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What jobs can you get with a physics degree? - A New Scientist Careers Guide

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What jobs can you get with a physics degree?

The field of physics comprises numerous sub-disciplines, but is often divided into “classical physics” and “modern physics”. The former typically refers to areas such as mechanics, electronics, astrophysics, and condensed matter physics whereas the latter includes quantum physics and relativity. 

“What can I do with a physics degree other than become a physicist?” you may wonder. Although your knowledge and skills could seem too niche, your physics degree actually makes you one of the most employable graduates in several different industries. Indeed, graduates in this subject are some of the most well-regarded by employers thanks to their analytical, numerical, technical and problem-solving skills.

Studying at one of the best universities for physics in the UK according to The Complete University Guide - one of the most trusted higher education rankings as it considers factors such as research output, student satisfaction and entry requirements - could further enhance your job prospects. Some of the best places include the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and Imperial College London.

This article provides insight into the three highest paying jobs with a physics degree for the following sectors: engineering and IT, pure physics, environmental science and life sciences and healthcare.

Engineering & IT

Several engineering jobs are normally also available to physics graduates. This is unsurprising as the fields of engineering, computing and technology are a direct consequence of breakthroughs in applied physics and mathematics. Advances in physical science continue to generate more cutting-edge technologies, making this an exciting area to work in after your degree.

  • Data Scientist

Job role: Data scientists analyse large amounts of complex data to provide actionable insight to their employer or clients. You will develop and use various statistical tools and computer programs to collect, process, analyse, visualise and present data, often working from home or at an office.

Route: Physics graduates are excellent candidates as their degree necessitates proficiency in statistics, data analysis and sometimes programming languages. Adding artificial intelligence (AI) to your skills will give you a competitive edge when applying for graduate jobs. With experience, you could become a principal or consultant data scientist, either within academic physics or in industry.

Average salary (experienced): £82,500

  • Air Accident Investigator

Job role: This involves the investigation of any major civilian aircraft accidents. Air accident investigators dismantle or reassemble the wreckage and speak to survivors and witnesses to collect evidence. You may spend a substantial amount of time travelling between different work environments, such as aircraft hangars, your office, remote locations and labs.

Route: You should have worked several years as an aerospace engineer before applying for this role. This means you must have completed a degree in a relevant engineering discipline, physics or mathematics . Often, candidates will also hold a postgraduate qualification; occasionally, a pilot’s licence is also required.

As a senior investigator, you have the option to pursue the role of chief accident inspector. You could also consult for aerospace manufacturers or work with safety regulators or insurance companies specialising in aircraft.

Average salary (experienced): £82,000

  • Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineer

Job role: As an aeronautical or aerospace engineer , you will design, assemble, test and maintain various aircraft or spacecraft, and even satellites. Depending on which stage of the development process you wish to focus on, you may find yourself working in an office, a manufacturing factory, an aircraft hangar or a mix of all.

Route: Although a primary degree in aeronautical engineering is highly desirable, physics or maths also equip you with relevant skills and knowledge for this role. To improve your employability, you could complete a specialised postgraduate degree or do internships. After several years as an engineer, you could apply to become an air accident investigator, a consultant engineer or lead your own firm or projects.

Average salary (experienced): £60,000

Pure Physics

Physics has evolved significantly over recent centuries and continues to do so at an accelerating rate thanks to the contribution of the greatest minds in the world, from Isaac Newton to Albert Einstein. Yet, there remain several major mysteries and unanswered questions about the nature of reality. With the knowledge and tools we possess now, physics is one of the most lucrative scientific disciplines to pursue an academic career in.

  • Physics Professor

Job role: Senior lecturers at university are normally leading experts in their field, having published a tremendous amount of cutting-edge scientific research. Other than teaching and research, they often travel and attend conferences across the globe, sharing their findings and theories.

Route: Following your physics degree, you should aim to complete a master’s and PhD in an area of physics. Afterwards, you will be working as a postdoc, conducting and publishing research and getting involved with teaching. After several years, you could apply for a professorship; your research and lectures will probably be in specialised topics, such as quantum mechanics , particle physics and nuclear power .

Average salary (experienced): £55,000, but over £100,000 at prestigious universities such as Imperial or Cambridge.

  • Astronomer/Astrophysicist

Job role: Astrophysicists typically focus on either observational or theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy predominantly entails analysing images generated from telescopes, satellites or spacecraft. Theoretical astronomy involves the use of various theoretical models and computer programs to explain observations in space and test or devise new theories.

Route: A degree in physics or astrophysics is the gold standard to enter this field. You will most likely need to complete a PhD and get heavily involved in academic research to become a senior research scientist at an observatory or university. You could also move into industry and become an advisor for aerospace development.

Job role: Physicists often describe themselves as either experimental or theoretical. Experimental physicists are experts in experiment design, planning, execution and troubleshooting, spending most of their time in a lab. Theoretical physicists are less involved in the actual experiments, but rather focus on the theory behind them, making sense of the results and testing hypotheses.

Route: You will follow a similar path to becoming a university professor, but may choose to focus on research alone; even with no lecturing responsibilities, you will still supervise students completing their projects. Your exact working environment will depend on your area of focus. Particle physicists, for instance, often work at particle accelerators, whereas many other academic physicists are based in universities.

Average salary (experienced): £51,000

Environmental Science

Physicists are in great demand in today's environmental scene as we face the disastrous consequences of climate change . Their expertise is vital in understanding how humanity is affecting Earth’s environment and, in turn, what environmental changes mean for us. After all, from rogue waves to the static charge in a storm cloud, everything is dictated by the laws of physics.

  • Meteorologist

Job role: Meteorology involves weather prediction by studying environmental data and identifying trends and patterns. You could work for weather forecast firms, universities or academic research facilities. Some meteorologists specialise in serious adverse weather and disasters.

Route: Physics, geography and environmental science are typical degrees accepted for this role. An academic career or working in natural disasters will require further postgraduate education. As a senior meteorologist, you could become department lead at a research institute or in industry.

  • Geophysicist

Job role: As a geophysicist , you will collect and analyse data at remote sites and in labs to study and predict natural disasters including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis. Many pursue a career in oil and gas , leading explorations.

Route: Geophysicists usually have a background in physics, geology or earth science, and hold a PhD as it is a highly academic field. After years of research, you could become a professor or senior researcher. If you move into the oil and gas industry, you could become an exploration manager.

Average salary (experienced): £50,000

  • Oceanographer

Job role: This field studies bodies of water on Earth, i.e. seas and oceans, as well as life underwater. Oceanographers are experts in the physical principles of oceans, e.g. fluid dynamics and waves; they also plan and undertake research expeditions to collect samples. You will work in labs, at research facilities and at sea.

Route: Many oceanographers completed degrees in ocean science, geology or earth sciences, but physics courses are also generally acceptable, provided you selected relevant modules or did suitable internships. You will probably need a master’s or PhD in oceanography for most positions. With experience, you could become a project manager, a senior lecturer or even move into scientific journalism.

Average salary (experienced): £45,000

Life Sciences & Healthcare

With increasing reliance of the medical field on technology, the importance of physics in healthcare cannot be understated. From scanners and radiotherapy to surgical robots, physicists and engineers working in the medical sector have helped save countless human lives. This can be a highly rewarding career path for physics graduates.

  • Biomedical Engineer

Job role: Biomedical engineers have a solid understanding of physics and engineering, as well as the human body, allowing them to research, design and build equipment and tools used in healthcare. Examples include prosthetics, scanners, surgical tools and robots. This is a rapidly evolving field, with biomedical engineers exploring novel technologies, such as artificial organs and nanotechnology .

Route: Other than biomedical engineering, other relevant primary degrees include physics, biomedical sciences and other engineering disciplines. Most junior positions favour candidates with a master’s, and hence it is advisable to complete one in biomedical engineering after your physics degree. After working at a company for a few years, you could take on project management and director roles.

To work in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), you will first need to undertake the NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP) and join the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Average salary (experienced): £68,000

  • Medical Physicist

Job role: Medical physicists are usually based at hospitals or laboratories. They are responsible for the installation and maintenance of medical technological systems, such as scanners or radiotherapy devices. They may also conduct research and contribute towards the development of new hospital devices.

Route: After your physics degree, you must complete the NHS STP and register with the HCPC to work in the NHS or private sector. You can also train towards this role by completing an apprenticeship. If you wish to become a consultant medical physicist, you also need to complete the Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST). Alternatively, you could take up advisory or managerial roles in biotech firms.

Average salary (experienced): £51,668

  • Forensic Scientist

Job role: Forensic scientists study the physical, biological and chemical properties of samples collected from a crime scene. They are experts in lab techniques and analytical methods, employing their skill set for the justice system. You can choose to focus on specific areas of forensics, including forensic pathology, toxicology or DNA analysis.

Route: Although most aspiring forensic scientists study chemistry or forensic science, physics graduates are still highly valued. You will, however, need to complete a postgraduate course in forensic science accredited by the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (CSFS); accreditation by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) helps achieve chartered status and is useful if you want to focus on the technical side rather than legislative.

Physics is a highly and widely applicable scientific discipline, leading to a wide range of career prospects. Physics graduates have extremely desirable attributes and transferable skills which are valued across different industries. As such, completing a degree in physics is not only intellectually rewarding, but also financially.

  • Explore careers | National Careers Service [Internet]. Available from: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careers
  • Institute of Analytics - The Future is Here! [Internet]. IoA - Institute of Analytics. Available from: https://ioaglobal.org/
  • Working for AAIB [Internet]. GOV.UK. 2014. Available from: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/air-accidents-investigation-branch/about/recruitment
  • Membership benefits - Royal Aeronautical Society [Internet]. Royal Aeronautical Society. Available from: https://www.aerosociety.com/membership-accreditation/membership-benefits/
  • Student hub - The Institution of Engineering and Technology [Internet]. Available from: https://www.theiet.org/career/routes-to-engineering/student-hub/
  • Careers | The Royal Astronomical Society [Internet]. Available from: https://ras.ac.uk/education-and-careers/careers
  • Home | Advance HE [Internet]. Available from: https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/
  • Careers with physics | Institute of Physics [Internet]. Careers With Physics | Institute of Physics. Available from: https://www.iop.org/careers-physics
  • RMETS [Internet]. Royal Meteorological Society. Available from: https://www.rmets.org/careers
  • Career profiles [Internet]. Available from: https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/careerprofiles
  • Education and Learning | National Oceanography Centre [Internet]. Available from: https://noc.ac.uk/education
  • IPEM Membership [Internet]. Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Available from: https://www.ipem.ac.uk/get-involved/membership/
  • Step Into The NHS   : Medical physicist [Internet]. Available from: https://www.stepintothenhs.nhs.uk/careers/medical-physicist
  • The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences. Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences | Recognised Professional Body [Internet]. The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences. 2024. Available from: https://www.csofs.org/

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The Year in Physics

December 22, 2022

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Myriam Wares for Quanta Magazine


The year began right as the James Webb Space Telescope was unfurling its sunshield — the giant, nail-bitingly thin and delicate blanket that, once open, would plunge the observatory into frigid shade and open up its view of the infrared universe. Within hours of the ball dropping here in New York City, the sunshield could have caught on a snag, ruining the new telescope and tossing billions of dollars and decades of work into the void. Instead, the sunshield opened perfectly, getting the new year in physics off to an excellent start.

JWST soon started to glimpse gorgeous new faces of the cosmos. On July 11, President Biden unveiled the telescope’s first public image — a panoramic view of thousands of galaxies various distances away in space and time. Four more instantly iconic images were released the next day. Since then, the telescope’s data has been distributed among hundreds of astronomers and cosmologists, and cosmic discoveries and papers are pouring forth.

Astronomy is swimming in fresh data of all kinds. In May, for instance, the Event Horizon Telescope released the first-ever photo of the supermassive black hole in the heart of our galaxy — one of several recent observations that are helping astrophysicists figure out how galaxies operate . Other telescopes are mapping the locations of millions of galaxies, an effort that recently yielded surprising evidence of an asymmetry in galaxy distribution .

Breakthroughs are coming fast in condensed matter physics, too. An experiment published in September all but proved the origin of high-temperature superconductivity , which could help in the field’s perennial quest for an even warmer version of the phenomenon that could work at room temperature. That’s also a goal of research on two-dimensional materials. This year, a kind of flat crystal that once helped lubricate skis has emerged as a powerful platform for exotic, potentially useful quantum phenomena.

Particle physicists, who seek new fundamental ingredients of the universe, have been less lucky. They’ve continued to unravel features of particles we already know of — including the proton , the subject of a wonderful visual project we published this fall. But theorists have few if any concrete clues about how to go beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, the stiflingly comprehensive set of equations for the quantum world that’s been the theory to beat for half a century. Hope is a virtue, though, and at least one possible crack in the Standard Model did open up this year. Let’s start the 2022 greatest-hits list there.

Illustration in which the particles of the Standard Model are arranged as sections of a circle, but the W boson is too big and doesn’t fit.]

Samuel Velasco/Quanta Magazine

A Tantalizingly Heavy Boson

The Tevatron collider in Illinois smashed its last protons a decade ago, but its handlers have continued to analyze its detections of W bosons — particles that mediate the weak force. They announced in April that, by painstakingly tracking down and eliminating sources of error in the data, they’d measured the mass of the W boson more precisely than ever before and found the particle significantly heavier than predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics.

A true discrepancy with the Standard Model would be a monumental discovery, pointing to new particles or effects beyond the theory’s purview. But hold the applause. Other experiments weighing the W — most notably the ATLAS experiment at Europe’s Large Hadron Collider — measured a mass much closer to the Standard Model prediction. The new Tevatron measurement purports to be more precise, but one or both groups might have missed some subtle source of error.  

