
Essay on Constitution Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on Constitution Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Constitution Day


Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Divas, is celebrated every year on November 26th. It is a day of great importance in India’s history.


On this day in 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution. It is the supreme law that governs the country.


Various activities and programs are organized to raise awareness about the Constitution. It helps us understand our rights and duties as citizens.

Constitution Day reminds us of our commitment to uphold the values of our Constitution, promoting unity, integrity, and harmony in the country.

250 Words Essay on Constitution Day

Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day, is celebrated annually on the 26th of November. This day commemorates the adoption of the Constitution in India. It is a day of great significance, as it acknowledges the efforts taken by our forefathers to establish a democratic republic.

Historical Significance

On November 26, 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution, which came into effect on January 26, 1950. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the chairman of the drafting committee, played a pivotal role in its creation. The day emphasizes the value of democracy and the rule of law.

Objective of Constitution Day

The objective of Constitution Day is to promote constitutional values among citizens. It is a day to remember the architects of our Constitution and to reiterate our commitment to uphold its ideals. It also serves to spread awareness about the fundamental rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution.

Observance of Constitution Day

Constitution Day is observed with great fervor across the nation. Activities such as reading the Preamble in schools and colleges, organizing lectures, and debates on constitutional topics are common. These events aim to instill respect for the Constitution and promote democratic values.

Constitution Day is not just a celebration; it is a reminder of our duty to uphold the principles of our Constitution. It is a day to reaffirm our commitment to democracy, justice, equality, and fraternity. As we observe this day, let us pledge to work together to uphold the values enshrined in our Constitution, to ensure a better future for all citizens.

500 Words Essay on Constitution Day

Introduction to constitution day, significance of constitution day.

The day holds immense significance as it marks the culmination of the hard work of the drafting committee who meticulously crafted the Constitution over a period of 2 years, 11 months, and 18 days. The Constitution of India is not merely a document but the embodiment of the values, hopes, and aspirations of the people of India. It is a beacon of democracy, securing to all its citizens justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. It is the supreme law of the land, providing the framework for the political, legal, and social systems in India.

Constitution Day was first observed in 2015 as part of a year-long celebration of the 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. The day is observed by reading the Preamble of the Constitution in schools, colleges, and other public institutions. It is a day to reflect on the journey of India as a democratic republic and to reiterate our commitment to upholding the values enshrined in the Constitution.

The Constitution: A Living Document

Constitution Day is a reminder of our duty to uphold and protect the principles of our Constitution. It is a day to celebrate our democratic heritage and to acknowledge the role of the Constitution in shaping the destiny of the nation. It is a day to pay tribute to the visionaries who drafted this magnificent document and to reaffirm our faith in the values it embodies. As we celebrate Constitution Day, let us pledge to uphold the constitutional ideals and values and strive to build an inclusive and just society.

In the words of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, “Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age.” On this day, let us remember these words and strive to live by them.

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constitution day essay writing in english

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

A Proclamation on Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and Constitution Week,   2021

For 234 years, America’s Constitution has guided our growth, shaped our progress, and defined us as a Nation of sacred laws and fundamental values.  When our democracy is tested, we draw strength from the Constitution to see us through.  When we look ahead in our uniquely American way — restless, bold, and optimistic — our Constitution is the bedrock we build upon to make our Nation more equal, more just, and more prosperous for all our people.

American democracy requires our constant care, vigilance, and full participation to determine the course and conscience of our Union.  As President, I swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, and I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that we uphold and strengthen this remarkable system of self-government for future generations ready to put their own shoulders to the wheel.  

The Framers of the Constitution understood the extraordinary promise of a democratic system of government — a Nation that could be made a “more perfect Union” by each passing generation to come.  They laid out a set of basic principles and equipped the American people with all that was necessary to meet the changing needs and values of our country through the years.

For more than two centuries, women and men have struggled and strived to make good on the promise of our founding document and to expand the promise of America by amending our Constitution in accordance with our growth and progress as a Nation — just as the Framers envisioned they would.  Through Civil War, the fight for universal suffrage, and the heroic non-violent resistance of the Civil Rights Movement — from Seneca Falls to Selma and countless acts of civic bravery beyond — courageous Americans have fought, sacrificed, and changed hearts and minds to deliver the full breadth of human dignity to which our Constitution aspires.  Fully realizing these ideals and attaining justice for all remains an urgent and enduring imperative.

Today, we are in the midst of grave attempts to suppress and subvert the right to vote in free and fair elections — the most sacred right in our democracy and the very heart of our Constitution.  We must continue to rebuff these threats to ensure that American democracy remains healthy and strong.  My Administration is pursuing an all-of-government effort to protect and expand the fundamental right to vote and make our democracy more equitable and accessible for all Americans.  

I have often said that America is the only Nation founded on an idea.  Though we have never fully lived up to it, we have never walked away from it.  We have never stopped striving to fulfill the founding promise of our Nation — that all of us are created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives.  My Administration is committed to bringing us closer to the fulfillment of that promise.

To honor the timeless principles enshrined in our Constitution, the Congress has, by joint resolution of February 29, 1952 (36 U.S.C. 106), designated September 17 as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” and authorized the President to issue a proclamation calling on United States officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on that day.  By joint resolution of August 2, 1956 (36 U.S.C. 108), the Congress further requested that the President proclaim the week beginning September 17 and ending September 23 of each year as “Constitution Week.” 

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 17, 2021, as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, and September 17, 2021, through September 23, 2021, as Constitution Week.  On this day and during this week, we celebrate our Constitution and the rights of citizenship that together we enjoy as the people of this proud Nation. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth.

                                JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.

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Essay on National Constitution Day | National Constitution Day Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on National Constitution Day:  The national constitution day is usually celebrated on the 26th of November every year to commemorate the Indian constitution. The national constitution day is also known as Samvidhan Divas in India which means National Law Day. The constituent assembly formally adopted the constitution of India on this day and it came into existence and usage on the Republic Day of India that is 26th January 1950.

In this National Constitution Day essay, we shall be talking about the importance of the constitution and how it has helped shape the Indian society since independence.

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Long and Short Essays on National Constitution Day for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for a well written and informative National constitution Day essay, then we have provided to different essays with quality content below. A long essay on national constitution day with the word limit of 600 and short National Constitution Day essay with the word limit of 200 is given below which can be used by students of class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for test, exam, essay writing and assignment purposes.

Long Essay on National Constitution Day Essay 600 Words

The national constitution day which is also celebrated as National Law Day or the Samvidhan Diwas is celebrated on the 26th of November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. The Republic Day is celebrated on 26 January 1950, which was the day when the constitution of India was formally adopted in practice.

The history of our constitution starts way back before 1947 when we attained Independence from the British. When the Quit India Movement and the freedom struggle for India began and the lawyers and different intellectual in the country headed by Dr BR Ambedkar, started writing the constitution of India.

There is a gap of 2 months between the national constitution day and Republic Day and in these 2 months, the huge constitution of India was thoroughly read and translated from English to Hindi and different languages. The assembly, at that point of time, met for around 11 months before the constitution was actually adopted on the national constitution day. The constitution was formally adopted in the year 1950 after it was passed and accepted by the constituent assembly of India. The constitution, when it was adopted on January 26th, was not perceived well by many critics and the issues of language, rights, minorities and the entire government structures were debated in the Parliament and around the country.

