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respecting diversity essay

May 8, 2024

The Diversity Essay: How to Write an Excellent Diversity Essay

respecting diversity essay

What is a diversity essay in a school application? And why does it matter when applying to leading programs and universities? Most importantly, how should you go about writing such an essay?

Diversity is of supreme value in higher education, and schools want to know how every student will contribute to the diversity on their campus. A diversity essay gives applicants with disadvantaged or underrepresented backgrounds, an unusual education, a distinctive experience, or a unique family history an opportunity to write about how these elements of their background have prepared them to play a useful role in increasing and encouraging diversity among their target program’s student body and broader community.

The purpose of all application essays is to help the adcom better understand who an applicant is and what they care about. Your essays are your chance to share your voice and humanize your application. This is especially true for the diversity essay, which aims to reveal your unique perspectives and experiences, as well as the ways in which you might contribute to a college community.

In this post, we’ll discuss what exactly a diversity essay is, look at examples of actual prompts and a sample essay, and offer tips for writing a standout essay. 

In this post, you’ll find the following: 

What a diversity essay covers

How to show you can add to a school’s diversity, why diversity matters to schools.

  • Seven examples that reveal diversity

Sample diversity essay prompts

How to write about your diversity.

  • A diversity essay example

Upon hearing the word “diversity” in relation to an application essay, many people assume that they will have to write about gender, sexuality, class, or race. To many, this can feel overly personal or irrelevant, and some students might worry that their identity isn’t unique or interesting enough. In reality, the diversity essay is much broader than many people realize.

Identity means different things to different people. The important thing is that you demonstrate your uniqueness and what matters to you. In addition to writing about one of the traditional identity features we just mentioned (gender, sexuality, class, race), you could consider writing about a more unusual feature of yourself or your life – or even the intersection of two or more identities.

Consider these questions as you think about what to include in your diversity essay:

  • Do you have a unique or unusual talent or skill?
  • Do you have beliefs or values that are markedly different from those of the people around you? 
  • Do you have a hobby or interest that sets you apart from your peers? 
  • Have you done or experienced something that few people have? Note that if you choose to write about a single event as a diverse identity feature, that event needs to have had a pretty substantial impact on you and your life. For example, perhaps you’re part of the 0.2% of the world’s population that has run a marathon, or you’ve had the chance to watch wolves hunt in the wild.
  • Do you have a role in life that gives you a special outlook on the world? For example, maybe one of your siblings has a rare disability, or you grew up in a town with fewer than 500 inhabitants.

respecting diversity essay

If you are an immigrant to the United States, the child of immigrants, or someone whose ethnicity is underrepresented in the States, your response to “How will you add to the diversity of our class/community?” and similar questions might help your application efforts. Why? Because you have the opportunity to show the adcom how your background will contribute a distinctive perspective to the program you are applying to.

Of course, if you’re not underrepresented in your field or part of a disadvantaged group, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have anything to write about in a diversity essay.

For example, you might have an unusual or special experience to share, such as serving in the military, being a member of a dance troupe, or caring for a disabled relative. These and other distinctive experiences can convey how you will contribute to the diversity of the school’s campus.

Maybe you are the first member of your family to apply to college or the first person in your household to learn English. Perhaps you have worked your way through college or helped raise your siblings. You might also have been an ally to those who are underrepresented, disadvantaged, or marginalized in your community, at your school, or in a work setting. 

As you can see, diversity is not limited to one’s religion, ethnicity, culture, language, or sexual orientation. It refers to whatever element of your identity distinguishes you from others and shows that you, too, value diversity.

The diversity essay provides colleges the chance to build a student body that includes different ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, backgrounds, interests, and so on. Applicants are asked to illuminate what sets them apart so that the adcoms can see what kind of diverse views and opinions they can bring to the campus.

Admissions officers believe that diversity in the classroom improves the educational experience of all the students involved. They also believe that having a diverse workforce better serves society as a whole.

The more diverse perspectives found in the classroom, throughout the dorms, in the dining halls, and mixed into study groups, the richer people’s discussions will be.

Plus, learning and growing in this kind of multicultural environment will prepare students for working in our increasingly multicultural and global world.

In medicine, for example, a heterogeneous workforce benefits people from previously underrepresented cultures. Businesses realize that they will market more effectively if they can speak to different audiences, which is possible when members of their workforce come from various backgrounds and cultures. Schools simply want to prepare graduates for the 21st century job market.

Seven examples that reveal diversity

Adcoms want to know about the diverse elements of your character and how these have helped you develop particular  personality traits , as well as about any unusual experiences that have shaped you.

Here are seven examples an applicant could write about:

1. They grew up in an environment with a strong emphasis on respecting their elders, attending family events, and/or learning their parents’ native language and culture.

2. They are close to their grandparents and extended family members who have taught them how teamwork can help everyone thrive.

3. They have had to face difficulties that stem from their parents’ values being in conflict with theirs or those of their peers.

4. Teachers have not always understood the elements of their culture or lifestyle and how those elements influence their performance.

5. They have suffered discrimination and succeeded despite it because of their grit, values, and character.

6. They learned skills from a lifestyle that is outside the norm (e.g., living in foreign countries as the child of a diplomat or contractor; performing professionally in theater, dance, music, or sports; having a deaf sibling).

7. They’ve encountered racism or other prejudice (either toward themselves or others) and responded by actively promoting diverse, tolerant values.

And remember, diversity is not about who your parents are.  It’s about who you are  – at the core.

Your background, influences, religious observances, native language, ideas, work environment, community experiences – all these factors come together to create a unique individual, one who will contribute to a varied class of distinct individuals taking their place in a diverse world.

The best-known diversity essay prompt is from the  Common App . It states:

“Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”

Some schools have individual diversity essay prompts. For example, this one is from  Duke University :

“We believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.” 

And the  Rice University application includes the following prompt:

“Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?”

In all instances, colleges want you to demonstrate how and what you’ll contribute to their communities.

Your answer to a school’s diversity essay question should focus on how your experiences have built your empathy for others, your embrace of differences, your resilience, your character, and your perspective.

The school might ask how you think of diversity or how you will bring or add to the diversity of the school, your chosen profession, or your community. Make sure you answer the specific question posed by highlighting distinctive elements of your profile that will add to the class mosaic every adcom is trying to create. You don’t want to blend in; you want to stand out in a positive way while also complementing the school’s canvas.

Here’s a simple, three-part framework that will help you think of diversity more broadly:

Who are you? What has contributed to your identity? How do you distinguish yourself? Your identity can include any of the following: gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, nontraditional work experience, nontraditional educational background, multicultural background, and family’s educational level.

What have you done? What have you accomplished? This could include any of the following: achievements inside and/or outside your field of study, leadership opportunities, community service, internship or professional experience, research opportunities, hobbies, and travel. Any or all of these could be unique. Also, what life-derailing, throw-you-for-a-loop challenges have you faced and overcome?

How do you think? How do you approach things? What drives you? What influences you? Are you the person who can break up a tense meeting with some well-timed humor? Are you the one who intuitively sees how to bring people together? 

Read more about this three-part framework in Episode 193 of Accepted’s Admissions Straight Talk podcast or listen wherever you get your favorite podcast s.

respecting diversity essay

Think about each question within this framework and how you could apply your diversity elements to your target school’s classroom or community. Any of these elements can serve as the framework for your essay.

Don’t worry if you can’t think of something totally “out there.” You don’t need to be a tightrope walker living in the Andes or a Buddhist monk from Japan to be able to contribute to a school’s diversity!

And please remember, the examples we have offered here are not exhaustive. There are many other ways to show diversity!

All you need to do to be able to write successfully about how you will contribute to the diversity of your target school’s community is examine your identity, deeds, and ideas, with an eye toward your personal distinctiveness and individuality. There is only one  you .

Take a look at the sample diversity essay in the next section of this post, and pay attention to how the writer underscores their appreciation for, and experience with, diversity. 

A diversity essay sample

When I was starting 11th grade, my dad, an agricultural scientist, was assigned to a 3-month research project in a farm village in Niigata (northwest Honshu in Japan). Rather than stay behind with my mom and siblings, I begged to go with him. As a straight-A student, I convinced my parents and the principal that I could handle my schoolwork remotely (pre-COVID) for that stretch. It was time to leap beyond my comfortable suburban Wisconsin life—and my Western orientation, reinforced by travel to Europe the year before. 

We roomed in a sprawling farmhouse with a family participating in my dad’s study. I thought I’d experience an “English-free zone,” but the high school students all studied and wanted to practice English, so I did meet peers even though I didn’t attend their school. Of the many eye-opening, influential, cultural experiences, the one that resonates most powerfully to me is experiencing their community. It was a living, organic whole. Elementary school kids spent time helping with the rice harvest. People who foraged for seasonal wild edibles gave them to acquaintances throughout the town. In fact, there was a constant sharing of food among residents—garden veggies carried in straw baskets, fish or meat in coolers. The pharmacist would drive prescriptions to people who couldn’t easily get out—new mothers, the elderly—not as a business service but as a good neighbor. If rain suddenly threatened, neighbors would bring in each other’s drying laundry. When an empty-nest 50-year-old woman had to be hospitalized suddenly for a near-fatal snakebite, neighbors maintained her veggie patch until she returned. The community embodied constant awareness of others’ needs and circumstances. The community flowed!

Yet, people there lamented that this lifestyle was vanishing; more young people left than stayed or came. And it wasn’t idyllic: I heard about ubiquitous gossip, long-standing personal enmities, busybody-ness. But these very human foibles didn’t dam the flow. This dynamic community organism couldn’t have been more different from my suburban life back home, with its insular nuclear families. We nod hello to neighbors in passing. 

This wonderful experience contained a personal challenge. Blond and blue-eyed, I became “the other” for the first time. Except for my dad, I saw no Westerner there. Curious eyes followed me. Stepping into a market or walking down the street, I drew gazes. People swiftly looked away if they accidentally caught my eye. It was not at all hostile, I knew, but I felt like an object. I began making extra sure to appear “presentable” before going outside. The sense of being watched sometimes generated mild stress or resentment. Returning to my lovely tatami room, I would decompress, grateful to be alone. I realized this challenge was a minute fraction of what others experience in my own country. The toll that feeling—and being— “other” takes on non-white and visibly different people in the US can be extremely painful. Experiencing it firsthand, albeit briefly, benignly, and in relative comfort, I got it.

Unlike the organic Niigata community, work teams, and the workplace itself, have externally driven purposes. Within this different environment, I will strive to exemplify the ongoing mutual awareness that fueled the community life in Niigata. Does it benefit the bottom line, improve the results? I don’t know. But it helps me be the mature, engaged person I want to be, and to appreciate the individuals who are my colleagues and who comprise my professional community. I am now far more conscious of people feeling their “otherness”—even when it’s not in response to negative treatment, it can arise simply from awareness of being in some way different.

What did you think of this essay? Does this middle class Midwesterner have the unique experience of being different from the surrounding majority, something she had not experienced in the United States? Did she encounter diversity from the perspective of “the other”? 

Here a few things to note about why this diversity essay works so well:

1. The writer comes from “a comfortable, suburban, Wisconsin life,” suggesting that her background might not be ethnically, racially, or in any other way diverse.

2. The diversity “points” scored all come from her fascinating experience of having lived in a Japanese farm village, where she immersed herself in a totally different culture.

3. The lessons learned about the meaning of community are what broaden and deepen the writer’s perspective about life, about a purpose-driven life, and about the concept of “otherness.” 

By writing about a time when you experienced diversity in one of its many forms, you can write a memorable and meaningful diversity essay.

Working on your diversity essay?

Want to ensure that your application demonstrates the diversity that your dream school is seeking?  Work with one of our admissions experts . This checklist includes more than 30 different ways to think about diversity to jump-start your creative engine.

respecting diversity essay

Dr. Sundas Ali has more than 15 years of experience teaching and advising students, providing career and admissions advice, reviewing applications, and conducting interviews for the University of Oxford’s undergraduate and graduate programs. In addition, Sundas has worked with students from a wide range of countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, India, Pakistan, China, Japan, and the Middle East. Want Sundas to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! 

Related Resources:

  • Different Dimensions of Diversity , podcast Episode 193
  • What Should You Do If You Belong to an Overrepresented MBA Applicant Group?
  • Fitting In & Standing Out: The Paradox at the Heart of Admissions , a free guide

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  • How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on November 1, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Table of contents

What is a diversity essay, identify how you will enrich the campus community, share stories about your lived experience, explain how your background or identity has affected your life, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Diversity essays ask students to highlight an important aspect of their identity, background, culture, experience, viewpoints, beliefs, skills, passions, goals, etc.

Diversity essays can come in many forms. Some scholarships are offered specifically for students who come from an underrepresented background or identity in higher education. At highly competitive schools, supplemental diversity essays require students to address how they will enhance the student body with a unique perspective, identity, or background.

In the Common Application and applications for several other colleges, some main essay prompts ask about how your background, identity, or experience has affected you.

Why schools want a diversity essay

Many universities believe a student body representing different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community.

Through the diversity essay, admissions officers want students to articulate the following:

  • What makes them different from other applicants
  • Stories related to their background, identity, or experience
  • How their unique lived experience has affected their outlook, activities, and goals

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Think about what aspects of your identity or background make you unique, and choose one that has significantly impacted your life.

For some students, it may be easy to identify what sets them apart from their peers. But if you’re having trouble identifying what makes you different from other applicants, consider your life from an outsider’s perspective. Don’t presume your lived experiences are normal or boring just because you’re used to them.

Some examples of identities or experiences that you might write about include the following:

  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Nationality
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Immigration background
  • Religion/belief system
  • Place of residence
  • Family circumstances
  • Extracurricular activities related to diversity

Include vulnerable, authentic stories about your lived experiences. Maintain focus on your experience rather than going into too much detail comparing yourself to others or describing their experiences.

Keep the focus on you

Tell a story about how your background, identity, or experience has impacted you. While you can briefly mention another person’s experience to provide context, be sure to keep the essay focused on you. Admissions officers are mostly interested in learning about your lived experience, not anyone else’s.

When I was a baby, my grandmother took me in, even though that meant postponing her retirement and continuing to work full-time at the local hairdresser. Even working every shift she could, she never missed a single school play or soccer game.

She and I had a really special bond, even creating our own special language to leave each other secret notes and messages. She always pushed me to succeed in school, and celebrated every academic achievement like it was worthy of a Nobel Prize. Every month, any leftover tip money she received at work went to a special 509 savings plan for my college education.

When I was in the 10th grade, my grandmother was diagnosed with ALS. We didn’t have health insurance, and what began with quitting soccer eventually led to dropping out of school as her condition worsened. In between her doctor’s appointments, keeping the house tidy, and keeping her comfortable, I took advantage of those few free moments to study for the GED.

In school pictures at Raleigh Elementary School, you could immediately spot me as “that Asian girl.” At lunch, I used to bring leftover fun see noodles, but after my classmates remarked how they smelled disgusting, I begged my mom to make a “regular” lunch of sliced bread, mayonnaise, and deli meat.

Although born and raised in North Carolina, I felt a cultural obligation to learn my “mother tongue” and reconnect with my “homeland.” After two years of all-day Saturday Chinese school, I finally visited Beijing for the first time, expecting I would finally belong. While my face initially assured locals of my Chinese identity, the moment I spoke, my cover was blown. My Chinese was littered with tonal errors, and I was instantly labeled as an “ABC,” American-born Chinese.

I felt culturally homeless.

Speak from your own experience

Highlight your actions, difficulties, and feelings rather than comparing yourself to others. While it may be tempting to write about how you have been more or less fortunate than those around you, keep the focus on you and your unique experiences, as shown below.

I began to despair when the FAFSA website once again filled with red error messages.

I had been at the local library for hours and hadn’t even been able to finish the form, much less the other to-do items for my application.

I am the first person in my family to even consider going to college. My parents work two jobs each, but even then, it’s sometimes very hard to make ends meet. Rather than playing soccer or competing in speech and debate, I help my family by taking care of my younger siblings after school and on the weekends.

“We only speak one language here. Speak proper English!” roared a store owner when I had attempted to buy bread and accidentally used the wrong preposition.

In middle school, I had relentlessly studied English grammar textbooks and received the highest marks.

Leaving Seoul was hard, but living in West Orange, New Jersey was much harder一especially navigating everyday communication with Americans.

After sharing relevant personal stories, make sure to provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, activities, and goals. You should also explain how your background led you to apply to this university and why you’re a good fit.

Include your outlook, actions, and goals

Conclude your essay with an insight about how your background or identity has affected your outlook, actions, and goals. You should include specific actions and activities that you have done as a result of your insight.

One night, before the midnight premiere of Avengers: Endgame , I stopped by my best friend Maria’s house. Her mother prepared tamales, churros, and Mexican hot chocolate, packing them all neatly in an Igloo lunch box. As we sat in the line snaking around the AMC theater, I thought back to when Maria and I took salsa classes together and when we belted out Selena’s “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” at karaoke. In that moment, as I munched on a chicken tamale, I realized how much I admired the beauty, complexity, and joy in Maria’s culture but had suppressed and devalued my own.

The following semester, I joined Model UN. Since then, I have learned how to proudly represent other countries and have gained cultural perspectives other than my own. I now understand that all cultures, including my own, are equal. I still struggle with small triggers, like when I go through airport security and feel a suspicious glance toward me, or when I feel self-conscious for bringing kabsa to school lunch. But in the future, I hope to study and work in international relations to continue learning about other cultures and impart a positive impression of Saudi culture to the world.

The smell of the early morning dew and the welcoming whinnies of my family’s horses are some of my most treasured childhood memories. To this day, our farm remains so rural that we do not have broadband access, and we’re too far away from the closest town for the postal service to reach us.

Going to school regularly was always a struggle: between the unceasing demands of the farm and our lack of connectivity, it was hard to keep up with my studies. Despite being a voracious reader, avid amateur chemist, and active participant in the classroom, emergencies and unforeseen events at the farm meant that I had a lot of unexcused absences.

Although it had challenges, my upbringing taught me resilience, the value of hard work, and the importance of family. Staying up all night to watch a foal being born, successfully saving the animals from a minor fire, and finding ways to soothe a nervous mare afraid of thunder have led to an unbreakable family bond.

Our farm is my family’s birthright and our livelihood, and I am eager to learn how to ensure the farm’s financial and technological success for future generations. In college, I am looking forward to joining a chapter of Future Farmers of America and studying agricultural business to carry my family’s legacy forward.

Tailor your answer to the university

After explaining how your identity or background will enrich the university’s existing student body, you can mention the university organizations, groups, or courses in which you’re interested.

Maybe a larger public school setting will allow you to broaden your community, or a small liberal arts college has a specialized program that will give you space to discover your voice and identity. Perhaps this particular university has an active affinity group you’d like to join.

Demonstrating how a university’s specific programs or clubs are relevant to you can show that you’ve done your research and would be a great addition to the university.

At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to study engineering not only to emulate my mother’s achievements and strength, but also to forge my own path as an engineer with disabilities. I appreciate the University of Michigan’s long-standing dedication to supporting students with disabilities in ways ranging from accessible housing to assistive technology. At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to receive a top-notch education and use it to inspire others to strive for their best, regardless of their circumstances.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

In addition to your main college essay , some schools and scholarships may ask for a supplementary essay focused on an aspect of your identity or background. This is sometimes called a diversity essay .

Many universities believe a student body composed of different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community, which is why they assign a diversity essay .

To write an effective diversity essay , include vulnerable, authentic stories about your unique identity, background, or perspective. Provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your outlook, activities, and goals. If relevant, you should also mention how your background has led you to apply for this university and why you’re a good fit.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/diversity-essay/

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7 Great Diversity Essay Examples and Why They Worked

Supplemental "diversity" or "community" essays are becoming increasingly popular components of college and university applications. A diversity essay allows you to highlight how your individual circumstances, values, traditions, or beliefs could contribute to the vibrant mix of cultures on a college campus.

The importance of the diversity essay lies in its ability to showcase aspects of your identity that may not be fully captured elsewhere in your application . It provides a platform for you to express your authenticity, highlight any obstacles or challenges you've overcome, and demonstrate how your unique viewpoints could enrich the learning environment. 

This trend is in part driven by institutions' heightened efforts to increase the diversity of their student bodies, as many elite schools have historically favored wealthy and/or white applicants. These diversity essays provide a valuable opportunity for students to give context about their identity and background, which supports colleges' missions of fostering more inclusive campus environments.

The push for diversity essays has been compounded  by the recent Supreme Court decision ruling affirmative action policies unconstitutional. With this ruling blocking colleges from directly considering an applicant's race or ethnicity in admissions decisions, many institutions have turned to supplemental essays as an alternative way to gauge how a prospective student's unique experiences and perspectives could contribute to a richly diverse student body. While not explicitly factoring racial or ethnic backgrounds into admissions, compelling diversity essays enable colleges to indirectly account for the varied identities and circumstances that applicants would bring to enrich the campus community.

However, even students who do not hold identities historically underrepresented at colleges, or face discrimination, are encouraged to approach the diversity essay thoughtfully. These essays allow all applicants to shed light on their individualized experiences that could add meaningful value to the institution's diversity and culture. Ultimately, colleges aim to curate an incoming class of students whose collective array of backgrounds fosters an environment of mutual understanding, intellectual growth, and cross-cultural exchange.

In this blog, we’ll walk through 7 examples of strong diversity essays, and give a brief discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each one. 

Note that for the sake of concision, only the first 150-250 words of each essay is included in the article. You can find links to the full text of each essay at the bottom of the page!

1. Finding My Voice (Hopkins)

I looked up and flinched slightly. There were at least sixty of them, far more than expected. I had thirty weeks to teach them the basics of public speaking. Gritting my teeth, I split my small group of tutors among the crowd and sat down for an impromptu workshop with the eighth graders. They were inexperienced, monotone, and quiet. In other words, they reminded me of myself…

I was born with a speech impediment that weakened my mouth muscles. My speech was garbled and incomprehensible. Understandably, I grew up quiet. I tried my best to blend in and give the impression I was silent by choice. I joined no clubs in primary school, instead preferring isolation. It took six years of tongue twisters and complicated mouth contortions in special education classes for me to produce the forty-four sounds of the English language.

This essay is highly effective in several ways. The author opens with a vivid, engaging anecdote that immediately draws the reader in and provides context for the essay's overarching theme of finding one's voice. The personal story of struggling with a speech impediment as a child and overcoming insecurities to become a confident public speaker on the debate team is powerful and memorable. The essay’s beginning, where Jerry is faced with the daunting task of teaching public speaking to a large group of eighth graders, is reminiscent of his own struggles with communication.  This scene immediately captures the reader's attention and establishes a connection between Jerry's personal journey and the theme of the essay.

