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presentation college transfer fair

How to Organize a College Fair

presentation college transfer fair

Organizing and hosting a college fair is a great way to let students (and parents) get an inside look at multiple colleges all at once. It’s also a great way for colleges, universities, and technical schools to meet a wide variety of potential students. Higher education recruitment teams around the country look to college fairs as a way to engage directly with interested students and build relationships that can’t be built if you’re just sending a piece of direct mail or hoping the student reads the website. 

Whether you’re a high school looking to draw in colleges for your student body, or a state-sponsored organization interested in promoting state colleges, organizing a college fair may be the best (albeit stressful) way to accomplish your goals. Conversely, you also have the option of engaging with companies like Tallo who organize and build virtual college fairs for you. Here, we’ll discuss both options so you can get a better idea of what organizing a college fair means, and why it may be in your best interest to leave it to the pros and focus on recruitment efforts instead.

Planning Ahead, Scheduling, and Budgeting for Your College Fair

presentation college transfer fair

Before you can do the important stuff, like inviting colleges to your fair, you need to take a look at your schedule and plan a date. Make sure you leave enough time for both you and the colleges you want to attend to plan and prepare. You may also want to do a quick search, be it through NACAC or otherwise, to ensure there are no other fairs happening at that time that would force you to compete for the attention of your colleges.

Once you’ve determined a date, decide the sort of event you want to host. Is this going to be a college fair specific to a certain avenue of learning, such as STEM colleges, liberal arts colleges, or technical schools? Is this going to be a general college fair that invites all different types of colleges to ensure your students have a breadth of options available to them? There are so many different types of college fairs, and you’ll need to decide what yours will be.

Finally, you’ll want to consider your venue and budget. Is this going to be hosted in your gymnasium? Will you host it outdoors in the commons? Will you be providing tables and chairs or tents in case it rains? Will you need to rent them? How many colleges can comfortably fit in your venue? What sort of budget will you need to get approved to host this event? These are all important questions you’ll want to ask and answer before moving to the next step.

Inviting Colleges and Promoting Your College Fair

Once you’ve determined how much room you have, what your budget is, when you plan to host your event and what type of college fair it’s going to be, you’ll need to start reaching out to colleges. Depending on your goals, this may mean inviting local or state-only colleges, or, if you’re hosting a bigger event, this may mean trying to lure in some big-name colleges. Our advice? Start with the low-hanging fruit and work your way up the tree. Reach out to college reps who have already engaged with your student body in the past. Invite colleges that your students are typically interested in and apply to. Give your student body a variety of options, from community colleges to state colleges and private colleges. 

Once colleges start accepting your invitation, ensure you have a plan in place that highlights your expectations for them. This means ensuring they know they can start setting up at noon on the day of the fair, that you’ll require both a college representative and alumni at the event, etc. These little details are all important to ensure a smooth experience and that each college knows what to expect and how you’re going to help them on the day of the event.

presentation college transfer fair

If your invites aren’t getting accepted, don’t get discouraged. There are plenty of colleges out there that are hungry for the opportunity to promote their institution. Continue promoting your event, what you offer, how many students will be in attendance, etc.

Start Inviting and Promoting to Students

You don’t just have to invite colleges, you also have to invite prospective students. If you’re a school, this might be easier than if you’re an organization. The important thing to remember is to reach outside of your normal pool of students. Invite other students from other schools, take out ads in the local newspaper, advertise on the local radio. Don’t forget to ensure you’re reaching out to parents too—they are instrumental in keeping their kids interested and engaged in determining their future. When they accept your invite, be sure to provide them with your recommendations of what they should bring to the event, how they should dress, etc. These guidelines can be helpful to students who have never experienced a college fair before.

Our final piece of advice? Don’t assume that everyone will remember. If you invite students months in advance, be sure to send reminders a month before the event, two weeks before the event, and even a couple of days before the event. This could be anything from direct mail to an email reminder. Don’t rely on someone to have it noted in their calendar because that could lead to less than stellar attendance.

Prepare Materials for Your College Fair

presentation college transfer fair

Some schools and organizations think that you just have the colleges show up and the students show up, and everything goes off without a hitch. We don’t advise this approach. Rather, you’ll want to have a variety of materials ready to go for the day of the event. This means things like a directory so students know what colleges are in attendance and where to find them on a map. You may want to have a cheat sheet of questions for students if they get nervous and forget what questions to ask. You can even include a little postcard that students and parents can fill out that lets them provide feedback.

presentation college transfer fair

Host Your College Fair On Ping By Tallo

When you host your virtual college fair on Ping, you take the leg work out of building an event—because we do it for you! We invite the colleges, we promote to students, and we ensure everyone has what they need for the day of the event. All you have to do is tell us what you’re looking for, who you’re hoping to bring to the event, and we take it from there. 

Want to talk about hosting an event? Fill out the form below and one of our event specialists will reach out to learn more. 

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College Fair Checklist

Find the right college for you., get the information you want.

A college fair is a gathering of college representatives who are looking for the right students for their institutions. The representatives are there to spread the word about their college to high school students─and they want to talk to you.

