
Narrative Essay

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how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

A narrative essay is a form of storytelling where the writer shares a personal experience in a detailed and engaging manner. Crafting a Short Narrative Essay allows the author to focus on a specific event or moment, making it concise and impactful. Writing a Beneficial Narrative Essay helps readers connect with the author’s journey, providing insight and reflection. The Thesis Statement for Narrative Essay serves as the guiding idea, encapsulating the main point or lesson learned. A well-crafted Narrative Summary ensures the story is coherent and compelling, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

What is Narrative Essay?

A narrative essay is a form of writing that tells a story from the writer’s personal experience, using vivid details and a clear sequence of events. It aims to engage readers by making them feel a part of the journey, often imparting a meaningful lesson or insight.

Examples of Narrative Essay


  • A Memorable Family Vacation – Recount a family trip that left a lasting impression.
  • My First Day at School – Describe the emotions and experiences of your first school day.
  • An Unexpected Adventure – Share a surprising and exciting experience you had.
  • Overcoming a Fear – Narrate the story of how you faced and conquered a fear.
  • A Life-Changing Event – Detail an event that significantly impacted your life.
  • A Lesson Learned the Hard Way – Explain a situation where you learned an important lesson through a challenging experience.
  • My Favorite Childhood Memory – Describe a cherished memory from your childhood.
  • A Time I Helped Someone – Share a story where you helped someone in need and what you learned from it.
  • A Day I Will Never Forget – Narrate a day that stands out vividly in your memory.
  • My First Job Experience – Recount your experiences and lessons learned from your first job.
  • The Best Decision I Ever Made – Explain a decision that positively changed your life.
  • A Time I Stood Up for Myself – Describe an instance where you confidently defended your beliefs or actions.
  • A Significant Challenge I Faced – Narrate how you dealt with a major challenge in your life.
  • My Favorite Holiday Celebration – Share your experiences and traditions during a special holiday.
  • A Friendship That Changed Me – Describe a friendship that had a profound impact on you.
  • A Moment of Personal Growth – Explain a situation where you experienced significant personal development.
  • A Funny Incident from My Life – Recount a humorous event that still makes you laugh.
  • A Time I Felt Truly Happy – Describe an experience that brought you immense joy and fulfillment.
  • My Experience Moving to a New Place – Share your feelings and experiences about relocating to a new environment.
  • A Mistake That Taught Me a Valuable Lesson – Narrate a mistake you made and the lessons you learned from it.

Narrative Essay Examples for Students

  • My First Day at High School : My first day at high school was a mix of excitement and nervousness. Walking through the crowded halls, I felt lost but eager to start a new chapter.
  • Overcoming Stage Fright : In eighth grade, I was chosen to lead the school play. Though terrified, I practiced tirelessly and eventually overcame my stage fright.
  • A Memorable Family Vacation : Last summer, my family and I went on a trip to the Grand Canyon. The breathtaking views and the bonding moments we shared made it an unforgettable experience.
  • The Day I Got My First Pet : Getting my first pet, a golden retriever named Max, was a day filled with joy. I vividly remember the feeling of holding him for the first time and the instant bond we formed.
  • Learning to Ride a Bike : Learning to ride a bike was a significant milestone in my childhood. My dad spent countless hours running beside me, encouraging me not to give up.

Narrative Essay Topics

  • A Life-Changing Experience
  • My First Day at a New School
  • An Unforgettable Family Reunion
  • The Day I Overcame a Fear
  • A Time I Got Lost
  • The Best Birthday Party Ever
  • A Lesson Learned from a Mistake
  • The Moment I Realized I Was Growing Up
  • A Memorable Road Trip
  • An Unexpected Act of Kindness
  • A Funny Incident in My Life
  • A Time I Stood Up for Myself
  • A Significant Challenge I Faced
  • My First Job Experience
  • A Time When I Felt Truly Happy
  • A Difficult Decision I Had to Make
  • The Day I Met My Best Friend
  • An Adventure in Nature
  • A Family Tradition That Means a Lot to Me
  • The First Time I Tried Something New

Narrative Essay Format


From a young age, I was terrified of public speaking. The very thought of standing in front of an audience made my palms sweat and my heart race. However, my journey to overcome this fear taught me valuable lessons about courage and perseverance.

In eighth grade, I was unexpectedly chosen to play the lead role in our school play. At first, I wanted to decline the offer, but my teacher encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. With her support and my parents’ encouragement, I reluctantly agreed.

As the day of the performance approached, my nerves intensified. However, I remembered my teacher’s advice: “Focus on the story you’re telling, not on the audience.” On the night of the play, I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage, my heart pounding in my chest.

To my surprise, as I delivered my first lines, the fear began to fade. I became immersed in my character, and the audience’s presence seemed to disappear. By the end of the play, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride that I had never experienced before.

Overcoming my stage fright was a pivotal moment in my life. It taught me that facing my fears head-on and persevering through challenges can lead to personal growth and unexpected rewards.

How to write Narrative Essay

Choose a Topic : Pick a story or experience from your life that you can describe in detail and that has a clear point or lesson.

Create an Outline : Outline the main events of your story in the order they happened. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure your essay flows smoothly.

Write the Introduction:

  • Hook : Start with an interesting opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Setting the Scene : Provide background information about where and when the story takes place.
  • Thesis Statement : Briefly explain the main point or lesson of your story.

Write the Body Paragraphs :

  • Paragraph 1: Beginning of the Story
  • Paragraph 2: Rising Action
  • Paragraph 3: Climax
  • Paragraph 4: Falling Action
  • Write the Conclusion : Summarize the lesson or main point of your story.

Tips for Narrative Essay Writing

  • Start with a Strong Hook
  • Use Vivid Descriptions and Sensory Details
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell
  • Reflect on the Significance

How does a narrative essay differ from a biography?

Unlike a Biography Narrative Essay , a narrative essay focuses on a specific event or experience.

Can a narrative essay include fictional elements?

Yes, a narrative essay can blend fact and fiction for creative storytelling.

What is a narrative history essay?

A narrative history essay recounts historical events in a story-like format.

How do you start a narrative essay?

Begin with an engaging hook, setting the scene or introducing key characters.

What are the key components of a narrative essay?

Introduction, plot, characters, climax, and conclusion are essential.

How should a narrative essay be structured?

Follow a chronological order or a logical progression of events.

What tone should a narrative essay have?

The tone can vary but should suit the story’s context and audience.

How do you end a narrative essay?

Conclude by reflecting on the story’s significance or lessons learned.

How important is the setting in a narrative essay?

A well-described setting enhances the story’s mood and context.

What is the purpose of a narrative essay?

To entertain, inform, or convey personal experiences and insights.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

10 Examples of Public speaking

20 Examples of Gas lighting

How to Start a Narrative Essay: Engaging Techniques for a Strong Opening

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on May 27, 2024

Categories Education , Writing

Crafting the beginning of a narrative essay sets the stage for the story you’re about to tell.

It requires choosing an engaging topic, which can be personal, fictional, or even autobiographical, and embedding a tone that captures and holds your reader’s attention.

An impactful introduction plays the crucial role of providing a glimpse into the setting, characters, and the overarching theme without giving away the entire plot.

A Blank Page With A Pencil Resting On Top, Surrounded By Scattered Brainstorming Notes And A Focused Expression

Establishing the right narrative structure is fundamental, as a clear sequence of events maintains reader interest and drives the essay forward.

Incorporating dialogue and various literary devices enhances the vividness of a narrative essay, allowing characters to come to life.

Writing a narrative essay is about telling a story that is compelling, coherent, and leaves a lasting impression on its audience.

Key Takeaways

  • The introduction of a narrative essay must captivate and set the premise for the story.
  • Effective storytelling in essays involves clarity, engagement, and a thorough narrative structure.
  • Revision and proofreading are essential processes in ensuring a polished final essay.


When embarking on the crafting of a narrative essay , the introduction serves as the pivotal gateway for the reader .

It is the part of the essay where a writer has the opportunity to seize the reader’s attention and set the tone for the narrative that unfolds.

This section should encompass the beginning of the story arc while introducing the central theme in a manner that is both engaging and informative.

To captivate the reader , employ a hook —an intriguing opening line or an evocative question.

This hook could take the form of a striking statement, a vivid description, or a compelling anecdote. The goal is to pique curiosity and encourage further reading.

Structure of the Introduction:

  • Example : Start with a dialogue or a pivotal moment.
  • Example : Introduce the main characters and setting briefly.
  • Example : Foreshadow the core conflict or challenge.

The introduction should not only hook but also smoothly transition to the middle of the essay where the main events take place.

It must ensure a coherent flow towards the eventual end of the narrative, completing the story arc in a satisfying manner.

The art of beginning a narrative essay lies in striking a balance— capturing attention and laying the groundwork for the story to come.

The author is the architect of this delicate opening, designing it to be both alluring and informative, setting the stage for the narrative adventure.

Selecting a Topic and Setting the Tone

Before starting a narrative essay, one must select a topic that resonates with their personal experiences and decide upon the tone that will carry the narrative forward. These aspects set the foundation for a compelling essay.

Brainstorming Ideas

Brainstorming is a critical step for unlocking creative themes and potential essay topics .

Using methods such as mind maps or lists can help one to visually organize their thoughts and find connections between them.

Writers should consider prompts that inspire them and reflect on personal experiences for authentic and engaging stories.

  • List past experiences related to the essay’s purpose
  • Utilize prompt guidelines to steer the brainstorming process
  • Develop a mind map to explore different angles of a potential topic

Deciding on the Narrative’s Tone

The tone of a narrative essay shapes the reader’s perception and can vary from humorous to solemn. It should align with the theme and the writer’s intent.

When a writer has selected a topic , they must consider the emotional atmosphere they wish to create.

They ought to ask themselves what response they want to evoke in the reader.

Crafting a Compelling Opening

The beginning of a narrative essay sets the trajectory for the reader’s journey. It’s crucial to engage your audience with a powerful hook and a vivid setting.

Using a Hook

A narrative essay benefits from a hook that grabs the reader’s attention from the first sentence.

This could be a provocative question , a surprising fact , or an intriguing quote from a character.

For instance, opening with a rhetorical question invites the reader to ponder and engage directly with the essay’s theme.

Alternatively, a shocking statement can create immediate intrigue or conflict that compels the reader to continue.

  • Question : “Have you ever wondered where fear comes from?”
  • Quote : She whispered, “Dreams have a way of making a heart speak.”
  • Shocking Statement : They never told him that the price of his dreams would be his nightmares.

Setting the Scene

Establishing the scene is about more than just describing a location. It involves introducing the characters, the ambiance, and the time frame, which provides context and grounds the narrative.

Utilizing a first-person perspective can create intimacy, which can be a powerful way to immerse readers in the essay’s universe.

Detailed descriptions enable the audience to visualize the setting and form a connection with the characters.

Developing the Narrative Structure

When creating a narrative essay, it’s crucial to construct a clear and coherent narrative structure . This ensures that the plot unfolds in a deliberate manner, maintains the reader’s interest through controlled pace and suspense, and delivers a satisfying resolution.

Outlining the Plot

An effective narrative essay begins with a detailed outline .

This provides a framework to organize events in a logical sequence while addressing essential elements of the narrative such as conflict , climax , and resolution .

The plot should be outlined as follows:

  • Exposition : Introduce characters, setting, and background.
  • Rising Action : Develop the conflict or challenges that propel the story.
  • Climax : Bring the story to a turning point with the highest level of tension.
  • Falling Action : Resolve the tensions and lead toward the closure.
  • Resolution : Provide a satisfying conclusion to the story.

Carefully planning these elements enables the writer to maintain chronological order or apply a non-linear storytelling technique effectively.

Establishing Pace and Building Suspense

Manipulating the pace of a narrative essay is key to building suspense . Key strategies include:

  • Vary sentence length : Short, sharp sentences can accelerate pace, while longer ones can slow it down.
  • Timing of revelations : Disclose information at strategic points to keep readers intrigued.
  • Use of details : Descriptive details can create an atmosphere that heightens anticipation or foreboding.

By considering how each event impacts the tension of the narrative, writers can deftly control pace to emphasize the suspense leading up to the climax .

The writer’s goal should be to guide the reader through a roller coaster of emotions, culminating in a memorable impact.

Describing Characters and Setting

To captivate readers from the start, a narrative essay needs to paint a picture of its characters and setting in vivid detail. This section will cover how to craft characters that feel alive and create a setting that immerses readers in your story’s world.

Crafting Vivid Characters

Character creation begins with descriptive language that outlines key traits and qualities.

First, consider their physical appearance, incorporating details like hair color, posture, and clothing, which can imply personality without stating it directly.

For example, a character with scruffy clothes and untamed hair might suggest a carefree or rugged lifestyle.

It’s also essential to include dialogue that reflects their unique voice, which can reveal their education level, background, and temperament.

Writers often use first-person or third-person perspectives to provide insight into thoughts and motivations, enriching the reader’s understanding of characters’ complexities.

Utilize personal anecdotes and figurative language , such as similes or subtle metaphors, to create memorable impressions of characters.

Creating an Immersive Setting

An immersive setting draws readers into the world where the narrative unfolds.

Begin by pinpointing the time period and location , whether it’s a modern city or a historical backdrop.

Use descriptive language to highlight sensory details like sounds, smells, and textures.

For instance, describing an urban setting might include the cacophony of city traffic and the aroma of street food .

Integrate vivid details that evoke the atmosphere, perhaps contrasting the warmth of a soft blanket against the chill of a dimly lit room.

Employing figurative language aids in connecting readers emotionally to the space, whether it’s through a simile describing the oppressive heat of a room as “like being wrapped in a thick blanket” or a metaphor likening the forest’s silence to a deserted cathedral.

Incorporating dialogue can also reveal the setting, such as characters commenting on their environment or reacting to changes around them.

Conveying the Theme and Message

When composing a narrative essay, the theme should serve as the compass guiding every paragraph. An effective theme is both universal and personal, resonating with the reader while offering insight into the writer’s unique perspective. It is essentially the main idea or moral of the story.

Message in narrative essays translates the writer’s personal statement and central argument into the fabric of the narrative.

As one constructs the narrative, it’s crucial to interweave the message subtly yet consistently to keep the reader engaged and impart the intended lesson.

To effectively communicate the message and theme, an author can employ various literary devices with symbolism being particularly potent. For example:

  • A character’s journey may represent life’s challenges.
  • Objects can hold significant meaning, enlightening the reader about the narrative’s deeper layers.

Literature is ripe with examples where authors seamlessly blend theme and message, making both an inseparable part of the reader’s experience. Writers should aspire to this balance, ensuring that neither overwhelms the other, but instead, they complement each other to enhance the story.

Writers should consider the following points:

  • Identify the core: What is the heart of the story?
  • Consistency is key: The theme should be evident throughout the narrative.
  • Subtlety in delivery: Overstating the theme can be jarring.

Writing Body Paragraphs

When constructing the body paragraphs of a narrative essay, the writer must focus on advancing the story while ensuring emotional resonance and factual accuracy.

The narrative should unfold from one paragraph to the next with a clear purpose in support of the central theme.

Building the Narrative

The body paragraphs serve as the building blocks of the narrative essay. They should each contribute a unique scene or idea, while still connecting smoothly to form a cohesive story.

A reliable technique is to provide compelling facts and details that breathe life into the narrative.

This can be achieved by implementing a first-person point of view that adds personal depth, making the narrative more immersive.

For example, if the paragraph describes an event, the writer should include sensory details:

  • Sight : “As the sunrise painted the sky in hues of gold and pink…”
  • Sound : “The rustling leaves whispered secrets of the forest…”

Creating Emotional Impact

Emotion is the heartbeat of a narrative essay, and body paragraphs should evoke feelings that are fitting for the story’s events.

The writer’s choice of words and the rhythm of sentences can significantly influence the reader’s emotional experience.

For instance, short, abrupt sentences can create tension or surprise, while longer, flowing sentences may establish a serene or nostalgic mood.

A sentence like “She watched the last train leave, a heavyweight of loss settling on her shoulders,” can encapsulate a profound emotional moment within a paragraph.

Incorporating Dialogue and Literary Devices

In narrative essays, dialogue serves as a powerful tool to enhance storytelling. Not only does it develop characters and move the plot, but it also grants readers access to the characters’ thoughts and emotions.

Effective dialogue should mirror authentic speech yet remain concise and purposeful.

Literary devices deepen the reader’s experience. For instance, metaphors create vivid imagery by making indirect comparisons, which enrich the narrative and offer deeper insights.

A metaphor, such as “life is a journey,” symbolizes the comparison without using “like” or “as,” as one would with a simile.

A descriptive essay utilizes a variety of literary devices.

One such device, the anecdote , grounds the reader in a specific moment, often used at the beginning of the essay to hook the reader’s interest. An anecdote might describe a brief, impactful moment that sets the stage for the main narrative.

Additionally, comparisons —such as analogies and similes—help to clarify and relate experiences to the reader, often leading to a better understanding and connection with the essay’s themes.

Literary DevicePurpose in Narrative Essay
DialogueAdds realism, character development, and advances the plot.
MetaphorCreates symbolic comparisons that enrich narrative imagery.
AnecdoteOffers a compelling opening or illustrates a point succinctly.
ComparisonClarifies and relates experiences to the reader.

Fostering Engagement and Empathy

When starting a narrative essay, the writer’s goal is to engage the audience by creating an emotional connection. To achieve this, they should consider integrating elements of empathy that resonate with readers.

  • Personal Stories : These are powerful tools. A relatable personal story can immediately draw readers in, making them invested in the outcomes and challenges faced by the characters.
  • Hardships and Resilience : Describing obstacles and the character’s resilience encourages readers to empathize. They should see the struggles as part of a shared human experience.