Throughout the essay, Jerry skillfully weaves together his experiences of overcoming a speech impediment and finding his confidence through participation in the debate team. He candidly reflects on the challenges he faced, such as stuttering and feeling like a "deer in the headlights," and how he persevered through practice and determination. By sharing specific anecdotes, such as watching upperclassmen and adapting his speaking style, Jerry demonstrates his growth and development over time.

The continued arc of the essay conveys the broader significance of Jerry's journey by highlighting how his newfound confidence extended beyond the debate team to his interactions in school and leadership roles. Through his own experiences, Jerry founded a program to help other students overcome their insecurities and find their voices, thereby paying forward the empowerment he received. The conclusion nicely ties back to the introduction and leaves the reader with a positive, uplifting sense of the author's journey and values.

One potential area for improvement could be spending slightly more time underscoring specific insights, challenges, or ways this experience shaped the author's goals and worldview could make the essay even more impactful for admissions officers evaluating the author's ability to contribute to a diverse community.

2. Protecting the Earth

I never understood the power of community until I left home to join seven strangers in the Ecuadorian rainforest. Although we flew in from distant corners of the U.S., we shared a common purpose: immersing ourselves in our passion for protecting the natural world.

Back home in my predominantly conservative suburb, my neighbors had brushed off environmental concerns. My classmates debated the feasibility of Trump’s wall, not the deteriorating state of our planet. Contrastingly, these seven strangers delighted in bird-watching, brightened at the mention of medicinal tree sap, and understood why I once ran across a four-lane highway to retrieve discarded beer cans.

Their histories barely resembled mine, yet our values aligned intimately. We did not hesitate to joke about bullet ants, gush about the versatility of tree bark, or discuss the destructive consequences of materialism. Together, we let our inner tree-huggers run free.

This essay captures the transformative power of community and shared values through the author's experience in the Ecuadorian rainforest. The opening sets a vivid scene, drawing the reader into the narrator's journey of joining a diverse group of strangers united by their passion for environmental conservation. By contrasting the indifference of their conservative suburban community with the shared purpose and enthusiasm of their newfound companions, the essay immediately establishes a theme of community and belonging. The examples of the group's enthusiasm and "inner tree-huggers" bring an authentic voice to the narrative.

In the body of the essay, the author skillfully portrays the camaraderie and mutual support within the group, despite their diverse backgrounds . The shared experiences of bird-watching, discussions about medicinal tree sap, and collective efforts towards environmental advocacy highlight the strength of their bond and the alignment of their values. Through anecdotes and dialogue, the author effectively conveys the sense of empowerment and inspiration derived from being part of such a community.

The essay additionally conveys the personal growth and transformation experienced by the author as a result of their time in the rainforest community.  The realization that they can make a difference in the world, coupled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination, serves as a powerful conclusion to the narrative. The essay communicates the importance of community in shaping one's beliefs, values, and aspirations, while also highlighting the potential for individual agency and impact.

Where the essay could be strengthened is providing more insight into how this experience will shape the author's future contributions to building and leading communities. While it's impactful to convey the determination instilled to devote one's life to environmental advocacy, expanding on the specific ways the author hopes to foster community around this work would add depth. Additionally, reflecting on the personal growth sparked by stepping outside one's insular worldview could highlight the importance of diversity of perspectives.  Overall, however, this is a strong essay that captures the power of an eye-opening experience bonding with others over shared values and passions.

3. Activism (Rochester)

To Nigerians,

It’s been eight years since we’ve been subjected to the tyranny of bad governance. Our medical systems have been destroyed, economy devaluated, and freedom of speech banished. But we need not worry for long. Just 5 years left!

By 2027, I will have explored the strategies behind successful revolutions in Prof. Meguid’s Introduction to Comparative Politics Class ( PSCI101) in my world politics cluster, equipping me to successfully lead us through the revolution we’ve eagerly awaited and install a political system that will ensure our happiness. With the help of the Greene Center, I will have gained practical experience of the biomedical engineering career field by interning at Corning’s biochemical department, enabling me to contribute to the rebuilding of our medical system. I will have developed a Parkinson-stabilizing device from my experience analyzing human motion with MATLAB in Professor Buckley’s BME 201-P class. I hope to later extend this device to cater for poliomyelitis, a disease that has plagued us since 1982. I will have strengthened my ability to put corruption under check through music by developing my soprano voice at Vocal point.

This essay, earning the author admission to the University of Rochester, blends a personal narrative with a vision for the future, demonstrating the author's determination to address the challenges faced by Nigeria through education and practical experience. The author begins by painting a stark picture of the current state of governance in Nigeria, highlighting the systemic issues that have plagued the country for years. This sets the stage for the author's ambitious plan to enact change within their homeland.

The author's strategic approach to addressing these issues is given a college admissions focus by outlining their academic and professional goals at the University of Rochester.  By detailing specific courses, internships, and extracurricular activities, the author demonstrates a clear path towards acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to lead a revolution and contribute to rebuilding Nigeria's medical system. This strategic planning reflects the author's commitment to effecting tangible change and underscores their preparedness for the challenges ahead.

To further strengthen its impact, the author could provide more context or examples of their previous activism or engagement with Nigerian issues, with clear links between the specific experiences and opportunities at the University of Rochester and their goals. 

4. Taking Care of Siblings (Cornell)

He’s in my arms, the newest addition to the family. I’m too overwhelmed. “That’s why I wanted you to go to Bishop Loughlin,” she says, preparing baby bottles. “But ma, I chose Tech because I wanted to be challenged.” “Well, you’re going to have to deal with it,” she replies, adding, “Your aunt watched you when she was in high school.” “But ma, there are three of them. It’s hard!” Returning home from a summer program that cemented intellectual and social independence to find a new baby was not exactly thrilling. Add him to the toddler and seven-year-old sister I have and there’s no wonder why I sing songs from Blue’s Clues and The Backyardigans instead of sane seventeen-year-old activities. It’s never been simple; as a female and the oldest, I’m to significantly rear the children and clean up the shabby apartment before an ounce of pseudo freedom reaches my hands. If I can manage to get my toddler brother onto the city bus and take him home from daycare without snot on my shoulder, and if I can manage to take off his coat and sneakers without demonic screaming for no apparent reason, then it’s a good day. Only, waking up at three in the morning to work, the only free time I have, is not my cup of Starbucks. 

The opening scene of the essay, where the author holds their newest sibling while their mother prepares baby bottles, immediately sets the tone for the essay and introduces the central theme of familial responsibility and sacrifice.

The author candidly reflects on the challenges of balancing their familial obligations with their desire for personal growth and independence.  The author's frustration and sense of overwhelm are palpable as they navigate the demands of caring for multiple siblings while also trying to pursue their own goals and aspirations. The contrast between the author's responsibilities as the oldest sibling and their longing for "sane seventeen-year-old activities" effectively highlights the tension between duty and personal desires.

The message of the essay effectively communicates the author's resilience and determination in the face of adversity.  Despite the challenges they face, the author demonstrates a sense of agency and resourcefulness, such as waking up at three in the morning to work and finding moments of freedom amidst their responsibilities. This resilience reflects the author's inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams.

5. East Asian Bibliophile / Not “Black Enough”

Growing up, my world was basketball. My summers were spent between the two solid black lines. My skin was consistently tan in splotches and ridden with random scratches. My wardrobe consisted mainly of track shorts, Nike shoes, and tournament t-shirts. Gatorade and Fun Dip were my pre-game snacks. The cacophony of rowdy crowds, ref whistles, squeaky shoes, and scoreboard buzzers was a familiar sound. I was the team captain of almost every team I played on—familiar with the Xs and Os of plays, commander of the court, and the coach’s right hand girl.

But that was only me on the surface.

Deep down I was an East-Asian influenced bibliophile and a Young Adult fiction writer.

Hidden in the cracks of a blossoming collegiate level athlete was a literary fiend. I devoured books in the daylight. I crafted stories at night time. After games, after practice, after conditioning I found nooks of solitude. Within these moments, I became engulfed in a world of my own creation. Initially, I only read young adult literature, but I grew to enjoy literary fiction and self-help: Kafka, Dostoevsky, Branden, Csikszentmihalyi. I expanded my bubble to Google+ critique groups, online discussion groups, blogs, writing competitions and clubs. I wrote my first novel in fifth grade, my second in seventh grade, and started my third in ninth grade. Reading was instinctual. Writing was impulsive.

In this essay, the complexities of identity and personal growth are presented through a multi-dimensional portrait of the author's cultural experiences and interests. The opening vividly describes the author's immersion in the world of basketball, showcasing their athleticism and leadership on the court . The essay quickly moves into substantive analysis, revealing the author's passion for literature and writing, as well as their deep connection to East Asian culture and philosophy.

Through anecdotes and reflections, the author skillfully juxtaposes their outward persona as an athlete with their internal world as a bibliophile and writer. This contrast highlights the complexity of identity and challenges stereotypes, demonstrating that individuals can possess a range of interests and talents beyond societal expectations. The author's journey of self-discovery, from devouring young adult literature to emulating authors like Haruki Murakami, adds depth to the narrative and underscores their intellectual curiosity and growth.

The internal and external conflicts faced by the author are developed in the essay body, including the pressure to conform to stereotypes and the challenges of balancing multiple passions. The author's experiences of being judged and bullied for not fitting into narrow expectations highlight the importance of embracing individuality and resisting societal norms. The author unpacks their overall resilience and determination to pursue their diverse interests despite obstacles, including overcoming ACL injuries and transitioning to homeschooling.  By detailing their involvement in various extracurricular activities and nonprofit initiatives, the author demonstrates their desire to make a positive impact and empower others to reach their potential.

6. Instagram Post

On “Silent Siege Day,” many students in my high school joined the Students for Life club and wore red armbands with “LIFE” on them. As a non-Catholic in a Catholic school, I knew I had to be cautious in expressing my opinion on the abortion debate. However, when I saw that all of the armband-bearing students were male, I could not stay silent.

I wrote on Instagram, “pro-choice does not necessarily imply pro-abortion; it means that we respect a woman’s fundamental right to make her own choice regarding her own body.”

Some of my peers expressed support but others responded by calling me a dumb bitch, among other names. When I demanded an apology for the name-calling, I was told I needed to learn to take a joke: “you have a lot of anger, I think you need a boyfriend.” Another one of my peers apparently thought the post was sarcastic (?) and said “I didn’t know women knew how to use sarcasm.”

One by one, I responded. I was glad to have sparked discussion, but by midnight, I was mentally and emotionally exhausted.

This is a strong essay, effectively recounting a journey of self-discovery and activism, beginning with a pivotal moment of speaking out against the majority opinion on abortion rights at their Catholic high school. The author's courage in challenging societal norms and expressing their beliefs, despite potential backlash, is evident from the outset. B y sharing a personal anecdote of facing criticism and derogatory comments on social media, the author gives a clear look at the emotional toll of standing up for one's beliefs in the face of adversity.

The essay integrates the author's reflections on their evolving understanding of social justice and feminism, sparked by their experiences and research following "The Post." Through engaging with feminist literature and studying historical movements like the Civil Rights Movement , the author demonstrates a growing awareness of systemic inequalities and the importance of dissent in effecting change. The author's decision to volunteer with Girls on the Run and engage in political activism, such as signing petitions and advocating against discriminatory policies, underscores their commitment to advancing social justice beyond their personal experiences.

This ambition reflects the author's desire to contribute to positive societal change and advocate for marginalized communities on a broader scale.  The essay effectively conveys a sense of optimism and determination for the future, encapsulated by the author's vision of becoming the first Asian woman on the Supreme Court.

The labels that I bear are hung from me like branches on a tree: disruptive, energetic, creative, loud, fun, easily distracted, clever, a space cadet, a problem … and that tree has roots called ADHD. The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder made a lot of sense when it was handed down. I was diagnosed later than other children, probably owing to my sex, which is female; people with ADHD who are female often present in different ways from our male counterparts and are just as often missed by psychiatrists.

Over the years, these labels served as either a badge or a bludgeon, keeping me from certain activities, ruining friendships, or becoming elements of my character that I love about myself and have brought me closer to people I care about. Every trait is a double-edged sword.

The years that brought me to where I am now have been strange and uneven. I had a happy childhood, even if I was a “handful” for my parents. As I grew and grew in awareness of how I could be a problem, I developed anxiety over behavior I simply couldn’t control. With the diagnosis, I received relief, and yet, soon I was thinking of myself as broken, and I quickly attributed every setback to my neurological condition.

The author begins the essay by candidly acknowledging the various labels and stereotypes associated with their condition, illustrating the challenges of navigating societal perceptions and self-perception.  By highlighting the gendered aspect of ADHD diagnosis and its impact on their experiences, the author sheds light on the complexity of neurodiversity and the importance of recognition and understanding.

Throughout the essay, the author reflects on the dual nature of their ADHD traits, acknowledging both the struggles and strengths associated with their condition. They eloquently describe how their ADHD has influenced various aspects of their life, from friendships to academic performance to sports achievements. By sharing personal anecdotes and reflections, the essay effectively captures the author's journey of self-acceptance and reframing their perspective on their ADHD. 

The author acknowledges the initial sense of relief upon receiving their diagnosis, followed by feelings of brokenness and self-doubt. However, through introspection and self-compassion, the author ultimately embraces their neurodiversity as a fundamental aspect of their identity. This shift in mindset from viewing their brain as "wrong" to recognizing its uniqueness and resilience is a powerful testament to the author's growth and resilience.

By volunteering at a mental health resource center and advocating for the normalization of neurodiversity, the author demonstrates a desire to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.  The essay effectively communicates a message of empathy, acceptance, and celebration of diversity, encouraging readers to embrace their own differences and those of others.

Links to full essays:

Essay Three

Essay Seven

One other option – Lumiere Research Scholar Program

If you’d like to pursue a rigorous research program open to high schoolers, you may want to consider the   Lumiere Research Scholar Program , a selective online high school program for students founded by researchers at Harvard and Oxford. Last year, we had over 4000 students apply for 500 spots in the program! You can find the   application form  here. 

Also check out the   Lumiere Research Inclusion Foundation , a non-profit research program for talented, low-income students. Last year, we had 150 students on full need-based financial aid!

Alexej is a graduate of Princeton University, where he studied Linguistics, Cognitive Science, and Humanities & Sciences. Alexej works in college admissions consulting, and is passionate about pursuing research at the intersection of humanities, linguistics, and psychology. He enjoys creative writing, hiking, and playing the piano.

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respecting diversity essay

The Diversity College Essay: How to Write a Stellar Essay

What’s covered:, what’s covered in a diversity essay, what is a diversity essay, examples of the diversity essay prompt, how to write the diversity college essay after the end of affirmative action, tips for writing a diversity college essay.

The Diversity Essay exists because colleges want a student body that includes different ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, backgrounds, interests, and so on. The essay asks students to illuminate what sets them apart so that admissions committees can see what kind of diverse views and opinions they can bring to the campus.

In this post, we’ll be going over what exactly a diversity essay is, examples of real prompts and essays, and tips for writing a standout essay. You’ll be well prepared to answer this common essay prompt after reading this post!

Upon hearing the word diversity, many people assume that they have to write about gender and sexuality, class, or race. To many, this can feel overly personal or forced, or can cause students to worry that their identity isn’t unique or interesting enough. In reality, the diversity essay is much broader than many people realize.

Identity means different things to different people, and the important thing is that you demonstrate your uniqueness and what’s important to you. You might write about one of the classic, traditional identity features mentioned above, but you also could consider writing about a more unusual feature of yourself or your life—or even the intersection of two or more identities.

Consider these questions as you think about what to include in your diversity essay:

  • Do you have a unique or unusual talent or skill? For example, you might be a person with perfect pitch, or one with a very accurate innate sense of direction.
  • Do you have beliefs or values that are markedly different from the beliefs or values of those around you? Perhaps you hold a particular passion for scientific curiosity or truthfulness, even when it’s inconvenient.
  • Do you have a hobby or interest that sets you apart from your peers? Maybe you’re an avid birder, or perhaps you love to watch old horror movies.
  • Have you done or experienced something that few people have? Note that if you choose to write about a single event as a diverse identity feature, that event should have had a pretty substantial impact on you and your life. Perhaps you’re part of the 0.2% of the world that has run a marathon, or you’ve had the chance to watch wolves hunt in the wild.
  • Do you have a role in life that gives you a special outlook on the world? Maybe one of your siblings has a rare disability, or you grew up in a town of less than 500 people.

Of course, if you would rather write about a more classic identity feature, you absolutely should! These questions are intended to help you brainstorm and get you thinking creatively about this prompt. You don’t need to dig deep for an extremely unusual diverse facet of yourself or your personality. If writing about something like ability, ethnicity, or gender feels more representative of your life experience, that can be an equally strong choice!

You should think expansively about your options and about what really demonstrates your individuality, but the most important thing is to be authentic and choose a topic that is truly meaningful to you.

Diversity essay prompts come up in both personal statements and supplemental essays. As with all college essays, the purpose of any prompt is to better understand who you are and what you care about. Your essays are your chance to share your voice and humanize your application. This is especially true for the diversity essay, which aims to understand your unique perspectives and experiences, as well as the ways in which you might contribute to a college community.

It’s worth noting that diversity essays are used in all kinds of selection processes beyond undergrad admissions—they’re seen in everything from graduate admissions to scholarship opportunities. You may very well need to write another diversity essay later in life, so it’s a good idea to get familiar with this essay archetype now.

If you’re not sure whether your prompt is best answered by a diversity essay, consider checking out our posts on other essay archetypes, like “Why This College?” , “Why This Major?” , and the Extracurricular Activity Essay .

The best-known diversity essay prompt is from the Common App . The first prompt states:

“Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”

Some schools also have individual diversity essay prompts. For example, here’s one from Duke University :

“We believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.” (250 words)

And here’s one from Rice :

“Rice is strengthened by its diverse community of learning and discovery that produces leaders and change agents across the spectrum of human endeavor. What perspectives shaped by your background, experiences, upbringing, and/or racial identity inspire you to join our community of change agents at Rice?” (500 words)

In all instances, colleges want you to demonstrate how and what you’ll contribute to their communities.

In June 2023, the Supreme Court overturned the use of affirmative action in college admissions, meaning that colleges are no longer able to directly factor race into admissions decisions. Despite this ruling, you can still discuss your racial or ethnic background in your Common App or supplemental essays.

If your race or ethnic heritage is important to you, we strongly recommend writing about it in one of your essays, as this is now one of the only ways that admissions committees are able to consider it as a factor in your admission.

Many universities still want to hear about your racial background and how it has impacted you, so you are likely to see diversity essays show up more frequently as part of supplemental essay packets. Remember, if you are seeing this kind of prompt, it’s because colleges care about your unique identity and life experience, and believe that these constitute an important part of viewing your application holistically. To learn more about how the end of affirmative action is impacting college admissions, check out our post for more details .

1. Highlight what makes you stand out.

A common misconception is that diversity only refers to aspects—such as ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. While these are standard measures of diversity, you can be diverse in other ways. These ways includes (but aren’t limited to) your:

  • Interests, hobbies, and talents
  • Perspectives, values, and opinions
  • Experiences
  • Personality traits

Ask yourself which aspects of your identity are most central to who you are. Are these aspects properly showcased in other portions of your application? Do you have any interests, experiences, or traits you want to highlight?

For instance, maybe you’re passionate about reducing food waste. You might love hiking and the outdoors. Or, maybe you’re a talented self-taught barber who’s given hundreds of free haircuts in exchange for donations to charity.

The topic of your essay doesn’t have to be crazy or even especially unique. You just want to highlight whatever is important to you, and how this thing shapes who you are. You might still want to write about a more common aspect of identity. If so, there are strong ways to do so.

If you do choose to write about a more common trait (for example, maybe your love of running), do so in a way that tells your story. Don’t just write an ode to running and how it’s stress-relieving and pushes you past your limits. Share your journey with us⁠—for instance, maybe you used to hate it, but you changed your mind one day and eventually trained to run a half marathon. Or, take us through your thought process during a race. The topic in itself is important, but how you write about it is even more important.

2. Share an anecdote.

One easy way to make your essay more engaging is to share a relevant and related story. The beginning of your essay is a great place for that, as it draws the reader in immediately. For instance, the following student chose to write about their Jewish identity, and opened the essay with a vivid experience of being discriminated against:

“I was thirsty. In my wallet was a lone $10 bill, ultimately useless at my school’s vending machine. Tasked with scrounging together the $1 cost of a water bottle, I fished out and arranged the spare change that normally hid at the bottom of my backpack in neat piles of nickels and dimes on my desk. I swept them into a spare Ziploc and began to leave when a classmate snatched the bag and held it above my head.

“Want your money back, Jew?” she chanted, waving the coins around. I had forgotten the Star-of-David around my neck, but quickly realized she must have seen it and connected it to the stacks of coins. I am no stranger to experiencing and confronting antisemitism, but I had never been targeted in my school before.”

An anecdote allows readers to experience what you’re describing, and to feel as if they’re there with you. This can ultimately help readers better relate to you.

Brainstorm some real-life stories relevant to the trait you want to feature. Possibilities include: a meaningful interaction, achieving a goal, a conflict, a time you felt proud of the trait (or ashamed of it), or the most memorable experience related to the trait. Your story could even be something as simple as describing your mental and emotional state while you’re doing a certain activity.

Whatever you decide on, consider sharing that moment in media res , or “in the middle of things.” Take us directly to the action in your story so we can experience it with you.

3. Show, don’t tell.

If you simply state what makes you diverse, it’s really easy for your essay to end up sounding bland. The writer of the previous essay example could’ve simply stated “I’m Jewish and I’ve had to face antisemitism.” This is a broad statement that doesn’t highlight their unique personal experiences. It doesn’t have the same emotional impact.

Instead, the writer illustrated an actual instance where they experienced antisemitism, which made the essay more vivid and easier to relate to. Even if we’re not Jewish ourselves, we can feel the anger and pain of being taunted for our background. This story is also unique to the writer’s life⁠—while others may have experienced discrimination, no one else will have had the exact same encounter.

As you’re writing, constantly evaluate whether or not you’re sharing a unique perspective. If what you write could’ve been written by someone else with a similar background or interest, you need to get more granular. Your personal experiences are what will make your essay unique, so share those with your reader.

4. Discuss how your diversity shapes your outlook and actions.

It’s important to describe not only what your unique traits and experiences are, but also how they shape who you are. You don’t have to explicitly say “this is how X trait impacts me” (you actually shouldn’t, as that would be telling instead of showing). Instead, you can reveal the impact of your diversity through the details you share.

