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Interdisciplinary PhD programme

The VUB is the only university in Belgium—and one of the few internationally—that offers a PhD degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. This program has been set up in large part under the impulse of CLEA. Our motivation was that under the old regulations, PhDs in CLEA always needed to be formally situated in a particular discipline and faculty (e.g. psychology), even when the research extended across several disciplines (e.g. psychology and computer science), thus creating needless restrictions and administrative complications. 

Making a PhD usually takes about 4 years, with a legal minimum of 1 year (which only makes sense for people who already have done most of the work before they register as a student). The official language at the VUB is Dutch, but practically everybody is fluent in English and French, and the work can be done wholly in English. It is in principle possible  to work part of the time outside of Belgium , as long as there is sufficient contact with the promoter to allow supervision of the on-going work. This will depend on the promoter and the topic.

While you are registered, you are supposed to report yearly on the work you have done, so as to allow the PhD committee to check on your progress. For more details on the deadlines and procedures have a look at the VUB website for the Central PhD Regulations.  

When the PhD work is finished, you must submit and defend the thesis for a jury of VUB professors and invited international experts from other institutions. If the jury accepts the thesis, you get your degree. However, your promotor will see to it that poor PhD work is remedied before the stage where it is defended before a jury.

For more information on all aspects of becoming and working as a PhD student at the VUB, see the website of the  Central PhD support programme . 

Candidates and their topics

CLEA attracts a particular profile of researchers: very open-minded, bright, non-conformist, passionate, and ambitious in addressing difficult and unconventional issues. Researchers are free in choosing their research subjects and approaches. However, in order for us to provide the required supervision, there must be a clear connection with the topics where CLEA has special expertise, as listed on our research page .

Given that we receive many applications, while having only limited capabilities for supervision, we are quite selective in the candidates we accept. Our selection criteria are not so much based on degrees or specific expertise, but on intrinsic intelligence, motivation, creativity and open-mindedness, as well as on proven ability to produce high-quality work, such as papers or dissertations, and on the relevance of the topic to our general research philosophy.

We offer candidates an environment that is very free and open, socially and practically supportive, and intellectually stimulating and challenging. Young researchers are guided by seniors and peers, in part through seminars and forums in which their as yet unfinished ideas are subjected to in-depth discussion. This provides them with plenty of feedback and suggestions for extending their approach. Thus, through their research output they gradually build up a portfolio and CV that will help them in their further academic career. 

Formal requirements / How to apply

To get a PhD at the VUB, you need to fulfill the following basic requirements:

  • The default requirement for admission as a PhD researcher is a Master’s degree (or equivalent). Non European degrees might have to be certified to be equivalent to a Belgian master.
  • find a professor who is willing to be the formal " promoter " (supervisor, thesis advisor) of your research. For a PhD at CLEA this most likely will be the CLEA director   Francis Heylighen , It will in general be necessary to find a second, "co-promoter" who would actually guide the work. Another senior CLEA researcher more specialized in the PhD topic can be a co-promotor. For a (co-)promoter to decide whether he would be willing to supervise your work, s/he should at least receive a clear statement of your interests, your curriculum vitae, and, if possible, some samples of work (papers) that you have done before. These are preferably discussed by email. If these seem acceptable, a meeting can be arranged in Brussels for in-depth discussion.
  • Once a promoter is found, the PhD candidate will have to apply to be allowed to enter the PhD program at the VUB. This is normally a formality for people with a Belgian degree, but demands some extra effort for people with a non-European degree. You can find more information on the prerequisites, the necessary documents and fees on the following page  

There are  different ways to fund your PhD research. It is, for example, possible to be hired by the university as a research assistant or to apply for a scholarship or grant by submitting a research project to some funding agency. However, there is a lot of competition for such grants, so you should not count on easily getting one. You can also rely on your own finances, e.g. by working part-time on your PhD while having a paid income from another source. Find out more about  mandates, vacancies and funding resources . 

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  • Publications

Dr. Andrea Perchiazzo 

Essays in Quantitative Risk Management and Financial Engineering.

Promotors: prof. dr. Carole Bernard & prof. dr. Steven Vanduffel

Dr. Jinghui Chen 

Dependence Uncertainty with Applications in Finance and Insurance.

