How to Make A Fresher Resume with No Experience: Pro Guides & CV Templates

Summary: This is a post share shares practical tips and guides for freshers to make an impressive resume with no experience. For graduates, it is of great importance to present your skills and competitiveness for your first job application.

fresher resume with no experience

Resumes matter a lot for job application, which is the concise and contextual material to tell the job interviewee or HR about your expertise or your experience.

However, for those graduates with no formal work experience, it may be hard to complete the resume and perfect it to help you stand out from the competitive interviewers when the job hunt season comes.

Have no idea about how to create a resume for a job? Or do you find it difficult to make it excellent for the job hunt?

Relax, and let our pro guides get you through the challenging fresher resume creation!

Preparation for the First Job Resume

Before making a resume, you can’t hush to fill out the resume template blindly. Instead, you should do some preparations to ensure you are not wasting time and doing meaningless work.

Below we list three things you should do to help you have a basic concept of what is a perfect resume and which resume format truly suits you.

Learn from Good CV Examples for First Job

a man taking notes before a laptop

A lot of people may think it’s useless to learn and summarize the good or sparkling points from those successful resumes shared online.

It does help.

From the resume examples, there must be something that highlights the competitiveness of the job hunter. Pay attention to the main parts, layout, and expression to introduce and magnify their skills and talents.

Most importantly, observe how they arrange the sequence of each part, and try to figure out why. You must know that HR views and reads piles of resumes, and the sequence will impact their judgment on you.

Think and Sketch What Should Be Concluded in Your Resume

Next, you should think and sketch an outline for your fresher resume. By the way, asking for suggestions can be a good idea after you’ve written an outline.

Sketch your resume based on your information and the job requirements you are applying for.

The following sections are the parts you should conclude, at least.

  • Contact Information
  • Objective Statement
  • Work Experience

What comes to the fresher resumes with no working experience?

Worry not, just consider it as:

  • Campus Experience/Honor
  • Internship Experience
  • Projects Examples

If you have special campus experience or internships before you graduate, you can list them out to summarize your harvest. A lot of HR and job interviewees are interested in your personal experience, especially how it affects and shapes you.

Figure Out Your Resume Format

a group of people write on paper

Resume formats play an important role. It organizes your resume information, and highlights your strengths, helping the HR and interviewee quickly scan and grab your background, skills, and qualifications. Thus, you should know the main three resume formats, and choose which one suits your first job application.

  • Chronological Resume : As the traditional resume format, a chronological resume, is the one that presents and lists your work experience and history in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional Resume: Different from the chronological resume format, it focuses on your expertise, skills, qualifications, and accomplishments.
  • Combination Resume: As the name suggests, it is the format that combines the chronological and functional resume styles. It’s preferred by many people, as it can both present the expertise and work backward.

Thus, for freshers with no experience, you should know which resume format suits you best: functional resume or combination resume format. You should emphasize your potential and capabilities rather than your work history.

How to Make Resume for Freshers [Step by Step]

Ok, now you’ve got prepared for your resume making, let’s get started to make and polish your resume with no experience.

Lay Out Your Contact Information

This is the very step, as you have to introduce yourself and tell the hiring managers how can they contact you and reach out to you.

Include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your phone number
  • Your current address
  • Your email address
  • Extra information like LinkedIn profile

Emphasize Your Education & Campus Experience & Honor

a lady reading a resume

As we have mentioned above, your backgrounds matter, especially when your job requires a specific major or educational background.

Freshers can fully take advantage of this part, as your direct work experience is none.

You have to cover your education background:

  • Your highest degree (followed by other degrees)
  • The full name of your university, college, or educational institution
  • Your graduation year
  • GPA (optional)

Plus, you can highlight your first job resume with extra experience with honor.

List your special campus experience that teaches you something helpful for the job position. Noticeably, you can write your honor of crucial importance to prove yourself with authoritativeness. Make sure that it is concise and ignores every unimportant detail.

Highlight Your Internship or Projects

Since you have no direct work experience, you should highlight your internship or the projects you’ve participated in. As these precious experiences are showcasing you have the potential and competence for the job, and it’s a direct way to raise the stakes for job hunting.

Consider following parts:

  • The job title of your internship
  • Your internship company
  • Dates of your internship
  • Responsibilities of your internship

Scale Your Skills, Especially Extra Competitive Skills

two resumes on the table

For the freshers who have no experience, showcasing your skills is one thing you have to carefully craft. You can list all the skills you are good at, especially some that make you stand out from the rest, such as professional certificates, or a second language.

All the skills should be related to the job position you are applying for. And don’t forget to scale them with different level marks.

Include a Summary or Give an Objective Statement

At the end of your resume, you should include a summary or a statement to convey your career goals and qualifications, making a strong first impression on the hiring manager.

You need to make it concise and limit it to 50 - 70 words, as HR may just quickly skim this part within a very short time. This part is the conclusive one to retell your competence and competitiveness.

Ok, congratulations! You’ve learned how to write a resume with no experience.

What comes next is design and make your resume.

Bonus: Simplify Your Resume Creation with Well-Crafted Resume Templates

If you are building your resume for the first time, you should find yourself a suitable and amazing template and customize it as needed.

Fotor online resume builder

Fotor online resume builder:

Easy for all levels, including beginners.

Thousands of CV templates & comprehensive design tools are available

Fotor is here to provide all the freshers with a professional resume builder , where you can quickly customize yours with the help of carefully designed templates and toolsets.

Let’s see how amazing the resume templates  are from Fotor:

white and brown minimalist photographer resume

Edit This Template 

Marketing Specialist Manager CV Template

Here’s how to make a resume with Fotor:

make a resume online with fotor

  • Open Fotor’s online resume builder
  • Choose a preset resume design template, drag and drop your photos onto the template, or create your template from scratch.
  • Enter your resume content with the help of our text tool.
  • Manage overlays, backgrounds, colors, and text to maximize your resume design.
  • Preview and save your work, selecting the format and size that you desire.

It may be hard to create a perfect resume, especially if you are a job hunter with no experience. Read our step-by-step and pro guides to help you build your resume from the very start to the end. You can know what to include in each part and how to make it better. Hope you find this blog helpful!

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How to Write a Resume with No Experience [21+ Examples]

Background Image

It’s time for your first job hunt !

You need to write a resume , which can be nerve-wracking if you don’t have any real-life work experience.  

You don’t know where to start, what to include, or which resume format to choose.

On top of that, most advice you find online isn’t relevant because it focuses on emphasizing professional background.

Chances are, you’re straight out of college with no experience to speak of. 

Or maybe you're a high-school student applying for a part-time job.

Whichever the case may be, you’re probably having trouble filling in the blank space on your resume that’s supposed to be the work experience section.

Worry not, though. In this guide, we’re going to help you create an AMAZING resume, no work experience is needed.

  • How to format your resume with no work experience
  • 4 sections to replace work experience (that help you stand out)
  • 2 no-work experience resume samples (guaranteed to land you the job)

How to Format Your Resume [with No Work Experience + Examples] 

A resume format is the layout of your resume .

The ideal resume format usually depends on how much work experience you have. 

But what happens when you have none?

For a no-experience resume, we recommend that you use the reverse-chronological format . 

no experience resume format

It’s the most popular format amongst applicants and a recruiter favorite.  

The sections in your reverse-chronological resume will be: 

  • Header : Contact Information and Resume Statement
  • Internships, extracurricular activities, projects, volunteer work  (These sections will replace your work experience)

In this article, we’ll walk you through each of these sections, and explain how to write them in a way that you stand out from the crowd.

Let’s dive in.

Start With Your Resume Header

resume header example

Your resume header includes your contact information and your resume statement.  

Below, we’ll show you how to write both of these elements and how to include them in your header section.

Put Down Your Contact Information

Just like the name suggests, the first thing you add to your header is your personal and contact information.

It’s the easiest part to get right, just keep it short and to the point.

In your contact information section, mention the following:

  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • A link to a professional profile (e.g. LinkedIn ) or personal webpage (if you have one)

Make sure to use a professional-sounding E-mail.

I.e. something along the lines of “[email protected].” 

You’re sure to leave a wrong impression if you use an email you created back in preschool ( “[email protected]” ).

Make sure to double-check, triple-check your contact information. After all, the recruiter can’t contact you if you have a typo in your phone number.

(Optional) Write Your Resume Objective

A resume objective is a short heading statement in your resume, where you describe your professional goals and aspirations.

Fun fact - hiring managers look at your resume for 5-6 seconds max .

Yep, that’s right. In most cases, the hiring manager is literally drowning in resumes. So, they have a couple of seconds to skim each one.

Well, this section is your chance to catch their attention (and let them know you’ve got what it takes).

A resume objective is usually 3-4 sentences max and includes information on:

  • What your field of study is;
  • What your skills and experiences are (ones that are relevant to the job );
  • Why you’re applying for this position and/or this company.

As with contact information, you don’t need to label your resume objective with a title. Just write it underneath your contact information section.

Here’s an example of what a resume objective looks like:

“ Recent Communications graduate looking to apply for the role of Secretary at XYZ inc. Extremely organized with good writing and multitasking skills. Practical experience in management gained through several university projects, which involved coordinating tasks between different team members and ensuring that everyone was in sync with the latest information. ”

Emphasize Your Education

education section on resume no experience

In your average resume, the first section would be work experience.

Since you don’t have any, though, you’ll want to omit that and replace it with the education section.

This way, you bring a lot more attention to your education, which is one of your main selling points. 

What should you include in the Education section? 

List the following features in this order:

  • Name of the degree
  • Name of the institution
  • Years attended
  • Location of the institution (optional)
  • GPA (optional)
  • Honors (optional)
  • Relevant coursework (optional)
  • Exchange programs (optional) 

As a general rule, if you studied in a prestigious university, you can add the name of the institution before the degree . This way, you will catch the recruiter’s attention faster.

Now, let’s go through some real-life examples:

BA in Computer Science

Tufts University

Medford and Somerville, Massachusetts

10/2015 - 06/2018

Magna Cum Laude

  • Exchange Program in Greenville, NY

University of the Arts London

BA in Interior Design 

10/2017 - Ongoing

Westwood High

Boston, Massachusetts

Class of 2018 

Education Section Q&A

Still have some questions about the education section? Worry not, we’re about to give you all the answers!

Do I include my GPA?

  • The answer here is a “maybe.” We’d recommend including a GPA if it’s higher than 3.5. Anything lower than that, and you might be underselling yourself. Keep in mind, though, that most employers don’t care about your grades.

Should I include my coursework?

  • Yep, but just as long as it’s relevant. If you have no work experience, including courses can help establish your expertise in a field. Feel free to skip out on any basic courses, though. No one cares about your Maths 101 course.

Do I mention my degree if I dropped out?

  • If you studied for more than 2-3 years, yes. A half-finished degree is still better than no degree. If you dropped out after a semester, though, that doesn’t really mean much.

Do I mention my high school degree?

