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My travel diary: three days in paris.

  • Tea Gudek Šnajdar

View on Eiffel tower from bridge across the Seine river

Paris is one of my favourite cities!

I’m so in love with its museums, French cuisine and the city’s vibe. I’m pretty lucky Paris is only three hours away by train from Amsterdam. So, I’m there quite often. However, recently, I was in Paris for the first time on a solo trip. It was a mix of business and personal trips, so I had enough time to enjoy the city during my short trip. Well, here is my travel diary with things I did during my three days in Paris.

Three days in Paris

Day one – fashionable paris.

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I caught an early train from Amsterdam and was in Paris already at 10 am, soI had the whole day to explore the city. It was a rainy, grey Monday morning, and I felt like I was the only person in the city. Paris is usually packed with tourists, but its streets were almost empty this time. I had a feeling like I travelled to some different time when it was only the city of Parisians and a few travellers.

And I was one of those travellers… Explorers… Having the city only for myself.

⤷ Read more : Beginners’ art & culture guide to Paris

View on Louvre Museum from Seine river

Palais Garnier & Coco Chanel

I took a walk from the Jardin du Luxembourg, where my hotel was located, towards the Seine River, Louvre and Palais Garnier.

Palais Garnier in Paris

Before my trip, I read Christina Henry de Tessan’s book ‘Forever Paris’ . She created several self-guided tours around Paris through which travellers could follow in the footsteps of some famous people that used to live there.

I decided to follow the life of Coco Chanel. My tour started in front of the Opera Garnier, from where I continued wandering around the neighbourhood. I’ve passed next to the first Chanel store, one of the apartments the famous designer used to live in and next to the place where she used to have her morning coffee.

There is something special in reading about someone’s life and then strolling the streets where that person lived. Somehow, I could almost see Coco Chanel rushing through the small side streets from her apartment to the office with some new fashion drawings under her arm.

⤷ TIP : When in Paris next time, explore Opera Garnier! It’s a beautiful building, and you can learn a lot about it with this self-guided tour around it .

Coco Chanel store in Paris

Marais, street art & vintage shops

My first day in Paris was reserved for immersing in Parisian fashion. I had a nice and delicious lunch in one of the restaurants with a view of the Opera Garnier. And decided to spend my afternoon exploring some famous vintage shops in the Marais neighbourhood. I’ve never spent much time in that area, and it was such a  pleasant surprise. I loved its picturesque streets filled with small cute stores, cafes and restaurants. The whole area has such a relaxed vibe.

Old house in Marais in Paris

It’s filled with street and I loved spotting it all around me. I didn’t have enough time to join some of the street art tours this time, but would definitely like to do that on one of my future trips to Paris.

Street art on doors in Marais Paris

Marais is well known for some of the best vintage stores in Paris. You never know what you’ll find in them – Dior earrings or some other gem from the 1980s. Well, I wasn’t so lucky… But, I definitely enjoyed visiting them, checking the clothes they have and talking with other shoppers (who were some of the coolest people I’ve met in Paris).

Interior of the vintage store in Paris

I felt a bit sick that day, so I returned to my hotel early. I got myself a nice cup of hot tea and went to sleep.

⤷ Read more : Check out my post about exploring Paris like a local for more ideas about things to do and see in Marais.

Day two – Impressionists’ Paris

Looking for impressionists at montmartre.

When I woke up the following day, I was feeling much better. So, after breakfast in a restaurant close to my hotel, I was ready for some sightseeing again. Day two was reserved for learning more about and exploring the French Impressionism in Paris. It’s one of my favourite painting styles, and I am in love with that time, the bohemian lifestyle and the culture at the end of the 19th century.

⤷ Read more : Impressionists in Paris

Artists in Montmartre in Paris

I decided to take a tour around the Montmartre neighbourhood and learn more about the Impressionist painters that used to live and work there. I met my guide below the Sacré-Coeur Church, and we went to Montmartre, where he showed me some places important for the Impressionist movement in Paris.

When we left the most popular area of Montmartre behind us, some streets and houses still looked the same as they did at the end of the 19th century. I could almost imagine carriages strolling through those streets and music coming from the small cabarets.

Pink restaurant in Montmartre

The most special place for me was the house where Vincent and Theo van Gogh lived together during the two years Vincent spent in Paris. The painting Van Gogh painted while looking through the window of that apartment is displayed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam . I know the painting so well, and once standing there, the place almost felt familiar to me.

