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39 Behavioral Economics Dissertation Topics Examples

March 12, 2022

Dr Jana Martiskova

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Behavioral economics dissertation topics focus on the individuals that work within the economies of the world. It is impossible to go on without the involvement of individuals. Therefore, behavioral economics thesis topics have strong connections with the field of psychology as well.

The field of behavioral economics studies and describes  economic decision-making . According to its theories, actual human behavior is less rational, stable, and selfish than traditional normative theory suggests.

Check out our related posts for economics dissertation topics , Psychology dissertation topics , and accounting dissertation topics .

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Best Behavioral economics dissertation topics for college students

Behavioral economics subjects is a typical area of study here is the list of topics in Behavioral economics dissertation topics have been enlisted below:

  • Studying the relationship between psychology and economics in the form of behavioral economics.
  • The role played by behavioral economics in understanding the domain of inflation targeting: a systematic analysis.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, feminist economics, and gender economics: a descriptive analysis.
  • Behavioral economics: an interdisciplinary approach in essence?
  • Historical analysis of behavioral economics: connecting the past with the present and the future.
  • Comparative analysis of rational and irrational approaches towards behavioral economics of death.
  • Regulatory policy and behavioral economics: understanding the changing relationship.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, sports, and positive youth development: focus on X country.
  • Behavioral economics and poverty: a descriptive analysis.
  • Behavioral economics and education focus on potential opportunities and challenges.
  • Development of money management strategies for substance abusers: a behavioral economics perspective.
  • Analyzing behavioral economics data: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Is childhood vaccination really required? A behavioral economics perspective.
  • Increasing savings of the employees: focus on using a behavioral economics perspective in the organizations.
  • Structural behavioral economics: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Studying the relationship between finance and behavioral economics: focus on subjective probability.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, public policy, rational inefficiencies, and power: focus on X country.
  • Click here to get a customized topic mini proposal service on your requirements.
  • Studying the relationship between behavioral economics and the insurance industry: focus on potential challenges and opportunities.
  • Behavioral economics and the law: focus on X country.
  • Studying the relationship between tax policy and behavioral economics of X country: a descriptive approach.
  • Effects of behavioral economics on improving the performance of community childcare centers in X country.
  • Effects of behavioral economics on the end-of-life care domain: focus on the promotion of advanced directives.
  • Ethics in behavioral economics: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Investigating the relationship between behavioral economics and the psychology of incentives: a quantitative study.
  • The role played by decision-making in the field of behavioral economics: a systematic analysis.
  • How are the fields of health economics and behavioral economics connected? An inquiry.
  • Data-driven marketing and behavioral economics: a descriptive study.
  • Studying the relationship between economic incentive and provider behavior: a quantitative analysis.
  • Environmental policy and behavioral economics: focus on x country.
  • Applying the principles of behavioral economics to the understanding of privacy: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Investigating the effects of behavioral economics on consumer contracts.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, environmental protection, and climate change policy: a qualitative study.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, psychology of firm behavior, and psychology of consumer behavior.
  • Studying the relationship between retirement savings crisis and behavioral economics: a quantitative analysis.
  • Behavioral economics and macroeconomic models: a correlational analysis.

These are the best Behavioral economics dissertation topics if you are still looking for some different Behavioral economics dissertation topics fill out the form below and get our topics mini proposal service for Behavioral economics dissertation topics according to your requirements.

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Behavioral Economics Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This list of behavioral economics research paper topics is intended to provide students and researchers with a comprehensive guide for selecting research topics in the field of behavioral economics. The importance of choosing a pertinent and engaging topic for your research paper is paramount, and this guide is designed to facilitate this crucial process. We offer an extensive list of topics, divided into ten categories, each with ten unique ideas. Additionally, we provide expert advice on how to select a topic from this multitude and how to write a compelling research paper in behavioral economics. Lastly, we introduce iResearchNet’s professional writing services, tailored to support your academic journey and ensure success in your research endeavors.

100 Behavioral Economics Research Paper Topics

Choosing a research paper topic is a critical step in the research process. The topic you select will guide your study and influence the complexity and relevance of your work. In the field of behavioral economics, there are numerous intriguing topics that can be explored. To assist you in this process, we have compiled a comprehensive list of behavioral economics research paper topics. These topics are divided into ten categories, each offering a different perspective on behavioral economics.