Promotors: prof. dr. Steven Vanduffel & prof. dr. Carole Bernard

Dr. Kirill Dragun

Advances in Robust Covariance Estimation and Optimal Payoff Choice for Financial Decision Making.

Promotors: prof. dr. Kris Boudt (VUB), prof. dr. Steven Vanduffel (VUB) & prof. dr. Koen Schoors (UGent)

Dr. Andrew Ronnie Mugenyi 

Stakeholder Behaviour and Organisational Change Outcomes in University Development Cooperation Projects.

Promotors: prof. dr. Michaël Dooms (VUB) & prof. dr. Joshua Wesana (MMU)

Dr. Claudia Alba Ortuño 

Drivers of Effective Support to Base of the Pyramid Entrepreneurs.

Promotors: prof. dr. Nikolay Dentchev & prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck

Dr. Rodrigue Kazzi 

Advancing Model Uncertainty Assessment to Address Actuarial Modelling Challenges. All models are wrong, but how wrong can they be?

Dr. Laura Molinari 

Essays on Infrastructure Asset Management.

Promotors : prof. Dr. Elvira Haezendonck (VUB) & prof. dr. Vincent Mabillard (ULB)

Dr. Olivier Nataf

Essays on Credit-Rating Agencies.

Promotor: prof. dr. Lieven De Moor

Dr. Ewoud Heyndels 

Empirical Analysis of Belgian Entrepreneurial Careers via Robust Clustering and Predictive Modelling.

Promotor: prof. dr. Kris Boudt

Dr. Linde Kerckhofs 

Accounting for Personality: From Career Starts to Partnerships in Accounting.

Promotors: prof. dr. Marie-Laure Vandenhaute (VUB) & prof. dr. Kris Hardies (UA)

Dr. Andrea Gabriela Samaniego Diaz 

Drivers of Entrepreneurial Success at the Base of the Pyramid.

Promotors: prof. dr. Nikolay Dentchev (VUB) & prof. dr. Edgar Eugenio Izquierdo Orellana (EPSOL, Ecuador)

Dr. Nabil Bouamara

Unraveling Financial Risk.

Promotors: prof. dr. Kristien Smedts (KU Leuven) & prof. dr. Kris Boudt (VUB)

Dr. Romel Brun Andrade

Business Model Drivers at the Bottom of the Pyramid.

Promotors: prof. dr. Nikolay Dentchev (VUB) & prof. dr. Osvaldo Gutierrez Andrade (UCB)

Dr. Jorge Salas Vargas

Entrepreneurial Competencies at the Base of the Pyramid.

Promotors: prof. dr. Nikolay Dentchev (VUB) & prof. dr. Alejandro Banegas (UAGRM)

Dr. Wouter Vangeel

The Influence of Housing Taxation on the Housing Market.

Promotors: prof. dr. Lieven De Moor (VUB) & prof. dr. Laurens Defau (Johannes Kepler University Linz)

Dr. Wenjing Wang

University-Industry Collaboration on Innovation.

Dr. Laurens Vercruysse

Data Protection in the Smart City. An Economic and Managerial Analysis.

Promotors: prof. dr. Michaël Dooms & prof. dr. Caroline Buts

Dr. Corrado De Vecchi

Essays on Optimal Portfolio Choice and Model Risk Assessment.

Promotors: prof. dr. Carole Bernard & prof. dr. Steven Vanduffel

Dr. Jason Jahir Roncancio Marin

Entrepreneurial Universities as Agents of Social Change.

Promotor: prof. dr. Nikolay Dentchev

Dr. Philippe Eiselein

Managing Social Enterprises: Scaling and Conflicting Objectives.

Dr. Hong Ahn Luu

Essays on Better Statistics for Price Predictability and Household Resilience in a Food Security Context.

Dr. Laurens De Gauquier

The Impact of Service Robots in Retail.

Promotors: prof. dr. Malaika Brengman & prof. dr. Kim Willems

Dr. Mychal Langenus

Collaboration Challenges for Sustainable Port Competitiveness: The Need for Strategic Information Management.

Promotors: prof. dr. Michaël Dooms & prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck

Dr. Si Qian

Predictors of Employee Voice and Voice Resilience: A Process Approach.

