• Personal Statements
  • Physiotherapy Personal Statement

Physiotherapy Personal Statement Example

Sample statement.

My interest in physiotherapy comes from my own personal experience of the science and how it changed my life. For as long as I can remember I have been good at sports, and as I reached high school, this crystallised into a love of football. I was well on the way to a career as a professional footballer, with a place in the Arsenal Youth Team, when I was struck down by a serious injury at just 14 years of age. From having a promising future on the pitch, I was suddenly unable to even walk and my dreams were shattered. Were it not for the patience and skill of my physiotherapist, I may still be in the wheelchair that was mine for a full three months.

My physio worked tirelessly with me, day in and day out, getting me back on my feet when many others, myself included, had thought this was never going to happen. She used a range of existing techniques, and adapted others, to overcome my problems, and as a result, I am now able to walk. I will never play football again, but I still consider myself very lucky.

It is this experience that has led me to want to study physiotherapy for myself, so that I can help other people in the same way that I was helped. I understand that there is a shortage of trained physiotherapists, and I would hate for someone in my position to miss out because they could not access the same incredible levels of care that I had.

I believe that my experiences at the highest levels of youth football will give me an excellent background for this role. Having been in their shoes, I can appreciate the demands on young players and their eagerness to get fit and back playing as soon as possible.

My own experience would also make me well placed to help people whose lives and dreams have been shattered by an accident or injury. My teammates, family and friends never let me down, even though I may not always have noticed this, and I would be able to show others that this support system was in place for them too.

I have always been a good all-rounder at school, and I have focused my sixth form studies towards the sciences in order to pursue my new goal of a career in physiotherapy. I have also spent time with my own physiotherapist, watching her treating other patients and asking many questions along the way to give me a realistic view of the job on a day to day level.

Success on the sports field has given me confidence from an early age, and overcoming my injury has cemented my self-belief and personal resilience even more. I believe that I would be able to draw on these strengths to inspire others with injuries to fight back as I did.

This course would provide me with the knowledge and skills needed to be a successful physiotherapist, and I believe that combined with my personal experience, and the continued mentorship of my own physiotherapist, I could be very successful in this career. What’s more, my contacts at Arsenal FC have said that they would be happy for me to spend time at the club during my studies for work experience, and may even have a job for me after I graduate.

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You'll impress them by reflecting on your experiences and understanding of the profession, talking about how you've demonstrated relevant skills, and by showing your awareness of the breadth of what physiotherapists actually do.

That's what admissions tutors told us when we asked them what they're looking for – here are some more of their dos and don'ts.

For more personal statement advice, see our article on how to sell yourself in your statement .

Show you know what physiotherapy involves

This is a competitive field. To have a good chance of being selected you will need to demonstrate a realistic understanding of the role, and show that you’re 100% committed to it. It’s important to show that you’ve researched the career – the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is a good starting point. You should also back this knowledge up with your experience – but what experience?

Firstly, experience of observing or at least talking to physiotherapists is highly desirable. It’s even better if you can do this in more than one setting, whether it’s in hospitals, private practice, GP surgeries, schools, residential homes, sport centres, or clubs or out in the community. Although it’s increasingly difficult to obtain formal work experience, try to plan ahead and use your initiative to secure this in time.

The next best thing is general experience or voluntary work in any health or care setting. Take the opportunity to observe how staff communicate and interact with people, especially vulnerable individuals such as children, the elderly, or people in distress.

What to include in your statement

There is no one-size-fits-all way to structure your personal statement, but here are some pointers:

Check what specific universities want

Some universities provide information about their selection criteria on their website, and some actually score your statement against those criteria. It may give you a handy framework to base your statement around.

Explain your motivation

Why do you want to be a physiotherapist specifically? How did you arrive at the decision that it’s the right fit for you? Convey your enthusiasm and determination. Don’t just say you want to be in a caring profession – be specific!

Show you understand the scope of physiotherapy

There’s a tendency for some applicants to be drawn to the profession through their passion for sport, with a view to becoming a sports physiotherapist. But the reality is that you will probably work with a range of patients with a wide variety of conditions, not necessarily sports-related.

