Research Jobs

Research is about analyzing and understanding the different variables between different topics, fields, or trends. With this, a Research Analyst can be a huge help to clients who need to further understand or gain insight into a particular field or topic. A Research Analyst can provide the client with a thorough understanding of the elements and universe of their concern that is backed by data and facts, as well as try to gain new insights on it. With that knowledge, a client can decide on how to move forward in their business or with their project.

Here's some of the projects that our expert Research Analyst made real:

  • Finding new markets and exclusive information on products and trends
  • Producing informative reports, evaluations, or reviews based on data analysis
  • Presenting data through visual content like graphs, charts, and more
  • Keeping up-to-date with the newest industry standards and practices
  • Offering in-depth look into customer engagement through market research
  • Giving entire overviews of competitors in order to compare services/products

At we pride ourselves in our guaranteed perfect match for your research needs. That’s why we’re sure you can find the best expertise for your next project from our pool of talented professionals. So don't wait any longer, post your own project now and hire a reliable Research Analyst to get true insight knowledge on any field you need.

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I am in need of a personal assistant to help me manage my daily calendar and handle my email correspondence. The ideal candidate should be able to work remotely and have a good understanding of time management and email etiquette. Key Responsibilities: - Manage my daily calendar, schedule appointments and help me organize my professional life efficiently. - Handle my email inbox effectively, sorting through messages, responding where appropriate, and flagging high-priority emails for my attention. Your Skills: - Proven experience as a Personal Assistant or similar role. - Excellent time-management and organizational skills. - Proficient in using calendar tools and email clients. - Strong written and verbal communication. If you have the right skills and are comfortable with a remote wo...

I've collected and organized my EEG-ERP data and designed my task on E-prime. I'm seeking a talented MATLAB programmer who can perform a range of specific analyses on this data. Key Requirements: - Time-frequency analysis - Component identification - Statistical analysis Specific Features or Patterns to be Identified: - Event-related potentials detection - Frequency band power analysis - Peak detection The ideal candidate should have prior experience in processing EEG-ERP data and should be proficient in MATLAB. The task has a deadline of 3-4 days and my budget for this project is between $30 - $120. Your understanding and expertise in this field will be crucial in delivering the quality and accuracy that I'm looking for. Please reach out if you're confident in y...

I am in need of a professional to assist with pre-employment vetting in Florina, Greece. The ideal candidate should be able to handle comprehensive vetting services which may include background checks etc This role requires a person with excellent investigative skills and attention to detail. Please note, the specifics of the job role or industry are not provided, so a versatile and broad understanding of vetting is preferred. If you have access to resources for conducting these checks and tests in Florina, Greece, that would be a plus.

I'm in need of a skilled writer to create an informative and analytical article on the topic of Fintech vs Bigtech. The target audience for this piece is finance professionals, so it's crucial that you can communicate complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. Key Requirements: - The article should be meticulously researched and provide a detailed analysis of Fintech vs Bigtech. - It should incorporate real-life case studies to support the analysis and make it relatable to the target audience. Ideal Freelancer: - Previous experience writing about finance, fintech, or tech sectors will be highly beneficial. - A deep understanding of the fintech and bigtech landscape, and the ability to interpret technical jargon for a finance professional audience is essential. - Strong ...

I'm launching into the e-commerce universe, hoping to specialize in home decor. My specific product focus is currently on lighting fixtures, aimed at the residential homeowners market. I need a freelancer who can: - Spot trending and profitable home decor items, particularly lighting fixtures - Tailor a market research approach for residential homeowners - Recommend strategies to effectively market and sell these items online Ideal applicants should have experience in e-commerce, particularly in the home decor sector, with a successful track record in product selection and market research. Knowledge about trends in lighting fixtures for residential homes is a big plus.

I'm looking for a Market Research Specialist from Nepal to dive into the Jewellery industry. The focus will be on Trends and Consumer Preferences. Knowledge of Nepal's rules and regulations related to import/export (Bhansar) is a significant advantage. Key Aspects: - Industry Focus: Jewellery - Research Objective: Trends and Consumer Preferences Ideal Candidate: - Prior experience in market research, specifically in the Jewellery industry. - Ability to analyze and interpret market trends and consumer behavior. - Understanding of product launch strategies based on market research. - Strong communication skills and attention to detail. - Proficiency with reporting tools and data analysis.

I am in need of an experienced professional to conduct a thorough background check on potential employees in Strasbourg, France. Key Requirements: - Conduct a comprehensive background check which would include a criminal record check, employment history verification, and credit history check if possible. - The background check should be based on the purpose of evaluating character and reputation of the potential employees. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in pre-employment vetting, especially in Strasbourg or France in general. - Familiarity with relevant local laws and regulations pertaining to background checks. - Ability to gather and interpret information accurately and maintain confidentiality. - Strong communication skills for reporting and discussing findings with...

I'm in need of a LAW professional who can make corrections to an academic document to enhance the readability of my academic papers by restructuring and rearranging them. The document is more than 70,000 words on intellectual property law and would involve, citation of academic literature, filling all the gaps and answering all comments of the reviewers. Key tasks include: - Improving the overall flow and coherence of the document. - Ensuring the content is logically structured and easy to follow. - Making the language more accessible while maintaining academic integrity. Additional elements: - Adding a bibliography or references list to the paper. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in academic writing and restructuring. - Strong attention to detail and ability to...

