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Resource Scheduling in Project Management: Best Practices & Tips

Are you struggling to optimize resource scheduling in project management, leading to project delays and inefficiencies? Mastering the art of resource scheduling is crucial for successful project completion. By effectively allocating resources, you can enhance productivity, meet deadlines, and boost overall project performance. Stay tuned to discover how you can achieve optimal resource utilization and drive project success.

Key Takeaways

  • Resource scheduling in project management is crucial for optimizing resources and ensuring project success.
  • Key reasons for resource scheduling include maximizing resource utilization, preventing bottlenecks, and meeting project deadlines.
  • Pre-scheduling considerations such as resource availability, skill sets required, and dependencies must be carefully evaluated before creating a schedule.
  • Utilize various resource scheduling methods like Gantt charts, critical path method, and Kanban boards to effectively allocate resources.
  • Best practices for efficient scheduling involve clear communication, regular updates, flexibility to handle changes, and prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency.
  • Efficient scheduling brings benefits like improved productivity, cost savings, better time management, and enhanced overall project performance.

Resource Scheduling Explained

Resource scheduling in project management involves allocating resources to tasks based on availability and skill sets. It entails identifying resource needs for each project phase, ensuring the right people are assigned to the right tasks. Effective resource scheduling is crucial for maximizing efficiency and meeting project deadlines.

Resource scheduling directly impacts project constraints such as time, cost, and quality . Proper allocation of resources ensures that projects are completed within stipulated timelines and budget constraints. Conversely, inadequate resource scheduling can lead to delays, cost overruns , and compromised quality, affecting overall project success.

  • Organizational benefits of resource scheduling include optimized workforce utilization .
  • Improved resource allocation through scheduling helps in preventing bottlenecks and optimizing task completion.
  • Smart capacity planning enhances productivity by ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently.

Key Reasons for Resource Scheduling

Project success.

Resource scheduling plays a crucial role in ensuring project success by effectively managing the allocation of resources. It helps in optimizing resource utilization to meet project requirements efficiently. By assigning tasks based on availability and expertise, projects can be completed within set timelines.

Efficient resource scheduling directly impacts project outcomes by ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time. This leads to smoother workflow processes and minimizes delays, ultimately enhancing project delivery. Proper resource allocation contributes significantly to achieving project goals by maximizing productivity and minimizing bottlenecks.

Efficiency Boost

Resource scheduling enhances project efficiency by streamlining resource allocation based on project needs and priorities. It enables teams to work cohesively towards common objectives by ensuring that each member is assigned tasks according to their skills and availability. This systematic approach minimizes idle time and improves overall project efficiency.

Efficient resource allocation has a direct impact on project timelines as it reduces delays caused by resource shortages or mismanagement. By having a clear overview of resource availability and workload distribution, project managers can optimize schedules to meet deadlines effectively. This proactive approach results in improved project performance and timely deliverables.

Conflict Avoidance

Resource scheduling serves as a critical tool in avoiding conflicts within project teams by proactively managing resource allocation . By assigning tasks based on individual strengths and availability, potential conflicts arising from overburdening or underutilization of resources can be mitigated. This approach fosters a harmonious work environment conducive to collaboration and teamwork.

Effective resource scheduling prevents resource-related issues such as overallocation or double booking , which can lead to conflicts among team members. By maintaining a balanced workload distribution, organizations can prevent burnout and ensure equitable task assignments. Proactive conflict management through resource scheduling not only enhances team dynamics but also boosts overall project morale.

Pre-Scheduling Considerations

Resource availability.

Resource availability plays a crucial role in project scheduling, determining the pace and efficiency of tasks. It ensures that the right resources are allocated at the right time, optimizing productivity. Inadequate resource availability can lead to delays and bottlenecks in project execution.

Effective resource availability directly impacts project timelines by ensuring that tasks are completed within the set deadlines. When resources are readily available , it minimizes downtime and keeps the project on track. Conversely, resource shortages or conflicts can result in project delays and cost overruns.

The relationship between resource availability and project success is undeniable. Adequate resources ensure smooth workflow and timely completion of tasks, leading to successful project outcomes. Insufficient resources, on the other hand, can hinder progress and jeopardize project success.

Project Scope

Resource scheduling directly influences project scope by determining the allocation of resources based on task requirements. Proper resource allocation ensures that all project activities are adequately supported, preventing scope creep and ensuring project goals are met within defined parameters.

Aligning resource scheduling with project scope is essential for maintaining project alignment with objectives. By matching resources to specific tasks, projects stay focused on delivering intended outcomes without unnecessary deviations. This alignment enhances efficiency and prevents scope-related issues.

Effective resource scheduling positively impacts project deliverables by ensuring that resources are optimally utilized throughout the project lifecycle. Well-planned scheduling helps prevent resource conflicts and ensures that deliverables are produced according to quality standards and timelines.

Constraints Identification

Identifying constraints in resource scheduling involves recognizing limitations such as budget constraints, skill shortages, or equipment availability issues. This process allows for proactive mitigation strategies to address potential bottlenecks before they impact project progress.

Recognizing constraints improves resource allocation by enabling teams to allocate resources effectively based on identified limitations. By understanding constraints , teams can adjust schedules, reallocate resources, or acquire additional support to overcome challenges and maintain project momentum.

Addressing constraints in project management is crucial for mitigating risks and ensuring successful project delivery. By proactively identifying and addressing constraints, teams can minimize disruptions, optimize resource utilization, and enhance overall project performance.

Resource Scheduling Methods

Work breakdown structure.

A work breakdown structure (WBS) plays a crucial role in resource scheduling by breaking down project tasks into manageable components. This breakdown helps identify the resources needed for each task, facilitating efficient resource allocation. A clear WBS ensures that all project activities are accounted for and assists in determining the specific resources required for each task. The relationship between a well-defined WBS and efficient resource scheduling is evident as it enables project managers to allocate resources accurately based on the project’s scope and timeline.

Resource Smoothing Resource smoothing in project management involves redistributing resources to resolve any peaks and valleys in resource demand throughout a project. By optimizing resource utilization , this technique ensures a more balanced workload distribution among team members. Implementing resource smoothing techniques results in improved productivity, reduced bottlenecks, and enhanced overall efficiency in project execution.

  • Enhances team morale by preventing overloading or underutilization of resources.
  • Minimizes project delays by maintaining a consistent workflow.
  • Improves resource efficiency by aligning resource availability with project requirements.

Resource Leveling

Resource leveling is essential in project management as it aims to avoid resource shortages or surpluses by adjusting the project schedule accordingly. This process balances the demand for resources with their availability, ensuring that no resource is overworked or underutilized during the project lifecycle. By managing resource demand and supply , resource leveling contributes to smoother project execution and reduces the risk of schedule disruptions due to resource constraints.

  • Prevents burnout among team members by distributing work evenly.
  • Enhances project flexibility by adapting to changing resource constraints.
  • Optimizes resource utilization by aligning workload with available resources.

Best Practices for Effective Scheduling

Software utilization.

tware plays a crucial role in scheduling by streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Utilizing software tools enables project managers to automate project scheduling tasks, reducing manual errors. These tools provide real-time visibility into resource availability and allocation, aiding in making informed decisions promptly.

Effective scheduling software enhances resource allocation by optimizing utilization levels and preventing over or underallocation of resources. By utilizing these tools, project managers can assign tasks based on resource availability, skills, and workload capacity accurately. This ensures a balanced distribution of work among team members, leading to improved productivity and project outcomes.

The benefits of using software for efficient scheduling are manifold. It allows for better coordination among team members by providing a centralized platform for communication and task monitoring. Moreover, it enables real-time updates on project progress, facilitating quick adjustments to schedules based on changing priorities or unforeseen circumstances.

Wise Resource Assignment

Assigning resources wisely is paramount in ensuring the success of projects. Strategic resource assignment involves matching the right resources with the appropriate tasks based on their expertise and availability. By assigning resources strategically, project managers can optimize productivity levels and minimize bottlenecks in project workflows.

Strategic resource assignment directly impacts project outcomes by ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently within set timelines. When resources are allocated wisely, it leads to smoother workflow processes, reduced delays, and improved overall project performance. It fosters a sense of accountability among team members, promoting a culture of ownership and commitment towards project goals.

Wise resource assignment plays a pivotal role in determining the success of projects. It involves evaluating each team member’s strengths and weaknesses to assign tasks that align with their skill sets effectively. By leveraging individual capabilities through strategic resource assignment, project managers can maximize efficiency and drive successful project delivery.

Controlling Availability

Controlling resource availability is essential for maintaining project timelines and ensuring smooth execution. Managing resource availability involves monitoring each team member’s workload capacity and adjusting schedules accordingly to prevent burnout or overextension. By controlling availability effectively, project managers can avoid conflicts arising from resource shortages or overcommitment.

Managing resource availability directly impacts project timelines by preventing delays caused by inadequate resources or conflicting priorities. By implementing strategies such as capacity planning and workload balancing, project managers can ensure that resources are utilized optimally throughout the project lifecycle. This proactive approach minimizes risks associated with resource constraints and enhances overall project efficiency.

Effective control of resource availability involves establishing clear communication channels within the team regarding task assignments and deadlines. By fostering transparency around resource availability, team members can collaborate more effectively and prioritize tasks based on shared objectives. This collaborative approach promotes synergy within the team and enables smoother project execution.

Benefits of Efficient Scheduling

Time management.

Efficient resource scheduling plays a crucial role in time management by ensuring tasks are completed within set deadlines. By allocating resources effectively, projects can adhere to timelines and milestones, avoiding delays. Improved resource scheduling directly impacts project timeframes, enhancing overall efficiency.

In project management, the correlation between resource scheduling and time management is evident. When resources are allocated appropriately, tasks are completed promptly, leading to timely project delivery. Effective time management through resource scheduling involves prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency.

Cost Reduction

Resource scheduling significantly contributes to cost reduction by optimizing resource utilization and preventing wastage. Efficient allocation of resources minimizes unnecessary expenses, thereby positively impacting project budgets. Through strategic planning and allocation, costs can be minimized without compromising project quality.

When projects are managed efficiently through effective resource scheduling , the impact on project budgets is substantial. By aligning resources with project requirements, unnecessary expenses are reduced, leading to cost savings. Strategies such as resource leveling and critical path analysis help in identifying cost-saving opportunities.

Enhanced Productivity

Effective resource scheduling enhances project productivity by ensuring that resources are utilized optimally. Proper resource allocation leads to improved team performance and output, ultimately boosting overall productivity levels. The direct relationship between efficient resource management and enhanced team productivity is undeniable.

The link between resource allocation and team productivity is clear – when resources are allocated strategically, teams can work more efficiently towards achieving project goals. Improved productivity through proper resource scheduling results in faster task completion and higher-quality deliverables. By streamlining processes and eliminating bottlenecks, projects can achieve greater productivity levels.

Tips for Success in Scheduling

Know resource needs.

Understanding resource needs is crucial in project management as it ensures the right resources are available. Knowing requirements aids in planning resource allocation efficiently, preventing shortages or overallocation issues. Accurate assessment of resource needs directly impacts project success , ensuring tasks are completed on time.

Assigning resources wisely is essential for project success. Matching resources with tasks effectively improves productivity and quality. Wise resource assignment leads to better task performance, reducing delays and enhancing overall project efficiency. Strategies for optimizing resource assignment include considering skill sets, availability, and task requirements.

Be Aware of Constraints

Being aware of constraints in resource scheduling is vital for successful project completion. Recognizing constraints helps in making informed decisions regarding resource allocation , avoiding bottlenecks or underutilization. Addressing constraints promptly enhances project efficiency by ensuring resources are utilized effectively and obstacles are mitigated.

Implementing a Resource Schedule

Creating a template.

Using a resource scheduling template offers structure and consistency to the scheduling process. Templates provide a clear framework for assigning resources to tasks efficiently. They ensure that all necessary information is included, minimizing errors and confusion.

Templates streamline resource scheduling by standardizing the format and layout, making it easier to input and track data. This simplifies the process, saving time and reducing the risk of oversights or double bookings. By having a predefined format, teams can quickly understand schedules without extensive explanations.

Customized resource scheduling templates cater specifically to the project’s requirements and team preferences. Tailoring templates allows for the inclusion of specific fields or details crucial to the project’s success. This customization enhances clarity and ensures that all relevant information is captured accurately.

Assigning Tasks and Resources

Assigning tasks involves matching project activities with available resources based on skills, availability, and priority. Effective task assignment ensures that each team member receives clear instructions on their responsibilities within the project timeline. Aligning tasks with available resources prevents bottlenecks and delays in project delivery.

In project management, aligning tasks with resources is crucial for maximizing efficiency and productivity. It ensures that resources are utilized effectively, preventing under or overallocation. Strategies such as capacity planning, resource leveling, and skill-based assignments help optimize task allocation for better outcomes.

Effective task and resource assignment involve considering factors like resource availability, skill sets required for tasks, dependencies between activities, and deadlines. Proper alignment ensures that projects progress smoothly without unnecessary delays or resource constraints.

Tracking and Adjustments

Tracking resource allocation throughout a project provides insights into resource utilization rates, identifying any potential issues early on. Monitoring resource usage helps in identifying bottlenecks or areas where additional resources may be required to meet project deadlines effectively.

Continuous tracking of resource allocation enables project managers to make timely adjustments based on real-time data. By monitoring actual resource usage against planned allocations, teams can address discrepancies promptly to prevent schedule disruptions or budget overruns. This proactive approach enhances overall project performance.

Optimizing resource scheduling requires ongoing monitoring of resource utilization trends, identifying patterns that may impact future projects positively or negatively. Continuous tracking facilitates informed decision-making regarding resource allocation adjustments to maintain project timelines and quality standards.

Advanced Tools and Software

Management software benefits.