This partly explains why one admission tutor's top personal statement tip was 'don’t mention sport!' It’s important to realise that sport isn’t representative of the profession as a whole. For instance, sports physiotherapy is predominantly concerned with musculoskeletal conditions in patients who are likely to otherwise be healthy and motivated.

So do show what you’ve learned about the diverse range and backgrounds of patients you will be treating or the kinds of situations these patients may also be dealing with. Reflect on the challenges this creates for the physiotherapist, such as how to motivate patients to manage their own long-term recovery when they are also having to cope with other conditions, illnesses, or struggles (such as depression, dementia, or family circumstances).

Reflect on the skills and qualities required

Don’t simply list what you saw in any experience or placements – they want to know how what you observed changed your perceptions or understanding.

Similarly, it’s not how much experience you’ve had that matters, it’s the quality of your insights and how you reflect on them.

Referring to your own experience as a patient may also be helpful, but only if you’ve gained a real insight through it.

Demonstrate that you have these qualities

The final piece in the jigsaw is to provide evidence of how you’ve personally demonstrated some of the important qualities you’ve observed.

Pick out your key observations and be explicit in explaining the links with your own skill set. For example, ‘on placement I noticed that physiotherapists needed skill X... I demonstrated skill X myself when I...’

Physiotherapists have to talk to, collaborate with, and counsel people, so do include how you’ve demonstrated these ‘softer’ caring, helping, or listening skills (this can be in or outside of school).

Other relevant qualities to talk about might include problem-solving, coping with pressure, being non-judgemental, leadership, and working in a team.

Values based selection

We spoke to a member of the admissions team at one of the universities who score your personal statement against their selection criteria. One of her key messages was that they assess your suitability for the career as a whole, not just the course.

In fact, some of the heaviest weightings in their scoring criteria are linked to the six core values of the NHS Constitution. So make sure you’re familiar with the NHS Constitution, and that you’re able to demonstrate behaviours of your own that align with these core values.

Mention any ambitions

This isn’t essential but, if you have a clear view of the direction you want your career to take, blend this into your statement too. This could be in the opening, the middle, or as a concise concluding sentence.

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  • Physiotherapy Personal Statement Examples

Your personal statement is an essential part of the UCAS application process , as it allows you to showcase your passion for physiotherapy and demonstrate why you are the ideal applicant for the course. To help you write a winning university application , we are showing you free physiotherapy personal statement examples that you can use for inspiration.

Physiotherapy Personal Statement Example

As someone who has always had a passion for physical activity and fitness, I believe that studying for a degree in physiotherapy is the ideal next step for me. Having already achieved a first degree in physical education, I am now eager to build on my knowledge and experience and to develop the skills that will enable me to help people recover from injuries, prevent future injuries, and live healthy, active lives.

One of the reasons why I am so passionate about physiotherapy is that I believe in the importance of physical fitness and well-being for the health of the whole person, both physically and mentally. Through my work as an instructor, I have seen first-hand the positive impact that regular exercise can have on people’s lives, and I am eager to help others experience those same benefits.

In addition to my work as an instructor, I have also gained valuable experience through my involvement with the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Over the past four years, I have completed my Bronze and Silver awards, and more recently, I achieved my Gold Award. As part of this award, I spent a week at a camp for disabled teenagers, where I was a buddy to an 18-year-old girl with profound Cerebral Palsy. This experience gave me a real insight into the challenges faced by people with disabilities, and the important role that physiotherapy can play in helping them to lead active and fulfilling lives.

More recently, I have had the opportunity to gain further experience through my work at Nottingham Nuffield Hospital. Here, I observed clinical assessments in the outpatient department and saw firsthand the crucial role that physiotherapists play in helping patients to recover from a wide range of injuries and conditions. I also had the opportunity to work alongside physiotherapists on the ward, where I was able to see how they use their skills to help patients who are recovering from surgery or illness to regain their strength and mobility.

I am convinced that studying for a degree in physiotherapy is the ideal next step for me. With my passion for physical activity and fitness, combined with my existing knowledge and experience, I believe that I have the qualities and skills needed to make a real difference in the field of physiotherapy. I am excited about the prospect of learning more about the science of human movement, rehabilitation, and injury prevention, and I am eager to contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this field. Ultimately, my goal is to become a skilled and compassionate physiotherapist, helping people of all ages and abilities to lead healthy, active lives.