  • Only if it’s your only degree. If you have any higher education, your high school degree will only take up space.

4 Sections to Replace Work Experience [With Examples]

Now that you’ve listed your education, it’s time to fill that work experience gap in your resume.

You aren’t still worried about your lack of experience, right?

Because here are four sections you can use instead:

1) Internships

Have you done an internship that is relevant to the position you are applying for?

Now’s the time to mention it. 

Here is how you add an internship to your resume:

First , place the Internship section right after the education section. 

Title it: Internships

Second , write your internship title and role . Be specific.

If your internship was in the marketing department, instead of just “Intern”, say “Marketing Intern”. 

Third , put down the company name , location , and duration of the internship - in that order.

Marketing Intern

Full Picture

New York, NY

09/2019 - 12/2019

Easy and straightforward, right?

One more step:

Last , add a list of responsibilities you had as an intern in bullet point form. 

If you have any tangible achievements , even better! Write those in as well.

Finally, tailor both the responsibilities and achievements to the role you’re applying for.

Here’s how that looks in practice:

You used to be an Advertising Intern .

You’re applying for the position of Social Media Assistant . 

Here’s how you would put down your internship entry:


Full Picture Company

  • Analyzed various social media platforms for trending content
  • Managed company social media accounts
  • Posted interested content on company Facebook page, increasing engagement by 25%

The listed responsibilities and achievements are directly connected to the Social Media Assistant job requirements.

You’re applying for a Content Writer position. Take a look at the same entry now:

  • Assisted the Marketing Manager in writing press releases and new blog posts , which increased web traffic by 25%.

Notice how the internship title remains the same. 

But in this case you’re applying for a Content Writer position, so you are highlighting your writing experience instead.

For more examples, check out our full guides to an internship resume and how to write a cover letter for an internship .

2) Extracurricular activities

Still have a ton of empty space in your resume?

Extracurricular activities are always a great addition!

Whether they’re related to the job you’re applying for or not, they still show one thing:

You’re hard-working and motivated.

Imagine you’re the HR manager, and you can pick between these 2 candidates:

  • Josh Johnson. Studied at Massachusetts State. 4.0 GPA, but that’s all he did in college - no extracurricular activities, internships, or anything else.
  • Suzie Activeson. Also studied at Massachusetts state. 3.2 GPA. Vice-president of the business club. Served as a student government senator for 2 semesters. Organized several events as part of the marketing club.

Sure, Josh is probably qualified, but we don't know anything about him, other than that he studied a lot.

Suzie, on the other hand, can manage a team (business club VP), organize events (marketing club), and is passionate about making a change (student government).

So, which one would you pick?

Now, let’s explain how to list extracurricular activities on your resume:

  • Title of the section: Extracurricular Activities
  • Name of the organization and/or team 
  • Your role in the organization
  • Time period
  • Noteworthy awards or achievements

Extracurricular Activities

Public Speaking Club


09/2018 - 09/2019

  • Organized 10+ public speaking lectures
  • Brought in speakers from all over the state
  • Conducted public speaking workshops

3) Volunteering Experience

Volunteering shows dedication and passion to apply yourself. 

And there’s nothing recruiters love more than a committed employee.  

Whether you spend your free time in a soup kitchen, or you helped collect trash in the countryside, you can mention it in your resume!

But how do you list volunteering experience?

Well, it follows the same logic as your internship and extracurriculars:

  • Title of the section: Volunteering Experience
  • Name of the organization
  • Relevant tasks and achievements (bullet points)

Volunteering Experience

Grand Archive Library Volunteer

Washington, D.C

08/2017 - 02/2019

  • Performed secretarial activities, such as sorting mail, filing documents, answering phone calls, and taking messages. 
  • Led a poetry reading event twice a month. 

4) Projects

In this section, you can add any relevant projects you were part of during your time in school or at an internship.

Your capstone project, graduation thesis, or research project go here. 

No need for work experience!

You can also mention any other type of project you’ve worked on in school, including:

  • Business project for a real-life client
  • Mock website you created in Web Design 101
  • Fake magazine you created as a capstone project
  • Market research you did as part of your graduation thesis
  • Software you developed in Software Engineering class

...And so on!

Here’s how you put them down:

  • Title of the section: Projects
  • Project name
  • Project type
  • Related organization 
  • Relevant responsibilities and achievements (optional)

And now, for some practical examples. Here’s what a journalism student project could look like:

Online Privacy and Social Media: a Journalistic Study of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica

Journalism Capstone Project

Harvard University

09/2018 - 11/2018

And here’s a law school example:

In-House Pro Bono Project

Columbia Law School

11/2018 - 03/2019

  • Completed a full petition for U nonimmigrant status, interviewed legal persons and drafted affidavits.

If you have anything physical to back up your project with, feel free to include a link.

For example, if you’re a developer, you could include a link to your GitHub profile.

Stand out with your Skills 

skills section no work experience resume

There are two types of skills you can include on your no-experience resume: 

Soft skills and hard skills. 

What’s the difference? 

Soft skills are attributes or habits that describe how you work. They are not specific to a job, but indirectly help you adapt to the work environment. 

Here are some of the most popular ones: teamwork, responsibility, leadership, creativity, etc.  

Hard skills , on the other hand, refer to specific tools, technical knowledge and training and other work-specific skills. They apply directly to the job. 

Technical writing, C++, financial accounting, etc. are all examples of hard skills.

So, which of these skills should you include? 

That depends on a lot of factors, but as someone with no work experience, you should opt more for hard skills .

See, you could write all the cool buzzwords like “Critical Thinking” and “Leadership,” but the recruiter won’t believe you.

Fun fact - that’s what 90% of students do.

Instead, you should focus on skills that make you stand out , and in most cases, those are hard skills.

So, how do you decide which hard skills to mention? Easy! Just check the job ad you’re applying for.

Let’s say you’re applying for an entry-level creative internship, and you find these requirements in the job description: 

  • Video editing experience (Premiere, After Effects)
  • UI design experience
  • Photo editing experience (Photoshop)
  • Photography experience
  • Experience with Adobe Illustrator

You’d transfer this into your skills section:

  • Premiere & After Effects - Expert
  • Photoshop - Expert
  • UI Design - Intermediate
  • Adobe Illustrator - Intermediate
  • Photography - Intermediate

Not sure which skills to mention? Check out our article on 150+ must-have skills for all sorts of professions !

Other Sections You Could Include in a No-Experience Resume

A resume without experience does have one advantage: extra space . 

You can use this space to create other sections that highlight how awesome you are!

Here are some sections you could include:

  • Hobbies and Interests . Add flair to your resume by showing your genuine passion and interest in the industry.
  • Languages. Do you know a second language? Or even a third? Awesome! Most companies these days are pretty international and appreciate an extra language skill or two. Be mindful not to over-exaggerate your proficiency, though. Only knowing how to ask “¿Donde está la biblioteca?” doesn’t warrant a Spanish entry on your resume.
  • Awards & Certifications . Do you have any fancy pieces of paper that show you’re smart? Maybe it’s an award for a terrific essay in a competition, or a certificate from an online course . Whichever the case may be, awards and certifications show that you’re a winner, so definitely include them in their own respective section.

Need Inspiration? 2 No Work Experience Resume Samples

Do you still have questions or don’t know where to begin?

That’s when a resume sample comes in handy. 

It provides you with a predetermined format.

It also helps you picture how your no-experience resume is supposed to look like. 

As Picasso put it: Good artists copy; great artists steal! 

Here are 2 no work experience resume samples you can borrow ideas from:

Business Student Resume Sample

no experience resume sample

High-school Student Resume Sample

high school no experience resume sample

Create a Matching Cover Letter

All done with your resume?

It’s not over yet. You need to write a cover letter to go with it.

A cover letter is a single-page letter that accompanies your resume and is part of your job application.

Look at it this way: your resume describes your experiences, and your cover letter explains (in simple words) how they’re relevant to the job.

Now, here’s a quick infographic on what to include in a cover letter:

cover letter format for no experience resume

Finally, as with everything else in your resume, make sure to keep your cover letter relevant, short, and concise.

The hiring manager doesn’t have time to read an autobiography, they’ll only review your cover letter for a few minutes. 

There’s a lot more to creating a good cover letter than what we just explained.

For a complete, all-you-need-to-know walk-through, check out our Complete Guide on How to Write a Cover Letter !

Key Takeaways

...and that’s a wrap!

At this point, you should know everything there is to know about writing a killer no-experience resume.

Just to keep things fresh, though, let’s quickly go through everything we’ve learned so far:

  • When creating your no-experience resume, use the reverse-chronological format.
  • You can create a killer no-experience resume by emphasizing your education instead. Include relevant internships, soft & hard skills, and projects.
  • Other sections you can include on your resume are hobbies & interests, languages, certifications, or achievements.
  • Keep all the content on your resume clear, precise, and relevant. Use bullet points for all your descriptions.
  • After you’re done with your resume, you want to write an awesome cover letter that goes with it. The cover letter is a one-page letter that tells the story behind your resume content and reemphasizes why you’re a great fit for the job.

Related Resume Examples

  • Internship Resume
  • High School Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • College Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Recommended Readings:

  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job in 2024
  • 20+ One-Page Resume Templates [Free Download]
  • 35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers [Complete List]

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5 College Student No Experience Resume Examples & Templates [Edit Free]

Stephen Greet

College Student No Experience Resume

  • College Student No Experience 2
  • College Student No Experience 3
  • College Student No Experience 4
  • College Student No Experience 5
  • Resume Writing 101

Sometimes, ambitious college students can’t wait to start working. Janee considered how to show value on her resume as a grad: Dreaming of working as a business analyst at Resource Data fueled her to research the company and think of relevant college achievements.

Janee recalled real projects from her degree in math and economics that saved a local manufacturer thousands. Even her stint as basketball captain highlighted her ability to organize, boost morale, and drive positive results.

Referencing her class movie recommendation project and the time her random forest model outperformed projections by 19 percent, Janee topped off her college student no experience resume with a career objective . Bam—hired. Try our resume templates for yourself; we can’t wait to applaud your success, too!

or download as PDF

College student no experience resume example

Why this resume works

  • Follow Janee’s college student no experience resume and make the most out of your project work to showcase your abilities in programming, modeling, data visualization, and teamwork. Finally, celebrate your victory lap with a well-crafted career objective.

College Student No Experience 2 Resume

College student no experience 2 resume example

College Student No Experience 3 Resume

College student no experience 3 resume example

College Student No Experience 4 Resume

College student no experience 4 resume example

College Student No Experience 5 Resume

College student no experience 5 resume example

Related resume examples

  • Current College Student
  • College Student Internship
  • College Graduate
  • Grad School
  • College Student

What Matters Most: Your Skills & Background Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

When you lack experience, your skills become more important than ever! As a college student, you now have a nice, clear understanding of what you can do, and recruiters want to know all about it.

Make sure you list skills that are relevant to your field. For example: If you’re eager to step into the world of business analysis, then prioritize technical skills and highly relevant abilities.

