PhD Studies

PhD studies at Aalborg University

Aalborg University (AAU) has five Doctoral Schools which are specialised within the disciplines offered by the faculties. The Doctoral Schools educate PhD fellows of a high international standard.

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Benefits of doing a PhD at AAU

PhD fellow Maria Maigaard Paulsen from AAU Energy

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Admission to a PhD program

All PhD positions at Aalborg University require that candidates have acquired a Danish five-year Master’s degree or have completed another similar programme.

Apply for a PhD position at AAU

All PhD positions at Aalborg University are advertised on AAU's website for vacant positions, under PhD vacancies. You will find all current scholarships for all Doctoral Schools here. Each job advertisement will contain all relevant information about the position, including information on salary, period of employment etc.

In order to apply for a PhD position at Aalborg University, you must fill in the online form on AAU’s website for vacant positions. Only online applications sent through this portal will be accepted.

See vacant PhD positions at AAU

Other PhD opportunities at AAU

At Aalborg University (AAU), you can apply to become a PhD student without being employed at the University. Before applying, you must make sure that your application meets the requirements specified on the websites of the AAU Doctoral Schools.

The following other opportunities for PhD studies are available at AAU:

Self-financed PhD studies

You can apply for enrolment as a self-financed PhD student, which means that you will pay all costs connected to your studies. These costs will depend on the individual Doctoral School and PhD programme.

Industrial PhD studies

You can apply for enrolment as an industrial PhD student in cooperation with the company where you are employed and the relevant doctoral school. Your company will be responsible for applying to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science for financial support for the project. It is a requirement that you are employed in a Danish company or a Danish department of an international company.

Co-financed PhD studies

If your employer or another party is willing to finance all or part of your PhD studies, it is possible to collaborate with AAU on a PhD project, provided that the project is strategically and academically relevant for the doctoral school.

PhD assessment without programme enrolment

You can also submit material for assessment in order to obtain a PhD degree without having been enrolled in a PhD programme. This particular approach requires that your material was prepared under supervision of a qualified supervisor, and that you meet the current requirements for PhD students and additional requirements. Further information on this particular option can be required by contacting AAU PhD

Further information about PhD studies at AAU

For further information on PhD studies at AAU, please contact AAU PhD .

Career developement for PhD Students

All PhD students at AAU have access to a variety of services that can develope themselves and their future career

phd study in denmark

Area manager

Specialists, phd administration.

AAU PhD handles the PhD administration at Aalborg University for the 4 PhD schools.

This includes the following tasks:

  • Daily operations related to PhD students
  • Advertising scholarships and processing applications
  • Enrollment of PhD students
  • Administration of course activities
  • Awarding PhD degrees
  • Managing doctoral dissertations
  • Statistical reports to Statistics Denmark
  • Resource management
  • Secretariat for the PhD committees at the 5 PhD schools

E-mail: [email protected]    Tel.: (+45) 9940 9638 Kroghstræde 1 9220 Aalborg East

News and Events AAU PhD

  • Bachelor programmes
  • Step 1: Application deadlines
  • General admission requirements
  • Specific admission requirements
  • Additional admission requirements for bachelor subjects
  • Grade requirements
  • Exemption-based admission
  • Admission through quota 1 or 2
  • Tuition fees: Terms of payment
  • How Roskilde University contacts applicants
  • Guaranteed admission
  • Mandatory credit transfer
  • Re-enrollment and readmission
  • Study start
  • Master programmes
  • Step 1: Application Deadlines
  • Prerequisite studies
  • Step 3: Required Documentation
  • Step 4: Pay the Application Fee
  • Tuition Fee Rates
  • Terms of payment for tuition fee
  • Programmes in English
  • Programmes in Danish
  • Vaccant study places master
  • Step 7: Process after Submission
  • Legal claim to admission to master’s programmes at RUC
  • Re-enrollment and readmission to a master's programme
  • Accommodation
  • Admission exchange
  • Admission guest student
  • Participating researchers
  • Danish Advisory Board
  • International collaboration
  • Collaborate with students
  • The Library from A-Z
  • K. Frank Jensen Collection
  • List of databases
  • Regulations
  • Study programmes
  • Employers’ panel
  • Teaching portfolio
  • Research magazine
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  • Executive University Management
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  • RUC Administration Management
  • RUC Digital
  • RUC Communication and Rector's Office
  • RUC Education and Students
  • RUC Finance and Campus
  • Advisory Board at Roskilde University
  • Strategy RUC 2030
  • Academic Development
  • Honorary doctors

PhD at Roskilde University

Why enrol at a phd programme at roskilde university, interdisciplinary research environment.

The PhD programme at Roskilde University is characterized by a strong interdisciplinary research environment.

PhD students are connected to a Doctoral School and research groups - an active research environment. Roskilde University has 4 Doctoral Schools. We collaborate with other national and international Doctoral Schools, and as a PhD student you have the opportunity to participate in PhD courses offered at all Danish universities.

Influence on the PhD Programme of Study

The structure of the PhD programme at Roskilde University enables the PhD students the greatest influence on the course of study. For example, each Doctoral School has instituted a Doctoral Committee which acts as the supreme authority and the Board of Studies for the Doctoral School. As a PhD student you have the opportunity to join the Doctoral Committee, and thereby influence your PhD programme.