Maybe playing guitar taught you the importance of consistent effort. Show us this through a story of how you tackled an extremely difficult piece you weren’t sure you could handle. Show us the calluses on your fingers, the knit brows as you tinkered with the chords, the countless lessons with your teacher. Show us your elation as you finally performed the piece.

Remember that colleges learn not just about who you are, but also about what you might contribute to their community. Take your essay one step farther and show admissions officers how your diversity impacts the way you approach your life.

Where to Get Your Diversity Essay Edited

Do you want feedback on your diversity essay? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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respecting diversity essay

May 8, 2023

Celebrating Our Differences: Inspiring Essays on Diversity and Inclusion

Ready to celebrate diversity and inclusion? Discover how to craft an exceptional essay on this important topic with our expert tips and real-world examples. Join us as we explore the power of diversity and its impact on individuals and communities alike.

Imagine yourself walking into a room full of people, each with their own stories to tell. What makes your story stand out? What makes your voice unique? This is the essence of a good diversity essay .

In your essay, you have the opportunity to show the admissions committee how your life experiences have shaped your perspective, identity, and aspirations. Through sharing personal stories, you can paint a picture of who you are and how you will contribute to the vibrant tapestry of the campus community.

Maybe it's growing up in a multicultural household that has taught you to value different perspectives and ways of life. Or, perhaps it's overcoming adversity and facing challenges that have made you a more empathetic and resilient person. Whatever your story may be, your diversity essay is a chance to showcase the richness and depth of your lived experiences.

As you craft your essay, think about how your unique background has informed your actions, beliefs, and goals. Share specific examples and anecdotes that bring your story to life, and make sure to emphasize how you will use your diverse perspective to contribute positively to the campus community. With a well-written diversity essay, you can show the admissions committee that you are more than just a set of grades and test scores - you are a unique and valuable addition to their community.

We have provided a guide as well as some essay examples to assist you in writing your essay about diversity. If you need inspiration for an essay, read them till last. But before we dig into the specifics, a basic understanding of diversity is necessary.

What is Diversity in actuality?

institutions. By recognizing and celebrating the unique experiences, viewpoints, and identities of students from diverse backgrounds, schools can create a more inclusive and welcoming environment that benefits everyone. Through diversity essays, students have the opportunity to showcase the strength of diversity and how it can contribute to the greater community. 

Scholarship options designed for historically underserved communities also demonstrate the importance of diversity in leveling the playing field and creating opportunities for all. Therefore, embracing diversity can lead to a stronger and more vibrant academic community.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion is the practice of making a place where everyone, despite their differences, is treated with dignity and respect . It's the act of making sure nobody is held back from contributing to a group or community because of their identity or background.

Each person's race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, financial background, ability, religion, and other characteristics are valued and celebrated through the practice of inclusion. It's not enough to just tolerate differences; we need to celebrate them and foster communities where everyone can feel safe and included.

To advance social justice and equity, inclusion is crucial. It allows people from all walks of life to meet one another, learn from one another, and work together towards a shared objective. Positive results for individuals and communities can result from their inclusion in more open, welcoming, and supportive settings.

Step-by-Step guide on how to write an essay on diversity and inclusion

Writing an essay on diversity and inclusion is an important task that requires careful planning and execution. In this step-by-step guide, we will provide you with a roadmap on how to write a compelling essay on this topic.

Here are seven suggestions to consider as you write your diversity statement.

Tell your story

Highlight any challenges you had to overcome while writing an essay. Tell the world about how you used to have to lug two 20-pound sacks of rice uphill to school every day. Recognize your privilege if you were born into affluence. Either way, you can utilize your experience to demonstrate your ability to empathize with kids who struggle to complete their education.

Focus on commonly accepted understandings of diversity and inclusiveness

Issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation should be given special attention. Don't try to soften your stance by mentioning, for example, how challenging it is to be a Kansan in Missouri. Write about racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or another form of oppression that is well-known instead.

Avoid false parallels

When writing a diversity essay, it is important to avoid false parallels. False parallels are when two things appear to be similar, but in reality, they are different. To avoid false parallels, you must carefully examine the similarities and differences between the two things you are comparing. This will help you to make accurate and meaningful comparisons, which will ultimately strengthen your diversity essay.

Write about specific things you have done to help students from underrepresented backgrounds succeed

If you've never helped anybody before, now is the time to start. Become involved as a tutor at a low-performing school, help Habitat for Humanity construct homes, or adopt an antiracist pedagogical approach in your classroom. Not only will you gain valuable experience, but you can also use it to strengthen your diversity statement.

Highlight any programs for underrepresented students you’ve participated in

If you have participated in any programs for underrepresented students, be sure to highlight them in your essay on diversity. This could include programs focused on increasing access to education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, mentorship or internship programs for underrepresented groups, or community service initiatives aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion.

By highlighting these programs, you can showcase your commitment to diversity and demonstrate how you have taken active steps to promote equity and inclusion in your community.

Write about your commitment to working toward achieving equity and enhancing diversity

Provide details on what you can bring to the table. You might express your desire to help existing programmes on campus or to start something brand new inspired by what you've seen elsewhere.

Modify your statement based on where you are sending it

When writing an essay on diversity, it's important to tailor your statement to the specific institution or audience you are addressing. Modifying your statement based on where you are sending it shows that you have taken the time to research the institution and understand its values and priorities. This can increase the likelihood of your statement resonating with the reader and ultimately being successful in achieving your goals.

3 Example essays on Diversity and Inclusion

The importance of diversity workforce, introduction.

Workforce diversity is a critical aspect of modern-day organizations. It involves hiring individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, genders, and ages. The concept of workforce diversity is gaining prominence as organizations are increasingly recognizing the benefits of having a diverse workforce. In this essay, we will explore the importance of workforce diversity, the challenges associated with it, and the benefits it offers.

Encourages Innovation and Creativity

Diversity brings together a wide range of perspectives and ideas that can help drive innovation and creativity. When people from diverse backgrounds come together, they can offer different viewpoints and ideas, leading to new solutions to problems.

Enhances Employee Engagement and Retention

Employees who feel included and valued are more engaged and motivated, leading to higher retention rates. When employees feel they belong and are appreciated, they are more likely to stay with the organization, reducing turnover costs.

Increases Global Competitiveness

Diversity in the workforce is crucial for organizations looking to expand globally. Organizations with a diverse workforce are better equipped to understand and navigate the cultural nuances of different countries and regions, making them more competitive in the global marketplace.

Promotes a Positive Image

Organizations that embrace diversity are viewed positively by the public, customers, and employees. A diverse workforce demonstrates that the organization values and respects individuals from all backgrounds, contributing to a positive brand image.

Resistance to Change

Implementing diversity initiatives can be met with resistance, particularly from those who believe that the traditional way of doing things is the best. It is essential to educate and raise awareness about the benefits of diversity to overcome this challenge.

Communication Barriers

When individuals from different backgrounds come together, there may be communication barriers due to language or cultural differences. It is essential to provide training and resources to overcome these barriers and foster effective communication.

Stereotyping and Bias

Stereotyping and bias can negatively impact diversity initiatives. It is essential to establish a culture of inclusivity and respect, where individuals feel valued and appreciated for their unique contributions.

Improved Decision-Making

A diverse workforce can provide a range of perspectives, leading to better decision-making. When individuals with different backgrounds come together, they can offer different viewpoints, leading to a more comprehensive and well-rounded decision-making process.

Increased Creativity and Innovation

Diversity can lead to new ideas and perspectives that can drive innovation and creativity. A diverse workforce can bring together different viewpoints and experiences, leading to new solutions to problems.

Enhanced Reputation

Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

When employees feel included and valued, they are more engaged and motivated, leading to higher retention rates. A diverse workforce can help create a sense of belonging, leading to improved employee engagement and retention.

Workforce diversity is crucial for modern-day organizations. It can lead to improved decision-making, increased creativity and innovation, and enhanced reputation. However, diversity initiatives can be met with resistance, communication barriers, stereotyping, and bias. It is essential to establish a culture of inclusivity and respect, where individuals feel valued and appreciated for their unique contributions. By embracing diversity, organizations can create a more productive, engaged, and innovative workforce.

2. The challenges of diversity in different institutions

Diversity is a term that describes the differences among people, whether they are cultural, ethnic, racial, linguistic, gender, or sexual orientation differences. While diversity is often celebrated, it can also pose challenges, especially in institutions such as schools, workplaces, and governments. This essay will explore the challenges of diversity in different institutions and how they can be addressed.

Challenges of Diversity in Schools

Schools are meant to be places where students can learn and grow, but diversity can sometimes be a challenge. Students who come from different backgrounds may face discrimination and exclusion from their peers, which can affect their ability to learn and thrive.

Teachers may also struggle to provide a curriculum that is inclusive of all students experiences and perspectives. Addressing these challenges requires a commitment to creating an inclusive environment where all students feel valued and respected.

Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace

Workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse, but this diversity can pose challenges. Employees from different cultural backgrounds may struggle to communicate effectively or may feel excluded from the workplace culture. Discrimination and bias can also be a problem, as can the assumption that everyone shares the same experiences and perspectives. To address these challenges, employers need to be proactive in creating a workplace culture that values diversity and promotes inclusivity. This can involve training and education for employees, as well as policies and procedures that support diversity and inclusion.

Challenges of Diversity in Government

Governments are responsible for serving diverse populations, but this can be a challenge. Members of different cultural and linguistic groups may have different needs and expectations from their government, and some groups may face discrimination or exclusion. 

To address these challenges, governments need to be proactive in engaging with diverse communities and ensuring that their policies and programs are inclusive. This can involve outreach and consultation with community groups, as well as the development of policies that reflect the needs and perspectives of diverse communities.

Ways to Address the Challenges of Diversity

Addressing the challenges of diversity requires a commitment to creating inclusive environments where all individuals feel valued and respected. This can involve several strategies, including education and training, policies and procedures, and community engagement.

Education and training can help individuals better understand the experiences and perspectives of those from different backgrounds. This can involve training programs for employees or professional development opportunities for teachers. It can also involve curriculum changes in schools that better reflect the experiences and perspectives of diverse students.

Policies and procedures can also play a role in promoting diversity and inclusion. This can involve policies that prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace or schools. It can also involve policies that promote diversity in hiring or that ensure that government programs and services are inclusive of all members of the community.

Community engagement is also an important strategy for promoting diversity and inclusion. This can involve outreach to community groups and the development of partnerships with organizations that serve diverse communities. It can also involve the creation of advisory committees or other mechanisms for engaging with diverse populations.

In conclusion, diversity is an important aspect of our society, but it can also pose challenges in different institutions. Schools, workplaces, and governments need to be proactive in creating inclusive environments where all individuals feel valued and respected. This requires a commitment to education and training, policies and procedures that promote diversity and inclusion, and community engagement. By addressing the challenges of diversity, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society for all.

3. Ideas on how to Reduce Discrimination in Society

Racial discrimination is a pervasive issue that has plagued society for centuries. It is a problem that continues to affect individuals and communities around the world. Discrimination is an act that denies individuals equal rights, opportunities, and treatment based on their race or ethnicity. The impacts of racism are far-reaching, and it affects individuals' economic, social, and emotional well-being. Therefore, there is a need for collective efforts to reduce racial discrimination and promote social justice. This essay discusses some of the best ways to reduce racial discrimination in society.

Education and Awareness

Education is a powerful tool that can help reduce racial discrimination. Education is essential in teaching individuals about diversity, equity, and inclusion. When people understand the impact of racism, they are more likely to become allies and advocates for change. Education can take many forms, such as books, documentaries, and workshops. 

Institutions can also incorporate cultural competency training into their curriculum to educate students and faculty members about the impact of discrimination. It is essential to recognize the different forms of discrimination, including implicit bias, microaggressions, and institutional racism, to address them appropriately.

Political Action

Political action is another way to reduce racial discrimination in society. Leaders at the local, state, and federal levels can enact policies that promote equality and diversity. Policies such as affirmative action and diversity initiatives can promote inclusion in the workforce and educational institutions. 

Politicians can also pass laws that make racial discrimination illegal and provide support to victims of discrimination. It is essential to recognize that racism is a systemic issue that requires political action to address.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is an important way to reduce racial discrimination. Building strong communities that are inclusive and diverse can help reduce racism. Communities can engage in activities that promote diversity, such as cultural festivals, food fairs, and art exhibits. 

These events can help build bridges between different communities and promote understanding. Community members can also engage in conversations about racism and work together to address it. This can create a sense of belonging and unity that can help reduce discrimination.

Diversity in Institutions

Institutions play a significant role in reducing racial discrimination. Institutions such as schools, businesses, and government agencies can promote diversity by recruiting and retaining individuals from diverse backgrounds. A diverse workforce or student body can help reduce discrimination by promoting inclusion and understanding. 

Institutions can also create policies that promote equality and diversity, such as flexible work arrangements, diversity training, and bias reporting systems. It is important to ensure that institutions are representative of the communities they serve to reduce discrimination.

In conclusion, reducing racial discrimination requires a collective effort from individuals, institutions, and political leaders. Education and awareness, political action, community engagement, and diversity in institutions are all effective ways to address discrimination. It is important to recognize that reducing discrimination is a long-term effort that requires commitment and perseverance. By working together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society that values diversity and promotes social justice.

Final Words

In conclusion, embracing diversity and inclusion is crucial for creating a more equitable and harmonious society. Whether it's through recognizing and celebrating racial diversity and cultural diversity, fostering a sense of belonging for all individuals, or actively working to combat discrimination and prejudice, we must prioritize these values in all aspects of our lives. By championing diversity and inclusion, we can cultivate a richer, more vibrant world that values the unique perspectives and experiences of all people. By embracing diversity and inclusion, we can build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.

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The Effective Diversity Statement

By  Tanya Golash-Boza

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Inside Higher Ed

Faculty job postings are increasingly asking for diversity statements, in addition to research and teaching statements. According to the University of California at San Diego website , “the purpose of the statement is to identify candidates who have professional skills, experience and/or willingness to engage in activities that would enhance campus diversity and equity efforts ” (emphasis added). In general, these statements are an opportunity for applicants to explain to a search committee the distinct experiences and commitment they bring to the table.

So, how do you write an effective diversity statement? If you are a job candidate who actually cares about diversity and equity, how do you convey that commitment to a search committee? (Note that if you do not care about diversity and equity and do not want to be in a department that does, don’t waste your time crafting a strong diversity statement -- and you need not read any farther in this essay.)

My first piece of advice is: do not write a throwaway diversity statement. Some job applicants think that writing a diversity statement that shows they actually care about diversity and equity may be too political. Thus, they write a blasé statement about, for example, how they encourage students to come to class in pajamas if they feel comfortable. That is not an effective strategy, because it does not show a genuine commitment to diversity and equity.

Of course, it is true that many faculty members overtly reject campus efforts to enhance diversity and equity. However, it is also true that search committee members who do not care about diversity do not read diversity statements. Just like search committee members who do not care about teaching gloss over teaching statements, those who do not care about diversity gloss over diversity statements. So, don’t bother writing a statement directed at faculty members who do not care about diversity. Write one for those faculty members who will take the time to read your statement carefully.

I can assure you that many faculty members truly care about diversity and equity and will read your statement closely. I have been in the room when the diversity statement of every single finalist for a job search was scrutinized. The candidates who submitted strong statements wrote about their experiences teaching first-generation college students, their involvement with LGBTQ student groups, their experiences teaching in inner-city high schools and their awareness of how systemic inequalities affect students’ ability to excel. Applicants mentioned their teaching and activism and highlighted their commitment to diversity and equity in higher education.

Here are seven additional suggestions to consider as you write your diversity statement.

  • Tell your story. If you have overcome obstacles to get to where you are, point those out. If, in contrast, you are privileged, acknowledge that. If you grew up walking uphill to school carrying two 20-pound sacks of rice on your back, by all means, tell that story. If you were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth, acknowledge your privilege. Either way, use your story to explain how you can empathize with students who confront challenges on their way to achieving their educational goals.
  • Focus on commonly accepted understandings of diversity and equity. Concentrate on issues such as race, gender, social class and sexual orientation. Don’t try to tone down your statement by writing about how it is hard to be a Kansan in Missouri, for example. Instead, write about racial oppression, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or some other commonly recognized form of oppression.
  • Avoid false parallels. By that I mean do not equate the exclusion you faced due to being a Kansan in Missouri with the exclusion an African-American faces at a primarily white institution. You do not have to be an African-American to have insight into the challenges they face, but if you do not have experiential knowledge of racism, then do not claim it. Instead, focus on writing about what you do know. If you feel comfortable getting personal, you can write about your own experiences of privilege or oppression. But you don’t have to get personal; you can cite statistics or studies to make your points.
  • Write about specific things you have done to help students from underrepresented backgrounds succeed. If you have never done anything to help anyone, then go out and do something. Sign up to be a tutor at an underperforming school, build a house with Habitat for Humanity or incorporate antiracist pedagogy into your teaching. In addition to having a rewarding experience, you can write about it in your diversity statement.
  • Highlight any programs for underrepresented students you’ve participated in. If you have had any involvement with such programs (e.g., McNair Scholars Program), describe that involvement in your statement. This involvement can either be as a former participant or as a mentor or adviser to someone who has participated. These kinds of specific examples show that you understand what effective programs look like and how they work.
  • Write about your commitment to working toward achieving equity and enhancing diversity. Describe specific ways you are willing to contribute. You can mention your willingness to contribute to pre-existing programs on the campus or you can express interest in creating new programs based on models at other campuses.
  • Modify your statement based on where you are sending it. Your statement for a land-grant institution in the rural South should not be the exact same one you send to an elite institution in urban California. Look up the demographics of the institution to which you are applying and mention those demographics in your statement. For example, if the university you are applying to is a Hispanic-serving institution, you should be aware of that. Or if it has a well-known scholarship program for underrepresented minorities, you should mention that program.

Diversity statements are a relatively new addition to the job application packet. Thus, search committees are still developing assessment tools for such statements, and many campuses lack clear guidelines. Nevertheless, you can use this novelty to your advantage by writing a stellar statement that emphasizes your record of contributions to diversity and equity as well as your commitment to future efforts

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College Diversity Essay Examples

College Diversity Essay Examples

Institutions of higher learning want to recognize diversity and support students from diverse backgrounds and experiences, making college diversity essay examples more relevant than ever. Your diversity secondary essay will make a big difference in your application, and looking at expertly written essays will help you immensely.

We at BeMo believe that everybody deserves a fair and equal shot at higher education, which is why it is important to us to make sure that persons from underrepresented backgrounds aren’t being left behind.

To that end, we are going to show several examples of diversity essays, with prompts selected from different educational institutions, in addition to giving you general expert college essay tips and a section on how to approach diversity essays specifically.

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Essay examples.

These essay prompts are taken from various schools as well as the Common App*, and each one will deal with a different kind of diversity. Some of these prompts remark directly on diversity, while others are simply open, or hint at a connection.

*The Common Application is a centralized system used by many schools to streamline the application process.

NYU Supplemental Essay Example (Common App)

Prompt: “Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”

Word limit: 250-650 words. Aim for about 500 words.

The labels that I bear are hung from me like branches on a tree: disruptive, energetic, creative, loud, fun, easily distracted, clever, a space cadet, a problem … and that tree has roots called ADHD. The diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder made a lot of sense when it was handed down. I was diagnosed later than other children, probably owing to my sex, which is female; people with ADHD who are female often present in different ways from our male counterparts and are just as often missed by psychiatrists.

Over the years, these labels served as either a badge or a bludgeon, keeping me from certain activities, ruining friendships, or becoming elements of my character that I love about myself and have brought me closer to people I care about. Every trait is a double-edged sword.

The years that brought me to where I am now have been strange and uneven. I had a happy childhood, even if I was a “handful” for my parents. As I grew and grew in awareness of how I could be a problem, I developed anxiety over behavior I simply couldn’t control. With the diagnosis, I received relief, and yet, soon I was thinking of myself as broken, and I quickly attributed every setback to my neurological condition.

I owe much to my ADHD. I have found my paintbrushes to be superb catalysts for the cornucopia of ideas in my mind. I have always known how to have a great time, and my boundless energy has contributed to winning several medals while playing basketball.

My ADHD owes much to me, too. I have received several cards in basketball because I got “agitated.” My grades throughout elementary school – before I had good coping mechanisms and medications – look like yo-yos. Of course, I also have social troubles that I lay at the feet of my brain being wrong.

I have a wrong brain. I am wrong-brained. Imagine carrying that around as a child or as a teenager. I had to.

Only recently did I change my wrong-mind to a right-mind. The way I did it was simple: I stopped thinking of myself as having a brain that was wrong. I have a brain that is different. It supplies me with hurdles and the ability to leap over those hurdles. Sometimes I need extra help, but who doesn’t in one way or another? 

These days, I don’t even like to think of my ADHD as a “neurological condition,” because I just want to feel like it’s a part of me, and of course, it is.

I have recently been volunteering at a mental health resource center, trying to spread that worldview. I believe that it is important to help people with different minds. Part of how we need to do that is by normalizing being abnormal. We are all strange and different. My version of difference happens to be in my mind, and it has a label. So, let’s all be kind and generous to each other and our wonderful, divergent differences.

Prompt: “Harvard has long recognized the importance of student body diversity of all kinds. We welcome you to write about distinctive aspects of your background, personal development or the intellectual interests you might bring to your Harvard classmates.”

Word limit: This particular prompt from Harvard is not given a word limit, but we recommend you aim for about 600 words.

Every morning I ride through the park on my bicycle, past a group of yoga practitioners who are connecting with nature in their trendy yoga pants. They're being taught by a tranquil-faced twenty-something with an asymmetrical haircut and a smart phone playing nature sounds. Saying “Namaste,” before rushing home to take the kids to school, they’ll probably buy flavored macchiatos on the way.

I’m not offended, although as a Hindu I have every right to be; I just think that they are probably missing the point of something very profound and important to me. I was taught yoga by my grandfather, who I always thought looked one hundred years old, no matter what he really was.

He would get me up at dawn, and I would complain, but doing the poses did awaken me, stretch my limbs, and move me into a more centered place. Most importantly, he taught me to hold on to that centered place for the rest of the day, to make sure that I carried my yoga with me.

I did carry it with me, too, past shops selling incense and yoga mats, past music stores with baby boomer rock stars who played sitar as a fad, and past a thousand other places that reminded me that my culture was a commodity, my religion a self-help rubber stamp. Lately, it has been my bicycle ride through the park taking me past this yoga group, who I don’t want to disparage too much, because maybe some of them are taking it seriously, but it doesn’t look that way, and it really doesn’t feel that way.

Looking for more tips? Check out the infographic below:

Prompt: “In 20XX, we faced a national reckoning on racial injustice in America - a reckoning that continues today. Discuss how this has affected you, what you have learned, or how you have been inspired to be a change agent around this important issue.”

