
Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)

PDCA is an improvement cycle based on the scientific method of proposing a change in a process, implementing the change, measuring the results, and taking appropriate action. It also is known as the Deming Cycle or Deming Wheel after W. Edwards Deming, who introduced the concept in Japan in the 1950s. It is also known as PDSA, where the “S” stands for “study”.

The PDCA cycle has four stages:

  • Plan — determine goals for a process and needed changes to achieve them.
  • Do — implement the changes.
  • Check — evaluate the results in terms of performance
  • Act — standardize and stabilize the change or begin the cycle again, depending on the results

An image of the PDCA cycle.

PDCA is the foundation of continuous improvement or kaizen. Leaders set targets (plan) against a stable baseline of performance. Teams implement improvements (Do) to achieve the targets. Then they measure (Check) the change to evaluate performance against the target. If the team has achieved a measurable gain, it standardizes (Act) the new method by updating the standardized work. This ensures the improvement is stable.

A graphic showing PDCA cycles moving up a hill to demonstrate how PDCA leads to steady performance improvement.

History of PDCA

Walter A. Shewhart was the first to develop a repeating cycle for improvement dubbed the Shewhart Cycle:

Edward Deming expanded the Shewart cycle into a four-step pattern for Japanese audiences. The Deming cycle related heavily to the concept of product quality, innovation, and learning-by-doing over the entire life cycle of a product.

Specifically, the Deming cycle runs:

1.  Design  the product with appropriate testing. 2.  Make  the product and test it in production and in the lab. 3.  Sell  the product to the market. 4.  Test  the customer experience and redesign for improvement.

An image of the Deming and Shewhart cycles.

In 1951, the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) altered Deming’s framework into the more recognizable PDCA cycle. Although well over half a century has passed since the introduction of the Deming cycle to executives in Japan, most open-ended approaches still seek to repeat learning cycles as rapidly as possible, for obtaining customer feedback and making improvements in all pertinent areas.

The language may change slightly, but the basic thinking has not changed much. Consider the three-phase concept— Build ,  Measure ,  Learn —popularized by Eric Ries in his book,  The Lean Startup . His iterative process is fundamentally similar to both the original Shewhart and Deming cycles. Words may change or be slightly altered, but the timeless, classic concepts stay the same.

Additional Resources

  • Test Your PDCA Thinking By Reading Your A3 Backwards
  • Create a Real A3, Do More Than Fill In Boxes
  • Hazards at the Huddle Board: How to Coach a Team Away from “Fast Thinking” to Disciplined PDCA
  • Practical Guidance for Using Humble Inquiry in PDCA Problem Solving and Coaching
  • The Key to Lean — Plan, Do, Check, Act!
  • Four Types of Problems — Art Smalley

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The PDCA Cycle (30+ Plan Do Check Act Examples)

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In today's busy world, everyone is looking for simple ways to do things better and faster. Enter the PDCA cycle. It's like a four-step dance for making things work smoothly.

The PDCA cycle is an improvement cycle that involves four steps: Plan, Do, Check, and Act, to help improve any business process or task.

If you want to make your work more organized or solve problems more efficiently, the PDCA cycle can be your go-to tool.

Introduction to the PDCA Cycle


The PDCA cycle is a tool that helps with project planning. It breaks down a process into manageable steps, helps you test them, and adjust to get better results.

The cyclical nature of PDCA is a simple guide to help groups and companies work better and keep improving.

It's not just a one-time thing. This PDCA model is like a circle that keeps going, helping you learn and grow. By going through the steps again and again, you can stay up to date and keep making things better.

Even though it started in factories with quality control, the PDCA cycle is now used everywhere—in hospitals, schools, tech companies, and even for personal goals. It's easy to use, and you don't need special training or tools. You just need to be ready to try new things and keep improving.

Brief History of PDCA

The origins of the PDCA cycle trace back to the early 20th century. A man named Walter Shewhart , often called the 'father of statistical quality control,' introduced the idea.

Shewhart was working in the world of manufacturing, seeking ways to make production more efficient and error-free. Remember, this was a time when factories were booming, and any way to save time or reduce mistakes was super important.

Building on Shewhart's thoughts, Dr. W. Edwards Deming further used the plan do check act cycle for something new in the mid-1900s.

Deming's work specifically dealt with rebuilding Japan's industry after World War II . He realized that for industries to succeed, they needed a simple and strong framework. And he favored the PDCA cycle as a means of problem solving and continuous improvement.

It's because of these two people who helped create the process that it's sometimes called the Deming Cycle, Deming Wheel, or Shewhart Cycle.

So, why should you care about this history? Because understanding where the PDCA cycle came from helps in appreciating its value. It's not just a trendy buzzword; it's a tested and proven method that's been helping businesses for almost a century.

4 Steps of the Plan Do Check Act Cycle

Simply put, the four stages or steps are: Plan, Do, Check, Act. In a way, this is project management plan that not only improves management practices but also eliminates ineffective elements.

This is the planning stage—the time you think and plan. You find a problem or a chance to do something and decide what you want to achieve. Basically, you set up project goals and potential solutions to business problems.

Now, it's action time. Do the plan you laid out in the previous stage. But don't just rush in! It's important to do this on a smaller scale first, like a pilot test. Consider it a 'trial run'. This way, you get to see how things work without fully committing.

After you've taken action, you pause and assess. You're looking back at the results of your 'Do' phase. Did it go as planned? Were there unforeseen hiccups? This is your moment of reflection. Remember, there are problably multiple solutions to any problem, so if this plan didn't work, you can try a new one.

Sometimes this method is called plan do study act, instead of plan do check act. So you can think of this as the time to study the data.

After looking at the results from the 'Check' step, you make changes. If things worked, you can do more of it. If not, you fix and improve. After making changes, you start the cycle again with 'Plan'.

In essence, the PDCA cycle is an ongoing journey of improvement. It's all about learning, repeating, and progressing.

The Importance of Continuous Improvement

woman on a treadmill

The heart of the PDCA cycle lies in the principle of continuous improvement . In today's ever-evolving world, standing still is not an option. You either move forward, or you risk falling behind.

Continuous improvement isn't about chasing perfection. It's about the journey of getting better every day. It’s acknowledging that no matter how good a process or product is, there's always room to do better.

Here’s why it is crucial to continuously improve:

1. Adapting to Change : Just like seasons change, so do markets, customer preferences, and technologies. By continuously improving, you ensure that you're not left behind.

2. Efficiency and Productivity : Improving business processes means eliminating wastes and unnecessary steps. This results in faster outputs with fewer resources.

3. Employee Satisfaction : Believe it or not, people like being part of a system that gets better. It boosts morale and engagement. When employees see their feedback being used to make positive changes, they feel valued and involved.

4. Customer Satisfaction : Continuously improved products or services translate to happier customers. By showing that you’re committed to betterment, you not only keep loyal customers but also attract new ones.

5. Long-Term Success : Think of continuous improvement as investing in the future. Small enhancements today can lead to significant benefits in the long run.

Use-Cases of the PDCA Cycle

Let's shift our gaze from the theory of PDCA to its real-world applications. The plan do check act cycle is not limited to big businesses or specific industries; it can be used by anyone who wants to continuously improve processes.

In hospitals, patient care is the most important. By using the PDCA cycle, hospitals can make patient admissions easier, improve treatment plans, and perform better after-care procedures.

For example, if a hospital notices long wait times in the emergency room, they can Plan a strategy to make it better, Do a trial run with the new system, Check the results, and then Act to put the plan into place everywhere or change it based on the feedback from the trial run.

Schools and colleges are always looking for ways to improve student learning and involvement. The PDCA cycle can help with curriculum design, classroom management, or even in creating better ways for students to give feedback.

A school might notice students struggling with online learning. They can then make a plan to offer additional resources, test it out with a group, assess the results, and change accordingly.

Tech Startups

In the tech world, you need to keep up with changes. Startups can use the PDCA cycle to make better products, improve user experience, or market better.

Think of a new app with problems after it's launched. The company can make a plan to solve it, try the fix, see what users say, and then improve it for the desired outcome.

Personal Goal Setting

Beyond organizations, individuals can use the PDCA cycle for personal development. Whether it's fitness goals, learning a new skill, or financial planning, this cycle can be a guide.

Suppose you set a goal to read more books. You plan by setting aside time each day, try it out for a week, check if you're consistent, and then adjust based on challenges or insights.


PDCA started in factories, and they can gain a lot from it. It can help improve products and make production faster.

If a factory finds more faulty products, they can use the PDCA cycle to find the problem, try fixes, see what works, and then use the best solution regularly.

Starting Your Own PDCA Cycle: Step-by-Step Guide

tech startup running analytics

Let's walk through how you can start your own PDCA journey.

1. Identify a Challenge or Opportunity : Every journey begins with a destination in mind. Look for an area in your organization, project, or personal life that needs improvement or has potential for growth. It could be as simple as improving morning routines or as complex as recreating a product line.

2. Gather Data : Arm yourself with information. Understanding the current situation helps in setting realistic goals. If sales have dropped in your business, get numbers. How much? Since when? Any patterns?

3. Set Clear Objectives : Define what success looks like. If you're addressing the sales drop, decide on a target percentage increase. Be specific. Instead of saying "increase sales," aim for "increase sales by 10% in the next quarter."

4. Brainstorm Solutions : Think of strategies to meet your objective. If it's about sales, maybe you need better marketing, more training for the sales team, or even a new product feature.

5. Pilot Test : Remember the importance of the 'Do' phase being a trial run? Implement your solution, but start small. This reduces risks. Using our sales example, maybe first train a small sales team with a new technique and see how it works.

6. Evaluate Results : Once your pilot is done, check the outcomes. Did sales improve for the team that received new training? By how much? Were there any challenges?

7. Implement or Adjust : Based on your evaluation, take action and implement change yourself. If the new sales training worked well, roll it out for everyone. If not, revisit your strategies, adjust, and test again. This is the act phase.

8. Document Everything : Keep a record of your entire PDCA process. This not only helps in future cycles but also creates a way for your team to look at what worked, what didn't, and make incremental changes in their process improvement.

9. Loop Back : The PDCA cycle isn’t a one-time thing. After 'Act', circle back to 'Plan'. Maybe after addressing sales, the next cycle focuses on having your customers came back again and again.

10. Celebrate and Reflect : Lastly, every time you complete a cycle, take a moment to acknowledge the progress. Celebrate wins, no matter how small. And always reflect on lessons learned for future cycles.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The Shewhart cycle is an iterative process. In other words, it's a continuous process improvement.

But, just as a juggler learns best from dropped balls, understanding common mistakes in the PDCA cycle can prepare you to avoid or address them before they happen.

1. Skipping the Planning Phase : In eagerness to act, it's tempting to jump straight into action. But remember, a house built on shaky foundation won't stand for long.

Strategy : Always invest time in thorough planning. This phase sets the tone for the entire cycle.

2. Ignoring Data : Operating on gut feelings or assumptions can lead you down the wrong path. The PDCA cycle relies on data-driven decisions.

Strategy : Consistently gather relevant information. Then analyze it. Let numbers guide your actions.

3. Setting Vague Objectives : Broad goals like "improve customer service" lack direction. Instead, be specific in your initial plan.

Strategy : Always aim for SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives. Instead of "improve customer service," aim for "reduce customer complaints by 15% in the next two months."

4. Neglecting the 'Check' Phase : It's easy to move from action to adjustments without pausing. But without assessment, you might miss valuable insights.

Think of it like the scientific method, where you have a controlled environment and by looking at the success criteria you can make sure you avoid recurring mistakes.

Strategy : Always allocate time to evaluate results. It's this reflection that powers informed adjustments.

5. Resisting Change : Sometimes, looking at the data will show a need for significant changes. Resistance can slow or stop progress.

Strategy : Cultivate a growth mindset . Embrace changes as opportunities to learn and grow.

6. Stopping After One Cycle : Viewing the PDCA cycle as a one-off can limit its benefits. Remember, it's about continuous improvement.

Strategy : Always loop back. Each cycle offers a chance to refine further.

7. Working in Silos : Keeping the PDCA process in only one department or individual can limit its scope and effectiveness.

Strategy : Promote collaboration. Encourage cross-departmental input and feedback.

8. Fearing Failures : Not every cycle will lead to positive results. Fear of failures can slow innovation and risk-taking.

Strategy : Reframe failures as learning opportunities. Every setback is a setup for a better comeback.

9. Neglecting Documentation : Forgetting to record your processes and outcomes can lead to repeated mistakes.

Strategy : Maintain a detailed log of every PDCA cycle. This becomes a reference point for the next stage.

10. Overcomplicating the Process : The PDCA cycle is inherently simple. Overloading it with complexities can reduce its effectiveness.

Strategy : Stick to the basics. Keep the cycle streamlined and straightforward.

Pros and Cons of the PDCA Cycle

While the PDCA cycle has many benefits, it's important to be aware of its limitations too. Let's weigh both sides of this coin to give you an more rounded view.

Pros of the PDCA Cycle

1. Simplicity : At its core, the PDCA cycle is a straightforward four-step process. This makes it easy to understand, adopt, and communicate across teams.

2. Versatility : Whether it's a multinational corporation or your personal fitness goal, the PDCA cycle can be applied anywhere. Its universality is one of its strongest points.

3. Data-Driven : By relying on data and evaluations, the PDCA cycle reduces guesswork and ensures decisions are supported by hard evidence.

4. Continuous Improvement : The continuous loop promotes regular refinement, ensuring that internal and external processes and strategies are always evolving and improving.

5. Risk Mitigation : By emphasizing small-scale testing in the 'Do' phase, the PDCA cycle helps to identify potential issues or ineffective elements early on, reducing the chances of large-scale failures.

6. Empowers Teams : Since it's a collaborative work process, the PDCA cycle encourages team input and feedback, leading to more inclusive and holistic solutions.

Cons of the PDCA Cycle

1. Time-Consuming : Especially during the initial phases, the PDCA cycle can be time-intensive as teams gather data, plan, and test.

2. Potential for Overanalysis : The 'Check' phase, if not kept in check, can lead to "paralysis by analysis," where teams get too caught up in evaluating data and delay actionable steps.

3. Dependency on Data : While being data-driven is a strength, it can also be a limitation if there's a lack of quality data. Poor data can lead to bad decisions.

4. Requires Commitment : For the PDCA cycle to be effective, it requires consistent commitment from the team. Occasional or half-hearted attempts might not yield good results.

5. Scope for Subjectivity : While the process is data-driven, interpretations of the data can be subjective , leading to potential biases in decisions.

Real-Life Examples of the PDCA in Action

hospital patient

Stories have a way of making concepts stick. With strategic planning, people can reduce costs, have quality improvement, and progress regularly.

Let's step into the real world and explore some stories that show the PDCA cycle making a noticeable difference.

1. A Coffee Shop's Quest for the Perfect Brew : A local coffee shop noticed a dip in their morning sales. Using the PDCA approach, they planned a way for customers to tell them what they want. They then introduced new coffee blends on a trial basis.

After assessing customer feedback and sales data, they found that introducing cold brews and specialty lattes was a hit. The shop adjusted its menu, retrained its baristas, and saw a 20% rise in sales the following month.

2. School Attendance Improvement : A school was finding that students were absent a lot. The management planned a survey to understand the reasons. From the feedback, they introduced a mentorship program and more engaging extra-curricular activities.

After testing these out for a semester, there was a noticeable increase in student attendance. The school then acted by making these changes permanent and continued to monitor attendance rates for further improvements.

3. Tech Firm's Bug Battle : A tech startup's app had a lot of bugs after a major update. The team planned a way for users to report issues. They then put out smaller patches to address the most common problems.

Checking user reviews and bug reports, they realized the need for a more in-depth testing phase before updates. Acting on this, they changed their testing protocols, leading to more stable updates in the future.

4. Personal Fitness Journey : Mike wanted to get in shape. He planned a workout routine and a diet. For the first two weeks, he tested a mix of cardio and weights.

Checking his progress, he realized he enjoyed weight training more and saw better results with it. He then acted by focusing more on strength training and adjusting his diet to support muscle growth. By the full end to end process of three months, Mike had lost 15 pounds and increased his muscle mass.

5. Hospital's Patient Care Boost : A city hospital wanted to make it so patients could leave sooner after treatment. They planned by gathering data on current discharge processes.

They tried to improve processes by bringing a digital system to one department. Using this system, they found that paperwork was processed faster meaning patients could leave sooner. The hospital acted by implementing the digital system hospital-wide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the PDCA cycle? The PDCA cycle is a four-step method used to improve processes and systems. The steps are Plan, Do, Check, and Act.

2. Where did the PDCA cycle originate? The PDCA cycle has its roots in the early 20th century, introduced by Walter Shewhart and further refined by Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

3. Can the PDCA cycle be used outside of manufacturing? Yes, while it started in manufacturing, today the PDCA cycle is used in various sectors like healthcare, education, tech startups, and even for personal goals.

4. Why is the 'Check' phase crucial in the PDCA cycle? The 'Check' phase involves assessing results. It's essential for understanding what's working and what needs adjustment, ensuring the cycle's effectiveness.

5. What are the main benefits of the PDCA cycle? The PDCA cycle promotes continuous improvement, risk mitigation, data-driven decisions, and inclusivity in feedback and solutions.

6. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when implementing PDCA? Yes, some common mistakes include skipping the planning phase, setting vague objectives, and neglecting the 'Check' phase. It's crucial to be aware of these to make the most of the PDCA cycle.

7. How can I start implementing the PDCA cycle in my organization or personal life? Begin by identifying a challenge or opportunity. Gather data, set clear objectives, and then proceed through the Plan, Do, Check, and Act steps. Remember, it's a continuous cycle, so always loop back to the planning phase after acting.

8. Are there any real-life examples of the PDCA cycle in action? Absolutely! From coffee shops refining their brews to tech startups improving apps based on user feedback, the PDCA cycle has been effectively implemented in various scenarios.

9. How does the PDCA cycle encourage continuous improvement? By its very design, the PDCA cycle promotes revisiting and refining processes. By constantly looping back to the planning phase, it ensures that operations are always evolving based on feedback and results.

We've traveled quite a bit through the world of PDCA, haven't we? From its history to how it works and where it's used, we've covered a lot of ground. Now, let's wrap up what we've learned.

The PDCA cycle is like a step-by-step guide for making things better. Think of it as a map that helps you find better ways to do things. Each step, from planning to acting, helps you get better and learn from any mistakes.

In today's world, things change a lot and fast. That's why having a way to keep improving is super important. The PDCA cycle helps you do just that.

Whether you're in charge of a big company, a small team, or just trying to reach your own goals, the PDCA cycle can help.

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Strategic Management Insight

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

PDCA Guide

What is the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle

Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle (PDCA) is a four-step, iterative by-design method used for control and continual improvement of processes and products. It is also known as the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, Deming cycle, Control Circle/Cycle or the Shewhart cycle.

PDCA Cycle

PDCA is an evidence-based participatory approach to problem-solving and is found to be an effective tool for quality improvement.