I'm a technology writer on Medium, looking to expand my number of audience. - Current following audience: Less than 1000 - Goal: Growth of audience to be 250K+ - Content Focus: Primarily technology and artificial intelligence in biotech The primary goal is to increase my overall readership. I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist in implementing strategies that will help me reach a wider audience and attract more followers to my Medium publications. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of growing audiences on Medium or other similar platforms - Understanding of technology and coding niche - Ability to analyze audience engagement and respond accordingly - Experience in building communities around specific topics Please provide a brief overview of your appr...

I'm looking to gather some comprehensive market data on companies that manufacture cold-pressed seed oils in India, US, UK, and Dubai. I'm hoping to include 50-100 companies in this research. Key deliverables would include an Excel sheet listing the following details for each company: - Company name - Website - Types of oils they produce - Packaging sizes - Prices - Sales platforms (Amazon, Walmart, instagram, shopify) The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in market research and data collection. They should also be well-versed with the cold-pressed seed oil industry, specifically in the mentioned regions. A meticulous attention to detail is crucial for this task. If you have experience with similar projects and can guarantee accurate and well-o...

I'm in need of a talented writer who can create a compelling narrative essay for a brief office task. The specific topic, target audience, and desired length of the essay are yet to be determined, so the successful candidate must be comfortable and skilled in working with a range of potential subjects and styles. Key Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in crafting engaging narrative essays. - Versatility to adapt writing style to different topics and audiences. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Excellent research skills to ensure the content is factually accurate and well-supported. - Strong writing and editing skills for a flawless final product. This is an urgent project, so please only apply if you can commit to a quick turnaround.

As someone who desperately seeks justice, I need a talented and objective journalist with investigative skills to expose the real facts about my husband's implication in a serious crime case. Key aspects of the case to be scrutinized include: - Scrutiny of provided evidence against my husband. - Interviews with potential witnesses involved in the case. - Exploration of any inconsistencies in the allegations levied against my husband. Furthermore, I'm aiming for broad coverage, the journalist should have the opportunity to publish the findings in various forms of media: - Local newspapers for inclusive community updates. - Online news websites to reach a large-scale, global audience. - Television news channels for direct, narrative storytelling. Additionally, th...

Introduction: We are seeking assistance in crafting a professional Wikipedia article that showcases the life and achievements of D.W, a prominent figure in the business world, as well as the history and success of his family. The article will also delve into the founding of D.W’s company, G.S, providing insights into its background and significance in the industry. Key Points to Include: 1. Early Life and Family History: Detail D.W’s upbringing, family background, and any notable ancestors or family achievements that have influenced his path to success. 2. D.W’s Achievements: Highlight D.W’s professional accomplishments, such as his contributions to the business world, any awards or recognitions received, and his impact on the industry. 3. The Family's Lega...

I'm looking for a professional who can assist with a comprehensive health evaluation and cost analysis for a specific health intervention. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct a detailed health evaluation - Analyze the cost-effectiveness of the health intervention Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in health evaluation and cost analysis - Expertise in healthcare economics - Strong data analysis skills - Ability to conduct a thorough health assessment - Excellent communication and reporting abilities Please reach out if you are qualified and can provide insights into health outcomes and cost effectiveness of the intervention.

We're seeking a fluent French speaker only! Detail-oriented and web-savvy to build a comprehensive database of sign manufacturers in France. *Please read the scope and the files before propose an offer.* Project Scope: • Research and identify qualified sign manufacturers/stores/sellers/suppliers (that sell signs) across France. We are not interested in other functions in this field such as architects/designers. • Utilize various online resources, including: o Search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) o Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) o Industry directories and publications (list specific resources if known) o Business databases (mention specific databases if known) • Gather and verify contact information (name, email, phone number) for each lead. &...

I'm seeking a professional to assist with employment verification on behalf of our company. This is a crucial step in our pre-employment process to ensure the accuracy of the information provided by potential hires. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting thorough employment verification with previous employers. - Ensuring the information given by the candidate is accurate, particularly regarding their job title, employment dates, and salary. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in HR, recruiting, or a similar field. - Proficiency with employment verification processes. - Excellent communication and investigative skills. Please note, while the preferred method of verification isn't specified, I'm open to suggestions for the most effective and efficient way to conduct this p...

I'm seeking seasoned business developers to assist me in identifying, creating and possibly exploiting a lucrative business opportunity. The industry, product or service involved, as well as the target audience, are all yet to be defined. This is a unique project that will require a highly strategic approach. I am looking for professionals who can help me in the following ways: - Conducting market research to identify potentially profitable business opportunities. - Developing a plan to capitalize on the identified opportunity. - Possibly assisting in the execution and initial phases of the business. - Providing advice on market trends and target audience selection. Ideal candidates must be well-versed in business development and have: - A proven track record of identifying and c...

