Goodness Care

Crafting a Pharmaceutical Distribution Business Plan

Goodness Care

  • Pharmaceutical Industry

pharmaceutical distribution business plan

In the dynamic landscape of the pharmaceutical industry , a well-thought-out business plan is the foundation for success in the distribution sector. Whether entering the field or looking to revamp your existing operations, a pharmaceutical distribution business plan is essential for outlining your goals, strategies, and the path to sustainable growth. This guide delves into the key components that should be included in a pharmaceutical distribution business plan.

1. Executive Summary: Setting the Stage

The executive summary is a concise yet impactful overview that is the gateway to your pharmaceutical distribution business plan. In this section, you aim to capture readers’ attention, including potential investors, partners, and stakeholders, by presenting a compelling snapshot of your business.

Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Begin the executive summary by articulating your company’s mission, vision, and core values. Clearly define the purpose of your pharmaceutical distribution business, the long-term aspirations encapsulated in your vision, and the guiding principles that underpin your operations. This sets the tone for the entire business plan, providing a foundation that aligns with the broader goals of the healthcare industry.

Key Objectives

Outline the primary objectives that your pharmaceutical distribution business aims to achieve. Whether it’s expanding market reach, optimizing supply chain efficiency, or introducing innovative distribution solutions, clearly articulate the specific goals that define your business trajectory.

Target Markets

Identify and describe your target markets. Specify the geographical regions you operate in, the demographics of your intended customer base, and any niche markets you plan to serve. This provides readers with a clear understanding of the scope and potential of your pharmaceutical distribution business.

Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Highlight the unique value proposition that distinguishes your pharmaceutical distribution business from competitors. Communicate the benefits you bring to clients, emphasizing what sets you apart regarding service quality, innovation, or other factors contributing to your competitive edge.

2. Company Description: Defining Your Identity

The Company Description section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan provides a detailed exploration of the fundamental aspects that define your company’s identity. This section offers readers an in-depth understanding of your business’s history, mission, values, product offerings, geographical reach, and strategic collaborations.

Company History

Commence the Company Description by providing a historical overview of your pharmaceutical distribution business. Share key milestones, significant achievements, and pivotal moments that have shaped the trajectory of your company. This offers insight into your business’s evolution and establishes a narrative that connects with readers.

Mission and Values

Articulate your company’s mission and values, delving into the core principles that guide your operations. Communicate the purpose of your pharmaceutical distribution business and the ethical framework that underlies your decision-making processes.

Product Offerings

Provide a comprehensive overview of your distribution business’s pharmaceutical products and services. Detail the range of products you distribute, including prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, vaccines, and any specialized healthcare products. Highlight any unique features or attributes that set your product portfolio apart.

Geographical Reach

Specify the geographical areas your pharmaceutical distribution business serves. Whether you operate locally, nationally, or internationally, clarify the regions you cover. Discuss any expansion plans or strategic considerations related to your geographical reach.

Key Partnerships and Collaborations

Highlight any key partnerships, collaborations, or alliances that contribute to the success of your pharmaceutical distribution business. This may involve collaborations with pharmaceutical manufacturers, technology providers, or other entities that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations.

3. Market Analysis: Understanding the Landscape

The Market Analysis section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a critical component that thoroughly examines the external factors shaping the industry. This in-depth analysis aids in identifying opportunities, anticipating challenges, and strategically positioning your business within the pharmaceutical distribution landscape.

Industry Overview

Initiate the Market Analysis by presenting a comprehensive overview of the pharmaceutical distribution industry. Discuss the industry’s current state, including its size, growth trends, and key drivers. This section sets the stage for a nuanced understanding of the broader landscape in which your business operates.

Market Trends

Examine the prevailing trends within the pharmaceutical distribution industry. This involves an analysis of emerging patterns, technological advancements, and shifts in consumer behavior. Identifying and adapting to these trends is crucial for staying ahead of the curve and aligning your business strategies with industry dynamics.

Competitor Landscape

Conduct a thorough analysis of your competitors within the pharmaceutical distribution space. Identify key players, their market share, distribution strategies, and areas of specialization. This assessment helps you understand the competitive dynamics and formulate strategies to differentiate your business.

Regulatory Environment

Explore the regulatory landscape governing pharmaceutical distribution. Highlight any recent or anticipated changes in regulations that may impact your business. Understanding and complying with regulatory requirements is vital for ensuring the legality and sustainability of your operations.

Target Customer Base

Define your target customer base within the pharmaceutical distribution market. This involves identifying the types of healthcare providers, pharmacies, or other entities you aim to serve. Understanding your target customers’ needs, preferences, and expectations is crucial for tailoring your distribution strategies.

SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to assess the internal and external factors influencing your pharmaceutical distribution business. This analysis provides a holistic perspective, helping you capitalize on strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate potential threats.

4. Organization and Management: Building a Strong Foundation

The Organization and Management section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a crucial segment that provides an in-depth exploration of the structure and leadership of your company. This section offers readers insights into the key players steering your pharmaceutical distribution operations, emphasizing their experience, expertise, and contributions to the business’s overall success.

Organizational Structure

Commence this section by outlining the organizational structure of your pharmaceutical distribution business. Clearly define your company’s hierarchy, departmental divisions, and reporting lines. This offers readers a visual representation of how your business is organized and how various components collaborate to achieve common goals.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

Specify the key roles and responsibilities within your pharmaceutical distribution business. This involves detailing the functions of each department and the specific responsibilities of key positions. Clarifying roles helps establish accountability and ensures that every aspect of your distribution operations is well-defined.

Management Team

Introduce your management team, emphasizing their professional backgrounds, qualifications, and relevant experience. Highlight key executives and their respective roles in steering the company toward success. This is an opportunity to showcase the strength and diversity of your leadership, instilling confidence in readers about the capabilities of your management team.

Biographies of Key Executives

Provide detailed biographies of key executives, highlighting their professional achievements, educational backgrounds, and specific contributions to the pharmaceutical distribution industry. This personalized touch adds credibility to your management team, allowing readers to connect with the individuals driving your business forward.

Experience and Expertise

Emphasize the collective experience and expertise of your management team. Discuss any industry-specific knowledge, certifications, or accolades that demonstrate the competency of your leadership. This section is an opportunity to reassure readers that your team possesses the necessary skills to navigate the complexities of pharmaceutical distribution.

5. Products and Services: Showcasing Your Portfolio

The Products and Services section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a pivotal segment that offers a comprehensive view of the range of pharmaceutical products and services your distribution business provides. This section serves as a platform to highlight the unique aspects of your portfolio, emphasizing how your offerings align with market demand and contribute to emerging healthcare trends.

Overview of Pharmaceutical Products

Initiate this section by providing a detailed overview of the pharmaceutical products your distribution business offers. This includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vaccines, medical devices, and other healthcare products within your portfolio. Clearly define the scope of your product range to give readers a holistic understanding of your offerings.

Specialization Areas

Highlight any specific areas of specialization within your product portfolio. This could involve focusing on particular therapeutic categories, specialized medications, or niche healthcare segments. Emphasizing your specialization areas showcases expertise and allows you to position your distribution business as a go-to source for specific healthcare needs.

Exclusive Partnerships

Discuss any exclusive partnerships your distribution business has established with pharmaceutical manufacturers. Exclusive partnerships can contribute to the uniqueness of your product portfolio, giving you a competitive edge. Highlighting these collaborations demonstrates your ability to secure premium products and reinforces your credibility within the industry.

Unique Selling Points (USPs)

Identify and emphasize the unique selling points that distinguish your pharmaceutical products and services. This could include features such as superior quality, innovative formulations, special packaging, or any other factors that set your offerings apart from competitors. Clearly articulating your USPs helps create a compelling value proposition for your customers.

Alignment with Market Demand

Demonstrate how your product portfolio aligns with current market demand. This involves an analysis of industry trends, consumer preferences, and healthcare needs. Illustrate how your distribution business proactively responds to market dynamics, ensuring that your offerings address the evolving requirements of healthcare providers and end consumers.

Contribution to Emerging Healthcare Trends

Discuss how your products and services contribute to or align with emerging healthcare trends. This could involve advancements in personalized medicine, digital health solutions, or any other transformative trends shaping the pharmaceutical industry. Positioning your distribution business as a contributor to healthcare innovation enhances your industry standing.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategy: Reaching Your Audience

The Marketing and Sales Strategy section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a critical component that outlines the methodologies you’ll employ to promote and sell your products and services effectively. This section serves as a roadmap, defining your target audience, elucidating marketing strategies, and detailing sales tactics to secure and retain clients.

Target Audience Definition

Begin by clearly defining your target audience. Identify the specific demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics of the individuals and organizations you aim to reach. Understanding your target audience is fundamental to tailoring your marketing and sales approaches to meet their needs effectively.

Marketing Strategies

Elaborate on the marketing strategies you’ll employ to reach your target audience. This may encompass digital marketing, traditional advertising, content marketing, and participation in industry events. Detail how each strategy contributes to brand visibility, lead generation, and engagement with potential clients.

Digital Marketing Approach

If applicable, provide details about your digital marketing approach. This could involve strategies for online visibility, content creation, social media engagement, and email marketing. Articulate how your digital presence will be leveraged to communicate your brand message and attract potential clients.

Traditional Advertising Channels

Discuss your approach to traditional advertising channels like print media, television, or radio. Clarify how these channels complement your overall marketing strategy and contribute to brand recognition among your target audience.

Partnerships with Healthcare Providers

Detail any partnerships or collaborations with healthcare providers contributing to your marketing strategy. These partnerships can enhance credibility and create avenues for direct engagement with potential clients.

Sales Tactics

Shift the focus to your sales tactics, outlining how to secure and retain clients. Discuss your approach to lead generation, client acquisition, and strategies for building long-term customer relationships.

Client Retention Strategies

Highlight strategies for client retention. This may involve after-sales support, loyalty programs, and ongoing communication to ensure customer satisfaction and foster long-term relationships.

