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What is WordCounter?

Apart from counting words and characters, our online editor can help you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. To check word count, simply place your cursor into the text box above and start typing. You'll see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them. You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above. The Auto-Save feature will make sure you won't lose any changes while editing, even if you leave the site and come back later. Tip: Bookmark this page now.

Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if an author has to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, essay, report, story, book, paper, you name it. WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

In addition, WordCounter shows you the top 10 keywords and keyword density of the article you're writing. This allows you to know which keywords you use how often and at what percentages. This can prevent you from over-using certain words or word combinations and check for best distribution of keywords in your writing.

In the Details overview you can see the average speaking and reading time for your text, while Reading Level is an indicator of the education level a person would need in order to understand the words you’re using.

Disclaimer: We strive to make our tools as accurate as possible but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.

character essay counter

  • 0 Unique Words
  • 0 Characters
  • 0 Characters (no spaces)
  • 0 Sentences
  • 0 Longest Sentence (words)
  • 0 Shortest Sentence (words)
  • 0 Avg. Sentence (words)
  • 0 Avg. Sentence (chars)
  • 0 Avg. Word Length
  • 0 Paragraphs
  • 0 Syllables
  • 0 Words (Publisher)
  • N/A Reading Level  
  • N/A Reading Time  
  • N/A Speaking Time  
  • N/A Hand Writing Time  
  • More ( 0 ) Share

Keyword Density x1   x2   x3

Keep track of the number of words you write each day using the activity button.   ACTIVITY

This button helps you clean up your document by removing funky characters, unneeded new lines, etc.

  • Email Fix (Remove word wrapping)
  • Microsoft Word Document Fix (Remove invalid characters)
  • Remove multiple new lines

My Writing Details

  • N/A Reading Level
  • N/A Reading Time
  • N/A Speaking Time
  • N/A Hand Writing Time

Step 1. What do you want to share?

  • Unique Words
  • Characters (no spaces)
  • Longest Sentence (words)
  • Shortest Sentence (words)
  • Avg. Sentence (words)
  • Avg. Sentence (chars)
  • Avg. Word Length
  • Words (Publisher)
  • Reading Level
  • Reading Time
  • Speaking Time
  • Hand Writing Time

Step 2. What do you want to say?

Step 3. Where do you want to share it?

  • Keyword Density

Step 1. What do you want to say?

Step 2. Where do you want to share it?

Upload File

Click the upload button below to select a text document. Supported formats are PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX, ODT.

Save To Drive

Use this button to save your current writing to Google Drive

You can turn on or off different counting options here.

  • Hand Writing Time Letters Per Minute Slow Normal Fast
  • Reading Time Words Per Minute Slow Normal Fast
  • Speaking Time Words Per Minute Slow Normal Fast

You can turn on or off different buttons provided for different functionalities.

  • ACTIVITY Keeps track of your word and character count.
  • AUTO-SAVE When turned on, WordCounter will automatically save your document every 30 seconds. You can then switch back to previous versions of your document at any time.
  • CASE Gives different case options. Applies to your entire document or only the text you select.
  • CLEAN TEXT After pasting a document into WordCounter, this will clean it up by removing invalid characters, word wrapping issues and unneeded new lines.
  • CLEAR Delete all of the text in your document.
  • DOWNLOAD Download your written text (PDF, TXT, DOC) to your device.
  • FIND AND REPLACE Find and replace any words or sentences you want.
  • GOAL Set writing goals (such as 500 words) and WordCounter will let you know when you've reached them. You can also share and embed your goals.
  • PRINT Print your document quickly and easily.
  • PROOF READ   WordCounter reads your document back to you. Make sure to turn up your volume! Rate Valid values are 0.1 to 10 Pitch Valid values are 0 to 2 Voices
  • REDO Redo your last changes. Click multiple times to redo multiple changes.
  • SAVE Saves your text for later retrieval. Be sure and click the SAVE button each time you want to save.
  • SAVE TO DRIVE Saves your document to Google Drive. Great for backup purposes.
  • SPEED Use a timer to see how fast you're typing.
  • SPELL A powerful spelling and grammar checker for your document.
  • TALK TO TYPE   Speak into your microphone and WordCounter will type for you. Language Country
  • THESAURUS Select (with your mouse) a word in your document and click the thesaurus button to get a list of synonyms.
  • UNDO Undo your last changes. Click multiple times to undo multiple changes.
  • UPLOAD Upload your existing document (PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX, ODT) into WordCounter.

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A simple & fast character counter

Word density.

  • Characters 0
  • sentences 0
  • paragraphs 0

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Online Character Count Tool

A while back I needed to count the amount of letters that a piece of text in an email template had (to avoid passing any character limits). Unfortunately, I could not think of a quick way to do so on my macbook and I therefore turned to the Internet.

There were a couple of tools out there, but none of them met my standards and since I am a web designer I thought: why not do it myself and help others along the way? And... here is the result, hope it helps out!

What is this?

Character Count Online is a free online character and word counting tool. All results are immediately shown and it is ridiculously easy to use and of course, the service is completely free.

How is it used?

You can copy and paste your text with the characters to count in the text area above, or you can type your characters and words into the text area. The counter will be updated instantly, displaying the amount of characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and whitespace in your text, not to mention that the keyword density (which you can configure from the options menu) is also displayed.

Which devices does the counter work on?

Character Count Online works on absolutely any device. No matter if you have a mobile phone, computer, console or tablet the counter will work perfectly!

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Word Counter

— Count words, check grammar and improve your writing. Learn more

Enter text to display keywords

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Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level.

Count words and characters, correct spelling and grammar, and check keyword density.

Improve your Grammar

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How many pages is 250 words.

Wondering how many pages 250 words takes up? Well, the answer is about one half page single spaced or one page double spaced.

How Many Pages is 10000 Words?

How many pages is 10000 words? Single spaced 10000 words is 20 pages; double spaced 10000 words is 40 pages.

How Many Pages is 3500 Words?

How many pages is 3500 words? A word count of 3500 yields around 7 pages single spaced and roughly twice that—14 pages—double spaced.

How Many Pages is 1500 Words?

How many pages is 1500 words? 1500 words is about 3 pages single spaced or 6 pages double spaced.

About Word Counter

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Get started by typing directly into the text area above or pasting in your content from elsewhere. Word and character counts will display at the top, any writing mistakes will be underlined and your most frequently used keywords will appear to the right.

You can also use Word Counter to track your text length against common web standards like Twitter's tweet character count (140), Google's meta description (300), and Facebook's average post display length (~250). If your text is longer than 360 characters the counter will show you the number of sentences, paragraphs and pages instead; useful metrics for blog posts, articles, papers, essays, dissertations and other long-form content.

Word Counter

Track word and character count, fix grammar, summarize text, extract keywords and more for any text with this advanced free tool.

How long should my text be? Typical word counts for:

Use cases of word counter.

Word Counter tool helps you with efficiency, precision, and adherence to specific requirements across professional and creative fields.

Academic Assignments : Ensure compliance with word count requirements for essays, research papers, and assignments.

Professional Documents : Maintain clarity and professionalism in reports, proposals, and business documents.

SEO Content : Craft blog posts and articles that meet optimal word lengths for search engine visibility.

Social Media Messaging : Stay within character limits on platforms like Twitter and Instagram for effective communication.

Manuscript Submissions : Submit literary works within specified word count limits for publications.

Freelance Writing Projects : Manage progress and meet client requirements with accurate word counts.

Academic Presentations : Prepare and refine presentations to fit within allocated time constraints.

Email Correspondence : Compose concise and impactful professional emails for effective communication.

Translation Services : Estimate costs and manage workloads efficiently based on word counts in source texts.

Novel Writing : Track progress and ensure adherence to word count goals in novel or fiction projects.

The technology behind Word Counter

Word Counter tool uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data – then uses that knowledge to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or input. The generated text combines both the model's learned information and its understanding of the input.

Characters without space

Reading time

Speaking time

Top keywords

Type or paste your text or URL to see the most used keywords

Word density

  • Specific-word: 10%

What is This?

Character Count is a website designed to help users accurately count the number of characters, words, and sentences in their text. The tool is useful for anyone who needs to keep track of the length of their written content, such as writers, students, bloggers, social media managers, and more. By using Character Count, users can ensure that their content meets the length requirements of a particular platform, such as Twitter's 280-character limit, or simply get a better sense of how long their text is. Additionally, Character Count allows users to customize their counting preferences, making it a versatile and flexible tool for anyone who needs to count characters.

How to Use?

1. Go to the Character Count website. 2. Paste the text that you want to count into the input box. 3. The tool will immediately display the number of characters, words, and sentences in your text.

CharCounts.com is a leading online platform that offers a comprehensive text analysis tool. The platform is designed to help students, writers, business professionals, and anyone else who needs to analyze their text quickly and accurately. The tool provides character count, character counter, word count, word counter, sentence count, and sentence counter results in seconds. The advanced algorithms used in the platform make it easy to input text and receive a detailed analysis in no time. The platform is designed to handle large volumes of text, making it ideal for analyzing long documents.

