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Top tips for Operational Case Study examination

VIVA Financial

  • Application is so important. Generic textbook answers do not score well. The secret here is assimilation of the technical knowledge with the context and details of the pre-seen scenario.
  • Use the company name/ staff members/ key themes of the pre-seen -eg environmental or innovative plans to underpin your suggestions & make them relevant & applied.
  • Make sure you know your pre-seen inside out… eg if the company does not offer credit sales at the moment, be careful not to suggest debt factoring as a way to ease cashflow!!
  • CIMA examiner has asked that students assume life as normal for their case-study answers (Eg a life before COVID pandemic began)… Although, all relevant comments will be awarded if correct and in context, but you should avoid excessive references to COVID/ lockdown/ impact of health social distancing etc on the company.
  • Students should be familiar with the CIMA Blueprint… particularly the I – CAN statements. 


The ‘I CAN pages from this link are pasted below..

These tell student the weightings and mix of the topics they can expect in EVERY OCS exam…

For example -from the ICAN table..– Section F ( working capital) will be between 7 and 13% of every op case study exam paper – so this table shows the importance of those topic areas – eg we know from this that working capital will be examined in EVERY OCS exam paper going forward (at least 7% of the marks) – so this topic is guaranteed…

Use your objective test knowledge ( 2019 syllabus) notes & Open Tuition lectures to revise – bearing in mind P1 is the LEAD paper for OCS, but F1 and E1 both important too,

When working through your P1/ F1/ E1 notes –try to keep a high level overview – rather than drilling down to the detailed calculations – instead be able to explain/ define/ know the pros and cons of techniques and whether they would be ‘useful’ for the pre-seen company in your scenario.

Graphs are common in the OCS – so be sure you can explain and interpret graphs ( linear programming for example).

Always write enough – ensure you expand/ explain & apply. Leave lots of white space – use subheadings to present your answers & help markers award marks that you deserve.

Avoid bullet points – unless you are out of time

Use the percentage weightings of each exam SUBTASK to guide how much time to spend on each part of your answer

Visit CIMA website & find detailed examiner reports & past exam questions to see errors and weaknesses made by students in recent sittings. Also a good way to see the types of questions to expect and level of detail CIMA are requiring in their answers.

A. Prepare costing information for different purposes to meet the needs of management I can use appropriate technologies to gather data for costing purposes, from digital and other sources.

I can apply different costing methods to produce costing information suitable for managers’ needs. 

I can explain costing information to operational and senior management using appropriate formats and media. 

I can compare different costing methods and systems to determine the most suitable for use by the organisation for different purposes. 

I can identify the cost information required for digital cost objects. 
B. Prepare budget information and assess its use for planning and control purposesI can use appropriate technologies to gather data from digital and other sources to co-ordinate budget preparation. 

I can explain and use different forecasting methods to assist in budget preparation. 

I can use different approaches to produce information for use by managers when preparing budgets. 

I can explain budget information to managers using appropriate formats and media. I can apply various techniques to determine the effect on budgets of changes to variables. 

I can explain to functional managers how budgets are used for planning and control purposes.

 I can discuss the behavioural implications of budgetary planning and control.

I can compare alternative approaches to budgeting to determine their suitability for the organisation and for different purposes.
C. Analyse performance using financial and non- financial information I can identify information that can enable managers to review performance. 

I can interpret variances to review functional and organisational performance. 

I can identify appropriate KPIs for different functions of the organisation. 

I can explain company performance using KPIs. 

I can prepare performance reports for use by different functions and for different purposes in appropriate formats and media. 
D. Apply relevant financial reporting standards and corporate governance, ethical and tax principles I can apply relevant IFRS in a given context, to facilitate the preparation of financial statements.
 I can apply the principles of corporate governance and ethics. 
I can identify the impact of tax regulation on transactions, decisions and profits. 
E. Prepare information to support short-term decision-makingI can identify relevant costs and benefits. I can apply appropriate techniques that support short-term decision-making. 
I can prepare information to support operational decisions.

I can explain factors that could influence short-term decisions. 

I can apply appropriate techniques to deal with situations where there is risk and uncertainty.
F. Prepare information to manage working capital I can identify appropriate sources of short-term finance and methods of short-term investments. 

I can explain how to manage and control working capital. 

I can explain working capital ratios in comparison to prior periods or to other organisations. 

I can identify the impact of changing working capital policies. 

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CIMA Operational Case Study

Theory revision series

In our post-exam surveys after almost every operational case study exam, students tell us they wish they’d spent MORE time revising the theory from their E1, F1 and P1 exams.

For many students, it’s been months (if not years) between them passing their objective test exams and attempting the case study – a lot of time for their knowledge to slip!

And yet, to revise all three subjects in full is nigh on impossible when you also have to understand the pre-seen and master your case study technique too.

Our aim is to save you time and make your life easier!  We have examined the last 8 years of case studies to work out what theory tends to come up regularly and what rarely comes up at all, and summarised all the key examinable topics in a clear and simple way in our revision texts and videos.

Our OCS theory revision series: + Covers all the most important theory that you need to know for the case study exams + Converts the key content from over 1,100 pages of syllabus study texts into just 422 pages + Condenses the theory into manageable chunks, with around 22 hours of video to watch + Gives you the platform to successfully apply the syllabus theory to the pre-seen company and the un-seen exam scenarios

Find out exactly what’s covered and take a look at our samples from the theory revision series below.

“I couldn’t recommend Astranti enough. I used them throughout my case study preparations and found their materials prepared me so well for the exams, meaning I was confident in all aspects from exam technique to theory to case study analysis.”

CIMA Case Study Student , January 2024

“I have completed CIMA’s MCS and SCS with Astranti and have passed them both at first attempt. Great Customer Service, Course Structure is Excellent. Mocks and Theory Revision Kits are the best feature of the course.”

