• Research & Outlook

Informal Economy Database

The World Bank’s Prospects Group has constructed a global database of informal economic activity. The database includes up to 196 economies over the period 1990-2020 and includes the 11 most commonly used measures of informal economy. 

  • Dynamic General Equilibrium (DGE) model-based estimates of informal output
  • Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model-based estimates of informal output


  • Self-employment 
  • Informal employment
  • Employment outside the formal sector
  • Labor force without pension insurance


  • One indicator based on World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Executive Opinion surveys   
  • Four indicators based on World Bank Enterprise Surveys of firms
  • One indicator  based on World Value Surveys (WVS) of households

The database includes both indirect, model-based estimates (DGE- and MIMIC-based indicators) and direct measures gathered from labor force or expert, firm, or household opinion surveys.

The CERP discussion paper , by Ceyhun Elgin, M. Ayhan Kose, Franziska Ohnsorge, and Shu Yu, provides detailed information on the construction and sources for the variables included in the database and shows two applications of the database: the stylized facts of informal economic activity around the world and the cyclical features of the informal economy.

Data Download

The informal economy database is available for download in Excel . It will be updated every two years.

When using the database, please cite the following paper as the data source: Elgin, C., M. A. Kose, F. Ohnsorge, and S. Yu. 2021. “Understanding Informality.” CERP Discussion Paper 16497, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London. 

The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the working paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank and its affiliated organizations.

For more information, please contact Shu Yu ([email protected]).

Informal economy data (Excel)

Other Studies

Please check out our other studies on the informal economy:

  • The Long Shadow of Informality: Challenges and Policies
  • Global Economic Prospects 2019: Growing in the Shadow: Challenges of Informality

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Statistics on the informal economy

Table of contents, related pages, labour market-related sdg indicators (ilosdg database), labour force statistics (lfs, stlfs, rurban databases).

World Bank – Informal Economy

Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing (WIEGO)


In many countries, the informal economy represents a significant part of the labour market and plays a major role in production, employment creation and income generation. However, informality puts workers at a higher risk of vulnerability and precariousness. It has a strong adverse impact on the adequacy of earnings, occupational safety and health and working conditions in general.

Informality remains a key concern of the Decent Work Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the informality rate is part of the indicators selected to measure progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, as SDG indicator 8.3.1). Addressing informality is also critical for women’s economic empowerment and gender equality.

In 2023, the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) adopted a  resolution   updating and improving measurement standards on the informal economy, not only to reflect latest world of work developments and provide a better reflection of people’s situation but also to align them to recent standards on the measurement of all forms of work (not only employment) and work relationships adopted by the 19th and 20th ICLS.

Recognizing that there is informality in all countries (regardless of their level of income and development), in economic units of the informal sector as well as the formal sector, and in households, the new standards provide operational definitions of the formal sector, the informal sector, and the household own-use and community sector based on the formal status of the economic unit and the intended destination of the production. They also introduce  the concept of “ informal productive activities ” designating all productive activities carried out by persons or economic units that are – in law or in practice – not covered by formal arrangements, recognizing that productive activities can be “partly” informal.

In short, the  informal economy  includes all informal productive activities of persons and economic units.

Data catalogue

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SDG indicator 8.3.1 - Proportion of informal employment in total employment by sex and sector (%)AnnualSDG Labour Market Indicators (ILOSDG)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment by sex, informal / formal economy and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and age (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and age (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, education and marital status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, education and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, education and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and marital status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Informal employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment       
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and occupation (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and establishment size (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and age (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and age (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and age (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, education and marital status (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, education and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, education and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and marital status (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, marital status and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, marital status and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and economic activity (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Informal employment rate by sex, age and economic activity (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment       
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by economic activity and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by economic activity and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, economic activity and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, occupation and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, public/private sector and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and establishment size (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex, establishment size and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by status in employment (by sex) (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by status in employment (by sex) (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and weekly hours actually worked (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and weekly hours actually worked (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and education (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and marital status (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and rural / urban areas (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and marital status (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, marital status and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment       
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by economic activity and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by economic activity and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and education (thousands)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and education (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and public/private sector (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and public/private sector (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and establishment size (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and establishment size (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and establishment size (thousands)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and marital status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and disability status (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and status in employment (thousands)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and status in employment (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)AnnualWages and Working Time Statistics (COND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and education (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and marital status (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, education and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and rural / urban areas (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, rural / urban areas and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and marital status (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, marital status and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, marital status and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and economic activity (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and economic activity (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, age and working time arrangement (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment       
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment       
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by economic activity and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by economic activity and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and public/private sector (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, economic activity and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by age and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and education (%)AnnualEducation and Mismatch Indicators (EMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and education (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, occupation and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by age and occupation - ISCO level 2 (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and public/private sector (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and public/private sector (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and rural/urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, public/private sector and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and establishment size (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and establishment size (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and establishment size (%)MonthlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (%)AnnualRural and Urban Labour Markets (RURBAN)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and rural / urban areas (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and marital status (%)AnnualGender Equality and Non-Discrimination Indicators (GEND)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and marital status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and disability status (%)AnnualDisability Labour Market Indicators (DLMI)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex, establishment size and disability status (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by status in employment (by sex) (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by status in employment (by sex) (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and weekly hours actually worked (%)AnnualLabour Force Statistics (LFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and weekly hours actually worked (%)QuarterlyShort-Term Labour Force Statistics (STLFS)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2023 (thousands)AnnualILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex -- ILO modelled estimates, Nov. 2023 (%)AnnualILO Modelled Estimates (ILOEST)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment by sex and age -- 19th ICLS (thousands)AnnualWork Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK)Informal sector and informal employment          
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and age -- 19th ICLS (thousands)AnnualWork Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK)Informal sector and informal employment          
Informal employment rate by sex and age -- 19th ICLS (%)AnnualWork Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK)Informal sector and informal employment          
Share of employment outside the formal sector by sex and age -- 19th ICLS (%)AnnualWork Statistics 19th ICLS (WORK)Informal sector and informal employment          

