How to Write a Problem Statement Slide (with Examples)

Table of contents, what is a problem statement and why is it important.

Projects should always begin with a thorough definition of the problem as a problem statement.

A problem statement is a concise description of the issue that will be addressed in a project.

It can be tempting to skip the problem statement because you’ve seen this problem before, you already know the solution, or because a stakeholder is pushing you to move faster.

However, many projects have failed because of a false assumption that everybody understands the problem. This misunderstanding is generally not identified until the project is completed and somebody is surprised by the output.

Therefore, good problem solvers take time to define the problem precisely. Then, they socialize the problem with all key stakeholders to ensure that the definition is understood and agreed upon.

Example problem statements

In a business context, problem statements may be:

  • Why has revenue growth fallen from 10% in 2021 to 5% in 2022?
  • How can ACME Bank increase its market share to 15% by 2025?
  • Why are over 50% of customers not renewing their subscription after month 3?

Characteristics of a good problem statement

In order to ensure that your problem statement is concise and informative, it should be:

  • Specific: Ensure that you constrain the scope of your problem by making the problem statement should be specific as possible, while still being informative and valuable.
  • Time-bound:  Ensure that you include time constraints on your problem statement; solutions for the short term might be significantly different than solutions for the long term.
  • Measurable and testable: Ensure that your problem statement is quantified, so that there are clear criteria for you to define success.

Problem statement worksheet and downloadable templates

A problem statement worksheet articulates the problem that will be addressed in the project.

It also describes how the problem came about, defines the scope and constraints of the project, and identifies key stakeholders and sources of insight.

The problem statement worksheet looks like this:

Problem Statement Worksheet Slide

You can download this slide (and 30 others) for free below:

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Download a free problem statement slide and 29 other slide templates for free

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statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

How to write a problem statement slide for PowerPoint

Access step-by-step guidance and ready-to-use templates, helping you create an impactful problem statement PowerPoint template.

Bharti Jain

Building presentations

man thinking on how to write a problem statement slide for PowerPoint ppt

A well-crafted problem statement slide serves as the foundation of a compelling PowerPoint presentation. It sets the stage for your narrative, guiding your audience through a coherent story. This slide captures the essence of your presentation by highlighting the problem, its impact, and potential solutions. In this short article, we'll look into crafting an impactful problem statement slide, complete with example templates , to ensure your next presentation resonates effectively.

What is a problem statement?

A problem statement slide is a concise and precise way to outline the key challenge or issue your presentation seeks to address. It's the backbone of your presentation, guiding the narrative and giving the audience a clear understanding of the problem at hand. This slide plays a critical role in establishing a common ground with your audience, helping them recognize the existence and significance of the problem. Furthermore, it garners support from decision-makers, team members, or funding bodies by presenting a compelling case for why the problem needs attention and resources.

A good problem statement slide should:

  • Provide a clear explanation: Offer a concise and unambiguous description of the specific issue at hand.
  • Explain the significance: Highlight why the problem is critical and demands immediate attention.
  • Bridge the gap: Illustrate the discrepancy between the current state and the desired state, underscoring the need for resolution.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Importance of a problem statement slide

An effective problem statement slide plays a critical role in guiding the narrative of your presentation, acting as an anchor that establishes clarity and direction. By clearly defining the issue at hand, it enables the audience to follow along seamlessly, laying the groundwork for meaningful discussion and solutions. Here's how a problem statement slide contributes to the overall success of a presentation:

  • Clarity: It establishes the context, helping the audience understand the problem's relevance and ensuring they stay engaged. This clarity also reduces ambiguity, making the presentation's narrative more effective.
  • Focus: It sets the stage, guiding the presentation's flow and preventing it from deviating from its intended path. This focus ensures that the discussion moves logically towards addressing the issue.
  • Impact: A well-crafted problem statement creates a lasting impression, making the presentation more memorable. It also garners support from decision-makers, team members, or funding bodies by presenting a compelling case for why the problem needs attention and resources.

Problem statement elements

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Identifying the problem statement

Provide a concise overview of the problem. Clearly define the problem statement, what the issue is, who it affects, and why it matters. For example:

  • Issue : Outline the primary challenge or deficiency.
  • Who it affects : Identify the target audience or group impacted.
  • Importance : Explain why addressing this problem is crucial.

Supporting data

Use data points and statistics to support your problem statement. For example:

  • Statistics : Cite relevant statistics that highlight the severity or prevalence of the problem.
  • Case studies : Share specific examples or case studies that illustrate the problem in real-world contexts.

Explain the broader impact of the problem:

  • Consequences : Detail the potential negative outcomes if the problem is not addressed.
  • Opportunities : Highlight opportunities for improvement or innovation that can arise from solving the issue.

Solution pathway

Briefly introduce the potential solutions or approaches to tackling the problem:

  • Strategies : Outline the key strategies or methods that will be explored later in the presentation.
  • Goals : Define the main goals to achieve by addressing the problem

How to present a problem statement and solution? Step-by-step guide

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Stages in this process starts by thoroughly investigating the problem. Gather relevant data, case studies, and expert insights to understand the issue comprehensively. This research helps in identifying the problem's root causes, its significance, and the potential impact it has on different stakeholders. By building a solid foundation of information, you can create a problem statement that is accurate and compelling, laying the groundwork for meaningful solutions.

Draft the statement

Using the information gathered, write a concise problem statement. Ensure it covers all the key components, including a clear description, supporting data, impact, and solution pathway.

Design the slide

With the problem statement drafted, focus on designing a visually appealing and informative slide:

  • Visual appeal: Choose a clear, easy-to-read font and layout, ensuring the slide is engaging without being overly complex.
  • Data visualization: Represent supporting data visually, using charts, graphs, or infographics to enhance understanding.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistency in design, font, and color scheme with the rest of the presentation to ensure a cohesive look and feel.