I'm looking to build a comprehensive knowledge database of companies that specialize in prosthetics and robotics. I'm looking for a diligent online research assistant to assist us with a long-term project. The task involves compiling a global database for our website. Key Requirements: - Your task will be to collect and maintain information about companies in these two industries. This includes companies that solely focus on prosthetics, those that deal with robotics specifically, as well as companies that cater to both sectors. - For each company, you'll need to gather and organize the following details: - Company name - Location - Contact information - Products and services offered - Website URL Ideal Candidate: - Has previous experience working as a resear...

I'm looking for a proficient health economist with experience in cost-effectiveness analysis. The main focus of the project will be a public health intervention. To successfully complete this project you'll need an ability to work with mixed data sources, a combination of primary and secondary data. Project Requirements: - Perform a thorough cost-effectiveness analysis - Navigate and process mixed data sources - Evaluate a public health intervention from an economic perspective - Deliver insightful findings and recommendations. The ideal freelancer is well-versed in health economics, particularly in the area of cost-effectiveness analysis for public health interventions. Strong analytical skills are essential, and previous experience working with mixed data on similar proje...

I'm in need of a technology expert with specialized skills in confidential mobile and online tracking. As much as it's uncomfortable for me, I suspect my spouse might not be exactly faithful and I need to gather significant evidence to confirm or allay my suspicions. This task is not just about hacking into Whatsapp and phone history records. It also involves: - Tracking text messages discreetly - Keeping eye on any suspicious online activities - Upholding the strictest level of privacy and confidentiality throughout the process Ideal candidates for this limited, discreet inquiry are professionals who have proven expertise in cyber security, privacy laws and ethical hacking. Do note that, this project requires absolute secrecy; hence, individuals who have had work experience i...

I'm looking for an experienced digital marketer to help me increase the brand awareness of my business among professionals. Key Points: - The main focus of this project is to drive brand recognition. - I'm not targeting a specific platform but open to suggestions on where to focus. Ideal Freelancer: - Proven track record in executing successful brand awareness campaigns. - Strong understanding of different digital media marketing channels. - Able to tailor marketing strategies towards a professional audience. As the freelancer, you will need to: - Develop a comprehensive digital media marketing strategy to reach professionals. - Implement and monitor the campaign to ensure optimal performance. - Provide regular reports on the progress and impact of the campaign. This proje...

As a thriving Esports organization, we are in need of a versatile Sponsorship Coordinator. The chosen individual's responsibilities will include: - Finding potential sponsors within the Esports industry. Experience in business development and conducting market research is essential. - Managing relationships with our current and future sponsors. Experience in account management or a similar role and strong interpersonal skills will be advantageous. - Developing effective sponsorship strategies to ensure mutual success for us and our sponsors. Any background in strategic analysis or planning would be ideal. - Leading outreach programs to attract potential sponsors. Exceptional communication and negotiation skills are a must for this task. We are looking for someone with a pro-acti...

I'm seeking a proficient writer to craft a graduate-level essay focusing on Literature. The piece will require insightful exploration, critical thinking, and thorough research, in addition to being written in MLA (Modern Language Association) style. Key requirements: - Deep understanding of Literature at an advanced level - Expertise in academic writing - Proficiency in MLA formatting and citation style - Ability to meet deadlines - Strong research skills and ability to view the topic from various perspectives Your prior experience with grad-level academic writing in Literature and expert knowledge of MLA style is highly desirable. Please, include examples of your writing when bidding.

I'm seeking an experienced freelancer to apply for various freelance jobs on my behalf. Requirements: - Must have a broad understanding of various job markets - Excellent written communication skills for crafting application letters - An understanding of what employers are looking for in freelance professionals Ideal Skills: - Experience in job applications specifically understating the nature of freelance work - Attention to detail - Proficiency in English language writing - Proven track record with job application success Please note that knowledge about different markets is highly appreciated, even though I haven't specified any specific industry or skills. With your expertise, I hope to significantly increase my chances of securing freelance contracts.

I am currently working on an ISR paper, focusing on the use of Management Information Systems (MIS). The ideal person for this project would offer: - A deep understanding of MIS and theory - Knowledgeable about physical activity promotion through mobile platforms - Must have worked on similar academic papers before and be familiar with writing strong theory sections - Able to understand and cater to an academic audience My paper's main objective is to analyze and articulate the innovative methods that can be employed, using MIS, to enhance physical activity through prosocial incentives on mobile platforms. The ultimate goal is to improve public health. You will help me develop the theory section of this ISR paper. Success in this job requires attention to detail, excellent research...

I'm in need of a product sourcer based in Europe who is fluent in Italian, German, and Spanish. The project involves sourcing premium quality home goods. Key Requirements: - Must be based in Europe. - Must be fluent in Italian, German, and Spanish. - Experience in sourcing premium quality home goods. - Exceptional communication skills. - Proven track record in product sourcing. This role is a vital link in our supply chain. The successful candidate will be responsible for identifying and contacting suppliers, negotiating prices, overseeing product quality, and arranging shipping. Ideal Candidate: - European based. - Fluent in Italian, German, and Spanish. - Previous experience with sourcing premium home goods. - Strong negotiation skills. - Ability to communicate effectively. - ...