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research questions informal economy

New standards, increased visibility: improving measurement of the informal economy

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Assessing the current state of the global labour market: implications for achieving the Global Goals

© Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

How women are being left behind in the quest for decent work for all

In early 2021, the ILO Statistics Department started a three-year project to engender informality statistics, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project is running in parallel to the broader review of standards for informality statistics, currently undertaken through the ILO's  Working Group on the Review of Informality Statistics . It supports integration of gender in the new standards, and the development of gender-related guidance and tools for measuring informality. The main activity of the project is to test statistical concepts and household survey questionnaires, using cognitive interviewing in two countries in 2021 and a pilot field test in one country in 2022. The findings from those tests will support the working group in its discussions and drafting of the new standards, to be adopted by the 21st ICLS in 2023. The project is also assessing the existing and anticipated needs for gender data on informality (data demand) and reviewing the use of data in strategy setting and policy formulation, making recommendations to strengthen the production, accessibility and use of gender statistics on informality. For more information, please contact Jessica Gardner, Department of Statistics ( [email protected] ).

research questions informal economy

Concise description of concepts and definitions, uses, sources and limitations for labour force statistics in various databases (LFS, STLFS, RURBAN).

research questions informal economy

Concise description of concepts and definitions, uses, sources and limitations for labour market-related sustainable development indicators.

research questions informal economy

Note on the implementation of statistical standards from the 19th, 20th and 21st ICLS through household surveys

This note provides an overview of the requirements to apply the latest statistical standards through household surveys.

research questions informal economy

Resolution concerning statistics on the informal economy

This resolution aims to set standards for statistics on the informal economy. It defines the statistical concepts of informal productive activities, the informal economy, the informal market economy and informal work and provides operational concepts, definitions and guidelines for the statistical measurement of its components.

research questions informal economy

Engendering informality statistics: gaps and opportunities

This working paper explores the demand for gender data on informality and the measurement challenges faced, and highlights the opportunities emerging from the revision of statistical standards on informality that are set to be adopted in 2023.

research questions informal economy

Measuring the non-observed economy. A handbook

The main focus of the Handbook is to provide guidance on how to produce exhaustive estimates of GDP. This means ensuring that as many productive activities as possible are observed, i.e., directly measured in the basic data on production, incomes, and expenditures from which the national accounts are compiled. It also means ensuring that non-observed activities are nevertheless accounted for, i.e., indirectly measured during compilation of the national accounts.

Analytical publications

Note: Many publications are available only in English. If available in other languages, a new page will open displaying these options. 

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The ILO Department of Statistics is the focal point to the United Nations on labour statistics. We develop international standards for better measurement of labour issues and enhanced international comparability; provide relevant, timely and comparable labour statistics; and help Member States develop and improve their labour statistics.


Informal economy

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Key ilo documents.

  • R204 - Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation (2015)
  • Informality and non-standard forms of employment (2018)
  • Women and Men in the Informal Economy: A Statistical Picture (2018 )
  • The Informal Economy and Decent Work: A Policy Resource Guide supporting transitions to formality (2013)

"Around half of the world’s workforce operates in the informal economy. Informal economies… are typically characterized by a high incidence of poverty, inequality and vulnerability to decent work deficits.  In June 2015, the International Labour Conference adopted the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204), …the first international labour standard to focus on the informal economy in its entirety, and to point clearly in the direction of transition to the formal economy as a means for achieving decent work for all."

Formalization of the informal economy, Governing Body 329th Session, Geneva, 9–24 March 2017 GB.329/POL/2  

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Annual Review of Economics

Volume 12, 2020, review article, informality: causes and consequences for development.

