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Essay Samples on Someone Who Inspires Me

At its core, inspiration is a powerful force that ignites passion, propels dreams, and molds individuals into extraordinary beings. It is the vibrant pulse that surges through our veins, pushing us to achieve greatness even in the face of adversity. Crafting an essay about someone who inspires you allows you to shine a spotlight on the transformative power of such individuals.

How to Write an Essay on Someone Who Inspires Me

Here are some useful example you shpuld consider when writing a college essay about someone who inspires you:

  • Consider beginning with a heartfelt introduction that captivates the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the awe-inspiring journey to come.
  • Share a personal anecdote or a defining moment that sparked the connection between you and your inspirational figure, allowing the reader to empathize with your experience.
  • Delve into the qualities and actions that make this individual so inspiring. Explore their accomplishments, perseverance, and unwavering determination. Showcase how their words and deeds have impacted your life, shaping your values and aspirations. Be vivid and descriptive, illustrating the profound influence they have had on your personal growth and development.
  • Weave in personal reflections throughout your essay. Share introspective thoughts and revelations, highlighting the lessons you have learned and the ways in which your perspective has evolved. By doing so, you invite the reader to embark on a transformative journey alongside you, creating a powerful emotional connection.

To aid you in your writing process, we provide a sample essay about someone who inspires you. It serves as a guiding light, illustrating the structure, tone, and depth needed to craft an outstanding piece. Drawing inspiration from this sample, embrace your unique voice, infuse your essay with passion, and let your words leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the readers.

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Best topics on Someone Who Inspires Me

1. A Bond Beyond Words: Reflecting on My Relationship with Someone Special

2. A Beacon of Inspiration: A Descriptive Peace about the Person I Admire

3. A Person I Will Always Remember: My English Teacher

4. My Grandmother as My Role Model: Her Role in Shaping My Identity

5. My Role Model and My Heroes: Mother and Father

6. Audrey Hepburn: Life Of A Timeless Inspiration Of Mine

7. Oprah Winfrey and Ariana Grande: Women That Inspire Me

8. St. Bernadette: The Woman That Inspires Me

9. Simone De Beauvoir One of the Greatest Woman

10. Ned Kelly: American Hero Or Villain

11. Joan of Arc One of the Most Heroic Women in French History

12. Who Inspired Me to Become a Nurse

13. Mary Kom, The Person Who Inspired Me to Pursue My Dreams

14. The People Who Shaped Me

15. Three People Who Influenced Me Throughout My Life

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Someone Who Inspires Me essay

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Who Inspires You and Why? 5 Best Sample Answers with Examples

Who inspires you and why? It is one of the most common interview questions that employers ask at some point in their lives. We all have role models who inspire us to be better people, but we often don’t take the time to think about who they are.

who inspires you and why answers with examples

This blog post will explore who inspires you and why they inspire you. We will also look at how we can use these people as motivation in our own lives.

Table of Contents

What is inspiration?

Inspiration can be defined as the process of stimulating the mind to create new ideas or thoughts. It is often used in the context of creativity, but it can also apply to other areas of life such as motivation, problem-solving, and leadership.

Why are people inspired by others?

One of the most common reasons people are inspired by others is because they have achieved something that we admire. Maybe they have overcome great odds to achieve their goals, or they have made a significant contribution to society.

Another reason people are inspired by others is that they possess qualities that we aspire to have. Maybe they are kind and compassionate, or intelligent and successful.

Lastly, people are often inspired by others because of the way they live their lives. Maybe they are always positive and upbeat, or maybe they live life with a sense of purpose. Whatever the case may be, we can all learn from someone.

How to find role models who inspire you

One of the best ways to find role models who inspire you is to think about the people who have positively impacted your life. These could be family members, teachers, coaches, mentors, or friends. Once you have identified these people, take some time to reflect on why they inspire you.

It is also important to seek out new sources of inspiration, especially if you feel like you are in a rut. There are many ways to do this, such as reading biographies or watching TED Talks. You can also follow inspiring people on social media or attend events where they will be speaking.

