Woodward French

  • Numbers from 1 to 100 in French

Les nombres de 1 à 100 en français

We have already seen the numbers from 1 to 10 in French.

  • 1 – un
  • 2 – deux
  • 3 – trois
  • 4 – quatre
  • 5 – cinq
  • 6 – six
  • 7 – sept
  • 8 – huit
  • 9 – neuf
  • 10 – dix

Now we will take it to the next level…

Numbers from 10 to 20 in French

The numbers from 10-20 are a little irregular so unfortunately you will just have to learn them by heart.

  • 10 – dix
  • 11 – onze
  • 12 – douze
  • 13 – treize
  • 14 – quatorze
  • 15 – quinze
  • 16 – seize
  • 17 – dix-sept
  • 18 – dix-huit
  • 19 – dix-neuf
  • 20 – vingt

Numbers from 20 to 69 in French

To write the numbers from 20 to 69 in French, you just add the single number (units) to the tens number. A hyphen is used to join the two numbers together.

  • vingt (20) + deux (2) = vingt-deux (22)
  • trente (30) + sept (7) = trente-sept (37)
  • quarante (40) + neuf (9) = quarante-neuf (49)

vingt et un OR vingt-et-un ?

You may see the numbers ending in 1 after the number 20 (21, 31, 41, etc.) with two different spellings. In 1990 a new spelling rule came into place where all numbers made up of two or more words, including large numbers, now need to be joined with hyphens (dashes). 21 = vingt et un (orthographe traditionnelle – traditional spelling) 21 = vingt-et-un ( orthographe rectifiée de 1990 – rectified spelling as of 1990)

Numbers from 70 to 100 in French

The numbers after 69 follow a different rule that what you may be used to. The number 70 in French is soixante-dix . You will notice that it is a combination of soixante (60) + dix (10) The rest of the numbers in the 70s follow the same pattern of 60 + a number from 10-19.

  • 70 – soixante-dix
  • 71 – soixante-onze
  • 72 – soixante-douze
  • 73 – soixante-treize
  • 74 – soixante-quatorze
  • 75 – soixante-quinze
  • 76 – soixante-seize
  • 77 – soixante-dix-sept
  • 78 – soixante-dix-huit
  • 79 – soixante-dix-neuf (which is literally 60 + 19)

With the numbers in the 80s, quatre-vingt is used which is like saying 4 twenties (in old English Four score was used instead of eighty thanks to this French influence)

  • 80 – quatre-vingts (notice vingts ends in an S)
  • 81 – quatre-vingt-un (notice vingt does not end in an S)
  • 82 – quatre-vingt-deux
  • 83 – quatre-vingt-trois
  • 84 – quatre-vingt-quatre
  • 85 – quatre-vingt-cinq
  • 86 – quatre-vingt-six
  • 87 – quatre-vingt-sept
  • 88 – quatre-vingt-huit
  • 89 – quatre-vingt-neuf

The number 90 in French is  quatre-vingt -dix . You will notice that it is a combination of  quatre-vingt  (80) + dix (10) The rest of the numbers in the 90s follow the same pattern of 80 + a number from 10-19.

  • 90 – quatre-vingt-dix
  • 91 – quatre-vingt-onze
  • 92 – quatre-vingt-douze
  • 93 – quatre-vingt-treize
  • 94 – quatre-vingt-quatorze
  • 95 – quatre-vingt-quinze
  • 96 – quatre-vingt-seize
  • 97 – quatre-vingt-dix-sept
  • 98 – quatre-vingt-dix-huit
  • 99 – quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (which is literally 4 x 20 + 19)

Isn’t that easy! 🙂

Another way of saying 70, 80 and 90 in French

In the French-speaking parts of Belgium and Switzerland they have their own separate words for 70, 80 and 90. They are:

  • 70 – septante
  • 80 – huitante
  • 90 – nonante

So in these areas, 73 is septante-trois , 85 is huitante-cinq  and 96 is  nonante-six  etc.

Throughout this course we will use the standard French numbers.

French numbers from 0-100 summary chart

The numbers from 1 to 100 in French including a summary chart. Les nombres de 1 à 100 en français.

We have a version of this numbers chart for French Teachers .

Lesson Tags

Basic french course, numbers in french.

  • Numbers from 1 to 10 in French

Dates and Time in French

  • Days of the Week in French
  • Months of the Year in French

French Nouns and Articles

  • Definite Articles in French

French Vocabulary

  • Parts of the Body in French

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french numbers presentation

Numbers From 1 To 100 In French With Audio

Welcome to our lesson on French numbers! In this lesson, you will learn how to count from 0 to 100 in French , as well as how to use French numbers to express quantities and amounts.

You will also learn about the different ways to say the numbers in French, including :

  • The cardinal numbers (used for counting)
  • The ordinal numbers (used to indicate order or rank).

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use French numbers confidently and accurately in a variety of contexts. Let’s get started !

