Worksheets for 9-Year-Olds

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Introducing our captivating collection of worksheets designed specifically for 9-Year-Olds! Engage your child's curiosity and foster a love for learning with materials crafted to challenge and inspire. Tailored to fit the developmental stage of 9-year-olds, our worksheets cover a spectrum of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and more. Each activity is created to enhance critical thinking, boost problem-solving skills, and encourage creativity. With a blend of fun and educational content, our worksheets are the perfect resource to keep your 9-year-old motivated and excited about learning. Dive into our collection today and watch your child's knowledge and skills flourish!

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Worksheets designed specifically for 9-year-olds serve as a valuable educational tool, enabling children to consolidate and apply the knowledge they acquire in school in a practical and engaging manner. These worksheets are tailored to match the cognitive and developmental stage of 9-year-old learners, making them an ideal resource for reinforcing key concepts across various subjects such as math, language arts, science, and social studies.

Utilizing worksheets for 9-year-olds encourages independent learning and problem-solving skills. At this age, children are developing their ability to think more abstractly and critically. Thus, worksheets can provide the right level of challenge to stimulate their minds and promote a deeper understanding of the material. Moreover, these resources are designed to be interactive and fun, which helps to maintain a child's interest in learning and makes education an enjoyable process.

Another significant benefit is the opportunity for personalized learning. Teachers and parents can select worksheets that cater to the individual strengths and weaknesses of their child, ensuring that each 9-year-old receives the support and challenge they need to progress. Additionally, completing worksheets gives children a sense of achievement and helps build their confidence in their abilities.

In summary, worksheets for 9-year-olds are a useful and versatile educational tool that supports children's learning in a tailored, engaging, and effective way.

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Home » Tools for Your 9-Year-Old » Homework for Your 9-Year-Old

homework for 9 year olds

Homework for Your 9-Year-Old

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Now Is the Right Time!

As a parent or someone in a parenting role, you play an essential role in your 9-year-old child’s success. There are intentional ways to grow a healthy parent-child relationship, and setting up a daily homework routine provides a perfect opportunity.

Children ages 5-10 are in the process of establishing critical learning habits, including how they approach homework, that will extend throughout their school years. For most children, homework is a nightly reality. Children who have a parent or someone in a parenting role involved in supporting learning at home and are engaged in their school community have more consistent attendance, better social skills, and higher grade point averages and test scores than those children without such support. 1 Indeed, the best predictor of students’ academic achievement is parental involvement.

Yet, there are challenges. “I don’t want to do homework. I haven’t had any time to play,” might be a frequent complaint you hear from your seven-year-old. Your child may engage you in power struggles when they have other goals in mind. Their goal – “How can I play longer?” – is typical.

A study by the National Center on Families Learning found that 60% of American families struggle to help children with their homework. 2 More than 25% admit that the reason they struggle is that they are too busy; this is up from just over 20% in 2013. Other reasons parents identified for having trouble with helping with homework were not understanding the subject matter (34%) and pushback from their kids (41%). 3

While getting a regular homework routine going might be a challenge, it can be a joyful experience that promotes valuable skills for school and life success. The steps below include specific, practical strategies along with effective conversation starters to support a homework routine in cooperative ways that avoid a daily struggle.

Why Homework?

Five and six-year-olds will be brand new to the homework experience, and you will have an opportunity to establish positive habits that will stay with them for years to come. Seven, eight, nine, and ten-year-olds will be bringing brand new academic challenges home like reading with competence and learning fractions. Additionally, they may be expected to complete long-term projects. This will take a whole new level of planning and organization. These homework assignments can become a challenge if regular routines are not established. Today, in the short term, establishing effective homework habits will create

  • greater cooperation and motivation;
  • greater opportunities for connection and enjoyment as you implement your respective roles and feel set up for success;
  • trust in each other that you have the competence to complete your responsibilities with practice and care;
  • reduced frustrations from a lack of organization, space, or resources; and
  • learning about your child’s school curriculum.

Tomorrow, in the long term, homework helps your child

  • build skills in collaboration and cooperative goal setting;
  • build skills in responsible decision making, hard work, and persistence;
  • gains independence, life skills competence, and self-sufficiency; and
  • develops positive learning habits that contribute directly to school success.

Five Steps for Creating a Homework Routine

This five-step process helps your family establish a routine for homework. It also builds important skills in your child. The same process can be used to address other parenting issues as well ( learn more about the process ).

These steps are done best when you and your child are not tired or in a rush.

Intentional communication and a healthy parenting relationship support these steps.

Step 1. Get Your Child Thinking by Getting Their Input

You can get your child thinking about establishing a homework routine by asking them open-ended questions. You’ll help prompt your child’s thinking. You’ll also begin to better understand their thoughts, feelings, and challenges related to homework so that you can address them. In gaining input, your child

  • has the opportunity to think through the routine and problem solve through any challenges they may encounter ahead of time;
  • has a greater stake in anything they’ve designed themselves (and with that sense of ownership, comes a greater responsibility for implementing the routine);
  • will have more motivation to work together and cooperate because of their sense of ownership; and
  • will be working with you on making informed decisions (understanding the reasons behind those decisions) about a critical aspect of their learning — their homework.
  • “How do you want to spend your time after school?”
  • “Would you like a snack first?”
  • “Do you want to change into play clothes first?”
  • “Do you want time to rest or run outside and play?”
  • “Considering all of the activities that typically take place after school, when is the best time for you to do homework?”
  • Experiment to figure out a plan for homework. Since the homework experience for younger children is new, you’ll want to take a week and try out different times to see what works best with your child’s energy. Your child, for example, may say that they want to get homework done right after school only to find that they’re mentally worn and need a break. So, ask key questions and assign a first trial week. If one way doesn’t work, try out an after-dinner time and ask again: “Does this time work better?” Everyone has different energy cycles and times when they feel better able to focus, so work on discovering that rhythm with your child and you’ll go a long way toward setting them up for success!
  • Once you agree upon a time that makes sense for all, your attempts to keep that time sacred and consistent for homework will be important to ensure it becomes a habit and routine. If you are consistent, it can serve as a predictable, non-negotiable process. Your child knows what to expect and when to expect it.
  • Take note of the time when your child has said is the best time to do homework. Set a timer to go off at that time. Instead of you calling out, “Time for homework!” which may incite a battle, an inanimate, dispassionate object is alerting them. You can use a kitchen timer outside or inside.
  • If your child has decided to do homework right after school, be certain to provide a healthy high protein snack first (peanut butter crackers, cheese stick and apples). You may even consider having this snack ready for the car ride home.
  • If you cannot offer a choice in the time of day homework is completed, then find another choice your child can make. For example, you could allow your child to decide what space they use, or what snack they will have to accompany homework completion. Adding some level of choice to the process will prevent power struggles and help your child take ownership.
  • a well-lit location (or get a task lamp to light up a preferred spot);
  • close proximity to your family’s living space or kitchen (wherever you’ll typically be so that you are never far to offer support); and
  • a hard work surface that can get dirty. (Your child may need to color with markers, use glue sticks, cut, and more. Make sure your surface is durable.)
  • School supplies: loose leaf paper, crayons, glue sticks, scissors, pencils, pencil sharpener, a children’s dictionary, and any other items you anticipate they might need.
  • No clutter. In fact, a disorganized environment can distract from a child’s focus. So eliminate clutter, organize tools, and only have the essentials at hand. Invest in a few supply holders to keep tools neat and ready.
  • A binder, bin, or other receptacle designated for school papers that are brought home and stay at home.
  • The goal of a homework space is to provide a well-equipped, consistent place for your child to fully focus on the work at hand. In this way, they’ll know what to expect. You won’t have to struggle over frustrations when they can’t find a school tool. And, they’ll learn to take greater responsibility for their learning as they work with you to organize this space.
  • Make it fun! Designing a homework spot together can be an enjoyable experience. Allow your child to pick out their own organization bins and school tools. Perhaps they could make a sign with their name on it to designate the space. Or, create a poster with an inspirational saying like, “Good things come from hard work!” Take a little time to label your new supply holders not only with names but also with stickers or drawings to allow your child to personalize them. All this can be motivating to a child.
  • Create a family homework rule. Be sure to discuss (at a family dinner, for example) how the family can respect homework time. Consider if you want all siblings to do homework at the same time or not. If you want everyone to do homework at the same time, consider what would need to be in place to make that happen. Either way, agree upon a homework rule that everyone will respect the person who is focused on their work and will be quiet in that area of the house.

Step 2. Teach New Skills by Interactive Modeling

As a parent or someone in a parenting role, learning on which developmental milestones a child is working can help a parent know which tasks might be more difficult. Here are some examples as they relate to homework: 4

  • Five-year-olds like to help and follow rules. They typically see only one way of doing things (so if you suggest another, it might be difficult for them to understand and follow). They also may fear making mistakes, so it’s important to send the message that “Everyone makes mistakes, and mistakes are essential to learning.”
  • Six-year-olds may be more apt to question your rules and refuse to proceed with the routine. But, they are ambitious and eager to do well, so recognize small steps toward competence.
  • Seven-year-olds crave routine and structure, so they may not be able to deal well with a chaotic household distracting from their focus.
  • Eight-year-olds are highly social and thrive in cooperative learning groups. This could be a great time to introduce a study partner/friend where buddies complete homework together discussing the issues and supporting one another. (This may not work for every child, so it is important to know your child and their ways of learning and focusing.) Eight-year-olds also may simply enjoy talking about what they are working on with you more than in past years.
  • Nine-year-olds are highly competent with fine motor skills but can become easily frustrated. They may need directions that contain one instruction. They require patience and can be hard on themselves.
  • Ten-year-olds are growing rapidly so they require more movement. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and awareness of fairness issues. They can feel more competent with homework, though challenging work may trigger anger and/or frustration.