One of the most significant advantages of CharCounts.com is that it eliminates the need for tedious manual counting. Counting characters, words, and sentences can be a time-consuming task that takes up valuable time. However, CharCounts.com makes the process of analyzing text fast and easy. With just a few clicks, users can input their text and receive a detailed analysis that includes character count, word count, sentence count, and other relevant information.

Another benefit of using CharCounts.com is that the platform is designed to handle large volumes of text. This makes it ideal for students, writers, and business professionals who need to analyze long documents. The platform is equipped with advanced algorithms that ensure accuracy and efficiency, even when handling a large amount of text.

Privacy and security are essential considerations when using any online platform. CharCounts.com takes these concerns seriously, and the platform does not collect or store any personal information. Users can rest assured that their data is safe and secure when using the platform.

CharCounts.com is not just a platform, but a community of users who value accuracy and efficiency. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, and users can easily access support if they have any questions or feedback. The team behind CharCounts.com is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for their users.

In conclusion, CharCounts.com is an excellent online tool for anyone who needs to analyze text quickly and accurately. The platform is designed to handle large volumes of text, making it ideal for students, writers, and business professionals. The advanced algorithms used in the platform ensure accuracy and efficiency, and users can rest assured that their data is safe and secure. With its user-friendly design and excellent support, CharCounts.com is the ultimate text analysis tool.

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Character Counter

Text statistics tool.

Character Count: 0

Character Count (no spaces): 0

Word Count: 0

Sentence Count: 0

Paragraph Count: 0

Unique Word Count: 0

Average Word Length (characters): 0

Average Sentence Length (characters): 0

Estimated Reading Time: 0 minutes

Estimated Speaking Time: 0 minutes

character essay counter

About the Character Counter

Our Character Counter is an accessible online tool that calculates key metrics for your text. It efficiently counts characters, words, sentences, and paragraphs, in addition to identifying the number of unique words and calculating averages for word and sentence lengths. It also estimates your reading and speaking times, customizable to your speed.

Common Questions

Is the Character Counter free? Absolutely, it's free to use. Can I adjust the reading and speaking speed? Yes, you can input your speed in words per minute for personalized time estimates. How does 'unique word count' work? It counts the total number of different words used in your text.

Advanced Features

Our Character Counter goes beyond simple counting.

  • Offers detailed breakdown of your text including various counts and averages.
  • Calculates the number of unique words used.
  • Estimates reading and speaking times, customizable to your speed.

With this tool, gaining insights into your text is a breeze.

© 2023 charactercounting.com

character essay counter

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What is a character counter?

A character counter is a tool designed to count the number of characters in a given text or string. It is commonly used to calculate the length of a piece of written content, such as a document, essay, tweet, or even a website's meta description.

How does the character counter work?

The character counter works by analyzing each individual character in the input and tallying them up to provide an accurate count. This includes counting letters, numbers, punctuation marks, spaces, and any other visible or non-visible characters.

What is the use of the character counter?

Character counters are particularly useful in various contexts. For instance, in academic or professional writing, there are often strict limitations on the number of characters allowed. By utilizing a character counter, writers can ensure their content meets these requirements and avoid exceeding the specified limit. Social media platforms also frequently employ character limits for posts, where a character counter comes in handy for users to keep track of their message length.

How do I use the character calculator?

Type or paste the text you need to count into the edit box and the program will automatically calculate the number of characters and other data.

Does the number of characters include spaces?

Yes, the number of characters includes spaces. We use the same rules as most character count sites, so spaces will be included.

What is the character limit for common social media postings?

Twitter: The initial character limit for tweets on Twitter was 140 characters, but it was later expanded to 280 characters.

Facebook: The character limit for Facebook posts is 63,206 characters.

Instagram: Instagram allows up to 2,200 characters for a post.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn posts have a character limit of 1,300 characters.

Snapchat: Snapchat has a relatively short character limit of around 250 characters for posts.

Please note that these character limits may change over time as platforms update their policies. Therefore, it's advisable to check the latest character limit policies on the respective social media platforms for accuracy.

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Character Counter

Start typing to get a list of keywords that are most used

Every character counts when you are producing content for a social media platform. Many word processors have word counters that help users measure the length of the document. However, most online sites have character limits rather than word limits. In this situation, a character counter is more helpful.

Character Counter Essentials

An online text character counter tool keeps track of the numbers of every type of character: letters, numbers, special characters or spaces. Using this tool will help you avoid exceeding the limits of your favorite social media platform. With a char counter, you can prevent the annoying process of shortening sentences to meet the limit.

Improve Your Writing Style

For online writing, you want to keep things simple. People with varying language and reading levels access your social media posts and messages. Word Counter automatically counts the number of sentences and paragraphs in your text. If you have a long essay with only a few sentences, you may want to break it up to make it more readable. Word Counter also helps with unwanted repetition. It displays the number of instances of each word in your text. If you are trying to include a certain number of keywords, this tool will keep you on the right track. If you find you are using certain words too frequently, you can look for other options.

Using a Text Character Counter with Social Media

Sharing a message by social media can get complicated when you are using several platforms. Facebook gives you plenty of room to post an idea, but Twitter only offers 280 characters per post. Our Facebook and Twitter character counter will help you pare down posts written in a longer format.

However, posts are not the only social media features with character limits. Every aspect of a Facebook or LinkedIn page is subject to a maximum number of characters. A char count online will help make certain that all of your entries fit.

Facebook is all about sharing information, so they give ample room for extended posts. A single post can be up to 63,205 characters. They also offer up to 8,000 characters for a comment. These large limits may be the right size for sharing your opinion, but they are lengthy for marketing materials. Potential customers want your information to be short and sweet.

Other aspects of your Facebook page have smaller limits. Your page description can only be 255 characters long. The title of your story section can only contain 128 characters.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but people still want to provide information about the images they post on Instagram. 2,200 characters seem like plenty to provide context for a photo. As with Facebook, shorter captions are better for marketing efforts.

When you choose your Instagram name, the platform limits you to 30 characters. You will have to keep your bio simple with a limit of 140 characters.

As a messaging platform, Twitter was one of the first to work with strict character limits. While they started with 140 chars, user demand led them to expand the limit to 280 per tweet. These short-form messages can have a powerful impact.

Twitter also has maximum character counts of 50 for your username and 160 for your profile. Using a text character counter gives you space to perfect your messaging before you try to post.

Most people think about YouTube in terms of its video content. However, a well-crafted title and description make your videos easier to find. The platform provides ample space for descriptions with a limit of 5,000 characters. Titles are more challenging with a 100-character maximum.

YouTube provides several tools to draw users to your videos. Creating a playlist keeps users engaged with your brand. The playlist title can be up to 60 characters long. Tags are another way to increase views. These short descriptions are limited to 30 characters.

As a social media platform, TikTok is to videos what Twitter is to messages. The content is intentionally brief. This focus on brevity also applies to written text. You can only use 150 characters when you are describing your latest upload. Preparing your video description on a character checker will save you time in editing.

LinkedIn understands that business professionals need to share information. Most input areas on this platform give you plenty of space. When describing your business, you can use up to 2,000 characters, and regular posts can include 1,300. A long-form article on LinkedIn has a high limit of 110,000 characters.

Other Helpful Uses for a Character Counter Tool

Metadata limits.

A text character counter is an important resource for search engine optimization. If you want people to click on your business in search results, the meta title and meta description are critical. Most developers recommend keeping the title to no more than 60 characters. The description should be limited to about 150. Keeping below this number prevents the browser from cutting off the full message.

There are several reasons that you might be called on to write an essay. Students of all ages must produce written reports and articles. Small businesses often use blog posts to produce new content for their websites. Any time you write, you want it to be engaging. Our essay character counter will assist you by helping you avoid unwanted repetition or unnecessary complexity.

If you write professionally, you may deal with word count and character count limits. Working with a character counter will let you wrap up your article while staying within the proper limits.

Marketing Materials

Online marketing materials may require keyword repetition. However, too many keywords can lead a search engine to lower your score. Using a char counter will prevent you from getting penalized for keyword stuffing in your writing.

Professional Emails

Your work colleagues appreciate it when emails are short and to the point. Most people do not have the time or patience to scroll through your whole message. Limiting the word count on your emails will help information travel within your organization.

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  • YouTube Title Generator
  • Essay Title Generator
  • Title Rewriter
  • Title Capitalization
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  • Essay Writer
  • Book Title Wizard
  • Character Name Generator
  • Name Generators
  • Pokemon Name Generator
  • Character Backstory Generator
  • Song Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Word Search Puzzles
  • Ideation Articles
  • Random Topic Generator
  • Writing Prompt Generator
  • Random Essay Title Generator
  • Writing Articles
  • Online Word Counter
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  • Headline Analyzer
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  • 150 Best Resources for Writers
  • Productivity
  • English Language
  • Grammar Tips
  • Headline Analyzer Tool
  • Title Capitalization Rules
  • For WordPress
  • Publishing Articles
  • Email Marketing
  • Book Articles
  • How to Get A Book Published
  • Best Literary Agencies
  • How To Self Publish a Book

Online Character Count Tool

Our free character counter and letter counter will automatically count how many characters, words, and paragraphs are in your text. Great for social media and essays. Just type or paste your text input below to get started!

