UCLA Department of Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Mission statement.

Our mission is to advance knowledge that promotes psychological well-being and reduces the burden of mental illness and problems in living and to develop leading clinical scientists whose skills and knowledge will have a substantial impact on the field of psychology and the lives of those in need. Our faculty and graduate students promote critical thinking, innovation, and discovery, and strive to be leaders in their field, engaging in and influencing research, practice, policy, and education. Our pursuit of these goals is guided by the values of collaboration, mutual respect, and fairness, our commitment to diversity, and the highest ethical standards.

Information about the Clinical Psychology Graduate Major

UCLA’s Clinical Psychology program is one of the largest, most selective, and most highly regarded in the country and aims to produce future faculty, researchers, and leaders in clinical science, who influence research, policy development, and practice. Clinical science is a field of psychology that strives to generate and disseminate the best possible knowledge, whether basic or applied, to reduce suffering and to advance public health and wellness. Rather than viewing research and intervention as separable, clinical science construes these activities as part of a single, broad domain of expertise and action. Students in the program are immersed in an empirical, research-based approach to clinical training. This, in turn, informs their research endeavors with a strong understanding of associated psychological phenomena. The UCLA Clinical Science Training Programs employs rigorous methods and theories from multiple perspectives, in the context of human diversity. Our goal is to develop the next generation of clinical scientists who will advance and share knowledge related to the origins, development, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental health problems.

Admissions decisions are based on applicants’ research interests and experiences, formal coursework in psychology and associated fields, academic performance, letters of recommendation, dedication to and suitability for a career as a clinical scientist, program fit, and contributions to an intellectually rich, diverse class. Once admitted, students engage with faculty in research activities addressing critical issues that impact psychological well-being and the burden of mental illness, using a wide range of approaches and at varying levels of analysis. Their integrated training is facilitated by on-campus resources including the departmental Psychology Clinic, the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, and the David Geffen School of Medicine.

Our program philosophy is embodied in, and our goals are achieved through, a series of training activities that prepare students for increasingly complex, demanding, and independent roles as clinical scientists. These training activities expose students to the reciprocal relationship between scientific research and provision of clinical services, and to various systems and methods of intervention, assessment, and other clinical services with demographically and clinically diverse populations. The curriculum is designed to produce scientifically-minded scholars who are well-trained in research and practice, who use data to develop and refine the knowledge base in their field, and who bring a reasoned empirical perspective to positions of leadership in research and service delivery.

The program’s individualized supervision of each student in integrated research and practice roles provides considerable flexibility. Within the parameters set by faculty interests and practicum resources, there are specializations in child psychopathology and treatment, cognitive-behavior therapy, clinical assessment, adult psychopathology and treatment, family processes, assessment and intervention with distressed couples, community psychology, stress and coping, cognitive and affective neuroscience, minority mental health, and health psychology and behavioral medicine. The faculty and other research resources of the Department make possible an intensive concentration in particular areas of clinical psychology, while at the same time ensuring breadth of training.

Clinical psychology at UCLA is a six-year program including a full-time one-year internship, at least four years of which must be completed in residence at UCLA. The curriculum in clinical psychology is based on a twelve-month academic year. The program includes a mixture of coursework, clinical practicum training, teaching, and continuous involvement in research. Many of the twenty clinical area faculty, along with numerous clinical psychologists from other campus departments, community clinics, and hospitals settings, contribute to clinical supervision.  Clinical training experiences typically include four and a half years of part-time practicum placements in the Psychology Clinic and local agencies. The required one-year full-time internship is undertaken after the student has passed the clinical qualifying examinations and the dissertation preliminary orals. The student receives the Ph.D. degree when both the dissertation and an approved internship are completed.


