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phd programmes in the netherlands

PhD programmes

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.

Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.

A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Many PhD candidates are employed by the University, but a number are subsidised by a grant that they have acquired themselves. The University also has a large number of external PhD candidates, who generally work part-time on their research. 

Every PhD candidate is enrolled in one of the University Graduate Schools.

Read more about Studying for your PhD .

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PhD's at Maastricht University

At Maastricht University, a PhD degree is not just a study but a serious research project that adds new knowledge to a given field. There are three ways to become a PhD candidate at UM, which are outlined below. As a PhD candidate, you’ll spend most of your time conducting original research and writing a dissertation. You might also follow courses relevant to your research or have teaching responsibilities as well. Most candidates take four years to complete their dissertation and earn their degree. Requirements for our PhD programmes vary, but you will at least need a master’s degree, a high level of English proficiency and a strong academic record.

There are three ways to obtain a PhD at Maastricht University:

Apply for a paid phd position.

As a paid PhD candidate, you’ll be an employee of the university and will conduct research in conjunction with a faculty, research school or institute. You can search for a PhD vacancy on Academic Transfer or contact a faculty directly.   Paid PhD positions

Note: FHML/MUMC+ discerns 4 types of PhDs.

Enrol in a PhD training programme

Several of our graduate schools and research institutes offer PhD training programmes. In these programmes, you will follow a number of courses as well as write a dissertation. We have both full-time and part-time programmes.

  PhD training programmes

Obtain external funding & pitch your idea

Do you have a specific research proposal that does not match one of our vacancies? Then you can also obtain external funding and pitch your idea to one of our faculties, graduate schools or research institutes.

  Externally funded PhDs

BA Tax Law

Why Maastricht University?

The Netherlands ranks second worldwide in the number of publications per researcher and third worldwide in the impact of research publications, according to the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC). At Maastricht University, PhD candidates are respected as full-fledged members of our research community. You'll be treated as a peer and will be given all the support you need for your research. There is a high level of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional cooperation at UM, and PhDs often complete their dissertation alongside their career. Such a commitment requires hard work and fortitude. And it especially requires the capacity to innovate, to come up with new ideas and new ways of seeing and applying knowledge.

International environment

Maastricht University was the first university in the Netherlands to strive for internationalisation. Almost half of our students and 40% of our academic staff come from abroad. Each faculty, school and institute has extensive international partnership networks and the university encourages international research collaborations. Students and researchers have many opportunities to study and work abroad, and our graduates are eagerly sought in the international labour market and research community.

Active PhD community

At Maastricht University, we have a vibrant PhD community. There are many ways to connect with your peers on a social and professional level:

  • PhD Academy Maastricht
  • Young Researchers Academy
  • Central PhD Candidates Platform
  • PhD candidates Network (PNN)
  • Meet & Greet Maastricht
  • Representative participation for UM
  • ProVUM Maastricht
  • European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc)

Current PhD candidates

In the overview for current PhDs, you can find more information on:

  • additional courses
  • professional development opportunities
  • practical matters
  • Scholarships

  Overview for current PhDs

Research master's

Have you finished your bachelor’s and would like to pursue a PhD? Then you should consider one of our research master’s programmes, which specifically prepare you to be successful as a doctoral candidate. In some of these programmes, more than 90% of the students go on to become PhD candidates. You can find the research master's programmes in our master's overview.

Master's programmes

Defending your thesis

A PhD Defence ceremony is a formal occasion with strict protocols governing each person’s role, responsibility, and even the language used. It all works a bit like a trial, hence the term ‘PhD defence’. If you are a PhD candidate at the end of your trajectory you need to formally request permission for a public defense ceremony soon. In this website you find information on practical matters you need to arrange before and during your doctoral research and explains how to go about your your PhD defense.

  More information


One step closer to an anti-stress pill

Why are some people more sensitive to stress than others? Dennis Hernaus was hired as a PhD candidate to study the relationship between stress and dopamine levels of patients using PET scanners. He found that low dopamine levels are associated with increased sensitivity to stress and vice versa.  

Medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII Hannah van den Ende PhD

Wrestling with medical-ethical dilemmas during WWII

Is it okay for a doctor to make someone ill or appear ill if it saves them from being boarded on a train and sent to a death camp? Hannah van den Ende studied the experiences of 534 Dutch-Jewish doctors who wrestled with this type of ethical dilemma during WWII.  

HIV stigma in virtual reality PhD Henna Toppenberg

Studying HIV-related stigma in virtual reality

Stigmatising behaviour is often unconscious. People don't usually realise that they treat HIV patients differently. But the consequences are real. Henna Toppenberg and her PhD supervisor Rob Ruiter are using virtual reality to gain more insight into this behaviour so they can help bring about change.  

A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia

Detailed information on Dutch research and higher education can be found in  A Beginner's Guide to Dutch Academia. 

Hortense Jongen winner of The 2018 Dissertation Prize

The 2018 Dissertation Prize, this year awarded for the best doctoral dissertation from the inner city faculties, went to Hortense Jongen from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Her thesis is entitled: ‘Combating corruption the soft way: The authority of peer reviews in the global fight against graft.’

Pursuing a PhD means spending a minimum of four years conducting original research and writing a dissertation. Throughout this time, PhD candidates work in close collaboration with their supervisor. A PhD is not regarded as study, but as serious research and PhD candidates in the Netherlands are often in paid employment.

Pursuing a PhD in the Netherlands

Admission and funding, why choose the netherlands for your phd.

The Netherlands has:

  • excellent graduate schools;
  • a large variety of research fields and extensive interdisciplinary collaboration;
  • world-class research: ten Dutch research universities are ranked in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022;
  • mostly paid employment contracts for PhD candidates.

Research schools and graduate schools

All PhD candidates are part of a graduate school or research school. Research schools are partnerships between multiple research universities and research institutes, while graduate schools are organised within universities. Both provide an inspiring research environment, offering tailor-made study programmes, master classes, seminars and conferences.

A Dutch PhD is highly regarded

Once your dissertation is approved for publication, you will attend the public defence of your research and will be awarded the PhD at a ceremony steeped in tradition. A PhD from a Dutch university is highly regarded because of the high academic standards. The Netherlands has an excellent international ranking for the number of publications per researcher (2nd) and for the impact of research publication (4th).