7. Funding Request: Securing Resources

The Funding Request section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a crucial segment where you clearly articulate your financial requirements should you seek external funding. This section serves as a detailed proposal, specifying the amount needed, the purpose behind the funding, and how the investment will be utilized to propel your pharmaceutical distribution business forward.

Amount Required

Start by explicitly stating the amount of funding you are seeking. This figure should be based on thoroughly assessing your business needs, considering expansion plans, operational requirements, technology investments, and marketing initiatives.

Purpose of the Funding

Clearly outline the purpose behind the funding request. Specify how the funds will be utilized and the key areas of your pharmaceutical distribution business that will benefit from the investment. This provides transparency and demonstrates a thoughtful consideration of your business needs.

Expected Return on Investment (ROI)

Discuss the expected return on investment that the funding is anticipated to generate. Provide a realistic projection of how the infusion of capital will contribute to the growth and profitability of your pharmaceutical distribution business over a defined period.

Utilization Breakdown

Offer a comprehensive breakdown of how the funds will be utilized. This involves providing a detailed list of expenses, investments, and allocations to different aspects of your business. This breakdown enhances transparency and instills confidence in potential investors or lenders.

Financial Projections

Support your funding request with financial projections that illustrate the anticipated impact of the investment on your business’s financial performance. Include projections for revenue growth, profit margins, and other key financial metrics over the period covered by the funding.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Acknowledge potential risks associated with using funds and present strategies for mitigating these risks. This demonstrates foresight and a proactive approach to addressing challenges that may arise while implementing your business plan.

8. Financial Projections: Painting the Financial Landscape

The Financial Projections section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a critical component that paints a comprehensive picture of your company’s anticipated financial performance. This section gives potential investors or lenders detailed insights into your revenue streams, expected expenses, profit margins, and overall financial health. Realistic, data-backed financial projections are crucial for instilling confidence and demonstrating the viability and profitability of your pharmaceutical distribution business.

Income Statements

Present detailed income statements forecasting your revenue streams and expenses over a defined period. Clearly outline your sources of revenue, including product sales, distribution services, or any other income-generating activities. Provide a breakdown of direct costs, operating expenses, and taxes to show your company’s profitability clearly.

Balance Sheets

Include balance sheets that showcase your company’s financial position at specific times. Highlight your assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity to provide a comprehensive overview of your financial stability and the resources available for your pharmaceutical distribution business.

Cash Flow Statements

Present detailed cash flow statements that illustrate the inflow and outflow of cash within your pharmaceutical distribution business. This includes operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. Positive cash flow indicates your ability to meet financial obligations and reinvest in business growth.

Revenue Streams and Profit Margins

Provide a breakdown of your various revenue streams, emphasizing the diversity and stability of your income sources—detail profit margins for each revenue stream to showcase the financial viability of your pharmaceutical distribution business.

Expense Projections

Anticipate and detail your expected expenses, including operational costs, marketing expenditures, technology investments, and other relevant costs. A thorough breakdown of expenses demonstrates your understanding of the financial intricacies of your pharmaceutical distribution business.

Assumptions and Methodology

Clearly outline the assumptions and methodology underlying your financial projections. This is essential for transparency and helps potential investors or lenders understand the basis on which your projections have been formulated.

Sensitivity Analysis

Conduct sensitivity analysis to assess how changes in key variables may impact your financial projections. This demonstrates a proactive approach to risk management and provides insight into the robustness of your financial forecasts.

9. Risk Analysis: Identifying and Mitigating Challenges

The Risk Analysis section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a crucial component that aims to foresee potential challenges and uncertainties your business may encounter. By acknowledging these risks and presenting well-thought-out mitigation strategies, you demonstrate a proactive approach to challenges, instilling confidence in potential investors or lenders regarding your ability to navigate uncertainties and ensure business continuity.

Regulatory Risks

Identify potential regulatory risks that may impact your pharmaceutical distribution business. Changes in pharmaceutical regulations, licensing requirements, or compliance standards can significantly influence operations. Clearly outline how your business plans to stay abreast of regulatory changes and adapt to evolving legal landscapes.

Supply Chain Disruptions

Anticipate challenges related to supply chain disruptions, including issues with product availability, transportation delays, or disruptions in manufacturing. Develop strategies to ensure a resilient supply chain, such as diversifying suppliers, implementing advanced inventory management systems, and fostering strong relationships with key suppliers.

Market Dynamics and Competition

Evaluate potential risks arising from changes in market dynamics or increased competition. Shifts in consumer preferences, entry of new competitors, or fluctuations in market demand can impact your business. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of market trends and articulate strategies to maintain a competitive edge.

Technological Advancements

Acknowledge risks related to technological advancements and the need for constant innovation. Failure to adapt to emerging technologies or changes in digital platforms can impact operational efficiency. Present strategies for incorporating new technologies and staying at the forefront of industry advancements.

Economic Conditions

Consider risks associated with economic fluctuations, currency exchange rates, or financial downturns. Economic uncertainties can impact consumer spending and overall market conditions. Showcase your understanding of economic factors and outline strategies to mitigate potential financial risks.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Acknowledge the increasing importance of cybersecurity and data privacy in the digital age. Risks related to data breaches or cyber-attacks can have severe consequences. Present comprehensive cybersecurity measures and data protection protocols to safeguard sensitive information.

10. Implementation Plan: Turning Plans into Action

The Implementation Plan section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan bridges strategic vision and tangible actions. It outlines the steps, timelines, and responsibilities required to bring your business strategy to life. This section is crucial for demonstrating the practicality and feasibility of your plans, providing stakeholders with a clear roadmap for the execution of key initiatives.

Strategic Milestones

Outline the major milestones that mark the implementation of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan. These milestones may include the expansion of distribution networks, the introduction of new product lines, the launch of marketing campaigns, or the integration of advanced technologies. Clearly define these objectives to give a comprehensive overview of your business trajectory.

Timeline and Phases

Develop a detailed timeline that outlines each milestone’s specific phases and durations. Break down the implementation process into manageable phases, providing a realistic overview of when each objective will be achieved. This timeline serves as a visual representation of the sequential progression of your business plan.

Responsibilities and Roles

Clearly define the responsibilities and roles of each team member involved in the implementation process. This section emphasizes the importance of a collaborative and coordinated effort. Highlight the specific skills and expertise each team member brings to the table, showcasing how their contributions align with the successful execution of the business plan.

Performance Metrics and Monitoring

Establish clear performance metrics for each milestone to assess the effectiveness of your implementation efforts. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business objectives. Additionally, outline a monitoring and evaluation process to regularly assess progress, identify challenges, and make necessary adjustments to stay on course.

Contingency Plans

Anticipate potential challenges or deviations from the planned implementation and develop contingency plans. Addressing unforeseen circumstances with predefined alternative strategies demonstrates your readiness to adapt and ensures that your business plan remains resilient amid uncertainties.

11. Monitoring and Evaluation: Assessing Progress

The Monitoring and Evaluation section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan is essential for gauging the success of your strategies, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring ongoing adaptability in the dynamic business landscape. It involves establishing key performance indicators (KPIs), defining robust monitoring processes, and outlining an evaluation framework that aligns with your business objectives.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify and define key performance indicators that directly align with your pharmaceutical distribution business objectives. These indicators serve as quantifiable metrics to measure the success of your operations. KPIs provide insights into critical areas such as sales performance, customer satisfaction, supply chain efficiency, and market penetration.

Monitoring Processes

Detail the processes and tools you will employ to monitor ongoing activities and performance against the established KPIs. Whether through advanced analytics software, regular team meetings, or real-time dashboards, a well-defined monitoring process enables continuous visibility into the various facets of your pharmaceutical distribution business.

Regular Review Meetings

Schedule regular review meetings to assess the progress of your pharmaceutical distribution business. These meetings are opportunities to discuss performance metrics, share insights, and collectively address any challenges that may arise. The collaborative nature of these sessions fosters a proactive approach to problem-solving and continuous improvement.

Adaptive Strategies

Highlight your commitment to adaptability by emphasizing how you will adjust strategies based on the insights gathered through monitoring processes and review meetings. The ability to swiftly adapt to changing market conditions, consumer preferences, or operational challenges is crucial for long-term success in the pharmaceutical distribution industry.

Continuous Improvement Initiatives

Demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement by outlining specific initiatives or actions that will be taken based on the findings of your monitoring and evaluation processes. Whether it’s refining operational workflows, enhancing customer service protocols, or optimizing supply chain logistics, continuous improvement ensures sustained growth and competitiveness.

12. Appendices: Supporting Documentation

The Appendices section of your pharmaceutical distribution business plan serves as a repository for supplementary materials that provide depth and credibility to the assertions and plans outlined in the document’s main body. While the core of the business plan remains concise and focused, the appendices offer an opportunity to include detailed documentation that enhances the understanding and confidence of stakeholders, whether they be investors, partners, or regulatory authorities.

Resumes of Key Personnel

Include detailed resumes of key personnel involved in the leadership and management of your pharmaceutical distribution business. Resumes should highlight relevant experience, qualifications, and achievements that position your team as capable and well-equipped to execute the outlined business strategies.

Market Research Data

If your market analysis in the main body of the business plan includes summarized data, the appendices offer an opportunity to include more extensive market research materials. This could include detailed reports, surveys, or other relevant data supporting your understanding of market trends, customer behavior, and competitive landscapes.

Legal Documents

Include any legal documents that are relevant to the operation of your pharmaceutical distribution business. This may encompass licensing agreements, permits, contracts, or any other legal documentation that assures stakeholders of your compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

Financial Information

While the main body of the business plan includes financial projections, the appendices can house additional financial information for those stakeholders who seek more detailed insights. This could include historical financial statements, detailed breakdowns of expenses, or any other financial documentation supporting your projections’ credibility.