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  • The role of heuristics in decision-making
  • Prospect theory and its applications
  • Time inconsistency and hyperbolic discounting
  • The endowment effect and loss aversion
  • Mental accounting and its implications
  • The role of anchoring in economic decisions
  • Framing effect in marketing strategies
  • The paradox of choice: More is less
  • Nudge theory in public policy
  • Trust game in behavioral economics
  • The role of emotions in economic decisions
  • Overconfidence bias in financial markets
  • Decision-making under uncertainty
  • The impact of social norms on economic behavior
  • The role of fairness and inequality aversion in economic decisions
  • The effect of cognitive dissonance on consumer behavior
  • The impact of stress on economic decisions
  • The role of regret and disappointment in economic decisions
  • The effect of peer influence on economic behavior
  • The role of culture in economic decision-making
  • The use of nudges in public policy
  • The impact of behavioral economics on tax policy
  • The role of behavioral economics in health policy
  • Behavioral insights in environmental policy
  • The influence of behavioral economics on education policy
  • The role of behavioral economics in social welfare policy
  • The impact of behavioral economics on retirement policy
  • Behavioral economics and traffic policy
  • The role of behavioral economics in energy policy
  • The influence of behavioral economics on housing policy
  • The role of behavioral biases in personal financial decisions
  • The impact of financial literacy on economic behavior
  • Behavioral economics and retirement savings
  • The role of behavioral economics in credit card debt
  • The impact of behavioral economics on investment decisions
  • Behavioral economics and insurance decisions
  • The role of behavioral economics in household budgeting
  • The impact of behavioral economics on mortgage decisions
  • Behavioral economics and financial planning
  • The role of behavioral economics in financial education
  • The role of behavioral economics in pricing strategies
  • Behavioral economics and consumer choice
  • The impact of behavioral economics on advertising
  • Behavioral economics and product design
  • The role of behavioral economics in sales strategies
  • Behavioral economics and customer loyalty
  • The impact of behavioral economics on branding
  • Behavioral economics and e-commerce
  • The role of behavioral economics in business negotiations
  • Behavioral economics and corporate decision-making
  • The role of behavioral economics in health behaviors
  • Behavioral economics and healthcare decisions
  • The impact of behavioral economics on health insurance choices
  • Behavioral economics and preventive health care
  • The role of behavioral economics in obesity and diet choices
  • Behavioral economics and smoking cessation
  • The impact of behavioral economics on medication adherence
  • Behavioral economics and mental health
  • The role of behavioral economics in exercise and physical activity
  • Behavioral economics and alcohol consumption
  • The role of behavioral economics in promoting sustainable behavior
  • Behavioral economics and energy conservation
  • The impact of behavioral economics on recycling behavior
  • Behavioral economics and water conservation
  • The role of behavioral economics in climate change mitigation
  • Behavioral economics and sustainable transportation
  • The impact of behavioral economics on sustainable consumption
  • Behavioral economics and green investments
  • The role of behavioral economics in biodiversity conservation
  • Behavioral economics and waste reduction
  • The role of behavioral economics in digital marketing
  • Behavioral economics and online shopping behavior
  • The impact of behavioral economics on social media usage
  • Behavioral economics and cybersecurity
  • The role of behavioral economics in technology adoption
  • Behavioral economics and online privacy decisions
  • The impact of behavioral economics on mobile app usage
  • Behavioral economics and virtual reality
  • The role of behavioral economics in video game design
  • Behavioral economics and artificial intelligence
  • The role of behavioral economics in educational choices
  • Behavioral economics and student motivation
  • The impact of behavioral economics on study habits
  • Behavioral economics and school attendance
  • The role of behavioral economics in academic performance
  • Behavioral economics and college enrollment decisions
  • The impact of behavioral economics on student loan decisions
  • Behavioral economics and teacher incentives
  • The role of behavioral economics in educational policy
  • Behavioral economics and lifelong learning
  • The role of neuroscience in behavioral economics
  • Behavioral economics and inequality
  • The impact of behavioral economics on economic modeling
  • Behavioral economics and big data
  • The role of behavioral economics in addressing social issues
  • Behavioral economics and virtual currencies
  • The impact of behavioral economics on behavioral change interventions
  • Behavioral economics and the sharing economy
  • The role of behavioral economics in understanding happiness and well-being
  • Behavioral economics and the future of work

This comprehensive list of behavioral economics research paper topics provides a wide range of options for your research. Each category offers unique insights into the different aspects of behavioral economics, from fundamental concepts to future directions. Remember, the best research paper topic is one that not only interests you but also has sufficient resources for you to explore. We hope this list inspires you and aids you in your journey to write a compelling research paper in behavioral economics.

Introduction to Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics is an intriguing and dynamic field that bridges the gap between traditional economic theory and actual human behavior. It integrates insights from psychology, judgment, and decision-making into economic analysis, providing a more accurate and nuanced understanding of human behavior.

Traditional economic theory often assumes that individuals are rational agents who make decisions based on maximizing their utility. However, behavioral economics challenges this assumption, recognizing that individuals often act irrationally due to various cognitive biases and heuristics. These deviations from rationality can significantly impact economic decisions and outcomes, making behavioral economics a critical field of study.

Research papers in behavioral economics allow students to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, contributing to their personal knowledge and the broader academic community. These papers can explore a wide range of topics, from understanding the role of cognitive biases in financial decision-making to examining the impact of behavioral interventions on public policy.

The importance of behavioral economics extends beyond academia. It has real-world implications in various sectors, including policy-making, business, finance, and healthcare. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of economic decisions, we can design better products, policies, and interventions that align with actual human behavior.

How to Choose a Behavioral Economics Topic

Choosing a research topic is a critical step in the research process. The topic you select will guide your study, influence the complexity and relevance of your work, and determine how engaged you are throughout the process. In the field of behavioral economics, there are numerous intriguing topics that can be explored. Here are some expert tips to assist you in this process:

  • Understanding Your Interests: The first step in choosing a research topic is to understand your interests. What areas of behavioral economics fascinate you the most? Are you interested in how behavioral economics influences policy making, or are you more intrigued by its role in personal finance or marketing? Reflecting on these questions can help you narrow down your options and choose a topic that truly engages you. Remember, research is a time-consuming process, and your interest in the topic will keep you motivated.
  • Evaluating the Scope of the Topic: Once you have identified your areas of interest, the next step is to evaluate the scope of potential topics. A good research topic should be neither too broad nor too narrow. If it’s too broad, you may struggle to cover all aspects of the topic effectively. If it’s too narrow, you may have difficulty finding enough information to support your research. Try to choose a topic that is specific enough to be manageable but broad enough to have sufficient resources.
  • Assessing Available Resources and Data: Before finalizing a topic, it’s important to assess the available resources and data. Are there enough academic sources, such as books, journal articles, and reports, that you can use for your research? Is there accessible data that you can analyze if your research requires it? A preliminary review of literature and data can save you from choosing a topic with limited resources.
  • Considering the Relevance and Applicability of the Topic: Another important factor to consider is the relevance and applicability of the topic. Is the topic relevant to current issues in behavioral economics? Can the findings of your research be applied in real-world settings? Choosing a relevant and applicable topic can increase the impact of your research and make it more interesting for your audience.
  • Seeking Advice: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from your professors, peers, or other experts in the field. They can provide valuable insights, suggest resources, and help you refine your topic. Discussing your ideas with others can also help you see different perspectives and identify potential issues that you may not have considered.
  • Flexibility: Finally, be flexible. Research is a dynamic process, and it’s okay to modify your topic as you delve deeper into your study. You may discover new aspects of the topic that are more interesting or find that some aspects are too challenging to explore due to constraints. Being flexible allows you to adapt your research to these changes and ensure that your study is both feasible and engaging.