Rehearse and refine

Review the slide multiple times, making necessary adjustments:

  • Clarity: Ensure the statement is clear, concise, and free from jargon or unnecessary complexity. This clarity helps the audience grasp the problem quickly.
  • Flow: Check that the slide flows smoothly into subsequent slides, maintaining coherence throughout the presentation.
  • Audience feedback: Seek feedback from peers or mentors to refine the slide further, ensuring it resonates effectively with the intended audience.

Mistakes to be avoided while writing a problem statement pitch deck

1. being vague or too broad in defining the problem.

A vague or broad problem statement can undermine the success of your presentation. A vague statement lacks clear insights, leaving the audience unsure of the issue's significance, while a broad problem statement dilutes the effectiveness of the proposed solution by attempting to tackle multiple issues at once.

To ensure your problem statement is clear and impactful, focus on quantifiable data and narrow the scope to a single, well-defined issue. This approach helps in crafting solutions that can be effectively measured and evaluated.

Vague problem statement: The company's marketing strategies need to be more effective. We should increase customer engagement, boost sales, and improve brand recognition.

Improved problem statement: The company's online engagement rate has dropped by 25% in the past year, leading to a decrease in sales by 15%. We need to implement a targeted digital marketing campaign to increase engagement by 10% and sales by 8% over the next quarter.

By concentrating on a single, specific issue with measurable goals, your problem statement provides clarity and direction, ensuring the solutions presented are both actionable and impactful.

2. Overlooking root cause

To effectively resolve a problem, it's crucial to start by thoroughly analyzing its foundational elements. This approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the issue and its underlying causes, enabling the development of meaningful solutions. Failure to identify the root cause can lead to a superficial or ineffective problem statement, resulting in solutions that miss the mark and don't address the core issue.

Here's a fictitious template for clarity

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

In our fictional problem statement, several factors contribute to the escalating healthcare expenses of a hypothetical organization such as;

  • The national healthcare cost inflation.
  • The impact of COVID-19.
  • The health status of the employees
  • The absence of fitness programs for employees.

While the initial causes may be external and outside of the organization's direct control, the remaining factors can be tackled internally. By focusing on these internal issues, the organization can work to mitigate its corporate healthcare costs effectively.

3. Addressing symptoms vs. root causes

Imagine breaking your arm and relying solely on painkillers to cope with the discomfort. While this might provide immediate relief, it doesn’t address the root cause – the broken bone. For true healing, you need to visit a doctor and get a cast, allowing the bone to mend properly.

In a corporate setting, failing to tackle the underlying problem can lead to recurring challenges and inefficient resource allocation.

In our example, XYZ healthcare might opt for a new insurance partner offering better rates, temporarily reducing healthcare costs. However, a more comprehensive and sustainable solution involves implementing wellness programs and prioritizing employee health, addressing the root cause and reducing healthcare expenses in the long term.

4. Using biased or subjective language

Using biased or subjective language can distort the reality of a problem, leading to a skewed and inaccurate representation. This underlines the importance of maintaining objectivity in a problem statement, ensuring that it accurately reflects the facts and reality of the issue at hand.

Examples of problem and solution templates

Problem-solving template 1: the simple structure.

  • Title: State the problem clearly.
  • Description: Provide a brief overview of the problem, including who it affects and its significance.
  • Data: Include a relevant statistic or case study.
  • Impact: Explain the consequences and opportunities.
  • Solution pathway: Introduce potential strategies.

Example of a simple structure PPT + Google slides

  • Title: High Employee Turnover
  • Description: Employee turnover at our company has increased by 20% in the last year, affecting our team's stability and overall productivity. This impacts the organization's ability to meet targets, retain institutional knowledge, and sustain consistent growth.
  • Data: According to HR records, turnover rates in key departments such as Sales and Marketing have risen significantly, with the Sales department experiencing a 25% turnover increase and Marketing seeing a 30% increase over the past 12 months.
  • Impact: The high turnover has led to delayed project timelines, increased recruitment and training costs, and decreased morale among remaining employees. It also limits the company's ability to deliver consistent results to clients, affecting client satisfaction and long-term profitability.
  • Solution pathway: To address this, we propose implementing retention strategies such as enhanced employee benefits, professional development programs, and regular feedback mechanisms. These measures aim to reduce turnover rates, improve team stability, and increase overall productivity.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Problem statement template 2: The data-driven approach

  • Title: Introduce the problem.
  • Data visualization: Include a chart or graph to represent key statistics.
  • Description: Provide additional context and analysis of the data.
  • Impact: Discuss the broader implications.
  • Solution pathway: Briefly outline solutions.

Example of data-driven approach PPT + Google slides

  • Title: Rising Healthcare Costs in Our Organization
  • Data visualization: A bar chart showing the average healthcare costs per employee over the past three years, demonstrating a steady increase from $3,000 in 2021 to $4,500 in 2023.
  • Description: The chart illustrates a 50% increase in healthcare costs per employee over a three-year period. This rising trend poses a significant challenge to the organization's financial stability and impacts overall profitability.
  • Impact: The increase in healthcare costs not only reduces profitability but also affects employee morale, as resources are diverted away from other initiatives, such as wellness programs or salary raises. This trend could lead to decreased employee satisfaction and retention over time.
  • Solution pathway: To address this issue, we propose implementing a comprehensive wellness program aimed at improving employee health and reducing healthcare claims. Additionally, negotiating with insurance providers for better rates and reviewing internal processes to cut administrative costs can help control overall healthcare expenses.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Problem statement template 3: The narrative style

  • Title: Pose the problem as a question.
  • Story: Tell a brief narrative that illustrates the problem in a real-world context.
  • Data: Support the story with statistics or case studies.
  • Impact: Explore the potential consequences.
  • Solution pathway: Suggest initial solutions.