I'm in need of a skilled writer to draft an argumentative essay on a topic related to English writing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in crafting academic essays, specifically argumentative ones - Strong command of English language and grammar - Ability to conduct thorough research and cite sources appropriately - Knowledge of essay writing conventions and structures The provided essay will form the core of my academic submission, so it's crucial that the writer ensures it's original, well-structured, and grammatically sound. The topic will be discussed in detail once you're hired, and I'm open to suggestions in terms of the direction the argument takes. Please provide examples of previous work if possible.

I'm seeking an experienced individual to handle winning product research for my dropshipping store which currently uses 3 or more suppliers. The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of the dropshipping model and how to conduct thorough product research. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct in-depth product research, ensuring products meet the criteria of high profit margin, low competition, and high demand. - Collaborate with our suppliers, identifying the most promising products. - Stay abreast of market trends and customer preferences to drive product selection. - Analyze competitors and market conditions for informed product selection. - Ensure the products chosen cater to our target market, which includes both genders. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in...

I am looking for a skilled writer to create high-quality, engaging written content on political theories for a high school audience. Key Requirements: - Strong background in political science. - Prior experience in writing for educational purposes, especially for high school students. - Ability to simplify complex ideas and theories into clear, concise language. - Understanding of the specific needs and interests of high school students. The content should be informative, accurate and innovative, helping students to grasp important political theories easily. This project is a great opportunity for those who are passionate about political science and education.

I'm in need of a skilled writer to help me craft a detailed proposal on the environmental effects of green energy, particularly focused on water resources management. This proposal is to be submitted to a tender, and should be both informative and persuasive. Key Requirements: - Conducting a thorough environmental impact assessment, emphasizing on water resources management. - Providing a comprehensive analysis with statistical data is particularly crucial. This section should be well-researched and data-driven. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in technical writing and proposal creation. - Strong background in environmental studies and sustainability, with a specific focus on green energy and water management. - Ability to analyze and present complex data in an acc...

Data Research and Entry Specialist Description: We are looking for a diligent and detail-oriented individual to assist with researching and entering data into a spreadsheet. If you have a knack for finding accurate information and organizing it effectively, we want to hear from you! Responsibilities: • Conduct research to gather required information • Enter data accurately into a spreadsheet • Ensure the data is organized and easy to understand • Perform quality checks to verify data accuracy Requirements: • Strong attention to detail • Ability to conduct thorough online research • Proficiency with spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets) • Good communication skills Additional Information: • Flexible hours • Work ...

I need a talented ghostwriter to assist me in creating a series of non-fiction books. These books focus on topics like economics, organizational development, and management. The right freelancer for this project should expect: - To work on manuscripts of less than 50,000 words per book. - To undertake moderate research to ensure factual accuracy and relevance. This means combining existing resources I provide, along with some independent research. - To write content that balances both theoretical concepts and practical applications to make the subject matter engaging and relevant for a variety of readers. I have truly groundbreaking content that I have been refining for a few years and am now ready to put it down in writing. The ideal person for these projects will be: - An experience...

Hi there, IMPORTANT: This project is currently open to new applicants. Please don’t apply if I have already contacted you through the previous project. Please start your bid with "5 NZD" and briefly outline your approach to this task. I'm looking for a freelancer to provide me with 50 valid email addresses of top executives (CXOs) from specific companies. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in web research and data mining - Familiarity with email search tools and techniques - Experience in finding specific job titles in large companies - Attention to detail to ensure the email addresses are accurate and up-to-date - Previous experience in obtaining executive level contacts ...

I'm searching for a proficient writer who can create a comprehensive white paper on the subject of "The Importance of Data Visualization in Marketing Decision Making". This paper is intended for a general audience, including marketing professionals, marketing students, and general readers. The requirements: - Detailed discussion of the topic, incorporating relevant case studies to ensure a thorough understanding - Inclusion of expert interviews and quotes to bring additional depth and value to the discussion - Ability to explain complex concepts in a simple, clear, and engaging way Ideal freelancer: - Background in Data Visualization and/or Marketing - Previous experience writing white papers or extensive research papers - Must be comfortable conducting and transcribing in...

Married doctor frauded me, dated me, lied about his identity, got me pregnant, was actually married, him and his wife destroyed me and my kids lives the past 6 years, they stole my baby away from me to avoid a divorce and paying me child support so they stole my baby. The dad pays the judges and attorneys off and his attorney brags about paying them off in the court hallway bc no recording devices allowed. I’ve been paying people on here for 2 years and no luck with skill level. I need to rescue my child and sue everyone in federal court. I have a few drafts already typed up. My custody case is in appeals. I pay $800 monthly to for someone to do all my court cases and drafts. But I don’t hire until a test job is done, like drafting a lawsuit. Or editing my appeal brief. This co...

I am seeking assistance with a research paper as a part of my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. The focus of my paper is "Exploring frequency stability in renewable energy systems." Key Points: - Topic: The paper will revolve around statistical analysis in Renewable Energy focusing on strategies voltage, current, and frequency. - Objective: The main goal of the paper is to explore the frequency stability aspect of renewable energy systems. Ideal Experience: - Experienced in academic writing, particularly in the domain of renewable energy systems. - Expertise in electrical engineering and familiarity with renewable energy systems. - Proficiency in statistical analysis, with a specific focus on voltage, current, and frequency. Please reach out if you have a strong background in...