And make sure those skills are worded in a deliberate and specific way, too! The last thing you want is to sound too apathetic about your future role to dig deeper than the usual generic terms on your resume.

Here are some examples of more specific skills you can use to show off your potential:

9 Best College Student No Experience Skills

  • scikit-learn
  • Linear Regressions
  • Logistic Regressions
  • Data Reporting
  • Google Sheets

Sample College Student No Experience Work Experience Bullet Points

Now we’re on to the fun part! No really: It’s time to get creative and look for some nifty spins to put on your past projects and internships. Class groups, teams, clubs, and volunteer initiatives can all be used to demonstrate your ability to make the most of your skills, too.

Just make sure that anything you include is highly relevant to the field you want to work in! Use those sharp, specific skills you honed earlier to recall examples of experiences when you used them.

And always measure the impact you had when you reached those milestones! Use quantifiable data to back up your achievements and make them look way more credible:

  • Reported to executives during business analytics class and initiated re-evaluation of resource allocation, saving $47K in vendor costs
  • Aggregated data from Rotten Tomatoes and used k-nearest-neighbors in scikit-learn to improve recommendation system for personal tastes, boosting positive feedback by 12%
  • Organized a community outreach for the university basketball team to train at-risk high school students and boost morale, leading high school teams to win 92% of total games
  • Compiled and prepped 4 years of fantasy football projection data from 8 independent sources into a MySQL database, boosting positive ratings by 14%

Top 5 Tips for Your College Student No Experience Resume

  • I know, I know, we just talked about it, but this really is a crucial aspect of your resume! When you don’t have any job experience yet, you’ll really need to hand-pick the most relevant bits and pieces of as many projects and college teams as you can.
  • Many people hear “one page” and assume that filling their resume page is as important as limiting themselves to one page only. But this isn’t the case: Just focus on your best relevant achievements and allow some white space for things to breathe.
  • Get strategic about your skill placement. Group similar types of skills together, such as everything related to Python, followed by everything related to data analytics, and so on.
  • By all means, try out as many of our resume templates as you can! But while you compare them, keep a deliberate eye out for which one makes your college and project history look the fullest and most impressive.
  • Keeping your experience examples sleek and to-the-point demonstrates your ability to get things done and convey info efficiently. You don’t have time to ramble since recruiters have to read things quickly!

Honestly, this isn’t something to worry much about: As long as it’s all together in one place and easy for recruiters to spot at a glance, you’re fine.

Customize it for each job description . It’s easy: All you need to do is reference the job description again and grab some key phrases and buzzwords to switch out in your resume, and boom: You’re now delivering a hand-tailored resume that’s designed to impress!

In our honest opinion, writing a cover letter is better. You get the best of both worlds: Your project and educational history will be able to take center stage while you use your cover letter to detail your qualifications in greater depth than you’d be able to with an objective statement.

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  • How To Write A Resume With No Experience

Want your resume with no experience to stand out? The good news for you is that it is possible but you may ask ‘how?’ We’re here to show you all the ways and have broken down this handy guide into many organized sections. So, dive into them to discover everything you need to create your inch-perfect CV and succeed in your job-hunting journey.

Write A Winning Resume With No Experience: Here’s How!

1. select a format.

The CV format you would choose would significantly impact your chances of landing interviews and ultimately securing an open position. We recommend beginners go for a functional resume because it emphasizes skills over professional experience. It also offers flexibility in how you would like to exhibit your job qualifications. This format allows you to include your relevant skills in the potential job and list your education at the top instead of the bottom.

2. Choose A Professional Resume Template

Composing a professional resume for the first time can feel nerve-wracking. It is why you should use a relevant template, as they provide a framework in which you can insert your information. It effortlessly organizes your information and displays your qualifications in the best possible way. Using a template would also save you time and make your application ATS-friendly plus visually appealing. Tailoring your CV according to every job you apply for would also become easy.

3. Gather Your Information

Review the job description of your potential position and note the requirements. Honestly think about what you can offer to your possible employer. Curate the list of skills and work experience you have gained through school, club, or organizational activities.

You can also note down your community services, such as volunteering, plus your hobbies, like writing or photography. This step would greatly benefit you, especially if you work with CV makers online . You would get a well-crafted application by only providing your gathered list and job description.

4. Include Your Contact Information

Include a header with your contact information so that your potential recruiters can easily reach out to you. This section should begin with your full name, phone number, professional email address, city and  ZIP code. You can also add a link to your website or portfolio at the end of this section. Keep your contact information easily accessible and up to date.

5. Highlight Your Strengths In Resume Objective

As you’re a fresher, we recommend you explain your goals for the job and some relevant skills. Highlight your career objectives and intentions for your potential role. Focus on your strengths and mention any internship, volunteer work, or part-time job you did related to your potential position. Showcase your enthusiasm and eagerness to grow within the potential company. Demonstrate your passion for the industry or particular role.

6. Create Skills Section

Studies have proved that employers value skills more than GPAs on student and graduate CVs. So, while crafting your resume with no experience, put your skill set front and centre. Most recruiters look for candidates with problem-solving and good teamwork skills; therefore don’t forget to include them both. As a fresher, we suggest you limit this section to only five to ten skills that are relevant to your potential position.

7. Emphasize Your Education

Creating your education section is a way that highlight your readiness for the job. On resumes with no experience, emphasize relevant coursework, academic awards and honours, scholarships, or participation in international study programs. It would prove your value within this section. However, list your degree first, along with the name of your institution, its location, and your graduation date (or expected date).

8. Licenses And Certifications

If you already possess or are working towards specialized certifications and licenses, then create a separate section for it. Otherwise, you can list them down along with your education. Create a bullet point for every license or certification you have in chronological order. Add the title of the certification, course, or license, the name of the certifying agency, and the dates when you obtained it. Also, include the expiration date of your certificates, if applicable.

9. Mention You’re Relevant Experience

If you’re thinking of leaving your experience section as you don’t have any professional work history, don’t do it! Every employer looks for some kind of relevant experience even in the beginner CV, so wisely create this section. Look thoroughly at your academic and professional journey, you’ll find something to fill in this section.  You can mention your internships, student teaching, coaching or mentoring, a personal project, and a role in the student organization.

10. Add Optional Sections To Boost Your Credibility

You should include optional sections to boost your credibility, especially if you have enough room for it in your one-page CV. It is your opportunity to showcase your language proficiency, job-relevant hobbies, scholastic honours or scholarships. However, the suitability of optional sections differs depending on the country you’re applying to. For instance, seek help from an online resume maker Kuwait if you’re unable to figure out important optional sections as a Kuwaiti.

11. Proofread Your Application

Typos and grammatical errors are obvious, but they can cost you a lot of time. Hiring managers generally reject straightaway applications that contain mistakes and, therefore don’t sell you up to a fail. Carefully proofread your vitae, and use AI-based tools along with your pair of eyes. Your attention to detail will enhance the quality of your document, plus you can also seek support from professionals.

12. Save Your CV

Name your application file with your professional name and job title. Save it in an appropriate file format for your potential job. Usually, suitable and safe choices are .doc or .docx, as they are ATS-friendly, so most organizations prefer them. Double-check everything before saving your resume. Keep the file size reasonable so it can be emailed and uploaded easily to the application system.

  • How can I write a resume for my first job with no experience?

Create a killer application by focusing on your skills and education first. Include additional sections, such as hobbies, interests, languages, certifications, or achievements to enhance your eligibility for the open position.

  • How to make a resume with no job experience look professional?

Use a clean and organized format to make your application professional. Include a well-written objective statement, skills, education, and other relevant sections. Proofread your CV carefully to make it free from minor and major errors.

  • Which skills should I include in a resume with no job experience?

Here are a bunch of transferable skills that you can include if they’re relevant to your potential position:

  • Collaboration
  • Problem-solving
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Active listening
  • Analytical thinking
  • Flexibility
  • Time management
  • Customer service
  • Attention to detail
  • Tech savviness
  • Critical thinking

Creating a resume with no experience may seem challenging, but it is entirely achievable by focusing on your strengths and relevant skills. By selecting an appropriate format, such as a functional resume, you can emphasize your skills and education effectively. Using a professional template will increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

Presenting your contact information, crafting a compelling resume objective, and highlighting your skills and education are essential steps. Including any relevant experience, licenses, certifications, and optional sections can further boost your credibility. Proofreading your application meticulously to avoid any errors is crucial for making a strong impression.

Even without professional experience, you can create a standout resume by showcasing your skills, education, and enthusiasm for the role. Use the strategies outlined in this guide to develop a professional and polished CV that opens doors to your career opportunities.

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How to Write a Resume with No Work Experience in 2024 (With Examples)

Don't worry, we've all been there. Thrown into the job world with little to none work experience and no idea how to start a resume. We're here to help.

Ed Moss

With more and more people on the job hunt each year, entering the work force with minimal to no experience on your resume can be a daunting and frustrating task.

However, no need to worry, all is not lost for applicants lacking in relevant work experience.

We've all been there.

This guide is here to help you learn how to shift the focus of your resume onto your skills, unpaid experiences, and education in order to frame your lack of experience in a more appealing manner.

  • What Resume Format is Best for Someone with No Experience?

Adding Transferable Skills to Resume

Including unpaid experience on resume, listing education on a resume as a student.

  • Finally, Getting Jobs with a No-Experience Resume

What Resume Format is Best for Someone with No Experience

The first and arguably most important decision when it comes to crafting a resume is deciding which format is best for you.

When you are lacking in relevant work experience, using the standard resume format – also known as the reverse-chronological resume – may not be the best idea.

Reverse-chronological resumes are centered around the work experience section, which is precisely the section you want to shift the attention away from when your experience is limited.

Instead, you should consider using either a functional or a hybrid resume .

If you are unsure which resume format best fits your needs, check out our guide on choosing the correct resume format.  

1) What are Functional Resumes?

Unlike reverse-chronological resumes, functional resumes are not designed or formatted to be primarily focused on relevant work experience.

Because of this, the functional resume has become the favored format for applicants who do not have work experience to showcase.

There are a number of reasons why a person may not have work experience to feature on a resume. Common circumstances include an individual being a student or recent grad.

Veterans who lack non-military experience and people looking to re-enter the workforce after a gap in their employment history also may favor a functional format. 

The benefits of using a functional resume include:

  • Well-suited for applicants who have gaps in their employment history or lack relevant work experience.
  • Greater flexibility in how sections of the resume can be structured, allowing for a skills section to be the main centerpiece of the resume.
  • Provides better opportunity to highlight any unpaid experiences or academic credentials an applicant may have. 

2) What are Hybrid Resumes?

A hybrid resume mixes the formatting of functional and reverse-chronological resumes in order to make a resume that includes elements from both.

These kinds of resumes are highly customizable and can be restructured according to the applicant’s needs.