Example of narrative style PPT + Google slides

  • Title: Why are Healthcare Costs Rising for our Organization
  • Story: Over the past year, our organization's healthcare expenses have seen a significant increase. Jane, a 45-year-old employee with our company for over a decade, recently experienced a serious health issue requiring extensive treatment. This treatment, coupled with ongoing medical costs for other employees, has driven up our overall healthcare expenses. Rising healthcare costs have not only impacted Jane and her colleagues but also strained the company's financial resources.
  • Our organization's average healthcare claim cost per employee has increased by 50%, from $3,136.20 in 2021 to $4,704.30 in 2022.
  • Employee absenteeism due to health-related issues has risen by 20% over the past year, leading to a noticeable decrease in productivity.
  • Employees: Increased healthcare costs place a financial burden on our workforce, reducing their disposable income and impacting morale.
  • Organization: Higher healthcare costs strain the company's budget, limiting funds available for other initiatives, and decreased productivity further hampers growth.
  • Wellness program: Introducing a comprehensive wellness program to encourage healthy lifestyles, reducing the risk of health-related issues and claims.
  • Insurance negotiations: Negotiating with our insurance provider to secure more favorable rates and reduce overall costs.
  • Productivity initiatives: Implementing programs to support employees in managing health-related absenteeism, boosting productivity and morale.

Create the best problem statement PPT with Prezent

When crafting a compelling problem statement presentation slide, utilizing the right tools can make all the difference. Prezent offers a comprehensive solution, streamlining the process of creating impactful PowerPoint presentations. Here’s how Prezent can help you design the best problem statement slide:

Slide library: Access 35K+ slides in your company's brand-approved designs

Prezent’s Slide Library offers a diverse collection of slide templates, allowing you to choose designs that match your presentation's style. From clean, professional layouts to more detailed, data-driven designs, the Slide Library provides ample options including multiple problem statements. These powerpoint templates ensure your problem statement slide is visually appealing, consistent, and integrates seamlessly with the rest of the presentation.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Best practice library: Access 10K+ curated problem-solving slides from across the globe

The Best Practice Library offers broad access to high-quality presentation materials curated by experts, leveling the playing field for all users, including those outside the realm of management consultants. These resources cover a diverse range of roles and functions, offering an invaluable head start for your projects. Whether you're addressing a complex business problem or seeking to streamline a strategy presentation, these ready-to-use slides save time and money, ensuring your presentations are professional and effective.

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For time-sensitive presentations, Prezent offers the Overnight Presentations feature, allowing you to generate high-quality slides quickly. This service ensures that even under tight deadlines, you can produce impactful problem statement slides that maintain clarity, consistency, and visual appeal. Submit your request by 5:30PM (PST), include any draft files or instructions you may have and receive a highly professional pitch deck by the next business day (9:30AM PST)

In conclusion, Prezent offers a comprehensive suite of tools that streamline the process of creating problem statement slides. From automation and narrative structuring to templates and examples, Prezent provides everything needed to design a successful and impactful presentation. Checkout all the above features and more with a 14-day free trial. Schedule a demo , and speak to us to reserve 7 days extra free trial.

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[Updated 2023] Top 16 Templates to Present Your Problem Statement With Examples

[Updated 2023] Top 16 Templates to Present Your Problem Statement With Examples

Kritika Saini


In my first month at SlideTeam, the marketing manager huddled the entire content team in the meeting room to spend a few hours with the presentation design department to learn to define the problem statement. At first, I thought, “This is such a vague idea… this client is giving us hundreds of dollars, and we don’t even know what we are trying to design!”

But as we began to debate on the context of the client, the issues they were facing, the reasons why they chose us, I started to acknowledge defining the problem statement and the ability to frame and focus problem-solving. 

Now I know why Charles Kettering said, “A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” 

The truth of the matter is, every business faces the obvious issue of defining a problem statement. So in this blog, we will help your business identify a vital problem statement and outline a strategy to address the same. But first, let’s understand...

The essence and purpose of a problem statement

A problem statement is a formal business report designed to describe an issue in the organization. It includes a detailed method to solve the problem and recommend how the stakeholders can prevent its reoccurrence in the future. 

You can represent a problem statement by addressing the five W’s and one H, i.e. what, why, when, where, who, and how. Does it give a comprehensive view to the reader identifying what the problem is? Why did it occur? When did it begin? Where did it begin - the site? Who does it affect? How - the sequence of events that are involved?

Additionally, it includes a clear solution and acts as a guide/checklist to fulfill the business objectives. Therefore, we encourage you to create a problem statement and verify if the given solution addressed the initial issue efficiently. 

But where to start?

To help you create an accurate and resourceful problem statement, we have shared these four compelling examples featuring stunning template designs. In these examples, we also covered the dominance of a problem statement in fields other than business. So follow them closely while crafting your draft. In addition, these templates will amp up the contextualization of your blueprint as they are pre-researched and crafted by our team of professional designers. Let’s lay them bare one by one!

1. Problem in business

In a business, it is critical to write a valid and direct problem statement. It should be applied to an informal business proposal as well, like an email. Stick to the W’s & H structure, focusing on the problem and a solution for it. 

Example - Remote workers across the organization should communicate with others effortlessly, without getting bogged down in irrelevant details. 

Here, the messages get cluttered due to multiple email strings. This increases miscommunication, thereby reducing work productivity. 

However, to keep track of all the critical communication and manage it easily, the employees should use an intracompany business communication platform. 

Our well-designed templates will surely help you in identifying your business problem statement. Let’s dive in!

Use this PowerPoint Presentation containing impressive slides for challenges and solutions to draft a business problem statement. You can highlight the situation, complication, stakeholders, scope, and hypothesis here. The design is easy to edit. Grab it immediately and replace the text with your information.

Problem Statement PowerPoint Presentation

Download This PowerPoint Presentation

Select this problem statement template to improve your engineering department process. The template features high-resolution slides that professionals can use to find a unique solution to any problem. Therefore, download it right now!

Problem Statement & Solution

Download Solution PowerPoint Template

Create a problem statement for your commercial business proposal with this content-ready template. You can use it to show your business needs by illustrating the urgency, viability, annual benefits, and rank priority. Download now!