The ATLAS experiment aims to resolve the matter. As Guillaume Unal, a member of ATLAS, said, “The W boson has to be the same on both sides of the Atlantic.”

Emily Buder/Quanta Magazine; Kristina Armitage and Rui Braz for Quanta Magazine

Rethinking Naturalness

All that buzz about a tenuous hint of a problem with the Standard Model reflects the troubled situation particle physicists find themselves in. The 17 elementary particles known to exist — the ones described by the Standard Model — don’t solve all the mysteries of the universe. Yet the Large Hadron Collider hasn’t turned up an 18th.

For years, theorists have struggled with how to proceed. But recently, a new direction has opened up. Theorists are rethinking a long-held assumption known as naturalness — a way of reasoning about what’s natural or expected in the laws of nature. The idea is closely connected to nature’s reductionist, nesting-doll structure, where big stuff is explained by smaller stuff. Now theorists wonder if profound naturalness problems like the lack of new particles from the Large Hadron Collider might mean the laws of nature aren’t structured in such a simple bottom-up way after all. In a spate of new papers, they’re exploring how gravity might dramatically change the picture.

“Some people call it a crisis,” said the theoretical particle physicist Isabel Garcia Garcia, referring to the current moment in the field. But that’s too pessimistic, in her view: “It’s a time where I feel like we are on to something profound.”  

(Incidentally, as well as rethinking naturalness, Garcia Garcia also studies the physics of nothing — the subject of a rollicking explainer published in August.)

A photo illustration of Jie Shan and Kin Fai Mak’s faces overlaid with hexagonal grids.

Sasha Maslov and Olena Shmahalo for Quanta Magazine

2D Physics Unlocked  

Thousands of condensed matter physicists have studied graphene, a crystal sheet made of carbon atoms that has special properties. But lately a new family of flat crystals has hit the scene: transition metal dichalcogenides, or TMDs. Stacking different TMDs gives rise to bespoke materials with different quantum properties and behaviors.

The near-magical properties of these materials are known largely thanks to Jie Shan and Kin Fai Mak, a married couple who co-run a lab at Cornell University. Quanta ’s profile of Shan and Mak , published this past summer, tells the story of 2D materials against the backdrop of condensed matter physics, while also unpacking a slew of exciting new breakthroughs spilling out of Shan and Mak’s lab, from artificial atoms to long-lived excitons. A short documentary about the duo and their discoveries also appeared on Quanta ’s YouTube channel .

Kim Taylor for Quanta Magazine

A Holographic Wormhole

In November, physicists announced a first-of-its-kind “quantum gravity experiment on a chip,” in the words of team leader Maria Spiropulu of the California Institute of Technology. They ran a “wormhole teleportation protocol” on Google’s Sycamore quantum computer, manipulating the flow of quantum information in the computer in such a way that it was mathematically equivalent, or dual, to information passing through a wormhole between two points in space-time.  

To be clear, the wormhole isn’t part of the space-time we inhabit. It’s a sort of simulation or hologram — though not one of the kinds we’re used to — and it has a different space-time geometry than the real, positively curved, 4D space-time we live in. The point of the experiment was to demonstrate holographic duality, a major theoretical discovery of the last 25 years which states that certain quantum systems of particles can be interpreted as a bendy, gravitating space-time continuum. (The space-time can loosely be thought of as a hologram that emerges from the lower-dimensional quantum system.) In more advanced quantum computer experiments in the coming years, researchers hope to explore the mechanics of holographic duality, with the ultimate goal of unraveling whether “gravity in our universe is emergent from some quantum [bits] in the same way that this little baby one-dimensional wormhole is emergent” from the Sycamore chip, said Daniel Jafferis of Harvard University, who developed the wormhole teleportation protocol.  

The holographic wormhole spawned endless opinions among physicists and lay readers alike. Some physicists thought the quantum simulation was too pared down compared to the theoretical model it was based on to have a holographic dual description as a wormhole. Many felt that the physicists behind the work, and we, the journalists who covered it, should have better emphasized that this was not an actual wormhole that could transport people to Andromeda. Indeed, to open up a wormhole in real space-time, you’d need negative-energy material, and that doesn’t seem to exist.  

Image of a spiral galaxy strewn with ribbons of pink light.]

NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI and Judy Schmidt

JWST Is Revolutionizing Astronomy

The biggest thing in physics this year is floating a million miles away, at a spot in space called Lagrange Point 2, where its sunshield can simultaneously block out the Earth, moon and sun. JWST’s images have made hearts stand still. Its data is already reshaping our understanding of the cosmos.

When Biden unveiled JWST’s first image, researchers immediately began spotting interesting galaxies in the vast tableau. Scientific papers appeared online within days. Two weeks later, Quanta reported that JWST data had already yielded new discoveries about galaxies, stars, exoplanets and even Jupiter. One of the most exciting early findings was that galaxies seem to have assembled surprisingly early in cosmic history — perhaps even earlier than cosmological models can easily explain. Expect to hear more about this in 2023.  

We’ll also have to wait patiently for JWST’s much-anticipated studies of the rocky planets in a nearby star system called TRAPPIST-1. A key JWST specialty is to dissect the starlight that pierces the atmosphere of a distant planet as the planet moves across the face of its star. This reveals what the planet’s atmosphere is made of, including possible evidence of “biosignature” gases that might signify alien biology. The telescope has produced excellent exoplanet spectra already. But potentially habitable worlds, like the TRAPPIST-1 planets, are so small that they’ll need to transit in front of their suns a few times over the next few years before atmospheric features will show up.  

Seeing clear-cut biosignatures in their skies might be unlikely. Still, some astronomers have waited their whole careers for the search to begin. Lisa Kaltenegger, director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University and one of the leading computer modelers of potentially habitable worlds, came of age just as the first exoplanets were discovered. She joined a cadre of dreamers who started thinking about how to find life on one. Our profile of Kaltenegger describes how she and her generation of exoplanet astronomers have planned for this era for decades, setting the stage for an epochal detection. More on that in the coming years.  

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Undergraduate Research

Engaging in research is the most effective way of learning how real science is performed, and undergraduate research has become an increasingly important component of graduate school applications. Working in a lab is a great way to develop the experience and skills necessary for both graduate school and industry. The UW Physics Department aims to provide research opportunities for all Physics majors regardless of financial need.

University of Washington faculty perform internationally recognized research across a very wide range of areas. From the highest energy particle collisions to single ions for quantum computing, from gravity to dark energy to the universe’s first stars, from quantum materials to batteries for green energy, from the evolution of SARS-Cov-2 and HIV to measuring faint magnetic signals from the brain, from neutron stars to dark matter, from quantum gravity to quantum chaos, there are diverse opportunities for undergraduate students to become involved in ground-breaking research.

Getting involved in research

The first step is to find a faculty research mentor. Our  Door Knocker  page provides a list of Physics faculty who serve as undergraduate research mentors. Before you approach a faculty member to ask about research opportunities, please read over the  Student Research Guide  and be prepared with good answers to the questions. (Both pages are available on MyPhys under Student Information.)  Because lab openings change and some research requires specific skills, you will likely need to approach a number of faculty to find a research opportunity that matches your interests and current skills. Be patient, open-minded, and persistent. If you would like advice on which research areas and groups might be a good fit, you are encouraged to schedule an office hours visit with the Undergraduate Research Coordinator . Once you have found a research mentor, you will work with them quarter by quarter to agree on how many hours per week you will work, plan your schedule, and discuss whether your effort will earn Phys 499 credit, be performed as a volunteer, or be compensated as part of Work Study or as an hourly employee.

Undergraduate Research Coordinator

The Physics Department Undergraduate Research Coordinator is Prof. Miguel Morales . Feel free to send email to [email protected] or arrange an office hour visit to discuss questions about the department’s undergraduate research programs.

Work Study Program

The Physics Department has allocated significant resources to enable students to use Work Study hours to perform undergraduate research. If you have Work Study as part of your financial aid package, you may arrange to be paid for your research. Once you have found a Physics faculty member to serve as your research mentor, simply go to the physics front office with your Work Study confirmation email and, contingent on available funds, staff will arrange for you to be hired as an undergraduate researcher . As an employee you will submit your hours bi-weekly for approval by your research mentor. The number of hours you work will be agreed upon with your research mentor up to the maximum provided by the Work Study award.

Can I sign up for both research credit (499) and Work Study? No. School and employment are legally separate, so it is not possible to obtain credit for the same hours you are paid.

I would like to be part of this program, but no Work Study hours were included in my financial aid award. Every financial aid award is unique, but in cases when there is a particularly promising opportunity (like research) it is sometimes possible to adjust a financial aid package to include Work Study hours. Please talk with your financial aid counselor to see if Work Study hours can be added to your financial aid package.

Other research access programs

In addition to the Work Study program the physics department has a number of additional programs designed to broaden access to undergraduate research. Please explore the following to see if they are a good match for you.

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)

A wide range of internship, mentorship, and leadership programs for under-represented STEM students.

Physics Program for Advanced Training in Hands-on Science (PATHS)

A Community College transfer program using the power of research. Community College students can be paid to start research before they transfer to UW, seeing what real research is like and building strong interpersonal connections at UW.

INT Undergraduate Research Network (INTURN)

Both school year and summer research positions working with members of the University of Washington’s internationally famous Institute for Nuclear Theory.

UW Physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

A 10 week summer program of intense research hosted at the University of Washington.

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Career Options for Physicists

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Physicists find employment in a variety of settings after earning their degrees, including high schools, government funded labs, on wall street, in medical physics facilities, and high tech industries, just to name a few!

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Career Profile: Data Science in Industry

A data scientist will spend most of their time analyzing data and designing and developing models to predict how something will behave based on data of how it has behaved in the past.

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Career Profile: Become a Physics Consultant

Business, technology, and education consultants work with various clients, combining data and analytics skills with relevant knowledge to find solutions within that sector.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Physicist in a Government-Funded Laboratory

A career as a government funded laboratory physicist often involves managing resources and people, in addition to doing research.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Become a High School Physics Teacher

A college graduate with an undergraduate degree in physics or physics education may consider a career in high school physics teaching.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Become a Medical or Clinical Physicist

Medical physics opens doors to many types of career paths: one can find research and development work in industry or government, teach and conduct research in academia, or pursue the clinical track.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Become a Faculty Member at Doctoral or Research Institutions

Most liberal arts institutions expect faculty to teach courses and direct undergraduate research, so colleges will be looking for evidence of an ability to do this successfully.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Become a Faculty Member at Bachelors or Liberal Arts Institutions

This career path begins with a bachelor's, master’s, or PhD in physics or a closely related discipline like engineering or mathematics, with a major emphasis in physics.

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Career Profile: Become a Postdoctoral Researcher

PhD grads in physics or related fields may pursue their career path as a postdoctoral researcher in research-focused and education-focused positions.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Working in Research and Development in the Private Sector

A physicist in the research and development industry would spend most of his or her time conducting research, performing literature and patent searches, and working on other projects.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Sales and Marketing

At the PhD level, physicists in sales and marketing roles may be responsible for managing the company's resources or exploring new and more effective ways that the company can market their product.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Bachelor of Science Jobs in the Private Sector

Private sector jobs requiring a bachelor of science degree typically also look for experience in experimental research through on-campus research, summer research projects, or REUs.

research work in physics

Career Profile: Bachelor of Science Jobs in Government-Funded Lab

For bachelor level physicist at a national lab, strong technical skills are a must, as scientists at this level often function as the interface with engineering or in an engineering role themselves.

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Physicist Profiles

Discover how much you can do with a degree in physics by seeing how others have put theirs to use.

Students speaking with a exhibitor at March Meeting

Career Navigator

Discover your path to career success, your comprehensive companion offering valuable insights, practical tools, and personalized guidance.

Partial cover of the Career Guide 2024

Careers Guide 2024

A guide to the breadth of opportunities for physics graduates in industry, national labs, and beyond — including guidance to land those jobs.

A woman working at a laptop computer.

Physics Careers and Education

APS supports physicists and other scientists from the beginning of their education to every stage of their careers.

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Plasma Physics

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The plasma research effort at MIT is concerned with a wide variety of problems, ranging from astrophysical plasmas to laboratory and fusion-grade plasmas, as well as with using plasmas for environmental remediation. This work combines theory and experiment and involves faculty members from physics and other departments. The program has the goals of understanding the physics of plasmas and charged-particle beams and of designing plasma containment devices, with the ultimate aim of achieving the conditions in which a plasma can ignite by fusion reactions. Research is carried out not only on-site, but also at other major national and international laboratories.

Most of the volume of the universe is in the electrodynamic plasma state. Moreover, the dynamics of the universe on a grand scale is described as a gravitational plasma. The theory of galaxies as gravitational plasmas is well-developed and its results, for example, spiral arm structures, are relatively well-correlated with the experimental observations. While many aspects of laboratory plasmas are understood and correlate with experiments in relatively simple magnetic geometries, the physics of high-temperature plasmas on a microscopic scale continues to be an area of intensive investigation.

The dynamics of laboratory plasmas, charged-particle beams, and space and astrophysical plasmas are often strongly influenced by the excitation of collective modes with similar characteristics and common theoretical descriptions. The interaction of collective modes, both with each other and with charged particles, results in a variety of highly nonlinear phenomena of great importance for fusion, astrophysical and nonneutral plasmas, as well as for accelerators and coherent radiation sources.

Affiliated Labs & Centers

  • Plasma Science and Fusion Center

Undergraduate Research

Student in hardhat at an experiment site

Looking for Research?

You are in the right place.