  • Gabriel Ulyssea 1,2,3
  • View Affiliations Hide Affiliations Affiliations: 1 Department of Economics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3UQ, United Kingdom; email: [email protected] 2 Center for Economic and Policy Research, London EC1V 0DX, United Kingdom 3 IZA Institute of Labor Economics, 53113 Bonn, Germany
  • Vol. 12:525-546 (Volume publication date August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-economics-082119-121914
  • First published as a Review in Advance on May 01, 2020
  • Copyright © 2020 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved

This article reviews the economic literature on informality, its causes, and its consequences for development. It covers a comprehensive body of research that ranges from well-identified experimental studies to equilibrium macro models, and which more recently includes structural models that integrate both micro and macro effects. The results available in the literature indicate that lowering the costs of formality is not an effective policy to reduce informality but may generate positive aggregate effects, such as higher output and total factor productivity (TFP). The most effective formalization policy is to increase enforcement on the extensive margin but not on the intensive margin of informality. The former generates substantial gains in aggregate TFP and output, without necessarily increasing unemployment. However, the overall welfare impacts are likely to depend on the transitional dynamics between steady states, which remains an open area for future research.

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The landscape of informal economy research: a systematic review of transient trends, pivot, and emerging pattern: is there a spatial turn?

  • Published: 04 March 2022
  • Volume 88 , pages 1059–1079, ( 2023 )

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research questions informal economy

  • Oluwole Soyinka 1 &
  • Alain J. F. Chiaradia   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2417-0103 1  

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Informal economy (IE) activities contribute significantly to the contemporary urban dynamic. Multifaceted and prolific studies of IE are nearing 50 years. The concept of IE exists in diverse forms with discussion from different perspectives from a vast intellectual landscape. However, there is a lack of systematic review of IE literature knowledge domain evolution in relation to the broad spatial turn that has taken place in social sciences. The objective of this study is to investigate the landscape of IE research to explore and identify transient trend, pivot and emerging pattern of research front as markers of the evolution of knowledge of IE literature from a spatial turn perspective. A preliminary review establishes the platform for a systematic review. A scientometric semantic mapping of IE research extracted from 1157 IE related articles retrieved from the Scopus database provided a panoramic view identifying intellectually significant articles/concepts to understand the intellectual base and its dynamic. The top 12 ranked articles were examined in-depth to further explore the IE spatial turn. Trends analysis confirmed that the IE schools of thought overlap and identified research fronts specialities. The study showed that “spatial turn” is yet to become a focus of IE studies in terms of research strategies and analytical methods. The findings suggest that the unexplored IE spatially integrated development strategies could be adopted for future research direction, with deployment of spatial analysis techniques. The recommendations are relevant to academics, professionals, and government agencies.

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The authors acknowledge the support of The University of Hong Kong, Department of Urban Planning and Design and the constructive feedback of the editors and reviewers of this journal.

“This research was funded by The University of Hong Kong, ‘Walking With Wheels’ Project Grant Number 104004677.095740.01300.301.01 for initiatives on innovative research under the auspice of the Department of Urban Planning and Design.

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Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Room KB808, Knowles Building, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China

Oluwole Soyinka & Alain J. F. Chiaradia

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About this article

Soyinka, O., Chiaradia, A.J.F. The landscape of informal economy research: a systematic review of transient trends, pivot, and emerging pattern: is there a spatial turn?. GeoJournal 88 , 1059–1079 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-022-10611-w

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Accepted : 07 February 2022

Published : 04 March 2022

Issue Date : February 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-022-10611-w

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research questions informal economy

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Page content, table of contents.