Teaching is different than just telling. Teaching builds basic skills, grows problem-solving abilities, and sets your child up for success. Teaching also involves modeling and practicing the positive behaviors you want to see, promoting skills, and preventing problems.

As a parent or someone in a parenting role, it is easy to be confused about how best to support your child’s homework. Here are some specific ways you can define your role while ensuring your child has full ownership over their learning process.

  • “Where in your book did you find this lesson?”
  • “Where else could you look to find the answer?”
  • “What other ways can you think about your answer?”
  • Share your curiosity and interest in the subject, but do not provide an answer.
  • Focus on keywords so that they too can learn to spot key words.
  • Attempt to read together. Young children who are learning to read may require help reading and understanding directions.
  • Use your finger to underscore the text you are reading.
  • Ask your child which words are most important when you are talking about a problem.
  • Have your child underline or highlight those words in the instructions or in the specific question they are trying to answer so that you have a focusing point. Children need support in figuring out what is most important in making sense out of text of any kind.
  • Research together. If you cannot find the source of the problem in your child’s books, then do some online research together. But be certain that you allow your child to drive the process. You might ask, “What should we look up or search for together?” These are the first seeds of strong research skills.
  • Teach the essential “brain break.” Breaks do not represent weakness or a lack of persistence. In fact, people’s brains work better if they take frequent breaks.
  • Show proactively what a brain break might look like. Pretend play through it. Parent: sit with your pencil and paper and say aloud, “I am really starting to feel frustrated.” Then, move away from your seat and breathe deeply and loudly. Get a drink of water. Walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. Take your child with you to do this alongside you.
  • You might ask, “What else makes you feel better and comforted when you are frustrated?” Brainstorm a brief list of spaces, places, things, and actions that offer comfort when frustrated. Leave that list in your school tool homework space. It will serve as an ongoing resource when brain breaks are required.
  • It’s a common challenge of homework time for a child to fear making mistakes. Homework is practice, it is intended as a time to try out an answer, get it wrong, and try again. Hang up a sign near your homework spot to remind your child, “Mistakes are part of learning.”
  • You do not need to be a subject matter expert EVER! If you find that you are struggling to get the right answer for yourself, take a step back. Realize that you are stealing a learning opportunity away from your child. Ask yourself how you can provide the guidance and support for them to answer the question or solve the problem (even if they get it wrong).

Step 3. Practice to Grow Skills and Develop Habits

Homework practice can take the form of cooperatively completing the task together or trying out a task with you as a coach and ready support. Practice grows vital new brain connections that strengthen (and eventually form habits) each time your child practices.

  • Use “Show me…” statements. When a child learns a new ability, they are eager to show it off! Give them that chance. Say: “Show me you know what’s next when our timer goes off.” This can be used when you are in the after school routine and need an alert to move on to homework.
  • Do a “brain break” dry run. In the midst of homework one night, maybe at a natural breaking point, play “brain break.” Practice moving away from homework. Get a drink of water. Walk outside and sniff the fresh air. Then, go back and ask, “Do you feel refreshed and ready or do you need a little more time?” If your child responds they need more time, then what would make them feel better? Perhaps a hug on a teddy bear or a couple of runs around the house might do the trick. This practice is super important if you plan to use it as a tool when your child is really upset.
  • Recognize effort by using “I notice…” statements. For example, “I noticed how you got to work this afternoon when the timer sounded without me asking. That’s taking responsibility!”
  • Proactively remind your child to help them be successful. Often the challenges in a homework routine seem to recur day after day and may be predictable. You might know exactly what they are and when they are going to happen. So, just before they do, remind in a gentle, non-public way. You may whisper in your child’s ear, “Remember what we can do next to figure out the problem? What is it?”

Resist the temptation to nag. Children often need more time to perform tasks that challenge them even if you believe they are simple and don’t require much time. Be sure to wait long enough for your child to show you they are competent. Your waiting could make all the difference in whether they are able to do what you need them to do.

Step 4. Support Your Child’s Development and Success

At this point, you’ve taught your child several new positive learning habits so that they understand how to perform them. You’ve practiced together. Now, you can offer support when it’s needed. Parents naturally offer support as they see their child fumble with a situation in which they need help. This is no different.

  • Promote a learning attitude. Show confidence that your child can learn anything with time and practice (because they truly can!). Your comments and reflections will matter greatly in how competent they feel to meet any learning challenge.
  • Ask key questions when your child struggles. You could say, “It looks like you feel stuck. Is there another way you could approach the problem?” or “How are you feeling about homework tonight?”
  • Coach on communications. You might notice your child struggling and getting stuck even with your support. You might then say, “Seems like you are having trouble figuring this problem out and cannot find the answer in your resources. This would be a good time to ask your teacher about this problem. You might say, ‘Mrs. Johnson, I struggled with this one. Can you help me?’”
  • Stay engaged. It can be motivating for a child when a parent does their own paperwork alongside them keeping them company. Working together, after all, is much more enjoyable than working alone.
  • Allow for and reflect on real world consequences. If you see a mistake on your child’s worksheet, don’t correct it. You’ll be taking away a valuable learning opportunity. You could leave it alone altogether or ask once, “Do you feel like this is right or are you struggling with it?” If your child confirms it’s the answer they want to give, then allow them the experience of their teacher correcting it. It’s an important learning opportunity. It may open a door to extra support from their teacher.
  • Apply logical consequences when needed. Logical consequences should come soon after the negative behavior and need to be provided in a way that maintains a healthy relationship. Rather than punishment, a consequence is about supporting the learning process. First, get your own feelings in check. Not only is this good modeling, when your feelings are in check you are able to provide logical consequences that fit the behavior. Second, invite your child into a discussion about the expectations established in Step 2. Third, if you feel that your child is not holding up their end of the bargain (unless it is a matter of them not knowing how), then apply a logical consequence as a teachable moment.

If you groan that it’s homework time, surely your child will groan too. Become aware of your own reactions to homework. Be sure that the tone and attitude you bring to homework is one of digging in, being curious, and learning.

A research study noted whether mothers’ comments during homework completion were controlling or supporting autonomy and competence. 5 The researchers concluded that those children who brought worries about their ability to perform had a heightened sensitivity to their mothers’ comments. Moms who supported their autonomy – “I know you can do it!” – and demonstrated that they believed in their child’s ability to do the work predicted increased achievement over time. However, those mothers who were more controlling in their comments – “I need to check your work. That’s not right.” – predicted less engagement and lower achievement in their children.

Step 5. Recognize Effort and Quality to Foster Motivation

No matter how old your child is, your praise and encouragement are their sweetest reward.

If your child is working to grow their skills – even in small ways – it will be worth your while to recognize it. Your recognition can go a long way to promoting positive behaviors and helping your child manage their feelings. Your recognition also promotes safe, secure, and nurturing relationships — a foundation for strong communication and a healthy relationship with you as they grow.

You can recognize your child’s efforts with praise, high fives, and hugs. Praise is most effective when you name the specific behavior of which you want to see more. For example, “You put your game away when the timer went off and got out your work. Love seeing that!”

Avoid bribes. A bribe is a promise for a behavior, while praise is special attention after the behavior. While bribes may work in the short term, praise grows lasting motivation for good behavior and effort. For example, instead of saying, “If you get your homework done right after school, I will let you choose the game we play after dinner” (which is a bribe), try recognizing the behavior after. “You got to work on your homework like we practiced. Love seeing that!”

  • Recognize and call out when it is going well. It may seem obvious, but it’s easy not to notice when all is moving along smoothly. When children are completing their homework tasks on time, for example, a short, specific call out is all that’s needed. “I noticed you completed your homework today on your own in the time we agreed upon. Yes! Excellent.”
  • Recognize small steps along the way. Don’t wait for the big accomplishments – like the entire homework routine to go smoothly – in order to recognize. Remember that your recognition can work as a tool to promote more positive behaviors. Find small ways your child is making an effort and let them know you see them.
  • Build celebrations into your routine. For example, “We’ll get our business taken care of first with our homework, and then we’ll run around outside or take a bike ride.” Include hugs as a way to appreciate one another.

Engaging in these five steps is an investment that builds your skills as an effective parent to use on many other issues and builds important skills that will last a lifetime for your child. Throughout this tool, there are opportunities for children to become more self-aware, to deepen their social awareness, to exercise their self-management skills, to work on their relationship skills, and to demonstrate and practice responsible decision making.

[ 1 ] Henderson, A.T., Mapp, K.L., Johnson, V.R., & Davies, D. (2007). Beyond the bake sale: The essential guide to family-school partnerships. NY: The New York Press.

[ 2 ] reid, k. s. (2014). survey finds more parents troubled by their children’s homework . education week, september 19. retrieved on september 25, 2104., [ 3 ] national center for families learning. (2014). annual survey on parents and homework . google consumer surveys, august 12, 2014, to august 22, 2014, based on 1,039 online responses., [ 4 ] wood, c. (2017). yardsticks; child and adolescent development ages 4-14. turners falls, ma: center for responsive schools., [ 5 ] fei-yin ng, f., kenney-benson, g.a., & pomerantz, e.m. (2004). children’s achievement moderates the effects of mothers’ use of control and autonomy support. child development. vol. 75, 3, 764-780., recommended citation: center for health and safety culture. (2020). homework. ages 5-10. retrieved from

homework for 9 year olds was supported [in part] by CFDA 93.959 and 93.243 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDG B-5), Grant Number 90TP0026-01-00, from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and by the Montana State General Fund. The views and opinions contained do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, and should not be construed as such.

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How to Homeschool a 9 Year Old

How to Homeschool a 9 Year Old

So, you’re homeschooling a 9 year old. Congratulations! You are on a grand adventure full of tough choices, important milestones, and shared successes. You are likely on this page because you are curious about what homeschooling your nine year old might be like, what other nine year olds may be learning, and what homeschool activities for 9 year olds might include. The following information is intended to be a comparison tool, but keep in mind that your child is unique and complex and this information should be considered in the context of  your child’s specific development.