Where are PhDs offered?

In the Netherlands, research is carried out by research universities, research institutes and companies, but only research universities can award PhD degrees. Other research institutes that work in close collaboration with a research university may also offer PhD positions.

Most PhD posts will often be advertised on job boards, such as AcademicTransfer , in scientific journals, or on notice boards at other institutions. If you see a PhD position that interests you, contact the institution directly about the application procedure.

Your own research proposal

If you have a specific research proposal of your own and cannot find a vacancy to match it, you may pitch your idea to universities or research groups that conduct research in the relevant field and are able to provide funding.

Admission criteria for PhD positions are rigorous, and potential candidates must have a solid background in the theory and methods of their field as well as a recognised master’s degree. PhD students from other countries generally choose to write their dissertation in English and will therefore need to demonstrate a good command of English idiom and grammar before the dissertation begins.

Funding your PhD position

In the Netherlands, there are generally 3 ways to fund your PhD:

  • employed by the PhD-awarding institution;
  • with a fellowship or grant awarded by a supporting body;
  • with sponsorship from your employer.

Employed by an institution The majority of PhD candidates in the Netherlands have an employment contract with the institution where they will be conducting their research.

Fellowship or grant About one sixth of PhD candidates in the Netherlands find funding in the form of a fellowship or grant, and many of these come from abroad. Once you have found a fellowship or grant, you will need to find a supervisor at a research institution willing to support you. Organisations offering fellowships and grants can be found on the EURAXESS website and at our Finances overview .

Sponsored by your employer It is sometimes possible to study for a PhD part-time while working. If you and your employer are interested in this option, you should contact the institution of your choice for more information.

Tuition fees

Some Dutch institutions charge fees for enrolment, supervision and access to laboratories and other facilities. Each research university is free to decide on how much it charges and fees do vary from one discipline to the next, depending on whether expensive equipment is required or not.

The EURAXESS website provides detailed practical information useful for researchers (including PhD candidates) coming to the Netherlands, covering immigration procedures, social security, taxation, healthcare insurance, etc. If you need an entry visa, your prospective institution will advise you on the correct procedure for your particular situation.

PhD at VU Amsterdam

Follow our youtube channel at  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam  and  VU Amsterdam International Student .

At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam we provide three or four year research intensive PhD programs, or part time PhD programs with a duration above four years, organized in graduate schools of nine VU Amsterdam faculties. We expect our doctoral graduates to become internationally engaged scientists with transferable skills and opportunities to plan a career in or outside academia. 

We offer customized training and supervision with a strong emphasis on the development of research as well as professional skills such as the ability to work in teams and collaborate. In short, we wish to develop engaged and responsible academics and future professionals who constantly explore and push back the boundaries of existing knowledge. Our doctorates are internationally-oriented, multi and interdisciplinary, curiosity and results driven, creating an impact in science, society and economy.

Earning a doctorate from VU Amsterdam often leads to a career as a scholar and researcher in universities, and non-universities (universities of applied sciences); non-profits and think tanks; consultancies and corporations.

At VU Amsterdam we have two types of PhD candidates: internal and external. Internal PhD candidates are paid employees of VU Amsterdam and enter into labor agreement with VU Amsterdam. External PhDs candidates undertake a PhD at VU Amsterdam with a foreign funding or scholarship scheme, or are self funded professionals or students. 

More about PhD at VU Amsterdam

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phd programmes in the netherlands

PhD at TU Delft

TU Delft is the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands: an institution where we perform world-class research by combining science, engineering and design in a socially responsible manner. As a PhD candidate at TU Delft, you will have the opportunity to conduct in-depth (paid) research in your chosen field. With this degree you will definitely have impact for a better society. Welcome to TU Delft Graduate School!

Directly to:

  • Course enrollment current PhDs
  • Portal for current PhDs

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PhD programme

phd programmes in the netherlands

Career perspectives

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Campus life

phd programmes in the netherlands

PhD programmes at EUR

phd programmes in the netherlands

From award winning scientists to PhD students, everyone at Erasmus University Rotterdam is engaged in creating new knowledge. Pursue your career in research by starting a PhD track in our multidisciplinary, international setting with social relevance in mind. Where disciplines meet, knowledge is advanced.

From master to PhD researcher

Each year more than 300 academics complete their PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam. All faculties have their own doctorate programme, which normally amounts to a four-year track during which you perform research on a particular subject under the supervision of a professor.

Completing a PhD programme is a requirement to become a university professor, researcher, or scientist in many fields. In the course of your PhD you will follow courses and workshops, and attend conferences, all geared towards enhancing your research and networking skills.

  • How our research is organised

Excellent academic reputation

Erasmus University Rotterdam has an excellent academic reputation and maintains a high position in international rankings. According to the QS ranking, the EUR scores the best in the field of Accounting and Finance and Business and Management. The University also ranks high in many different areas. 

  • View position of EUR in rankings

Facilities for PhD students

There is a wide range of training possibilities for employees within Erasmus University Rotterdam. The training courses and programmes are given in the  Training and Development Platform , TOP. In addition to coordinating the range of training courses with other universities, This platform is where all practical, substantive and innovative activities relating to training and development take place. Three courses are specifically offered for PhD employees;  Stress management ,  Lab of life: Work-Life Balance  and The art of change .

Furthermore, EUR also offers PhD candidates guidance and counseling, for example by offering the services of a PhD psychologist.

More about EUR

Incoming international staff.

phd programmes in the netherlands

IDEA Center

phd programmes in the netherlands

Erasmus Sustainability Hub

Four team members from the Erasmus Sustainability Hub pose smiling

Meet our PhD students

Weys qaran – public administration.

Weys Qaran

  • "Contributing to knowledge that might improve the labour market positions of these vulnerable groups is really motivating"

Georgia Antonopoulou – Law

Georgia Antonopoulou

  • Research on business courts

Andrea Reina Tamayo – Psychology

Andrea Reina Tamayo

  • "There aren’t many studies of work engagement at the moment level. It’s something quite ‘out of the box.’"

