Essay on Smoking

500 words essay on  smoking.

One of the most common problems we are facing in today’s world which is killing people is smoking. A lot of people pick up this habit because of stress , personal issues and more. In fact, some even begin showing it off. When someone smokes a cigarette, they not only hurt themselves but everyone around them. It has many ill-effects on the human body which we will go through in the essay on smoking.

essay on smoking

Ill-Effects of Smoking

Tobacco can have a disastrous impact on our health. Nonetheless, people consume it daily for a long period of time till it’s too late. Nearly one billion people in the whole world smoke. It is a shocking figure as that 1 billion puts millions of people at risk along with themselves.

Cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. Around a third of all cancer cases happen due to smoking. For instance, it can affect breathing and causes shortness of breath and coughing. Further, it also increases the risk of respiratory tract infection which ultimately reduces the quality of life.

In addition to these serious health consequences, smoking impacts the well-being of a person as well. It alters the sense of smell and taste. Further, it also reduces the ability to perform physical exercises.

It also hampers your physical appearances like giving yellow teeth and aged skin. You also get a greater risk of depression or anxiety . Smoking also affects our relationship with our family, friends and colleagues.

Most importantly, it is also an expensive habit. In other words, it entails heavy financial costs. Even though some people don’t have money to get by, they waste it on cigarettes because of their addiction.

How to Quit Smoking?

There are many ways through which one can quit smoking. The first one is preparing for the day when you will quit. It is not easy to quit a habit abruptly, so set a date to give yourself time to prepare mentally.

Further, you can also use NRTs for your nicotine dependence. They can reduce your craving and withdrawal symptoms. NRTs like skin patches, chewing gums, lozenges, nasal spray and inhalers can help greatly.

Moreover, you can also consider non-nicotine medications. They require a prescription so it is essential to talk to your doctor to get access to it. Most importantly, seek behavioural support. To tackle your dependence on nicotine, it is essential to get counselling services, self-materials or more to get through this phase.

One can also try alternative therapies if they want to try them. There is no harm in trying as long as you are determined to quit smoking. For instance, filters, smoking deterrents, e-cigarettes, acupuncture, cold laser therapy, yoga and more can work for some people.

Always remember that you cannot quit smoking instantly as it will be bad for you as well. Try cutting down on it and then slowly and steadily give it up altogether.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Smoking

Thus, if anyone is a slave to cigarettes, it is essential for them to understand that it is never too late to stop smoking. With the help and a good action plan, anyone can quit it for good. Moreover, the benefits will be evident within a few days of quitting.

FAQ of Essay on Smoking

Question 1: What are the effects of smoking?

Answer 1: Smoking has major effects like cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and more. It also increases the risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems with the immune system .

Question 2: Why should we avoid smoking?

Answer 2: We must avoid smoking as it can lengthen your life expectancy. Moreover, by not smoking, you decrease your risk of disease which includes lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more.

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Essay on Stop Smoking

Students are often asked to write an essay on Stop Smoking in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Stop Smoking


Smoking is a dangerous habit that harms our health and environment. It’s crucial to stop smoking for a better life and future.

The Dangers of Smoking

Smoking causes diseases like cancer and heart problems. It also harms others through secondhand smoke.

Ways to Quit

You can stop smoking by seeking help from doctors, using nicotine patches, or joining support groups.

Benefits of Quitting

Quitting smoking improves health, saves money, and protects loved ones from secondhand smoke.

250 Words Essay on Stop Smoking

The detrimental effects of smoking.

Smoking is a habit that has been ingrained in numerous societies for centuries. Despite its prevalence, the deleterious effects of smoking on health are undeniable. Every puff of smoke inhaled introduces a cocktail of chemicals into the body, many of which are carcinogens. The result is a heightened risk of diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Smoking and Its Socioeconomic Impact

Beyond the health implications, smoking also presents significant socioeconomic challenges. The cost of tobacco products and healthcare for smoking-related illnesses can be financially crippling for individuals and families. Moreover, the loss of productivity due to illness and premature death contributes to economic stagnation.

The Power of Prevention

Prevention is the most effective strategy in combating the smoking epidemic. Educational campaigns highlighting the dangers of smoking, combined with regulations limiting tobacco advertising and sales, can significantly reduce smoking rates. Furthermore, support for quitting smoking, like counseling services and nicotine replacement therapies, should be readily accessible.

Personal Responsibility and Collective Action

Ultimately, the decision to stop smoking lies with the individual. However, societal support is crucial in facilitating this decision. Collective action can create an environment that discourages smoking and encourages healthier alternatives.

In conclusion, the negative implications of smoking necessitate immediate action. By understanding the risks, acknowledging the socioeconomic impact, promoting prevention, and encouraging personal responsibility, we can work towards a smoke-free future.

500 Words Essay on Stop Smoking

The health hazards of smoking.

The primary reason to quit smoking revolves around health. Cigarette smoke is a toxic mix of over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic. Smoking is directly linked to lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic respiratory diseases. Moreover, it weakens the immune system, making smokers more susceptible to diseases. Secondhand smoke also poses severe risks, affecting non-smokers who are exposed to it.

The Economic Impact of Smoking

Smoking also has significant economic implications. The direct cost of smoking, such as the price of cigarettes, is just the tip of the iceberg. The indirect costs, including healthcare expenses and productivity loss due to smoking-related illnesses, are substantial. In the United States alone, the total economic cost of smoking is more than $300 billion a year.

Environmental Consequences

The social aspect of smoking.

Smoking can also strain relationships. The smell of smoke can be off-putting to non-smokers, and the health risks associated with secondhand smoke can cause tension. Additionally, the time spent on smoking breaks can lead to social exclusion or missed opportunities.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking brings immediate and long-term benefits. Within 20 minutes of quitting, heart rate and blood pressure drop. Within a year, the risk of heart disease is halved. Over time, the risk of stroke, lung cancer, and other diseases decrease significantly. Financially, quitting smoking can save individuals thousands of dollars annually. Environmentally, quitting reduces pollution and waste. Socially, it can improve relationships and increase social inclusion.

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Young people are key to a nicotine-free future: five steps to stop them smoking

easy essay on no tobacco

Research Officer, Research on the Economics of Excisable Products,, University of Cape Town

easy essay on no tobacco

Professor at the School of Economics and Principal Investigator of the Economics of Tobacco Control Project, University of Cape Town

Disclosure statement

Sam Filby works for the Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) at the University of Cape Town.

Corné van Walbeek is the Director of the Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP) at the University of Cape Town. The unit receives funding from a variety of health foundations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the African Capacity Research Foundation, Cancer Research UK and the International Development Research Centre. The unit has never received funding from the tobacco industry, or any of its front groups.

University of Cape Town provides funding as a partner of The Conversation AFRICA.

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easy essay on no tobacco

Tobacco use kills more than 8 million people each year. Most adult smokers start smoking before the age of 20 . This implies that if one can get through adolescence without smoking , the likelihood of being a smoker in adulthood is greatly reduced.

Preventing young people from becoming addicted to tobacco and related products is therefore key to a smoke-free future.

With the advent of novel tobacco products and the tobacco industry falsely marketing them as less harmful than their combustible counterparts, the adage “prevention is better than cure” has never been more important for governments to heed if we are to achieve a smoke-free future.

Here are five things that governments need to do to ensure that a smoke-free future is realised.

1. Raise taxes on tobacco products

Tobacco taxation is one of the most effective population-based strategies for decreasing tobacco consumption. On average, a 10% increase in the price of cigarettes reduces demand for cigarettes by between 4% and 6% for the general adult population.

