume. 

Teacher skills are the specific competencies and abilities that enable educators to perform their duties effectively in the classroom.

These skills are often split into two types: hard skills and soft skills.  

Hard skills include specific technical abilities and knowledge required for teaching. These skills set teachers apart from all the rest. Some examples may be:

  • Subject matter expertise
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management

Soft skills, on the other hand, are more general skills that are used in teaching as well as many other professions and areas of life. Soft skills include: 

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • The ability to build positive relationships with students and colleagues

Both types of skills are vital to a teacher's success in the classroom. And you will want to list a mixture of both on your resume. 

10 Teacher skills to improve your resume

You worked hard earning your degree, learning inside of the classroom and outside of it. And maybe you even have years of experience under your belt. 

You have so many skills to choose from when putting together a resume. So how do you know which ones to pick? 

Here are ten of the best skills to include to impress your potential employer without your resume seeming wordy or too long. 

1. Stay organized with attention to detail

Being organized and paying close attention to detail is essential for every teacher. Without the right preparation, it can be incredibly difficult to manage a classroom and keep students on track. 

There are many tasks that need to be done in a classroom simultaneously like:

  • Managing communication with parents and colleagues 
  • Keeping track of deadlines 
  • Maintaining accurate records of your students' progress
  • Accurately taking attendance
  • Tracking behavior goals and management 
  • Identifying areas of concern for specific students
  • Providing additional support when needed
  • Creating a positive learning environment that minimizes distractions

Without good systems and great organizational skills, this list may quickly feel overwhelming. But your attention to detail will allow you to tackle it all! Highlight in your resume how you have tackled this challenge in the past and how you will do it again in this new position. 

2. Tech savvy

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, both inside of the classroom and out. 

Students are growing up in an increasingly tech-oriented world, and you'd be hard-pressed to find any classroom without some form of tech in it. 

Every learner absolutely needs digital literacy skills to succeed in the modern workforce. By having advanced computer skills, you will be able to help them get there. 

Integrating technology into your teaching strategies and lesson plans can increase student engagement, motivation and achievement , making it an essential skill for any modern teacher.

Mentioning what technological tools you are proficient with is a great talking point with a recruiter. Highlight how you've created engaging and interactive learning experiences for students using the latest technology.  

If you’re having trouble thinking of what all tools you may have used, some common ones to mention include interactive whiteboards, online learning platforms, and educational software.

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As students play Prodigy Math and Prodigy English, they'll practice curriculum-aligned skills while having fun exploring two magical worlds.

As a teacher, you can:

  • Set standards-aligned content – including what you're teaching in class!
  • Use automatic reports to see how your students are at progressing at a grade and strand level
  • Send rewards to motivate, inspire and challenge your students to practice more skills

And the best bit? It's available at no cost to teachers and schools!

3. Imaginative

Being imaginative is a valuable skill when it comes to making creative and engaging lesson plans that can capture your students' attention and help them retain information. 

Incorporating imaginative teaching methods can also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students explore new ideas. 

The variety and fun you can add to your teaching with a bit of imagination will foster a love of learning in your students. And it may even encourage them on their path to becoming lifelong learners. 

4. Time management

Good time management skills enable you to stay organized and complete tasks efficiently. And you already know that there is always plenty to do in the classroom!  

On any given day, you will likely be balancing various responsibilities, such as planning lessons, grading assignments, and meeting with students and parents. 

Proper time management skills allow you to complete these tasks promptly and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

Effective time management skills also allow you to create a healthy work-life balance, which is absolutely essential if you want to stay in the field for a long time. Teaching can be a stressful job at times, so you’ll need to make sure you prioritize time for self-care.

5. Critical thinking

Critical thinking skills include the ability to analyze information, identify patterns and relationships and make sound decisions based on evidence and reasoning .

Practically speaking, critical thinking skills as a teacher look like:

  • Creating effective lesson plans
  • Assessing student performance
  • Solving problems that arise in the classroom
  • Ensuring your teaching methods are up-to-date and effective 
  • Tweaking your teaching methods based on evidence and feedback  

It's also important to model critical thinking skills for your students so that they develop this essential skill as well. 

You want to teach your students to think more deeply and effectively about the information they encounter. You want them to ask questions and find answers that deepen their understanding of teaching materials.

6. Teamwork

Teaching is not a solo sport. 

To effectively navigate the struggles and triumphs of teaching, you need to work in tandem with your colleagues and administration. 

'Teamwork makes the dream work' as they say. 

Having strong teamwork skills means that you can communicate effectively with others, build positive relationships, and contribute to a collaborative environment. 

Teachers who work well with a team can share ideas, develop new approaches to teaching, improve student outcomes and create a positive school culture .

7. Communication skills

As a teacher, the main task you are doing is communicating information and lessons with your students. So effective communication skills are a must.

But that isn't the only way that you will use your communication skills.

You will also have both verbal and written communication with parents, colleagues and administrators. Great communication skills will foster positive relationships, build trust and improve student performance.

An important part of high-quality communication skills is active listening , or being able to provide clear and concise feedback to students and their parents. This skill can help to create a supportive learning environment and make sure students feel heard and understood.

8. Problem-solving skills

Classroom challenges and problems are bound to arise. These problems may range from student behavior issues to curriculum design problems. But they won't be too much to tackle with the strong problem-solving skills that you possess! 

Problem-solving skills show your adaptability and creativity as an educator, which can make you more valuable to your school or district. So, make sure you highlight problem-solving skills on your teacher resume by using specific action verbs from the job description like brainstormed , analyzed , and evaluated.  

Have some examples of when you used problem-solving skills ready when you head into your interview and you'll be sure to impress! 

9. Conflict resolution

Conflict of some sort is inevitable in any profession. 

In a teaching job, the conflict is often between students or between students and yourself. Having the conflict resolution skills to solve these issues quickly is essential for creating a positive learning environment and fostering healthy relationships among students.

You may also run into some conflict issues with your colleagues or students' parents. In these cases, it is important to know how to maintain professionalism in the workplace. These situations need to be handled with tact and diplomacy in order to maintain positive working relationships.

10. Flexible to diverse learning needs

Not every student is the same. They each learn and grow in their own unique way. You know this. 

So being able to be flexible, capable of adapting your teaching methods and approach, is a necessary teacher skill. 

You will need to understand and address individual learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and other factors that impact how students engage with and learn from the material.

Mentoring is one of the ways to support students in their individual learning journey. A mentor will guide students to reach their potential, provide constructive feedback and encourage them to develop critical thinking skills.

Other teacher skills to keep in mind

Technology isn't just changing the way teachers teach in the classroom, it's also changing how teachers are hired. 

For many schools, gone are the days when a person looks over each and every resume. To speed up the process, many districts use applicant tracking systems (ATS). This tool screens professional resumes and filters out candidates for review. 

Now, this isn't something you should allow to deter you. Understanding this tool can give you a leg up over your competitors. 

You should be strategic in your resume writing, choosing certain action verbs and words over others. Some of these include:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Curriculum development
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Technology integration
  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Data analysis
  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Special needs education

It’s also best practice to look through the job description and use the same language and verbs in your resume. 

These simple steps will help you bypass the ATS and get noticed by hiring managers.

Where to put skills with teacher resume examples

Now that you know what all pieces and skills that you want to include, how do you bring it all together?

You want to craft a resume that highlights your skills but is still clear and concise. You don’t want a hiring manager to have to wade through any unnecessary information to get to the good stuff.  

The best resume format typically reflects this by utilizing bullet points, action verbs, and a skills section to make it easy for employers to quickly identify your relevant qualifications. 

And don’t forget to proofread! The last thing you want on a teacher resume is the wrong punctuation or a misspelled word.  

Sometimes it’s easiest to learn by seeing exactly what you should do. So, the next section has some resume samples that show how and where to showcase your skills for a teaching resume that stands out from the rest.

Examples of teacher skills in a resume summary

Starting at the top, you should include a resume objective .

A resume objective or summary is a brief section that highlights a candidate's relevant skills and experience for the job they are applying for.

Here are some high-quality examples of resume objectives for teachers: 

  • Innovative secondary educator with expertise in differentiated instruction and project-based learning. Experienced in teaching a wide range of subjects, including English language arts, social studies, and digital media. Skilled in incorporating real-world scenarios and experiences to create dynamic and relevant lesson plans.
  • Dedicated high school English teacher with a passion for fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students. Proficient in project-based learning and assessment, as well as using technology to enhance classroom instruction. Looking for an opportunity to bring my expertise to a school that values innovation and collaboration.
  • Dedicated and motivated middle school educator with a passion for inspiring students to reach their full potential. Skilled in developing engaging lesson plans that cater to diverse learning needs and promoting a positive classroom environment. Proficient in utilizing technology to enhance the learning experience.

These resume objectives are packed full of action words, focusing less on the tasks and more on the impact that those actions had.

Your resume objective should do the same. Make it as concise and powerful as possible to wow the hiring manager and make them want to read more. 

Examples of a teacher resume skills section

Now onto the resume skills section!

A resume skills section is the part of a teacher's resume where they list their relevant skills and qualifications.

This section is typically placed after the professional summary or objective statement and before the work experience section.

Some technical skills you may want to include are:

  • Experience with learning management systems (LMS) like Blackboard or Canvas
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite or Google Suite
  • Familiarity with educational software or apps, such as Quizlet or Kahoot
  • Classroom management strategies and discipline techniques
  • Differentiated instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Knowledge of curriculum development and lesson planning
  • Multitasking and time management skills to handle multiple responsibilities and tasks

These are just a few of the skills you may possess. Spend some time brainstorming a complete list of your skills and then pick the ones that are the most relevant to the job listing to include in your resume. 

Examples of teacher skills in a work experience section

The work experience section is a detailed account of your past job titles, responsibilities and accomplishments as an educator.

Here is one example that you might shape your work experience section after:

ABC Elementary School | August 2018 - Present

  • Developed a positive classroom environment that fosters student learning and engagement
  • Utilized effective classroom management techniques, including behavior contracts and positive reinforcement strategies
  • Created and implemented daily lesson plans that align with state standards and met the needs of diverse learners

Focus on the action in this section. Start each bullet point with a strong verb that highlights your skills. 

If you need more ideas on how to phase certain tasks that you’ve done in specific jobs, there are tools online to help you get the right wording.

More resume tips to snag a teacher job

Great work! You've made some great progress on building a stellar resume! 

Here are just a few more tips to help you craft a winning teacher resume that catches the attention of potential employers.

Highlight your educational background

Here is the section of your resume where you put those hard skills that we talked about earlier. 

Some options to include may be any teaching and educational certifications sponsored by your state, city, or school district. Or you may hold special education or ESL endorsements that you want to list. 

If you’re applying for a public school position, it’s a good idea to check out the requirements on the job listing. These requirements may include relevant skills and experience and/or a bachelor’s degree in a field related to the target subject or teaching area. 

To highlight how you are a good fit for the position, be sure to include how your qualifications match their requirements in this section.

Highlight your professional experience

Your work history should focus on highlighting any relevant teaching experience including:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer work as a student teacher
  • Substitute teacher work
  • Time as a support teacher
  • Tutoring in a school
  • Teaching or working in children’s educational or recreational programs, such as after-school initiatives or summer camps

Numbers can be quite convincing. So if possible, try to include metrics or data that demonstrate the impact you have had on student learning and success.

You will likely also highlight your professional experience in your teacher cover letter. In this section, try to focus less on the technical details of your previous positions and instead showcase your personality, passion for teaching, and enthusiasm for the position.

Teacher salaries and future outlook

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of 2021, the median salary for high school teachers was $61,820 annually. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers earned a median salary of $61,350 per year. Teacher assistants , who often support full-time teachers in schools or universities, earned a median salary of $29,360 per year.

Now it’s important to note that the amount a teacher earns may differ based on various factors such as:

  • Years of experience in the role
  • The type of school or school district they work at
  • The city, state or district where they teach
  • Educational qualifications 
  • Skill level
  • Additional certifications

If you’re teaching in a bigger city, you may be able to look around and compare the salaries and benefits at various schools. Some schools may offer additional benefits like professional development or various incentives.

By doing a number of interviews, you may be able to get multiple offers and then compare them. 

There are lots of factors that will make a school and a teaching position the right fit for you. It’s important to get all the information that you can and make the best decision for you. 