Improve Your Communication Skills

As part of the PhD programme you gain communication experience, e.g. supervision of master students, teaching or participation in conferences. In order to develop your ability to communicate you are offered university teaching courses. The types of courses vary, but may include courses in project work and problem-oriented supervision and teaching. In addition, as a PhD student you are associated with a strong research environment, with excellent opportunities for professional discussions with regards to supervision and methods of teaching.

a woman and a man doing group work

4 Doctoral Schools at Roskilde University

Interdisciplinarity and a problem-oriented approach to research is shared principles at the 4 schools

Doctoral Schools and PhD Programmes at Roskilde University

Doctoral school of science and environment.

We teach and research application-oriented and innovative in the science of the real world and in the environment. We work with the fundamentals of science that determines and develops the theories on which science is based. Fundamental and applied research goes hand in hand. Our research generate new knowledge, innovation, patents and offers an earnings potential to the business community.

Doctoral School of Communication and Arts

The Doctoral School of Communication and Arts (ARTS-PHD) offers a post graduate PhD program covering a broad range of research fields. The PhD program works together with the different study programs at the Department of Communication and Arts: Communication Studies, Journalism Studies, Performance Design, Philosophy, Danish language, History, English and Cultural Encounters. The Doctoral School works closely with the different research groups at the department and offers PhD Courses, PhD master classes, writing retreats and other activities. 

Doctoral School of People and Technology

We are involved with development of sustainable solutions. We use experimental approaches and support people’s active commitment. The Department is covering human, society, health and IT scientific fields as well as planning, intervention and design inclined fields.

Doctoral School of Social Sciences & Business

The Doctoral School of Social Sciences & Business provides PhD training and research within the interdisciplinary, international, and professional environment of ISE.

The Doctoral School is a part of a large and dynamic community of researchers who share a commitment to understanding society in diverse contexts of change and global engagement. Our interdisciplinary research perspectives are primarily based on the social sciences. Researchers come from all over the world and engage topics that are geographically, theoretically and methodologically diverse.

PhD courses

The courses are offered to both internal and external PhD students

Roskilde University is regularly offering PhD courses

Vacant PhD Scholarships

PhD programmes

  • PhD Programmes - Guide to studies and admission
  • The PhD process at UCPH
  • About PhD studies in D...

About PhD studies in Denmark

phd study in denmark

Since 1993, the standard duration of PhD studies in Denmark has been three years. This requires you to have  graduated from a five year Masters programme in the same or a closely related discipline or that you have some other comparable qualifications.

Flexible process

There is also the option of starting on an integrated Master's and PhD process, the so-called flex process, which starts 12 months on in a Masters program (4+4 scheme), or immediately after graduating with a Bachelor's degree (3+5-scheme).

Read more about the flexible process


You are required to take relevant courses or similar educational modules equivalent to six months of studies during the process and this predicates that during your studies, you attend active research environments, also away from the institution to which you are admitted, either by study tours to other, mainly foreign institutions, or in or some other way. Finally, students are required to gain experience in teaching or some other kind of knowledge outreach.

Special circumstances

PhD studies are normally full-time but in special circumstances, part-time studies may be possible on application with your reasons. In special cases, it may be possible for a thesis to be considered with a view to acquiring a doctorate without, or with abbreviated, preceding studies but this requires you to have gained professional commercial qualifications that are comparable to PhD studies.


A PhD is awarded in recognition of the fact that the person to whom it is awarded has completed PhD studies and has satisfactorily defended a doctoral thesis in a public viva, has demonstrated the ability to independently run a scientific project using scientific methods appropriate to the subject and has further helped promote research at a level corresponding to the international standard for doctorates within the discipline concerned.

Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)

Phd studies.

PhD studies are a key element and integrated part of the research and education environment at IFRO. IFRO wishes to be known among current and prospective PhD students as an attractive workplace with rewarding scientific collaboration and good PhD education resulting in reflective and critical researchers with a strong academic profile. IFRO has a vibrant and highly international PhD environment with around 50-70 on-going PhD studies at any given time and offers 6-8 PhD courses a year.

Vacant PhD positions

IFRO only accepts applications from potential PhD students applying for available positions or from potential PhD students that bring their own funding.  All vacant positions, including PhD positions and open calls, will be posted here.

Staff at IFRO

Research at ifro, portraits of our phd students, potential phd students, study structure, timeline, and working in denmark.

The PhD School of Science (the Faculty that Department of Food and Resource are a part of) has collected relevant information for you as a potential PhD student, such as information about study structure, timeline enrolment, work in Denmark and likewise:

PhD School of Science

Vacant positions, open calls and PhD programmes

If you are interested in joining IFRO as a PhD student, you will find all available positions and open calls here:

Vacant positions

TALENT programme

IFRO is part of the TALENT programme.  TALENT is a doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union, offering 74 PhD scholarships in the natural and life sciences. The 74 PhD positions will be awarded in the course of four application rounds during its first two years, i.e. in the period 1 August 2018-31 July 2020. However, the programme as such runs for five years, ending on 31 July 2023.