Because they lack disposable income and have a limited smoking history, young people are more responsive to price increases than their adult counterparts. Young people’s price responsiveness is also explained by the fact that they are also more likely to smoke if their peers smoke. This suggests that an increase in tobacco taxes also indirectly reduces youth smoking by decreasing smoking among their peers.

2. Introduce 100% smoke-free environments

Smoke-free policies reduce opportunities to smoke and erode societal acceptance of smoking. Most countries have some form of smoke-free policy in place. But there are still many public spaces where smoking happens. Many of these places are frequented by young people – or example, smoking sections in nightclubs and bars – contributing to the idea that smoking is acceptable and “normal”.

Research from the United States shows that creating smoke-free spaces reduces youth smoking uptake and the likelihood of youth progressing from experimental to established smokers. In the United Kingdom , smoke-free places have been linked to a reduction in regular smoking among teenagers, and research from Australia finds that smoke-free policies were directly related to a drop in youth smoking prevalence between 1990 and 2015 . By adopting 100% smoke-free policies governments can denormalise smoking and turn youth away from tobacco and related products.

3. Adopt plain packaging and graphic health warnings

The tobacco industry uses sleek and attractive designs to market its dangerous products to young people . All tobacco products should therefore be subject to plain packaging and graphic health warnings so that their attractive packaging designs do not lead youth to underestimate the harm of using these products. Currently 125 countries require graphic images on the packaging of tobacco products. Countries like South Africa that rely on a text warning message are far behind the curve. Plain packaging on tobacco products has been adopted in 13 countries to date and, in January 2020, Israel became the first country to apply plain packaging to e-cigarettes.

4. Outlaw tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Traditional advertising and promotion of tobacco products has been banned in most parts of the world. But the tobacco industry has developed novel ways of keeping its products in the public eye.

Some common strategies used by the industry to target youth include hiring “influencers” to promote tobacco and nicotine products on social media, sponsoring events, and launching new flavours that are appealing to youth, such as bubble gum and cotton candy, which encourages young people to underestimate the potential harm of using them. Evidence also shows how the tobacco industry uses point-of-sale marketing to target children by encouraging vendors to position tobacco and related products near sweets, snacks and cooldrinks, especially in outlets close to schools.

Governments need to outlaw these tactics and impose hefty fines on tobacco companies that make any attempt to circumvent the law.

5. Educate young people

Given that tobacco kills half of its long-term users, the tobacco industry needs to get young people addicted to its products to ensure its survival. Young people need to be made aware of this. Governments should launch counter-advertising campaigns that educate young people on the tactics employed by the industry to target them so that they do not fall prey to them.

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Report Writing: No Tobacco Day

A couple of report writing examples on No Tobacco Day.

Table of Contents

No Tobacco Day Report Example 1

Tobacco use is responsible for the death of millions of people worldwide, and it is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. According to the WHO, tobacco kills more than 8 million people every year, including 1.2 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke. The use of tobacco products is also linked to a range of serious health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory diseases.

On World No Tobacco Day, various activities and events are organized around the world to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use. These can include public rallies, marches, and street plays, as well as health camps and seminars to educate people about the risks of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting.

In addition, governments and organizations use the day to launch anti-smoking campaigns and initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco use. For example, some countries have introduced graphic warning labels on cigarette packets to discourage smoking, while others have implemented policies such as higher taxes on tobacco products and smoke-free public spaces.

No Tobacco Day Report Example 2

Tobacco use is a major public health issue, responsible for millions of deaths each year worldwide. It is estimated that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths per year by 2030 if current trends continue. Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for a range of health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The theme for World No Tobacco Day changes each year, and it is designed to highlight different aspects of tobacco use and its impact on public health. For example, the theme for 2020 was “Protecting Youth from Industry Manipulation and Preventing Them from Tobacco and Nicotine Use,” which aimed to raise awareness about the tactics used by the tobacco industry to target young people and to encourage governments to implement policies to protect young people from tobacco and nicotine use.

Governments, NGOs, and other organizations use the day to launch anti-smoking campaigns and initiatives aimed at reducing tobacco use. For example, some countries have implemented policies such as higher taxes on tobacco products, smoke-free public spaces, and graphic warning labels on cigarette packets to discourage smoking.

No Tobacco Day Report Example 3

Tobacco use is a significant public health issue and is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year. If current trends continue, it is estimated that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030. Tobacco use is linked to various health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

About Mr. Greg

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No Smoking - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

No smoking refers to a policy or a habit of abstaining from smoking tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. This practice is becoming more and more popular with the increase in awareness about its harmful effects on health. It promotes a smoke-free environment, reduces the risks of health complications like lung cancer, reduces the environmental pollution caused by smoking, and promotes healthy habits. It can also save money that would otherwise be spent on purchasing cigarettes. Choosing to live a no smoking lifestyle can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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  • The Negative Effects of Secondhand Smoke
  • The Consequences of Secondhand Smoke
  • The Hazards of Secondhand Smoke
  • The Threats of Secondhand Smoke
  • The Risks of Secondhand Smoke
  • Quitting Smoking

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Persuasive Essay Guide

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Caleb S.

Persuasive Essay About Smoking - Making a Powerful Argument with Examples

Persuasive essay about smoking

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Are you wondering how to write your next persuasive essay about smoking?

Smoking has been one of the most controversial topics in our society for years. It is associated with many health risks and can be seen as a danger to both individuals and communities.

Writing an effective persuasive essay about smoking can help sway public opinion. It can also encourage people to make healthier choices and stop smoking. 

But where do you begin?

In this blog, we’ll provide some examples to get you started. So read on to get inspired!

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  • 1. What You Need To Know About Persuasive Essay
  • 2. Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking
  • 3. Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples
  • 4. Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

What You Need To Know About Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is a type of writing that aims to convince its readers to take a certain stance or action. It often uses logical arguments and evidence to back up its argument in order to persuade readers.

It also utilizes rhetorical techniques such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make the argument more convincing. In other words, persuasive essays use facts and evidence as well as emotion to make their points.

A persuasive essay about smoking would use these techniques to convince its readers about any point about smoking. Check out an example below:

Simple persuasive essay about smoking

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Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the world. It leads to adverse health effects, including lung cancer, heart disease, and damage to the respiratory tract. However, the number of people who smoke cigarettes has been on the rise globally.

A lot has been written on topics related to the effects of smoking. Reading essays about it can help you get an idea of what makes a good persuasive essay.

Here are some sample persuasive essays about smoking that you can use as inspiration for your own writing:

Persuasive speech on smoking outline

Persuasive essay about smoking should be banned

Persuasive essay about smoking pdf

Persuasive essay about smoking cannot relieve stress

Persuasive essay about smoking in public places

Speech about smoking is dangerous

Persuasive Essay About Smoking Introduction

Persuasive Essay About Stop Smoking

Short Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Stop Smoking Persuasive Speech

Check out some more persuasive essay examples on various other topics.

Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples

An argumentative essay is a type of essay that uses facts and logical arguments to back up a point. It is similar to a persuasive essay but differs in that it utilizes more evidence than emotion.

If you’re looking to write an argumentative essay about smoking, here are some examples to get you started on the arguments of why you should not smoke.

Argumentative essay about smoking pdf

Argumentative essay about smoking in public places

Argumentative essay about smoking introduction

Check out the video below to find useful arguments against smoking:

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

You have read some examples of persuasive and argumentative essays about smoking. Now here are some tips that will help you craft a powerful essay on this topic.