  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2.1. Theories and concepts
  • 1.2.2 Statistical definitions
  • 1.2.3 Surveys and data collection in a historical perspective
  • 1.3.1 Trends in employment
  • 1.3.2 Characteristics of the informal economy
  • 1.3.3 Contribution of the informal economy to GDP
  • 2.1.1 Global and regional strategies for livelihoods with attention to social inclusion
  • 2.1.2 Advocacy Methods on IE legal and policy framework development
  • 2.1.3 Supportive legal frameworks development, adoption and implementation
  • 2.1.4. Identification of relevant policy frameworks and development of appropriate actions
  • 2.1.5. Key elements in policy frameworks identification
  • 2.1.6. Improvement of impact of policy frameworks
  • 2.1.7 Institution and capacity strengthening on IE
  • 2.1.8 Organising informal economy groups
  • 2.1.9 Value Chains and adding value to value chain components
  • 2.1.10. Improving linkages between formal and informal economy
  • 2.1.11 Coordination and sustainability planning
  • 2.2.1 Promotion and implementation of decent work
  • 2.2.2 Formalising work in IE
  • 2.2.3 OSH implementation in IE
  • 2.2.4 Environment and sustainable management and the Informal Economy
  • 2.3.1 Social Behaviour Change Communications (SBCC)
  • 2.3.2 Entrepreneurship: Capacity strengthening on economic activities
  • 2.3.3. Information Technology (IT) and enhancing of livelihoods of people dependent on the IE
  • 2.3.4. Leadership, life skills, empowerment training, literacy/numeracy
  • 2.3.5 Micro finance
  • 2.3.6. Vocational education/skills training
  • 2.3.7. Labour market analysis to determine types of education/training provided
  • 2.4.1 Social dialogue and IE
  • 2.4.2. Social inclusion promotion (awareness raising on social inclusion in IE)
  • 2.4.3. Social protection
  • 2.4.4. Improving food security through enhancing livelihoods of people dependent on IE
  • 2.4.5. Strengthening IE with attention to gender issues
  • 2.4.6. Strengthening IE with attention to youth and children
  • 2.4.7. Strengthening IE with attention to people affected by HIV
  • 2.4.8. Strengthening IE with attention to people with disabilities
  • 2.4.9. Strengthening IE with attention to the elderly
  • 2.4.10. Strengthening IE with attention to migrants, refugees, trafficked persons
  • 2.4.11. Strengthening IE with attention to general or other specific vulnerable groups
  • 3.1.1 GOOD PRACTICES - Global and regional strategies for livelihoods with attention to social inclusion
  • 3.1.2 GOOD PRACTICES - Advocacy Methods on IE legal and policy framework development
  • 3.1.3 GOOD PRACTICES - Supportive legal frameworks development, adoption and implementation
  • 3.1.4. GOOD PRACTICES - Supportive policy frameworks development, adoption and implementation
  • 3.1.5. GOOD PRACTICES - Macro-economic approaches identified to stimulate IE and formalisation as appropriate
  • 3.1.6. GOOD PRACTICES - IE statistics and use to inform enhancing of livelihoods of those dependent on the informal economy, with special attention to social inclusion.
  • 3.1.7 GOOD PRACTICES - Labour market statistics to inform enhancing of livelihoods of those dependent on the informal economy, with special attention to social inclusion strategies.
  • 3.1.8 GOOD PRACTICES - Education/vocational/skills statistics to inform enhancing of livelihoods of those dependent on the informal economy, with special attention to social inclusion.
  • 3.1.9 GOOD PRACTICES - Institution and capacity strengthening on IE
  • 3.1.10. GOOD PRACTICES - Linkages between formal and informal economy
  • 3.1.11. GOOD PRACTICES - Coordination and sustainability planning
  • 3.2.1. GOOD PRACTICES - Promotion and implementation of decent work, including through implementation of international labour standards, national labour laws in IE
  • 3.2.2 GOOD PRACTICES - Formalising work in IE
  • 3.2.3 GOOD PRACTICES - Occupational safety and health (OSH) implementation in IE
  • 3.2.4 GOOD PRACTICES - Environment and sustainable management and the IE
  • 3.3.1 GOOD PRACTICES - Social Behaviour Change Communications (SBCC)
  • 3.3.2 GOOD PRACTICES - Entrepreneurship: Capacity strengthening on starting, improving, growing economic activities
  • 3.3.3. GOOD PRACTICES - Information Technology (IT) and enhancing of livelihoods of those dependent on IE, with special  attention to social inclusion
  • 3.3.4. GOOD PRACTICES - Leadership, life skills, empowerment training, literacy/numeracy
  • 3.3.5. GOOD PRACTICES - Micro finance
  • 3.3.6. GOOD PRACTICES - Vocational education/skills training
  • 3.4.1. GOOD PRACTICES - Social dialogue and IE
  • 3.4.2. GOOD PRACTICES - Statistics on vulnerable groups and use to enhance the livelihoods of those dependent on the  informal economy, with special attention to social inclusion strategies
  • 3.4.3. GOOD PRACTICES - Social inclusion promotion (awareness raising on social inclusion in IE)
  • 3.4.4. GOOD PRACTICES - Social protection
  • 3.4.5 GOOD PRACTICES - Improving food security through enhancing the livelihoods of those dependent on IE, with special  attention to social inclusion
  • 3.4.6 GOOD PRACTICES - Strengthening IE with attention to gender issues: Women, Role of men to support women in IE
  • 3.4.7 GOOD PRACTICES - Strengthening IE with attention to youth and children   
  • 3.4.8 GOOD PRACTICES -Strengthening IE with attention to people affected by HIV  
  • 3.4.9 GOOD PRACTICES - Strengthening IE with attention to people with disabilities  
  • 3.4.10 GOOD PRACTICES - Strengthening IE with attention to the elderly
  • 3.4.11. GOOD PRACTICES - Strengthening IE with attention to: Migrants, Refugees, Trafficked persons
  • 3.4.12. GOOD PRACTICES - Strengthening IE with attention to other vulnerable people
  • INTRODUCTION: summary of most signifcant policy debates
  • 4.1.1 Context descriptors
  • 4.1.2 Empirical versus normative approaches to the informal economy
  • 4.1.3 Explicit versus implicit focus on the informal economy
  • 4.1.4 Approaches of some donors and organisations
  • 4.1.5 Conclusions
  • 4.1.6 References
  • 4.2.1 Taxing the informal activities
  • 4.2.2 Upgrading the informal activities within the value chain
  • 4.2.3 Organising the populations dependent on the informal economy
  • 4.3.1 Social Protection
  • 4.3.2 Technical and vocational skills enhancement
  • 4.3.3 Finance
  • 5. RNSF research volumes

2. Key research Questions on the Informal Economy

The research and monitoring and evaluation matrix is a supplement to the Research Network Support Facility (RNSF) Logical Framework as included in the ARS Progetti Organisation and Methodology document. 