26th November was celebrated as the constitution day in the year 2015 in line with the 125th birth anniversary of Dr BR Ambedkar, who is the father of the Indian Constitution. This day celebrates BR Ambedkar as well as the values of the Constitution upon which India is formed. Ambedkar was a famous politician, jurist and a reformer and he was a kind of a gladiator for the underprivileged sections of Indian population and hence rightfully is known as the father of Indian constitution because he headed the drafting committee of the constitution on August 29th, 1947, a few days after India attained independence.

Constitution of India declares a socialist, secular, democratic and sovereign republic that gives the citizens of the country with equality, justice and liberty and promotes the values of the fraternity. The constitution is the sole backbone of the country that has kept the country together, with so many diverse cultures, languages and ethnicities, since 70 years. Any institution or a citizen not following the values of the constitution can lead to anarchy in the country.

The Indian Constitution is one of the biggest constitutions in the world because the creator of the constitution took the essence from the American, British and Japanese constitution. It can be said that the Indian Constitution is an amalgamation of the best of the constitutions in the world. The Indian Constitution offers and guarantees few fundamental rights to citizens that the state and the central governments should implement in practice and in spirit. Any harm to the democratic and secular fabric of the nation should be condemned because harm to the democracy of India is harming the constitution of India.

I would like to conclude by saying that constitution is the soul and the only book that the institutions in India such as the Supreme Court, the assembly and the different state and district level governments should use. There is no alternative for the constitution of India and it is the ultimate authority over which the Indian government should run. In a case where the constitution of India is not followed in spirit and in practice, then that is the line where a government or a country will become a fascist and an authoritarian regime.

National Constitution Day Essay

Short Essay on National Constitution Day 200 Words

The national constitution day is celebrated on the 26th of November every year to commemorate the introduction of our constitution. On the Republic Day that is 26th January, the constitution of India was formally adopted in the Indian Union. Dr. BR Ambedkar is known as the father of the Indian constitution and it is his birth anniversary on which the national constitution day is celebrated.

National constitution day is celebrated across schools, colleges and various governmental institutes to inculcate the values of the constitution of India. The constitution of India based on the values of liberty equality and fraternity. In fact, the constitution of India is a pure amalgamation of various constitutions around the world such as the French constitution, the American constitution and the Russian constitution. The concept of equality, liberty and fraternity was taken from France, the concept of the five-year plan was taken from Russia, which was known as USSR back then and the concept of the independent functioning of the Judiciary was taken from the constitution of Japan. Indian Constitution is one of the biggest constitutions in the world and also one of the best constitutions on the planet.

If every clause of the Indian Constitution is followed in practice and in spirit, India will become a true democracy but it is easier said than done. India is a diverse country with many languages, religions, ethnicities, diversities and cultural identities that it would become difficult to follow the constitution religiously. Nevertheless, the state has to obey the clauses of the Constitution else the democracy and the secular fabric of India will be in tantrums.

10 Lines on National Constitution Day Essay

  • The constitution day is celebrated on 26 November of every year since 2015.
  • Constitution day is the day that India adopted its constitution.
  • Indian Constitution was formally adopted on 26th January, 2 months after the National constitution day
  • The national constitution day is the 125th birth anniversary of the father of the Indian constitution. Dr BR Ambedkar
  • The Indian Constitution is a pure amalgamation of the best parts of various constitutions around the world such as France, Russia, Japan and America
  • The significance of constitution day is to celebrate the values of the constitution which are liberty, equality and fraternity
  • The constitution is the only backbone of the country upon which every institution and every government should function
  • The directive principles of the Constitution was taken from the constitution of Ireland
  • The Preamble of the Constitution is read by all students in all schools in India on national constitution day and Republic Day
  • The national constitution day stands as a day for the celebration of India’s success as the biggest democratic and secular nation around the world.

Essay About National Constitution Day

FAQ’s on National Constitution Day Essay

Question 1. When is national constitution Day celebrated?

Answer: National constitution day is celebrated on 26th November every year

Question 2. What is the significance of the national constitution day?

Answer: The significance of national constitution day is to celebrate the values of Indian constitution and national constitution day was adopted on 2015 as a part of the 125th birth anniversary of the father of Indian constitution, Dr B.R Ambedkar

Question 3. Which is the world’s largest constitution?

Answer: India has the world’s largest constitution that contains 465 articles, 12 schedules, 122 amendments and 14 6385 words in English

Question 4. Who is the father of the Indian Constitution?

Answer: The father of the Indian constitution is Dr. BR Ambedkar.

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Essay on Constitution Day | Constitution Day essay in English

Essay on constitution day, constitution day celebration.

While laying the foundation stone of the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar's Statue of Equality memorial in Mumbai on 11 October 2015, Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi made a declaration to celebrate 26th November as Constitution Day or Samvidhan Divas every year. Following this, the Government of India declared 26th November as Constitution Day on 19th November 2015 to promote the constitutional values among citizens. Earlier this day was celebrated as Law Day .

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is known as the Architect of Indian Constitution or Father of Indian Constitution. Celebrating the 125th Birth Anniversary of B. R. Ambedkar in a big way in 2015 the Government decided to celebrate Constitution Day . Since then Constitution Day is celebrated every year and various programmes are being organised on this occasion which creates awareness about various constitution-makers and significance of Indian Constitution. Various photo and digital exhibitions, quiz competitions, logo making, awareness rallies are organised on this occasion.

constitution day essay writing in english

The Longest Written Constitution

The Indian Constitution is the longest written constitution of any sovereign nation in the world. It provides a comprehensive framework to guide and govern the country, keeping in view political, social, cultural and religious diversity of India.

Original features of Constitution

Making of indian constitution.

The Constitution was drafted by the Constituent Assembly of India, which was established by the members of the provincial assemblies elected by the people of India. Dr Sachidanand Sinha was the first president of the Constituent Assembly later Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected its president. Dr B. R. Ambedkar was the chairman of Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution which provides a comprehensive and dynamic framework to guide and govern the country.

Important Question based on National Constitution Day Essay.

Q. when was first constitution day celebrated in india .

A. First Constitution Day was celebrated on 26th November 2015.

Q. National Constitution Day is celebrated on which Day?

A. National Constitution Day is celebrated on 26 November every year.

Q. Earlier 26th November was celebrated as ?

A. Earlier 26th November was celebrated as Law Day.

Q. Who is called father of Indian Constitution?

A. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is called father of Indian Constitution. He is also called Architect of Indian Constitution.

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Keys: essay on constitution day, constitution day essay, constitution day essay in english, national constitution day essay, essay on 26 November, Essay on 26th November

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Constitution Day Writing Prompts – Middle and High School

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Three writing prompts for Constitution Day are provided for middle school and high school. The prompts can be used as a formal essay, at writing stations, or as a “discuss and write.”

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Essay on National Constitution Day

Constitution Day is observed on 26 th November every year. It is observed to commemorate the adoption of the constitution by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26th November 1949.

Short and Long Essay on Indian Constitution Day in English

I am giving below three essays of varying lengths such as 120 words, 250 words, 400 words and 600 words on the Constitution Day of India.

Indian Constitution Day Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) In India 26 November is celebrated as National Constitution Day.

2) This day marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution.

3) On 26 November 2015, the first National Constitution Day was observed in India.

4) On the 25 th birth anniversary of B.R Ambedkar, the observance of this day was announced.

5) This day highlights the importance of the constitution in India.

6) This day also honors great personalities like B.R Ambedkar, who drafted the constitution.

7) The constitution of India was accepted officially on 26 November 1949.

8) The idea of celebrating National Constitution Day was given by PM Narendra Modi.

9) Many government departments celebrate this day by organizing different events.

10) Schools also highlight this day by conducting various competitions among students.