Our department provides a variety of channels for students to get involved with real scientific research early in their careers. Through research, you will strengthen your physics background knowledge by applying it to real problems and develop crucial skills needed for careers in science and industry, such as collaboration, independent problem-solving, and communication. Though your role will vary from lab to lab, as an undergraduate, you can typically expect to assist with a variety of tasks, ranging from simulation and data analysis to operating and tuning lab equipment. While the idea of engaging in cutting-edge research as a college student may seem daunting, many research groups will organize projects specifically tailored to undergraduates, and you will often be put under the mentorship of a senior graduate student or a postdoctoral scholar who will be more than willing to assist you. Overall, participating in undergraduate research is an extremely fulfilling experience, and we highly encourage you to participate in it!

Read up on internships stories from Berkeley students on the Internship Stories@Cal website .

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Student Testimonial

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Photo of student Rav Kaur smiling, wearing turquois shirt.

As a freshman coming into UC Berkeley with no previous experience in research or astronomy, I joined ULAB, after learning about it in my physics class, and had my first research experience working on determining cosmic distances from gravitational waves, previously knowing nothing on the topic. The same year, I took the Python for Astronomers DeCal, and did a project on creating Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams for several star clusters. After these two introductory experiences, I felt more confident in my abilities as a researcher, and attended the physics and astronomy research fairs at the start of each semester of my sophomore year. From the fair, I emailed one of the presenters, and subsequently got my position working under Antonella Palmese and Saul Perlmutter on gravitational wave cosmology. Having started this position in the spring, I decided to apply for the Pi2 scholars summer program, and was accepted to the program to work with Antonella as my mentor, continuing the work we started in the spring. I also joined ULAB staff as a lab manager in my sophomore year, and I am now research director for the DeCal, helping other undergraduates get their first research experience like I once did. The various opportunities offered by the Physics and Astronomy departments helped expose me to all these research experiences, and allowed me to improve and grow greatly from when I arrived at Berkeley to now.

-  Rav Kaur, Class of ‘24

Finding Research To-do List

Do background research and decide (approximately) what you want to work on. Explore the Research Opportunities Board (Pre-Semester)

Go to the Undergraduate Research Fair . (first week of classes)

Find a project. (first two weeks of classes)

Find funding if possible, or register for research units (by the end of second week of classes in most cases)

*Note: A good strategy is to be proactive in the first two weeks of each semester. We recommend that you attend the physics research fair in the first week of each semester and to apply to positions from the fair and/or URAP positions of interest by the second week of the semester. It’s a good idea to apply to ULAB by the second week of the semester as well; this educational, student-led research program will help you grow your research skills and is a solid option, especially if you don’t obtain faculty-led research right away. Funding deadlines usually take place by the first two weeks of the semester, too. More information is below.

Preparing to be an Undergraduate Researcher

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None of what is listed below is necessary to be successful in landing a research position in a faculty lab, but these will help you become a competitive candidate.

Do well in your coursework, especially the lab components of lower division courses such as the 5 or 7 series and Physics 77. 

Apply to join the Physics Directed Reading Program (PDRP) . PDRP is a student-run program that strives to close the knowledge gap in undergraduate research by pairing up graduate and undergraduate students so that they can explore a specialized topic together for a semester. The purpose of PDRP is so that students feel more comfortable making the transition into research. Applications are due the beginning of each semester. Watch for emails to the students listservs about deadlines.

Visit the Physics Innovation Lab (under construction in Fall 2022) and gain research-adjacent experiences like Arduino/Raspberry Pi programming, soldering, CAD, 3D printing, laser cutting and basic optics. 

Attend the Physics Undergraduate Research Fair , held the first Thursday after the start of classes each semester. The fair is held on a virtual collaboration/meeting platform called Gather. 

Use the Berkeley Career Network through the UC Berkeley Career Center to find an alumni mentor

Do some early research on what opportunities are available. Check out our virtual P hysics Research Opportunities Board . It is updated regularly as new opportunities arise.

Landing a Research Position

  • Attend the semesterly Physics Undergraduate Research Fair to learn about physics research opportunities available each semester and to meet representatives from the various labs. Apply to positions of interest.
  • Visit the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) website for positions posted by faculty (for course credit only)
  • Know that throughout the semester, you can contact faculty members from your research field of interest to see if they have positions available. See here for tips on how to cold email a professor . Professors don’t always respond, but you’re always welcome to inquire via email, office hours, etc. to see if any informal research opportunities are available.
  • Consider positions at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), Space Sciences Lab (SSL), and Advanced Light Source (operated by LBL), College of Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, and Astrophysics.
  • Links to these opportunities are found on our Research Opportunities Board .

Compensation or Course Credit

During Fall or Spring Semesters

BPURS offers $750 for a year-long research project when you apply jointly with a faculty member for funding The project can also be mentored by postdocs or graduate students, under the supervision of a faculty member. 

Consider asking to be hired through workstudy or through a stipend. Your success will depend on whether the faculty member has funds to support it. 

Consider asking for course credit. Students can pursue getting course credit through Physics/Astro 195 (Senior Honors Research) or Physics/Astro 99/199 (Supervised Independent Study) or by applying to the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) . Applications for course credit should be submitted to the student’s department (Physics or Astro). In Physics, major advisors Anna and Kathleen   can help with the process. The major advisor will provide the student with a form that requires them to list the project and the responsibilities that they will have as part of this enrollment and based on the units requested. The student can enroll in a minimum of 1 credit and a maximum of 3 credits. The faculty research sponsor must sign and approve the form. Once that is complete, the student submits the forms to their department major advisor who will then issue the class number for them to enroll in. Physics Department student forms can be found here .

Looking for paid summer research?

The SURF L&S fellowship allows UC Berkeley undergraduates in the College of Letters and Science to spend the summer doing concentrated research in preparation for a senior thesis. Fellows receive $5000.

The Physics Innovators Initiative (Pi2) Scholars Program provides a $5500 summer stipend to work closely with dedicated graduate student and/or postdoc mentors on a project. Final projects will require a written report and a poster presentation open to the whole department at the end of the summer. The applications to be Pi2 scholars are announced in early January of each year.

  • Physics REUs provide fully funded research opportunities at other universities. Note that January and February tend to be the application deadlines for most funded summer research.
  • See the Research Opportunities Board for a more extensive list of semesterly and summer research positions and funding options.

Watch this 2021 video highlighting physics research persuits by Berkeley physicists and mathmaticians

Basic research lights the way for uc berkeley's math & physical sciences.

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Home » 500+ Physics Research Topics

500+ Physics Research Topics

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Physics Research Topics

Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the fundamental forces that govern the universe. It is a broad and fascinating field that has given us many of the greatest scientific discoveries in history , from the theory of relativity to the discovery of the Higgs boson. As a result, physics research is always at the forefront of scientific advancement, and there are countless exciting topics to explore. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most fascinating and cutting-edge physics research topics that are being explored by scientists today. Whether you are a student, researcher, or simply someone with a passion for science, there is sure to be something in this list that will pique your interest.

Physics Research Topics

Physics Research Topics are as follows:

Physics Research Topics for Grade 9

  • Investigating the properties of waves: amplitude, frequency, wavelength, and speed.
  • The effect of temperature on the expansion and contraction of materials.
  • The relationship between mass, velocity, and momentum.
  • The behavior of light in different mediums and the concept of refraction.
  • The effect of gravity on objects and the concept of weight.
  • The principles of electricity and magnetism and their applications.
  • The concept of work, energy, and power and their relationship.
  • The study of simple machines and their efficiency.
  • The behavior of sound waves and the concept of resonance.
  • The properties of gases and the concept of pressure.
  • The principles of heat transfer and thermal energy.
  • The study of motion, including speed, velocity, and acceleration.
  • The behavior of fluids and the concept of viscosity.
  • The concept of density and its applications.
  • The study of electric circuits and their components.
  • The principles of nuclear physics and their applications.
  • The behavior of electromagnetic waves and the concept of radiation.
  • The properties of solids and the concept of elasticity.
  • The study of light and the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • The concept of force and its relationship to motion.
  • The behavior of waves in different mediums and the concept of interference.
  • The principles of thermodynamics and their applications.
  • The study of optics and the concept of lenses.
  • The concept of waves and their characteristics.
  • The study of atomic structure and the behavior of subatomic particles.
  • The principles of quantum mechanics and their applications.
  • The behavior of light and the concept of polarization.
  • The study of the properties of matter and the concept of phase transitions.
  • The concept of work done by a force and its relationship to energy.
  • The study of motion in two dimensions, including projectile motion and circular motion.

Physics Research Topics for Grade 10

  • Investigating the motion of objects on inclined planes
  • Analyzing the effect of different variables on pendulum oscillations
  • Understanding the properties of waves through the study of sound
  • Investigating the behavior of light through refraction and reflection experiments
  • Examining the laws of thermodynamics and their applications in real-life situations
  • Analyzing the relationship between electric fields and electric charges
  • Understanding the principles of magnetism and electromagnetism
  • Investigating the properties of different materials and their conductivity
  • Analyzing the concept of work, power, and energy in relation to mechanical systems
  • Investigating the laws of motion and their application in real-life situations
  • Understanding the principles of nuclear physics and radioactivity
  • Analyzing the properties of gases and the behavior of ideal gases
  • Investigating the concept of elasticity and Hooke’s law
  • Understanding the properties of liquids and the concept of buoyancy
  • Analyzing the behavior of simple harmonic motion and its applications
  • Investigating the properties of electromagnetic waves and their applications
  • Understanding the principles of wave-particle duality and quantum mechanics
  • Analyzing the properties of electric circuits and their applications
  • Investigating the concept of capacitance and its application in circuits
  • Understanding the properties of waves in different media and their applications
  • Analyzing the principles of optics and the behavior of lenses
  • Investigating the properties of forces and their application in real-life situations
  • Understanding the principles of energy conservation and its applications
  • Analyzing the concept of momentum and its conservation in collisions
  • Investigating the properties of sound waves and their applications
  • Understanding the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in charged particles
  • Analyzing the principles of thermodynamics and the behavior of gases
  • Investigating the properties of electric generators and motors
  • Understanding the principles of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
  • Analyzing the behavior of waves and their interference patterns.

Physics Research Topics for Grade 11

  • Investigating the effect of temperature on the resistance of a wire
  • Determining the velocity of sound in different mediums
  • Measuring the force required to move a mass on an inclined plane
  • Examining the relationship between wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic waves
  • Analyzing the reflection and refraction of light through various media
  • Investigating the properties of simple harmonic motion
  • Examining the efficiency of different types of motors
  • Measuring the acceleration due to gravity using a pendulum
  • Determining the index of refraction of a material using Snell’s law
  • Investigating the behavior of waves in different mediums
  • Analyzing the effect of temperature on the volume of a gas
  • Examining the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit
  • Investigating the principles of Coulomb’s law and electric fields
  • Analyzing the properties of electromagnetic radiation
  • Investigating the properties of magnetic fields
  • Examining the behavior of light in different types of lenses
  • Measuring the speed of light using different methods
  • Investigating the properties of capacitors and inductors in circuits
  • Analyzing the principles of simple harmonic motion in springs
  • Examining the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration
  • Investigating the behavior of waves in different types of materials
  • Determining the energy output of different types of batteries
  • Analyzing the properties of electric circuits
  • Investigating the properties of electric and magnetic fields
  • Examining the principles of radioactivity
  • Measuring the heat capacity of different materials
  • Investigating the properties of thermal conduction
  • Examining the behavior of light in different types of mirrors
  • Analyzing the principles of electromagnetic induction
  • Investigating the properties of waves in different types of strings.

Physics Research Topics for Grade 12

  • Investigating the efficiency of solar panels in converting light energy to electrical energy.
  • Studying the behavior of waves in different mediums.
  • Analyzing the relationship between temperature and pressure in ideal gases.
  • Investigating the properties of electromagnetic waves and their applications.
  • Analyzing the behavior of light and its interaction with matter.
  • Examining the principles of quantum mechanics and their applications.
  • Investigating the properties of superconductors and their potential uses.
  • Studying the properties of semiconductors and their applications in electronics.
  • Analyzing the properties of magnetism and its applications.
  • Investigating the properties of nuclear energy and its applications.
  • Studying the principles of thermodynamics and their applications.
  • Analyzing the properties of fluids and their behavior in different conditions.
  • Investigating the principles of optics and their applications.
  • Studying the properties of sound waves and their behavior in different mediums.
  • Analyzing the properties of electricity and its applications in different devices.
  • Investigating the principles of relativity and their applications.
  • Studying the properties of black holes and their effect on the universe.
  • Analyzing the properties of dark matter and its impact on the universe.
  • Investigating the principles of particle physics and their applications.
  • Studying the properties of antimatter and its potential uses.
  • Analyzing the principles of astrophysics and their applications.
  • Investigating the properties of gravity and its impact on the universe.
  • Studying the properties of dark energy and its effect on the universe.
  • Analyzing the principles of cosmology and their applications.
  • Investigating the properties of time and its effect on the universe.
  • Studying the properties of space and its relationship with time.
  • Analyzing the principles of the Big Bang Theory and its implications.
  • Investigating the properties of the Higgs boson and its impact on particle physics.
  • Studying the properties of string theory and its implications.
  • Analyzing the principles of chaos theory and its applications in physics.