College fairs may be held at your school, a conference center, or a local community center, and the colleges may be local or from around the country. The representatives usually sit at booths or tables and hand out brochures and cards. They can tell you about everything from academics to campus life at their college, and they can also answer general questions about college.

Ask your counselor or a teacher how to find college fairs in your area. If you can, go to more than one fair to get a good sampling of what's out there. The checklist below will help you get the most out of each fair.

Before You Go

  • Find out which colleges will be at the fair. (A list may be posted on the fair's website.) Jot down the names of the ones you want to learn about.
  • Make a list of any questions you have.
  • Bring your list, a pen, paper, and a bag to hold college brochures.
  • Make sure the email address that you give out won't embarrass you. Remember, college admissions officers will see it.

group of students outside

While You’re There

  • Get a map of the fair. Then plan a route to the booths of all the colleges on your list. If there’s no map available, do a quick survey of the room to locate your colleges.
  • Visit the booths on your list. Ask college representatives questions. For example, you can ask, "What kind of student are you looking for?" or "What makes your campus special?"
  • Take a minute to jot down any information you think is important before moving on to the next booth.
  • Check out some other booths when you're done with the colleges on your list. You may stumble onto a great college you hadn't considered.
  • Attend an information session, if any are offered. Typical topics include applications and financial aid. These sessions are good opportunities to get expert advice.

When You Get Home

  • Ask yourself which colleges stood out and why.
  • Organize the college material you collected and review it that week while it’s fresh in your mind.
  • Go over any notes you took during the fair.
  • Throw out the pamphlets of colleges you’ve ruled out so you can focus on the colleges you’re interested in.
  • Do more research on the colleges you’re thinking about. Explore websites, contact the admission office or plan a campus visit. If you liked what you saw at the fair, it may be time to see the college in person

What’s a college fair?

A college fair is an event where representatives from multiple colleges and universities come together in one location to interact with potential students and provide them with information. This event offers an excellent opportunity for students and their families to explore various colleges , learn about different educational options, and gather valuable information about admissions requirements , programs of study, campus life, and financial aid .

What can I expect at a college fair?

When attending a college fair, you’ll find booths or tables hosted by various colleges and universities. Representatives from these institutions will be present to address your questions, provide informative brochures, and give you an overview of their respective institutions. You can collect materials like brochures, pamphlets, and other resources to help you gain more knowledge about these colleges and to help you make well-informed decisions about your future education.

How do I prepare for a college fair?

When you’re getting ready for a college fair, you need to take some important steps. These include researching what colleges will be at the fair, figuring out what questions you want to ask the admissions representatives, determining options for majors , and preparing to take notes during the event.

What should I take to a college fair?

Here are some things you should take with you:

  • A list of colleges you're interested in
  • A list of questions you want to ask college representatives
  • A notebook and pen or other method for recording notes
  • A bag or folder to hold brochures and pamphlets
  • Water to stay hydrated
  • Necessary identification for registration purposes

What questions should I ask at a college fair?

Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What programs and majors are offered?
  • What are the admissions requirements?
  • What are average class sizes?
  • What does campus life have to offer?
  • What support services are in place?
  • What’s the cost of tuition and any additional costs?
  • What options for financial aid are available?
  • Are there any internship opportunities available?
  • What are the housing options?
  • What are the career placement prospects for graduates?

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  • Placement Testing
  • High School/College Dual Credit
  • Senior Citizens
  • Auditing a Class
  • Academic Advising
  • Privacy of Information Statement
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Financial Aid & Financial Information
  • Campus Life
  • Academic Policies
  • Graduate Studies
  • Division of Pre-Professional Studies
  • Division of Nursing
  • Course Descriptions
  • College Administration & Faculty
  • Disclaimer, Nondiscrimination, and Compliance
  • Academic Calendar
  • Sponsored by the Presentation Sisters
  • Addenda to 2022-2023 Catalog
  • Catalog Home
  • All Catalogs


The following criteria are used to determine admission for various categories of students including First-Time Freshman, Home-School, Readmit, Transfer, Degree Completion, Unclassified, and International Students. Certain programs have additional specific criteria for admission. Refer to the respective section in this catalog for any additional requirements.

New First-Time Freshmen

First-Time Freshmen must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Completion of high school diploma.**
  • Completion of General Educational Development (GED) and be 18 years of age or older to meet the compulsory school attendance requirement in South Dakota.

First-Time Freshmen who have completed (1) will be admitted to the college when meeting one of the following requirements: 

  •   A student having a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 2.75 out of a 4.0 GPA.
  •   A student having a minimum ACT composite score of 20 out of 36.
  •   A student having a minimum SAT composite score of 1040 out of 1600.

First-Time Freshmen who have completed (2) will be admitted to the college when meeting the following requirements: 

  •   A student having a minimum cumulative GED score of 450.

First-Time Freshmen must follow these steps to complete the process:

  • Submit an application for admission found at https://mypc.presentation.edu/applynow/inquiryform
  • If the student is still attending high school, the transcript must include courses completed and courses in progress. Students must also arrange for a final transcript to be sent after graduation from high school with the graduation date posted.
  • Submit the non-refundable application fee of $25

*Options for official transcript submission:

  • Paper transcripts can be accepted as official provided they are either mailed or personally delivered to the Admissions Office in the original, sealed envelope from the school.
  • Electronic transcripts can be accepted as official provided they are emailed directly from the school or are submitted via an electronic transcript service to the Admissions Office via the domain @presentation.edu

All records submitted, filed, and accumulated in the Admissions and Registrar's Offices become the property of the College.