Utilizing management software for resource scheduling offers numerous advantages. These tools automate processes, increasing efficiency. By integrating legacy tools into modern software, project managers enhance resource allocation accuracy. Skills are optimized through user-friendly interfaces, simplifying complex scheduling tasks.

One key benefit of management software is its ability to streamline the resource allocation process. This advanced tool enables quick identification of available resources, reducing time-consuming manual checks. With a click, managers can assign tasks based on availability and expertise, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

Another advantage lies in the efficiency boost provided by management software. These tools facilitate collaboration among team members, enhancing communication and coordination. Project timelines are met more effectively as schedules are dynamically updated in real-time, keeping everyone informed and aligned.

Real-Time Tracking Features

Real-time tracking features play a crucial role in enhancing resource scheduling accuracy. By providing instant updates on resource availability and task progress, these features enable swift adjustments to schedules. Managers can make informed decisions promptly, preventing delays and optimizing project timelines.

The importance of real-time tracking cannot be overstated in effective resource allocation. With this feature, project managers have a clear view of the entire project landscape at any given moment. They can identify bottlenecks, redistribute resources as needed, and maintain project momentum seamlessly.

Utilizing real-time tracking offers various benefits for efficient resource scheduling. Managers gain visibility into project status instantly, allowing them to address issues proactively. Team productivity increases as resources are allocated optimally based on real-time data, fostering a collaborative work environment.

Closing Thoughts

In mastering resource scheduling in project management, you’ve learned the crucial role it plays in optimizing workflows, enhancing productivity, and ensuring project success. By understanding the importance of effective scheduling methods, considering key factors beforehand, and implementing best practices, you’re equipped to navigate the complexities of resource allocation with finesse. Leveraging advanced tools and software can further streamline your scheduling processes, leading to more efficient project outcomes.

Now that you have a comprehensive grasp of resource scheduling strategies and their benefits, it’s time to put your knowledge into action.

Now that you have a comprehensive grasp of resource scheduling strategies and their benefits, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. Start implementing these insights into your project management approach to witness tangible improvements in efficiency and results. Embrace the power of strategic resource scheduling to drive your projects towards success and achieve your goals effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is resource scheduling in project management.

Resource scheduling in project management involves allocating and managing resources like people, equipment, and materials to ensure tasks are completed efficiently within the project timeline.

Why is Efficient Scheduling Important for Project Success?

Efficient scheduling ensures optimal resource utilization, timely task completion, cost control, and overall project success by minimizing delays and maximizing productivity.

What Are Some Pre-Scheduling Considerations to Keep in Mind?

Before creating a resource schedule, consider factors like resource availability, skill requirements, task dependencies, and potential risks to develop a realistic and effective schedule.

What Are the Benefits of Using Advanced Tools and Software for Resource Scheduling?

Advanced tools and software streamline scheduling processes, offer real-time visibility into resource allocation, enhance collaboration among team members, and provide data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

How Can Best Practices Improve Resource Scheduling Efficiency?

Adhering to best practices such as setting clear priorities, regular communication with team members, monitoring progress consistently, and adapting to changes promptly can significantly enhance resource scheduling efficiency.

to witness tangible improvements in efficiency and results. Embrace the power of strategic resource scheduling to drive your projects towards success and achieve your goals effectively.

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Create resource assignments

  • 8 contributors

Applies To: Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios, Lite deployment - deal to proforma invoicing.

A resource assignment is the direct association of a project team member to a leaf node task. This article provides information about the different ways to assign resources.

Create a generic team member through task assignment

When you create a generic team member through task assignment, you create a placeholder or generic resource. This generic resource describes the characteristics of the named resource that you ultimately want to work on the tasks. You then generate a requirement, or you submit a request by using the requirement that is used to search for and book the named resource.

  • On the Schedule grid for a task, select the Resource icon in the Resource cell.
  • Type a name to serve as the placeholder resource's name. For example, Program Manager.
  • Select Create , and in the Quick Create Project Team Member field, set the role for the generic resource.
  • Assign tasks as needed to this placeholder resource by selecting the resource on the Resource Selector for the task. The resources listed under Team Members .
  • When you're finished assigning the generic resource, on the Team tab, select the generic resource, and then select Generate Requirement to create a resource requirement for the generic resource.
  • Select Book for the generic resource and then use the Schedule board to find and book a real resource. You can also submit the requirement for fulfillment by a Resource Manager.
  • When the generic resource is fully fulfilled with a named resource, the generic resource is removed from the team. (Partial resource requirement fulfillment doesn't result in a resource assignment.) The task assignments for the generic resource are assigned to the named resource that fulfilled the generic resource's resource requirement.

Assign a named resource from the list of all bookable resources

You can use the search box in the Resource Picker to search all active bookable resources and assign them to any leaf node task. Resources assigned this way are added to the team without any bookings. This is similar to adding a team member and selecting None as the allocation method. The resource is displayed on the Team , Resource Assignment , and Reconciliation tabs as resources with only assignments and a booking deficit. Book them if you want to use their availability.

  • From the task grid, board, or timeline, navigate to the Assigned To cell.
  • In the search box, start typing a name. The search results for the name are displayed in the Resource Selector under Other Resources .
  • Select the resource that you want to assign to the task or select the name of the resource under Other Team Resources .

Editing resource assignment contours

By default, when resources are assigned to a task in the schedule, their effort is linearly distributed to each resource, based upon that resource's working hours and the project's schedule mode. A project manager can use the resource assignment grid to refine the effort estimates of each resource assigned to one or many tasks across the different time scales. This feature helps project managers produce more accurate cost and sales estimates driven by the resource assignment contours that are generated when a resource is assigned to a task. Additionally, project managers can more easily reflect the resource demand required to build the demand in a resource requirement.

To access the contour editing grid, the project manager first selects the Tasks tab on the project main page and then selects the Assignments tab.

Assignments tab on the Tasks tab of the project main page.

The grid supports two methods for grouping: group by resource and group by task . Unlike in the grid view, columns aren't configurable. The only visible columns are Assigned To , Task Name , Assignment Start , Assignment Finish , and Assignment Effort .

The contour editing grid has been enhanced to include the ability to group contours by week, month, and year. It was also added previous and next controls to support quickly changing periods in the current view. Lastly, a grand total row was added.

Call out to the new controls available on the contours form.

When the grid is initially rendered, it starts at the earliest assignment contour. If your schedule doesn't contain any assignments that have effort, the grid is blank and won't render anything. The minimum value of a resource contour is zero, and the maximum value permitted is 9,999,999.

Blank assignment grid.

If you want to view your contours and different time scales, the read-only resource assignment grid and resource reconciliation grid are also available.

Resource calendars

The ability to edit a contour for a specific day is governed by the resource's working days, as reflected in their calendar. If a cell is disabled for a given resource, that resource doesn't have working days during that period.

A resource's contours can extend beyond the assigned task's current start and end dates. If a contour is updated so that it's after the latest end date of a task or the earliest start date of a task, the task's end date or start date is changed as appropriate. However, if a contour is updated so that it's earlier than the start date of a task linked to a predecessor, the update fails because the assignment triggers the task to start before its predecessor is completed, and that behavior isn't currently supported.


Changes to the resource assignment grid are automatically reflected in any associated views, including the chart, timeline, board, and grid views. If multiple users are reviewing the project at the same time, any changes that one user makes are reflected in the grid. Conversely, any changes that are made in the resource assignment grid are shown to all other users who are viewing the project in the same session.

Unassigned assignment

In Project Operations, an unassigned assignment is an assignment that is assigned to a NULL team member and a NULL resource. Unassigned assignments can occur in a couple of scenarios:

  • If a task is created but not assigned to any team member, an unassigned assignment is always created.
  • If all assignees on a task are removed, an unassigned assignment is re-created for that task.

The contour expresses hours of unassigned effort based on the project's calendar.

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Lesson 5: Assign Resources to Tasks

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Once a project schedule is created, it will usually have to be altered to avoid overallocating a particular resource (for instance, a subcontractor), which will cause the schedule to be held up. Assignments are the last step of data to enter into the project schedule and they reflect who works on a task. Knowing how to allocate resources will help keep you in control of your project from start to finish. By assigning resources to tasks, you can make sure that you have enough resources to accomplish the tasks in your project. You assign people and equipment in the same way. You assign resources to tasks to clarify responsibility for getting those tasks done. Assigning resources also helps you determine how long it will take for a task to get done, and, if you track costs, how much the task will cost.

You should assign resources to tasks when your goal is to:

     - Track the amount of work done by the people and equipment assigned to the tasks.

        -  Ensure high accountability and understanding of the project --- responsibilities are clear, which decreases the risk of tasks being overlooked.

  - Have greater flexibility in planning when and how long tasks take to complete.

  - Monitor resources with too little or too much work assigned.

  - Keep track of resource costs.

Step by step on how to assign resources to tasks:

1. Assign resource using Resource Names column in the Gantt Chart view.

If  Resource Name  column is not present in your table, right click on grid columns and click on insert column then select "Resource Names".

1. You can import Team Members using the Assign Team Members dialog (menu Team - Assign - Team Member) or by adding them from Gantt Chart.

task assignment resource

2. When you open the  Resource Names  drop-down menu, you will get a list of all resources in your project and the Team Members (marked with an icon). Note that all the Team Members are visible in this list (imported or not). Selecting any Team Member in this list will import it to the current project (only once). If you want to add a new Team Member, click Add Team Member button and the following dialog will be opened.

task assignment resource

After clicking on the  Add Team Member  button, John will be added as a  Team Member .

task assignment resource

Note that  Imported Team Members that are assigned to tasks are shown in the Resource Names with a distinct icon in front of their name. 

task assignment resource

2.  Assign Resource using Task Information dialog   

Open  Task Information  dialog and in Resource tab write or select the resource/resources you want to add. Set the resource units or the number of items.

task assignment resource

3.   Assign Resource using Assign resources dialog.

Select the desired  task in  the  grid  then   go to menu Team  - Assign - Resource .  In Assign Resource dialog,  select the  desired  resource and click on Assign  button. Set the resource units or the number of items.

task assignment resource

  Note:   If a task is not selected and we click on the  Assign – Team Member   or  Resource   buttons from the  Team  menu, a message will warn you that you must select a task  in order to use this option.  

task assignment resource

4.  Assign resource type Material .

First add  resources like equipment and materials  using  Resource  Sheet  view.  

task assignment resource

Define resource type using  Type column  -  select Material type.  

Then, go to Gantt Chart view, locate  in Resource  Names  column the desired material resource.    

Note:   If you have a single task with a lot of people assigned, making changes in the  Resource Names  column may not work.  

For tasks where you need a lot of resources assigned, it's best to make your assignments, and make changes to those assignments, in the  Task Information dialog  box.   On the  Resources  tab, you can assign a longer list of resources to the task.  

task assignment resource

With regard to resource assignment, there are two types of scheduling generally met in project management:

1. Fixed deadline and unlimited resources - it is the case when adhering to a strict deadline is mandatory, and the project manager must do whatever it takes to meet the deadline;

2. Limited resources - when the resources are limited but the deadline is flexible; in this situation the PM is not allowed to hire new persons; overallocation is allowed, corresponding to resources working more than 8 hours a day (extra-working hours), and this degenerates in a more flexible deadline.

Project Plan 365 implements the two scheduling policies above regarding resource assignment and, also, a third one.

In the first scenario described above, the PM estimates the maximum duration for each task such that the whole project will meet the deadline. Then, it assigns all the resources necessary to accomplish the activity in the given period. If you are in this situation while planning, then Project Plan 365 must use the "Fixed Duration" policy.

In the second scenario, instead estimating the duration of the task, you should estimate the total amount of work required to accomplish the task (that is the number of hours required by a single person to do the task). After setting the work field, you assign the resources you have and the duration of the task will be computed based on the assignment. In this situation, Project Plan 365 must use "Fixed Units" policy.

The current section describes resource assignment under "Fixed Units".

You can assign one resource, a part-time resource, multiple resources, or multiple units of the same resource to a task. Project Plan 365 displays the percentage of time a resource is assigned to a task, and the number of multiple resources assigned to the task, next to the resource name by the task bar on the Gantt Chart. You can remove a resource from a task at any time. If you want to remove a resource from a task, simply delete the resource name values from the Resource Names cell corresponding to that task. Use the Undo option if you want to restore the assignment.

When assigning a resource of type work, this may work full time at a given task, or part time. You indicate the percent of the work day dedicated by the resource to the task in units: 1 unit (or 100%) is equivalent to full time. Project Plan 365 allows resource assignments with 0% units and resource assignments that exceed 100% units. A resource assignment with 50% units corresponds to 4 hrs/day, while a resource assignment with 200% units corresponds to 16 hrs/day. If two resources are allocated to the same task, the total number of Resource Units assigned to that task is 250% or simply 2.5.

The first time you add resources to a task, you will notice that a value for the work field is computed for that task. The formula used to compute work is:  task work = task duration x assignment units . If you edit again the assignment (i.e. the Resources names field), you will see that duration gets modified while the value of work is kept constant. If you modify the total amount of work required for the task and edit the work field, the duration is recomputed. Changes in duration draw updates on work. This is the scheduling behavior at resource assignment under the "Fixed Units" policy.

Assign a resource

 1. by typing its name in the cell from Resource Names column in Gantt Chart view

 2. in Task Information Resource tab type the name of the resource in cell

 3. use Resource Name cell and select from a resource from the drop-down list of available resources

    4. to assign a resource part-time, type a decimal fraction in the Units field to represent the percentage of working time you want the resource to spend on the task

 5. to assign several different resources, select them

 6. to assign more than one of the same resource, such as two carpenters, type the number of units in the Units field

Units  - The number of units or the quantity of a resource assigned to a task. For example, if you have a plumbing task, you could assign two units, or two plumbers, to the task. If you have one plumber, you could assign 0.5 units (half of the plumber's time) to the task.

Once a resource is assigned to a task, the resource name will be displayed in Resource Name column and in Gant panel on the right side of gantt representation.