Supporting Visuals

If visuals such as charts, graphs, or images contribute to a better understanding of your business plan, consider placing them in the appendices. While the main body should remain focused, the appendices can accommodate supplementary visuals that enhance clarity and illustrate key points.

Conclusion: Guiding Your Path to Success

Crafting a pharmaceutical distribution business plan is a strategic exercise that requires careful consideration of various factors influencing the industry. A well-articulated plan serves as a roadmap for your business and demonstrates your commitment to success, instilling confidence in potential investors, partners, and stakeholders. Regularly revisit and update your business plan to adapt to evolving market dynamics, ensuring that your pharmaceutical distribution business remains agile, competitive, and positioned for sustained growth in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.

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Sample Pharmaceutical Distribution Business Plan

  • September 2, 2023


The pharmaceutical marketing business is mainly concerned with the wholesaling of pharmaceuticals and medical products which are distributed to hospitals, specialist retailers, specialist medical practitioners, doctors, and retail pharmacies.

Starting up a pharmaceutical distribution business, I believe you must have acquainted yourself with all that is necessary towards starting up this business and are set to carve out your own business plan.

This article will provide you with a very simple and practical pharmaceutical distribution business plan sample which will guide you in writing your own.

Here is a sample business plan for starting a pharma distribution business.

BUSINESS NAME:  Henry Olson Pharmaceutical Distribution Company.

  • Executive Summary

Our Products and Services

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Business Structure

  • Market Analysis

Sales and Marketing Strategy

  • Financial Plan

Sales Forecast

  Executive Summary

Henry Olson Pharmaceutical Distribution Company has been fully registered and has duly fulfilled all of the legal requirements necessary towards starting up in New York, United States. The business will be focused on offering a number of quality and professional products and services to customers.

Henry Olson Pharmaceutical Distribution Company will be owned by Henry Olson, who will also be the CEO of the business. Henry Olson has thus resolved to contribute a total of $700,000 towards the startup capital. The remainder, however, has been agreed to be sourced from the owner’s friends and family, as well as his bank.

Henry Olson Pharmaceutical Distribution Company will be a pharmaceutical distribution company that will be situated in New York, United States. It will be focused on delivering very quality and professional products and services to customers of all sorts both in New York City and in the whole of the United States.

The following products and services will be offered by Henry Olson Pharmaceutical Distribution Company to its customers:

  • Wholesaling of both generic and branded drugs to local pharmacies, chain pharmacies, internet pharmacies, etc.
  • Advisory Services
  • Wholesaling of medical related equipment

Our vision in the pharmaceutical industry is to nurture a thriving pharmaceutical distribution company that will become the number one choice for customers in New York, and all major cities in the United States. We want to make sure we are counted among the top 5 pharmaceutical distribution companies in the whole of the United States.

We have a mission, which is to raise a pharmaceutical distribution company that will be a standard for all pharmaceutical distribution companies in New York, and surrounding cities in the United States. Also, we want to build a pharmaceutical distribution company that will be trust-worthy to our customers.

We are very focused on building a pharmaceutical distribution company that will be able to compete favorably with competitors in the industry. For us to accomplish this goal, we must build a very strong business structure. This is why we will be focused on recruiting only employees that are qualified, experienced, and ready to work with us to achieve our business goals.

Here are the positions that will be occupied by candidates who meet our criteria:

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Inventory and Purchasing  manager
  • Sales and Marketing Executives
  • Customer Service Executive
  • Truck Drivers
  • Accountants / Cashiers

Market Analysis Target Market

Here is a list of the groups making up our target market:

  • Specialist Retailers
  • Internet Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Residents in our location
  • Retail Pharmacy stores
  • Non-governmental Organizations
  • Health Clinics and Facilities

Here is how we have intended to go about promoting our pharmaceutical distribution company:

  • We will begin with using fliers and our business brochures to introduce our pharmaceutical distribution business to prospective customers.
  • We will make sure we utilize word of the mouth in promoting our business.
  • We will not hesitate to list our pharmaceutical distribution company on yellow page ads.
  • We will use local media such as Radio and TV stations, local newspapers and magazines, etc to ensure we advertise our business to prospective customers.
  • We will take our business to the social media world of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Financial Plan Source of Startup Capital

Starting up our pharmaceutical distribution company, we have realized we will require a total of $1,200,000 to fully startup our pharmaceutical distribution business in New York, United States.

This capital will, however, be obtained from the owner, from his friends and family, as well as from his bank. The owner has resolved to provide $700,000 towards the contribution of the startup capital. The remainder will be sourced from the owner’s friends and family, and from his bank.

First Fiscal Year $1,700,000 Second Fiscal Year $3,500,000 Third Fiscal Year $7,000,000

Above is a pharmaceutical distribution business plan sample with the business name, ‘Henry Olson Pharmaceutical Distribution Company’. The business will be located in New York, United States; and it will be owned by Henry Olson.

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Pharmacy Business Plan Template

Pharmacy business plan.

If you want to start an independent pharmacy or expand your current one, you need a business plan.

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 5,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their pharmacy businesses.

How To Write a Business Plan For A Pharmacy

Below are links to each section of a business plan for a pharmacy business providing a template for you to write your own.

  • Executive Summary – The Executive Summary of your pharmacy business plan should provide an overview of your business concept, key objectives of your business and a snapshot of the market opportunity.
  • Company Overview – The Company Overview section should provide an overview of your company, including history, mission statement, legal structure, retail locations, and any relevant information about your business.
  • Industry Analysis – The Industry Analysis section should describe the pharmacy industry and market, including size, growth, trends, and major players.
  • Customer Analysis – The Customer Analysis section should describe your target customer, including demographics, needs, and buying habits.
  • Competitive Analysis – This section should describe the competitive landscape in your market, including major players, market share, and any unique selling points.
  • Marketing Plan – The Marketing Plan section should describe your approach to marketing, including your marketing mix, strategies, and tactics.
  • Operations Plan – The Operations Plan section should describe how your pharmacy will operate, including details on facilities, equipment, inventory, and security.
  • Management Team – The Management Team section should describe the management team, including bios and experience.
  • Financial Plan – The Financial Plan section should include a 5-year financial projection, including pro forma income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
  • Appendix – The Appendix should include any supporting materials, such as market research, competitive analysis, customer surveys, etc.

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Pharmacy Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my pharmacy business plan.

Growthink's Pharmacy Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your business plan.

Where Can I Download a Pharmacy Business Plan PDF?

You can download our pharmacy business plan PDF template here . This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format.

What Is a Pharmacy Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your pharmacy as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why Do You Need a Business Plan for a Pharmacy?

If you’re looking to start a pharmacy or grow your existing pharmacy you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your pharmacy in order to improve your chances of success. Your plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your business grows and changes.

What Are the Sources of Funding for a Pharmacy?

Pharmacy businesses are usually funded through small business loans, personal savings, credit card financing and/or angel investors.

Where Can I Find a Pharmacy Business Plan Example?

The following sample pharmacy business plan was designed for a sole proprietorship pharmacy called The Medicine Shoppe which provides online services as well as a retail location.

Executive Summary

The Medicine Shoppe is a side delivery company that plans to open its doors on October 1, 20XX. The company will be open Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm, Saturday from 9am to 5pm, and Sunday from 10am to 4pm. The Medicine Shoppe will use QuickBooks for its accounting and bookkeeping needs and will accept payment by cash, check, and credit card. The company plans to offer a discount for customers who pay in cash.

The company plans to offer delivery services for its customers. The delivery fee will be $5 for orders under $50 and free for orders over $50. The delivery area will be a 5-mile radius from the store. The company plans to offer a loyalty program for its customers. Customers will earn 1 point for every $1 spent at the store and points can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases. The Medicine Shoppe also plans to sponsor community initiatives such as blood drives and flu shot clinics.

The Medicine Shoppe has been capitalized with $1 million from the founders and plans to generate $2 million in revenue within the first year of operation. The company plans to break even within the first year of operation and generate profits in year two of operation. The Medicine Shoppe plans to reinvest its profits back into the business to fuel growth. The company plans to use its profits to open new locations, expand its product and service offerings, and improve its marketing efforts.

Company Overview

Our mission statement is “ The Medicine Shoppe is dedicated to providing quality medical care and services to our patients and customers. ”

The Medicine Shoppe is a full-service pharmacy business that will be located in the heart of downtown Santa Barbara, California. The company will offer both online and retail services to its customers. The company plans to offer a wide range of products and services, including prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, supplements, medical equipment, and more. The company will also offer delivery services for its customers.

The Medicine Shoppe will be owned and operated by Aimee Stewart, a registered pharmacist with over 10 years of experience. Ms. Stewart has a bachelor's degree in pharmacy from the University of Southern California and is a member of the California Pharmacists Association.

The company plans to open its doors for business on October 1, 20XX.

Industry Analysis

The pharmacy industry is a highly regulated industry with strict laws and regulations governing the distribution of drugs and other pharmaceutical products. In order to operate a pharmacy, businesses must obtain a license from the state in which they plan to do business.

The pharmacy industry is a highly competitive industry. There are many large, national chains such as CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid that have a significant presence in most markets. In addition to the national chains, there are also many regional and local pharmacies. These businesses compete on price, selection, customer service, and convenience.

The pharmacy industry is growing at a moderate rate. According to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, total sales for the US pharmacy industry are expected to reach $371 billion by 2020. This growth is being driven by an ageing population, new medications, and increased access to healthcare.

The Medicine Shoppe will compete in the pharmacy industry by offering a broad range of products and pharmacservices, competitive pricing, superior customer service, and convenient online and retail locations.

If The Medicine Shoppe does not establish a strong reputation, it could lose customers to its competitors. The company could also be adversely affected by changes in the economy or healthcare industry.

Customer Analysis

The target market for The Medicine Shoppe will be the residents of Santa Barbara County. Santa Barbara County is a large county with a population of over 700,000 people. The median age in the county is 38 years old, and the median household income is $70,000.