There will always be a need for great teachers to shape the great, young minds of tomorrow. You can make an incredible difference in your students’ lives as their teacher. 

You can rest assured that there will always be teaching positions available and open if you decide to pursue a new direction. 

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7 Teacher Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Without teachers, we are nothing. teachers are the most important and in many cases the most undervalued professionals in our society. this guide shines a light on the profession and offers tips and resume samples to help our teachers of today get their dream teaching job and start teaching the leaders of tomorrow..

Hiring Manager for Teacher Roles

Teaching is one of the most impactful professions you could go into but it is unfortunately gravely economically undervalued. While the average number of hours worked each week for a teacher is over a whopping 50 hours, the average salary is a little over $60k. And that is not taking into account that most teachers will spend around $500 a year of their own money to buy necessary school supplies. Passion for their career and the acknowledgment of the importance of their work is what keeps most teachers in classrooms. 

To become a teacher, you must go through a thorough qualification process. You are required to have at least a bachelor’s degree in education and register with the department of education or a similar commission or service. This guide will give you some resume samples and some tips to elevate your resume and secure your next teaching job.

Teacher Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Substitute Teacher
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Elementary Teacher
  • High School Teacher
  • Teacher Assistant

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Teacher Resumes

Teacher Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Other Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 7: Teacher Resume Example

A teacher, otherwise known as an educator, teaches students in a formal place of education. You may be a general teacher who can teach multiple subjects, or you may specialize in teaching specific subjects like biology, or the sciences. The age of your students may vary from 2 or 3 months to full adults, depending on where you choose to teach. In almost all states and countries, formal teachers will need a teaching certificate or degree so ensure you have the necessary degree to teach in the place you are applying. Beyond that, a background in teaching and a patient and positive attitude are what recruiters will most be looking for. Here is a general teacher’s resume sample.

A teacher’s resume sample that highlights the applicant’s capabilities and specializations.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Teacher resume in 2024

   mention the ages of students or school years you have experience teaching..

The experience of teaching high school students and kindergarteners is very different as are the challenges. Recruiters need to know the ages of the students you normally teach. So ensure you include that information clearly in your resume.

Mention the ages of students or school years you have experience teaching. - Teacher Resume

   Include the number of students you normally teach.

Some schools have small classes while others have large numbers per class. Give recruiters an idea of how many students you are used to teaching or managing at any one time. It will give them an idea of your capabilities and can be impressive if you have managed to effectively teach large classrooms.

Include the number of students you normally teach. - Teacher Resume

Skills you can include on your Teacher resume

Template 2 of 7: substitute teacher resume example.

Substitute teachers step in when the regular teacher is absent or otherwise unavailable. You will do the same job as a regular teacher and will carry out the lesson plans that the teacher has laid out. In that way, there is very little autonomy in deciding what will be taught or how it will be taught. As a substitute teacher, you have the huge advantage of being able to choose when and where you want to work. This freedom allows you to plan your time to your benefit and gives you time for other endeavors. Here is a strong resume sample.

A substitute teacher resume sample that highlights the applicant’s range and positive recognition from fellow teachers.

Tips to help you write your Substitute Teacher resume in 2024

   show range in who and what you can teach..

As a substitute teacher, you will be moving around to wherever you are needed. One of the most useful things you must highlight is your range. Recruiters need to know that you can cover teachers in various subjects and that you can teach various grades.

Show range in who and what you can teach. - Substitute Teacher Resume

   Show a good response and relationship with regular teachers.

A big measure of success for a substitute teacher is what the regular teachers that they covered, thought about their performance. If you have had very positive feedback from regular teachers, as this applicant has, make sure you highlight that in your resume.

Show a good response and relationship with regular teachers. - Substitute Teacher Resume

Skills you can include on your Substitute Teacher resume

Template 3 of 7: preschool teacher resume example.

As a preschool teacher, you will be in charge of educating children under the age of 5. Unlike teachers who teach older students, you may have extra caretaking responsibilities and may therefore require additional training in certain aspects. Most employers will require a degree in early childhood education and experience working with that age group of kids. Beyond that, this position requires a lot of patience and energy. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A preschool teacher resume sample that highlights the applicant’s caretaking skills and relevant skills set.

Tips to help you write your Preschool Teacher resume in 2024

   include caretaking skills..

As mentioned, this position requires caretaking skills on top of normal education skills. These skills may include meal prep skills, like this applicant has, first-aid certifications, etc.

Include caretaking skills. - Preschool Teacher Resume

   Include preschool-relevant tools.

Preschool students are learning the basics of language and the world around them. There are particular tools like zoo-phonics that are particular for this stage of education. Make sure that the tools you list are useful for children of that age.

Include preschool-relevant tools. - Preschool Teacher Resume

Skills you can include on your Preschool Teacher resume

Template 4 of 7: elementary teacher resume example.

Elementary teachers teach students from kindergarten age to the fifth grade. In some countries with different education systems, you may be called a primary school teacher or a junior school teacher. Like other teachers, you will be expected to at least have a bachelor’s degree in education. Beyond that, recruiters like to see a specialization in the subject area you will be primarily teaching. This position requires patience, ingenuity, and a great passion for kids and teaching. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

An elementary teacher resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and initiative.

Tips to help you write your Elementary Teacher resume in 2024

   list all education-related certificates..

In an industry like this one, experience is not enough. Parents need to know that you are qualified and have certification to prove it. So make sure you list your relevant certificates. This applicant has 3 relevant certificates.

List all education-related certificates. - Elementary Teacher Resume

   Show initiative outside the classroom.

Schools love to work with teachers who take initiative to improve the experience of students. So include things you have done outside the classroom. For example, this applicant has created after-school tutoring programs, championed fundraising efforts, and launched reading programs.

Show initiative outside the classroom. - Elementary Teacher Resume

Skills you can include on your Elementary Teacher resume

Template 5 of 7: high school teacher resume example.

Being a High School Teacher is more than just lecturing in front of a class. It's about connecting with students, understanding their needs and concerns. As such, your resume should not only demonstrate your academic qualifications but also your ability to connect and engage with young minds. Recently, the education sector has been seeing a shift towards personalized learning. Therefore, showcasing your ability to cater to individual student needs can be a game-changer when applying for High School Teacher roles.

A sample resume of a High School Teacher demonstrating teaching methodologies and adaptability to technology.

Tips to help you write your High School Teacher resume in 2024

   highlight your teaching methodologies.

As a High School Teacher, how you teach can be just as important as what you teach. Your resume should describe your teaching methodologies, whether they're project-based, student-centric, or something else entirely.

Highlight your teaching methodologies - High School Teacher Resume

   Show your adaptability to technology

Nowadays, the use of technology in classrooms is inevitable. Therefore, you need to show your adaptability to different educational technologies. Include any experience with virtual classrooms, learning management systems, or any other relevant educational tech.

Show your adaptability to technology - High School Teacher Resume

Skills you can include on your High School Teacher resume

Template 6 of 7: high school teacher resume example.

As the name suggests, this teacher teaches in high school to students who are generally aged between 14 and 18 years old. In other countries, you might be called a secondary school teacher. High school teachers specialize in teaching specific subjects so you will be expected to have a bachelor’s degree in education and a specialization in the subjects you teach. Recruiters will also be looking to see years of experience as a high school teacher. Here is a successful resume sample.

A high school teacher resume sample that highlights the applicant’s specialization and experience.

   Include virtual learning tools in your skills list.

Covid changed the learning landscape forever. More learning is happening virtually so show recruiters that you are skilled at teaching virtually by including common virtual learning tools like Google Classroom.

Include virtual learning tools in your skills list. - High School Teacher Resume

   Consider adding your subject specialization in the title or the skills section of your resume.

When schools are recruiting teachers, they are usually looking for teachers to teach specific subjects. So including your subject specialization in the title or the skills section might be a good way to help you get past any ATS resume filters they have put in place.

Consider adding your subject specialization in the title or the skills section of your resume. - High School Teacher Resume

Template 7 of 7: Teacher Assistant Resume Example

As the name suggests, these individuals assist teachers in several ways. The main function of yours will be to give students additional support and give them a space to ask more questions about the material the teacher is teaching. You can find teaching assistants at all levels of education from nurseries to universities. You will not need to have a bachelor’s degree to be a TA but you will need to be further along in your studies than the students you are working with. Many TAs are particularly talented in the subjects they TA in. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A teacher assistant resume sample that highlights the applicant’s relevant certifications and variety of experience.

Tips to help you write your Teacher Assistant resume in 2024

   include any education-related certifications..

Because you might not have a degree yet, having any education-related certification will be a huge benefit. This applicant has included 3 relevant certificates.

Include any education-related certifications. - Teacher Assistant Resume

   Show variety in your support for students.

The more helpful you can show yourself to be when it comes to students the better. So show a variety of ways you have assisted or otherwise guided students. For example, this applicant has assisted students with their college applications and helped with their sports teams.

Skills you can include on your Teacher Assistant resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited teachers at schools such as Bright Horizons, Stratford School, and Livingston Public Schools, I have seen countless teacher resumes. The best ones effectively showcase the candidate's qualifications, experience, and passion for teaching. In this article, we'll share some tips to help you create a standout teacher resume that will impress potential employers.

   Highlight your teaching certifications and credentials

Make sure to prominently display your teaching certifications and credentials on your resume. This shows employers that you have the necessary qualifications to teach in your subject area or grade level.

Here are some examples of how to list your certifications:

  • New Jersey Teaching Certification in Elementary Education (K-6), 2018
  • Texas Educator Certification in Mathematics (7-12), 2020
  • California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, 2019

Avoid simply listing your certifications without any context, like this:

  • Teaching certification
  • Math credential

Bullet Point Samples for Teacher

   Quantify your teaching achievements and student outcomes

Whenever possible, use specific numbers and metrics to highlight your teaching achievements and the positive outcomes you've helped your students achieve. This helps employers see the tangible impact you've made in the classroom.

Here are some strong examples:

  • Raised student test scores by an average of 20% in one academic year
  • Implemented a new reading program that increased student engagement by 35%
  • Taught classes of 25-30 students, maintaining a 95% attendance rate

In contrast, avoid vague or generic statements like:

  • Helped students improve their grades
  • Managed classroom effectively

   Showcase your experience with diverse student populations

Many schools today serve diverse student populations, so it's important to highlight any experience you have working with students from different backgrounds. This can include language proficiencies, experience with special needs students, or cultural competencies.

For example:

  • Taught in a bilingual Spanish-English classroom for 3 years
  • Developed individualized education plans (IEPs) for students with learning disabilities
  • Completed professional development on culturally responsive teaching practices

Avoid simply stating that you have experience with diversity without providing any specifics, like:

  • Worked with diverse students
  • Experienced with different cultures

   Include relevant volunteer experience and extracurricular involvement

In addition to your formal teaching experience, be sure to include any relevant volunteer work or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment to education and working with students.

Some good examples:

  • Volunteered as a tutor at a local community center for 2 years
  • Served as the faculty advisor for the high school debate team
  • Organized and chaperoned educational field trips to museums and historical sites

However, avoid listing extracurricular involvement that is not directly related to teaching or working with students, such as:

  • Member of a recreational soccer league
  • Volunteer at animal shelter

   Tailor your resume to the specific teaching position

When applying for teaching positions, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements and school culture. This shows employers that you have taken the time to understand their needs and how you can contribute to their school community.

For example, if a job posting emphasizes the use of technology in the classroom, you might include:

  • Incorporated interactive whiteboards and educational apps into daily lessons
  • Completed training on using Google Classroom for remote learning

On the other hand, avoid using the same generic resume for every teaching application. Instead, take the time to customize your resume for each position.

   Use a clear and professional resume format

When it comes to formatting your teacher resume, it's important to use a clear and professional design that is easy for employers to read and navigate. Use a simple font, clear headings, and bullet points to organize your information.

Here's an example of a well-formatted resume summary:

Passionate and dedicated elementary school teacher with 5+ years of experience in creating engaging lesson plans and fostering a positive learning environment. Proven track record of improving student test scores and implementing innovative teaching strategies. Committed to providing individualized support to help all students reach their full potential.

Avoid using overly creative or cluttered resume designs that can distract from your qualifications and experience. Stick to a simple and professional format that puts your teaching skills and achievements front and center.

Writing Your Teacher Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name first and make it stand out.

Your name should be the first thing on your resume header, positioned at the very top. Make sure it's the largest text on the page so it stands out.