Physics Research Topics for UnderGraduate

  • Investigating the effects of temperature on the conductivity of different materials.
  • Studying the behavior of light in different mediums.
  • Analyzing the properties of superconductors and their potential applications.
  • Examining the principles of thermodynamics and their practical applications.
  • Investigating the behavior of sound waves in different environments.
  • Studying the characteristics of magnetic fields and their applications.
  • Analyzing the principles of optics and their role in modern technology.
  • Examining the principles of quantum mechanics and their implications.
  • Investigating the properties of semiconductors and their use in electronics.
  • Studying the properties of gases and their behavior under different conditions.
  • Analyzing the principles of nuclear physics and their practical applications.
  • Examining the properties of waves and their applications in communication.
  • Investigating the principles of relativity and their implications for the nature of space and time.
  • Studying the behavior of particles in different environments, including accelerators and colliders.
  • Analyzing the principles of chaos theory and their implications for complex systems.
  • Examining the principles of fluid mechanics and their applications in engineering and science.
  • Investigating the principles of solid-state physics and their applications in materials science.
  • Studying the properties of electromagnetic waves and their use in modern technology.
  • Analyzing the principles of gravitation and their role in the structure of the universe.
  • Examining the principles of quantum field theory and their implications for the nature of particles and fields.
  • Investigating the properties of black holes and their role in astrophysics.
  • Studying the principles of string theory and their implications for the nature of matter and energy.
  • Analyzing the properties of dark matter and its role in cosmology.
  • Examining the principles of condensed matter physics and their applications in materials science.
  • Investigating the principles of statistical mechanics and their implications for the behavior of large systems.
  • Studying the properties of plasma and its applications in fusion energy research.
  • Analyzing the principles of general relativity and their implications for the nature of space-time.
  • Examining the principles of quantum computing and its potential applications.
  • Investigating the principles of high energy physics and their role in understanding the fundamental laws of nature.
  • Studying the principles of astrobiology and their implications for the search for life beyond Earth.

Physics Research Topics for Masters

  • Investigating the principles and applications of quantum cryptography.
  • Analyzing the behavior of Bose-Einstein condensates and their potential applications.
  • Studying the principles of photonics and their role in modern technology.
  • Examining the properties of topological materials and their potential applications.
  • Investigating the principles and applications of graphene and other 2D materials.
  • Studying the principles of quantum entanglement and their implications for information processing.
  • Analyzing the principles of quantum field theory and their implications for particle physics.
  • Examining the properties of quantum dots and their use in nanotechnology.
  • Investigating the principles of quantum sensing and their potential applications.
  • Studying the behavior of quantum many-body systems and their potential applications.
  • Analyzing the principles of cosmology and their implications for the early universe.
  • Examining the principles of dark energy and dark matter and their role in cosmology.
  • Investigating the properties of gravitational waves and their detection.
  • Studying the principles of quantum computing and their potential applications in solving complex problems.
  • Analyzing the properties of topological insulators and their potential applications in quantum computing and electronics.
  • Examining the principles of quantum simulations and their potential applications in studying complex systems.
  • Investigating the principles of quantum error correction and their implications for quantum computing.
  • Studying the behavior of quarks and gluons in high energy collisions.
  • Analyzing the principles of quantum phase transitions and their implications for condensed matter physics.
  • Examining the principles of quantum annealing and their potential applications in optimization problems.
  • Investigating the properties of spintronics and their potential applications in electronics.
  • Studying the behavior of non-linear systems and their applications in physics and engineering.
  • Analyzing the principles of quantum metrology and their potential applications in precision measurement.
  • Examining the principles of quantum teleportation and their implications for information processing.
  • Investigating the properties of topological superconductors and their potential applications.
  • Studying the principles of quantum chaos and their implications for complex systems.
  • Analyzing the properties of magnetars and their role in astrophysics.
  • Examining the principles of quantum thermodynamics and their implications for the behavior of small systems.
  • Investigating the principles of quantum gravity and their implications for the structure of the universe.
  • Studying the behavior of strongly correlated systems and their applications in condensed matter physics.

Physics Research Topics for PhD

  • Quantum computing: theory and applications.
  • Topological phases of matter and their applications in quantum information science.
  • Quantum field theory and its applications to high-energy physics.
  • Experimental investigations of the Higgs boson and other particles in the Standard Model.
  • Theoretical and experimental study of dark matter and dark energy.
  • Applications of quantum optics in quantum information science and quantum computing.
  • Nanophotonics and nanomaterials for quantum technologies.
  • Development of advanced laser sources for fundamental physics and engineering applications.
  • Study of exotic states of matter and their properties using high energy physics techniques.
  • Quantum information processing and communication using optical fibers and integrated waveguides.
  • Advanced computational methods for modeling complex systems in physics.
  • Development of novel materials with unique properties for energy applications.
  • Magnetic and spintronic materials and their applications in computing and data storage.
  • Quantum simulations and quantum annealing for solving complex optimization problems.
  • Gravitational waves and their detection using interferometry techniques.
  • Study of quantum coherence and entanglement in complex quantum systems.
  • Development of novel imaging techniques for medical and biological applications.
  • Nanoelectronics and quantum electronics for computing and communication.
  • High-temperature superconductivity and its applications in power generation and storage.
  • Quantum mechanics and its applications in condensed matter physics.
  • Development of new methods for detecting and analyzing subatomic particles.
  • Atomic, molecular, and optical physics for precision measurements and quantum technologies.
  • Neutrino physics and its role in astrophysics and cosmology.
  • Quantum information theory and its applications in cryptography and secure communication.
  • Study of topological defects and their role in phase transitions and cosmology.
  • Experimental study of strong and weak interactions in nuclear physics.
  • Study of the properties of ultra-cold atomic gases and Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • Theoretical and experimental study of non-equilibrium quantum systems and their dynamics.
  • Development of new methods for ultrafast spectroscopy and imaging.
  • Study of the properties of materials under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature.

Random Physics Research Topics

  • Quantum entanglement and its applications
  • Gravitational waves and their detection
  • Dark matter and dark energy
  • High-energy particle collisions and their outcomes
  • Atomic and molecular physics
  • Theoretical and experimental study of superconductivity
  • Plasma physics and its applications
  • Neutrino oscillations and their detection
  • Quantum computing and information
  • The physics of black holes and their properties
  • Study of subatomic particles like quarks and gluons
  • Investigation of the nature of time and space
  • Topological phases in condensed matter systems
  • Magnetic fields and their applications
  • Nanotechnology and its impact on physics research
  • Theory and observation of cosmic microwave background radiation
  • Investigation of the origin and evolution of the universe
  • Study of high-temperature superconductivity
  • Quantum field theory and its applications
  • Study of the properties of superfluids
  • The physics of plasmonics and its applications
  • Experimental and theoretical study of semiconductor materials
  • Investigation of the quantum Hall effect
  • The physics of superstring theory and its applications
  • Theoretical study of the nature of dark matter
  • Study of quantum chaos and its applications
  • Investigation of the Casimir effect
  • The physics of spintronics and its applications
  • Study of the properties of topological insulators
  • Investigation of the nature of the Higgs boson
  • The physics of quantum dots and its applications
  • Study of quantum many-body systems
  • Investigation of the nature of the strong force
  • Theoretical and experimental study of photonics
  • Study of topological defects in condensed matter systems
  • Investigation of the nature of the weak force
  • The physics of plasmas in space
  • Study of the properties of graphene
  • Investigation of the nature of antimatter
  • The physics of optical trapping and manipulation
  • Study of the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates
  • Investigation of the nature of the neutrino
  • The physics of quantum thermodynamics
  • Study of the properties of quantum dots
  • Investigation of the nature of dark energy
  • The physics of magnetic confinement fusion
  • Study of the properties of topological quantum field theories
  • Investigation of the nature of gravitational lensing
  • The physics of laser cooling and trapping
  • Study of the properties of quantum Hall states.
  • The effects of dark energy on the expansion of the universe
  • Quantum entanglement and its applications in cryptography
  • The study of black holes and their event horizons
  • The potential existence of parallel universes
  • The relationship between dark matter and the formation of galaxies
  • The impact of solar flares on the Earth’s magnetic field
  • The effects of cosmic rays on human biology
  • The development of quantum computing technology
  • The properties of superconductors at high temperatures
  • The search for a theory of everything
  • The study of gravitational waves and their detection
  • The behavior of particles in extreme environments such as neutron stars
  • The relationship between relativity and quantum mechanics
  • The development of new materials for solar cells
  • The study of the early universe and cosmic microwave background radiation
  • The physics of the human voice and speech production
  • The behavior of matter in extreme conditions such as high pressure and temperature
  • The properties of dark matter and its interactions with ordinary matter
  • The potential for harnessing nuclear fusion as a clean energy source
  • The study of high-energy particle collisions and the discovery of new particles
  • The physics of biological systems such as the brain and DNA
  • The behavior of fluids in microgravity environments
  • The properties of graphene and its potential applications in electronics
  • The physics of natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis
  • The development of new technologies for space exploration and travel
  • The study of atmospheric physics and climate change
  • The physics of sound and musical instruments
  • The behavior of electrons in quantum dots
  • The properties of superfluids and Bose-Einstein condensates
  • The physics of animal locomotion and movement
  • The development of new imaging techniques for medical applications
  • The physics of renewable energy sources such as wind and hydroelectric power
  • The properties of quantum materials and their potential for quantum computing
  • The physics of sports and athletic performance
  • The study of magnetism and magnetic materials
  • The physics of earthquakes and the prediction of seismic activity
  • The behavior of plasma in fusion reactors
  • The properties of exotic states of matter such as quark-gluon plasma
  • The development of new technologies for energy storage
  • The physics of fluids in porous media
  • The properties of quantum dots and their potential for new technologies
  • The study of materials under extreme conditions such as extreme temperatures and pressures
  • The physics of the human body and medical imaging
  • The development of new materials for energy conversion and storage
  • The study of cosmic rays and their effects on the atmosphere and human health
  • The physics of friction and wear in materials
  • The properties of topological materials and their potential for new technologies
  • The physics of ocean waves and tides
  • The behavior of particles in magnetic fields
  • The properties of complex networks and their application in various fields

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Considering a career in physics research, share this:.

research work in physics

Kendra Redmond, Contributing Writer

Whether you envision working for a college or university, national lab, private company, hospital, or other type of organization, there are a lot of ways to make research a career. It might surprise you to learn that many of these opportunities are outside of physics departments and that, in some cases, you could be competing for jobs with people who have computer science, engineering, or other specialized degrees.

For many undergraduate physics students, especially those in small departments with few faculty, research opportunities on campus are fairly limited. You can expand your exposure to different fields, tools, and techniques by pursuing research experiences and internships both on and off campus, reading about the latest developments in physics, and going to research talks and professional physics meetings. However, it can still be hard to decide what type of research you would like to pursue in graduate school (although not all research jobs require a PhD, many of them do) and as a career.

For example, if you’re interested in studying gravitational waves, you might consider questions like these before approaching potential research advisors. Do you want to study gravitational waves from existing facilities? Work on plans for new gravitational wave observatories? Analyze data? Predict what gravitational wave signals will look like? Characterize or design equipment? Study the causes of gravitational waves? Predict the signals caused by such events? Write computer programs? Work on-site at a detector?

One way to break down the options in a meaningful way is to categorize research approaches as theoretical, experimental, or computational. Researchers with all three approaches often work together closely. Taking stock of your passion, personality, and skills can help you determine which type of research might be the best fit for you during graduate school and beyond.

To give you a better idea of what it means to work in each of these areas, The SPS Observer asked three scientists to share their stories. Since most undergraduate physics departments have at least one experimental physicist on staff, in that category we’ve opted to introduce you to a physicist working in applied physics, an area that falls loosely under the category of experimental physics. Like more traditional experimental physicists, applied physicists tend to be hands-on problem solvers, working regularly with data and instruments. However, by definition they focus on applying physics to real-world situations or technologies. If you would like information on what it means to be a more traditional experimental physicist, consider interviewing one on your campus or at a nearby research lab.

research work in physics

Research Classified

Experimental physicist Jess McIVer. Photo courtesy of Kent Blackburn.

This is excerpted from an article titled “From Theory to Experiment” that first appeared in the Spring 2015 issue of The SPS Observer.

Physics research can usually be classified as theory, experiment, computation, or somewhere in between. Each type of research has its own challenges and rewards.

Theory Theorists use mathematics and models to explain current phenomena, predict new ones, and describe the laws of the universe. Often these researchers tackle specific problems limited in scope, such as modeling nuanced particle interactions or predicting the amplitude of gravitational waves propagating from shortly after the big bang.

Experiment Experimentalists test theoretical predictions as well as investigate observable interactions and physical behavior. This generally involves constructing and operating instrumentation used for measurement or observation, on a scale from the rather small (equipment that fits easily inside a small room) to the very large (e.g., the Large Hadron Collider, which has a 27-km circumference). Experimental physics often leads theory, as when a new unpredicted particle is discovered. Likewise, theory often leads experimental activities.

Computation Computational physics is increasingly becoming a field unto itself. These researchers apply numerical analysis and other computational techniques to physics problems, including large-scale weather simulations, investigations of the properties of semiconductors, or models of protein folding. Computation has deep connections to both theory and experiment.

From the Computational Physicist

Computational physicist Rajesh Sathiyanarayanan. Photo by Uma Ramanathan.

I had never seriously considered pursuing a career in physics until halfway through college. In the late 1990s in India, people who were good in math and science mostly went into an engineering track. Fortunately, my college provided the option of double majoring, an unusual opportunity in India, so I ended up studying physics and computer science. This naturally paved a way for me to go into the field of computational physics later. Although I was initially inclined towards working on theoretical cosmology in graduate school, funding scenarios and job prospects in that field made me change my mind. After talking to faculty members from different research groups, I decided to specialize in computational materials science.

Broadly speaking, computational physicists use simulations to provide a reasonably accurate description of systems that are either too complex for a purely theoretical treatment or require considerable cost and time to study through experiments. For instance, the question “How do atoms arrange themselves at the interface when two solids are brought together?” can be answered relatively easily through a computational approach. In computational materials science, simulations help users evaluate different materials to identify the one(s) with desirable properties. Simulations are also being used to design materials with desired properties. As a result, this field has found applications in a lot of industries, ranging from aerospace to fabrics.

After my PhD and a short postdoctoral stint, I got a research position suited to my background in the semiconductor industry. For the past several decades, Moore’s law, i.e., the doubling of transistor density approximately every 2 years, has been the guiding principle in the semiconductor industry. Of late, materials innovation has played a huge role in helping semiconductor technologists keep up with Moore’s law. My job involves performing simulations to screen materials that could lead to better semiconductors.