Choose a Specific Angle

Select a particular perspective on the issue that you can use to form your argument. When talking about smoking, you can focus on any aspect such as the health risks, economic costs, or environmental impact.

Think about how you want to approach the topic. For instance, you could write about why smoking should be banned. 

Check out the list of persuasive essay topics to help you while you are thinking of an angle to choose!

Research the Facts

Before writing your essay, make sure to research the facts about smoking. This will give you reliable information to use in your arguments and evidence for why people should avoid smoking.

You can find and use credible data and information from reputable sources such as government websites, health organizations, and scientific studies. 

For instance, you should gather facts about health issues and negative effects of tobacco if arguing against smoking. Moreover, you should use and cite sources carefully.

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Make an Outline

The next step is to create an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and make sure that all the points in your essay flow together logically.

Your outline should include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This will help ensure that your essay has a clear structure and argument.

Use Persuasive Language

When writing your essay, make sure to use persuasive language such as “it is necessary” or “people must be aware”. This will help you convey your message more effectively and emphasize the importance of your point.

Also, don’t forget to use rhetorical devices such as ethos, pathos, and logos to make your arguments more convincing. That is, you should incorporate emotion, personal experience, and logic into your arguments.

Introduce Opposing Arguments

Another important tip when writing a persuasive essay on smoking is to introduce opposing arguments. It will show that you are aware of the counterarguments and can provide evidence to refute them. This will help you strengthen your argument.

By doing this, your essay will come off as more balanced and objective, making it more convincing.

Finish Strong

Finally, make sure to finish your essay with a powerful conclusion. This will help you leave a lasting impression on your readers and reinforce the main points of your argument. You can end by summarizing the key points or giving some advice to the reader.

A powerful conclusion could either include food for thought or a call to action. So be sure to use persuasive language and make your conclusion strong.

To conclude,

By following these tips, you can write an effective and persuasive essay on smoking. Remember to research the facts, make an outline, and use persuasive language.

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English Compositions

Report Writing on No Tobacco Day [With PDF]

In this article I am going to show you four report writing examples on No Tobacco Day. So let’s dive into the article.

Report Writing on No Tobacco Day in School

No Tobacco Day Campaign At School

By Elisa James

June 1, 2019; New Delhi: This year we had a small campaign organised on No Tobacco Day which is celebrated on 31st May around the world. The campaign was inaugurated by Dr Deepa Geo our principal. She spoke a few words on the importance of creating awareness in people about the harmful effects of tobacco.

Students were looking forward to this day. The higher secondary students of our school had organised a flash mob which they performed at a public shopping mall. The flash mob was made in such a manner that it created awareness among people. There were other programs like a short skit depicting the side effects.

Several other programs were performed so as to make people understand the dangers of using tobacco and so as to reduce the use of tobacco and nicotine.

Smaller children were taught about the side effects that were created due to the usage of tobacco and in making them aware, they pledged they would try to create awareness in others and in doing so stop them from smoking. Thus, this campaign helped students in making others understand what tobacco actually does to a person’s health.

Anti Tobacco Day Campaign At College

By Anna Abraham

January 8, 2018; Kerala: Our college had organised a campaign. Every student was supposed to take part in the campaign. The campaign was arranged by the college in order to make common people understand the toll tobacco takes on life. Smoking and chewing tobacco lead to short or long term effects on health.

It can cause short term health conditions such as ulcer, cavities, tooth decay, sore mouths and so on. It can lead to dizziness in a person. Short term effects often lead to long term side effects like cancer, lung diseases, heart diseases, a sudden stroke etc. Our campaign helped people understand.  One of the main objectives was to make people understand the dangers of using tobacco.

We conducted rallies, bike rallies. Flash mobs were conducted in different parts of the city. Free awareness classes were given to school students about the dangers of using tobacco and also of nicotine.

We also helped them understand that second-hand smoke can also cause side effects. The campaign came to an end by evening with the conclusion speech by our former principal Dr. Eyeleen Anna. Thus the campaign was a success.

World No Tobacco Day

By Sasha Mark

June 1, 2016; Bombay: The World no Tobacco day is celebrated every year on 31st May. This day also known as the anti-tobacco day was an initiative by WHO. The theme selected for this year’s World No Tobacco day was ‘Get ready for plain packaging’.

This was an initiative taken to make people understand the harmful and negative impacts, how second-hand smoke affects the smoker and his surroundings like their family and their community. A large number of processions, bike rallies, flash mobs were a part in creating awareness among people.

There were skits and other short dramas to spread awareness and to educate people about the harmful effects. Tobacco is used in many different ways such as in the form of cigars, bidis, cigarettes, snuff and gutkha etc.

In spite of creating awareness among people, there are still reports of a large number of people dying due to the usage of tobacco and nicotine. About 1,300 deaths are reported daily around the world due to tobacco and nicotine usage.

Reports and studies inform us that according to the present rate of usage of tobacco, the mortality rate is gonna increase unless it is controlled.

Say No To Tobacco Campaign

By Greg Heffley

August 5, 2015; Gujarat: This was a campaign organised to help others understand the negative effects of Tobacco. This was initiated due to the increasing number of death cases being reported due to tobacco usage. The rate of people suffering from diseases related to tobacco were increasing without limit.

Students went to villages so as to make them learn the dangers of using tobacco and nicotine. They should slowly stop the unwanted usage of tobacco as these lead to mouth ulcers and to the extreme end cancer and strokes. They were taught the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

The harmful effects that the usage brings to the smoker, his family and community were explained in a manner that they might understand. The theme of this year’s no tobacco day was ” Stop illicit trade of tobacco products “.

We encouraged them to reduce their use of tobacco and also challenged them to finish a day without using tobacco. They eagerly accepted the challenge making our campaign a success.

They pledged to reduce their usage of tobacco and eventually stop using them. The experience was different for us students.

There You Have It

I hope the report writing on No Tobacco Day is helpful to you.

Do let me know in the comment section if you have any other topic ideas that you want me to cover. I’ll definitely add those as well.

Paragraph on World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day is a global event observed on 31st May, under the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO). The main objective of the celebration is to reduce the global consumption of tobacco and also the death toll caused due to it.

Short and Long Paragraphs on World No Tobacco Day

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated annually on 31st May to spread awareness about the life-threatening effects of tobacco consumption. Every year tobacco claims at least 7 million lives globally. The member states of the WHO (World Health Organization) designated 31st May to be observed as the World No Tobacco Day in 1988.

The objective of the World No Tobacco Day is to spread awareness among the people and societies about the life-threatening consequences of tobacco consumption. Events are held at several locations throughout the globe to educate people about the effects of tobacco on society and possible preventive measures to reduce its consumption.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

Every year the World Health Organization (WHO) holds global events under its guidance on 31st May, to raise awareness of the people about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption. This day is known as “World No Tobacco Day”.

Events are held to educate people about several life-threatening diseases caused by chewing tobacco and smoking. Smoking is injurious not only to direct smokers but also causes the death of around a million passive smokers.

It is a global event held together by many interested parties – local governments, civil societies, healthcare industries, educational institutes, doctors, paramedics, etc. With WHO as the main organizer of the events, they all work together for the cause of reducing global consumption of tobacco and the loss of life arising due to it.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

In 1987 the member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) designated 31st May as World No Tobacco Day. It was proposed that the day to be observed every year to educate people about the life-threatening diseases caused by tobacco consumption and how to prevent them.

Initially, the World Health Assembly held on 15th May 1987 designated 7th April 1988, the 40th anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO) as “World No-Smoking Day”. The day was observed to encourage smokers to abstain from smoking at least for 24 hours, something which was believed to help those who wanted to quit smoking.

