Another Word

Another Word

From the writing center at the university of wisconsin-madison.

photo of a laptop browser page open to TikTok’s homepage with a tab titled “TikTik-Make Your Day” (Credit: Unsplash)

#essayhack: What TikTok can Teach Writing Centers about Student Perceptions of College Writing

By Holly Berkowitz, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

There is a widespread perception that TikTok, the popular video-sharing social media platform, is primarily a tool of distraction where one mindlessly scrolls through bite-sized bits of content. However, due to the viewer’s ability to engage with short-form video content, it is undeniable that TikTok is also a platform from which users gain information; whether this means following a viral dance tutorial or learning how to fold a fitted sheet, TikTok houses millions of videos that serve as instructional tutorials that provides tips or how-tos for its over one billion active users. 

That TikTok might be considered a learning tool also has implications for educational contexts. Recent research has revealed that watching or even creating TikToks in classrooms can aid learning objectives, particularly relating to language acquisition or narrative writing skills. In this post, I discuss  the conventions of and consequences for TikToks that discuss college writing. Because of the popularity of videos that spotlight “how-tos” or “day in the life” style content, looking at essay or college writing TikTok can be a helpful tool for understanding some larger trends and student perceptions of writing. Due to the instructional nature of TikToks and the ways that students might be using the app for advice, these videos can be viewed as parallel or ancillary to the advice that a Writing Center tutor might provide.

pull quote reads, "There is a ready audience for content that purports to assist writers in meeting the deliverables of a writing assignment using a path of least resistance."

A search for common hashtags including the words “essay,” “college writing,” or “essay writing hack” yields hundreds of videos that pertain to writing at the college level. Although there is a large variety in content due to the sheer amount of content, this post focuses on two genres of videos as they represent a large portion of what is shared: first, videos that provide tips or how-tos for certain AI tools or assignment genres and second, videos that invite the viewer to accompany the creator as they write a paper under a deadline. Shared themes include attempts to establish peer connections and comfort viewers who procrastinate while writing, a focus on writing speed and concrete deliverables (page count, word limit, or hours to write), and an emphasis on digital tools or AI software (especially that which is marked as “not cheating”). Not only does a closer examination into these videos help us meet writers where they are more precisely, but it also draws writing center workers’ attention to lesser known digital tools or “hacks” that students are using for their assignments.

“How to write” Videos

Videos in the “how to” style are instructional and advice-dispensing in tone. Often, the creator utilizes a digital writing aid or provides a set of writing tips or steps to follow. Whether these videos spotlight assistive technologies that use AI, helpful websites, or suggestions for specific forms of writing, they often position writing as a roadblock or adversary. Videos of this nature attempt to reach viewers by promising to make writing easier, more approachable, or just faster when working under a tight deadline; they almost always assume the writer in question has left their writing task to the last possible moment. It’s not surprising then that the most widely shared examples of this form of content are videos with titles like “How to speed-write long papers” or “How to make any essay longer” (this one has 32 million views). It is evident that this type of content attempts to target students who suffer from writing-related anxiety or who tend to procrastinate while writing.

Sharing “hacks” online is a common practice that manifests in many corners of TikTok where content creators demonstrate an easier or more efficient way of achieving a task (such as loading a dishwasher) or obtaining a result (such as finding affordable airline tickets). The same principle applies to #essay TikTok, where writing advice is often framed as a “hack” for writing faster papers, longer papers, or papers more likely to result in an A. This content uses a familiar titling convention: How to write X (where X might be a specific genre like a literature review, or just an amount of pages or words); How to write X in X amount of time; and How to write X using this software or AI program. The amount of time is always tantalizingly brief, as two examples—“How to write a 5 page essay in 2 mins” and “How to write an essay in five minutes!! NO PLAGIARISM!!”—attest to. While some of these are silly or no longer useful methods of getting around assignment parameters, they introduce viewers to helpful research and writing aids and sometimes even spotlight Writing Center best practices. For instance, a video by creator @kaylacp called “Research Paper Hack” shows viewers how to use a program called PowerNotes to organize and code sources; a video by @patches has almost seven million views and demonstrates using an AI bot to both grade her paper and provide substantive feedback. Taken as a whole, this subsect of TikTok underscores that there is a ready audience for content that purports to assist writers in meeting the deliverables of a writing assignment using a path of least resistance.

Black background with white text that reads “How to Make AI Essay Sound Like You…”

Similarly, TikTok contains myriad videos that position the creator as a sort of expert in college writing and dispense tips for improving academic writing and style. These videos are often created by upperclassmen who claim to frequently receive As on essays and tend to use persuasive language in the style of an infomercial, such as “How to write a college paper like a pro,” “How to write research papers more efficiently in 5 easy steps!” or “College students, if you’re not using this feature, you’re wasting your time.” The focus in these videos is even more explicit than those mentioned above, as college students are addressed in the titles and captions directly. This is significant  because it prompts users to engage with this content as they might with a Writing Center tutor or tutoring more generally. These videos are sites where students are learning how to write more efficiently but also learning how their college peers view and treat the writing process. 

The “how to write” videos share several common themes, most prevalent of which is an emphasis on concrete deliverables—you will be able to produce this many pages in this many minutes. They also share a tendency to introduce or spotlight different digital tools and assistive technologies that make writing more expedient; although several videos reference or demonstrate how to use ChatGPT or OpenAI, most creators attempt to show viewers less widely discussed platforms and programs. As parallel forms of writing instruction, these how-tos tend to focus on quantity over quality and writing-as-product. However, they also showcase ways that AI can be helpful and generative for writers at all stages. Most notably they direct our attention to the fact that student writers consistently encounter writing- and essay- related content while scrolling TikTok.

Write “with me” Videos

Just as the how-to style videos target writers who view writing negatively and may have a habit of procrastinating writing assignments, write “with me” videos invite the viewer to join the creator as they work. These videos almost always include a variation of the phrase— “Write a 5- page case analysis w/ me” or “pull an all nighter with me while I write a 10- page essay.” One of the functions of this convention is to establish a peer-to-peer connection with the viewer, as they are brought along while the creator writes, experiences writer’s block, takes breaks, but ultimately completes their assignment in time. Similarly to the videos discussed above, these “with me” videos also center on writing under a deadline and thus emphasize the more concrete deliverables of their assignments. As such, the writing process is often made less visible in favor of frequent cuts and timestamps that show the progression toward a page or word count goal.

young white man sitting at a computer with a filter on his face and text above hm that reads “Me writing a 500 word essay for class:”

One of the most common effects of “with me” videos is to assure the viewer that procrastinating writing is part and parcel of the college experience. As the content creators grapple with and accept their own writing anxieties or deferring habits, they demonstrate for the viewer that it is possible to be both someone who struggles with writing and someone who can make progress on their papers. In this way, these videos suggest to students that they are not alone in their experiences; not only do other college students feel overwhelmed with writing or leave their papers until the day before they are due, but you can join a fellow student as they tackle the essay writing process. One popular video by @mercuryskid with over 6 million views follows them working on a 6000 word essay for which they have received several extensions, and although they don’t finish by the end of the video, their openness about the struggles they experience while writing may explain its appeal. 