What Should a 9 Year Old Be Learning?

How to start homeschooling a 9 year old, what should a curriculum for a 9 year old look like, how time4learning helps you homeschool your 9 year old, tips for homeschooling a 9 year old.

Have you ever stared at that bright yellow bus driving down the street and wondered what the kids your child’s age were doing when they reached their classroom? In traditional education settings, nine year olds are exploring a wide range of new information. Age nine is a common year to learn about:

  • Creating multimedia projects on the computer
  • Using root words and context cues to figure out new words
  • Using inference to understand what they are reading
  • Interactions between organisms and their environment
  • Local and state government structure
  • Myths, legends, fantasy, and adventure writing

When it comes to math, it’s important that students master their math facts early on. Time4MathFacts is a fun, engaging way for your 9-year-old to gain the skills and knowledge to be successful in math.

When you begin your research on how to homeschool a 9 year old, you’ll want to start with your state homeschool laws . Many states have specific subjects they require homeschool families to cover in their instruction. But beyond that, homeschooling provides you the flexibility to truly customize your child’s education to fit with your own personal homeschool style .

As you plan out your homeschool year, there are several steps you’ll want to take to make sure you are covering all your bases.

  • Step 1: If you haven’t already, spend some time understanding your child’s preferred learning style. This will help you with everything from choosing the best homeschool curriculum to keeping your student engaged in his/her own learning.
  • Step 2: Create a homeschool budget, and don’t forget to include extracurriculars such as homeschool field trips, athletics, and outside classes.
  • Step 3: Will your homeschooler be working at a fourth grade level? Find out what subjects and themes are typically covered when homeschooling fourth grade.
  • Step 4: Think about how you’ll want to schedule your homeschool day. Keep in mind that you aren’t bound by the constraints of a traditional school schedule anymore. Your learning time may be determined by your work schedule(s), the time of day your child is most alert and primed to learn, and how your curriculum is structured.
  • Step 5: Start having fun learning together!

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As they exert their need for independence, your nine-year old may push their boundaries and your buttons this homeschool year. But their yearning for taking the lead in their own lives doesn’t have to be a negative thing. This can be a good year to try out an online homeschool program . Online curricula have the advantage of letting a child work independently while still keeping parents informed of their child’s progress.

As you choose a curriculum for your 9 year old, you’ll want to seek out a program (or mix of programs) that:

  • Meets all your state homeschool requirements
  • Is flexible enough to personalize for your individual student
  • Covers all the core subjects such as math , language arts , science , and social studies
  • Prepares your child for any potential standardized tests they may be required to take in your state
  • Works with students of all levels, including homeschoolers with special needs and gifted students
  • Makes learning fun!

One thing many nine year olds have in common is their love for learning with technology. In fact, you may already be having a difficult time pulling them away from their favorite online games or apps. Time4Learning makes it easy to incorporate online educational games for 9 year olds into your homeschool. The lessons in the Time4Learning curriculum are multimedia, interactive, and engaging and keep kids enthusiastic about their homeschool day.

Some of the other reasons Time4Learning is so popular with families who are homeschooling a nine year old include:

  • Subjects are organized into chapters composed of interactive lessons, printable worksheets, quizzes and tests, keeping your homeschool day varied and interesting.
  • In addition to core subjects, students have access to an educational playground designed to reinforce concepts through age-appropriate lessons and fun learning.
  • Detailed homeschool lesson plans so that parents can explore lessons in advance
  • An automated system that grades lessons and keeps reports for homeschool portfolio usage
  • Flexibility to use the curriculum as the core of your homeschool or as a supplement to other programs
  • The option for parents to set grade levels independently for each subject

Is Time4Learning the only online curriculum you can use when you homeschool your 9 year old? No. You can compare Time4Learning to other popular online curricula , to see which curriculum may be the ideal fit for your child. Remember that you can always choose to blend the best parts of more than one curriculum (called an eclectic approach) to truly fit the needs of your 9 year old.

Your 9 year old may surprise you this year. They are able to handle increasingly complex tasks and projects in school, so don’t hesitate to challenge them. Understanding what motivates your child can go a long way toward helping them fulfill their educational potential. Try to incorporate their current interests and curiosities into their homeschool plan and then watch them thrive!

Other homeschooling ideas for 9 year olds that you may want to consider are:

  • Homeschoolers don’t have to study every subject every day. Some homeschoolers focus on one subject per day, some do specific subjects on specific days, and some use a block schedule approach with different subjects at different times of the year.
  • Incorporate fun art projects into your child’s lessons. They can draw a sidewalk mural with chalk, create sculptures out of modeling clay, collect rocks and paint them, or recreate a famous masterpiece.
  • Children who have a hard time concentrating for long periods might be helped by breaking homeschool study periods into 15-minute chunks. Between chunks, the child can play outside, have fun with an educational computer game, or relax for a few minutes.
  • Encourage your child to keep a journal and write their thoughts (hopes, dreams, fears), things they are grateful for, poems, etc. They’ll practice their writing skills while having an outlet for expressing themselves.
  • Planning lessons for your 9 year old can be as involved or as simple as you want it to be. Some homeschool parents find that they need to plan out most every detail of their homeschool day or week, while other parents are fine with jotting down some general things they want to cover and letting the flow of the day dictate how they get lessons accomplished.
  • Encourage your child to help others whenever possible by offering to rake leaves/shovel snow for neighbors, participate in a neighborhood/beach clean up, write letters to servicemembers or residents of a nursing home, etc.
  • Give your nine year old as much input as possible into their homeschool day. The more choices they have in how, where, and what they learn, the more responsibility (and enjoyment!) they will take in their own education.

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Math Worksheets

Language Arts

The ELA worksheets help foster an understanding of foundational concepts in grammar. Comprehend texts with the reading comprehension passages and develop skills to creatively pen down and organize ideas with the writing prompt worksheets.

Language Arts Worksheets

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Science Worksheets

Social Studies

The social studies worksheets comprise strands drawn from all the social science disciplines and help develop informed and reasoned decision-making skills. Learn about the continents, U.S. Constitution, U.S. presidents, the 13 Colonies and more.

Social Studies Worksheets

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Christmas or Halloween, President's Day or Labor Day, celebrate every holiday and important event with our no-prep worksheets. Figure out the importance of each festival with themed art, craft, math and literacy activities keeping the fun quotient high.

Holidays Worksheets

Coloring Pages

Stimulate creativity, encourage self-expression, fine-tune motor coordination, develop color awareness and dexterity as kids learn to use their first writing instrument - the crayon. Find myriad themes and fun activities to spark the imagination of kids.

Coloring Worksheets

Connecting Dots

Add some delight to math with these fun dot-to-dot printable themed worksheets and help kids learn to sequence alphabets and numbers. Kids find their aha moment when they connect the dots by skip counting to reveal the mystery pictures.

Connecting Dots Worksheets


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Action Verbs Worksheets

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Food Groups and Nutrition Worksheets

Is fruit your weakness? Do you wish to go big on proteins and dairy so you are forever at your healthiest? Demonstrate a relish learning the five major food groups. Experience how we advise you to eat well so you study well. Practice food group and nutrition with an ensemble of exercises and activities.

Area of Rectilinear Figures Worksheets

Give yourselves tons of renewed verve and enthusiasm as you determine the area of rectilinear shapes! Traverse through simple rectilinear figures composed of unit squares as well as complex figures like the L-shapes and rectangular paths. This is going to be your most-loved math time!

Comparing Mixed Numbers Worksheets

Recalibrate how you compare mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators! Surpass your peers with excellence in comparing two mixed numbers using <, >, and = symbols and determining the largest or smallest number from a set of three mixed numbers. Start comparing like a pro!

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Little Big Artists

Printable Worksheets for 9 to 12 year olds

These printable worksheets for 9 to 12 year olds are great tools for children to grow their creativity . They are designed to help develop unconventional thinking, decision making, problem solving, self-confidence and many more skills related to creative thinking. Most importantly, kids will find these creativity worksheets stimulating and fun.

Vacation Postcard Drawing Activity - LittleBigArtists

A Vacation Postcard

From where did this postcard come from?

A Vacation Postcard Read More »

Ice Creams Drawing activity - LittleBigArtists

Delicious Ice Creams

How delicious these ice creams are! How many flavors can you imagine?

Delicious Ice Creams Read More »

Neighbors Drawing activity - LittleBigArtists

Who lives on each floor of this building?

Neighbors Read More »

Happy Moments Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

Happy Moments

Look at all these photos of your happy moments! Can you draw them?

Happy Moments Read More »

Roll A Princess Creativity Worksheet - LittleBigArtists


Roll the dice and draw what the number says.What unique princess will come out?

Roll-A-Princess Read More »

Impossible Equilibrium Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

Impossible Equilibrium

Wow, isn’t that impressive? Draw where this skilled equilibrist is standing.

Impossible Equilibrium Read More »

The Crazy Hairdresser Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

The Crazy Hairdresser

The crazy hairdresser has made you a hilarious hairstyle, can you draw it?

The Crazy Hairdresser Read More »

Fairies' Lunch Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

The Fairies’ Lunch

If you were a fairy, what would be your favorite food? Draw it!

The Fairies’ Lunch Read More »

What Is In Your Head Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

What’s In Your Head?

If we could look inside your head we would seeeverything you are passionate about. Draw it!

What’s In Your Head? Read More »

Kawaii Cat Coloring Page - LittleBigArtists

Use color to make this kawaii cat drawing unique.

Kawaii Cat Read More »

Your Very Own Video Game - LittleBigArtists

Your Very Own Video Game

If you could create your favorite video game, what would it be like?

Your Very Own Video Game Read More »

Easter Artist Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

Easter Artist

This bunny is an absolute artist! What has he painted? Draw it yourself.