Word limit: 400 words, max.

I’m angry and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. There have been too many riots, too many marches, too many people shouting into uncaring ears when Black people get treated the way we do. How many dead fathers, sons, mothers, and daughters have to move from the front page of the news to the bottom of the social media feed before we get recognized and listened to. I just want to be heard. I have given up on the idea of waking up in a world where I am not afraid, angry, and weary. Maybe that world is for my grandkids, or my great-grandkids, but not me.

My mother and my father, my aunts and uncles, they were all very active in the protests – often at the front of the line – and they did not come through unscathed. They had bruises and blood spilt, they had broken bones. I know they will return to that battlefield, to protest peacefully until they cannot maintain that rank any longer. From these noble people I received my sense of righteous anger. But I also got good advice on how to use it well.

They know that protests are one thing, but action is another, and my mind has been geared toward law school for some time now, because I wanted to bring about the major changes that are needed for our society to move on. So, in addition to protests, I have been taking pre-law courses, and I have acquired a part-time job in the law firm where my uncle works, and while it is a small, office job, I get to spend a lot of time with my uncle learning about how to bring positive change by fighting big and little battles. Of course, he is also showing me how to fight those battles.

Anger alone isn’t going to settle anything, which is why I believe in making a better world with my actions and rhetoric. But I am still frustrated and furious, and while I am trying to find a hopeful place to get to, I’ll repeat that I don’t think we’ll see the better world I want. Maybe our grandkids, but not us. Hold on to that, get angry, and join me in pushing forward for them.

Princeton Supplemental Essay Example

Prompt: “At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?”

Word limit: 250 words

Coming out was harder than I thought it would be. In the months previous, when I knew that I was gay, and when I knew that I wanted to tell my family, I was worried about their reactions. I hoped that they would be supportive, and I suspected that they would be, but it wasn’t just the event that was difficult, it was the next day and the day after that.

One conversation would have been painful but quick, like the proverbial bandage being ripped off. But this was interminable and killing me with kindness. My parents asked little questions or made showy gestures about caring in the days that followed, and the experience wound up lasting several months.

The insight I gained is that we think of life in terms of gateposts and events, but all things take time, and most have a build-up and cool-down surrounding them. Expecting to have something momentous take place in one afternoon was naïve.

Moving forward, I understand that the real problem was thinking of this as an event at all, and it’s not, it’s just who I am, which means I carry it around with me and I have no other recourse. I believe this will serve me well, because it will help me have ongoing conversations instead of quick talks that I wrap up and put away.

That’s better; my life is not a series of tough moments, it is ongoing.

The main thing to do with a diversity essay is to remain focused. First, focus on your subject, and keep in mind that the subject isn’t actually “diversity.” That sounds weird, but remember that this is always about you and the institution you’re applying to. They want to hear about your life, your experiences, and how you connect with their program.

To that end, make sure that you talk about your experiences beyond a general push for diversity. Of course, it’s easy to get behind ideas that are inclusive, but you have a central purpose here.

The second focus is to keep yourself on target with what kind of diversity you’re talking about. You can bring in multiple ways you fit the description of “diverse,” but your essay may be a fairly short one, so focus on one central theme or idea.

There are many different ways that you can be diverse or have a worldview that fits these prompts. Diversity is often thought of in terms of race, sexuality, and gender, but it could also mean neurodivergence, living with a disability, sex, religion, or nationality. With most prompts, diversity could be anything that sets you apart, such as growing up in unusual circumstances. Perhaps you moved a lot as a child, grew up on a military base, or were raised in the foster care system. Before assuming that diversity essays don’t apply to you, check the exact wording of the prompt and really contemplate your background.

Many essays ask about your experiences with diversity, so you might have a friend or relative who fits one or more of these categories; if you have a personal connection and experience with that person, you can speak to that in an essay.

Exploring your diversity, or your experiences with diversity, is the key to success in writing your own diversity essay. Dig deep and share your genuine experiences. The operative word here is “genuine”: do not, under any circumstances, fake this essay. Any falsehood in an application is unacceptable, and co-opting another underrepresented group’s diversity is disrespectful. There is enough room in most prompts to account for your particular branch of diversity without pretending to be someone else.

Want to review more advice for college essays? Take a look at this video:

Essay Writing Tips

When we speak more generally, not just of diversity essays in particular, but with respect to how to write a college essay , most of the rules are going to be more or less the same as with other prompts.

Of course, your approach to how to start a college essay , whether specific to the diversity prompts or not, remains the same: open with your “hook,” the line that snares any reader, ideally even ones who aren’t on the admissions committee. If you open well, you grab your reader’s attention and bring them along for the ride.

After that, follow basic essay structure, including a body to explore your ideas and a conclusion to wrap up.

One way to polish your essay is to make sure that your paragraphs transition nicely into one another – pay extra attention to the flow of your material. Another elite polish tip is to mirror your opening line with your closing, at least in terms of fulfilling the promise of whatever your opening line spoke of.

Inclusion is of maximal importance. Get yourself recognized at your top-choice school with our tips and sample college essays . By working with these prompts, and within the application streams for underrepresented students, you are giving yourself the agency to move forward into a more diverse future.

Everything depends on the individual school’s prompt. If the prompt is mandatory, you write the essay, even if you only have an outsider’s connection. Many schools have optional diversity essays, or reserve them for students from certain backgrounds. In those cases, only write the essay if you feel it is appropriate for you to do so. This might change based on the wording of the prompt. Some prompts invite students with “connections” to diverse communities to respond, which means that you might not be a member of an underrepresented community, but you could be a supporter, activist, or close friend or family member of those communities. Still other prompts cast a wide net for potential types of diversity, which means you might fit into one based on your experiences, even if you don’t immediately think of yourself as fitting in.

If the essay prompt applies to you, or if it is mandatory, write the essay.

Not necessarily. Obviously, if the essay is optional and does not apply to you, your chances remain the same. However, many institutions have programs for underrepresented students, and benefitting from them may depend on writing a diversity statement. In other words, it’s required. In general, we recommend that you take every opportunity offered to make your application stand out, and producing a thoughtful diversity statement or optional essay is an effective way to do that.

As listed above, there are many possibilities. Race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, and sex are some of the categories you might fit into which apply to these essays. If you don’t fit into those categories, you might still be considered diverse based on any experience which sets you apart and gives you a unique background, life, or circumstance, which means that most diversity prompts have a very wide net.

Essays are typically only seen by admissions committees. If the institution wants to use your essay as an example essay, they would need to ask you first. Sharing your essay would require permission.

If you are particularly worried, contact your school and ask about their confidentiality policies, or specifically ask that they do not disclose your essay’s contents.

Try not to worry; these programs are set up for people like you, and the administrations are understanding and sympathetic to your situation. They certainly do not want to hurt you.

You just have to share your authentic connection with diversity. If you have negative emotions or experiences tied to that aspect of yourself, of course you are allowed to share them. Speaking to the frustration, anger, anxiety, and other debilitating emotions around racial violence, for example, is not off the table. You highlight yourself, your diversity, and your connection to the school – that’s it. Don’t feel like you need to hide your personal experiences to play nice or seem “positive.”

No, some do not. Most have essays geared toward your background generally, which can often provide an opportunity to talk about your diversity, but it would not be required. Keep in mind that more general background essays, like personal statements or the near-ubiquitous, “Why this school?” essays, will need more focus on academics or career goals. Diversity essays can be more focused on your own personal experiences.

All admissions essays are personal to some degree. Diversity essays will touch on the essence of yourself, so they will be more personal than a lot of others. Getting personal will also help to show the admissions committee who you really are and why you really need to attend their institution.

Most of the time, yes. Many prompts are open-ended and would allow you to bring that aspect of yourself forward - in your personal statement, for instance. Some application processes, such as the Common or Coalition Applications, have a prompt that allows you to select your own topic.

Definitely write a diversity essay if you believe that is the best way to show your unique individuality and how you will add to the fabric of the school to which you are applying.

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8 Respect for Diversity

Nghi D. Thai and Ashlee Lien

Chapter Eight Objectives

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Understand cultural humility as an approach to diversity
  • Identify and define dimensions of diversity
  • Appreciate the complexity of identity
  • Identify important cultural considerations for working within diverse communities

respecting diversity essay

Respect for diversity has been established as a core value for Community Psychology, as indicated in Chapter 1 (Jason et al., 2019). Appreciating diversity in communities includes understanding dimensions of diversity and how to work within diverse community contexts, but also includes a consideration of how to work within systems of inequality. Community psychologists must be mindful of diverse perspectives and experiences when conducting research and designing interventions, as well as working to combat oppression and promote justice and equality. By working within a framework of cultural humility, this chapter attempts to provide a basic understanding of the dimensions of diversity that are most common in Community Psychology research and practice. Further, we explore how these dimensions contribute to complex identities and considerations for community practice.


respecting diversity essay

As our world becomes increasingly diverse and interconnected, understanding different cultures becomes crucial. Without a basic understanding of the beliefs and experiences of individuals, professionals can unintentionally contribute to prejudice and discrimination or negatively impact professional relationships and effectiveness of services. To understand cultural experiences, it is important to consider the context of social identity, history, and individual and community experiences with prejudice and discrimination. It is also important to acknowledge that our understanding of cultural differences evolves through an ongoing learning process (Tervalon & Murray-Garcia, 1998).

respecting diversity essay

Cultural competence is generally defined as possessing the skills and knowledge of a culture in order to effectively work with individual members of the culture. This definition includes an appreciation of cultural differences and the ability to effectively work with individuals. The assumption that any individual can gain enough knowledge or competence to understand the experiences of members of any culture, however, is problematic. Gaining expertise in cultural competence as traditionally defined seems unattainable, as it involves the need for knowledge and mastery. Instead, true cultural competence requires engaging in an ongoing process of learning about the experiences of other cultures (Tervalon & Murray-Garcia, 1998). Further reading on cultural competence by Stanley Sue can be found here .

Cultural humility is the ability to remain open to learning about other cultures while acknowledging one’s own lack of competence and recognizing power dynamics that impact the relationship. Within cultural humility it is important to engage in continuous self-reflection, recognize the impact of power dynamics on individuals and communities, embrace “not knowing”, and commit to lifelong learning. This approach to diversity encourages a curious spirit and the ability to openly engage with others in the process of learning about a different culture. As a result, it is important to address power imbalances and develop meaningful relationships with community members in order to create positive change. A guide to cultural humility is offered by Culturally Connected .


respecting diversity essay

The recognition and appreciation of diversity is a core principle for the field of Community Psychology. Although it is impossible to discuss all of the dimensions of human diversity in this section, we present some common dimensions examined in Community Psychology research and action and point toward where our field could place more emphasis. We also acknowledge the importance of intersectionality , which will be touched upon throughout this chapter, and the process of cultural humility in understanding diversity.

respecting diversity essay

Culture is an important dimension of diversity for community psychologists to examine. In general, culture has been challenging to define, with modern definitions viewing culture as a dynamic concept that changes both individuals and societies together over time. Further, culture in today’s society refers to more than just cultural and ethnic groups but also includes racial groups, religious groups, sexual minority groups, socioeconomic groups, nation-states, and corporations. While numerous definitions for culture are available, there are key defining components, such as shared meanings and shared experiences by individuals in a group that are passed down over time with each generation. That is, cultures have shared beliefs, values, practices, definitions, and other elements that are expressed through family socialization, formal schooling, shared language, social roles, and norms for feeling, thinking, and acting (Cohen, 2009).

Using a Community Psychology approach, culture can be examined at multiple ecological levels to understand its impact. This means that culture can influence the norms and practices of individuals, families, organizations, local communities, and the broader society. For example, cultural influences can have an impact on how members function and interact with one another. Further, culture should be understood within a broader context of power relationships, and how power is used and distributed (Trickett, 2011).

respecting diversity essay

While physical differences often are used to define race, in general, there is no consensus for this term. Typically, race has been defined using observable physical or biological criteria, such as skin color, hair color or texture, facial features, etc. However, these biological assumptions of race have been determined to be inaccurate and harmful by biologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and other scientists. Research has proven no biological foundations to race and that human racial groups are more alike than different; in fact, most genetic variation exists within racial groups rather than between groups. Therefore, racial differences in areas such as academics or intelligence are not based on biological differences but are instead related to economic, historical, and social factors (Betancourt & Lopez, 1993).

Instead, race has been socially constructed and has different social and psychological meanings in many societies (Betancourt & Lopez, 1993). In the US, people of color experience more racial prejudice and discrimination than white people. The meanings and definitions of race have also changed over time and are often driven by policies and laws (e.g., one drop rule or laws ).

Case Study 8.1 Is Race a Selected Identity?

respecting diversity essay

Rachel Dolezal, also known as Nkechi Amare Diallo, was born to white parents with no known African ancestry. As a young adult, she became involved in civil rights, became a college instructor of Africana Studies, and began self-identifying as a black woman. She even became president of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). She resigned from her position with the NAACP and was dismissed from her role as an instructor after information surfaced casting doubt upon her racial heritage. She later acknowledged that she was born to white parents but continued to insist that she strongly identifies as a black woman. Read more here .

respecting diversity essay

Ethnicity refers to one’s social identity based on the culture of origin, ancestry, or affiliation with a cultural group (Pinderhughes, 1989). Ethnicity is not the same as nationality , which is a person’s status of belonging to a specific nation by birth or citizenship (e.g., an individual can be of Japanese ethnicity but British nationality because they were born in the United Kingdom). Ethnicity is defined by aspects of subjective culture such as customs, language, and social ties (Resnicow et al., 1999).

While ethnic groups are combined into broad categories for research or demographic purposes in the US, there are many ethnicities among the ones you may be familiar with. Latina/o/x or Hispanic may refer to persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Spanish, Dominican, or many other ancestries. Asian Americans have roots from over 20 countries in Asia and India, with the six largest Asian ethnic subgroups in the US being the Chinese, Asian Indians, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Koreans, and Japanese (read more here ).

respecting diversity essay

Gender refers to the socially constructed perceptions of what it means to be male or female in our society and how those genders may be reflected and interpreted by society. Gender is different from sex , which is a biological descriptor involving chromosomes and internal/external reproductive organs. As a socially constructed concept, gender has magnified the perceived differences between females and males leading to limitations in attitudes, roles, and how social institutions are organized. For example, how do gender norms influence types of jobs viewed as appropriate or not appropriate for women or men? How are household or parenting responsibilities divided between men and women?

Gender is not just a demographic category but also influences gender norms, the distribution of power and resources, access to opportunities, and other important processes (Bond, 1999). For those who live outside of these traditional expectations for gender, the experience can be challenging. In general, the binary categories for sex, gender, gender identity, and so forth have received the most attention from both society and the research community, with only more attention to other gender identities (e.g., gender-neutral, transgender, nonbinary, and GenderQueer) in recent years (Kosciw et al., 2015).

But the attention to other gender identities is increasing, both academically and publicly. One example is the case of Nicole Maines challenging her elementary school’s restroom policy , which resulted in a victory when the Maine Supreme Judicial Court ruled that she had been excluded from the restroom because of her transgender identity. While community psychologists are making efforts to conduct more research on the various gender identities on the gender spectrum, more research needs to continue in this area.

respecting diversity essay

Community Psychology’s emphasis on context has also included aging , or the developmental changes and transitions that come with being a child, adolescent, or adult. Power dynamics, relationships, physical and psychological health concerns, community participation, life satisfaction, and so forth can all vary for these different age groups (Cheng & Heller, 2009). Although the field has started to include aging issues in research, Cheng and Heller (2009) searched for publications on older adults in major Community Psychology journals and found that this segment of the population has been neglected. Although the skills, values, and training of community psychologists would likely make a difference in the lives of older adults, the attitudes within our profession and society are current barriers.

Social Class

respecting diversity essay

Like the other components of diversity, social class is socially constructed and can affect our choices and opportunities. This dimension can include a person’s income or material wealth, educational status, and/or occupational status. It can include assumptions about where a person belongs in society and indicate differences in power, privilege, economic opportunities and resources, and social capital. Social class and culture can also shape a person’s worldview or understanding of the world; influencing how they feel, act, and fit in; and impacting the types of schools they attend, access to health care, or jobs they work at throughout life. The differences in norms, values, and practices between lower and upper social classes can also have impacts on well-being and health outcomes (Cohen, 2009). Social class and its intersection with other components of one’s identity are important for community psychologists to understand. Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? is a seven-part documentary that focuses on the connection between social class, racism, and health.

Sexual Orientation

respecting diversity essay

Sexual orientation refers to a person’s emotional, romantic, erotic, and spiritual attractions toward another in relation to their own sex or gender. The definition focuses on feelings rather than behaviors since individuals who identify with a minority sexual orientation experience significant stigma and oppression in our society (Flanders et al., 2016). Sexual orientation exists on a continuum or multiple continuums and crosses all dimensions of diversity (e.g., race, ethnicity, social class, ability, religion, etc.). Sexual orientation is different from gender identity  or gender expression . Over time, gay, lesbian, asexual, and bisexual identities have extended to other sexual orientations such as pansexual, polysexual, and fluid, and increasingly more research is being conducted on these populations within the field of Community Psychology (Kosciw et al., 2015). As a historically marginalized and oppressed group with inadequate representation in the literature, sexual minority groups face a variety of problems and issues that necessitate further research. The empowering and participatory approaches and methods used in Community Psychology can be beneficial for research with sexual minority groups.


respecting diversity essay

Disabilities refer to visible or hidden and temporary or permanent conditions that provide barriers or challenges, and impact individuals of every age and social group. Traditional views of disability follow a medical model, primarily explaining diagnoses and treatment models from a pathological perspective (Goodley & Lawthom, 2010). In this traditional approach, individuals diagnosed with a disability are often discussed as objects of study instead of complex individuals impacted by their environment. Community Psychology, however, follows a social model of ability in which diagnoses are viewed from a social and environmental perspective and consider multiple ecological levels. The experiences of individuals are strongly valued, and community-based participatory research  is a valuable way to explore experiences while empowering members of a community with varying levels of ability/disability. Learn more by watching the Employment Choice for People with Severe Physical Disabilities video .

Culture must be considered when viewing ability from a social perspective (Goodley & Lawthom, 2000), and may impact whether or not certain behaviors are considered sufficient for inclusion in a diagnosis. For example, cultural differences in the assessment of “typical” development have impacted the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in different countries . Further, diagnoses or symptoms can be culturally-specific, and culture may influence how symptoms are communicated . The experience of culture can significantly impact lived experience for individuals diagnosed with a disability.

It is important to consider how intersectionality impacts the experience of disability. For example, students of color and other underserved groups have a higher rate of diagnosis of learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disabilities, and intellectual disabilities (Artiles et al., 2010), which may be due to economic, historical, and social factors. Diagnosis must be considered as disabled youth are at a disadvantage in a number of indicators of educational performance , leading to more substantial disparities later in life.

How one identifies individuals with a particular label indicating their race, gender or sexuality is rather complicated, and unless investigators are careful in their definitions of these terms, many problems can be encountered, as has been reviewed above. Identifying who has a disability or health condition can also be a challenge and can have real, tangible consequences for an affected group. As an example, if prevalence research suggests that a particular disability or health condition is relatively rare, it is possible that few federal and state resources will be devoted to those individuals. But if the methodology for selecting individuals is flawed, then the prevalence rates will be inaccurate and potentially biased. This is what occurred with the health condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome, now also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, as indicated in Case Study 8.2.

Case Study 8.2 How Flawed Research Can Lead to More Stigma

respecting diversity essay

When the Centers for Disease Control tried to estimate the prevalence of those with this illness, they concluded that only about 20,000 people had this condition in the US, and most with this illness tended to be white, middle-class women, which is what led to the stigmatizing label “Yuppie Flu disease.” However, the way the investigators conducted this research was flawed; they asked health care personnel to identify individuals with this illness, but as many health care professionals did not believe that this was a real or legitimate, they tended to refer few individuals to the study. In addition, as many individuals with a chronic health condition do not have access to the healthcare system, many individuals with this illness were not able to be brought into the prevalence study. However, when a group of community psychologists used better research methods that involved deriving their sample from randomly contacting people in the community, without depending on referrals from physicians, they estimated that about a million individuals had ME/CFS. In addition, those identified tended to be from lower socioeconomic status groups and communities of color (just the opposite of what led to the characterization of Yuppie Flu) (Jason et al., 1999). The findings from this study were widely disseminated and led to reductions in some of the bias and stigmatization that has been directed to those with this illness.

The impact of disability on identity and intersection with other social identities is important for community psychologists to understand. Community Psychology’s unique perspective has contributed to applied research conducted among communities and individuals with disabilities. The need for understanding, empowerment, and advocacy through participatory action research continues to exist for individuals with disabilities.

Religion & Spirituality

respecting diversity essay

There are many definitions of religion , most of which typically include shared systems of beliefs and values, symbols, feelings, actions, experiences, and a source of community unity (Cohen, 2009). Religion emphasizes beliefs and practices, relationships with the divine, and faith, all of which differentiate it from common definitions of culture. Further, religion is an important predictor for well-being, satisfaction, and other life outcomes (Tarakeshwar et al., 2003). While religion has been neglected in psychological research, it has been included in Community Psychology’s conceptualization of diversity since the beginning of the field.

Religion and spirituality were formerly considered a joint concept but have been differentiated in the past century. Definitions of spirituality typically focus on relationships with a higher power and a quest for meaning . The differentiation between religion and spirituality has become more relevant recently as many individuals consider themselves more spiritual than they are religious. Community Psychology has long considered religion as a dimension of diversity, but the importance of spirituality in our understanding of community has been a more recent development.

The importance of religion and spirituality to physical and emotional well-being and a strong sense of community merits the inclusion of both, in research and practice (Tarakeshwar et al., 2003). Community psychologists understand the importance of working in natural settings, which frequently include religious and spiritual settings. Collaboration with religious organizations and embedding interventions into these settings may have positive impacts on individuals in the community and may also help religious organizations reach goals.


respecting diversity essay

While the various dimensions of diversity discussed above are a start to understanding human diversity, they do not fully describe an individual, community, or population. Instead, we must consider that these dimensions do not exist independently of each other and that the interaction of these dimensions is referred to as intersectionality (Crenshaw, 1989). Intersectionality focuses on how the dimensions can overlap and give rise to different experiences as well as multiple privileges or inequities; for example, racial/ethnic and sexual minority men will experience more health disparities than white and/or heterosexual men . Community psychologists recognize the significance of intersectionality, but published research in this area is still lacking compared to other disciplines. “ The urgency of intersectionality ” video can help you learn more about intersectionality.