Writers can cultivate empathy by allowing their audience to walk in the shoes of the protagonist. This connection is deepened when they:

  • Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the character’s situation.
  • Share inner thoughts and emotions to showcase the character’s humanity and vulnerability.

Finally, it is crucial to maintain a neutral and clear voice. Over-dramatization can alienate readers, while a well-crafted narrative stirs genuine emotion.

Concluding the Narrative Essay

In completing a narrative essay, one must ensure that the conclusion reaffirms the essay’s core theme and leaves the reader with a sense of resolution and reflection.

Bringing Closure to the Story

A successful conclusion serves as the final piece of the narrative puzzle. It should not introduce new information but instead, connect back to the essay’s main message or theme.

This can be achieved with:

  • Summarization of Key Points : Briefly recap the primary events to remind the reader of the journey.
  • Reiteration of the Theme : Clearly express how the events reinforce the central theme of the narrative.

When one wraps up their story, clarity and consistency with the established narrative are crucial to avoid confusing their audience.

Reflecting on the Journey

The conclusion is where one can offer reflection, illuminating how the narrative journey has influenced characters or the writer themselves.

Reflection should focus on:

Growth or Change :

  • Discuss how characters have evolved or what lessons they may have learned.
  • Illustrate the success or transformation to underscore the narrative’s impact.

Personal or Broader Implications :

  • Share insights on how the story’s events extend beyond the narrative to resonate with a larger truth or societal message.

Revising and Proofreading

Revising and proofreading are critical final steps in the essay writing process. They fine-tune one’s writing skills and ensure that the narrative essay conveys its message effectively and clearly.

Revising involves evaluating the overall structure, content, and flow of the essay.

Writers should check if the story is complete, engaging, and makes a point.

They should consider the following aspects:

  • Organization : Does the essay follow a logical order?
  • Clarity : Are the ideas clear and well-explained?
  • Consistency : Are the characters and settings consistent throughout?

Proofreading is the last step and focuses on correcting grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

It’s essential to carefully comb through every line to catch and rectify mistakes that could detract from the essay’s professionalism.

Tips for effective proofreading:

  • Take a break after revising to approach the essay with fresh eyes.
  • Read aloud to identify awkward phrasing or errors that might be missed when reading silently.
  • Use digital tools, but still do a manual check, as tools may not catch everything.

Incorporating feedback from peers can be invaluable for both revising and proofreading.

Fresh perspectives can help identify areas for improvement that the writer might overlook.

Revising and proofreading should not be rushed.

They require time and attention to detail to elevate the quality of the narrative essay.

Remember, these steps may seem demanding, but they are crucial in refining writing skills and producing a polished, publishable narrative essay.

Differences from Other Essay Types

When writing an essay, it’s important to understand how the goal and structure differ among various types. A narrative essay’s primary purpose is to tell a story, in contrast to other types which aim to describe, argue, or explain.

Narrative vs. Descriptive Essays

Narrative Essays :

  • Purpose : To tell a chronological story with a clear point.
  • Structure : Includes characters, a setting, a climax, and a resolution.

Descriptive Essays :

  • Purpose : To create a vivid image of a person, place, thing, or event.
  • Structure : Focuses on sensory details without necessarily following a chronological order.

In narrative essays, the chronological flow is central, while descriptive essays do not require a story’s progression but rather elaborate on details to paint a picture.

Narrative vs. Argumentative Essays

  • Focus : Shares a personal experience or story.
  • Perspective : Can be subjective, offering a personal viewpoint.

Argumentative Essays :

  • Focus : Presents a position on an issue with supporting arguments.
  • Evidence : Utilizes facts, data, and logical reasoning to persuade.

Unlike narrative essays, argumentative essays advance a thesis through well-substantiated arguments, aiming to convince the reader of a particular stance.

Narrative vs. Expository Essays

  • Approach : Utilizes storytelling elements to convey a narrative.
  • Connection : Engages emotions and personal connections.

Expository Essays :

  • Approach : Provides information or explains a topic in a structured manner.
  • Connection : Focused on delivering facts and logical explanations.

Expository essays are informational and rely less on an emotional connection with the audience, as opposed to the more personal and emotionally driven narratives.

Adhering to Essay Requirements

When a student begins a narrative essay, understanding and following the specific requirements is crucial. Whether for high school assignments or college essays , including those for the Common App , the format and guidelines are the foundation for a well-structured essay.

High School Requirements:

  • Narrative essays typically adhere to a standard five-paragraph format , consisting of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • The emphasis is usually on creative writing and storytelling.

College Essay Considerations:

  • College applications may have more specific prompts and a focus on personal reflection.
  • Colleges often require adherence to style guides such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Common App Instructions:

  • Essays should recount a student’s personal experiences, detailing how they have grown or overcome obstacles.
  • The narrative must fit within the stated word count, typically 250-650 words.

Formatting Tips:

  • Use clear, legible fonts like Times New Roman or Arial, sized to 12 pt.
  • Double-space text to improve readability.

Students should always review the essay prompt thoroughly and consider any provided rubrics or examples, which outline the expected criteria for the narrative.

One should never underestimate the importance of editing and proofreading; even minor formatting errors can detract from the content’s impact.

Tips for First-Time Writers

When first-time writers approach a narrative essay, they should focus on cultivating a habit that encourages writing exercises to strengthen their creative muscles .

  • Begin with Brainstorming : Allocate time to ponder different life experiences, which can be employed as the backbone of a narrative essay. These reflections assist in finding a meaningful topic.
  • Outline Your Story : Constructing an outline helps in organizing thoughts methodically. It serves as a roadmap and ensures the narrative includes a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Persistence is Key : Novice writers must remember that perseverance in the face of challenges is crucial.

  • Seek Feedback : Whether from peers or an instructor , constructive criticism can be invaluable. They offer fresh perspectives that can enhance the essay’s clarity and impact.
  • Read and Analyze : Studying well-crafted narrative essays can serve as a great educational tool. One can learn a lot about pacing, character development, and dialogue.

Incorporating these tips, first-time writers can navigate the nuances of a narrative essay more effectively, creating engaging and clear stories imbued with personal flair and authenticity.

Advanced Techniques in Narrative Essays

In the crafting of narrative essays, writers can employ a repertoire of advanced techniques to enhance the storytelling experience.

One of the key elements is the strategic use of literary devices .

Metaphors, similes, and personification add depth to the narrative, allowing readers to connect on a more emotional level.

Writers may also integrate dialogue, carefully punctuated with action, to bring characters to life.

An effective narrative essay outline includes a climax , the pinnacle of tension or conflict upon which the story turns.

Building up to this zenith with escalating events not only hooks the reader but also paves the way for a satisfying resolution.

In the realm of details , specificity is crucial.

Rather than broad brushstrokes, successful narratives zoom in on the small, peculiarities that render scenes vivid.

The smell of rain on pavement, the stutter in a character’s speech, and the particular shade of twilight are the types of details that create authenticity.

Narrative ElementTechniquePurpose
SettingUse precise wordsGround readers in time and place
CharactersDevelop through dialogue and actionsFoster reader-character connection
PlotForeshadowing and flashbacksBuild suspense and depth

Leveraging Personal Challenges

Leveraging personal challenges in a narrative essay can powerfully showcase resilience and personal growth. A writer may choose to share insights on how they’ve navigated through a difficult time, providing a rich backdrop for a compelling story.

Selecting the Right Challenge: It is crucial to pick a personal hurdle that has significantly impacted one’s life.

This could be a setback , failure , injury , or a difficult situation where a passion was put to the test.

The chosen challenge should serve as a catalyst for growth or change, revealing the individual’s capacity to adapt and persevere.

  • Setbacks can demonstrate tenacity.
  • Failures offer a path to introspection and improvement.
  • Injuries might highlight physical and mental recovery and determination.
  • A stifled passion can illustrate the process of overcoming barriers to pursue a dream.

Incorporating the Challenge: When writing about personal challenges, the essay should start with a clear depiction of the issue.

He or she should employ vivid descriptions that paint a picture of the circumstances surrounding the challenge. This creates empathy and allows the reader to understand the gravity of the situation.

For example:

  • The exact moment an injury occurred during a pivotal game.
  • The intense emotions felt after a significant failure or setback .

Transition to Overcoming: The narrative should smoothly transition from the challenge itself to the actions taken to overcome it.

This includes the steps the individual took, the resources they capitalized on, and the support systems they leaned on. Throughout this journey, the internal transformation should become evident.

Reflection on Growth: Finally, reflecting on how the challenge was pivotal in shaping one’s character is essential.

It should illustrate what was learned, how the individual changed, and how they have since applied that knowledge or strength in other areas of life. This reflection conveys the resilience and adaptability that personal challenges can foster.

Incorporating Historical Narratives

Incorporating historical narratives into a narrative essay enriches the content, offering readers a bridge to the past through vivid storytelling.

To effectively integrate historical narratives, an essay writer must follow several key steps:

Choose Relevant History : Select a historical period or event that aligns with the essay’s theme. It should enhance the story, not detract from the narrative’s primary focus.

Research Thoroughly : Gather accurate details from reliable sources, such as historical archives, to lend authenticity to the narrative.

Create a Connection : Clearly draw lines between the historical context and the personal story. Explain the chosen history’s impact on the events or the individual experience being described.

Balance Story and Fact : Ensure the historical narrative does not overshadow the personal narrative. Use historical elements to support the story rather than overwhelm it.

Depict with Sensitivity : When handling delicate historical subjects, one must approach them with sensitivity and respect for the people and cultures involved.

9 Examples of Eye-Catching Introduction Paragraphs

9 Examples of Eye-Catching Introduction Paragraphs

Table of contents

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

Christian Rigg

How well are you managing to hook your readers?

According to CNN , The average attention on a screen went down from 2.5 minutes (in 2004) to 47 seconds (in 2023). Studies show that for most cases, people don't even read past the headline.

As a writer, one of the best skills you can learn is to hook your readers with a compelling introduction. A good title gets people in the door, but it’s the introduction that decides if they stay or not. 

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

The difference between a strong and a weak intro

A strong intro draws the reader in and evokes a sense of curiosity or interest, either by speaking to the reader’s pain points or by engaging them on an intellectual or emotional level.

A weak introduction paragraph, on the other hand, does the exact opposite. It fails to delight or intrigue, usually by being too generic. (This is one reason why introductions generated using text transformers like ChatGPT tend to “fall flat.”) Incidentally, failing to keep your readers on-page will result in higher bounce rates, which Google penalizes. 

Have I convinced you to stick around? If so, great. In the rest of the article, we’ll go over the most important dos and don’ts of intros and look at some outstanding introduction paragraph examples for inspiration. 

The Dos and Don’ts of Strong Introductions

Here are some quick and simple tips for writing a compelling introduction .

✅ Do be human and relatable

Talk about a personal experience. Mention emotions like frustration or excitement. Utilize Use plain, conversational language.

✅ Do capture the reader's attention with an interesting or meaningful quote or statistic.

Just be sure to avoid clichés, keep it relevant to your topic, and don’t get too abstract.

✅ Do write concisely and clearly .

If you struggle with this like many people, try writing your introduction in the Wordtune editor. The suggestions on flow and clarity will help you stick to the point without being hard to understand.

✅ Do disarm, startle, or otherwise “shock” the reader into alertness.

This doesn’t mean being crass or crude, it means upending assumptions. What surprised you most when researching or writing your article? Start there.

✅ Do use descriptive , emotive, and sensory language, including vivid imagery and great storytelling .

Start in the middle of the story, then segue into how it all started. Or start at the end and work your way back.

✅ Do use humor and casual language.

It helps put the reader at ease and makes them feel like part of the conversation.

And here are some things to avoid, including some not-so-great introductory paragraph examples. Don’t worry, we’ll get to examples of how to do it right in the next section. 

❌ Don’t rely on AI text generators like ChatGPT.

These tools “write” by adding the next most likely word, based on thousands of examples. As a result, the text lacks originality. It is, by definition, the most average way of saying something. If you want to make your content stand out from AI-generated content , start with an original introduction paragraph.

❌ Don’t give it all away.

Your introduction is not the place to plead your whole case. Introduce the reader to the topic, generate interest or empathy, and make a promise they want to see fulfilled.

❌ Don’t make it too long.

Readers get bored fast. They want to get to the good stuff.

❌ Don’t use gimmicks, clickbait, clichés, or obvious ploys.

“You won’t believe what…” “Here’s everything you need to know about…” “Are you ready to make your first million?” Unless the news really is shocking, you really do include everything the reader needs to know, or you have offer a long-term, validated strategy for earning a million, you’ll just come off looking like a hack.

❌ Don’t use generic statements.

“All businesses need to track their financial performance.” “Running a marathon is no easy task.” “It takes hard work to become the best.” Openers like these waste precious seconds on stating the obvious. If you’re lucky, your reader will be kind and keep scanning for something worthwhile. But they probably already hit the Back button.

9 strong introduction paragraph examples

1. the statistical introduction example.

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

According to a report by Statista and eMarketer, online retail sales are projected to reach $6.51 trillion by 2023. That same report also says that ecommerce websites will claim around 22.3% of all retail sales. So, if you weren’t planning on investing in your ecommerce strategy this year, you should.

The SEO experts at Semrush have included two interesting and impressive statistics here, sure to pique the reader’s interest. They make a bold statement, too: if you thought you could wait, you can’t . 

To help you replicate this kind of introduction, try using Wordtune’s Spices features to find and add interesting statistics and facts. 

2. The relatable introduction example

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

We’ve all seen that little white label that sits tucked away on the inside of our clothing: “Made in Australia”, “Made in Turkey”, “Made in Bangladesh”. But what do those labels really mean? In this article, we discuss whether locally made clothing is more ethical. Read on to find out before your next shop.

Nothing if not concise, this introduction catches the reader with a common human experience, asks an important question, and gives a quick bridge on what the article has to offer. It’s short and direct, and it speaks to readers who may well have just been looking at a “little white label” before popping the question into Google. 

3. The dialogue introduction example

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

After a moonwalk in April 1972, the Apollo 16 astronauts Charles Duke and John Young returned to their capsule. In the process of putting their suits and other things away, Duke commented to Ground Control:
Duke: Houston, the lunar dust smells like gunpowder. [Pause]
England: We copy that, Charlie.
Duke: Really, really a strong odor to it.

First of all, how’s that for a title?

This introduction tells a fascinating story in just 57 words. Admittedly, the unique topic of cosmic moon dust makes it easier to capture readers’ interest. But the author’s choice to include this short exchange between Charles Duke and the Houston Space Center also pulls us right into the scene.

4. The personal story introduction example

Wordtune blog: Take Smart Notes From a Textbook (Using AI + Templates)

Call me crazy, but I’ve spent $11,750 on note-taking tools.
Physical stationery in the form of highlighters, post-its, colored pens, subject notebooks, roller scales—you name it. My beautifully-written, detailed, color-coded notes gave me the feeling of being a productive high-achiever.
But these notes rarely translated into results. I was consistently in the average tier of students, despite my organized study practices—till year two of highschool. It was then that I realized all I was doing was beautifying text and not understanding information.
From then on, I set out on a journey to understand which notetaking methods worked for my subjects. I translated this into a 9.2/10 CGPA in my 10th-grade examination and a 1900 score on my SATs. In addition, I was able to achieve these results while reducing my study time by half.
Today, I’m going to show you how to do the same with my step-by-step playbook. This article covers advanced tips for students wanting to upgrade their note-taking skills.

This introduction has a great hook that draws us in immediately: Hold on. $11,000 dollars on pens and post-its?? Then it tells an emotionally engaging story of failure to success. Finally, it clearly prepares us for what’s to come. All these are hallmarks of a strong introduction. 

5. The common problem introduction example

Eleven Writing blog: 7 Reasons Your Business Should Invest In High-quality Blog Articles

Many businesses publish a new blog article, they wait, and then…
Nothing happens.
The anticipated flood of new traffic never materializes. The few visitors that arrive don’t click any links, sign up to your list, or share your article.
The marketing department starts to wonder if a blog is really worth the money and hassle compared to other available channels.
But what if better blog content could change all this?

This introduction was written by one of the SEO experts at Eleven Writing, the writing agency where I work as a writer, editor, and account manager. It features a short and punchy story with a relatable twist. “And then… Nothing happens.” Translation: 🤦

It finishes with an intriguing “What if?” scenario, which leads into an article of tips and practical takeaways. And it’s a reminder of another important point: make sure your article actually fulfills any promises you make in your introduction.

6. The alarming introduction example

European Commission: Consequences of climate change

Climate change affects all regions around the world. Polar ice shields are melting and the sea is rising. In some regions, extreme weather events and rainfall are becoming more common while others are experiencing more extreme heat waves and droughts. We need climate action now, or these impacts will only intensify.
Climate change is a very serious threat, and its consequences impact many different aspects of our lives. Below, you can find a list of climate change’s main consequences.

The above introduction comes from the European Commission and discusses the dangers of climate change. It starts with a bold and disarming statement: climate change affects everybody. 

It discusses just a few of the consequences of climate change, priming the reader for what’s to follow, and then provides a simple bridge into the rest of the article. 

It’s short and to the point, but uses descriptive, intense language to convey urgency and emotionally engage the reader.

7. The recap introduction example

Harvard Business Review: Rescuing ESG from the Culture Wars

In the past year, ESG investing has become caught up in America’s culture wars, as prominent GOP politicians claim that it is a mechanism investors are using to impose a “woke” ideology on companies. Former Vice President Mike Pence has railed against ESG in speeches and in an op-ed. A variety of Republican governors and red-state legislatures are considering executive action and legislation to boycott asset managers that use ESG as a screening tool for their investments. And in Washington, various Congressional committees have pledged to hold hearings in which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and major asset managers will face public questioning about the legality of ESG investing.

