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Dreamforce – house of cloud, guide to page layouts in salesforce.

By Christine Marshall

How you design a page layout in Salesforce can make or break user adoption – good design leads to greater ROI (return on investment), so it’s never too early to start thinking about your users’ experience!

  • Which fields are visible (add and remove fields),
  • Where blank spaces appear between fields,
  • Field properties, including Read-Only and Required,
  • Page sections,
  • The number of columns in a section and tab-key order,
  • Which buttons and actions are included, such as ‘Edit’, ‘Clone’ or ‘Delete’, and in which order, 
  • Which related lists appear, and customize their properties (eg. choosing which fields to display).

How to Create a Page Layout in Salesforce

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

Page Layout Sections

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

  • Detail page (non-edit)

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

Field Options

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

Related Lists on Page Layouts

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

Assign a Salesforce Page Layout

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

What’s the difference between Page Layouts and Record Types?

What about dynamic forms.

  • Available related lists
  • Order of related lists
  • Columns on related lists
  • Mobile layout

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

Christine Marshall

Christine is the  Courses  Director at Salesforce Ben. She is an 11x certified Salesforce MVP and leads the Bristol Admin User Group.

page layout assignment deployment salesforce

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Configure page layouts and record types.

After completing this unit, you’ll be able to:

  • Set up the page layout for a record type.
  • Create a record type.
  • Use a record type to assign a page layout to a profile.

Create a Page Layout for Readers

Article readers and article authors perform different actions and see different fields on a knowledge article, so Maria must create different page layouts for these users. She creates the page layout for readers first. Let’s follow along and see what she does.

Setup icon.

  • Click Object Manager and select Knowledge .
  • Click Page Layouts .
  • Click New .
  • If you’re basing the page layout on an existing layout, choose it. Maria selects None .
  • Enter the name of your page layout. Maria enters Procedure - Reader .
  • Click Save .

The layout editor opens. Let’s take a moment to get acquainted with it.

Knowledge object with Page Layouts selected to show the page layout editor.

  • Knowledge object (1)
  • Page Layouts (2)
  • Palette (3) —The palette contains Fields, Related Lists, and Mobile & Lightning Actions that you can add to your page layouts. In this example, Fields is selected, so the palette displays available fields. You can also create custom fields.
  • Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions (4) —This section displays actions users can perform on the page. Drag items from the Mobile & Lightning Actions palette to add them to this section.
  • Knowledge Detail (5) —Drag items from the Fields palette to add them to the page layout. In this example, the first section is named Knowledge Details, and it contains Title and URL Name.

Add Actions and Fields

Maria keeps the palette open and consults the list she made with Ada. She’s going to set up the page layout section by section: actions readers can perform, article information, article details, and article properties.

First, she sets up the actions that readers can perform on the article.

  • In the palette, click Mobile & Lightning Actions .
  • Hover over the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section.


  • Drag Post to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section. Post allows users to post to the Article Feed.
  • Drag Poll next to Post.

Next, she sets up the Knowledge Detail section. The Title and URL name fields are already there and set as required. She adds one field.

  • In the palette, click Fields .
  • Drag Summary to the Knowledge Detail section.

Now she creates a section with more information about procedures.

Page layout showing the Section field being dragged below the Knowledge Detail section.

  • Name the section. Maria enters Article Details .
  • Leave the defaults checked, then click OK .

Maria has to create custom fields to finish the Article Details section. She decides to create the other sections first and then come back to the custom fields. Here’s what she does.

  • To reopen the editor after saving, click Page Layouts .
  • To reopen the page layout, click Procedure - Reader .
  • Create a section under Article Details. Maria uses the following values:
  • Section Name: Properties
  • Layout: 2-Column
  • Tab-key Order: Top-down
  • Add the following fields to the first column:
  • Article Created Date
  • Last Modified by
  • Last Published Date
  • Add the following checkboxes to the second column:
  • Visible in Internal App
  • Visible to Customer
  • Visible to Partner
  • Visible in Public Knowledge Base

Create Custom Fields

Maria has set up everything she can using the fields in the palette. On to creating custom fields for the Article Details section.

The first field she creates is Procedure Audience, a text field for describing an article’s audience.

Setup icon.

  • Click Fields & Relationships .
  • Choose the field type. Maria chooses Text Area (Rich) .
  • Click Next .
  • Fill out the values. Maria uses these values.
  • Field Label: Procedure Audience
  • For Length, # Visible Lines, and Field Name she leaves the default values.
  • Description: Use this field to identify who follows or executes this procedure.
  • Help text: Who follows this procedure?
  • Establish field-level security. Maria selects Visible for all profiles.
  • Add the field to the palette for the page layout you’re creating. Maria chooses Procedure - Reader . Salesforce adds the new field as the last field in the first section by default. That’s where Maria wants it to go, but she can move it anytime if she changes her mind.