Problem Statement of Commercial Proposal

Download Commercial Proposal PPT

Highlight the cross-selling problems faced by your business with this creative template. It includes the reasons for the decrease in customer retention and lack of innovation & diversification. Therefore, download it immediately and find a profitable solution. 

Problem Statement PPT

Download Cross-Selling Strategies Template 

2. A problem in scientific research

While designing a research problem, you can focus on these four parameters — context, issue, relevance, and objective. This statement will work as a claim outlining the problem addressed by a study. Here, the problem will depict the existing gap in the field knowledge, thereby leading to further research. 

Example - After working out, a human body loses hydration and electrolytes from sweating. 

The issue here is that the person needs to decide how to rehydrate their body and restore the lost electrolytes.

The coach/individual must understand that not all drinks are beneficial after exercise. Therefore, they must decide on the drink to be taken during an exercise, sport, or practice. 

As a solution, they will have to investigate the electrolyte content found in a sports drink compared to plain coconut water. 

You can check out our unique templates to formulate your problem statement strategically. 

Create a hypothesis for your research topic with this problem statement template. You can use it to specify the actions required for solving a particular problem. Therefore, download and identify the changes and potential outcomes. 

Hypothesis Problem Statement

Download Hypothesis PPT Template  

Use this template to create a scientific problem statement about the target market and value proposition. The design includes parameters such as target population, statement of the problem, value proposition, and differentiation. Therefore, download and use it to your advantage. 

Problem Statement Template Covering Target Customer

Download Template Covering Target Customer And Value Proposition

Choose this template to represent your research problem by specifying the areas of concern, conditions to improve, difficulties to be eliminated, or troubling questions to be answered. In addition, you can share it with your fellow practitioners to get the most suitable solution. Download it immediately. 

Research Problem Statement Covering Purpose Objectives

Download Research Problem Statement Template

Use this template's question mark and exclamation mark diagram to emphasize the loopholes in the business. It gives you ample space to describe the business challenges and solutions. Download and customize it to solve the issues and align your activities with the goal. 

Problem Statement Template

3. Problem statement in engineering

An engineering problem statement includes a negotiation between the engineering and the client/instructor. In this, you should avoid talking about the solution.  Instead, focus on making a vigilant problem statement. Let’s exemplify.

Ideal statement - The manufacturing and assembly process of product T is efficient. 

However, certain parts need to be transported from one assembly line to another and then physically installed. 

Due to this clause, company x is unable to meet its production goals for this year. 

But to reduce this manual installation, the company should invest in conveyor belts or mechanical robot arms. This way, the workers can stay at their respective tasks rather than moving back and forth across the assembly line. 

To represent your engineering issue, explore these cherry-picked problem statement templates. 

Engineers can use this template to solve various problem statements with this exceptional PowerPoint template. Besides, they can share this proposal with various organizations to get a new job. Download now!

Problem Statement Presentation

Download Problem Statement Management PPT

Negotiate a contract between the engineering and client or instructor with this problem statement template. You can use it to solve issues like adequate car parking, manpower, cost, security, and more. So download now without any hassle. 

Problem Statement PowerPoint Design

Download Problem Statement PPT Template

Pick this template to develop a problem statement for your business challenges. Also, you can share it with your team members to build strategies for conquering these challenges. Download now!

Problem statement PPT Template

Download Business Challenges Template

Pick this template to describe the sub-issues of your problem statement. You can exhibit the requirement of a new missionary, software, or process. Also, the design can be easily edited. Therefore, download once and use it multiple times. 

Problem Statement Description Defining Sub Issues

Download Description Defining Sub Issues Template

4. Healthcare problem statement 

Healthcare issues address the gap between the actual and desirable health status or healthcare facilities. Besides, it can identify and summarize a condition, problem, or discrepancy in the quality improvement team. Check out this example to get a better understanding. 

Example - The city hospital operates 24 hours and 7 days continuously. Therefore, the patient’s needs should be catered to round the clock.

But for the night shift, there are no cardiology technologists assigned. However, this can create a massive issue for the emergency staff. 

Due to this, some patients have to wait for more than four hours to get an electrocardiogram from the medical laboratory assistant – a task best suited for cardiology technologists to perform and interpret. 

This enforces poor patient care and health outcomes.

The solution is that this hospital should assign a permanent cardiology technologist, even if the staff is being called on in an emergency. 

State your healthcare issues professionally with these handpicked templates. 

Build and maximize the capacities of your health workforce with this problem statement template. You can use it to initiate development by applying the 5 W’s & 1 H method. Download by clicking the link below!

Problem Statement Template with 5 W & 1 H

Download Template With 5 W And 1 H

Create a single-line problem statement for your healthcare business with this invigorating template. This visually appealing design can help you enroll for a pharmacist license. Therefore, download and captivate the audience. 

Single Line Problem Statement

Download Single Line Template

Use this template and explain the purpose, problem statement, solution, and innovation in the healthcare industry. The design includes a table diagram, making it simple to understand. So download now!

Problem Statement Description Includes Purpose Definition

Download Description PPT Template

Interpret a creative solution for boosting your patient’s healthcare with this problem statement template. Besides, you can select it to create a convincing proposal statement. Therefore, download it to share with your prospective investors.

Problem Statement Creative PowerPoint Template

Download Creative Powerpoint Template

Over to you

Writing a problem statement is a life skill. When employed correctly, it can put anyone in a virtuous position to solve a concern. You can use our innovative templates to implement a unique problem reframing methodology. These presets will help you identify and collate the user, problem space, and promising opportunities, forming a vivid problem statement. 

So try our templates with your problems, and let us know your experience in the comment section below. Get set, go!

P.S: You can also examine the fundamental cause of your business problems with our exclusive root cause analysis templates featured in this guide .

FAQs on Problem Statement

What is a problem statement.

A problem statement concisely describes an issue or challenge that needs to be addressed or solved. It typically explains the nature and scope of the problem, its impact, and its significance or importance.