This introductory paragraph from the Harvard Business Review dumps the reader into the throes of a heated political debate.  Whether readers agree or disagree, powerful verbs like “railed against” and politically charged language like “culture wars” and “woke” are sure to grab the attention of those on both sides of the political spectrum. 

8. The common problem intro example #2

KonMari blog: 5 Rituals to Build Self-Acceptance

Self-criticism is an all too common struggle. Even the most successful people in the world experience bouts of imposter syndrome and low self-esteem. But the person you’ll spend the most time with in your life is yourself. We owe it to ourselves to strengthen our self-compassion and embrace self-love.
One of the simplest ways to build self-acceptance is to make it a part of your self-care routine. The following rituals, sourced from mindfulness experts and one of our Master KonMari Consultants, can be completed in as little as five minutes daily. Try one for a month — you’ll be surprised how much better you treat yourself.

This intro comes from the queen of tidiness, Marie Kondo, and manages to both connect with the reader and gracefully plug an advertisement for KonMari’s consulting services. There’s a common idea in SEO that “linking away” in the introduction is bad practice, but in this case, it transforms an educational article into a commercial funnel. 

There’s another neat trick in this intro: it extends a challenge to the reader. Try one of the methods below and see how much better you feel after a month. With a promise like that, who wouldn’t keep scrolling?

9. The 'new angle' introduction example

Crippled CEO Blog: Resistance and Leadership Capital

So much has been written on how important it is to have the right people in your company. All a business is, really, is a collection of people. That’s it. So, it follows that getting the people right is practically the only thing that truly matters.
And while I have seen this repeated ad nauseam, I don’t see a lot of people saying what those right (or wrong) people look like – what attributes they possess.
So, I wanted to talk about one of those attributes, and in particular one that I think isn’t just overlooked, but the very concept itself isn’t known, making it impossible to look out for at all.
This attribute is resistance.

Eric Lupton blogs about his experiences and perspective as a business leader with cerebral palsy. This introduction uses incisive language that will no doubt appeal to business readers and high-powered execs. 

But it also comes from a very personal perspective, like much of Lupton’s writing, and so we feel like we’re about to sit down and speak one-on-one with someone who very clearly knows what they’re talking about. 

It has a conversational tone (“So, I wanted to talk about…”) and promises to reveal to us something that “isn’t just overlooked, but the very concept itself is unknown.” Intrigued? I was. 

Start writing!

A strong introduction paragraph bridges the gap between an intriguing title and an article’s real value. It pulls the reader in with boldness, intrigue, storytelling, or relatability.

It’s an art that takes practice, but these introduction paragraph examples show it can be done right. There are also some great tools out there to help you out. Wordtune can offer ideas for analogies, examples, statistics, facts, and relevant quotes — all great sources of inspiration for a strong introduction paragraph. 

After that, it’s your turn. Add personality, connect with your readers, and write more introductions, and you’ll be on your way to keeping your audience on the page.  

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How to Write A Narrative Essay With Tips and Examples

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How to Write A Narrative Essay With Tips and Examples


A narrative essay is where you tell a story. In most cases, it focuses on a personal experience and its importance. Writing narrative essays will test your ability to give words to your experiences compellingly. Often, students use the narrative technique to develop their personal statement for a college application.

Detailed Guide on How to Write a Narrative Essay with Tips

As a student, you may have to work on multiple narrative essays to articulate your thoughts and ideas about a specific subject in a standard format. Understanding how to respond to different topics and develop an engaging piece is important to meet your readers' expectations. This blog will cover everything about narrative essay writer to help you format and create a narrative essay.

Defining What Is a Narrative Essay

A narrative essay is a five-paragraph document focusing on your narration about life or past experiences. As a narrator, you may recall an experience, discuss a future scenario, or explore a hypothetical incident to give insight into who you are and what values you embody.

In academic settings, narrative essays allow you to demonstrate your writing abilities and your ability to engage readers with different writing elements and personal details. Most times, you have to write a narrative essay to emphasize your life experiences on occasions like completing a class assignment , competing for an award, or applying for college.

A great narrative story focuses on storytelling with a purpose. It should be entertaining and convey a message at the same time in a way to connect with the audience. Whether you are writing about your first heartbreak, a life-changing event, or a disturbing moment, your aim should be to take your readers on a journey and make them feel motivated, enlightened, or moved.  

Since a narrative essay is a vivid story told from a narrator’s point of view, there are a few elements you should use as a writer – a beginning, body, and ending with an interesting plot, characters, setting, and climax. Your focus should be on the plot and the use of different details leading towards the climax. Make sure your essay:

  • Follows a chronological order
  • Defines a purpose, which should be stated in the thesis statement of your essay introduction.
  • Includes the use of dialogue to demonstrate emotional details.
  • Covers sensory details and descriptions focusing on the main point you are making.
  • Provides vivid details to help the readers feel what you felt while writing.
  • Highlights conflict and sequences and flashbacks and flash-forwards to build the story
  • Follows the first person, but a third-person perspective can also be used if mentioned.

Types of Narrative Essays

Before you start writing a narrative essay, learning about the different types is essential. Each narrative essay typer has a unique purpose and structure. Regardless of the type, each essay focuses on transporting readers to a different time and place and creates an emotional connection with the reader. Here are the different types of narrative essay writing:

  • Personal narrative: It is based on the writer's unique experiences or events, like overcoming a challenge or reflecting on something meaningful and impactful.
  • Fictional narrative: Such essays are based on a made-up story with the fundamental components of storytelling. Fictional narratives focus on different subjects, from science to romance.
  • Memoir: Memoirs are more like personal narratives but focus more on the specific time or theme of a person's life, like one’s struggle with getting over an addiction or one’s fight to get cultural identity.
  • Literary narrative: These essays focus on the narrator's literary journey and influence on their life. The writing typically focuses on the writer's significant moments and their impact on their writing, reading, or communication.

Pros and Cons of Narrative Writing

Writing a narrative story is an effective tool for self-expression and creative storytelling. But like any other form of writing, narrative writing has pros and cons. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of narrative writing you should know about:

  • The narrative style of writing is accessible as writers can use their voice of narration and have a direct connection with their work.
  • Narrative writing puts readers inside the narrator’s mind, understanding the narrator's portrayal of emotions and thoughts and developing a sense of empathy.
  • The narrative writing style is direct and allows readers to understand the writers' creative expression and unique tone.
  • Narrative essays allow writers to provide a clear identity to the text, say whatever they want as a part of the character, and allow self-reflection and growth.
  • Narrative writing is limited to a single story thread. Sometimes, it may not be an effective way of conveying factual arguments.
  • Narrative writing can make it challenging for the writer to balance their personal telling with the requirements of their target readers.
  • Effective narrative writing demands vulnerability and sharing personal details to give an insight into the protagonist's life. This aspect can make some readers and writers uncomfortable.
  • Narrative essays are subjective, and the narrator may appear self-indulgent or biased. It can become difficult for the readers to understand the writer’s interpretation.

20 Excellent Narrative Essay Topics and How to Choose One

You can write an effective narrative essay when you have the right proposal essay topic to work with. Here are some useful suggestions for finding the best ideas for your next narrative paper:

1. Consider your own experiences: One of the best ways to find ideas for your narrative essay is to brainstorm ideas from your real-life experiences. Therefore, think hard about moments and events that have significantly impacted you. It doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative. Focus on explaining why it is memorable to you.

2. Choose a topic relevant to your audience: Let’s not forget that you are writing for your audience, so focus on them and their interests before finalizing the topic. For instance, if you are writing for young adults trying to make their way in life, consider the events and moments that might interest or motivate them.

3. Find inspiration in literature: Nothing is more inspiring than literature. Both academic and non-academic books are a great source of information for narrative essay writing. Therefore, consider the books or stories you have read that left a mark on you. Try to analyze how you can implement different elements to make your narrative of the story. So, start by referring to your favorite book.

4. Focus on a specific moment or event: All effective narrative essays focus on storytelling. Therefore, it’s important to pick a special moment or event which you can never forget or that has significantly affected you. For example, you could develop a topic from your encounter with a homeless man and how his story changed your view of life.

5. Experiment with different perspectives: Exploring various perspectives in writing helps to give depth to your narration and makes it more interesting for the readers to follow. For instance, you can pick an event and discuss its significance from multiple perspectives, or you can explore the feelings about the events from the perspective of a secondary character.

6. Use writing prompts: A lot of students refer to writing prompts for inspiration to develop their essay topics . If you struggle to find a topic, refer to prompts relevant to themes like love, loss, or growth. Many use essay prompt generators to find unique prompts. You can explore that option as well.

7. Choose a topic with rich sensory details: A good narrative essay should paint vivid pictures in readers’ minds to understand its significance from your perspective. Since you have to use the sensory elements to engage your readers, you could write about a topic that's rich with sensory details, like your trip to the mountains, highlighting the beauty of the hills, the smell of the wet trees, and the sounds of the birds chirping and streams flowing.

8. Choose a topic meaningful to you: Ultimately, a good narrative essay resonates with you and is something you are passionate about. For example, you can write about a life-long goal you want to achieve and why or a hurdle you have overcome. Both these ideas will give you plenty of points to elaborate on.

Here are some sample topics and ideas to inspire you:

  • The most embarrassing day of your life
  • A frightening memory from your childhood
  • An event or experience that taught you life lessons
  • An experience that taught you to be grateful
  • An event that helped you overcome your fear
  • A memorable day with someone dear whom you’ve lost recently
  • A person you are afraid to lose
  • Talk about the time you faced rejection
  • Talk about the day when you had the worst argument with someone
  • Discuss the importance of loyalty and trust in your life
  • The most difficult decision of your life
  • Your most rebellious act
  • Talk about the incidents that bother you and why
  • Morality issues and how you deal with them
  • A decision that you regret
  • Lies you’ve told that you regret
  • Talents you have always wanted, and why
  • The funniest incident you had with your best friend
  • Talk about your most loved trip
  • Your first day in college

Narrative Format and Structure

The structure and format are two key elements of a good narrative story. A well-structured essay makes it easier for readers to follow the narration, evoke emotions, and connect with the narrator. Regardless of the type of narrative essay you are writing, make sure you follow the listed guidelines.

1. Introduction: The narrative essay introduction sets the story's scene and introduces the main characters and setting. It should have an engaging factor or a hook to capture readers' attention and compel them to keep reading. If you are unsure how to begin, you can start with an intriguing fact or question or describe a vivid setting.

2. Plot: The plot comprises a series of events with a proper introduction, body, and ending, each section building the plot for the next. Also, the plot should clearly state the issue or conflict the narrator should overcome.

3. Characters: Characters are the people in the story. All characters should be well-developed with unique personalities and traits. The narrator should be clear about each character's goals, while the antagonist should challenge the characters to drive the story.

4. Setting: The setting focuses on the time and place of the story. It should be well-described and set a mood supporting the story’s theme.

5. Dialogue: Dialogues are the conversations between characters. It should be realistic, highlight each character's personality, and help develop the plot and drive the story toward the climax.

6. Climax : The climax is the highest conflict point of the story. It should give the narrative a turning point and resolve the issue or conflict.

7. Resolution: The resolution is the ending of the story. It should draw a satisfying conclusion and tie up the narration by answering the unanswered questions.

These elements will help create a well-structured essay to engage the target readers and take them on an adventurous journey.

Narrative Essay Outline

Always make a narrative essay outline to plan everything you want to discuss in the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Here’s a basic outline of a narrative essay:

  • Hook: Start the introductory paragraph with an attention-grabbing fact, statement, anecdote, or question relevant to the topic to draw your readers’ attention. Example: “The hall was as silent as the grave, and my heart pounding with anxiousness, fearing the worst.”
  • Background information: You should provide sufficient context for the story, like the characters or the setting. Example: “I had been preparing myself to cope with this pain for days, shielding myself from heartbreak.”
  • Thesis statement: The thesis is the main point of the argument and gives a preview of the upcoming events. Example: “This experience taught me that nothing in life prepares you for the loss of a loved one, no matter how desperately you try. You are bound to end up with a void and relentless pain."

Body Paragraphs

  • First event: Describe the first event with details about the setting, actions, and characters. Example: "As I heard the news, I felt my body go cold, and a sense of pain struck me."
  • Second event: Move to the second event and highlight how it is relevant to the first event and develops the plot further. Example: "As minutes passed, I returned to my senses and got a hit of the reality."
  • Turning point: Describe an unexpected or important change that changed the events. Example: "Even though it was difficult, it was time for me to make the most difficult decision of my life.”
  • Climax: Focus on the story’s highest conflict point. Example: "As the battle of life and death ended, I gathered all my courage and did the most dreaded bit: broke the news to my mother, thus passing the baton of pain to another."


  • Restate thesis: Summarise the thesis statement and state how the events in the story support it. Example: “Through this experience, I learned nothing in life is certain. Everything that begins has to come to an end. Ultimately, you must learn to live with the pain, irrespective of how deep the void is."
  • Reflection: Reflect on the importance of the experience and your lesson. Example: “Looking back, I realize that this experience not only gave me a reality check but also prepared me for the bitter truth of life."
  • Call to action: End your essay with a relevant call to action so your readers leave with something meaningful. Example: "I encourage everyone not to take anyone for granted because you never know when life will teach you a hard lesson."

Narrative Essay Examples

Narrative essays use vivid details and personal reflections to take readers on a fun reading journey and leave them with a powerful message. Here are two popular narrative essay examples you can refer to as a guide for developing your narration using your own voice and experiences.

Narrative Essay Example for College

College professors expect certain qualities in their students, like adaptability, problem-solving, and learning from mistakes. When writing, keep in mind that your writing should demonstrate each of these factors, irrespective of the topic. Additionally, your essay should highlight your characteristics and creativity. If you have encountered a problem, talk about the approach you've taken to solve it and connect it to your area of interest.

Let’s look at the excerpts of a narrative essay example for college students:

“Today is Press Day at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield, and I'm supposed to be at the fairgrounds by 9:00 A.M. to get my credentials. I imagine credentials to be a small white card in the band of a fedora. I've never been considered press before. My real interest in credentials is getting into rides and shows for free. I'm fresh from the East Coast, for an East Coast magazine. I remain unclear why they're interested in the Illinois State Fair.”

Narrative Essay Example for High School

High school is about taking lessons from the consequences of your actions. To develop a narrative essay for high school, consider the day you made an adult choice. Make sure you use different sources to get the best possible results. Here's an example to give you an idea:

"After a time, tired by his dancing, he settled on the window ledge in the sun, and, the queer spectacle being at an end, I forgot about him. Then, looking up, my eye was caught by him. He was trying to resume his dancing but seemed so stiff or awkward that he could only flutter to the bottom of the window pane; when he tried to fly across it, he failed."

Final Words

Now that you know what a narrative essay is and its key elements, writing will seem less intimidating. If you are still stuck, you can get writing help from a professional writing aid provider. The assignment expert caters to your unique needs and offers flexible payment options. Connect today if you want quality guidance with your essay writing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. what are the best narrative essay topics.

Some of the best narrative essay ideas are as follows:

  • A memorable trip you’ve taken as a child
  • Your saddest day
  • An event that changed your perspective of life
  • The day you met someone who changed the person in you
  • A loss you cannot get over
  • A unique experience or trip with family or friends

Q2. How long is a narrative essay?

Typically, a narrative essay is about 5 paragraphs long, with one paragraph for the introduction, three body paragraphs, and one for the conclusion. However, the count of the paragraphs will vary with the essay's purpose. For instance, a narrative essay for an award will have different length requirements than an essay written for a school assignment.

Q3. How to start a narrative essay?

The introductory paragraph of a narrative essay will always begin with a strong opening sentence or a hook to grab readers’ attention. Then, briefly summarise the narrative or background information in a few sentences. End the introduction with a thesis statement explaining the main focus of your essay.

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A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story about a particular experience or event, often from the writer's own perspective. The purpose of a narrative essay is to engage the reader and create an emotional connection through a well-crafted storyline.

Today we will learn how to write a narrative essay fast and easy. This type of paper requires you to share your experiences in an entertaining and creative way. A writer has to tell the original story and make it interesting to the reader. This task is not that complicated if you know the key points and the logic of the text. In the present blog, we will learn how to write a truly powerful narrative paper starting from the initial concept and ending with a fabulous conclusion. So, let’s get down to business right away!  

What Is a Narrative Essay

According to narrative essay definition, it is a type of writing that requires telling a personal story. It can be either about your personal experiences, funny incident, or any other notable event. Teachers assign such tasks to test students' abilities in storytelling. Firstly, a good story has to be interesting for a potential reader. Secondly, it has to be understandable to the general audience. Finally, it has to follow the regular structure of essay . In many other regards, it can be very creative and even experimental. Unlike many other essay types, narrative essays are action-driven. The main goal is to tell the story in a creative way. In view of its purpose, a great essay requires the following elements:  

  • An intriguing personal story to tell
  • The right choice of words to highlight key points
  • Good hook to get the reader’s attention
  • Smooth flow and original style
  • Truly valuable experience to share

A narrative essay is widely regarded as one of the most creative writing essay types. A writer can afford more expressive language and a more unusual style of writing. Use some metaphors, figurative language, dialog or bold examples. Also, the first-person perspective is appreciated in narrative writing. Which is not really typical for academic writing, as you probably know. However, it is not obligatory and you can tell a story from a third-person perspective as well.   You may need a step-by-step guide for  explanatory writing  for your future assignments. You will find it in our database.  

Narrative Essay Outline

A narrative essay structure is very similar to that of other academic papers. It features 3 major parts - introduction, body and conclusion. Regularly, this essay is about five paragraph essay long - one for intro, 3 paragraphs in body and one to sum up your thoughts.