Again in 1988, another resolution was passed designating 31st May as World No Tobacco Day. Since then the World No Tobacco Day has been celebrated every year with a distinguished theme awarded for that particular year. The theme for the 2020 World No Tobacco Day is “Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use”.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

World No Tobacco Day or Anti-tobacco Day is observed on 31st May annually throughout the globe. The events are organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to educate people about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption. Some seven million lives are lost annually due to diseases originating from tobacco consumption.

Tobacco consumption causes cancer, tooth decay, and cardiovascular diseases among other complications. The day aims for reducing the overall tobacco consumption throughout the globe and to chart out policies for the same.

Several activities are held t make people aware of the life-threatening complications arising due to tobacco consumption. Every year a specific theme is awarded to the day and the events are primarily based on that particular theme of the year. The 2019 theme for World No Tobacco Day was “Tobacco and Lung Health”. The campaigns were held mainly to educate people about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption on the lungs.

Tobacco causes lung cancer and serious respiratory diseases due to tobacco consumption and smoking. Policies to reduce the overall consumption of tobacco are also affected and people are encouraged to abstain from tobacco, completely or partially at least. People are also informed about the methods for leaving tobacco in case they are habitual to it.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words     

World No Tobacco Day is a global celebration observed every year on 31st May. The main idea behind it is to make people aware of the ill effects of tobacco consumption and the fact that tobacco consumption leads to millions of deaths across the globe. People are encouraged to abstain from tobacco consumption at least for a 24-hour period.

World Tobacco Day was established in 1987, by the member states of the World Health Organization (WHO). Since its inception, World No Tobacco Day has been routinely targeted by many tobacco growers; although, it is also commemorated by public health organizations and governments.

Every year, a different tobacco-related theme is allotted to the events. The purpose of the theme is to send a global message and to have maximum impact on the people and society. The theme for a particular year is central to the events of that year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) oversees the distribution of publicity materials of the theme of that particular year. Brochures, pamphlets, websites all are managed by the WHO. Press releases are made about the agenda of WHO for tackling tobacco and to inform the people about the events near them.

World No Tobacco Day is observed globally by various groups across the world, including societies, governments, clubs, etc. in their own way. Marches are taken out, debates are held and meetings with healthcare professionals are planned to make people aware of the life-threatening effects of tobacco consumption.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on the 31st of May.

Ans. In India around 270 million adults consume tobacco.

Ans. China is the most tobacco-consuming country in the world.

Ans. Tobacco consumption can lead to problems like cancer, teeth problems and lung issues.

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World No Tobacco Day: Protect Our Youth

At a glance.

Learn what individuals and communities can do to help keep young people tobacco-free, or help them quit for good, on this World No Tobacco Day.

Montage of young people of various ethnicities having fun

Why observe World No Tobacco Day?

Using any kind of tobacco product is unsafe, especially for kids, teens, and young adults. But worldwide, at least 14 million young people aged 13 to 15 currently use tobacco products, according to CDC's 2006–2017 Global Youth Tobacco Survey .

Tobacco companies, meanwhile, spend billions of dollars every year on marketing tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes.

Since 1988, the World Health Organization (WHO) has used World No Tobacco Day to highlight the harmful effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products on a person's overall health. This year, WHO is focusing on preventing youth tobacco product use and the tobacco industry's attempts to attract youth.

This World No Tobacco Day, learn what individuals and communities can do to help keep young people tobacco-free, or help them quit for good.

U.S. youth and tobacco: the numbers

In 2019, about 40% of U.S. middle and high school students reported ever using any kind of tobacco product—including e-cigarettes —and 23% said they had used a tobacco product in the past 30 days.

Studies show that most adults in the United States who regularly use tobacco products started before the age of 18. Using any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, is unsafe for young people .

Tobacco products—including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and most e-cigarettes—contain nicotine, which is an addictive drug. Being exposed to nicotine can also harm brain development. A young person's brain is still developing up to age 25. Exposure to nicotine during these important years can harm the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control.

Secondhand smoke: a danger at home and abroad

At least 500 million people younger than 15 in 21 countries are exposed to secondhand smoke .

It's a problem in the United States:

  • 1 in 4 Americans, or about 58 million people, are exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • Children aged 3 to 11 have the highest exposure to secondhand smoke compared to any other age group.
  • African American children are more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke than children of other racial or ethnic groups.

Quitting smoking and adopting smokefree policies help protect the health of people who do not smoke.

Targeting young people

The younger a person is when they start using tobacco products, the more likely they are to become dependent on nicotine. The tobacco industry uses this information to attract youth and young people to their products through ads and sponsorships in stores, online, in media, and at cultural events.

Studies in the United States and other countries have shown that the more ads for tobacco products a young person sees, the more likely they are to use tobacco products. The U.S. Surgeon General has also said that seeing people smoke in movies makes youth more likely to smoke. Although the number of movies rated PG-13 or lower that feature smoking has gone down in the past 15 years, the films that do show smoking show it more often.

Tobacco flavors

The flavors in tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, make these products appealing to kids and teens. Since 2009, tobacco companies have not been allowed to sell cigarettes in flavors other than menthol in the United States. Still, youth are more likely than adults to smoke menthol cigarettes .

Flavoring is also a major driver of e-cigarette use among young people. More than 2 out of 3 youth who currently use e-cigarettes use flavored e-cigarettes, and flavors are a major reason they report starting to use e-cigarettes.

The danger of e-cigarettes for youth

Since 2014, most U.S. youth who said they had ever used tobacco products reported using e-cigarettes. This percentage has grown over time. E-cigarettes typically contain nicotine. Newer e-cigarettes use a new form of nicotine called nicotine salts, which make it easier to inhale higher levels of nicotine.

Because of the recent rise in e-cigarette use by U.S. middle and high school students, CDC offers resources for parents , teachers , and health care providers to help them talk to kids about e-cigarettes.

What you can do

Everyone—from individuals who influence youth directly to whole communities—can help prevent kids, teens, and young adults from trying and using tobacco products.

Teenagers reaching to touch the world

Parents and other caregivers can:

  • Set a good example by being tobacco-free. They can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit for help with quitting.
  • Talk to kids about the harms of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.
  • Know what kids watch on screen and talk to them about tobacco use.
  • Tell kids you expect them not to use tobacco products or tell them to stop using them.
  • Refuse to give tobacco products to kids, teens, or young adults.

The Office of the Surgeon General has more tips for parents and caregivers to help keep young people tobacco-free.

Health care providers can:

  • Talk to their patients about the dangers of tobacco use. In a 2015 survey, only 1 out of 3 U.S. high schoolers said their doctor brought up smoking during a visit.
  • Ask patients if they use tobacco products and advise them to quit.

CDC offers resources and tools to help providers start the conversation about tobacco and quitting.

States and communities can:

  • Fund state tobacco control programs at the level CDC recommends.
  • Work to limit tobacco product advertising.
  • Use science-based strategies to prevent and reduce tobacco use. For example, states and communities can increase tobacco prices, conduct hard-hitting media campaigns, adopt comprehensive smoke-free laws, require licenses for tobacco sellers, and limit where tobacco products can be sold.
  • Provide barrier-free access to treatments proven to help people quit.

If everyone works together to keep youth safe from the harms of tobacco use, we can move further toward a healthier, smokefree world.

Quitting resources for youth

In 2019, more than half of U.S. young people who reported currently using tobacco products said they were seriously thinking about quitting. Quitting as soon as possible is the healthiest choice for mind and body.