PCSAS – Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System

The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UCLA was accredited in 2012 by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). PCSAS was created to promote science-centered education and training in clinical psychology, to increase the quality and quantity of clinical scientists contributing to the advancement of public health, and to enhance the scientific knowledge base for mental and behavioral health care. The UCLA program is deeply committed to these goals and proud to be a member of the PCSAS Founder’s Circle and one of the group of programs accredited by PCSAS.  (Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 402, Washington, DC 20036-1218. Telephone: 301-455-8046). Website:  https://www.pcsas.org

APA CoA – American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation

The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UCLA has been accredited by the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation since 1949. (Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE. Washington, DC 20002-4242. Telephone:  202-336-5979 .) Website:  http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/

Future Accreditation Plans:  

Against the backdrop of distressing evidence that mental health problems are increasingly prevalent and burdensome, the field of psychological clinical science must think innovatively to address the unmet mental health needs of vulnerable populations. UCLA’s clinical psychology program remains committed to training clinical psychological scientists who will become leaders in research, dissemination, and implementation of knowledge, policy development, and evidence-based clinical practice. This commitment is firmly rooted in our overall mission of promoting equity and inclusion, adhering to ethical standards, and developing collaborations in all aspects of clinical psychology.

Increasingly, we believe that significant aspects of the academic and clinical-service requirements of accreditation by the American Psychological Association (APA) obstruct our training mission. Too often, APA requirements limit our ability to flexibly adapt our program to evolving scientific evidence, student needs, and global trends in mental health. Like many other top clinical science doctoral programs, we see our longstanding accreditation by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) as better aligned with our core values, including advancement of scientifically-based training.

Accordingly, we are unlikely to seek renewal of our program’s accreditation by APA, which is set to expire in 2028. The ultimate decision about re-accreditation will be made with the best interests and well-being of current and future students in our program in mind. To that end, we will continue to monitor important criteria that will determine the career prospects of students completing a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from programs accredited only by PCSAS. For example, we are working to understand the potential implications for securing excellent predoctoral internships and eligibility for professional licensure across jurisdictions in North America. Although the UCLA clinical psychology program has no direct influence over these external organizations, we are excited to continue to work to shape this evolving training landscape with the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS) and leaders from other clinical science programs.

Our ongoing monitoring of trends in clinical psychology training is encouraging for PCSAS-accredited programs. However, evolving circumstances could result in our program changing its opinion with respect to seeking APA re-accreditation in the future. In the spirit of transparency and empowering potential applicants to make informed choices for their own professional development, we are pleased to share our thinking on these important issues.

Notice to Students re: Professional Licensure and Certification

University of California programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the University of California and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The University of California has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a University of California program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).

NOTE:  Although the UCLA Clinical Psychology Program is not designed to ensure license eligibility, the majority of our graduates do go on to become professionally licensed.  For more information, please see  https://www.ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/content-analysis/academic-planning/licensure-and-certification-disclosures.html .

Clinical Program Policy on Diversity-Related Training 

In light of our guiding values of collaboration, respect, and fairness, this statement is to inform prospective and current trainees, faculty, and supervisors, as well as the public, that our trainees are required to (a) attain an understanding of cultural and individual diversity as related to both the science and practice of psychology and (b) provide competent and ethical services to diverse individuals.  Our primary consideration is always the welfare of the client.  Should such a conflict arise in which the trainee’s beliefs, values, worldview, or culture limits their ability to meet this requirement, as determined by either the student or the supervisor, it should be reported to the Clinic and Placements Committee, either directly or through a supervisor or clinical area faculty member.  The Committee will take a developmental view, such that if the competency to deliver services cannot be sufficiently developed in time to protect and serve a potentially impacted client, the committee will (a) consider a reassignment of the client so as to protect the client’s immediate interests, and (b) request from the student a plan to reach the above-stated competencies, to be developed and implemented in consultation with both the trainee’s supervisor and the Clinic Director.  There should be no reasonable expectation of a trainee being exempted from having clients with any particular background or characteristics assigned to them for the duration of their training.