Riccardo Valboni - Business & Management

Ricardo Valboni

  • Strategic management and entrepreneurship

What Makes Them Tick? Pieter van den Heede about his research on WWII and games

phd programmes in the netherlands

PhD in the Spotlight: Emma van Gelder

PhD in the Spotlight

Siri Driessen about her research on war memorial sites

Siri Driessen about her research on war memorial sites

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Doing your PhD at UT

Doing a PhD will probably be the most influential time in your personal development to prepare you for your future career

In the Netherlands, only research universities like the University of Twente offer the third cycle of higher education leading to a PhD. A PhD involves spending four years of in-depth studying and researching in a particular area. You can do this within one of our research groups .

Programme overview

Your tasks as a PhD researcher include research activities, attending training courses and teaching and supervising activities (in principle only for employees). Your research activities will provide you with skills and experience you need to become an independent researcher. Part of your research also involves disseminating the knowledge you acquire, for example, through publications in academic journals.

During the 4-year PhD programme you do at least 30 credits worth of PhD courses or hands-on activities. These cover academic skills and career development, in depth disciplinary and wide-ranging courses. An integral part of a PhD is writing your PhD thesis and then, of course, presenting and defend your research in public. After successfully completing your PhD, you will be awarded the title of Doctor (Dr., equivalent to PhD).

  • TGS brochure
  • Double Badged / Joint PHD Programme RMIT University - UT (2019-2023)
  • Joint PHD Programme Maquire University (MQ) - UT (2018-2028)
  • A beginner's guide to Dutch Academia A guide for foreign researchers who would like to work in the Netherlands.


Are you interested in becoming a top notch researcher at the University of Twente? Then please first make sure you meet the admission requirements . If you're sure you fit the bill, then it's time to apply for a PhD position .

If your passion lies more in design than in research make sure to find out more about our EngD programmes .

We have 9 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Netherlands

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Netherlands

Phd project: value-creation with marginalized stakeholders, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Executive PhD programme in Private Sector Development

Self-funded phd students only.

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Netherlands PhD Programme

A Dutch PhD usually takes 4 years and focusses mainly on research towards your thesis. This will be assessed by external examiners before being presented at a ceremonial public defence, rather than a private viva voce. Many programmes are delivered in English and students are often employed as salaried staff with teaching responsibilities.

PhD Candidate: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience – Decision Confidence

Phd candidate: computational cognitive neuroscience – multisensory perceptual inference, learning and attention, phd position (f/m/d): pioneering simulations of offshore wind farm turbulence, phd position (f/m/d): large-scale weather effects in wind farm simulations, 10 phd fellowships within horizon europe marie curie doctoral network programme praetorian, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Marie Curie Innovative Training Network

Marie Curie Action Innovative Training Networks are set up by the European Union to provide joint PhD opportunities involving universities and industrial partners from at least two different countries. Students receive generous funding as they move between participating institutions to complete unique research and training opportunities.

PhD in Urban Development and Governance

Dba with audencia in collaboration with wittenborg.

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PhD research

PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

phd programmes in the netherlands

PhD vacancies

phd programmes in the netherlands

Getting your PhD at the UvA

phd programmes in the netherlands

UvA Staff Housing

The guide to doing your PhD at the UvA brings together all kinds of information about the PhD process, from the regulations and different steps in the process to terms of employment and facilities you can make use of as a PhD candidate.

Doctoral programme: from admission to completion

Documents and forms, phd contact information, central phd council, cookie consent.

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PhD Programme

Psychology Research Institute / PsyRes

  • Application and Admission

Project & activities

During your PhD appointment, which typically lasts three to four years, your primary focus will be conducting research for your doctoral dissertation. However, we also encourage you to engage in other activities such as taking courses offered by the PhD Training Programme, teaching undergraduate courses in the Departments of Social Sciences, and actively participating in the research community, both within PsyRes and at national and international levels.

Close-knit community

As a PhD student at PsyRes, you will be part of a vibrant community that values your growth and development. We offer coaching, training, and a strong PhD Community to support you throughout your doctoral journey. We encourage our students to publish their research early in their careers, enhancing their academic profiles and fostering their future career prospects.

Programme Groups

You will be assigned to a programme group where you will conduct your research and be immersed in a supportive and collaborative environment. We are excited about newly interest in pursuing a PhD at the University of Amsterdam and look forward to welcoming postgraduate students to our dynamic academic community at PsyRes.

The Brain and Cognition programme aims to gain understanding of cognitive phenomena based on neurobiological principles, and has a focus on using cognitive research to understand clinical phenomena and to develop assessment tools or interventions for specific patient groups. The focus is thus on both typical and atypical brain functioning and cognition. The group has a relatively large number of PhD students and therefore there is ample possibility for interaction with other PhD students, both for research purposes (e.g. asking questions about methods or complicated analysis) as well as for social purposes. Interaction with other members of the program group, i.e. post docs and staff members, is actively encouraged through weekly program group meetings in which plenary talks are given by members of the group from all levels.

There is a strong research-oriented atmosphere and new experimental projects are generally discussed in smaller group settings to foster discussion and collaboration. PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor) and often part of the Amsterdam Graduate Network, a network organization with PhD students from both the UvA and the VU (in case the PhD project is mostly on the nature of human cognition and its neural basis) by a graduate school of choice (in case the PhD project is in the domain of clinical neuropsychology).

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in the Brain and Cognition group, please click on the link below.

PhD students in Clinical Psychology are always supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor) and participate in the teaching programme of the School of Experimental Psychopathology (EPP).

Individual studies of PhD students are generally discussed in small group settings. In these meetings, not only their own studies are discussed, but also major articles in the field. Further, PhD students are encouraged to present their work on international conferences.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology, please click on the link below.

The research group consists tenured staff and about 50% PhD students and postdocs. PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members and become a member of a lab group in which research is discussed in a constructive atmosphere. The interaction between PhD students and other staff is encouraged actively which results in considerable cross-fertilization between several themes of the program.

PhD students and their supervisors prepare a training program at the start of the PhD project, which includes taking courses, for example those offered by research schools like EPP or IOPS. Although PhD students are recruited on the basis of a research proposal, students are encouraged actively to make an independent contribution, especially during the final stages of the project. The progress made by PhD students and postdocs is continuously monitored by their supervisors, and on a yearly basis by the research institute.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Developmental Psychology, please click on the link below.

Many topics are initiated by PhD students, who fulfill an important role in our research culture. Fortunately, in the last years the number of PhD students increased due to NWO funding. Generally, PhD students are supervised by at least two staff members.