Remember, choosing a research topic is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration and planning. However, with these expert tips, you can navigate this process more effectively and choose a behavioral economics research paper topic that not only meets your academic requirements but also fuels your passion for learning.

How to Write a Behavioral Economics Research Paper

Writing a research paper in behavioral economics, like any other academic paper, requires careful planning, thorough research, and meticulous writing. Here are some expert tips to guide you through this process:

  • Understanding the Structure of a Research Paper: A typical research paper includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The introduction presents your research question and its significance. The literature review provides an overview of existing research related to your topic. The methodology explains how you conducted your research. The results section presents your findings, and the discussion interprets these findings in the context of your research question. Finally, the conclusion summarizes your research and suggests areas for future research.
  • Developing a Strong Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement is the central argument of your research paper. It should be clear, concise, and debatable. A strong thesis statement guides your research and helps your readers understand the purpose of your paper.
  • Conducting Thorough Research: Before you start writing, conduct a thorough review of the literature related to your topic. This will help you understand the current state of research in your area, identify gaps in the literature, and position your research within this context. Use academic databases to find relevant books, journal articles, and other resources. Remember to evaluate the credibility of your sources and take detailed notes to help you when writing.
  • Writing and Revising Drafts: Start writing your research paper by creating an outline based on the structure of a research paper. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you cover all necessary sections. Write a first draft without worrying too much about perfection. Focus on getting your ideas down first. Then, revise your draft to improve clarity, coherence, and argumentation. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supports your thesis statement.
  • Proper Citation and Avoiding Plagiarism: Always cite your sources properly to give credit to the authors whose work you are building upon and to avoid plagiarism. Familiarize yourself with the citation style required by your institution or discipline, such as APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard. There are many citation tools available online that can help you with this.
  • Seeking Feedback: Don’t hesitate to seek feedback on your drafts from your professors, peers, or writing centers at your institution. They can provide valuable insights and help you improve your paper.
  • Proofreading: Finally, proofread your paper to check for any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies in formatting. A well-written, error-free paper makes a good impression on your readers and enhances the credibility of your research.

Remember, writing a research paper is a process that requires time, effort, and patience. Don’t rush through it. Take your time to understand your topic, conduct thorough research, and write carefully. With these expert tips, you can write a compelling behavioral economics research paper that contributes to your academic success and the broader field of behavioral economics.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

In the academic journey, students often encounter challenges that may hinder their ability to produce high-quality research papers. Whether it’s a lack of time, limited understanding of the topic, or difficulties in writing, these challenges can make the process stressful and overwhelming. This is where iResearchNet’s professional writing services come in. We are committed to supporting students in their academic journey by providing top-notch writing services tailored to their unique needs.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: At iResearchNet, we understand the importance of quality in academic writing. That’s why we have a team of expert writers who hold degrees in various fields, including economics. Our writers are not only knowledgeable in their respective fields but also experienced in academic writing. They understand the nuances of writing research papers and are adept at producing well-structured, coherent, and insightful papers.
  • Custom Written Works: We believe that every research paper is unique and should be treated as such. Our writers work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and expectations. They then craft a custom research paper that meets these requirements and reflects your understanding and perspective.
  • In-Depth Research: Good research is the backbone of a compelling research paper. Our writers conduct thorough research using reliable and relevant sources to ensure that your paper is informative and credible. They are skilled at analyzing and synthesizing information, presenting complex ideas clearly, and developing strong arguments.
  • Custom Formatting: Formatting is an essential aspect of academic writing that contributes to the readability and professionalism of your paper. Our writers are familiar with various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard, and can format your paper according to your preferred style.
  • Top Quality: Quality is at the heart of our services. We strive to deliver research papers that are not only well-written and well-researched but also original and plagiarism-free. Our writers adhere to high writing standards, and our quality assurance team reviews each paper to ensure it meets these standards.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that each student has unique needs and circumstances. Whether you need a research paper on a complex behavioral economics topic, assistance with a specific section of your paper, or editing and proofreading services, we can provide a solution that fits your needs.
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At iResearchNet, we are committed to helping you succeed in your academic journey. We understand the challenges of writing a research paper and are here to support you every step of the way. Whether you need help choosing a topic, conducting research, writing your paper, or editing and proofreading your work, our expert writers are ready to assist you. With our professional writing services, you can focus on learning and leave the stress of writing to us. So why wait? Order a custom economics research paper from iResearchNet today and experience the difference.

Secure Your Academic Success with iResearchNet Today!

Embarking on a research paper journey can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex fields like behavioral economics. But remember, you don’t have to do it alone. iResearchNet is here to provide you with the support you need to produce a high-quality, insightful, and impactful research paper.

Our team of expert degree-holding writers is ready to assist you in creating a custom-written research paper that not only meets but exceeds academic standards. Whether you’re struggling with topic selection, research, writing, or formatting, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive services are designed to cater to your unique needs and ensure your academic success.

Don’t let the stress of writing a research paper hinder your learning experience. Take advantage of our professional writing services and focus on what truly matters – your learning and growth. With iResearchNet, you can be confident that you’re submitting a top-quality research paper that reflects your understanding and hard work.

So, are you ready to take the leap? Order a custom economics research paper on any topic from iResearchNet today. Let us help you navigate your academic journey and secure your success. Remember, your academic achievement is our top priority, and we’re committed to helping you reach your goals. Order now and experience the iResearchNet difference!


behavioral economics thesis topics

134 Economics Thesis Topics: Ideas for Outstanding Writing

behavioral economics thesis topics

Writing a thesis is not an easy task. For most of the students, it can be even intimidating, especially when you do not know where to start your research.

Here, we have provided an economics thesis topics list. After all, everyone knows that choosing the right idea is crucial when writing an academic paper. In economics, it can combine history, math, social studies, politics, and numerous other subjects. You should also have solid foundations and a sound factual basis for a thesis. Without these elements, you won’t be able to master your research paper.

The issue is:

It is not always clear what could be seen as an excellent economics thesis topic. Our experts can assist you with this challenge. This list contains some outstanding examples to get you started.