I'm in need of a talented freelancer to assist with various aspects of product management for our online store. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct in-depth product and competitive research and analysis to inform our product selection and strategy. - Devise and implement an effective pricing strategy to maximize sales and profitability. - Upload a substantial number of new products to our store, with a specific focus on the "New Arrivals" section. Additional Details: - The "New Arrivals" section will require more than 100 products to be uploaded. Experience with managing large product databases is advantageous. - Familiarity with Easystore is preferred, as our current platform for product management and uploads. Ideal Candidate Profile: - Proven track record in e-...

Hi there, I'm looking for a freelancer to provide me with 50 valid email addresses of top executives (CXOs) from specific companies. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in web research and data mining - Familiarity with email search tools and techniques - Experience in finding specific job titles in large companies - Attention to detail to ensure the email addresses are accurate and up-to-date - Previous experience in obtaining executive level contacts would be a plus. Budget: 5 NZD To Apply: Please start your bid with "5 NZD" and briefly outline your approach to this task. Thank you,

I seek expert assistance to commence an online retail business that specializes in Clothing and Accessories. Required Skills and Experience: - Business development, ideally with a specific focus on online retail. - Comprehensive understanding of the Clothing and Accessories market. - Proven track record of successful startups. Tasks: - Advise on the best approach to launching an online clothing retail. - Research market trends in Clothing and Accessories retail. - Create a robust business strategy to sustain growth. Aptitude in digital marketing is an added benefit as reaching and maintaining an online customer base may be integral to the success of the business. I am interested in a professional who can share insights and give advice to kick-start a profitable venture.

I'm in need of a skilled freelancer to help me grow my YouTube channel. The primary goal is to increase views , and I believe that SEO optimization of my video content is crucial in achieving this. My video is various category. Attn: first i see one video ranking is good after i will make milstone, you agree so can apply this bid Key Tasks: - Conducting thorough keyword research and selecting the most relevant and high-ranking keywords for my videos. - Implementing these keywords strategically within my video content and descriptions. - Optimizing video titles, tags, and descriptions to improve visibility and search rankings. - Monitoring and analyzing the performance of my videos and making adjustments as needed. I believe that a freelancer with a good understanding of YouTube...

I'm in need of an expert who can help me attract new small business clients. Key Requirements: - Experience in client acquisition: I'm looking for a professional who has a proven track record of acquiring clients in small business segments. - Knowledge of various industries: While my main focus is small businesses, the ability to target specific industries like technology, healthcare, or retail would be an added benefit. - Goal-oriented approach: My primary aim is to increase sales through the acquisition of new clients. Your strategies should be focused on achieving this goal.

I'm looking for an intermediate level virtual assistant to help me with email management and research tasks. Key Requirements: - Email Management: I need support in organizing my inbox and creating corespondance lists. - Research Tasks: You will be required to search and create a database of business in assigned regions - Data Entry: Inputing invoices and assosiated data in Xero and other data related service as/if required Ideal Skills: - Strong written communication skills. - Prior experience in a virtual assistant role, particularly in email management and research. - Proficiency in using software tools for task management and communication. The anticipated workload is 10-20 hours per week at present but as the business continues to expand possibly a full time should be abl...

I'm seeking a skilled professional to collect 100 names of each state for the non-profit organizations in the 7 states North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri. This data will be used for research purposes. The main task will be to identify non profit organizations that focus on civic engagement for 18-25 age group. Or the nonprofit organizations should specifically help the age group mentioned above. No other orgs are to be entered. For each organization, I will need the following information: - Organization Name - Contact Person - Email of either the programs director or volunteer engagement director The contact details should be organized in a structured way, specifically by organization name and contact details. Ideal Skills and Experience: - ...

As an Information Technology firm, we're looking for an experienced Business Development Executive (BDE) to represent our company in the bidding process for new projects. To be successful in this role, you should have a solid understanding of the IT industry and proven experience in bringing in new business. The primary responsibilities for this position include: - Identifying new business opportunities and successfully bidding for them - Building and maintaining relationships with potential clients - Researching and analyzing market trends to identify potential growth opportunities - Developing a comprehensive strategy to increase our client base, expand into new markets, and ultimately improve revenue generation The ideal candidate should have excellent communication skills, a str...

I'm working on my PhD thesis in Business Management, specifically more focused on leadership and management styles. I need help with my literature review chapter. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong knowledge of leadership and management styles in the context of business management - Be familiar with the Resource-Based View theoretical perspective - Possess excellent research and writing skills - Have experience writing literature reviews at PhD level Key tasks will include: - Comprehensive review and analysis of existing literature on leadership and management styles under the lens of the Resource-Based View - Synthesis of findings into a well-structured, insightful literature review chapter for my PhD thesis.

We're seeking a fluent Dutch speaker, detail-oriented and web-savvy to build a comprehensive database of sign manufacturers in Netherlands. Project Scope: • Research and identify qualified sign manufacturers/stores/sellers/suppliers (that sell signs) across the Netherlands. We are not interested in other functions in this field such as architects/designers. • Utilize various online resources, including: o Search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) o Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) o Industry directories and publications (list specific resources if known) o Business databases (mention specific databases if known) • Gather and verify contact information (name, email, phone number) for each lead. • Compile lead data into a Excel format .