Easter Artist Read More »

Creative Easter Eggs Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

Creative Easter Eggs

The Easter bunny is a bit distracted,can you help him to finish painting the eggs?

Creative Easter Eggs Read More »

Easter Museum Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

Easter Museum

The bunnies are shocked! Who hid all the paintings? Draw them again.

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Imagine Your Own Map Creative Worksheet - LittleBigArtists

Imagine Your Own Map

If we know the way, we can get where we want to go.

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homework for 9 year olds

25 Activities for 9-Year-Olds

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homework for 9 year olds


At the age of nine, children are at a prime stage for exploring and learning new skills. Their curiosity and eagerness to try new things make it the perfect time to engage them in various activities that cater to their individual interests while ensuring they continue learning and having fun. Here are 25 great activities for 9-year-olds to indulge in, ranging from outdoor adventures, creative projects, and educational games.

1. Science Experiments: Conduct safe, hands-on experiments at home using household items to learn about chemical reactions, density, and more.

2. Geocaching: Explore the outdoors together on a treasure-hunting adventure using GPS coordinates.

3. Puzzle Games: Improve problem-solving skills with Sudoku, crosswords, or jigsaw puzzles.

4. Painting: Let your child express their creativity through painting on canvas or paper.

5. Baking: Create delicious treats like cookies or brownies while teaching measurements and following instructions.

6. Martial Arts Classes: Encourage discipline and fitness with karate, taekwondo, or judo lessons.

7. Dance Classes: Choose from ballet, jazz, hip-hop, or contemporary dance lessons to refine physical coordination and artistic expression.

8. Gardening: Teach responsibility and environmental awareness while growing flowers, herbs, or vegetables together.

9. Origami: Learn the ancient art of paper folding to create intricate designs and decorations.

10. Board Games: Organize family game nights featuring classic board games that encourage critical thinking, teamwork, and communication.

11. Rock Climbing : Develop strength and endurance by experiencing indoor or outdoor rock climbing sessions.

12. Swimming Lessons : Enhance water safety skills while learning different swimming strokes at local pools or swimming schools.

13. Crafting Projects: Experiment with making homemade jewelry, pottery, or scrapbooking as a creative outlet.

14. DIY Robotics Kits: Guide them in building small robotic models or toys, learning basic electronics and programming skills.

15. Reading Clubs: Join a local library reading club or start one with friends to foster a love for literature.

16. Movie Making: Create short films or stop-motion animations using a smartphone or camera, combining storytelling and technical skills.

17. Nature Walks: Explore parks, nature trails, or forests while observing wildlife, plants, and various ecosystems.

18. Astronomy Night: Use a telescope to stargaze together and learn about constellations, planets, and more.

19. Cooking Lessons: Expand their culinary skills by trying out new recipes from different cultures and cuisines.

20. Photography: Develop composition and creativity by capturing photos of people, landscapes, or animals.

21. Treasure Hunts: Organize themed treasure hunts at home or in the backyard to challenge their deductive reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

22. Group Sports: Get involved in team sports like soccer, basketball, or baseball to improve physical fitness and learn teamwork.

23. Music Lessons: Encourage musical talent through instrumental or vocal lessons in their preferred genre.

24. Bicycle Rides: Plan family bike rides along scenic routes to promote exercise while enjoying beautiful surroundings.

25. Volunteering : Teach social responsibility by getting involved in community service projects like park cleanups or food drives.


There are countless activities for 9-year-olds that provide opportunities for development through play and learning. Whatever your child’s interests may be, be sure to engage and encourage them in pursuing those passions by participating together whenever possible. With these 25 activities as a foundation, you’re bound to find something your child will love while helping them grow physically, mentally, and emotionally at this crucial stage of life.


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homework for 9 year olds

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Workbooks & Activity Sheets to keep your learning journey on track 

Spark more play and learning with our library of free activity sheets for kids. Ideal for use at home or in a teaching environment, you’ll find fun printable worksheets for maths, literacy, STEM, coding, early years activities, educational games, social emotional learning (SEL), outdoor learning, and seasonal activities for all ages. Or browse by learning stages – Pre-school, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2. You’ll also find links to related blog posts that are packed with tips and ideas to help children learn through play.

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Head on over to our blog to discover more printable worksheets and fun activities to keep your little learners entertained.

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Seasonal activities.

  • Valentine's Day
  • Other Activities

Downloadable Valentine's Day Activities

14 Day Kindness Challenge

Valentines Day Activity bundle

Mathlink Cube Activities

Fine Motor Mat Activities

Playfoam Valentine's Card

3D Heart Card

Colouring Friendship Card - Cat

Colouring Friendship Card - Squirrel

Counting Love Bugs

Valentine's Day Cards 1

Valentines Day Cards 2

Downloadable Easter Activities

Fill the Easter Basket with Playfoam

Make Playfoam Easter Eggs

Playfoam Bunny Feelings

ABC Easter Eggs

Decorate Reggie by Reading Eggs

Hatch and Match Alphabet Eggs

Hatch and Match Sight Words

Hoppy Floppy Colouring Sheet

Hoppy Floppy Maze

Hoppy Floppy Word Search

Egg Cup Cake Toppers

Easter Egg Hunt Signs

Easter Mallow Nests Recipe

Playfoam Easter Basket

Easter Egg Cutting Craft Printable

More craft ideas on our blog

Blogger-Approved Simple Easter Craft Ideas

Easter Weaving Craft for Preschoolers

Easter Lacing Cards for Preschoolers

10 Global Easter Traditions from Around the World

Summer Vibes Colouring Sheet 1

Summer Vibes Colouring Sheet 2

Summer Vibes Colouring Sheet 3

Summer Crown

Exploring the Beach

Fun with Bubbles

Bird Spotting

Insect Safari

Popsicle Counting

Watermelon Matching Game

Watermelon Counting

Camp Badges Colouring Sheet

Bubble Mixture Recipe

Pancakes Recipe

Rocky Road Recipe

Pumpkin Patch Activities

Pumpkin Template - Coding Critters Rumble

Pumpkin Template - Coding Critters Scamper

Pumpkin Template - Artie 3000

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Halloween Acorn Letter Match

Halloween Bats

Halloween Counting Activity

Halloween Counting Fun

Halloween Activity Pack

Halloween Pumpkin Colouring Sheet

Halloween Skeleton Activity Sheet

Halloween Word Search

Autumn Counting Activity

Autumn Correct Spellings

Autumn Pattern Activity

Outdoor Autumn Explorer Bingo

Downloadable Christmas Activities

Numberblock One Santa Hat

Numberblocks MathLink Colour by Numbers

Christmas Snowman Counting

Festive Counting with Mathlink Cubes

Mathlink Cubes Festive Measuring

Christmas Light Patterns

Big Feelings Christmas Colouring Sheet

Christmas Wordsearch 2

Christmas Word Search 1

Coding Critters Christmas Coding Adventure

Colour by Shape - Mathlink Cube Snowflake

Colour by Number - Winter Scene

Colour by Number - Gingerbread house

Colour your own Winter Puzzle

Wish List Colouring Sheet

Playfoam Christmas Tree

Playfoam Christmas Jumpers

Playfoam Snowman

Hot Chocolate Mug Craft Template

Christmas Explorer Bingo

Christmas Counting Activity

Christmas Count and Colour

Christmas Big or Small

The Emotions Snowman

Festive Lacing Cards

Expandable Christmas Cards

Christmas Puppet Craft

Nutcracker Craft Ideas for Christmas

Free Christmas Elf Craft for Kids

Downloadable Seasonal Activities

Jubilee Activities

Playfoam Valentines Day Card

Pancake Day Activity Bundle

Numberblocks Activity Sheets

  • MathLink® Activities
  • Stampoline Park Activities
  • Reusable Clings Activities
  • Plush Activities
  • Multilingual

Number Magic - 1

Number Magic - 2

Numberblocks Stampoline

Building Blocks

Numberblocks Stampoline Park Activities

Wait, That's not Right!

Count with Me

So Many Shapes

Just Add One!

Be a Blockzilla

I’m Hiding Behind You

Number One Santa Hat

  • Français
  • Attends, ce n’est pas juste!
  • Compte avec moi
  • Tellement de formes
  • Et un de plus !
  • Je suis caché derrière toi
  • Kit d’activités de tampons
  • Español
  • ¡Espera, está mal!
  • Cuenta conmigo
  • Cuántas formas
  • ¡Añádele un Uno!
  • Conviértete en un Blockzilla
  • Estoy escondido detrás de ti
  • Actividades del set de sellos
  • C’è qualcosa che non va!
  • Conta con me
  • Quante forme!
  • Aggiungine soltanto uno!
  • Nei panni di Blockzilla
  • Mi nascondo dietro di te
  • Attività del Set Timbri
  • Hé, dat klopt niet!
  • Tel met mij
  • Zoveel vormen
  • Eentje erbij!
  • Word een Blockzilla
  • Ik zit achter je verstopt
  • Activiteiten stempelset
  • Moment, da stimmt doch was nicht!
  • Zähl mit mir
  • So viele Formen
  • Nur Eins hinzufügen!
  • Sei ein Blockzilla
  • Ich verstecke mich hinter dir
  • Stempel-Aktivitätsset

Spark more play Activity Sheets

  • Design & Drill
  • Geosafari Jr.