  • Resume of Jane Doe
  • Mark Smith, M.Ed

Keep it simple and let your name take center stage. No need for labels, titles, or degrees here.

2. Include your teacher-specific title

Right under your name, include your professional title. As a teacher, this helps contextualize your experience. For example:

  • Elementary School Teacher
  • High School Science Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher

If you're applying for a specific grade level or subject, you can include that to target your resume:

  • 5th Grade Math Teacher
  • Middle School English Teacher

Avoid generic titles that don't speak to your teaching experience:

  • Professional

3. Add key contact details, but not too many

Under your name and title, add essential contact information a hiring manager or principal would need to get in touch with you:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • City and state
  • LinkedIn profile URL
Jane Doe Elementary School Teacher New York, NY | 212-555-1234 | [email protected] |

Avoid including:

  • Full mailing address
  • Multiple phone numbers
  • Personal social media profiles
  • Headshot or photo

Keep your header concise and only include must-have details.


A resume summary for teachers is optional, but it can be a great way to provide additional context about your teaching experience and skills that may not be immediately clear from the rest of your resume. It's particularly useful if you're changing careers or have a lot of experience to summarize. However, you should never use an objective statement, as it's outdated and doesn't provide value to hiring managers.

When writing your summary, avoid repeating information that's already covered in other sections of your resume. Instead, focus on highlighting your most relevant qualifications, skills, and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for the teaching position you're applying for. Keep it concise and targeted, aiming for a maximum of one paragraph.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Teacher resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Teacher resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Teacher Resume Summary Examples , or Teacher Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the specific teaching job

When applying for teaching positions, it's crucial to customize your resume summary to the specific job requirements and school culture. This shows the hiring manager that you've done your research and understand what they're looking for in a candidate.

For example, if you're applying for a position at a school that emphasizes technology integration, highlight your experience with educational technology tools:

Passionate educator with 5+ years of experience teaching middle school science. Skilled in integrating educational technology, such as interactive whiteboards and learning management systems, to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. Committed to creating a collaborative and inclusive classroom environment that fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

On the other hand, avoid using a generic summary that could apply to any teaching position, like:

Experienced teacher seeking a new opportunity to make a difference in students' lives. Strong communication and organizational skills.

2. Quantify your achievements and impact

To make your resume summary more impactful, include quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your effectiveness as a teacher. This could include improvements in student performance, successful initiatives you've implemented, or awards and recognition you've received.

Here's an example of how to quantify your achievements in your summary:

Dynamic high school English teacher with 7+ years of experience. Implemented a new writing program that increased student proficiency scores by 20% on state assessments. Recognized as "Teacher of the Year" in 2019 for outstanding dedication to student success and innovative teaching strategies.

Avoid making vague or unsubstantiated claims in your summary, such as:

  • Dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond for students
  • Proven track record of success in the classroom

Instead, focus on specific, measurable achievements that showcase the value you bring as an educator.


Your work experience section is the most important part of your teacher resume. It's where you show hiring managers that you have the skills and experience to excel in the classroom. In this section, we'll break down how to write a compelling work experience section that will help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream teaching job.

1. Use reverse-chronological order

When listing your work experience, always start with your most recent job and work backwards. This helps hiring managers quickly see your career progression and understand your current skill level.

For each job, include your job title, the school or organization you worked for, and the dates of employment. If you're currently employed, you can write "Present" as the end date.

Teacher, ABC Elementary School, August 2018 - Present Substitute Teacher, XYZ School District, May 2017 - August 2018

If you're a recent graduate or don't have much teaching experience yet, consider including relevant internships, student teaching placements, or volunteer work in your work experience section. This can help demonstrate your passion for education and your ability to work with students.

2. Highlight your teaching accomplishments

Instead of simply listing your job duties, focus on the impact you made in each role. Use specific examples and metrics to showcase your achievements.

Here are some examples of how to highlight your accomplishments:

  • Developed and implemented a new science curriculum that increased student engagement and test scores by 15%
  • Created a mentorship program for at-risk students, resulting in a 20% decrease in disciplinary issues
  • Collaborated with colleagues to plan and execute a school-wide literacy event that involved over 500 students and parents

By using numbers and percentages, you give hiring managers a clear picture of the impact you've made in your previous roles.

Not sure if your bullet points are showcasing your accomplishments effectively? Try pasting your resume into the Score My Resume tool. It will give you instant feedback on how well you're highlighting your achievements and impact.

3. Tailor your experience to the job description

Before you submit your resume, make sure to tailor your work experience section to the specific job you're applying for. Read through the job description carefully and look for key skills and qualifications that the school is looking for.

For example, if the job description mentions that they're looking for a teacher with experience in differentiated instruction, make sure to highlight any relevant experience you have in that area:

  • Implemented differentiated instruction strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of students in a mixed-ability classroom

By tailoring your experience to the job description, you show the hiring manager that you're a strong fit for the role and increase your chances of landing an interview.

To quickly see how well your resume matches a specific job description, try using the Targeted Resume tool. It will scan your resume against the job listing and give you a match score, so you can easily identify areas where you need to better align your experience with the school's needs.


Your education section is a key part of your teacher resume. It shows principals and school districts that you have the necessary academic qualifications for the role. In this section, we'll cover what to include and how to make your education section stand out.

How To Write An Education Section - Teacher Roles

1. Put your education section in the right spot

Where you place your education section depends on your level of experience as a teacher:

  • If you're a recent graduate or have limited teaching experience, put your education section above your work history. This highlights your academic qualifications first.
  • If you're an experienced teacher, put your education below your work history. Your relevant teaching experience is more important to showcase first.

2. Include these key education details

For each degree or academic program you list, include:

  • Name of institution (e.g. University of Texas)
  • Location of institution
  • Name of degree
  • Field of study
  • Graduation year (optional if experienced)

Here's an example:

University of Texas, Austin, TX Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, 2020

3. Highlight relevant coursework, honors, and activities

If you're a recent graduate, you can bolster your education section by adding:

  • Relevant coursework
  • Academic honors and awards
  • Extracurricular activities, especially if education-related
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Bachelor of Science in Special Education, 2022 Relevant Coursework: Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction, Assessment in Special Education Honors: Dean's List (All Semesters), Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society Activities: Student Council for Exceptional Children, Volunteer Tutor

4. Keep it concise if you're a veteran teacher

If you're a seasoned teacher, your education section should be short and sweet. Hiring managers are most interested in your teaching accomplishments. Avoid the mistake of still giving a ton of detail:

  • The University of Houston, Houston, TX Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, 2002 Thesis: Implementing Project-Based Learning in Elementary Science Bachelor of Arts in Childhood Education, 1998 Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa

Instead, just include the essentials:

  • MEd, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston BA, Childhood Education, University of Houston

Action Verbs For Teacher Resumes

Action verbs help shape your capabilities and achievements powerfully and effectively. For a teacher, you will want to use action verbs to show that you can perform the variety of tasks expected of a teacher, from planning to teaching, to mentoring. Here is a list of action verbs that are particularly useful to use in a teacher’s resume. Use them to elevate yours.

Action Verbs for Teacher

  • Spearheaded

For more related action verbs, visit Teaching Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Teacher Resumes

Skills for teacher resumes.

Use the skills section of your resume to show any specialization you may have as a teacher and any industry-standard tools you have experience with. For specializations, you can list the school level you have experience in, e.g. elementary school education, or the type of students you teach, e.g. special needs education. For industry-standard tools, you should indicate that you can teach virtually, as that is increasingly becoming a norm, and that you can use lesson planning technology and other education-related technology. Here is a list of relevant skills you can use to get started.

  • Curriculum Development
  • Educational Technology
  • Educational Leadership
  • Classroom Management
  • Lesson Planning
  • Staff Development
  • Business Education
  • Teacher Training
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • K-12 Education
  • Instructional Design
  • Higher Education
  • Technology Integration
  • Secondary Education
  • Classroom Instruction

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Teacher Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Teacher Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Teacher Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Teacher job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Teacher Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other other resumes, social worker.

A resume screenshot displaying specialized skills and teamwork experience for a Clinical Social Worker role.

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Teacher Resume Guide

  • Innovation Resume Guide
  • Continuous Improvement Resume Guide
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  • Site Manager Resume Guide
  • Orientation Leader Resume Guide
  • Teacher Resume Example
  • Substitute Teacher Resume Example
  • Preschool Teacher Resume Example
  • Elementary Teacher Resume Example
  • High School Teacher Resume Example
  • Teacher Assistant Resume Example
  • Tips for Teacher Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
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  • Teacher Cover Letter
  • Teacher Interview Guide
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What is a life skills teacher and how to become one

A life skills teacher guides individuals with learning or physical disabilities in developing skills for independent living. Their instruction includes daily tasks, social interactions, personal care, and basic job skills. They may work in schools, specialized clinics, or nonprofit organizations. Key tasks involve designing individualized learning plans, collecting and interpreting data, and managing students' physical needs. A bachelor's degree in behavioral management or special education is essential, along with a teaching license.

How long does it takes to become a life skills teacher?

It typically takes 4-5 years to become a life skills teacher:

  • Years 1-4: Obtain a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as education, psychology, or social work.
  • Years 5: Accumulate work experience in teaching or counseling, and undergo on-site training for 6-12 months.

During the degree program, aspiring life skills teachers will learn about human development, learning theories, and instructional strategies. They will also gain practical experience through fieldwork or student teaching.

The work experience and on-site training will provide opportunities to apply this knowledge in real-world settings and develop skills in lesson planning, classroom management, and individualized instruction.

Avg. Salary $41,179

Avg. Salary $59,228

Growth Rate 4 %

Growth Rate 0.3 %

American Indian and Alaska Native 0.52 %

Asian 3.67 %

Black or African American 9.83 %

Hispanic or Latino 12.65 %

Unknown 3.91 %

White 69.41 %

female 74.47 %

male 25.53 %

American Indian and Alaska Native 3.00 %

Asian 7.00 %

Black or African American 14.00 %

Hispanic or Latino 19.00 %

White 57.00 %

female 47.00 %

male 53.00 %

Stress level is high

Complexity Level is advanced

7 - challenging

Work Life balance is poor

Newest jobs for Life Skills Teacher in ,

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Life Skills Teacher career paths

Life skills teachers can move into various roles, such as special education teachers, lead teachers, or directors. They can also transition into roles like assistant directors, case managers, or education directors. Those with experience in special education can become resource teachers, assistant principals, or even principals. Some life skills teachers also move into coaching or professor roles, while others become department chairpersons or school directors.

Key steps to become a life skills teacher

Explore life skills teacher education requirements.

The educational requirements for a life skills teacher are typically a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Special Education, Education, Elementary Education, Psychology, or Business. According to Dr. Rachel Potter, Director of Applied Behavior Analysis & Autism Studies, and Associate Professor of Education at Mary Baldwin University, "many special education credentials qualify a candidate for positions that may span a wide range of grade levels." Therefore, a resume that stands out would show a breadth of experience across age/grade ranges, different demographics, and various settings.

Most common life skills teacher degrees



Start to develop specific life skills teacher skills

A life skills teacher's expertise lies in creating individualized lesson plans and modifying assignments to suit students' needs. They manage and supervise staff, provide professional development, and attend meetings to resolve students' problems. As Dr. Michelle Powers , Assistant Professor of Special Education at Augustana University, puts it, "Being proficient in using technology, as a school tool, has never been more essential than today, but its value will never be outweighed by the teacher who wields the tool."

Behavioral Issues16.67%

Research life skills teacher duties and responsibilities

A life skills teacher has a variety of responsibilities. They develop and implement customized lesson plans, often in areas like functional life skills, community skills, and social skills. They also manage technology staff, administer budgets, and provide professional development and training to faculty and staff. As Dr. William Gaudelli , Dean at Lehigh University's College of Education, puts it, "Short-term, I would say that the Sunbelt is likely to see increasing demographic changes that are favorable, meaning more schools, thus requiring more teachers."

  • Lead debates with advance students on topics including globalization, economics, and political history.
  • Participate in ARD meetings to plan student education.
  • Collaborate with autism consultant to guide evidence practices for those students with autism.
  • Use writing to develop language skills and activities to stress grammar and usage.

Prepare your life skills teacher resume

When your background is strong enough, you can start writing your life skills teacher resume.