Maria repeats these steps to create custom fields for Procedure Warnings, Procedure Purpose, and Procedure Steps. She makes sure that the fields are in the correct order in the Article Details section.

Here’s her finished page layout for procedure readers.

The Actions, Information, Article Details, and Properties sections with the appropriate fields inside.

Create a Page Layout for Authors

The Procedure - Author and Procedure - Reader page layouts are similar. But the author page has some different actions and an extra field for internal notes. The Internal Notes field is available only to agents who can author articles. Maria creates the Procedure - Author page layout from the existing Procedure - Reader layout.

Setup icon.

  • If you’re basing the page layout on an existing layout, choose it. Maria selects Procedure - Reader .
  • Name the page layout. Maria enters Procedure - Author .

Maria changes the actions. Instead of Poll and Post actions, Maria includes: Edit, Publish, Delete Article, Change Record Type, Edit as Draft, Delete Draft, Submit for Approval, Assign, Archive, Restore, and Post.

She creates a custom field for Internal Notes using the following values.

  • Data type: Text Area (Rich)
  • Field Label: Internal Notes
  • Field-level security: Custom: Support Profile . Maria created this profile for Ursa Major when she set up the knowledge base.
  • Page layout: Procedure - Author . This adds the field to the Procedure - Author page layout at the bottom of the first new section. Maria makes a note to ask Ada later if she should add this field to the FAQ - Author page, too.

Here’s what Maria’s page layout for Procedure - Author looks like with the new fields.

Page Layout for Procedure - Authors showing all actions and fields, including the new Internal Notes field and the extra actions.

Create and Assign a Record Type for Procedures

Maria has created two different page layouts—one for readers and one for authors. Now she creates a record type to show the correct page layout to the correct users. How does she know which users are which? By their profiles. Customers see the Procedure - Reader page layout. Agents see the Procedure - Author page layout.

Here’s how Maria creates and assigns the Procedure record type.

Setup icon.

  • Click Record Types .
  • Select an existing record type to use as a template. The new record type includes the picklist values of the selected record type. Maria chooses Master .
  • Enter a label for your record type. Maria enters Procedure .
  • Enter a description. Maria enters For step-by-step instructions .
  • Select Active to make this record type available immediately.
  • Select the profile that will use this record type. Maria selects Make Available next to the Customer profiles listed.
  • Select the page layout that users with these profiles see for this record type. Maria chooses Procedure - Reader .

All users assigned the Customer profiles see the Procedure - Reader page layout. They can view articles, but they can’t edit them.

Next, Maria assigns the Procedure - Author page layout to agents using the regular profile user interface. Agents can edit articles.

Setup icon.

  • Enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles .
  • Select a profile. Maria chooses Custom: Support Profile , a profile she created earlier.
  • Scroll down to Custom Record Type Settings and click Edit .
  • Move the needed record types from the Available Record Type box to the Selected Record Types box. Maria adds FAQ and Procedure .
  • Choose a default record type. Maria chooses FAQ .

Maria’s configured a new type of article, procedures, in Ursa Major’s knowledge base. To do it, she created different page layouts and assigned them to the correct users via record types. It’s time for Ada to start creating the procedures.

In addition to page layouts, you can also add and customize components on record pages. Maria doesn’t need that level of customization, but you might. To learn more, check out the Lightning App Builder module.

  • Salesforce Help: Create Custom Fields
  • Salesforce Help: Page Layout Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
  • Salesforce Help:  Record Type Considerations for Lightning Knowledge
  • Salesforce Help: Create and Edit Articles
  • Trailhead: Lightning App Builder
  • Salesforce Help: Assign Record Types and Page Layouts in the Enhanced Profile User Interface

Deploy Salesforce Layouts with precision

Deploy Salesforce Layouts with precision

Piotr Zuralski on September 15th 2022


Deploying Page Layouts on Salesforce causes headaches for many teams. In fact, the hurdles associated with deploying changes to a Layout make many teams resort to manual workarounds, editing the files in code editors or source control.

Many teams tell us that they’ve resorted to skipping Layouts altogether from their deployments, because of the effort required to deploy even one single Layout change. Instead, they’ve been making manual changes directly in orgs, leaving out Layouts entirely from their DevOps process.