⤷ Read more : Locations linked to Vincent van Gogh in Paris

Musée d’Orsay

After a short break and some tarte tatin , I went to the Musée d’Orsay. That’s THE museum to visit if you want to see some of the most famous modern paintings. And it’s home to one of the best Impressionist collections in Paris.

⤷ Read more : Impressionists at Musée d’Orsay

Tarte tatin pastry in Paris

The building in which the museum is located is a piece of art and history itself. It was built as a train station at the end of the 19th century and later converted into a museum. Visiting it will provide you with a fantastic combination of industrial architecture and a modern art collection.

Impressionist painting of Paris in Orsay Museum

⤷ TIP : To avoid queueing in front of the museum and waiting to get in, buy your Musée d’Orsay online ticket before your visit.

Musée Marmottan Monet

My guide gave me an excellent recommendation for a lovely little restaurant close to the Musée d’Orsay, called Les Antiquaires. After a delicious lunch there, I went to another museum with one of the best collections of Impressionists’ paintings in Paris – Musée Marmottan Monet.

⤷ Read more : What to see at the Musée Marmottan – Monet in Paris

Lunch in a Parisian restaurant

I visited it a few years ago on a student trip and have wanted to return since. The museum has a beautiful collection of one of the best female Impressionists – Berthe Morisot. And the most extensive collection of  artworks made by Claude Monet . It’s not a busy museum, so there is a lot of space to enjoy some of the masterpieces of Impressionism in peace and quiet. I’m always wondering why everyone is rushing to see Mona Lisa, while there are many beautiful museums around the city, like this one.

After this trip to Paris, I’m even more in love with Impressionism than before. If the hygiene level were just a bit higher, I would love to live during that time. I would be an art dealer and go on little trips to nature to paint with Monet and Renoir. Oh, those sweet dreams…

⤷ TIP : Here is the online ticket for Musée Marmottan – Monet

⤷ Read more : Best museums in Paris

Swans painting from Museum Marmottan Monet

Day three – Modernist Paris

My last day in Paris started with one of the best breakfasts and the most amazing coffees I have ever tried. I had breakfast at a charming restaurant, Carette, located close to Trocadero. I’m sure it will become my new favourite place in Paris.

Dessert and coffee in Paris

Since I have been to Paris many times, I know the city quite well. However, there was a part I was always kind of missing – the Modernist Paris. It played an essential role in shaping the city – Art Nouveau metro entrances and Eiffel Tower are just the most famous examples of architecture from that time.

Art Nouveau doors in Paris

To learn more about it, I decided to join a walking tour called the ‘Modernist Architecture’. During the tour, we explored some of the modernist buildings, learnt about the movement and visited Foundation Le Corbusier and the modern architecture exhibition in the Palais de Chaillot ( here is the online ticket for it ). It was so interesting to see how the Modernist movement shaped the way we are living today.

First time in Paris View on Seine river in Paris

After the tour and a quick lunch, it was time to catch a train back to Amsterdam. My three days in Paris were dedicated to art, mostly Impressionism and modern architecture. I also tried to learn more about some of its famous former citizens like Monet, Renoir, Cezanne and Coco Chanel.

However, once again, I have realised solo travel isn’t bad. And that French are some of the nicest people out there, who know how to cook well and enjoy life. Well, maybe my next visit should be dedicated to learning how to enjoy life like a Parisian.

Au revoir!  Until the next time, my dear city!

⤷ TIP : If you plan to visit Paris and some of its cultural sites, consider buying Paris City Card. You’ll get free or discounted entrance to many of them with it. Here is the link with more info about it .

france , impressionism , paris , solo traveling , Travel diary

Lori Loves Adventure

My First Trip To Paris – A Breakthrough Story

This post came from a writing challenge I took early last year. The prompt was to write your breakthrough story. Of course mine centered around my first trip to Paris in 2011. Here’s how it all came about for me. As a little “getting to know me” post, I thought I would share it with you! I hope it inspires you to make a call to action and make dream travel more of a reality. If not travel, some other thing to conquer.

What’s your breakthrough story?  