State quitlines can connect people to resources like text support, counseling, and web-based chat. People who want to quit can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to find out what their state offers. Quitlines are also available in Spanish, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Korean, and Vietnamese.

  • 1-855-DÉJELO-YA (Spanish)
  • 1-800-838-8917 (Cantonese & Mandarin)
  • 1-800-556-5564 (Korean)
  • 1-800-778-8440 (Vietnamese)

SmokefreeTXT for Teens is a free mobile text messaging program for youth aged 13 to 19.

The quitSTART phone app offers custom tips, inspiration, and challenges.

Quitting resources for adults

At any age, it's never too late to quit. U.S. adults who want to quit can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or

  • 1-800-838-8917 (Cantonese and Mandarin)

They can also visit or to sign up for texting programs and download mobile apps.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Commercial tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States.

For Everyone

Health care providers, public health.

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Speech on No Tobacco Day in English for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • May 31, 2024

Speech on No-Tobacco Day

The 31st of May is annually observed as World No-Tobacco Day by the World Health Organisation. This page will discuss a speech on No Tobacco Day for school students. This global event raises awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco on human health. The information given below highlights the importance of no-tobacco day, support for quitting, and collective action to combat tobacco use and promote a healthier, smoke-free future for all.

3 Minute Speech on No Tobacco Day

‘Good morning, respected teachers and dear friends. Today, I stand before you to talk about an important global event- No Tobacco Day. World No Tobacco Day is annually observed on the 31st of May by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with several non-governmental organisations.

Our slogan this year is “ ,” a powerful reminder of the benefits of living tobacco-free. Additionally, the theme for World No Tobacco Day 2024, “ ,” highlights a critical area of concern.

Tobacco use remains a leading cause of preventable deaths, responsible for more than 8 million fatalities each year, according to the World Health Organization. This staggering number includes both smokers and non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke. Tobacco causes a range of debilitating diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic respiratory conditions, significantly reducing life expectancy and quality of life.

This year’s theme, ‘ ,’ draws attention to the insidious tactics used by the tobacco industry to target young people. By glamorizing smoking through advertising and promotional activities, the industry aims to hook the next generation of users. We must be vigilant and proactive in shielding our children from these manipulative practices.

Education is our most potent weapon against the tobacco epidemic. Young people need to be informed about the severe health risks associated with tobacco use. Schools, parents, and community leaders play a crucial role in imparting this knowledge and fostering environments where healthy choices are encouraged and supported.

Moreover, robust tobacco control policies are essential. Governments must implement and enforce measures such as banning tobacco advertising, increasing taxes on tobacco products, and ensuring smoke-free environments. These actions can significantly reduce the prevalence of smoking and prevent initiation, especially among youth.

Support for those who wish to quit smoking is equally important. Quitting tobacco is challenging, but it is possible with the right resources and support systems. Healthcare providers, counselling services, and cessation programmes are invaluable in helping individuals break free from addiction. On this day, let us recognize and applaud the efforts of those dedicated to assisting others in their journey to a tobacco-free life.

Anti-Tobacco Day is a call to action. It reminds us of the ongoing battle against a powerful adversary and the importance of protecting our children from its influence. By saying no to tobacco, we can increase our life and glow, creating a healthier, brighter future for ourselves and generations to come. Let us commit to stronger tobacco control measures, support cessation efforts, and educate our communities about the dangers of tobacco. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you!’

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Importance of World No Tobacco Day

  • Raising Awareness : It highlights the health risks associated with tobacco use, which include lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. Public awareness campaigns educate people about these dangers, promoting healthier lifestyles.
  • Encouraging Quitting : The day serves as a motivation for smokers to quit and for non-smokers to support their loved ones in quitting. It underscores the benefits of a tobacco-free life, such as increased life expectancy and improved quality of life.
  • Protecting Youth : The 2024 theme, “Protecting Children from Tobacco Industry Interference,” emphasizes the need to safeguard young people from the manipulative tactics of the tobacco industry. By focusing on children, it aims to prevent the initiation of smoking at an early age.
  • Promoting Policy Change : World No Tobacco Day advocates for stronger tobacco control policies, such as banning advertising, implementing higher taxes on tobacco products, and enforcing smoke-free environments. These measures can significantly reduce tobacco use and its harmful effects.
  • Highlighting Global Impact : Tobacco use is a global issue that affects millions of people and economies worldwide. The day draws attention to the collective need for international cooperation and comprehensive strategies to combat the tobacco epidemic.
  • Environmental Concerns : It also addresses the environmental impact of tobacco cultivation and production, which contribute to deforestation, pollution, and waste. Raising awareness about these issues encourages more sustainable practices.

Quick Read: Short Speech on Technology for Students

A.1: ‘Good morning, respected teachers and dear friends. Today, I stand before you to talk about an important global event- No Tobacco Day. World No Tobacco Day is annually observed on the 31st of May by the World Health Organisation in collaboration with several non-governmental organisations. Our slogan this year is “Say No to Tobacco to Increase Your Life and Glow,” a powerful reminder of the benefits of living tobacco-free. Additionally, the theme for World No Tobacco Day 2024, “Protecting Children from Tobacco Industry Interference,” highlights a critical area of concern.

A.2: The Member States of the World Health Organization created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes.

A.3: ‘Protecting children from tobacco industry interference’ The World Health Organisation (WHO) releases the theme for the World No Tobacco Day every year to focus on a specific issue. 

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How To Write A Smoking Essay That Will Blow Your Classmates out of the Water

Writing a Smoking Essay. Complete Actionable Guide

A smoking essay might not be your first choice, but it is a common enough topic, whether it is assigned by a professor or left to your choice. Today we’ll take you through the paces of creating a compelling piece, share fresh ideas for writing teen smoking essays, and tackle the specifics of the essential parts of any paper, including an introduction and a conclusion.

Why Choose a Smoking Essay?

If you are free to select any topic, why would you open this can of worms? There are several compelling arguments in favor, such as:

  • A smoking essay can fit any type of writing assignment. You can craft an argumentative essay about smoking, a persuasive piece, or even a narration about someone’s struggle with quitting. It’s a rare case of a one-size-fits-all topic.
  • There is an endless number of  environmental essay topics ideas . From the reasons and history of smoking to health and economic impact, as well as psychological and physiological factors that make quitting so challenging.
  • A staggering number of reliable sources are available online. You won’t have to dig deep to find medical or economic research, there are thousands of papers published in peer-reviewed journals, ready and waiting for you to use them. 

Essential Considerations for Your Essay on Smoking

Whether you are writing a teenage smoking essay or a study of health-related issues, you need to stay objective and avoid including any judgment into your assignment. Even if you are firmly against smoking, do not let emotions direct your writing. You should also keep your language tolerant and free of offensive remarks or generalizations.

The rule of thumb is to keep your piece academic. It is an essay about smoking cigarettes you have to submit to your professor, not a blog post to share with friends.

How to Generate Endless Smoking Essay Topic Ideas

At first, it might seem that every theme has been covered by countless generations of your predecessors. However, there are ways to add a new spin to the dullest of topics. We’ll share a unique approach to generating new ideas and take the teenage smoking essay as an example. To make it fresh and exciting, you can:

  • Add a historic twist to your topic. For instance, research the teenage smoking statistics through the years and theorize the factors that influence the numbers.
  • Compare the data across the globe. You can select the best scale for your paper, comparing smoking rates in the neighboring cities, states, or countries.
  • Look at the question from an unexpected perspective. For instance, research how the adoption of social media influenced smoking or whether music preferences can be related to this habit.