If you do not enter resource information, Project Plan 365 calculates your schedule using just task duration and task relationships information.

Resource assignments affect the length of time it takes to complete a task. Based on your resource assignments, Project Plan 365 also calculates costs for resources and tasks, if you entered cost information, and the amount of work completed.

Changing a resource assignment may change the duration of the task.


1. If you look in the current commercial construction project, you will notice that so far, since no resource was assigned to a task, no work is conducted yet in the project. So if you switch to the Gantt Chart and look in the Work column, you will notice that we only have zero values.

task assignment resource

2. Now, let's start entering assignments in our commercial construction project plan. To assign a resource to a task, click in the Resource Names cell and use the drop-down arrow to select a resource from the pick list. This is better than typing in the name in case you get the spelling wrong. You may need to resize the Resource Names column by dragging it to the right to reveal more content of it. Please keep in a mind that if you enter in the Resource Names cell a new resource name different than the resources you already have entered in Resource Sheet, a new resource will be automatically created and added for you in the list from Resource Sheet. Let’s consider that the task called Receive notice to proceed and sign contract has allocated the resource named G.C. General Management. You will see that in the displayed drop-down there are listed in an alphabetical order all of our resources, regardless of their type. Check in this list G.C. General Management so it will be assigned to the task. Press on another cell so that the change is applied.

task assignment resource

3. When assigning a resource of type work, this may work full time at a given task, or part time. You indicate the percent of the work day dedicated by the resource to the task in units: 1 unit (or 100%) is equivalent to full time. Assignment units indicate how much of the resource's available time, according to the resource calendar, is being used to work on a particular task. In our previous case, since no assignment unit was explicitly specified, it is considered to be 100% or the resource works full-time to the task. Keep in mind that assigning resources using the ‘Resource Names’ column will assign by default resources to tasks at 100% units.

task assignment resource

4. The first time you add resources to a task, you will notice that a value for the work field is computed for that task. For our task, the automatically computed work value is of 24 hrs. This value is computed based on the scheduling formula:

Work = Duration * Resource Units , where:

  • Work is the amount of effort, commonly measured in hours, which the resource assigned to that task will have to perform for the task completion
  • Duration is the length of working time needed to complete a task and it is the difference between the start date and finish date of a task, and
  • Resource Units indicates how much of the resource available time is devoted for working on a particular task

In our case, the duration is of 3 days and we have assigned to the task a resource with a Standard calendar that is working full-time, 8 hours/day. This results in a work of 24 hours for this task.

5. Notice that once the assignment was made, the resource name will appear next to the taskbar in the right Gant Chart panel. Select this task and then in the Task menu, press on Scroll To option. This will help you to quickly locate in the right chart the taskbar corresponding to this task. This is the default formatting of displaying the assigned resource name to the right of the taskbar. However, this behaviour can be changed by customizing the display of the taskbars in Gantt Chart.

task assignment resource

6. We will continue with assigning resources to tasks in our project and proceed in the same way as before. Suppose that for the completion of Install millwork and wood trim task it is needed the G.C. Finish Carpenter Crew resource. Locate this task and in the list from the Resource Names cell select this resource to assign it to the task. In this case, the computed work is of 120 hours, corresponding to a task duration of 3 weeks, each week consisting of 5 days, when the resource is working full-time, 8 hrs/day.

task assignment resource

7. Next we will assign Electric Contractor to the Install conduit at ceiling plenum space task, for Install duct in ceiling plenum space task allocate HVAC Contractor resource. Then for Install ceiling grid and Install ceiling tile tasks we will need the Drywall Contractor resource.

task assignment resource

8. Notice that the assignment of Drywall Contractor, which is a part-time resource, draws some changes in the scheduling. This causes the finish date of the task to move later on in time, incurring also changes in the parent summary task and in the project summary task.

task assignment resource

9. For the Hang wallpaper task we will need the Painting Contractor, for the Complete elevator inspection and certification task we will need Elevator Contractor, for Install hard tile flooring in common areas we will need Tile Contractor, for Substantial completion date we will need G.C. Superintendent and for Issue final completion documents including warranties we will need G.C. Project Management.

task assignment resource

10. So far we’ve only added only one resource to each task, but we can have more than one resource allocated to a task. Using the drop-down list from Resource Names cell we can assign at a task multiple resources at once. Let’s do this for the task called Rough-in electric and plumbing in elevator. In the displayed drop-down list, we just need to select all the resources needed for the completion of this task, let’s say Plumbing Contractor and Electric Contractor. After pressing on another cell, notice the name of the two resources separated by a comma, that appears in the Resource Names cell.

task assignment resource

11. Besides work resources, we can also use this method to assign material resources to tasks. Bear in mind that unlike work resources, assigning material resources to a task does not affect task scheduling. Let’s suppose that for the Paint walls and woodwork task we require a Painting Contractor and 1 liter of Painting Material. In the drop-down list for this task, just check Painting Contractor and Painting Material.

task assignment resource

Once doing this, you will notice that the name of the material resource will be followed in brackets by its material label that we’ve specified in Resource Sheet. 1 liter written within the square brackets signifies that for this task we need one liter, meaning 1 unit from the Painting Material.

12. A similar thing is for task called Pour concrete elevator walls. Let’s assume that for its completion we need the G.C. Concrete Crew and 1 ton of Concrete. Select these two resources from the drop-down list. The name of the Concrete resource will be followed like previously by its material label.

task assignment resource

13. Using the drop-down list displayed in the Resource Names cell was a quick and easy method of assigning resources to our tasks. The only issue with this method is that there is no option in the dropdown that could allow us to specify units for a particular assignment. If you want to specify how much of a resource should be assigned to a certain task, you have to edit the Resource Names cell and type this assignment unit directly in this cell. Notice that you can also assign a resource to a task by directly typing a value in the Resource Names cell. Let’s say that for the Pour column piers and foundations task we need to indicate an assignment unit of 150% for the G.C. Concrete Crew resource, meaning that we need for this task more than 1 unit of the same resource. For this, in the Resource Names cell we will type G.C. Concrete Crew[150%]. Notice that after the name of the resource, within the square brackets we indicate the assignment units. Project Plan 365 supports resource assignments that exceed 100% units.

task assignment resource

14. For the Strip wall forms task, we will proceed in a similar manner by directly typing in the Resource Names cell. In this case, we will specify an assignment unit less than 100%. The resource called G.C. Labor Crew spend his time on other tasks from this project and can allocate to this task only 10% of this time. To indicate this, in the Resource Names cell we will type G.C. Labor Crew[10%]. In this case, we have a task duration of 2 days, the assignment unit is 10%, so to compute the work for this task we have to multiply 2 by 8, which corresponds to a 100% assignment units when the resource is working full-time 8 hrs/day according to the Standard calendar. But since here we only have 10% assignments units, the resulted work for this task is 1.6 hrs. If you look in the right side of Gantt Chart, notice that like in the Resource Names cell in the left, for this resource, besides its name it also appear the assignment units.

task assignment resource

15. Also for the material resources that we’ve previously assigned in our project, we see next to the taskbar, the name of the material resource followed by the material label.

task assignment resource

16. Another way of assigning a resource to a task is to use the Task Information dialog. This method is especially useful if you don’t want to type the assignment units by yourself in the Resource Names cell. Also for tasks where you need a lot of resources assigned, it's best to make your assignments, and make changes to those assignments, in the Task Information dialog box. Select for instance the task called Prepare and submit project schedule, and in the Task menu press on Task Information option. In the Task Information dialog that shows up, go to the Resources tab. If you select the Resource Name cell, you will see that again in the displayed drop-down, the resources are listed alphabetically. Let’s suppose that for this task I need full-time the G.C Scheduler and only 25% of the G.C. Project Management resource. First we will select G.C. Project Management from the displayed list. To specify 25% assignment units for this task, in the Units field type 25. Select another cell so that the drop-down list closes. Then, move to the below row and here when pressing in the Resource Name cell, we will select G.C Scheduler. On the row corresponding to this resource, notice that 100% Units is filled by default for you, meaning that the resource is working full-time on this task.

task assignment resource

17. In this way, we've indicated that for this task, the G.C. Project Management resource is assigned part-time, having in the Units column, a percentage less than 100. More exactly 25% means that the resource is spending a quarter of its available time on this assignment. Even if the resource is a full-time resource, some assignments may require only a part-time effort, leaving the remaining time available for another assignments or projects. Press OK in this dialog, so that all these changes will have effect. If we look in the Resource Names column for this task, we now see the resources that we’ve just assigned before.

task assignment resource

18. Now let’s use again the Task Information dialog to assign some resources to other tasks in our project. Select the task called Excavate foundations and open for it the Task Information dialog. We need for this task two resources: G.C. Labor Crew and Site Grading Contractor, with an assignment unit of 50%, being allocated part-time to this task. Like before, first we will select G.C. Labor Crew in the drop-down list. As a tip, to find more quickly a resource in this drop-down list, if you type the first letter of the resource name, you will be offered some suggestion based on the resource name. In the second row we will select Site Grading Contractor. Then type in the Units cell 50. In this way, we’ve specified that the Site Grading Contractor is spending half the available time on this assignment.

task assignment resource

19. Now for the Perform architect's inspection task we will indicate that we need for its completion G.C. Superintendent and G.C. Project Management resources, both of them working part-time on this task. We will introduce these assignments by using again the Task Information dialog.

task assignment resource

20. For the task below this one, we need the same resources with the same assignment units as before. To specify this more quickly, we will use copy and paste to copy these assignments from the Resource Names cell. Position on the Resource Names cell for the Perform architect's inspection task and in the Task menu, press Copy. Then position in the Resource Names cell from the below task and press on Paste. You will notice that the same content as in the above cell was copied here in the Resource Names cell corresponding to Perform Fire Marshal's inspection task.

task assignment resource

21. Using the same Task Information dialog make the following assignments:

a. for Submit bond and insurance documents task assign G.C. Project Management,G.C. General Management[25%] resources

b. for Obtain building permits task assign G.C. Project Management[50%],G.C Procurement[50%] resources

c. for Submit preliminary shop drawings task assign G.C. Project Management[50%],G.C Procurement[50%] resources,

d. for Submit shop drawings and order long lead items - steel task assign Steel Erection Contractor Management resource

e. for Submit shop drawings and order long lead items - roofing task assign Roofing Contractor Management resource

f. for Detail, fabricate and deliver steel task assign Steel Erection Contractor Management[50%],Steel Erection Contractor[50%] resources

g. for Install temporary power task assign Electric Contractor resource

h. for Set up site office task assign G.C. Superintendent,G.C. Labor Crew[10%] resources

i. for  Prepare site - lay down yard and temporary fencing task assign Site Grading Contractor,G.C. Labor Crew[10%] resources

j. for Prepare site - lay down yard and temporary fencing task assign Site Grading Contractor,G.C. Labor Crew[10%] resources

k. for Clear and grub site task assign Site Grading Contractor resource

l. for Rough grade site (cut and fill) task assign Site Grading Contractor resource, for Install exterior fire line and building fire riser task assign Plumbing Contractor resource

l. for Perform final site grading task assign Site Grading Contractor resource

m.for Cure elevator wall concrete task assign G.C. Labor Crew[10%] resource

n. for Prepare and pour concrete floor in elevator pit task assign G.C. Concrete Crew resource

o. for Remove debris from building and do final clean-up task assign Tile Contractor[50%] resource

p. for Issue final request for payment task assign G.C. Project Management[33%],G.C Accounting[33%],G.C. General Management[33%] resources.

task assignment resource

If you prefer to see things in action, rather than reading text, watch out this   video , which covers some of the topics from this section.

task assignment resource

Assign people to work on tasks

Typically, once tasks are entered into a schedule , people are assigned to work on them. After all, projects don’t get done by themselves.

In the Gantt Chart, go to the Resource Names column.

Assing resources image

If you don’t see the name of the person you want to assign, enter a new name.

If you don’t see any names in the list, then no one has been added to the project yet. Either enter a new name in the column, or add resources to your project before assigning them to work on tasks.

To add resources like equipment and materials, see Add and assign material resources to tasks .

Engagement required

Assign a person part time to a task

Suppose you want to assign someone part time to a project. You can set how much time you want a person to spend with the Assign Resources box.

In the Gantt Chart, select the task.

Choose Resource > Assign Resources .

In the Assign Resources box, pick the resources to assign, and choose Assign . In the example below, Amy is the resource. By entering 50% in the Units box, she’s now assigned to work 50 percent on the “Build the fence” task. Bob is on the task as well, but because the Units column is blank, Bob is automatically assigned 100 percent to the task.

Assign resource dialog box

Tip:  Sometimes when you assign resources to a task, the duration or length of the task may change unexpectedly. If this happens, check the effort-driven setting of the task. Task or resource settings also could be causing unexpected scheduling changes. To check, look at all the scheduling factors that can impact the task .

Got a lot of people assigned to a task?

If you have a single task with a lot of people assigned, making changes in the Resource Names column may not work. This column can only handle 256 characters, and you may hit that limit if you have a lot of resources assigned to a task.

For tasks where you need a lot of resources assigned, it’s best to make your assignments, and make changes to those assignments, in the Task Information dialog box.

With the task selected, choose Task > Properties > Information .


On the Resources tab, you can assign a longer list of resources to the task, without running into that 256 character limit on the Resource Names column.

Resource tab on the Task Information dialog box

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Task Assignment

Task Assignment is the process of allocating specific tasks or responsibilities to individuals or teams within an organization. It involves determining who is responsible for completing a task, providing them with the necessary information and resources, and setting clear expectations for the desired outcome.

Why is Task Assignment important?

Task Assignment is important for several reasons:

  • It ensures that work is distributed efficiently and effectively among team members.
  • It allows for better utilization of individual skills and expertise.
  • It helps in balancing workload and avoiding bottlenecks or overload.
  • It promotes accountability and clarity regarding responsibilities.
  • It improves productivity and task completion within desired timelines.
  • It facilitates effective collaboration and coordination among team members.