  • Introduction - introduces the story, explains the purpose of the story and attracts reader’s attention
  • Body paragraph #1 - developing action, raising the tension
  • Body paragraph #2 - the climax of the story
  • Conclusion - in which way this story was cautionary and useful

However, this number of paragraphs is not fixed, and you can expand it if you want. Still, do not fill your essay with watery text, it will be regarded as a negative factor during the review.

How to Write a Narrative Essay Step by Step

Essay structure is an important thing to keep in mind when you are thinking over the outline of your future work. So it will be definitely helpful to see what it will be for the narrative essay format. So, let’s see how it should be done! 

How to Start a Narrative Essay

Narrative essay introduction is where you describe the setting, the characters and introduce the mood of the story. A good introduction always deserves a good hook in essay or even several good hooks. You can ask theoretical questions and outline the mystery that will be uncovered further in your story. Just like in other essay types, narrative essay thesis statements are featured in the intro section.

Thesis Statement

Many professional writers believe that a thesis statement is the first thing you need to come up when writing an essay. Your paper thesis always has to sum up the main points of your writing, so this writing tip actually makes sense. Make your working thesis clear, informative and short. The finest thesis can be no longer than a single sentence. Make it brief, attractive and meaningful. Sounds a bit mind-boggling? Buy personal narrative essay done for you from scratch to avoid any hassle.

Create Main Body

All the action in a good narrative paper happens in the body part. In most essays, you uncover your key points in the classic three body paragraphs. However, a more action-driven paper of this kind is more about facts, and emotions. That’s why it’s a rare essay type where your body part would probably require chronological order of narration. Think well about how to separate your story into logical segments and don’t get too much into detail. An essay is not about length but always about the quality of writing .

How to End a Narrative Essay

A narrative essay conclusion is very similar to any other paper ending. In this part, you sum up your experiences and the outcomes of the story. Indicate what exactly had changed in your life during its course. Because if nothing had changed, then it’s not an essay-worthy story after all. Feel free to use quotations and examples to compare your experience. A narrative essay is a metaphor-friendly and figurative language-friendly format. So don’t miss your chance to enrich your text with additional expression.  

Tips to Writing a Narrative Paper

Now, when you know how to write a personal narrative paper, you are almost there. However, there are also several tips that we wanted to give you to facilitate success. So, here they are:

  • Read various personal narrative ideas .
  • Choose the best story that you got - choice of the story is essential to the success.
  • Think over how you spread facts and arguments along the paper.
  • Write an introduction with a strong hook and clear thesis statement.
  • Write an action-driven body part.
  • Make sure your conclusion includes really valuable experiences and implications.
  • Review and rewrite the parts that you don’t like.
  • Proofread the text, use special tools to save your time and effort.

If you follow all the steps mentioned above, it will be much easier to maintain control over your writing and create a powerful text. Also, we have prepared several great writing tips. If you have some stylistic questions or you are puzzled about how reliable you need to be as a narrator, consider the following tips:  

  • Alter the story a little if it will make it more entertaining. Don’t stick to the facts so hard.
  • Write from a first-person perspective first. Change it if you want later.
  • Be a reader-oriented writer, don’t make it too subjective and personal.
  • Check out such texts by famous writers for inspiration.

This type of paper is a fun and creative form of academic writing. If you have enough time, you can easily enjoy this assignment and even learn something new about yourself. Just in case, a site that writes essays  would also do great for your GPA.

Narrative Essay Examples

A good narrative essay example may be hard to find. Luckily, we have prepared it for you in advance. It will help you understand the style and flow of narrative writing and give some inspiration for your own masterpiece. Check out the top-notch narrative essay sample below.


Narrative Essay: Bottom Line

Now you know how to write narrative essays. This type of paper is easy to write when you know the main aspects of it. So use this guide to make the essay writing process fast, interesting and fun! However, sometimes there is just not enough time to meet the deadlines. Many students face this issue on a daily basis looking for fast and practical solutions. Hiring a narrative writer is perhaps the optimal choice.


Our professional academic writing service may be a great idea! If you need some help with a paper, order a narrative essay or any other kind of academic writing from our finest writing team.  

FAQ about Narrative Essay

1. how to write a personal narrative essay.

A personal narrative essay is written from the first-person perspective. It should contain strong personal opinions and stories of the narrator. This type of writing is predominantly action-driven and narrates the writer’s personal experiences.

2. How to write a literacy narrative essay?

In a literacy narrative paper, you need to share your personal experience of language, reading and writing. In this paper type, the narrator has to detail the personal experiences and attitude towards language. It can be dedicated to a certain book, writer or part of the language.

3. How long is the narrative paper?

A regular narrative essay is between 500 and 1000 words. It features a standard 3-part, 5-paragraph paper structure.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Narrative Essay Guide

Narrative Essay Outline

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

How to Write a Narrative Essay Outline - Tips & Examples

By: Nathan D.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Jun 2, 2020

Narrative Essay Outline

A narrative essay is a type of academic essay in which the writer narrates a story. It is the most commonly assigned form of academic writing. Students have to face the narrative essay writing task quite often, so it is essential to know how to handle it. 

A narrative essay is a story, so it's important to know how to write one. The best way to start your outline is by brainstorming ideas.

Who are the characters? What do they want? How does this conflict with their goals and who wins in the end?

There are many different types of essays you can write about, but all will have some sort of conflict. Once you've figured out the basics, be creative! You could explore an event that happened in your life or tell a fictional story.

In this blog, you’ll learn to write an outline for a narrative essay with examples. Start reading!

Narrative Essay Outline

On this Page

A  narrative essay  is a type of academic essay in which the writer narrates a story. It is the most commonly assigned form of academic writing. Students have to face the narrative essay writing task quite often, so it is essential to know how to handle it.

Narrative Essay Outline Format

The narrative essay outline follows the standard structure. Like other types of essays, this essay normally follows a typical 5 paragraph essay format. The 5 paragraph outline includes one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph.

However, unlike other essays, the paragraphs of the narrative essay have specifically designated purposes:

1. Introduction Paragraph:  Gives an insight into the story

2. First Body Paragraph:  Discuss the rising action

3. Second Body Paragraph:  Present the climax of the story

4. Third Body Paragraph:  Provide the falling action

5. Conclusion Paragraph:  Discussion of the lesson learned from the story

Paragraph Narrative Essay Outline Template

Let's look at the detailed 5 paragraph narrative essay outline for college students.

How to Write a Narrative Essay Outline?

A narrative essay is all about sharing the stories. Therefore, you need to organize your story into an essay format. As a writer, you are supposed to tell a story from your personal experience and why you are sharing that specific experience. Later, you need to discuss why this story or experience is important to share.

Let's look at how to craft an outline for a narrative essay. Follow the steps in the same sequence, and at the end, you’ll get a perfect outline. The writing process will become less stressful and daunting if you follow the steps given below.

1. Write the Introduction

The introduction paragraph is meant to engage the reader with the story. The first paragraph plays the most crucial role in making an impression on the reader’s mind. It allows you to share your perspective and how it relates to you. The following elements are involved in writing a strong narrative essay introduction.

  • Create a Hook Statement  Draw the reader in with an intriguing and attention-grabbing hook statement. Create a strong hook that makes your reader want to read further. You can use a quote, rhetorical question, or fact to create a persuasive hook statement.
  • Set the Scene:  Give your reader an idea of what is going to happen. Do not tell the whole story; just give a glimpse into it and keep your reader intrigued. Tell the reader how the points of the story relate to you.
  • Define the Thesis Statement:  Finally, tell your reader what your story is all about with the help of a thesis statement. Give a sneak peek of what is about to come but avoid telling the lesson you have learned from the situation yet; just give a hint.

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2. Draft the Body Paragraphs

The main body of a narrative essay is the most important part because it tells the whole story. This is where you state the facts, provide examples, give details, and guide the reader through the plot. According to the five paragraphs essay structure, it has three body paragraphs, but it can depend on the length and word count.

Below elements must be kept in mind while writing the narrative essay body paragraphs:

  • Write Chronologically:  The timelines of a story should be presented in chronological order. Otherwise, the reader will get confused, and it becomes hard for them to understand the story. To keep your paper organized, you should present things in sequential order.
  • Share the Relevant and Vivid Details:  As a narrative essay is all about creating a mood and scene to follow, do that creatively. Set up the story with descriptive and concise language. Provide the reader with the most important details of your story. These details may include the characters, setting, plot, and the onset of the story.
  • Avoid Narration Deviation:  The narrative essay is usually written in the first person unless you share someone else’s story. The third-person narrative only works best when you are telling a story you heard from someone else.

3. Write a Compelling Conclusion

The conclusion paragraph is the final section of the essay where you give some final comments about the story. Summarize your essay and connect your reader back to the story. Follow these steps to write an impressive conclusion.

  • Restate Some Key Details:  Restate the thesis statement and some key details you have shared in the body. It will help you connect your reader with your story.
  • Share the Lesson:  Stress the lesson you have learned from the story and leave the reader with something to think about.
  • Call to Action:  In the end, provide a call to action that convinces the reader to think more about the topic.

Narrative Essay Outline Worksheet

Use the given worksheet below to write a narrative essay with ease.

Narrative Essay Outline Example

Here are some  narrative essay examples  and samples for your convenience. Use these templates and learn to write a good narrative essay easily.

Narrative Essay Outline for Middle School

College Narrative Essay Outline

Personal Narrative Essay Outline Template

Descriptive Narrative Essay Outline

Literacy Narrative Essay Outline

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However, if you still have some concerns about writing a perfect outline, you can contact our essay writers. 5StarEssays.com is a legit and reliable ‘ write my essay for me? ’ service that provides you with highly qualified and professional writers.

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Nathan D.

Literature, College Essay

Nathan completed his Ph.D. in journalism and has been writing articles for well-respected publications for many years now. His work is carefully researched and insightful, showing a true passion for the written word. Nathan's clients appreciate his expertise, deep understanding of the process, and ability to communicate difficult concepts clearly.

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How to Write a Narrative Essay: The Only Guide You Need

In this article, you’ll learn how to write a narrative essay.

The meaningful strategies, unique templates, and specific tips from this ultimate guide help college students write high-quality narratives. After reading it, you’ll have all the instruments you need to craft engaging stories in your academic papers.

So, let’s get to work.

Narrative: The Basics

What is a narrative essay?

The above narrative essay definition comes from our professional essay writer with ten years of experience in storytelling. He’s also shared details about a narrative’s elements, which you’ll see below.


First, it’s critical to understand the difference between a story and a narrative. That’s when you might hit a snag:

A narrative isn’t a story itself, but how you present that story to readers. In plain English, it’s a particular format you use to build your text.

Story Components

Let’s say you describe events in chronological order; that’s one narrative. Then, you decide to shuffle the events to make your story non-chronological. That will be another narrative BUT the same story, even if it’s being told backwards.

That’s why we call our described essay “narrative”; it requires a particular way of telling a story. A student includes the storytelling elements in their essay but also follows the structure of an academic paper.

Remember that when choosing a topic and format for your assigned paper in school.

Narrative essay characteristics:

  • Non-fictional
  • Written in the 1st person (using “I” or “we”)
  • Informal tone
  • Presents events in chronological order
  • Informs, without arguing or teaching anything
  • Includes storytelling elements but follows the structure of a standard essay

For your essay to become a narrative, it needs five elements:

  • Characters: A protagonist (you) and supporting characters (friends, teachers, etc.) to drive your story
  • Setting: A location and time (when and where the story takes place)
  • Plot: A chain of events happening in the story
  • Conflict: A problem the protagonist (i.e., you) resolves
  • Theme: A moral of your story

In classical storytelling, the path a protagonist travels is known as the “hero’s journey”:

The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell

A hero gets a call to adventure, sets off on a journey, meets obstacles, deals with conflicts, and returns home with a reward (a learned lesson).

The creator of this concept was the mythologist Joseph Campbell. He described the hero’s journey in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces . Another work to check out if you want to learn storytelling tricks is Christopher Vogler’s The Writer’s Journey . Vogler is a Disney screenwriter, so get ready to uncover the secrets behind the creation of your favorite movie and cartoon characters!

movie and cartoon characters

When writing a narrative essay, you’ll combine all of the above elements into a compelling writing piece. The structure all authors know as a “narrative arc” will help here.

Types: Personal Narrative Essay and Co.

When in college, you’ll deal with two types of narratives:

  • Personal narratives. Focus on your personality, experiences, emotions, and reflections.
  • Descriptive narratives. Focus on other characters and places, i.e., the story itself — you should avoid emotions or reflections here.
Personal narrative essay
Descriptive narrative essay

Personal narratives come in two forms: literacy and viewpoint .

  • Literacy narratives are about experiences (meeting a person, reading a book, etc.) and how they influenced your life. You can also try this when writing a college application essay.
  • Viewpoint narratives are about a character’s (your) inner world and reflections.

Descriptive narratives take two forms, too: historical and fictional .

  • As a student, you may need to write historicals about a specific period in your life, aka memoirs.
  • Fiction narratives are made-up stories in books or movies (sci-fi, thrillers, romance, etc.). They aren’t about narrative essays you write in class.

We know what you are thinking:

How to Write a Narrative Essay: 5 Steps

  • Choose a topic
  • Craft a structure
  • Create an outline
  • Write a draft
  • Proofread and edit

And now (finally!), to the most intriguing part:

How to Write a Narrative Essay

Below is your practical guide on how to write a narrative essay step by step.

1. Choose a topic

Sure, a teacher can prescribe a particular prompt for your paper. However, students often choose a narrative essay topic themselves. For your future story to succeed, ensure that your topic meets the following criteria:

  • It’s meaningful to you.
  • It resonates with your personality.
  • It’s thought-provoking and disturbing for society.
  • It relates to a specific moment or experience in your life.
  • It’s potentially interesting for your target audience. (Think of something that’s relevant to the course material you’ve been taught and that will be informative to those reading your paper.)

Below is the list of niches you could consider:

Narrative Essay Topics Niches to Choose From

Organize a brainstorming session to think about what to tell in your narrative ( 1 ). Try a freewriting technique to boost inspiration: Write down all the ideas that come to your mind and then choose one to share with the world. Answer the question: “What message would I like to communicate in my essay?”

Remember that your narrative essay is not only about entertaining the readers with your story. It’s also about conveying a moral (a lesson) to them.

Tip: Choose topics that sound echoic to your interests. Your ability to turn a topic into an informative and emotional story depends on how much it resonates with you.

Do you need to see several narrative essay topics to understand the principle of choosing one for your paper?

We’ve got some narrative essay ideas. They can also serve as topics for a personal narrative essay:

Narrative Essay Topic Ideas

2. Craft a structure

Remember how we discussed the storytelling elements your essay should have to become a narrative? ( See above .) Now, it’s time to combine them into a compelling writing piece.

Given that you’ll need to present story events in chronological order, a classic narrative arc can help here:

A Narrative Arc

image source: Oregon State University

  • Exposition: The introduction of your essay, aka your story’s setting
  • Rising action (journey and discovery): The first body paragraph, aka the trigger leading to conflict
  • Climax (crisis and confrontation): The second body paragraph describing the main event of your story, aka the conflict (you face the truth, you have to make a choice, etc.)
  • Falling action: The third paragraph, aka the conflict resolution (the result of the main event from the previous section)
  • Resolution: The conclusion, aka the theme or moral of your story

In plain English, a narrative arc is the sequence of the events in your story. Organize them beforehand to save time and ensure that you get all the required elements in your essay when writing a draft.

Below is a narrative essay structure you can use when planning your papers. As you can see, it includes all the storytelling elements yet follows the strict rules of academic writing.

Narrative Essay Structure

3. Create an outline

The structure looks spooky, huh?

Well, such is a narrative essay format. That’s why it would help if you crafted an outline before writing to make sure that every paragraph is in its proper place.

A narrative essay outline is a plan for your paper. There, you note down what you’ll include in each paragraph. Thus, you’ll get all the details and ensure that your story looks cohesive and compelling.

What to include in an outline? Keep reading to get a template and see an example.

4. Write a draft

Now, it’s time to write your narrative essay. Follow the outline and start crafting each paragraph step by step. Stick to the narrative arc, but remember that you are writing an academic paper, not a fictional story.

Operate within the structure of a standard college essay. Organize your narrative like this:

  • Introduction: A paragraph with a hook, a story’s background, and a thesis
  • Body: Three or four paragraphs where you’ll describe the events, climax (conflict), and resolution
  • Conclusion: A final paragraph with your thesis restatement, the moral of your story (reflection), and a call to action for the reader

5. Proofread and edit

Please don’t rush to submit your draft for the teacher’s review once it’s ready. First, reread it several times to ensure that:

  • It has a logical structure and all the necessary narrative elements.
  • You’ve formatted it according to the rules of academic writing.
  • It’s free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.

Tip: Edit your essay the day after you’ve written it. It will help you see it with “fresh eyes” and notice tiny errors you’d miss if you read it when tired.

Narrative Essay Outline: Template and Example

Of all the strategies and tips on how to write a narrative essay, its outline’s creation remains the most essential to know:

Craft a detailed plan for your narrative before writing — and you’ll see if your story is cohesive, complete, and compelling. Outlining allows you to evaluate the clarity of your topic, statements, and storyline, re-organizing and reinforcing them with supporting details if necessary.

Below is a narrative essay outline template for you to consider. Once you make notes on each point, it will be easier (and faster!) for you to write your essay.

Narrative Essay Outline

Let’s clarify every point:

What’s in the introduction?

  • Hook. It’s an attention-grabber to encourage the audience to read your story. Think of a wowing fact, an intriguing question, or a thought-provoking statement.
  • Background. Here is a brief context (setting) for your story.
  • Thesis. It’s a claim with your story’s main point.

Now that you know how to write a narrative essay introduction, we move on.

What’s in the body?