Privilege , or the unearned advantages that individuals have based on membership in a dominant group (e.g., race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, ability), contribute to the systems of oppression for non-privileged individuals and groups. While privilege can come in multiple forms and individuals can have multiple privileges, white privilege , or the advantages that white people have in society, are important for psychologists to examine more extensively to understand how white people participate in systems of oppression for racial minority groups in the US (Todd et al., 2014). For example, white experiences and perspectives tend to be pervasive in curriculum, policy, pedagogy, and practices (Suyemoto & Fox Tree, 2006) at the exclusion of work and research by people of color.

Janet Helms’ (1995) important work on the white racial identity model describes how white people move from a racist identity to a non-racist identity as they become more aware, move beyond an effective understanding of racial minorities to an experiential one, and understand their role in a racist society. Other community psychologists have explored how to create organizational contexts that are more inclusive and address white privilege (Bond, 1999) or have examined how white privilege influences commitment and interest toward social justice (Todd et al., 2014). While community psychologists are contributing to this research, more studies are needed to understand the relationship between identity, privilege, and social justice and action in community contexts.

Diversity in Practice

Using a framework of cultural humility, community psychologists consider context. This provides the ability to view various dimensions of diversity while considering the impacts of prejudice and discrimination. It is also important to consider how cultural practices differ in all settings in which the individual operates. Considering context expands the perspective of culture to include historical context, intersectionality of identities, and the experience of prejudice and discrimination.

The Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) has identified sociocultural and cross-cultural competence as one of the 18 foundational principles of Community Psychology practice , and defines it as “the ability to value, integrate, and bridge multiple worldviews, cultures, and identities.” SCRA expands upon the importance of recognizing multiple contexts to integrate elements of cultural humility in practice settings. Prior to working in communities, it is important to examine one’s own worldview and consider how it interacts with the community through culture and power dynamics. It is important to recognize and articulate dynamics related to culture and power differentials with the communities in which community psychologists work. Due to the complexity of these dynamics, respecting diversity in practice may require the formation of relationships with various members of a community who may be able to serve as a guide for working with the community in culturally valid ways.

Diversity in Research

respecting diversity essay

Adopting cultural humility is necessary for considering diversity in research. In research, it is important to consider how questions are asked or which samples are included in a study. In addition, the importance of topics of research to diverse communities must be considered, which may require developing research topics and questions with the populations that are being impacted. Participatory action research is a valuable tool for developing topics in an inclusive way and is a method frequently used by community psychologists to find solutions in the social environment (Kidd & Kral, 2005).

Research must also consider the power dynamics between the researcher and the community as well as the dynamics within the community. The use of culturally-anchored methodologies is important for exploring research questions in the appropriate context. Marginalized groups are often compared to a majority group, but these comparisons may not always acknowledge the implications of power dynamics present in such comparisons. When developing the methodology, it is important for the researcher to acknowledge one’s own cultural assumptions, experiences, and positions of power. Recognition of these aspects of self will lead to a more careful framing of the research question within context. Finally, it is important to consider where to disseminate research findings to reach wide audiences.


respecting diversity essay

Designing programs in the community needs to start with an understanding of the diverse cultures and communities in which they will be situated. To that end, collaborative and ecological systems approaches used by community psychologists are incorporated throughout the design of community prevention and intervention programs. Altogether, these approaches situate culture at every level of planning a program from the conceptualization to the implementation. In Case Study 8.3, Trickett (2011) provides a cautionary example of what can happen when culture is not more deeply considered in community interventions.

Case Study 8.3 Water Boiling in a Peruvian Town

respecting diversity essay

In “Water Boiling in a Peruvian Town” by Ed Wellin (1955; see Trickett, 2011), a three-year public health intervention was implemented to decrease the water-related health risks in Los Molinos, a rural Peruvian town. The promotion of the evidence-based practice of boiling water targeted women, with the assumption that increased knowledge about the health benefits of boiling water would persuade them to change. The intervention was delivered by a health worker who took up residence in Los Molinos and her goal was to have the women boil their water before using it. The intervention turned out to be unsuccessful—the majority of women did not start this practice, due to several factors steeped in cultural beliefs and local customs or conditions. For example, the cultural meanings of hot and cold in their culture meant that boiled water was used for certain health issues, but it was not associated with germs or diseases. Over time, boiled water was culturally linked to illness and very much disliked by the local people. The intervention’s impact was also further affected by the women’s inability to boil because of their daily routines, social ostracization for boiling because of the meanings of cold and hot water, and lack of interest in women’s lives by the gendered town’s leadership.

This case study demonstrates the significant impact of culture on well-intentioned and scientifically-based interventions meant to improve community health and well-being. For that reason, Trickett provides recommendations about how Community Psychology can contribute more to the understanding of culture in research and practice. Some of these recommendations include focusing on communities more than programs, understanding that choice is more important than change, working with local experts in the community, and using research designs and methods that are appropriate for diverse cultures and populations.

Another approach proposed by Resnicow and colleagues (1999) considers surface structure and deep structure for designing culturally-anchored community programs. Surface structure includes aspects of the program that are observable such as gender, race, and ethnicity of the staff members; setting; language(s) used; and choices of cultural components, such as music or food. Deep structure includes knowing the historical, social, and psychological aspects of the culture to understand core cultural values, beliefs, and practices. However, attending to both surface and deep structures will not guarantee the success of the program. Matching the race or ethnicity of the staff to program participants is not always enough to establish trust or resolve all cultural differences. Similarly, programs using deep structures may appeal differently to those with different acculturation statuses; therefore, more research is necessary to determine the effectiveness of these culturally anchored programs.

Overall, as our knowledge and work with diverse communities continues to expand, the culturally-situated and anchored approaches used by community psychologists will continue to be very important for designing programs. Central to this will be the evolving development of a cultural Community Psychology which incorporates theories and methods from cross-cultural and cultural psychology in research and practice (O’Donnell & Tharp, 2012).

respecting diversity essay

This chapter presented the framework of cultural humility as an ongoing approach to working with diverse communities. It is important to recognize various dimensions of diversity and how they intersect to produce unique experiences of inequity or privilege. Community psychologists go beyond traditional research and practice by working with members of marginalized groups to challenge oppression through participatory action research and to provide tools for empowerment and self-directed change.

Critical Thought Questions

  • How would you explain the differences between cultural humility and cultural competence? Why is cultural humility more beneficial for understanding diversity?
  • How do race and ethnicity differ? How is race socially constructed?
  • What gender norms are present in today’s society? Would you say these gender norms are beneficial or not? Why?
  • Why is it important to focus more research on the spectrum of sexual identities?
  • Although disability involves a physical/biological reality, it is also a social construction. How is disability a social construction?
  • What is intersectionality and how does it impact a person’s experiences?
  • Why should the culture of a community be considered before designing community programs?

Take the Chapter 8 Quiz

View the Chapter 8 Lecture Slides


Artiles, A. J., Kozleski, E. B., Trent, S. C., Osher, D., & Ortiz, A. (2010). Justifying and explaining disproportionality, 1968-2008: A critique of underlying views of culture. Exceptional Children , 76 (3), 279-299. https://doi.org/10.1177/001440291007600303

Betancourt, H., & Lopez, S. R. (1993). The study of culture, ethnicity, and race in American psychology. American Psychologist , 48 (6), 629-637.

Bond, M. A. (1999). Gender, race, and class in organizational contexts. American Journal of Community Psychology , 27 (3), 327-355.

Cheng, S. T., & Heller, K. (2009). Global aging: Challenges for community psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology , 44 , 161-173.

Cohen, A. B. (2009). Many forms of culture. American Psychologist , 64 (3), 194-204.

Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics.  The University of Chicago Legal Forum , 140 , 139-168.

Flanders, C. E., Robinson, M., Legge, M. M., & Tarasoff, L. A. (2016). Negative identity experiences of bisexual and other non-monosexual people: A qualitative report. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health , 20 (2), 152-172.

Goodley, D., & Lawthom, R. (2010). Epistemological journeys in participatory action research: Alliances between community psychology and disability studies. Disability & Society , 20 (2), 135-151. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687590500059077

Helms, J. E. (1995). An update of Helms’ White and people of color racial identity models. In J. G. Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L. A. Suzuki, & C. M Alexander (Eds.), Handbook of multicultural counseling (pp. 181-198). Sage.

Jason, L. A., Glantsman, O., O’Brien, J. F., & Ramian, K. N. (2019). Introduction to the field of Community Psychology. In L. A. Jason, O. Glantsman, J. F. O’Brien, & K. N. Ramian (Eds.), Introduction to Community Psychology: Becoming an agent of change .  https://press.rebus.community/introductiontocommunitypsychology/chapter/intro -to-community-psychology/

Jason, L. A., Richman, J. A., Rademaker, A. W., Jordan, K. M., Plioplys, A. V., Taylor, R. R.,… Plioplys, S. (1999). A community-based study of chronic fatigue syndrome. Archives of internal medicine , 159 (18), 2129-2137.

Kidd, S. A., & Kral, M. J. (2005). Practicing participatory action research. Journal of Counseling Psychology , 52 (2), 187-195. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-0167.52.2.187

Kosciw, J. G., Palmer, N. A., & Kull, R. M. (2015). Reflecting resiliency: Openness about sexual orientation and/or gender identity and its relationship to well-being and educational outcomes for LGBT students. American Journal of Community Psychology , 55 , 167-178.

O’Donnell, C. R., & Tharp, R. G. (2012). Integrating cultural community psychology: Activity settings and the shared meanings of intersubjectivity. American Journal of Community Psychology , 49 , 22-30.

Pinderhughes, E. (1989). Understanding race, ethnicity and power: The key to efficacy in clinical practice . Basic Books.

Resnicow, K., Braithwaite, R., Ahluwalia, J., & Baranowski, T. (1999). Cultural sensitivity in public health: Defined and demystified. Ethnicity & Disease , 9 , 10-21.

Suyemoto, K. L., & Fox Tree, C. A. (2006). Building bridges across differences to meet social action goals: Being and creating allies among people of color. American Journal of Community Psychology , 37 , 237-246.

Tarakeshwar, N., Stanton, J., & Pargament, K. I. (2003). Religion: An overlooked dimension in cross-cultural psychology. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology , 34 , 377-394. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0022022103034004001 

Tervalon, M., & Murray-Garcia, J. (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved , 9 (2), 117-125.

Todd, N. R., McConnell, E. A., & Suffrin, R. L. (2014). The role of attitudes toward white privilege and religious beliefs in predicting social justice interest and commitment. American Journal of Community Psychology , 53 , 109-121.

Trickett, E. J. (2011). From “Water boiling in a Peruvian town” to “Letting them die”: Culture, community intervention, and the metabolic balance between patience and zeal. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47 , 58-68.

respecting diversity essay

Acknowledgment, acceptance, and respect for the full range of human characteristics in their social, historical, and cultural contexts.

The surroundings, circumstances, environment, background, or settings which determine, specify, or clarify the meaning of an event or other occurrence.

Possessing the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively work with members of a culture.

Ongoing process of learning about other cultures and being sensitive to cultural differences. Cultural humility includes acknowledging one’s own lack of knowledge about aspects of culture and recognizing power dynamics that impact the relationship.

An intersectional approach takes into account the historical, environmental, socio-cultural, and political context and recognizes the unique experience of the individual based on the intersection and implications of all relevant grounds.

Dynamic concept of shared meanings and experiences that are passed down over time and generations. Culture includes shared beliefs, values, practices, definitions and other elements that are expressed through family socialization, formal schooling, shared language, social roles, and norms for feeling, thinking, and acting.

Social construct based on observable physical criteria, such as skin color or other physical features. Racial differences include economic, historical, and other social factors that contribute to a system of disadvantage and privilege.

One’s social identity based on culture of origin, ancestry, or affiliation with a cultural group.

A person’s status of belonging to a specific nation by birth or citizenship.

Socially-constructed perceptions of what it means to be male or female in our society and how those genders may be reflected and interpreted by society.

Biological descriptor involving chromosomes and internal/external reproductive organs.

The developmental changes and transitions that comes with being a child, adolescent, or adult.

Social construct based on a person’s income or material wealth, educational status, and/or occupational status.

A person’s emotional, romantic, erotic, and spiritual attractions toward another in relation to their own sex or gender.

A person’s inner psychological sense of being male, female, or another category.

A person’s external expression of being male, female, or other.

Visible or hidden and temporary or permanent conditions that provide barriers or challenges, and impact individuals of every age and social group.

Research that involves an exchange of resources and ideas between researchers and the community members as a way of understanding that is guided by community needs, also known as "participatory action research."

Shared systems of beliefs and values, symbols, feelings, actions, and experiences that often focus on relationships with the divine.

Focuses on an individual’s relationship with a higher power and a quest for meaning.

Unearned advantages that individuals have based on membership in a dominant group.

Introduction to Community Psychology Copyright © 2019 by Nghi D. Thai and Ashlee Lien is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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17 Reasons Why Diversity and Inclusion Are Important in Society

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on September 1, 2023

Categories Society

In a rapidly evolving world, the significance of diversity and inclusion cannot be overstated.

At its core, diversity is more than just a “buzzword” or a box to check; it’s an essential driver of innovation, empathy, and societal well-being.

The tapestry of human experiences—shaped by various factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, ability, and sexual orientation—creates a rich landscape of perspectives.

On the other hand, inclusion goes beyond mere representation; it ensures that diverse individuals are present and actively involved, valued, and integrated into all spheres of life. But why is this duo of diversity and inclusion so critical in today’s society?

This article aims to delve deep into why diversity and inclusion are important and indispensable for collective progress and prosperity.

Key Takeaways

  • Diversity and inclusion promote cultural understanding and empathy towards different customs and traditions.
  • Embracing diversity drives innovative thinking, breaks down barriers, and leads to groundbreaking solutions to societal challenges.
  • Inclusion is essential for breaking new ground in the pursuit of freedom and progress.
  • An inclusive environment promotes equality, respect for human rights, and freedom, creating a harmonious society where everyone feels valued and free to contribute positively.

17 Key Reasons Diversity and Inclusion Are Vital in Today’s Society

In today’s interconnected and globalized world, the importance of diversity and inclusion can’t be ignored. It’s not just about fairness or ethics; it’s also about tapping into a wealth of different perspectives, fostering innovation, and creating a sense of belonging for everyone.

Simply put, diversity and inclusion make us stronger, more adaptable, and better equipped to face the challenges of the modern world.

This article outlines 17 key reasons why diversity and inclusion should be prioritized in society today.

  • Drives Innovation: Diverse teams bring multiple viewpoints to the table, fueling creativity and problem-solving.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving: A mix of perspectives contributes to finding more effective and comprehensive solutions.
  • Builds Empathy: Exposure to different cultures and viewpoints fosters understanding and compassion among individuals.
  • Economic Growth: Companies with diverse workforces are more profitable, which positively impacts the economy.
  • Social Cohesion: Inclusion creates a society where everyone feels they belong, minimizing social friction.
  • Global Competitiveness: A diverse society is more adaptable and better equipped to navigate global challenges.
  • Healthier Work Environments: Inclusive workplaces are more likely to be free from discrimination, leading to lower stress and better mental health.
  • Increased Creativity: Different backgrounds mean different ways of thinking, which fuels creativity.
  • Attracts Talent: Companies that are committed to diversity and inclusion are more likely to attract top-tier talent.
  • Reduces Stereotypes: Active efforts toward inclusion can help break down damaging stereotypes and prejudices.
  • Strengthens Democracy: A more inclusive society offers a wider range of voices and viewpoints, strengthening the democratic process.
  • Promotes Equality: When everyone is included and respected, it advances social justice and equality.
  • Enhances Resilience: Diverse communities are often more resilient in the face of challenges and can recover more quickly from setbacks.
  • Boosts Productivity: Studies show that diverse teams work more efficiently and produce higher quality results.
  • Expands Cultural Awareness: Exposure to diverse cultures enriches our understanding and appreciation of the world.
  • Improves Customer Insight: A diverse team has a better understanding of a diverse customer base, making the business more attuned to customer needs.
  • Sustains Longevity: Organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion are better positioned for long-term success, as they can adapt and grow in our ever-changing world.

With so many compelling reasons, it’s clear that diversity and inclusion are beneficial and essential elements for societal growth and harmony.

Understanding the Concepts of Diversity and Inclusion

Before we delve into why it’s important, let’s first understand what we mean by ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’.

Diversity perception is how we recognize and appreciate our differences. It isn’t just about ticking boxes for gender, race, or religion, but valuing different perspectives that stem from unique experiences.

Inclusion misconceptions can often cloud the real issue. Inclusion doesn’t mean forcing everyone to think or act alike – quite the opposite. It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and free to express themselves without fear of judgment or exclusion.

Understanding these concepts is essential because they shape how we interact with each other in society, reflecting our shared desire for freedom and mutual respect.

The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Modern Society

As we delve deeper into the role of diversity and inclusion in modern society, let’s focus on how these elements promote cultural understanding and impact innovation.

We’re all aware that our world is a melting pot of diverse cultures, and it’s crucial for us to foster empathy and awareness towards each other’s customs and traditions.

Simultaneously, we’ll also explore how embracing this diversity can drive innovative thinking. By breaking down barriers, sparking creativity, and leading to groundbreaking solutions to societal challenges.

Promoting Cultural Understanding

You’re playing a vital role in promoting cultural understanding when you value diversity and inclusion in society. This might seem challenging, but it’s our collective responsibility to combat cultural bias and embrace international perspectives.

Let’s look at four ways we can make a difference:

  • Education: It starts with us learning about different cultures, religions, and traditions.
  • Empathy: We should strive to understand the experiences of others from their perspective.
  • Dialogue: Engage in conversations that promote mutual respect and understanding.
  • Action: Actively support policies and initiatives that foster inclusivity.

Remember, as freedom seekers, we must advocate for an inclusive society where everyone feels seen, heard, respected regardless of their race or culture.

Together, let’s create a world free from prejudice!

Impacts on Innovation

Cultural understanding isn’t just about harmony, it’s also a catalyst for innovation in ways you might not expect. When we embrace diversity and inclusion, we’re opening ourselves up to global perspectives that fuel creativity and drive technological advancements. We’ve seen firsthand how the interweaving of distinct backgrounds can spark fresh ideas that wouldn’t have surfaced otherwise.

Through fostering an inclusive atmosphere, we’re not only promoting acceptance but empowering innovation. It’s our diverse experiences that lend us unique insights into problem-solving. Technological advancements stand as testament to this truth, borne from a potluck of cultures and ideas.

Inclusion isn’t merely ‘nice-to-have’; it’s essential if we aspire to break new ground in our pursuit of freedom and progress.

The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion on Social Cohesion

When there’s diversity and inclusion in our community, it significantly strengthens social cohesion. We’ve found that diversity’s economic benefits are plentiful. It sparks innovation, fosters creativity, and broadens the scope of experiences.

Inclusion impacts us psychologically by fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. A diverse society can offer an array of ideas, perspectives, and skills which enriches our lives. An inclusive environment promotes equality, respect for human rights, and freedom.

These elements weave into the fabric of a harmonious society where everyone feels valued and free to contribute positively towards collective growth . As we delve deeper into understanding diversity and inclusion’s relevance in shaping societal dynamics, let’s explore some ‘case studies: successful diversity and inclusion initiatives’.

Case Studies: Successful Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Having discussed how diversity and inclusion contribute to social cohesion, we’re now turning our attention to real-world examples. We’ve seen companies who’ve embraced these principles flourish, showing us that inclusive leadership isn’t just right—it’s good business. Let’s take a look at two organizations with corporate policies that prioritize diversity.

GoogleImplemented unconscious bias training for employees
MicrosoftLaunched the Autism Hiring Program

These initiatives show us what’s possible when we commit to creating spaces where everyone feels valued and heard. It’s not just about equality—it’s about freedom: the freedom to be ourselves, in all our uniqueness, contributing fully to society. Inclusion is our collective journey towards realizing this ideal.

The Interplay Between Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

As we delve deeper into the topic of diversity and inclusion, it’s imperative that we also comprehend the significant role equity plays in this intricate triad.

We’ll explore how these three aspects interweave and influence societal structures and norms, fostering a more harmonious environment for all.

It’s our shared responsibility to engage in these discussions with open minds, empathy, and a profound understanding of social issues—because only then can we truly cultivate an inclusive society where every individual is valued and treated equitably.

Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

It’s essential to fully understand diversity and inclusion in order to appreciate their importance in society. We need to overcome diversity misconceptions and tackle inclusion barriers. Here’s how:

  • Demystify Myths : Misconceptions around diversity often stem from ignorance or fear. We’ve got to educate ourselves and others about the true meaning of diversity, which is understanding, accepting, and valuing differences.
  • Inclusion Barriers : These are obstacles that prevent people from being included or feeling like they belong. They can be physical, cultural, social, or institutional.
  • Empathy : Understanding the experiences of others helps us see past stereotypes and prejudices.
  • Advocacy for Freedom : As we strive for a society where everyone feels valued and included, we must promote freedom – freedom of thought, speech, expression, and existence!

Equity’s Role

You’ve got to consider how equity plays a significant role in creating a balanced world where everyone has fair opportunities.

Equity legislation is essential not only for ensuring fairness, but also for eradicating biases that often undermine the spirit of inclusion.

Equity LegislationBias Elimination
1.Ensures fair treatmentRemoves prejudice
2.Promotes social justiceEnhances diversity
3.Fosters economic growthStrengthens societal bonds

We’re all stakeholders in this endeavor; it’s our collective responsibility to ensure that our societies are built on principles of equality and justice.

Let’s remember, that whenever we’re discussing diversity and inclusion, we should always bear in mind the crucial role of equity.

This understanding will lay a solid foundation as we explore the interplay’s societal impact, which is our next topic of discussion.

Interplay’s Societal Impact

Let’s dive into how the interplay of equity and bias elimination can greatly impact communities worldwide.

  • Diversity’s backlash : We’ve seen that diversity often faces resistance, typically due to misconceptions or fear of change. Yet, we foster understanding and acceptance when we address these fears and debunk myths.
  • Inclusion misconceptions : Many believe inclusion means simply adding diverse individuals without changing the system itself. It involves creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
  • Equity promotion : By eliminating biases and promoting fair opportunities for all, we build stronger societies that thrive on mutual respect.
  • Global Impact : This approach doesn’t just benefit local communities; it also affects the global landscape.

The Challenges of Implementing Diversity and Inclusion

Despite its importance, implementing diversity and inclusion isn’t always a straightforward process. We’re often confronted by policy barriers that limit our ability to foster inclusivity. These hindrances can be deeply ingrained in societal norms or institutional policies, making them difficult to dismantle.

In addition, we need to address the elephant in the room: bias. Bias reduction is critical for creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued. It’s not just about recognizing our prejudices; it’s about actively working towards eliminating them from our attitudes and behaviors.