When I returned home from my first trip to Paris . I felt so happy, confident, and alive. My whole life changed during that week. I had never felt the support of so many people. Going to Paris that first time opened me up to a whole new world. The confidence to go places and do things by myself. To put myself out there and meet other people. I was good enough for other people to like. I felt validated. It provided long lasting friendships with people that I would have never met. Soul sisters and mentors. Models for what I wanted my life to look like. 

my trip to paris essay in english

I was scared to go on that trip. Damn right I was scared . Going on a trip with 40 people you never met, except the crazy 86 year old women you agreed to room with after you met her and thought it would work out.

The fact that I dreamed of going to Paris as long as I can remember was going to override that utter fear.

I was 46, had only been on a plane a handful of times and never traveled without someone I knew. After asking everyone I would even think might join me and having no takers, plus the total support of my non-traveling hubby,  I was going to do it . What better way than with a tour. Still on my own, but with a little safety net. I would pay attention to everything we did, because one day I would return. Because Paris is never enough just one time. You have to go again and again.

So I researched and researched as if I was planning it all on my own. I studied maps. Read Rick Steves Paris 2011 like a Bible. Faithfully read the Foder’s travel forums for Paris. These forums gave me hope. Hope that Paris was easy to navigate and a compact city and perfect for the solo female traveler. 

Let me tell you why I decided to finally go for it.

I had decided 7 years prior that I was going to set up a little savings account (AKA the Paris Fund). You see, I had worked with a girl my age who suddenly one day had a brain aneurysm and ended up in a nursing home with no life whatsoever. She actually passed away a few years later. This scared the hell out of me. I actually didn’t really get along with her. We had been almost friends years earlier, but after some work issues, we really no longer got along. She never knew that it was because of her that I decided to begin saving for Paris.  Life is too short and you can get it ripped from you at any time. You need to take what you can. Do what you want. For me my dream was to go to Paris.

I began saving $15 dollars from every paycheck. Slowly but surely that account built up until I had enough to go. It took 7 years, but I finally booked a tour with Holiday Vacations hosted by a Green Bay News Anchor that I admired. As long as Erin was there, it would be okay.

Paris was everything I dreamed of and more . The city was beautiful, busy, full of people, wine, cheese, and bakeries around every corner. The first time I saw the Eiffel Tower it took my breath away. And I could see it right out the front doors of our hotel. That first night as I stood on the street and watched those twinkling lights I shed a few tears.

my trip to paris essay in english

The one dark spot was my roommate . As soon as we took off she treated me like HER travel companion. Constantly complaining about everything. I was not there for her. I had made it perfectly clear that this was my trip and I was going to do what I wanted. After all I paid for my own trip. I was not tied to her. After a tearful call home that first night, I decided to have the best time. I came in late every night long after she went to bed and rose early and was out the door for breakfast without her. Months later I found out she complained to EVERYONE about me, but I did not care. This was MY trip. Soon everyone caught on to her and and began talking to me to make sure I was having fun. This resulted in feeling so wanted and happy. I did things on my own, but I soon formed a friendship with 3 other ladies on the trip . Ann, Beverly, and Elaine made my trip so much fun. They took me under their wing. Beverly is still one of my best friends and at 80 years young inspires me to live life to the fullest. I have so much in common with her, it is insane!! 

my trip to paris essay in english

I also formed a great friendship our host, Erin, who I actually didn’t talk to a whole lot on the trip. She did check up on me and and made sure I was having a good trip despite the issue with my roommate. I met up with her a few months later when she was talking at a Women’s Night Out event in a small town near mine. I hurried out to say hi to her before she had to get back to Green Bay for her Newscast. We connected and a few weeks later she invited me to an event she was MCing in Appleton. I felt like a VIP as her guest, but something just clicked and we became fast friends and are to this day. I now count her as one of my closest friends. Sometimes you just know when you meet someone.

So my trip to Paris changed my life.

I felt like a rose that finally bloomed. After my whole life not feeling worthy and unimportant, it was my turn to shine. It paved the way to opening myself up to meeting people and travel. Now when I go places, I have the confidence to talk to people. I can walk in a room or event by myself. Still uncomfortable-yes. But you never know who you will meet.

This trip also inspired me to start my blog. Since I love both writing and traveling, I thought why not start one to share my experiences. Even if I could inspire one woman to forge through the fear, take a chance, and go on their dream trip , it would all be worth it. Today this has enabled me to travel more, meet more like minded people, make an occasional TV appearance, and get my work published. One day I would love to set up my own travel consulting business, and spread my message through other outlets.

I say…

Don’t let fear get in the way of fulfilling your dreams. Because one day you may lose the chance .