  • Event(s). The initial situation. What happened?
  • Turning point. The moment you realized the situation was significant and noticed the shift in your perspective.
  • Climax. The peak of your story, i.e., the most transformative part of your described experience.
  • Resolution. Your response to the climax. How did you resolve the situation, and what was the immediate aftermath?

What’s in the conclusion?

  • Thesis restatement. Summarize the claim you made in the introduction. How does your story support it? What lessons did you learn?
  • Moral. Reflect on those lessons, offering the insights gained. Why should readers care?
  • Final words. It’s your message for the audience: a call to action, some food for thought, etc.

Here’s an example of a narrative outline to help you understand what to write there. (We bet you’ll guess the story we used for it!)

The moment that changed my life forever

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay

Personal essays are about your experiences and emotions. You are the hero here, so structure and outline your story accordingly. Also, don’t hesitate to add other characters and dialogues to your essay. They’ll help readers understand your motivations and deeds better.

That’s how to write a personal narrative essay:

  • Write it in the 1st person.
  • Follow the format: Ensure that you include all the storytelling elements.
  • Don’t tell but show: Use descriptive language that helps readers “see” your story.
  • Ensure that your essay has a conflict.
  • Describe everything in chronological order.
  • Specify the moral: What do you want to say? What did you learn from the story that happened to you?
  • Write about real-life events and experiences. Narrative essays aren’t fictional stories.

How to Write a Good Narrative Essay

Now, this is important:

How to start a narrative essay?

Start it with a compelling essay hook to impress readers and grab their attention:

  • Ask a provocative question.
  • Write an intriguing yet relevant quote.
  • Think of some engaging statement to evoke curiosity.

Get inspired by the opening lines of your favorite books. Here are several examples:

5 Opening Lines from Popular Books Worth Reading

How to write a good narrative essay:

  • Say no to slang and formal language.
  • Choose descriptive and sensory words to evoke emotions.
  • Add details: Tell about what you saw and heard, how it smelled, what you felt, etc.
  • Use active voice to describe actions.
  • Add dialogues if appropriate.
  • Don’t write in the 2nd person (“you”).
  • Follow the narrative arc but put it in the standard essay structure.

Final Tips on How to Write a Narrative Essay

To those craving more strategies and insights on how to write a narrative essay, keep reading:

Below are some extra tips for you on how to write a narrative essay.

Five Extra Tips on How to Write a Narrative Essay

  • Write about a specific moment or experience. Don’t describe every tiny movement of your character; focus on those moving the plot forward.
  • Avoid redundant -ly adverbs like “very,” “really,” “truly,” etc. Think of solid verbs instead; use a thesaurus for more attractive words in your narrative.
  • If you are stuck on choosing a topic, try books or check other writing prompts for inspiration.
  • Try experimenting with perspectives. For example, you can describe the event from a supporting character’s view. (Write it in the 3rd person, if so.)
  • When writing a personal narrative essay, it’s okay to make it less formal than a standard academic paper. You can skip formatting it in MLA, APA, or another citation style. Be creative.

Still Need Help With Your Essay?

Now that you know how to write a narrative essay, it’s time to practice:

  • Choose a meaningful topic that resonates with your personality.
  • Write an outline, placing all the narrative elements according to the rules of academic writing.
  • Tell your story, and remember to edit it for better clarity before sharing it with the audience.

Still looking for ‘ write my essay ‘ helpers in Google? Your search is over: Our experts are ready to assist with every pitfall you may have on your way to flawless essay writing. Just ask.

Photo by Timothy L Brock from Unsplash

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How to Write Essay Introductions

How to Write Essay Introductions

When you acquaint two strangers, you introduce one person to another, right? The same thing concerns the text and any material you wish to present to your reader or listener. At that moment an introduction composed of letters comes onto the stage and plays its leading part.

Being the first thing the audience is faced with, an essay introduction should catch a person's attention, give information about the topic and idea the author discusses, and prepare him for the following comprehension. How to create an appropriate introduction? What points should be mentioned here, and what – shouldn't? Let's see.

What is an Introduction?

It is the initial section of the text, necessary for fiction books, scientific works, academic papers, and whatnot. The opening paragraph provides the readers with starting data (a topic, idea, thesis, actuality of the problem, etc.), carrying them into the succeeding discussion or story.

As a rule, it has two functions:

  • to give a necessary informative background, preparing for the whole comprehension;
  • to establish the author's credibility and captivate the audience.

The key tip on how to write an essay introduction is the following.

An excellent well-thought-out foreword is usually built on the target audience's characteristics (gender, age, interests, and others), genre peculiarities, and paper (material) purpose. 

How long is an Appropriate Introduction?

There are no strict rules on how large this section should be. It depends on the project length. For example, if the material occupies more than 20 pages, the intro may take even a whole page. In general, it should be brief but meaningful.

If speaking in the language of numbers, the average essay opening paragraph takes not more than 10 percent of the work total amount. It usually consists of 3-5 sentences or about 50-80 words.

How to Start an Essay Introduction?

Always remember that when introducing information to the audience, you are to provoke the persons' interest and prepare them for further diving into the topic. So the main point here is the so-called hook. It serves to catch people's attention and makes them interested. Besides, there should be some background context and a thesis statement, as well.

To provide a good start for the project you are to:

  • Look through all the material you've investigated;
  • Find out a few outstanding topical facts or statistics, or something else to surprise the audience;
  • Highlight the key points of the work;
  • Formulate your own idea (thesis) which is the basis of your paper;
  • Combine all this stuff into a perfect intro.

Guide to Writing an Effective Essay Introduction

The foreword may be written in several ways. Some of them suit scientific papers, others – journalistic ones. But there is one thing concerning each variant, the aim of the beginning section. It is created to help the audience get acquainted with the theme and get interested in further reading.

Here we'd like to offer some specific recommendations and tips on how to write an introduction for an essay. Let's speak in detail about 3 main components:

  • background data;

You may grab readers' interest in the following ways:

  • ask a question or riddle (providing an answer only at the end of the work);
  • give a few amazing rare facts or statistical data;
  • use some topical analogy, similitude, or personal story (the choice depends on the type of your project);
  • cite a quotation from a famous person (an expert in matters discussed in the work).

The key point to remember is that the hook should be intriguing and attention-grabbing. At the same time, the language of the section is to be quite formal.

After a hook is ready, it's high time to present a block of background information to your audience. The purpose of this part is to prepare the stage for a deep comprehension of the key argument. Tell about:

  • the problem urgency; 
  • the methods you used during the investigation;
  • the reasons for choosing the topic, etc.

The size of the part is sure to depend on the length of the project, its genre, and material complexity. It may vary from one sentence to a saturated passage.

A Thesis Statement

It is a terminal obligatory component of the introduction. In a thesis the central idea of the whole project is mentioned. This issue includes key arguments or questions, touched upon in the paper.

The thesis should be:

  • easy-to-understand,
  • informative.

If the whole text is quite long and complex, here you may include a summarized rendering of the key paragraphs, discussed in the project core.

What to Avoid When Writing Essay Introductions

Learning how to write an intro paragraph will be incomplete without instructions on what to pass by when creating the foreword.

  • Write as succinctly as possible. You must not be wordy here.
  • Get rid of prolonged sentences and repetitions.
  • Do not restate the title of the project here but try to bear it in detail, providing the audience with sufficient context.

Now you know what you should take into the opening paragraph and what – you shouldn't. Let's look through a few examples to get some practical experience.

Different Types of Essays – Different Introductions

The essays having distinct purposes, the content may vary from type to type. Look at these extracts and try to understand genre differences.


We can't imagine our life without the Internet. And what about children? Some people suppose it to have a negative impact on them, but the opponents underline that websites help much in child guidance. In the essay I'll try to demonstrate that the net should be used in the educational process, give a little evidence (including statistics), and present experts' opinions on this matter.


Dawn is one of the most beautiful times of the day. Just imagine the birds begin singing sweet songs, and little fresh dew appears on the emerald glass. Everything is awakening. I'll try to show all the beauties of this event in the essay below.


Outdoor activities produce a positive impact on children's psychological, physical, and mental development. The essay explains the advantages of hiking and camping from the scientific point of view and underlines their importance in both the public educational process and family training.


When I was five years old I traveled by train for the first time. We were getting to my granny and it was really unforgettable. This essay is devoted to my tourist experience, my emotions and feelings during the trip.

Capping it all, we offer you a summary of useful moments.

  • Define a writing style for your paper (tone of narration, linguistic means, and whatnot).
  • Create an exciting and effective hook.
  • Choose background information, keeping the readers interested.
  • Make a clearly formulated thesis.
  • Write a draft of the intro.
  • After finishing the project, revise the foreword you've made before. Correct mistakes and shortcomings.

To create a fine essay intro is not so difficult, you see. Just stick to the recommendations given above, remember the key points of your paper, and make the opening paragraph. One more thing to help you is a special introduction generator for essays , living on our website. It's free and friendly, and you are welcome to use it.

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5 Students’ Examples of a Narrative Essay Introduction

Examples of narrative essay introductions are important because they serve as a model and guide for writers, especially those new to writing such essays.

The introduction sets the tone for the essay, provides context, and outlines what the essay will cover. A well-written introduction can grab the reader’s attention and make them interested in the rest of the paper.

On the other hand, a weak or poorly written introduction can detract from the essay’s overall quality and cause the reader to lose interest.

By looking at examples, writers can learn how to effectively craft an introduction that sets the stage for a compelling and engaging narrative essay.

What is a Narrative essay?

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

A narrative essay is a type of writing that tells a story, usually from the writer’s point of view. It often includes characters, a setting, and a plot that unfolds over time.

A narrative essay is meant to entertain, inform, or inspire the reader and typically focuses on a specific event, experience, or moment in the writer’s life.

The purpose of a narrative essay is to illustrate a particular theme or message through vivid and descriptive language, and to engage the reader’s imagination.

Unlike other essays, such as argumentative or expository essays, narrative essays allow for more creativity and self-expression and often have a more personal tone.

Narrative essays on descriptive topics, such as the importance of sleep for overall health, can be written in a personal or story-telling style but still needs to include a clear theme or message related to the topic.

In this case, the theme would be the significance of getting enough sleep for one’s health.

The essay might describe a personal experience of the writer or someone they know who struggled with sleep and its impact on their health. It could also include the writer’s insights and observations on the importance of sleep and the steps they take to prioritize it in their own life.

The narrative should be engaging and descriptive and use vivid language to illustrate the importance of sleep for overall health, making the reader understand why this topic is relevant and essential.

Examples of a Narrative Essay Introduction

Example of a narrative essay introduction 1: the impact of social media on society.

Social media has become integral to our daily lives in the past decade. From staying connected with friends and family to following the latest news and trends, social media has changed how we communicate and share information. While it has brought us closer together, it has created several societal challenges.  Despite its widespread use and influence, the impact of social media on society remains a complex and controversial issue, requiring further examination and discussion.


The introduction provides context and background information on the topic, making it easier for the reader to understand it and the author’s argument. The non-descriptive thesis statement at the end sets up the essay’s focus and provides a clear direction for the discussion.

Narrative Essay Introduction Example 2: The Importance of Sleep for Overall Health

Everyone has heard the saying, “a good night’s sleep is essential for good health.” While this may seem like a simple idea, the truth is that sleep plays a much more complex role in our lives than many people realize. Sleep is critical to our overall health and well-being, from regulating our moods and energy levels to helping our bodies heal and recover.   Sleep is a crucial aspect of our health and well-being that should not be neglected or overlooked. It affects our mood, energy levels, and overall health and significantly impacts our ability to function effectively in our daily lives.

The introduction establishes the importance of sleep by using a well-known saying, making it relevant and relatable to the reader. It then sets the stage for the discussion by discussing the complexity of the topic and the importance of exploring it further. The thesis statement provides clear and concise information about the author’s argument, which will be explored in greater detail in the rest of the essay.

 Narrative Essay Introduction Sample 3:  The Negative Impact of Technology on Relationships

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with one another. Technology has made it easier to stay connected with others, from smartphones and social media to video conferencing and instant messaging. But while it has brought us closer together in many ways, it has also created several challenges for our relationships and social interactions.  Technology has profoundly impacted our relationships and social interactions, but it has not always been positive. In some cases, technology can harm our connections with others, leading to a loss of intimacy, communication, and trust.

The introduction provides background information on the topic and sets the stage for the discussion by establishing the importance of technology in our lives and its impact on relationships. The thesis statement is clear and concise, providing a clear direction for the essay and outlining the author’s argument.

Example of a Narrative Essay Introduction 4: Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

For many people, speaking in front of a large audience can be a source of great anxiety and fear. For me, this was especially true throughout much of my life. I was always nervous and self-conscious when speaking in public, and I often struggled to get my words out. But despite these challenges, I was determined to overcome my fear and become a confident and effective speaker. By facing my fear head-on and embracing the challenges that came with it, I was able to grow as a person and become a more confident and effective speaker.

The narrative essay introduction sets the stage for the essay by introducing the topic of public speaking and the challenges many people face. It also provides a personal connection to the reader by sharing the author’s struggles with public speaking. The thesis statement is clear and concise, outlining the author’s argument and the direction of the essay.

Narrative Essay Introduction Example 5: Finding My Passion in Life

For many people, finding their true passion in life can be a challenging and often difficult journey. For me, this was certainly the case. Growing up, I felt lost and unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. I tried many things, from jobs to hobbies, but nothing seemed to stick. It wasn’t until I discovered my love for writing that I finally found my true calling. By exploring different interests and taking risks, I discovered my true passion and found a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

The above sample introduction sets the stage for the narrative essay by discussing the challenges many people face when trying to find their passion in life. It also provides a personal connection to the reader by sharing the author’s journey and struggles. The thesis statement is clear and concise, outlining the author’s argument and the direction of the essay.

Narrative Essay Introduction Final Remarks

Here are additional points about writing narrative essay introductions:

  • Start with a hook: The introduction should start with a captivating sentence that draws the reader in and makes them want to keep reading. This could be a quote, a surprising statistic, a vivid description, or a personal story.
  • Provide context: Give the reader background information about the topic or event you will discuss in the essay. This helps to set the stage for the story and gives the reader a better understanding of what to expect.
  • Establish a tone: The essay’s tone should be established in the introduction, whether profound, humorous, nostalgic or anything else. The style sets the mood for the entire paper and helps the reader understand what kind of story they are about to read.
  • Identify the theme: Make it clear what the essay will be about and the main message. This can be done directly or through a hint or implication.
  • Be concise: The introduction should be brief and to the point, giving the reader enough information to be intrigued but not so much that they feel overwhelmed.
  • Avoid cliches: Don’t use overused phrases or cliches in the introduction. Instead, strive for originality and creativity.
  • Preview the story: Give a brief outline of the events that will unfold in the essay, and let the reader know what to expect. This helps to create a roadmap for the paper and gives the reader a sense of direction.

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Narrative Essay Examples

Cathy A.

20+ Top Narrative Essay Examples by Experts

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Published on: Apr 12, 2020

Last updated on: Mar 24, 2024

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Narrative essays are a common assignment in school, but many students struggle to write them. 

The problem with narrative essays is that they can be difficult to write. They require students to think about their own experiences and to put those experiences into words. This can be a challenge, especially for students who are not used to writing about themselves.

The solution to the problem of writing narrative essays is to provide students with examples. By reading examples of narrative essays, students can see how other students have successfully written about their own experiences. 

In this blog post, we will provide you with examples of narrative essays.By the end of this blog post, you will have a better understanding of how to write a narrative essay.

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Before writing, go through narrative essay examples to ensure that outlining and formatting are done correctly. Moreover, looking at examples will allow the writer to understand sensory details and vocabulary to describe events, settings, characters, and emotions.

Here are some famous narrative essays that you can consider adding to your reading wishlist:

“A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift

“Once More to the Lake” by EB White

“The Fourth of July” by Audre Lorde

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

“The Crisis” by Thomas Paine

But it doesn't end here! To help our students, CollegeEssay.org has gathered many other narrative essay sample. These examples will help you learn the correct formation of a narrative essay.

Read on to discover!

Personal Narrative Essay Example

Are you looking for a sample to draft a personal narrative essay ? Go through the example provided below to understand how the first-person and third-person perspectives are used in a narrative essay.

Sample Personal Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay Example for Middle School

A narrative essay is frequently assigned to middle school students to assess their writing and creative skills. If you are a student looking for a sample narrative essay for your middle school assignment, go through the example provided below.

Narrative Essay Example: 7th Grade

Narrative Essay Example for Grade 8

Grade 9 Narrative Essay Example

Sample Narrative Essay Grade 12

Narrative Essay Example for High School

When drafting assignments for high school, professional writing is essential. Your essays and papers should be well structured and written in order to achieve better grades. If you are assigned a narrative essay, go through the sample provided to see how an effective essay is written.

Sample Narrative Essay For High School

Good Narrative Essay Examples for College

College essays are more complex in nature than other academic levels. They require a better understanding of the concept, following a proper writing procedure, and an outline.

Although you are to draft a narrative essay for your college assignment, make sure it is professionally written. Read the sample narrative essay provided below.

Descriptive Narrative Essay Example

If you are to draft a document on the recreation of an event, a descriptive narrative essay is written. It presents an incident that happened to the writer and the backed-up information that supports the story.

The following is a perfect example of a descriptive narrative essay.

Sample Descriptive Narrative Essay

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Literacy Narrative Essay Example

Academic assignments often require students to draft essays on education. Education is the most significant topic of discussion, and for this purpose, almost every essay type and research paper studies it.

If you are drafting a narrative essay on literacy, go through the sample provided.

Fictional Narrative Essay Example

Drafting a fictional piece of document requires a more vivid description and detail. If you are assigned a narrative essay to draft on a fictional theme, read the example provided below.