Indeed, in several videos of this kind the creator centers their procrastination as a means of inviting the viewer in; often the video will include the word in the title, such as “write 2 essays due at 11:59 tonight with me because I am a chronic procrastinator” or “write the literature essay i procrastinated with me.” Because of this, establishing a peer connection with the hypothetical viewer is paramount; @itskamazing’s video in which she writes a five page paper in three hours ends with her telling the viewer, “If you’re in college, you’re doing great. Let’s just knock this semester out.” One video titled “Writing essays doesn’t need to be stressful” shows a college-aged creator explaining what tactics she uses for outlining and annotating research to make sure she feels prepared when she begins to write in earnest. Throughout, she directly hails the viewer as “you” and attempts to cultivate a sense of familiarity with the person on the other side of the screen; in some moments her advice feels like listening in on a one-sided Writing Center session.

pull quote reads, "These videos suggest to students that they are not alone in their experiences; not only do other college students feel overwhelmed with writing or leave their papers until the day before they are due, but you can join a fellow student as they tackle the essay writing process."

A second aspect of these “with me” videos is an intense focus on the specifics of a writing task. The titles of these videos usually follow a formula that invites the viewer with the writer as they write X amount in X time, paralleling the structure of how-to-write videos. The emphasis here, due to the last-minute nature of the writing contexts, is always on speed: “write a 2000- word essay with me in 4.5 hours” or “Join me as I write a 10- page essay that is due at 11:59pm.” Since these videos often need to cover large swaths of time during which the creator is working, there are several jumps forward in time, sped up footage, and text stamps or zoom-ins that update the viewer on how many pages or words the writer has completed since the last update. Overall, this brand of content demonstrates how product-focused writers become when large amounts of writing are completed in a single setting. However, it also makes this experience seem more manageable to viewers, as we frequently see writers in videos take naps and breaks during these high-stakes writing sessions. Furthermore, although the writers complain and appear stressed throughout, these videos tend to close with the writer submitting their papers and celebrating their achievement.

Although these videos may send mixed messages to college students using TikTok who experience struggles with writing productivity, they can be helpful for viewers as they demonstrate the shared nature of these struggles and concerns. Despite the overarching emphasis on the finished product, the documentary-style of this content shows how writing can be a fraught process. For tutors or those removed from the experience of being in college, these videos also illuminate some of the reasons students procrastinate writing; we see creators juggling part-time jobs, other due dates, and family obligations. This genre of TikToks shows the power that social media platforms have due to the way they can amplify the shared experience of students.

pull quote reads, "@itskamazing’s video . . . ends with her telling the viewer, 'If you’re in college, you’re doing great. Let’s just knock this semester out.'"

To conclude, I gesture toward a few of the takeaways that #essay and #collegewriting TikTok might provide for those who work in Writing Centers, especially those who frequently encounter students who struggle with procrastination. First, because TikTok is a video-sharing platform, the content often shows a mixture of writing process and product. Despite a heavy emphasis in these videos on the finished product that a writer turns in to be graded, several videos necessarily also reveal the steps that go into writing, even marathon sessions the night before a paper is due. We primarily see forward progress but we also see false starts and deletions; we mostly see the writer once they have completed pre-writing tasks but we also see analyzing a prompt, outlining, and brainstorming. Additionally, this genre of TikTok is instructive in that it shows how often students wait until before a paper is due to begin and just how many writers are working solely to meet a deadline or deliverable. While as Writing Center workers we cannot do much to shift this mindset, we can make a more considerable effort to focus on time management and executive functioning skills in our sessions. Separating the essay writing process into manageable chunks or steps appears to be a skill that college students are already seeking to develop independently when they engage on social media, and Writing Centers are equipped to help students refine these habits. Finally, it is worth considering the potential for university Writing Center TikTok accounts. A brief survey of videos created by Writing Center staff reveals that they draw on similar themes and tend to emphasize product and deliverables—for example, a video titled “a passing essay grade” that shows someone going into the center and receiving an A+ on a paper. Instead, these accounts could create a space for Writing Centers to actively contribute to the discourse on college writing that currently occupies the app and create content that parallels a specific Writing Center or campus’s values.

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Holly Berkowitz is the Coordinator of the Writing and Communication Center at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She recently received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she also worked at the UW-Madison Writing Center. Although she does not post her own content, she is an avid consumer of TikTok videos.

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How the AI Revolutionized the Essay Writing Experience on TikTok

Discover the astonishing ways in which AI has revolutionized essay writing on TikTok - you won't believe it!

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Table of Contents

Unveiling ai essay writers on tiktok, the tiktok magic: why ai essay writers are going viral, impact on writing skills and learning, ethical considerations and academic integrity, the future of ai essay writers and tiktok.


TikTok - the viral video-sharing platform that has taken the world by storm. From dance challenges to cooking tutorials, TikTok provides endless entertainment and the opportunity for creators to showcase their talents. However, in recent times, a new trend has emerged - AI essay writers on TikTok. In this blog, we will explore the intriguing fusion of artificial intelligence and the TikTok platform, focusing on AI essay writers and their rising popularity.

With the advancement of technology, AI-driven essay writing platforms have come into existence, offering a convenient and speedy solution for those seeking assistance with their essays. Companies like have developed powerful AI algorithms, like AI GPT-3, capable of generating high-quality essays on various topics. These tools have revolutionized the essay writing experience, making it easier than ever before to produce well-written and structured content.

The unique format of TikTok has allowed AI essay writers to gain widespread popularity. These AI-generated essay writing videos often take the form of short, engaging clips that provide tips, tricks, and writing hacks. TikTok's algorithm, which prioritizes viral and shareable content, facilitates the rapid spread of these AI-generated videos, captivating students and educators alike.

"Unlock your writing potential and ride the wave of AI revolution with TikTok! ???? Discover how #AI can transform your essay writing experience, revolutionizing the way you express yourself. Explore the art of words at #EssayWriting #Inspiration"

There is a valid concern that the increased reliance on AI essay writers may hinder the development of students' writing skills. However, proponents argue that these AI tools are meant to serve as educational resources, aiding students in improving their writing efficiency. They emphasize that critical thinking and creativity should still remain the core focus of writing, with AI tools acting as supplements rather than replacements.