  • ⭐ Thesis in Economics
  • 🔥 Supreme Thesis Topics
  • 👍 Bachelor’s Thesis
  • 😲 Master’s Thesis

📊 Microeconomics

📈 macroeconomics.

  • 🤔 Developmental
  • 👨‍💼 Behavioral
  • 💼 Financial
  • 🌱 Agricultural
  • 🤝‍ Sociology
  • 📚 Ph.D. Topics
  • 📝 How to Pick a Topic

⭐ What Does a Thesis in Economics Look Like?

A good thesis in economics is a blend between an empirical paper and a theoretical one. One of the essential steps in choosing a topic in economics is to decide which one you will write.

You may write, research, analyze statistical data and other information. Or build and study a specific economic model.

Or why not both!

Here are some questions you can ask when deciding what topic to choose:

  • What has already been written on this topic?
  • What economic variables will my paper study?
  • Where should I look for the data?
  • What econometrics techniques should I use?
  • What type of model will I study?

The best way to understand what type of research you have to do is to write a thesis proposal. You will most probably be required to submit it anyway. Your thesis supervisor will examine your ideas, methods, list of secondary and primary sources. At some universities, the proposal will be graded.

Master’s thesis and Bachelor’s thesis have three main differences.

After you get the initial feedback, you will have a clear idea of what to adjust before writing your thesis. Only then, you’ll be able to start.

🔥 Supreme Economics Thesis Topics List

  • Fast fashion in India.
  • The UK housing prices.
  • Brexit and European trade.
  • Behavioral economics.
  • Healthcare macroeconomics.
  • COVID-19’s economic impact.
  • Global gender wage gap.
  • Commodity dependence in Africa.
  • International trade – developing countries.
  • Climate change and business development.

👍 Economics Bachelor’s Thesis Topics

At the U.S. Universities, an undergraduate thesis is very uncommon. However, it depends on the Department Policy.

The biggest challenge with the Bachelor’s Thesis in economics concerns its originality. Even though you are not required to conduct entirely unique research, you have to lack redundant ideas.

You can easily avoid making this mistake by simply choosing one of these topics. Also, consider visiting IvyPanda essays database. It’s a perfect palce to conduct a brainstorming session and come up with fresh ideas for a paper, as well as get tons of inspiration.

  • The impact of the oil industry on the economic development of Nigeria. The oil industry is vital for the economic development of Nigeria. In this thesis, students can discuss the notion of the resource curse. Analyze the reasons why general people are not benefiting from the oil industry. Why did it produce very little change in the social and economic growth of the country?
  • Sports Marketing and Advertising: the impact it has on the consumers.
  • Economic opportunities and challenges of investing in Kenya .
  • Economic Development in the Tourism Industry in Africa. Since the early 1990s, tourism significantly contributed to the economic growth of African countries. In this thesis, students can talk about the characteristics of the tourist sector in Africa. Or elaborate on specific countries and how their national development plans look like.
  • Globalization and its significance to business worldwide .
  • Economic risks connected to investing in Turkey .
  • The decline in employment rates as the biggest American economy challenge .
  • The economics of alcohol abuse problems. In this thesis, students can develop several essential issues. First, they can examine how poverty is connected to alcohol abuse. Second, they can see the link between alcohol consumption and productivity. To sum up, students can elaborate on the economic costs of alcohol abuse.
  • Causes and solutions for unemployment in Great Britain.
  • Parallel perspective on Global Economic Order: China and America. This thesis can bring a comparative analysis of the economies to a new level. China and The US are the world’s two largest economies. These two countries have a significant impact on the global economic order. So, looking at the set of institutions, policies, rules can be constructive.
  • The new international economic order after COVID-19
  • Financial stability of the banking sector in China.
  • New Electronic Payment Services in Russia.
  • The influence of culture on different entrepreneurial behaviors.
  • The impact of natural cultural practices on entrepreneurial activity.
  • The relationships between national culture and individual behavior.
  • The main reasons for salary inequalities in different parts of the U.S.

😲 Economics Master’s Thesis Topics

Student life can be fascinating, but it comes with its challenges. One of which is selecting your Master’s thesis topic.

Here is a list of topics for a Master’s thesis in economics. Are you pursuing MPhil in Economics and writing a thesis? Use the following ideas as an inspiration for that. They can also be helpful if you are working on a Master’s thesis in financial economics.

  • The impact of visual aid in teaching home economics.
  • The effect of income changes in consumer behaviors in America.
  • Forces behind socio-economic inequalities in the United States. This thesis can explore three critical factors for socio-economic differences in the United States. In the past 30 years, social disparities increased in the United States. Some of the main reasons are technology, trade, and institutions.
  • The relationships between economic growth and international development.
  • Technological innovations and their influence on green and environmental products.
  • The economics of non-solar renewable energy .

Renewable energy is beneficial for various economic reasons.

  • The economic consequences of terrorism . Terrorism not only takes away lives and destroys property but also widely affects the economy. It creates uncertainty in the market, increases insurance claims, slows down investment projects, and tourism. This thesis can address all of the ways in which terrorism can affect economies.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation in the Oil and Gas Industry in Africa.
  • Use of incentives in behavioral economics.
  • Economic opportunities and challenges of sustainable communities .
  • Economics of nuclear power plants.
  • Aid and financial help for emerging markets. This topic is very versatile. Students can look at both the positive and the adverse effects that funding has on the development. There are plenty of excellent examples. Besides, some theories call international help a form of neocolonialism.
  • Multinational firms impact on economic growth in America .
  • The effect of natural disasters on economic development in Asia.
  • The influence of globalization on emerging markets and economic development.

📑 More Economics Thesis Topics: Theme

For some students, it makes more sense to center their search around a certain subject. Sometimes you have an econ area that interests you. You may have an idea about what you want to write, but you did not decide what it will be.

If that’s the case with you, then these economics thesis topics ideas are for you.