Origin of PDCA

The beginnings of PDCA emerged from the principles of the ‘Scientific Method’, which originated with Galileo but has its roots in the teachings of Aristotle. It is a method for developing ideas based on observation, then testing them through experiments and finally refining, changing, or eliminating the ideas. [2]

Dr. Walter Shewhart first adapted the scientific method for industry and presented it as a linear flow of ‘specification’, ‘production’ and ‘inspection’. In 1939, he changed the linear sequence to a cycle to show how refinement and change lead to an iterative approach to product development.

Dr. Walter Shewhart

The Shewhart cycle was further developed by W. Edwards Deming in what became known as the ‘Deming Wheel’.

W. Edwards Deming

In 1950, Deming presented his ideas to the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) which then was popularized as the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle or PDCA. [2]

Why use PDCA

Organizations often plan and then intend to execute, but the reality is neither linear nor predictable for this approach to be effective in reaching the target conditions.

Regardless of how well a plan is made, they must navigate a zone of uncertainty commonly referred to as the “Grey Zone.” Unforeseen problems, abnormalities, false assumptions, and obstacles will appear along the path to any target.

To reach a target

A good analogy is a person climbing stairs in the dark with a flashlight. Because the target condition lies beyond the reach of the flashlight, the path to attaining it cannot be predicted with exactness. Thus, the person must find that path by experimenting.

Target condition

This is the central approach of PDCA. To expect uncertainty and pay attention to adjust along the way based on learnings. PDCA provides a practical means of attaining a challenging target condition by formulating hypotheses and testing them with information obtained from direct observation.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle

The procedure or steps of experimentation in the PDCA cycle are summarized as below:

The PDCA cycle

The four stages of PDCA

PDCA’s four stages constitute a scientific process of acquiring knowledge and are explained in more detail as follows:

P is for Plan

In the Planning stage, problems are identified and analyzed according to the following order:

  • Select and prioritize the problems to be analyzed
  • Clearly define the problem and establish a precise problem statement
  • Perform situation analysis (to be used as baseline data)
  • Set a measurable goal
  • Perform root cause analysis (identify potential causes of problems)
  • Identify intervention(s) that will address the root causes of problems
  • Select an intervention and develop an action plan

D is for Do

At this stage, the team implements an action plan developed in the previous stage to make the desired changes. This involves the following steps:

  • Execute the action plan on a trial or pilot basis
  • Practice the proposed method(s)
  • Make the changes
  • Don’t strive for perfection but look for what can be done in a practical way

C is for Check

At this stage , data is collected once again to measure if the actions taken have improved the situation. It involves the following steps:

  • Check whether the standard is being followed
  • Measure the indicator and compare it with the baseline. Record the results
  • Check what is working and what is not
  • Identify systematic changes
  • Practice and improve the activities as per the defined method

A is for Act

In the Act phase, interventions that are found to be effective are standardized by developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), which involve the following steps:

  • Continue activities that went as planned and were found effective
  • Review (why) activities that did not perform well and propose changes
  • Adopt the intervention(s)/ solution(s) as standard (standardize)
  • Plan ongoing monitoring of the intervention(s)/ solution(s)
  • Continue to look for incremental improvements and refine intervention(s)/ solution(s)
  • Look for the next improvement opportunity

At the end of the fourth stage, the PDCA cycle restarts with the aim to solve another problem (or further improve the same problem) to achieve a continuous and uninterrupted improvement.

Seven steps in the PDCA cycle

PDCA cycle consists of seven steps spread over four stages, as shown:

The 7 steps in the PDCA cycle

Step 1: Selection and problem prioritization

A problem is a brief description/statement of the weakness in the process or an issue to be solved. The tool most often used in this step is a Flowchart [6] . Alternatively, if a single problem is to be selected from a set of problems, a Selection Matrix [7] or a Fish Bone Diagram [8] may be used.

Selecting a problem is an iterative process where subsequent steps could lead to further refinement of the definition. A good problem should:

  • Be customer‑focused.
  • Complement the company’s and division’s goals.
  • Address a weakness
  • Be measurable
  • Have a high probability of success within a reasonable time frame (3‑4 months)
  • Be well-framed in one complete sentence
  • Avoid the use of abstract words, acronyms, and location‑specific lingo
  • Be action‑oriented
  • Avoid the use of absolutes
  • Address one of the 5 evils (defects, delays, mistakes, waste, accidents).
  • Avoid stating the cause in the problem definition. (This is jumping to Step 3.)
  • Avoid stating the solution in the problem definition. (This is jumping to Step 4.)

Problems can be prioritized based on:

  • Their impact on the business
  • Whether there are enough resources available to address them
  • The ease of observing changes
  • The extent to which team members have control

Step 2: Situation analysis

In this step, the focus is on gathering facts about the problem. The tool most often used at this point are Checksheets [9] and Pareto Charts [10] . Following are some of the key aspects of situation analysis:

  • Before collecting data, all possible causes must be brainstormed.
  • Ask 4W and 1H when collecting data: – Who is involved? – What problem/type of problem occurs? – When does it occur? – Which part of the process/type of product does it involve? – How much/many products/defects/etc. are involved?
  • Limit data collection to what is needed. (Often, a sample will be sufficient.)
  • Stratify (group) the data in many forms [11] .
  • Zero down on a few probable causes using a Pareto chart.

Step 3: Root cause analysis

A root cause is the fundamental reason behind negative process outcomes. A fishbone diagram [8] is the primary tool for root cause analysis. The root cause must be controllable and is found using the following approach:

  • Answer the question, “Why did this ‘problem’ occur?”
  • Brainstorm around: – Contributing factors. – The root cause of the contributing factors.
  • Follow a fact-based approach. Assuming to know the cause can be counterproductive.
  • Interview people who know the process.
  • Construct/refer to a Flowchart of the process.
  • Construct a Cause/Effect Diagram.
  • Recycle back to Step 2 if required.

Step 4: Identification of intervention

This step brings ideas together to address a problem’s root cause. It is important to be open to options and think creatively. Affected individuals must be involved, and preference must be given to improving existing processes before revamping them entirely. Experiments are run to test solutions.

The proposed intervention must:

  • Prevent the reoccurrence of the root cause.
  • Be practical to implement, efficient and affordable.
  • Be free from conflict with other processes or activities.
  • Address the 4W’s and 1H (discussed in Step-2).
  • Have a timeline describing the implementation schedule.
  • Have management support.
  • Establish metrics that will confirm that the solution worked.

Step 5: Implementation of the intervention

Putting the implementation plan into action involves carrying out the ordered steps outlined below, implementing the change itself, and collecting the information that will indicate success.

  • Review the objectives of the solution(s).
  • Develop an action plan.
  • Share the action plan with section staff.
  • Identify the potential resistance.
  • Determine the prerequisite(s) of the implementation.
  • Develop a step-by-step guide to implement the action plan (Usually, the time for implementation is about 2 to 3 months, while the total time for one PDCA cycle is about 6 months).
  • Assign responsibility for each activity.
  • Determine what information is needed to monitor progress (using a checklist).

Teams must establish checkpoints periodically to verify if the implementation is going as planned and update everyone involved on the progress.

Step 6: Checking the effectiveness of implementation

Using tracking indicators, effectiveness can be checked through the following steps:

  • Review data collection methods in Step 2
  • Collect data using the same methodology
  • Compare frequency before and after PDCA and calculate incremental reduction/ increase rate
  • Make a Run Chart to observe the trend over time [12]
  • Check achievement against the target set earlier in the aim statement.

The situation before and after PDCA can also be portrayed using a graph as shown below:

before and after PDCA

A Run Chart can be used to observe improvements over time. For example, the run chart (below) shows a decreasing trend in the number of patients who did not follow prescribed medication. This indicates the PDCA measures adopted by the hospital to address the issue have shown improvements over time.

Run Chart showing the reduction in problems over time

Step 7: Standardization of effective interventions

At this stage, the activities found to be effective in reducing or eliminating the problems are standardized using the following steps:

  • List effective interventions identified in the previous step.
  • Develop documentation (SOPs) to adopt successful intervention(s).
  • Develop a checklist to assess the progress of implementing standardized activities.
  • Share the plan and checklist with all concerned.

Standardization brings several benefits such as:

  • Reduces variability.
  • Ease in training new staff.
  • Reduced chance of strain and injuries (ensures safety for internal/ external clients).
  • Ease of following well-established practices reduces task time.
  • Increases staff confidence & motivation.

Discipline is the key to successful standardization of an effective intervention.

PDCA at Toyota

No organization has ever come close to matching Toyota’s stellar performance in automobile manufacturing. It has cultivated a culture of excellence, efficiency, and customer satisfaction like no other.

PDCA at Toyota uses “Rapid Cycles,” where individual PDCA cycles are turned as quickly as possible, sometimes even taking only minutes each. The idea is to not wait for a perfect solution but to take the step at the earliest with available resources so that teams can spot the next challenge.

Toyota believes that a provisional step “now” is preferable to a perfect step “later”, and invests in prototypes and experiments up front, which may seem like an extra expense but has proven to reduce cost in the long run.

Experimenting with PDCA

Toyota uses single-factor experiments, that is, to address one problem at a time and only change one thing at a time in a process. This helps see cause and effect and better understand the process.

Short PDCA cycles

Toyota’s success is not due to sudden innovation or having air-tight plans but the ability to execute more effectively in the face of unforeseeable obstacles and difficulties. They spot problems at the process level much earlier when the problems are still small and address them quickly while uncovering information along the way.

Example of PDCA (the Toyota way)

Consider the process of getting up and going to work with a target condition of being in the car and ready to drive 60 minutes after waking up.

Here is one possible PDCA cycle for the process:

Be in the car 60 minutes after waking up. (Target condition)
Wake up and go through the morning routine, get into the car.
Once in the car check how long it took.
(Next step to be determined)

Assume that with the above PDCA plan, a person sits in the car to find that the morning routine took 64 minutes, or four minutes over the target condition.

What has he learned about the process from this experiment?

checking outcomes

As depicted in the figure above, not much! The total time taken was over 60 minutes (too long), but it cannot be said where in the morning routine the problem lies. Also, it is too late to make an adjustment that would still achieve the target condition.

There are two things wrong with this PDCA experiment:

  • The “check” comes too late to learn anything useful or to adjust on the way.
  • The target condition specifies only an outcome. (it is not actually a target condition at all.)

Many seemingly large and sudden changes develop slowly. The problem is that organizations either fail to notice the little shifts taking place along the way or they do not take them seriously.

No problem is too small for a response. To be consciously adaptive, an organization must recognize abnormalities and changes as they arise and are still small and easy to grasp.

To be able to experiment in shorter cycles, a more detailed target condition is necessary. Such a target condition must generally include the following information:

  • The steps of the process, their sequence, and their times
  • Process characteristics
  • Process metrics
  • Outcome metrics

While a longer overall PDCA cycle must check the outcome, many short PDCA cycles must check process metrics along the way. Every step on the “staircase toward a target condition” is a PDCA cycle. Each step is a hypothesis, where what is learned from testing that hypothesis may influence the next step.

Rapid PDCA cycle at Toyota

Accordingly, a modified and more effective experiment for the process of getting up and going to work, beginning with a better target condition, will look as follows:

short-cycle PDCA

As seen from the figure, the step “Make breakfast” has taken four minutes longer than the planned time. From this, it is not only known where the problem is, but an adjustment can also be made to the remaining steps to still achieve the 60-minute outcome.

Questions critical to PDCA

PDCA phase of the improvement, after a target condition has been established, needs to answer the following five questions that are built on one another.

Five important questions in PDCA

The sequence of these five questions acts as a device to give a routine and a mental pattern for approaching any process or situation. These questions distill part of the improvement down to a point where it becomes accessible and usable by anyone.

1. “The plan-do-check-act procedure”. Whale Design, https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/plandocheckact-procedure-deming-cycle-fourstep-model-2169522173 Accessed 22 Jul 2023

2. “Shewhart cycle”. Praxis Framework, https://www.praxisframework.org/en/library/shewhart-cycle Accessed 19 Jul 2023

3. “Walter A Shewhart”. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_A._Shewhart Accessed 19 Jul 2023

4. “W. Edwards Deming Photo Gallery”. The Deming Institute, https://deming.org/w-edwards-deming-photo-gallery/ Accessed 19 Jul 2023

5. “Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results”. Mike Rother, https://www.amazon.com/Toyota-Kata-Managing-Improvement-Adaptiveness-ebook/dp/B002NPC0Q2https://www.amazon.com/Toyota-Kata-Managing-Improvement-Adaptiveness-ebook/dp/B002NPC0Q2 Accessed 19 Jul 2023

6. “WHAT IS A FLOWCHART?”. American Society for Quality, https://asq.org/quality-resources/flowchart Accessed 20 Jul 2023

7. “WHAT IS A DECISION MATRIX?”. American Society for Quality, https://asq.org/quality-resources/decision-matrix Accessed 20 Jul 2023

8. “FISHBONE DIAGRAM”. American Society for Quality, https://asq.org/quality-resources/fishbone Accessed 20 Jul 2023

9. “CHECK SHEET”. American Society for Quality, https://asq.org/quality-resources/check-sheet Accessed 20 Sep 2023

10. “WHAT IS A PARETO CHART?”. American Society for Quality, https://asq.org/quality-resources/pareto Accessed 20 Sep 2023

11. “WHAT IS STRATIFICATION?”. American Society for Quality, https://asq.org/quality-resources/stratification Accessed 20 Jul 2023

12. “Run Chart: Creation, Analysis, & Rules”. Six Sigma Study Guide, https://sixsigmastudyguide.com/run-chart/ Accessed 21 Jul 2023

13. “PDCA Manual for Quality Improvement”. Quality Improvement Secretariat (QIS), Health Economics Unit, Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, http://qis.gov.bd/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2019_02_07_1549518374_241pdca.pdf Accessed 21 Jul 2023

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Guide: PDCA Cycle

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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

The PDCA Cycle, standing for Plan-Do-Check-Act, is a robust framework that has underpinned continuous improvement initiatives across industries for nearly a century. Developed by statistician Walter A. Shewhart and later refined and popularized by W. Edwards Deming , this iterative method fosters a culture of quality and efficiency. By methodically following its four stages: Plan, Do, Check, Act businesses can progressively refine processes, enhance products, and elevate operational performance. The cycle’s elegance lies in its simplicity and adaptability, making it suitable for a wide array of projects from process enhancement to product development.

What is the PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA Cycle is a methodical approach used in continuous improvement businesses. PDCA stands for the steps in the method, which are Plan, Do, Check and Act (sometimes called Adjust).

The PDCA cycle was originally developed by A. Shewhart who was a statistician at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Shewhart was known as a pioneer in the field of quality management and is also referred to as the father of statistical quality control. He developed the concept of the PDCA cycle in the 1920s as a model for continuous improvement, emphasizing the importance of using data to make informed decisions.

Following this the model gained traction when W. Edwards Deming expanded on Shewhart’s ideas, popularized the PDCA cycle, and also started to be known as the Deming Cycle. Deming was an American engineer, statistician, and management consultant who worked in Japan following World War 2. Deming’s success is attributed to his teachings on the PDCA cycle in Japan and the use of PDCA in Japanese manufacturing.

The Four stages of PDCA:

  • Plan : Identify an opportunity and plan for change.
  • Do : Implement the change on a small scale.
  • Check : Review the test, analyzing its success or failure.
  • Act : If the change is successful, implement it on a wider scale.

The PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle

What types of projects can PDCA be used for?

The PDCA cycle is quite versatile and can be applied in a range of projects, particularly those that involve:

  • Process improvement: Projects which are looking to streamline processes, reduce waste or improve efficiency
  • Product Development: PDCA can be useful when developing new products. The cycle is particularly useful when doing interactive testing and quality enhancement to products.
  • Quality Management: In line with the original development the PDCA cycle is well-suited to improving the quality of products or services.
  • Operational Changes: The PDCA cycle can be used to implement new procedures or changes in workflow.

In general, for Lean Six Sigma the PDCA cycle is more ideal for small projects that lack complexity and dont need to be broken down into smaller steps like DMAIC , 8D and A3 offer. PDCA projects are usually used where smaller teams can address the problem. 

The Components of PDCA and How to Apply it

The PDCA Cycle is a four-step systematic method used to continually improve processes and products. Let’s look into the four components in more detail

The planning phase is about setting the foundations of what you want to achieve and creating the road map of how to get there.

Within this stage, you will generally do the following:

  • Identify Objectives: Clearly define what you intend to improve and objectives are usually SMART targets .
  • Analyze Data: Collect and analyze data to understand the current state of the process or product. This would usually involve qualitative or quantitative data, ranging from customer feedback to performance metrics.
  • Developing a Hypothesis: Based on the data analysis, a hypothesis will be developed about what changes could improve the process.

The next step is the Do phase; this is where the plan is put into action. This should be done cautiously to limit disruptions in case the plan does not have the expected results. 

  • Small-Scale Testing: Implement the planned change on a small scale, limiting the impact of potential issues and risks. Often referred to as a pilot program or trial.
  • Data Collection: Collecting data during the pilot to analyze the results of the test in the next phase
  • Documentation: Document everything during the Do phase, including the process, any deviations from the plan, observations, and all data collected; these will be analyzed in the Check phase

This phase is where you review the data collected during the trial and determine if the changes made led to an improvement.

  • Analyze the results:  Analyze the data collected in the Do phase; this could include the use of statistical tools, if appropriate, to determine if the changes made a significant enough difference.
  • Compare: Evaluate the results against the objectives that were set during the Plan phase and determine if the hypothesis was correct and the results were met.
  • Conclude:  Form a conclusion from the analysis. If the results are positive, proceed to the Act phase; if not, aim to understand why and what can be done differently.

Based on the results of the Check phase, you will take action.

  • Implement: if the Check  phase confirms the success of the Plan  the new process should be implemented on a full scale. This could involve updating operating procedures, retraining staff, or upscaling the pilot program.
  • Standardize: To standardize and sustain the successful change you should update the documentation of the process to ensure consistency across the business.
  • Iterate: As always with continuous improvement, it does not stop with the clues in the title. Whether the change was successful or not, the cycle begins again. If it is successful, you start looking for the next opportunity to improve. If the change was not successful, you need to review and refine the plan based on what you learned through the cycle and apply it again.

pdca for problem solving

The PDCA Cycle is a good example of the power of iterative learning and improvement. From its inception by Shewhart to its widespread adoption due to Deming’s advocacy, it has become a key tool of operational excellence.

Through careful planning, disciplined execution, rigorous checking, and decisive action, PDCA enables organizations to drive change effectively and sustain improvements. Its cyclical nature ensures that continuous improvement is not a one-time event but a perpetual journey, always seeking the next enhancement. Whether for small-scale changes or significant transformations, PDCA stands as a useful tool in Lean Six Sigma methodologies, guiding teams toward higher standards of quality and efficiency.

  • Johnson, C.N., 2002. The benefits fo PDCA.   Quality Progress ,  35 (5), p.120.
  • Sokovic, M., Pavletic, D. and Pipan, K.K., 2010. Quality improvement methodologies–PDCA cycle, RADAR matrix, DMAIC and DFSS.   Journal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering ,  43 (1), pp.476-483.