Why does the interviewer ask this question?

The interviewer asks this question for a few reasons.

  • First, they want to know you better and see what motivates you.
  • Second, they want to see if you have the ability to be inspired by others. This is important because it shows that you can learn from other people and that you are not just focused on yourself.
  • Third, they want to see if you can identify who your role models are and why they inspire you. This shows that you are reflective and have thought about who has positively influenced your life.
  • Answering this question well can give the interviewer a good sense of who you are and whether or not you would be a good fit for the job.

How to answer the “who inspires you and why?” interview question

This question can demonstrate your values and what you believe is important in life.

Some things to keep in mind when answering this question:

  • Be specific about who your role model is and why they inspire you.
  • Avoid saying that you don’t have a role model or that you are your own biggest inspiration.
  • Talk about how this person has helped you in your life or career.
  • Share what qualities or traits you admire about this person.

Who Inspires You - Inspirational Quotes

Sample Answers to Who inspires you and why?

Teacher example.

“One of my high school teachers, Mr. Smith, was a huge inspiration. He always went above and beyond for his students and pushed us to be our best. I aspire to have that same dedication to my work and want to help others reach their potential as he did for me.”

Relationships Example

Friend example.

“My best friend is a big inspiration to me. No matter what life throws her way, she always stays positive and keeps moving forward. She’s also an amazing listener and gives great advice. I aspire to be more like her in my personal and professional life.”

Mother example

“My mother is my biggest inspiration. She’s an incredible woman who has overcome a lot in her life. She’s always been there for me, even when things were tough. I aspire to be as strong and compassionate as she is.”

Public Figure

Martin luther king jr..

Martin Luther King Jr. is my inspiration of mine. He was a civil rights leader who fought for equality and justice. His dedication to his cause is something that I admire. He once said, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'”

Steve Jobs is another one of my inspirations. He was the founder of Apple and is widely considered a genius in the tech world. I admire his dedication to his work and ability to think outside the box.

He once said, “Your work will fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all heart matters, you’ll know when you find it.”

Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg has also inspired me. She is the COO of Facebook and has written a few books, most notably Lean In. What I admire about her is her dedication to her career while still making time for her family.

She is a working mother and is proof that you can have it all if you are willing to fight for it. In her book, she talks about the importance of women supporting other women in the workplace. She says, “We need to start leaning into our careers and stop holding ourselves back. We need to believe in our abilities and trust that we can achieve our goals.”

Elon Musk is another one of my inspirations. He is the founder, CEO, and CTO of SpaceX, co-founder of Tesla Motors, and chairman of SolarCity. He is also the founder of The Boring Company, a tunnel construction company.

What I admire about Elon is his vision for the future. He wants to make humans a multi-planetary species, and he is working hard to make that happen. He is also a big advocate for renewable energy and believes that it is the key to saving our planet. He once said, “The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.”

Questions to Ask Elon Musk

In conclusion

Role models are important because they can inspire us to reach our goals and become the best versions. When answering the question “Who inspires you?” be specific about your role model and why they inspire you.

You can also talk about how this person has helped you in your life or career. Lastly, share what qualities or traits you admire about this person. Answering this question well can give the interviewer a good sense of who you are and whether or not you would be a good fit for the job.

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Essay on Who Inspires You the Most

Who Inspires You the Most

We all are surrounded by different types of people and things around us. Among these many of them give us some beautiful lessons of life and thus become inspirational figures for us. I think you all would be having someone in your life that inspires you in every moment of life.

Short and Long Essay on Who Inspires You the Most in English

In the short and long essay below I have described my own experience about someone that inspires me the most in my life. I think this will give you a clear idea about the topic. It might be an aid for the students in writing an essay, competitive exams, projects, and assignments.

10 Lines Essay on Who Inspires You the Most (100 – 120 Words)

1) Everyone has one person that inspires them to take every decision in their life.

2) My mother is the person in my family who inspires me the most.