Each month plenary talks are held. The objective of the internal collaboration is to increase the quality and productivity of the group and to improve the unity of the research. Finally, PhD students participate in activities organised by the  Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics (IOPS) , the institute for the advanced dissertation training in psychometrics and sociometrics.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Psychological Methods, please click on the link below.

The Social Psychology research group has a relatively large group of PhD students, which generates a research-oriented atmosphere. Individual experiments are generally discussed in small group settings; these discussions focus on design and measurement issues.

PhD’s are always supervised by at least two staff members and are encouraged to participate in the summer school of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP), and to present their work not only at international conferences but also in smaller scale, more informal, meetings such as those of ESCON (European Social Cognition Network) or CERE (Consortium of European Researchers on Emotions); and in incidental small group meetings sponsored by the EAESP (European Association of Experimental Social Psychology.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Social Psychology, please click on the link below.

PhD students in Work and Organizational Psychology work in a cooperative, research-oriented environment and are specializing on various topics in W&O psychology. PhD-students in our group are always supervised by at least two staff members (promotor and co-promotor), with whom PhD-students together actively discuss research ideas and papers. PhD-students also participate in the Work and Organizational Psychology teaching programme in the Bachelor and Master.

Individual studies and papers of PhD students are often discussed in our monthly research meetings with a large section of the programma group. Further, PhD students are encouraged to present their work on international conferences. Finally, they become a member of the Dutch research school Kurt Lewin Institute (KLI), where they follow courses and meet PhD-students (and faculty) from all over the Netherlands.

Should you have any questions about pursuing a PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology, please click on the link below.

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  • Search Working at TU/e
  • Academic Perspectives
  • Irène Curie Fellowship
  • Professional Development
  • Scientific Staff Vacancies
  • Support Staff Vacancies
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Application process
  • Support for internationals

Working at TU/e

Phd on bio-based composites processing and structural design for architecture, job description.

Are you inspired by sustainable materials and innovative structural design? Are you eager to work on a multidisciplinary project bringing material science and structural engineering together, enhancing bio-based composites to achieve a more sustainable built environment? Then you may be an excellent candidate for this PhD position.

The construction industry is confronted with a formidable challenge: reducing CO2 emissions. A promising avenue of research to tackle this issue is the utilization of bio-based fiber-reinforced polymer composites as an alternative to conventional construction materials. In particular, through the fabrication technique of filament winding, lattice composite structures can achieve high-performance, lightweight solutions that minimize material usage. This project aims to transcend the state-of-the-art by adopting a multidisciplinary approach that integrates material processing, architecture, and structural engineering. In this position, you will research and develop a bio-based fiber composite structural system for architectural applications enhancing material processing parameters while characterizing its structural performance. The main challenges of this PhD position would include:

  • Evaluate bio-based matrix systems for compatibility with flax fibers and optimize the process of filament winding to enhance material quality and consistency.
  • Characterize the mechanical properties of the bio-based composite, and develop scalability strategies to transfer small-scale testing results to large-scale designs.
  • Demonstrate the feasibility of bio-based composites in architectural applications through the design of a structural system with enhanced fabrication and structural properties.

The position is part of the TU/e EuroTech PhD Program where PhD candidates will enjoy a unique educational experience, jointly supervised by researchers from TU/e and one of the EuroTech University Alliance partners. The selected candidate will be based at TU/e, in the newly formed chair of Sustainable Structural Design of the Unit Structural Engineering and Design at the Department of the Built Environment . As a requirement of this program, the candidate should spend at least 6 months at the partner university EPFL , Switzerland, working and collaborating with the Laboratory for Processing of Advance Composites , under the supervision of Prof. Véronique Michaud, who will also be the second supervisor along the project.

Job requirements

A master’s degree (or an equivalent university degree) in architecture or structural engineering.

  • A strong interest in sustainable structural design, bio-based material systems, and circularity.
  • Experience with fabrication of specimens and structural testing is required. Experience with digital fabrication and computational design is preferred.
  • Prior knowledge of composites, natural fibers, and/or bio-based resins is advantageous.
  • In-depth knowledge of parametric design (rhinoceros, grasshopper) and other relevant software programs (e.g., finite element method), as well as data management techniques.
  • A research-oriented attitude.
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team, and interested in collaborating with industrial partners.
  • Availability to spend a minimum of 6 months at EPFL, Switzerland.
  • Motivated to develop your teaching skills and coach students.
  • Fluent in spoken and written English (C1 level).

Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:

  • Full-time employment for four years, with an intermediate evaluation (go/no-go) after nine months. You will spend 10% of your employment on teaching tasks.
  • Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2,770 max. €3,539).
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • High-quality training programs and other support to grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher. At TU/e we challenge you to take charge of your own learning process .
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
  • An allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • A Staff Immigration Team and a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) for international candidates.

Information and application

About us Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. Curious to hear more about what it’s like as a PhD candidate at TU/e? Please view the video . Information Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? Please contact the hiring manager Dr.-Ing. Marta Gil Pérez, Assistant Professor, [email protected] or +31 40 247 2915. Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment. . Are you inspired and would like to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page .

Application We invite you to submit a complete application by using the apply button. The application should include a:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of your publications and the contact information of three references.
  • An IELTS/TOEFL test proofing the required level.

We look forward to receiving your application and will screen it as soon as possible. The vacancy will remain open until the position is filled.

Select language

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Working at Utrecht University

2 phd's on nature-based approaches for climate adaptation in dutch lowland.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and the competition for space due to economic development pose increasing threats to the Netherlands. To maintain a safe, economically viable, and biodiverse environment, fundamental changes are needed in our land use, soil management, and water management. In this context, transitioning towards Nature-Based adaptation becomes increasingly important.

As part of the Nationaal Groeifonds programme NL2120 , the Department of Physical Geography at Utrecht University explores adaptation approaches for Dutch rivers and peatlands. We are seeking two PhD candidates who are eager to contribute to this climate adaptation challenge through two separate projects.