The latter approach on our list will generate endless ideas for writing teen smoking essays. Select the one that fits your interests or is the easiest to research, depending on the time and effort you are willing to put into essay writing .

How To Write An Essay About Smoking Cigarettes

A smoking essay follows the same rules as an academic paper on any other topic. You start with an introduction, fill the body paragraphs with individual points, and wrap up using a conclusion. The filling of your “essay sandwich” will depend on the topic, but we can tell for sure what your opening and closing paragraphs should be like.

Smoking Essay Introduction

Whether you are working on an argumentative essay about smoking or a persuasive paper, your introduction is nothing but a vessel for a thesis statement. It is the core of your essay, and its absence is the first strike against you. Properly constructed thesis sums up your point of view on the economic research topics and lists the critical points you are about to highlight. If you allude to the opposing views in your thesis statement, the professor is sure to add extra points to your grade.

The first sentence is crucial for your essay, as it sets the tone and makes the first impression. Make it surprising, exciting, powerful with facts, statistics, or vivid images, and it will become a hook to lure the reader in deeper. 

Round up the introduction with a transition to your first body passage and the point it will make. Otherwise, your essay might seem disjointed and patchy. Alternatively, you can use the first couple of sentences of the body paragraph as a transition.

Smoking Essay Conclusion

Any argumentative and persuasive essay on smoking must include a short conclusion. In the final passage, return to your thesis statement and repeat it in other words, highlighting the points you have made throughout the body paragraphs. You can also add final thoughts or even a personal opinion at the end to round up your assignment.

Think of the conclusion as a mirror reflection of your introduction. Start with a transition from the last body paragraph, follow it with a retelling of your thesis statement, and complete the passage with a powerful parting thought that will stay with the reader. After all, everyone remembers the first and last points most vividly, and your opening and closing sentences are likely to have a significant influence on the final grade.

Bonus Tips on How to Write a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

With the most challenging parts of the smoking essay out of the way, here are a couple of parting tips to ensure your paper gets the highest grade possible:

  • Do not rely on samples you find online to guide your writing. You can never tell what grade a random essay about smoking cigarettes received. Unless you use winning submissions from essay competitions, you might copy faulty techniques and data into your paper and get a reduced grade.
  • Do not forget to include references after the conclusion and cite the sources throughout the paper. Otherwise, you might get accused of academic dishonesty and ruin your academic record. Ask your professor about the appropriate citation style if you are not sure whether you should use APA, MLA, or Chicago.
  • Do not submit your smoking essay without editing and proofreading first. The best thing you can do is leave the piece alone for a day or two and come back to it with fresh eyes and mind to check for redundancies, illogical argumentation, and irrelevant examples. Professional editing software, such as Grammarly, will help with most typos and glaring errors. Still, it is up to you to go through the paper a couple of times before submission to ensure it is as close to perfection as it can get.
  • Do not be shy about getting help with writing smoking essays if you are out of time. Professional writers can take over any step of the writing process, from generating ideas to the final round of proofreading. Contact our agents or skip straight to the order form if you need our help to complete this assignment.

We hope our advice and ideas for writing teen smoking essays help you get out of the slump and produce a flawless piece of writing worthy of an A. For extra assistance with choosing the topic, outlining, writing, and editing, reach out to our support managers .

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Band 7+: Some countries today have passed laws against smoking tobacco in public buildings such as offices and restaurants. Other countries have no intention of doing this. Consider the possible arguments on both sides of this debate, and reach your own conclusion on which side you favor.

Smoking is a divisive activity. While it can help make someone look more respectable, or help soothe their nerves, it has a negative effect on health and a disruptive odor, which puts smokers and non-smokers at odds. This has led to a number of regulations on smoking in some places, while others disregard the issue. In this essay we will consider both sides.

On the one hand, opponents of public smoking cite evidence of the risks of secondhand exposure to nicotene, such as an increased likelyhood of lung, throat and mouth cancers. Furthermore, cigarette butts or electronic vapes can pose a fire hazard indoors. Smoke can also settle onto walls and furniture, damaging property. In certain countries like Russia, it is prohibited to smoke in public at all, with smokers facing minor fines is spotted at bus stops, for example.

On the other hand, many places have a more relaxed approach to the topic. For instance, many Serbian restaraunts come equipped with ashtrays and designated tables for those who choose to smoke, and no restrictions are applied in stores and grocery shops. There, smoking is treated as a personal choice and part of society, with no need to punish or regulate it, save for locations such as hospitals, which may house people with respiratory vulnerabilities.

Overall, I tend to side with opponents of public smoking. Despite the fact that it is within one’s right to make the choice to smoke, those who did not should not have to tolerate being exposed to it. Enforcing better separation between smokers and non-smokers, as well as popularizing more targeted delivery methods, such as patches or chewing tobacco, will benefit both sides.

Check Your Own Essay On This Topic?

Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, some countries today have passed laws against smoking tobacco in public buildings such as offices and restaurants. other countries have no intention of doing this. consider the possible arguments on both sides of this debate, and reach your own conclusion on which side you favor..

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Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings Research Paper

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Smoking is one of the most common negative habits that people indulge in. Many health experts have warned that smoking is unhealthy and dangerous to the human health. This essay will discuss the negative effects of smoking on human beings.

Smoking cigarette is addictive that is why many smokers have difficulties in giving up the habit. Cigarettes are produced of tobacco with a large percent of other additives, which account for the largest number of preventable deaths in the world. People who smoke commonly face different health problems, which are caused by tobacco consumption. Therefore, smoking has negative health consequences for smokers and people who live with them and become passive smokers as a result.

The WHO and other health organisations have sensitised people on the dangers of smoking. There are many health conditions which smokers are likely to suffer from (Pampel 61). Their bodies absorb harmful toxins which cigarettes contain which are dangerous to their health.

Smoking is a major health risk which results in heart attacks, strokes, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. The accumulation of tobacco and other toxins in the respiratory tract of a smoker makes a person suffer from respiratory health conditions.

Smokers, therefore, are likely to incur huge medical bills when they seek for treatment for these diseases. Many governments spend a lot of money on treating smoking related diseases, which increases the cost of healthcare. Pampel argues that smokers can succumb to such illnesses unless they stop smoking (64).

Tobacco consumption causes dental problems which are difficult to reverse. Smokers are likely to have bad breath, stained teeth and smelly gums. Toxic elements, which cigarettes contain, for instance, tar, have dangerous impacts on human health. These substances cause smokers to have poor dents and even lose their teeth (Peate 362).

Smokers are likely to suffer emotionally and psychologically because poor health and unattractive appearance, caused, for example, by stained or broken teeth, make a person lose his/her own self-esteem. Smokers are likely to be shunned by people close to them because of fetid breath, bad body odour and poor outward appearance. Therefore, people need to be made aware of dental and other health problems they are likely to experience as a result of smoking.

Tobacco consumption causes a lot of deaths in developing countries. These countries have weak laws which do not effectively regulate cigarette selling and consumption. Advertisement implicit messages encourage the young to become smokers. Tobacco advertising in many developed countries has been prohibited. However, some third world countries still allow tobacco advertising, which encourages more people to acquire this bad habit.

The images of sophistication, bravery and glamour which are carried by tobacco adverts easily persuade the young to become smokers. Peate reveals that tobacco companies target adolescents and women to increase their sales (363). These people are easily influenced by what they see in the media. People who begin smoking at early age are likely to be addicted for a longer period than those who develop the habit at mature age (Cox).