CIMA Qualified , April 2022

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Refresh your syllabus knowledge with help from our tutors

Clear and simple examples bring each topic to life

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Content is split into manageable chunks to make things easier

Take a look for yourself…

Part 1 – Key theory from CIMA E1

Part 1 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Key performance indicators
  • Chapter 2: The finance function and IT
  • Chapter 3: Data and the finance function

Total video running time: 3 hours

Part 2 – Key theory from CIMA F1

Part 2 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: IAS2 inventories
  • Chapter 2: Non-current assets
  • Chapter 3 : Other accounting standards
  • Chapter 4 : IFRS 16 leases
  • Chapter 5 : Corporate taxation
  • Chapter 6: Working capital management
  • Chapter 7: Managing receivables and payables
  • Chapter 8: Managing inventories and cash

Total video running time: 9 hours

Part 3 – Key theory from CIMA P1

Part 3 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Activity based costing
  • Chapter 2: Costs and decisions
  • Chapter 3 : Break even analysis
  • Chapter 4 :  Linear programming
  • Chapter 5 : Budgeting
  • Chapter 6: Budgetary control
  • Chapter 7: Variance analysis
  • Chapter 8: Forecasting
  • Chapter 9: Uncertainty analysis

Total video running time: 10 hours

What our students have to say…

Please see our  testimonials page  for our latest student reviews. Here are a couple of examples:

“I have completed CIMA’s MCS and SCS with Astranti and have passed them both at first attempt.

Great Customer Service, Course Structure is Excellent. Mocks and Theory Revision Kits are the best feature of the course.”

“I have purchased the theory revision series for Management Case Study and now Strategic. Very informative and provides useful scenarios you can expect to see in the exams as well as gaining an understanding of how to build application marks in case studies.

I passed MCS first time with the help of this, so I’ve purchased in again for SCS. Fingers crossed! Would highly recommend this revision series. Thank you!”

Passed CIMA MCS , October 2021

Purchase the theory revision series

The Theory Revision Series is also part of our OCS Premium Course. Head to the course page to find out more.

OCS Theory Revision Series £165

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Personal Best – Preparing for CIMA Operational Case Study – Elevate Your Exam Readiness

Cima operational case study: personal best. get actionable insights, a deep understanding, and key strategies for your exam, introduction to personal best the new cima ocs.

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) has unveiled its latest operational case study, Personal Best, for the upcoming November 2023 and February 2024 exams. With another case study phase starting, this release presents a fresh set of challenges and opportunities for students gearing up for their assessments. Venturing into the details, we’ll meticulously examine each facet of the case study in this exploration.

Going beyond the surface, we’ll be dissecting its intricacies and, in doing so, providing a comprehensive analysis. This endeavor aims to equip students with the insights and understanding they need to excel truly. If students want help studying for their exams, they should join Learnsignal and get all the support they need.

A Glimpse into Personal Best

Starting from humble beginnings just five years ago, Personal Best (PB) swiftly transformed from a home kitchen experiment to a prominent player in Ceeland’s protein product market. Transitioning from its inception, founded by three fitness enthusiasts, PB now boasts an impressive product line.

Predominantly, this line is focused on protein bars and powders, designed not only to fuel workout sessions but also to energize daily activities. Reflecting on this evolution, this remarkable journey is a testament to PB’s unwavering dedication and innovation in the fiercely competitive protein product industry.

The Protein Product Industry: A Snapshot

Historically, protein products catered mainly to a niche market of avid bodybuilders. However, fast forward to today, and the industry paints a different picture. Trends like the “keto diet” have shifted mainstream attention to protein-rich products, effectively widening the consumer base. While PB competes in this bustling market, its unique ethos and commitment to quality set it apart from the crowd.

SWOT Analysis of Personal Best

To begin with, diving into the world of Personal Best (PB), it’s essential to identify the internal and external factors influencing its trajectory. In this context, a SWOT analysis emerges as an invaluable tool that sheds light on these aspects. Building on this, below, we’ll unravel Personal Best’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, thereby providing a comprehensive view of its strategic landscape.

  • Diverse Product Range: PB offers a variety of protein products, from bars to powders, catering to different consumer preferences.
  • Local Market Knowledge: As the only top player based in Ceeland, PB has insights into local preferences and market dynamics.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: Sourcing high-quality local whey powder ensures product quality and might offer a competitive edge.
  • E-commerce Presence: A revamped website and e-commerce platform allow PB to tap into online sales.
  • Dependence on Few Suppliers: Relying heavily on specific suppliers for key ingredients can pose a supply chain risk.
  • Limited Global Presence: Predominantly operating in Ceeland might limit PB’s global growth opportunities.
  • Potential Capacity Constraints: With increasing demand, current facilities might soon be insufficient.


  • Global Expansion: Venturing into international markets can diversify revenue streams.
  • Product Innovation: Introducing new flavors or product categories can capture more market share.
  • Partnerships & Collaborations: Aligning with fitness influencers or gyms can boost brand visibility.
  • Intense Competition: Other significant players like Megabuilda and ProteinIN pose competitive threats.
  • Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in health trends or product preferences can impact sales.
  • Regulatory Changes: Any government regulations impacting health products can affect PB’s operations.

Strategic Analysis of Personal Best

It’s about understanding the intricate dynamics at play, both internally and externally. Furthermore, while numbers provide a quantitative measure, strategic analysis delves into the qualitative aspects, capturing the essence of a company’s culture, values, and vision.

Consequently, by integrating both these dimensions, businesses can craft a holistic strategy, ensuring not just growth, but also sustainability and resilience in a competitive market.Instead, it delves into understanding the broader picture, the industry dynamics, and the competitive environment. For those in academia, especially students, a comprehensive strategic analysis serves as a roadmap, pinpointing the company’s future trajectory and its esteemed position in the fitness industry.

Industry Landscape and Personal Best’s Position

The fitness industry, marked by rapid innovations and shifting consumer preferences, presents challenges and opportunities. Here’s where Personal Best makes its mark:

  • Adaptability : Personal Best has showcased resilience and adaptability in changing industry dynamics, tweaking its strategies to resonate with market demands.
  • Innovative Offerings : The company’s emphasis on integrating technology with fitness regimens sets it apart, catering to a tech-savvy clientele seeking personalized solutions.
  • Diverse Portfolio : With a range of products spanning different fitness categories, Personal Best appeals to a broad consumer base, from novices to fitness enthusiasts.