Additional Useful Information on PDCA

Pdca and its variations.

PDSA : Some organizations use a slightly different version known as PDSA, which stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act. The “Study” phase encourages a more in-depth analysis than a simple “Check,” emphasizing learning from the outcomes.

OPDCA : Another variation includes an additional step—Observe. This five-step model (Observe, Plan, Do, Check, Act) places emphasis on observing the current state before planning changes, offering a more comprehensive overview of the situation.

Why Variations Matter

Context-Specific : Different variations may be more suitable depending on the complexity and nature of the process you are aiming to improve.

Enhanced Focus : Additional steps like “Observe” or “Study” can provide deeper insights and a more nuanced understanding of the process.

Integration with Other Tools

PDCA can be seamlessly integrated with other continuous improvement frameworks and methodologies such as:

Lean Six Sigma : PDCA can be used within the DMAIC model as a tool for iterative testing and validation during the Improve phase.

Kaizen : Kaizen events often use the PDCA cycle to test and implement quick, incremental changes.

A: PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act, which is a four-step iterative management method used for continuous improvement.

A: The purpose of PDCA is to systematically identify and solve problems, make improvements, and achieve better results in various processes and systems.

A: The Plan phase is crucial as it involves setting clear objectives, defining the problem to be addressed, and developing a detailed plan to achieve the desired results. It lays the foundation for the entire PDCA cycle.

Picture of Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft

Hi im Daniel continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma and over 10 years of real-world experience across a range sectors, I have a passion for optimizing processes and creating a culture of efficiency. I wanted to create Learn Lean Siigma to be a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights and provide all the guides, tools, techniques and templates I looked for in one place as someone new to the world of Lean Six Sigma and Continuous improvement.

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Using the pdca cycle to support continuous improvement (kaizen).

by Nawras Skhmot

5th August 2017

PDCA Cycle

"Plan" is really a three-step process. The first step is the identification of the problem. The second step is an analysis of this problem. The third step is the development of an experiment to test it. Some of the things to consider during this process includes: Problem Identification

  • Is this the right problem to work on?
  • Is this problem important and impactful for the organization?
  • Who does the problem affect and what is the potential impact of solving it?

Problem Analysis

  • What is the requisite information needed to fully understand the problem and its root cause?
  • What data do we already have related to the problem? What data do we need to collect?
  • Who should be enlisted or interviewed to better understand the problem?
  • After understanding the problem, is it feasible to solve it? Will the solution be economical and practical?

Developing an Experiment

  • What are some viable solutions?
  • Who will be involved in the process and who will be responsible for it?
  • What is the expected outcome of the experiment and how can we measure performance?
  • What are the resources necessary to run a small scale experiment?
  • How will the results from the small scale experiment translate to a full-fledged implementation?

The “Do” stage is where we test the proposed solutions or changes. Ideally, this should be carried out on small-scale studies. Small-scale experiments allow us to learn quickly, adjust as needed, and are typically less expensive to undertake. Make sure that you measure the performance and collect the data necessary to make an evaluation later on.

In this stage, review the experiment, analyze the results, and identify what you’ve learned. Consider the following questions:

  • Did the implementation of the change achieve the desired results?
  • What did not work?
  • What was learned from the implementation?
  • Is there enough data to show that the change was effective?
  • Do you need to run another experiment?
  • How does the small scale experiment measure up to the larger picture?
  • Is the proposed solution still viable and practical?

In this stage, take action based on what you learned in the study. If the change did not work, go through the cycle again with a different plan. If you were successful, incorporate what you have learned from the test into wider changes. Use what you have learned to plan new improvements and start the cycle again. If your plan worked, you will need to standardize the process and implement it across the business. During this phase of the PDCA cycle, you should ask the following questions:

  • What resources are needed to implement the solution company-wide?
  • What kind of training is needed for full implementation of the improvement?
  • How can the change be maintained and sustained?
  • How can we measure and monitor the impact of the solution?
  • What are some other areas of improvement?
  • How can we use what we have learned in this experiment to devise other experiments?

Using the PDCA Cycle to Support Kaizen

The PDCA process supports both the principles and practice of continuous improvement and Kaizen . Kaizen focuses on applying small, daily changes that result in major improvements over time. The PDCA Cycle provides a framework and structure for identifying improvement opportunities and evaluating them objectively. Using PDCA, an organization undergoing continuous improvement can create a culture of problem solvers and critical thinkers. Improvement ideas can be rigorously tested on a small scale. Using data, the team can make adjustments to the solution and reassess the hypothesis. After an idea has been shown to be effective, it can be standardized and implemented companywide. The iterative process of the PDCA cycle enables ideas to be continuously tested and promotes a continuous improvement and continuous learning culture. Eager to get started? Use The Lean Way to practice PDCA and Continuous Improvement with your team. Get started with a free 14 day trial.


Nawras Skhmot, is a Norwegian civil engineer and entrepreneur with an educational background from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and UC Berkeley. He is currently working on applying Lean Construction in the Norwegian construction industry, in addition to be involved in several startups that aims to develop softwares and applications based on lean thinking.


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What is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle?

Julia Martins contributor headshot

The PDCA cycle is a useful technique for addressing, analyzing, and solving business problems. Because the PDCA cycle is built on the process of continuous improvement, it offers a level of flexibility and iterative improvement. 

PDCA cycle history

The PDCA cycle was first introduced by Walter Shewhart , the father of statistical quality control. In his book, Economic control of quality manufactured product , Shewhart applied the scientific method to economic quality control. 

Shewhart’s thesis was further developed by W. Edwards Deming , who championed Shewhart’s work. Deming expanded on Shewhart’s idea and used the scientific method not only for quality control but also process improvement.

Deming went on to teach the method—which he called the Shewhart cycle—to Japanese engineers. There, the Shewhart cycle mixed with kaizen (the Japanese principle of continuous improvement , which was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa ), the Toyota production system, and lean manufacturing to become what we now call the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. 

Nowadays, the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is commonly used as part of lean project management .

This methodology has many names, including:

Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, or PDCA cycle

Deming cycle or Deming wheel

Shewhart cycle

Control cycle

Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle or PDSA cycle 

When should you use the PDCA cycle?

The PDCA cycle is a framework for how to approach and resolve project management and process improvement problems. As a result, it can be implemented for a wide variety of projects. Teams that use the PDCA cycle effectively embrace the element of continuous improvement—rather than using the cycle for an end-to-end process, the PDCA cycle is a way to ensure continuous improvement and implement the iterative process . 

The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is particularly useful when you want to:

Streamline and improve a repetitive work process

Develop a new business process

Get started with continuous improvement

Rapidly iterate on change and see immediate results

Minimize errors and maximize outcomes

Test multiple solutions quickly

4 steps to use the PDCA cycle

The four steps of the PDCA process are in the name: planning, doing, checking, and actioning. Notably, this process is a cycle, so as soon as you reach the end, you can start over from the beginning again. 

The first step to any process improvement or project planning is to figure out what you need to do. Like any project plan , this includes a variety of information, including:

The project objectives

Success metrics

The project deliverables or end result

Project stakeholders

The project timeline

Any relevant project risks or constraints

You can use the PDCA cycle for a wide variety of projects. Whether you’re building a new project from scratch or using the PDCA as a quality improvement project, investing in a robust planning phase is a great way to set the project on the right track. 

Keep in mind that PDCA is a cycle. It’s okay if you don’t have all of the answers the first time around, since you’ll probably run this cycle multiple times. Each time you re-run the PDCA cycle, evaluate your project plan to ensure it’s up-to-date and accurate towards your project goals. 

Once you’ve ironed out your project plan, the next step is to try it out. Like most types of lean project management, PDCA embraces small, incremental changes. During the Do phase of the PDCA cycle, implement the project plan on a small scale to ensure it works. 

Review the test you ran during the Do phase of the PDCA cycle to ensure everything went according to plan. More likely than not, you will identify things to improve on during the Do phase. After all, it isn’t called continuous improvement for nothing! The Check phase is critical to finding these small things before they get too big and problematic. 

If necessary, revisit your project plan to ensure your project is still hitting your project objectives. Alternatively, if you realized you need to make a change to the project plan, you can also do so now. 

After the check, move to the Act phase, which includes rolling out the full project or process improvement. Don’t forget that the PDCA cycle is a cycle. If you need to, return to the Plan phase to continuously improve your project or processes. 

Pros and cons of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

The PDCA cycle is a powerful tool to continuously improve, but there are also some disadvantages to using this system as well. Take a look at the pros and cons of the PDCA cycle: 

Helpful for teams looking to get started with continuous improvement

Flexible methodology for virtually any project

Quickly implement change and see results

Use the PDCA as your standard operating procedure to increase org-wide standardization without the use of a project management office (PMO)

Proven continuous improvement methodology

You need support from senior management in order for the PDCA cycle to be particularly effective

Value comes from running the cycle over and over again. Not an effective methodology if you only plan on doing it once. 

Requires time to implement and learn

Isn’t a great solution for urgent projects, since you typically expect to run the cycle multiple times


The PDCA cycle is an effective way to implement continuous improvement and problem solving. To get the most out of the PDCA cycle, set your projects up for success with project planning tools . Plan, manage, and track your team’s projects to hit your deliverables on time. 

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Applying the PDCA Cycle: A Blueprint for Continuous Improvement

PDCA Cycle


Also known as Shewhart Cycle and Deming Wheel.

Variants include PDSA Cycle and OPDCA.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle (PDCA Cycle) is a four-step model for systematic problem solving and continuous improvement. It offers a simple and structured way for resolving business-related issues and creating positive change . This framework is widely recognized as the basis for enhancing the quality of processes, products, and services by following a logical sequence of four steps: Plan, Do, Check, and Act.

The PDCA cycle model can be applied in most kinds of projects and improvement activities, whether they are breakthrough changes or smaller incremental enhancements. For example, it can be effectively utilized when aiming to enhance employee skill levels within an organization, change the supplier of a product or service, or increase the quality of care and patient engagement within a hospital.

A common practical example of the PDCA cycle can be illustrated when dealing with customer complaints. This scenario involves steps like reviewing, categorizing, and prioritizing the existing complaints, generating potential solutions for addressing the most frequent complaints, conducting pilot surveys with sample customers to test new options, collecting and analyzing customer data and feedback, and ultimately implementing lessons learned on a larger scale. The above steps represent the PDCA cycle in action.

PDCA Cycle

The Four Phases of the PDCA Cycle

The PDCA cycle begins with the Planning phase which involves the identification of the problem and objectives. During this phase, a collaborative effort is made to agrees on the problem to be solved or the process to be improved. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis of the existing as-is situation is conducted, alternative solutions are identified, and the most promising solution is selected and scheduled for implementation.

In the Do phase, the selected solution is put into action on a limited scale. This phase also involves ongoing progress measurement, data collection, and feedback gathering to facilitate subsequent analyses.

The Check phase involves analyzing the collected data and feedback and comparing the outcome against pre-established objectives. This phase allows to evaluate how well the solution has worked and where further enhancement may be needed. Additionally, it involves the identification of unexpected issues and the gathering of key learnings. It is important to note that the Do and Check phases may need to be repeated until the desired results are achieved.

PDCA Guide

The Act phase is the point at which the chosen solution is fully integrated. This phase requires taking actions based on the insights acquired from the Check phase. A plan for full-scale implementation is carried out, taking into account the associated costs and benefits. The Act phase also concerned with standardizing , documenting, sustaining the improved process, as well as integrating it into the organization’s system.

The utilization of the PDCA cycle doesn’t necessarily stop once the Act phase is completed. The improved process often becomes the new baseline, which may prompt a return to the Plan phase. Multiple iterations of the PDCA cycle may be essential for a permanent resolution of the problem and the attainment of the desired future state. Each cycle brings one closer to their goals and extends their knowledge further.

pdca for problem solving

A common example often used to illustrate the PDCA cycle is when a team is initiating a new product development.

pdca for problem solving

Another example is when a lab team is planning to solve a customer complaint about the delayed test results at a laboratory.

pdca for problem solving

In the 1990s, a modified version of the PDCA cycle was introduced. It was called PDSA cycle where ‘S’ stands for Study. It is believed that data analysis is important for any improvement effort, and “Checking” does not really imply studying and analyzing the data.

PDSA Cycle

OPDCA is another version of PDCA where ‘O’ stands for Observe . The Observe is added at the front of the cycle to emphasize the need to observe before creating any plan. The goal of observation is to find out what is really happening and what can be improved.


You may find it useful to use the following tools in each phase of the PDCA/PDSA cycle:

  • Plan – process mapping , brainstorming, waste analysis , prioritization matrix , improvement roadmap , gap analysis , and force field analysis .
  • Do – Gantt chart , dashboard, data collection methods , sampling, observation , check sheet , and control chart.
  • Check/Study – graphical analysis , statistical analysis, 5 whys , fishbone diagram , Pareto analysis , root cause analysis, and decision-making techniques .
  • Act – process mapping , Gantt chart , dashboard, control chart, control plan, visual management , and standard work .

pdca for problem solving

Several tools are available to aid in planning and monitoring project activities using the PDCA model. One of the most straightforward methods is to use this  PDCA template .

Wrapping Up

PDCA represents the logical way of thinking we tend to follow when resolving problems and implementing continuous improvement. The objective is to make significant progress towards achieving the intended goal. Furthermore, it is important to note that the PDCA model stands at the core of almost all quality management systems. TQM, ISO standards and the A3 thinking process are all based around the PDCA philosophy.

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PDCA Cycle Explained: 4 Steps for Continuous Learning and Improvement

PDCA Cycle

The Meaning of PDCA Cycle

PDCA Cycle (also known as PDSA Cycle or Deming Cycle), is a problem-solving method used for the continuous learning and improvement of a process or product. 

There are 4 basic steps in PDCA Cycle:

  • Plan : identify a problem and possible solutions
  • Do : execute the plan and test the solution(s)
  • Check : evaluate the results and lessons learned
  • Act : improve the plan/process for better solutions

These four steps incorporate inductive-deductive interplay and have been a simple and scientific approach for problem-solving (process-improving). It follows the curve of how we acquire knowledge through constant reflection, standardization, and modification.

The PDCA framework begins with a planning phase where a problem or a process to be improved is identified. This involves not only the goal setting and finding possible solutions, but also hypothesizing methods that can be used to reach the ultimate goal. Another thing that needs special attention is defining the success metrics. This simply means a clear evaluation matrix is ideally to be set beforehand.

Then, the solution(s) will be tested in the Do process. To detach the Do, there could be two steps: making the Do multiple To-Dos by splitting the task and defining them with a specific time, personnel, and steps, and collecting real-time data and feedback. 

Check includes analyzing the results and comparing them to the hypothesis in the Plan stage: how well the solution worked, how much the goal has been achieved, and whether the methods were proven feasible. If there are any unexpected issues, you may also need to find the causes and possible solutions. Note that there might be forth and back between Do and check.

The Act step closes the cycle, which involves adjustment on the initial goal or solutions and integration of all key learnings by the entire process, to standardize successful parts and avoid error recurrence. In a nutshell, the Act phase summarizes the current cycle and prepares for the next.

However, the PDCA cycle doesn’t stop here. Instead, it can repeat from the beginning with a modified version of the Plan. There is no end to it and sustainability should be its main pitch.

How PDCA Has Evolved

Usually used interchangeably with “PDSA Cycle”, “Deming Cycle”, “Deming wheel”, “Shewhart Cycle” etc, the PDCA model has indeed confronted some misunderstanding and confusion. It remains unexplained in most cases how PDCA became what it is today and what’s the difference between those mysterious terminologies and how they interact. According to Ronald D. Moen & Clifford L. Norman , its evolution could be summarized like the following:

Shewhart cycle (1939): Specification - Production - Inspection . 

He brought up this method from the viewpoint of Quality Control.

Deming Wheel (1950): Design the product - Make the product - Sell it - Test it .

Deming built off the Shewhart cycle and emphasized the four steps should be rotated constantly to aim for the product quality. This has gained increasing popularity when Deming participated in the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).

PDCA Cycle (the 1950s):  Plan - Do - Check - Act.

A Japanese executive reworked the Deming Wheel and translated it into the PDCA Cycle for problem-solving. PDCA emphasizes more on the establishment of standards during the process and the ongoing modification of those standards. 

Extended PDCA Cycle (1985): Plan - Do - Check - Act .

Kaoru Ishikawa refined the PDCA model to include more steps in the Plan and Do steps: Identify the goals and methods to use; involve in training and education during implementation.

PDSA Cycle (1985): Plan - Do - Study - Act .

Deming claimed that the ownership of PDCA Cycle was never recognized by anyone and the word “check” was used incorrectly because it means “to hold back”. Therefore, he replaced it with “study” to emphasize the importance of the continuous learning-improvement model.

How to Implement - PDCA Examples

Now, you’ve got a clear idea of what the PDCA Cycle is and how it changes over time. As a simple and structured method widely adopted in Quality Control and Total Quality Management, can it also be applied in wider areas, such as personal growth and business development? Yes, I’ll give you a couple of examples.

PDCA example

Benefits of PDCA Cycle

Among all those other methods, why does the PDCA model shade some lights in the history, especially known for the “Japanese Quality” and is still widely used today? Some key benefits of it need to be valued.

PDCA methodology emphasizes minimizing errors and maximizing outcomes. When applied to business development, e.g. a product’s iterations, it could ensure a developing path where the product is shaped better and better to the market and customers. It’s the same when it comes to personal growth. It also leaves space for constant check and reflection, which can avoid wasting time on the mistakes or making the same mistakes.

PDCA framework follows a learning curve and enhances the learning-improvement process continually. This is the key factor defining PDCA as a scientific and methodical way to gain knowledge. With knowledge building up, people’s ability goes up. 

PDCA model encourages a growth mindset. Seeing continuous improvements is a good way to enhance individuals’ self-esteem levels and bring a great sense of accomplishment. People tend to find meaning in the things they do. Imagine if one stops making progress, they would stay in the static and lose meaning in repetitive work and life. 

  • PDCA Cycle is a simple and scientific way for problem-solving and process improvement.
  • PDCA Cycle involves four key steps: Plan, Do, Check and Act.
  • PDCA works slightly differently from Deming Cycle, Shewhart Cycle, and PDSA.
  • PDCA Cycle is a never-ending process that can be used on a continual basis.
  • PDCA Cycle can be used for quality control, business development, and personal growth.

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Plan do check act examples

How to apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model to improve your business

Reading time: about 7 min

  • Professional development
  • Project management

Most businesses want to improve. But when it comes to actually making needed changes, many fall short. Bureaucracy, silos, and even culture can block progress and stall innovation.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act model helps break companies out of stagnancy and transition to a system of continuous improvement. Learn how the PDCA cycle works and what benefits you can gain from using it at your company.

plan-do-check-act example

What is PDCA?

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model, also known as the Deming wheel or the Deming cycle, is an iterative method for continual improvement of processes, products, or services and is a key element of lean management.

