PhD Studies in mathematics

Uppsala University has researchers in many mathematical fields and a large international network. As a doctoral student in mathematics at Uppsala, you will come into contact with the most prominent and modern mathematical research in the world.

Application and admission

We announce available phd positions in february.

The Department of Mathematics usually announces vacant PhD positions on the web in February each year, with a deadline at the end of March. The eligibility requirements and the complete application procedure are always specified in the advertisement.

Occasional PhD positions may be available at other times

Occasionally we also announce vacant positions at other times. We therefore encourage interested students to look regularly at the department's website.

Master's thesis is important for your application

An important document that you need to attach is the Master's thesis. If you are still working on your Master's thesis at the time of application you can send the latest draft.

Vacant postions at the Department of Mathematics

Research areas and contact persons

There are two research areas at the Department of Mathematics at Uppsala university. Each research area has a professor in charge with overall responsibility for postgraduate education.

Contact person for mathematics: Volodymyr Mazorchuk

Contact person for applied mathematics and statistics: Erik Ekström

Director of postgraduate studies: Julian Külshammer

The programme

Duration of the programme.

The programme comprises 240 credits, which is equivalent to two years of study and two years of research. Additionally, the programme normally includes also a year of teaching.

Current PhD courses in mathematics

The curriculum

Each admitted student is assigned a supervisor and an assistant supervisor. The curriculum consists of three parts: a general, a topic-oriented and an individual part. The individual curriculum is written by the student and the supervisor at the beginning of the programme, and the other two are regulated by the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Information about postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Science and Technology

All students admitted to the graduate program are employed as graduate students at the department and receive salary.

What is it like to do a PhD in maths

Interview: Joel Dahne, PhD student

After the programme

A PhD in Mathematics opens the way for a research career as well as a professional life outside academia. Since mathematics is useful in a broad range of areas, math graduates work in a variety of sectors, such as life science, medical research, finance, energy, IT and insurance.

Interview: Cecilia has a PhD in probability theory

Upcoming dissertations and previous theses

Here you find upcoming dissertations and previous theses.

apple blossom

Third-cycle (doctoral) programme in mathematics

Curious to do research in the subject of mathematics? We offer opportunities for research for doctoral students.

Projects for PhD positions

Numerical analysis and spectral theory for partial differential equations with memory.

Contact: Christian Engström

PDEs are key tools in the modeling of processes in science and engineering. Many state-of-the-art PDE models in physics, finance, and biology include fractional derivatives to model long-range structural stochasticity and terms that represent a time delay. The project concerns breakthrough development in analysis and numerical analysis of (fractional) partial differential equations (PDEs) with memory. The aim of the project is to develop mathematical and numerical analysis that results in robust and very fast numerical methods that can be used to build digital twins of our world. The mathematical theory and new numerical methods provide a cornerstone in the development of efficient machine learning algorithms for PDEs and optimization with PDE constraints.

It is within the project possible to focus on (i) efficient numerical methods for the time-evolution problem, with applications to scientific machine learning and optimization (ii) new spectral theory and functional analysis for operator functions that is related to PDEs with memory.

The project will provide training in modern analysis or numerical analysis with applications in contemporary science and engineering, thus equipping the student with highly desirable skills for working in both industry and academia.

The project is part of a very active research area the Ph.D. student will benefit from existing collaborations in the research area with Durham University (UK), University of Zagreb (Croatia), and University of Bern (Switzerland).

We are looking for a highly motivated, enthusiastic, and curiosity-driven researcher. You have, or will shortly acquire, an M.Sc. degree in the field of applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, or a closely related study program. You have good team spirit and like to work in an internationally oriented environment. You are proficient in English.

The project is related to several ongoing national and international projects and the groups

Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations

Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling

Analytic micro-lokal analysis via the Bargmann transform

Contact: Joachim Toft

Pseudo-differential operators emerged in the 1930s in quantum physics for quantization (i.e. finding suitable transitions between observables in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics). A pseudo-differential calculus is a certain rule that transfer a function, defined in the phase space, to an operator. This function is called the symbol of the operator. The function corresponds to an observable classical mechanics and the operator is the corresponding observable in quantum mechanics.

Pseudo-differential operators fell somewhat into oblivion, but return to scene during 1960s in mathematics, initially to find convenient ways to invert certain differential operators. Later on, they became important in several other fields. For example, in time frequency analysis and signal processing, pseudo-differential operators are used to model non-stationary filters and to sort out noise.

The Bargmann transform transfers functions and (ultra) distributions on R^n to analytical functions, or more generally, to power series expansions on C^n. Correspondingly, operators can be transferred to so-called analytical pseudo-differential operators (also called Wick operators). Ideas for this appeared in the 1970s, but some of the fundamental continuity investigations were performed first during the past recent years. The advantage of this approach is that the objects are analytical functions, which possess several special structures, convenient in calculations and applications.

Similarly as for regular differential operators, one picks a function (still called a symbol) and arrange an operator. For analytical pseudo-differential operators, however, both the symbol and the functions that the operators act on, are analytical functions.