Sample Fictional Narrative Essay

The Essentials of Narrative Essays

In a narrative essay, the goal is to write a story from one person's perspective. To do this well requires incorporating all of these aspects: 

Below are some golden points that you should keep in mind when writing a narrative essay.

  • Chronological order is the most common way to present information.
  • A thesis statement has a function in an essay. This is typically evident in the opening paragraph.
  • The writer's argument is clearly communicated through the use of sensory details and vivid language.
  • This draws the reader in and makes them interested in what the writer has to say. Everything in the passage is somehow related to the main point.

How to Start a Narrative Essay?

When you start writing the narrative essay, you should follow some steps and make your writing process easy.

For your help, we gathered some steps that you should follow when starting writing the essay.

  • Choose a narrative essay topic that is engaging and interesting.
  • Do some research and then start writing the essay.
  • Create an outline.
  • Start writing the essay. The way you describe things should be creative and colorful. Thus, the reader can feel as if they are right there with what's happening.
  • Proofread the essay before submitting it.

Watch the video below for tips on how to write a narrative essay:

Narrative Essay Writing Tips 

Professional essay writers of CollegeEssay.org have gathered some tips and tricks for you to follow to make your narrative essay remarkable. Even if you are aware of the writing procedure, it is advised to use expert tips to make your documents flawless. 

Follow the tips provided below to draft an exceptional narrative essay.

  • Clear Content: The narrative essay content should be clear. All the details and descriptions provided should be readable and understandable by the audience. Avoid using complex words and distribute content into paragraphs.
  • Keep it concise: Avoid describing every minor detail or movement. Provide only explanations that are important for the readers to imagine. 
  • Use first-person perspective: To make something believable and interesting for the readers, state it from the first-person perspective. Share your personal experiences, stories, and opinions to make the content impactful. 
  • Use limited referencing: When drafting an essay, according to the instructed format, avoid using frequent in-text citations. 
  • Use Clear Stance: Write your point of view clearly, so the readers feel that it is a genuine piece of writing. 

Keep in mind that a narrative essay is different from an expository essay but the same as a descriptive essay .  

In conclusion,

Using the tips provided by the professionals and going through the narrative essay examples will let you draft an effective paper. 

Looking for top-tier essay writing help online ?

Our narrative essay writing service offers unparalleled expertise to bring your stories to life with clarity and creativity.

Also, elevate your writing journey with the best essay writer , our AI-driven tool that combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly functionality. Experience the blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern innovation in your next essay. Try it now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a narrative paragraph.

Paragraphs vary in length depending on the content, but a standard 5-sentence paragraph usually isn't enough to tell an interesting story. 

How do I write a narrative essay?

Here are some steps that will help you to write a great narrative essay. 

  • Consider the topic 
  • Start writing the draft 
  • Provide supporting facts 
  • Revise your essay 

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how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

Essay Papers Writing Online

A comprehensive guide to crafting an engaging introduction for your essay.

How to write an essay intro

Writing an essay introduction is like creating a doorway into your paper – it’s the first thing your reader will encounter and can make a lasting impression. A captivating introduction sets the tone for your entire essay and entices the reader to keep reading. To craft an introduction that grabs attention and piques curiosity, consider these tips.

First and foremost, start with a hook that draws the reader in. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, a vivid anecdote, or a compelling quote. The key is to make your introduction engaging and relevant to your topic to intrigue the reader from the outset.

Additionally, provide a brief overview of what the essay will cover. Give the reader a roadmap of the main points you will discuss in the following sections. This helps set expectations and gives the reader a sense of direction, making them more likely to stay engaged throughout the essay.

Engage Your Readers

One of the most important goals of your essay introduction is to engage your readers right from the start. You want to grab their attention and make them curious about what you have to say. Here are some strategies to help you engage your readers:

  • Start with a compelling hook that draws your readers in. This could be an interesting fact, a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a powerful anecdote.
  • Make sure your introduction is relevant to your topic and sets the stage for the rest of your essay. Your readers should know what to expect and why your topic is important.
  • Show your readers why they should care about your topic. Make it clear how your essay relates to their lives, interests, or concerns.
  • Use language that is clear, concise, and engaging. Avoid jargon or overly complex sentences that could confuse or alienate your readers.
  • Consider creating a sense of mystery or suspense in your introduction to make your readers want to keep reading to find out what happens next.

Create a Hook

Create a Hook

One of the most effective ways to capture your reader’s attention right from the start is by creating a strong hook in your essay introduction. A hook is a compelling opening line or statement that intrigues the reader and entices them to continue reading. There are several types of hooks you can use, such as a thought-provoking question, a startling statistic, a powerful quote, or a vivid description.

When crafting your hook, think about what will resonate with your audience and draw them into your essay. Consider using a hook that relates to your topic or thesis statement to provide a preview of what’s to come in your writing. Remember, the goal of a hook is to make your introduction engaging and set the stage for the rest of your essay.

Ask a Thought-Provoking Question

One effective way to grab the reader’s attention in your essay introduction is to pose a thought-provoking question. This strategy invites the reader to engage with the topic on a deeper level and encourages them to continue reading to discover the answer.

For example, you could start your essay with a question like, “Have you ever wondered what drives humans to explore the unknown?” This type of question piques curiosity and sets the stage for a discussion that will captivate the reader.

By incorporating a thought-provoking question into your introduction, you can draw your audience in and set the tone for a compelling essay that will keep them engaged from start to finish.

Establish Relevance

One crucial element of a captivating essay introduction is establishing relevance. It’s essential to grab the reader’s attention by connecting your topic to something timely, relatable, or thought-provoking. Consider starting with a relevant fact, statistic, or anecdote that sets the stage for your essay’s main argument. By highlighting the importance of your topic from the outset, you can pique the reader’s curiosity and motivate them to continue reading.

Connect to the Topic

When crafting the introduction to your essay, it’s essential to establish a clear connection to the topic you will be discussing. The opening sentences should provide a glimpse into the main theme of your essay and grab the reader’s attention right from the start.

Consider starting with an intriguing fact, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant quotation that relates directly to your topic. This will help set the tone for the rest of your essay and pique the reader’s curiosity to continue reading.

By connecting your introduction to the topic at hand, you can lay a solid foundation for the rest of your essay and ensure that your readers remain engaged throughout the piece.

Provide Background Information

Before diving into the main points of your essay, it’s important to provide some background information on the topic. This can help set the stage and give your readers a better understanding of the context in which your essay is situated. You can include relevant facts, statistics, historical background, or any other information that will help establish the foundation for your arguments. By offering background information, you can grab the reader’s attention and prepare them for the insights and arguments you will present in the rest of your essay.

Set the Tone

One crucial aspect of crafting a captivating essay introduction is setting the right tone. The tone of your introduction should reflect the overall theme and mood of your essay. Consider whether your essay is serious, lighthearted, persuasive, or informative, and tailor the tone accordingly.

By setting the right tone in your introduction, you can establish a connection with your readers and make them more likely to engage with your ideas. Whether you choose a formal or casual tone, make sure it aligns with the purpose of your essay and the expectations of your audience.

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How to Write a Narrative Essay Introduction?

how to start a narrative essay introduction examples

You will hardly find a student who has never written narrative essays. This task is very popular among European and American students, but it doesn’t mean that every student can get through this tricky assignment successfully. The most complicated section is an  introduction . So, how to write a narrative essay introduction in a proper way?

What is the main mission of the introduction? It goes without saying that the introductory sentences should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read your essay until the end.

Statistically, a person needs a few seconds to decide whether this article is interesting for them or not. If the first sentences don’t catch the reader’s eye, they won’t continue reading your essay. Before you start writing, you need to choose an  interesting topic  to cover in your essay. You should be very attentive when choosing the topic to write about. First, this area should be interesting for you. Secondly, you should be sure that you can cover it. For instance, if you choose a too broad theme, it goes without saying that you won’t cover it if your limit is 500-700 words.

When you finally choose the theme, it is time to start writing an introductory paragraph. To make it more effective, you can start with:

  • A provoking question, which can touch the reader’s soul;
  • Shocking statistics regarding the theme;
  • A joke, which is relevant to the topic;
  • A good real-life example, which will make your readers think of the topic.

Never start writing with too long and boring sentences. This approach doesn’t work! Try to be more creative and think outside the box. If your key mission is to get the audience excited, you should think of things that can be interesting for them. If handled properly, you’ll easily tackle that challenge!

How to Write an Introductory Paragraph for a Narrative

26 sep 2017.

Every narrative needs a purpose for telling that particular story.

The term “narrative” can refer to a type of essay, a short story or a novel. Although these types of works have slightly different elements, they all serve to tell a story. When you work with narrative writing, the introductory paragraph of your work can have an important impact on your reader. Understanding the components of the first paragraph, as well as narrative writing in general, will help you create an effective opening to your story.

Explore this article

  • First Sentence
  • Middle Sentences
  • Fiction Components

1 First Sentence

In a narrative essay, you tell a true, personal story about an event, person or other aspect of your life. A short story or novel tells a fictional account of a series of events. However, whether writing an essay, short story or novel, the opening sentence of your narrative should grab your readers' attention. You want them to read this line and feel compelled to continue reading to the end. How you choose to open your narrative depends on your personal style of writing and the story you tell in your work. Try to use vivid language that sets the tone for the rest of the story. For example, whether an essay or work of fiction, you may have a first line that appears as: “The moment my sister got married, I was on the other side of the world.” This type of statement will raise questions that encourage your reader to continue reading your paper.

In a narrative, you have a theme or purpose that runs through your story. With a short story or novel, the theme is not stated directly. Instead, your characters, setting and plot help develop the theme throughout the story. When you begin a narrative essay, you should know the purpose of your story and create a thesis statement in the first paragraph. Typically, you place your thesis as the last or next to last sentence in the introduction.

3 Middle Sentences

After your opening sentence and before your thesis statement, you need to begin setting up the narrative essay. You can build off the first sentence and start giving your reader some background information before you dive into telling the story. For example, “The moment my sister got married, I was on the other side of the world. We hadn’t spoken in three years, and no one bothered to tell me Susan was planning on walking down the aisle for the seventh time in as many years.” With that background information, you can then move into your thesis statement and show how this moment impacted you.

4 Fiction Components

In a short story or novel, your first paragraph should begin to introduce the main character and what lies at the heart of the story. You may have action taking place from the first line or start creating the setting. Some writers choose to begin a story with dialogue, but this can sometimes confuse the reader since she doesn’t know the characters yet or how to react to the character’s words. However you choose to open your story, make sure you build tension from the beginning so your reader will stay connected.

  • 1 Imaginative Writing: The Elements of Craft
  • 2 Purdue Online Writing Lab: Narrative Essays
  • 3 Appalachian State University: Creating a Thesis Statement

About the Author

Kate Beck started writing for online publications in 2005. She worked as a certified ophthalmic technician for 10 years before returning to school to earn a Masters of Fine Arts degree in writing. Beck is currently putting the finishing touches on a novel.

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How to Write a Narrative Essay Introduction: Does a Narrative Essay Need a Thesis Statement

Essay writing is a craft whose skills you have to develop over time. An authentic essay should clearly communicate the intended message. It’s a composition that should express the intended idea and back it up with credible explanations, facts, and analysis.

There are various essay types that you could come across. They include descriptive, argumentative, expository, and narrative essays. Expository and argumentative essays express factual information and main points. However, Descriptive and narrative essays accord you as a writer to write creatively.

In this article, we will concentrate and expound on narrative essays. This article helps you know how to write a narrative essay introduction, and most importantly, provides you with tactics on how to be a better narrative essay writer in general.

How to write a Narrative Essay introduction

A narrative essay is an essay that assumes a storytelling form, and as a writer, you have the independence to express yourself on the subject matter.

That said, a narrative essay is personal and experiential in nature. Typically, a narrative essay should have an introduction, a plot, a setting, characters, climax, and the conclusion.

When writing a narrative essay, the introductory paragraph is pretty vital. It is from this paragraph that a reader decides whether the whole paper is worth reading.

Therefore, ensure that your introductory paragraph catches the reader’s attention and offers a glimpse of what your narration aims to address.

Also see: Can an Essay Be One Paragraph?

Below is a list of guidelines to direct you into composing a thrilling and compelling introductory paragraph for your narrative essay.

  • Start your essay with a hook as the introductory sentence

Remember, you want your introductory sentence to attract the reader’s attentiveness and keep them engaged. To do that, begin your introductory sentence with a creative hook.

For example, you may formulate your hook sentence by employing a quote, rhetoric question, anecdotes, statistics, a shocking statement, or an interesting fact.

  • Usher in the principal characters

Since the reader needs to have a general idea of what and who your narrative is about, introduce and distinguish your main characters concisely.

Give the reader a picture of what the principal characters look like and their position in your story.

  • Outline the setting of your narrative

The setting describes where and when your narration took place. Here, ensure that you render the reader with sensory details to help them create a clear picture of the scene.

How you describe your setting should trigger the reader’s senses of smell, taste, sight, touch, and hearing.

  • Cover the overview and theme of your narrative in the end sentence

Your last sentence in the introduction forms your thesis statement. In this sentence, you should inform the reader what to anticipate in the rest of the narrative essay without giving any specific details.

Does a Narrative Essay Need a Thesis Statement?

A narrative essay needs a thesis statement. Although different from the thesis statements in analytical, descriptive, or argumentative essays, a narrative essay should have a thesis statement. This statement should be included in the essay’s introduction and is meant to tell the reader what to anticipate by reading the narration.

For your thesis statement to be clear and robust, it should meet several desirable features. For example, a good thesis statement for a narrative essay should be declarative, specific, can be demonstrated and argued, confident, and should fully express the essay’s subject.

How Do You Write a Narrative Essay Outline?

Like any other type of essay, a narrative essay should follow a functional outline structure. In attempting to write a compelling narrative essay that communicates clearly to the reader, drafting your essay outline is one of the most vital steps.

The outline acts as your plan, which makes the writing organized and less stressful.

To help you craft an effective outline with the correct critical elements for your narrative essay, below is a clear structure that you should consider employing.

  • Introduction

Start the introductory paragraph with a hook, followed by the stage of your narrative and the thesis statement as the closing sentence. A hook should be the first sentence of your narrative essay and should be reflective, personal, and intriguing to captivate the reader’s attention.

After the hook, introduce the stage of your essay where you introduce the setting, scene, main characters, and a general overview of your essay.

The last and most crucial element of your introduction is the thesis statement. A thesis statement summarizes the essay’s main point by providing the reader with a sneak peek of what the narrative essay is all about. In general, your introduction should be intriguing, short, precise, and relatable.

The body is the main element of your narrative essay because it describes the beginning, the growth, and the end of your narration. Depending on the word count and the narration’s plot, a narrative essay’s body contains three paragraphs.

In the first paragraph, ensure that you launch the story by introducing its background. The second paragraph under the body is the heart of your narration, where you narrate the story up to the climax. Finally, the third paragraph is where you wrap up your narration. Here, ensure that the story ends naturally.

Overall, ensure that you give detailed descriptions and accurate information relevant to your story in the body. In addition, ensure that the body is fascinating and serves the reader with clear emotions.

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The conclusion is the final part of your narrative essay outline. This part acts as the summary to your story and where you unite the reader and the story. Here, you could state the moral of the story, state its significance, and call the reader to action to ensure that they meditate more on the subject.

Tips to Writing an Excellent Narrative Essay

You may be writing a narrative essay for your lecturer to grade, or you are a professional essay writer writing for their audience. In either of the cases, you need to write a fascinating article that will capture the reader’s attention and pass your intended message. To help you with that, below are essential tips you could utilize.

  • Read narrative essays from other writers . For you to be a pro narrative essay writer, you need to be an extensive reader. Read a wide range of essays with different subjects written using distinct styles and arguments. From doing so, you will develop more writing confidence and even grow your creativity and ability to narrate.
  • Analyze the essay question thoroughly . Before you start to write a narrative essay, ensure you understand the essay question to get a clear grasp of what you ought to write about. From the essay question, be alert to distinguish between directive, limiting, and content terms. You can therefore brainstorm on the question and choose the suitable topic to write on.
  • Create an outline . Create an outline where you include the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Draft a structure where you include your main ideas and how you want them to follow each other chronologically. This process will simplify your writing in a significant way.
  • Do extensive research . For your essay to be authentic, you have to convince your reader of your arguments by providing them with reasoning, facts, and evidence where possible. To do so, you have to carry out comprehensive research on the subject matter from credible sources and have a good grasp of the story you are narrating.
  • Edit and proofread your essay . Before you submit your narrative essay for marking or publishing, proofread the essay severally while editing. By doing so, you will discover and correct any spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors in your essay. Moreover, you will be able to check whether your points make sense and smoothly follow each other as you designated.

Narrative essay writing can be complicated if you don’t have confidence and a clear writing plan.

However, by reading this article, you will be better positioned to write authentic and sound narrative essays. Moreover, you will know how to write a narrative essay introduction.


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Good Hooks for Essays: 14 Hook Ideas with Examples

Now here’s the clue.

If you want to wow your teacher, polish the introduction. Add something interesting, funny, shocking, or intriguing. Good essay hooks help you build an emotional connection right from the start. Think of an essay hook as bait for your readers.

Our expert team has prepared numerous examples of hooks for essays. You’ll find hook examples for an argumentative essay, personal story, history essay, and other types of papers.

For 100% clarity, we provided examples using each hook tactic. And a short part about how to write a good hook.

Teacher: "I won't forgive you for this essay."  Student: "But you gave me an A. What's wrong with it?"  Teacher: "I couldn't stop reading it, and I burned my dinner."