Promotors: prof. dr. Bert Schreurs (VUB) & prof. dr. Shi Wei (RUC)

Dr. Abel Alan Diaz Gonzalez

Ecosystems and Universities in Support of Social Entrepreneurship: Insights from Latin America.

Dr. Stephanie Van De Sanden

Optimizing Digital Signage for In-Store Marketing: Insights on Adoption Intentions and Message Persuasiveness.

Promotors: prof. dr. Kim Willems & prof. dr. Malaika Brengman

Dr. Samuel Borms

Sentiment and Econometrics: Toward A Unified Framework of Textual Sentiment Analysis for Economic and Financial Applications.

Promotors:  prof. dr. David Ardia (Université de Neuchâtel) & prof. dr. Kris Boudt (VUB) 

Dr. Andres Algaba

Data Aggregation Filters for Timely Economic and Financial Decision Making.

Promotors: prof. dr. Kris Boudt (VUB) & prof. dr. Koen Inghelbrecht (UGent)

Dr. Magali Geerts

The Implementation of Sustainability Strategies in Ports. Contextual Challenges Confronting Port Managing Bodies.

Promotor: prof. dr. Michael Dooms

Dr. Maria Renée Barreal Zapata

Understanding Value for Stakeholders Through Psychological Contracts. The Case of Bolivian Non-profit Organizations.

Promotors: prof. dr. Michaël Dooms & prof. dr. Roland Pepermans

Dr. Marie-Laure Vandenhaute

Audit Quality and Audit Partners’ Behavior: Insights into Audit Firms’ Incentive Structures. Empirical Evidence of Audit Partner Compensation and Audit Firm Equity Structure.

Promotors: prof. dr. Joël Branson (VUB) & prof. dr. Kris Hardies (UAntwerpen)

Dr. Keven Bluteau

Essays on Modelling Latent Variables in Economics and Finance.

Promotors: prof. dr. David Ardia (UniNE) & prof. dr. Kris Boudt (VUB) 

Dr. Jiang Ye

Essays on Optimal Portfolio Choice.

Promotors: prof. dr. Steven Vanduffel & prof. dr. Carole Bernard 

Dr. Prabesh Luitel

Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Ratings and Spreads.

Promotors: prof. dr. Rosanne Vanpée (KU Leuven), prof. dr. Piet Sercu (KU Leuven) & prof. dr. Lieven De Moor (VUB)

Dr. Dries Cornilly

Statistical Methods for Robust Financial Decision Making.

Promotors: prof. dr. Tim Verdonck (KU Leuven), prof. dr. Kris Boudt (VUB) &  prof. dr. Steven Vanduffel (VUB)

Dr. Laurens Defau

Pension Funds: Current Issues in Asset Management.

Dr. Ha Giang Nguyên

Essays on Dynamic Portfolio Strategies.

Dr. Dries Schockaert

International Standards on Auditing: An institutional driver for Audit Quality. Empirical research within the financial sector on indices of compliance using auditor reporting characteristics.

Promotor: prof. dr. Joël Branson

Dr. Muhammad Wajid Raza

Essays on Shariah Compliant Equity Investments.

Dr. Svetlana Boyadzhieva - Georgieva

A Model for Integrating Earned Value Management and Risk Management in Project Implementation.

Promotors: prof. dr. Matilda Alexandrova - Boshnakova (UNWE) & prof. dr. Nikolay Dentchev (VUB)

Dr. Wouter Thierie

Essays in PPP Financing. An analysis of financial aspects of Public-Private Partnerships.

Promotor: prof. dr. Lieven De Moor & prof. dr. Elvira Haezendonck

  • English (United Kingdom)
  • Nederlands (Nederland)



Doctoral students with a fellowship who are associated with a department and/or research group. They conduct research a PhD, under the supervision of a promotor.

Search results for "". Page 1 of 1, Results 1 to 2 of 2
Brussels School of Governance Elsene, BE Brussels School of Governance Elsene, BE
Faculty of Engineering Elsene, BE Faculty of Engineering Elsene, BE

Job application procedure

Your application process will be conducted through the faculty. 

phd portfolio vub credits

Personal results

Satisfaction of PhD candidates

On this page you can find your personal results of the VUB PhD Survey 2023. This survey is annually organized by the Researcher Training & Development Office and the Research Group TOR, and aims to measure the satisfaction of PhD candidates with the doctoral trajectory and perceived support at the VUB. Through the response of 727 candidates, divided over all faculties, we gained insight into what aspects contribute to the job satisfaction of PhD candidates at the VUB.