There are multiple options in industry for people who want to pursue a career in computational physics research. Physicists are a well-sought-after group, mainly due to their strong mathematical training and analytical skills. A little bit of coding knowledge further enhances one’s job prospects. This does not require much extra effort, as most data collection and analysis work in graduate school involves writing scripts—a great way to hone your coding skills. Across industries, I see an increasing reliance on computer simulations to understand and verify ideas before building actual prototypes, and I think it is a great time to get into the field of computational physics, especially if one is interested in a career outside of academia.

From the Theoretical Physicist

Theoretical physicist Bret Underwood (right) and former student Auberry Fortuner (2013) explore the physics that gave rise to the expansion of the universe. Photo by John Froschauer, Pacific Lutheran University.

“Hmm…What now?” It’s a familiar feeling, being stumped on a physics problem, not sure what to do next. But this was a different type of problem. As a junior physics major, I was strongly considering graduate school in physics. I enjoyed studying physics and had some research experience as an undergraduate. But I was a little intimidated by the graduate school application process. What field should I study?

I read about current research areas on faculty webpages and in journals like Physics Today and realized I was most excited about particle physics and cosmology. However, I was not particularly confident about my laboratory skills (perhaps my instructors felt the same way), so I felt theoretical physics was a better fit. I talked with my faculty mentors about graduate school and the application process, and discussed my sketched-out plans with my fellow students. I learned that graduate school was not just going to be more physics classes, but would also require me to take a much more active role in creating new physics. I thought that sounded pretty cool, so I chose some graduate schools that were doing things I was excited about and submitted my applications.

In graduate school, I began studying problems like a theoretical physicist, refining the same skills I used in my graduate school decision: reading, learning new ideas and techniques, and discussing with others. For example, my first research project involved studying the aftermath of a string theory model of a period of the early universe that underwent a very brief rapid expansion called inflation. In order to understand this model, I had to learn general relativity, string theory, and relativistic field theory, as well as the more specific topics of inflation, D-branes, Kaluza-Klein modes, and postinflationary reheating. If you don’t know what most of these things are, that’s okay—I didn’t either at the time. Stacks of books and journal articles covered my desk as I read, reproduced calculations, discussed with my advisor and other students, and generally tried to figure out what calculations of my own I could do. I might occasionally use a computer program to do some particularly nasty algebra, but mostly I did long calculations that I checked against existing results in the literature and then extended into new results. Eventually, with guidance from my advisor, I found a way to combine these ideas from different areas of physics into a single model.

Today, as a professor at a liberal arts college, I still use the skills of a theoretical physicist, whether I’m working on a research project or revising my teaching. Reading the literature, learning new ideas and methods, and discussing with colleagues are essential techniques for me anytime I’m facing that familiar question: “Hmmm…Now what?”

From the Experimental/Applied Physicist

 Medical physicist Jasmine Oliver. Photo courtesy of Jasmine Oliver.

I was initially introduced to medical physics at South Carolina State University at a summer orientation for incoming freshman. I was a biology major with plans to attend medical school until a talk on medical physics piqued my interest. I left the orientation and mulled over my options for the remainder of the summer. When I returned in August, I was a physics major. I reasoned that a physics degree could work for either medical school or medical physics, and by the beginning of my senior year at SC State, I’d decided that medical physics was the field for me. Fast-forward through graduate school in medical physics and a postdoctoral fellowship, and now I am a medical physics resident at the Orlando Health UF Health Cancer Center. This is a two-year training position for medical physicists and a requirement for the American Board of Radiology certification in medical physics.  

Medical physics falls into the subdiscipline of applied physics. An applied physicist is a physicist who applies physics principles to practical situations. For example, as a medical physicist I apply physics concepts to treat cancer patients with radiation. Applied physics is a bridge between physics and engineering. Applied physics research differs from “pure physics” research because it is being applied in real-time for practical use. “Pure physics” research forms the fundamental basis for applied physics research.

Although the work environment is different, there are many similarities between applied physics and experimental physics. Both are hands-on areas that commonly require scientists to calibrate, operate, and troubleshoot equipment. Both fields value people who can assess data quickly and solve problems creatively. The ability to work well with others on a common goal is essential, whether that be most effectively treating a patient or detecting gravitational waves.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in experimental or applied physics research, here’s some advice:

  • Do your research (no pun intended). Google various physics subdisciplines and talk with people in those fields, if possible. Even better, make an effort to shadow these professionals or at least visit their labs. Apply for internships and research experiences in your top fields. Be sure to consider salary, work/life balance, job availability, and location of available positions in your decision-making process.
  • Begin developing the necessary skills for your future position now. Take as many math, physics, lab, and related courses as possible. Expose yourself to as much knowledge as possible and look for connections between disciplines. In my experience, I have found that areas of physics where I connect the dots with other science disciplines (e.g., chemistry) are easier to fully comprehend. 
  • Begin thinking and acting like a scientist/researcher now. Analyze situations and challenge yourself to creatively solve problems using the resources you have on hand. //

More from this department

Department of Physics


Undergraduate Research

The Princeton system of independent study lends itself very well to the Physics Department, where there are about as many  faculty as undergraduate students and where exciting opportunities are always available in world-renowned research groups . Princeton physics majors do research in their independent work and, if they want, over the summer.

Formal Research Requirements for the Physics Major

In each semester of the junior year, physics majors write a "junior paper" on a topic of current interest. These papers are often the first exposure to journal articles in physics and academic research. Each junior paper is prepared under the close supervision of a faculty member and provides an opportunity for stimulating discussions on the topic chosen by the student. For more details, see Junior Matters .

In the senior year, each physics major does a senior thesis: an original research project on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty adviser. Senior thesis projects span the range of activities in physics research from constructing experimental apparatus, to running an experiment, to analyzing data, to developing computer simulations, to theoretical analyses. Thesis topics on science teaching, history of science, and philosophy of science are also encouraged, as well as interdisciplinary projects with the other science departments. Projects are often done in the research areas of the Department - from particle physics to astrophysics. A student wishing to do an interdisciplinary thesis may need an adviser in another department to provide the expertise in the related field, as well as a physics department adviser to oversee the physics aspects of the thesis. Each thesis culminates with a written document (sometimes submitted for publication) and an oral examination covering the main points of the thesis. For more details, see Senior Matters.

Other Physics Department Research Opportunities

You may become involved with research as early as you want. The summer between the first and second years finds several students in Princeton working with research groups in the department. More students become involved in later summers, and some students continue during the academic year. Undergraduate researchers contribute in just about all the labs in the department. Students design optical pumping systems, analyze the data from high energy physics experiments conducted at CERN , SLAC , and Fermilab , explore the physical mechanisms of high temperature superconductivity, build probes of the cosmic microwave background, help design dark matter experiments, and conduct theoretical research.

Summer research positions are arranged informally, with students meeting with individual faculty members. If you are interested, don't hesitate to ask! Start with any faculty member to get leads. You should prepare a brief summary of your background to bring with you. It should contain information useful to a potential employer: how to reach you, relevant courses you have taken, and any skills or experience (programming, etc.) you may have. You are also required to fill out an online application and submit a copy of your CV. Consider also research opportunities elsewhere -- many national laboratories run summer internship programs. Check out their websites .

Physics Forums Insights

How to Initiate Research Work As a Physics Major

Full Chapter List - So You Want To Be A Physicist... Series

Part I: Early Physics Education in High schools Part II: Surviving the First Year of College Part III: Mathematical Preparations Part IV: The Life of a Physics Major Part V: Applying for Graduate School Part VI: What to Expect from Graduate School Before You Get There Part VII: The US Graduate School System Part VIII: Alternative Careers for a Physics Grad Part VIIIa: Entering Physics Graduate School From Another Major Part IX: First years of Graduate School from Being a TA to the Graduate Exams Part X: Choosing a Research area and an advisor Part XI: Initiating Research Work Part XII: Research work and The Lab Book Part XIII: Publishing in a Physics Journal Part XIV: Oral Presentations Part XIII: Publishing in a Physics Journal (Addendum) Part XIV: Oral Presentations – Addendum Part XV – Writing Your Doctoral Thesis/Desertation Part XVI – Your Thesis Defense Part XVII – Getting a Job! Part XVIII – Postdoctoral Position Part XIX – Your Curriculum Vitae

It has been a while since the last installment of this series, so let’s recap on where you are right now. You should already made a choice on the physics subject area that you want to work in, and you have picked an advisor who will be (i) supervising your Ph.D. research work (ii) the chairperson of your thesis committee.

We will now be in the ”meat” of the whole thing. This is where most physics students entering college have wanted to be – doing research-front work in an area that one has picked, and hopefully, has an acute interest in. Since this is such an important and major part of your Ph.D. program, I will devote several chapters to this. I will also describe this from the point of view of someone who worked as an experimentalist, so some of the advice being given tend to be more applicable to experimentalists than to theorists . But in general, most of the generic events and steps tend to be quite similar.

The first thing you have to get rid of is the notion that doing research work is a” glamorous”, exciting, 30-thrills-a-minute type of work. Nothing could be further than that. A lot of time, you will be sitting on your rear end, waiting for something to either occur or finished. Sometimes it requires taking a graveyard shift, late at night. Often, you have to do physical labor work, crawling under things, doing repairs, etc. Or, you are sitting in front of a computer monitor at 3 AM trying to find the bug in your codes. I’m telling you all this now to make sure you do not go into this with the wrong set of misconceptions. While doing research work CAN be exciting and fascinating, most of the time, it can be downright boring. So be prepared for such things and adjust.

One of the things that one MUST do as soon as one selects an area of study is to figure out the STATE OF KNOWLEDGE of that field. You need to be aware of what is currently known, what is being actively studied, what is the ”hot news”, who are the BIG names, and who’s doing what to whom. What this means is that you may end up spending a considerable portion of your time doing nothing but reading tons and tons of papers and journals. Often, you start reading a paper and then discover that you need to look at the reference being cited in that paper. So you get that reference and it turns out you need another paper or two being cited there! It’s a chain of events that can sometimes be quite frustrating, but it is a necessary part of trying to be up to date on the state of knowledge in that field. I certainly know that when I started my Ph.D. research work, I spent on average 30% of my time during the first 3 months or so reading everything I could get my hands on about the field that I’ve chosen.

You need to know the state of knowledge of the field for a number of reasons:

(i) you do not want to replicate what has already been done (unless you think there’s something more to be done and that somebody missed something)

(ii) you need to know not only what’s interesting, but what is important.

(iii) you need to be aware of what area is the ”hot” topic, and who is working on this topic. Something that is hot tends to get funding.

Your advisor may have a specific project in mind for you to work on, or you and him/her have already agreed on what you will do, but you still need a broader perspective on what is going on in the field that you have selected. So even though you have decided that you want to study tunneling spectroscopy of superconductors for example, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be paying attention to the progress in the field of superconductivity in general. You must start to be aware of the whole area of study that, more often than not, have a direct impact on your work.

So be prepared to do a lot of reading and catching up. Don’t be surprised if you end up spending up to half of your time doing nothing but reading journal papers. This is an effort you have to put in to prepare you for the next step in your research work.

PhD Physics

Accelerator physics, photocathodes, field-enhancement. tunneling spectroscopy, superconductivity

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physics career

I really cannot disagree with anything said, but I would like to comment on one part in particular.

Zz said, “(ii) you need to know not only what’s interesting, but what is important.”

This is true, but it needs to be taken with a grain of salt, I think. If we pay too much attention to the consensus regarding what it important, then everyone would work on the same problem. Each researcher certainly needs to know why his work is important, but it does not always come from the fact that someone else says so. If we always waited for someone else to endorse out idea, we would never get there first. If a student sees clearly that a question is important, and can truly justify it even if it disagrees with consensus, then I think he should pursue that idea and find out. The worst that can happen is that he learns something nobody cares about, but that is hardly the end of the world. He may very well discover something that lots of people will care about when they find out.

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Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

How to get started in research

First you need to figure out what kind of research is interesting to you and which faculty members have opportunities available. To get started on that, take a look at our  Department of Physics Research  page and explore what our faculty members study. You can view a list of  recent senior research projects .

When should you start? Ideally, no later than the spring of your sophomore year (but there are first year students who start talking to different groups to get some ideas and impressions!). Once you have an idea of what type of research you might want to do, just send us email or stop by our offices. Even if we haven’t advertised an opportunity, we might have one available. We are a friendly department, and if one of us doesn’t have a spot available for you, we might be able to point you to someone else who would.

The time commitment for research can vary quite a bit. It’s possible to get involved informally with only a few hours per week. When you’re ready for greater involvement, you can get apply to the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Program ( GUROP ) or get course credit through our Independent Research course . Over the summer, there are opportunities to get paid for doing research full-time on campus.

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Pursue a Career at Polytechnique Montreal

Offre d'emploi.

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Professor of Engineering Physics - Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Disruptive Technologies

Work environment.

Polytechnique Montréal is an internationally recognized engineering university. Located in the heart of Montréal on Mount Royal, it is renowned for the high quality of the training offered at all levels, and for its multidisciplinary and multisectoral research, at the forefront of the local, national and international engineering.

Proud of its 150 years of history, it now welcomes close to 10,000 students and relies on the expertise of nearly 1,600 staff members with diverse skills, including more than 300 professors.

Polytechnique has been certified Gold by STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System). Polytechnique is known for its innovative approach, and its active role in technological, economic, and social development. It values the diversity of its employees and adheres to an equal employment opportunity program for women, visible and ethnic minorities, Indigenous people and those with disabilities. Having received the Parity Certification from Women in Governance, it offers excellent working conditions, focusing on work-life balance and the well-being of its employees.

Accommodation can be provided at the request of persons with disabilities or in response to other circumstances. Candidates requiring accommodation are invited to contact the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor at [email protected] .


The Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP), managed by the Tri-Agency Institutional Program Secretariat (TIPS) is designed to attract and retain in Canada the world’s most promising researchers. CRCs are awarded to each eligible institution on the basis of funding researchers receive from the three federal research granting agencies, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Tier 1 CRCs, tenable for seven years, are awarded to outstanding researchers who are acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their field. Tier 2 CRCs, tenable for five years, are awarded to exceptional emerging researchers who are acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to become leaders in their field. For more information on the CRCP and candidate eligibility criteria, visit the Canada Research Chairs website .


The Department of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal is recognized for the quality of its teaching and research activities, mainly in the fields of optics and photonics, advanced materials and devices, biomedical engineering, and nuclear and energy engineering. The Department is responsible for a bachelor’s program (BEng) in engineering physics as well as graduate programs in engineering physics, materials engineering and energy engineering. It consists of 23 professors and lecturers as well as 300 undergraduate and 130 graduate students. The Department is known for the quality and scope of its experimental and numerical research facilities. Its members are active in major research and innovation networks. For more information, visit https://www.polymtl.ca/phys/en/ .

The Department of Engineering Physics is looking for candidates with excellent knowledge of physics and a background in engineering physics, or any related field such as physics, electrical engineering, chemistry or materials science and engineering. Candidates should have experimental research experience, aligned with the department's activities, or any emerging technology related to health, information, energy or environmental applications.

The successful candidate will be invited to apply for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair on a theme related to disruptive technologies. By “disruptive technologies,” we mean the application of fundamental science concepts with a view to having a positive impact on major current and future societal issues. More specifically, but not limited to, we are seeking applications from candidates with expertise in the fields of: optics and photonics, semiconductors, micro/nanomaterials and functional materials, or quantum technologies, and whose research activities have the potential to lead to significant impacts in the fields of health, energy, the environment, or any other area of responsible socio-economic impact. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to name the theme of the Chair according to his or her activities.


The successful candidate will carry out the responsibilities of this position with dynamism and creativity. Among other duties, they will:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels;
  • Supervise undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students;
  • Carry out innovative research projects;
  • Obtain grants and contracts aimed at supporting research work with the objective of training highly qualified personnel;
  • Publish the scientific results of this research;
  • Participate in the department’s teaching and research activities;
  • Collaborate with other research teams at Polytechnique Montréal or other institutions;
  • Contribute to enhancing Polytechnique Montréal’s visibility and influence in Québec and internationally.


The candidate will meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a PhD in engineering or equivalent in a relevant field;
  • Have a proven track record of developing and conducting an independent research program that will enable them to obtain funding to supervise graduate students;
  • Demonstrate excellent teaching skills, if possible supported by teaching evaluations;
  • Be able to contribute positively to the department's working environment and adhere to Polytechnique's values of excellence, creativity, integrity, collaboration, respect and openness;
  • Be a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (or of any other Canadian association of professional engineers) or take the necessary steps to become a member before being granted tenure;
  • Have a sufficient command of oral and written French before submitting their tenure file, since French is the language of instruction at Polytechnique Montréal.

Polytechnique Montréal will provide the candidate with the necessary assistance and support to register with the OIQ and to learn French.

Applicants with a bachelor's degree in engineering or with industry experience are encouraged to include this in their application.

Tier 2 CRCs are intended for exceptional emerging researchers. Applicants who are more than 10 years from having earned their highest degree, and whose careers have been interrupted for, among other reasons, maternity, parental or extended sick leave or clinical courses, may have their eligibility for a Tier 2 Chair assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justification process . Please contact the Research and Innovation Office for more information.

In order to meet TIPS requirements, candidates identified for CRCs must enable Polytechnique Montréal to progress in reaching its representation targets for women, gender minorities, racialized people, Indigenous peoples and people with disabilities. Candidates are also invited to visit the web page of the Canada Research Chairs at Polytechnique Montréal (in French only).

Polytechnique Montréal recognizes that career interruptions such as maternity leaves, parental leaves, extended sick leaves, clinical courses, as well as disabilities, can impact productivity and research achievements. The impact of such leaves will be taken into account equitably throughout the recruitment process.


In keeping with its recruitment policies, and in particular its Programme d’accès à l’égalité et équité en emploi (equal access and employment equity program), Polytechnique Montréal is committed to promoting excellence in research and research training and to guaranteeing equal opportunity for all candidates. Polytechnique Montréal supports the principle that excellence and diversity are compatible and complementary, and recognizes that best equity practices ensure access to the largest possible pool of competent individuals. As part of its commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, in September 2019 Polytechnique Montréal published an action plan titled Chaires de recherche du Canada : agir pour la diversité 3.0 (Canada Research Chairs: acting for diversity 3.0), which aims to rectify the under-representation of researchers belonging to the four designated groups: women, Aboriginal peoples, people with disabilities, and members of visible and ethnic minorities. Polytechnique Montréal therefore strongly encourages people from these four designated groups to apply for this CRC vacancy.


This position is tenure-track.

Salary and benefits are determined in accordance with the provisions of collective agreement in effect. This agreement ( in French only ) provides for, among others:

  • Provisions for work-family balance, such as maternity, paternity and adoption leave, in addition to the Québec Parental Insurance Plan ;
  • The possibility of benefiting from paid respite periods;
  • A defined-benefits pension plan.
  • In addition, relocation and immigration support is available to the successful candidate and their family.

To learn more about Polytechnique Montréal and the benefits of contributing to its mission, please explore: Avantages et milieu de vie ( in French only ).

As soon as possible.


Candidates are invited to submit an application file that includes:

  • A cover letter
  • A statement of main achievements and teaching philosophy
  • A statement of major research achievements and prospects
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  • Published: 01 December 2022

Defining physicists’ relationship with AI

Nature Reviews Physics volume  4 ,  page 735 ( 2022 ) Cite this article

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  • Mathematics and computing

As physicists are increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI) methods in their research, we ponder the role of human beings in future scientific discoveries. Will we be guides to AI, or be guided by it?

Throughout September and October, together with the Alan Turing Institute ‘AI for science and government’ programme, we organized a series of online seminars to explore the interface between machine learning and physics. The recordings are available on YouTube . We invited researchers from academia and industry, working in different areas, in theory, experiment and simulation. Despite the diversity of physics questions the speakers are trying to address in their research, they all agreed that AI is now playing a central role in trying to answer them.

In an Editorial earlier this year, we discussed Jim Gray’s four paradigms of science, suggesting that a fifth is emerging in which “machines [are] no longer mere tools, but equal partners in scientific exploration, exchanging ideas, intuition and understanding with the human peers”. But the fifth paradigm of science is yet to be formally defined. There are kindred ideas, for example, in a talk at the American Astronomical Society 2019 Meeting, astrophysicist Alexander Szalay defined it in the context of large astronomical surveys as when “computers decide objectively which experiments will yield the biggest gain in our knowledge”. Earlier this year, in a blog post , Christopher Bishop, Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science, defined the fifth paradigm in the context of numerical solutions of scientific equations that can be tackled with machine learning methods which provide fast, robust emulators to replace some of the traditional numerical simulation methods. This view was also discussed in the final event of our seminar series.

No matter how the fifth paradigm is defined, it appears to be imminent, so we should start thinking about how to define our fast-evolving relationship with AI and what role the physicist is going to play in future discoveries. In a Perspective in this issue, Mario Krenn and colleagues overview how advanced computational systems, and AI in particular, can help humans reach new scientific understanding. They identify three dimensions of computer-assisted understanding: a ‘computational microscope’ as a tool to uncover new or deeper properties of a physical system, in ways not possible before; a source of inspiration that suggests new ideas and connections; and an agent of understanding. Whereas in the first two dimensions, the human scientist gains new understanding from the computer-aided insights and suggestions, in the latter the AI does. Krenn et al. propose a way to test whether AI truly understands something by requiring it to explain its understanding to someone else, a human scientist, for example. But is this always possible?

In a Comment in this issue, Matthew Schwartz warns that the assumption that AI’s understanding will always be transferable to humans will quickly become untenable because artificial intelligence evolves on dramatically faster timescales than biological intelligence does. Schwartz suggests that this inability to keep up with AI’s understanding may not necessarily be a bad thing (read the Comment to find out why). As also discussed in a Feature in this issue, AI may develop very different representations and a completely alien understanding of the world. Perhaps instead of translating this understanding into human language, we should start learning AI’s language, which may involve a change of mindset to be able to operate with concepts that do not come naturally in our perception of the physical world.

Such issues might now sound purely philosophical, but considering the fast-paced progress in AI for science and the number of breakthroughs in the past two years (for example, in protein folding , mathematics or density functional theory ), they might become practical problems in a matter of years. Thinking more broadly, beyond science, related questions about the role of human creativity in art and design, for example, might be asked in the context of diffusion models, the machine learning models that generate images from text descriptions, such as DALL-E 2.

So it’s neither too early, nor too speculative to ask these questions: Are you happy to take a back seat and enjoy AI’s scientific endeavours or do you think humans will play a central role in driving the directions of future discoveries? Will humans be left behind or will we enhance our own cognitive abilities and be able to reach new levels of abstraction and sophisticated reasoning? We challenge our readers to give them some thought.

“We should start thinking about how to define our fast-evolving relationship with AI and what role the physicist is going to play in future discoveries.”

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Defining physicists’ relationship with AI. Nat Rev Phys 4 , 735 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-022-00544-1

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Published : 01 December 2022

Issue Date : December 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-022-00544-1

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research work in physics

Theoretical Physics (Industrial) BSc

Year of entry 2025, open days 2024.

Bookings for our October 2024 Open Days are now open. Book now

Course overview

Two students in a physics lab at the University of Leeds.

Theoretical physics uses mathematical methods to delve into the physics that governs our world and our universe. From developing cancer treatments and artificial intelligence to answering the fundamental questions of the universe, physics and physicists have had a significant impact across a variety of different industries – which is why it’s still such a sought-after and relevant discipline today.

Studying the theoretical physics degree at Leeds will provide you with a solid grounding in how mathematical methods are applied to physics topics alongside experience in conducting your own project work based on current research areas – including a collaborative research project in your final year. Throughout your degree, you’ll have access to excellent facilities right here on campus, including laboratories and teaching spaces in the Sir William Henry Bragg Building .

Our close industry links and innovative research activity ensure this course reflects the latest advancements and applications in physics. You'll graduate with the specialist knowledge, skills and experience necessary to launch a successful career in this highly valued profession, with a wide range of career options available to you.

Industrial placement year

This programme gives you the opportunity to undertake a paid industrial placement year as part of the course. Our close industry links give you the platform to apply to a number of major organisations such as Elder Studios Ltd, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory and QinetiQ.

Why study at Leeds:

This course is accredited by the Institute of Physics (IOP).

  • Our School’s globally-renowned research feeds into the course, shaping what you learn with the latest thinking.
  • Enhance your career prospects and give your CV that competitive edge before you graduate with a paid industrial placement year.
  • Learn from expert academics and researchers who specialise in a variety of physics areas.
  • Access specialist facilities including laboratories and teaching spaces right here on campus.
  • Our comprehensive approach to teaching will give you a holistic understanding of how physics, mathematics, computing and experimental learning link together to qualify you as a physicist.
  • At the end of your second year, there is the possibility of transferring to the four-year integrated Masters (MPhys, BSc) course.
  • Make the most of your time at Leeds by joining our student society Physics Society (Physoc) , a student-run society for physics students. It’ll give you the chance to meet like-minded students who share your passion for physics and enjoy a range of activities including guest lectures, trips and frequent socials.

View this video on Bilibili .


Institute of Physics (IOP)

Accreditation is the assurance that a university course meets the quality standards established by the relevant professional body.

This BSc degree guarantees you eligibility for IOP membership and is accredited as meeting the academic requirement needed to follow the route to professional registration as a registered scientist (RSci) or a chartered physicist (CPhys).

Course details

We’ve designed our programme to enable you to develop your physics knowledge alongside the mathematical, computational and experimental methods that are needed to become qualified as a physicist.

As you move through the programme, you'll increasingly build on your solid foundation in physics to learn about and work on the latest developments in the subject, based on our research expertise.

In year 3, you can choose modules from the School of Mathematics in group theory and symmetries, fluid dynamics, geometry and topology and nonlinear dynamics.

We take a competency-based approach to assessment, to enable you to demonstrate your skills and knowledge across a range of activities.

Each academic year, you'll take a total of 120 credits.

Course Structure

The list shown below represents typical modules/components studied and may change from time to time. Read more in our terms and conditions .

Most courses consist of compulsory and optional modules. There may be some optional modules omitted below. This is because they are currently being refreshed to make sure students have the best possible experience. Before you enter each year, full details of all modules for that year will be provided.

For more information and a list of typical modules available on this course, please read Theoretical Physics BSc in the course catalogue.

Years 1 and 2

Throughout the first two years of your degree, you’ll gain knowledge and skills in physics and learn how to apply them to solve problems across the fundamental areas including: electrodynamics, thermal physics, classical mechanics, quantum physics, solid state physics, waves, optics, contemporary physics, astrophysics and physics for sustainable development. We’ll also cover topics such as ethics, philosophy and career options in physics.

Year 1 compulsory modules

Mechanics, Relativity and Astrophysics – 20 credits

In mechanics, you’ll learn how to describe motion through physical space, together with the general causes of that motion: forces and energies. You'll also learn about using appropriate co-ordinate systems and the synergies between linear and circular motions. You’ll develop the mathematical skills to describe mechanical processes, including vectors, unit vectors, scalar and vector products, calculus and summations.