Constitution Day of India: History – Essay 1 (250 Words)


Constitution Day in India is widely known on the 26 th of November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India on the same date in 1949. It was first observed in the year 2015 and since then is regularly celebrated each year.

Constitution Day of India – History

The Constitution Day of India was first observed in the year 2015 which also marked the 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The contribution of Dr. Ambedkar in drafting the constitution of India was unparalleled to anyone else. He was also the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee. His tremendous hard work in the drafting of the constitution has also earned him the sobriquet ‘Father of the Constitution’.

Hence the government of India took a historic decision in November 2015 to celebrate Constitution Day every year on 26th November. An official gazette notification in this regard was released on 19th November 2015.

Importance of Constitution Day

Constitution Day is celebrated to commemorate the adoption of the Indian constitution by the Constituent Assembly. The constitution is the supreme governing document for the people of India; hence, it holds much significance.

Also by celebrating the constitution day, the people and children, not only realize the importance of the constitution but also remember stalwarts like B.R. Ambedkar and others.

The decision to celebrate Constitution Day was a welcoming decision by the Government of India. It not only commemorates the adoption of the constitution but also honors those who were involved in the laborious task of drafting it.

Why is Constitution Day Celebrated – Essay 2 (400 Words)

India commemorates constitution Day on 26th November annually. It commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of India post-independence, by the Constituent Assembly. The Constitution of India is the fundamental governing document for the people of India.

Why is Constitution Day Celebrated?

On 26th November 1949, the Constituent Assembly officially adopted the Constitution of India. It was presented by the Chairman of drafting Committee Mr. B.R. Ambedkar to President Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 25th November 1949 but the same was adopted on 26th November 1949. Though the constitution came into effect on 26th January 1950 (Republic Day); it is to celebrate its adoption that Constitution Day is observed on 26th November.

Constitution Day of India – Background

The thought of observing a Constitution Day in India was the brainchild of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The year 2015 marked the 125th birth anniversary of the father of the constitution – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. The then NDA (National Democratic Alliance) Government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, wanted to celebrate the occasion in a big way. Subsequently, several events were held throughout the country as a part of the year-long observance.

It was during one of such events in Mumbai while laying stone for Ambedkar memorial in October, which the Prime Minister announced that 26th November will be observed as the Constitution Day. Hence an official gazette was released by the government on 19th November, declaring 26th November as the Constitution Day.

First National Constitution Day Celebration

The first constitution day of India was celebrated widely by many government departments and schools. Department of Education had issued directives to the schools mandating the reading of preamble of the constitution, by the children.

Essay competitions were held on the subjects of the constitution of India. These competitions were held in both online and offline platforms. Many universities across the country had organized mock parliamentary debates.

Even the Indian schools operating abroad were issued directives by the Ministry of External Affairs for observing Constitution Day on 26th November. Embassies were also given the responsibility of translating the copy of the Constitution in local languages and distributing them in libraries and other relevant places.

Celebrating Constitution Day connects us to our very fundamental roots and let us realize the value of the Constitution that governs the country. It must be celebrated with unparalleled zeal and enthusiasm from all sections of the society, not just only by the government departments.

Essay on National Constitution Day

Indian Constitution Day: Observance and Si g nificance – Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words)

Constitution Day of India is observed on 26 th November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution on 26 th November 1947 by the Constituent Assembly of India.

Constitution of India

The Constitution of India is the final governing document for the Republic of India. It defines the powers vested in the government institutions and also the fundamental rights and duties of the citizens.

When the British left India on 15 th August 1947, there was formed a Constituent Assembly with the responsibility of drafting a Constitution for the Dominion of India.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the appointed Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee. It took three years after independence to draft the Constitution, which was presented to the President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 26 th November 1949. It is to commemorate the same day i.e. 26 th November 1949, when the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly, we celebrate the Constitution Day.

Institution of the Indian Constitution Day

The official gazette declaring 26th November to be observed as the Constitution Day was released on 19th November 2015. The declaration for the same had been made by the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi while was laying the foundation stone for Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s Statue of Equality in Mumbai in October, the same year.

2015 was the year of 125th birth anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar, whose contribution to drafting the constitution was unparalleled. Mr. Modi thought that announcing an annual celebration of Constitution Day will not only honor Dr. Ambedkar but also let people know his work and the importance of the Constitution.

Though it is widely observed in government offices throughout the country; Constitution Day is not observed as a holiday. The first Constitution Day was also extensively observed in schools and offices.

Children are told about the constitution and what does it contain. They are also briefed about the importance of the constitution for establishing India as an independent, socialist, and democratic Republic. Several essays and drawing competitions are held to involve children and enhance knowledge about the country and its history.

In offices, commemoratory events are held in which Dr. Ambedkar is felicitated for his exceptional role in drafting the constitution. Officials pledge their allegiance with the Constitution and vow to follow it in word and spirit.


The Constitution of India is the longest written constitution of the world and functions as the ultimate governing document for the Republic of India. It lays the guidelines for the functioning of three pillars of the democracy – Legislature, Judiciary, and the Executive.

It also enshrines the fundamental rights and privileges of the citizens of India. When people of India celebrate Constitution Day, they better understand the constitution and its importance. They also get to know the people who were in the drafting committee that drafted the constitution.

The efforts of the leaders, drafting committee members, and freedom fighters are more recognized and the people of India develop more respect for them as well as the institutions of India.

It brings an opportunity to brief the children about the principle governing document of the country, which is the constitution. It is after all in the hands of the children of today to uphold the dignity of the constitution and hence the nation when they grow up. As long as the people of India know and follow the constitution, the country will progress and prosper.

Constitution Day must be celebrated with complete involvement from all the sections of the society. The observance must not only be restricted to government offices and schools but also must be celebrated by common citizens from all walks of life as well.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on National Constitution Day

Ans . Sachchidananda Sinha presided over the first meeting of the Indian constitution assembly.

Ans . The constituent assembly of India started working in 1946.

Ans . Prem Behari Narain Raizada wrote the original constitution of India.

Ans . The first amendment was made in the Indian constitution in 1951.

Ans . Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

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Essay on Independence day

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Constitution Day: Essay On Constitution Of India For Students

Constitution Day, celebrated on November 26th, holds profound significance in the tapestry of India's democratic journey. It commemorates the historic occasion when the Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India, laying the foundation for the world's largest democracy. This essay delves into the essence of Constitution Day, its historical context, and its contemporary relevance in upholding democratic values and principles.

Constitution Day: Essay On Constitution Of India

Significance Of Constitution Day

On November 26, 1949, the Indian Constitution was formally ratified by the Constituent Assembly. Although it was accepted on November 26, 1949, it was delivered to President Dr. Rajendra Prasad on November 25, 1949, by Mr. B.R. Ambedkar, the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. Even though November 26th is Constitution Day, the day the Constitution was adopted, it went into effect on January 26, 1950, also known as Republic Day.

History Of Constitution Day

It was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who broached an itinerary of Constitution Day celebrations. The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi intended to mark the 125th anniversary of the birth of the Father of the Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, as one of the most significant dates in 2015. Many events were held across the nation as part of the year-long commemoration after that.

At one of these events in Mumbai in October, when he laid the foundation stone for the Ambedkar memorial, the Prime Minister proclaimed November 26th to be Constitution Day. Consequently, the government recognized November 26th as the Constitution Day of India in an official gazette that was published on November 19.

Celebration Of The First National Constitution Day

India's first constitution day was commemorated by numerous government agencies, educational institutions, and Indian schools. Children must read the preamble to the Constitution, according to directives from the Department of Education to schools.