The PDCA model was developed in the 1950s by William Deming as a learning or improvement process based on the scientific method of problem-solving. Deming himself called it by another term—the Shewhart cycle—because he created the model based on an idea from his mentor, Walter Shewhart.

As all of these names suggest, the PDCA cycle is a loop rather than an end-to-end process. The goal is to improve on each improvement in an ongoing process of learning and growth.

When should you use the PDCA process?

The Plan-Do-Check-Act model is a helpful tool that can be used for a number of applications:

  • Exploring and testing multiple solutions in a small, controlled trial
  • Avoiding waste by catching and adapting ineffective solutions before rolling them out on a large scale
  • Implementing Total Quality Management or Six Sigma initiatives
  • Developing or improving a process

What is great about the PDCA cycle is that it can be applied across industries and organizational types.

Pros and cons of PDCA

The PDCA cycle has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Consider both before you decide to apply Plan-Do-Check-Act to different projects.

Versatile: You can use PDCA in a variety of business environments and for a number of applications. Potential use cases include project management, change management, product development, and resource management.

Simple and powerful: The PDCA model is simple and easy to understand, yet it is a powerful driver for meaningful change and improvement while minimizing waste and increasing efficiency.

Hard to do: Though the model is simple, the work isn’t easy. Because PDCA breaks process improvements into smaller steps, it can be slow and probably isn’t a great solution for urgent projects.

Requires commitment: PDCA is not a one-time event. It is an ongoing, continuous process and therefore requires commitment and buy-in from the top down. Without committed leadership, the PDCA cycle can’t work effectively for the long term.

The PDCA model

Sold? Learn the four stages in the PDCA cycle (which you can probably guess from the name) to start using it.

The planning stage is for mapping out what you are going to do to try to solve a problem or otherwise change a process. During this step, you will identify and analyze the problem or opportunity for change, develop hypotheses for what the underlying issues or causes are, and decide on one hypothesis to test first.

As you plan, consider the following questions:

  • What is the core problem we need to solve?
  • Is this the right problem to work on?
  • What information do we need to fully understand the problem and its root cause?
  • Is it feasible to solve it?
  • What resources do we need?
  • What resources do we have?
  • What are some viable solutions?
  • What are the measures of success?
  • How will the results from a small trial translate to a full-scale implementation?

During this stage, an affinity diagram can help you and your colleagues organize a large number of ideas into groups. Once you have determined your course of action, write down your expected results. You will check your results against your hypothesis and expectations in the “Check” stage.

super header affinity diagram example

The next step is to test your hypothesis (i.e., your proposed solution). The PDCA cycle focuses on smaller, incremental changes that help improve processes with minimal disruption.

Test your hypothesis with a small-scale project, preferably in a controlled environment, so you can evaluate the results without interrupting the rest of your operation. You might want to test the solution on one team or within a certain demographic.

Once you have completed your trial, it’s time to review and analyze the results. This stage is important because it allows you to evaluate your solution and revise your plans as necessary. Did the plan actually work? If so, were there any hiccups in the process? What steps could be improved or need to be eliminated from future iterations?

Your evaluation at this stage will guide your decisions in the next step, so it is important to consider your results carefully.

Finally, it is time to act. If all went according to plan, you can now implement your tried-and-tested plan. This new process now becomes your baseline for future PDCA iterations.

Consider the following questions before you act:

  • What resources do you need to implement the solution at full scale?
  • What training is needed for successful implementation and adoption?
  • How can you measure and track the performance of the solution?
  • What opportunities are there for improvement?
  • What have we learned that can be applied to other projects?

If the plan did not pan out as expected, you can cycle back to the planning stage to make adjustments and prepare for a new trial.

Plan-Do-Check-Act example

So what does the PDCA model look like in action? 

In 2019, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Ningbo Women and Children’s Hospital in China applied the Plan-Do-Check-Act model to shorten the emergency decision to delivery interval (DDI) time. This is the time it takes between the decision to conduct a caesarean section and the delivery of a newborn. Shortening this time period in emergency situations is critical to saving lives and improving patient outcomes. 

Here’s how they did it:

Plan: In 2019, the hospital had an average DDI time of 14.40 minutes. Their process analysis identified three main causes impacting DDI time: 

  • A defective process
  • Lack of first-aid experience
  • Poor cooperation among departments

Do: The team developed improvement measures for each cause including: 

  • Simplifying the surgical process to speed up the pre-op routine
  • Establishing a special DDI team to respond to emergency situations
  • Standardizing DDI team working processes
  • Creating an emergency treatment team, featuring senior doctors with clinical first-aid experience
  • Implementing a variety of regular training, such as obstetrical safety meetings, emergency C-section process classes, and practical and theoretical trainings
  • Conducting multi-department emergency treatment drills

Check: The hospital monitored and analyzed progress monthly, creating regular evaluation summaries and refining the cause analysis and improvement measures over time. 

Act: After refining their processes, the hospital’s improvements optimized C-section delivery processes, increased collaboration across departments, and shortened the average emergency DDI to 12.18 minutes in 2020.

Supporting Kaizen with the PDCA cycle

The Plan-Do-Check-Act model is a particularly useful tool for companies who follow the Kaizen method . Kaizen is an organizational mindset and culture focused on small, frequent changes that lead to significant improvements over time.

The PDCA cycle supports the Kaizen philosophy by providing the framework for developing and implementing continuous improvements.

Using Lucidchart to continuously improve

Lucidchart is a visual workspace that helps teams and companies map out their processes and visualize their data in new ways. Use Lucidchart to visualize your PDCA cycle and help you through each step of the process. As you plan your project, you can create a fishbone (cause-and-effect) diagram to visualize problems and potential causes.

fishbone diagram example

During the “Do” stage, map out the new processes you plan to try. Use data linking to connect real-time data to your diagrams and keep track of your results. Once you have a solution you’re ready to implement, use Lucidchart to create diagrams visualizing the new processes. Lucidchart makes it easy to share documents with your team so they can quickly learn and understand the changes.

flowchart with swimlanes

If you’re continuously improving, it can be easy to lose track of your changes over time. Keep everyone on the same page by documenting your continual progress in Lucidchart.

Plan do check act examples

Learn more about how to elevate your business.

About Lucidchart

Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit lucidchart.com.

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  • Change Management

What Is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle? +Examples

  • Published: April 22, 2022
  • Updated: July 25, 2024

Picture of Samantha Rohn

Process improvement is a continuous journey, not a destination. 

In pursuing a more efficient and effective business strategy, organizations must overcome hurdles like resistance to change , project delays, change fatigue, data literacy challenges, skill gaps, and evolving customer needs. These obstacles can make successful change management feel like an uphill battle.

However, proven techniques empower businesses to navigate these change barriers . One such method is the PDCA cycle , a robust framework that enables continuous process improvement .

In this article, we’ll explore the PDCA cycle, its phases and applications, and examples of companies implementing it,

What Is the PDCA Cycle?

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is a four-step improvement and problem-solving method designed to continuously enhance business processes. It’s the foundation of continuous improvement (or kaizen) and follows the scientific method of proposing a change, implementing it, measuring the impact, and then taking appropriate action.

Organizational leaders set a target to improve on benchmark performance ( plan ), and teams implement change to improve performance ( do ). Teams then measure this change’s impact on performance ( check ) and standardize it into their process ( act ).

pdca for problem solving

The History of the PDCA Cycle

Also known as the Shewhart Cycle, the Deming Cycle, and the Deming Wheel, the PDCA Cycle was pioneered by the influential American physicist and management consultant Dr. William Edwards Deming in the 1950s. 

Deming’s approach revolutionized process improvement by introducing a systematic method for planning, implementing, checking, and acting on changes. This technique was pivotal in the U.S. during World War II, enhancing production processes under pressure and ensuring innovations were consistently aligned with initial plans.

The Four Phases of the PDCA Cycle

The PDCA cycle includes four stages:

  • Plan: Determine goals, identify needed changes, and benchmark current performance.
  • Do: Implement the change.
  • Check: Analyze the impact of the change.
  • Act: Standardize the change into your process – or start the cycle again.

pdca for problem solving

The four steps of the PDCA cycle form a closed loop, allowing companies to evaluate all quality control processes from the start. Let’s break down the four phases of the cycle:

In the planning phase, change leaders focus on identifying current pain points and opportunities for improvement and proposing solutions to tackle these issues. This involves creating hypotheses about the underlying problems, benchmarking current performance, and setting a target to improve on this performance.

A common challenge during this phase is ensuring that the proposed changes align with the organization’s overall business objectives. With this alignment, solutions can achieve the core issues.

To address this, developing a detailed project implementation plan is crucial. This plan should outline the proposed changes and how they support the organization’s goals. Regular reviews with key stakeholders help ensure everyone is on the same page and make necessary adjustments to ensure the changes are both relevant and beneficial.

To better understand, consider a customer support team facing high time-to-resolution times for service tickets. Let’s apply the PDCA cycle to see how it can help improve processes, starting with “plan”.

Plan Example

The customer support manager notices an uptick in client complaints regarding slow response times. In response, the objective is set to slash the average ticket resolution time by 20% within the next quarter. To kick off, the manager collects and analyzes current resolution statistics, pinpoints delays, and gathers input from the team on ground-level challenges.

Key steps in the planning phase include:

  • Defining the problem: Long resolution times are diminishing customer satisfaction.
  • Setting objectives: Aim to cut the average resolution time by 20% in three months.
  • Analyzing data: Examine existing resolution times, identify patterns in delays, and pinpoint underlying issues.
  • Developing a plan: Introduce new strategies such as prioritized ticketing, targeted training for team members, and optimized use of existing resources.

The “Do” stage is all about execution and change implementation. It involves three key steps: training team members to adopt the change and bridge any skills gaps , implementing the proposed changes, and documenting the process for future reference.

A major challenge during this phase is ensuring that the team is adequately prepared and that the implementation goes smoothly. With proper training and documentation, the process can avoid major setbacks.

To overcome this, focus on thorough training sessions addressing potential skill gaps and ensure the implementation process is thoroughly documented. Running a pilot test during this phase can help determine if the proposed changes produce the desired outcomes.

Let’s return to our customer support manager who planned to introduce new strategies to overcome high resolution times. Here is the steps involved in the “do” phase: 

With a plan in place, the customer support team initiates a pilot program to address the identified issues. This includes deploying a new ticketing system that prioritizes urgent issues and providing targeted training sessions that focus on efficient problem-solving.

Key steps in the do phase include:

  • Implementing solutions: Roll out the new ticketing system and conduct training sessions.
  • Monitoring closely: Keep a close watch on the new processes to ensure they are followed correctly.
  • Documenting everything: Record changes made, challenges faced, and any unexpected observations.

The check phase is essential for evaluating the success of your efforts and usually happens at least twice per project. First, you analyze the results of your pilot test, comparing them against the criteria established in the planning stage to determine if the changes were successful. This involves a comprehensive review to identify both successes and opportunities for improvement.

A challenge here can be accurately measuring the outcomes and determining what worked and what didn’t. This can be tricky if the criteria for success are not clearly defined in the beginning.

To tackle this, ensure that the success criteria are specific and measurable. During the check phase, involve the team reviewing the outcomes to gain various perspectives. This collaborative approach helps accurately identify failures and successes, allowing you to make necessary adjustments.

Returning to our customer support example, here are the steps in the “check” phase:

Check Example

After implementing the changes, the manager reviews the new average resolution times and gathers feedback from both customers and support staff. This phase focuses on measuring the impact of the changes against the set objectives and identifying any areas for further improvement.

Key steps in the check phase include:

  • Evaluating results: Compare the new data with the old to see if the resolution times have improved.
  • Soliciting feedback: Get input from staff and customers about their experiences with the new processes.
  • Identifying discrepancies: Look for any gaps between expected outcomes and actual results.

The final step in the PDCA cycle is taking corrective action and adjusting to implement the improvement project on a larger scale. This phase solidifies the changes made and sets the stage for the future.

After the final stage, start the process again. It doesn’t matter if your change led to improvements, as processes can constantly be improved. The PDCA should be utilized continuously to optimize and streamline processes to maximize efficiency and production.

One challenge in this phase is ensuring that the changes are effectively integrated into the organization without causing disruptions, as scaling up can bring new obstacles that weren’t apparent during the pilot phase.

To address this, focus on clear communication and training to ensure everyone understands the new processes. Treat the new implementation as a baseline for future improvements, continuously monitoring and refining the process as needed.

To close out our customer support example, here is the steps involved in the “act” phase:

Act Example

Based on the insights gained from the ‘Check’ phase, the manager makes necessary adjustments to optimize the process further. This could involve additional training, tweaking the ticketing system, or even revising the goals if they seem too ambitious or too modest.

Key steps in the act phase include:

  • Making adjustments: Refine the processes based on feedback and results.
  • Standardizing successful practices: Implement the proven effective methods across the board.
  • Setting the stage for continuous improvement: Plan for ongoing reviews and updates to maintain and enhance the resolution process.

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When to Use the PDCA Cycle

With over 70% of large-scale change projects failing , knowing when and how to use the PDCA cycle to improve processes is vital to continued growth and organizational success. Here are six use cases for utilizing the PDCA cycle to drive change adoption and improve processes successfully:

Business process optimization : The PDCA cycle is a go-to for either introducing a new process or tweaking an existing one. It allows you to methodically plan, execute, and refine processes. As you implement changes and gather feedback, you can make informed adjustments that enhance efficiency and performance.

Defining and documenting Workflows: When tackling manual or repetitive tasks, the PDCA cycle proves invaluable. It helps clearly outline and document processes, which streamlines tasks and boosts efficiency. By revisiting and refining these processes regularly, you ensure they remain effective and up-to-date.

Making data-driven decisions: Leverage the PDCA cycle to base your decisions on solid data. Start with a hypothesis or initial plan, put it into action, evaluate the results, and then tweak your strategy based on the insights you gather. This approach ensures your decisions are always backed by the latest data.

Implementing change : When it’s time for change, the PDCA cycle allows you to pilot your ideas on a small scale first. This way, you can spot potential issues before they become major, making it easier to manage changes and integrate them smoothly across your organization.

Migrating to new systems: Switching to a new system or workflow can be daunting. The PDCA cycle helps by providing a clear roadmap for the transition. Plan your steps, execute them, check the outcomes, and make necessary adjustments. This structured approach reduces downtime and integrates new systems more fluidly.

Launching a new product: Use the PDCA cycle to fine-tune your product launch. It’s particularly useful for experimental products, allowing you to test, gather feedback, and improve before a full-scale launch. This iterative process increases the chances that your new product will meet market needs and gain traction quickly.


Examples of Companies Using the PDCA Cycle

The PDCA cycle has proven to be an effective tool for continuous improvement across various industries. Companies worldwide have successfully implemented this methodology to enhance their processes, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency. 

Let’s look at some examples of companies that have successfully implemented the PDCA cycle:

Nike has long been known for its innovative approach to manufacturing, but it also faced significant challenges with poor work conditions. 

Nike adopted the PDCA cycle to address these issues, empowering its employees, partners, and customers. The company offered incentives to factories that improved working conditions and introduced a scoring system to assess the performance of its production facilities.

By committing to continuous improvement and lean methodologies, Nike enhanced working conditions, eliminated waste, and employed value-oriented managers. This dedication to improvement played a significant role in Nike’s impressive growth, doubling its size from $100 billion in 2015 to over $200 billion in 2021.

Nike identified poor working conditions as a key issue and proposed solutions to address them. The company developed incentives for factories to improve these conditions and created a scoring system to evaluate performance.
Implementation involved rolling out the incentives and scoring system across Nike’s production facilities. Nike also trained managers and employees to adopt lean methodologies.
Nike continuously monitored the performance of its factories using the scoring system, assessing the effectiveness of the incentives and identifying areas for further improvement.
  Based on the evaluations, Nike made necessary adjustments to its processes, reinforcing successful strategies and addressing any shortcomings. This ensured ongoing enhancement of working conditions and operational efficiency.

2. The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic, a renowned non-profit hospital, aimed to enhance patient care by reducing wait times and improving treatment quality. Combining Kaizen with the PDCA cycle, the clinic focused on refining specific treatments, managing patient records, and improving waiting room efficiency. As a result, the median cycle time for candidacy testing dropped from 7.3 hours to 3 hours, and the total inventory stock was reduced by 31%.

The Mayo Clinic identified long patient wait times and inefficiencies in treatment processes as critical issues. The hospital developed a plan to address these problems by implementing Kaizen and the PDCA cycle to streamline operations.
The clinic initiated the improvement process by refining specific treatments, managing patient records more efficiently, and optimizing waiting room times. Staff were trained in the new procedures and lean methodologies.
The Mayo Clinic monitored the impact of the changes by measuring patient wait times and tracking inventory levels. This helped determine the effectiveness of the implemented solutions.
  Based on the data, the clinic made adjustments to further reduce wait times and improve patient care. Successful strategies were reinforced and shortcomings were addressed, ensuring continuous improvement.

Nestlé, a global leader in the food and beverage industry, aimed to reduce waste by adopting lean methodologies. The company implemented the Kaizen method to promote a culture of continuous improvement across all levels and used the PDCA cycle to provide a detailed framework and enhance accountability.

Nestlé Waters utilized techniques like Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to visualize the flow of materials and information necessary to deliver finished products to consumers. This approach boosted the efficiency of new bottling plants.

Nestlé’s commitment to continuous improvement through the PDCA cycle and lean methodologies reduced waste. They significantly increased the efficiency of its bottling operations, demonstrating the power of a structured approach to process optimization.

Nestlé identified waste reduction as a key objective and developed a plan to implement lean methodologies. The company introduced Kaizen to foster continuous improvement and employed Value Stream Mapping to understand material and information flows.
The improvement process was initiated by training employees in Kaizen and lean practices. Nestlé Waters used VSM to optimize operations in new bottling plants, focusing on efficient material and information flow.
Nestlé monitored the effectiveness of the implemented changes by assessing the efficiency of the bottling plants and tracking waste reduction. Regular evaluations helped identify areas for further improvement.
  Based on the gathered insights, Nestlé made necessary adjustments to its processes, reinforcing successful strategies and addressing any issues. Doing so ensured ongoing improvements in efficiency and waste reduction.

Toyota, a pioneer in lean manufacturing, has long been committed to continuous improvement. The company uses the PDCA cycle to enhance its production processes, ensuring quality and efficiency at every stage.

Toyota implemented the PDCA cycle by identifying production inefficiencies and developing a plan to address them. Toyota has maintained its reputation for high-quality manufacturing and operational excellence by continuously monitoring and refining its processes.

Toyota identified inefficiencies in its production processes and developed a plan to address them. This included setting specific targets for quality and efficiency improvements.

The company implemented changes by training employees in lean methodologies and adjusting production processes. Some key actions included standardizing work procedures and integrating advanced technologies.

Toyota regularly monitored production metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes. This involved detailed analysis of quality control data and production efficiency.


Based on the data, Toyota made necessary adjustments to its processes. Successful strategies were reinforced, and any issues were promptly addressed to ensure continuous improvement.