  • 💎 What Exactly Is a Hook & How to Write a Good One
  • 📜 Examples of Classical Essay Hooks
  • 💡 Try Some Informative Essay Hooks
  • 🦄 Here are the Most Uncommon Essay Hooks

✅ Good Hooks for Essays: Bonus Tips

  • 🔗 References for More Information

We highly recommend reading all the methods and examples, so you don’t have any questions.

💎 How to Write a Hook That Will Work for Your Essay?

The hook of your essay usually appears in the very first sentence.

The average length of an essay hook should be 3-7 sentences, depending on the topic.

But first, let’s quickly go through the key questions.

What Is an Essay Hook?

An essay hook (or narrative hook) is a literary technique that writers use to keep their readers engaged. It shows that the content below is worth reading.

The hook can have different lengths. Some writers make it last for several pages. Though, it better be a short paragraph or even a sentence.

Why Do You Need a Good Essay Hook?

Writing the right hook is essential for a few reasons:

  • It heats up your readers’ interest. If you did it right, they read the whole piece.
  • It shows off your skills . A right hook presents you as an expert in your field.
  • It attracts target audience. Only the readers you want will keep reading.
  • It keeps the tension on the right level. Use an intriguing question, and a reader dies to find out the answer.
  • It makes a good introduction. Starting your essay off a boring fact is simply not a good idea.

How to Write a Good Hook: Ideas and Examples

Hook ideasWhere to useHook sentence examples
Elon Musk once said, “We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.”
Have you ever thought about how you can become happier?
It had been all summer since we’d seen each other, and now I was standing face to face with my old enemy – my Math teacher, Mrs. Parker.
According to the Annapolis Police Department, nearly 42% of teenagers have been bullied online, and almost one in four have had it happen more than once.
Sunlight is clear and colorless until it reaches the earth’s atmosphere. Then, spread by air molecules, it paints the sky blue.

Next, we will discuss these hook types in more detail. We’ll also provide essay hook examples of less common yet intriguing types: dialogue, story, contradiction, comparison, definition, metaphor, puzzle, announcement, and background information hooks.

💬 The Famous Quote Hook

Use a famous quote as a hook for your essay on history, literature, or even social sciences. It will present you as an established writer. It shows how knowledgeable you are and motivates the readers to engage in the text.

⬇️ Check out examples below ⬇️

Quote Hook Example: Political Science

Hilary Clinton once said that "there cannot be true democracy unless women's voices are heard." Which creates a discussion about how perfect democracy should look like. If it is a form of government that considers all opinions, why are women silenced so often even nowadays? The truth is that we need to ensure completely equal opportunities for women in politics before we talk about establishing the correct version of democracy. And even the most developed and progressive countries are still struggling to get to that level of equality. It can be achieved by various methods, even though they might only work in certain countries.

Social Sciences

"Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." These words of wisdom from John Kennedy reflect the perspective we need to teach the younger generations. For some reason, it has become popular to blame the government for any problem arising in society. Is it their fault that we don't think about waste and keep trashing our home? Social responsibility is a real thing. The well-being of our countries starts with the actions of every separate individual. It is not entirely right to wait until the government fixes all the issues for us. The best strategy is to start thinking about what we can do as a community to make our home even a better place.

And excellent sources of quotes for you:

  • Brainyquote.com – you can search quotes by topic or by author.
  • Goodreads.com is not only a great collection of e-books but also quotes.
  • Quoteland.com has plenty of brilliant words for all imaginable situations.
  • Quotationspage.com – more than 30,000 quotations for unique essay hooks.

❓Rhetorical Question Essay Hooks

It doesn’t have to be rhetorical – any type of question addressed to your audience will do its job. Such a universal kind of hook can spike the interest of your readers immediately.

Some useful patterns of rhetorical questions:

  • What could be more important than…?
  • What if there was only one… (chance/day/hour)?
  • Who wouldn’t like to… (be a cat/turn visitors into clients)?
  • Why bother about… (inequality/imperfect education system)?
  • Which is more important: … (making money or realizing potential)?

And more in examples:

Example of a Question Hook on Education

Wouldn't free access to education for everyone be wonderful? The answer would most likely be positive. However, it is not as simple as it seems. As much as the governments try to achieve this goal, there are still many uneducated people. On the bright side, in the era of technology, learning has never been so easy. Of course, some young adults just prefer the shortcut option of taking a student loan. Other ways are much more challenging and require a lot of responsibility and patience. Finding free educational resources online and gaining experience with the help of video tutorials might sound unprofessional. Still, you will be surprised how many experts hired in different fields only received this type of education.

Question Hook Example: Health

Is there anything that can help you lose weight fast? You have probably heard of this magical keto diet that is getting more and more popular worldwide. People claim that it helps them shred those excess pounds in unbelievably short terms. But how healthy is it, and does it suit anyone? The truth is that no diet is universal, and thanks to our differences, some weight-loss methods can even be harmful. Keto diet, for example, leads your body into the state of ketosis. What happens is that you don't receive carbohydrates, and in this state, fat is used as the primary source of energy instead them. However, it carries potential threats.

😂 Anecdotal Essay Hooks

This type would usually be more suitable for literary pieces or personal stories. So, don’t use it for formal topics, such as business and economics. Note that this hook type can be much longer than one sentence. It usually appears as the whole first paragraph itself.

It wouldn't be Kate if she didn't do something weird, so she took a stranger for her best friend this time. There is nothing wrong with it; mistakes like that happen all the time. However, during only five minutes that Kate spent with the stranger, she blabbed too much. Thinking that she sat down at the table that her friend took, Kate was so busy starting on her phone that she didn't notice that it wasn't her friend at all. Sure enough, the naive girl started talking about every little detail of her last night that she spent with her date. It was too much for the ears of an old lady. Kate realized she took the wrong table only when it was too late.

Literature (personal story)

Do not ever underestimate the power of raccoons! Those little furry animals that may look overly cute are too smart and evil. It only takes one box of pizza left outside your house by the delivery person for the disaster to begin. When they smell that delicious pizza, no doors can stop them. They will join the forces to find a hole in your house to squeeze into. Even if it's a window crack four feet above the ground, they know how to get to it. Using their fellow raccoons as the ladder, they get inside the house. They sneak into the kitchen and steal your pizza in front of your eyes and your scared-to-death dog. Not the best first day in the new home, is it? 

📈 Fact or Statistic Hook

Looking deeper into your essay topic, you might find some numbers that are quite amusing or shocking. They can serve as perfect hooks for economics- and business-oriented writings. Also, it is better if they are less known.

Business/social sciences

The UAE workforce is culturally diverse since around 20% of employees (usually called expatriates) come from different countries. Ex-pats tend to take managerial positions, which makes communication within companies quite tricky. The training focused on raising cultural awareness is getting more common, but such educational strategies as games (or gamification) are still rarely applied in the UAE companies. Yet, gamification was a useful tool in other places, making it an attractive UAE team building method. It can significantly help integrate ex-pats and create a more culturally aware environment.

Statistic Hook Example in Economics

The United Arab Emirate's debt has been rising drastically in past years, from about US$17 billion in 2003, which is almost 19 percent of GDP, to US$184 billion in 2009. Only a small proportion of the debt can be tracked directly to the public sector. A report by UBS bank shows that most of the debt comes from the corporate sector. Most of the companies that hold the main section of the debt are financial institutions. The public sector partly owns them. Banks in the UAE have been accumulating their debt amounts in the years mentioned above and could now account for 75 percent of the total foreign debt. The discussion is about the reasons why the UAE debt has been rising at an alarming rate.

Some good sources for statistics

  • Finance.yahoo.com is perfect for business papers.
  • Usa.gov/statistics is an easy-to-use governmental engine for searching data and stats.
  • Unstats.un.org provides a massive collection of statistics published by UN organizations
  • Oecd-ilibrary.org is the online library of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), featuring its books, papers, and statistics and is a gateway to the OECD’s analysis and data.

🤯 Shocking Facts are Very Good Hooks for Essays

Very similar to a statistical hook, a fact can serve as a perfect engaging introduction. Search your field for some shocking phenomenon and gently insert it in the beginning.

Don’t forget to include a reliable source reinforcing your words!

Fact Hook Example in Economics

Nowadays, much attention is paid to the problem of shark finning around the world. Millions of sharks are killed annually for their fins, and many of them are dropped back to the ocean finless, where they die because of suffocation. In many countries, the idea of shark finning remains illegal and unethical, but the possibility of earning huge money cannot be ignored (Dell'Apa et al. 151). Regarding available technologies, market economies, trade relations, and cheap employment, it does not take much time to organize special trips for shark hunting. The Trade of shark fins is alive and well developed in countries like the United States and China. However, the number of people who are eager to try shark fin soup has considerably decreased during the last several years because of the popularity of anti-shark fin soup campaigns and laws supported worldwide (Mosbergen). The situation continues to change in China.

Daniel Stacey and Ross Kelly observed that long lines and a new gray market trend for bigger screen phones marked Apple's new iPhones debut. As expected, new phone models drew Apple fans outside retail stores (Stacey and Kelly). Global critics, however, noted that this year's lines were generally longer relative to previous periods mainly because of the developing gray market for Apple products. The new Apple's iPhones have larger screens than the previous models. Also, they boast of improved battery life, faster processors, and an enhanced camera. Tim Cook called them "mother of all upgrades" (Stacey and Kelly).

Sources to look for reliable facts:

  • Buzzfeed.com – news, videos, quizzes.
  • Cracked.com – a website full of funny stuff, like articles, videos, pictures, etc.
  • Webmd.com – an incredible collection of medical facts you will love.
  • Livescience.com – discoveries hitting on a broad range of fields.
  • National Geographic – needs no introduction.
  • Mental Floss answers life’s big questions, a compilation of fascinating facts and incredible stories.

🗣️ Dialogue as a Catchy Hook for Essays

Dialogue is another type of hooks that goes perfectly with pieces of literature and stories. It can even make your short essay stand out if you include it at the beginning. But don’t forget that it only concerns specific topics such as literature and history.

Here it is:

Dialogue Hook Example in Literature

– Why did you do it? – I don't know anymore… That's why I'm leaving for a little bit right now. I need time to think.

With these words, Anna stepped back into the train car and waved goodbye to Trevor. She couldn’t even find the right words to explain why she ran away on her wedding day. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Trevor, but there was this deep, natural, and unexplored feeling that told her it wasn’t time yet. But the only thing Anna realized was that the city made her sick. That day, she took off her wedding dress, bought a ticket on the next flight leaving that afternoon, and hopped on the train taking her to the airport. She couldn’t even remember the country’s name she was going to so blurry everything was from her tears.

Dialogue Hook for History Essay

– If we still had inquisition, we could probably set him on fire. – Some dark magic, indeed, my friend! It would have probably been a real dialogue if we knew who was the first automobile inventor for sure. People were undoubtedly shocked to see the cars moving by themselves without horses. However, since they started appearing around the globe around the same time, it is almost impossible to identify who was the original creator of the idea and the first automobile itself. The credit was usually given to Karl Benz from Germany, who created a gasoline car in 1885-1886. But there are also much earlier records of a gentleman named Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, who built the first vehicle powered by steam in France in 1769.

🔮 A Story Looks Like an Extremely Good Essay Hook

A universal essay hook is a story. You can use this trick pretty much anywhere. The main challenge is to be as authentic as possible, try to tell something fresh and engaging. The more specific and narrow the story, the more chances for a successful introduction.

Story Hook Example for an Essay on Business

Dell started fast and strong. The original company was founded in 1984 when the founder was only a 19-year-old student at the University of Texas. Four years after the inception of the company, Michael Dell became the Entrepreneur of the Year. Eight years after he started the company from his dorm room's comfort, Dell was chosen as the Man of the Year by PC Magazine. […] The company was acknowledged as the world's leading direct marketer of personal computers. At the same time, Dell was known as one of the top five PC vendors on the planet (Hunger 9). […] However, the company's journey encountered a major hurdle down the road. Even after recovering from an economic recession in 2010, the company continued to experience declining sales.

🦚 Contradictory Statement – Queen of Good Hooks

Everybody loves to start an argument by contradicting some facts. Therefore, you simply need to add a controversial statement at the beginning of your essay. People of all ages and beliefs will not be able to stop reading it!

Challenging your readers works well for social sciences, business, and psychology topics.

Examples of contradictory statements essay hooks:

If you think being a manager is a calm and relatively easy task, try surviving on five cups of coffee, a sandwich, and two packs of cigarettes a day. You would rather believe that managers only walk around the office and give their staff orders, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, the reality is much harsher than such rainbowy dreams. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. A whole set of personal qualities and professional skills must keep up with the successful strategic planning, assessment, and development. All the tasks the managers need to attend to are nerve-wracking and sometimes almost impossible to do. The stress from the demanding managerial position is often overlooked or underestimated.

Social sciences

Video games have been ruining our kids' lives and leading to an increase in crime. Since the gaming industry's development in recent years, the fear of its adverse effects on the younger generations' brains has become a significant concern. There is such a wide variety of games, ranging from educational to violent shooters and horrors. Almost immediately, caring parents jumped on the latter category, claiming that its impact is too significant and children become more aggressive and uncontrollable. Some supporters of this theory went even further. They decided to link real-life crimes to the effects of violent video games on child and adult behavior. However, as we will see later in this article, there is no or little scientific evidence supporting those ideas.

🔁 Vivid Comparison Essay Hook

Introducing your topic with an engaging, vivid comparison is a universal strategy. It is suitable for any kind of writing. The main idea is to grab your readers’ attention by showing them your unique perspective on the topic. Try to make the comparison amusing and exciting.

Comparison Essay Hook Options:

  • Comparison with daily chores (e.g., Proofreading your essays is like cleaning your teeth.)
  • Comparison with something everyone hates (e.g., Learning grammar is like going to the dentist.)
  • Comparison with something everyone loves (e.g., John was happy like a child eating a free vanilla ice cream.)
  • Comparison of modern and old-school phenomena (e.g., Modern email has much in common with pigeon post.)
  • Funny comparison (e.g., Justin Bieber is the Michael Jackson of his time)

Check out examples:


For many people, flying feels like a dream come true. More and more people take their first-ever flight thanks to the rapidly developing aviation technologies. Aircraft and airports are advancing, and air traveling is getting cheaper. However, except for transporting eager travel addicted and business people, planes are used in other ways. It appears that the whole economies across the world depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of airlines. Import and export demand this kind of transportation to work at all times. Aviation development seems like a great thing. However, just like any other technological breakthrough, it comes with a price. Environmental issues did not wait too long to show up.

Social sciences/psychology

Leaving home for the first time as a freshman can only be compared to the level of stress you had in childhood when your mother left you in the line at the checkout for too long. Indeed, becoming a student and moving out of the parent's house comes with a great deal of stress. All the unknown that lies ahead makes youngsters too anxious. Then, the difficulties of financial planning and increased academic pressure come as additional sources of worries. However, it does not have to be such a negative experience. Particular techniques can help students overcome their stress related to the separation from their parents.

📄 Definitions = Easy & Good Hooks for Essays

Another versatile essay hook option is introducing a qualitative definition. Try to make it capacious, and don’t fall into verbal jungles. This narrative hook is perfect for short scientific papers where there is only one focus subject.

Business Ethics

White-collar crime refers to the peaceful offense committed with the intention of gaining unlawful monetary benefits. There are several white-collar crimes that can be executed. They include extortion, insider trading, money laundering, racketeering, securities fraud, and tax evasion. Enron Company was an American based energy company. It was the largest supplier of natural gas in America in the early 1990s. The company had a stunning performance in the 1990s. Despite the excellent performance, stakeholders of the company were concerned about the complexity of the financial statements. The company's management used the complex nature of the financial statements and the accounting standards' weaknesses to manipulate the financial records. The white-collar crime was characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported cash flow, and failure to disclose the financial records' liabilities. This paper carries out an analysis of the Enron scandal as an example of white-collar crime as discussed in the video, The Smartest Guys in the Room.

Motivation is the act of influencing someone to take any action to achieve a particular goal (Montana& Chanov, 2008). Employees' motivation depends on the job's nature, the company's organizational culture, and personal characteristics. In this case study, various theories influence and show how employees can be motivated in the workplace.

📚 Metaphor Hook for Essays

Naturally, using a metaphor as a hook for your essay comes with some limitations. You should only use this type in literature and sometimes in psychology. However, it serves as a great attention grabber if it’s engaging enough.

Let’s see how you can use a metaphor:

When life gives you dirt, don't try to squeeze the juice out of it. It's better to leave it alone and let it dry out a bit. Kate decided to follow this philosophy since nothing else seemed to work. After the painful divorce process, last week's ridiculous work assignments and managing two kids alone almost drove her crazy. No polite discussions, arguing, or bribing helped take care of seemingly a million tasks these little women had to deal with. Even letting out the anger just like her phycologist recommended did not help much. Instead, Kate referred to the last remedy. She put all the issues aside with the hope that it would get better later.

The recipe is relatively easy – take a cup of self-respect, two cups of unconditional love, half a cup of good health, a pinch of new positive experiences, and mix it all for a perfect state of happiness! We all wish it would be possible, right? However, the mystery of this state of being happy is still unsolved. The concept and its perception considerably change depending on time and values. Happiness is so complicated that there is even no universal definition of it. Besides, humans are social creatures, so associating your level of success with others is not unusual. Therefore, being happy means achieving a certain level of several aspects.

🧩 Puzzle? Yes! Amazing Hook for Your Essay

Doesn’t a good riddle grab your attention? Sometimes you just want to find out the answer. The other times, you want to figure out how it is related to the topic. Such a hook would be great for writings on psychology and even economics or business.

Here are the examples:

How many Google office employees you need to destroy a box of fresh donuts? Google is indeed famous for some of the most accommodating and unique working places around the whole world. However, the success of the company does not only appear from treats for employees. It seems that the organizational culture has many effects on business decisions and overall performance. All the staff working in Google share the same visions and values, helping them cooperate and lead the company to success. However, there is one aspect to consider. The organizational culture needs to be adapted to the ever-changing business environment.