Clinical Program Grievance Policies & Procedures

Unfortunately, conflicts between students and faculty or with other students will occur, and the following policies and procedures are provided in an effort to achieve the best solution. The first step in addressing these conflicts is for the student to consult with their academic advisor. If this option is not feasible (e.g. the conflict is with the advisor) or the conflict is not resolved to their satisfaction, then the issue should be brought to the attention of the Director of Clinical Training. If in the unlikely event that an effective solution is not achieved at this level, then the student has the option of consulting with the Department’s Vice Chair for Graduate Studies. Students also have the option of seeking assistance from the campus Office of Ombuds Services and the Office of the Dean of Students. It is expected that all such conflicts are to be addressed first within the program, then within the Department, before seeking a resolution outside of the department.

More Clinical Psychology Information

  • For a list of Required Courses please see the  Psychology Handbook
  • Psychology Clinic
  • Student Admissions Outcomes and Other Data

Secondary Menu

  • Clinical Psychology

therapist with patient

The Clinical Psychology Program at Duke University is a Ph.D. program for students seeking excellence in academic, scientific, and clinical training.

This program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). Our program has a strong history of training based on the scientist/practitioner (Boulder) model and more recently has adopted a clinical science model of training in which the science of psychology and its clinical application are mutually interdependent and mutually evolving.

The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at Duke University has been accredited by the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation since 1948.

Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 Telephone: (202) 336-5979   Email:  [email protected]   Web:  www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

Questions about the Duke clinical program itself should be directed to Director of Clinical Training - Moria Smoski, PhD,  [email protected] , (919) 684-6717

Additional Information

  • Gary Bennett
  • Melanie Bonner
  • Karen Appleyard Carmody
  • Avshalom Caspi
  • David Goldston
  • Francis Keefe
  • Terrie Moffitt
  • David Rabiner
  • Zachary Rosenthal
  • Moria Smoski (Area Head)
  • Timothy Strauman
  • Nancy Zucker

Applicants: Please see our Departmental Application FAQ .

Our program follows a mentorship model in which students are admitted to work with specific faculty members for their research training. 

  • Faculty will be posted fall 2024

The Clinical Psychology Program at Duke University is a Ph.D. program for students seeking excellence in academic, scientific, and clinical training. This program is fully accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). Our program has a strong history of scientist practitioner (Boulder) model and more recently has adopted a clinical science model of training in which the science of psychology and its clinical application are mutually interdependent and mutually evolving. That is, our program is designed to train clinical scientists who are capable of functioning successfully in academic, research, clinical, and community settings. Within this multifaceted training framework, we seek to develop students who are interested in careers in which the science of psychology is applied to address public health issues related to mental and physical diseases both nationally and internationally. The program is not appropriate for students interested solely in clinical practice and not in research. Rather, we strive for excellence in both the science and practice of clinical psychology.

At Duke, graduate training in clinical psychology emphasizes three domains of knowledge: adult clinical, child clinical, and health psychology. The expertise of the faculty, drawn from the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the Duke University Medical Center, extends to a large number of interdisciplinary problems involving human behavioral and physical adaptation in its varying social contexts. Duke University’s Clinical Psychology Program is annually ranked among the top clinical psychology programs in the United States. Duke’s doctoral program in Clinical Psychology is a member of The Academy of Psychological Clinical Science, which is a coalition of doctoral training programs that share a common goal of producing and applying scientific knowledge to the understanding, assessment, and amelioration of human problems.

Specific interests include intervention and prevention methods across the life course for such phenomena as aggression and antisocial behavior, depression, personality disorders, eating disorders and obesity, substance abuse, HIVAIDS, cardiovascular disease, and chronic pain. Our faculty also study behavioral cardiology, behavioral medicine, global mental health, reducing disparities in minority mental and physical health services, assessment and intervention in pediatric psychology, and gene-environment interaction.

Clinical program faculty are also actively involved in University Institutes, including the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS) , Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) , and Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) .