Upon receipt of these items, the Admissions Office will notify applicants of acceptance, provisional acceptance, probationary acceptance, or denial of acceptance into the College.

**The Admissions department may review the transcript for validity at its discretion. The Admissions department will consult with the Department of Education website for that particular state to ensure that the student graduated from an accredited high school.

Home-Schooled Students

Home-Schooled Students must meet one of the following requirements:

Home-Schooled Students who have completed (1) will be admitted to the college when meeting one of the following requirements: 

Home-Schooled Students who have completed (2) will be admitted to the college when meeting the following requirements: 

Home-Schooled Students must follow these steps to complete the process:

  • Transcript can be requested from the local home schooling guild or association school. If not available, primary educator-prepared transcripts, which detail course descriptions, proficiency levels, and textbooks used, are acceptable. If the student is still attending high school, the transcript must include courses completed and courses in progress. Students must also arrange for a final transcript to be sent after graduation from high school with the graduation date posted.

**The Admissions department may review the transcript for validity at their discretion. The Admissions department will consult with the Department of Education website for that particular state to ensure that the student graduated from an accredited high school.

Readmit Students

Readmit Students must meet the following requirement:

  • Readmit students are subject to entrance requirements and major requirements as stated in the College Catalog in service at the time of reentry. Students who graduate from Presentation College with a prior degree or certificate and reenter the following semester are also required to reapply for admission to the College.

Readmit Students must follow these steps to complete the process:

  • Submit any official* college or university transcripts since last admission, whether or not credit was received. Readmit Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale from their previous Presentation College transcript.
  • Submit the non-refundable application fee of $25.
  • Other requirements, if applicable.

Transfer Students

Transfer Students must meet the following requirement:

  • If a transfer student does not have 24 or more college credits they will be admitted as a first-time freshman, but have transfer status.

Transfer Students must follow these steps to complete the process:

  • Submit all official* college or university transcripts. Transfer Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale once all transcripts are received.

If students are currently enrolled at another institution, partial transcripts may be submitted and considered for provisional admission until the final official transcripts arrive. Please contact the Admissions Office regarding transcript evaluations. All credits attempted (except remedial courses) will be calculated into the admission GPA.

Degree Completion Students

Degree Completion Students must meet the following requirement:

  • Have completed an Associate’s degree or higher, and seeking to enter a baccalaureate program at Presentation College.

Degree Completion Students must follow these steps to complete the process:

Unclassified Students

Students who wish to enroll without pursuing a program or degree from Presentation College are considered unclassified. The Registrar will advise and register unclassified students. A maximum of 6 credit hours per semester is permitted on a space available basis with a total maximum of 12 credit hours taken as an unclassified student while at Presentation College. Courses taken by unclassified students may include general or select department coursework. Unclassified students do not qualify for federal, state, or institutional financial aid.

If unclassified students later wish to become degree-seeking, the entire College admission process must be completed.

International Students

Presentation College invites and encourages international students to apply for admission. The College is authorized under Federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.

First Time Freshmen International applicants must provide the Admissions Office with the following:

1. Proof of High school diploma and high school transcript. International high school (secondary) transcripts can be evaluated internally by Presentation College, or externally by an accredited evaluation service. Transcripts must be submitted in the original language and translated into English if sent directly to the admissions office. Presentation College reserves the right to require a third-party agency to evaluate the transcript. High School Transcripts must have a minimum 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

2.   A completed application form due by July 1 for fall semester; November 1 for spring semester.

3.  Non-refundable application fee of $25.

4.   Meet minimum English proficiency standards. Methods for demonstrating minimum English proficiency standards are listed below.

5.  Completed Declaration of Finances form and an official bank statement.

6.  Photocopy of current passport and photocopy of F-1 VISA once obtained.

Co llege or University Transfer* International applicants must provide the Admissions Office with the following:

1.  Submit an application for admission found at www.presentation.edu/admission/apply/

2.  Submit all official* college or university transcripts. Transfer Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale once all transcripts are received.

3.  Submit the non-refundable application fee of $25

4. Meet minimum English Proficiency standards. Methods for demonstrating minimum English proficiency standards are listed below.

5. Completed Declaration of Finances form and an official bank statement.

6. Photocopy of current passport and photocopy of F-1 VISA once obtained.

*To be considered for admission to PC as an international transfer student, a minimum of 24 completed semester credits at a cumulative 2.00 grade point average (GPA), on a 4.00 scale. Applicants who have postsecondary transcripts from an international institution and request consideration of credits earned for acceptance to Presentation College must submit the transcripts to a translation company in the United States for an academic evaluation. The cost of the evaluation is the responsibility of the student. An evaluation is subject to policies as printed in this catalog.