Competitive Analysis: Key Differentiators

In an industry teeming with competitors, what makes Personal Best stand out? A few strategic differentiators include:

  • Quality Assurance : Personal Best’s unwavering commitment to quality has cemented its reputation, leading to customer loyalty and trust.
  • Community Building : Beyond just products, the company has fostered a thriving community of fitness enthusiasts, promoting holistic well-being.
  • Sustainability Focus : Personal Best’s eco-friendly initiatives resonate with environmentally-conscious consumers.

Challenges and Opportunities

Now let’s look at potential hurdles and future growth avenues for Personal Best:


  • Evolving Consumer Preferences : With fitness trends shifting rapidly, staying ahead of the curve is a constant challenge.
  • Competitive Pressure : New entrants and established players vying for market share, necessitating continuous innovation.


  • Digital Expansion : The digital realm offers vast opportunities, from virtual fitness classes to AI-driven personalized regimens.
  • Global Outreach : Expanding into untapped markets can propel Personal Best to new heights, amplifying its global footprint.

It’s an intricate tapestry of industry trends, competitive dynamics, and internal strengths woven together to craft a story of ambition, challenges, and future promise.

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Financial analysis of personal best.

It is important to understand how the company is performing financially. By doing so, this will help inform the company’s future strategy. Furthermore, it will assist them in determining if previous plans have been successful.

The Financial Health of Personal Best

A cursory glance at the company’s financial statements reveals a brand on a growth trajectory. However, by looking closer, we can identify both triumphs and challenges.

  • Revenue Growth : The year-on-year increase in revenue indicates a brand that has managed to expand its customer base, launch successful products, and tap into new markets.
  • Profit Margins : A closer look reveals fluctuating profit margins, hinting at the challenges of managing operational costs in the face of growth.

Ratio Analysis: Decoding the Numbers

Ratio analysis is the magnifying glass that brings clarity to financial statements. For Personal Best, key ratios tell a story of growth, efficiency, and liquidity.

Liquidity ratio:Current ratio (current assets / current liabilities)4525 / 4093 = 1.113013 / 4455 = 0.68
Efficiency ratio:Inventory turnover (cost of goods / average inventory)15707 / (average of 1140 and 1004)14.5

Insights and comments

  • A significant improvement in the current ratio from 2022 to 2023 indicates better liquidity and ability to cover short-term obligations.
  • With an inventory turnover of 14.5 times in 2023, the company efficiently manages its inventory, ensuring that products are sold relatively quickly.
  • Revenue: C$23.9 million
  • Gross Profit: C$8.4 million
  • Profit before tax: C$1.2 million

Given the information we have, we can make the following conclusions:

  • Sales: PB had a revenue of C$23.9 million for the year.
  • Costs: The difference between revenue and gross profit gives us the cost of sales, which is C$15.5 million (C$23.9 million – C$8.4 million).
  • Profits: The profit before tax is C$1.2 million, which is a positive indication of the company’s performance.

To comment on the financial results and whether the company is successful or not, as well as to identify key areas of improvement, we would ideally need a comparative analysis with previous years or industry benchmarks. However, based on the current data:

Success Indicators

A gross profit of C$8.4 million on a revenue of C$23.9 million suggests a healthy margin. Moreover, a positive profit before tax is a good sign.

Areas of Improvement

  • Cost Management : The difference between gross profit and profit before tax is C$7.2 million (C$8.4 million – C$1.2 million). This indicates significant operating expenses or other costs which might need to be managed better.
  • Revenue Growth : While C$23.9 million in revenue is commendable, depending on the industry and competition, there might be opportunities to expand sales channels, diversify product offerings, or penetrate new markets to grow this figure.

Capital structure and sources of financing

When PB was founded in 2018, the founders invested every cent they owned or could borrow to manufacture the first PB bar. PB is currently working on raising finances for new products, as indicated in the last section provided. However, the detailed breakdown of PB’s capital structure (i.e., the mix of equity and debt) and specific sources of financing (like bank loans, equity investments, etc.) hasn’t been directly captured in the sections provided so far.

From the section “Statement of Financial Position at 30 June 2023”, we can infer the following regarding PB’s capital structure:

  • Issued C$ 1 equity share capital: C$ 300,000
  • Share premium: C$ 834,000
  • Retained earnings: C$ 1,534,000
  • Total equity: C$ 2,668,000


Non-current liabilities:

  • Borrowings: C$ 5,000,000
  • Lease liability: C$ 986,000

The gearing ratio can be calculated using the following formula:

Gearing Ratio = Total Debt / (Total Equity + Total Debt) x 100

Total Debt includes borrowings and other long-term liabilities.

Total Equity includes issued share capital, share premium, and retained earnings.

Using the figures extracted from the “Statement of Financial Position at 30 June 2023”:

Total Debt = C$ 5,000,000 (Borrowings)

Total Equity = C$2,668,000 (Total Equity)

The gearing ratio for PB, based on the provided figures from the “Statement of Financial Position at 30 June 2023,” is approximately 65.21%.

The Current Capital Structure:

A gearing ratio of 65.21% suggests that a significant portion (about two-thirds) of the company’s capital structure is funded by external debt. At the same time, the remaining one-third is financed by equity. This indicates a relatively high level of financial leverage, which can amplify the potential returns to shareholders but also increase the risk, especially if the company fails to meet its debt obligations.

Costing and budgeting techniques

PB operates using a standard absorption costing system. This means PB uses predetermined overhead rates to assign overhead costs to products. These rates are set based on estimated overhead costs and an allocation measure like machine hours or direct labor hours.

Costing: Framework and Mechanics

Let us apply a few costing approaches for PB, considering its internal and external environment.

Throughput Costing


  • Simplicity : Throughput costing is simpler than other methods because only direct material costs are considered as variable costs. Given PB’s emphasis on quality ingredients, this could provide clarity on material costs vs. sales.
  • Focus on Bottlenecks : This method emphasizes throughput and identifies bottlenecks, which could be beneficial for PB, especially given its rapid growth and need to scale production efficiently.
  • Fast Decision Making : Throughput costing is useful for quick decisions, which aligns with PB’s entrepreneurial culture and rapid growth.


  • Overlooks Overheads : It doesn’t allocate overheads to individual products, which might not provide a full picture of profitability, especially given PB’s manufacturing processes.
  • Regulatory Concerns : Throughput costing might not be suitable for external reporting in certain jurisdictions.