Present PhD students

Planning, timeline, phd planner and submission.

The PhD School of Science (the faculty that IFRO is part of) has collected a lot of information relevant to you as a PhD student at IFRO, such as information on planning, timeline, PhD Planner, submission and assessment of your thesis:

Go to the website of the PhD School of Science

For information on PhD administration at the department, see below.

PhD Administration at Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)

Administrative officer Tine Milton is the PhD secretary. If you have any questions related to PhD administration (contracts, procedures and likewise), you can contact Tine at   [email protected]

PhD coordinators

There is a PhD coordinator in each section of the department.

  • Associate Professor   Martin Reinhardt Nielsen   (Section for Global Development)
  • Associate Professor   Wusheng Yu   (Section for Production, Markets and Policy )
  • Associate Professor   Wesley Dean   (Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance)
  • Associate Professor   Christian Gamborg   (Section for Environment and Natural Resources)

PhD Committee at Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)

The research committee at IFRO has delegated responsibility for administration of the PhD education at IFRO to a PhD committee. The PhD committee is a forum for discussion and development of measures to support a vibrant PhD environment at the department.

If you are already a PhD fellow at IFRO, you can access  the PhD Committee's site at KUnet (requires log-in) .

PhD courses at Faculty of Science

Phd defences, past phd defences at department of food and resource economics, phd defence: clara garcia bouyssou, phd defence: rikke sigmer nielsen, phd defence: mar moure peña.

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Associate Professor Mariève Pouliot. Deputy head of Department for Research at IFRO.

Associate Professor  Christian Gamborg . Chairperson of the PhD Committee at IFRO.

Tine Milton HR & PhD Secretary at IFRO.

PhD School in the Humanities

phd study in denmark

The PhD School in the Humanties

Intranet for phd students and staff, how to obtain a phd scholarship, phd courses, phd thesis, assessment and defence, announcement of phd defences, inequalities in early life mortality, body, objects, and perception: five studies of visually impaired people’s use of technology.

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International applicants and international visiting PhD scholars

  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Study programmes
  • PhD program

The PhD program

The PhD program at the Department of Mathematical Sciences usually lasts 3 years, for students enrolled with a Master's Degree, and 4-5 years for students enrolled in the integrated program with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent). The program consists first of all of an independent research project resulting in the end of a PhD thesis with publishable results.

It is also a part of the PhD program to follow some PhD courses, and our PhD students are expected to spend an extended period (up to 3-6 months) at a foreign research institution during the PhD program.

PhD students (except industrial PhDs) are required to teach, typically as teaching assistants. Our advanced courses are taught in English. Our PhD students must be able to teach in English and to follow courses taught in English.

A PhD in mathematics will make you qualified for a wide range of career possibilities including continuing an academic career or going into the private or the public sector.

PhD students who hold a stipend from the University of Copenhagen will receive funding as follows: Students enrolled in the 3-year program will receive a salary throughout the PhD period. Students enrolled in the integrated program will receive a number of state education grant portions until they acquire the master's degree 2 years before handing in their PhD thesis. For the remaining 2 years they will receive a salary.

Both stipends also include a travel allowance for participation in conferences and for research visits to foreign research institutions.

For more information about the PhD programme see

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers PhD degrees in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, insurance and financial mathematics within four research sections and two centres:

  • Algebra & Geometry
  • Analysis & Quantum
  • Insurance and Economics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop)
  • Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH)

The department has about 45 tenured faculty, 30 postdocs, and 60 PhD students.

Applying for a PhD

  • After accepting a PhD stipend  
  • Mini-guide on how to fill the online application form

For current PhD students

See MATHnet  (department intranet) for courses, economy, travel etc.

PhD students

phd study in denmark

Alexander Gjelsvik Ravnanger, PhD student

phd study in denmark

Alf Söderberg, PhD student

phd study in denmark

Joan Ferrer Rodríguez, PhD student

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PhD School of SCIENCE

Available PhD positions at the University of Copenhagen

Check out the available PhD positions at UCPH

PhD theses from the Faculty of Science

See theses from our PhD students

The PhD school of SCIENCE organises training and education of researchers within all areas of science, with a view to ensure the highest scientific level among the next generations of researchers. The PhD school aims to train PhD candidates with all the required scientific skills plus complementary competencies at the highest level.

The PhD programme at SCIENCE lasts three years and includes an independent research project, stays at other/international research institution(s), PhD level courses, teaching and other types of knowledge dissemination. The PhD is concluded by writing and defending a PhD thesis.

Rules and guidelines

Study structures, talent doctoral fellowship, phd planner, intranet for current phd students, phd defence, (non)participation in the science classroom, phd defence: xue liang, phd defence: liver fat, metabolic dysfunction and effects of dairy foods in individuals with abdominal obesity.

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International staff mobility

Work in denmark, visit denmark, the copenhagen book.

PhD programme

The individual universities may award the PhD degree within the disciplines in which the universities conduct research and for which they have established a PhD school. A university may establish a PhD school on its own or in collaboration with one or more other universities. The PhD degree is normally awarded after three years of higher education and research (180 ECTS credits) following a Master’s degree.