The county has a large number of retirees, as well as a significant number of young families. These groups will be the primary target market for The Medicine Shoppe. The company plans to appeal to these groups with its convenient location, a broad selection of products and services, and competitive pricing.

Our target demographics include:

  • Families with young children
  • Individuals with chronic health conditions
  • People who are uninsured or underinsured
  • People who have a high deductible health insurance plan
  • People who take multiple medications

The psychographics of this market include:

  • People who are health-conscious
  • People who are price-conscious
  • People who value convenience
  • People who value customer service

Competitive Analysis

As mentioned earlier, the pharmacy industry is a highly competitive industry. The Medicine Shoppe will compete against national chains, and regional and other local pharmacies.

Some of the specific competitors that The Medicine Shoppe will face include CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and Pharmaca. These businesses are all large, well-established companies with significant resources. They also have a large presence in the Santa Barbara market.

Our strengths include:

  • The Medicine Shoppe will be owned and operated by a registered pharmacist with over 10 years of experience.
  • The company plans to offer a wide range of products and services, including prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, supplements, medical equipment, and more.
  • The company will also offer delivery services for its customers.
  • The Medicine Shoppe will have a convenient location in Santa Barbara County.

Our weaknesses include:

  • The Medicine Shoppe is a new business and does not yet have an established reputation.
  • The company will be competing against large, well-established businesses.
  • The Medicine Shoppe does not have the same level of resources as its competitors.

The Medicine Shoppe will compete against these businesses by offering a more personal level of customer service, a broad range of products and services, and convenient online and retail locations.

Marketing Plan

The Medicine Shoppe will use a mix of marketing channels to reach its target market. These channels include online advertising, print advertising, and public relations.

Online Advertising

The Medicine Shoppe will use Google AdWords to target people who search for keywords related to pharmacy, medications, supplements, and more. The company will also use retargeting to reach people who have visited its website in the past.

Print Advertising

The Medicine Shoppe will use print advertising to reach its target market. The company plans to place ads in local newspapers and magazines. The ads will feature coupons and discounts to encourage people to try The Medicine Shoppe.

Public Relations

The Medicine Shoppe will use public relations to generate positive buzz about the company. The company plans to write press releases and pitch stories to local media outlets. The company will also host events and sponsor community initiatives.

Sales and Promotions

The Medicine Shoppe will offer discounts and promotions to its customers. The company plans to offer a 10% discount to seniors and a 20% discount to families with young children. The company will also offer free delivery for orders over $50.

Customer Service

The Medicine Shoppe will focus on providing excellent customer service. The company plans to offer a satisfaction guarantee for all of its products and services. The company will also train its employees to be friendly and helpful. This will help The Medicine Shoppe to build a loyal customer base.

Operations Plan

The Medicine Shoppe will be located at 123 Main Street in Santa Barbara, California. The company plans to lease a 2,000-square-foot retail space. The Medicine Shoppe will have a pharmacy, a retail area, and a waiting area for customers.

The company plans to hire 5 employees. These employees will include a pharmacist, 2 pharmacy technicians, and 2 customer service representatives. The Medicine Shoppe will also use the services of an outside delivery company.

The company plans to open its doors on October 1, 20XX. The hours of operation will be Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm, Saturday from 9am to 5pm, and Sunday from 10am to 4pm.

The Medicine Shoppe will use QuickBooks for its accounting and bookkeeping needs. The company plans to have a separate bank account for its business activities.

The Medicine Shoppe will accept payment by cash, check, and credit card. The company plans to offer a discount for customers who pay in cash.

Day-To-Day Operations

The Medicine Shoppe will be open Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm, Saturday from 9am to 5pm, and Sunday from 10am to 4pm.

The company plans to offer delivery services for its customers. The delivery fee will be $5 for orders under $50 and free for orders over $50. The delivery area will be a 5-mile radius from The Medicine Shoppe.

The company plans to offer a loyalty program for its customers. Customers will earn 1 point for every $1 spent at The Medicine Shoppe. Points can be redeemed for discounts on future purchases.

The Medicine Shoppe will host events and workshops on a regular basis. These events will be open to the public and will focus on topics such as healthy living, fitness, and nutrition.

The Medicine Shoppe will sponsor community initiatives such as blood drives and flu shot clinics. The company plans to partner with local nonprofits to make a positive impact in the community.

Long-Term Goals

The Medicine Shoppe’s long-term goal is to become the leading provider of pharmacy services in Santa Barbara. The company plans to achieve this goal by expanding its product and service offerings, increasing its marketing efforts, and improving its customer service.

The Medicine Shoppe also plans to expand into other markets. The company plans to open new locations in Los Angeles and San Diego. The Medicine Shoppe will also consider franchising opportunities in the future.

The Medicine Shoppe plans to generate $2 million in revenue within the first year of operation. The company plans to achieve this goal by increasing its customer base and expanding its product and service offerings.

Management Team

Aimee Stewart, a licensed pharmacist with more than 10 years of experience, is the pharmacy owner and will manage and run the Medicine Shoppe. Ms. Stewart holds a bachelor's degree in pharmacy from the University of Southern California and is a member of the California Pharmacy Association.

Financial Plan

The Medicine Shoppe has been capitalized with $1 million from the founders. This funding will be used to lease a retail space, purchase inventory, and hire employees.

The Medicine Shoppe plans to generate $2 million in revenue within the first year of operation. The company plans to achieve this goal by increasing its target market and expanding its product and service offerings.

The Medicine Shoppe plans to break even within the first year of operation. The company expects to generate profits in year two of operation.

The Medicine Shoppe plans to reinvest its profits back into the business to fuel growth. The company plans to use its profits to open new locations, expand its product and service offerings, and improve its marketing efforts.


  • Pharmacy Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan
  • 10. Appendix
  • Pharmacy Business Plan Summary

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Pharmacy Business Plan

Start your own pharmacy business plan

The Discount Pharmacy

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">, opportunity.

People need to be able to buy prescriptions at reduced prices. We make that possible by carefully maintaining efficiencies in our operations. So we can target a specific segment of the market – those customers who pay for their prescription medications themselves. They are poor, they are sick, they deserve the same care as those who can afford healthcare and full price prescriptions. 

The Discount Pharmacy’s mission is to provide our customers with the best prices for their prescription medications. Our convenience and services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

The Discount Pharmacy’s target market consists of two different groups, local customers or walk-ins, and mail order customers.


Competition takes many different forms in the pharmacy industry. They are: chain pharmacies, local pharmacies, mail in pharmacies, canadian pharmacies. 

The Discount Pharmacy’s we have superior pricing. To do that we must maintain our position as the low cost provider by painstakingly ensuring that costs are kept low through operating efficiencies.


Costs will be minimized by maintaining only one pharmacist and filling the void with pharmaceutical techs. We expect to reach profitability by our third year and will generate substantial sales by year three

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing needed.

We will need $115,000 to start, we will be able to pay the investment back at the end of year 4

Problem & Solution

Problem worth solving.

People need to be able to buy prescriptions at accessible prices. We make that possible by carefully maintaining efficiencies in our operations. So we can target a specific segment of the market – those customers who pay for their prescription medications themselves. They are poor, they are sick, they deserve the same care as those who can afford healthcare and full price prescriptions. 

Our Solution

The Discount Pharmacy’s main goal is to provide prescription medications for our customers at the lowest prices on the market. We will be able to sell prescriptions at reduced prices by carefully maintaining efficiencies in our operations and by targeting a specific segment of the market – those customers who pay for their prescription medications themselves. By focusing on this segment it gives us additional efficiencies – we avoid disruptions in cash flow often associated with insurance payments and we can eliminate unnecessary services for the type of knowledgeable, repeat customer taking maintenance-type medication.

The Discount Pharmacy will operate from one store that will serve both mail order customers and those who visit in person. We will thrive by employing friendly and knowledgeable personnel, which, along with our great prices, will drive the repeat business that we will rely upon. We only expect that as the price of medication continues to skyrocket, The Discount Pharmacy will appeal more and more to the customer’s sense of value and convenience.

Target Market

Market size & segments.

The Discount Pharmacy will seek to attract two different groups of customers and will thus have two strategies to attract them.

We anticipate that by far our largest group of customers will be those who order through the mail. These customers will be targeted through an advertising campaign in magazines and newsletters that have an older (>55) audience who regularly need medication and are aware in advance of their needs. For example, one of the main advertising vehicles will be the A.A.R.P monthly newsletter.

Walk-in customers will be targeted through advertisements in the local paper, "The Oregonian."  Ads will raise awareness for the The Discount Pharmacy and our low prices.

Current Alternatives

Competition takes many different forms in the pharmacy industry.

  • Chain pharmacies.  These are state or national chains such as Rite-Aid.  The advantage to these chains are better prices through economies of scale, as well as personalized service.  The personalized service takes the form of the chain having a record of your medication purchases as well as any allergies that you have disclosed to them.
  • Local pharmacies.   These are the pharmacies where you typically know the pharmacist and they know your medical history.  This option is high in personalized service and convenience, and high in price.
  • Mail order and Internet pharmacies.  These are similar to The Discount Pharmacy.
  • Canadian pharmacies.  These pharmacies are located in Canada where the cost of drugs is lower than in the U.S.  These pharmacies can be accessed through mail order, the Internet, or via travel.  Recently there has been the trend for trips arranged for senior citizens in Northern States to travel up to Canada for the day to pick up their medicines.

Our Advantages

The Discount Pharmacy’s competitive edge is superior pricing. To do that we must maintain our position as the low cost provider by painstakingly ensuring that costs are kept low through operating efficiencies.

We will be able to do that by eliminating some of the services traditionally offered by pharmacies. For example, we will employ only one pharmacist and use pharmaceutical technicians to fill the void. As long as a pharmacist is on site during the hours of operation, we can use the pharmaceutical techs for all other capacities where other pharmacies use pharmacists. Other efficiencies are created by having only a small store front and conducting most of our business through mail order.