3) She supports everyone and is the backbone of our family.

4) Her selfless and unconditional love for family inspires me to be like her.

5) I want to be helpful, multi-tasking, strong, and kind like her.

6) Her life and work motivated me at every step of my life.

7) She taught me to be brave and work hard to achieve all my dreams.

8) She works happily all day without complaining and hesitating.

9) She dedicated her life to keeping everyone happy.

10) I love my mother and wanted to become strong like her.

Short Essay on Holiday (200 – 250 Words)


Inspiration is necessary for motivating us in our life. Inspiration helps in boosting ourselves to do things that are important to achieve what we desire in our life. We can be inspired by anything either it is a person, activity, or thing. Many of us want to become like the person who inspires us the most.

Inspiration helps in changing our lives

We all desire to be successful in our lives and thus we do continuous effort for the same. Inspiration is something that energizes us in the path of success. It motivates us and helps us in doing our best. Everybody has someone in their life that is the greatest inspiration for them. It can be someone from our family or the world outside. It is the characteristics and outstanding qualities of the people that make them be an inspiration for us. Our inspiration makes us enthusiastic about achieving our goals in life. It helps in enhancing our creativity that makes us different from others. It inculcates motivation in us that keeps us reminding about our aim in life.

Inspiration fills us with positivity

We all are aware that failure is a part of success. We all need to have courage and a strong mindset to face these failures in life. It is sad to state that many of us become sad or hopeless after facing failures in life. Inspiration is a positive energy that helps in getting rid of the hopelessness and depression in our life. It inculcates positivity in us and adds enthusiasm again in our life.

Conclusion Inspiration helps in changing the way of our thinking and doing things in our life. It is necessary to have an inspiration to bring light into our dark lives.

Long Essay on My Real Inspiration in My Life (1000 Words)

Every day in our life we get inspired by something or by different people in our life. Despite being inspired by many we all have somebody in our lives that inspires us the most. This choice may differ from person to person. We all are heading forward in our life to become successful. It is only the inspiration that makes a great difference in our thoughts and helps us achieve our goals and get success.

What is Meant by Inspiration?

Inspiration is the inculcation of a spirit that motivates a person to do something in his/her life. It is most important for everyone in our lives. This inspiration changes the way we think about our life. It helps in moving forward in our life by removing all the life hurdles in a positive way. This also helps in making us believe in our own power and capability.

When we observe some good qualities in others we want to do the same in our life. It changes our perspective of living. This can only happen when we get inspired by people or thing that makes us think positive as well as motivate us for doing something. We need it most when we are depressed or sad by some failure or great loss in life. It is the inspiration only that makes us strong again to fight the battle of our life. Inspiration is that idea that can change the lives of many people.

My Biggest Inspiration

I have been inspired by a number of people and instances in my life. Inspiration to me is like a catalyst that awakens my power and ability to work. The biggest inspiration in my life is none other than my family and the person I admire the most is my father. He is the one who has inspired me from my childhood. His qualities like hard-working nature, discipline, sacrifice, and sympathy inspire me a lot. I want to work and become like him always in my life but every time some or the other thing is missing.

A Light on My Father’s Life – A Great Inspiration for Me

He was born in a farmer family and his father died at a very young age. There was no one to give him financial support for his studies. He had a keen desire to study and therefore he somehow managed to complete his primary studies in the village itself. After returning from school my father used to help his mother with the fieldwork. Later he lived with his relatives and completed his higher studies. He had to undergo different kinds of problems and sufferings but he managed to survive with all types of adversities.

He had a goal that he will not return to his village bare-handed. He was a Hindi-medium student but used to learn different English words from the boards and pamphlets he saw on the way to the university. He made a lot of effort to make himself ready for different interviews. He had been a student of Hindi-medium but his fluency in English speaking is superb. It is the result of his efforts and hard work. I always get an inspiration from the life of my father. He has provided me whatever I needed. He never wants me and my sisters to face the situation that he had been through.