Playfoam Activities

Playfoam Unicorn Magic Colouring Sheet 1

Playfoam Unicorn Magic Colouring Sheet 2

Playfoam Unicorn Magic Colouring Sheet 3

Butterfly Colour by Number

Count with Playfoam

Counting Caterpillars

Letter Sounds

Positional Words

Fun with Feelings

Bunny Feelings

Easter Basket

Christmas Tree

Christmas Jumpers

Valentines Day Card

Fill the Easter Basket

Easter Eggs

Playfoam Sand

Shape Recognition

Ice Cream Counting

Grow Your Own Garden

Shape and Count

Colour by Number - Fire Truck

Colour by Number - Rocket

Tracing Feelings

Matching Feelings

Kindness Calendar

Counting Cards

Counting Robot

Pattern Cards

Recycle with Bolt Buddies

My Nature Journal

My First Microscope - Nature Slides

Nature Scavenger Hunt

Maths Activities

  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • tacklingmaths
  • Hints & Tips

Colour by Number Bee

Comparing Groups of Compare Bears®

Sorting Using the Compare Bears® 1

Sorting Using the Compare Bears® 2

Learn About Numbers

Learn About Shapes

Mathlink Activity Sheets

Penguins on Ice

Teach@Home Maths Activities (4-6 years)

Animal Maths

Number Turtles Matching Activity  

Counting Activity

Shapes Quiz

Bucket of Berries Maths Game

Draw the Shape

Number Hopscotch

Counting with Oranges

Vegetable Counting

Fish Counting

Maths Maze 1-16

Maths Maze 1-18

Strawberry Counting

Strawberry Subtraction

Rekenrek Ways to Make 5

Rekenrek Ways to Make 10

Games with Dice - 1

Games with Dice - 2

Addition Using the Compare Bears®

Advanced Sorting Using the Compare Bears®

Sorting Using the Compare Bears®_1

Sorting Using the Compare Bears®_2

Three Bear Family® Compare Bears® Times Table Workbook

Learn About Addition and Subtraction

Learn About Time

Learn to Tell The Time with Tock

Money Maths

Teach@Home Maths Activities (4-6 years)

Learn@Home Maths Activities (5-6 years) Sheet 2

Teach@Home Maths Activities (6-7 years)

Learn@Home Maths Activities (6-7 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Maths Activities (6-7 years) Sheet 3

Addition Flash Cards

Learn About Comparing Objects

Maths Scavenger Hunt

Bee Addition Maze

Flower Pot Addition

Addition and Subtraction Problems

Addition and Subtraction

Measurement and Data

Number Sense 1

Number Sense 2

Teach@Home Maths (Activities 7-8 years)

Learn@Home Maths Activities (7-8 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Maths Activities (7-8 years) Sheet 3

Teach@Home Maths Activities (8-9 years)

Teach@Home Maths Activities (9-10 years)

Teach@Home Maths Activities (10-11 years)

Learn@Home Maths Activities (10-11 years) Sheet 2

Learn About Partitioning Numbers

Unit and Non-Unit Fractions

What Fraction is shaded?

What is a Fraction?

Pizza Fractions

3-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Graphs and Charts

Measurement and Time

Shapes and Fractions

Yellow Phase - Overview

Purple Phase - Overview

Purple Phase - Taster Test

Blue Phase - Taster Test

Green Phase - Taster Test

Red Phase - Taster Test

Multiplication Tables Check Taster Test - 1

The Best Way to Learn Times Tables

Multiplication Tables Check Practice and Preparation

What is the Multiplication Check?

What is a Rekenrek?

How To Support Your Child With Learning Maths at Home

Free Fun Maths Printables

Help Your Child Love Maths For Life

Bringing Maths To Life Through Children's Favourite Activities

Maths Mastery: Insights From A Year 3 Maths Leader

Base Ten: The Maths Mastery Manipulative

Numbers in Colour: The History of Cuisenaire Rods

How To Teach Your 6 Year Old Times Tables

Literacy Activities

  • Key Stage 2 

Building Words with Fine Motor Clips

Learn About Letters

Fun with Alphabet Acorns

ABC Animal Worksheets

Alphabet Bingo Game

Hot Dots Tots Book -- Happy Birthday Baby

Hot Dots Tots Book - A Visit to the Doctor

Hot Dots Tots Book - Wild Animal Safari

Hot Dots Tots Book - Fun on the Farm

Hot Dots Tots Book - Happy At Home

Hot Dots Tots Book - All Around The Town

Hot Dots Tots Book - A Day at the Park

Hot Dots Tots Book - Rainbow Salad

Hot Dots Tots Book - A Day at the Beach

Hot Dots Tots Book - Time To Go!

Hot Dots Tots Book - Goodnight Animal Babies

Hot Dots Tots Book - Busy Babies

Dictionary Word Hunt

BubbleBrix Word Finder

Guess the words

Learn About Reading & Writing

Let's Practice Beginning Consonants

Space Mission: Nonsense Words

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (4-6 years)

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (5-6 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (6-7 years)

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (6-7 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (6-7 years) Sheet 3

On the Farm Wordsearch

On the Farm Crossword Puzzle

Affixes and Comprehension

Blends and Story Elements

Categories and Comprehension

CVC Word Families and Story Elements

Digraphs and Story Elements

Long Vowels & Connecting Text and Illustrations

Long Vowels and Comprehension

Nouns and Comprehension

Nouns, Verbs, and Pieces of Information in a Text

Parts of Speech and Comprehension

Prefixes, Suffixes, and Text Features

Prepositions and Comprehension

Sounds and Answering Questions

Syllables and Comprehension

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (7-8 years)

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (7-8 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (8-9 years)

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (8-9 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (9-10 years)

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (9-10 years) Sheet 2

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (10-11 years)

Learn@Home Literacy Activities (10-11 years) Sheet 2

Hot Dots Word of the Week Year 4

Hot Dots Word of the Week Year 5

Hot Dots Word of the Week Year 6

Time Capsule

Academic Vocabulary, Cause & Effect, Problem/Solution

Adjectives and Comprehension

Adverbs and Comprehension

Context Clues & Finding the Main Idea and Details

Contractions, Possessives, and Text Features

Free Literacy Activities

Activities and Tips to Develop Speech and Language Skills

Top Tips for Reading at Home

International Literacy Day: Five hands-on activities to support learning at home

How To Use Hot Dots To Support Learning Phonics At Home

STEM Activities

POSTER - Space Facts for Kids (White)

POSTER - Space Facts for Kids (Blue)

Teach@Home STEM Activities (All ages)

Science Dot to Dot

Science Colouring Page

Beaker Creatures Science Experiments

Science Wordsearch

Learn About Science

Science Word Search

Blustery Discoveries

Design your own Maze

Design your own Board Game

Insects – Label the Parts

Measuring Weather

Weather Facts

Moon Phases

Science Activities  1

Science Activities 2

Science Activities 3

STEM Activities 1

STEM Activities 2

Suitable STEM Activities for Ages 5 - 9

Science Activities 1

STEM Wordsearch

10 Facts about Mars for Kids

Easy science experiments for kids

5 Easy STEM Activities To Do At Home

Free STEM Activity Sheets For Kids

How To Get Your Garden Ready For GrowIng Vegetables - A Kid's Guide!

National Gardening Week Guide To Harvesting Fruit And Veg

Children’s Guide To Growing Fruit And Vegetables

Our Best Science Toys for 4 Year Olds

5 Halloween STEM Activities To Try

Getting To Grips With Plant Science And Their Importance To Our Ecosystem

Eight Fun STEM Activities For All The Family This Mother’s Day

Our Best Science Toys For 8 Year Olds

Science In Play: A Guest Post By Emma From Science Sparks Suitable STEM Activities for Ages 5 - 9

Coding Activities

  • Key Stage 1 

Switcheroo Coding Crew Activity Pack

MagiCoders Facemask - Skye

MagiCoders Facemask - Blazer

Coding Critters Activity Pages

Coding Critters Maze Printable

Artie 3000 Mask Printable

Serengeti Activities

Colour in Robot

Robot Line Trace

MagiCoders Maze Printable 

Coding with Botley

Artie 3000 Mask

At Home Activities – Coding Botley

At Home Activities – Coding Botley 2.0

6 Screen-Free And Unplugged Coding Activities

Free Coding Activities

5 Ways Young Kids Benefit From Learning To Code

Click With Coding At Learning Resources

What Does Coding Have To Do With Children’s Art Week?

Digital Learning Day – Coding

Meet Artie 3000™

Early Years Activities

MagiCoders Colour by Numbers

MagiCoders Colouring Page

MagiCoders Blazer's Mazeventure

Nature Spotter Bird Spotting Activity

Nature Spotter Bug Hunting Activity

Coding Critters Colouring Pages

Coding Critters World Adventures

Number Turtle Matching Activity

Learn About Our World

Learn About Animals

Animal Matching

Fine Motor Scavenger Hunt

Insect Safari Scavenger Hunt

Line Tracing

Scissor Skills 1

Butterfly Colour Match

Responsibility Chart

Faces and Feelings Activity

Emoji Feelings Chart

Mermaid Colouring Sheet

Space Squad Colouring Sheet 1

Space Squad Colouring Sheet 2

Space Squad Colouring Sheet 3

Colour by Number Pirate

Colour by Number Forest

Make a Dinosaur Crown

Make a Dinosaur Mask 

Expandable Christmas Card - Tree

Expandable Christmas Card - Snowman

Match the Planets!

Make a Dinosaur!

Connect the Dino Dots

Create Your Own Puzzle 1

Create Your Own Puzzle 2

Create Your Own Puzzle 3

Connect The Dino Dots

Playfoam Pals Maze

Sorting Hearts with Sneaky Snacky Squirrel!