Smokers are exposed to various carcinogens in cigarettes. These carcinogens cause cancer and negatively affect human health. Lung, throat, brain, bladder, cervical cancer as well as other forms are caused by smoking. The symptoms are often detected at the time when the smoker’s health condition is already chronic.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death world wide. A significant number of cancer patients have a history of smoking and tobacco consumption (Peate 365). If people get exposed to exhaled smoke, they are likely to be affected by it. They breathe in toxic components of the exhaled smoke that deposit in their lungs and other respiratory organs. These people can suffer from respiratory illnesses as well.

Women, who smoke during pregnancy, are likely to expose their unborn babies to toxic substances contained in cigarettes. The tar that is present in cigarettes is likely to be embedded in the DNA of a mother, who may pass it on to the child in her womb. These toxic components inhibit the normal growth of a baby in the fetus, which results in death and still births. Cox reveals that if the pregnancy proceeds to full term, the delivered child can have severe brain disorders.

Such children are very slow at learning because their cognitive functions are impaired. Female smokers are likely to become infertile or their reproductive abilities are limited. Nicotine restricts the ability of the female reproductive system to generate estrogen. Many physiological and reproductive functions in women depend on estrogen.

Nicotine is a substance found in cigarettes which is very addictive. People who try to give up smoking experience severe withdrawal symptoms, which restrict their ability to function effectively. They are likely to experience several episodes of depression.

This is because their bodies are used to the intake of nicotine and have difficulties in performing its functions without it (Cox). Nicotine stimulates the human mind just like any other drug, which increases the risk of high blood pressure in a smoker. From the above mentioned, it is easy to conclude that smoking has negative effects on people’s health.

Works Cited

Cox, Jack. “ The Lesser Known Harmful Effects of Smoking .” The Register . 2012. Orange Country Register News . Web.

Pampel, Fred C. Tobacco Industry and Smoking . New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009. Print.

Peate, Ian. “The Effects of Smoking on the Reproductive Health of Men”. British Journal of Nursing 14.7 (2005): 362–366. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 18). Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings.

"Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings." IvyPanda , 18 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings'. 18 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings." June 18, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings." June 18, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Smoking and Its Negative Effects on Human Beings." June 18, 2018.


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Essay on “World No Tobacco Day-31 May ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

World No Tobacco Day- 31 May 

World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. The Member States of the World Health Organization created this in 1987 to draw global attention of the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes. In 1987 , the World Health Assembly passed Resolution calling 7 April 1988 to be the “World No-Smoking Day.” In 1988 , Resolution was passed, calling for the celebration of World No Tobacco Day, every year on 31 May. It aims to reduce the deaths from tobacco related health problems. 

Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is well known that half the people who smoke regularly today- about 650 million people – will eventually be killed by tobacco. Equally alarming is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who have never smoked die each year from diseases caused by breathing second – hand tobacco smoke

This yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.

 Themes Selected in Previous Years

2007 – Smoke – Free Environments

2006- Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise

2005- Health professionals against tobacco

2004- Tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle

2003 – Tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion

2002 -Tobacco free sports

2001 -Second – hand smoke kills

2000-  Tobacco kills, don’t be duped

1999- Leave the pack behind

1998 – Growing up without tobacco

1997-  United for a tobacco free world

1996- Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free

1995 – Tobacco costs more than you think

1994- Media and tobacco: get the message across

1993- Health services : our windows to a tobacco free world    

 1992 – Tobacco free workplaces : safer and healthier

1991 – Public places and transport : better be tobacco free

1990 – Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing without tobacco Wd No- Tobacco Day

Tobacco : Deadly in any Form or Disguise

The world Health Organization’s themes raise awareness about the existence of a wide variety of deadly tobacco products and encourage countries to work towards strict regulations. Regulation should help people get accurate information,, remove the disguise and unveil the truth behind tobacco products – traditional new and future.

For a successful World No Tobacco Day, as many people in as many country  as possible, need to b e involved. Although WNTD is only one day of the year, the efforts to spread the message about the dangers of tobacco use, need to continue throughout the year.

Tobacco use is responsible for approximately one in 10 premature deaths among adults worldwide. The global burden of deaths attributable to tobacco use, each year, is estimated to double from 5 million in 2005 to 10 million in 2020.

Towards a ‘smoke –free’ world

The tobacco consumption  scenario in India is quite grim. Sample a few statistics. There are 205 million tobacco users in a population of one billion. The Government gets revenue of approximately Rs 5000 crore through tobacco sales, and it spends an estimated Rs 13,500 crore on tobacco- related diseases.

An estimated eight lakh people die due to tobacco- related diseases, every year, in the country. what more,  a recent World Health Organization(WHO) study says that tobacco is now being actively marketed though the medium of films. By virtue of its size, popularity, and tremendous each, the Indian cinema, has the power to influence attitudes and  consumer behavior of its audiences.      

The threat is greater because the youth form a very large majority of the cinema – going audience. Five million children are addicted to tobacco. The market expansion mantra of cigarette manufacturers is to ‘catch ‘young!’

India has the largest film producing industry in the world with 900 films per year and 250 ,million viewers including those watching television and cable shows. Film stars are very popular in India. They are involved in many public issues and they get countless media coverage.  

Cinema is an extremely useful tool to the tobacco industry. Currently 76 percent of all Indian movies portray tobacco unwittingly or at the behest of tobacco companies. In moves, tobacco is increasingly being exhibited as an activity associated with stress. It has gone up from nine percent ( of the films) in 1991 to 28.5 percent in 2002. The heroes account for 50 present of the portrayal incidence.

Thus, in order to curtail the health and economic hazards of tobacco, it is necessary to increase awareness among the public, especially among youth. It is imperative that the social barriers be  penetrated and all sections of the society are made aware of the evils of tobacco.

Theme : Some Free Environments

Would No- Tobacco Day focuses on cent per cent smoke- free environments as the only effective measure to protect the public, including women and children, the people at their workplaces, from  exposure to second –hand tobacco smoke.

Second – hand tobacco smoke (SHS) has officially been classified as carcinogenic (cancer causing) in humans. SHS also causes heart diseases and many serious respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in children and adults, often leading  to death. 

The scientific evidence leaves no doubt : there is no safe level of exposure to SHS. Neither ventilation nor filtration, alone or in combination, can reduce tobacco smoke exposure indoors to levels that are considered acceptable, even in terms of odor, much less health effects.

Exposure to SHS occurs anywhere smoking is permitted : homes, workplaces, public places. The WHO  estimates that around 700 million children, or almost half of the world’s children, breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke, particularly at home. Findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey among students 13 to 15 year old in 132 countries between 1999 and 2005 show that:

  • 9% of the students are exposed to second – hand tobacco smoke at home
  • 8% of the students are exposed to second – hand tobacco smoke in public places
  • 1% of the students surveyed express support for smoking bans in public places.

The International Labour Organization estimates that at least 200,000 workers die every year due to exposure to SHS at work.

The evidence demands and immediate, decisive response, to protect eh health of all people. Only 100% smoke- free environments provide effective protection.  

Several countries and hundreds of sub national and local jurisdictions have successfully implemented laws that require almost all indoor workplaces and public places to be 100% smoke- free. With legislation banning smoking in  workplaces, to protect the health of all workers.

Strengthen the implementation of the existent legislation is an important issue to make population be aware of the dangers of the exposure to the SHS. Smoke – free environments are not only healthier, but also feasible and realistic in a variety of contexts.