Sustainable RiverScapes (Position 1) aims to develop integrated nature-based strategies for the Dutch river areas to adapt to the changing climate and enhance biodiversity. The challenge is to find adaptation solutions that optimize flood safety, sedimentation, biodiversity, and balance cost and benefits. You will extend and apply the RiverScape model, which simulates the hydro-morphological effects of nature-based interventions in the river-floodplain area. Using field observations with state-of-the-art instruments enabled by the new Delta-ENIGMA facility, you will quantitatively analyze floodplain vegetation and sediment dynamics to develop new vegetation and sediment modules in RiverScape. Subsequently, you will evaluate different strategies under a range of future scenarios to assess how nature-based approaches can contribute to the climate adaptation of river landscapes.

Sustainable Peatlands (Position 2) aims to develop strategies for the sustainable development and climate-resilient use of peatland areas to enhance carbon sequestration and biodiversity, and to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. To date, it is unknown how drained peatlands can be optimally used as nature-based solutions from a greenhouse gas perspective, and what water and soil management measures are required. Fundamental understanding of the natural dynamics of peatland systems is still needed. For this research, a unique peatland growth pilot is being developed in the province of Friesland. Field measurements at the pilot site and in other peatlands, laboratory measurements, and numerical models will be used to investigate peat growth, carbon storage, and greenhouse gas emissions under changing conditions such as groundwater levels. In this project, you will quantify and monitor carbon sequestration under different conditions in peatland areas across the Netherlands, identify the role of the water system and other controls on carbon sequestration, and develop strategies to make polders climate-neutral.

Within the NL2120 project, both PhDs will integrate their results with studies on governance and economics conducted at other universities and by external parties (Deltares, WUR, NGOs, water boards, and Rijkswaterstaat).

To support academic and personal development, PhD candidates will follow courses and assist in teaching Earth Sciences at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Together, these activities amount to twenty percent of the contracted time.

Your qualities

This project may be right for you if you have:

  • an MSc in Earth sciences, physical geography, hydrology, environmental science (position 1 and 2), civil engineering (position 1), or ecology (position 2);
  • experience with geoscientific field observations and data retrieval using field equipment;
  • proven skills in programming, numerical modelling, and using spatial datasets (Python / willing to learn Python), as well as scenario analysis;
  • an interest in interdisciplinary scientific challenges and interactions;
  • ability to work independently, take initiative, and demonstrate a critical mindset;
  • strong organizational and communication skills, with a collaborative team spirit;
  • excellent English oral and written skills, and a willingness to learn Dutch.
  • a position for 1 year, with an extension to a total of four years upon a successful assessment in the first year, and with the specific intent that it results in a doctorate within this period;
  • a working week of 36 hours and a gross monthly salary between €2.770 and €3.539 in the case of full-time employment (salary scale P under the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO NU)); 
  • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus; 
  • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU. 

In addition to the  terms of employment  laid down in the CAO NU, Utrecht University has a number of schemes and facilities of its own for employees. This includes schemes facilitating  professional development , leave schemes and schemes for  sports and cultural activities , as well as discounts on software and other IT products. We also offer access to additional employee benefits through our Terms of Employment Options Model. In this way, we encourage our employees to continue to invest in their growth. For more information, please visit  Working at Utrecht University .

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At  Utrecht University , the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major  strategic themes . Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Pathways to Sustainability.  Sharing science, shaping tomorrow .

Utrecht University’s Faculty of Geosciences studies the Earth: from the Earth’s core to its surface, including man’s spatial and material utilisation of the Earth – always with a focus on sustainability and innovation. With 3,400 students (BSc and MSc) and 720 staff, the faculty is a strong and challenging organisation. The Faculty of Geosciences is organised in four Departments: Earth Sciences, Human Geography & Spatial Planning, Physical Geography, and Sustainable Development.

The team of the Department of Physical Geography excels in research and education on BSc, MSc and PhD level. We research processes, patterns and dynamics of Earth’s systems from the mountains to the sea, and the interaction in between. This knowledge is essential for the sustainable management of our planet and to guarantee the availability of resources for the next generations. We are a lively department that hosts an active early career community (PhD-students, researchers and lecturers). We organise a warm welcome for every new member.

More information

For more information, please contact Dr Menno Straatsma (Assistant Professor Ecomorphology and river management) at [email protected] for position 1, or Prof. Dr Esther Stouthamer (Professor Delta Evolution and Subsurface Processes) at [email protected] for position 2.

Candidates for this vacancy will be recruited by Utrecht University.

As Utrecht University, we want to be a  home  for everyone. We value staff with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and identities, including cultural, religious or ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment in which everyone can flourish and contribute.

To apply, please send your curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation via the ‘apply now’ button. Additionally, if you hold an international (non-Dutch) Master’s degree, please also submit your BA and MA diplomas along with your grade lists in English.

The interviews for position 1 (Riverscape) are on 16 and 17 September; for position 2 (Peat) on 23 and 25 September. The first round can be online via MS Teams. Preferred starting date is November 2024.

The application deadline is 2 September 2024.

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Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

PhD position on CRISPR diagnostics on-chip to improve cervical cancer screening

As PhD student on this project, you will work on the development of CRISPR assay on a microfluidic chip, to improve the cervical cancer screening

  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Kuan Chen
  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Britt Büter
  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Jeroen Blok
  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Stefano Stramigioli
  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Eline Meijerink
  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Ying Wang
  • Hi! Are you my new colleague? Clara Stegehuis

Key takeaways

  • Hours 40 hr.
  • Salary indication Salary gross/monthly based on full-time € 2,872 - € 3,670
  • Deadline 30 Aug 2024

Cervical cancer is the most common gynecological cancer and this cancer could be prevented by screening programs. Currently the participation rates are low and in this project we want to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of current screening approaches by lowering participation barriers using innovative technologies. Therefore we will develop at the university of Twente an innovative lab on a chip that can be used for the screening. For this we aim to use CRISPR diagnostics in combination with microfluidic chip design.

This PhD project is part of larger study in collaboration with Amsterdam UMC, stakeholders and private partners all participating in this 4WWW project.

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Your profile

  • You are an enthusiastic and highly motivated researcher, who is not afraid to work in an interdisciplinary team.
  • You have, or will shortly, acquire a master degree in the field of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Applied Physics or a related field.
  • You have a creative mindset and excellent analytical and communication skills.
  • You have a good team spirit
  • You are proficient in English.
  • As a PhD student at UT, you will be appointed to a full-time position for four years, with a qualifier in the first year, within a very stimulating and exciting scientific environment;
  • The University offers a dynamic ecosystem with enthusiastic colleagues;
  • Your salary and associated conditions are in accordance with the collective labour agreement for Dutch universities (CAO-NU);
  • You will receive a gross monthly salary ranging from € 2.872,- (first year) to € 3.670,- (fourth year);
  • There are excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%, and a solid pension scheme;
  • A family-friendly institution that offers parental leave (both paid and unpaid);
  • You will have a training programme as part of the Twente Graduate School where you and your supervisors will determine a plan for a suitable education and supervision;
  • We encourage a high degree of responsibility and independence, while collaborating with close colleagues, researchers and other staff.