Physiotherapy Personal Statement Example For UCAS

I have been drawn to the field of physiotherapy. From the early stages of my academic journey, I have been interested in the human body and how it functions, particularly with movement and sports. Pursuing this passion, I have taken on various experiences that have allowed me to gain an understanding of the essential role that physiotherapy plays in helping people achieve their physical goals.

My work experience placements at Watford General Hospital and Mount Vernon Hospital have been instrumental in shaping my decision to pursue a career in physiotherapy. During my time there, I was able to observe and learn from skilled professionals, as well as get an insight into the various techniques and treatments used in the field. I was particularly fascinated by the paediatric centre in mid-Wales where I had the privilege of accompanying a physiotherapist on house visits. Witnessing the impact that physiotherapy had on children’s lives was truly inspiring, and I felt a sense of fulfilment in being able to contribute to their wellbeing.

In addition to my work experience, my recreational and competitive background in sports has helped me to develop an understanding of how physiotherapy can help to prevent and treat injuries. As a Senior Sport Organiser, I have gained experience in working with young athletes and have learned how to create a safe and healthy environment for them to thrive. My part-time job as a pool lifeguard has also allowed me to hone my communication and interpersonal skills, which I believe will be vital in my future career as a physiotherapist.

Throughout my experiences, I have come to appreciate the wide range of skills and knowledge required of a physiotherapist. It is not only about diagnosing and treating physical conditions, but also about building relationships with patients and their families, educating them on how to take care of their bodies, and helping them to set achievable goals. I am excited by the prospect of developing these skills further and making a difference in people’s lives.

I am eager to pursue a career in physiotherapy and believe that my academic achievements, work experience, and personal qualities make me an ideal candidate for the program. I am committed to continuous learning and growth, and I am confident that I will excel in the program and make valuable contributions to the field of physiotherapy.

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Physiotherapy Personal Statement Guide

Personal statement guidelines.

When writing your personal statement  please consider the following areas:

  • Justification for wanting to enter the profession – what attracts you to this profession?
  • Is it the values, characteristics, behaviours &/or variety of roles and responsibilities?
  • Why does this profession stand out for you compared to other health and social care professions?
  • Investigation of Physiotherapy as a career – to be able to make an informed career choice you must investigate some of the diversity of the profession ideally through direct observation of physiotherapists in diverse areas of practice
  • Evidence of additional skills, knowledge, experience – Transferable skills – how do your personal attributes, values, characteristics, behaviours and experiences relate to or prepare you for this challenging academic programme and a future career as a physiotherapist.

Structured Personal Statement

Tell us the reason you have chosen to study physiotherapy..

Within this answer you can tell us what motivated you to become a physiotherapist, and what you find interesting or inspiring about the profession. We would like you to show that you understand the role of the physiotherapist in different areas of clinical practice and the skills, values and qualities that are needed. Additionally, describe why this health care profession suits you personally. We expect you to give examples that show you have a caring attitude.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of physiotherapists.

In this section you should tell us about your investigation into the physiotherapy profession, particularly discussing experiences you have had of physiotherapy. Although receiving physiotherapy yourself might have been your introduction to the profession we expect applicants to explore further than this. This must include work experience or placements within a physiotherapy setting, the opportunity to talk to physiotherapists about their role and evidence of reading around the subject or accessing information on the internet. Rather than simply providing a list, please expand on what the experience taught you about the profession. Physiotherapy is very varied profession, working with different populations in different settings; you should demonstrate an awareness of this.

Tell us about skills, knowledge and experience you have and explain why this is relevant to a future career in Physiotherapy.

Please use experiences from previous learning, work, volunteering, hobbies, sport, music and any other activities you think relevant. Again, rather than a list of achievements please explain the specific skills or values demonstrated and how this has helped prepare you for study and a future career as a Physiotherapist. It may be useful to look at the NHS Constitution Values as this discusses the values and behaviours important for working in health care in the UK.