At the bottom of this page you can log in and get your personal feedback.

Goals of the survey

  • The PhD survey is a monitor-instrument to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the PhD trajectory at the VUB. It enables the university to implement a data-driven policy.
  • It gives PhD candidates the opportunity to anonymously identify where support is lacking or insufficient and to provide input for innovations and adjustments to the doctoral policy at VUB and faculty level.
  • It gives PhD candidates the opportunity to reflect on their PhD trajectory and to compare their own answers to that of other VUB PhD candidates.
  • It informs PhD candidates on which services and actors to contact in case of concerns or problems.

Your participation is essential

Doing a PhD is an important phase in someone’s career and, by extension, in someone’s life. The VUB wants to do everything to guide you through this process as well as possible.

Your experiences as a newcomer are probably not the same as what they are in later stages of your PhD. Certain aspects that have an impact on your work satisfaction will probably change over the years (E.g., new colleagues, a leaving supervisor, failing experiments etc.). Transitions like these are very interesting for us to be aware of.

In order to draw meaningful conclusions, it is important that the results of the survey are representative and comparable over time. This means that a high number of respondents is essential, as well as your recurring participation throughout the years . This is why we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable participation in the survey of last year and to warmly invite you to participate again in the survey of 2024, coming next spring.

Log in below to consult your personal results.

View your results

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Aiifund120: visiting researcher agreement: project on self-employment and health outcomes.

Vanroelen, C. & Gevaert, J.

15/08/24 → 30/11/24

Project : Fundamental

  • Health Outcomes 100%
  • Self-employment 94%
  • Occupational Safety and Health 22%
  • Knowledge Exchange 20%

IOFPOC62: FLEXIMED - Flexible Browser-Based Interface for Advanced Diagnostics and Interventional Planning Based on Medical Imaging

Vandemeulebroucke, J.

15/08/24 → 14/08/25

Project : Applied

IOFPOC63: PAD flow - Quantitative Assessment of Blood Flow Using Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography

Van Gompel, G. , Buls, N. & Vandemeulebroucke, J.

IOFPOC64: SPADCOMM - A robust duplex optical data communication system based on Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes: From chip to operational transceiver system.

Kuijk, M. , Jacobs, V. A. & Coosemans, J.

15/08/24 → 14/08/26

OZR4331: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - ULB, NICOLAS Gabrielle

De Laet, L.

13/08/24 → 30/09/28

VLAOO35: Baekeland mandate: to create and train a machine learning (ML) model that predicts clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa)

Jansen, B. , Vandemeulebroucke, J. & D'Hondt, F.

1/08/24 → 31/07/28

EUPOM155: Erasmus+ KeyAction1: Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds KA171-HED

1/08/24 → 31/07/27

BRGEOZ448: ILSF 2024 - Kinderuniversiteiten

Ballon, P. & Geys, F.

1/08/24 → 30/06/25

  • Siblings 70%
  • Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy 50%
  • Creativity 49%

OZR4326: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - NOVA, MARTINS DE LIMA Felipe Xavier

Ruchel-Stockmans, K.

27/07/24 → 30/09/28

CONO796: 6e tweejaarlijkse bijeenkomst van de internationale vereniging voor kwantumstructuren, Brussel (organisatie evenement)

Heylighen, F.

22/07/24 → 31/12/24

  • Bruxelles 100%

CONO809: NRWC 2024 doctoral scholarship

Mommens, K. & Cauwelier, K.

17/07/24 → 31/12/24

AIIFUND123: TANDem 2: Closing the Gap to Interventions for TAND

15/07/24 → 14/07/27

OZR4332: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - ULiège, LECLERE Antoine

9/07/24 → 30/09/28

CONO808: 2024 Bijeenkomst van de Meteoritische Vereniging (organisatie conferentie)

Goderis, S.

9/07/24 → 31/12/24

OZR4323: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - UCLV, CONCEPTION HERNANDES Mairenys

Angenon, G.