Absorption Costing

  • Full Costing Picture : Absorption costing takes into account both variable and fixed manufacturing costs, providing a complete picture of product costs.
  • Regulatory Acceptance : It’s widely accepted for external financial reporting and might align with regulatory requirements in Ceeland.
  • Stable Product Cost : It results in a more stable product cost, which can be beneficial for pricing decisions, especially in a competitive market.
  • Less Emphasis on Cost Control : Fixed costs are spread across units produced, which might reduce the emphasis on controlling these costs.
  • Potential for Overproduction : To spread out fixed costs, there might be an incentive to produce more, which could result in overproduction, not ideal for a product like protein bars which have a shelf life.

Activity Based Costing (ABC)

  • Precision : ABC assigns overheads based on activities, which can provide a more accurate product cost, especially for a company like PB which likely has diverse activities from product development to marketing.
  • Cost Management : Helps in identifying non-value-added activities and costs, allowing PB to optimize operations.
  • Diverse Product Lines : Given PB’s range of products and flavors, ABC can provide clear insights into the profitability of each product.
  • Complexity : ABC can be complex and time-consuming, which might not align with PB’s fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment.
  • Higher Implementation Costs : Requires more data collection and analysis.
  • Potential Overhead : Constant need to update costing as activities change.

Given PB’s nature – a rapidly growing company with a diverse product range and an emphasis on quality and innovation – Activity Based Costing (ABC) seems to be the most suitable. While it is complex, it provides precision in allocating costs, especially for a company with diverse activities from product development to marketing. ABC would allow PB to understand the profitability of each product line and flavor and optimize its operations by focusing on value-added activities. This precision and insight into cost drivers can be crucial for PB as it continues to grow and diversify its offerings in a competitive market.

Budgeting: Ensuring efficient CONTROL mechanism

Let us now see how different budgeting approaches can fit for controlling the performance of PB.

Incremental Budgeting

  • Simplicity : This method is straightforward, building on previous budgets by making incremental adjustments.
  • Stability : Provides consistency in planning and operations.
  • Time-Efficient : Requires less managerial time compared to other methods.
  • Potential Inefficiencies : Might perpetuate inefficiencies from past budgets.
  • Lack of Innovation : Does not encourage the search for innovative approaches or new cost-saving opportunities.
  • Reactivity : May not respond quickly to the fast-changing environment and demands of the protein market.

Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)

  • Resource Optimization : Every expense must be justified, leading to better resource allocation.
  • Eliminates Waste : Unnecessary costs from past budgets are not automatically included.
  • Flexibility : Allows for rapid adjustments in response to market changes.
  • Time-Consuming : Requires substantial managerial time and effort to justify every cost.
  • Short-Term Focus : The intensive nature may emphasize short-term benefits over long-term strategy.
  • Managerial Stress : Could lead to potential friction among managers vying for budget allocation.

Rolling Budgeting

  • Updated Forecasts : Provides current and more accurate financial projections.
  • Flexibility : Adapts to changing conditions, crucial for PB’s rapidly evolving market.
  • Continual Planning : Encourages regular review and adjustments.
  • Time-Intensive : Requires frequent updates and revisions.
  • Short-Term Focus : The continuous nature might divert attention from long-term planning.
  • Increased Workload : Requires more managerial effort for constant updates.

Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB)

  • Precision : Aligns resources with activities, ensuring efficient allocation.
  • Cost Management : Focuses on cost drivers and value-added activities.
  • Relevance : Given PB’s diverse activities, ABB can provide clear insights into costs associated with each activity.
  • Complexity : Implementation and maintenance can be complex.
  • Requires Detailed Data : Needs detailed activity and cost driver data.
  • Potential Overhead : Like ABC, there’s a need to update budgeting as activities change.

Beyond Budgeting

  • Adaptability : Highly flexible, allowing for rapid adjustments to changing conditions.
  • Empowerment : Decentralizes decision-making, potentially aligning with PB’s entrepreneurial culture.
  • Long-Term Focus : Encourages strategic thinking over fixed targets.
  • Less Control : Traditional control mechanisms are loosened.
  • Requires Culture Shift : Might require significant changes in organizational culture and mindset.
  • Potential for Misalignment : Without clear budgets, departments may pursue conflicting goals.

Given PB’s rapid growth, entrepreneurial culture, and the dynamic nature of the protein market, Rolling Budgeting seems to be a suitable approach. The constant updating inherent in rolling budgets will allow PB to adjust and adapt to the fast-changing demands of their industry. It will provide them with the flexibility to allocate resources where they are most needed and respond swiftly to market trends and opportunities.

However, considering PB’s diverse activities, integrating elements of Activity-Based Budgeting could further refine their resource allocation, ensuring that costs are tied directly to value-driving activities. A combination of these two methods would provide PB with both the flexibility and precision required to navigate their competitive and evolving market landscape.

Operational Analysis of Personal Best

Turning our attention to the operational performance driving of PB, it’s evident that we’re about to delve deep. In this exploration, we will learn about the processes that have positioned it as a leader in the fitness industry, as well as the challenges that lie in its path.

Operational Efficiency

At the core of Personal Best’s success lies its operational efficiency. Moreover, efficient operations are not just about minimizing costs; they’re about maximizing value at every step, ensuring that every resource, be it workforce or material, is utilized to its fullest potential. Here are some of the standout elements in Personal Best’s operational playbook:

Streamlined Supply Chain : Personal Best optimizes its supply chain and ensures timely product availability, minimizing stockouts and overstock situations.

Technology Integration : The company’s use of cutting-edge technology, from AI-driven fitness recommendations to efficient inventory management systems, exemplifies its forward-thinking approach.

Quality Control : Rigorous quality checks at every stage ensure that the end consumer receives a product that’s not just fit for purpose but exceeds expectations.

Challenges in Operations: Navigating the Hurdles

Every operational journey, no matter how streamlined, faces challenges. For Personal Best, these include:

Scalability Concerns : As the company grows, scaling its operations without compromising efficiency or quality becomes paramount.

Resource Management : Balancing the demands of a growing enterprise with finite resources requires continuous optimization and innovation.