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physiotherapy masters personal statement examples

Physiotherapy degree personal statement example

Physiotherapy personal statement example - preview

  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 21st October 2021
  • Word count: 686 words
  • File format: Text

As an inquisitive and impressionable six year old, I would lay on my mother’s bed repeatedly reading her outdated first aid manual cover to cover. I did not know yet, but my fascination with the human body and its mechanisms was soon to appear, attempting to diagnose my friends on their various aches and pains, or researching endless diseases and conditions. In Year 8, when tasked to research careers for a presentation, I chose physiotherapy – and it grabbed my interest immediately.

Physiotherapy is an ever-advancing discipline, which combines multiple aspects that I find enjoyable. I have the skills to strive within the field as I undertook three Duke of Edinburgh awards, demonstrating my resilience and dedication, my ability to work well within a team, and give instructions clearly. For example, on my Gold expedition, our final day consisted of walking twenty kilometres with only two short breaks, with morale kept high, despite having covered 80 kilometres already. This involved a hearty discussion about food, and some rather out of tune singing. As a map reader, I demonstrated my ability to continue with the task at hand, despite the exhausting circumstances. I managed my role with accuracy and communicated well with fellow map-readers. Physiotherapists work in a multi-disciplinary team of NHS professionals, and I will suit this role as I enjoy working in a team, using our individual and interlinking knowledge to address the task set.

Physiotherapy is a multi-faceted career, and my particular interest lies in the musculoskeletal aspect. The way that muscles work with tendons and ligaments to create movement has fascinated me, and how this movement can be a cause – and reliever, of pain. This relates to my Biology A-Level, as we learn about communication within the body, between the receptor and the effector, through neurons. Geography Pre-U has allowed me to participate in manual fieldwork, but also to critically analyse data which is required when treating patients as I must read about their medical background, working with other specialists like neurologists. On a similar note, Psychology A-Level has taught me about the ethics of research, and what makes ethical treatment – an important factor for high quality patient care.

I was elected into a leadership role on the Head Girls’ Team, as the Sports Captain. My role involves promoting sport throughout the school, assisting the PE department in training teams, and being a point of contact between the staff and students. I also organise a group of Sports Prefects, throughout the school. Through this, I have refined my communication skills. Being in a leadership role has also greatly improved my confidence in a range of situations. I have learnt the importance of listening to others, with respect and sensitivity to what is being communicated in conversation. These skills are necessary for a practicing physiotherapist in conversation with patients, gathering information about their lifestyles with discretion, and making them feel at ease.

I have work experience in private practices covering conditions from chronic lower back pain, and tendonitis, to rotator cuff post-operation recovery. I shadowed several highly qualified physiotherapists, and through observation, I began to understand the need for physiotherapists to adapt to each patient – and adapt their treatment accordingly. I was interested by the range of knowledge the physiotherapist had about anatomy, the extensive techniques she practiced, and the close bond she had with her patients. This gave me an appreciation of the difference between physiotherapy and other healthcare fields. The amount of time spent with a patient may vary, but it is a process that progresses over time.

Outside academia, I am a keen hockey player and play for both junior and senior teams, as well as being a Volunteer Police Cadet. I play guitar and I am at a grade five level for bass guitar. As a member on the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website , I have an insight into the latest news, common conditions and research in the field. Spending my time investigating these conditions has firmly cemented my belief that I am thoroughly interested in physiotherapy, that I love learning about it, and that I want to study it at university.

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Physiotherapy personal statement example.

Compassion, and care for the broken, deep-rooted feelings for the hurting, and the sincere desire to see the restoration of life, hope, and joy to the emotionally unstable through the use of my acquired knowledge and inherent graces/abilities in this regard has driven me so passionately into the pursuit and maintenance of a career in the therapeutic industry, to seek for the job of an assistant to the certified physiotherapist.

I am driving most especially by the force of love and compassion for the weak, sick, hurting, and, recuperating ones who may not have anyone closely encouraging, motivating, and inspiring them toward the possibility of a quick recovery, and total restoration to health. These broken, hurting, and incapacitated individuals deserve to be loved, they deserve to be attended to, and they deserve to be served by the completely healthy and totally whole ones.

I have the mindset and understanding that this set of people did not and could not have gotten themselves in the position of incapacitation by choice or will, it is just circumstantial and accidental that they got to be in the position of needing support and the help of others to be able to do the things that they ordinarily could do for themselves and by themselves in the past.