In March 2017 the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science published a comprehensive analysis of the quality and effects of an increased intake of PhD students in the period 2003-2010.

Read a full English version of the main findings below.

  • The quality and relevance of the Danish PhD programme: compilation of main results

The individual university is responsible for organising its PhD programme within the framework of the PhD Order.

Objective of the PhD programme:

The PhD programme trains PhD students at an international level to undertake research, development and teaching assignments in the private and public sectors, for which a broad knowledge of research is required.

Each PhD student is appointed a principal supervisor who is responsible for the student’s PhD programme. The principal supervisor must be a recognised researcher within the relevant field, be employed by the university and affiliated with the PhD school. The student may have additional supervisors appointed.

Contents of the PhD programme:

The PhD programme comprises the following elements:

  • Conducting an independent PhD project under supervision
  • Completing a PhD thesis on the basis of the PhD project
  • Completing PhD courses corresponding to approx. six months
  • Participating in active research environments, including long-term stays at other, for example foreign, research institutions
  • Gaining experience of teaching or other form of knowledge dissemination

The PhD student is required to publicly defend his or her PhD thesis at the university.

  • For more information please visit the website Study in Denmark
  • PhD Order (pdf)

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PhD studies at Aarhus University

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Become a PhD student

In terms of academic level, the PhD programme corresponds to three years of full-time study and is based on a successfully completed Master's programme is based on a successfully completed Master’s programme of 120 ECTS points (corresponding to 2 years full-time master’s study) .

Within the three year enrollment  PhD students are required to complete a programme that includes: 

  • An independent research project completed under academic supervision
  • A course programme of an extent corresponding to six months of studies (30 ECTS points)
  • Participation in active research environments other than at SDU, including stays at other, mainly foreign, research institutions or private research enterprises
  • Experience with teaching and other dissemination of knowledge
  • Completion of a PhD Thesis
  • The opportunity to defend your PhD Thesis in public

The PhD programmes are offered at the university's five PhD schools. All PhD schools offer a three-year PhD programme, and admission to the programme requires a Master's degree or similar degree. Some PhD schools also offer a four-year PhD programme for students who have completed the first year of a Master's programme.

The PhD programme is completed in close interaction with your academic supervisor, who is a leading researcher within the chosen field of research. You will be able to arrange a great part of your PhD programme yourself and to take study trips to recognised universities abroad. You will establish contacts to several active research environments both at and outside the University of Southern Denmark, and you will be participating in study activities, courses and conferences at both national and international research institutions. You will acquire experience with teaching and disseminating research results.

The Industrial PhD programme

An Industrial PhD programme is a three-year business-oriented PhD project where you as a PhD student are employed by a private company or a public-sector organisation while at the same time being enrolled at a university. As host university for Industrial PhD students, the University of Southern Denmark offers excellent conditions for setting up research partnerships between private business, the public sector and the university.

How do I find my research project?

At the University of Southern Denmark we regularly offer predefined projects, the details of which can be found under " Vacant positions " at the SDU main webpage. At some institutes it will also be possible to participate in defining a PhD project in collaboration with an academic supervisor and possibly an external organisation. At the Faculty of Health Sciences, the most common approach is for students to contact a potential academic supervisor with a view to formulating their PhD project together with him or her.

Work and salary conditions

Information from SDU International Staff Office

Last Updated 05.10.2023

Department of Biology

  • BIO - English
  • PhD programme

phd study in denmark

  PhD Programme

phd study in denmark


Phd study at the department of biology.

The Department of Biology is among the largest Departments at the University of Copenhagen. It employs 475 academic and technical staff and hosts research programmes and teaching curricula that cover all major biological sub-disciplines. University rankings typically place the field of biology/biochemistry at the University of Copenhagen first in Denmark and among the top 30 universities internationally.

The mission of the PhD programme at the Department of Biology is to offer world-class research training and education through participation in exciting, frontier research projects.

The successful candidates will join the lively group of 150 PhD students studying at the Department of Biology and participate in the many exciting events and activities organised by the PhD student network and the Department, including the annual PhD day, the biannual BIO conference, weekly research seminars, and career fairs.

All PhD students at Department of Biology are enrolled at the  PhD school of Science .

Local PhD coordinators Robin Andersson Tel: 3533 0245 ​ [email protected] Bioinformatic & RNA Biology A​nders Priemé​ Tel: 3533 0147 [email protected] Microbiology,  Cell-and Neurobiology,  Ecology and Evolution ​ Henriette Pilegaard Tel:  3532 1687 [email protected] Cell Biology and Physiology,  Genomics and Molecular Biomedicin Niels Daugbjerg  Tel: 3533 1830 [email protected] Freshwater Biology,  Marine  B​​iology,  Terrestrial Ecology​​​​ Michael Lisby Tel: 3532 2120 [email protected] Functional genomics Sine Lo Svenningsen Tel: 3532 2033 [email protected] Biomolecular  Sciences

PhD secretaries Jannike Dyrskjøt   (Molecular Biology and Genes, Molecular Cell Biology and Physiology, Protein Sciences) Jeannette Melsen   (Aquatic Sciences, Ecology and Evolution, Microbiology)

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Danish School of Education

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PhD Education at the Danish School of Education

About the phd programme at the danish school of education.