We understand that this is easier said than done, but remember, liberty begins with acceptance of one another’s differences.

How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Everyday Life

Incorporating varied perspectives into your everyday experiences can be a valuable method for promoting acceptance and understanding. We must first recognize our personal biases that may hinder this process. Here’s how we might do it:

  • Educate ourselves about different cultures, traditions, and beliefs to broaden our understanding.
  • Engage in open conversations with diverse groups of people to break down unconscious discrimination.
  • Reflect regularly on our actions and thoughts to ensure they’re free from prejudice.
  • Advocate for marginalized communities, using our privilege for the greater good.

This approach will help us dismantle prejudices within us, fostering an environment where everyone is respected regardless of their differences.

Future Prospects: The Long-term Effects of Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

You’re undoubtedly curious about the long-term effects that embracing a variety of perspectives and promoting acceptance can have on your life and the world around you. We believe it’s profoundly beneficial.

When we value diversity, we unlock economic benefits and boost global competitiveness. Different viewpoints stimulate innovation, drive growth, and create sustainable economies.

In broadening our horizons, we’re not only enriching our personal lives but also strengthening our societies. By fostering an environment where everyone is free to express their unique ideas without fear of discrimination, we’re paving the way for a more equitable world.

Our collective journey towards inclusion doesn’t just make moral sense; it makes economical sense too. The future is brighter when we all are part of it—diverse, inclusive, competitive, and prosperous!

The Indispensable Value of Diversity and Inclusion in Society

In a rapidly evolving and interconnected world, the importance of diversity and inclusion stands as a non-negotiable pillar for sustainable growth and harmonious coexistence. These are not just terms to be checked off in social or corporate governance policies; they are the very fabric that can knit societies into stronger, more resilient, and humane collectives. The array of benefits, ranging from driving innovation to strengthening democracy, establishes diversity and inclusion as more than a moral imperative—they are a strategic necessity.

When we embrace diversity, we open the doors to different perspectives, cultures, and viewpoints that enrich our collective understanding. This is not merely about accommodating “the other” but about elevating everyone by recognizing the value of each individual’s unique contributions. Inclusion ensures that this collective tapestry of human diversity is not just displayed but celebrated and utilized for mutual growth.

Furthermore, an inclusive society stands as a robust defense against social unrest, discrimination, and inequality. It sets a precedent for younger generations to grow up in a world less hindered by prejudice and more enriched by open-mindedness.

The bottom line is that the value of diversity and inclusion must be balanced. They are not just routes to ethical righteousness but pathways to practical effectiveness for individuals and communities. Fostering diversity and practicing inclusion is not just the “right thing to do” but the innovative, productive, and sustainable choice for any society aiming for a better future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common misconceptions about diversity and inclusion.

There are a host of misunderstandings surrounding diversity and inclusion. One prevalent misconception is that they are simply checkboxes for compliance or tokenism. Others wrongly assume that fostering diversity and inclusion erodes individual merit or creates a culture of “sameness.” In reality, these initiatives aim to enrich communal experience, boost creativity, and pave the way for a more harmonious society by valuing every individual’s unique attributes.

How Does Diversity and Inclusion Affect Mental Health in Society?

Diversity and inclusion have a profound impact on societal mental health. These initiatives help to break down stigmas and foster an environment of psychological safety, where individuals feel seen, heard, and valued. Inclusive environments allow people to be themselves, reducing stress levels and mental health issues related to fear, judgment, or social exclusion.

Are There Specific Areas or Industries Where Diversity and Inclusion Are Particularly Lacking?

While diversity and inclusion are global issues, glaring disparities are particularly noticeable in sectors like technology and politics. The absence of diverse voices in these critical arenas not only limits innovation but also jeopardizes the equitable representation of society. Therefore, it’s crucial to advocate for systemic changes that usher in more inclusivity and diversity within these fields.

What Are Examples of Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in History and How They Impacted Societal Change?

Historically, heightened diversity and inclusion periods have proven to be catalysts for immense societal change. For instance, the Renaissance is a compelling example of how a confluence of various cultures—Arabic, Greek, and Roman—led to an unparalleled surge in artistic and scientific discovery. Such historical instances make it abundantly clear that when diversity and inclusion are embraced, the capacity for societal advancement is limitless.

How Can Diversity and Inclusion Be Integrated Into Education Systems From a Young Age?

The integration of diversity and inclusion within educational frameworks is essential for cultivating future generations of empathetic and open-minded individuals. This goes beyond merely adding diverse literature or celebrating various holidays. It involves a systemic overhaul that includes comprehensive diversity training, the incorporation of intersectional history, and the fostering of environments that promote dialogue, social justice, and equal representation. These early interventions prepare young minds to navigate the multifaceted world with grace and understanding.


How To Write Diversity Supplemental Essays When You Feel Like You Don’t Have a Story to Tell

Ivy Divider

The diversity-focused supplemental essay has been gaining traction on college applications for years. These prompts allow admissions to get a sense of a student’s background, culture, and values. They often provide meaningful context for a student’s resume, transcript, and other application materials. And, as of the 2023 Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action , they serve as a crucial opportunity for students of color to discuss the impact and value of their experiences as minorities.

With the above-mentioned Supreme Court ruling came an extra avalanche of diversity essays meant to compensate for a missing tool that aimed to level the playing field. We here at CEA have celebrated the preponderance of opportunities to address race, gender, and other identity-oriented details on the application. We have also found that these prompts can be flummoxing, particularly to students who feel like they don’t have an obvious diversity story to tell. 

So what do you do with a diversity prompt when you don’t feel “diverse”?

1) Truly consider why these prompts are important.

I know this may not seem like an important step in the process, but I believe it’s crucial in providing a reflective, sensitive response. Colleges are aiming to enroll a class with varied backgrounds, experiences, and belief systems. The confluence of a wide range of perspectives in an educational environment is what makes for deep inquiry, valuable debate, and enlightened progress. For too long, privilege has begotten privilege—and, let’s be real, it still does. But an active attempt to level the playing field and value perspectives that have been historically devalued elevates the education process and society as a whole. So even if this question is frustrating at first (and even if it feels like it is meant to elevate the voice of someone else ), consider how this process will actually benefit you and your peers as part of any incoming class. Think about how many challenges marginalized students have to face that are larger and more daunting than a 250-word admissions essay. Take this perspective with you to school. Be part of the solution. 

2) Read the prompts carefully. 

Think of interpretations of the word “diversity.”

Admissions is not trying to stump you. They are well aware that people who do not come from what would be considered traditionally diverse backgrounds will be applying to their institutions (and a lot of them!), which is why many of the prompts are written with an open window for interpretation. Consider this prompt from the University of Virginia :

What about your individual background, perspective, or experience will serve as a source of strength for you or those around you at UVA?  Feel free to write about any past experience or part of your background that has shaped your perspective and will be a source of strength, including but not limited to those related to your community, upbringing, educational environment, race, gender, or other aspects of your background that are important to you. (250 words)

With prompts that feel complex to unpack at first, I always suggest students break down their options. Here, a student can write about background, perspective, OR experience. The background, perspective, or experience you choose can be related to any of the following: community, upbringing, educational environment, race, gender, or other aspects of your background. It doesn’t get more open-ended than that. Finally, the prompt indicates they want you to showcase how what you choose to write about has served and will continue to serve as a source of strength (which I believe is a direct nod to the Justice Roberts loophole I discuss in this post ).

Here are some examples of things a student might write about that don’t hinge on race, gender, or what students would describe as obvious components of “diversity” (though those can certainly be elements in these essays, if applicable):

  • Perspective + upbringing + strength = a student who grew up with a single mom talks about how they were forced to mature at an early age and under the supervision of a strong female role model. This has generated independence, resourcefulness, and respect for others.
  • Experience + background + strength = a student works as a hostess at a restaurant, which introduces her to a wide range of patrons and team members, improving her communication skills and embedding the value of hard work and collaboration.
  • Perspective + community + strength = connecting with an online community of Magic the Gathering players brings a student out of their shell, allows them to embrace their authentic interests—inspiring them to build an in-person meeting at their school—and ultimately develops leadership and interpersonal skills.

Let’s take a look at another prompt, this time from Swarthmore :

What aspects of your self-identity or personal background are most significant to you? Reflecting on the elements of your home, school, or other communities that have shaped your life, explain how you have grown in your ability to navigate differences when engaging with others, or demonstrated your ability to collaborate in communities other than your own.  (250 words)

This prompt asks students to identify aspects of their self-identity or personal background, but again, those can be interpreted widely: 

  • Maybe a student is a natural teacher and their patience has enabled them to make special connections with students in the special-education program they volunteer for. 
  • Perhaps the hostess from the restaurant in the UVA answer above learned about world cuisine during staff meals before her shift, exchanging recipes and stories with the cooks about favorite dishes made by their grandmothers. 
  • Has your experience in the drama club required you to inhabit someone else’s circumstances in a way that activated empathy and inspired you to action? Has injustice in the world sparked you to join a protest, watch the news with your parents every night, or build a coalition in your community? 

This question shifts some of the focus from your origins and identity to how that background informs your behavior, which presents a great opportunity to talk about the ways in which encounters from your everyday life inspire you to be more considerate of and engaged with others.

This does bring us to my next and last tip:

3) Avoid saviorism and exaggeration.

As with pretty much every application essay, the key to a successful response is authenticity. I hope I don’t have to remind people to be honest, but I’ll just say it: don’t lie about your background. It’s wrong, and if admissions finds out you’re not really 15% Native American, there will be consequences (and rightfully so). Also, don’t try to make meaning where there is none. Your dad might be Irish, but if that background hasn’t infiltrated your own life or impacted you in a meaningful way, that might not be fodder for a resonant essay. 

Finally, be extremely careful about how you frame your experiences with other cultures, especially if you are coming from a place of privilege. Ask yourself the question: am I making myself the hero of this story when I shouldn’t be? You may have participated in a school walk-out related to the murder of George Floyd, but why did you do it? What did you learn? What did you not know that maybe you wish you had known earlier? Humility is powerful when writing about interactions with the culture of others, and the desire to absorb and really listen is key. If you’re presenting yourself as an ally, be a true ally. Recognize the ways in which privilege has protected you and acknowledge that; as much as you have learned, there is always more to know.

As always, if you’d like to work one-on-one with an Advisor from our team or submit a draft for an expert’s review, we’re here to help !

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Written by Kat Stubing

Category: From The Founder , Uncategorized

Tags: college admissions , college applications , college essay , college essay tips , college essay writing , college essays about diversity , diversity and inclusivity essays , diversity college essay , diversity essays , diversity supplemental essays , from the founder


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Respecting and understanding diversity

Respecting diversity in the workplace

What does the term ‘diversity’ mean .

It’s a term used widely across many settings and in different contexts but how is the word diversity actually defined? The Oxford Dictionary tells us that the word diversity refers to ‘a range of many people or things that are very different from each other’. 

To give some more detail, diversity means the different qualities and experiences of each individual person which makes us able to offer different perspectives to the person next to us. 

What about inclusion? Inclusion is about moving beyond simple tolerance of the things that make us different, and embracing and celebrating the eye-opening ideas that diversity can bring to a whole host of settings, including the workplace.  

But what makes us diverse

But what makes us diverse?

So, why is diversity important.

Diversity is not something to be afraid of. It should be something that we celebrate and promote. It can help people come out of their own ‘bubble’ and teach them something new about the world we live in. It can also increase new ways of thinking, provide new opportunities for people, and dispel misconceptions about different cultures, religions, ethnicities, sexualities etc. By embracing diversity, the country and world we live in can become a much more interesting place. Wouldn’t it get boring if we were all just the same?  


So how does diversity benefit the workplace? 

Diversity offers a variety of perspectives.

When workplaces are filled with people from a range of diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures, businesses are bringing together unique experiences, skill sets and opinions which can bring a new and unique perspective. For example, a workplace might have been stuck in a rut for months trying to overcome a challenge. By bringing someone in who can see the situation from a different perspective, they might be able to influence a change in direction and speed up finding a solution to the challenging scenario or task. 

Diversity increases creativity

Diversity in the workplace can also lead to a boost of creativity within a team and the tasks they need to complete. Why limit yourself to considering the ideas that come from people just like you? This will be restrictive and mean the work that’s produced is not as comprehensive as it could really be. By diversifying the workforce, employers can also increase everybody's creative skills. Learning new and exciting ways to try to execute different tasks from one another is fun and eye opening. It will increase the team spirit at work and challenge out of date ways of working.  

Diversity increases productivity and collaboration

By embracing diversity in the workplace, a team can feel more motivated to achieve a shared goal. By creating a mutual understanding and respect for everybody's differences, it creates a more open and accepting environment where the whole workforce feels able to contribute something. This in return improves the workforce’s productivity and reduces the amount of workplace politics which can impact collaboration between staff. 

You gain better engagement from your workforce

When workplaces are inclusive and welcoming, it provides people with a sense of belonging and loyalty, which is something that will benefit the business in the long run. The workforce will be more motivated to invest their time in doing a good job as in return the business is investing their time too, supporting their staff to reach new goals and offering equal opportunity to progress. 

Diversity & Inclusion at M&G

At M&G plc, diversity & inclusion is a strategic objective. At all levels of the business we recognise the benefits of having a diverse team that feels valued and listened to. It helps us think and act differently, adopt new ideas and better relate to the needs of our customers. 

An inclusive environment makes us more accessible and ensures we attract, engage, promote and retain the best talent and we have a dedicated Diversity & Inclusion team who are passionate about making M&G plc a place where every colleague feels able to bring their true self to work every day.

We have policies and practices that support our ethos of a modern and inclusive workplace; supporting maternity returners back to the workplace, developing mental health first aiders, assisting employees going through a transition at work and increasing diversity within our trainee and apprentice initiatives are just some examples of what we do.

We actively encourage people to play their part in employee campaigns

We actively encourage people to play their part in employee campaigns (such as the This is Me mental health awareness campaign), charitable & community activities, employee networks and sports & social groups. Across our business there are various Employee Affinity Network groups in operation including CAN (Cultural Awareness Network); Pride (LGBT+ network); Elevate (gender network); Enable (disability and carers network) and Mind Matters (mental health awareness network).

How to respect diversity in a school or work environment

Yes, people might be different to you but do you have anything in common with them? We often have more in common with people than we think. If you're studying the same subject or are in a similar job, that's probably the first thing you have in common and can start talking about.

There is so much you can learn from people that are different to you. Don’t automatically assume that your way is the only way. Don’t shut someone down because you don’t understand. Remember you might have become stuck in your own bubble. Learning about another person’s experience can widen your horizons and develop you personally. 

Allow everyone the chance to express their views and thoughts in all situations. It’s nothing personal when someone doesn’t agree with you, it’s just that they see something from a different perspective - most likely because they had contrasting experiences to you. 

Don’t stereotype a particular group of people because that’s what you have heard or assumed. Get to know the person and ask questions. Recognise that it’s unfair to put them in a box and address any unconscious bias you might have. This bias is formed from attitudes and stereotypes that you unknowingly attribute to another person or group of people that then affects how you engage with that person or group. You can take a test to measure your unconscious biases here .  Although we don’t think we have them, it is common that we do. Question yourself if you find yourself immediately jumping to a view or conclusion – ask whether your opinion or feeling can be proved by a fact.

Some words and phrases can have meanings which are offensive and demeaning to certain groups of people. For example, don’t make jokes which have cultural references or undermine a certain religious belief.

To find out more about how to use your voice in a positive way, click here . 

Take note of religious holidays and cultural events which take place in classmates and colleagues’ calendars. By being aware of the occasion, it might give you the chance to learn more about their religion or culture.

Go further and become an ally!

Just respecting diversity in your school or work environment is arguably not enough. Many marginalised groups of people (e.g. people of colour, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities) are targeted by oppression in other walks of their life. It is everybody’s responsibility to understand how they can support people who might need their help,

For example; let’s suppose a manager asks Sally and John what they did at the weekend. Sally, who identifies as straight, has no reason to wonder if what she will say will make someone uncomfortable, or lead to a “joke” at her expense. That is because our culture is set up for straight people to be themselves with very little thought. But for John, who identifies as gay, a simple question about his weekend may cause anxiety – how to act, who to trust, what to share. Unlike Sally, he does not have the privilege of going an entire day without remembering his sexual orientation.

In this example, Sally can recognise her privilege by understanding that she can answer the question with very little thought compared to her LGBTQ colleague. She can then use her privilege to answer the question in a way that makes John feel safe and comfortable with sharing his answer. She can even go further and have a talk with her manager, in private, about how these questions may make different people feel and what they can collectively do to help make the work environment feel more inclusive in the future. These positive steps are what we call being an ‘ally’.

By becoming an ally, you are helping all groups of people reach their full potential and flourish in society, not just yourself.

You can start small by becoming educated on the history of why a certain group is marginalised, speaking up when your friends or family use hateful or ignorant language and listening to what marginalised people are saying. You can go further by volunteering at local community groups who support marginalised people, donating to social justice charities or showing up and supporting an event held by a marginalised group. 

Don’t hold back in your school or work environment either. You could set up a support group, make time to coordinate training sessions on diversity or organise a mentorship scheme for people from marginalised groups who might benefit from having a relatable and inspiring role model to look up to. These are all ways you can actively lift people who are different from you and promote a positive, more inclusive society for everyone.

So, what now?

The activities below have all been designed to help you get fully ready to take your next steps - whatever pathway you choose to take. Each set of activities ranges from a short activity which should take no more than 30 minutes, through to portfolio activities, which are longer, project-based tasks. The more time you spend on each activity, the more you'll get out of it, but you should be able to find something each week to fit into your schedule. 

Why not start with the short activity first and then work your way through the remaining activities until you’ve completed them all?

Write a short pledge on why you think respecting and understanding diversity in the workplace is important and how you will support and respect it when you enter your next phase, whether that is apprenticeships, university or the workplace.  

  • Put the pledge in a place where you will see it on a regular basis.
  • Check-in with it regularly, see if you’ve kept to your pledge, and if there is anything you can add to it over time. 

Take a test to measure your unconscious biases  

  • Reflect on your results. Is there anything that has surprised you? 

It's normal for people to jump to a view or conclusion. But it's important that you question whether your opinion or feeling can be proved by fact, and if there are any things that you can do now to address the bias that you have.  

  • If you have a negative bias, make a conscious effort to learn more about that idea, individual, or group to understand how and why it makes you feel uncomfortable.  

Examples on how to do this include: 

Read fiction and non-fiction from a diverse range of authors to hear from a different voice or perspective that you don’t normally get the chance to hear from.  

Watch a subtitled film, TV series or documentary on an idea or culture that you’re less familiar with and want to know more about.  

Make some food from a different culture. Categorise the recipes by geographical location and find out more about the story behind that particular meal for the culture or community that it originates from. This can be a great way to help you learn more about the history of other cultures and discuss what you’ve learnt with friends and family at the dinner table.  

Write a journal entry reflecting on a time you found challenging.  

  • Now, write an entry from someone with a different point of view. Perhaps someone of a different cultural background, age, ethnicity, and so on.   
  • In what ways are the diary entries similar and in what ways are they different.  
  • What would be your advice to each person about their situation?  
  • Is your advice different? If so, why?  
  • Finally, is there anything that these two people can do to help one another?  

Viewing the same situation from a different point of view can help you better understand the experience of others, the challenges they may face and what you can do to support.

Draw a person on the whiteboard.   Add identifiers to the person. For example, their: 





Split the class into groups and assign each group a setting: school, university, the workplace, the media, online platforms.  

  • Next, ask them to think of the ways that they make this person feel welcome in their setting? 
  • Have each group present their ideas back to the class.  

Through this activity, students will understand the challenges others may face in different settings and what they can do to act as an ally to promote diversity and inclusion.   

Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Organization of the essay, tolerance and respect in relation to cultural diversities, reasons why tolerance and respect solve societal challenges, recommendations and conclusion, works cited, background information.

Conflict is the most common form of challenge facing the human population today. An in-depth analysis of interactions between people from different backgrounds reveals that the said conflict is as a result of societal diversities. The diversities include differences in, among others, social status, race, affiliations to ethnic groups, and political beliefs. According to Agius and Ambrosewicz (1), the diversities in any given society are brought about by cultural variations.

In this essay, the author seeks to provide a solution for these conflicts in a bid to promote peaceful coexistence among people from different cultural and social backgrounds.

Thesis Statement

Tolerance and respect help to reduce conflicts in multicultural societies .

Most contemporary societies are characterized by cultural diversities. The differences are increased by globalization, where physical and geographical borders have reduced and movement of people increased. Tolerance and respect for these diversities is the only way through which people from different backgrounds can live peacefully. The author of this paper bases their arguments on the sentiments held by Basso (7). Basso provides solutions on how to deal with diversity in a society. The author relies on Basso to support the thesis statement in light of the readings specified for this course. A number of factors that support tolerance and respect for diversity are clearly outlined in this essay. In addition, the author of this essay illustrates how the said respect and tolerance can be realized.

The essay is divided into three major sections. The first section constitutes the introduction where an overview of the essay is outlined. The second section is made up of the body of the essay. The definition of terms, position of the author on the subject matter, and justifications for the arguments made is contained in this section. The author concludes the essay in the third section by revisiting the thesis statement and highlighting the various approaches used to develop attitudes that promote respect and tolerance. The conclusion borrows heavily from the course readings as outlined by Basso (4).

Definition of Terms

Tolerance draws its philosophical meanings from the accommodation of divergent behaviors in a given society. Agius and Ambrosewicz (11) argue that this concept can be regarded as the formula required for the peaceful coexistence of a socially and culturally divergent people. The two scholars point out that diversity in a society can be brought about by many factors. For instance, the society today is characterized by individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. Such individuals come together to form groups that exhibit diversities with regards to race and ethnicity. Religion is also another reason that brings about divergence in a society.

For example, the American society is made up of people from Christian, Muslim, Hindu, and other religious groups. Tolerance can be viewed as the adhesive that holds people together and helps them to live harmoniously despite their cultural differences. It averts conflicts, which may lead to societal disintegration. Conflicts consume a lot of resources that could have been used to promote the society economically and socially. For example, money, time, and human resources are used to resolve disagreements that arise among people in the society.

Tolerance is closely related to the concept of universal equality. Agius and Ambrosewicz (11) argue that a single group in a society can claim superiority over others. For example, the whites can hold the opinion that they are superior to blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups. Tolerance comes in to address these issues. It promotes the acceptance of other people’s rights to exist regardless of the cultural differences. Basso uses the narrative Number Our Days to illustrate this notion.