What factors should be considered when assigning tasks?

When assigning tasks, consider the following factors:

  • Individual skills, knowledge, and expertise required for the task.
  • Availability and workload of team members.
  • Deadlines and priority of tasks.
  • Communication and collaboration requirements.
  • Dependencies and relationships between tasks.
  • Consideration of individual development or growth opportunities.
  • Balancing workload and avoiding overburdening or underutilization.

How can tasks be effectively assigned to team members?

To effectively assign tasks to team members, consider the following practices:

  • Clearly communicate task expectations, objectives, and desired outcomes.
  • Match tasks to individuals' skills and strengths.
  • Provide necessary resources, tools, and information to complete the task.
  • Set realistic deadlines and establish a timeline for completion.
  • Encourage collaboration and open communication to address questions or concerns.
  • Monitor progress and provide ongoing feedback and support.
  • Adjust Task Assignments as needed based on changing priorities or circumstances.

How can Task Assignment be coordinated among multiple team members or teams?

Coordinating Task Assignment among multiple team members or teams can be done through the following approaches:

  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each team member or team.
  • Use project management or task management tools to track and allocate tasks.
  • Foster effective communication channels to facilitate coordination and collaboration.
  • Conduct regular team meetings or check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and dependencies.
  • Ensure clarity and transparency regarding task priorities, deadlines, and interdependencies.
  • Assign a central point of contact or project manager to oversee Task Assignments and resolve any conflicts or issues.

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Resource Management in Distributed System

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The responsibility of managing the resources in a distributed system lies with the distributed operating system (DOS). It assigns the resources to the various processes when the job is submitted by the user for processing. Every process must be assigned resources according to various factors and algorithms so that no user feels that his requests are facing starvation.

Resource Management in Distributed Systems

A distributed system uses various approaches for resource management. These techniques can be classified as follows:

Task Assignment Approach

In this approach, when a user submits a process, DOS considered it to be a set of tasks and assigns resources to each task to maximize performance of the system. This approach has a drawback that it cannot assign resources to processes dynamically and thus lacks dynamism but at the same time this approach ensures that:

  • I/O cost is reduced to minimum
  • Less turnaround time
  • Enhances Parallelism
  • Effective resource utilization

Load Balancing Approach

As the name suggests, this approach tries to balance the load among the various resources. In this approach all the submitted processes are distributed among various resources of the system. This approach leads to maximum utilization of resources and throughput is maximized. It uses various types of load balancing algorithms as follows:

Load balancing algorithm in distributed system

  • Static and Dynamic: Static algorithms divide the resources among the processes only at the time when they are submitted to the system. It cannot redistribute the resources to the processes dynamically. In case of dynamic algorithms, the redistribution of resources is done among the processes if new process enters the system. This ensures that the resources are utilised in the real time.
  • Deterministic and probabilistic: Deterministic method works by analysing the properties of nodes and the process characteristics for the allocation of resources to the processes whereas probabilistic method uses static information such as network topology, node capacity to allocate the resources. Deterministic approach is expensive to implement but has a better performance than probabilistic approach.
  • Centralized and Distributed: In centralized approach there is a central node that controls the distribution of resources among the other nodes. In this case, other nodes need to regularly update the central node about the status and other nodes need to replicate the information at their end also so that they can use it. This approach suffers from reliability issues. Replication also leads to increases costs of communication. In distributed approach the whole process is divided among various nodes and they are free to process it according to their own algorithms. Finally the result from all the nodes is combined to produce the final result.
  • Cooperative and Non-cooperative: Cooperative approach works through cooperation between various nodes whereas in non-cooperative approach, nodes can act autonomously irrespective of the influence of the other nodes. Cooperative approach generally leads to high stability at high overhead cost.

Load Sharing Approach

This approach makes use of a router to distribute the load to different servers by acting as a reverse proxy. Various algorithms such as Round Robin, Least Time, Least Connections, etc. are used to distribute the load to different servers. It ensures that the system is utilised to its maximum and no node is idle. It uses various steps to allocate the node to a process. These steps are:

  • First of all it is checked if a node is idle or not.
  • The system may then decide if the work is to be transferred to the nodes that are idle to the nodes that are about to finish processing.
  • Further the choice of node is also dependent upon either the sender or receiver. If sender choses the node for allocation then it is sender initiated but if the receiving node choses where to process the task, then it is called receiver initiated.
  • A node is responsible to communicate its stage whenever it changes. It can be done either by polling or broadcasting.

Desirable Features For Load Balancing Algorithm

There are various factors that should be considered while designing a load balancing algorithm. These are:

  • A good algorithm should work without any prior knowledge of the resource demand of a process which will prevent the communication overheads by the user.
  • It should be able to handle the load dynamically as in real time the processes are always coming to the system. A static approach may not prove useful in real time scenarios.
  • The techniques used for allocating the resource to a process should be efficient and fast so that the processes do not suffer from a long waiting time. One of the approach is to use heuristics.
  • It should work with minimum need to communicate with other nodes to know about their states.
  • It must ensure that real work is being done instead of just switching nodes to prevent processor thrashing.
  • The algorithm should have high reliability and be able to manage the work even if one of the nodes crash or fails.
  • It must ensure that all users’ work is done simultaneously and no user is made to wait for his task to be completed so that process starvation can be prevented.


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Task Tracker: Streamline Your Workflow and Boost Productivity

Dave Parrish

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Project management principles are fundamental guidelines that provide a framework for managing projects effectively. They serve as a set of best practices and strategies. Essential project management principles include clear objectives and goals, defined roles and responsibilities , effective communication, and continuous improvement . These principles help ensure successful project management. 

To deliver on these principles, many teams employ task tracker tools to monitor and manage the progress of individual tasks within a project. Task trackers play a critical role in project management by providing a structured approach, minimizing risks, and enhancing project collaboration . This helps teams to plan, execute, and deliver projects that meet or exceed stakeholder expectations.

This guide will discuss the role of a task tracker tool in project management, including its key features and benefits, and how to make task tracking more effective.

What is a task tracker?

A task tracker is a tool that helps individuals and teams organize, prioritize, and track the progress of tasks and projects. It plays a significant role in workflow optimization by providing a centralized platform for task management. 

This platform fosters collaboration, ensures deadline adherence, and facilitates continuous improvement . It does so by leveraging the information teams captured within the task tracker to refine processes and enhance efficiency.

Task trackers also improve productivity by providing structure, organization, and visibility into tasks and projects. A task tracker can help reduce duplication of effort, optimize resource allocation, proactively resolve issues, and automate repetitive tasks. Users can set priorities and deadlines with the tool, allowing teams focus on high-impact tasks to achieve goals more effectively.

Additionally, teams can use features to track daily tasks and all related activities – task creation, task prioritization, task assignments, status updates, due dates, and deadlines – to ensure team members are well-informed and aligned with project goals.

Benefits of using a task tracker

A task tracker is a centralized platform to help your team collaborate and complete projects more efficiently. This section explores the benefits of using a task tracker and how it’s essential for creating a robust project plan .

Improved time management

A task tracker can significantly improve time management in several ways. It provides individuals and teams with tools to plan, prioritize, and track their activities efficiently.

Task trackers provide tools for prioritization so your team focuses on high-priority items first. They also help with deadline management, including tracking time and progress and resource allocation. Improving all these areas leads to increased productivity, more efficient workflows , and adherence to project timelines .

Enhanced organization

A task tracker enhances organization by providing a centralized task repository. It offers teams a unified location for managing, tracking, and organizing tasks. You can categorize and tag tasks based on team member, priority, project, or type criteria. This sorts all project data for quick retrieval of information.

More accountability

A task tracker fosters a sense of responsibility among team members. It also encourages teams to complete tasks efficiently. 

A task tracker includes features that ensure team members take ownership of their tasks and contribute to project completion. These features include task assignment, task prioritization, progress monitoring, dependencies, and automated reminders

Features of an effective task tracker

Effective task trackers typically share similar features, streamlining task management, enhancing project collaboration , and improving overall productivity. Here are useful features for task and project management.


Look for a task tracker with a straightforward and intuitive interface. This increases the ease of adoption, reduces errors, and increases productivity. On top of that, team members are more likely to engage with the tool when it is easy to use.

Collaboration tools

Your task tracker should help facilitate communication and collaboration among team members. These tools provide a platform for dialogue, document sharing, feedback, and coordination. This improves teamwork and overall project success. 

Integrates with other tools

Your task tracker should allow seamless integration with existing tools and platforms. This enhances the overall capability of the task tracker. It leverages the strengths of different tools within a unified ecosystem, resulting in a more streamlined workflow.

Customization options

Look for a task tracker that provides flexibility for users to tailor the task tracker to their needs. Customization empowers teams to adapt the tool to their unique requirements. This ensures a flexible and effective solution throughout the project lifecycle.

Reporting and analytics

Your task tracker should include features for tracking and analyzing task-related data. These are essential to help make data-driven decisions, monitor project health, and improve processes. This increases transparency, efficiency, and the project's overall success.

How to make task tracking more effective

Making task tracking more effective involves implementing certain strategies and best practices. These strategies should help you manage tasks more efficiently, meet deadlines, and streamline collaboration.

Best practices include:

  • Assessing workflow needs: Look at the project scope to identify specific requirements and challenges in your workflow.
  • Selecting the right tool: Choose a task tracking tool that aligns with your team's needs.
  • Train team members: Ensure all team members are proficient in using the selected tool.

Task tracking templates from Jira  can help make task tracking more effective. For example, the board view helps teams plan, visualize, and manage work. It does so by keeping track of tasks as visual cards, which allows teams to drag and drop tasks between columns as they move through the workflow.

The task tracking template also enables teams to break down large projects into more manageable components. People sometimes call these components issues. Working with issues helps to capture relevant task information and status updates. This helps teams stay up to date on progress at the task and project levels.

Successfully track tasks with Jira Software

Your old ways of using pen and paper, to-do lists, and spreadsheets won't cut it anymore. You need agility when plans change. Enter task tracking software.

You can streamline task management with a task tracking template from Jira . This template provides your team members with key project management tools that make organizing, tracking, and monitoring work easy.

Better manage your workload and resources and prioritize high-impact tasks to boost productivity. Jira simplifies task management, offering visibility into all tasks for individuals and teams to add accountability and encourage faster delivery of better work. Capture all task activities in Jira issues. Then update them with pertinent data. This lets you have all the information you need when you're ready to move work forward. Get Jira Free

Task tracker: Frequently asked questions

How do you track tasks.

Jira Software supports effective task tracking through its versatile features that align with various project management methodologies. With our efficient task tracking template, teams can organize, prioritize, and monitor their tasks effectively with board, list, and calendar views. Stakeholders can use forms to collect information and work requests. Companies can automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency.

What are some common challenges in task tracking?

Integration, data privacy, and security are common challenges that can impact the effectiveness and adoption of task tracking tools. Task tracking tools may need to integrate with other software and tools that a team uses. You can overcome this by choosing tools that support integration. Alternatively, you could work with IT teams to customize integrations based on specific organizational needs. 

Storing task-related data may also raise concerns about data privacy and security. You can overcome this challenge by using best practices for security, selecting tools that comply with industry standards and regulations, regularly updating software to address vulnerabilities, and implementing appropriate encryption measures.

How do you choose the right task tracker for your team?

Choosing the right task tracker for your team involves considering various factors to ensure it aligns with your needs and workflows. Consider your approach to project management , your budget, and whether the tool can integrate with your existing tools and software. 

For teams of any size, Jira Software offers a comprehensive and effective task tracking tool with a range of features that you can customize to the needs of each team or project. Plus, with Jira’s powerful automation engine, teams can reduce manual tasks, scale operations, and save time – all leading to a more efficient delivery of a successful project.

Project Status Report: Tips and Templates for Success

Streamline communication and track progress with a project status report. Get real-time updates on projects, tasks, activities, and more.

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Agile process flows help bring structure to scale your software development process. Learn more about workflow management to support your agile program.

task assignment resource

Using the Task Entry View to Assign Resources to Tasks

The first method to assign resources to tasks revolves around utilizing the Task Entry View in Microsoft Project. To access this view, simply place your mouse pointer anywhere in the white or gray area of the Gantt Chart screen, right-click, and select the “Show Split” item in the shortcut menu. The Task Entry view is a combination view that includes the Gantt Chart view in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

1. Selecting Tasks and Resources:

  • Choose the task to which you want to assign resources in the top pane.
  • In the bottom pane, select the resources required for the task.

2. Setting Duration and Work Values:

  • If you have not entered a Duration value for the task, enter both the Units and Work values for each resource.
  • For instance, if you want to assign a resource named Cindy for full-time work of 80 hours, set the Units value for her to 100% (equivalent to an 8-hour workday) and enter 80 hours of work.
  • When you click the OK button, Microsoft project will automatically calculate the Duration value for the task.

3. Assigning Multiple Resources:

  • For tasks needing multiple resources, enter the Units and Work values for each resource accordingly.
  • For part-time resources, such as for a resource named Calvin, enter a Units value less than 100%. For example, a Units 25% units means the resource will work an average of 2 hours/day on the task.
  • Click the OK button when finished.

4. Copying Assignments:

  • You can copy resource assignments in the Resource Names column from one task to another by using keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C to copy, Ctrl + V to paste).
  • Easily duplicate resource allocations for similar tasks, streamlining the assignment process.

5. Using Generic Resources:

  • For Generic resources like contractor companies, you can enter a Units value greater than 100%, where each multiple of 100% represents one full-time worker. Avoid entering Units greater than 100% for human resources, however, as this will overallocate the human resource.
  • For example, if I assign the Irondale Partners generic resource at a Units value of 300%, this represents 3 full-time resources working on the task.

Using the Assign Resources Dialog to Assign Resources Tasks

The second method to assign resources to tasks involves using the Assign Resources dialog, which allows you to assign one or more resources to a block of tasks simultaneously.