In special relativity, you'll extend your knowledge of co-ordinate systems to study motion as it appears to observers moving at different speeds. You'll also cover the theories originally developed by Einstein to describe this motion at speeds approaching the speed of light, and how the forces and energies of classical mechanics extend into the regime. In Astrophysics, you'll learn how to apply basic physical principles to objects in the Universe and explore the basics of radiation and how we observe these phenomena.

Thermodynamics – 20 credits

Explore the underpinning theories and concepts of thermodynamics. Examples and applications will be used to allow you to build your understanding and application of this branch of physics, including in sustainable energy, which governs the behaviour of the universe we live in.

Electronics, Solid State and Introduction to Quantum Physics – 20 credits

In solid state and quantum physics, you’ll cover the underpinning theories and concepts including mechanics of solids, Bohr atom, atomic electron states, elementary bonding, elasticity, Photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, De Broglie relation, Wave-particle duality Crystal structure and X-ray diffraction.

In addition, you’ll analyse and design simple electric circuits using fundamental circuit elements, such as resistors, capacitors and inductors.

You’ll also learn the principles of Boolean algebra and its application in digital logic design.

Vibrations, Waves and Optics – 20 credits

Vibrations and waves are ubiquitous phenomena, occurring in widely different physical systems, from molecules to musical instruments to tectonic plates. Nevertheless, they can be described by a common mathematical approach, which this module provides.

In vibrations and waves, you’ll learn about oscillators, energy and resonance, different types of waves, energy/power transfer, reflection and transmission, impedance, superposition and interference, the wave-like behaviour of light, mirrors, lenses, nonlinear optics and lasers, the solution of 2nd order partial differential equations, complex numbers, Fourier series and an introduction to Fourier transforms.

Coding and Experimental Physics – 20 credits

Develop practical experimental, computational, communication and employability skills. You’ll build experimental skills through a range of laboratory tasks undertaken throughout the year and be introduced to programming using the Python computer programming language. You’ll also undertake tasks and assessments designed to improve your teamwork and presentation skills, as well as reflective practice. 

Optional modules

You’ll choose either one or both of the following optional modules. Or you may choose to combine one optional module with discovery modules.

Discovery modules give you the chance to apply your physics toolkit in real-world scenarios whilst expanding out into different areas, broadening your knowledge and giving you that competitive edge in the jobs market.

Please note: The modules listed below are indicative of typical options.

Introduction to Nanotechnology – 10 credits

The smallest possible devices that can be fabricated are on the nanometre length scale. Miniaturisation of devices offers many new technological opportunities, which are only just starting to be implemented in our lives. The physical properties of nanomaterials differ from both the constituent atoms and the bulk material. These can be unique and surprising. This module aims to introduce the physics behind nanotechnology in a semi-quantitative manner, without requiring knowledge of quantum mechanics or Maxwell’s equations. To understand nanotechnology, we will describe the physics of atoms and molecules, before moving on to discuss nano and bulk properties. We will cover a number of nanotechnological applications currently adopted and on the horizon, including nanomedicine.

Planets and the Search for Life – 10 credits

Explore the multitude of planets that are currently being discovered around other stars and compare them to those in our solar system. This module will concentrate on the concepts involved and is non-mathematical, and therefore amenable to students of the arts, humanities and sciences. We will examine the origin and evolution of the solar system and how it is likely to have produced the range of planets, moons and minor bodies that we see today. This will be contrasted with the range of extra-solar planets, their detection, properties, and how they challenge our understanding of how planets are formed. Finally, the conditions for life to emerge will be discussed and the prospects and techniques for finding life elsewhere in the solar system and on exo-planets will be explored.

Year 2 compulsory modules

Quantum Mechanics – 20 credits

Learn how to describe quantum systems using wavefunctions, operators and linear algebra and how to predict outcomes of measurements on quantum systems. You’ll also learn to solve the Schrodinger equation for simple model systems and understand the structure of atoms and molecules using the exclusion principle and spin.

In addition, you’ll learn about the structure of the atomic nucleus, predict various forms of radioactive decay and nuclear reactions, describe scattering processes between elementary particles and understand the key components of the Standard Model of particle physics.

Statistical Mechanics and Computation – 20 credits

This module explores the concepts and applications of statistical mechanics, which are key to understanding the behaviour of small-particle systems.

This module will also enable students to translate descriptions of physical problems and data analysis processes into short programs to read and manipulate data, analyse and present the results for problems relevant to physics using a programming language.

Condensed Matter Physics – 20 credits

During this module, you’ll learn about the use of the density of states to explain some of the differences between metals, semiconductors and insulators. You’ll also cover how to derive the free-electron density of states, perform straight-forward calculations based on the free-electron theory and how a periodic potential modifies the free-electron dispersion relation, solving problems on the transport properties of semiconductors, and calculating the magnetic properties (consistent with the syllabus) of paramagnets and ferromagnets.

You’ll also build skills in communicating physics in preparation for projects/dissertations and research a topic of physics and communicate it in various formats whilst considering the importance of professional ethics and scientific conduct.

Electromagnetism – 20 credits

Learn how to use the integral versions of Maxwell's equations and to calculate fields in cases of simple symmetric geometry, calculate the force and energy in electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations in both integral and differential form and discuss their derivation from the physical laws of electromagnetism. You’ll analyse simple AC circuits containing resistors, capacitors and inductors and apply logic principles to real-world scenarios in electronics and emerging technologies, developing the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving landscape of electronic systems, from classical to quantum. As part of this module, you’ll also consider future career plans and complete a CV, LinkedIn profile and job application forms.

You’ll combine discovery modules with a selection of the following optional modules.

Calculus of Variations – 10 credits

The calculus of variations concerns problems in which one wishes to find the extrema of some quantity over a system that has functional degrees of freedom. Many important problems arise in this way across pure and applied mathematics. In this module, you’ll meet the system of differential equations arising from such variational problems: the Euler-Lagrange equations. These equations and the techniques for their solution, will be studied in detail.

Further Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics – 20 credits

Explore the more abstract ideas of vector spaces and linear transformations, together with introducing the area of discrete mathematics.

Introduction to Logic – 10 credits

This module is an introduction to mathematical logic introducing formal languages that can be used to express mathematical ideas and arguments. It throws light on mathematics itself, because it can be applied to problems in philosophy, linguistics, computer science and other areas.

Rings and Polynomials – 10 credits

Rings are one of the fundamental concepts of mathematics, and they play a key role in many areas, including algebraic geometry, number theory, Galois theory and representation theory. The aim of this module is to give an introduction to rings. The emphasis will be on interesting examples of rings and their properties.

You’ll have the opportunity to apply to spend a year in industry. A work placement is an invaluable opportunity to transfer your learning into a practical setting, applying the knowledge and skills you’ve been taught throughout your degree to real-world challenges – in a working environment. It’s important to note, work placements are not guaranteed.

In the final year of your degree, your work will be closely linked to our current research. We offer advanced modules on research topics, such as: spintronics, quantum optics and photonics, bionanophysics, quantum information, molecular simulation, advanced mechanics, medical physics, physics education research and cosmology.

We also offer work-related modules that involve innovation projects or short work placements. In year 3 you can choose from modules from the School of Mathematics in group theory and symmetries, fluid dynamics, geometry and topology and nonlinear dynamics. Our students are also able to study higher-level modules offered by the Schools of Medicine, Earth and Environment, Chemical Engineering and Philosophy.

For your final year project, you’ll work as part of an internationally recognised research team on an open-ended project. You'll plan and organise your work, follow it through and present your results. This is a wonderful opportunity to take part and contribute to the latest physics research and join one of our research groups. Some of our students even get to publish their research project in peer reviewed journals.

Compulsory modules

Project – 40 credits

This is your chance to carry out an independent research project, under the supervision of the academic staff. You’ll prepare and plan out a programme of research (experimental/ computing/ theoretical/ education) or an extended review of the literature (dissertation) in physics or a related discipline. Throughout the project, you’ll develop and advance key skills in research, planning, report writing and presentation.

Advanced Topics in Physics – 40 credits

Develop a broad knowledge, understanding and application of core areas in advanced physics and be able to solve unseen, problem-led questions in these areas.

Please note: The modules listed below are indicative of typical options and some of these options may not be available, depending on other modules you have selected already.

Computational Simulations – 20 credits

Explore the theory of molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of materials, including biomolecules, with practical experience using standard software packages to perform these simulations on high performance computing facilities. The module will provide insight into the use of computing simulation in industry and engineering.

Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics – 20 credits

This module provides an in-depth introduction to theoretical particle physics. It is a basis for further study in particle physics, astrophysics, detector physics and other areas of science and technology, which require elementary knowledge of particle physics concepts.

Medical Physics 1 – 20 credits

Module description coming soon.

Earth and Environment option 1 – 20 credits

Philosophy of Modern Physics – 20 credits

Examine philosophical issues connected with modern physics (e.g. quantum mechanics, special and general relativity), such as determinism, causality and the nature of space and time.

Cosmology – 20 credits

Gain the fundamental knowledge for understanding the basis for both observational and theoretical cosmology. You’ll see how the geometry of the Universe affects its evolution and how the contents of the Universe shape its geometry. You’ll study how we make measurements of distant stars and galaxies to study the properties of the expansion of the Universe, as well as studying the physics of the early Universe, when the seeds of the objects that turned into the Galaxies around us were first created. You’ll cover from the first 10^-43 seconds through to the present day.

Magnetism in Condensed Matter – 20 credits

Magnetic materials underpin much of modern technology and thus our everyday lives, from electric motors to data storage, sensors and computing. An understanding of magnetism in condensed matter requires knowledge in several areas of physics to be brought together, including classical and quantum mechanics, statistical physics and condensed matter physics. The first half of this module focuses on the theory of ferromagnetism, while the second half uncovers the physics behind the applications, such as permanent magnets and spin electronics.

Quantum Photonics – 20 credits

Gain insight into the quantum mechanics of open quantum systems. You'll study the interactions between light and matter on the level of single photons and single atoms and concepts widely used in quantum optics and in condensed matter physics and quantum field theory.

Medical Physics 2 – 20 credits

Earth and Environment 2 – 20 credits

Physics into Schools – 20 credits

If you’re considering a career in teaching, this module gives you the chance to understand and experience what it’s like to teach physics. By undertaking a placement or teaching activities, you’ll develop key skills utilised in the teaching profession. And while not exclusively for students considering a career in teaching, it can help you decide, and advantage you in this career route.

Group Innovation Project – 20 credits

This module brings together science and entrepreneurship. You'll work in a team to develop a business plan around an idea for an enterprise based on current scientific research that can help to address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This will culminate in a presentation to an "investment panel". Throughout the module, you’ll further develop your skills in teamwork, project and time management, commercial awareness and self-reflection while providing valuable insight into the commercial side of science.

Nuclear Operations – 20 credits

Nuclear energy will be a major part of the UK's strategy to generate low (no) carbon energy. To understand how the technology fits into that strategy, as well as how the UK nuclear industry has developed into one of the largest in the world, you need to know about a wide range of operations across the nuclear fuel cycle. This module will give you a basic understanding of the physics and chemistry behind nuclear operations, as well as the engineering.

Communicating Science – 20 credits

Explore a broad range of issues and associated challenges within science education. You’ll learn about historical developments in science education, how young people think about science concepts and approaches to teaching/learning science.

Project work

Throughout your degree, you’ll get hands-on experience through project work . This gives you the opportunity to explore your subject further as well as developing valuable skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork.

Learning and teaching

We have an integrated approach to the teaching on our programmes, bringing together theoretical and practical learning to train you to become a physicist. You'll be taught through several different approaches, including lectures, workshops, small-group tutorials, laboratory work, project work and digitally enhanced learning.

In the first two years, our teaching is delivered using interactive in-person lectures, small group tutorials and larger workshops, where you'll develop your problem-solving skills. In later years, the lecturer will usually support their own specialist material through a combination of lectures and workshops.

Experimental physics is an essential part of our teaching. It provides you with the opportunity to develop your verbal and written communication skills through performing experiments individually, and as part of a group. Computer programming is an integral part of physics, and during the first two years you'll be taught the programming skills that you need, using Python.

All students are assigned a personal tutor. During year 1, your personal tutor will also host your weekly tutorials, so you'll really get to know them well, alongside a small group of other students, which really helps our students to settle into university study. Your personal tutor is there to offer advice, monitor your progress, and be your first point of contact throughout your years of study.

We also have a peer assisted learning scheme, where higher year students meet weekly with first years to support their learning and help them to settle into university life.

There are many facilities that will support your studies including extensive computer clusters and study areas.

Taster lectures

Watch our taster lectures to get a flavour of what it’s like to study at Leeds:

  • Hierarchical biomechanics: approaches for understanding materials and mechanics across lengthscales
  • Bringing soft matter physics to life

On this course you’ll be taught by our expert academics, from lecturers through to professors. You may also be taught by industry professionals with years of experience, as well as trained postgraduate researchers, connecting you to some of the brightest minds on campus.

In this programme, we will utilise a variety of assessment methods, including written reports, open-book exams, online tests and presentations.

In your final year, the programme features a research project, which emphasises open-ended investigations and includes written and verbal presentations.

Additionally, the programme places emphasis on the development of teamwork skills, as they are becoming increasingly important in today's workplaces. Thus, group work opportunities are an integral part of the programme.

Entry requirements

A-level: AAA including Physics and Mathematics.

Excludes A Level General Studies and Critical Thinking.

Where an A Level science subject is taken, we require a pass in the practical science element, alongside the achievement of the A Level at the stated grade.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), International Project Qualification (IPQ) and Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (ASCC): We recognise the value of these qualifications and the effort and enthusiasm that applicants put into them, and where an applicant offers an A in the EPQ, IPQ or ASCC we may make an offer of AAB at A-Level.

GCSE: English Language at grade C (4) or above, or an appropriate English language qualification. We will accept Level 2 Functional Skills English in lieu of GCSE English.