Scissor Skills 2

Scissor Skills 3

Shape Activities

Alphabet A-Z Maze

Summer Patterns

Connect The Dots

All About Me - DIY Playhouse

Easter Mallow Nests Recipe Card

Endangered Animals Activity

Social Studies Activities for Ages 5 - 7

Social Studies Activities for Ages 6 - 8

Ten activities to develop fine motor skills

Free Early Years Activities

Explore Your Spring Garden

Ten Reasons Children Should Do Bug Hunts – A Guest Post By SEN Resources Blog

The Importance Of Learning Outdoors – A Guest Blog By The World Is Their Classroom

10 Easter Traditions From Around The World

Alternative Gifts For Easter

6 Ideas For Celebrating Autumn: A Guest Post By Muddy Puddles

The World Is Their Playground: The Importance Of Outdoor Exploration

Fun & Easy Easter Food Recipes For Kids

Food Play: Fun And Inventive Ways To Get Your Child Talking About Food

Easter Lacing Cards For Preschoolers With Free Printables

How To Keep Kids Learning And Healthy At Home

Hints & Tips For Learning At Home

No School Brain Fuel! 4 Mum-Approved Activities

Educational Games

Beaker Creatures Memory Game

Speedy Shape Racers

Family Games For All Types Of Weather

Free Educational Games

Learning At Home With Learning Resources Toys

Create Your Own Monster Game

10 Family Games For The Whole Family To Enjoy

Five Learning Skills That Can Be Developed At Family Game Night!

10 Free Ways To Entertain Kids At Home

Free Home Learning Resources For Families

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Emotions Bingo

Opposite Emotions with the Big Feelings Pineapple

Social & Emotion Learning (SEL) Activities

The Emotional Snowman

Social Studies Activities 1 (Ages 7 - 9)

Social Studies Activities 2 (Ages 7 - 9)

Why is Sensory Play Important?

Cultivating Mindfulness for Kids at Home

Mindfulness for Children in the Classroom

6 Ways to Help Your Child’s Mental Wellbeing: A Guest Blog by Joanne Hutchinson

Social Emotional Learning at Home

Outdoor Learning Activities

Scavenger Hunt: Slash the Trash

Scavenger Hunt: 50 things to find on a nature walk

Scavenger Hunt: Maths outdoors

Scavenger Hunt: Go on an insect safari

Bug Hunting

Outdoor Play Planner

Little green fingers’ guide to growing fruit and veg

Fun With Bubbles

Spring Bingo

Let's Explore Outside

Extra Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Play for Children’s Wellbeing

Why is Outdoor Play Important for Children’s Development?

Winter Outdoor Activities for Kids

Outdoor Learning Ideas for Winter

The Best Ideas for Outdoor Camping with Kids

The world is their playground: The Importance of outdoor exploration

Learn about the importance of bees

How To Be A Birdwatcher: Big Schools’ Birdwatch

The Importance Of Outdoor Play – Guest Blog By Claire From The Ladybirds’ Adventures

The Best Ideas For Outdoor Camping With Kids

Tried And Tested: 5-In-1 Outdoor Measure-Mate™

Outdoor Play: 5 Ways To Explore The World Without Leaving Your Back Garden

A Beginners Guide To Stargazing

Activities for all Ages

  • Birthday Cards

Farm Activities - Colour in Cow

Farm Activities - Farm Shop Signs

Farm Activities - Hay Maze

Farm Activities - Farm I Spy

Farm Activities - Missing Vowels

Farm Activities - Spelling Practise

Farm Activities - Word Search

Make a Fruit Bouquet

Pancake Day Workbook

Adult Colouring Book

Skateboarding Maze

Birdhouse Maze

5-a-Day Fresh Veggies Reward Chart

Slash the Trash Scavenger Hunt

50 Things to Find on a Nature Walk

Social Studies Activities (Ages 5 - 7)

Social Studies Activities (Ages 6 - 8)

Space Activity Pack

I am an Astronaut

Make a Flying Rocket

Rocket Maze

The New Planet I Discovered

Travel Activities Colouring Camp Badges

Travel Activities Counting Transport

Travel Activities Flight Path Line Trace

Travel Activities Scavenger Hunt

Find the Dinosaur Fossils

Dinosaur Counting Activity

Count and Colour Dinosaurs

Mindfulness Colouring Sheet by Mrs Mactivity

Fantasy Friends Birthday Card

Unicorn Friends Birthday Card

Space Pals Birthday Card

Sneaky Snacky Colouring Birthday Card

Space Pals Colouring Birthday Card

Unicorn Colouring Birthday Card

Bug crafts for kids with RedTedArt

Why is Creative Play Important?

Rainbow Facts

Celebrating Autumn

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Easter Food Recipes

Christmas crafts: printable festive lacing cards

How to use your Time Tracker at home and in the classroom!

How to use our weekly planners

Example Weekly Planner

Weekly Planner Template - with times

Weekly Planner Template - without times

Multilingual Activity Sheets

  • український
  • Čestina

Я виражаю свої почуття - Express My Feelings Journal

Програмування з Botley Coding Activity Sheets

Розмалюйте бджілку за цифрами! Colour By Number

З’єднайте крапки, щоб намалювати динозавриків - 1 Connect the Dots

З’єднайте крапки, щоб намалювати динозавриків - 2 Connect the Dots

З’єднайте крапки, щоб намалювати динозавриків - 3 Connect the Dots

Великодній кошик Розмальовка Spring Colouring

Великодній лабіринт Spring Maze

Вивчення цифр Practising Numbers

Вивчення фігур Practising Shapes

Веселі лінії Tracing Lines

Маска для обличчя кролика Rabbit Mask

Розмальовка русалки Mermaid Colouring

Гра з почуттями Game with Feelings

Фігури та візерунки Shapes and patterns

Розрахуй. Додай цифри, яких бракує 2 Add the Missing Numbers

Розрахуй. Додай цифри, яких бракує 1 Add the Missing Numbers

Розглянь кожне число та округли до десятка Round to Ten

Полічи ведмедів Counting

Поглянь на малюнок Counting

Пінгвіни на льоду Penguins on Ice

Накресли модель неправильного дробу Fractions

На основі блоків запиши приклад на додавання Addition & Subtraction

Математичний лабіринт 2 Math Maze

Математичний лабіринт 1 Math Maze 

Малюємо фігури Draw Shapes

Лічимо яскравих рибок! Counting

Лічимо овочі   Counting

Лічимо з апельсинами! Counting

Літні візерунки Patterns 

Використовуй двокольорові фішки Addition

HanВикористовуй рамки для розв'язання Subtraction

З'єднуємо протилежності   Opposites

Активність обличчя та емоцій Faces & Feelings

Більше, менше, ніж Greater or Less Than

Вивчаємо час із годинником Током Learn to Tell The Time

Від найменшого до найбільшого Least to Greatest 

Віднімання з полуницями Strawberry Subtraction

Гра З'єднуємо кавуни Watermelon Matching Game

Десятинна система числення (9-10 років) Base Ten

Десятки та одиниці Place Value

З'єднуємо крапки Draw the Shape

З'єднуємо число з клубком Match the Wool

їжак Spike the Fine Motor Hedgehog

Лічимо та з'єднуємо Count & Match

Лічимо та пишемо Count & Write 

Множення 9-10 Multiplication 

Що це What is that?

Що ти відчуваєш сьогодні Emoji Feelings Chart 

Розфарбуй свій ідеальний торт Colour your perfect cake!

MathLink вправа 1 MathLink Activity 1

MathLink вправа 2 MathLink Activity 2

MathLink вправа 3 MathLink Activity 3

Допоможіть метеликам знайти відповідний колір! Butterfly Colour Matching

МАСКА ДИНОЗАВРА  Make a Dinosaur Mask

Поєднайте матерів та малечу! Matching Mums and Babies

Паперовий аероплан Paper Aeroplane

Навички роботи з ножицями 1 Scissor Skills 1

Навички роботи з ножицями 2 Scissor Skills 2

Навички роботи з ножицями 3 Scissor Skills 3

Навички роботи з ножицями 4 Scissor Skills 4

Навички роботи з ножицями 5 Scissor Skills 5

Навички роботи з ножицями 6 Scissor Skills 6

Навички роботи з ножицями 7 Scissor Skills 7

З’єднайте результати обчислення на кожній з рахівниць Rekenrek Match the Double on the Rekenrek

Додавання від 1 до 10 Add up to 10

Дізнайтеся, як обчислюється час доби! Learn About Time

Поєднайте черепашок!  Turtle Activity Sheet

Створіть свій власний пазл ! Create Your Own Puzzle

Яка частина зафарбована What Fraction is Shaded

Створення складених двовимірних фігур Composite 2-Dimensional Shapes

Розповідь з різних точок зору Write a Story from Different Points of View

розмальовка Coding Critters Colouring

Приклади на додавання та віднімання Addition and Subtraction 1

Приклади на додавання та віднімання Addition and Subtraction 2

Apprentissage de l’addition et de la soustraction

Apprentissage des lettres

Apprentissage de notre monde

Apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture

Apprentissage des formes

Apprentissage des animaux

Apprentissage des nombres

Les formes de course Imprimable

MathLink® Fiches d'activités

Réunir les familles

Les Pingouins sur la glace

Le codage avec Botley Activité imprimable

Artie 3000 Imprimer votre propre masque!

Relier les points!

Créer votre propre puzzle!

Fiches de coloriage Coding Critters

Activitiés STEM Tous les âges

Mathématiques de l'argent

Coding Critters page à colorier

L'apprentissage mathématique avec les animaux

Activités à faire à la maison La motricité fine

Activités à la maison Activez !

Activités à la maison Maths

Apprentissage de l‘heure

Beaker Creature Experiments – Crystal Craft & Float Away

Aprende sobre la suma y la resta

Aprende sobre las letras

Aprende sobre nuestro mundo

Aprende sobre la escritura y la lectura

Aprende sobre las formas

Aprende sobre los animales

Autos de carreras Imprimible

MathLink® Hojas de Actividades

Pareo madres y los bebés

Aprenda a decir la hora con Tock

Pingüinos en hielo

Artie 3000 Imprimir su propia máscara

Aprende sobre los números

Conecta los puntos Dino!

Crea tu propio rompecabezas!