Essay competitions were held on topics related to India's constitution. These contests took place on both online and offline platforms. Mock parliamentary debates had also been held at several campuses across the country.

The Ministry of External Affairs has issued guidelines to all Indian schools operating abroad to observe Constitution Day on November 26th. The Constitution was also to be translated into local languages and disseminated in libraries and other relevant locations by Embassies.

Constitution Day enables us to recognize the historical importance of the nation's constitution and helps us get back in touch with our fundamental roots. Not just government agencies, but all facets of society ought to celebrate it with never-before-seen fervor and joy.


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constitution day essay writing in english

Essay on Constitution of India

500+ words indian constitution essay for students and children in english.

A Constitution is a set of rules and regulations guiding the administration of a country. The Constitution is the backbone of every democratic and secular fabric of the nation. The Constitution of India is the longest Constitution in the world, which describes the framework for political principles, procedures and powers of the government. The Constitution of India was written on 26 November 1949 and came into force on 26 January 1950. In this essay on the Constitution of India, students will get to know the salient features of India’s Constitution and how it was formed.

Constitution of India Essay

On 26th January 1950, the Constitution of India came into effect. That’s why 26th January is celebrated as Republic Day in India.

How Was the Constitution of India Formed?

The representatives of the Indian people framed the Indian Constitution after a long period of debates and discussions. It is the most detailed Constitution in the world. No other Constitution has gone into such minute details as the Indian Constitution.

The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly which was established in 1946. Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected President of the Constituent Assembly. A Drafting Committee was appointed to draft the Constitution and Dr B.R. Ambedkar was appointed as the Chairman. The making of the Constitution took a total of 166 days, which was spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days. Some of the salient features of the British, Irish, Swiss, French, Canadian and American Constitutions were incorporated while designing the Indian Constitution.

Also Read: Evolution and Framing of the Constitution

Features of The Constitution of India

The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble which contains the basic ideals and principles of the Constitution. It lays down the objectives of the Constitution.

The Longest Constitution in the world

The Indian Constitution is the lengthiest Constitution in the world. It had 395 articles in 22 parts and 8 schedules at the time of commencement. Now it has 448 articles in 25 parts and 12 schedules. There are 104 amendments (took place on 25th January 2020 to extend the reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies) that have been made in the Indian Constitution so far.

How Rigid and Flexible is the Indian Constitution?

One of the unique features of our Constitution is that it is not as rigid as the American Constitution or as flexible as the British Constitution. It means it is partly rigid and partly flexible. Owing to this, it can easily change and grow with the change of times.

The Preamble

The Preamble has been added later to the Constitution of India. The original Constitution does not have a preamble. The preamble states that India is a sovereign, socialist, secular and democratic republic. The objectives stated by the Preamble are to secure justice, liberty, and equality for all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation.

Federal System with Unitary Features

The powers of the government are divided between the central government and the state governments. The Constitution divides the powers of three state organs, i.e., executive, judiciary and legislature. Hence, the Indian Constitution supports a federal system. It includes many unitary features such as a strong central power, emergency provisions, appointment of Governors by the President, etc.

Fundamental rights and fundamental duties

The Indian Constitution provides an elaborate list of Fundamental Rights to the citizens of India. The Constitution also provides a list of 11 duties of the citizens, known as the Fundamental Duties. Some of these duties include respect for the national flag and national anthem, integrity and unity of the country and safeguarding of public property.

Also Read: Difference between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties

India is a republic which means that a dictator or monarch does not rule the country. The government is of the people, by the people and for the people. Citizens nominate and elect its head after every five years.

Related Read: Constitution of India – 13 Major Features

The Constitution serves as guidelines for every citizen. It helped India to attain the status of a Republic in the world. Once Atal Bihari Vajpayee said that “governments would come and go, political parties would be formed and dissolved, but the country should survive, and democracy should remain there forever”.

We hope that this essay on the “Constitution of India” must have helped students. For the latest updates on ICSE/CBSE/State Board/Competitive Exams, stay tuned to BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for watching interesting study videos.

Also Read: Independence Day Essay | Republic Day Essay | Essay on Women Empowerment

Frequently Asked Questions on Constitution of India Essay

Who is the father of our indian constitution.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is the father of our Indian Constitution. He framed and drafted our Constitution.

Who signed the Indian Constitution?

Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first person from the Constitution Assembly to have signed the Indian Constitution.

What is mentioned in the Preamble of our Indian Constitution?

The preamble clearly communicates the purpose and emphasis the importance of the objectives of the Indian Constitution.

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constitution day essay writing in english

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Paragraph on National Constitution Day

Constitution Day is a national event. For paying respect towards our Indian Constitution, the Government of India decided to dedicate a day for it, For a better understanding of Constitution Day, we have prepared some of the important paragraphs in the below section. Kindly go through it as per your needs.

Short and Long Paragraphs on National Constitution Day

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Constitution Day is annually celebrated on the 26th of November. It is celebrated to pay honor towards our Indian Constitution. On 26th November 1949, the final Structure of the Indian Constitution was adopted. However, it was legally enforced on 26th January 1950.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is the Father of the Indian Constitution. To remember his outstanding efforts towards our nation and constitution, we celebrate Constitution Day of India annually. A constitution is the base of a democracy. Indian Constitution is carrying a remarkable history. It includes the contribution of the Constitution drafting committee members and their outstanding efforts.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

Constitution Day is marked on the 26th of November yearly. It is a national event dedicated to our Indian Constitution. It tells the glory of our Indian Constitution and stories behind its final structure.

On 11th October 2015, PM Narendra Modi announced that the 26th November will be celebrated as National Constitution Day. The year 2015 was celebrated for the 125th birth anniversary of B. R. Ambedkar. PM inaugurated the foundation stone of B.R. Ambedkar’s Statue in Mumbai and while addressing the public in the same event he made the declaration of Constitution Day.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was the chairperson of the Drafting Committee of Constitution Assembly. He played a crucial role in the Indian Constitution. So on 19th of November 2015 Government of India drafted a final gazette for the official acceptance of 26th November as Constitution Day.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Constitution Day is commemorated on 26th of November. It reminds the importance of the Indian Constitution among the general public. The objective of the Constitution Day of India is to aware citizens of our nation of their rights.

What is the Objective of Constitution Day?

Constitution day is celebrated for paying respect towards our Indian constitution. It aims to aware of Indian citizens of the framework of our constitution and drafter of our Indian Constitution. Constitution Day spreads the ideologies of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. The importance of our Indian constitution still untold to various people. For increasing its relevance to each and every citizen of India, Constitution Day is celebrated. Constitution Day is devoted to telling the importance of the Indian constitution. It has the same importance as any other national event.

The constitution of India was written in English and Hindi Both. The final adaption of the Indian Constitution was gone through 2000 amendments. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar was called Father of the Indian Constitution. He drafted the final structure of the Indian Constitution.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Constitution Day is observed on 26 th November yearly. Previously it was known as National Law Day. Since 2015, the celebration of Constitution Day takes place in Government offices, schools, and colleges.

In Government Offices

  • Ministry of External Affairs accesses all the Indian embassies for the celebration of the National Constitution Day of India.
  • As per the Instructions, Government on the occasion of Constitution Day Indian constitution is translated in various languages and published for the general Indian public.
  • There is a special session organize in parliament on constitution day in memory of Late B. R. Ambedkar.
  • On the eve of Constitution Day, the Department of Sports organizes the “Run for Equality” event.
  • In 2019, on the occasion of the 70th Constitution day “Run for Ambedkar” event was organized in Vishakhapatnam.