9/07/24 → 30/09/26

ANI388: Next generation prediction of human safety of chemical compounds: liver toxicity as a case study

4/07/24 → 31/12/24

  • Chemical compounds 100%
  • Toxicity 56%
  • Risk assessment 23%
  • Animals 23%

OZR4295: EMG-Based Gaming for Muscle Fatigue Assessment in Stroke Patients (Ghostly) - Caroline Pauwels Schrijfmandaat Sarah Al Omari

Swinnen, E.

1/07/24 → 30/09/24

  • Muscle Fatigue 100%
  • Fatigue of materials 55%
  • Taxonomies 10%

BRGEOZ444: ILSF 2024: Technology for Health: From Phantoms to Physiological Sensing

da Silva Gomes, B. T.

1/07/24 → 31/10/24

  • heart rate 100%
  • educational materials 90%
  • mechanical models 80%
  • user interface 79%
  • calorimetry 65%

VLPOM17: Generieke beurzen 2024-2025

1/07/24 → 30/09/25

OZR4294: Queer archives – A study of LGBTQIA+ archival practices used in art - Caroline Pauwels Schrijfmandaat Ella Dezuttere

  • Queer Archive 100%
  • Collaborative Projects 9%
  • Academic Field 8%
  • Cultural Institutions 7%

OZR4305: Intersecting inequalities: health and healthcare use among migrants in Belgium

1/07/24 → 30/06/28

  • Healthcare Disparities 100%
  • Belgium 82%
  • Appointments and Schedules 57%
  • migrant 47%

VLOV217: Towards a model for evidence-informed education in Flanders

Faddar, J. , Consuegra, E. & Willegems, V.

27/06/24 → 26/05/25

OZR4306: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - UPAEP, A.C.(Mexico), MORENO BACA Fabricio

20/06/24 → 30/09/28

  • Mexico 100%

EUPOM154: Erasmus+ 2024 KeyAction1, individuele leermobiliteit

1/06/24 → 31/07/26

BRGEOZ440: ILSF 2024 - Build your climate-proof LEGO city

De Cruz, L.

1/06/24 → 31/01/25

  • festival 100%
  • climate 68%
  • Land use 52%
  • Hot Temperature 42%

OZR4298: Geometric and Analytic Properties of Metric Measure Spaces with Spectral Curvature Constraints, with Applications to Manifold Learning

Tewodrose, D.

1/06/24 → 31/05/28

  • Appointments and Schedules 100%
  • Learning 90%
  • Curvature 63%
  • Manifold Learning 61%
  • Spectrality 61%

OZR4296: Regenerative medicine for the corneal endothelium: self-unfolding, thermo-responsive bioengineered corneal grafts

Ní Dhubhghaill, S.

  • endothelium 100%
  • medicine 84%
  • corneal diseases 65%
  • dates (fruit) 60%
  • endothelial cells 39%

ANI387: Levenseinde ondersteuningsvaardigheden voor iedereen: Adaptatie en implementatie van de EASE training (End-of-life Aid Skills for Everyone) in de Vlaamse context

1/06/24 → 31/05/25

VLAIM7: Innovation mandate Spin-off: Augmented Reality Based Surgical Navigation Using Real-Time Portable Head Mounted Systems

Vandemeulebroucke, J. & Frantz, T.

1/06/24 → 31/05/26

  • Augmented reality 100%
  • Navigation 73%
  • Neurosurgery 69%
  • Orthopedics 58%
  • Surgery 48%


Macharis, C.

1/06/24 → 31/05/27

  • Carbon Monoxide 100%
  • electronic commerce 70%
  • environmental economics 52%
  • stakeholder 39%

BRGEOZ441: ILSF 2024 - Ergonomics 2.0 a world with Exoskeletons

El Makrini, I.

  • Motion capture 100%
  • festival 99%
  • ergonomics 96%
  • Ergonomics 91%

EUAR190: FRODDO: Federated cybeR-physical infrastructure for ODD cOntinuity

Papakonstantinou, V.

  • Secure communication 100%
  • Telecommunication traffic 93%
  • Hazards 79%
  • Systems analysis 67%
  • Specifications 58%

EUREG8: SSCH: Super Smart Charging Hubs

Vanhaverbeke, L.