Coding Critters Dibujos para colorear

Aprende sobre la hora

Actividades de Ciencias, Technología, Ingenieria y Matemáticas

Matemáticas de dinero

Página para colorear de animales de codificación

Programando con Botley Actividades Imprimibles

Actividad de aprendizaje de matemática animal

Actividades en el hogar Fine Motor Amigos

Mi Cápsula del tiempo

Mehr lernen über – Addition und Subtraktion

Mehr lernen über – Buchstaben

Mehr lernen über – Unsere Welt

Mehr lernen über – Lesen und Schreiben

Mehr lernen über – Formen

Mehr lernen über – Tiere

Mehr lernen über – Zahlen

Speedy Shapes Racers Druckbar

MathLink® AktivitätenBlatt

Mütter und Babys zusammenbringen!

Lerne, die Uhrzeit lesen mit Tock Druckbar

Pinguine auf Eis


Kodieren mit Botley Druckbare Aktivitäten

Artie 3000 Drucke deine eigene Maske

Verbinde die Dino-Punkte!

Gestalte dein eigenes Puzzle!

Coding Critters Ausmalbild

Mehr lernen über Addition und Subtraktion

MINT Aktivitäten

Rechnen mit Geld

Coding Critters Ausmalseite

Lernaktivität Tier-Mathematik

Mehr lernen über Die Uhrzeit

Mathe-Aktivitäten Geeignet 6-7 Jahre

Mathe-Aktivitäten Altersempfehlung ab 6 Jahren

Lernaktivitäten für zu Hause Mathe

Lernaktivitäten für zu Hause Aktives Spielvergnügen

Lernaktivitäten für zu Hause Feinmotorik Freunde

Poznavej cas s Tockem

Matematika se zviratky

MathLink® Pracovni Stranky

Omalovanky s Coding Critters

Speedy Shapes Racers pexeso K vytisteni

Spoj maminky s mladatkama!

Tucnaci na lede

Artie 3000 Vytiskni si vlastni masku

Spoj dinosaurovy tecky!

Vytvor si vlastni Puzzle!

Matematika Pro deti od 6 let

Penize a matematika

Domaci aktivity Jemna motorika

Learn About Science 9 domacich experiment!

Coding Critters omalovanky

Beaker Creature Experiments – Lava Wobble & Liquid Layers

Casova Kapsle

Impara le Addizioni e le Sottrazioni

Impara Il Mondo

Impara le Forme

Impara i Numeri

Impara gli Animali

Impara a Leggere e a Scrivere

Impara le Lettere

Impara l’ora

Leren over letters

Leren over onze wereld

Leren over lezen en schrijven

Leren over vormen

Leren over dieren

Leren optellen en aftrekken

Leren over getallen

Speedy Shapes Racers Printbaar

MathLink® Activiteiten blad

Bij elkaar passende mama's en baby's!

Klok leren lezen met Tock Printbaar

Pinguïns op het ijs

Coderen met Botley! Printbare Activiteiten

Artie 3000 Print Jouw Eigen Masker

Verbind de punten van de dino!

Maak je eigen Puzzle!

Coding Critters Kleurplaat

STEM Activiteiten

Rekenen met geld

Dieren-wiskunde Leeractiviteit

Leren over tijd

Wiskunde Activiteiten Geschikt voor 6-7 jaar

Wiskunde-activiteiten Geschikt van 4 tot 6 jaar

Thuisactiviteiten Wiskunde

Thuisactiviteiten Actief spelen

Thuisactiviteiten Fijne motoriek vrienden


Learning Resources trusted brand icons

Creative Homework Tasks for 9-11 Year Olds

Subject: English

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Priscilla Katie

Last updated

16 March 2020

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homework for 9 year olds

This free 84-page e-book contains imaginative, open-ended activities. It provides genuine opportunities to use and apply language and numeracy skills. The tasks are ideal for setting as English or maths homework. Some have links to other subjects, including science and technology, art and design and PSHE.

Giles Hughes, the author, has spent months of research, trialling the ideas in a number of Year 5 and Year 6 classrooms. All the activities have been specifically designed to stimulate children’s imaginations and bring out the creative element in every child, whilst providing genuine opportunities to practise essential skills.

Even the most recalcitrant children will be keen to rise to the challenge of these homework tasks. Ideas include:

  • Personal Rain Catcher
  • Secret Codes!
  • Living on an Island
  • Message in a Bottle
  • Tessellating Shapes
  • Calculator Fun!
  • Mars Landing
  • Abstract Noun Poem
  • How to Make Your Parents Really Angry

Creative Commons "NoDerivatives"

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Not quite what you were looking for? Search by keyword to find the right resource:

  • Number Chart
  • Number Counting
  • Skip Counting
  • Tracing – Number Tracing
  • Numbers – Missing
  • Numbers – Least to Greatest
  • Before & After Numbers
  • Greater & Smaller Number
  • Number – More or Less
  • Numbers -Fact Family
  • Numbers – Place Value
  • Even & Odd
  • Tally Marks
  • Fraction Addition
  • Fraction Circles
  • Fraction Model
  • Fraction Subtraction
  • Fractions – Comparing
  • Fractions – Equivalent
  • Decimal Addition
  • Decimal Model
  • Decimal Subtraction
  • Addition – Picture
  • Addition – 1 Digit
  • Addition – 2 Digit
  • Addition – 3 Digit
  • Addition – 4 Digit
  • Addition – Missing Addend
  • Addition Regrouping
  • Addition Word Problems
  • Subtraction – Picture
  • Subtraction – 1 Digit
  • Subtraction – 2 Digit
  • Subtraction – 3 Digit
  • Subtraction – 4 Digit
  • Subtraction Regrouping
  • Multiplication – Repeated Addition
  • Times Tables
  • Times Table – Times Table Chart
  • Multiplication – Horizontal
  • Multiplication – Vertical
  • Multiplication-1 Digit
  • Multiplication-2 Digit by 2 Digit
  • Multiplication-3 Digit by 1 Digit
  • Squares – Perfect Squares
  • Multiplication Word Problems
  • Square Root
  • Division – Long Division
  • Division-2Digit by1Digit-No Remainder
  • Division-2Digit by1Digit-With Remainder
  • Division-3Digit by1Digit-No Remainder
  • Division – Sharing
  • Time – Elapsed Time
  • Time – Clock Face
  • Pan Balance Problems
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  • Book Report Critical Thinking Pattern Cut and Paste Patterns Pattern – Number Patterns Pattern – Shape Patterns Pattern – Line Patterns Easter Feelings & Emotions Grades Fifth Grade First Grade First Grade – Popular First Grade Fractions Fourth Grade Kindergarten Worksheets Kindergarten Addition Kindergarten Subtraction PreK Worksheets Preschool Worksheets Color, Trace & Draw Coloring Color by Number Spring Cut and Paste Activities Cut and Paste Letters Cut and Paste Numbers Cut and Paste Shapes Cut and Paste Worksheets Dot to Dot Dot to Dot – Numbers 1-10 Dot to Dot – Numbers 1-20 Dot to Dot – Tracing Dot to Dot – Letter – a-z Dot to Dot – Numbers 1-50 Fruits and Vegetables Modes of Transportation Opposites Preschool Matching Worksheets Scissor Cutting Skills Size – Same and Different Size Comparison Size – Big Bigger Biggest Size – Longest and Shortest Size – Shortest and Tallest Size – Smallest and Biggest Tracing Pre Writing Worksheets Tracing – Line Tracing – Preschool Tracing – Shape Tracing – Preschool Tracing – Picture Tracing Tracing – Picture Tracing – Popular Trace and Draw Tracing – Spiral Tracing Second Grade Second Grade – Popular Third Grade Graphing Graph – Trace and Draw Graphing – Count and Graph Halloween Worksheets Pumpkin Worksheets Letter Alphabet Coloring Letter – Coloring Letter – Mazes Letters – Alphabet Chart Letters – Before and After Letters – Capital Letters Letters -Uppercase Letters Letters – Uppercase and Lowercase Letters -Missing Letters Letters -Small Letters Letters -Lowercase Letters Tracing – Letter Tracing Uppercase and Lowercase Math Addition Addition – 1 Digit Addition – 1 More Addition – 10 more Addition – 2 Digit Addition – 3 Digit Addition – 4 Digit Addition – Add and Match Addition – Add and Multiply Addition – Add Tens Addition – Adding 3 Numbers Addition – Adding 4 Numbers Addition – Basic Addition Facts Addition – Dice Addition – Making 10 Addition – Making 5 Addition – Missing Addend Addition – No Regrouping Addition – Number Line Addition – Picture Addition – Popular Addition – Repeated Addition Addition – Sums up to 10 Addition – Sums up to 20 Addition – Sums up to 30 Addition – Ways to Make a Number Addition – Sums up to 5 Addition Doubles Addition Doubles Plus One Addition Regrouping Addition Sentences Addition/Subtraction Addition/Subtraction – 1 More 1 Less Addition/Subtraction – 10 More 10 Less Algebra Algebraic Reasoning Balancing Equations Equations Pan Balance Problems Brain Teasers Decimal Decimal Addition Decimal Model Decimal Subtraction Dice Worksheets Division Division – Long Division Division – Sharing Division-2Digit by1Digit-No Remainder Division-2Digit by1Digit-With Remainder Division-3Digit by1Digit-No Remainder Fraction Fraction Addition Fraction Circles Fraction Circles Template Fraction Model Fraction Subtraction Fractions – Coloring Fractions – Comparing Fractions – Equivalent Fractions – Halves Geometry Polygon Magic Squares Magic Triangles Math Worksheets on Graph Paper Multiplication Multiplication – Basic Facts Multiplication – Cubes Multiplication – Horizontal Multiplication – Popular Multiplication – Quiz Multiplication – Repeated Addition Multiplication – Test Multiplication – Vertical Multiplication Target Circles Multiplication-1 Digit Multiplication-2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication-3 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication-3 Digit by 2 Digit Squares – Perfect Squares Times Tables Times Table – 10 Times Table Times Table – 11 Times Table Times Table – 12 Times Table Times Table – 2 Times Table Times Table – 3 Times Table Times Table – 4 Times Table Times Table – 5 Times Table Times Table – 6 Times Table Times Table – 7 Times Table Times Table – 8 Times Table Times Table – 9 Times Table Times Table – Popular Times Table – Times Table Chart Times Tables – Advanced Times Tables 2 -12 – 1 Worksheet Number Number – Comparing Number – More or Less Number – Greater & Smaller Number – Hundreds Number – Ordinal Numbers Number Bonds Number Chart Number Coloring Number Counting Number – Count How Many Number Counting – Dice Numbers – Count and Match Numbers – Before, After, and Between Numbers 1-20 – Before & After Numbers – Even & Odd Numbers – Missing Numbers – Missing Numbers 1-50 Numbers – Missing Numbers 1-10 Numbers – Missing Numbers 1-100 Numbers – Missing Numbers 1-15 Numbers – Missing Numbers 1-20 Numbers – Missing Numbers 1-30 Numbers – Ordering Numbers Numbers – Least to Greatest Numbers – Ordering Numbers 1-10 Numbers – Ordering Numbers 1-100 Numbers – Ordering Numbers 1-20 Numbers – Ordering Numbers 1-30 Numbers – Ordering Numbers 1-50 Numbers – Place Value Numbers – Ten Frames Numbers – Tens and Ones Numbers -Fact Family Numbers 1 – 10 Numbers 1 – 100 Numbers 1 – 20 Numbers 1 – 30 Numbers 1 – 50 Numbers 1 – 15 Numbers 1-120 Part Part Whole Skip Counting Skip Counting – Count by 1000s Skip Counting – Count by 100s Skip Counting – Count by 10s Skip Counting – Count by 2s Skip Counting – Count by 5s Skip Counting – Popular Skip Counting by 2s, 5s, and10s Tracing – Number Tracing Percent Puzzles Regrouping – Addition and Subtraction Shapes Shape – Match Shapes Shape – Mazes Shape Names Shapes – Popular Square Root Subtraction Subtraction – 1 Digit Subtraction – 1 Less Subtraction – 10 Less Subtraction – 2 Digit Subtraction – 3 Digit Subtraction – 4 Digit Subtraction – Missing Minuends Subtraction – Missing Subtrahends Subtraction – No Regrouping Subtraction – Number Line Subtraction – Picture Subtraction – Subtract and Match Subtraction – Subtract Tens Subtraction – Within 10 Subtraction – Within 20 Subtraction – Within 5 Subtraction Regrouping Subtraction Sentences Symmetry Tally Marks Time Time – Clock Face Time – Draw the hands Time – Elapsed Time Time – Elapsed Time Ruler Time – Telling Time Word Problems Addition Word Problems Multiplication Word Problems Subtraction Word Problems Missing Operator Most Popular Math Worksheets Most Popular Preschool and Kindergarten Worksheets Most Popular Worksheets 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  1. Free Worksheets for Kids