In Schools & Colleges

  • In Schools, the Preamble of India is recited as the opening speech on Constitution Day.
  • On the eve of Constitution Day, Essay writing competitions are organized in both online and offline modes.
  • Quiz completion, story writing competition, and similar events are observed.
  • In November, the University Grants Commission (UGC), the regulatory body of all universities running across the country, conducts a quiz competition at Lucknow University.
  • Cultural and GK quizzes are also organized in various colleges running in the country.
  • Various law colleges across the nation pay tribute to B. R. Ambedkar and organize some cultural and education-based events.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Constitution Day is also known as Samvidhan Divas . First Constitution Day was observed on 26th November 2015. The Indian constitution is inspired by a different nation’s constitutions. For telling its importance to the nation, the Indian Government declared 26th November as Constitution Day.

Some Facts about the Constitution of India

  • Indian Constitution was adopted on 26th of November 1949 and came into force on 26 January 1950.
  • A total of 283 members of parliament signed the original document of the Indian Constitution.
  • The hand-written copies of the Indian Constitution are kept in helium boxes for their security.
  • Indian Constitution is the longest hand-written document in the world.
  • The Indian Constitution Assembly was established on 6 December 1946.
  • Indian Constitution is known as the “Bag of Borrowing”.
  • The Constitution of India contains 448 articles in 25 parts, 12 schedules, 5 appendices, and 98 amendments.
  • Indian Government declared National Law Day as National Constitution Day on the 11th of October 2015.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee.
  • Constitution Day tells its legacy to the generation.

Constitution Day: Tribute to the Indian Constitution

Constitution Day of India is celebrated for paying a tribute towards the establishment of our Indian constitution. Globally India is recognized as the largest democracy in the world and the constitution of India makes the largest democracy well defined and ethically special. Constitution Day of India is as important as other national events like Independence Day, Republic Day and that is the reason why general citizens must be aware of the day.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. National Constitution Day is celebrated on 26th November every year.

Ans. On 26th November 1949 Indian constitution was written.

Ans. The first page of Indian Constitution is known as Preamble.

Ans. Till now, Indian constitution has seen 127 amendments.

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Essay on National Constitution Day for Students & Children in English

National constitution day essay.

National Constitution Day, also known as National Law Day or Samvidhan Diwas, is observed annually on November 26th to commemorate the promulgation of the Indian Constitution. Republic Day is observed on 26 January 1950, the date on which India’s constitution was formally implemented in practise.

There is a two-month gap between National Constitution Day and Republic Day, and during this time period, India’s massive constitution was thoroughly reviewed and translated from English to Hindi and other languages. At the time, the legislature met for around 11 months before adopting the constitution on national constitution day. The constitution was fully approved in 1950, following its passage and acceptance by India’s constituent parliament. When the constitution was enacted on January 26th, many critics expressed reservations, and problems concerning language, rights, minorities, and the entire political system were debated in Parliament and throughout the country.

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The Indian Constitution is one of the largest in the world, as its creator drew inspiration from the American, British, and Japanese constitutions. One may argue that the Indian Constitution is a synthesis of the world’s best constitutions. The Indian Constitution provides and guarantees a limited number of fundamental rights to citizens, which the state and federal governments are responsible for implementing in practise and spirit. Any attack on the nation’s democratic and secular fabric should be opposed, because undermining India’s democracy undermines the country’s constitution.

To end, I would like to mention that the constitution is the soul of the country and the only book that Indian institutions such as the Supreme Court, the assembly, and the various state and district administrations should consult. There is no substitute for India’s constitution, and it is the supreme authority under which the Indian government should operate. When the Indian constitution is not implemented in spirit and in practise, a government or a country crosses the line into fascism and authoritarianism.

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Essay on Constitution of India in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Constitution of India: The constitution of India became effective on 26 th January 1950; though it was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26 th November 1949. It was written by a drafting committee headed by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Therefore it is the longest written constitution that defines the power, procedures and responsibilities of the government institutions of India and gives detailed account of the fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of our country.

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Target Exam ---

The original Indian Constitution is hand written, calligraphed and also the lengthiest Constitution in the world. The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India drafted by the Constituent Assembly, superior even to the Parliament, as it cannot over rides it. With the Constitution coming into effect, India’s status from “Dominion of India” was changed to the “Republic of India”.

Long and Short Essay on Constitution of India in English

Here are long and short essay on Constitution of India to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through the Constitution of India essay you will know about the features of Constitution, who was in the drafting committee of the constitution, which other constitutions is the Indian constitution inspired from, how long does it took to draft the Constitution, and other facts of the Constitution of India.

However you can use these essays in your school’s essay writing competition, debate competition or other similar events.

Short Essay on Constitution of India in 200 words

The Constitution of India drafted under the chairmanship of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who known as the Father of the Indian Constitution. It took almost three years to draft the Constitution. Various socio-political and economic aspects of the society were taken into consideration while drafting the Constitution. The drafting committee also referred to the Constitutions of various other counties including Britain, France and Japan to seek valuable inputs.

The Constitution of India includes the Fundamental Rights and Duties of the citizens, the Directive Principles of State Policy and the Federal Structure of the Government of India. Every policy, right and duty has explained at length in the Indian Constitution thereby making it the longest written Constitution in the world.

More than 2000 amendments had to made in the Constitution of India in order to get it approved. It was adopted on 26th November 1949 and enforced completely on 26 th January 1950. This was the day when our country began to be known as the Republic of India. 26 th January is since then celebrated as the Republic Day. The Indian National Flag is hoisted at various places across the country and the National Anthem is sung to rejoice the day. National Constitution Day, a special day dedicated particularly to the Indian Constitution, came into being in 2015.

Essay on Importance of Constitution of India in 300 words

The Constitution of India is known to the supreme document that gives a detailed account of what the citizens of India can and also cannot do. It has set a standard that needs to followed to ensure law and order in the society and also to help it develop and prosper.

Constitution Defines the Fundamental Rights and Duties of Indian Citizens

The fundamental rights and duties of the Indian citizens have clearly defined in the Constitution of the country. However the Fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens include the Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, Right against Exploitation, Right to Constitutional Remedies. Therefore these are the basic rights that all the citizens of the country entitled to irrespective of their caste, colour, creed or religion.

Some of the fundamental duties of an Indian citizen are to respect the constitution, honour the national flag and national anthem, protect the unity, preserve the heritage of the country, protect the integrity and sovereignty of India, promote the spirit of brotherhood, have compassion for living creatures, strive for excellence, protect public property and contribute his/ her bit in maintaining peace. These also mentioned at length in the Indian Constitution.

Constitution Defines the Structure and Working of the Government

The structure and working of the government also stated at length in the Constitution of India. The Constitution mentions that India has a parliamentary system of government. This system is present at the centre as well as in the states. The Prime Minister and the Union Council of Ministers have the power to take all the major decisions. The President of India, on the other hand, has nominal powers.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar along with his team of six members who were a part of the drafting committee came up with the Constitution of India. The Constitution approved after several amendments. Many amendments have also done after the enforcement of the Constitution.

Essay on Formation of Constitution of India in 400 words

The Constitution of India came into form on 26 th November 1949. A special committee formed to draft the Constitution that gives a detailed account of the practices that are deemed lawful and those deemed unlawful and are punishable. Therefore the Constitution was enforced on 26 th January 1950. With the enforcement of the Constitution, our country came to be known as the Republic of India.

