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Master’s student resume samples

General master’s resumes, school of engineering & applied science student resumes, weitzman school of design student resumes.

Graduate Resume Example for 2024 [Plus 10 Skills for Savvy Job-hunters]

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Time to get a job to support your plans and kick off your mission to leave a mark on the world?

We’re here to help. 

Whether you’re looking for your first part-time job to support your studies or internship or if you’re a fresh graduate looking for your first full-time job, you’ve come to the right place. 

Here’s how we’re going to help you write your first student or graduate resume.

In a few minutes, you’ll hear four resume skills and insights that’ll last your entire working life:

  • The 6 sections to include in your resume
  • What a resume summary is – and how to write yours
  • The 10 student skills every employer needs
  • How to stand out from the crowd

Let’s follow the Jane Doe’s Novorésumé-created example throughout this guide.

Student and Graduates Resume Writing

Graduate resume sample.

graduate resume sample

Like the look of this? Stand out from other graduates and students, by creating your resume in minutes with templates that make hiring managers and recruiters take notice.

Here's more related resume examples that you might be interested in:

  • College Resume
  • High School Resume
  • No Experience Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Sections to Include in a Student or Graduate Resume

Here’s a quick overview of the sections that you should include in every resume you write, regardless of how you customize it for each job advertisement or speculative cover letter .  

  • Contact and Professional Social Media details . List your professional email address – (not that ‘hilarious’ one you signed up for when you were 13!) – your phone number, and your professional social network profile).
  • Professional Resume Summary: A summary for a resume needs to dash off your professional achievements and your skills that are relevant to the job ad.
  • A Relevant Professional Title: A professional title for a resume will need to match the position/title that is advertised in the job ad, such as ‘media graduate, junior developer, or paralegal’.
  • Education and certificates: Include your thesis, if it’s relevant, and add key courses related to the job. Include your grade point average, scholarships or university medals – if you have them.
  • Relevant Experience: Don’t stress about this, we all started somewhere. Include any paid, unpaid or volunteer roles you held during your studies. No experience? No worries! Skip over to this dedicated guide with resume tips for students with no experience yet .
  • Skills and expertise: Wizard at Word? Proficient in Photoshop? Google Ad Words guru? Make sure to include your key hard and soft skills (more on this soon).

What about those ‘nice-to-have’ but not mandatory sections? 

Here’s a few you can put in or leave out, based on the role and your own judgement. 

  • Conferences, courses and certificates
  • Student organizations, clubs, or networks
  • Publications and awards
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Personal Projects

Think you already have enough information to create your student or graduate resume ? 

Check out our intuitive resume builder , job-hunting tips and resume examples to help you choose the best resume template to reach recruiters and hiring managers. 

How to Write a Resume Summary for a Student or Graduate Resume

Let’s get moving on the content of your resume, starting with your resume summary .

Hold up! Wondering what a resume summary is? 

It’s quite straightforward. 

Basically, a resume summary it’s a short paragraph at the start of your resume which sums up your experience and suitability for the role. 

It’s a bit like that elevator pitch you might hear people talk about in movies, start-ups or sales-driven business areas. 

Instead of pitching a company or idea, you pitch you – and the benefits and value you bring, but there is no need to mention everything - for example, your work for an  essay service  may raise some eyebrows.

Time for us to look at Jane’s resume to see this in action.

Her summary is clear and direct. 

Being in business means knowing about a lot of interconnected areas and Jane shows that she is versatile by highlighting her ‘proven and tested’ skills in procurement, marketing and sales – just some of the key areas that every solid business professional needs.

  • “An independent and self-motivated business student with proven and tested business, procurement, sales, and marketing skills.”
  • “An award-winning and confident communication graduate, able to establish rapport quickly and conduct training sessions with clarity and enthusiasm.”

job search masterclass

Top Skills to Include in a Student or Graduate Resume

Let’s take a look at some of Jane’s skills now. 

She includes a nice mix of technical (hard) and soft skills on her resume. 

She talks about her proficiency with Google advertising technology, Typeform, and SendGrid, while highlighting four in-demand soft skills. 

Now you might be worried that you don’t have any of the skills Jane lists in her resume. 

Don’t worry, we bet you have plenty that you can include once you give it some thought. 

Your hard skills will differ drastically based on what you’ve studied too.

And here’s a little secret that will lift your confidence and readiness to complete your resume. 

There are some Soft Skills that almost every single employer will need. 

Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Punctuality
  • Organization
  • Flexibility
  • Problem Solving Abilities

How many of them would you add to your college resume template ? 

How to Stand Out From the Crowd as a Student or Fresh Graduate

You clever clogs out there are probably asking: “What if you share these skills with many other applicants?”

How on earth do you stand out?