Using a hybrid resume may be wise for someone who has some work experience that may or may not be wholly relevant

For people with no work experience whatsoever, however, sticking to a functional format may be best.

Benefits of using a hybrid resume include: 

  • Opportunity to show work experience, even if it is not relevant to the job being applied for
  • Good for applicants who have limited paid working experience but have extensive history working in unpaid opportunities, such as volunteering. 
  • Hybrid resumes may more closely resemble a reverse-chronological, which is the standard resume format that employers typically expect. 

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job

IT Specialist

Making a resume as a job applicant with little to no experience requires you to take an in-depth personal inventory of your personal skills and talents.

Everything from your communication skills to your time management and teamwork skills matter here and creating a definitive list of your greatest strengths is key.

There are two categories of skills to consider: hard skills and soft skills .

1) Hard Skills 

Hard skills are more quantifiable and are typically gained through some form of education, training, or certification program.

This can include skills such as computer programming, speaking foreign languages, or being a mathematician.

While you may not have gained hard skills through prior work experience, there are still potentially hard skills you obtained through other channels, such as through school or from the military.

Writing down your hard skills is important, as this is where you will find your most relevant skills for a job application. 

2) Soft Skills

Soft skills are less quantifiable and have more to do with your personality, work ethic, and how you interact with other people.

Communication, problem-solving, and cooperative skills all come into play here. 

Though soft skills may not be as easy to directly relate to a job application, they are still necessary and helpful to include in a resume with a limited work experience section.

Additionally, job descriptions often lend hints to the kinds of soft skills an employer is looking for, and including those skills can show you pay close attention to information given to you. 

Examples of Transferable Skills

Below we have provided a list of common transferable skills to help get you started on identifying which skills you possess and how you can frame them on your resume to improve your chances of landing a job interview. 

Of course, there are hundreds of skills that are good to include on a resume.

It is important to choose skills that both accurately represent your talents as well as provide relevance to the job description provided.

For more ideas on good skills to include, check out our guide on 100+ key skills for a resume in 2024.

Here are a few examples of transferable skills and how to list them:

1) Collaboration

Collaboration skills generally indicate your ability to work well with departments, professionals, or teams outside of your own.

This can show employers your ability to form connections with others within an industry

Incorrect: Collaborated with volunteer teams from other counties.
Correct: Learned strong collaboration strategies through participating in volunteer service activities involving multiple groups of volunteers.

2) Teamwork 

While collaboration shows your ability to work with external connections, teamwork emphasizes your ability to work well within your own team.

Teamwork requires you to pay close attention to your teammates and be willing to compromise in order to make things happen.

Incorrect: Gained teamwork skills through community service.
Correct: Achieved effective teamwork through helping to organize meetings for a community service group.

3) Communication

Communication skills largely involve your public speaking abilities and your capability for expressing yourself in a clear and concise manner.

Including examples of how you have honed your communicative abilities is key. 

Incorrect: Strong communication skills
Correct: Developed communication skills through working as a peer mentor at the university. 

See how this Art Director resume example listed Communication as a skill on her resume:

Art Director

4) Computer Skills

Nowadays, digital and computer skills are a must and the more you know, the more opportunity you may have for employment.

Detailing your computer skills and programs you can properly operate is essential. 

Incorrect: Strong computer skills and knowledge of software.
Correct: Experienced in the use of Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative Cloud. Certified in the use of Microsoft Excel. 

5) Dependability

When an employer is considering a job applicant with little to no experience, that applicant’s dependability will be one of their major questions.

As such, including dependability in your skillset is generally a smart idea. 

Incorrect: Provided dependable service as an intern.
Correct: Proved dependability through being on time or early every day on an internship. 

6) Critical Thinking

An employer will want you to be fast on your feet while also being able to think things through thoroughly.

Emphasizing your critical thinking skills helps to show a potential employer your attention to detail and ability to problem solve. 

Incorrect: Gained critical thinking skills through membership in a chess club. 
Correct: Employed critical thinking skills during a chess club competition, placing in second. 

7) Leadership

Taking on leadership roles oftentimes comes with hefty responsibilities.

Showing employers your ability to handle and succeed as a leader can greatly impact their impression of your work ethic and ability to work well with others. 

Incorrect: Grew leadership skills in military training.
Correct: Developed leadership skills in the role of a platoon leader during military training. 

For example, take a look at how Elysse added Leadership skills on her chef resume :


For many job applicants with little to no work experience, there are oftentimes other experiences they have that can be used to emphasize and showcase work done to better hone one’s skills and expertise.

Two common examples include experience gained through volunteering or internships .

When you have no experience or gaps in your employment history, having experiences like these to fill the gaps and give context to your skills is key. 

1) Volunteering

Taking advantage of volunteering opportunities is a great way to both begin to build out your resume while also giving back to your community.

There are all sorts of volunteering positions to consider, from working in a local animal shelter to helping with inventory at a food bank. 

Volunteer service shows not only that you have experience to back up you the skills you claim to have, but it also shows your commitment to your work even if there is no compensation involved.

This can reflect very positively on your work ethic to future employers. 

Incorrect: Volunteered at a local shelter.
Correct: Spent six months volunteering at a local homeless shelter, helping to take daily and weekly food and supply inventories.

2) Internships

Internships are especially common for current students or recent grads to take on, as many jobs require some amount of relevant experience to be considered for open positions.

Internships provide the opportunity to gain relevant working experience for those with little to no prior experience.

Inclusion of internships is important, as though it is unpaid work it still can hold a similar weight to paid work experience, especially when applying to entry or low level positions. 

Incorrect: Interned at a local newspaper for one semester. ‍
Correct: Earned a semester-long internship working as an assistant to an investigative reporter at a locally-run newspaper. 

Aside from internships and volunteer experiences, things such as community leadership or fundraising can be useful to include as well.

Basically any experience that helped you to gain and hone your skills is good to consider adding to a resume. 

See how Marianne added her internship in this graphic design resume example :

Graphic Designer

When figuring out how to list education on a resume it is important to be mindful of what the job description listed as the educational requirements for the position.

Generally speaking, unless a resume is meant to be more academically focused, it is recommended to keep education sections rather short.

For those with no experience, however, the education section may be a good opportunity to showcase activities, clubs, leadership roles, and other similar experiences.

Showing your involvement on campus can help to fill the time gaps in employment history if you are a student or recent grad. 

Incorrect: Played on an intramural soccer team. ‍
Correct: Participated on an intramural soccer team and earned the role of team co-captain. 

Finally, How to Get Jobs with a No-Experience Resume

When it comes to writing the perfect resume in 2024 , there are lots of considerations to keep in mind.

With so much competition, it can sometimes feel disheartening for those of you with no experience.

However, there is a lot of power in the format and wording of your resume and learning how to optimize your resume is key to overcoming a lack of experience.

Here are three key takeaways for writing resumes with no experience:

1) Be Extra Attentive to Formatting

When you are using a functional or hybrid resume format, it may be immediately noticeable to employers that you have chosen against using the standard reverse-chronological format.

As such, you need to be extra careful with your formatting and design in order to ensure your resume looks clean and is easy to follow. 

2) Contextualize Your Information for Specific Jobs

Since your resume will likely be centered around you skills rather than your experience, it is very important to relate your skills back to the job you are applying for and contextualize for the employer how you will apply you skills if given the position. 

3) The More Detail the Better

You don’t want to leave employers feeling like they’ve been left hanging.

While you should still strive to maintain clarity and conciseness in your descriptions, do not be shy in adding heftier amounts of detail than you might in a more standard resume.

You want to stand out to employers and showcase exactly how you are perfect for the role being offered.

Our Last Thoughts

Landing a job with no experience can be tricky, but it’s nowhere near impossible.

The key to crafting a resume when you lack relevant experience is to identify and showcase your relevant and transferrable skills. 

If you are unsure how to get started formatting your resume, check out our resume templates and examples !

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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resume templates for freshers without experience

StandOut CV

Fresh Graduate without experience CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Congratulations, you’ve graduated! Now it’s time to get out there and start your career.

The problem is, a degree doesn’t guarantee your CV will get noticed.

But don’t worry; we can teach you how to make your qualifications and transferable skills work for you with our helpful writing guide.

Check out our new graduate CV example below for those without experience.

CV templates 

Fresh Graduate without experience CV example

Fresh Graduate without experience CV 1

This example CV demonstrates how to structure and format your own CV as a new graduate, so that it can be easily digested by busy hiring managers, and quickly prove why you are suitable for the jobs you are applying to.

It also gives you a good idea of the type of skills, experience and qualifications that you need to be highlighting in your CV.

CV builder

Fresh Graduate without experience CV structure & formatting

First impressions count, so a sloppy, disorganised CV may cause your CV to be overlooked..

Instead, perfect the format and structure of your CV by working to a clear logical structure and applying some simple formatting tricks to ease readability.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this step; if your CV lacks readability, your written content won’t even be seen.

How to write a CV

How to format your CV

  • Length: Two sides of A4 makes for the perfect CV length , though one page is okay for less experienced applicants. This forces you to make sure that every single sentence adds value to your CV and ensures you avoid waffle.
  • Readability : To help busy recruiters scan through your CV, make sure your section headings stand out – bold or coloured text works well. Additionally, try to use bullet points wherever you can, as they’re far easier to skim through than huge paragraphs. Lastly, don’t be afraid of white space on your CV – a little breathing space is great for readability.
  • CV design: Don’t waste time adding fancy designs to your CV. It generally adds no value to your application and may even end up distracting recruiters away from the important written content.
  • Photographs: Headshot photos aren’t required in a CV by most employers, but some creative and artistic industries like to see them. If you decide to include one, make sure you look smart and professional in the picture.

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

When writing your own CV , break up your CV content into the following key sections:

  • Name and contact details – Place them at the top of your CV, so that employers can easily get in touch.
  • CV profile – A punchy sales pitch of your key experience, skills and achievements to reel readers in.
  • Core skills section – A bullet-pointed snapshot of your abilities.
  • Work experience – A well-structured list of your relevant work experience.
  • Education – An overview of any relevant qualifications or professional training you have.
  • Hobbies and interests – A short description of any relevant hobbies or interests (optional).

Now, let’s take a closer look at what you should include in each section of your CV.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Write your contact details in the top corner of your CV, so that they’re easy to find but don’t take up too much space.

You only need to list your basic details, such as:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • Location – Don’t list your full address. Your town or city, such as ‘Norwich’ or ‘Coventry’ is perfect.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Remember to update these before listing them on an application.

Fresh Graduate without experience CV Profile

Your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position.

It’s ideal for busy recruiters and hiring managers, who don’t want to waste time reading unsuitable applications.

Think of it as your personal sales pitch. You’ve got just a few lines to sell yourself and prove you’re a great match for the job – make it count!