Operational Opportunities: The Road Ahead

Amidst the challenges lie opportunities. Leveraging these can set Personal Best on a trajectory of sustained operational excellence:

Sustainability Initiatives : Embracing sustainable operations, from eco-friendly packaging to energy-efficient production processes, can reduce costs and resonate with a growing base of eco-conscious consumers.

Diversification : Exploring new product lines or venturing into complementary service offerings can open up new operational avenues, driving growth and diversification.

Operational analysis shows the behind-the-scenes efforts that propel Personal Best forward. It’s a testament to the company’s commitment to excellence, not just in what it offers to the world but in how it crafts those offerings daily.

Risk Management Perspectives on Personal Best

While it’s impossible to eliminate risk, astute risk management strategies can mitigate its impact, turning potential challenges into growth opportunities. Beginning our exploration and as we set forth on the journey into the world of Personal Best, one can’t help but notice that understanding its risk landscape and mitigation strategies is paramount. Indeed, grasping these aspects offers a clearer perspective on the brand’s resilience and foresight. In doing so, we can glean invaluable insights into the brand’s resilience and foresight. Specifically, these insights shed light on the brand’s resilience and adaptability.

Understanding the Risk Spectrum of Personal Best

Every industry has unique risks, and the fitness sector is no exception. For Personal Best, these risks span a wide spectrum, encompassing operational, financial, strategic, and external factors.

Operational Risks : These encompass potential disruptions in the company’s day-to-day operations, be it supply chain hiccups, technological glitches, or quality control challenges.

Financial Risks : Fluctuations in currency exchange rates, interest rates, and market dynamics pose financial risks.

Strategic Risks : Any misalignment between the company’s strategies and market realities can lead to strategic risks.

External Risks : Factors beyond the company’s control, such as economic downturns, regulatory changes, or global events, fall under this category.

Risk Mitigation: The Proactive Approach of Personal Best

Acknowledging risks is just the first step. However, the real prowess lies in crafting strategies to mitigate them. Here’s how Personal Best proactively manages its risk landscape:

Diversification : By offering a diverse product portfolio and venturing into different markets, the brand buffers itself against fluctuations in any segment.

Technology Integration : Using state-of-the-art technologies, Personal Best can anticipate operational glitches, streamline supply chains, and enhance customer experiences.

Continuous Monitoring : Regular audits, both internal and external, ensure that any potential risks are identified early, allowing for timely intervention.

Future Challenges and the Risk Roadmap

As the brand forges ahead, new challenges and risks will inevitably arise. The key lies in adaptability and foresight.

Anticipated Risks:

  • Digital Vulnerabilities : As the brand integrates more digital tools, the risk of cyber threats increases.
  • Global Uncertainties : Expanding internationally exposes the brand to geopolitical risks, cultural nuances, and economic volatilities.

Risk Management Strategies:

  • Investment in Cybersecurity : Protecting customer data and ensuring digital integrity will be paramount.
  • Local Partnerships : Collaborating with local partners can mitigate the challenges of global expansion, offering insights into regional dynamics.

Risk management isn’t about avoiding risks but navigating them with agility and foresight. Upon examining the corporate framework, it becomes evident that the insights into Personal Best’s risk management strategies present an enlightening view. Drawing from this observation, and moving forward with this perspective, we can readily identify the brand’s proactive approach. Not only does this approach prioritize preparedness, but it also distinctly underscores adaptability. Moreover, above all, it fervently champions continuous learning.

Stakeholder Insights into Personal Best

The business ecosystem is a confluence of diverse stakeholders, each with unique interests, expectations, and influences. Their interplay determines not just the trajectory of a business but its very ethos and values. Understanding PBs’ diverse stakeholders and intricate dynamics provides an overall view of the brand’s operations, challenges, and strategies.

Mapping the Stakeholder Landscape of Personal Best

Every enterprise, irrespective of its size or sector, engages with a spectrum of stakeholders. For Personal Best, this spectrum is both vast and varied. Key stakeholders include:

Customers : At the forefront are those seeking fitness solutions and products that resonate with their aspirations and lifestyles.

  • Employees : The organization’s lifeblood, employees drive its vision, operations, and innovations.
  • Investors and Shareholders : They seek sustainable growth and investment returns by providing the financial backbone.
  • Suppliers : Ensuring timely and quality inputs they are pivotal for seamless operations.
  • Regulatory Bodies : Guided by legal and ethical frameworks, they ensure the brand’s compliance with industry norms and standards.

Stakeholder Dynamics: The Interplay at `Personal Best

In the intricate web of business dynamics, stakeholders are not merely passive entities. Rather, they actively engage, influence, and in turn, are influenced by the brand’s decisions and strategies. With this backdrop, let’s delve into how Personal Best adeptly navigates its stakeholder dynamics:

  • Customer Engagement : Through feedback loops, personalized offerings, and community-building initiatives, the brand fosters deep customer relationships.
  • Employee Empowerment : Training, growth opportunities, and a conducive work environment underscore the brand’s commitment to its workforce.
  • Investor Relations : Transparent communication, regular updates, and sound financial strategies ensure investor trust and confidence.
  • Supplier Collaborations : Long-term partnerships, fair practices, and mutual growth strategies characterize the brand’s supplier engagements.
  • Regulatory Adherence : Personal Best’s unwavering commitment to compliance ensures a positive rapport with regulatory bodies.

Challenges and Opportunities: The Stakeholder Perspective

Engaging with diverse stakeholders presents both challenges and opportunities. Here’s a glimpse into the stakeholder-centric challenges and growth avenues for the company:

  • Balancing Diverse Interests : Aligning stakeholders’ varied expectations and interests is a continuous challenge.
  • Communication Gaps : Ensuring clear, transparent, and timely communication across the stakeholder spectrum can be daunting.
  • Collaborative Growth : Engaging stakeholders in decision-making can unlock new avenues of growth and innovation.
  • Building Trust : Transparent operations, ethical practices, and stakeholder-centric strategies can cement the brand’s reputation and trust.

Stakeholder insights offer a panoramic view into the world of Personal Best. Additionally, they shed light on the brand’s values, engagement strategies, and commitment to creating value for itself and its entire ecosystem of stakeholders.