To help with deploying these notoriously difficult bits of Salesforce metadata, Gearset has built Precision Deployments to give teams ultimate flexibility and control. This major improvement allows all Gearset users to cherry pick the exact changes they want to deploy to the Layout.

Deploying Layouts really doesn’t need to be hard! Read on to find out how Gearset solves the challenge, and watch this quick demo to see it in action.

What are the main hurdles when deploying Layouts to Salesforce?

There are a few main issues that crop up when deploying Layouts to Salesforce—and these issues become more complicated when you have more than one team member working within the same environment.

The fundamental problem is that Layouts are large metadata items with lots of component parts, and most deployment tools only support deploying the Layout to Salesforce as a whole—in an ‘all or nothing’ approach.

Different manual workarounds have become the norm. It’s very common for the user to download the deployment package, manually edit out the fields in a text editor, then re-upload the package ready to deploy. Checking and editing the Layout in source control, and then deploying it to the target environment is another time-consuming workaround.

Quite often, these Layouts contain test fields and work-in-progress changes that are still being fine-tuned, so not everything is ready to be deployed. This means teams either have to wait for all the changes to be ready or deploy anyway and fix up the Layout later in the target org. Either option is less than ideal and even more of an annoyance when wanting to push changes quickly, keep on top of your orgs, and keep your end users happy.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s really easy to start overwriting existing changes in the target org when another team member deployed their Layout changes before you. If someone skips the proper release process and makes a Layout change directly in Production, it’s hard to keep an eye on everything going on with every team member. If this is an issue you’re facing, it would be worth looking at setting up a monitoring job in Gearset to alert you if there’s a change you want to know about.

All these time-consuming workarounds are tricky and introduce a lot of different steps for things to go awry. Manual workarounds are slow, can throw up errors—and in a worst-case scenario—entirely break the XML syntax of your Layout files.

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Blend your salesforce changes easily with precision deployments.

Here at Gearset, we’ve lost count of the times teams have asked ‘How can I only deploy specific fields?’ or ‘How can I exclude a field from my deployments?’. So we understand the need to develop an easy way to cherry pick which exact parts of the Layout you want to deploy.

We built the Precision Deployments functionality to make deploying metadata types like Layouts faster, easier, and less error-prone. You’ll see the full breakdown of the Layout in your metadata comparison results, and now you can select only the specific parts you want to deploy.

Gearset’s comparison screen with checkboxes next to the specific lines of layout code ready to be selected for deployment

Not ready to release one particular section of your Layout yet? No worries! Leave it unselected and come back to deploy it later. Want to select all changes? Easy! Just select the entire Layout file in the main table. Merging your changes with a teammate’s unfinished work? Simple! Leave out any in-progress fields or changes belonging to other team members. It really is effortless, with no overwriting or conflicts in sight.

Permissions can also be a real pain, and lack of permissions on a new Layout is something Salesforce teams struggle with a lot. The good news is that Gearset will now parcel up the relevant permissions with your Layout deployment. So you can deploy specific parts of your Layout, confident that they’ll be visible to the right end users.

Quickly jump to the new location of your fields

Moving fields in a Layout is a pretty normal occurrence when trying to make Salesforce as intuitive as possible for your end users. Gearset helps you identify cases where a field or section has been moved on your Layout. Any field that has a different position in the Layout is marked with a chain link icon next to the select checkbox, which you can use to jump back and forth to verify the moved field’s new location.

To avoid the headache of a failed deployment we’ve added in some new problem analyzers which will now be able to tell you if a new custom field is referenced in a Page Layout but not included in the package—meaning you can fix the issue ahead of time.

It’s your choice: XML or Layout view?

When building Gearset, we listen to our users and make it as easy as possible for you to release changes to Salesforce—no matter what your role is in the team. Enter the new Layout view.

The Layout view when deploying Page Layouts in Gearset is an absolute game-changer for admins. The admin and developer role becomes a little more blurred as we move towards more low- and no-code development—essentially making it easy for anyone to build on Salesforce no matter what their experience.

Regardless of your coding knowledge, teams can now work seamlessly and collaboratively when deploying metadata. Simply swap over from the default XML view to Layout view for a more visual representation of the Page Layout.

In this Layout view you’re able to use the same functionality as in the XML view but with a more friendly, no-code interface. Click the checkboxes and links in the same way to be able to deploy exactly what you need and also jump to and from changes.

The easiest way to deploy Salesforce Layouts

Teams will often dodge having to deploy a Page Layout to Salesforce because of the tricky all-or-nothing approach. But using Gearset to split up the Layout and only deploying what you want will help take the headache out of your deployments.