Who survives on dirt-like substance, is never joyful, and only returns to the cave to sleep? It sounds horrible, but the correct answer is human. Nowadays, the demands for any kind of workers are rising, which brings tremendous effects on people. As the number of duties increases, it is getting harder for employees not to chug on coffee and come back home in time for a family dinner. The work-life balance is disturbed, leading to anxiety, relationship issues, and even health problems. Social life appears to be as important as making money. Therefore, the correct distribution of time between personal life and work duties is necessary for happiness.

📢 Announcement Is Also a Good Essay Hook Option

Announcements could be suitable for literary pieces and historical essays.

Such a hook doesn’t have to be too long. It should be significant enough to persuade your readers to stick to your writing. Make sure it aligns with your topic as well.

Ways to use announcements as essay hooks:

It was a revolution! The Beatle's first song came out in 1962, and almost immediately, hordes of fans pledged their loyalty to this new band. Nearly all youngsters became obsessed with their music. No one can deny that the Beatles are still considered the creators of some of the best songs in history. However, the arrival of the British band influences culture as well. Many photos depict girls going crazy on live concerts and guys shaping their haircuts after the Beatles' members. The revolution that the band brought left an impact, evidence that we can still trace in modern British culture and music.

I will never go to Starbucks again! Oh, no, mind me. I love their coffee. At some point in my life, I even thought I had an addiction and had to ask my friends to watch my consumption of Pumpkin Spice Latte. Then, the wind of change turned everything upside down. On my usual Starbucks morning run, I noticed a homeless man holding a paper cup begging for money. At first, I didn't pay much attention since it's a usual occurrence in our area. However, one day, I recognized my old neighbor in him. The only cash I had on me, I usually spent on my cup of coffee, but I decided it was not much of a sacrifice. From that moment, I only showed up on that street to shove a few bucks into that poor guy's cup. One day, to my surprise, he talked to me.

ℹ️ Background Information Essay Hook

Last but not least, give background information on your subject to make a good intro. Such an essay hook is effortless and suitable for practically any paper. Try to find the most unobvious angle to the background information. At the same time, keep it short and substantive.

Here are the ways to use background information essay hooks:

Air Arabia is among the leading low-cost carriers in the global airline industry. The airline is mainly based at the Sharjah International Airport in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (Air Arabia, 2012). The airline came into inception in 2003 after His Highness Dr. Sheik Mohammed Al Qassimi, the Ruler of Sharjah, issued an Emiri Decree. Later, Air Arabia was transformed into a limited liability company. For nearly a decade, Air Arabia has witnessed tremendous growth, resulting in increased fleet size and improved sales revenues. At the same time, Air Arabia has created a renowned brand that offers reliable and safe services (Dubai Media Incorporated, 2012). Air Arabia identifies itself as a low-cost carrier by providing low fares in the industry. Some of the key strengths of the airline include punctuality and safety. This aims to ensure that the airline serves its customers most efficiently by observing its safety requirements and adhering to the landing and takeoff schedules (De Kluyver, 2010).

Walmart was founded by Sam Walton in the Arkansas United States in 1962 as a grocery store. The company, which operates a chain of over 8,000 stores in fifteen countries, is estimated to employ over two million employees from diverse backgrounds. Wal-Mart was incorporated in 1969 and started trading in the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. […] Although the company can leave its consumers with a saving due to its low-price policy, it has faced some sharp criticisms over how it treats its employees and other stakeholders. Wal-Mart boasts of its ability to save its customers' money, an average of $950 per year. This, however, has been criticized as harming the community. Also, the feminists' activists have focused on Walmart's misconduct in offering low prices. (Fraedrich, Ferrell & Ferrell 440)

Now we won’t keep you for long. Let’s just go through simple points of essay hook writing.

Someone may think that you have to write your hook first. It comes first in the paper, right?

In reality, though, you can wait until your entire essay is nearly finished. Then go back and rewrite the very first paragraph. This way, you can have a fresh look at what you’ve written in the beginning.

Here’s a simple plan you can follow.

  • First, write a basic version of your thesis statement.
  • Then, provide supporting evidence for your thesis in every body paragraph.
  • After that, reword your thesis statement and write your concluding paragraph.
  • Finally, search for an attention-grabbing fact, statistic, or anything from the list above to serve as an engaging essay hook.

Add this essay hook to the beginning of your introduction. Make sure that your ideas still flow naturally into your thesis statement.

⚠️ Pro tip: choose various hooks and play around, adding each hook to your introduction paragraph. Like this, you can determine which one makes the most impressive beginning to your paper.

Some of your choices may sound interesting but may not lead to your essay’s main point. Don’t panic! Paper writing always involves trial and error. Just keep trying your essay hook ideas until one fits perfectly.

That’s it 😊

Good luck with your work!

🔗 References

  • Hook – Examples and Definition of Hook
  • How to Engage the Reader in the Opening Paragraph – BBC
  • Hooks and Attention Grabbers; George Brown College Writing Centre
  • Hook Examples and Definition; Literary Devices
  • What Is a Narrative Hook? Video
  • How to: Writing Hooks or Attention-Getting Openings-YouTube

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How to Write an Essay Introduction? Examples & Steps

How to Write an Essay Introduction? Find Here

Table of Contents

What Is an Introduction?

What to include in essay introduction, how to write essay introduction easy steps, a list of examples of an essay introduction, let us help you to write a good essay introduction.

Do you ever start reading any essay or other write-up and move on to the next segment without even realizing it? If yes, it only happens when the introduction is written well. So, if you also want people to read your essay till the end, you first need to write a perfect introductory paragraph. You must read this blog if you often wonder, " How to write an essay introduction ?". Here, you will find out why the first paragraph is one of the most essential parts and the steps to write it. So, let's go delve into this blog's further section.

An introduction is the first paragraph that you use to start your essay. In this you define the scope of your essay, the gist of your topic, and provide background information of it. Through this, readers understand what they can expect from the further sections. However, you do not need to make it too lengthy or narrow; you should keep it within the standards. When preparing your English essay introduction next time, keep this in mind. If you find writing difficult, you can always get help from our essay writing service . Our writers will definitely assist you with composing a perfect, eye-catching introductory paragraph.

While thinking about preparing an essay, students are occupied with several questions. The first query that hits their mind is, "How to write an introduction   and what to include in it?" Well, being a writer, you must know it, as it can help frame an incredible opening section of an essay. So, are you curious to know about it? If yes, then read the below points.

A good introduction paragraph always has a hook in it. If you don't know what it is, do not worry. The hook is an opening statement that grabs readers' attention and makes them move toward the next sections of the essay. If you want to hook your readers, you must make your essay interesting, use correct language, and keep it concise.

GPS (Global Positioning System) is one of the greatest inventions of the USA.

The invention was the greatest invention of the USA; it shook people's minds.

You can also check out our blog,  A Captivating List of 70+ Essay Hook Examples & Their Types, to better understand it and get some ideas.

Background Context

When reading an introduction for your essay, always remember to add background information about the topic. A reader should know what your essay is about. Although they get the brief from the title, in your introductory section, you must mention what you will discuss further in the document in brief.

Example of Background Information

We will continue the Global Positioning System invention and provide its background information, which will be addressed in the essay.

The USA is famous for its greatest inventions, but one of the most famous creations is GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System. It helps people navigate and is important for various reasons. Here, we will discuss its history and importance in today's world, so let's read.

A Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a sentence through which you define exactly what you need to say in your essay. It is placed at the end of the introduction. A thesis statement is considered the most essential part of the paper. Its main goal is to define the main point to the reader.

Example of a Thesis Statement

If your paper is about "How can high school students do better in university?" Then, you can write a thesis statement as follows.

All high school graduates should take a year gap to prepare themselves to do better in their careers

When planning your essay, the first question you need to ask yourself is, "How do I write an introduction paragraph?" If this question is already in your head, then we have provided you with the answer here.

Every student sits and thinks, "How to write an introduction?" Some of them find the answer, while a few still cannot find the right answer. So, if you are also one of the scholars, we will provide you with some easy steps to follow to prepare your essay.

Decide a Tone

While framing an essay, you must know what tone you use in the introduction and the entire document. For example, you might use slang in a personal essay but not in an argumentative essay. So, every essay has its limitations, to know more, you can also check the   introduction paragraph examples in our next section.

Add Background Information

While writing your essay introduction, you do not only need to introduce the topic. However, you also have to provide background story of it. Doing this helps to set the information readers needs to know before diving into your essays.

As we already discussed, a hook is one of the most essential parts when you are writing an essay introduction. You must add a spark in your first section to keep your readers engaged in your paper. So, if you are thinking, "How to write an introduction paragraph?" the first thing you need to know is adding a hook.

Map Your Essay Structure

Having a clear structure ready before you start your essay introduction is so much essential. Some essays are long, like argumentative, so you must draft their structure prior. You need to specify many aspects; hence, always prepare your intro structure in advance to easily complete your task.

Read our blog on  Argumentative Essay Examples

Revise and Proofread

Once you finish writing your essay introduction, you must revise and proofread it. These two processes help you to leave no room for mistakes, and you draft an error-free introduction. While writing, making mistakes is something common, and you must always check before sending the final write-up.

These are some of the easiest steps that can be used to write a polished essay introduction. We know initially, the thought, "How to write an introduction? "  is common among students. Instead of worrying about this, you can use these steps or hire our experts for an instant solution.

Further, let's explore some examples to understand more about it.

There are different essays that you have to compose while in university. So, each of them is different, and while writing their introduction, you need to follow a specific tone and way. To understand more about this, and “How to write an essay introduction?” you can explore some examples of an essay introduction below.

Expository Essay Introduction Example

Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

In today's world, the Internet has taken over our lives. People spend half of their time on social media and other sites. It has surely made our lives easy, but there are disadvantages too. So, through this essay, you will read about the pros and cons of using the Internet.

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example

Topic: Are Human's Actions Reason for Climate Change?

The question, "Are Humans Actions Reason for Climate Change?" has always been debated. Some people agree on this, while others deny it. So, in this essay, we will discuss whether humans genuinely affect climate or not with the correct evidence.

These are examples of two essay introductions. By going through them, you must have understood, "How to write an essay introduction? "  If you still have any questions, you can contact us and get clarity for framing your paper.

It is not easy to frame a perfect introduction that catches readers' attention easily. So, if you often think, "How to write an essay introduction?" this blog has given you all the necessary details. We hope you will write a paragraph to hook your reader. If you get stuck and need help, our writers are here to help. From introduction to an argumentative essay,   argumentative to narrative, they can prepare all for you. Apart from the introduction, if there are any other issues you are facing, you can share them with them and get help from them to achieve good grades.

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How to Start a Narrative Essay

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The opening line for your narrative defines how many readers you will retain all the way to the conclusion . A good hook will ensure that your readers are absorbed right at the start. Your readers will appreciate your narrative if they start enjoying it from the beginning. They will want to read on throughout the rest of the essay to keep the high.

Check Our Samples

Argumentative Essay

New Technology: Beneficial or Dangerous?

Academic level: Bachelor

Subject: Communication

Paper format: MLA

Corporate Social Responsibility

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Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview

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Paper format: APA

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The Maya Tribe

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Most readers have short attention spans which means that when they read, their concentration will reduce and disappear very rapidly. We can fully concentrate when reading only for a few minutes before we start scheming through the essay. We get easily distracted and wander off from the essay into our thoughts or elsewhere.

What a Narrative Essay Contains

This is an essay that is experiential, anecdotal, and personal in nature. It adopts a story telling theme where writers have the freedom to express themselves and bring out intimate details about the subject matter. Narrative essays have guidelines that must be observed by writers right from the beginning of the essay to the conclusion, which include the following:

If Writing a Story, Include All Parts of a Story

The following parts of a story essay are mandatory:

  • Introduction

Give your essay a purpose, let’s say, it is the thesis for your story – there won’t be any sense in reading a baseless narration headed nowhere.


Your essay should have a precise point of view, most commonly, narrative essays are written in the author’s perspective. Other perspectives can be applied in narrative essays with no restriction on any preferences.

Your essay should be written in a lively and concise language. Carefully choose artful vocabulary for your narrative to be effective. Use specific words that aim to arouse specific emotions in reader’s as well as their senses.


Your narrative should be clearly structured with a clear introduction that has a strong initiation for your story to have a good impact on the readers. The purpose of your narrative should immediately come out clearly from the start of the essay. This is your essay and you can commandeer it in any direction, just be sure that you’re creative enough for the readers to effortlessly follow your lead.

First-person pronoun ‘I’

Not all instances allow the use of the first-person pronoun in essays. Though allowable in narrative essays, you should limit its use to avoid lack of diction. Minimize its use as much as possible because it offers a narrow and limited perspective whereby there might be a chance for a lot of information to escape.

You have understood what a narrative essay is and the guidelines for writing one. The next stage for you to master is how to start your essay. In order for your essay to be impactful, you must pay close attention to how you do this.

Even though this type of essay doesn’t have stringent guidelines and structures to adhere to, they are not that easy to work around. Neither is there a requirement for real research for outside sources nor a thesis statement that needs to be supported yet students struggle with how to start.

The hook, basically the opening statement, is the first line of any essay you write it is the instrument of attack in your essay. For narrative essays, the hook is twice as important as it is to other types of essays. When you are sharing a personal experience, it should start off in a stimulating and engaging tone that will stir up the readers’ attention for them to want to go on listening.

For your readers to connect to your passion, you must bring them on board at the start of the story and the rest of the narrative should follow the tone to retain them. A good hook is the one that firmly grabs the attention of the reader and won’t let go.

There are several ways in which you can present your hook sentence. Writing is a wide field with no specific structure for how to structure your hook. Each writer should creatively present their writing boldly even though it might be a bit off and doesn’t match to any specific category.

The following are ways of ensuring your hook is up to the task:

Using a relevant quote – If you are stuck on coining your hook, a way out is to use a relevant quote from a notable person or any source of inspiration sentimental to you.

Using statistics – providing some relevant statistics on the topic at hand is a good way of stirring up the reader’s attention

Telling an anecdote – giving a brief overview of your narrative in one short line can act as a good hook.

Asking an intriguing question – asking an insightful question can make readers curious about the answer and read on to answer it.

Stating a fact – stating facts is a very effective way of evoking emotions especially if it’s a new fact to the reader that can aid them to understand how your experience is relevant to the real world.

Providing a definition of a word – it will play a key role in the story’s plot and will definitely work in your favor as you will be proving an insight into the essay at the same time delivering your hook.

Why You Should Write a Good Narrative Essay

A good narrative essay is the most impactful essay and the one that’s able to captivate the reader all throughout the reading. Even though you’re not writing a technical paper full of statistics and detailed info, stating an informative fact and statistic once in a while is a good way of ensuring that your essay is of good quality.

When coaching on writing essays, most tutors don’t lay sufficient emphasis on the importance of having a captivating hook for your essay. You should always bear in mind that you could lose readers even before they reach your second paragraph if the hook is weak.

The following are properties of a good hook:

Building momentum . A good opening line is like a stone thrown off the side of a cliff. Depending on the initial launch, the stone will roll downhill on a predetermined path. The initial launch is considered our hook. Once you toss the stone, it will head downwards towards a determined target. The stone might get tossed and knocked about as it goes down gaining momentum with every inch it goes down.

Not starting the story early . A good opening statement is essential in timing how you get into your story. You should avoid jumping over details that are paramount in the build up towards your story. Bear in mind the expectation of the reader and match your storytelling with them. The expected chronological order of your story elements should be preserved in order to sell your story.

Broad-narrow perspective. Most readers prefer to be grounded in the general context before introducing narrow details concerning a particular context. Having a general perspective on the subject matter beforehand is a position anybody is comfortable with. Your readers will appreciate this factor in your essay.

Don’t overtake the reader. As the author of the essay, it’s easy to get readers confused especially with a hard to comprehend hook. This can be linked to the fact that not all information can be contained in the hook and readers will have to read on to get more and understand what you meant. The shortfall here is that if the readers get confused, they might not continue reading your essay. A good hook should be clearly understood with or without reading the rest of the essay.

Begin with smaller mysteries. Puzzles are a good way to get the readers’ attention. Presenting a puzzle in the hook can play a great deal in your favor especially if the readers get the notion that they share with the narrator in the mystery. This would have forged a partnership bond where the narrator pulls the readers into the story. Starting with smaller mysteries that are solved in the first few instances of the essay makes the readers feel satisfied with your narrative and wait for the main course.

Minimal conversations. Narrative essays have the freedom of including dialogue between characters. Should you use dialogue in the introduction, be sure to draw back and offer more information about the context before you proceed. Extensive dialogues at the beginning of an essay tend to be difficult to catch on and follow. Bear in mind that the reader should get familiarized with the characters before they start indulging in their conversations.

Reference sources. This is the part where your participation is called for long before you can produce the best hooks. Get hold of magazines and newspaper articles, as many as you can, and take a look at each opening statement. Practice by reproducing them in different wordings.

The start of your narrative plays an important role in the impact it creates in the readers. As the common analogy in the business world supports, “first impression matters a lot”. Ensuring your hook is captivating as much as possible is of significance to the quality of your essay. Although you might have a good hook, you should be aware that the hook will require support from the rest of your essay. The body and conclusion should complement your hook by being of recommendable quality.

This guideline is sure to help you learn how to start a narrative essay.

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  24. How to Start a Narrative Essay

    The opening line for your narrative defines how many readers you will retain all the way to the conclusion. A good hook will ensure that your readers are absorbed right at the start. Your readers will appreciate your narrative if they start enjoying it from the beginning. They will want to read on throughout the rest of the essay to keep the high.