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Image courtesy of via Google Images

The utilization of AI essay writers also raises ethical concerns, particularly regarding potential plagiarism issues. TikTok, being a massive platform, holds a great responsibility in regulating and monitoring AI-generated essay writing content to uphold academic integrity. Moreover, educators and institutions must actively address the ethical challenges posed by AI essay writers, ensuring that students are aware of the ethical implications and consequences of relying solely on AI-generated content.

The AI revolution is constantly evolving, and its influence on the TikTok platform is an exciting aspect to explore. As AI essay writers continue to gain popularity, we can speculate that they might inspire new forms of educational content creation on TikTok. The fusion of AI and TikTok provides an opportunity to transform the way educational content is delivered, making learning more accessible and engaging for students worldwide.

infographics image

The presence of AI essay writers on TikTok showcases the incredible potential technology holds for transforming the educational landscape. While there are concerns regarding the impact on writing skills and academic integrity, a balanced approach towards integrating AI tools can ensure that they enhance rather than detract from the learning process. With companies like leading the way in AI content generation, it is clear that there are immense benefits to be gained from responsibly harnessing AI technology.

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How to use TikTok as a Writer: An Introduction

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#WriterTok and #BookTok have absolutely exploded on TikTok. There are many tens of thousands of TikTok creators making videos around writing and reading.

If you haven’t used TikTok before, it’s going to feel like landing on another planet. It’s quite different to other social media platforms. It’s fast-paced and confusing at first, but stick with it. The more videos you watch, the more the algorithm works out what you like and the better the content you are served becomes. 

TikTok calls itself an ‘entertainment platform’, rather than a social media platform like Instagram that shares a similar visual space. In fact, according to TikTok, people are now spending more time watching TikTok videos than they are watching Netflix. 

TikTok, by nature, is a storytelling platform . The videos that do the best on TikTok tell a story and make the viewer engaged either through drama, comedy, or bewilderment.

The beauty of TikTok is that with very few followers content can go viral. You can have 15 followers but get 20,000 views on a video. It’s like a gamble. And the possibility of going viral becomes quite addictive!

Where to start on TikTok?

Explore #booktok.

Jump into #BookTok – a specific hashtag on TikTok that book lover creators use. Search #BookTok using the discover tool in TikTok to see the most popular video content by readers from around the world. They create engaging videos reviewing their favourite books, showing off their colour-coded bookshelves or how they keep notes while reading. Posting videos about your favourite books or TBR (to be read) pile is a great way to ease yourself into the platform.

Tiktok for writers

Explore #WriterTok

Discover #WriterTok by exploring the hashtag. Writers are posting videos about their excitement about getting published, their writing process, tips for other authors, as well as creating intriguing videos based on the storyline of their novel.

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Like , comment and build a community

The best piece of advice I got when I started on TikTok was to build a community. You have to tell the algorithm where you want your content to be spread. So start liking and commenting on other writers and bookish people’s content. This way you are telling TikTok these are the kind of people you want to reach!

I’m an introvert. What content should I make?

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So the best part of TikTok – and what will help your content to do well – is the trending sounds. Use a trending sound and then put your own spin on it. A trending sound could be a piece of music or it could be a voiceover of someone speaking that helps you connect with an audience. I used a trending sound for a reader follow party and went from 348 to 1000 followers in 4 days! You simply click on the music icon down the bottom (see image) – hit ‘use this sound’ – and then create your video!

The trending sounds help to build a community and it becomes a kind of conversation. In many ways, TikTok is a derivative platform – eg. someone sees what they like, copies it and puts their own take on it. In that way, we see lots of different videos using the same sound but done differently – which becomes interesting in itself.

TikTok video basics

Create a profile an d add your bio . Choose a piece of music and record a video in the TikTok app. Edit your clip and adjust the timing, add filters, text or record a voiceover. Don’t forget to write a caption and add some hashtags. Good hashtags for writers are: #writertok #authortok #booktok #indieauthor #indiewriter 

@rowenawisemanauthor Thx @authorjdhollyfield for so many new book friends #booktok #followparty #readerfollowparty #readersoftiktok #authorsoftiktok #books #10kbooktok ♬ original sound – Author JD Hollyfield

When you have enough followers, TikTok will allow you to put a website link in your profile. You can either link this to your website or use a platform like to create multiple links to your published books, Goodreads profile and other social media platforms.

Once you reach 1000 followers try to go live as this really boosts the reach on your videos. Also, try not to delete any videos you have published, as this can disrupt the algorithm and your views may plummet. So make sure you are happy with anything you post before you post it.

Have fun. Don’t think too much about the views and follows. If you’re having fun, then your viewers will too!

Here’s a few great #writertok accounts to follow to start giving you inspiration:

@victoriaaveyard   @christi.steyn (poetry)   @magotwood   @writingcoach   @jesss.david   @reverseharemauthor   and @outofprint if you want to follow me 🙂

And finally, TikTok is all about emotion. Here’s a good one to feel the big feels!

@jesss.david Bringing this video, new audio 📖 #publishedauthor #dreamcometrue #booktok #yabooks #smutbooks #nabooks #books #sjmaas #achievement ♬ still falling for you – audiobear

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Using TikTok for Your Academic Papers? Make Sure to Consult Other Sources

Information on TikTok is more interactive than what you find from a Google search. But ensuring the accuracy of that information is crucial to using TikTok to support your studies.

Two international students browsing TikTok together

Currently, more than 50% of four-year college students in the United States use TikTok videos for help with their homework. Students responding to the survey noted they use TikTok mostly for help with math, English, and art (compared to other subjects). More than 34% of the survey’s respondents said they also used the platform to help complete their college application essays .

TikTok has become the go-to search engine for Gen Z. The content is interactive and, as a result, often more engaging than traditional web articles. For many students, this makes what they learn on TikTok stick more than, say, reading from a textbook with outdated stock images.

However, while there is space for TikTok in academia, it should not be the only source — or even the first source — you turn to for research. Here are some tips on how to use TikTok for academics in ways that support (instead of skewing) your learning.

Viral TikTok Videos as One Part of the Research Process

Like Wikipedia, TikTok makes it easier to find information. But while Wikipedia articles often cite sources, TikTok creators are not in the habit of including references.

That means it is on you to fact-check the information you find on TikTok to ensure its accuracy. This can be tricky, as TikTok is designed to keep you consuming content on the platform. You need to leave TikTok and consult other sources — a key part of the research process.