Sustainability and Ethical Practices at Personal Best

In today’s globalized business landscape, sustainability and ethical practices are more than just buzzwords; they’re integral to a brand’s identity, reputation, and long-term viability. In the realm of businesses, especially for companies like Personal Best, these principles reflect a commitment to business growth, societal well-being, environmental preservation, and ethical integrity. With that in mind, now let’s delve deeper to explore how these ideals are intricately woven into Personal Best’s operations, strategies, and values.

Sustainability Initiatives: Charting a Greener Path for Personal Best

Sustainability is a multifaceted endeavor encompassing environmental, economic, and social dimensions. For Personal Best, this translates into a series of initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint while ensuring economic viability. Key sustainability efforts include:

  • Eco-friendly Products : Emphasizing biodegradable materials and sustainable production processes, the brand ensures its products tread lightly on the planet.
  • Waste Reduction : Through efficient production techniques and recycling initiatives, the company continually strives to minimize waste.
  • Energy Efficiency : Leveraging renewable energy sources and optimizing energy consumption are central to the brand’s sustainability ethos.

Ethical Practices: Upholding Integrity at Personal Best

Venturing further into the corporate landscape, beyond sustainability, we find ourselves in the realm of ethics. This domain is crucial as it guides a company’s interactions with its stakeholders, whether they are customers, employees, or suppliers.Personal Best’s commitment to ethical practices is evident in the following:

  • Transparent Operations : The brand emphasizes transparency and honesty, whether it’s financial disclosures or product claims.
  • Fair Trade : The company ensures an ethical supply chain when collaborating with suppliers who adhere to fair trade principles.
  • Employee Welfare : Prioritizing employee well-being, growth, and rights, the company fosters a culture of respect and empowerment.

Challenges and Opportunities: The Road Ahead in Sustainability and Ethics

Embracing sustainability and ethical practices is a journey fraught with challenges but abundant in opportunities. For Personal Best:

  • Balancing Costs : Implementing sustainable practices often comes with increased costs, necessitating a balance between sustainability and profitability.
  • Navigating Global Standards : With operations spanning multiple countries, adhering to varied sustainability and ethical norms can be complex.
  • Brand Reputation : In an age where consumers value ethical brands, Personal Best’s commitment can enhance its reputation and customer loyalty.
  • Innovative Solutions : Exploring sustainable materials and processes can lead to innovative product offerings, setting the brand apart in the market.

Transitioning from mere business objectives, it’s evident that Personal Best goes a step further. Beyond just profit margins, they prioritize the well-being of the environment and society at large. Additionally, their actions reflect a deep-rooted belief in creating a better future. As a result, their dedication not only enhances their brand image but also sets a commendable benchmark for others in the industry.Moreover, it’s a continuous learning, adaptation, and growth journey underpinned by a vision of a better, more sustainable future.

Preparing for Your OCS Exam with Personal Best Insights

Navigating through the intricate details of Personal Best has equipped us with a wealth of insights, but the journey continues. First and foremost, understanding the core concepts is crucial. Subsequently, by actively engaging with the material and practicing regularly, they can reinforce their knowledge.

Moreover, by simulating real exam conditions and practicing with past papers, students can gain a better grasp of the exam format. Ultimately, thorough preparation and a strategic approach will pave the way for success in the OCS exam. Furthermore, remember that the OCS exam is structured to test your knowledge of the pre-seen material and your ability to apply it to unseen challenges on the exam day.

As you gear up for the exam day, be prepared to encounter a blend of short-, medium-, and long-answer questions. Specifically, these questions will delve into various facets of the case study. Your understanding of Personal Best will be pivotal, but your ability to think critically, analyze new data, and craft well-reasoned responses is equally important.

To maximize your chances of success:

  • Revisit the case study multiple times, each with a different focus – financials, marketing, operations, etc.
  • Engage in mock exams and group discussions to simulate exam conditions and gain diverse perspectives.
  • Most importantly, approach the exam confidently, knowing that your deep understanding of CIMA OCS Personal Best will be a robust foundation.

Best of luck as you prepare to conquer the OCS exam!

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Operational level

By passing the level, you will gain CIMA's Diploma in Management Accounting

Operational level is the first level of CIMA's CGMA Professional Qualification and consists of three subject areas.

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cima operational case study blueprint

For the CGMA Professional Qualification, CIMA has published CGMA Examination Blueprints, based on the syllabus, that set out what is examinable in each of the nine Objective Tests and three Case Study Exams. The blueprints are published annually and provide information about the format, structure and weightings of the assessments.

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Case Study support 1 – preparing for the Case Study exam

This is the first in a short series of three articles written for students who are preparing for case study exams. It is based on the authors’ experience in setting and marking CGMA case studies. These articles will be valuable to candidates who are preparing for each of the three levels of CIMA's CGMA Professional Qualification.

Note: These articles take examples from the pre-seen materials and question tutorials for all three levels of the CGMA qualification to illustrate the points made, so a familiarity with these would be helpful. With that in mind, it is recommended that candidates read these articles in conjunction with the other resources that are available to them, including materials that are level specific.

Study planner additional resources: Operational question tutorial material Management question tutorial material / Gateway question tutorial material Strategic question tutorial material For further resources and variants visit the study planner and view a relevant exam session.

The purpose of the case study exam

CIMA describes the case study exam as a “role simulation”. It requires candidates to “respond to authentic work-based activities presented during the examination, drawing together learning from each of the three subjects to provide solutions to the issues and challenges presented”. The case studies at each of the three levels require candidates to imagine themselves as finance professionals with clearly defined roles that are linked to the Operational, Management and Strategic levels of the professional qualification. These roles are outlined in the examination blueprints for each level.

Each case study comprises two separate elements:

  • The pre-seen information is released in advance of the exam. It describes an entity, providing background information on its industry and other information that should help candidates to understand any issues that arise. Each level has its own pre-seen.
  • The unseen information is provided on the day of the exam. It comprises supplementary information that expands upon the background in the pre-seen, along with requests for responses from a colleague/superior that are the exam task requirements.

The case study exam can be described as a “role simulation” because it reflects what happens in the real world by providing scenarios which reflect various types of organisations and industries and require candidates to take on the kind of role a CGMA candidate or member would have in the simulated organisation. CGMA finance professionals are expected to understand the entities that employ them. As they progress through their careers, they are expected to be capable of accepting greater levels of responsibility. When assigned a task they should be able to apply their technical knowledge to the entity itself and the position in which it finds itself.