Each year the Department admits 2-5 clinical graduate students, which will result in approximately 25 students being advised by our faculty at one time. As of August, 2023, our faculty advise a total of 23 students receiving clinical training, (8 males and 15 females, 6 of whom are from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups).

In accordance with American Psychological Association requirements, a more complete description of the clinical program's goals, clinical training resources, and special requirements can be found in the on-line Clinical Graduate Student Handbook.

The Duke Psychology Clinic has been providing psychological services to the Triangle community for over twenty years and is committed to working with adults who are seeking services for a range of psychological and adjustment difficulties. As part of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University , the Clinic functions as a training center for the Ph.D. program in clinical psychology. Psychotherapy is provided by advanced graduate students who are supervised by experienced clinicians. With our commitment to training and intensive supervision, the Clinic is dedicated to providing high-quality care to our clients.

The Duke Psychology Clinic offers short- and long-term individual psychotherapy for adults seeking treatment for a range of psychological difficulties. The Clinic treats a wide-range of presenting concerns, including depression, anxiety, inattentiveness/hyperactivity, self-esteem, eating concerns, relationship difficulties, adjustment, and coping with stressors. In addition, the Clinic has a long-standing reputation in the community for effectively assisting individuals who have experienced traumatic events. Therapeutic work is individually-focused and clinicians work with their supervisors to tailor treatment to the needs of each client. The treatment approach utilized integrates principles from a range of evidence-based treatments in order to best address the client’s presenting concerns, including cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, and interpersonal approaches.

  • Respected community reputation in the treatment of mental health concerns

  • Affordable session fees

  • Convenient location and flexible hours

  • Assessment to further tailor treatment

  • Availability of long-term treatment 
  • Enthusiastic therapists receiving supervision from experienced clinicians

Obtaining Services

Services are available to individuals throughout the community. Those seeking services or who would like to make a referral should begin by calling a Clinic Coordinator, (919) 660-5771. Because the Clinic is a training center, utmost care is taken to ensure we can provide appropriate services; clients in crisis or in need of a higher level of care are typically referred to a more suitable clinic.

The Clinic is located in Suite 312 of the Psychology/Sociology building on Duke's West Campus .

During the academic year, clinic hours are 9a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. Hours are slightly abbreviated during the summer months.

Timothy Strauman, Ph.D. Director, Duke Psychology Clinic Professor, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Licensed Psychologist

David Rabiner, Ph.D. Research Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Licensed Psychologist & Supervisor

Moria Smoski, Ph.D. Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Licensed Psychologist

Rachel Guetta Graduate Student, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Clinic Coordinator

Current Practicum Supervisors

  • David Rabiner 
  • Melanie Bonner 
  • Sarah Cook 
  • Geraldine Dawson 
  • Christian Mauro 
  • Rhonda Merwin 
  • Zach Rosenthal
  • Moria Smoski
  • Tamara Somers
  • Rebecca Shelby 
  • Julia Woodward
  • Naomi Davis 
  • John Mitchell 
  • Julia Schacter  
  • Sarah O’Rourke 
  • Kyla Blalock 
  • Nicole Heilbron 
  • David Goldston 
  • Jill Howard  
  • Adrienne Inscoe
  • Ashley Hill