CV profile

CV profile writing tips:

  • Make it short and sharp: It might be tempting to submit a page-long CV profile, but recruiters won’t have the time to read it. To ensure every word gets read, it’s best to include high-level information only; sticking to a length of 3-5 lines.
  • Tailor it: Recruiters can spot a generic, mass-produced CV at a glance – and they certainly won’t be impressed! Before you write your profile (and CV as a whole), read through the job advert and make a list of any skills, knowledge and experience required. You should then incorporate your findings throughout your profile and the rest of your CV.
  • Don’t add an objective: If you want to discuss your career objectives, save them for your cover letter , rather than wasting valuable CV profile space.
  • Avoid generic phrases: Clichés like “ blue-sky thinker with a go-getter attitude” might sound impressive to you, but they don’t actually tell the recruiter much about you. Concentrate on highlighting hard facts and skills, as recruiters are more likely to take these on board.

Example CV profile for Fresh Graduate without experience

What to include in your fresh graduate without experience cv profile.

  • Summary of experience: To give employers an idea of your capabilities, show them your track record by giving an overview of the types of companies you have worked for in the past and the roles you have carried out for previous employers – but keep it high level and save the details for your experience section.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to graduate jobs, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Vital qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Next, you should create a bullet pointed list of your core skills , formatted into 2-3 columns.

Here, you should focus on including the most important skills or knowledge listed in the job advertisement.

This will instantly prove that you’re an ideal candidate, even if a recruiter only has time to briefly scan your CV.

Core skills section CV

Vital skills for your Fresh Graduate without experience CV

Customer Service – highlighting experience of working with the public to resolve queries and encourage them to purchase products.

Event Organisation – highlighting experience of managing projects such as taking responsibility for organising and holding an event.

Silver D of E Award – highlighting achievements such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which is often awarded for helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition.

Team Leader – evidencing experience of leading others to achieve a goal.

MS Office – evidencing use of key technologies and software programs which will be used in your future career.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Your work experience section

Now that recruiters have a good overview of your skills and abilities, you need to jump into the detail of your career history.

Give them a more thorough insight into what you can do by creating a detailed list of your relevant experience.

Start with your current role, and work backwards through all the relevant positions you’ve held. This could be freelance, contract or voluntary work too; as long as it’s related to the role you’re applying for.

Work experience

Structuring each role

Lengthy, unbroken chunks of text is a recruiters worst nightmare, but your work experience section can easily end up looking like that if you are not careful.

To avoid this, use my tried-and-tested 3-step structure, as illustrated below:

Role descriptions

Provide a brief overview of the job as a whole, such as what the overriding purpose of your job was and what type of company you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using bullet points.

Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use – especially skills which are applicable to your target role.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

Sample job description for Fresh Graduate without experience CV

Working for the Oxford Street flagship store of an international fashion retail business. Responsible for creating enticing merchandise displays, providing exceptional customer service and achieving a weekly and monthly sales target.

Key Responsibilities

  • Achieve personal sales targets and KPIs and support the store to achieve store targets
  • Provide exceptional customer service including tailoring services and selecting appropriate products to meet individual customer needs and expectations
  • Manage customer complaints through to a satisfactory resolution, escalating the issue to the Store Manager if necessary
  • Manage the checkout including processing orders, refunds and credit notes, and processing transactions via both cash and card

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education and qualifications section

After your work experience, your education section should provide a detailed view of your academic background.

Begin with those most relevant to graduate jobs, such as vocational training or degrees. If you have space, you can also mention your academic qualifications, such as A-Levels and GCSEs.

Focus on the qualifications that are most relevant to the jobs you are applying for.

Hobbies and interests

The hobbies and interests CV section isn’t mandatory, so don’t worry if you’re out of room by this point.

However, if you have an interesting hobby , or an interest that could make you seem more suitable for the role, then certainly think about adding.

Be careful what you include though… Only consider hobbies that exhibit skills that are required for roles as a Fresh Graduate without experience, or transferable workplace skills.

There is never any need to tell employers that you like to watch TV and eat out.

Writing your Fresh Graduate without experience CV

Creating a strong CV as a Fresh Graduate without experience requires a blend of punchy content, considered structure and format, and heavy tailoring.

By creating a punchy profile and core skills list, you’ll be able to hook recruiter’s attention and ensure your CV gets read.

Remember that research and relevance is the key to a good CV, so research your target roles before you start writing and pack your CV with relevant skills.

Best of luck with your next application!

Resume for Freshers with No Experience: Sample Resume Templates for Freshers

Title: Resume for Freshers with No Experience: Sample Resume Templates for Freshers

Summary: Crafting a compelling resume as a fresh graduate with little to no work experience can be challenging. However, a well-structured resume can effectively showcase your skills, education, and potential to prospective employers. In this blog post, we’ll explore some sample resume templates tailored for freshers in the Indian job market. These templates serve as guides to help you create your own personalized resume, highlighting your strengths and qualifications even without prior professional experience.

Introduction: As a fresh graduate entering the job market, it’s natural to feel uncertain about how to present yourself effectively to potential employers, especially when you lack significant work experience. However, with the right approach and a well-crafted resume, you can demonstrate your value and potential, making a compelling case for why you’re the right fit for the job.

Why is a Resume Important for Freshers? Your resume serves as your first impression on recruiters and hiring managers. It’s your opportunity to introduce yourself, highlight your skills and qualifications, and showcase your potential contributions to the organization. Even without prior work experience, a thoughtfully constructed resume can demonstrate your enthusiasm, ambition, and readiness to embark on your professional journey.

Sample Resume Templates for Freshers:

  • Objective : Start with a concise statement outlining your career objective and what you bring to the table.
  • Education : Highlight your academic qualifications, including your degree, major, university, and any relevant coursework.
  • Skills : Showcase your key skills, including technical proficiencies, soft skills, and any relevant certifications or training.
  • Projects : Include details of any academic or extracurricular projects you’ve undertaken, emphasizing your role and contributions.
  • Extracurricular Activities : Mention any leadership roles, volunteer work, or extracurricular achievements that demonstrate your abilities and interests.
  • References : Conclude with a statement indicating that references are available upon request.
  • Profile Summary : Provide a brief summary highlighting your academic background, key skills, and career aspirations.
  • Education : Detail your educational qualifications, focusing on relevant coursework, projects, and academic achievements.
  • Internships/Volunteer Experience : If applicable, include details of any internships, volunteer work, or part-time roles you’ve held, highlighting relevant responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Skills : Emphasize your transferable skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability.
  • Projects : Describe any projects or assignments from your academic or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your abilities and interests.

Conclusion: While crafting a resume as a fresher with no experience may seem daunting, it’s essential to focus on highlighting your strengths, skills, and potential contributions. By following the sample resume templates provided in this post and customizing them to fit your unique profile, you can create a compelling resume that sets you apart from the competition. Remember, your resume is your opportunity to make a memorable impression and showcase your readiness to take on new challenges in the professional world.

Note: Adjust the templates and content according to your specific background, skills, and career objectives. The provided information serves as a guide and can be tailored to suit individual preferences and requirements.

Template – 1

[Your Name]

Address: [Your Address]

Phone: [Your Phone Number]

Email: [Your Email Address]

Objective: Recent graduate seeking an entry-level position in [desired industry] to utilize my [mention relevant skills] and [mention any relevant qualifications or attributes]. Eager to contribute positively to a dynamic team environment and further develop my professional skills.

  • Relevant coursework: [List relevant coursework or subjects]
  • Subjects: [List subjects studied]
  • Proficient in [mention relevant software/tools/technologies]
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Quick learner and adaptable to new environments
  • Ability to work effectively in a team as well as independently
  • Detail-oriented and organized
  • [Project Title 1]: Brief description and your role.
  • [Project Title 2]: Brief description and your role.
  • [Project Title 3]: Brief description and your role.

Extra-curricular Activities:

  • [Activity 1]: Brief description of your involvement and any achievements.
  • [Activity 2]: Brief description of your involvement and any achievements.
  • [Activity 3]: Brief description of your involvement and any achievements.


  • [Certification Name]: Issuing authority, date of completion.

References: Available upon request.

Note: Adjust the skills and information as per your skills and requirements. Information provided is for reference purposes only and may vary from person to person.

Template – 2

Career Objective: A highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a strong academic background in [Your Field] seeking an entry-level position in [desired industry]. Eager to apply theoretical knowledge gained through education in a practical work environment and contribute effectively to organizational success.

Educational Qualifications:

  • CGPA/Percentage: [Your CGPA or Percentage]
  • Percentage: [Your Percentage]

Key Skills:

  • Proficient in [mention relevant skills]
  • Excellent problem-solving abilities
  • Strong analytical skills
  • Effective time management and prioritization
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment

Projects Undertaken:

  • [Project Title 1]: Description of project and your role.
  • [Project Title 2]: Description of project and your role.
  • [Project Title 3]: Description of project and your role.
  • [Activity 1]: Description of activity and your involvement.
  • [Activity 2]: Description of activity and your involvement.
  • [Activity 3]: Description of activity and your involvement.

Personal Information:

  • Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]
  • Languages Known: [Languages Known]

Note: Customize the skills and information to match your profile. Information provided is for reference purposes only and may vary.

Template – 3

Professional Objective: Dynamic and ambitious recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in [Your Field] seeking an entry-level position in [desired industry]. Eager to contribute fresh ideas, learn new skills, and grow professionally in a challenging work environment.

Educational Background:

Core Competencies:

  • Proficient in [mention relevant skills or tools]
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Detail-oriented with a focus on quality and accuracy
  • Quick learner with a growth mindset

Academic Projects:

  • [Project Title 1]: Overview of the project and your contribution.
  • [Project Title 2]: Overview of the project and your contribution.
  • [Project Title 3]: Overview of the project and your contribution.

Certifications and Training:

  • [Training Program]: Brief description, date of completion.

Extracurricular Activities:

  • [Activity 1]: Description of activity and your role.
  • [Activity 2]: Description of activity and your role.
  • [Activity 3]: Description of activity and your role.

Personal Details:

Note: Tailor the information provided to match your qualifications and experiences. The details mentioned are for reference purposes only and may vary according to individual profiles and requirements within the Indian job market. Adjust the skills as per your skills and requirements. Information is for reference purposes only and can vary from person to person.

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Entry Level Data Analyst Resume No Experience

Are you a recent graduate or someone looking to transition into a data analyst role but lacking professional experience?

Crafting an entry-level data analyst resume with no experience can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

In this post, we’ll provide you with a sample resume and a step-by-step guide on how to create a compelling resume that highlights your skills, education, and potential.

Whether you have completed coursework, personal projects, or internships, we’ll help you showcase your abilities and increase your chances of landing that first data analyst position. Let’s dive in!

Entry Level Data Analyst Resume No Experience Page Image

Sample Resume for Data Analyst With No Experience

Peter Davis (000) 142-7147 [email protected] New York, NY

OBJECTIVE Dedicated and detail-oriented individual with a strong analytical mindset, seeking an entry-level position as a Data Analyst. Bringing a solid foundation in data analysis techniques and tools, including proficiency in SQL and Excel. Eager to apply my skills and contribute to the success of a dynamic team in a data-driven environment.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Business Administration State University, New York, NY – 2023

Data Analysis of Sales Trends Analyzed sales data to identify trends and provide insights for optimizing sales strategies. Utilized Excel to perform data cleaning, aggregation, and visualization.