Finally, The Discount Pharmacy is not designed to hold the patient’s hand during their purchase. We expect that the vast majority of our customers will already be informed of how to take the medication, and any side effects or drug interactions that should be avoided. We will simply provide each patient with a print out of all the relevant information for consumption of the medication.

Keys to Success

The keys to success are:

  • Satisfy our customers so they will return again and again
  • Maintain low overhead and operating costs
  • Provide better prices than all our competitors

Marketing & Sales

Marketing plan.

The marketing strategy will be based on social media, mainly Facebook and Twitter, offering useful information and opinion while quietly appealing to the customer’s sense of value. The marketing campaign’s goal will to be increase awareness of The Discount Pharmacy with their target market.

The sales strategy will be based on generating long-term relationships with customers. To facilitate that, we will provide medications at superior prices, have medicines in stock for both quick shipment and store front pick up, and provide superior customer service. All sales agents will be trained to provide friendly, knowledgeable customer service. By keeping to these simple, yet effective, business practices, we expect that our customers will make The Discount Pharmacy their exclusive source for medications. For some, medications are an integral part of their lives, so establishing long-term relationships will ensure a large, loyal customer base

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones table, key metrics.

Our key metrics are: 

  • The # of customers that walk in to the pharmacy 
  • The # of customers that choose to mail in 
  • The # of reviews saying that people could go to our pharmacy 
  • Facebook page views, Twitter retweets  and website shares 
  • Total customer traffic on the website 
  • Total customer traffic in and out of the store 

Ownership & Structure

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Management Team

John Reeleaf has experience working with a major drug manufacturer, Eli Lilly, as a drug representative. He was able to see first hand the profitability associated with the prescription drug industry, as well as the inefficiencies with which most companies are plagued.

John graduated with an MBA from the University of Oregon’s innovative entrepreneurship program. While there he was awarded a $50,000 no interest loan through a business plan competition. That seed money will be parlayed, along with some other investments, into start up expenses for The Discount Pharmacy. John received an undergraduate degree in chemistry from the University of Oregon.

Personnel Table

Financial plan investor-ready personnel plan .">, key assumptions.

Key assumptions: 

Of course our main assumption is legality. Regulations affecting our business can change very fast. 

People appreciate:

  • The mail in order option for their convenience 
  • Prescription at affordable prices 

Revenue by Month

Expenses by month, net profit (or loss) by year, use of funds.

The Discount Pharmacy will incur the following start-up equipment costs:

  • Office equipment including chairs, file cabinets, and desks.
  • Front counter, storage bins, cash register.
  • Three computer terminals.
  • Main computer server with a laser printer, and back-up system.
  • Software: Microsoft Office, QuickBooks Pro, drug interaction software, Physician Desk Reference software detailing side effects and other information pertinent to the customer.
  • Assorted bottles, boxes, envelopes, etc. for dispensing and shipment.
  • Scales for shipping.
  • Telecom system.
  • Storefront build-out.
  • Start-up inventory.
  • Rent, utilities, insurance.

Please note that these items will be used for more than one year and will therefore be labeled long-term assets, depreciated using G.A.A.P. approved straight-line depreciation.

Startup expenses – $24,100 listed as net earnings in dec 2017 

Start-up Expenses

Legal $1,000

Rent $2,000

Utilities  $400

Telecom System $400

Insurance $300

Storefront Build-out $15,000

Expensed Equipment $4,000

Website development $1,000


Sources of Funds

Planned Investment

Seed Funding $50,000

John $51,000

Friends and Family $82,100 

Projected Profit & Loss

Projected balance sheet, projected cash flow statement.

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Pharmaceutical Business Plan

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Starting A Pharmaceutical Wholesale Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business - a step-by-step guide

Table of Contents

The pharmaceutical wholesale business is a vital component of the healthcare industry, providing critical support to pharmacies and other healthcare providers. Starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business can be a rewarding and profitable venture for entrepreneurs with a passion for the industry and a strong understanding of the supply chain. However, it can also be a complex and challenging process, requiring extensive research, planning, and preparation.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business, covering every step of the process from market research to marketing and advertising. By following the steps outlined in this guide, aspiring entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success and build a thriving business in this exciting and dynamic industry.

Also Read: What is Pharmaceutical wholesale and how does it work?

Market Research

Market research is a critical first step in starting any new business venture, and the pharmaceutical wholesale industry is no exception. Conducting thorough market research will help entrepreneurs understand the size and growth potential of the market, as well as identify key players, trends, and challenges in the industry. Some important areas to research include:

  • Demographic and geographic trends: Understanding the demographics and geography of your target market can help you identify potential customers and their needs.
  • Market size and growth: Determining the size and growth rate of the pharmaceutical wholesale market can help you gauge the potential for success in this industry.
  • Competition: Identifying key players in the pharmaceutical wholesale industry, as well as their strengths and weaknesses, can help you determine how to differentiate your business and compete effectively.
  • Industry trends and regulations: Understanding current and emerging trends in the industry, as well as relevant regulations and standards, is critical to staying ahead of the competition and avoiding costly mistakes.

By conducting thorough market research, entrepreneurs can gain a better understanding of the industry and develop a strategic plan that maximizes their chances of success.

Business planning

After conducting market research, the next step in starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business is to create a comprehensive business plan. This plan should outline your business goals, strategies, and expected outcomes. Key elements of a business plan for a pharmaceutical wholesale business might include:

Executive Summary: A brief overview of the purpose and content of the business plan.

Company Description: An overview of your business, including its history, products and services, management structure, and ownership.

Market Analysis: A detailed analysis of the market, including market size, growth rate, and demographic trends.

Marketing and Sales Plan: A description of your marketing and sales strategies, including target customer segments, pricing strategies, and distribution channels.

Operations Plan: A description of the day-to-day operations of your business, including the management structure, processes, and systems.

Financial Plan: A detailed financial plan that includes projections for revenue, expenses, and profits.

Appendices: Additional materials, such as resumes of key personnel, industry research, and market data.

Creating a comprehensive business plan will help you focus your resources and efforts on the most critical aspects of your business. It can also serve as a roadmap for growth and help you secure funding from investors or lenders.

Also Read: 

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  • How to write Pharmacy internal business plan

Legal and regulatory requirements

Before starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business, it is important to understand the legal and regulatory requirements you will need to comply with. These requirements may include:

Business Licensing: You will likely need to obtain a business license to operate as a pharmaceutical wholesaler. This may include submitting an application, paying a fee, and passing a background check.

Wholesale Drug Licensing: You will also need to obtain a wholesale drug license from the regulatory body that oversees pharmaceuticals in your jurisdiction. This may require you to meet certain criteria, such as having a physical location, having a certain level of liability insurance, and passing a background check.

Drug Handling Requirements: You will need to comply with regulations regarding the handling and storage of drugs, including requirements for temperature control, security, and record-keeping.

Drug Labeling Requirements: You will need to ensure that all drugs you sell are properly labeled and meet regulatory requirements for product labeling, including information about the drug’s name, active ingredients, and dosage.

Tax Requirements: You will need to comply with federal, state, and local tax requirements, including registering for tax identification numbers, collecting and remitting sales tax, and filing tax returns.

By understanding the legal and regulatory requirements for your jurisdiction, you can ensure that you are in compliance with all rules and regulations and avoid potential penalties or legal issues down the road.

Starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business can be a significant investment, and securing adequate financing is crucial to its success. There are various options for financing a pharmaceutical wholesale business, including traditional loans, angel investors, venture capital, crowdfunding, and more. The best financing option for your business will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. In this section, we’ll explore different financing options and provide tips for securing funding for your pharmaceutical wholesale business.

  • Traditional Loans: Traditional business loans from banks and other financial institutions are a common way to finance a new business. These loans typically require a strong credit score and a solid business plan, and they may also require collateral. Before applying for a loan, make sure to research different lenders and compare interest rates and repayment terms.
  • Angel Investors: Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who provide funding to start-ups in exchange for equity. They may be interested in your business if they believe it has high growth potential. To attract angel investors, you’ll need to have a compelling business plan and a clear understanding of your target market.
  • Venture Capital: Venture capital firms provide funding to start-ups with high growth potential. They typically take an equity stake in the business and provide additional support, including mentorship and connections. To secure venture capital, you’ll need to have a strong business plan and a clear understanding of your target market.
  • Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding involves raising funds from a large number of people through platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. This option is best for businesses that have a strong online presence and a large network of supporters. To be successful with crowdfunding, you’ll need to create a compelling campaign that clearly explains your business and the benefits of supporting it.
  • Government Grants and Tax Incentives: Many governments offer grants and tax incentives to support the growth of small businesses. Research the options available in your area to see if you may be eligible for any funding or tax breaks.
  • Creating a Strong Business Plan: Having a well-researched and well-written business plan is key to securing funding for your pharmaceutical wholesale business. A business plan should include a clear description of your target market, a detailed market analysis, a marketing plan, and a financial plan that includes projections for revenue, expenses, and profits.

In conclusion, there are many options for financing a pharmaceutical wholesale business. The best option for you will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. By researching the available options, creating a strong business plan, and seeking support from experienced investors and mentors, you can secure the funding you need to start and grow your business.

Building a team

Building a Team for Pharmaceutical Wholesale Business:

  • Identifying key roles in the business operations such as sales, marketing, logistics, and customer service.
  • Hiring employees with relevant experience in the pharmaceutical industry and wholesale operations.
  • Creating job descriptions that highlight the specific skills and qualifications required for each role.
  • Utilizing online job boards, professional networks, and industry associations to reach a wide pool of potential candidates.
  • Conducting in-depth interviews and reference checks to determine the best fit for each role.
  • Providing comprehensive training and support for new hires to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their role.
  • Building a team-oriented and collaborative culture that values continuous learning and professional growth.
  • Regularly reviewing and adjusting staffing levels based on changes in business needs and market conditions.