  • alternative energy 100%
  • electricity 94%
  • innovation 92%

VLOV216: De VideoKlub

Consuegra, E. & Willegems, V.

1/06/24 → 30/08/25

OZR4317: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - U of Konstanz, VASS Eszter

Hauthal, J.

31/05/24 → 30/09/28

CONO793: Belgian Physical Society general scientific meeting 2024 (organisatie evenement)

Mariotti, A.

29/05/24 → 31/12/24

  • physics 100%
  • education 58%
  • Belgium 28%
  • geophysics 27%
  • condensed matter physics 24%

OZR4328: ULB-VUB Joint Research Group: BrIDGES- Brussels Inter-Disciplinary Group in European Studies

Trauner, F.

22/05/24 → 22/05/27

CONI806: Look Who's Talking: Voices and Sources in the News (inschrijvingen conferentie)

Temmerman, M.

8/05/24 → 31/12/25

CONI805: Summer School on Security Testing and Verification 2024 (inschrijvingen conferentie)

De Roover, C.

7/05/24 → 31/12/25

CONI803: “Studying Up”: Methodological possibilities and pitfalls in the contemporary study of elites (inschrijvingen conferentie)

Vandebroeck, D.

3/05/24 → 31/12/25

  • Pitfalls 100%

CONI804: NECTAR Congres 2024: Betrokkenheid van stakeholders bij transport: wat, hoe, waarom en met welke impact? (inschrijvingen conferentie)

  • stakeholder 100%

CONO804: NECTAR Congres 2024: Betrokkenheid van stakeholders bij transport: wat, hoe, waarom en met welke impact? (organisatie conferentie)

3/05/24 → 31/12/24

BRGE2267-K: Interface subsidy Brussels Capital Region

Haesen, S. & Innovatie en Valorisatie, V.

1/05/24 → 30/04/26

Project : Policy Based

  • subsidy 89%
  • Technology Transfer 41%

OZR4272: Socio-eco-evolutionary dynamics in Coupled Human and Natural Systems - interactive effects of anthropogenic stressors on the evolution of freshwater species and the socio-ecological consequences

1/05/24 → 30/04/28

  • anthropogenic stressors 100%
  • environmental impact 62%
  • dates (fruit) 51%
  • warming 24%
  • disease spread 23%

HERC69: Robotic FLASH radiotherapy: A technical, biological, clinical and societal evaluation.

De Ridder, M.

  • Radiotherapy 100%
  • Robotics 33%
  • Dosimetry 11%
  • Robotic arms 5%

BRGEOZ446: ILSF 2024 - Crypto escape room 3.0

Braeken, A. & Dooms, A.

1/05/24 → 31/10/24

  • Watermarking 98%

BRGRD87: Joint R&D 2023: Hydrogen tanks: Future Utilisation of Ecofriendly and Lightweight thermoplastics

Van Hemelrijck, D.

1/05/24 → 30/04/27

  • thermoplastics 100%
  • hydrogen 85%

BRGRD82: Joint R&D 2024: Freezing of Reliable Oocytes after Screening with AI for women awaiting Cancer Treatment

Lu, T. & Dooms, A.

  • neoplasms 100%
  • oocytes 64%
  • assisted reproductive technologies 39%
  • pregnancy outcome 22%
  • computer vision 19%

OZR4271: AI-based next generation of smart instrumentation

  • instrumentation 100%
  • dates (fruit) 69%
  • Machine learning 38%
  • Identification (control systems) 30%
  • Large scale systems 29%


Jacobs, V. A. , Mentens, A. , Coosemans, J. & Dotreppe, G.

  • experiment 52%
  • experience 6%

G Train Disruption: scheduled repairs August 12–September 3. Find alternate routes.

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Every student, once matriculated at Pratt, whether as a freshman or a transfer student, is expected to complete his or her degree requirements at Pratt, both in professional areas and in liberal arts and sciences. A student who is in good academic standing (a GPA of 2.00 or above for undergraduate students, or 3.00 and above for graduate students) may request to take a course at another college. Students must get permission in advance to take courses at other colleges for transfer to their Pratt record.