Table of Contents :

0 – zéro

1 – un

2 – deux

3 – trois

4 – quatre

5 – cinq

6 – six

7 – sept

8 – huit

9 – neuf

10 – dix

11 – 20

11 – onze

12 – douze

13 – treize

14 – quatorze

15 – quinze

16 – seize

17 – dix-sept

18 – dix-huit

19 – dix-neuf

20 – vingt

21 – 30

21 – vingt et un

22 – vingt-deux

23 – vingt-trois

24 – vingt-quatre

25 – vingt-cinq

26 – vingt-six

27 – vingt-sept

28 – vingt-huit

29 – vingt-neuf

30 – trente

To form numbers higher than 20, you can simply add the numbers together, for example :

  • 21 – vingt et un (20 + 1)
  • 22 – vingt-deux (20 + 2)
  • 23 – vingt-trois (20 + 3)

You can also use the word “and” to connect two numbers when the number of units is “1 – un”. Examples : twenty-one, thirty-one.

31 – 40

In French, the numbers from 31 to 40 are formed by combining the numbers 30 (trente) and 1 to 10. Here are the numbers from 31 to 40 in French:

31 – trente et un

32 – trente-deux

33 – trente-trois

34 – trente-quatre

35 – trente-cinq

36 – trente-six

37 – trente-sept

38 – trente-huit

39 – trente-neuf

40 – quarante

41 – 50

41 – quarante et un

42 – quarante-deux

43 – quarante-trois

44 – quarante-quatre

45 – quarante-cinq

46 – quarante-six

47 – quarante-sept

48 – quarante-huit

49 – quarante-neuf

50 – cinquante

51 – 60

51 – cinquante et un

52 – cinquante-deux

53 – cinquante-trois

54 – cinquante-quatre

55 – cinquante-cinq

56 – cinquante-six

57 – cinquante-sept

58 – cinquante-huit

59 – cinquante-neuf

60 – soixante

61 – 70

In French, the numbers from 61 to 70 are formed by combining the numbers 60 (soixante) and 1 to 10. Here are the numbers from 61 to 70 in French:

61 – soixante et un

62 – soixante-deux

63 – soixante-trois

64 – soixante-quatre

65 – soixante-cinq

66 – soixante-six

67 – soixante-sept

68 – soixante-huit

69 – soixante-neuf

70 – soixante-dix

71 – 80

In French, the numbers from 71 to 80 are formed by combining the numbers 70 (soixante-dix) and 1 to 10. Here are the numbers from 71 to 80 in French:

71 – soixante et onze

72 – soixante-douze

73 – soixante-treize

74 – soixante-quatorze

75 – soixante-quinze

76 – soixante-seize

77 – soixante-dix-sept

78 – soixante-dix-huit

79 – soixante-dix-neuf

80 – quatre-vingts

Here is the French numbers from 81 to 90:

81 – quatre-vingt-un

82 – quatre-vingt-deux

83 – quatre-vingt-trois

84 – quatre-vingt-quatre

85 – quatre-vingt-cinq

86 – quatre-vingt-six

87 – quatre-vingt-sept

88 – quatre-vingt-huit

89 – quatre-vingt-neuf

90 – quatre-vingt-dix

To form numbers 80 and above in French, you take the base number (80, 90, 100, etc.) and add the word “quatre-vingt”  before the second number if it is less than 10 (81, 82, 83, etc.).

91 – 100

Here is the French numbers from 91 to 100 :

91 – quatre-vingt-onze

92 – quatre-vingt-douze

93 – quatre-vingt-treize

94 – quatre-vingt-quatorze

95 – quatre-vingt-quinze

96 – quatre-vingt-seize

97 – quatre-vingt-dix-sept

98 – quatre-vingt-dix-huit

99 – quatre-vingt-dix-neuf

100 – cent

Ordinal numbers in French

Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the position or rank of something in a list or sequence. In French, ordinal numbers are formed by adding the endings “-ième,” “-ème,” or “-er” to the cardinal numbers.

Here are the French ordinal numbers from 1 to 10 :

1 – premier/première (first)

2 – deuxième (second)

3 – troisième (third)

4 – quatrième (fourth)

5 – cinquième (fifth)

6 – sixième (sixth)

7 – septième (seventh)

8 – huitième (eighth)

9 – neuvième (ninth)

10 – dixième (tenth)

Note that for ordinal numbers that end in “-1,” you use the feminine form “première” if the noun being modified is feminine and “premier” if it is masculine.

For example: “Elle est arrivée première” (She arrived first) and “Il est arrivé premier” (He arrived first).

To form ordinal numbers higher than 10, you can use the cardinal number followed by the appropriate ending. For example:

11 – onzième (eleventh)

12 – douzième (twelfth)

13 – treizième (thirteenth)

14 – quatorzième (fourteenth)

15 – quinzième (fifteenth)

Here are some additional tips for using cardinal numbers in French:

  • When counting objects, the number usually goes before the noun. For example: “J’ai cinq livres” (I have five books).
  • When expressing ages, the number usually goes after the noun. For example: “Il a cinq ans” (He is five years old).
  • When expressing dates, the number goes before the month. For example: “Le 5 janvier” (January 5th).

I hope this lesson on cardinal numbers in French was helpful! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

How to use French numbers to express quantities and amounts

To express quantities and amounts in French, you can use French numbers just like you would in English.