You can use Zippia's AI resume builder to make the resume writing process easier while also making sure that you include key information that hiring managers expect to see on a life skills teacher resume. You'll find resume tips and examples of skills, responsibilities, and summaries, all provided by Zippi, your career sidekick.

Choose From 10+ Customizable Life Skills Teacher Resume templates

Life Skills Teacher Resume

Apply for life skills teacher jobs

Now it's time to start searching for a life skills teacher job. Consider the tips below for a successful job search:

  • Browse job boards for relevant postings
  • Consult your professional network
  • Reach out to companies you're interested in working for directly
  • Watch out for job scams

How Did You Land Your First Life Skills Teacher Job


Are you a Life Skills Teacher?

Share your story for a free salary report.

Average life skills teacher salary

The average Life Skills Teacher salary in the United States is $41,179 per year or $20 per hour. Life skills teacher salaries range between $31,000 and $54,000 per year.

What Am I Worth?

How do life skills teachers rate their job?

Life skills teacher reviews.


The kids light up my days.

The demand and low pay. Teachers have families, too.

You got to work with learners who will love you unconditionally. It gives a great satisfaction to be able to help them. I love learners with Special Needs and I am a Mom of one.

I can't say, maybe because there is none.

Kids, teaching lessons, co-teachers, hours, weekends off, salary, holidays off, summers off, paid sick and personal days

Administration, observations, being told what to teach and HOW to teach it, expecting us to participate in things we might not want to or have the time for, staff meetings with no substance

Updated June 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Life Skills Teacher Related Careers

  • Art Teacher
  • Certified Teacher
  • ESL Teacher
  • Floater Teacher
  • Guest Teacher
  • Head Teacher
  • History Teacher
  • Language Teacher
  • Life Skills Instructor
  • Life Skills Trainer
  • Math Teacher
  • Mentor Teacher
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Music Teacher
  • Reading Teacher

Life Skills Teacher Related Jobs

  • Art Teacher Jobs
  • Certified Teacher Jobs
  • ESL Teacher Jobs
  • Floater Teacher Jobs
  • Guest Teacher Jobs
  • Head Teacher Jobs
  • History Teacher Jobs
  • Language Teacher Jobs
  • Life Skills Instructor Jobs
  • Life Skills Trainer Jobs
  • Math Teacher Jobs
  • Mentor Teacher Jobs
  • Middle School Teacher Jobs
  • Music Teacher Jobs
  • Reading Teacher Jobs

What Similar Roles Do

  • What Does an Art Teacher Do
  • What Does a Certified Teacher Do
  • What Does an ESL Teacher Do
  • What Does a Floater Teacher Do
  • What Does a Guest Teacher Do
  • What Does a Head Teacher Do
  • What Does a History Teacher Do
  • What Does a Language Teacher Do
  • What Does a Life Skills Instructor Do
  • What Does a Math Teacher Do
  • What Does a Mentor Teacher Do
  • What Does a Middle School Teacher Do
  • What Does a Music Teacher Do
  • What Does a Reading Teacher Do
  • What Does a Resource Teacher Do

Resume For Related Jobs

  • Art Teacher Resume
  • Certified Teacher Resume
  • ESL Teacher Resume
  • Floater Teacher Resume
  • Guest Teacher Resume
  • Head Teacher Resume
  • History Teacher Resume
  • Language Teacher Resume
  • Life Skills Instructor Resume
  • Life Skills Trainer Resume
  • Math Teacher Resume
  • Mentor Teacher Resume
  • Middle School Teacher Resume
  • Music Teacher Resume
  • Reading Teacher Resume
  • Zippia Careers
  • Education, Training, and Library Industry
  • Life Skills Teacher

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Resume Examples

September 03, 2024

18 Elementary Teacher Resume Examples

Writing an elementary teacher resume is as easy as 123 when you take a look at these examples.

Resume Examples and Guide For

Elementary Teacher

Entry-Level Elementary Teacher Resume Examples

Mid-career elementary teacher resume examples, experienced elementary teacher resume examples, general elementary teacher resume examples, special education elementary teacher resume examples, stem elementary teacher resume examples, arts and music elementary teacher resume examples, public school elementary teacher resume examples, private school elementary teacher resume examples, charter school elementary teacher resume examples, montessori elementary teacher resume examples, kindergarten teacher resume examples, first grade teacher resume examples, second grade teacher resume examples, third grade teacher resume examples, fourth grade teacher resume examples, fifth grade teacher resume examples, elementary teacher resume outline, which resume layout should an elementary teacher use, what your elementary teacher resume header should include, elementary teacher resume header examples, what your elementary teacher resume summary should include, elementary teacher resume summary examples, what are the most common elementary teacher responsibilities, what your elementary teacherresume experience should include, elementary teacher resume experience examples, how do i create an elementary teacher resume without experience.

  • What's the Best Education for an Elementary Teacher Resume?
  • What's the Best Professional Organization for an Elementary Teacher Resume?

What Are the Best Awards for an Elementary Teacher Resume?

What are good volunteer opportunities for an elementary teacher resume, what are the best hard skills to add to an elementary teacher resume, what are the best soft skills to add to an elementary teacher resume, what are the best certifications for an elementary teacher resume, tips for an effective elementary teacher resume, how long should i make my elementary teacher resume, what should the focus of an elementary teacher resume be.

As an elementary teacher, you play a crucial role in shaping young minds and laying the foundation for lifelong learning. Your elementary teacher resume is your first opportunity to showcase your passion for education and your ability to create engaging, nurturing classroom environments. This comprehensive guide offers a variety of elementary teacher resume examples tailored to different experience levels, specializations, and school types. We'll also provide expert guidance on crafting each section of your resume to help you stand out in the competitive field of elementary education.

Build an elementary teacher resume.

Sign up for Huntr to build your elementary teacher resume with a little help from AI.

Resume Examples by Experience Level

For those just starting their teaching career, highlighting your educational background, student teaching experience, and relevant skills is crucial. This entry-level elementary teacher resume example demonstrates how to effectively present your qualifications as a new teacher.

[email protected] - (555) 123-4567 - Springfield, IL

Dedicated and enthusiastic entry-level elementary teacher seeking a position to utilize my strong educational background and passion for fostering student growth in a supportive classroom environment.

Student Teacher

Lincoln Elementary School

01/2023 - 05/2023

Springfield, IL

  • Assisted lead teacher in planning and implementing lessons for a diverse 3rd-grade classroom of 25 students
  • Developed and taught engaging lessons in mathematics, language arts, and science
  • Utilized technology to enhance student learning, including interactive whiteboards and educational apps
  • Collaborated with special education teachers to support students with IEPs

After-School Tutor

Springfield Community Center

09/2021 - 12/2022

  • Provided one-on-one tutoring for elementary students in reading and mathematics
  • Developed engaging activities to reinforce classroom concepts

Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education

Springfield University

09/2019 - 04/2023

  • GPA: 3.8/4.0
  • Certifications

Illinois Professional Educator License

Lesson planning and curriculum development • Classroom management • Differentiated instruction • Parent-teacher communication • Google Classroom and educational technology • Positive behavior reinforcement

Why this resume is great

This entry-level elementary teacher resume is excellent because it emphasizes relevant educational qualifications and student teaching experience. The objective statement clearly conveys the candidate's enthusiasm and goals. The resume effectively highlights key skills, relevant coursework, and volunteer experience that demonstrate the candidate's commitment to education and ability to work with young students.

For teachers with a few years of experience, focusing on your accomplishments and the impact you've made in the classroom is key. This mid-career elementary teacher resume example shows how to showcase your growth and expertise.

Lucia Arruda

[email protected] - (555) 987-6543 - Portland, OR

Dedicated elementary teacher with 5 years of experience creating engaging, student-centered learning environments. Skilled in differentiated instruction and integrating technology to enhance student achievement. Committed to fostering a love of learning and promoting social-emotional growth in young learners.

3rd Grade Teacher

Hillside Elementary School

08/2018 - Present

Portland, OR

  • Develop and implement comprehensive curriculum for all core subjects, resulting in a 15% increase in standardized test scores
  • Collaborate with grade-level team to create cross-curricular projects that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Implement personalized learning strategies to address diverse learning needs, leading to improved academic performance for 90% of students
  • Integrate educational technology, including interactive whiteboards and tablets, to enhance student engagement and digital literacy
  • Maintain open communication with parents through regular newsletters, conferences, and digital platforms

1st Grade Teacher

Riverside Elementary School

08/2015 - 06/2018

  • Established a positive classroom culture that promoted social-emotional learning and reduced behavioral incidents by 30%
  • Developed and implemented a literacy program that improved reading proficiency for 85% of students
  • Collaborated with special education team to support students with IEPs and 504 plans
  • Organized and led field trips to enhance real-world connections to curriculum

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Portland State University

05/2020 - 05/2020

Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

University of Oregon

09/2011 - 05/2015

Oregon Teaching License

Google Certified Educator Level 1

Differentiated instruction • Project-based learning • Data-driven instruction • Classroom management • Educational technology integration • Social-emotional learning

This mid-career elementary teacher resume excels by showcasing specific achievements and quantifiable results. The professional summary effectively highlights key strengths and years of experience. The work history demonstrates growth and increasing responsibility, with detailed accomplishments that illustrate the candidate's impact on student learning. The inclusion of professional development and awards further reinforces the teacher's commitment to growth and excellence in education.

Seasoned educators should emphasize leadership roles, mentoring experiences, and long-term impacts on student success. This experienced elementary teacher resume example illustrates how to present a wealth of experience effectively.

Joshua Brown

[email protected] - (555) 246-8135 - Austin, TX

Highly accomplished elementary educator with 15+ years of experience in diverse classroom settings. Recognized for developing innovative curricula, mentoring new teachers, and consistently improving student outcomes. Skilled in creating inclusive learning environments that foster academic excellence and personal growth for all students.

Lead 5th Grade Teacher

Austin Heights Elementary

08/2011 - Present

  • Spearhead grade-level curriculum development, aligning with state standards and incorporating best practices in elementary education
  • Mentor new teachers through the district's induction program, providing guidance on classroom management, lesson planning, and parent communication
  • Implement data-driven instruction methods, resulting in a consistent 20% increase in standardized test scores over the past five years
  • Develop and lead professional development workshops on technology integration and project-based learning for district-wide elementary teachers
  • Collaborate with administration to design and implement school-wide positive behavior intervention systems, reducing disciplinary referrals by 40%

Lakeside Elementary

08/2006 - 06/2011

San Antonio, TX

  • Designed and implemented a multi-sensory approach to literacy instruction, improving reading proficiency for 95% of students
  • Coordinated with special education team to develop and implement individualized education plans for students with diverse learning needs
  • Initiated and led after-school STEM club, increasing student interest in science and technology careers

2nd Grade Teacher

Pinewood Elementary

08/2003 - 06/2006

Houston, TX

  • Developed and implemented engaging, standards-based lessons across all core subject areas
  • Established strong parent-teacher communication channels, resulting in increased parental involvement in student learning

Master of Education in Educational Leadership

University of Texas at Austin

09/2008 - 05/2010

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Texas State University

09/1999 - 04/2003

San Marcos, TX

Texas Standard Teaching Certificate (EC-6)

English as a Second Language (ESL) Supplemental Certification

  • Gifted and Talented Education Certification

Curriculum development and alignment • Teacher mentoring and coaching • Data analysis and instructional planning • Technology integration in education • Differentiated instruction strategies • Behavior management techniques

This experienced elementary teacher resume stands out by showcasing a progression of responsibilities and leadership roles. The professional summary effectively communicates the candidate's extensive experience and key strengths. The work history highlights significant achievements, demonstrating the teacher's impact not only on students but also on colleagues and the broader school community. The inclusion of leadership roles, professional development activities, and awards reinforces the candidate's expertise and commitment to educational excellence.

Resume Examples by Specialization

A general elementary teacher resume should highlight versatility across subjects and grade levels. This general elementary teacher resume example demonstrates how to showcase a broad range of teaching skills and experiences.

Fatima Abboud

[email protected] - (555) 369-2580 - Denver, CO

Versatile elementary educator with 8 years of experience teaching multiple grade levels and subjects. Adept at creating engaging, inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse student needs. Skilled in implementing research-based instructional strategies to promote academic achievement and social-emotional growth.