Character Counter Tool Instructions

  • Enter the text you need to be counted above.
  • Our tool will automatically count the number of characters in your text.
  • That’s it! Use the online character counter wherever you need it.

Also try our online word counter tool .

Table of Contents

Why Does Character Count Matter?

Character counts can be found everywhere in writing. From college applications and homework assignments to social media platforms , various entities impose character limits, so it’s important to know how many characters your writing contains. Some people even assume word count and character counts are important for SEO.

What Is Character Count?

Computer characters are any letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, or symbols that can be typed on a computer. Each character requires one byte of space on a computer, so the word “mouse” takes up 5 bytes.

Character Count FAQs

Do spaces count as characters.

Yes, a space counts as 1 character since a space takes up one byte in a computer’s memory. If you use our character counter tool above, you will find that the phrase “Hello World” ha 11 characters since the space counts as one as well.

Do Punctuation Marks Count as Characters?

Yes, punctuation marks, like spaces, count as characters since they take up the same amount of space in a computer’s memory. You will notice this when you try to add too many exclamation marks to a Tweet.

How Many Characters Do Emojis Count As?

Emojis actually count as two characters since it takes up two bytes 😀.

How Many Characters Do Special Characters Count As?

Special characters such as pound (#), the dollar sign ($), and ampersand (&) each count as one character.

What Other Platforms Give Character Count?

Most word processors have a word and character counter built in. Here are instructions on how to access the built-in counters for some common ones.

Character Count in Google Docs

Go to Tools > Word Count or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + C.

Character Count in Microsoft Word

You can see the word count at the bottom of your document (although you may have to right-click on the word count and check “Character Count”). You can also access it by clicking Review > Word Count in the menu/ribbon.

Common Character Counts

Social media channels have word and character limits for the content you post to their sites. Below are the word count limits for various social media platforms.

TikTok Character Limits

TikTok limits posts and comments to 150 characters ( 20-40 words ) and profiles to 80 characters.

Twitter Character Count

Twitter allows up to 280 characters in regular Tweets ( 40-70 words ) and 10,000 characters in DMs (Direct Messages). The ideal length of a Tweet is 71-100 Characters.

Facebook Post Character Limits

Facebook has very generous character limits of up to 63,206  characters per post.  However, the ideal length of a Facebook post is 40-80 characters.

Instagram Character Limits

The limit for an Instagram caption is 2,200 characters , but the ideal length is 138-150 characters. The maximum length of an Instagram bio is 150 characters.

Reddit Character Limits

Reddit titles can be up to 300 characters long. Comments are limited to 10,000 characters and Reddit posts are limited to 40,000 characters.

SMS Character Count Limits

SMS text messages are limited to  160 characters . After this point, SMS messages will send as separate messages which is why you may receive 2-3 messages that need to be read as one long message. Apple’s iMessage can technically be unlimited characters , but you may start to see errors when the message approaches 20,000 characters.

Title tags for websites or blog articles can have unlimited characters, but Google will cut off at showing about 60 characters in search results . Use our title tag checker to make sure you know what your title tag will look like in search results.

LinkedIn posts can be 3,000 characters. Some other common LinkedIn character limits are:

  • Professional Headline (Desktop): 220 characters
  • Professional Headline (Mobile): 240 characters
  • About (Previously called Summary): 2,600 characters
  • Experience Section Position Title: 100 characters
  • Experience Section Position Description: 2,000 characters
  • Comment: 1,250 characters

Check out this post for more character limits on social media.

Keyword Density

  • Accessibility

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Character Counter

Character counter - what is this.

A character counter is a tool or feature used to count the number of characters in a given text. It can be a standalone tool, a feature in a software application, or an online service. The term "character" typically refers to any individual unit of text, which can include letters, numbers, punctuation marks, spaces, and other symbols.

What can this tool do?

With the help of this counter, you can easily find out how many characters, characters without spaces, words, sentences and paragraphs are in your text.

Where a character counter might be needed?

Character counters are commonly used for various purposes, such as: 1. Word Limits: Many platforms, such as social media sites or content management systems, impose character limits for posts or content submissions. A character counter helps users ensure they stay within these limits. 2. Text Analysis: Researchers, writers, and students might use character counters to analyze and measure the length of text passages, articles, essays, or academic papers. 3. SEO Optimization: Some content creators and website owners use character counters to ensure that their content meets certain length recommendations for better search engine optimization (SEO). 4. Programming and Coding: In programming, knowing the character count can be essential, especially when dealing with text inputs, string manipulation, or code comments. 5. Data Entry and Validation: Character counters are used in data entry fields to help users input the correct number of characters, such as in forms or online surveys. 6. Language Limitations: In some cases, like SMS messages or chat applications with character limits, character counters are important to ensure messages are sent correctly.

Character limits on social networks

Twitter: The character limit for a tweet is 280 characters. However, there are additional limitations for certain types of content, such as images, links, and usernames, which can affect the effective character count. Facebook: Regular posts: There is no strict character limit for regular Facebook posts, but longer posts might get truncated in users' feeds. However, it's generally recommended to keep posts concise and engaging. Facebook Page posts: Facebook Pages have a recommended character limit of around 40 to 80 characters for maximum engagement. Instagram: Instagram captions: Instagram allows up to 2,200 characters for captions on regular posts. However, only the first few lines are immediately visible, and users need to tap "More" to see the full caption. Instagram bio: The Instagram bio allows up to 150 characters. LinkedIn: LinkedIn posts: The character limit for LinkedIn posts is 1,300 characters. However, like other platforms, it's advisable to keep posts concise and engaging. LinkedIn articles: For longer-form content published as LinkedIn articles, there isn't a strict character limit. It's more about providing valuable content. Snapchat: Snapchat's character limit varies depending on the type of content. Text captions for Snaps have a limit of 80 characters, while captions for Snapchat Stories have a limit of 33 characters. TikTok: TikTok videos are short-form and typically don't have a lot of text. Video captions can vary in length, but they're generally short and concise.

Word Counter

How do i see my character count with spaces.

To view character count with spaces, click the "View Character Count" button, then check off "Include spaces".

How do I resize the text box?

To resize the text box, grab the bottom right corner and drag up or down. There are 3 small lines there to indicate the grab point.

What is word count?

Word count is the number of words in a piece of writing. Word counts are primarily used to set a standard for a piece such as 2,000 words for a blog post or 1,000 words for a research essay in a class.

About This Tool

The purpose.

The purpose of this tool is to help you quickly get a word or character count for your text. No frustrating logins or signups required.

Why is word count important?

Having the proper word count for the text's purpose is key to provide enough information to the reader without overwhelming them.

Someone reading a textbook will expect far more words than someone reading an Instagram caption.

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Word Counter

A simple and free word counter and character counter

Counting Statistics

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Words count 0

Characters count 0

Characters count (no spaces) 0

Sentences count 0

Paragraphs count 0

Longest sentence (words) 0

Avg. words per sentence 0

Avg. characters per sentence 0

Avg. word length 0

Lines count 0

Top Keywords

Enter your text above to see the most common keywords

WordCounter.me: Your Ultimate Word Count Tool

What is word counter.

WordCounter.me is a remarkable web-based utility designed to provide you with a seamless experience in tracking various metrics related to your written content. Whether you need to count words, characters, sentences, or more, our word counter is here to assist you every step of the way.

Why Use WordCounter.me?

Our word count tool serves a variety of purposes and is incredibly useful for a wide range of individuals:

Content Creators: When formulating a content creation strategy, analyzing various aspects of your content, such as sentence structure, flow, and length, is crucial. Conducting competitor analysis becomes hassle-free with the help of our word counter.

SEO Experts: For SEO experts, generating meta titles and meta descriptions within character limitations is essential. Our word counter ensures accurate results, allowing you to meet these requirements.

Social Media Users: Many social media platforms impose restrictions on the number of words or characters allowed per post. WordCounter.me helps you stay within those limits and craft engaging content accordingly.

Key Features of WordCounter.me

100% Free: Our word count checker is absolutely free of charge. You don't need to spend a single penny or even register on DupliChecker to access this powerful tool.

Instant Results: With our super-fast interface and advanced algorithm, you'll get your desired results instantly. Say goodbye to wasting time on manual word counting. WordCounter.me will accomplish the task in the blink of an eye.

No Installation Required: Our word counter is a completely web-based utility. There's no need to download or install any software or plugins. Simply visit wordcounter.me through your device's web browser, and you're good to go.

Device Compatibility: Whether you're using an Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, or Linux device, our word counter is compatible with all platforms. Counting words becomes effortless, regardless of the device you're using.

Accessible Anywhere: WordCounter.me is accessible from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a stable internet connection. Count words in your text with ease, no matter where you are.