Viral TikTok videos can certainly be one part of your research process. For example, you may use TikTok as your first step in the process to get more information about a particular topic. Watching videos on TikTok may give you context for which additional questions to ask and the information you need to fact-check via other means, whether that is using a traditional search engine and consulting articles on Google or visiting the library.

The number of likes or views on a video or the number of followers a creator has is not an indicator of trustworthiness. Misinformation and disinformation are rampant across social media, including TikTok. Part of your job as a student is to gain the skills needed to analyze a source and verify information with other sources.

You also need to know what your professors expect and understand your university’s policies.  There continue to be privacy concerns around the use of the app within the United States. In fact, Dr. Casey Fiesler, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, has discussed the topic on her TikTok channel.

Some universities, including Auburn University and the University of Mississippi, among others, have banned access to the app on their networks. You can still, of course, access the app on campus, but not via on-campus Wi-Fi.

Expanding Your TikTok Videos Search

The TikTok algorithm is wildly effective — if you like being shown more of the same type of content that you want to see. Videos are curated to your interests and, very quickly, it knows exactly what you like.

While that makes for a seemingly great user experience, it also means you are only seeing the world through a very small frame. Take a step back, and there is an entire world you are missing. 

While the TikTok creator community is diverse, it does not mean that the videos you are served are diverse.

Scott Helfgott, vice president of academic affairs at Shorelight, recommends searching for opposing views to see what comes up. There are multiple perspectives to any event, and Helfgott encourages students to gather as many perspectives as they can.

This ensures that you are exposed to different cultures, perspectives, and experiences you might not see if you do not break out of the algorithm and what the algorithm is programmed to show you.

“You cannot rely on one TikTok video as a source of truth,” he says. “The video appears on your page because the algorithm knows you want to see specific content based on your history. There is another side of it.”

Understanding TikTok’s limitations and potential pitfalls will help you know when it is appropriate to use TikTok for academic purposes and when it is not. “Do your research before you accept what a person is telling you as truth — you do not know if the source is qualified,” stresses Helfgott. 

According to a recent survey , 65% of students believe the information on TikTok is “somewhat” accurate, while 17% believe it is “very accurate.”

Knowing whether the information is accurate or not will not come from research on the platform. It requires getting off TikTok and verifying the facts: go to the person’s LinkedIn profile, verify their bio, and confirm that this is a real person who is qualified to speak on the topic. 

When Is it Appropriate to Cite TikTok Videos? 

You may have certain classes where it is appropriate to use and cite TikTok videos as part of your assignment.

Ask your professors whether it is appropriate to use both traditional and new sources. “I have not heard of many professors accepting TikTok in isolation, without another source,” shares Helfgott. “It is up to the professor to decide whether they accept TikTok as a source, and this is evolving all the time.”

Helfgott recommends using TikTok to help develop writing and research skills, but not necessarily citing TikTok videos as a source unless doing so is appropriate for your assignment. “There typically needs to be something that you cite in addition to the TikTok video,” he says.

For example, a marketing course may have you look at how businesses are using TikTok to reach their customers. Are they connecting with their target audience? Are they selling too much in a way that turns their audience off? You can evaluate whether their TikTok advertising efforts are effective or not.

Writing courses, particularly courses like writing for the web or humor writing, may also have you spending time on TikTok for class. Part of the appeal of TikTok — and why some videos do so well — is because it is far more entertaining than content on other mediums. 

Screenwriting and film courses may have you practicing writing scripts for TikTok videos. How can you tell a story in just a few seconds? (The sweet spot for TikTok videos is currently between 15 and 60 seconds .) Can you keep people engaged for a 10-minute story (the longest length currently allowed on TikTok)?

Even when it is appropriate to use TikTok videos for research, Helfgott stresses the importance of fact-checking. He points out that as artificial intelligence continues to improve, almost everything can be fake. Helfgott mentioned a video that combined footage of US President Biden with a completely fake speech that he never made. The video matched the speech to his mouth movements in a way that was hard to tell whether it was fake.

“With any research, including TikTok, you need to go to a lot of sources,” Helfgott explains. “You cannot rely on one individual or one type of source. You need multiple sources, multiple perspectives.”

If you are using TikTok as part of a course, you need to know how to cite the source and give credit to the creator. Both the Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA) have updated their style guides to include a format for citing TikTok.

Using TikTok to Support Your Learning

Rather than being a source you cite for classwork, TikTok instead can be a great way to supplement your learning. It combines visuals, audio, and text all in one place. And you may even find your professors are sharing content on the platform, too!

You can find videos on how to manage your time, how to write different types of essays, how to write a thesis statement, and more. It can be a great way to refresh what you learned in class. There are also videos that dig into specific math problems and English-language nuances.

For example, Andrea Holm has a master’s in technology in education and has spent years as an English teacher and English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher. Her videos offer bite-sized tips on one specific element of the English language, such as explaining the word “the” and how to use it.

For math, there are channels like Free GCSE Maths Teacher that break down algebra problems and other math concepts into quick videos, such as solving algebraic fractions . Watching how a problem is broken down step-by-step can be a great way to reinforce math concepts you are learning in the classroom.

There are even celebrity academics on TikTok, like Neil deGrasse Tyson who explains concepts like energy and how stars are born on his channel.

Helfgott also points out that you can use TikTok to find out about certain classes and majors, too. For example, you can search things like “What does a data analytics major do” and find videos on data analytics. You can also use it to find opportunities for things like summer internships or top firms for internships in a particular location. 

When to Move from TikTok to In-Person Support

While TikTok can help offer quick tips that help you improve study habits, time management, and productivity, you can also receive that same support in person. 

In-person support gives you a deeper, more comprehensive experience for improving study habits or getting the academic support you need. Plus, programs are tailored to your specific needs so you can ensure you are getting the right support. 

Helfgott urges students to take advantage of professors’ office hours. Office hours are designed to give you answers to questions or additional help, whether you run out of time in class or feel more comfortable talking with your professor one-on-one.

Similarly, Stanford professor Tom Mullaney, who posts on TikTok as firstgenprofessor , regularly shares videos about navigating college courses and campus life overall — reinforcing the idea that while it’s great to begin on screen, nothing compares to in-person connections. 

On TikTok, you can certainly find tons of videos on topics like resume writing and elevator pitches. That is a great way to get information before you take a first pass at writing your own resume, cover letter , and more. But you can also get one-on-one support on these materials. Experts can review your resume, help you with interview practice questions, and offer networking tips so that you are putting your best foot forward. (Shorelight’s career development services do just that, with resume and interview preparation help, assistance with internship and job searches, and more.)

Advisors can also help you navigate course selection and connect you with on-campus resources that can further support you. For example, Shorelight’s Accelerator programs offer both academic support and career development services . You can get English-language support , along with tutoring and mentoring. 