For each research question, and as relevant, the RNSF project analysed:

  • Key strategies from global, regional, and (sub)national strategies to micro level (in the case of entrepreneurs their business approaches)
  • Identify what works (GP)
  • What does not work or only works somewhat
  • Challenges faced and if/how they are overcome
  • New trends and how they are being implemented

Research Question: 2.1 Enabling environment

What are the key ways to successfully support the enabling environment at national and sub-national level for enhancing the livelihoods of those dependent on the informal economy, with special attention to social inclusion? This includes legal and policy framework development, institution and capacity strengthening as well as coordination.

Research Question: 2.2 Decent work and enterprise growth

What key elements have been proven to contribute to successful formalisation of growth oriented informal economy enterprises and that help ensure informal economy decent work conditions?

Research Question: 2.3 Direct actions

What are the key proven direct actions at local level that contribute to the successful enhancement of livelihoods and working conditions for those working in informal economy enterprises with special attention to social inclusion?

Research Question: 2.4  Approaches to enhance livelihoods, equity and inclusion  

What innovative approaches do national and international entities use to enhance livelihoods,  equity and inclusion of people dependent on the informal economy?

In addition: what are the new strategies adopted by people relying on informal economy activities themselves?

Note: This can include the identification of new practices and dynamics that DEVCO or other main organisations operating in (inter)national cooperation for development are currently supporting (or may support during the RNSF project implementation period).

Data is mostly based on analysis of literature, interviews with key informants, analysis of the 17 new projects in 13 countries, analysis of at least 33 completed EC funded projects.

For each sub-question that requires identification of GP and LL, at least 5 GP and/or LL were identified. Each of these GP and/or LL meet the following criteria:

A “good practice” has proven its strategic relevance as the most effective way in achieving a specific objective; it has been successfully adopted and has had a positive impact on individuals and/or communities.

That it is innovative and/or creative in its design and implementation

A “good practice” meets current needs, in particular the essential needs of IE entrepreneurs/workers or potential entrepreneurs/workers, without compromising the ability to address future needs.

A description of the practice must show how actors, men and women, involved in the process, were able to improve their livelihoods.

Technical feasibility is the basis of a “good practice”. It is easy to learn and to implement

The good practice involves project stakeholders through meaningful participation and ownership.

Participatory approaches are essential as they support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

A “good practice” should have the potential for replication and should therefore be adaptable to similar objectives in varying situations.

research questions informal economy

Rosenberg Research: Canada’s looming immigration reversal and what it means for interest rates, fixed income and the loonie

Canada’s immigration-driven population surge of recent years has provided an enormous boost to economic growth, labour force activity and employment gains – single-handedly keeping the country out of a technical recession.

However, the immigration uplift to the Canadian economy is soon to expire, with Ottawa aiming to significantly reduce the share of temporary residents in the population by 2027. The economic implications of lower net migration will be significant.

That will come alongside more downside to inflation, and less pressure on housing affordability. Most importantly, as yearly population growth slows to less than 1 per cent from 2025 to 2027 on average (from the current 3.2 per cent), our research shows that the neutral rate will decline to around 2 per cent from the current estimate of 2.75 per cent (and compared to 2.625 per cent for the U.S.). (The neutral rate, also known as the Rstar, is the interest rate consistent with noninflationary growth.)

Canada’s population grew by 3.2 per cent in the second quarter of 2024 compared to a year ago (an additional 1.3 million people), with an increase in temporary residents (temporary workers, students and asylum seekers) accounting for two-thirds of this growth (800,000 newcomers). Over the past three years alone, the country has seen a net increase of close to 1.5 million temporary residents – from 1.3 million in mid-2021 to 2.8 million as of the 2024 second quarter. While this has helped Canada escape a recession by boosting spending (newcomers were responsible for around 30 per cent of consumption growth last year) and filling labour shortages, it has also resulted in higher rent and home prices.

Earlier this year, Ottawa announced a plan for a significant cut in temporary residents – from 6.8 per cent of the population (as of the 2024 second quarter) to 5.0 per cent by 2027. Such a reduction corresponds to a roughly 25-per-cent decline (700,000) in non-permanent residents and requires fast and drastic actions – these measures are also subject to change with a federal election coming by the end of 2025. While some temporary residents will shift out of that category by receiving permanent residency over the following years, that will not be enough to get the share of non-permanent residents to 5 per cent. The only way to achieve the target Ottawa set is for a portion of temporary residents to leave the country. The latest population projections by Statistics Canada seem to take into account the 5-per-cent target and estimate that there will be a net decline of 640,000 temporary residents by 2027, with each year resulting in a net outflow of more than 200,000.

Anne Michèle Meggs: Despite moving to limit temporary immigrants, Canada’s policy lacks vision

Such a decrease in newcomers would mean that population growth will average a little less than 1 per cent annually between 2025 and 2027 – compared to the current norm of 3 per cent.