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Free worksheets for kindergarten to grade 5 kids. Over 10,000 math, reading, grammar and writing, vocabulary, spelling and cursive writing worksheets.

  2. Fun learning activities for 9-year-olds

    3. Maths games. Try these fun games with your child to practise maths skills and help to build your child's confidence. Most children love playing games and it's an easy way to support their learning. Multiply by 6: practise your multiplication skills with this fun game.

  3. Free Worksheets for 9-Year-Olds

    Learning games. Ultimate Learning Adventure Worksheets for 9-Year-Olds. Dive into a world of discovery with our meticulously crafted worksheets designed specifically for 9-Year-Olds! These engaging, education-packed pages are your child's passport to mastering new skills across a variety of subjects. From challenging math puzzles that sharpen ...

  4. Free Easy Worksheets for 9-Year-Olds

    Learning Skills. Subtraction practice Problem-Solving Skills Counting skills Basic Math Skills Number Recognition Visual Learning Cognitive Development Reading comprehension Problem Solving Number comprehension. Easy worksheets designed specifically for 9-year-olds play a pivotal role in enhancing their learning experience.

  5. Maths: Age 9-10 (Year 5)

    Here are three simple but effective learning ideas that you can try with your child at home. 1. Dice with decimals. Make '×' '÷' and '10', '100', '1000' cards to place face down in two piles. Roll a dice four times to create a number (e.g. 4258), then insert a decimal point somewhere (e.g. 42.58). Take a card from each ...

  6. Free Worksheets for 9-Year-Olds

    Tailored to fit the developmental stage of 9-year-olds, our worksheets cover a spectrum of subjects, including math, science, language arts, and more. Each activity is created to enhance critical thinking, boost problem-solving skills, and encourage creativity. With a blend of fun and educational content, our worksheets are the perfect resource ...

  7. Homework for Your 9-Year-Old

    Step 3. Practice to Grow Skills and Develop Habits. Homework practice can take the form of cooperatively completing the task together or trying out a task with you as a coach and ready support. Practice grows vital new brain connections that strengthen (and eventually form habits) each time your child practices.

  8. Fun learning activties for 8-9 year-olds

    Games and activities. 1. Word games. Try alphabet games like 'The Philosopher's Cat is… a fiery cat, a beautiful cat', and so on, to expand vocabulary. Have fun with riddles - make them up and enjoy discovering different meanings for the same word. Make your own versions of well-known rhymes to help your child to hear patterns in words.

  9. Reading Worksheets

    Reading comprehension for K-5. Our reading worksheets focus on building early reading skills and improving reading comprehension. They include phonics worksheets, early reading exercises (sentences, paragraphs), children's stories and worksheets focused on specific comprehension topics (main idea, sequencing, etc).

  10. How to Homeschool a 9 Year Old

    Step 4: Think about how you'll want to schedule your homeschool day. Keep in mind that you aren't bound by the constraints of a traditional school schedule anymore. Your learning time may be determined by your work schedule (s), the time of day your child is most alert and primed to learn, and how your curriculum is structured.

  11. Worksheets for Kids

    Printable Worksheets for Kids. Welcome to the land of 40,000+ printable worksheets in Math, English, Science, and Social Studies, aligned with the CCSS but universally applicable to students of grades K-12, complemented by a collection of self-correcting, digitally fillable worksheets. Keep classroom and homework activities generously assisted ...

  12. Printable Worksheets for 9 to 12 year olds

    These printable worksheets for 9 to 12 year olds are great tools for children to grow their creativity. They are designed to help develop unconventional thinking, decision making, problem solving, self-confidence and many more skills related to creative thinking. Most importantly, kids will find these creativity worksheets stimulating and fun.

  13. FREE!

    What Is This Home Learning Plan For 9-10 Year-Olds? With a range of fun, engaging and (at times) challenging activities for each day of the week, children can practise important skills and reinforce their school learning. This home learning plan is full of English, maths and science-themed ideas as well as crafts, recipes and games for you to ...

  14. 25 Activities for 9-Year-Olds

    Here are 25 great activities for 9-year-olds to indulge in, ranging from outdoor adventures, creative projects, and educational games. 1. Science Experiments: Conduct safe, hands-on experiments at home using household items to learn about chemical reactions, density, and more. 2. Geocaching: Explore the outdoors together on a treasure-hunting ...

  15. Free Math Worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Free kindergarten to grade 6 math worksheets, organized by grade and topic. Skip counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rounding, fractions and much more.

  16. Learning at Home 9-10

    Check out the links below for ideas to help your 9-10 year old learn at home, as well as handy information about what to expect in year 5 and how you can help build their skills and their love of learning. Fun learning ideas. Games and activities to do with your 9-10-year-old child. Have fun together while developing skills!

  17. Free Downloadable Activity Sheets for Kids

    Learn@Home Literacy Activities (8-9 years) Learn@Home Literacy Activities (8-9 years) Sheet 2. Learn@Home Literacy Activities (9-10 years) ... Our Best Science Toys for 4 Year Olds. 5 Halloween STEM Activities To Try. Getting To Grips With Plant Science And Their Importance To Our Ecosystem.

  18. 1 Million FREE Printable Educational Worksheets for Kids

    We have over 1 million pages of free worksheets plus lots of hands-on, educational kids activites, printable games, and more to make learning FUN! You will find educational printables for all ages from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, junior high, and more ...

  19. Free, fun educational app for young kids

    Circle Time. YouTube videos with interactive stories and lessons. Inspire a lifetime of learning with our educational app for kids ages 2-8. Kids can learn reading, writing, math, counting, ABCs, addition, subtraction, social-emotional skills, & more. 100% free on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Amazon.

  20. Creative Homework Tasks for 9-11 Year Olds

    Creative Homework Tasks for 9-11 Year Olds. This free 84-page e-book contains imaginative, open-ended activities. It provides genuine opportunities to use and apply language and numeracy skills. The tasks are ideal for setting as English or maths homework. Some have links to other subjects, including science and technology, art and design and PSHE.

  21. Preschool Worksheets / FREE Printable Worksheets

    Free Printable Preschool Worksheets. Letter Tracing Worksheets. Number Tracing Worksheets. Shape Tracing Worksheets. Picture Tracing Worksheets. Line Tracing Worksheets. Pre Writing Worksheets. Spiral Tracing Worksheet. Cut and Paste Letters.

  22. English: Age 9-10 (Year 5)

    How to help at home. There are a variety of simple things you can do at home to support your child's developing English skills. 1. Continue to make time to read to your child as often as they will let you, or listen to books read aloud. This will support their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

  23. Therapy Worksheets for Children

    Words like "dead" and "died" are rephrased and softened, becoming "passed on" or "no longer with us.". Talking too much about death, or asking too many questions, is taboo. When it comes to children, the subject of death can feel even more sensitive. However, resea... Free therapy worksheets. Topics include CBT, anger management ...