A problem statement should clearly define the problem and provide enough information for the reader to understand the issue. It should also provide a sense of urgency or motivation for why the problem needs to be solved. Additionally, it should outline the goals or objectives that the solution should achieve and any constraints or limitations that need to be considered.

A problem statement is typically included in the introduction section of a research paper or thesis in academic research. In business, a problem statement may define a project, identify customer needs, or guide strategic decision-making.

How to write a problem statement?

Here are some steps to help you write an effective problem statement:

  • Identify the problem
  • Describe the current situation
  • Identify the impact of the problem
  • State the objective
  • Provide evidence
  • Limitations or constraints
  • Revise and refine

What are the 3 parts to the problem statement?

The three parts to a problem statement are:

The problem itself: This is a clear and concise description of the issue or challenge that needs to be addressed. It should be specific and focused, and clearly articulate the nature and scope of the problem.

The context: This provides the background and context for the problem, including any relevant information about the current situation, the history of the problem, and any other relevant factors.

The proposed solution: This outlines the proposed solution to the problem, including any goals, objectives, or outcomes that are expected. It should also identify potential challenges or limitations that may impact the solution.

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Writing a Problem Statement

Published by Esmond Tyler Modified over 6 years ago

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Free Problem Statement Slide Templates: PowerPoint & Google Slides

By Kate Eby | February 24, 2024

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Write effective problem statements and create engaging presentations for stakeholders with this roundup of problem statement slide templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. Download these free, customizable templates and edit them for your needs.

On this page, you’ll find a  project problem statement worksheet slide template , a  customer problem statement slide template , a  5 Ws product problem statement template , and more. You’ll also find tips for  writing problem statements and links to  related problem-solving templates .

Project Problem Statement Elements Slide Template

Project Problem Statement Elements Slide Template

Download a Project Problem Statement Elements Slide Template for

PowerPoint | Google Slides

When to Use This Template: This template is perfect for project managers and team leaders who need to articulate the challenges and objectives of a new initiative. It provides a structured format for presenting a project's problems and requirements during planning meetings or proposal presentations. The template is particularly useful in meetings where gaining consensus or approval from decision-makers is crucial.

Notable Template Features: The template breaks down the problem, scope, objectives, benefits, and resources into clear sections, making complicated information easy to understand. This focuses the discussion and ensures that all aspects of the problem are considered. The color-coded sections also help make your presentation clearer and more appealing to stakeholders.

Three-Part Problem Statement Slide Template

Three Part Problem Statement Slide Template

Download a Three-Part Problem Statement Slide Template for

When to Use This Template: Project managers or teams can use this template to clearly communicate challenges, proposed solutions, and expected results. It serves as a foundational tool for project planning and decision-making, helping teams effectively communicate critical issues to stakeholders and align efforts toward shared objectives.

Notable Template Features: This slide template helps guide the audience from problem identification to resolution and final outcomes. The bullet points under each category allow you to list key details and focus on what matters most.

Project Problem Statement Worksheet Slide Template

Project Problem Statement Worksheet Slide Template

Download a Project Problem Statement Worksheet Slide Template for

When to Use This Template:  This worksheet template is designed to clearly outline the central challenge of a new project or initiative. It provides a straightforward way to write a problem statement that is clear and actionable. Teams can use this tool at the outset of the planning stage to ensure that everyone understands the issues being addressed, the criteria for success, and the boundaries of the project.

Notable Template Features:  The template's comprehensive structure breaks down the problem statement into specific components, such as context, success criteria, stakeholders, and scope. This helps teams focus their discussions and ensure a shared understanding of the problem. Teams can also use this template in presentations to provide stakeholders with context for the problem statement.

Traffic Light Problem Statement Slide Template

Traffic Light Problem Statement Slide Template

Download a Traffic Light Problem Statement Slide Template for

When to Use This Template: Project or product managers can use this template to present a clear problem statement in meetings or in documents. This template is particularly useful during the initial stages of project planning or when addressing project roadblocks.

Notable Template Features: The template includes sections for identifying a problem, how to solve it, and what the results should be. Each part corresponds to the colors in the traffic light graphic, which reinforces the importance of a careful approach to problem-solving.

Single-Problem Statement and Solution Slide Template

Single-Problem Statement and Solution Slide Template

Download a Single-Problem Statement and Solution Slide Template for

When to Use This Template: This template is ideal for project proposals, strategy meetings, or pitches where a clearly defined problem and solution can drive decision-making. The visual juxtaposition of problems versus solutions helps stakeholders quickly grasp the core issues and the strategy for resolution.

Notable Template Features: This template has a two-column layout that visually distinguishes challenges and solutions. Each section contains placeholders for text and icons, enhancing the presentation’s visual appeal. Icons such as question and check marks guide the audience from problem to solution.

Multiple-Problem Statement and Solution Slide Template

Multiple-Problem Statement and Solution Slide Template

Download a Multiple-Problem Statement and Solution Slide Template for

When to Use This Template:  Project or product managers can use this template in strategic planning sessions, problem-solving meetings, or any scenario where a clear comparative analysis is needed. The slide format, which shows each challenge next to its proposed solution, can be useful during team meetings where alignment on issues and remedies is crucial.

Notable Template Features:  This template has a two-column layout that guides the viewer from problems on the left to solutions on the right. Each problem and solution pair is clearly marked, making complex information more accessible for the audience.

Customer Problem Statement Slide Template

Customer Problem Statement Slide Template

Download a Customer Problem Statement Slide Template for

When to Use This Template:  Product managers and customer service teams can use this template to break down a customer's problem into tangible parts, clarifying the issue, the attempts to resolve it, the obstacles faced, and its emotional impact. This template is particularly effective for internal presentations that aim to align team members on customer pain points and drive home the urgency of finding a solution.

Notable Template Features:  The template provides a step-by-step layout that guides the presenter through the different aspects of a customer's dilemma. Color-coded sections make the narrative easy to follow through each step of the statement. This breakdown not only captures the complexity of the issue but also fosters a deeper understanding of the problem among team members.

