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Artificial Intelligence Topics for Dissertations

Published by Carmen Troy at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On May 30, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the process of building machines, robots, and software that are intelligent enough to act like humans. With artificial intelligence, the world will move into a future where machines will be as knowledgeable as humans, and they will be able to work and act as humans.

When completely developed, AI-powered machines will replace a lot of humans in a lot of fields. But would that take away power from humans? Would it cause humans to suffer as these machines will be intelligent enough to carry out daily tasks and perform routine work? Will AI wreak havoc in the coming days? Well, these are questions that can only be answered after thorough research.

To understand how powerful AI machines will be in the future and what sort of world we will witness, here are the best AI topics you can choose for your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review , and the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

You may also be interested in technology dissertation topics , computer engineering dissertation topics , networking dissertation topics , and data security dissertation topics .

List Of The Best Dissertation Topics & Ideas On AI

  • How To Balance Transparency and Performance in Deep Learning Models
  • The Ethical Implications of AI in Algorithmic Bias and Decision-Making
  • How to Mitigate Threats and Secure Your Digital Presence Through AI
  • Natural Language Processing for Real-world Applications
  • AI in Substance Use Discovery and Development
  • The Impact of AI on the Future of Transportation
  • How to Enable Smart Cities and Connected Living
  • The Use of AI in Combating Climate Change
  • The Rise of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • The Impact of AI on Social Media: Content Moderation and the Challenge of Misinformation
  • Can AI Achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)? Exploring the Path to Human-Level Intelligence
  • The Role of AI in Scientific Discovery
  • AI for Personalised Finance
  • How to Enhance Efficiency and Optimize Logistics through AI in Supply Chain Management
  • Personalized Learning and Adaptive Teaching Systems
  • AI for Fraud Detection and Prevention
  • Automating Content Creation and the Future of News
  • The Need for Human-Centered AI Design
  • The Future of Work in the Age of AI: Automation, Upskilling, and the Evolving Job Market
  • AI and the Creative Industries: Music Composition and Film Production
  • How to Balance Innovation with Data Protection
  • Can AI Achieve Sentience? Exploring the Philosophical and Scientific Implications

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Supply Chain Management- An Assessment of the Present and Future Role Played by AI in Supply Chain Process: A Case of IBM Corporation in the US

Research Aim: This research aims to find the present, and future role AI plays in supply chain management. It will analyse how AI affects various components of the supply chain process, such as procurement, distribution, etc. It will use the case study of IBM Corporation, which uses AI in the US to make the supply chain process more efficient and reduce losses. Moreover, through various technological and business frameworks, it will recommend changes in the current AI-based supply chain models to improve their efficiency.

Topic 2: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain Technology a Transition Towards Decentralised and Automated Finance- A Study to Find the Role of AI and Blockchains in Making Various Segments of Financial Sector Automated and Decentralised

This study will analyse the role of AI and blockchains in making various segments of financial markets (banking, insurance, investment, stock market, etc.) automated and decentralised. It will find how AI and blockchains can eliminate the part of intimidators and commission-charging players such as large banks and corporations to make the economy and financial system more efficient and cheaper. Therefore, it will study the applications of various AI and blockchain models to show how they can affect economic governance.

Topic 3: AI and Healthcare- A Comparative Analysis of the Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning Models for Cancer Diagnosis

Research Aim: This study aims to identify the role of AI in modern healthcare. It will analyse the efficacy of the contemporary ML and DL models for cancer diagnosis. It will find out how these models diagnose cancer, which technology, ML or DL, does it better, and how much more efficient. Moreover, it will also discuss criticism of these models and ways to improve them for better results.

Topic 4: Are AI and Big Data Analytics New Tools for Digital Innovation? An Assessment of Available Blockchain and Data Analytics Tools for Startup Development

Research Aim: This study aims to assess the role of present AI and data analytics tools for startup development. It will identify how modern startups use these technologies in their development stages to innovate and increase their effectiveness. Moreover, it will analyse its macroeconomic effects by examining its role in speeding up the startup culture, creating more employment, and raising incomes.

Topic 5: The Role of AI and Robotics in Economic Growth and Development- A Case of Emerging Economies

Research Aim: This study aims to find the impact of AI and Robotics on economic growth and development in emerging economies. It will identify how AI and Robotics speed up production and other business-related processes in emerging economies, create more employment, and raise aggregate income levels. Moreover, it will show how it leads to innovation and increasing attention towards learning modern skills such as web development, data analytics, data science, etc. Lastly, it will use two or three emerging countries as a case study to show the analysis.

Artificial Intelligence Research Topics

Topic 1: machine learning and artificial intelligence in the next generation wearable devices.

Research Aim: This study will aim to understand the role of machine learning and big data in the future of wearables. The research will focus on how an individual’s health and wellbeing can be improved with devices that are powered by AI. The study will first focus on the concept of ML and its implications in various fields. Then, it will be narrowed down to the role of machine learning in the future of wearable devices and how it can help individuals improve their daily routine and lifestyle and move towards a better and healthier life. The research will then conclude how ML will play a role in the future of wearables and help people improve their well-being.