Alternative qualification

Access to he diploma.

Overall pass of the Access to HE, with 45 credits at level 3. Of these 45 credits, 30 level 3 credits must be in Physics and Mathematics and must be passed with Distinction.

BTEC qualifications in relevant disciplines are considered in combination with A Level Physics and Mathematics. Applicants should contact the School to discuss.

Cambridge Pre-U

D3, D3, M2 including Physics and Mathematics.

International Baccalaureate

18 points at Higher Level to include 5 in Higher Level Physics and 5 in Higher Level Mathematics.

Irish Leaving Certificate (higher Level)

H1, H2, H2, H2, H2, H2 including H2 in both Physics and Mathematics.

Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers

AA at Advanced Higher in Physics and Mathematics with AABBB at Higher.

Read more about UK and Republic of Ireland accepted qualifications or contact the School’s Undergraduate Admissions Team.

Alternative entry

We’re committed to identifying the best possible applicants, regardless of personal circumstances or background.

Access to Leeds is a contextual admissions scheme which accepts applications from individuals who might be from low income households, in the first generation of their immediate family to apply to higher education, or have had their studies disrupted.

Find out more about Access to Leeds and contextual admissions .

Typical Access to Leeds A Level offer: ABB including Physics and Mathematics. Excluding General Studies and Critical Thinking.

Foundation years

If you do not have the formal qualifications for immediate entry to one of our degrees, you may be able to progress through a foundation year.

We offer a Studies in Science with Foundation Year BSc for students without science and mathematics qualifications.

You could also study our Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year BSc which is for applicants whose background is less represented at university.

On successful completion of your foundation year, you will be able to progress onto your chosen course.


We accept a range of international equivalent qualifications . For more information, please contact the Admissions Team .

International Foundation Year

International students who do not meet the academic requirements for undergraduate study may be able to study the University of Leeds International Foundation Year. This gives you the opportunity to study on campus, be taught by University of Leeds academics and progress onto a wide range of Leeds undergraduate courses. Find out more about International Foundation Year programmes.

English language requirements

IELTS 6.0 overall, with no less than 5.5 in any one component. For other English qualifications, read English language equivalent qualifications .

Improve your English If you're an international student and you don't meet the English language requirements for this programme, you may be able to study our undergraduate pre-sessional English course , to help improve your English language level.

UK: To be confirmed

International: £32,250 (per year)

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students are set by the UK Government and will be £9,250 for students starting in 2024/25.

The fee may increase in future years of your course in line with inflation only, as a consequence of future changes in Government legislation and as permitted by law.

Tuition fees for UK undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 Tuition fees for UK full-time undergraduate students starting in 2025/26 have not yet been confirmed by the UK government. When the fee is available we will update individual course pages.

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students starting in 2024/25 and 2025/26 Tuition fees for international students for 2024/25 are available on individual course pages. Fees for students starting in 2025/26 will be available from September 2024.

Tuition fees for a study abroad or work placement year If you take a study abroad or work placement year, you’ll pay a reduced tuition fee during this period. For more information, see Study abroad and work placement tuition fees and loans .

Read more about paying fees and charges .

Additional cost information

Whilst there are no compulsory additional costs, it would be helpful to bring your own calculator. You’ll have access to all the recommended texts and a vast supply of books and academic journals from the university libraries.

You’ll also have access to the extensive IT facilities on campus including 24/7 computer clusters with everything you need to complete your work.

However, you may wish to purchase your own books and/or computer.

There may be additional costs related to your course or programme of study, or related to being a student at the University of Leeds. Read more on our living costs and budgeting page .

Scholarships and financial support

If you have the talent and drive, we want you to be able to study with us, whatever your financial circumstances. There is help for students in the form of loans and non-repayable grants from the University and from the government. Find out more in our  Undergraduate funding overview .


Apply to this course and check the deadline for applications through the UCAS website .

We may consider applications submitted after the deadline. Availability of courses in UCAS Extra will be detailed on UCAS at the appropriate stage in the cycle.

Admissions guidance

Read our admissions guidance about applying and writing your personal statement.

What happens after you’ve applied

You can keep up to date with the progress of your application through UCAS.

UCAS will notify you when we make a decision on your application. If you receive an offer, you can inform us of your decision to accept or decline your place through UCAS.

How long will it take to receive a decision

We typically receive a high number of applications to our courses. For applications submitted by the January UCAS deadline, UCAS asks universities to make decisions by mid-May at the latest.

Offer holder events

If you receive an offer from us, you’ll be invited to an offer holder event. This event is more in-depth than an open day. It gives you the chance to learn more about your course and get your questions answered by academic staff and students. Plus, you can explore our campus, facilities and accommodation.

International applicants

International students apply through UCAS in the same way as UK students.

We recommend that international students apply as early as possible to ensure that they have time to apply for their visa.

Read about visas, immigration and other information here .

If you’re unsure about the application process, contact the admissions team for help.

Admissions policy

University of Leeds Admissions Policy 2025

This course is taught by

School of Physics and Astronomy

School of Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Admissions Enquiries

Email: [email protected] Telephone:

Career opportunities

There are extensive employment opportunities in the field of physics across numerous industries, which is why physics graduates are in demand for some of the highest paid and most satisfying roles in employment.

Plus, University of Leeds students are among the top 5 most targeted by top employers according to  The Graduate Market 2024, High Fliers Research , meaning our graduates are highly sought after by some of the most reputable companies in the field.

Qualifying with a degree in physics from Leeds will set you up with the numerical, analytical and problem-solving skills and specialist subject knowledge needed to pursue an exciting career across a wide range of sectors, including:

  • Engineering
  • Finance (including Fintech)
  • Medical Physics
  • Patent Attorney
  • Tech Consulting
  • Electronics
  • Environment
  • Science Journalism

Throughout your course – especially in your final year research project – you'll have the chance to advance your knowledge and experience, whilst developing widely transferable skills desirable to employers including teamwork, independent research, analysis and communication.

Here’s an insight into the job roles some of our most recent physics graduates have obtained:

  • Astrophysicist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Clinical Scientist, Christie Hospital NHS Trust
  • Electronic Engineer, NASA
  • IT Specialist, IBM
  • Nuclear Engineer, Rolls Royce Submarines
  • Nuclear Independent Oversight Inspector, Sellafield Limited
  • Physicist, AMEC
  • Radiographer, NHS
  • Research Scientist, National Physical Laboratory
  • Robotics Systems Engineer, Dyson
  • Science Teacher
  • Scientific Officer, Met. Office
  • Systems Engineer, Boeing

Read our alumni profiles to find out more about where our students are working.

Careers support

At Leeds, we help you to prepare for your future from day one. Our Leeds for Life initiative is designed to help you develop and demonstrate the skills and experience you need for when you graduate. We will help you to access opportunities across the University and record your key achievements so you are able to articulate them clearly and confidently.

You'll be supported throughout your studies by our dedicated Employability Team, who will provide you with specialist support and advice to help you find relevant work experience, internships and industrial placements, as well as graduate positions. You’ll benefit from timetabled employability sessions, support during internships and placements, and presentations and workshops delivered by employers.

We’re also an active partner in the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy, where we hold the UK’s largest annual Physics Careers Fair, with employers exclusively looking for physicists.

Explore more about your employability opportunities at the University of Leeds.

Watch our Employability Team video.

You'll also have full access to the University’s Careers Centre , which is one of the largest in the country.

Study abroad and work placements

Study abroad.

This degree does not offer the option to study abroad. However, the Theoretical Physics (Industrial) BSc degree does have this option.

Work placements

This programme gives you the opportunity to undertake a paid industrial placement year as part of the course.

It’s important to note, work placements are not guaranteed. The job market is competitive – and there may be competition for the placement you want. You’ll have to apply the same way you would for any job post, with your CV and, if successful, attend an interview with the organisation.

Our Employability Team will help you every step of the way. They run a number of placement sessions to discuss opportunities and support you with CV writing and interview preparations. Plus, they’ll be there to answer any questions you may have and offer guidance throughout the process, too.

Benefits of a work placement year:

  • 100+ organisations to choose from, both in the UK and overseas
  • Build industry contacts within your chosen field
  • Our close industry links mean you’ll be in direct contact with potential employers
  • Advance your experience and skills by putting the course teachings into practice
  • Gain invaluable insight into working as a professional in this industry
  • Improve your employability

Here are some examples of placements our students have recently completed:

  • RF, IT, Secure Networks & Communications 2021 Year in Industry, QinetiQ
  • Industrial Placement - Technology Network Engineering, Vodafone Limited
  • Industrial Placement Student, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory
  • QA Engineer, Elder Studios Ltd
  • Security Risk Assurance Manager, Department of Work and Pensions

Find out more about  Industrial placements .

Rankings and awards

Top 100 in the world for physical sciences.

Times Higher World University Rankings 2024

Top 10 in the UK for research quality

Research Excellence Framework 2021 – Physics

Student profile: Millie Sandford

I love the flexibility with my course, I can really focus on the subject areas that I’m interested in through the optional modules. Millie Sandford, Theoretical Physics BSc

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Twelve McGill professors honoured by the Royal Society of Canada

research work in physics

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Newest Fellows and Members to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists recognized for scholarly, research and artistic excellence

Ten McGill professors researching in such areas as child trauma, memory and cardiovascular diseases are among the Royal Society of Canada’s (RSC) newest Fellows. Another two early-career professors at the University have been named Members of the RSC’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists.

They are among 104 new Fellows and 56 Members from across the country announced by the RSC on September 3, 2024.

“McGill’s new cohort of Royal Society of Canada Fellows and Members are not only exceptional individuals but are, in many ways, the very embodiment of the university," said Dominique Bérubé, Vice-President, Research and Innovation. "Their transformative contributions, from advancing equitable and inclusive public policies to enriching French-language literature, reflect the core of McGill’s mission and impact."

“McGill exists because of their work and their success is the university’s success,” she added. “The entire McGill community celebrates and congratulates them on these well-deserved honours.”

The new Fellows, elected by their peers, are being honoured for outstanding achievement and impact, including contributions to public life. They join more than 2,500 distinguished Canadian scholars, artists and scientists already named to one of the three Academies: Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Science.

The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists is Canada’s first national system of multidisciplinary recognition for emerging intellectual leaders. It has more than 400 Members who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in their disciplines and are within 15 years of having received their PhD or disciplinary equivalent. Members of the College are elected for seven-year terms.

McGill scholars address trauma, mental health, and public policy

The RSC Class of 2024 includes Delphine Collin-Vézina , a professor in the School of Social Work. Her trauma-informed, children’s rights-based research informs the promotion and implementation of social responses to children and youth who have experienced traumatic life events. In 2020, she received $2.5M in SSHRC Partnership Grants, which allowed her to establish the Canadian Consortium on Child & Youth Trauma.

Another new Fellow is Karim Nader , a James McGill Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and a renowned leader in memory research focusing on fear. His groundbreaking findings show that memories can be retrieved and become changeable through a process called “reconsolidation,” changing the way we think about how memory is formed and retrieved. This could one day help treat sufferers of life-altering post-traumatic stress disorders stemming from violence or abuse, as well as drug addiction, epilepsy or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

New Fellow Rhian Touyz , Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) is recognized for her research advancing the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart and circulatory diseases. She is also a Canada Research Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine (Tier I).

Daniel Weinstock of the Faculty of Law is a leading expert in contemporary moral and political philosophy. The new Fellow has participated in numerous public policy debates in Quebec, including on equity in health care and access to higher education, and the accommodation of cultural and religious diversity in democratic societies.

One of McGill’s newly elected College Members, Jai Shah , is a leading researcher on the early phases of psychotic illnesses. A psychiatrist and researcher at the Program for Prevention and Early Intervention in Psychosis (PEPP-Montreal) at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, he is involved in and committed to early-intervention efforts across youth mental health.

The new Fellows and Members will be inducted at the RSC Celebration of Excellence and Engagement (COEE) from November 7 to 9 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

McGill’s 2024 RSC Fellows

  • Arash Abizadeh , R.B. Angus Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts
  • Daniel Béland , James McGill Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts; Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC)
  • Jacob Burack , Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, Faculty of Education; Director, McGill Youth Study Team (MYST)
  • Delphine Collin-Vézina , Professor and Nicolas Steinmetz and Gilles Julien Chair in Community Social Pediatrics, School of Social Work, Faculty of Arts; Director, Centre for Research on Children and Families
  • Alain Farah , Professeur agrégé, Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création, Faculty of Arts
  • Karim Nader , James McGill Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science
  • David A. Stephens , Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science; Vice-Dean, Faculty of Science
  • Rhian Touyz , Professor and Dr. Phil Gold Chair in Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)
  • Brigitte Vachon , James McGill Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
  • Daniel Weinstock , Professor and Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy, Faculty of Law; Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law

McGill’s 2024 Members to the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists

  • Stefanie Blain-Moraes , Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Tier II Canada Research Chair in Consciousness and Personhood Technologies
  • Jai Shah , Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; Researcher, Douglas Hospital Research Centre

Read the official RSC press release.

  • Research and innovation

Department and University Information

Research and innovation.


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    The Department of Engineering Physics at Polytechnique Montréal is recognized for the quality of its teaching and research activities, mainly in the fields of optics and photonics, advanced materials and devices, biomedical engineering, and nuclear and energy engineering. ... Obtain grants and contracts aimed at supporting research work with ...

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    Nature Reviews Physics - As physicists are increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI) methods in their research, we ponder the role of human beings in future scientific discoveries. Will ...

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  29. Twelve McGill professors honoured by the Royal Society of Canada

    Newest Fellows and Members to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists recognized for scholarly, research and artistic excellence Ten McGill professors researching in such areas as child trauma, memory and cardiovascular diseases are among the Royal Society of Canada's (RSC) newest Fellows. Another two early-career professors at the University have been named Members of the RSC ...