For example, you can say “J’ai cinq livres” to mean “I have five books.”

Here are a few tips for using French numbers to express quantities and amounts:

  • When counting objects, you generally use the plural form of the noun and the number. For example: “J’ai trois chats” (I have three cats).
  • When expressing a specific quantity or amount of something, you can use a preposition such as “de” or “en” before the noun. For example: “J’ai acheté deux kilos de pommes” (I bought two kilograms of apples).
  • When expressing a price or cost, you can use the word “euro” (or “euros” if the amount is more than one) after the number. For example: “Le livre coûte dix euros” (The book costs 10 euros).
  • When expressing a date, you can use the numbers followed by the month. For example: “Le concert aura lieu le 12 juillet” (The concert will take place on July 12).

I hope these tips help ! Let me know if you have any more questions about using French numbers to express quantities and amounts.

In conclusion, learning how to count and use numbers in French can be a useful and practical skill to have, especially for those who are traveling to a French-speaking country or interacting with French-speaking individuals on a regular basis.

It is essential to know the basic numbers from 0 to 69, as well as the rules for constructing larger numbers, such as using the word “cent” to represent 100 and adding a hyphen to link the numbers in the hundreds, thousands, and millions place.

 It is also helpful to be familiar with common phrases and expressions that use numbers, such as : telling time and giving phone numbers, as these can come up frequently in daily conversation.

Furthermore, it is important to pay attention to the gender of the numbers when using them with nouns in French, as numbers agree with the gender of the nouns they modify. For example, “trois chats” (three cats) uses the masculine form of the number three because “chats” is a masculine noun.

By practicing and using these numbers in context, learners can improve their proficiency and confidence in using them in everyday communication in French.

It may also be helpful to review the pronunciation of the numbers, as some of them can be challenging for English speakers due to the differences in vowel sounds. 

Overall, mastering the use of numbers in French can greatly enhance one’s communication skills and ability to navigate various situations in a French-speaking environment.

Raphael de Master French Now

Raphaël Pesquet

Bonjour, my name is Raphaël Pesquet. I was born, raised and I still live in France ( in a small village near Paris ) !

I currently teach French online and have helped over 250 students become fluent in French … and my goal is to help more than 100,000 people discover the French language and its culture !



French Numbers 1-100 — How To Count In French

By: Author David Issokson

Posted on Published: September 12, 2012  - Last updated: May 23, 2024

French Numbers 1-100 — How To Count In French

The French numbers 1-100 are much more complex than un, deux trois (one, two, three). While counting from 1-20 is very straight forward, the numbers 60-100 become much more complicated. Apply our five useful tips and learn how to easily count to from one hundred in French.

French Numbers 1-100

French Numbers 1 to100 — Learn how to count in French

French numbers 1-20.

To memorize 1-10, try counting in either even or odd numbers separately. Another effective tip is to try counting backwards from ten to zero.

French numbers 1-10

  • 0 – Zéro
  • 1 – Un
  • 2 – Deux
  • 3 – Trois
  • 4 – Quatre
  • 5 – Cinq
  • 6 – Six
  • 7 – Sept
  • 8 – Huit
  • 9 – Neuf
  • 10 – Dix

Tips for learning to count from 11-20

Many students get confused on the numbers quinze (fifteen) seize (sixteen). A fun tip is to repeat, “You Can Say Quinze Seize” .

  • 11 – onze
  • 12 – douze
  • 13 – treize
  • 14 – quatorze
  • 15 – quinze
  • 16 – seize
  • 17 – dix-sept
  • 18 – dix-huit
  • 19 – dix-neuf

Many of the numbers above 10 end in the -z sound, such as onze (eleven), douze (twelve) and treize (thirteen).

You can remember that these are the “teenz”. This will help you to distinguish these numbers from the higher numbers which we’ll observe below.

Image of French numbers one to twenty (1-20).

French numbers 20-59

The numbers 20-59 are not very complicated. To say twenty, say vingt (pronounced vɛ̃, the same pronunciation as the word for wine, vin !).

To say twenty-one, add “et un” or and one. Then, for 22-29 simply add un , deux , trois , etc. This pattern works for the numbers all the up through 59.

Numbers 20-29

  • 20 – Vingt
  • 21 – Vingt et un
  • 22 – Vingt-deux
  • 23 – Vingt-trois
  • 24 – Vingt-quatre
  • 25 – Vingt-cinq
  • 26 – Vingt-six
  • 27 – Vingt-sept
  • 28 – Vingt-huit
  • 29 – Vingt-neuf

Numbers 30-39

Many students experience difficulties distinguishing the teens from these higher numbers. A tip to remember these higher numbers, such as 30 (trente) is to say, “I have a lot of aunts”.

This is because the word “aunt” (New England or UK pronunciation) rhymes with these numbers, trente , quarante and cinquante .