Customer Segmentation Analysis Conducted segmentation analysis using SQL to categorize customers based on behavior and demographics, providing recommendations for targeted marketing campaigns.


  • Data analysis and visualization
  • SQL and database management
  • Excel and data manipulation
  • Statistical analysis


Data Analyst Intern ABC Company, New York, NY Dec 2023 – May 2024

  • Assisted in analyzing and interpreting data to identify opportunities for process improvement.
  • Conducted data cleaning and validation for accurate analysis.
  • Created data visualizations to present findings to stakeholders.
  • Completed a number of monthly reports.
  • Performed study on forecasts, demand, income, capital, and expense.

Volunteer XYZ Company, New York, NY Jun 2023 – Dec 2023

  • Prepared income and demand presentations in PowerPoint and Excel.
  • Performed marketplace analysis to attain product goals and strategies.
  • Lead the planning, recognition, development, and completion of design and changes to keep product metrics reports.

CERTIFICATIONS Introduction to SQL Online Learning Platform, 2023

Data Analysis with Excel Certification ABC Online Course Provider, 2022


  • Problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Effective communication skills
  • Team collaboration

Strong references available

How to Write an Entry-Level Data Analyst Resume with No Experience?

Writing an entry-level data analyst resume without any prior experience can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you create a compelling resume:

1. Objective or Summary Statement: Begin your resume with a strong objective or summary statement that highlights your skills, education, and enthusiasm for the data analysis field. Even though you may not have professional experience, emphasize your determination to learn and contribute.

2. Education: Showcase your academic background, including your degree, university name, and graduation date. If you achieved any notable academic accomplishments or participated in relevant coursework, be sure to mention them.

3. Coursework and Projects: Highlight any coursework or projects that demonstrate your analytical skills. For example, if you completed projects involving data analysis, statistics, or programming languages such as Python or R, mention them to showcase your practical knowledge.

4. Skills: List the technical and soft skills that are relevant to the data analysis field. Include skills like data manipulation, statistical analysis, data visualization, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Don’t forget to mention any software or tools you are familiar with, such as Excel, SQL, Tableau, or Power BI.

5. Certifications and Online Courses: If you have pursued any certifications or completed online courses related to data analysis, include them in a separate section. This demonstrates your proactive approach to learning and acquiring relevant skills.

6. Internships or Volunteer Work: If you have participated in internships or volunteered in roles that involved data analysis tasks, include them in your experience section. Even if they are not directly related to data analysis, highlight any transferable skills you gained during those experiences.

7. Projects or Personal Works: If you have worked on personal data analysis projects or contributed to open-source projects, showcase them. This highlights your initiative, passion, and ability to apply your skills outside of traditional work settings.

8. Relevant Extracurricular Activities: Mention any relevant extracurricular activities or memberships in data-related clubs or organizations. This demonstrates your active engagement in the field and your commitment to continuous learning.

9. References: If you have any references available, consider including them. These can be professors, mentors, or supervisors who can vouch for your abilities and work ethic.

Keep your resume concise, well-structured, and visually appealing. Tailor it to each specific job application, focusing on the skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description. With a well-crafted resume, you can showcase your potential and increase your chances of landing an entry-level data analyst position.


  • Entry Level Data Analyst Cover Letter Sample
  • 20 Entry Level Data Analyst Interview Questions and Answers

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Fresher Resume Examples - A Comprehensive Guide | Workruit

Fresher resume examples: how to create an impressive resume with little to no experience, the importance of a well-crafted resume for freshers.

When launching your career, a well-crafted resume is pivotal in making a lasting impression on potential employers. As a fresher entering the job market, your resume is a snapshot of your skills, qualifications, and potential. It can significantly impact your chances of an interview or job offer. The upcoming sections will explain how a well-crafted resume is essential and show a few fresher resume examples .

Challenges Faced by Freshers in Creating a Compelling Resume

When writing resumes, new graduates frequently confront particular difficulties. Creating a CV might be intimidating due to a lack of industry exposure, relevant professional experience, and the need to stand out. However, these difficulties can be addressed with the proper strategy and comprehension, and your resume will be able to highlight your ability correctly.

Understanding a Fresher Resume's Objective

A resume for a recent graduate has several uses:

It draws attention to the transferrable talents and relevant experiences you've amassed through volunteer work, internships, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities.

Your education and academic achievements are highlighted, emphasising your dedication to learning.

It emphasises your potential and passion for advancement, demonstrating to potential employers that you are a promising candidate.

Determining the Goals and Purpose of a Freshers' Resume

Understanding the role and objectives of your resume as a fresher is critical.

Emphasise Relevant Experiences and Transferable Skills

Although you may need more professional experience as a new employee, your time spent in internships, part-time work, volunteering, and extracurricular activities has given you good transferrable abilities. You can spotlight these skills on your CV to demonstrate your potential and suitability for the desired employment. Check out fresher resume examples to get a better idea.

Describe your transferable skills: leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and flexibility. Consider how to utilise these skills in your desired position and highlight them in your CV. Use brief and convincing bullet points to highlight your experiences and how they have helped you gain these talents. In addition, emphasise experiences that are relevant to the job you are pursuing. 

Any internships, projects, or volunteer work you have done should illustrate your ability to use your skills in real-world scenarios. Describe the tasks you did, the challenges you experienced, and the outcomes you obtained. A proper resume format for freshers can help potential employers understand your qualifications and what you can offer their firm.

Prioritising Academic Achievements and Education 

For newcomers, establishing credibility and demonstrating a commitment to learning to rely on education and academic achievements. Your educational background may provide insight into your knowledge base and ability to learn new ideas and concepts.

In the education section of your CV, provide information about your degree, college, graduation date, and any relevant coursework. Any awards, prizes, or scholarships you have received should be mentioned. Identify any significant activities or research you have completed while pursuing your studies to demonstrate your ability to use theoretical knowledge in real-world circumstances.

In addition, if you have finished any relevant training programs or credentials, provide them in your education section or individually. These additional certifications complement your résumé and demonstrate your dedication to lifelong learning.

Showcasing potential and enthusiasm for learning and growth

When showcasing your potential and spirit for learning and development in your resume format for freshers, you must demonstrate your willingness to acquire new skills and take on challenges.

Highlight relevant coursework and projects: If you have taken courses or completed projects directly related to the job you're applying for, emphasise them in your resume. This shows your commitment to learning and ability to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Showcase certifications and professional development: Include any certifications or professional development courses you have completed. This demonstrates your proactive learning approach and dedication to staying updated in your field. 

Emphasise extracurricular activities: If you have participated in clubs, organisations, or activities outside your academic studies, highlight them. These experiences can showcase your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and willingness to engage in personal growth beyond the classroom.

Structuring a Fresher Resume

When structuring your resume as a fresher, check our few fresher resume examples and organise the content clearly and concisely. Let's explore the key elements that should be included in your resume to make it impactful and well-structured.

Contact Information and Personal Details

Start your resume by providing your contact information at the top of the page. Include your full name, contact number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). Ensure this information is accurate and current so potential employers can contact you for further consideration.

Statement of purpose or summary: Adapting it to the Job Application,

Include an objective or summary statement highlighting your professional aims and the value you can bring to the company. This section should be tailored to the specific job application you are pursuing. Summarise your abilities, experiences, and ambitions in a few sentences, showcasing your interest and alignment with the position.

A section on Education: Emphasis on Academic Qualifications, Relevant Coursework, and Projects

Provide information about your academic credentials in the education area. Include the title of your degree, the university or institution you attended, your graduation date, and, if applicable, your GPA. Describe any relevant coursework or projects demonstrating your skill in the desired role.

Finding and Effectively Presenting Relevant Skills in the Skills Section

Make a section highlighting your skills and applicable technical, people, and transferrable skills. Determine and briefly state the essential qualifications for the position you're applying for. Use bullet points and detailed examples like those given in a fresher resume example to show how you have acquired and used these skills.

Highlighting Internships, Part-Time Jobs, Volunteer Work, and Extracurricular Activities in the Experience Section

You can emphasise relevant internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities even if you have little professional experience. Describe the tasks you undertook, the things you achieved, and the skills you learned. Focus on showcasing your capacity to contribute productively in a workplace or team setting.

Additional Sections: Including Workshops, Certifications, and Related Affiliations

Include relevant qualifications, workshops, or training courses you have taken. These additional credentials prove your dedication to lifelong study and professional growth. Mention any relevant affiliations, such as participation in industry-related events or membership in professional organisations.

Tips for formatting and design: Make the resume Resume Visually Appealing and Simple to Read

Make sure your resume has a clean, professional layout so that it is both eye-catching and straightforward to read. Utilise distinct headings, bullet points, and a unified font style. Avoid overusing images or colours that could detract from the content. Ensure your resume is well-organised, skimmable, and well-structured so employers can immediately determine your most important skills and experiences.

Showing Off Your Strengths and Transferable Skills

It would be best to highlight your strengths and transferrable talents to make an attractive, more recent CV. These abilities, which can be valuable assets in the job, are acquired through various non-professional experiences. Let's look at how you may emphasise your transferrable talents and show potential employers how they are relevant with reference from a few fresher sample examples.

Identifying Your Non-Professional Experiences' Transferable Skills

Non-professional activities like volunteering, internships, part-time employment, and participation in student organisations can give you transferable skills useful in the workforce. Decide which abilities, such as leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, communication, organisation, and flexibility, you have honed through these experiences. To find the transferable talents applicable to your intended field, return to the tasks you completed and the difficulties you faced.

Highlighting interpersonal, cooperative, and problem-solving skills

Soft talents frequently sought after by companies are essential to your professional success. Draw attention to soft skills like critical thinking, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Give concrete instances from your non-professional experiences where you have used these abilities, such as managing a team project, settling disagreements, or clearly expressing your thoughts.

Giving Concrete Examples of Transferable Skills

When describing your transferrable talents, it is critical to give specific examples of how you've used them in actual circumstances. Give examples of specific projects, efforts, or difficulties where you used your transferrable talents to get results. To demonstrate your abilities and the impact you had, use action verbs and quantitative outcomes in your resume for freshers.

Tailoring the Resume for Specific Job Applications,

You must modify your CV for every job application for the best chance of success. This entails tailoring your CV to the target company's and the position's needs. Here's how to change your resume successfully: 

Researching the Target Company and Job Requirements: 

Conduct an extensive study on the target organisation and the particular job criteria before drafting your CV. Recognise the company's culture, values, and area of specialisation. Examine the job description to find the critical competencies, credentials, and experiences they seek. You can match the needs of the organisation and your fit for the position with the help of this study and your CV.