I'm focusing my systematic review on the physiotherapy for neurological disorders, specifically cerebral palsy in children. The research will be based on valuable data from clinical trial datasets. I'm looking for freelancers equipped with: - Experience in physiotherapy, particularly serving patients with cerebral palsy in children - Strong research skills using clinical trial datasets - Knowledge in systematic review methodology - Ability to translate technical medical jargon into understandable language The report must be richly detailed, presenting a well-structured systematic review of physiotherapy procedures effective on patients with cerebral palsy in children. An understanding of neurological disorders, especially cerebral palsy, is vital. - It should be 12K words, inclu...

I'm in need of a Spanish native speaker who can help me in product sourcing from Mexico, particularly in the handicrafts category. The ideal candidate should have an intermediate level of Spanish proficiency. This is important as they will be required to negotiate and explain product details in Spanish. The sourcing process involves: - Identifying potential suppliers - Negotiating prices and terms - Inspecting product quality - Overseeing the shipment process You will also need to liaise with our team, providing detailed information on the products and suppliers sourced. Experience in product sourcing, especially in the handicrafts industry, is preferred. Please note that the final payment will be based on the quality and pricing of the sourced products.

I'm in need of assistance for an extensive information security management research project. The main goal of this research is to develop practical strategies for mitigating risks. The project requires a comprehensive framework and wording amounting to 4000 words. Key aspects I'm looking for support with include: - Risk Assessment and Analysis: I need help in conducting a comprehensive risk assessment and analysis, identifying vulnerabilities and potential threats. - Policy and Procedure Development: I require assistance in creating robust policies and procedures that can effectively mitigate the risks identified through the risk assessment. - Compliance with Regulations: I'm seeking support in ensuring that the strategies developed adhere to industry standards and regul...

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  • Krasnodar Map
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How to Reach Krasnodar, Russia

  • Krasnodar Krai

How to Reach Krasnodar

  • By Air: Krasnodar International Airport is connected to European cities and countries like Istanbul though regular air planes commuting to and fro.
  • By Train: Krasnodar-1 and 2 are junction railway stations of North Caucasus Railway, located in Krasnodar, the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai. It is the main railway terminal of the city. From Krasnodar railway station there are trains to all Russian regions and also to Belarus, Ukraine and Abkhazia.
  • By Car: The city is well connected to all destinations in the region: Rostov-on-Don (5 hours and 30 minutes), Sochi (8 hours), Stavropol (6 hours) and Mineralnye Vody (8 hours).
  • By Tram: Krasnodar has an extensive system of network that covers almost all the parts of the city. It is convenient and lets you have a glance at the streets, corners and most of the attractions in Krasnodar.
  • By Trolleybuses and city buses: Travelling by city buses or trolleybuses is the most popular and cheapest way to travel around the city.
  • By “marshrutkas”: Marshrutkas are private share taxis, widely used in Russia. They will stop for you between their usual stops if you hail them.
  • Library of Congress
  • Research Guides
  • Geography & Map

The Caucasus: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress

Krasnodar krai.

  • Introduction
  • Arrangement
  • Note on Cartographic Materials in the Library of Congress
  • An Abbreviated History of Maps of the Caucasus
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  • Using the Library of Congress

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Krasnodar Krai Single Maps

Krasnodar krai set maps, administration, cities and towns, travel and tourism.

Karta Chernomorskoi Gubernii . (St. Petersburg: P. F. Petsh, [1907]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1:840,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Krai (part of Black Sea Govt.) -- [1907] -- 1:840,000 -- P. F. Petsh

Early twentieth century map of the Imperial Russian Black Sea Province (now in Krasnodar Krai). Shows populated places along the coast; place names; a road; possibly a railroad; distances between settlements; and gubernia boundary.

Krasnokarskii Krai . (Moscow: GUGK, 1953). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under Russia -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Kray / Krasnodarsk -- 1953 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK, and at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1953 .R8

Soviet map of Krasnodar Krai from early 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; railroads; roads and passes; rivers and canals; swamps and salt marshes; forests, orchards, and strips of afforestation; and relief by shading and a few spot heights. Includes legend. Includes an indexed table of seventy-two raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai, and of seven in Adyghe Autonomous Oblast.

Karta mestorozhdeniĭ poleznykh iskopaemykh Rostovskoĭ oblasti / NKTP-SSSR GGU Glavnaia redaktsiia "Geologii SSSR . Soviet Union. Narodnyi komissariat tiazheloi promyshiennosti. (Leningrad : Kartograficheskoĭ masterskaia pri TSNIGRI, 1938). 1 map of a set, colored. Scale 1:1,000,000. Filed under LC call number G7063.R6C5 s10 .S6

Soviet-era map showing mineral areas in Rostov Oblast (Krasnodar Krai) in 1938. Relief shown by contours and spot heights.