Who Can Benefit from WordCounter.me?

WordCounter.me is a versatile tool that caters to a diverse audience, including:

Freelancers: Freelancers often need to meet specific letter and character counts to satisfy their clients. Our word counter helps them manage and deliver content while avoiding any disputes.

Website Owners: Managing content received from freelance writers can be time-consuming. With WordCounter.me, website owners can easily analyze the content by calculating the number of characters, words, and sentences, ensuring high-quality and well-structured content.

Students and Teachers: Both students and teachers can benefit from our word count calculator. Students can use it to prepare assignments, reports, theses, and other projects, while teachers can ensure students adhere to given guidelines.

Experience the convenience and accuracy of WordCounter.me today. Count words, characters, and sentences effortlessly, and unlock the potential of your written content.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about WordCounter

How do i know how many words i have written.

To find out the number of words you've written, simply access WordCounter.me and enter your text in the provided field. The word count and other information will be displayed instantly.

How Many Words Can I Count with this Tool?

Our word checker allows you to check an unlimited number of words without any restrictions. Additionally, there are no limitations on the frequency of tool usage.

Does My Data Get Stored?

Rest assured, none of the data you submit to our site is stored after the results are displayed. We process and analyze your content in real-time, ensuring the utmost privacy and data security.

Word Counter

How to use our word counter.

Start by entering text into the text-box above. The word count above the text-box will automatically display the count as you type!

If you want to copy the text in the text-box, simply hit the green "Copy Text" button.

Additional metrics include words per sentence, syllables per word, words per paragraph, letters per word, unique words, pages (based on an average page count of 250 words) and a character count .

The Importance of Word Count in Writing

Writing in any genre or format comes with considerations that can add or detract from its effectiveness.

One of those considerations that's not given much thought in many formats is word count. Among the many reasons it's often overlooked is that it can be troublesome to meet a specified count, both having too many words or having enough words.

Here, we'll explain why word count is important in many writing pursuits. We'll discuss problems you may encounter in meeting a specific word count, offer some helpful suggestions and point out possible pitfalls.

Last, but far from least, we'll take a look at how your writing tools and word counters may help you keep track.

Why Word Count Matters

If you're working as a content writer, you're probably used to seeing a word count specified with most jobs you're assigned or might apply for. It's often expressed as a range, to give the writer some "wiggle room", but the requirement may also be specific. Either way, you'll need to meet that requirement if you want to be paid for the project.

If you're not "working for hire", it may surprise you to know that word count can also have a profound effect on what you write for yourself, from articles to promote your business, to academic papers, to short stories, novels and even poetry.

Let's look, first, at some of the reasons for word count requirements that tend to be common across different formats.

SEO: If you're not familiar with Search Engine Optimization, you probably haven't been writing for the digital marketing industry.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and a myriad of others became one of the cornerstones of the industry long ago, for one simple reason: They enabled internet users to find your articles, based on things like keyword placement and density, titles, headings and – you guessed it: word count.

Interestingly enough, SEO concepts are based on some of the most basic reasons why word count is important, so rather than go into a detailed explanation, let's look at those reasons.

Reader attention span: Whether you're writing to entertain, inform, sell, or "all of the above", you have a limited time to capture and hold the attention of your audience. Among other things, this is one of the reasons books are written in chapters.

Space requirements: When writing for shared publications, digital or analog, you'll often have a word limit to allow for other stories, articles, etc.

Micro-fiction: For an author of fictional stories, this genre is a fun challenge. It involves telling a complete story in a very limited number of words.

Efficiency: Though somewhat based on attention span, it's often necessary to condense complex ideas into fewer words. This can come into play in academic research papers and essays.

In fact, it's often exactly what an assignment is meant to teach. Expressing yourself succinctly is a valuable skill.

Contest requirements: When writing for competitions, (such as essay contests, poem contests, short story contests, etc.) word count will almost always be specified.

These are only a few examples and I'm sure you'll come up with some of your own. The important point is that an upper or lower limit on words is rarely an arbitrary requirement.

When You Have Problems

There are two basic issues that may prevent you from hitting a specific word count. Both are simple, and "curing" them may be as simple as trying some of the suggestions below.

Writer's block: It's not unusual to simply run out of things to say on a subject. When that happens, try some of these methods to "get the juices flowing again"...

  • Walk away for a while. Give your mind a rest.
  • Drink something. Caffeine can help clear your head, and so can plain water.
  • Have a snack. Something high in protein or potassium.
  • Exercise. Get a little more blood pumping to your brain.
  • Read something related. This may trigger some inspiration. (Be careful not to plagiarize!)
  • Sleep on it. If you're not facing a short deadline, let it wait for a day.

Getting too "wordy": Sometimes the dam breaks and before you know it, you're over the upper limit on your project. If that's the case, try some of these remedies:

  • Look for redundancies. Don't say the same thing in different ways.
  • Rephrase. You'll often find simpler ways to express things.
  • Lose some adjectives . It's possible to be too descriptive.
  • Remove "fluff". If it isn't important to the piece, get rid of it.
  • Simplify, then simplify again.

A Word Counter can help

Obviously, keeping track of word count manually isn't a practical idea. Fortunately, most word processing software packages, including Microsoft Word and all of its "clones", include a word count feature. Look for this word counter under "Tools" or a similar menu selection.

In many cases, you can even keep the word count visible as you write, so Google the options available for your preferred platform. Speaking of which, Google Docs and other online word processors also offer this feature.

Keep in mind that our word counter offers extra analysis and metrics that Google Docs and Microsoft Word don't provide, like words per sentence, syllables per word, words per paragraph, letters per word and unique words .

Pay Attention to Your "Blocks" Too!

The length of sections (in the case of technical works) or paragraphs also makes a difference. These "blocks" help separate ideas, but they also control the "flow" of your piece. One or two-sentence paragraphs can be very effective and can even add impact to a statement.

If something requires a lengthy explanation, don't try to write it in a single paragraph. Find natural breaks and use connecting words and sentences to tie them together.

The overall length of a piece, of course, needs to be considered along with this. Breaking a 100-word blog post into several sections probably isn't a great idea.

That's a Wrap!

In the interest of meeting the word count for this article, I'll wrap things up with a few closing lines. I hope you've found some useful information about the importance of word count and how it applies to your own writing. Hopefully, some of the suggestions herein will help you find ways that best suit your writing style and the work you'll be doing.

Thanks for using our free Word Counter tool!

That's all there is to it! Happy word counting!

word Counter Tool, Word Counter, Word Count, Letter count

Word Counter Tool

Count Words, Characters, Letters, Word Counter, WPM Counter, Change Text Case

The free word counter, character counter lets you easily count words and characters in a paragraph or block of text. The word counter and character counter gives accurate word count results and count appears as you type. You can copy paste blocks of text. You can also find out your words per minute using WPM counter.

Check Typing Speed

To check typing speed, press the Start button and type. Find how many words you type for a minute. This is your WPM.

Your saved content will appear down. You can save multiple content, paragraphs etc and continue with new words and text.

Word counter tool frequently asked questions, how to count words and characters in a paragraph.

Word Counter Tool is the simple online utility to count number of words or number of characters online. You can either type in to Word Counter Tool or copy and paste content in to the application to count words and characters. You can 'SAVE' the paragraph and then continue another with processing another content or paragraph. The saved content will be available until you clear the same using 'Clear Saved' option.

What are the applications of Word Counter Tool?

You will find many situations where you need to calculate the number of words, characters and change case in a given paragraph. WordCounterTool.com comes handy in these situations where you can easily count words and characters on the fly online. You don't require additional software like MS Word and this service is provided free. You can also Save these words, paragraphs and content locally in your browser till you clear the same. Word Counter Tool is the only word and character counter utility that displays the count in real time.

What are some uses of word counter and character counter?

Word Counter Tool is the perfect companion for your English essay assignments in School. If you need to write a 400-450 word essay and have to stick to the limits, use Word Counter Tool to type your essay. With modern browsers, you even have spell checking enabled.

If you are a professional blogger or content writer, then you can use Word Counter Tool to type your content. Most of these services require a word limit and you can use our tool for free and get paid for the great content you produce.

If you are a web master or a SEO specialist, then you can Word Counter Tool to find the number of words in your Title tags and Description for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts.

Word Counter Tool is probably the only online application to change case of a paragraph and words online. With a mere click of the button, an entire paragraph can change text case or font formatting to UPPERCASE or lowercase online. No need of opening Microsoft Word to change text case.

What are some of the Word Count limit for School and College essays?

College admission essays have a word count limit ranging from 200–650 words

Undergraduate college essay essays have a word count limit ranging from 200–650 words

Graduate school admission essays have a word count limit ranging from 1500–5000 words

Graduate school essays have a word count limit ranging from 2500–6000 words words words.

How to calculate Words per minute (WPM) using Word Counter Tool?

You can count the number of characters and words you type in minutes and seconds to find your typing speed and WPM count. To find the Words per Minute (WPM) count, press the Start button and type for a minute. You will see how many words you typed for a minute. This is your WPM.