The economic implications are mixed; while reducing immigration growth is necessary to give the economy a break from its negative impact on housing affordability and overburdening health systems, it will also expose some pre-existing underlying weaknesses in the Canadian economy.

A slowdown in population growth will lead to a 30-basis-point decline in growth of real gross domestic product (GDP) due to an immediate reduction in overall spending. As of the 2024 first quarter, GDP is up 0.5 per cent from last year (in volume terms), well below the 3-per-cent annual increase in population. So, on a population-adjusted basis, the economy is actually contracting – with real GDP per capita down 2.6 per cent year-over-year, the fifth yearly decline in a row. With the full effect of rate hikes yet to kick in (they operate with 12- to 18- month lags), the future is not looking great for economic growth without the demand-side support from rising immigration. The Bank of Canada’s estimate of annual real GDP growth of more than 2 per cent until 2026 remains overly optimistic.

Employment growth will take a big hit, but the outlook on the unemployment rate and wages are mixed. As the growth in available labour supply declines (and likely at a faster pace than job vacancies), less slack in the jobs market will exert some upward pressure on wage growth, but the downside risk remains intact, with wages still playing catch-up to the recent decline in inflation.

Slower immigration growth will alleviate some pressure on the housing market; however, the unaffordability crisis will not be solved until housing starts fully catch up to population growth. The pace of immigration has dramatically surpassed the absorptive capacity of the housing market – since 2022, there have been around 650,000 housing starts, while the population is up approximately 2.5 million.

Meanwhile, the disinflation momentum is set to continue as slower demand growth for goods and services will result in lower prices, likely dragging inflation below the lower band of the BoC ’s target range of 1 to 3 per cent. Inflation is already running at 2.7 per cent year-over-year, within the control range set by the bank – and with a negative output gap set to persist till 2026 (currently at 1.6 per cent), shelter prices coming down, and consumer spending losing steam, inflation in Canada is heading toward flat.

The main driver behind the neutral rate in Canada has been the increase in the labour force, which was made possible by immigration. With immigration growth taking a step back, the working-age population and labour force will expand slower than before

For investors, the key take-away here is that the Canadian neutral rate will likely drop to around 2 per cent (from the current estimated level of 2.75 per cent) as a result of slower population growth – more than half a percentage point below the 2.625 per cent estimated in the U.S. Therefore, the BoC will need to cut much deeper (and likely faster) than the Federal Reserve in the U.S., just to get monetary policy back to a neutral stance. This not only creates room for more rate cuts and builds a bullish case for Canadian fixed income but it also signals weakness for the Canadian dollar.

Atakan Bakiskan is an economist with Rosenberg Research

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Adani Group rocked by Hindenburg allegations against SEBI

Adani Group’s stock value plunged by nearly $150bn after Hindenburg Research’s first report in January 2023.

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and Chairman Of Adani Group Gautam Adani at 5th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit on January 13, 2011 in Gandhinagar, India.

Adani Group, the Indian conglomerate rocked by a Hindenburg Research report last year, has faced another heavy share selloff after the short seller accused the head of India’s market regulator of having links to offshore funds also used by the group.

About $2.43bn, or 1 percent, was wiped off the market value of Adani companies by the end of the trading day on Monday although that was a substantial recovery from earlier losses of more than $13bn.

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The battle between Hindenburg Research and Adani Group began 18 months ago when the United States-based short seller alleged Adani improperly used tax havens, accusations the group denied again on Sunday, saying its overseas holding structure was fully transparent.

Citing whistleblower documents, Hindenburg said on Saturday that Madhabi Puri Buch, chairperson of the market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) since 2022, has a conflict of interest in the Adani matter due to previous investments.

Buch said the report’s allegations were baseless, and in a separate statement, the regulator said allegations made by Hindenburg Research against the Adani Group have been duly investigated.

Shares in the group’s flagship firm, Adani Enterprises, closed out Monday 1.1 percent lower while Adani Ports, Adani Total Gas, Adani Power, Adani Wilmar and Adani Energy Solutions were down between 0.6 percent and 4.2 percent. Only Adani Green bucked the trend, closing 1 percent higher.

“The allegations are coming for the second time. Lot of investigations have happened over the last year and a half. This is a temporary, knee-jerk reaction. Things will get back to normalcy,” said Sunny Agrawal, head of fundamental equity research at SBICAPS Securities.

Investments from Abu Dhabi-based International Holding Company and US boutique investment firm GQG Partners have helped restore some investor confidence since Hindenburg’s first report in January 2023 with Adani Group’s share value losses narrowing to about $32.5bn from $150bn in the immediate aftermath.

Buch termed Hindenburg’s allegations an attempt at “character assassination” after the regulator’s enforcement action and “show cause” notice to the short seller for violating Indian rules. A show cause notice signals an intention to take disciplinary action if satisfactory explanations are not provided.

‘Gravely compromised’

Adani Enterprises is looking to launch a $1bn share sale by mid-September, having shelved a record $2.5bn offer in the wake of Hindenburg’s first set of allegations. Adani Energy raised $1bn from US investors and sovereign wealth funds this month.