Information and application

Are you interested in this position? Please send your application via the 'Apply now' button below before 30 August 2024 , and include:

  • A detailed CV
  • A motivation letter
  • Contact details of referees

For more information regarding this position, you are welcome to contact (Loes Segerink, [email protected])

Share this vacancy

About the department.

At BIOS, lab on a Chip group we aims to bridge physics, biology and chemistry with the power of Lab on a chip technology. As such we are an interdisciplinary group, part of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology and Technical Medical Centre.

About the organisation

The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) uses mathematics, electronics and computer technology to contribute to the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). With ICT present in almost every device and product we use nowadays, we embrace our role as contributors to a broad range of societal activities and as pioneers of tomorrow's digital society. As part of a people-first tech university that aims to shape society, individuals and connections, our faculty works together intensively with industrial partners and researchers in the Netherlands and abroad, and conducts extensive research for external commissioning parties and funders. Our research has a high profile both in the Netherlands and internationally. It has been accommodated in three multidisciplinary UT research institutes: Mesa+ Institute, TechMed Centre and Digital Society Institute.

Want to know more?

Segerink, L.I. (Loes)

Segerink, L.I. (Loes) Full Professor

Do you have questions about this vacancy? Then you can contact  Loes  for all substantive questions about this position and the application procedure. For general questions about working for the UT, please refer to the chatbot.

How to apply

Apply. When you see a vacancy that appeals to you, you can apply online. We ask you to upload a CV and motivation letter and/or list of publications. You will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail.

Selection. The selection committee will review your application and you will receive a response within 2 weeks after the vacancy has been closed.

1st interview. The 1st (online or in person) meeting serves as an introduction where we introduce ourselves to you and you to us. You may be asked to give a short presentation. This will be further explained in the invitation.

2nd interview. In the second interview, we will further discuss the job content, your skills and your talents.

The offer. If the conversations are positive, you will be made a suitable offer. If applicable, we will sign you up for screening.

Your Colleagues

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Dongen, J.E. van (Nienke)

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Berendsen, J.T.W. (Jorien)

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Segerink, L.I. (Loes)

About the faculty eemcs.

Curious about what the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) stands for? Check out the EEMCS website for more information.

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Create new opportunities for yourself, your colleagues and our society. Scientist or teacher, administrator or facilitator, thinker or doer, energetic leader or silent support – your work at the University of Twente matters. And you too!

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At the UT it’s all about people, in line with our university’s High Tech Human Touch philosophy. In everything we do, the well-being and future of our students and staff are paramount. From research and teaching to personnel management, campus management and the use of new technologies.

Our mission We are a university of technology

Our university is a public institution that serves society. We are accountable to society for the ways in which we use our academic freedom. We are responsible for ensuring that the power of science and technology is harnessed to achieve the best possible impact in a changing world. We cherish our rich tradition of combining technical and social sciences in our five profiling themes: Improving healthcare by personalized technologies; Creating intelligent manufacturing systems; Shaping our world with smart materials; Engineering our digital society; and Engineering for a resilient world.

Our mission We help to strengthen society

We help society meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. But we are also transparent about what science and technology can and cannot do in finding sustainable solutions. And help translate these solutions into everyday life.

Our mission We are sustainable

We want our communities to flourish and show resilience, so we seize opportunities for innovation. We are knowledgeable and have an eye for what society needs. Our students and staff receive all the guidance they need in their quest for ecological, social and economic sustainability. “The University of Twente is all about people. Our sustainable technologies help to strengthen society.”

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The P&Q Interview: The New Dean Of Stevens School of Business, AI & Tech Professor GJ de Vreede

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Stevens Institute of Technology and its School of Business is just across the Hudson River from Manhattan, an epicenter for finance and fintech. Courtesy photo

Gert-Jan “GJ” de Vreede will take over as dean of Stevens Institute of Technology’s School of Business effective September 1. He will also be a member of Stevens faculty and plans to spend at least some time in the classroom.

de Vreede will replace retiring dean Gregory Prastacos, who has led the Stevens School of Business since 2012.

Born and raised in the Netherlands, de Vreede earned his MS and PhD in information systems from Delft University of Technology, a technology- and engineering-focused school with a business college – much like Stevens. He is a widely recognized scholar in artificial intelligence, crowdsourcing, and collaboration engineering.

“This spring, I got connected with Stevens and it felt like going home. It so aligns with my personal background, with my philosophy on research and training students. In the Netherlands we say, ‘like hand in a glove’ and that’s how it felt,” de Vreede tells Poets&Quants.


de Vreede’s entrepreneurship and new technology expertise is a fitting complement to Stevens, a private research university in Hoboken, New Jersey, serving about 8,000 students per year. Some 62% of its graduate students in Fall 2023 were international.

One value proposition of its School of Business is preparing students for the digital economy, particularly in the fast-growing fintech space. Its STEM designed MBA rose from No. 85 to No. 69 on P&Q’s MBA composite ranking this year.

The B-school is home to the Center for Research toward Advancing Financial Technologies (CRAFT), the first fintech-focused Industry University Cooperative Research center funded by the National Science Foundation. Just last month, it was selected as the founding academic partner for NJFAST , a fintech and insurtech startup accelerator in partnership with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority and Silicon Valley’s Plug and Play .

“GJ de Vreede is an outstanding selection to lead Stevens’ School of Business into the future. His impressive scholarship in artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship and technology aligns perfectly with Stevens’ strengths and strategic vision,” said Stevens president Nariman Farvardin. “Under his leadership, I am confident the School of Business will continue elevating its national reputation for developing the next generation of innovators and business leaders.”

de Vreede most recently comes from the University of South Florida’s Muma College of Business where he has served as interim dean since August 2022. At USF, he led a consolidation effort to combine three separate USF campuses and business schools into “One USF.” That meant realigning curriculum, work policies, evaluation procedures and more across the three campuses’ b-schools. He also rolled out a new workplace readiness program for all Muma undergrads and oversaw an impressive climb in rankings for several programs as academic director of Muma’s graduate programs.