Whichever university you decide to attend in the US will also have tutoring centers for writing, math, and languages. These centers can give you the one-on-one support you need from both experts and peer mentors who can help you review specific math problems or work with you on key elements of essay writing , for example.

Career centers are another great resource. Here, you can have confidence in the counselors’ credentials, Helfgott points out. These professionals have a master’s degree and are qualified to support your career search. “You can interact with them personally and build a relationship,” says Helfgott. “That is not going to happen when you are watching three- to five-minute videos from a stranger who may be unqualified to give advice.”

The advantage of working with experts on campus is that the university has vetted the person who is working with you.

Lastly, Helfgott offers one additional word of caution: “You may start on TikTok for academic reasons, but then you might go down a rabbit hole of non-academic content a few minutes later.” Set a timer for yourself so, if you find yourself watching cat videos, you can get back on track.

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Essay Rewriter Tool for Students

The Essay Rewriter tool is easy to use. Follow these steps to obtain a perfectly paraphrased text.

  • Copy the original that you need to rewrite.
  • Paste it into the tool, checking if the text length doesn’t exceed the limit.
  • Select the required paraphrasing rate.
  • Press the “Rewrite” button.
  • Copy the result for further use.

Wondering how to avoid plagiarism in a paper or article? You are welcome to use the essay rewriter tool above. It was designed for academic purposes. Easily paraphrase texts in no time!

  • ✅ The Benefits of the Tool
  • ✍️ Avoiding Plagiarism with a Rewriter

🆚 Quoting vs. Rewriting vs. Plagiarism

🔗 references, ✅ essay rewriter: 5 key benefits.

  • It helps to avoid plagiarism. Not all plagiarism happens intendedly. Essay Rewriter eliminates the human factor in paraphrasing. It provides you with a text that contains a preset quantity of original words.
  • It is specially designed for students. The rephrasing is neither too academic nor conversational. The style of the resulting text perfectly fits all educational requirements.
  • It is simple to use. It would be strange to waste your time exploring a tool that should save it. Essay Rewriter is intuitively clear. You can open the web page and use it straight away.
  • It has an adjustable percentage of paraphrased words. Sometimes you need to preserve some part of the original. Try various rates to choose the best result.
  • It is equally functional on computers and mobile devices. You can use the tool at home or college from your smartphone. All the features will be available in the mobile version.

✍️ Rewriter Tool: An Easy Way to Avoid Plagiarism

Want to know when rewriting means plagiarizing?

It is easy.

When you use someone else’s intellectual property, pretending it’s your own, you plagiarize. When you reword a text that another person wrote without referencing the original, it is plagiarism.

Unfortunately, even if you unwillingly copy someone’s text, it is also punishable . The consequences range from lowered marks and reprimanding to expulsion from the educational institution or research community. Nobody likes plagiarizers. People perceive them as thieves.

Still, every researcher resorts to paraphrasing. What is the recipe for the balance between rewriting and plagiarism? The short answer is, always mention the original . There are more nuances, like retelling the text with your own words rather than using synonyms here and there. But whichever method or app you use, give credit to the author.

When you wish to use someone else’s words as a part of your writing, you insert a quote . In this case, you are supposed to enclose the phrase or sentence in quotation marks to signal that you are quoting. After that, include a citation with page number and author’s name.

When should you quote?

There is a general rule that if more than four words in a row match the source, you should enclose them in quotation marks.

But if the sentence or paragraph you wish to use is too long, it is better to paraphrase it. In such a case, quotation marks are unnecessary. Still, paraphrases also require citations at the end of the rewritten text and in the list of references. Make sure to modify the words and their order to avoid plagiarism.

You can consult the examples of quoting, rewriting, and plagiarism examples below. Compare them to find out the difference and never have problems using someone else’s text in your research article or essay.

Quoting: Example

The quote from a book by Oliver Sacks below contains quotation marks and a reference to the original according to APA citation style.

“The scientific study of the relationship between brain and mind began in 1861, when Broca, in France, found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech, aphasia, consistently followed damage to a particular portion of the left hemisphere of the brain. This opened the way to cerebral neurology, which made it possible, over the decades, to ‘map’ the human brain, ascribing specific powers — linguistic, intellectual, perceptual, etc. — to equally specific ‘centers’ in the brain. Toward the end of the century it became evident to more acute observers that this sort of mapping was too simple, that all mental performances had an intricate internal structure, and must have an equally complex physiological basis.” (Sacks, 1998, p. 5)

Rewriting: Example

The rewriting sample below contains all the essential features. All the grammatical structures of the sentences have been modified. Most words have been replaced with synonyms, and most importantly, it contains a reference to the original . You can use this example as a good one.

In “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat: And Other Clinical Tales,” Sacks (1998) describes the beginning of the research on brain and mind. In particular, Broca was the first to discover the relationship between aphasia and the damaged section of the left hemisphere. This finding started a breakthrough in cerebral neurology. In some decades, people described the brain’s structure with respect to its functions and the centers responsible for them. Later, researchers found that this approach overly simplified mental processes. On the contrary, the human brain has a complicated psychological structure, and its functioning is much more intricate.

Plagiarism: Example

This plagiarism sample does not change the sentence structure and frequently uses the same word order. Deleting the subordinate parts of sentences and changing some words with synonyms does not suffice for a good rewriting. Plagiarism checkers will recognize this passage as the original . But if your poor rewriting is revealed, you will be punished. Its main drawback is the absence of credit to the original.

The study of the brain and mind began in 1861 when Broca found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech usually followed damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. This gave impetus to the development of cerebral neurology, which made it possible to ‘map’ the human brain. Scientists ascribed specific powers — intellectual, linguistic, perceptual, etc. — to some particular areas in the brain. At the end of the century, it became evident that such mapping was too simple. Therefore, all mental activities had a complicated internal structure, and they must have an equally intricate physiological basis.

Hope the tips and examples above are useful for you. By the way, summarizing the sources you use is another way to avoid plagiarism – in case you mention the author, of course. If you need to summarize anything, use our free tool !

❓ Essay Rewriter Tool: FAQ

Rewrite means paraphrasing the original writing to obtain a new text. The level of plagiarism defines the quality of rewriting, i.e., the lower, the better. Currently, there are hundreds of free online rewriting tools, including Essay Rewriter, that can transform any text into an original with zero plagiarism.

  • Read the source, making notes of the essentials.
  • Start each sentence from a different point, as compared to the original.
  • Rewrite only the most significant parts, leaving out the less critical ones.
  • Skip all the previous issues and automatize the process with Essay Rewriter.