  • An analysis of the energy market in Russia.
  • The impact of game theory on economic development.
  • The connection between minimum wage and market equilibrium.
  • Gender differences in the labor market in the United States. This topic can shed light on gender differences in the labor market in the United States. In the past years, the overall inequality in labor in the markets decreased. However, there is still a lot of work that can be done.
  • Economic reasons that influence the prices of oil .
  • Relationship between the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient.
  • Challenges of small businesses in the market economy.
  • The changes in oil prices: causes and solutions . Universal economic principles do not always apply to the sale and purchase of the oil. The same happens with its cost. In the thesis, talk about what affects the prices. What are the solutions that can be implemented?
  • The economic analysis of the impact of immigration on the American economy.

Immigration has a little long-run effect on Americans’ wages.

  • Economic inequality as a result of globalization . Economic inequality becomes even more apparent on the global level. There is a common belief that globalization is the cause of that. Discuss what can be the solutions to these problems. This topic is vital to minimize the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • The economic explanation of political dishonesty .
  • Effect of Increasing Interest rates costs in Africa .
  • The connection between game theory and microeconomics.
  • Marketing uses in microeconomics.
  • Financial liability in human-made environmental disasters.
  • Banks and their role in the economy. Banks are crucial elements of any economy, and this topic covers why. You can explain how banks allow the goods and services to be exchanged. Talk about why banks are so essential for economic growth and stability.
  • Inflation in the US and ways to reduce its impact.
  • The connection between politics and economics.
  • Income Dynamics and demographic economics.
  • US Market Liquidity and macroeconomics.
  • Macroeconomics and self-correction of the economy .
  • The American economy, monetary policy, and monopolies .
  • The importance of control in macroeconomics. One of the central topics in macroeconomics is grouped around the issue of control. It is quite reasonable that control over money and resources should become a topic of discussion.
  • Analysis of Africa’s macroeconomics and its performance.
  • Economics of education in developing markets.
  • Problems and possible solutions for Japan macroeconomics .
  • Comparative analysis of British macroeconomics concerning the US .
  • Public policies and socio-economic disparities.
  • The world problems through macroeconomic analysis. Indeed, macroeconomics is very complicated. There are many influences, details, and intricacies in it. However, it allows economists to use this complex set of tools to examine the world’s leading problems today.

There are four main problems in macroeconomics.

  • The connection between employment interest and money.

🤔 Development Economics

  • Economics of development . This topic is very rich in content. First, explain what it is. Then pay particular attention to domestic and international policies that affect development, income distribution, and economic growth.
  • The relation between development and incentive for migration.
  • The impact of natural disasters on the economy and political stability of emerging markets.
  • The economic consequences of population growth in developing countries.
  • The role of industrialization in developing countries . The industrialization has been connected with the development. It promotes capital formation and catalyzes economic growth in emerging markets. In this thesis, you can talk about this correlation.
  • Latin American economic development.
  • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
  • Problems of tax and taxation in connection with economic growth.
  • The economic impact of terrorism on developing markets.
  • Religious decline as a key to economic development. Not everyone knows, but a lot of research has been done in the past years on the topic. It argues that decreased religious activity is connected with increased economic growth. This topic is quite controversial. Students who decide to write about it should be extra careful and polite.

👨‍💼 Behavioral Economics

  • Risk Preferences in Rural South Africa.
  • Behavioral Economics and Finance .
  • Applied behavioral economics in marketing strategies. If you want to focus your attention on marketing, this topic is for you. Behavioral economics provides a peculiar lens to look at marketing strategies. It allows marketers to identify common behaviors and adapt their marketing strategies.
  • The impact of behavioral finance on investment decisions.
  • Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs in North Texas.
  • Guidelines for Behavioral Economics in Healthcare Sector.
  • Cognitive and behavioral theories in economics .
  • Cross-cultural consumer behavior and marketing communication. Consumers are not only affected by personal characteristics, but also by the culture they are living in. This topic focuses on the extent it should determine marketing strategy and communication.
  • Behavior implications of wealth and inequality.

The richest population holds a huge portion of the national income.

  • Optimism and pessimism for future behavior.

💼 Financial Economics

  • Financial Economics for Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy .
  • The use of the economic concept of human capital. Students can focus on the dichotomy between human and nonhuman capital. Many economists believe that human capital is the most crucial of all. Some approach this issue differently. Therefore, students should do their research and find where they stand on this issue.
  • The analysis of the global financial crisis of 2020s. Share your thoughts, predictions, ideas. Analyze the economic situation that affects almost everyone in the world. This thesis topic will be fresh and original. It can help to start a good and fruitful conversation.
  • The big data economic challenges for Volvo car.
  • The connection between finance, economics, and accounting.
  • Financial economics: Banks competition in the UK .
  • Risk-Taking by mutual funds as a response to incentives.
  • Managerial economics and financial accounting as a basis for business decisions.
  • Stock market overreaction.

🌱 Agricultural Economics

  • Agricultural economics and agribusiness.
  • The vulnerability of agricultural business in African countries.
  • Agricultural economics and environmental considerations of biofuels .
  • Farmer’s contribution to agricultural social capital.
  • Agricultural and resource economics. Agricultural and resource economics plays a huge role in development. They are subdivided into four main characteristics which in this topic, students can talk about: – mineral and energy resources; – soil resources, water resources; – biological resources. One or even all of them can be a focus of the thesis.
  • Water as an economic good in irrigated agriculture.
  • Agriculture in the economic development of Iran.
  • The US Agricultural Food Policy and Production .
  • Pesticides usage on agricultural products in California.

The region of greatest pesticide use was San Joaquin Valley.

  • An analysis of economic efficiency in agriculture. A lot of research has been done on the question of economic efficiency in agriculture. However, it does not mean there is no place for your study. You have to read a lot of secondary sources to see where your arguments can fit.

🤝‍Economic Sociology

  • Theory, approach, and method in economics sociology.
  • Economic sociology of capitalism. While economists believe in the positive effect capitalism has on the economy, the social effect is quite different. The “economic” part of the issue has been studied a lot. However, the sociology of it has been not. This thesis can be very intriguing to read.
  • Political Economy and Economic Sociology.
  • Gender and economic sociology .
  • Progress, sociology, and economics.
  • Data analysis in economics, sociology, environment .
  • Economic sociology as a way to understand the human mind.
  • Economic sociology of money.
  • Economics, sociology, and psychology of security.
  • Major principles of economic sociology. In the past decade, economic sociology became an increasingly popular field. Mainly due to it giving a new view on economics, human mind, and behavior. Besides, it explores relationships between politics, law, culture, and gender.