He previously taught information systems at the University of Nebraska Omaha from 2002 to 2015. There, he created the Center for Collaboration Science , an interdisciplinary research and education center focused on how people work together.

Poets&Quants recently caught up with de Vreede to talk about his career, accomplishments, and his plans for Stevens School of Business. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Let’s start with a bit about your background and your path to Stevens Institute of Technology.

I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I graduated from Delft University of Technology, which is like Stevens in the Netherlands: A technology focused engineering school, but also with business like colleges. About 22 years ago, I moved to Omaha to join the University of Nebraska at Omaha as a professor of information systems. There, I set up the Center for Collaboration Science that included faculty from all six colleges, and we worked on projects for the local community, the national community, and federal agencies to study how people work together and how you can make them more productive and more effective.

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GJ de Vreede will become dean of Stevens School of Business effective September 1.

In 2015, the University of South Florida called me up and we moved South. In 2018, I was invited to serve as interim dean of the Sarasota-Manatee campus. USF, at that time, was three different campuses in the same system, but with our own accreditation. They were completely independent – they each had their own leadership, each had their own business school with its own dean and its own AACSB accreditation.

By law, we had to consolidate in 2020. To prepare for that, the three deans started working together and I was one of those three. Then in 2019, I became associate dean for research and graduate programs for the three campuses.

In 2022, the dean of the Muma College of Business became president at the University of North Florida, so I became the interim dean. I’ve done that now for almost two years; I have about 11 days to go.

This spring, I got connected with Stevens and it felt like going home. It so aligns with my personal background, with my philosophy on research and training students. In the Netherlands we say, “like hand in a glove” and that’s how it felt.

What do you think sets Stevens School of Business apart from its competitors?

Technology is a key differentiator. Technology is everywhere, and it’s going to be everywhere if the last few years with AI has taught us anything. But Stevens is more than just focusing on the technology as a tool that you engineer. They really are looking critically at how you can best use technology, how you can make decisions with technology, while still using critical thinking and keeping an ethical compass. So it’s not just about the bottom line, but also about the sustainable bottom line for businesses.

Another thing that sets Stevens apart is that they’re very innovative. If you see where Stevens came from, you really have to tip our hat to the current dean, Gregory Prastacos. He has taken a fairly small school to a full fledged accredited business school that is ranking really high. It increased the number of programs and has become comprehensive. I think people outside of the education field don’t recognize or appreciate how difficult it is at times to start new programs – to get people on board, to get the community engaged, to get the faculty engaged, and then get enrollments growing. But they have done that.

Personally, you could tell probably from my brief narrative, I like building things. I like to be in an environment that’s a bit entrepreneurial. I see myself as an academic entrepreneur. It’s not a matter of if we should do it, but how are we going to do it? And I think that is what sets Stevens apart. I visited many business schools, and they don’t all have that innovative outlook.

I think that is gonna pay dividends in the future. There’s so much opportunity out there that we can capitalize on, and there’s so many needs. I mean, businesses are struggling with the pace of development at the moment. If you think about upskilling and reskilling, they are looking for help. So we have a role to fulfill.

The other thing that really struck me when I visited Stevens the very first time compared to other universities is the silos are not so firm. There is a lot of permeation between the colleges, between the disciplines; people work together. At the University of Nebraska Center on Collaboration Science, on my management team, there was a management professor, another management professor with an IS background, and a psychologist. We also had somebody from arts and communication and education and public administration. They were all working together. We had PhD students working on projects with faculty from different disciplines.That is where the magic happens. I think that’s what I’m seeing at Stevens. You see what the engineering school is doing with the humanities, with the business school in entrepreneurship, where those things come together. I’m really excited as you can tell.

What is your vision and major goals for the business school in your first term?

There’s a couple of areas where we really want to make headway, and one is expanding on international and graduate enrollments. Maybe that’s through different recruiting, but especially looking at some of the programs where we can integrate and make cross linkages between the colleges.

Another is the infusion of AI throughout all the majors because the workforce of tomorrow is the workforce that needs to know how to use these tools wisely. They say AI won’t replace you, but somebody using AI will replace you, so we have to make sure that our graduates are the ones that know how to use these tools well.

I’m also going to be exploring different types of experiential initiatives for students. So, for example, a new initiative announced a few weeks ago is the New Jersey Fintech Accelerator at Stevens Institute of Technology, (NJ FAST). It’s a partnership between Stevens, the Economic Development Authority, the governor of New Jersey, and Plug and Play. It’s going to be an incubator with fintech startups, and there will be room for some of our students to work alongside those startups, intern, participate, and so on. That’s going to be a significant shift and the type of experiences we can give our students, and I want to explore more opportunities like that.

Will that be geared to students of all levels, or more for MBAs or graduate students?

I believe for students of all levels, but it depends on the type of fintech initiative. You can imagine that if the tech is more based on, say, an app like Excel, or those types of payment apps, they will be looking at students that have more of a technology background in app development. If it’s focused more on AI and prediction of financial markets, they will look at financial engineering and finance students. Fintech is such an umbrella of technologies that there will be something for everyone.

Two other things I want to explore at Stevens: One, as I mentioned, is reskilling and upskilling. So the notion of certificates, and potentially stackable certificates. For example, how does an organization govern their AI use and the implementation of AI? We all focus on the technology. We’re all amazed by what Claude and ChatGPT can do, but now how do you use that from a policy point of view within the organization? How do you train your people? How do you monitor that they’re using it well, and cover your liability? I think there’s a lot that we can offer to train people.

Then, last but not least, is the development of partnerships with the business community. We often talk about public private partnerships, but I like to think of it as the four ‘Ps.’ – public, private, and philanthropic partnerships. You see that a little bit in the incubator that I just mentioned, but getting parties from different backgrounds together to create an initiative that is new and that meets a need in the market. Then you can make a difference.