Essay Rewriter is the best online tool to rewrite an article. It allows choosing the paraphrasing level, depending on your needs. The entire process requires a couple of clicks. Its primary benefit is that it is absolutely free and simple to use.

Article rewriting is legal as long as you include a proper reference to the source and paraphrase it sufficiently to look original. Otherwise, the copyright holder may reveal your infringement. It can entail legal, financial, or reputational consequences. But the use of shared knowledge does not require any credit to the original. For example, the names of capitals, presidents, or nationalities are common knowledge.

Updated: Jun 28th, 2024

  • 6 Ways to Rewrite Someone Else's Short Story - wikiHow
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism: 5 Easy Methods | Grammarly
  • Plagiarism | University of Oxford
  • Quoting and Paraphrasing - UW-Madison Writing Center
  • Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words - Purdue OWL
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Need to rephrase your text without wasting much time on the task? IvyPanda's free essay rewriter tool will make paraphrasing much quicker and easier. Just paste your text, choose the paraphrasing rate, and get a unique result within a few seconds!

  • Book Marketing

Ultimate TikTok Guide for Authors

Ultimate TikTok Guide for Authors

Clearly, social media has reshaped and influenced how we communicate and interact. Information, whether personal or public, has become so conveniently shared online through different social media platforms.

It is a widely adopted tool insofar as communication is concerned, and it is hardly surprising that social media has blown to become one of the major marketing channels.

As a writer, you can use social media to reach as many potential readers as possible and create a fan base for your work.

One particular social media platform that has taken the world by storm is TikTok. This platform has gained popularity during the 2020 pandemic, and it is now one of the most popular social media platforms in the world.

What is TikTok though? What makes it unique? How will you use TikTok to expand your influence as a writer? This article is meant to answer these key questions.

Here is the ultimate TikTok guide for authors.

How do writers use tiktok.

TikTok is a video-sharing-focused social networking service owned by a multinational tech company, ByteDance. It was first released in 2016 but only managed to gain popularity around 2020.

As a writer, it might seem strange to use TikTok in book marketing. However, the platform hosts a variety of short videos with a genre that spans from dance to education. It is a very potent channel to put forward and promote your work.

TikTok is a fun and vibrant platform that is geared towards what is hip and new, whose users are predominantly a younger demographic. Recently, older users have also been getting into the TikTok craze.

As a writer, the challenge is making a rapport with your potential readers. Take the time to identify your target market. This will make it easier to curate your TikTok content according to their tastes.

book marketing banner

Strategy for authors

It is rather commonplace that popularity and competition are closely associated. Literally, millions of TikTok users are posting content on a daily basis. If you want your own content to do well, you should have a set strategy.

If you are going to create video content for TikTok, you should make sure that your content is as interesting as possible. Even if your content is informative but it is not fun or eye-catching, it won't really do well in TikTok.

Remember that you have only a few minutes at most to catch your viewers' attention. If your video does not get their attention within that time, then your potential viewers will just move on to another video.

The best thing about TikTok is that there is a myriad of subjects that you could make content for.

Here are some tips for marketing your book through TikTok.

• Do a quick video about your book cover

Your book cover is one of the first things that your potential readers will see of your book. Take a short video of your book cover. Show off the art being used on your book cover.

• Read excerpts from your book

You could also post a short video of you reading excerpts from your book. This will give potential readers a sample of your writing style. You could also add captions and graphics to the video to make it more visually pleasing.

• Use trending songs in your content

Take the time to check what songs or sounds are trending in TikTok. Check how many videos used these songs or sounds. If they have thousands of users, then you should use them. Just make sure that using this song or sound does not break any copyrighted songs.

• Use trends to your advantage

If you take a look at other writers' TikTok videos, you would see some of them using trends in their videos. Check the current trends and try to incorporate them into your videos as well. It could be a new dance move or challenge. What's important is that you could effectively use them in your content, which should relate to your book.

• Give Out Book Recommendations

One of the best ways you could use TikTok as a writer is by giving out book recommendations. Remember that many book lovers usually look to TikTok for book recommendations, and you will be providing them a service with your recommendations.

How writers on TikTok can make money

While your first reason for uploading content through TikTok is to create a following for your work as a writer, you could in fact also make money through your TikTok channel as well.

Why do you think there are so many TikTok stars out there? They are posting content because it earns them money, and so could you. Here are some tips on how to make money as a writer, through TikTok.

• TikTok Ads

One way you could make money through TikTok is through ads. Some companies will pay a good amount of money if you mention their products in your videos.

• Creator Fund

When it comes to getting money for your TikTok account, one of the most efficient is the Creator Fund feature . Through the Creator Fund, you will be rewarded in monetary form for your content. The main condition is that your content gets as much viewer engagement as possible.

• TikTok could act as an online store

You could post examples of your work through TikTok. You could put the payment and delivery details in your video's captions.

How to Create an account

If you are serious about using TikTok as a platform for your work, you should know how to make an account. It is relatively easy and fast. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a TikTok account.

• Download the app

The TikTok app is free and very easy to download. Just go to your preferred app store and click download. It usually does not take too long to download. Once you have finished downloading it, open the app and sign up.

Signing up is a very fast and efficient process. Just give them core details such as your full name, e-mail address, and other online addresses you are using.

• Edit your profile

Once you have finished signing up, it is now time to edit your profile. When you edit your profile, you should make sure that you design it with your branding in mind.

• Test-film your first video

After you finish editing your profile, you should now test-film your first video. While you make your first video, you should take the time to check all the features that TikTok offers. With these features, you will be able to create a video that meets your standards.

• Upload the video

Once you feel that your video is ready, you could upload your video. It is easy to upload, and you could schedule when your video will be posted.

• Connect with other users

One of the best things about TikTok is that the more you engage with other TikTok users, the wider reach you will have. You could share another user's video through your account. You could also direct message other users to give them your well-wishes or if you want to collaborate with them.

TikTok hashtags for authors

If you are going to use TikTok as an author, it is important that you know how to use hashtags. Like any other social media tool, hashtags are capable of giving your videos as much visibility as possible. This will also make your content a lot easier to find and amplify the reach of your content.

Using hashtags is relatively simple. All you need to do is to type the hashtag symbol (#) and add a keyword that could lead potential viewers to your video. If you want to make your hashtags more efficient, you could also use hashtag generators.

#authors #author #books #writers #bookstagram #writing #writer #book #authorlife #writingcommunity #writerslife #amwriting  

Authors on TikTok

While TikTok might not be a likely platform for writers, a good number of authors have used TikTok and are doing quite well. Here are some great TikTok author accounts that you could use as inspiration.

• John Green @literallyjohngreen .