In the real world, it should be expected that a finance professional would be able to make realistic and sensible recommendations that can be justified in the event of a superior who asks: “why do you think that?”. The case study approach enables CIMA to promote the employability of its students and members to organisations who are recruiting finance professionals who can do more than simply pass knowledge-based exams: the case study role simulation requires candidates to think and act as they would be required to do in the workplace.

CIMA has released a question tutorial for each case study level of the Professional Qualification.

  • The question tutorial for the Operational Case Study relates to GymFiT, a company that operates 102 low-cost gyms. The candidate is expected to assume the role of a Finance Officer, who supports the company’s Finance Manager.
  • The question tutorial for the Management Case Study relates to Grainger, a company that designs and manufactures mobile phones and that operates globally. The candidate is expected to assume the role of Finance Manager.
  • The question tutorial for the Strategic Case Study relates to Fizz, a soft drink manufacturer that operates largely within its home market but is contemplating overseas expansion. The candidate is expected to assume the role of a Senior Manager who reports directly to Fizz’s Board.

Each of the pre-seen documents for the question tutorials describes a very different business, and that is key to understanding what is required in the case study exam. For example, GymFiT is a service company that operates from a large number of separate locations. Candidates will have to take that into account in responding to any requests for support on operational matters.

Using the blueprint to support case study exam preparation

Candidates are expected to have already studied the syllabus material that is relevant to their case study, either through passing the relevant objective tests set by CIMA for the three objective tests at that level or through having been granted exemptions for previous relevant study. Regardless of how they got there, case study candidates are expected to have grasped the syllabus content and now be able to apply it in the context of the case study, to be able to formulate and structure a credible response to a request from a superior/colleague.

For example, the Management Case Study question tutorial sets a task that asks about the challenges associated with transfer pricing for charges to be made by one part of the entity to another, to reflect the transfer of resources. Clearly, a candidate who did not know what transfer pricing was or what a target costing exercise involved, would struggle to answer this requirement. (The need for application to the case – which is clearly crucial in a case study exam – will be explored in a further article.)

To assist candidates in their preparation, CIMA has published a series of examination blueprints, which spell out core activities and expands on those by breaking them down to “I can” statements (headed as assessment outcomes). So, for example, a candidate preparing for the Management Case Study knows that it is necessary to be able to manage internal and external stakeholders (Core Activity E) and that requires the candidate to be able to say “I can explain the behavioural and transfer pricing issues associated with internal trading.”

Making full sense of the blueprints requires careful study and preparation. Every candidate should complete a satisfactory course of study, whether self-led or facilitated by a tuition provider, to ensure that the necessary content has been mastered.

The case study exams reflect the real world in the sense that all tasks are compulsory. It is very risky to skip topics on the basis that they would take too long to revise or have been evaluated as unlikely to be in the exam. It should go without saying that knowledge that has been learned and examined in the past can be forgotten and so there is no substitute for revising study materials to refresh knowledge and to ensure that it is up to date.

Candidate responses which appear to have been written as a summary of the information in the pre-seen and do not reflect any of the framework that is expected from them will receive few marks.

For example, the Management Case Study question tutorial includes a sub-task requirement that relates to the challenges associated with ensuring that a proposed team will be effective. Ideally, candidates would have written strong answers by using their knowledge of the factors that can determine the success or failure of teams, drawn from the syllabus material, with the facts that were presented in the unseen material concerning this particular team. The syllabus material would be a significant element in offering a justification for the arguments, with the facts provided in the case itself enabling the candidate to demonstrate application of that material.

Reading the pre-seen

The pre-seen is made available on the CIMA website before the exam. It is expected that candidates will read and study the document closely and that they will be extremely familiar with it on the day of the exam.

Realistically, the examiner cannot expect candidates to have memorised every single paragraph of the pre-seen. A copy of the pre-seen material is available for reference throughout the exam so candidates can check details. It is quite common for the tasks themselves to repeat key facts rather than risk causing confusion or wasting precious time during the exam. For example, the Strategic pre-seen lists the directors’ names and areas of responsibility, but a task would not take it for granted that you had memorised that list. If a task referred to, say, Simon Bridges then it would remind candidates that Mr Bridges is the Production Director.

When working on the pre-seen material, the expectation is that candidates will develop an awareness of the way the syllabus knowledge that they bring into the case study should be applied. Returning to Fizz, it is clear that:

  • Fizz manufactures a range of products for the consumer market that are sold through third parties (mainly retailers and food outlets such as cafes, restaurants and bars).
  • This is a competitive industry with relatively little scope for innovation.
  • The company has effective governance systems in place.
  • There is financial information that might repay careful study.
  • There is a collection of news clippings at the end of the pre-seen.

The first two points are vitally important because they can help candidates avoid offering unhelpful or ill-informed advice. It is easy to lose credibility through ignoring the nature of the industry.

For example, the sample assessment 2 for the Strategic question tutorial asks about the implications of fixing the costs of ingredients for extended periods. Without going too deeply into the mechanisms available for doing so, Fizz has two basic choices for buying sugar: it can either accept the current market price whenever it places an order or it can make a contract that fixes prices for a specified future period.

The nature of the business really matters when offering advice because Fizz cannot necessarily pass any cost increases on to its customers. Supermarkets may not be willing to pay more for Fizz’s cola drink if the company’s competitors are keeping their prices unchanged.

Regardless of the level of the case study, the nature of the entity will have an impact on the advice that is offered. In the case of the Operational Case Study, our entity is a low-cost gym. Its clients are attracted by low costs and so cost control could be more important for GymFiT than it might be for a traditional full-service gym that promotes itself based on quality of service and facilities. In the case of Grainger, it sells mobile phones and customers might be more interested in quality and functions than in selling price and so cost control could be less important.

The initial read through the pre-seen should involve thinking about all the commercial, regulatory and financial issues that have been provided. The examiner has scope to develop tasks that require candidates to identify the relevant issues and to address them in the context of the case study.