The project aims at, among others:

  • Finding new conditions on the symbols to the analytic pseudo-differential operators, to guarantee suitable continuity properties
  • Investigations of propagations of singularities (certain types of so-called wave-front sets).
  • Finding characterizations of certain types of spaces of analytic functions.

We are looking for a person with enthusiasm and good knowledge in mathematical analysis. It is extra meritorious for the applicant to possess good knowledge in English.

Stochastic and deterministic variations in ecological, epidemiological or economical systems

Contact: Nacira Agram, Astrid Hilbert , Torsten Lindström , and Roger Pettersson

Formulating models using systems of differential equations is a standard procedure for taking into account the total effect of several different interacting processes. The solutions that arise are generally very complicated. Qualitative analysis involves analyzing well-chosen properties of the solutions instead. The long-term behaviour of the solutions becomes more important than the solutions themselves.

Systems of differential equations arise in many different applications and we concentrate primarily on ecological, epidemiological and economical systems. In these systems, species or market players can, for example, interact by competing with each other or parasitizing on each other. In some cases one can observe large variations over time and in others not. The need to be able to regulate and optimize the systems considered can be substantial.

Reasons for the variations are important for the possibilities of making predictions and controlling the observed systems. Sometimes there are mechanisms that cause purely random outbreaks and variations as in epidemiology, while systems that describe food chains can give rise to deterministic fluctuations with much larger predictability. In economic applications, predictions can be subjected to large uncertainty.

There is a variety of things to keep in mind when beginning the analysis of a system that potentially gives rise to variation over time. First, each model is a simplification of reality and one must ask to what extent features excluded from the model can affect the results. Within qualitative analysis, the concept of structural stability has been developed to deal with this type of omission. If the model is structurally stable, the results are not affected by small disturbances that result from what you have chosen not to include. Another question that often arises is how the model is able to handle parts of the system that can be isolated and studied separately. Various ways to ensure that a suitable model is analyzed are included in the project.

A qualitative analysis of a model's long-term behavior provides answers to a wide range of questions, but there is often reason to supplement such an analysis with numerical simulations. Such simulations must be validated by requiring that they coincide with other analysis. Any discrepancies must be possible to explain and often give rise to the need for fairly in-depth analyzes of the algorithms used.

When you build a system of differential equations, you start from the mechanisms you choose to include in a system. But everyone knows that a child can learn to ride a bike without knowing anything about relevant balance equations. If we start from data, can we then build up another type of model with help of statistical models? What qualitative characteristics do models that are built on the basis of adaptation to data have in relation to models that are built on the basis of mechanisms and what limitations do new areas such as machine learning have?

Knowledge of differential equations, stochastic processes and dynamic systems is important for the project.

Reinforcement learning for optimization and operations research

Contact: Karl-Olof Lindahl

The main goal of the project is to develop robust algorithms in reinforcement learning with applications in optimization and control of dynamical systems. Mathematically, the project lies in the intersection between dynamical systems, optimization and mathematical statistics. As a student, you need to have a good foundation in mathematics at the basic and advanced level, as well as good knowledge and skills in programming.

Reinforcement learning is a hot area in machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is used to solve complex optimization problems that form the basis for advanced decision-making in optimal planning and operation of energy systems, resource management, robotics, image recognition, self-driving cars, stock portfolio selection, to name a few examples. It can also be said that the area is about maximizing future accumulated rewards over time for an intelligent system operating in an environment.

The project specifically concerns distribution-based reinforcement learning (DRL). The total reward over time is characterized in these cases by a stochastic variable whose distribution function is then to be estimated. In more classical approaches to reinforcement learning, the focus is on the expected value of this distribution rather than the distribution itself. The project is based on Bellemere, Dabney and Muno's work "A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning" where it is justified why distribution-based reinforcement learning can lead to better approximate learning.

Development, experiments, and analysis of algorithms in this field include functional analysis (metric spaces, projections, transforms), probability theory and statistics (measure theory, stochastic convergence), optimization and theory of neural networks. Computer experiments, implementation and testing are important elements in the research and involve a lot of programming work.

In the project we develop:

  • Specialized algorithms for machine learning and its applications
  • Code for implementation
  • Theory and analysis methods for robustness

The project will be performed within the research theme " AI and machine learning for optimization and operations research " at LNU.

What does the third-cycle subject area mathematics comprise?

At Linnaeus University, the field and course of study referred to as mathematics covers a wide spectrum of activities and includes both pure and applied mathematics. Mathematics is an abstract and general science for problem solving and methods development. All research within the field of the subject of mathematics includes development, usage, or analysis of methods.

Within pure mathematics, the abstraction level is so high that the way of presenting a problem can be analysed outside of their original context. Crucial causal relationships are isolated and studied separately. Conceptualisation and concept formation, and use of appropriate terminology, becomes central. Since the discipline of mathematics provides the tools we need to analyse, question and develop scientific methods, it plays a key role in all science.

Within applied mathematics, the link to practical problem solving is clear and is characterised by a deep understanding of the subject of mathematics per se, as well as its application. Innovation and new ways of thinking arise in various different ways, and new methods and approaches are applied to classic problems, or known methods are transferred to new areas of application whereby the presentation of the problems which arise are analysed.