Declaration of Finances and Bank Statement

Since financial assistance for international students is extremely limited, applicants must demonstrate evidence of ability to meet the costs of the chosen program by completing a Declaration of Finances form. Students will be required to utilize their home banking institution to certify available funding. Once adequate financial resources are confirmed, an application is completed, and all other requirements are on file, applicants will be considered for admission. If accepted, an official I-20 form will be sent to the student. Arrangements for obtaining a VISA may then be made by the accepted student at the American Embassy or Consulate in the student's home country.

All required application materials must be received by July 15 for fall semester and November 15 for spring semester.

IMPORTANT: All fees, deposits, tuition, housing charges, etc., are payable in U.S. funds.

Non-Resident Alien and ESL Students

Non-resident alien students or students whose native language is not English must provide the Admissions Office with the following:

1.  A completed application form

2.  Non-refundable application fee of $25

3.   Meet minimum English proficiency standards. Methods for demonstrating minimum English proficiency standards are listed below.

4.   Students who have completed high school in the United States must meet the minimum ACT or SAT exam requirements.

English Proficiency Standards

There are two ways to meet Presentation College’s English language proficiency requirement:

Presentation College accepts scores from the following exams. Scores must be sent directly to Presentation College from the testing agency in order to be counted as official. Score reports can be sent electronically or by postal mail to the Admissions Office. Scores must be less than two years old to be considered for admissions.

TOEFL score (Test of English as a Foreign Language): 65 web-based, 525 paper and pencil ( PC's TOEFL code: 6582)

IELTS International English Language Testing System: 5.5

Pearson PTE Academic: 46

SAT: 490 Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing sub score

ACT: 18 English sub score

  • Language Waivers:

There are several ways to qualify for a waiver. Students will not need to provide an exam score if they meet any of the following criteria:

  • Waiver Option A – If the student has attended a U.S. high school or an international high school that is regionally accredited in the United States for two or more years
  • Waiver Option B – If the student has an associate of arts or sciences degree or a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university with a cumulative 2.00 GPA
  • Waiver Option C – If the student has attended a U.S. regionally accredited college or university, has completed the transferable equivalents of PC’s English Composition 113 with a 2.00 or above grade point average for each course at the time of application, and has 24 semester college level admission credits completed by the beginning of classes for the term they are applying
  • Waiver Option D – If the student has taken the ACCUPLACER and received the minimum score requirement for PC’s English Composition 113
  • Waiver Option E – If the student is a citizen from one of the following countries AND their primary language is English: Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize,  British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cook Islands, Dominica, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana,  Ireland, Jamaica, Kiribati, Liberia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Montserrat, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), Zambia, or Zimbabwe (provide proof of citizenship to have waiver applied)
  • Wavier Option F – If the student was schooled outside the United States at a school where the language of instruction was English (student must provide an official letter from the school stating English was the language of instruction while they attended)
  • Waiver Option G – If none of the above waivers apply, and the student was unable to take the ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, or Pearson PTE Academic due to temporary test restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a committee will speak with the student on the phone and ask a series of questions, gathering English Proficiency skills based on a phone interview.

A $100 tuition deposit is required prior to registration for classes. The deposit is non-refundable.

Application Fee Waivers

This option is available for any student applying to Presentation College that has their $25 application fee waived. Fee waiver codes may be given to students and used for the purposes of student recruitment at the discretion of the Director of Admissions.

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  • Career & Transfer Planning


  • On Campus Transfer Visits & Events

On Campus Transfer Visits & Events

presentation college transfer fair

On Wednesdays, we invite our partnering colleges and universities to host information tables outside of the Black Bear Café at the Richland campus.  We recommend students bring a copy of their unofficial transcript when they stop by to chat with college representatives. Some colleges offer a presentation specific to transfer advising during their visit to campus. Students are welcome to join via Zoom for any of the scheduled presentation.

Transfer Fairs: 

Each semester we host a Transfer Fair Event where students can meet in-person with college transfer counselors from various institutions. If you are interested in continuing your education and getting a bachelor’s degree, this is your chance to explore and find the best transfer opportunity for you. At the fair you can conveniently meet with multiple college representatives from various institutions all in one location .

Please see the Important Dates section on the Career & Transfer Planning Homepage for information on when your intended college or university will be on campus, or available to meet virtually and to find upcoming transfer related events.    

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Transfer Fair – Navigating the Transfer Process in a Private School – Easy and Affordable!

Sep Tuesday September 15th, 02:00 pm - 02:45 pm Virtual

Hear from four small private institutions on how to navigate the transfer process in Central Virginia, making it easy and affordable. This session will discuss the application process, financial aid, credit evaluations and affordability.

Students should participate live so they can ask questions and interact with the college admission counselors. If students are unable to attend live, we still encourage them to register for the sessions they are interested in and recordings will be available here later.


To learn more about the Transfer College Fair click .

Register for this presentation .

This event is for TCC Students only.

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Transfer Center Events & Workshops

Each quarter, the Transfer Center coordinates dozens of four–year college and university rep visits, transfer fairs, and transfer workshops at Seattle Central, all designed to prepare you for the transfer process.

  • Fall 2023 Transfer Events
  • Spring 2023 Transfer Events
  • Winter 2023 Transfer Events
  • Fall 2022 Washington State Virtual Transfer Fair
  • Fall 2022 Transfer Events
  • Spring events 2022

New Workshop

Personal statement workshop.