Precision Deployments is now an option for everyone using Gearset for metadata deployments . Don’t have a Gearset account? No worries, you can sign up to a free 30-day trial and feel confident you’re deploying exactly the elements you want, without overwriting changes or leaving out important permissions.

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Deploy Flexipage Assignments

I can deploy a flexipage using the flexipage metadata type . But I can't seem to find anywhere the flexipage assignments type . How can flexipage assignments be deployed?

tak971's user avatar

Flexipage Assignments are called ProfileOverride. It is documented here

The metadata looks like the one below, it is a part of a Custom App :

And the package.xml would look like the one below:

TheArchitecta's user avatar

  • Its like we have to retrieve all/most of the applications to get ProfileActionOverrides. –  Ankuli Commented Nov 11, 2022 at 6:52

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How to retrieve Page Layout Assignment for a profile using Tooling REST API?

Using Force.com Tooling API(REST),How do I get the page layout-record type assignments for the given profile id?

Requesting with


responds with blank nodes for recordtypes etc.

Is it even possible to retrieve the full metadata of Profile object with Tooling API?

Sachi's user avatar

In short term, the layout assignment information is listed in RecordType instead of Profile.

When you retrieve whole SObject Describe from this endpoint:

The response have a "recordTypeInfos" section like this:

For each recordTypeInfo, it contains a value called url:

If you send a GET request to this endpoint, in the response you will see the Layout Id in:

So the mapping is already done by salesforce. That layout id reflects the layout assigned to the current user.

Saffire Alex's user avatar

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page layout assignment deployment salesforce


  1. Guide to Page Layouts in Salesforce

    page layout assignment deployment salesforce

  2. Guide to Page Layouts in Salesforce

    page layout assignment deployment salesforce

  3. Page layouts in Salesforce|How to create and assign to different profiles

    page layout assignment deployment salesforce

  4. Guide to Page Layouts in Salesforce

    page layout assignment deployment salesforce

  5. Salesforce Page Layouts

    page layout assignment deployment salesforce

  6. Optimize your Lightning Page layout

    page layout assignment deployment salesforce


  1. Roadmap For Web Developer|| Website Developer Roadmap

  2. Day 08

  3. Cert Prep: Platform App Builder: Data Modeling and App Deployment

  4. Session 6 Salesforce Page layout assignment

  5. Customize the Position Page Layout || Customize the User Interface for a Recruiting App

  6. How do you customize a Page Layout in Salesforce? Q/A #PageLayout #SalesforceTutorial


  1. Deploying Page Layout Assignments

    The deployment succeeds, but there is no change in the page layout assignments when viewed in Setup in the org. I thought perhaps I need to also deploy the Account.object and the Account-Custom Account Layout.layout files along with the Profile. Again that deploy succeeds but does not modify the page layout assignments for the System ...

  2. Page Layout assignments set to 'Not Assigned' during deployment

    1. Profiles. 2. RecordTypes (which is a part of Objects) 3. Page layouts. This will result in the following XML being retrieved as a part of Profile file: The presence of these <layoutAssignments> tags result in the assignments of the Page Layouts. If it doesn't contain these tags, the system will not able to find any references for the Layout ...

  3. How to deploy assignement of Compact layout & Record Lightning page to

    Summary. You need to include the metadata that is actually changed by your action: in your case, this is the custom object for the compact layout assignments and all of the custom application(s) included in the Lighting Page Assignments. Based on what I see in the screenshots, the below should reflect what you changed:

  4. deployment

    3. Fields distribution comes from PageLayout component and Page layout assignment information comes from profiles. So until and unless you are not changing any assignment no need to include profiles. Including Pagelayout is sufficent for your requiremnt. Share.

  5. Assign Page Layouts to Profiles or Record Types

    After defining page layouts, assign which page layouts users see. A user's profile determines which page layout he or she sees. ... Tips for Optimizing Page Layouts for the Salesforce Mobile App. Manage Mobile Cards in the Enhanced Page Layout Editor. ... Deployment Status for Custom Objects and External Objects. Create a Custom Object.

  6. How to Commit and Deploy Layout Assignments with Copado

    In order to commit and deploy page layout assignments with Copado, you need to create a commit in the user story with the following components: If the object doesn't have any record type: Profile (s) involved in the assignment. Page layout (s) that are assigned to the profiles. If the object has record types:

  7. Tips & Hints for Page Layouts and Field-Level Security

    From a page layout, click Mini Page Layout. Assign page layouts to users based on profiles and record types. This determines which layouts users will see when viewing different record types. From a page layout, click Page Layout Assignment. Go to the fields area to verify that all field access settings are correct.