Respect and cultural diversity

Respect refers to the way an individual regards other people in the society. In the opinions of Agius and Ambrosewicz (17), this concept is considered as the conduct of an individual with regards to the ethical traits of another person or group. In the matrix of a multicultural society, there are bound to be differences in behavior owing to varying cultural backgrounds. Under such circumstances, respect is seen as the manner in which one party in the society treats their counterparts. It overlooks the biases that would result from the diversity in the community.

Respect and Tolerance

From the definitions provided above, it is evident that the two terms are closely related, especially with regards to cultural diversity. Agius and Ambrosewicz (19) argue that tolerance results from the respect that an individual has towards the diversities evident in the society. Similarly, respect relies on the understanding that people are entitled to their behaviors. The author of this essay relies on this relationship to make arguments in support of development of attitudes that enhance respect and tolerance for diversity.

Solving Societal Challenges in Light of Cultural Diversities

In the previous sections of this essay, the author suggested that attitudes that promote respect and tolerance can solve many of the challenges threatening cohesion and coexistence in the society. As envisaged by Agius and Ambrosewicz (12), conflict is the most common challenge facing a multicultural civilization. The central argument in this essay agrees with the notion that the attitudes supporting respect and tolerance go a long way in solving societal problems, including conflicts. In this regard, several cases of intolerance and disrespect are examined to outline their negative impacts on the society.

A multicultural civilization can be regarded as one that is defined by the existence of people from different racial and cultural backgrounds. By virtue of their ethnic diversity, the individuals are likely to hold clashing schools of thought. For example, the natives may hold religious and political views that are different from those promoted by the whites. The variations are likely to create frictions between these two groups. The demographics of the various racial and ethnic groups vary. In light of these demographics, the dominant group tends to feel superior to the minority class. Agius and Ambrosewicz (13) give an example of racial profiling in Europe and America, some of the most advanced nations in the civilized world. Caucasians are the dominant race in these two societies. As a result, people from other races have received prejudicial treatment in these communities.

Racism is one of the major effects of ethnic diversities in a society. The phenomenon is brought about by the perception that Caucasians are superior to other races, such as the blacks and Hispanics. The act is a classic example of disrespect and intolerance with regards to diversity (Basso 29). Based on the definition of tolerance, it is evident that intolerance is the direct opposite of this concept. A group of people may consider others as unworthy of certain privileges. An example of such kind of intolerance exhibited itself in America where African Americans were denied several rights owing to the color of their skin. The result was a bloody struggle for freedom.

History is replete with several accounts and cases where tolerance and respect for diversity provided solutions to many conflicts. Agius and Ambrosewicz (21) make reference to the gradual decline of sexism. For a long time, most societies believed that men were superior to women. Religions like Christianity and Islam had doctrines that suggested women were inferior to men. Consequently, women were denied certain rights. For instance, in Europe, women were not allowed to vote. However, through dialogue and respect for equality, the group was eventually allowed to exercise this right.

Discrimination is often a manifestation of intolerance and disrespect. Societies that do not embrace tolerance are torn apart by conflicts (Basso 43). Racism and sexism are some of the attitudes that have changed significantly over the years. The shifts in attitudes have led to various changes in the society. For instance, it is now common for an African American to take a Caucasian woman for a wife without societal uproar. Such are the ‘attitudinal’ changes that made it possible for the United States of America to elect a black president for two terms.

The peaceful coexistence between people from different backgrounds is better than conflict. In their analysis of tolerance, Agius and Ambrosewicz (11) argue that conflict is resolved by changes in attitude. The two argue that human existence can be traced back to more than 3000 years ago. However, societies have spent more time in conflicts than in actual peaceful coexistence. That notwithstanding, many of the conflicts were resolved with the help of dialogues. In The Spirit Catches You , Basso (45) suggests that dialogue is an attribute of respect towards others.

As a societal challenge, conflict is not attractive. The many wars experienced in the past support this assertion by Agius and Ambrosewicz (4). It is expensive for a society to comfortably enjoy life amidst conflicts. During was, for instance, basic amenities become scarce. To achieve these social amenities, peaceful coexistence is a requirement. A look at attitudinal shifts reveals that very few resources are spent to achieve coexistence. As such, attitudes that enhance respect and tolerance are inexpensive ways of resolving conflicts.

Another reason why these attitudes are a solution to societal challenges is the importance of peaceful coexistence. Agius and Ambrosewicz (18) argue that an increase in the size of global population highlights the need for coexistence. Land is not increasing. It remains static as population size rises. As such, it is important for people to coexist in harmony. Through tolerance, people are able to appreciate their diversity and share the available resources without bias. However, in the absence of tolerance and respect, chaos would reign and nobody stands to benefit. Basso (45) makes a similar assertion in the narrative The Spirit Catches You.


The discussions in this essay have expounded on the challenges facing humanity. The illustrations about the negative effects of conflict have made it necessary to address attitudinal changes in the society. Agius and Ambrosewicz (23) argue that tolerance and respect are the responses needed to address the problems associated with multicultural societies. Globalization comes with diversities, making it necessary for people to adjust their attitudes. In light of this, the report makes the following recommendations:

Future generations require peace if they are to enjoy their life. The thesis statement envisages tolerance and respect as the key to ending conflict. Education can be used to promote tolerance and respect (Agius and Ambrosewicz 23). People should be taught about the importance of equality. A comprehensive form of education is needed to help the public understand the benefits of diversity. The education should be viewed as beneficial, not as a threat.


The author of this essay finds that intolerance may be brought about by legal loopholes. It is important for societies to ensure that intolerance and disrespect are treated as crimes. According to Agius and Ambrosewicz (24), punitive measures are important in phasing out criminal activities. As such, if intolerance and disrespect are criminalized, individuals may begin to appreciate each others’ diversity.

Conflict is one of the problems facing people in a multicultural society. Depending on the background of different individuals, biases are bound to occur when there are divergences in terms of culture (Basso 47). Tolerance and respect are attitudes that can help people appreciate their diversity. Rather than viewing people from different cultures as threats, tolerance and respect helps to illustrate the benefits of the same. Diversity in a multicultural society has a lot of benefits. However, the only way to exploit these benefits is by allowing tolerance and respect to thrive.

Agius, Emmanuel, and Jolanta Ambrosewicz. Towards a Culture of Tolerance and Peace, Montreal: International Bureau for Children Rights, 2003. Print.

Basso, Keith 1984, Course on Language and Thought in Native American Cultures , Yale University, School of Social Sciences. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 18). Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tolerance-and-respect-for-cultural-differences/

"Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences." IvyPanda , 18 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/tolerance-and-respect-for-cultural-differences/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences'. 18 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences." May 18, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tolerance-and-respect-for-cultural-differences/.

1. IvyPanda . "Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences." May 18, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tolerance-and-respect-for-cultural-differences/.


IvyPanda . "Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences." May 18, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tolerance-and-respect-for-cultural-differences/.

Generation Ready

A World of Difference: Respecting and Valuing Diversity

By dr. erick witherspoon, generation ready.

“Cultural and social diversity is certainly not a new issue facing us humans. It has always existed, and we remain challenged by it. However, the burgeoning complexity of our times calls upon us as educators to face this challenge more directly to value diversity, honor it with integrity, and to preserve the cultural dignity of our students. “

 Lindsey, Roberts & Campbell Jones, 2005 (p.xv)

The student population in th e United States is becoming increasingly diverse with a growing rang e of languages, races, cultures and values. Th is has resulted in a growing cultural gap between teachers and their students as they struggle to better serve students in response to demo gra phic change .

In the fall of 2014, for the first time, the overall number of Latino, African – American, and Asian students in public K – 12 classrooms surpassed the number of non – Hispanic whites. This enrollment milestone reflects not only a cultural shift b ut also a host of challenges for educators, including more students living in poverty, more who will require English – language instruction, and more whose life experiences will differ from those of their teachers. The greatest challenge in education is ack nowledging and addressing the issue that the majority of the student population is now made up of the students whom schools historically have served least well.

Research is beginning to link the persistent achievement gap to lack of cultural proficiency in schools. Every student brings a unique cultural background to school and every day many students struggle to navigate the conflicting cultures between home and school. Too often in schools , teachers’ cultural blindness means they see the cultural differences as impediments r ather than assets. As a result, many students become disengaged from their schooling and we see this reflected in low graduation rates and low achievement among students of color (Landa 2011). Cultural proficiency is an integral component in creating a school environment that promotes equitable outcomes for every student.

“Evidence shows that high-quality teaching is the most important influence school scan have on high-quality outcomes for students with diverse learning needs. Evidence also shows that effective teaching and learning depends on the relationship between teachers and students and students’ active engagement.”

At the heart of cultural proficiency are the principles of trust, respect for diversity, equity, fair ness, and social justice. It reinforces and builds on the work of the last forty years as education has endeavored to challenge and address injustice, raci sm, exclusion and inequali ty through policy, awareness raising, and an inclusive curriculum . T he aim of cultural proficiency is for every student to acquire a strong sense of identity , through understanding and empathy , affirmation and opportunity. Every student needs and deserves a safe, challenging, and supportive learning environment — especially student s who have special needs, cultural or language differences, or live in poverty .

In becoming culturally responsive schools need to be prepared and supported to provide high – quality instruction to every student every day, including stu dents who are English language learners (ELLs), special education students, and other historically underserved and under – represented student populations. There can be no educational excellence without educational equity . Understanding the full impact of i nequities is the first step to creating inclusive learning environments, supportive schools, and targeted instruction that reflects high expectations for every student.

Changing Demographics of American Schools

Moving towards Cultural Proficiency

The move for schools to become culturally proficient is ongoing and has been a slow process spanning four decades. It began in the 1970s with growing attention given to cultural awareness internationally; an initial step towards understanding difference between cultural groups. The focus was on the recognition of differences and similarities between cultural groups. While there was some understanding about other cultures, there was only an emerging awareness that catering to cultural differences in the classroom may require a change in educational practice.

In the early 1980s, there was a focus on cultural sensitivity which includes not only an awareness that diversity exists between and within cultural groups but a refusal to make value judgments against differences such as being better or worse, or right or wrong – they are simply different (Eisenbruch & Volich, 2005).

In the mid-1980s the focus shifted from cultural sensitivity to a demand for cultural competence. Cultural competence as a concept was developed in the United States as a result of the health care system seeking to improve access for the increasing diversity of its population and to address inequities in social service delivery to Native American populations (Grote, 2008). By the mid-1990s the term cultural competency was being used widely in education; however, the impact at the classroom level on teaching practices varied greatly across the country.

In the 2002 adoption of the No Child Left Behind Act and the need for schools and districts to report on disaggregated data once again drew attention to the staggering disparities in educational achievement between white and minority students.

By 2012 there was a renewed effort to narrow the cultural gap between teachers and an increasingly diverse student body. The Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) requires states to incorporate at least one “other indicator” into their accountability systems in addition to such traditional measures as student-test scores. There was a call for schools to be culturally responsive and for teachers to have the ability to understand, interact and communicate effectively and sensitively with people from a cultural background that is different to one’s own, and to demonstrate this ability with proficiency.

Cultural proficiency is characterized by respect for culture, ongoing self-reflection, expansion of knowledge and commitment to improving practices and relationships. 

Cultural Proficiency as a Continuum

While the move in education towards cultural proficiency began in the 70s with an effort to raise cultural awareness, becoming culturally proficient is a developmental process— in any given school there may be teachers at various stages of the process. Cultural proficiency was first described as a multi-stage continuum in the 1990s to give people a reference point to where they were in the process towards proficiency (Cross, T., Bazron, B., Dennis, K., & Isaacs, M. 1989).

The first three steps on the continuum (i.e. Cultural Destructiveness, Cultural Incapacity, Cultural Blindness) see cultural difference as a problem (Lindsay et al. 2007). Here teachers refer to students as underperforming.

  • Cultural destructiveness, where attitudes, policies and practices seek to eliminate cultural differences.
  • Cultural incapacity, where the teachers may acknowledge cultural difference but lack the capacity or desire to do anything to improve outcomes for minority students.
  • Cultural blindness, where the teachers operate with an underlying belief that all people are the same and culture and color make no difference.

Changing Cultural Proficiency Continuum

“As schools and teachers work to strengthen their cultural proficiency, they can reflect on their progress along a cultural proficiency continuum that indicates unique ways of seeing and responding to difference.”

(Continuum Adapted from Cross, T., Bazron, B., Dennis, K., & Isaacs, M. 1989.)

The next three points on the continuum (Cultural Pre-Competence, Cultural Competence, Cultural Proficiency) reflect a shift from blaming the students to acknowledging the ways in which we are failing our students and their communities.

  • Cultural pre-competence – when teachers are aware of what they don’t know about working in diverse settings and allowing for the possibility of moving in a positive, constructive direction.
  • Cultural competence – when teachers accept and respect cultural differences, continue self assessment of cultural awareness, and pay careful attention to the dynamics of cultural differences.
  • Cultural Proficiency – making the commitment to be increasingly effective in meeting the educational needs of culturally diverse students.

It is difficult to talk about cultural proficiency without also talking about the persistent achievement gap between minority students and their peers. Equity will be a reality when students from minority racial, cultural, socio-economic, and linguistic backgrounds experience statistically similar rates of meeting high standards as do students from the majority culture.

Closing the Achievement Gap

For over 50 years, the achievement gap that separates low-income and minority students from other students has been a source of concern. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has been testing students for forty years and has drawn attention to the substantial and significant achievement gaps. For more than a generation, from the 1970s onwards, the focus was on improving the education of poor and minority students.

Not surprisingly, the gaps narrowed between 1970 and 1988. The achievement gap between African American and white students was cut in half, and the gap separating Latinos and whites declined by one-third. Over the years, however, the fundamental trends underlying them have remained consistent. The progress made in the 70s and 80s came to a halt around 1988, and during the 90s the gaps even widened slightly. From 2003 on the gap has once again begun to narrow.

While the results show that since the 1970s black and Hispanic students have made great strides in improving performance in reading and mathematics, a gap still separated them from their white peers. An analysis by the National Center for Education Statistics in 2009 and 2011 showed that black and Hispanic students trailed their white peers by an average of more than 20 test-score points on the NAEP math and reading assessments at 4th and 8th grades, a difference of about two grade levels (NCES, 2009, 2011).

At the current rate of progress, it will take another 38 years to eliminate the gap. The presence of an achievement gap is a warning that something has gone wrong in education. It is not a diagnosis but rather a symptom. Making a diagnosis requires looking past the demographic trends to the variables that research has shown to influence student learning.

There have been many state, district and school reforms advocated as ways to close the achievement gap such as reducing class size, extending the school day, providing more scheduled time for teachers to meet, and introducing new curricula. All are worthy innovations but the research repeatedly shows that reforms like these, focused on school and schedule structures, do not lead to significant student achievement gains (Hattie 2009).

To increase the achievement levels of minority and low-income students, we need to focus on what really matters—strengthening the instructional core in schools. Students need good teachers who set high standards for every student and a challenging curriculum. This is not new information— over 10 years ago in March 2004 the ASCD released the following position statement:

  • “ The ASCD believes that all underserved populations—high poverty students, students with special learning needs, students of different cultural backgrounds, non-natives peakers, and urban and rural students—must have access to:
  • Innovative, engaging, and challenging course work (with academic support) that builds on the strengths of each learner and enables students to develop to their full potential;
  • High-quality teachers supported by ongoing professional development; and
  • Additional resources for strengthening schools, families, and communities.

Adopted March 2004

The recent adoption of new, more rigorous standards has provided an opportunity for schools to reflect on the quality of their curriculum. Students are more likely to succeed when the curriculum is challenging, engaging and culturally responsive to the diversity of the students and community.

The academic quality of the curriculum is influenced not just by content but also by teacher expectations for students. Numerous studies have demonstrated that students’ patterns of progress and achievement are impacted by their teacher’s expectations (American Educational Research Association [AERA], 2004). Evaluations of successful schools have also found a direct connection between a culture of high expectations and student success (Kannapel & Clements, 2005).

Essential Elements of Cultural Competency

  • A valuing of cultural diversity
  • Conducting a cultural self-assessment
  • Managing the dynamics of difference
  • Acquiring and institutionalizing cultural knowledge
  • Adapting to diversity and cultural contexts

(Source: National Centre for Cultural Competence 2006)

A high-quality curriculum and high expectations for learners are insufficient on their own. Rather, they go hand in hand with creating an optimal learning environment that generates an atmosphere of trust. The social setting teachers provide is equally as important as the physical environment. Schools that value academic achievement and maintain high expectations are more likely to establish safe, inclusive learning environments. More importantly, they do this through adherence to a culture of high expectations rather than mandates and policy decisions (Casey, 2000; Kannapel & Clements, 2005).

The quality of the classroom teacher is more important than a challenging and engaging curriculum: “the most important thing a school can do is to provide its students with good teachers” (Goldhaber, 2002, p. 52). There is a growing body of research that has found that teachers have more influence on student achievement than any other characteristic of schools (Hattie 2009). An analysis of data from the UTD Texas School Project found that high quality teachers substantially closed the achievement gap, especially for low-income elementary school students (Rivkin, Hanushek, & Kain, 2005).

Effective teachers who know their students as learners provide instruction that is differentiated and flexible. Students are expected to work hard, are motivated to succeed, and are provided with an array of supports.

In schools where the teachers are culturally proficient, students’ cultural backgrounds of language, race, gender, and socio-economic status are seen as strengths to build on. Cultural proficiency forms the foundation for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership that values and responds to students’ cultures. This belief in all students’ ability to learn requires educators to be aware of how their assumptions inform their individual values and behaviors.

Through the process of critical reflection educators are better able to identify their own bias and identify hidden barriers to inclusion. It is also important to reflect on how practices, language and the curriculum may reinforce stereotypes or the dominant culture (Cave et al., 2005; Reifel and Brown, 2004).

Critical reflection is an ongoing process that requires an understanding that there is no one right approach to working with students. It is therefore important that professionals look critically at their philosophy, theory and practice to ensure they are providing the best possible support for each student. Educational practices that respond to and value cultural diversity are usually good practices for all students.

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121 Respect Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Respect is a fundamental value that plays a crucial role in our society. It is the foundation of healthy relationships, effective communication, and a harmonious community. Teaching and practicing respect is essential for creating a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

One way to promote respect is through essay writing. By encouraging students to explore and reflect on different aspects of respect, we can help them develop a deeper understanding of its importance and impact on our daily lives. To inspire students, here are 121 respect essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The meaning of respect and its significance in our lives
  • How can respect improve relationships with others?
  • The role of respect in creating a positive work environment
  • Respecting cultural differences and diversity
  • The importance of self-respect and self-esteem
  • Respect for authority figures and elders
  • How does respect contribute to a peaceful society?
  • Respecting the environment and nature
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on individuals and communities
  • Teaching respect to children and young adults
  • Respecting others' opinions and beliefs
  • How can respect improve communication skills?
  • Respect in the digital age: online etiquette and cyberbullying
  • Respecting privacy and boundaries
  • The connection between respect and empathy
  • Respecting different perspectives and viewpoints
  • Cultural norms and practices related to respect
  • Respecting traditions and customs
  • The role of respect in conflict resolution
  • The importance of respecting yourself before others
  • Respecting animals and wildlife
  • The impact of disrespectful language and behavior in schools
  • How can respect help build trust and loyalty?
  • Respecting authority figures in law enforcement and government
  • The role of respect in sportsmanship and fair play
  • Respecting the rights and dignity of others
  • The connection between respect and equality
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on mental health
  • Respecting boundaries in relationships
  • The importance of mutual respect in friendships
  • Respecting cultural heritage and traditions
  • The role of respect in promoting social justice
  • Respecting the contributions of others
  • How can respect foster creativity and innovation?
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on academic performance
  • Respecting the rights of marginalized communities
  • The connection between respect and self-discipline
  • Respecting the autonomy and independence of others
  • The role of respect in building strong communities
  • Respecting the beliefs and practices of different religions
  • The importance of respecting the environment for future generations
  • How can respect promote cooperation and collaboration?
  • Respecting the boundaries of consent
  • Respecting diversity in the workplace
  • The connection between respect and emotional intelligence
  • Respecting the contributions of volunteers and activists
  • The role of respect in promoting social change
  • Respecting the rights of individuals with disabilities
  • The importance of respecting the elderly and vulnerable populations
  • How can respect improve conflict resolution skills?
  • Respecting the boundaries of confidentiality and trust
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on community cohesion
  • Respecting the rights of indigenous peoples
  • The connection between respect and leadership
  • Respecting the sacrifices of military personnel and veterans
  • The role of respect in promoting human rights
  • Respecting the autonomy and agency of individuals
  • The importance of respecting the privacy of others
  • How can respect foster a sense of belonging and inclusion?
  • Respecting the contributions of artists and creators
  • Respecting diversity in the media and entertainment industry
  • The connection between respect and conflict resolution
  • Respecting the boundaries of consent and bodily autonomy
  • The role of respect in promoting gender equality
  • Respecting the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals
  • The importance of respecting the perspectives of marginalized communities
  • How can respect promote social justice and equity?
  • Respecting the contributions of immigrants and refugees
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on political discourse
  • Respecting diversity in educational settings
  • The connection between respect and emotional well-being
  • Respecting the boundaries of professional relationships
  • The role of respect in promoting environmental sustainability
  • Respecting the rights of future generations
  • The importance of respecting the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples
  • How can respect foster intercultural understanding and empathy?
  • Respecting the contributions of frontline workers and essential personnel
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on community engagement
  • Respecting diversity in the healthcare industry
  • The connection between respect and mental health
  • Respecting the boundaries of personal space and comfort
  • The role of respect in promoting social cohesion
  • Respecting the rights of animals and wildlife
  • The importance of respecting the privacy of individuals
  • How can respect foster a sense of belonging and community?
  • The impact of disrespectful behavior on social relationships

In conclusion, respect is a fundamental value that should be cultivated and practiced in all aspects of our lives. By exploring these respect essay topic ideas and examples, students can gain a better understanding of the importance of respect and how it can contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive society. Let's continue to promote respect and create a world where everyone is treated with dignity and kindness.

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Appreciating Diversity: Living in a Multicultural World

  • By Mari Carmen Bennasar, PsyD, Director of the Lucero Latino Mental Health Program; Core Faculty, Counseling Psychology Department
  • Oct 5, 2015

Appreciating Diversity: Living in a Multicultural World

Mental Health Tips from William James College Faculty: Appreciating Diversity: Living in a Multicultural World, by Mari Carmen Bennasar, PsyD, Director of the Lucero Latino Mental Health Program; Core Faculty, Counseling Psychology Department.