The applications are primarily in fields where a high degree of precision is sought and where the far-reaching predictions are possible. Examples represented in our programme include physics, cryptography and signal processing. Mathematical methods have recently also become established in many sciences where the possibilities of predictions and precision remain more limited. At Linnaeus University, such activities are found within the fields of biology, medical research and economics to mention a few. The goal of the introduction of mathematical methods in such activities is to make all science more quantitative.

Graduate studies in mathematics can contain both pure and applied mathematics, in varying proportions. Doctoral students normally choose a specialisation for their studies in conjunction with the commencement of their graduate programme.

Studies can also be made in mathematics directed towards mathematics education .

Courses at third-cycle level

Faculty level.

  • 2024-09-02 – 2024-10-04
  • Växjö
  • Postgraduate level
  • Full-time studies

Read more about the third-cycle courses at the Faculty of Technology .

More information

  • Read more about entry requirements, content and objectives of the programme in the study plan below
  • General information about third-cycle studies at Linnaeus University
  • Read about possible projects for for you as a doctoral student below
  • The university library's subject guide for mathematics (in Swedish)
  • Vacancies at Linnaeus University

Curriculum for third-cycle studies in mathematics

  • Mathematics.pdf

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Centre for Mathematical Sciences

  • Course Requirements
  • Course Offerings, Spring Semester
  • Course Offerings, Autumn Semester
  • Elective Courses, Other Subjects
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  • Old Courses
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  • Course Application
  • Written Examinations
  • Credit Transfer
  • Math Students' Day 2017
  • Math Students' Day 2016
  • Math Students' Day 2014
  • Math Students' Day 2013
  • Mathematics students council
  • Erasmus exchange
  • Exchange studies Waterloo
  • Mathematics Specialisation
  • Numerical Analysis Specialisation
  • Course Offerings
  • Information, New Students
  • Practical information
  • Math Students' Day
  • Recommended study order 2023-2025
  • Recommended study order 2024-2026
  • Recommended study order 2022-2024
  • Master's programme in Computational Science
  • Master's Programme in Applied Computational Science
  • Student information
  • Examination
  • Mandatory assignments
  • Degree Projects
  • Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Engineering
  • Course Evaluations, Mathematics, Faculty of Science
  • Course Evaluations, Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Science
  • Course Evaluations, Numerical Analysis, Faculty of Science
  • Biomedical modelling and computation
  • Differential Geometry
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Harmonic Analysis and Applications
  • Inverse Problems
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  • C. Sminchisescu Group
  • Master's Thesis Suggestions
  • Software/Download
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  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operator Theory and Complex Analysis
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Probability and Inference Theory
  • Simulation Technique
  • Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Modelling
  • Statistical Signal Processing
  • Stochastic Modelling
  • Øresundsdagen 3
  • Guidelines for colloquium speakers
  • Suggesting colloquium speakers
  • Colloquia, Spring 2024
  • Colloquia, Autumn 2023
  • Colloquia, Spring 2023
  • Colloquia, Autumn 2022
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PhD studies

Are you interested in a phd position at the centre for mathematical sciences.

You can read Lund University's general information about PhD studies here:

  • PhD studies (Lund University's website)
  • PhD studies at LTH, Faculty of Engineering (LTH's website)
  • PhD studies at the Faculty of Science (Faculty of Science's website)

A PhD position at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences is usually 5 years, including 20% departmental duties such as teaching.

  • Study plans at LTH, Faculty of Engineering (Student website LTH)
  • Study plans at the Faculty of Science (Faculty of Science's website)

Carl Olsson

Director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering [email protected] +46 46 222 85 65

Magnus Goffeng

Ass. director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering [email protected] +46 46 222 83 30

Sandra Pott

Director of PhD Studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science [email protected] +46462228542

Stanislav Volkov

Director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Statistics [email protected] +46 46-222 95 38

Mathematical Sciences

Doctoral studies at mathematical sciences.

mathematics phd sweden

​As a doctoral student at Mathematical Sciences, you can be admitted to graduate school at Chalmers or to a third-cycle subject at the University of Gothenburg.

Doctoral studies at the Department of Mathematical Sciences means that you get to immerse yourself in mathematics or mathematical statistics by reading courses and working on your own research project. After completing your education, you receive a doctorate, and can choose to either continue in academia, or focus on a career in industry and business. You also have the option of taking a licentiate degree halfway through the education.

​As a doctoral student at Mathematical Sciences, you can be admitted to a graduate school at Chalmers or to a third-cycle subject at the University of Gothenburg.

The education is similar at both universities, but there are differences, among other things, in terms of which compulsory courses you need to take. GTS courses (Generic and Transferable Skills) at Chalmers and compulsory courses at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg.

Graduate schools at Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers has three graduate schools, with a total of five specialisations, for you who want to do a doctorate at Mathematical Sciences.

  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Applied mathematics and statistics

A PhD student in mathematics or mathematical statistics can also be admitted to the interdisciplinary graduate school in Bioscience .

mathematics phd sweden

We train new researchers!

Read more about doctoral studies at Chalmers University of Technology.

Third-cycle subjects at the University of Gothenburg

These are the third-cycle subjects we have at the University of Gothenburg  

  • Mathematics, with the possible specialisation applications
  • Mathematical statistics, with the possible specialisation applications . 