📚 The List of Ph.D. Topics in Economics

If you decide to go to grad school to do your Masters, you will likely end up getting a Ph.D. as well. So, with this plan in mind, think about a field that interests you enough during your Masters. Working with the same topic for both graduate degrees is easier and more effective.

This list of Ph.D. Topics in Economics can help you identify the areas you can work on.

  • Occupational injuries in Pakistan and its effect on the economy. Injuries are the leading cause of the global burden of disability. Globally, Pakistan was ranked 9th populated country with a large number of unskilled workers. In this dissertation, consider the link between occupational injuries and their effects on the economy.
  • The study of the Philippines’ economic development.

The Philippine economy is projected to continue on its expansionary path.

  • Financial derivatives and climate change .
  • Econometric Analysis of Financial Markets.
  • Islamic Banking and Financial Markets .
  • Health economics and policy in the UK.
  • Health insurance: rationale and economic justification. In this dissertation, students can find different ways to explain and justify health insurance. Starting to philosophical to purely economic grounds. In the past years, there was a lot of discussion regarding the healthcare system for all. What are some of the economic benefits of that?
  • Colombian economy, economic growth, and inequality.
  • Benefits of mergers and acquisitions in agribusiness.
  • Methods to measure financial risks when investing in Africa.
  • The significance of financial economics in understanding the relationship between a country’s GDP and NDP.
  • Network effects in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are not new anymore. However, it is still an original subject for a dissertation. Students can decide to choose several crypto coins and evaluate the importance of the network effect. This effect is particularly significant for Bitcoin. Explain why.
  • The comparison of the Chinese growth model with the American growth model.
  • An economic justification versus political expediency.
  • Pollution Externalities Role in Management Economics .

📝 How to Select an Economics Thesis Topic

As your academic journey is coming to an end, it’s time to pick the right topic for your thesis. The whole academic life you were preparing to undertake this challenge.

Here is the list of six points that will help you to select an economics thesis topic:

  • Make sure it is something you are genuinely interested in. It is incredibly challenging to write something engaging if you are not interested in the topic. So, choose wisely and chose what excites you.
  • Draw inspiration from the previous student’s projects. A great place to start is by looking at what the previous students wrote. You can find some fresh ideas and a general direction.
  • Ask your thesis advisor for his feedback. Most probably, your thesis advisor supervised many students before. They can be a great help too because they know how to assess papers. Before meeting with your professor, do some basic research, and understand what topic is about.
  • Be original, but not too much. You do not want to spend your time writing about a project that many people wrote about. Your readers will not be interested in reading it, but your professors as well. However, make sure you do not pick anything too obscure. It will leave you with no secondary sources.
  • Choose a narrow and specific topic. Not only will it allow you to be more original, but also to master a topic. When the issue is too broad, there is just too much information to cover in one thesis.
  • Go interdisciplinary. If you find yourself interested in history, philosophy, or any other related topic, it can help you write an exceptional thesis in economics. Most of your peers may work on pure economics. Then, the interdisciplinary approach can help you to stand out among them.

Some universities ask their students to focus on topics from one discipline.

Thank you for reading the article to the end! We hope this list of economics thesis topics ideas could help you to gather your thoughts and get inspired. Share it with those who may find it useful. Let us know what you think about it in the comment section below.

🔗 References

  • Economics Thesis Topics List: Seminars Only
  • How To Pick A Topic For Your Economics Research Project Or Master’s Thesis: INOMICS, The Site for Economists
  • What Do Theses and Dissertations Look Like: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
  • Writing Economics: Robert Neugeboren with Mireille Jacobson, University of Harvard
  • Economics Ph.D. Theses: Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School, IDEAS_RePEc
  • World Economic Situation and Prospects 2018: United Nations
  • Undergraduate Honors Theses: Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • Economics Department Dissertations Collection: Economics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Topics for Master Theses: Department of Economics, NHH, Norwegian School of Economics
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Economics Dissertation Topics: 25+ Examples You Can Explore

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by  Antony W

June 28, 2024

Economics dissertation topics

If you’re looking for some economics dissertation topics to help you brainstorm your topic idea, this guide is for you.

Popularized by the likes of Adam Smith as far back as 1770, Economics is a subject that deals with making the right decisions in the face of uncertainty and scarcity.

As much as it dates back to the medieval scholastics, economics still focuses largely on human choices, borrowing habits, markets and trade, assets’ pricing, human behavior in relation to economic decisions, taxes, and consumption.

Existing literature on economics attempt to give the best possible explanations to problems human beings face. Still, there’s need for more research in this field because new areas continue to emerge in economics, especially since technology continues to advance enhance transformation and increase the rate of globalization.

Given how wide this field is, there are dozens of economic dissertation topics that you can choose to explore in your research project. This guide is a list of some of the topic ideas that you might want to consider for the project.

25+ List of Economic Dissertation Topics

Economics is a wide field with different areas of exploration. This guide looks at some of the areas economics, each with a few examples of dissertation topics that you can investigate.

Dissertation Topics on Regional Development

Your focus on regional development is to study regions as small economies with the aim of understanding their circumstances and outcomes. You’ll examine how internal regional economies operate and evaluate how they relate to other regions.

Some interesting topics that you can investigate in your dissertation in this area are as follows:

  • Business development and profitability in the region What are the underlying variables in this relationship?
  • Natural resource comparative advantage and regional development
  • There are differences in the forms and levels of entrepreneurship and unemployment across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
  • The impact of regional policy on start-ups on regional development: more new enterprises or better existing ones?
  • Entrepreneurial networks’ contribution to regional development.

Also Check: Custom Economics Dissertation Writing Help

Dissertation Topic Ideas on Economic Sociology

Examine the sociological aspects that affect economic indicators and explain how they relate with the social outcome.