Tips for Appreciating and Embracing Diversity

Respecting and appreciating diversity begins with a critical evaluation of ourselves. We can begin to appreciate diversity by:

  • Increasing our understanding of our own and others’ worldview
  • Examining critically our attitudes towards people who are different from us
  • Identifying the origin of our negative reactions and recognizing our biases
  • Being willing to talk, listen, and learn
  • Being aware how discrimination operates, who it privileges, and who it harms
  • Speaking out against insensitive remarks and discriminatory behaviors
  • Respecting and accepting differences
  • Creating and/or allowing space for different activities, routines, practices
  • Respecting and supporting difference in our institutions and communities
  • Acting as a role model
  • Human diversity is a gift. Appreciating and celebrating this can help us all lead happier and more productive lives.
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Cultural Awareness: Embracing Diversity in a Globalized World

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Impact on interpersonal relationships, strategies for enhancing cultural awareness.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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respecting diversity essay

Some Guidelines for Respecting Language Diversity in Writing

Writing across the curriculum.

UW students bring a rich variety of dialects and languages to the classroom, giving instructors who use writing in their classes a unique opportunity to build on students’ linguistic resources. Unfortunately, it is easy for instructors to value the language of some groups more than others. As instructors whose goal is for all students to be successful, we need to take care to respect the languages students bring with them to our classes.

Respecting language diversity impacts students’ success as writers and their feelings of well-being on campus. Our responses to student writing can inspire creative critical thinking or limit it. They can make a student feel like he or she belongs or seem to confirm a student’s sense of alienation. They can work to affirm or dismiss a student’s heritage and language. After all, writing even about the most distant topics can feel personal, closely linked to a student’s own identity.

So what might guide our approach to students’ diverse language resources? In 1974 members of the Conference on College Communication and Composition adopted a resolution entitled “Students’ Right to Their Own Language.”

We affirm the students’ right to their own patterns and varieties of language — the dialects of their nurture or whatever dialects in which they find their own identity and style. Language scholars long ago denied that the myth of a standard American dialect has any validity. The claim that any one dialect is unacceptable amounts to an attempt of one social group to exert its dominance over another. Such a claim leads to false advice for speakers and writers, and immoral advice for humans. A nation proud of its diverse heritage and its cultural and racial variety will preserve its heritage of dialects. We affirm strongly that teachers must have the experiences and training that will enable them to respect diversity and uphold the right of students to their own language.

For detailed recommendations see:

“Students’ Right to Their Own Language” College Composition and Communication 25, 1974.

The article is available through the following URL: <http://www.ncte.org/positions/statements/righttoownlanguage>           

Other recommended resources include:

Canagarajah, A. Suresh. “The Place of World Englishes in Composition: Pluralization Continued.” College Composition and Communication 57.4 (2006): 586–615. Print.

This article describes the changing global role of English(es) and argues for accepting and incorporating many varieties of English in formal, academic writing.

Canagarajah, A. Suresh. Critical Academic Writing and Multilingual Students . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002. Print.

This volume facilitates teacher self-reflection and enables readers to better understand the motivations and pedagogical implications—especially for multilingual writing—of a more openly pedagogical approach.

Horner, Bruce, Min-Zhan Lu, Jacqueline Jones Royster, and John Trimbur. “Language Difference in Writing: Toward a Translingual Approach.” College English 73.3 (2011): 303–321. Print.

The authors contend that a focus on linguistic homogeneity is at odds with actual language use today. They call for a translingual approach, which they define as seeing difference in language not as a barrier to overcome or as a problem to manage, but as a resource for producing meaning in writing, speaking, reading, and listening.

Smitherman, Geneva. Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America . Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977. Print.

This authoritative, engaging, and affirming book on the linguistic and rhetorical history of African American English is a must read both for those who speak African American English and those who are new to it.

Young, Vershawn, and Aja Martinez. Code-meshing as World English: Pedagogy, Policy, Performance . Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2011. Print.

Editors Vershawn Ashanti Young and Aja Y. Martinez, along with a range of scholars from international and national literacy studies, English education, writing studies, sociolinguistics, and critical pedagogy, argue that all writers and speakers benefit when we demystify academic language and encourage students to explore the plurality of the English language in both unofficial and official spaces.

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Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins at School: Essay


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Definition of intercultural understanding

Key drivers and reasons why intercultural understanding is a national and global education priority, discussion on whether intercultural understanding is an education priority based on school observation and personal interviews with school staff., critical analysis of intercultural understanding as an education priority, conclusion on the continuation of intercultural understanding in education priority, reference list.

  • Perry, L. B., & Southwell, L. (2011). Developing Intercultural Understanding and Skills: Models and Approaches. Intercultural education, 22(6), 453-466, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2011.644948
  • Pandit, K., & Alderman, D. (2004). Border Crossings in the Classroom: The International Student Interview as a Strategy for Promoting Intercultural Understanding. Journal of Geography, 103(3), 127-136, doi: 10.1080/00221340408978587
  • Allen, K., Kern, M., Vella-Brodrick, D., & Waters, L. (2018). Understanding the Priorities of Australian Secondary Schools Through an Analysis of Their Mission and Vision Statements. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(2), 249-274. doi: 10.1177/0013161x18758655
  • Habacon, A. (2015). What does ‘Intercultural Understanding’ actually mean? Retrieved from https://blogs.ubc.ca/interculturalu/2015/07/15/what-does-intercultural-understanding-actually-mean/
  • Australian bureau of statistics. (2016). 2016 Census: Multicultural. Retrieved from https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/lookup/Media%20Release3
  • Soutphommasane, T. (2016). The Success of Australia’s Multiculturalism. Retrieved from https://www.humanrights.gov.au/about/news/speeches/success-australias-multiculturalism
  • Schaeffer, J. (2011). Achieving Cross-cultural Competence in the Classroom: Culture’s Ways Explored. Michigan, USA: ProQuest.
  • Deprow, S. (2014). Effects of multicultural group projects on domestic students' intercultural competence. Michigan, USA: ProQuest.
  • Walton, J., Priest, N., & Paradies, Y. (2013). Identifying and developing effective approaches to foster intercultural understanding in schools. Intercultural education, 24(3), 181-194, doi: 10.1080/14675986.2013.793036
  • Australian Curriculum. (2019). Intercultural Understanding. Retrieved from https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/general-capabilities/intercultural-understanding/
  • Australian Human Rights Commission. (2015). Face the facts: Cultural Diversity. Retrieved from https://www.humanrights.gov.au/our-work/education/face-facts-cultural-diversity
  • Balwyn High School. (2019). About Us. Retrieved from http://www.balwynhs.vic.edu.au/
  • Australian Institution for Teaching and School Leadership. (2019). Teacher Standards. Retrieved from https://www.aitsl.edu.au/teach/standards?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvd7n_97H4gIVDh4rCh0_rAEhEAAYASAAEgKAPPD_BwE
  • Australian Institution for Teaching and School Leadership. (2019). Look At Classroom Practice. Retrieved from https://www.aitsl.edu.au/tools-resources/resource/looking-at-classroom-practice

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Cultural Diversity Essay | Essay on Cultural Diversity for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Cultural Diversity Essay: Cultural diversity refers to the different forms of cultures co-existing in the same society. It is an aspect that opposes monoculture, which can lead to cultural decay.

The existence of cultural diversity ensures respect for all the communities that exist in a single society. Cultural diversity is a global demand that ensures progress to the human race.

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Long and Short Essays on Cultural Diversity for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on Long Cultural Diversity essay of 500 words and short essay of 150 words on the same topic for reference.

Long Essay on Cultural Diversity 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Cultural Diversity is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Cultural diversity is about appreciating the society that consists of people who vary in interests, skills, talents, and demand to be recognized for having their religion, beliefs and sexual orientation. A term that is closely related to cultural diversity is ‘equality’. The existence of cultural diversity should be accompanied by equality, where every individual is treated equally regardless of their difference from one another.

Demographic factors, as well as cultural norms, can make a person ‘diverse’ from another. Other factors such as caste, creed, sex, religion and morals induce a boundary between people, but the identity of a person is often juxtaposed with their culture. Cultural diversity thus establishes a better understanding between people and helps to strengthen society.

The World Day of Cultural Diversity is celebrated on 21st of May as declared by the UN General Assembly. The universal declaration of cultural diversity by UNESCO was in the year 2001 that recognizes cultural diversity as a ‘common heritage of humanity’. This makes cultural diversity a fundamental right of every individual and safeguards their interests. Survival International and UNESCO are some of the organizations that work to protect threatened societies and cultures.

However, the misuse of cultural diversity includes the promotion of poverty in underdeveloped countries. Other unethical practices as recognized by WHO and UN including polygamy, child marriages, human sacrifice, female genital mutilation are strictly unethical. They should not be practised under the name of “cultural diversity”.

The benefits of cultural diversity include inspiring each other, which can result in better understanding and productivity, helps in creating a pool of talent along with the exchange of innovative ideas. Cultural sensitivity helps one respect, demonstrate and appreciate other forms of culture. Cultural diversity opens the room for cultural exchange which allows people to discuss on universal issues that can have a global impact. However, without commitment, cultural diversity can lead to misunderstandings between a group of people and give rise to awkwardness and cause an imbalance.

Protection of the rights of minorities and providing them with the right amount of proper facilities, social interaction with every cast and creed help in promoting cultural diversity within the community and thus maintain communal harmony. Information exchange forming the very backbone of evolution, which has been further aided in recent times using modern technology and the avid usage on the internet, which is readily available.

An individual is a slave to the culture they inherit, still, when living in a culturally diverse society, they gain knowledge and are inspired from other cultures that co-exist which influence on the decisions they make, the outcomes of which are what welcomes cultural revolution. As we have all descended from a single population, it is communication and the transformation of information that has given rise to cultural diversity within a society.

In conclusion, it is our responsibility to preserve the cultural diversity that exists in our society, raise out voice against discrimination and the practice of illegal acts under the name of promoting “cultural diversity”, to sustain better living conditions for ourselves and the world around us.

Short Essay on Cultural Diversity 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Cultural Diversity is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

‘Cultural diversity’ is a term opposing monoculture that means equality for the diverse and varying forms of culture that exists in a society. Cultural diversity is an essential element for sustainable development of individuals, communities and countries. Respecting, protecting and maintaining the uniqueness of every culture makes humane moral stronger and builds a mutual understanding among people.

The people should be sensitized that promoting cultural diversity, which helps in building communal harmony is the first step towards the growth of a nation. Discrimination based on religion, caste, creed, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, beliefs and values is what prevents people from being able to co-exist mutually because such discrimination comes from not practising cultural diversity.

A stereotypical mindset would never consider expanding their horizon unless exposed raw to the benefits to cultural exchange in building a healthier society. Without exploiting the rights of cultural diversity, it is possible to celebrate every human and to help each other for a better future.

10 Lines on Cultural Diversity Essay in English

  • Cultural diversity supports the idea that every individual has a unique and positive contribution to make in society.
  • Valuing cultural diversity comes from learning and understanding others who are not the same.
  • Discrimination between people hinders the bloom of cultural diversity.
  • Contributions from different cultures make society rich.
  • Exploitations of Cultural diversity should be at a constant check even at the remotest places.
  • The Exploitation of workers and markets under the influence of multinational corporations has a negative effect on cultural diversity.
  • Easy access to the digital world promotes cultural amalgamation.
  • The different religious and cultural backgrounds are the key aspects of understanding diversity.
  • Cultural diversity rights are enforced by global or organizations like the UN and UNESCO.
  • Preservation of ‘cultural minorities’ thought to be endangered.

FAQ’s on Cultural Diversity Essay

Question 1. What is cultural diversity at UNESCO?

Answer: The Heritage education for sustainable development project aims in making the bond between culture and education stronger for sustainable development, within the framework of DESD and UNESCO’s work on protecting and promoting cultural diversity.

Question 2. How does cultural diversity affect us?

Answer: Cultural diversity exposes us to different ways of lifestyle and people, thus helping us understand us in a better and more respectful way.

Question 3. Can cultural diversity affect human decision making?

Answer: Yes, at times, cultural diversity can affect decision making due to difference in opinions that can differ from people to people according to varying culture and experiences.

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Essay on Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins At School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins At School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins At School

Understanding cultural diversity.

Cultural diversity means many different types of people, from various places, living together. It includes different languages, religions, and traditions. Schools are places where children from different backgrounds come together to learn and grow.

Importance of Respect

Role of schools.

Schools play a major role in teaching respect for cultural diversity. They can do this by including lessons about different cultures in the curriculum. This will help students learn about and respect different cultures.

Benefits of Respecting Diversity

Respecting cultural diversity has many benefits. It helps us learn new things, make friends from different cultures, and live peacefully. It also helps us become better citizens of the world.

250 Words Essay on Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins At School

Cultural diversity means the mix of different cultures in a place. It’s like a big pot of soup with many different ingredients. Each ingredient keeps its own taste but also adds to the flavor of the whole soup. In the same way, each culture keeps its own identity but also adds to the richness of the society.

Schools play a big role in teaching us about cultural diversity. Just like we learn math and science, we can also learn about different cultures. We meet students from different backgrounds in school. By interacting with them, we learn about their cultures. This helps us understand and respect their ways of life.

Respecting Cultural Diversity

Respecting cultural diversity means accepting and valuing these differences. It’s like appreciating all the different ingredients in the soup. In school, it means treating all students equally, no matter their culture. It also means not making fun of someone because they are different.

Benefits of Respecting Cultural Diversity

When we respect cultural diversity, we create a friendly environment. Everyone feels safe and accepted. This helps us learn better. It also prepares us for the future. In today’s world, we often work with people from different cultures. If we learn to respect cultural diversity in school, we will find it easy to work with diverse teams in the future.

In conclusion, respecting cultural diversity begins at school. It helps us understand and value different cultures. It prepares us for the future and makes our society richer. So, let’s start respecting cultural diversity in our schools today!

500 Words Essay on Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins At School


Cultural diversity is about the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region. It’s also about the peaceful coexistence of different cultures in the world. Respecting cultural diversity means understanding that every culture has its own unique value. It means accepting and appreciating the differences and similarities between cultures.

The Role of Schools

Schools play a big role in teaching kids to respect cultural diversity. They are the first place where children interact with others from different cultures. This is where they learn about the world beyond their homes. Schools have the power to shape a child’s thoughts and attitudes towards other cultures.

Teaching Respect for Cultural Diversity in Schools

Teachers can use many ways to teach kids about cultural diversity. Storybooks and lessons about different cultures are a good start. They can also organize cultural exchange programs where students can learn about other cultures. Schools can celebrate cultural diversity days where students can share their customs and traditions.

Challenges and Solutions

Teaching respect for cultural diversity is not always easy. Some children may find it hard to understand or accept differences. Teachers can help by creating a safe space for discussions. They can encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts.

In the end, it’s all about learning to see the world through different eyes. And schools are the best place to start this journey.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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respecting diversity essay



Essay: the empty promise of ‘diversity’.

  • Pamela D’andrea Martínez, The Emancipator

(Sophie Morse for The Emancipator)

During the time of Brown v. Board of Education, the most radical motives for desegregation were as much economic as cultural. Racial integration, theoretically, would disrupt the historical hoarding of power, wealth and resources by white people and schools.

In practice, however, desegregation efforts took on a racist spin that today’s school diversity work has inherited. They tried to claim that the resources of Black communities were lesser, that there was superior value in white schools and that Black youth would thrive in proximity to white students. Today, officials deploy a plethora of efforts that do little to disrupt racialized power and resource balance, but instead focus on checking the diversity box.

Boston has openly grappled with racial inequities in its schools for decades. There are promising pockets of racial equity work, and activists have remained vigilant. But Boston Public Schools yield unequal schooling on nearly every student outcome they measure. Black, Latinx and other youth of color consistently have higher dropout rates, lower graduation rates, and less access to advanced courses than their white and sometimes their Asian peers.

In Massachusetts, the school districts with the most students of color are consistently the most inequitably funded . Even so, the ever-present conversations about the racial achievement gap do not yield resource distribution — they yield diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programming. It is a broken record, a parlance resonant of the era of school desegregation fruition after Brown v. Board. While disparities between Black and white students fueled the push for desegregation, these efforts did not ultimately change the power structures that would spare Black and people of color students from being devalued and hamstrung within a rigged game.

Police outside Hyde Park High School by Stanley Forman from the Herald American, 1974. (James Fraser photograph collection/Northeastern University)

In Boston, one such DEI program is the often lauded Metropolitan Council for Education Opportunity (METCO). It functions as a lottery system that sends students from Boston, a school system where approximately 85% of students are people of color, to learn in the local suburbs where schools are overwhelmingly white and high resourced.

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education characterizes METCO as “a voluntary program intended to expand educational opportunities, increase diversity and reduce racial isolation.”

I’m cautious with these claims. Personally, as a Latina immigrant who was classified as an English language learner in school, I know what it feels like to be classified as a minority in educational spaces. Many of my own students at Wellesley College benefited from programs that — as METCO does for Boston children — selected them from a sea of peers in their low-income and POC communities to attend the prestigious private college. These same students tell me they often feel alone and guilty for being able to come to Wellesley when their peers did not have the same opportunity. They say they never feel completely at home in the historically white institution, and by the end of their studies, they question if they had access to the same learning opportunities as their white and wealthy peers.

METCO students have much higher graduation rates and college enrollment rates than students who remain in Boston Public Schools — but at a cost. Students report a lack of belonging and, ironically to the program’s goals, a type of racial isolation where they feel minoritized in a predominantly white environment. They also report understandable frustration over long commutes for a quality education. METCO recognizes this, and individual suburbs have instituted Family Friends Programs , which assign METCO students a family in their new school districts. This family serves as a touch point for the commuting student, and the programs frame themselves as cultural exchanges. But the exchange will always be one-directional.

The demand that students of color integrate into white spaces and norms does not just take an emotional toll. Behind the veil of every racially and socioeconomically diverse school, the rot of racism lingers. In diverse and desegregated K-12 schools, for example, higher tracked classes like AP, honors and gifted programs are still treated as the property of white students. School suspensions target Black and POC students the most. The racial inequities in these suburban schools do not get nearly as much press as those in Boston — after all, these schools are seen as “saving” students of color.

This is not what the architects of METCO had in mind. They were Black mothers, educators, activists and the Boston NAACP. It was a labor of anti-racist love.

METCO and DEI programs like it can be life altering for individual students who manage to benefit from them, but they are mere beginnings to massive systemic reform, not the endgame.

For a new generation of people who commit themselves to a future of racial and economic justice, there are questions they must ask themselves: Why do DEI and opportunity programs pick just a handful of young people to experience high-resourced schooling rather than invest more in their neighborhood schools? Is it true that the best education can only happen outside their communities? Why is it OK for those white, more affluent communities and schools to call themselves integrated without actually having Black, Latinx and low-income people living there in meaningful roles? If the goal of today’s diversity work, from conception to application, is to transform a racist status quo and to provide quality education for Black, people of color and low-income youth, then why are these efforts carried out at the expense of those same young people?

We must ask ourselves: Who actually benefits from diversity efforts?

Mandated desegregation, like busing in Boston following the Morgan v. Hennigan ruling in 1974, set in motion an ugly period of white rage, anti-Black racist riots and mass exodus of white students refusing to integrate. Today’s more voluntary diversity efforts find greater acceptance, but are overly preoccupied with wanting to appear progressive and not wanting to anger white folks. These priorities harbor a stealthy kind of racism, the type that perpetuates an unequal status quo through the weak charity of DEI.

If they are meant to be anti-racist, diversity efforts cannot prioritize the racial comfort of white communities. In doing so, they engage in a performative type of progress. Instead, for racial and socioeconomic justice to happen, we must meaningfully challenge the hoarding  of resources and opportunities.

Thank you to Wellesley College Knapp Social Science Center fellows Estefania Vasquez (2025) and Noely Irineu Silva (2027) for providing research support for this article.

respecting diversity essay

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  16. Tolerance and Respect for Cultural Differences Essay

    The author relies on Basso to support the thesis statement in light of the readings specified for this course. A number of factors that support tolerance and respect for diversity are clearly outlined in this essay. In addition, the author of this essay illustrates how the said respect and tolerance can be realized. Organization of the Essay

  17. Importance Of Unity In Diversity: [Essay Example], 674 words

    By valuing and respecting diverse identities, societies can build trust and mutual respect among their members. This social harmony is essential for the development of a stable and peaceful society, where individuals feel safe and valued. ... The Importance Of Harmony Within Diversity Essay. Diversity is a hallmark of the modern world, with ...

  18. A World of Difference: Respecting and Valuing Diversity

    Cultural proficiency is an integral component in creating a school environment that promotes equitable outcomes for every student. At the heart of cultural proficiency are the principles of trust, respect for diversity, equity, fairness, and social justice. It reinforces and builds on the work of the last forty years as education has endeavored ...

  19. 121 Respect Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    To inspire students, here are 121 respect essay topic ideas and examples: The meaning of respect and its significance in our lives. How can respect improve relationships with others? The role of respect in creating a positive work environment. Respecting cultural differences and diversity.

  20. Appreciating Diversity: Living in a Multicultural World

    Respecting and appreciating diversity begins with a critical evaluation of ourselves. We can begin to appreciate diversity by: Increasing our understanding of our own and others' worldview. Examining critically our attitudes towards people who are different from us. Identifying the origin of our negative reactions and recognizing our biases.

  21. Cultural Awareness: Embracing Diversity in a Globalized World: [Essay

    Cultural awareness is crucial for fostering mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among individuals from different cultural backgrounds. In a multicultural society, cultural awareness promotes inclusivity and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings, stereotypes, and discrimination.

  22. Some Guidelines for Respecting Language Diversity in Writing

    Respecting language diversity impacts students' success as writers and their feelings of well-being on campus. Our responses to student writing can inspire creative critical thinking or limit it. They can make a student feel like he or she belongs or seem to confirm a student's sense of alienation. They can work to affirm or dismiss a ...

  23. Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins at School: Essay

    Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins at School: Essay. Topics: Australia Cultural Diversity Public School. Words: 2123. Pages: 5. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples.

  24. Cultural Diversity Essay

    Cultural Diversity Essay: Cultural diversity refers to the different forms of cultures co-existing in the same society. It is an aspect that opposes monoculture, which can lead to cultural decay. The existence of cultural diversity ensures respect for all the communities that exist in a single society. Cultural diversity is a global demand that ensures […]

  25. Essay on Respecting Cultural Diversity Begins At School

    Conclusion. Respecting cultural diversity is an important lesson that begins at school. It helps children understand and appreciate the world around them. It prepares them for a globalized world where cultural diversity is the norm. Schools are the first step in this journey of understanding and respecting cultural diversity.

  26. Essay: The empty promise of 'diversity'

    Essay: The empty promise of 'diversity' ... anti-Black racist riots and mass exodus of white students refusing to integrate. Today's more voluntary diversity efforts find greater acceptance ...