Elementary Teacher (Grades 2-5)

Rocky Mountain Elementary

08/2015 - Present

  • Teach all core subjects (Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies) to students in grades 2-5, adapting curriculum to meet changing grade level assignments
  • Implement differentiated instruction techniques to address varying learning styles and abilities, resulting in improved academic performance for 90% of students
  • Integrate technology and hands-on activities across subjects to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes
  • Collaborate with grade-level teams to develop cross-curricular projects that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Maintain open communication with parents through regular conferences, newsletters, and digital platforms

Aspen Grove Elementary

08/2013 - 06/2015

Boulder, CO

  • Developed and implemented comprehensive curriculum for all core subjects, focusing on early literacy and numeracy skills
  • Created a positive classroom environment that fostered social-emotional learning and reduced behavioral incidents by 25%
  • Collaborated with special education team to support students with diverse learning needs

Master of Arts - Elementary Education

University of Colorado Boulder

09/2011 - 04/2013

Bachelor of Science - Education

Colorado State University

09/2007 - 04/2011

Fort Collins, CO

Colorado Professional Teacher License

English Language Learner (ELL) Endorsement

Curriculum development and adaptation • Differentiated instruction • Classroom management • Educational technology integration • Data-driven instruction • Social-emotional learning strategies

This general elementary teacher resume excels by highlighting versatility across grade levels and subjects. The professional summary effectively communicates the candidate's adaptability and key strengths. The work history demonstrates experience with multiple grade levels and showcases achievements in various aspects of elementary education. The inclusion of additional experiences, such as leadership roles and extracurricular activities, further reinforces the candidate's commitment to education beyond the regular classroom setting.

Special education teachers need to emphasize their expertise in working with students with diverse learning needs. This special education elementary teacher resume example shows how to highlight specialized skills and experience in inclusive education.

Rachel Maxwell

[email protected] - (555) 741-9630 - Seattle, WA

Dedicated Special Education Elementary Teacher with 7 years of experience creating inclusive learning environments for students with diverse needs. Skilled in developing and implementing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, and utilizing assistive technologies to support student success.

Special Education Teacher (K-5)

Evergreen Elementary School

08/2016 - Present

Seattle, WA

  • Develop and implement IEPs for students with a range of disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, and emotional/behavioral disorders
  • Collaborate with general education teachers to modify curriculum and provide accommodations, resulting in successful inclusion for 95% of students
  • Utilize assistive technology and adaptive equipment to support student learning and communication needs
  • Conduct regular assessments to monitor student progress and adjust instructional strategies accordingly
  • Lead professional development workshops on inclusive practices and differentiated instruction for school staff

Resource Room Teacher

Cascade Elementary School

08/2014 - 06/2016

Bellevue, WA

  • Provided targeted instruction in reading, writing, and math for students with mild to moderate disabilities
  • Implemented behavior management strategies to support students' social-emotional development and classroom success
  • Collaborated with parents and staff to ensure consistent support for students across school and home environments

Master of Education - Special Education

University of Washington

09/2012 - 04/2014

Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education

Western Washington University

09/2008 - 04/2012

Bellingham, WA

Washington State Teaching Certificate

  • Special Education Endorsement

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

IEP development and implementation • Behavior management and positive reinforcement techniques • Assistive technology integration • Differentiated instruction strategies • Data collection and progress monitoring • Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams

This special education elementary teacher resume is exceptional because it emphasizes specialized skills and experiences crucial for working with students with diverse learning needs. The professional summary effectively communicates the candidate's expertise in inclusive education and IEP development. The work history highlights specific achievements in supporting students with various disabilities and collaborating with other educators. The inclusion of relevant certifications, professional development, and additional experiences demonstrates the candidate's commitment to ongoing learning and leadership in special education.

STEM teachers should emphasize their ability to integrate science, technology, engineering, and math concepts into engaging lessons. This STEM elementary teacher resume example demonstrates how to showcase STEM expertise in an elementary setting.

Carla Johnson

[email protected] - (555) 963-8520 - Austin, TX

Innovative STEM Elementary Teacher with 5 years of experience designing and implementing engaging, hands-on STEM curricula for grades 3-5. Adept at integrating technology, fostering critical thinking skills, and inspiring a love for scientific inquiry in young learners.

STEM Specialist (Grades 3-5)

Innovation Academy

  • Develop and teach project-based STEM curriculum aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and state math standards
  • Implement maker space activities and coding programs, resulting in a 40% increase in student participation in STEM-related extracurricular activities
  • Coordinate annual STEM fair, showcasing student projects and fostering community engagement
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate STEM concepts across all subject areas
  • Secure $50,000 in grants for STEM equipment and professional development

4th Grade Teacher (STEM Focus)

08/2016 - 06/2018

Round Rock, TX

  • Integrated STEM concepts into daily lessons across all core subjects
  • Led after-school robotics club, introducing students to basic programming and engineering concepts
  • Organized field trips to local science museums and technology companies to provide real-world STEM connections

Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction (STEM Education Focus)

09/2014 - 05/2016

Texas A&M University

09/2011 - 04/2014

College Station, TX

Texas Standard Teaching Certificate

  • Google Certified Educator

ISTE Certified Educator

STEM curriculum development and integration • Project-based learning facilitation • Educational technology integration (e.g., 3D printing, robotics kits, coding platforms) • Data analysis and scientific inquiry methods • Cross-curricular lesson planning • Grant writing and resource acquisition

This STEM elementary teacher resume excels by highlighting the candidate's expertise in integrating science, technology, engineering, and math concepts into elementary education. The professional summary effectively communicates the teacher's innovative approach and ability to engage young learners in STEM subjects. The work history showcases specific achievements in implementing STEM programs, securing funding, and increasing student engagement. The inclusion of relevant certifications, professional development, and additional experiences demonstrates the candidate's commitment to staying current with STEM education trends and practices.

Arts and music teachers should highlight their ability to foster creativity and integrate artistic expression into the elementary curriculum. This arts and music elementary teacher resume example shows how to present specialized skills in arts education within an elementary setting.

Angel Warren

[email protected] - (555) 741-9630 - Chicago, IL

Passionate Arts and Music Elementary Teacher with 7 years of experience inspiring creativity and artistic expression in young learners. Skilled in developing comprehensive arts curricula, integrating arts into core subjects, and organizing school-wide cultural events that celebrate student achievements in the arts.

Arts and Music Specialist (K-5)

Creative Minds Elementary

Chicago, IL

  • Design and implement engaging arts and music curriculum for 500+ students, aligning with Illinois Fine Arts Learning Standards
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers to integrate arts into core subjects, enhancing student engagement and retention of concepts
  • Direct annual school musical productions, involving 100+ students in performance and behind-the-scenes roles
  • Establish partnerships with local arts organizations, bringing professional artists and musicians for workshops and performances
  • Secured $30,000 grant to upgrade music room with new instruments and technology

General Music Teacher

Evanston, IL

  • Taught weekly music classes for grades K-5, focusing on music theory, instrument exploration, and vocal performance
  • Coordinated grade-level music performances for school events and holiday concerts
  • Implemented a recorder program for 3rd-grade students, culminating in an end-of-year recital

Master of Arts - Music Education

Northwestern University

09/2012 - 05/2014

Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art Education

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

09/2008 - 05/2012

Orff Schulwerk

Curriculum development for visual arts and music • Interdisciplinary arts integration • Instrumental and vocal music instruction • Art exhibition curation and installation • Digital art and music technology integration • Classroom management in studio and performance settings

This arts and music elementary teacher resume stands out by showcasing the candidate's diverse skills in both visual arts and music education. The professional summary effectively communicates the teacher's passion for inspiring creativity in young learners. The work history highlights specific achievements in curriculum development, arts integration, and community engagement. The inclusion of artistic achievements and relevant certifications demonstrates the candidate's ongoing commitment to their own artistic practice and professional growth in arts education.

Resume Examples by School Type

Public school teachers should emphasize their ability to work with diverse student populations and adhere to state standards. This public school elementary teacher resume example illustrates how to present these skills effectively.

Thomas White

[email protected] - (555) 123-4567 - Columbus, OH

Dedicated public school elementary teacher with 8 years of experience creating inclusive, engaging learning environments for diverse student populations. Skilled in implementing standards-based curriculum, utilizing data-driven instruction, and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to support student success.

5th Grade Teacher

Franklin Elementary School

Columbus, OH

  • Develop and implement standards-aligned curriculum in all core subjects for classes of 25-30 students
  • Utilize differentiated instruction strategies to meet the needs of diverse learners, resulting in a 20% increase in overall class performance on state assessments
  • Implement positive behavior intervention strategies, reducing classroom disruptions by 35%
  • Collaborate with special education team to support students with IEPs and 504 plans
  • Serve as grade-level team leader, coordinating curriculum planning and data analysis meetings

Washington Elementary School

  • Taught all core subjects in a Title I school with a high percentage of English Language Learners
  • Implemented reading intervention programs, resulting in a 25% increase in reading proficiency scores
  • Coordinated with ESL specialists to support language development across content areas

Ohio State University

Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green, OH

Ohio Professional Teaching License

Reading Endorsement

Standards-based curriculum development • Data-driven instruction and assessment • Classroom management and positive behavior support • Technology integration in instruction • Collaborative team teaching • Parent and community engagement

This public school elementary teacher resume excels by emphasizing the candidate's experience with diverse student populations and ability to implement standards-based curriculum. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths relevant to public school settings. The work history highlights specific achievements in improving student performance, implementing behavior management strategies, and collaborating with colleagues. The inclusion of leadership roles and professional development experiences demonstrates the candidate's commitment to continuous improvement and contribution to the school community.

Private school teachers should highlight their ability to provide individualized attention and contribute to a school's unique educational philosophy. This private school elementary teacher resume example demonstrates how to showcase these qualities.

Olivia Holden

[email protected] - (555) 987-6543 - Boston, MA

Dedicated private school elementary teacher with 6 years of experience fostering academic excellence and character development in a nurturing environment. Skilled in providing individualized instruction, integrating innovative teaching methods, and upholding the school's educational philosophy and values.

4th Grade Lead Teacher

Brookline Academy

08/2017 - Present

  • Design and implement engaging, interdisciplinary curriculum aligned with the school's progressive educational philosophy
  • Maintain small class sizes of 15-18 students, providing personalized attention and differentiated instruction
  • Incorporate project-based learning and experiential education opportunities, including monthly field trips and community service projects
  • Collaborate with specialist teachers to integrate art, music, and world languages into core subject areas
  • Communicate regularly with parents through weekly newsletters, conferences, and digital portfolios

2nd Grade Assistant Teacher

Hillside Day School

08/2015 - 06/2017

  • Supported lead teacher in implementing curriculum and managing classroom of 20 students
  • Developed and led small group activities in reading, writing, and mathematics
  • Assisted in planning and chaperoning educational field trips and special events

Master of Education in Elementary Education

Harvard Graduate School of Education

09/2013 - 04/2015

Cambridge, MA

Bachelor of Arts in Child Development - Child Development

Tufts University

09/2009 - 05/2013

Medford, MA

Massachusetts Initial License in Elementary Education (1-6)

Montessori Elementary I (6-9) Certification

Individualized instruction and assessment • Interdisciplinary curriculum development • Character education and social-emotional learning • Integration of technology in the classroom • Parent communication and engagement • Experiential and project-based learning facilitation • Project-Based Learning • Responsive Classroom • Mindfulness in Education

This private school elementary teacher resume stands out by emphasizing the candidate's ability to provide individualized attention and contribute to the school's unique educational philosophy. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths relevant to private school settings. The work history highlights specific achievements in implementing innovative teaching methods, integrating interdisciplinary approaches, and engaging with the school community. The inclusion of relevant certifications, professional development experiences, and additional roles demonstrates the candidate's commitment to ongoing growth and contribution to the school's overall mission.

Charter school teachers should emphasize their adaptability, innovation, and commitment to the school's specific mission. This charter school elementary teacher resume example showcases how to present these qualities effectively.

Vanessa Manning

[email protected] - (555) 246-8135 - Phoenix, AZ

Dynamic charter school elementary teacher with 5 years of experience fostering academic excellence and character development in a high-performing, mission-driven environment. Adept at implementing innovative teaching strategies, data-driven instruction, and cultivating a strong school culture aligned with the charter's unique vision.