  • 30 – Trente
  • 31 – Trente et un
  • 32 – Trente-deux
  • 33 – Trente-trois
  • 34 – Trente-quatre
  • 35 – Trente-cinq
  • 36 – Trente-six
  • 37 – Trente-sept
  • 38 – Trente-huit
  • 39 – Trente-neuf

Numbers 40-49

  • 40 – Quarante
  • 41 – Quarante et un
  • 42 – Quarante-deux
  • 43 – Quarante-trois
  • 44 – Quarante-quatre
  • 45 – Quarante-cinq
  • 46 – Quarante-six
  • 47 – Quarante-sept
  • 48 – Quarante-huit
  • 49 – Quarante-neuf

Numbers 50-59

  • 50 – Cinquante
  • 51 – Cinqante et un
  • 52 – Cinquante-deux
  • 53 – Cinquante-trois
  • 54 – Cinquante-quatre
  • 55 – Cinquante-cinq
  • 56 – Cinquante-six
  • 57 – Cinquante-sept
  • 58 – Cinquante-huit
  • 59 – Cinquante-neuf

French numbers 60-79

The numbers 60-79 are often a big challenge for many students. This is where our key tips come into play.

To count from 60-69, simply say soixante , then follow the same pattern as the numbers in the previous section covering 20-59.

Numbers 60-69

  • 60 – Soixante
  • 61 – Soixante et un
  • 62 – Soixante-deux
  • 63 – Soixante-trois
  • 64 – Soixante-quatre
  • 65 – Soixante-cinq
  • 66 – Soixante-six
  • 67 – Soixante-sept
  • 68 – Soixante-huit
  • 69 – Soixante-neuf

When you come to seventy, you must say soixante-dix , which translates to “sixty ten”. For 71-79, you must add the corresponding teen (11-19) to soixante (sixty). Hence, seventy-one is soixante-et-onze (sixty and eleven). Seventy-two is soixante-douze (sixty twelve).

One useful tip to say the numbers 60-79 easier is to first say the word soixante without considering the entire number.

If the number is 60-69 that’s easy: Just add un , deux , trois , etc.

If the number is 70-79, the same tip applies. First say soixante . Then, add the corresponding teen. The key is to first say soixante quickly. That way, you prevent yourself from stumbling and say the number easier.

Numbers 70-79

  • 70 – Soixante-dix
  • 71 – Soixante et onze
  • 72 – Soixante douze
  • 73 – Soixante treize
  • 74 – Soixante-quatorze
  • 75 – Soixante-quinze
  • 76 – Soixante-seize
  • 77 – Soixante-dix-sept
  • 78 – Soixante-dix-huit
  • 79 – Soixante-dix-neuf

French numbers 80-99

Image showing how to form the number 80 in French (quatre-vingts): 4 x 20 = 80.

The French numbers 80-99 become much more complicated. This is because to say eighty, you must say quatre-vingts , which means “four twenties”.

For the number eighty-one, the et disappears. Hence, 81 is quatre-vingt-un , which literally means “four twenty one”.

For 82-89, say quatre-vingt (4 x 20), then add un , deux , trois , etc. through neuf. Eight-five, for example is quatre-vingt-cinq (4 x 20 + 5).

Numbers 80-89

  • 80 – Quatre-vingts
  • 81 – Quatre-vingt-un
  • 82 – Quatre-vingt-deux
  • 83 – Quatre-vingt trois
  • 84 – Quatre-vingt-quatre
  • 85 – Quatre-vingt-cinq
  • 86 – Quatre-vingt-six
  • 87 – Quatre-vingt-sept
  • 88 – Quatre-vingt-huit
  • 89 – Quatre-vingt-neuf

To say ninety, say quatre-vingt-dix , which equates to “four twenty ten”. Then, for 91-99, add the corresponding teen number. For example ninety-five is quatre-vingt-quinze (4 x 20 + 15).

The same tips for the previous section on 60-79 apply for 80-99. For any of these numbers 80-99 first get out the word quatre-vingts . Then, worry about what you have to add.

If you are in 80-89 territory simply add un , deux , trois , etc. Then if you are 90 or higher you must add the corresponding teen number.

Again, the way to avoid stumbling is to immediately say “quatre-vingts”, then tackle the rest of the number.

90 in French: quatre-vingt-dix

Numbers 90-100

  • 90 – Quatre-vingt-dix
  • 91 – Quatre-vingt-onze
  • 92 – Quatre-vingt-douze
  • 93 – Quatre-vingt-treize
  • 94 – Quatre-vingt-quatorze
  • 95 – Quatre-vingt-quinze
  • 96 – Quatre-vingt-seize
  • 97 – Quatre-vingt-dix-sept
  • 98 – Quatre-vingt-dix-huit
  • 99 – Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
  • 100 – Cent

Counting in Switzerland and Belgium: Septante and Nonante

The counting system for 60-99 is much less complicated in Switzerland and Belgium.

This is because these two countries have specific words for seventy, eighty and ninety: septante (70) and huitante (80) and nonante (90).

Hence, in these countries 75, 85 and 95 would be septant-cinq , huitante-cinq and nonante-cinq .

This makes the French numbers 1-100 in these countries much easier!

This counting system eliminates the need to calculate math and cuts down significantly on the number of words required to express the corresponding numbers.

Big numbers 100 and beyond

To say both one hundred and one thousand, say cent and mille , respectively. Do not add the word un to either of these numbers.

Hence, ‘one hundred one’ and ‘one thousand one’ are cent un and mille un , respectively. For larger hundreds, add an -s: two-hundred is deux cents .

For larger thousands, never an an -s to mille . Hence, two thousand is deux mille . One million is un million and one billion is un milliard . Add an -s to both of these to make higher numbers. Hence, two million is deux millions .

  • 101 cent un
  • 150 cent cinquante
  • 524 cinq cents vingt-quatre
  • 1,000 mille
  • 1,001 mille un
  • 1,250 mille deux cents cinquante
  • 10,000 dix mille
  • 1,000,000 un million
  • 1,000,000 un milliard (billion)

Here’s how to say a few years in French:

  • 1975 : mille neuf cent soixante-quinze (you can also day dix-neuf cent)
  • 2007 : deux mille sept

More uses and resources for French numbers

French decimals and percentages.

In France, the decimal points are written with commas. The word for comma is virgule . Hence the decimil 1.5 is written 1,5 and read as un vigrule cinq .

The word percent is written in two words in French: pour cent. Hence 50% would be cinquante pour cent .

French ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers are counting numbers: first second, third, etc. To form an ordinal number in French, simply add -ième to the number.

Hence, second and third are deuxième and troisième . The only big exception to this guideline premier and primière for first. Our ordinal number page has a complete table with example sentences.

French fractions

To form a fraction, simply put a cardinal number ( un , deux , trois , etc.) over an ordinal number. Hence, the fraction 1/5 would be un cinquième .

All fractions are masculine. Our fractions page offers a complete table with example sentences.

Math in French

Learning the French numbers is essential for talking about math. The word for plus in French is plus (say the -s).

The words for minus, multiplied by and divided by are: moins , multiplié par and divisé par .

Our math page offers a complete table covering examples of simple math problems using French numbers.

Download PDF of this lesson

Image of French cardinal numbers from 1-100 and all the way up to 2,000 with phonetic symbols from vintage textbook.

Félicitations ! You are now much more familiar with the French numbers 1-100. Now that you know the numbers, you can also check out our lessons covering how to tell time in French as well as how to say and read the date in French .

For an additional resource, we suggest having a look at French Today’s course Mastering French Numbers . With Camille’s extensive drills recorded at three speeds you’ll be able to rattle off even the trickiest of numbers in no time!

More French lessons by David Issokson

More Online Resources:

  • French Numbers Exercise – FrancaisFacile
  • French Numbers Quiz – French-Games

See all French vocabulary lists

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on FrenchLearner, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

Master Your French

French numbers: Learn how to count from 0 to 100

Updated: April 20, 2021 by Mylene in French Vocabulary Array  ▪ English Français  

learn french numbers

Learning to count in a foreign language is a skill that many language learners would like to acquire. Do you know how to count in French? This lesson is all about French numbers! Read the text and watch the video below to learn the numbers in French.

In this post, you’ll learn:

How to count from 0-9 in French

How to count from 10-19 in french, french numbers 10-60 by tens, how to count from 20-69 in french.

  • How to count from 70-99 in French

Learn to count French Numbers

Learning to count and mastering the French numbers is part of the useful vocabulary lists to build when learning French. With colors  and  greetings , French numbers are a great place to start your language learning journey.

In this guide, my best advice is, therefore, to encompass the following three steps:

Step 1: Learn the basics of French numerals

Step 2: Understand the process of counting from 20 to 69

Step 3: Understand the difficulties when counting from 70 to 100

As it is important to start with the basics, this article that you are reading now is part of the beginner’s topics to learning French vocabulary . If you want to know how to say numbers correctly in French, you can read this article about how to pronounce numbers correctly . You’re all set to start counting and to master the way to pronounce numbers in French with these two articles.

French numbers: 0-19

Step 1: the basics of french numbers.

Let’s start with the basics of French and learn that single numbers (0-9) are called “chiffres”. In the following, I list the numbers that would teach you how to count to 9 in French .

french numbers from 0 to 9

Real-life situation

Small numbers are frequently used in our day to day life. For instance:

  • When buying a metro ticket: Je voudrais acheter un ticket de métro.
  • When telling time in French : Je dois partir maintenant, j’ai un rendez-vous à cinq heures cet après-midi.
  • When buying a baguette or a pain au chocolat at a bakery: Je voudrais acheter deux pains au chocolat.

In French, numbers refer to non-single digits. Use “nombres” to say the word numbers in French.

In the following, you’ll learn how to count from 10 to 19 in French :

  • 13 : treize
  • 14 : quatorze
  • 15 : quinze
  • 17 : dix-sept
  • 18 : dix-huit
  • 19 : dix-neuf

Booking an appointment over the phone or confirming a travel date with a hotel is crucial to avoid you from getting into unwanted situations. 

This is one reason why it is important to learn French numbers. For example:

  • I would like to book an appointment on the twelve of February: Je souhaite prendre un rendez-vous le douze février.

Let’s continue with the basics and learn how to count in tens from 10 to 60 :

  • 30 : trente
  • 40 : quarante
  • 50 : cinquante
  • 60 : soixante

tens in french on euro banknotes 10 20 50

Unique Numbers in French

The way that the following numbers are unique means that they are formed of specific words. Here are the unique numbers in French:

  • Numbers from 1 to 16 are unique
  • The tens are also unique numbers
  • Certain French numbers are unique

Other numbers are formed of two (or more) unique words/numbers and usually separated by a hyphen. For example, dix-sept [10+7] and dix-huit [10+8], soixante-dix-neuf [60+10+9].

French Numbers: 20-69

Step 2: understand the process.

Congratulations, now you know the basics of counting numbers in French. 

Let’s move to the next level and count from 20 to 69 .

At this step, things are easy but you should understand the process and master the pattern.

  • 21 : vingt-et-un
  • 22 : vingt-deux
  • 23 : vingt-trois
  • 24 : vingt-quatre
  • 25 : vingt-cinq
  • 26 : vingt-six
  • 27 : vingt-sept
  • 28 : vingt-huit
  • 29 : vingt-neuf
  • 31 : trente-et-un
  • 32 : trente-deux
  • 33 : trente-trois
  • 34 : trente-quatre
  • 35 : trente-cinq
  • 36 : trente-six
  • 37 : trente-sept
  • 38 : trente-huit
  • 39 : trente-neuf
  • 41 : quarante-et-un
  • 42 : quarante-deux
  • 43 : quarante-trois
  • 44 : quarante-quatre
  • 45 : quarante-cinq
  • 46 : quarante-six
  • 47 : quarante-sept
  • 48 : quarante-huit
  • 49 : quarante-neuf
  • 51 : cinquante-et-un
  • 52 : cinquante-deux
  • 53 : cinquante-trois
  • 54 : cinquante-quatre
  • 55 : cinquante-cinq
  • 56 : cinquante-six
  • 57 : cinquante-sept
  • 58 : cinquante-huit
  • 59 : cinquante-neuf
  • 61 : soixante-et-un
  • 62 : soixante-deux
  • 63 : soixante-trois
  • 64 : soixante-quatre
  • 65 : soixante-cinq
  • 66 : soixante-six
  • 67 : soixante-sept
  • 68 : soixante-huit
  • 69 : soixante-neuf

It is important to say an age correctly and understand the age of other persons. It’s also part of the useful birthday French vocabulary to say the date on which a person was born.

For instance, express the age of someone you know in French. Here is an example:

  • Joe is forty-four years old: Joe a quarante-quatre ans.
  • Jenny is 20 years old: Jenny a vingt ans.

French Numbers: 70-100

Step 3: understand the difficulties.

Counting past 69 might become more challenging for French learners.

So here it is important to understand the difficulties and then it will become easy to count from 70 to 100 in French .

Understand the underlying logic

Do you prefer to understand the underlying logic?

  • sixty is soixante
  • seventy is soixante-dix (literally sixty-ten)
  • seventy-two is soixante-douze (literally sixty-twelve)
  • seventy-three is soixante-treize (literally sixty-thirteen)
  • seventy-nine is soixante-dix-neuf (literally sixty-ten-nine)
  • eighty is quatre-vingts (literally four-twenties)
  • eighty-two is quatre-vingt-deux (literally four-twenty-two)
  • ninety is quatre-vingt-dix (literally four-twenty-ten)
  • ninety-two is quatre-vingt-douze (literally four-twenty-twelve)

How to count from 60-99 in French

  • 70 : soixante-dix
  • 71 : soixante-et-onze
  • 72 : soixante-douze
  • 73 : soixante-treize
  • 74 : soixante-quatorze
  • 75 : soixante-quinze
  • 76: soixante-seize
  • 77 : soixante-dix-sept
  • 78 : soixante-dix-huit
  • 79 : soixante-dix-neuf
  • 80 : quatre-vingts
  • 81 : quatre-vingt-un
  • 82 : quatre-vingt-deux
  • 83 : quatre-vingt-trois
  • 84 : quatre-vingt-quatre
  • 85 : quatre-vingt-cinq
  • 86 : quatre-vingt-six
  • 87 : quatre-vingt-sept
  • 88 : quatre-vingt-huit
  • 89 : quatre-vingt-neuf
  • 90 : quatre-vingt-dix
  • 91 : quatre-vingt-onze
  • 92 : quatre-vingt-douze
  • 93 : quatre-vingt-treize
  • 94 : quatre-vingt-quatorze
  • 95 : quatre-vingt-quinze
  • 96 : quatre-vingt-seize
  • 97 : quatre-vingt-dix-sept
  • 98 : quatre-vingt-dix-huit
  • 99 : quatre-vingt-dix-neuf

Here is another situation where you need to count in French:

  • I spent ninety-seven euros yesterday: J’ai dépensé quatre-vingt-dix-sept euros hier. 
  • These shoes were on sales and I paid 30 euros less: J’ai acheté ces chaussures pendant les soldes et j’ai payé trente euros de moins.

number 84 in french quatre-vingts

Special Case

  • Only the number 80 ends with a silent s and is written as follows:  quatre-vingts .
  • Vingt-et-un
  • Cinquante-et-un
  • Soixante-et-un
  • The number 81 and 91 don’t have an “et”. They are written as follows: quatre-vingt-un and quatre-vingt-onze 
  • The number 71 takes an additional “et” and is written as follows: soixante-et-onze

How to master French numbers

To learn and to master French numbers, here is what I recommend:

  • I made a video that is freely available
  • Play the video until you master French numbers.
  • Check it below.
  • Memorize the spelling: The numbers are additional vocabulary!
  • Practice and Practice: This will make you easily remember numbers.

Exercises & Evaluation

As numbers are widely used and omnipresent in our daily life, they play a crucial part in successful real-life communications.

To learn French numbers, it would be helpful for any French learner to:

  • Record yourself saying the numbers in French
  • Listen to your recordings
  • Improve your pronunciation if needed
  • Use the recording as a dictation to write the numbers and to check your spelling

french numbers count 1 100

Now that you know how to count in French, try to implement what you just learned to different contexts where you can use numbers in French. This is a liberator and you’ll be proud of yourself. With Alexa or Siri around these days, things are easier than ever but nothing is like mastering the skills.

If you liked some of these tips to learn French numbers, you can also follow me on Instagram and on my YouTube channel for more videos . It will really help me! 

Learn to talk about seasons in French

seasons french scenes winter spring fall summer

6 thoughts on “French numbers: Learn how to count from 0 to 100”

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Hello Esther! Thank you for the comment. A très bientôt!

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Numbers and Counting 1-20 - French - Foreign Language - 1st Grade

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french numbers

French numbers

Sep 07, 2014

500 likes | 1.16k Views

French numbers. 0-zéro. un ( ung). deux (duh). trois (trwa). quatre (catr). cinq (sank). six (sease). sept (set). huit (weet). neuf (nerf). dix (dease). 11. onze (onz). douze (dooz). treize (trehz). quatorze (catorz). 14. quinze (cans). 15.

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  • dix huit deesweet
  • comptez les gar ons


Presentation Transcript

un (ung) deux (duh) trois (trwa) quatre (catr) cinq (sank)

six (sease) sept (set) huit (weet) neuf (nerf) dix (dease)

11 onze (onz) douze (dooz) treize (trehz) quatorze (catorz) 14 quinze (cans) 15

16 seize (sehz) 17 dix-sept (deeset) dix-huit (deesweet) 18 dix-neuf (deesnerf) 19 vingt (van) 20

Write numbers in French. 12  douze  15  14 11   13

8 Huit 10 6 9 7

Combien? (How many?)

17= 16= 18= 20= 19=

Combien? Comptez les chiens How many dogs? Il y a …………….. chiens

Combien? How many pens? Type French number word. There are

Combien? Comptez les chaises Il y a …………………… chaises Il y a neuf chaises

Combien? Comptez les garçons Il y a _____ garçons

Combien? Comptez les chapeaux Il y a chapeaux.

Combien? (How many?) douze 12   quinze 15  14 quatorze 11  onze  treize 13

17 dix-sept seize 16 18 dix-huit 20 vingt dix-neuf 19

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  • French Numbers 100-999
  • Thousands and above numbers in French
  • Huge Numbers in French
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Walmart Releases Q1 FY25 Earnings

May 16, 2024

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We're building on our strengths ..

"Our team delivered a great quarter. Around the world, our goal is simple - we’re focused on saving our customers both money and time. It’s inspiring to see how our associates are simultaneously executing the fundamentals and innovating to make shopping with us more enjoyable and convenient. We’re people-led and tech-powered, and that combination is propelling our business."

Portrait photo of Walmart Inc. CEO Doug McMillon

Doug McMillon

President & CEO, Walmart

Global eCommerce sales

Strength in store-fulfilled pickup and delivery

Global advertising 5

Growth across all segments

Return on assets

Scaling growth investments

Return on investment 6

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Lower inventory on higher revenue

And, we're delivering

solid earnings growth .

We’re building customer trust by designing convenient, enjoyable omnichannel experiences that deliver what our customers want and need. We’re focused on the clear drivers of value, which is sustaining strength across multiple areas of the business. We’re maintaining the pace of our investments, using automation and operating discipline to drive higher returns.

Our strong results this quarter clearly demonstrate the power of our global omni-retail capabilities and the team’s ability to execute with discipline. As we continue to reshape our business model, we’re focused on strategically investing in areas that reinforce our purpose and growth strategy.

Portrait of John David Rainey EVP & Financial Officer at Walmart Inc.

John David Rainey

Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Walmart

Two people driving bikes with deliver packages on the back

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1  Adjusted EPS is a non-GAAP measure. See additional information at the end of the release regarding non-GAAP financial measures. 2  Adjusted Operating Income is a non-GAAP measure. See additional information at the end of the release regarding non-GAAP financial measures. 3  Comp sales for the 13-week period ended April 26th, 2024 compared to the 13-week period ended April 28th, 2023, and excludes fuel. 4  Constant Currency is a non-GAAP measure. See additional information at the end of the release regarding non-GAAP financial measures. 5  Our global advertising business is recorded in either net sales or as a reduction to cost of sales, depending on the nature of the advertising arrangement. 6  Calculated for the trailing-twelve months ended April 30, 2024. ROI is a non-GAAP measure. See additional information at the end of the release regarding non-GAAP financial measures.