Customising the Resume to Align with the Specific Job Description

Once you have gathered the necessary information, customise your resume to align with the job description. Highlight your relevant coursework, projects, or skills directly related to the job requirements. Use keywords from the job description to optimise your resume for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) many employers use to filter resumes.

Highlighting Relevant Coursework, Projects, or Skills in Resume for Freshers

Include them prominently on your resume if you have completed any coursework or projects directly related to the position you seek. This exhibits your aptitude for the position and highlights your knowledge and expertise in particular fields.

Enhancing the Fresher Resume with Additional Components

Add extra elements to your CV to help it stand out and strengthen your application.

Introduction in a Cover Letter or Email: Customising the Application

You can personalise your application by including a well-written cover letter or email introduction with your resume. Make the most of this chance to express your interest in the job, showcase your relevant experience and talents, and show how passionate you are about the organisation and the position.

Including a Portfolio or Work Samples

Consider building a portfolio and including a link or attaching pertinent examples to your CV if you have work samples, such as completed projects, design samples, writing samples, or code snippets. It enables employers to see concrete proof of your abilities and expertise.

Utilising a LinkedIn profile and other essential online profiles

Include a link on your CV to your professional LinkedIn profile. An updated LinkedIn profile details your experiences, abilities, and successes. Make sure your internet persona matches your CV and is professional.

Finalising and Reviewing the Resume

Ensure your CV is flawless before submitting it by carefully proofreading and editing it. It gives the finest possible impression of you.

Correction of Spelling, Grammar, and Formatting Errors

Check your resume carefully for any formatting, grammatical, or spelling problems. Typos or errors can provide the wrong impression. To find any mistakes, use proofreading tools, ask for input from others, and read your resume aloud.

Getting input from teachers, mentors, or career counsellors

Consult mentors, educators, or career counsellors for their opinions since they can offer insightful commentary and constructive criticism. They can help you determine how to improve your resume and increase its impact.

Ensuring the Resume is Concise, Flawless, and Presentable

Finally, ensure your CV is brief, clear of mistakes, and displays a professional image. Utilise distinct titles, bullet points, and a regular format. Ensure it is organised and straightforward, with the best resume format for freshers.

How do you write a resume profile with no experience?

When constructing a resume template for freshers or a profile without experience, emphasise your abilities, education, and related coursework or projects. Emphasise your ambition to contribute to the organisation and your enthusiasm for learning. Showcase any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities demonstrating your transferable talents and dedication to personal development. Create a fascinating profile that captures the attention of potential employers by combining keywords and action verbs.

What is the greatest resume format for someone with no experience?

Individuals who have yet to earn experience are generally advised to use a functional resume format. This structure prioritises talents, education, and accomplishments over chronological employment experience. Begin with a summary or profile statement highlighting your most important abilities and qualifications. 

Education, related coursework, projects, internships, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities should come next. Include a skills section where you identify the talents you need for the position you're looking for. This style allows you to demonstrate your abilities and potential without professional experience. A sample resume for freshers is available for reference.

How do I make an impressive resume for freshers?

To create an impressive resume for freshers , follow these tips:

• Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the role.

• Focus on your education, academic achievements, and relevant coursework or projects.

• Highlight any internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that showcase your skills and dedication.

• Use action verbs and quantitative data to describe your accomplishments and responsibilities.

• Include a skills section listing your relevant technical and soft skills.

• Use a clean and professional resume template with consistent formatting.

• Proofread your resume carefully to eliminate any errors or typos.

What do I put for experience on a resume if I have never worked?

Focus on prior experiences that have given you transferable skills if this is your first job, including internships, volunteer work, part-time employment, and membership in clubs or student organisations. Explain your duties and responsibilities in these positions, emphasising your acquired abilities. Showcase any pertinent assignments, coursework, or certificates demonstrating your skills and learning commitment.

How would you express that you lack experience but are eager to learn?

Highlight your eagerness and love for learning new things when you say you lack experience but are willing to learn. In your resume, mention something like "Motivated and eager to gain hands-on experience," "Enthusiastic about learning and adapting to new challenges," or "Quick learner with a strong desire to grow and contribute." To succeed in the position, emphasise your readiness to take on new obligations, undergo training, and put in the necessary time and effort. It shows that despite having little professional experience, you have a good mindset and are determined to succeed.

  • Resume Wrtitng Tips

Workruit Resume Builder, powered by Workruit, aims at simplifying online resume building experience. We have brought the industry's first personalized URL feature. The time taken to build an online CV has been reduced as job-seekers can now build a professional curriculum vitae in minutes.


Resume Builder


3 Steps away from an amazing resume... Absolutely FREE!!

1. choose a resume template.

Select a resume format from our diverse collection of templates.

2. Feed Info

Populate the selected template with your personal, professional and educational information.

3. Download Resume

Download your resume populated with your information in the template of your choice with just a click on Download button!

Online Resume Maker Free for Freshers and Experienced

A professionally created resume is the foremost requirement to land your dream job. This piece of document summarizes a person’s background, education, skills, and accomplishments. A resume can decide whether you are eligible for a job or not. A professional resume creates a long-lasting impression but unfortunately, many people face difficulty in creating a good resume. If you are one of them then no need to worry as free online resume maker for freshers and experienced is here to help you in this task.

With, resume making is no longer a daunting task as all your resume-related problems are solved here. It is the best free resume maker that you will find. Its clean and easy-to-use interface makes it a reliable online resume maker platform for freshers and experienced. The distinguishing feature of this platform is that it is absolutely free to download a resume and that too without any watermark.

Make Resume Online for Free with Pre-built Resume Templates for Freshers and Experienced is a free resume maker website where you can make a professional resume online in a few minutes using pre-built resume templates. Whether you are fresher or experienced, our resume builder fulfills the needs of every job aspirant and thereby increases the chance of getting selected for the job. Here you can make a resume for a job easily and effortlessly with clear instructions at every step to help you build a perfect resume.

Our resume templates are suitable for every type of job including marketing, teaching, information technology and banking to name a few. Also, it is optional whether you want to sign up or not. But if you sign up, your data will be saved such that if you return back to the website again in future, you will not have to fill the data again. This is the advantage of this online resume maker website. There are different types of resume formats . You can find template for different formats on this platform.

With your search for ‘where can I get resume templates for free’ is complete.

How to create resume for freshers?

Resume writing is always a challenging task for those who have recently graduated from colleges or universities and are making their way to the professional world. They have little or no work experience to list in their resume and their resume is termed as a fresher resume.

So, how to create a resume for freshers?

Since a fresher person has little or no work experience to show, the resume for fresher should emphasize on skills and education of the person. Freshers should use functional resume format. This resume format focuses on skills and abilities of the candidate rather than work experience. A resume for freshers should include these sections: Contact Information, Summary Statement, Skills, Education, Experience if any.

With, you don’t need to worry about how to make resume for job fresher. It is an online resume maker for freshers with pre-built resume templates for fresh graduates. It is an easy and user-friendly creative resume maker platform that can be used even on phone. The major feature of this is that it is completely free to use. All the templates on this resume maker for freshers are free. Candidates can prepare their resume for job with ease on this website.

Resume Maker for Students

Our resume maker is suitable for students with no work experience. The students from India or from any other country who have recently passed out from the college and are looking to step into the professional world can also use this online resume maker for students .

We provide simple and ready-to-use resume templates for students. After passing out from college, many students start hunting for jobs. For appearing for a job interview the foremost requirement is a well-formatted resume which many students fail to create due to lack of guidance. Also, students do not have any formal work experience in the beginning making it further difficult for them to come up with the content for the resume.

Our free resume maker online comes to the rescue of students in such a situation. is one of the best free resume builder sites that provides resume templates for students that emphasize on education, GPA scores, awards/honors. Step-by-step instructions are provided to help students in building a professional resume.

In the resume for students, the main area of focus is academic scores, projects, and achievements. While scanning the resumes, the hiring managers have an eye on these sections. With our resume builder for students, who will be joining as freshers, you will be able to elaborate these sections in detail.

How can a student make a resume?

Our online resume maker for students is extremely easy to use with detailed instructions laid out for every section. Our resume templates for students are built according to the industry standards by ensuring that the students enter the job market with the best entry-level resume.

Just try our online resume builder for students for free and move one step forward towards landing on your first job. Easy-to-use templates and expert tips will make the whole process of resume making smooth. In order to impress the hiring managers in your student resume, your starting section i.e., your resume objective should be strong.

In our resume maker for the students of India and other countries, you can find a list of strong resume objectives which you can include in your resume. The resume for students is somewhat different from that of experienced professionals. Experienced professionals have relevant work experience to list in their resumes while students or freshers have no such experience to list. is the resume builder for students with no work experience. We have easy-to-use templates for students, freshers, and experienced. It is ideal for students looking to create their first resume. Students no longer need to search for ‘How can a student create a resume for free’ . All their resume related queries are sorted out at this online resume builder.

Here you will get exactly what you need to land on your dream job as a student, fresher, or experienced person. This online resume maker comes with built-in tips and readymade content prepared by industry experts. You will get suggestions in every section that will further increase the chances of your resume being shortlisted for job interviews. So, maximize your chances of landing on your dream job with our free online resume maker for students, freshers, and experienced.

How can I make a resume online for free at

You already know how crucial a resume is for landing a job. It should not only be impressive but creative and well-formatted also.

So, how do I make a resume for free?

If you are looking for a creative resume maker online free for freshers, experienced or students, then you are at the right place. It is quite easy to make a resume at that too without spending any single penny. It is the best free resume builder to assist you in making a complete resume in the format that hiring managers often look for. Here is what you need to do make a resume here:

How can I create my resume?

  • Click on the Create Resume button to get started with our online resume maker. Sign-up is optional.
  • Now choose the template for your resume. There are a wide range of customizable resume templates including with photos and without photos. Select the template that best fits you and your industry.
  • All the resume templates are free to use and can be customized. These are designed keeping in mind best resume practices and industry standards.
  • Now feed your information into the blank fields in the template chosen by you. There are different sections in every resume template that are to be covered including Contact Details, Work Experience, Skills, and Education.
  • Fill in each detail correctly and clearly. Remember, don’t ever lie on your resume. Lying in a resume in any manner can cost you later.
  • Now you have filled the details, it’s time to download the resume. You have the option to download it in doc or pdf format anytime and anywhere. The resume is saved automatically in your account.
  • That’s it! A professional resume is created in a matter of minutes. Now you are a step closer to your dream job with a perfectly designed resume.

Benefits of using our Online Resume Maker

During a job interview, a resume is the first thing that a recruiter goes through. A recruiter takes an average of six seconds to accept or reject a resume. A poorly made resume creates a bad impression and lowers your chance of getting selected in the interview. You should make sure that you have the right elements in your resume that recruiters often look for. A well-organized and well-formatted resume is a must to grab the attention of the hiring managers. helps you create a perfect resume with the desired elements required in a resume. This online resume maker is free for freshers, professionals, and every other job aspirant. Years of experience has helped us to know what recruiters generally look for in a resume. Our CV and resume builder is designed on the latest software technology that instantly generates a well-formatted resume for you to download. In short, you can make a resume and download it for free. Here are some other benefits that this online resume builder offers:

  • Easy to use platform for resume building.
  • Mobile compatible resume maker.
  • More than 50 pre-built resume templates for students, freshers, and experienced.
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With, it is easy to create resumes for free. This platform is very easy to use with pre-built resume templates for students, freshers, and experienced professionals. You can easily customize your resume templates with a few clicks.