5. Starbucks

Starbucks, the global coffeehouse chain, has effectively used the PDCA cycle to enhance customer experience and streamline operations. Faced with challenges like long wait times and inconsistent product quality, Starbucks turned to the PDCA cycle for continuous improvement.

Starbucks’ application of the PDCA cycle has been crucial in maintaining its high standards of service and product quality, demonstrating the effectiveness of a structured approach to continuous improvement in the retail industry.

Starbucks identified long wait times and inconsistent product quality as fundamental issues. They developed a plan to address these problems by optimizing workflows and enhancing service quality.
The company implemented changes by training baristas on new procedures, introducing more efficient equipment, and reorganizing store layouts to improve customer flow.
Starbucks continuously monitored customer feedback and operational metrics, such as average wait times and order accuracy, to assess the effectiveness of the changes.
  Based on the feedback and data collected, Starbucks made necessary adjustments to its processes, like refining training programs and making further layout changes. Successful strategies were scaled across stores, ensuring consistent improvements.

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What are the benefits of the pdca cycle.

  • Achieves successful change, reduces waste, and increases process efficiency.
  • Simplifies processes and minimizes errors through repetition, creating standard operating procedures.
  • Versatile technique for project management, change management, product development, and quality management.
  • Provides visibility into core processes and captures data to prove results.

What are the limitations of the PDCA cycle?

  • Requires leadership buy-in and a firm commitment as a continuous process.
  • Needs to be carried out repeatedly; one-time use leads to wasted resources.
  • Not suitable for time-sensitive projects.

Embracing the PDCA cycle is crucial for creating a culture of continuous improvement within your organization. Regularly updating and refining business processes ensures your company runs efficiently and keeps operating costs low.

When rolling out changes, focusing on effectively adopting new processes is vital. This is where Whatfix comes through, supporting each phase of the PDCA cycle seamlessly:

  • Plan: With Whatfix, you can easily map out your change implementation strategy. Our tools help you create detailed, interactive guides and documentation, making sure everyone understands the goals, processes, and expected outcomes of the change initiative.
  • Do: As you implement changes, Whatfix provides in-app guidance and real-time support to help your employees transition smoothly. Interactive walkthroughs and task lists give step-by-step instructions, reducing the learning curve and boosting productivity.
  • Check: Our analytics and feedback tools let you monitor the effectiveness of the changes. By tracking user engagement and performance, you can gather insights into what’s working and what needs tweaking, ensuring continuous improvement.
  • Act: You can fine-tune your processes based on the feedback and data collected. Whatfix’s flexible platform allows you to update training materials and guides quickly, so your team always has the most current information at their fingertips.

With Whatfix, you can implement change without losing productivity or overloading your IT support teams. Our in-app guidance empowers your workforce to onboard, train, and support themselves with product tours, interactive walkthroughs, task lists, tooltips, and self-help knowledge bases.

Learn more about how What can help you integrate the PDCA cycle into your continuous improvement efforts today.

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pdca for problem solving

The PDCA Cycle: A Practical Approach to Problem-Solving

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is a problem-solving iterative method for improving processes and products continuously. Let’s discover each stage of the PDCA cycle and the benefits it will bring to your processes.

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What Is the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle?

Explained briefly, the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is a model for carrying out change. It is a simple four-stage method that enables teams to avoid recurring mistakes and improve processes. It is an essential part of the Lean manufacturing philosophy and a key prerequisite for continuous improvement of people and processes.

First proposed by Walter Shewhart and later developed by William Deming, the PDCA cycle became a widespread framework for constant improvements in manufacturing, management, and other areas.

Now that we've explained the PDCA's meaning let’s explore the topic further and learn more about this problem-solving model.

Brief History of PDCA 

The American statistician and physicist Walter Shewhart is considered the father of PDCA. He was passionate about statistical analysis and quality improvement, and he built the foundation of PDCA recorded in numerous publications.

At first, he developed a 3-step repeating cycle for process improvement also known as "the Shewhart cycle". The three phases of this cycle were: 

Years later, inspired by Shewhart’s ideas, William Deming expanded the model into a learning and improvement cycle consisting of the following steps: 

pdca for problem solving

This model was redesigned by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) in 1951 and became what we know today as a PDCA cycle.   

What Are the 4 Steps of the PDCA Cycle? 


PDCA cycle is an iterative process for continually improving products, people, and services. It became an integral part of what is known today as Lean management . The Plan-Do-Check-Act model includes solutions testing, analyzing results, and improving the process.

For example, imagine that you have plenty of customer complaints about the slow response rate of your support team. Then you will probably need to improve the way your team works to keep customers satisfied. That is the point where PDCA comes into play.

Let’s take a closer look at the four stages of the PDCA process.

Step 1. PLAN


At this stage, you will literally plan what needs to be done. Depending on the project's size, planning can take a major part of your team’s efforts. It will usually consist of smaller steps so that you can build a proper plan with fewer possibilities of failure.

Before you move to the next stage, you need to be sure that you answered some basic concerns:

  • What is the core problem we need to solve?
  • What resources do we need?
  • What resources do we have?
  • What is the best solution for fixing the problem with the available resources?
  • In what conditions will the plan be considered successful? What are the goals?

Keep in mind you and your team may need to go through the plan a couple of times before being able to proceed. In this case, it is appropriate to use a technique for creating and maintaining open feedback loops, such as Hoshin Kanri Catchball . It will allow you to collect enough information before you decide to proceed.


After you have agreed on the plan, it is time to take action. At this stage, you will apply everything that has been considered during the previous stage.

Be aware that unpredicted problems may occur at this phase. This is why, in a perfect situation, you may first try to incorporate your plan on a small scale and in a controlled environment.

Standardization is something that will definitely help your team apply the plan smoothly. Make sure that everybody knows their roles and responsibilities.

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Step 3. CHECK


This is probably the most important stage of the PDCA cycle. If you want to clarify your plan, avoid recurring mistakes, and apply continuous improvement successfully, you need to pay enough attention to the CHECK phase.

This is the time to audit your plan’s execution and see if your initial plan actually worked. Moreover, your team will be able to identify problematic parts of the current process and eliminate them in the future. If something goes wrong during the process, you need to analyze it and find the root cause of the problems.

Step 4. ACT


Finally, you arrive at the last stage of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. Previously, you developed, applied, and checked your plan. Now, you need to act.

If everything seems perfect and your team managed to achieve the original goals, then you can proceed and apply your initial plan.

It can be appropriate to adopt the whole plan if objectives are met. Respectively, your PDCA model will become the new standard baseline. However, every time you repeat a standardized plan, remind your team to go through all steps again and try to improve carefully.

Implementing the PDCA Cycle: Best Practices to Consider

Implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle effectively requires attention to detail and a structured approach. To get the most out of it, there are a few good practices to follow for each stage and overall. Let’s briefly review them.    Strong Planning Foundation    Identify the process you want to improve and outline the problems that need to be solved. Once defined, set clear SMART goals to guide your team and ensure focus and consistency. Gather data to support the planning process, ensuring decisions are based on evidence rather than assumptions. You can use tools like root cause analysis, fishbone diagrams, and SWOT analysis to understand the problem and its context.     Lastly, involve all key stakeholders in the planning process to gather diverse viewpoints and ensure buy-in.    Effective Do Stage    To minimize risks, test the proposed changes on a small scale before rolling them out company-wide. Ensure that you have all necessary resources, including time, budget, and, most importantly, people, to effectively implement the planned changes and achieve desired results.    Consistent Check Phase    Don’t just collect data; analyze it. Define critical for your process metrics to measure the impact of the implemented changes and whether they are delivering the expected results.     Actionable Act Stage     If the changes are successful, document and integrate the new standard operating procedures into regular workflows. If the changes did not meet expectations, analyze why they failed and what can be improved.      Either way, as the PDCA cycle is an iterative method, don’t solely rely on the learnings from this one-time round. Apply the most critical outcomes in the next session to enhance operational performance and refine the approach each time.    Bonus Tips: 

  • Ensure top-level management support.  
  • Share lessons learned with all employees. 
  • Don’t stop after the first run of the cycle. Instead, install it as a recurring task in your team and organization’s operations for continuous improvement of your processes. 
  • Leverage digital tools and software to facilitate data collection, analysis, and tracking of PDCA cycles.  

Why Is PDCA Important for Your Business?  

The PDCA methodology is widely used for problem-solving and to create quality process improvements. By deploying this model, organizations aim to enhance their internal and external processes by eliminating any issues along the way of the work process. 

The cyclical nature of this model allows teams to identify and remove defects early in the process and restart the cycle until the desired outcome is reached. This increases efficiency and eliminates ineffective elements until the optimal solution can be identified. 

Because of the continuous approach of PDCA, organizations can use this model to gather relevant information before considering whether to progress with a plan or make improvements. This data-driven approach provides a ground basis for organizations’ continuous improvement of processes, products, services, and people. 

When to Use the PDCA Cycle? 

A specific characteristic of PDCA is that it is relatively versatile. This trait of the cycle allows it to be used across various businesses, organizations, departments, and even individual teams. There is no limitation in terms of its implementation, and it could be applied in the following scenarios: 

  • Developing a new product or service  
  • Optimizing current processes or products 
  • Kicking off a new process improvement project 
  • Exploring new opportunities for continuous improvement 
  • Implementing change  
  • Detecting process issues and working toward removing them 

Real-Life Examples of Companies Using PDCA

Example #1: nestlé .

Reducing waste in all aspects of work is an all-time mission for Nestlé. To respond to this message, the company successfully rolled out the concept of Lean management. Furthermore, they introduced the Kaizen method to make sure that everyone in the company meets the idea of continuous improvement. Following the principle of Kaizen that every slight improvement should be made to increase efficiency and reduce costs, the company implemented the PDCA cycle to provide guidelines. (Source: reverscore.com )

In addition, Nestlé Waters is an example of how techniques such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM) can help illustrate the flow of materials and information from raw material to the final product. As a result of implementing this process, the bottling plant has experienced a significant increase in its process efficiency. 

Example #2: Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin operates in the aerospace industry and is a bright example of how the Kaizen methodology brings results to a company's operations. Implementing the PDCA cycle has standardized the projects and increased the quality of the products and services by targeting a problem and solving it through multiple iterations. Improvements were noticed in the period 1992-1997 when the company made 38% reduction in manufacturing costs, 50% reduction in inventory, and a reduction in delivery time from 42 to 21.5 months. (Source: 6Sigma.com )

Example #3: Nike

Nike embraced Lean manufacturing with the belief that this continuous improvement philosophy is the foundation of their advanced sustainable manufacturing and empowering their workforce. To improve the quality of work conditions and deliver the highest-quality product while eliminating non-value-added activities, Nike implemented the PDCA cycle as part of their process improvement training. (Source: OpEx Learning )

Continuously Improving through PDCA

The PDCA cycle is a simple but powerful framework for fixing issues on any level of your organization. It can be part of a bigger planning process, such as Hoshin Kanri .

The repetitive approach helps your team find and test solutions and improve them through a waste-reducing cycle.

The PDCA process includes a mandatory commitment to continuous improvement, and it can have a positive impact on productivity and efficiency.

Finally, keep in mind that the PDCA model requires a certain amount of time, and it may not be appropriate for solving urgent issues.

What Makes the PDCA Cycle Different from Other Change Management Methods?

What is the difference between pdca and six sigma .

Six Sigma is a quality and process improvement approach that provides organizations with a set of tools and techniques to improve work performance and increase the quality of products and services. One of the tools included in that toolset is the PDCA cycle.  While Six Sigma provides the framework for determining what is slowing the process, methods like PDCA explain the steps to identify and eliminate issues.  

What Is the Difference between PDCA and PDSA? 

PDCA stands for "Plan-Do-Check-Act", whereas PDSA is for "Plan-Do-Study-Act". Even though these two 4-step models are designed to bring improvements into processes, the difference between them is one stage in each cycle.  

At the "Check" stage in PDCA, the team needs to audit its plan’s execution and see if its initial plan worked. In contrast, the "Study" stage in PDSA aims to analyze in depth the results of any change applied at each step, ensuring long-term process improvements. Either way, you can use both models by studying and checking the results obtained from tests. 

What Is the Difference between PDCA and Kaizen? 

Both PDCA and Kaizen strive for continuous improvement through small, incremental changes and creating an organizational culture of Lean thinkers and problem-solvers. The developed Kaizen methodology includes doing small experiments and monitoring results, then adjusting when new improvements are suggested. To apply this concept in practice, the PDCA cycle provides a framework to promote improvements continuously.   

What Is the Difference between PDCA and Total Quality Management (TQM)? 

TQM is a broader management approach focused on long-term success through customer satisfaction and employee engagement. It is applied organization-wide and requires a cultural shift, where quality becomes a core value. TQM incorporates various tools and methods, including the PDCA's philosophy. 

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Pavel Naydenov

Pavel Naydenov

Head of Marketing | Kanban | PPM Ops Certified

Pavel is a natural-born optimist with 10+ years of experience in the marketing field. By leveraging Kanban, Lean, and Agile practices for years, he drives brand growth and engagement through data-driven marketing strategies. He believes every message should express the fundamental values of a brand, and if delivered positively, it can change the course of its existence.


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PDCA Cycle by Deming: Meaning and Steps

PDCA cycle - Toolshero

PDCA Cycle: this article explains the PDCA Cycle further developed by William Edwards Deming in a practical way. After reading you will understand the meaning, how do you apply it including principles of this powerful problem solving approach, some supporting Lean manufacturing tools and the pros and cons. Enjoy reading this article.

What is PDCA cycle?

History and goal.

In process-oriented work, organizations will always aim at results. But how can organizations aim at achieving the desired results? The original founder of the PDCA cycle is Walter Andrew Shewhart (1939). William Edwards Deming further developed the PCDA cycle in the 1950 to help organisations achieve better results.

This so-called Deming Cycle is a means of control to monitor the quality of changes and improvements within the organization.

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The PDCA cycle stands for the abbreviation of the four main steps in the cycle: Plan, Do, Check and (Re) Act .

PDCA cycle is PDCA circle

The PDCA model is based on the scientific method of proposing a change in a process and has a cyclic character, which safeguards continuous attention to quality improvement.

After evaluation and possible adjustment, the process is restarted. The model is often used at an organisational level, but can also be used at an operational level.

The PDCA cycle is an iterative four-step problem-solving technique that allows employees to evaluate their own work method and improve it where necessary. Because everyone on the workfloor is part of the total process, this positively impacts the entire organisation.

The PDCA cycle is also known as the Shewhart Cycle.

Where is the PDCA cycle applied?

The PDCA model is a helpful tool for varying matters within an organisation. The cycle is applied to a large number of situations. The PDCA cycle is most effective when applied to the following matters:

  • Exploring and testing changes at a process level within the organisation
  • Preventing and adjusting ineffective solutions before changes can be implemented within the entire organisation
  • The continuous improvement of Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • The continuous improvement of Six Sigma solutions

The most important advantage of the PDCA cycle is that it can be applied to various different industries and organisation types.

How do you apply the PDCA cycle? The principles and steps

The different steps within the PDCA cycle can be viewed as separate sub-processes in complex processes.

PDCA Cycle model - Toolshero

Figure 1 – PDCA Cycle model (Shewhart & Deming)

This step focuses on the improvement of activities. What is the desired output/ situation (Soll), and how do people seek to achieve that. It is important to create good SMART Goals beforehand, that are agreed upon by all stakeholders. Additionally, the available resources must be analysed beforehand.

Everything that needs to be done is planned in this stage. Depending on the size of the organisation or the project, a large portion of the resources, such as time, may be allocated to the team efforts in making this plan possible.

Developing the plan usually consists of several steps, and ensures that there are as few deviations as possible during the project.

Before moving to the next phase, it’s important that several essential questions have been answered:

  • What are problems we may face during the project?
  • What resources do we need?
  • What resources are available?
  • What are the requirements and wishes of the different stakeholders?
  • What conditions have been set for the project?
  • What are the project SMART goals ?

This concerns the execution and realisation of the planned improvements of the entire process. During the execution, the output is continuously measured and registered and relevant information is gathered.

In this stage, it’s time to take action. The plan has been established, discussed, distributed and checked, and everything that was decided in the previous phase is now applied. Take into account that, despite good planning , unexpected problems may occur. For this reason, it is advisable to first implement major changes in a controlled, more compact environment.

Standardisation ensures that the plan’s application goes smoothly. Make sure everyone within the team and the organisation knows his or her roles and responsibilities.

After controlled implementation, the changes can be implemented on a larger scale. In this phase of the model, the problem is actively solved, particularly by putting the right people in the right place with the right knowledge and resources.

In this check phase, the results of the improvement are measured and compared to the desired situation. In case of large differences (‘planning gaps’), it is important to respond quickly and track down the cause of possible differences.

Checking the results is probably the most important phase of the PDCA cycle. Sufficient attention must be paid to make sure recurring mistakes are avoided and continuous improvement in relation to the business processes takes place.

This phase is characterised by active checking and evaluation of the effectiveness of the original plan. Moreover, during this phase, the project team can identify problem areas of the project and eliminate or improve these in the future.

  • Check whether the standard is being adhered to and whether the team is sticking to the original plan
  • Look at what works, what is effective, and what is less effective or problematic in the execution of the project
  • With every step, ask: why does this work? And: why doesn’t this work?
  • Improve the business processes

After detection of result differences, it’s important to react and adjust. Measures are taken to achieve the originally planned result.

The fourth and final phase concerns adjustments. In the last three steps, the plan was developed, applied and checked. Now it’s time to act and correct the course. If everything goes according to plan and the results are satisfactory, there’s no need to deviate from the current course.

However, this is usually needed. If the objectives are achieved, the plan has been approved. It’s important to go through the four steps of the PDCA cycle again every time a new change is made to the plan, or a completely new plan is implemented.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is simple but powerful. The framework serves to solve problems at all levels of the company. It can also be part of the full planning process at top management level.

It’s particularly the cycle’s repetitive cycle that helps the project team to find and test solutions. Finally, it’s important to emphasise that the proper application of the PDCA cycle takes time. Therefore, it is less suitable for solving important and urgent problems.

In this phase, answer the following questions:

  • What options exist for implementing improvements?
  • What opportunities can still be utilised?
  • Is the performance measurement accurate? And how can we measure the results of solutions even more accurately?
  • Is training needed to facilitate successful implementation?
  • What resources do we need to implement the developed solutions with the entire organisation?

In complex, directive processes, a Pro-Act phase is also included. The Pro-Act phase is a design phase that explores how a new vision and/or strategy can be developed. New possibilities to achieve good results are investigated. All gathered information can be used in the Re-Act or Plan phase.

PDCA cycle: every level

The PDCA cycle is applied within all management levels, usually unconsciously rather than consciously. The board often focuses more on the primary business processes, whereas middle management is aimed at the ensuing sub-processes. Interaction between the process itself and the eventual result is very important on each level.

First, the order flow gets going, that produces the result. Possible adjustment or intervention is only possible after evaluation. Subsequently, an order flow is started again. This continuously safeguards the quality.