The PhD programme at the Danish School of Education is organised under the Graduate School, Arts, and each year a number of PhD projects are completed at the school, focusing on topics such as education, didactics, learning, learning cultures and identity, innovation, management, competence and organisational development, education systems and education policy.

The Graduate School, Arts has two PhD programmes that are connected to the Danish School of Education:


Learning and Education

PhD students at the Danish School of Education will also be attached to one of the school’s research programmes.

  • View the research programmes at the Danish School of Education

Are you interested in doing a PhD?

You can read about the requirements and opportunities involved in a PhD degree programme at the Faculty of Arts on the Graduate School, Arts website .

The website enables you to:

  • find information about the scholarships available
  • get good advice on how to compose an application
  • read about the rules and financial framework for PhD programmes
  • find out which courses and exchange opportunities are offered
  • read about life as a PhD student and the career opportunities you will have as a researcher.

Further questions?

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us by phone or email.

For specific academic questions please contact the heads of the PhD programmes at the Graduate School, Arts .

For questions about administration, applications and admission , please contact: PhD administrator Minna Elo, phone: +45 8715 3298, email:  [email protected] , Tåsingegade 3, Building 1443, room 417, Aarhus.

The aim of the PhD programmes

The aim of the PhD programmes is to train researchers who can participate in highly competitive research environments and perform specialised, highly qualified professional functions. PhD degrees are offered in the form of three-year programmes for students who have completed a Master’s degree programme (5+3), or four-year programmes for students enrolling after one year of the Master’s degree programme (4+4).

  • Read more on the Graduate School, Arts website

PhD Courses in Denmark

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Study Destination

PhD in Denmark ...

PhD in Denmark Guide: PhD in Denmark Universities, Eligibility, Requirements, Costs, Scholarships & Scope


Denmark is not just known for its Danish Hygge, Lego, Bicycles, and cookies, but also for its outstanding education, a Danish PhD is as distinctive! PhD programs in Denmark are famous for being highly industry-driven, and insightful in terms of external training and exposures. More so, a PhD in Denmark is free of cost for EEA, EU and students from Switzerland, and quotes quite an affordable rate for other international students. Want to know more? Keep reading as we will tell you all about PhD in Denmark for international students, and all things related!

Why Study PhD in Denmark?

Let us now present you with some wholesome reasons to study PhD programs in Denmark:

  • Affordable education: PhD programs in Denmark are known for being highly inexpensive. Students from EU, EAA, and Switzerland even get a full tuition waiver at all universities and colleges. For international students the tuition fee lies in the range of 10,000 DKK to 25,000 DKK per annum.
  • Outstanding education and living standard: Denmark as a study abroad destination is famous for providing not just exemplary quality education, but also an equally good standard of living.
  • Excellent infrastructure: Universities in Denmark for PhD will offer you an outstanding infrastructure and research environment, along with industrial exposures worth every penny!
  • Outstanding employment opportunities: Denmark extends full support for international students in terms of post graduation employment opportunities, Denmark, as a study abroad destination will definitely make it easy for you to stay back after you complete your PhD!

A Complete Overview of PhD in Denmark

In order to study PhD in Denmark, you should know that its curriculum includes specific taught courses along with independent research. You will be allotted a supervisor, and you'll also have to complete a research project and submit a thesis to complete the program.

To make you understand how PhD programs in Denmark looks like, let us tabulate some key aspects for you below:


3 years

Number of Universities




Average Tuition Fee for International Students

300,000 DKK to 400,000 DKK (Total)

Top Universities & Colleges

Popular Programs Offered

SOP for Denmark Universities

Best Universities to Pursue PhD in Denmark

Let us now move forward to know about some prominent universities in Denmark for PhD:

3-5 years

14,800 DKK/ year

3 years

50,000 DKK/ year

3 years

Not available


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

3 years

Fully funded 

3 years

Fully funded

Find 10 best public universities in Denmark!

Eligibility and Admission Requirements to Study MBA in Denmark

Let us now check out the requirements and eligibility criteria to study the PhD in Denmark for international students:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Language proficiency test scores
  • Research proposal and written samples

Given below are the PhD Denmark requirements:

1. A bachelor’s degree

A bachelor’s degree is one of the basic requirements to start the application procedure to PhD in Denmark for international students. You will also be required to submit your high school and bachelor’s degree academic transcripts.

2. Language proficiency test scores

It is essential for you, as international students, to have an English proficiency proof in terms of IELTS , PTE , TOEFL or other tests. The minimum IELTS requirement to study at some of the best universities in Denmark for PhD is a score of 6.5 or above, depending on the university/ program you choose. A majority of universities in Denmark offer courses in Danish, and therefore you may also be required to submit Danish proficiency tests.

3. Research Proposal and Written Samples

Submitting a research proposal is one of the most prominent PhD Denmark requirements. Your research proposal will help you get hold of an acceptance letter to your chosen PhD degree program. Also, some universities may also ask for your written samples, and publications (if available), in addition to the research proposal.