The University of Gothenburg also has a third-cycle subject in mathematics/natural science specialising in educational sciences .

mathematics phd sweden

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Science

Read more about becoming a PhD student at the Faculty of Science at University of Gothenburg.

Doctoral courses

To find doctoral courses given by Mathematical Sciences, go to the doctoral course catalogue at University of Gothenburg, and search for mathematical sciences. 

Doctoral courses at Mathematical Sciences during 22/23

Doctoral courses at mathematical sciences during 23/24, joint doctoral- and master-level courses at mathematical sciences, licentiate and doctoral theses at mathematical sciences, licentiate theses, doctoral theses, deputy head of department, responsible for doctoral education.

mathematics phd sweden

  • Full Professor , Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences
  • [email protected]
  • +46 31 772 53 21
  • To personal page

Directors of studies

mathematics phd sweden

mathematics phd sweden

  • Senior Lecturer , Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences
  • [email protected]
  • +46 31 772 64 14

mathematics phd sweden

Doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences

Within mathematical sciences we study questions of a mathematical character, either from a purely theoretical perspective or directed towards practical applications. In either case, the mathematical problem and its properties is the main focus. The research is based on mathematical proofs and/or computer-assisted calculations.

Picter of stones in diffrent foramtions

Doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences are offered by the Department of Mathematics (MAI), and the Department of Science and Technology (ITN). Mathematical Sciences comprise the following subject areas:

Computational Mathematics 

Computational Mathematics is about the development and analysis of numerical methods and algorithms to solve mainly technical and scientific problems, formulated as mathematical models. Our research group in this area is successfully examining numerical methods for use on time-independent partial differential equations.


Mathematical statistics.

Mathematical Statistics is dedicated to probability theory and statistical inference theory. We are skilled in theoretical probability theory and multivariate statistics.


Optimisation deals with theories and methods to analyse and solve mathematical decision problems. In general optimisation, MAI has one of the most prominent groups in Sweden, with extensive experience in practical optimisation and a well-balanced mix between mathematics and applications.

Interdisciplinary Mathematics

Interdisciplinary Mathematics covers research which involves two areas. The main area is within mathematical sciences (computational mathematics, mathematics, mathematical statistics, or optimisation), and the other is an area outside mathematical sciences, involving subjects such as physics, biology or medicine.

Teaching is based on lectures, seminars, group work and supervision. You are expected to actively participate in seminars, guest lectures and conferences.

Doctoral studies in mathematical sciences prepare for a continued academic career involving research and teaching as well as for a professional life outside the academic world. Mathematical breadth and depth, and the ability to absorb new theory and digest complex events are in high demand across a large part of the labour market. PhD-level mathematicians are wanted in IT security, cryptology, resource optimisation, simulations for example in pharmaceutical development, autonomous systems, risk analysis in finance and insurance, meteorology, communication systems, and many other areas.

The impending future challenges, not least concerning sustainable development and climate transition, require significant mathematical expertise, both directly for example in optimisation, mathematical modelling, and dynamical systems, and indirectly in that all relevant science and technology developments rely on a mathematical framework.

In order to join us as a student, you must have a keen interest in mathematics, regardless of which field you wish to specialise in. All available positions are published on Linköping University’s Vacancies page. Use the dropdown menus to filter according to department and profession. Vacancies page

Study syllabus Mathematical Sciences

General study syllabus for Mathematical Sciences (PDF)

Research school in Interdiciplinary Mathematics

A group of people holding in a jigsaw

Research School in Interdisciplinary Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics offers a doctoral programme for students with a strong mathematical interest who are interested to apply mathematics on practical problems in different fields such as engineering, business, computer science and industry.

PhD in Mathematics?

mathematics phd sweden

As PhD student you are constantly challenged

Aban Husain started her PhD studies at LiU in February 2022. After her master's studies, she worked for 18 months as a machine learning engineer at a small AI start-up company.

mathematics phd sweden

Mathematics is exciting and creative

Axel Tiger Norkvist started studying mathematics at LiU in 2013. He has now been working on his PhD for four years and plans to defend his doctoral thesis next year.

Doctoral studies at Linköping University

mathematics phd sweden

If you want to gain a profound understanding of a particular field, doctoral studies at LiU could be for you.

Current research projects in Mathematics

Group picture of Nageswari Shanmugalingam, Anders Björn, Jana Björn and Tomas Sjödin.

Nonlinear Potential Theory

The research group is mainly interested in analysis on metric spaces, and in particular nonlinear potential theory associated with p-harmonic functions and quasiminimizers in Euclidean and metric spaces.

Reflection in the water.

Differential Equations and Analysis on Metric Spaces

Differential equations describe many real-world phenomena but can rarely be solved exactly. We therefore study properties of their solutions in other ways, in very general situations, similarly to creating an identikit of an unknown criminal.

Abstract 3D pattern.

Modern Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Nowadays there is a great need to analyse complex high-dimensional data. Modern theories must be developed through the knowledge of the classical methods of multivariate statistics.