Supporting Lean manufacturing tools

Due to the repetitive character of the PDCA cycle, it can be effectively combined with different Lean tools. These tools are particularly effective during the first phase:

5S principle

This tool, 5S consists of five principles: soft, set, shine, standardise, and sustain. By applying this system to the planning phase, accuracy is guaranteed.

The Gemba Walk is an excellent method for management to make the rounds in the work environment of their company and identify inefficiencies and waste on a daily basis. Important elements include asking questions and showing respect towards the employees.

Andon is a special system designed to inform managers and operators of acute problems to enable immediate corrective measures.

The Japanese Poka yoke means mistake-proofing or inadvertent error prevention. A poka yoke is a mechanism in a process that helps the operator avoid mistakes. The goal is to eliminate all defects ( zero defects ), or to correct or manage these when they occur. It was originally thought up by Shigeo Shingo as part of the Toyota production system.

A business process is fully drawn up and analysed with Business Process Mapping (BPM) . Because the process is visualised, inefficiencies and mistakes can be discovered sooner. Use this tool in the planning process of a project.

Swim Lane Diagram

A swim lane diagram is a kind of process flow diagram, or flowchart, that visually distinguishes the task division and responsibilities for sub-processes of a larger business process. Swim lane diagrams can be set up both horizontally and vertically.

Single-minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)

SMED is one of the many Lean production methods of reducing inefficiencies and waste in a production process. It offers a fast and accurate method for converting the process from a current situation to a next product. This fast switch is the key to reducing batch sizes and thus reducing unequal flows, production loss and variability in output of a production unit.

Pros and cons of the PDCA cycle

The PDCA cycle has several pros and cons. It’s important that the user considers these before implementing this tool in one or even multiple projects.

Pros Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

  • The PDCA cycle is very versatile. Its general character means it can be used in many different business environments. The instrument can be used for a myriad of applications. Often, it’s used in project management, change management, product development and resource planning
  • Additionally, the tool is simple but powerful. The PDCA tool is very simple and easy to understand for everyone. Yet, it harbours a powerful motor that drives useful adjustments and improvements. At the same time, waste is minimised and the efficiency of different business processes is increased.

Cons Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

  • The tool itself is simple and consists of several clear steps, but accurately applying it can still be very complex. Precisely the number of steps in the model can slow down process improvement. It takes time to complete and check the different steps. This is the main reason that PDCA is not suitable for urgent problems within the organisation
  • The use of PDCA demands discipline and effort. PDCA is not a one-off evaluation of a situation. It’s a continuous process that demands engagement and perserverance. This applies to organisational components throughout the entire hierarchy. Top management must ensure that sufficient resources are appointed to allow business units to utilise this tool, and managers in the lower business units must be determined to implement the changes and introduce these to the other employees.

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It’s Your Turn

What do you think? How do you apply the PDCA process in your daily business? Do you recognize the practical explanation or do you have additions? What are your success factors for a good use of the PDCA cycle?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information about the PDCA cycle

  • Bulsuk, K.G. (2009). Taking the First Step with PDCA . Available at https://www.bulsuk.com/2009/02/taking-first-step-with-pdca.html.
  • Deming, W. E. (1986). Out of the Crisis . MIT Centre for Advanced Engineering Study.
  • Shewhart, W. A. (1939). Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control . Dover Publications .
  • Sobek II, D. K., & Smalley, A. (2008). Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System . Productivity Press.

How to cite this article: Janse, B. (2020). PDCA Cycle . Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: https://www.toolshero.com/problem-solving/pdca-cycle-deming

Original publication date: 03/14/2020 | Last update: 08/14/2024

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Ben Janse is a young professional working at ToolsHero as Content Manager. He is also an International Business student at Rotterdam Business School where he focusses on analyzing and developing management models. Thanks to his theoretical and practical knowledge, he knows how to distinguish main- and side issues and to make the essence of each article clearly visible.


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pdca for problem solving

How PDCA Can Help Improve Organizational Efficiency

Updated: September 10, 2023 by Ken Feldman

pdca for problem solving

Never-ending improvement is the heart of any continuous improvement effort.  The Deming Cycle, or PDCA, is one of the first formalized approaches to utilize an iterative approach to improving processes, and it still serves as a fundamental tool today for continuous improvement. 

This article will describe the stages of the Deming Cycle, the benefits of using the PDCA approach to improvement, an example of how it can be applied, and some best practices for successful use of the method for improving your processes.

Overview: What is the Deming Cycle (or PDCA)? 

The Deming Cycle (or Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)) is a four-step iterative technique used to solve problems and to improve organizational processes. Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, the renowned physicist and statistician from Western Electric and Bell Labs, developed the original concept during the 1920s. His approach was a three-step linear problem-solving method. 

Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the famous quality-control pioneer and author of Deming’s 14 Points , popularized the technique in the 1950s and took Shewhart’s linear three-step process and revised it to be the iterative four-step circle and cycle we know today. This then became known as the Deming Cycle. 

So, what is PDCA and the Deming Cycle?

  • Plan: In this step, you investigate the current situation in order to fully understand the nature of the problem being solved.​ Be sure that you develop a plan and a framework to work from, and specify the desired outcomes and results.
  • Do: To identify the real problem by analyzing the data and defining and implementing a solution plan. The PDCA cycle focuses on smaller, incremental changes that help improve processes with minimal disruption. You should start with a small-scale pilot so as not to disrupt the organization should the solution not work as expected.
  • Check: To monitor the effect of the implementation plan and find countermeasures if necessary to further improve the solution. You should do a check during implementation to make sure that the project’s objectives are being met. Do a second check upon completion to allow for successes and failures to be addressed, and for future adjustments to be made based on lessons learned.
  • Act: I mplement your solutions and recommendations. Decide if the solution is effective, and either integrate it into standard work practices or abandon it. If you abandon it, you should ask what you’ve learned from the process and restart the cycle.


3 benefits of the deming cycle.

PDCA has been used for many decades because of its many benefits. Some of those are:

  • Facilitates continuous improvement:  The fact that PDCA is an iterative cycle encourages users to pursue ongoing and continuous improvement . The key is that it requires a commitment from leadership because the Deming Cycle is not a one-time event.
  • Flexibility:  The Deming Cycle can be used for a wide array of organizational processes regardless of the function.
  • Simple yet powerful: The concept and the steps are easy to understand. The tools needed are basic. Yet, the outcomes and solutions coming from PDCA can have a significant impact on the organization.

Why is the Deming Cycle important to understand? 

Not only are the Deming Cycle and PDCA important to understand, they are also important to implement and deploy in an organization.

  • Organizations and leaders must understand that all processes can be improved. PDCA is a great tool for starting on the journey to continuous improvement.
  • The Deming Cycle is a well documented and proven methodology. There is no need to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel when an effective solution already exists.
  • With this method, change can be quick and solutions implemented in a timely fashion so that your organization can see benefits right away.

An industry example of the Deming Cycle

One of the benefits of the Deming Cycle is the versatility of the process. It can be used in any number of functional areas. For example, a large manufacturing company started to experience an increase in reported eye injuries by forklift operators in their warehouse operation. They used PDCA to identify potential root causes, and the obvious recommendations to wear appropriate eye protection were the first implemented solutions.  

Unfortunately, eye injuries continued despite better compliance. The company completed a second round of PDCA with the conclusion that the standard eye protection didn’t properly fit everyone. A third go at the Deming Cycle found that debris was being dislodged from the racks when the forklift operators pulled off pallets of product. It was recommended that plastic shields be placed on the top of the forklift to catch the debris.  

Finally, a fourth round of the Deming Cycle concluded that an ongoing cleaning operation to remove and prevent debris from accumulating on the rack shelves was the only way to remove the true root cause. The problem was solved, and eye injuries disappeared.

4 best practices when thinking about the Deming Cycle

Even though the use of the Deming Cycle seems simple at first glance, there are a number of things you should be aware of to increase the probability of success of your PDCA effort. 

  • Be sure you have the support of not only senior leadership but the local leadership and process owner. While PDCA can be used at the local level, the synergy of having participation and support across the entire organization will result in a more efficient and effective process.
  • Identify and recruit the best members you can for participation in the project.
  • Stay focused and on task.
  • Try to gather as much data as is practical, and use the data to help drive your recommendations rather than just pure subjective hunches. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Deming Cycle

What is the deming cycle.

The Deming Cycle, otherwise known as PDCA, is a four-step iterative process for solving problems and improving processes.

Who developed the PDCA methodology?  

Dr. Walter A. Shewhart developed the original concept of an improvement process based on Scientific Management. Dr. W. Edwards Deming popularized the concept of an improvement method but added the all-important need for an iterative approach and coined the term PDCA, which stands for Plan – Do – Check – Act

What is the difference between PDCA and PDSA ?

Dr. W. Edwards Deming revised the original term PDCA to PDSA because he felt that the use of Check was too closely aligned with the concept of inspection and success/failure. He felt that using the letter S for Study would put more emphasis on data and learning rather than just success and failure. 


Wrapping it up: deming cycle and pdca.

The Deming Cycle (or PDCA) is a simple, four-step iterative process that any organization can use to solve problems and improve business processes. By following the sequence of Plan – Do – Check – Act, your company can enjoy the benefits of creating a continuous improvement mindset while producing better products, delivering better service and providing a way for employees to engage and participate in making the organization a better place to work.

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The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle, Explained (+Mind Map Examples of PDCA)

Mar 14, 2023

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Are you tired of repeating the same mistakes over and over again? Do you want to improve your processes and achieve better results? Then PDCA is the solution for you! With its simple yet effective methodology, PDCA helps you identify problems, develop and implement solutions, and continuously improve your processes over time. By following this cycle, you can be an expert at solving problems.

What is PDCA?

PDCA was developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, an American statistician and quality management expert, in the 1950s. Deming's work focused on helping companies improve their production processes and achieve better results. He believed that quality was a key driver of success and that it could only be achieved through a continuous improvement process.


The process of solving problems using the PDCA cycle is based on the scientific method. It involves planning an experiment to test a hypothesis, executing the experiment, studying the results, and using that information to form new hypotheses. This cycle is iterative, meaning that it is a continuous process that should never stop. Once an experiment is completed, the focus should shift towards planning the next one to continue moving towards improvement.

The beauty of the PDCA cycle lies in its simplicity and its effectiveness. By following this process, organizations can achieve continuous improvement in their processes and operations, leading to better quality, increased efficiency, and greater customer satisfaction. This cycle emphasizes the importance of being proactive, rather than reactive, in problem-solving and encourages a mindset of continuous improvement.

The PDCA model

The Plan phase is the first step in the PDCA cycle, and it involves identifying a problem or opportunity for improvement and developing a plan to address it.

  • Identify the problem involves defining the problem, determining its scope and impact, and understanding its root cause.
  • Establish goals involves setting specific, measurable goals that align with the organization's overall objectives.
  • Develop a plan involves outlining a detailed plan for achieving the established goals. The plan should include specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities for each step.
  • Define metrics involves establishing metrics to measure progress towards the goals and determine whether the plan is working as intended.
  • Get buy-in involves gaining support from stakeholders and getting their agreement to move forward with the plan.


The Do phase is the second step in the PDCA cycle, and it involves implementing the plan developed in the Plan phase.

  • Implement the plan involves carrying out the plan developed in the Plan phase, including all of the specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities outlined in the plan.
  • Collect data involves gathering data on the results of the plan. This may involve collecting quantitative data, such as production metrics or customer feedback, as well as qualitative data, such as employee feedback or observations.
  • Document the process involves documenting the process used to implement the plan, including any deviations from the plan and any unexpected outcomes or issues that arose.
  • Address issues involves addressing any issues or problems that arose during the implementation process. This may involve making adjustments to the plan, refining processes, or providing additional training to employees.


The Check phase is the third step in the PDCA cycle, and it involves analyzing the data collected in the Do phase to determine whether the plan is working as intended.

  • Analyze data involves examining the data collected in the Do phase to determine whether the plan is achieving the desired outcomes. This may involve using statistical analysis, qualitative analysis, or other methods to identify trends and patterns in the data.
  • Compare results to goals involves comparing the results of the plan to the goals established in the Plan phase. This can help identify any areas where the plan is falling short and where improvements can be made.
  • Identify deviations involves identifying any deviations from the plan that may have contributed to the results. This can help pinpoint areas where changes may be necessary to improve outcomes.
  • Determine root cause involves identifying the root cause of any deviations or issues identified. This can help identify the underlying factors that are contributing to the problem and inform potential solutions.


The Act phase is the fourth and final step in the PDCA cycle, and it involves implementing changes based on the insights gained from the Check phase.

  • Develop an action plan involves developing a plan for implementing changes based on the insights gained from the Check phase. This plan should be detailed and include specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities.
  • Implement changes involves carrying out the action plan developed in step 1. This may involve making changes to processes, procedures, or systems, as well as providing training or support to employees.
  • Monitor results involves tracking the results of the changes made in step 2. This may involve collecting data on production metrics, customer feedback, or other relevant measures.
  • Standardize the process involves standardizing the new process or procedure to ensure that it is followed consistently and that improvements are sustained over time.


Using Xmind to continuously improve

Xmind supports the conversion and mixing of different structures. When you need to clearly display all processes in the same diagram, you can use a mind map structure that links four tree tables . And based on this, you can continuously plan, do, check, and act.


When should you use the PDCA process?

Using the PDCA cycle can be a game-changer for organizations that want to continuously improve and stay ahead of the curve. It's a flexible framework that allows for iterative problem-solving and empowers teams to adapt to changing circumstances. PDCA has become a widely accepted method for achieving continuous improvement in many areas of business and self-growth, including manufacturing, healthcare, and software development.

Achieving personal goals


Enterprise management

Another example, manufacturing management is a critical component of business growth. Without it, companies may struggle to optimize their production processes, maintain high-quality standards, and meet the ever-changing demands of the market.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and it's the same with becoming a pro in the workplace. But fear not, my friend! There's a handy tool called the PDCA model that can help you out. It's a loop process that you can use to keep improving and getting better and better. So let's jump on board and enjoy the benefits of efficient work together. Go, team!

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The PDCA cycle or Deming wheel: how and why to use it

Origins of the pdca cycle.

The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle is often associated with W. Edwards Deming, but its origins can be traced through several significant contributions in the field of quality and management.

Walter A. Shewhart : In the 1920s and 1930s, statistician Walter A. Shewhart, then at Bell Laboratories, developed concepts around statistical process control and introduced a preliminary version of the cycle, often referred to as the Plan-Do-See cycle. Shewhart is often considered the "father of statistical quality control".

W. Edwards Deming : Deming, who was a protégé of Shewhart, adopted and adapted these ideas. Although the cycle is often called the "Deming Cycle", he always acknowledged Shewhart for his original contribution. Deming introduced this cycle in Japan in the 1950s, where it became a central element of post-World War II reconstruction and quality improvement efforts. In Japan, it was named the "PDCA cycle" and is sometimes called the "Deming-Shewhart Cycle".

Adoption in Japan : After World War II, Japan sought to rebuild its industry. As part of this initiative, many experts, including Deming, were invited to give lectures and training. The PDCA cycle was embraced by Japanese companies and became a fundamental component of their continuous improvement efforts, especially within the Total Quality Management (TQM) movement.

Over the years, PDCA has been incorporated into many continuous improvement methodologies and frameworks, such as Six Sigma, Lean Management, and other quality management systems.

It's important to note that, although the PDCA cycle is often attributed to Deming, he always emphasized the importance of Shewhart's work and often preferred to call it the "Shewhart Cycle".

Steps of the PDCA cycle

The four steps of PDCA are:

  • Identify a problem or an improvement opportunity.
  • Analyze the current situation.
  • Set specific objectives.
  • Propose solutions and prepare an action plan.
  • Implement the action plan on a small scale, in a controlled setting (like a trial or test).
  • Gather data to analyze the effects of the changes.
  • Analyze the collected data.
  • Compare the achieved results with the set objectives.
  • Identify deviations and the causes of these deviations.
  • If the objectives are met, standardize the changes and deploy on a larger scale.
  • If objectives are not met, understand why and return to the "Plan" step to refine or rethink the solution.

The PDCA cycle is designed to be continuously repeated for continuous improvements. By repeating this cycle, organizations can identify and fix issues, improve processes, and ensure that improvements are effective and sustainable.

For which types of problems is the PDCA cycle suitable?

The PDCA is particularly well-suited to the following situations and problems:

Recurring problems : When an issue recurs frequently and its underlying cause is not clearly identified, the PDCA is useful for diagnosing, addressing, and preventing the issue.

Problems requiring incremental improvements : For situations that benefit from continuous adjustments rather than major overhauls, PDCA offers a framework for iterative improvement.

Situations with quantifiable data : The PDCA works especially well when outcomes or impacts can be quantitatively measured. This allows for objective evaluation during the "Check" phase.

Situations requiring a structured approach : For organizations or teams that struggle with addressing issues in a systematic manner, PDCA offers a clear and structured framework.

Changing environments : In situations where the environment is constantly evolving, PDCA enables organizations to adapt swiftly, adjust their plans, and act accordingly.

Quality improvement projects : Given its origins in quality control, the PDCA is naturally suited to efforts aimed at improving the quality of processes or products.

Here are situations where the PDCA cycle might not be the best method:

Urgent problems requiring immediate action : In crisis situations where swift action is needed, the systematic methodology of PDCA might slow down decision-making.

Highly complex problems with many interdependent variables : Although PDCA can be combined with other tools to address complex issues, on its own, it might oversimplify some situations.

Situations requiring radical innovation : PDCA focuses on continuous improvement, which might limit the "outside-the-box" thinking necessary for major innovations.

In summary, PDCA is a versatile tool suitable for many situations, but it's not universal. It's essential to assess the context and nature of the problem before choosing the best method or approach.

Using PDCA in innovation

PDCA can be employed in innovation, especially when introducing a new product in a production environment or implementing a new production process/equipment. We aren't including the product or process development part, which generally employs more specific methods. Here's how introducing new products or processes in production can be tackled.

Analysis of current capabilities : Examine your current facilities, equipment, and staff skills to determine if any changes are needed to produce the new product or to accommodate the new process/equipment.

Identification of needs : Based on the analysis, identify the requirements in terms of staff training, purchasing additional equipment, or modifications to the facilities.

Resource planning : Create a detailed plan for acquiring the necessary resources, whether it's material, training, labor, or time.

Defining success criteria : Set KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure the success of introducing the new product or process/equipment in production.

Implementation : Acquire the planned resources, train staff if necessary, and start producing the new product or implement the new process/equipment.

Monitoring : During production, ensure you closely monitor operations, especially in the early stages, to quickly identify any issues.

Performance measurement : Use the KPIs established during the planning phase to measure the success of introducing the new product or process/equipment in production.

Feedback collection : Gather feedback from production staff on potential problems, inefficiencies, or areas for improvement. They can often provide valuable insights as they are on the front lines.