1. Accessing Assign Resources Dialog:

  • Right-click on any task name and select the “Assign Resources” item on the shortcut menu to open the dialog.

2. Single Resource Assignments:

  • Assign individual resources like Cindy McNair for full-time work by selecting the resource and setting the Units value for the resource. If you do not enter a Units value for the resource, Microsoft Project will enter the resource’s Max. Units value for the resource as its Units value.
  • Click the Assign button when finished.

3. Assigning Resources to Multiple Tasks:

  • Select a block of tasks.
  • If you select only one resource, you can select the resource name and enter a Units value.
  • If you need to select multiple resources, select their names but DO NOT enter a Units value for the resources, as this will give unexpected results.

4. Efficient Generic Resource Allocation:

  • You can assign Generic resources like Irondale Partners (representing a contractor company) with higher Units percentages (e.g., 300%).

5. Finalizing Assignments:

  • Once all resource assignments are made, simply click the “Close” button to close the Assign Resources dialog.

By mastering these two resource assignment methods, you’ll streamline your project management process in Microsoft Project. Whether you prefer the Task Entry View or the Assign Resources dialog, these techniques will enhance your efficiency in managing resources effectively.

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What is Microsoft Project Dynamic Scheduling?

Microsoft Project Dynamic Scheduling is a feature within Microsoft Project that allows you to create flexible project plans, update schedules based on changing circumstances, and optimize resource allocation.

How can Microsoft Project Dynamic Scheduling benefit my project management?

Microsoft Project Dynamic Scheduling can benefit your project management by enabling efficient planning, increased productivity, and the ability to adapt to changes, allowing your projects to thrive.

What role does dynamic scheduling play in effective project management?

Dynamic scheduling plays a crucial role in  effective project management  by helping you stay on track, manage resources efficiently, and meet project goals.

What features does Microsoft Project offer for dynamic scheduling?

Microsoft Project offers various features and functions for dynamic scheduling, allowing you to create flexible project plans, update schedules in real-time, and optimize resource allocation.

How does dynamic scheduling optimize resource allocation?

Dynamic scheduling in Microsoft Project optimizes resource allocation by providing a flexible project schedule that can adapt to changes in resource availability, ensuring efficient utilization and maximizing productivity.

How does dynamic scheduling streamline project execution?

Dynamic scheduling streamlines project execution by providing a real-time, updated project schedule that enables effective communication, task prioritization, and timely decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

How does dynamic scheduling enhance collaboration within Microsoft Project?

Dynamic scheduling enhances collaboration in Microsoft Project by offering collaborative features that promote effective communication, facilitate teamwork, and foster a shared understanding of project goals and progress among team members.

How does dynamic scheduling help track progress and manage risks?

Dynamic scheduling in Microsoft Project helps track progress and manage project risks by providing real-time updates and customizable reports that allow you to identify potential bottlenecks, mitigate risks, and take proactive actions to keep your project on track.

How can dynamic scheduling in Microsoft Project leverage data and insights for continuous improvement?

Dynamic scheduling in Microsoft Project provides valuable data and insights for continuous improvement by analyzing project performance metrics, identifying trends, and making data-driven decisions to enhance project outcomes and increase overall efficiency.

Dale Howard Project MVP

The most important resource you’ll employ to deliver the project is people. They have to fit into the schedule and maintain the project budget. Defining what their roles and responsibilities are when executing tasks and delivering on the project goals is an important part of controlling the project.

How can you coordinate all the people who are involved in a project so they know what they’re doing and don’t block others from doing what they are assigned? Using a responsibility assignment matrix can help. An assignment matrix gives your project a team that gets things done.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management?

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is a project management chart used to identify and define the various people and organizations and outline each of their roles in working on tasks or delivering a part of the project.

Project managers use an assignment matrix to clarify what cross-functional teams do within the boundaries of the project and its numerous processes. Sometimes a responsibility assignment matrix is required when responding to a request for proposal (RFP).

The responsibility assignment matrix can also be called a RACI matrix, which stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed.

  • Responsible: Notes who is responsible for executing the task, which is then assigned to them.
  • Accountable: Notes who has decision-making authority and how that power is delegated throughout the project team.
  • Consulted: Notes who is able to offer insight into the task, from team members to stakeholders.
  • Informed: Notes who is updated on what in terms of progress and performance, as well as when and how this information is disseminated.

This creates a map of connections between activities and project team members. Depending on the size of the project, there can be several assignment matrices used for various project levels.

Why Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix?

The assignment matrix identifies what everyone on the team is responsible for, which means not only what their duties are, but how they participate in the project. Some will have defined tasks, others will offer help with work, while there are some who are designated as decision-makers. These groups all have an identity and function within the project to help guide it towards a successful end.

Clear communication leads to more efficient projects. An assignment matrix facilitates better communication between team members and provides transparency by creating a system to make sure everyone is updated and always on the same page. Belaboring communications can bog down a project with too many pointless meetings and confusing interactions in which people try to understand what they’re supposed to be doing. Using the responsibility assignment matrix helps, but having project management software that connects teams in real-time is ideal.

ProjectManager manages project information by allowing teams to attach files directly to tasks, and our unlimited file storage keeps important project documents at your fingertips anywhere, anytime. Commenting on tasks can save time and tagging others in the project team creates a communication process that avoids the pitfalls of redundancies or unnecessary meetings.

Gantt chart screenshot with a team collaboration pop up

When Should a Responsibility Assignment Matrix Be Created?

The responsibility assignment matrix would be created at the start of the project. You’d want to have everyone on the project team aware of where they stand in terms of their involvement before they start executing tasks.

As much as its use is a preventative measure, it can be used prescriptively. If you’re deep into the project and things are not moving as planned, there could be communication gridlock. If team members are not in the loop, or misconstrue what they’re supposed to be doing, using a responsibility assignment matrix might untie up those knots in the communication channel.

If there’s a problem with leadership overruling suggestions on how to advance the project and this is seen as a problem, it’s likely that the roles and responsibilities of the project team need refining. The responsibility assignment matrix defines who has authority to make decisions and using it or revisiting can determine if the right people are in that position.

In fact, any of the definitions might need reexamining at any phase in the project. Perhaps tasks are falling behind schedule. This could be because team members aren’t aware of what tasks they own. Anytime a delay occurs, returning to the assignment matrix is a good first step, even if you went through the process as you should during the planning stage of the project.

How to Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix

The actual making of a responsibility assignment matrix is not as difficult as getting everyone on board with what their roles and responsibilities are.

Therefore, you want to include your team in the process, get their input and eventually buy-in without spending too much time and energy on the process. Follow these steps to make sure everyone is in agreement and you’ll have a successful responsibility assignment.

  • Identify all the participants involved in the project, from team members to stakeholders and everyone in between.
  • List all deliverables associated with the project. Use a work breakdown structure to make sure you don’t miss any.
  • Meet with team members on how to execute the tasks to create the deliverables. Every task needs to be discussed in terms of the team’s responsibility and authority.
  • Draft the responsibility assignment matrix using a table with the project tasks listed on the left-hand column. Across the top add the name of everyone in the project.
  • Where the tasks meet the project team member, assign whether they’re responsible, accountable, consulted or informed.
  • When completed, share the responsibility assignment matrix with the project team and stakeholders and hold a meeting if necessary to make sure everyone understands their part in the project. If you’re working in a shared space, print out a copy and post it.

Free Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template

Using a RACI template is a shortcut that sets up your team and the project for success. ProjectManager is more than an award-winning software that organizes tasks, teams and projects to streamline work and boost productivity, it’s also the online hub for all things project management.

Among the hundreds of blog posts, guidebooks and tutorial videos are dozens of free templates that can help you through every phase of your project’s life cycle. Using our free RACI template will help you guide all the project teams better, allowing them to know where they stand in relation to the project and what their level of responsibility and accountability is.

Use it at the start of the project to avoid delays and untangle any communicative knots that are preventing the project from progressing as planned. To keep your project on track, download our free RACI template and get a head start on building a workable responsibility assignment matrix.

RACI Matrix Template for Excel

Best Practices

Using our free RACI template is a good start, but you have to make sure you fill it in correctly. A responsibility assignment matrix is only as good as the effort put into creating it. Here are some best practices to apply when you’re in the process of building your assignment matrix.

  • Involve the team: They’re the ones who will be executing the work. You want their input and buy-in to avoid any costly mistakes or time-consuming questions about what wasn’t made clear at the beginning of the project.
  • Identify every single task: Identify all the tasks required to reach your final deliverable. Once you have that thorough list make sure that there is only one person on the team who is accountable.
  • Update your RACI regularly: Make sure that each new one is clearly marked as the most current version and is distributed to everyone on the team. There will be times when you’ll want to revisit the responsibility assignment matrix or changes in personnel will require an edit.
  • Share responsibility viably: One person shouldn’t have to shoulder the bulk of the responsibilities for the project and you want to give authority throughout the project team and not just among the very top management team.
  • Optimize tasks: Managers can use the RACI matrix to see if too many team members have been assigned to a task. Maybe these workers could be spread out for greater productivity. There could be too many people listed as consulted, which slows down the process. The assignment matrix is endlessly useful.

How ProjectManager Helps You Manage Projects Better

ProjectManager is a cloud-based tool that connects everyone in real-time to facilitate planning, monitoring and reporting on the project. It works to give everyone on the project team a job and the knowledge as to where they have authority and when to consult others, as well as defining the reporting process.

Let’s look at the people who are responsible, for example, the team who execute the project. Once invited into the software, you can share the project plan, assign them tasks, add detailed direction, add a deadline and tag for priority and more. The teams can then collaborate by attaching files and images to the tasks and commenting in real-time to work better together.

A screenshot of the Team collaboration user interface in ProjectManager

Those who need to stay informed of the project can do so by also getting invited into the project and sharing plans and schedules with them. Stakeholders can stay updated with reporting features that can generate reports on project variance, cost, time and more with one click. Then share them as a PDF. Reports can even be quickly filtered to zero in on the data stakeholders are interested in.

a screenshot of the status report generation screen in ProjectManager

The responsibility assignment matrix can help you reallocate your resources when things aren’t progressing as planned. Use our software to get further insight. The resource management features include a workload chart that’s color-coded so it’s easy to see who has too many tasks and who can take on more work. Then you can simply reallocate those resources from the workload page to help your team work more productively.

color-coded workload chart

ProjectManager gets you organized, keeps your team focused on their tasks and stakeholders in the loop. Gain efficiencies throughout every aspect of your project’s life cycle with an online Gantt chart to schedule work and kanban boards, a visual workflow feature that provides transparency into production. All that and it’s on a collaborative platform to keep everyone connected. Try ProjectManager today for free.

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Exploring Resource Management and Task Assignment in Microsoft Project

In a recent webinar , we delved into the various aspects of resource management and task assignment in Microsoft Project . This article aims to provide a concise summary of the key points discussed during the session. We will explore how to effectively use different views, such as the Gantt chart, and leverage the resource tab to quickly manage, assign, and replace resources. Let’s dive into the details.

Using Views and the Ribbon:

Microsoft Project offers different views tailored to specific functions, such as tasks and resources. When working with tasks, the task ribbon provides a range of helpful tools, while the resource tab becomes essential when dealing with resource-related activities. The ribbon was organized based on functional areas to enhance usability, streamlining access to relevant features. Previously absent in Microsoft Project, the ribbon was added later, providing users with easier navigation and improved functionality.

Within the resource tab, the resource assignment dialog box is a powerful tool for managing and assigning resources. By selecting one or more tasks, users can quickly assign resources or replace them. To aid decision-making, tooltips provide information about resource availability, such as whether they are currently working, or their status in an enterprise environment or Active Directory.

Replacing Resources and Handling Actuals:

When replacing a resource, Microsoft Project ensures that actual work remains unaffected. Instead, it focuses on finding remaining work associated with the tasks and swapping out the resources accordingly. This feature is particularly useful for efficiently managing resources in complex projects.

An initial approach to assigning resources might involve a global find or simply using the resource column. Clicking the drop-down arrow gives you a selection of resources to assign. However, this method assigns the resources wholesale, which might not always be ideal. For example, when assigning a resource to a 40-hour or 40-day task where you’re only anticipating 10 hours of work, checking off resources from a list won’t suffice.

In these situations, it’s advisable to use Microsoft Project’s advanced features and views to delve deeper into resource assignment. The ‘Ribbon’ and ‘ Timeline View ‘ are particularly useful in this context. By collapsing the timeline view, you reveal the task entry form. This is one of the software’s most potent views, aptly termed ‘Task Entry View’.

In the Microsoft Project interface, the ‘Task Entry View’ is located within the ‘View’ tab on the ‘Ribbon’.

View Tab in Ms Project

  • Click on the ‘View’ tab in the ‘Ribbon’, which is the strip of tools located at the top of your Microsoft Project workspace.
  • Under the ‘Split View’ group on the ‘View’ tab, check the ‘Details’ checkbox. This will split your screen, showing the Gantt chart on the top and another view at the bottom.
  • If ‘Task Entry’ isn’t the default view that shows up at the bottom, you can choose it by clicking on the ‘Details’ dropdown list in the ‘Split View’ group and selecting ‘Task Form’. Note that ‘Task Entry’ and ‘Task Form’ are used interchangeably in different versions of Microsoft Project.

This dual-pane view lets you modify resource assignments with granular control.

Task Form View in Ms Project

For example, if you assigned a resource, Andre, to work 40 hours, but later realized you only need him for 16 hours, you can simply adjust this in the task entry view. Clicking ‘OK’ here triggers an automatic adjustment in your schedule, guided by your pre-set parameters – be they fixed work, fixed units, or fixed durations.

Setting tasks as’ fixed duration’ is advantageous if you want to avoid your Gantt chart or schedule constantly shifting. This keeps the start and finish days immovably locked, even if work hours need adjusting. Understanding how the scheduling engine works allows you to effectively manage resources and assignments.