Circular Customer Problem Statement Slide Template

Circular Customer Problem Statement Slide Template

Download a Circular Customer Problem Statement Slide Template for

When to Use This Template:  Use this customer problem statement template to get a full picture of a customer's issue, from who the customer is to their goals, challenges, and emotional responses. It is ideal for sessions focused on understanding and addressing customer experiences, ensuring that teams explore every facet of the problem and link it back to the customer's perspective.

Notable Template Features:  This template features a circular flow that tells the whole story of the customer’s issue, with each segment prompting a key part of the problem. Its design encourages comprehensive analysis, and the arrangement of sections ensures that thoughts flow logically. You can also customize the template to focus on the workflow around the problem or other details rather than only the customer story.

Product Problem Statement Slide Template

Product Problem Statement Slide Template

Download a Product Problem Statement Slide Template for

When to Use This Template: Product managers can use this template to clearly articulate the problem their product aims to solve. This serves as an essential tool during the initial stages of product development or when proposing enhancements to existing products. By structuring thoughts and research systematically, this template helps managers secure stakeholder buy-in and align cross-functional teams toward a common objective.

Notable Template Features: Each section prompts users to delve deeply into understanding the problem and its potential impacts, customer value, and business significance. The template allows you to link externally to supporting documentation to show that all claims and assumptions are backed by research. The template's simple structure helps to streamline the problem-solving process, while its thoroughness makes the problem statement more compelling.

5 Ws Product Problem Statement Slide Template

Five Ws Product Problem Statement Slide Template

Download a Five Ws Product Problem Statement Slide Template for

When to Use This Template: Product managers and teams can use this template to define and document the who, what, when, where, and why of a problem. This ensures that team members align on the problem before moving toward solutions, fostering a focused approach to product development.

Notable Template Features:  This template prompts users to consider all aspects of a problem statement: who it affects, what the problem is, when and where it occurs, and why it is critical to address. Each column uses color-coding and clear bullet points for organized note-taking.

How to Write a Problem Statement

A problem statement serves as the foundation for any project, ensuring that everyone involved understands the core of the problem they need to solve. Crafting a well-defined statement is crucial for guiding a team toward a solution efficiently. 

Follow these steps to create a compelling problem statement:  

  • Identify the Problem: Gather information about the issue through research, observations, or discussions with stakeholders. For customer problem statements, this might include using surveys or customer service calls to gather data on customer pain points. Use templates such as the 5 Ws to thoroughly understand the who, what, when, where, and why of the problem. 
  • Explain the Impact: Describe how the problem affects the organization, customers, or stakeholders. Provide data or examples to illustrate the extent of the problem's impact. 
  • Analyze the Cause: Investigate and identify the root causes of the problem. Understanding why the problem exists is crucial for finding an effective solution. Keep asking why and drilling down to the root cause to ensure that your problem statement describes the core problem rather than a symptom.
  • Set Objectives: Define what a successful solution would look like. Outline the desired outcome and what changes or improvements you aim to achieve. Use financial and other measurable data to illustrate the benefits of your proposed solution.
  • Specify Constraints and Requirements: Highlight any limitations — such as budget, time, or resources — that could impact the solution. Also, list any necessary criteria that the solution must meet, providing measurable benchmarks for success. 
  • Review and Refine: Once you draft the problem statement, review it to ensure clarity. The statement can be referenced throughout the project to keep work on track, but keep in mind that factors can change, impacting solutions and action plans. Be prepared to pivot as the project progresses.

The key to an effective problem statement lies in its clarity and precision. Keep it succinct, focused on the problem, and free of jargon to ensure that it's accessible to everyone involved. 

For more tools, see this complete collection of free problem statement templates .

How Do You Present a Problem Statement?

Presenting a problem statement is your opportunity to bring the problem to life, engage your audience, and set the stage for collaborative problem-solving. While a written problem statement can be as short as an elevator pitch, stakeholders need context to understand the significance of a problem and the reasoning behind any proposed solutions. 

Here are the elements to include in a problem statement presentation:  

  • State the Problem Clearly: Present the problem statement in a clear and concise manner. Use simple language to ensure that everyone understands the issue at hand.
  • Discuss Causes and Impact: Briefly introduce the background and relevance of the problem to your audience. Share your insights into the causes of the problem. This helps in building a common understanding of the problem's roots and complexity. Use data, anecdotes, or real-life examples to illustrate the significance of the problem and how it affects the organization, stakeholders, or customers.
  • Clarify Outcomes: Clearly state what you aim to achieve by solving the problem. Define the desired outcomes and success criteria to give your audience a clear idea of the direction you propose. Acknowledge any limitations or specific requirements that could influence the approach to solving the problem. This transparency helps in setting realistic expectations.
  • Invite Feedback: Encourage your audience to share their thoughts, questions, and suggestions. Foster an open dialogue to promote collaborative problem-solving.
  • Conclude With Next Steps: End your presentation by summarizing the key points and outlining next steps to ensure everyone leaves with a clear understanding of the problem and the actions required.

Keep your presentation focused, clear, and interactive to maximize understanding and participation. The goal is not only to present a problem but to motivate and guide your audience toward finding a solution together.

Related Problem-Solving Templates

Using problem-solving templates can transform complex challenges into manageable tasks, guiding you from analysis to actionable solutions. Download one of the problem-solving templates below to clearly define problems, identify root causes, and create more successful outcomes.

Root Cause Analysis Template

This  root cause analysis template provides a comprehensive report with a list of questions to help you identify the cause of an event or issue, identify actions already taken, and recommend preventative strategies.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

DMAIC Analysis Template

DMAIC stands for  define, measure, analyze, implement, and  control . This  DMAIC template takes you through this process of defining the problem, measuring its significance, analyzing factors contributing to the problem, identifying potential solutions, and planning to prevent a recurrence of the problem.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

5 Whys Template

The 5 Why process is a method for investigating the root cause of a problem by asking why the issue is occurring, then repeating the question until you get to the root cause. Download this  5 Whys template to evaluate a problem and determine corrective actions.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

Fishbone Diagram Template

Brainstorm the possible causes of an issue with a  fishbone diagram template. The diagram provides a visual tool for identifying cause-and-effect relationships and getting at the root of an issue.