“We will likely see a short- to medium-term sentiment impact on Adani stocks, especially as retail investors are pressurised by the allegations made against SEBI,” said Kranthi Bathini, director of equity strategy at WealthMills Securities.

As the latest allegations gained political traction, ruling Bharatiya Janata Party lawmaker Ravi Shankar Prasad said: “Instead of giving a response to the SEBI show cause notice, Hindenburg has issued this report, which is a baseless attack.”

“The SEBI and the family [of Buch] have responded. We don’t have anything to add to that,” he told reporters.

However, opposition leader Rahul Gandhi said on X: “The integrity of SEBI, the securities regulator entrusted with safeguarding the wealth of small retail investors, has been gravely compromised by the allegations against its chairperson.”

American Psychological Association

How to cite ChatGPT

Timothy McAdoo

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We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test , and we know our roles in a Turing test . And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT . We’ve also been gathering opinions and feedback about the use and citation of ChatGPT. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback.

In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript. We know instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use ChatGPT, and we’ll be continuing to collect feedback about instructor and student questions. As always, defer to instructor guidelines when writing student papers. For more about guidelines and policies about student and author use of ChatGPT, see the last section of this post.

Quoting or reproducing the text created by ChatGPT in your paper

If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.

Unfortunately, the results of a ChatGPT “chat” are not retrievable by other readers, and although nonretrievable data or quotations in APA Style papers are usually cited as personal communications , with ChatGPT-generated text there is no person communicating. Quoting ChatGPT’s text from a chat session is therefore more like sharing an algorithm’s output; thus, credit the author of the algorithm with a reference list entry and the corresponding in-text citation.

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat

You may also put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix of your paper or in online supplemental materials, so readers have access to the exact text that was generated. It is particularly important to document the exact text created because ChatGPT will generate a unique response in each chat session, even if given the same prompt. If you create appendices or supplemental materials, remember that each should be called out at least once in the body of your APA Style paper.

When given a follow-up prompt of “What is a more accurate representation?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “different brain regions work together to support various cognitive processes” and “the functional specialization of different regions can change in response to experience and environmental factors” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

Creating a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software

The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large language models (e.g., Bard), algorithms, and similar software.

The reference and in-text citations for ChatGPT are formatted as follows:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Let’s break that reference down and look at the four elements (author, date, title, and source):

Author: The author of the model is OpenAI.

Date: The date is the year of the version you used. Following the template in Section 10.10, you need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.

Title: The name of the model is “ChatGPT,” so that serves as the title and is italicized in your reference, as shown in the template. Although OpenAI labels unique iterations (i.e., ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4), they are using “ChatGPT” as the general name of the model, with updates identified with version numbers.

The version number is included after the title in parentheses. The format for the version number in ChatGPT references includes the date because that is how OpenAI is labeling the versions. Different large language models or software might use different version numbering; use the version number in the format the author or publisher provides, which may be a numbering system (e.g., Version 2.0) or other methods.

Bracketed text is used in references for additional descriptions when they are needed to help a reader understand what’s being cited. References for a number of common sources, such as journal articles and books, do not include bracketed descriptions, but things outside of the typical peer-reviewed system often do. In the case of a reference for ChatGPT, provide the descriptor “Large language model” in square brackets. OpenAI describes ChatGPT-4 as a “large multimodal model,” so that description may be provided instead if you are using ChatGPT-4. Later versions and software or models from other companies may need different descriptions, based on how the publishers describe the model. The goal of the bracketed text is to briefly describe the kind of model to your reader.

Source: When the publisher name and the author name are the same, do not repeat the publisher name in the source element of the reference, and move directly to the URL. This is the case for ChatGPT. The URL for ChatGPT is https://chat.openai.com/chat . For other models or products for which you may create a reference, use the URL that links as directly as possible to the source (i.e., the page where you can access the model, not the publisher’s homepage).

Other questions about citing ChatGPT

You may have noticed the confidence with which ChatGPT described the ideas of brain lateralization and how the brain operates, without citing any sources. I asked for a list of sources to support those claims and ChatGPT provided five references—four of which I was able to find online. The fifth does not seem to be a real article; the digital object identifier given for that reference belongs to a different article, and I was not able to find any article with the authors, date, title, and source details that ChatGPT provided. Authors using ChatGPT or similar AI tools for research should consider making this scrutiny of the primary sources a standard process. If the sources are real, accurate, and relevant, it may be better to read those original sources to learn from that research and paraphrase or quote from those articles, as applicable, than to use the model’s interpretation of them.

We’ve also received a number of other questions about ChatGPT. Should students be allowed to use it? What guidelines should instructors create for students using AI? Does using AI-generated text constitute plagiarism? Should authors who use ChatGPT credit ChatGPT or OpenAI in their byline? What are the copyright implications ?

On these questions, researchers, editors, instructors, and others are actively debating and creating parameters and guidelines. Many of you have sent us feedback, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the comments below. We will also study the policies and procedures being established by instructors, publishers, and academic institutions, with a goal of creating guidelines that reflect the many real-world applications of AI-generated text.