What about Him Inspires me a Lot?

My father has a good habit of reading books whenever he is free from his office works. He has his own library of books. My father always teaches us to never become afraid of any situation in life. Sometimes my father has been harsh with me but it is because he never wants me to be down in my life. He has a lot of expectations from me and my sisters. The way he manages every work in life gives me a great lesson. He teaches me every day and is good at all subjects. Whatever he does not know he reads and then explains it to me. Once I was very ill and therefore I could not prepare well for my exams. I was much worried about this but my father gave me the courage to give my best and leave the results on God.

He has supported me many times whenever I have been in any stressful situation. The way my father struggled in his life to get out from the clutches of poverty and become self-dependent in his life encourages me to do something big in my life so that I can make my father proud of me. Whenever I am discouraged, the words of my father make me again ready to fight and win in any type of situation. This thought always revolves in my mind that when my father could make his way through such an adverse situation then why cannot I, after getting every kind of facility. This helps me to gather sufficient courage and enthusiasm and easily face every difficulty in my life. I always want to be a reason for the smile on the face of my father.

Is Inspiration Really Important in Life?

Inspiration is that igniting spark that can help us to achieve whatever we want in our life. It is necessary for making us better and successful in our life. It is a thought that can change the life of many. It can come into us at any time when we get inspired by people or certain instances in our life. It is most important as this brings positive energy within us to do something in our life. Inspiration is necessary for changing our way of thinking. When our thinking is directed in a positive way, our actions themselves take their direction and thus help us in achieving greater heights in our life.

We are known by our thoughts and actions. Inspiration is an idea that can mold our thoughts and bring a change to our actions that may surely lead us towards success. I am very blessed to have my father in my life as my best friend and a great source of inspiration to me.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Motivation and Inspiration Day is celebrated on 2nd January since 2002.

Ans . Inspiration is the force that makes us do something good in our life.

Ans . The synonyms of inspiration are creativity, innovation, imagination, encouragement, etc.

Ans . The person who inspires us is called as inspirer or influencer.

Ans . When we are inspired we do feel motivated to do something that may lead us to success.

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Who Inspires You: Essay Sample

This is a sample “ who inspires you ” essay, which is a common assignment in many colleges and universities. Read on reading to find out how to write about someone who inspires you most and supports your accomplishments!

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My brother is someone that inspired not only me, but also everyone else he met. As an older brother to me, he was everything that you would expect in an older sibling: watchful, caring, but also firm, and he also seemed to know everything. I could come to my brother with any issue or worry, and he would always know exactly what to do. Though he has been gone for four years now, my brother continues to inspire me every day.

My brother was nothing short of brilliant, and this was quite evident at a very young age. He excelled in school from the very beginning, earning top marks and absorbing all that he learned like a sponge. He was even able to master nothing less than four languages at a fairly quick pace: something that had always impressed me. My brother seemed to know the answer to everything, not just when it came to school, but in all matters of life. When I was younger, I saw him merely in the light of an older brother; however, as I grew older, our sibling relationship evolved into a relationship of best friends. This friendship was something I never took for granted, especially today now that he is gone.

My Brother Is Someone Who Inspires Me

Growing up, my family was quite poor. We never went without what we needed, but we certainly went without what we wanted, especially as children growing up. However, our parents taught us to emphasize the other, more important things in life. We never went without the necessities, and that included love and support. This was also engrained into my brother, who took care of me much like my parents did.

My brother inspired not only myself, but also many others in his short lifetime. My parents were not literate growing up and, as a result, they wanted us to have an easy command of the English language and not struggle as they did. As my brother and I grew up and learned the English language in school and how to read and write, my brother somehow recognized that this was a skill that should not belong to just one generation of his family. He made it his goal to convince my mother and father to attend school again, just so that they could also learn to read and write as we had. These two basic skills, basic for any other young American student, were seen as unattainable qualities for my parents. However, my brother inspired them to return to school, showing them that it was never too late to learn.