Some universities in Denmark for PhD may also ask you for work experiences, LORs, Resume/ CV and interviews as additional requirements. Make sure you check the university’s official website for all the requirements.

Application Process to Study PhD in Denmark

The application process for applying to a PhD in Denmark for Indian students has been discussed briefly below:

  • Choose your course, department and a university to study PhD in Denmark.
  • Choose a supervisor in your particular department, come up with a research proposal in discussion with your supervisor.
  • Submit the application form along with the application fee, and the research proposal.
  • Submit all the required documents including transcripts, along with additional requirements like SOP , Resume, LORs, and proof of work experience, as asked by the particular university.
  • You may also be asked for an interview process.
  • Apply for a scholarship or financial aid, if available at the university.
  • Wait for the admission decision.

Cost of Studying PhD in Denmark

While most Danish universities offer a fully funded PhD, i.e. a PhD with full scholarship, there are also universities which ask for tuition fees from international students. Typically, a PhD in Denmark costs around 50,000 DKK per annum.

Students should also budget for the living expenses in Denmark of about 5,000 DKK to 8,000 DKK per month in addition to the Denmark MBA fees. This estimate is based on a single person's basic needs, which include lodging, groceries, clothing, public transit, and other miscellaneous expenses, wherein the major chunk sticks with 4,000 DKK being the monthly rent for accommodation.

Scholarships to Study PhD in Denmark

Numerous scholarships are available to pursue the PhD in Denmark for Indian students, including a lot of university-specific, privately funded and government funded scholarships. Most universities also offer a fully funded PhD to students.

Given below are some scholarships to aid the PhD in Denmark for international students: 

PhD Scholarships funded by Aarhus BSS Graduate School

Students applying for a full time PhD at Aarhus University

Full tuition fees along with overhead costs

Danish government scholarships for highly qualified non EU/ EEA students

Students showing exemplary academic performance

Full or partial fees

PhD Scholarships in Economics, Copenhagen Business School

Students applying to PhD in Economics

Full tuition fees with other costs

Best scholarships to study in Denmark!

If you are willing to study for a PhD in Denmark, you can easily get an admission at top PhD universities, provided you submit a powerful research proposal. Also, most universities in Denmark can lead you to an entirely funded PhD, meaning you can start your PhD studies without worrying about the cost of studying in Denmark .

Frequently Asked Questions about MBA in Denmark

Which are the best universities in Denmark for PhD?

The best universities to pursue PhD in Denmark are:  1. Copenhagen School of Business 2. Aarhus University 3. Denmark Technical University

What are the Denmark PhD fees for international students?

The Denmark PhD fees for international students stands at 50,000 DKK per annum, meaning 150,000 DKK for your complete PhD program.

State a PhD scholarship in Denmark.

A PhD scholarship in Denmark includes a PhD in Economics scholarship, at Copenhagen Business School.

What are some of the most popular PhD programs in Denmark?

Some of the most popular PhD programs in Denmark are: 1. PhD in Economics 2. PhD in Biomedical Sciences 3. PhD in Innovation and Strategy

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  • PhD-positions

As a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen you have the opportunity to advance your international career as part of a world class research team. Every year, UCPH enrols more than 700 new PhD students. The University of Copenhagen offers cutting edge research in an international atmosphere. In 2013 Monocle Magazine heralded Copenhagen as "the most liveable city in the world".

Read about the job structure and the recruitment process for faculty and academic staff.

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Phd fellowship in the emergence of social network structures (interdisciplinary) at sodas, university of copenhagen, phd research project.

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Adverse Events in Studies of Classic Psychedelics : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

  • 1 Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
  • 2 Department of Clinical Psychology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York

Question   What is the nature, frequency, and severity of adverse events (AEs) reported in studies of classic psychedelic administration in monitored clinical or research settings?

Findings   Reports of serious AEs (SAEs) and nonserious AEs (NSAEs) requiring medical or psychiatric attention in classic psychedelic research were rare. In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 3504 participants from 114 studies, SAEs were reported for no healthy participants and approximately 4% of participants with preexisting neuropsychiatric disorders; however, for most studies, there was concern for underdetection or incomplete AE reporting.

Meaning   Classic psychedelics were generally well tolerated in clinical or research environments according to existing literature, although SAEs and medically significant NSAEs did occur, which demonstrates the importance of improved pharmacovigilance to understand and quantify the risk and benefit profiles of classic psychedelic substances.

Importance   A clear and comprehensive understanding of risks associated with psychedelic-assisted therapy is necessary as investigators extend its application to new populations and indications.

Objective   To assess adverse events (AEs) associated with classic psychedelics, particularly serious AEs (SAEs) and nonserious AEs (NSAEs) requiring medical or psychiatric evaluation.

Data Sources   The search for potentially eligible studies was conducted in the Scopus, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Science databases from inception through February 8, 2024.

Study Selection   Two independent reviewers screened articles of classic psychedelics (lysergic acid diethylamide [LSD], psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine [DMT], and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine [5-MeO-DMT]) involving administration in clinical or research contexts.