Some great topics that you might want to consider for your dissertation project if you choose to focus on this area include:

  • The function of social networks in facilitating innovation in mature sectors.
  • How can universities take advantage of social networks to induce entrepreneurial action among their students?
  • Exploring the disparities between trust and power in local productive systems.
  • Is there a straight line between economic and social development?
  • In the United Kingdom, traditional industry development is fueled by social contracts and peer pressure.
  • Family support, both financial and non-financial, in the development of successful entrepreneurship.
  • The convergence of economic systems as a result of globalization and its implications for social development in developed, emerging, and developing economies.

Related: Technology Dissertation Topics

Economic Geography Topics for Dissertation Project

This area focuses on economical outcome in relation to geographical location. You’ll evaluate patterns and trends in activities and human behavior to explain what shapes the cultural and economic landscapes.

Here are some topic ideas to consider if you want to write a dissertation project in this area:

  • The influence of local and regional cultures on entrepreneurship and economic growth.
  • Is there a link between established enterprises that dominate small towns and local cultural factors?
  • The likelihood impact of Brexit on policy outcomes that shape the local economy in UK cities.
  • The economic geography of recession. Difference between regional and city economics in the UK.
  • Understanding educational progression at the local level: A comparison of cities in the UK’s north and south.
  • How COVID has influenced house price volatility in various UK cities.

Institutional Economics Dissertation Topics

This area deals with social entities linked to production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Given that this is a broad area, you might have to study related disciplines such as psychology, economic history , management and business studies cognitive and brain science, and behavioral economics and finance. 

  • Here are some dissertation topic ideas that you should consider:
  • How can transaction costs economics account for inter-firm collaboration?
  • Economic freedom institutions and policies have different effects on income and growth.
  • How does the cultural mix affect the organization of enterprises in the United Kingdom?

Also Check: Social Work Dissertation Topics

Dissertation Topics That Deals With Employment Economics

Given that employment is a key concept in the production of goods and services, it’s important to study the rate at which organizations hire talents and the compensations offered.

Below are some topic ideas that you can explore in this area of economics: 

  • The influence of gender disparity in employment on economic growth and labor productivity.
  • What effect does technological innovation have on British unemployment? Evidence from the industrial industry.
  • The impact of economic cycles on employment, workforce productivity, and innovation: a case study of the manufacturing sector

Macroeconomics Dissertation Topics

Macroeconomics is an interesting field that examines an economy as a whole. In this division, the focus is on how markets interact with each other to generate aggregate variables. You’ll study national income, gross domestic product, employment, inflation, global economy, and financial markets.

Here are some interesting topics that you can explore in your dissertation if you’re studying macroeconomics:

  • COVID and the economic downturn: Will the impact be as severe as the 2007 financial downturn?
  • The global economic downturn and the causes that lead to it.
  • How will the Greek financial crisis affect the EU economy in the long run?

Microeconomic Dissertation Topics

In microeconomics, the focus is on the interaction between demand and supply in different markets. You’ll study and interpret how economic agents behave in different settings and identify the incentives they’re more than likely to face by building modes and using data to conduct your research and experiments.

Here are some interesting topics to cover in this area:

  • Does the size of a company impact its profits? Evidence from UK telecommunications companies.
  • Are UK corporations more inventive than their European counterparts?
  • Is the retail industry in the United Kingdom becoming less oligopolistic? An examination of the effects of new supermarkets.
  • The development of household consumption in the United Kingdom during the previous decade: Consumer behavior trends.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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2024 Search Fund Study

The 2024 Search Fund Study reports on the financial returns and key qualities of search funds formed in the United States and Canada since 1984. This report updates the previous 2022 study with data through December 31, 2023.

Please see the E870: Long Term Hold note for the most up to date insights.

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The Study of Decision-Making and Choice Architecture

Behavioral Economics bachelor thesis topic

Hello everyone! I am a 3rd year bachelor student of University of Economics and business in Prague and the next step that I need to take is to successfully solve my bachelor thesis. During the years I found out that behavioral economics is something that seems really interesting and fun to me. However, I am kinda lost in terms of looking for the right topic. Could you please help me and maybe give me some sort of inspiration? The topic can focus basically on anything what is in contact with this field of economics. I would be so delighted for any kind of inspiration Thank you so much!


  1. 39 Best Behavioral Economics Dissertation Topics Examples

    behavioral economics thesis topics

  2. Behavioral Economics Thesis Topics

    behavioral economics thesis topics

  3. Behavioral Economics

    behavioral economics thesis topics

  4. PPT

    behavioral economics thesis topics

  5. Behavioral Economics Thesis Ideas

    behavioral economics thesis topics

  6. Behavioural economics 1 notes

    behavioral economics thesis topics


  1. The NEXT BIG THING in Behavioural Economics

  2. Development Economics-I(BA)|Chapter 1|Introduction| part2|Objectives of DE|ED &Growth||


  4. BBA

  5. Architecture Thesis Topics: Sustainability #architecture #thesis #thesisproject #design #school

  6. MS in Psychology


  1. 39 Behavioral Economics Dissertation Topics Examples

    Therefore, behavioral economics thesis topics have strong connections with the field of psychology as well. The field of behavioral economics studies and describes economic decision-making . According to its theories, actual human behavior is less rational, stable, and selfish than traditional normative theory suggests.

  2. Behavioral Economics Research Paper Topics

    This list of behavioral economics research paper topics is intended to provide students and researchers with a comprehensive guide for selecting research topics in the field of behavioral economics. The importance of choosing a pertinent and engaging topic for your research paper is paramount, and this guide is designed to facilitate this crucial process.

  3. PDF Behavioral Economics

    LIST OF SUPERVISORS AND EXAMPLE TOPICS. Aydogan Msc, PhD Student Behavioral Economics. illusions, heuristics and biases in probabilistic reasoning Example topics: T. e Causes of Description-Experience Gap and Models for Decisions from Experience. Studies on decisions from experience have shown that people seem to make decisions as if they are ...

  4. 134 Economics Thesis Topics: Ideas for Outstanding Writing

    The economics of alcohol abuse problems. In this thesis, students can develop several essential issues. First, they can examine how poverty is connected to alcohol abuse. Second, they can see the link between alcohol consumption and productivity. To sum up, students can elaborate on the economic costs of alcohol abuse.