Analysis and optimization : Based on measured performance and feedback received, identify areas for improvement or correction. This might include adjustments to machines, changes in workflow, or additional training sessions for staff.

Standardization : Once the new product is efficiently produced or the new process/equipment is fully integrated and working well, document the procedures and train all relevant staff to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Main difference between PDCA and other problem-solving methods

The primary difference between PDCA and other problem-solving methods like DMAIC or 8D lies in two major aspects:

Level of detail and flexibility :

  • PDCA is a general, flexible framework that can be adapted to a myriad of situations. Its simplicity allows for rapid and reactive deployment.
  • On the other hand, DMAIC and 8D are more prescriptive methodologies with detailed steps, specifically designed to tackle and solve complex problems using specific tools and analyses.

Type of improvement :

  • PDCA is oriented towards incremental and continuous improvements, ideal for regular adjustments based on feedback and observations.
  • DMAIC and 8D, meanwhile, are often used for more radical transformations or to address specific and complex problems that require deep understanding and a structured solution to ensure lasting resolution.

Thus, while PDCA lends itself to regular adjustments and continuous improvements, DMAIC and 8D cater to more specific and complex challenges with a more rigid structure.

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How to Use the PDCA Cycle to Speed Up Team Problem-Solving Sessions

Updated on: 28 February 2023

The PDCA cycle is a great tool to help keep your team in line; to help organize their thoughts and actions. Too often many teams tend to go off their course when they are in the early stages of teamwork and know little or nothing about quality improvement. This is where the PDCA Cycle can help. 

The PDCA cycle seems fairly easy to understand, but there are many layers to it. In this post, we will cover each step of the plan do check act cycle and provide you with tools that you can use to accelerate the cycle.  

Let’s find out how you can use this powerful technique to improve your team problem-solving sessions. 

What is PDCA? 

The best way to describe the cycle is through a graphic. The cycle flows clockwise through four steps; Plan, Do, Check and Act. And it describes the process a team would follow as they study a process and devise a plan, run a test, check the outcome, and implement it on a full scale. 

PDCA Cycle Deming Cycle

The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle is an iterative four-step management method. It can be used by teams to tackle problems and find solutions to them, and to improve business processes. Many organizations use the PDCA model to organize their quality improvement efforts. 

One thing you need to remember when using the PDCA cycle is that it is a continuous process as opposed to an end-to-end process, therefore it never ends; the steps need to be repeated again and again for continuous improvement . 

Once you have come to the last stage of Act, you need to go right back to the beginning and start all over again. Constantly look for problems, improve the system of production and service, and quality and productivity in order to continuously reduce costs. 

An essential part of the lean manufacturing philosophy, it is popularly used as a framework for continuous improvement in management and manufacturing. 

The PDCA cycle was originally developed in 1930 by quality expert Walter Shewart – hence also known as the Shewart Cycle. It was later applied to management by Dr. W. Edwards Deming and came to be known as the Deming Cycle. 

Benefits of Using the PDCA Cycle 

  • A problem-solving method that provides a quick way to find an effective solution
  • Ensure steady ongoing improvement 
  • Can be implemented in companies of all sizes and is easy to adapt and implement 
  • Create an opportunity to constantly monitor the effectiveness of an implemented project
  • Detect any risks or problems on time before they lead to any financial losses
  • Increase awareness of the employees about the process and the role they play in it. 

However, it also involves some disadvantages. The PDCA process requires the involvement of all the individual responsible, which would prove to be quite difficult if they are also involved in other projects. Moreover, it involves multiple steps that range from analysis to testing, therefore it isn’t a great tool for solving urgent problems.  

When to use the Plan Do Check Act model 

  • To carry out a new improvement or change project
  • When designing a new product, service, or process
  • When planning, implementing and checking compliance 
  • To track and solve problems 
  • To implement continuous improvement 
  • Evaluating a business process related to a specific problem that is being solved 

In most organizations, the model is commonly used to implement changes in and improve processes. 

How to Use the PDCA Cycle 

The PDCA cycle has four stages. We have listed them below along with the steps involved.

Plan – Identify and Analyze the Problem 

This step concludes with an actionable plan that can be tested. To do so, you need to first identify the problem along with the process that needs to be improved. 

  • Select, define and describe the process; start, end, the sequence of steps in between, what it does, the people involved, equipment material and resources that are used, and environmental conditions.
  • Identify the key players; internal and external customers, suppliers, process owners, and operators 
  • Understand customer expectations; identify the specific needs of both external and internal customers. What do they want, when, where, in which quantities, etc. 
  • Research; look at the historical data available on the process to understand its performance and identify further data you will need to understand the process properly
  • Specify the problem associated with the process; for example, it could be caused by failing to meet customer expectations, longer cycle time, lack of resources, etc. 
  • Identify the root cause; brainstorm around the problem to find its primary causes 
  • Find a solution: Develop solutions that can be applied to improve the process. Prioritize solutions based on their effectiveness. 
  • Develop the action plan: Identify the steps you need to carry out to implement the plan, the resources you need, the people who are responsible as well as set a timeframe

Here are some tools you can use in this step,

  • Flowchart/ process maps; flowcharts can be used to visualize the process and provide a quick overview of the flow of steps from start to end. Add swimlanes , and you can also highlight different departments or owners involved. 

Swimlane Flowchart Template

  • Affinity diagram; this tool helps categorize all the data you gather from research, surveys, feedback, conversations, etc. By doing so you will be able to understand any themes in the data that might be useful when finding a solution. 

Affinity Diagram Template

  • Cause and effect diagram; this tool comes in handy when you and your team have to brainstorm around the problem to identify its primary causes. 

Cause and Effect Diagram for PDCA cycle

  • Impact effort matrix; when prioritizing solutions, you can use the impact effort matrix to prioritize solutions based on the effect they have and the effort it would take. 

Impact Effort Matrix

  • Action Plan: use this to quickly identify and communicate the key tasks, needed personnel, resources and the timeframe for the plan to the rest of the team

Action Plan Template

Do – Develop Solutions and Implement Plan 

The plan devised in the first step is put to test in this stage. 

The trial should be run on a small scale with the customers, in a laboratory or in a production setting. By implementing a small pilot project to observe the results first helps identify mistakes without having to bear huge a cost of an entirely failed project. 

It’s equally important to have specified measures you can use to understand how effective is the solution you selected in eliminating the identified problem. 

Check – Evaluate the Results 

The team checks the results of the test plan in motion. Has the performance of the process improved? Has the group of customers noticed the change? 

As you collect data from the test plan, identify what has worked and what has not gone according to plan.

Analyze the data and measure the results to determine if the selected solution can be implemented on a large scale. If the solution hasn’t been as effective as you thought, you will have to devise a plan for another solution and repeat the Do and Check steps again. 

Act – Use Feedback to Improve and Replan 

In this step, the full implementation of the plan is accomplished. Apply the improvements you discovered during the test to the plan before implementing it. 

  • Educate the rest of the organization about the improved plan and its importance
  • Provide the necessary training to the employees in order to help them modify their job roles 
  • Standardize procedures to ensure that everyone uses the same format when conducting a procedure
  • Put in place a process to monitor and control the implementation of the modified process 

Here you can re-do your current state flowchart from step one to show the new and improved process. 

Flowchart Template for Deming Cycle

Ready to Plan, Do, Check, Act? 

The Deming Cycle or the PDCA cycle is a great tool for guiding the improvement activities of an organization. The steps illustrated above are fairly easy to follow, and you’ll generate effective results if you stick to the them.

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What Is the PDCA Cycle?

How the pdca cycle works, the pdca cycle and kaizen, benefits of the pdca cycle, examples of the pdca cycle, the bottom line.

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What Does PDCA Stand For in Business? Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle is a four-step problem-solving iterative technique used to improve business processes. Originally developed by American physicist Walter A. Shewhart during the 1920s, the cycle draws its inspiration from the continuous evaluation of management practices and management’s willingness to adopt and disregard unsupported ideas.

The method was popularized by quality control pioneer Dr. W. Edwards Deming in the 1950s who coined the term “Shewhart” Cycle after his mentor. It was Deming who realized the PDCA Cycle could be used to improve production processes in the United States during World War II.

Key Takeaways

  • The PDCA Cycle is a four-step technique that is used to solve business problems.
  • Many managers unknowingly use the PDCA Cycle as it encompasses much of the same framework as strategic management.
  • The last step of the PDCA Cycle (act) calls for corrective actions to stimulate and sustain continuous business improvement.
  • The PDCA process is similar to the Japanese business philosophy of Kaizen.
  • Many large corporations, such as Toyota and Nike, have seen dramatic growth after implementing PDCA or Six Sigma methodologies.

The PDCA Cycle can help differentiate a company from its competitors, particularly in today’s corporate world, where businesses are always searching for ways to streamline their processes, reduce costs, increase profits, and improve customer satisfaction.

Many managers apply the PDCA Cycle unknowingly to help direct their organizations as it encompasses the basic tenets of strategic planning. The four components of the PDCA Cycle are outlined below.

A well-defined project plan provides a framework for operations. Importantly, it should reflect the organization’s mission and values. It should also map the project's goals and clearly indicate the best way to attain them.

This is the step where the plan is set in motion. The plan was made for a reason, so it is important for players to execute it as outlined. This stage can be broken down into three sub-segments, including training of all personnel involved in the project, the actual process of doing the work, and recording insights, or data, for future evaluation.

Typically, there should be two checks throughout the project. First, checks alongside implementation ensure the project's objectives are being met. Second, a more comprehensive review of the project carried out upon completion addresses the successes and failures so that future adjustments can be made.

The final step is to take corrective action once past mistakes have been identified and resolved. The PDCA Cycle is repeated and can be redefined perhaps to better results under new guidelines.

Given its cyclical nature, the PDCA Cycle is something businesses can institute once and then use to continuously iterate and improve their operations.

The PDCA process is similar to the Japanese business philosophy of Kaizen , which, when translated, means "change for the better" or "continuous improvement." Kaizen is where all employees are involved in improving productivity by finding efficiencies in the work environment. Like the PDCA cycle, Kaizen aims for continuous improvement through small, incremental changes.

Examples of changes that might be made through Kaizen or PDCA are using new systems, eliminating waste, or implementing just-in-time delivery. Not all changes need to be small or incremental.

The concept behind PDCA and Kaizen is that the culture of an organization changes as the employees learn to be problem solvers and critical thinkers. The PDCA cycle tests employees' ideas, adjusts them, and then implements them if they have potential. The cycle is an iterative process that continually tests concepts and promotes improvements.

Companies looking to enhance their internal and external processes often deploy the PDCA methodology to minimize errors and maximize outcomes. Once established, companies can repeat the PDCA Cycle and make it a standard operating procedure. The final stage of the methodology, "Act," takes corrective actions and makes the methodology ideal for continuous improvement efforts.

Lean methods like PDCA and Kaizen helped Nike to double its profits from around $100 billion in 2015 to over $200 billion in 2021.

The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit, world-class hospital and research center, conducted a quality improvement study that looked at wait times for patients who were possible candidates for large cochlear implant surgery. The idea was to employ Kaizen principles to remove barriers and improve access for patients.

The study looked at the refining of specific treatments, the management of patient records, and waiting room times. Ultimately, there were positive outcomes for patients.  Among the results, median cycle time for candidacy testing decreased from 7.3 to 3 hours, and total inventory of clinic stock was reduced by 31%.

Is PDCA the Same As Total Quality Management (TQM)?

Total quality management (TQM), which is the precursor to Six Sigma , includes the philosophy of PDCA, but it goes one step further.

According to Smartsheet, which quotes Marlon Walters, the Founder and CEO of Horizon Group Consulting, "With TQM, you have to wait for your customers to confirm that it’s good. With Six Sigma, at the end of the day, you don’t guess if your product is better. You know it. If you properly identify your market and your product has the best fit for the niche, you know you have the best product from a process perspective."

Kaizen, or PDCA, is more of a philosophy for how to organize the larger workplace and how to engage coworkers. It is less about waiting for customer feedback or results. Both PDCA and TQM consider the whole company responsible for continuous improvement.

What Is the Difference Between PDCA and Six Sigma?

The difference between PDCA and Six Sigma is that Six Sigma is an all-encompassing management principle that includes PDCA as part of its structure. PDCA explains how to enact Six Sigma, it is the plan, do, act, check process. Six Sigma calls this the DMAIC method (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control).

According to Walters, PDCA is people-oriented while Six Sigma is process-based. For example, the term "define" in Six Sigma removes the human element, and the term "measure" puts the focus on data.

What Is the Difference Between PDCA and PDSA?

PDCA stans for plan, do, check, act, whereas PDSA stands for plan, do, study, act. They are both iterative, four-stage problem-solving models used to improve a process. The main difference between the two is that PDCA, which was developed before the PDSA model, has the "check" stage. In this stage, the team determines whether what they intended to achieve has actually occurred by checking expected results with the actual results. So, PDCA has a built-in check for every cycle in the process.

The PDCA Cycle, PDSA, Kaizen, and Six Sigma are all proven ways to continuously improve processes. Many companies including Nike, Toyota, the Mayo Clinic, and many others have seen dramatic growth after employing one or more of these iterative strategies. The concept changes the culture of a business so that all stakeholders have input and can act as problem solvers and critical thinkers. The result is more ideas for change.

PubMed.gov. " Application of Kaizen Principles to a Large Cochlear Implant Practice: A Continuous Quality Improvement Initiative at Mayo Clinic. " Accessed June 3, 2021.

FXSSI. " TOP 10 Most Profitable Companies in the World in 2021. " Accessed June 3, 2021.

Macrotrends. " NIKE Market Cap 2006-2021 | NKE ." Accessed June 3, 2021.

Smartsheet. " A Quality Principle: Everything You Need to Know about Total Quality Management ." Accessed June 3, 2021.

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PDCA: What is the Plan Do Check Act Cycle?

Integrate this problem-solving tool into your business strategy and get answers to the following questions: What is the PDCA cycle? Why is it important? What are its stages and examples?


What is the PDCA Cycle?

The PDCA cycle is a process-improving method that involves a continuous loop of planning, doing, checking, and acting. Each stage of the PDCA, meaning the Plan-Do-Check-Act, cycle contributes to the goal of identifying which business processes work and which of them need further improvement. This methodical approach is also utilized to avoid recurring mistakes and errors in operations.

The PDCA cycle was first introduced by Dr. Walter Andrew Shewhart in 1939. It was then further developed by Dr. William Edwards Deming in the 1950s to help organizations achieve progressive improvements and monitor the quality of changes in their processes. This cycle—also dubbed the Deming Wheel—has since been a widely used strategy tool for businesses and organizations across all industries.

This process-improvement model is best characterized as a continuous loop where the cycle is restarted if one of the elements in the implemented change is found to be ineffective and repeated over and over until the most desired outcome is reached.

Stages of PDCA

The PDCA process consists of four stages (also known as the PDCA steps): Plan, Do, Check, and Act. It aims to solve problems and methodically implement change. So, what is the role of each stage in the whole cycle?


The PDCA Cycle

First, note that this stage is the backbone of the whole cycle so you have to be as comprehensive and as detailed as possible.

Specifically describe the problem to be solved and state why it is important to be addressed. Discuss objectives and create Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound ( SMART ) goals that your team members and relevant stakeholders agree upon. Aside from that, the end of this stage should materialize in a comprehensive plan answering information-building questions such as:

  • What is the cause of the problem?
  • What are the current standards and procedures regarding the specific process?
  • What resources are needed to implement the proposed changes?
  • What are the potential hindrances in achieving the project goals?
  • What measures should be taken to address the problem?
  • What is the ideal schedule/deadline to complete the implementation?
  • What are the criteria for the project to be considered a success?

Essentially, all elements factoring in the project should be stated and planned at this stage before moving on to the next.

Since you’ve identified potential solutions to the problem in the first stage—”Do” is the part where you’ll execute them. Apply the changes but only on a small scale or controlled environment such as specific department, project, or with just a particular demographic.

This is to ensure that if ever the changes were ineffective or if they resulted in a negative impact to your process or business, there won’t be much damage to deal with and minimal resources were used.

After the initial testing, gather all the relevant data to show if the recognized potential solutions worked or not.

This is the analysis stage—with your data from the previous stage, evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented solutions. Compare them to the success criteria included in the planning stage.

Assess if the result is already satisfactory and the solutions are already working according to the objective, or if they need further improvements to achieve the overall goal.

If further adjustments are needed, go back to the first stage—Plan—and try other alternatives that you think could work to solve the problem. If it’s considered a success, however, you can now proceed to the next stage, Act.

Once you’ve recognized the effectiveness of the solutions, “Act” is the stage where you’ll fully implement them as part of your business process.

To continuously achieve greater and more standardized results, it will be helpful to also address the following questions:

  • What resources are needed to successfully implement the solutions?
  • Would training be necessary in implementing the developed solutions?
  • What other opportunities can be maximized?
  • Is there an opportunity to measure the results more accurately?

The PDCA method is a simple yet powerful tool that gives you the option to repeat the cycle if you think that the solutions can still be improved. In some cases, you may need to go through the four stages again if there are factors or changes that could affect the way the implemented solutions work.

Importance of Plan Do Check Act Cycle

The PDCA cycle is one of the widely used methods of monitoring quality management systems and is applicable to international standards such as ISO 22301 , ISO 9001 , ISO 45001 , and ISO 27001 . It allows organizations to gather relevant information and use it as a well-grounded basis before deciding whether to proceed with the plan or improve it further. Through this data-driven method, organizations can work to continuously improve their processes , products, and services.

The continuous approach of PDCA also offers time-saving opportunities by catching mistakes early on in the project. This helps strengthen the efficiency of the cycle and eliminates ineffective elements until an ideal solution is identified.

Furthermore, the PDCA cycle is versatile—it can be used across all industries, by big businesses, and even by specific teams or departments within a company.

Explore our Free PDCA Templates

See how digital checklists simplify business processes with just a tap.

PDCA Example

Below is an example of how to use the PDCA cycle :

Scenario: An auto supply company is experiencing customer service issues caused byproduct shipping delays. The supply chain manager chose the PDCA method to identify solutions and avoid the occurrence of the same setback in the future.

Three customers experienced a two-week delay before receiving the products they ordered from us. Two of them ordered a box of side-view mirrors, while the other one ordered five new batteries.

The objective of this cycle is to understand what caused the delay and to avoid it from happening again and prevent our customers from having a bad experience.

Because of this, we received a complaint from the customers saying the delay also caused a setback in their operations. We gave the customers a huge discount to compensate for what happened. No bad reviews (so far).

We did an investigation and discovered that the cause of the hold up was an unexpected delay from our supplier for the specified vehicle parts. Our supplier’s facility is situated in Texas and was recently hit with a strong cyclone, which also interfered with their production.

The main action plan for this is to find an alternative supplier that can provide us with the mentioned products in case something like this happens again or in case of emergencies.

We’ve sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to possible alternative suppliers and filtered out the options based on our set requirements.

Now that we were able to solve this problem using this solution, let’s fully implement it across our other products. Find alternatives and take into consideration the factors specified in this cycle.