3rd Grade Lead Teacher

Horizon Charter Academy

Phoenix, AZ

  • Implement rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum with a focus on STEM integration and character education
  • Utilize blended learning models and adaptive technology to personalize instruction for a diverse class of 22 students
  • Achieve consistent student growth, with 90% of students meeting or exceeding state standards in math and reading
  • Collaborate with grade-level team to develop and refine curriculum maps and assessments aligned with the school's mission
  • Engage families through monthly parent workshops and student-led conferences

Sunshine Charter Elementary

  • Implemented foundational literacy and numeracy programs in a newly established charter school
  • Contributed to the development of school-wide systems and procedures during the charter's inaugural years
  • Participated in weekly professional development sessions focused on charter school best practices

Arizona State University

University of Arizona

Arizona Standard Elementary Education Certificate (K-8)

Structured English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement

Innovative instructional strategies • Data analysis and performance tracking • Blended learning implementation • Character education integration • Family and community engagement • Collaborative curriculum development

This charter school elementary teacher resume excels by highlighting the candidate's ability to thrive in a mission-driven, innovative educational environment. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths relevant to charter school settings, such as adaptability and commitment to the school's vision. The work history showcases specific achievements in implementing innovative teaching strategies, achieving strong student outcomes, and contributing to the school's growth and development. The inclusion of charter-specific professional development and additional roles demonstrates the candidate's dedication to the unique aspects of charter school education.

Montessori teachers should emphasize their understanding of Montessori philosophy, ability to create prepared environments, and skill in guiding child-directed learning. This Montessori elementary teacher resume example illustrates how to present these specialized skills.

Chloe Brady

[email protected] - (555) 369-2580 - Portland, OR

Dedicated Montessori elementary teacher with 7 years of experience fostering independent, self-directed learners in a prepared environment. Skilled in implementing Montessori philosophy and materials across curriculum areas, guiding multi-age classrooms, and nurturing the whole child through cosmic education.

Lower Elementary Guide (Ages 6-9)

Harmony Montessori School

  • Design and maintain a meticulously prepared environment that encourages exploration and independent learning
  • Guide a multi-age classroom of 25 students, fostering peer learning and leadership skills
  • Implement Montessori cosmic curriculum, integrating history, biology, geography, and cultural studies
  • Conduct individual and small group lessons using Montessori materials across all subject areas
  • Facilitate student-led projects and research, culminating in quarterly presentations to the school community
  • Mentor assistant teachers and interns in Montessori methodology and classroom management

Children's House Assistant (Ages 3-6)

Evergreen Montessori Academy

  • Supported lead guide in implementing Montessori curriculum for preschool and kindergarten students
  • Observed and recorded student progress using Montessori record-keeping systems
  • Assisted in maintaining the prepared environment and caring for Montessori materials

Master of Education - Montessori Education

Loyola University Maryland

Baltimore, MD

Bachelor of Science - Child Development

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

American Montessori Society (AMS) Elementary I Credential

Oregon State Teaching License with Montessori Specialty

Montessori philosophy and methodology • Prepared environment design and maintenance • Multi-age classroom management • Individualized lesson planning and record-keeping • Cosmic education curriculum implementation • Parent education and communication

This Montessori elementary teacher resume stands out by showcasing the candidate's deep understanding and application of Montessori philosophy and methods. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to Montessori education, such as guiding multi-age classrooms and fostering independent learning. The work history highlights specific achievements in implementing Montessori curriculum, maintaining prepared environments, and mentoring others in Montessori methodology. The inclusion of Montessori-specific certifications, professional development, and additional roles demonstrates the candidate's commitment to Montessori education and ongoing professional growth in this specialized field.

Resume Examples by Grade Level

Kindergarten teachers should highlight their ability to create nurturing environments for young learners and foster foundational skills. This kindergarten teacher resume example demonstrates how to present these specialized skills effectively.

Bridget Meyers

[email protected] - (555) 741-9630 - San Diego, CA

Nurturing kindergarten teacher with 6 years of experience creating engaging, play-based learning environments for young learners. Skilled in developing foundational literacy and numeracy skills, fostering social-emotional growth, and cultivating a love for learning in a diverse classroom setting.

Kindergarten Lead Teacher

Sunshine Elementary School

San Diego, CA

  • Design and implement play-based curriculum aligned with California Kindergarten Learning Standards
  • Create a warm, inviting classroom environment that promotes exploration and independence
  • Utilize a balanced literacy approach, resulting in 90% of students reading at or above grade level by year-end
  • Implement hands-on math activities and games to build number sense and basic operations skills
  • Foster social-emotional development through daily morning meetings and character education lessons
  • Collaborate with families through weekly newsletters, parent workshops, and volunteer opportunities

Transitional Kindergarten Teacher

Little Learners Academy

La Jolla, CA

  • Developed and implemented curriculum for 4 and 5-year-olds transitioning to kindergarten
  • Conducted developmental assessments and provided individualized support for each student
  • Facilitated smooth transitions between preschool and kindergarten environments

Master of Education in Early Childhood Education - Early Childhood Education

San Diego State University

University of California, San Diego

09/2009 - 04/2013

Family Literacy Night

2018 - Present

Coordinated and facilitated a monthly family literacy event to promote early reading skills and family engagement.

  • Increased family attendance by 25% over 2 years
  • Received positive feedback from parents on the engaging activities and resources provided

Summer Kindergarten Readiness Program

2016 - 2018

Designed and taught a 4-week summer program to help incoming kindergarteners build foundational skills and prepare for the transition to elementary school.

  • Helped 90% of students meet or exceed kindergarten readiness benchmarks
  • Received recognition from the school district for the program's positive impact on student success

California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

Early Childhood Education Specialist Credential

Play-based learning implementation • Early literacy and numeracy instruction • Social-emotional development strategies • Classroom management for young learners • Parent communication and engagement • Developmentally appropriate assessment • Reggio Emilia Approach • Phonemic Awareness and Early Literacy • Positive Discipline in the Classroom

This kindergarten teacher resume excels by highlighting the candidate's expertise in creating nurturing, play-based learning environments for young children. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to kindergarten education, such as fostering foundational skills and social-emotional development. The work history showcases specific achievements in implementing developmentally appropriate curriculum, achieving strong literacy outcomes, and engaging families in the learning process. The inclusion of early childhood-specific certifications, professional development, and additional roles demonstrates the candidate's commitment to best practices in kindergarten education and ongoing professional growth in this specialized field.

First grade teachers should emphasize their ability to build upon kindergarten foundations and guide students through significant academic and social growth. This first grade teacher resume example illustrates how to present these skills effectively.

Randy Brooks

[email protected] - (555) 852-7413 - Atlanta, GA

Dedicated first grade teacher with 5 years of experience fostering academic growth and independence in young learners. Skilled in implementing engaging literacy and numeracy instruction, cultivating social-emotional skills, and creating a positive classroom community that supports diverse learning needs.

First Grade Teacher

Oakwood Elementary School

Atlanta, GA

  • Develop and implement standards-based curriculum in all core subjects for classes of 22-24 students
  • Utilize balanced literacy approach, including guided reading and writer's workshop, resulting in 85% of students reading at or above grade level by year-end
  • Implement hands-on math instruction and problem-solving strategies, leading to a 25% increase in math proficiency scores
  • Foster social-emotional learning through daily morning meetings and character education integration
  • Collaborate with special education team to support students with IEPs and implement differentiated instruction strategies
  • Maintain open communication with families through weekly newsletters, digital portfolios, and regular conferences

Kindergarten Teacher

Sunnyside Elementary School

Decatur, GA

  • Implemented play-based learning experiences to develop foundational academic and social skills
  • Conducted ongoing assessments to monitor student progress and inform instruction
  • Facilitated smooth transitions from kindergarten to first grade

Master of Education - Elementary Education

Georgia State University

09/2014 - 04/2016

Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education

University of Georgia

09/2010 - 04/2014

Georgia Professional Teaching Certificate

Balanced literacy instruction • Hands-on math and science activities • Social-emotional learning integration • Differentiated instruction strategies • Classroom management techniques • Parent-teacher communication • Orton-Gillingham Reading Approach • Math in Focus: Singapore Math • Responsive Classroom

This first grade teacher resume stands out by emphasizing the candidate's ability to build upon kindergarten foundations and guide students through significant academic and social growth. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to first grade education, such as fostering independence and implementing engaging literacy and numeracy instruction. The work history highlights specific achievements in improving student outcomes, implementing diverse instructional strategies, and creating a positive classroom community. The inclusion of relevant certifications, professional development experiences, and leadership roles demonstrates the candidate's commitment to excellence in first grade education and ongoing professional growth.

Second grade teachers should highlight their ability to deepen students' academic skills and foster growing independence. This example shows how to present these qualities effectively.

Diana Baker

[email protected] - (555) 963-8520 - Seattle, WA

Enthusiastic second grade teacher with 7 years of experience cultivating critical thinking skills and academic independence in young learners. Adept at implementing engaging, standards-aligned curriculum while fostering a supportive classroom environment that celebrates diversity and promotes social-emotional growth.

Second Grade Teacher

  • Design and implement interdisciplinary units aligned with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards
  • Utilize workshop model for literacy instruction, resulting in 90% of students reading at or above grade level
  • Implement inquiry-based math and science instruction, leading to a 30% increase in student engagement and problem-solving skills
  • Integrate technology into daily lessons, including coding basics and digital literacy skills
  • Facilitate student-led conferences and maintain digital portfolios to showcase student growth and achievements
  • Collaborate with grade-level team to develop and refine curriculum maps and assessments

Lakeview Elementary School

  • Implemented foundational literacy and numeracy instruction for diverse learners
  • Developed and led after-school STEM club for first and second grade students
  • Participated in school-wide positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) committee

Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction

Interdisciplinary curriculum development • Differentiated instruction strategies • Inquiry-based learning facilitation • Technology integration in the classroom • Social-emotional learning integration • Data-driven instruction and assessment • Collaborative team teaching

This second grade teacher resume excels by showcasing the candidate's ability to deepen students' academic skills while fostering growing independence. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to second grade education, such as cultivating critical thinking and promoting academic independence. The work history highlights specific achievements in implementing interdisciplinary instruction, improving student outcomes, and integrating technology into daily lessons. The inclusion of leadership roles, committee involvement, and relevant professional development demonstrates the candidate's commitment to excellence and ongoing growth in second grade education.

Third grade teachers should emphasize their ability to prepare students for more complex academic challenges and standardized testing. This third grade teacher resume example illustrates how to present these skills effectively.

Teresa Wade

Dynamic third grade teacher with 6 years of experience preparing students for academic rigor and standardized assessments. Skilled in implementing data-driven instruction, fostering critical thinking skills, and creating a collaborative classroom environment that supports diverse learners and promotes student agency.

Third Grade Lead Teacher

  • Develop and implement engaging, standards-aligned curriculum across all core subjects for classes of 25-28 students
  • Utilize balanced literacy approach and guided math instruction, resulting in 85% of students meeting or exceeding state standards
  • Implement project-based learning units that integrate social studies and science content with literacy and math skills
  • Facilitate student-led literature circles and book clubs to promote reading comprehension and discussion skills
  • Incorporate test-taking strategies and time management skills to prepare students for standardized assessments
  • Collaborate with special education and ELL specialists to provide targeted support for diverse learners

Oak Park, IL

  • Implemented foundational literacy and numeracy instruction using workshop model
  • Developed and led after-school writing club for second and third grade students
  • Participated in school-wide STEM initiative, integrating hands-on science and engineering activities into daily instruction

University of Illinois at Chicago

Bachelor of Science in Education

Illinois State University

Gifted Education Endorsement

Data-driven instruction and assessment • Project-based learning facilitation • Differentiated instruction strategies • Test preparation techniques • Technology integration in the classroom • Social-emotional learning implementation

This third grade teacher resume stands out by highlighting the candidate's expertise in preparing students for more complex academic challenges and standardized testing. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to third grade education, such as implementing data-driven instruction and fostering critical thinking skills. The work history showcases specific achievements in improving student outcomes, implementing diverse instructional strategies, and preparing students for standardized assessments. The inclusion of leadership roles, committee involvement, and relevant professional development demonstrates the candidate's commitment to excellence and ongoing growth in third grade education.

Fourth grade teachers should highlight their ability to guide students through increasingly complex academic content while fostering independence and critical thinking. This fourth grade teacher resume example demonstrates how to present these skills effectively.

Erica Wallace

[email protected] - (555) 852-7413 - Austin, TX

Dedicated fourth grade teacher with 8 years of experience guiding students through complex academic content while nurturing critical thinking and independent learning skills. Adept at creating engaging, interdisciplinary learning experiences that prepare students for upper elementary challenges and foster a growth mindset.