© 2024 WordCounterTool.com


Free Online Word Counter for Essays

Use our word counter to check how many words are in an essay instantly.

Free Online Word Counter for Essays

How Our Word Count Checker Works

Count words or characters in your essay, paper, or any other academic text in a few clicks. Insert your text and enjoy accurate results – it’s as simple as that!


Tick the box to proceed further – your text won’t be saved in our system.

Enter the text to check how many words or characters it contains.

Have word count calculated automatically and get your result instantly.


Features of Our Word Counter Tool

StudyCrumb’s word counter is loaded with features that you will undoubtedly find pleasant. With the benefits you get, it definitely wins over any word counter tool online.


Our online word counter is an excellent option for everyone who doesn’t like distractions and extra manipulations. Just input your text and it will immediately calculate the words.


There is no need to pay – we offer a free word counter with unlimited checks. You can start using it without registration and run as many checks as required.


Our essay word counter shows the number of words, characters, and symbols without spaces. It’s a one-stop instrument if you need a detailed report.

Need Expert Help

StudyCrumb is a go-to platform helping students with academic writing. Entrust your paper to our professionals and they will take your writing to a totally new level!


Backed by qualified writers, we provide unique academic papers tailored to clients specific needs. Have an expert compose a customized paper from the ground up.


Take your writing to a whole new level with our editing and proofreading services. Our academic proofreaders will polish your text considering the number of words you need.

Why Choose StudyCrumb


Word Counter Online & Character Counter

Our tool goes beyond a simple text word counter. It works like a word character counter and offers multiple options. In case you have a special requirement from your professor, for example, a character limit, this tool will definitely come in handy. Likewise, you may need to find out the amount of characters without spaces. Our high-end instrument will be an all-inclusive solution. Just input the necessary part and calculate the number of symbols in your text.


Word Count Checker

It’s very important to stay on the top of your page word count. Students may think that several slips every here and there won’t cause much harm. But your school may have strict requirements to the acceptable limit for every academic work. While you are expected to write 150 words in an essay introduction, this amount won’t suffice in an introductory part of your research paper. So if you need to know how many words are in an essay or its particular section, use our tool for a quick result.


Character Count Without Spaces

Things get trickier if you need to find out the number of characters without spaces. No worries! With our character calculator at your fingertips this won’t be a problem. Our free character counter can exclude the spaces so you can enjoy accurate results. This is a perfect feature for writers, translators and students who have a very peculiar requirement. Just copy-paste any passage in an online character counter and it will handle everything in seconds.


Character Count Tool

Sometimes, the limit is measured in characters. That’s when you may need a tool that can handle character count online. We’ve got you covered! Our team saw that situation coming and did our best to provide you with this option. You can use our advanced tool to count characters in your document. And if the actual number doesn’t fit in the expected limit, you can easily modify your text in a respective field.

StudyCrumb’s Essay Word Counter: Handy Tool

We have developed this essay word counter to help students count the words and characters in their papers and academic texts. Are you writing an essay and want to make sure that your word count is precise? Or, maybe, you have a research paper or dissertation with a strict character limit requirement? Whatever your case is, our word count checker will be an irreplaceable instrument in your arsenal of writing tools. And the best part about this tool is its simplicity. Finding out how many words is this will no longer be a struggle. What’s more, you can make changes right in the editor field. You don’t have to switch between our tool and your document to meet the right limit. All results of word character count will be displayed instantly.

Count My Words in My Essay for Me!

Before you submit your newly-written paper, we advise you to count the number of words in it! StudyCrumb’s online tool can help you keep track of the number of words in your paper. It will allow you to concentrate on important topics. Now you won’t need to give yourself a headache wondering “how to check word count?” Just use StudyCrumb’s profitable tool that is always useful to keep handy. After all, knowing your word count can help to improve your work.  Hot tip: A nice way to establish a good word count is by determining whether the headings should be counted. And when headings do not count, they can be included in words in direct quotes. The quality of any essay might suffer if it is too long. Instead, aim for brief and catchy headings. And let a tool do all the counting the words for you!

Online Words Counting Generator for Different Types of Writing

Access our tool if you need counting number of words that you've written. It encourages every student to follow their word limit! This can be important for public speaking or speech preparation. Every guru at our speech writing services suggest finding balance especially when it comes to oral presentation. It is helpful if writing for advertising and academic goals is a big deal. Our tool also determines the word count limit. It is useful for writing social media headlines and Google meta descriptions.  Looking at your presentation and think “how many words is this text?” Try to count them to assess the word density. For some papers, it's common to submit up to a thousand words. But many writers end up over the limit or falling short. Knowing that you’re using count words in text for free is a great way to avoid such problems. Any argumentative essay writer will appreciate such a tool. It can become an essential metric for content writers, whether they are college students or professional authors. Calculate word length in many different ways. But keep in mind — our tool will help you determine it best. It's easy to use. So, save your time and avoid any stress. You can reuse it at any time.

Count the Words in My Essays & Papers

When composing essays and other kinds of written work, your first concern can be “how many words are in this essay?” It is important that students meet all requirements. Consequently, they should know how to count essay words accurately. Word count dendends on the depth of your project. That is why you may need professional essay help .  The first thing you should do is check what the instructor has suggested as a word count. An essay might require fewer words depending on the subject. If it turned out shorter than the assigned word count, you may want to focus on providing a high-level overview of the topic, especially if you need to write my dissertation . Longer papers can delve into more details. However, in both cases, it is important to keep an outline to guide your writing process. Next, check how many words in essay you wrote line by line. StudyCrumb’s tool lets you count the words beneath charts, graphs, and photos. Now you can use it instead of thinking “how many words is my paper?”

Why Is It so Important to Count the Words in an Essay Correctly?

Why is it so important for you to “count how many words are in my essay”? Why do you browse different sites? Looking for one to “count my essay words”? There are few answers to these questions. A critical aspect of knowing essay word limit is how you use the words. The time your audience has to read through your essay is limited. Therefore, it's important to organize your thoughts in a clear and concise way. Make a list of the key points and then spend some time on the important topics. Don't forget that StudyCrumb is essentially an academic service where you can buy essay on any subject and have all requirements met. So, using an online tool when you must know how to count how many words in an essay when writing is simply necessary. And StudyCrumb is here to help you out in whatever way you need!

Paragraph Word Count by StudyCrumb's Free Online Words Counting Tool

StudyCrumb's online tool is perfect when you want to know how many words in this paragraph! You don’t have to do anything otherworldly to use the paragraph word counter. All one should do is follow a simple instruction. This word counting program works well for longer text categories such as articles and novels. It works by dividing a text into several parts. This way you won’t have to do this yourself and wonder how many words are here. You can check the length of your text by using an online helpful tool! You can immediately check your characters and page count, as well as run a spelling check or free grammar check . A paragraph or sentence can also be counted! Remember that one can enable or disable the feature of counting spaces. Punctuation marks will be counted automatically.

Counting Words in a Sentence

Have you ever wondered how many words are in this sentence that you just wrote? StudyCrumb’s tool aims to help you just with that. Students can easily check the quality of their writing and the number of words calculator whenever they need it. Our tool can be accessed from any device, such as a computer or smartphone. It can calculate number of words in your sentences and paragraphs. So don’t waste your time! Save this page as your device’s bookmarks and check your texts when your professors demand it! It won’t cost you anything. The text you wrote would look even more beautiful. Having a handy word count scanner is consistently another latest useful feature!

Important Features of Our Word Count Estimator: Find Word Count Easily!

Every calculator for words list has a bunch of quality features. And StudyCrumb’s is not different. How do you get word count of a document with its help? It's quite straightforward. Copy and paste the desired text into a box. That’s it, that’s the total guide. Use our number of words counter online for free to determine how many pages, paragraphs, and sentences you've written. Moreover, you’ll be able to see the approximate time it would take the audience to read your text. Our words counting software provides only accurate results that one can get online. Moreover, it is 100% free! You don’t have to set up a new account, register, or post any credit card number to use our tool. Just paste your text and check its length as many times as you need. If your academic work has space for improvement or it lacks some sections, contact our thesis writing service . 

Writing Word Count With Spaces

Do you need to set up the word counter including spaces? It is one of the features our online words calculator has. Their number will be shown under the status bar below the text you paste in a box. This is a useful feature when you don’t feel like writing more content and can pass the spaces as an additional number of characters. Our word count tool online for free breaks the number of words based on the number of spaces that were used. It adds that number to the overall quantity of words in your paper. Simple math!

Word Count Without Spaces

StudyCrumb’s word calculation without spaces feature is useful. Test it if you wish to calculate word count of a document without any extra spaces. Everything is displayed under your input text box in the result section. Why would one need to check a writing word count without spaces though? It can help determine whether you should add anything to the paper or delete any content from it. After all, in this case, you won’t be able to use the “space number” excuse to nope out of writing more parts of your essay!