Based on the use of the PDCA cycle done to solve the existing problem, the solution identified and implemented was effective. The auto supply company now has a fallback in case a delay in the production is observed. They would also be able to prevent instances like this from affecting their own customers, which is the main goal of the plan.

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Monitor PDCA Cycle with SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor)

The PDCA cycle involves a lot of information, changes, and updates per use. It should be streamlined for easy tracking and to serve its documentation purpose through storing all of the relevant data in one accessible space.

SafetyCulture  is a digital tool that industry leaders can use in monitoring PDCA cycles across various industries. With SafetyCulture, you can track your progress regularly and also do the following:

  • Create your own problem-solving cycle using pre-existing PDCA Templates , or customize your own template according to your business and industry needs.
  • Store all your information in one safe space and visually monitor trends in every cycle using the Analytics dashboard.
  • Schedule recurring cycle checks and automatically get notified.
  • Improve your processes further by creating actions or reporting recognized issues .
  • Generate PDCA reports and share them with your team via PDF or emails.

Try SafetyCulture for free!

Free PDCA Templates

Pdca template.

Use this template in creating a comprehensive step-by-step action plan while implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) method. This PDCA template contains a general set of details applicable across all industries and can be utilized by big or small organizations. Use this template in SafetyCulture to easily do the following:

  • Understand and fill out specific details needed for each part of the plan.
  • Apply and answer all items chronologically according to the PDCA cycle.
  • Document essential information such as the project name, initiator, location, and the start date of the plan.

FAQs about PDCA

What’s the difference between pdca and pdsa.

The primary difference between the two lies in their Check and Study stages. While PDCA is used to generally assess the effectiveness of a change in a process, PDSA offers a more thorough approach, utilizing analytical methods to validate the impact of the change. PDCA is commonly used by businesses and organizations, while PDSA is maximized in healthcare settings.

When to use the PDCA cycle?

The PDCA cycle is best used when there is a need to implement and continuously improve a process, product, or service. It can also be beneficial for organizations simply because there’s a newly-introduced change in daily processes. PDCA is particularly effective in situations where structured problem-solving and iterative refinement are crucial for achieving desired outcomes.

Is PDCA Lean or Six Sigma?

While PDCA is not specific to either Lean or Six Sigma , it is a key tool used in both methodologies to drive quality enhancement and process optimization.

Jaydee Reyes

Jaydee Reyes

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What is the PDCA Model?

The PDCA Model is a Problem-Solving tool that suggests 4 simple Steps to achieve Goals efficiently .

  • Its Name is an acronym for the Steps suggested: P lan, D o, C heck, A ct.

These steps can (or should) be repeated cyclically in order to improve the results obtained.

As in many other Continuous-Improvement tools, the more you repeat the cycle, the closer you will be to finding the solution or reaching the end goal .

Four Steps of the PDCA Model

1. Plan : In this first Step, you should:

  • Define the Problem or the Goal you want to achieve.
  • Design a Strategy or a Method to do it.

2. Do :  In this Step, you should:

  • Implement the necessary actions to comply with the Plan.

3: Check : In this Step, you should:

  • Check the results obtained.
  • Choose and Use the right metrics .
  • Find out what worked and what didn’t .

4: Act : In this Step, you should:

  • Adopt the modifications that have proven to work.
  • Come up with a new Plan to fix what isn’t working yet.

This cycle is meant to be repeated frequently :

  • If you have not been able to reach your initial Goal, you must repeat it until you have achieved it.
  • If you have reached your initial Goal, you should look for the Next one .

Let’s see the first example so that you understand it better:

PDCA Model example

pdca for problem solving

Imagine that you own a Restaurant specialized in ribs .

  • You think people are a little “tired” of your recipe.

You want to discover a new recipe that will drive your customers crazy.

Since you are not a very methodical person, you decide to use the PDCA Model:

Your Goal is to find a new successful Recipe for your Ribs .

  • You’ll start offering 5 alternatives to your Clients.
  • Every week, you will keep the top 3 and introduce 2 new ones .

You’ll use an iterative process to find which ingredients and cooking processes your customers like best .

The first week, you prepare the 5 best recipes you know , listing all the ingredients that each one has and what cooking processes you followed.

  • Once you have feedback, you’ll make different modifications.

At the end of every week, you check the most successful recipes.

  • The ingredients they have (spices, amount of salt, rib supplier, etc).
  • The cooking process used (which charcoal yo used, how much time you employed, etc).

Your goal in this step is to see if your recipes are going in the right direction .

Once you have checked the best recipes, you analyze and decide what new recipes you will use next week .

  • After 3 months of research, you end up with a successful recipe that has been undefeated for 4 consecutive weeks .

As you may be thinking right now, this model can be used in very different situations in very different ways.

But why is it important that you use it?

Why is the PDCA Model important?

In general, people tend to be chaotic when looking for solutions to their problems.

  • Once we’ve found a “solution” we don’t look for a better option .

The PDCA Method offers you 4 simple Steps to follow and encourages you to keep improving your results permanently .

As we always say: Just because something is intuitive doesn’t mean it’s obvious .

But, when should you use this Tool?

When should you use the PDCA Model?

This is one of the few methods that can be used in any situation .

Even if you don’t use it explicitly, you can act according to its dynamics :

  • To Plan something, Do it, Check your results and Modify what needs to be modified.

If is a very simple and flexible Model that can be very useful:

  • For Starting new Projects.
  • To improve a Product or Service.
  • To improve Personal Skills.

You can even use it to lose a few kilos.

PDCA Model examples

Now, we will share with you some examples of different situations where the PDCA Model can be of great help .

Let’s begin:

Clothing Store - PDCA Model example

pdca for problem solving

Now, let’s imagine you have started your own Clothing Store .

  • However, you’re still not sure which product line would best suit your customers’ preferences.

You decide to use the PDCA Model:

Every 2 weeks, you’ll introduce 2 new product lines .

At the end of those 2 weeks, you’ll analyze:

  • Which products brought more customers.
  • Which products gave you the most benefits.

Depending on the results obtained, you’ll decide which new product-lines you’ll introduce the next 2 weeks .

  • You’ll repeat this process for the next 6 months.

Every 2 weeks, you introduce the new products.

You decide promote the new products as special opportunities .

  • This way you won’t give a chaotic impression to your customers.

At the end of every 2 weeks you analyze your results:

  • Number of clients you have received.
  • Customer preferences.
  • Benefits obtained.

Have the changes taken effect?

Finally, you decide what new product lines you will introduce the next 2 weeks .

  • Since you would need some time to talk to your suppliers, you could introduce a 1 month delay in your operations.

The products that work best will give you an idea of ​​what to do.

  • After 6 months, you find the product line that bests suits your customers’ preferences and maximizes your profits .

Blogging - PDCA Model example

pdca for problem solving

Now, we’re going to imagine that you have just started your own Blog .

  • This is a very common situation.

Therefore, you decide to use the PDCA Method:

Since Google needs time to Rank content correctly, you will develop a 1-year plan .

The first 6 months, you’ll write about 5 different Topics that you like the most .

  • If you want to have a successful Blog, you need to love what you write about.

After those 6 months, you’ll decide what 3 Topics you’ll write about the next 6 months .

  • By choosing the 3 most popular Topics.

Finally, after 1 year, you’ll chose your final main Blog Topic .

Every week, you’ll write 2 good Blog Posts .

  • In the first 6 months, you’ll have written 10 Posts of each Topic.

After 6 months you analyze:

  • Which Topics were most popular.
  • What Post Structure was most successful (length, appearance).

Google offers an infinity of tools and metrics for this.

Were your assumptions and predictions correct?

After 6 months, you decide what Topics to focus on and what Structure you will follow the next 6 months.

  • After an exhausting year, you finally have found your niche and your results do not stop growing .

Personal Trainer - PDCA Model example

pdca for problem solving

Now, you are a Personal Trainer .

  • You have different clients that you train regularly.

You are thinking of a new type of training but you are not sure how to design it.

You then decide to use the PDCA Method:

You decide to offer 4 of your Clients a new training method.

You will test different versions of it and measure the Weight loss and Customer satisfaction of each version .

After 2 months , you’ll decide what modifications you can make to each training method and you’ll repeat the whole process with 4 new Clients .

You’ll repeat this cycle 3 times: you’ll need 6 months .

Every week, you prepare the training of your 4 “special” Clients closely, measuring :

  • Their satisfaction (with a simple and quick test).
  • Their weight loss .
  • Their health in general.

Every 2 months, you collect all the results obtained and decide what works best and what doesn’t .

  • By doing this you can introduce further modifications for the training of the new 4 clients.

Finally, you introduce the modifications necessary for the new training programs and you offer it to 4 different Clients .

  • After 6 months you end up with a new effective training that people love .


The PDCA Model is an iterative problem-solving tool that proposes 4 simple Steps to achieve Goals efficiently.

  • These steps should be repeated cyclically until the Goal has been achieved.

The 4 Steps proposed are:

  • Plan : Prepare your Goals and Strategy.
  • Do : Take the necessary actions.
  • Check : Test your results.
  • Act : Introduce the necessary modifications.
  • The PDCA Method offers 4 simple Steps to follow.

It is a very simple and flexible model that can be used in many situations.

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PDCA Cycle | Plan Do Check Act | Implementation | Example

PDCA Cycle  Plan Do Check Act  Implementation  Example

What is the PDCA cycle in TQM?

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What is the PDCA model of continuous improvement?

Continuous Improvement Cycle Plan Do Check Act

What are the four steps in the PDCA cycle?

  • Plan – A change aimed at improvement
  • Do – Carry out the change
  • Check – Study the results
  • Act – Adopt, Adapt, or Abandon

Four Phases of PDCA Cycle

How to Implement the PDCA Cycle? Example:

Implementation of plan phase:.

PDCA Cycle Training Presentation

[1] Select Improvement Opportunity:

[2] analyze the current situation:, [3] identify root causes:, [4] generate and choose solutions:, implementation of do phase:, [5] map out and implement a trial run:, implementation of check phase:, [6] analyze the results:, [7] draw conclusions:, implementation of act phase:, [8] adopt, adapt, or abandon the intervention:, [9] monitor; hold the gains:, useful tools for pdca cycle:.

Useful tool for PDCA Cycle

What are the benefits of the PDCA cycle?

Related posts, 14 comments.

Superb and in detail for any start-up entrepreneur to learn and implement the process.

pdca for problem solving

Thank you for your kind feedback

pdca for problem solving

Nice explanation and it will be appreciated if the article explained and then with one example of application of the methods

Thanks for your input we will surely share the same

Sir, Pls give example for same

Sure will doneedful

Sir you have any YouTube channel ?

As of now we don't have.

Thanks and Happy Learning!!!

Superb. Well explained. Thank you so much

You are welcome and Happy Learning!

Well explained.

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PDCA Problem Solving Kit: Analyze Causes

Leanmap PDCA Problem Solving Toolkit Pro

$  0 – $  50

The PDCA toolkit contains problem-solving templates in 34 languages to identify and eliminate root causes. By doing so, problems are effectively corrected and reoccurrence prevented. PDCA templates guide users through the Shewhart-cycle or Deming-wheel “plan-to-check-act” in five stages: (a) Record the problem, (b) Analyze the problem using the Ishikawa or Fishbone diagram, (c) Identify the root-causes using the 5-why method, (d) Take action to eliminate or reduce identified root causes, (e) Validate effectiveness, update standards, and formally close the process.


Additional information, pdca templates in 22 languages.

To simplify implementation across countries and regions, we made the PDCA problem-solving templates available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese. Download now at start systematically solving problems.

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PDCA Problem Solving Template, English Version (EN)

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Plantilla de resolución de problemas PDCA

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Modèle de résolution de problèmes PDCA

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PDCA probleemoplossende sjabloon

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Szablon do rozwiązywania problemów z PDCA

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PDCA modelo de resolução de problemas

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PDCA šablónu na riešenie problémov

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PDCA problemlösningsmall

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PDCA problem çözme şablonu

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  1. PDCA (Plan Do Check Act)

    Key Points. The PDCA/PDSA cycle is a continuous loop of planning, doing, checking (or studying), and acting. It provides a simple and effective approach for solving problems and managing change. The model is useful for testing improvement measures on a small scale before updating procedures and working practices.

  2. Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)

    The PDCA cycle has four stages: Plan — determine goals for a process and needed changes to achieve them. Do — implement the changes. Check — evaluate the results in terms of performance. Act — standardize and stabilize the change or begin the cycle again, depending on the results. PDCA is the foundation of continuous improvement or kaizen.

  3. The PDCA Cycle (30+ Plan Do Check Act Examples)

    Discover the 4-step PDCA cycle for continuous improvement. Plan, Do, Check, Act to boost efficiency in any project or business. Dive into easy-to-follow steps, real-world examples, and tips for success. ... And he favored the PDCA cycle as a means of problem solving and continuous improvement. It's because of these two people who helped create ...

  4. PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act): The Ultimate Guide

    PDCA is an evidence-based participatory approach to problem-solving and is found to be an effective tool for quality improvement. Origin of PDCA The beginnings of PDCA emerged from the principles of the 'Scientific Method', which originated with Galileo but has its roots in the teachings of Aristotle.

  5. PDCA Cycle

    Understand the evolution of these variations. The Plan-do-check-act cycle (Figure 1) is a four-step model for carrying out change. Just as a circle has no end, the PDCA cycle should be repeated again and again for continuous improvement. The PDCA cycle is considered a project planning tool. Figure 1: Plan-do-check-act cycle.

  6. Guide: PDCA Cycle

    The PDCA cycle, standing for Plan-Do-Check-Act, is a four-step management method used for continuous improvement of processes and products. It encourages systematic problem solving and iterative optimization. Author: Daniel Croft.

  7. Using the PDCA Cycle to Support Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)

    PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is an iterative, four-stage approach for continually improving processes, products or services, and for resolving problems. ... It is based on the scientific method of problem-solving and was popularized by Dr W. Edwards Deming, who is considered by many to be the father of modern quality control. ...

  8. What is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle?

    The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle is an interactive problem-solving strategy to improve processes and implement change. The PDCA cycle is a method for continuous improvement.Rather than representing a one-and-done process, the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is an ongoing feedback loop for iterations and process improvements.

  9. Applying the PDCA Cycle: A Blueprint for Continuous Improvement

    The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle (PDCA Cycle) is a four-step model for systematic problem solving and continuous improvement. It offers a simple and structured way for resolving business-related issues and creating positive change.This framework is widely recognized as the basis for enhancing the quality of processes, products, and services by following a logical sequence of four steps: Plan, Do ...

  10. PDCA Cycle Explained: 4 Steps for Continuous Learning and Improvement

    PDCA Cycle is a simple and scientific way for problem-solving and process improvement. PDCA Cycle involves four key steps: Plan, Do, Check and Act. PDCA works slightly differently from Deming Cycle, Shewhart Cycle, and PDSA. PDCA Cycle is a never-ending process that can be used on a continual basis. PDCA Cycle can be used for quality control ...

  11. How to Apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Model

    The PDCA model was developed in the 1950s by William Deming as a learning or improvement process based on the scientific method of problem-solving. Deming himself called it by another term—the Shewhart cycle—because he created the model based on an idea from his mentor, Walter Shewhart.

  12. What Is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle? +Examples

    The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is a four-step improvement and problem-solving method designed to continuously enhance business processes. It's the foundation of continuous improvement (or kaizen) and follows the scientific method of proposing a change, implementing it, measuring the impact, and then taking appropriate action.

  13. The PDCA Cycle: A Practical Approach to Problem-Solving

    PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is a problem-solving iterative method for improving processes and products continuously. Let's discover each stage of the PDCA cycle and the benefits it will bring to your processes. Getting Started. Value and Waste. Pull Systems. Continuous Improvement.

  14. PDCA Cycle by Deming: Meaning and Steps

    The PDCA cycle is an iterative four-step problem-solving technique that allows employees to evaluate their own work method and improve it where necessary. Because everyone on the workfloor is part of the total process, this positively impacts the entire organisation. The PDCA cycle is also known as the Shewhart Cycle.

  15. How PDCA Can Help Improve Organizational Efficiency

    The Deming Cycle (or Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)) is a four-step iterative technique used to solve problems and to improve organizational processes. Dr. Walter A. Shewhart, the renowned physicist and statistician from Western Electric and Bell Labs, developed the original concept during the 1920s. His approach was a three-step linear problem ...

  16. The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle, Explained (+Mind Map Examples of PDCA)

    This cycle emphasizes the importance of being proactive, rather than reactive, in problem-solving and encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. The PDCA model Plan. The Plan phase is the first step in the PDCA cycle, and it involves identifying a problem or opportunity for improvement and developing a plan to address it.

  17. The PDCA cycle or Deming wheel: how and why to use it

    Main difference between PDCA and other problem-solving methods. The primary difference between PDCA and other problem-solving methods like DMAIC or 8D lies in two major aspects: Level of detail and flexibility: PDCA is a general, flexible framework that can be adapted to a myriad of situations. Its simplicity allows for rapid and reactive ...

  18. PDCA Cycle

    The PDCA cycle was originally developed in 1930 by quality expert Walter Shewart - hence also known as the Shewart Cycle. It was later applied to management by Dr. W. Edwards Deming and came to be known as the Deming Cycle. Benefits of Using the PDCA Cycle . A problem-solving method that provides a quick way to find an effective solution

  19. What Does PDCA Stand For in Business? Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle

    PDCA Cycle: A four-step problem-solving iterative technique used to improve business processes. The four steps are plan-do-check-act. The PDCA Cycle can be used to effect both major performance ...

  20. PDCA: What is the Plan Do Check Act Cycle?

    SafetyCulture is a digital tool that industry leaders can use in monitoring PDCA cycles across various industries. With SafetyCulture, you can track your progress regularly and also do the following: Create your own problem-solving cycle using pre-existing PDCA Templates, or customize your own template according to your business and industry needs.

  21. PDCA Model explained in an Easy way with Helpful Examples.

    The PDCA Model is a Problem-Solving tool that suggests 4 simple Steps to achieve Goals efficiently. Its Name is an acronym for the Steps suggested: P lan, D o, C heck, A ct. These steps can (or should) be repeated cyclically in order to improve the results obtained.

  22. PDCA Cycle

    What is the PDCA cycle in TQM? → The full name is the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle and it is one of the popular Problem-Solving Methods and Continuous Improvement Methodology. → It is often referred to as the Deming wheel or Deming cycle. → Shewhart and Deming are recognized as pioneers in the Quality Management movement.

  23. PDCA Toolkit

    The PDCA toolkit contains problem-solving templates in 34 languages to identify and eliminate root causes. By doing so, problems are effectively corrected and reoccurrence prevented. PDCA templates guide users through the Shewhart-cycle or Deming-wheel "plan-to-check-act" in five stages: (a) Record the problem, (b) Analyze the problem using ...

  24. Nikunj Bhoraniya

    352 likes, 4 comments - industrialknowledge on August 23, 2024: " ️ PDCA Problem Solving Template: Visit Bio For Downloading Link: @industrialknowledge".