Special Drafting Committee for the Constitution of India

The task of drafting the Constitution of India was that of great responsibility. The Constituent Assembly set up a special drafting committee to further this work. There were seven members in the drafting committee. These included prominent Indian leaders namely, B.R. Ambedkar, B.L. Mitter, K.M. Munshi, N. Gopalaswami Ayengar, Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar, DP and Mohammad Saadullah. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar headed the drafting committee. Ambedkar referred to as the Father of the Indian Constitution. This is because it was under his guidance and supervision that this big draft came into form.

Indian Constitution – Inspired by Constitutions of Other Countries

The constitution of India drew inspiration from the constitutions of various other countries. Many of the concepts and acts included in our constitution borrowed from the constitutions of countries such as France, Germany, Japan, Australia, USA, Britain, Ireland, Russia and South Africa.

The drafting committee of the Indian Constitution also referred to the Government of India Act 1858, the Government of India Act 1919 and 1935 and the Indian Independence Act 1947 to get an idea about the acts and features to be included in the Constitution. These previous acts helped the committee understand the condition and requirement of the citizens of the country. Our Constitution thus often referred to as the bag of borrowings. It consisted of as many as 395 articles, 22 parts and 8 schedules at the time of its enactment. It handwritten and calligraphed.

After putting in immense efforts when the drafting committee presented the final draft of the Constitution of India, it suggested to make several amendments. The committee sat together to make more than 2000 amendments to get the Constitution approved. The members conducted several discussions to make appropriate amendments for getting the approval. 284 members of the Constituent Assembly of India signed the Constitution to give their approval on the same. This done two days before the enforcement of the constitution.

The Constitution of India is a massive piece of writing that includes a detailed account of the dos and don’ts for the Indian system. It has undergone around 100 amendments since it came into form.

Essay on Constitution of India in 500 words

Constitution of india – the supreme power of country.

The Constitution of India rightly said to the supreme power of the country. The laws, codes, rights and duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution need to followed strictly by the citizens of the country. Therefore the decisions made in the parliament and Supreme Court of India are all based on the laws and codes defined in the Constitution of India. Parliament of India does not have the power to override the constitution.

Dr. B. R Ambedkar – The Chief Architect of Indian Constitution

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar headed the drafting committee formed to write the Constitution of India. He was the chairman of this committee. He contributed immensely in the formation of the Constitution by giving several valuable inputs and thus came to be known as the chief architect of the Constitution of India. There were six other members in the drafting committee which formed by the Constituent Assembly of India. These members worked under the guidance of Dr. Ambedkar.

Constitution of India Replaced Government of India Act

The Government of India Act, 1935 acted as the fundamental governing document of India until the formation of the Constitution of India. The Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India in November 1949. Many of the articles of the Constitution came into force at that time. The Constitution effectively enforced on 26 th January 1950 which came to known as the Indian Republic Day. The remaining articles became effective on this date. Our country which until then called the Dominion of the British Crown thereafter came to known as the Sovereign Democratic Republic of India.

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Special Days to Celebrate the Constitution of India

The formation and enforcement of Indian Constitution celebrated at a grand scale on the Republic Day each year. Republic Day is a national holiday in the country. A massive event organized at India Gate, New Delhi on Republic Day to honour the Constitution of the country. The constitutional head of India, i.e., its president hoists national flag at Rajpath. The Prime Minister and President of India and several Chief Ministers of different states of the country are present at the event. Parades by school kids and armed forces held on Rajpath. School children also perform dances and other cultural acts. Parade of beautiful tableau displaying the culture of various Indian states also held during the event.

Several small events organized at different offices and schools throughout the country to commemorate the Indian Constitution. Painting, essay and music competitions held in schools in addition to colleges. Patriotic songs sung and aslo speeches about the Constitution of India delivered.

National Constitution Day

In the year 2015, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, gave the suggestion to dedicate an exclusive day to our constitution. Since the Indian Constitution adopted on 26 th November 1949, this date chosen to honour the constitution. 26 th November celebrated as the National Constitution Day since 2015.

Many small and big events organized in schools, colleges and government institutions across India on this day. The importance of the Indian Constitution emphasized during these events. Patriotic songs sung and cultural activities organized to celebrate the day.

The Constitution of India has prepared with precision considering the interest of the common man as well as the overall interest of the country. It is a gift for the citizens of our country.

Long Essay on Constitution of India (600 words)


Enforced on 26 th January 1950, the Constitution of India prepared by a committee consisting of seven members headed by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. It guides the citizens of India, the country’s government bodies and other authorities to act in the right manner. However it has played a significant role in maintaining peace and prosperity in the country.

Salient Features of the Constitution of India

Here are the top salient features of the constitution of India:

Longest Written Constitution

The Constitution of India the longest written constitution in the world. It took almost three years to write this detailed constitution. However it has a preamble, 448 articles, 25 groups, 12 schedules and 5 appendices. It is much lengthier than the US Constitution that includes only 7 Articles.

Amalgamation of Rigidity and Flexibility

The Constitution of India is a mix of rigidity and flexibility. While it is the supreme power that needs to followed diligently to maintain law and order in the country, the citizens can appeal to amend the provisions they deem outdated or stern. While certain provisions can amended with some difficulty others are easy to amend. As many as 103 amendments have done in the Constitution of our country since its enforcement.

The Preamble

The well drafted Preamble of the Indian Constitution gives a detailed account of the philosophy of the constitution. It states that India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. It is a welfare state which puts its people first. However it believes in equality, freedom and justice for its people. While democratic socialism followed right from the beginning, the term Socialism added only in 1976.

India – A Secular State

The Constitution has declared India a secular state. Therefore India does not give special status to any religion. It provides its citizens complete freedom to choose their religion. It condemns religious groups instigating people in the name of religion.

India – A Republic

The Constitution declares India to be a Republic. Therefore the country not ruled by a nominated head or monarch. It has an elected head called the President. The President, elected indirectly by the people of the country, comes to power for a period of 5 years.

India – A Mix of Federalism and Unitarianism

The Constitution describes India as a federal structure with many unitary features. It referred to as a Quasi-Federation or a Unitarian Federation. Just like a federation, India has divided power among the centre and states. It has a dual administration system. It has a written, supreme constitution that needs to followed religiously. Therefore it includes an independent judiciary embedded with the power to decide centre-state disputes. At the same time it has unitary features such as a strong common constitution, common election commission and emergency provisions to name a few.

Fundamental Duties of Citizens

The Constitution of India clearly states the fundamental duties of its citizens. Some of these are to upload and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India, respect the national flag and the national anthem, preserve the rich heritage of the country, protect the natural environment, safeguard public property and treat everyone equally.

Directive Principles of the State Policy

The Directive Principles of the State Policy also mentioned in the Constitution of India. These principles are basically the guidelines provided to the state to further socio-economic development aims via its policies.

The Constitution of India serves as a guiding light for its citizens. Therefore everything well-defined in the Indian Constitution. It has helped India attain the status of a Republic. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and the members of the drafting committee of the Indian constitution have indeed done a commendable job for which they will always remembered.

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Essay on Constitution of India FAQs

What is indian constitution short note.

The Indian Constitution is a written document that outlines the framework and rules for governing India. It defines the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the government and its citizens.

What is constitution in 100 words?

A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents that a state or organization is governed by. It outlines the structure of government, establishes rights and freedoms, and provides the framework for laws and institutions.

What is constitution 10 lines?

A constitution is a written document that sets the basic rules for governing a country. It defines the structure of the government, allocates powers among different entities, protects the rights of citizens, and establishes the legal framework for the nation.

What is the Constitution of India?