An arm wearing a black shirt and a watch is pointing to math problems written with black pen on a whiteboard

Teaching and learning statistics at the secondary level

Research shows that it is challenging for students to learn statistical concepts and methods. Teachers need preparedness and tools to be able to support their students. The project therefore studies the teaching and learning of statistics.

Red blood cell.

Mathematical Modelling of the Blood Circulatory System

Mathematical models of the circulatory system can be used in order to better understand the system and so help diagnose blood-vascular diseases and other problems while also enabling planning for the treatment of these diseases.

A meeting in a modern officespace.

Mathematics and algorithms for intelligent decision-making

On the journey towards sustainability, our contribution is to develop mathematical models and solution methods for practically relevant but computationally challenging problems in scheduling and resource allocation.

Flags of countries taking part in the research collaboration.

Research collaboration in Mathematics with low income countries and regions

The Department of Mathematics contributes to the development of capacity for higher education and research in low income countries and regions through collaborative projects in Africa and Asia.

Unstructured mesh around high lift configuration.

Numerical Solutions of Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations

Well-posedness of the governing partial differential equations lead to effective and accurate numerical methods for the analysis of physical processes in science and engineering.

A 3-edge-coloring of the Desargues graph. Created by: Koko90. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Graph Theory

The research group in graph theory at Linköping University is primarily interested in classic graph theory with a particular focus on graph coloring and Hamiltonian graph theory.

Contact Doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences

Photo of Elina Rönnberg

Elina Rönnberg

Deputy Head of Department, Senior Associate Professor

  • Department of Mathematics (MAI)
  • Applied Mathematics (TIMA)
  • elina.ronnberg@
  • +4613281645

Photo of Magnus Herberthson

Magnus Herberthson

  • Algebra, Geometry and Discrete Mathematics (ALGD)
  • magnus.herberthson@
  • +4613282372

Photo of Pierangelo Dellacqua

Pierangelo Dellacqua

Senior Associate Professor

  • Department of Science and Technology (ITN)
  • Media and Information Technology (MIT)
  • pierangelo.dellacqua@
  • +4611363312

Photo of George Baravdish

George Baravdish

Senior Associate Professor, Head of Unit

  • Physics, Electronics and Mathematics (FEM)
  • george.baravdish@
  • +4611363118

Photo of Ellen Larsson

Ellen Larsson


  • Administrative Service (VS)
  • ellen.larsson@
  • +4613284016

Photo of Maria Mitradjieva

Maria Mitradjieva

Faculty Programme Director

  • Faculty of Science and Engineering (Institute of Technology) (LITH)
  • Dean's Office, Faculty of Science and Engineering (TFK)
  • maria.mitradjieva@
  • +4613282319
  • Third-cycle subject area
  • Doctoral studies
  • PhD studies
  • Svensk webbplats

Faculty of Science

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  • Faculty of Science

Mathematical statistics

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' title=

  • Meet our students

Matematisk statistik

Subject description

Mathematical statistics deals with mathematical methods for analyzing random phenomena. The subject can roughly be divided in two parts: probability theory and statistical inference. The first part concerns modeling and computation of probabilities while the latter concerns methods for drawing conclusions about models from data. The subject contains theoretical parts as well as more applied parts adjusted to different areas of application.

Subject representative

Head of subject: Mia Deijfen   [email protected] Director of Studies:  Mia Deijfen   [email protected]

PhD studies at the Department of Mathematics

mathematics phd sweden

PhD studies

The programme leads to a licentiate or doctoral degree. All PhD positions at Stockholm University are announced here.  

Last updated: April 11, 2023 Page editor: Lina Enell Source: Faculty of Science

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153 Mathematics PhD positions in Sweden

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  • Mathematics

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  • Last-3-days 1
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  • Chalmers University of Technology 40
  • Karolinska Institutet 22
  • SciLifeLab 16
  • Linköping University 12
  • Stockholm University 10
  • Uppsala University 10
  • Uppsala universitet 10
  • Umeå University 7
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 5
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PhD position in mathematics or mathematical statistics, with focus on geometric deep learning

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in mathematics or mathematical statistics, focusing on geometric deep learning. The position covers four years

17 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company Umeå universitet Department Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Field Mathematics Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher

PhD student in mathematics /applied mathematics

, Culture and Communication (UKK) our students mainly study programmes relating to teacher education, but we also offer programmes and courses in languages and communication, mathematics /applied mathematics

PhD positions in mathematical statistics at Stockholm University

related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University invites applications for two PhD student positions in mathematical

PhD position in Mathematics focusing on geometric deep learning

28 Apr 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company Umeå universitet Department Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Field Mathematics Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher

education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here. The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in mathematics , within

PhD student in Neuro-symbolic AI for Mathematical Discovery

Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description The goal of this project is to develop new methods for assisting mathematical discovery, by leveraging recent

PhD position in Mathematics focusing on complex geometry and optimal transport

education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here. The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in Mathematics focusing

1 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company Umeå universitet Department Umeå University, Faculty of Science and Technology Research Field Mathematics Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher

PhD position in Discrete Mathematics

education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here. The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in mathematics focusing

Searches related to Mathematics

  • postdoctoral
  • computer science
  • engineering
  • materials science

PhD programmes

When you apply for a phd programme in sweden, you’re actually applying for a job. yeah, you read that right. 👀.

mathematics phd sweden

“Do a master’s here – I’d say it’s a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master’s at Malmö University and now I’m doing a PhD at Lund University” – Sanjay, Malmö University. Photo: Oskar Omne

So that means – no tuition fees, no scholarships. But you’ll receive a monthly salary instead. Nice, eh? And that’s why available PhD positions are listed on a university’s job board.