John Green is already established as an author and has written a bevy of best-selling works such as Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska. His videos are quirky and fun and give insights into his life as an author.

• Great Valley High School Library @gvhslibrary

The account was founded and run by the school's librarian Ms. B. Here, the videos are fun, informative, and show a unique perspective on the literary world that an experienced librarian could bring.

• Cait's books @caitsbooks .

This popular TikTok account is run by a long-time book lover known as Cait. She gives out detailed and fun book recommendations for bibliophiles all over the world.

How Could Writers on TikTok Boost Their Careers?

If you want to boost your writing career through TikTok, it is best that you find a hook. A good number of authors have made an impact in TikTok. You should remember, though, that these writers are usually established and already have a following.

If you are just starting out as a writer, it could be a bit difficult to create a rapport with your potential fan base. Take the time to think up a core concept for all your videos.

You could create a character or alter ego. It could be a bibliophile or a quirky book lover. Your character could be practically anything. What's important is that your core ideas will get your videos noticed.

How often you should post on TikTok?

If you want your TikTok videos to do well, it is important that you have a set schedule for all your posts on TikTok. The main question though is how often should you post on TikTok? There is no set number of times that you should post on TikTok.

Take the time to experiment on how many times you should post. Post videos at different intervals. In one week, you could post videos just once. In another week, you could post three times.

Observe the amount of engagement that your videos got. Which posting times got more engagement? By doing so, you will be able to gauge how many times you should post.

In the past few years, TikTok has become one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world. It gained full steam during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and now, a multitude of people is using it to create fun and original content.

As a writer, you could also use TikTok to spread the word about your work and enhance your influence. With these tips, you could use TikTok in the most efficient way possible.

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3 Key Strategies to Ground Yourself When You Start Questioning Your 'Why' Change is certain. But if your "why" changes, you can feel off balance. Here are three strategies to help you get grounded.

By Nancy Solari Edited by Kara McIntyre Aug 20, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Regularly redefine your vision of success to ensure it aligns with your core values and life changes.
  • Network with diverse individuals who can challenge your business approach and offer transformative insights.
  • Adopt a "nothing is sacred" mindset to remain open to necessary changes and avoid clinging to outdated methods.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Living with regret is one of the greatest fears we all share. Even those who seem to have a careless way of navigating life are no doubt compensating for a fear of living in conformity. But what do you do when the way you approach business — or even your identity as a business leader — shifts so much that you lose your equilibrium?

Here are three strategies to help you keep your balance even if the core of your motivation — your "why" — changes.

Redefine your vision of success

Socrates is quoted as saying, "The unexamined life is not worth living." It's important to reevaluate your core values on a regular basis and make sure they line up with the goals you are diligently pursuing. You get to define what success looks like, so make sure you aren't following someone else's blueprint. I knew from my early years that I would not be happy crunching numbers in a cubicle or writing lengthy articles in a coffee shop. My happy place is helping people, and my job in broadcast media allows me to do that regularly.

Knowing your personality and your preferences is only half the battle, though. When life happens, you may need to alter your original vision. Having a family, for example, may mean taming the thrill-seeker or the trophy hound in you. Navigating a disability may impose limitations, but you may also need to get out of your comfort zone, overcome your fears and take the stage.

It's important to recognize when your model for success isn't working and adjust. I've learned that every business is a process, and the road to success is not always a straight line. Along the way, my team and I have found the rhythm, whether filming a television show or preparing for a keynote speech. Be willing to adjust as your experiences inform you.

Related: Why You Are So Resistant to Change — And How to Overcome It

Network with people who challenge you

Just as you don't have to build Rome in a day, you also don't have to build it yourself. Once your business is up and running, make it a habit to connect with a variety of people who can help you analyze what is working and what is not working for your company. Although you certainly can't take everyone's advice, be willing to listen to what they have to say. You may discover a key to a problem in a single conversation.

One of my biggest dreams was to become a corporate keynote speaker. I worked really hard reading everything I could on how to captivate an audience, how to build a following and so on. A media coach told me, "Nancy, you can't have it both ways," meaning that my business wasn't keynote speeches; my business was me . My uniqueness was my journey through life and business navigating vision loss . It's vital that you know what makes you stand out, but you should be ready to seize that bit of magic dust — or good advice — that will take a good idea and manifest it into a great career.

One way of encountering transformative ideas is to get out of your comfort zone and network with people who are not in your field. Tech gurus sharing their insight with creatives; management checking in with the employees on the front lines; marketing working with accounting to devise a program to track expenses — a single key concept can revolutionize the way we think about a business plan. If you're launching a new initiative, don't be afraid to run it by friends or find mentors who could help you avoid costly delays or confusion.

Related: Why Discovering Your 'Why' Is the No. 1 Business Move

Have a "nothing is sacred" attitude

We've all worked for bosses who couldn't give up tradition for more effective ways of doing business. If we're not careful, we can hold onto " sacred cows ," or particular methods of doing business rather than staying open to change.

This stubborn need for stasis can be reflected in the goals you set when you started your business. Your original dream may have been to open the biggest drive-in-only restaurant chain when you first started. But in the age of online order and delivery services, you might have to pivot.

I was a real estate agent in Los Angeles when my vision began to rapidly deteriorate. This revolutionary change meant I could no longer drive. It also meant that on the day of an open house, I had to take multiple buses across town and arrive several hours early to memorize the layout of the place. Soon, I had to admit to my clients that not only was I unable to drive, but I also might need their help navigating sunken living rooms or rough terrain.

Related: Bouncing Back After Tragedy Isn't Impossible — Three Ways I Found Meaning Again as a Legally Blind CEO.

Eventually, I had to come clean and share my disability with my clients. To my surprise, they volunteered to drive us around the neighborhood or help me gather yard signs. Your willingness to become vulnerable will inspire others to help you; it will also free people to share their own struggles. When people in business connect at this level, it is often a most productive environment because every staff member and every client feels they are being heard.

As in life, your perspective in business will shift many times, and it is important to sense the new season. When the winds change direction, you may have to find your "why" all over again. This kind of self-evaluation is an opportunity to think about where you started, how far you have come and whether your original destination is still a place you want to go.

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The FAFSA Rollout Mess Hurt Low-Income Students the Most

A close up of federal financial aid application

This story was co-published with and supported by the journalism non-profit the  Economic Hardship Reporting Project .

When I was a high school senior from a very poor family, years ago, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) represented my only chance to go to college. This year, the disastrous rollout of the new FAFSA has derailed the college plans of many low-income students, in some cases possibly killing their college dreams forever.

“Oh God, this is really bad,” Zenia Henderson, chief program officer at the National College Attainment Network , tells me as she reviews the most recent data tracking FAFSA completion rates. “These numbers are not good. And now I'm really sad.”