Operations and logistics

  • Developing a logistics plan for receiving, storing and shipping drugs
  • Setting up a warehouse for proper storage and handling of drugs
  • Implementing processes for efficient order fulfillment
  • Managing inventory and maintaining stock levels
  • Building strong relationships with suppliers and partners in the supply chain
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, including those related to handling and transportation of drugs.
  • Incorporating technology, such as EDI and electronic prescribing, to streamline operations
  • Training employees on proper storage, handling and transportation of drugs
  • Continuously monitoring and improving logistics processes to ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

Marketing and advertising

Promoting your wholesale pharmacy business: 

  • Developing a marketing strategy 
  • Establishing partnerships with healthcare providers and pharmaceutical manufacturers 
  • Developing a robust online presence through websites, social media, and email marketing 
  • Advertising through relevant trade publications and events 
  • Building a referral network through existing customers and partners.

Adopting technology to enhance your wholesale pharmacy business: 

  • Utilizing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to automate and streamline supply chain processes.
  • Using inventory management software to monitor and manage drug stock levels.
  • Implementing an e-prescribing system to improve the accuracy and speed of prescription orders. 
  • Investing in barcode scanning and labeling technology to ensure accurate and efficient product identification and tracking.
  • Exploring opportunities for automation to reduce operational costs and improve efficiency.

Tips and best practices

  • Conduct Thorough Market Research: Before starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business, it is important to understand the market demand and competition. Conducting thorough market research will help you identify the target market, potential customers, and competition.
  • Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan: A well-structured business plan will help you stay organized and on track as you start and grow your business. Your plan should include your business model, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategy.
  • Stay Abreast of Legal and Regulatory Requirements: The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, and it is important to stay informed of the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to your business. This includes obtaining the necessary licenses, certifications, and permits, as well as complying with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Secure Adequate Financing: Starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business can be expensive, and securing adequate financing is critical to your success. Consider various financing options, such as loans, grants, and investments, to ensure that you have the funds you need to start and grow your business.
  • Build a Strong Team: Building a strong team of employees and contractors is key to the success of your business. Hire individuals who have the skills, experience, and passion for the pharmaceutical industry, and invest in training and development programs to keep them up-to-date with industry developments.
  • Optimize Operations and Logistics: Streamlining your operations and logistics will help you reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve the quality of your products and services. Consider investing in technology and automation to help you manage your operations and logistics more effectively.
  • Market and Advertise Your Business: Marketing and advertising are critical to the success of your pharmaceutical wholesale business. Consider a multi-channel marketing strategy that includes online and offline marketing, as well as direct mail, email marketing, and social media marketing.
  • Continuously Improve: The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, and it is important to stay informed of industry trends and developments. Continuously improve your business by investing in research and development, as well as in the training and development of your employees.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Finally, seek professional advice from experienced business consultants, legal experts, and financial advisors to help you start and grow your business. Their expertise and guidance can help you overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and achieve your goals.

In conclusion, starting a pharmaceutical wholesale business can be a challenging but rewarding venture. It is important to conduct market research, create a solid business plan, understand the legal and regulatory requirements, secure appropriate financing, build a strong team, have a well-thought-out operations and logistics plan, and effectively market and advertise your business. Additionally, staying informed of industry trends and adopting best practices can help ensure the success of your business. For aspiring entrepreneurs with a passion for the pharmaceutical industry, starting a wholesale business can be a fulfilling opportunity to bring essential drugs and healthcare products to those in need.

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Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies

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Securing funding and navigating the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry can be a daunting task for any company. But with ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies, you can streamline the process and increase your chances of success!

Our template provides you with all the essential elements you need to create a comprehensive and compelling business plan, including:

  • Strategic goals to guide your company's growth and development
  • Financial projections to showcase the potential profitability of your products and services
  • Market analysis to identify key trends, competitors, and target markets
  • Operational plans to outline your manufacturing, distribution, and regulatory strategies

Don't miss out on the opportunity to attract investors and secure funding for your pharmaceutical company. Get started with ClickUp's Business Plan Template today and take your business to new heights!

Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies Benefits

A business plan template designed specifically for pharmaceutical companies offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Streamlining the process of creating a comprehensive business plan, saving time and effort
  • Providing a clear structure and framework for organizing key information and data
  • Ensuring all critical components of a pharmaceutical business plan are included, such as market analysis, competitive analysis, and regulatory compliance
  • Presenting a professional and polished document that is attractive to investors and lenders
  • Helping pharmaceutical companies articulate their unique value proposition and competitive advantage in the market
  • Guiding strategic decision-making and long-term planning for growth and success in the industry.

Main Elements of Pharmaceutical Companies Business Plan Template

ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies provides a comprehensive solution for creating and managing your pharmaceutical business plan. Here are the main elements of this template:

  • Custom Statuses: Keep track of the progress of each section of your business plan with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Add important details to your business plan, such as Reference, Approved, and Section, to ensure accurate documentation and easy reference.
  • Custom Views: Access different views, including Topics, Status, Timeline, Business Plan, and Getting Started Guide, to organize and visualize your business plan from different perspectives.
  • Collaboration Tools: Utilize ClickUp's collaboration features like comments, mentions, and task assignments to collaborate effectively with your team members and stakeholders.
  • Document Management: Store and manage all relevant documents related to your business plan using ClickUp Docs, ensuring easy access and version control.

How To Use Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies

If you're in the pharmaceutical industry and need to create a business plan, the Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies in ClickUp can help you get started. Follow these five steps to develop a comprehensive plan for your company's success:

1. Company Overview

Begin by providing a clear and concise overview of your pharmaceutical company. Include details such as your mission statement, vision, values, and a brief history of your organization. Highlight your unique selling proposition and explain how your company stands out in the competitive pharmaceutical market.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to write a compelling company overview with all the necessary information.

2. Market Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis of the pharmaceutical market to identify trends, opportunities, and potential challenges. Research your target audience, competitors, and industry regulations. Provide insights into market size, growth projections, and key market segments that you plan to target.

Utilize the Table view in ClickUp to organize and analyze your market research data effectively.

3. Product Portfolio

Outline your product portfolio and describe the pharmaceutical products or services you offer. Highlight their unique features, benefits, and potential impact on patients' lives. Discuss your research and development efforts, clinical trials, and any patents or intellectual property you have.

Create tasks in ClickUp to track your product development milestones and progress.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Detail your marketing and sales strategies to reach your target audience and generate revenue. Identify your target market segments and outline your marketing channels, such as digital advertising, trade shows, or partnerships with healthcare providers. Define your pricing strategy, distribution channels, and sales forecasting.

Use the Gantt chart feature in ClickUp to visualize and track your marketing and sales activities over time.

5. Financial Projections

Provide financial projections that demonstrate the profitability and sustainability of your pharmaceutical company. Include a comprehensive analysis of your revenue streams, costs, and projected financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Consider factors such as research and development costs, manufacturing expenses, and pricing strategies.

Utilize the Dashboards feature in ClickUp to create visual representations of your financial data and track your progress towards financial goals.

By using the Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies in ClickUp and following these steps, you can create a comprehensive business plan that sets your pharmaceutical company up for success in the competitive industry.

Get Started with ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies

Pharmaceutical companies can use the Business Plan Template for Pharmaceutical Companies in ClickUp to effectively outline their strategic goals and financial projections, as well as navigate the complex and highly regulated pharmaceutical industry.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a comprehensive business plan:

  • Use the Topics View to organize different sections of your business plan, such as market analysis, product development, and financial projections
  • The Status View will help you track the progress of each section, with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do
  • The Timeline View will allow you to set deadlines and milestones for each section of your business plan
  • The Business Plan View provides a holistic overview of your entire plan, allowing you to easily navigate and make updates
  • The Getting Started Guide View will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the template and create an effective business plan
  • Utilize custom fields like Reference, Approved, and Section to add additional information and categorize different sections of your plan
  • Collaborate with team members to gather input, feedback, and revisions to ensure a comprehensive and well-rounded business plan
  • Monitor and analyze the progress of each section to ensure your business plan is on track and meets the needs of investors and stakeholders.
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Pharmaceutical Company Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » Medical and Healthcare » Pharmacy

Drug Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Business

Are you about starting a pharmaceutical company? If YES, here is a complete sample pharmaceutical business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

If you are pharmacist and you are certain that you have a winning formula when it comes to producing effective generic drugs; drugs / medicine that has been tested and proven to meet the requirement for such products, then you should consider launching your own generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company.

It is a business that is still pretty much open for investors to come and compete for the available market in the country you intend launching the business.

A Sample Pharmaceutical Company Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

The Generic pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing companies primarily develop prescription and over-the-counter drug products that are used to prevent or treat illnesses in humans or animals.

Generic drugs are produced and distributed without patent protection, and industry operators are not significantly engaged in the research and development of new drugs.

It is important to mention that the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry does not include manufacturers of nutritional supplements, cosmetic beauty products or similar products.

All over the world, the pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated. This is so because the devastating effect of fake drugs or drug abuse can’t be quantified.

As a matter of fact, there are several universal laws and regulations that govern the patenting, testing, safety, efficacy and marketing of drugs.

For example, in the united states, new pharmaceutical products must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as being both safe and effective before they can be allowed to go into the market.

Statistics has it that global spending on prescription drugs grew to a whopping sum of $954 billion in 2011 and The United States accounts for more than a third of the global pharmaceutical market, with an estimate of $340 billion in annual sales

The Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry is a thriving sector of the economy of countries like India, China, united kingdom , Germany and the United States of America.

Statistics has it that in the united states alone, the industry generates a whooping sum of well over $66 billion annually from more than 1,203 registered and licensed generic pharmaceutical manufacturing companies scattered all around the United States of America.

The industry is responsible for the employment of well over 67,699 people. Experts project the industry to grow at a 4.1 percent annual rate from 2011 to 2016. Mylan Inc., Sandoz Ltd. and Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. have the lion share of the available market in the Generic Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in the United States of America.

A close study of the Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry shows that the industry is expanding rapidly. This is due to the demand for the industry’s products by the aging population with more chronic illnesses.