The initial goal is to get individuals assigned to tasks. This might involve an iterative process of identifying who will do the work, meeting with them to determine effort levels, and comprehending the difference between elapsed duration and the number of work hours. Microsoft Project’s multiple views help in tailoring these assignments.

One can even adjust the level of assignment percentage. When diving into the work management or schedule itself, users might be inputting actual, remaining, or overtime work hours. Remember, overtime doesn’t trigger overallocation and might carry different associated costs. It provides the flexibility to allocate hours beyond the standard work day or week without triggering overallocation.

Microsoft Project’s views facilitate the management of these task details, offering a comprehensive platform to access, modify, and update project information effectively. It’s an invaluable tool for fine-tuning your project’s assignments and schedules.

Managing Your Resources in the Cloud

The location and method of managing your resources can greatly impact the efficiency of your project. You have a few options depending on the scale of your project and the software environment you’re working in, whether it’s a standalone desktop version or an enterprise online environment.

For those using the standalone desktop version or handling multiple projects concurrently, the necessity of an overview of work across various project schedules into one resource assignment becomes apparent. This is where you start contemplating resource management on a broader scope.

Before the advent of an enterprise environment or a global resource pool , all this was handled in the desktop version. So, let’s consider where and how to source your resources in this context.

Microsoft Project Online offers a solution. Included with your license, it allows you to input or create your resource information directly within the online platform. You can access this via the ‘Resource’ tab on the ‘Ribbon’. From there, you can draw resources from an enterprise environment.

This enterprise environment is enabled by your Office 365 administrator via Microsoft Project Online. While the primary intention of this environment is to save and publish your schedules, it also provides a place to add all your resources. You can fill out their information just as you would in a resource sheet. Now, when your projects require resources, they can pull them directly from this online repository.

task assignment resource

This feature provides flexibility in resource storage, allowing you to choose between cloud storage or local storage. Therefore, you have the options to suit the specific needs of your project or organizational structure.

Managing Resources Locally

The option of storing resources directly in the project file is another method of resource management. It has certain benefits such as allowing every team member to have their unique resources, which they can adjust and modify as needed, thereby customizing them according to the project’s needs. However, it is crucial to remember that resources stored this way are confined to that specific file.

To illustrate this process, consider a project schedule titled “needing resources”. This schedule is a copy of another file you’ve previously worked on and presently, it doesn’t have any resources assigned. The resource sheet view would, therefore, display no resources.

For cases where you need to add resources without interacting with an enterprise environment, creating a local file proves handy . This file can be stored on a shared folder or OneDrive, or any other location that can be easily accessed. The technique has been frequently used, sometimes with a local file share, and other times, by creating what we call a local resource pool. To do this :

  • Access the Resource Sheet: Navigate to the “View” tab on the ribbon, and select “Resource Sheet”. This displays the resource management view.
  • Enable Local Resource Pool: In the resource management view, find the “Resource Pool” button in the “Resources” group on the “Resource” tab. Click on the arrow next to the button to open a dropdown menu.
  • Share Resources: In the dropdown menu, select “Share Resources”, and then choose “Share Resources…” from the submenu. This action prompts the “Share Resources” dialog box to appear.
  • Select Resource Pool Option: In the “Share Resources” dialog box, select the option “Use resources”, then choose the file which will serve as your resource pool, and click “OK”. Microsoft Project will then start using the chosen file as a resource pool where you can manage your resource information.
  • Specify Local Resource Pool Location: A dialog box will appear, prompting you to choose a location to save your resource pool file. A shared folder or a location on your local computer are good options, but saving the file on cloud storage services like OneDrive can make it easily accessible to the team. Specify your preferred location and give your resource pool file a name, then click “Save.”
  • Add Resources to the Local Resource Pool: Once the local resource pool is set up, you can start adding resources. Go back to the resource management view, click on the cell below the last existing resource, and enter the resource names and other relevant information.
  • Assign Local Resources to Tasks: After adding resources to the local resource pool, they can be assigned to tasks in your project file. Go to the task view, select the task to which you want to assign a resource, and in the “Resource Names” column, click on the cell to start typing the name of the resource from your local resource pool. As you type, Microsoft Project will suggest matching resources, allowing you to select the appropriate one.

In conclusion, effective resource management and task assignment are key to the successful execution of any project, and Microsoft Project provides robust and comprehensive tools to achieve this. The variety of views and features offered by the software allows for an efficient and fine-tuned approach to project management, accommodating both local and cloud-based resource storage and allocation.

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How to Give Assignments to Team Members

Avatar for Marijana Stojanovic

Table of Contents

The project has been divided into milestones, goals and objectives broken into tasks, and now it’s time to assign them. But as you open the project management platform, you’re faced with the unflattering process of wording the tasks, and choosing whom to assign them to.

Well, in this article, we offer advice on how to make that jumbled first moment a little clearer. There are actionable tips, learning the difference between allocating and delegating tasks, and suggested criteria on how to choose the best person for the job.

For a more precise overview, here’s a table of contents:

How do you assign employees tasks?

We normally think that assigning tasks is a time-consuming process that focuses on clearing out task lists to keep the project going. However, task assignment should actually be a more employee-oriented process that requires additional dedication and effort, which yields incredible results. But what do we mean by that?

Properly assigned tasks push your employees, projects, and the overall company forward. Here’s how.

  • They strengthen accountability and trust between managers and employees;
  • They help teach new skills and perfect old ones;
  • They allow employees to get familiar with other teams and avenues of work;
  • It becomes easier to make project estimates;
  • Makes for great bases for performance reviews, etc.

The list could go on, but we’ll stop there for now.

Of course, such long-term benefits don’t come without some proverbial blood and sweat in the planning stage. Let’s take a look at the general ideas on assigning employee tasks, and specific steps you can take.

Motivation comes from knowing the bigger picture

When we talk about the bigger picture in project management, we talk about each team member’s task affecting their peer’s down the line. Since all tasks are usually small pieces of the puzzle, it helps to remind employees how their work contributes. For example:

  • A high-quality draft can make a great foundation for the final version, and it can be completed more quickly.
  • A well-prepared presentation can shave time off unnecessary questions and additional email inquiries.

It comes as no surprise that people work better and are more productive, when they know that their work has an impact on the company level.

And so, when you assign tasks, try to emphasize how they fit in the bigger picture. Simply saying: “ You doing X will help with Y and Z ” and how it reflects on the project as a whole will let an employee know that the task they were assigned is important.

Get your employees excited to commit

Telling people about the bigger picture and showing them what’s possible can only get them so far. It’s enough to ignite the initial spark, but for them to fully commit to the task, you need to define what that task entails.

They should be able to picture how to go about the work, what skills to use, and how to reach the desired result. The clearer the instructions, the more motivated they will be to work.

Simply put, give directions on how the task should be done, and make sure they understand. You can’t read each other’s minds, so it’s important everyone is on the same page.

Ask for task transparency

One of the best practices a company can employ is transparency among coworkers.

This is achieved by having everyone input their tasks for the day in a timesheet. The purpose of timesheets is to get an accurate idea of what everyone is working on at any given time.

When people know who works on what tasks, it’s easier for them to know if a person is available or busy, how far along they are with a task, etc.

So, when you give assignments to employees, label them with deadlines. Alternatively, you can ask for employees’ assessments on how long the work would take them, and use those timeframes.

clocked-in activity screenshot in Team Dashboard

Source: Clockify team timesheet

Timesheets are a great way to keep an eye on tasks and the people doing them. You get to:

  • see who struggles with what (helps assess people’s skill sets);
  • who burns through their workload and is available for additional tasks;
  • whether your time estimates need correction;
  • identify any wasted time.

💡 If your employees are insecure about keeping public records of their tasks, here are a few resources that can help:

  • How to create order in your daily work tasks
  • How to be more efficient with your tasks

Keep a crystal clear timeframe

While we’re discussing timesheets and deadline transparency, it’s important to mention that the times you set for task completions need to be clear-cut.

As we’ve mentioned, the safest way to assign deadlines is to consult the employees. They are better at assessing how long it will take them due to the tasks’ difficulty, overall deadlines, the standards that need to be met, and the skill required to complete it.

When they get a say in how long they should be doing an assignment, people tend to feel more accountable for the whole process. They will do their best to finish in time, since they actively participated in setting the deadline.

Set very clear expectations

Assigning a task should always include your (the supervisor’s) expectations pointed out. For example:

  • Does a logo pitch need as many drafts as possible, or just a few finished pieces?

If you ask a designer to make some drafts for a logo pitch, you must specify the kind of quality you’re looking for. Explain whether you are looking for some sketches and drafts for a brainstorming meeting, or if you want clean, presentable pieces to show.


  • How many pieces should the designer do?
  • Is there a specific color palette they need to follow?
  • How important is the task? Is this the day they finally decide on a logo, or is it still in the brainstorming stage? (decides on the quality of the work itself)

Assigning the task using the above questions, you help the designer understand how much effort precisely they need to invest. They become more motivated with clear instructions, as they know what is expected of them. There’s no fear of having their work criticized for something that wasn’t communicated in the beginning. And on your end, it prevents breached deadlines or subpar results.

Avoid creating dependency by being less involved

It’s not unusual for employees to ask their supervisors for their opinion on a certain task, or their performance.

The problem arises when a supervisor makes themselves too involved with the process. When they feel like the project might fall apart if they don’t have their eyes on every moving part all of the time. And when you have, say, 20 people waiting for that person’s approval, advice, or consultation, the workflow runs into a gridlock.

And wait time is wasted time.

Plus, people lose motivation, patience, and grow frustrated, as they could be doing other things.

So, learn not to jump in every time people call for your aid. Assign reliable people who can address smaller issues, while you handle the big picture. Learn how to expend your own energy where it is needed more.

For example – making a pitch presentation for potential investors keeps getting put off because one person needs you to check a client email they want to send, another wants your signature on a form, and the third wants to ask something about employee feedback that’s coming up.

In order to not be stretched thin, and have your time wasted on menial tasks, here’s where you can start:

How to mitigate the risk of being over-involved when assigning

  • Remember that you match tasks to people

Which means that, by matching the right people with the right tasks, your involvement will be minimal. Take time to carefully choose who gets to do what. What is the point of assigning tasks if they can’t be done without you?

  • Have a 10-point scale to judge the importance of items

How important are certain aspects of your leadership role? Are you absolutely necessary in every meeting, or during every call? Which tasks need your approval, and which ones can be approved by someone under you?

Rank these items on a scale of 0 to 10, based on their importance to you and the project. Top priority tasks should get your undivided attention. And what can be delegated, should be.

  • Analyze your schedule

Your energy and time are needed on a much broader scale. The best way to spot if you’re wasting time being too involved is to look at your schedule. Identify how much time you’ve spent on low-priority items, and assess which issues could’ve been solved without you.

  • Take into account priorities and deadlines

Step in only when absolutely necessary. You are in charge of things getting done on time, by people most qualified for assigned tasks. Determine what your priorities are for each project, and concern yourself only with those issues, unless there is a risk of breaching a deadline.

  • Formulate a list of dependable people

If you know your employees (or team members) well enough, then you should be able to single out those who are more dependable and ready to take on a little more responsibilities. Write out the reasons how they could help by getting involved on low-priority items instead of you. When the time comes, rally them and present them with the idea, keeping in mind that this solution helps push the project forward. When authority is delegated to several people, there’s fewer chances of a hold-up in the workflow.

This also falls into the realm of task delegation , which we’ll get into later.

How do you decide what tasks to assign to which employees?

1. assign based on priority.

Naturally, some tasks will be more important than others. When you break down a project into tasks , spend some time assessing their priority level.

High-priority tasks should be the first on your list to allocate. Whether it’s because they’re time-sensitive, or require more effort and dedication.

Low priority tasks can be allocated as fillers to the first available person.

2. Assign based on employee availability

Another factor to consider when assigning tasks is who is available at the moment.

As the project moves along, new tasks will be added. You will have to allocate new work, but odds are you won’t always be able to pick who you want. Especially if a deadline is approaching, the person with the smallest workload should be your first choice.

Overloading an already busy individual just because they’re more skilled or you have faith in them the most puts an unnecessary strain on them. It’s cause for frustration, poorer results, and decreased productivity.

And as we’ve mentioned, if you have a timesheet with an overview of all the tasks and employees working on them, it’ll be much easier to spot who is free and who isn’t.

3. Assign based on employee skill level

High-priority tasks should go to employees with more experience in a given field or skill. However, you should occasionally give such tasks to other employees as well, to help them grow and become just as dependable. Giving people challenging tasks that can boost their experience is essential to productivity and morale.

Not to mention you get to have multiple high-skilled employees.

Low-priority tasks can be assigned to anyone, despite their experience level. They’re a good opportunity to practice, pick up new skills, or get smaller tasks out of the way to make room for more important ones.

4. Assign based on preference

Last, but not the least, preference can also play a big part in how you assign tasks.

It’s a given that some employees will prefer certain tasks over others. So it could be good to assign tasks at a meeting with the team. As you discuss priorities, deadlines, and availability, ask them which tasks they would like to work on.

If someone shows interest in a specific type of work, they should (with some consideration), be allowed to take it. After all, people are more productive when they’re assigned to something they find new or exciting.

Note: Apply this rule with caution. Letting people do only the tasks they want can stunt their career growth. Getting out of our comfort zones and occasionally doing tasks that we don’t like is how we develop and learn. So, don’t forget to document assignments as you hand them out, to spot these potential issues early on.

Allocating vs delegating tasks

While semantically similar words, delegation and allocation in terms of tasks are two different things.

When you allocate tasks , you are assigning tasks without giving the employees much authority, challenge, or room to grow. It includes you keeping all of the responsibility – writing out the tasks, making deadlines, providing resources, tools, etc. These are usually recurring tasks that can become repetitive.