Just how bad has the FAFSA rollout been? FAFSA completion numbers for the high school graduating class of 2024 are down nearly 11% compared with last year. The numbers are lower across the board, but stats are especially grim for the students who need support the most. According to the National College Attainment Network, the completion rate is down nearly 13% nationwide among low-income students, due to students being unable to access or submit the form and the backlog causing delays in FAFSA processing.

In some areas, the figures are even more troubling. I live in a high-poverty area of Pennsylvania. At our district’s public high school, FAFSA completion rates are down by almost 30% this year , compared with the same time last year. Says Henderson, “The impact on low-income students, and what we know as first-generation students, it is huge.”

I grew up in poverty, and I was the first in my family to go to college. Living on my own since age 16, I had no financial support from family. This was back in the days of the paper FAFSA, when you completed the form by hand, snail-mailed it in, and waited weeks for a letter informing you what (if any) financial aid you could receive. Meanwhile, your entire future — or at least your college dreams — hung in the balance.

You no longer submit the FAFSA via snail mail, but for many students this year, the uncertainty and rising sense of anxiety and panic have likely been very similar to what I experienced.

A disastrous rollout was compounded by ongoing issues

The new FAFSA has been in the works for more than three years. In December 2020, the FAFSA Simplification Act was passed by Congress as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. Although the FAFSA for the upcoming school year has been available beginning on October 1 for the past few years, the schedule was pushed back this year due to the overhaul of the form.

After some uncertainty about the timeline, the Department of Education finally announced, in mid-December, that the new FAFSA would be available by December 31 — stressing that the initial release would be treated as a “soft launch.”

That soft launch was plagued by problems from the start. Says Ellie Bruecker, PhD, director of research at The Institute for College Access & Success , “Even when it was technically available, you had thousands and thousands of families unable to access the form at all, with the website crashing, kicking families and students out of the form when they were halfway through completing it.”

One of the first major issues affected students from “mixed-status families,” in which at least one parent is an undocumented immigrant. The FAFSA, at that time, wouldn’t allow parents to submit their information without a social security number, which is granted only to US citizens, permanent residents, and foreigners with work visas. “Those students who are legally eligible for financial aid couldn't fill out the form because of the parents' residency status,” says Bruecker.

Meanwhile, an array of other issues piled up and dragged on through spring and into summer. The Department of Education eventually announced a temporary fix for the issue affecting mixed-status families, but not until late April, and by that point “the damage may have already been done,” Justin Draeger, president & CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, said in a statement .

Delays + missed deadlines = lost opportunity

Traditionally, May 1 is known as “National College Decision Day,” or the deadline by which many colleges require acceptance students to commit and accept their offer of admission.

This year, because the FAFSA delays meant so many students still didn’t have their financial aid package as May approached, dozens of colleges and universities pushed their deadlines back to mid-May or even early June.

Students from families able and willing to pay the full cost of college could commit to a college without being held back by FAFSA issues and delays, but for many low-income families, financial aid packages are a critical part of the decision-making process.

Even with the extended deadlines at some schools, many low-income students who were still waiting on financial aid information at the start of summer eventually just ran out of time. For many, now it's too late. Says Henderson, “If they have yet to submit a FAFSA successfully, and have it processed, the chances have really dropped for them.”

In education circles, there’s a phenomenon known as “ summer melt .” This refers to high school seniors who plan to continue their education and apply or enroll at one or more schools but don’t end up attending college. Summer melt is a particular problem for students living in poverty, with some estimates putting their attrition rate at up to 40%.

Summer melt happens every year, but the FAFSA mess means the number of low-income students who fell off the academic radar since graduating this year will likely be much higher than usual, although actual numbers can’t be determined until the fall semester is underway.

Sadly, once a student is lost via summer melt, the odds of them returning to school and successfully earning a college degree significantly decrease .

Bad timing and lack of funding was a recipe for disaster

Experts say a perfect storm of simultaneous events and challenges contributed to the FAFSA rollout mess, but also point out that Congress deserves a lot of the blame for failing to provide the support and resources needed to pull off such a major undertaking.

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“I think that it is, by and large, a product of the fact that the Department of Education, and specifically the Federal Student Aid Office, was flat-funded by Congress,” says Bruecker. “They were asked to do this absolutely massive overhaul and not given any additional resources to do that. They were asked to do that on a really tight timeline. And they were asked to do that at the same time as the FSA was managing millions of student loan borrowers returning to repayment after a three-year pause.”

Yet it seems like lawmakers may be setting the stage for another stressful financial aid season this year. Despite the lingering FAFSA problems that schools and students continue trying to navigate — the Federal Student Aid 2024–25 FAFSA Issue Alerts page still shows more than a dozen open issues — Republican lawmakers in both the House and Senate have proposed legislation requiring the FAFSA be available on October 1 every year, even though officials from both parties have voiced concerns that the Department of Education is behind schedule.

That means the college dreams of students for whom a college education represents a brighter future and possibly a way out of poverty could be at risk again this year. Let’s hope lawmakers and education leaders can work together to find a way to ensure that doesn’t happen.

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China’s Advancing Efforts to Influence the U.S. Election Raise Alarms

China has adopted some of the same misinformation tactics that Russia used ahead of the 2016 election, researchers and government officials say.

A photo illustration shows a collage of images of President Biden, Donald Trump, the Chinese leader Xi Jinping, a social media account page and the U.S. capital.

By Tiffany Hsu and Steven Lee Myers

Covert Chinese accounts are masquerading online as American supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November, according to researchers and government officials.

The accounts signal a potential tactical shift in how Beijing aims to influence American politics, with more of a willingness to target specific candidates and parties, including Mr. Biden.

In an echo of Russia’s influence campaign before the 2016 election, China appears to be trying to harness partisan divisions to undermine the Biden administration’s policies, despite recent efforts by the two countries to lower the temperature in their relations.

Some of the Chinese accounts impersonate fervent Trump fans, including one on X that purported to be “a father, husband and son” who was “MAGA all the way!!” The accounts mocked Mr. Biden’s age and shared fake images of him in a prison jumpsuit, or claimed that Mr. Biden was a Satanist pedophile while promoting Mr. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

“I’ve never seen anything along those lines at all before,” said Elise Thomas, a senior analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a nonprofit research organization that uncovered a small group of the fake accounts posing as Trump supporters.

Ms. Thomas and other researchers have linked the new activity to a long-running network of accounts connected with the Chinese government known as Spamouflage. Several of the accounts they detailed previously posted pro-Beijing content in Mandarin — only to resurface in recent months under the guise of real Americans writing in English.

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