Wehrgeologische Bodenkarte des Kuban Brückenkopfes . ([Berlin?]: Wehrgeologenstelle, AOK 17/ A Pi. Fu., [1943]. Map, colored. Scale 1:100,000. Filed under LC call number 7122 .K8J3 s100 .G4

Set of three defense geological soil maps of the Kuban bridgehead in modern-day Krasnodar Krai. Soil information overprinted in colors on 1:100,000 scale composite sheets. Depicts soil type by color; towns and villages; place names; roads; hydrography; submerged lands; and relief by contours and spot heights. Descriptive legend identifies soil type, and categorizes each according to condition, distribution, potential uses, geological structure, etc.

Krasnodarskii Krai. Administrativnaia Karta. / Izdanie 2oe Ispravlennoe . (Moscow: GUGK, 1939). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:500,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Krai -- Administrative -- 1939 -- 1:500,000 -- GUGK

Photostat of late 1930s Soviet map showing administrative and political divisions in Krasnodar Krai. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; single and double-tracked railroads; highways, roads, and tracks; mountain peaks, elevations, and passes; machine tractor stations, factories, and industrial state farms; swamps, salt marshes, glaciers, and reed beds; and relief by spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of seventy-eight raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai and Adyghe Autonomous Oblast. Map has restricted usage due to water damage.

Krasnodarskii Krai . (Moscow: GUGK, 1956). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:780,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskii Krai -- 1956 -- 1:780,000 -- GUGK

Soviet map depicting political and administrative divisions in Krasnodar Krai in the mid 1950s. Shows cities, towns, and villages; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; reserves; railroads; resorts; rivers, lakes, and canals; and relief by shading and a few spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of forty-eight raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai, and of seven in Adyghe Autonomous Republic.

Krasnodarskii Krai . (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarsky Kray -- 1:600,000 -- Russia GUGK, and with unverified call number G7063 .K6 1958 .R8

Soviet map of Krasnodar Krai showing political and administrative divisions in 1958. Depicts cities, towns, and villages; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; reserves; roads; railroads; ships' courses and ports; rivers, lakes, and canals; forests; resorts; and relief by shading and some spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of forty-seven raions and raion centers in Krasnodar Krai, and of seven in Adyghe Autonomous Oblast. Indicates administrative boundary changes as of 1958.

Krasnodarskii Krai . N. G. Mgebrishvili. (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000. Filed under call number G7063 .K6 1974 .R8

Soviet map of Krasnodar Krai from the mid 1970s depicting is administrative and political divisions. Shows cities and towns; place names; republic, oblast, and raion boundaries; nature reserves; single and double track railroads; highways, roads, trails, and passes; ship's routes and distances; rivers, lakes, and submerged lands; and relief by shading and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes indexed table of thirty-three raions and raion centers in Krasnodar, and of six in Adyghe Autonomous Oblast.

Stadtplan Krassnodar . Germany. Heer. Armeekartenstelle. ([Germany]: Heergestellt im Auftrage AO. K. 17 Ia. Mess., [194-]). Map, black-and-white. Scale 1:20,000. Filed under LC call number G7063 .K73 194- .G4 MLC

German Army map of Krasnodar from the Second World War. Depicts streets, street names, and block numbers; railroads; and various places of interest, i.e. railroad station, cemetery, sports field, neighborhoods, and several unidentified buildings. Map printed on verso of pre-existing surplus map stock.

Krasnodar . ([Berlin]: Germany. Heeresgruppe A 1a Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7964 .K73 194- .G42

German Army map of Krasnodar from World War II. Depicts streets; railroad lines; various military objectives, i.e. airport, railroad station, industrial sites, factories, barracks, hospital, steam and oil mills, electric station, and warehouse and storage facility; and other unidentified buildings.

Krasnodar . ([Berlin]: Germany. Heeresgruppe A 1a Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:25,000. Filed under LC call number G7964 .K73 194- .G43

Another edition of a German Army map of Krasnodar from the Second World War. This map includes an index to points of military interest in English. Shows streets; railroads; and numerous potential military objectives, among them an oil refinery, railroad bridge, dam, power and tool plants, hospitals, castor oil plant, grain storehouses, plague vaccine factory, tannery, aerodrome, and colleges.

Krasnodar and Vicinity . ([Wash.]: s.n., [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:50,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .K73 1948 .U5

Basic street plan of Krasnodar from after the Second World War. Shows streets and street names, railroads, cemeteries, and a riding academy. Map likely American in origin.

Krasnodar Skhema Marshrutov Gorodskogo Transporta . I. P. Lotyshev. (Krasnodar: Krasnodarskoe Knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1967). Map, colored. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7064 .K73P1 1967 .L6

Late 1960s Soviet transportation map of Krasnodar. Depicts trolleybus, tram, and auto bus lines and stops; railroad line and station; one way streets; and sites of cultural interest. Includes an inset of Krasnodar's auto bus commuter service lines.

Plan g. Novorossiska . (S.l.: s.n., 1930). Photostat, black and white. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .N7 1930 .P4

Soviet city plan of Novorossisk copied and enlarged by Germany Army. Shows basic layout of the city and port, and several features, such as oil storage tanks, train station, cemeteries, parks, wharves, and breakwaters.