Fourth Grade Teacher

Hillcrest Elementary School

  • Design and implement rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum across all core subjects for classes of 22-25 students
  • Utilize inquiry-based learning approaches in science and social studies, resulting in a 40% increase in student engagement and project quality
  • Implement writer's workshop model and literature circles, leading to significant improvements in writing proficiency and reading comprehension
  • Integrate technology across the curriculum, including coding projects and digital presentations
  • Facilitate collaborative learning experiences that promote teamwork and communication skills
  • Implement data-driven instruction strategies, resulting in 90% of students meeting or exceeding state standards in math and reading

Third Grade Teacher

  • Implemented balanced literacy and guided math instruction for diverse learners
  • Developed and led STEM challenge program for third and fourth grade students
  • Served as grade-level technology integration specialist

Gifted and Talented Education Supplemental Certificate

Interdisciplinary curriculum development • Inquiry-based learning facilitation • Critical thinking and problem-solving instruction • Data analysis and instructional planning • Technology integration across content areas • Collaborative learning strategies

This fourth grade teacher resume excels by showcasing the candidate's ability to guide students through increasingly complex academic content while fostering independence and critical thinking. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to fourth grade education, such as creating engaging interdisciplinary experiences and nurturing a growth mindset. The work history highlights specific achievements in implementing inquiry-based learning, improving student outcomes across subjects, and integrating technology into instruction. The inclusion of leadership roles, committee involvement, and relevant professional development demonstrates the candidate's commitment to excellence and ongoing growth in fourth grade education.

Fifth grade teachers should emphasize their ability to prepare students for the transition to middle school while deepening academic skills and fostering independence. This fifth grade teacher resume example illustrates how to present these qualities effectively.

Tania Hopkins

[email protected] - (555) 963-8520 - Philadelphia, PA

Innovative fifth grade teacher with 9 years of experience preparing students for the transition to middle school while cultivating advanced academic skills and promoting student agency. Skilled in creating challenging, interdisciplinary learning experiences that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and self-directed learning.

Fifth Grade Lead Teacher

Liberty Elementary School

08/2014 - Present

Philadelphia, PA

  • Develop and implement rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum across all core subjects for classes of 26-30 students
  • Design and facilitate project-based learning units that integrate multiple subjects and real-world applications
  • Implement literature study and argumentative writing programs, resulting in a 35% increase in students' analytical writing skills
  • Utilize flipped classroom model for math instruction, leading to improved student engagement and mastery of complex concepts
  • Coordinate with middle school teachers to ensure smooth transitions and align curriculum expectations
  • Mentor student teachers and new fifth grade team members in instructional strategies and classroom management

08/2012 - 06/2014

  • Implemented differentiated instruction strategies to meet diverse learning needs
  • Developed and led after-school debate club for fourth and fifth grade students
  • Served as grade-level data analysis coordinator, leading data-driven instruction initiatives

Temple University

09/2010 - 05/2012

Rowan University

09/2006 - 04/2010

Glassboro, NJ

Pennsylvania Instructional I Certificate

Middle School Mathematics Endorsement

Interdisciplinary curriculum design • Project-based and inquiry-based learning facilitation • Advanced writing and analytical thinking instruction • Middle school transition preparation • Technology integration and digital citizenship • Data-driven instruction and assessment

This fifth grade teacher resume stands out by highlighting the candidate's expertise in preparing students for the transition to middle school while deepening academic skills and fostering independence. The professional summary effectively communicates key strengths specific to fifth grade education, such as creating challenging interdisciplinary experiences and promoting student agency. The work history showcases specific achievements in implementing innovative instructional strategies, improving student outcomes in critical areas, and facilitating smooth transitions to middle school. The inclusion of leadership roles, committee involvement, and relevant professional development demonstrates the candidate's commitment to excellence and ongoing growth in fifth grade education, as well as their ability to bridge the gap between elementary and middle school expectations.

How to Write an Elementary Teacher Resume

An effective elementary teacher resume should follow this general outline:

  • Contact Information
  • Professional Resume Summary or Objective Statement
  • Professional Experience
  • Additional Experiences or Achievements
  • Professional Affiliations

This structure allows you to present your qualifications clearly and concisely, highlighting your most relevant experiences and skills for elementary education positions.

For elementary teachers, a reverse-chronological layout is typically the most effective. This resume format showcases your most recent and relevant teaching experiences first, allowing potential employers to quickly assess your qualifications. However, if you're new to teaching or changing careers, a combination format that highlights both your relevant skills and experiences might be more appropriate.

Your resume header should include:

  • Professional Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • City and State
  • Optional: LinkedIn Profile or Professional Website

Ensure that your contact information is current and professional. Avoid using personal email addresses that may appear unprofessional.

Sarah [email protected] Call me!

This example lacks essential information, uses an unprofessional email address, and fails to provide a complete name or location. It doesn't give potential employers enough information to contact the candidate or understand their professional status.

Sarah Johnson Elementary Educator [email protected] | (555) 123-4567 Portland, OR |

Why it works

This example provides clear, professional contact information, including a LinkedIn profile for additional professional details. It also includes the title "Elementary Educator," immediately conveying the candidate's role.

Your resume summary should concisely highlight your key qualifications, experiences, and strengths as an elementary teacher. It should include:

  • Years of teaching experience
  • Grade levels taught
  • Key teaching skills or specializations
  • Notable achievements or impacts on student learning
  • Your teaching philosophy or approach

Tailor your summary to the specific job requirements of the position you're applying for, emphasizing the skills and experiences most relevant to that role.

Elementary teacher looking for a new job. I have taught different grades and like working with kids. Good at lesson planning and classroom management.

This example is vague and lacks specific information about the teacher's experience or skills. It doesn't provide any compelling reasons for an employer to consider the candidate and fails to showcase any unique qualities or achievements.

Dedicated elementary educator with 7 years of experience teaching grades 2-5. Skilled in differentiated instruction and project-based learning, with a track record of improving student engagement and academic outcomes. Passionate about creating inclusive, technology-rich learning environments that foster critical thinking and creativity.

This example provides specific details about the teacher's experience, skills, and teaching approach. It highlights key strengths and demonstrates the teacher's impact on student learning, giving potential employers a clear picture of what the candidate can bring to their school.

Common responsibilities for elementary teachers include:

  • Developing and implementing lesson plans aligned with state standards
  • Differentiating instruction to meet diverse learning needs
  • Assessing student progress and providing timely feedback
  • Creating a positive, inclusive classroom environment
  • Communicating regularly with parents and guardians
  • Collaborating with other teachers and school staff
  • Managing classroom behavior and promoting social-emotional learning
  • Integrating technology into instruction
  • Participating in professional development activities
  • Preparing students for standardized tests

When describing your experiences on your resume, focus on these key responsibilities and provide specific examples of how you've excelled in these areas.

Your elementary teacher resume experience section should highlight your most relevant teaching roles and accomplishments. Include the following for each position:

  • School name and location
  • Your job title
  • Dates of employment
  • 3-5 bullet points describing key responsibilities and achievements

Focus on quantifiable achievements and specific examples that demonstrate your impact on student learning and the school community. Use action verbs to begin each bullet point and vary your language to keep the reader engaged.

Elementary School Teacher

  • Taught third grade
  • Made lesson plans
  • Graded papers
  • Talked to parents

This example lacks specificity and fails to highlight any unique achievements or skills. It provides only basic job duties without demonstrating the teacher's effectiveness or impact on student learning.

Maple Grove Elementary

  • Implemented a project-based learning approach, resulting in a 25% increase in student engagement and improved standardized test scores
  • Developed and led a school-wide STEM initiative, engaging 400+ students in hands-on science and engineering activities
  • Collaborated with special education team to create individualized learning plans for students with diverse needs, leading to improved academic outcomes for 100% of IEP students
  • Mentored two student teachers, providing guidance on lesson planning, classroom management, and effective teaching strategies

This example provides specific details about the teacher's responsibilities and achievements, using quantifiable results to demonstrate impact. It highlights unique contributions to the school community and showcases leadership experience.

If you're new to teaching, focus on these elements to create a strong resume with no work experience :

  • Highlight your education and relevant coursework
  • Emphasize student teaching experiences
  • Include any tutoring or volunteer work with children
  • Showcase relevant skills acquired through other experiences
  • Highlight your passion for teaching and working with children

Remember to tailor your resume to the specific requirements of the job you're applying for, emphasizing any experiences or skills that align with those needs.

What's the Best Education for an Elementary Teacher Resume?

The ideal education for an elementary teacher typically includes:

  • Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education or a related field
  • Master's degree in Education or a specialized area (e.g., Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education)
  • Teaching credential or certification for your state
  • Relevant continuing education or professional development courses

List your degrees in reverse chronological order, including the institution name, degree earned, and graduation date. If you're a recent graduate, you may also want to include relevant coursework, academic honors, or your GPA if it's above 3.5.

What's the Best Professional Organization for an Elementary Teacher Resume?

Membership in professional organizations demonstrates your commitment to ongoing professional development and staying current with educational trends. Some of the best professional organizations for elementary teachers include:

  • National Education Association (NEA)
  • Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • International Literacy Association (ILA)
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
  • National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)

Choose organizations that align with your teaching specialties or areas of interest, and consider including any leadership roles or contributions you've made within these organizations on your resume.

Including awards on your resume can help you stand out as an exceptional educator. Some noteworthy awards for elementary teachers include:

  • Teacher of the Year (school, district, or state level)
  • National Board Certification
  • Milken Educator Award
  • Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
  • Innovative Teaching Awards
  • Grants or fellowships for special projects or research

When listing awards, include the name of the award, the organization that granted it, and the year received. Briefly explain the significance of the award if it's not immediately apparent.

Volunteer experiences can demonstrate your commitment to education and community involvement. Consider including:

  • Tutoring or mentoring programs
  • After-school or summer learning programs
  • Literacy initiatives or reading programs
  • Educational outreach programs at museums or libraries
  • STEM workshops or coding clubs
  • Environmental education programs
  • Special education support groups

When listing volunteer experiences, focus on those most relevant to teaching and working with children. Highlight any leadership roles or specific achievements within these volunteer positions.

Hard skills demonstrate your technical abilities and knowledge in specific areas of teaching. Some valuable hard skills for elementary teachers include:

  • Curriculum development and lesson planning
  • Differentiated instruction techniques
  • Assessment and data analysis
  • Educational technology integration (e.g., Google Classroom, interactive whiteboards)
  • Classroom management strategies
  • Special education techniques (e.g., IEP development)
  • English Language Learner (ELL) instruction methods
  • STEM education techniques
  • Literacy instruction (e.g., phonics, guided reading)
  • Project-based learning facilitation

Tailor your list of hard skills to match the requirements of the specific teaching position you're applying for, and be prepared to provide examples of how you've applied these skills in your teaching practice.

Soft skills are crucial for elementary teachers as they relate to interpersonal relationships and personal attributes. Key soft skills to include are:

  • Communication (with students, parents, and colleagues)
  • Patience and empathy
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management and organization
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Cultural sensitivity and inclusivity
  • Emotional intelligence

When highlighting soft skills, provide concrete examples of how you've demonstrated these qualities in your teaching practice or other relevant experiences.

Certifications can enhance your qualifications and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth. Some valuable certifications for elementary teachers include:

  • State Teaching License or Certification
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) or TESOL Certification
  • Reading Specialist Certification
  • Apple Teacher Certification
  • STEM/STEAM Certification
  • Mindfulness in Education Certification

Include the name of the certification, the issuing organization, and the date obtained or expiration date. Prioritize certifications that are most relevant to the teaching position you're seeking.

To create a great elementary teacher resume:

  • Tailor your resume to the specific job description, highlighting relevant skills and experiences
  • Use action verbs and quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact
  • Showcase your passion for teaching and working with children
  • Highlight any unique specializations or areas of expertise
  • Include relevant technology skills and experience with educational software
  • Demonstrate your commitment to ongoing professional development
  • Proofread carefully to ensure there are no errors or typos
  • Keep your resume concise and well-organized, typically 1-2 pages in length

The resume length for an elementary teacher resume is typically 1-2 pages. New teachers or those with less than 5 years of experience should aim for a single page. More experienced teachers with significant achievements and relevant experiences may extend to two pages. Prioritize the most recent and relevant information, and be concise in your descriptions. Remember that hiring managers often spend only a few seconds scanning each resume, so make sure your most important qualifications are easily visible.