Exposure to SHS imposes economic costs on individuals, businesses and society as a whole. These include primarily direct workplaces where smoking   is permitted incur higher renovation and cleaning costs, increased risk of fire and may experience higher insurance premiums.

The reasons for going smoke- free inside

  • Second – hand tobacco smoke kills and causes serious illnesses;
  • 100% smoke – free environments fully protect workers and the public from the serious harmful effects of tobacco smoke;
  • Most people in the world are non- smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people’s smoke;
  • Surveys show that smoking bans are widely supported by both smokers and non-smokers;
  • Smoke – free environments are good for business, as families with children, most non- smokers and even smokers often prefer to go to smoke – free places;
  • Smoke – free environments provide the many smokers who want to quit with a strong incentive to cut down or stop smoking altogether;
  • Smoke – free environments help prevent people especially the young, from starting to smoke;
  • Smoke – free environments cost little and they work!

The WHO recommendation are that:

1.A 100% smoke – free environment is the only effectives strategy to reduce exposure  to tobacco smoke indoors to safe levels and to provide an acceptable level of protection from the dangers of SHS exposure. Ventilation and smoking areas, whether or not separately ventilated from  non- smoking areas, do not reduce exposure to a safe level of risk and are not recommended;

2.Enact legislation requiring all indoor workplaces and public places to be 100% smoke – free environments. Laws should ensure universal and equal protection  for all. Voluntary policies are not an acceptable response.

  • Implement and enforce the law. Passing smoke- free legislation is not enough. Its proper implementation and adequate enforcement require relatively small but critical efforts and means;
  • Implement educational strategies to reduce SHS exposure in the home. Smoke- free workplace legislation increases the likelihood that people (both smokers and non- smokers) will voluntarily make their home smoke- free.

Even though effective smoke- free laws are popular, policy- makers and the public must be prepared to respond to the many often-used arguments aimed at stopping their passage and implementation. The main opposition comes from the tobacco industry that has repeatedly misled and misinformed the public about the health risks and dangers of SHS  and on the economic impact of smoking bans. The tobacco  industry continues its efforts to slow  down the implementation of effective legislation to protect workers and the public from SHS.

Public health actors, non- governmental organizations and  other civil society representatives; policy makers, governments and the general public have to raise their voices together to ensure that the workers and the public are protected from exposure to SHS , by creating and enjoying 100% smoke – free environments.

How to quit smoking?

Stopping tobacco step by step is difficult. Stopping it at once is easier. There is no harmful effect in stopping tobacco suddenly. The problems that are caused by stopping tobacco are temporary  and will last for only five to seven days. Then consider the benefits.

Tips to quit smoking

  • Take a day at a time.
  • Postpone each cigarette by one hour
  • Do not buy in packs. Do not keep a stock of cigarettes tobacco.
  • Tell your family, friends and colleagues that you are quitting tobacco and want their support.
  • Change your environment
  • Get rid of all cigarettes and ash trays in your house
  • Make your home a tobacco- free zone.
  • Craving stage does not last for more than five minutes. Wait out the craving.

Benefits of quitting smoking

If your are seriously considering quitting smoking, you should be looking at the benefits of kicking the habit.

  • After 20 minutes, blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal. After eight hours, oxygen levels in the blood returns to normal. Chances of heart attack start falling.
  • After 24 hours, carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body. Lungs clear out mucus and other debris.
  • After 48 hours, nicotine is no longer detectable in the body. Ability to taste and smell is improved.
  • After 72 hours, breathing becomes easier as bronchial tubes relax. Energy level increases.
  • After two to21 weeks, circulation improves throughout the body.
  • After three to nine months, breathing problems such as coughing , shortness of breath & wheezing decrease. The overall lung function increases by five to 10 percent. After five years, risk of heart attack falls to about half of that of a smoker.
  • After 10 years, risk of lung cancer falls to about half of that of a smoker. Risk of heart attack falls to about the same as non- smokers.

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10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day for Students and Children in English

March 27, 2023 by Prasanna

10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day:  World no Tobacco Day is a very famous event organized by the world health organization. It is a major event that helps people to understand the worse effects of tobacco on the person and their family members. The event organizer mostly encourages smokers to stop having tobacco for the prevention of their lives. Also, the organizer encourages smokers to not smoke for twenty-four hours for at least one day. You should probably check the following given three sets of ten points, which will help to motive smokers to quieting Tobacco on the day of World no Tobacco Day.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • The world no tobacco day organizes on 31st May in an entire year.
  • The reason behind the event is to stop the negative health impacts.
  • The world no tobacco day gets authorized by the heads of the World Health Organization.
  • Media promotes the positive points of this day with huge advertisements.
  • All the NGOs and Civil organizations join together to promote the quieting of tobacco.
  • The reports claim that every year six million dies because of tobacco products.
  • Smokers start suffering from cancer diseases after the rapid use of tobacco.
  • Tobacco day motivates people to live their lives tobacco-free.
  • All smokers face significant issues of chronic respiratory diseases.
  • The campaigns organized by media motivate smokers through public marches and rallies.

10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • The WHO spread the awareness of tobacco on 31st may prevent every one death that happens within six seconds.
  • The WHO shares the report that around 40 percent of men smoke tobacco in a year.
  • This day helps in the prevention of the death of global deaths caused that cause due to tobacco use.
  • Every ninth person of India consumes Tobacco. Therefore, this day is beneficial for these people.
  • The organizers and media motivate smokers to stop using tobacco for at least 24 hours of the day.
  • The world no Tobacco day implements the quieting of cigarettes, chew tobacco, gutkha, and snuff.
  • The primary reason for Tobacco’s day is that smokers lose their lives because of the extensive use of tobacco products.
  • The tobacco day event has originated from 1987 for the reduction of the death rate.
  • Many states have started the banning of nicotine-mixed products.
  • The organizers want to make countries free from nicotine and tobacco products.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • On 31st May, the World Health Organization helps organize a worldwide event for the world no tobacco day.
  • This event is beneficial for smokers because organizers motivate smokers to quit tobacco for 24 hours.
  • The event is to drive the attention of smokers on the negative impact of tobacco on health.
  • The event has started in the year 1987, and now the death rate has risen to 6 million.
  • The organizers encourage people to stay away from damages caused by tobacco.
  • The regular consumption of tobacco products can slowly push smokers towards death.
  • The primary element of tobacco is the nicotine that has a dangerous impact on the lives of people.
  • The campaign’s main aim is to prevent people’s lives by making them aware of every worst impact on the world no tobacco day.
  • World Health Organization protects the smoker’s lives from the consumption of tobacco.
  • All the media helps in spreading great advantage behind the world no tobacco day on 31st May.

10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on World No Tobacco Day

Question 1. Why WHO organizers celebrate this world no tobacco day?

Answer: The primary purpose of the event is to prevent smokers from tobacco.

Question 2. How many people get killed every year due to the use of tobacco?

Answer: It has reported that around eight million people get killed every year because of the extensive use of tobacco.

Question 3. How did the world no tobacco day event organizer help out smokers?

Answer: The organizers of WHO reach a vast number of smokers and motivate them to quit tobacco for at least twenty hours.

Question 4. Which smoking products consist of tobacco?

Answer: Tobacco gets used in cigarettes, chew tobacco, bidis, cigars, gutkha, and snuff.

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    Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8. The WHO spread the awareness of tobacco on 31st may prevent every one death that happens within six seconds. The WHO shares the report that around 40 percent of men smoke tobacco in a year. This day helps in the prevention of the death of global deaths caused that cause due to tobacco use.