As if this was not enough, my brother helped to create an association that strove to teach the illiterate in my town. My brother inspired everyone, but I never felt overshadowed. His friendliness and love was contagious; everyone wanted to be around him. With the help of his friends, my brother made a massive difference in my hometown, and helped more people to learn how to read and write.

My brother is the reason I am who I am today. Though he is not with my physically, he is always with me in spirit. He inspires me every day to be better than the person I was yesterday. Though he is here no longer, he has left such an indelible impression in my heart and mind. Because of him, I wish to go to school as he did and earn a PhD, just as he did. Because of him, I wish to strive to be the best I can be, and also inspire others to do the same, just as he did.

I consider myself very lucky to have called my brother my best friend, and to have had the relationship that I had with him. He had a tremendous impact on everyone that he met, and his personality was magnetic. Though our relationship was cut short when he passed away, his inspiration has always stayed with me, and constantly pushes me to be the best I can be.

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This is a sample "who inspires you" essay, which is a common assignment in many colleges and universities. Read on reading to find out how to write about someone who inspires you most and supports your accomplishments! My brother is someone that inspired not only me, but also everyone else...

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In Defense of the Devil’s Advocate

Many open mouths with speech triangles

M y heart was beating out of my chest, and I was breaking into a cold sweat. You’d expect nerves from a Ph.D. student presenting at a conference full of professors, but I’d just finished my talk. I’d practiced that presentation dozens of times and never quite nailed it. Yet gameday had come, and I’d hit every note. So why the jitters?

As I took my seat, Patrick Bolton stood up. He was one of the world’s most respected researchers in corporate finance theory, the topic I’d just spoken about, and would later become president of the American Finance Association, the most prestigious position in my profession. Patrick wasn’t presenting one of his own papers but instead was assigned the role of “discussant”—to read my paper beforehand and give an independent view.

The discussion started well enough, with Bolton calling my idea “intuitively plausible,” but then he said a key ingredient in my study “makes no sense.” I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. I’d been thrilled to be invited to this conference, where I was the only student in a room full of professors. But now they’d be going back home and telling their colleagues about this young upstart who gate-crashed an event for seasoned faculty and presented nonsense.

Bolton then moved on to discussing the next paper in the session, but I was so upset I tuned it out. This research was by a senior professor, so Bolton would surely be full of praise, making mine seem even more flawed by comparison. I was suddenly shaken out of my slumber when Patrick said that this study might have an “endogeneity problem.” That’s a major blow to any scientific study. It means that you have correlation, but no causation.

That was the first morning of the week-long conference. Virtually every other discussion followed a similar tone to Bolton’s. It started off commending the question the researchers were exploring but then explained why they hadn’t yet fully nailed the answer due to alternative explanations or other quibbles. Over that week, I realized that constructive criticism is simply part of the academic process. The whole point of presenting at a conference is that you can only take an idea so far by yourself. There’s no stigma in receiving negative comments—they’re simply expected. If a discussant were ever entirely positive, it would have so little credibility that the audience would think you had incriminating photos of him.

The value of this practice applies far beyond academia. While most people understand the power of the scientific method, this is about the “scientific culture”—an environment where people put out bold and innovative ideas, actively seek dissenting opinions and revise their proposals to address the criticisms—which is valuable to any organization. If it’s part of the fabric for plans to be critiqued, then there’s no shame in receiving pushback. Nor is there fear in raising concerns—doing so helps colleagues refine their ideas, rather than stabbing them in the back. Highlighting flaws isn’t unkind; instead, one of the most unkind things you can do is to notice a problem and not point it out.

Read more: How to Disagree With Your Boss and Still Get Ahead

The non-academic equivalent of a discussant is a “devil’s advocate,” who highlights the blind spots in a proposal. Sometimes, an entire group is tasked with this job, known as a “red team.” This was practiced by ExComm, the committee set up by John F. Kennedy to indicate how to respond to the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was divided into two teams, one supporting an invasion and the other a blockade. After the two sides wrote their initial papers, they exchanged them and gave feedback on the other’s proposal. The initial group then revised their plan to take into account the concerns.

