1. Internal Verification: Assignment Briefs

    Yes, you need to ensure the assignment brief has accurate hand in and hand out dates and that the scenario meets local needs. The IV of Assignment Brief document indicates what sections should be completed if using the Pearson Authorised Assignment Briefs . Do I need to internally verify again this year, an Assignment Brief that was used and ...

  2. PDF Btec Assessment and Internal Verification Policy

    Internal verification is a requirement of BTEC delivery. It is carried out on two levels in subject areas: 1. Internal verification of assignment briefs. 2. Internal verification of assessment decisions. It is the responsibility of the Lead IV to ensure all of this has been completed within the agreed time frame on the assessment plan.

  3. Internal Verification: Assessment Decisions

    During the lifetime of a programme, internal verification of assessment decisions must cover the following as a minimum: every Assessor. every unit/component. learner work from every assignment. learner work from every assessment site (for multi-site and consortia centres) Back to top.

  4. Delivering BTEC Qualifications

    BTEC assessment and internal verification templates. Back to top. 4. Create an assignment brief Assessment of the learning aims of an internal component/unit is conducted using an Assignment Brief (AB). Assessments are performed after the content for the learning aim has been taught and is a formal part of the delivery of BTEC.

  5. PDF Further Education BTEC Specific IV & Assessment Procedures

    b. Writes an assignment in the appropriate assessment format (appendix 4) 2. Lead IV / IV: a. Checks the assessment plan is accurate b. IVs the assignment brief and completes the IV of Assessment Briefs Form (appendix 5) c. The assignment is passed back to the assessor for update if required or distribution to students as per the assessment ...

  6. BTEC assignment brief content

    Advice on what your assignment brief needs to cover.

  7. PDF BTEC Centre Guide to Internal Verification 2020/21

    Internal verification ensures that internally assessed units: have assignment briefs that are fit for purpose. are assessed accurately to national standards against the unit criteria. istently assessed and graded across the programmeInternal verification is a key part of the BTEC quality assurance process in ensuring learners are assessed ...

  8. DOCX Assignment Brief

    BTEC UNIT Name : Version: 3. Assignment Brief ... Assignment Brief. Student Name/ID Number/Section. HTU Course Number and Title. BTEC Unit Number and Title. Academic Year. ... Assignment Ref No. Issue Date. Formative Assessment dates. Submission Date. IV Name & Date. Submission Format. Unit Learning Outcomes. Assignment Brief and Guidance ...

  9. PDF Internal Verification Checklist

    Internal verification of BTEC assignment briefs ... The Internal Verifier must complete an Internal Verification of Assignment Brief pro forma. The IV must refer to the relevant Unit specification document, which includes the assessment and grading criteria, in order to check that details on the assignment brief are correct. ...

  10. BTEC Centre Handbook and Programme Files

    The BTEC Centre Handbook should contain centre-wide quality assurance documentation that is applicable to all BTEC programmes, and the content will vary according to the size and type of centre. We recommend this is stored electronically and saved on an intranet system so easily available to all staff. For further guidance, please refer to the ...