The Most Famous Word Counting Machine of All Time

StudyCrumb offers you one of the best word count tools and words to pages converters that can greatly assist you in writing an essay. Our website that counts words can help you with even the toughest assignments. It ensures that your essay is the correct word count. Our website to count words for free will also be useful for anyone who works in writing, academic or otherwise. It could be used to create a wide range of writing projects including in-app messages, meta descriptions, targeted content marketing, and social media threads. If you’re writing your paper, it will remind you that every word serves a purpose. Each one is placed there for a reason. Moreover, it will show you how long it would take for your audience to read your paper. So get checking right now! Be sure to use our plagiarism detector before submitting your composition.

Benefit From Our Online Essay Word Counter

StudyCrumb’s word counter for essay offers a whole pool of benefits. As our document word counter is free, it’s not the only benefit you can appreciate:

  • It’s free and extremely simple to use.
  • Our word calculator processes a large amount of data in a very short time.
  • The tool will save much of your precious time.
  • You can alter your text right in our tool.

Needless to say, while writing in Microsoft Word, Excel, or Google Documents, you can easily see word and character count. But if you are dealing with a pdf file, you should put in some extra effort. Luckily, with our paper word counter, you can solve this issue effortlessly.


Get help from academic experts!

Whether you need to write a paper or have your essay edited, our experts will handle everything quickly and efficiently.

FAQ About Essay Word Counter

Have any unanswered questions about our word frequency counter? Check out the answers below and find a flash answer.

1. Do I need to register to use the word count checker?

No, StudyCrumb’s word count checker can be used without registration. We did our best to make the process as smooth as possible. You can check count values without creating an account.

2. Does your word counter check spelling?

Sure! Our instrument works like a spell checker and word count tool. This way, you can count symbols in your document and detect spelling errors, if there are any. Our tool will underline the areas that need extra attention.

3. Does this character counter include spaces or not?

Our character counter will show the count values both with and without spaces. Once you enter your text, you will get in-depth results where you will see characters including and excluding spaces.

4. Does your word counter tool save my text?

No, StudyCrumb’s word counter tool doesn’t save your text to the database. Your privacy is our top priority. We designed a tool that doesn’t store content you enter.

5. Do spaces count as words in an essay?

Yes, they do. Our word counter for free online will show you the number of words with or without spaces in a result section below the input box. These numbers will be vastly different. It only means that spaces count as words in an essay.

6. How do you find out how many words did I write?

Our tool is powered by an AI. So, it obviously knows how to count words. It divides the entire text by spaces and then counts the resulting pieces which are the words. Then it will show you the number of words it counted in a section below, as well as this number plus the number of spaces found in your text.

7. How do I check my word count on an essay quickly?

Just use our tool if you need to count the words in a document! It has a fast mode with an intuitive interface that delivers only accurate results. It is completely free, which means that you won’t have to suffer through a trial period or set up an account in order to use it.

8. Can you count the words in my document if it’s 50 pages?

When using a words count online, you should take into consideration your text’s font and formatting. For example, a page made of Times New Roman 14 is not the same as Arial 12. That said, our tool can handle a text of >100.000 characters and >15.000 words.


Other Tools You May Like

StudyCrumb offers you more than just a word counter. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free writing tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!


Word counter

Line Illustration of a person writing on their laptop, using Engram

Use Engram’s word counter and character counter to track word and character counts in your writing

A line illustration of a person, spreading their arms wide with a smile on their face

Word counter FAQ

  • If spaces are included, each character, number, symbol, space, and line break counts as 1 character.
  • If spaces are not included, each character, number, and symbol counts as 1 character. Spaces and line breaks are not counted.
  • If spaces are included, each English character, number, symbol, space, and line break counts as 1 byte. A character in Korean counts as 2 bytes.
  • If spaces are not included, each English character, number, or symbol counts as 1 byte. A character in Korean counts as 2 bytes. Spaces and line breaks are not counted.
  • We count the number of words by splitting sentences into individual words separated at the spaces.
  • The readability score is based on the Flesch Reading Ease formula. A higher score means the text is easier to read.
  • The readability grade is based on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. It presents a score corresponding to a U.S. grade level.

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Essay writer in a few clicks

Standing on guard for your academic liberty


Character and letter counter.

Character and letter counter is an online tool used by scholars, writers, and editors to count the characters, with or without spaces, the letters, words, and numbers in a piece of text.

To use this tool, you need to type your text in the text box area on the platform, and the tool will count the number of characters, numbers, letters, and paragraphs in your piece of text.


A character counter is a tool or a platform that serves the purpose of counting the characters (with and without spaces) in an article or written content. Character counters are not limited to characters alone as they also count the number of letters, numbers, words, and, ultimately, paragraphs available in any given piece of text.

Having a means of tracking how many words you have written, how many characters , and paragraphs are available in your text will ensure you keep to article limits. Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn have character limits that may frustrate your efforts if you do not have a way to track them while typing. These tools also help you keep your ideas short and precise when sharing opinions on social media. 

Another great feature of a character counter is that you can tell you which words or sentences in your article are unique and which ones may be plagiarised. This is especially handy for writing professional articles and blog posts that will be screened for plagiarism. With this and other features, character counters have become handy tools for people around the world.

How to use a character counter?

Using a character counter is easy. When you have an article to write, and you need to know the character or word count, visit any character counter platform, paste the text in the counter text box, and hit “enter.” The tool will automatically scan your text and break down the results from words to characters .

Alternatively, you can type the text you want to count directly into the tool’s text box and have it give you results in real-time. This feature will come in handy for when you need to type but do not have access to more popular software for entering text, like Microsoft Word and Excel. It also helps when you want to meet up with the character requirements of social platforms, and so we have compiled the character lengths for some popular social media.

What are the character limits by platform?

Character limit facebook.

Not many people may know it, but Facebook has a limit to the characters a post can accommodate. This is aimed to keep the platform effective for use as a business tool and promote more social interaction. There are different character limits for different parts of Facebook. They are:

Character Limit Twitter

This is the platform most associated with character restrictions. From its inception in 2006, there has been a change in the character limit. Initially, a tweet was capped at 140 characters (including spaces), but it was subsequently increased to 280 characters.

The character limits for other aspects of the platform are:

Character Limit Instagram

The character limit on Instagram is most evident in the bio section. Severally, users have to trim the messages they want to send across on in their bio section because of its limited character capacity. There are other sections with character limits, and they include:

Character Limit LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a platform that is tailored for professional interactions, and expectedly, has its character limits. This is to ensure businesses do not spam the platforms. The character limits are:

Character Limit Pinterest

Although this platform is visual-heavy, there are still character limits. These include:

Character Limit YouTube

While YouTube is known for its video content, the parts of the platform that require you to input text have character limits. They are:


For a blogger, student, social media marketer, or business reviewer, knowing the number of characters or words in your written piece is critical for staying within range. It is also important that you ensure that you originally represent your ideas. Using character counter tools help you kill both birds with one stone.

The software makes your work easier by helping you check for instances where similar terms have been used. If you decide, it may suggest alternative phrases to help keep your work unique. It does this by using synonyms, antonyms, and other substitutes to paraphrase blocks of text that need to be tweaked.


You know about character counter programs built into software like Google Docs, and you may be wondering how they differ from online character counters. An online character counter does the same thing as a text character counter in Google Docs but goes one step further. It works with every file format, allowing you to copy and paste any text type for scanning.

The results are instantaneous and the best part is that it’s free. So, while the character count in word does a good job, using online tools for checking your word character count is more efficient.


As a digital marketer or SEO specialist, you know that the attention span of online consumers is very low. This means that you should always aim to pass across your message with as few words as you can. The good news is that online character counters can help you with that!

These tools will ensure you keep to the industry standards in the articles you publish. Just copy and paste the content you have into the text box on the platform and check. Irrespective of the language your article is in, the tool will check your text and display results.


The number of letters or characters that make up any given text or article is known as the character or letter count. Character counts are very significant aspects of digital writing today. They guide many writers as they create content for public consumption.

The letter count in content writing is an important parameter. A lot of websites, social networks, and blogsites have preferred word limits for their content. This is usually gotten from consumer research where the readers show a tendency to read articles falling within a specific word range more than others.

Social media platforms also have character count limits. These limits keep content readable and prevent clutter. Character/ letter counts are essential metrics used to ensure the smooth consumption of content online.


As a social media influencer or digital marketer, SEO is your best friend. Keeping your online page ranking high on search engines will ensure your business remains visible. This optimization can greatly depend on word counts as different platforms have their preferred content sizes.


Monitoring your article’s character count will help you stay within the recommended length of articles in the niche you operate in. Generally, for SEO, the ideal content size is around 2000 words. Sticking within this range will help you rank higher in search engine results.


As a student, writer, scholar, or editor, you will have to learn how to count characters in word . This is because articles usually have a specified limit to the number of words or characters allowed, and you may not have a means of keeping track of these parameters. This is where a character or letter counter comes in handy.

A character counter is an online program that you can use to keep track of the character count of your text content. There are various available tools online. You can use any of them during writing to ensure more precise articles.