Simple: you highlight your individual achievements and how they relate to the job.

Jane does this by linking her past work and volunteer experience to results. She successfully overcame personal targets – suggesting she’s driven – for three months in a row. 

This kind of example is a really strong way to show a high-performance attitude, without bragging or claiming ‘I’m a high performer’. It’s showing, not telling. 

A lack of experience is one of the big worries that students and graduates have when first applying for jobs and working on new resumes.  

Look how Jane solves this problem by highlighting her leadership in event planning and social media while at University.

Feeling inspired? Ready to create a resume that helps you get that interview? 

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Write a Professional Resume - Extensive Guide
  • Cover Letter Writing - Extensive Guide + Examples
  • 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job

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Gre prep online guides and tips, 4 successful graduate school resume and cv examples.

graduate student resume example

Crafting the perfect resume or CV for graduate school can be difficult to accomplish if you don’t have a graduate school resume sample to refer to. To help you construct your own high-quality resume for graduate school, we’re offering you  four original resume and CV samples  to use as examples.

First, we’ll explore what features make a great graduate school resume. Then, we’ll provide you with our own graduate school resume examples, giving you tips on what to include on your resume and how to showcase your strengths. Finally, we’ll leave you with our picks for the best online resources for graduate school resume and CV samples.

What Characteristics Make a Great Graduate School Resume or CV?

One easy way to make your graduate school application stand out is to create a compelling, eye-catching resume . But in order to ensure your resume will be memorable, it must be:

Graduate school resumes should highlight all of your major academic and professional experiences and accomplishments —  particularly those most relevant to your field of study . This means you should tailor your resume to your field of study and avoid padding it with too many irrelevant experiences. (That said, some programs may ask you to include your entire professional history, irrelevant positions and all. In this case, don’t leave anything out!)

In addition, don’t go overboard with your descriptions . Each entry (even those that are highly relevant to your field) should only contain as much detail as is necessary without devolving into verbosity. Generally, anywhere from two to four bullet points per entry should suffice.

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Clear and Easy to Follow

Structure is also an important feature of a graduate school resume. All resumes should include a header with your name and contact info ; clearly defined sections with headings; descriptions (usually as bullet points); and page numbers if your resume exceeds one page.

I also recommend arranging your entries in reverse chronological order (most recent to earliest). This way admissions committees will know right away what you’re currently working on as well as what your most recent experiences and accomplishments are.



The resume is a professional document and isn’t an opportunity to get overly creative. It’s perfectly OK to customize your resume, just as long as you’re adhering to the basic rules of professionalism : use an easily readable font (such as Calibri, Tahoma, or Times New Roman), stick primarily to black and white, and avoid inserting clip art or any other extraneous shapes and images.

Free of Errors

Finally, a great graduate school resume is completely free of errors . This means there are no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, or formatting. (You can eliminate the potential for formatting errors by saving your resume as a PDF. Most graduate schools prefer PDFs anyway!)

Moreover, your resume should  abide by all of your program’s rules , including page limits, header and footer requirements, etc.


Graduate School Resume and CV Samples

Now that we know what makes for an excellent graduate school resume and CV, let’s look at a few high-quality samples. Graduate school resume examples are helpful resources because they give us ideas as to how to organize our resumes and what to include on them.

Below, we give you four original graduate school resume and CV samples . Each sample is unique and offers a variety of features you may incorporate into your own resume, if desired.

We’re also giving you one annotated graduate school resume sample and one annotated sample CV for graduate school . These annotated samples each contain notes explaining what features make them strong contenders for graduate school.

Graduate School Resume Samples

  • Graduate School Resume Sample PDF
  • Graduate School Resume Sample Annotated PDF

Graduate School CV Samples

  • Sample CV for Graduate School PDF
  • Sample CV for Graduate School Annotated PDF


Additional Resources for Graduate School Resume and CV Samples

In addition to the four graduate school resume and CV samples above, there are a ton of resume samples you can access for free online. To find high-quality samples, we recommend going to  university websites, specifically university career center webpages , as these are most likely to offer you direct guidance on resume and CV writing.

Before we proceed to the resources, however, note that a majority of the following resume and CV samples are actually  job oriented . The major differences between job-oriented resumes and graduate school resumes are the focus and the use of references. Graduate school resumes and CVs typically emphasize education and do  not  contain any references (since you’re already supplying letters of recommendation).

In spite of these differences, though, you should still be able to use some of the samples below as inspiration for your own graduate school resume or CV.

The Best Resources for Additional Grad School Resume Samples

Here are our picks for the best online resources for graduate school resume examples.