  8. Configure Page Layouts

    In the list of objects, click Opportunity. Click Page Layouts. Click Donation Layout. In the palette, click Fields. Drag Section onto the page layout area. In the Section Properties window, enter Tribute Information in the Section Name field and click OK. From the palette, drag the appropriate field (s) to the Tribute Information section.

  9. Guide to Page Layouts in Salesforce

    Assign a Salesforce Page Layout. You can have multiple page layouts for different profiles or record types. For example, on the Account object, you might have page layouts for Customers, Competitors and Partners. You can edit the page layout assignment by clicking 'Page Layout Assignment'. From here, click 'Edit Assignment'.

  10. Change Page Layout Assignment and Fields of User Setting ...

    From Setup, go to Object Manager, and then find and select User Setting. Click Fields & Relationships, and then perform these steps: Click Landing Page. In the Values section, click New. Add AdvancedUserCockpit. Save your changes. Click Page Layouts, and then click User Setting Layout. Click Related Lists, and then drag Managed Products to the ...

  11. Optimize Salesforce Page Layouts & Record Types

    From , choose Setup. Click Object Manager and select Knowledge. Click Record Types. Click New. Select an existing record type to use as a template. The new record type includes the picklist values of the selected record type. Maria chooses Master. Enter a label for your record type. Maria enters Procedure.

  12. Page layout assignments with XML metadata API

    Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site

  13. Profile Deployments

    PAGE LAYOUTS - In order to deploy page layout assignments, you need to deploy the page layout, the record type it is associated with and the profiles together, if the checkbox "Deploy profile settings only for components included in the deployment" is checked. Just including the page layout and profiles only will not deploy the assignment if ...

  14. Retrieve Page Layout Assignment using package.xml in SFDX

    I tried this using ANT migration tool and it worked. I retrieved all profiles, record types and Page layouts. It retrieved layout assignments as well. Give it a try. Here is my package.xml. * Layout * Profile * RecordType 52.0. answered Apr 4, 2022 at 3:54. Naval.

  15. Layout

    This type extends the Metadata metadata type and inherits its fullName field. To edit the Ideas layout, specify it by name in the package.xml file. In package.xml, use this code to retrieve the Ideas layout. <types> <members>Idea-Idea Layout</members> <name>Layout</name> </types>. Note.

  16. Deploying FlexiPage Assignments

    Deployment of FlexiPage Assignments: Flosum simplifies the process of deploying your Lightning pages (known as FlexiPage in the Metadata API) and components between different organizations. Flexipage Assignments are called ProfileOverride. To deploy a Flexipage (Lightning Record Page) that is activated and assigned as org default, you should ...

  17. Deploy Salesforce Layouts with precision

    To help with deploying these notoriously difficult bits of Salesforce metadata, Gearset has built Precision Deployments to give teams ultimate flexibility and control. This major improvement allows all Gearset users to cherry pick the exact changes they want to deploy to the Layout. Deploying Layouts really doesn't need to be hard!

  18. Can Page Layout be deployed in Outbound Changes Set

    10. Yes Page Layouts can be included in Change Sets. If you are not seeing your changes in the target environment there are a few things you can check. If there are new fields, you have to include the fields in the Change Set to push the fields onto the object. Page Layouts are only the UI of how a record looks.

  19. 'Default' Case Assignment Checkbox unchecked after page layout deployment

    In the source organization: Create a case page layout in the source organization. Edit the layout and click Layout Properties. Under Case Assignment Checkbox, click the 'Default' checkbox. Click OK and save the page layout. Create an outbound change set, add the page layout, and upload to a target organization.

  20. Change the Page Layout Assignment

    From Setup, go to Object Manager.; From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter User, and then select User.; Click User Page Layouts, and then click Page Layout Assignment.; Click Edit Assignment.; Select the System Administrator profile and then select User Custom Layout as the page layout to be used.; Save your changes.

  21. How to add any specific object's page layout in package.xml?

    It looks like there is not page layout with the name "Quote Layout". Make sure that this is not the case. It is good to explicitly named your page layout. You can use the ObjectName.PagelayoutName <types> <members>ObjectName.PagelayoutName</members> <name>Layout</name> </types> First.- Make sure that there is a page layout with that name.

  22. Deploy Flexipage Assignments

    Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.. Visit Stack Exchange

  23. salesforce

    Using Force.com Tooling API(REST),How do I get the page layout-record type assignments for the given profile id? ... So the mapping is already done by salesforce. That layout id reflects the layout assigned to the current user. Share. Improve this answer. Follow answered Nov 1, 2017 at 16:12. Saffire Alex ...