  5. PDF Essays on Behavioral Economic Theory

    This dissertation consists of three essays in psychology and economics, with a focus on belief-based utility and expectations-based reference dependence. The first chapter discusses the behavior of economic agents who dislike ego bruises, that is, people who experience displeasure from adjusting their beliefs about themselves negatively.

  6. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics

    Searching for Meaning in Work and Life: Happiness, Wellbeing and the Future of Organizations. Michela Floris. Laura Ferrari. Lucrezia Casulli. 30,090 views. 9 articles. Explores the role of cognitive limitations and biases in decision-making, from household economics to culture and ethics, increasing our understanding of human behavior.

  7. PDF Essays in Behavioral Economics

    Thesis advisor Author Drew Fudenberg & Alvin Roth Alexander Peysakhovich Essays in Behavioral Economics Abstract Essays in this dissertation cover three topics in behavioral economics: social preferences, ambiguity aversion and self-control. The first essay, based on work with Aurelie Ouss, studies the behavior of individuals

  8. PDF Essays In Behavioral Economics

    This thesis uses economic theory to investigate two important behavioral phenomena: the fact that the beliefs of individuals can be distorted from the truth, and that individuals can endogenously transition between di erent modes of cognition which a ect the rationality of their decision-making. These ideas are looked at in three distinct ...

  9. PDF Principles of (Behavioral) Economics

    In this way, behavioral economics augments standard economic analysis. Behavioral eco-nomics adopts and refines the three core prin-ciples of economics: optimization, equilibrium, 2015). Both traditional and behavioral econo- and empiricism (Acemoglu, Laibson, and List mists believe that people try to choose their best feasible try to choose ...

  10. Topics in behavioural economics

    This thesis contains three pieces of original research organised into three separate chapters. The three chapters make contributions to three different topics in Behavioural Economics and can be read independently of each other. The first chapter studies gender quotas. Gender quotas have become prevalent in many labour markets, but the environments in which they are implemented and their ...


    with, bringing you to the master specialization in Behavioral Economics. Writing your master thesis is your opportunity to re-discover your initial passion, identify the questions you are curious about, use what you have learnt during the master program, and go one step further towards the truth you have been searching for. The list of master ...

  12. (PDF) Behavioral Economics

    Abstract. Behavioral economics uses evidence from psychology and other disciplines to create models of limits on rationality, willpower and self-interest, and explore their implications in ...

  13. PDF Behavioral Economics: Implications of Irrational Behavior in Marketing

    1. INTRODUCTION. The objective of this thesis is to study the implications of behavioral economics in some of the most extended marketing practices. Our goal was to detect and determine the relations between the psychological effects studied by behavioral economics and practical applications in the sales of goods and services.

  14. What are some dissertation-worthy topics in behavioral/experimental

    Facts in this area are scarce and would benefit not only the academic field but also policy. 3) Risk Preferences: Evaluating the Predictive Power of Elicited Behavioral Parameters. It is known that the extent of measured risk tolerance (including behavioral parameters) is sensitive to measurement techniques.

  15. Behavioral Economics Thesis Topics

    Behavioral Economics Thesis Topics - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  16. Economics Dissertation Topics: 25+ Examples You Can Explore

    Institutional Economics Dissertation Topics This area deals with social entities linked to production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Given that this is a broad area, you might have to study related disciplines such as psychology, economic history, management and business studies cognitive and brain science, and behavioral ...

  17. PDF Essays in Development and Behavioral Economics

    Dissertation Advisor: Professor Gautam Rao Author: Kevin Carney Essays in Development and Behavioral Economics Abstract This dissertation comprises three chapters in the fields of development and behavioral economics. Chapter 1 uses a field experiment to study the effect of social media on voters in a large election in Tamil Nadu, India.

  18. Behavioural Economics Thesis Topics

    The document discusses selecting a thesis topic in behavioral economics. It explains that the process involves extensive literature review, identifying gaps in research, developing original research questions, and designing appropriate methodologies. Students are advised to choose a topic that is relevant, original, and can be feasibly completed given time and resource constraints. The ...

  19. Behavioural Economics Dissertation/Thesis topic : r ...

    Below are the topic covered so far. Applied Behavioural: Lecture 1: Introduction: Behavioural Economics and bounded rationality. Lecture 2-3: Heuristics and biases in judgement and decision making. Lecture 4: Bounded awareness. Lecture 5-6: Fairness and ethics in decision making: corruption behaviour and anti-corruption policies.

  20. Master thesis topic : r/BehavioralEconomics

    Master thesis topic. I'm currently deciding on my master thesis topic (studying international business and marketing). I'm really interested in BE and sustainability. So I would like to research something along the lines of using behavioural economics to become more sustainable. But within this area, I have a hard time narrowing it down to ...

  21. Thesis Topics/Materials : r/BehavioralEconomics

    Hello everyone! I am finishing my masters degree this year ( I hope) So, I am looking for a possible topics for thesis. My major is Health Economics and I want to write something about Behavioral and Experimental Economics in Healthcare Industry.

  22. Essays in Behavioral Economics

    Essays in this dissertation cover three topics in behavioral economics: social preferences, ambiguity aversion and self-control. The first essay, based on work with Aurelie Ouss, studies the behavior of individuals making decisions to punish norm violators. It addresses two types of questions.

  23. 2024 Search Fund Study

    Political Economics (2023-24) Scaling Geologic Storage of CO2 (2023-24) A Resilient Pacific: Building Connections, Envisioning Solutions ... Social Sciences & Behavioral Nudges ... Dissertation; Oral Examination; Faculty; Current Students; Research Resources; Admission. What We Look For.

  24. Behavioral Economics bachelor thesis topic : r/BehavioralEconomics

    Behavioral Economics bachelor thesis topic . Hello everyone! I am a 3rd year bachelor student of University of Economics and business in Prague and the next step that I need to take is to successfully solve my bachelor thesis. During the years I found out that behavioral economics is something that seems really interesting and fun to me.