Stadtplan von Noworossisjk . ([Germany]: Heeresgruppe A 1a Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black and white. Scale 1:15,000. Filed at LC call number G7064 .N7 194- .G4

Germany city plan of Novorossisk from World War II. Depicts streets but no street names; railroads and railroad yard; densely populated areas; and sites of potential military interest, i.e. fuel storage area, petroleum refinery, armaments and cement factories, barracks, dockyards, wharves, oil pier, coal pier, and U-Boat port; and various unidentified buildings.

Novorossysk and Vicinity, R.S.F.S.R. ([Wash.]: s.n., [194-]. Photocopy, black and white. Scale 1:20,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .N7 1948 .U5

Basic city plan of Novorossisk from after the Second World War. Shows streets, railroads, the harbor, and a few cultural features, i.e. cemeteries, railroad station, oil tanks, and [factory?] chimneys. Likely American in origin.

Ssotschi . (S.l.: Bearbeitung u. Druck im Auftrage Heeresgruppe A la Mess durch Kartenbatterie / 613, [194-]). Photostat, black-and-white. Scale 1:10,000. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S66 194- .G4

Germany army map of Sochi from the Second World War. Depicts streets, buildings, harbor, railroads, streams, and vegetation.

Krasnodarskii Krai. Ekonomicheskaia Uchebnaia Karta. L. V. Los'. (Moscow: GUGK, 1967). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000.  Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskii Krai -- Economics -- 1967 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK

Soviet school map of Krasnodar Krai illustrating its economic, industrial, and agricultural resources in the mid 1960s. Depicts cities and towns; place names; roads; railroads; rivers and irrigation canals; nuclear and hydroelectric power plants; oil and gas lines; locations of fourteen types of industries; oil and gas deposits; agricultural regions; significant distributions of crops and livestock; and vegetation pictorially.

Krasnodarskii Krai. Fizichesakaia Uchebnaia Karta . (Moscow: GUGK, 1963). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:600,000.  Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskii Krai -- 1963 -- 1:600,000 -- GUGK

Soviet school map of Krasnodar Krai emphasizing its physical and economic features. Depicts cities and towns; place names; oblast boundaries; nature reserves; railroads; roads; ships' courses and distances; rivers and figures for average annual runoff and discharge; submerged lands; resorts and parks; sites of cultural and historical significance; locations of economic resources; and relief by shading, gradient tinting, and spot heights.

Marshrutnaia Turistskaia Skhema. Novorossiisk - Gelendzhik - Tuapse . (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, colored. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Kray -- [1958] -- 1:200,000 -- Russia GUGK, and at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1958 .R81

Soviet tourist map of the route from Novorossiisk to Tuapse. Shows highway, roads and passes, and tracks; railroad; tourist routes, camps, and accommodations; sites of cultural interest; towns and villages; rivers; vegetation; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes text of tourist objects. Verso has illustrations and text.

Marshrutnaia Turistskaia Skhema. Tuapse - Sochi - Khosta - Adler. (Moscow: GUGK, 1958). Offset lithograph, color. Scale 1:200,000. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodar Kray -- 1958 -- 1:200,000 -- Russia GUGK, an at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1958 .R82

Soviet tourist map of the coastal route from Tuapse to Adler. Shows highway, roads and passes, and tracks; railroad; tourist routes, camps, and accommodations; sites of cultural interest; towns and villages; place names; rivers; waterfalls; forests; orchards; and relief by shaded tinting and spot heights. Includes legend. Includes text of tourist objects. Verso has illustration and text.

Krasnodarskii Krai . (Krasnodar: Krasnodarskaoi Knizhno Izdatel'stvo, 1961). Offset lithograph, colored. No scale given. Filed under USSR -- RSFSR -- Krasnodarskiy Krai -- 1961 -- no scale -- Krasnodar. Publ., and at unverified call number G7063 .K6 1961 .K7

Soviet pictorial tourist map of Krasnodar Krai from the early 1960s. Shows a few settlements; a few place names; roads; rivers; and pictorial representation of industrial, agricultural, and tourist resources. Identifies the locations of campsites and road accommodations. Verso includes illustrations and text.

Krasnodarskii Krai. Turistskaia Skhema . I. E. Valueva. (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7063 .K6E635 1974 .R8

Travel and road map of Krasnodar Krai from the mid 1970s. Depicts towns and villages; roads; railroads; rivers and lakes; campsites and accommodations; petrol stations; sites of cultural and historical interest; vegetation; and relief by shading, gradient tinting, and spot heights. Includes booklet. Ancillary map depicts coastal route between Republic of Georgia and Tuapse (continued on verso). Includes inset of Krasnodar and its environs. Illustrations on recto and verso. Verso includes map of Krasnodar indexed to points of interest, and some text.

Sochi. Turistskaia Skhema . (Moscow: GUGK, 1974). Offset lithograph, color. Scale not given. Filed under LC call number G7064 .S66E635 1974 .R8

Soviet tourist map of Sochi and its environs. Shows travel routes by automobile, road, and river; tourist and camping accommodations; cultural sites, i.e. monuments, museums, architectural and archeological monuments, parks, etc.; towns and villages; place names; vegetation; and coastline and harbors. Includes descriptive text and illustrations. Includes legend. Verso includes an inset of the central part of Sochi, with index to points of interest; as well as text describing hiking, canoeing, automobile excursions.

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