Les millors maneres d'augmentar el nombre de paraules en un assaig

Les millors maneres d'augmentar el nombre de paraules en un assaig

  • Equip Editorial Smodin
  • Publicat: Pot 23, 2024

Esteu escrivint un assaig de deures i us costa complir els requisits mínims de recompte de paraules? O potser us resulta difícil afegir substància sense sacrificar la qualitat.

En aquesta guia, tractarem estratègies senzilles per augmentar el nombre de paraules en un assaig alhora que millorem la qualitat de la vostra escriptura. Aquests mètodes inclouen l'ús d'eines d'IA com Smodin, perfeccionar el vostre parafraseig i dominar frases.

1. Utilitzeu les eines d'escriptura d'IA

L'ús d'eines d'escriptura d'IA pot ajudar a que el vostre assaig sigui més llarg. Aquestes eines poden proporcionar assistents de diverses maneres:

  • Les eines d'IA com Smodin poden analitzar el vostre text. Suggereixen alternatives, que us permeten ampliar idees sense perjudicar la vostra escriptura.
  • Les eines d'IA us poden ajudar a trobar oportunitats de trencar o combinar frases. Això augmentarà el recompte de paraules necessaris alhora que mantindrà les coses clares i fluides.
  • Aquestes eines poden recomanar sinònims. Substitueixen els termes genèrics, afegint profunditat al vostre assaig.
  • Ajudants d'escriptura d'IA, com Escriptor Smodin , pot donar suggeriments personalitzats basats en el tema i el to del vostre assaig. Asseguren que el vostre nombre de paraules desitjat augmenta i s'ajusta als vostres objectius d'escriptura.

Afegir eines d'escriptura d'IA al vostre procés d'elaboració d'assaigs pot ser una manera potent d'augmentar el vostre recompte de paraules fàcilment. També poden millorar la qualitat del vostre treball.

2. Escriure contes breus

Afegir històries al vostre assaig és una manera convincent d'afegir paraules i atraure els vostres lectors, especialment quan es tracta d'escriptura creativa. A continuació s'explica com podeu utilitzar eficaçment la narració:

  • Afegeix anècdotes : donen context i detall als vostres punts mentre afegeixen paraules addicionals.
  • Desenvolupa personatges i escenaris vius : Utilitzeu-los per il·lustrar les vostres idees i afegir profunditat a la vostra escriptura.
  • Utilitzeu un llenguatge viu per pintar una imatge per als vostres lectors : Submergirà els lectors en la història alhora que augmenta el nombre de paraules.
  • Utilitzeu l'atractiu emocional : Connecteu-vos amb el vostre lector mitjançant històries. Les històries han d'evocar sentiments i ressonar amb les seves experiències.

Teixir històries al teu assaig augmenta el recompte de paraules. També fa que el vostre contingut sigui més atractiu i memorable. Penseu en l'ús d'eines d'IA com Smodin. Poden perfeccionar la vostra narració i millorar el vostre flux narratiu.

3. Amplia Paràgrafs

Ampliar paràgrafs és un enfocament estratègic. Augmentarà el nombre de paraules i millorarà la profunditat i la coherència del vostre assaig. Aquestes són les tàctiques clau per ampliar de manera efectiva els vostres paràgrafs:

  • Afegiu detalls i explicacions als vostres punts principals : Això farà que el vostre escrit sigui més substancial i més llarg.
  • Elimineu les paraules de farciment : A mesura que s'amplia, vigileu les paraules que no afegeixin significat que afectaran negativament la longitud del vostre assaig.
  • Reforça els paràgrafs del cos : Desenvolupeu els vostres paràgrafs corporals connectant idees de manera lògica i cohesionada.
  • Utilitza frases de transició : t'ajuden a moure't entre idees i paràgrafs. Fan que el vostre assaig flueixi i augmenten positivament el nombre de paraules.

Ampliant els paràgrafs amb cura, podeu augmentar el vostre recompte de paraules. Això enriquirà la qualitat i l'estructura de la teva escriptura. Les eines d'IA, com Smodin, també poden ajudar aquí. Racionalitzaran i milloraran la manera d'ampliar els paràgrafs.

4. Afegeix exemples

Afegir exemples al vostre assaig és una manera poderosa de donar suport als vostres arguments. També fa que la teva escriptura sigui més atractiva. A continuació, es mostren algunes estratègies per incorporar eficaçment exemples al vostre escrit:

  • Utilitzeu exemples rellevants : Han de relacionar-se amb el tema i donar suport als vostres arguments. Eviteu utilitzar exemples que no tinguin relació o que confonguin.
  • Feu servir molts exemples : poden emfatitzar diferents parts del vostre argument i fer que el vostre escrit sigui més complet.
  • Utilitzeu exemples de diferents fonts : Donen una visió completa del tema. Mostren la vostra habilitat per analitzar i avaluar opinions diverses.
  • Utilitzeu exemples per contrastar i comparar : L'ús d'exemples per contrastar i comparar idees pot destacar els seus punts forts i febles. Pot proporcionar una comprensió més matisada del tema.
  • Utilitzeu exemples per aclarir conceptes complexos : Poden facilitar la comprensió dels conceptes.

Afegir exemples al vostre assaig proporciona proves que avalen els vostres arguments. També fa que el vostre escrit sigui més atractiu i persuasiu.

5. Aclarir oracions

Quan pretén augmentar el nombre de paraules del teu assaig, les frases clares són crucials. Afegeixen substància i profunditat a la teva escriptura. Aquestes són les estratègies clau per millorar la claredat i ampliar el vostre contingut de manera eficaç:

  • Proporcioneu més detalls : aprofundeix en els punts clau afegint més detalls i exemples per enriquir les teves explicacions.
  • Utilitzar llenguatge descriptiu : Il·lustra conceptes i atrau profundament els lectors.
  • Aclareix les teves afirmacions : Feu-los clars i breus. Evita l'ambigüitat i la complexitat.
  • Subratlla els punts clau : Feu això per reforçar els vostres arguments i proporcionar una comprensió completa.
  • Afegeix més profunditat : aprofundeix en temes explorant diversos angles i perspectives per enriquir la teva anàlisi i aclarir les declaracions.
  • Eviteu informació innecessària : Retalla els detalls que no importen o afegeixen a les idees principals. Això manté la teva escriptura clara.

Aquestes estratègies us ajudaran a aclarir les vostres frases i afegir profunditat al vostre contingut. També augmentaran el nombre de paraules alhora que mantenen el vostre assaig rellevant i coherent.

6. Utilitzeu cites

L'ús de cometes al vostre assaig pot augmentar el nombre de paraules i afegir credibilitat i profunditat als vostres arguments. Aquí teniu algunes maneres efectives d'utilitzar cites en el vostre escrit:

  • Utilitzeu cites de fonts de qualitat : donaran proves sòlides de les vostres afirmacions.
  • Afegir autoritat : Les cites d'experts o figures conegudes poden afegir un sentit d'autoritat al vostre escrit i augmentar la validesa dels vostres arguments.
  • Subratllant els punts clau: De manera similar a l'ús d'exemples, les cites es poden utilitzar per destacar idees o perspectives clau que s'alineen amb el vostre argument.
  • Oferir diferents punts de vista : Integrar cites amb punts de vista diversos. Enriqueixen la discussió i mostren una comprensió completa del tema.
  • Utilitzeu cometes estratègicament : Reforçaran el teu argument i persuadiran els teus lectors.
  • Cita cites rellevants : Recordeu citar les cites correctament segons les directrius de la vostra escola o universitat.

Si feu servir cites amb habilitat, podeu millorar la vostra escriptura, augmentar el vostre nombre de paraules i enriquir el vostre assaig amb idees i perspectives valuoses.

7. Ampliar la Introducció i Conclusió

La introducció i la conclusió del teu assaig són crucials. Ampliant aquestes seccions, podeu augmentar el vostre nombre de paraules i reforçar la coherència i l'impacte de la vostra escriptura.

Ampliant la introducció:

  • Proporcioneu més detalls : Comenceu el vostre assaig amb un ganxo més detallat i atractiu per captar l'atenció del vostre lector.
  • Introdueix el tema a fons : Dediqueu més temps a establir el context i donar-hi antecedents.
  • Connecteu idees : Feu connexions clares entre la vostra introducció i el cos del vostre assaig. Això garanteix una transició suau.
  • Mostra el teu escrit : La introducció marca el to de tot l'assaig. Intenta mostrar bé les teves habilitats d'escriptura des de la primera frase.
  • Escriu l'última introducció : Tot i que pot semblar un enfocament endarrerit, és la millor manera d'assegurar-vos que incloeu tots els detalls necessaris a la vostra introducció.

Ampliant la conclusió:

  • Revisar els punts clau : resumeix els principals arguments i idees del teu assaig. Fes un resum complet per als teus lectors.
  • Ofereix més informació : Exploreu el significat més ampli del vostre tema. O suggereix noves investigacions i temes de discussió.
  • Lliga la teva conclusió a la introducció : Això crearà un assaig cohesionat.
  • Escriu amb intenció : Invertiu temps per elaborar una conclusió reflexiva. Feu que sigui impactant deixar una impressió duradora en el vostre professor o professor.