NEXT PAGE: Why Stevens wants to be the B-school for fintech

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Netherlands Scholarships 2025 | Fully Funded Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship 2025

Netherlands Scholarships 2025 | Fully Funded Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship 2025

Want to live and study in the Netherlands on scholarship for the year 2024-2025? Every year thousands of Scholarships in Netherlands is offered to World Students to study in Europe! This time, one of the best Eric Bleumink Scholarship 2025 is announced and currently offering at the University of  Groningen, Netherlands. This scholarship is offered to international students who wish to study in multiple Graduate degree programs. This is a fully funded scholarship that covers the full tuition fee, airfare, books, and health insurance. This article will discuss the benefits, eligibility criteria, how to apply, and the last date to apply.

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More on the University of Groningen

The University of Groningen in the Netherlands is one of the oldest and most respected universities in the country. Founded in 1614, it has a long history and is known for its high-quality education and research. The university offers many programs for bachelor's, master's, and PhD degrees in various fields. Such as arts, sciences, engineering, law, and medicine. With students from around the world, the University of Groningen provides a welcoming and diverse learning environment. It is also famous for its advanced research and partnerships with other universities and industries worldwide.

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More on the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship

The Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship 2025 in the Netherlands is a special scholarship offered by the University of Groningen. It helps talented international students from developing countries who want to do a master's degree at the university. This international scholarship covers tuition fees, travel costs, living expenses, books, and health insurance. The goal of the Eric Bleumink Fund is to support students who show excellent academic performance and have the potential to help their home countries' development.

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Benefits of the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship 2025 in the Netherlands

The Eric Bleumink Scholarship has many benefits for international students. Following are the benefits of the Eric Bleumink Scholarship.

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Field of Study for Apply

List of eligible countries for scholarship, eligllbity criteria for the eric bleumink fund scholarship 2025 in the netherlands.

Following are the eligibility criteria for the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship.

Required Documents for Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship

How to apply for fully funded eric bleumink fund scholarship, application deadline for 2025 eric fund bleumink scholarship in netherlands.

To be considered for the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship you must apply firstly to the University of Groningen, University of Groningen admission dates vary from program to program. The last date to apply for the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship is 1st December to be considered in the February session.

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    At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam we provide three or four year research intensive PhD programs, or part time PhD programs with a duration above four years, organized in graduate schools of nine VU Amsterdam faculties. We expect our doctoral graduates to become internationally engaged scientists with transferable skills and opportunities to plan a career in or outside academia.

  7. Top Universities for PhD Study in the Netherlands in 2024

    So, how good are universities in the Netherlands for PhD study? Dutch universities represent an excellent choice for international PhD students. The Netherlands has seven institutions in the top 100 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, which is testament to the quality of research its universities produce.

  8. PhD at TU Delft

    PhD. TU Delft is the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands: an institution where we perform world-class research by combining science, engineering and design in a socially responsible manner. As a PhD candidate at TU Delft, you will have the opportunity to conduct in-depth (paid) research in your chosen field.

  9. PhD programmes

    PhD programmes at EUR From award winning scientists to PhD students, everyone at Erasmus University Rotterdam is engaged in creating new knowledge. Pursue your career in research by starting a PhD track in our multidisciplinary, international setting with social relevance in mind. Where disciplines meet, knowledge is advanced.

  10. PhD

    During the 4-year PhD programme you do at least 30 credits worth of PhD courses or hands-on activities. These cover academic skills and career development, in depth disciplinary and wide-ranging courses. An integral part of a PhD is writing your PhD thesis and then, of course, presenting and defend your research in public.

  11. Study in the Netherlands: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    If you're looking to study at a university in the Netherlands, you will find a range of study programmes, with a variety of quality universities to choose from. Dutch Higher Education is well-recognized, whilst the tuition fees and living expenses are relatively lower than in English-speaking countries.

  12. PhD Programmes

    At Utrecht University, earning a PhD degree is a hands-on process that involves relatively little coursework. You will conduct research from day one.

  13. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Netherlands

    The DBA is a 3-year, part-time programme developed to suit the lifestyle of executives who wish to combine their practical expertise with the highest level of management training. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Netherlands PhD Programme. 1. Find a PhD is a comprehensive guide to PhD studentships and postgraduate research ...

  14. 203 PhD programmes in Netherlands

    Find the best PhD programmes from top universities in Netherlands. Check all 203 programmes.

  15. PhD research

    PhD research PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

  16. PhD Programme

    The Psychology Research Institute is dedicated to providing supervision and support to post-graduate students pursuing a PhD in social sciences at the University of Amsterdam. Our goal is to ensure that PhD candidates have a stimulating and high-quality experience, leading to the timely completion of their research projects.

  17. PhD on bio-based composites processing and structural design for

    The position is part of the TU/e EuroTech PhD Program where PhD candidates will enjoy a unique educational experience, ... Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and ...

  18. 2 PhD's on nature-based approaches for climate adaptation in Dutch

    As part of the Nationaal Groeifonds programme NL2120, the Department of Physical Geography at Utrecht University explores adaptation approaches for Dutch rivers and peatlands. We are seeking two PhD candidates who are eager to contribute to this climate adaptation challenge through two separate projects.

  19. PhD position on CRISPR diagnostics on-chip to improve cervical cancer

    PhD position on CRISPR diagnostics on-chip to improve cervical cancer screening ... Your salary and associated conditions are in accordance with the collective labour agreement for Dutch universities (CAO-NU); ... You will have a training programme as part of the Twente Graduate School where you and your supervisors will determine a plan for a ...

  20. The P&Q Interview: The New Dean Of Stevens School of Business, AI

    Born and raised in the Netherlands, de Vreede earned his MS and PhD in information systems from Delft University of Technology, a technology- and engineering-focused school with a business college - much like Stevens. He is a widely recognized scholar in artificial intelligence, crowdsourcing, and collaboration engineering.

  21. Netherlands Scholarships 2025

    Every year thousands of Scholarships in Netherlands is offered to World Students to study in Europe! This time, one of the best Eric Bleumink Scholarship 2025 is announced and currently offering at the University of Groningen, Netherlands. This scholarship is offered to international students who wish to study in multiple Graduate degree programs.

  22. Noteworthy: Research grants, awards and publications

    The latest developments on University at Albany faculty and staff who are receiving research grants, awards and other noteworthy attention.

  23. Graduate intern technical Job in Amsterdam at Intel

    Learn more about and apply for the Graduate intern technical job in Amsterdam at Intel here.