How to apply for a PhD position? You’ll apply directly to the university.

Just so you know, there’s no centralised application process. And things like requirements and application dates? This kind of stuff is decided by each department. But we do know that you’ll need to have a master’s degree – in the same field of study – and a great level of English to apply for a PhD here. You might even need to be fluent in Swedish. But that’ll depend on the subject.

+ - Find a PhD at a Swedish university

  • PhD at Blekinge Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Chalmers University of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Dalarna University ↗️
  • PhD at Halmstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Jönköping University ↗️
  • PhD at KTH Royal Institute of Technology ↗️
  • PhD at Karlstad University ↗️
  • PhD at Karolinska Institutet ↗️
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  • Department of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical Sciences buildings in spring

Mathematical Sciences is a joint department at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, and it offers high-quality research and education in the fields of mathematics.

The mathematical sciences explore the basic concepts and laws of thought. They are fundamental and indispensable to a large part of modern science and engineering. Progress in other disciplines is often linked to an increased use of mathematics. Mathematics is also a subject in itself, and fundamental research is a necessary condition for its many applications. Some of our information, as calendar and news, is found on Chalmers’ web. See links below.

Education and research

We offer an international master’s programme in mathematical sciences and several doctoral student positions every year. Our research areas cover a wide range of mathematical sciences.

mathematics phd sweden


Our research library is also open to students and the general public. Meeting place Mathematics collects activities for schools and teachers, but also for an interested general public.

mathematics phd sweden

What happens at the department

Our research areas have about ten seminar series. All calendar posts and news are found at the Chalmers web, see below. Take a virtual tour in our premises (texts in Swedish).

mathematics phd sweden

Department of Mathematics

Mathematics can be described as the science which, using logic, investigates properties and patterns of abstract structures. Historically, mathematics has developed in close interplay with the natural sciences and technology. The department hosts four divisions.

Analysis, Dynamics, Geometry, Number Theory and PDE

Numerical Analysis, Optimization and Systems Theory

Algebra, Combinatorics, Geometry and Topology

Probability, Mathematical Physics and Statistics

Department of Mathematics internal web pages

Stefania Damato: Initial Algebra Semantics for QIITs using Containers 26 Jun Seminar, Logic Wednesday 2024-06-26, 10:00 - 12:00 Participating: Stefania Damato Location: Albano house 1, floor 3, Room U (Kovalevsky) 2024-06-26T10:00:00.000+02:00 2024-06-26T12:00:00.000+02:00 Stefania Damato: Initial Algebra Semantics for QIITs using Containers (Seminar, Logic) Albano house 1, floor 3, Room U (Kovalevsky) (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden) Stefania Damato: Initial Algebra Semantics for QIITs using Containers (Seminar, Logic)
James Kennedy: Optimising the fundamental gap of a quantum graph 26 Jun Seminar, Analysis Stockholm Wednesday 2024-06-26, 11:00 - 12:00 Participating: James Kennedy (University of Lisbon) Location: Albano, house 1, floor 3, Cramérrummet 2024-06-26T11:00:00.000+02:00 2024-06-26T12:00:00.000+02:00 James Kennedy: Optimising the fundamental gap of a quantum graph (Seminar, Analysis Stockholm) Albano, house 1, floor 3, Cramérrummet (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden) James Kennedy: Optimising the fundamental gap of a quantum graph (Seminar, Analysis Stockholm)
Yilin Wang: TBA 23 Oct SMC Colloquium Wednesday 2024-10-23, 15:15 - 17:00 Participating: Yilin Wang (IHES) Location: TBA 2024-10-23T15:15:00.000+02:00 2024-10-23T17:00:00.000+02:00 Yilin Wang: TBA (SMC Colloquium) TBA (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden) Yilin Wang: TBA (SMC Colloquium)
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Department of Mathematics

Work with us.

Are you interested in working at the Department of Mathematics? Available positions at the department are announced on Stockholm University's site for available jobs, where you can also apply to them.

Read more about working at Stockholm University and apply to positions

An overview of all available positions at the Department of Mathematics and Stockholm University can be found on the university's central website.

  • Available jobs

Postdoctoral Fellow in Geometric Analysis

Postdoctoral Fellow in Algebraic Geometry

Assistant professor in numerical methods (last day to apply is 1 August)

All available jobs at Stockholm University

Available PhD student positions

PhD positions in mathematics, mathematical statistics and computational mathematics are normally announced in April each year.

Read more about PhD studies at the Department of Mathematics

All available PhD student positions at Stockholm University

Fellowships to apply for

The Sverker Lerheden foundation awards stipends each year to young researchers in mathematics to conduct postdoctoral studies at the Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University. The call each year opens in October-November.