Fishbone Diagram Template

Corrective Action Plan Template

Use this  corrective action plan template to identify problems, plan action steps to mitigate the issues, and track progress.

Sample Simple Corrective Action Plan Template

For more related templates, including a cause mapping template and an example report, see this full selection of  root cause analysis templates .

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Problem Statement Worksheet

Managing Editor September 13, 2018

A problem statement is a clear description of the problem you are trying to solve, and is typically most effective stated as a question. Problem statements are subtly critical in effective problem solving . They have an uncanny ability in focusing the efforts of brainstorming , teamwork, and projects .

To get you going on Problem Statements, download the Problem Statement PowerPoint Worksheet.

statement of the problem powerpoint presentation


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Problem Solving Presentation Templates

Present the problem-solving processes effectively with our premade problem solving powerpoint templates and google slides themes. crafted to guide you from problem identification to resolution, these free templates breathe life into complex strategies. they feature creative, fully editable infographics, like puzzles and light bulb designs..

Problem solving

  • Analytical Thinking: Breaking down a problem into smaller parts to understand its nature.
  • Creative Thinking: Thinking outside the box to find unique and effective solutions.
  • Decision Making: Choosing the best course of action among different alternatives.
  • Team Collaboration: Working together to generate diverse perspectives and solutions.
  • Communicate the problem statement clearly to stakeholders.
  • Exhibit potential solutions and their implications.
  • Rally teams around a unified strategy.
  • Track progress and outcomes.

In such scenarios, the design and layout of your presentation matter as much as its content. And this is where Slide Egg steps in!

  • Diverse Designs: From representing problem identification, business solutions, problem-solving techniques, and strategies to process steps, our slides have it all.
  • Creative Infographics: Our slides are adorned with multicolor infographics like puzzle pieces, human brains, ladders, bulbs, stars, magnifiers, locks, and keys to captivate your audience.
  • User-Friendly: Our problem solution slides  offers 100% editable features, allowing you to tailor the content to fit your narrative seamlessly.
  • Cost-Efficient: For those on a budget, we provide free problem and solution slides so you can experience the quality of our offerings.

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How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what is problem solving presentation templates.

Problem Solving Presentation Templates is a set of pre-designed PowerPoint slides that you can use to present and explain problem-solving strategies. The templates provide visuals and text that you can use to describe the problem-solving process, from identifying the problem to finding a solution.

Where can we use these Problem Solving Slides?

You can use these Problem Solving Slides for corporate meetings, educational classes, team-building events, or workshops. You can also use them to help facilitate brainstorming sessions and critical thinking activities.

How can I make Problem Solving PPT Slides in a presentation?

Start by creating a slide that outlines the problem. This should include the problem statement and a brief description of the context. Including brainstorming, researching, listing potential solutions, analyzing the data, and finally arriving at a solution. Suppose you want to create slides by yourself. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Anyone can use Problem Solving PPT Templates to present a problem-solving strategy or process visually engagingly. These templates can be used by professionals, educators, students, business owners, and anyone looking to share a problem-solving approach with an audience.

Why do we need Problem Solving Presentation Slides?

Presenting a problem-solving Presentation slide helps illustrate complex concepts and issues. It can also engage an audience, provide visual context and simplify data. Problem-solving slides can convey ideas and solutions effectively and explore different solutions and alternatives.

Where can I find free Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Many websites offer free Problem Solving Presentation Templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites have uniquely designed templates that allow you to share the problem and help to track progress towards a solution.

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How to Write a Problem Statement Slide

How to Write a Problem Statement Slide

8 Effective Ways to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation

How to write the perfect titles for your slides, pro tips to create an impactful employee induction presentation, powerful endings: how to conclude a presentation for maximum impact.

Picture this, you’re putting together a presentation for your company and want to ensure that it is top-notch. So, you start researching the best way to structure its content – and you find that one of the most important things you will need is a problem statement slide! 

Creating a powerful and effective presentation begins with a clear and concise problem statement. A problem statement is a concise description of the primary issue at hand for the respective startup or project. And therefore, as a presenter, one of the most important tasks for you is to define the problem that you are aiming to solve. This is precisely where the problem statement slide comes in. Not only does it provide context and purpose for your presentation, but it also helps to establish your credibility and expertise on the topic. 

There are 2 main use cases for a problem statement in a presentation:

  • A pitch deck for a startup shedding light on the problem it solves
  • A plan for an upcoming project informing the team members and supervisors of the problem they need to solve

In this article, we’ll show you how to write an effective problem statement slide that will make your presentation stand out and leave a lasting impression.

1. Define the problem

The first and obvious step to creating a problem statement slide is to define the problem. This step might seem trivial to many, but it is the most crucial part. It is due to the fact that you can not guide others along a path you are not aware of yourself.

Therefore, before you begin on your problem statement slide, ensure that you are thoroughly informed about the problem yourself, and in case you find some shortcomings, make sure that you cover all the bases.

2. Acknowledge the Scope of the Problem

The next step after identifying the problem is to define the scope. In other words, inform your audience about the extent of the problem. Give them detailed information about its boundaries or limits.

Complete knowledge about the extent of your problem will be the main catalyst when informing your audience about the problem. For example, you do not want the entire company working towards fixing a minor bug or dealing with a single customer. Likewise, you do not want to have a team of interns handling major decisions. Therefore, your problem statement should clearly define the extent and severity of the issue at hand, so that everyone stays on the same page.