For questions about manuscript byline credit, plagiarism, and related ChatGPT and AI topics, the APA Style team is seeking the recommendations of APA Journals editors. APA Style guidelines based on those recommendations will be posted on this blog and on the APA Style site later this year.

Update: APA Journals has published policies on the use of generative AI in scholarly materials .

We, the APA Style team humans, appreciate your patience as we navigate these unique challenges and new ways of thinking about how authors, researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

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Full index of topics


  1. (PDF) Theories and definitions of the informal economy: A survey

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  3. Informal Economy by Income Level Source: Authors Adaptation of WIEGO

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  6. (PDF) Taxing the Informal Economy: Challenges, Possibilities and

    research questions informal economy


  1. Analysing the informal economy: Data challenges, research design, and

    Decisions must be made at the research design stage as to how best to address and accommodate these trade-offs, to ensure consistency with the specified research questions. What the informal economy literature has also shown is that the data debate is incomplete without an in-depth consideration of data analysis, with many studies utilising ...

  2. Five Things to Know about the Informal Economy

    They lack social protection, access to credit and are generally less educated. Third, informality is related to gender inequality. Globally, 58 per cent of employed women work in the informal sector, and are more likely to be in the most precarious and low-paid categories of informal employment.

  3. The Long Shadow of Informality: Challenges and Policies

    Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development. WORK WITH US. Jobs, procurement, training, and events. ... Franziska Ohnsorge and Shu Yu have edited an authoritative source of reference for everyone interested in the informal economy. The questions raised in this book, and the answers given, make it ...

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    Policy Paper No. 2021/002. occasional. Please address any questions about this title to [email protected]. This paper proposes a framework for measuring the informal economy that is consistent with internationally agreed concepts and methodology for measuring GDP. Based on the proposed framework, the informal economy "comprises production ...

  5. Informal Economy Database

    The informal economy database is available for download in Excel. It will be updated every two years. Citation. When using the database, please cite the following paper as the data source: Elgin, C., M. A. Kose, F. Ohnsorge, and S. Yu. 2021. "Understanding Informality." CERP Discussion Paper 16497, Centre for Economic Policy Research, London.

  6. Unveiling the Informal Economy: An Augmented Factor Model Approach

    This paper develops a new approach to estimating the degree of informality in an economy. It combines direct yet infrequent measures of the informal economy in micro data with an augmented factor model that links macro indicators of the informal economy to its causes. We show that the prevailing model used in the literature, the multiple indicators multiple causes model, is a special case of ...

  7. Analysing the informal economy: Data challenges, research design, and

    We outline some key issues and questions involving the informal economy that management researchers could help to answer, forming a potential research agenda in the process. ... Research on the ...

  8. Analysing the informal economy: Data challenges, research design, and

    Analyses of the informal economy are vital to understanding economic activity in developing countries, but challenges abound when analysing something that is so difficult to measure. In this article, we explore these challenges and what they mean for research and research design in studies of the informal economy.

  9. 28 questions with answers in INFORMAL SECTOR ECONOMICS

    Nov 28, 2015. Answer. There is a voluminous literature on how to measure the shadow economy, alternatively known as the informal, hidden, underground, cash-in-hand, etc economy. Basically, one can ...

  10. Statistics on the informal economy

    Introduction. In many countries, the informal economy represents a significant part of the labour market and plays a major role in production, employment creation and income generation. However, informality puts workers at a higher risk of vulnerability and precariousness. It has a strong adverse impact on the adequacy of earnings, occupational ...

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  14. ILO Research Guides: Informal economy: Home

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    This article reviews the economic literature on informality, its causes, and its consequences for development. It covers a comprehensive body of research that ranges from well-identified experimental studies to equilibrium macro models, and which more recently includes structural models that integrate both micro and macro effects. The results available in the literature indicate that lowering ...

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  17. Understanding the Firm in the Informal Economy: A Research Agenda

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  19. Theories and definitions of the informal economy: A survey

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  21. Toward a Research Agenda on the Informal Economy

    The impact of informal firms in terms of em. ployment can be substantial in developing econ omies. For example, the International Labour Or ganisation reports that the informal economy's. share of the nonagricultural workforce is 55% in. Latin America, 45% to 85% in Asia, and approx imately 80% in Africa (ILO, 2004).

  22. 2. Key research Questions on the Informal Economy

    Key research Questions on the Informal Economy 0 Share . The research and monitoring and evaluation matrix is a supplement to the Research Network Support Facility (RNSF) Logical Framework as included in the ARS Progetti Organisation and Methodology document. ... Research Question: 2.4 Approaches to enhance livelihoods, equity and inclusion .

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    Economic Feasibility Evaluation of Bioleaching-Based Tungsten Recycling of Semiconductor Industry Waste. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , 2024; 12 (27): 10229 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng ...

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  27. How to cite ChatGPT

    We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test, and we know our roles in a Turing test.And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we've spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT.