How To Write an Email For Submission Of Assignment

Welcome to this informative article that will guide you on how to write an effective email for the submission of your assignment. If you’re unsure about how to draft an email for submitting your assignment, this article is here to help you!

Table of Contents

What To Do Before Writing the Email

Before you start writing the actual email, it’s important to take a few preparatory steps to ensure that your email is clear, concise, and professional:

What to Include In the Email

Subject line.

Choose a subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your email. For example, “Assignment Submission – [Course Name]”. This helps the recipient identify the email’s content quickly.

Begin your email with a polite and professional greeting, such as “Dear Professor [Last Name],” or “Hi [Instructor’s Name],”. Use the appropriate salutation based on your relationship with the recipient.


In the body of the email, mention any relevant details or specific instructions provided by your instructor. Clearly state that you are submitting your assignment and acknowledge the due date. If there are any additional comments or questions related to the assignment, include them here.

End your email with a courteous closing, such as “Thank you,” or “Best regards,” followed by your full name and contact information. This shows professionalism and makes it easy for the recipient to respond if necessary.

Email Template – Assignment Submission

Subject: Assignment Submission – [Course Name] Dear Professor/Instructor [Last Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to submit my assignment for the [Course Name]. The assignment is attached in the required format. I have completed the assignment as per the given guidelines and it is ready for submission. The due date for the assignment is [Due Date]. If you have any further instructions or clarifications, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]


Factoring , Newsletters


Allen J. Heffner Nov 20, 2023

The Notice of Assignment is probably the single most important document for a Factor. Understanding what needs to be included in the Notice of Assignment, how to send it, and who to send it to can mean the difference between getting paid and not. Despite the fact that every Factor is (or should be) familiar with legal requirements relating to Notices of Assignment, we still find that many of our factoring clients who end up in litigation make basic mistakes relating to their Notices of Assignment. The article focuses on what information needs to be included in the Notice, who the Notice should be sent to, and how the Notice should be delivered.

What needs to be included in the Notice of Assignment?

To be effective, there is certain information that must be included in the Notice of Assignment. The Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”) requires that the notice must:

  • Notify the Account Debtor that the amount due or to become due has been assigned;
  • Notify the Account Debtor that payment is to be made to the Factor;
  • Reasonably identify the rights assigned; and
  • Be signed by the Factor or its client.

The Notice of Assignment should also include a remittance address so the Account Debtor is informed how and in what manner the Factor should be paid.

Additionally, while not explicitly required under the current version of the UCC, Factors should include language in their Notice of Assignment that: (i) the Client has assigned all of its present and future accounts receivable to Factor; (ii) the Factor holds a first priority security interest in all of the client’s accounts receivable; and (iii) all payments owing to the client must be paid to the Factor.

Who should the Notice of Assignment be sent to?

Notices of Assignment should not be sent directly to individuals with an Account Debtor. Sending the Notice to a specific individual may lead to issues relating to the authority of that individual to receive documents on behalf of the Account Debtor. Moreover, Factors that direct Notices of Assignment directly to individuals open themselves up to arguments that the Notices of Assignment was not properly delivered. For instance, our clients that have sent Notices of Assignment to individuals have ended up in situations where the individual to whom the Notice of Assignment was addressed no longer worked with the Account Debtor or the individual was located at a different office and the Notice of Assignment was not sent to the proper location. To be safe and to avoid unnecessary issues, Factors should send the Notice of Assignment to the Account Debtor’s accounts payable department.

Additionally, some states have specialized definitions for what constitutes “notice” on behalf of a company. If there is any question as to where a Notice of Assignment should be sent, Factors should check with their attorney to determine where these should be sent.

How should the Notice of Assignment be delivered?

The crucial issue for the enforceability of a Notice of Assignment is proof of receipt by the Account Debtor, not proof of delivery. Therefore, it is good business practice to send the Notice of Assignment either certified mail or other method that provides for proof of delivery.

Many of our clients have asked about whether it is proper to deliver the Notice of Assignment via e-mail asking the Account Debtor to confirm receipt or with “read receipts” turned on. Some Factors prefer this method because it is more cost efficient.

While sending Notices of Assignment via e-mail is enforceable, we would not recommend it as a general business practice. Sending the Notice in this manner requires delivering the Notice to a specific individual, which we have discussed above can be problematic. Sometimes officers and directors of companies have assistants or other personnel manage their e-mail accounts, raising the possibility that the individual to whom the Notice was sent, never saw the e-mail, even though the e-mail was “read.”

Last, there is no requirement that the Notice be signed by the Account Debtor and returned to the Factor. Often, we see our client’s Notice include a “confirmation of receipt” line for the Account Debtor to sign and return. Sometimes, the Factor will have proof of delivery to the Account Debtor but the Notice was not signed and returned by the Account Debtor. This adds unnecessary ambiguity as to whether the Notice was actually received by the Account Debtor. Therefore, we instruct our clients not to include such requests for proof of receipt.

Who should send the Notice of Assignment?

Some of our clients that have had bad experiences with Account Debtors after delivering a Notice of Assignment have chosen to have their Client be the one to deliver the Notice of Assignment. There is no legal requirement as to whether the Factor or the Client is the correct party to deliver the Notice of Assignment. However, we recommend the Factor be the one to deliver the Notice of Assignment. This way, the Factor is in complete control of the contents of the Notice of Assignment, how it is delivered, and receives confirmation of its delivery. We have been in situations in which the Factor allowed the Client to deliver the Notice of Assignment, but the Client did not deliver the Notice of Assignment in accordance with the law, leading to avoidable litigation.

Should a Factor respond to an Account Debtors questions regarding a Notice of Assignment?

Absolutely, yes. If requested by an Account Debtor, pursuant to the UCC, a Factor must furnish reasonable proof of the assignment for the Notice of Assignment to be valid. Too often we see situations in which requests are made or questions are posed by Account Debtors that the Factor ignores, thinking that because the Account Debtor received the Notice of Assignment, nothing else needs to be done. The Factor should respond to the Account Debtor and provide reasonable proof of the assignment. These communications can also provide invaluable insight as to the relationship between the client and the Account Debtor, how and when payments will be made, and can provide the Account Debtor a sense of trust with the Factor.

A Notice of Assignment is crucial for Factors because it provides legal protection, establishes priority of interest, prevents confusion, facilitates legal recourse, and enables effective communication with Account Debtors. Without this notice, Factors may encounter difficulties in asserting their rights and collecting payments from Account Debtors, potentially jeopardizing the financial transaction.

Bruce Loren and Allen Heffner of the Loren & Kean Law Firm are based in Palm Beach Gardens and Fort Lauderdale. For over 25 years, Mr. Loren has focused his practice on construction law and factoring law.  Mr. Loren has achieved the title of “Certified in Construction Law” by the Florida Bar. The Firm represents factoring companies in a wide range of industries, including construction, regarding all aspects of litigation and dispute resolution. Mr. Loren and Mr. Heffner can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected] or 561-615-5701

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What is a notice of assignment?

An assignment takes place when one party is holding a right to property, claims, bills, lease, etc., of another party and wishes to pass it along (or sell it) to a third party. As complicated as that sounds, it really isn’t. Strangely enough, many assignments can be made under the law without immediately informing, or obtaining the permission, of the personal obligated to perform under the contract. An example of this is when your mortgage is sold to another mortgage company. The original mortgage company may not inform you for several weeks, and they certainly aren’t going to ask your permission to make the sale.

If a person obligated to perform has received notice of the assignment and still insists on paying the initial assignor, the person will still be obligated to pay the new assignee according to the agreement. If the obligated party has not yet been informed of the assignment and pays the original note holder (assignor), the assignor is obligated to turn those funds over to the new assignee. But, what are the remedies if this doesn’t take place? Actually, the new assignee may find themselves in a difficult position if the assignor simply takes off with their funds or payment. They are limited to taking action against the person they bought the note from (assignor) and cannot hold the obligator liable. Therefore, it is important to remember that if any note or obligation is assigned to another party, each party should be well aware of their responsibilities in the transaction and uphold them according to the laws of their state. Assignment forms should be well thought out and written in a manner which prevents the failure of one party against another.

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Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

It's the day of completion; security is taken, assignments are completed and funds move. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. At this point, no-one wants to create unnecessary paperwork - not even the lawyers! Notices of assignment are, in some circumstances, optional. However, in other transactions they could be crucial to a lender's enforcement strategy. In the article below, we have given you the facts you need to consider when deciding whether or not you need to serve notice of assignment.

notice of assignment by email

What issues are there with serving notice of assignment?

Assignments are useful tools for adding flexibility to banking transactions. They enable the transfer of one party's rights under a contract to a new party (for example, the right to receive an income stream or a debt) and allow security to be taken over intangible assets which might be unsuitable targets for a fixed charge. A lender's security net will often include assignments over contracts (such as insurance or material contracts), intellectual property rights, investments or receivables.

An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, which include the requirement to give notice to the contract counterparty.

The main difference between legal and equitable assignments (other than the formalities required to create them) is that with a legal assignment, the assignee can usually bring an action against the contract counterparty in its own name following assignment. However, with an equitable assignment, the assignee will usually be required to join in proceedings with the assignor (unless the assignee has been granted specific powers to circumvent that). That may be problematic if the assignor is no longer available or interested in participating.

Why should we serve a notice of assignment?

The legal status of the assignment may affect the credit scoring that can be given to a particular class of assets. It may also affect a lender's ability to effect part of its exit strategy if that strategy requires the lender to be able to deal directly with the contract counterparty.

The case of General Nutrition Investment Company (GNIC) v Holland and Barrett International Ltd and another (H&B) provides an example of an equitable assignee being unable to deal directly with a contract counterparty as a result of a failure to provide a notice of assignment.

The case concerned the assignment of a trade mark licence to GNIC . The other party to the licence agreement was H&B. H&B had not received notice of the assignment. GNIC tried to terminate the licence agreement for breach by serving a notice of termination. H&B disputed the termination. By this point in time the original licensor had been dissolved and so was unable to assist.

At a hearing of preliminary issues, the High Court held that the notices of termination served by GNIC , as an equitable assignee, were invalid, because no notice of the assignment had been given to the licensee. Although only a High Court decision, this follows a Court of Appeal decision in the Warner Bros Records Inc v Rollgreen Ltd case, which was decided in the context of the attempt to exercise an option.

In both cases, an equitable assignee attempted to exercise a contractual right that would change the contractual relationship between the parties (i.e. by terminating the contractual relationship or exercising an option to extend the term of a licence). The judge in GNIC felt that "in each case, the counterparty (the recipient of the relevant notice) is entitled to see that the potential change in his contractual position is brought about by a person who is entitled, and whom he can see to be entitled, to bring about that change".

In a security context, this could hamper the ability of a lender to maximise the value of the secured assets but yet is a constraint that, in most transactions, could be easily avoided.

Why not serve notice?

Sometimes it's just not necessary or desirable. For example:

  • If security is being taken over a large number of low value receivables or contracts, the time and cost involved in giving notice may be disproportionate to the additional value gained by obtaining a legal rather than an equitable assignment.
  • If enforcement action were required, the equitable assignee typically has the option to join in the assignor to any proceedings (if it could not be waived by the court) and provision could be made in the assignment deed for the assignor to assist in such situations. Powers of attorney are also typically granted so that a lender can bring an action in the assignor's name.
  • Enforcement is often not considered to be a significant issue given that the vast majority of assignees will never need to bring claims against the contract counterparty.

Care should however, be taken in all circumstances where the underlying contract contains a ban on assignment, as the contract counterparty would not have to recognise an assignment that is made in contravention of that ban. Furthermore, that contravention in itself may trigger termination and/or other rights in the assigned contract, that could affect the value of any underlying security.

What about acknowledgements of notices?

A simple acknowledgement of service of notice is simply evidence of the notice having been received. However, these documents often contain commitments or assurances by the contract counterparty which increase their value to the assignee.

Best practice for serving notice of assignment

Each transaction is different and the weighting given to each element of the security package will depend upon the nature of the debt and the borrower's business. The service of a notice of assignment may be a necessity or an optional extra. In each case, the question of whether to serve notice is best considered with your advisers at the start of a transaction to allow time for the lender's priorities to be highlighted to the borrowers and captured within the documents.

For further advice on serving notice of assignment please contact Kirsty Barnes or Catherine Phillips  from our Banking & Finance team.

notice of assignment by email

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How to Write an Email to Submit an Assignment


Team Desklib

Published: 2023-02-13


An email is an essential tool for communication in the modern world, especially in the academic world. Whether you're a student, teacher, or professional, writing emails has become a crucial part of our daily lives. In the academic world, emails are a common way of submitting assignments, communicating with teachers and professors, and collaborating with classmates.

In order to make a good impression, it would be considered beneficial to write an email to submit an assignment properly. Before moving forward in the blog, let's talk about why is it important to write an email before submitting an assignment. 

Importance of writing an email before turning in an assignment:

An email to submit an assignment allows students to communicate with their teachers in a professional and organized manner. This helps to establish a clear line of communication between the student and teacher and sets the tone for the rest of the course. What happens when you form communication before turning in an assignment is that it gives you a chance to convey the particulars, context, or any other important information that you feel like sharing with the teacher before he or she can keep it in mind before evaluating your paper. 

Moreover, emails can provide a permanent record of communication between the student and teacher. This is useful for both parties, as it allows the teacher to easily refer back to previous correspondence if necessary, and the student to have a record of the communication for their own reference. In addition, emails can be easily saved, archived, and searched, making them a great tool for record-keeping purposes.

In this blog, we'll go over the 6 steps you need to follow to write an effective email for submitting an assignment.

1. Use a professional email address

The first step in writing an email to submit an assignment is to use a professional email address. Your email address is often the first impression people have of you, so it's crucial to choose a professional email address that reflects your identity. Avoid using personal email addresses that include nicknames, humor, or casual language. Instead, use an email address that includes your first and last name, or your initials and last name.

For example, go for "[email protected]" which is a professional email address, whereas "[email protected]" on the other hand is not.

2. Give a clear subject line

The subject line of your email is the first thing people see, so it's important to keep a clear and concise subject line. The subject line should provide an overview of the content of your email, so the recipient knows what to expect.

For example, "Assignment Submission: [Name of Assignment]" is a clear and concise subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of the email. Avoid using vague or misleading subject lines, as this can lead to confusion and can make it more difficult for the recipient to understand the content of your email.

3. Start with a formal greeting

When writing an email to submit an assignment, it's important to start with a formal greeting. The greeting should include the recipient's name if you know it, and a polite salutation such as "Dear [Name],".

If you don't know the recipient's name, use a general greeting such as "Dear Sir/Ma’am,". The greeting sets the tone for the rest of the email, so it's better to choose the right words and tone.

4. Provide a brief introduction

In the next section of your email, provide a brief introduction. This section should briefly introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the email.

For example, "My name is [Your Name] and I am a student in [Name of Course]. I am writing to submit my [Name of Assignment] for your review and feedback." This section should be short and to the point, so the recipient knows who you are and why you're writing.

5. Attach the assignment

The most important part of your email to submit an assignment is to attach the assignment itself. Make sure that the attachment is saved in a file format that is compatible with the recipient's computer, and that the file is clearly labeled with your name and the name of the assignment.

For example, "Name - [Name of Assignment].pdf". It's also a good idea to include a brief description of the attachment in the body of your email, to ensure that the recipient knows what the attachment is.

6. Provide additional information

In this section of your email, provide any additional information that the recipient may need. This could include a brief summary of the assignment, any specific instructions or guidelines that the recipient should follow, and any other relevant information.

For example, "The assignment is based on [Name of Topic] and includes [Number of Pages/Words]. I have followed all the guidelines and instructions provided in the guidebook and as given in the problem statement. 

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Home \ Factoring Finance \ Notice of Assignment

Notice of Assignment

Table of contents, understanding notice of assignment for accounts receivables.

A Notice of Assignment (NOA) for accounts receivables is an essential legal document in the financial world. It serves as a formal notification that a business’s rights to certain accounts receivable have been transferred or assigned to another party. This third party, often a lending institution or a factoring company, then has the right to collect the receivable owed by the business’s customers.

The assignment of accounts receivable is a common practice in business financing. It allows businesses to improve their cash flow by selling their accounts receivable at a discount to a factoring company. The factoring company then assumes the task of collecting the receivable, while the business receives immediate cash.

Why is a Notice of Assignment Important?

The importance of a Notice of Assignment for Accounts Receivables cannot be overstated. It serves several crucial functions in the realm of business finance.

First, it provides legal proof of the transfer of accounts receivables. This is essential in the event of a dispute between the business (original account holder), the factoring company, and the business’s customers. The Notice of Assignment clearly outlines the factoring company’s right to collect the account, preventing potential legal complications.

Second, it notifies the business’s customers of the change in account receivable ownership. This is important as it informs the customers that they must now pay the factoring company, not the original account holder. Without this notification, customers might continue to pay the original account holder, leading to confusion and potential legal issues.

How to Prepare a Notice of Assignment

Preparing a Notice of Assignment for accounts receivables requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the legal requirements. The key to a successful assignment is to clearly state the names and contact information of the business or original account holder of the accounts receivables and the factoring company that is purchasing the accounts receivables. This ensures that there is no ambiguity about who is involved in the transaction.

The factoring company sends the NOA to the business’s customer, or customers (if more than one). The customer(s) must sign and acknowledge receipt of the NOA and agree to the terms of the assignment. The factoring company must receive the approved NOA before commencing factoring for the business.

The Bottom Line

A Notice of Assignment for accounts receivables is a vital document in business finance. It facilitates the smooth transfer of accounts receivables, protects the interests of all parties involved, and helps businesses improve their cash flow. Understanding its purpose and how to prepare it is crucial for anyone involved in business finance.

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Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

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It's the day of completion; security is taken, assignments are completed and funds move. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. At this point, no-one wants to create unnecessary paperwork – not even the lawyers! Notices of assignment are, in some circumstances, optional. However, in other transactions they could be crucial to a lender's enforcement strategy. In the article below, we have given you the facts you need to consider when deciding whether or not you need to serve notice.

What's the issue?

Assignments are useful tools for adding flexibility to banking transactions. They enable the transfer of one party's rights under a contract to a new party (for example, the right to receive an income stream or a debt) and allow security to be taken over intangible assets which might be unsuitable targets for a fixed charge. A lender's security net will often include assignments over contracts (such as insurance or material contracts), intellectual property rights, investments or receivables.

An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, which include the requirement to give notice to the contract counterparty.

The main difference between legal and equitable assignments (other than the formalities required to create them) is that with a legal assignment, the assignee can usually bring an action against the contract counterparty in its own name following assignment. However, with an equitable assignment, the assignee will usually be required to join in proceedings with the assignor (unless the assignee has been granted specific powers to circumvent that). That may be problematic if the assignor is no longer available or interested in participating.

Why should we serve a notice of assignment?

The legal status of the assignment may affect the credit scoring that can be given to a particular class of assets. It may also affect a lender's ability to effect part of its exit strategy if that strategy requires the lender to be able to deal directly with the contract counterparty.

The case of General Nutrition Investment Company (GNIC) v Holland and Barrett International Ltd and another (H&B) provides an example of an equitable assignee being unable to deal directly with a contract counterparty as a result of a failure to provide a notice of assignment. The case concerned the assignment of a trade mark licence to GNIC. The other party to the licence agreement was H&B. H&B had not received notice of the assignment. GNIC tried to terminate the licence agreement for breach by serving a notice of termination. H&B disputed the termination. By this point in time the original licensor had been dissolved and so was unable to assist. At a hearing of preliminary issues, the High Court held that the notices of termination served by GNIC, as an equitable assignee, were invalid, because no notice of the assignment had been given to the licensee. Although only a High Court decision, this follows a Court of Appeal decision in the Warner Bros Records Inc v Rollgreen Ltd case, which was decided in the context of the attempt to exercise an option.

In both cases, an equitable assignee attempted to exercise a contractual right that would change the contractual relationship between the parties (i.e. by terminating the contractual relationship or exercising an option to extend the term of a licence). The judge in GNIC felt that "in each case, the counterparty (the recipient of the relevant notice) is entitled to see that the potential change in his contractual position is brought about by a person who is entitled, and whom he can see to be entitled, to bring about that change".

In a security context, this could hamper the ability of a lender to maximise the value of the secured assets but yet is a constraint that, in most transactions, could be easily avoided.

Why not serve notice?

Sometimes it's just not necessary or desirable. For example:

  • If security is being taken over a large number of low value receivables or contracts, the time and cost involved in giving notice may be disproportionate to the additional value gained by obtaining a legal rather than an equitable assignment.
  • If enforcement action were required, the equitable assignee typically has the option to join in the assignor to any proceedings (if it could not be waived by the court) and provision could be made in the assignment deed for the assignor to assist in such situations. Powers of attorney are also typically granted so that a lender can bring an action in the assignor's name.
  • Enforcement is often not considered to be a significant issue given that the vast majority of assignees will never need to bring claims against the contract counterparty.

Care should however, be taken in all circumstances where the underlying contract contains a ban on assignment, as the contract counterparty would not have to recognise an assignment that is made in contravention of that ban. Furthermore, that contravention in itself may trigger termination and/or other rights in the assigned contract, that could affect the value of any underlying security.

What about acknowledgements of notices?

A simple acknowledgement of service of notice is simply evidence of the notice having been received. However, these documents often contain commitments or assurances by the contract counterparty which increase their value to the assignee.

Each transaction is different and the weighting given to each element of the security package will depend upon the nature of the debt and the borrower's business. The service of a notice of assignment may be a necessity or an optional extra. In each case, the question of whether to serve notice is best considered with your advisers at the start of a transaction to allow time for the lender's priorities to be highlighted to the borrowers and captured within the documents.

Filed under

  • United Kingdom
  • Capital Markets
  • Gowling WLG
  • High Court of Justice (England & Wales)

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notice of assignment by email

Notice of Assignment

This notice of assignment letter can be used by a party to a commercial contract to provide notice to the other party of its assignment of its rights or performance under the contract to a third party. This template includes practical guidance, drafting notes, and alternate and optional clauses. Counsel should review the underlying agreement. This template presumes that consent is not required for assignment and that the entire agreement is being assigned. The underlying agreement should also provide confirmation of the proper individual or department to whom the notice is sent. For a full listing of related assignment content, see Assignment in Commercial Transactions Resource Kit. For a full listing of related contract clauses, see General Commercial Contract Clause Resource Kit. For more information regarding the assignability of commercial contracts, see Commercial Contracts Assignment. If consent to an assignment is required, see Request for Consent to Assignment.

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Assignment email to candidates template

Assignment email to candidate  template is for you to use if taking assignments is part of your hiring process. some positions require some specific skills, particularly technical roles. testing those skills with appropriate assignments and evaluation tests is necessary for finding the best candidates and hiring the best employees..

Candidate interview assignment email

How to send assignment email to candidates?

Informing candidates about all the specifics of the test or assignment increases the chances of good performance, and it also enhances a better candidate experience. Make sure to have a very clear subject line that also includes the time frame and deadline for taking the assignment.

In addition, make sure that the link to the assignment, an attachment or any other form of the test is included in the email. Give a few instructions on how to take the test, and make it clear about what is expected from them to do.

After you have received their assignment, make sure that you send a short thank you email just so that they know that you have received it. You can also tell them about what to expect next.

Template for assignment email to candidates

Email subject line: Assignment for the {Job_title} position

Dear {Candidate_Name}

Thank you again for applying for {Job_title} position. As a part of our selection process, we send assignments to selected candidates, and you are one of them! 

In the attachment, you will find the assignment itself as well as detailed instructions about how to complete the assignment. Please make sure to read all the instructions as they will help you complete the assignment more successfully.  

In this assignment, there are no right or wrong answers. The assignment mostly consists of situations relevant to {Job_title} position, and we want to evaluate your skills and behavior when facing situations like that.

The due date to return the assignment is {X date}.

If you have any other questions about the assignment, please don't hesitate to ask!

Good luck with the assignment, and I am looking forward to reading your answers,

{Your name}


Template for an email notifying candidates about the received assignment

Dear {Candidate_Name},

Thank you for completing and sending over the assignment. Our {department name} team will review and evaluate your answers. After that, we will get back to you with detailed feedback and any further information we may have.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have!

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Similar to this, further reading by topic.

Sample Notice-of Assignment Letter

From: [Your Name, & Address here]

[Recipient Name & address here]

[Date here]

Dear [name], You are hereby notified that on [date of Assignment], we allocated and shifted our interest in the matter mention below to [Assignee name].

This assignment involves –

–         [Describe in brief what has been assigned] – You are requested to send any future notices, payments or queries regarding this matter to [Assignee name] at [address of Assignee].

[Your name]

Encl: [Enclosures List here]

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What is a Notice of Assignment and How Does it Protect Construction Businesses?

by CapitalPlus Financial | Nov 8, 2023 | Blog

A Notice of Assignment (NOA) is a crucial document playing a significant role in protecting all parties involved. Understanding its definition and benefits is essential for business owners utilizing such services as invoice factoring to manage cash flow and operations effectively.

What is a Notice of Assignment?

A Notice of Assignment is a legal declaration of when rights or obligations under a contract are transferred from one party to another . For example, if your company sells its rights to accounts receivable payment to a third party such as a factoring company , a Notice of Assignment would be sent to the party owing the payment informing them of the new payee.

How Does a Notice of Assignment Protect All Parties?

  • Ensures Payment: By notifying your debtor of the new arrangement, the NOA outlines the factoring company’s right to collect the payment, minimizing the risk of payment disputes with you, their client. This is especially important for debtors who are chronically slow-paying or late in payments.
  • Improves Cash Flow: With the factoring company handling the invoice’s payment, the construction company receives immediate cash flow, enabling them to manage payroll and purchase materials without delays.
  • Legal Rights: Being a legal agreement, the NOA binds the debtor to pay the factoring company, reducing the risk of non-payment and securing the factoring company’s interests.
  • Clear Communication: The NOA provides clear communication and payment terms with the debtor reducing confusion.
  • Transparency: The NOA ensures transparency, informing the debtor of the change in payment direction, which helps avoid any inadvertent payments to the original contractor.
  • Streamlined Process: It creates a streamlined process for handling payments, ensuring that the debtor is clear on who and when to pay which can prevent legal complications.

While a Notice of Assignment acts as “official” announcement of a new arrangement, it is always best to make your client aware of your working with the factoring company. Most clients understand and accept invoice factoring, but surprises are rarely welcomed, especially when money is involved.

Notices of Assignment are an indispensable tool in the factoring process for businesses like construction companies. They ensures that all parties — the construction company, the factoring company, and the debtor — are protected and aware of their roles and responsibilities. By understanding the purpose of NOAs, construction businesses can rest assured that the factoring can be implemented quickly with minimal distractions.

If you still have questions about how NOAs can protect your construction business, or other aspects of the invoice factoring process , feel free to reach out . We are glad to help.

Request a call from CapitalPlus to discuss your construction business's financial options.

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What Is A Notice Of Assignment In The Trucking Industry

What Is A Notice Of Assignment In The Trucking Industry?

To understand a notice of assignment, trucking company owners first have to be familiar with factoring—and to understand factoring, we’ll have to discuss the nuances of cash flow in the shipping industry.

Basically, the challenge for fleet owners (and owner-operators) is that their customers take forever to pay their invoices. You deliver a load and issue the invoice. The shipper may take 30 or 45 or 60 days—or more—to pay that invoice. Meanwhile, you’ve got fuel costs, payroll, insurance payments, and the thousand other financial obligations that keep your trucks on the road. You need that invoice paid now .

Factoring is the industry’s solution for quick payments to carriers. A factoring company steps in and pays your invoice today. Then that company collects from your customer, the shipper or broker who hired you to haul a given load. For their service, the factoring company keeps a low percentage of the total invoice value. (With Bobtail, the factoring fee ranges from 1.99% to 2.99%, depending on the volume of invoices you factor.)

Note that factoring is not a loan; the factoring company buys your invoices, so there’s no compounding interest or credit impact. Factoring beats loans as a cash-flow solution, hands down.

Struggling with slow payments from shippers and brokers? Keep cash flowing the simple way with Bobtail factoring.

With these preliminaries out of the way, we’re ready to answer the question that brought you here: What exactly is a notice of assignment in trucking?

Defining The Notice Of Assignment In Trucking

Factoring requires shippers and brokers to make changes in their billing systems. You’re no longer the collector on a factored invoice; the factoring company is. Accounts payable departments are busy places, and it’s easy for a shipper’s finance team to get confused when you do the work but another company collects the payment (after that company pays you, of course).

A notice of assignment clears up the billing relationship in a factoring agreement. A notice of assignment is a contractual document, supplied to both the carrier and the customer, that tells the customer to pay the factoring company, not the carrier.

The notice of assignment is an essential piece of paperwork, one of the documents you’ll have to keep on file as you establish a factoring relationship. You’ll have to sign the notice of assignment, and so will your customer. In short, this is a contractual agreement that carries legal consequences, and clarifies who exactly the shipper should pay for a delivered load.

Why is a notice of assignment important?

Consider the case of a trucking company that shifts to factoring after months or years of collecting directly from a shipper. That carrier’s payment details are already set up in the shipper’s accounting systems. Due to accidents or willful fraud, it’d be easy for the carrier to collect on an invoice twice—once from the factoring company and again from the customer.

In that scenario, the factoring company loses money, or at least becomes embroiled in a flurry of paperwork and legal challenges. So the notice of assignment is designed to protect the factoring company. But this document provides benefits for you, the carrier, and your customers, too.

How A Notice Of Assignment Benefits Shippers And Carriers

Who needs more paperwork? While it may seem like just another legal document, notices of assignment are actually helpful for all three parties involved in a factoring payment deal: the factoring company, sure, but also the carrier and the customer.

For shippers , the notice of assignment is a strong incentive to update payment details in their accounting systems. It delineates the nature of the financial agreement. It provides visibility and clarity that avoids conflict down the line. Most importantly, factoring companies require shippers to sign a notice of assignment—and factoring benefits customers, too. It keeps them from having to renegotiate payment terms, and gives them the full 30 or 60 days to pay, which allows them to optimize their own cash utilization.

Carriers also benefit from the clarity that comes with a notice of assignment. This document allows you to rest assured that the customer won’t accidentally pay you for a factored invoice, so you don’t have to spend all day trying to get the money into the right hands—or face collection threats of your own.

The binding agreement contained within a notice of assignment protects you from legal problems. It’s simply smart business to make sure everyone knows exactly who should get paid, and for what. Notices of assignment accomplish this goal—and, with Bobtail, the paperwork is simpler than you might think.

Simplifying Notices Of Assignment

Traditional factoring companies aren’t the most efficient financial operators in the world. They make you sign restrictive contracts. They might even tell you who you can work with, and who you can’t. They stack hidden fees on everything from set-up to ACH transfers to terminating the deal. And they make you fill out reams of paperwork before depositing a cent.

Bobtail is different every step of the way. We started this company to eliminate the inefficiencies in the factoring process, and that includes personalized assistance with handling notices of assignment.

When you sign up with Bobtail—a quick, online process involving a single application form—you’ll get a personal account manager who’s always ready to answer questions and solve problems. They’ll issue your notice of assignment and make sure your customers understand the document and why it’s necessary.

All you have to do is carry on carrying loads.

When you decide to factor an invoice, the process is even simpler. Just deliver the load, upload the invoice, attach a rate confirmation and a bill of lading, and get paid. It’s all done through Bobtail’s online system, so you can handle financing from the rig. We also provide a user-friendly digital dashboard that makes it easy to track every invoice at every step of the financing process. There’s simply no easier way to factor an invoice.

Notice of assignment trucking - Bobtail dashboard

At Bobtail, we believe that you know what’s best for your business. That’s why we don’t make you sign a long-term contract; this is no-contract factoring. You pick which accounts to factor and which to collect from directly, and we don’t have volume requirements or exclusive financing deals.

We also don’t charge hidden fees. You just pay a flat factoring fee so there’s no confusion on exactly how much cash will hit your bank account—or when. Invoices are filled the same day you submit them, or the next day if the invoice arrives after 11 a.m. Eastern time.

Don’t be intimidated by a notice of assignment in trucking—or any other documents related to your factoring service. With Bobtail, our devoted customer service team makes sure everything runs smoothly, and we’re there to help every step of the way. Or, as one Trustpilot review puts it:

“They always answer the phone! The staff is very helpful and cordial. The three things I love are: Payments are on time, the website is easy to use, and great customer service!”

(Read more customer reviews on Trustpilot.)

Ready to improve cash flow without the headaches? Sign up to learn more today.

If you have questions about account set-up, notices of assignment, or anything else related to factoring, contact the Bobtail sales team at (410) 204-2084, or email us at [email protected].

Factor with Bobtail

Caroline Asiala is the Digital Marketing Manager at Bobtail. With a background rooted in advocating for migrant rights, Caroline leverages her expertise in content creation to support small trucking businesses, many of which are immigrant-owned and operated, with the information they need to make their businesses thrive.

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Deed of Assignment and the Notice of Assignment -What is the Difference?

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In this article, Richard Gray barrister takes a brief look at the differences between a Deed of Assignment and a Notice of Assignment and the effect of the assignment on the contracting party

At the end of 2020, Elysium Law were instructed to act for a significant number of clients in relation to claims made by a company known as Felicitas Solutions Ltd (an Isle of Man Company) for recovery of loans which had been assigned out of various trust companies following loan planning entered into by various employees/contractors.

Following our detailed response, as to which please see the article on our website written by my colleague Ruby Keeler-Williams , the threatened litigation by way of debt claims seem to disappear. It is important to note that the original loans had been assigned by various Trustees to Felicitas, by reason of which, Felicitas stood in the shoes of the original creditor, which allowed the threatened action to be pursued.

After a period of inertia, Our Clients, as well as others, have been served with demand letters by a new assignee known as West 28 th Street Ltd . Accompanying the demand letters is a Notice of Assignment, by reason of which the Assignee has informed the alleged debtor of the Assignees right to enforce the debt.

Following two conferences we held last week and a number of phone call enquiries which we have received, we have been asked to comment upon the purport and effect of the Notice of Assignment, which the alleged debtors have received. Questions such as what does this mean (relating to the content) but more importantly is the ‘Notice’ valid?

Here I want to look briefly at the differences between the two documents.

There is no need for payment to make the assignment valid and therefore it is normally created by Deed.

 The creation of a legal assignment is governed by Section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925:

136 Legal assignments of things in action.

(1)Any absolute assignment by writing under the hand of the assignor (not purporting to be by way of charge only) of any debt or other legal thing in action, of which express notice in writing has been given to the debtor, trustee or other person from whom the assignor would have been entitled to claim such debt or thing in action, is effectual in law (subject to equities having priority over the right of the assignee) to pass and transfer from the date of such notice—

(a) the legal right to such debt or thing in action;

(b) all legal and other remedies for the same; and

(c) the power to give a good discharge for the same without the concurrence of the assignor:

Some of the basic requirements for a legal assignment are;

  • The assignment must not be subject to conditions.
  • The rights to be assigned must not relate to only part of a debt, or other legal chose in action.
  • The assignment must be in writing and signed by the assignor.
  • The other party or parties to the agreement must be given notice of the assignment.

Notice of assignment

To create a legal assignment, section 136 requires that express notice in writing of the assignment must be given to the other contracting party (the debtor).

Notice must be in writing

Section 136 of the LPA 1925 requires “express notice in writing” to be given to the other original contracting party (or parties).

 Must the notice take any particular form?

The short answer is no. Other than the requirement that it is in writing, there is no prescribed form for the notice of assignment or its contents. However, common sense suggests that the notice must clearly identify the agreement concerned.

Can we  challenge the Notice?

No. You can challenge the validity of the assignment assignment by ‘attacking the Deed, which must conform with Section 136. In this specific case, the Notice sent by West 28 th Street in itself is valid. Clearly, any claims made must be effected by a compliant Deed and it is that which will require detailed consideration before any right to claim under the alleged debt is considered.

Can I demand sight of the assignment agreement

On receiving a notice of assignment, you may seek to satisfy yourself that the assignment has in fact taken place. The Court of Appeal has confirmed that this is a valid concern, but that does not give an automatic right to require sight of the assignment agreement.

In Van Lynn Developments Limited v Pelias Construction Co [1969]1QB 607  Lord  Denning said:

“After receiving the notice, the debtor will be entitled, of course, to require a sight of the assignment so as to be satisfied that it is valid…”

The Court of Appeal subsequently confirmed this  stating the contracting party is entitled to satisfy itself that a valid absolute assignment has taken place, so that it can be confident the assignee can give it a good discharge of its obligations

The important document is the Deed of Assignment, which sets out the rights assigned by the Assignor. The Notice of Assignment is simply a communication that there has been an assignment. The deed is governed by Section 136 of the LP 1925. It should be possible to obtain a copy of the Deed prior to any action taken in respect of it.

For more information on the claims by West 28 th Street or if advice is needed on the drafting of a Deed, then please call us on 0151-328-1968 or visit .

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Tyler addiction recovery facility faces lack of funding for treatment, medication

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - Cenikor in Tyler has been struggling to provide Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for its clients.

According to Facility Director Dr. Jake Strain, out of his 157 clients treated for opiates, only 64 were able to receive MAT in the past year. He has been unable to receive any additional funding to this point.

The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System defines MAT as “the use of medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies for the treatment of substance use disorders.”

For each uninsured client, Strain said the cost for treatment is $275 for the first month, then $175 every month thereafter.

He mentioned that clients unable to receive medications “are at a distinct disadvantage when we can’t get anything to help them inside chemically.”

“They’re going to have the symptoms that come with withdrawal -- they’re going to have the sweats, the pain, the difficulty sleeping -- so the medication that we give them, it decreases those symptoms,” said Strain.

The lack of money comes at a time where, according to Senior Manager of Client Outreach at Cenikor Jason McLemore, the number of people seeking treatment has increased.

“We have 32 beds, and at any given time we have at least 16 to 18 people that are there on state funds,” McLemore said. “So, as the number of people that are coming in with opioids increases, the number of people who need MAT services is also increasing.”

Copyright 2024 KLTV. All rights reserved.

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Cubs designate catcher Yan Gomes for assignment, sign Tomas Nido

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Chicago Cubs catcher Yan Gomes has been designated for assignment, the team announced Wednesday.

Gomes, a 13-year veteran who was playing on a $6 million option in his third season with the Cubs, is hitting a career-low .154 with 2 home runs and 7 RBIs.

"It was a tough decision," Cubs manager Craig Counsell said Wednesday. "Yan was a great teammate and important person in the clubhouse, but in the end we just felt like we had to make an attempt at getting more production out of the catching spot."

He will be replaced on the roster by Tomas Nido , who was signed by the Cubs after his released from the New York Mets on June 5 amid his own offensive struggles. Nido was hitting .125 (7 for 56) this season and didn't have an extra-base hit at the time of his release.

"It's always been one of my favorite road stadiums. I'm really excited to be on the home side," Nido said. "I'll do whatever it takes to get the team on the right track. I've been on teams that have won a lot of ballgames. I'm excited to bring what I know and what I can do here to help win."

Miguel Amaya , who is batting .188 with 2 home runs and 14 RBIs,has been getting the bulk of the starts at catcher for the Cubs, and he was starting behind the platein Wednesday's game against the San Francisco Giants .

Gomes, who has 137 career home runs, has also played for the Oakland Athletics , Washington Nationals , Cleveland Guardians and Toronto Blue Jays since breaking into the majors in 2012. He won a World Series with the Nationals in 2019.

ESPN's Jesse Rogers contributed to this report.

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NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D. (KTIV) - Houses were literally washed away by the rushing flood waters in McCook Lake, South Dakota.

Monday morning, McCook Lake had been completely blocked off to the public. We’ve been getting heartbreaking photos of the damage that the houses around McCook Lake have sustained.

Trucks are tipping into the washed-out roads, docks are floating out in the middle of McCook, and a woman who lives in the McCook Lake area is unable to get into her home due to the dangerous conditions.

Additionally, water has taken over the highway and most all of North Sioux City by the school, Dakota Valley.

preloaded gallery image

An evacuation was called late Sunday night. The Union County Emergency Management told residents on North Shore Drive, from Exit 4 to the Dakota Valley High School to leave the area because of rising water.

Multiple residents have been displaced and the school is reported to have flooded. At least two homes have been washed into the lake. Water rescue teams helped residents overnight and through the morning.

Monday morning officials discussed how this happened, including Union County Emergency Management.

“What occurred yesterday was the result of a mitigation effort. Mitigation is designed to lessen the effects of flooding in our area and also lessen the effects of flooding on our infrastructure. If we did not take the mitigation efforts that we took yesterday, much of North Sioux City would be underwater,” said Jason Westcott, the emergency manager for Union County.

KTIV was out viewing the damage Monday morning with the Union County Sheriff’s Office, but as we were out people were driving around the barricades in an attempt to travel north. Authorities want to stress, you can’t go around barricades.

“Don’t come up Streeter Drive here as you can at this intersection we are turning semis around here. You’re going to have to go to Nebraska to go north. Don’t go around barricades, you can be written citations for it, for the safety and for the community,” said Sgt. Jerry Renken with the Union County Sheriff’s Office.

It is not safe to be in the North Sioux City area until Union County Emergency Management says it is.

Interstate 29 is covered as of Monday morning, with waters from the Big Sioux River overflowing over both lanes of traffic. Officials are telling us that this flooding was worse than the 2011 flood for this area. A levee was built of sand and clay right underneath the bridge over the highway, working to block water. People are still supposed to stay out of the area when the levee gets moved.


NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D. (KTIV) - Evacuations remain in effect for North Sioux City as one of the entrances into town has been blocked. The orders to evacuate McCook Lake in South Dakota around 9 p.m. Sunday. Voluntary evacuations remain in place for Dakota Dunes.

McCook Lake residents have experienced damage to their homes.

Union County Emergency Management told residents on North Shore Drive, from Exit 4 to the Dakota Valley High School had to evacuate because of rapidly rising water from the Big Sioux River.