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Pegula withdraws from French Open to focus on recovery

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World number five Jessica Pegula has pulled out of the French Open as she continues to focus on her recovery from injuries, the American tennis player said on Wednesday.

The 30-year-old said earlier this month she was unsure of her participation in Paris after shaking off an injury that derailed her claycourt season.

Pegula last competed in the Billie Jean King Cup in April. She missed the Middle East swing in February due to a neck issue.

"Unfortunately pulling out of Roland Garros this year," Pegula said in a post on Instagram. "I'm just about back to practicing normal haven't had any issues for weeks... If I had another 5-7 days I would have been there 100%.

"So I will definitely be back for a full grass season and the rest of the summer and grinding out the rest of the year. Gotta get that match count up."

Pegula, who reached the third round at Roland Garros last year, did not specify what the latest injury was. She also missed Rome, Stuttgart and Madrid this season.

One of the most consistent players on the WTA Tour last season, Pegula won the Montreal title in the build-up to the U.S. Open, where she reached the round of 16.

The first round at Roland Garros starts on Sunday. REUTERS

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry might no longer be considered working royals—the couple made a shockingly underreported move to Los Angeles in 2020, where they are now building an empire (or an American Riviera Orchard) of their own making—but a 72-hour visit to Nigeria appears to have all the markings of an official state visit. “God Save The King” has sounded from conference halls, while the duo has been photographed at several local academies in “summer” linens and traditional coral beads.

Image may contain Prince Harry Duke of Sussex Meghan Duchess of Sussex Crowd Person Accessories Formal Wear and Tie

At one point, the Duke and Duchess posed in coordinating white and teal-green tailoring, as if to semaphore the colors of the Nigerian flag—and so it would seem these formerly senior royals haven’t yet abandoned the etiquette drilled into them when first dispatched to Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand by the late Queen. See also: the muted tones of Meghan’s Heidi Merrick dress that evoked her Kensington Palace days—despite the backless cut feeling a little more California girl—and an Altuzarra pantsuit she first wore during an official visit to Sydney whilst pregnant with Archie in 2018. If anything, the couple’s wardrobe is just as considered as it has always been, suffused with subtle and often sentimental symbolism.

Yesterday afternoon—as hundreds of countries, including the United States, celebrated Mothering Sunday—Meghan re-wore the silk Carolina Herrera column dress she chose to announce her pregnancy with Princess Lilibet in 2021 . With perhaps the exception of the Parosh dress she wore to announce her engagement and the Claire Waight Keller gown she was later married in, that dress is one of the most important fashion statements she has ever made: lounging barefoot in the gardens of her Montecito mansion with the casual ease of a woman carrying the future of a nation. “With the tree of life behind them and the garden representing fertility, life and moving forward, they didn’t need any direction,” said photographer Misan Harriman of shooting that moment. “Because they are, and always have been, waltzing through life together as absolute soulmates.”

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Primary French: Numbers 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1)

Primary French: Numbers 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1)

Subject: French

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Palmer's Language Services

Last updated

6 December 2020

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french numbers presentation

Hello and welcome to the very first installment of introducing numbers at primary Key Stage 1 level.

Because of the students’ very young ages, it is recommended to gradually introduce the numbers to them session by session.

This resource starts off by introducing the numbers 1 and 2 to them in French.

Go through the powerpoint with them introducing the numbers to them and get them to say how many shapes there are on the slides. At the end, I have designed a song in the theme of London Bridge. You could try singing it to them in that particular melody. I did it with my class and even the students started to join in even though I was demonstrating it to them!

There is a subsequent differentiated workbook for the students to colour in and complete with some French mathematics! You can assign whichever level workbook to the students depending on how comfortable they feel with that level or whether or not they are able. The level 2 workbook focuses on more complex questions and mathematical sums such as multiplications and divisions, whereas the level 1 workbook does not.

There is also a wordsearch. Get the students to find the words ‘un’ and ‘deux’ as many as possible.

Do keep an eye out for the subsequent numbers from 3-10.

Happy teaching and learning!

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Primary French (Key Stage 1): Numbers 1-10 (Plus number 11 completely free!!) - only £12.50!!

For only £12.50, this pack explicitly explores the numbers 1-10 at Key Stage 1 level in great detail with vast differentiation for students of all abilities. For each number, this pack contains the folllowing: - a presentation powerpoint - a lower level workbook - a higher level workbook ALSO!! Number 11 is also included completely FREE! A presentation powerpoint , a lower level workbook and a higher level workbook is also included! For each resource, go through the powerpoint with them introducing the numbers to them and get them to say how many shapes there are on the slides. There is a subsequent differentiated workbook for the students to colour in and complete with some French mathematics! You can assign whichever level workbook to the students depending on how comfortable they feel with that level or whether or not they are able. The level 2 workbook focuses on more complex questions and mathematical sums such as multiplications and divisions, whereas the level 1 workbook does not. There is also a wordsearch with every resource. Get the students to find the numbers in words. Don't delay, take advantage of this wonderful and exclusive pack today! Happy teaching and learning!

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