So also, with the regulatory provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act expand consumer access to prescription insurance and provide increased opportunities for product development.

Going forward, the industry revenue growth is expected to outpaced revenue growth for the Brand Name Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry.

A large number of brand name drugs manufacturers lost patent protection for blockbuster drugs beginning in 2010; demand for generics subsequently grew, as consumers demanded affordable versions of these high-profile products. These trends are expected to continue in the next five years.

A recent report published by IBISWORLD shows that the Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry has a low level of concentration, with the top four companies accounting for 30.2 percent of industry revenue in 2016.

Having a large operation as a generic manufacturer does not offer the same advantages as it does for brand name producers.

The report further stated that generic drug manufacturers can be smaller because the cost of research and development is significantly lower than it is for brand name companies; however, operators can still benefit from economies of scale through savings on administrative and capital costs.

Moreover, a company’s presence in both generic and brand drug markets can buffer company revenue against volatility in price or demand for any one specific drug.

The bottom line is that; the Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry is still very much open for new entrant; the competition within the industry is not as stiff as similar industry.

If your product is good, it can gain fair share of the available market in any country or region you intend launching the business.

2. Executive Summary

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is a licensed and standard generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company that will be located in an industrial area in Concord – New Hampshire.

We have been able to secure a long-term lease agreement for a facility in a strategic location with an option of a long-term renewal on an agreed terms and conditions that is favorable to us.

The facility has government approval for the kind of production business we want to run and the facility is easily accessible and we are deliberate about that because we want to facilitate easy movement of raw materials (chemicals and packaging containers) and finished products (drugs / medicines).

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is in the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to engage in developing and producing generic drugs, marketing and distributing generic drugs and gaining regulatory approval for generic drugs.

We will manufacture standard and effective pharmaceutical products such as mental health and lipid regulators, anti diabetics and respiratory, pain and antibacterial, nervous system disorders and antihypertensive, antiulcerants and thyroid, dermatological and hormonal contraceptives, and ADHD and anticoagulants.

We are also in business to make profits at the same to give our customers value for their money; we want to give people and businesses who patronize our pharmaceutical products the opportunity to be part of the success story of our brand.

We are aware that there are several big scale and small scale generic pharmaceutical manufacturing companies scattered all around the United States and Canada whose products can be found in every nooks and crannies of The United States and Canada, which is why we spent time and resources to conduct our feasibility studies and market survey so as to enable us locate the business in an area that can easily accept our products and brand.

We ensured that our facility is easy to locate and we have mapped out plans to develop a far-reaching distribution network for wholesalers of pharmaceutical products all around Concord – New Hampshire and throughout the United States of America.

Much more than producing quality, effective and safe generic pharmaceutical products, our customer care is going to be second to none.

We know that our customers are the reason why we are in business which is why we will go the extra mile to get them satisfied when they purchase any of our product and also to become our loyal customers and ambassadors.

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC will ensure that all our customers (wholesale distributors) are given first class treatment whenever they visit our factory.

We have a CRM software that will enable us manage a one on one relationship with our customers (wholesale distributors) no matter how large the numbers of our customer base may grow to.

We will ensure that we get our customers involved when making some business decisions that will directly or indirectly affect them. Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is family business that will be owned by Harry Tancredo and his immediate family members.

Harry Tancredo who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company is Graduate of Pharmacology and he holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management (MBA).

He has well over 12 years of experience working in related industry as a senior production manager prior to starting Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC. He will be working with a team of professionals to build the business and grow it to enviably height.

3. Our Products and Services

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is going to run a standard and licensed generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company whose products will not only be sold in Hartford – Connecticut but also throughout the United States of America and Canada.

We are in the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to make profits and also to give our customers value for their money.

We will ensure that we do all that is permitted by the law in the United States of America to accomplish our business goal and objective. These are some of the products that we will be offering;

  • Developing and producing generic drugs
  • Marketing and distributing generic drugs
  • Gaining regulatory approval for generic drugs
  • Mental health and lipid regulators
  • Anti-diabetics and respiratory
  • Pain and antibacterial
  • Nervous system disorders and antihypertensive
  • Anti-ulcerants and thyroid
  • Dermatological and hormonal contraceptives
  • ADHD and anticoagulants

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to establish a standard generic pharmaceutical manufacturing Company whose products will be not only be sold in Concord – New Hampshire, but also throughout the United States of America and Canada.
  • Our mission is to establish a standard and world class generic pharmaceutical manufacturing Company / brand that in our own capacity will favorably compete with leaders in the industry.
  • We want to build a business that will be listed amongst the top 20 generic pharmaceutical manufacturing brands in the United States of America and Canada.

Our Business Structure

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is a business that is established with the aim of competing favorably with other leading generic pharmaceutical product brands in the industry.

This is why we will ensure that we put the right structure in place that will support the kind of growth that we have in mind while setting up the business.

We will ensure that we only hire people that are qualified, honest, hardworking, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stakeholders (the owners, workforce, and customers).

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more depending how fast we meet our set target. In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner)

Production / Plant Manager

Human Resources and Admin Manager

Merchandize Manager

Sales and Marketing Manager

  • Machine Operators
  • Accountants / Cashiers

Distribution Truck Drivers

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO (Owner):

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization.
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of the pharmaceutical production plant
  • Part of the team that determines the quantity and quality of pharmaceutical products that are to be produced
  • Maps out strategy that will lead to efficiency amongst workers in the plant
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of plant workers
  • Ensures that the steady flow of both raw materials to the plant and easy flow of finished products through wholesale distributors to the market
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Ensures that the plant meets the expected safety and health standard at all times.
  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
  • Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office and factory activities.
  • Manages vendor relations, market visits, and the ongoing education and development of the organizations’ buying teams
  • Responsible for the purchase of raw materials and packaging materials
  • Responsible for planning sales, monitoring inventory, selecting the merchandise, and writing and pricing orders to vendors
  • Ensures that the organization operates within stipulated budget.
  • Manages external research and coordinate all the internal sources of information to retain the organizations’ best customers and attract new ones
  • Models demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer purchases
  • Identifies, prioritizes, and reaches out to new partners, and business opportunities et al
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Documents all customer contact and information
  • Represents the company in strategic meetings
  • Helps to increase sales and growth for the company

Accountant / Cashier

  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization

Client Service Executive

  • Welcomes guests and clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the manager in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the company’s products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients
  • Receives parcels / documents for the company
  • Distribute mails in the organization
  • Handles any other duties as assigned by the line manager

Production Workers / Machine Operators:

  • Responsible for preparing, blending, compounding and packaging pharmaceutical products
  • Handle labeling of pharmaceutical products
  • Operate machines used in the manufacturing mental health and lipid regulators, ant diabetics and respiratory, pain and antibacterial, nervous system disorders and antihypertensive, antiulcerants and thyroid, dermatological and hormonal contraceptives, and ADHD and anticoagulants
  • Assist in packaging and loading pharmaceutical products into distribution trucks
  • Assists in loading and unloading pharmaceutical products
  • Maintains a logbook of their driving activities to ensure compliance with federal regulations governing the rest and work periods for operators.
  • Keeps a record of vehicle inspections and make sure the truck is equipped with safety equipment
  • Assists the transport and logistics manager in planning their route according to a delivery schedule.
  • Local-delivery drivers may be required to sell products or services to pharmaceutical stores and businesses on their route, obtain signatures from recipients and collect cash.
  • Transports finished goods and raw materials over land to and from manufacturing plants or retail and distribution centers
  • Inspect vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance
  • Complies with truck driving rules and regulations (size, weight, route designations, parking, break periods etc.) as well as with company policies and procedures
  • Collects and verifies delivery instructions
  • Reports defects, accidents or violations

6. SWOT Analysis

We are quite aware that there are several generic pharmaceutical manufacturing companies both large and small in the United States of America and Canada which is why we are following the due process of establishing a business so as to compete favorable with them.

We know that if a proper SWOT analysis is conducted for our business, we will be able to position our business to maximize our strength, leverage on the opportunities that will be available to us, mitigate our risks and be welled equipped to confront our threats.

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC employed the services of an expert HR and Business Analyst with bias in start – up business to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and to help us create a Business model that will help us achieve our business goals and objectives. This is the summary of the SWOT analysis that was conducted for Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC;

Part of what is going to count as positives for Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is the vast experience of our management team, we have people on board who are highly experienced and understands how to grow business from the scratch to becoming a national phenomenon.

So also, our state of the art machines and equipment, the wide varieties of pharmaceutical products that we produce, our large national distribution network and of course our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for the business.

A major weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are a new generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company in the United States and we don’t have the financial capacity to engage in the kind of publicity that we intend giving the business especially when big names like Mylan Inc., Sandoz Ltd. and Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. et al are already determining the direction of the market both in the United States and in the global market.

  • Opportunities:

The opportunities available to generic pharmaceutical manufacturing companies with a wide range of products are enormous. This is due to the fact that almost all Americans and people from all over the world take drugs / medicine for different reasons.

As a result of that, we were able to conduct a thorough market survey and feasibility studies so as to position our business to take advantage of the existing market for pharmaceutical products and also to create our own new market. We know that it is going to requires hard work, and we are determined to achieve it.

We are quite aware that just like any other business, one of the major threats that we are likely going to face are economic downturn and unfavorable government policies . It is a fact that economic downturn affects purchasing power. Another threat that may likely confront us is the arrival of a new generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company in same location where ours is located.


  • Market Trends

A close study of the trends in the Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry shows that the industry is expanding rapidly. This is due to the demand for the industry’s products by the aging population with more chronic illnesses.

So also, with the regulatory provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act expand consumer access to prescription insurance and provide increased opportunities for product development. Going forward, the industry revenue growth is expected to outpaced revenue growth for the Brand Name Pharmaceutical Manufacturing industry.