Choosing a University


All the latest information, news and stories to inspire and inform Phi Theta Kappa members

6 Ways to Prepare for the Transfer Fair

6 Ways to Prepare for the Transfer Fair

At PTK Catalyst 2018 , you’ll be able to feast on both lunch and college information during the Catalyst Luncheons and Senior College Transfer Fairs on Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21.

The transfer fairs provide a unique opportunity for you to visit with admission representatives from colleges and universities across the country all in one place. Think of it as a shopping trip for colleges, where you’ll learn more about individual institutions and sort through your transfer requirements.

However, just like a trip to the mall, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with so many choices available. Follow this advice to make the most of your experience.

1) It’s okay to start early.

Are you a college freshman who thinks it’s too early to explore your transfer options? Trust us, it’s not. The next year will go by quickly, and it’s better to start thinking about transfer now rather than later.

2) Do your homework.

Before you leave for PTK Catalyst 2018, scan the full list of colleges and universities exhibiting in Kansas City. Make a note of the schools that interest you the most, and plan to visit their booths at the fair.

Narrow the list by asking yourself these questions: Are you looking for a college that’s close to home or in a different part of the country? Are you interested in small, private schools or large, public universities? Which colleges offer your major? What’s the cost of tuition, and what types of scholarships/financial aid are offered?

This year PTK is implementing a visual color coding system at the Transfer Fair to help students navigate the fairs more easily and inform their research prior to arrival at PTK Catalyst 2018. Use the color coding to spark conversations with admission counselors about these special areas of focus:

• PTK Transfer Scholarship (green) • Flexible Course Scheduling (red) • International/DACA Student Friendly (yellow) • Honors Courses (blue)

3) Keep an open mind.

Have a plan, but don’t be afraid to deviate from it if a college that wasn’t on your original list catches your eye.   Chatting with representatives from a variety of colleges can also help you figure out your own preferences. Sometimes it’s just as important to know what you don’t want as it is to make your transfer wish list.

Be polite but spend most of your time on schools that match your interests, not just humoring friendly admissions representatives.

4) Make your questions count. Remember quality, not quantity defines a successful college fair experience. Instead of trying to collect a brochure from every booth, have in-depth conversations with representatives of the colleges you’re most interested in exploring.   Don’t bother asking generic questions like “Do you have a good engineering program?” Instead, ask what sets their program apart from other colleges. You might also want to see if PTK scholarships are stackable with other available financial aid. 5) Be engaged and make contacts for the future.

It’s tempting to casually wander through the college fair without realizing it’s a great networking opportunity. Pay attention to who you’re talking with at each booth and ask for their contact information at the end of your conversation. Keep in touch and reach out with thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest. Even if you successfully gather a lot of information, be sure to schedule a campus visit. It’s still the best way to find your ideal transfer fit. Remember, the transfer fair is only the beginning of your college search. You’ll need to do more research, make a choice, and follow through.

Create a profile on CollegeFish.org if you haven’t already. This will help you stay on top of deadlines for the application process.

6) Have fun!

Use the transfer fair to expand your horizons beyond what you’ve found so far on college search engines and by word of mouth.

Don’t be afraid to explore something new, but make sure you’re able to separate the schools with good sales pitches from those that should be strong contenders for your transfer choice.

Once you get back home be sure to communicate what you’ve learned from the Transfer Fair and entire PTK Catalyst experience. Not all PTK members are fortunate enough to attend PTK Catalyst, so share your materials and consider facilitating a presentation for fellow chapter members.

Check out the entire PTK Catalyst 2018 schedule and plan your convention experience with your chapter. Find more Transfer College Fair tips at The Reach.

For the latest news about PTK Catalyst 2018, follow PTK on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , and LinkedIn , and subscribe to The Reach blog.

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Fall 2024 Transfer University Fair

Student speaking to a university representative.

Schedule Looking for transfer options? Don't miss this opportunity to meet with representatives from the CSU, UC, California Private, Out-of-State, and International colleges/universities during the Fall 2024 Transfer University Fair taking place Thursday, October 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the ATAS Building Patio and Courtyard . List of participating colleges and universities will be available in September 2024. Tagged As Transfer Center Event Event Saddleback College 28000 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo, California 92692 (949) 582-4500 Part of the South Orange County Community College District . Hours Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed for observances of federal holidays. Please call or check department websites to confirm. Current Students

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Berkeley City College Transfer Fair

Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time UTC -07:00

Berkeley City College 2050 Center St Berkeley, CA 94704 United States

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Visit the Columbia University School of General Studies information table! The fair is free and open to the public.

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Transfer fairs are being planned for Spring 2025

More details will be shared at a later date.


Transfer fairs are held during the fall semester on community college campuses in all areas of the state. These events help students currently attending a two-year school to connect with admissions counselors from four-year schools. Questions about transferring credits, financial aid, and programs are common!

Attendance in the NACRAO Transfer Fairs are included in the membership fees. Make sure to renew your membership today to have access to the NACRAO Transfer Fairs Registration. 

Joni Cassidy – College and Transfer Fairs Planning Committee Co-Chair
Admissions Representative
Northeast Community College

Bailey Michaels – College and Transfer Fairs Planning Committee Co-Chair
Admissions Representative
Southeast Community College


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A wisely built wooden church. - Temple of Presentation of the Lord

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A wisely built wooden church.