3. Clarity and Brevity

Don’t try to pack too much information into this one slide. Reserve it just for the core of your issue, with no bells and whistles. The key aspect of proper communication is to use clear and concise language. And in order to get your audience directly involved with your intention, avoid the use of jargon and technical terms that might be confusing or off-putting. 

Instead, use simple, straightforward language that is easy to understand and remember. It is also important to keep your problem statement brief and to the point. Focus on the most important points and leave room for further explanation and discussion in the rest of your presentation.

4. Provide Context

You have talked about the problem and the scope of the problem and have done so in clear words. What can you do now to make the problem truly stick with them? Give them the proper context.

To your audience, a simple and cold problem statement without context would not be worth their time and attention unless they are given a strong reason. We, as humans, respond to emotions. Thus, in order to make a truly impactful and persuasive problem statement, you must include the relevant context and backstory to connect with the audience.

We would like to sign off with this; the problem statement slide is a crucial element of any successful presentation. By taking the time to clearly identify and define the problem, using concise and straightforward language, and providing the relevant context, you will be well on your way to crafting a compelling and effective problem statement slide.

Feel free to drop any feedback in the comments below, and all the best for your next presentation!

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Home PowerPoint Templates Problem Statement

Problem Statement PowerPoint Templates and Slides

In this category, you can find problem statement slides for PowerPoint and problem statement PowerPoint templates to be used in presentations on Problem Solving, presentations on management or business situations.

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statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

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Problem Statements are statements that can help business consultants to define and analyze problems. In presentations, problem statement slides help to present these topics and the stakeholders to visualize and understand what are the problems causing a particular situation, and then take corrective actions or define initiatives to find the solutions to these problems.

Using the problem statement slides and presentation templates, individuals and consultants can make compelling presentations on decision-making and root cause analysis in PowerPoint.

Checking out our collection of problem statement slides for PowerPoint and Google Slides, consultants and individuals working on problem definitions can prepare stunning business presentations to stay on top of business problems.

With our 100% editable slides, and fully compatible with Google Slides and PowerPoint, use our Problem Statement presentation templates to creat impactful presentations to effectively manage problems within your organization.

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statement of the problem powerpoint presentation

statement of the problem

Statement of the Problem

Mar 31, 2019

100 likes | 215 Views

Statement of the Problem.

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Presentation Transcript

Statement of the Problem We, as a society, are in the middle of a troubling transition in which teachers and schools are held increasingly accountable for students’ acquisition of particular content but, at the same time, are facing a generation of students who view the curriculum as largely irrelevant to their own lives. “No Child Left Behind” is about test scores … not engaging meaningful futures • Underlying our design motivations is a concern with how NCLB (dualist philosophy) has lead to the separation of content, context, and person.

Videogames as 21st Century Curricula Videogames offer …. entire worlds in which learners are central, important, active participants; a place where the actions one takes has a significant impact on the world; and a place in which what you know is directly related to what you are able to do and, ultimately, who you become.

Our Solution as Learning scientists is to look not at what schooling is but … what schooling could be … our belief is that … When a fifth-grader acts as a scientist in a virtual world, investigating and posing solutions about a water quality problem, they are learning not only scientific content, but also about what it means to be a scientist and for which situations this knowledge is useful. More generally, we see games as offering a new vision for educators, one that is less focused on transmitting content and more focused on positioning learners with intentionality, content with legitimacy, and contexts with consequentiality.

Quest Atlantis Multiuser virtual environment for grades 4-9 that Brings together education (learning), entertainment (playing), and social commitments (helping). > 8 Million in Investment (NSF, MacArthur, IES, NASA) > 45,000 users (US, Aus, Can, Sing, Uganda, SA, Italy, China, etc.) - Learning gains in science, language arts, mathematics, social studies - Dozens of Curriculum Activities, Design Toolkit, Research Toolkit - Published dozens of manuscripts, news stories, etc…

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Statement of the Problem(s)

Statement of the Problem(s)

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Statement of the problem

Statement of the problem

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Problem Statement PowerPoint Template

problem statement

This template for PowerPoint can be used to create the ultimate problem statement presentation. The template has been designed to help you clearly and effectively present complex issues and their solutions. It can be used by business professionals, consultants and others who need to communicate their ideas visually, in an organized manner.

The problem statement PowerPoint template has a modern design that will help make your presentation look professional. It contains 8 slides, with different graphics, layouts, and designs. You can choose the slides that suit you best to create your problem statement presentation. These slides can be used to define the problem, identify root causes, present solutions, and more. As always, the template is 100% customizable, allowing you to add your own content, data, and images to create a personalized presentation that is sure to impress.

The template is great for the following: problem-solving, root cause analysis, solution proposal, business strategy, project management, etc. The following presentations can use this template: business proposals, project updates, team meetings, strategic planning sessions, and problem-solving workshops.

The template has slides that have a minimal design, with enough white space to avoid cluttering of text. The slides have been designed to convey maximum information in the easiest way. Using this template is a sure-shot way of ensuring that your message is conveyed effectively during the presentations. The use of good-quality graphics helps illustrate complex ideas, making it easier for your audience to understand your presentation.

You could be presenting it to a group of colleagues or a board of directors; this problem statement template for PowerPoint will help you give an impactful presentation. To get started, download the template, customize it with your content and data, modify the colors, and that’s it. We’ve made this template super easy to use so that you can focus on what’s important: solving problems and driving results.

Check out more metaphor graphics PowerPoint templates and business presentation slides here.

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  22. Problem Statement PowerPoint Template

    The problem statement PowerPoint template has a modern design that will help make your presentation look professional. It contains 8 slides, with different graphics, layouts, and designs. You can choose the slides that suit you best to create your problem statement presentation. These slides can be used to define the problem, identify root ...


    1) A statement of the problem outlines an issue addressed by a study and should describe an existing gap in knowledge. 2) The purposes of a statement of the problem are to describe the focus of the research, frame it within a theoretical or practical context, pose initial research questions, and discuss limitations. 3) A good statement of the problem will address a knowledge gap, contribute to ...

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