Lastly, the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is the adoption of eco – friendly approach towards the production and packaging of its products. As a matter of fact, the industry’s adoption of eco-friendly practices will likely persuade environmentally conscious consumers to buy its products, while increasing operators’ efficiency.

8. Our Target Market

When it comes to selling pharmaceutical products, there is indeed a wide range of available customers. In essence, our target market can’t be restricted to just a group of people, but all those who resides in our target market locations.

In view of that, we have conducted our market research and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. We are in business to engage in developing and producing generic drugs, marketing and distributing generic drugs and gaining regulatory approval for generic drugs. Hence our target markets are;

  • Health Facilities
  • Pharmaceutical Products Wholesalers
  • Retail Pharmacy Stores
  • Everybody in our target market location

Our competitive advantage

A close study of the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry reveals that the market has become much more intensely competitive over the last decade. As a matter of fact, you have to be highly creative, customer centric and proactive if you must survive in this industry.

We are aware of the stiffer competition and we are well prepared to compete favorably with other generic pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in New Hampshire and throughout the United States and Canada.

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is launching a standard generic pharmaceutical product brand that will indeed become the preferred choice of residence of Concord – New Hampshire and every city where our generic pharmaceutical product will be retailed.

Part of what is going to count as competitive advantage for Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is the vast experience of our management team, we have people on board who are highly experienced and understands how to grow business from the scratch to becoming a national phenomenon.

So also, our state of the art pharmaceutical production machines and equipment, the wide varieties of generic pharmaceutical products that we produce our large and far reaching national distribution network and of course our excellent customer service culture will definitely count as a strong strength for the business.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (startups generic pharmaceutical manufacturing companies) in the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives.

We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in both the United States of America and Canada and we are going to go all the way to ensure that we do all it takes to sell a wide range of generic pharmaceutical products to a wide range of customers.

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC will generate income by selling the following pharmaceutical products;

  • Antiulcerants and thyroid

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is assured when it comes to generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company, if your products are well – packaged and branded and if your production plant is centrally positioned and easily accessible, you will always attract customers cum sales and that will sure translate to increase in revenue generation for the business.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in Concord – New Hampshire and every city where our generic pharmaceutical products will be sold and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income / profits from the first six month of operations and grow the business and our clientele base.

We have been able to critically examine the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projections are based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to similar startups in Concord – New Hampshire.

Below is the sales projection for Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC, it is based on the location of our business and other factors as it relates to small scale and medium scale generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company start – ups in the United States;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $250,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $550,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $950,000

N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor manufacturing same generic pharmaceutical products and customer care services as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location for Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC and also the kind of generic pharmaceutical products we will produce, we conduct a thorough market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to be able to penetrate the available market in our target market locations.

We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to attract the numbers of customers we want to attract per time and also for our products to favorable compete with other leading generic pharmaceutical manufacturing brands in the United States of America and Canada.

We hired experts who have good understanding of the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to help us develop

In other to continue to be in business and grow, we must continue to sell our generic pharmaceutical products to the available market which is why we will go all out to empower or sales and marketing team to deliver our corporate sales goals.

In summary, Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to sell our generic pharmaceutical products;

  • Introduce our generic pharmaceutical products brand by sending introductory letters to pharmacy stores, hospitals, residence, pharmaceutical merchants, retailers and other stakeholders in Concord – New Hampshire and other cities both in the United States of America and Canada
  • Open our generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company with a party so as to capture the attention of residence who are our first targets
  • Engage in road show in targeted communities from time to time to sell our products
  • Advertise our products in community based newspapers, local TV and radio stations
  • List our business and products on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our generic pharmaceutical product brands
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales
  • Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

In spite of the fact that our generic pharmaceutical manufacturing plant is a standard one with a wide range of pharmaceutical products that in few years from now will favorably compete with other leading brands in the industry like Mylan Inc., Sandoz Ltd. and Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd.

We will still go ahead to intensify publicity for all our products and brand. We are going to explore all available means to promote Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC.

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC has a long-term plan of distributing our generic pharmaceutical products in various locations all around the United States of America and Canada which is why we will deliberately build our brand to be well accepted first in Concord – New Hampshire before venturing out.

As a matter of fact, our publicity and advertising strategy is not solely for selling our products but to also effectively communicate our brand. Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC;

  • Place adverts on both print (community based newspapers and magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook, twitter, et al to promote our generic pharmaceutical product brand
  • Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations all around major cities in the United States of America and Canada
  • Engage in road show from time to time in targeted communities
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • Position our Flexi Banners at strategic positions in the location where we intend getting customers to start patronizing our products.
  • Ensure that our products are well branded and that all our staff members wear our customized clothes, and all our official cars and distribution vans are customized and well branded.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

When it comes to pricing for products such as generic pharmaceutical products, there are two sides to the coin. We are aware of the pricing trend in the generic pharmaceutical manufacturing industry which is why we have decided to produce various sizes of pharmaceutical products as regulated by the industry.

In view of that, our prices will conform to what is obtainable in the industry but will ensure that within the first 6 to 12 months our products are sold a little bit below the average prices of various generic pharmaceutical product brands in the United States of America.

We have put in place business strategies that will help us run on low profits for a period of 6 months; it is a way of encouraging people to buy into our generic pharmaceutical product brands.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via credit cards / Point of Sale Machines (POS Machines)
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment for generic pharmaceutical product purchase without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer for the purchase of our products.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Starting a standard generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company is indeed a capital – intensive business. This is so because the amount required in setting up a generic pharmaceutical production plant is not a piecemeal. The bulk of the start – up capital will be sent on leasing or acquiring a facility and also in purchasing mixing, blending, compounding and packaging equipment.

Aside from that, you are not expected to spend much except for purchase and servicing of distribution trucks, purchasing raw materials, paying of your employees and utility bills. These are the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital;

  • The total fee for registering the Business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $1,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of – $3,580.
  • The cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500.
  • The cost for insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $2,400.
  • The cost for payment of rent for 12 months at $1.76 per square feet in the total amount of $105,600.
  • The cost for construction of a standard generic pharmaceutical production plant – $100,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ( $500 ) and phone and utility deposits ( $2,500 ).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $100,000
  • The cost for start-up inventory (mixing, blending, compounding and packaging equipment, raw materials, and packaging materials et al) – $80,000
  • Cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $13,750
  • Cost of purchase of distribution vans – $60,000
  • The cost for the purchase of furniture and gadgets (Computers, Printers, Telephone, Fax Machines, tables and chairs et al) – $4,000.
  • The cost of launching a website – $600
  • The cost for our opening party – $10,000
  • Miscellaneous – $10,000

We would need an estimate of $500,000 to successfully set up our generic pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Concord – New Hampshire. Please note that this amount includes the salaries of all the staff for the first 3 month of operation.

Generating Funds / Startup Capital for Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is a family business that is owned and financed by Harry Tancredo and his immediate family members. They do not intend to welcome any external business partner which is why he has decided to restrict the sourcing of the start – up capital to 3 major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our start – up capital;

  • Generate part of the start – up capital from personal savings and sell of stocks
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from my Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $200,000 (Personal savings $150,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $300,000 from our bank. All the papers and document have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of any business lies in the numbers of loyal customers that they have the capacity and competence of the employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all of these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business close shop.

One of our major goals of starting Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to retail our generic pharmaceutical products a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are well prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Harry Tancredo® Pharmaceuticals, LLC will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of facility and construction of standard generic pharmaceutical production plant: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members and friends: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of the Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the Needed furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – pharmacy stores, hospitals, pharmaceutical products wholesale suppliers / merchants: In Progress

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Cardinal Health

  • Specialty Distribution Services

Specialty pharmaceutical distribution services

Cardinal Health is your trusted source for specialty medications and supplies

New therapies, new opportunities, new hope for the patients we all serve

As specialty medications continue to advance, get ready for what’s next with distribution services that grow with you, a broad and exclusive product portfolio that’s evolving for your needs, and advanced technologies and insights as revolutionary as the latest therapies themselves.

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More than 40,000 square feet of cold chain storage

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Strategically located warehouses in Nashville, Tennessee and Reno, Nevada for optimal delivery routes across the U.S.

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Delivering outstanding patient care starts with having the right products and services when you need them most. As one of the nation’s largest specialty healthcare distributors, we serve more than 90% of health systems and 20,000 specialty physician practices and clinics across the United States. Count on us as your single source for specialty pharmaceuticals — including biosimilars — plus generics, vaccines, nutritional supplements and medical supplies.

Cardinal Health offers an extensive portfolio of limited distribution drugs (LDDs), plasma derivatives, and other specialty medications for hospitals, specialty pharmacies, and specialty physician practices and clinics, including oncology, urology, rheumatology, ophthalmology, nephrology/dialysis, gastroenterology, neurology, allergy/asthma and infusion centers. Additionally, Cardinal Health is the exclusive distributor for many specialty GPOs , which is key to accurate, on‑time delivery with competitive pricing.

Specialty drug categories

We are proud to distribute specialty medications for a range of therapeutic areas. Our constantly evolving product portfolio includes specialty drugs in the following categories:

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Orange medicine vials in bin.

View our extensive specialty product portfolio

A stack of medical cooler pack boxes for recycling.

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The heart of our solution

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This warehouse combines Specialty Pharmaceutical Distribution (SPD) and Metro Medical™ Distribution Services capabilities to deliver products to hospitals, specialty pharmacies, specialty physician practices, infusion centers and dialysis clinics nationwide.


Ordering and customer service information

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Ordering information for hospitals, specialty pharmacies and retail independent pharmacies:

Cardinal Health™ Metro Medical™ Distribution Services

Ordering information for rheumatology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, multi-specialty infusion centers, nephrology, neurology and asthma and allergy practices:

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  24. Specialty Distribution Services

    This warehouse combines Specialty Pharmaceutical Distribution (SPD) and Metro Medical™ Distribution Services capabilities to deliver products to hospitals, specialty pharmacies, specialty physician practices, infusion centers and dialysis clinics nationwide.

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