It's a compact church, 100% wooden, it has an easing odour and decorations. A quiet place for families and thoughts.

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Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Novosibirsk oblast: Novosibirsk .

Novosibirsk Oblast - Overview

Novosibirsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, part of the Siberian Federal District. Novosibirsk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Novosibirsk Oblast is about 2,780,000 (2022), the area - 177,756 sq. km.

Novosibirsk oblast flag

Novosibirsk oblast coat of arms.

Novosibirsk oblast coat of arms

Novosibirsk oblast map, Russia

Novosibirsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

29 November, 2020 / Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - the scientific center of Siberia .

25 December, 2018 / Chuya Highway - the Most Picturesque Road in Russia .

18 September, 2018 / Novosibirsk - the view from above .

10 December, 2014 / The night views of Novosibirsk .

17 July, 2014 / Novosibirsk hit by a heavy hailstorm .

More posts..

History of Novosibirsk Oblast

Over thousands of years, the territory of the Novosibirsk region, due to its location on the border of natural zones and cultural regions (the Siberian taiga and the Eurasian steppe), played the role of a buffer zone or border zone of different peoples.

In the 13th-15th centuries, this land was the eastern outskirts of the Golden Horde. Later, until the end of the 16th century, it was part of the Siberian Khanate. In the 18th century, the territory of the present Novosibirsk region became part of the Russian Empire.

Despite the relatively favorable climate, the Russians began to settle here relatively late. The Barabin Tatars were the indigenous people. Today, their total population is about 10,000 people living mainly in the western parts of the region.

The Barabin Tatars were subjected to constant attacks of the Kalmyks (the Oyrates and Teleuts). Russian villages were also under the threat. That’s why people preferred to settle in the north, near Tomsk. Only at the end of the 17th century, Novosibirsk province became attractive to settlers.

More Historical Facts…

The first settlement was founded by the boyar son Alexey Kruglik in 1695. Later, this settlement became the village of Kruglikovo. Today, it is located in Bolotninsky district. In the early 18th century, Berdsky stockaded town was built. Over time, the threat from the nomads decreased and the number of settlers increased.

In 1722, the Siberian line of fortresses along the Irtysh River was constructed. The locals were mainly engaged in soil tilling, fishing and hunting. In the early 19th century, the famous Ural manufacturer Akinfiy Demidov constructed two copper melting plants here - Kolyvansky and Barnaulsky.

In 1893, due to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the railway bridge across the Ob River, Alexandrovsky settlement was built (from 1895 - Novonikolayevsky). Thanks to its convenient geographical location (the Trans-Siberian Railway crossing the Ob River, transportation ways connecting Siberia with the European part of the Russian Empire), its trade importance grew rapidly. In 1909, Novonikolayevsk became a town. In 1925, it was renamed in Novosibirsk.

Before 1921, the territory of Novosibirsk oblast was part of Tomsk gubernia, from 1921 to 1925 - of Novonikolayevsk gubernia, from 1925 to 1930 - of Siberian krai, from 1930 to 1937 - of West Siberian krai. September 28, 1937, West Siberian krai was divided into Novosibirsk oblast and Altay krai. This date is considered the official date of the region formation.

Novosibirsk Oblast - Features

Novosibirsk Oblast is located in the south east of the East-Siberian Plain, in the steppe, forest-steppe and taiga zones, between the Ob and the Irtysh rivers. The length of the region from west to east - 642 km, from north to south - 444 km.

The southern part of Vasyugan swamp, the largest swamp in the world, occupies the territory in the north and north-west of the province. In the southwest, it borders with Pavlodar oblast of Kazakhstan.

There are about 3,000 lakes on the territory of the Novosibirsk region. The largest lakes are Chany, Ubinskoye, Sartlan. Novosibirsk Reservoir also known as “the Ob Sea” (1,082 sq. km.) was created for Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Power Plant.

The climate is continental. The average temperature in January ranges from minus 16 degrees Celsius in the south and minus 20 degrees Celsius in the north. The average temperature in July - plus 18-20 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns are Novosibirsk (1,621,000), Berdsk (103,500), Iskitim (54,700), Kuybishev (43,000). Novosibirsk is one the largest industrial, transport, scientific, and cultural center of Russia, the third most populous city in the country after Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is also the capital of the Siberian Federal District.

In the historical part of Novosibirsk you can find a lot of preserved monuments of the Russian Empire times. The Soviet era is presented by numerous scientific and cultural attractions, as well as beautiful parks.

There are more than 500 deposits of various mineral resources in Novosibirsk Oblast (coal, refractory clay, peat, anthracite). Natural gas and oil fields are located in the north-western part of the region. There are significant reserves of underground thermal and mineral waters. Forests cover about 4 million hectares, more than 20% of the territory.

Novosibirsk Oblast is one of the most industrially developed regions in Siberia (metal processing and machine building, food, power engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy industries). Heavy industries are concentrated in Novosibirsk, Iskitim and Berdsk.