Do you have a breakthough story? Put a pen to paper and write it down.

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my trip to paris essay in english

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[…] took me seven years to save the money for my first trip to Paris and when I was ready, no one would go with me. So I signed up for a group tour. This was my first […]

[…] and traveling on your own. In fact, I joined a large group tour when I took my first trip to Paris in 2011 and it opened my world up to new friendships and a self-confidence like I’d never […]

Your transformative journey rings loud and clear in this post. I, too, remember my first trip to Paris and still feel the excitement of being in the City of Light. And each time I go, there are new things to see and experience. Your post brings it all back and encourages readers to keep moving. You’re absolutely right–today could be the last day for any one of us, so we have to grab all we can while we can.

Thank you so much! You get it. I just loved the feeling like I was actually “home” which may be strange to say about a place I had never been.

It’s funny how a trip can change everything. Paris is magical too I went for my 50 th birthday!

It can, and it was such a pivotal moment in my life. It’s the perfect place for a life changing experience.

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Paris: Beautiful and Breathtaking

Introducing paris, the history, the city life, the art and architecture.

The French capital city, Paris, by the river Seine, is one of the most seductive and celebrated cities in the world. With beauty and romance in each and every part of it, it is not an exaggeration to tell that it is the most beautiful city in the world. The landmarks of Paris, like the celebrated Eiffel tower and the Louvre Museum, are more familiar than any other in the world. Like all great cities, Paris is rich and populous. Unlike other great cities, Paris is always alive and pulsating. This vibrant city is a kaleidoscope of art, literature, film, architecture, and whatnot. Paris is portrayed as the city of lights (“La Ville-Lumière”), the city of love, and the city of fashion, and is one of the richest cities in the world. No other city is so loved by its inhabitants. Anyone who has visited this charming city falls head over heels in love with it.

Paris is considered inhabited permanently from around 4200BC, the oldest known inhabitants being the Celtic tribes called Parisii. Paris was conquered by the Romans by BC52 and it expanded to become a prosperous city with palaces, temples, baths, theatres, and forums over the years. Paris was made the capital city first by King Clovis I. The Counts ruled Paris in the middle ages and saw the increasing prosperity of the city as a hub of commerce, trade, politics, and culture. Many famous architectural marvels like the cathedral of Notre Dame and the basilica at St. Denis were built during the middle ages. Paris was conquered by the British and lost its title as the capital but it regained the title when Charles VII reclaimed the city from the English after the Hundred Years’ War in 1436. Paris was the main center of the French Revolution in the late 1680s. It was Napoleon the Third who made the greatest transformation of the city to almost the way in which we see it now. Paris was occupied by the Russians and the Germans in its past. With the advent of industrialization, Paris grew to become the richest high–tech city in the world.

The very first impression about Paris is its noise. The busy streets with shouting street vendors, the untiring barking of dogs, the blaring automobile horns, and the constant motion of people make Paris look like a turmoil. But the beauty of the city is so overwhelming that the noise is often forgotten.

The design of the city is very unique and is quite unlike other major cities in the world. The center of the city is called intra-muros, a Latin term for ‘within the walls’, and is a small compact form of the big city. The city districts called arrondissements are arranged spirally around the center. There are almost twenty city districts around the city center. The districts are divided into quarters or neighborhoods. The city stands on a relatively plain flat land and hence the Eiffel Tower, the Centre Pompidou or the Telegraph metro station can give an excellent view of the whole city.

The city life of Paris is a celebration of festivals. It has a culture of art, music, films, museums, and theatres. It is one of the leading business and fashion centers in the world. A blend of both old and new architecture, parks and squares, the beautiful Seine River, and the beautiful Parisians make it a unique and fascinating place to visit or to live in. The spring season is the best to visit, especially in May – June. The city is also beautiful and easy to live in during the autumn. The beautifully landscaped parks and walkways make it a pedestrian-friendly city. The streets are lined with booksellers and street artists. The walk through the beautiful streets takes you along small and beautifully adorned shops, sidewalk cafes, art galleries, elegant restaurants, and hotels. Paris has a population of about 11.3 million which is about 19% of the population of France. Yet, it is one of the most preferred tourist destinations in Europe.