The focus of an elementary teacher resume should be on demonstrating your ability to create engaging learning experiences, support student growth, and contribute positively to the school community. Emphasize:

  • Your teaching philosophy and approach to elementary education
  • Specific achievements in improving student outcomes
  • Experience with diverse learners and inclusive education practices
  • Innovative teaching strategies and curriculum development
  • Collaboration with colleagues, parents, and community partners
  • Ongoing professional development and growth
  • Technology integration and 21st-century learning skills
  • Classroom management and positive behavior support strategies

Tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific teaching position and school district you're applying to.

Crafting an effective elementary teacher resume requires careful consideration of your unique experiences, skills, and achievements. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this comprehensive guide, you can create a compelling resume that showcases your passion for teaching and your ability to inspire young learners. Remember to tailor your resume to each specific job application, highlighting the qualities and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for that particular position. With a well-crafted resume, you'll be well-positioned to land your dream elementary teaching job and make a positive impact on the lives of your future students. To start building your elementary teacher resume, sign-up for Huntr today .

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Teachers and parents: Join the movement to enhance tax literacy

September 5, 2024    

Ottawa, Ontario

Canada Revenue Agency

Tax literacy is an important life skill, and we want to make sure that students have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make the right decisions about taxes. This back-to-school season, we’ve got you covered! Whether you are an educator, a parent, or an organization that supports educational growth, there are many resources that you can take advantage of this academic year.

Be a tax literacy influencer

Calling all teachers! Participate in the Learn about your taxes competition and your school could win a share of the $5,000 prize pot. This competition runs from September 3rd to October 15th.

If you are eager to teach your students or child about finances and taxes, check out our Learn about your taxes online learning tool. There are free lesson plans and quick videos that help explain the basics like how to understand your pay stub, how to file a tax return, and what’s in a notice of assessment.

We also have free webinars for students, international students, and more! Check out Upcoming events to see what we have planned.

Bookmark our Get ready to do your taxes page. When tax time comes around, it provides eight steps that can help your students or child get started. Find out about what’s new, key dates, what to report and claim, and more.

Save for your child’s post-secondary education

Post-secondary education can be expensive. Save for your child’s future by contributing to a registered education savings plan (RESP). RESP is a tax-deferred investment designed to help people save for a child’s education after high school. The government also contributes to your plan with Canada Education Savings Grant payments, the Canada Learning Bond, and provincial incentives if the beneficiary is eligible.

Educational assistance payment limits from an RESP have been increased from $5,000 to $8,000 in the first 13 weeks of enrollment in a qualifying educational program for full-time studies, and from $2,500 to $4,000 for part-time studies. 

Teachers’ corner: Make your claim

Your role as an educator extends beyond the classroom. Take advantage of these education-related credits and deductions so you can invest in your professional development:

  • Claim up to $1,000 of supply purchases – As a teacher or early childhood educator, you are eligible to a 25% refundable tax credit on up to $1,000 of supply purchases each year. Make sure you keep your receipts and obtain a written certificate from your employer, as we may ask to see these later.
  • Claim moving expenses – Claim costs for transportation , storage etc., if you moved at least 40 kilometers closer to your new work location. Make sure you keep supporting documents from your move, like receipts from travelling or hiring movers. Once you’ve moved, do not forget to update your address with the CRA .

Media Relations Canada Revenue Agency 613-948-8366 [email protected]

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Teachers’ social competencies, occupational health, and personal well-being are associated with their use of snark in the classroom

  • Published: 03 September 2024

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resume for life skills teacher

  • Summer S. Braun   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Zachary T. Schornick   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Avery K. Westbrooks   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Erin R. Eickholz   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Jeffrey G. Parker 1 &
  • Alison L. Hooper   ORCID: 2  

Snark is a form of verbal aggression that uses humor to diminish a victim. The present study explored predictors of U.S. teachers’ use of snark in the classroom. Kindergarten-12th grade teachers ( N  = 516) self-reported on their social and emotional competencies (i.e., perspective taking, forgiveness, mindfulness, expressive suppression, and decision-making skills), experiences of occupational health and personal well-being (i.e., burnout, job satisfaction, depression, and life satisfaction) and snark use. Stepwise multilevel models indicated that teachers’ social and emotional competencies, and subsequently, their occupational health and well-being, explained significant portions of the variance in snark use. Specifically, teachers with greater perspective taking skills reported less frequent snark use, and those who used expressive suppression reported more frequent snark use. Burnout, job satisfaction, depression, and life satisfaction were all positively associated with greater snark use. Results are described in relation to research on adult social and emotional competencies, teachers’ occupational health and well-being, and teachers’ conflict management strategies. This study sets the stage for future research to investigate the effects of teachers’ snark use on student outcomes.

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Department of Psychology and Center for Youth Development and Intervention, The University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870348, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487, USA

Summer S. Braun, Zachary T. Schornick, Avery K. Westbrooks, Erin R. Eickholz & Jeffrey G. Parker

Department of Curriculum & Instruction, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA

Alison L. Hooper

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SSB: Conceptualized the study, Formal analysis, Writing-original draft; ZTS: Writing-original draft; AKW: Writing-original draft; ERE: Writing-original draft; JGP: Writing-review and editing; ALH: Writing-review and editing.

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About this article

Braun, S.S., Schornick, Z.T., Westbrooks, A.K. et al. Teachers’ social competencies, occupational health, and personal well-being are associated with their use of snark in the classroom. Soc Psychol Educ (2024).

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Received : 07 December 2023

Accepted : 01 July 2024

Published : 03 September 2024


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    There are two ways to find the right keywords: 1. Leverage The 20 Best Teacher Keywords. The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for an Teacher resume. These keywords were selected from an analysis of real Teacher job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are: Communication.

  6. 24 Teacher Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    These 24 teacher resume examples are helping teachers with varying levels and types of expertise land jobs in 2024. They're a great place for you to get started building or updating your resume. Please note that this guide is geared toward educators in the K-12 space. If you're applying to teach at the college level, you'll likely need to ...

  7. 70+ Top Teacher Resume Skills

    Here are the top 10 skills for teachers, plus specific examples for your resume: 1. Computer skills. Technology has crept into every aspect of our lives, and the classroom is no different. Teachers use computers and other digital media devices to: create study guides, tests, and other teaching materials. give presentations.

  8. 10 Best Skills for Teacher Resume + Examples

    Teachers enjoy a healthy work-life balance, and job stability, and shape the future of their community by contributing to the development of children. 10 Essential teacher skills to include on your resume. ... When possible, illustrate your teacher resume skills with figures, percentages, and other details that help communicate your impact as ...

  9. Teacher Resume Example for 2024 [w/ Free Template]

    Improved attendance by 12% in the first school year. Graded classroom papers for 12 classes of 30+ pupils. As you may notice, the above example focuses on the candidate's best achievements. So, instead of saying: "Taught children for three years". Go for: "Kept pass rates above 80% from 2017-2020".

  10. Life Skills Teacher Resume Samples

    Life Skills Teacher Resume. Objective : Obtain a position in which experience and proficiency will allow the opportunity for the advocacy and support of clients within your Social Service organization.Services provided Program Coordinator for 88 clients and 4 Case Managers within a state-licensed Facility.

  11. 15 Life Skills Teacher Skills For Your Resume

    For example, 16.7% of life skills teacher resumes contained behavioral issues as a skill. Continue reading to find out what skills a life skills teacher needs to be successful in the workplace. The eight most common skills for life skills teachers in 2024 based on resume usage. Behavioral Issues, 16.7%; IEP, 12.6%;

  12. Free Teacher Resume Template and Tips + 21 Resume Examples

    Special education teacher. As a special educator, your responsibilities may change from minute to minute and your skills need to adapt. This template helps you simplify your experience in a one-page resume. 8. School counselor. This resume will help you showcase your excellent mentoring, counseling, and leadership skills. 9.

  13. 14 Transferable Teaching Skills for Your Resume

    14 examples of transferable teaching skills for a resume. Here are some examples of skills that may transfer well for teachers pursuing a new career that may be beneficial to include on a resume: 1. Problem-solving. Problem-solving skills enable teachers to evaluate situations and develop potential solutions.

  14. 19 Teacher Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    This guide offers 19 real-life resume samples and expert tips for highlighting your skills, experience, and credentials. Learn how to structure your resume, showcase your accomplishments, and avoid common mistakes. Follow our advice to create a polished resume that impresses school administrators and hiring managers. Use This Example.

  15. Teacher Skills Resume: Our Best Tips for Crafting a Skills-Based Resume

    Skills-Based vs. Chronological Resume. A chronological resume is like a timeline, detailing your job history in reverse order and focusing mainly on your positions and where you've worked. It's straightforward but doesn't always give you the chance to highlight what makes you unique. On the flip side, a skills-based resume, also known as a functional resume, flips the script.

  16. 4 Teacher Resume Examples & Templates for 2024

    4 Teacher Resume Examples & Templates for 2024. A teacher is responsible for delivering lessons, assessing students, and creating a positive learning environment. They plan lessons, manage the classroom, and communicate with parents and colleagues. A strong teacher resume is crucial for securing a teaching position.

  17. 10 Essential Teacher Resume Skills to Include for 2024

    In this article, we will explore the top 10 essential teacher resume skills to include in your resume. And we have some great suggestions for high-quality resume templates to bolster your teacher job application in 2024. ... Effective time management skills also allow you to create a healthy work-life balance, which is absolutely essential if ...

  18. 7 Teacher Resume Examples for 2024

    Skills For Teacher Resumes. Use the skills section of your resume to show any specialization you may have as a teacher and any industry-standard tools you have experience with. For specializations, you can list the school level you have experience in, e.g. elementary school education, or the type of students you teach, e.g. special needs education.

  19. The 10 Best Teaching Skills on a Resume (2024 Examples)

    10. Creativity. No matter what age level the teacher's students are, creativity can help them to develop engaging, insightful, and unique lessons. Creativity in teaching can mean integrating inventive resources in the classroom, such as video, music, or games to find a new and inspiring way to teach a lesson.

  20. Life Skills Teacher Resume Sample

    Work History. Life Skills Teacher, 10/2020 - Current. Marple Newtown School District - Newtown Square, PA. Worked within the Special Education department as a Life Skills Instructor teaching teenagers with disabilities of all types how to accomplish ordinary daily living tasks. Focused on helping students gain independent living skills.

  21. Life Skills Teacher Resume Sample

    Life Skills Teacher , 07/2002 to 05/2003 Marple Newtown School District - Newtown Square, PA, Developed IEPs for 9th - 12th grade students designed to promote the greatest level of independence. Lead students in transition planning considering their strengths, skills, and interests. Taught reading, writing and math with a focus on life skills.

  22. What is a life skills teacher and how to become one

    Years 1-4: Obtain a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as education, psychology, or social work. Years 5: Accumulate work experience in teaching or counseling, and undergo on-site training for 6-12 months. During the degree program, aspiring life skills teachers will learn about human development, learning theories, and instructional ...

  23. Student Teacher Resume: Examples & Full Writing Guide

    An impressive student teacher resume has the power to get you the best placements in your area, and I'll explain how to craft one. Top Insights: Soft skills are essential on a student teacher resume. Your strengths must appear on the top half of your resume for student teaching jobs.

  24. 18 Elementary Teacher Resume Examples

    This special education elementary teacher resume is exceptional because it emphasizes specialized skills and experiences crucial for working with students with diverse learning needs. The professional summary effectively communicates the candidate's expertise in inclusive education and IEP development.

  25. Teachers and parents: Join the movement to enhance tax literacy

    Be a tax literacy influencer. Calling all teachers! Participate in the Learn about your taxes competition and your school could win a share of the $5,000 prize pot. This competition runs from September 3rd to October 15th. If you are eager to teach your students or child about finances and taxes, check out our Learn about your taxes online learning tool.

  26. Teachers' social competencies, occupational health, and ...

    Snark is a form of verbal aggression that uses humor to diminish a victim. The present study explored predictors of U.S. teachers' use of snark in the classroom. Kindergarten-12th grade teachers (N = 516) self-reported on their social and emotional competencies (i.e., perspective taking, forgiveness, mindfulness, expressive suppression, and decision-making skills), experiences of ...