Si afegiu a la vostra introducció i conclusió, podeu augmentar el nombre de paraules del vostre assaig. També milloraràs l'estructura, la coherència i l'impacte de la teva redacció.

8. Afegeix frases de transició

Com s'ha esmentat, afegir frases de transició al vostre assaig escolar o universitari és una manera estratègica d'augmentar el vostre nombre de paraules. També millora el flux i la coherència de la teva escriptura. Aquestes frases fan de ponts entre idees. Ajuden els vostres lectors a navegar pel vostre assaig sense problemes.

Aquí hi ha algunes maneres efectives d'utilitzar frases de transició per augmentar el nombre de paraules:

  • Utilitzeu paraules i frases de transició per connectar les vostres idees. Feu això tant per a paràgrafs com per a seccions. Farà que el vostre assaig estigui cohesionat i ben estructurat.
  • Utilitzeu una varietat de transicions. Proveu diverses frases, com ara "a més", "a més", "d'altra banda" i "en conclusió". Afegiran profunditat i complexitat a la teva escriptura.
  • Assegureu-vos que les frases que utilitzeu siguin adequades per al context. Haurien de guiar bé els teus lectors a través dels teus arguments.

Si afegiu frases de transició al vostre assaig, podeu augmentar el vostre recompte de paraules. Això també millorarà la claredat, el flux i la coherència de la vostra escriptura.

Deixa que Smodin augmenti el teu recompte de paraules

Aprendre a augmentar el nombre de paraules en assaigs no és només una qüestió de quantitat. També es tracta de millorar la qualitat i l'impacte de la teva escriptura.

Aquestes tècniques canviaran el vostre propi procés d'escriptura i us ajudaran a escriure assaigs i treballs d'investigació que ressonin amb els vostres professors i professors, sense importar quantes paraules necessiteu.

Plataformes com Smodin utilitzen IA per oferir una solució senzilla per escriure assaigs. T'ajuden a augmentar el teu nombre de paraules fàcilment. Així us pot ajudar Smodin:

  • Smodin utilitza IA per analitzar el vostre text i suggereix maneres d'afegir paraules a més d'eliminar paraules innecessàries.
  • Smodin pot ajudar a parafrasejar. També pot afegir profunditat i longitud a les frases.
  • Utilitzeu Smodin per millorar la vostra escriptura. Ofereix suggeriments sobre gramàtica i estil.
  • Recomanacions personalitzades per adaptar-se a les vostres necessitats i objectius específics d'escriptura.

Exploreu els serveis de Smodin avui per millorar la vostra escriptura.

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Guest Essay

Men Fear Me, Society Shames Me, and I Love My Life

A photo illustration of a woman on a beach facing a sunset. The sun’s reflected light is seen through her silhouette.

By Glynnis MacNicol

Ms. MacNicol is a writer, podcast host, and author of the forthcoming memoir “I’m Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself.”

I was once told that the challenge of making successful feminist porn is that the thing women desire most is freedom.

If that’s the case, one might consider my life over the past few years to be extremely pornographic — even without all the actual sex that occurred. It definitely has the makings of a fantasy, if we allowed for fantasies starring single, childless women on the brink of turning 50.

It’s not just in enjoying my age that I’m defying expectations. It’s that I’ve exempted myself from the central things we’re told gives a woman’s life meaning — partnership and parenting. I’ve discovered that despite all the warnings, I regret none of those choices.

Indeed, I am enjoying them immensely. Instead of my prospects diminishing, as nearly every message that gets sent my way promises they will — fewer relationships, less excitement, less sex, less visibility — I find them widening. The world is more available to me than it’s ever been.

Saying so should not be radical in 2024, and yet, somehow it feels that way. We live in a world whose power structures continue to benefit from women staying in place. In fact, we’re currently experiencing the latest backlash against the meager feminist gains of the past half-century. My story — and those of the other women in similar shoes — shows that there are other, fulfilling ways to live.

It is disconcerting to enjoy oneself so much when there is so much to assure you to expect the opposite, just as it is strange to feel so good against a backdrop of so much terribleness in the world. But with age (hopefully) comes clarity.

Fifty is a milestone. And the fact my 50th birthday lands on or around some other significant 50ths has brought some things into focus. Last year was the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. This year is the 50th of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which may be less well known but remains significant: It allowed women for the first time to have bank accounts and credit cards in their own name, not needing a male signature.

That my birth date landed between the passing of these two landmark laws makes it easier for me to see that the life I’m living is a result of women having authority over both their bodies and their finances. I represent a cohort of women who lead lives that do not require us to ask permission, nor seek approval. I have availed myself of all the choices available to me, and while the results come with their own set of risks, they have been enormously satisfying.

The timing of my birthday also helps me see the violent rollback of women’s rights happening right now as a response to the independence these legal rights afforded women. Forget about the horror of being alone and middle-aged — there is nothing more terrifying to a patriarchal society than a woman who is free. That she might be having a better time without permission or supervision is downright insufferable.

My entry into middle age certainly had the makings of an unpleasant story.

Like many, I spent the early months of the pandemic by myself. It was the type of solitary confinement that popular science, and certain men with platforms, enjoy reminding us will be the terrible future that awaits a woman who remains single for too long. I went untouched by anyone. Unsmelled, too, which you might think is a strange thing to note, but it’s an even stranger thing to experience. Unseen except by the building exterminator and the remaining doormen of the Upper West Side who gave distant friendly greetings on my evening walks around Covid-empty New York.

Alone, unmarried, childless, past my so-called prime. A caricature, culture would have it, a fringe identity; a tragedy or a punchline, depending on your preference. At the very least a cautionary tale.

By August 2021, I was desperate — not for partnership but for connection. I bought a ticket to Paris, a place where I’d spent much of my free time before the pandemic and where I had a group of friends.

Paris, I reminded myself, prioritizes pleasure. I dove in. Cheese, wine, friendships, sex — and repeat.

At first it was shocking. I was ill prepared to get what I wanted, what it seemed I had summoned. There were moments when I wondered whether I should be ashamed. I had also never felt so free and so fully myself. I felt no shame or guilt, only the thrill that came with the knowledge I was exercising my freedom.

These days, generally speaking, there is little in cinema or literature, let alone the online world, to suggest that when you are a woman alone (forget about a middle-aged woman), things will go your way, as I have often experienced.

There have been better times. In the 1980s, sitcoms were stacked with starring women for whom men were a minor-character concern — “Designing Women,” “Murphy Brown,” “The Golden Girls” — all of which, if they premiered today (and that’s a big if), would feel radical. Later there was Girlfriends. Even “Sex and the City,” with its often regressive marriage plotting, remains surprisingly modern in its depictions of adult friendship and sexual mores. In each case, just as it looked as if these narratives might begin to fully take root in the real world, the women largely went back inside (or into body bags, in the case of many “Law & Order” plotlines). By the early aughts we were housewives again, real and imagined.

I suspect that a lot of this backlash is connected to the terror that men experienced at discovering that they are less necessary to women’s fulfillment than centuries of laws and stories have allowed them to believe. That terror is abundantly apparent today: From Harrison Butker’s commencement speech suggesting that women may find more fulfillment in marriage and children than in having a career, to the Supreme Court once again debating access to abortion to the push to rollback no-fault divorce laws: All are efforts to return women to a place where others can manage their access to … well, just about everything.

It’s in this light that my enjoyment begins to feel radical. Come fly with me. There’s no fear here.

Glynnis MacNicol is a writer, podcast host, and author of the forthcoming memoir “I’m Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself.”

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    A character counter is an online program that you can use to keep track of the character count of your text content. There are various available tools online. You can use any of them during writing to ensure more precise articles. Real-time counting tool for character, letter, words, white-spaces and paragraphs.

  24. Best Ways To Increase Word Count in an Essay

    Adding AI writing tools to your essay-crafting process can be a powerful way to boost your word count easily. They can also improve the quality of your work. 2. Write Short Stories. Adding stories to your essay is a compelling way to add words and engage your readers, especially when it comes to creative writing.

  25. Morgan Spurlock, Documentarian Known for 'Super Size Me,' Dies at 53

    May 24, 2024 Updated 3:29 p.m. ET. Morgan Spurlock, a documentary filmmaker who gained fame with his Oscar-nominated 2004 film " Super Size Me ," which followed him as he ate nothing but ...

  26. Opinion

    Men Fear Me, Society Shames Me, and I Love My Life. May 25, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET. Photo illustration by Julia Wimmerlin. Share full article. +. By Glynnis MacNicol. Ms. MacNicol is a writer, podcast ...

  27. How to Wish: When Can You Pull in Wuthering Waves?

    In order to wish on a Convene, you must have the required currency type for the pull you wish to make. Regular banners use Lustrous Tide, and limited-time character and weapon banners use Radiant ...