Sometimes you don’t need to appoint a red team; the culture is such that one naturally emerges. When he ran General Motors, Alfred Sloan closed a meeting by asking “I take it we are all in complete agreement on the decision here?” Everyone nodded. Sloan continued, “Then, I propose we postpone further discussion of this matter until our next meeting to give ourselves time to develop disagreement and perhaps gain some understanding of what this decision is about.” He believed that no decision is black and white, and if no one raised any concerns, this wasn’t because there weren’t any but because he hadn’t yet given his colleagues time to think of them.

Devil’s advocates can even be automated. Singaporean bank DBS brings a Wreckoon, a racoon-themed mascot wielding a hammer, into every major meeting . At random times, a PowerPoint slide appears with the Wreckoon, accompanied by a question such as “What have we missed out?,” “What is our riskiest assumption?,” “What could go wrong?” and “Where is the data?” This prompts leaders to pause and give airtime to dissenting views.

Knowing that criticism will come your way drives you to make your idea as strong as possible beforehand. Researchers will do all they can to pick holes in their own paper before sending it to a discussant. This practice is known as a pre-mortem . In a post-mortem, a decision has flopped and you try to figure out why. In a pre-mortem, you imagine that a failure has occurred and think about all the possible causes.

A final feature of a scientific culture is the value given to dissenting voices . You might think it strange that people ever agree to be a discussant—you fly halfway around the world to be the bad guy in the room—but the profession greatly respects members who give tough but constructive evaluations. Doing so boosts their reputation, and many conferences give “best discussant” awards.

Read More: How to Actually Change Someone’s Mind

Some companies aim to foster such a culture. X, Google’s moonshot factory, gives a bonus to any employee who finds a fatal flaw that leads to their own team’s project being killed. This in turn inspires X’s engineers to be yet more daring—if they propose a crazy idea that has a fundamental defect, they’re confident that a colleague will notice it and scrap the innovation before it costs the company millions of dollars. The better a car’s brakes, the more you can push on the accelerator.

Yet not every company values dissent. In May 2022, Stuart Kirk, HSBC’s Head of Responsible Investment, gave a speech arguing that investors needn’t worry about climate change. This talk led to instant outrage, but the content was more nuanced than the headlines suggested. He pointed out that, even if the planet becomes warmer, we can invest in adapting to higher temperatures. Nor did he say that climate change isn’t a serious threat to society but rather that investors don’t bear the risks as their horizons are too short-term. HSBC suspended him, even though they’d previously signed off on the content of his talk, and the furor led to him resigning shortly afterwards.

Kirk’s delivery was sometimes sardonic, with the most-quoted line being “Who cares if Miami is six meters underwater in 100 years? Amsterdam has been six meters underwater for ages, and that’s a really nice place. We will cope with it.” However, controlling our emotions about the tone and focusing instead on the content, the speech did an important service by providing a contrasting opinion: that we’re focusing almost exclusively on climate-change mitigation and not enough on adaptation, and that investors won’t worry enough about climate change until regulators make them pay the price through carbon taxes. Suspending someone for expressing a dissenting view, even on a topic we might feel strongly about, is a deterrent to diverse thinking.

Companies are paying increasing attention to diversity under the assumption that diverse teams make better decisions. But it’s not enough to take an “add diversity and stir” approach, where a company simply hires a mix of people and leaves them to work their magic. It needs to take deliberate steps to foster a diversity of thinking. Appointing devil’s advocates, holding pre-mortems, and encouraging different viewpoints are valuable tools to building smart-thinking organizations.

Reprinted with permission from May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases—And What We Can Do about It by Alex Edmans, courtesy of the University of California Press. Copyright 2024.

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Someone Who Has Made an Impact on My Life: My Grandmother

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Published: Sep 1, 2023

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Unconditional love and selflessness, guidance and wisdom, resilience and perseverance, continued influence and legacy.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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