Some of the world’s renowned museums are located in Paris which includes the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay . An estimate says that there are almost 130 museums in Paris, which is an enormous number for a city. Louvre is the city’s most important attraction which houses masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo statue. Musée d’Orsay holds the paintings and arts of the impressionist period including the famous The Lady and the Unicorn . Musee Picasso and Musee Rodin are exclusive museums for the works of Pablo Picasso and Auguste Rodin respectively. The third-largest museum, the Musee du quai branly was opened in June 2006 and encases arts and artifacts from Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

The Opera Garnier is the largest opera in Paris and showcases classic ballets and operas. The modern Opera Bastiile has ballets and operas with a mix of classic and modern forms. Theatres and Operas have always been an indispensable part of French culture, especially in Paris.

Paris has a mix of Roman, Gothic, and French architectural styles. The most famous piece of Parisian architecture is perhaps the Eiffel Tower. The Basilique de St. Denise is a classic example of French gothic architecture. The Notre Dame de Paris and the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur are the cathedrals in the city. The Place de la Concorde and the Place de la Bastille are architectural marvels and hold a significant positions in French history.

Paris also has a huge number of exquisite hotels, beautiful French houses with narrow streets, and a balanced mix of modern and ancient architecture.

Paris has a mixture of cultures because of its large immigrant population and this has been the base of its diverse culinary skills. French cuisine is rich in fresh ingredients and a wide variety of flavors. Parisians have perhaps the most refined and complex cooking procedures which make the most delicious food on the planet. Paris has got a large number of small and large elegant restaurants which cater to the tastes of almost everyone. The Parisians have an artistic style in serving their meals and the food is something to be savored. Fresh baked bread and cheese are part of a Parisian’s daily diet. Paris serves nearly five hundred varieties of cheese made from goat, ewe, or cow milk. Each region in Paris has its own specialty. The entire city is lighted up in the night which renders the most breathtaking sight from the top of the Eiffel tower. The city is rightly called the city of lights with its mind-blowingmind blowing beauty in the night. Paris has been a favorite destination for tourists, students, and businessmen right from the eleventh century. The presence of the world’s most famous landmarks has made Paris a dream destination for many. Paris is also the economical capital of France. As an old French saying says, when Paris sneezes, France catches a cold.

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StudyCorgi . "Paris: Beautiful and Breathtaking." October 25, 2021.

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reasons to love Paris

7 Reasons to Love Paris: A Photo Essay

Wander Your Way Stamp

There are so many reasons to love Paris.

Yes, I know there are folks who don’t love Paris.

That’s fine.

Paris is one of those destinations that people seem to either love or dislike — strongly.

I know the first time I traveled to the City of Light, my then boyfriend’s mom said to me, “You’ll either love it or hate it.”

In all honesty, I was prepared to find it overrated at the least.

But I fell in love with Paris — everything about it.

And I’m NOT a city person. 

So here are the 7 reasons to love Paris — with more photos than words.

reasons to love Paris

The Museums (and the art)

Paris definitely has some world class and well-known museums.

The Louvre and the Musée d’Orsay are the most famous with incredible works of art.

Add in some smaller museums such as the Rodin, the Musée de l’Orangerie (hello Monet!), the Picasso and so many more and art lovers are in heaven.

Personally, I love the Orsay and the Orangerie.

In fact, on my recent trip to Paris in January 2020 , the first place I went was to the Musée d’Orsay.

I love the Impressionists!

For those who love art — paintings, sculptures, photography, drawing, mixed media and more — Paris is the place.

Yes all those reasons to love Paris!

reasons to love Paris

Paris has some lovely parks.

I might say London has some nicer parks, but there are still some wonderful spots to enjoy some flowers, trees and get out for a walk or a run.

Jardin des Tuileries, Le Jardin du Luxembourg and Place des Vosges are some of the more frequented and well-known parks in Paris.

While the parks are no substitute for oh say, the French Alps, these gardens are a nice respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.

And these places are wonderful for having a picnic lunch or dinner with some tasty French food and wine.

reasons to love Paris

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One of the reasons to love Paris is definitely the food and wine.

Of course, this is reason to love France in general.

Now I’m not as big of a fan of some of the French food, especially Parisian food simply because I tend to not eat meat.

I do, however, love the cheese and the wine.

And I kind of like all those baked goods — as long as I am careful of my gluten sensitive tummy.

There are fabulous very well known restaurants in Paris with some amazing food.

But you can find delicious food at small cafes and take away places.