When you delegate tasks , you allow for some of that responsibility to fizzle out from your fingers. All you think about are the objectives, while letting the employees figure out the details and means to get there.

However, that doesn’t mean delegation is right and the allocation is wrong.

Task allocation has its own place. It is just as important, as a lot of tasks come down to repeated processes that are still vital to the project progress. Task delegation is just a good opportunity for employees to learn, challenge themselves, and assess their skills and performance.

When should you allocate tasks?

Management and BizDev consultant Artem Albul shared his concept on task assignment, which he dubbed an “algorithm”. He emphasized how these criteria are useful only and only when you wish that employees perform the tasks based on your guidelines and instructions (aka allocation).

Here is how Albul broke down the algorithm:

algorithm - assignments

Source: Artem Albul, TWA Consulting

As we can see, task allocation, while the more “controlling” of the two, also gives in-depth instructions and asks for confirmation on task clarity. A lot of it comes down to everyone being on the same page, leaving little to no room for misinterpretation (but also creative freedom).

How should you allocate tasks?

With all that we’ve mentioned in the previous section, here’s how your task allotment could look like, step by step.

  • Break down your project

Detail out the goals, objectives, and some individual tasks (not all, be careful not to start micromanaging). Place the most important deadlines.

  • Prioritize tasks and sort them

It’s important to know what tasks need to be done faster/better, to properly allocate your resources and manpower from the start.

  • Make a list of teams and team members

Assign team leaders (if you don’t have them), and alternatively, ask for their input on individual employees skills, for a more informed decision on who gets what.

  • Schedule a meeting

Make a meeting with the team leads and go through the points above. Assign tasks according to each team’s availability, interest, and skill required to successfully push the project forward.

  • As team leads – assign tasks further down the pipeline
  • Track task completion and make necessary changes along the way

Whether it’s pushing deadlines, reassigning tasks, or shifting around resources. This is perfectly fine and expected, so long as it doesn’t happen on every task you’ve assigned. Then, it is an indicator of poor pre-planning.

  • Offer feedback and write performances

Don’t forget to track the progress and make notes of important details that might help the next task allocation/delegation process. It’s also a useful piece of information for the employees on what they need to improve on.

Allocating tasks is somewhat more complicated than we want it to be. But, this kind of thorough research and preparation will make projects run more smoothly. Employees will also be more satisfied with their work, and there will be less hurdles as deadlines approach.

When should you delegate tasks?

Delegation is a great practice in trust for both the employer/supervisor and the employee. The employer learns how to give away some of their control over the process, while the employee learns how to take more accountability for their work.

This lets you focus on big-picture aspects of your job, since you deal less with assignments that are low-priority for you. You save time and energy, while helping others move up in their careers.

How do you effectively delegate tasks as a leader?

As we’ve mentioned, delegating includes more employee independence. There are some additional components which make this type of task assignment more appealing than allocation, with great opportunities for growth.

Focus on delegating objectives instead of actual tasks

When you delegate, you focus on the objective that needs to be done. You shouldn’t give employees a “color by numbers” instruction on how to complete a task.

Communicate clearly what the end result should be and what expectations you (or the higher-ups) have. Leave the means for reaching that end goal to the employees themselves. Because how you solve a task may be completely different to how they will. And that is perfectly fine, so long as the result is the one you are looking for.

Keep the objectives challenging

When the objectives you’re delegating are too easy, chances are the person will either procrastinate, or feel like you don’t trust them enough. And if they’re too difficult, they get frustrated, anxious, and begin to panic.

It’s a good idea to be aware of an employee’s skill level, so you can gauge how much challenge and responsibility they can take on. For them to be the most productive and achieve great results, they need to enter “the state of Flow”.

Graph - in flow

Source: Optimal Experience , M. Csikszentmihalyi

💡 We’ve discussed the state of Flow in more detail in an article on time organization.

Encourage discussion and feedback

Let employees voice their opinions on the topic.

They should ask anything about the task, the goals, or the overall impact their work will have on the later stages or others’ workflow. It means they are interested in the task, and getting involved.

And if they aren’t asking questions themselves, you can always nudge them into proactivity.

  • Is there something you’d like me to clarify?
  • Do you already have any ideas on how to go about the task?
  • Is the time we agreed upon enough for you?
  • Will you need other resources, tools, or support?
  • Do you see any problems or risks?

Questions like these help them feel valued, their efforts acknowledged, and let them know you care about the task and how well they perform. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you’ll start to look like a micromanager.

Give employees free rein, but offer support

Speaking of micromanaging, delegation means you let people problem-solve their way out on their own. There should be no reason for a manager to step in and control or supervise any step of the process, unless absolutely necessary.

However, what you should do is let them know you’re available for any advice should they feel stuck. Just because employees get authority on a certain task, and are left to their own devices, doesn’t mean the project has to suffer until they pull themselves up.

From time to time, ask them if they need anything from you, and make sure they know you’re there for any kind of support, consultation, or mediation. ANother good practice is to also give them additional learning opportunities – such as training, conferences, courses, etc.

Delegate objectives that move people forward

Choose assignments that boost the skills and employ all of their experiences, instead of something that simply needs to be done. For example:

  • Tasks that require they brush up on their team communication skills;
  • Learning how to allocate smaller tasks;
  • Supervising others’ work and doing quality control;
  • Learning to work with a new tool;
  • Holding a meeting (or more), etc.

Find out which skills your employees may want or need to develop, and then plan your delegations accordingly. You want them to complete the task while having learned something new at the same time.

How to choose who to delegate to

Paul Beesley, senior director and consultant at Beyond Theory proposed a nifty checklist for when you’re choosing an employee to delegate to. It’s meant to simplify and speed up the process.

To successfully complete the delegated task, your chosen employee needs:

S – the skill to perform and complete a task

T – the time to complete the task, and if needed, learn the required skill

A – the authority to handle everything concerning the task

R – the necessary level of responsibility

R – the recognition for successfully completing the task

This list is a set of important criteria that should be covered when you consider who to assign to a specific task. However, depending on your niche, type of service, company size and the project at hand, the criteria are likely to change. And it should accommodate your needs, not the other way around.

Common task delegation mistakes to avoid

With all being said, there are some common mistakes managers and employers make, sometimes without even realizing it.

  • Being too vague concerning deadlines (using: as soon as possible, when you get to it, I need it by yesterday). It creates unnecessary pressure.
  • Being unavailable for questions and concerns. While you shouldn’t micromanage, you should still be present for support if an employee feels stuck. Ignoring them or handing them over to someone else could cause distrust. However, if you are usually swamped with work, set consultation hours each day or week.
  • Having unclear directions. Specifying the allotted time for task completion and expectations should be the bare minimum when delegating tasks.
  • Not providing feedback. No feedback is worse than bad feedback. Employees need to be aware when they’re doing good work, as well. In one company I worked for, the mantra was: “If no one is complaining about your work, that means you’re doing good”. And while it sounds like sound logic, it actually caused a lot of frustration. We were left directionless, and simply “floating” from task to task, never knowing if any of them had a positive impact on our performance.
  • Not listening to employees. Take into account how they feel about a task or the objective. Let them give you feedback and if there are potential problems from the get-go.
  • Assigning other people to the same task. If you notice a person struggling, the first instinct should be to ask them how they’re faring, and if they need any help. Some managers tend to assign other employees to help them without consultation, which leaves a sore taste. The employee will feel even more incompetent and will be less likely to take on a similar task in the future.
  • Assuming people will know what you mean. This is one of the biggest problems. When you’re formulating a task, be as clear as possible about the goals and expectations. Oftentimes managers think that these things are implied, but the truth is – no one is a mind reader. To avoid having information misconstrued or misunderstood, communicate clearly and directly.

There could be more mistakes, especially for every different field and industry. If at all possible, identify the most common ones, made either by you or your peers. Note down all the instances where certain tasks weren’t up to par, and see what you could have changed in your assignment process to fix it. Maybe there wasn’t enough time or resources, you were unclear, or the employee wasn’t ready for such responsibility. Use the same procedure in all future task delegations. It’s the only way to learn and make the process quicker.

Use Clockify to assign tasks with ease

Now you’re a master of task delegation — congrats!

But there’s more to it than meets the eye.

In fact, what if you used a digital tool like Clockify to increase the likelihood that each job would be completed on time and on point?

In Clockify, you can easily create highly descriptive assignments that contain information like:

  • Start time,
  • Billability status,
  • Name of the employee,
  • Period for getting the assignment done,
  • Hours per day to spend on the assignment, and more.

Create an assignment in Clockify

That way, you can plan who works on what, how long, and when.

Similarly, Clockify allows you to create project milestones to achieve results faster.

Milestones in Clockify

With the Milestones option, you can select dates for deadlines, allowing you to pin down important events in your projects.

For example, if your client expects you to keep them in the loop about developments, you can inform them promptly on whether your team has reached the agreed-upon milestones.

Refocus on your company’s big picture with a project and time tracking tool.


Marijana Stojanovic is a writer and researcher who specializes in the topics of productivity and time management.

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Task management features and capabilities

My Tasks is a personalized view of every task that’s assigned to you, regardless of which project it’s in. Visualize all of your to-dos in one place to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.


Track and manage tasks across multiple projects. When you make changes to a task in one project, instantly see those changes reflected across all projects in real time.

With native time tracking, quickly estimate expected and actual time spent on tasks. Get better real-time estimates on project progress which is essential for budgeting and forecasting.

Custom fields are the best way to tag, sort, and filter work. Create unique custom fields for any information you need to track—from priority and status to email or phone number.

Automate manual work so your team spends less time on busywork and more time on the tasks that matter. Use Rules to automatically assign work, adjust due dates, notify stakeholders, and more.

The Asana app is available on Mac, iOS, and Android. Review any new inbox notifications, send messages, and access project tasks so you’re always up to date on project information.

Custom templates

Custom templates make it easy to duplicate existing workflows or common processes—giving teams confidence that they don’t have to recreate work from scratch or worry about missing any steps.

project views icon

Project views make it easy for you to see your work, your way. Select between List, Board, Calendar, and Timeline, and toggle between the project views to find a view that works for you.


Mark a task as waiting on another task with dependencies. Teams with collaborative workflows can easily see what tasks they’re waiting on from others, and know when to get started on their portion of work.

Timeline View is a Gantt-style project view that displays all your tasks in a horizontal bar chart. With Timeline View, you can easily track how the pieces of your plan fit together.

View any project in Calendar view to see all upcoming and past work in a calendar format. Give stakeholders insight into task due dates, as well as the larger cadence of scheduled project work.

Frequently asked questions

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Try Asana for free for 30 days, no credit card required. Get started with a free Business trial, then follow the on-screen instructions to log in!

What is task management?

Task management is more than a to-do list. It means tracking tasks from beginning to end, delegating subtasks to teammates, and setting deadlines to make sure projects get done on time. Task management software, like Asana, empowers teams to work more productively and efficiently.

What does task management software do?

Do you waste time organizing sticky notes, searching your email, or writing to-do lists ? Luckily, Asana can help. Prioritize tasks, manage time more effectively, hit deadlines—all in one task manager tool.

What are the most important features to consider in a task management tool?

Your task management tool should have everything you need to manage and execute your work. Make sure the task management software you choose aggregates your to-dos in one view—at the project and portfolio level. You’ll also want to look for a tool that gives you the flexibility to do your work your way by offering integrations with your favorite business apps. And last but certainly not least, make sure the task management software you select has a way to automate your workflows with rules, templates, and more.

What does it mean to multi-home tasks?

Multi-homing is the centerpiece of cross-functional collaboration in Asana. Your most important work happens with team members from other departments—who each have their own way of storing and organizing to-dos. With multi-homing, you can house the same task in multiple projects (rather than creating duplicates of the task, which can quickly get outdated). Then, if you change any task details in one project, those changes are instantly and automatically reflected across every other project in real time.

What are subtasks?

Subtasks help you break the work of a task into smaller parts in order to divide up the work among multiple people. For example, a “blog post” task has several parts. One person needs to write the blog, another needs to review it, and so on. In this case, each individual component would be its own subtask, assigned to the person responsible for completing it. All subtasks are housed within a parent task—the blog post task—making it easy for stakeholders to stay connected to the overarching context of their work.

What are task templates? How can they help me?

With task templates, you can templatize any task-level process. For example, if every contract review requires five steps, you can create an easily duplicatable contract review task template. If you want to templatize project-level processes, try creating a workflow to coordinate work seamlessly across teams.

Get started with the leading project management software, according to G2¹

IDC White Paper, Sponsored by Asana, The Business Value of the Asana Platform , Doc. #US50642023, June 2023

Managing Project Resources and Assignments

  • First Online: 30 April 2020

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Cicala, G. (2020). Managing Project Resources and Assignments. In: The Project Managers Guide to Microsoft Project 2019 . Apress, Berkeley, CA.

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Published : 30 April 2020

Publisher Name : Apress, Berkeley, CA

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  • Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for Project Management

Resource Allocation and Task Assignment Comparison by Week Dashboard

The Resource Allocation and Task Assignment Comparison by Week dashboard displays the weekly comparison of allocated and total task assignment hours for the resources of a project.

The dashboard uses the Project Management - Project Resources Real Time and Project Management - Planning Real Time subject areas.

The dashboard consists of Resource Allocation and Task Assignment Comparison by Week Report.

Key Insights

This dashboard answers the following business questions:

What are the allocated hours for my project resources?

What are the assignment percentages for my project resources?

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists the frequently asked questions about this dashboard.

The following table lists the prompts and filters used in the dashboard.

The following table lists the views in the Resource Allocation and Task Comparison by Week analysis.

an illustration of assembly line representing task management software

Getting organized: The best task management software

Level up your team’s task management system to boost efficiency and enhance collaboration.

By the team at Slack May 24th, 2024

A to-do list can get you only so far. More often, we find ourselves spending too much time prioritizing countless tasks to ensure that a project goes smoothly. Task management systems can make complex projects easier to handle.