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the country. It lays down the framework that defines the political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers, and duties of the government institutions, and sets out fundamental rights and duties of citizens.

Who started Constitution of India?

The drafting committee for the Constitution of India was chaired by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He played a pivotal role in shaping and finalizing the Constitution.

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  • Constitution of India Essay


Essay on Constitution of India

The Constitution of India is a document containing the framework of the political system, the duties, rights, limitations, and structure of the government that this nation ought to follow. It also spells out the rights and duties of the Indian citizens. Nobody in India - not even the Prime Minister or the President - has the power to do anything that violates the constitutional rule.

Every year, on 26th January, we celebrate Republic Day. It was on this day in 1950 that the Constitution of India became effective. Although Dr Ambedkar is known for his prominent role in drafting the constitution, it was the fruit of the hard work of 299 people. 

How Big Is Our Constitution?

The Indian constitution is the lengthiest constitution in the world. It has 448 articles organised into 25 parts and 12 schedules. Our country is so big with so many cultures, castes and religions, and with so many states that people who drafted the Constitution had to focus on the minutest of detail. Besides, the Constitution has been amended many times and new rules and laws have been added. As a result, the Constitution of India became the lengthiest constitution in the world.

Is Our Constitution Flexible or Rigid?

The beautiful thing about our Constitution is it can be modified if a political party has a supermajority and yet it is not easily modifiable. The Supreme Court has ruled that no provision of the Constitution can be with the aim to destroy that provision. At the same time, nobody has the right to tweak the basic structure of the Constitution. As a result, on one hand, our Constitution remains updated and on the other, no political party with evil intentions can deface it to establish a monopoly.

Crystal clear Notion

Unlike the British constitution, our Constitution is completely written with no ambiguity. It focuses on the minutest aspects of the political, executive and legal systems of the country and it also focuses on the fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of India. 

Federal and Unitary Features

The Indian Constitution prescribes that India should have dual governance - the Centre and the regional states. It also ruled that the country must have the three pillars of democracy - legislative system, executive system and the judiciary. Hence, the Indian Constitution supports a federal structure. However, the Constitution has also given some extra power to the Centre. The Centre has the power to preside over matters that concern both the Centre as well as the states; it has the power to announce an emergency; it can modify the Constitution and the state has no power to oppose that modification. Hence, the Constitution has unitary features too.

By the Indians, for the Indians, of the Indians

The Constitution of India was created by the Indians. There is no foreign hand whatsoever. The due democratic process was followed in the form of debates before enforcing the Constitution. And last but not the least, it stands to protect the fundamental rights of every Indian. 

The Preamble

The Preamble to the constitution is the soul of it. The preamble says that India is a sovereign country - it is ruled and managed by the Indians and Indians only. It further says that India is a secular country. Unlike our neighbouring country, India, all the citizens of the country can practise their religions without any fear. Ours is a socialist country as per the Constitution- that means that her resources are owned by the community of the people - neither by the State nor by private corporations. Lastly, the preamble says that India is a democratic country where the citizens have the right to choose the members of the government.

A constitution is a bunch of rules and guidelines that oversee a nation's administration. The Constitution is the foundation of the nation's democratic and secular structure. The Indian Constitution is the world's longest, describing the foundation for political ideas, procedures, and government authorities. The Indian Constitution was drafted on November 26, 1949, and went into effect on January 26, 1950. Students will learn about the prominent aspects of India's Constitution and how it was developed in this essay about the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Constitution went into force on January 26, 1950. As a result, the 26th of January is observed as Republic Day in India.

How was India's Constitution Created?

After many debates and deliberations, representatives of the Indian people drafted the Indian Constitution. It is the world's most thorough Constitution.

The Indian Constitution was made by a Constituent Assembly, which was formed in 1946. Dr Rajendra Prasad was chosen as the Constituent Assembly's President. A Drafting Committee was formed to design the Constitution, with Dr B.R. Ambedkar served as Chairman. The creation of the Constitution took a total of 166 days, divided across a two-year, eleven-month, and eighteen-day period.

Characteristics of India's Constitution

The Indian Constitution opens with a Preamble that includes the fundamental aims and values of the Constitution. It establishes the Constitution's goals.

The World's Longest Constitution

The Indian Constitution is the world's longest constitution. When it was initiated, it included 395 things isolated into 22 divisions and eight schedules. It now comprises 448 items divided into 25 divisions and 12 schedules. So far, 104 amendments to the Indian Constitution have been made (the last of which took place on January 25, 2020, to extend the reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies).

The Indian Constitution's Rigidity and Flexibility

One of our Constitution's distinguishing traits is that it is neither as rigorous as the American Constitution. It indicates it is both stiff and flexible. As a result, it may readily change and expand with the passage of time.

The Preamble was eventually included in the Indian Constitution. There is no preface in the original Constitution. The Preamble's declared goals are to achieve justice, liberty, and equality for all people, as well as to foster brotherhood in order to safeguard the nation's unity and integrity.

Federal System with Unitary Characteristics

The government's powers are shared between the central government and the state governments. The powers of three governmental institutions, namely the executive, judiciary, and legislature, are divided under the Constitution. As a result, the Indian Constitution advocates for a federal structure. It has several unitary traits, such as a strong central power, emergency measures, the President appointing Governors, and so on.

Fundamental rights and fundamental responsibilities

The Indian Constitution outlines a comprehensive set of Fundamental Rights for Indian citizens. The Constitution also includes a list of 11 responsibilities for citizens, known as the Fundamental Duties. Some of these responsibilities include respect for the national flag and anthem, the country's integrity and unity, and the protection of public property.

India is a republic, which implies that the country is not ruled by a dictator or king.The public authority is composed of, by, and for individuals. Every five years, citizens propose and elect their leader.

The Constitution provides instructions for all citizens. It aided India in achieving the status of a Republic across the world. Atal Bihari Vajpayee once stated that "governments will come and go, political parties would be created and disbanded, but the country should persist, and democracy should exist indefinitely."

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FAQs on Constitution of India Essay

1.What is the distinction between Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties?

Fundamental Rights are human rights granted to Indian people. The Constitution initially established seven essential rights. The 44th Amendment eliminated the right to property from Part III of the Constitution in 1978.

Fundamental Duties were acquainted with the constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, because of the ideas of the Swaran Singh Committee, which was delegated by the public authority.

Fundamental Rights

Part 3 of the Indian Constitution comprises the Fundamental Rights given to the Indian people. Fundamental Rights are addressed in Articles 12-35 of the Indian Constitution.

Fundamental Duties

Article 51-A of Part IV A of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Duties.

2.In India, how many Fundamental duties are there? What are India's seven Fundamental rights?

Originally ten in number, the basic obligations were enlarged to eleven in 2002 by the 86th Amendment, which imposed a responsibility on every parent or guardian to guarantee that their child or ward has access to educational opportunities between the ages of six and fourteen years. The Constitution initially established seven fundamental rights: the right to equality, the right to freedom, the right against double-dealing, the right to strict opportunity, cultural and educational rights, the right to property, and the right to constitutional remedies.

3.Why isn't the right to property a fundamental right?

The right to property was one additional basic right enshrined in the Constitution. The 44th Constitutional Amendment, however, eliminated this right from the list of essential rights.

This was due to the fact that this privilege proved to be an impediment to achieving the aim of socialism and dispersing wealth (property) evenly among the people. Right to property is now a legal right rather than a basic one. 

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26 January Republic Day Essay in English for Students

Check the Republic Day Essay in English for students. Celebrate Republic Day, a proud moment for India! On January 26th, honor the Constitution's adoption. Reflect on unity diversity, and freedom.