Through its Career Services department, UPenn offers a wide array of resume samples  for both those who’ve completed undergrad and  those who’ve completed additional graduate education (master’s degrees, Ph.D.s, etc.). Each of the graduate-level resume samples contains detailed commentary on key features and areas that could be improved.

This PDF focuses on how to write resumes if you’re a current master’s student (but can certainly be used for those applying to graduate school, too). The four samples are on pages 5-8. Each resume contains helpful introductory information explaining the purpose of the resume and how it’s organized.

Elon University

This university offers several high-quality resume samples for various career paths, including the arts and humanities, the sciences, education, and business. It also offers a generic graduate school resume  sample, which you can use to get a feel for the kinds of sections or topics you might want to incorporate into your own resume.

body pages flipping

The Best Resources for Additional Grad School CV Samples

Here, we give you two top-notch resources for CV samples.

UPenn’s Career Services department offers a large variety of CV samples in addition to the resume samples listed above. Although all of the CV samples are geared toward employment purposes (they were all submitted by Ph.D. holders), they’re still solid resources you can use as models while crafting your own graduate school CV — especially if you’re entering the science, engineering, or math sectors.

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University of Illinois

This PDF offers two full-length CV samples and instructions detailing how to write a CV and what to include on it. Note that both CV samples are employment oriented (they both contain references and Ph.D. work); however, you can still use the general layouts of the samples to help you come up with ideas for your own CV.

Summary: Graduate School Resume and CV Samples

Most graduate school applicants will need to submit either a resume or a CV along with their graduate school applications. This is the only opportunity you’ll have to summarize  all of your academic and professional achievements in a single document.

But how can you ensure your resume or CV will impress admissions committees? Generally speaking, a memorable graduate school resume will be one that’s:

  • Focused without straying too far into irrelevant territory
  • Clear and easy to follow, with a header, headings, and bullet points
  • Professional, with easy-to-read fonts and a basic color scheme
  • Free of errors in regard to grammar and formatting

Resume and CV samples can help you figure out how to structure your own resume or CV  and give you tips on what kinds of sections and topics to include . We’ve provided you with four original resume and CV samples you can use as references while drafting your own resume or CV for graduate school. For additional samples, try browsing university websites and career center webpages.

Remember, if you can produce a compelling graduate school resume, you’re bound to leave a positive impression on admissions committees! So don’t be tempted to slack off with the resume portion of your application — it could very well be what ultimately entices a school to accept you.


What’s Next?

In addition to samples, we’ve got a quality collection of graduate school resume and CV templates — and they’re entirely free for you to use!

Need tips on what to include on your resume or CV?  Read our expert guides on  how to write a graduate school CV and how to write a graduate school resume !

When should you apply to graduate school? What do you need to apply?  We answer all of these questions and more in our articles on graduate school requirements  and graduate school deadlines .

Ready to improve your GRE score by 7 points?

graduate student resume example

Author: Hannah Muniz

Hannah graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in English and East Asian languages and cultures. After graduation, she taught English in Japan for two years via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. View all posts by Hannah Muniz

graduate student resume example

graduate student resume example

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7 Grad School Resume Examples + Complete Guide

Stephen Greet

Grad School

Grad School

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Grad School Resumes
  • Grad School Resumes A-M
  • Grad School Resumes N-Z

As a graduate student, you’ve dedicated years to the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of the world. And if that weren’t enough, you’re paying the bills and building your expertise along the way.

But even though you can tackle research and jobs with a cool head, writing an effective cover letter and grad school resume can feel like a shot in the dark. How are you supposed to know what to include, and how can you showcase all your skills without going over a page?

We’ve created seven grad school resume samples based on the best resume practices for grad students . These examples have helped scholars build a great resume to get job interviews at prestigious universities, private corporations, and federal laboratories across the country.

Grad School Resume

or download as PDF

Grad school resume example with 6 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • We’d recommend using a  resume outline  to structure your thoughts initially—just jot down everything you can think of. Then go through and narrow it down so it contains only the essentials.
  • Then you can  format your resume  so it’s easy to read and pleasing to look at. Don’t forget to keep your section headers distinct with a different font and color.
  • You can include metrics about any rates you improved (like efficiency or time saved), the amount of grant money you helped earn, your GPA, how many publications you produced, or the number of people you worked with or assisted.

Graduate School Resume

Graduate school resume example with internship experience

  • If the institution caters to a specific subject like history then mention how you’ve used your skills to truly pursue excellence in this field via projects, internships, etc. Decided to study when everyone else was partying? Don’t be shy! Showcase your academic brilliance by adding a high GPA of at least 3.75.

Grad School Application Resume

Grad school application resume example with dog walking and intern experience

  • Whether it be scoring an internship at a big company like NVIDIA or even using your skills to create various solutions, ensure you highlight the best parts! Let the university recruiters know your desire and ambition to contribute to society by pursuing higher studies there!