Read more about the fellowship

mathematics phd sweden

Last updated: May 29, 2024

Source: Department of Mathematics

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    University of Southern California
  Jun 23, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2024-2025    
USC Catalogue 2024-2025

Application deadline: December 15

Completion of the program requires a maximum effort by the student for a minimum of four years of full-time work.

Screening Procedure

The screening procedure consists of written examinations covering core applied mathematics content. Students must pass three written exams for the following core subjects: 

  • Applied Probability
  • Real Analysis
  • Partial Differential Equations

The department offers the examinations twice a year, prior to the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters.

At least one of the screening examinations must be successfully completed by the end of the second semester in the program. All of the examinations must be successfully completed by the end of the fourth semester. 

The qualifying examination should follow two or three semesters after the successful completion of the screening procedure.

Qualifying Exam Committee

No later than at the end of the first semester after passing the screening procedure, the student must form a qualifying exam committee. The committee must consist of an adviser (committee chair) and four other faculty members, including at least one from another department.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination consists of written and oral components.

The written portion of the qualifying examination consists of a PhD dissertation proposal. This document (10 pages minimum) should include: introduction, statement of the problem, literature survey, methodology, summary of preliminary results, proposed research, references, appendix (including one or two fundamental references). This should be submitted to the department at least one week before the qualifying examination.

The oral portion of the qualifying examination consists of a presentation of the PhD dissertation proposal and examination by the committee. The student must demonstrate research potential.

The student must register for Math 794a in the semester immediately following successful completion of the qualifying examination.

Course Requirements

The student must complete, with no grade lower than B, a minimum of 60 units of courses carrying graduate credit. Courses outside of the Mathematics Department must be approved by the Graduate Committee.

These must include

  • MATH 794a Doctoral Dissertation Units: 2
  • MATH 794b Doctoral Dissertation Units: 2

And six courses from the following:

  • MATH 502b Numerical Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 505b Applied Probability Units: 3
  • MATH 507b Theory of Probability Units: 3
  • MATH 509 Stochastic Differential Equations Units: 3
  • MATH 520 Complex Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 525b Real Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 530b Stochastic Calculus and Mathematical Finance Units: 3
  • MATH 532 Combinatorial Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 541b Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Units: 3
  • MATH 542 Analysis of Variance and Design Units: 3
  • MATH 545 Introduction to Time Series Units: 3
  • MATH 547 Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Learning Theory Units: 3
  • MATH 550 Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 555b Partial Differential Equations Units: 3
  • MATH 565a Ordinary Differential Equations Units: 3
  • MATH 574 Applied Matrix Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 580 Introduction to Functional Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 585 Mathematical Theory of Optimal Control Units: 3

If a student receives a grade of B- or lower in any of the required courses, the requirement can be waived upon passing the screening exam for the course at the master’s level or higher.

Additional Requirements

Transfer of Credit

No transfer of credit will be considered until the screening examination is passed. A maximum of 30 units of graduate work at another institution may be applied toward the course requirements for the PhD. A grade below B will not be accepted and at most one grade of B will be accepted. 

Dissertation Committee and Defense

Following successful completion of the screening procedure and approval of a dissertation topic by the chair of the student’s qualifying exam committee, the student proceeds with research towards the dissertation. 

The student must form a dissertation committee consisting of at least three members, including the thesis advisor (committee chair) and a member outside the mathematics department. The PhD thesis, based on a substantial amount of original research conducted by the student, must be defended and approved by the dissertation committee.


  1. PhD studies

    See also the following guidelines for information on how the PhD defence is conducted in Sweden. Guidelines for opponents ... (56 Kb) PhD courses. The planned PhD-Courses in mathematics, mathematical statistics and computational mathematics, during the academic year 2023/2024, can be seen here. Further down you can find courses from previous years.

  2. Doctoral Program in Mathematics

    The objectives of the Doctoral Program in Mathematics follow the common objectives of postgraduate education according to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). These goals are divided into three categories: Knowledge and understanding. Skills and abilities. Ability to make judgmentsand adopta standpoint.

  3. PhD Studies in mathematics

    A PhD in Mathematics opens the way for a research career as well as a professional life outside academia. Since mathematics is useful in a broad range of areas, math graduates work in a variety of sectors, such as life science, medical research, finance, energy, IT and insurance. ... SWEDEN. Registration number: 202100-2932 VAT number ...

  4. Third-cycle (doctoral) programme in mathematics

    Mathematics is an abstract and general science for problem solving and methods development. All research within the field of the subject of mathematics includes development, usage, or analysis of methods. Within pure mathematics, the abstraction level is so high that the way of presenting a problem can be analysed outside of their original context.

  5. 289 mathematics-phd positions in Sweden

    PhD position in Mathematics focusing on complex geometry and optimal transport. education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. In fact, the future is made here. The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics is opening a PhD position in Mathematics focusing.

  6. Doctoral program in Applied and Computational Mathematics

    Aims. The objectives of the Doctoral Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics follow the common objectives of postgraduate education according to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). These goals are divided into three categories: Knowledge and understanding. Skills and abilities. Ability to make judgmentsand adopta standpoint.