The regional agriculture specializes in the cultivation of grain, potatoes and vegetables. Dairy cattle breeding, poultry farming and beekeeping are developed. The production of flax plays an important role too. Agricultural development of the territory is not high (about 48%). In general, it has about 25% of all agricultural land in Western Siberia.

Novosibirsk oblast of Russia photos

Nature of novosibirsk oblast.

Novosibirsk Oblast nature

Novosibirsk Oblast nature

Author: Klemeshev

Novosibirsk Oblast scenery

Novosibirsk Oblast scenery

Author: Mikhantiev Zhenya

Sunflower field in Novosibirsk Oblast

Sunflower field in Novosibirsk Oblast

Author: Sergey Savchak

Pictures of the Novosibirsk region

Steppe landscape in Novosibirsk Oblast

Steppe landscape in Novosibirsk Oblast

Author: Alex Strekhletov

Orthodox church in the Novosibirsk region

Orthodox church in the Novosibirsk region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

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37 Facts About Novosibirsk

Adelice Lindemann

Written by Adelice Lindemann

Modified & Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith


Novosibirsk, often referred to as the “Capital of Siberia,” is a vibrant and dynamic city located in southwestern Russia. With a population exceeding 1.5 million residents, it is the third most populous city in Russia and serves as the administrative center of the Novosibirsk Oblast.

Nestled along the banks of the Ob River, Novosibirsk is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, scientific advancements, and picturesque landscapes. As the largest city in Siberia, it offers a perfect blend of modern and traditional attractions, making it a fascinating destination for both locals and tourists.

In this article, we will delve into 37 interesting facts about Novosibirsk, shedding light on its history, architecture, natural wonders, and cultural significance. Whether you are planning a visit or simply curious about this intriguing city, these facts will give you a deeper understanding of what Novosibirsk has to offer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Novosibirsk, the “Capital of Siberia,” is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene, stunning natural landscapes, and a strong sense of community, offering a high quality of life for its residents.
  • From being a major industrial and transportation hub to hosting world-class cultural institutions and scientific research centers, Novosibirsk is a dynamic city with a diverse culinary scene and a thriving IT and tech industry.

Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia.

Situated in southwestern Siberia, Novosibirsk has a population of over 1.6 million people, making it one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the country.

The city was founded in 1893.

Novosibirsk was established as a railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, playing a significant role in the development of Siberia.

It is known as the “Capital of Siberia”.

Due to its economic and cultural significance, Novosibirsk is often referred to as the capital of Siberia.

Novosibirsk is a major industrial center.

The city is home to a wide range of industries, including machinery manufacturing, chemical production, energy, and metallurgy .

It is famous for its scientific and research institutions.

Novosibirsk hosts several renowned scientific and research institutions, contributing to advancements in various fields including nuclear physics, chemistry, and biotechnology.

The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre is one of the largest in Russia.

This iconic cultural institution showcases world-class ballet and opera performances and is a must-visit for art enthusiasts visiting the city .

The city has a vibrant theater scene.

Novosibirsk boasts numerous theaters, showcasing a wide variety of performances from traditional plays to experimental productions.

Novosibirsk is a major transportation hub.

Thanks to its strategic location on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the city serves as a crucial transportation hub connecting Siberia with other regions of Russia .

The Ob River flows through Novosibirsk.

The majestic Ob River adds to the city’s natural beauty and provides opportunities for recreational activities such as boating and fishing.

Novosibirsk is known for its harsh winter climate.

With temperatures dropping well below freezing in winter, the city experiences a true Siberian winter with snowy landscapes.

The Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest and oldest in Russia.

Home to a wide variety of animal species, including rare and endangered ones, the Novosibirsk Zoo attracts visitors from near and far.

Novosibirsk is a center for academic excellence.

The city is home to Novosibirsk State University, one of the top universities in Russia, renowned for its research and education programs.

The Novosibirsk Metro is the newest metro system in Russia.

Opened in 1985, the Novosibirsk Metro provides efficient transportation for residents and visitors alike.

Novosibirsk is surrounded by picturesque nature.

Surrounded by stunning landscapes, including the Altai Mountains and the Novosibirsk Reservoir, the city offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities.

The Novosibirsk State Circus is famous for its performances.

Showcasing talented acrobats , clowns, and animal acts, the Novosibirsk State Circus offers entertaining shows for all ages.

Novosibirsk is home to a thriving art scene.

The city is dotted with art galleries, showcasing the works of local and international artists .

Novosibirsk has a diverse culinary scene.

From traditional Russian cuisine to international flavors, the city offers a wide range of dining options to satisfy all taste buds.

The Novosibirsk State Museum of Local History is a treasure trove of historical artifacts.

Exploring the museum gives visitors an insight into the rich history and culture of the region.

Novosibirsk is known for its vibrant nightlife.

The city is home to numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues, ensuring a lively atmosphere after dark.

Novosibirsk has a strong ice hockey tradition.

Ice hockey is a popular sport in the city, with local teams competing in national and international tournaments.

The Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Hall hosts world-class musical performances.

Music lovers can enjoy classical concerts and symphony orchestra performances in this renowned venue.

Novosibirsk is home to the Akademgorodok, a scientific research town.

Akademgorodok is a unique scientific community located near Novosibirsk, housing numerous research institutes and academic organizations.