Biology Grad School Resume

Biology grad school resume example with 6 years of experience

  • An objective is best if you’re changing careers or have only a few years of experience in your field. If you have over 10 years of experience, use a  resume summary  instead.
  • Make sure your objective is personalized for every job application by including the specific job title, company, and relevant skills each time you submit your resume.
  • For example, what areas of research are you familiar with? How did you assist with experiments, and what were the results of your research? Did you improve lab processes in any way, and if so, how?

Nursing Grad School Resume

Nursing grad school resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Quantifiable metrics can include patient satisfaction, the number of successful procedures you performed, how accurately you filled out paperwork, and number of patients you cared for per shift.
  • Before you submit your application, always  check your resume  so it’s completely free of errors, like present tense verbs, missed commas, and typos. You’d be surprised by what you can miss on the first few revisions!

Psychology Grad School Resume

Psychology grad school resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Hiring managers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to streamline the initial stages of applicant cuts. The ATS catches keywords in your resume and matches them to skills preselected by recruiters. If you don’t include enough skills in your resume, you’ll be eliminated. So, read the job description to add similar skills in a dedicated skills section.
  • We recommend adding six to eight skills in your skills section to demonstrate your technical capabilities.
  • Getting a job in psychology isn’t easy, so if you’ve got any special licenses or certifications, add an optional “certifications” section to your resume to show off your credentials.

SLP Grad School Resume

SLP grad school resume example with 4 years of experience

  • While you can certainly list those skills in your skills section, it’s best to include them both in your skills section  and  in your work experience bullets.
  • Explain how you used those skills to make a positive impact on your patients and in your workplace. Always think of the “how” questions and try to answer them in your resume for the strongest effect.
  • Including your interests can make you more personable to the hiring manager, which is vital when the hiring team considers who they’ll interview!

Related resume guides

  • College Graduate
  • College Student
  • Entry-Level

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Gut the guesswork in your job hunt. Upload your existing resume to check your score and make improvements. Build a resume with one of our eye-catching, recruiter-friendly templates.

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  4. How to Write a Grad School Resume (With Examples & Template) (2022)

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  6. FREE 9+ Sample Graduate School Resume Templates in PDF

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  2. How to Write A Recent College Graduate Resume


  4. CV for Students with NO Experience (FREE TEMPLATE)


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  2. student resume samples - University of Pennsylvania">Master’s student resume samples - University of Pennsylvania

    Advice we might give for this resume: Make better use of horizontal space to de-emphasize the dates. List relevant coursework within the education section. Add a “graduate student” section to the professional experience section to highlight key coursework or student projects. Add a “Skills” section.

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    Think you already have enough information to create your student or graduate resume? Check out our intuitive resume builder, job-hunting tips and resume examples to help you choose the best resume template to reach recruiters and hiring managers. How to Write a Resume Summary for a Student or Graduate Resume

  4. Graduate School Resume and CV Examples">4 Successful Graduate School Resume and CV Examples

    Focused. Graduate school resumes should highlight all of your major academic and professional experiences and accomplishments — particularly those most relevant to your field of study. This means you should tailor your resume to your field of study and avoid padding it with too many irrelevant experiences.

  5. Grad School Resume Examples, Templates, and Guide">Grad School Resume Examples, Templates, and Guide

    Here’s an example of a resume for grad school written by a current undergraduate: Download This Grad School Resume Sample. Sample resume for graduate school application (text version) Graduate school resume example (recent graduate) If you’ve already graduated, your resume should look more like this recent college graduate resume:

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    How To Write a Graduate School Resume (With Example) Mary Morgan, SHRM-CP. Updated August 25, 2023. When applying to graduate schools, some institutions may ask you to submit a resume with your application. This document outlines the academic and extracurricular experiences you've had during your undergraduate studies.

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    Step 1: Plan the structure and layout. Step 2: Create a heading with your personal information. Step 2: Detail your education. Step 3: Outline your work experience. Step 4: Highlight other relevant skills and achievements. Step 5: Proofread and save as a PDF. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about graduate school resumes.

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    Educational background. 3. Work experience. 4. Special skills. 5. Research projects and publications. 6. Awards and honors. With these sections, you should be able to provide most of the information an admissions officer needs to decide whether or not to accept you into a master's program. Read more: Resume Sections: How to Organize Your Resume.

  10. Grad School Resume Examples + Complete Guide - BeamJobs">7 Grad School Resume Examples + Complete Guide - BeamJobs

    7 Grad School Resume Examples + Complete Guide. Stephen Greet April 8, 2024. Microsoft Word Google Docs PDF. Grad School. Use this template. Best for senior and mid-level candidates. There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.