Data Extraction and Synthesis   AE data were extracted and synthesized by 2 reviewers and were used for random-effects meta-analysis of AE frequency and heterogeneity. Risk of bias assessment focused on AE ascertainment (eg, systematic assessment and quality of follow-up).

Main Outcomes and Measures   A hybrid approach was used for capture of all reported AEs following high-dose classic psychedelic exposure and confirmatory capture of AEs of special interest, including suicidality, psychotic disorder, manic symptoms, cardiovascular events, and hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. AEs were stratified by timescale and study population type. Forest plots of common AEs were generated, and the proportions of participants affected by SAEs or NSAEs requiring medical intervention were summarized descriptively.

Results   A total of 214 unique studies were included, of which 114 (53.3%) reported analyzable AE data for 3504 total participants. SAEs were reported for no healthy participants and for approximately 4% of participants with preexisting neuropsychiatric disorders; among these SAEs were worsening depression, suicidal behavior, psychosis, and convulsive episodes. NSAEs requiring medical intervention (eg, paranoia, headache) were similarly rare. In contemporary research settings, there were no reports of deaths by suicide, persistent psychotic disorders, or hallucinogen persisting perception disorders following administration of high-dose classic psychedelics. However, there was significant heterogeneity in the quality of AE monitoring and reporting. Of 68 analyzed studies published since 2005, only 16 (23.5%) described systematic approaches to AE assessment, and 20 studies (29.4%) reported all AEs, as opposed to only adverse drug reactions. Meta-analyses of prevalence for common AEs (eg, headache, anxiety, nausea, fatigue, and dizziness) yielded comparable results for psilocybin and LSD.

Conclusions and Relevance   In this systematic review and meta-analysis, classic psychedelics were generally well tolerated in clinical or research settings according to the existing literature, although SAEs did occur. These results provide estimates of common AE frequencies and indicate that certain catastrophic events reported in recreational or nonclinical contexts have yet to be reported in contemporary trial participants. Careful, ongoing, and improved pharmacovigilance is required to understand the risk and benefit profiles of these substances and to communicate such risks to prospective study participants and the public.

Read More About

Hinkle JT , Graziosi M , Nayak SM , Yaden DB. Adverse Events in Studies of Classic Psychedelics : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . JAMA Psychiatry. Published online September 04, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.2546

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Tuition fees & Scholarships

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News from Study in Denmark About Danish research and higher education

Useful websites when preparing to study in Denmark

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Application deadline for 2024 is approaching

If you want to be enrolled in a higher education study programme in Denmark, the application deadline is less than a month away.

Time to Mind

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  1. PhD in Denmark Guide: PhD in Denmark Universities, Eligibility

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  2. Study in Denmark, PhD in Denmark, Masters in Denmark, Study in Europe

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  3. PhD programmes

    phd study in denmark

  4. PhD Fellowships in Research Culture or Medical Museion at University of

    phd study in denmark

  5. Study in Denmark

    phd study in denmark

  6. Two Danish universities among world's 100 best

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  2. Applying for PhD funding in Denmark


  4. Study Abroad with Your Spouse

  5. Countries with well paid PhD students!



  1. PhD programmes

    PhD programmes and courses are offered at Danish universities, which all offer excellent research, library and laboratory facilities for researchers and PhD students in addition to joint partnerships with industry. PhD students are often encouraged to participate in research networks, including placements at overseas research institutions.

  2. PhD Study in Denmark

    Programme length. The Danish academic year runs from August/September to May/June and is made up of two semesters: Semester one - begins in August/September with exams in December/January. Semester two - begins in January/February with exams in May/June. You will study your PhD for 3-years as a full-time student.

  3. PhD Programmes

    Information about the opportunities for PhD education at the University of Copenhagen and contact the University's six PhD schools. ... What to think about when planning a study tour abroad in connection with a PhD. Contact PhD Programmes. The University of Copenhagen has six PhD programmes - one for each Faculty.

  4. PhD studies at Aalborg University

    About PhD studies at AAU. The three-year doctoral degree programme (PhD) at Aalborg University comprises elements that must all be completed for a degree to be awarded. The programme is equivalent to 180 ECTS and is generally planned as a full-time programme.

  5. PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark

    You will also acquire teaching and knowledge dissemination skills and establish a broad academic basis by attending specialised PhD courses. As a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, you will get: A PhD programme at the highest international level. Broad contact interface with national and international research environments.

  6. PhD at Roskilde University

    The Doctoral School of Communication and Arts (ARTS-PHD) offers a post graduate PhD program covering a broad range of research fields. The PhD program works together with the different study programs at the Department of Communication and Arts: Communication Studies, Journalism Studies, Performance Design, Philosophy, Danish language, History, English and Cultural Encounters.

  7. About PhD studies in Denmark

    About PhD studies in Denmark. Since 1993, the standard duration of PhD studies in Denmark has been three years. This requires you to have graduated from a five year Masters programme in the same or a closely related discipline or that you have some other comparable qualifications.