And the markets, such as Rue Mouffetard and Enfants Rouges, are wonderful places to shop for some good food.

Heck go into any bakery or cheese shop or patisserie or other specialty shop and get something to take away and have a picnic in one of the parks or along the River Seine.

You can find wine at some of the supermarkets or at specialty stores.

French wine can be confusing since it is named by its region and not by the grape.

If you are unsure, just ask.

But really, French wine doesn’t have to be expensive to be good.

So don’t feel as though you have to spend a lot.

Although I like a lot of French red wine, I’m a huge fan of French white wines and rosé wines.

reasons to love Paris

The River Seine

One of the best things to do in Paris is simply to walk along the River Seine.

Or maybe take a run!

The river is essential to Paris.

It divides the city into North and South — Right Bank and Left Bank.

And it provides a backdrop to some of the fantastic architecture.

On my first trip to Paris back in 2008 I took a walk along the River Seine after being up in the Eiffel Tower.

It had been very busy and I was tired of the crowds.

So I made a beeline for the river, enjoying the peace and quiet of walking by the water.

The River Seine is one of my favorite reasons to love Paris.

reasons to love Paris

The Architecture

The first time I visited Paris I fell head over heels in love with the architecture.

I just love the looks of the buildings in this city.

The shape of the rooftops.

The wrought iron balconies.

You all know I’m a fan of architecture and the Parisian architecture captured my imagination.

It is definitely one of the best reasons to love Paris.

reasons to love Paris

It’s The Perfect City to Wander Around

Paris is an amazing city to wander about and even get a little lost in.

There are narrow lanes where you can get away from the hustle and bustle.

You’ll stumble upon beautiful buildings, a small park, a charming cafe, an old bookstore or a trendy boutique.

As a photographer, I never seem to tire of wandering about this beautiful city.

Definitely of the main reasons to love Paris!

reasons to love Paris

Because It’s Paris

I know reason 7 may not be a real reason.

Or maybe it is.

You see, there is a feeling to Paris that is hard to describe to those who haven’t traveled to this magnificent city.

That feeling is probably the number one reason to love Paris.

It’s a feeling of energy, history, culture, enjoying life and relishing the fine things in life such as masterful works of art and great wine.

And while this sounds paradoxical, it’s a feeling of busy and hustle and bustle, yet slowing down to savor — food, wine, art, music, history, conversation, friends, family … life.

I guess it’s simply the j oie de vivre!

reasons to love Paris

More Reasons to Love Paris?

I know there are more.

So feel free to let me know why you love Paris.

And if you don’t care for this city, why?

I’d love to hear those reasons too.

reasons to love Paris

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Are you ready to explore Paris?

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Gap of Dunloe


I LOVE Paris! This post has made me want to go back again so badly!! I love your photos!!!

Thanks, Fiona. I know how you feel. Every time I look at photos of Paris I think about going back. It’s a special city.

I was supposed to be catching the train to Paris in the next couple of weeks during my trip to the UK, but sadly that was cancelled. However, your photos are so gorgeous it’s made so excited for when I can eventually get there! Loved this post!

You’ll get there, Jasmine. And Paris will be waiting for you!

I love Paris so much! It truly is such an ornate city. I hope to go back in the near future. 🙂

I love it too and also hope to go back soon!

You are so right that people have love hate relationship with Paris haha but no one can deny its architecture is amazing!

I love the architecture in Paris!

These photos are making me ache to get back to Paris – I haven’t been since I was a kid! So beautiful!!

It was almost 12 years between my 2 visits and like you, in those 12 years I would look at images and think, “I need to get back to Paris!” It won’t be so long next time. Hope you get there again soon, Sarah!

Beautiful photos! I’m such a huge fan of Monet. Definitely a highlight for me in Paris.

What an amazing post and so many photos! We have yet to travel to France but it is on our Bucket List. Great information. Thank you so much for sharing

Thanks, Ilene! Yes, you should get to Paris. It’s pretty special.

Paris definitely has a distinct vibe. Just being in the city makes me feel happy to be alive. I love the buildings, the alleyways, the cheese, and the hustle of the city. It’s a one-of-a-kind city and you just have to visit and allow yourself to be immersed in the magic of it.

Agree 100% Allison. Paris is so special. It’s a great city to wander and get a bit lost in. And as a photographer, I find so many things to photograph.

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Paris - The City Of Dream

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  • Topic: Paris , Tradition

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