  7. PhD studies

    [email protected] +46 46 222 85 65. Magnus Goffeng. Ass. director of PhD studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering [email protected] +46 46 222 83 30. Sandra Pott. Director of PhD Studies, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science [email protected] +46462228542. Stanislav Volkov

  8. Mathematics in Sweden: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Karlstad University. Karlstad, Värmland, Sweden. Mathematics. Mathematics is a science that uses logical inferences to study concepts with well-defined properties laid down... Lund University. Lund, Skåne, Sweden. Mathematical Sciences. Within Mathematical Sciences at Linköping University we study questions of a mathematical character ...

  9. Mathematics

    Mathematics has a history going back several thousand years and has become an indispensable help for economy, statistics, natural sciences, computer science, and technic. Subject representative. Head of subject: Alexander Berglund [email protected] Director of Studies: Alexander Berglund [email protected]. PhD studies at the Department of Mathematics

  10. Department of Mathematics

    We offer education at PhD level in mathematics, mathematical statistics and computational mathematics. Read more about PhD studies. ... ESPIDAM is a Marcus Wallenberg summer program for PhD students, Post Docs, Public Health scientists and others interested, also supported by Stockholm University, Stockholm Mathematics Centre and ESMTB. ...

  11. Doctoral studies at Mathematical Sciences

    As a doctoral student at Mathematical Sciences, you can be admitted to graduate school at Chalmers or to a third-cycle subject at the University of Gothenburg. Doctoral studies at the Department of Mathematical Sciences means that you get to immerse yourself in mathematics or mathematical statistics by reading courses and working on your own ...

  12. Doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences

    Contact Doctoral studies in Mathematical Sciences. Within mathematical sciences we study questions of a mathematical character, either from a purely theoretical perspective or directed towards practical applications. In either case, the mathematical problem and its properties is the main focus. The research is based on mathematical proofs and ...

  13. PhD studies at Stockholm University

    Our doctoral studies take four years and result in a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), the highest academic degree in Sweden. During this period you will both take advanced courses in your field of interest and work in a original research project. However, after two years, you might have the possibility to take an intermediate degree of ...

  14. Mathematical statistics

    Director of Studies: Mia Deijfen [email protected]. PhD studies at the Department of Mathematics. Studyplan. General syllabus for doctoral studies in Mathematical statistics (Swedish) (157 Kb) PhD studies. The programme leads to a licentiate or doctoral degree. All PhD positions at Stockholm University are announced here.

  15. Doctoral studies (PhD)

    KTH is Sweden's largest and most respected technical university—ranked top 100 in the 2022 QS World University Rankings. By choosing KTH, you gain access to a vibrant student life and a prestigious academic environment. As one of our 2,000 doctoral students, you will take courses and devote yourself to a research project under the supervision ...

  16. 166 Mathematics PhD positions in Sweden

    PhD position in bioinformatics and artificial intelligence. Chalmers University of Technology | Sweden | 1 day ago. The position is interdisciplinary and combines mathematics and computer science with applications in biology in medicine. A substantial part of the research will therefore be done in close collaboration with.

  17. Math PhD Programs in Sweden 2024+

    Mathematics Ph.D. Programs. PhD in Mathematics Programs may focus on either pure mathematics or applied mathematics or may have components of both. Pure mathematics focuses on arithmetic, algebra, geometry and analysis. Applied mathematics is a branch of mathematics and deals with mathematical methods that are utilized in science, engineering ...

  18. PhD programmes

    When you apply for a PhD programme in Sweden, you're actually applying for a job. Yeah, you read that right. 👀. "Do a master's here - I'd say it's a very good step to doing a PhD in Sweden. I did my master's at Malmö University and now I'm doing a PhD at Lund University" - Sanjay, Malmö University. So that means - no ...

  19. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Gothenburg

    Mathematical Sciences is a joint department at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, and it offers high-quality research and education in the fields of mathematics. The mathematical sciences explore the basic concepts and laws of thought. They are fundamental and indispensable to a large part of modern science and ...

  20. Department of Mathematics

    Mathematics can be described as the science which, using logic, investigates properties and patterns of abstract structures. ... Stockholm, Sweden) Jonas Adler: AlphaFold 3 (Seminar, Scientific Machine Learning) Hemming Ma: Moduli of elliptic curves with isogenies. 19 Jun. Degree project. Wednesday 2024-06-19, 11:00 - 12:00 ...

  21. Scholarships for Mathematics in Sweden

    1 of 1. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Mathematics studies in Sweden. Search and apply online today.

  22. Best Global Universities for Mathematics in Sweden

    India. Italy. Japan. Netherlands. See the US News rankings for Mathematics among the top universities in Sweden. Compare the academic programs at the world's best universities.

  23. Work with us

    Available positions at the department are announced on Stockholm University's site for available jobs, where you can also apply to them. Read more about working at Stockholm University and apply to positions. An overview of all available positions at the Department of Mathematics and Stockholm University can be found on the university's central ...

  24. Program: Applied Mathematics (PhD)

    The oral portion of the qualifying examination consists of a presentation of the PhD dissertation proposal and examination by the committee. The student must demonstrate research potential. The student must register for Math 794a in the semester immediately following successful completion of the qualifying examination.