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Republic Day Essay in English

Republic Day is a special day in India celebrated on January 26th each year. It marks the adoption of the constitution turning the country into a republic. On this day in 1950, India’s leaders decided how the country should be governed. People across India come together to honor this significant event. The day starts with a grand parade in the capital, showcasing the nation’s diverse culture and military strength. Schools, colleges, and offices remain closed as citizens participate in various events and activities. It’s a time for reflection on the values of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity enshrined in the Constitution. Republic Day is a proud moment for Indians, emphasizing the importance of democracy and unity.

Essay on Republic Day in 100 words

Republic Day is a joyous occasion that celebrates the birth of our democratic nation. On this day, we honor the Constitution, our guiding light. It is a time to cherish the values of unity, liberty, and equality that bind us as a diverse nation. The tricolor flag unfurls proudly, symbolizing our rich heritage. As we witness the grand parade, let’s reflect on the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. Republic Day isn’t just a holiday; it is a reminder of our democratic fabric woven by our forefathers. Let us pledge to uphold the principles that make India a shining example of democracy and diversity.

Happy Republic Day!

Essay on Republic Day in 200 Words for Students

Republic Day: Celebrating Unity In Diversity

India, a land of diverse cultures, traditions, and languages, proudly commemorates Republic Day on January 26th each Year. This significant day marks the adoption of the Constitution of India in 1950, transforming the nation into a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic. As the tricolor unfurls in the brisk morning breeze, a sense of pride and patriotism fills the hearts of millions.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and the soul of its people.” Republic Day serves as a poignant reminder of India’s rich cultural tapestry and the unity that binds its people together. The grand parade, showcasing the nation’s military might, diverse traditions, and achievements, reflects the essence of “Unity in Diversity”.

Beyond the pomp and grandeur, Republic Day inspires citizens to reflect on their responsibilities towards the nation. It is a call to uphold the principles enshrined in the Constitution, fostering justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. As India strides confidently into the future, Republic Day stands as a testament to the resilience and unity of its people, ensuring that the flame of democracy continues to burn brightly.

Republic Day Essay in 400 words

Republic Day is a significant occasion in India, celebrated on the 26th of January every year. It marks the day when the Constitution of India came into effect in 1950, replacing the Government of India Act (1935). This day is not just a holiday; it is a celebration of the democratic principles and values that guide our nation.

The preamble of the Indian Constitution beautifully captures the essence of Republic Day, declaring India to be a sovereign, socialist, and secular, and symbolizes the triumph of the people’s will, as it was on this day that the citizens gained the power to govern themselves.

The journey towards becoming a republic wasn’t easy. It required the tireless efforts of our freedom fighters and leaders who envisioned an India free from colonial rule. Republic Day, therefore, is not just a celebration of a legal document but a tribute to the spirit of freedom and democracy that defines our nation.

As the tricolor unfurls on this auspicious day, it reflects the unity in diversity that defines India. The diverse cultures, languages, and traditions coexist under the umbrella of a shared identity as Indians. Republic Day serves as a reminder that our strength lies in our diversity, and it is our responsibility to preserve and cherish it.

The grand parade that takes place in the capital city, New Delhi, is a spectacle that showcases the rich tapestry of India’s heritage. From vibrant traditional dance forms to the display of military prowess, the parade is a visual representation of the country’s unity and strength. It is attended by thousands and watched by millions, fostering a sense of national pride and solidarity.

In schools and communities across the country, Republic Day is celebrated with enthusiasm. Children participate in cultural events, debates, and flag-hoisting ceremonies, imbibing a sense of civil responsibility and patriotism. This day is an opportunity to educate the younger generation about the significance of democracy and the importance of upholding constitutional values.

In conclusion, Republic Day is not merely a historical event but a living testament to the democratic ideals that form the backbone of our nation. It is a day to celebrate our shared identity, honor our freedom fighters, and recommit ourselves to the principles that make India a sovereign and democratic republic. As the echoes of the national anthem reverberate through the air, it serves as a reminder of the journey we have undertaken and the responsibilities we bear as citizens of this great nation.

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Republic Day Essay - FAQs

Q1. when is the republic day celebrate.

Ans: Republic Day is celebrated on 26thh January every year all over India.

Q2. Why is Republic Day celebrated?

Ans: Republic Day celebrates the adoption of the Indian Constitution on January 26, 1950. It honors India becoming a sovereign republic, with people governing through their chosen representatives.

Q3. Who hoists the national flag on Republic Day?

Ans: On Republic Day in India, the president hoists the national flag at the main celebration in New Delhi.

Q4. Under whose leadership the constitution of India was drafted?

Ans: The Constitution of India was drafted under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

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Essay on Constitution of India for Students and Children

500+ words essay on constitution of india.

The constitution of India came into force from 26 January. A special committee is gathered to draw and outline the constitution. The constitution gives all the details related to what is legal and what is illegal in the country. In addition, with the enforcement of the constitution, the Indian sub-continent become the Republic of India . Besides, the drafting committee consists of seven members that were supervised by B.R. Ambedkar. Moreover, the constitution helps in maintaining prosperity and peace in the country.

Essay on constitution of India

Salient Features of the Constitution

The list of salient features of the Indian constitution is very long and there are many uniqueness about it that you won’t find in any other countries constitution.

Longest Written Constitution

The first thing that makes the Indian constitution different is its length. The constitution of India contains a preamble, 448fourhundred, and forty-eight Articles, twenty-five groups, twelve Schedules, and five appendices. Moreover, it takes around 3 years to complete the draft of the constitution.

The Rigidity and Flexibility of the Indian Constitution

The constitution is hard as well as soft both at the same time. While on one side the supreme power needs to be followed carefully to maintain the law and order in the country, on the other side the citizen can appeal to amend the outdated provisions. But there are certain provisions that can be easily amended and there are some that take a lot of time and resources to amend. Furthermore, there have been more than 100 amendments in the constitution from the day of its enforcement.

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The original constitution does not have preamble but it was later on added to the constitution. Also, it gives a detailed account of the constitution’s philosophy. The preamble states that India is a Socialist, Secular, Sovereign, and Democratic republic. In addition, it believes in equality, justice, and freedom of its people . The constitution puts the welfare of its people first rather than the state.

A Secular State

According to the constitution of India is a secular country that means that it does not give special status to any religion. Anyone can perform his religion freely.

It means a dictator or monarch does not rule the country. Moreover, it nominates and elects its head every five years.

Fundamental Policies

The constitution of t5he country states every fundamental duty of its citizens under it. These duties have to be followed by all the citizens of the country equally whether it’s a rich person or a poor one. Besides, these duties include the respect of national flag and national anthem , integrity and unity of the country, the safeguard of public property, and various others.

Directive State Principle or Policy

This policy is simple guidelines to the state in which ensure the development of its socio-economy via its policies.

In conclusion, the constitution serves as guidelines for every citizen. Also, law and rule are completely defined in the constitution. The head of the drafting committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has done a remarkable job that no one can forget. He and his team draft constitution that no other country has bale to do till date. Besides, the constitution has helped India to attain the status of the Republic in the world.

FAQs about Essay on Constitution of India

Q.1 Define what is the Indian constitution in simple words? A.1 The constitution is the supreme law of the country. Everything is predefined in it. Besides, the constitution is a framework that guides the procedures, policies, and power of the government.

Q.2 Who is known as the father of the Indian constitution? A.2 Dr. B.R. Amberdkar is the father of the Indian constitution because he was the head of the drafting committee that completed the constitution.

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