All final and official college and high school transcripts (indicating the date of graduation or any conferred degrees) must be submitted to the Institute  prior to enrollment . All students petitioning for transfer credit(s) must submit an official transcript from each college attended. One school’s courses listed on another school’s transcript are not acceptable. Failure to submit these documents on time may result in loss of transfer credit and an incomplete records hold that will block all registration activity. Additional transcripts will not be accepted for transfer credit evaluation once the first semester begins.

Permission Policy for Undergraduate Programs

Associate programs.

After initial matriculation, students may earn up to 3 credits from another accredited institution.  The type of credit to be received at Pratt is specified in advance on the permission form and approved by the department chairperson.


After initial matriculation, students may earn up to 6 credits at another accredited institution if approved by the department chairperson. The type of credit to be received at Pratt is specified in advance on the Permission to Take form. To be accepted for transfer credit, the course must be recognized for credit by the other institution and must be passed with a grade no lower than C. A grade of C- is not acceptable for transfer purposes. Final grades of all transferred credits are not included in the GPA. Students who entered in 2017 and prior:  Every undergraduate student complete at least 48 semester credits at this institution. The last 32 credits must be taken in final sequence to earn any undergraduate degree. For those permissions that fall within the last 32 credits, students must petition the school dean for a waiver of the residency requirement. Students who entered in 2018 and later:  Every undergraduate must complete at least 50% of credits required for graduation—including the final 30 credits—at Pratt. Credits earned through approved study abroad programs will be considered to be earned in residence. For those permissions that fall within the last 30 credits, students must petition the school dean for a waiver of the residency requirement. .


  • Download or pick up the  Permission to Take  form from the Office of the Registrar.
  • Permission for studio credit must be approved by the chair of the student’s department. Permission for liberal arts credit must be approved by the appropriate department chair in the school of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The approved permission must be signed for clearance and filed in the Office of the Registrar before the course is taken.
  • At completion of the course, an official transcript must be sent from the other institution to Pratt Institute’s Office of the Registrar.
  • Once the transcript is received and reviewed, the credit will be posted to the student’s record as transfer credit.

Permission Policy for Graduate Programs

After initial matriculation, students may earn up to 6 credits at another accredited institution. Graduate students need to be mindful of the residency requirement. For most programs, transferred credit may not exceed 25 percent of the total credits required. The Professional Master of Architecture program permits transfer of up to 33 percent of the total credits required. To be accepted for transfer credit, the course must be recognized for graduate level credit by the other institution and must be passed with a grade no lower than B. A grade of B- is not acceptable for transfer purposes. Final grades of all transferred credits are not included in the GPA.

  • Permission for professional credit must be approved by the chair of the student’s department. Permission for liberal arts credit must be approved by the appropriate department chair in the school of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The approved permission must be signed for clearance and filed in the Office of the Registrar before the course is taken.

Portfolio/Work Experience Credit

Based on previous work experience and/or portfolio, credit may be granted only for work experience gained before initial matriculation at the Institute. This is available to all graduate and undergraduate students in both the School of Architecture and the Schools of Art and Design. When applying for admission the student should indicate his or her intention to seek credits for work experience. Students must submit the following documentation for credit consideration:

  • Professional portfolio
  • Letters from employers detailing responsibilities and areas of expertise

To Petition for Portfolio/Work Experience Credit:

  • Petition in person at the office of the appropriate chairperson. You will be advised as to the feasibility of your request and given a statement of intent to be completed. You should keep a copy of the document and be sure another is in your permanent file.
  • Present a copy of the Statement of Intent to the Registrar’s Office with a $100 deposit. The Office of the Registrar will give you an application form, which should be returned to that office after completion. When the entire process is complete, the Registrar’s Office will apply the deposit to a fee schedule of 30 percent of the regular per-credit tuition rate per credit evaluated.
  • Submit documentation as described above to appropriate departmental chair. Please allow one week for evaluation.
  • Return the application with the proper authorization to the Office of the Registrar to complete the process. You will be billed accordingly.

Payment is due upon billing. Credits earned through this procedure will not count toward the Institute’s minimum residence requirement.

Swiss School of Business Research

What Exactly Is a PhD by Portfolio?

by Laura Perez | Feb 4, 2024 | Uncategorized

phd portfolio vub credits

A PhD by Portfolio reimagines the doctoral journey, offering an alternative to the traditional dissertation-based approach. This innovative route allows candidates to compile a diverse range of scholarly works, such as published articles and creative projects, showcasing their expertise and contributions to their field in a dynamic and multifaceted manner.