If you’re looking to add task management software to your team’s toolkit, we’re here to help. We’ve sifted through this saturated market to identify the best task management programs to streamline and automate your workflows in 2024.

What is a task management app?

Task management refers to the process of overseeing a task from beginning to end, including planning, implementation, quality assurance, and tracking and reporting status updates. If you’re managing various tasks among different work projects, a task management tool can make it easier to prioritize action items and stay organized, on schedule and on budget.

What to look for in a task management program

The best task management software should be easily accessible to stakeholders and provide a user-friendly, visual representation of your in-progress tasks and where each one stands in its lifecycle. Many platforms use graphs, charts, lists and other graphics to clearly display information in a way that’s easy to understand. Look for a task management app that:

  • Creates a digital “paper trail”
  • Gives everyone on the team input
  • Clearly displays the status of each task
  • Tracks due dates
  • Automates repetitive tasks

Who uses task management software?

Just about any team can benefit from good task management technology. If you’re working with multiple people on multiple projects or initiatives, you can probably use help planning, prioritizing, tracking and organizing your team’s ideas, responsibilities and to-do items. The best task management tools integrate seamlessly into your existing work process and can even automate certain workflows , letting your team focus on the most important tasks.

Benefits of task management software

Task management software helps you handle projects more efficiently, with a reduced risk of human error. The advantages of using a task management app include:

  • More visibility and trust between teams and management
  • Less mental clutter
  • Uniform, streamlined processes
  • Time savings
  • Lower likelihood of redundant efforts and having to repeat tasks
  • Flexibility for team members to access projects and tasks at their convenience

How to choose the right task management software

The best task management app should help your team navigate its biggest roadblocks. Here’s how to pick the best platform for you.

1. Identify your team’s specific requirements

Your team is unique, and your chosen time management system should adapt to your needs and processes. What sorts of projects does your team handle, and how many do you typically tackle at a time? How big is your team? Will you need mobile access, or scalability if your team is growing? What about remote work support?

2. Evaluate the user interface and ease of use

The best task and project management software should be quick to learn and easy to understand. Think about how your team members will actually use the software in their day-to-day work.

For example, if your team will need to use its task management app while they’re in the field or otherwise away from their desks, you should prioritize platforms with strong mobile apps. And if your team is not particularly tech-savvy, you’ll want software with a simple, intuitive interface.

3. Consider integrations with your existing tech stack

Task management doesn’t happen in a vacuum; you probably already have a set of tools you know and like. Look for a task management app that seamlessly integrates with those tools so your team can move quickly and easily between managing projects and completing them.

4. Look for automation capabilities

The best task management systems can help you cut down on actual labor hours by automating repetitive tasks that don’t require much human input.

Slack’s Workflow Builder , for example, simplifies processes by automating repetitive workflows, such as sending follow-up surveys after certain meetings or delivering paperwork to new hires on their first day. This frees up users to focus on larger tasks, which can boost engagement and productivity. It also cuts down on manual errors and context switching.

The best task management software

Our picks for the best task management trackers are user-friendly and compatible with other popular tech tools. These apps offer customization options and automation features. Plus, they integrate with Slack .

Asana ranks among the most popular task management software solutions, offering a clean layout that makes it easy to delegate responsibilities and track projects, subtasks and status. The project management platform also features AI-powered tools for goal-setting and reporting.

Project management software Wrike makes our list thanks to its highly customizable workflows and data visualizations. Users can assign and check work in Wrike, streamlining processes and boosting team collaboration .

Flow is a simple task management app that packs a powerful punch. You can zoom out for a high-level overview of each project and then zoom back in to track each individual task. Easily view your own tasks and those delegated to other team members.

Work management platform Trello makes collaboration and organization easy with customizable boards, cards and lists that break down even the most complex projects into sensible, digestible steps.

Jira Cloud , an agile task management tool, is designed for big, complex projects across various industries. The software walks you step-by-step through designing and customizing each project. AI-powered support features make Jira even easier to use.

Are you more of a visual collaborator? Miro is one of the best for visually oriented people and projects. From mind mapping to real-time data visualization and digital sticky notes, it offers a full-scale collaboration platform for agile teams. Plus, Miro is free.

The highly customizable Workast lets users plan, implement and complete projects all in its work management platform. It integrates with a wide variety of applications and makes everything you need for each project, from forms to meeting notes, readily available with just a couple of clicks.

Notion , another free task management platform, stands out for its easy drag-and-drop format. Even those unfamiliar with other project management platforms can easily get the hang of Notion’s intuitive interface. The software makes it simple to break down your project into bite-size steps that make sense for your team’s work style.

Cloud-based Figma , along with its whiteboard companion, FigJam, takes remote collaboration on design projects to the next level. This task management app focuses on interface design, making it easy for distributed teams to brainstorm, prototype, diagram and even keep digital sticky notes as they work through each project’s lifecycle. is a flexible operating service that lets users create their own project management apps, no coding required. Use it to easily tweak and scale your workflows as needed, and automate simple workflows to save time and reduce errors.

Integrate your favorite task management software with Slack

Slack makes your favorite task management tools work even better for you. Integrating your task management software with Slack can give you important reminders, real-time status updates and automated workflows right in the AI-powered collaboration platform you know and love. To get the most out of your task management system, contact Slack’s sales team or sign up today.

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Kathy Dyer

75 digital tools and apps teachers can use to support formative assessment in the classroom

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There is no shortage of  formative assessment strategies, techniques, and tools  available to teachers who use formative instructional practice in their classrooms. Here is an extensive list of 75 digital tools, apps, and platforms that can help you and your students use formative assessment to elicit evidence of learning. We didn’t just add any old tool to this list. Here are the criteria we used for those that made the cut:

  • Supports formative instructional strategies and ways to activate learners to be resources for themselves and peers
  • Is free or awful close to it (under $10 per year, where possible)
  • Allows both students and teachers to take the activator role when possible (sometimes teachers need to get things started)

Before you dig into the tools, I encourage you to spend some time thinking about exactly what you want to accomplish with your students.  “How to pick the right digital tool: Start with your learning goal”  by Erin Beard can help you wrap your head around goals and guide you in choosing the best tool for the task.  “27 easy formative assessment strategies for gathering evidence of student learning”  can help you decide what strategies work best for you and your students.

Record audio and video

  • Animoto  Gives students the ability to make a 30-second video of what they learned in a lesson.
  • AudioNote  A combination of a voice recorder and notepad, it captures both audio and notes for student collaboration.
  • Edpuzzle  Helps you use video (your own, or one from Khan Academy, YouTube, and more) to track student understanding.
  • Flip  Lets students use 15-second to 5-minute videos to respond to prompts. Teachers and peers can provide feedback.
  • QuickVoice Recorder  Allows you to record classes, discussions, or audio for projects. Sync your recordings to your computer easily for use in presentations.
  • Vocaroo  Creates audio recordings without the need for software. Embed the recording into slideshows, presentations, or websites.
  • WeVideo  Lets you use video creatively to engage students in learning. Teachers and students alike can make videos.

Create quizzes, polls, and surveys

  • Crowdsignal  Lets you create online polls, quizzes, and questions. Students can use smartphones, tablets, and computers to provide their answers, and information can be culled for reports.
  • Edulastic  Allows you to make standards-aligned assessments and get instant feedback.
  • FreeOnlineSurveys  Helps you create surveys, quizzes, forms, and polls.
  • Gimkit  Lets you write real-time quizzes. And it was designed by a high school student!
  • Google Forms  Part of the Google suite, Google Forms lets you create quizzes, polls, and surveys and see answers in real time.
  • Kahoot!  A game-based classroom response system that lets you create quizzes using internet content.
  • MicroPoll  Helps you create polls, embed them into websites, and analyze responses.
  • Naiku  Lets you write quizzes students can answer using their mobile devices.
  • Poll Everywhere  Lets you create a feedback poll or ask questions and see results in real time. Allows students to respond in various ways. With open-ended questions, you can capture data and spin up tag clouds to aggregate responses.
  • Poll Maker  Offers unique features, like allowing multiple answers to one question.
  • ProProfs  Helps you make quizzes, polls, and surveys.
  • Quia  Lets you create games, quizzes, surveys, and more. Access a database of existing quizzes from other educators.
  • Quizalize  Helps you create quizzes and homework.
  • Quizizz  Guides you through designing quizzes and lets you include students in the quiz-writing process.
  • Quizlet  Lets you make flashcards, tests, quizzes, and study games that are mobile friendly.
  • Quizmaker  Helps you write quizzes quickly and easily.
  • Survey Hero  Designed to build questionnaires and surveys.
  • SurveyMonkey  Helpful for online polls and surveys.
  • SurveyPlanet  Also helpful for online polls and surveys.
  • Zoho Survey  Allows you to make mobile-friendly surveys and see results in real time.

Brainstorm, mind map, and collaborate

  • AnswerGarden  A tool for online brainstorming and collaboration.
  • Coggle  A mind-mapping tool designed to help you understand student thinking.
  • Conceptboard  Software that facilitates team collaboration in a visual format, similar to mind mapping but using visual and text inputs.
  • Dotstorming  A whiteboard app that allows digital sticky notes to be posted and voted on. This tool is best for generating class discussion and brainstorming on different topics and questions.
  • Educreations Whiteboard  A whiteboard app that lets students share what they know.
  • iBrainstorm  Lets students collaborate on projects using a stylus or their finger.
  • Miro  Allows whole-class collaboration in real time.
  • Padlet  Provides a blank canvas for students to create and design collaborative projects.
  • ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard  Another whiteboard tool to check understanding.
  • XMind  Mind-mapping software for use on desktop computers and laptops.
  • Equity Maps  These discussion maps can help you ensure every student has a chance to share their ideas.

Present, engage, and inspire

  • BrainPOP  Lets you use prerecorded videos on countless topics to shape your lesson plan, then use quizzes to see what stuck.
  • Buncee  Helps students and teachers visualize, communicate, and engage with classroom concepts.
  • Five Card Flickr  Uses the tag feature from photos in Flickr to foster visual thinking.
  • PlayPosit  Allows you to add formative assessment features to a video from a library or popular sites, such as YouTube and Vimeo, to survey what students know about a topic.
  • RabbleBrowser  Allows a leader to facilitate a collaborative browsing experience.
  • Random Name/Word Picker  Facilitates random name picking. You can also add a list of keywords and use the tool to prompt students to guess words by providing definitions.
  • Socrative  Uses exercises and games to engage students with a topic.
  • Adobe Express  Lets you add graphics and visuals to exit tickets.
  • Typeform  Helps you add graphical elements to polls.

Generate word or tag clouds

  • EdWordle  Generates word clouds from any entered text to help aggregate responses and facilitate discussion. Word clouds are pictures composed of a cloud of smaller words that form a clue to the topic.
  • Tagxedo  Allows you to examine student consensus and facilitate dialogues.
  • Wordables  Helps you elicit evidence of learning or determine background knowledge about a topic.
  • WordArt  Includes a feature that allows the user to make each word an active link to connect to websites, including YouTube.

Get real-time feedback

  • Formative  Lets you assign activities, receive results in real time, and provide immediate feedback.
  • GoSoapBox  Works with the bring-your-own-device model and includes an especially intriguing feature: a confusion meter.
  • IXL  Breaks down options by grade level and content area.
  • Kaizena  Gives students real-time feedback on work they upload. You can use a highlighter or give verbal feedback. You can also attach resources.
  • Mentimeter  Allows you to use mobile phones or tablets to vote on any question a teacher asks, increasing student engagement.
  • Pear Deck  Lets you plan and build interactive presentations that students can participate in via their smart device. It also offers unique question types.
  • Plickers  Allows you to collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices.
  • Quick Key  Helps you with accurate marking, instant grading, and immediate feedback.

Foster family communication  

  • Remind  Lets you text students and stay in touch with families.
  • Seesaw  Helps you improve family communication and makes formative assessment easy, while students can use the platform to document their learning.
  • Voxer  Lets you send recordings so families can hear how their students are doing, students can chat about their work, and you can provide feedback.

Strengthen teacher-to-student or student-to-student communication

  • AnswerGarden  Gives you access to formative assessment feedback.
  • Biblionasium  Lets you view books students have read, create reading challenges, and track progress. Students can also review and recommend books to their peers.
  • Classkick  Helps you post assignments for students, and both you and your students’ peers can provide feedback. Students can also monitor their progress and work.
  • TeacherEase Rubrics . This paid tool can help you ensure your rubrics are clear and accurate.
  • Lino  A virtual cork board of sticky notes, it lets students ask questions or make comments on their learning.
  • Online Stopwatch  Provides dozens of themed digital classroom timers to use during small- and whole-group discussions.
  • Peergrade  Helps you create assignments and upload rubrics. You can also anonymously assign peer review work. Students can upload and review work using the corresponding rubric.
  • Verso  Lets you set up learning using a URL. Space is provided for directions. Students can add their assignment, post comments, and respond to comments. You can group responses and check engagement levels.
  • VoiceThread  Allows you to create and share conversations on documents, diagrams, videos, pictures, and more.

Keep the conversation going with live chats

  • Yo Teach  A backchannel site great for keeping the conversation going with students.
  • Chatzy  Supports live, online chats in a private setting.

Create and store documents or assignments

  • Google Drive  Google Drive allows you to create documents students can collaborate on in real time using smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
  • Piazza  Lets you upload lectures, assignments, and homework; pose and respond to student questions; and poll students about class content. This tool is better suited for older students as it mimics post-secondary class instructional formats.

There are several resources for learning more about formative assessment and responsive instruction strategies. Consider our  formative practices workshops , where school and district teams can gain a better understanding of the role formative practice plays in instruction and the four foundational practices to use in the classroom. Or for a quick start, download our eBook  “Making it work: How formative assessment can supercharge your practice.”

Jump in, try new tools and methods, and have fun!

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