  8. PhD studies

    The PhD School of Science (the Faculty that Department of Food and Resource are a part of) has collected relevant information for you as a potential PhD student, such as information about study structure, timeline enrolment, work in Denmark and likewise: PhD School of Science

  9. PhD at the Faculty of Humanities

    Intranet for PhD students and staff. The PhD School in the Humanities is an institution dedicated to nurturing advanced research and academic excellence across a diverse spectrum of disciplines. Our PhD programme equips students with specialized academic knowledge and research qualifications at the highest international level, serving as the ...

  10. PhD program

    A PhD in mathematics will make you qualified for a wide range of career possibilities including continuing an academic career or going into the private or the public sector. PhD students who hold a stipend from the University of Copenhagen will receive funding as follows: Students enrolled in the 3-year program will receive a salary throughout ...

  11. Study in Denmark: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2025

    The teaching in the UK is designed to encourage new idea generation, encouraging individual research and group cooperation, through class discussions and creative assignments. Everything an international student needs to study a PhD in Denmark. Finding a university, how to apply, tuition fees, living costs and more.

  12. PhD School of SCIENCE

    The PhD school aims to train PhD candidates with all the required scientific skills plus complementary competencies at the highest level. The PhD programme at SCIENCE lasts three years and includes an independent research project, stays at other/international research institution (s), PhD level courses, teaching and other types of knowledge ...

  13. PhD programme

    The PhD programme comprises the following elements: Conducting an independent PhD project under supervision. Completing a PhD thesis on the basis of the PhD project. Completing PhD courses corresponding to approx. six months. Participating in active research environments, including long-term stays at other, for example foreign, research ...

  14. Study in Denmark

    Official gateway to higher education in Denmark. Study for an internationally recognized PhD, Master's, Bachelor's or AP degree - taught in English. Find programmes and learn about tuition fees, scholarships, housing, visa and admission requirements and more. Study abroad. Study in Europe. Study in Scandinavia. Study in Denmark.

  15. PhD studies at Aarhus University

    Aarhus University. Nordre Ringgade 1 8000 Aarhus E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +45 8715 0000 Fax: +45 8715 0201. CVR no: 31119103

  16. Become a PhD student

    Become a PhD student. In terms of academic level, the PhD programme corresponds to three years of full-time study and is based on a successfully completed Master's programme is based on a successfully completed Master's programme of 120 ECTS points (corresponding to 2 years full-time master's study). Within the three year enrollment PhD ...

  17. PhD programme

    PhD study at the Department of Biology. The Department of Biology is among the largest Departments at the University of Copenhagen. It employs 475 academic and technical staff and hosts research programmes and teaching curricula that cover all major biological sub-disciplines. University rankings typically place the field of biology ...

  18. PhD Education at the Danish School of Education

    If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us by phone or email. For specific academic questions please contact the heads of the PhD programmes at the Graduate School, Arts. For questions about administration, applications and admission, please contact: PhD administrator Minna Elo, phone: +45 8715 3298, email: [email protected] ...

  19. PhD courses in Denmark

    The Danish universities have entered into an agreement that allows PhD students at a Danish university (except Copenhagen Business School) the opportunity to free of charge take a subject-specific course at another Danish university. Further information +. All generic courses e.g. academic writing and courses in dissemination are not free of ...

  20. PhD in Denmark Guide: PhD in Denmark Universities, Eligibility ...

    Why Study PhD in Denmark? Let us now present you with some wholesome reasons to study PhD programs in Denmark: Affordable education: PhD programs in Denmark are known for being highly inexpensive. Students from EU, EAA, and Switzerland even get a full tuition waiver at all universities and colleges. For international students the tuition fee ...

  21. PhD-positions

    04-09-2024. PhD position in machine learning at the Center for Health Data Science. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Center for Health Data Science. 04-09-2024. PhD fellowship in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Department of Neuroscience. 05-09-2024.

  22. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Denmark

    We have 0 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Denmark. There are currently no PhDs listed for this Search. Why not try a new PhD search. PhD Project & Programmes Search for PhDs PhDs by Subject PhDs by Institution PhDs by Email PhDs in the United Kingdom PhDs in Biological Sciences PhDs in Engineering Professional Training and Short ...

  23. Adverse Events in Studies of Classic Psychedelics

    In the aforementioned study involving repeated doses of LSD, up to 2000 μg, there was 1 suicide death and 1 unexplained death in the weeks following LSD treatment. 22 Another study that administered LSD, up to 1000 μg, to 162 inpatient participants with neurotic and personality disorders between 1 and 50 times recorded 3 suicide attempts and ...

  24. Antipsychotic exposure and infection risk in people with schizophrenia

    During antipsychotic exposure compared with unexposed periods, risk of severe infection outcomes increases. It seems reasonable to initiate infection countermeasures, such as pneumococcal vaccination, in people older than 40 years with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, who commence or are treated with antipsychotics. We do not suggest the avoidance of specific antipsychotics but rather ...

  25. Plan Your Studies

    If you plan on applying for a higher education in Denmark then you can participate in the live chat. Study abroad programs in Denmark. PhD opportunities in Denmark. Admission requirements in Denmark. Tuitions fees and scholarships in Denmark. Higher education institutions in Denmark.