I strongly hold the belief that one of, if not the most honorable thing to do in life is to be a supporting arm for the feeble, weak, broken, and hurting ones. They deserve to be helped, they deserve to be served, and they equally deserve to be happy; to achieve these in their lives, they need a happy, jovial, well-behaved, tolerant, resilient, and self-motivated personality who can compassionately manage their situations, smile through the entire process of service rendition cum provision of unconditional love and care.

To this end, I hold firm the belief that caring for this class of people should be a job well sought after, and tenaciously pursued by every well-meaning and loving individual.

I discharge my duties with extreme joy and excitement, because I do not see it just as an end to a means, but first with the perception that it is a worthy service to divinity and humanity, and with the understanding that caregiving and assistance provision is a calling to which I am called to operate within.

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There is no profile associated with this personal statement, as the writer has requested to remain anonymous.

Author's Comments

As a graduate student with a Diploma in Theology, one of the courses I studied in school are HUMAN RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT, UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE, COUNSELLING, AND PSYCHOLOGY, with the knowledge acquired in school and the inherent abilities within me, I strongly hold the belief that caring for people with any form of incapacitation, whether temporal or permanent, ought to be the responsibility the rest of us who are whole and complete, who might not be needing any kind of external support to be able to do the normal things of life.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Physiotherapy BSc Hons Personal Statement

Submitted by Leah

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Physiotherapy BSc Hons Personal Statement

Being able to understand the anatomical and physiological foundations that give rise to every aspect of movement in the body excites me. Using those studied principals to heal and prevent different injuries and illnesses as a career is what I can't wait to do. The discipline has its analytical side but is also extremely hands-on, meaning you have to be focussed and dedicated enough to carefully examine the evidence provided and methodically work towards a treatment plan.

You have to be extremely confident in terms of character, but also in the decisions that you are making as you are ultimately providing care that will change people's lives. I was able to develop these qualities working as a camp counsellor at a girl scout's summer camp in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We had 8 weeks to provide children with the best summer possible by working together as a tightly knit team. I found the key to success was my ability to empathise and communicate effectively with people, especially when faced with unfamiliar and challenging situations.

On my work shadowing placement at The Christie Hospital in Manchester, my eyes were opened to the wide breadth and scope of treatment and support that physiotherapists provide across every aspect of patient care. As a specialist cancer hospital, I spent a lot of time on a neurology ward where a number of patients were suffering from spinal cancer. The physiotherapists were highly involved in the patient's immediate mobility issues, working closely with other health care professionals in assessing patient progress and setting goals. Having solid communication skills was vital, especially when it came to briefing colleagues and patient hand over. On the critical care ward, patients here had undergone surgery the previous day and the approach was more considered due to the more complex needs of each individual. They had been immobile for a substantial amount of time so lymphedema, breathing difficulties and congestion had to be taken into account alongside being able to get in and out of bed without disrupting any wounds or dressings. Results and progress were then relayed on to the nursing team in order for an ongoing care plan to be constructed. I also enjoyed the radiotherapy physiotherapy support group, for patients who needed to remain in a fixed position for a long period of time during their treatment. Preventative exercises were demonstrated to restrict complications and strengthen muscles. I enjoyed being able to get involved and practice the exercises alongside patients as this exposed me to the physical side of physiotherapy. At The Christie, the treatment plans observed tended to be more proactive and preventative, as oppose to what I would expect in an outpatient facility, where treatment would be focussed on a more reactive basis. I will explore this on my placement at The Royal Stoke University Hospital next year, where I previously worked as an outpatient clerk. Here I loved speaking to new people every day and this role was vital for people in the community receiving the care that they needed. I applied this perspective working at Bupa as a mental health and oncology administration assistant. This helped me decide that I now wanted to provide care and be able to understand patients' problems.

As a mature student, the time between leaving school and starting the access course has given me the opportunity to gain valuable life experience and consider the career path I want to take. After camp, I travelled to America with my new found friends and South East Asia two years later where I discovered lots of different cultures, communities and cuisines. I love that the course is made up of small groups, as you can really get to know each and other progress together, but also have fun. I love that you can understand the modules you are learning from lectures through seminars, and then further with practical sessions. To then able to put these into practice in placements is really exciting.

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