Traditional paths to earning a doctoral degree have expanded to accommodate diverse learning styles and professional backgrounds. One such innovative approach is the PhD by Portfolio, a fascinating avenue that allows candidates to showcase their expertise, creativity, and impact through a curated collection of work. This article explores the distinctive journey of a PhD by Portfolio and examines how it can shape one’s academic and professional trajectory.

See how to get a PhD in ONE year:

What Is a PhD by Portfolio? A PhD by Portfolio offers a non-traditional route to obtaining a doctoral degree. Unlike the conventional dissertation-based PhD, where a single research project culminates in a lengthy thesis, the portfolio path emphasizes a compilation of scholarly outputs, creative works, and practical contributions. These portfolios serve as a testament to the candidate’s intellectual prowess, practical skills, and real-world impact.

The Components of a Portfolio:

1. Research Papers and Articles: Candidates contribute to their field by publishing research papers, articles, and conference presentations. These scholarly contributions demonstrate their ability to engage with existing literature, analyze data, and propose novel ideas.

2. Creative Works: For those in artistic or creative disciplines, the portfolio may include original compositions, performances, artworks, or design projects. These creative endeavors highlight the fusion of theory and practice.

3. Professional Contributions: A PhD by Portfolio recognizes the value of practical experience. Candidates can include reports, policy documents, or evidence of their impact in professional settings. This bridges the gap between academia and the real world.

4. Reflective Essays: Each portfolio piece is accompanied by a reflective essay. These introspective narratives provide context, explain the significance of the work, and showcase critical thinking.

Advantages of the Portfolio Approach:

1. Flexibility: The portfolio format allows candidates to tailor their doctoral journey to their strengths and interests. It accommodates professionals who wish to continue working while pursuing their PhD.

2. Holistic Assessment: Evaluators consider the entire portfolio, not just a single thesis. This holistic approach recognizes diverse talents and contributions.

3. Real-World Relevance: By emphasizing practical impact, the PhD by Portfolio aligns with the needs of industries, organizations, and communities.

4. Career Enhancement: Graduates emerge with a rich portfolio that can impress employers, grant committees, and collaborators. It’s a powerful tool for career advancement.

Challenges and Considerations:

1. Rigor: While non-traditional, the PhD by Portfolio maintains academic rigor. Candidates must demonstrate depth, breadth, and scholarly excellence.

2. Guidance: Clear guidelines and mentorship are crucial. Institutions must provide robust support for portfolio development.

3. Assessment Criteria: Institutions establish criteria for evaluating portfolios. Transparency ensures fairness.

Conclusion: The PhD by Portfolio offers a refreshing alternative for those seeking a unique doctoral experience. It celebrates diversity, creativity, and impact, making it an exciting frontier in academic exploration. So, if you’re ready to weave together your scholarly pursuits, creative endeavors, and practical contributions, consider embarking on this distinctive path toward a truly unique doctorate. Learn more about the PhD by Portfolio at SSBR Education and unlock your potential!

At the forefront of this pioneering approach to executive education is the Swiss School of Business Research, championing the PhD by Portfolio in Management. With a commitment to academic excellence and a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by senior professionals, the school is redefining the landscape of doctoral education. Through this innovative programme, SSBR provides a platform where business acumen and strategic leadership are not just learned but also academically celebrated, enabling executives to achieve a doctoral level qualification that mirrors the magnitude of their professional achievements.

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  19. Transfer Credit After Matriculation

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  21. Register for your PhD: doctoral application

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    A PhD by Portfolio offers a non-traditional route to obtaining a doctoral degree. Unlike the conventional dissertation-based PhD, where a single research project culminates in a lengthy thesis, the portfolio path emphasizes a compilation of scholarly outputs, creative works, and practical contributions. These portfolios serve as a testament to ...

  23. Admission requirements and deadlines

    Discover the requirements for admission at VUB and the application deadlines to take into account. ... Spin-off portfolio; Incubators & research parks; Launching your entrepreneurship. ... VUB is committed to make an active contribution to a better society: through research, education and social projects. ...