Practicum descriptions


  • Alpert Medical School of Brown University
  • Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital
  • Cambridge Hospital, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
  • Central Regional Hospital, Butner, NC
  • Children’s Hospital, Boston, Harvard University, Boston, MA
  • Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
  • Children's Hospital at Stanford / Children's Health Council
  • Clarke Institute (Center for Addiction and Mental Health), Toronto, Ontario
  • Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH
  • Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
  • Emory, Atlanta, GA
  • Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
  • McLean Hospital, Harvard University, Belmont, MA
  • Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston Consortium), Charleston, SC
  • Miami/Dade County Department of Human Services, Miami, FL
  • Miami Veterans Administration Health Care System, Miami, FL
  • Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
  • MUSC/Charleston Consortium Internship
  • Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH
  • New York Univesity/Bellevue Hospital
  • North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Administration Medical Center, Gainesville, FL
  • Rush University Medical Center
  • University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ
  • University of California-Los Angeles
  • University of California-San Diego/Veterans Affairs, San Diego, CA
  • University of California-San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
  • University of Colorado Health Center, Boulder, CO
  • University of Florida Health Science Center, Gainesville, FL
  • University of Kansas Medical School
  • University of Michigan/Rackham Institute
  • University of Mississippi Medical/VA Jackson
  • University of New Mexico Health Science Center
  • University of North Carolina Medical School, Chapel Hill, NC
  • University of Pennsylvania, Department of Psychiatry
  • University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston
  • University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
  • University of Wisconsin Medical Center, Madison, WI
  • Veterans Administration Medical Center, Durham, NC
  • Veterans Administration Maryland Health Care System/Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
  • Veterans Administration Medical Center, Northport, NY
  • Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA
  • Veterans Administration Medical Center, Salem, VA
  • Veterans Administration Puget Sound-American Lake, Tacoma, WA
  • Virginia Treatment Center for Children, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Richmond, VA
  • Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

NOTE: Our program has made the GRE General Test  optional  for admission to the fall 2024 class. You may submit scores if you have them, and they will be considered by the admissions committee. Applications without GRE scores will be given equal consideration. 

Each year we receive between 350 and 400 completed applications for admission to our clinical psychology program. A variety of bases for admission are utilized, although some common themes emerge. In our search for qualified graduate students, we look for the potential to conduct original research, to engage in scholarship, to work effectively with others, including future clients, and to have an impact on the broader field of clinical psychology. We seek applicants who are interested both in research and in clinical practice. It is important for applicants to consider and to articulate potential matches with the research interests of one or more potential faculty mentors. While an undergraduate integrative psychology major is not required, most of our students were psychology majors, and most had post-baccalaureate research experience in psychology prior to application. Every year about 20 applicants are contacted for virtual interviews with our faculty. Interviews are required for clinical applicants. Interviews take place in late January - early February with invitations extended a few weeks prior to interviews.

All students accepted into the program are guaranteed five years of stipend support, as well as full tuition. Stipends may be based on fellowships, research or teaching assistant positions, or, for more senior students, their own external research support.

Students and faculty in the Clinical Psychology Program established the Anti-Racism Community (ARC) in July 2020 as a response to the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, the rampant police brutality at subsequent nationwide protests, and the preceding 401-year legacy of anti-Black racism in the United States. The mission of the ARC is to:

  • Establish an anti-racist culture in all activities conducted by students, faculty, and staff
  • Acknowledge the impact of centuries of systemic and individual racism at the national, statewide, and university levels, and
  • Take all possible corrective action to eliminate these effects on our program

ARC members meet monthly to provide general updates and make requests for assistance in completing tasks. Currently, members of the ARC are organized into three Pillars. Members are welcome to join one or more Pillar based on their interests. Each Pillar meets separately to coordinate and work on their specific goals and actions. The goals of the three Pillars are to

Pillar 1 : Enhance recruitment and retention of BIPOC faculty, students, and staff that reflect national demographics

Pillar 2 : Ensure all academic activities reflect anti-racism as a core value of the program

Pillar 3 : Elevate multicultural awareness as a core competency of clinical training and professional development for all faculty, students, and staff

The ARC is an action-oriented community. Below are a few of the actions taken by the ARC since its inception:

  • Creation of the Clinical Science Anti-Racism Series , a set of presentations and discussions on the ways clinical practice, research, and professional issues is informed by anti-racist approaches
  • Launch an annual  Virtual Office Hours program , an opportunity for individuals underrepresented in psychology to receive individualized feedback on their applications to PhD programs in psychology
  • Hosted a weekly writing group for faculty, post-docs, and graduate students, especially those from underrepresented communities and those looking to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within our department
  • Establishment of Peer Multicultural Consultation Team , a monthly meeting during which students seek culturally-informed perspectives from other students on diverse patients
  • Evaluation of all P&N undergraduate syllabi for content that supports inclusion, reduction of "hidden curriculum" elements, and anti-racist principles. Provided feedback to the P&N Faculty with resources for improving DEI principles in syllabi
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Climate Handbook
  • P&N Team Resources
  • Degree Requirements
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Practicum and Ongoing Research Projects in Psychology
  • Research Participation Requirements for Psychology Courses
  • Summer Vertical Integration Program (VIP)
  • Graduation with Distinction (GwD)
  • Psychology Courses
  • Graduate School Advice
  • Career Options
  • Forms & Resources
  • Global Education
  • Co-requisite Requirement
  • Neuroscience Courses
  • Neuroscience: Undergraduate Research Opportunities
  • Neuroscience Research Practicum & Laboratories
  • Summer Neuroscience Program
  • Research Independent Study in Neuroscience
  • Graduation with Distinction
  • Neuroscience Teaching Lab
  • Student Spotlights
  • Other Job Boards
  • Student Organizations
  • Trinity Ambassadors
  • Cognition & the Brain
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
  • Admitting Faculty
  • Application FAQ
  • Financial Support
  • Teaching Opportunities
  • Departmental Graduate Requirements
  • MAP/Dissertation Committee Guidelines
  • MAP/Oral Exam Guidelines/Timeline
  • Dissertation and Final Examination Guidelines
  • Awards for Current Students
  • Teaching Resources
  • Instructor/TA Guidelines
  • Faculty Mentorship Vision Statement
  • All Courses
  • Psychology: Course Sequence
  • Psychology: Methods Courses
  • Neuroscience: Course Clusters
  • Neuroscience: Courses By Category
  • Primary Faculty
  • Joint Graduate Training Faculty
  • Instructional Faculty
  • Secondary Faculty
  • Graduate Students
  • Postdocs, Affiliates, and Research Scientists
  • Faculty Research Labs
  • Research News Stories
  • Child Studies
  • Community Volunteers
  • Charles Lafitte Foundation: Funding Support
  • Meet Our Alumni
  • For Current Students
  • Neuroscience Graduation 2024 Program
  • Assisting Duke Students
  • Neuroscience Graduation 2023 Program
  • Psychology Graduation 2023 Program
  • Giving to the Department

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Clinical Psychology PhD Program

Founded on a scientist-practitioner model, the overall goal of the Clinical Psychology PhD Program is to graduate academic psychologists who are competent, ethical and productive in the science and practice of clinical psychology. Our program emphasizes the integration of science and clinical practice.

Directors' Message Student Admissions, Outcomes & Other Data Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice

How to Apply

Learn more about the criteria for applying to the program as well as tuition and financial aid.

Our curriculum is structured to maximize clinical, research and ethical training for students.

best clinical psychology phd programs

Meet Our Team

Meet our current students and their faculty mentors. Each student works closely with a faculty member throughout their tenure at Northwestern. Browse the Faculty Mentor list to learn more about their research projects and see who is currently recruiting new students.

Current Students    Faculty Mentors

JD-PhD Program

Northwestern's joint JD-PhD program  is a collaboration between The Graduate School and Northwestern Law. It's designed for applicants who are interested in academic careers examining research topics that are enriched by having both JD and PhD degrees.

Visit the JD-PhD Website

best clinical psychology phd programs

Questions about the PhD program? Find out more.

Read the FAQ

How to Contact Us

To contact the PhD Program in Clinical Psychology, please email us at [email protected] .

Please DO NOT call the number below as it will go to our clinic; it is reserved for patients. Please DO NOT call any other numbers that you may find within the Feinberg School of Medicine. We will only respond to emails that are sent to the following email address: [email protected] . Please DO NOT  contact via phone or email the MD Admissions Office; they are not involved in the admissions process for the PhD program in Clinical Psychology. 

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