As of Monday morning, the city says the bridge entrance into North Sioux from Riverside is blocked because of flooding. Officials say Exit 2 is open to enter into North Sioux City.

There was no emergency shelter in place for residents and all were told to leave the area. KTIV’s RJ Breen was in the area as crews worked with sandbags to shore up levees and get to people still in their homes. As of now, people are asked to stay away from McCook Lake, North Sioux City and the Riverside area of Sioux City

Sioux City Transit told residents it was not going to run buses into North Sioux City.

Also in North Sioux City, late Sunday night the train bridge over the Big Sioux collapsed. And just nearby in Dakota Dunes, voluntary evacuations remain in place for residents but may become mandatory if waters rise any further.

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According to Union County Emergency Management, residents on the North Shore from Exit 4 to Dakota Valley High School are being asked to evacuate.

Photos from viewers are showing high water levels in the area, with the flooding affecting several roads.

Copyright 2024 KTIV. All rights reserved.

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  11. Notice of Assignment

    This notice of assignment letter can be used by a party to a commercial contract to provide notice to the other party of its assignment of its rights or performance under the contract to a third party. This template includes practical guidance and drafting notes. Counsel should review the underlying agreement. This template presumes that consent is not required for assignment and that the ...

  12. Assignment email to candidates template

    Template for assignment email to candidates. Email subject line: Assignment for the {Job_title} position. Dear {Candidate_Name} Thank you again for applying for {Job_title} position. As a part of our selection process, we send assignments to selected candidates, and you are one of them! In the attachment, you will find the assignment itself as ...

  13. Notice of Assignment: Debt Terms explained

    A Notice of Assignment, in relation to debt, is a document used to inform debtors that their debt has been 'purchased' by a third party. The notice serves to notify the debtor that a new company (known as the assignee) has taken over the responsibility of collecting the debt.

  14. Sample Notice-of Assignment Letter

    Sample Notice-of Assignment Letter. To: [Recipient Name & address here] [Date here] You are hereby notified that on [date of Assignment], we allocated and shifted our interest in the matter mention below to [Assignee name]. This assignment involves -. You are requested to send any future notices, payments or queries regarding this matter to ...

  15. What is a Notice of Assignment and How Does it Protect You?

    A Notice of Assignment is a legal declaration of when rights or obligations under a contract are transferred from one party to another. For example, if your company sells its rights to accounts receivable payment to a third party such as a factoring company , a Notice of Assignment would be sent to the party owing the payment informing them of ...

  16. What Is A Notice Of Assignment In The Trucking Industry?

    A notice of assignment clears up the billing relationship in a factoring agreement. A notice of assignment is a contractual document, supplied to both the carrier and the customer, that tells the customer to pay the factoring company, not the carrier. The notice of assignment is an essential piece of paperwork, one of the documents you'll ...

  17. Can a notice of assignment for a freely assignable contract be

    Can a notice of assignment for a freely assignable contract be delivered by email? Free Practical Law trial To access this resource, sign up for a free trial of Practical Law.


    The Notice of Assignment protects the Factor in the event a payment is sent to the Client - or other third parties - instead of to the Factor. Sending a Notice of Assignment that includes the ...

  19. Notice of Assignment via email

    For the purposes of whether email was notice in writing, the answer to that is properly yes. Your reference to s.196 of the LPA refers to what is considered deemed service. S.196 (3) says that if the notice is validly served on the debtor if it was left at the last known abode or business premises whereas s.196 (4) as you refer to also says ...

  20. Notice of Assignment

    81% of customers agree that Practical Law saves them time. End of Document. Resource ID 2-508-6945. A form letter that an assignee of an agreement uses to provide notice to the non-assigning party to the agreement of the assignment. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.

  21. Deed of Assignment and the Notice of Assignment -What is the Difference

    Summary. The important document is the Deed of Assignment, which sets out the rights assigned by the Assignor. The Notice of Assignment is simply a communication that there has been an assignment. The deed is governed by Section 136 of the LP 1925. It should be possible to obtain a copy of the Deed prior to any action taken in respect of it.


    A Notice of Assignment is crucial for Factors because it provides legal protection, establishes priority of interest, prevents confusion, facilitates legal recourse, and enables effective ...

  23. NOTICE OF VACANCY Position: Master Teacher II (Elementary ...

    NOTICE OF VACANCY Position: Master Teacher II (Elementary) Number of Vacant Item/s: 1 Place of Assignment: Tangos Elementary School Salary Grade: ... (Link to be given to the interested applicants via text message/email. Registration of applicants is until June 27, 2024, 4:00 PM)

  24. NOTICE: Advance notice of probable curtailments under standard water

    From the State Water Resources Control Board: This email is to notify water right permit and license holders with Standard Water Right Term 91 (Term 91) and other interested parties that curtailments under Term 91 are likely to occur in the near future if hydrologic conditions and operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project (collectively Projects) remain on their current ...

  25. Tyler addiction recovery facility faces lack of funding for treatment

    TYLER, Texas (KLTV) - Cenikor in Tyler has been struggling to provide Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for its clients. According to Facility Director Dr. Jake Strain, out of his 157 clients treated for opiates, only 64 were able to receive MAT in the past year. He has been unable to receive any ...

  26. Cubs designate catcher Yan Gomes for assignment, sign Tomas Nido

    Chicago Cubs catcher Yan Gomes has been designated for assignment, the team announced Wednesday. Gomes, a 13-year veteran who was playing on a $6 million option in his third season with the Cubs ...

  27. North Sioux City is evacuating some of its residents

    NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D. (KTIV) - An evacuation notice has been issued some residents in the North Sioux City and McCook area. According to Union County Emergency Management, residents on North ...

  28. CDK Tells Car Dealers Their Systems Will Likely Be Down for Days

    Auto retailers are likely to be without software services used to run dealerships for several more days following a second major cyberattack at CDK Global, whose systems first went down on June 19.

  29. Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

    Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. sank in late trading after the US Securities and Exchange Commission declared effective a regulatory filing that could dilute shareholders.

  30. KC Royals move 2B Michael Massey to their active MLB roster

    The Royals also optioned outfielder Nelson Velázquez to Triple-A Omaha and designated left-handed pitcher Jake Brentz for assignment. "That's never an easy decision," Picollo said.