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3. What type of resume is best for freshers?

Reverse chronological format and functional format are the best resume formats for freshers. These resume formats will work even if you don’t have much of work experience.

4. Are CV and resume the same?

CV and resume are different from each other. A resume is generally one or two pages long while a CV has no such limit of length. In a CV, there is broad information about everything including work history, education, and achievements. On the other hand, a resume is a short and precise document specifically created for applying to aparticular job position.

5. Are there any completely free resume builders?

Although most of the resume builders are paid, there are a few completely free resume builders also. is one such completely free resume builder online with access to pre-built professional resume templates.

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DevOps Fresher Resume – How to Make a Strong CV?


Karan Gupta


Jul 05, 2024


Table of Content

  • 1. An Overview of DevOps Engineer
  • 2. Tips to make a perfect DevOps resume for freshers
  • 3. Aspects to cover in DevOps Fresher Resume
  • 4. Skills needed to be included in DevOps resume for freshers
  • 5. Keywords to add to your DevOps resume
  • 6. Sample of DevOps fresher resume  
  • 7. Conclusion

DevOps offers substantial ROI to technology firms. In my experience, it is a vital glue that bonds the disparate teams of development and operations. This integrated approach significantly accelerates the software delivery process. Tech product teams use it by implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines. The shared collaboration between the two teams leads to faster addition of features or version upgrades. The result is that companies can now roll out new features or new updates in a matter of days. 

According to me, this is much better than the older  waterfall model , where delivery of new features used to take months on end.

No wonder that its phenomenal value proposition has created immense demand for DevOps engineers. However, you should have relevant expertise to land this role. Plus, showcasing your skills through the resume is also crucial. If you are new to this aspect of job hunting within DevOps, then this post will help you out. 

I have compiled everything you need to know about creating a DevOps resume for freshers.

Also Read:  How To Become DevOps Engineer?

An Overview of DevOps Engineer

A DevOps engineer is an IT specialist with operations and development knowledge. They focus on areas like infrastructure management and system administration. These professionals also have good interpersonal skills since they facilitate a collaborative environment. 

DevOps engineers have a strong hold on the system architecture and administration. Meanwhile, they also have experience with traditional development practices and toolsets. They know how to use source control and write unit tests. They are also familiar with Agile principles. Such deep domain knowledge comes when you take up a DevOps course that offers DevOps Certification at the end of the training.

Tips to make a perfect DevOps resume for freshers

Your resume is the first impression. Thus, it is important to showcase your expertise and skills. An ideal DevOps engineer resume for fresher should be concise and easy to read. Plus, it should be tailored to the specific job. Here is what you should focus on while preparing DevOps fresher resume:

1. Resume structure or template

If you ask me, your resume should stand out from others so that it catches recruiters’ attention. You need to use a date-wise sorting for listing your work experience. You should showcase education in reverse chronological order.  Plus, you should use readable fonts and maintain consistency in font sizes. 

I suggest you use a template to make your resume more visually attractive. 

Here, I have given an example of the structure of DevOps engineer resume for fresher:

  • Contact information
  • Objective 
  • Education 
  • Relevant skills 

2. Work experience section 

While crafting your resume, mentioning your experience in the DevOps field is necessary. You should mention the past projects you have worked on. I also recommend you add the tools and technologies you have used. Additionally, it would be a good idea to include other experiences and internships. 

Here is an example:

DevOps Engineer at Microsoft

July 2021 – Present

  • Extensively worked on  Amazon Web Services  and implemented automated Terraform deployment. 
  • Maintained and designed  CI/CD  with the help of Git &  Jenkins . 
  • Worked with developers and the operation team. Also helped them to troubleshoot problems. 

4. For freshers who do not have experience 

Freshers cannot add their experience. Thus, I suggest you showcase your technical skills. Plus, you should mention any courses you have completed with the certification.  It would be great if you have done any projects. This will create a good impression. I advise you to take a look at the DevOps fresher resume sample. This will give you an idea and overview of my resume.  

Let us look at the sample of the work experience section of freshers:

Intern, DevOps team, Google

Feb 2021 – April 2021

  • I worked with the DevOps team and helped develop scripts. 
  • Assisted in designing and implementing the company's cloud infrastructure.

5. Contact information

You should mention your full name and email address. Also, include your phone number and LinkedIn profile. Ensure the Email address is professional. I strongly suggest you do not add funky emails.

Example for Contact Section:

6. Add Education 

I suggest you mention your education in reverse chronological order. You can start with recent educational qualifications. You should include the institute's name and timeline. 

Example for this section:

Bachelors in Science, Information Technology 

University of Boston

August 2016 – June 2020

Aspects to cover in DevOps Fresher Resume

You need a thoughtful approach to create your resume as a fresher. You have to mention your expertise and qualifications. I have discussed some tips that will help you create a resume admired by the employer. These tips are specifically for the freshers.  

Mention clear and concise resume objective 

I suggest you start the resume with a concise statement. You should mention your career goals. Additionally, consider adding how you want to contribute to the DevOps environment.

Example of a concise resume objective:

“I am a Computer Science graduate, looking for a  DevOps role  to demonstrate my skills in  cloud computing models   and automation. Plus, I am also keen to work on continuous integration to optimize the software development lifecycle.”

Add relevant skills and expertise 

The DevOps role demands various skills. So, I suggest you include your expertise in version control and automation. Additionally, you should mention your understanding of continuous integration and cloud computing. Ultimately, you should use relevant keywords in your resume.

Here, I have mentioned relevant skills:

  • Programming language: Python, Java
  • Version control: Git
  • Cloud platforms: Azure, AWS 
  • Containers:  Docker ,  Kubernetes  

Include the projects 

Employers will appreciate the evidence of your skills. So, I recommend you add the relevant projects that you have worked on. Plus, also mention the tools and techniques you have used. This will showcase your practical knowledge. Meanwhile, it also shows your ability to tackle real-world scenarios. 

Here is how you can showcase your project:

Automated Infrastructure Deployment

  • I have used Terraform to automate the AWS infrastructure. 
  • I have implemented the  Ansible  playbook for configuration management. 

Skills Needed to be Included in DevOps Resume for Freshers

Now, let us look at the skills that you should add to the resume:

1. Your proficiency in Automation tools

DevOps engineers extensively work on automating tasks. Thus, it is crucial to learn this skill. You should mention tools you are familiar with, Like Ansible and Jenkins. Additionally, consider mentioning your expertise in automating repetitive tasks. 

2. Coding skills 

DevOps engineers should be good in at least one programming language. So, you should have a strong grasp of a particular language. You should mention the languages in which you are proficient. 

3. Knowledge of Could Computing 

You should understand cloud computing to work as a DevOps engineer. So, you have to add your expertise in these technologies. From my knowledge, AWS and Azure are the most popular cloud hosting services.

4. Agile methods knowledge 

As a DevOps engineer, you should know  Agile methodologies . These techniques are used to develop products more efficiently and faster. So, if you know of these methods, add them to your resume.

5. Expertise in testing and Quality assurance 

Understanding the testing techniques and framework ensures the project meets the objective. Thus, you should learn these concepts. Adding them to your resume adds volume. 

6. Communication skills 

DevOps engineers are expected to have excellent communication skills. This is because they work with a cross-functional team that requires clear interaction. They also facilitate collaboration and on-time delivery of products. So, learn these soft skills and mention them in your resume. 

Keywords to Add to Your DevOps Resume 

I will take you through the keywords used during the DevOps job posting. These are the skills that the recruiters look for. So, I suggest you include these words in your resume. 

However, I advise you to examine the job you are considering thoroughly. After that, you should include keywords that are relevant to the job. 

GCPGoAzure DevOps serverChef
Google Cloud PlatformJavaTeamCityAzure ARM
IBM cloudC#Circle CIPuppet
DockerBashTravis CIAnsible
KubernetesJavaScriptCodeFreshGoogle CDM

Sample of DevOps Fresher Resume 

John Walter 


[email protected]

1. Summary  

I am dedicated to applying cutting-edge technologies to improve the system efficiency. Keen to aid in improving operations by utilizing the knowledge of CI/CD pipelines and cloud infrastructure. Plus, also good at scripting languages and serverless architecture. I can develop a serverless architecture by combining AWS Lambda and CloudFormation. 

2. Education  

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 

University of XYZ

October 2009 – January 2014 

[a] Expertise in software development techniques like Scrum and Agile. 

[b] Deep understanding of the cloud computing platforms like AWS and Azure. 

[c] I deeply understand scripting languages like Python and Bash. 

[d] Know how to use container technology like Docker and Kubernetes. 

[e] I have extensively worked on  Automation tools  and frameworks. 

[f] Worked on Configuration Management Tools like Ansible. 

[g] I have great communication and interpersonal skills. 

[h] I am good at problem-solving and critical thinking. 

[i] I can work in a collaborative environment. 

4. Certifications

AWS Certification - Professional, Amazon Web Services, 2018


English – native 

French – fluent

You can use this DevOps fresher resume sample to create your own CV.

Crafting an effective resume is a step-by-step process for freshers. You have to focus on showcasing your relevant skills. As a fresher, you have to emphasize your skills. This is because you do not have experience. So, I have discussed everything a fresher needs to know about the resume. I hope you found this blog post informative. 

Finally, I suggest you look for a DevOps course offering a  DevOps certification .

1. Where can I find a free resume template for a DevOps Engineer resume?

You can check online platforms like Canvas. It offers customizable templates. You can also consider Zety for specialized resume templates. Apart from these, plenty of other websites offer a wide range of resumes.

2. Can a fresher apply for a DevOps engineer?

Yes, you can apply for the DevOps role even if you lack experience in this space. It will need a tactical approach though. You should have a good understanding of the basics of the domain to increase your chances of getting your dream job. It will help if you have proficiency in coding and cloud technologies. Also, you should try to learn about system administration and containers like Docker. 

3. Can I get a DevOps job with no experience?

Yes, it is possible to land a DevOps role without prior experience. You should be good at coding language and other DevOps-related technologies. I would suggest you get a certification from a prestigious DevOps course. This will increase the chance of getting hired by some of the well-known companies. 


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  24. DevOps Fresher Resume

    Let us look at the sample of the work experience section of freshers: Intern, DevOps team, Google. Feb 2021 - April 2021. ... You can use this DevOps fresher resume sample to create your own CV. Conclusion. Crafting an effective resume is a step-by-step process for freshers. You have to focus on showcasing your relevant skills.