Candidates should always ensure that they understand the content of the pre-seen. The fact that they have had several weeks to study it suggests that they should have been able to take time to interpret the facts that have been provided. For example, the Strategic pre-seen for the question tutorial charts the respective share prices of Fizz and its competitor Qwench. The most striking feature of the graph is that Fizz’s share price has remained relatively unchanged over the period under review in comparison to Qwench’s, which has declined slowly. Another key feature is that the two companies’ share prices have tended to move at the same times and in the same direction, implying that they have been affected by the same events. Candidates might be tempted to focus on the fact that Qwench’s share price was consistently higher than Fizz’s, but this means nothing whatsoever in financial or economic terms.

A closer read

When marking case study exams, it is clear that many candidates conduct their own independent study of the industry and the factors that affect it. That often results in them developing helpful insights that they can use to develop and inform their answers. For example, a candidate for the Operational Case Study might find it helpful to learn more about the background to the industry, the factors that drive demand and the contrast with full-service gym providers. Background research is not mandatory – there will be sufficient information in the pre-seen and unseen documents to enable candidates to write full and relevant answers – however some independent reading and research can benefit case study preparation.

Candidates should beware of the one major risk associated with independent research. Many candidates feel that they must demonstrate that they have read more widely and that often results in them including irrelevant arguments or examples in their answers. Marks are awarded for arguments that are both correct and relevant, so illustrating an argument with a real-world event that bears no relation to the case will simply waste time. Rather than researching the industry in very narrow terms, candidates might benefit more from keeping up to date with the general business news. Many candidates gain credit simply by demonstrating that they have a good grasp of the issues that might affect, say, a service industry and applying that understanding to the case study and its associated requirements.

Many candidates work through the information in the financial statements and use that information to illustrate their arguments. For example, GymFiT’s revenue increased by 24% compared to the previous year, which may be a useful statistic to cite in an answer. Numerical tasks are not set in the case study exams, but credit is given for any relevant computations provided by candidates, including accounting ratios, which support the response to the task.

As with personal research, care must be taken to avoid wasting time on insights from deep study of the pre-seen material just because it is possible to do so. There is no point in telling the marker something that does not relate to the task requirement, even if it is correct.

Candidates should always take care to read through the content of the press clippings that usually appear at the end of the pre-seen. Examiners often provide those in order to help candidates better understand the industry. These may not always be directly relevant to task requirements. They may also be provided with the intention of adding background information that could help candidates to better understand the context of a requirement.

For example, the question tutorial Operational Case Study Pre-seen includes a news article on data analytics and improving health. One of the tasks in the question tutorial deals with the potential usefulness of digital sources and the costs associated with providing gym members with a fitness app. Neither of those requirements could have been predicted from reading the news report, but the background information that it provides would have helped candidates to develop informed and relevant answers.

Prefabricated answers and question spotting

So far, we have argued that candidates can improve their marks by studying the pre-seen and thinking about what might happen in this particular case study, to this particular company. That is a legitimate and helpful frame of mind in which to read the pre-seen and be ready to address the requirements that are set on the day. In contrast, candidates should resist the temptation to read the pre-seen with a view to predicting the tasks that will be set and concentrating their revision on the related topics.

As mentioned previously, the purpose of the case study approach is to reassure employers that CGMA finance professionals are employable. In the real world, finance professionals are expected to be able to respond to unforeseen and unpredicted problems. Case studies will often reflect that by introducing a change of direction or a complication that could not necessarily have been predicted from the pre-seen.

For example, the Management Pre-seen for the question tutorial provides quite a detailed discussion of battery technology. That then informs requirements that deal with a collaborative effort to design a new model of phone that incorporates certain design elements that are restricted by the battery. Candidates responding to that task would have benefitted from close study of the pre-seen in advance of attempting those requirements but would have struggled to have guessed the task in advance.

Question spotting is dangerous because it risks candidates excluding topics from their revision that could form the basis of a task in the exam. The fact that the information in the pre-seen could lend itself to a particular topic does not guarantee that the topic will be examined.

Some responses read as if candidates have read the pre-seen and have prepared a response on a topic which has fortunately come up in the exam. Unfortunately, those answers often stress the information drawn from the present to the exclusion of the additional material that is provided in the unseen content that accompanies the requirements. These “prefabricated” answers read as if they have been written in advance and are then reproduced by the candidate without much attempt to reflect all of the facts that the examiner has provided. These types of responses earn few marks.

It should be stressed that it would be potentially helpful to read the pre-seen carefully with a view to understanding the business and the challenges that it might face. Problems only arise when candidates do not prepare themselves to adapt to changing scenarios or unexpected events.

To sum up …

The case study approach to exams is intended to provide candidates with the ability to demonstrate their employability by asking them to approach practical problems using their knowledge of the syllabus material to develop an appropriate response.

The pre-seen is a key element of that exam and it should be regarded as such by candidates. Close study of the pre-seen material and careful preparation will equip candidates to provide relevant and well-informed answers to the task requirements, drawing on their knowledge and skills to provide solutions to the practical problems presented in the exam.


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  1. Exam blueprints

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    Operational. Case Study. The CGMA Study Hub keeps you on track to achieve your personal study goals.

  4. OCS May

    This document contains the full post exam supporting materials for the May and August 2022 operational case study exam containing: pre-seen material. exam variants. suggested solutions. examiners report. marking guidance.

  5. Free exam and question tutorial operational case study

    The operational question tutorial allows you to gain familiarity with the types of questions encountered in the exam. It can be used to experience the test driver and how items are presented. We have prepared two sample case study exams based on CIMA's 2019 CGMA Professional Qualification. Open the PDF to access all the supporting material you ...

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  9. PDF Case Study Operational Level Study Text

    nication required within the tasks set.In terms of CIMA's CGMA hierarchy of verbs (see below), the focus for the Operational Case Study is mainly level 3 (application), with some analysis and ev. luation (levels 4 and 5, respectively).Simulated business issues in the case studies provide candidates with the opportunity to demonstrate their ...

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  23. Case Study support 1

    Case Study support 1 - preparing for the Case Study exam This is the first in a short series of three articles written for students who are preparing for case study exams. It is based on the authors' experience in setting and marking CGMA case studies. These articles will be valuable to candidates who are preparing for each of the three levels of CIMA's CGMA Professional Qualification.