Topic 2: Automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence in the field of medicine

Research Aim: Machine learning and artificial intelligence play a huge role in the field of medicine. From diagnosis to treatment, artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in the healthcare industry today. This study will highlight how machine learning and automation can help doctors provide the right treatment to patients at the right time. With AI-powered machines, advanced diagnostic tests are being introduced to track diseases much before their occurrence. Moreover, AI is also helping in developing drugs at a faster pace and personalised treatment. All these aspects will be discussed in this study with relevant case studies.

Topic 3: Robotics and artificial intelligence – Assessing the Impact on business and economics

Research Aim: Businesses are changing the way they work due to technological advancements. Robotics and artificial intelligence have paved the way for new technologies and new methods of working. Many people argue that the introduction of robotics and AI will adversely impact humans, as most of them might be replaced by AI-powered machines. While this cannot be denied, this artificial intelligence research topic will aim to understand how much businesses will be impacted by these new technologies and assess the future of robotics and artificial intelligence in different businesses.

Topic 4: Artificial intelligence governance: Ethical, legal and social challenges

Research Aim: With artificial intelligence taking over the world, many people have reservations about the technology tracking people and their activities 24/7. They have called for strict governance of these intelligent systems and demanded that this technology be fair and transparent. This research will address these issues and present the ethical, legal, and social challenges governing AI-powered systems. The study will be qualitative in nature and will talk about the various ways through which artificial intelligence systems can be governed. It will also address the challenges that will hinder fair and transparent governance.

Topic 5: Will quantum computing improve artificial intelligence? An analysis

Research Aim: Quantum computing (QC) is set to revolutionise the field of artificial intelligence. According to experts, quantum computing combined with artificial intelligence will change medicine, business, and the economy. This research will first introduce the concept of quantum computing and will explain how powerful it is. The study will then talk about how quantum computing will change and help increase the efficiency of artificially intelligent systems. Examples of algorithms that quantum computing utilises will also be presented to help explain how this field of computer science will help improve artificial intelligence.

Topic 6: The role of deep learning in building intelligent systems

Research Aim: Deep learning, an essential branch of artificial intelligence, utilises neural networks to assess various factors similar to a human neural system. This research will introduce the concept of deep learning and discuss how it works in artificial intelligence. Deep learning algorithms will also be explored in this study to have a deeper understanding of this artificial intelligence topic. Using case examples and evidence, the research will explore how deep learning assists in creating machines that are intelligent and how they can process information like a human being. The various applications of deep learning will also be discussed in this study.

Topic 7: Evaluating the role of natural language processing in artificial intelligence

Research Aim: Natural language processing (NLP) is an essential element of artificial intelligence. It provides systems and machines with the ability to read, understand and interpret the human language. With the help of natural language processing, systems can even measure sentiments and predict which parts of human language are important. This research will aim to evaluate the role of this language in the field of artificial intelligence. It will further assist in understanding how natural language processing helps build intelligent systems that various organisations can use. Furthermore, the various applications of NLP will also be discussed.

Topic 8: Application of computer vision in building intelligent systems

Research Aim: Computer vision in the field of artificial intelligence makes systems so smart that they can analyse and understand images and pictures. These machines then derive some intelligence from the image that has been fed to the system. This research will first aim to understand computer vision and its role in artificial intelligence. A framework will be presented that will explain the working of computer vision in artificial intelligence. This study will present the applications of computer vision to clarify further how artificial intelligence uses computer vision to build smart systems.

Topic 9: Analysing the use of the IoT in artificial intelligence

Research Aim: The Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are two separate, powerful tools. IoT can connect devices wirelessly, which can perform a set of actions without human intervention. When this powerful tool is combined with artificial intelligence, systems become extremely powerful to simulate human behaviour and make decisions without human interference. This artificial intelligence topic will aim to analyse the use of the Internet of Things in artificial intelligence. Machines that use IoT and AI will be analysed, and the study will present how human behaviour is simulated so accurately.

Topic 10: Recommender systems – exploring its power in e-commerce

Research Aim: Recommender systems use algorithms to offer relevant suggestions to users. Be it a product, a service, a search result, or a movie/TV show/series. Users receive tons of recommendations after searching for a particular product or browsing their favourite TV show list. With the help of AI, recommender systems can offer relevant and accurate suggestions to users. The main aim of this research will be to explore the use of recommender systems in e-commerce. Industry giants use this tool to help customers find the product or service they are looking for and make the right decision. This research will discuss where recommender systems are used, how they are implemented, and their results for e-commerce businesses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find artificial intelligence dissertation topics.

To find artificial intelligence dissertation topics:

  • Study recent AI advancements.
  • Explore ethical concerns.
  • Investigate AI in specific industries.
  • Analyse AI’s societal impact.
  • Consider human-AI interaction.
  • Select a topic that aligns with your expertise and passion.

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