Novosibirsk has a unique blend of architectural styles.

The city features a mix of Soviet-era buildings, modern skyscrapers, and historic structures, creating an eclectic cityscape.

Novosibirsk is an important center for ballet training and education.

The city’s ballet schools and academies attract aspiring dancers from across Russia and abroad.

Novosibirsk is a gateway to the stunning Altai Mountains.

Located nearby, the Altai Mountains offer breathtaking landscapes, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Novosibirsk hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year.

From music and theater festivals to art exhibitions, the city’s cultural calendar is always packed with exciting events.

Novosibirsk is a green city with numerous parks and gardens.

Residents and visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature in the city’s well-maintained parks and botanical gardens.

Novosibirsk is a center for technology and innovation.

The city is home to several technology parks and innovation centers, fostering the development of cutting-edge technologies.

Novosibirsk has a strong sense of community.

The residents of Novosibirsk are known for their hospitality and friendly nature, making visitors feel welcome.

Novosibirsk is a paradise for shopping enthusiasts.

The city is dotted with shopping malls, boutiques, and markets, offering a wide range of shopping options.

Novosibirsk has a rich literary heritage.

The city has been home to many famous Russian writers and poets, and their works are celebrated in literary circles.

Novosibirsk is a popular destination for medical tourism.

The city is known for its advanced medical facilities and expertise, attracting patients from around the world.

Novosibirsk has a well-developed public transportation system.

With buses, trams, trolleybuses, and the metro, getting around the city is convenient and efficient.

Novosibirsk is a city of sport.

The city has a strong sports culture, with numerous sports facilities and opportunities for athletic activities .

Novosibirsk has a thriving IT and tech industry.

The city is home to numerous IT companies and startups, contributing to the development of the digital economy.

Novosibirsk celebrates its anniversary every year on July 12th.

The city comes alive with festivities, including concerts, fireworks, and cultural events, to commemorate its foundation.

Novosibirsk offers a high quality of life.

With its excellent educational and healthcare systems, cultural amenities, and vibrant community, Novosibirsk provides a great living environment for its residents.

Novosibirsk is a fascinating city filled with rich history, stunning architecture, and a vibrant cultural scene. From its origins as a small village to becoming the third-largest city in Russia, Novosibirsk has emerged as a major economic and cultural hub in Siberia . With its world-class universities, theaters, museums, and natural attractions, Novosibirsk offers a myriad of experiences for visitors.

Whether you’re exploring the impressive Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, strolling along the picturesque banks of the Ob River, or immersing yourself in the city’s scientific and technological achievements at the Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk has something for everyone.

From its iconic landmarks such as the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral to its vibrant festivals like the International Jazz Festival , Novosibirsk has a unique charm that will captivate any traveler. So, make sure to include Novosibirsk in your travel itinerary and discover the hidden gems of this remarkable city.

Q: What is the population of Novosibirsk?

A: As of 2021, the estimated population of Novosibirsk is around 1.6 million people.

Q: Is Novosibirsk a safe city to visit?

A: Novosibirsk is generally considered a safe city for tourists. However, it is always recommended to take standard precautions such as avoiding unfamiliar areas at night and keeping your belongings secure.

Q: What is the best time to visit Novosibirsk?

A: The best time to visit Novosibirsk is during the summer months of June to September when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities. However, if you enjoy the winter chill and snow, visiting during the winter season can also be a unique experience.

Q: Are there any interesting cultural events in Novosibirsk?

A: Yes, Novosibirsk is known for its vibrant cultural scene. The city hosts various festivals throughout the year, including the International Jazz Festival, Novosibirsk International Film Festival, and the Siberian Ice March Festival.

Q: Can I visit Novosibirsk without knowing Russian?

A: While knowing some basic Russian phrases can be helpful, many establishments in Novosibirsk, especially tourist areas, have English signage and staff who can communicate in English. However, learning a few essential Russian phrases can enhance your travel experience.

Novosibirsk's captivating history and vibrant culture make it a must-visit destination for any traveler. From its humble beginnings as a small settlement to its current status as Russia's third-largest city, Novosibirsk has a story worth exploring. If you're a sports enthusiast, don't miss the opportunity to learn more about the city's beloved football club , FC Sibir Novosibirsk. With its rich heritage and passionate fan base, the club has become an integral part of Novosibirsk's identity.

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  19. Transfer Fairs

    Transfer fairs are being planned for Spring 2025. More details will be shared at a later date. Transfer fairs are held during the fall semester on community college campuses in all areas of the state. These events help students currently attending a two-year school to connect with admissions counselors from four-year schools.

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    Novosibirsk is often called the "Capital of Siberia". The population of Novosibirsk is about 1,621,000 (2022), the area - 503 sq. km. The phone code - +7 383, the postal codes - 630000-630901. Local time in Novosibirsk city is August 9, 11:06 pm(+7 UTC). Novosibirsk city flag. Novosibirsk city coat of arms.

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  23. 37 Facts about Novosibirsk

    Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia. Situated in southwestern Siberia, Novosibirsk has a population of over 1.6 million people, making it one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the country.. The city was founded in 1893. Novosibirsk was established as a railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, playing a significant role in the development of Siberia.